#but yeah ngl i was so shit at that time ngl 🥲🥲
gxtzeizm · 3 months
finally i can breathe a bit rn....yup my demo presentation for my oop java programing project is done already ☺️☺️
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saintedbythestorm · 1 month
So eh... it seems the past few days issues (while always there of course, they don't tend to gang up on me like that), may be because I've just been in super bad pain... 😶
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mattsfavbigtitties · 2 months
Blind, Deaf, and Mute Challenge/ Sturniolo Triplets
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Warning: Cussing, purely platonic, playful flirting, Implied chrisxreader, finger sucking.
A/n: ngl this took SOOO long🥲 playlist y/n has
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“Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, da-da. Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, here.” The video starts with you in front of the camera doing the sprinkler dance.
“Get out the way bitch!” Nick comes into focus and pushes you around the frame. “So, it’s been a good enough gap between the last blind, mute, and deaf challenge. We decided to do it again!” Nick says as he does jazz hands while walking behind the table.
You and the boys go ahead and play rock, paper, scissors to debate which person gets what. Matt and Chris went and Matt won, so he picked mute.
Then Chris and Nick went and Nick won, so he picked deaf which made the youngest mad. Chris had to pick blind, leaving you to choose. You had a fear of the dark and you speak a lot of nonsense, in conclusion you picked to be deaf. And it’s not as bad as the other two because you get to listen to your favorite songs.
Afterwards, everyone put on their respective gear which were the headphones and bandanas. A problem you had to figure out because you left yours in Nick’s room, so you went to run up real quick.
When you get to the ground floor you’re focused on connecting your headphones to your phone. Right before you place them on your head you hear a grunt and something stumble to the floor.
“Matt fucking gut punched me.” Nick stands up slowly and bends over holding onto his stomach with a grimace on his face. You start laughing to yourself as you put your headphones on fully and go to stand behind the table along with the other three crazy kids.
“Y’all, I can’t hear shit.” You slammed your hands on the wood table in front of you as your southern side came out. “Y’all.” Chris mocked a foreign country voice, laughing at you. “I saw your mouth move, bitch! I know you being rude, you fucking hoe!” You shouted out at Chris who only laughed harder in response and flopped himself on the table.
As Matt and Nick get the cupcake pans, measurements and the bowl for the batter, you get the eggs out of the fridge. All while Chris stands there looking like a total doofus, in your eyes.
“What are we doing, Nick? Aye!” Chris hollers, looking for an answer back, shaking his head around to hear anything as you dance around with the eggs in your hands shaking them like maracas. Matt shoves Nick who was in La La Land dancing around.
“AH! Don’t touch me bitch, ew, gross.” Nick backed up into the fridge raising his hands in surrender. Matt slaps him multiple times to get his point across while exaggeratingly pointing his hand towards Chris.
You move around them, putting the eggs in the metal bowl Nick set down while bobbing your head to a beat in your ears.  “Nobody wants to see us together, but it don’t matter, no. ‘Cause we gon’ fight, oh yes, we gon’ fight.” You sing softly, placing one hand on both Matt and Nick’s shoulder looking between both of them.
Matt shakes his head walking away to help Chris. “OHH! Chris, are you ready?!” Nick shouts, finally getting what the hand movements meant.
“Yeah! Hello?!” Chris replied, waving his hands around in show. “We’re making cupcakes, Chris!” Nick shouts again, chucking the whisk that was held in his hand just a few seconds prior beside the bowl.
“Damn, took you long enough.” Chris sighed in exaggeration as he felt around for the box of cake mix. Once in his hands, he rips open the box in many pieces and throws it away behind him.
Which landed absolutely everywhere making Matt groan and you laugh who saw the whole thing while Nick was faced the sink dancing again, in his own world. NIck walks back to the table, still dancing and singing of course, just as Chris once again rips open the clear bag of cake mix, feeling around for the bowl and dumping the powder into it.
Next thing you know, you see Chris throw the empty bag to his right, hitting Nick right in the face with leaving him to splutter about, waving his hands around in dramatic effect. “PFFT” Nick blows raspberries, face morphed into disgust with wild eyes as he shoves Chris’ shoulder.
“GOD! I’m right here, you idiot! Can’t you se-oh my God I forgot.” He pops his lips and looks around with his eyes avoiding Matt’s accusing stare. You ignore them, looking into the distance behind the camera while nodding your head to the beat that plays inside your headphones.
Nick takes the bag that landed on the ground and throws it in the trash can. Matt groans, realizing he had to put the box pieces back together to read the instructions.
He sees you in his sight first and hits you on your shoulder multiple times to get your attention. “HUH?” Your eyes widen a bit, trying to get your ears to listen, but it’s useless as Matt can’t even speak.
He gestures to the piece of cardboard in his hand and then points to you, then points again to the floor signaling he wants you to look for the others.
“WhAT?!” You shout, extending your arms in an ‘I don’t know’ pose. Matt sighs heavily and proceeds to exaggerate his previous movements with more umph. You gasp loudly as you finally understand what he’s trying to say.
“OHH, OKAY. I’LL FIND EM!” You point your pointer finger at the ceiling with a confident look on your face. He quickly made a shushing motion with his finger at you.
“Ohhh, whoopsies.” You whisper back leaning in and place the same finger from the air to your lips in an agreement and go crawling on the floor looking for any other cardboard scraps. Matt looked around with furrowed brows and shook his head, weirded out with you crawling on the floor, paying attention to the other two who were currently running around the table.
While Matt takes care of them, you crawl around on all fours looking for the reminisce of the box, also while avoiding the crazy men running around up top. Soon enough you found enough to make out the instructions and everything needed.
You stand up quickly from behind the camera, where one piece had surprisingly been, scaring Nick in the process.
”A-OH, my God!” Nick started laughing at himself. Resulting in Matt stifling a laugh and you bursting out loud laughing, walking over to the middle child and handing him all the cardboard pieces from the ground.
“OKAY, what is fucking happening!?” Chris shouted, asking what all the commotion and laughing was from as he stood behind the table with his hands fiddling with the bottom of his tank top.
“Woah! I could hear that. Good thing my song was changing, damn.” Nick shook his head and moved the whisk away from the bowl.
“We’re going to start now, okay!?” Nick shouted as the music started playing again. “Sheesh, finally.” Chris raised his hands in exasperation and started reaching for the bowl and eggs.
Nick went in to go for a high five with Matt after he moved the whisk. “Matt, you can see that I'm going for a high five, no?” Nick smacked his lips together wiggling his hand that’s currently in the air while Matt just stares at it.
All while you’re listening to Low, so while you sing, “Them baggy sweatpants and the reebok with the straps. She turned around and gave that big booty a slap.”
You slap Nick's booty that was to your right. “She hit the floor. Next thing you know, shawty got low, low-” You start squatting and slapping his ass repetitively.
“AAH, Y/n stop that, what the fuck are you doing, girl?” Nick turned around smacking your hands away quickly, like lightning, giving you a death glare.
You nervously smiled in response, getting up and walking behind Chris, using him as a barrier. Nick points suspiciously at you and gets back to helping Chris get the oil.
After repeating ‘Yas queen’ every time Chris poured the oil professionally in the measuring cup, Chris chuckled into laughter every time, Chris dumped the oil into the bowl. Now onto the next step, the eggs, the difficult job.
“The eggs next!!” You yelled into Chris’ ear as you repelled out from behind Matt with strong retribution. While you help Chris put the eggs into the cup, he keeps flailing his arms.
“I only call you when it’s half-past fiv-OW BITCH!” You sing as you sidestep to try and get away from him, you get smacked right in the boob.
You start hitting him back and he smacks you back, so you guys are just standing there having a girl slapping fight.
“What the fuck is happening oh my gosh. STOP, You fucking minions!” Nick got in the middle of it, spacing his hands towards each of your chests trying to stop both of your hands. Chris turned around to the table in front of him again muttering about how it was all your fault and that you started it.
As Chris finished getting all the eggs in the bowl along with the oil and powder, Matt put all the egg shells into the measuring cup, going to throw it in the garbage. Nick saying something stupid of course and dancing around in his way equaling to Matt jiggling the cup up and the shells aimed at Nick’s chest, making him scream in disgust.
“Are you fucking kidding me, your disgusting!” Nick picks a shell off the floor and throws it back at Matt. Matt’s response to that is to run after Nick, resulting in a chase around the table.
While Matt is chasing around Nick, Chris is lost as fuck at what he’s hearing and you’re just singing and putting all your emotions in the song. “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?! Well, that’s alright because I like the way it hurts.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Chris is just so confused standing next to the fridge rearranging his blindfold.
Nick walks past ready to stop the chase and Matt throwing more egg shells at him. “Matt fucking chased me and now i’m covered in fucking baby chicken.” The aggravation in Nick’s voice has Chris as he asks “What?” in surprise.
Chris pushes the nearest person to his right, that being Nick and he stumbles over into your stature behind him just a singin’ away, leading to you falling for real and getting up quickly singing the Trolls song.
“If you knock, knock me over. I will get back up again, oh.”
Nick shouting sorry at you as you walk away to clean up the thrown egg shells everywhere while Matt tends to helping Chris get the water from inside the fridge. Nick comes over to them watching carefully how much water is being poured in the measuring cup.
You come back from the trash can to Nick yelling at Chris to hold the cup straight. “Hold it flat. Flat!. FLAT!” Nick’s face is practically in the cup as he looks at the numbers written on it.
Matt helps move the bowl under where Chris’ hand was with the cup. “Pour it, baby girl!” Trying to be quiet with your words, you felt Matt's slaps as Nick was singing Melanie Martinez again by the sink.
“M’kay.” After he poured the water in, you saw him patting his hands around for the whisk. You thought of a brilliant idea to play a trick on him and the best view for the fans to see.
You reach for the whisk that's near the camera on the table and put it where if you had one your dick would be.You grabbed his hand and brought it to the utensil so it looks like he’s touching your dick.
While Chris was mixing the batter with Matt helping occasionally, Nick decided to have a dance break. You saw it from the corner of your eye and wanted to join him.
Next thing you know you were shaking it real bad while “Country girl” was playing in your headphones. As your dance break was coming to an end as the other two boys finished mixing, the song came to your favorite part, the chorus.
“Country girl, shake it for me, girl, shake it for me, girl, shake it for me.” You sang the part while shaking your ass. “Get it queen, slay!!” Nick shouted even if you couldn’t hear, hyping you up by flinging his finger around in the air towards you.
As Chris just finished mixing he got the batter all over his hands. “Nick, I need a towel please.” he reached his hands out to feel for the other man and in the process came in contact with nicks shirt, so he just wiped his hands off with that.
Nick screamed and swiped at his brother's hands away. “Get away! What the fuck, Chris?!” He holds his hands out in front of him in a way to protect himself from the ugly monster hands.
“Like he’s coming at me with gross hands. Like get a towel or something.” Nick then realizes what he said and slaps his hand on his mouth in shock, cackling at himself.
“Oh my God, am I stupid. I’ll get you a towel buddy don’t worry.” He patted Chris’ head as said man replies with mumbles.
He went around the two boys and you who were just standing, leaning against the stove singing along to a random song. Nick comes back to Chris with a napkin in hand, still giggling and smiling as Chris just grins at his idiotic brother.
As soon as Chris wipes his hands off Nick goes back to practically yelling the Melenie lyrics flowing through his headphones. “Not it off, fucker!” Chris yells at him. And of course Nick can’t hear so Matt smacked Nick a couple times, Chris doing the same, reaching for him around in his little bubble.
“Like a priest behind the-” Nick runs around to the opposite end of the table, Chris chasing after, being careful of falling.
While the two boys are running in circles, you move beside Matt as one of your favorite songs is playing through your ears. Causing you to grab onto Matt’s shoulders, shaking them back and forth as you put your face right up to his, your nose almost touching his cheek as his head faced the rascals.
“But I ain’t promiscuous and if you were suspicious, all that shit is fictitious, I blow kisses. Muahh!” Then you kiss Matt’s cheek while Matt side eyes you and the camera the whole time, him used to your random shenanigans.
Next would be to pour the batter in the pans and cook the cupcakes finally. You go through their cabinets real fast finding the pam spray for the cupcakes to not stick to the pan.
“Got the pam, my kings. Time for a lubing experience!” You held up the pam to the ceiling, shaking it around for the boys to see, except Chris of course. You came over beside Chris, turning him to face the camera and table while still holding the bottle, Chris fiddling with his hands.
“I’m gonna guide your hands, baby girl. You’re going to spray the pam on the pan, okay?!” You slightly yell in Chris’ ear as for him to hear you properly.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and laughed quietly, jerking his head back a bit to escape your sudden ambush. You glance at Matt for permission to start, he scratches his forehead in response, sighing quietly into his bandana.
You smile brightly with all your teeth as you take Chris’ hands and shove the spray bottle in them, making sure to face the nozzle to the pans. Matt walks over to take one of the muffin pans in his hands to hold out for Chris to spray them with your help.
You feel a bump to your back and your hips hit the table making you yelp, turning around to scold Nick who was laughing while saying sorry over and over while waving his hands around repeatedly.
“When should I spray, Matt-I mean Y/n, fuck.” You rolled your eyes paying attention to the other boys.
“Spray now, pretty boy.” You finally got your voice to a nice volume, Matt raised a brow at the name as Chris pressed down on the nozzle
“Oh! My God-” You yelped again, this time from the shooting pam getting all over the table and on Matt's hand holding the pan. After Matt moved around the pan for the butter to get into every hole the best he could with you helping the blind man move his hands around, he motioned for you to grab the pan on your side.
“Stop real quick! Oh my goshyyy.” You drag out your words as you move to grab the muffin pan and shove it in the air in front of the nozzle at a decent space away.
“Alright spray away.” Just as he pressed the sprayer down the butter came in contact with your hand holding the pan, you just stared with a blank face making the :[ lips in disappointment. “You got your jizz on me, fucking whore. What the fuck.” You shot a stare at Matt as you moved Chris’ hand to the empty spots in the pan, you watched Matt wipe his hands on Nick’s back as he danced past him in his own world.
You moved your eyes and paid more attention to Chris again as you saw there was enough on the pan. “Stop! No more, man.” You sat the pan on the table moving them directly in Chris’ sight-if he didn’t have the blindfold on.
You watch Chris try his best(fail) to put the bottle correctly on the table upright, all it ended up doing was falling and rolling to the very end of the table near the camera.
“You’re doing great, Chris. “ You sigh, holding out your buttered hand in front of you, freezing in place not knowing where to go as Nick was dancing right behind you and Chris and Matt were to the left of you.
“You don’t sound very proud though, Y/n.” Chris chuckled, setting both his hands on the table leaning up against it waiting for directions. You hummed, hearing him as the song was changing at that time. Don’t worry, baby, you really did great for a blind guy. “ You pat his head with your non buttered hand as you came to the conclusion, very fast, to turn around and wipe your hands on Nick also, resulting in him seeing this time what was on your hands and screaming dramatically like always.
“AHH, what the fuck, you bitch! You got some kind of fucking cum all over your fingers! Get away from me, oh my God!!” Nick retreated backwards with a traumatized look on his face shoving your hands away from his shirt.
“Boys call you sexy and you don’t care what they say…hehe” you sing softly and giggle menacingly, wiggling your brows in faux suggestion. Nick screwed his lips up and backed away towards the other side of Chris where Matt looked with wide eyes between you two.
You face the camera giving a show(dance) as you put your right hand on your chest “When I grow up-”, then point to the ceiling while your other hand rests on your hip. “-I wanna be famous. I wanna be a star. I wanna be in movies.” You bring both hands under your chin with your palms facing up while you bob your head back and forth. 
“When I grow up-” You once again put your right hand on your chest then point to the ceiling while your other rests on your hip. “-I wanna see the world. Drive nice cars. I wanna have groupies.” This time you bring your hands to your mouth and blow kisses left and right while bobbing your head.
After your stunning performance, you join Chris’ right side again while Matt is holding Nick back while he rants about where the trays are. You went ahead to help Chris get the batter in the trays. You put your hands on top of his as you start to pour the batter with him into the first pan.
“Oh, when you walk by every night, talking sweet and looking fine.“ You start singing ‘Fantasy’ while you guide him for the batter into the correct holes as he sings with you a little bit.
“I get kinda hectic inside. Mm, baby I’m so into you. Darling, if you only knewww.” Chris joins in with a fond smile on his lips as you guide the bowl up to stop the flow of the batter and move to hold the second pan underneath the bowl, letting Chris resume pouring the thick liquid.
“YAS, YAS QUEEN.” Nick hypes you up while you hold the tray up and help get batter in the muffin holes. Matt, to the left of Chris once more, helps with the silicone spatula, moving the batter stuck to the sides to the direction the bottom of the bowl is faced.
 After Matt practically cleaned the bowl with the scraper tool, you set the pan beside the first one on the table and took the bowl from Chris to put in the sink as Nick told him to take off his blindfold finally.
You turned around from putting water in the bowl to the top and saw the three boys without their bandanas or headphones on and pouted walking over while taking your headphones off.
“You bitch! You didn't tell me we’re done, you fucking loser ass whore.” You slapped Nick on the shoulder closest to you and Nick’s pained yell cut off right as the screen cut to when the cupcakes were done.
Chris comes towards the stove with the camera right as Nick turns around. “Oh my God, I thought you were gonna attack me.” Nick gasps, eyes wide, holding his chest with one hand while the other holds an oven mitt from when he just took the pans from inside it. Matt was to the left of Nick as were you to Matt, Chris behind the camera obviously.
“You whore, you almost gave Nick a heart attack. “ You move to slap Chris playfully, but he moves backwards in time already anticipating your move. You gasp dramatically in offense bringing both hands tight to your chest in faux anguish.
“Don’t mind him Y/n, he’s just being a booty licker.” Nick pats your shoulder as Matt and Chris go into shock, their mouths agape in revelation to what Nick had said.
“Anyway! Back to the cupcakes.” You redirect their attention to the pans with tiny yellow cakes in them by presenting your hand towards the oven top where they lay.
“Like th-the c-cupcake itself looks very warm and fluffy..” Chris points the camera up close to the cupcakes, already letting go of the forgotten words said previously. “Like the c-c-c-cupcake itself.” Matt taunts, mocking Chris.
“Shut the fuck up.” Chris giggles. Nick suddenly gasps and holds up a fully burnt piece of batter with his tooth pick, showing it to the three of you and the camera. “I will actually venmo you a hundred dollars if you eat this.”
“For real, bitch? You're not kidding?” You ask shockingly. ”A hundred twenty dollars to eat this.”He says looking you straight in the eyes.
“I’d need cash, five hundred.” Chris chimes in from behind the camera.
“Hey man, free money.” You shrug your shoulders, pushing Chris out your way to the stove top, grabbing Nick’s wrist and making him put the black, burnt piece of practically char into your mouth.
“Jesus, lady. A little too sexy for me.” Nick speaks as Matt and Chris look horrified as they watch you eat it with a soured face while shaking your head back and forth like a wiggle worm. All three of them start laughing loud as you shoving them away and quickly speed walk to the fridge where there was your body armor you brought over.
You chug down most of the drink, all while Chris films up close to your face. You slam the bottle on the table breathing heavily from not taking a breath drinking. “So how was it Y/n? Was it the yummiest thing you ever ate?” Matt laughs smugly, rubbing your back with one hand.
“Send it, Nick.” You sigh, shaking your hands ferociously with the shiver that went down your spine. “Alright, we’ll be back for the frosting of the cupcakes.” Matt pushed the camera away.
“For the CUPCAKES, YAY!” Nick squeaks out as he does jazz hands above your head from behind you. “YAAHOO” You squeal back in a yoshi voice, back to your old self in a matter of moments, shoving your forehead to the camera lens.
“Nah, no transitions babe-” Just then the camera cuts off Chris’ voice to you and the boys standing behind the table, each with a cupcake plated in front of you.
“We’re all gonna decorate one cupcake fully blindfolded. Lemme get all the supplies.” Nick says, walking around you to grab the sprinkles and icings by the sink counter.
Soon enough everyone had a blindfold on, Chris having to help you to not get your hair caught in it. First thing you roamed your hands around for was the small tub of white icing.
Thankfully finding and using it before anyone else got to it. You took the butter knife from the table, scooping what you thought was only a little, but ended up being a whole lot of icing on your cupcake where you made sure it was right under it.
After practically using the whole tub, you reached for some sprinkles, lifting a hand to peak out your blindfold for the pink one and seeing all the icing on your cake.
You suck your lips in and widen your eyes, pulling the bandana back over your eyes, continuing to open the sprinkle top. You proceeded to just twist the whole top off, pouring most of them in once again.
“Where the fuck is the fucking icing?! I’ve been searching for hours!” You hear Chris from your left groan in despair. You giggle quietly, hearing him slap his hands against the table fumbling around to find the icing. “Hey! Mister, that's mine.” You call out as Chris hits against your plate, making a scratching sound from all your sprinkles.
“Womp womp.” He mocks at you as he accidentally touches the very bottom of your stomach while reaching around.
"Chris stop! You’re literally touching my puss, you fucking dumbass!” You screech out, moving backward, flailing your hands out to push him away from him barely touching your pubic bone.
“WOOAAH, WOAHH!!” Nick shouts in horror and shock with his mouth agape.
“Not in the kitchen, guys.” You can practically see Matt’s smirk from your far left in front of you.
“Well I COULDN’T FUCKING FInd it!” Chris yells, flapping his hands against his thighs in aggression, his voice lowering in pitch due to your laugh shushing. “I had it alright damn. Chill out pretty boy.” You move up to the table again, finding the icing more by Nick than you, but who cares and handing it to the pouting man.
After the explosion everything went pretty fast as you four quit talking, focusing on making your cupcakes beautiful. “Dude I got frosting on my face, ugh.” Chris groaned, taking off his blindfold.
“That’s fine baby, I’ll lick it off ya.” You smirked, already having your blindfold off. “WOAH, AGAIN?!” Nick shouts, taking his off also, seeing Matt with his off too.
“Aww, I wanted blue. Oh! It matches my shirt!” He wiggles. “Wait! I thought I used this? Ohh I forgot to cut the tip off” Nick groans while Chris sucks the icing off his hands and Matt picks at his, wiping it on his pants.
“Oh my God, I tried to use that to make a smiley face. WAAH” You fake cry, heading to the sink to wash your hands and drag Chris along too. In the background of the video, fans could see you and Chris whispering while washing hands behind where Matt and Nick were inspecting their(and yours) cupcake designs. In the corner Chris speaks quietly to you.
“So, you really wanna lick it off?” With raised brows he whispers. You decide not to answer with words, but in action.
You took the non wet hand of his and made sure Chris’ back was hiding it from the camera, taking his pinky that was covered in white frosting slowly into your mouth. The whole time your eyes were locked on his own.
You sucked hard, rubbing the finger with your tongue, trying to get all the icing off in one go. You slowly removed the pinky, so as to not make too much noise.
Once it was fully out, you saw a little white still on the left side and moved your tongue out to lick at it. When finished, you pull his hand under the running water faucet, squirting soap on him as you hear him let out a deep breath.
In the end yours kinda looked like Chris’, all pink sprinkles and so so so much icing. You take a bite of yours and some crumbs get on your shirt.
“Um, you got a lil' somethin' somethin' on your tittie, Y/n” Nick pointed out to you and everyone there. “I know, I was saving it for later, you whore.” You bit back at him and he held his hands up in surrender with wide eyes. Matt walked up to the camera showing his cupcake upclose.
“Mine. The blue cyclone.” He showed his cupcake covered in blue sprinkles and you joined in front of the camera with yours too, shoving it up closer than Matt's.
“Yas bitch! And my pink pussaayy.” The cupcake covered in pink sprinkles is shown with a bite taken out and a made line, from you obviously, in the middle which looked like it was lips.
“Don���t sa-”
And the video ends there.
@ chris and y/n in the back omg so cute
@ y/n has THE literal epitome of a shuffled playlist it’s fr wild
@ y/n and matts moment!!!!
@ the old songs….I LUV
@ rockin the sexc songs girl fsfs
@ jealous of y/nnnn ;(
@ y/n is too wild fr
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TAGLIST: @riowritesitall @conspiracy-ash @miyasturniolo
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
Ngl, being able to edit things here is cool, other media don't have this option so all you have to do is delete or slowly die every time you remember that mistake🥲
WELL– in that case it would be really fun to see Yelena just being a big softie to reader and end up getting caught by her friends doing so, then everyone would make fun of her or something (it would probably be their last time making fun of something in their lives, poor souls.
I saw that you still have things to write, so no hurry (and good luck with all this-). Also, Your writing is really good so it will be good anyway, but I'm sure you'll get it!
passive-aggressive magic tricks [Y.Belova]
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pairing: yelena belova x reader
summary: a fun game night with your friends takes a turn when they realize how much of a soft dork the russian turns into when she's around you.
warnings: none, i think [except peter being verbally attacked every other paragraph lmao]; so much dialogue; a weirdly written game of uno; just...so much chaos; never written for yelena before so feel free to yell at me if she's too ooc in this one
wordcount: 1.2k
a/n: this gif makes me feel things gonna start this off by saying that this is meant to be romantic but you can read it as platonic if you want. i know everyone has an opinion on yelena's sexuality and not everyone will agree with mine and that's okay! [just don't be a jerk about it. i personally think yelena is a demiromantic asexual so do with that what you will] ALSO, this is so chaotic and borderline nonsensical and you can blame 🌟 for making me think about yelena playing uno that one time. ALSO ALSO, thank you for the vote of confidence, lovely anon, this was actually really fun to write and i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
“This sucks,” Kate declares with a pout.
“Don’t be such a crybaby, Kate Bishop.” Yelena’s words only make the archer’s pout deepen which makes the whole situation feel even more ridiculous.
“Yeah, Kate,” you jump in. “You’re the one who started talking shit in the first place.”
An offended gasp escapes her lips at your accusation. “I wasn’t talking shit! I was being honest about my skills.”
This time, Peter cuts in before the blonde gets a chance to make fun of the archer again. “Guys, I thought we decided against Monopoly so we wouldn’t fight.”
“Fighting is Yelena’s love language,” you reply with a shrug.
You pretend not to notice the way the Russian’s lips quirk up into a small smile and instead focus on Kate and her awful decision-making skills. It takes her a few extra seconds and she still manages to choose the most annoying card in her hand.
“It took you two minutes to throw in a plus-four?” Peter questions, clearly doing his best to not sound judgemental.
“Shut up and take the cards, Pete.”
The boy grumbles something you don’t quite catch but Kate is quick to punch him in the arm, earning herself a kick to the shin. Their dynamic is certainly…interesting and you can’t stop yourself from wondering how much of it comes from being two only children attempting to one-up each other.
Yelena leans in toward you, pretending to whisper. “Why are we hanging out with them again?”
The pair clearly overhears her considering both the glare and the pout that gets thrown your way. You merely shrug in response, attempting to shield your cards from her expert gaze. “It’s…entertaining, I guess.”
“You guys are jerks,” Kate says, speaking the thoughts Peter is far too nice to vocalize. (It’s definitely not because he’s terrified of getting on Yelena’s bad side.)
“And you suck at Uno.”
She rolls her eyes at you but decides not to reply. The small moment of silence allows Peter to take his turn and the game continues…until Yelena decides to betray you.
You’re not fully paying attention to the strategies each one of your companions is forming which means you don’t realize it when they decide to team up against you.
You’re only four cards away from winning and the blonde beside you can’t stop herself from sneaking a look at your deck. Kate somehow manages to catch her in the act and the two stare each other down until the archer raises an eyebrow, silently asking to be a part of the Russian’s plan.
A plan that quickly leads to Kate placing down another plus-four card and Peter being thrown one of Yelena’s under the table. 
“We can stack, right?” He asks, mainly in an attempt to keep you from noticing what they’re doing.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you reply with a shrug. “Just don’t be surprised when Yelena pulls out a knife from her boot.”
The joke gets a few chuckles, and a slightly concerned look from the young Avenger. 
“Do not worry, Spider-Boy, I promised y/n I wouldn’t threaten you…again.”
“Right…” Peter’s clearly not convinced but he throws in his card anyway.
You turn to face Yelena with a smug smirk. “Sorry, babe, but it looks like I’m on my way to winning this round.”
“You sound like Kate Bishop.” She playfully rolls her eyes at you but the glint in her eyes shows off more amusement than annoyance. “I hope you handle losing better than she does, though.”
“Hey!” You and the archer both voice your protests, albeit for different reasons, as the blonde slams down the last plus-four card needed to ensure you won’t win any time soon.
This time around, she’s the one who looks at you with a smug grin but you’re too busy being dramatic to fully appreciate how good she looks when she’s being competitive. It’s genuinely just a stupid card game and yet you pull out all the tricks you’ve learned over the past few months to get the Russian to melt into the huge softie she is at heart.
“Oh, come on, that was mean.” You pull on your best impression of Kate’s wounded puppy dog look. A look that includes slightly wide eyes and an incredibly deep pout.
A pout Yelena has never been good at resisting. (But only when it comes to you, much to the archer’s dismay)
She, literally and figuratively, keeps her cards close to her chest but you catch the way her free hand twitches slightly, almost as if she’s fighting to keep herself from touching you. It’s strange how affectionate she wants to be with you when she’s always been the first to pull away from a hug, the first one to scoot away when someone sits too close. 
Being guarded had always felt like second nature to her until you came along.
Her hand reaches out before she can stop it, landing on your knee and giving it a soft yet reassuring squeeze. It's a subtle reminder that underneath all her sarcasm and the rough edges, she cares about you. A lot more than she ever thought herself capable of.
“It’s just a game, sweetheart.” The words are a mere whisper but somehow the person with the worst attention span you’ve ever seen manages to overhear them.
“Did you just call y/n ‘sweetheart’?” Kate blurts out, clearly far too shocked to worry about her safety. “You actually have feelings?”
“Wait, did she really say that?” Peter’s slightly more cautious but there’s both awe in curiosity shining in his brown eyes.
“I heard her!”
“I think you hit your head too hard on your last mission, Bishop,” you reply, trying to steer the conversation away the second Yelena starts glaring at your friends.
Despite all her other skills, Kate is still awful at reading the room so instead of accepting the safety you’re offering, she decides to be stubborn like always. “Don’t lie to me, y/n, I know what I heard. Yelena’s just a big-”
“A big what?” The blonde cuts in with the most threatening glare she can manage. Which, considering she’s an ex-assassin, is quite effective at shutting the archer up.
“Um…” You can practically see the wheels spinning in the brunette’s head as she tries to come up with something different to say. She clearly fails based on the words that come out. “A big softie..?”
“Oh, Kate,” you sigh. “You’re never going to learn to stop poking the bear, huh?”
“What do you mean?” 
Her confusion lasts for about a second before Yelena shoots up from the couch and lunges toward her. The archer gets the message pretty quickly after that, expertly ducking out of the way and taking off running in the direction of the bathroom.
All you can do is laugh and shake your head as the Russian chases after her. “Go easy on her, babe!”
“Yeah, Yelena, listen to your girlfriend!”
“Kate!” You and the Russian yell out at the same time, leading to a fit of giggles belonging to the biggest instigator you've ever met.
"So much for a chill game night," Peter mumbles, placing his cards onto the coffee table. "You're gonna go help Kate out, right?"
You shrug. "I'll think about it."
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J Squad celebrating Dia De Los Muertos w/ s/o headcanons
A/N: Pretty much with Latina reader, but could also be just fem!reader. Ngl this is also purely self indulgent…what can I say I’m Tejana and proud of it ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
Warnings: Floofy, some slight nsfw, Jerome being Jerome
Jerome Valeska
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Holy shit!!! There’s a part 2 to Halloween?!
It doesn’t matter how many times you explain that’s not what it is, it’s just forever going to be ✨Halloween part 2✨ to him 🥲
Ooh and there’s candy??? AND ITS IN THE SHAPE OF SKULLS???!!!
Hyped for it. Especially the part where you leave tributes to people you’ve lost
Because he gets to leave a nice little offering of bleach and a dead snake for his Mom ✌🏼🤡
Speaking of offerings: you have to constantly watch him to make sure that he’s not eating the ones for your family members 🥲
Don’t get him wrong! He absolutely respects your culture and would never do anything to hurt you (at least not on purpose), it’s just that he really really likes candy 🍭
And your cooking 🥘
Please show him how to paint his face, he thinks Calavera makeup is so cool…just don’t be surprised if it turns into some amalgamation of a skull and a clown 😅
Thinks you look hot with your outfit and makeup, expect lots of cheesy compliments in broken Spanish 🥲🥲🥲
He just walks into the room when you’re done getting ready, fuckin whistles and says something like “muY CalIeNte~”
Yeah don’t be surprised if that makeup and outfit is ruined by the end of the night because of him wink wink🥴🥴🥴
All in all it’s a fun night, and Jerome can’t wait until next year!
Jervis Tetch
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A holiday to remember dead loved ones and partake in treats for both you and them? Oh he’s here for it.
Also knowing how Jervis has a penchant for grandiose things, you best believe the Ofrenda is absolutely beautiful.
Just don’t take it personally if he sets up a little space for Alice on it with some offerings of pastries and candies, he promises he only has eyes for you
He will insist on helping with the cooking, and will do his best to learn about the holiday and the customs surrounding it
Finally, the day comes and Dios Mio, you are floored!
The entire room is decorated with bright colors, marigolds, roses, and he has swapped his usual tea set for something more festive.
He’s also done some fuckin amazing calavera makeup and has a nice little suit and hat to match with your outfit
And boy lemme tell you, y’all look fine as hell together
And did I mention he’s hypnotized some guests to celebrate with you?
Because he did, after all you are his Alice, and you deserve a grand party with lots of guests regardless of the occasion!
Oh he’s having so much fun with you, he plans to go much bigger next year though!
Jonathan Crane
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He’s so excited.
Jonny-boi, being a fan of all things spooky, already knows a bit about the holiday
You can count on this man to have everything you could want or need for a celebration
Ofrenda? Got it. Candles? Lit. Sugar skulls? Sugared. Hotel? Trivago.
But don’t expect everything to be bright and colorful, he isn’t Jerome or Jervis, he’s fear incarnate!
Oh but…you would like it to be bright and colorful?
Okay you’ve made him crumple to pieces because he can’t say no to you talked him into it…
But having him dress up with you may be difficult.
However, he is more than willing to help with everything else, and you better believe this man had his goons participate as well
“Remember, the altar is supposed to have seven tiers, no more, no less, and don’t put anything on it until she says so!”
While Jonathan can be very…brusque when it comes to things like his toxin and orders he gives to you and his followers, he takes care to be more gentle about this
He knows it’s painful to lose people you’re close to, and is very quiet and careful when you both put offerings on the Ofrenda
Speaking of which: he has a picture of his mom and dad together where they’re both smiling and happy on the altar. There’s some whiskey for his father, wine for his mom, and candies for both of them.
There’s a few tears but he will absolutely not say anything or acknowledge it, he knows this is about celebrating the lives of people you’ve lost, not mourning them and he refuses to ruin this for you.
So, he wipes his tears and the festivities begin!
Drinking, eating, being merry!
And what’s this? The fearsome scarecrow has decided to dress up after all?! And he’s matching with you??!!!
Jonathan isn’t someone who’s known to smile and visibly enjoy things, but he was definitely smiling and enjoying celebrating this with you ❤️
Is a bit sad to see it end but is looking forward to next year all the same 🥺❤️
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hypaalicious · 1 year
IS3 thoughts
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Aiight so once again, no one asked for this so ofc I’m gonna share my opinions (story spoiler free) on the newest Integrated Strategies incarnation!
I’ve completed every ending with every squad and gotten all the collectibles already, which went MUCH faster than IS2. But as I continue to play through all the difficulty levels (yes I’m a masochist) I expect some of these thoughts to change.
Best Rejection - Concentration Disorder
As a proud AFKnights kind of Doctor, I willingly subject my entire squad to this so I don’t have to think 😂
Worst Rejection - Metastatic Aberration
This can be a run-ender if it hits your cornerstone Operators 😩
Best Enlightenment - Leithanien’s Elegance
It was a toss up between this and Victoria’s Honor but since ranged units are always squishy this one gives a higher advantage
Worst Enlightenment - Columbia’s Inspiration
What am I supposed to do with a funky lil 70 bonus exp on one battle only?? 😒
Best Starting Squad - People-Oriented Squad
Having everyone cost one less Hope to recruit is kinda OP, ngl
Worst Starting Squad - Spearhead Squad
Fuck this squad forever. 🤬 The stat bonuses aren’t good enough to subject yourself to the pain of losing light on default every time you battle
Best Call of We Many - Echoes: Predation
Okay so, I am one of the few that loved Survivalist hallucinations in IS2 so yeah the ASPD boost will always win for me even if your Medics be healing like 27 HP at a time… but you don’t need to heal if you murk everything fast enough!
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Worst Call of We Many - Echoes: Adaptation
When you tryna get a certain Encounter or Battle but you can’t fucking see the nodes in front of you is PEAK annoyance
Best good relic - Chivalric Commandments - New Addition
Nothing is beating the ASPD boost endorphins, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️
Worst good relic - Sui’s Wrath
If you disagree you have never had this relic and attempted to complete Ubi bona somnia 🥲
Easiest 3rd floor boss - Course Correction
Just get you some carpet bomber DPS or a reaper guard to stall this mfkr and his lil minions; when you beat him all the hellspawns die and you are left with easy stage completion
Worst 3rd floor boss - Eternal Wrath
Saint Iberia only has one shot, but he will wipe your entire party if you don’t murk him before he comes around the bend, especially if you don’t have a fast redeploy to get rid of the radar people
Hardest battle node - Out of Control (Emergency)
Straight cancer. 😭 You gotta park everyone up at the blue boxes and pray you somehow survive the first half of the stage with all them running enraged Sarkaz fucks. Honorable mention - Ubi bona somnia (Emergency) cause WHYYYY are there two Origitant mutants here???
Easiest endgame node - Curse of Cognition
Very straightforward stage, especially if you can stun the boss to where it falls down and your melee Operators can curb stomp it
Hardest endgame node - Fate’s Favored Child
I guess since BSL in IS2 happened, the 2nd ending boss is always gonna be terribly fucking annoying. Freezing Operators each attack they do??? Straight up running to the exit in second phase and can only be hit by ranged units??? The mobs?? FUCK YOU
Hardest Encounter Battle - Business Empire?
Ngl I have not reliably beat this stage yet without major leaks because holy shit I wasn’t prepared to fight all three side characters at once! It also pops up very rarely for me due to RNG so I don’t get much practice either
Hardest relic to get - Last Refrain
Don’t talk to me about this stupid thing; I have done over 100 runs I swear and I only got this Encounter ONCE and that was after I had already gotten all endings multiple times over and my light was at like 10 or something on the run
Best improvement over IS2 - easier to unlock different ending events
There were SO MANY runs I did in IS2 that didn’t pan out because I only got one encounter out of the two I needed to open up the 3rd or 4th endings. This does not happen to me in IS3
Worst “improvement” over IS2 - not enough Encounter nodes
It’s cool to have Wonderland stuff or Dispatches or Tulip Commissions but I think the ratio is kinda off. If you’re tryna get all the relics this can be annoying cause you’ll only have a handful of Encounter modes to aim for per run
What I miss from IS2 that ain’t make it into IS3 - Shadow relic
I absolutely loved getting this relic and trying to build a squad full of nothing but temp recruitments, cause it’s not only a way to try out Operators you may not own, it makes it fun to figure out strats with the most random but maxed out group of Operators ever
Goated Operators (very subjective and general):
Goldenglow (nothing is beating her global range and relic synergy)
Horn (just her s1 alone will clear maps)
Flametail (synergy with relics that increase attack upon dodge)
Texas the Ometerosa (she trivializes most of this content especially with relics)
Pozemyoka (want to beat the 3rd ending boss in 8 seconds right from stage start? She’s your girl)
Gnosis (freezing flying Seaborn will ground them and it’s so funny to watch)
Lappland (her silence is goated, we learned this during the Stultivera Navis event)
Whisperain & Lumen (you are gonna need that status resistance especially if you are fighting The Last Knight)
Mulberry (she has higher elemental damage recovery than Honeyberry who was the MVP of IS2)
Blue Poison (her S1, especially if mastered, is unmatched. Even better than Exu)
Jaye (you will not fear the Water & Fire Union stage if you have him)
Thorns (ironically I don’t choose him UNLESS I can quickly E2 him because he’s mid without access to his S3)
Highmore (she doesn’t beat La Pluma in anything EXCEPT IS3, and I always start a run with her cause her 3-block is delicious)
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
ok so basically, he picked me up at my house at around 6 am in the morning and we were both half asleep but we pushed on nonetheless (he had to properly sell/convince me on the idea of a road trip because i despised the idea of waking up so early) 😭 we had made a playlist beforehand and that’s what we listened to for most of the trip (my parts of the playlist were filled with taylor songs and tbh he memorized most of them after being around me so much so we sung along together :’) ) AND YOU WERE RIGHT… HAND ON THIGH… pretty sure i could not focus on much else after that… i swear i was suddenly so stiff
we were in that car for 4+ hrs so it was a lot of talking and little touches here and there and it was so lovely honestly bc i love spending time with him 🥲 a lot of the talking was about places we want to go to together since we were younger/generally about things we did a lot together which i probably teared up at some point bc reminiscing memories makes me so mushy 🥹
at some point we ended up at a restaurant for some brunch and this was when he gave me the little paper rings!!! mine was pink and his was dark purple and they had this heart in the center of both of them, he also put his name on mine and my name on his and yes i decided to be a fucking idiot and did not make a move at this very moment even tho i almost did!!!! (the whole “is this a marriage proposal?” “might be” bit i told you about 😭)
this restaurant was super pretty and had a little view so he took candids of me and i was so 🥹 and like one of the staff members asked if we wanted a photo of the both of us by the pretty view and we agreed, the photo turned out so cute 😭 for context he’s pretty tall compared to me (i’m 5’1 and a half… he’s 6’1) and he likes resting his head on top of mine when we stand close and that’s what he did while back hugging me in the photo 🥲
after this, we drove a little more to get to this museum i’d told him about once, the paintings and sculptures there were so pretty :( i cant help but go a lil crazy still thinking abt it but we held hands the entire time and i was a little embarrassed bc im ngl,,, my hands were kinda sweaty at that point 😭 
okay so this is where shit starts to happen
once we’d gone through the entire museum, we went to the park that was outside the museum, it was pretty empty around the area we were in, he actually brought a little mat + he packed me sour patch kids bc he knows i like sour gummies 🤭
at some point i was leaning against his side and we were kind of in some kind of comfortable silence and honestly i was contemplating everything at this point bc i was like he likes me… doesn’t he?? yeah he definitely does… but then again what if he doesn’t— and basically i was just spiraling THEN i look at him and he’s looking at me and he hits me with the “can i…” THEN HES JUST LOOKING AT MY LIPS AND I SWEAR I WENT INSANE and i literally just nodded and it happened… we kissed 🧍‍♀️ it was one of those gentle kisses too ugh :(
after that he said something along the lines of “for being the smartest person i know, you’re painfully oblivious” 🤡 and my dumbass tried to argue but then he starts bringing up the little signs he’s been leaving to try and hint at the fact that he likes me and i couldn’t argue bc… he’s right, unfortunately 
then he’s just extra extra affectionate after that 🤭🤭🤭 like we decided to just stay in the car for a bit before we drove back home after the whole park situation and he starts being so cute just telling me how glad he is that “it finally happened” and i felt so loved in that moment and i realized how much he means to me bc hearing him say all of that was such a wonderful thing for me :’) 
andddd nowwwww, i can’t get this man to leave me for longer than 5 seconds NEJDKWKD not that i’m complaining at all tho, i like having him around so much, it’s so comforting <3
your chicken finally got somewhere!!!!!!! -🐓
‘your chicken finally got somewhere’ just filled me with such love and admiration. i am so so proud AND happy for you bestie.
this is such a sweet friends to lovers and i couldn’t be happier! i’ll be playing jump rope with electrical wires, but i’m so happy for you!!!
((this is a wattpad story fr. patent that shit.))
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onlyswan · 1 year
hi art, I just read your recent installment and I must say that drunk art is just exceptionally poetic and I cannot stress it enough, you really now how to put such emotions into words that you know would deliver the sparks. I love every word you put into it especially these parts:
you don’t know if you’re blinded by love, putting your trust in jungkook when he said that he wanted to build a life with you; or if it’s arrogance, having the trust in your ability to stand on your own feet again incase a match is thrown in a puddle of fuel on the floor. the latter is more painful to think about, quite frankly. just because you can, doesn’t mean that you want to. you have to. you have to. with bruised knees from praying for a little more time, you have to. the earth doesn’t stop orbiting the sun when your house burns down.
you perfectly describe what it is like to be in a place where you cannot fathom how did you get in this place that is too good to be true yet so scary and that no matter how frightening it is you know you will never have it any other way and taking that big of a step and putting your heart in line with someone like THE jeon jungkook and making a home out of his heart, I must say that a person as beautiful as oc deserve him so so so much and it is so nice that oc seems to be mirroring a lot of people like us who carries baggage yet is experiencing such exqusitely beautiful love gives me comfort like hell yeah, we also deserved to be loved despite of it all.
the epiphany that he is doing this at 2am not because time has arrived to daunt him and he needs to leave your bed to go home. not anymore. whatever this is, it feels so fucking good. oh my god, he looks forward to spending the rest of his life feeling you breathe next to him, getting lost in how peaceful you look asleep when he randomly wakes up in the middle of the night.
also this... this made me swoon so hard that I just have to read it a couple of times to be able to absorb the power this thought holds. the domesticated feelings. looking at the love of your life and suddenly your future flashes in your eyes. oh jungkook, bless your sweet sweet heart.
I just love them both so much, they are both so playful yet they have the most genuine love for each other. Also art, I was listening to boygenius' album earlier when the song true blue played and it reminded me of in which! couple like:
You've never done me wrong Except for that one time that we don't talk about Because it doesn't matter anymore Who won the fight? I don't know, we're not keeping score
And it feels good to be known so well I can't hide from you like I hide from myself I remember who I am when I'm with you Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
I remember the previous installment and it's just so soft and so cute and so freaking wholesome like goodness, thank you for creating them. Anyway, that's all this is getting too long hehe Love, ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
“hell yeah, we also deserved to be loved despite of it all.” 🥹🥹🥹 i cried
ngl it took me a while to answer this bcs i keep reading your words over and over again. i love when they’re talked about like this 🥲 it’s just soooo heartwarming to learn that the messages i’m weaving throughout the drabbles are well received. like it still feels surreal to me that you guys read read my works :,( and have come to understand and love jungkook and oc deeply as much if not more than me. literally feel free to analyze bcs i’m so interested in hearing your thoughts and how you perceive them !! thank you so much for your time and attention :") and i hope i never waste or take them for granted. i really am so grateful for each like reblog comments and asks 🫂💕
and bless jungkook’s sweet sweet heart indeed </3 baby is so happy to finally be living with oc
omg these lyrics and especially “you’ve never done me wrong except for that one time we don’t talk about“ holy shit??? 😭 so in which couple coded indeed. thank you for sharing i’ll be listening to it a lot !! <333
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rivangel · 1 year
anons get to know their favorite blogs better (ask five questions and put them in the ask box of your favorite blogs) ❤️
.what inspired your blog?
.what is your most liked post?
.what is your favorite post?
.what's the last picture in your gallery? (not necessary)
.what is your favorite color?
.what inspired your blog?
in the most insane? painful? epic? twist of fate ever, covid first got me back into aot, and the worst months-long period of my life had me make this blog. idk i cant rly overstate how bad i was off at that time. but anyway i'd dropped aot years earlier bc wit stopped animating after s3p2. 🧍🏻then s4 was announced and i was on top of it lol.
but i still wasnt writing atp. i was writing shit in my notes app just for myself. i diddddd write a lot of fanfic when i was younger, but stopped when i fell out of the fandom i was interested in and went through irl shit come high school.
then The Thing I Went Through happened and (cannot continue explanation without a trigger warning) i started using fanfic to escape and figured out tumblr was a very popular site for it, and soooo i started a blog to hopefully feel less alone and post my fanfic lol. i never intended to find so many friends and community but i did, and tbh aot and this saved my life, no exaggeration.
.what is your most liked post?
this one. that i wrote on a whim in ten minutes.🥲🥲🥲 i have NO idea how that took ofgfg and it's kinky too ????????????????? yeah it's wild lol.
.what is your favorite post?
i assume this means that i've made? sincerely there's so much fanfiction on my blog that i don't know. ive forgotten some things ive written🧍🏻guarantee that it's levi reverse hurt/comfort though. this one? what comes to mind is this one though, even tho its not ship content. the HIGHEST CONTENDER THIS ONE...even though it's not xreader content lmao
theres some fics that are ao3 exclusive and it's any one of my eruri fics ngl
.what's the last picture in your gallery? (not necessary)
a shit ton of eruri fanart💀take my baby pj instead
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.what is your favorite color?
Blue. any blue ever. bluish blue if you will. royal blue has to be my fav shade tho.
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ok Thoughts™ on the last seven episodes of the bad batch because I procrastinated a lot lol
not much I can remember since I did watch three episodes one after another but I did almost cry when Mel "died",
felt like the weakest episode so far tbh
literally sobbed from as soon as Gungi appeared until the end credits rolled,
was prepared to send Filoni my therapy bills
The Clone Conspiracy:
god I love Riyo,
my boy?!?!!! my rexy?!?!!
tbh it took me like three weeks to find time to watch the next four episodes so I don't really remember what happened in the first three but yera lol
Truth and Consequences:
everyone but Megs skipping stairs on their way off the Marauder 😂,
Echo momming omega 🥹,
Echo wants to help the rebellion so much,
I'm literally so scared for omega in the Senate, I feel like she's gonna die or something,
oh fuck oh fuck rampart
ok he didn't notice her I think
also he has one hell of a chin
bail is out here nick furying
burtoni is gonna fuck them over I'm calling it
I know what happens with echo bc I accidentally stumbled across spoilers but I can see the exact moment he decided to help rex
"he's still not better with heights?" "this is him better" 😂
that's one way to get on a venator
they're just stealing a whole ass venator at this point
idk what Rex was thinking asking for tbb to help on a stealth mission, these fuckers are less stealthy than fucking Skywalker
riyos a badass
oh rampart you're fucked
and it was all for nothing, great 😒
low-key bawling at how omega had no clue what was going on
The Crossing:
omegas sarky this episode, I like it lol
damn that was almost a lion king moment
megs needs a helmet fr tho
omega has attachment issues
tech and emotions don't really get along lol
I'm slowly becoming more and more of a tech girlie by the episode
so tech is definitely autistic
the cave is kinda really pretty tbh
this planet reminds me of the gerudo desert from botw
who knew Gonky would eventually be useful
this benni is pissing me off ngl
not the marauder
how dare you call Gonky a defective power droid you shit plant
the Mando adoption gene is gonna flare and they're gonna adopt Benni I swear
mokko got what he deserved
idk who this boy is but he is becoming a blorbo very quic-- oh nvm he's dead
damn the greenery around that base is stunning tho
wtf is going on????? this feels like a Halloween episode so far
NALA SE?!!?!!!!
dr hemlocks kinda a dick
her concern is warranted, tech, because something massacred the crew on this ship ffs
this feels like the brain worms arc
I'm probably wrong but is that a baby zillo beast?????????? I haven't watched that arc in ages but it kinda looks like one
ok I googled what the zillo beast looked like and I swear to GOD THATS A FUCKIGN ZILLO BEAST
it's fucking eating electricity
omg it gets bigger everytime it eats electricity
OMG I WAS RIGHT!!!!!! it is a zillo beast
awww tech protecting megs 🥲
I simultaneously can't believe the empire decided to clone the zillo beast but also can't believe they waited so long to clone it
we all know palps was eyeing the mofo from the beginning
yeah no shit palps made the order before he was emperor, he was the one who ordered it to be brought to coruscant in the first place
and our boys are gonna be revealed to be alive
tbh how they didn't know with tech's whole racing shebang is beyond me
omg and they're going after omega again 😒
also I'm sick rn so this might make no sense but too bad
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lookismaddict · 2 years
LISTEN. LISTEN. gun w/ lana del rey's songs... esp:
1. diet mountain dew (demo)
2. honeymoon
3. west coast
4. yes to heaven
5. cinnamon girl
you're welcome 😵🙏
OMG I LOVE LANA DEL REYYYYYY. HNNNNGGGGHHHH. 😩😩😩🖤🖤🖤🖤 Her songs Summertime Sadness, Radio, Young and Beautiful, and Doin’ Time have a special place in my heart since they’re so nostalgic. ❤️ (Mostly Summertime Sadness, Radio, and Young and Beautiful. Doin’ Time is much newer, that’s why. 😅) I’ve been meaning to listen to other songs from her, and now I get to listen while thinking about Gun. Let’s do this… 😳
Diet Mountain Dew (demo) - Already the line, “You’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” REALLY DOES RESONATE WITH HIM LMAAOOOO. UGHHH it really do be like that. 🥲💗 And “Do you think we’ll be in love forever?” really got me thinking. That eventually, my obsession for Gun will die down and that lowkey terrifies me. Like baby, pls don’t leave me- 💀💀💀
Honeymoon - I like how dreamlike her voice is in this one. And even though it’s a long song to listen to, it’s like listening to a work of art. A masterpiece. “My honeymoon, say you want me too~” ✨ God, I love how minimal and simplistic the background instrumental is. Just to hear her lyrics clearly. BUT ANYWAYS- back to Gun LOL. It’s like… UGH. It’s like seeing him in one of my dreams. Specifically, that “Gun’s Classroom” dream. 😳 If only I could record my own dream and show it to you. But this song made me remember how mesmerized I was when I even saw this man in my dream. Just imagine. Him walking towards you in slow motion. With that alluring gaze of his, wearing that attractive suit and tie. Interacting with you almost “intimately” behind the closed curtains where it was just only you and him standing there so close… AHHHH THIS SONG MADE ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY. MOVING ON-
West Coast - This gave me The Neighbourhood vibes ngl. 😭🖤 The bass guitar and the cool vibes in the background. With this song, it made me imagine a scenario if I was in a night ride with Gun down a highway. Either inside a fancy Porsche car with him, or riding on a motorcycle. Wind blowing through your hair, speeding away through the night. Think about it. If it was in his car, imagine his right hand grabbing onto your thigh while his left hand was firmly gripping the steering wheel. If it was on his motorcycle, imagine wrapping your arms around him from behind, ever so tightly. You lean your head onto his back tenderly as he took control of the handles… Ahhhh this song is so 😩❤️‍🔥 good for actually thinking of hot Gun scenarios LMAO
Yes to Heaven - God, this song… Made me think about (Y/N) from my story, Rendezvous. This song is literally her perspective and it makes me cry. 😭 Like deadass, it made me tear up, idk. It’s a really beautiful song. 💞 UGH IDK WHY THIS MADE ME TEAR UP. IM SO DRAMATIC. 💀💀💀 I HATE MYSELF LOL. I think the lines, “Say yes to heaven. Say yes to me.” and “If you go, I’ll stay. If you come back, I’ll be right here.” really does match with her character so well. Because whenever Gun leaves, she’ll always be there at home, waiting for him to come back. And I think the reason why it made me a bit “emotional” is because of the idea of how (Y/N) is just waiting for Gun to confront his own feelings. Like yeah, the guy is known to be a heartless bastard, but he also is now starting to actually FEEL things. I guess I got an emotional attachment to my own story. Call me crazy and a Drama Queen. 😭✨
Cinnamon Girl - Ooooo I love how soft and mellow this song is. Also, awwww… shit. �� This one too, reminds me of Rendezvous LMAAOOOO. Making me think of (Y/N) x Gun. GDI… 😭😭😭 These lines, “There’s things I want to say to you, but I’ll just let you live. Like if you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did.” Specifically, made me remember Ch. VII when Gun found (Y/N) in the convenience store, crying her eyes out. 🥲 This song made me think about how she was thinking about him without even realizing that he’s been there watching over her. And those thoughts while he was away from her, made her think about how she truly felt about him.
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surrealsunday · 2 years
SO I FINALLY CAUGHT UP THR LAST THREE CHAPTERS AND WOW- so much to say ngl and kinda glad you split chap6-7 in two, very grateful for that :))). okay so little rambling time ahah
• chapter 5: what a rollercoaster on its own holy shit! it went from weird vibe, flirting to quickly escalate to an argument and then to sth very intense with the last scene 😏 but as always i really loved it! the first scene with basile and eliott’s interaction made me smile ngl, like i said earlier their dynamic would have been so worth showing in the show 👌🏻 also the flirting part when eliott is just staring at lucas’ face and blushing when he notices 🥺 my baby 🥺and that line im so obsessed and soft pls “no need when Lucas is sitting in the sun looking like that - like a fallen angel. Fallen perhaps because no one who looks that sinfully good could ever remain untouched in heaven.”
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oh yeah also idriss with manon…seriously one of my fav thing💗 elu’s hug at the end with the “it can wait” warmed my heart, i smiled like an idiot sjsbsb
• chapter 6: probably one of my fav chapter! i love how they’re already so gone for eo (literally), their teasing is exquisite every time omg i love them sm 🤌🏻 also the moment when lucas explained the thing with ch*rles…i never wanted to punch someone that hard in the face, seriously sbsjdbd i kept repeating “wanna slap him omg i so wanna slap him”, and then eliott saying “i will kill him”, like same bestie!! 😭 also idk if it’s just me but you can already see that kind of domesticity between them, like it’s as if they’ve been tgt for years dbdjdb
• chapter 7: again. the rollercoaster that chapter was! eliott wanting to look nice for lucas 🥺 lucas taking the initiative to hold hands with eliott and saying “i feel safe with you” I DIED OF CUTENESS PLS. also basike drunk is so fucking funny LMAOO, he’s such a mood here 🤣
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plus, that moment where eliott learns lucas wants to move out from his fam house and he already can see them living their little cosy life tgt doing domestic stuff, my heart just explode he loves him so much 🥺 they’re gonna be the death of me, in every universe istg 😭
the fact i already knew what was coming but still- it was hard, very hard 🥲 like i couldn’t stop nervously laugh knowing what’s gonna happen. but then even that “sack of shit” said those words omg 😭 i imagined the look of lucas’ face, how he was feeling,…i felt so fucking bad and wanted to hug him forever🤧 i literally screamed and insult him even more, then queen daphy bite the crap out of him 😌 and then again, u broke me with “i hate u more”
little summary of my mood throughout this chapter:
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they better figure everything out quick or imma jump into this story and lock them in a room to have a proper talk lmaoo. no but seriously i know they’re gonna be okay but still this moment is tough, but worth it 😌
anyways, i hope you’ll have a nice nye’s celebration and wish you the best for this new year! (also never more looked forward to get the new update than now ngl, i kinda feel hollow now 🧍🏼‍♀️🤣)
Omg adlkfjasdlkfj your reactions and memes are just the actual best and I'm dying 😂😂😂❤️️❤️️❤️️.
The line you pulled out of chapter 5 (Lucas as a fallen angel), literally how accurate tho? Eliott was so right for that.
I love how much so many people loved chapter 6 ☺️! I didn't really have a fave chapter in this fic but peoples reactions to that one made me appreciate it so much more. And wanting to punch Charles... very much a mood. I was forever grateful that him getting punched was something that actually happens in the movie. I was happy to stay true to that. I also agree that they settle very quickly into comfortable domestic vibes. That's definitely the point. That instant comfort that comes from being around the right person. It's the same vibe in the next chapter when Eliott is immediately imagining them living together. He's right that it's a little ridiculous to be thinking about something like that when he and Lucas are still so new, but when it's the right person, it's the right person. And there's really no timeline when that's the case.
Lucas deserves all the hugs though, it is true. Poor bub is definitely going through it 🥺. Let himself fall for the 'cool hot guy' again and got so much more badly hurt. Lucas's last line though... ngl... I love it 😌. Truly a fave for me.
Your moodboard throughout the chapter tho 😂😂😂. Yeah that seems about right. Exactly what I was looking to evoke too. The 'laughing nervously' one makes me seriously lol.
Thank you so much for sending your thoughts! I love love love reading what you were thinking!!!
I hope you have a lovely New Year's as well! I will be doing nothing (which is how I like it) aside from maybe a fun makeup look for nobody but my cat. I really do need to work on the next chapter tho so that is the goal for the next couple days!
Happy New Year to you too! 🥳💗💗💗💗
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astronomicalcandy · 1 month
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Had the best and tiring night of my life lmao
Metal bands saved me 😫🤘
Story about everything happened under cut cuz it’s really long
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A side from shit management from organizer, the shit happened inside were:
babymetal is pretty fucking metal ngl. They were the shit fr. This is my first time going to their live so, yeah!
I fell and nearly got stomped by people because I fell from mosh wave (during babymetal unfortunately). People beside me were so kind to pull me up ;;
nearly passed out from oxygen shortage (I deadass didnt made this up) (I was suffocating like shit) (and there were like 2-3 songs left for babymetal to finish) Moral of the story, I can’t stand behind a tall person. Bro literally took all of my oxygen…
mosh pits are the bane of my fucking existence holy fucking shit 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I dread every time Oli asks for a big mosh
Oli Sykes the man u are… I love his stage presence??? Idk if that makes sense. Guy is so chill. Love watching him
BMTH bassist… pls dm me rn
I powered thru until Kingslayer (I lied) (it was after Parasite Eve) that I couldn’t take it and had to leave pit.… Also! My first time getting dragged out my concert security bcus I was in front row, very near the front barricade
Conclusion: I don’t think I can go to any metal concerts after this… (will reconsider if they have seating tickets) I CANNOT BE AT ROCK ZONE FOR METAL CONCERTS BRO I WILL FUCKING DIE FROM IT
Other than that, I genuinely had a lot fun screaming to songs I love. Getting to hear it live is fr another experience 🖤 And I finally admit that I love making small talks to people who have the same interest. We talked about metal bands and also shat on the organizers c:
Babymetal reactions
For the love of god, I can not remember babymetal’s setlist at all because it’s only recently that I listened to them. I think it’s the same with SG live. Correct me on this!
metari, the song I want to be injected into my fucking veins (I’m a sucker for matsuri theme 🥴)
PAPAYA I love u sm I had so much fun to this
BxMxC was. Lit. As. Fuck.
I don’t think they played headbanger… 😭
I feel like I wasn’t on my best self after my oxygen got sucked out and fell…
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BMTH reactions
I deadass wanna cry for BMTH bcus I couldn’t stay until the end (I’m looking at u shitman 🖕)
Setlist is the same with Summer Sonic 2024 but they sang Parsite Eve after Kingslayer which was so fucking good. I love that song sm
sleepwalking, cool. Mantra, I think I came to like this song now. Icr if they sang Teardrops or not???
Kool-Aid was cool… the visuals kinda scared me a bit haha… I guess that’s what happened when u get in front 😭
Shadow Moses was lit when he had the red fire thingy lit. Also cool song to scream too lol
limousine was okay, never really liked it that much. AMEN WAS COOL YEAHAHEYA FUCKING LOVED IT
I WANNA BE A KINGSLAYER!!!!!!!! They hugged each other after that it was so cute 😭
outside pit, but I was able to hear Follow You and I kinda cried bcus uhhhh !!!!! 🥲
Lost, my fucking anthem. I want this to be injected into my veins (2)
heard Doom until first chorus but gawd I love it soooooo much…
that’s it. I went back home 🥲🥲🥲
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here's a pic by my friend of Oli with a Kuromi hat :3
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thatsadbietch · 11 months
Also, hope you’re having a wonderful day or night! :3
Hello dear 💕 work is killing me ngl but I’ll get by! I also hope your day/night/in between is amazing ☺️
💐 Opinion on tickle fights?
*chef’s kiss* they’re amazing! I love writing them and would think they would be an even better experience. I would feel most comfortable with my partner but of course they aren’t very ticklish at all, it’s pretty one sided 🥲
🌻 How often do you get into lee/ler moods?
I get into lee moods waaaaay more often than ler moods, and it just depends on when. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, other times I scroll around and see wonderful fics and art from wonderful folks that I follow and… yeah 🫣
🏵️ Favorite tickle scenario?
Hmm, that’s a tough one! But I think it has to go to scenarios when person A is being just an absolute shit (whether they’re instigating for tickles or just flat out bring a shit) and person B decides enough is enough and just wrecks them
Thank you so much for your ask, I had fun!
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elaichoi · 1 year
PLSDJJIDS I WAS THE OPPOSITE like i didnt wanna pay money but also like i had to have it to reach my fullest potential 👹👹👺
yes exactly i burnt out big time OTL cheers to being *less* mentally ill in the near future ^3^
that's totally understandable,, from the way i see it a majority of the asian population that goes by undiagnosed is v large,, and i'm not basing this off of any actual studies though i know there are some out there- but rather just the role culture (at least in most east asian cultures is as far as i'm qualified to speak for lol) plays in mental health makes diagnosis and treatment,, idk and just going by undiagnosed makes me sad that there are ppl who think this is the norm and that it's something you are expected to get over bc it's something "everyone goes thru" :( i very much relate on the front of gaslighting urself/being gaslit into thinking u just can't handle struggles that "everyone else manages to manage well" n that rlly sucks im sorry beb </3
DAMN LOL we r on the same boat on the same river 🥲 my little tiny snowball also started out w family problems and oh my god my mental health has come out of its hiding >o< i remember my counselor describing it as an unvented pressure cooker lmao
don't answer if you don't wanna, but do you still feel that way in the sense of repressing ur emotions? like refusing to acknowledge it ? i think i was like that for a small period of time but now im like the complete opposite which is like half miserable half not lmfaoo i will forever be the biggest advocate for anyone getting therapy even if u think u don't need it,,, but!! i also know its a big step and may not be accessible for some :<
no yeah cus i feel so gross and overwhelmed and like not in control of things and so ill start spiraling if i dont get up and take a shower ^_^
not throwing pity confetti in your face, just as someone who can relate at least in some ways, big kudos to u for having so much patience to put up w everything bc it must b very hard not to lose ur marbles all the time,,,, standing w u solider 🫡
OH TRUE I FORGOT AB THAT UGH BARF i remember ig always fucked up my video quality saur bad even after rendering n shit T_T
aaa goodluck bae<3 hehe yeah i always rlly want to after seeing so many pretty edits jdksdkf i might i might we shall see :>
mental health is such a fuck up like it's like a ticking bomb the way it can go off at any point of life and the urge to ghost everyone, im so ashamed fr
yeah like most of asian countries i feel like. in our culture mental health is seen as something that is seen interjected with "adulting" like when you grow up you're supposed to feel like this and it's your duty to like make peace with it and if you try to seek help for it your family members kinda take it like a failure like you couldnt even deal with this? there's just a whole lot of stigma surrounding it and on top of that, therapy not being that widely available in south asia is a huge problem.
bro pressure cooker, im glad to know you're actually very up front with your feelings now. it's always better than bottling them up, at least you don't feel like a stranger to yourself either, my issues make me feel like an imposter within myself like it's hard to distinguish between things that I feel like I'm making up and the other things that's fucking me up.
lmao ngl I was like those scenario and concept editors right I would have continued to edit bc my edits were like THSIE most beautiful scenes in kpop mvs but I stopped bc the resolution was ASSS THAT TOO WHITE ASSS!!!!!
OMG i wonder how i rizzed u up 😩😩😩😩
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maiverie · 1 year
the problem was defo not what i drank at the bar i had like 4 cocktails the problem was the vodka bottle that me and my friend downed before going to the bar it rllt set the mood for the night 😞
after we downed the vodka my friend said we should race so all of us literally sprinted up the hill that otherwise would’ve taken us 10 minutes to walk up 💀💀💀 i also couldn’t see half the night bc i didn’t have my glasses 💔 me and my blind ass was stumbling around w one of my friends holding me up
OMG NO MY DAD LITERALLY LEFT WORK TO COME PICK ME UP ??? i acc wasn’t even sober enough to call my dad, my friend called her mum who called my mum who then called my dad 🥲 HELPPP WHY WAS UR BROTHER SO MAD DHWHSJSJ I CANT EVEN IMAGINE
IKR MEN ARE SO WEIRD… his excuse was ‘adhd i have a lot to say’,, bullshit bc my sister has severe adhd and would never say anything like that and she’s 12 🤨
THE VODKA BOTTLE HELLO???? HELPLPPP that's actually so fucking funny kajsfljke ngl I dont normally like going to bars before clubs bc like,,, im poor 🫠 but u guys chugging the vodka bottle is so real like YEA BANG FOR UR BUCK ‼️
?? adhd??? wtf 😭 yeah omg literally three of my friends have adhd and none of them would say shit like that 😭 the fact he's using it as an excuse is disgusting like HOMIE GET A GRIP ???? I HOPE U ATE HIM ALIVE FUCK THAT GUY ‼️😾
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