#but you are an amazing fandom stepdad
angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Hey can you recommend some more Mario fics? Especially Super Paper Mario one? Thank you!!!
Well, this is one I've come back to multiple times! If you're looking for amazing Mareach content, definitely read this one!
This one is ongoing, but so far I'm absolutely loving it! Lots of Bowuigi fluff, Luigi being an impromptu stepdad/babysitter, the works!
Another in-progress fic I love, this one seems to focus on Luigi's mercy regarding Bowser's minions, and how the emotionally constipated Bowser deals with the fuzzy feeling it gives him.
Another one that focuses on Luigi's merciful nature, Bowser becomes interested in Luigi after he risks his own safety to make sure he's ok.
This one is interesting, because it focuses on Iggy Koopa in particular. It's shaping up to be quite the coming-of-age story, so I'm very excited to see where it goes!
That's just a few that I enjoy, hope you find something interesting!
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theycallmebecca · 1 year
Drabble: The Luckiest Little Boy
Last week I did a poll for who should star in Father's Day story idea I had and Chris won. So here is the story I wrote for it. I hope y'all enjoy.
In this story Chris is a dad, but also a stepdad. While I am not a child of divorce, my cousin is. He is who is his because he had an amazing step dad who made up for my uncle being a crappy dad. My cousin has since become a devoted stepdad himself and he loves his kids like they are his own.
Title: The Luckiest Little Boy
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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"There's someone here to see you," you said to Chris as you came into the nursery where he was putting your two month old down for a nap.
"Who is it?" he asked.
"I'll take over here," you said, purposely ignoring his question. It was Father's Day and you didn't want to ruin the surprise waiting for him.
"Thanks," Chris said, giving you a quick kiss before he left the room.
Curious as to who was waiting for him, he made his way down the stairs and froze as he turned into the living room.
"Papa!" your 8 year old son shouted and ran over to him. 
Chris raised his arms up just in time to catch the boy and gave him a hug.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes going to the couch where your ex and his husband sat.
"It's Father's Day," the little boy stated after Chris set him back down.
"It is," Chris agreed, still confused. "You said dad and papi were taking you fishing today."
"It's Father's Day," the little boy repeated.
Chris glanced at his co-parents for help.
His step-son sighed and then explained, "Papi is married to daddy, so he's my dad, too. You're married to mommy, which makes you my dad, too."
"He didn't want you to be left out today," your ex added.
"You're supposed to spend Father's Day with your dad," the little boy stated then he puffed out his chest. "I'm lucky because I have three dads."
Chris felt tears stinging the corner of his eyes and he pulled the boy in for a hug. 
"I got all your fishing stuff out of the garage," you said from behind him.
"You knew?" Chris asked, glancing over his shoulder at you.
"They called about an hour ago," you said with a shrug. "But buddy wanted it to be a surprise."
"Can the baby come with us?" your son asked. "She should spend time with papa today, too."
"She's a little young for fishing this year," you said. "But how about when she gets up from her nap, she and I go get everything we need for a barbecue and when you guys get back from fishing we can all have dinner together."
Your son considered your idea for a moment and then nodded his head. "Ok, but we'll need a cake, too," he stated.
"I'll get the perfect cake," you promised.
Later that evening, while your son was playing a video game with his step dads, your ex helped you clean up dinner.
“Thanks for today,” you said to him. “I know it meant a lot to Chris.”
“We’re raising a good kid,” your ex shrugged. “When we were eating breakfast this morning, he asked if we were picking up Chris or if he was meeting us at the lake."
"You didn't have to agree to it, though," you said. "It's your weekend…"
"Chris is a good guy," your ex replied. "He loves our son and I know our son loves him. And when the kid said he wanted to spend the day with all three of his dads, how could I tell him no?"
"You're the best," you told him. "Why don't you go play with them. I'll finish up in here."
You watched him leave the kitchen and smiled. Seven-years-ago, you'd become a single mom after splitting with your ex. Then he had gotten married to his husband and the three of you had become co-parents. Then, two years ago, you'd met Chris and had fallen in love.
Initially, you'd worried about how your son would respond to having another man in his life, but it had all worked out better than you could have imagined. Within a month of you and Chris marrying, your son had started calling Chris "papa" and he now had three devoted dads who each brought something different to the table, giving him the best support a kid could need.
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toxicanonymity · 4 months
it’s been like a million years since I interacted with the Joel fandom (I moved on to another one) but I’m so glad to see you’re still posting!! Your writing is amazing and I think about your stuff all the time even if I’ve moved on from Joel!! Your work is so great, and you inspired me to write my own (darker) things, albeit for a different fandom (Pedro’s a part of the franchise tho teehee)
- Original stepdad joel bitmoji anon (from ages ago, I’d be amazed if you remembered me)
Of course I remember! This is so nice, thank you for the note. I dabble in different fandoms myself. Drop in any time 🖤
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sarifinasnightmare · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Okay @palettesofrenaissance you asked for the details so here they are!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 53
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 805,111 (Aiming for a million)
3. What fandoms do you write for? I started with Star Wars, TMNT and now Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
Okay, That's Not Suppose to be There  396 Kudos
Heaven Created You for Love  254 Kudos
Loved In The Flicker Of A Song 225 Kudos
A Soldier and A Maiden Cross Paths One Night.... 224 Kudos
But The Memory Remains 205 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, whenever I can.
6. What is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending? Filial Piety It dealt with adults Cass and AJ burying their stepdad Bucky who lingered too long after the people he loved passed away. I would call it a bittersweet ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All my stories have happy endings. I think Heaven Created You for Love has the best ending since I dragged my leads through years of angst, so I think they deserved their happy ending more.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally a critique comes out but I'm too middle aged to care so I just thank them for their opinion, politely disagree and move on.
9. Do you write smut? LOL!!!!! I ought to be embarrassed about the amount of smut I write. Sometimes I think I do too much but then I remember something Zoe Saldana mentioned which was that sex should be celebrated and enjoyed, not repressed and shamed, and I agree. People have a right to enjoy smut.
10. Craziest crossover: None
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, I had someone try to write an alternate to one of my stories but it's never been completed. Shame.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'm up for the challenge.
14. All time favorite ship? Goliath/Eliza Maza, Spock/Uhura, Leonardo/Karai (2012), Bucky Barnes/Sarah Wilson
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't post unless I have it nearly done. I have a WIP in process, but I'm actively writing it. Many readers know that I am a reliable writer. I didn't use to be though, I had a TMNT story that had a 6 year gap before I finished it!
16. What are your writing strengths? I have no idea. People like my stuff for different reasons, so I can't think of one amazing skill I can boast about.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Tenses, I always try to work on those. Writing half asleep is also a weakness.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Not sure what this question means, but I've written dialogue in another language and often I offer no translations mostly because I want my readers to use context clues to figure it out.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Star Wars. Qui-Gon Jinn was my first great love.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I can't choose amongst my works. Every one has a part that I enjoyed writing out.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
always looking to be closer friends so here’s my question for you.
pick one of your favorite oc’s and just feel to ramble about them. about your favorite things about them, their storylines you love . their relationships and hobbies. just everything you wanna talk about <3
AHHHHH, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS, CJ!!! Cannot even tell you how much this means to me. I think, for the purposes of keeping to fandoms we both share (and because I hardly ever get asked about him), I’m gonna tell you about my 911 baby Bowie!!
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Favorite things about him:
First and foremost, he is legitimately such a sweetheart! He cares so so deeply about pretty much everyone, he’s so consistently nice, and he will do absolutely anything for the people he loves. And he’s also really smart, not just nerdy the way most people assume he is at first; he may not be super perceptive, since he can’t read a social cue to save his life, but he knows a lot of stuff about a lot of things and he won’t hesitate to use his knowledge if it will be useful. And he’s also such a good boyfriend to Buck and Eddie, and a great stepdad to Chris; with Buck only being his second serious relationship, he has a lot of learning to do about being a good partner and coexisting with another person that way, and it’s not as if he has a lot of prior experience with kids, but he always makes the effort and he becomes a really good partner and stepparent.
Storylines I love:
Oh, jeez, where do you want me to start? For starters, I really love the storyline of his first relationship before he and Buck start dating, a really sweet guy named Jack who he dates from the end of season one towards the middle of season two, because it’s just a really sweet time of Bowie being happy and feeling good about himself before some of the angst of his and Buck’s, and later his and Buck’s and Eddie’s, relationship starts. Other favorites include his and Buck’s hookup era before they officially get together, the angst of their relationship during the lawsuit arc because that also technically takes place during their hookup era, his recovery arc after his leg gets broken in the firetruck explosion that causes Buck to need blood thinners (and then going to help with aid during the tsunami despite the fact that he wasn’t fully healed because he’s kind of an idiot), and the whole chaos of him and Buck almost simultaneously realizing their feelings for Eddie while they’ve already been dating each other for a few years now and just try to ignore the feelings and not talk about it until they explode at the exact same time and tell each other. Also the whole thing where he gets shot in the head and almost dies and tries to hide his PTSD from it after he’s physically recovered, because if there is one thing a 911 character will do it is suppress their trauma.
My favorite relationships of his:
Obviously I adore his relationships with both Buck and Eddie; they’re sweet in two mostly different ways, but they are both absolutely sweet and loving and adorable. His relationship with Chris is also amazingly cute - a little bit awkward at first, because Bowie’s just a little awkward around kids, but he eventually becomes a really great and supportive stepdad who, along with Buck, Chris loves to ask a million questions to and let him infodump. His relationship with Bobby is also just amazing; Bowie had only been at the 118 for a month or two before Bobby took over as captain, and he was the first person in the firehouse Bowie felt really comfortable infodumping to and showing his more obvious autistic traits to, and they wound up developing a nice father-son relationship based on mutual respect and a love of Dan Brown’s books. His dynamic with Athena is also actually kind of funny; Bowie is deeply intimidated by her at first, but it passes eventually and she definitely becomes his work mom the way Bobby is his work dad.
His hobbies:
Reading is definitely a big one for him! He’s been obsessed with sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery novels since he was a kid, and typically if there’s a lull in activity in the firehouse or if he’s man behind, you can find him with his nose in a book if he’s not engaged in a conversation. He also really loves watching movies, especially older ones - the original Star Wars trilogy, The Princess Bride, and Singin’ in the Rain are some of his favorites. He can also play guitar and sing, which I wouldn’t exactly call a hobby because he doesn’t do it a whole ton, but sometimes when he’s home alone he’ll pull out his guitar, strum a random song, and sing along quietly to it. (There’s also a certain scene I have in mind of him singing that’s actually really important to his story and that I will write one day, I swear.)
Again, thank you so much for asking these questions!! You’re amazing, hope you’re doing well. <3
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immacaria · 1 year
My Favourite Things
Rules: There are no rules, just as many of my favourite things as I can remember
I was tagged by lovely @aquilathefighter and amazing @virgo-dream
Now, in no particular order, my favourite things:
1. My mom, my father and my twin ❤
2. My five beautiful online wives.
@arialerendeair @pintobordeaux @honeyteacakes @galacticstingray Otto, I love all of you so, so much. All of you are so important to me, you have no idea.
3. Writing
4. Reading
6. The Dreamling Nation server
7. Studio Ghibli movies
8. The Sandman fandom
9. Hob's amazing phrase: "There's so much to live for"
10. Books
11. Music
12. Studio Ghibli movies
13. My friends
14. My cousin
15. Fluff and fics that romanticise life
16. MY LIFE (I'm alive, I'm breathing, I'm experiencing new things every day. How amazing is that???)
17. My cat, that cute menace
18. The 'I can do it ~ a playlist' I listen to every day
19. To be truly honest and highly selfish, my new mindset
20. My anger, it has protected me when I couldn't
21. My fluff blanket for keeping me warm at night and helping comfort me at any time
22. Food! Food is so good, man, eating is such a good thing
23. The Dreamling Nation coffee menaces that will give me a heart attack one of these days
24. Being known as Stitch 🥰
25. When people call me Macca
26. Mi hermana mayor @the-cloudy-dreamer! The most amazing, wonderful and kind online big sister of all
27. Auntie @mathomhouse-e!!!!
28. Every single day, even the bad days, because it means I'm still alive, I'm still here
29. Seeing my family and friends laugh
30. Love, all kinds of love
31. Being alive
32. Maurice, my mood octopus plushie. I love that little guy
33. Mócoca, my cow plushie
34. My cupcake fluffy blanket (which is different from the first one I mentioned, that one has flowers and hearts on it)
36. Driving and listening to music
37. Sleeping, sleeping is good and the more the merrier (I probably mentioned this already, but as I said, the more the merrier)
38. My laughter because it reminds me 1. There is good in the world and 2. I still know how to laugh and be happy
39. My pink headset, mouse, mouse pad and keyboard (See, Pinto, I have one and I use it, but, ehh, I don't write fast with it)
40. My twin's stories
41. My stepdad, for he made both my twin and my mom happy
42. My irl name
43. Making others happy
44. My younger sibling @firemandeanbuck because you, my dear, is bloody amazing
45. MY CHILD @yourlocal-charlatan
46. Others' happiness
...And I'm going to stop here because I could go on for days lmaoo. I tagged a lot of people already but I'm also going to tag @questing-wulfstan @lenreli @rooftopwreck @gabessquishytum @ferelden-loser @wintersmitth and @staroftheendless to do this. I love all of you ♥️
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atherix · 2 years
Hello hi good evening, I am having some Thoughts and Feelings about the latest midnight chapter and I thought I would share.
First of all: aaaah adkjsahkjahdasjkhd
With that out of the way, some more coherent thoughts.
I love the way the cultural/class differences between Grian and Scar are highlighted in the camping conversation. Just a really good character moment for both of them. And also? Scar knowing about the greenhouse project? Scar knowing specifically because Grian just asked him about his theoretical dream greenhouse? I love them all dearly, they are all gay disasters <3
Scar being like *talks about that time he was ready to sacrifice everything so his son could get home safe* *talks about the times he took his son camping so they could bond* *talks about how he taught himself to cook for his son* and he still doesn't think he compares to his own father? My dude. Scar. I love him so much but pls.
*Taking notes on all of the new fae lore*
I love the sentence "They glimmer with Fairy and firelight, and for a moment Grian isn’t sure if the golden glow is reflection or magic." It's so evocative and such a good use of the third person pov. There's several other examples of that I could mention, this one was just my favourite. I stopped to read it out loud several times over.
Really enjoying how Grian is once again surprised Scar treats him differently now that they're together. Man is really like "wait there's boyfriend in this boyfriend???" Love that for him 😂
Oh and speaking of Grian. Really eyeing the way he always reacts so strongly to fairy lights. It is very Interesting. I mean, definitely fits his character, but I am also always a little suspicious of you and your amazing foreshadowing.
I love love love fae characters being deceptive and cunning and uncanny, and anything that shines a light on how disturbing their suggestion magic can be, so I was eating this whole thing up. Scar getting to be cool and powerful, while the story also makes it very clear that he is still holding back because some things are Too Far. And the fact that he can still be pushed to do it? Yes, amazing, stunning.
On that note, I am also encouraging your writing the Scar's adventure aside, btw. I love how you write Scar doing magic, and how you handle his character in those moments. It's always so evocative.
Lastly? I adore those moments where you can tell that Mumbo and Grian are slowly going from being Tubbo's dad's boyfriends to being his stepdads. The way he complains about them flirting the same way he complains about Scar flirting with them? Good (but also poor kid 😂).
In conclusion: I am once again asking everyone to go and read Midnight.
hgdfjkgfjk <3 I love to hear thoughts and feelings even if I take forever to get to answering them <3
beautiful, eloquent, couldn't say it better myself <3
I absolutely love contrasts, it's so fun to write about them <3 Especially since Scar and Grian were raised in similar yet extremely different environments and just hjgfdhjk The ONLY time Scar isn't oblivious to something is when Grian hopes he will be LMAO. Flirt with him for a couple months and the man won't think "oh gee I think maybe they have feelings for me" but ask him about his theoretical dream greenhouse and "Ah I see what they are doing here" hfdjh
Scar loves his father more than he has ever loved himself </3 He can't see that he is repeating the cycle just as good a father as his was </3
I am always happy to toss out Fae lore. I have a couple more Fae lore points that will come up in the next few stories 👀 Including a Fae story hehe-
I am a poetic bitch and I LOVE writing lines like that <3 I have been known in other fandoms to write lines that wham people so I'm glad to see I can continue that here hehe-
"Wait there's boyfriend in this boyfriend??" WHEEZE jkfgdsjkfgjhsd I cackled at this omg but it's so true. Grian really over here forgetting for a whole minute that Scar will actually respond to him flirting/his advances now because he's allowed to lmaoooj hjkfd
:) Well I mean it DID lead him to getting kidnapped before so uh :)
Hehehe when you really think about it, the suggestion magic all Fae have.... is really quite disturbing. It was used to kidnap people in the past, used to lead people deeper into the woods to never be seen again.... and I am excited that I get to explore the more disturbing and less sorcery-feeling side of Scar's magic now <3 I mean certainly it doesn't mean something that NOW he's started letting his more Fae-ish side take precedence... hmhm I love him <3 something something humanity and human isn't the same something something it's not the how it's the why something something-
hehe how could I not write this :) So he doesn't cast his magic like he usually would in this little fic, he is 100% using Fae tactic here instead of his typical Fae-Sorcery mix, buuuut... hehe-
Stitch and I made a joke about the moment Tubbo realizes he has three dads, not one, but I can't share it because it is MAJOR spoilers. But :) Just know that Tubbo is the last person to realize LMAO but I am having so much fun writing the evolution of their relationship hjkfdg
hhh <3<3<3
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sweeterthanthis · 2 years
Popping in to say I love you and you're amazing and lovely and the absolute best💗
Also I have a couple question, of all the Seb characters who do you find the hardest to write and aside from Lee whose the easiest? And who is someone from another fandom you'd be intrigued to explore?
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Hi loveee.
First of all, I love that you know how easy it is for me to write Lee 😂I just love our Sheriff Daddy so much, it's a breeze to write him. He's like a big 'ole security blanket.
Aside from him, I find my babe stepdad!Bucky pretty easy to write most of the time. When the muse hits. And Destroyer!Chris because he's just a big, brooding teddy bear and I fucking love him. You know this lol.
The hardest to write of all the characters I've written would probably be Charles. I just can't get into his head.
A character I'd love to explore from another fandom. I bet this will shock the shit out of you, won't it? 😂
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Love you! 💕
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shadowbends · 1 year
More memes!
Tagged by @plothooksinc!
Three ships: Man, I’m not really much of a shipper—LIKE. I do have plenty of ships I think are cute enough in passing, or make for pretty fanart, but it’s a rare few that I’d actually go to bat on, y’know? I’m more about friendship and found family, so I struggled to come up with a third one here. But after giving it some thought...! Shikamaru/Temari (Naruto). This was the pairing that defined OTP for me for a while, and what can I say? I picked the best horse in that fandom’s ship war, and won it. Next would be Shirou/Rin (the Fate/ franchise). This pairing actually IS the one I’ll fight people on, their chemistry is amazing and the amount of trust they find for each other in every route of the game—even the ones where Rin isn’t the heroine—just moves me. They make each other happier, healthier people; this is my gold standard for any pairing. And last is Franky/Robin (One Piece). I wouldn’t say I’m as passionate about this one as the last two, but it just makes sense to me? It’s basically canon? Who are all these people shipping Robin with Zoro and Law these days, and have they even watched the series?? I’m so confused.
First ever ship: I had to think about it, but I’m pretty sure it’s Tom Paris and B’Elanna Torres from Star Trek: Voyager! I was a kid, and we watched the show every week with my stepdad, and I thought they were the best.
Last song: Roll Up by The Struts. It’s such a bop, and I wish I were an editor because there’s so many shows I dream of setting an AMV of it to.
Last movie: Avatar: The Way of Water. It was alright, but I think Glass Onion (which I saw the day before it) was better.
Currently reading: God I feel like I haven’t read anything in forever, I’ve been so busy with holidays and work the past few months. I have my email open to like thirty fic update notices, though (most of them ROTTMNT fic), and I’m starting with a lovely one called Steady Now. I plan to add it to my fic rec list whenever I get to updating it. 
Currently watching: A lot. Like a lot, a lot. My boyfriend and I tend to watch 10-15 shows that come out with each new anime season, so all of those. If I had to pick a favorite of all of those, though? It’s got to be To Your Eternity, which is partway through its second season. I was hooked from the first episode (which made me cry like a baby, sob). 
Currently consuming: Chocolate truffles. They were a Christmas present!
Currently craving: Power, because I’m no longer baby. :c
Tagging... Whoa, nine people? Is this right? Well, okay then! Let’s go with @hoodiefox, @rhinocio, @somescribblybits, @theashemarie, @calliopechild, @pidgetails, @starsurges, @camlations, and @gumy-shark​! Only if you want to, though! Don’t feel obligated if you don’t. 
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
the comments i got for wishing ellefson well on his new endeavor (seriously, it’s amazing. i am wholly impressed, such that i want an apology from this fandom.)
and my mother is on my case again - something about... i don’t know, i tuned out most of it because she literally rants about the same nonsense over and over and over again, from things not getting done because i lose track of time sometimes and i get bored easily to my stepbrother and his girlfriend barely lifting a finger around here. i feel that everyone should pitch in, too, but you complaining about this crap when i actually try to do better and you being unwilling to listen to me rather than feeling grateful for me is the real problem, and the real joke, too, like... really? you’re getting mad at me when i’m working as hard as you, probably more? and just because i don’t get paid doesn’t mean that i don’t take it seriously? it’s not like you like my art, but like... c’mon. (and really, she’s lucky i didn’t move out back in 2017, which was a possibility i was genuinely considering). apparently, my stepdad’s mom was demanding and i’ve heard my mom say, a number of times no less, that she’s going to become like her. i didn’t really like her in the brief time i got to meet her (i found her rather judge-y), but if there was any compliment i could give to my stepdad’s mom, it was that she was being sincere about it. taking care of this house was more or less her job and she wanted people to help her. she had every reason to be demanding if someone else was here. so when my mom does it, complete with a side of “this is my house, i should do whatever i want with it, i feel disrespected” (when it technically isn’t her house for reasons i’m not going to parse out here), it not only feels incredibly disingenuous, but it makes her that much more unlikable. my mother is just... really unlikable - and heaven help you if you say something like that to her face (so add “incredibly insecure” to that, too).
i was in such a good mood this morning, too, and a better mood than i have been in the last week or so. i thought i was going to continue my streak of two chapters a day today (i am, but i’m gonna be down to the wire, though, and it’s probably going to be rather short, too, it’s just sam, alex, and belinda talking), but instead, i’m having to force myself to focus on what i want to do all because i have an ungrateful, insecure, neurotic mother who’s one to talk about not living right. i’m having to force myself to focus because pricks on the internet wouldn’t know maturity from their own ass.
happy thoughts.
think happy thoughts.
take me back to my happy place.
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happy thoughts.
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thoughts oh fuck me sideways
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Hi beautiful,
I'm just wanna thank you for being such an amazing and creative writer, the amount of support you give me and others when it comes to our fics! I started writing because of you and I feel honored that we are friends, here's to 200,000 <3 🥺💗you're truly a beautiful person inside and out, thank you for the depraved Joel and Michael fics! keep your chin up honey💖
Thank you, Megan! We go way back (before Joel). You are so positive and supportive of writers and creators across every fandom, and you also send great asks.
Your asks resulted in Instagram (spawning stepdad!Joel) and Skin Alley (Michael) which I know are reader favorites, and more than those too. I have some other great ones from you in my inbox too, like AUs of raider Joel, very interesting, love your mind. Thank you for always being patient and understanding. I appreciate that so much 💖.
Thank you for everything you do for everyone. You rock and I really enjoy your fics, too. I am so glad you're writing. Love you 🫶🫶🫶
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thaleleah · 26 days
awe yeah your mom was vulnerable and stepshit took advantage of that 😭 dw tal, your person will come at the right time 🩷
ikrrr his dick needs to be snipped 😂 man is almost 80 years old, it's nastyyy
my stepmom is a literal child, she actually throws tantrums it's actually so fucking embarrassing. a literal slipper 😂 now i'm worried cause are you gonna hit your 2 year old like that if he acts up or doesn't listen to you? LOL tal ilyyy for not liking my dad either cause he doesn't deserve it! too little too late
omg you write for avatar too? 👀 look at you go girl! what's the avatar fandom like? it seems like it's chill and drama free. the reason i starting watching avatar was because of jack 😂 i'm a huge scream fan so i needed to see what else this man has been in and was so surprised he was in avatar 2, i actually didn't recognize him because of the hair but he still looked so fine! i need to rewatch avatar 1 and 2 because i actually really enjoyed it! and the cgi is amazinggg (much better than marvel) - and yes ghostface is so fucking hot, especially in the new one, i think cause it was more serious and the mask was like decayed. ughh i have a predator/prey kink too it's just so so hot! getting chased and hunted by those two was soooo ughhh! can you tell i only have a thing for villains? the heros barely capture my heart 😂 look and you and both simping for tom and jack; we have amazing taste in men 🩷
i'm so glad you got some writing done and it didn't feel forced, never force yourself, tal 🥰 you got this babe 🩷
Babes, the way I tried to respond to your ask TWICE with a rant about how my stepdad must want me to hit him with my car because of how he treated my mom this weekend on her birthday weekend, and Tumblr closed out on me both times without saving my long af rant. SOOOOO maybe that's the universe trying to tell me to let that shit go. Which, like, okay. But . . . OOOOO THAT SHIT MADE ME SO MAD. So, anyway - thanks for listening to me tell you about a rant I would have made you read had Tumblr not told me no twice lmaooo
I feel so sorry for the two year old. Hopefully your stepmom will refrain from being a vile evil bitch to him. At least I hope. And yes, nothing your dad does could ever make me like him. Fuck that man lol
I doooooo write for Avatar! Avatar is the only fandom that I've consistently been in for nearly my whole life and I can't ever see it going away. I have such huge respect for James Cameron cause the world that he's created is just so amazing and beautiful and the detail and meaning of it all has me in constant awe. I could literally watch the movies over and over again and never get tired of them. December 2025 can't come soon enough for A3, I'm practically vibratingggggg. The fandom is def not chill and drama free though, especially on the smuttier side. It's actually been super toxic recently which is really disappointing cause I feel like Avatar is one of the fandoms that should be the least problematic but...here we are. My mutuals get tons of anon hate messages daily and sometimes there's even drama between accounts. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with as much bullshit as they have since I'm a smaller blog, but I have gotten my fair share too. I know it really doesn't matter what fandom you're in, all fandoms have haters and most writers or artists get nasty messages, but it still sucks. All my mutuals are great though and they remind me of why I started being active in the fandom in the first place when things get a little too rough. Some people write some good Spider fics since you're a Jack Champion fan 👀
Love youuuuu 🥰
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
I am perpetually tickled that the Wheel of Time was created by an RJ — Robert Jordan — and is being created-for-television by another RJ: Rafe Judkins.
It’s a beautiful piece of symmetry that makes me feel like we really are in the First Age, being woven by the Pattern.
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voidmadisonrecs · 3 years
chris evans recs
these are more for me then anyone else but here are my fav chris evans (and co.) fics, blurbs, headcanons, etc.
feel free to message or comment with suggestions that i should read and make sure to check out these writers other works because they are all amazing <3
Chris Evans
butterflies - @chanelfaerie
chris has got butterflies for you—do you feel the same?
pop the questions - @angelkurenai
you are costars and in a relationship with Chris and while on the set of ‘Gifted’, you are very clingy. when Chris sees you interact with your youngest costar, he realizes you would make a great mother
white - @agentofbarnes
chris can’t seem to function while seeing you in a white dress
ask me properly - @twittytelly
while spending time with his family, chris realizes that it's the perfect time to put his 'plan' into action
red carpet w/ chris - @avenging-fandoms
your chris’s costar with Chris and you’re both tipsy in a red carpet interview and giggling together, making no sense but just being all happy and sparking dating rumours
happy goddamn new year - @fluffymisha97
the morning after your new year with the evans’ which doesn’t go all that smooth
sweet creature - @buckyhoney
domestic shit
ass man headcanon - @agentofbarnes
chris evans sure does love ass
and then he came along - @teebarnes
you haven't had the best record when it comes to relationships, you thought you couldn't be loved. until one day as you sat on the beach shivering, everything changed when chris came along
granola bar and lots of love - @planetofawe
with the kids away, you and chris have more than enough time to practice some aftercare (smut)
claim - @cloudystevie
your husband puts a baby in you (smut)
beer gut - @violetlilysunshine
chris gets self conscious after gaining a little bit of weight and not working out as hard as he used to during his Marvel days (smut)
dumb - @agentofbarnes
chris evans makes you dumb and you are a little touchstarved (smut)
red, white, blue’s in the sky, summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes - @cloudystevie
sunday’s are for football games and attention (smut)
the big 4-0 - @rocketrhap3000
chris being insecure for his 40th bday but reader makes sure he knows just how much she loves him (smut)
my girl - @punani
chris loves calling you his girl (smut)
the fluffer (masterlist) - @punani
it’s the 70′s and the erotic videos industry is experiencing another boom after the risen popularity in the previous decade. the studio’s are hot, gemini flanagan is a brand, and you’re a newly hired assistant at shaggin’ studios. chris takes a liking to you, altering your job description so that you get to work more closely with him. is this all just physical, or is there something more? (smut)
wedding shenanigans - @flowerbouquet
in which you and chris have a sneaky fuck in the bathroom during your best friends wedding (smut)
grocery run - @bucksfucks
innocently wearing chris’ shirt leads to you finding out just how much he can’t resist you (smut)
chain - @bucksfucks
chris tells you to bite down on his chain (smut)
home late (part 2) - @violetlilysunshine
severance - @punani
the divorce process with chris is messy, seemingly never ending, and ultimately: heartbreaking. you had to be strong for your son, yourself, and eventually you wanted someone else to be strong for you, so, it seemed only natural that you would venture into the arms of another. however, sometimes the line between something officially ending or simply taking a break blurs when you’ve known someone for longer than you can remember (smut/baby fever/ex!reader)
so beautiful to me - @uprootbasic
despite being broken up and coparenting, chris still want to show you how much he loves you (smut/baby fever)
sundress season - @jurassicbarnes
in which all it takes is a pretty little dress to break his resolve (ex!reader/smut/baby fever)
mwah - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
ur little bubba is obsessed with kissys and keeps leaning in to kiss you (baby fever)
long hair lover - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
chris comes back from filming red sea diving resort and his baby daughter is crazy in love with his long hair (baby fever)
slobbery kisses - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho 
chris wakes up to sloppy kisses by his baby (baby fever)
baby rose - @fluffymisha97
reader and chris had a little baby girl. but not everything is going that well, you're both trying to navigate life as new parents (baby fever)
eve - @kiwisomething
you drop your son off with his father and he invites you in (baby fever/ex!chris)
parenting is hard blurb - @lokiscu
chris and the reader have just had a baby and the lack of sleep mixed with lack of physical affection and time they have with one another gets to both of them and they end up fighting because of the stress (baby fever)
isla - @uprootbasic
the reader is a famous singer and always sings to her little girl. one night, chris and the reader decides to have this little jamming session with their baby. chris plays the piano while the reader sings I wanna hold your hand by the Beatles (baby fever)
the neighbours lights - @lokiscu
it’s your first Christmas with a baby (baby fever)
paparazzi - @ozarkthedog
chris evans and reader are both famous and one day they are out with their daughter when paparazzi start to follow them (baby fever)
thunder - @worksby-d
your daughter is scared of the thunder (baby fever)
she’s the one - @worksby-d
chris x singlemom!reader masterlist (baby fever)
protective stepdad chris x single!reader - @worksby-d
masterlist (baby fever)
truth be told - @kthynes
chris finds out he has a 6 month old baby because his partner didn’t have the chance to tell him that she is pregnant because they broke up (angsty??/baby fever)
not her - @agentofbarnes
chris wants a family and you just aren’t ready yet, but that doesn’t mean he wants you any less (angsty?)
the love we have - @kthynes
the reader is chris's ex wife and she's about to be married again to a guy she doesn't really love. so in the night of her bachelorette party she's really drunk and she ended up going to his apartment and tell him that she still loves him and that she wants to hate him because he was the one who file for divorce but she can't, then she leaves. on the day of the ceremony their 10 year old kid tells Chris that he should go after her before is too late (angsty??)
Frank Adler
i ruined our sweet tune - @rodrikstark
the last person you’d expect to see in florida is the hot professor from your undergrad philosophy class 
buttons - @rodrikstark
buttoning franks shirt headcanon 
waffles - @amylillian22
the morning after their usual saturday date night, y/n runs into mary unexpectedly. frank wakes up to find them making waffles
remember - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
frank wakes you up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 am and will not even tell you why
breeding kink - @stargazingfangirl18
as the hot single dad everyone wants to get with, frank turns a few heads at back to school night, and well, you may get a little possessive (smut) 
magic demeanor - @bloodiedskirtts
after moving back to Florida in the middle of a heat wave, things seem to be getting worse and worse. the only thing to make her days any better is her neighbour, Frank. with neither of them willing to admit that they can’t get enough of each other, a pesky shower malfunction may be the only way for them to tell each other how they feel (smut)  
Ransom Drysdale
2:27 am - @cloudystevie
it’s 2:27 in the morning when ransom shows up at your doorstep, and he wishes he could tell you why 
cold (third part of his return) - @kiwisomething
hugh is cold sleeping on the couch by himself 
new man - @worksby-d
ransom loves to pretend he’s not whipped for you, but here he is letting you do your skin care routine on him
morning dew - @agentofbarnes
it was only supposed to be one night, but ransom can’t seem to get you out of his head (smut) 
Andy Barber
the proposal - @fairyevans
andy takes the reader on a gorgeous vacation but everything goes wrong except the proposal 
consequences - @stargazingfangirl18
life after your breakup with ransom (smut)
yes, mrs barber - @jurassicbarnes
in which you’re down on your knees, about to suck his dick within an inch of his life because it was the only way to shut him up (smut) 
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sidneypoindexter · 3 years
I honestly hated the birdtaurs at first.
It was like. Oh. Weird fandom parody. Wasn't this made before the fandom was even a thing? Nobody hates Wammawink. This is just obnoxious and stressful. What the fuck is with the bird fetuses? I like Crandy's song though, she has a cute voice. But these birdtaurs are so selfish and self-obsessed, they don't see themselves as part of the world, they're like above it. Literally. They don't even care about each other, they just care about watching each other's content and having their own fans for their own content.
But my opinion changed when...
Bayden got minotaur'd.
And then Bayden showed up in the human world, and was loudly livetweeting directly above the minotaurs. And then the bird fetus dropped on the minotaurs (because of course, how would it get to his followers, they're literally in another world) and repeated just enough...
"Bayden. Directly above minotaurs."
When that happened, I was so surprised and amazed that I said "oh shit" out loud. My stepdad heard me from the dining room (I was watching in the living room) and told me to watch my language. He doesn't like when people swear so I try to watch my language when he's at home (and I'm not in my room, I can swear as much as I want in my own room) which is why this making me shocked enough to swear out loud is a Big Thing.
Then Bayden just kept tweeting, while being captured and in the leadup to being minotaur'd. And I realized...
The birdtaurs' obsession with the world as a story has caused them to not realize they're a part of it. And this separation in their minds of "things that can happen to them" and "things that can happen to other people" made Bayden not realize what was going to happen to him until it already had.
When Bayden came out as a minotaur, I was so amazed. I'd seen spoilers of minotaur-Bayden, but didn't know how it was going to happen. I couldn't tell the difference between most birdtaurs at that point anyways- Bayden just wasn't that important in my mind until this happened, I saw him once but didn't expect him to be a major player, so I forgot him instantly. So when he turned into a minotaur I was like "so THAT'S what that screenshot was from."
Minotaur-Bayden is so grotesque and I love the design. The combination of bird and alligator to make whatever that is? The sharpening of all his Centaurworldy features? The fact he still doesn't have a nose, so his noseless beak-face plus the alligator's mouth made the top part of the beak squished in while the bottom part jutted out? The fact he still had his durpleshirt on? It's quite honestly one of the best designs in the show.
Comfortable Doug's line of "Is this a death we must mourn or a birth we must celebrate?" made me appreciate Comfortable Doug much more than I had before. I still don't like the moletaurs being hairless, but that's fine. Also after Bayden roared, Doug went "...Still not sure." which made me laugh.
In the Hootenanny episode, the little line in the song of "oh by the way guys has anyone seen Bayden" made me think like. Oh shit. They don't know what they're in for. Honey, you've got a big storm coming.
Then in the finale episode, when Bayden captured Crandy and she recognized him instantly? And she was like "what did you think of my latest [whatever it is she does]" and he went "Like. Like. Like." and she was like "He's still in there, you guys!"
I was all "are they going to have to kill their friend knowing he's their friend?" but then the final song showed the birdtaurs with Bayden, helping to rehabilitate him. Uncomfortable with what he's become but still seeing him as their friend and liking him- that made me like the birdtaurs way more than I did before. Before that, they'd seemed kind of shallow, but now I can see they actually care about each other beyond just watching each other's content and having their own fans for their own content. The way the tweeting-egg fit perfectly into Bayden's jutting jaw also made me smile.
Anyways TL;DR minotaur-Bayden singlehandedly redeemed the birdtaurs in my eyes.
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
G'day Rabs!
#1, 4, 10, 13, 15, 25, 30, 35
💜 Ez
This took me far too long. This is why I dont play these games! Grrrr
I need to put in a cut
1. What’s your favourite fic of all time?
This is soooo hard to answer. There are far too many that stand out like @littlefreya The Way to Hell and @wolvesandhoundshowltogether Kissed By Fire but at the moment my favourite is @just-chirpin Eyes That See
4. What’s your favourite fic trope?
Anything where there’s a pre-established relationship that turns into more, Friends to Lovers, Siblings Best Friend, Enemies to Lovers, Reuniting Lovers. Love all of those.
10. Smut or no smut?
Honestly, did you have to ask?
I still like reading fics without smut, and I write fics without smut. BUT, I love smut.
13. What’s the funniest fic you’ve read?
Anything that @the-soot-sprite wrote for Silly Smutober you should check out the masterlist, there's a Thor Drabble! 👀
15. Has there ever been a trope you thought you’d never enjoy reading, but then eventually you did?
Yeah, the Stepdad/Stepdaughter trope. I blame the Slasher fics I read sometimes and @cruelfvkingsummer
25. Is there a fic that you think deserves more love?
One fic? That’s so hard. I’m going to tell you some blogs that need more love
@henryobsessed she’s my very very good friend and I love her work so much!
@hope-to-hell Her work is different to anything else I have read in the fandom and I adore it.
@pterodactylterrace Been enjoying their drabbles a lot.
30. What’s your favourite fic rec blog?
I don’t know any at the moment, the last few months I haven’t seen many going around. However, @littlefreya has an amazing fic rec section in her masterlist and so does @firefly-in-darkness
35. What do you love most about fics in your current fandom?
I think what I like most is that (in my experience), despite many authors interpreting characters differently, we are pretty accepting of the differences. There are no fights about the characters being hard or soft or liking this music or that music. I love that and appreciate it. I love reading characters that are similar to how I would write them, but I love reading different interpretations. Sometimes I’m in the mood for a hard arse Sy who doesn’t show a soft side, other times, why not read a sub!Sy story. It’s fun.
That was a mammoth task. I don’t know how you write so much and have times to play these games too.
It was fun though. I have a surprise for you later too!
❤️ Rabbit!
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