#but yeah i generally think that as much as other characters deserve the spotlight i guess? atsushi wasnt all that relevant last 2 seasons
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zakuryoishi · 1 year ago
reason living by screen time is still such a banger it should be illegal
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true-blue-sonic · 2 months ago
The fandom doesn’t want a Year of Silver cause they don’t think it’ll perform well. I don’t want a Year of Silver because I have absolutely no faith in the current writer’s characterisation of him and do not wanna sit through an entire fucking year of that. We are not the same
Yeah, I understand fully what you mean. My thoughts on it are three-fold: firstly I indeed wonder if a year for Silver will really work out, because he's not as popular as others. The Year of Shadow worked because Shadow is hugely beloved, to the point there was a time he was more popular than Sonic himself. It's no surprise to me that a game with a storymode in which he plays a central role would sell well! But Silver does not have that popularity by far. On Tumblr people seem moderately fond of him, but I have no clue how he's seen on other websites. It might be quite risky to dedicate a whole year to him; I fear he might not be able to carry it. (And then of course there's also the issue that Shadow just plays like Sonic + Chaos Spear + extra gimmicks that are still very fast-paced, whereas for Silver's PK they'd really have to make changes compared to how he played (and ran lol) in '06, in my opinion. It might take some time for Sonic Team to work out what to do with Silver and in what playstyle, perhaps more than Shadow. That could make them hesitant to try, but that's just pure guesswork on my part.)
And then secondly, there's a lot of characters who are more popular than Silver, yet who don't really get much attention either. Sure, Amy, Knuckles and Tails became playable in Frontiers, but they got no year for themselves despite Knux and Tails starring in the second movie. I don't even want to imagine the fandom implosion if Silver got a full year starring him in a central role before any of these characters XD And I would understand it! To me, Silver deserves getting more spotlight, but that's because he's my favourite and we don't get much content on him. If your favourite is Tails or Knuckles or Amy or Eggman or Metal Sonic, and they'd get snubbed by a far less popular character, I can imagine very well that'll leave you feeling bitter (and also, it doesn't help that Silver is already scorned for '06 presenting him as the Third Male And Thus Very Important Hedgehog™️ at the expense of other characters, or at least so I've heard before). Perhaps after more attention has been paid to others in the cast could a Year of Silver fly over better, but as things in the fandom are now, I think it'd cause utter mayhem.
And thirdly, I agree with your point that Silver is not well-written in a lot of supplementary material. I have as extra point that I really don't like Bryce's voice for him; nothing against the guy, but in TSR Silver sounds like a cockier Sonic half the time and vaguely like a Silver the other half, and compared to what we used to have before with Quinton's Silver I consider it a huge downgrade. On the other hand, I adore Kirk's Shadow in SXSG and Kirk is quite a contested voice actor for him, so maybe with better directions the same can happen for Bryce? But in general on the topic of Silver's characterisation, I've been seeing more posts on Tumblr describing how Silver is highly OOC in e.g. the IDW comics, and then if you also count stuff like the most recent takeover's incredibly random "Silver is kinda like my little brother! :D" statement that has zero basis in canon... I guess overall we don't know what the future holds here, haha! But I think Sonic Team could be wary about making a whole Year of Silver, when keeping my first two points in mind. Though on the other hand, the more time goes on, the more chance there is SoJ pays more attention to Silver's characterisation in the West and implements changes there to keep him more in line with his game- and Sonic Channel personality, maybe?
Overall, we just can't know, but I wouldn't worry about it too much either: in SXSG I'd say Shadow was written really well in the way he talked and moved and just existed in the game, and I greatly enjoyed his storymode in no small part due to the fact he felt very authentic to the character to me. I think if SoJ is on the case (because they are probably the ones making a Silver game in the end), there'll be much more quality control around Silver's character than e.g. for the IDW comics or a takeover. But I think it might be years before we get a Year of Silver or even a game that has Silver in any way playable in a main role, to be honest. We'll just have to wait and see! In 2018 Takashii Iizuka said a Silver game could be a possibility, and Shun Nakamura is also still fond of his creation, or so I've heard. I'm curious to see what the future will turn out to hold🍀
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koskela-knights · 2 months ago
The Art of Alan Wake 2 book spoilers
Making this its own post becos I'm gonna be a negative on this one :P
To be honest, the art book left more to be desired. There are surprisingly few chapters in it with 165 pages.
Acknowledgements which is just 1 page with the team names
I have Alan Wake Illuminated (as pdf) which sort of serves as an Art book for the first game and it has about 176 pages and 8 different chapters including: unused material, casting, prototypes...
In the few chapters, there's a small intro text/commentary but besides that, not much extra commentary which I severely missed. I always love reading about the process, seeing the sketches, unused ideas, snippets of dialogue or script, etc. and I kinda hoped/wished they would give us more insights about the whole process again with this art book.
Compared to other art books I've seen and have, it remains lacking in that department.
So what's in the book? There are concept sketches about the characters and environment and some 3d renders but most of it I've already seen on ArtStation and during the live streams. Maybe those livestreams are also a reason they didn't put much commentary into the book? Still, a shame because I don't know if everyone has watched those dev streams + I would really love to know more about the design process of the NPCs. Why did they give Saga this hairstyle, why put in these character details, what made them decide to give Alan a more formal suit...? (just some random questions)
Even having a short description of all the featured characters (like those character cards they did on Insta) would've been a fun addition to give the book more body.
(And as a Koskela fan, I feared I wouldn't get more new BTS material with the art book and sadly I'm right)
Lowkey also surprised to find nothing about Yötön Yö. No script pages or photos or concept art. Again, I really wish we would've seen more about that short movie because it rightly deserves more spotlights and acknowledgement. I think in one of the live streams, they also showed the storyboard for the game? Would've loved to see that for the short movie. Show us the uncut ideas (if I believe they intended it to be even longer than the 30min we got?)
And what about the story itself? It's such a mindfuck and wild ride of a story, I think many fans would've been happy to see more insights about the story and the narrative choices. Alan Wake 1 even shines a light (pun intended) on the story and ideas that were thrown around until it became Alan Wake as we know it.
So yeah, I might've had my hopes too high up (lmao as usual when it comes to Koskela content)?
But in general, I feel they could've done more with the book, showcase more of the thought processes behind such an amazing game. Because truly, the art of this game deserves to be shown and to be elaborated on beyond brief chapter introductions on 1 page and brief descriptors.
Idk if it has to do with the company they collabed with or not? From what I've heard from someone else, the Control artbook was legit and detailed.
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dicenete · 10 months ago
Gilbert's route done :0
Hmm... Finished Gilbert's route with Romantic ending + Epilogue. I have some thoughts. In general, I think Gilbert's route will share the Top 1 spot with Clavis's route from now on. The main part of the route was just * chef's kiss *. The Romantic ending started strong but I feel like it ended bit... flat?... well, I say that the biggest problem is really the format of this game and the restrictions it puts on the story. Next up either Keith, Yves or the surprise candidate Luke. Spoilers under the cut.
I felt bad for Yves. I feel like he was robbed of the character development in Gilbert's route. Like I would have loved the ending more if he would have been more active and brave. I even feel like MC didn't deserve the spotlight that much, maybe if Yves and MC would have worked together then yeah! He came all the way to Obsidian to get her! MC already had shown some initial bravery before she left to Obsidian, I think her ideals would have benefited more with having someone on her side. AND how impactful it would have been if Yves would have stood there with her! HE IS A PRINCE OF RHODOLITE! He is the OG pure heart really.
I feel bad for Luke too. I know, I know we gotta have that happy ending but still... Things ended way too well. I was hoping for more tragedy, but I know this isn't really the game to go there. Maybe it was more about the fact that we didn't really see any aftermath how they dealt with the anti-monarch faction. Do the princes ever really talk about the late king of Rhodolite at all? Like come to general consensus that he was a horrible person? Atleast the last scene with Jin and Luke was a start.
I think Gilbert's obsession with MC before the game's story was unnecessary because he could have just went there and try to corrupt Belle. Because that's what Belle is supposed to be. A someone with pure heart. He already knew that king of Rhodolite was dead. He knew MC was the Belle. (Not only the total chance of her to be the next belle? Unless he orchestrated that too? I don't really think so.) And to go there like "Hey, this might end up me being proved wrong or right. Let's give the humanity one more chance!" I think it would have been more impactful if Belle would be someone who is a total stranger to him.
Roderic and Walter were MVPs.
I named Gilbert's brothers according to Gilbert's and Albert's names: Robert, Rubert and Wilbert. You are welcome. ALSO: I'm kinda disappointed with the eyepatch. I lowkey wished that his other eye would have been blind or something else like that. Because it just doesn't make sense to me why would you even have an eyepatch on all the time for aesthetic reasons. The disadvantage it gives to you if someone say... suddenly tries to assassinate you? Or in fighting? One of your sides would be open for an attack. (Even if I admit, rule of cool is cool, but really...)
Overall I was happy about how dark Gilbert's route was. I enjoyed it a lot. He was as unhinged as I hoped he was. And many lovey dovey scenes had more impact because of the dark aspects of the story. I'm a firm believer of the quote: "For every laugh, there should be a tear." (Walt Disney). The brighter the light, the bigger the shadow.
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talestales-art · 11 months ago
Reverse 1999 events/lore I would like to see mmmmmm (explodes)
This is mostly because I love Bette. I would love to see a Hollywood focused event, especially with Sweetheart & Bette (and maybe even Blonney). Commentary on the film industry and on theme considering how much film related stuff is in the game (tickets, movie review achievements). At least a sweetheart anecdote. Films have also been mentioned multiple times in the daily login.
Black centered event
Can’t comment too much about this as I’m not black, but black people have done A LOT for the world and it often goes unrecognised. Deserves recognition. The game also needs more black characters. I would especially love to see a music focused event, since there’s not many music themed characters and black people invented essentially every music genre. African folklore is also really REALLY cool and I think that would be nice too see. But yeah mainly there need more black characters.
Early Iron Age Scandinavia (aka vikings)
I think it would be interesting to start it off with the 80’s with meeting Erick. Then going back in time to the Iron Age/viking age, and that’s where she gets her i2 garment. It would also be nice to see other Nordic characters, one I would LOVE to see is Njals from the Icelandic Fairytale Njals Saga. They also mentioned vikings in one of the daily login. Also it would be cool w folklore /viking stuff that’s not romanticised. Perhaps even Nordic mythology & folklore (folklore creatures > asatro gods imo).
Rabies lore
If you’ve read his story, you’ll understand. I really hope we get an anecdote or an event featuring Rabies. I would love to see who he was in his past, the emotions he experienced losing all of his patients. I also need bluepoch to release their Alicia/Alicja design. I want them to kiss. Please. Also read his story if you haven’t, it’s so tragic.
Yule event
Shamane yule goat garment when🕯️ also I like Yule, it’s an easy way to celebrate winter time without tying it to one specific religion or practice (as many places do yule in their own way). Also it would generally be nice to see yule talked about more, since christmas usually get the spotlight.
Mesmer Jr Protagonist
Mesmer Jr gets to be the protagonist of an event, just like Vertin, Sonetto, Regulus and Matilda (kinda) got to be. She deserves that. It would also be very interesting with more Mesmer Family lore, especially her finding out about Scott (three doors). Hopefully it would end with her joining Vertin’s team officially and distancing herself from the foundation/her family. Also she gets to change her name, she deserves a proper first name. Please bluepoch give her a happy development please I’m begging. At the very least there’s NO WAY there’s not gonna be a Mesmer family heavy event/lore, there’s already so so so much and they’re building it up for something I swear.
Tragic ballerina character
I physically need a tragic ballerina reverse 1999 character or I will implode. That’s the only reason I made my r1999 ballerina OC Aigrette. ALSO there’s a painting of a ballerina in the suitcase. Bluepoch, ballerina character is a need.
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manyothermusingsofmine · 2 years ago
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so huyandere posted this on twitter with the notion of like “did anyone write a detailed analysis of kristoph’s solitary cell already bc why is there a pink chair. Insane.” and like I don’t know if it counts as a detailed analysis but I certainly have Opinions about this. I’m a bit sick though so this is really rambly and not on track in the slightest. and if you click the read more it’s all there so uh like
Okay first of all I’m going to have to fact check this but I feel like the wiki told me Kristoph apparently talked the guards into getting him all this stuff?
-one wiki search later- “He managed to call in some favors to some of the prison guards whom he had befriended to get various items into the cell, turning it into something of an office.”
Okay yeah so that’s fucking terrifying? Kristoph already doesn’t strike me as the type to have legitimate friends because everyone is a means to an end with him, but- bro that’s not pulling favors that’s mafia boss behavior what the hell.
But like the bigger Thought I have about the whole thing that derails a little from huyandere’s original question is just. The fucking paralells between Simon and Kristoph? Like okay no hear me out actually.
They’re the same character archetype, in a way. They’re both cool, collected, kinda detached loners- arguably the flip side of each other’s coin because where their character wildly diverge is in motive. Kristoph’s whole motive in his story is greed and envy; wanting the fame and fortune others have and feeling like his rightful place in the spotlight is being usurped by people who don’t deserve it Simon on the other hand’s whole motive is undying loyalty to protecting someone he cares about. He’s on deathrow for a crime he didn’t commit, but can we not gloss over the fact that he’s doing so to protect Athena, who, at this point if the story gets spun in her direction, would befall the same faith? That’s -deskslam- why I’m so mad actually that Simon and Klavier don’t interact in Dual Destinies. Like, at all. And that’s a fucking crime because no matter how you spin that their dynamic would be so interesting! Like, would Simon’s similar demeanor freak Klavier out and does their coworkership therefor become kind of strained and uncomfortable? Or are you like me and do you think that Simon takes one look at Klavier and goes “-Markiplier voice- oh he’s traumatized” and instinctively adopts this weird rockstar prosecutor as his brother because eh what’s another adoptive sibling at this point. And in that case does Klavier look at Simon’s behavior and just go “well thats similar to what I was used to anyway so yeah you can stick around.”? Also I’m not done you clicked on this that was your choice entirely it’s even more fascinating to think about Simon and Kristoph spending even one day in the same jail establishment because first of all I feel like Simon would look around that jail cell and just go “show off” and leave it at that. And while I think the fandom has a point in that Simon probably wouldn’t like Kristoph, have we even considered how much Kristoph would fucking loathe Simon? Simon is pretty much the better version of him because Simon has honor and loyalty; things Kristoph definitely lacks. Furthermore with his background in psychology and just the general way he is Simon wouldn’t fall for any of Kristoph’s manipulation tactics, and there’s not much else Kristoph can do because there’s no way in hell that he would win in a physical fight against Simon; the man’s build like a fucking tank come on now. Do you have any idea how much it would piss Kristoph off that he has this absolute powerhouse of a man in a cell next to him and the bastard’s completely immune to his manipulation skills?! And before I forget the fucking?? paralell?? between Simon owning a trained hawk that I can only assume he trained himself which takes time and talent and trust and sfmdfmg the sprite of him petting Taka makes me feel things. Vs Kristoph having a dog where the general consensus seems to be that it’s a golden retriever, which makes me feel things as someone who has owned golden retrievers and who knows their unconditional love, because he wants to be loved unconditionally with no questions asked FDS,MFNSDFG,MNDF,GM-
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year ago
This is meant with so much love but sometimes I read your interactions and you're such a millennial it's endearing! Coming into this fandom felt like joining an old lady's knitting club lmao 😭 (like with the emojis, genz uses the crying emoji as crying with laughter, y'all just use it as sad-crying. You frequently use 🥰 unironically, and it gives me such a whiplash) love you tho xx
Well I don't take this offensively - tho it is condescending, just know that about yourself - because I AM a millennial, but I do honestly feel a bit bad for you lol. I'm 35 years old and the fact that you seemingly think that is "old lady" age is??? I also mean this with love, it's gotta be terrifying living life and thinking that you have maaaybe a decade after you get out of your teens to feel young and have fun and enjoy things. Or that being young is (???) synonymous (???) with speaking like a teenager.
Just in reality here, your brain isn't even fully developed until you're 25, and you don't really begin to emotionally pull your head out of your own ass until about 30. So 30-50? That's when the real fun begins babe like idk how else to explain it you just have to live it. Hobbies are better, the sex is better (by far), the friendships are better, the freedom is so much fuckin better.
So yeah no you're right I don't think as hard on emoji meanings as zoomers do because I'm just having a good time interacting and talking rather than worrying if I'm being the 'right' kind of ironic, idk. I suppose I feel less need to make myself perform for other's approval online, but I did it in my own era, so I get your impulse. Also, I know it's a cyclical thing with pm all 15-25 yo's thinking that 30+ is like some crypt keeper style deadline for being fun or young. It's just a rite of passage, every generation thinks that way about the generation before them, we've all been there. And it is hilarious because when you do get past those ages and into your 30s, you will look back and realize exactly how clueless you were 🥴 that's also a rite of passage, believe me. Your moment will come
Mostly tho I just hope that you appreciate that the only reason this fandom is as good as it is or has lasted so long as it has is because of people my age and older. Most of the classic memes/lore/fics that this fandom is known for come from people 30+, because we have been where you are and lived it and actually made it past that smoke-and-mirrors stage of life that is your 20s. We can write about actual life and love and strife without sounding full of shit or unrealistic because we pour actual life experience and fully shaped senses of humor/character growth/etc into our work which most younger people simply cannot do (not all, I know a few brilliant younger writers and they deserve their spotlight). You too will get there eventually tho babe you will. And when the next generation laughs at you for your ~cringe~ emoji usage or whatever the litmus is for their era, you'll remember this message and then pat them on their sweet naive baby heads too 🥰
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years ago
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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ckret2 · 11 months ago
saw your recent reblog about feedback and, though I’ve been occasionally gushing in tags, you deserve to hear what I tell my friends! In general, your writing style is perfect at capturing the timing and delivery of the show itself. I’ve never read a fic i’ve been able to visualize more clearly than this one. You write each character so well that between chapters it feels like i’m right back where i used to be, waiting for new episodes again. I do think you haven’t *quite* solved your side-character-ification (applejackification?) of Dipper problem yet, but other than that you’re doing an astounding job at balancing all the characters and their interactions with each other and with bill in a way that feels natural (plus with these more recent chapters i’m seeing lots of good dipper stuff so you’re definitely getting there with him too! besides, it is nice to see Mabel get the spotlight after all these years anyway. healing, even.) You know exactly how to control an audience’s emotions, you know when to drag something out and when to shut it down, you know when to cut off a conversation and when bring up the fact it was cut off later. Little foreshadowings like the loose tooth are well-planted and plot beats like lucid dreaming are dropped and picked back up delicately and with precision, like pressing piano keys. i don’t doubt for a second it’s all a part of some grand instrument, though i wouldn’t be surprised if you told me most of it was improvised - another way you’re just like the show was. you’ve done the episodic-and-serialized thing better than at least half of all silver-age cartoons that have attempted to do so! I adore the way you show kindness to all characters in your scenes, from gideon’s characterless mother to the little freak himself. It truly feels as though you pick no favorites, and that’s something you do better than the show did tbh. Not that TBOB needed to hook me in with a marketing campaign, but hypothetically, in a universe where I didn’t own a hand-sewn bill cipher throw-pillow and yet somehow still found this fic, I would definitely be excited for it after reading! you’re gifted, and i hope this does numbers on AO3. I truly cannot stand hazbin hotel, but I may go back and read your other works once this one’s over, just to hear your narrative voice. it’s a voice worth hearing, and may it be forever amplified.
oh WOW thank you so much??? 😭 this is SUCH a sweet comment and it means so much to me that you took the time to write all this!!
APPLEJACKIFICATION... that made me laugh. Dipper will get some serious development before the end of the eclipse plot and he's key in the next plot, so I think that'll help him make some progress. But yeah—he's not gonna be as important as Mabel, but I do want to make sure he has a plot that stands on its own, smaller though it may be.
It's 2/3 planned, 1/3 improvised. 😁 I've got a lead time of about 15 chapters between what I've posted and what I've written, so I can do stuff like write the poppet chapter, write the tooth fairy arc, edit the poppet chapter, realize that as long as I'm giving him a bloody lip maybe I can loosen his tooth, edit the tooth fairy arc, have him mention that that tooth was loose. And many chapters I haven't written or outlined yet I have loosely planned in my head so I know how to aim toward them.
Wanting to show kindness to all the characters and wanting to give as many of them an internal life as possible is so important to me, and I'm so glad that's showing through so far!
And honestly I think "I hate [xyz] but I'll read it if you're writing it" is the highest compliment. 😂 All my hazbin fics were written pre-season 1 when all we had was the pilot, a couple comics, creator comments, and some Helluva to go by; but idk maybe you'd consider that a plus lol. (If you're interested, on ao3 I've also written Transformers, Godzilla, some Pokémon, and a smattering of other things.)
Thanks again for sending such a nice message!
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writebackatya · 1 year ago
i wanted to ask, why beauty and the beast as your favorite disney movie? do you have any specific memories with it?
There might be some childhood bias but man I do love the Disney Renaissance era. I was born near the end of that era so I did have a certain fondness. Mind you I have vivid memories watching both Tarzan and Mulan in theaters and the rest on VHS and DVD with my siblings
For the longest time I’d say Aladdin was my favorite Disney movie of all time and I think it might be the one I watched the most, but when I was in my teens Beauty and the Beast became my favorite because it’s just the best in my humble opinion
I love everything about it!
The music numbers are wonderful! The Disney Renaissance in general has a lot of wonderful music!
Every movie from that era I will admit have some bangers. The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, and Mulan; all great stuff! But I admit all of them have song or two that just don’t really do it for me as much as their others. Doesn’t mean I hate them though. (The only songs I genuinely hate out of these movies are Les Poissons from The Little Mermaid and A Guy Like You from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
But Beauty and the Beast! Every song is a banger and not a drag and moves the story forward! First you got it’s opening number: Belle! I just love it’s energy and how it introduces its main characters! It’s so good it gets another reprise and you don’t know how often I’ve sung “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere” in public. Twice. Once at work
And Gaston!? An amazing villain song. It’s so ridiculous, makes you wanna sing along and do all the voices, and it captures our villain’s scummy ways so well! And the reprise!? So good! Just love how sinister it becomes while still being so jovial!
Be Our Guest!? Yes please! The supporting cast in this movie is so good and this song is a great showcase of these characters, specifically Lumiére and Cogsworth! Lumiére with his excellent showmanship and Cogsworth just slowly getting into while being on the end of a lot of slapstick! Don’t worry, Mrs. Potts will get her time in the spotlight soon but we get a small taste of her singing talents in this one!
And how about Something There!? Whenever it’s a beautiful winter day this song will always play in my head! And it’s funny to think that one of the previous scenes before it was the Beast fighting off those wolves in the snow! When all of that was kinda scary and he was still seen as somewhat of a threat! But look at him now! Birds love him! He has a gentle side! And he sucks at snowball fighting! It’s funny! Oh and his voice! So damn good! And Belle’s singing is still just as beautiful as ever
If we’re talking extended edition I do really enjoy Human Again which is a great addition to the soundtrack! The beast’s servants deserve their own song singing about what they want
And now. The main event. The titular song. Beauty and the Beast sung by Mrs. Potts herself!! God this song is so beautiful! Angela Lansbury’s voice is phenomenal; it’s so loving and caring and soft! (Also absolutely great blend of 2D and 3D animation in this scene! So well done!)
Funny to think about that the final song (besides the reprise) is the Mob Song. But yeah! This song is damn good too! Like I love the Beast but this fear mongering song is such a banger and shows Gaston’s manipulative side so damn well. And let’s not forget the servant’s side as they head into the final battle! Good stuff!
I love all the characters in this movie! Belle is a great protagonist, the Beast has development that you just love to see happen, Gaston is the most fun villain to ever come from Disney, and the supporting characters are great at stealing scenes
I remember there was a time on the internet where everyone just seemed to have this whole “Yo! Fuck the Disney Renaissance movies” and just had a whole bunch bad takes such as Belle being a horrible person, Gaston is a good person, the infamous Stockholm syndrome take. I guess that pushback just made me love it more. Not to say the movie shouldn’t have its critics but i just felt those arguments were always weak and either ignored details from the movie or just added something that wasn’t in the movie
In the 8th grade, I was in my school’s musical of the Disney version! I played Monsieur D’Arque (the asylum guy) and my big solo moment was “He’ll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wonder free”. I was friends with a lot of the leads already so this musical was a lot of fun for me
And recently on my trip to Disney World I got to eat at the Beast’s Castle
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So yeah. I love this movie. It’s my favorite. But I admit there is some bias to it but who cares!? There’s always bias when it comes to opinions
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seoafin · 2 years ago
gege fridging yuki and now tsumiki. shoko, utahime, mei mei, momo, miwa disappering from the plot and now i dont think nobara is coming back after reading the newest chapter which would mean that her death was handled horribly 💀💀💀
i genuinely dont understand whats going on in jjk anymore tbh either like i stopped reading after 208 and your blog was how i found out about the tsumiki thing 😭😭 i wish gege wouldve atleast utilized her in the past chapters if the plan was to kill her because the impact just. isnt there. and like what was the point of yorozu??????? to show us that sukuna is strong?????????🤔 i will actually be surprised if gege turns all of this around but honestlyyyyyyy 😬 (1/2)
its a shame that gege doesnt know how to include female characters into the plot anymore because theyre all just interesting and have wayy too much potential.
like the idea of a character who only cares about money and could go as far to exploit their own sibling like mei mei or someone like shoko who is one of the few/only people in the world who can use rct to heal people (the fact that she was in the same class with the 2 strongest sorcerers in the world and she was never shown to be afraid of them or take their shit) or someone like yuki who was the first special grade in their generation and also an spv??? (if this had been revealed during HI arc the drama would increase tenfold...) OR TSUMIKI omg this one frustrates me so muchhh like she had SO SO SO MUCH BUILD UP AND FOR WHAT??? this girl had to get into the role of a parent for her younger brother because toji sold him and left them and her mother abandoned them and left. SHE IS ELDEST DAUGHTER CODED (so much so that her perspective and feelings during a traumatic situation are never explored because shes fine if shes hardworking and doesnt complain *cough*minari*cough*) imagine going through all of this at such a young age and having to adapt constantly and pick up the pieces alone because the have to keep living. like if megumi was too young to be going through all of that SO WAS SHE????? she deserved wayyyyyy better i could go on for hours about this but. yeah 😭😭😭 basically theyre all characters who've got their own agendas and it wouldve been so much better if already existing characters had been explored rather than 1098274 new characters being introduced. i miss plant trio. nobara balanced out fushiguro's emo angstyness by bullying him. oh well atleast we have maki 😍😍😍 (2/2)
no i agree with you 100% jjk had so much potential to have active and important female characters with agency in the beginning of the manga where akutami was still tying characters into world building. i think that made people (like me) hopeful for a deconstruction of gender norms and dynamics in the jujutsu world that would propel the female characters forward instead of letting them stay one dimensional but it looks as if that's what ended up happening anyway. once again i don't think akutami is intentionally sidelining them if that means anything i just think his planning and organization is off (not enough time given to develop characters other than megumi and yuuji) and that he bit off more than he could choose (having a large cast of characters). which is such a shame bc he could be doing so much more with them!!! like the narrative giving shoko the spotlight for like 2 seconds isn't even a step in the right direction it's the bare minimum!!! it's something we should've gotten during the shibuya arc!!!
also yes. i will die mad about yuki tsukumo and tsumiki. they could've been saved idc idc killing off one of the strongest female characters in your series is just plain WRONG. and tsumiki deserved to live my god.......NOT ANGEL. TSUMIKI. AGHHHHHHHH.
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kitamars · 2 years ago
hope you don't mind me sending in another ask so soon but i always find this kinda stuff interesting- now that you've survived two big serious arcs how would you rank the main cast in terms of like. favs & stuff?
don't apologise for the asks at all!! i love answering them and rambling about my thoughts so actually thank YOU for giving me a viable outlet haha
so I had to pull out my notes app to draft this one bc i can't do things simply apparently. i can't rank characters for shit so I'm just gonna rate the main ones (at least to me) out of ten and that's that lol, so onward beyond the cut!
Gintoki: I'm in love with him. 10/10.
He's captivated me with his dead fish eyes and pathetic charm, the way he subverts the general shonen protag archetype really works for me (bc i tend to get annoyed with the genre every now and then) but other than that he's such an interesting character on his own that I cannot get into for fear of rambling too much but yeah. I like him a lot. I might cry about someday in the tags of some art or whatever
(also beam saber arc is UNDERRATED (to me) and its very much overshadowed by everything before and after it but I DON'T CARE it has some of my favourite gin character bits this is my propaganda i just felt like i had to put this here THANKS)
Shinpachi: the human-wearing-glasses gag is absolutely hilarious and I hope it never stops. 8/10.
I love shinpachi a lot I promise, i love how dedicated he is to the straight man role and also the times when he's not. Honestly he could have very easily annoyed me after a bit, but he's genuinely just so loveable and a lot of his charm just comes from his VA's delivery, I've never heard anyone else able to convey the emotional range that I've heard from shinpachi in this anime fnsnjrjgjs
I do think he needs more screentime though (watch beam saber arc),,,kagura tends to get a lot of the spotlight (which I'm not mad about) but he also needs some love!! he's just some guy yk gotta give some appreciation!!
Kagura: queen of kabukicho and the queen of my heart. 10/10.
SHE IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME. i don't have words to express how much I love her, she's one of my all time favorites ever. She's just doing her thing, eating gin-san out of house and home and kicking ass while she's at it and she's so valid for that.
A big part of why I like her is also just her relationship with the yorozuya. the amount of times I've felt like exploding when I see her and gin or shinpachi just interacting in the background of a scene or something similar is impossible to count. She's my little mimi and she deserves literally the world
(Also there's this one compilation of her singing on YouTube and i listen to it RELIGIOUSLY kugimiya rie is a blessing for this character for real it's insane)
Sadaharu interlude: Big ball of fluff/10 (he's adorable)
Hijikata: this man makes me feel a similar range of emotions I feel cramming the night before a final, if not more. 10/10.
He drives me NUTS. you know me, i love my dark-haired chainsmoking men with issues, and he's just chock full of them, it's like a dream come true. Every arc that's focused on him has been absolutely incredible, and even on his own he's such an interesting and funny character. Fully biased towards his VA btw, i don't think anyone else could voice him as effectively, the delivery is always top notch.
His dynamic with the rest of the shinsengumi is honestly one of my favourites, he's got so much range as a serious and gag character, especially when the plot decides to chuck his coolness out the window with that little mayonnaise addiction of his (now everytime I put mayonnaise on anything at all i give myself a dirty look, idk why).
Also i should mention that tosshi was one of the only things that made my watching experience truly difficult. I'd just cringe out of existence everytime he opened his mouth it was. An experience. I still love him very much. Too much maybe.
Sougo: sadism has never looked more fun. 9/10.
I don't think I really have much to say about him? he's genuinely a really fun character, and his endless quests to smear hijikata across the asphalt is always the highlight of any viewing experience. i loved him regardless, but the mitsuba and farewell shinsengumi arcs gave him that extra bit of depth that really solidified him as a fav hehe
kondo: gorilla gorilla/10 (9/10)
thi guy is just the fucking funniest. he's one of the perfect examples of how gintama does characterisation through comedy because by introducing him with all his hilarious gags, you start to care a lot more about him when things actually get serious. Plus the joke never really gets old with him, if he shows up in an episode I know I'm about to have a great time.
but as a serious character as well he's just so good. Him being the glue of the shinsengumi is incredible and sometimes in the plot (crisis and farewell arcs) you can see exactly what it is in this man that makes people want to follow him to the ends of the earth, he is just a good person and I love him for that.
also he's the reason i realised I have not grown out of my 14 year old dick joke phase so there's that
Otose: gintoki's overdue rent/10 (9/10)
I enjoy her so much actually, she's already incredibly fun, but whenever they show more background to gintoki and her's relationship, all of a sudden i am in a puddle of tears on the floor, it's one of the most important things ever to me, the foster parent trope is my weak point.
evidently, kabukicho four devas was my kryptonite (in a really really good way)
Catherine: the heavy accent is pretty funny. 7/10.
I don't really have strong feelings about her tbh, she's alright and funny enough, that's pretty much all I can say
Tama: total number of her leukocytes/10 (9/10)
I LIKE TAMA SOOOOO MUCH SHES SO SWEET AND KIND AND ADORABLE. all of the tama centric arcs have been really fun and each episode involving her is so nice. Finding out she was the time traveller in the bfy movie was such a great twist but immediately made sense bc OF COURSE she would go that far for her very first friends!!!!! i love her innocence so dearly and the way she simply just wants to help others, also otose seeing her as a daughter makes me so emotional
Hasegawa: the madaodog madaonaire episode made me choke at the speed at which I got that reference. 8/10.
Incredibly funny character, the fact that he cannot win a single W is both hilarious but also a bit sad and pathetic, but he's authentic to himself regardless.
He also ruined my later attempts at trying to watch NGE
Otae: the price of one dom peri/10 (8/10)
I love her SOOOOO much she's so entertaining...again I don't have much to say but it's not really in a bad way, i just like her a lot and that's mostly it hehe
Kyubei: otae love/10 (9/10)
as a nb person I have a huge bias towards kyubei, their struggle to figure out where they stand in the binary is pretty relatable, and while I can say that you don't always see a character like that in media who is also hopelessly in love with a woman (so real for that though) i can also admit that this show isn't the best handling of it all, but honestly it's a very "take what I can get situation" so I try not to be too bothered, dekobokko was a bit strange but the ending for kyubei is better than most other instances I've seen, even if it doesn't stay consistent in the series
Also where is jugem jugem? i miss that little bastard so much that arc was so good
Tsukuyo: where does she stash all that kunai. 9/10.
no but seriously she's a really fun character, and I love everything about her and yoshiwara and her relationship with hinowa and seita and he hyakka and ACK. yoshiwara in flames and the red spider arcs were really good for her, and her slightly confused air at most times is so charming, i love her muah
Sacchan: uhhhhhh huh. 7/10.
I'm gonna be honest, she's one of the only characters I really didn't like since she was introduced, i just found her so incredibly annoying all the time. But then came shogun assassination and suddenly I could stand her a lot more when her personality didn't revolve around gin-san's massive d– (but like. I hate that I can relate to her)
also I don't know where her strange friendship with tsukuyo came from but I actually genuinely like it a lot..........sillies with sharp knives, what could possibly go wrong?
Okay I'm running out of steam here honestly so if I've missed anyone (I'm very sure I have) feel free to ask in replies and I'll tell you what i think jgjekkfkd
this is terrible. Everyone is a main character in my eyes
katsura: 10/10.
One of my all time favourite characters ever, literal definition of head empty no thoughts, he is so stupid and I want to kiss him passionately under the moonlight
Sakamoto: 10(00000)/10
He is my everything. He needs more screentime. I'm begging on my knees. He is the perfect man.
Takasugi: 9/10
He's great. Shogun assassination made me cry over him. I'm forever sad about him now he was so mochi.....and then the trauma.............ue
Anyways now I think I'm done. time to atone
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away-ward · 1 year ago
"yeah the series def needed more of it. but the thing is it did not happen for the other couples maybe except for damon saying in conclave that the only person who can bring ivarsen's dad to his knees is ivarsen's mom or something like that. so again only these two couples get the spotlight and exclusivity of the mmc reassuring the fmc they are the only ones for them. so we know that no matter how many orgies they participate in they will always go back to their respective partners but we don't get that kind of reassurance from the other two mmcs. "
Sliding into this convo, my question is: was this really necessary for emmy? Or willemmy. This might be an important thing for kaibanks because banks just want someone to choose her above everything, or even will, because he thought no one would choose him, but emmy? Or even willemmy in general? I dont think emmy needs it, so thats why, i asked if it's something emmy needs or something that readers just want to see even if it doesnt align well with emmy's characterisation, just because it's a romantic scene. However, slowly until the end of nightfall, emmy slowly opened up to will and chose him, in fact, propose to him in front of everyone, participted in a lot of things he wants her to do by his side so thats why by firenight, apart from him wanting her to be more verbally communicative of her love towards him (becaus eits his love language), he never ask much anymore, because he knew emory would choose him in/above everything, for life. Decades and decades where there will be just willemmy. Will stopped worrying about it slowly until the first epilogue of nightfall (?) during the time where they stayed at em's old home before moving into michael's old house. So i can see why banks needs the constant reassurance about being choosen and being publicly declared about kai's wants for her (because of her issue with gabriel, her mom and damon always not choosing her and abandoning her), but willemmy? Emmy? Will? It was already solved by firenight. He never needed anymore prove that emmy wouldnt be with anyone but Will Grayson III after that unknown conversation in the carfax room about aydin's rola in emmy's life now, and later on that implied conversation with damon at her newly built gazebo about that locker room scene because thats one of the only things that still got on will's nerves even after everything. Will always knew empry loved him, and she with him, but will just didnt know if she would prioritise him the , but slowly mature and understood that she had other duties that she had to deal with. "Life" got to her. Not other man. Not other woman. But her financial independency, her education, her career, her family duties. Which all of these will or rika never really had. Or even if they had, they had money that can access help, like therapy, rehab etc. I'm done comparing banks to will, then I will compare emmy's to rika's need to be chosen below.
Now, Unlike rika, emmy never suffered the thought of "oh, will would never choose me above his friends". Emmy only thought will wouldnt save her in blackchurch because she had immense (and unncessary amount of) guilt about her rejection to will after all that push and pull, and signing him up for jail (even if she had no choice) because she was just a good person who hated hurting people even if they could be guilty. In fact, among every characters in the series, emory was the only one who thought of caring about will's hurting limits because she was well aware that she might nit deserve his forgiveness, because even damon just hurt him and expect will to back in hid life, even if he regretted it. Emory was the only one who took will's hurt and boundaries seriously, thats why she hated to hurt him. In the past chapters, emmy thought no wanted to share her burden because his brother's love exhausted her and she thought she had no hope to be free and happy. Later on we saw her arc admitting that she too, had fought for so long, and wanted to start be good to herself and let herself have nice things and nice people in her life, which was the main reason why she was able to forgive will, because "you dont have to give up on everyone who dissappointed you" because people like will (as opposed to people like martin or damon) didnt always hurt her on purpose, but for the lack of trying or just miscommunication because they came from very different worlds. So real miscommunication was bound to happen, and now that theyre healthier and more mature, with no financial dependencies to anyone, they can do whatever they want because the abusers are gone, financial or educational debt are none, so whats there to wait for anymore? Nothing.
I never remembered reading nightfall and thinking "oh yeah, willemmy need to choose each other or declare their love to others like michaelrika (MR) and kaibanks (KB)" because unlike those two couples, willemmy had different dynamics, social standings, problems and wants and needs from MR and KB. Unlike MR and KB, wilemmy had already know they were it for each other, and they had always loved the other. But life got to them. Not because they didnt want to choose the other. And i dont think it's fair to say that will never expressed his exclusive love for emmy like damon when he literally did multiple times throughout the story, especially when he compared his love for emmy and how no one else compared to her, not even all the sexual escapades he had with his bffs damon and alex, because of his specific wants and needs that can only be gotten by being with emmy. In fact, even after everything damon and alex did, they still cant be #1 for will and they cant fully help him shows how it was really just emmy for him. The guy literally straightened himself, became sober, more comfident, became cheery again, started college, being present fo rhis nephews just because he looked forward to seeing emmy in his life again, "whetever thing i want to do for my little emmy" he said in that train cabin. I suggest you read that one anon ask here on KO's page where an anon ask KO about Damon/Will's compatibility, maybe you'll understand my point of will's declaration of love then. Plus, will probably already mentioned off page so many times how it was only ever gonna be emmy to the point where his friends got his message clearly already. Even durimg the bridal gown scene, will said something like "i knew she was made for me, i can see decades of us together", which he never said this about ANYONE, but just emmy. And then in that painting room in blackchurch when he compared his love for emmy to micah's to rory. "She was perfect for me when she let herself be". And what did emmy become as the ending gradually comes? She let herself be bevause she doesnt really wanna face the world and wants to stay in neverlamd with will forever. Even in firenight, will said something about freefalling, and the only other things that equals to it, or was more fulfilling than freefalling was the mother pf his children, which was Emory. And many other scenes where will declared will's love for emmy, and so did emmy for will.
I honestly dont know where did you read this will who didnt declare much to himself, to emmy, to the world about his feelings for emory, unlike damon in that conclave scene. In fact, will's declaration was at least 20% more than damon's and that's saying something because we got more winterdamon's scenes than willemmy. Even from other's povs we saw how to will, it was always emmy for him. Like the burning of gazebo in michaelrika's pov and michael knowing his feelings for em, then that will banks "feminist" fight scene in hideaway and kai said about his type was not so different, and then again will and kai in that bonus scene when will asked him why kai didnt stop him from burning down the gazebo, and then in kill switch, we got two with one being will showing up at arion's parties with hickeys because of the aftersex bus scene on nightfall, then two being that willdamon hookup pool scene where damon jerked him off to the image of emmy in blue panties, then in conclave we got emmy hint again when damon called her a bitch for not coming back home, and then also another one in conclave between michael and rika where it was insinuated that michael might bring emory to blackchurch to get will out of it (ironically, it worked but michael wasnt the one who brought her there but aydin, and he never got to meet her because alex ughh). There was just so many! Not even winter was implied as damon's love interest until we saw her in killswitch. But willemmy? The whole fuckimg town knows about it, including their classmates and alumni. Even his grandpa, and especially martin. I understand if we want to see more public declaration by will or emmy, but to say he didnt declare much, was just so?? Especially in the past where he did say a lot of things. And to say that emmy didnt understand this was just so?? Even the scene where em wanted to runaway from blackchurch because of alex was only because she saw how happy he looked when they reconciled (forgetting how long theyve been away as family, and emmy not knowing everything), but even then it was a misunderstanding. Not because she thought she wouldnt choose her as his love interest. She only thought he would hated her for everything she did to hurt him. And according to people like emmy, why would you want to be with someone that you hate? And then we saw in will's pov that said even if she had "sinned" so much and was his worst enemy, emory was the only one for him. And the same with him with her even if she thought his life might be just as bad as hers. Will also made this clear in the train after that orgy happened, and before that, his monologues were very in denial to soothe himself, so im not gonna include that too because then this will be a thesis but yall get the gist.
Now getting back to comparing emory and rika's needs and wants. In fact that michael line of "she is everything" was exactly needed only for michaelrika bevause it was the result of michael kept on not choosing rika until he was almost always too late (rika's near death situations, and extreme harrassment by his family and friends). But willemmy? Not only did emmy dgaf how the world thinks of her, but she mentioned so many times that her worry was only IF WILL felt and thought like the world about her. And emmy thought the world was laughing at her, when will never laughed at her, he just wanted to laugh WITH her, by his side. Thats why she rejected him. Thats why she runaway and tried to leave. If she had truly known that will was sincere, maybe some things could change, but still not by much because she was still dealing with a lot of things at home and she was looking forward to a lot of things in her career path for a better future. Emory needed will to be whatever she needed, so her wants are private to only her and will, but michaelrika were more open in their declaraction becaus eit involves so many, they needed EVERYONE to know about it. Didnt michael reject rika before that damon trevor's kidnapping amd assaulting? That michael rejecting rika was because rika didnt want to make their reltionship to be a secret even when it could harm her, her business and michael, no? Rika's needs was understandable but she ws only 16, and immature so michael had to push her away because she still didnt understand the severity of her wants then. They were all still pawns of their parents and the high profile people of that town. If anything, will's wants of being loved in the light was more similar to rika than em's to rika. And Will got what he wanted, and em will make sure he recieve it until he dies, while em never needed this because she already knew will would choose her above everything. Rika and Emory's need are completely different because they came from completely different backgrounds and have two completely differents lovers, and to say that scenes that happened in michaelrika needs to happen with willemmy, is most probably just a fan's wish fulfillment than something that is necessary in willemmy's story. I gotta disagree very hard on this one.
Hope you guys understand my long ass ask, do let me know about it. What do yall think?
Hey, there. Thanks for waiting!
because banks just want someone to choose her above everything
I really liked the reminder of this trait for Banks. I usually think of her as so stoic and strong and self-assured, especially as she ages and matures past the child-like traits that Damon tried to limit her too, but she really does need Kai to reassure her that he will choose her over everything and everyone else. Every. Time. (except maybe their children. She might murder if he tried to pick her over her children.) So, I think this is an important part of her character for me to remember.
why, i asked if it's something emmy needs or something that readers just want to see even if it doesnt align well with emmy's characterisation, just because it's a romantic scene
I think this is similar to what the other anon was saying; that readers want it because it’s important to us that Emory knows she’s loved unconditionally, it’s what we want to see, versus it actually being something important to Emory.
It's a good question to ask when analyzing her story. Was it important to her to have that declaration by the end of nightfall, after taking everything into consideration?
Will was known for making these huge declarations of love and what he was going to do for her and how he saw their lives together. I mean, how many of us highlighted the “Come hell or high water” quote. Maybe Emory didn’t need big declarations; they’d never worked on her before. Maybe she doesn’t need words, but actions.
I still think Will’s quiet, “I love you, but I’ll let you go,” and then he started to walk away was a pretty huge declaration of Will finally being willing to listen to what Emory wants. It was just done quietly.
he never ask much anymore, because he knew emory would choose him in/above everything, for life. Decades and decades where there will be just willemmy. Will stopped worrying about it slowly until the first epilogue of nightfall
I can already feel people being irritated. I’m starting to gather that people don’t really care what Will wants/needs or anything. Which, it’s their right to hate him; he is pretty hate-able at times. But I do think it’s interesting that you’re looking at their relationship from what Will would need. She did have him on a roller-coaster of emotions, but being sure that she’ll stick around this time and not try to “wake up” must be pretty satisfying for him.
Willemmy being happy and in love makes my heart all warm and gooey. It’s melting.
. So i can see why banks needs the constant reassurance about being choosen and being publicly declared about kai's wants for her (because of her issue with gabriel, her mom and damon always not choosing her and abandoning her
Again, I just wanted to highlight this point, so I can try to remember to think about Banks. I wonder if this is going to follow her through life and if Kai will ever meet the threshold. Or if it’s always just going to be out of his reach, because the damage has been done. Is his love enough to heal this wound of hers?
He never needed anymore prove that emmy wouldnt be with anyone but Will Grayson III
Again, most people probably don’t care what Will needed from Emmy. From what people say to me, the concern is more that he won’t be faithful to her based on his history. But I like to think people can change. Especially when it’s something they want to change for. I’ve seen it happen, and I don’t see why it couldn’t here.
Emmy only thought will wouldnt save her in blackchurch because she had immense (and unncessary amount of) guilt about her rejection to will after all that push and pull, and signing him up for jail (even if she had no choice) because she was just a good person who hated hurting people even if they could be guilty
One, the “signing him up for jail” line maybe me think of a parent signing their child up for an activity like dance or something. So, I got a chuckle out of that.
Two, the first half of what you wrote reminded me of when Emmy first got to Blackchurch, and she was constantly looking for Will, asking for Will, asking Will to talk to her. She was looking for his help. Somewhere in the back of her head, she hoped that the Will she knew – the one that would protect her – wasn’t gone. It wasn’t until she saw how angry he really was the longer she stayed in Blackchurch that she began to realize she “killed” the old Will. That really ramped up the guilt she was already carrying.
You said it right, she hated the idea of hurting anyone, but especially Will. He was one of the few things that gave her “good days” when she was living the worst time in her life. Killing his heart might have actually hurt her even more than having a hand in punishing him for something he didn’t do.
will (as opposed to people like martin or damon) didnt always hurt her on purpose, but for the lack of trying or just miscommunication because they came from very different worlds
I both agree and disagree with this. I think there were times when HS Will said or did something to intentionally hurt her. When he would say things like she was easy to replace. It was usually a response to her lashing out, but he still did it. It always bothered me that he’d go there, so it sticks out. But for the most part, any damage he did at that time was done unconsciously. Which may be why their HS story is so sad; both sides suffered from misunderstanding the situation and each other. Really gets you in the feels, huh?
will probably already mentioned off page so many times how it was only ever gonna be emmy to the point where his friends got his message clearly already.
This reminded me of the reel PD has on their insta where they show Damon hating how much Will talks about Emmy. It makes me think that Will just goes on and on about her when it’s just the two of them, but I know it’s probably more like Will says one thing and Damon’s like, “I just really hate her.”
Even from other's povs we saw how to will, it was always emmy for him. Like the burning of gazebo in michaelrika's pov and michael knowing his feelings for em, then that will banks "feminist" fight scene in hideaway and kai said about his type was not so different, and then again will and kai in that bonus scene when will asked him why kai didnt stop him from burning down the gazebo, and then in kill switch, we got two with one being will showing up at arion's parties with hickeys because of the aftersex bus scene on nightfall, then two being that willdamon hookup pool scene where damon jerked him off to the image of emmy in blue panties, then in conclave we got emmy hint again when damon called her a bitch for not coming back home, and then also another one in conclave between michael and rika where it was insinuated that michael might bring emory to blackchurch to get will out of it
So… realistically, I knew about most of these scenes. But having them listed like this was really a shock to see how much Will was not keeping things secret.
I will say the Arion one was after the movie theater date, not the bus scene, since the day after homecoming was the day Will leaves her in the hallway at school, and they don’t talk again until Blackchurch. But I still like your point that Damon knew immediately where he got those from. Which is so interesting because if Will was such a playboy, hooking up with everything, how does Damon know where the hickies came from? Unless, Will doesn’t let other girls “mark” him…  Which is a new possible HC for me…
*Edit 10/2023: I now realize that the Anon probably meant the bus scene after the game. In my head, I associate this with the Cold Point/Truck Stealing scene, and refer to it as The Bus Ride, while the other one after homecoming I call The Bus Scene. Stupid, but that's why I didn't piece it together. In any case, Anon is right about the bus scene after Arion's party.
The whole fuckimg town knows about it,
I really don’t think the whole town knows about it, but I would absolutely love it if everyone was watching Will and Emmy dance around each other, waiting for it to happen. Just being so Nosy about it.
Tumblr media
(ignore the other text, it was the only version of this gif I could find after searching for five minutes. It still communicates how I would love if the town were just...NOSY)
bevause it was the result of michael kept on not choosing rika until he was almost always too late (rika's near death situations, and extreme harrassment by his family and friends).
I think this is an interesting interpretation of Michael’s reaction and his subsequent declaration in front of Kai. He’s scared because he nearly failed her before. Of course, he’d never say that. So Kai and Rika continuing to take risks with her safety pushes him to being uncharacteristically vocal about his love for her. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
And emmy thought the world was laughing at her, when will never laughed at her, he just wanted to laugh with her
I misread this at first and thought you said that Emmy didn’t care if the world was laughing at her, only that Will didn’t. And it reminded me of the scene at the end of the game when someone throws soda on her. I remember her being embarrassed, but not knowing why, since things like that happened almost weekly. Then thinking, “He saw me… He saw what the whole world thought of me,”
But even in that scene, she cared what they thought, she just didn’t want them to know she cared. With Will, though, it was so much harder not to care and to keep her feelings from slipping past her walls.
Anyway, I eventually did read it right, but I just wanted to share 'cause that line always breaks my heart just a little.
while em never needed this because she already knew will would choose her above everything.
I wouldn’t say that HS Emmy knew that, but I think Emmy by the end of NF knew that Will was willing and able to put her wants and needs above everything else, even his own wants.
There were a lot of doubts about HS Will that Emmy couldn’t overcome, and honestly, there’s a good chance he would have failed her. I know what he says he’d do, but he was still immature and idealistic, and they’d have encountered a lot of problems. But a more mature Will who knew what it was going to take to support her and be there for her – that Will could be relied on. He’d never pick his friends or a party over her, or get mad that she didn’t want to go to school on the East Coast because another school offered a better program for her interest (this wasn’t brought up in NF, it’s just me brainstorming possible troubles they’d encounter if things were different).
I know I’m one of the people who have bemoaned not having a huge declaration scene, but the more I look at these smaller scenes, the more I appreciate their story and what makes it different and more enjoyable for me, compared to the other three.
Would I have loved more conversations between them, resolving all their previous issues? Sure.
A scene where they make their dedication to each other clear and undeniable, without it being encroached upon by other characters? Absolutely.
But I’m starting to hate what we got a little less. So, thanks for sharing your perspective and interpretations. I enjoyed it.
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evajellion · 4 months ago
IDW Sonic thoughts so far!
Took me about a week more or less, but I read just about all of the mainline story. The annuals and specials are a separate thing I will read in my own time! I've read some of them though!
So I'm gonna list things I loved, and things I didn't love. Keep in mind, this is my opinion, so I'm sorry if you see something you disagree or dislike outta my rambling, I'm only a human and I'm entitled to express my thoughts.
Okay? Okay. Hopefully my takes aren't so atrocious that people bring out the pitchforks. :'D
I think the earliest issues of the storylines (post-Forces and the Metal Virus) were easily the best arcs IMO, with Surge's introduction coming close second, and the race stuff being third. Didn't really care for Belle's arc unfortunately, but she's a cute character.
THANK GOD, no weirdly sexualized furry drama flanderization!! No love triangles! Those are fine in small doses, but Archie Sonic was EXTREMELY bad about it when Penders was on the scene. But there is slight ship teasing, but it's just that. Little crumbs for fans.
The Deadly Six? Redeemed as good villain characters IMO, especially Zavok, (I always had faith in them and just believed they were fumbled). Might take a while for Infinite to recover his scrappy status though.
The original characters are REALLY good. I like all of them and don't mind too much when the spotlight is one them (Surge best girl)… except for one… but I will get to her. They don't feel out of place like in Archie, even if some of them are silly Metal Gear Solid references.
Lesser utilized characters in recent games like the Chaotix Team, Cream, Gemerl, Blaze, and the Babylon Rogues get a decent amount of attention. I love seeing it!
Silver is straight up an MVP in this. Homeboy deserves it. Much like the D6, I always had faith in him in the right hands. And his gardening hobby? Adorable.
Shadow was REALLY fumbled in the first few issues, like, very badly. This was SEGA's fault and not the authors, as they only wanted him to be a "Vegeta-like loner who cant smile". With Shadow Generations out, hopefully he gets better!
Weird back and forth on Sonic and Eggman having this… Batman and Joker kinda relationship, where they fight each other, but Sonic never kills him and Eggman doesn't want anyone else to kill Sonic. It gets complicated and messy when Eggman starts an entire zombie apocalypse, and… "oh it's fine because Zavok took over in the end so we'll beat him up instead"??? It feels like Eggman is rarely punished, stark contrast to past media. Might just be me.
… so, when I said except one new characters… yeah, I have to agree with both the fans and weird hate-readers on this. Lanolin has quickly made her way amongst some of my least favorite Sonic characters. She's rude and has some of the worst judgement for a character that's supposed to be a leader.
I'm not the type to shit on female characters, I want others to understand that before I am accused of being "misogynist" since it's a term people throw around. I am a woman, and I love flawed female characters. I batted for Amy Rose, I've batted for Sally Acorn, I will bat for Zeena (an outright villain that's willing to beat up kids), I will even bat for Elise from 06.
Hell, even outside Sonic, I am very defensive of female characters that get flack for no reason. *eyeballs Star Fox*
If anything, most of my least favorite characters in the Sonic franchise are- guess what? The male ones. I strongly dislike Geoffrey, Ash, Zan, and Locke as far as the Archie characters are concerned. As for the games, I don't like Infinite.
Lanolin suffers the same issue Geoffrey had in Archie where this character is just… a militaristic asshole? It's one thing to be strict like Sally, but she takes it way too far. I've seen some people say "she's traumatized" but I dunno if it's a good idea to use the exact same story beat that Whisper (and Belle) had gone through…
I don't want to act like I or any other fans know better than the writers, and the writers have realized how hated she is… I personally think the best course for the character is to devolve her into full on villain, like Fiona Fox. Might as well, if they start running out of non-Eggman threats.
But again, this is my opinion. It could change with time. I am known to do that.
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can-of-pringles · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag
1. What motivates you to write?
For me it's like if I want to read about something and it doesn't already exist, then I'll create it myself, or basically that's the jist of it. And it's just another medium I can work with.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I don't know if it's the most, but from the most recent fic I posted.
“Do you think you can be brave?” He asked.
“Yeah, brave but… kinda scared.”
“That’s still being brave. There’s been plenty of times where I was scared but still brave.” Peter placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Really?” Her eyes widened.
“Of course. Everyone has those moments.” Peter smiled.
Rosie nodded and considered his words.
I just really love this small moment between Rosie and Peter and Rosie being nervous and him comforting her and reassuring her :')
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Hmm, Arith is definitely a very special character to me he's basically my blorbo. I've talked plenty about him already so I don't think I need to describe him lol.
I also really love my OC, Lee Quinn. She's so fun. And Eliška Hasek who deserves more love and attention. (She'll get her turn in the spotlight at some point)
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Probably rough first draft? I just enjoy getting all of the ideas out and then going from there.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think dialogue which I've mentioned before.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I'm not part of that community.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I use Prowriting Aid for editing and it's pretty good.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
It's been so neglected recently... but in Travelers, just how there's these small communities brought together by taking care of the magical cats.
Maybe one day I'll actually do something with that story 😅
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Don't beat yourself up too much if writing isn't going how you want. There's nothing productive about that. It'll get better.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Shout out to probably my biggest supporter in most if not all of my creative works, @practically-an-x-man ! And shout out to @fuesch for showing so much love to my X-Men OCs. Thanks to @cuethemulti for coming up with ideas for Similarities/the 001 and 011 AU. As well as thank you to all of my followers and friends for supporting me in general.
Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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ectonurites · 3 years ago
Thoughts on Batgirls #1?
Alright. Okay. So.
I think that if I were a new reader picking up this comic- someone who had very little familiarity with the characters, especially if I was a young girl maybe intimidated by the general comic scene (predominantly male, lots of over-sexualization of women when they do appear, etc), then I would have loved it. Like, 15 year old me would have been ALL over this. It's got a fun energy, the art is absolutely captivating and engaging, and I do feel like it gives you three distinctly different girls as the main characters, and right away the friendship between Steph & Cass is compelling.
Buuuuut as a long-time fan of all three of these characters, someone who knows how they have been and is very deeply aware of canon (both current and pre-reboot), I think the first issue was definitely a bit disappointing. I do also think there was a lot to live up to in terms of expectations and wants from fans- and there was no way they could have possibly done everything that these characters deserve off the bat. But even bearing some allowance for that in mind, it just tonally didn't really fit the characters all that well, even as they've more recently been depicted, ya know?
And honestly something... kinda startling but definitely informative about why things felt very Odd in the book was in this one interview the creative team (the co-writers and artist) gave where they uh...
AIPT: How old is Babs? Becky Cloonan: She’s in her early 20s. Michael Conrad: Like marginally older. She’s like, old enough to… BC: …old enough that it’s a little bit older. I think Steph and Cass are meant to be like 13 and 14, and our series. Is that what it is? MC: I think it might be a little bit older than that. We try and keep it vague. BC: When we came in, they’re like, Babs is like, out of college. She’s like, in her 20s. And these girls are definitely like in their mid-teens. Jorge Corona: I just had to check the other day because I was drawing a panel. I was like, “Wait, how old are these girls in this continuity?” I think they are like 17 and 16. Of that spectrum. (source)
Yeah. Babs was last before this book implied in the 28-35 range (during her most recent Batgirl run), and Steph & Cass based on everything that's been presented in this continuity should definitely be more in the later teens even if it's still vague. The fact that one of the co-writers had the idea of them being 13/14ish when that's like around the same/younger than when they were initially introduced in canon (Steph was already older than Tim when they met, him being 14 and thus her ~15, and Cass was introduced at 17) and would make them about Damian's age is just... yikes. That perspective informs a lot of the immaturity a lot of us feared from this book. So that just makes me... fearful that it's not gonna get all that much better on that front.
IDK. Overall I'm just having a lot of mixed feelings. On the one hand I'm just glad they're getting spotlight at all, but on the other I think a lot of us have wanted a book with these three for so long and the book we built up in our minds is just... very different from this thing we're getting, which is difficult to reconcile.
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