#but yeah maybe once i actually no more ill be like 'that? nah thats normal' or whatever
gammija · 6 years
The Hollow review/summary/rant/explanation of why i hate the ending I wasn’t sure whether I should post this, but I did enjoy reading others experiences watching this show, so here’s mine under the cut. Edited from a convo with a friend.
(Obviously, spoilers!)
Me: Okay so to properly express my disappointment i gotta take you through the major beats
The show starts with three teens waking up in an almost empty room, finding out they all have amnesia. They quickly solve a puzzle to escape the room, and just as quickly Adam and Mira realize they have superpowers (superstrength/agility and some weird 'speak to animals/know all languages' hybrid, respectively. also she can breathe underwater and swim really fast. its kind of vague)
Kai is already clearly a comic relief, discount Ron (from HP, the movies, no idea about the books) so me and sister correctly predict he'll get jealous of adam and miras relationship (even if there is none), gets pissy and jealous that he has no powers, but then finds out he has powers anyway he does, hes a fire bender. cant say im not bitter about that cause id put my money on invulnerability but eh its alright he has red hair after all hes still fun
Friend: Of course he is
I just feel bad is all aldjs
Me: adam gets a throwaway line of 'maybe were dead' and kai never lets it go
this food might be poisoned but im starving and hey were dead anyway! right, adam
Friend: I love him??
Me: i loved him as soon as he spoke his first dumb words also he puns but basically hes the only interesting char; adam and mira are just cookie cutter 'male lead 1' and 'female lead 1' i mean, he’s cookie cutter ‘jealous 3rd wheel’ but that has more going on than the first two still servicable though
anyway so the jokes are sometimes fun, and superpowers are always my jam. but the REAL reason to keep watching is just, whats going on? ARE they dead? or in some kind of weird gvnmt experiment? some weird magical vampire guide (dont ask) hints they wanted this themselves ooh, intrigue. and the world is very very quirky they start in a gravity falls-y woods and then get teleported to a desert with minotaurs and witches, then get invited for tea by the Grim Reaper and the rest of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
tbh Grim is the best part of the show but thats neither here nor there
anyway they have a magic map that updates once theyve been somewhere, and it shows them that the hot dry desert and the swampy wood bunker are like right next to each other
so you start thinking, how are they gonna explain that? this is too weird to be handwaved away. theyve gotta be going somewhere
they visit some other exotic locals, like what appears to be the set of Alien (complete with alien) and an abandoned old fair and a floating island with japanese inspired evildoers on it
the weird magic guide keeps showing up and being vague, dropping hints that there are other kids there etc
at some point Mira says "This is no time for games!" Weirdy: "Thats where youd be wrong~" me and sister: Aha! videogame! that connects all the dots, and also makes the tropes clear: small world with all kinds of different areas, quests, fights, superpowers, an updating map, fast travel Adam, a few eps later: guis i think we might be in a videogame me and sister: [high five]
Anyway in the meantime also the second predictable Kai (discount Ron) plot happens: they meet three other kids (boy boy girl) and they act shady but the girl takes an immediate and obvious interest in Kai so obviously theyre gonna manipulate him and have him betray his friends but in the end he'll see through their facade and kick their ass that more or less happens. The other teens also confirm that this is a game, and theyre trying to win. winning is done by bringing the MacGuffin to a tree fights over macguffin ensue situations are dire but our characters persevere
(also Mira kisses Adam and he acts very weird about it, almost as if hes gay and the only reason they didnt make it canon is censors) (no lingering gaze, just him going 'hehe yeah no thanks, its not you, its me', but in a very... he doesnt seem to be saying it with shall we say burning desire in his soul. hes literally just like 'eh youre a good friend.' Cool move, cartoon that made the two main boys have arguments over nothing cause of course the two main guys have constant dick measuring matches)
this all is not the offensive part btw it was all fun and games, its just a flash cartoon i wasnt expecting Shakespeare
anyway so theyre in a videogame, and apparently thats the answer to all the weirdness. A bit of a cop-out, cause thats a very easy answer, but eh, it works. it wasnt immediately obvious.
also something i hadnt mentioned yet: thisd be ideal for making (self-insert) OCs. Unique powers for each person, there are clearly more characters than shown, the world is your playground
and maybe the video game thing could be interesting on its own in the last few eps the game seems to be glitching out a lot they say its breaking apart so they really gotta hurry now maybe they were beta testers for a vr game gone wrong maybe this is part of it but its like a huge experience that you tell all your friends about anyway there are ways it could be cool, could be expanded to a season 2 despite having solved the mystery
but. last episode. our heroes get the MacGuffin, go to a final stage, and fight the Boss Battle (its a dragon). they enter the Castle....
...and the screen zooms out, into a sudden live action stage, where we see the cartoon (literally what you were just watching) on screen. there are 6 chairs, 3 with our heroes, 3 with the other teens, presumably. theres a host and hes dressed exactly like the weird guy (and that was already kind of a clashy outfit in the cartoon). it was all just a game show. but. the worst part is the live action
you. dont. go. from. animated. to. live. action.
other way around? fine, can work. But now? WHY itd still be dumb and dissapointing but if itd been animated too itd at least have been.... nice to look at but the acting.. oh god they didnt even say anything and it was all wrong clearly theyd just picked the first random teens that vaguely looked like the chars and put them in there cause they had no lines so who needs acting?!
the enemy teams girl had, in the cartoon, pink hair. Purple with pink highlights instead of stylizing that into something more realistic or painting the actual hair, they gave some 30-year old woman a wig and called it a day
keep in mind i binged this show in one go
purposely stayed up late to watch the last ep with my sis even tho we shouldve gone to bed and were disobeying our dad cause we Had to Know
and theres more i said they had no lines but i was lying. Kai did have a line. well, his voice actor did they dubbed him also the line was about him having to pee which is already not the most hilarious in animated version but a live action kid whose supposed to be this character you spent 3 hours with but looks nothing like him saying that in a voice that doesnt belong to his throat, as he stands bashfully in front of a live audience, the only words spoken by your main characters in the last moments...
*its actual hell*
oh oh one more thing at the end the six kids stand in a line and kai is next to other girl they glance at each other and as the eyes of this teen and 30 year old in wig cross, her eye glitches for a moment
dun dun duuun
bUT i dont care anymore, The Hollow. You overestimated your own premise. this wont be forgiven. your most interesting part was the mystery, and the answer  to that was "just a normal game show" (which also doesnt make sense on another level smh) soo if you think that im interested in what these two-dimensional (ha) characters will do now about the glitch in the eye of a bitch then i have news for u
i dont
...if they get a second season ill probably check it out though as long as its animated
Friend: Gammi I'm getting the real sinking suspicious feeling that what you saw isn't the real end but bad on purpose because there's more to it
Me: the show didnt seem good enough to be bad on purpose
and yet im still not done, if youll still hear me out
i mean, im an animation fan so ill still watch but if theyd wanted to be bad on purpose they really shouldve done a better job fleshing out the characters thats what people come back for that was a bit of a sidetrack BUT so i said why the live action itself was just terrible in overal quality
but the resolution that 'oh it was all in a game show' doesnt work on multiple levels
first of all, they show a short flashback of "About 5 hours earlier". The kids stand on the stage and are instructed to take their seats in the vr-chairs, and pick their superpower
2 things i dislike about that
1) there goes all the self-insert/oc potential. they werent teens in over their heads, they werent gvnmt experiments, or just some kids who wanted to play a game -they were in it to win it, from the start. thats very specific and not the most appealing to all kinds of characters (goodbye, all the 'im just an average girl whod never step into the spotlight like that' characters).
Also, all the expansion on lore is gone. maybe there were other games simultaneously? eh, maybe, but theyd be all gameshows. Maybe someone ended uo trapped there for way longer? nah its just a gameshow theyre not gonna let anything actually bad happen. Maybe there are other worlds, other areas, other weird creatures? unlikely, they finished the map and familiarity seemed to be a thing for the audience. Now every new idea has to be put not through a 'whats interesting for a player' but a 'whats interesting for a viewer' lens, and whats a selfinsert if not a player in another universe
who the hell watches a game show for 5 consecutive hours, some of which mustve been just them walking. also, we zoom out of the screen were watching, so implication is that everything up until then has been what the audience has seen. but... we only followed the one team. there were two? why didnt the audience want to see what they were up to? ~reality tv usually thrives on showinf the worst assholes so realistically they wouldve been the focus~
There are also way too many times *both* teams couldve failed, from early on till late in the game. Not a single game i can think of thats played for an audience is set up like that, and especially not a televised one (okay tbf idk if this was televised, i dont remember if i saw cameras, but. it mustve. monetary reasons.)
What r u gonna do if they all 'died' from the monsters in the first ep? Call it a day? boring for the audience. let them restart from scratch? boring for the audience. the existence of an audience messes with everything
AND THEN ANOTHER THING what do you mean, "5 hours ago?" you never get a time stamp to show how long theyve been in there but there are some cuts, when they travel and such. The actual show is a lil over 3 hours runtime. You mean to tell me you sat through 2 hours of the characters just walking?
okay last thing. so. they were clearly second season teasing with the glitching eye thing. i already said this but. theres nowhere to go from here that isnt worse that the first season. your mystery is dead. you clearly know your live action teens cant act so youd have to go back into the game - but why would they do that? how would that be in any way interesting? you explored all there was to explore.
The other, more out there option, is that as you said the 'real world' was a fake-out and theyre still in a game. but. how would- how would you even make that remotely convincing? if youd just left the 'real world' gameshow as animated too this wouldnt have been a problem. but there is absolutely no conceivable reason to justify, in universe, why another meta-level up is 2D animation again unless they were in a game, in a game, in a game. and thats just dumb. yall aint inception
Friend: HONESTLY if they just kept the whole deal animated it'd probably be okay. Not good, but better,
Me: ye me and my sister came to the same conclusion
i couldve lived with that. at least, i couldve just acknowledged the finales existence but chose to ignore it. now however im full phantom planet levels of denial. in fact i dont even know how the show ended anymore, suddenly
Friend: what finale? what show?
Me: also at least now we know why its called The Hollow
it leaves you feeling empty inside
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synnematic · 7 years
DAY 3: Letters to A Loved One
for @saboace-week
Letters to No One ( written by me ) multiple chapters
a03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13955610/chapters/32125773
A Couple Years Too Late ( written by @reiji--san ) single chapter
a03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13955889
A collection of letters written over time with no set destination, but always a person in mind.
Letters to No One
Dear Sabo,
This is stupid.
Makinos got this idea in her head that I’m sad. Which I’m not. Im not sad anymore at all. I’m not. Its just hard. Youre not  When you died FUCK. Whatever. fuck spelling and whatnot too. not like you can read this anymore anyway. look. this is suposed to help i guess. a coping mechi mechen method. i write this letter and she stops naging at me. whatever it takes to make them all stop loking at me like im going to snap any second or try to run off again. not like i would anyway.
i know youre not coming back.
you’re dead
you left and you died and theres nothin i can do to turn back time or bring you back or get revenge becus the people that killed you are already GONE and i didnt even know until it was already to late
but im fine
im fine
im not fine
luffy is well hes been better but hes always been a crybaby so he’ll get better. im supposed to be strong now, stronger but i dont really  i don’t know how to handle the emotions and whatnot. not like you did. you always seemed to just GET it always sayin the right things, calmin me us him down. i can’t do that but im trying. im getting better i think.
we’ll get thrugh it
fuck this is stupid
what’s the point in writing a letter youl never read? or writing at all damn it
you taght me how to do this bulshit but i never thought id have to use it like this
fuck im not supposed to cry. messed up the ink now. not that it matters but still i wanted to fuck i dont know what i wanted anymore
im sorry sabo. i should have been i dunno. something. its different without you. too quiet and theres this pain in my chest all the time. like i’m the one that got shot. don’t get it but i hate it and it hurts and i just i wish you were here. i really wish you were here
i miss you
hey i uhh found the other letter. never ended up giving it to makino but i think she knew i wrote it at least. luffy did but i don’t know what he did with his. i kept mine in the tree house, under one of the loose boards. its a little water damaged but i don’t think you really care huh?
this is still weird, talking to you like this. even though its not really a talk if its only one way. just like talking to an empty room but not even talking out loud
its been two years now to the day. maybe thats why i ended up finding the old letter in the first place. havent really been to the tree house much since then anyway because
well you know
went to the cliff tho. the one we used to sit at? i went there first yknow when i got youre letter. took me a while since im still not great at reading. getting better tho. it was quiet. always kinda is but really quiet this time with just a little wind. I think it would be a good day to go sailing. was it like this when you left too? dogma said it was a nice day but i dont really remember it that way.
i dont know why i do this to myself. same as last time i always get   i dunno. my chest still hurts. theres a doctor in foosha i went to once a while ago. thought maybe something was wrong with me. he said it was heart break. youd think this is something id get over but i guess not
youre still dead and im still breaking
i dont know when its gonna stop
if it does at all
Is it nice where you are?
Overheard some people talking about it today. Talking about death and what comes after. It sounds nice. Heaven. If thats where you went. I think it should be. Where you went, that is, but nice too I guess.
It sounds warm.
I wonder sometimes if my mom went there too. Still dont really know much about her but she sounded nice. Maybe youve met? Is my d   Nah it doesn’t matter. I hope its nice there. I dont really beleive in that kinda stuff normaly, still kinda dont but i hope its true and youre happy there. Happier than you were here
I know its probably a stupid thing to ask but do you think ill ever be able to join you there?
The waves were choppy at the cliff today. Almost angry. Theres a storm comin but i think ill still go there later. Maybe
Ive been thinking about death a lot lately
I didn’t jump, obviously, since i’m writing to you now. Again. Sorry for the silence. Sometimes I just— I dont know. Everything rushes to my head all at once. It helps, occasionally, but then there are the times where my head fills with one singular drive or emotion and thats it, that’s all I can focus on. It used to be anger. So much anger. That was easier than the sadness though. Or the guilt.
There’s things I haven’t really told you. A lot of things actually. I was trying to be strong I guess. Still am. But Makino was right about one thing. It does help, these letters. I like to think sometimes that you just know. That you can read them or that my words somehow magically transfer to you. Wherever you are. But I know that kinda stuff doesnt happen. Not really. So this is more me talking to myself then. That I can do.
So for starters I guess, I had a dream about you last night. I used to have dreams about you a lot. Nightmares too. It’s been a while though, at least a few months since the last one. Normally the dreams are the same, extended memories or something small but usually just the two of us, sometimes luffy. Last night you turned to me in my dream but your face wasn’t right. And I think that’s more terrifying than any of the nightmares i’ve had.
I’m starting to forget what you look like, what you sound like.
It’s been six years now. Longer than the time I knew you. All I have left is the flag Luffy and I found in the wreckage of your ship. I tried to look for more but most of it’s been buried now and i’m afraid. I don’t know what Id do if I found your bones there.
We never took any pictures, never saved enough for something as meaningless as a camera and i regret that now.
I think i’m going to get a tattoo soon. Before I leave the island. Even if I forget what you look like and the sound of your laugh I still want to take you with me somehow. So you can sail the seas instead of — well.
I just don’t want to forget you sabo
Me again,
I got that tattoo that I said I would in my last letter. It’s been a while now but it still itches every once in a while. Hah, you should have seen the guys face when I explained what I wanted done. People still keep mistaking it for a mispelling. As if I didn’t know how to spell my own name.
Anyway, got that done a little before I left Dawn and a lot has happened since then. I have my own crew! And a devil fruit too, though man was that a surprise. Still don’t really have the best of control over it and I set random things on fire sometimes but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. I’m a CAPTAIN now! Got my own flag and everything. We’re the Spade pirates. Isn’t that cool? The Ace of Spades is supposed to be a card that symbolizes death but I don’t think we’re so bad. Hell, we’ve actually helped a lot of people so I hope you’re proud of me. Still wish you could have been my navigator but we probably would have ended up fighting all the time huh? Can’t have two people that want to be captain in the same crew obviously. You would have loved this life though.
I know you’re probably in a pretty nice place yourself right now but the open sea on a clear day is the most beautiful thing. And the STARS Sabo — when the sun sets down low you don’t even need the moon to see, the stars are so bright. Brighter than they ever were on the island.
You’re up there somewhere huh?
Is the view better than the one I’ve got right now?
Seven years is a long time my friend. I’ve grown a lot since I last saw you. Do you grow at all where you are? I bet I’d still be taller than you.
Wish you were here
Hey Sabo
I think I need some advice right about now.
It’s been 103 days since Whitebeard defeated me and took me onto his flagship. Yeah, uhh, probably should have updated you on that sooner, huh? My bad. My crew was defeated not that long after I was too. We’re all here now but we’re fine I promise. Actually, that’s kinda my problem.
I want No, I wanted to kill him at first. Whitebeard. All this time hearing about my dad and all he accomplished in life, all he did. So many people that respected or hated him and I just — I don’t know. I heard that Whitebeard was around and I figured if I could just be the one to take him down, the one to kill him even when Roger couldn’t then maybe — Maybe I could prove myself. Prove that I’m stronger than him, than Roger. That I’m better somehow. Or at least different.
Not that that really worked out.
Could have killed me but instead he took me here and made this stupid speech about family and trust and wanting me to be his son or something and I told him no. Obviously. I don’t need a family after all, or at least more family. I’ve got Luffy. And you. Plus I wasn’t  I’m not about to just throw away my own ambitions yknow? I promised you, I PROMISED you that we’d go out to sea and live free lives, the life of pirates. I don’t want that to end, not when I wanted to take you with me on that journey, the life you never got to live.
So I kept fighting and fighting and fighting over and over again, new tactics, new plans. But Sabo I’m so tired now.
So tired.
And they’re really starting to grow on me. As much as I’ve tried to avoid the crew or even piss them off. There’s this one guy, Thatch, in particular that is just too god damn nice ALL THE TIME. And Marco too though he’s kinda stuck up. And they keep talking about family. About belonging and — I don’t know.
Is it bad that a part of me wants that? To have an actual home? To belong?
They don’t know though, not yet at least. They don’t know who I am and maybe — FUCK I don’t know. I don’t know how they’d react to knowing who I am, what I am. I’m scared to find out. But is it worth trying?
Would you hate me if I gave up a part of my freedom for something more?
I feel like I’m betraying you somehow. But at the same time I think you would want me to be happy too.
I don’t know yet for sure but maybe, maybe this is my one chance.
He KILLED him.
One of the few genuine friends I have and he’s dead. All because of GREED. Why does this keep happening. Every time I grow attached and start to feel safe something like this happens again just to prove how messed up the world really is. Over a stupid FRUIT and now thatch is dead and— fuck. A member of my own division too. My responsibility and I failed again. Just like I failed you.
I can’t protect ANYONE. Even after all the training and the fighting, the missions and responsibilities. But when it actually matters I’m not even there and my friend gets stabbed in the back and left to DIE.
The blood’s on my hands. I should have known. Should have picked up on the signs and done something — anything . But I was too late. Again. And now he’s gone and that TRAITOR is who knows where.
Well not this time.
This isn’t going to be like what happened with you, with an enemy I never knew and had no chance of finding.
This time I’m going to find him and I’m going to make him pay.
I don’t care if I’m cursed. Maybe I brought this on them in the first place, just by being here. But I’m not going to just sit by and let this happen again. I couldn’t take revenge for you but I can for Thatch.
I can at least do that.
I’m getting close.
I know you probably don’t care, but writing to you like this is the only thing that seems to be keeping me sane recently. It’s like I’m chasing a damn shadow. Every time I get close or feel like I’ve finally caught up the bastard does something to out maneuver me or fuck me up somehow. It’s been months now but this time I think I’ve finally cornered him. Teach is apparently on his way to Water 7 now and there’s a little island, Banaro, that he’s sure to stop at. If I can get there before he leaves then I can finally avenge Thatch. I can make up for my own failures and make sure that he never hurts anyone from my family again.
I dunno how it’s going to go yet but he hasn’t had much time to master his new fruit yet so I should have the upper hand regardless of whatever that rat has planned.
Short letter this time, I know, but I don’t really have a lotta time to waste right now. I’ll be reaching port soon and from there — well, who knows. Guess I’ll probably update you again afterwards though, or whenever I get back to the rest of my crew.
It’s nice to know that I’ll finally be able to avenge someone important to me. Risky, but I know you’d do the same.
I’m being executed today.
Guess that’s a solid way to start off my last  this letter, huh? Yeah, nice going Ace, well done. I really know how to keep things upbeat in these damn things don’t I?
Damn it.
Teach, well he, FUCK— sorry.
I don’t want to do this.
He beat me. I don’t have any excuses, nothin I can say to make up for what happened or explain it in anyway. He just did. Just another reason to hate him I guess, but if the alternative was joining him then this is better. Much better, Still, uhh, it hasn’t exactly been fun. Impel Down was just about as bad as I expected, maybe worse even. There’s— you know what, it doesn’t matter what it was like. You don’t need to know that.
Maybe I’m just stalling now.
They don’t really give a lot of time for these things apparently, even when they’re last requests. Bullshit, but I think they just don’t want me to be late for my closeup. Gol D. Roger’s only son means I’m about to broadcasted all around the world. Thanks dad. Great perks. Though, I expected as much. Just proving what I always feared.
ANYWAY, at least I’ve had a lot of time to think lately. Don’t actually know how long I was locked up in there but the silence does things to people, to me. I didn’t dream much while I was there, kinda hard to sleep, but I thought about you a lot. Actually, been thinkin about you a lot for a while but this was different I suppose.
The guys down there like to talk a lot. It helps pass the time but most of them are kinda shit people so I didn’t reply much. Still listened though.
Y’know, in twenty years, I’ve done a lot, seen a lot, experienced a lot— more than most my age, but there’s a lot I didn’t get to do too, didn’t learn about.
I never really thought about love until recently. It’s not really a pirate thing, huh? High seas and all that nonsense but life moves fast and a lot happens all at once. Not a lotta time to sit around and, I dunno, dream?
Whatever. Well, the guys down there talked a surprising amount about it, like it’s something magical, better than any other treasure, and it got me thinkin. I’ve never really cared about that stuff, haven’t since I was a kid. But I guess that’s because I figured no one would be able to stand me for long, no one would actually accept me for who I am. But, that’s not really right, huh? Since you did that right from the start. I’ve known that for ages but guess it didn’t really sink in until now.
Call it childish innocence or whatever, but you accepted me even back then when I was broody and angry and maybe a little murderous. You knew who I was, my history, my dreams, and you didn’t laugh or run away or anything like that. You smiled that stupid smile of yours and just accepted me, all of me.
Here I am about to— about to leave , and it’s because there’s a whole fucking WORLD out there that can’t seem to do the same thing a five year old noble brat could — no offense.
And y’know, if that’s the closest I get to love then I’ll take it. Hell, maybe I even love you too. Actually, no. I don’t think maybe is even a factor anymore. Seems stupid now that I think about it, but I probably loved you even back then. From the very start. Little late to be figuring that out now, huh?
They’re rushing me. Marine bastards.
I know I’ve talked a lot about, well, death. So many years spent just thinkin that I deserve it, just because of who my father was, but now that there’s this whole messed up world agreeing with me, is it wrong that I’m— fuck — I’m scared Sabo. Absolutely terrified and there’s nothing I can do about it. All these years I’ve practically asked for it and now—
I know it’s late to start saying this, way too late now, but Sabo, I want to live.
I want to do so much with my life than this. I want to explore more, see more. I want— I want what I can’t have anymore. And it sucks. It really fucking sucks, but this is how it ends for me. Goin out the same way my shitty pops did. Apparently. What a sick joke this all is.
But I'm running out of time now. Guess I’ve spent what time I had. Garp knows what to do with this after... after everything. I know it won't matter in the end, but I think all of these should be together, y'know? Just in case. It's nice to know that he still considered me family, even now. He's the only one here that seems to actually care. You would think these assholes would cut me a little slack now that we’re here but I just… I don’t think it matters to them that I'm about to die. Not even a little bit. Shouldn’t hurt, but it does. I’m still human after all. Just like them. But maybe they don’t see it like that.
I’d pray for miracles but I don’t think there are any gods out there to help me. I still don’t think there are any gods at all. Doesn't really bode well for what comes after, huh?
Luffy’s going to be mad at me. I promised him that I wouldn’t die.
Maybe we can both watch over him though? You’ll probably be mad at me for saying this but a part of me is a little relieved. At the end. At least I’ll get to see you again, right? I don’t even know if we’ll both end up in the same place, but I can hope. I really, really hope. It’s selfish but I’m glad that I won’t be alone. I don’t want to be alone anymore.
A Couple Years Too Late
Dear Ace,
         It’s been a while, has it not? I’m sorry, but man do I have some things to tell you.
If only I could tell you.
I got your letters. Well, more like I found your letters. Stored away in a box at our old tree house. Can you believe it’s still intact after all these years? Pretty good for a couple of kids huh?
Dear Ace,
         I’m sorry. I can’t believe I stopped so soon. Not even a couple sentences in and I had to leave the room. What an idiot. Let me start again.
Hey Ace. How are you? Are you eating well? Getting enough rest? You have to make sure to take care of yourself, I’m not there to nag at you anymore now. You’re all grown up. I sound like such a parent I’m sorry. I just care and want the best for you. I got your letters. I’m sorry the delivery took so long. Way too long. It’s a shame this is how we reunite. I hoped I could have seen you at least once before
Dear Ace,
          I did it again. At this rate I’ll clean out Headquarter’s paper supply. I’m sorry. It’s just, every time I write, my vision gets blurry and I can’t see anymore. How can I properly reply to you if I don’t know what I’m writing? Would be embarrassing if I had a bunch of spelling mistakes especially since I’m the one that taught you how to write.
Speaking of which, you’ve gotten a lot better! I can see from the different letters you wrote. It makes me happy to see that, shows you practiced a lot. Did you help Luffy too? I only taught him so much before I left, I’m sorry. It must’ve been hard on you.
It must have been really hard on you…
I’m sorry. I keep speaking nonsense. I just don’t know where to begin, what to say. This is the third time I’m trying to write to you and you are right—it’s pretty stupid. Maybe a part of me is just hoping that the same thing will happen with you. That you’ll get this letter in 10 years or so and then maybe we could meet again, somewhere in this wide ocean.
Or maybe somewhere in skies up above.
I can dream, right?
Hey Ace, Is this how you felt? When you wrote every one of those letters, did it hurt this badly each time? I’m sorry, I should’ve come to get them sooner. Maybe I wouldn’t even be writing this right now if I had. Maybe you wouldn’t have had to write them if I had come sooner. I’m sorry. I really made it hard for you huh? I’m happy you wrote though. It feels as if you are here, talking to me. Telling me of your struggles, your adventures. All the good and the bad—even though I already knew some of this. I’m happy for you Ace. Truly I am. I wish I could’ve been there when you sailed out to sea, we could’ve sailed out together. Met your first crew, that I wouldn’t be a part of because I would have had a better crew.
When you found a family .
I’ll have to visit them one day, and properly thank them. It’s the least I can do.
Hey, remember the declarations we made back at the cliff? I still haven’t done mine, been busy, it’ll probably take a while. Still, you did yours did you not? You let the whole world know who you were. Fire Fist Ace, that’s a pretty cool name they gave you. You were always the better big brother so I’m not surprised you beat me to it. Mine’s a little bit harder so cut me some slack okay?
Weird how the past couple days I struggled to write and now it’s all just pouring out, I’m sorry it’s such a mess of words. I still don’t know what to really say. My vision is still blurry but I’m fighting through it. I’m sorry the paper may be a little wet.
…I’m sorry.
Twelve times. Twelve times I’ve said those two words but nothing changes, nothing will change. I’ve come to that conclusion. Took me a while.
A long while.
It’s been two years or so since you left. Every night I have the same dream. And every time you’re always out of reach. Every single night I wonder “Would things have been different if I was there?” People kept telling me there’s no right answer to that.
Would you be alive right now if I had remembered just a little sooner?
Ah that’s right. I haven’t told you. I didn’t think it would matter if you knew since it wouldn't change anything, I’m sorry. Thirteen. I lost my memories. Pretty shitty thing for me to do right? I know. While you were suffering I didn’t even know you were a part of my life. While you died, I paid no mind because I didn’t know. You must be really mad at me. For forgetting so easily.
And then life rewards me my memories when I see your death mention in the papers. That’s pretty fucked up huh? Maybe I should’ve looked at the papers sooner.
Hey Ace, do you know now? Is it pretty up there where you are? Have you met your mom? She’s up there too right? I’m sure she is. If there is a Heaven I know you’re there. Regardless of what people say, what they may have called you, Heaven is where you belong. The image of an angel truly suits you, you know. Maybe you always were an angel, and god sent you down to me. Can I let you in on a little secret? Thanks to you, I was able to become who I am today. If I hadn’t met you that day you pulled me out of the Grey Terminal I probably would’ve been back in that castle, suffering. You changed my life for the better and I’m eternally grateful. And seeing as you brought it up first; I love you too. Always did. Even during my amnesiac years, I’m sure that part of me was still there. Loving you even if it didn’t remember you. Sad that we’re sharing such things now huh? It’s almost laughable. Yet not even a smile comes to my face right now… What am I saying? I’m sorry, I ramble a lot.
It’s been almost two years since then Ace and the pain just gets worse. Does it ever go away? Did it ever go away for you? It’s like a nail is constantly being hammered into my chest. Some days they slam the hammer harder than others. Some days they slam it so hard I can barely breathe… I can cover it up better than before at least, can function in my daily life. Oh yeah—I’m a Revolutionary, have I told you that yet?
Do you think if this world was different, you would still be alive? I wonder.
Are these letters really supposed to help? The only thing it’s helping with is making the pain worse. Will you even read this? Maybe if I send it flying high enough, will it reach you? Or maybe you're watching me right now as I write it? If you are then well…
I miss you.
God I miss you so much.
It’s not fair. Why did you have to be the one to leave? My first friend, best friend, my partner, my brother, my… There are so many things I want to share with you. I want to see you again. See you smiling, laughing, angry—I just want to see you. Even if it’s just one more time.
Would it have been better if I had died that day? Would I be with you right now? I’ve had that thought so many times. And maybe I tried to join you…so many times.
But I’ve thought a lot. Luffy is still out there is he not? I can’t just leave our little brother like that. I’ve already fucked up enough as it is. Even if he hates me, pushes me away and never wants to see me again—I’ll protect him. I asked you to take care of him before, now it’s my turn.
By the way, I’ll be visiting you soon—no, not like that. Sadly. I’ve avoided doing it for a while because I didn’t want to believe it but I think it’s time now.
I’m sorry…that I can’t be with you, not yet. But you aren’t alone. I may not be next to you, but I’m always thinking of you. Every waking moment and every time I close my eyes. You’re there.
We’ll meet again soon. There are just some things I have to take care of here first. It may sound a little selfish but please wait for me okay? Just a little longer.
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floramodus-archive · 7 years
begin disaster ==>
floramodus fuckfuckjfuck DAVE!!!!!!
clockworkkatana what whats up
floramodus my microscpe exploded i cant see theres glass and blood everywhere i dont wanna die again but i cant SSEE!!!
clockworkkatana whoa fuck wait what
floramodus the nuclear reactor battery in my scope combusted and i couldnt contain it all in time and it blew out my retinas and i think shattered my lens i dont know i dont know!!!!!!
clockworkkatana um fuck okay hold still ill be there in just a second
floramodus be careful i dontt know how b a d the glass went
clockworkkatana dont worry ill put on shoes just stay still a second okay? dont move
floramodus ggot that covered i kinda stopped trying when i got a shard of goddamn GLASS in my hands!!
clockworkkatana ill take care of that too just keep breathing for now im on my way
clockworkkatana "Keep breathing" is advice both to her and yourself, and you try best to follow it as the transportalizer warms up, dumping you unceremonious on the receiver pad a universe away. You swear to fuck, if another friend dies (or even is badly injured) you're going to have to break something. A fundamental force of the universe, maybe. You'res still workshopping.
"Flo?" you say, voice steady as you please, slowly opening the door to her room. You hear the crunch of glass underfoot and know you've found the right place. "It's me. It's Dave. Talk to me, Flo."
floramodus Even blind and panicking you can't help but hiccup a laugh at his voice. God, your a mess. "I know its you, Dave. It's not-" You spit out another mouthful of blood, voice wavering as you take off your glasses to cover your mangled eyes with your equally bleeding hand.
"It's not like I was expecting anyone else," you finish, twisting your body to face where you heard him enter. As casual as you tried to look you felt like you could scream; Thank fuck the explosion hadnt of hurt your ears, because seeing nothing but red and black reminded you too fondly of your time in the horrorterrors. You fumbled to find the chair with your other hand, gripping the leg when you found it. "I hope you werent working."
clockworkkatana You wince at the blood - fuck, there sure is a lot of that, huh? - and fail to summon a reassuring smile you know she can't see. "I don't know what your life's like," you counter, taking careful steps towards her, avoiding as much glass as you can manage, "best to make sure you knew it's me and not some rando, yeah?"
She turns to face you and oh good lord you think you've actually had this nightmare once or twice. How about fuck. "Jesus," you murmur under your breath before clearing your throat and raising your voice for her to hear: "Nah, don't worry about it. Not a lot's more pressing than this, don't stress about me." You reach out to place a hand on her shoulder, kneeling down beside her.
floramodus The contact snaps you farther back into reality, or breaks the overall shock. What ever the case, your still left with the throbbing pain actually hitting you for the first time. Fuck. You spend a minute trying to level your breathing. Maybe think of something witty and cool to respond with. You fail, but you'd doubt he'd give you shit for it.
"I didn't think I was doing anything dangerous," you whimper, taking your hand off your face as you try to push yourself up onto your knees. Your rewarded with surprise! More glass in your knees and the sensation of shards tangled in your tail. Keeping you head low trying to spare him more imagery then he has to see, you find his arm to touch something not laced with goddamn glass. You cant even feel yourself crying but you have an inkling you are. "I was just updating some information and I still managed to fuck up. I dont wanna die again.How else am I gonna fix this?"
clockworkkatana You are so bad at bedside manner. You take a breath and swallow down the discomfort, though, you have more important things to worry about. "We're gonna figure it out," you say, and you can almost believe yourself, saying it. "Just. Okay. First things first, we're gonna get you out of here and get you cleaned up. Sound good? Leave the worrying about to me, I can handle that."
You're still mumbling what are supposed to be reassurances when you rise slowly to your feet, sliding her arm around your neck. "Just relax and keep to breathing, yeah?" you say, carefully picking her up off the broken glass. "I got you from here." Your apartment hasn't needed to double as field hospital since Briar came back, but you've kept the kits well stocked just in case. "You don't have to fix this," you reassure. "Leave it to me. You're not gonna die again. You didn't fuck this up. S'not your fault. I'll handle this. Just let me do that, alright?"
floramodus "Don't you ever get tired of being the one to handle everything Dave?" you mumble, hissing through your teeth. Helpful as getting off a floor coated in glass was the urge to crawl right back into a ball was almost too tempting. Instead you grip tighter to him, trying to keep most of the blood off. From the smell alone you doubt its worth the work. Doesn't stop the worry from needling physical responses out of you.
"You spend so much of your time fixing things. Things that werent your fault and shouldnt be." You lean your head against him, ears flicking as you listen to him try- and fail- to appear as composed. "You can handle alot but do you ever ask if you should?" Before you even let that tangent fully settle you bring up your defense, with a breathy laugh. "I know this pickle I've gotten myself into isn't the time to question your motives I much appreciate not being a pin cushion till I expire. Your much warmer than the floor anyway."
clockworkkatana Don't you? But, then, if you won't, who will? (Or, you suppose, if you don't handle things, what are you supposed to do? Stand by and watch things happen? Never seemed your style.) "It's worth it," you reply, and you suppose it's answer enough.
It's difficult, carrying a goddess in your arms and scrolling through transportalizer coordinates to find the one that leads back home, but somehow you manage, face dour as Flora laughs. "I'd rather bear the brunt of it if it means you lot don't have to. And - don't talk like that. You're not expiring. We don't have expiration dates and you're hardly that far out if we did."
floramodus You'd roll your eyes if they werent throbbing with the rest of your skull. A classic Dave response, one you expected, but it had to be said. No use to argue with a knight after all. Instead you yawn, it twisting into a sigh. You were tired in many many ways. "I won't argue with the Time player about death dates but you know what I meant! I'm just saying being with you is a much better alternative than was my other options were."
You jump hearing the transportilizer whirring to life, having lost your awareness of your surroundings. It made you shiver, knowing where the thing was in the map in your head but not being able to pinpoint it visually. Especially when the smells switched in an instant, throwing your generally clear sense out the window. You shook your head, trying to stamp down the shaking. "And considering it feels like the horrorterrors are gonna tear me apart again, I don't particularly wanna see my other options if thats alright with you."
clockworkkatana You guess you smile at that, a lip curling with a huff of breath. "Yeah, I guess you got me there." Artemis and company give a chorus as you step inside, watching as you carrying Flora through the apartment towards Briar's room.
You still think of it as hers, anyway, and you've hardly touched it since she left, but she won't be back today or tomorrow or maybe ever so you guess it's alright to use it for its intended purpose when you rented this place. That is, a place to not bleed all over the floors and ruin your deposit. "Fine by me," you say, depositing her very gently on the bed. Talos appears in the doorframe, and you get him to go grab the medkits while you focus on getting her sorted. "Don't worry, alright? I'm right here and I got you. You're gonna be fine."
floramodus "I think at this point your saying that more for yourself than me," you chuckle, despite still shivering. Smooth, almost like you weren't having a panic attack so bad your chest felt like it was collasping. Like you couldnt feel your own pulse in between seizing pain. Tucking yourself close once you were set down, you cocked your head trying to pinpoint where you were in Dave's house. You have been here a million  times but this place smelled like Briar and stale iron more than the usual scents.
"This is Briar's old place isn't it," you murmur, wiping the collecting blood off your face with the back of your hand, clenched tight enough you felt your nails digging into the cuts on your palms. Normally you wouldn't even breach that subject if you could help it but he could throw you a bone here. He could have taken you to Briar's for all you know. Though you think you couldn't have paid him enough to do so.
clockworkkatana You scowl and shoot her a scathing glare that she can't see. "I might be," you reply, taking the hint and slowing yourself right the fuck down. "Doesn't mean I don't mean it, though." Talos returns, setting down a heavy bag and rifling through supplies you've had kept safe as a just-in-case ever since you got your own place. Thank your upbringing for that, you guess.
"Oh, uh. Yeah," you falter for a moment before you shake yourself and find the bandages to wipe away the blood. You cough, finding some tweezers to start plucking the shards of glass from her skin. "Her, ah. Old room, from when she crashed with me. Yeah, why?"
floramodus It takes you a minute to get coherent enough to reply to his discomfort, due to the fact as soon you heard metal you jerked yourself back on the bed. Of course when your arm doesnt want to take your weight you fall onto your side with a hiss. Right, at Dave's. Not a doctor. Doesn't stop your pulse from trying to escape your mortal coil.
"Uh, nothing, I just smelt her is all. I just wanted to know where I was." You hated how pathetic that sounded, how pathetic you were at the moment in general. "I just smelted blood and Briar and I know thats not something I've smelt here before. Ive never gone in here, haven't had to." You didn't have to ask if this is where she had been when she came back. You could smell it. Even coming to the internet after the aftermath you could almost picture the disaster from the mosaic the smells made. It was uncomfortable almost, not organic.
clockworkkatana Ah. Right. You'd been trying not to think about how the air in here was still a little stashed with the weight of her. "Oh. No, yeah. This is her room. I haven't gone in here much since she moved. Not for like a set reason or anything I just haven't. Really had a reason to I guess." Do you sound as pathetic as you think that sounds? Eesh. Maybe stop thinking about it and focus on the task at hand.
"But no, yeah. We're still at my place." You spare a glance at her eyes when you dab at the blood with another bandage, wince at the red film that sort of leaks from her ducts. "At risk of asking maybe the dumbest question ever, how, uh. How are you feeling? How's the pain? I have stuff for it. Advil, oxycodone, morphine, the works. I'm working on the glass right now but. Talk to me, Flo."
floramodus "You say risk like theres a chance it wasn't dumb, Dave," you huff in a good natured way, glad for a segaway over you two trying to fumble over a charred bridge still smoldering with embers. You were never good at that. Which is why you guess the bridge of how you ended up like this is still left dry rotted. At least you had enough answers to satisfy your morbid curiousity. "It hurts. bad. I'm cold and i cant stop shivering. I want go to bed. I'm sleepy. It hurts. Did I mention it feels like I shot myself?"
You try sit up but get as far as shoving yourself up an inch before your slip back down. The more tired you got the more sitting still made you nervous. Like every second that crawled past was gonna drag you with it. "Whats the diagnosis doc? Am I gonna have to go to the rainbow bridge to fix this?" you said, yelping at the last few words as he pulled out a sizable chunk. Note to self: bulletproof glass.
clockworkkatana "Do you want these fucking drugs or not," you fire back, cracking a grin as you reel back from potentially dive-bombing into angsty horseshit again. "But. Yeah. Okay, I can work with that. Just let me get the rest of these shards out-" the words are eclipsed by a particularly tricky sliver that feels bad just to watch abscond from her skin, nevermind how it must feel on the extraction, "-and I'll let you rest. I can give you something for that, too. I'll even let you borrow my good blanket, alright?"
She shifts as you drop another shard into the little bowl you're containing them all in, and you put a hand on her shoulder to ease her back down. "Don't move, alright? You're gonna be just fine. I'm gonna patch you up and you'll be right as rain, no rainbow bridge required."
floramodus "I've never had pain meds in my life but at this point I'll take anything- it'll keep me from BITING you at least," you growl, the irony of your bared teeth not lost on you even as you fight the urge to snap his hand. "I'm doing my best here ok," you continue, as if your hands werent aching from tension, "But you know damn well I'm not gonna take anything of yours unless were sharing it Dave." Were you afraid of being alone and blind? Maybe. He didn't have to know that. He probably already did. Your friendship was infuriating like that.
You tried to think of a conversation that would fit in between the silence and not sound stupid, but really, what wouldn't? Sure lets talk about the weather while your laying here, blind as a bat, whimpering as you scratch at your own eyes because they felt like goddamn sandpaper. Real casual.
"It's hell actually caring that you exist," you finally say, turning you head to look at him. "Before I made such progress when I didn't care if each time I died it could end up just. Now? its so frustrating that every option is a dead end! Even with all the knowledge and equipment I have I'm failing Bec again and again just like I failed David, Rose, John.........All of you when I couldn't just find a goddamn solution and be able to stop!"
Another piece, another panging spasm. "The saddest thing is theres solutions all around but guess what? I don't want any of you hurt. Not if I tried to play the game again, you using that damned book of yours. Why can't that be solace enough to quit? Why do I still do this? I've probably learnt too much from you." you conclude, turning your head back around with a sigh.
clockworkkatana “I know, I know,” you begin, though she beats you to the punch and drops you with a couple of bombshells that have you sighing and silent. The morphine is right where you left it from last time, and you rattle the bottle a little in your hand, toying with the cap. “I don’t need morphine.”
The hand on her shoulder cups her face - you don’t know anything about anything but you don’t think scratching at her eyes is going to help things - for a moment before pulling away, and you match her sigh with one of your own. “You aren’t failing anyone,” you say, and you mean it, really you do, but even to you the words sound tired. “The game just fucked you, straight up. You shouldn’t have to torture yourself over reworking and reverse-engineering this fucking. Planet-ending crock of eldritch horror straight from a Sims-addicted serial killer’s fantasy fever dream to try and undo what basically amounts to fate bullshit and destiny /fucks/. That shouldn’t be on you, Flora.”
You pluck what you think is the last shard of glass and drop it unceremoniously into the bowl, waving your hand in the air in a gesture she can’t even see. “Don’t even talk about playing again, dude. I know you’re hurting for answers but for real. Don’t mess with that. I’ll take the stupid book and whatever it did to Briar over you going back in there any day of the week.” At the mention of the tome, you glance over to see it resting on the cleared-out space of Briar’s desk. As though it’d been there all along, beckoning. “What could it do to me, anyway.”
floramodus You crack a small smile at his colorful tangent, knowing realistically he was right. It wasn't your choice to play. It wasn't your choice to die. And yet, here you were. Fumbling with your hand, you wave it like an unsure dog until you make contact with his arm, gripping it. "It could do a hell of alot to you Dave and you know it. You don't what it does you've said it yourself. Do you think I could live with myself if it did something?"
You let go, moving your blood stuck bangs off your forehead, wincing at the pang of pain that radiates up your forearm. "I survived losing everyone I care for Dave. I thought that was the worst that could happen. I know I'm wrong about that. If something hurt you id easily find something just without thought. You don't know how much you've made this life worth living. It's an option, yeah, but you've got to look at yourself and know that."
You lay your arm back down on your stomach, sucking air in through your teeth. Who knew being covered in glorified papercuts would sting so much? "But don't worry, I won't play the game again. That I can leave in the past and not be discontent."
clockworkkatana You shrug to that. Hypothetically, from what you know? It could do a great fucking deal of a lot. Briar’d only used it as last resort, and look what she had to show for it. Then again, so had you, and you’d seen no adverse side effects, aside from the one where she moved out. “It wouldn’t kill me,” you reply. “Besides, I’ve used it before. How do you think I brought Briar back?”
You wince in empathy, shaking out the morphine pills and pressing them gently into her hand while Talos exits to grab her a drink. Then you wince again, when her words process. “Come on, Flo,” you begin, a pang of guilt racking you as she carries on. “I care about you too, you know that. And that’s exactly why I’m bringing it up: I want to fix this, and the book is… it’s good at fixing things. You wouldn’t lose me for that - no one would.”
You make a hum of appreciation at the appeasement of that particular nightmare. “We don’t have to do anything right now. We don’t have to make any decisions yet. But we’ll figure something out. Maybe it’s the book, maybe it’s another way. But we’ll find a way to fix this. I promise that.”
floramodus You let the tension ebb out of your shoulders at his affirmations, but still let a frown creep through. Yeah, he had brought her back, but you knew things like that, never worked the same way twice. However, if he insisted everything would work out, you were inclined to believe him. Many drunken and wounded nights in the past year had proven his words correct; Everything would be ok if you believed him.
"Not like I'm in the right place to be making any important decisions" you joke, giving the pills a tentative sniff. Dave could have given you cyanide for all you care, but the sharp scent of sulfate and stale wrongness still sent a shudder down your spine. Gross. "But your right, nothing we can do tonight anyway. I just-" you pause, trying to prop and pull yourself up so you could take these pills without choking, and manage to pull yourself up just enough to be able to slump your weight on your elbow. You take  By then you didn't know how to finish that statement, so you throw the pills in your mouth and chase them down with the water Talos brings a few minutes later into your pondering. What did you wish for? To be able to be better at being the powerful god you wanted to be? Or that he would have been David, giving you someone that actually cared enough to try? "I just care too much, but thats always been my problem hasn't it?"
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hoetron · 7 years
okay christ i got tagged in htis massive tag game by @mothable but i love a good ol challenge lets do this buckfucks
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Rae, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 13, Aug 28th :3c im a fucking fetus ny’all
c. SEXUALITY: am i bi? am i lesbian? am i just craving existential death 24/7? i dont fucking know a thing my guy
d. GENDER: cis female hooooh
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: pastel colours and really nice fashion i guess..??? (also smoking is kind of aesthetic eyes emoji eyes emoji)
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: i’m not actually sure :x
1. DRINK: salt water hah normal water is for the WEAK (dont drink salt water please im begging y
2. PHONE CALL: my brother asking what kind of pizza i wanted
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “:3c” im such a fufcking furry...fuckck,,,,
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Daydream warriors by Aquors listen nyall im reconnecting with my hidden buried weebass side of me okay im crying
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i dont actually remember? probably like last year unless you count me having tears from laughing too hard as cryng then thats yesterday during the meme aka now called lightning mcqueen server
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: dont think ive ever kissed someone thats not my family before im #Pure
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope lmao
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: my grandfather i guess? but he died when i was really young so at that time i didnt really undersyand the feeling of loss and mourn so ksdjfk but we had some goodass memories together
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just cant get into it because they would never understa
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: im severely underaged please
12. red
13. yellow
14. either black or lavendar,,
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: okay im known as the most giggly person in class i laugh so easily that i easily have tears over everything
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: nahh dont think i wanna know if its like in a bad way :x
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: ya :,) (Thanks em, lily, mae and imogen for making this year truly greater than last year and for being the best friends i could ever ask for)
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: facebook is dead to me
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: serious facebook is dead to me i roasted above the flames of negligence (also because i have like two facebook accounts one using my pesonal email and the other using my more general email , the one using my more general email keeps recommending to me my OWN personal account and its personally so hilarious)
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a cat called lucky! (i love him even though im p sure he hates me)
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i guess my irl name uhhh im 50-50 with it? but granted on the internet i waaay prefer using the name Rae over my irl one because its short and simple and nice-
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: just want to a chinese resturant with my fam and my uncle because we’re simple that way and like. back then i didnt had that much friends so uh l m a o (but vidhi gave me a nerf gun so that was Really Cool and i love her)
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9 oclocK BECAUSE A HOUSING AGENT WAS COMING OVER (but then i fell back to sleep and woke up at 12 so lmao)
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching a video on why ‘anime art isnt technically allowed in art school’ because i was just curious and then drawing 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: an hour ago lmao shes like just outside my room 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: sighs my shyness and social anxiety and awkwardness (all three of those are counted in a pack right? the pack of “socially inept” people)
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: daydream warriors... by aquors..... (listen im RECONNECTING with my weeb side like said above im actually weeping)
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: i havent brushed my teeth yet but im lazy to move my legs lmao
34. MOLE(S): um quite a lot like a few small ones on my arm and like one on my face below my right eye and theres one underneath my boob i think lmao tmi and the rest i cant be bothered to find
35. MARK(S): a kind of burnt scar mark on my left shoulder from like 6/7 years ago when i got too close to someone smoking and their cigarette burnt me oh and a scar on my knee from the time i fell off my bike while playing bike catching in the neighbourhood with a couple of other friends like 4 years ago?
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: vet (now im eh about that tho im probably just going to pursue some art career)
37. HAIR COLOR: brown eyy
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yeah. hopefully its dying down now especially since the person is straight (its hard when she sits next to you in class and you guys are sort of friends now and u somehow feel really satisfied when you make her laugh :,) shit )
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im generally kind with people regardless of whether or not i dont like them or i dont know them well or i know them i guess? (at least in my group of friends im probably the most willing to socialise with others) and uhhhh i guess i can make people laugh? im a huge fucking loser meme nyall
41. PIERCINGS: none and personally dont really want to 
42. BLOODTYPE: shit  i think it was either a B or an O i cant remember (i think its B tho)
43. NICKNAME(S): maggie, migi, bela, bob, bobbo
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle 
45. ZODIAC: virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her (lmao yay for repeated question)
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: fuckngin,,, voltron,,, (probably going to stay my favourite for a long while tho)
48. TATTOOS: none atm (unless you count waterbase tattos then yes stick all the water based tattos on me) but like when im Much Older maybe? just a really small tattoo tho not anything big that covers an entire limb
50. SURGERY: had a surgery on my foot forgot which side when i was in kindergarten because the skin was *censored for tmi* and yah stitching up your skin fucking hurt babes
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nahhh i dont think id dye my hair tho who knows
52. SPORT: im probably going to retake up basketball again eyes emoji eyes emoji
53. VACATION: ooMMF nothing planned so far
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: like uhhh what kind of sneakers?? just normal canvas sneakers i guess????? im, what.
57. I’M ABOUT TO: complete this fucking 88  questions then chat on discord and scroll tumblr and tell myself “hey finish up your art!” but then 5 hours later im still scrolling tumblr. oh and im watching wonder woman later so :3c
58. WAITING FOR: nothing atm i guess?
59. WANT: my family’s financial situation to be solved and so that money isnt going to be a huge bother anymore...
60. GET MARRIED: sounds nice but probably only marriage idk the idea of kids doesnt really sound v appealing atm
61. CAREER: artist! (i wanna either work in a game development team or an animation studio eyes emoji ) 
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips erally nice to draw really nice to look at
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: buhhh im short so i guess taller would be nice (tall people have such nice legs too im frankly a little jealous)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: what is this in regards to
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: shrug emoji idk man
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemaker pardnyars in crime amirite
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeah p sure i had to go through a whole day of school half blind once without my glasses
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: dont think so?
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah babes
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: somehow when someone dies i decide to laugh instead of breaking down in tears i guess laugh away the pain?
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ...shit its a bad idea babes dont do it
80. YOURSELF: shrug emoji
81. MIRACLES: sometimes? sometimes no?
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: even bigger shrug emoji
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah lmao listen i caught my father and mother wheeling in bicycles for my sister and i when i was like what 8? usually i just played along because hey i was a child
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: ehh depends i guess
85. ANGELS: not really lmao
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Emily, Mae Shuen and Lily
87. EYECOLOR: dark brown?
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: this changes all the time
only tagging uhhh @pluminkdot (KASJD I FORGOT IF YOU HAD A MAIN REBLOG ACC IM SORRY RACH), @jaspereffect , @blabrabs / @spaceboomerang (it isnt letting me tag ur main boomers skldfjksd) and uh im too lazy for the rest
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bitway-arts · 8 years
Title: Hospital Stay Rating: G Series: Inazuma Eleven GO Characters: Shindou Takuto, Kirino Ranmaru, Taiyou Amemiya, Yuuichi Tsurugi Summary/Note: Shindou has to spend three months at the hospital while recovering from his injury. Post GO, Pre CS. I've been playing GO Shadow and I just went up against Taiyou's team. I'm so sad I can't have Shindou on the team since he's stuck in the hospital :'c and that sort of motivated me to just sort of write this thing. It was initially supposed to be more shippy and if you squint I guess it can be.
Being confined to a hospital for three months were more agonizing than Shindou had thought. The first month wasn't terribly bad. The finals for the Holy Road were ongoing and it kept his mind preoccupied with worries and encouragement for the team. But after that had ended, there wasn't anything else to keep his attention. And the number of visitors slowly dwindled down. It was hard to make time for practice and hospital visits (although Tsurugi seemed to be a pro at that).
Going to see Taiyou and Yuuichi were options, but they were both busy with their own treatments (both going through more tests in order to recover, one from pushing himself more than he should have, the other from his operation). And the maestro would not want to interrupt anything serious or halt their recovery (even if they might argue otherwise). So, he was left to sit in his bed, on the second floor of the hospital with nothing to do. Except homework, but he had found himself quickly finished with it.
It pained him that he couldn't play soccer, even more that he was unable to have his fingers rest upon the ivory keys of his piano back home. A piano he could play in this condition; it was just a shame that the hospital was lacking in one.
There are so many things I could be doing right about now, and yet...here I am, confined to a bed, away from my own home. For another two months...I don't know if I can handle it here without something to do.
The brunette let out a sigh to his thoughts. He knew that he shouldn't be complaining about his condition. He was getting better after all. That was a good sign, he only wished that it was faster than usual.
Just as he was about to turn over and try to nap (again) there was a knock at his door.
"Not a bad time, is it?" A too familiar voice asked. As Shindou looked over, he caught the sight of his best friend. Azure eyes met with brown ones and he could feel joy lifting in his heart.
"Not at all." He replied while sitting up in his bed. "I would love your company actually."
With a smile, Kirino walked over by his bed side, taking the seat that was left for visitors right next to the patient's bed. "It looked like I was going to interrupt you sleeping. I'm glad I didn't."
"I get enough of sleep these days," Shindou replied. "Anyway, how are things going? The team still holding up? Practice going well?"
"Mhmm. The team is going great. Tenma has been getting the hang of the whole captain thing. And we're still waiting for our Virtuoso to return."
"I will return, once I manage to recover..."
"Now, how about you, Shindou? I heard from the nurse that you're really getting better." And he would have to agree. That pale look in his face had gone away completely now. He could only guess it was his leg that was the difficult part healing. It really must have been a nasty hit and Kirino could only wonder how he had managed to keep going during the rest of that match. Imagining the pain he had to be going through during that time, it really must have been unbearable.
"I feel fine. I do when I'm lying down anyway. Moving my leg is still...painful. But, not as much as it used to be. I still need to use the crutches when I want to move around."
"That's...good news though. Even if its little by little, you'll be standing and on your feet in no time." Kirino wanted to be optimistic for his friend. He could tell how much it bothered Shindou to stay here and admit that he wasn't up to par as he normally was. It even hurt him seeing Shindou confined to this bed. This wasn't how things were supposed to be.
"Yeah..." Shindou gave a half hearted reply, glancing out the window to his other side. "How long can you stay, Kirino?" He asked, voice wavering a little. As much as he loved seeing his best friend, there was only so much time one was allowed to spend at a hospital. He knew eventually that he'd have to leave. Be alone once again.
"Oh. I was hoping as long as I could. Until you have some examinations or visiting hours are over."
"I see..." Shindou went quiet for a moment. Kirino, curious and worried, tilted his head to the side, ready to ask him if he was alright. But, then the brunette spoke up.
"May I ask that you come visit again?" I know its so selfish of me to ask for his time. He has practice to attend to and I...have nothing.
Kirino chuckled to his request. He was expecting something worse, but this was good compared to what was racing through his mind. "You know, you don't need to ask something like that. Of course I'll come visit again."
"No, not like that, I mean..." Shindou frowned for a moment, repeating how selfish he was to be asking this in his mind. "Can you visit me everyday? As long as you have time to, that is..."
"Everyday...?" Kirino stared at him as he clarified that.
"I know, I know, its too much to ask. I'm sorry, you don't have t-"
"I'll come visit everyday." Kirino smiled as he reaffirmed that statement. "It gets kinda lonely here, right? So, I'll come and see you every single day."
Now Shindou was staring at him, just for a moment before a smile was on his face now. "Thank you, Kirino."
"Anything for you, Shindou."
Taiyou absolutely hated having to remain in one single spot, even more in just one room in theis boring hospital. It really, really did suck. He knew that he should have gotten used to it by now, but even after years of staying in the hospital, he never did. It just wasn't in him to give in and lie down like they wanted. Yes, he was ill and thats what he needed, but he also need to get out of this cramped room and do something. Anything. (Play soccer was one of those things).
Playing in that match against Raimon had made things worse on his body. Did he regret it? No. Did his body get back at him for using way too much energy? Yes. He had been told it was a miracle that his heart was still beating after pushing himself to the limit in that match. Maybe it was, although it didn't change the fact that he was still receiving tests and treatments, even more than before that match. But, it was all worth it. He truly had the time of his life during that game and if he was going to die after that match, a part of him would have been fine with it. But, he was still alive, still kicking, still having his body practically hate him for what he did.
"Ughhh...I can't believe I have another test in just one day..." He groaned while looking up at the ceiling. "I just want to go out! Even to the balcony would be fine!"
"You know that you'll just be causing yourself and the nurse more trouble."
"Yuuichi?" Taiyou turned his head as the older Tsurugi brother entered his room. He was still pushing himself around in his wheelchair. "I thought you had the operation? So, why aren't you..."
"Walking?" Yuuichi filled in. It wasn't the first time he had heard that question. "I had my practice at using them earlier today. It'll take a few months before I can really get out of this thing."
"I can't wait to see you out of it!" Taiyou replied with a smile. He always loved how casual the other was about his disability. It was as if it didn't bother him, even if it held him back from his dream. While there were times he had seen the other grow frustrated with his injuries, he kept onto a small piece of hope that he'd recover. And now, that was becoming true. "You have to play with me once you're better, okay? You're keeping that promise, right?"
"I am. But you have to get better as well." Yuuichi laughs lightly as the smile on Taiyou's face turns into a pout. "You will get better. You have to play against Tenma again, don't you?"
"I do and I will. I intend to keep that promise...I just wish I could be super healthy already!" And not live everyday as if it were my last. "One day I will. And I'll be staying on the pitch no matter what."
"And I look forward to that day." Yuuichi replied. He was always amazed at how optimistic the other was. As far as he knew, Taiyou's condition was always wavering, especially now. Even if he seemed fine, he occasionally noticed little things, a shortness of breath, a little less spunk in his usual energy. But today, he looked well. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you...have you seen one of the Raimon members around lately? The pink haired one?"
"Hm? You mean...Kirino?" Taiyou asked and then shook his head. "No, why?"
"My brother said that he's been seeing Kirino here a lot lately. I did guess it was for his friend on the floor above us, but I thought he might be seeing you to."
"Nah. I hardly get visitors." Taiyou shrugs while lying back against his bed. There were some occasions when his teammates would visit, but not for lengthy periods of time. The lack of visitors never bothered him greatly. "He doesn't visit you either?"
"No. Only Kyousuke." He wanted to add Tenma to, but he hadn't come by for a while. And if he did, he was certain that Tenma would end up visiting Taiyou as well. "He must be really dedicated to come as often as Kyousuke." Probably even more, but he didn't keep track of Kirino's visits.
"He must be a great friend." Or completely in love with that guy. "Hey! I think we should go and see Shindou sometime. What do you say?"
"I say thats a good idea. From what I heard he has some time here left...maybe after you're done with your tests we can."
"I'd rather go and see him then take some stupid tests..." The younger sighed out. "But alright, it'll be another couple of days before I'm done. I'll head over to your room when I'm free!"
"I'll see you tomorrow, Shindou. I might be a little late though," Kirino said while waving to his friend as he was leaving his room. Meanwhile, Taiyou and Yuuichi were hiding nearby, waiting for Kirino to leave. Neither one had wanted to interrupt their time together.
"I think he's gone..." Taiyou whispered to Yuuichi before beginning to push his wheelchair forward.
"Then its our turn to provide him with some company," Yuuichi smiled. I just hope he doesn't mind more visitors after Kirino's departure.
"Right." Taiyou grinned as he began to push the older one towards the door to the other soccer fan's room. "Shindou~! You have guests!" The boy chirped excitedly.
"Ah!" Shindou quickly turned to the door, surprised to see those two coming to be his guests. "Taiyou, Yuuichi! Its...good to see you both."
"Didja miss us?" Taiyou asked as he set Yuuichi beside Shindou's bed. While he knew there was a seat for him, the boy preferred to stand, only leaning against Yuuichi's wheelchair to relax. "We missed you, you know."
"How are things lately, Shindou?" Yuuichi asked. "You really seem to be getting better. You even look better to." And happier. He could only assume that was due to the constant visits of Kirino.
"I missed you both as well. I should have made time to see you while I'm here. But, things are great. My leg is feeling much better and I might even be let out early at this rate. And you two?"
"Oh you know, the same old tests and all that junk." Taiyou waved a hand, dismissing how serious things were for him. "Yuuichi isn't letting me sneak out any more though." He pouts.
"I want you to get better, Taiyou," He replied before looking to Shindou. "I still have a way to go before I'm walking without support. But, so far there haven't been any repercussions on my end."
"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure soon you'll both be out of here." Shindou replied. Being polite, he knew Yuuichi would get out sooner. He could hardly guess when Taiyou would be released.
"You got that right! And then I'll be playing you both on the field!" Taiyou practically shouted. "And I wont lose to Raimon another time!"
Shindou smiled and let out a little chuckle. "I look forward to that match. I'd also love to go against you to, Yuuichi."
"I can say the same. Seeing both of your teams play, you're both very talented players and tough teams. I suppose I'll have to find one of my own and then play against each one. I guess it'll have to be a friendly match to. I don't think a team comprised of those my age would be able to properly compete against yours."
"Sometimes I forget your a bit older than us," Taiyou says. "I never knew I'd be pals with an old man."
"I'm still young, just not as young as you two."
"No matter your age, we'll gladly accept a friendly against you and whatever team you may be on." Shindou answered. "I'm sure it'll be an experience to play wi-"
"Taiyou! Taiyou, where are you?" A worried female voice was calling out for the boy and said boy's face paled slightly to it. It was Fuyuka and he already knew what this was for. While Shindou raised a brow, Yuuichi was already giving him a stern look.
"I thought you said you were done with tests today?" Yuuichi asked.
"I-I was!" Taiyou laughed nervously before sighing. "Okay, theres just one. Just a checkup and I thought it would be fine to skip it and see Shindou instead..."
"Taiyou..." Yuuichi sighed as well, shaking his head. "Sorry, Shindou. I should make sure this boy goes and gets his test."
"It's fine. It was nice seeing you two again." Shindou replied. "Would you mind if I go and visit you next time? My leg is getting stronger, so I think I can manage walking around on your floor."
"Yes!" Taiyou was quick to answer. "Come by any time!"
"Except during our tests. But, we'll see you again Shindou. See you later." Yuuichi said before dragging Taiyou off. And as they left, the brunette could hear Taiyou complaining throughout the hall.
"Is it true, Yuuichi?" Taiyou asks while flipping through a soccer magazine. Though his focus was more on the other who was struggling with his physical therapy. Admittedly, he had gotten better on his legs, though it was obvious how much it strained his body. "Is he leaving tomorrow?"
"You mean Shindou, right?" Yuuichi asked while pausing for the moment. Taking in a breath to recover some stamina. "Yeah. I'd like to see him off, but I don't think I can..."
"Me either..." Taiyou sighed. "But we can congratulate him when we're out of here."
"Yeah. We'll both go. Have a little get together with him and reminisce about our days here," Yuuichi replied.
"Is it sad that I wish he were here longer?" Taiyou asked. "I mean, that month flew by pretty quickly. It's going to suck with one less soccer fan around here."
"I'm sure you mean you wish he were here and better," Yuuichi said before taking in a breath. "He'll come to visit. I'm sure he'll bring Tenma along to." He replied before beginning to start his routine again. Hand gripping onto the bars for support while his legs were carrying his body across this short path. Each step was using more energy than he would like, but it was necessary for his recovery.
"I do. And you're right about that. Shindou is a great guy and I know he'll come visit..." He's our friend after all.
"Shindou!" Kirino's bright smile was a sight to behold as he entered this hospital room for the last time. "You have everything ready?"
"Of course," he answered while putting a bag over his shoulder. In it contained the many gifts that had helped him get through his three months here. Along with the get well soon cards and other little things he had been given during his stay. "I can't believe its finally time to leave."
"I know. Hey, need me to carry that for you?" Kirino asked, pointing to the bag.
"I'm fine, Kirino." Shindou reassured. "I'm better now." He said, taking a few steps around his friend to prove that he was completely fine now. Of course he was told not to do any serious movements immediately, which meant no soccer for a couple of weeks, but he could wait for that. He had this long, a couple of weeks would be nothing. "See?"
"I guess you are. It really is good to see you moving again. Anyway, the rest of the team wants to see you and I promised I'd take you to them." Kirino replied, slipping his hand into Shindou's, feeling the warmth from his hand was comforting, especially now that when the brunette gave it a squeeze, it wasn't out of desperation for company.
"I can't wait to see them either. I suppose I should check out and go then," Shindou replied with a smile. And as the two set out to leave, the boy found himself hesitating as they reached the floor below them. His eyes glanced down the hall, knowing that the other two boys resided here. He wanted to tell them good bye, wish them well for their recovery (again), and tell them he'd be back for a visit. Yet, when he asked Fuyuka the day before, he heard that both would be busy today.
"Is something wrong? You just stopped for a moment. Is your leg still hurting?" Kirino asked, worry evident in his voice and expression.
"Sorry. I was just thinking that I wanted to say bye to some other patients, but they're busy."
"You can come back and see them. Don't worry," Kirino replied. "I'm sure they'd like to see you off to."
Taiyou let out a sigh as he was waiting for results from his latest examination. He was still peeved about being held up in a different room and having more physical tests being done on him today. He was supposed to be seeing his friend off, not being stuck in here. He even tried begging to push it back a couple of hours, but there really was no room to negotiate when the risk of dying was so high.
So, he was left in a room, just walking around (even though he was told to remain seated) and stopped at the window. A sad smile formed on his lips as he saw the familiar pink haired boy accompanying the brunette out of the hospital, hand in hand. I couldn't say good bye to him...Ah! What a pain...If I leave now, I could still catch up to them. Give him my own special farewell!
"I hope you're not thinking of leaving."
Taiyou sighs upon hearing that. "You know me too well, Yuuichi..." He said, losing his mischievous look as he turned to see Yuuichi at the door. This time, he wasn't in his wheelchair, rather using crutches to get around. "Whoa! Are you alright to be using those?"
"I'm fine. I was told I could use these while around in the hospital. Only for an hour at most." And with supervision, but no one seemed to be around to keep a close eye on him. Perhaps the other boy's sneaking habits were rubbing off just a little on him. "I heard you were almost done, so I came to see you on my way back."
"Almost. Just one more test." And another one after that. Wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. "Shindou left already. Kirino came to escort him back home I guess."
"Ah. I knew we would just miss him..."
"We'll see him again."
"Usually I'm the one that says that."
"I guess I beat you to it!" Taiyou grinned before plopping himself down on the bed in this room. "Anyway, I'll see you after my tests are over? I'm sick of being locked up in here and I really could use some interesting conversations to brighten my day."
"I'll gladly help make your day shine. Although I think it might be night by then."
"Then I'll have a shining night with you!"
"You really can make day or night shine. Well, I'll be waiting for you, Taiyou."
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niki8954 · 8 years
so, @its-jack-the-reaper tagged me in this a long time ago and i finally wanna do it, so here goes
1. Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
because of my lack of drive. like i have all my notes for my exams done but i still dont wanna put it all together and organize it??? why cant i be productive for once?? i have so much shit to do but im wasting my time??? why?? idk im a mess atm.
2. What were you doing at 11PM last night?
being emotional about how we’re graduating soon and crying because i realized that i am alive. real talk though, im mad surprised that i survived my shitty mental health and am alive right now. i overcame selfharm and managed to get to this point and im GLOWING. my marks are better than ever, robotics is going well, and i finally have a reliable squad. its just a great time. im proud of myself. 
3. How do you feel about 3AM?
not good. im always way too emotional. i cry at just about everything. but good because thats when the real thinking happens. im most introspective about myself at that time, therefore allowing me to improve on myself.. but also i am superstitious and believe that demons thrive between 3 and 4am so i never sleep.
4. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
5. You can drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
lemon + water. that shits so good and so calming. also healthy. im all about it. but also maybe hot chocolate. i live for that shit.
6. Do you like hickeys?
never experienced one but they sure as hell are aesthetic as fuck
7. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
besides myself (which is normal, set unattainable goals and see how far you push yourself to get there), not really. if someone is letting me down, i let them go. or at least distance myself. dont need that shit in my liife. 8. Do you always answer your texts?
sometimes i go a whole day without replying because im always running around, getting shit done. sometimes i reply within seconds. its really a toss up for me. 9. Last time you talked to one of your best friends?
just now over skype.  10. Are you a silent or talkative person?
talkative with friends, silent most everywhere else. i dont like the attention unless its from people i know i vibe with. also im really fucking bad with small talk. i prefer to just get my shit done and carry that mysterious vibe. but also i tend to fill the silence with just useless talk because im an anxious mess.
11. Is anyone else in the room with you?
nah. just me and my misery. 
12. Do you cry easily?
very easily, especially recently. i wont cry in public but when im alone, ill let it all out. other people dont often make me cry unless im already a mess and im on my own. its usually just my own criticism that pushes me too far. 13. What is your family like?

im gonna echo asia’s answer; let’s not. 14. What was your last text message?
a long message to mitch. too long to put here 15. Most embarrassing moment?
i tend to block out embarrassing moments but ive lost a few pretty pathetic arguments that im quite ashamed of. 16. If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
medusa, snake, a dermal on my right cheek bone, right under my eye like tony, and a monroe. 17. Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
how much work i have to get done after this. which i really gotta do. and robotics. robotics is always on my mind 18. Where are you going on your next vacation?
probs a cruise next christmas. or if i go somewhere for grad.
19. Where have you lived most of your life?  
close to toronto, canada. my entire life. a great place. 20. Do you curse around your parents?  
occasionally. my mom doesnt flip over “shit” and stuff like that. but i know i probably said fuck after hurting myself a few times. and i know my mom hears me curse over skype. 21. Are you happy with where you live?
geographically, yeah. emotionally, more than i used to. home-life wise, no. im ready for waterloo. 22. Words you can’t spell half the time?
occasionally, and words with unnecessary extra letters. like unnecessary. 23. What were you doing last night at 12 AM?  
same answer as #2. but also doing accounting work this time. 24. Do you cook?
i once burned my hand boiling water in a kettle. so, as you can imagine, no. but i can make mashed potatoes from a box. 25. Name four things that you wish you had?
more sleep
my work done
a metal from a robotics competition
an acceptance from waterloo
just hitting u up with things i actually want and i very well could get if i worked for them. but lets be serious.
26. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
not tumblr. but twitter, yeah. technically @inevitablebeary was an internet friend before irl so yeah. and mitch. 27. How is your hair?  
dried out and nasty rn. working on it tho. 28. Think back to January 2007, were you single?
i was eight. also 2007 was a great year for music 29. Are you nice to everyone?  
no. definitely not. disrespect me or cross me and your dont deserve my kindness. im not here to cater to the bullshit others offer me. if you seriously fucked with me, i wont pay any mind to you. but ill be reasonable. i dont go out of my way to be an asshole but sometimes thats the way it is. i wont attack anyone unless im attacked. 
30. How do you feel about sea aquariums?
i dont have an opinion? like i know they suck and shit but i dont have any interest in it and know nothing about it. 
im gonna tag @inevitablebeary, @misery-local, and @laurenmarielambert. yall dont have to do it but if ya waant.
hope everyone has a great day.
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beefyfarts · 5 years
please ignore this im a fucken idiot
at this point im so depressed i cant even fucking think about myself without being like “thats too selfish” or some shit and like, i know that aint true when i say it out loud because that even deeper part of my brain is like “nah fam u good” because im not actually socially inept
but like, what the fuck, you know? ive taken those stupid fuckin tests at the counseling offices so many times and ive explained shit to other people involved with that whole mental shit business and they all say i have high rated ass depression. i agree with all the symptoms but am normalising them for myself. like, its normal for some idiot bitch teen to have a fucked sleep schedule and to have all these weird thoughts about fucky shit and to feel wor- yeah you know what i have depression. i was unironically doing that and you know what, maybe i do got something wrong with me
the michael kid says that i always look so depressed and that i probably need to get help and im starting to agree with him. its hard to open up about experiences without feeling like theyre not worth the pity party ill be throwing more for myself than anyone else will. its either the person has gone through worse or they just dont care. at this point im starting to feel like the counselors dont care and maybe thats the depresso talkin baby
all i can ever feel is negative shit, like, ill lash out at the stupidest shit and im so stubborn and irrational, and then ill start crying because i know what i said was either mean or stupid or demeaning to myself. all i can think about is how sad i feel in the moment, and at the end of the day, it all gets better because im thinking about little things, little interactions with people that made me feel good. usually im thinking about big shit i think “ruined my fucking life”, and then im like “nope not cash money what about that boy that gave you that smile” or “emma might think of you positively” or even “i had fun talking to my teacher” because like, even with all this shit happening i can still feel good about certain things i guess. i just dont want to feel sad anymore
sometimes in the middle of class every month or so ill shut down and just start stimming and playing with my hair while i feel the bags of my eyes get heavier and im like “no stop crying youre being a little bitch shut your fuck up” and ill want to cry even harder because ill think of my uncle and all the demeaning shit hes said to me, with my mom and with the humiliation of literally an entire school once somewhere in 4th grade. sometimes ill wanna let go and just start bawling but theres people around and i cant fuck with that whole “fuck you if you come near me ill find where exactly to stab you and ill do it so hard so fast you wont have time to react” rep bc i dont want these bitches on me like the plague
even as im typing this post im thinking about straight up deleting it but like, no, i just want to hurry up and get over myself: this is MY blog and i can claim it, even if no one likes to see this pussy shit. ugh you know what this whole thing is pathetic whatever 
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asksansweredpdf · 5 years
These are actually solid questions
1. First thing you wash in the shower? my hair
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? i can’t stand coffee. and alcohol might as well be my blood at this point
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? haha noooo. he was nice but i felt literally nothing. was like kissing a brick wall or something. tbh i never feel much when i kiss boys
4. Do you plan outfits? YES. i’m a drama queen and a diva and flamboyant and i need to look good always. i have my graduation in 2 days and i still haven’t planned what to wear and it’s bothering me
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? tbh pretty numb. like not happy and not sad. just. .... chillin
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? my track pants
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? well with the mood im in now, i probably wouldn’t react. but the logical side of my brain would kick in and i’d phone it in to the police. 
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? it’s still that one about the creepy old dude touching me in the car. 
9. Three of your current feelings? -introspective -apathetic
10. What are you craving right now? tbh i would very much love to hug my stuffed pink harold. but he’s downstairs and i just don’t have the energy to walk haha
11. Turn ons? not rly in the mood to answer these
12. Turn offs?
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? this vine
14. When was the last time you cried? Why? idk like over a month ago. i had to work a thursday night shift which is always super stressful. and that day my sister just started beating the shit out of me so the anxiety was like double
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? ironman. any day. or spiderman because it’d be fun to just swing around the city listening to music peacefully
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? nope. she doesn’t even know that i know about half the shit she did. never ever apologised about the stuff she knows i know about. no acknowledgement. no apology. just pretends it never happened
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? lick it 
18. Favorite movie ever? idk i like frozen and pride and prejudice and the hunger games
19. Do you like yourself? i like myself, but i can’t seem to justify why. i don’t really have an identity. i don’t know what i’m like. and so it’s hard to like myself when i don’t know what i like about my self, or why i do. but i enjoy being myself.
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? i met stan walker once? he’s a minor celebrity in australlia
21. Could you handle being in the military? part of me would thrive in the structure and forced exercise and socialisation. another part of me would completely crumble because like i have anxiety
22. What are you listening to right now? i don’t give a ... - missio
23. How many countries have you visited? india, america, canada, australia. so 4 i guess
24. Are your parents strict? you betcha
25. Would you go sky diving? sure yeah. i’m afraid of heights so the adrenaline would be wild
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? nah. i dont give a shit about him. maybe i’d go if he paid for the food.
27. Whats on your mind right now? literally nothing. mostly thinking about endgame. i’m also thinking about taking my mum’s anti anxiety meds since she doesn’t use them and i have anxiety. but i don’t want to take them without professional advice. but also, i am a professional advice. and like what could happen? i’d get mentally ill?
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? nah i dont really feel like talking atm. i guess i’d ask if they wanted to go for a smoke. i would love a cig rn
29. Have you ever been in a castle? no but i would love to!!
30. Do you rent movies often? not really, i just watch stan/netflix
31. Whats your zodiac sign? cancer sun, leo moon, libra rising
32. When was the last time you had sex? i haven’t had sex
33. Name five facts about yourself. i honestly don’t think i know enough about myself to do this but let’s give it a go -i have short hair -i love music more than literally anything -i turn 21 this year and i have no idea what to do for it -i’m thinking of getting a motorbike soon -i’ve never broken a bone
34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? nope
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? i used to. and i absolutely would love to believe in all that stuff. but not to sound angsty or whatever, i’ve had so many shitty things happen to me that it’s hard for me to believe that it’s all part of some big plan or that there is any justice in the world. i think people just do shit and that’s it
36. Brown or white eggs? ive never had white eggs so..... brown?
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? nah we dont have it in australia
38. Ever been on a train? yeah man i love trains
39. Ever been in love? not mutually, no
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? it’s a million bucks. absolutely. one night of terror to never have to worry about anything ever again. i’m a witch too so as much as i’d be scared, it’d be fine.
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? someone rich and famous. maybe harry styles or freddie mercury. i’m sure they didn’t have it easy, but it’s certainly easier than things have/ever will be for me you know?
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to become more attractive, would you do it? absolutely
43. Whom do you admire and why? i tend not to admire irl people. but i do admire tony stark a lot (GOD this is so lame ksajrsjkfs). i admire his charisma, his confidence, his humour, his good looks, his intelligence, his eyes. he embodies everything i feel like i can never be. but everything i’ll always want to be.  i admire freddie mercury. for his work drive and ethic. for his confidence and stage presence, his ability and talent in singing, songwriting, musical instruments. his flamboyancy, his sense of humour. again, these are all qualities i would love to have.
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? oh i never really got read bedtime stories
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? internally, i’d be like “that sucks for you” and walk away. but i can’t be a dick, so i’d assess the extent of the fire and see if there was a way to save the baby. i’d try if so, if not idk what i’d do. panic and call 000?
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? nah man. gotta let kids live their lives 
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? alcohol: the night i just moved out of home 2 weeks ago. my roommate invited a friend over, and we all had fun and played never have i ever and i flirted with this really cute guy and had so much fun. i hadn’t really had any experiences like that before because i was - anyway. it was nice to feel like a normal 19 year old just for a second weed: either the time i was drunk and high at our housewarming party and went to the park and felt like i was on a fucking rollercoaster, or the time i got super cooked after work and had a shower which felt amazing and then went back to my room and listened to beautiful people beautiful problems. i didn’t hallucinate per se, but i closed my eyes and could like see the lyrics “blue is the colour of the planet from the view above”. it was like i was in outer space and could see the earth and i was so relaxed and it was so magical mdma: my halloween party! there were so many people and no one knew i was high and we had a mad dance party and i met some of our neighbours and i just had so much fun talking to everyone and Living. 
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? alcohol: being around boring people when drunk is boring. especially because when i’m drinking i really want to have a good and fun time.  weed: ahh i have anxiety so i used to get a few panic attacks when i was smoking mdma: eugh it was my friends 21st at the time and we took mdma and i thought it wasnt kicking in because all we did was sit in bed and talk. literally so boring. im so mad that i wasted my first time like that
50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? nah, i’d probably hand it in to the police. actually, i dont trust the police so i’d probably google what to do with it. but probably police because i cant have stolen money or give it to someone else. 
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? not hanging out with someone because of that has literally never even crossed my mind
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? nah. i’m actually going places now days
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? tba
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? nope
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? yeah probably. i’d like to give it a trial run though. i’m very anxious, so being lonely and immortal might make it worse. but at the same time, being immortal might make it easier to not give a shit and to be less anxious
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? honestly i feel like jane villanueva or peter parker
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? i would love to be a victorian bitch with a bomb ass dress and waist
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? probably not. unless it was someone i really hated, i wouldnt give a shit
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? i mean i wouldn’t be the best person for the job, but i also wouldn’t be the worst. if i could have time to properly study politics then yeah i’d consider. 
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? i’d probably want a girl but i dont really see any reason to not have a boy
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? be wealthyyyyyy
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Day 6 Begin with the end in mind. You’re beautiful
As I am writing about these days, they seem so long, I have done so much! Today, I woke up in the new area, I was so glad I did not get caught. However, I woke up and one of the first things I did was roll a blunt, it seems so normal like what is wrong about putting leaves into another leave. Well, a dude with bike walked by and scared the crap out of me, he wasn’t paying attention to me but I instantly got scared so I guess im the prejudice one. Or he just wasn’t paying attention. I finish rolling the blunt, took me 2 min - new personal record. I dip out to the nearest and cleanest gas station, get dressed, take my pictures and get out. Its time to explore the other side of this highway. Its a little map I made, there is one high through two sides of a part in downtown Atlanta. Each part is a different town, I explored the other side yesterday with the movies and such but today is museum day. Chyeah! So I go to a diner called “Atlanta Breakfast Club” and its super known in the Atlanta community. I walk in and get seated by a guy in a sweater. I ask him if I could sit on the side where there is a blackboard with drawings on it, to gain inspiration for the creative shit I’m about to do. He says that side is not being served so he sits me in the middle of the cafe. WHERE DA OUTLET, all the way across the room. So I open my laptop - around 30% - what da heck. I try and do some work, order a coffee, watch a lot of beuatiful people walk in and out of the cafe. I like people watching, there are so many people in the world and to me they are all not real unless you make them real so I try to learn peoples stories or just learn about people. I feel I suck at doing things with people or I haven’t found the right people but either way Ill figure it out.  I like watching people, talking to people but creating relationships suck unless they have that connection but its hard because ive learned some people don’t have that connection until later and I think its hard for me because lately its been awkward with people and I do not have a best friend, just me. Anyways, after my laptop dies, I sit for awhile until I have the nerve to ask the waiter to move spots. I finally move spots, get busy into work for like 7 minutes but first can we talk about how coffee or caffeine makes me inspired, gives me hope, but also makes me lean and vibrate its crazy. I need that drug in me without that shit. So I decided to not only do work but apply for hella jobs in ATL only applied for two because I got stuck trying to figure out somethings and I want to leave the O but I got some unfinished business there.  I got to stop trying to live my life by other peoples path but Im really not, I just want to move but RUkstyle needs me and the church. Once I get those on the feet I feel like maybe more ideas and opportunities that are more and better for me will come up but I still like ATL. Cant wait to travel more. Anyways, so how got online is that I ask the “ATlatna Breakfast Club”(ABC) sweater guy who now to me seems like the manager, if they have a social media team or marketing team. I let him know Im down for that shit, he asks to see all my stuff, gives me the wifi and everything, because they dont have wifi. Boom online and showed my work to this guy for about 10 minutes and gave him my card hope everything works out! I hate half asking shit so im gonna stop that habit first letts do this shit. Anyways done with ABC, I drive around the area for twenty minutes trying to find parking, park, smoke half the blunt in the parking lot next to a school, forgetting that  I decided to look for jobs at the museums so who goes to a job interview high, damn I got to get my shit together. So I get all my shit, takes me a while but I feel so dope because I love backpacking adventures. So I see that the school is a dope story from the outside so I take some pictures, go back to my car to get my camera manual so I can really get this shit looking nice. I finally get some good pics continue walking to go to a civil rights muesum across the street from ABC. AS I walk there its not cold anymore kinda hot but not too much. Im high as hit and feeling so fucking good. I finally get there and across the street is ATLANTA MISSION: ENDING HOMELESSNESS and I’m so hype because I know I can help in some way shape or form with media so I make note to go to that after the mueseum and find their hr. So I walk to the museum and just off the bat  the building is one of the most beautiful things ive seen, I spend a good hour outside just taking pictures of it. Then I go upstairs to go inside nad they sayits 19 dollars - dude thats all I got let so im like nah lets see how much the other museum is. I call the other museum - 15$ - I can do that but still have doubts. Well, the Coca Cola world is right across from thsi and I’m not really that interested but I do want a glass coke or two for 1.50$ YESSS.  Get two cokes and walk back to the car oh SHIT I need to go to the homelessness place. I finally go there and cant find the door, so I call and they tell me to look online. Figures. Anyways, so now I am back at the car, I put everything up and go inside the school. This school is top fucking notch. Uniforms, tv, and security. I ask for HR - in a meeting but they said they will email me so thats cool! I go back to my car, drive to a gas station near the concert venue  to change its only 230 but I want to be ready. o h yeah did I mention today is the AMINE CONCERT. Anyways so I get dressed for halloween, take some pics, drink a coke, smoke the rest of that blunt nad then witness  THE VARSITY - another well known DRIVE IN restaurant in the community. Im like I got to at least get fries but as I cross the street I see a guy with a broadcast camera on the bridge coming off the high way. So I drive in the resturant parking lot and they have a fucking two story drive in. I go to the second story cause when will I be able to do this again. I take some pictures from teh second floor, of the city and the place and then I drive down cause its not a drive in part just a parking lot. I park and still see the guy with the camera walking away on the highway so I get out and run, in my Jim as Dwight suit feeling like fucking clark Kent with my tie flying everywhere and my curls just bouncing. I catch the cameraman and ask him what is happening with film and photography in ATL, any spots? He says he moved here from Valdosta and just bought a camera, what a guy. Well I gave him my card and told him my story. He seemed kinda interested hopefully these people call. I run back to my car before its towed or something and look around, therses no’ button like sonic so I go to car with this black lady in a suit she cracks the window and tells me how it works. I wait look at my clock its 245, spend time on thsi or money on the museum. I end up going to teh muesum but see theres only paid parking, cut that shit, smoke the rest of yesterdays blunt WHICH I FORGOT ABOUT and go to find parking for the venue takes me about an hour, but I finally find parking for $4 totally worth the perseverance of finding cheap parking. Its right next to the venue but my ass went around and couldn’t find it, I asked a police officer and he pointed me to the right direction. SO THIS PART OF TOWN IS CALLED UNDERGROUND BECUASE ITS ACTUALLY UNDERGROUND THIS CONCERT WAS UNDERFUCKINGGROUND WHAT THE HELL. SO im underground and see a whole bunch of hot girls I mean decent but beautiful waiting in line and this is how the conversation goes.
Me(high as fucking shit): Hey are you waiting for the amine concert? Is this the VIP LINE?
Girls: yes
Me walks to the end of line
Girls: I mean yes but not VIP.
Me: Oh okay
Girls: What are you dressed up as?
Me: Do you watch  The office?
Girls: Yes (get excited) and points
Me thinks I feel a connection that they get that im Dwight so I just jump in the air and squeal: Yo im so glad you get it (walks away happily)
Im not really sure if they got it or I just think they did but I feel bad because I left and I dint know.
Anyways , I realize im hungry as shit so I go find some food. I see this guy who looks cute from behind but not really the face thinking he still cool enough to be my best friend I ask him if he knows any good places to eat, he’s not from here and trying to find the same thing. Im like okay and walk in teh opposite direction on purpose. I wish I could’ve saidwel do you want t look around with me. Thats a good way to make friends but still a lot and I didn’t. Anyways, I go all the way to the other side of town and see a completely Nasty looking asian place, it wasn’t nasty it was actually too hot to tell but it tasted nice asf. Like everything seemed wrong about the place it even smelled bad but I was hungry and I gave it a try. Im proud. So after that I walk all the way back and sit in line waiting for amine. The place is underground so im just glad to be there so hype about it all. I finally get called in with the others with my badge and everything, Im kinda nervous. I see him, still on edge. I show him my video for move the right way, he tells me to send it to his assistants email so I do!, I ask him to guess my outfit (Jim as Dwight) for halloween he doesnt watch the office but his best friend does and loves the outfit and gives mea high five. He asks what do you want to do for the picture I say something stupid cause you and your friends are stupid and he’s like you calling me stupid and im like oh shit NO stupid as in weird. I feel bad now, I take the picture and wait overthinking my life for the show to start. The show is blasting bad boy records and im so bout it. I know every song, I dance to my self in the crowd. I meet some people who seem really cool one person from Orlando too. The opener comes out, Towkio, in his set he asks for dancers, some girls come on stage, INCLUDING ME. The music starts playing and the girls start twerking , almost jump off the stage but instead I start cramping dopes. Amine comes on after that and he’s going in, I wish I knew the lyrics, I honestly truly just enjoyed the concert, I sang maybe 3 songs but Caroline was everything. After that, we dance it out with a dj and im so hype, people say they like my dancing and was happy and left home.after getting lost.
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