#but yeah i'd say in that way the answer is almost like a 'both' hahaha
chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you lefty eyebag. I will do a simple greeting as well 😅
Everything is falling into place. Now I just need to get more bins.. I feel that the pantry needs better organization. I love it here. I live alone (with 2 cats) and it's a studio apartment. So it's small, it's about 400 square ft.
Yeah, when I did it before, I think I almost got an eye infection because of it. So that scared me and I went back to wearing glasses. What I really want is lasik but I guess I will just be half blind forever lol
I really love Ten Days, especially the interaction between R and her best friends.
You're already thinking ahead for valentines? Will it be fluff? Angst?All the above?
I'm like your husband, I just pack for the days and not bring extra. Then when I get to the place, and I am missing something, I just buy it. I like traveling light and usually I just bring a backpack and a small suitcase if it's a longer vacation.
Well maybe since it will be a very early flight, Emily might just go back to sleep and not ask you for stuff. Do you guys always go to California for Christmas?
To answer that question, yeah I'd still do it. I think I would still like to pleasure them and give them a good time. It's not that I don't want to have sex, I also don't think I have a low sex drive.. 🤔
Also, you're not like my type! You're not even funny! Ahahahahaha just kidding. But that's mostly the personality I'm into. I also like women who can cook, because that's the way to my heart lol
I'm trying to decorate my place to look cozy but yet modern. I was going to try doing a minimalist approach, but I like collecting things. I'm looking for a rug to place in my living room area and I'm trying to decide if I want to get a coffee table or just leave it as is with the entertainment center. Then once I get a TV, I will either hang the vinyls on the wall around the TV or above it if I don't mount the TV.
How about you? Can I ask how you do your pantry? I know you said you do the FIFO thing, but how do you keep it from looking like the items are just not thrown in there??
Hm, I'm trying to think of other things to ask, but I am drawing a blank at the moment 😅 oh! Actually, why do you say Cheerio at the end of every post? At first, when I read your stuff, I thought you were from England because of that hahaha
Hello you square framed righty eyeball!
Good afternoon! Sorry i fell asleep very early last night. How are you today?
ah i see, ur place sounds nice. I'm glad it slowly sounds like home for u n ur cats :)
yeah it scared me too when that happened., I actually wants to do lasik but it must be expensive. So if i have the money, i would rather have the surgery for my hearing. :D
aaw i'm glad u love Ten Days. haha yeah, I try to make all the interactions between R and her bestfriends or Wanda and hers funny. I meant there are always bestfriends are like the "angel" and the "devil" (not in a bad way) in real life. one who is calm and make u think n another one is the type life the heck out of it, yolo and go take the risk and I'll be with u n when both of them meet, it's always funny.
I always imagine Natasha and Yelena are kinda like in Ten Days. So i had fun writing them together.
The funniest part writing it is when R n Wanda do things to make their plan work n thinking that the other fall for it but still followed by the sexual tension between them n they dont realize it. :D
Well, the fic that i mentioned earlier was just an idea n the more i think about it, i think it fits for Valentine's theme. Well, u know me, most of the stories i write are fluff with some comedy in it. n probably put a little pinch of angst/comfort. hahaha. i think the more u read my work, the more u understand what i meant. hahaha
ah i see. well i used to be like that, light traveler. but the older i get, the weirder i got.hahaha. when traveling, i want to relax without worrying about not having enough clothes or shoes got wet n not having any footwear to wear or wasting time looking for place to buy extra clothes or whatever u need that u decided to not bring when u can actually could bring it. :D u know what i meant. that's why i always pack extra or so called "over pack" lol
well, i hope em will go back to sleep soon but i doubt it. with all the commotion with security check in n stuff, i bet it will wake her up.
this is our first time travel to ca for christmas because we just moved in Oklahoma. we used to live in CA.
ah i see.. so it's like yeah u like sex but if don't get sex u r not worried or care either?
hahahaha okay, whatever u say. I still think that sounds like me, plus i can cook. lol. JK.. i bet i made u laugh just now, that's the proof i'm funny. :D
your decoration style sounds cozy. i like it. i like minimalist and also rustic. i like dark colors and i love it when there is a lot of wood element or wood color too. I don't like it too bright, so i try to use darker color.i dont mind light color but not too bright. i love hanging pictures or art or photography and shelves.
for the pantry, i categorized them. the bottom i put like the ziploc bags, flours n other things that i rarely or occasionally use. then the two shelves that r reachable i put things that i always use. one shelf i put the dry food and can food together (left for dry food like noodles, pastas or mac n cheese and seasoning stock, right for the cans) for the cans side then i divide some part for the canned soup the other part is for beans (my husband loves beans so we stock some.) and also for canned tuna or chicken n some extra space i would put some of our sauces stocks.
the other reachable rack i put em's snacks n our snacks. but all the sweets or candies i dont want her to eat them often i put it on the top to hide it together with some grilling n smoker utensils or our pizza scooper n other stuff. i hoped it helped :D
hahaha cheerio! i actually love that words n how the brits say it. i love british accent. n i hv been put that on my every post since my first fic to make it as my "signature", hoping that when people read it somewhere it will remind them of me or my fics. :D
onetime one of my friend/mutual recognize the anonymous ask i sent because i intentionally put the "Cheerio" at the end which is make me happy. hahaha.
i love that some people n friends comment that they like that i put that word. some follower said that it gives them good vibes when ever they read it at the end of the post. or when i posted that i was going to take a break from writing, n they said that they will miss the "cheerio" haha. n it made my day reading those sweet comment :D so yeah, thats why the word is always there :D
next question?
Cheerio! :P
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inkykeiji · 3 years
i think before you’ve said that reader in bmb universe dresses similar to the actresses in clueless (cher and dione) and i was curious if u thought that the reader (in bmb) is just as clueless/as much of an airhead (ahhhh idk how to say this diplomatically) as the ppl from the movie like cher or her friends(?) i know she goes to university/college but is she like smart? lmao i feel so mean rn but i genuinely am curious about ur original thoughts and ideas when writing this and what u had envisioned in mind
i know before u said anyone and everyone imagines different things and details but i was really curious on what YOUR original ideas were if you’re comfortable w me asking
ahahahaha yes yes of course i’m comfortable with you asking!!! i actually love questions like these SO much! <3 so thank you very much for asking!! and all i meant when i talk about interpretations of a piece of art/fiction is simply that there is not one “right” interpretation; mine as the author is just one of endless—it has a very special, personal meaning to me, but someone else might read it and find their own personal, special meaning for themselves, because we are all unique people with different experiences, opinions, beliefs etc.
i hope that makes sense!!! that’s all i mean tho hehehehe <3 but i also totally understand what you’re asking and why you’re asking it!!! i am like this with my favourite directors; like, their films have personal meaning to me that i’ve interpreted based on my life/who i am, but i’m always interested to know THEIR interpretations as well!!!
but yes yes thank you for asking!!! i remember talking about her intelligence a looooong long time ago, but i can’t find the ask hehehe.i feel like the answer is a little complicated. bmb!reader IS smart in a book smart sense—at least, shes more intelligent than cher + dionne—but she’s nowhere near as smart as dabi and tomura are when it comes to book smarts. she does well in school, not amazing but decently (slightly above average, i’d say), because she works hard and her education + grades are important to her.
but it doesn’t come naturally to her, doesn’t come easy in any way, and she’s got zero street smarts. like, nothing at all. she grew up sheltered, and she’s still extremely sheltered by tomura. as such, when it comes to life stuff, she’s a little dumb and definitely lost, and it almost lends itself to the perpetual innocence she seems to exude. she’s quite used to tomura making all of her decisions for her, and for the most part she’s HAPPY with that.
a good example of her pushing back and not being happy with this tho is when she says she won’t stop going to university in part one; but one of the big big reasons why she pushes back against him there is BECAUSE school is important to her, you know??? it’s one of the only things she does for herself and by herself, and she enjoys it. it’s a little bit of freedom but it’s also enough freedom for her; she’s a little lazy, she likes being treated like a baby/princess and being taken care of, she likes not having that responsibility and just being the prize she is and getting all those fancy gifts + being doted on by her Daddy etc etc.
other than that, she doesn’t have too many issues with tomura making the decisions most of the time, and when she does, she can almost always entice him to change his mind ;) it’s also worth noting here though that the majority of ‘decisions’ she isn’t alright with are when tomura says no and denies her something she wants: ie saying no to sweets before dinner. when it comes to bigger, more substantial decisions she will happily let tomura take the wheel.
so, i’d say cher + dionne are smarter than her when it comes to street smarts. cher knows how to manipulate and argue her way up to A’s in all of her classes; bmb!reader would never be able to do that. cher + dionne are masters at makeovers and plan them in detail, and i’d even go as far to argue that they’re able to read people and life situations better than bmb!reader, too. they have a lot more experience than she does. reader is much easier to take advantage of because of this, and much easier to manipulate, and she’s also mostly content with her lack of autonomy. i can’t see cher or dionne being okay with that, you know?
in sum: she’s smarter than them when it comes to academics, but more clueless than they are when it comes life stuff.
AH SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG ANSWER ANON EHEHEHE i hope this makes sense!!!! let me know if it doesn’t, or if you have any other questions! <3 the interesting thing about bmb’s reader is that she’s all of these things above, yet she has this brattiness to her, like the tiniest sliver of a rebellious streak, just to see where things will go if she pushes, and she will fight back when she wants to (ie dabi + drugs in part two, yelling at tomura for his absence in part two). 
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
I'm so glad that a famous blog like yours (at least for me and regarding buddie) talks about being concerned with bt and Lucy. 'Cause I am too, and I feel like some ppl in the Fandom kinda look down on and belittle people who are not 100% positive about every aspect of the storyline and the show in general, so thanks I guess.
I still believe in buddie canon ofc, but I'm generally very easily stressed out about everything. And I loooove angst and conflict in my ship, however I also like getting hints that everything is gonna be ok hahaha. Like I wouldn't mind there not being any explicit romantic buddie scenes in 5b, and I don't think there will be any 'cause I feel they're not there yet, I want them to be ok when they start something, but I'd love a scene for example in 5x18 where everything is starting to get back to normal and maybe they all have a get together or are in a bar or something and eddie asks hen how she knew she was and she just smiles and says something like when I fell in love with my best friend and he just ducks his head and smiles or even glances at buck or something.
Sorry for the rant I'm just very excited every time we get a new piece of information about the show ahhaah
Have a great day!!!
Hey, nonnie <3 Thanks for the well wishes. I hope you have a great day also. :) I might not always answer right away, but my inbox welcomes almost all questions/concerns about the future of Buddie - the exception being asks that seem to be hoping for an outburst of some kind. ;)
I've seen the blogs you're referencing (I'm sure we've all seen them), the ones who find positives in practically everything the show did to Buck and Eddie during 5A. While it's nice for them that scenes played out in a way *they* liked because their interpretations/expectations were validated, that doesn't mean you or anyone else isn't allowed to feel disappointed, annoyed, concerned...maybe even bored. I think the perception of Buddie (as a couple and as individuals) after 5A depends on what people are watching for. If you're part of Eddieblr, you're looking forward to his time away from the 118 because it means he's getting his own storyline (that should involve dealing with past traumas). If you're a Buck girl first, you probably don't like TayKay as much as you did last season because it's obvious she doesn't make him as happy as he deserves to be and you're ready for the relationship to be over. And, if you're a Buck girl first, you might be more open to the idea of him getting with Lucy because you'll settle for the backup plan (aka "anyone but Eddie") as long as he appears to be content. (The guaranteed screen time for your fave is a bonus.) If you're like me and your main interest is watching the Buckley-Diaz family continue to evolve and eventually become official? 5B will be a tough watch, at least until we can send The Reporter on her way. Yeah, yeah. We know the relationship has an expiration date. But we don't have an exact timeframe, and we still have to sit through BT scenes to reach that point. Then there's the addition of Lucy. I'm not worried about her and Buck ending up together, but I am most definitely not looking forward to the flipflopping a la 4x08 when TayKay returned. There will undoubtedly be folks in Buddie fandom that won't want to let her go. There will be fans that want more scenes between her and Buck because "they look so good together". And then, of course, there will be the fans that worry about Lucy's "real" purpose from the very first minute she and Buck share a scene. Eddie doing his own thing + Lucy being a first responder (unlike TayKay) will lead to assumptions/fears that *this* is how Tim, Kristen & co. plan to keep Buddie from happening. (TPTB struggle with writing relationships when one half is a non-first responder. Lucy would be the first LI of both Buck and Eddie to not pose that problem. 1 + 1 = 2. Duh.) TL;DR I don't think I'll be able to get excited about anything until Eddie is back with the 118.
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angel-riki · 3 years
Dazed & Dreaming {Ch. 4}
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summary: Y/N's life was always quite normal, some may even consider it boring. However, Y/N enjoyed her simple life and the little pleasures it brought. Unfortunately, that all changed the day she found out her best friend's biggest secret. Her discovery leads her down a rabbit hole of a new and confusing world she never knew existed. She must now navigate this new life filled with love, fear, and the supernatural. What awaits her down this path?
pairing: enhypen x reader (vampire au)
warnings: light swearing
words: 1,409
chapters: [Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3]
You stood at your locker while stuffing all of the books needed for this weekend's homework into your backpack. You tapped your chin while scanning your locker. Hmm I think that's everything I'll need. You looked down at your phone to check the time. However, the date caught your eye instead as the realization hit you. Oh my god. Jake's birthday is tomorrow. You had completely forgotten. Jeez I'm a terrible friend, you sighed. There had just been so much going on recently, it had completely slipped your mind. You hadn't even gotten him a present yet. You stood there contemplating what to get him when suddenly, almost as if on cue, Sunoo appeared.
"Hey, Y/N!" He said with a cheerful smile.
"Oh, hi Sunoo!" You smiled back, although you were a bit confused. You and Sunoo had never really talked much before. You just met him for the first time last week, what business could he have with you?
"Sorry to bother you Y/N, but I just had a quick question for you," he began.
"Oh sure, what is it?" You ask. His eyes lit up as he continued.
"Sooo, it's Jake's birthday tomorrow and we were thinking of throwing him a surprise party! And since you're one of his closest friends, I was wondering if you'd like to help plan it with me and the rest of the boys." You were caught off guard by his request, it was almost like he knew that you were just thinking about Jake's birthday. What a funny coincidence. Regardless, you were excited to help out.
"Oh, that's a great idea, I'd love to help!" You replied.
"Yay! This is gonna be so fun, I can't wait!" He was full of excitement as he spoke. You chuckled. Cute. You and Sunoo continued discussing the party for a few minutes and it was decided that you were going bring the cake. You loved to bake so you were more than happy to do so. Shortly after Sunoo went off on his way, Heeseung approached you.
"Hey, Y/N," he said warmly. "Sunoo told me that you're in on the surprise party now, and I was actually going to grab some supplies after school so I was wondering if you'd like to come with me,"
"I'd love to," you said, smiling at him.
"Great," he replied, seeming quite happy that you accepted his offer. He didn't know what it was about you but as soon as you became friends, he wanted to be around you all the time. Something about you was just so addicting to him.
You and Heeseung stood in the party aisle staring at the huge array of party supplies and decorations.
"Wow, there's quite a lot to pick from," you said. Heeseung nodded in agreement. Eventually, you both decided on some simple streamers and balloons as well as some birthday themed plates and napkins. Everything was black and ivory colored since those were Jake's favorite colors.
"This'll do," Heeseung said, satisfied.
"Yeah, let's go pay," you said while interlocking your arm with his. He had a difficult time keeping a smile from creeping onto his face as you did so.
You decided to go to the self-checkout since you were only buying a few things. You scanned all the items before putting them into a paper bag. The total appeared on the screen as you reached for your wallet.
"Oh don't worry about it, I got it," Heeseung said while pulling out his card.
"Don't be silly, I owe you for driving me around all the time. Let me pay, please?" You asked, although it was more of a command.
"Nope, I'm not letting you." He said with a teasing grin.
"Well, you're too late." You said as you beat him to the card slot. You faced him and stuck out your tongue. He rolled his eyes as you both laughed.
"I'll pay you back later." Heeseung said, not wanting to give up.
"Whatever you say," you retorted.
After you left the store, you headed back to the parking lot. Heeseung unlocked the car and put the bag in the backseat (he insisted on carrying it). He then shut the door before turning to you.
"Have you gotten a gift for Jake yet?" He asked.
"Uh, no not yet..." you answered. You were a bit embarrassed to admit that you still didn't have a present for him when his birthday was tomorrow.
"Perfect, I haven't either actually. Do you wanna go look around some shops and see what we can find?" He suggested.
"Oh, yeah. That sounds good," you said, relieved that you were both in the same boat.
You decided to check out the nearest clothing shop. After entering the store, you began looking around for something that Jake might like. Heeseung began his own search as well. You were looking through a rack of coats when you saw a huge faux fur coat. You giggled at the thought of Jake wearing it. You slipped it on and called out to Heeseung.
"Oh this is totally up Jake's alley, dontcha think?" You asked while striking a pose in the ridiculous coat. Heeseung snorted at you and nodded.
"Totally." He agreed sarcastically.
You continued to look through the rack a bit more before you found another hideous jacket. This one was neon green and covered in random zippers and buckles. It was incredibly tacky. So of course, you put it on.
"Gosh I look terrible in this. Then again, I don't think anyone would actually look good in it." You chuckled. Heeseung laughed along and shook his head.
"I think you'd look nice in anything," he uttered under his breath. Thankfully, you didn't hear him because if you did, your heart probably would of burst.
After looking around a bit longer, you eventually settled on a brown corduroy jacket and a bottle of cologne that you thought fit Jake's taste. Heeseung had picked out a nice pair of sneakers and a small ring. You both checked out before making your way back to the car. It had gotten rather chilly outside as you shivered and rubbed your hands together in attempt to keep them warm. Heeseung noticed you shivering and set both of the shopping bags down (he insisted on carrying them again) before turning to you and wrapping his hands around yours. You were caught off guard by his gesture. Your heartbeat picked up rapidly. He kept his hands around yours for a moment before looking back up at you.
"Better?" he asked with a kind smile.
"Y-yeah, thanks," you were definitely much warmer now, considering how hot in the face you had become. Luckily, it just seemed like your face was flushed from the cold. At least that's what you hoped Heeseung assumed. You made it back to the car and quickly climbed into the passenger seat as Heeseung put the rest of the bags in the back. He then returned to the driver's seat and immediately turned on the heat.
The ride home was pleasent as you both chatted and sang along to the radio. You were surprised to find out that Heeseung has a lovely singing voice. Could he get any more perfect?? You were a little bit sad when you arrived at your house, not wanting your time with him to end. You thanked him for taking you shopping as you climbed out of the car.
"No problem, thanks for coming with me. I had fun." He said happily.
"I had fun too," you said. You smiled and waved goodbye as he drove away. After heading inside, you went to grab your phone out of your jacket. As you stuck your hand in your pocket, you felt something else in there along with your phone. It felt like paper of some kind. You pulled it out to see what it was. It was a $20 bill. You stared at it in confusion before you realized where it came from. Oh my god, how and when did he even put this here?? You rolled your eyes and giggled. Heeseung did promise to pay you back after all.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I didn't intend for the shopping trip to take up the entirety of it, but here we are hahaha. Regardless, thank you for reading and supporting the series, it really helps me stay motivated! :)
~Elle <3
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer~tarot is speculative and this is my interpretation of energy. Take it with a grain of salt.
Honey boi time. Strap down because this one is wild. Kinda. And soft. Really really soft. And a little creepy. Buckle in.
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So for starters Yoon has a dark, royal blue color energy. It isn't as opaque as Koos was but it was very... thick? Like its not that it wasn't opaque from a lack of energy but rather that kinda had clear energy mixed in too?? It was really pretty and its kinda like the more you look at it the deeper it gets?
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It was kinda like this but deeper? And it was almost reflective and "sparkly" idk put it was real pretty.
So first thing to note. Yoon is always easy for me to connect with so he didn't have any barriers put up or whatever so when I was going towards him he was in red flannel pj bottoms and I was like, "am I missing something?" But no. He was just being comfy I guess? Now usually when I connect with energy of a person there's this like eternal tree trunk rope colum thing of energy or something that I kinda follow and then there's little platforms that they're on? I always have my back facing the energy colum thing when I connect.
That was not the case this time. Yoon essentially led me to his side to face the energy trunk? And he was like, "its weird on this side, huh?" ??? Hello, sir. What the fuck. This to me hints that maybe he is also going out and consciously connecting to energies? Idk man. But I was like, "yeah, it is kinda weird" It only gets weirder.
Next I was facing yoon and I was like hey I want to read your soulmate and gave him like a big ole energy marble expecting that to kinda get the connection going but the only thing I heard from his soulmate was "I can't tell you" like shit. And then he dissolved my energy offering? Oki. And I essentially couldn't connect with his soulmate at all. Anyway, I floated off the little platform thing (that was real bizarre) and yoongi connected with me.
His soulmates energy wasn't present at all but I was told to continue any way. Now for in my opinion the creepiest part. So, keep in mind yoons is actively connected to me and I was like, "well, if your soulmate isn't here then please guide me to what deck I should use for their personality signifier and he pointed me to the fountain tarot.
I started shuffling and after I did one bridge shuffle and split it to do another one he was like, "hey, you're gonna get temperance reverse fyi" and I was like hahaha no. And he was like, "no. Listen to me. Bridge twice, hand shuffle twice and split into two. And you'll get temperance rev. Turn it ride side up when it comes out" I was like okay but you crazy. Tarot doesn't work like that
Guess what fucking came up? TEMPERANCE REVERSED when I tell you I freaked out I mean I fuckin freaked. I know it sounds made up or unbelievable and if I didn't see it happen I'd say its fake but FUCK DUDE. So i asked my pendulum if it should be reverse and it was like no, flips that shit. And I swear to God yoongi was laughing at me for being spooked like the smug ass that he is.
First note I wrote was sagittarius energy. This person has sagittarius energy. Yep yep yep. This person balances him out. Temperance is the card of sagittarius. Heavy fire influence in the cart.
Oki now onto personality explained. I got 3 of coins, the heirophant, ace of wands and the magician. This person is very spiritual and has been manifesting him (they’ve manesfesting eachother but I'll get to that later?) This is a person that values knowledge and is very creative and has a lot of quick ideas. This person also really values communication of knowledge. Loves to get it loves to share it. Probably the person that can tell you a stupid fact about almost anything.
We also have networked, storyteller, god and mentor. This is someone who loves to teach people about what they've learned. They like to share the wisdom (with the god card im inclined to say that they share spiritual wisdom but I don't see it as a career?) This person values communication and collecting knowledge.
Now, on to relationship. We have wheel of fortune, justice, ace of wands and the lovers. This relationship has been in the works on a spiritual level for a long time. They’ve been actively manifesting eachother. We know Yoon is at least a little psychic so this makes sense. This relationship is founded in balance. They treat eachother as equals. I also wrote, "certainly something devine". They have a witty rapport and its so so so loving! They have really good communication and respect for eachother! They are also good at keeping eachither accountable.
Now for this person's career. They’ve been going through a change so their career is undecided. There was likely a period of depression that put a pause on their career? But there's also the queen of coins which suggests that they will be making good money. Now, I chose 3 clarity cards on the queen of coins to help me figure out where this money will be coming from and I drew three more coin cards so this means this person is on the cusp of making some good money soon!
Now we have answer the call, awakening and share your voice. They are being called to be together. Again yoon is woke af and apparently so is his soulmate. The picture i get is like when they finally meet they're both a little shy because they've been connecting with eachothers energies and they're like, "whos gonna bring it up?" Like they are finally out of hiding when they meet. Its cute as fuck.
Oki. We have answered prayers, spiritual path and make time for self care. THEY ARE MANIFESTING EACHOTHER. They are a woke pair and the energy is so sturdy and solid. I also get the sense that they engage in self care together? Like they'll make sure to take care of themselves spiritual and physical. I also think that they would be that type of couple to have a mad bath bomb collection.
Side note: while I was doing this I got like a cute little picture in my head of them sitting on the couch in pj's and facemasks with towels on their heads sipping wine and that makes me soft.
Now onto the message from his soulmate cards. So we have release all anger, new idea, be positive, take a shot, Have you eaten? You're acting like a big ass baby and shit is going down with your job. Now. I made a note that this is from Yoon to his soulmate? Um, sir? But oki, yoon makes the rules. What I get from this is that his soulmate is currently going through some job related stuff and he's saying, "hey, its okay to start over. Do that thing you've been wanting to do for a while" he wants his soulmate to stop focusing on what isn't going right and just start fresh. I also lowkey think he's like, you need to just fucking chill. The world isn't imploding just because something isn't working out. Its very reassuring and it feels like he wants to comfort them. Cute
Let's talk about the descriptors now. Yoon was very picky with these? Which confused me. They don't know eachother in person is the vibe im getting and I don't think yoon has ever seen this person either? I think maybe he's had dreams of his soulmate? Idk but the cards are: quality time, fashionable, unique, free spirit, independent, short hair, younger, sweet, charming. I also made a note for brown hair and a masculine chart.
For my little word cards we have, fate, vows, serendipity and loyalty. WE GET IT. YOURE ADORABLE TOGETHER
"All men should learn before they die, what they are running from and to and why" is the little fortune. I think that this is yoon telling his soulmate to do some shadow work? Like find out why you do the things you do, why certain things anger you ect.
Now at this point I was told that I had to use the small deck to get more cards about the relationship. I was like "I already did that but whatever" and I did. I pulled 10 of cups, 2 of cups and the lovers again. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This is the most romantic and soulmatey soulmate reading ever. 10 of cups is emotional fulfillment. This is just everything. Everything! 2 of cups is romance, unified love. Its also about partnership. They work so well together. And the lovers card. Love, relationships and harmony. Oh my god its fucking nuts.
Now onto the final card. Again. Very very very clearly told that this is for his soulmate. We have, the perfection of your life. This card talks about a spiritual storm coming to shake things up in order to put things to put things back in perfect order. A quote I like from the book is, "all is unfolding to a perfect higher order." This to me kinda sums it up well. Shit is about to get crazy for his soulmate and its not a bad thing. Change is need for this person and there is change coming that will stir every thing up and place it back in better places. Ugh. I can't. He wants his soulmate not to fear the storm but rather embrace it and know that positive change will come out of it.
Last part. When the reading is over I always disconnect and essentially put the energy back? This time on yoons little platform (I sound like a lunatic trying to describe some of this shit I swear) I was like, "hey thanks for being cooperative and being so active and involved i appreciate that." And then he gave me an energy marble ball thing too? I was like, "thanks but what the fuck" and then I did what he did when I gave him the marble ball energy thing in the beginning and just... put it in my energy? Like thats what he did? so is that like an energy custom that I don't know about? Wtf. My best guess is that I gave him an offering of energy and he gave me some in return at the end? And then the little shit just dissappears? MIN YOONGI I HAVE QUESTIONS YOU CAN'T JUST DISSAPPEAR??
But he did. And that was the end. It was super fucking bizarre. So for say joo I connected to his soulmate through him. So it was a connection with the soulmate but hosted by joons energy? For Jk his soulmate gave me a direct link which was new and awesome but for Yoongi it was just a very direct connection with him. Just him.
That really tells me that he knows his soulmate well on a soul level and his soulmate literally said, "I can't tell you"
I'm confused but very happy for him!
Yoon is a very soft and sweet man, pass it on
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midnight-in-town · 4 years
Hi so I came across your Femto punishing both Guts and Casca meta and even tho I kinda like it I found myself at odds with a part of it.
I think punishing Casca and feeling mad she picked Guts over him and considered leaving him wasn't really a consideration at all. In the thoughts he has after the weird trippy hallucination thing they put him through during the eclipse his only thoughts are about Guts. How he was the only one who made Griffith forget his dream. And when he forgot this torture happened and his body was broken.
Guts was the one he risked life for by going to save him from Zod. Guts was the one who managed to get close to him despite his attempts to keep his distance from his men. Griffith was at that point after all only human. Humans need close relationships which he was denying himself and that led to his overattachment to the one he had which caused him to end up in the situation he got tortured in. He had to blow off steam he was so upset by Guts leaving and the concept alone made his fight with Guts more erratic.
But Casca leaving isn't reflected on at all during the Eclipse. Griffith said once that a true equal was what he considered a friend and while he was talking to a royal at the time that might still be true. Griffith who was human, and despite being in denial about it, craved friendship.
An equal who didn't leave him might be something he wanted. But Femto who has thrown away his humanity doesn't want a friend he doesn't want a equal. A power play is required to prove that Guts is beneath him. He needs to disempower Guts to feel empowered. To feel that Guts isn't a equal that Guts is beneath him.
The scene where he pushes down Casca is a parallel because it is also about power but in a different way. The sequence of events is Griffith asks Guts to put on his armor he wants to be able to put it on fight again. Guts obliges excited to see Griffith recover.
Elsewhere Casca is told he will never recover enough to hold a sword again. A demon attacks them rips off Griffiths armor and mocks him and his group over how he's already broken. Afterwards Griffith hears his group come apart as they come to terms about his condition. Casca berates Guts for expecting that recovery when it not possible which Griffith also hears.
Griffith then pushes Casca down I think because Casca used to be someone he was stronger than her. It's just a desperation to show he has even a bit of the strength he used to possess.
He manages to stay in the position she doesn't try to push him off he doesn't try to do anything and just puts his effort in maintaining position. Flopping on her and groping would probably be less physical effort but I don't think that what he trying to do . His mouth is open like he's trying to say something but no words come out. She hugs him pulling him close and as he's no longer holding up his own body weight his trembling stops.
I think its supposed to contrast with Femto later and his mentality in this moment vs that one.
The first scene with Casca is desperation to show he has even a bit of the strength he used to possess. That it'd not over for him.
The second one where he attacks Casca in front of Guts is to show no one is equal to him everyone is beneath him. Guts is beneath him. In this world where Griffith reigns Guts has no power to stop anything to do anything and he wants to mock and hurt Guts. That it's his time to rule.
When Griffith is rescued his immediate reaction is to lash out attack Guts. He is mad at Guts for leaving because in his mind Guts leaving led to this. But it only led to this because Griffith cared enough about him that he would be upset at not having Guts around. Its because they were friends. So when he sees Guts crying over him that anger dissappears and he puts his hands on Guts hand in a almost comforting gesture. He can't go as far with his anger or hatred because he loves and cares too.
Which is why that first scene with Casca is only her being pinned. He wouldn't go that far because even if he doesn't see her as a equal he still gives a shit. Its why he attempts to move to her when she attacked by demons after they escape with him. Maybe he wouldn't even consider doing something like what Femto does to her.
But that caring and giving a shit is the humanity he gives up. Femto still has emotions he had feelings Griffith used to have. If he didn't making Guts feel disempowered wouldn't matter. The idea of Guts as a equal in anyway wouldn't occur. Femto is just that anger and rage he felt when he tried to strangle Guts without the caring he felt when he put his hand on Guts hand.
Casca only mattered when Griffith cared about people who he thought he was stronger than. When he sacrificed that Casca ceased to matter. She was never a target of his anger or frustration. But Guts continued to matter. Because Guts was a target of that. He wants the target of his frustration to suffer, and he knows this will make him suffer.
Just my opinion thought I'd share. Still love your meta tho!
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Well, damn, that’s a long ask. xDD Next time, just reblog and add your thoughts, I also answer that way, hahaha!
Also, not sure which post of mine you’re referring to, by the way. I’m thinking this one, but I honestly can’t be sure because I also reblogged posts on the subject?
Anyway, if I sum up your take: Griffith was out to punish Guts only and not Casca, because Guts >>> Casca in terms of significance as far as Griffith is concerned? 
Thank you for your input :) but see, I disagree, because this is exactly why I once said that...
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I don’t understand why some fans somehow reduce Berserk’s plot to being about Guts vs Griffith, Casca often becoming some random secondary character. For me, no matter how you look at the series ever since the Golden Age, it just ain’t the case. :))
However, all I ever wrote was that Griffith punished both of them; I never implied that their “betrayal” amounted to the same significance for Griffith, because it’s indeed not the case.
After all, as you said, we know Guts always had a bigger impact on Griffith since the day they met...
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...but, while we will never know for sure, I for one am quite convinced that if Casca (who was Griffith’s right-hand woman) was the one who had left in the same fashion as Guts, it would have triggered Griffith in a similar way. 
Because Griffith is a man of influence: he knows that and how to use such charisma on others. That’s why he totally means the words he said to Charlotte about what kind of people he would see as a friend. So he uses people’s feelings for him in a way that would serve the path to achieving his dreams. Casca herself said that, as a leader after he was gone, all she did was "try to protect the dream of someone who might not even be alive”. 
The Band of the Falcon lived and worked to help Griffith achieve his dream, because they saw him as special, since they had no achievable big dream of their own (kinda why Griffith said they’re not “friends”). 
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So yeah sure, Guts’ actions would always leave a bigger impact on Griffith, as you showed he said it himself, but Casca falling in love with Guts and envisioning a future far away from Griffith’s schemes still clearly stung. 
After all, everyone in the group knew of Casca’s unrequited feelings for Griffith, meaning that Griffith obviously knew too and, instead of telling her it would never happen, he entertained the possibility so that Casca would entirely devote herself to him.
Take Judeau, as a counterexample: he too had some feelings for Casca, but he urged Guts several times to take her with him and away from the group, because he couldn’t stand her unhappiness. Griffith said nothing about her feelings, because he knew that’s how Casca would do everything for his sake. 
Still, Casca was not any random member of his Band so, when she emancipated from Griffith by falling in love with Guts, in my opinion it’s why...
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...she also was on the receiving end of his jealousy. 
It’s distasteful but, otherwise, why did Femto rape Casca instead of killing her? Again, we will never know, but if Guts had left Griffith behind for a future with any other random girl, I think Femto would have just killed her in front of Guts. Raping Casca, when she used to long for Griffith’s affection, was revenge against both of them for choosing each other instead of him and his dream. 
You can see it in the way he stared at both of them so many times, coming to the realization that he was not at the center of their little trio anymore. So yeah, Guts > Casca in terms of significance since day 1 as far as Griffith is concerned, I never discussed that, but Casca was not such a random member of Griffith’s band either that her actions of emancipation would not taste bitter to him. That’s my opinion. :)
Additional points: I never said he was trying to grope her in that scene when he fell on top of her as she was changing his bandages, just that “he was trying to gauge or reenact Casca’s old devotion to him by showing some affection”.
And finally, Femto who was entirely reborn as a Godhand has no emotion left about Guts or Casca, he said it himself. Thinking he’s only anger and revenge would be confusing Femto with the Skull Knight or Guts as the Black Swordsman.
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Friendly reminder that Femto is not human anymore so, while Griffith thrived on thinking that he didn’t bother with overwhelming bonds to anyone and that only his dream ever mattered, it is actually the case for Femto. 
I hope I answered your points. Thanks for reading and have a nice day Anon! :))
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oshicakes · 4 years
gift | kuroo tetsurou
pairing. kuroo tetsurou x reader
genre. fluff to angst
warnings. cussing, suggestive jokes, blood, hospital
a/n. just feeling a little sappy lately and here's the result! im saying sorry in advance, or maybe im not? hmm hahaha jk. but! im saying sorry for this is kinda long, legit sorry.
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it's raining outside. you've been staring at your window for a while now. the ringing of your phone made you come back to reality.
it's a call from your boyfriend, kuroo tetsurou. you answered his call.
"hey, love. ill be there in a minute, wait for me okay?"
"okay, tetsu. please be careful on your way home, it's raining and the road might be slippery."
"yes, ma'am!" then he chuckled. it made you smile.
after that, you started preparing for dinner. you made some sushi, his favorite salted mackarel pike and shabu shabu and for dessert you made a fruit skewer since tetsu will buy you a cake.
the table is set. then, you changed your clothes into a red jumpsuit, done your hair and spray some perfume. all set!
minutes later, the doorbell rang. you hurriedly open your door. and there he is- your boyfriend sporting a damp and messy hair in his office wear. which made him more hotter, you thought.
"hey there, my birthday girl!"
right after closing the door, he crashed his lips onto yours. your hands made its way to his neck then cling on him. his one hand slip on your waist while the other is holding the cake.
he stopped kissing you and then shower kisses all over your face. it made you giggle. you held his face to make him stop and rested your forehead onto his.
"take of your clothes."
"ohoho? we wildin tonight, huh?" he smirked at you. that made you laugh. you cupped his, gave him a chaste kiss and turn away from him.
"hmm, no. you're wet and you might get sick if you don't change immediately." he just let out a whiny noise. you just laughed at him.
both of you started eating after he changed his shirt. you just planned to take a glimpse of him to see what's his reaction on the foods you cooked but you find yourself staring at him.
you wonder how it all started? was it the debate against him? was it his passion for sports? his mesmerizing eyes? his messy bed hair? the way he calls you? his corny ass science jokes? or is it the awkward moment when he confessed to you?
wow, you've been with him for ten years now, and six years from that is being in a relationship with him. you've come a long way now, you've seen his best and worse part and you shared with him your best and worse part too. and i regret nothing at all. it was the best, and if i were given a chance to turn back time id still choose to be with him.
"you know, if you want me you can just say it, love." he said while grinning at me.
"i love you, tetsu." you said out of nowhere.
his grin faded and turned into a genuine smile. his eyes look more softer now, just like how you love it. he reached for your hand and kissed it.
"you know that i love you too right?" you nodded at him. "i love you so much, y/n."
after that soft moment, both of you continued eating. you remind him that there will be a small celebration in your parent's house this weekend.
he talked about his work and how he's happy seeing kids olaying volleyball, making him remember his junior high. he cracked corny jokes that made you laugh but not because of the joke, its because of his hyena laugh.
you we're cleaning the table while he's washing the dishes, when his phone rang. he put down the dish and answered his phone.
after a while, he finished talking on his phone. he immediately embrace you from behind.
"yeah, they said that they needed me for an urgent meeting with our prospect sponsor."
"then, get your ass going! so you can come back here faster then we can enjoy eating the cake you bought!"
"im sorry, love. i didn't expect this to happen."
"it's really okay, tetsu. go now, be careful on driving." you kissed his lips.
he's pouting. with a heavy steps, he put on a coat and grab his things. before he finally go, he kiss you a little bit longer now.
"wait for me, okay? i didn't give you my gift yet, so wait for me."
you just nodded at him. and off he go.
it's almost an hour when the doorbell rang. you got off from the comfortable couch to open the door. well, that was fast, you thought.
kuroo never drove his car this fast like before. he's always a careful driver, because you always get mad at him when he tries beating the red light.
"where's y/n?!" his fist is turning white because of a hard grip. kenma pointed the door of your hospital room.
when he opened the door your parents are there. your mom's crying while your dad's comforting her.
"tetsurou, oh god! you're finally here!" your mom said and hugged him. then she guode you close to your bed.
"what happened to, y/n? im sorry i didn't mean to leave her alone."
"we understand. your friends called us when they can't contact you. they said y/n suddenly fell on the floor."
he's too preoccupied with you that he didn't even realize that his friends are there. your mom said they're all outside.
when he got out of your room, his friends approached him. saying sorry for what happened and they didn't know why you suddenly fell on the floor then hit your head on the table. yaku panicked when he saw your head bleeding so they immediately run you to the hospital.
it's a little late when your parents decided to go home along with his friends. now, he's all alone in your room. still wondering why his friends are in his house, but he just shrug it of.
he was woken up when he felt someone caressing his head. and when he opened his eyes, he met yours. your now sitting in your bed.
he quickly got up from his chair and embrace you tightly. he kissed your lips repeatedly too.
"stop... tetsu... oh god!" he stopped kissing you but he burried his head in your neck.
you we're surprised when you felt your neck get wet and his back is shaking. he's crying!
"tetsu? im okay, don't worry hmm."
"i thought i'd lose you! don't do that fucking act again!"
"i promise, i won't. now let me see my first baby before this belly of mine pops out in eight months."
he let go of you and look at you with full of confusion.
"pop what? what do you mean by that?"
you held his face, caressing it. also, wiping his tears away. "im one month pregnant, love."
he shuts down. like he can't process what you just said. "no fucking way! fuck! im gonna be a dad! yes!"
he's crying again! you motioned him to sit beside you and hug him while patting his back. your also whispering sweet nothings to him, and what made you laugh a little is he's replying too while crying. he calmed down. clearing his throat, he takes something out in his pocket.
its a tiny velvet box.
"this is supposed to be the gift im giving you today." he handed you the box. you opened it, a silver necklace with your name on it and small diamonds. he put it on you.
"and this, this is supposed to be my gift to you for this weekend. i just felt the urge to give it to you now." he took another velvet box inside coat.
he knelt infront of you. "this may not be the sweetest place and time to propose but i can't wait any longer now that you gave me the most beautiful gift id ever receive in my whole life. please be my wife?"
you're now crying. you can't utter any words so you're just nodding your head at him. he slip the ring in your ring finger.
"thank you, tetsu. i never imagine that we'll go this far. just a while a go, i called your friends to plan my surprise to you this weekend and now we're here."
"that's why lev congratulated me! i almost wanna punch him tho. they also know that ill be proposing to you this weekend."
"wow. we really sucks at planning, ha?"
just kidding with the angst lol. sorrrrryyyy 🤪
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elismistscorner · 3 years
OC Interview: Eli Aleksandros
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
Thank you @i-mybrunettelady and @thoseofuswhoblossom for tagging me, this was fun to do!
Off stage:
Eli: "Do I really have to do this? it feels so pretentious and blah"
Albus: "Yes! You are a hero to these people, and maybe knowing about you will help inspire others! You will be fine, and I'll be right over here for you."
Eli: sighs "okay."
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Can you introduce yourself?:
“Hello, I am Eli, Champion of Aurene.” After a moment of silence, Albus interjects: "You might also know him as Dragon slayer, God slayer, Guild leader, Priory Archon or Magister, Hero of Lion's Arch, Hero of Shaemoor, and ex-commander of the Pact-" "Oh my god. Albus!!" "Love you~"
What is you gender identity, orientation and relationship status?:
"I'm male, and...” looks over at Albus "engaged to that goof over there."
Where and when were you born?:
“I errrr... am not sure exactly where I was born, but I grew up within the walls of Divinity's Reach in Salma District. Well, at least until my elemental abilities started to show, and then I was sent to the Priory HQ but still inside Divinity's Reach. For the second part of that question; I am about old enough to be a sylvari secondborn.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?:
“I guess I was 'classically trained' in the Priory to use the staff, so that may be what I am most confortable with. Albus helped me train with the sword when we realized we would have to confront Balthazar... that did not turn out so well, but against non-gods I can hold my own. However, now that I find myself in a bit of a lull, I have begun training with other weapon types, but that's confidential information... at least for now” he chuckles.
Lastly, are you happy?:
After a brief pause to think his answer, Eli looks down at his ring and then at Albus. "Yeah. I would say so."
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?:
"Hmm... well, like I mentioned earlier, I don't have any clues on my biological parents, but Uncle Andrew raised me like his own, and his daughter, Petra, is like a sister to me. I haven't been able to visit them in some time, but we exchange letters; they're doing well."
Have you ever ran away from home?:
"Technically yes? 'Ran away' makes it sound dramatic. As a child, I just wanted to find a place where I could figure out my elemental abilities without hurting anyone."
Would you consider marriage or having children?:
Eli looks over at Albus who is clearly waiting to hear this answer. "Okay so. Earlier, when I said I was engaged, I lied a little bit. Albus and I are actually married! He declares with joy and relief. "After I recovered from Bangar's ambush in Drakkar's lair, we decided to not waste any more time. We had been going non-stop for so long, and we were headed into an uncertain future, so we decided to just get married right there in the Eye of the North with some of our guildmates present, and Aurene of course. It was really nice actually. On the subject of children, does Aurene count?" he laughs.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?:
"What? I don't... what? They're not really your friend if you.. hate... them? I'm not sure I understand the question."
Which friend knows everything about you?:
“Definitely Albus," he smiles "he's seen me at my best and worst. However, I do also have a couple good friends in the Order of Whispers, who I trust enough to confide in. But also, who knows what information they have on me in their archives. So maybe them too. Oh and Jory as well; again, she's someone I trust, but she's also very intuitive and a personal detective. Haha, maybe my life is not as private as I would like it to be”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?:
“Did you say this was asked by a fan? Anyway, yes. Like I mentioned, I grew up partially in the Priory so...”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?:
“So, this is less a prediction, and more a theory I had. See, I've always been fascinated by the mists and alternate realms or dimensions; fractals if you will. And I always thought there must be some way, when all the stars perfectly align for a soul to come back from the dead by traversing through time/space in the right way. And well, here I am.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?:
With an almost apologetic look, Eli glances at the floor, then up at Albus. “That I have managed to surround myself with very capable people, and that I can trust them to hold their own... aaand that I cannot do this alone; I need them.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?:
“When you say these are fan questions... like who exactly... I'll say this. I am very lucky to have the people I have around me. They help me stay grounded.”
What is your current main goal?:
“For so long my only goal has been to survive. Except not even that. So for now I don't have any goals per se. Although I am looking forward to the Festival of the Four Winds to return. We always use it to take some time off and just be. The beaches are really nice-" "Also the Queen's Jubilee!" Albus interrupts. "Hah... On a different note, I've read so much about Cantha, and now that I've explored Elona, I'd like to see the Jade Sea, but who knows when that will happen.”
Drink or food?:
“Oh hmmm.. it depends on when you ask me. When we were lost in the (Magumma) jungle, between the rivers and creeks and the HUMIDITY, I never really thirsted for a drink, but a nice meal would have really hit the spot. However, while wondering through Elona, there were so many times I would've killed for a refreshing drink. So... both?
Cats or dogs?:
"Oh dogs for sure"
Early bird or night owl?:
“Hmmm... well, the Elonian sky is a true wonder that can only be perceived at night but sunrises are nice... No, you know what. I'm a night owl. Yup. Don't know why I hesitated”
Optimist or pessimist?:
"I don't think I could... I have to believe things can and will improve, otherwise why would I bother going through everything I have?"
Sassy or sarcastic?:
“I think sarcasm? I know I definitely cannot out-sass Albus.”
Been caught sneaking out:
“Pretty sure it happened in the Priory a couple times. Except... I wasn't sneaking out, I was... sneaking... in.” he sighs "I wanted to get in the library after hours and keep researching...-" "OH MY GOD ELI HAHAHA" Albus bursts off-stage.
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Broke a bone:
“Wait like, A specific one? I don't... Like, you realize it is statically impossible that I would have gotten this far without such an injury.“
Received flowers:
“Yeah actually! It was nice.“
Ghosted someone:
Eli's gaze wanders as he takes a moment to think of an answer. "Oh, I guess I have. There was this one time that I accidentally ghosted a couple friends... when I died HAAAA!" He boasts with unwarranted pride on his own joke while scanning the room's reactions. "Get it? cause I was a ghost!" he grins. "That was good, wasn't it?" Albus simply facepalms in the corner.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get:
“Let me remind you again, I grew up inside basically a library full of smart people. Smart people that sometimes like to show off just how smart they are by using humor they know you will not understand because you're a CHILD.”
After the interview:
Eli: "So? how did I do?"
Albus: "You were great, as I knew you'd be. You we're yourself, and that's all I would ever ask of you."
Eli: "Thanks. I'm glad you were here with me."
I tag (with no obligation of course, I would love to catch up on old OCs or learn about new ones but you can pass!):
I feel to "new" to tag people haha. I guess I tag you the reader! If you've been waiting on someone to tag you to join the fun, this is your chance! :D
Also @thepinkywarband, get on this (if you wanna) :3
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devinescribe · 3 years
Slow Dancing In The Dark
Ok, so... this idea has been in my head for a while. So... yeah. Basically what song you two would dance to in the privacy of your rooms. Most likely in the dark.
- Very sweet
- He likes the song, but won't say it
- He really loves the lyrics because he relates them to your guy's situation
- Not like anyone can hear the two of you over their parties.
- It's not even intricate dancing
- Just slowly swaying while his hands hold onto your waist
- Randomly spins you
- honestly, makes you forget everything that's happening
- He loves having you so close to him
- He doesn't want to turn the lights on because he doesn't want you to see his absolutely lovesick face. (Hahaha, it's soft Niragi hours here, leave me alone)
- But just says it's for fun
- You convince him to keep the curtains open at least
"You ever wonder if anyone has seen us doing this?" You whisper, laying your head on his chest. "I doubt it. And if they have, the obviously know better than to say something," he responded, one of his hands holding the back of your head. You sighed happily because in this moment there was no games. There was no fearing for your life. There was no worrying about where the other was. There was only a comfortable silence where unsaid words of love and adoration were heard. Even if they weren't verbally spoken. Words couldn't describe your relief every time he came back. Words couldn't express how he felt, or more so he didn't know how to express how he felt. But it was those unsaid words that were heard the loudest.
- He was very confused with the song at first
- There was a lot going on at the chorus, and it scared him a bit the first time. He'd never admit that though
- I feel like he knows how to do like... waltzes and ballroom dances
- Slowly teaches you if you don't know how to
- Will be nice sometimes and not complain that you stepped on him
- Sometimes is petty and steps on you back
- You always have to guess
- Lights off so that way no one passing by would see that you're up, and won't interrupt
- The only light coming in is the lights from outside
- I mean, he's just glad it isn't a cheesy song
- Or so he thinks
- The only time he acts soft though
- The best talks happen while you two do this
"And now you step that way... good," he instructed, praying you when you did it. You laughed, placing your hand on his shoulder. "You haven't been mean to me all day, what's up with you?" You joked, quickly kissing his cheek. He sighed, taking your arm over your head, and spinning you around. "Would you like me to be mean? Because that can be arranged," he smirked, pulling your body closer to his. You pouted playfully, shaking your head.  "It's just... you're never so... nice? Well, to me you're nice... but usually you tease. Is there something wrong?" You questioned, explaining a bit more in depth. He chuckled, shaking his head. "No... well, actually, yes. You. You decided to try and save me in the game earlier. You could've gotten hurt. Or worse, died. Don't be so stupid, you're a very clever girl," he explained, looking away. You frowned, softly placing a hand on his cheek, caressing his face. "I will do what I deem fit for myself. You deserve to live as much as I," you whispered, leaning your forehead on his. He let out a small laugh, swaying with you. The earlier thoughts of his interrupted by your calming presence.
"I'll have you know you've stepped on me at least six time though, my darling."
"Well, that's not really a me problem, is it my love?"
-fun jumpy dancing!
-spins you around a lot
- you're both very dizzy
- you've both fallen down to many times for you to not have broken bones
- lights are on, you two already get hurt as it is
- but you convince him to just one lamp
- which works
- loves the song
- he relates it to your relationship
- loves it
- loves you.
- at the end when it's all the 'oh oh oh oh oh' he does the... cross arm spin thing? You know what I talking about right? Oh well, that, a bunch of times
- all around the room you don't stay stationary
- too much energy for that
"This is fun! Do it again do it again!" You laugh, holding onto his hand. He laughs, spinning you once more. "You're so cute," he said, holding onto you. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, holding your face. You smiled, grabbing the hand on your face and kissing his palm. "I love you," you sighed, looking into his eyes. He hoped you could tell there was only pure adoration and love for you. The way you would giggle or laugh everytime brought him to paradise. You really did make everything better. After hard games, or just a day at the Beach, you always made him forget about how the world was. How he wished you two could stay in this moment for eternity, forever in a state of bliss. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but he couldn't help it.  In his mind, forever was any time spent with you.
-he thinks it's very aesthetic pleasing
- the song is a vibe honestly
- you two actually dance around the whole room
- song is on full blast, everyone could probably hear it
- sings the 'I will make you queen of everything you see.' Part to you, and after says it's a promise
- his hands hold onto yours, fingers interlocking,
- whispers sweet things into your ear when you're close to him
- giggly, laughing, and fun.
- The lights are off cause he doesn't give a fuck
- he can see perfectly fine. There's light coming in through the windows, he says.
"And we.. spin!" He laughed, spinning you, while holding onto your hand. You giggled, getting pulled back into him.  "Karu, careful!" You scolded, holding onto him. "What?" "I almost stubbed my toe!" Others would be trying to have a romantic moment, but you two were more about having fun in the moment, being romantic later. Through laughter and sweet words, you somehow managed to not fall. Every word that wanted to be said was falling out, even if it wasn't meant to be said out loud. It's just the effect you two had on each other. Feeling free in the moment, and making memories to last a lifetime.
- He adores the song
- It's soft, it's sweet
- Loves it
- Soft but energetic swaying
- he doesn't know where to put his hands, so won't put them anywhere he doesn't know you're comfortable with
- Likes it when you lean your head on his chest, because he feels like he's protecting you from the negative vibes
- Best boy
- You somehow convince him to keep all the lights off
- how?
- no one will ever know
- but you did, so bravo!
"Watch out for the chair baby," you warned softly, snuggling your face further into his chest. You heard him hum in acknowledgement, and smiled. You could tell he was tired, but anytime you had suggested to go to bed, he would tell you you were worth staying up for. He really was too sweet. You swayed softly to music as he held you close to him. Even after the song ends you stay that way, holding each other as if the word would end if you let go. As much as you protected him, he loved feeling like he was protecting you. He loved that you felt safe with him.
Last Boss
- Did he chose it?
- No.
- He thinks it's kind of sad in a way
- But the more he listens to the lyrics, the more he loves it
- While you two are dancing he analyzes the lyrics
- And talks to you about them
- He likes that you're actually listening and partaking in the conversation
- Slow swaying, his hands hug around your waist, and his head is in the crook of your neck
- Whisper talking as you sway in place
- lights are off
- He's attentive and makes sure you don't get hurt
- He likes being wrapped up in your arms
- And will admit it
- Fuck hiding your feelings from your partner
"I like the part where she says 'and we'll never go home again', because... what if we don't go home Samu?" You whispered, gripping onto his back. "We will... eventually," he whispered back, drawing soft circles into your back. It was quiet for a bit more before you spoke again, "...What if I don't want to go home again? What if I wanna... what if I want to stay here? With you?" You didn't hear an answer, and sighed softly. He didn't know what to say. "I think... I think I'd like that more... than going back," he said. You smiled, continuing on. It was never boring to be with him as he always seemed to know what to say. His thoughts were interesting, and you always thought you were so lucky to be able to hear them. Even as you swayed softly in the dark room, the quiet whispers of random thoughts spilled out. The music from the parties going on seemed to be drowned out by everything happening in your shared bedroom. And even the moments of silence were filled with loud actions of adoration.
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moonelluffer · 5 years
"I Choose You!" Leon X Reader One-Shot
Galar Region
          You are laying in bed at your hotel room in Motosoke at the Budew Inn. You had just beaten the Gym Leader Kabu and his fire type pokemon with your trusty sidekick Scornbunny, who had been given to you by your friend Hop's brother Leon. Scornbunny and you had this connection the first time you two had layed eyes on each other. It was almost like you two were meant to be. This is why picking the small fire rabbit was so easy for you.
Year 2020
          As you started to get up from the bed, you looked out the window to see that it was raining outside. Looking over at Scornbunny laying on the floor in a corner you began to chuckle to yourself. Luckily, the carpet is soft and not to rough for the creatures' fur, giving him some cushioning to lay on while he slept.
          Getting up from the bed, you want to go take a shower, brush you teeth and get ready for the day. After showering and finishing up your hygiene in the bathroom you grabbed your [F/C] simple dress and put it on, along with her [F/C] high top socks and equally as [F/C] combat boots. Looking in the mirror you didn't know what you wanted to do with your [H/L] [H/C] hair that day, so you decided to brush the knots out and let it hang down for the day.
          After waking Scorbunny up you were all set and ready to go out the door. As you left the apartment you ran right into Hop, Leon's younger brother who was equally as excited as you were about continuing on to the next gym.
          "Hey [Y/N]! You all set and ready for the next Gym Leader? I heard Allistar is pretty tough and doesn't take it easy on anyone!" Hop said in a very excited tone. He seemed to be really pumped about taking on the Ghost Type Gym Leader.
          "Yeah, I would say I'm pretty excited as well. Winning this will turn into my next stepping stone for beating your brother in the finals." you had stated more calmly but still as excited as Hop.
          "I wouldn't get too sure of yourselves about that!" ??? Said
          You snapped your head around to see the one and only Champion Leon standing behind you in his usual outfit and crown design hat. As he steps closer to you and Hop his 6 foot tall frame towers over you're [Y/H] height. You begin to feel flustered by the sight of him and lose your words. Leon notices you expression and looks at you while giving you a smirk.
          "What's wrong? Meowth got your tongue." he says sarcastically while tilting his head slightly.
          "I-I ... I-uhhh.." you muster out in a weak tone. You begin to get frustrated not knowing why all of a sudden you can't come up with a decent response to his witty remark. As you are standing there lost in your own thoughts Leon can see the annoyance on your face.
          "Hey hun, I'm just messing with you. It's ok." he states in a tone that sounds apologetic while walking up to you and placing his hand on your shoulder.
          "Riiiiggghhht..... Yea... I knew that!" You respond back in an unsure what to say tone. "Well anyway as I was sayi-"
          "How about we all grab some breakfast or coffee before you guys decide to continue on with your journey, shall we?" Leon states cheerfully cutting you off in the process. "I know a really good place where you can get some really good coffee. It's called the "Battle Café", it's most definitely worth a try." Leon continues on.
          "I would, but I'd much rather train up my team for the next gym badge, so I can beat [Y/N] next time I see her again." Hop says confidently to you and his brother Leon. Hop then proceeds to run off without saying another word. You are then left standing there in the hallway of the hotel with the one and only Champion Leon.
          "I guess ... that just makes the two of us! If, you are still up for having the best coffee in town." Leon says confidently. While staring back at you waiting for your response.
          "Yea. Sure we can get some coffee together. What's the name of the place again?" You respond questionably.
          "It's the "Battle Cafè". Come on! Follow me and I'll show you where it is, and this time I won't get lost." Leon answers while gesturing his hand for you to follow as you both make your way to the hotel elevators so you guys can head back to the main floor. As you both were heading out and too the cafè, you couldn't help but fixate your [E/C] eyes on Leon. It was almost like something about him put you in this trance-like state. You watched as he turned to look back at you. His golden amber eyes locking onto your shimmering gentle [E/C] eyes. It was like there was something about you just couldn't re-
          "HELLO! Galar Region to [Y/N]!" Leon said loudly.
          Your thoughts were immediately cut off and your face became red. Feeling stunned and taken a back at the sudden interruption of thoughts you're [S/C] was starting to become visibly even redder. You stood there dumbfounded and the only thing you could muster was:
          "S-s-sorry  ... I must have been dozing off into space." You stammered out the best you could while putting your arm on your other arm and tilting your head down so that your [H/L] [H/C] covered your extremely red face.
         "I was gonna shake you if I couldn't get you to stop staring at me like that. Hahaha!" He stated happily. As if your face couldn't get even more red, it did. You began to shrink down even more and shake alittle from all the emotion you were feeling. Leon noticed you were not ok and rested his hand on your shoulder gently.
          "Hey, are you ok? You've been out of it lately. If you do want we can go back to your hote-
          "No! I'm fine! Everything is fine. I guess my mind has been else where lately, but I would still love to be around you." you shout loudly while cutting Leon off abruptly.
          "Very well my lady. Let us go inside and grab something." Leon replies back with a causal but charming tone. He gracefully grabs your small hand and brings you inside the Cafè. He asks the waiter at the front for a table for two and as you both make your way over to your assigned seat, you could not help but blush more at how well put together and gentleman like he was.
          As you both sat down from across each other the waitress walked over to take both you and orders of drinks.
          "Hello, what can I get for the two of you today." The chipper waitress asked.
          "Two orders of your finest coffee please." Leon stated. The waitress then walked off to get your cups of coffee and both you and Leon were left there to too look at one another until a conversation sparked.
          "So are trying to bring me on this date to smooth talk me into how I plan to kick your butt when I battle you." You remarked jokingly at Leon.
          "Haha! Very funny, but no actually. I wanted to just talk casual with you. Get to know you more as a person, not just as a trainer." Leon replied back.
           "Really? You wanna know stuff about me? What would you even wanna know about me, because my life isnt all that exciting as yours." You replied.
           "I beg to differ, if I may. I'm positive you are more interesting than you found yourself to be, and my life is more stressful than exciting and sometimes, I just wish to get away from it all." Leon responded
           Listening to his response did raise your attention quite alot. "But, if it stresses you out. Why do you do what you do then? I'm sorry if this question seems silly, but I am confused." You questioned.
           "There is no such thing as a silly question, so you are fine. To further elaborate, what I mean is I set out on my journey to be the greatest pokemon trainer of the Galar Region, not to sign my life away and become some brand to the world. I wanted to do it to inspire others. To show them that if somone like me, a person who came from nothing, was able to it! Anyone can do it too!" Leon explained proudly.
           You couldn't help but fall even deeper for him after him saying this. It was comforting to hear him talk like a person instead of this facade he walks around portraying to the whole entire region of Galar. "So -."
          "Well, I might as well stop talking about this. I don't need to be throwing all my Champion life problems onto you. I got myself into this mess after all." Leon stated with great sadness to his voice while cutting you off.
          You looked at him and could see the pained expression on his face. He was definitely bothered by it all and despite him trying to hide it. It was showing more and more as you kept talking.
          You felt compelled to reach your hand over and grab his hand gently but firmly.  He raised his head a bit and his amber eyes looked back into your [E/C] eyes. As your eyes were locked onto each other, you knew in that moment you really loved this man and wanted to be with him.
          "Hey, I just want to say. It's ok, and if you need someone to listen to what really goes on in your head, I am here. You don't need to pretend anymore." You stated softly to him. You could see tears start well up in his eyes for sec and then they dissapeared.
          "T-thank you." Leon stammered softly.
          The coffee than arrived and you both drank it together and made some causal talk with one another. Leon learned that you also liked to walk around the Wild Area quite alot and you learned that he often enjoys making pasta and curry for people. As your conversation continued on you knew you were knee deep in love with him and there was no escaping that.
          After you guys finished your 3rd round of coffee. You realized how late it was getting. It was literally a quarter past 7. You guys have been talking for quite some time. After Leon payed for the check you both than proceeded to walk out and make your two separate ways, but before you were able to go Leon grabbed your arm as you were turning to leave. You stopped and looked back at him and saw he had that same expression he had on earlier when you saw him cry alittle.
          "Are you okay Leon?" You asked calmly. He looked at you for a bit and slowly moved towards you. You guys were about a few inches apart and this made you realize how much he towered over you. You knew he was tall, but never realised how tall. This caused you to blush slightly having him this close to you and looming above your small stature.
          You stare up at him, lost in eyes unaware of your actions anymore you find yourself going up on your toes and planting a kiss on face. Since you are so short you end up missing so your top lip came into contact with his bottom lip. Leon stiffens slightly and you feel as though you made a mistake doing this until Leon pulls back alittle and returns the favor with a proper kiss, not missing this time.
          Your eyes widen slightly surprised at his reaction, but you start to relax. You carefully but slowly  wrap your arms around his neck and let your body arch back slightly to allow you to brush up against his chest until there is no gap between you two. You melt into the kiss and allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth for alittle bit. After a few minutes you both proceed to let go of each other so you both could breath.
          Leon looks down at you and smiles his charming smile at you, the same smile that caused you to fall head over heels for him in the first place. "Good luck trying to beat in the final match now." He teasingly remarks while his arms are still wrapped around your waist holding you close to him.
          "Oh hush! You're not THAT charming!" Yoy playfully respond. Leon raises an eyebrow at you as if indicating he doesn't believe what you said, but you just playfully push him and laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta head home." You say while turning to leave.
          "We should do this again sometime. You are a comforting person and I haven't felt that feeling in such a long time." Leone states while turning away and making his way back home. You watch ad he leaves and you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself.
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
21st of April, 2020
"The One with the Fairy Tale"
(Pssst! If I were you, I'd read this post first before starting this new one!)
I cannot believe this is my life.
A couple minutes before the 8 AM rush hour, a Google Classroom notification from V arrived. Then another. Someone likes a spam, I thought, before opening the first one.
Sigh of relief. It was only the essay I'd already sent her. On to the next one, the detailed info on what we were covering today. The play on the table is both figuratively and literally a fairy tale. V, pretty critical of the play and its character work itself, made sure to bring one particular monologue to our attention, which tackles a rather difficult topic in a pretty simple play about love and longing — human mortality. "(It's my particular favourite, too, but don't let that influence you.)" She wrote after explaining what it was. The last paragraph though, now that was something else. "For those of you interested in an A level (here you imagine me looking at certain people)" she began, and my eyes widened as I read it. Sure, there are literature buffs in both classes, but... I can't help but think it was first and foremost an indirect to me. I mean, I'm probably the biggest nerd out of all of us, and she's always looking at me anyways... I want to dream big and say she wanted me to see it most. I mean, it's a link to an incredibly long essay. The situation speaks for itself.
"Look at this silence," V said as she entered our server at around 11 AM. Once she was here, we (as in all of us) started chatting about the break and quarantine. "It has been Sunday for two months." I declared, V immediately continuing the thought: "That part of Sunday, no less, where the line between the previous week and the next one blurs." Couldn't have said it better myself.
As V spoke about the story, I just leaned back on my bed, letting myself get immersed in the explanation and the sound of her voice while trying to imagine everything. After a while, it all started sounding like the plot of Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute — especially when V said that our protagonists, a human boy and a fairy girl, both had companions of the same sex along the way. And as soon as she said those companions are actually married, I waited for her to take a tiny break in speaking and said "How surprising." According to Bookworm Friend, she laughed, but I couldn't hear it clearly because someone made a noise. Then she said "Obviously..." and basically shaded the whole plot line, though I don't remember the rest of the sentence. And guess what she brought up immediately? That's right. The Magic Flute. I was floored! "That's what I was thinking, too!" I chimed in immediately. She took the words out of my mouth! And, soon as I said that, I got a text from Bandana Friend.
BanF: "Wow the twinning"
It's official, folks. Even from a distance, V and I are sharing a braincell.
Serious shit went down in class, including pointing out some... very suggestive imagery that caught us all off-guard because the thing she mentioned isn't inherently suggestive, but okay, V, you do you. (Obviously, I'm not going into detail here, nor sharing the conversation Bandana Friend and I had here because... this is simply not the platform.)
But what I can share is a really funny bit that caused a bit of a pandemonium in the separate class chat none of our teachers are in. You see, about half an hour into class, The Boyfriend sneezes with what is probably the volume of a medium-sized family house collapsing. About five seconds of absolute comical silence follows, then we just hear V saying "Sorry. I'm sorry." before carrying on. All this caused quite the stir, featuring texts like:
BanF: "The whole house just quaked"
Classmate: "Jesus who was this 😂😂"
Classmate: "Tell me it wasn't [V]"
S: "No, her man"
Classmate: "Good heavens I thought it was her 😂😂"
S: "I laughed so hard that I thank God I was on mute"
So yeah. That's on that. Bit later, with the words mentioned here, V ended class, and there I was, on Cloud 9, dancing around my room and humming Disney songs from the sudden serotonin charge. That was probably the moment I decided to read the play V spoke about. You see, she didn't assign it because the wording is quite difficult (the text is quite old) and students usually struggle with it, but she said that we wouldn't lose anything by reading it, if we wanted to. And thus it happened that I sat down on my balcony at around 5 PM with the first chapter open on my phone, ready to read.
I knew she'd be right. I trust her opinion and my reading comprehension skill suffers at the stake of my absolute inability to concentrate for longer than 10 seconds. But guys. Some of the longer sections I had to go over at least three times before I understood what was going on! An hour or so must've passed when I read the last line of the first chapter, and the butterflies in my stomach took flight. It was time to text V about it. It was my original plan, anyway. Figure out how right she was, then tell her about it. I was already incredibly nervous, trying to stick to what I'd planned on writing. My fingers typed on autopilot and as soon as I was done, I could barely believe I was actually going through with this. But alas, you only live once, carpe that fucking diem. One big breath. Two biiiiig breaths.
S: "Well, Miss, I'm not saying you were right about the text of [the play], but I've only read Chapter 1 and I'm already doubting if I even speak [my native tongue]... 😅"
I immediately tossed the phone on my bed and ran away panicking. What will she say? How will she react to seeing it's me again? What does she think? Am I funny enough? Am I bothering her? When will she reply?
Half a minute later (!!!), I see the icon of The Platform That Shall Not Be Named on my screen. No. No. No. Nonononononono. I picked the phone up and unlocked it with a shaking hand. I was not prepared for what I was about to read.
V: "Hahaha, well, babydoll...You do. You're just not used to [the old-timey wording]."
I only had the time to sink to my knees, eyes wide, lips agape, when the next message followed.
V: "Though, once you're already through it, I'm curious about your opinion on the play's stageability. 😄 (given such a word exists)"
You bet your asses all air left my lungs. Not only did she call me babydoll again, now in a way that I could forever remind myself of it, but she basically just prompted another conversation! She wants to talk to me again! And I'll have you reminded, V's basically trusting my judgement based on the scriptbook I showed her at the dawn of time, that she'd never actually seen in action! I wonder what I did to earn all this trust...
S: "I'll see at the end and tell you :)"
V: "Alright :))"
Then, all brave from the double smiley, I had a really stupid and impulsive thought. (Don't yell.) Me being the little shit that I am, I googled stageability and took a screenshot of no results having been found. I took a screenshot, cropped it and sent it to V, my head being completely empty as I did. I acted purely from gut feeling.
S: "Tough luck this time, it seems😄"
V: "i thought so!"
(I can only hope she took it as a joke. But, the way I know her, she probably understood. Still, the me of right now, exactly two days and two minutes later, wouldn't do it.)
And this is where it ended. This is where I ended. My hands, my legs, even my lips were trembling as I tried to process the sudden load of emotion overcoming me. What did I just do. What did we do. What happened here. All this just echoed in my head, and I went ahead and texted every friend I wanted to tell in all caps.
BanF: "you guys have really warmed up to each other"
Even now, as I was typing, I got the chills just thinking about this conversation. If it wasn't for the 'Miss' and my use of formal pronouns in the very first text, it would've just felt like two friends, who happen to both love literature, talking. And this really warms my heart, because there's this fantastic woman, who I genuinely think is one of the best influences on my life and... she just likes me for me. She immediately answers when she can, comes off genuinely happy to talk to me, prompts another thing I can tell her about and all but tells me that my opinion matters to her. Because this is her. I'm almost convinced that I will never hear her outright say that she likes me or she's proud of me, but, should I have any doubts, she does everything to let me know. I just misunderstand her sometimes, not knowing where to look.
When I tell you all this still doesn't feel real...
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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littlespoonevan · 8 years
Love your writing!!! So sweet and fitting for these characters 😄 Please tell me about the first night Isak spent at Even's. I'd love to hear your take on this
ahhh thank you so much!!! :’) i feel like this is just a gratuitous excuse to write cuddles and i’m gonna take you up on it hahaha
(I would kindly ask that no one send me prompts for the time being while I answer all the ones in my inbox, thank you
so isak has been to even’s house plenty of times
when things settle down in december and once isak officially meets even’s parents, they start going over there a lot
they still always go back to isak’s if they’re spending the night together
but they get into a routine of going to even’s for dinner on saturdays or stopping by even’s on the way home from school so he can pick up clothes or books or just going over there for an afternoon/evening to hang out w even’s parents bc they’re really cool and isak kind of missed having parental figures in his life???????
but as i said, sleepovers are reserved for isak’s bed
it just feels less weird??????? 
also isak’s bed is bigger and they just have a lil more freedom at his place
but one saturday when they’re having their weekly dinner w even’s mom and dad isak ends up staying really late
it’s one of the nights even had decided to stay home which meant they both kept coming up with excuses for isak to stay a lil bit longer bc they didn’t really want to say goodbye yet
except it reaches midnight and isak is still there, curled up on the living room couch with even and watching a movie when even’s mom pops her head in the door
“it’s getting pretty late boys,” she observes
isak sits up and reluctantly admits he should probably go home, stifling a yawn and resisting the urge to sink back into even’s warmth
“is pappa still up to drop isak home?” even asks and his mother can tell by his face he’s secretly hoping the answer is no
“he’s gone to bed,” she tells him, desperately trying to conceal a smile as isak insists he’s fine and that he can walk or take the tram
when isak starts rooting around for his phone and even dejectedly begins to help she takes pity on them
“how about isak just spends the night here?” 
considering the way they both snap to look at her with such hopeful expressions you’d swear they weren’t basically living together in isak’s apartment 5 nights out of 7 during the week
“it’s late, we can drop him home after breakfast in the morning”
“are you sure that’s okay?” isak asks, suddenly nervous and wringing his hands in the hem of his hoodie
even, on the other hand, is beaming up at her. “takk mamma! we’ll be in my room”
she rolls her eyes as even grabs isak’s hand and hauls him up off the couch, dragging him down the hallway. “goodnight, boys!”
being in even’s room suddenly feels different when isak knows he’s staying
he’s napped in even’s bed before but he’s actually staying the night and he’s not sure why it feels like a big deal when they’ve been sharing a bed for weeks
maybe it’s because for once it doesn’t feel so grownup?
at isak’s apartment, it almost feels as if they’re a few years older than they are. in college and living together and with their very own morning routines
here isak feels very teenage, like he’s finally been given permission to stay the night at his boyfriend’s place for the first time
which he technically is but he knows had he asked to stay four weeks ago the answer would’ve been the same as it was tonight
even kisses him giddily when they’re in the confines of his room, mumbling, “let’s get ready for bed,” against isak’s mouth
isak doesn’t even need to borrow even’s clothes since when he goes to even’s wardrobe he finds a pair of his own sweatpants, three of his t-shirts and two hoodies
“i was looking for that hoodie!” 
“finders, keepers!”
(he wears one of even’s shirts to bed in retaliation)
their night time routine is more or less the same with the exception that they’re doing it in even’s bathroom instead of isak’s
once they get back to even’s room isak texts eskild to let him know he won’t be home before putting his phone on silent
he climbs the ladder up to even’s bed first bc they may be in a different room and on a different bed but isak still has to sleep on the right
even’s bed is smaller than isak’s which means it’s basically impossible for them both to lie on their backs side by side so they roll onto their sides to face each other once they’re settled
“i don’t know why this feels so exciting,” even whispers, crinkly-eyed smile in place as he brushes isak’s curls back off his face
“me either,” isak replies quietly, fingers curling around even’s wrist to keep his hand in place. “but i like it.”
even’s smile mirrors his own as he leans in to kiss him, soft and sweet enough to make isak melt into the mattress
“it kind of feels like that first night i stayed at yours, after halloween,” even muses. “when sharing a bed wasn’t a comfort, it was something new that we’d never tried before, y’know?”
isak nods, ducking his head to hide his smile at the memory of that friday night and saturday they’d spent holed up in isak’s room kissing and cuddling like it was the only thing in the world that mattered
“it kind of feels like we’re experiencing that all over again,” even continues and isak agrees because he thinks that’s probably what he can attribute the butterflies in his stomach to
but also
“this is still different though,” he murmurs. “it’s better. because it feels new and exciting but it’s not uncertain like before. underneath all the excitement is that same sense of comfort and surety i feel every time we go to sleep together, y’know?”
even’s expression is impossibly soft and isak can feel his cheeks heating up the longer they look at one another
he buries half his face in the pillow to hide his blush, curling that little bit closer to even so he can play with the fabric of his t-shirt
“i think you’re right,” even tells him, affection pouring out of him so obviously isak thinks his heart might burst. “we’re a sure thing.”
isak raises an eyebrow, mouth quirking up at the corners. “what movie is that from?”
even grins, drifting closer on the pillow to brush their noses together. “the boy who couldn’t hold his breath underwater”
isak stares at him, caught, before a slow smile spreads across his face and he tilts his chin up in silent request for a kiss.
even obliges him, leaving a lingering kiss on his lips before isak rolls onto his other side so they can spoon
when even is pressed up against his back, curled around him with their fingers interlocking over isak’s stomach, isak whispers, “yeah. we’re a sure thing.”
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