#star wars the bad batch season 2
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dragonrebelrose · 2 years ago
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Tech’s brain can’t compute.
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same vibes
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warsamongthestars · 5 months ago
... Damn.
Its been a bit time since I started shoveling coal into the rage train.
But the reason I started on this path, still stings.
I still get hit with Tech's Death. Usually in depictions of wind, sky, and falling, from art, to picture, to music. It was a helluva scene. Impactful.
So impactful, that its very existence, destroyed the lead up to it, and retroactively turned the entire show to shit, all the little problems went from small stones in a shoe to an entire gravel path one takes bare foot.
Its a beautiful and tragic scene for a deeply unpleasant, horrible piece of "art", whose concept calls me to comfort, but whose execution demands my rage.
In my personal set of stories, whether I'll get to writing them or not, he's not dead.
( In one set of these metaphorical stories--they're all dead. Because that's the only way you stop the metaphorical super duper squad from outbesting Luke Skywalker. )
One person or team's depiction of character death, no matter how budgeted and published, no matter how impactful, doesn't mean one has to accept it.
And I don't.
( Just because the lunch ladies served folks grit slop, doesn't mean that Lunch automatically means droopy grey grit slop with overboiled fruit bits (that might've been blue berries at some point maybe) all the time. It doesn't meant that I'll accept grit slop. I prefer classy garbage--like pepperoni pizza. Not stuff that melts the spoon to the bowl. )
( One can absolutely say that what one is given was horrible and wrong and that one doesn't have to accept it. Even if its just a shit star wars show. We can in fact tell them to take it the fuck back, and redo it. Art deserves that much, and Corporations must learn to Answer for their transgressions.)
It was, and still is, a meaningless fucking death and no amount of streaming services and merchandise and nice words, is gonna get me to accept it--its a beautiful thing that shouldn't exist.
( Dare not to go gently into the good night. Dare not to fall gently into the clouds below. )
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Commander Mayday is the definition of the word Clapback! 🙌 👏
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jonberry555 · 2 years ago
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - The Outpost REVIEW
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live tweeting (blogging? posting? tumblring?) my thoughts for the bad batch finale except I didn't realize the actual final two episodes come out next week lmao
there's what's-his-face!!!
oh wait nvm forgot maydays dead
who tf is that then?!?!
"we're under attack sir!" hope it's my boys
not the boys I was thinking about but fuck yeah!!!!
is that Cody???
I don't think so?
but nice paints on the arm guards
what are they keeping on those data banks hmmm?
scorch is here (I think), I never really interacted with stuff with his squad but cool dude from what I know
and the other dudes dead, surprise, surprise
also I haven't said hi to echo yet but hi echo!!!
uh oh my boys in trouble
the sadness in his eyes 😭😭
are they gonna recondition him??????
oh they're after omega again, who's surprised
don't do it cross please he won't end up helping you please don't do it
not the interrogator droid
oh thank fuck he's saved by the bel- oh nvm
and we're on coruscant
Riyo!! how are you babes?! still fighting the empire?!
also who is that clone who was a prisoner? the one with the fluffy looking hair?
no please I can't watch him be tortured I will cry
that's my boy!!!!
once a badass, always a badass
my poor heart, he's clearly so not ok
god I love him like so so so much
wait is he not trying to escape???
he's trying give them warning!!!! he's trying to help them!!! he cares about Megs!!!
this doctor is fucking weird man
and of course the batch is on fucking idealistic pabu while cross is off getting tortured smh
can't necessarily blame them but still
hunter still can't be assed helping cross, honestly not surprised
I low-key hate hunter tbh
omegas learning to drive lmfao
🤣🤣🤣🤣 techs face!!!
omg how is he not throwing up 😂, I would be lol
god tech loves getting complements lmao
damn omegas good at that turn huh
also why did they ignore that alarm the first time lol
oh wait it's just echo lmao
oh and they're racing lmao
the rebellion suits echo, he looks happier
mom echo had returned
there's something about that doctor's voice that irritates the shit out of me
wrecker and the kids having fun 🥹
is it just me or does echo sound different???
are they gonna discover that crosshair is being experimented on???!?!?!?!!!
well I was right, doctor hemlock is a fucking weirdo
they found out!!
please tell em they're gonna save him, please for the love of God I'll cry if not
tbh I'll probably cry regardless
ofc he is warning ye, he's trying to help you guys!!!!!!
why suffer more? because that's his brother's, his only family and he obviously feels horrible for what he's done and wants to fix it
he looks so scared bless him
oh god I'm gonna cry
lmfao I thought today was the finale and only realized when it offered to show me the mandalorian 🤣
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lingodoodles9901 · 9 months ago
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brown eyes, ace, goggles, i miss him 😭🫶✨
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moonstrider9904 · 11 months ago
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Long overdue season two Tech gifset because I love those beautiful brown eyes and that exceptional mind.
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raevulsix · 11 months ago
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“Tech is gone. I am what remains.”
WIP version
Come join our discord community. ✨
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clone-whore-99 · 2 years ago
Ngl, as heartbreaking as this scene was, it did make me think of My Beloved Enemy from @zoeykallus
Still heartbreaking though
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the moment that broke us all 🥲
Tag @mrs-grumpysniper
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dragonrebelrose · 2 years ago
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Wrecker knows what’s up
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mroddmod · 11 months ago
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little scrapped comic bc it felt a bit ooc to me in hindsight
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Female Clones of Jango Fett: Bad Batch Theory.
OK....I know this idea is crazy and out of left field. But, come on, this is Star Wars. They've done some pretty out there stuff over the years, so I'm gonna carry on with my crackpot theory.
Omega has been around on Kamino for a fair amount of time during the war. The meaning of her name being, "The Last," is not in reference to her being the last clone, at least not the last male clone.
Why did the kaminoans "possibly" make 24 (24 letters in the Greek alphabet) female clones? I have no idea. And that's what primarily makes my theory fall apart. I can't think of a good reason that would give this theory any merit.
But just imagine female clones of Jango. How intriguing that would have been during the Clone Wars. Not battlefield/front line fighters, more so used for espionage, under the radar tasks. 🤔
I dunno, go and make some fanfiction lemonade out of that.
(Am I crazy? Is there some resemblance?)
(Emerie Karrs accent is what also has me suspicious)
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techsazalea · 11 months ago
goodmorning to my fave bad batch stills
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jonberry555 · 2 years ago
The Bad Batch: The Outpost Spoiler-Free Review #starwars #thebadbatch #theoutpost #shorts
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aouralune · 10 months ago
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“clone force 99 died with Tech”
Oh take me back to the night we met
He do be kinda dead bro
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boggsart · 6 months ago
best theory ever, 0/10 for not being real tho
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