#but yeahhh i hope you liked this response!
mad-hunts · 2 months
' I do not believe in any Gods because no Gods were there when I suffered the most grave injustice. if Gods ask me to bow down to them, I'll stain my hands with their blood first so that they can repay me for the injustice I endured while they only watched. '
its a rainy night and much to barton's own dismay, the bar that him and mya were in was closing early that night. they said it was due to some kind of emergency; which he didn't really mind, but upon stepping outside, a light sigh left his lips. there was no way for barton to step down without getting his pants wet... so, he supposed he might as well get it over with quickly. he stepped down as he eyed the impressive amount of water running down the hill they were on. all barton remembered was, somehow, the both of them had gotten onto the topic of talking philosophy: particularly about what their religious beliefs were. now, it seemed painfully clear to him that mya held a rather contemptuous view of gods.
and all things considered, it was understandable. barton remembered thinking when he was a teenager, that if there is such things as gods — then they must be evil, because his life had been toyed around with, and he'd suffered through something no one should have to endure. but now that barton was older, he thought that whoever they were, they must've left long ago. or perhaps god or any sort of pantheon never even existed in the first place. barton had no words for what had been said at first as he looked up at the night sky. the clouds had been cleared away, it looked like, to reveal a surprisingly starry sky.
barton looked over to mya then with an unreadable expression on his face, ❝ yeah. i would want them dead, too. because if there were beings around who are able to stop certain things from happening but aren't willing to? they are capricious and cruel, and they don't deserve any of our respect. ❞ there was a bit of an edge to his tone as he spoke now, but soon enough, barton exhaled deeply to try to regain his composure. he had never asked the hypothetical beings for anything much except as a kid when his father was in one of his 'moods.' but no one, or nothing, came to save him. barton gave mya a smile of understanding and tried to cheer her up.
❝ there are a few good things about being on this miserable rock, though. and one of them is that when you're sad... you can drown your sorrows in delicious food. how about we get some, my treat? ❞
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lususnatura · 7 days
[ trace ] — sender traces up receiver’s stomach/chest
the storm had come out of nowhere that night, blamore thought, as there was a very low chance of it raining. but regardless of that fact — there he was with harley while they were out on a day trip he'd suggested they go on... a torrential downpour soon making it so that they couldn't return home because the roads they needed to take to get back to gotham were flooded. and this left blamore with virtually no choice but to get them a nearby hotel room to stay in as they were stuck in ocean city now. despite that, however, blamore tried not to fret about their situation.
though they were greeted by a rather interesting sight of there only being one bed in the room once they opened the door. the woman up front must've thought that they were a couple, or something, blamore had told harley at the time. so it resolved to share the bed with the other once the both of them were tired and did his best to just stay on his side of it. upon cracking its eyes open in the morning, blamore discovered that somehow, it had ended up in harley's arms and vice versa.
his breath hitched then but he noted that he didn't feel any signs of discomfort surface in him; all of the blood going to blamore's head instead. with a newfound dizzying feeling forming in its brain, all it could focus on was that harley looked really beautiful. the rays of sunlight streaming into the room did seem to be hitting her at just the right angle. blamore leaned forward to press a gentle kiss on her lips without thinking after, and this caused him to immediately want to apologize to harley. but the distinct sensation of a hand tracing up his chest made blamore realize that perhaps she actually liked the kiss.
tingles ran through its body as the bones within its ribcage were being touched by harley. as he swallowed thickly, the thumb of the hand he'd already used to cup her cheek when he kissed her gently caressing her skin, ❝ oh. i was about to say i'm sorry, but i don't think you'd be doing that if you hated the kiss. though correct me if i'm wrong, ❞ a chuckle slipped through his lips as the top of its cheeks were now ever-so-slightly rosy. ❝ would you... like for me to kiss you again, harley? ❞
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anthromimicry · 1 month
‘you’d be amazed by the things a person can do to survive.’
it was one o-clock on a wednesday and like clockwork, misao found herself coming back from lunch to see another patient of hers. one whom, perhaps-not-so-coincidentally, had just been committed to arkham once more that very same day. and although misao still wasn't entirely sure what to expect upon seeing mary, as she'd come to know her as, she had heard whispers in the hallway that she apparently really didn't look her best. which could really mean any variety of things. thus, one could probably understand why misao braced herself for anything when an orderly finally came into view escorting a vaguely gaunt looking mary into her office. no. actually, upon closer inspection, she could say for certain that she was gaunt. the angles of her patients face did seem more pronounced than ever and she was overall just a lot thinner than before.
misao couldn't help but want to ask mary almost immediately what happened to her upon being greeted with the sight. starvation was, unfortunately, not something she was altogether unfamiliar with herself. and it was like torture for her; meaning it must've been even worse for mary as she was experiencing it, considering she was human. misao still managed to remain as neutral as possible however as she begun their session: though, this time, the doctor had all but raided the small fridge she had in her office in order to give mary more than enough drinks. specifically those with high electrolytes in them. reintroducing food to someone who had been deprived of it for an extended period of time could lead to pretty disastrous effects, unfortunately. and that made making the replacement of those nutrients the most important thing above all.
smoothies, fruit juice, and pedialyte were among them. now, they were talking about what mary had done while she was on the outside. then the topic came to misao telling the other it took a lot of strength to pull through weeks of having little to no food. (well, misao's brain had put in by itself) ‘you’d be amazed by the things a person can do to survive,’ mary told her, plain and simple. misao blinked several times to try to will away a memory of the years she'd spent living solely off of insects when that was clearly not what her body wanted. the doctor leaned forward then, maintaining eye contact with mary.
❝ yes — that's true. the human spirit is a remarkable force that drives us to face challenges head-on, to adapt, and to persevere. i'm just inquiring about it because, when starved of food, the body responds by reducing the rate at which it burns energy. but the human brain operates at a very high metabolic rate, and thus, without proper nutrition... our brain is left vulnerable. ❞ misao stated this in a soft tone as she spoke to mary. emotional comfort was something her patients usually sought out of psychotherapy, after all. she intertwined her hands in front of herself.
❝ so, it could lead to stressful situations being more difficult for those who are in this kind of situation to cope with them. as a result, if you'd be comfortable with it, it's important that i ask you this: how would you rate how you're feeling right now? ❞ misao lowered a hand down before maneuvering it into a sideways position and rose another hand above it, ❝ are you down here, ❞ she shook the lower hand, ❝ more in the middle... or, perhaps maybe even somewhere higher? ❞ she made the higher hand shake a bit. misao honestly wasn't sure whether mary would answer this, but it was worth a shot.
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brutalmasks · 4 months
@hexsreality sent ‘❗’ to see my muse having a nightmare and to hear something my muse mutters in their sleep.
recklessness was a quality that bunny mask tried to convince herself she didn't possess. but after what she had done earlier that day, or rather not done earlier, she had to admit that her actions were rather careless. bunny mask knew that she could only go so long without feeding; kind of like a human, except they didn't share energy with people to replenish themselves like she did. it was a rather bizarre way of feeding whenever she thought about it... but in a way, bunny mask was thankful for it. she never would've survived being trapped in a cave for as long as she did otherwise. though, of course, there were obviously some downsides to it.
one of them being that she had to form some sort of physical connection with this person and strangers were often not up for doing such a thing. so, what was bunny mask to do when she neither had the time to get into a relationship with someone, nor did she allow herself to take breaks from her constant killings of criminals? she ignored how hungry she was becoming and went on as if it wouldn't backfire on her later. but after bunny completed what was only her second killing of the day, she was in such a terrible state — for, one moment the spirit was standing and the next, she wasn't. bunny mask could've sworn that she heard someone shout out of concern for her and the rough pitter-patter of someone running towards her, but bunny didn't know what happened from there.
she could've been left to die on that sidewalk for all she knew. but bunny mask had regained consciousness for a moment, and what she was on was a lot softer than the ground. bunny mask noted that there were sheets below her at the same time that she could see sweat glistening on her arms and feel this peculiar light feeling in her head. that's when bunny had lost consciousness once more, her body moving to have her lay on her side and a twitch coursing through it involuntarily. bunny mask would then go on to take slightly more ragged breaths in her sleep as if she was seeing something distressing.
and truth be told, she was. the dream she was stuck in was not pleasant at all. ❝ no... no, get away from him, ❞ bunny mask uttered this in a voice that was just barely above a whisper as she turned to now be lying on her other side. the breaths she was taking sounded a lot more short now. whatever bunny might've been seeing, it was terrible enough for her clothes to now be completely soaked in sweat, in combination with the fever she likely had. the room did feel awfully cold to bunny mask and although this didn't translate into her nightmare, her sickness seemed to be exacerbating the usual symptoms associated with one. as it stood, though, bunny had no idea she was dreaming. it all seemed very real.
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webbluvrsugar · 1 month
hi baby, how are you? i hope you’re doing well!!
would you be up to write something about Ethan x fem!reader going to a halloween party and hooking up there? i’m not sure if you’ve done this already, if so, please ignore this!!
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a/n: I’ve written them hooking up after a party but the idea of them hooking up at one is soo interesting. (also: tell me why am I getting turned on by my own fic?)
sometimes, Ethan Landry just can’t wait.
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Since you two started dating, Ethan has grown comfortable with you, comfortable enough to kiss you in public or in the back of a library, comfortable enough to hold your hand around the group for everyone to see, comfortable enough to explore his own psychotic thoughts on you in bed, and certainly… comfortable enough to fuck you in the bathroom of a stranger during a frat party.
“Just relax, no one’s coming in here..” he says between kisses, closing and locking the bathroom door behind him.
“It’s a bathroom, E, we shouldn’t really be doing this here…” you protest, but it’s not like you care too much, he’s already gripping you by your thighs and lifting you up to place you on the marbled countertop.
“It’ll be fine, I just — I really need this right now, ‘kay?” His hands slide under your skirt, fingertips caressing the flesh there. “I’ll be quick.” He mutters.
You just nod in response because at this point, you’re not sure if you can refuse him, especially since he’s already kneeling in front of you, pulling your panties down with two fingers and nestling in between your legs.
His tongue peers out and licks a wide strip up your cunt, pressing against your tiny bundle of nerves before licking around the pearl, his hands grip you tighter, spreading you open for him as his tongue goes down to lap at your entrance.
“Oohhhh fuck,” you whisper, head kicking back against the mirror as one of your hands goes down to his curls, lightly gripping his hair, making him hiss into you.
His mouth attaches around your clit, sucking it gently, your feet curl with the motion, a rather loud moan escaping you.
“Feels’good, huh?” He mocks, pinning one of your legs with his arm as his finger drags up and down your slit, toying with your pearl before he slowly thrusts it inside you, his eyes focused on your face to watch your expression. “Yeahhh, there you go, that’s it, just how you like it.”
He slides another finger in, giving you sharp and pointed thrusts, the tips of his fingers reaching exactly on that spot you like. His tongue goes back to play with your clit, your back arches and your hand drops from his hair to clench on the edge of the counter, your breathing heavier by the minute.
“‘M so close.” You tell him, but he already knows, he can feel your walls clenching around him like a vice.
“I know, I know.” He whispers, his fingers thrust quicker in you, and with that pace, you feel like you might explode in any minute, your whole body feels like it’s in flames — and when you finally do cum, you’re only met with a smart smirk of his.
“See? I always have good ideas.”
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papercorgiworld · 6 months
Pansy’s Prediction
After finding out you might not be so innocent the guys make their move. Pansy's prediction: eventually you’ll give in.
Pick your guy Blaise, Mattheo, Draco or Theo+Enzo
This is part two. Read part one here: Pansy’s  Potion. 
Warning: smut, 18+
Yes, you read that right Theo and Enzo are a package deal. Funny how a few weeks ago I couldn’t manage to write a threesome for Matt and Enzo, but now suddenly my brain is like: here’s a random Theo and Enzo threesome. I guess it’s because my brain thinks those two are just incredibly slutty. Anyway, for Blaise, Draco and Mattheo it’s just ‘average’ smut, I mean nothing too unholy, okay with Draco it’s kinda public soo yeahhh. Smutty readings, dears! 
If you read all four scenario's you get a cookie, bc this is 6900+ words of smut!
You make a formal apology and the guys are so annoyed with you. “I was not myself and I promise it will never happen again, I will not in any way behave like I did yesterday evening. I hope you can find it in yourselves to forgive me, so we can go back to how it was before.” Pansy’s grinning eyes move between you and the boys. You drive them crazy and then you just want to pretend like you don’t want them. You stare at them nervously waiting for a response and Blaise is the one that ends your suffering by speaking up, though his voice is hesitant. “Suuure.” Enzo nods with his lips in an awkward line. You wanna leave the room so you make peace with only Enzo and Blaise recognizing your apology and quickly say goodbye.
As soon as you leave the common room the boys openly show their annoyance. “An apology?” Enzo asks offended and Pansy snickers. “Yeah, sorry guys. She’s back to pretending she’s an innocent good girl.” Draco huffs. “No fair.” Theodore lets his head fall back a little. “Can’t believe we missed our one and only chance.” Blaise leans forward and focuses on Pansy. “Is there no way to- you know… get the less innocent version back?” Pansy smirks as all boys stare at her with hopeful eyes. “Well, I guess, if you work hard enough for it… she’ll eventually crack, but the only question is who’ll win her over?” 
Forget about slutty saturday and sunday, because the guys had a plan and it involved… slutty smonday.
Enzo was cheeky, his hair was more perfect than ever and when he sat down next to you in class his perfume had your mind thinking dirty. His hand would brush your thigh ever so often, but when you looked at him, his eyes were focused on the professor. 
Draco was determined, holding doors open for you and carrying your books despite your protests. When he would push a door open for you he would make sure your bodies would touch. In the afternoon he would loosen his tie and his smug smile had you bite your lip. 
Theodore was sneaky. During DADA he spotted the perfect opportunity to become your tutor, standing behind you. His warm breath on your neck as his hand slowly traces up your arm to hold your hand in his to guide you through the spell. You learned nothing and blushed like crazy.
Blaise caught you off guard. You were waiting for Pansy in the slytherin common room so you could study together, when Blaise approached you wearing a shirt that showed his perfectly sculpted body. “About this morning…” He began and you looked startled. “You don’t need to worry about what happened, we’re just glad you’re okay.” You force a smile as you try to relax, but a nervous blush still forms on your cheeks. With a sweet smile Blaise moves closer, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “No need to get so shy, I’m here for you.” His voice had you almost falling to your knees, but you’re not giving in and you turn on your heels.
As you turn around, trying to keep composure, Mattheo walks in, wearing grey revealing sweatpants and clearly nothing else. Your eyes widen, moving from his chest to rest on the shape in his pants for a second too long, making him smirk. “You know-” Mattheo starts, voice smug, but you don’t allow him to speak. “No. No. And no.” You say and hurry out of there, leaving Mattheo and Blaise grinning as they watch you. “Oh, she’s close to breaking point.” Blaise says, very pleased, and Mattheo’s grin turns more devilish. 
As Mattheo is still staring at the door through which you left, Blaise spots one of your books and instantly a smirk forms on his lips. Oh, you’ll be back and I’ll be here for you. After a few seconds of staring and silly comments Mattheo puts on a sweatshirt and heads for the astronomy tower. Satisfied with the situation, Blaise lets himself fall on the couch, holding your book as he focuses on the door you’ll be walking through any minute. 
Still flustered, you walk in and notice Blaise flipping through the pages of your book. “Quite interesting.” He says and you reach for the book, but Blaise holds it back forcing you to lean a little bit over him as he still lounges on the sofa. You groan and reach for the book giving Blaise the perfect opportunity to move his hand over your thigh. You feel your whole body heat up and move away a little, but Blaise grabs your wrist pulling you on top of him. You yelp and he smirks, satisfied with the position he’s got you in. “Stop playing, Zabini. Give me my book. I need it for studying.” He laughs and wraps an arm around you, telling you he doesn’t intend on letting you go. “You need it for studying?” He mocks and you narrow your eyes. “How about I help you study? Everyone's gone, we have my dorm all to ourselves.” His eyes are teasing and his tongue hungerly moves over his bottom lip. You can’t help but drown in his eyes as your mind wonders what it would be like to be alone with him. 
Blaise lets the book fall to the floor so his hand can move to your hips as he still holds you close to his chest. “No one needs to know. It can be our little dirty secret.” He whispers as his fingers play with your skirt, pulling the fabric higher. The fact that you’re still resting on top of him tells him enough and he pushes on a little. “Let me take care of you, princess.” He whispers seductively, his lips brushing your ear moving to your cheek. “If you want you can pretend afterwards no none of it happened.” His lips brush yours and instead of pulling away like the smart girl in you wished you would do, you move with his lips allowing him to kiss you tenderly. 
Quick enough a hand moves to the back of your head holding you as he deepens the kiss. When the sloppy kiss turns too heated, Blaise pulls away. “Let’s go study.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively and you push yourself up allowing him to get up and guide you to his dorm. Once there you get cold feet as Blaise locks the door and you quickly turn around to face him. ”Maybe this was a mista-” You fall silent as Blaise pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his perfect body. A smug smile tugs on his lips as he lets his shirt fall to the floor and moves closer to you. His suggestive eyes meet yours and you let him close the distance between you two. “Still having second thoughts?” He whispers teasingly, leaning down to place a sloppy kiss on your lips as his hands roam your back, hips and ass. 
While kissing you passionately, he picks you up and instinctively you wrap your legs around him. He walks you over to his bed, gently laying you down before tracing kisses down your neck while undoing the buttons of your shirt. Hands exploring your chest and earning a sweet moan from you as you lay on his bed enjoying his hands and lips moving along your skin. With his mouth teasing your nipples his hands wiggle your skirt and panties down, before moving his tongue to your bellybutton and kissing down to your pussy. 
You squirm as his kisses close in on your bare cunt, but Blaise shushes you and his hands stroke your thighs making you moan involuntarily. You can feel his smirk against your skin and you bite your lips to keep yourself quiet not wanting to show how sensitive to his touch you really are. However, your efforts are pointless when he kisses your folds and inserts a finger, instantly making you grip the sheets as pleasure rushes through you. You had no idea how badly you needed this man until now. You bite down on your lips to muffle the desperate sounds that escape you. “Blaise-” You softly whine as a weak protest as he plays with your sensitive cunt. Needing more of his touch you hesitantly move your hips and he eagerly gets rougher, making you squirm again and forcing him to hold you still. His hand reaches for one of yours, still clinging to the sheets. He entangles his free hand with yours showing you love while forcing an orgasm onto you by fucking your pussy with his fingers and tongue. 
You arch your back as you softly cry his name, unable to control yourself as you climax with his mouth still working your soaking cunt hard. “Look at that.” Blaise whispers, grinning as he crawls over you, leaving sloppy kisses on your breasts before meeting your lips. “You got there fast. You must’ve really needed it.” His eyes smugly search to meet yours, but as soon as they do you look away. You were not in the mood for slytherin arrogance. Your hand traces down to the bulge in his pants. “I bet you really need it as well.” You whimper as he kisses the sweet spot of your neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll sling your legs over my shoulder and I’ll let your perfectly wet pussy take care of me.” His words have you roll your eyes and arch your back as he sucks at your neck, while unbuckling his belt with one hand. 
A cry that almost sounded like yelp escapes you at the size of he reveals and your whole body heats up as his grinning eyes look up at you. “Way to boost a guy’s confidence.” Blaise jokes and you’re ready to hide out of embarrassment. His large hands move up and down your thighs as he takes a good position between your legs. Your body tenses as his length sinks into your cunt, his eyes are focused on your entrance and a smirk spreads on his lips as he sees you take all of him. A soft gasp from you causes him to shift his gaze at you and you meet his eyes. He smirks at your flustered face and parted lips. He could see in your eyes and in every expression that you loved the feeling of him inside of you. He leans down to peck your lips and your hand traces his torso, making him smile lovingly at your touch. 
“Tell me what you need, darling.” His low whisper as your cunt throbbing and your head spinning. You shake your head, reluctant to sound like a needy girl. The smirk on his face grows filthy and his hand moves up and down your thigh. Getting impatient for an answer since his dick was painfully hard Blaise moves his lips to your ear. “Do you want me to fold you and fuck you?” Your eyes roll to the back of your head at his guttural voice. When Blaise locks his eyes with yours you sheepishly nod, but that doesn’t do it. “Talk to me baby.” He demands and his hand moves to play with your nipple rather roughly as punishment for not answering his question and you gasp. “Fuck me, Blaise, please fuck me.” You whine and he takes in the view and your words for a moment, before he moves your legs to rest on his shoulder and grabs your hips. 
His thrusts are deep and he grunts at the wonderful feeling your walls provide, increasing his pace as a reward for having such a wonderful cunt. Your mouth hangs agape as your stomach fills with pleasure and your mind gets hazy as Blaise pushes you towards your climax. Being in perfect shape Blaise holds a steady pace for quite some time, but he knows you're close and he himself is desperate to cum with you. Like having your knees almost pressed to your chest was enough, Blaise rests a hand on your belly increasing the pressure as he thrusts deep into you. Sure other people knew what was going on by the sounds coming from the room, his hips slamming against yours, you crying his name as you cling to his biceps and Blaise’s heavy grunts as he feels himself lose control. A painful cry escapes you as your orgasm hits you and your clenching walls have Blaise spill and almost immediately collapse on you. “Fuck, you’re something else.” Blaise breaths and your watery eyes meet his, he made you feel like a goddess in more than one way.
Carefully Blaise slips out of you, before grabbing some tissues for the both of you and falling down next to you on the bed. “Our little dirty secret, right?” You ask Blaise, referring to what he had said earlier. Blaise smiles at the ceiling and then rolls over to face you. “Yeah.” He cups your cheek and pecks your lips. “You’re my dirty little secret.” No way this was going to be a one time thing.
Still flustered, you curse yourself when you realise that you forgot your book. For several seconds you contemplate on whether to go back or just give up on your plans to study tonight. However, you really wanted to revise your material before tomorrow's class so reluctantly you turned around heading back to the slytherin common room. You are almost there when you suddenly hear Mattheo’s smug voice.  “Change your mind?” Immediately your face heats up, he still hadn’t bothered to dress properly and it bothered you in more than one way. Smirking, Mattheo approaches your nervous figure. “I- I forgot my book.” You finally manage to say and Mattheo nods, far from impressed by your answer. “Sure, that’s all you want?” His eyes suggestively scan you from head to toe, before resting on your lips. Your chest heaves as your mind runs crazy with all things you really want, but you nod. “Just my book.” You bravely, but calmly say. 
Mattheo watches you for a second and you have no idea what’s going on in his mind, but suddenly he pushes you against a door of a broom closet. “I don’t believe you.” He whispers, agitated and obviously hungry for you. You gasp as your back collides with the door, giving him the opportunity to crash his lips onto yours and move his tongue to dominate yours, while simultaneously opening the door and pushing into the privacy of the broom closet. “I think you want me as badly as I want you.” You hold onto the shelves behind you for stability as Mattheo grinds his dick between your legs while aggressively kissing and sucking your lips. One hand kneading your breast as his other hand has a firm hold of your thigh, so you have one leg wrapped around his hips, giving him perfect access to rub his hardening member against your pussy. Your breaths get unsteady and you stop resisting the moment, allowing your hand to rest on his bare chest as the other entangles with his pretty curls, while he bruises your neck with hungry kisses. Vocal moans of pure pleasure escape you as Mattheo plays with every sweet spot your body has.
“I need you noisy.” Mattheo breathes, pulling away from your neck to ravish your mouth and making you moan against his lips. You can feel him smirk against your lips and as much as you hate it, it turns you on even more. You try to subtly buck your hips against his demanding more friction, but the gentle move doesn’t go unnoticed. “You’re far from innocent. Do you want me to fuck you?” Mattheo’s voice is filthy, he’s so pleased to have you needing him. “Tell me, do you want me, love? Do you want me to have my way with you?” His husky whisper and hot breath on your skin has you whimper and cling to his neck, eyes needy and drowning in his. You nod. “Please.” You whisper and as much as Mattheo wants you to say it again, louder or even scream it and beg for it, he himself is too desperate to tease and taunt. 
“Be a good girl and let me hear you.” He whispers, lips against your ear before getting to his knees, eyes never leaving yours. His hands move up your legs, slowly, and still his eyes stay locked with yours. He wants to see everything that you feel, every sensation that runs through you. You make a soft sound when his hands move up your thighs and reach your panties. Anticipation fills you as he pulls them down slowly, while he leaves gentle kisses up your thighs closing in to your cunt. Another moan slips as your whole body tenses at Mattheo’s soft lips only inches/centimetres away from your desperate entrance. “Please.” You moan when you get impatient, purposely sounding as needy as possible knowing that he wouldn’t be able to resist. And you were right, if you beg and sound as sweet as you do, Mattheo is more than willing to comply. His mouth moves between your legs, tongue slipping through your folds, hands grabbing onto you to keep you from squirming when he digs in hard, tongue playing with your clit.
He wanted you noisy, he needed you to come for him. To him it was like his pride depended on it. So there was nothing sweet about how he works your sensitive throbbing cunt, he was mercilessly devouring you while getting rock hard at every moan or whimper that filled the room. When you feel yourself get closer your legs get shaky and your breaths unsteady, making him take full control of your body pressing you against his face and making you yelp as his tongue flicks at your sensitive spot. That desperate sound makes Mattheo moan against your pussy. That groan of a moan has you throw your head back and give in to all the feelings building up, whining as Mattheo tastes your juices not giving you a moment's rest. He loved how messy he had gotten you, the usually so perfect behaving girl.  
Part of you was relieved when he moved away, allowing you to breathe, but you miss his touch quickly and your eyes look soft, but still sparkle enough to make Mattheo grin. His dick was painfully hard and seeing you out of breath but still in need, made him almost spill in his pants. He was over the moon that he could fuck you right here and now, but he wouldn’t let you see how overjoyed he was and kept a filthy smirk up. “I want you naked.” He demands eyes locked with yours as his hand moves to his sweatpants. His demanding voice bothers you but you want his touch and you want his dick. Your eyes fall to his hard cock, clearly visible through the fabric, and without meeting his eyes you slip off your clothes as Mattheo watches, touching himself.
Now fully naked, Mattheo closes the distance between you two and rests his head against yours. “Fuck, you’re gorgious.” He breaths, voice dominant and yet adoring. He drops his pants revealing his size, pumping himself a few times and soaking his hand in precum. You spread your legs a little, resting against the shelves of the small broom closet as Mattheo grabs your thigh, lifting you as he lets his tip explore your soaking folds. You throw your head back at his perfect touch and he groans at the feeling and the view. The moment is intimate as Mattheo is gentle, almost careful, with you when he moves deep inside of you, stretching your walls and making you whimper. He watches your every expression as he keeps on pushing until he’s settled deep. A soft breath leaves you and he feels himself fall in love with your perfection. He leans closer his free hand cupping your face and kissing you tenderly. 
However, Mattheo's eyes quickly move to your chest and then lower to your pussy filled by him. His hands grips the flesh of your ass, so he has a firm hold on you. His hard grip has you gasp and a smirk tugs on Mattheo’s lips as he starts rocking slowly and ever so gently increasing the pace, making sure you get maximum pleasure from every thrust. You cling to the shelves behind you when Mattheo gets rougher, stretching you deep and hitting you right. “You need this, you want this so bad, don’t you?” His voice is dirty and he doesn’t just move, he’s so consumed by the moment that he starts slamming you on him. Your eyes scan his sweaty and panting body as he works so hard to give you all of him. “Mattheo.” You breathe in between soft blissful moans and his eyes shoot up to yours, dark and having you guessing what he’s thinking. “Again.” He whispers as a gentle demand and you comply, doing your best to move your hips with him as you allow yourself to shamelessly moan his name, turning him on even more. You were becoming too much to handle for him. He almost felt the urge to beg for you to come or even to just allow him to come. Luckily for him, your shameless moans reveal how close you are to your orgasm. 
“Matt- ah- I’m so-” He doesn’t let you finish as your voice pushes him too close and he starts pounding into you even harder. “That’s okay, love, come- fuck, please.” He can’t believe he actually begged. He’s a mess and so are you and almost simultaneously you reach your high. Panting, he lets himself fall against you and holds your unstable body as he slips out of you, making you hide your face in the crook of his neck. For several minutes your naked bodies just stay entangled in one another, enjoying the pleasure rush through your body. Slowly, you feel Mattheo’s smirk grow against your cheek. “There’s no denying it now. You want this and you need me.” You ignore his arrogant tone and just continue to rest your arms around his neck and his around your body. “Just admit it, so I can take care of you and we can freshen up together.” Mattheo kisses your cheek softly. “Must you gloat like this?” You huff, still hiding your flustered face and he smiles. “Yes.” God, you loved that raspy, smug voice of his. Neither of you were ready to admit it, but you were down bad for each other.
For Drace, Theodore and Enzo continue reading here
You had apologised and then made it your mission to avoid them for the rest of the day. Despite the guys' attempts, you had kept your composure pretty good. However, Snape was about to ruin it. 
“Out of all the people Snape could’ve paired me with…him.” Pansy snorts at your complaint. “Might get interesting…” Her smile and eyes are devilish and you instantly get more worried than you already were.
It was late and you were not in the mood for more of Draco’s smugness, but there was no escaping Snape’s project so you headed for the library to meet Draco. It took you a while to find him since he had picked a secluded spot on the first floor of the library. He wasn’t wearing his tie anymore, his hair was a little messy and shirt was partly unbuttoned. He had obviously already done some of the work since he was surrounded by books on the topic. When he noticed you approaching, a bright smile tugged on his lips and you rolled your eyes. When he noticed that he just couldn’t keep quiet. “Not as excited to see me as you were yesterday?”
You took a seat opposite of him and stared at him unamused trying to play tough and not get flustered. “You’ve done some work already?” You ask, changing the subject and gesturing to the books. “Yes, I was hoping if we get it done quickly we can have another dance, I did love the way you moved last night.” This time you try to look stern, but fail, feeling too embarrassed about how you had thrown yourself at him. Clearly remember now how you grinded against him in the middle of the dance floor. “There’s no need to be embarrassed about it, I said I loved it.” He gets up from his chair and you open one of the books to avoid his gaze. “Let’s just focus on the assignment, okay.” You mutter and Draco can’t help but think you’re adorable, blushing and muttering. 
He sits down next to you, but you pretend to read the page in front of you while Draco studies your face. You feel his breath on your cheek as he leans closer to your ear. “And what if I told you, I had already finished it.” His whisper makes you look up at him and suddenly you feel his hand on your thigh. “Draco-” You protest with a soft voice, but Draco ignores it and crashes his lips against yours. His tongue moves over your bottom lip begging for entrance and instinctively you give in to him, simultaneously encouraging him to move his hand on your thigh, stroking you gently. 
You pull away after a moment, but Draco’s lips follow you, his nose brushing yours and eyes locked with yours. “This- I- We can’t.” You whisper barely audible and Draco notices your face head up like crazy. His hand moves under your skirt and you gasp, allowing him to sneak in his tongue and kiss you with eager passion. “We can, you just have to keep quiet.” Draco whispers and you feel his hand tug your panties, but instead of protesting you lean closer to him and kiss him hungrily. He moves one finger slowly through your folds, teasing, while his free hand holds your head to deepen the breathless kiss. However, he doesn’t tease long and you feel him mercilessly exploring your pussy and adding another finger to stretch you. You pull your lips away and gulp as he circles your sensitive clit and his mouth urgently finds yours again to keep you quiet. 
Though there weren’t a lot of people that could hear you, Draco knew well enough it only needed to be heard by one to have the entire school know what you two were up to in the library late at night. Mattheo or Theo probably wouldn’t have cared, but Draco respected and maybe even loved you too much to have your reputation ruined by something like this. Yet he wasn’t going to stop playing with you either, he just had to keep you quiet. When you feel yourself get closer at the pace of his fingers moving you hide your face in his neck, softly biting the flesh of his shoulder to keep yourself from moaning, only whimpering softly. Never had Draco had someone so pretty and perfect cling so desperately to him and he loved it as much as it aroused him, making a deep moan roll over his lips as he rested his head against yours. 
You did not know how turned on you could get by a man, until you heard Draco moan like that. In an instant you decided that his fingers weren’t enough. Without thinking about the location you were in, you look up at Draco, eyes needy for him. “I want to sit on your cock.” You whisper and his eyes widen at your blunt suggestion, did he really hear you say that? With his lips parted in shock he nods, leaning back a bit to give you space to move out of your seat. As you get up Draco unbuckles his belt still staring at you in disbelief, but also eager to move his pants down and reveal his hard dick to you. He wanted you so bad and he was about to have you. Blushing and still a little shy you look at his hard member, feeling your pussy throb at the side of his size. 
Slowly and a little insecure about the whole situation while also so desperate to have him deep inside of you, you rest one hand on his shoulder and straddle him. Your free hand moves your panties to the side and Draco holds his size, guiding it inside of you as you sink down on him. “Fuck. You’re-” You interrupt him by placing a finger on his lips to remind him that in a library you have to be quiet. His hand moves to the back of your head and he pulls you in for a tender but intense kiss. 
In an attempt to stay quiet you decide to move slowly, making the moment between you two more intimate. Watching you throw your head back and bite your lip as you ride him slowly but hard has Draco’s fingers digging into your hips as he feels himself get closer really quickly. Shamelessly you grind on his dick, pleasing yourself with every move you make, while simultaneously enjoying Draco’s hungry eyes on you. 
You both struggle to reduce your moans to soft whimpers, but as you reach your high your eyes get teary as you're forced to keep quiet. Draco notices and crashes his lips onto yours for a sloppy and needy kiss as he bucks his dick a few times, hitting your soft spot hard and deep, pushing you over the edge. Soft cries get muffled by Draco’s hungry kiss. Your walls clench around Draco’s cock and he continues to thrust into you, less and less worried about the sounds others might hear. Soon enough he cums, slamming himself deep inside of you and wrapping his arms around you as you both enjoy the ecstasy of your orgasm. After several minutes of panting in each other's arms, Draco gives you a soft kiss on your temple. “Not that I would mind being seen with you, but I think we should pack up and maybe head to a room, mine or yours.” You chuckle, still not really believing what had just happened, what you had done… with Draco Malfoy of all people. “We need to finish our potions project.” You blur out as your mind starts to focus on reality again. Draco cups your cheek and forces you to meet his eyes. “I wasn’t kidding earlier, I did all the work so you just have to put your name on it.” You frown at his words and he smirks. “Don’t worry about it, you did your part by doing all the other work.” You roll your eyes at his suggestive comment, but when his lips search for yours you meet him for a sweet kiss. 
Theodore + Enzo
“Enzo!” Theodore yells as Enzo walks in wearing only a towel. “What are you doing here? (y/n) will be here any moment.” Enzo fakes a surprised look. “Oh! No! I totally forgot about that.” Theodore grits his teeth, seeing through Enzo’s little act. “You sneaky bastard, you are not stealing this opportunity. Snape partnered her up with me, this is ‘my’ chance to win her over.” Lorenzo stops acting innocent and grins. “Worried this will steal your potions partner away from you.” He gestures at his toned body and low hanging towel, making Theodore roll his eyes at his friend.
Just then you knock at the door. “Yes.” Enzo says one split second before Theodore says “No!”. Angry eyes shoot up to Enzo, but there’s no time for Theo to do anything about Enzo’s presence now as you open the door. Your eyes immediately land on the half naked Enzo grinning at you and you narrow your eyes in confusion. Theodore loses his mind when he notices you only have eyes for Enzo and in a desperate attempt to make you look away he takes off his shirt and his plan works because now your eyes are on him, which makes Theo smirk, proud of his genius. 
“Yeah. Not happening.” You say and turn around, making both guys panic. “No, no.” Theodore says as he closes the door before you reach it. He leans against the door and you watch him with stern eyes, but it’s Enzo who speaks. “Look the deal was you drank the potion to sober up and we do whatever you want.” You don’t turn around to look at Enzo, but just stare at the doorknob. Theodore closes the distance between you two, leaving no space between you two. “It’s okay to want it, we’ll be good to you.” His hands cup your face and make you look up at him, eyes locking so there’s no escaping the truth. Enzo holds his breath as he can feel himself get way too excited at the thought of the both of them actually having you. 
You don’t answer, but you make no move to leave and that’s enough for them to know you want it as bad as they want it. Enzo moves to stand behind you. Shameless pressing his hard dick against you, hands move over your hips to your thighs. “Kiss him.” Enzo says and Theo leans in, knowing you’ll obey. The kiss is passionate and Theo’s tongue is eager to dominate, while Enzo’s hand slips between your thighs and pushes your panties aside, making you hold onto Theo’s shoulders for support. You moan as Enzo’s finger moves between your folds and Theodore allows you to breathe for a second to take in the view before his hands move under your shirt to knead your breasts. As soon as another helpless moan leaves you his lips are on yours again. 
Meanwhile Enzo’s fingers don’t stop playing with your clit as he rubs his hard dick against you. “Tell us, what did you want us to do last night?” Theo whispers, intense eyes focused on yours. You hesitate and Theodore brushes your cheek, while Enzo presses himself closer to you. “Tell us, sweetheart.” Enzo whispers. You’re not brave enough to use your words but your eyes and hand move down to the bulge in Theodore’s pants and he smirks. Enzo’s hand leaves you and Theodore takes a step away from you, unbuckling his pants, making you whimper at the sight of his large size. Enzo still stands behind you with an arm around you as you watch Theodore sit on his bed and jerk his hard member. Enzo kisses your neck, while working on the buttons of your shirt, before getting impatient and just tearing your shirt off. You moan and throw your head back as Enzo takes off your bra and plays with your breasts, while Theo watches, eyes hungry. Fuck, you’re a view.
“If you suck him nice and good, I’ll take care of that desperate pussy of yours.” Enzo’s fingers play with your nipple earning him a whiny moan and taking that as yes to his proposition. Theodore moves on the bed as Enzo guides you towards his friend. Theodore reaches for you, kissing you and cupping your breasts as you crawl on the bed with Enzo right behind you, his hand moving under your skirt and squeezing your ass. Theodore’s fingers entangle with your hair and move your head down to his cock, while Enzo has a firm grip on your hips keeping your ass up so he can easily snake a hand between your legs. Your throbbing clit is victim to Enzo’s endless teasing and playing as you do your best to take as much of Theodore's length as you can, while Theo’s free hand rubs your nipple between his fingers. 
It only takes seconds to turn you into a whimpering and moaning mess as both men play with every part of you, overstimulating you. Your walls clench around Enzo’s fingers, soaking them with your juices. As your orgasm runs through you, your eyes get teary and Theodore pulls you away from his dick to kiss you, but Enzo doesn’t stop and you whine into the kiss. “Do you want him to fuck you?” Theo asks and with watery eyes you nod, ignoring your sensitive cunt in favour of your needy core. A filthy smirk spreads on Theodore lips as his eyes drown in your needy ones. “You like being fucked like a doll, played with like your our toy?” Theodore taunts and you whine as Enzo’s fingers leave your pussy. “Such a desperate little girl with a needy pussy. ‘you gonna take me so good.” Enzo says with a dirty sound to his voice that has you look at Theodore, begging for mercy you know you’re not gonna get because they know you don’t really want it. With a hungry force Enzo rips off your skirt and panties.
Theo moves your head back down as your eyes stay focussed on his smirk. Enzo moans as he pumps himself, before lining himself up with your entrance. You whimper with Theo’s dick in your mouth when Enzo pushes himself deep inside of you. You try your best to focus on sucking Theo’s member, but as soon Enzo starts thrusting immediately keeping a steady pace the best you can do is let Theo bob your head and take him deep every time he bucks his hips needing more. Your moans turn to desperate whimpers, signalling to both Slytherins that you’re close to your second orgasm. With haste Theodore starts fucking your mouth searching his own high so he can come with you. It’s Theodore’s breathy moans that push you over the edge, your body squirm as pleasure washes over you and your walls clench around Enzo’s cock. Theo orgasms only seconds after you, leaving cum dripping from your mouth. “So pretty.” Theodore's hoarse voice whispers as his thumb moves over your lip, holding your chin so you meet his eyes, while your pussy is still taking Enzo from behind you. Theo’s eyes look soft as his mind is still hazy from the high he had just felt. Your eyes are glassy as Enzo has you building up to a third orgasm, hitting you right with every thrust, groaning as he struggles to keep a steady pace, feeling the need to spill inside your tight cunt.
“Fuck.” Enzo breathes, taking you harder each time, making your moans sound like desperate cries. “Fuck. She sounds beautiful.” Enzo says with a heavy breath, making Theodore smirk in agreement as he watches you. “Yeah.” Theo whispers watching your flustered face, orgasm building. You're too overwhelmed to notice Theodore’s smirk turn into a filthy grin, before he moves away from you. “Just spill, Enz. I bet she wants both of us to fill her.” Theo’s words make you sink your head into the sheets as you feel your body get more desperate for another release. Mercilessly pounding into you Enzo searches his own high, turning your moans pornographic as his body repeatedly smacks against yours. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Theo jerk himself like a madman watching Enzo fuck you. Out of breath Enzo pushes deep inside of you, filling your cunt with his cum and enjoying your walls clench as he climaxes. 
You can already feel Theo’s hand trace your body as Enzo slowly pulls out, leaving your soaked but needy cunt aching for release, but also sensitive and overstimulated. You can’t help but instinctively squirm at Theo’s touch, but when Enzo lets himself fall next to you his soft shiny eyes relax your body. He looks blissful adoring your flustered face and he pulls your face closer to his to passionately kiss you as Theo’s large hands grab the flesh of your asscheeks while aligning his thick cum dripping cock with your throbbing pussy. You bury your head in Enzo’s gentle embrace as Theo pushes you towards another climax. “Salazar, you’re perfect like this.” Enzo whispers in your ear as you make soft noises, while a smirking Theo takes you hard, quickly cumming inside. “Satisfied now that your needy cunt is filled by both of us?” You hear Theo ask with a dirty dominant tone and you squirm closer to Enzo’s soft embrace, too embarrassed that you let both men come inside of you. 
Theo leans over you to cover your naked body with a soft blanket, but as vulnerable as you look he can’t help but tease a little more. “Nothing left of that innocent act of yours, you're our little slut now.” You feel Theo’s soft lips place a gentle kiss on your cheek and Enzo squeeze you a little closer, biting his lip still enjoying the wonderful experience. 
Requested tags for this one: @lauramjcmanus @whiteoakoak @bri-mercado-00 @adreamingpendulum
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meazalykov · 4 months
soft spot (2)
esmee brugts x reader
part two (part one here)
summary: the emotional reader finds happiness again
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The first season at Barcelona went fast for Y/n. After joining Barcelona Femení, she gradually found her rhythm, both on the pitch and off. Her initial nervousness about fitting in faded as she formed strong bonds with her new teammates, none stronger than the one she developed with Esmee. 
Despite their clash during the World Cup, and after Y/n’s apology, they became close friends, their connection deepening with each passing month. A few examples were when Y/n scored in her debut against Madrid CFF in September, Esmee was the first to congratulate her as it was a goal in extra time. When Esmee scored her hat-trick against Eibar, Y/n was the first by her side congratulating her. 
The girls hung out all of the time outside of the pitch. Their personalities clicked together like a smooth puzzle. Esmee was shy, more reserved, and relaxed. Y/n was extroverted, yet kind and creative. There wasn’t a weekend (unless there were international breaks) where the duo wasn’t together. Other Barcelona girls took note of this. 
“Y/n, what are you doing this weekend?” Ona said. Y/n turned around at the voice and saw Ona, Salma, and Vicky approaching her. The American smiled at her friends, she had a few plans but she knew she could fit the three Spanish girls into her calendar. 
“Nothing too much. What's going on?” Y/n asked. Salma put her arm around her shoulders, Vicky doing the same, as Ona started speaking– 
“We were thinking about going to the Men’s game against Napoli on Tuesday. Its their second-leg game.” Ona said. Y/n’s eyes widened as she remembered that Esmee and her already had plans to go to that game together. She thought that Ona, Salma, and Vicky were going to ask about something else. 
 “Oh yeahhh– sorry Esmee and I already had plans to go together. You can all join us—I’m sure she won’t mind.” Y/n sighed. Salma and Ona smirked to each other as Vicky patted on Y/n’s back. 
“Y/n—- do you have a crushhhh?” Vicky teases Y/n. The other Spanish girls giggle as Y/n blushed at the question. 
“Noooo I dooo nottt” Y/n dragged out her response in the same teasing tone Vicky did. 
“You’re lying!” Salma’s jaw dropped as the other girls started to laugh even harder, y/n laughing too. 
“Stop it!! You guys can join us on Tuesday, it'll be fun!” Y/n offered, feeling bad that she couldn’t fulfill Ona's plan. 
“No thank you, I don’t want to interrupt your guy’s date!” Ona smirked. All of the girls laughed as Y/n blushed, not denying that it was a date in her mind. 
As the months passed by, Y/n had a high level of anxiety when she realized she was falling in love with Esmee. 
Memories of Jane's betrayal last summer haunted her. She moved on and doesn’t love Jane the same anymore, with the help of her sport’s therapist, but betrayal doesn’t leave the mind of most people. Y/n was terrified of making herself vulnerable again. 
However, she reached out to Ingrid, Mapi, and Ona for help. The three women gave constant reassurances and helped soothe Y/n’s fears. They all spoke highly of Esmee's character, assuring Y/n that she would never treat her the way Jane had. 
Y/n and Esmee spent most of their days together, sharing late-night talks, laughing over shared inside jokes, and supporting each other through the highs and lows of their games. Y/n's heart raced whenever Esmee was near, and she often found herself lost in Esmee's eyes, the fear of vulnerability slowly replaced by a blossoming hope. She hoped that Esmee felt the same love for her.
Now, the Champions League final against Lyon is here in Bilbao. The entire team was abuzz with excitement and nerves, and Y/n felt a mix of both as she took her place on the bench. The girl knew she wouldn’t start, but she assumed that she would have the opportunity to play today since Jona is the coach who wants to give his players minutes. Anyways, Y/n watched the game intently as the minutes passed. Barcelona and Lyon were locked in a fierce battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
When Aitana opened up the score, Y/n jumped up and sprinted towards the shorter woman. The entire bench followed her as the ballon d’or winner jumped and celebrated with them.
Later in the 71st minute, Jona called Y/n's name, signaling for her to sub in for Salma. With her heart pounding, Y/n stepped onto the pitch, the weight of the moment pressing down on her. It was her first Champions League campaign, everyone knew that and their eyes were now on her, and the significance of the final wasn't lost on her. 
She drew on the encouragement from her teammates, particularly Esmee, whose support had been a constant source of strength for her this season. Being the first sub in this final drew attention, she needed to contribute to an inevitable win for Barcelona.
Even though Barcelona was up by one, the tension was palpable. Danielle Van makes a mistake which leads to Caroline Graham Hansen making a brilliant run up the right side. Y/n fast feet sprinted to meet her up the pitch, her eyes fixed on the ball. As Caroline approached the box, dodging Bacha’s attempt to block her, she executed a perfect left side pass, sending the ball directly into Y/n's path. 
Without hesitation, Y/n took the shot with one-touch, her foot striking the ball cleanly. The Lyon defenders weren’t fast enough to stop it, since Y/n knew that more touches on the ball would lose her that opportunity. The ball soared into the right-top corner of the net, past the outstretched hands of the Lyon goalkeeper.
The crowd erupted in a deafening roar. Y/n, overwhelmed with joy and disbelief, spread her arms and ran in celebration. The cameras captured her glistening eyes as she ran to the corner closest to the benches.
Her Barcelona teammates on the bench stormed the field, knowing they’re up 2-0 with twenty minutes of the game left. All of the girls and coaches surrounded Y/n in a warm (yet loud) embrace.
Esmee was the first to reach her, wrapping Y/n in a tight hug, her head nestled into Y/n's neck.
"I'm so proud of you, Mijn liefje" (My darling) Esmee whispered, her voice filled with genuine emotion. She knew that Y/n wouldn’t understand her Dutch, which gave her the confidence to say the nickname she gave her. 
Y/n blushed, her adrenaline mingling with the warmth of Esmee's praise. She felt a surge of happiness, her fears and doubts melting away in that moment since the goal gave her the biggest boost of confidence.
The game started again and from the sidelines, Vicky nudged Esmee. "You're still going to confess your feelings to her after the final, right?"
Esmee glanced at Y/n on the pitch, before looking back at Vicky her heart swelling with affection. "If we win, I will."
Everyone on the team knew that Esmee and Y/n were in love with each other. However, they left it to the girls to decide on when they’ll want to confess. The whole team was aware that Esmee will ask her out after the final, little did they know— Y/n had the same plan.
The final minutes of the match were a blur of intense play and mounting anticipation. Esmee came on the pitch which excited Y/n, she knew it was Esmee’s first Champions League final too. She loved Esmee on the pitch with her, as they’re both ⅔ forwards on the pitch that moment.
Ale subbed into the game next and scored the third goal just a few minutes after. This celebration overwhelmed the fans, knowing that Barcelona would win. Y/n held up Alexia’s jersey for the fans after the captain took it off her body. Camera’s captured this site beautifully. 
When the final whistle blew, confirming Barcelona's victory, the team erupted in celebration. Amid the chaos, Y/n and Esmee found each other again, their hearts pounding with more than just the thrill of victory. Y/n wrapped her arms around Esmee’s shoulder as Esmee held hers around Y/n’s waist. 
As they stood together, before the trophy celebration, Y/n took a deep breath. "Esmee– Hi!” she awkwardly said. 
“Hi!” Esmee laughed with Y/n. She looked into the girl’s eyes and saw love and happiness in them. Y/n was the most beautiful thing to her at the moment, even with the Champion’s League trophy a few yards away. Y/n felt the same with Esmee as she placed her hands on the back of Esmee’s neck, where her braids gently fell on them.
“We won!” Y/n pumped her free hand into the air, the one that wasn’t holding Esmee. 
“We are champions!!!” The Dutch girl mimicked Y/n's movements which caused the girls to laugh uncontrollably through the awkwardness. The American realized that she needed to stop holding back from telling Esmee the truth.
“Es– um– there's something I need to tell you." Y/n swallowed. She looked over her right and saw Vicky, Ingrid, and Ona looking at them, they looked away once Y/n noticed their looks. 
Esmee smiled as Y/n looked back at her, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Me too, Y/n. You can go first."
Y/n's heart raced, but she pushed through her nerves. "I love you, Esmee. I wish I had told you this earlier. I've fallen in love with you, and I have to tell you, even if you don’t feel the same."
Esmee's eyes widened in surprise, and then she laughed softly, her joy evident as she pulled Y/n closer to her. "Y/n, I love you too. I should’ve said something earlier too."
After the celebrations with the trophy, getting pictures with the trophy with friends and family, and rolling around on the ground with the confetti— Y/n pulled Esmee away into the hallway which led into the dressing room. 
Both girls had the same idea as Esmee turned Y/n’s body around to face her– the girls immediately pulled themselves into a kiss, sealing their love with the triumph of their shared victory.
“Looks like the Champion’s League isn’t the only thing you’ve guys won!” Salma ran into the dressing room and cheered at the sight of her friends in love. She runs beside the couple and starts jumping up and down. 
The couple laughed and started to do the same thing. This is the best ending to a season ever, and y/n was grateful that her soft spot for Esmee blossomed into something more. 
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arminsumi · 1 year
could i request softdom!armin x shy!reader nsfw? reader is shy to the point she can’t even speak about fornication without blushing furiously, so how could she express her need for her sweet bf’s touch? 🙈
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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A/N: ahhh srry to take sooo long on this request but i hope u enjoy it thoroughly mwaaa!! 🤤💗
Wc ≈ 1.5k
Pairing: ARMIN Arlert x f.reader
Summary: Armin showing you it's alright to be needy for his touch 🥰
Warnings; 🔞 mdni, smut, lowercase used, semi-clothed sex, soft dom/sub dynamic, dirty talk, pns (baby, good girl, angel), condom used, fingering
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“Angel, it’s totally natural; no need to be shy. Come here.” Armin murmured at you.
You timidly pawed over to him on his bed as he beckoned you, sitting there cross legged; his prettiness made it even harder for you to approach him even though his eyes were so tenderly welcoming.
“Sit on my lap.” He commanded gently, patting his thighs, “Promise I don’t bite.” He chuckled softly when you gave him a hesitant look.
It takes a lot of inner strength to straddle his lap. “Get comfy – c’mon, sit, sit.” He encouraged, his soft hands coming to guide you into a comfier position.
Min soothingly pecked under your ear on your neck. Your response was to cutely scrunch up your shoulders and give him a very, very shy look that absolutely melted his heart.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He said, letting his hand rest teasingly on your upper thigh. He gently squeezed. “You don’t need to hold back. Tell me what you want.”
You made a humming noise, “Well…” you began slowly, avoiding eye contact. Armin brought his other hand to the back of your neck, holding it with a loving touch, stroking his thumb back and forth to soothe your nerves.
“Just blurt it out.” He said, “I wanna hear it.”
“I wanna… ummm… ‘wanna have… sex… with you.” You said. Even uttering the word ‘sex’ was difficult. It felt so dirty.
Armin’s lips spread into the cutest, naughtiest smile that you’ve ever seen him bear. It made you shrivel up even more. Your heart panged.
“Yeah?” he feathered sultrily.
You subtly nodded. “I-if that’s okay?”
“Of course it is, baby.” He assured, holding back his overwhelming excitement. “Want me to guide you through it?”
He started running his soft hands over the curve of your hips, his fingertips grazed under the hem of your shirt.
You nodded.
“Use your words.” He encouraged gently, eager to hear you tell him more of what you wanted.
“Yes, please… ‘want you to be in control.” You told him.
He looked tenderly at you for a moment, then pressed a kiss to your lips. It was one of those kisses – the type that sparked your dirty fantasies in the first place. He started kissing you like that just a few months ago.
It felt like each kiss got slower and slower, more and more sensual. It got you hot between your thighs, subtly squirming on his warm lap. He was attentive to all your tiny movements; nothing slipped past him.
“Baby, keep squirming on my lap like that. ‘Feels good.” He murmured.
“Like this?”
“Mhm. Do it harder – yeahhh like that.” He moaned.
You let out a small whimper when you felt the outline of his cock through his jeans. A whimper so quiet that he almost missed it.
“You like that feeling, huh?” he asked. You nodded, hiding your face in his chest.
That was a common thing you did, he noticed it especially when his hands went between your thighs and massaged around.
“So sweet… need me to touch you here? Uh-huh, I can feel how wet you are. No no, don’t be embarrassed. It’s totally normal – fuck, yeah, squirm like that against my lap again. Keep going. Feels so fucking good – aww don’t hie your face haha.”
His hand came to stroke your cheek, the other working back and forth motions against your clothed pussy. “Want me to put my fingers in you? Yeah?”
You nodded, feeling a little more relaxed after his teasing touches. Something about his hands really turned you on – they were so pretty, so smooth and nimble. You always watched him buttoning up his shirts with a naughty glint in your eyes.
Your heartrate spiked when his hands slipped under your panties.
“Mmm!” you whimpered into his shirt when he toyed his fingertips at the entrance of your hole.
“Good girl. Just relax – oh my, haha… you really sucked my fingers right in, huh? Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to tease.”
Just the action of clenching and unclenching around his middle finger felt so dirty, you completely concealed your face in the crook of his neck. Your hands gripped at his shirt, body hugging tight to his toned chest.
“Does that feel good? Yeah? Feels good when I pump in and out like that?” he asked in a lowered tone, “How about two? Mhm, feels better with two doesn’t it?”
Two fingers, for some reason, made you approach your high really fast. “Feels too good…” you mumbled erotically.
“Wanna cum for me, baby?” he asked, pressing his fingertips against your sweet spot and massaging it in circular motions before returning to pumping his fingers in and out, going faster and faster, relishing in the way you moaned for him.
“Don’t hold back; let yourself feel it. Mmm there we go – oh fuck, I can feel it. Such a good girl.” He almost moaned when he felt you gush and clench around him. He worked his fingers inside you and thumbed at your clit until his hand cramped up.
Watching you subtly shake on his lap and hearing you whimper his name into his shirt made it so hard for him to keep his dick in his pants. He really needed to feel you. He’d thought about it for so long.
“Wanna keep going?” he asked you hopefully after you calmed down from your high. You withdrew your hot face from his neck and nodded.
“Yeah… ‘wanna see if I can take you.” You muttered lustfully. He was surprised at your choice of words, they were so much more dirty than what you’d usually have the courage to say.
“M’kay, baby, lay back and spread those legs for me.”
You did what he said, and he bounced over to his dresser and fished out a strip of condoms hidden in between his clothes. After fumbling with the wrapper between his wet fingers, he just used his teeth to tear the packet open – completely unaware of how you stared and watched like it was the hottest thing a man has ever done in front of you. He was such a sweet boyfriend, really, but sometimes he was so sexy that you couldn’t believe he was the same person.
“Hey,” he gently crawled back onto the bed and tapped his palm against your thigh. “open ‘em wider for me. Uh-huh, wider, like this…” he pushed your legs open wider with his own hands.
“Gonna keep your panties on?” he asked almost teasingly, he chuckled when you nodded shyly. “Alright, whatever makes you feel comfortable, baby. But you’re gonna need a new pair after I’m through with you – haha, sorry, don’t hide your face!”
He pressed a kiss to your lips, making you smile. “I’m so sorry that I’m so shy.” You mumbled.
“I don’t mind it at all. Actually, I like it.” He admitted, hands coming down between your thighs to toy with your plush pussy through the fabric of your panties.
He pushed them aside, and smoothly pulled down the waistband of his sweatpants. Your eyes widened when you watched his cock smack against his abdomen.
“Don’t worry, it’ll fit just fine. I stretched you out good on my fingers, baby. Now relax, yeah? Gonna fuck you nice and slow. You tell me what you don’t like, and tell me what you want more of… if you want it harder… slower… deeper… mhm, c’mere and give me a kiss.” He muttered against your mouth, slipping his tongue in when you parted your lips for him. It felt buttery soft.
He squeezed int the condom and pressed his hot cockhead against your entrance, sliding it up and down your slit. The second you felt him splitting you open, you covered your face.
“Oh, you’re so fucking cute…” he moaned, melting at the sensation of your pussy hugging his sensitive cock. He sunk himself inside as slowly as he could just to see your reaction to every inch. “Not too big, yeah? Good, good. ‘Might be a bit much to take all of it. Mmm, no, trust me, it’s kinda – uhhh, fuck you’re tight!” he suddenly hissed, “Ah, no, that’s a good thing, don’t worry.”
He seethed while trying to pump himself in and out. Each time he pulled back, it felt like your pussy wanted to suck him right back in. “Can feel you clinging to me… ah, fuck, listen to that.. sounds so fucking dirty…” he muttered under his breath.
“Min!” you squealed, grabbing his arms for support.
He looked into your eyes caringly, “Yeah baby?”
“Feels so good – don’t stop.”
His lips curled into a smirk.
“I won’t baby. ‘Gonna show you how good it feels to cum with someone else.”
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jiaoqiu-s-bitch · 5 months
two great minds came together and came up with this request: neuvilette as a priest (see the genshin halloween art) x female goth!reader that seduces him 🤭 MAKE IT UNHOLYYYYYY
yeahhh I’ve been procrastinating this for quite a while LMAO, but I didn’t wanna leave you guys hanging - so just take it and run with it😀🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
also I’m rusty af and had no ✨imagination✨ here don’t @ me
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Priest!Neuvillette x (fem) Goth!Reader || vaguely 18+
• Neuvillette certainly was the type to be drawn to innocence and purity, absolutely nothing dark or sinful, God forbid
• frankly, when you first came to his church, he had to overthink his entire existence
• part of him had hoped for you to come back soon, and the other part had hoped to never see you again so he wouldn’t be forced to go down that rabbit hole
• but you didn’t do him that favor, I mean how could you? there’s no way you’d be able to resist this gorgeous man regularly preaching his faith to the "sinners"
• everything about him made you want to ruin the respectably imposing yet incredibly gentle man, made you want to see him lose all of his composure just for you
• you knew he was certainly no stranger to tears, albeit silent ones, but whenever you looked at him, you couldn’t help craving to hear him cry out for you, for your touch and care
• he instilled the strong desire in you to make him forget all about his God - you were determined to be the only thing plaguing his mind from now on
• Neuvillette wasn’t actively practicing celibacy, he merely had other things on his mind rather than such impure things… well, up until now
• and when you showed up one night in order to confess your unholy attraction to him?? it was as if a long-corroded dam inside of him had broken, and every fiber of his being felt like it had suddenly been enlightened in the most obscure way possible, thoughts of him doing… things to you flooding his mind like an unstoppable cascade
• he couldn’t help but wonder… what would your soft skin feel like under the touch of his hands? what would you taste like, sound like? what would you look like, all disheveled beneath him?
• yet the sane and rational parts of his mind hindered him from actually acting upon these thoughts himself - he wouldn’t allow himself to act against his strong sense of responsibility
• but what would happen if you were to push his buttons just right…?
…he might just indulge you in a moment of weakness, allowing himself to be greedy and for you to corrupt him just this once
…he might allow you to slide your sinfully sharp nails beneath his robe, run them along his skin in a gentle, yet undoubtedly demanding manner
…he might let you hear his soft noises of enjoyment whenever you‘d get near a particularly sensitive area, whenever you’d bury your hands in his silky hair and tug on it ever so slightly to make sure you still had his full, undivided attention
…he might touch you in all the places you’ve been craving him, carefully and meticulously following your instructions and letting you guide him through the entire process in order to please you to the best of his abilities
…he might tentatively run his tongue along your most sensitive spots, in a hesitant yet exhilarated manner, his every movement getting more daring with every sweet noise of pleasure he’d be able to draw from your lips
…he might not let up until he would be satisfied, which would only be the case when he’d be certain you were absolutely spent and could not bear another touch
• …or he might not.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
would you ever consider making a donnie version of the fanfic oneshot you made with leo? :)
∑一Literature At Its Finest*・。
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author’s note: long time no see ( ´▽`) idk if this has been noticeable but i’ve been slowing down with posting overall, im struggling with motivation to write esp with the semester starting up, maybe i’ll get back into it once things have settled down c: with that being said I hope you enjoy dear anon
warnings: fluff, short drabble, donnie pov, unedited
〈 leo’s 〉
Donatello Hamato was many things, an inventor, a scientist, and obviously a genius. So he would say it’s in his nature to be curious about the unknown. Now whether that unknown be of the scientific nature… or perhaps whatever it was that had your eyes glued to your screen for approximately one hour and twenty seven minutes..? Was there really a difference between the two? Donnie didn’t think so. Neither did his growing curiosity.
He had gotten halfhearted responses from you, like “yeahhh” and/or “cool Dee,” any time he tried to broach one of his latest and greatest projects. Usually you gave him your undivided attention and Donnie loved to just soak up your beautiful gaze. Sometimes he’d lose track if he glanced up into your eyes for too long, to which you would kindly tell him where he had left off.
So what was so important (on that stupid iphone 11 that could totally be upgraded by Othello Von Ryan himself if you ever let him) that you would dare ignore him for over an hour! In. His. Presence. He cleared his throat once more,
“Dearest? Are you listening?”
You didn’t glance up but you hummed in a tone that said, yes. Donnie narrowed his eyes. You were so absorbed you couldn’t even part those gorgeous orbs of yours off of your phone for a second? Just a tiny glance his way? He huffed, and pushed out of your chair. His usual spot when he came over was at your desk. You never really used it so Donnie had a few of his things there, it was like his own work place outside of his lab. He frequented this desk whenever you couldn’t make it to the lair.
He ventured to your bed, where you lay on your back, phone in front of your face unaware of your surroundings or your boyfriend.
“Then what did I just say?” Donnie challenged and you murmured something along the lines of “listening?” The purple turtle was quick to rephrase, “No, no! Earlier Y/n, my project!” He whined, getting a little desperate now for even just a crumb of your attention. Donatello watched with baited breath as you were as still as a statue. Eyes growing wider as you looked at your screen. A tiny smile forming on your face. Completely ignoring him. And that was Donnie’s breaking point.
One of his robo hands quickly unsheathed from his battle shell (yes he wore it everywhere) and snatched your phone right from under your nose. Funnily enough your hand was frozen in a state of holding the square device as you blinked and shock overcame your expression. And finally, finally, those eyes of yours met his. “Donnie!” You lurched forward almost falling out of your bed to reclaim your phone. “Yes darling?” Donnie feigned innocence as his robotic hand moved out of your reach. He smirked as he watched you steady yourself. You breathed in a quick breath.
“I was reading!” You said as if that explained everything and made grabby hands for him to return your technological property. “Must be pretty enthralling writing for you to ignore me, your handsome boyfriend!” Donnie sniffed and his metal hand moved to allow him to peer at your screen. It was like all hell broke loose, you screeched “No no no you can’t read it!!!”
Now as a full fledged nerd, he knew these were the telltale signs of someone reading something embarrassing.. and he deduced it was fan fiction. He may or may not have had his own similar experiences… Atomic Lass was his weakness. One that Leo loved to make fun of him for. “Well now I’m intrigued!” He saw you were using one of the main sites for such literature, ao3. His smirk only grew wider, “Doth mine eyes deceiveth me? Darling what are you reading hmmmm?” He continued to tease as his eyes roamed for more information. All the while ducking and dodging your mad grabs for your phone.
“Donald!!” You gave him your warning tone. But he didn’t care. You had ignored him for too long and if this is what it took to get your attention, by Newton he would do it! Plus, truly he wouldn’t shame you for your tastes in reading, it wasn’t like he was a pure soul when it came to reader x atomic lass..! “Let’s see,” Donnie cleared his throat dramatically and you audibly gasped thinking the worst: he was about to read aloud.
“I’ve waited all my life to find someone like you,” Donnie caught onto the scene and the emotion immediately growing more romantic (and dramatic). “You are the only one for me, in this life and all the rest! His hands unclenched from fists as he gently cupped your face-“
Donnie almost got a face full of pillow if a second robo arm hadn’t shot out to bat it away. He stole a glance up from your phone finding your face heated in a pretty blush, which only goaded Donnie to continue. “He only hesitated for a moment, looking into your eyes to find love and joy overflowing, he kissed you so heatedly, drawing out a—“
“DONATELLO!!!!!!!” You howled and finally snatched your phone away from his green grasp. Quickly closing your phone and the screen darkened. Donnie raised an unimpressed eyebrow, “That won’t stop a tech genius like moi” he said hand covering his chest. “Donnie!!” You exasperated, eyes pleading for him to stop the embarrassment. He threw in the metaphorical towel, robo arms hiding back in his shell as he sat down next to you on your bed. “Dearest you must know I read such things too,” he placated you, even though his cheeks felt warm admitting it out loud.
“So you must know how I feel!” You said insinuating that reading such private things aloud were a no-go. He sighed, “even amongst us?” You wavered and that was all it took. Donnie eagerly reached forward, wanting to prove to you that you needn’t be embarrassed.
“You are the only one for me,” he quoted from the dialogue he had just read earlier. His hands caressing your cheeks gently as he leaned forward. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to touch/kiss/hug as was the customs of dating, but it may have been odd for Donnie to be the one to initiate. So you were in a sort of frozen state as his lips murmured, “in this universe, and all those after it. I am yours,” he put his own little spin on it and sealed such romantics with a soft kiss.
You were moving after that, he was rewarded with a shy smile and your lips chasing after his. Making the heated kiss from the story come to life. “Okay maybe I won’t be so embarrassed..” you admitted after the both of you pulled away. It was quiet for a moment and then you continued, “Now what was that about your project?” A twinkle in your eye told him that maybe you had been paying more attention to him than he originally thought!
“Welllll, since my darling one is oh-so curious!” Donnie winked, making you smile brighter. The two of you moved to lay back against your pillows and he restarted his speech from the beginning. Getting all excited and making lots of hand gestures, with his real and robo hands! You were attentive once more, on your side and eyes never leaving him. He maybe blanked a couple of times, truly he lost himself within your gaze. But that was okay, you knew exactly where he left off!
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mad-hunts · 4 months
♡ + food
OOH, thank you so much for the ask, @crimeclean! this is honestly a prompt that i was kind of hoping to get because i've been looking for an excuse to talk about this. so, allow me to tell you about one food that barton has had an aversion to over the years and for... honestly, a very unfortunate (to say the least), but also a good reason. and this is mushrooms. now i have talked about this a bit a while ago, but whenever barton was still with his bio father, wesley mathis; he went through a period of having to feel food insecurity and hoarding food. this was due to the fact that wesley had lost his job as a forester at one point, which caused them both to struggle a lot with having enough to eat. and one day, as sad as this may sound, barton had ran out of the food that he stockpiled for a day where wesley wasn't able to feed either of them. so the choice was either to go out to try to find something to eat or simply ruminate in his hunger / try to make it go away by sleeping. however, barton was just SO hungry this day that he was literally having pains and as a result, because they lived out in the woods at the time — a six or seven year old barton went out to see if he could find something to eat amongst the wilderness.
and barton had found morel mushrooms, a species that is known to grow in new jersey that isn't toxic when eaten cooked, BUT is when eaten raw. and he had eaten a good amount of them so the onset of symptoms he got from eating them arrived pretty quickly. they are known to cause gastrointestinal issues especially in large amounts and have even killed some people who didn't have the knowledge that you can't eat them uncooked. as a result, barton had to be hospitalized and after that, he didn't even want to look at mushrooms for years. even now, he doesn't really like eating them because of the fact that they caused him to have a quite traumatic experience as a kid, but if they're being cooked by someone as a part of a dish and barton KNOWS that this person doesn't have a toxic type of mushroom... he'll eat them. though about 9 times out of 10, if someone actually offers him the choice to eat something without them, he will gladly take that.
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lususnatura · 10 days
“ tell me, what happened?”
in yet another downpour that gotham was experiencing, blamore found himself in the middle of it; and without an umbrella as well. not that that really mattered much, as blamore was in the type of mood that would sometimes make people stand in the rain in hopes that it might cleanse them — relieving their body and spirit of the troubles that held onto them like a vice. he just wished that he knew one single question: why? but the closest blamore had ever gotten to having that question answered was by consulting itself, and yet, it still didn't know for sure whether it had the right idea about things.
was it coming back to life the way he was now (half-monster and half-human) all part of some sick joke run by nature itself? or, had it happened because whatever higher power there may be out there deemed that he wasn't done here — that he didn't get to die just yet? blamore truly didn't know, so perhaps dwelling on it would just end up making him mad in the end. existential dread was something everyone experienced though... right? a sigh slipped through its lips as it sat on a bench in robinson park, uncovering the bandage that concealed the gash on its hand. he'd moved it only to discover it still looked as bad as when he first got it.
a groan slipped through blamore's lips as it was just about to slam its body into the bench out of frustration before it heard someone talk to it. now, looking up, the creature could see that they were someone he definitely didn't know. though they seemed to be asking about his hand all the same. blamore immediately plastered a small smile on its face before going for its go-to answer for things like this, ❝ ahh, it's just an occupational hazard, really. no need to worry about me. i already do enough of that on my own, ❞ while chuckling slightly awkwardly, it then quickly put the bandage back over its wound. blamore could only hope that he'd only gotten a glimpse at it and didn't see that his skin had been partially burned.
whoever they (loki) was, they also had an umbrella on them, he thought. so perhaps if blamore was nice to him... it could move this existential conversation it was having with itself somewhere else. preferably with air conditioning as it was starting to get cold, ❝ say, what are you doing taking a leisurely stroll through the park when its raining this hard? i answered your question, so i think its only fair that you answer mine. ❞
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anthromimicry · 4 months
@ethicsbutcher asked: ❛ do you ever think about the future? ❜
it wasn't often that misao found herself drifting off while she was spending time with someone she wasn't very familiar with. and this was because, deep down, misao seemingly had a slight distrust towards humanity in general — what with the fact that one was responsible for the very grievous event that claimed her mother's life all those years ago being at the head of it. well, that, and what she'd been taught to believe as a child: to never let your guard down around one because they could easily stab you in the back. but they were not all bad, she'd discovered, and that was a rather black-and-white way of looking at them. regardless, this belief had still managed to dig it's claws into her. so misao remained hypervigilant around humans albeit much less than she used to be. which made it all the more confusing that all she could find herself doing was looking into the wine that doctor lecter had provided her with before one of his infamous 'ceremonial' dinners.
misao had barely touched it and she'd already had too much in her mind. it was a bit of a bummer that she couldn't indulge in it as freely as he could, but as the saying goes: c'est la vie, right? misao soon found herself being snapped back to reality by the sound of hannibal's voice. 'oh, god,' she thought. how long had he been talking to her? misao put on a small, apologetic smile as her eyes met the others, ❝ ahh, forgive me if it seems like i wasn't paying attention, doctor lecter. i was listening, but i guess you could say i have a lot on my mind, ❞ that wasn't exactly completely true but it wasn't a lie either. for, misao only really had one thing on her mind, but it had been plaguing her mind ever since she got here: what could've been his motives behind why he invited her here. they had only talked in passing when they were both within the walls of arkham, after all, hadn't they?
misao squinted her eyes at the other as if she was trying to read hannibal then. but he was not a particularly easy person to be read, even with everything she knew about body language, and how people's minds worked. winging it seemed like the best option from there as a result as misao eyed the food he was preparing, ❝ oh? that's an interesting question, though i hope you aren't asking it out of some attempt to psychoanalyze me. i already do enough of that to myself, ❞ a light snort left her nostrils then before her eyes flitted up to meet the other's once more. misao wasn't afraid of him, but what was his objective here, hmm? ❝ but if you want the truth, i think i have been mainly focusing on what's been happening around me in the present for a while. i suppose because although the future does matter, we could all die tomorrow. and because of that, i feel as if it's only right to consider the present first. ❞
misao shrugged slightly and made sure hannibal saw her take another swig of the liquor he'd given her even though she really shouldn't have. she resisted the urge to grimace at the acidity of it by closing her eyes momentarily, before speaking up again, ❝ that's just my opinion though. is there any reason why you have been thinking about what's to come, doctor? maybe something... or someone? ❞ misao's voice rose an octave whenever she'd said that last part, trying to convey that she was interested in his life. though misao just asked him this out of 'politeness' so that she could more smoothly question him down the road about why he'd chosen her to invite to his home out of all of the arkham staff. misao didn't actually care much about it. however, she was a good liar. or she thought she was anyway.
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brutalmasks · 4 months
(for the invasive question meme) don't you think killing filth makes you become it? you are not exempt from your rules.
in shock, bunny mask simply stared at the person in front of her for a few beats. there was a massive difference between killing people out of cruelty and killing people to prevent them from doing any harm to anyone else. at least, in her mind, there was. bunny mask tilted her head at the figure and tilted her head, ❝ i am sorry, i do not think i understand the question. you are saying that by taking matters into my own hands, that i am just as bad as the perpetrators of terrible crimes such as killing innocents, hurting animals, and making a plan to slaughter many people at one time? hmm. well, that is... an uncomfortable thing to have to respond to. ❞ (on a scale of 1-10, she would say it was about an eight in uncomfortableness.)
bunny mask looked at the claws on her hands as they were a weapon just as much as a knife or a gun might be. and more people than she could count at this point had died by them, though there was one thing for certain: they all possessed the sickness. she cleared her throat, beginning to talk once more, ❝ i suppose it depends on what you think the definition of justice is. for me, it is acting in the well-being of all innocents, even if that means punishing them or killing someone because they had done something unmentionable to another or were planning to. but some may definitely say that my own way of enacting justice is not the right way, yes. and that is because there is a system in place that humanity uses to jail or let go these criminals that are so prevalent throughout these streets now. ❞
she looked almost like a deer-in-headlights as her glowing white eyes shone even in the dim lighting of her cave. and they were widened as well, as if she was trying to take in as much information about the situation as possible, ❝ but whenever it comes to how human society has employed third parties such as the police and judges to essentially bring forth justice in the place of what you may consider me to be — a vigilante — then you have to take into account how that may work well in small, close-knit communities where there is more familiarity among the population, with the way today's society is constructed? it does not fare so well considering how large and extremely disconnected, yet also simultaneously interconnected it is. so one could argue that vigilantism does indeed have a good role to play in this world. ❞
bunny mask took one step closer to this stranger. she was now within arms reach of them, ❝ when the objective letter of the law prevents 'authorities' from finding justice for those who have been victimized, i would say that it is important that someone steps in. and the instant i saw what darkness lies in the hearts of men... i felt that it would be hard for humans to recognize all of these perpetrators before it is too late. humans can be incredibly deceptive and i am not claiming to be perfect either, but i am only trying to help by getting rid of the plague that has seemed to rage war on your population for thousands of years. this plague is evil. in addition, i have noticed a rather popular trend occur with the law. there have been so many instances where it has been distorted and against the needs of the people over the years, which is exactly what they swore they would be serving. ❞
bunny mask placed a hand on this stranger's shoulder. she did this only to look down upon them, a neutral expression taking over her features. ❝ so i believe it has become necessary for me to protect innocents because your own people have shown that you may require an outsiders assistance to quell this 'crime problem' that has formed here. and i do not mind offering my services to you all, because i love humanity. i do this out of the love i have for you all, in fact, and not because i crave power or prestige. and thus, i do not think i am the same as the people you are talking about. i am attempting to save as many lives as i can and sometimes you have to do the 'hard thing' to make that happen, because what other choice do we have when there is so much suffering? ❞
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kiminachi · 2 years
Can you do a christian pulisic one where he won the concacaf nations league with team USA and after he celebrates with the boys he’s a drunk mess and the reader has to take care of him? <3
Christian Pulisic x Reader
One Tipsy Celebration
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! This is your Christmas gift ;) I hope it was up to your expectations!
Includes: a flirty drunk guy
The entire team was celebrating the win, and final game of the CONCACAF. It was a nerve-wrecking game with Mexico scoring in the first minute. Then later on the score was 2-2, but then Christian scored the winning goal from a penalty kick to make it 3-2! You were really proud of him.
And whilst the celebration was in the locker room and technically you were not allowed to be in there, being the girlfriend of the one and only Christian Pulisic has its advantages. Well.. sometimes.
“(Y/NNNN)!” Christian clumsily walked over to you. You could just smell the bittersweet alcohol that left his figure. He then slung his arm around you, “whatssup babes?” He slurred.
Oh goodness gracious.
Your boyfriend was being a drunk, flirtatious mess. You knew you had to help him out before things start to get inappropriate. Not only that, but for his well-being in the morning. “Christian!” You turned to face him, “how much did you drink?” You prayed it wasn’t a lot to the point of blackout puking.
“Hmm I don’t know, like 5 shots? Why does it matter anyways? Let loose (Y/N)!” He urged.
“Not today Chris, I know it’s a celebration but there has to be a responsible one” You said, replying to him.
You already took a shot or 2 a while ago, but not to the point of drunkness; You could still function, being more calm even. You could hear Christian mutter “no fun” with his arms crossed.
“Hey the shuttle is here!” You heard someone point out. Thank goodness. All you wanted was to get Christian to your guys’ hotel room. Everyone grabbed their belongings and walked out of the messy locker room, and into the shuttle. Sorry janitors. You sat in the back as Christian followed you over there.
“Hey beautiful ladyyy, mind if I sit here?” He may have flattered you, but you tried your best not to give in.
“Of course Chris” you patted down the seat next to you. He slouched down onto the chair, “Oh yeahhh, I needed this for my ass” He exhaled in relief. “Hey love, did you see me take off my shirt after I scored?” He placed his head on your shoulder. “Cause that was all for youuu.” You could feel how warm and flushed he was.
“Christian, you’re even shirtless as of this moment, but yes, yes I did.” Replying to his sloppy demeanor. “Hey Weston? (McKennie) could you grab me a water bottle please?” You asked him. He heard you and complied, grabbing a water bottle and bringing it over to you. You and West became good friends, sharing interests with each other. He hands you the water bottle, “thanks West, Chris is a hot mess right now” you pat Christian’s head as he groaned in drowsiness.
“I think I can tell, I’ll de-drunkify him for you” West pretends to use a spell on him with his imaginary wand, “NODRUNKIFORUS!” He shouts. You laughed at his corny antics, but you loved his childish imagination.
“Hey, what’s so funny?” moaned Christian,
“Are you flirting with my girl, West?” Uh oh, a jealous Christian is not good right now.
“No man, we’re just joking around!”
“Well you can go joke around somewhere else.”
You had to stop him, “Calm down Chris! Come on, drink this water.” You opened the water bottle with a small crack being heard, and handed it to Christian.
“Fine, whatever you say my love..” he still had a death glare at the poor Harry Potter fan as he drank out the bottle. However he was hit with tiredness again.
“Sorry West..” you apologized,
“It’s alright, he’s just in the deep right now.”
You felt the shuttle come to a stop. You looked out the window to see the hotel, and you were very relieved. You asked Weston to help you bring your non-functioning man to your room, and he agreed. You and Weston were on both sides of Christian, maneuvering him into the hotel, and into the elevator. After some time, the elevator dinged and the three of you reached your room. Weston held Christian as you searched for the keycard,
“God he reeks of alcohol!” West was not fond of the smell, and playfully made a gag noise out of his mouth.
You smiled, “Haha, oh yeah, I’ll have to drag him into the shower tomorrow morning. It’s too late for one right now”. You then found the keycard and hovered it against the lock for it to *click* and unlock. You then opened the door for West to carry him to the bed.
“Thanks so much West, I would have broke my bones trying to carry him myself.”
“It’s no problem (Y/N).” He insisted. You two then said your goodbyes and closed the door. You walked back over to Christian. You took off his shoes, shorts, and socks leaving him in his boxers, then grabbing a black t-shirt from the dresser, putting it on him.
He mindlessly climbed into the sheets with a groan. You smiled at his cuteness, then tucking him in, you pecked his forehead with a kiss.
Next you went ahead and changed into your own pajamas, shut off the lights, and sunk into the sheets yourself.
“(Y/N)..” he turned around to face you, “are you proud of my goal?” You softened at this,
“Of course I am, you were wonderful”
“Mmm, I love you (Y/N)” He latched his arms around you as if you were his teddy bear.
“I love you too Christian, sweet dreams my love.”
A/N: I think I fell in love with him after I wrote this ngl
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bubblebaththoughts · 1 year
dark, pervy!joel miller coming into readers room after she gies to sleep, inly for her to wake up with him inside of her.
ill be back 🚀
woww. yeahhh.. you were in such a rush you spelled not one but TWO words wrong, LMFAOO.
well i hope yall enjoy this.
Joel tried to control his breathing as he stood outside her front door, debating whether he should actually disturb her.
“Y/n?” He called out as he knocked on the door
No answer.
He wasn’t even sure why he was here, all he knew was that he needed her, and that he needed her now.
“Y/n!” He called again, now resting his head against the door
It wasn’t that late, why wasn’t she answering?
Finally he tried the door handle, which was surprisingly, unlocked.
“Stupid girl.” He sighed as he closed the door behind him, locking it for her
The living-room light was on, but no one was in there, he scanned around the home, he always loved her house, loved truly getting a look into who she really is.
“Where you at, sweetheart?” He caled out again
He spotted her bag in the hallway, followed by her jacket on the floor, and her boots following that. All led to her bedroom door.
Someone must’ve had a long day.
He stepped over her things, and pushed her door open. He found her, finally.
More of her things led to her bed. Her shirt, then her pants, and then her bra and underwear. He realized she was naked underneath her covers
He’d seen her like this a million times but it always got him excited. he stripped himself of everything but his underwear and slid behind her in bed.
In his opinion, she looked too good like this.
He slid his arm around her waist, snuggling his nose to her neck. Now he knew what he was here for, he realized as he kissed up her neck.
Soon enough she was groaning, wondering why she was being awoken.
“Mm, hi sweetheart.” He smiled against her neck
Now she was well aware of what was going on, she groaned in response and closed her eyes once again. She stayed half asleep as he continued his attack on her neck.
He began to kiss down her back, creating goosebumps over her entire body.
Joel then began creeping his fingers between her thighs, trying to work his way around, trying to work her up.
Though she was half asleep she still parted her thighs for him, as she always did, no matter what happened. Whether he had called her a bitch earlier that day and stormed off or if he was the sweetest man on earth, she always let him win.
“That’s right baby, open up for me.” He whispered against her skin
He knew her body too well, immediately her found her clit, working it till she was dripping.
Joel could hear her whimpers every so often and smile to himself, knowing that it was all him making her feel so good.
He pulled his hand back, using it to pull her on to her back. He always ravished her body, everything about her was perfect.
She still had her eyes closed, though he figured by now she was well aware of the situation.
He sat up and maneuvered her and himself so that now he was on his knees, with them spread so he could palm himself easier. He draped her legs over his, so that he had the best access to her. He felt painfully hard, throbbing at the sight of this beautiful woman in front of him.
He slid his cock out from his underwear, and began lifting her legs up so he could just slide right on in.
Immediately her eyes shot open, her mouth in gear for a breathy moan.
“There you are, honey.” He smiled as he began thrusting
The quick paced thrusts immediately sent her into overdrive, her back arching, her stomach clenching, and her eyebrows creating a crease between them.
Joel leaned down to kiss her, his lip’s creating her safe haven. “Come on baby.” He kept repeating
Her hands slip up and around him, holding onto his shoulders as he drilled himself into her. “Joel..” She whined
“I’m here honey. I’m here.” He whispered, out of breath “Fell asleep waiting for me or something? Hm?” He asked
She gave him a confused look. “What?” Was all she could muster as she held on to him tighter.
“Why were you naked sweetheart?” He clarified
“I got hot.” She explained
“Mm, you’re always hot though.” He groaned into her neck “Like the fuckin’ sun.”
“Joel I need to-“
“I know baby, come on, come for me.” He panted
Shortly after that he found himself spilling into her, pulling out and lying back down next to her.
“I hope you don’t wake up everybody like that.” She laughed as she laid her head on his chest
He laughed, disregarding the idea. His hand rose to her sweaty forehead, pushing her hair back and out of her face.
“I wish I could spend the rest of my life here.” He sighed
“Me too.”
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