#but yes that baby gets at least one more hug because im saddened by this episode
angsty-aliens · 4 years
Okay now I’m going to bed so I can wake up early to write more wish fulfillment fic where someone gives a shit about the feral stabby baby. I mean yes, the fic is already 95% written but dammit I writing in an extra hug because this episode made me sad.
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
threat or promise — lee minhyuk
request: hello is it okay if i ask for sub!minhyuk mx? i dont rlly have any thing specific to add to that im so sorry
a/n: it’s really sad but it’s also really cute but like also also horny like minhyuk is a big ass mess but it’s ok we still love him.
word count: 1.6k
content: sub!minhyuk, dom!fem!reader, angst!!, it’s only fem because pegging, pet play, puppy/owner dynamics, you guessed it more pet names because again i am s o f t, praise kink kinda
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiest @rosethefae @staranonthoughts @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting
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you’re usually welcomed home with a sneak attack of kisses and hugs, along with minhyuk loudly ranting about something happening during his day, like how he gave a bird a tostito chip and it wouldn’t leave him alone or how his favorite drink was out so he had to get something else as he drags you to the couch so you could cuddle the night away.
today, though, you’re met with silence. your initial assumption of minhyuk being alseep is wrong: he’s in the living room, scrolling through his phone. he’s biting his lip, staring at the screen with an intense look, and you just can’t figure out what’s going through his head, “minnie?”
he jumps slightly, so you assume he didn’t notice you were there, but his reaction is less than sufficient to make you unsuspicious, “hey y/n.”
you sigh, setting your stuff down before sitting next to him on the couch, “come here, min,” you murmur. he barely can hold himself back for a few seconds before he gives in, falling into your arms, melting and molding against you, allowing you complete control to protect his heart, if just in that moment. it’s also not long before he starts letting out sobs that are so faint, you have to hold your breath if you’re trying to hear them. he uses your shirt to muffle his cries, and while you really don’t give a shit about the shirt, he’s worrying you, “minhyuk, talk to me baby, what do you need? do you wanna talk about it?”
he doesn’t say anything, but he hands his phone to you, which you take hesitantly. it’s off, so he’s not trying to show you anything, but he finally speaks up after a few moments of confusion, “take it away from me.”
“okay, baby, i’ll hold onto it for the time being,” you kissing the crown of his head while rubbing his back, hoping the affection will at least soothe him somewhat, “i’m not going to force you to talk about it, minnie, but if you want to talk to me, i’m here.”
he’s silent, so you take that as a sign he’s not going to talk. his arms are wrapped impossibly tight around you, as if holding on for dear life. his cheek is squished against your chest, and as much as it’s adorable, it’s so painful to see him like this. minhyuk was like the sun, just endlessly energetic and bright and he always had infinite love to give.
“y/n?” he whispers, taking you out of your thoughts.
“yes, baby?” you whisper back with another couple kisses, also running your fingers through his pale blond hair, “what’s on your mind, minnie?”
“they said i was annoying,” he murmurs, struggling to get the words out as he still cries, “they told me that i never shut up and they wish they could mute me sometimes. and usually i can handle it and just laugh it off, but today it was too much.”
it’s heartbreaking, really. minhyuk was such a kind person and yet this person, whoever they were, found it far too easy to hurt him, “thank you for telling me, min. that took a lot of strength. i—”
“am i annoying?” he cuts you off suddenly, but it only makes your heart crack a little bit more.
“of course you’re not, darling. you have so much life in you, you’re always making me laugh with your antics or making me smile with your work stories. i wouldn’t change a single thing about you, not ever,” you see him smile ever so slightly, and though it’s not enough to completely make his pain go away, his smile is a familiar sight that you’re so relieved to see.
“i pinky promise, min,” you hold him just as tight as he holds you, wishing you could take all his pain away.
“could you…” he murmurs softly, “could you distract me?”
“of course min, what do you wanna do? i can play a movie and get some popcorn or we could play a board game or go—”
“no, uhm, i meant something else,” he blushes, and you realize his legs had been wrapped around your left thigh for the entire time he’d been holding onto you, “i promise i’ll be good.”
“baby, you’re always good, what do you mean?” you ask softly, gently cupping his cheek with your hand. he leans into your touch, almost purring at the feeling.
“i promise, i promise i’ll be perfect for you, just please love me, please, i—”
“puppy,” you cut him off this time, because his words break your heart more and more by the second and it’s impossible to take. the nickname immediately changes his demeanor, evident by the fact his body tenses up. he looks up at you with his teary eyes, so you whisper to him, “are you sure you want to? i’d feel like i was taking advantage of you in this state if you’re not one hundred percent sure.”
“please, i’m sure,” he pleads, and you’ve never been one to deny him.
“does my puppy want his owner to fuck him?” you ask, and he nods quickly, desperately, and it makes you chuckle. he was so precious, “alright then, let’s move this to the bedroom.”
he follows behind you before lying down quietly on the bed. he’s silent the whole time you go through your dresser drawer for what you need, which is so unlike him that you turn to make sure he’s still there, and of course he is. he’s staring up at the ceiling vacantly, and you would do anything at this point to help the poor boy.
“strip for me, puppy,” you murmur, and he sits up to throw his shirt off and pull off his shorts and boxer. minhyuk’s never had a big build, always on the thinner side, but good god he looks so small with his shoulders hunched in like that, and it saddens you, “come here, pup, let me take care of you,” he crawls to the edge of the bed, head hung a bit low. you use a finger to lift his chin up, forcing him to look you in the eye, but it’s too much, “min, darling, let’s stop. you obviously—”
“please don’t, y/n, i really need this,” he begs, hands reaching out for you, needing to feel that you’re there, “i know you don’t like it when i’m sad, but i really need to be yours right now. please show me that i’m more than just an annoyance.”
“okay,” you breathe, leaning in for a kiss. it’s so much softer than normal, each movement of yours is filled with love and adoration. you just hope he can feel it as much as you do. you pull back to whisper to him, “let me prep you.”
he nods, grabbing onto the collar of your shirt to pull you on top of him, “ruin me, please.”
you squeeze some lube onto your fingers, warming it up so he doesn’t have to feel the coldness, “i’ll break you into pieces and put you back together beautifully, pup,” he still jumps at the feeling of your fingers touching him, pressing one in gently. he sighs at the feeling, closing his eyes to just simply take it all in. after a few minutes, he’s groaning at the slight stretch when you add another finger, “does that feel good, my pretty puppy?”
“y-yeah,” he stutters adorably, “want you inside me,” though you’d usually make him beg a little bit, tonight would be different. tonight was all about him.
“alright puppy, sit tight for me,” you kiss his forehead as you pull your fingers out, “god, you’re so beautiful. beautiful and absolutely mine.”
he whines at your words, whispering, “yours.”
you press the strap-on against his rim, pushing in when he gives you the green light, “you’re an incredible human being, my minpuppy, you’re so kind, so loving, and so bright,” you murmur as he moans out softly as you slowly push in and out, keeping the pace slow, and yet he’s already lost in the pleasure, “and you’re so, so special. you’re the only one for me, god i never want to let you go. you’re so perfect for me.”
the praise makes him more and more weak and it adds to feeling building up in his stomach more and more each second, “o-oh, fuck, fuck—!”
“you sound so pretty, when you’re close too,” you mutter in between thrusts, “you could cum at any second, but you like waiting for permission, don’t you?”
“l-like making you— oh my god!— proud of me,” he barely gets out as he’s so close, he can feel it coming.
“then make me proud, puppy, cum for me,” you order, and he easily obeys, feeling the warmth wash over him. you watch the white ribbons collect all over his tense stomach as he breathes heavily. you hadn’t touched his cock up until now, but you make sure to jerk him off through his orgasm until he’s given all the cum he’s got. you pull out of him and he all but collapses from all the energy it took, “there you go, puppy, good boy. you’re such a good boy. here, let me go get a rag so i can clean you up—”
“no~,” he whines, “stay with me. i like being dirty for you.”
“keep talking like that and i’ll really ruin you, pup,” you smirk teasingly.
“is that a threat or a promise?” he asks with bright eyes, even though he knows the answer. him being at least somewhat back to his normal self makes this moment so precious.
“promise, puppy, it’s a promise.”
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isabellitah · 4 years
Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
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Title : babie hen
Pairing : none
Warning : a few cuss words and this is long ok
Request : Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
Note : Hiii 🤍 i hope this is to your liking hehe
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i made a wholeass scenario before i reread the request and noticed the word hEADCANON SO IM V SORRY THAT THIS WAS DELAYED I-
Number Eight-
ah yes, the sweetest babie in the whole world, as mentioned by Klaus at some point in their lives
said babie is also their mother hen- well, aside from Allison that is
Luther Hargreeves
eightie always makes sure that Luther never overworks himself
and when he does, your always there for him
making sure he’s hydrated
feeding him lil snacks so that he isn’t starving
i bet you sliced off the crusts of the sandwich bc we all know Luther can be a big babie too hmph
and you’re just overall being there for him, supporting him like any sister would do for their older brother
but when he tries to over overwork himself, which is rare as it only happens when he’s anxious about something, you bet your ass you trapped him in a water sphere and nyoomed him to his room and onto his bed- basically forcing him to rest gorl he’s wet he has to shower before napping but ok-
now that that big babie is in his room, time to check on big babie number two-
Diego Hargreeves
Diego- the lil menace currently chasing Klaus with knives for who knows what reason
you weren’t even gonna ask
it’s nothing new
but anway-
you called them for snacks thus ending their “game of tag”
game of tag my ass-
more like pin the dagger on Klaus
while eating the sandwiches you made them, you noticed a lil bit of jam on the corner of Diego’s mouth
the moment Klaus ran off after eating his sandwich, and Diego stood up to follow him, you took a napkin, licked it a bit, and wiped the jam off of Diego’s face
lil murderous babie blushed and whined at you to stop
you kept wiping at his skin as though the jam was still there just to play with him
anyway, after you stopped, he quickly left to - maybe - go find Klaus
before he left though, he turned to you, wrapped his arms around you, mumbled a quick “thank you eightie” and ran off
keeping in mind where your three siblings are, you decided to go find Allison
Allison Hargreeves
surprisingly, you find both Allison panicking in her room
apparently Luther asked her out and she doesn’t know what to wear, how to style her hair, how to do her make-up, should she wear ma-
she was freaking out bc she never thought Luther would gather his wits and actually ask her out !!!
she wasn’t prepared ok
and u forced Luther to sleep i- reminder to wake him up later
maybe he tried to over overwork himself bc he’s nervous about their date oop
you immediately entered the room and shut the door behind you
first date, so it should be a good experience ok
keeping this in mind, you calmly told her to sit down on her bed and take sips of from the glass of water beside her bed
going through her closet and picking out a casual outfit was easy- Allison has great taste so it wasn’t a challenge at all
clothes and shoes done, and Allison is now calm
you gently lead her to her vanity and slowly started doing a half-up half-down hairdo
for her makeup, you went with a natural makeup- neutral eyeshadow, mascara, a bit of blush, and red lipstick
dress on, heels on, hair done, makeup done, sister immaculate
you were done
simple yet elegant- was how she looked
standing behind the seated woman known as your sister, you slightly teared up- you don’t know why exactly but you-
you felt like a proud mom aww
Allison hugged you and thank you profusely
“Don’t you dare ruin my masterpiece,” you threatened with a wink
you were rewarded with a giggle and a smile
dismissing yourself while she went ahead and took selfies,
you immediately went to go look for Luther i-
after waking him up, it wasn’t hard to stop his whining and convince him to start moving,
you just had to remind him of his date with Allison
and poof
mans was gone
nah not really- he just went to go change
now that you think about it- how’s Klaus?
with that thought in mind, you went out of Luther’s room in search of your high brother
Klaus Hargreeves
you found him in the wine cellar
of course
“Klaus, what’re you doing here?”
“Eightie! Fancy seeing you here 🤍 how are you? I haven’t seen you since you fed me that sandwich- great sandwich by the way; the filling was mwah chef’s kiss,”
he said smiling while holding onto vodka 🤍
you internally rolled your eyes and grabbing his wrist, led him upstairs and into his room
you sat down on his bed with your back comfortably resting on his headrest
he just stood their looking resigned
he knew what was about to happen
you do this at least once a week
secretly he was happy though
these weekly talks always made him feel light by the end of the conversation
anyway, he laid down with his head onto your lap
the moment you started combing your hand through his hair, he spilled everything that bothered him
how his power still scared him- seeing the dead anywhere and everywhere
some trying to talk to him
some just creepily staring at him
and some- some trying to harm him
and that he sometimes felt useless or like a nobody in the family
how he felt like such a disappointment
you listened to everything - even to the ones he never said out loud - calmly and patiently
and when he was done, you slowly started refuting everything he said with various memories
his powers once helped you both help a lost soul find his way back home
he always tries to lighten the mood whenever the tension in the room gets high
he’s always there for all of you, offering his love, whenever and wherever
he sets back his problems in order to help you all solve your problems first
the more memories you recall, the better Klaus felt about himself
and that’s what mattered
Five, Ben, and Vanya Hargreeves
after staying to talk with Klaus for a bit longer, you excused yourself after he claimed to be taking a nap
walking around, you hear faint rustling from inside the study room
walking in, you see Five, Ben, and Vanya in various positions by the couch
Five was sitting on the floor, back pressed against couch
Ben was leaning against the arm of the couch with his legs on top of Vanya’s
and Vanya was sitting cross legged on the couch
all three were listening to Ben read a poem
a poem possibly written by him considering the book he was reading was journal
you were about to excuse yourself to give them their privacy when Ben called you over and invited you
looking at your other two siblings and receiving a nod, you thanked them and sat on the floor beside Five who then leaned his head onto the top of your head- yes, you were short
Ben continued reading the poem and you were right- it was poem
a poem that seemed to be about his feelings
you were saddened by how he felt when you were younger but hearing how he feels now boosted your mood- especially when you heard that your siblings were a big factor on why he felt happy and motivated nowadays
hearing a faint grumble beside you, you tapped Five’s thigh to get his head off you so that you can get up
after some grumbling and whining from the man-child, you got up and said you’ll be right back
you left after kissing their cheeks, earning a smile and a blush from Ben, a smile from Vanya, and a pout from Five who still didn’t want you to leave
you pinched his cheek for good measure before running off giggling
arriving at the kitchen, you were surprised - but not really - to see Five there
apparently he went into the kitchen “to help you carry things”
sure- he just wanted to see what you’d make
and so you made them all sandwiches and trimmed the sides off of course which earned youa pleased hum from your ever so helpful brother
his sandwich, after his persistence, had two extra marshmallows
after making their sandwiches you convinced him to head on first with them
and once he left, you went on to make tea for yourself, juice for both Ben and Vanya, and your special brew for Five
once entering the room, the tray of drinks was immediately snatched from you and popped onto the table with Five wearing a cat got the canary grin, “ahh the only person in the world who knows how to make a proper blend- aside from me of course.”
you rolled your eyes and thanked him for his rare compliment on your coffee making skills
Ben and Vanya thanked you for the snacks and you beamed at them and kissed their cheeks as a reply
which led to Five asking you where his kiss was
knowing you’ll get nowhere arguing with him, you kissed his cheek while he was in the middle of ranting of why he deserves a kiss too
which led to his rant being cut off and him spluttering while slowly turning red
which led to you, Vanya, and Ben laughing which resulted in Five slowly smiling and joining your laughter as well
and that’s how you spent your afternoon- the four youngest siblings bonding- talking and laughing about anything and everything under the sun until you ran out of topics and just laid in comfortable silence to the point where you all fell asleep
and that’s how the eldest four siblings found you-
Allison placed a blanket over all of you before leaving with Luther to go on their date
Diego took the trays, plates, and cups you used for your snacks and brought them downstairs before leaving to gomeet with Detective Patch
and Klaus- Klaus laid down next to you so you were in between him and Five and feel asleep almost immediately
the first sleep he’s had in years that didn’t contain nightmares- and of course it was because you were there
you were always there for him- for all of them, really
you never shyed away from showing affection
and you never failed to show your love and care for them
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gertstarlight · 4 years
a kiss out of envy or jealousy 😳😳
i’ve gotten too many requests asking for a jealousy kiss so i stayed up til 4:30am to write this!! pls forgive the spelling/grammar cuz i am literally sleeping rn
send me more prompts!!
Loud bustling sound of classical music flowed through the tannenbaum wedding. The warm haze of the sunlight escaped behind the buildings in Blue Valley as the small string lights made their presence known. Sweet smell of foreign roses and tiny cakes breezed past Beth as she stood near the alter. She had always wanted the classic wedding but the heroism put a dent in those plans. The flowers patterned her flowy blue dress as she heard a familiar voice behind her.
“Elizabeth Chapel, haven’t seen you in a couple years!”
Beth turns to see who it belongs to and immediately recognizes her childhood friend, Dean Harrison.
“Well yeah cuz you moved away to Germany after fifth grade,” her voice bold as ever, “how have you been, Dean?”
“Good actually yanno I’ve had time to adjust after what like 5 years but enough about me, are u doing good in Blue Valley and all?” He had the same chipper mannerism as her.
“Of course!! Blue Valley isn’t the same without you but the town has adapted to the absence of your beaming smile,” Beth held her wide smile and started catching up with her old friend.
Quiet footsteps reach where Beth stood and stopped behind her, giving her a soft nudge. She turned mid conversation to see Rick holding the drink she was waiting for. He put them down on the tall ledge beside the altar they were standing beside.
The tall blonde haired stranger spoke to Beth in a suspiciously friendly way. Well, everyone spoke to Beth in the kindest tone but this guy was ticking all the boxes on Rick’s Red Flag Checklist. He said sweet words to her and made her smile, maybe that’s why Rick disliked him.
The stranger responded to Beth’s optimistic remarks, “wow big words coming from the Blue Valley’s brightest smile champion.” Rick watched the two sync up in their amusement.
“There was a competition for the best smile?” Rick let his tone gain some edge as he questioned the other boy.
“Well yeah it was an inside joke Beth and I had when we were practically babies,” Dean said still laughing along with Beth.
That stupid laugh checked another one of Rick’s boxes and he felt the annoyance take over.
Regaining herself from the laughter, she spoke for the first time since Rick showed up, “ we were seven, Dean and it wasn’t even a real competition!”
“Ouch,” Dean says as he fake stabs his fist into his heart, “that really hurts, how could you hurt me like that?” Goddamn his laugh was starting to bug Rick.
“Woooow you were always the dramatic one,” said Beth as she joked around with the foreign friend she once knew.
“Yes that’s because you were always so realistic and needed some fun sarcasm,” he laughed and put a hand on Beth’s shoulder to balance the two of them as they continued to laugh.
Rick felt the heat burning up in his chest, just watching some other guy hold on to Beth the way he always wanted to. When she asked him to come to her aunt’s wedding, he let himself believe it would be the moment they fall for each other. Beth’s platonic wording didn’t stop him from deluding himself. He would go anywhere with Beth as long as he was with Beth.
The slow anger fizzled around in Rick’s mind as he sighed along to the stranger’s colourful words. Rick clearly did not come here for the food or the beautiful ceremony so when the one reason he was here for was flirting with some dude, he was sure as hell upset. Knowing Beth, this was just a casual conversation to her but to that nameless guy, she was probably the sweetest person to exist. Wasn’t she just the sweetest to everyone though?
She snapped him out of his lovelorn looks with a quick introduction. Although, Rick just wanted to act polite and hold a solid conversation, his rage got the best of him. He let a few sarcastic comments slip into the conversation and not-so-patiently waited for this Dan dude to walk away. Realizing how weirdly protective he got over his best friend, he calmed himself by taking a few sips from his drink.
Just couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances and wanting to speak in sweet melodies to the wonderful human sunshine. The love struck emotion is the least familiar to Rick Tyler but the sound of Beth’s voice made him want nothing more than to dance away the night. He shivered at simple thought of her ever returning those feelings that drive him wild. All he wants is to just steal her away from the lights of this romantic lighting and pull her into the steamiest kiss.
“Hey Rick, you ready to go?” Beth’s delicate voice makes him realize he zoned out again.
“Uh yeah sure, let’s get you home,” he muttered, letting his hand slip around her shoulders.
Needless to say, they do not end up home. They left the dancing strangers and fairy lights of the wedding behind. They walk lazily on to the Blue Valley bridge as Beth tells some silly anecdote with Rick’s suit hugging her shoulders. His hand still lay around her as they both stumble around the little sidewalk on the bridge overlooking the suburbs.
Beth switches the conversation to small talk, “the wedding was actually really sweet and the little flower centrepieces were matching the bride’s dress and it was all so detailed.”
“Uh yeah weddings are great,” Rick’s less than enthusiastic tone threw her off.
“Rick is something bothering you?”
“No I’m just tired from all that dancing.”
She throws him a classic pleading look, which is all it really takes for him to confess his inner monologue.
“Actuality Beth, I have to tell you something,“ he starts, hesitantly.
“You’re not the biggest fan of Dean, I get it he can be quite the optimist”
“Um no that’s not my problem with him”
“Then what it is ?”
Rick struggles to tell her the real reason he wants to practically never see Dean ever again. He settles for a generic answer to stop Beth from questioning him further.
“Forget it Beth, doesn’t matter anyways”
She takes stops walking and let’s him face her. The curiosity was gonna bug her until he was honest with her.
“Wait i don’t wanna forget it if it’s clearly bothering you,” her voice was serious and a little nervous.
“Just drop it Beth,” his voice was just serious.
“Yanno passive aggressiveness can’t be your solution to not talking about your feelings,” she said as she stood on the bridge facing the man she thought would be honest with her.
“It doesn’t matter,” Rick said dismissively.
“Rick, I don’t want you to have to keep ur feelings hidden deep inside. At least not around me,” Beth’s kind voice was the only sound he ever wanted to hear.
Rick just looks at her w lovelorn eyes but his lips slip out a different tone, “can we not talk about this anymore I’m sick of telling you how I feel all the time.” The harshness in his words never reflected how he felt about her. He never wanted to taint her perfect brightness with his dark inner horrors.
Eyes twitching and lips pursing, she said, “you know what Rick, I am SICK OF YOU SCREAMING ALL THE TIME!” Beth clearly got the memo and let her anger come out.
“WELL IM SICK OF U THINKING U CAN JUST GET IN MY WAY AND CALM ME DOWN,” Rick’s volume matched hers as he took a step forward.
“WELL IM SICK OF U GETTING SO CLOSE ONLY TO PUSH ME AWAY!” Another step closer than they had been before.
“YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IM SICK OF BETH?” his voice tunes down, mirroring the beat of his heart, “the way you don’t feel the same about me.”
That was it. Every single emotion Rick had ever felt about Beth was just out there, lingering in the air and hanging over his head.
She takes a minute to process the words he just breathed so close to her lips. Cursing their subconscious mirroring of small steps that brought them so close together, Beth looked at him. She couldn’t take the heat of the moment anymore. She needed to release the tension and his angry lips were just so close to hers.
Beth collides their lips together and feels the rage in his words slip away. All the feigned anger led up to what was the most comforting yet frenzied moment. Slowly tracing her hands along the back of his neck, she feels his hands find her hips.
She knew those heated exchange of words didn’t come from a place of anger. Beth just couldn’t sense where they were coming from but did that really matter when her lips left his just so they can both catch up with their heart. She let his forehead gently fall on to hers.
“Rick I didn’t...” slowly murmuring as she trails off with her forehead still on his.
“I hate the way Dave was looking at you and the way you laughed along to his dumb jokes,” he blurts out realizing it was his only chance to let her know.
Beth’s mind was just racing at the same pace as her heart, knowing only his lips could make her feel that way.
“And I know I have no right to tell you who to talk to cuz that’s a dick move,” he just continues to speak as he holds onto her waistline.
Beth sorta just chuckles to herself and moves her head away from his to look at him for the first time since their kiss. The confusion took over his face as she began to explain.
“I’m not laughing at you,” she composes herself and continues, “well maybe i am but more so at the fact that you’re jealous!”
Rick’s eyes bring out that signature saddening anger when he hears her voice speak the words he couldn’t. Reluctantly, he pulls away from her hold on his neck and tries to find the words to explain.
“I just don’t like Dan,” he stutters out an answer.
“I don’t care abt him, also his name his Dean,” she places her hands on his jawline with a reassuring touch.
“I kissed you, Rick,” she lets her eyes emphasize the statement and her head nods slightly as she spoke to let him know she really meant it.
The fall air breezes past them as Rick contemplates her words, he bites the edge of his lips and does what he knew should’ve done a while ago.
Rick closed the space between their lips but a lot more delicately than she had. His hands had already memorized the exact place on her hips she liked them to be after the first kiss.
The way Beth felt their bodies fall into the same rhythm amused her. Letting her hands find their way into his dark wavy hair, she’s make those small twist to keep her balance.
It didn’t take long for them to understand the wild bursts of energy they spewed at each other was just from holding in all the unrequited feelings. If it hadn’t been for her unlikely bravery, he would still be getting lost in her words instead of the sweetness of her lips. So maybe Rick is glad he agreed to Beth’s proposition to go to some cliche storybook wedding as friends. And so it goes, those two are no longer friends.
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xreaderbooks · 6 years
Hate part 2
Slipping his hand into mine he grumbled about me using his own words against him and me not caring ;continued sensing death and in its depressing scent was making me understand why my Thanatos had decided to send me here.
Making it to the destination which was surprisingly not that far from the underworld I saw 3 demigods or um 2 demigods the third one ,on the floor bleeding out from a a huge gash,but not only that but the 3rd demigod was around 5-6 years old.
The other 2 demigods mourning over the fact that the little one was dying. It made sense too take him out of his misery and saddened by the fact that I needed to use my powers but at the moment I stepped up to the male demigod who looked around nico and I's age,Took out his celestial bronze sword trying to act brave and pointed it at Nico and I.\
"Who are you?" He questioned forcefully, Nico slowly took out his sword and in a firm voice said "Drop it"
"What do you want from us, are you another monster?"
"Relax were here to help" I reasoned
"Dont trust them Brandon they might be monsters" The girl who looked a year younger said
"We arent monsters relax were demigods and if you let us help the kid we'll take you to a safe place and the kid would a have a peaceful and painless death, trust us it seemed like you cared for him and if you did you'll let us help" I bargained.
"Fine but if you hurt him anymore than he is i'll kill you"Brandon threatened
Rushing over to the kid I tried to sooth him "Hey little one whats your name"
"J-jason, w-whats yours"
I gasped quietly " My names (y/n),I have a friend with the same name and you know what"
"Hes a hero just like you-" I started just to be cut off by Nico "hey (l/n) hurry up with whatever you need to do, his life force is weakening and he's dying bleeding out more"
"Will you chill out im trying to make him die peacefully and calmly without him thinking hes dying no matter how obvious it is, its a complex process besides its my first time so it would work alot better without being rushed"
"What!" yelled the girl "your telling me its your first time whatever it is your doing to my cousin!"
"Yes it is but nothing negative will come out of it if something goes wrong it'll just speed up death what im doing now is distracting him so the wound cant hurt anymore so he can move on to the next stage without any pain..its an illusion princess nothing is gonna happen any worse than him dying which will happen either way so your gonna have to learn to trust me"
"well I dont and if you-"
"you seem pretty confident of those threats you keep on giving out for an inexperienced demigod who wasnt even able to protect her own baby cousin from a hell hound"
"Ive been in more than 5 fights I think I should be pretty confident " she tried to snare not imtimidating kind of embarrassing really.
"yeah well ive known people who been through 10 times more and worse fights than you so if you'd shut up that'd be great because im trying to calmly set Jason to a nice long sleep"
After setting Jason on his way to Elysium Nico decided we should camp out in the woods for a night and head to camp tomorrow.
I sat next to Brandon and saw him poking the fire wood with a stick.
"Hi" I said trying to make conversation
"Hey" he replied with no emotion
"Look im sorry about what happened with jason he seemed like a sweet kid"
"He was and he was my brother also"
"oh I-I I didnt know im sorry I blamed your cousin on his death I-"
"It's fine I- Can I hug you?" he asked
"Sure I guess" and he embraced me after a few seconds I could feel a something wet one my shoulder and realized he was crying, I tried my best to comfort him there were so many deaths as a demigod and that just causes pain to people I honestly dont think Brandon deserved to have his little brother to die.
I'm not sure about the other girl but after 5 minutes of him crying Nico came out of the woods heading our way.
"(y/n) I need to talk to you"
"okay" I excused myself from brandon and followed nico to a tree not far from the camp we set up
"We need to leave this place as soon as possible tomorrow"
"Monsters there are 4 demigods out here im positive their gonna to smell our scent"
"Got it,we leave at at sunrise somewhat easy to shadow travel safe enough to fight monsters if they come at us" I replied turning to go back until he grabbed my wrist
I glanced at his hand on my wrist and back at him
"What?" I asked annoyed
"Why was brandon hugging you for so long?"
"Why do you care?"
"I dont but you have a job to protect me and I snuck out of this place like twice to get tents"
"His brother died what do you expect, besides I dont care to protect you and you didnt care either so why do you suddenly care"
"Because I know my father would punish you if you dont and as much as I dont like you I wouldnt like my dad punishing you or anybody else"
"well thats my problem not yours so bye" I said turning away again until he spun me around again
"So your gonna head back to Brandon now"he asked
"That shouldnt matter to you, you dont own me"I said about to head back once again until he pulled me back and kissed me.
"It does and I do now" he said when he pulled back
I pushed him away then I slapped him, and then pulled him by the collar and kissed him passionately.our lips moving in sync and then oxygen ruining everything because the human need of it we pulled away.
"I-uh got to go" I said
"whoa where do you think your going, you cant just shove,slap then kiss your boyfriend and leave me out here alone especially with your job and all"he said jokingly at least i hoped
"oh so im your girlfriend now, didnt know ghost kings had feelings"I smirked
"whatever "he lightly pushed me
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serensama · 7 years
V route asks
Hi guys I’ve just gotten a couple of asks that might be a little spoiler-y so I’m answering them here under the cut so no one has to be forced to see it!
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@mc-of-my-life I am one of the camp leaders honey! I am all about V being happy but then Ray being happy too! I need that boy to live happily ever after, my soul depends on it. Granted this MC... WHO DOES THAT? Who lets themselves be kidnapped? Man as soon as the driver said that if i didn’t wear the sleeping mask that he had sleeping pills for me to use I was like- SERIOUSLY??? WHY NOT JUST CLUB ME OVER THE HEAD? 
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Yes. Yes they are my darling. I just want to hug Mama V so tightly, bless her. Also- I love her voice actor, such a beautiful calming voice, I wonder how V would have grown up differently if he had heard his mother’s voice as he went to sleep TT__TT sorry I have a lot of feelings about this TT__TT
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Let me tell you, coming from a psych background did that throw me in for a loop. I was like- you can see her morality? REALLY? Her ethics?? LIKE PHYSICALLY SEE THAT?!?!?! What you're likely seeing is her ego , what she’s portraying to society to meet societal norms. Her superego... that was becoming more and more distorted so if you could see that V... and you did nothing... I need to whoop your ass. Then again he’s quoting Freud so he may need an asskicking anyways. But I agree Nonny- I do believe that V can see more than most people, but i think that’s because he genuinely cares more than most people. Like he wants to take the time to get to know people and help them... sometimes to his ... and their... detriment. 
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I understand that, trust me- i above all people do. I think V tried his best and got overwhelmed, thought that he could handle her issues and “love” the darkness out of her. I just really hate that Rika discontinued her treatment, knowing full well that she was capable of hurting anyone and she stopped it, that kills me, it makes me furious. It’s one thing if your mental illness is only affecting you but the moment it becomes detrimental to the people around you, becomes dangerous for the people around you- you have a god damn duty to take care of it. The emphasis is on choice, correct- but it also shines upon the consequences of choosing wrong. 
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Im pretty sure there’s going to be a Saeran route too, to make him so loveable is probably a ploy to see how we all react and how much we want to have one as well. So everyone please continue supporting Cheritz and letting them know how much we love them for their work and please- please let us have a Saeran route. It’s time to right all the wrongs here! *Zen is shocked to learn that tears have moisturising properties!? Immediately goes into his room and starts method acting to cry himself to sleep to wake up with glowing skin,.... but puffy AF eyes*
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I know honey, I know- I am here for you!!! I have to say that I DIED when they incorporated how much he loved art and painting and the good ending where he mentions canvases etc- I WAS REBORN! I was like.... am  I psychic or what?!?!? Hahahah I always figured that heh was an artistic person as a son of a people (who i thought was a painter and a singer) who are patrons of the arts, he would definitely be one to explore his artistic options. I was saddened to see that I wasn’t completely correct in that HC but I still love that in his blood, he is an artist. And at least one parent saw that  and nourished it TT__TT *cries for Mama V* OH GOD TT__TT Don’t even get me started on Ray, that poor fragile innocent bean. I will save him. Next time. I will save him and they will all be happy. 
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First Nonny: The only bad end I’ve ever done was Jumin’s and that was because I loved his little smirk in the bad end (yes you know the one). Cheritz would have done that on purpose, without a doubt. Kudos Cheritz, kudos!!!! They have some great writers on their staff who should be proud :)  Second Nonny: I know. In my head, i didn’t see him die so it didn’t happen. He got out. Saeyoung saved him and he’s alive and well. I saw it happening from day 4 with the way he acted when V came to save her- the level of possessiveness and panic he displayed proved how unstable and how reliant he was on her for his happiness... if she was to go away... and WASNT saved by the RFA... there was only one place for him to go TT__TT.... i hate being right. 
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WHY!?!? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN PUT THAT INTO MY HEAD NONNY?!?!?! DONT YOU KNOW I LIVE FOR ANGST AND LOVE TRIANGLES?!?! TT__TT *scribbles down all the fic ideas she’s just been given*
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Jumin is a saint in every route. He is the Best. EVER. (not a jumin fan girl at all).  The sarcasm and eloquence to which he destroyed Rika made me smile and clap. She deserved to have all her preposterous ideas and excuses thrown back at her. But- but... she does need help. Serious psychiatric help and all the people who she brainwashed and manipulated need help too.... but omg... if it were just me and her, in a quiet room before she was taken away for treatment and still rather lucid- I would rip into her for hurting my babies. For breaking Yoosung. For betraying Saeyoung and destroying Saeran. For manipulating Jumin and crushing V.... and well thanking her for giving Zen a pat on the back and some flowers I guess and just leaving Jaehee alone... and then wishing her a good recovery and a lifetime to think over the wrong she had done!
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I don't think it’s a bad thing I mean... it’s kinda that same in the deep route- the one you’re romancing is almost always threatened of being overshadowed by the one still trying to win your heart. Only difference is that we didn’t get to really win Ray’s heart/get a good ending with him. Which is fair. BECAUSE I NEED A ROUTE JUST FOR HIM GOD DAMN IT. HE DESERVES ONE. HES GONE THROUGH THE MOST AND NEEDS THE MOST LOVE!!!  But I think V did shine in all of this- the reason why there’s so much support and outpouring of love for Saeran is because of what happens to him in the route. I honestly believe if Saeran got his happy ending and got reunited with Saeyoung and joined the RFA the amount of angsty love for Saeran would be cut by like HALF. We are a sucker for pain, and seeing a beloved character in pain makes us want to rally and support him... and now that V got his happy ending... everyone wants one for Saeran too. It’s only natural :) 
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fthisimkmsing · 5 years
My notes cause I don't need them anymore (not a hail Mary attempt)
To the girl I've spent countless hours and days with I still love you more than life itself even though I may not need you i want you in my life your cute little smile when you fuck something up or when you can't reach something and you need my help your laugh and smile is euphoric and your character as a whole is amazing i love spending every waking moment with you you have been so helpful and kind to me hell you got me through many tough times and I'm sorry I am so inactive and don't like going out much I'll try to work on that but i just wnant to hold you in my arms forever and keep you close to me and safe you are absolutely drop dead gorgeous you will make a wonderful mother one day to our children or otherwise and I envy whoever you end up choosing if it's not me there's a couple of things i want to do again with you like another concert where it feels like just you and me or another round at the fair itd be wonderful i love you Rebekah so much I hope you know that and I miss you a lot too its 2 am so im gonna go to sleep goodnight  i promise if i have anymore to say ill come back and add on sleep well my beautiful angel <3 funny thing is im typing this to make myself feel better like im talking to you even though you probably won't ever see this i pray that you will find what you need in life you mean so much to me i told my new coworker about you and how gorgeous and smart you are i really wish i could just tell you all of this but you want me to stay away  i really hope we find our happily ever after whether it be together or apart but you will always be so many of my firsts and so many of my fondest memories <3 today I told my new coworker how proud I was of you getting your car and how you bought it yourself i really miss hugging you and cuddling you and seeing your gorgeous ass self you are really amazing and i love you so much I'd die/take a bullet for you in a heartbeat but today i really came to a realization you probably won't like to hear if you get back together with me i realized that even though im a little chubby and should really work out more i am the whole package I will be a great husband and have a great future and whomever decides to come along for that ride would really enjoy it i feel so if you weren't to come back you're missing out on a guaranteed great husband and great future which yes i know confidence much maybe almost downright cocky but I'm happy with what the future holds for me and whomever decides to come with me and if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times i wish it could be you i really do cause despite my being scared of you potentially cheating I have faith and deep down i know you won't cause you are honest and real with me (unless you weren't in which case awwwkwaaarrrdd) but yeah you'd be a great mother and whoever you marry will be lucky and happy they have you and same thing for me :) you know the funniest thing anytime i text anyone and so ok i love you too your name pops up first in my next word choice box cause that's what I did i loved you hell i definitely still do and for some reason if you asked me to marry you there would be no hesitation no i need time to think just one word yes cause that's who i am and that's how head over heels i am for you i want to hug you bad hell I'd give away my paycheck to fucking see and talk to you again and make you fall in love all over again you did something no one and nothing could do you made me truly happy like true true happiness i love you so much Rebekah sleep well baby girl I hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow you are the bestest ever forever <3 lol today was my first ever college football tailgate with my church college group in Greenville today was also one of those days I was sad but i wasn't at first i was fine just felt a little out of place but quickly threw myself in and i got away from everyone for a bit and checked snapchat and saw that you finally got your tattoo and I was so happy for you but sad at the same time cause I wanted to be with you maybe get one with you but sadly i missed that milestone
Im sorry for missing your first tattoo I wish i couldve been there for you and with you im so proud of you cause your tattoo couldn't be truer you are coming from nothing and making big strides that's a big accomplishment I love you hell maybe I'll get a tattoo soon you never know i saw the flirting posts that i "liked" so i unfollowed you on everything cause it hurt so much i like instantly started crying and what do they have i don't you are killing me it broke me all over again i did everything I could to make you happy i tried so hard and it feels like you're really not fighting or trying to better yourself it feels like you just want to get with someone else cause I wasn't enough for you my efforts meant nothing today a Sunday night i was with my small group and you "accidentally sent me a video of you showing off your new tattoo the day or so after i removed you from all social media since i found out unfriending doesn't make me disappear on your end so i blocked you sorry but i have to thank you for understanding and being respectful so recently I've really been going after God and it came to my attention that i was wanting you to be something you can't be and weren't designed to be aka i wanted you to satisfy me completely which is impossible only God can do that also i lusted after you so much even though i had so much love for you aswell but my lust being me using you for my benefit aka my happiness and stuff was wrong i should've been more loving aka sacrificial of myself to benefit or help you and I'm so very sorry about that i wish i couldve been a better leader for you sadly for right now at least it seems i am too late hey i just wanted to say even if we don't get back together I'm really glad i met you you were a wonderful first also you'd be proud of me i was gogogo for 17/18 hours from 4:50am to 9:53pm thats kinda insane for me lol I'm so happy today like i feel hella blessed and loved and it's not necessarily from a person i just feel so in touch with God rn i know ur probably like smh but for real im like on fire its awesome but i just wanted to let you know even though you might never see this and if you do its been a hot minute lol but it's not to hurt you it's to show you i guess my self improvement slash progression of life in general i suppose  also just wanted you to know but im sure u already do you are a really beautiful woman and I am saying that cause i can appreciate a beautiful woman you don't have priority anymore but i just wanted to let you know that god bless that was hard to explain but even that is obscure IM NOT HITTING ON YOU IM JUST APPRECIATING GOD'S CRAFTSMANSHIP BAM there we go ok so just looked at pictures of us on my phone and hot damn you fine lol (still appreciating the craftsmanship) hey its been a bit i went on a retreat with fuse and it was amazing i met a lot of guys and girls and am continuing to talk with some of the girls but the more i talk with them the more i miss talking with you i really wish we could at least be friends again but i guess not :( I'm glad I met you Rebekah you were a fantastic first girlfriend I just want you to know im not mad with you i respect your decision wholeheartedly you were great and hell I'll say it I miss you you were really fun to hang with i wish to tell you this but alas I'm here and you're nowhere to be seen in my life and I can almost guarantee you're not as affected and definitely not to the degree I am (it's not so bad for you you have to  journal your experience of life without me) part of my heart is with you and always will be because the sex we had same thing with you part of your heart will always be with me and im sorry for that today i thought about you and when you told me that you imagined us sitting on the porch in rocking chairs and it kinda made me think and i was like you probably gonna come back and I hope you do but if you don't that's highly unfortunate  it's felt like months since we saw eachother last but it's only been like 1 and a half  longest month of my life tbh
Its 9/23/19 I'm gonna talk to your mom tomorrow after i get off work to check up on how everyone is doing you will probably hear a little or everything that's going on with me it may not attract you in fact it's very possible it'll repel you but hey it really doesn't matter you're an awesome girl and I'm a pretty cool dude lol if you decide to go separate ways that is your choice and I'll respect it even if it saddens me because I'm moving forward  which is something else I never thought I'd be where i am today this early but I hope you you do come back you did make my life happier but now I'm happy even without you which is awesome I swear to never rely on you for my happiness I will look more towards the Lord and walk towards him with you by my side and no more big mistakes oh btw I talked with your mom and I'm glad I did your mom is a good mom I really miss you and your family and I keep praying for you guys and for clarity of who I'm meant to be with or if im not supposed to be with you at all and last night I dreamed about you so I think that was God telling me i need to be with you but I don't know I want to be with you don't het me wrong but I don't want to misinterpret my dreams it's now 9/27/19 and it hurt me to hear you were dating someone tbh but I'm glad you are getting out there and I'm happy for you regarding how well you are doing at church what I don't think is good is that you're dating someone that doesn't know the lord he has someone for you that knows and loves him thus you shouldn't be in that relationship in my opinion but as i said I just want the best for you
" we do bible shit"
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iamknicole · 7 years
Daddy & Haleigh
Okay so I lied, I’ve got more Roman fluff and it’s Daddy Ro. I’m not gonna day of its the last one or not. We’re just gonna rock with this. Okay? Cool! 😂😂
Five years old
“Hold on tight, Princess. Don’t be scared, Daddy’s got you.” Roman assured his daughter.
Roman and her mama had gotten her the pink Shopkins bike she asked them to get her for her birthday two months ago. When she first got it Haleigh begged them not to put the training wheels on, of course they did anyway. Roman promised that if she did a good job with them, then he would take them off and teach her how to ride without them. Here it is two months later and he’s making good on his promise but Haleigh isn’t sure about it anymore.
She looked up at Roman with big, brown, scared eyes. “Don’t let go, Daddy.”
“I won’t just yet, Haleigh. Go on and pedal,” He encouraged, “I’ll be right behind you.”
Haleigh did what her daddy told her and the bike started to roll down the sidewalk of their neighborhood park. She was beyond excited to be riding without the training wheels. Now she knew what all her friends were talking about.
Roman was barely holding onto the bike anymore, just letting his fingertips graze the back of her seat as he jogged alongside her. Eventually he stopped and watched her ride with a proud smile. His phone made a quick appearance so he could snap a few pictures and videos. Haleigh laughed and screamed about how much fun she was having until she turned a corner and saw Roman was no longer behind her. Her fear had returned causing her to forget how to break or turn her handle to avoid the bushes in front of her. Roman realized where she was headed quickly sprinted over to her just as she made contact with the bushes.
“You okay, Princess?” He asked pulling her from the bushes. It hurt his heart to see her face red and tear filled. He started to pick the pieces of brush that were stuck in her helmet and on her clothes.
“You let go,” she sobbed with an accusatory stare. A look she had surely gotten from her mama, Roman couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“But I was always right behind you. I saw you, I didn’t go anywhere.”
“But … but,” she cried wrapping her arms around his neck. “You let me fall.”
“Wasn’t I there to pick you up, Hae? Even if I’m not right there by you I’m always behind you and I’ll always be there to pick you up,” Roman explained pulling her face from his neck, “You’re gonna fall a lot but Daddy will always be there. Alright?” She nodded allowing him to wash her face with the towel he had brought along. “Do you have any owies for Daddy to kiss? Or are you alright?”
“No owies,” she squeaked through her tears.
“You did really good though. Daddy’s so proud of you.”
“But I fell, Daddy.”
“But you got back up. I tell you what, if you’re feelin’ up to it you can ride your bike back home and I promise not to let go unless you ask. Sound good?”
“I dunno.”
“Don’t you wanna show your mama and big brother that you can ride your bike?”
Haleigh put her hands on her hips and leaned her head to the side. Her thinking pose, another thing she had gotten from her mama.
“Can I get ice cream?”
“Yeah, you can, Princess,” He laughed picking her bike up, “Mama won’t like it but she’ll be aight.”
Thirteen Years Old
This was the day Roman dreaded more than prom and college send off. As he sat outside Haleigh’s bathroom door he wondered when did Jesus start to hate him. Koda was gone with friends, his wife was at work which left him to have a Daddy Daughter day with Haleigh. Even though she was a teenager, she was still a daddy’s girl.
They were watching one of the many Fast and Furious movies when she got up to use the bathroom. The back of her baby blue sweatpants caught his eye. There was an unmistakable red stain.
“Fuck my life,” He muttered a little louder than he should’ve which caught her off guard. She turned caught her daddy’s eye then moved her stare to the red stain on her mother’s favorite white sofa. Roman tried to tell her that it was okay and he would fix it but she had already ran off.
“Babygirl, come on out. We can fix this,” Roman spoke softly through the door.
“This is so embarrassing. Mama’s gonna kill me for destroying her sofa. Just let me be, Daddy.”
“Let me help, Hae. Just come out.”
She sobbed loudly catching him off guard. The hormones had started already. “I want mama. She knows about this you don’t. I don’t want you to see this. Get mama, please.”
Roman knew there was no way his wife could come home. She had a full day at the bakery and he would honestly be surprised if she got home before eight o'clock tonight. He figured he could at least call and have her talk him through this.
“I’m gonna go call her, Princess.”
He went back downstairs to call her. As the phone rang, he couldn’t help but laugh to himself about his lack of luck.
“Hey, Ro. You and Hae alright?”
Roman had never been so happy to hear his wife’s voice.
“Yes and no,” He sighed. “Hae got her period and won’t come out of the bathroom. She’s scared you’re gonna be mad for messin’ up the sofa. She doesn’t want me to help because I apparently know nothin’ about it.”
She laughed at the distress in his voice. “Breathe, baby. Everything is alright. First, put some bleach and fabuloso on the spot and let it sit,” she demanded softly, “While that sits go look in her closet for a box that says ‘Haleigh’s A Woman’ and tell her I told you to give it to her and open the door. Give her two of the pills and tell her to shower. While she showers, you need to get the stain out. Don’t rub it, scrunch it so it doesn’t set in. By the time you’re done, she should be and you’re gonna have to show her how to put the pad on. Afterwards just give her one of your daddy talks.”
Haleigh and Roman talked after the whole fiasco was over with. He decided to take her on his man cave to avoid her freaking out over the sofa again. They relaxed in one of the double wide recliners continuing with their previous movie.
“Mama told me that this means I’m a woman now. So does that mean I can’t be your little girl or your princess anymore?”
“You’ll always be Daddy’s little girl and princess no matter what, Hae.”
She snuggled into his side at his words. No matter how much her friends teased her, she would never stop being her Daddy’s little girl.
“Thank you for helping me, Daddy. Sorry for saying you didn’t know.”
Roman kissed her forehead, never talking his eyes from the screen even though he could feel Haleigh’s brown eyes on his face. “It’s alright, Hae. Just remember Daddy’s always here and he’s got you.”
Seventeen Years Old
Roman couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness watching his wife do Haleigh’s hair and make up as she got ready for prom. His little girl was becoming a young woman right before his eyes and there was nothing he could do about it.
She had caught his eyes in the vanity staying at their daughter and smiled. “Doesn’t she look beautiful, Ro?”
“Yeah,” He sighed, “She looks as beautiful as her mama.”
“Mikey should be here in a few minutes, Daddy. And you promised to be nice.” Haleigh reminded him. She was already nervous about going to prom with the boy she had a crush on for years and the thought of her dad intimidating him made it no better.
“Don’t worry your pretty lil head about that, Princess. I’ll keep him company while he sits on you.” The doorbell rang out through the house before either woman could say anything else. “Get the door, Koda! I’m coming!” Roman had flashed them a sneaky smirk before leaving the room.
Koda had come home from college once his mama mentioned Haleigh going to prom. He had to meet the boy that would be taking his sister out. His dad needed reinforcement after all.
As Roman came down the steps, he noticed Koda had the poor boy hemmed up in the corner of the foyer. He laughed going to separate them.
“It’s alright, son. Let him go, we can all go sit and talk while we wait,” Roman smiled giving Mikey a firm hand slap on the back, “Right?”
“I’m sure my daughter has told you what I expect from you. And I mean every single thing I said. Im allowin’ you to borrow her, she does not belong to you and will be returned to me the same way she left out of this house. You got that, Mickey?”
“It’s Mikey, sir.” The young boy sputtered out.
“Your name won’t matter if you hurt my Princess. You keep your hands in respectful places and your lips and other body parts to yourself. If so much as a piece of hair is out of place, I will hunt you down. Not only me but her brother here, her uncles and cousins. Don’t play with me, Mickey.”
Mikey let the name thing go. He didn’t want to upset the large man anymore than he already was. He held Roman’s stare until Koda grabbed his attention.
“I hear there’s a hotel party afterwards,” Koda said nonchalantly, “If I find out you took my sister there, I’ll break your lil ass in half. Got it?”
Mikey stared wide eyed at the two men. He didn’t know what to say. He had already made plans for the night but they were making him seriously reconsider.
“I believe my son asked you a question, boy.”
“Ye-yes sir. I got it.”
Just as they wrapped up Haleigh and her mama entered the room. Roman and Koda stood while Mikey sat dumbfounded until Koda snatched him up.
“You look real beautiful, sis. Don’t she, Mickey?”
“Uh..uh,” Mikey stuttered until Roman patted him on the back, “You look amazing, Haleigh.”
“Thanks, Mikey. Is that for me,” she laughed pointing to the corsage he held.
After her mom took a million pictures, the couple were finally on their way out the door. Roman watched her walk hand in hand with the young boy, saddened at the fact that she had left without hugging him. He watched them pull off, closing the door once they were out of sight.
“Perk up, big man. She’ll be back.”
“She better,” He mumbled.
Minutes later the front door opened and the sound of heels clicking against the floor caught them off guard. Roman rose to see what was going on, Haleigh met him in the doorway of the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around him tightly catching him off guard.
“I forgot my hug, Daddy.” She mumbled into his stomach. “You let me forget.”
“It’s alright, Princess. Go have fun and call me if you need me. I’ll be there.”
It was just after ten, Koda and and his wife had turned in for the night. Roman couldn’t sleep until he knew his babygirl was home and safe. He settled on Fresh Prince reruns while he waited. He had started to dose off when the front door opened and the sound of sobbing emanated from the foyer. He waited for her to stumble into the living room before he said anything.
“What’s wrong, Hae?”
She looked up from her hands she was crying into. One look at her father and she broke down even more.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. Just calm down and tell Daddy what’s wrong.”
She shook her head still crying into his chest. “You’re gonna be so mad at me. I can’t tell you, Daddy.”
“I won’t, baby. Just tell me, please.” It joked him to see her like this. The only thing on his mind was killing Mickey, Mikey or whatever his name was.
“I fell and I should’ve called you sooner so that you could pick me up, Daddy.”
He rubbed her back still confused. “What does that mean?”
“Mikey didn’t take me to prom cause he liked me. He took me cause h-h-he wanted to have sex with me.” The anger rose within him. He wanted to go find the little shit by he had to comfort his baby first. “He asked me to come to the hotel party with him and I figured it would be fun since … since some of my other friends were going. Bu-but when we got to the room there wad no one else. He tried to kiss me and I told him I was wanted to go with everyone else. He told me to stop acting like I didn’t know why he asked me out.”
“What did you do then, Princess?” Roman tried to keep his anger at bay, it was getting harder and harder.
She laughed a little as she rubbed her nose. “I kneed him in the balls when he tried to take my dress off and called an uber.”
“That’s my girl,” He joked, “Look, you did good. You fell and I was here. I told you Daddy will always be there to pick you back up. Even when you think I’m not.”
“I love you, Daddy. Thank you for not getting mad.”
“Love you, too, Princess. Go on, get this stuff off and get some sleep. We can talk more in the mornin’.”
Roman waited until he heard her bedroom door shut before going to Koda’s room. His look alike was sprawled across the bed, mouth open and snoring. Roman laughed a little as he popped his bare chest waking him up.
“What? What? Something wrong?” He asked sleepily.
“Yup. Mickey didn’t listen, now we gotta pay em a lil visit,” Roman explained quickly, “Get dressed. I’ll be in the car calling your uncles and cousins. Don’t take all day or your ass is gettin’ left.”
Nobody messes with his princess and gets away with it.
@lavitabella87 @thiickreigns @x-fivefoot @macfizzle & whomever ender this finds!
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