#rnm 2.09
foramomentonly · 4 years
I know we're all freaking out because Alex said, "I know you loved me." And I am.
But I'm also freaking out because MICHAEL REACHED OUT TO ALEX in the first place. To talk. He was feeling low and lost, and, that he knew of, Alex had no real extraneous knowledge or insight to provide.
Michael just wanted emotional comfort. And he called Alex. And Alex came. Because neither of them are looking away.
I just. It's important to me.
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
RNM 2.09
I want to post coherent episode reactions but I’m mostly just crying over baby Walt and baby Michael.
Walt wanted a family. His mother died and his father was abusive. He found a FAMILY with Nora, Louise, and Roy. He had a HEIGHT CHART. He was loved. And because he begged for one more night as a family, he thought his entire family died. Because of him. And he had a map from Nora to find the pods and see Nora and Louise’s REAL children. 
And Michael wasn’t the one to draw on the walls. Max called him a terror in the group home when relaying the story from his mother. Michael always internalized it as his fault he wasn’t chosen. He wasn’t picked because he wasn’t a good boy. He drew on the walls. He was “difficult.” But we find out it was Max who was struggling, and Michael once again took the blame for something his siblings did. Like a royal whipping boy, he’s always there to take the blame when needed.
So Max and Isobel get chosen. They get the family. They get loved. And no one wanted Michael.
But he finally finds out Sanders wanted him. SOMEONE WANTED HIM. He wasn’t complete trash. He wasn’t totally discarded. Someone in the world knew who he was and wanted to take care of him even if he couldn’t. 
Guys I am full of feelings. And the feelings aren’t just because I drank three cans of wine tonight. They’re just FEELINGS. I wanted someone to rescue Michael, and I’m so happy he knows someone gave a shit about him, and I’m devastated that once again he experienced a decade of abuse because he took the blame. (No one deserved that abuse. Max didn’t deserve that abuse. But he wasn’t chosen because MICHAEL took the blame for drawing on the walls... and it was never him. It wasn’t his fault.) 
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So Sanders says his age isn't due to his family history, that his mom died young. Yet he looks relatively spry for his age. Am I the only one who took that as a sign that something alien is going on with Sanders, keeping him aging a little slower?
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capmanes · 4 years
Heads up, I’ll be removing all the spoiler tags on posts of episodes 2.09 and previous episodes right before 2.11 airs on June 1st. I figured the extra week will be sufficient time between new content to do this?
Wanted to give a warning in case anyone needs it. 
However, I will be keeping the ‘rnm season 2′ on them if you want to track them that way. 
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Someone wanted Michael. 😭
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Has anyone seen a gif set of baby pod squad and the crayon yet?
😭 I know Michelle Valenti couldn’t have just swooped in there and saved the day but my heart breaks that Max and Isobel got the family. Michael got in trouble for the wall. They wouldn’t have given him to Sanders but I bet they would have let two officers with a son the same age foster a “difficult” kid. So I get stuck in the coulda woulda shoulda.
I bet this is also why the sheriff always let Max deal with Michael in the drunk tank instead of pursuing things like jail time. She knows they’re family. And she knows Michael got left behind. And she can still see those three naked mute kids on the highway when she looks at them.
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Also Alex Manes, baby, we all said to check your pockets after your colon polyp of a father “fell down.” Sweetie. There is no redemption arc for him. He is a dogs turd embedded into the bottom of a sneaker.
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Okay now I’m going to bed so I can wake up early to write more wish fulfillment fic where someone gives a shit about the feral stabby baby. I mean yes, the fic is already 95% written but dammit I writing in an extra hug because this episode made me sad.
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
I don't know if you take prompts but if feel so enclined it would make my week to see fic dealing with 2x09. Like wow that was a lot of emotion for Michael and a much more emotionally healthy Alex and Sanders, he's essentially an older Michael. Poor Walt.
I’m trying to finish up my feral stabby baby fic at the moment so I can’t promise anything, but I’d also love to see some 2.09 fic. I’ll see what I can do if I get the stabby baby wrapped up soon. So many emotions!
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