#but yeah ​my dads a cancer. my moms a cancer too. their bdays on the same day. imagine being raised by that💀
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maiteo · 1 year ago
Hey maia, you hold the universe's knowledge in your head soo what's the consensus on cancer men?🤭
stop itttt you flatter me🥰 mamas im about to start rambling, i got a lot on my mind
good god I wouldn’t even know where to begin when it comes to those mfs… (I’ll put my bias aside & answer neutrally…but a good 50% of my trauma comes from cancers so🧍🏽‍♀️ absjsks)
first thing that comes to mind is how slutty they are like…it’s truly ridiculous how no matter the situation, time or place they will find the opportunity to whore out! and they need everyone to see them do it! they are also silly n goofy & yk we love that!
I will say a lot of them have this��prince charming type aura to them…or at least that’s how they present themselves. the types to seem really cool & collected, romantic, gentlemanly.. wannabe savior at times. absurdly dramatic too like anything, no matter what it is, can be turned into some big charade or blown out of proportion.
by far thee most emotional ones out of the whole zodiac & i have enough experience to prove that!! scream idk how to explain it but i feel like they’re always looking for a mom or a maternal like figure for themselves that can provide for them
I could go on and on I fear. they may not be for ME! but…I can’t speak for everyone. you may have a lovely experience with one of those demons who knows🖤 but you have to watch out👁️
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servin-up-surveys · 10 months ago
survey #211
Are you an only child? Nope.
Do you like the color pink? Pink is my favorite color. I love basically any shade of it.
Do you take vitamins? Not necessarily vitamins, but I take daily fiber pills.
Where was your last kiss? Girt's car when we got home from Charlotte. He was too exhausted to come in.
What health problems run in your family? A fucking lot. High cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, heart issues, cancer, asthma, some mental health issues (I think depression is most prominent), and I'm sure I'm forgetting more.
Ever have an eating disorder? Not exactly. I do have binge-eating tendencies, but not with a frequency where I think it's an actual condition, but I could be wrong.
What’s your favorite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream? Phish Food.
Do you have a cat? Yes, named Roman.
Do you like polka dots? Yeah, I just like circles because I find them aesthetically pleasing.
Have you ever had surgery? Yes, I had tubes put in my ears as a baby and in my early 20s I had a pilonidal cyst removed.
What are you best at? I think my best skill is probably writing.
What are you worst at? Lots'a contenders here, lol. Catastrophizing. Social inadequacy. Overthinking in general.
Do you like men in suits? are you seriously asking this, I am but a basic bitch
Which of the seven deadly sins fits you the best? Sloth.
Do you go hunting? Absolutely not.
Have you ever wanted to be a ballerina? No.
Are you in a band? No.
Where did you last have sex? I've never had actual penis-in-vagina sex because of a combination of living with parents and my boyfriend has absolutely crippling performance anxiety that makes it kinda impossible right now. I last did sexual stuff in my boyfriend's bed.
Did you ever want to be an astronaut? No.
What’s the last party you attended? My niece's bday party.
Do you have your own computer? I have my own laptop, yes.
Are you trick or treating this year? No, I haven't done that since I was a young teenager.
What month were you born in? February.
Do you like where you live? No, this place drives me insane.
Do you get along better with your mom or dad? Mom.
Do you read classic literature? I've enjoyed classics I've read. I don't read them exclusively or necessarily favor them.
Do you have a deviantART account? I have two active ones; my main one is for photography, and the other is for mainly drawings.
Are spiders scary? They can startle me, but I'm not exactly afraid of them. I love them, even if I can be jumpy around certain types. I actually tend to be much more comfortable with tarantulas; I say that because I know for most people, that's their nightmare spider, but they're in my top three or four favorite animals.
Cheetos. Poofy or regular? Crunchy. The poofy ones get so stuck in your teeth. I mean I'll eat them and enjoy them, but I will always prefer crunchy.
What’s a total deal breaker in a potential bf/gf? A history of getting violent when angry is one. I will NOT fuck with that. But I honestly have a lot of dealbreakers.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page? I've used a bookmark since I got a meerkat one from my Australian friend Shaz! She sent me a meerkat postcard and included the bookmark.
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it? I have not.
Does it snow where you live? Not often and not a lot of it generally, but yes.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? Not to my knowledge, anyway.
What movies did you watch a lot as a kid? The first two The Lion King films, Finding Nemo, Milo & Otis, Napoleon, Homeward Bound, etc. Mostly Disney or Pixar movies.
Do you like cucumber? Yeah, it's a vegetable I actually find fine. I especially like them with salt and vinegar.
Do you have milk in your fridge right now? What kind? Yes, I think it's 2%. I think Mom also keeps almond milk for herself, I don't pay attention back there.
When was the last time you were hungover? Never.
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? I don't think so.
What's the last insult someone said to you? Idk.
How much did your car cost? I don't have a car.
What is the last picture you received on your phone of? uh good question
Who did you last share a taxi with? I've never been in a taxi.
What do you hear right now? "They Don't Care About Us" by Beast In Black. Girt's got me obsessed with them.
Do you do anything to help the environment? We recycle. I take spiders outside (I know that sounds very minor, but come on, they serve the environment). I wouldn't even dare to litter.
What do you think of people who complain about Valentine's Day? I honestly totally don't get it. "You should celebrate love every day!!!" well no shit but what's the harm of having ONE day specifically dedicated to it???? I love Valentine's Day.
Have you ever had to get stitches? Twice that I remember.
Is your tongue pierced? It's not anymore; I had snake eyes years ago and it was my favorite piercing. I took it out however because I'm sure it was damaging my teeth when I would accidentally chomp down on it when eating and stuff.
Do you think that you have a pretty smile? No, I think I look high when I smile, especially with my mouth closed.
Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? I don't think so.
Are you scared to lose the person you fell the hardest for? I already did.
Do you have any friends that actually model? No, I don't think so.
Are you for or against gay marriage? jump off a bridge if ur against it <33333
Do you know anyone who’s committed suicide? An online friend named Journee when I was a teenager, at least to my knowledge. I guess since she was an online friend I never truly met, I really have no ACTUAL way of knowing, but I definitely believe she did kill herself. It affected me more than I even realized at the time, and I felt it then, too.
Have you ever imagined how it would feel kissing a certain someone? lmao yes
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? Multiple people.
What was the last thing you cried about? When we were in Charlotte, I had to walk much farther than my body could handle; frequently I felt like I was going to crumble onto the sidewalk. I had to cry a little bit in the bathroom when we got to where we were going because I was stressed, overwhelmed, scared, and mad at myself.
Do you have nice eyes? Meh. I wish they were bluer.
What are the bad things you've heard people say about you? I would much rather NOT do this to avoid falling into a self-loathing trap lmao
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? My sister's friend, anyway.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? No.
Do you think Jersey people are annoying? No. Making blanket assumptions about people depending on where they're from is dumb as hell.
How many exes do you have? If you include everybody that had the title of boyfriend or girlfriend, four, or five if you consider Girt an ex since we technically dated before this go-around.
Does your mom think you’re a virgin? Yes.
Is there someone that wants you to give them a second chance? shrug
Did anyone give you anything last Valentine's Day? Yeah, Girt got me flowers.
Do you keep condoms in your room? Not right now. We did in the past, but after failed attempts to even have sex, there's none left right now and since it's pretty clear sex is probably never going to happen until we live without our parents, we just. Don't keep any here.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yes, but it's nothing important. Just things I keep private that affect nobody.
Does the person you last kissed still like you? Yes.
Are your parents still together? Hell no.
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? No and no.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? Yes. That's when I decided hey, maybe flirting with your best friend's boyfriend behind her back isn't a great idea.
Who is your favorite photographer? Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya.
Were you shy in high school? No, not really.
Do you know anyone autistic? Me. My niece Aubree. Pretty sure more.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? I love his mom. Never met his dad, he's dead.
Do you like Polaroid photography? Yeah!!!
Who was the last family member of yours that died? My maternal grandma, I think?
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Honestly, probably Girt. He's the one that came to the ER after I tried to kill myself, when I'd completely given up on life. But I suppose maybe it's Jason, who saw me basically fucking insane with heartbreak after he broke up with me. Idk. I lean towards Girt.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Refilled Venus' water dish.
Is your father injured? He's had issues with his back forever. I think he recently had a leg problem, too.
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? Roman, Venus, Cookie (not exactly mine, but).
Have you ever worked two jobs? hello I'd rather die
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? Trigger, Angel, Teddy, Dale, Cali, Delilah, Bentley, and Cookie. We had one more dog very briefly but I can't remember what Mom named her.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? I'm a weak-willed deadweight that lies about being traumatized. Love you too, Sara.
Who have you most feared in your life? My dad, honestly.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? Aurora borealis.
Do you like the game Tetris? No, it stresses me out.
What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? I dunno.
Have you ever wanted to be a model? No.
Who was your first online friend? I think it was actually a girl named Kat, but it may have also been Mazzy. I met a lot of people around the same time when I joined the MM forums.
Does your mom dye her hair? Yes, the gray makes her self-conscious.
What’s the best kind of video game? (Adventure, shooting, etc) Horror.
Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? I wanted to when Jason got a girlfriend after me, but I just barely managed to have at least SOME respect and left their relationship alone.
Do you draw fanart of anything? Not really. I've drawn meerkats from Meerkat Manor and portraits of celebs, but this isn't something I do regularly. I'm far more likely to draw meerkat OCs, if I'm gonna draw.
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? I think it was "Bleeders" by Black Veil Brides. It was fine, I mainly clicked the video just for the music.
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? Oh, my mom by a trillion miles, I'll be real.
What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? Oh Rammstein easily, they've had the same lineup since they started and they're like brothers so if they split I'd be devastated. I'll very likely cry when they simply retire, lol.
Can grills be sexy on a guy? Grills are sexy on literally nobody.
What’s your favorite comic book/graphic novel? I don't have one.
Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? SOUR
Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored? One of my most prominent depression symptoms is anhedonia. I'm always bored out of my mind.
Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes, I was forced to go to a Catholic church as a child and also was occasionally brought to confession. Don't do this shit to your kid, btw.
Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? My boyfriend.
Do you expect to be married in the next 2 years? I have a feeling we'll at least be engaged.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No.
Who IMed you on Facebook last? Girt's sister Ashley.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? None. I'd like at least a small LGBTQ+ one, though.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara.
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? I think it was Ariel, whose horses I photographed towards the end of last year.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #437
“you get what you pray for  /  you don’t get anything”
Do you tell your mom and dad everything? No. Who was the last person you talked about something that was bothering you with? Most likely my mom. What’s your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Who did you last share a taxi with? I've never been in a taxi. If you’ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it? I've never done drugs, but the first time I drank was actually an accident. I'd come in from a long, hot walk, and I desperately needed water, and Mom offered me what I thought was just pink lemonade. Turns out it was a Mike's Hard Lemonade and I CHUGGED it before everyone around me was like "NOOOO!" because it was alcohol lmaooo. If you were far from home and needed to sleep for the night, would you choose to rent a crappy motel room for $60 or sleep in your car for free? I'm sleeping in my car. I'm afraid of things like bed bugs. Is there a situation where you caved into peer pressure and regretted it? I don't think so? Have you ever rolled off your bed in your sleep? Pretty sure no. What is your favourite planet? Saturn! Do you enjoy Mario games? Not really, honestly. They're just not my style. Mario Kart is fun every now and again, though. What flavor fruity drink is your favorite? Strawberry, in most cases. Ever done a keg stand? No. Who is the last person you lent money to? My mom. Do you have any health problems that are unusual for your age? I have carpal tunnel in my wrists from typing so much, but I'm not sure how "unusual" that is for young adults nowadays... I feel like there's something else, but it's evading me right now. Do you bite your nails? No, I pick/peel at them. :x What’s the longest nap you’ve ever taken? Oh god, hours. To the point it no longer really qualifies as a "nap." When people ask you about school, what is your usual response? Do you enjoy talking about school? Why or why not? I get all awkward and just reply that I gave it numerous shots, but my mental health couldn't handle it. I hate talking about school because I feel like a failure. Do you know how to fill a car’s tire with air? Have you ever had to do it? No to both. Do you like your best friend’s parents? Why or why not? Omg I LOVE them. They are spectacular people with massive hearts. I especially am drawn to her dad, whom I find incredibly inspiring. Both her parents are just great. I miss 'em. What do you like in your hot cocoa - marshmallows, whipped cream, candy canes? Do you even like hot cocoa? I loooove hot chocolate. I really just prefer it plain, but you can toss a few marshmallows in there. Which do you have a problem with: over-eating or under-eating? I'm way more likely to over-eat than under-eat. A girl likes her food lmao. The last boy you kissed, good-looking? He's by no means ugly, but I wasn't physically attracted to him personally. Do you love him? Not romantically, but definitely platonically. Do you like cherry Pepsi? I like cherry Coke. I don't like Pepsi. When was the last time you were given flowers? Ummm... I want to say the last time was many years ago when Tyler visited for the first time when we started dating. What do you want to name your children? I don't want kids. But hypothetically, Alessandra and probably Damien. Would you ever write a letter to someone you haven’t met yet, like your future spouse? No. I'd probably get too emotional anyway. Do you carry a mirror in your purse? No. Do you believe that there is beauty in everything? I've always thought this was such a stupid idea that tries to make reason out of life and its tragedies. Like yeah, cancer, rape, murder, etc. are definitely "beautiful." There is absolutely no beauty in a vast plethora of things. The first time you smoked, did you cough like a fool? I've never smoked before. When you were younger, did you have a Neopets account? Oh, yes. I loooooved Neopets, but not quite as much as Webkinz. I've actually remade a Neopetz account multiple times because I'd forget my info, ha ha... Who was the last person you got in a fist fight with? I've never been in a physical fight. Did you and your mom ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? Not "move out," no. We did, however, have a fight where I stayed with Dad for I want to say a week, maybe a bit less. Do you dislike anyone? Why? Well, yes. I don't know anyone who doesn't dislike somebody. There are a few people, in my case, that I'm not going to spend time going through and pointing out what I don't like. Do you think you will be in a relationship 2 months from now? No. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? Like constantly. Does your animal sleep with you? Roman usually does, yeah. Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? No. Mom has those in photo albums. What kind was the last chip you ate? I want to say traditional Lays? It was at my nephew's bday party. Do you eat onion rings? No, I'm not a fan. What was the last thing to disgust you? I think it was some thumbnail I saw on YouTube, even though it was (weakly) blurred. Where do you see your ex in 5 years? "The" ex, I don't want to think about it. Probably somewhere great for him, but would break my heart if I knew. Do your parents swear? Dad swears big time, while Mom tries to hold it back. You won't hear her say something like "fuck" unless she is SERIOUSLY upset. Do you ever drink warm milk? Warm milk sounds literally disgusting. Would you be really upset if Facebook ceased to exist tomorrow? No. I literally just came back from my break from it, so it'd be more funny than anything. The universe's way of telling me "nah, son." Who do you know that wears the most makeup? My friend Summer, but then again she's a cosmetologist. Have you ever had bronchitis? No, thankfully. Jason had it BAD once and I will neeever forget that cough, good Lord. Do you like to wear makeup? I hate applying it more than anything. Like, I love that it can help me feel prettier, but I pretty much never wear it because it's just a pain to put on, especially by myself because I have bad tremors in my hands. How many times have you been to the ER? Way too many times for being suicidal. How often do you feel lonely? Honestly, pretty much always. When are you most uncomfortable? I dunno, man. I'm always uncomfortable about one thing or another. Has anyone ever revealed a secret about you? Not that I remember... Have you ever revealed anyone else’s secret? No, that is such a shitty thing to do. Have you ever had a family member/friend that was hospitalized? Yes. Have you ever been in trouble with the law? No. Is there anything you want to experiment with? I mean, nothing that quickly comes to mind. There are things I want to try, but nothing major. What do you hope happens to you after you die? Mixed feelings. Sometimes I hope there's some sort of nirvana-like state we experience, I think it'd be wonderful to be reunited with loved ones, but I also sometimes think it'd be best if we just... stopped existing. Consciousness just stops. I dunno. I'll find out eventually. What is the most disgusting thing you have seen in person (not on TV)? Probably a maggot-infested deer corpse that I faintly remember from where I used to live. I thought it was the sickest thing ever lmao, in both senses. What is something others make fun of you for? Always holding some sort of technology. Just don't fucking comment on it. It makes me self-conscious as hell. Is your life turning out like you pictured it would? QUITE THE FUCKING OPPOSITE. Do your initials spell out a word? No. Has anyone ever given you roses? Yeah. Last baby you held? My older sister's youngest daughter. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman? My aforementioned sister's. What is something you would never do to your body? I mean, there's a large number of things. There are certain piercings and tattoos I wouldn't dare to get, I plan on taking care of my hair as best I can to avoid ruining it despite wanting to dye it a lot... *shrug* Stuff like that. How are you planning to decorate your house for Halloween? I don't know if we'll decorate. We haven't really for a few years now... I don't have the motivation to do it myself, and now that it's just me and her and I'm grown up (I know, I'm laughing too), Mom doesn't really bother with doing it. I know I DO want to carve pumpkins this year, though. Dunno what, but I'll figure it out. Ever lived in a trailer park? No. Do you like salsa that has fruit in it? NOOOOOOOOOOO Can you count in binary? No. Do you like hard or soft pretzels better? I'll eat both, but I have a strong preference for soft ones. When was the last time someone kissed you on the cheek? Who was it? I'm sure that was either my niece of nephew when I was leaving their house when I last visited for Ryder's birthday. What kind of ice cream did you eat last? Where’d you get it from? It was chocolate. I had a scoop at the aforementioned birthday party. Do you like flowers? What is your favorite kind to receive? I love flowers. I don't have a favorite to receive, really. Have you ever unblocked someone that you blocked before? Yes. Has anyone slapped you across the face before? If so, why? No. Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your significant other? I like to be pretty similar. Would you take a shot of heroin for a million dollars? No. I don't fuck with that, even for that much money. Why don’t you talk to your ex anymore? He wants nothing to do with me. Do you think it is okay to drive while high? Obviously not...? Do you find Halloween or Valentine’s Day more exciting? Halloween. Has anyone you know ever had serious surgery before? Yeah; my mom immediately comes to mind in both instances she had cancer. When she had kidney cancer, the tumor was larger than the kidney itself, and she lost the entire organ. When she had ovarian cancer, she had to have a complete hysterectomy because the cancer was EVERYWHERE along her reproductive system to an almost fatal degree. My mom's pretty metal. If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? No, because that's a violation of privacy? You don't do that shit. Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not, have you ever came close to? Yes. The only time that I remember was maaaany years ago, like, maybe '14. I've nearly fainted plenty of times since then for various reasons, but mostly just from low blood pressure. Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in that class or how you used to before you took the class? Yes; I believe one course was mandatory in middle school. I type the proper way, yeah. Ever cut your hair (the entire thing – not just the bangs or a little part) yourself? Noooo. Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? Well, I'd like to be a freelance photographer, but to be real, I'm starting to loosen up on that dream. It's been too long, I just don't see it happening anymore. Baby steps are one thing, but I've barely managed any of those in forever. Ever meet and talk to someone from an online dating site? No. Would you date someone you weren’t physically attracted to? Why or why not? Yes; I've done it before. I just care way more about emotional chemistry. Besides, historically, me liking someone for their heart has made each person a lot more attractive to me as a whole. Last person to hang up on you? I dunno. What’s your favorite scary movie? The Blair Witch Project. The second one is great, too, plus The Crazies. Which urban legend is your favourite? Oh man, you can't ask me this. I LOVE cryptids and conspiracies 'n shit. Are any of your fears completely irrational? Yes, like whale sharks. A whale shark ain't gonna hurt u boo but I see that mouth and am like no thnx Where is the light switch in your room? Funnily enough, I don't have a light switch; there isn't a ceiling light in this room. I instead have two table lamps that I can turn on on either side of my bed. Would you make a good lawyer? Hell no, I cry when I argue lmao. It's funny tho because I remember in TWO instances, in-depth surveys recommending jobs for you brought up me being a lawyer, and each time I was just like,,,,, no???????? Why did your family decide to live where you’re living now? It was more necessity than anything. Our old house had a LOT of issues to it, and with Mom's cancer diagnosis, she needed the cleanest environment possible, and that was NOT our old place. The house we live in now is owned by a family friend, and when the previous owner died, the timing just... kinda worked out to where that family friend I mentioned helped us pay our way into here. We really don't like this place because of the location, but it had to work. What was the best pet you've ever had? All things considered, I have to hand it to my boy Teddy. That dog was someone special. Very, very special. If you were allowed one murder without punishment, would you do it? Nah. Name one song you can play on an instrument, any instrument! I can probably still slam out "Hot Cross Buns" on a recorder. \m/ Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? Noooo, I'm scared to. On the opposite sex, do you prefer muscles, average size, or scrawny bodies? It depends on the person, ig. I can be attracted to any of those. Just not EXTREME muscle. Not my thing at all.
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millennium-thejiaqiverse · 6 years ago
Chapter 1: The “Angel Plague”
Summary: Inspired by a real life fungus, I present to you the “angel plague”, (a very unofficial name, taken from the shape of the mushrooms). Miles is even infected by this fungus when he’s at school (probably not in the way you’re thinking of). He is rescued by the mysterious young woman from Chapter 0–but her identity is no longer a mystery in this chapter... well, only partially.
“Alright, this is the spot, into the water,” Rose cheers, “way to go everyone! The green flag is not more than 300 meters away in the mangroves, we’re almost there, stay safe!” “Oh, great... gosh you’re loud.” Tyler roles his eyes as the team holds on to the float they built whilst waist deep in water. Tinaye sighs and gives him a pat on the shoulder, “C’mon, let’s tie our float down.” “Last check, we have enough fresh water, handy tools...” Elly checks with everyone, “and we’re right on time; yup, we’re all set.”
Miles cannot really pay much mind to the group assignment, he cannot stop thinking about the cancerous plane, and the mysterious young woman who fueled it.
“Watch out for crabs and alike, just a heads up.” Rose calls out to everyone, poking a stick at the path ahead. “Are we there yet?” Tyler impatiently follows her footsteps. “We have enough time before the tides rise, what’s even the rush dude?” Remarks Adele. Before Tyler can make an annoyed grunt a shadow dashes over their heads, closely followed by Miles’s yelp. “*gasps* Miles!” Rose stops. “Woah are you ok?” Ryan quickly rushes to his aid. Barnacles, of course. “That was stupid, I got startled.” Miles shakes his head. Just as he says this some bird noises sound from above. “Ooh, the pied imperial pigeon agrees with you.” Nick winks. “Cut it out!” Miles snickers. “Sit down on this plank for us Miles,” Tinaye pulls out a wooden plank from his pack and lays it down onto sturdy ground. “We’ll just check your leg,” Ryan calmly gets to work, “Nick, would you take a step back? And watch your step please.” “K I’ll let you two do your thing, take care of my boy!” Nick swiftly backs away. “You’re lucky it’s just a small bruise,” Ryan sighs, “but this will still cost you some points on this assignment, be careful.” “Thanks, I know I need to pay more attention.” Miles agrees. “Ha, looks like the nerd is not always perfect! Now he’s slowing us down!” Tyler boos at Miles. “Hey!” Nick crosses his arms. “Tyler!” Ryan retaliates, “we’ve still got work to do, so the next thing coming outta your mouth better be useful! I’m being serious!” “Pff, fine!” Tyler throws his arms up in defeat.
After that is more wading through the mangrove growth, keeping hydrated and in the end climbing a tree to fetch their flag.
“Is this it for today?” Adele asks. “Yes, we’ll carry on further tomorrow.” Elly confirms. “Wow it’s so easy working with you guys, my last team sucked so hard.” Adele comments. “Haha, we liked you too girl!” Rose smiles. “That’s nice to hear, well I’m going offline.” Adele tells the team. “Catch you tomorrow!” Nick waves to her, “so what about the rest of you? Shall we all log off?” “Finally!” An answer from Tyler. “Sheesh, Ty...” Nick frowns.
After taking off their VR equipment (i.e. everything they experienced was simulated for the assignment, including Miles’s bruise) and exiting the group projects hall, Nick sprints up to Miles.
Miles is now thinking hard about his bday dreams, mindlessly walking forwards. “Hey Miles, what’s up?” Nick nudges Miles with his elbow. “Huh?” Miles jumps a little. “Tell me! What’s on your mind?” Nick presses, “is it your bday dream?” “Yeah, it’s nothing major, do you really want to hear it again?” Miles laughs. “I’ve known you for more than 10 years, I am positive I know everything about you, like how I can just tell something’s different with this last dream!” Nick is very confident. He’s right, but for one Nick never knows about all this “magic” stuff, however that must remain secret for safety reasons, Miles thinks. Only Nick’s constant begging does make Miles tell him about a little of what happened, “... just like that, she woke up, stood up, and before I could react disappeared along with the whole place. I barely got out before all is gone myself.” “Dude, what?” Asks Nick, “that was your dream?!!” Well, it was not exactly a dream, part of it was very real, Miles thinks to himself but decides to go along with it, “yeah, just a regular dream...” “You’ve got to write this down! Like as a novel or something, your dream is crazy stuff! Good stuff!” Nick says with excitement. “That’d be nice, but I don’t want to forget everything else and type away nonstop like a lab monkey all day,” Miles can’t help but think of his writer dad, “guess it’s not my lifestyle.” “Pshh whatevs,” shrugs Nick, “you coming to the cafeteria today?” “Nah, I’ll be in the lounge as usual, I really need some rest.” Miles replies. “Well ok, don’t let those dreams get carried away.” Nick teases him. “I won’t!” Miles says as they go their separate ways.
A few students are napping in the lounge already. Miles finds an empty spot and climbs in for a nap, he gets tired and needs sleep too often, much to his annoyance.
As soon as he’s asleep, Miles exits his body as he usually does—the best way for his physical body to unconsciously recharge when at the same time his consciousness has the freedom to carry out other tasks. With his consciousness out of his body, Miles brings questions about his bday dreams and the young woman to his mentor. While he’s getting the answers universes away, a sense of something being out of ordinary brings him to promptly return to the school lounge. Miles watches as a battered shadow person tries to take over his currently vacant body, one of their hands grabbing onto his ankle. “No, you can’t do that,” he says to them. The being turns to look at his out-of-body consciousness with surprise. “You’re not even supposed to be getting onto this plane of existence, you need to go back to your plane.” Miles tells them as he pulls them away from his body, “people will freak out when they see you, let’s get you back home.” The mention of “home” seems to freak the shadow being out, but before they could retaliate Miles is already on their plane with them. “There you go,” Miles drops them off. The shadow person gets into fetal position the second Miles removed his hand from them. “Huh, ok?” Miles is a little confused at this, “you take care of yourself.” Then he leaves and gets back to his body, not thinking much about the glittery dusts floating around that plane.
Waking up, Miles readies himself for his last personal assignment before midterms, which he planned to complete this afternoon. Unexpectedly, Miles started feeling quite sick before he puts his VR equipment on. “You good Miles?” Nick is right next to him preparing for his assignment. “I don’t know,” weirdly, Miles feels more tired after his nap, “maybe I didn’t rest well this time somehow?” “You look ill, and you’re never ill, *snickers* my mom jokes that germs and stuff burn off before reaching you.” Nick says, “my point being you should take this afternoon off and rest at home, if you still feel ill then go to your doctor. I mean, you are in no condition to nail your last assignment anyway.” “You’re right Nick, guess this is all for me today,” Miles smiles, “good luck.” “Thanks, get well soon!” Nick says as he puts on his headset.
“Afternoon son!” Max calls out from his study. “Hey dad,” Miles slams into bed as soon as he enters his room. He is ready to sleep it all off, however, a little too late for his liking he senses a intruder who’s blended in with the room almost perfectly. Not knowing who’d be there, Miles jolts up and throws an attack at the intruder, only to witness his attack pass straight through her like she’s not really there. “... You?” Miles realizes it is the mysterious young woman again, but before he could ask why she’s here, he’s already suspended in midair. Max doesn’t hear all this commotion as there’s a “bubble of silence” around the room. She then proceeds to pull something white and shining out of Miles’s body, which quickly withers and turns to dust, and afterwards drops him to the floor. “Before you sensed my presence I was going to wait till you’re asleep, as silly as it sounds now as I learnt you’ll discover me anyways;” she explains, “you were infected by a fungus that latches onto one’s consciousness in order to drain one’s life energy to produce it’s spores.” “What?” Miles cries. “Apologies if I frightened you, as I’m only here to help, I’ll be on my way as I have work to do.” She turns to leave. “How was I infected? Wait!” Miles asks. “You were in contact with its spores when you ventured to an infected dimension, the dimension I plan on taking out altogether before the fungus crosses over and grows all over this universe.” She explains in a hurry. “You can’t take out a plane like that,” Miles tells her, “some creatures might need those places to reside at the very least.” “A plane?” She raises an eyebrow. “You call them dimensions, I think,” Miles then suggests, “wouldn’t removing just the fungus be a better option? I’ll help with that.” “Yes, you’re not wrong,” she accepts the suggestion, “this will take longer than my original plan but it’ll do.” She rushes off, ignoring Miles’s offer to help. Well, feeling much better now, Miles decides to follow her and check on things; but how to repel the spores if they infect one’s consciousness? That’s when Miles hatches an idea.
Miles goes out of body again, but this time, using the Junction, Miles sends only his physical body onto the young woman’s trail, to the other plane with the glittery dusts he’s just visited not long ago, his consciousness doesn’t go with it and stays at this plane right in his room.
She’s already busy pulling the fungus off of suffering creatures, and gathering spores from bursting fungus growths, meanwhile making sure no creature is sneaking off to another plane with this ongoing infestation. “This dimension is dangerous for you...” she says, then suddenly pauses, “you sent your physical vessel?” Hearing this question from afar, Miles controls his body to give her a nod with its head. “That’s pretty creative,” she continues drawing all parts of the fungus away from any present consciousness. Guessing what she should be up to, Miles controls his body to make a sphere of fire, meanwhile keeping tabs on the whole plane from the outside himself to make sure nothing exits. She sees the sphere and uses it burn the parts she gathered, very soon the plane is clear of this fungus.
“All done!” She calls out and extinguishes the flaming sphere, “you should have seen this—the growing fungus looks like some messed up angel wings.” Upon hearing her call, Miles quickly gets there, back into his body, “Great job, the problem’s solved.” “Yes, great job to us.” She smiles, “hello Miles.” “Hello Ray,” Miles greets her back. “Funny how we’re now introduced to each other again,” Ray says. “Yeah, considering the fact we’ve met not long before on a cancerous plane, and not to mention in a previous life too.” Miles adds. “You know about your reincarnation.” Ray is surprised to hear what Miles said. “I asked my mentor when I napped today,” Miles says, “well, I asked why I kept having the same dream with you in it every time on my birthday up until we met in person and how I think I know you, I guess I didn’t think too much about that before.” “Your mentor?” Ray wonders. “Atlas.” Miles replies. “Oh,” Ray pauses for a while, “How much do you remember?” Ray asks then changes the subject, “and thank you for waking me up back when we met face to face.” “No problem.” Miles then answers, “I know we were friendly with each other because you wanted to help me, I know you are a very powerful energy folder as Atlas had told me so; but I can probe further, your highness...” Miles probes on, “Crown Princess Ray of... hold on...” his mind blurs out of nowhere. The cause of that was Ray’s interference. “I’m sorry,” Ray turns away. “That’s ok, I don’t really have to know.” Miles shrugs it off, but she’s disappeared away to somewhere else by then. Miles sighs, lowering his head... and sees the same shadow person grabbing onto his ankle, again. “You seem to be doing ok,” Miles looks at them. After staring at each other for a while, the shadow being lets go without incident.
“So how did school go? I assume you finished early today?” Max asks his son at the dinner table. “Well, I didn’t finish my personal assignment yet, I guess I was a little too tired.” Miles digs in to the simple but nutritious meal, “that’s not a issue though, I’ll be fine.” “I’m not too worried there son, we have 2 more days before Orientation Day, I’m sure you’ll manage just fine.” Yup, Miles assures himself, finishing up this assignment is surely easier than almost dying from then having to dispel some angle-wing-shaped-fungus plague.
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oldraaphael · 7 years ago
60 Truths Tag Game
tagged by mint chocolate-loving, broccoli-hating @chloeofgondor (this thing is sixty questions long???? ima kill you)
Nickname: uhhh i guess i actually do have a nickname now--asaj. thanks @gracelingdesolate bc thats hecka rad it occurred to me just now that it’s because i dont think i ever told you my real name whoops
Bias: nothing in this world is more pure than ghibli movies
Blood Type: O- 
Relationship Status: uhh there’s a cute cat on my way home from school
Birthday: June 26
Zodiac Sign: if you really wanted to know you already have my bday so you could just look it up wtf Cancer
Pronouns: she/her/disappointment 
Hair Length: its past my ears for the first time in like eight years 
Height: 5′1
A crush: eMiLy PrEnTiSs
What do you like about yourself: hahahahahahahahahah
Right or left handed: rihtie
List three favorite colors: does this count as three questions? black purple blue
Right now eating: like five minutes ago i was eatin some ramen
Right now drinking: water
I’m about to: sleep
Listening to: audiomachine when it all falls down, courtesy of ice
Kids: cute from a distance
Get married: i’m far too nice of a person for my desire for companionship subject some unsuspecting benevolent presence to my constant existence
Recent phone call: my dad 
Have you ever dated someone twice: we weren’t technically dating the first time but sure
Been cheated on: yep
Kissed someone and regretted it: yep
Lost someone special: two out of my three godfathers have died in the past year (don’t worry, i warned the other one)
Been depressed: kajshlf pls
Been drunk and thrown up: no thanks i can handle my liquor
Had glasses or contacts: nope
Had sex on a first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: nope
Turned someone down: yep (for their own sake)
Cried when someone died: yep
Fallen for a friend: aka my life
In he last year have you made a new friend: yep
Fallen out of love: i’m like five i don’t do��“love”
Laughed until you cry: yep
Met someone who changed you: i mean yeah but i’m a firm believer that everyone you meet changes you in some way
Found out who your true friends were: yeah none of the above
Found out someone was talking about you: i’m not interesting enough to gossip about
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Romantic or spontaneous: both? idk i guess i’d pick romantic if i had to pick
Sensitive or loud: sensitive 
Hookup or relationship: relationship
First best friend: Juliet
Surgery: nope
Sports: nope
Do you believe in yourself: nope
Miracles: nope
Love at first sight:  nope
Heaven: nope
Do you have any pets: i guess you can say i have half pets- one dog on my dad’s side (an angel), two dogs (demons) and a cat (angel) on my stepmom’s side
Do you want to change your name: my name is so boring so i’d like to change it to something more exciting i guess
What did you do for your last birthday: nothing
What time did you wake up today: the first time? 4
What were you doing last night at midnight: procrastinating doing my econ work by doing psych work i had already procrastinated (don’t worry i turned both in today and got 100)
Something you can’t wait for: i would say star wars but i’m honestly not looking forward to everyone bitching about it 
Last time you saw your mom: last friday
What is the one think you wish you could change about your life: i wish i didn’t exist
What’s getting on your nerves: all these goddamn questions
I don’t know who doesn’t hate me enough to the point where forcing them to answer all these questions wouldn’t even have an effect, so I’m just gonna go with @gracelingdesolate since you’re already in this also @skybson even tho i never see if you do these plus @ultrarebelheart and @rmmalta cuz maybe it’ll spread over to the cm squad plus @philcoulsonismyhero even tho i’m not sure you actually like doing these @hpdangelic bc you seem cool?? and idk i just wana get to know you more :/
anyway feel free to ignore
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badwhalenikki · 8 years ago
I was tagged by the cutie: @lunacy13
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: Daddy ((My dad in southcarolina)) 3. Text message: From Iggy: Happy Birthday!   4. Song you listened to: Silence (Dj Tiesto) 5. Time you cried: 2 days ago think about how i’d spend my bday. it was happy tears... didn’t get to spend it the way I like though. I hope it gets better
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Yes 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yeaaaahyup 8. Been cheated on: Pretty sure I have been but no proof. 9. Lost someone special: Yes 10. Been depressed: Yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yup
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Purple, Red, Blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes. 16. Fallen out of love: Not really. 17. Laughed until you cried: It made me fart too. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Mmhmm? 19. Met someone who changed you: Kinda. 20. Found out who your friends are: Yeah 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 75% 23. Do you have any pets: I’m counting the one at my moms and thomas who idk where he is so 4 cats 2 dogs 24. Do you want to change your name: Not really. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: that’s today so I have cleaned, got freaky, written, now going out to eat here soon. 26. What time did you wake up: 10 am almost 11 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Writing fanfic 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TO FINISH MY FUCKING BOOKS and VLD, SU, SVTFOE, RWBY... 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: the way my mom has treated me. 31. What are you listening right now: the same song... its long 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My job and over stimulation. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr.
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Tons 36. Mark/s: Tons 37. Childhood dream: Vet and Queen of the world. 38. Haircolor: Brown 39. Long or short hair: Short  40. Do you have a crush on someone: My husband and my amazing friends. 41. What do you like about yourself: My legs my eyes and I am just a cuttie. 42. Piercings: Ears cat wear earrings though I am allergic to most of the stuff. 43. Bloodtype: O positive 44. Nickname: Nikki, Nico, Puta fine, Bubbles, Jerky. 45. Relationship status: Almost married but I am still too broke 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She/Her ((But I really don’t care what you call me)) 48. Favorite TV Show: Don’t really have one? Uh.... Youtube show count? Philip Defranco 49. Tattoos: 2 ankle and back both of hummingbirds. 50. Right or left hand: Righty 51. Surgery: on my eye to remove a cyst. I don’t count it cause I was awake though 52. Hair dyed in different color: Bottom part was red for a while. 53. Sport: I like playing tennis and volleyball and Larp. 54. (question wasn’t here) SO BOOBS 55. Vacation:  I went to the Bahamas once.. 56. Pair of trainers: I am assuming underwear then Pair
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Sushi applesauce tacos 58. Drinking: water and sprite and TEA 59. I’m about to: Write 62. Want: TO FUCKING WRITE AND FINISH MY FUCKING BOOK. 63. Get married: soon is we stop being broke bitches 64. Career: Writing i wanna write
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs=cuddles and cuddles are good. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: i swoon over taller people in general but Idc I just find it attractive you can get shit I can’t 68. Older or younger: my age but younger learn faster so VIVA LA YOUNG PEOPLE MAKE OUR WORLD BETTER 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I foam at the mouth over arms. but bellys are nice too 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive with the ability to get loud. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationships are nice but there is an appeal to hook-ups but I for sure need some sort of relationships 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Both, both is good.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Yes 75. Drank hard liquor: Aye 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes, too many times. 77. Turned someone down: YUP 78. Sex on the first date: Yes. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Hai. 80. Had your heart broken: Oui. 81. Been arrested: no. 82. Cried when someone died: Sobbed. 83. Fallen for a friend: Thats how I ended up with this asshole I am marring 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yeah but i am fickle 85. Miracles: umm... Kinda 86. Love at first sight: Lust... That’s Lust 87. Santa Claus: Iie 88. Kiss on the first date: If its there go for it
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: GIo, Jonny. (IRL) Veggie and Luna (OL) 91. Eyecolor: Brown 92. Favorite movie: Donnie darko? I don’t really have a fave.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years ago
survey #120
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Uh... I don't remember? I'll do that soon though for my first tattoo appointment.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No to both.
Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? I mean, honestly neither, but if I had to pick one it'd be a novel.
Do you still have both of your parents? Thankfully, yes.
Do you play video games? Yeah, but not nearly as much as I did as a kid and teenager.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? Hell fucking no, he knows I wouldn't allow that and I also know he doesn't want to do that to me.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Twice, yeah. I recently learned that I WON'T be able to be put to sleep for my wisdom teeth extraction because it is just impossibly expensive for us, and one especially HAS to come out because it has a very deep cavity that is going to kill the tooth and cause me hell if it stays in.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes.
Have you ever skipped class before? No, not just one specific class. I'd rarely skip school by staying home, almost only ever because of mental health or more rarely being absolutely insanely tired, but Mom normally wouldn't allow that. Oh, I think I also usually did get to stay home on my bday.
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Myself, more than absolutely anyone else. I don't let (other) people stay in my life anymore that do that to me.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Well, my grandmothers died of different cancers, but neither I was very close to at all (I actually hated Mom's mom) for multiple reasons. Did Dad's dad die of cancer too? I can't remember, but I barely knew him either.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, when I was way younger. We actually got real close to big trouble on the road Friday; we were the first in line at a stop light and across from us, an 18-wheeler carrying some metal stuff turned in front of us, but way too sharply, and he tipped entirely onto two wheels, very barely managing to get back upright. Both Mom and I nearly had a fucking heart attack and both of our anxieties were very elevated for a while, like she was about to shift the car into reverse to back the hell up.
What was the last film you watched, that made you feel emotional? I have no idea. I basically never watch movies.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? No.
What traits/behaviors do your pets have, that you find cute? Strongest is Cookie's tendency to get EXTREMELY excited when she merely suspects Mom or both of us are leaving. She is crazy for car rides, and she'll immediately start running between us, pushing our legs, doing this weird hyperventilation thing chihuahuas do when they get so excited their tiny bodies basically can't handle it haha, and will jump right into her carrier and stare at Mom, waiting to be picked up. Cookie also tends to prefer toys that are bigger than her, and watching her try to beat up like her big sloth or cow is the cutest shit. As for Roman, when we get home, he'll saunter into the living room and just plop down onto the floor in this uniquely content way, like he's just happy we're home and wants to chill with us. He stretches out and will frequently start rolling around/playing on the floor basically, lol. Also since being a kitten, he loves to sleep like as close to my face as he can get, normally. Lastly, Venus. This isn't exactly super unique to a snake, but it's still cute: when I handle her, oftentimes she loves to try to go into my shirt to be against my skin and stay warmer (I'm very convinced this literally saved her life once in a power outage we had), and back when I used to use my laptop in bed, she was great about snuggling up against me and just chilling there for basically ever, lol. She's a sweet girl.
Is there anyone who "likes" a lot of your posts online, but you don’t talk? Yeah, ig.
What was the last song that you recall singing along to? Pretty sure it was "Love Stuck" by Mother Mother the other day.
Have you ever been in your kitchen naked? No.
This time last year, what was your relationship status? I was still with Girt.
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? Reject, I think. Pretty sure it was some random guy I'd never met and had no mutuals with, gotta love those.
Are you sure of your sexuality? I AM sure I'm at least queer, and while I'm quite certain I am specifically pansexual, I don't think I'd ever truly know until I had a legit sexual experience with a feminine person.
What was the last compliment that you got? The person who worked with me for PT today told me I did great.
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? In almost all cases, I don't like to think of names as "weird," because generally they are given with great love and consideration and are important to those who named them, so I think it's pretty mean to consider someone's name weird. Now yes, there are exceptions, there are rare cases where names are given carelessly or even as a "joke," but generally, you get my mindset.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? Basically.
What’s the worst hangover you’ve ever had? I've never had one, actually.
Who in your family are you closest to? My mom.
Ever sat in someone’s lap because there were no more seats in a vehicle? I remember doing this with Jason once.
What do you tend to drink a lot of? Flavored carbonated water.
If you were going out for a meal, what restaurants would you typically AVOID going to? Seafood and foreign, generally. There are times I'm fine with some foreign food, but on your average day, if you ask where I wanna go, I'm gonna pick American cuisine.
Name a song you enjoy that’s in a language other than English. Basically Rammstein's entire discography lmao but for this question I'm gonna go with "Zeit," I think the vocals are fucking fantastic and sincerely beautiful in it. I feel like German has a rep for being an ugly-sounding language, which I don't agree with in general, but I cannot imagine someone calling the vocals "ugly" in that one.
Did you ever have head lice as a child? Quite positive no.
Do you like/listen to Queen? Do you have a favourite song by them? I adore Queen; Freddie Mercury is my favorite vocalist to ever live. This is probably like, EVERYONE'S answer, but I adore "Bohemian Rhapsody," but also "Killer Queen" and "Headlong" are high up on the list.
Do you have any idea when you’ll next attend a wedding? Whose will it be? Nope, but if I had to guess I really do think it's probably gonna be my own lmao. Girt visited his grandmother two days back and she's officially joined the party of asking when we're getting married haha.
What was the best job you’ve ever had? I've never had a job I even liked.
Do you have a troublesome medical condition? Above all, severe depression and anxiety. My AvPD is also very noteworthy with how it affects my life, and I still deal with the effects of relationship trauma. OH, I was so focused on my mental stuff that I almost forgot uh hey, my leg health also MAJORLY affects my life and what I can do, etc. Lastly, my weight plays a massive part in my poor self-image and super severely contributes to my depression.
Magenta, aqua, or coral? Coral; I consider that my second-favorite color. I love all of these, though.
Do you like the color orchid? Yes! I love basically every conceivable shade of pink, haha.
Would you rather be a wedding photographer or a nature photographer? It's my literal dream to be a nature photographer. Once upon a time I was aiming for wedding photographer, but only for the pay; I'm just not social enough for that shit.
Have you ever had an ulcer? None other than those you sometimes get in your mouth from like, biting your cheek.
Do you enjoy writing essays? I actually do, quite a lot.
What is your favorite name that starts with a "Z?" Probably Zane.
Do you believe that God’s plans for you are better than you could ask, think, or imagine? "God's" plan involves giving kids cancer and allowing pre-teen girls to be knocked up by rapists, fuck his "plans."
Would you want your first child to be a girl or a boy? If I decide I want children, I want a girl so much more than a boy that I'd almost be tempted to do IVF so long as my husband was still the biological dad, I've no idea how the rules of that process work. Super unlikely I'd actually do it though because I don't care quite enough to invest money in that.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a good salesperson? I've been in this position and I can ASSURE you I am the worst salesperson imaginable lmao.
Which name do you like better: Jessica or Jennifer? Jessica.
To you, what is especially distracting? People talking when I'm trying to count something. I physically cannot do it. Numbers just DO NOT store in my damn brain.
Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Nope.
Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mostly Girt or Mom. Sometimes Tez and Mazzy.
Has anyone you know started a new job recently? Do they seem to enjoy it? Uh I feel like somebody has, but idr who.
Have you seen a butterfly at any time recently? No.
Have you drunk any fruit-flavored beverages today? Yes; the water I drink is usually strawberry-flavored.
What carbonated beverages do you have in your fridge at the moment? None, not even my aforementioned waters right now.
Has anyone you know got into a new relationship lately? Um maybe, idk.
Do you have any sisters? How is your relationship with them? Ashley, Nicole, Katie, and Misty. Katie and Misty don't live here and I barely ever see them, but I am A LOT like Katie (more than any of my other siblings) so connect to her a lot, though we don't talk enough. I like Misty enough, but she can also be incredibly fucking stupid and self-important as hell. I get along fine with Ashley and Nicole too, but we also don't talk a lot and I've never in my mature life known how to properly interact/connect with them. Nicole and I were very close as kids, but not anymore.
What was your favourite class in high school? Art.
Do you have any plans to buy any furniture in the near future? No.
Do you know anyone who has a matching tattoo with someone? (including yourself)? I'm sure I know more than I think I do. I know Ashley and her husband Nick got each other's first initial tattooed on their ring fingers on their honeymoon. Colleen and I each got "ohana" tattoos dedicated to each other (which I now want to rip directly off my fucking skin, especially when you consider I don't even believe in unnecessary loyalty to family just because they're family), but they were styled entirely differently and in different spots.
What type of milk do you like to drink? Either 1%, 2%, or whole.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yeah.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? I know Mom's a dog person, and I think Dad is too. Since leaving us though he's never owned another, just cats because of Kim, and he's loved both of them very much.
Are there sounds that bother you on a visceral level? Vomiting.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? I will never, ever, get another tattoo that will lose meaning if that person leaves my life. It's a terrible fucking decision. I'm perfectly fine with getting one with somebody that will still be a perfectly relevant, important tattoo to me if our relationship spoils, though.
What would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? Gah, I guess cancer, but both would fucking suck. I'm pretty sure the abortion I would inevitably get would traumatize me, but cancer could straight-up kill me.
Have you ever popped another person’s zit? oh my fucking god no
Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? Yes, and eventually, yes. She was my best friend and her boyfriend (who I knew via school) was an ABSOLUTE piece of shit. Summer's always had a thing for people who aren't good for her... Even now, her partner she's been with for many, many years is complete trash, but it really does look like they're staying together no matter what.
What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? Generally lip kinds.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #363
(one more that’s a late upload from way earlier in the day, and i yet again don’t feel like updating the answers)
What brings out the worst in you? When I'm very anxious or having a PTSD episode, I can become very snappy and just not a joy to be around. What all did you eat today? This morning I had oatmeal, I had a rice cake as a snack, and lunch was ham and cheese on a tortilla. Some people were really destructive as a child, were you? No, I was a good kid. Who was the last person you were in a car with? My mom. Who was the last person you cried in front of? It was probably Mom. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I usually talk about them somewhere, like in surveys if I feel I can't with anyone else. Please be vocal with your feelings. It is so destructive to let them build up. Who was the last person you were with that smelled REALLY good? I'm unsure. Do you know anyone that is gothic? A good number of people, myself included at least in spirit. ;~; I can't really afford good attire, nor do I have the patience for so much makeup maintenance. Have you seen UP? I actually haven't seen the full movie, but I'd like to. How is your mom? Stressed as fuck and tired of everything. What color hair does your mom have? She recently dyed it black. Her hair is growing back totally gray now and she hated it. She's gotten so self-conscious as she's aged. When was the last time you were told you were cute? Idk. Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches? FUCK NO. Have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty? I tried it once and did not get the appeal. Did you have school/class today? No. My school endeavors are done. Do you have any paintings in your room? If so, of what? Yeah, I have my big painting of meerkats grooming above all my 'kat plushies. Have you ever had your photo professionally taken? As a child and by school photographers, anyway. Would you prefer eating jello or pudding? Pudding. After washing your hair, do you put any products in it? No. Last time you ate a salad? Like a week ago when we went to Ichiban for my sister's bday. Do you know how old your house is? No, I don't. Have you ever been described as ”adorable”? Yeah. Have you ever given a lap dance? No. They seem incredibly awkward to me?? Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make mega bucks? No. I can't do a job I hate for anything. I would be so depressed. Are you a moody person? Yes. What are you listening to? I'm watching Gab Smolders' new episode of Resident Evil 8: Village. I'm deadass watching four different LPers play it, I'm only moderately obsessed lmao. What video game could you waste the most time on? WoW, given it has like a zillion different things to do. Yet I still get bored lmao. What is your favorite condiment? Maybe Ketchup? I think I use that for the most things. What is the worst thing that you have ever done? I don't feel like getting into this. How old were you when your parents gave you the "birds and the bees" talk? They didn't; I learned in my school's sex ed in the 5th grade. Have you ever questioned whether or not you'd benefit from therapy? I have benefited from it. What would you like it to say on your gravestone? Hypothetically, idk. But I'd rather be cremated. Would you ever wear real leather or animal fur? NO. Have you ever completely failed a year of school and had to repeat a grade? No. Have you ever been bitten by an animal that wasn't a cat or a dog? Which? I think my old baby iguana bit me once or twice, not that it was very painful at her young age. I can't recall another animal. What type of literature are you most likely to read? (book, magazine, etc) Books. Do you prefer using candles, wax melts, or incense? Incense. Are you someone who actually doesn't have a Facebook? No, I have one. What kind(s) of Facebook groups are you active in, if any? I'm not really *active* in any; I just observe them and interact via "like"s. I'm actually in a whole lot of groups, though. Do you enjoy any herbal or fruit teas? What kinds? Neither. Do you hear any animals right now? No. What are your thoughts on Avenged Sevenfold? I know and like a few songs, especially "Dear God." Do you like Batman? Yeah, I like his "refuse to murder" ideology. The only thing is I kinda have a bad connection attached to him, because Batman was Jason's thing. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? Yes. Does your house have a fireplace? Yeah actually, but it might be fake? I don't even know lol. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Have you ever dissected a baby pig in a class at school? Oh my god, no. I literally could never. I did dissect a frog in the 7th grade that wound up to be pregnant, though... I wasn't happy about it, but at the same time it was very interesting. Who is the last baby you held? My niece. Do you like Sunkist? The orange kind is fine, but the STRAWBERRY flavor? Jfc I love that shit. Would you ever consider being a cannibal? UM NO Do you have any scars from an animal? I have a lot of scars on my hands from playing with Roman. I scar extremely easily, so just his little scrapes leave marks. Have you ever seen an Igloo? No. Do you like Korn? Love 'em. How many animals do you have? Really two, but we have three in the house right now. Idk when this dog is going away. Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Tornados. Ever rode in a helicopter? No. Do you like rabbits? Yes, they're adorable. Do you like mushrooms? NO. What was the last movie you cried at? I want to say Logan, but I'm not sure. I watch movies so rarely that I really don't know. Would you rather work for a small or large company? Small. I'd feel more useful. What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I don't know. Have you ever read the book 13 Reasons Why? Yeah. I thought it was good, but now I don't remember like... anything about it. What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had apple and cinnamon oatmeal. How many times have you read your favorite book? Just once. I don't re-read books. Have you ever been on Omegle? No. Are you still in love with one of your exes? "In love," no. Do you think being born was a mistake? Yeesh, no. Has a relative ever been arrested? My psychotic uncle (by marriage) has been. Was it a serious crime? Quite honestly, I don't remember. I just know he's an angry and dangerous motherfucker. Do you think the Fountain of Youth exists? No. How about in a parallel dimension? Doubtful. Do you believe humans are part of a giant alien experiment? I ponder over the possibility of being a research simulation, kind of like a much advanced version of The Sims, but I honestly doubt it. Have you ever been suicidal? Yes. Was it a passing phase or is it something controlled by medication? Therapy and medication saved me. Is there a holiday you wish no one celebrated? Which is it? Why do you feel that way? Fight me about Christopher Columbus Day. He didn't discover shit. Have you taken any writing classes? How about art? I've taken a writing course in college, and I've taken loads of art classes. What’s your all-time favourite band? How about all-time fave singer? Ozzy Osbourne; Freddie Mercury. What three songs do you want played at your funeral? Why those particular songs? "Like A Woman" by Alice Cooper, "Life Is Beautiful" by Sixx A.M., and "Angels on the Moon" by Thriving Ivory. I just like them and find them suiting. Do you think most mythological creatures exist? No. Have you ever had lice? No. What is one superstition that freaks you out? Why is that? I’m not superstitious. Are either of your parents retired yet and if not, what do they do? No. Dad is a mailman, and while Mom doesn't ~officially~ work yet because she's recovering from intense cancer treatment, she very recently resumed lightly cleaning a church for a small payment. Kinda like a warmup. When did you or do you want to move out of your parents’ house? I wanna move out once I'm in a long-term, stable relationship with someone so we can live together. Me living alone is NOT a good idea. How do you like your current job, or if you’re unemployed, have you been looking for employment? I don't have a job, but when I go to my tattoo appointment, I'm going to ask them if they'd be interested in hiring someone for the front desk. I think it's def something I could do because I love the environment, there's really not that much I need to know (like where the Doritos are, dealing with exact change, answering a dozen unique questions), it's not insanely busy, and the occasional phone call would challenge my anxiety and just be a minor inconvenience to me until I got used to it. My partial hospitalization program really got me wanting to fight back against what gives me anxiety, to truly expose myself to what scares me, while not going totally overboard with it. It was encouraging to hear my therapist there thought it was a magnificent idea for me. I decided I wanted to ask while at the parlor getting work done to show serious interest (like I'm not just some random chick walking in and asking for a job), as well as let the people warm up to me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but damn am I wishing. I want it so badly. What kind of booze did you last take shots of? I've never taken shots.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #303
“if i can’t be loved, then i’ll be hated”
What color are your glasses, if applicable? Black. Candy corn or conversation hearts? They're both gross, don't make me pick between garbage. Do you own a lot of earrings? Not really after I weeded them out before moving. What did your backpack in high school look like? I dare say I had the dopest backpack of them all. It looked like a massive Ouija board, and the zipper was the planchet (sp?). Have you ever been to a rave? Nah. What is your favorite art medium? I have a particular fondness of oil paintings. They tend to look so smooth, and you can achieve incredible realism with them. How far away is the nearest hospital from you? Not even five minutes, I think. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My mom. What is your favorite car color? Pink, duh. How did you learn to type? We actually had a class specifically for typing in middle school. What style of wedding dress do you want? I don't have that set in stone yet, but I really do love ballgown dresses with long trains as well as a-lines with a moderate train. I love a lot, except really for mermaid dresses. Do you fit into any stereotype, or are you non-stereotypical? I don't know if I fit perfectly into any and really don't care. Would you want your first child to have your hair color? ???? I don't care about their hair lol?????? It would depend on the hypothetical father, in which case I'd probably find it cute, but this is so, so unimportant. Do you enjoy writing in cursive? Yeah, it just feels good and flowy to me. What is your favorite hair color? Natural? Probably blonde with natural darker undertones throughout. I like blonde hair because it's far easier to dye, haha. Now, if we're including DYED hair, rose gold or pastel pink is *chefs kiss* What is your favorite eye color? Sapphire blue, probz. Would you put your birthday on a different day if you could? Nah, it's fine where it is. What holiday is your birthday closest to? Valentine's. Do you vent on social media a lot? NOOOOOOOO. I barely post ANYTHING about myself on social media because I feel like I'm being annoying, self-absorbed, find anything I do actually interesting, or don't want people to think I'm a whiner. All I ever really do on social media is share or reblog funny shit, things I love, stuff I find relatable or inspirational, educational, important for whatever reason, etc... Do you have abusive parents? I am very thankful to say no. Is your house haunted? Doesn't seem like it. What's your favorite thing to watch on YouTube? I'm in a real WoW-related phase lately... Watching my favorite streamers, gold farming guides, and other various aspects of the game. What are five health problems that you have? I talk about the mental issues enough, so I guess I'll talk about physical stuff here. Uhhh I have very low blood pressure (it's a med side effect), I have extremely weak legs following muscle atrophy, I have bad tremors, especially in my hands (amplified by medication once again), maybe TMI but we're adults here and it's a legit issue that I have chronic and severe conspitation, aaaand then of course I have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) to a fucking outrageous and also humiliating degree. Ooooonce again as a prescription side effect. This answer made meds sound kinda bad, I know, but really, I'd rather have the will to live and just have to deal with these than want to die everyday and not. Do you have surgery coming up? No, let's keep it that way until I lose enough weight and when I am 110% getting loose skin removal. Which family member(s) do you look the most like? My sisters, ig. People say my mom also, but I honestly don't see it. Have you ever cried while watching a YouTube video? Yeah, usually just in let's plays, but it's happened for other reasons. Are you missing a website that just shut down? Nah, none that I know of. NO. FUCKING WAIT. So, when my laptop was fixed, a LOT of shit was wiped from it, and that included all of my goddamn Lightroom editing presets. The site they were from no longer exists, so I had to use a different, pretty sub-par one to install at least a few because it helps me get a start on editing the photograph and leaning towards the "vibe" I want before spending like 15+ minutes tuning it myself. Would you be a barefoot bride? No. Which would you rather name your daughter: Eliana, Echo, Emerald, or Ellery? Ohhh, I like these. I think I prefer "Eliana," but "Echo" is a close second. "Ellery" is nice, but it sounds too much like "celery" to name my kid that lmao. Which would you rather name your son: Maverick, Matthew, or Moses? Ugh, none, honestly. But "Matthew" wins. When was the last time you gave a speech? Like a *legit" speech? Probably not since uhhh... I guess when I argued my disability case at court? Does that even count? Have you ever been in a stampede? Well, never seen this'n in a survey before, so good job, lol. No. If you were a fairy, what color would you like your wings to be? It would depend on what I wore, really. And my hair. But probably light pink. Would you rather name your son Storm, Skylar, Sorin, or Solomon? "Sorin." "Skylar" is SO Southern, and "Solomon" sounds like the creepy kid all his classmates avoid and I ain't putting my kid through that. Did you read a devotional this morning? Not my jam. Would you rather be named Arizona, Alaska, Cali, or Georgia? Hm... "Alaska" is actually kinda cool???? And I'm white as fuck so lol????? I wouldn't mind to nickname of "Ally," anyway. Are you repulsed by ugly reptiles? lololol bro get out Did all your friends know about your first crush or was it a secret? I was definitely secretive and shy about it when I first started getting crushes. Do you ever feel insecure about going out without makeup? I feel insecure either way, so... How many different natural hair colors are there in your immediate family? So, this is a hard question to answer. My mom was born with brown hair, but it darkened to almost black; only her daughter Katie inherited that. By some genetic magic, Dad had blond hair as a kid, but it also turned black. Like... how?????? I was born with dirty blonde hair like him, and mine turned an average brown with age. My immediate sisters have always had brown hair. What is your favorite online game? World of Warcraft is ballin'. Would you ever want to be famous and sign autographs? Ha, the idea of signing autographs is awful... I can't physically write very long without my carpal tunnel flaring up. Do you like your shirt to be loose or tight? LOOSE. Especially as a bigger person, tight shirts are just really uncomfortable. What is your favorite Spanish name? I don't know nearly enough to answer this. Would you rather visit Asia or Europe? I think Asia is, in general, more interesting and prettier as a whole, but I guess I'm drawn to European culture being more like my own and there are specific locations I'm interested in, like Germany or Scotland. So to answer the question, I guess Europe wins. Are there any Asians in your family? I don't believe so. Have you ever had colored braces? Haha yeah, I did that when I had them. Do you take birth control pills? Yes, just for period cramps. Without them, they can be immobilizing for me. If you live in the USA: do you feel free and safe? Ha, no. Well, not *entirely*. Have you ever been sick on your birthday? I was recovering from the stomach virus, if that counts. As in I still got sick the day before and felt iffy on my actual bday. 17th, I think? Is talking about your past painful for you? Yes. Are you a member of any support groups online? I'm a member of The Mighty site, if that counts. When I'm feeling very, very sound of mind and helpful without all the negativity being a detriment to myself, I do like going on there and trying to help or comfort people. Have you ever called a suicide hotline? Yes, and the line was busy, and that's when I decided I was a goner. Do you ever fantasize about revenge? I uhhhhh... sometimes. What's a movie you would recommend to someone who never watches movies? Ohhh, that's hard. I don't really watch movies either, and I'm trying to think of one that essentially anyone would like, so hm. Oh, Coco is absolutely a possibility. That movie touched me so, so deeply and is high on my favorites list. It's impossible to not feel the emotions. Do you want to have grandkids? Hell, I don't want kids. Do you want to be an aunt or uncle? I already am one, and I love being an aunt. Who was your favorite Spice Girl? I don't remember their names or characters in general. Did you make a lot of home videos growing up? I mean *I* didn't, but Mom filmed quite a few. Do you enjoy babysitting? NO. What's an unpopular opinion that you have? Avoiding some political ones, uhhhh. OH. HERE'S ONE. THE SCENE AESTHETIC IS FUCKING CUTE AND NOT CRINGEY AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. Are you attracted to the opposite gender, same gender, or both? Both are A+. Was your first crush on someone of the same gender or opposite? Opposite. As a kid, I didn't even fathom the concept that women could date women. What is something you'll never eat again? Why? Brussel sprouts. Fucking disgusting. What is currently happening that is scaring you? Besides the very obvious answer of "Covid," I worry about my mom a lot. She's so weakened after all the chemo and meds and can do literally less than I can without heavily breathing and sweating. I just worry a lot that cancer will return sooner than we hope; I don't want it to EVER come back, but doctors say it is very, very likely at one point or another because she was so very close to Stage 4. What would be your personal hell? Being completely and entirely isolated forever while somewhere hot and humid, lol. And play one of my trigger songs on repeat eternally. What made the "weird kid" at your school weird? There was this poor guy named Alfred that was VERY clearly depressed out of his mind, and I heard him speak maybe once through all of high school, and the entire class couldn't believe it. He always sat way in the back and never smiled. I wonder how he is nowadays. What is a word you personally find offensive? "Retarded" personally offends me the most when misused and spoken as an insult. What instantly puts you to sleep? Now that is HARD to do; I have a ridiculously hard time going to sleep. The easiest way though would probably be me being drained from an emotional breakdown. That is so exhausting that I'm capable of crashing pretty fast and hard. What song is in a language you don't speak, but you love it anyway? I adore Rammstein, so there's plenty. I'll probably say "Donaukinder" is their best. What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? I keep that I RP a complete secret in my "real" life for this reason unless it's like, pried out of me. What's a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? Johnny Got His Gun. See how goddamn disgusting war is. What was the most unexpected good thing that's ever happened to you? Ha, realizing I was bisexual after once being homophobic. What is the funniest fact you know? Oh man, I know a lot of random trivia shit, really, so it's hard to say. Maybe that quokkas throw their offspring at predators to distract and escape from them... As awful as that is, c'mon, you gotta admit it's funny and shocking with just how adorable they are. What was your 'mic drop' moment? Oh, I don't know. Possibly when I publicly came out as bi on Facebook and made it abundantly clear that I gave no shits about some homophobic friends and family & I was beyond willing to let anyone's ass go over it. What's the kindest way a stranger has treated you? I remember as a kid at McDonald's, the woman in front of our car paid for our food; apparently seeing a mom, dad, and three kids in a van was enough that she wanted to just be kind and give us a smile. We have no idea who she was, never saw her face or anything, she was just a sweet woman. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? Okay, I'm going to let go of all hatred for my body weight-wise and just think of this as from a strictly natural design perspective, in which case I'd say my toes are too small. What age are you afraid of turning and why? 30, because I'm terrified of getting there and seeing I've possibly gone nowhere. What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? I'm keeping this question in just because I think there could be some interesting answers for others, but I'm witholding my answer because nobody wants or needs to know lmao. What makes someone immediately unlikable? Acting better than others and belittling. Who's a villain you sympathize with and why? D A R K I P L I E R because of his origins and overall purpose and just simply existing. What is something you regret to NOT have done? I have this oddly weird regret of not going like, all-all the way with He Who Shall Not Be Named????? Idk why though????? Considering I loved him way too much and I was a reckless and impulsive person who probably at some point would have wound up accidentally pregs????? What a fuckin trip that woulda been. What movie changed your life for the better? None have really "changed my life." What book you think should be directed as a film? Oh, idk. Most I can think of have been. Of all the decades you've lived in, which one have you liked best? The 2000s, probably. A carefree kid. How are you doing today? I'm exhausted. While out with Mom and my sisters yesterday, we got behind a van whose driver was obviously drunk or high off his goddamn ass, and he was swerving EVERYWHERE, nearly shoving so many cars off the road. Mom called 911 to get in contact with highway patrol to report his dumb fucking ass in. I was having an absolute panic attack and cried quietly like the entire 45 or so minute drive home. I was just so, so upset because this is why I don't fucking drive, and I felt like I'd made my sister (who was driving) mad because she had to firmly tell me I had to calm down (I was hyperventilating and talking to myself to try to calm down) if she was going to focus and keep us safe. She later ensured me she wasn't mad, but I still wasn't the same the entire rest of the day. Anyway, I slept hard last night but had two nightmares, so I'm still really tired today. I'm trying to keep myself really distracted. What's something your relatives don't know about you? A whole lot really, considering beyond my very immediate family, I see almost nobody because they live many states away. What's something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? Mom would spank us or slap an arm pretty hard if my sisters or I misbehaved or "disrespected" her by "talking back." I'm not having kids, but I would never, ever, ever, put my hands on them in any way that isn't loving. You do not teach children via inflicting fear. I also have this probably overly strong aversion to beer because that's what Dad always drank as an alcoholic. I'll probably never try it, not that I really want to because it smells awful. What's the most annoying thing your pet does? I feel like "annoying" is the wrong word for this, but Roman (my cat) can be incredibly demanding of attention and to lie on me when I'm on the laptop in bed, and sometimes I just want space and be able to clearly see the screen, haha. He will legit meow like a baby and gently swat my arm sometimes if I try to keep him back. Heeee usually gets his way. As for Venus (snek), she does nothing "annoying" either, but rather a bit concerning to a snake mom: she is usually very slow to find and strike her food. I feed her frozen/thawed mice, and she will first slither around her entire cage, tongue flicking and clearly looking for her food, even though I always place it atop the same spot on her hide, and she can have her head RIGHT beside it and still do nothing. She ultimately generally eats (as a ball python though, she's a picky eater and will occasionally reject a meal), but I of course wonder why she's odd about dinnertime... As a champagne, she does have the notorious "spider gene" in her, which can cause neurological issues, but idk if something like this could be related.
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