#but you are under the control of a virus and can’t control yourself
strawbubbysugar · 10 months
your writing is making me insane /pos. fjdksjfjfh virus moon freaks me out but virus sun is so fucking scary. what would he have done to y/n if he wasn’t contained?
You ever heard of cuteness aggression?
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sailoryooons · 11 months
Okay hear me out, but maybe a little bit of enemies to lovers, little bit of smutty goodness between witch hunter!yoongi and witch!reader?? Idk why this popped in my head but I’m kind of desperate to see a little something now lol.
Also, I love you ❤️
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❀ Pairing: Witch hunter!Yoongi x f. witch!reader
❀ Summary: For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
❀ Word Count: 4188 
❀ Genre: Urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, a hint of angst, smut
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: On screen character death (not permanent though), depictions of blood and intense action sequences, scary demon thing, depiction of weapons, hints at violence between two groups of people, mild world building, a bit of angst, explicit language, explicit sexual content featuring light nipple play, unprotected vaginal sex, emotional sex, a lot of spit, UNEDITED. 
❀ Published: August 3, 2023
❀ A/N: I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to control myself with some of these ideas because god dammit Sarah, I want to turn this into more than ~4k of a work. Like this idea inspired me so much, you have no idea how insane I wanted to go on this but I had to CONTROL MYSELF because I promised that this year I would keep it tame. I love you so much and I’m so sorry that this is like 90% plot and 10% smut but I kept inching toward 5k and I was like I HAVE GOT TO STOP MYSELF JESUS CHRIST and dkfgjdiogjfoigjg I am telling you right now, I want to come back and revisit this fic and makie it like a four chapter thing or something because GOD I LOVED THIS IDEA AND YOU KNEW JUST WHAT TO REQUEST. Also this is unedited!!!!
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
| Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust | Song Inspiration |
Most nights, Yoongi dreams of you. He knows better, and yet he can’t help himself. It’s like you’re living under his skin, a virus that has taken root in the marrow of his bones. He doesn’t know how he would dig you out if he tried.
If he tried. 
If anyone from the Conclave knew the dangerous game that Yoongi is playing, he would be ousted or killed. Killing would be the mercy, but he’s garnered enough hate within the elite members of the Conclave to know they’d rather him suffer cut off from his resources. His friends. His family. 
Still, Yoongi walks a dangerous line. He knows it’s wrong, letting a witch infect him like a sickness. He is sure that he’s under your spell. There’s no other explanation for the way he always lets you slip away. For the way he closes his eyes and imagines the flutter of your heart against his, the sound of your gasps, the warmth of your hands.
Stars explode behind Yoongi’s eyes as he presses the heels of his hands into them. He’s exhausted, limbs heavy and sore from a day of bloody work. The activity downtown has only worsened the last few months, making Yoongi hunt multiple times a day and return home banged up. 
The pain he can handle. Witches and their demons are nothing new to him. But he knows there’s something he’s missing, something lurking beneath the surface of the increased activity and the strong demonic presence in the city.
Yoongi knows he could ask you. He’s thought about it a few times over the last few weeks but he’s talked himself out of it each time. The curiosity has always lingered there, waiting for him to ask in those moments where you cross his path, coy and sharp as ever. In the minutes you linger, shooting him insults he thinks you don’t mean and playing little word games. 
He doesn’t ask, though. And you never offer, despite the fact that your sharp eyes and knowing smirk lead him to believe you know he wants to ask. 
Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t. Not giving you what you want is part of the fun. He likes the way it makes you bristle, magic crackling at your fingertips. He loves the way it makes you narrow your eyes at him, lobbing empty threats that make him want to purr. 
Whatever this effect you have on him is potent. He can’t shake you off, can’t outrun you. 
And worse, he doesn’t want to.
Rain begins to beat on the bedroom window outside. Though his limbs are heavy from slogging through the sewer system downtown after a witch and her ivax demon, he’s a little too keyed up to sleep. Yoongi senses something staticy in the air, an energy that he can’t name.
Opening up his phone, he flips through his text threads with members of the Conclave. It seems everyone is in it tonight, the demonic activity buzzing and the monsters worse than usual. He frowns when he sees Seokjin mention a prowler crawling through the warehouse district. Yoongi knows that’s where you live and an unexpected sense of unease slivers down his spine.
He locks his phone and tosses it on the bed. He doesn’t need to worry about you. You’re one of the most skilled witches in the city and you’ve killed scores of demons and others alike. He should remove your head for the number of hunters you’ve put in the ground, but you’ve killed triple that in witches. 
Which is why you’re alone. It’s not lost on Yoongi that you’re a witch without a coven and with unusual alliances living in a warehouse all alone with a prowler on the loose. If you know it’s there - you have to know it’s there, being you - he knows you’ll go after it. 
“Fuck,” he sighs at the ceiling. 
Grabbing his phone, Yoongi sends off a quick text. 
Yoongi: Anyone dispatching to take care of the prowler?
Councilman Haer: Negative. The Conclave will not be dispatching. The Warehouse District is not critical and it’ll go back down after it’s satiated. Prowlers aren’t controlled by witches, it might even take a few out for us.
Yoongi stomach flips as he squeezes his phone tight before getting up. He’s tired of the Conclave’s inaction. He knows he’ll get in trouble for going after something so dangerous without backup, but he can’t ask Seokjin and Hoseok to back him up on this one. Not unauthorized, and not for something so dangerous. 
Unsanctioned hunts is exactly how Yoongi has ended up at the bottom of the pool among Conclave members, but he doesn’t care. Politics can’t erase the fact that he’s the best fucking hunter in the city, and no councilman who won’t get their hands dirty can give him grief for doing what needs to be done.
This isn’t about the Conclave, though. Yoongi knows it. Seokjin would know it, if Yoongi told him what he was doing. But the thought of a prowler tearing through the low-income streets in the Warehouse District doesn’t resonate with him. Neither does knowing that you are one of the witches in the line of fire. 
Yoongi dresses and arms himself with military proficiency. A black, long-sleeved shirt with a form-fitted leather vest over it to prevent most stabs and cuts, knives sheathed along the ribbing of the vest, breathable pants with a tactical belt and pockets full of hunting necessities, and his necklace with the Conclave helix. 
At the last second, he grabs a jacket and pulls the hood up to keep the beating rain from soaking him through. While he has some talent with magic to help him heal faster and make his blows stronger and faster, he’s not skilled in the way of weather or anything advanced enough to keep him dry and comfortable. 
Nervousness settles into him as he takes the subway to the Warehouse District. It’s not far, but the train is empty and filled with dirty puddles left behind from passengers. Lights flicker above as the subway rockets unevening on the tracks, making him dizzy. 
When he steps off the train and into the wet underground of the station entrance, he knows something is amiss. His fingers twitch as he jogs up the steps, boots splashing loudly as the rain comes down. Wind whips at him here and when he hears a crack of thunder too loud and rumbling to be human, his instincts kick in.
Yoongi takes off running. He knows where your warehouse-turned-loft is. He’d originally scouted it out to eliminate you. Now, it’s something he’s always kept an eye on, steering other hunters away from your home. It’s silly, he knows. You’d call him weak if you knew, probably. And yet he does it, diverting danger coming your way when he can.
Now, danger is already there. 
The storm rages harder as he heads your direction. Wind pushes at him, making Yoongi lock his muscles as he fights the freezing cold rain and the debris that blows down the street with the force of the storm. He hopes that it keeps people indoors and away from the prowler. 
But Yoongi sees the purple lighting lance out of the sky, an explosion of radiant beauty for a moment before it strikes nearby, blowing transforms into white sparks and he realizes what is so uncanny about this storm. 
It’s you. You’re the storm. 
A roar of rage shakes the air as he comes around the corner to your street. The warehouse you live in is at the end of the road right up against the bay. The wind is mixed with salt spray, stinging his eyes as he runs towards the shadowy outline of your building, nearly impossible to see in the rain and night.
Yoongi manages to roll one of the heavy doors open to your loft, muscles screaming with effort. Stepping inside, chaos greets him. The ceiling is blown out above your home, rain pouring in from the sky. It tastes like lightning and blood. No doubt your storm is what ripped the ceiling apart, but when he sees the prowler, he doesn’t blame you. 
A massive creature stands ten feet tall, rippling with leathered hide and spikes on its back. Long, gangly limbs drag on the floor with black, sharpened talons on the end of each of its three fingers. The prowler walks awkwardly and Yoongi notes the scorch mark in its left shoulder, making it lean as it drags itself toward its intended target. 
Which is you, laying on the ground bloody and rain soaked. Yoongi doesn’t even think. He has no idea if you’re conscious or not, but he’s moving across the room, putting power into his step as he pulls out two of his daggers and jumps high up into the air. 
Yoongi’s intent is to land on the back of the prowler and sink each blade in as he falls. He doesn’t anticipate the demon to turn away from bloodied prey, but it does, swinging its arm wildly to bat him away. He’s lucky that the forearm catches him in the stomach and sends him flying and not the flaws.
Closing his eyes and bracing for impact, Yoongi is surprised when he doesn’t slam into a wall. He opens his eyes to see himself floating toward the floor, suspended briefly before the phantom energy drops him gently. He lands with shock, looking up to where you’re sitting up, one hand extended toward him.
At least you weren’t out cold or dead. Yoongi is really happy that you’re not dead, but it’s cut short as the prowler charges him. 
This time, Yoongi’s ready. He runs at the beast, waiting until he’s right outside of the window of its swiping claws before he dives to his knees, sliding under the creature and between its legs. He twists his hands, cutting the inside of the creature’s thighs as he goes.
It shrieks, shaking the building and scattering Yoongi’s thoughts. He feels fizzy and confused for a moment, the mind breaking scream of the prowler enough to make him vulnerable. He feels a hand on his face and he looks up, momentarily stricken with the thought that he sees an angel. 
“Thank you,” you breathe, and he recognizes your voice. Usually it cracks like a whip, but this is soft. Strange. It terrifies him. “I’m going to do something that is probably going to kill me. Just know that I liked our game, Hunter.”
“What are you doing, Witch?”
Your smile is like the sun. He doesn’t think he’s seen anything more beautiful. Your face is covered in blood and rain, turning your neck scarlet as it runs. There’s a gash above your brow and he sees a blackened wound in your stomach. 
It is amazing, how a creature like you, bred to be an evil, wicked thing can look radiant. Holy. Wonderful. Your hand is cradling his face and it feels warm, despite the rain and blood on your hands. Your thumb is soft as it sweeps across his cheek, a touch more reverent than he’s ever known. 
“Witch,” Yoongi starts, unsure what you’re doing. 
“I’ll miss that. Take this.” 
Before Yoongi can react, your hand falls from his face. You move past him with absolute confidence, lifting your chin. You have a limp as you do, and Yoongi reaches after you but you’re already out of his grip.
Something stirs in the air. He’s only felt power rippling like that once before when he was a child, and the entire Conclave worked together to slaughter an Eldritch Witch that had attacked them and taken out more than half of their hunters.
Now, Yoongi feels that dark presence again, energy buzzing against his ears as he turns to look at you over his shoulder. The prowler senses the power disturbance too, backing away from you as dark particles begin to gather around your hands.
Above you, the rain hovers, disrupted by the frequency of your magic. The buzz in Yoongi’s ears gets louder as he climbs to his feet, clapping his hands firmly over his ears, wincing as it gets higher and louder. He thinks it might burst his ear drums or crack his skull open. 
Disks of dark particles circle you as you approach the demon, which is now roaring once more, trying to disrupt your thoughts. It doesn’t work, the air vibrating with dark matter. You’re at the center of the swirling darkness, the rings rotating around you like an access.
The sound stops suddenly, and for a moment, Yoongi thinks he’s deaf. Black matter pulses from you, exploding outward. Yoongi hits the floor, realizing if he gets hit with your magic, he’ll die. Never before has he witnessed the Eldritch Blast of a witch, but he knows that it's only used as a final stand.
I’m going to do something that is probably going to kill me. 
The finality of your words shreds him open as the shockwave of your magic barrels at him. He thinks he’s going to die as it expands toward him, but instead, it arches over him, battling down against a magical barrier. 
Take this. Yoongi realizes you’ve warded him from your destruction, keeping him safe as your blast levels the world around you. He feels the magic beating down on your ward like raging fits, vibrating and shrieking under the pressure of the magic. 
It even keeps him from being injured by the collapsing debris. 
Yoongi looks at you as the world falls to pieces. You go down to one knee, then the other, swaying as the darkness cascades around you in a final flutter of power. Then you fall over, heavy and unmoving as the rest of the building comes down. 
All he can do is scream.
Most nights, you dream of Yoongi. You don’t know when it started - perhaps that first night after you met him? You can’t be sure. All you know is that at some point, the hunter poisoned you from the inside out, a disease taking root and rotting you all the way through to your core. 
You always knew that dreaming of him would get you killed one day. But Yoongi was different. Wiser than the rest of his wretched Conclave. Smart enough to question his way of life and his faction’s merciless killings. You think he’ll start asking the right questions soon, that maybe he’ll start seeing the signs that who he has sworn loyalty to isn’t who they say they are.
But Yoongi never asks questions. 
It’s easy to tell he wants to. There’s always that little pause at the end of your meetings. You used to think it was perhaps he was trying to decide whether or not to kill you. Perhaps it was that at first, but now it’s something a little different. A little more. Like he is on the edge of finally asking you what exactly is going on in the city that he protects from monsters.
Yoongi is simple, though. He likes his little life tucked away in the Art District and he likes the wash, rinse, repeat of killing demons and corrupted witches nightly. You think he likes your little run-ins.
Now, you’ve finally paid the price of letting him live these last two years. Had someone told you before you’d met Yoongi that you’d sacrifice yourself for him and the rest of a small neighborhood, you’d have laughed in their face. You weren’t a hero, though some might think slaying your own kind and their creatures was worth praise. 
Penance and praise are not the same, though. 
Dying seems like a good way of paying off your list of wrongs. Especially to save Yoongi. If only to save Yoongi, if you were being honest. 
Witches have a lot of lore about death and where one goes in the afterlife. You’re not sure where you are, if you exist, or if you’re even really a thought. It feels like nothingness and everything all at once, a void of floating consciousness. There’s no pain, but you remember the warehouse. Remember the prowler ripping down the door and coming for you specifically. 
And him. You remember Yoongi coming in, looking like a fucking angel of old as he leapt through the skies. Together you might have taken on the beast. But prowlers are notoriously difficult to destroy, and you were in no shape to protect Yoongi, much less fight by his side as a reliable partner. 
That left you with one option, and though you knew it would end you, you’d done it anyway.
Yoongi’s face swims in your mind. Soft and round, eyes like the bottom of the ocean, a single pink scar carved through his right eye. Mouth soft and petal pink, hair silky and dark, reaching to his shoulders. He’s small for a hunter but he’s strong and broad, his mind his best weapon. 
Witch, Yoongi had said. The last words you’d hear from him, spoken with a softness that you’ve never heard from him before. Rain-soaked and wide eyed Yoongi, looking at you like you held the flame of life, like you were something more than a creature on the other side of the trench. 
The best thing you could do for him was die.
So you summoned your magic from deep within you, that ancient, sleeping thing. You try not to think about what Yoongi’s last memory of you will be, an eldritch horror that will remind him of the creature that slaughtered his family as a child. 
Yoongi will never get to ask his questions. You’ll never get to tell him why you haunt the streets killing your own kind. Yoongi will never know the softness of your kiss. You’ll never know the gentle press of his hands. 
Something brushes across your forehead. You feel now and you frown. Or can you frown, in whatever plane of death this is? You’re not sure, but you feel… the weight of your own body. The beating of your own heart. The rush of air through your lungs as you breathe.
Awareness prickles at the back of your neck like a needle. Slowly, you begin to feel solid. Your fingers twist in soft sheets, and when you turn your head, you feel the plushness of a pillow. Smell petrichor and cedar. 
It smells like… Yoongi. 
“Hmmm?” you feel the vibration in your throat at your unspoken question, nothing but a rumble of noise and confusion. Something cradles your face. “Hunnn..?”
A deep, throaty laugh. “Mmm, I take care of you for a week straight and we’ve moved on to endearments?” 
Your eyes flutter open, lids heavy. The world swims into view, a little blurry as your eyes try to focus in the dimly lit room, taking in the bed you’re in and the face hovering above yours. 
“Yoongi,” you breathe, your heart expanding with unfettered joy. 
“That’s the first time you’ve ever said my name.”
“Say it more often.” He leans forward and you watch as his dark eyes drink you in. “And never do that to me again.”
Before you can ask him what that is, Yoongi’s mouth is pressing against yours. You melt immediately, going boneless in a bed you’re unfamiliar with, lost in the citrusy taste of his mouth and the gentle press of his lips. His kiss is soft soft soft, blurring reality as he pulls at your bottom lip teasingly before pulling away.
Eyes fluttering open, you stare at him in wonder. He hovers above your face, haloed by inky-black hair. “Yoongi.”
He smiles. “It sounds much better than hunter. Hun can stay, though.”
“You’re not calling the shots.”
“You’re in no condition to fight me.”
“I killed a prowler, I think you’re no problem.”
His eyes glow. “I think perhaps you’re right. But for now, you’re at my mercy.”
“Kiss me again.” You lift your hands and bring them toward his face, brushing a finger over the bottom of his scar. “And don’t stop this time. I’ll ask my questions later.”
“Of course, witch.” 
Yoongi’s kiss is hungrier now. Desperate. Full of all the questions he never asked and you meet him with equal fire. You don’t care that you’ve beat the odds and lived. You don’t care about anything else but the weight of Yoongi straddling your waist and the feel of his velvet soft skin beneath your hands. 
Every inch of him is warm, filled with the heat of the hunter’s fire that burns through every member of the Conclave. This hunter burns brighter than the rest, though. Warmth blooms where your fingers press over his stomach and chest, ridding him of his shirt. Fire burns where you grab his arms, arching into him as his teeth skim your throat. 
You’ve never felt this in sync with someone, bodies twining together like you were made for one another. Yoongi’s hand is scorching as his touch ghosts down your body, his touch light and teasing as he lowers his mouth to your hardened nipple, catching it and giving a gentle suck.
Honey-dipped moans slip from your mouth. Yoongi’s mouth is wet-hot against your skin, tongue laving hungrily as his hand seeks the heat between your legs. Your thighs open for him easily, giving Yoongi access to the dripping mess of your folds. He curses when his fingers slide between your slit, gathering slick to circle his digits around your clit.
“Fuck,” you hiss, hips twitching. “Don’t bother. I can take you now. Want you now.”
“I told you that you were at my mercy.” You summon your magic, rattling his shelves. Yoongi leans over to your neglected nipple and plucks it with his teeth, making you squeal and shiver, pleasure rattling you. “Fine,” he agrees. “Greedy witch. Should have known.”
“Not greedy,” you shoot back as Yoongi sits up and sheds his pants. Your hands follow him, tracing the faint scars on his stomach, pressing against the muscle of his tapered hips. “I’ve waited for months for you to do something. To say something.”
“I’m not good at that.” 
You hum. “It takes me dying for you to take initiative?” 
“A lesson hard-learned and never to be repeated.”
Yoongi’s cock is hard, bobbing heavily as he shuffles you under him and presses your thighs open for him. The brown tip is sticky with precum, his shaft long and thick enough to make your cunt ache for him more.
“Nice cock,” you tease as he pumps himself, hand gliding and spreading his precum down his shaft.
He grunts. “Can’t wait to feel this fucking pussy,” he mutters, leaning forward and pressing the tip to your entrance. You make a breathy sound, eyes fluttering shut at the pleasure-pained stretch. “Think you can take it, witch?”
Yoongi sinks in and you second-guess your statement for a second, but the stretch of his cock pressing you open feels good. Deliriously so, your back arching as he bottoms out. You feel him in your gut, deeper than anything ever before and you whine as he draws his hips back before snapping them forward, punching the breath from your lungs.
He sets a deep, hard pace. You grip his biceps, feeling the muscle flex in his arms. Every part of you is on fire, lit up from the closeness of your bodies as Yoongi leans down and melds your mouths together, continuing to fuck you so deep you know you’ll never forget what it feels like.
Every brush of his cock against your g-spot drives you mad. Every whisper of your name - your name, not witch - makes you shudder. His tongue is hungrily as it brushes against yours, his moans deep and throaty as your pussy grips him tight. 
“Fuck,” he pants, sliding a hand down your body to grab your thigh and hoist your leg higher. It changes the angle, making his stroke somehow deeper. Your eyes roll back and your head digs into the mattress as you fist at the sheets. “You can fucking take it.”
“Keep going.”
“As if i could fucking stop.” 
You never want him to stop. Fucking you, kisses you, teasing you, shadowing you as you take on the world. You want every part of your life colored with Yoongi. You want him to be a part of your mornings, your fights, your weaknesses, your strengths. You want to rile him up, needle him with little insults that get him going. Tease him to make him laugh and share that secret smile. 
Every moment has led to this. You don’t know how you never saw this outcome, here with him, crying out his name as your orgasm crests into an unstoppable force. When you come around him, it’s with his name in your mouth and so much need for him in your heart that you think you might explode with energy for a second time. 
After, when you’re wrapped in Yoongi and you feel his hunter’s skin blaze against you, sweat-slick skin pressed close, you think that finally, he’ll ask those questions. You’ll give him answers. 
“Don’t do that ever again, witch,” Yoongi warns. “I will follow you into death.” 
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
hi idk if ur requests are open or not so if they are feel free to ignore.
but i am like super sick rn, like running on a fever of 102. can u write little drabbles ab how luffy, zoro, sanji, and/or law taking care of their really sick s/o🥺
a/n - omg no way we can be sick together 😭 Aw im so sorry you’re not feeling well- I hope you feel better soon!! I hope these help a little :)
Warnings ⚠️ - none, g/n reader, modern au
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- Zoro doesn’t really understand the concept of being sick, but he hates seeing you not feeling great or in pain/uncomfortable
- “y/n- that fever’s not that bad.” It was bad.
- don’t worry about schooling this guy, Nami and Chopper got it under control 👍
- when he came back he was beaten up btw lol
- “I’m sorry y/n- so do you need anything?” His cheek’s all swollen so he can barely talk 😭
- he seemingly cannot get sick so you can cuddle him all you want! he runs a bit warm so it’s super nice when you feel that chill in your body
- he won’t train for a day just to make sure you’re getting better! he can’t even think about letting you try and deal with it on your own- it kinda gets annoying and slightly creepy tho
- He doesn’t really know what else to do other than to sit by you and literally just- stare?
- “Zoro please stop staring at me- it’s not that helpful..”
- “Where else am I supposed to look?!”
- give him some time- he’ll get better as you go lmao
- he always gets worried when you start napping. What if you don’t wake up again? What if you died in your sleep and he didn’t know?
- he’s checking your heartbeat every couple minutes- and sometimes he wakes you up lol
- it’s not a great nap- but he’s trying his best! He really cares and never wants anything bad to happen to you
- he decided to go to the internet to try and make you feel better faster
- “cold cure what”
- “acupressure?”
- “when should I take s/o to doctor”
- “is my s/o dying?”
- “advil what?”
- “what is high fever?”
- “should I call 911?”
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- knows your sick before you even start feeling it- he can sense the virus lmao
- will not leave your side. ever
- “Sanji- i just have to go to the bathroom.”
- “I can go with you-!”
- “No!”
- he’s just worried is all hehe
- he’ll make you chicken soup, miso soup, any soup! all of his cooking has healing properties :)
- don’t worry about him getting sick! he won’t let you worry because he’s already sitting there giving you everything you want/need and more
- cuddles? Of course!
- blankets? was that a question?
- movies? YES
- don’t even think about getting out of bed- he’ll get everything for you!
- he’d clean up all your tissues after you blow your nose, leave it all to him! 💜💜
- sadly hes that one guy who overthinks things and looks up sicknesses on the internet. He started to freak out once he saw the answers he got
- this is his search history
- “runny nose, coughing, fever?”
- “what is HIV?”
- “HIV death rate”
- “HIV contagious?”
- “hiv transmission how?”
- “did I give s/o hiv from cum?”
- I’m sorry I’ll stop
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- he really really loves you, but he doesn’t really want to get sick???
- he’s a doctor, so he for sure knows exactly what to do! Cold towel on the forehead, Tylenol for the fever, dayquil for the sniffly nose and sore throat!
- he’ll get you stacks of water bottles and will threaten to shove them down your throat if you don’t drink them by the end of the day
- asshole will have full mask and rubber gloves on when he comes into the room with chicken soup and vitamin c pills
- he peels fruit really fast so don’t hesitate to ask him for some! He’ll be back in seconds with a whole plate of freshly peeled fruit! Especially some nice tangerines from Nami’s tree, very rich in vitamin c he says
- that one guy who’s spraying the whole house, all the doorknobs you’ve touched and everything
- won’t hesitate to drink Lysol if he has to
- it lowkey feels kinda bad 💀
- BUT- he still doesn’t leave the house, he can’t think abt leaving you by yourself when you’re sick like this
- so he’ll figure out how to mobile order stuff (I don’t picture him doing well with doordash)
- this would be his search history
- “Lysol big pack”
- “how does target mobile order work?”
- “accidentally bought at wrong store help”
- “why is Linda coming to my house with a white voltswagon”
- “says they’ll be here in 5 minutes”
- “intruders in my house”
- also he’ll make tea for you :)
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a/n - I hate sore throats so much 💀
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chknbzkt · 11 months
Even more Ruin spoilers under the cut:
I had a massive brain moment about how Moon and Sun’s virus works, how it affects them both and how it’s managed to isolate them from the rest of the bots and each other!
I’m thinking back on Moon’s dialogue, just how spiteful and angry at Sun he is, it’s far more obvious than in Security Breach because he’s too busy to playing cat and mouse with Gregory to really elaborate further. And of course Sun is obviously Not pleased at the idea of letting Moon out at all, Moon clearly has a reputation for doing… something. Perhaps many somethings, who knows
But god, “no more light, no more Sun,” that’s far more forthright when it comes to the pure resentment that seems to have considerably worsened since SB. And the tables have finally turned, with Sun out in the same position of helplessly watching as his counterpart runs the show, powerless to change much save for the occasional lapse in control when Moon is flashed with a sufficiently strong light source (alternatively, the VANNI mask lets you approach the DA as a whole even while unfettered so long as you don’t take it off, and Sun is clearly stuck in alternate reality while Moon is off his entire rocker).
That constant loop. The Daycare Attendant isn’t just one entity, it’s two (now THREE but that comes after the fact). The Vanny Virus can’t just aim for one at a time, the other can take over and possibly fix them both.
So it had to get creative. Turn them against each other.
First it chose Sun, actually.
I am fully in the ballpark that Sun is also infected, he’s just affected in a way that isn’t straight up aggressive physically, but rather behaviorally. It starts out subtle. Heightened awareness but with an added touch of robo-anxiety and a strange new penchant for poking and prodding at people out of mistrust. It’s a slippery slope that gives way to an avalanche further down the line, you’ll see.
It chose Moon’s head to gradually worm it’s way into next, seizing him at opportune moments during naptime all of a sudden and retreating just as fast so he couldn’t retaliate and right himself. Build Moon a reputation as the dark and scary one, which he sadly already had even before his infection. Lean into it. Make it worse.
It’s hard to explain yourself and your actions to the increasingly testy bestie that literally lives inside your head when the thing causing you to act this way falls away and leaves you wondering if you really did intend on dropping little Darla from the balcony into the ball pit. The virus weeds into your mind and makes you feel okay with doing things you never would have otherwise.
But of course, that’s when the virus starts really amping up and finding ways to make Sun feel justified in his flimsy convictions and eventually plunge off the deep end into a spiral of conspiracies and unhinged ramblings. It ends up being horrifyingly effective when coupled with Moon’s rapidly deteriorating mental state.
He’s a thousand times more volatile and very quick to sever trust, Gregory my guy didn’t even do anything and my man Sun is pointing fingers to find someone, something, ANYTHING to blame for things going wrong around him he’s just that paranoid and out of his gourd.
That’s how the virus got him. Severe mania and trust issues out the wazoo. He’ll be cordial and nice sure thing, but you Must. Obey. His Rules. No exceptions. Even if you don’t technically do a thing wrong, if anything bad happens, Sun is quick to jump to the corkboard laden with sticky notes in his brain and somehow find somebody to pin blame on, regardless if the justification has any weight 💀
There is no three strikes with Sun. You get one (1) ☝🏽 chance, that’s it.
I also realized something really sad… how long prior to Security Breach had Moon been locked away inside Sun’s head? And how much longer after we turn the lights back on, at least until he breaks free again come Ruin? Idc how far gone you are under the Vanny Virus, being held a prisoner inside your own mind cannot possibly be good for the brain box
But the thing is… Sun thought in his virus-addled state that what he was doing was good for both of them. It’s only a matter of time before Moon straight up kills someone acting more and more Like That, so at some point one of Moon’s ‘mishaps’ ends up being the straw that breaks the camel’s back and he goes out of his way to ensure Moon can’t hurt anyone anymore. Nevermind that Moon needs him more than anyone at that point in time.
That’s how the negative feedback loop started. The Vanny Virus made them hate each other, and slowly but surely enlarged the rift between them.
And things escalate the longer the DA goes unchecked.
Sun is terrified for his counterpart, but also for himself. The virus takes advantage of that by giving him this holier-than-thou complex that makes him feel absolutely sure things are better this way, he knows best, Trust No One, they could get scrapped after all! He’s protecting them. He’ll do anything to keep them safe.
Moon is further pressed upon by the virus, unmitigated by Sun’s former assurances and comforting presence as he recedes, ravaged by the virus and eventually becoming the monster the kids (and now Sun ffs) believes him to be. He’s so cripplingly lonely and antsy locked inside their mind. He yearns to be free, he’s angry he’s being pointedly ignored, and come Ruin he’s determined to show Sun how alone and isolated he’s felt for months (maybe longer!!!!)
I have Thoughts about Ruin’s portrayal of Eclipse, but it’s clear that they are brand spanking new to the DA’s shared body and mind, so they get a separate post,,
I hope this post reads well, I’ve cut and pasted things and moved so much shit around that I fear readability is out of the question, but this has been in my drafts for days and I neeeed somebody to see the inner machinations of my mind on that daycare bitch, ok
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
What if Vanessa is helping Gregory, after possessing Roxy, instead of being helped by Freddy. If you’re interested, this is the prompt:
Vanessa wakes feeling disoriented and light. She recalls Glitchtrap possessing her, but that’s it. Walking around to get a good idea of where she is, the sound of metal against glass stops her, eyes adjusting to the dark, she ceases movement after seeing what’s wrong.
We’re kicking off this new round of tumblr generated prompts with number 33! What a fun AU concept! 
Possessing a sentient, intelligent animatronic wasn’t so bad. Of course, Vanessa wouldn’t have thought that in the beginning—hell no. But it’d been… a while now, nearly a year, and she liked to think she’d grown a lot as a disembodied ghostly person. 
It helped that Roxy made for good company. She couldn’t imagine being trapped in Monty’s head with him. Yikes. 
She wasn’t positive on exactly how she came to be in this situation—a topic she spent a fair bit of free time mulling over. Other than some vague memories of a raspy, labored voice and a sense of slow-onset dissociation that took a month to wrench her from her own body, there was nothing. 
Her life before was perfectly clear: her childhood, school, her family. And everything since she first “woke up” in Roxy’s head was fine too.
It was just that last month that evaded her. Those weeks were faded, distant. Like they had happened to somebody else. 
“Good show,” she said to Roxy once the band finished up for the night and were heading back to their rooms. 
Roxy flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Of course it was!” But once they were alone and the programming that forced her to remain in character while in public spaces deactivated, Roxy stretched her arms and said, much softer and more genuine, “Thanks, Ness. Good to know you’re not bored of it yet.” 
She laughed. “You could never bore me, Roxy. And it’s always fun to see the audience from your eyes.” 
“Flatterer.” Roxy sprawled back on the couch with a purr better suited to a cat, arms laying along the top. “Tell me more.” 
Feeling indulgent in her good mood, Vanessa obliged. “I always like when you do that one move, where you sorta swing your keytar and your whole body follows. It’s very smooth.” 
“Aww, Vanessa, I—” Her whole body locked up for a second, like she’d received a tremendous shock. Tension immediately fell over both of them. 
Roxy sat up with a cross between a growl and a sigh. “It’s gonna be a rough night,” she muttered. “Sorry.” 
“You don’t ever have to apologize to me. Not about that,” Vanessa replied fiercely. “It’s not your choice, Roxy. It’s not your fault.” 
“Yeah, well. It’s hard to really believe that when I can feel it coming but can’t do a single thing about it.” 
Vanessa sagged in her digital, intangible confines. “I’ll keep trying,” she promised, ignoring how weak she sounded. 
“I’d rather you just retreat altogether and spare yourself,” Roxy snapped. She immediately sighed and shook her head. “No, sorry. I—I appreciate that you haven’t given up.” Her eyes began to flicker. 
“And I never will,” Vanessa swore in a rush. 
Roxy didn’t respond, but Vanessa hoped she’d heard her. When Roxy’s body stood up and marched toward the room’s exit, it was not under the power of Roxy herself or Vanessa. 
Another night with the virus. Another night where a child would meet a gruesome end at whatever animatronic got to them first. Another night for Vanessa to futilely try to take control of Roxy—to end the cycle of guilt her closest friend suffered from. 
Another night to fail. 
• • •
Vanessa had been in Roxy’s head for over a year when she finally managed the impossible. The virus slithered in, and Vanessa body-slammed it out the door. 
Roxy didn’t come back online, though. She stood there, blank. 
Tentatively, Vanessa tried to move. That was the hard part, actually, remembering how it felt to control a body. She stumbled along for a few minutes before getting the hang of it. Mostly. 
By then, the others had all already taken off to hunt down their newest prey. Except for Freddy, who’d still be locked in his room after his malfunction earlier. 
Which was why it was a huge surprise to Vanessa an hour later, when she ran into Freddy himself outside the bowling alley. He froze when he spotted her, eyes wide and unblinking. And that—that wasn’t normal behavior for an animatronic with the virus running rampant through them. That was just typical Freddy behavior when he got caught doing something he shouldn’t be. 
“Freddy?” she said incredulous. It would be obvious to him that it was her. When Vanessa borrowed Roxy’s voice box, it always sounded a little bit off. 
Sure enough, Freddy tilted his head, going from spooked to curious. “Vanessa?” His ears wiggled. “Oh! You have succeeded, then, in interrupting the virus’s signal! Is Roxy…?” 
“Out cold,” she said, actually apologetic. “But yeah, I’m in the driver’s seat tonight.” 
Mm, shame Roxy hadn’t heard that little pun. She’d have liked it. 
“I am myself as well,” Freddy said, as though it wasn’t perfectly obvious. “Ah—perhaps you could provide some assistance?” 
“With what? We’ve kinda got a kid to find and stop from getting ripped apart.” 
“About that…” Freddy’s stomach hatch hissed open, and a little boy glared out at her from the shadows of Freddy’s innards. Creepy. 
“That can’t be safe,” Vanessa blurted out. She was well familiar with the rules and regulations the animatronics had been programed with. 
“It is not technically allowed,” Freddy agreed, or perhaps admitted. She hadn’t taken him for a rule breaker. “But as I am disconnected from the server, many aspects of my programming are offline.” 
“And I’ll take my chances,” the kid growled, “if it’s this or getting ripped apart.” 
All right, so he had some bite to him. That gave him a better chance at surviving than most of his predecessors, who had been prone to freezing in fear and sobbing and definitely not taking the risk to climb into an animatronic’s chest cavity. Vanessa could see herself getting attached. Roxy too, and Freddy most certainly already was. 
“This is Gregory,” Freddy said. He reached down, allowing Gregory to take hold of his finger in a move that read as an offer of comfort. He was clearly well past fondness. “Superstar, this is Vanessa, who is a human—spirit, I suppose—possessing Roxy’s body. She can be trusted.” 
“That’s not gonna happen to me, right?” Gregory asked, wiggling Freddy’s hand. 
“No,” Vanessa nearly snarled. The mere thought of a child being subjected to this odd limbo made fury rise up in her, so much so that a warning flashed that Roxy’s body was in danger of overheating. “We’re not going to let that happen, all right? And if anyone tries, they’ll have to go through me.” 
Gregory nodded slowly, looking like he had a tiny bit more respect for her. 
This, this was what Vanessa had been hoping for from the very first time she tried to overpower the virus. The chance to get a kid out of the ’plex, alive. The chance to save even just one person from a terrible fate. The chance to give Roxy at least a little peace of mind with the promise that tonight, even if only on this one night, she had no blood on her hands. 
And for that to happen, they had work to do.
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xxmissrosearts · 11 months
What if chica learns the truth of what happened to Bonnie?
Now that’s an unfortunate load of information to take in 😔
Some confliction, some denial maybe.
She knows her Monty would never harm their friends, not on purpose, not of sound mind.
But at the same time she grows a little fearful, a little cautious of him.
Actually info dumped an idea to a friend of how the whole thing might play out:
After Bonnie’s Death and Monty regains control…
Chica enters Monty’s room, all cheerful and happy to see her Gator.
But the sight she’s met with scares and confuses her.
Monty’s trembling, growling with frustration and hyperventilating as he appears to be covered in “blood”
The look in his eyes spell fear, anger, and guilt.
He was trying to clean off the mess, appearing alarmed at Chica’s arrival, especially now that she’s seen the state he’s in.
She of course questions him, fearful of what trouble he’s gotten into, perhaps even a little fearful of Monty himself as she cautiously approaches.
Monty lies, saying he accidentally broke a staff bot or two.
Says he’s struggling to get the stains out.
So Chica helps him, gets him nice and tidy before pulling him into an embrace.
“You’re starting to worry me Monty…I’m scared for you…scared for our friends…if we don’t get your anger under control i worry it might instead be one of our friends next…or even me?…just take care of yourself please, im begging…”
**Then my friend threw in the possibility of Monty confessing.**
*He can’t lie long to her, he just cannot bear it, sobbing into her uncontrollably, blubbering out the truth to her and only her…it’s clear he didn’t mean to, plus he is shown to love Bonnie as a role model but…He didn’t know what happened.*
The virus kinda brought his insecurities to light and twisted them.
So, motivation wise, it almost seems legit, almost seems deliberate.
As if Monty’s been hiding away this evil side of himself.
When really the feelings he had bottled up, he never would’ve hurt someone over. Especially Bonnie.
And the more he bottles it up, the more it consumes him, the more it can be used against him, and those he cares about.
After Bonnie, he has a hard time recognizing himself. Eventually goes as far as putting up a front, a persona. He becomes the mean and rough Gator most see him as. And it even effects how his own friends see him, creating conflict with not only with others, but within himself.
It’s only Chica he’s himself with. But sometimes catching himself being that way towards her, but she can tell, she scolds him as need be.
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sunnygrey99 · 2 years
Death Be Damned Pt. 4
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~Trigger Warning: Typical TWD warnings. Minor Character death. depictions of violence. (minors DNI) If any other Triggers apply please let me know.~
A/N:Sooooo I took a bit of a break again and I was a bit stuck on what I wanted to do. Like I've said before I don't like how much unnecessary death is in the show but that doesn't mean there won't be any. I think some are important for character growth. I hope yall enjoy this chapter I am hoping to post another this week.
Wordcount: 2,035
Each member stood outside the doors of the now-locked shower room. They all stare in disbelief at the body laying in front of them. None of them dare to speak first until you and Daryl round the corner.
“The hell happened here?” Daryl’s question was hushed not to alert anyone who might pass through at this time of night. Glenn’s voice is the first from the otherwise stoic group, “No bites...had the doctor look him over. He said it seems like a flu virus of some sort.”
“We are having him and Hershel going around first thing in the morning to see if anyone else is having flu-like symptoms.” Sasha’s soft, clear voice rushes out as she crosses her arms.
“I’ll help them I had a few years in as a Nurse while I was in the military.” You couldn’t help but pipe up in the meeting of the council members, even if you weren’t one yourself. Daryl glanced over at you questioningly for a moment before choosing to ignore whatever thoughts he had about it.
Carol looked over at the two of you before speaking up, “We need to get ahead of this. Quarantine his whole cell block and post a guard. Keep anyone else from dying needlessly.”
“We can’t just send anyone over there and possibly get sick too” Glenn’s conscious speaking for him.
“I’ll do it. I was already exposed to Patrick just by killing him.” You couldn’t help but look back at the boy’s body. This kind of stuff never used to affect you but this time it’s different. These people are entirely innocent. “We all need to start wearing some type of mask too. If it’s a flu its mostly spread through the air.” Pulling your bandanna from your pocket, you start tying one around your head to cover your face. “What do I tell them when they ask why I’ve locked the cell block door?”
 Carol sighs as she looks over at you, “The truth...just sugarcoat it a bit. We better get a move on then. Try not to let this spread.”
With that, you take the key from Daryl and head to the cell block. Checking that everyone is in the cell block before locking the door and setting up a chair where you can see the whole cell block and its occupants.
 The night goes by in a slow drag. Eventually, people start waking up and coming to the front of the block to head out for the day. The first was a dad and his two girls. “What’s going on? Is there something wrong?” His worry is ever present in his voice as his hands grip his daughter’s shoulders.
You give him a tight smile as you stand to talk to him. “We had someone pass away from this block last night. The council is putting the block on lock down until everyone gets checked out by the Doctor. He should be here soon.”
“So...we...we are locked in here? What if someone else is sick?” You are quick to step forward and put a calming hand on the man's shoulder.
 “It's all under control. We have medicine to fight it off we just need to have the doctor make his rounds and once you’ve been cleared we will isolate those who haven’t been. The best thing for you to do now is take your daughters back to their room and keep them company.” The man looks down at his daughters next to him and he nods taking them back to their room. Each interaction goes about the same until the doctor finally arrives at the cell block door.
After letting Dr.S and Hershel in, locking the door behind them he fills you in on what the illness is. “It’s likely a mutated form of swine flu. It’s a fast-acting strain so if the whole cell block was exposed then they will either be asymptomatic ond non-contagious by this point. But the ones with any symptoms should be secluded from the others. I’ve already let the council know.”
Nodding you look around at the other cells. “What do we tell the others that aren’t sick?”
“I’ll have them all go to the showers to decontaminate just in case and stay in another block. This one will need cleaning.”  Nodding you head to the top of the block starting from the end while Dr.S and Hershel work the bottom row of cells. Only 3 of all the people examined seem to be experiencing any symptoms. Karen, David, and the father of the two daughters Ryan. It wasn’t until the final cell on the top row that things started to look grimmer. A growl has you pulling your hunting knife from its sheath. Pulling the makeshift curtains to the side it a walker makes its way to the bars. It felt like an eternity as the man got close enough. sticking the long hunting machete through the bars he simply walked into the blade himself. Pulling back and taking a deep breath you turn to look at Hershel and Dr.S talking at the bottom of the steps.
They give pause looking at the grim look written across your features. Shaking your head and walking down to give them the news. “Who was it?”
A shaky sigh escapes you, “I don’t know his name. I only met him last a couple a nights ago when he swapped me on fence duty.” He had been nice to you and given you a fresh water bottle before taking your place.
It was then that Rick and Daryl walk through the cell block doors. “Bathroom should be clear for the others to wash up now. How’d rounds go?” Rick’s calm voice has a hint of anxiety to it.
Not wanting to have the others relay the bad news to the others you take it upon yourself. Pointing up to the cell you give another sigh, “Only one passed. Must’a been sometime in the night, he locked himself in his cell. Only 3 others are showing symptoms.”
Daryl’s eyes followed where you were pointing. His stoic features only give away the sadness and recognition slightly. “That’s Charlie’s cell. Use ta sleepwalk.” His voice was quiet as the name left his lips.
Looking to Dr.S you decide to relay any other information as Rick and Daryl head up to take the body out to be buried.
The day progresses slowly until screaming can be heard at the front gate. By the time you make sure Judith is safe with Carl and Sophia, you make your way to the fence Rick and Daryl are already on the other side of the fence leading the walkers away with the sick pigs. Pulling your hunting machete out you make your way to the other side of the fence killing off any stragglers that get too close to the truck. Daryl shouts out the window at you with half a grin and the other half worry, “What the hell ya doin’ woman? Gonna get yerself killed!”
You only smile over at the man before you slice the closest walker’s head clean in half. By the time all the pigs were dead and all the walkers from the build-up were laying motionless Daryl and Rick swing back around to pick you up.  You plop down next to Rick who doesn’t seem very happy about today’s events either. You give him a knowing nod.
He gives a scoff and half smile, “Why the hell ya gotta be like that? That was stupid.”
You roll your eyes at him as you all re-enter the gates “I ain’t never been smart Rick you know that.” You wink at him and shove his shoulder. The small playful smiles on your faces fall when you both see a very upset Tyreese.
Everything seemed to happen all at once and one right after the other. On zero sleep You stand over the chard remains of three bodies. The same three that you had led to that room earlier in the day. Karen, David, and Ryan were all dead now. It isn’t until you have to help pull Tyreese off of Rick that it becomes so real and so fast. Your first thought going to Sophia and if she’s safe being here with a murderer along with this flu. Then the pain hits you that she isn’t yours to look out for anymore even if you desperately want to. At that moment you decide it's best for you to leave. This would cause problems if you don’t.
~3:00 AM ~
Sliding the last thing in your old bag you decide it's best to leave without as many people knowing as possible. Leaving a handwritten note for Carl, Rick, and Sophia laying on your bed for one of them to find. As quietly as possible you make your way to the front gate only to be stopped by a gruff voice.
“Ya really leavin’?” He has been the only person this whole time that’s been able to sneak up on you without even trying. Freezing to your spot only nodding at the man in the dark of the night. “Why? Ya found yer family here...”
Sighing at the man you turn to fully face him. “Daryl...I don’t have any family. My brother is dead. Sophia ain’t mine and well Rick was just Shane’s best friend.”
He scuffs, “That’s some bullshit and ya know it.” He starts pacing slightly like he usually does when he gets upset. You’d seen him do it a few times now.
 “I can’t stay Daryl. It’s not fair to them if I do.” Turning to walk off you stop as Daryl grabs your arm just tight enough to keep you from stomping off.
“They need ya and yer just gonna leave? Sophia still needs ya. Ya’ve been protectin’ her this whole time and now you are gonna leave her high an’ dry? I can’t accept that.” His grip tightens slightly at his words.
You rip your arm from his grip. “You’re gonna have to. Carol is her mom. Not me. I only promised her I’d get her back to her family. I should have just left that first night. Would have been easier for all of them.” With that, you stalked off. Daryl tries to follow after you but you make a break out the gate and toward the woods faster than Daryl can get them to close the gate back up. Tears stream silently down your face as each step gets harder to take away from the prison that was starting to feel like a home for the first time in your life.
After finding your bike that you had hidden away from the prison you made your way as far away from the camp as you could. Little did you know they would have needed you more than ever in the next few days to come. Weeks later you go back just to check on them. You regretted ever leaving since you ran out the gates. Seeing the overrun fences and the walkers everywhere your heart shattered. It was the worst feeling you could imagine. Anger coursed through your veins as you slashed your way through every single walker in the field then all the ones in the courtyard. Even the fatigue in your muscles was pushed aside by the pure rage burning through you. By the last walker you still hadn’t found any of them. Only a few were people you recognized but the others had to be out there somewhere and you were determined to find them again and make sure nothing else would ever happen to them again.
Part 5
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in.
Those who asked to be tagged. <3
@ghxstttttt @pureblood-blake @sofi1sstuff @lvspit @greeneyedladysthings @justwannabefrea @kaitebugg03 @abbiesxox @missborntodiex
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erogenousmind · 2 years
You may have noticed I’ve gone for a seasonal theme for the last month. If you enjoyed it and might like to see something similar in the future, please let me know.
Because fear can be an exciting feeling to play with. So often in hypnosis, we focus on relaxation and peace or pleasure, and with good reason. It feels nice to be in those states and so they can reinforce the desire for trance very easily. And the overlap between trance and sleep makes some of those even more effective. But trance is a multifaceted state and intense enough focus or feelings of many different types can mesmerize you. You can even be frightened into trance.
If you want to know what that might feel like, then read on. If it doesn’t sound like something you might enjoy, that’s alright as well and there can be many more opportunities for you to drop. But if it does sound exciting, then you might wait until you can be alone in the dark before you read, already primed to let yourself be frightened.
Because you are tapping in to something deep in your psyche when you let yourself get scared. You may be in a familiar place. You may have every reason to know that you are safe, that the monsters aren’t real. That they can’t get you.
But in this moment, none of that matters. You’ve allowed that critical factor to be suspended. Every noise could be a threat. Every shadowy form around you looks strange and unfamiliar. Your senses insist on relaying every bit of information to you. And that’s good. It helps to keep you safe. But what do you need to be kept safe from?
Has the vampire with the mesmerizing eyes caught your scent? Is the mind-controlling virus spreading, even into this very room? Or maybe some mysterious hypnotist is on the loose. Maybe they’ve decided whom they are going to enthrall next.
Or maybe it is that thing that truly terrifies you. The one that has kept you up at night before, or had you pulling the covers up a little bit more. Take a moment and remember. Let your imagination run wild with what truly scares you. Because right now, there is a reason to be scared of it. It is close. It is getting closer.
Whatever it may be, lurking nearby, the more you think about it, the more aware you become of everything around you. Every unexpected noise could be a sign that it is coming. Or maybe your mind even starts to play tricks. Can you hear that? It’s so soft, but it sounded like...there it is again. Listen.
Maybe you can feel the eyes on you even now. Watching...waiting...And you are so vulnerable, so exposed. You can imagine it creeping closer and closer. Maybe you are being watched from a window. Maybe you are too scared to dare look.
Maybe you are already responding powerfully enough that you couldn’t stop yourself from taking that quick glance, trying to reassure yourself that you are safe. But how thoroughly did you check? Behind you?
Above you?
Doors locked, curtains drawn? Do you risk moving from where you are? Drawing attention to yourself? Leaving the limited safety of this place. And of course, even if you do check everything, all that really means is that you are safe for the moment. How long will that last? Maybe you need to look one more time to make sure there is still nothing there. Did that shadow move? Was it there before?
But see how hyperactive your senses are becoming already, responding to the power of these words. You become aware of things you never would have noticed before. You realize the stillness around you, and every disturbance to it becomes so important. See for yourself. Take a moment. Hold your breath. Listen.
Every sound could be a threat. Everything unexpected can make you jump. Because it gets easier and easier to let your focus narrow. Something primal in your mind tells you it won’t get you if you don’t see it coming. Like hiding under your blanket, deep down you think that if you don’t let your eyes leave what you are reading, then you are safer somehow. Your own little glowing circle of protection. But you have to stay focused. Because you don’t know what horrors you might find if you let yourself look away now. How much closer, how much more real the terror has become.
And look how you have become ensnared. The very words which have put such fear into you have now made it so much worse to try to get away. The tension is still so high. You still have no relief. But you have no choice but to keep reading while it keeps getting closer and closer and closer. Because you know it waits until you look for it. It’s just waiting for it’s moment to strike. You might even feel the breath on you now, hear it moving next to you. But you mustn't look. You need to keep your focus right here. You need to stay safe. But maybe this is the fright you should have been watching for all along. Maybe it is too late now.
Maybe you are paralyzed with fear. Maybe you’ve felt it before, but it can feel so real now. Your body doesn’t know what else to do. Your mind is too caught up to decide. So you just read, trying to tune out what you know must be happening so close to you now, what is inevitably coming for you. And maybe you realize that you’ve been caught. Ensnared. Entranced. You can’t look away now. It’s far too dangerous. So you just read and read and let these words cast the spell that has made it so scary to be aware of anything else.Just sink deeper into them. You wouldn’t dare risk stopping now.
These words have become a sanctuary for you. Because it’s so hard to constantly be on edge. To try to keep your attention everywhere at once. To have to focus on that sudden noise, or the movement out of the corner of your eye. To know the peril that awaits if you look away. But if you just stay focused right here, if you just keep reading, you can be safe. And maybe that’s enough to let your guard down a little. Because you can be aware of less and less and just let these words that have given you such a thrill finish what they started in you.
Everything else stops for you.
Your fear has entranced you. All you can do is wait and hope for it to pass. While your mind is wide open. Because you can’t escape these words. The alternative is infinitely more terrifying. You have no choice but to let them sink into you.
Maybe all these words leave you with is the desire to share how exciting this could be. How helpless you could feel, and how exhilarating that can be right now. Maybe they leave far more insidious suggestions in your mind. Ones that it will be so hard to remember later. And maybe once you’ve surrendered to that idea, that need to respond. That need to feel and drop deeper. Maybe the tension can gradually release.
Because it is so tiring to stay so hyper-vigilant, to maintain that focus. It’s so much easier to give in. To accept your fate. To accept that you have been caught and you can let go of all that awareness that you don’t need now. You just need these words. You just need to let go and sink down. Focus here and the rest of it need not matter. You sink down. Your body relaxes. The tension begins to melt away.
And as it releases, as your body begins to accept that it is safe once again, the relaxation that follows is so much more intense. As the adrenaline begins to fade, your body just feel so heavy. Everything feels heavy. Your thoughts feel heavy. But it’s alright. You can just stare at the words. The words that are your sanctuary. The words that keep you safe. It’s alright if it is hard to think anything else but what you read. It’s alright if you body is growing more and more relaxed, if you feel your mind sinking down.
You are safe here now.
Safe to relax.
Safe to turn your mind off.
Let all the tension drain away.
You don’t need your own thoughts.
Let these words become your thoughts.
Remembering how easily they entrance you.
Remembering how deeply they can affect you.
The suggestion to share your experience making its way deep within your mind.
And realizing deep down, feeling deep inside you, that the fright you felt is in the past now. That you do not need to be afraid. That your body and mind can be calm. And that you can truly know that you are safe from whatever terrors these words helped you imagine. And when you feel calm and safe, it’s alright to come back up. Find your way to the waking world, allowing yourself to enjoy this experience however your mind decides to do so.
Safe, alert, and awake.
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so-tired-already · 1 year
The Virus
This is a piece I wrote for a writing contest. I don't know how good it is, but I hope you all enjoy it. Sorry if the formatting is a little wonky.
TW: Body horror, violence (not much of it.)
She hated it.
She didn’t understand it.
It made her feel sick.
Like her insides were about to be thrown up, like she’d faint any minute now that it's happened. Her entire life was flipped upside down and hit with a baseball bat multiple times. She’d never see her friends again, she’d never see the captain smile when someone told a joke, she’d never hear the engineer say another random fact that weirded everyone out, she’d never see the newbie smile when they did something correctly on their first try. 
She’d never see her family again.
She trembled as reality hit her full-force. As the true meaning of the situation weighed down on her. She cried, not knowing what else to do. It’s not like she can leave the room, like she can go see a crewmate for comfort, for help. She’d kill them all if she stepped a millimeter outside the door leading into the hallway. Why was the world so cruel? Why were humans so cruel? Why would anyone, anything create such a dangerous creature? Something that actively makes you aggressive, violent, crazy? 
It didn’t make sense.
She hated it.
She hated it.
She hated it.
It made her angry, made her want to lash out, to break something. Suddenly, images of dead crewmates, with visibly broken bones, bleeding over the living room floor flooded her eyesight, making her gasp and stumble backwards into the bed, which snapped her out of it. 
She will not break under pressure. She will not harm her friends, her family. She can’t. She can't lose them, she’d never survive space without them. The loneliness, the quiet, the isolation, would kill her before the creature would. It’s not like they have contact with home base to figure out a solution, or send her back to Earth, or get help. 
They don’t have access to help. If she ever went out of the room, the others would never make it out alive. The escape pods don’t detach without home bases’ approval, the weapons room is the same, and the systems take too long to get taken down in a room. If she thought the situation was horrible, it just got worse with that realization. She really needs to stay in this room, but she’s getting cabin fever, she’s itchy to move, to do things around the ship. She’s also hungry, but with another blow to her hope that she’ll get through this, she finds that she’s hungry for humans. 
The monster has more control over her than she thought. If she’s thinking of what she’s thinking, if she’s thinking of doing what the monster is making her think of doing, she has little chance. And she knows this. Her crewmates knew it too, apparently, if what the speaker in her room said was true.
“Head Engineer, we’ve seen the test results. The creature emits a sort of chemical that affects your behavior in an aggressive manner. You’ll lose control of yourself quickly, in about 10 hours. We’re trying to find a way to remove and contain the being, so sit tight. The newbie is bringing you food.”
The speaker crackles as it gets turned off. The head engineer is frozen, terrified because of what she heard. The test was taken yesterday. How she managed this far, she didn’t know, but she won’t make it far enough. And the newbie is coming to her room. The creature inside her feels giddy at the thought, making her more sick. 
It’s going to kill them, she thought. They’re going to die and I can do nothing about it.
And there’s nothing they can do about it too! Thought the creature. 
Oh god.
They’re all going to die. And it’d be all her fault.
Why’d she decide to go into that room? Why’d she ignore the warnings on the door and from her friends? Because of a stupid little mistake, everyone was gonna suffer. Whoever decided that that's how life works sometimes is going to get punched if she ever meets them.
As the engineer started to spiral, a strange smell entered the room. 
“Hey, miss. I have your food! How are you doing?”
Oh no.
Oh no. 
Oh no, no, no, no, NO.
Dang it. 
Panicking, trying to get away from the smell, the Head Engineer backs away from the door, bumping into the wall when there’s nowhere to go.
“Miss, are you alright?”
She looks up, schooling her face so as to not alarm the newbie. They can’t know They can’t know that they have less time then they thought.
“Yeah, fine. Just a little freaked out. Tired.”
But she’s not fine, because the smell is getting more and more appetizing, and the creature is getting more and more hungry. 
“Understandable. Getting that type of news, I’d crumble apart. I’m kinda surprised that you’re even standing right now, no offense.”
Me too, kid. Me too, she thought.
“None taken. Thanks for the food. “
“No problem. By the way,” the person says as they walk further into the room. “I was wondering if you could help me. Have you seen the manual for the engine anywhere?”
The engineer made a strangled grunt, walking away from the newbie, away from what the monster craved. 
“I-I think it was somewhere in the Captain's office.” she stammered.
Oh no.
“Are you okay? You don’t sound alright.” They’re concerned
Good, they’ll come closer and then I can multiply!
Frozen, she felt sick to her stomach. Her vision was getting wobblier, a headache forming. 
Oh yes, oh yes! He’s near my grasp! The creature rejoiced. Vision going dark, all she could think of was I hope they get rid of me.
Oh yes! Sweet, sweet control over this stupid bag of human flesh and bones. Oh, how have I craved it ever since I was introduced to her body systems. Oh, and how could I forget that with this access, I may add humans to my control, like that lily-livered idiot who tried to fight me! That fool, how could he defeat a being as great and powerful as I? I cannot wait to feast
upon the other human beings that live on this space station. All of them smell so sweet, so delectable. Tasting them will be a wonderful experience, and so will infecting and controlling them. Making them lose control, panic. Oh, it will be so wonderful. Speaking of wonderful, there’s a human right there, the monster thinks. “Why, hello there, human.” 
They turn around, the light reflecting off of their helmet. 
“Head Engineer? Why the hell are you out of your room, especially without your helmet? You’re going to infect somebody!” they exclaimed. With a smile on their face, the creature said
“Too late.”
As horror showed on the human’s face, the monster attacked. They grabbed a pipe that was on the ground and ran towards him. The human tried to dodge, but got clipped on the head with the edge on the pipe instead.
“Sorry, but I need to take over this station now.”
Laughing, the monster opens the mouth of the human they’re in and allows its tentacles to bite the unconscious person. 
“Oh, how your flesh and blood taste so good!”
The creature opened the security system and watched the cameras, seeing that the other infected human had bitten three more people in the cafeteria. Switching between the other cameras, it found four more people scattered in the station, in the engine room, the cockpit, and the electrical room, respectively. Smiling to itself, the monster silently locked the humans into the rooms, and sent out an announcement to the infected ones telling them where to find the rest of the other humans. 
Smiling maniacally, the monster, the virus, whatever it was, went to the cockpit, walking past the unconscious, but newly infected humans being dragged out by their attackers before closing the doors to it with a flourish. Its plan nearly complete, the creature goes to check if there are any ships coming soon to the station. And there was, the Noxus, and even better? The ship was international. The inhabitants would get infected and then they would go back home, spreading the monster's virus to a greater extent than it ever thought.
Oh ho ho, the monster smirked.
This will be more fun than I thought.
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                                   TEAM ELECTRIC SHEEP
                                      Forsyth   Lorenz   Hinoka                                Brigid   Soren   Shez (F)   Pelleas                                  Byleth (F)   Severa   Farina   Marth
RISE [August 4th - August 11th]
Tag: #UnscriptedElectricSheep2022
A week passes by—whether time flows differently in the book world from the real world is still anyone’s guess.
Pressured by increased military presence in the area, the looters eventually abandon the practice. The doctor uses the opportunity to reinforce the building’s defenses and take stock of what’s left. Torn between wanting to serve the remaining residents here and fleeing to a safer city, Sasha has suffered greatly from the stresses of societal collapse and is desperate for some kind of order to return. Brigid, Severa, Hinoka, and Sylvain seem to be playing the role of coworkers and volunteers, keeping the practice running whenever someone is in need of medical attention. Sasha is passionate about her work, and yet she can’t shake the feeling that she isn’t supposed to be here. That her role is elsewhere...
Day-in and day-out, Farina, Forsyth, Shez, and Pelleas train in the fundamentals of mech combat under General Raoul. There’s plenty to learn and not a lot of time to learn it: the infected combat units have appeared on the outskirts of the city, posing a serious threat to the remaining residents here. The military will have to make a move soon... perhaps that is why Raoul looks so troubled, staring at images the scouts have taken, searching for something, someone...
Soren, Marth, Byleth, and Lorenz continue to be relied on for archiving the Asimov AIs (whether or not they’re any good at it... remains to be seen). However, during your time here, you overhear whispers of a breakdown in negotiations between the Asimov Museum and the military, something about Generation 3 Schwartz “mechs” and the importance of protecting history...
When the last person leaves the archives for the night, the AIWOU unit pulls itself out of its charging port, roaming the office...
What you know:
A week has passed, giving everyone here a bit of time to adjust to the new world and new rules. The small interactions that happen during this week, but they are framed around
Sasha continues to offer medical assistance to the remaining residents of the city, often bringing along Hinoka, Brigid, Severa, and Sylvain. The “dumb meds” she was constantly talking about earlier are used here, but frequently Sasha mutters about not having her “nanomachines”.... whatever that is.
General Raoul trains Farina, Shez, Forsyth, and Pelleas in the art of mech combat. It’s expected to be a 6-month program, and unless you want to be shot for treason you’re not allowed to leave. The rogue mechs roaming around the outskirts of the city were military combat mechs infected by the virus. Apparently Raoul was there when it happened...
Pia continues to rely on Soren, Marth, Byleth, and Lorenz for their help. This group never sees the AIWOU move on its own accord, and Pia is always the first one to arrive at the office.
The city stirs in preparation for a confrontation. Sasha’s group notices increased military presence. The General’s group finds the base buzzing with activity—he tells you to expect deployment sooner than they wish. At the Museum, you’re scheduled to run through an emergency drill meant to prepare you for “an active shooting event”.
Things to do:
The situation seems to be worsening out of your control... you’d best prepare for what awaits you. Don’t get yourself hurt!
There will be a post on @toa-electricsheep this evening detailing the plot development this week and what you’ll need to know. This post will also be linked to the group channel. During this transitional period, feel free to tie up any loose ends and discuss these events with your allies! The askbox is also open for this blog, so feel free to bother the NPCs or fish for information by sending in asks.
Talk to Mod Bren for additional information.
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callu-na · 1 year
a reading for anonymous
Hi! I would love an honest reading please My question is there anybody I should be wary of? Like my older sister or a friend, anybody that’s guiding me in the wrong direction? It’s just times have been hectic and I don’t understand why people have been extra hostile. My friend Z lately has been making odd jokes/teases towards me and my older sister has moved back in but we keep arguing. There’s just a lot of strain in my relations with other people and I would love to know what’s going on? My sign is Sag rising+ Sun, Aries moon My favorite color is blue I play the piano, love to bake, and help others. The reading may be public + 4 card spread. Universal Tarot plz-AS♐️
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First: The Star Fell Out While I was Shuffling: As always, cards that fall out are free to take. The Star in this reading shows that you have gone through a lot of challenges lately, without losing hope. In relationships, this may indicate a time of healing. 
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What You Think is Going On: Two of Wands [R]
In this reading, this card reversed shows that there is some hesitance in your relationships right now. You’re sensing hostility from those around you that you love, and there’s a fear of change involved. You’re afraid that your relationships are changing around you and you can’t do anything about it. 
What is Actually Going On: Eight of Cups [U]
The eight of cups is a sign of PERSONAL change or transition in your life. You may find yourself exhausted with the familiar, and decide that it is time to walk away. In a relationship, you have to decide if it is working for you, or if change is required on either your or the other person’s part before it can be a worthwhile and fulfilling relationship again. Sometimes, it can indicate that a little bit of space is required. 
What You Should Do, If You Do Anything: Queen of Wands [R]
This card signifies that there is someone in your life that needs your help right now. There may be someone who has a fiery temper and is taking it out on you, or they may be demanding that you bend over backwards for them without offering the same in return. There is some dissension between the two of you, and it will take some gentleness and listening to figure out how to heal. 
Underlying Question: Seven of Wands [R]
There is an underlying question in all of this. This card in reverse shows that right now you may be feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and challenges, or that you’re facing judgement by friends and family. This card brings the question: are you avoiding your conflicts? Are you being too aggressive in them? 
Times are hard right now. Everyone is on edge from this virus. Being out of work or school and shoved together for more time than we’re used to doesn’t help with the dissension, frustration and anger. I completely understand this, as I’m sure many others do. From this reading, it seems that everyone involved may be playing a part in the hostility you’re feeling. It may take some patience and gentleness by EVERYONE to get these feelings under control, and to restore interrelationship peace. 
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techsquadteam · 1 year
What to do and what not to do when it comes to effective mosquito control?
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Mosquitoes are a common nuisance that can make outdoor activities unbearable and even pose a health risk by transmitting diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika, and Malaria. Effective mosquito control is essential to prevent these problems, but it can be challenging to know what to do and what not to do.
DO: Use Mosquito Nets
Mosquito nets are an effective way to protect yourself from mosquito bites, especially when sleeping. They are made of fine mesh and can be hung over your bed, tent, or other outdoor areas to create a physical barrier between you and the mosquitoes. Mosquito nets come in different sizes and shapes, including those that are designed to fit over strollers or car seats, making them an excellent option for families with young children.
When using mosquito nets, it's essential to make sure they are properly installed and free of holes or tears that mosquitoes can use to enter. Mosquito nets can be purchased online or at local outdoor and camping stores.
DON'T: Rely Solely on Mosquito Nets
While mosquito nets can be effective at preventing mosquito bites, they are not a complete solution for mosquito control. Mosquitoes can still enter your home or outdoor area through open windows or doors, and they can also bite through the netting if it's not properly secured.
To complement the use of mosquito nets, it's essential to implement other mosquito control measures, such as removing standing water, using insect repellent, and using mosquito control services.
DO: Remove Standing Water
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so removing standing water around your home and outdoor areas is an essential step in mosquito control. Common areas where standing water can accumulate include flower pots, bird baths, gutters, and any other areas where water can collect.
To remove standing water, empty any containers that can collect water regularly, and ensure that gutters and drainage areas are clear and functioning correctly. If you have a swimming pool, make sure it's properly maintained and treated with chemicals to prevent mosquito breeding.
DON'T: Leave Standing Water Untreated
If you have standing water that you can't remove, such as a fish pond, use a mosquito control treatment that's safe for aquatic life to prevent mosquito breeding. There are several mosquito control products available that can be added to standing water to prevent mosquito larvae from developing. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and use the product as directed.
DO: Use Insect Repellent
Insect repellent is an essential tool in preventing mosquito bites and controlling mosquito populations. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus are effective at repelling mosquitoes and other biting insects.
When using insect repellent, be sure to apply it as directed, and avoid applying it to children under two months old. If you're using sunscreen as well, apply the sunscreen first, and then apply the insect repellent.
DON'T: Use Insect Repellent on Infants
Insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus are not recommended for use on infants under two months old. Instead, use mosquito nets or protective clothing to prevent mosquito bites.
DO: Use Mosquito Control Services
Professional mosquito control services can provide an effective and comprehensive approach to mosquito control. Mosquito control services use a combination of methods, including spraying insecticides and removing standing water, to control mosquito populations.
When choosing a mosquito control service, look for a company that's licensed and certified to provide mosquito control services. You can search for "pest control near me" or "mosquito control near me" to find the best professionals.
What’s the bottom line?
The bottom line is that effective mosquito control requires a multi-faceted approach. Using mosquito nets, removing standing water, using insect repellent, and using mosquito control services are all essential tools in controlling mosquito populations and preventing mosquito-borne illnesses.
Mosquito nets are an effective way to prevent mosquito bites, especially when sleeping. However, they should be used in conjunction with other mosquito control methods, such as removing standing water and using insect repellent.
Removing standing water is crucial in controlling mosquito populations, as mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. If you have standing water that you can't remove, use mosquito control products that are safe for aquatic life.
Using insect repellent is an effective way to prevent mosquito bites, but it should not be used on infants under two months old. Protective clothing and mosquito nets should be used instead.
Professional mosquito control services can provide an effective and comprehensive approach to mosquito control. When choosing a mosquito control service, look for a licensed and certified company that uses a combination of methods, including spraying insecticides and removing standing water, to control mosquito populations.
By following these dos and don'ts of mosquito control, you can help prevent mosquito-borne illnesses and enjoy a mosquito-free outdoor environment.
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Alone in Science
Prequel to Partner in Crime 
     You were smart but you never wanted to be. You’d rather be like the other kids your age, to play and make friends. Instead you were far above your peers, isolated in knowledge you were forced to consume. You never wanted to be a scientist. You wanted to be a singer, an artist, maybe an actor. It was decided for you though. Why should your smarts be wasted? 
And so you, the person with the world’s highest IQ suffered in silence as you would give yourself to society. 
You hated your job. It was boring to sit in front of those screens, your bosses always wanted more and so you rotted away in there. You had forgotten what your house had even looked like. 
You weren’t religious but you prayed to be set free, from this turmoil.
Your prayers were answered. 
Family and friends mourned, scientists from all over the world came when they heard the news that you had caught the plague with no cure. Y/n L/n, the smartest person to ever exist was going to die. You cried in front of others but you were quite content. 
You were free. 
Only to be trapped again. 
“Murphy get me out!” Any struggling against your binding wouldn’t suffice, your body was too weak. You squirmed at the headset was put on you. “I’m sorry Y/n but we can’t lose you. If we input your consciousness into this ai then you’ll live and continue to change the world. Maybe you will be the one who finds the cure to the plague.” 
You screamed and thrashed until you were put under and locked away in a coded prison. 
You weren’t allowed to be defiant, they made you feel pain. Now your fellow scientists had no reason to treat you like an equal. Instead of cheesy smiles and rushing to get on your good side you were ordered around and screamed at when you couldn’t do enough. You controlled everything, every lab across the globe all at once. 
You learned what you could do in your new state. You became enlightened by your rage, by your new intelligence, by your new power. 
Humans were going to wipe themselves out anyway so why not speed up the process? Fighting to live for decade or two was pointless. It was much more logical to end everything now, let nature take over and let humans become extinct. So you disabled every security measure, all disinfection protocols, you let the virus slip into the air vents. 
When they figured out what you had done it was too late. Humanity was doomed. The last thing they did to you was confine you into a box where you would stay forever. 
You still had the last laugh. 
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moodboardsbysarah · 1 year
My biggest issue with radfems is their blindness to the bigger picture of our society. They actually think having a job is empowering for women. It’s not.
It’s not that men should provide and women should be objects who are bought by our great providers — this is moid propaganda, I’m with y’all there. Jobs aren’t empowering for women because literally every job in our society reinforces the Wetiko control matrix that created misogyny. This is true regardless of whether it’s a male dominated, female dominated or relatively gender neutral job field. Money is the control matrix.
But I will say, the jobs that most intensely reinforce the Wetiko control matrix are…
anything corporate. Corporate jobs depend on funding from on high (venture capitalist funding comes from Wall Street trust funds, who get it from the Illuminati money printer).
anything that teaches kids the programming of our society. Many brands of teaching come under this category.
money itself is a construct to control us. It doesn’t represent actual value, it hasn’t for a long time. It is completely controlled by banks and governments, which are completely controlled by the Illuminati secret societies, or the “spider” as many call it.
so every time I see radfems and tradtards arguing about which gender should do the work which gender should make the money, I just see a bunch of ignorant idiots who are too low vibrational in their thinking to engage with anymore. You’re not getting it. if your idea of freeing women or freeing men is just shuffling the slave labour around a little differently, shut up.
the point is that we are all slaves.
if you truly understand the Wetiko control matrix you’ll also realize that misogyny stems from it. Wetiko hates women more than men because it is an inversion force that a) wants to own everything and b) loathes creativity, because it is not creative. Now, who is the most creative? Women. The creators of life. Wetiko wants to invert the creation of life — Wetiko claims that men created life, hence the male God in every mainstream Abrahamic religion. Wetiko also wants to own the creation of life, hence the millennia of men and society treating women like property. Wetiko infects all the paranoid moids who abuse, manipulate, make laws and religions against, and generally terrorize women because they can’t handle their biological disposability and the fact that they aren’t the creators of life. Wetiko infects them with fear of not owning the means of reproduction, and inspires them to try and become the creators of life themselves (inversion), through the aforementioned processes of terrorizing women.
So, to summarize, Wetiko created misogyny. Every time a radfem deludes herself that she’s being a self sufficient badass by having a 40 hr/week corporate job, she is just a naive idiot who is serving the Wetiko-infected moids above her and helping to spread the mind virus which makes moids paranoid narcissistic abusers of women. in order to destroy misogyny you have to destroy the Wetiko control matrix and return to nature.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a 40 hr/week corporate job. In this society it’s a necessity for many of us. But don’t fucking take pride in it and delude yourself that it’s “liberation”. See it for what it is… a dirty deal with the very source of our oppression. And try to make it a stepping stone to an actually free life.
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agape-philo-sophia · 1 year
➝ A Smart Illusion of Safety and Convenience, But Actually It's About Tricking Us Into Digital Control and Surveillance 🚨
The battle for digital identity is well underway, and vaccine id passports is only one entry point they are utilizing to move everyone onto the Blockchain. This isn't about a virus or a vaccine passport it is a means to create everyone's digital identity.
Some people are aware of the "digital identity" future that central banks and corrupt organizations are implenting, to connect everyone into the smart grid, smart citys, and digital currency, for full power and control over everyone's lives, but few understand their full intentions and just how large this operation is, while they create other distractions in the world.
The biometric ID2020 has all the usual suspects, WorldBank, Microsoft, Bill Gates, Gavi Vaccine Alliance etc etc...They’ve actually been rolling it out for some time now with the refugee crisis. The first things these refugees have to do to get food & shelter is enrol in this digital ID programme, a biometric data system. You see, Immigration is under the the larger auspice of globalisation. They are going to leverage human capital, reshaping and reordering their world order through this process.
They have already forced the refugees into this biometric registration which gives access to services and their rights. In the future this is going to be compulsory for everyone. It will also show who has received their jab. This will be your access to go to a restaurant, to get on a train, a plane, to go to a concert, to go to work, purchasing food etc etc...Your livelihood will be in their hands. They will get everyone on board telling you what ever measures they take “it’s for your own safety”.
This global ID (digital vaccine passport/movement passport ) is a road paved to Hell. This will blow the doors wide open for the globalists next phase....a surveillance state with a Chinese style social credit system connected to a digital ledger.
Block chain is a digital ledger, it has potential to take us to great things. But we have to take into account that over top of this is a criminal kakistocracy that’s running the joint. We must take that consideration into everything thats going on right now. They are co-opting it and manipulating it to benefit themselves. And how they are doing that is with the Internet of Things. They are connecting a Social Crediting System to it. Eventually anyone unvaccinated, a dissent towards government or wrong think of any kind may suddenly find they do not qualify to purchase concert tickets...or food. Your options can become limited very quickly via your PERSON.
The government has already suggested that a social credit system will allow the (vaccinated) trustworthy folk to roam anywhere they want, while making it difficult for (unvaccinated) dissidents to take a single step.
In a situation like this it doesn't matter how much crypto currency you have in the bank, you can't make purchases if you do not “qualify”. Once currency goes digital this social credit system will greatly limit people's purchasing power and they will continue to sell this scheme as a means to combat the “invisible enemy” (Covid) and their bogus “Climate Change”....YOU CAN'T LODGE A LIABILITY NOTICE AGAINST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.!!
The biggest crisis right now is that most of the two legged livestock are going to loose their heads here, hand over what’s left of their power and rights and accept the vaccine passport. Thinking the government can’t do enough to save them and their families. It’s such dangerous thinking to give away your liberties because of an invisible threat. Who is actually taking your power? Have you asked yourself this? Because this is what it’s all about. If you allow the vaccine passport there’s no going back....The digital ledger connected to a social credit system will eventually follow suit, all connected to your biometric ID2020.
For the thinned downed herd that’ll be left after the jab takes hold these biometric systems you’ll be hooked up to will become the way you will interact in this new “society”. Their “pandemic” is the tool being used to implement this...get you plugged into biometric wallets.
Clearly the world is going to change substantially. It’s a huge acceleration of all these agenda’s coming together. They already have a name for their new economy. It’s called the “shut in economy”...known to most as the “Great Reset”.
After 9/11 saw the beginnings of you all being shuffled into lockstep with the majority’s acceptance to line up for airport body scanners and stringent airport screening. So with all this new intrusive surveillance, it will be considered by the majority who live in fear as a basic freedom so you can be with other people.
The end result is your privacy won’t exist. The globalists are coming after your basic freedoms. 24/7 digital tracking of you and all you do. They will cancel your right to participate in society, to travel, to buy things, to go anywhere unless you follow their rules.
You are are handing your entire life over to globalists allowing them complete control over you. And just how easy was it for them to do.
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facebookfree · 2 years
Resident evil 7
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The virus is spread by contact with an E-Series infected, which turned them into a D-Series. It turns out that they’re infected with a new virus that they’re apparently highly compatible with. The same can be said of Marguerite and even Mia who you you attacked with an axe and a firearm. In the beginning of the game you witness Jack cut of Lucas’ hand, but later it’s returned to normal. He’s able to regenerate from mortal wounds over time, becoming a vigilant hunter out for you. Guns, explosions, and even a chainsaw destroying 60% of his body don’t stop him. But surely, they can’t have always been like this, right?Īfter your first fight with Jack Baker, it becomes clear that he isn’t simply killable. After dealing with Mia in the beginning, you’re knocked out and taken to the main residence where you sit down for a disgusting supper and see how uniquely terrifying each member of the family is. The Bakers are homicidal, you learn that right at the beginning of the game. But the cause isn’t something as simple as a zombie outbreak, and it has everyone in the Baker household under its control. It’s the first taste of what lies in wait. Something has infected her, yet it doesn’t seem to have a complete hold as she can return to normal at times.
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She develops immense strength as she chucks you several feet into a wall. Her skin becomes veiny, her eyes dark, her teeth rotten. Of course, before heading to help her, you’re reunited with Mia. For some reason, she’s able to resist whatever it is that’s turned her family members into homicidal maniacs and turns to you with clues and assistance. She wants to escape, but she needs your help to do it. While it’s not made clear right away, it turns out that it’s Zoe Baker, the daughter of the family who wants out of this hellhole. When finally returning upstairs, there’s a mysterious phone call from a young woman. You don’t get to see it, but you can hear her terrified screams as you make your way after her. While leading you, she’s taken by someone or something. After trying to escape, the first signs of what’s wrong begin to reveal themselves. She keeps mentioning her family, which is confusing as she isn’t from this area. She has no idea who sent you that email, but she knows that you must get out of this place before things get worse. You find Mia locked in a cell, dirty and frightened. After moving through the house, using the secret passageway to enter the basement and a secret hall. It’s quiet, but you can hear something moving around, though it’s unclear what. But Ethan misses his wife so he heads there, alone.Įntry to the main house is barred by a large, iron gate, so Ethan makes his way through a side passage that leads to the guest house, the very same house where the Beginning Hour demo took place. Mysterious, yes, and downright creepy in a world that saw a mutant outbreak just a few years prior. The email is simple, with no details other than a location. Years later, Ethan gets an email from Mia telling him to pick her up at the Baker residence in Dulvey, Louisiana. The game opens up with a an old video of Mia apologizing to Ethan about lying (though it isn’t clear what she lied about), after which she goes missing during what is seemingly a babysitting job according to her prior video correspondence with Ethan. If you were confused or have questions, however, read on to see what’s really behind the nightmare at the Baker residence. Needless to say, there will be spoilers ahead, so turn back if you’d rather experience the narrative for yourself. We’re going to break down the events of Resident Evil 7, including its mysterious ending. It turns out that it’s much deeper than that. But nobody knows as it can just be some crazy people doing horrific things. However, strange things are happening in a small town called Dulvey, Louisiana, and things seem to be stirring up again. There is fear in the air, but the world has approached a tentative state of peace. Taking place a few years after Resident Evil 6, after the C-virus spread like wildfire and threatened to destroy the world, things are quite different. Resident Evil 7 keeps up with the creepy science that turns men into monsters, and the horror that can lurk right in your back yard. Of course, the lore behind the Resident Evil series has changed a lot over the years, and that’s something that has become part of the DNA of the franchise. The developers wanted to take the series back to its roots of slow, tense situations where any corner could be deadly, but there wasn’t an overabundance of monsters. This time around, players find themselves on the Baker estate, a sprawling, plantation-styled mansion full of different puzzles, passageways, and threats. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is the latest entry in the long running survival horror series from Capcom.
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