#but yeah they are both amazing ough
daistea · 3 months
Hey, so. I wanted to ask about the interpretation of pre-Dungeon Lord Mithrun as being very catty and Regina George-like. Personally, and I've got no problems with it, I'm just really curious where it comes from, but I don't get that read. He was catty and petty and all sorts of unpleasant, but Misril essentially confirms that he kept it all inside because he seemed so perfect and his Dungeon was some great surprise to her. Built on lies and jealousy and inferiority but she had no idea whatsoever. He was festering in silence, I think, and all that ugliness was tucked inside. He was scrambling. Probably imagining himself as alone and unique in his ugliness and failing to speak truthfully about his feelings because he must've been taught that ugly things - like affairs and disabled brothers? - are to be hidden. You're something else before you're a person, so you must be nice and kind and good and emblematic of that. And it isn't as if I was raised in any position of power, but royal houses can be sort of emblematic of that kind of repression of personality, where being small and quiet and smooth and obedient is "good personhood". He was revealed as a mean drunk, but that's about it. Truly, I think catty Mithrun is comfortable Mithrun, so I like to imagine that post-Dungeon Mithrun is the catty one. I think it's funny to imagine our relationship, as it were, and imagine people watching with him and judging people for the fun of it. It's not personal or to feel better or anything. It's just because, and he says some truly out of pocket shit, and I'm there, a little reprimanding, like, "Oh my God! You can't just say that..." and I'm looking at him. And he's looking at me without saying anything. An eyebrow raised. My expression cracks. I look away and snort. "God," I say again. "Oh my God. Yeah. Okay. Fine." Laughingly, "Uh... That's the tackiest, brightest jacket I've ever seen in my life. It is disgustingly offensive. My eyes are practically burning. Is that it?" And he smiles a little. Barely there. And I groan and lightly smack his shoulder. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" He shrugs, "Was it honest?" "Yeah. I mean, I'm exaggerating for the fun of it all, but..." I shudder. "God, it's horrible," and then maybe I get into it, like the minutiae of opinions. Being very opinionated. "And it's worse because not even badly shaped! It'd be fine if it was, like, a simple black coat or something. The texture looks okay, but it has the worst patterning, the worst shapes and colors and—!" And he's laughing out loud. Holding his hands on his stomach, because I've gone full into gesturing and I'm getting so heated about a stupid coat that doesn't even matter, but it's fun! It's amazing. We're having a great time, and I'm laughing, too, because it's silly and it doesn't matter and I'm happy like this. We both are. He frowns a little, and goes, "Okay, what about that shirt?" and making his own statements, like "Ugh. That gold looks like vomit", and we play off eachother, like "Ough. Yeah, and that red with that shade is so bright." I raise my eyebrows. "Evocative." Mithrun hums. "Blood and vomit," he nods. "Ew." We look at eachother and shake our heads sort of sagely. And then I crack first. I almost always break first.
Ye when we joke about pre-dungeon Mithrun being catty, it’s more like he’s catty on the inside. He’s canonly critical and judgmental and angry in his own mind, but I think he also genuinely loves his friends. He just can’t help but be a negative nelly in his head bc insecurity and whatnot. I think if pre-dungeon Mithrun was especially close to someone, close enough to let his true nature show(which would be incredibly rare) then he’d express those thoughts outwardly. But in secret. Nobody realizes he’s catty, but he is. Because he’s passive aggressive and fake lol
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I do think post-dungeon Mithrun is a jerk too, but he has no reservations about expressing it anymore because he has no desire to keep up appearances. He doesn’t dislike his old self because his old self was mean, he dislikes his old self because he just automatically dislikes himself in any form. And even then I think that’s subconscious. When he corrects Kabru and basically says ‘no I wasn’t perfect at all’ he’s just stating a fact. He has very little feeling on the matter other than resentment towards his own actions and emotions that led him to the demon and subsequent trauma.
I think Misiril prob taught him that being relatively polite gets him places, it keeps everybody around him from wanting to leave. And if they left then he wouldn’t have the necessary manpower to defeat the demon. So if he makes the decision to keep certain thoughts to himself, it’s either because it’s easiest/out of habit/to prevent an obstacle in his quest. I mean obviously he still says outlandish crap (“Inferior species.” “CAPTAIN THATS RACIST!”) but I think that’s because he knows it wont really matter in the long run in those cases, so he just says whatever’s on his mind without a care of how it sounds.
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But yeah post-canon Mithrun would probably be way more relaxed. If he’s with someone he’s close to, he’d point out an ugly shirt. I wouldn’t call him catty, because there’s no passive aggressive-ness there. He’s just blunt. His old self would have an absolute heart attack because iTS NOT PROPER STOP IT YOURE GOING TO MAKE PEOPLE HATE YOU!!!
The juxtaposition between his past and present is so interesting. They’re like two different people, so different but still similar in some ways. Hmm
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layton-heritage-posts · 4 months
i cant fucking believe wall is losing the poll. this is bullshit
Fr like I swear this is just one of those things where it's blatantly obvious that no one actually pays attention to the character arc that happened in the first few frames of eternal diva.
Like, the way that the wall was completely coaxed in darkness the first four frames? That was art. It told us, the viewer, that hint coints are everywhere if we just know where to look for them. Also, the way that the walls facial features don't move at all was really good foreshadowing for it's amazing character arc later in the movie when it has to choose which Don Paolo to shoot when he was fighting with his clone, and it shot them both!!! That was raw as hell and you all just ignored it because the "Flora kills a man" arc happened right after it. And yeah, obviously, that arc was amazing in every way, but it really bothers me how everyone says that the movie peaked there when there are so many other good moments. Like the moment Descole accidentally walked into his reflection because he changed so much after the burned strawberry incident that he couldn't recognize himself anymore? Poetic. That moment where Luke accidentally talked to the nefarious pikaratfish who described to him the secret to achieving Godhood? Superb. And of course, since this post was originally about my top Blorbo of all time, the wall, that moment at frame 13 where the light reaches it and we see Laytons shadow projected onto it????? Holy shit man when I told you, I almost cried. The symbolism of Layton bringing the light into the walls live is, admittedly, VERY heavy-handed. But the symbolism in the scene where Randall smokes a fat blunt was just as heavy-handed, and no one cared about it there. Anyway the way the light both reached the wall through Layton but also the way he blocks some of it off? Ough. My heart. And yeah, people will use this as justification to say, "See, without Layton, there would be no wall character arc. That proves he's the better character! WRONG, Layton is just a tool for telling the story of the wall. He's a part of it, yes, but the main focus is very much the wall itself. You just pay more attention to him because you ship him with Randall, and your fandompilled brain has already forgotten the ability to observe media beyond it's shipping aspects.
Let me make this clear now, btw, since I know I'm gonna have a bunch of annoying anti-wall people in my inbox later who are gonna be like:
"How can you enjoy the wall as a character??? Don't you know the wall is really problematic due to it's history In Germany from 1961 - 1989???"
To those people, a quick info. I'm literally german, so stop accusing me of "history-bending-wall-favoritism" or whatever you wanna call it. Liking the wall as a character is not harming anyone. It's literally fine.
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Six! Moment of Truth. Under the cut as per the usual! This episode will reveal my habit of using more pet names for characters the more distressed I become!
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I’d just like to say that every time the intro plays, I experience a few seconds of intense fear as I wait to see if it’s Callum again. They've done it twice now I am fully expecting them to do it again.
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Oh dang, that is a beautiful opening shot of the sunrise. Absolutely stunning.
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Ohh, Callum honey. I know the feeling, it sucks.
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Aww, Raylaaaa. I love her trying to cheer Callum up with the crown, it's so sweet…
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Ohh... poor Callum... Yeah, that would be a blow to anyone’s self esteem. Especially when we know from The Frozen Ship that Callum's been struggling with the idea that he had already permanently ruined himself by using dark magic.
(Also again, the voice acting is amazing.)
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Oh, you know, that’s a good idea! Since they don’t really need to kill Aaravos they just need to stop him from being freed and the main threats to his status as imprisoned are Claudia finding the pearl or Callum getting possessed. If it’s in the Starscraper being guarded by Celestial Elves, then that’s both problems solved! Claudia doesn’t know where it is and it’d be pretty difficult for a possessed Callum to go get it, especially not before anyone could stop him. Good thinking Rayla!
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...On the one hand that’s really bad and a serious problem but on the other hand that is so fucking funny. The magic prison you've been carrying wrapped in an anti-magic blanket through the freezing cold is a giant M&M. Sorry. There is no good way to deliver the news, huh.
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Oh, Callum… The way his voice shakes and he sounds so out of breath like he’s having a panic attack. Poor baby.... 🥺
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Oh, Honey…
And of course it makes him feel worse because to him, if it really was Aaravos influencing Callum without him knowing, then it’s confirming that, not only is there the possibility that he could one day become a threat to his friends safety, he actively is a threat to them. And if it was simply an accident, at the very least, there’s something he can do to prevent another accident. If it's an accident, then it's something that he did and something that he can make an effort to not let it happen again in the future. Whereas if it’s Aaravos, there’s nothing he can do. The thing he could have done to prevent Aaravos possessing him is not use dark magic but that ship has sailed. He’d be entirely helpless and it’d be his own fault.
Also, it goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyways: Give Callum’s VA an award, the voice-acting is so good, the franticness, the hyperventilation. It’s so good.
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Ooh, I love this style of flashback. I love the way that it’s the same artstyle as the credits and how it makes perfect sense since in-universe, Viren’s writing all this down on a piece of parchment. Also, I think that this is first time we’ve heard Lissa’s name in the actual show! I love how you can already see that Claudia got her hair-texture from Lissa while Soren got his from Viren.
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Soren with his little dragon plushy!!!! I'm going to start crying...
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Hmm. I know it’s probably just coincidence, but the fact that Soren seemingly had a terminal respiratory disease makes me wonder if maybe he had the same condition as Callum’s father, since Callum said that Damian had “some sort of terrible breathing sickness.”
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THE QUOTE FROM HARROW!!!! OUGH! “Claudia and I are still searching for a creative solution." "Call it what it is. Dark magic." vs "I found a creative solution. I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic." The growth.
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Oh?? I’ve always been curious what it is about the staff that enhances dark magic since it doesn’t come from a specific primal source. Usually, it comes from taking the life force of living things, but how does a staff help with that? Hmm…
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Okay, I’ve questioned this before but. What is up with Kpp’Ar’s arm? It’s clearly injured… Is he using his own blood for spells? It feels like such a random detail to add without explanation. I wonder if we’ll find out...
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Ah, so Harrow isn’t king yet. Interesting… I guess that makes sense since Kpp’Ar doesn’t appear in any of the Magma Titan flashbacks.
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I think I remember Kpp’Ar having given up dark magic from The Puzzle House (please forgive me if I'm wrong my memory is shit), but I wonder what could have happened to make him veer away from dark magic and the staff to the point where he won’t consider using them to save a child… The royal family doesn’t have Aaravos’s mirror yet so I don’t think it could be that. I am so curious about this man...
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KPP’AR MAN, COME ON! I get that you’ve seen some things but you could at the bare minimum be a LITTLE more tactful than that! If there’s some reason that the staff can’t be used, you could, I don’t know, EXPLAIN IT to Viren? Instead of just leaving him sobbing in the room with no explanation as to why you are letting his son die? ...I see where Viren gets it from.
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Sksfjalkjslkf  I forgot about the monochrome so when the scene switched back to the Starscraper I was like wait what the hell is happening?
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Kosmo, man, I’m not sure this is helping, but also, Callum petting Sneezles for emotional support… I love themm…
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Callum, honey… Ough... I am going to cry I love Callum so much. Sweetie…
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Ssakljfsalkfj Rayla trying gently elbow Kosmo away from Callum.
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Callum, honey, sweetie, darling, sweetheart, love… The fact that he’s just utterly given up on himself and on his ability to continue. That he thinks he’s just too far gone, that there’s nothing left so there’s no point in even trying… Ough. And the implications of refusing to get rid of Aaravos’s control considering the fact that he made Rayla promise to kill him if he ever got controlled again and she did. Oh, honey… Callum’s arc this season is repeatedly punching me directly in the stomach.
Plus the voice acting, again. The way he sounds so dead and empty and almost apathetic, like it’s already over, like there’s just no point to anything anymore. AHG.
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Once a dumb sibling always a dumb sibling.
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“Truth is everything. But before you give it to another, ask yourself, are you giving them clarity, light, and purpose? Or are you shifting a burden to someone who needs all their strength?” I really like Astrid and I like how they're not going the "lying is always bad, telling the truth is always good in every situation no matter the context" route and instead acknowledging that it requires more nuance! Also, I love how Astrid is animated here, her body language is very expressive and fun.
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OH? Oh that explains why it was monotone I had been thinking that it was just like, a sudden style change to portray the emotions or something skjfaslkj. That make a lot more sense.
Also, I like the clarification of how the future-sight works! It seems kind of like Clearsight’s ability in Wings of Fire where she can see all of the possible futures that diverge from her decision. Kosmo can see the possibilities that arise from his decision of whether to tell the truth or not and then pick the best option once he’s seen the diverging paths. It’s probably my favorite form of “prophetic” ability and I especially appreciate it being used here since it lets Timeblind elves like Kosmo exist while still holding true to the themes in the show about the nonexistence of destiny and how the choices you make impact the future.
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Okay, I still feel like being Timeblind would suck. I can only imagine Kosmo feeling super awkward repeating what he said in the vision and like. I don’t know but I feel like it’d be creepy to have the people around you constantly parrot what you’ve already heard them say like they’re reading from scripts and you know what they’re about to say and the exact tone they’ll say it in a second before the words come out of their mouths. That would entirely creep me out.
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Self confidence restored!!
Continued in reblogs, curse the tumblr image limit
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lynzishell · 10 months
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[Atlas arrives at the house around midday on Winterfest. Asher had come up a day earlier and was waiting for him on the porch with his dog at his side.]
Asher: Hello handsome
[He says this with a slight smile and a wink knowing it will make Atlas both cringe and blush at the same time.]
[Atlas, both cringing and blushing, rolls his eyes and runs up the steps, greeting Asher with a kiss.]
Atlas: Hi
[The dog begins to howl, clearly offended at being ignored.]  
Atlas: This must be Jasper. Asher: Sure is. Atlas: Too bad you’re not allowed a dog in your apartment. Asher: Ah, wouldn’t be fair to him even if they did. He has so much room to run here. I wouldn’t feel right bringing him to the city.
[When they make their way inside, Atlas is grateful to see that, aside from an infant cooing and sputtering in the living room, the house is empty, giving him a moment to acclimate before having to socialize.]
Asher: My parents and sister are down the road visiting the neighbor. I’m on baby duty until they get back. Atlas: Is that Iris’s baby? Asher: Yep, I’m officially an uncle. Atlas: Congratulations. Asher: [smiling proudly] Thank you.
[While Asher sets the table and cleans up a bit, Atlas wanders the room, taking everything in.]
[It’s not long before his family returns and the house comes to life. He’s greeted with smiles and hugs from each of them, feeling almost overwhelmed at how kind and warm they all are. He realizes he’d expected them to act cold or tense around him now that he was Asher’s boyfriend rather than friend, but if anything, they are even sweeter than before.]
[No one even bats an eye when Asher reaches over and puts a hand on his during dinner. They just carry on eating and laughing and sharing stories. Soon, he finds himself joining in and laughing along with them.]
[Eventually, Atlas sneaks away to find a quiet spot to reset. To his surprise, Jasper follows and hops up on the bench with him. He’s not used to dogs. In fact, he’s never had a pet of any kind before, so he isn’t sure what to do. But when Jasper lays next to him, he decides to let him stay. Soon the dog rests his head in Atlas’s lap and lets his full weight relax into the side of him. Something about this makes Atlas’s body relax as well, and he decides then and there that he’d like to have a dog of his own one day.]
Asher: You always know how to find the best hiding places, don’t you? Atlas: It’s a gift.
Asher: Aw and you have friend this time. Atlas: Gah! You woke him up! [laughing as Jasper reaches up to lick his face] Asher: [laughing] Sorry!
[Asher calls the dog off the bench and gives him some pets before sending him out of the room.]
[He takes a seat next to Atlas, and looks at him for a moment, trying to decipher his expression.]
Asher: How are you doing? Atlas: Good. Just thinking. Asher: What about? Atlas: Is your family always like this? Asher: Like what? Atlas: So… nice. Asher: [laughs] Yeah, they’re always like that. Is it too much? Atlas: No, it’s great…
Asher: Mhm. So, what’s on your mind? Atlas: Have they always been this supportive? Like, your transition and being queer and everything. Asher: Yeah. I mean, they didn’t always understand, and there were some bumps in the road, but we worked through it. At the end of the day, they just want me to be happy. And I’m clearly much happier now.
Atlas: That’s… amazing. You know how lucky you are? Asher: Believe me, I do. Atlas: I can’t even imagine. Asher: Yeah? What’s your story?
Atlas: Ough, the opposite. I knew what my parents, and pretty much everyone, would say if they found out I was gay, so I kept it secret until I graduated and was ready to go off to college. Dawn and I had pretty much already decided we were leaving and never going back. Maybe I didn’t even need to come out to them, I could’ve just left, but I was tired of hiding. It felt like, if I could come out to them, then I’d never have to hide again.
Asher: What’d they say?
Atlas: Pretty much what I expected them to. [scoffs] They even tried to send me to a camp. Asher: A camp? Atlas: Conversion therapy. Asher: What the fuck? I thought that was illegal. Atlas: Still happens. At least in our small community. Asher: How could anyone… and to their own kid?
Atlas: [shrugs] You’d be surprised. Anyway, so, we left. We haven’t seen or spoken to anyone since. Not just our parents, but aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, everyone. Asher: So, when you said you lost everyone that was ever important to you… Atlas: Everyone, but Dawn. Asher: I’m sorry. Atlas: It’s okay. It’s for the best, honestly.
[Asher leans back and pulls Atlas to him, letting him lay down, and running his fingers through his hair.]
Asher: Well, now you have me. And my family really likes you, y’know. Atlas: I like them too. In fact, if we ever break up, I’m keeping them. Asher: [laughs] I’m sure we can figure out some kind of custody arrangement. Atlas: Maybe.
Asher: Though, if you keep planning for our breakup, you’re gonna start hurting my feelings. Atlas: Sorry. Force of habit. Asher: Well, we’ll have to break that habit, ‘cause you’re stuck with me. I’m not going anywhere. Atlas: Me either. Asher: Good… We’ll have to go back in soon, if you’re up for it. Atlas: Yeah, just five more minutes. Asher: Sure.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Would you do a pic based on the song “Do you wanna be friends?” By Leanne Firestone as a Ken x reader? Like I feel like this song really could work for them. Like kens super all like “Oh stereotypical Barbie is so amazing” and reader just is like “oh. Okay yeahb I’ll support you” and just follows the song. Idk lol
Ough the unrequited love goes hard here </3
"So...I take it that it didn't go the way you hoped?"
"Sadly..it didn't." Putting on his best smile, Ken sighed quietly as you both sat on the beach together. "I forgot it was girls' night and...she didn't want me there. Period."
You blinked. "She seriously said that to you?"
"And..it didn't hurt?"
"I mean..she wasn't wrong. She could never be wrong. It's not my place to intrude on her night and I need to respect that. I'm just happy I got to dance with her and...almost kiss her after the party." His attempts to sound upbeat were forced, although he didn't want to concern you too much. "Simply being in her presence is enough for me. She's just so...amazing and beautiful and so smart. I'm glad we're boyfriend and girlfriend."
'It doesn't sound like she thinks the same...' Is what you wanted to say to him, but you decided to keep that to yourself. Instead, your shoulders remained slumped as he continued rambling about how "awesome" Stereotypical Barbie was.
It was nothing new to you.
You and him have been good friends for a while, although roughly 90% of your chats consisted of him gushing over Barbie nonstop; the remaining 10% were either him complaining about Tourist Ken or rambling about Beach-related stuff.
Obviously, you didn't mind talking to him and wouldn't dare shut him down. You actually enjoyed every moment you spent together, even if he can be a bit dumb and showy at times.
You just wish he didn't bring up Barbie's name in every single conversation...considering that she barely mentions his name whenever you talked to her.
It was unconventional at best for a Barbie to not be interested in her Ken, but that's just the way she is and he doesn't see anything wrong with that.
He wasn't getting the hint.
When you found Ken sitting alone on the beach tonight--in the spot where you'd normally practice you guitar skills--he looked awfully dejected and lonely. You immediately knew he tried shooting his shot with her after the huge blowout party with planned choreography and a bespoke song..
And ultimately missed by a mile.
"You know what she said to me earlier after that Beach accident, [y/n]?"
"What did she say?"
"She said I was "very brave"." Stars were practically shimmering in his blue eyes, his grin growing wider. "She thought I was brave! Isn't that awesome??"
"Yeah, it sure is." Nodding in agreement, you turned your gaze up to the brightly-lit moon in the sky. "You're a lot of things, Ken. Brave, funny, cool...she should seriously cherish those and not just shut you out because of "Girl's Night". I don't think that's fair to you at all."
The words came out faster than you could think, and your body tensed up as you watched his expression falter.
Maybe you've said too much.
"Wow, that's...nice to hear, [y/n]. Thank you." He put a hand to his chest, looking at you with a gentler smile. "You're a great friend, you know that?"
"...right, we're great friends." You reluctantly agreed, forcing you own smile for his sake. "Do you mind if I play some guitar? This is my usual spot but-"
"Ohh, I forgot you had that...thing." Then he pointed to your acoustic instrument. "If you want me to leave I can-"
"No, no, you can stay! I'd hate to see you roaming Barbieland all night by yourself."
"Nah, I'm not really "roaming" aimlessly." He brushed off your worries, smoothing his hair out as though it was tousled by nonexistent wind. "I just sorta...wander around till I find a cozy spot. Sometimes I get lucky, but other times I imagine myself in her dreamhouse. I bet next time she'll let me stay over. Who knows? Maybe one day we can call it Barbie and Ken's Dreamhouse. Haha..wouldn't that be awesome, huh?"
At the end of his rambling, he had that same lovestruck appearance on his face as he rested his jaw on his fist, gazing at you.
That's the kind of look you wish he'd give you instead.
"Yeah, that would be cool." Once more, you agreed, before taking your guitar out of its case and placing it across your lap. "Well..I'm just gonna start practicing."
"Right. Thanks for listening, [y/n]. I'm just gonna sleep over here and dream of our future." He stood up and walked about ten steps towards a baby blue towel somebody left behind in the sand, laying down and curling up. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Ken. Sleep well."
Despite how uncomfortable he seemed, he had no problems dozing off as you heard light snores mere seconds after he closed his eyes. You saw a content smile gracing his lips and gazed at him for some time.
He never looked more peaceful.
"This one's for you.." You whispered softly, fingers gliding across the guitar strings as you began playing a song you've recently memorized.
Then you began singing ever-so quietly, closing your eyes and feeling the music flow through you.
""Do you wanna be friends?" I mean I wanna be more. But if "friends" is how I get to have you...then..sure. I'll be quiet in my pining. I won't tell you about the pain. I'll be silent in the night when I know that you're asleep..but I wanna ask you if you're awake.."
You weren't sure where you've heard this song before. It just popped into your mind one day and resonated with you so deeply, filling your plastic heart with a foreign feeling.
That being...the feeling of longingness. Pining.
It reminded you of Ken, and where your relationship with him currently stood...and possibly will remain for as long as you both lived.
You knew that he'd always choose Barbie over you at the end of the day, even though you've seen her reject him time and time again. He still kept chasing after her no matter what, always hoping she'll one day say "yes" to him staying over at her dreamhouse instead of shooing him away.
Eventually, he'd have to wake up and realize the truth.
Maybe then he'll finally see that you were the only one who ever gave him the time of day. The only one who truly cared about where he slept, if he was okay, etc.
The only one who truly loved him.
Perhaps in another life, it can be [Y/n] and Ken.
But for now, you just continued playing the guitar at him, even though he was off in dreamland, blissfully unaware that you were speaking to him through this song you were singing.
If only he knew your genuine feelings for him; although that may never happen since he's always calling you his "friend".
And if that's what he wanted out of this relationship, then...you'll have to settle for that. For his sake.
You'd hate to lose him.
"So we'll be friends, and I'll be okay. The world won't end if you don't love me, even if it feels that way..."
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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Yes! To add: In both Medium Leos and Little Leos timeline the movie events happened, just the addition of the arm loss via Krang in the prison dimension ofc
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For names stuff im just going with Big, Medium, and Little Leo accordingly!
And waaa thank you so much for the feedback! HA drawing all this stuff ahs been such a learning experience for me...
As for the whole, sacrifice ordeal? That will be shown later in the week and I think the scene will speak for itself... sweats
My heart also hurts!!!!
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Technically... theres 3 and a half aus aha!? (at least in my head...) Since yeah ofc theres the original idea I had for an ending, and the current working AU. The other one and a half both involve some form of Big Leo also being alive and well in the current time! Which I can talk about how those came about later in the week I believe?!
As for the og Leos, if im feeling the need to draw them/I am motivated enough then yeah you can still spot them! Though if you mean in the main comic.. we will see? Depends how even more insane I get later down the road whoops
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Yes! He knew he was going to break apart in some form, but that does not mean he would know what it would look like. The times Mikey did open a portal he was never there for them, and so never got to see what it looked like!
He also never got to feel it either... so partially recoil from pain/shock
I think deep deep down though, maybe he wanted to go somewhere else from their current situation. When Raph and Don helped Mikey make the portal to save Leo it was easy to push through the pain through their one goal, save Leo. With Medium Leo here, who is trying to even save anymore, himself? I think he lost a bit of his self worth a while ago...
As for Big Leos spirit, its... sorta in another place at the moment aha, a bit unreachable...
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🥺 and Medium Leo will try his damn hardest to be what Big Leo was for him... thanks for the support ough 👍drawing all this has been such a trip for me pfft
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Looks at the peepaw multiverse.... ha thats going to take some explaining isnt it
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<3 I got possessed back in april and decided to feel brave starting this summer oops
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n3onstarss · 1 year
So, here's Lyla x Spider-Woman reader! She may be OOC, but I'm using what I've analyzed from what I've seen (haven't seen the movie, but it's all been spoiled so it's whatever lol)
Blood, injury and panicking are all present, alongside some oblivious crushing on both sides :)
Lyla knew how dangerous it was to be a Spider-Person. After all, she had been created for the sole purpose of helping one of said spider people.
But Miguel was tough. I mean, all spider people are, but he had trained to be Spider-Man. He hadn't been bitten, he hadn't been thrown into this like the rest of the spider people, or at least as far as Lyla knew.
So when she was scanning her screens and got a notification about a fight on Earth-921, she hurried to check in. The notification hadn't said who needed backup, only having a voice message attached, but it was requested.
She knew immediately who's dimension it was, and she knew how stubborn you were. You wouldn't call for backup unless you really fucking needed it and urgently
Oh. My. God if shes dead I'm going to kill her! The thought crossed her mind briefly, and only amplified Lyla's panic. The thought of being the first to respond, only to find you dead? terrified her.
My webs were launching and pulling me almost faster than I could keep up, attaching to surrounding buildings and sending me swinging in tight circles and loops around the villain I was battling.
"Too fast for ya, scales?" I teased as I let myself slide under the villains tail like an Indiana Jones movie. My version of The Lizard was more gator like, reminding me of Leatherhead in the TMNT comics I'd seen. And the cherry on top, he was pissed the fuck off. a low rumbling growl emitted from the gator as he span to keep up, trying to find a window of attack, a moment of weakness.
I launched myself as high as I could go when his back was turned, slingshotting myself off two tall apartment complexes, hollering all the way and laughing like a crazed woman. Staring up at the sun, I thought I could touch the clouds like this. The adrenaline rush was amazing, it was part of the reason I kept doing this! I turned and let myself free fall carelessly for a moment before resuming my circling attack pattern.
It only lasted a moment longer before my head snapped to the side when I thought I saw a civilian, a child, standing just inside a convenience store. Without really thinking my webs adjusted my path towards the child. I had no game plan, no idea what I was doing, but I'd work it out, I always did.
But I forgot the most important rule, never turn your back to a villain.
A heavy weight slammed itself into my back, winding me. Sharp obsidian claws wrapping around my shoulders and throwing me backwards. As i hit the ground concrete tore open my suit and back as I tumbled head over heels, and not in the fun way, along the road. Skipping like a pebble and leaving cracks and torn up asphalt in my wake.
I couldn't catch my breath, having been effectively winded again by the final impact, but I forced myself to me feet. I was hunched and swaying side to side when I called for backup, pressing the panic button and leaving a message as instructed as I thwiped into the skies again one handed.
"Heyyy, it's me," I held the watch near my face as i moved, trying to keep the audio undistorted, "Uhhhh I don't know how to explain this but The Lizard got into super crack or something methinks and he is PISSED. I could really use some backup right now!" I cut off with a scream as he swiped at me again, lodging a claw in my calf that i kicked free with my other foot. I hissed in pain and my voice cracked as I spoke again, "Yeah, definitely need backup haha! anyways, civilians in the area, angry croc, destroyed property, y'know the gist. Thankssss!"
I continued my streak of circling, attacking, hissing at a injury i hadn't noticed, and repeating until I ran out of juice. My arms were exhausted and I was nearly out of web fluid. I used some of the last to (finally!) seal the wound on my calf. The Lizard turned to face me now, face to face on the ground, or as face to face as you can get to a 8 foot or taller gator.
"Pick on someone your own size!" I quipped as he threw the first punch. "Or don't." I muttered under my breath, pissed off at the situation and myself for letting it get to the point I needed backup.
The Lizard and I circled each other, fists raised and growling at each other. I faked him out a few times to lighten the mood and provoke him, but he didn't react.
After a minute or so more a golden light and figure appeared on my watch, and The Lizard took that time to charge.
"WHAT are you DOING??" I asked slash yelled as I dove under the villain, dropping to the ground to avoid being grabbed.
"Backing you up! You did call for backup, didn't you?" Lyla spoke, voice full of worry and yet smug. She leaned around where the watch and therefore her were held at shoulder height and her eyes widened a little as The Lizard began to turn towards us again.
"Ha! got me there!" The villains footsteps soon the ground as he ran, and my spidey-sense was going off like crazy, but I didn't move. "Did you alert anybody else? cause despite how much I love your company," I dodged under a punch and spun to kick The Lizard in the gut, sending him flying, "There are civilians in the area."
Lyla scoffed, striking one of her signature poses before speaking again, "Of course I alerted someone! I sent out a general notif, Noir said he's on his way and so did Peni."
Relief flooded my body for a mere moment before I launched into a backflip to dodge The Lizard. I felt like a bullfighter. An out-of-web-fluid bullfighter.
"Thank you Lyla, what ever would I do without you?" My tone was teasing, but my words were sincere.
"Die, probably." Lyla didn't miss a beat, she never did.
"That's for sure!" I got ready to run up a wall as The Lizard approached, but my leg wound started to open up again and i stumbled.
"What is that?!"
I was a little too busy dodging fists and trying not to inhale a shit tone of dust from a villain trying to trample or punch me currently to respond in full.
"Oh. Got cocky, got clawed, the works." I don't know why I was trying to appear nonchalant about something that was hindering. You don't need to look cool in front of Lyla, we've been coworkers since You were 16! that's 6 years!! but now you wanna act cool? God you're stupid!
A stray punch missed us by an inch, and Lyla looked worriedly at where the arm had been.
"Hey, you good?" I was worried that Lyla was worried. She was always so unbothered! It was worrying to see her scared
"If course! Why wouldn't I be?" She shrunk away from the next kick too. "I just think we should, IIIIII dunno.. leave?" Her hands were gesturing wildly as she spoke. A jaw snapped itself closed way too close to us for my liking.
"Hey dickhead!! we're trying to have a conversation here!" I yelled before biting into the closest limb to us, a leg.
"old ohn ight!" I tried to say as The Lizard reared up, shaking his leg violently. Lyla and I clung on comically as his leg flailed, her onto the watch and me onto his leg.
A flash of gold and red light caught the edge of my vision, and all three of us kept an eye on the portal. The Lizard halted his flailing for a moment, and I took the chance to readjust and sink my teeth in deeper. Lyla popped out of existence from my watch and i could see a glimpse of gold above Noir's wrist and he ran through the portal.
God this woman is a fucking idiot! First she's out of web fluid, then she's injured, and NOW she's clinging to a villains leg by the teeth!!
The light and colors indicative of a portal alerted me to backup arriving after what felt like eternity, but was only around 5 minutes when I checked the time. I glitched myself out of her watch and into Noir's.
"Heyy! so good to finally see you!" Sass drips like venom to the point even I can hear it. "So! rundown!" I started as Noir began his approach, "Civilians nearby, she's out of web fluid and her leg is cut open. Imma pop back over there and check on Her you got this, right? Cool, see ya!" I cut out before he can even speak.
Lyla popped back up on my watch, clinging onto the edge again even though she didn't need to.
"So! backup is here, and it's time for youuuu," she leaned over and poked the tip of my nose, causing me to scrunch it, "to retreat! You'll bleed put or lose a tooth like this," She gave up on hanging on, sitting with her leg crossed and inspecting her nail, rolling her head towards me to emphasize her point. "y'know?"
I narrowed my eyes at her jokingly before attempting a smile and nod and sinking my teeth in deeper. On the next kick I detached myself and let myself go flying, attempting a cool posed landing and failing when my bleeding leg buckled and gave out momentarily.
"dammit." i mumbled as I stood up fully and watched as Noir, and now Peni, who just ran past me, circled and tied up The Lizard. Lyla disappeared again as I turned to make a new portal to HQ.
"Hey hi me again! So, we're outta here because she need medical treatment," I relayed to Peni, pointing my thumb over my shoulder, "Good luck, aim for the legs cause shes a biter, have fun!" I glitched out again, leaving a shocked and confused Peni behind.
Lyla reappeared as I stepped through the portal, sitting on my shoulder in her pocket-sized version now that we were in her domain of HQ.
"Soooooo what happened again?" She spoke up. I could tell she wanted to know why I was struggling, so I explained as she leaned against my head on the way to the medbay.
I had to hobble with my right hand on the wall for support as we went, and in turn we received plenty of weird stares from any passing spider-people. I only caught it once in my peripheral, but Lyla flipped a group off.
We continued our journey, and I got lost in my thoughts. I have no idea what I would do without Lyla.
sorry it's short! i tried my best sorry if it's OOC! from the clips I saw shes sassy and smug (Miguel backup scene) but also panics sometimes (Margo and her scene and also tracking the Spot) so i tried to incorporate that!! please send requests!
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
Immediately went to read AC792 because you recommended it (cuz your recs are always amazing) and ooooh ouch ow it was such a good exploration of Clark's character like you said, and the amount of care he showed trying to find Valentin, like asking his friends and loved ones for help and doing everything he possibly could both as Superman and Clark to find him just really illustrates the depth of how much he cares for people and specifically individual people. It literally almost had me in tears at the end because I was just so hopeful Valentin would be found alright. That line said by Pablo towards the end "Who would miss him? Who would care?" just hit me so hard because not only was I thinking "Clark Kent/ Superman would", Pablo was realizing that too and really coming to terms with what he'd done and aaaaaa I'm going to be thinking about this issue forever now whenever I think about Superman. Sorry for rambling, but thank you for the wonderful rec!!
never apologize for rambling at me about superman comics but ESPECIALLY not ac792. oh man.
im so glad you liked it too!!! bc GOD its one of my favorite comics i have ever read asdfhkjds like. you get it!!!! "who would care?" superman would. every time. and omg same when i was reading i was honestly so uncertain like, surely he'll be okay, right? superman is the fantasy of being able to save people. right? except for when he can't... like i was genuinely so not sure if he'd be okay or not.
which is like. that's so well written!!! the ending being what it was is so... ough :( at least he got closure for valentin's daughter but it's still just so sad but in such a believable way. like, the mundanity of tragedy. the panel of him standing at the bottom of the harbor looking so sad GETS me. augh.
BUT YEAH im glad you enjoyed it!!! ac792 the comic that you areee 😭🩷🥺😭🩷🥺😭😭🩷🥺😭🩷😭🩷😭🩷🥺🥺😭
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twistedtavern · 1 year
Head empty
Heres my list of how all the twst boys would be like as spouses from best to absolute worst. No in-between
Tw: mentions of abuse, cheating and bad stuff. You've been warned
Reverse au:
A: tweels: they are responsible and very caring and loving. No doubt you're marriage will be full of love and happiness
silver : same as the tweels. Even though he's basically handicapped since lilia took his kneecaps he still makes everything possible to support you. He's such an amazing spouse, but you'll have to remind him to rest quite often
B: epel: he would like to be pampered but he'll help with house chores and stuff. Getting very protective of you if he catches anyone looking at you weird and is a little insecure he managed to pull someone so amazing
cater: the way I see it he's more of a househusband. Preferring to stay inside and take care of the house and maybe if you both have kids, he'll look after them too while you work
C: Riddle: he's very cool but he's not over how his mom would manipulate his childhood. Hell do basic things but don't trust him by himself for too long, might break the law out of boredom
vil: I honestly have no clue bucause he's got a bromance going on with neige. But if he does marry someone else, don't trust him anymore than riddle. As soon as you look away he's playing with the lit candles and vaping outside your house
Idia: after finally accepting himself he's very quiet and meek. Following you around the house and cuddling up close to you. He's very happy, but he's still not quite over getting himself roped into unnecessary drama..
sebek: yandere. He'd take care of you yeah but would probably kill anyone who looks at you and vice versa. Possessive.
jack: he's two face and a liar right? Don't trust him with very personal things, because he'll just tell someone to start something since he's bored. "Can't you take a joke, silly?" No. Absolutely cannot. Say goodbye to your reputation
D: Ruggie: would be neglectful maybe. He still has that inferiority complex. He'll let you spend money as long as you leave him alone. Maybe he was unfaithful once or twice but he swore never to do it again because he felt guilty.
Leona: can't cook for shit and so whiny. You'll have to do everything by yourself because he'll start crying saying he hurt his finger picking up the broom and duster. Can't even sweep
E: Ace: coward. Would probably get you in drama and run away, leaving you to deal with the angry people
deuce: abusive and sadistic. No. Don't even Respec his mama.
Rook: would skin you alive
F: trey: abusive and neglectful. He'd probably hit you a couple times while frustrated
azul: abusive #3
malleus: sadist. Would probably torture you or starve you since he likes seeing you so hurt and pathetic. Horrible.
Lilia: even worse. He'd do bad many things. Unconsensual. Grouchy. Sexist.
Ough there are some pieces of Shit in this au huh 😅
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wasyago · 11 months
hi! this is the bunch-a-questions anon. this wont be an ask ask. thank you for answering! it really gives me so much insight about tools and processes, i really enjoy seeing/reading how different artists have different ways in approaching creation of art. it’s all so interesting to me
and oooh i know what you mean about looking at a lot of different artists! it’s inspiration!! i find those things to be amazing too, it’s so cool. it’s like “this spot is inspired by an artist” “this artist draws this like this, so i wanted to try” “i think the way an artist drew this was neat and i wanted to try an implement it” it reminds me of that one post how we, as people, are a mosiac of other people and i believe it to be the same for how artists are too with their art
i feel inspired by the way you draw….. everything!!! it gets me pumped to try and replicate the way you do some things. like the shapes you create, the colors you choose, the way your lineart seems to be so flowy, how dynamic everything feels and how different each drawing you create is from one another (i saw you reblog that meme of like “why shouldnt i draw characters from the waist up and that is SO me, but it’s shoulders up” because drawing full bodies makes mh drawings feel so stiff, i need to practice more!!), the poses of the characters. just.. every aspect of your art is so, so, so nice!!
the way you draw, in all your styles, it’s definitely one of the ones that is such a good scratch to my brain. it gets me all giddy and happy! i’m not sure if i’ll get into jwri, mostly because my attention span will not let me be able sit and focus on listening before i get distracted and miss context on parts, BUT i still go to your blog almost every day just so i can see your art, no matter what it is, no matter who the characters are because it’s always so so good and i love taking it in. (will eat your art if i could, i am so serious)
this was a long one but yeah! i just wanted to let you know how awesome i see your art is! and how i also think youre a cool person, you seem like such a good peep to hang out it! might be weird to say but if you were a blorbo, you would be one of the most blorbiest blorbos to blorbo ever
hope youre having a good day!!
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your explanation of taking inspiration from other artists was so poetic and beautiful! truly inspiring in itself
its okay if you can't get into jrwi, i get it! i didn't think i would get into it as well and after binging all the episodes i honestly forgot why i even started listening in the first place. remembered recently tho! it was because i was going a little crazy while making the picrew and needed some actual talking in the background instead of just music. so, if you ever decide to give it a try, or listen to something else equally as lengthy, try to busy your hands with something that doesn't require a lot of thinking! it helps me at least! worked both with jrwi and tma. it's like, doing something monotonous (knitting, sorting files, cleaning the house, etc) can be incredibly boring if i sit in silence and let my mind wonder. alternatively, listening to something long or watching a long movie can be incredibly boring as well because i struggle to pay attention to the same thing for two hours. but combining these is really good, because it keeps both my mind and hands busy, but not overwhelmingly so!
and ough ough ough thank you again for such heartwarming message! im so happy to hear that you feel inspired by my art, and i wish you good luck in your own art journey!!!!!!! remember to have fun and listen to yourself and do things that you find interesting and that you enjoy! don't force yourself to draw stuff you don't like! all art is personal and individual, so don't be afraid to make things "you"! you don't have to do clean line, you don't have to do lines at all, you don't have to do coloring or shading, if you don't like it! and if you do like it or are excited to try, you should go for it! don't be afraid to change and grow but don't force yourself into it!
also don't foget to stretch before drawing its very important!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wario-speedwagon · 5 months
top 5 ai the somnium files characters??
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ohoho, well lemme tell ya with great pleasure! :D
(disclaimer, I've only played through the first game, so I will only be including characters from that game and not the sequel)
5. Boss
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It's in her name, she gaslights, gatekeeps, girlbosses and looks good doing it! Jokes aside though, I love how she is simultaneously secretly and subtly caring while also just. blunt and unapologetic about overworking her subordinates or unashamed to crack dirty innuendos. She has all sorts of random trinkets and junk all over her office, from boy band posters to christmas trees to party decorations. Shady but with a heart of gold. She's not quite as deep a spoiler angst rabbit hole character as some others, but she's a joy every time she's on screen, ya love to see her <3
4. Hitomi
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This is my one underrated underdog pick, but ourgh, loving and supportive single mothers doing their best while keeping their dark tragic backstories private from their kids, my beloved <3 I could delve into detail just how magnificent her backstory is, from the circumstances of her being a mother to her tragic past love life, and how being a stereotypical normal boring sweet schoolteacher mother figure, she's been unfortunately involved in the most dangerous secrets but just trying to live her best life with her daughter despite it. Hitomi my beloved, seemingly simple characters with hidden depth, my beloved
3. Aiba
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She is soooo silly and also maybe the only sane person here, or at least sane in the way an AI personality would be. She is Date's AI assistant and also his prosthetic eye, and the right gif is the form she takes when she's outside of his eyesocket. The left gif is her digital avatar form. She's constantly judging Date's thoughts and actions, she gets excited about bugs, she helps Date be a better parent (more on that later), she does Hacker Skillz on a whim, she might be capable of actual love even as an AI! Truly a worthy pfp :3
2. Date
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You've heard of Love to Hate, but this guy will force you to learn what Hate to Love means. Cringy horny porn-addict failure of a person, how dare you be an amazing character with a super sad spoiler backstory and amazing angst going on. I need to push him down some stairs right now. He has a fantastic coworker good cop/bad cop dynamic going on with Aiba his eyball assistant (he's mysteriously missing an eye and Aiba is his replacement), and he's a grumpy but genuinely trying temporary guardian for a bratty middle schooler who holds him in contempt and pretends to hate him (i.e. we're talking wet cat & wet cat found family dynamics >:)
1. Mizuki
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I love this child. I would do anything for this child. I would do anything to be this child. Snarky ass middle schooler. Human weapon of mass destruction because why not. Had a hard home life with her abusive or neglectful parents and is now a tsundere wet cat found family roommate with Date whom she bullies like a sibling but is still in denial about who her real family are. She carries grenades and such in her backpack even to school and she carries her favorite lead pipe with her everywhere. (spoilers) she has seen both of her parents' dead bodies and in some timelines her best friends' and favorite teacher's as well...
Ough the character depth and growth and angst and silliness of this character, the sheer badassery, her iconic-ness--oh yeah, she canonically says in game says that she respects and is inspired the LGBT community (based). You just can't get more S-tier than Mizuki. Might be favorite character of all time. I'm so excited when I eventually play the sequel because she's the protagonist in it! :D
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
Are you the writer of the Ninjago fics "Wobbly hearts" and "There's Always Tomorro"?
Just wanna say both of them are amazing! There's always tomorro is my favourite Morro redemption fic! And as for Wobbly Hearts I love TLNM fics where the ninja's identities aren't known to each other from the start! And my favourite fics are angst with a happy ending!
So yeah, all I had to say was that thanks for writing such wonderful fanfics! :D
AAAAA THIS IS SO SWEET??? |;A;/ YEAH THATS ME OUGH HI <33333 Honoured to be the writer of a fave. I really like tlnm fics where their identities are secret at the start too!!! Aaaaa! Ig that's why I'm writing one WHEEZE Thanks so much for taking the time to send this, it might seem like a little thing but it always makes me so happy when I hear people enjoy my writing and it encourages me to keep posting it <33333333 I HOPE U HAVE AN AMAZING DAY DUDE <333
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Last Time On Total Drama Cruise Control: Can You Take the Heat?
CHALLENGE 13: Kingston, Jamaica
“Hello, contestants! Are we feeling…hungry,” Chris grins. “Actually, I have an important announcement for everyone! Mascots, please come forward...” The Beaver and The Tapir waddle their way up the front of the bow, each holding their mascot flags. Neither speak. “Starting today, teams are no more. Yep, merge is here baby! Say goodbye to your lovable mascots! Buh bye-bye!” The Mascots silently wave, but Chris suddenly shoves them both overboard! You hear two distinct splashes… and silence. “From now on, you all will be fighting for immunity, and the winner of each challenge will get the luxury floor all to themselves! Well, actually…they’ll get to pick one person to join them and reap the spoils, if they wish. Yep! Your last chance to grab any hot Mascot merchandise is gone now. We're dumping all of it into the ocean!" “Well, enough talk. I hope everyone is ready to expand your flavor profile!” The boat bellows, docking on yet another beach. Wait, this place, to some of you, might be familiar! “The kind people of Jamaica were so gracious to overlook my last visit and allowed us to visit once more! WELCOME TO KINGSTON, JAMAICA!”
Chris leads everyone to the beach, where a delicious smell wafts through ... it's so good, it almost makes your mouth water! “See? I told you there was a reason Chef didn't serve you all breakfast today! Or lunch...I wanted everyone to be HUNGRY! Awww. Don’t give me that face, I didn't hire just anyone to make us food…everyone say hello to our guest star, DJ!” DJ is stirring a pot, the contents inside smelling absolutely divine. He adds a dash of his special spice with a smile. “Hey everyone! Long time no see!” He takes a taste test, content with his cooking. “Chris! It’s almost done!” “Awesome! Today’s challenge is an eating contest! But we aren't eating hotdogs or pie...we are eating DJ’s famous jerk chicken! And it's SPICY! This is an endurance test for your tastebuds!" “Wait a minute….I thought you said this was for the locals! No offense but this…this is too spicy for...um...C-Chris!” “They’ll be fiiiine! I've got milk for them! Uh…I think…uh…hm. Well, we had milk.” The mascots were supposed to wheel in the cart full of milk...uh… “....oops! Well, DJ, get to plating, and everyone else, sit down and get ready!” DJ scoops out a plate of jerk chicken, handing them out to each and everyone. He gives a soft, nervous smile and a tiny, “I’m sorry…” under his breath. "Be careful, don't eat it too fast. I don't want anyone getting a stomachache...." The jerk chicken smells amazing, but you can feel the heat radiating from it… “OK! Are you ready? Get set, GO!” ROUND ONE! Everyone passes with flying colors! ROUND TWO! RAJ, LIGHTNING AND ALEJANDRO COULDN'T TAKE THE HEAT! It's like a dice bot is against him or something. Alejandro freaking taps out. Lightning coughs out his food! "Man, that spice was rough!" Raj starts coughing. Ough. He pushes his plate towards Wayne. ROUND THREE! WAYNE, MK, AMY AND RIPPER ARE OUT! TOO HOT TO HANDLE! As Wayne kept eating Raj’s seconds…oh oh! It’s coming back out… Wayne spits out an actual fireball out of his mouth, dragon-style…he passes out with smoke emitting from his mouth and nostrils. coughs smoke…Did I win, Rajie? Amy's coughing so much. She's OUT. sorry alejandro </3 MK’s still eating and… Oh fuck turns out she had tastebuds the whole time. She practically snorts out smoke. Ripper's stomach gurgles dangerously, and a fart follows. Oh. THAT hurt. Another. That REALLY hurts. The plate in front of him is pushed forward. He freezes, a look of contemplation on his face. ROUND FOUR, FINAL ROUND! JO VS BRICK VS HAROLD! Brick tries to take a bite....he tries......he finally gives out! "Yeah, I'm here too," Harold sulks as he eats more freaking chickeng. There's a gurgling most unpleasant in his stomach. He fears there is not much time left for him. bathroom NOW
Jo sneers at DJ, the plate empty in front of her. “That was supposed to be spicy? Give me a break.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was Brick who was served the Mocktail of Misery and walked the Plank of Shame. Brick marches up to the plank of shame, he turns around to look at them all. "Don't worry. This is a good thing for me. I am free from my torment. I was never very good at this game after all." His eyes land onto a certain individual.... "Be careful. Not everyone on this boat is who they say they are." Brick salutes one last time, and jumps off the plank! THANK YOU FOR PLAYING! HAVE A GOOD TRIP, SOLIDER! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>The Sea Tails (Wayne, Raj, Ripper, Amy and Alejandro) celebrate Ripper's return with dinner at a sports bar. Wayne and Ripper share a gross fry kiss. Amy and Alejandro leave early. There's ketchup everywhere. >Ripper wins a live cassowary from the crane machine! It attacks him, makes Trent bald, and chases Raj. It attacks the door to the confessional he's hiding in and runs off of the ship. >Raj is freaked out because he's afraid of birds, which Lightning finds out about. Wayne tries to comfort Raj while Lightning helps Ripper in the med room. Wayne and Lightning go off to find the cassowary while Ripper and Raj stay in the cabin. >Ripper and Raj talk through trauma and try to comfort each other. They do a little counting thing together that Raj taught Ripper in order to calm each other. >Raj has a nightmare. Wayne and Lightning finally return after the cassowary is eaten by a shark and dies. Wayne, Raj, and Ripper throw fries into the ocean for fun and Raj refuses to sleep. >Lightning tells Amy and Alejandro about Raj’s fear of birds without knowing it was a secret. They throw Lightning under the bus to cover up the fact that Amy already knew. Raj gets upset with Lightning and ends their friendship. >Wayne almost reveals the bird secret to Harold. He has a panic attack and thinks that he disappointed Raj. Raj tries to comfort him. >Harold tries to see if his vampire cure potion works. Amy and Raj are there and so is Trent very briefly. It didn't appear to do anything. >Ripper and Wayne work out together, bake a cake together and plan a prank on Raj, running around to gather the things to pull it off. They also go grocery shopping together and Wayne gifts Ripper a little spinning top. >Alejandro and Raj finish a Lego set together! >Jo is in mourning after Brick's elimination. >DJ does improv therapy with Harold and Jo at his jerk chicken stand. He plans on meeting up with Harold after the game. Ripper visits at the same time Harold does and attempts to break his new record right there in the middle of their conversation. He does not succeed, but he does discuss cooking with DJ. >Ripper and Lightning share drinks at a bar. Ripper asks Lightning for an alliance, and he agrees to it. >Sierra is following the ship, and MK has a conversation with her. Sierra mentions that MK was dating Caleb in the past. They discuss shipping discourse. >Ripper also has a conversation with Sierra. He is loving all of the attention and talk about he and Wayne's relationship until she reveals she got information about him from his dying Nonna on the phone. She actually initiated the conversation using his real name. > Jo has a conversation with Sierra at a bar. Sierra learned information about Jo by calling her parents and paying them to give some to her. They discuss her time on Revenge and as well as her relationship with Brick, Courtney, and Scott. The mention of Brick makes her upset, but her mood returns very quickly after Sierra offers to make fun of people with her. >Harold and Amy go wig shopping. Harold also buys a stuffed puppy that he gifts to DJ. > Alejandro and Amy sit at a park together. Alejandro discusses a heavy conversation he had with Ripper at a bar in the Bahamas. It was a personal conversation and Ripper shared parts of it with her. Amy comforts Alejandro and they swap their phone and camera, two items they've been sharing.
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scrunkalicious · 8 months
💋🐹🫐 for the ask gameb
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WHGAT IS THAT THING??????? WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE GTHAT????? squishmallowz be tweakin rn
anywayz there as no specification for which f/o so i do both >:3c
current me edit: took me a while to do and i talked a ton so hope that makez up for my long time taking teehee
💋 [KISS]- What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
Marly's main Love Language is physical touch!! Holding handz!! Cuddling!! Hugz!!! Kiss yeah mhm allat stuff yk?? OKOK now the silliez 👇
FOR MORDECAI: Quality time and acts of service are his main two! Just spending time w/ one another is enough for the both of them. Mordecai isn't really into all of that "fancy" date stuff, he thinks it's all ludicrous LMAO,,,, so a simple day out on the porch or whatever is enough,,, and acts of service oh my bog!!! Does the end-pin of Marly's cello look a little bent? He'll see if he can get it fixed, and will even see if there's a luthier (instrument fixing person) who can do it. The seams in her coat look a little wonky? Catch him at the right time and you'll see him patching that up. Mordecai isn't the biggest fan of physical touch, but thingz such as holding Marly's hand in a crowded area to keep her nearby are sooooo oughhhhgg
FOR VIKTOR: Words of affirmation and physical touch!!! Yeah if you can't tell I can't pick just one I am HUH????? Anywayz!!!! Words of affirmation, he likez giving them and receiving them! He def givez hella good praise, just hearing him happy is sooooooooooooooo ngbgbhggbygbbg and receiving!! Watch Marly list everything she lovez about him and hoollaayyy moollaayy blud is melting ong!!! And assuring him that he isn't a burden due to his physical shortcoming,,, and how amazing he is ough wordz are sooooo wordy yeah mhm!!! AND PHYSICAL TOUCH? BRO YOU HAVE NO IDEA??? At first like pre-dating stage, Viktor would sometimes tap Marly's foot with his cane. Whether it be in a playful manner, if he feels something is off about a certain situation, or just to get her attention when he wants it. Established relationship? DONT GET ME STARTED!!!! the two of them are sooo touch starved it is crayzee,,, while Viktor may be a bit shy with physical affection, so marly may have to be the one to start off, but oh my god they are sooooo fr w/ physical touch!! Whether it be small things like holding onto one another's hand/arm while walking, Marly kissing Viktor's beauty marks, or full on cuddling on the couch, they love it all!!!!!!!!
🐹 [HAMSTER]- Do you and your F/O have a pet? If not, what pet would you like to have with them, or why wouldn’t you want a pet at all?
FOR MORDECAI: No pets!! Was originally thinking of giving them something but then I was like "they are catz" so nevermind!! Feral animals exist in the Lackadaisy world AND there are photoz of Mordy with one of those yappy dogz (I'll get a photo lmbo). But honestly I think Mordecai would think that a pet is too unsanitary for his taste. Maybe one day they'll get like,,, a fish or smth!!!!
FOR VIKTOR: BRO,,, BRK,,,, if I look at the overall Martor lore, they've had two catz!! The first when they were both Academy Students, pre-arcane plot and also during season 1 kinda. A Siamese cat named Sage!!! Not gonna say what happenz to her tho 😈,,,, and a second one named August!! A silly guy,,, not gonna say much Abt him either,, yet mwhwhwhwh!!!!!!!! They also have this bird creature thing called 'Blird' hez hella funny I love BLIRD!!!!!! Blird is the product of what happens when you try to mix HexTech and geneticz,,, Marly and Viktor accidentally created this goofy ahh creature, they have no clue how it workz ngl but a blird is a blird we love BLIRD!!!!!!!!!!
🫐 [BLUEBERRIES]- What aesthetic do you associate with your F/O (or your general dynamic with them)? {{this quesytion was a lil silly 2 me n i didnt fully understand it BUT!!!}}
FOR MORDECAI: Ship dynamicz include the follwing teehee,,,, Childhood Friendz to Loverz, Sun x Moon, tall & short (me/marly are 5'1 im sorry,, mordy is like 5'9ish i think) erm i cant think of anythig else!! I dont rlly get the aesthetic part of this question but monochomaticz and stuff like this brah
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FOR VIKTOR: woohoo!! ship dynamicz include Artist x Scientist (where is lucy we are twinning), tall x short (sigh he is 5'7), friends to lovers, one sided pinging for a teensy bit from viktor to mutual pining in predating stage, and im mixing a ttiiinnnyyy bit of friendly academic rivalz so erm!!! as for aesthetic, veyr dark acedamia kinda yea and blue/purple science styuff
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{{both moodbaordz from pinterest!!}}
bonus phtotoz of mhy husbandz:
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Okay so can you write about how it'd be like if yoosung was in a relationship with a male mc who is tall and very muscular (hes built like hulk) but is a very soft and gentle guy. Basically the definition of "gentle giant" and is extremely shy asf. He is also very clumsy and is a shit cook. I imagine when yoosung said that "please dont be afraid when u see me, im still the man who loves you" the mc felt the same. Like ofc yoosung knows hes a dude but he doesnt know how he looks.
Also i am thinking how it'd be like him introducing this dude he now is in a relationship with to his parents (i want to think the reaction is positive).
I just wanna imagine someone as petite as yoosung with a big guy
OUGH, anon, I LIVE for this kind of dynamic! You made me giggle and kick my legs with your ask.
While, yeah, I think Yoosung would be rather... surprised the first time they finally meet one another face to face, it's mostly just the natural reaction of unexpectedness, nothing negative. Yoosung simply had a bit of a softer image in mind, due to his MC's sweet and kind demeanor in chat and on the phone. You can't really help the fact that we naturally tend to assign certain characteristics to people we haven't met yet! He's definitely not dissatisfied, though. In fact, I think he'll find it rather adorable! It makes him feel a lot better to know that he wasn't the only one nervous about making a good first impression, and, in a way, this shared anxiety helps them both relax and laugh with each other after a while.
Yoosung will be looking up at this MC with stars in his eye and a huge smitten grin stretching his cheeks. And, once the initial surprise dissipates, he will end up asking MC plenty of questions, as well as offer some clumsy, but genuine compliments.
There's just something about a broadly built man that is apparently more attractive to him than he thought. Looks like there is some personal discovering to be made here! It's not solely based on appearance, though. (Although Yoosung definitely thinks about being picked up by his new boyfriend and being pampered without a care in the world). MC's soft and loving personality is also a huge focus of his affections. MC not threatening or off-putting to him in any way, and it is very easy for Yoosung to feel relaxed and open with him in even the most mundane of conversations.
His chest is filled with a small sense of pride as he talks to MC. What he did back at Mint Eye... he did it to protect MC and to prove to himself that he is capable of being the man he wants to be. Yoosung struggles with his masculinity at times, and, knowing that he managed to successfully protect MC, despite being on the smaller side... It makes him feel very good about himself. MC's direct mention of it in particular will make him giggle and rock on his heels in pride.
When it comes to the actual relationship between them, the dynamic is going to be rather endearing! I feel like Yoosung would be the more bold and outspoken one of the two of them. Yes, the 'Hey, he asked for no pickles!' type. It's adorable, really. Wherever MC is shy for any particular reason, Yoosung can be outgoing for both of them. It's really lovely to see. He'll be quick to slip into the conversation if he feels like MC needs some moral support, or he can be the one to call the shots full stop. MC doesn't have to worry about feeling awkward in public spaces with Yoosung there nearby. He got his boyfriend's back.
Subsequently, there will be a lot of physical affection between these two. It'll take them both some time to figure this out (as this is Yoosung's first real relationship), but, eventually, they both come to a mutual agreement that they actually quite enjoy the size difference they share with each other! MC never makes Yoosung feel as 'less of a man' for not being overly tall or muscular, and Yoosung makes it crystal clear that MC's kind and gentle heart is the most amazing thing about him. They are both completely at ease with each other, inside and out. So, when Yoosung admits to the fact that he'd like MC to carry him more often... It's the first step to many more similar instances to come.
Interestingly enough, I like to think of this MC as the little spoon of their relationship. It's certainly amusing to witness such a huge man nuzzle up into Yoosung's chest with a happy sigh, but it happens every day in their household. Meanwhile, Yoosung adores feeling his boyfriends strong arms circle around him, pulling him close to his chest, especially whenever he hugs him from behind in the morning, as he's preparing breakfast. (Too many meals were burnt due to him getting way too distracted by MC's comfy warmth and a desire to turn around and kiss him.).
It's a win-win situation!
In my opinion, Lisa will quickly make MC her favorite person. That kitty always finds a way for them to be together. She is always on his lap, happily purring away. And she always tries to sleep on him, despite his numerous attempts to gently put her down, since he's scared of accidentally hurting her in his sleep.
And, if this MC has a tendency to be clumsy? Yoosung will make an effort to catch him every time. And fail. The first time it happened, poor MC got so worried, he apologized to Yoosung for the entirety of that day. With time, Yoosung simply learns his boyfriend's body language well enough to see him about to stumble before it even happens. There won't be any fall incidents for them to fret about from then on.
Yoosung's mom is going to love MC. Mostly because he's such a softie. I'd like to imagine him always making an effort to help out Yoosung's mom with the chores or carrying around heavy things. Needless to say, she always hands him tons of homemade snacks whenever they come over. Yoosung is a bit flabbergasted at the way his mom coddles his boyfriend, but, hey, at least she definitely loves him! While Yoosung sister is going to tease her brother about MC being a 'big strong man'. It's all lighthearted and nothing ill-spirited, though. She sees how happy Yoosung is, and that's the most important thing in the world.
...In the end, she sleeps on his head.
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constellama · 4 months
re: the post you sent in the discord
part 1: first thoughts
brosenthal as scar? incredible
with joey as mumbo all i can think about is owen in a suit and idk if my gay ass can handle that
lauren as grian. brosenthal and lauren cactus ring... yeah i can see it lmao. WAIT RICHPEZ AS GRUMBO LMAOOOOOO THE FUCKIN. "WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS" SCENE OH MY GODDDD
jeff can definitely make tango noises
holden as joel... fuck it he deserves to go off the rails. i wanna see him in joel's goofy ass red wizard fit from last life
dylan as martyn... yeah dylan would get tormented by the watchers and break our hearts the same way martyn does. also dylan and joey as the ahasbands 10/10 dynamic
mariah as lizzie... ough i love it. with brian holden as joel that would be Such an energy for jizzie. also with the other brian as scar the secret life cow scene would be Iconic
joe as jimmy... i don't fully agree with this but the visuals of 1) jeff and joe ranchers and 2) dylan and joe big dogs are both absolutely legendary
jon does have bdubs energy but the whitewashing... /nm (also would pay money to watch jon and jeff reenact the b.e.s.t. betrayal lol) (also also jon's too tall lmao)
curt as impulse? oh absolutely 100% i am So here for it. joey, lauren, dylan, joe and curt as the southlands? I 👏 CON 👏 IC 👏. also jon and curt impdubs double life dynamic? amazing. incredible. we know curt can play gay so it's jon's turn
JAIME AS PEARL. 5am pearl jaime... brother i am GAY. also the mounders energy of joey, jon, brian h and jaime? incredible
Regarding THIS POST
- I don’t think I’ve seen enough of brosenthal’s acting BUT IM GONNA TRUST YOU AND OP ON THIS
- IM SOOO NORMAL ABOUT THIS. OH MY GOD. If you’ve seen any of the spy another day concert screenshots THEN YOU KNOW. The mustache, the Owen accent oh my god
- RICHPEZ GRUMBO WITH THE WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS YESSS LITERALLY INSANE. Lauren as Grian just makes SO much sense to me like yes. It’s just perfect in a way where you never thought of it but now that it’s presented to you it just makes sense.
- I do not know enough about tango but absolutely the energy feels like it’s there. Tango is deranged enough to make decked out and Jeff is just deranged in general so I GET YOU
- op mentioned junior’s energy being similar to joel AND YESS I SO GET IT
- dylan as martyn,,,, good lord this is gonna make me insane. I need you to imagine that last line martyn had in limited life but dylan instead. Do you see the vision.
- MARIAH AS LIZZIE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION, NO NOTES. Literally the best part of the post
- I also cannot see Joe as Jimmy but then again i don’t know Joe’s range of acting. Again, I haven’t watched all of the non-hatchetfield starkid shows so maybe it fits better than I think it does idk
- ooo yeah you’re right :/ what are your thoughts on James Tolbert as Bdubs? There’s that specific face he makes in adore me in Black Friday that reminds me so much of the Bdubs Smile ™️
- Curt as impulse AGAIN, PERFECT. idk much about impulse but like. I can see it so clearly
- JAIME AS PEARL OHGGUHH YESSS. She would be able to do the scarlet Pearl arc SO WELL I JUST KNOW IT
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