#but you dont have the backbone to do anything for yourself without worrying about how others will see you
listen if youre online arguing about what "true punk' is youre already too far gone. ok now that being said i have a secret opinion to share ⬇️
#i know how lame it is to care about ''posers'' like literally who cares we're all adults just do yo thang#but.............. the more time i spend in my local scene(s) the more i become aware of ppl who are like aspirationally alternative#like you wanna be edgy bc you think its badass and counterculture#but you dont have the backbone to do anything for yourself without worrying about how others will see you#like youre so deadset on fitting in to this one subculture but you seemingly dont particularly like anything about it?#all you want is to look cool in front of your peers so you just absorb whatever is popular with them at the time.#opinions music attitude appearance all based on whatevers trendy. which we're all guilty of i know#but why try so hard to fit into this idealistic 'punk' label. it sucks and is so lame and everyone can tell how hard youre posturing#and not to throw stones in glass houses but these ppl r so awful to talk to#seemingly never attempted an original thought in their life. speaks exclusively in twitter/tiktok/tumblr memes or buzzwords#never really listens to you and only factors in your opinion after he's run it by the ppl he wants to fit in with#um i mean they 🧍#could be thinking of a specific guy i know. maybe#anyways i think im discovering in real time what a ''poser'' is and its making me feel like a cranky old man#always have to remind myself to be empathetic and not judge too harshly bc literally who am i and who cares#but it still gets my goat occasionally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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earthnashes · 4 years
Hey, I’m starting to learn how to draw, and I was wondering if you had any overall tips?
-Use references. No matter what anyone says, references are the backbone of art. It doesn’t always have to be from photographs either (however if you’re lookin’ for realistic accuracy I highly recommend using photo reference over artist interpretation), but using references and learning how to understand what you’re looking at will help you improve on your craft and how you make art in general
-Practice and take your time. Exhausted as this piece of advice is, practice is literally the biggest thing for art, hell for anything you wanna get good at. Ya gotta put the time in. But that DOES NOT mean you suddenly have to dedicate every waking hour of every day for the rest of your life. Draw as often or as infrequently as you want; draw when you want to, for however long you want to, and try not to feel guilty for not practicing. Art is of course not a race or a popularity contest, but damn does it feel like one sometimes, especially online. The sooner you learn to be kind to yourself about your progress and acknowledge that no matter what, you’re progressing, the better in the long run
As for what to practice, it depends. If you’re lookin’ at improving specifically on something, let’s say hands for example, then draw a bunch of hands from different angles. Trace over photos (actual photos) a few times, get a feel of how a hand is structured, then try drawing it with reference, and then after you’re comfortable with that try drawing without reference. Otherwise, if you’re lookin’ to practice in general just... draw. Best way of learning is to make mistakes before you understand how to overcome it, so sometimes say “fuck anatomy I’m drawin this” and just draw it, mistakes be damned. Having fun is a pretty strong incentive, so if you’re gonna make some mistakes may as well enjoy yourself doin’ it.
-Don’t be afraid to ask for CONSTRUCTIVE critique.  One thing an artist has to learn is that you must be open to getting feedback for your work, but that said I emphasize constructive because sometimes the internet doesn’t know the difference between actual helpful advice and being an ass. As such, you do not need to be open to constructive feedback all the time. Sometimes all ya wanna do is draw a dog, post that dog and say “look, I drew a dog”. And that’s entirely fine. TL;DR, if you wanna improve in art, be willing to ask for feedback and then being open to it when received. But if you don’t want it, don’t be afraid to be honest about that too, just don’t be rude about it.
Personal tip for this one in specific, it might be helpful for you to find an environment geared specifically toward giving helpful feedback. In college we had critique days where the day was geared specifically toward giving each other feedback and constructive criticism on our works, but it happened only in that environment. Otherwise to receive critique you asked, or your classmate would ask you if you were open to feedback before saying anything.
-Dont worry too much about the material you use to create art. Just because you got the good, expensive shit it doesn’t automatically mean you’re better. The artist is the one who controls the medium, not the other way around. That said, there’s no wrong in wanting quality stuff, because sometimes the supplies honestly are that trashy. If you’d like some recs on digital or traditional materials for art I certainly don’t mind giving any based on my own personal experiences O:
-Take up either reading or watching art education resources. Regardless of whether or not you wanna make this a career, if you’re truly looking to get much better I’d suggest lookin’ at classes. I don’t mean pay for it though, not unless ya wanna. Youtube is a wealth of art advice, tutorials, demos, and hell some of your favorite artists might have Patreon rewards/benefits where they put out their own process vids where they talk about their techniques and such (a lot of the time as low as $1 a month). Don’t be afraid to look into it. If that doesn’t strike your fancy, buy artbooks or search for their PDFs online. “The Making Of” books in particular are my favorites, they give you a glimpse of the mindset, process, and pipeline of how things are done in the industry and from professional artists of all sorts in the field, and a lot of the time there’s a good bit of solid advice in them. Full-on tutorial books are helpful too, online or otherwise; one of my favs is Tuesday Tips by Griz and Norm.
Hope these were helpful at least somewhat owo
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astrocity127 · 6 years
The Boyz First Impression Analysis #4: Hyunjae
Omg you guys we had so much fun with this one 💫
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The first Virgo has arrived
Quiet but secretly intense boi incoming
*cough* group mom *cough*
*cough* The only one keeping Sangyeon sane *cough*
This boy wants to pretend he isn’t in love with people SO BAD
But bends over backwards for them anyways
Will burst a blood vessel if everyone isn’t well fed
Big time desire for companionship
Strategically tries to appear less emotionally involved than he is tho
Pretends to not be a stress cookie but is very much a stress cookie
"Whatever i dont care" as he secretly packs their lunch
A very balanced and nutritious lunch
He’s a Virgo so the boy knows his nutritional facts
Cuts the fruit into stars
Doesnt know if he packs their lunches bc he loves them or bc he thinks they can't do it properly themselves. Probably both
Remembers everyone’s birthday
Also forgets to pack his own lunch tbh
Silent treatment queen tbh
Professional Brooder
Seething rage like acid slowly oozing through any material
Uses it as detergent for when he passive aggressively does laundry for the dorm
When angry probably uses your insecurities against you
but you really gotta TAKE HIM THERE
Bc showing an emotion is a loss
Probably gives the members shit for typos
Communicates better through writing than speaking
We have a wine mom and then we have a REAL mom
Would probably make a good lyricist but would spend weeks or months perfecting the song
Too embarrassed to show his work imo
Super secretive about it. Locked diary status.
Probably had one of those heart locks for his diary with the tiny key
Ghost wrote the title tracks
“My uh friend wrote this if you wanna check it out”
Why do we feel like that’s how he expresses ALL emotions tho like “so MY FRIEND told me about how he was rly feeling down and”
“So I’ve read about something called sadness. Thoughts?”
Denial king
"So my SISTER was wondering what you guys think SHE should do if Younghoon was being a DICK TO HER"
Everything is alphabetized and color-coded
He doesn’t go anywhere without highlighters tbh
and We’re sure Jacob messes things up to be chaotic
Hyunjae just clenches his fist Arthur style and keeps cleaning
I feel like he tries so hard to be intimidating and taken seriously when he’s mad but NO ONE does
He isn’t loud enough to yell over the air doms
The type to complain about them but get pissed if anyone else talks shit
Complains under his breath about how messy the other boys are but still looks at his members with heart eyes when they walk in the room
“Look at those dumbasses. Wait...those are my dumbasses”
Until they get him super Saiyan angry
Then everyone is *pikachu meme face*
Comes across as quiet compared to the rest of the group but they would fall apart without him
He is the backbone of this family
Doesn’t feel like he can go on vacation because he is convinced they will set the dorm on fire and piss on the ashes in his absence
Wouldn't want to go on vacation without them anyway
Would be very lonely without them
But always complains about needing one
One of the maknae line: then take a vacation!!
Hyunjae: WITHOUT YOU????
God knows wine mom can’t handle them alone
His biggest fear: the kids left home alone with wine mom
Younghoon: what’s for dinner?
Jacob: tonight I’m serving looks.
Sangyeon: *slams fist on table* we haven’t eaten in THREE DAYS
Hyunjae was already on his way home he could sense it
Watch him go and then comeback in one day because he missed them but makes excuse like he hated the weather
Complains about no one being self sufficient but won’t let anyone do anything for themself Bc he thinks they’ll mess it up
But also bc he love
“Don’t put the dishes in the dishwasher you’ll do it wrong”
I think he masks his clinginess and love as nagging
"What? No i dont want to be near you, you just can't do this yourself"
- The Admins
Sangyeon Jacob Younghoon Hyunjae Juyeon Kevin New Q Juhaknyeon Hwall Sunwoo Eric
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ftscge-blog · 6 years
greetings friends (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ im jay and im excited to b finally making an obnoxious entrance .. Yea couldnt be more late but please (Softly begging) dont be a stranger. i promise to overwhelm u with ideas and headcanons about our characters eating pasta or arguing about who gets to eat the pink mentos ... Right ??? right. under the cut u will find a few pointers about my spiritual sage and i will post some possible connections tomorrow (although id be MOre than happy to brainstorm more). Also, dis klutz hasnt got a soulmate yet so if someone reads this and goes ‘yea cool’ ☺ .. here is ur chance ....... we can work magic ????? okay 
as per usual, if u would like me to im u about conspiracy theories or to plot summnnn bonito give this a HEart. Alternatively if u want to give mark the zucc or pity like, dats also welcome. Thank u
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!!!!!!!! tw: death, depression !!!!!
kendall jenner + cisfemale + she/her — have you met sage hawke? they are a twenty-two year old furniture sales advisor known as the conundrum. a pansexual cancer, they are astute + attentive, as well as mercurial + phlegmatic. their soulmark is a olive branch behind her ear, and they can’t feel the emotions of their soulmate, who happens to look like any fc. // jay. 20. she/her. gmt.
❃ sage was born in berkeley, california in the back garden of a school bus turned tiny house to a pair of flower children that did not plan to become parents and underestimated just how much it would shift their otherwise, spontaneous lives. they were far from picture perfect, with their tendency to outburst and get stuck when things didn’t go their way. theyd often forget to pack sages breakfast or dress her in unmatched socks, leave her unattended, allow her to squeeze herself into places where she shouldn’t be.. they’d trip over pacifiers and forget to warm up the milk but they gave sage a warm place to come back to with muddy knees after repeatedly falling off the monkey bars and loving arms to fall into after someone made fun of her in elementary.. and she was the kind of person who wasn’t afraid to dig through dirt 
❃ her mother was delicate, she could never secure a real job.. she couldn’t be criticised, she took everything to heart and found it hard to open up to people.. she couldn’t be alone for too long and never slept with the lights off. she met sage’s father at the age of 19..from the moment they saw each other, it clicked. they were soulmates. he was 10 years older than her. He was a childish spirit that never grew up, he never took things too seriously and always had an alternative for any situation. He had a backbone that was able to support both of them emotionally, without him, Sage would have never taken her first breath in the first place. For him, it was always going to be okay eventually??? he was the one to sit sage down after she brought home a bad grade, he’d read her the bedtime stories and teach her her first guitar chords. her mother always looked up to what he would do and try to be the same, but it always felt staged, detached. like she never knew how to react around sage. Like she couldn’t grip her own struggles so, how could she begin to understand her daughters ... difference is, her father thought he couldn’t but he always tried. they balanced each other. around him, it was hard to believe anything could possibly get worse 
❃ but it did.. on her 14th birthday sage got a dog, a golden doodle that jumped with excitement at the sight of sage as much as she did at the sight of him. later that night, her father suggested they all go to a park to enjoy the first day with the new addition to their family and so they did. it was the first time, sage’s mother smiled so big it gave sage and her father goosebumps. he was playing fetch with the dog when pain pierced through his chest and bolted up his spine. in that moment, everything slowed down. sage felt her ears buzz and her sight get blurry, the moment she kneeled down in front of her father and begged her mother to call for help but instead, all she did was stood still. she screamed at the top of her lungs and tried dialling for help but realised, she was never taught the emergency number. she banged her fists against her father’s chest and begged for him to wake up, but it was just as though someone turned off his on switch. sage broke down, curled up beside her father and held the dog in her arms as though to repress his playful nature. the world turned grey that evening, the air felt denser. her mother was taken under care that day after she succumbed from witnessing her soulmates death... they had given her a couple of days before her light would turn off along with her soulmark. it was in these last days that sage learned more about her mother than ever. she learned that she was self conscious about motherhood knowing she couldn’t teach sage the qualities that mattered like resilience, courage and acuity. that she observed without interrupting, that she remembered every single detail of sage’s life more than she recalls her own. sage learned that her mother is where she inherited her tenderness and idiosyncrasy from, that her favorite flower is a blue bell and that sage was her happiest accident  
❃ to bury both of her parents at once wasn’t irrational to sage, it was what was ingrained in their destiny. if one soulmate dies, the other most likely follows. but although sage had remarkable understanding of the world for her age, she could never accept the fact that they were there one day and the next, they were gone. her father never finished teaching her guitar chords and her mother never ate her piece of sage’s birthday cake. how do you go on knowing you can’t go back and replay something in a way that feels tangible ?? how do you go on knowing you are all alone. who do you complain to?? who is there to live for??? ? it is hard losing both of your parents on its own and even harder to accept when you are old enough to make sense of it. seeing images everytime you try to rest that bring back all the pain, not being able to stop the tears from streaming down your face because everytime u do, you realise that with each passing day the memory of their faces becomes more blurry. the voices become ruffled in your brain as if theyre just a fragment of your imagination. you bottle up. you scream, you hit, you tire yourself out and try to shake the feeling off but it feels as though its ripping through your bones and leaving ulcers on your heart that pound in pain everytime you go back to the last time you’ve smiled and realising, you cannot remember. sage’s unapologetic demeanour  attracted the wrong crowd. she was the girl who would leave lipstick marks on necks and who’s voice could be heard at the other end of the hallway having an argument with her high school sweetheart. whoever it was that month. she was unapologetically eccentric, sloppy and unwell. but to this day, the people who really know her see her as an incredibly sensitive individual who deals with her issues hands on. who’s piercingly honest, sometimes too much. someone who is able to convey their vulnerability in ways that seem lunatic and astute all at once. she is incredibly tough, she’s able to force anyone look at themselves in the mirror, see themselves in a new light and turn their lives around. just as she is convinced she did
❃ sage was placed in foster care after her parents’ passing and due to her neurotic nature, was never a feasible candidate for adoption.. she worked as a waitress at the local diner owned by a family friend until they realised she was better off helping the chef in the kitchen, away from the customers that often walked right out the Moment sage graced their table JGRIEOGJEI When she turned 18, Sage was given a care plan and various locations where she could make her home. After spending a month, digging through job advertisements and applying to anything that didn’t require a college degree, Sage got one reply. It was an informal email requesting an interview for a furniture sales advisor in captiva island, florida. one of the places on the care plan list. She packed everything she could and moved to Captiva. the next morning, she arrived at the furniture shop and was greeted by a greying man with wood sand on his jeans and a lady with too much hairspray in her hair waving at her from across the counter. And the rest is HISTORY ???  from the moment they’ve welcomed her into their shop, Sage was overwhelmed with the same disorderedness she grew up around and the more she got to know the personalities of her new bosses, the more she learned to appreciate them. coming into work felt more like home than the place she had lived in, with freshly baked pastries ready for her to munch on at her break or a story to listen to in between the busy times. the more they knew sage, the more they allowed her to express her feelings about daily frustrations, accepted her random spurts of energy and understood when she needed a day off or two, or more. soon enough, the moments when she wasn’t at work, she was spending on their couch, looking through their albums of children that had left their nests and simpler times, when all they had to worry about was their curfew. they weren’t soulmates but they were best friends and didn’t let destiny determine their life. Sage looked up to them like no other, comparing their life to the tragedy of her parents’, convincing herself that chasing after your Soulmate, whoever it may be, isn’t worth the chance of risk at all. After working there for 4 years, Sage became like family to the owners of the shop and for her 21st birthday, they decided to gift her with their offering of parenthood. Later that summer, the Hawke family became sages legal parents
❃ i will post some questionnaire later to clarify her personality a little more but it’ll all come through her dialogue .. u know who she reminds me of ??? sophia from girl boss??? or tiffany from silver linings playbook?? shes painfully observant and a huge overthinker. she doesn’t filter her speech and oftentimes, she says things she should not on impulse. she’s neurotic, she’s erratic, she will pick petty fights and blow things out of proportion when you catch her on the wrong day. its like that lyrics thoUGH ‘when im happy oh god im happy??’ you will see it from the way her eyes crinkle and the ways she can’t seem to relax her body. every emotion overwhelms her.. she loves and she protecc until her knuckles bleed and she’s stubborn, she’ll never let you win the argument unless she loves u and she understands that u are probably way wiser than she is. Shes a klutz, she’ll trip over her own feet taking out the trash and spill Literally everything that isnt left empty. She likes little moments in life, the profound ones like that one time her friend let her drive his car even through she didn’t have her driving license or that one time her friend opened up to her even though they never do. She remembers all of those profound moments very clearly and holds onto them for dear life because to her, they are what matters .. Please plot w me if u got to this point because ... DAMNNN :’) u really read all det..... 
❃ why the olive branch ??? its understood to be a symbol of peace .. reconciliation. maybe they met it felt like an ice pack on a bruise ?? maybe they met each other and it felt as though there’s been some kind of a mistake, that they were nothing what they expected their soulmate to be ? maybe they even considered removing their soulmark because it felt so wrong that two polar opposites were meant to make things work?? it almost felt unfair??? maybe even the fact that they can’t feel the emotions of their soulmate can be linked to that .. because u know it would be harder to learn to love, platonically or romantically, someone who you cant easily understand? in addition to that, sage is not an easy person to deal with .. she’s erratic, she’s a know-it-all .. she overthinks like no other, shes easily irritated and explosive and she has always been quite cynical about the idea of a soulmate and it shows with how unwilling she is to share all of herself with a stranger.. a part of her written in destiny. Something shes convinced is ... fickle?? So yeah... an olive branch. For all the profound moments when it feels just right. For when the uncertainty fades away :-)
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Hey Lolly! I just got a line number for Staff Sergeant! I'm excited but super nervous. I know you're already an NCO and I think you're pretty cool, so I wondered if you might have any advice for me? My biggest worry is that I want to do right for my troops and be understanding and set them up for success without being a pushover. :'D
I’m sorry I didn’t answer this earlier, i was away at warfighter training, wheee. So FIRST OFF, I’m sorry if most of this stuff is what you’ve already heard of. I am not trying to insult your intelligence I promise. Just putting emphasis on important things I’ve learned along the way!!
THE TRANSITION TO NCO CAN BE ROUGH There is a huuuge jump between junior enlisted and NCO. You are now accountable for your actions as well as your officers, and subordinates. Also your junior enlisted pals are..not just pals anymore. They are now your subordinates and need to see each other a little differently now. If not? You’re going to have to put your foot down and it’s gonna suck. But none the less, be the leader you needed when you were junior enlisted and you’ll do just fine. =)
YOU’RE GOING TO FUCK UP SOMETIMES We ALL fuck up as brand new NCOs. It’s GOING. TO. HAPPEN.  Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward, my friend.
THEY ARE LIVING, BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS, NOT NUMBERSNever ever put them through hell if you’re not capable of handling it yourself.
KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NECESSARY DISCIPLINE AND SELF-REWARDING ABUSEDo not punish a subordinate just to make yourself feel better or vent off steam you’ve had on them. Only punish an equivalent of the ill meaning action they made. Use your best judgement, not your heart on these decisions. Make time in your schedule for them if need be for the corrective action. (ex: PT failure, you make them go to the gym with you to ensure they are getting the right exercise and can pass) 
FAKE MOTIVATION IS BETTER THAN NO MOTIVATION Fake it till you make it! Being a NCO will rip you out of your comfort zone very, VERY often. Remember, they’re looking up to you for guidance! 
DON’T SHOW THAT THEY’RE GETTING TO YOU Expectations on you multiply tenthfold by everyone. There are times where even your best wasn’t enough and you get chewed out for something you had no actual control over. Hold it in until you can cry on the shower floor alone in the middle of the night if you have to, but don’t let them have that power over you.
A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY… Say hello to everyone, check up on them, ask little questions every once in a while. Learn little things about them so that when they’re really sad or mad, you’ll know how to perk them right up and defuse situations. You’d be amazed at how receptive people will be if you just take the time to notice them.
ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GET PROMOTED: Constantly ask people of the progression for their next rank and promotion packets. Make sure they’re getting slots for their schools, and that they’re talking to the right people. Make sure they have “I Love Me” books too. 
LEARN TO PROJECT YOUR VOICE, NEVER LOOK DOWN AND KEEP SPINE STRAIGHT WHEN WALKING...Looking the part is halfway there, and actions will drive you home. Speak from your diaphragm, not your throat. Inject confidence into your words like they're indisputable. (which they naturally should be)
RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT: There will be times when its not what YOU know, but what THEY know too. Crosstalk with other sections and learn what they do too! You’d be surprised how beneficial others can be to you (and likewise)
YOU WON’T MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY Sometimes you’re going to have to make some really cringey decisions you really don’t want to do. Use your best judgement and stick to your guns. 
YOUTUBE IS YOUR FRIEND!!!! Freshen up with a manual as well as watching youtube for visual. Literally almost anything you can think of is on that site. It’ll save a life trust me 
CTRL+FThis will save you so much time when looking up something on google or when you’re researching an online manual or any other resource for that matter. 
LEARN TO “FORECAST”/PLAN AHEADDon’t just tell your peoples to be at the motor pool for clean up duty and not think to bring/tell to bring any cleaning supplies. Predict what you’ll need and act accordingly. ACT, DON’T REACT. 
CONSTANTLY WRITE DOWN NOTES, ALSO GET A WATCH, ALSO EXCELWrite down all the things, especially times, dates, and locations as well as which subordinate you sent on which task. Get a watch since there will be times you cant use your cell phone. Also, if you know how to use excel minimally, it’ll make your life so much easier with keeping track of things and compiling information. With the power of all these combined, you’ll be top tier highspeed. 
LEARN TO DELEGATE!! DONT LEAVE THEM OUT IN THE COLD!! Remember that your subordinates are there for you just as much as you are there for them!! Use any moment you can as a teaching moment. Doing some complicated paperwork or task? Dont ignore them, teach them as you go along! Teach them what YOU know! Be on the same page so that when you’re super busy and could use a hand, you can give them tasks with confidence of their abilities. Give clear instruction, and a time limit if need be. Not only does this keep them busy and out of trouble, but also good for future bullet points on awards for promotion points…. *WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE*
DON’T FORGET HOW IMPORTANT INITIAL COUNSELINGS AREMake your boundaries known to your peoples, especially your pet peeves. Set the standard as well as your own personal ones on day one. Make sure you both have a solid copy of the counseling so that if they try to come back at you for something, you can simply show them your copy as proof. ;)
FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE NOT END ALL, BE ALL/RUMORS ARE DUMBSee for YOURSELF that a person is genuinely a shitbag. Remember that there is a such thing as toxic leadership and some people were just doomed to fail under circumstances not in their control. Give them a chance to blossom under your leadership, and have faith. You never know.. 
REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO!!! Listen, I know you want to save the world from itself constantly…. But every once in a while.. you just gotta take a step back and take care of yourself. 
There are so many more things I want to say but…I’ll leave it here. I really hope at least one of these things help you out. Congrats on your stripes and welcome to the NCO Corps. YOU ARE NOW THE BACKBONE OF THE MILITARY, YOU BADASS
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*Possible Trigger for some people* *Also millennials rant* *You don't have to read this 😂 *
Just generally speaking, Millennials are not dumb. We are not lazy and just "don't want to go to school." Millennials are not arrogant and disrespectful because "thats how us kids are". We dont walk around like we own everything and that the world owes us something because "Thats how full of ourselves we are"
Millennials are tired. Tired of being told we are not enough. Tired of being told we will never be anything if we dont work young and be adults. We are tired of being raped on campuses when we just wanted to learn. We are tired of being profiled and stereotyped. We are sick of being arrested for the colour of our skin. Sick of being treated as less than what we are.
We always hear older generations saying how entitled we are. "They get everything handed to them." I'd like to see how we are entitled? Having to work two or three jobs to go to college just to still end up in debt is not "entitled." Not being able to find a job after graduating college without having 2-5 years of experience is not "entitled." Struggling to pay bills because you are in debt because of school, but not able to find a job using the degree that you are in debt for is not "entitled." So please, tell me how millennials are entitled. Tell me what we get handed to us. Please. Enlighten me. I would like to know how I am entitled. I would like to know how other people my age are entitled. We struggle for everything; we get nothing handed to us. I am afraid everyday when I think about having to move out and pay my own bills because I don't know how I am going to do that. I am afraid when I think of the student loans I am going to collect just to get a piece of paper that won't get me a decent job without getting 2-5 years of experience first (and other places won't give me a job to get experience because I won't have any experience).
Older generations see us as disrespectful kids and lazy. Some even think we are weak and whiney. Many millennials have struggled an entire life times worth in their teenage years. They've seen their peers shot in drive-by's. Their parents divorce. Some even have one or no parents. Others have had to raise THEIR OWN siblings because their parents decided that drinking and cigarettes and going out for hours with no notice was more important than their flesh and blood. There are millennials who have been drugged and raped at parties because someone couldn't understand "NO". Millennials are also tired of not being heard. When we say we are tired, its because we are being pushed to grow up without being able to be kids. We are constantly silenced by the older generations because we are "just kids" but then told to grow up and become an adult because "that's just how the world is." No. The world is not just like that. The older generations make it like that. Let kids be kids. Quit pushing them to grow up before they have time to experience life. We are tired of being tired. And it's everyone's expectations of us that makes us tired.
As kids, we should have been worrying about what games to play with our friends. We should have been playing dress up and thinking about what we want to be when we grow up. We should not have been forced to age as quickly as we were. Kids should be allowed to be kids. It is as simple as that. Why are literal children being forced to grow old before their time? Why are older generations putting such a weight on the shoulders of children? "Do well in school so you can get a good job so you can get a nice house and have a big family." Why is that being told to 5 year olds? Why do such young children have to worry about what will be happening to them in 20-30 years? They should be playing with blocks and dolls and learning how to read. Not worrying about their adult life. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT HAVE ANXIETY DISORDERS.
There have also been claims that millennials are just crybabies and need to "get a backbone".
We are struggling to keep each other alive when we ourselves are falling.
There are more and more pressures and tasks being thrown on our shoulder without explanations and help. At the end of the day we have ourselves. And when you're struggling to find and love yourself, it's not enough to just "grow up" and "get a job". We have to have time to find out who we are and what we want to do with our lives. If you just choose a job because you are told to and you are not happy with your job and fancy house then what was it all for? It's okay if you want to help us, and guide us. But let us try first. Please let us make our mistakes and wait until we ask for your help instead of just jumping in and trying to take over before anything has even happened. We have to figure out how the world works for ourselves.
So, no. Millennials are not evil and bad and rebellious little kids who need to grow up. We are tired and worn out and we have not even lived yet.
Leave millennials be. Let kids be kids. Stop pressuring them to grow up at a young age. It does nothing but harm. Stop calling us names for trying to make a living in this harsh world. We are just trying to be happy. We are just trying to live and love and have fun. We are trying to be US. We don't want to be what the older people are trying to force us to be. And we shouldn't have to be what they want us to be. We are our own people and deserve to be happy.
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realblackhelix · 5 years
Regarding Season 5 Legends of Tomorrow
Spoilers mostly because of two paragraphs of quotes hinting at Season 5 but it's not really spoilery.
So everyone seems a little worried about the season finale spoilers which are hinting about what season 5 may be about and while I am a little something has been niggling at me, a lot of somethings.
If you are here only for Avalance. Check #4 it's a theory that I haven't been able to shake since I read the Season 5 spoilers.
Here for potential episode count of Season 5 of Legends of Tomorrow and/or the potential reasoning behind it's midseason, next year move? Try #3
Or here for a potential theory regarding Season 5 entirely. This also includes Avalance and has a little more backbone then #4. Check out #5
Here for Crisis on Infinite Earths? Check the last part.
So I made a list and dug back through almost every episode of Legends from season 3-4 to try to calm my fears and honestly I think there are some huge clues buried deep in there.
1. People are worried that next Season will be Legends of Tomorrow's last and I honest to god think Legends of Tomorrow will end with a Season 6 and not 5. Why do I think this? Mostly because the CW renewed it for season 5 didn't mention it was ending and renewed Arrow for season 8 and mentioned that it would be it's final season. Plus I doubt they'd end two of the Arrowverse shows one after the other. I know it hasn't been running as long as Arrow and Legends isn't the flagship show but I do believe they would've let people know if that would be it. Though that said I do believe Legends will have a Season 6 and that will be it's last, do I want it to be? No.
Should it be? That's to be determined.
There are hundreds of stories a show like Legends could tell but honestly ask yourself is it worth the risk of Legends losing what makes it Legends, let it and those in it go down as Legends I say.
2. And what happens when the Legends awaken the original guardians of Time (no, not the Time Masters, sillies, that was season one!) who wish to erase everything the Legends have “screwed up for the better” over the past four seasons?
I needed to especially hit this nail on the head, considering I began writing a fic back at the beginning of 3B about original guardians of time, I literally even called them Time Guardians and tied the original 2 of them to Adam and Eve and there was this whole plot surrounding what if and honestly Im scrapping it now, I was probably never going to finish it but I was almost half way through so thats something.
Now to get on with the actual point of this quote, I dont know if anybody has noticed but this entire season offset with the actors and actressess and onset as their characters, especially the closer it gets to the finale has been extremely focused on the wrongs season 1 did, how bad it was, how much the actors didn't like it (example - Dominic Purcell's quote, Phil Klemmers comments about it and on and on with the other actors), the quote above even mentions the fact that these guardians will try to correct the past 4 seasons and then there's Sara's and Mick's mention to it in "Nip/Stuck", the offshoot moment that had everyone going awwww when Mick mentioned they were the last of the originals and Sara mentioned they were different back then and that they are growing up but hopefully not apart (a huge hint I believe that this show is ready to tie the knot, just not season 5 ready because they'll need to be adults for that ending and they aren't quite there yet) season 4 was about coming to terms with that fact and season 5 will be about them acting on it, season 6 will be the realisation that every Legend has an ending. This is where season 5 'them acting on being adults' comes into it, I believe Legends is going to try to write season 1's wrong in a way they haven't done yet, do I mean they'll literally go back and rewrite season 1? No, i swear to god they better not that would be another level of unbelievable yet to be achieved but that doesn't mean certain aspects of season 1 won't have a huge impact, season 1 brought them together as in Sara's words "the original losers, not important to history" and now look at them. Season 1 of Legends will play a pivotal plot point to Season 5, a realisation of soughts. It's time for the Legends to grow up, realise that every action truly has consequences and that nothing lasts forever, something they couldn't fathom when Rip tried to keep them from fixing their mess in 3x01 forcing them to get normal lives and not be time travelling superheroes. Though they'll surely have their fun discovering this.
3. Midseason Return and episode count
Okay, I am not worried at all about this. Is it shitty? Yeah definitely. We won't be getting episodes until at least at minimum January next year but let's be honest with Batwoman hitting our screens, this was going to happen.
Legends of Tomorrow is the CW's most outrageous, crazy, no ordinary run of the mill show they have. It's no longer able to fit with the nitty gritty of the Arrowverse, it's in a league of its own.
These things are what make Legends of Tomorrow, Legends of Tomorrow. It wouldn't be the same if it resembled the street show Arrow is or the teen superhero show the Flash is or the normal, kind of? that Supergirl is or whatever type of darl thing Batwoman will be. Just like Black Lightning (which if you aren't watching, why?) Legends is something of its own. Unique.
Moving Legends away may very well be them realising this.
As for episode count, I don't expect anything above 16 episodes but I certainly don't expect anything below 13. This whole 10 episode rumour going around, I find it hard to believe, Arrow got 10 mostly because it's the last season and Stephen Amell requested a shorter series to end on.
4. Avalance - let's be honest most of you reading this are only here for the Avalance. Probably.
What do I think of Avalance leading into season 5? I think we got our answer perhaps in the form of Clexacon, 4B and the spoiler. Everyone is so concerned with the fact that they may break up that they haven't considered something entirely different.
In attempting to change her future, Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe) will accidentally change not just the past she shared with Nate Heywood (Nick Zano), but fundamentally change who the Legends are in season five.
From this one paragraph everybody assumes they are going to be broken up in this new reality. If that turns out to be the case I am all here for a finding their way back to each other season. Remember, Sara and Ava are who each other want. They'll find their way back to one another.
Though this isn't what I get from this, remember Clexacon. Remember baby Beebo's? Remember Ava wanting a life with Sara and Sara not entirely sure she could give that to Ava with her past, remember everything with Sara's father, remember Ava wanting to talk about kids and so on and so on. Now I'm not saying Quentin will make an appearance but I am suggesting that what if this new reality is everything they ever wanted, what if it's paradise, Ava has a kid with Sara, Sara has her father and she's in a good place with Ava but nothing feels right. What if it changes their lives all for the better and season 5 is them coming to terms with the fact that they can't have something that isn't really real. Imagine Ava having to let go of a child, Sara having to say goodbye to a living family, Nate saying goodbye to his Dad again, Mick having to let go off being some famous writer and so on and so on for every other character. It's not their reality whether it's perfect or not at the end of the day they are heroes and now they need to prove it.
Will Avalance have a rough patch? No doubt.
Will they be broken up at the start of next season? Who knows, I don't, not really.
Will they find their place together? Definitely, I'd bet my life Legends Season 5 ends with Avalance. Though Season 6 may start with only one of them.
5. What if the opposite of the above happens?
What if it's the fact that Zari erases herself from history or never meets the Legends and detrimentally changes the future, I mean that was a theme through all of season 3 and looking back at the fantastic episode "Here We Go Again" Gideon and Zari figure out that without her they can't stop Mallus, what else would've happened without Zari.
If Zari never met the Legends what would the impact be?
First we need to take a look at Zari and what brought her too the Legends, namely her brother and the desire to save him, he gave her the totem, so let's think this through, if Zari some how manages to save her brother (I'm gonna say she saves him with her dragon, that dragon will come into play somehow, leaving it at Zari's was in no way a random thing), she never gets the totem, she never joins the Legends and the Legends no longer have six totems.
What then? What about Mallus? What about Nora?
What about Avalance, Zari (with the help of the cheeky bot, Sara's words not mine,) were catalysts for them, is it possible that without her push to Sara, Ava moved on with that ex in Vegas or someone else. It would give Legends and opportunity for some hilarious Sara jealousy and pining something we haven't really ever seen. Could you imagine? They would be friends with or without Zari but would they be together? Sara is a little stupid when it comes to admitting feelings and Ava is a little dense when it comes to anything Sara related, it would make for a joy to watch as Sara and Ava fall in love all over again but never truly get together until everything is fixed with time and they realise the lynch pin to their relationship starting was Zari.
What about Charlie? Or Constantine? Zari had a huge impact on both characters, "Legends of To-Meow-Meow" is all the proof you need.
Would Constantine even be a part of the team?
Would Charlie?
Would Mick be a writer, Zari gave him the push he needed, to be out as a writer and to be a writer. Without Zari, Here We Go Again never happened.
Zari impacted every one of Legends, willing or not. Mostly not.
What about those donuts? Would the Waverider be overrun by donuts? Poor Gideon.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Alright this is because this makes me more nervous than Season 5 of Legends spoilers does. Probably because we haven't heard anything really and only have the comics to truly back the crazy theories surrounding it.
Lets give it a look. Canon flow of the story between all shows hasn't been the CW's greatest forte, their plot holes only seem to get bigger and bigger with every second or third episode that hits the screen as they try to tie all these shows together.
That said, one thing that has yet to become a plot hole, at least not that I've seen. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
The Legends were picked because they wouldn't impact history in any great way. Sara dying or any Legends dying to save the multiverse would throw a wrench into this and blow the biggest plot hole in Legends that would be pretty hard to turn around from. I'm not saying that they might not try because it is the CW but let's be honest going into Clexacon, Jes and Caity knew how Legends was going to end, Caity will be back for the next season which would be awkward if she died in the crossover (Though she does have a habit of coming back from death), so relax chill and wait to see that most likely this Crossover will show what happens with Oliver Queen the Arrow, one final Arrowverse send of for the one who started it. Love or loathe Arrow, personally for me it went downhill around season 5 but I hold a soft spot for it, love or loathe you probably wouldn't have everything else without it. So give it a round of applause when it finishes, Stephen Amell and the rest of them deserve it.
That said it is Crisis on Infinite Earths, who's to say that the new season of Legends will take place on the Earth we are familiar with, after all they're time travellers, who needs Earth, time will do just fine. Just have to wait and see.
If only we had a time machine right?
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