#but yea his 2 year anniversary is coming up pretty soon
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pastelliek · 2 months ago
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After nearly 2 YEARS now, here is Aaron’s possibly official design
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 1 year ago
(Open Rp) "Godly Love"
A Long time Ago in the Small town of Middleton, where the times Of a Lovely Kitsunes romantic relationships Went Down Hill on the Marriage with Her "Soon-to-be" Ex-husband name Ronald Stoppable. It Started By When Ron Change his attitude Since After Marriage, Saphira notice his change..and all her money, jewelery and her clothes went missing...She got really Suspicious on Rons behavior..He never Show up at the hospital when she got into the accident, he stood her Out on the romantic dinner date after Saphira made a reservation...and of course..the death of her 4 beloved children..who died mysteriously..until...He Shows up at the "Wake" party..all dressed in color..and Saw the illegal Pill bottles came out of the pocket and landed on the floor..and she knew he did this..but he wasn't alone..She saw her friend Kim and her arch Bully bonnie...until One day on they're 2 year anniversary, Saphira saw ron and Kim on the dance Floor kissing together..and then..Saphira stormed at him and said.
Saphira: "RONALD STOPPABLE!!" Ron froze as he sees His Angry Wife..Holding a frying pan with rage look on her face..and she taps her foot. Ron:"Saph, this isn't what it looks like!"
Saph: "It is What it looks like ronald, Don't you dare lied to me! Do you have any idea what day it is!?" Ron: "umm..it's thursday?" Then SMACK! She hits ron with a frying pan..and she did the same thing with kim and Bonnie at the same time.. Saph:"NO!, It's Our Anniversary! and You! cheated on me!..Now..I'm going to divorce you..and sue you for Petty thieft!..and i'll have you charge of murder of my babies!..Your going to pay.."You" i mean YOU! And Those two Sluts are going to pay me For Everything YOU Stole from me!..and oh yea..I told your family and those two as well...See ya in court Stoppable! Cause when I'm Done with ya, I'm moving away and never come back..so i can start fresh in my life!" Then..day later..Divorce Is official..Ron, Kim, and Bonnie was charge of murder and has to pay Saphira 50,000$ for damages each..and 40,000$ For Murdering her 4 precious angels..and requested to be Castrated and sterile..to make sure no kids exist in this world...So after the Divorce and rewarded..saphira began to Move away from middleton and Start a New life in the Island of Nantucket, Home of the Greatest god Of them all..He's the Sun god.....She sees the statue of him...Which is saphira was pretty interested in this place...So Saphira got herself a Nice Big house on the hill...She was so happy that she lives in the luxury life near the sea..But in few weeks..she was heartbroken and felt betrayed..She looked back in the past..knowing that she was betrayed by the ones she loves the most...She sighs softly in sorrows..5 weeks had passed..Saphira looked at this god and said" well...if you had someone who loves you..that means your a lucky bastard...but me..*Sighs*...i got betrayed...2 years of my marriage was just a Sham...nothing but a big fat Sham..oh i wish i had someone like you..*Scoff*..your a one lucky bastard..." She gets up and sighs...next day..Saphira was sitting on the bolder alone..until...One handsome man..came to her..his hair is blue..and his bod was well built..when she sees him..her face turns pink and he said...
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emmyhem · 4 years ago
always (l.r.h)
a/n: hi everyone! this is a lil angsty piece i wanted to get up. i just want to say again how sorry i am for not getting anything up for the past two weeks, i’ve just been overwhelmed with some stuff for my classes, but i am starting to get back in the swing of things now. also, this is unedited as i was rushing to get it up in time. i do plan on posting something else tomorrow night and hopefully i’ll be posting pretty consistently from now on. also this does end kind of abruptly but i wanted to leave it like that because i’m a sucker for angst, with that being said i would be happy to write a part two if that’s something you’d be interested in. anyway, feedback and comments are appreciated as always and i hope you’re all having an amazing day/night. enjoy! - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: luke recounts his mistake and hopes he can patch things up with his always. 
warnings:  very brief mention of sex, cursing, mentions of alcohol, luke’s being an asshole, mention of pinching (idk), slight insecurity from the reader, lots of angst :( 
word count: 2.6k
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Luke had always hated the quiet. That’s when his thoughts were the loudest. That must be why he had never really liked being alone with himself. 
Tonight in particular, his thoughts were practically screaming, one word over and over again. 
For the past two years that name had acted as his most favorite word, one that he would utter whenever he had gotten the chance. Whether it be to brag about your recent accomplishments to his friends, to catch your attention from another room, or falling from his lips with a sigh of pleasure as he reached completion with you laying breathlessly beneath him. 
Now the word seemed torturous, the last time he uttered it replaying on a relentless loop in his head. 
It was your 2nd anniversary. Dinner had been laid out on the table for an hour. Two glasses of wine sat untouched in front of a vase of roses you had picked out at the florist earlier that morning, and there was no sign of Luke. 
You were wracking through your brain as you watched a petal fall from a rose and land lightly in one of the glasses. 
Had you gotten the time wrong? 
But you were sure that the two of you had agreed on 8:00 for dinner, that way you had time to get everything ready after getting home from work, and Luke wouldn’t have to rush to leave the studio. 
Yet somehow you found yourself staring at the now cold dinner at 9:30, with absolutely no word from Luke. You wanted to call, if for no other reason than to check he was still alive and breathing, but your nerves stopped you from doing that, not wanting to take on the role of the overbearing girlfriend. 
Your stomach growled hungrily over the light music that was playing through the house speakers. So, begrudgingly you took a bite of the pasta on your plate before downing your entire glass of wine. 
Luke arrived home about 2 hours later, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand. He caught sight of the table, with one setting completely untouched as he hung up his coat, causing guilt to pang in his chest. 
“Baby,” he called out, carrying himself to your shared bedroom.
When no response came his heart rate sped up in fear that you had left. 
“Y/n” he called, louder this time with a sense of urgency clear in his voice.  
That’s when he spotted a person sized lump underneath the duvet. Releasing a sigh of relief he moved towards you, peeling the blankets off and leaving a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
This caused you to stir a bit, eyes fluttering open to meet him. 
“Hi, my love.” he cooed. 
A frown was prominent on your face, and a crease separated your eyebrows as they furrowed angrily. 
“I’m sorry I’m late. We got a bit carried away in the studio, but in good news the album is coming along great. M’so excited for you to hear it” 
You had always tried to be understanding of Luke’s job for many reasons. One being that you both reaped the benefit of his success, you wanted for essentially nothing, had a nice house, the opportunity to travel, and Luke often spoiled you with gifts even if you asked him not to. Another being how happy it made your boyfriend. Music truly was his passion, and he was so talented that you wouldn’t want for him to ever put his work on the back burner for you. 
With that being said, you made a point to take time off to spend time with him whenever you were able to. You had even changed jobs because your last one hadn’t allowed you to go on tour with him, which he had been adamant about, insisting, “There’s no way I can be away from you for that long.” 
And you were happy to do all of those things, because you were in love, and  you felt incredibly lucky to even be a part of his world. But you did start to question things as your relationship went on. It felt like Luke didn’t even consider your job. He only saw it as something that took you away from him. 
You had worked hard to get where you were in the occupational field. Without your job all you would have to do is sit around and wait for Luke to be ready for you, and you just couldn’t live like that. 
Luke turned on the lamp on your nightstand as you slowly sat up in bed. 
“2 weeks Luke, we’ve had these plans for two weeks.” 
“I know baby I tried, but you know how it is when inspiration strikes.” he dismissed while sitting the flowers on the ground. 
“No, I don’t. Do you not think that I have things I could be doing for work? Cause I do, and I choose this over all of that.” you huffed in frustration. 
Luke took a deep breath while subtly rolling his eyes. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry for missing dinner, but you don’t understand the pressure I’m under, from the fans, the label, management, and the band.” 
“I know that you work hard and I know how important this is to you, and I’m so proud of you, but I’m proud of us too and I would’ve liked to have a night for just us.” you tried to explain. “Not to mention the fact that I’m under pressure in my job too and I always find time for you, no matter what.” 
“Yea, you have pressure from a job that you don’t need.” his voice rising in anger with each word as he paced around the room. 
“How many times do I have to tell you Luke? It’s my job, it��s a part of my life and I don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon.” you shouted. 
“Great.” he replied sarcastically. “Then you should understand that I won’t give up my job anytime soon.” 
“I’m not asking you to, I’m just asking for a bit of consideration, and just a sliver of your time.” 
“I’m working to make us more money.” he stated.
“Luke, we don’t need any more money. You should be working because you enjoy it and because it’s your passion.”
He let out a condescending laugh before turning to look in your eyes. 
“Yea, well you don’t seem to mind all the money when you're sitting at home in the house that I bought, and leeching off of my bank account on the daily. D’ya think you could afford all the shit you have just based on your salary?” he spat crudely. 
You physically leaned back as if the words had just actually been thrown at you. They must’ve, because the pain they caused felt far too real to just be emotional. You opened your mouth to fight back, to scream, to do something but the lump in your throat prevented anything to come out other than a sad, and pathetic squeak. 
Was that what he thought about you? 
This had caught you completely off guard. Sure, you were expecting an argument, you’d even say you were expecting a big one, but you would’ve never guessed he would throw this in your face. 
You felt betrayed. It had always made you insecure that you were making such little money compared to your boyfriend. 
Some days after receiving your paycheck you would go out and spend it all on Luke, solely because you wanted to know that you could contribute too. You would do that whenever you got the chance, to reassure that your work was important, and valid. And mainly to show Luke that you appreciated all he did for you. 
He would always reply, “You don’t have to do this, love. I like spoiling my girl.” 
Yeah right. 
“I wasn’t, I m-mean I don’t try to lee-,” you paused, the word feeling too gross to repeat back. 
“Well, you do whether you're trying or not so the least you can do is give me a break occasionally.” he spoke casually, while changing into sweats as if he wasn’t ripping you apart with every word. 
You kept a blank stare at the bedroom door, your eyes already stinging with unshed tears. You wished you could be angrier but his words left you questioning and feeling guilty. 
As hard as you’d tried to provide for yourself and make your own way you couldn’t help but wonder if you had subconsciously started leaning on him, more than you had ever wanted. 
Luke continued getting ready for bed, not taking a second look at you since hitting you with his harsh words. 
“I-I’m sorry.” you croaked. 
“It’s fine, Y/n I just wish you could’ve been slightly more understanding.” he continued, still not facing you. 
“I think that maybe, I mean, um I gotta go.” you were speaking through tears, as you abruptly stood from the bed and hurried to leave the room. 
This caught Luke’s attention causing him to spin in your direction at lightning speed, finally taking in your emotional state.
“Going? Going where? I-what are you talking about?” 
You didn’t reply, grabbing your keys, bag, and shoes as you continued to speed to the front door. 
“Y/n!” he continued, following closely behind you. 
You paused at the front door and turned to meet his eyes. His stressed appearance subsided as you allowed him the opportunity to talk. 
“You’re upset.” he concluded, reaching a hand out to hold your cheek.
You leaned away from his touch and shook your head lightly, “M’not.” 
His features softened and he took another step closer to you, “You are. I’m sorry, I was harsh.” 
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” 
“Didn’t know?” 
“I don’t want t-to leech” you stuttered out. 
This rendered Luke speechless, realizing how cruel his words had been. You had taken this as an opportunity to exit the house, quickly running to your car. Luke made it to the driveway just in time to see you drive away. 
“Fuck” he snapped, jogging back towards the house to get his phone and call you in hopes of convincing you to come back. 
After calling you at least 20 times with no response he conceded and decided he should try and get some sleep, that way he was rested enough to get you to forgive him in the morning. 
His body fell naturally to his side of the bed, but his eyes lingered on where you typically laid. 
Rolling onto his back, eyes finding the ceiling he muttered to himself, “I’m an idiot.” 
Eventually he was tiring out, the bedroom ceiling growing extremely boring after staring for so long. He turned on his side to hug your pillow to his chest. As his hand slid under the pillow it came into contact with an envelope that had been hidden underneath. 
He sat up and flicked on a lamp to read the front, “To my Lu” 
He could tell that you had taken your time penciling on your words, each letter was flawless and written delicately. Before ripping it open he hesitated, questioning whether or not he even deserved to see what was inside after the way he spoke to you. The selfish part of his brain won for the second time that night. 
The first thing he saw after opening was two airline tickets situated just in front of a folded piece of notebook paper. 
He held his breath as he brought them into the light, two roundtrip business tickets to Sydney. 
He rushed to read the note you had left with them, unfolding it quickly. 
Happy two years, my love. I can’t believe I’ve been lucky enough to call you mine for this long. Not a day goes by where I’m not in complete and utter awe of you and everything you do for me. I know how hard you work and how much you miss home and your family while you continue to grow in your music, and in yourself everyday. I know these aren’t the best tickets you’ve ever had by any means or the most extravagant vacation you’ve taken, but I wanted to show you how much I love you and how much I know you deserve, and need a break. We have 2 weeks, we leave tomorrow. I’ve worked it all out with the guys and your label. I know this is just a small way to repay you for the way you’ve taken care of me and the way you’ve loved me so selflessly for so long but I hope it shows you just a sliver of how much I love you. 
Yours always, 
He traced the letters of your name repeatedly as he blinked back a few stinging tears, before falling asleep, the note clutched tightly to his chest. 
That was a week, and about 100 missed calls ago.
About two days after you left, your friend had called to let him know that you were safe and staying with her for the time being. It had slightly lessened his worry, but the guilt he felt grew exponentially each day he had no reason to say your name.
He had claimed your side of the bed as his own in hopes that it would bring you closer to him. When he had finally dragged himself out of bed to shower he used your body wash and as embarrassing as it sounds nearly cried when the room was flooded with the familiar rose scented steam. And tonight while scouring through the liquor cabinet and feeling completely sorry for himself he had come across a bottle of tequila that you had purchased on your most recent vacation. 
Luke had put a serious dent in it by the time he was done scrolling through all of his pictures of you, and his finger began to itch with the need to call you. 
Through blurry and clouded eyes he located your contact, a breath hitching in his throat when he clicked the call button. 
With each unanswered ring he pinched his wrist, willing himself to wake up and discover this was all just some horrible nightmare, that he would just roll over and see you curled up next to him, warm, and sweet, and perfect. So fucking perfect. 
“You’ve reached y/n. Sorry I can’t get to the phone, leave a message and I’ll get back to you. Thanks” 
But it’s not his nightmare that got him here, it’s his mistake. 
“Y/n,” he croaked, his voice hoarse and scratchy as he hasn’t used it much in the past couple of days. 
“I don’t know what to do anymore, I miss you and I’m sorry. I-” his heart was pounding and his intoxication numbed him from the feeling of  the hot tears that streamed down his face as he continued. “M’selfish baby. I’m so selfish and I was talking out of my ass that night, of course you’re not leeching. That’s fucking ridiculous, you couldn’t be, I give you nothing compared to what you give me. I just don’t know how to admit I’m wrong and the money is bullshit, it doesn’t matter, we could both live without it.”  his chest felt tight as he took a large gulp of air. “I-I can’t live without you, really I don’t think I can. I need you and I love you. I love you so much. Just please come home to me, please baby. I need you with me, and I want to fucking give you the world and I know you don’t need me to give it to you. I want to. I just-I want to give you everything, anything. You can have it all. It’s yours. I’m yours, alwa-”  his pleads were cut off by the dial tone. 
“Always.” he repeated, staring at the black screen. 
pt. 2
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cuppasunu · 4 years ago
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synopsis: where juyeon loses all his memories after a terrible accident. many years later he’s bound to marry another woman—not knowing their photographer used to be his girlfriend of seven years. will he remember their love?
genre: series (fluff; angst; suggestive)
pairing: lee juyeon x fem. reader
playlist: spotify link
status: completed.
w/c: 1.4K words
once more masterlist
kyu is listening to ... take her to the moon by moira dela torre
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“So, a spring wedding would probably be perfect for this venue, right y/n?” Juyeon’s fiancée, Sihyeon asks, breaking your trance reminiscing about your memories with Juyeon. 
“I’m sorry, I was distracted.. This is where you’re holding the wedding?” you asked, nearly choking on your water.
“Well, the date isn’t until spring next year so we’re still looking for options. It’s funny how my love actually insisted on the idea of having our engagement shoot to be done in a flower field..” she laughs, but hearing that just digs a deeper wound inside you, realizing this is exactly where Juyeon has taken you on dates. 
Taking a deep breath, you excuse yourself and leave the couple to look around the location. Your eyes cannot peel away from Juyeon’s smile, it looks like it could reach from one ear to the other. 
he looks so happy..
Rushing on your way to the back door, you bump into a person.. maybe two (?) coming from the parking lot. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sor-”
Hearing that familiar voice, your eyes immediately dart up meeting your old friend, Changmin. You glance past his shoulders—there’s Chanhee and Kevin. That persistent feeling of wanting to run away? Oh, it’s back and it’s even more intense. 
Before you can even move your feet, Changmin grabs a hold of your wrist out to the parking lot, checking if the four of you are out of the couple’s sight. 
“Y/n.. did you meet them already?” Kevin’s genuine concern is present on his face, but you’re not really sure if that’s for you or his dear friend. 
“Did you tell him the truth?” Changmin asks.
“Hold on- I think I need some explanation on my end too! I didn’t know I was meeting him today, much less find out he’s getting married and he doesn’t remember me? What happened? Does he remember you? When did the accident happen?” you finally burst, tears streaming down your face. 
You all stood there in silence, trying to make the situation make sense. Changmin looked like he was going to say something, and his expression seems like he wants to burn you alive. 
“..we should have come earlier..” Chanhee hisses out of frustration, while putting the effort of calming Changmin down.
“We don’t owe you anything, y/n. Not one explanation. Especially when you br- when you left Juyeon.”
His stinging words hurt as if it just slapped you across the face. You chose to keep your mouth shut, knowing how much those words may have been painful, it was equally as accurate. 
“Well, you know most of it. Before the accident, he already got rid of all your pictures, memories, everything.. So when we found out he had amnesia, we all thought it would be better to not remind him of you,” Kevin explained, “It’s better this way, y/n. They’re happy. He’s happy, now. And all those memories he had of you, it doesn’t hurt him anymore..”
but he forgot all our good ones too..
You sink down on the bench, processing the mess you have entered. The concrete was rough as you threw your head, leaning on the wall, “Is it too late to back out now?”
“Honestly, yea. Sihyeon has been raving about your work for months now. She’s been so excited about the thought of working with you but obviously we can’t stop her without raising any questions about your past with Juyeon,” Chanhee replies, “That’s why we were hoping to catch you before they did in case it all went wrong.”
“.. so she doesn’t know either..”
“She doesn’t. So please, keep this up. Until they get married at least. If you leave now, you’re going to have to explain why,” Changmin mutters bitterly, “Can you really live with the thought of hurting Juyeon again when he realizes the past five years of his life has been a lie?” 
You shake your head, coming into terms with everything that’s going to happen. You stood up from your seat, fixing your hair and wiping away your tears.
“How long have they been together?”
“2 years.”
[2008  — flashback]
“Y/n, it’s unfair to be pretty and smart and talented AND be in a relationship..” your best friend, Mina, jokingly complains. 
“And I think it’s time I set you up with one of Juyeon’s friends,” you replied, making the final touches on your hair in front of the mirror, “Hm, what about Kevin? Maybe Changmin?”
“Oh no, I’m not a sorry case! I’m perfectly satisfied being single,” she smiles, “Less distractions too, I have college to think about missy.”
“Who said that I’ll be abandoning my dreams for a relationship?” you protest.
“Alright- alright, I know you know better than that. It has worked for more than a year.. “
“Two years! It’s our second year anniversary today,” telling her as your ears perk up to hear the sound of your doorbell, “He’s here.”
“Now, have fun on your date!” Mina fixes your collar before ushering you out the door.
After waving your goodbye, you made your way to the gate, light on your steps. Juyeon is standing outside, sniffing a small bundle of tulips before hiding it behind his back when he hears you coming. 
“Hi hun, happy second year anniversary!”
Juyeon greets you with a kiss on the forehead before presenting the flowers to you, “Hey babe, happy anniversary.”
“As always, you know which one’s my favorite,” you tell him, beaming at the buds of vibrant orange on your hand.
“It never changes, y/n,” he pokes fun at your reaction, “Actually I switched it up this time. It’s orange instead of the usual pink.”
“Ha ha,” you laugh sarcastically.
While walking to the bus stop, Juyeon tells you that today’s location will be a secret. But judging on the basket he’s holding, it’s not much of a surprise.
“I have an idea~”
“That’s not fair..” he huffs.
“You baby. Okay, I won’t ruin the surprise. I’ll wait when we get there.” 
And as you guessed, he picked the Seoul Forest as your picnic location. Thankfully, on this cool spring day, it’s the perfect balance of sunny but windy weather. He lays down a blanket on the shade and sets the food he brought out of the basket.
“Wow, did you make all of this?” you’re amazed at the variety of snacks he made.
“I really should say Chanhee did all the work and I just ‘helped’ but I’m always trying to impress you so I’ll take the credit,” Juyeon sheepishly grins.
“Oh sure, yes. My chef boyfriend,” you say, pinching his cheek.
Juyeon scrunches his nose upon hearing that—boyfriend. It’s been two years since you gave him that sweet yes to his adorable confession, but he’s not going to get used to hearing you call him your boyfriend anytime soon. Of course you notice the way he gets shy when you do, so in every possible moment, you made sure to call him that. 
“Right- my gifts,” you remember, grabbing your bag for the small box you’ve prepared to give him.
With raised eyebrows, his eyes follow the box you’ve given him. Opening the ribbon that tied it prettily, Juyeon scans through the envelopes that carry the letters you wrote. Inside, there’s also a handkerchief neatly folded at the bottom of the box.
“You can read the letters later,” you mumble, “but quick, look at the handkerchief and check the embroidery.”
He touches the edge of the light blue fabric— L J Y with a tiny arrow right beside it. At the same time, you pulled your own handkerchief to show him where you have stitched your own initials at the same place, but instead had a heart right next to it. 
You look at his expression to gauge his reaction, and Juyeon’s face says it all. You swore he was so close shedding a tear or two, his eyes watering at the brim. Now, that genuinely surprised you; he wasn’t the type of guy that would seem to be easily moved. 
“Do you like it?” you ask him.
“Do I like it? y/n.. I love it,” he sighs, cupping your cheek on his hand, “Thank you.”
You got on your knees to reach over the food and give him a peck on the lips. Feeling his smile pressed against you, he goes back in to kiss you again. It was sweet and tender—the way you would describe your relationship.
The rest of the afternoon went by like a blur, but all it reminds you was that it was a day well spent.
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a/n: oooh we met the rest of 98z !! why are they so mad that y/n’s back.. hm? gee i wonder why :> anyhow feel free to shoot me any asks of your theories muahahahah. i mean the plot is pretty much all done but i’m curious about what you think heehee
@fullsunsays @haylo4ever @fleurseoul @deobi-pabo @amajeekies @lsangyeons @mydaintydaisy @sunwoowuvbot @elcie-chxn​ @zyoumeval​ @autumnleafez​ @nyuwings​ @hae-chans​ @mistresskate101​ @heartyyjeno​ @nanadreamies​ @bacardihs​ @sanniescat​ @gughoul​ @hhjvlogs
please let me know if you would like to be included or taken out <3
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rftwfic · 4 years ago
    Ok but do you know what kind of fic I really want to read? A modern!geraskier AU where Jaskier doesn’t really get along with his family. They’re just well off enough that it’s made them snooty, and after university Jask realized that he actually has absolutely nothing in common with them. Not to mention that they frequently enjoy reminding him that he’s the least successful of all of the grandkids, not only business wise but also personally since he’s the last one left unmarried and three of his cousins already have children. To top it all off, Valdo Marx, his mentally abusive, manipulative ex has been dating his sister for the past three years and shows up to all the family gatherings, and even though all the comments are underhanded and masked under upper crust fake politeness he absolutely dreads going to see his family every Christmas and Easter. The only reason he goes at all is because, despite the way that they look down on his profession, his family has enough money to spare that they helped him get his little music store off the ground, and Jaskier feels that financial burden like a chain around his neck so when they say “Christmas starts at 10am” he says “what kind of pie am I bringing this year?”
    Ok so enter Geralt. He and Jaskier have been dating for just over 2 years now and things are getting pretty serious. (I mean they’ve always been serious Geralt is incapable of doing anything not serious but it’s been long enough that they’ve finally agreed that Geralt should probably find out what kind of family he’s hoping he’ll be marrying into soon). After much persuasion (Geralt) and whining (Jaskier) they’ve agreed that Geralt will be coming to the Lettenhove Christmas party this year. Which is all well and good except Jaskier is terrified because his family is going to talk about how much of a loser he is, as always, and Geralt is going to hear this and finally realize how much better he can do than Jaskier and is going to leave him and Jaskier is going to be crying into his pumpkin pie for the foreseeable future because Geralt is kind of the love of his life and his family is going to ruin that for him. Jaskier is a ball of anxiety the week leading up to Christmas. He ruins 2 pies before Geralt finally steps in and helps him prepare a passable one for the party. He’s practically shaking as he leads Geralt up the driveway to his grandmother’s large estate despite his boyfriend’s steady arm around his waist. 
    Geralt, on the other hand, walks up the icy driveway like he’s preparing to go to war. He’s heard many a story about Jaskier’s shitty family that the other man has laughed off like it was nothing and he’d honestly love to give them all a punch in the nose. Because, well, the one thing Jaskier isn’t taking into account right now is that Geralt loves his colorful little music man more than life itself and he will not tolerate a word against him unless it’s coming out of Geralt’s own mouth thank you. 
    And like, yea Jaskier knows Geralt loves him but he’s kind of shit with words so he’s never really expressed how much before (unlike Jaskier, who wrote Geralt a love song for their first anniversary that Geralt is honestly still way too soft about). But Jaskier is the one who brought music and color and love into Geralt’s life. Before Jaskier, Geralt only talked to the horses he trained and occasionally his brothers, but now because of him he’s made friends with Yennefer and the lovely old man who works in Jaskier’s music shop, Borch. Instead of sitting at home alone most nights he goes to open mics and listens to his boyfriend sing silly love songs as him and his new friend Mousesack try to drink each other under the table. Jaskier has brought noise into his life that he didn’t realize he needed until he got it, and if his boyfriend ever asked him to kill someone he would do it no questions asked so it would really be in Jaskier’s family’s best interest to not say anything bad about the man where Geralt can hear because, unlike them, he doesn’t give a shit about masking insults behind fake politeness and if Valdo Marx ever makes Jaskier cry again Geralt will be spending his night hiding a body. 
    Anyway, all of this is to say that Geralt doesn’t leave Jaskier’s side for a moment the entire party and wears what Jaskier has named his “scary face” anytime someone besides his boyfriend is talking. Thankfully most of his work is done through posturing alone, though the few insults he manages to land when someone tries to send a snide remark Jaskier’s way make his boyfriend absolutely beam with joy and cling to Geralt’s arm even tighter. And if Geralt manages to corner Valdo at one point for a little one on one talk then well, that can just stay between the two of them. 
    So yea, if anyone has written something even remotely close to this idea pls let me know because I am dying to read it.
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houndin-around · 5 years ago
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Authors notes: Second prompt here we go!! Thanks so much @ct7567329 for asking for this! I got really excited writing about Rex and this kinda made me all giddy writing it. I hope everyone enjoys it!!
Summary: Takes place a few weeks or so after Saleucami ! Being in a relationship with Rex has been hard especially when he comes home with more scars than before he had left. Prompt #2
Rex x Reader
The sounds of buildings crumbling, windows being shattered and people screaming still remain in your head. Even though it’s been a little over a year since the destruction of Coruscant, due to some monster was still such a vivid memory. The news managed to do some coverage on it, but it didn’t explain what or how this monster seemingly arrived. You didn’t care though, what you cared about was the fact you had almost lost you life that day. While you normally live 2 levels below the upmost top of Coruscant, your mother had sent you on some errands to get the freshest produce available. It was the anniversary of your father’s death and each year, your mother prepares his favorite meal in honor of him.
All of the sudden the gentle touch of finger tips rest on your shoulder and automatically snap you out of your thoughts. The same gentle touch that saved you out of harms way from the Zillo Beast, or so that’s what it was called according to him. If it weren’t for him, you would’ve been crushed by a crumbling building the monster was scaling.
“Are you alright..?”
He questioned, concern across his face as he began to pry into your thoughts. No matter how much you try to hide your feelings, he always had a way of figuring you out. Maybe it was his skilled training as a soldier, or maybe it was just him himself.
“As long as you’re here..I’ll always be okay.”
You answer sweetly. Though the next thought to cross your mind was how wrong this was, and yet it some how worked. Him being a clone..no a Captain in the Grand Army of the Republic, forbids any type of relationship and yet after he saved your life, you made it your mission to find him. The day you met suddenly barged it’s way into your thought process, but it’s definitely one of your fondest memories yet.
Not being allowed near the base made things harder to even approach the captain, though you were so determined and remembered exactly what type of armor he wore. It was quite different from the regular clone troopers thankfully so, the next few times he was stationed back on Coruscant you hoped it would make it easy to spot him. Due to the damage being done from the monster, it took quite a few weeks before you were able to go into certain sections of the planet.
Once you were finally able to roam the streets freely, you hung around in hopes you’d spot the different looking clone. There was always some sort of commotion going on in this city, as someone ran directly into you knocking you to the ground. Without an apology the person scrambled to their feet before taking off once more.
“Sorry about that!”
A voice called out from behind you as he whisked by, wearing dark brown robes. Soon enough a young togruta followed behind trying to catch up to whomever just apologized.
“Master wait up! Remember the thing called patience?”
She screamed out in frustration, followed by an annoyed sigh though she continued chasing after her so called “master”. Again more followed suit though this time it was the Coruscant Security Force. While the droids made up most of the team, it was sometime seen clones joining in as well and this time was definitely case. Both droids and clones running together trying to catch up to what you believe we’re Jedi. One clone in particular wasn’t paying attention and it was too late before he had saw you. Down he went, and a few cusses had left his mouth but the helmet made his words sound funny due to vocalizations in it.
“I’m so sorry miss. I should’ve been looking..Are you hurt?”
His voice was filled with worry and all you could do was be in disbelief because it was him. The mystery clone you’ve been looking for.
“Miss? Should I escort you to the medical facility? I really am sorry..”
Shaking your head trying to snap out of it but nothing would come out of your mouth.
“I…uh..um” come on! You thought to yourself, say something before he thinks you’re a total scatterbrain. “Yea..I’m fine don’t worry.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind escorting you to a medical facility. Looks like you took a pretty hard fall. I’m no medic but those scrapes don’t look too nice either.”
You failed to even realize you were bleeding but luckily it wasn’t anything too crazy. Shaking your head in response, you still wanted to ask him if he had remembered you though you didn’t want to entirely scare him off either. What if he got uncomfortable with the fact you remembered him and still thought about him? Do clones get uncomfortable? Wait no they’re human too of course they do..you thought to yourself, or at least you were pretty convinced on that theory.
“Wait a minute..” The voice spoke up breaking you out of your deep thoughts on whether or not clones had emotions of any sort. “I remember you! You’re the one I grabbed out of the way before that building went down, a few weeks prior.”
Your heart skipped a beat and soon enough the blood rushed to your face. Even more embarrassment washed over you as you realized what was happening and it was probably obvious by not too.
“You seem to always be getting yourself into some sort of trouble huh?”
“More like wrong place wrong time.” You shot back with a bit of feist in your tone. “I do want to thank you though..for saving my life. If it weren’t for you…”
Your voice trailed off not wanting to finish that sentence. Soon enough the clone rose to his feet and reached out for you hand. Without any hesitation you took it and he helped you up.
“The names Rex. Captain Rex.”
*Wow a captain. That explains his armor now.* You thought to yourself.
“Hello? (Y/N) are you there?”
His chuckle always warmed you up, it was so pure. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth before turning around to look at your partner. His brown eyes studying your every movement trying to figure out what was bothering you. The expression he was giving you made you smile, it never failed he had one hell of a way to make you feel so safe.
“Sorry, a lot on my mind today…”
You trailed off looking ashamed for letting your feelings mess with you so much. It was a special day after all, you should be more focused on Rex presently, not the past. Almost instantly, he gently pulled your face back towards his and stared into your eyes. Resting his forehead against yours, you look back up at him and slowly wrap your arms around his neck.
“There’s nothing to apologize for mesh’la.”
It took so long before you were able to even touch him without him flinching, let alone being this close and looking at one another in the eyes, not because he was a soldier respecting orders being given, no but out of pure love. Running your hand down his back gently, you suddenly remember the more recent injury he endured on Saleucami. Two more inches to the left, and it would’ve went straight through his heart. That would’ve been it your whole world gone, and this scar is the current reminder of how fast he could be taken from you. Some of these scars may be victories for him, but to you they remind you of how hard his job is and it frightens you.
Taking a step back and examining him, night time is really the only time you get to see his exposed upper body and even then, it still is a rare sight. It’s still something he’s yet to get use to, though the look on your face says it all.
“What is it?”
“I just forget..how much your blacks hide everything underneath. The burdens of war.”
You mumbled before going back into his arms as he embraces you tightly.
“I know. I know, but I’m alright. I’m here and I’m with you. I couldn’t be any better.”
His reassurance helped a little bit but, Rex knew it even took weeks for you to calm down after the incident on Saleucami. Telling you what had happened over comlink frightened him, due to the fact he couldn’t help you or hold you. He knew you wouldn’t take it so well, but you both made an agreement to let one another know what was happening at all times.
“Can you..” despite how scary they are, you just needed answers. “Can you tell me about how you got them. The scars?”
“Of course I can. You know you can ask me anything..I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Hearing his war stories fascinated you, though some of them revealed a lot of sadness he held from those battles. His men, his brothers so many lost and taken from him, you realize not all of them carry those victories but the remembrance of loss and pain. Even if he doesn’t show it, you know how hard it is for him to get the words out. You slowly lean in to kiss his cheek, and slowly make your way down to his shoulder. Another scar, taking your hand and placing it on the newest one, you look at him and smile.
“If I could, I would kiss away all your scars, especially the pain that comes with them.”
You can tell he was taken back for a few seconds as he was quite quiet, most likely trying to think of what to say. Though the words didn’t come to him fast enough. The only words that came to mind, were words he’s never spoken before, but to him it was time.
“I love you (Y/N)”
“I love you too Rex, I always will.”
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pattinsonsgurl · 6 years ago
Although now you’re with him- Chapter 1: In the beginning
Ok so I’m writing this based on another favorite song of mine but before I even got into the song lyrics of it I wrote a whole chapter to give a little background of the characters. Obviously the title gives away what happens in the future but I felt like I couldnt just start off in the middle of it. So here goes. Let me know if it’s worth it to even do chapter 2.
This is a background on you and David.
It was a mutual break up. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself. You wanted to focus on school, while David was a rising YouTuber. You were childhood friends that turned into high school sweethearts. He decided college wasn’t a great fit for him and wanted to move to Los Angeles. Everyone told you that you were crazy for following him when you had a full ride scholarship to the University of Chicago. You decided that USC was a great second choice and you’d be with the love of your life. It was great the first year but the more famous David got the harder it was for him to juggle your relationship and his career. You were so focused on school you were not able to always hangout with him and when you wanted time alone with him, he was too busy filming bits for a blog.
On your 4th year anniversary you got dressed to the nines in a very sexy black slinky dress with fuck me heels you knew would take David’s breathe away. He had messaged you earlier in the evening to get ready for tonight and that he would be at your dorm at 7:30pm.
7:30pm comes and goes. You message him at 8:30pm and he’s replies that he’s running behind but he’ll be there soon. At 9:30pm you message him again but with no reply back from David, you go and changed into some shorts and a hoodie, wiped your makeup off with tears in your eyes. You laid in your bed and sobbed into your pillow disappointed yet again by David, although this felt 10x worse because it was a special day or at least you thought so.
At around midnight you hear a soft knock on your door. You already know it’s David, and for a moment you contemplate pretending you were fast asleep. You sigh and slowly shuffle to the door and open it.
David’s standing there with a bouquet of flowers including your sunflowers which he knows are your favorite.
“Hey babe,” he grins at you sheepishly until he sees your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. “Hey what’s wrong Y/N?”
“Oh nothing David, I was watching a sad movie. What’s up? It’s pretty late for you to be here.”
“Um, well it is our 4 year anniversary and I know I was supposed to be here earlier but I got some great footage of the boys and Jonah—“
“You missed our anniversary because you were filming for your vlog?!” You hiss angrily.
“I didn’t mean to miss it Y/N. It’s just some stuff came together and i couldn’t just leave. Come one babe it’s happened before. What’s the big deal?” He asks confused on why you’re so upset.
“If you don’t understand why I’m so upset it’s not worth explaining it.” You reply quietly.
“Oh ok babe, well if you want I can Postmate Chipotle or whatever your heart desires and we can celebrate!” David grins at you mischievously.
You look at him slack jawed at him and his obliviousness to how you feel. You would think he would understand you after a lifetime of friendship and 4 years of love.
“David I think we need a break.” You respond breathlessly before you even realize what you said.
Now David is looking at you with his mouth open. “Wait Y/N you can’t be serious? Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure. This hasn’t felt right in awhile and you can’t tell me you haven’t felt it either.”
“Well to be honest, I’ve felt it also but I just haven’t been able to pull the trigger.”
Your guilt washes away and all you feel is relief that it isn’t messy like you though it would be.
“Well I’m glad we can talk about this civilized.” you say quietly.
“Yea but that doesn’t mean we cant be friends. That’s how we started at first when you used to chase me around the playground.” David laughs reminiscing.
“No that was you chasing me!” You exclaim.
“Well we all have our own version.” David smirks.
“Whatever.” You say rolling your eyes.
“No but still Y/N, I really don’t want this to ruin our friendship.”
“It won’t David, we’ve always been close.”
“This is just a small break till we can get more time for each other. And we can pick up where we left off!”
You smile at him sadly, knowing that probably won’t happen the more famous he gets. “Of course David. Whatever you say.”
“Ok babe, I mean Y/N, sorry that’s gonna take some getting use to not calling you babe.”
You laugh. “Yea it will.”
“Well I better get home and upload my footage and start editing for the vlog. Call you tomorrow?”
“Yea sounds great.”
Cool, well goodnight Y/N” David moves likes gonna kiss you on the lips, hesitates then kisses you in the cheek.
You watch him walk away down the hallway and around the corner wondering if it’s one of the few last times you’ll see him around your dorm.
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robinrunsfiction · 6 years ago
Irresistible - Chapter 2
Author’s Note: I had so much fun with this story and researching fancy places in Chicago
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The following week I was in the shop alone as Bernard has announced he was taking a long lunch. I honestly didn’t mind, he did that often. But I was surprised at who came strolling through the door shortly after.
“Hey, (YN), good to see you,” Pete said with a grin.
“Hey, how’s it going? What can I help you with today?” I asked politely. I was at work after all, I had a reputation of professionalism to maintain.
“Well my mom’s birthday is coming up, and I wanted to find something nice for her.”
I was skeptical, but I knew I’d be able to suss out if he was telling the truth based on what I showed him. “Sure, I think I know exactly where to begin.”
I went to the display of bracelets, something that younger men didn’t purchase too often for a girl they’re trying to impress. They tend to stay more toward earrings and necklaces, and eventually rings. “This is a brand new piece, rose gold is very in right now, and the stone has a beautiful sparkle,” I said pulling out a bracelet with a rope-like chain and a druzy crystal in the middle that was similar to one I had recently sold to a parent for their daughter’s sweet sixteen. Something about the rose gold matching her new car, I don’t know, I could hardly stand to listen.
He was looking at the bracelet carefully. “Eh, it’s nice, but not my mom, she’s more classic, and prefers white gold.”
Maybe he was telling the truth after all.
“Well how about this beautiful 24k white gold tennis bracelet? The diamonds are conflict free as well,” I commented.
“Yea, this is more like what I wanted to get. Let’s go with this,” he said with a grateful smile.
“Perfect, let me wrap it up for you.”
When I finished with the package and Pete paid for his purchase, with an AMEX Black Card of course, I felt like he was lingering.
“So (YN), I’m afraid I didn’t make a great first impression. I was wondering if you’d be interested in going out to dinner with me. No pressure, I just think you seem cool and I’d like to get to know you.”
I felt like saying no, but my friends voices in my head were yelling at me to go.
“Umm, sure, why not,” I said with a laugh and his face lit up with another million-dollar grin.
“Great, tomorrow work for you?”
“I don’t get off work until 8,” I started.
“Then I’ll pick you up here tomorrow night at 8,” he replied.
“You’re pretty used to getting your way, aren’t you?”
He laughed and picked up the gift from the counter. “Seems like you’re the same way,” he said as he headed toward the door. “See you tomorrow.”
Damn, he was good.
I’ll admit that the next day when I got ready for work, I did put a bit more effort into my daily routine. I decided to wear a dress I hadn’t worn too often before. My work uniform was always black on black, as to not distract from the glittering jewels we were trying to sell, but I still managed to dress in ways that helped me keep the top sales numbers in the store. What can I say, I know what men like, and it isn’t just my winning personality.
At the end of my shift, I closed the store by locking all the cases, and arming the security system. As I stepped out the front door, locking it behind me, I was surprised to see Pete standing on the curb next to a Bentley.
“Ready to go?” He asked with a coy smile.
“Yea, I guess so,” I replied, waiting for him to open the passenger side door, except he opened the back door. Of course he had a driver, how did I not see that coming? He closed the door behind me and got in the other side.
“I have a reservation at Blackbird,” he said as the car sped through the busy Chicago streets.
“Oh, ok then,” I replied. I wasn’t shocked to hear that he picked a place with a Michelin star. I glanced out the window as the lights and people passed by and wondered if this was a terrible idea after all.
“How was your day?” He asked. I turned back to look at him and noticed that his general cocky demeanor had softened.
“Pretty good actually. Since it’s summer there are a lot of anniversary gifts being purchased, but it’s kind of a slow time of year. How about you, I guess I don’t even know what you do,” I replied feeling a little embarrassed. If I had to guess, I’d say he either worked on the Chicago Stock Exchange, or in banking, but Jennifer would know him if that were the case, or he was some kind of executive.
He chuckled. “I’m the international market executive for my father’s company. It’s a lot of travel, but I enjoy it.”
“I should have guessed,” I laughed.
“My reputation doesn’t proceed me as much as I thought then?”
“I’ve been working in a high-end jewelry store since I graduated from art school, I know your type,” I said with maybe more attitude than necessary.
“I think there’s more to me than you might realize,” he said and attempted what I can only describe as a wink, kind of.
“Did you just try wink at me? And fail?” I laughed.
“I didn’t fail, I did it,” he replied skeptically.
“You really didn’t. Has no one told you that you can’t wink?”
“No, because I can!”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Ok Pete.”
Soon after I finished chastising him, we arrived at the restaurant that looked impossibly modern and hip from the outside and proved to be about the same inside.
“Mr. Wentz,” the hostess smiled and lead the way past the dining room, up the stairs to the private dining room. Pete pulled out my chair for me and the waitress left us in the quiet space with our menus. At the very least he had good manners.
“This is one of my favorite places, have you been here before?”
“I haven’t, but it seems very nice,” I replied politely. I could tell from his expression that he was hoping for more of a response and I realized that I was being an ice queen at this point. “So, have you given your mom the bracelet yet?”
“Oh, not yet, her birthday isn’t until the end of the month.”
I almost choked on my water that I had been taking a sip of. “Are you going to be traveling a lot? I mean I usually forget to get my parents’ presents until about the hour before I see them,” I laughed.
“No, I kept thinking about you, so I had to find a reason to go back,” he replied sincerely.
Damn, he was really good.
The dinner was kind of pretentious, but still good, and once we got going, the conversation with Pete actually flowed pretty well and we fell into a delighful back and forth. I wouldn’t necessarily describe him as down to earth, but deep down I could tell he meant well. When we finished eating, we went back out to his waiting car.
“Would you like to go out for a drink?” he asked as he slid into the seat next to me.
“I think I should probably be heading home actually, I’ve had a kinda long day,” I replied, I really was worn out.
“I understand,” he replied with a smile. I gave my address to the driver and we made our way to my side of town. When we arrived, Pete hopped out and opened the door for me again. Again, his manners were above par.
“Thanks for a nice time,” I smiled as he walked me up to my building.
“Did I convince you that I’m not so bad?” He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
“I mean you know how to show a girl a good time, but I’m not any girl,” I replied with my own smirk.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and laughed. “Does that mean you wanna go out again sometime?”
“Sure, but I’m planning it.”
“Deal,” he said taking my hand and placing a kiss on it. “Sleep well.”
Ok, he was really, really good.
Chapter 3
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kewltie · 6 years ago
a ‘what’s wrong with secretary kim?’ au where katsuki is the arrogant and tyrannical heir to a conglomerate and izuku is his capable and excellent secretary who is single handedly holding back his employees from starting an uprising and killing katsuki bc he’s a goddamn perfectionist bastard but now Izuku suddenly wants to quit and KATSUKI IS NOT HAVING IT :P.  
on the anniversary of izuku’s 10th year with the company, AND TEN YEAR WORKING AS KATSUKI’S SECRETARY, there’s a big wide company celebration for it despite the fact that there are ppl who had worked there longer and in more powerful position than a mere secretary to the president, but izuku is like THE IDOL of the entire company and there’s a HUGE reason for that :P. 
katsuki’s own this large business empire that date back to taisho period but it is mitsuki who truly shapes it to this powerful entity it is today. katsuki is the heir to this vast empire and he lives his life knowing what he has to do and how far he’ll have to go to reach it so he places an enormous amount expectation on himself just to live up to everyone view of him bc his mother is just so badass. this make him incredibly hard to work WITH and UNDER bc he’s set the bar so high and expect you not to leap but like skyrocket all the way to the fucking moon or something. he drives most of his employees insane with his perfectionism and micromanagement and like most president try to have some semblance of professional and distance b/t employer/emplyee status quo but katsuki breaks every rule by cursing daily and being a pain in their ass as he visits their floor to harassed them to get their work done in time. he’s very hands on and take no bullshit so if he doesn’t like something YOU WILL HEAR ALL ABOUT IT. this make the work enviroment extremely stressful and hectic for the employees but the one saving grace is THE AMAZING EMPLOYEE PACKAGE and IZUKU. 
so even though katsuki make it HARD to work under/with him, his company (surprisingly) tops the list of best place to work at every single year bc of how their great employees benefit. there’s 40% discount on all their products for their employees, they get paid leave for a week at every quarter, mandatory paid vacation time that last 2-3 weeks, great maternity benefits, amazing childcare service at the company which provide 24/7 childcare bc the company never sleep, employment/raised/and rise in rank is based on a merit system so the population pretty evenly 50/50 male & female, the paid is extremely good, they have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, great healthcare coverage and even have psychiatric department for burnout/stress/etc, and their cafeteria food is sooooo good that most fine dinning. so even though it is highly competitive and stressful place that place exceedingly high expectation and workload on their employees, they have very low turnover rate.  
that number can also be contributed to izuku bc izuku is the reason most of them don’t like murder katsuki out of rage and fear lol. izuku is beyond good at his job. he manages katsuki’s business and HIS LIFE and he does it with a friendly smile and a cheer. when katsuki order his employees to get this done in like today even though the workload is insane, izuku would bring them food and drinks, come into their office to check up on them, provide them keynotes on their project, run over their project with them, etc doing everything he can to assist them to get their work complete. he’s just so terrifyingly good at his job that everyone kinda joke how it would take a hundred people just to replace izuku bc izuku is pretty much the heart and soul of their company. katsuki may rule the company and dictate the direction of where they’ll go but izuku keeps everything running smoothly and get them there in time and in orderly fashion. 
and it’s not just that he’s good at his job but izuku is the buffer b/t them and katsuki bc he’s is one of the few that can stand toe to toe with katsuki and  LIVE. despite izuku always super friendly with everyone, he and katsuki often clash on how they see things and katsuki’s behavior which end in screaming matches sometimes lol. izuku is the peacekeeper and the negotiator between katsuki and JUST ABOUT EVERYONE. they know that rarely can they win katsuki over if they also don’t have izuku on their side too. EVEN HIS BUSINESS PARTNERS KNOW THAT bc everybody think this but nobody is willing to say it but izuku is prob the 2nd most powerful person in the entire company bc he got the ears of the president and though katsuki doesn’t hesitate to lash out at izuku, he always listen to what izuku got to say even as he reject them later lmao. he’s just really good with dealing with katsuki so many ppl defer to him whenever they have to report to katsuki bc izuku would keep him from like killing them when they don’t meet his crazy as fuck deadline/requirement/expectations. 
SO YEA when izuku’s 10th year anniversary come along everybody is excited to celebrate izuku’s milestone and the next decade onward bc izuku is a stable in the company and everyone expect him to be around years and years bc any other thought would be UNTHINKABLE. katsuki even generously offer to fulfill any of izuku’s wish since it’s also their 10th year anniversary of izuku becoming his secretary, WHICH is hilarious and sad but it’s the longer either of them ever had with anyone. but on the night just as katsuki is ready make izuku’s wish come true like a new condo, a new car, etc which are all ridiculous presents bc izuku already got an apartment and A FUNCTIONAL CAR but rich ass ppl don’t really know moderation bc on izuku’s 30th birthday katsuki bought an island under izuku’s name JUST BC HE CAN and also, “so you can run away to it whenever i piss you off,” and izuku didn’t talk to katsuki for an entire day LMAO. anyway so YES izuku’s 10th year wish which katsuki assume would be something boring and entirely TOO feasible like new book collections by his fav writer but NOPE. it’s... “I want to quit, sir,” and katsuki is so shocked by izuku’s sudden request that he lit have a meltdown at izuku’s 10th year party which is at the roof of their company building with thousands of ppl. he stopped  kicked everyone OUT just so he can properly yell at izuku bc WTFFFFFFFFF. 
the thing is despite the amount of them katsuki had fire izuku (which is number in the hundreds by now), izuku had never left the job. he is just as dedicate to the company as katsuki and not once ever complaint about his work. complain about katsuki’s tyrannical demands YES but never the company or the people he work with bc HE LOVES IT. so this??? IS SO OUT OF THE LEFT FIELD THAT KATSUKI freaks out!!!!!! izuku has been with katsuki for soooooooooo long that katsuki took izuku’s constant presence as forever bc who else gets him the way izuku does?? it took him years to trained izuku to his expectation it’s going to take ages for him to train another person to replace izuku and just thinking about it MAKE HIM SO ANGRY BC DOES IZUKU KNOW HOW MUCH KATSUKI INVESTED IN IZUKU AND NOW HE’S JUST GOING TO WALK AWAY FROM IT ALL FOR NOTHING????
except izuku does have a reason and it’s his happiness. for ten years izuku dedicate his life to the company and katsuki. he does everything for them even putting his love life secondary and now that’s he’s into his 30s he realize how much life has passed him by. izuku wants to get fall in love and get marry. he wants to find his own happiness outside the company and katsuki and KATSUKI IS SO FUCKING CONFUSED AND LIVID. apparently, izuku was having his annual psych evals and talk with their psychologist and it made him reaize what he has been missing and he’d finally reach that point where he decided instead of putting others before him like he’d always did now it’s his turn to put himself first so yes HE’S QUITTING.
so katsuki storm onto the psych floor to yell at the company psychologist that they got on retainers for the employees (to deal with stress/ family issues/mental health etc but also mainly as a place to vent about work and HOW MUCH THEY WANT TO PUNCH KATSUKI IN THE THROAT) and demand to know what the fuck SHE HAD IZUKU INTO bc izuku would never thought to leave him if she didn’t put all that stupid nonsense in his head. she simply raises a brow and calmly ask katsuki to sit down to talk it over instead of yelling at her. 
as soon as katsuki sits down she tells him, “it’s doctor-patient confidentiality, so i can not discuss what passed between me and midoriya-san,” and katsuki is one second from flipping her coffee table over but she continues unfazed, “but as he had explained to you, mirdoriya-san have always put others before him and rarely think of his own future but now he’s determine o chase his own happiness.” 
and katsuki just shouts, “BUT I AM HIS HAPPINESS!!” 
he stops. she looks at him evenly. he stares at her in horror. she smiles. and he knows he’d fallen into her trap because FUCK. 
katsuki had been in love twice in his life and they were longstanding relationships but they never pass 3 years bc of work. OR SO HE THINKS. his work always come first and he goes into his relationship letting his partner know how important his work is to him and that they may be second place but that’s just the way it is. only two of the people he met and fell for accepted that part of him and when they do break up it’s bc katsuki didn’t put them first which katsuki is like??? BUT I TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY but at that time he didn’t get it. now with startlingly clarity, he realizes what they meant that they were okay with coming second to work but not coming second to IZUKU. katsuki had canceled dates and anniversaries bc of overseas meetings and last mins work but izuku is the only one he literally ditched a very important business meeting all the way in paris and flew back to japan bc he heard izuku got into an accident even though izuku insisted he was okay AND THAT HE ONLY GOT A CONCUSSION GEEZ KACCHAN PLS GO BACK. katsuki live his entire life w/o restrained but izuku is the one to make him willing to compromise and meet ppl in the middle. he never felt the lacking in wealth, respect, talent, and love bc he got it all. wealth from his family’s fortune, respect from the people around, talent from himself, and then love is from izuku. 
their relation actualy gooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaay back. even before izuku started to work as katsuki’s secretary. few know of this but izuku’s mother work as housekeeper for katsuki’s family and izuku grew up alongside katsuki as his playmate. from the time katsuki was in diapers izuku was with him every step. izuku attended same elementary school, jr. high, high school, and even same college with katsuki. they literally been together all their life. everyone always assume that izuku only make it through such prestioug school bc of his connection with katsuki and that is sort of true bc mitsuki paid it all for izuku to attend bc she adores inko & izuku but that just mean izuku have to endure all the hate and jealousy thrown his way. he was burden by the fact that he was close to katsuki and that ppl think he’s a leech so izuku work extremely hard to be able to stand beside katsuki, to prove to everyone that he isn’t useless and that he can help katsuki. even when they got to same elite college, izuku refused mitsuki offer to pay his way in but did his best to win a scholarship just so he can be at the same school as katsuki bc for all katsuki’s mercurial temper, katsuki never rely on his talent to get him there but he pushed himself there. he admires katsuki deeply and wishes to stand on even ground with him so that one day he can help katsuki as he rises to the top. that’s his only dream. EXCEPT izuku never got to fulfill it bc in the middle of izuku second year, he suddenly dropped out bc his mom fell sick and inko & izuku who had always rely on the generosity of katsuki’s family decide the family had done enough for them so izuku left school midway to take care of his mother, disappearing from katsuki’s life completely. 
katsuki literally went on a bender and his grades that semester suffered for it. in the end he pulled himself back together with the help of really great friends and katsuki swore he’ll never let anyone effect him like that again. his work & goals come first, everything else is secondary. that’s what he tell himself anyway but izuku always been the exception to every rule he’d made for himself. 
it won’t be years until they meet again, when katsuki start as an executive position in the company and izuku comes to him as a new hire, looking to work right under katsuki. katsuki put IZUKU THROUGH THE RINGER AND PUSHED HIM MORE THAN ANY OTHER that everyone is convinced katsuki got it out for izuku but just smile and prevailed every obstacle that katsuki throw at him bc even more the stress of the workload, more than hours he spent up late at night getting it done, more than his own peace of mind, izuku want to work with katsuki again. WANTS TO BE WITH HIM so he keep on trying, keep on pushing himself to get it done. and he did. he does. 
katsuki ofc found out why izuku disappear but he never ask why izuku chose to come back to him bc in the end the answer has always been in izuku’s smile. he had chased katsuki from their childhood and all the way into their college years and even though he was gone for several years, now he was back to chased after katsuki again. to choose out of all the company he can work for, HE PICKED THIS ONE, it said all he need to say. their life have been bound to each other from the start so yea katsuki never realize he’s in love with izuku bc there’s no aha moment, no light bulb moment bc izuku have always been there chasing after him and katsuki can always look over his shoulder and find izuku right there as sure as gravity bc how can he fall in love when he’s been standing on solid ground the entire time and izuku is the foundation of his everything. 
now that he realize he’s going to lose izuku, the floor beneath him starts to crack and he realizes it’s his turn to give chase. HE DOES THE ONLY THING HE KNOWS HOW: propose to izuku LMAO. look, now that katsuki realizes that he has been in love with izuku all along so why the fuck should they date bc they’re practically been married for ten years on the job and have been running this fucking company together with their millions of kids. he can’t imagine running this company without izuku’s constant presence at his side dispensing advice and carrying out his orders to the absolute best of his ability. LIKE, everyone joke how izuku is katsuki’s wrangler but no izuku nickname in the company is the guillotine bc izuku is katsuki’s sword. when katsuki tell izuku to do something, he get SHIT DONE no matter what and izuku is sweet on everyone but the moment someone do something to mess with katsuki, izuku is a force to be reckon with. so yea these two alone themselves are terrifying but together they’re MONSTERS and they wont stop till they take you for everything. 
so how can izuku wants to break that partnership up bc they’re sooo amazing together?? esp when katsuki can make izuku a hundred times more happy than anyone else. AND THEY DON’T NEED TO DATE WITH SO MUCH HISTORY B/T THEM. katsuki just want to get marry already bc he never half ass anything and marriage is most acceptable step for them even though it’s just a formality at this point bc he’s practically married to izuku already if not in reality but in their heart. 
they literally broke all the rules/boundaries of employer/employee relationship bc they have keys to each other home, more than one time katsuki’s SO mention dating katsuki is like dating katsuki and IZUKU bc of how much izuku is involve not just his business but his life as well, and they’re so bound to each other that izuku (who actually dated a lot but they’re short live fling bc they can’t handle his job and him always prioritizing katsuki first) and katsuki never have a relationship last longer than their three decades with each other. they’re practically it for each other. now katsuki just need izuku to see it. 
so yea he propose bc that’s just make sense (lmao). and izuku is like :||| NO THANKS bc izuku just assume it’s just another delayed tactic bc katsuki THAT DUMBASS is like ‘”if you quit the morale of this company will go down to a point where im sure they will revolt soon enough so marry me before that happen”. he wanted to say, “ME AND THIS COMPANY WOULD BURN TO THE GROUND W/O YOU THERE SO PLS MARRY US” but it sound like it’s all for the company and izuku is tired SO TIRED of doing everything just for the company and katsuki. he just want to do something for himself for once but katsuki wont let up and convinced izuku to go along with engagement for like 3 months bc if izuku is looking for love & Happy ENDING than katsuki will give it to him. who else can give him all that if not katsuki??? 
izuku is JUST SO TIRED but he decided to humor katsuki so katsuki can get off his back and let him leave. he never expected that katsuki make such concerted effort to woo him for real lol. 
ofc their engagement causes a huge uproar among the employees which were already having a meltdown earlier bc they had heard about izuku wanting to quit and the number of people heading toward the psychiatrist floor was more than the last three years COMBINED bc the thought of losing the lone person who can keep katsuki from verbally murdering them all is panic inducing. 
their engagement doesn’t really change anything in the status of their work relationship. katsuki continues to yell at people and izuku continues to play buffer but occasionally katsuki will slides his hand across Izuku’s own and they just touch fleetingly but it burns enough that izuku can’t stop thinking about it all day. it’s like suddenly every nerve cells in izuku’s body is awake and alive and they’re just realizing how much KATSUKI BOTHERS HIM. WHICH IS A LOT. like izuku already spent so much time with katsuki so he never notice it before but now everything feels purposeful and intimate in a way like a veil is removed over his head. it’s always been there but he just never see it before bc sometimes it’s hard to know what you’re looking for when you’re LITERALLY STARING RIGHT AT IT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. 
the slow seduction of izuku is HILARIOUS AND TROUBLING BC THEY DONT DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT YET EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT WHICH MADE IZUKU REALIZE ALL ALONG THEY ARE WORST THAN MARRIED BUT LIKE SOULMATES LOL. katsuki bringing izuku as his plus one to events is the same as when he brought izuku there as his secretary; izuku eating dinner with katsuki’s family as his fiance is like how he did like A COUPLE WEEKS AGO; izuku and katsuki spending time together doing work, doing grocery shopping (bc that’s a thing you apparenlty do with your secretary???), doing movies, etc is all NORMAL AND THE SAME but now there’s an undercurrent of something else, something bigger than izuku is afraid to name. 
but izuku still think katsuki only keep this charade bc katsuki need izuku here so he would do anything to izuku. but actually katsuki doesn’t actually need izuku. he can MANAGE WITHOUT HIM. it won’t be easy but he can do it. he’s bakugou katsuki after all but... he doesn’t want to. he may not need izuku and there may be other options out there but he will always chooses izuku in the end. it’s just the way it is. 
i just imagine a lot of drama IN DUE PART TO BEING ASIAN DRAMAS and misunderstanding before their 3 months is up and izuku realizing what exactly katsuki meant AND THEY’RE TOGETHER TOGETHER but they’re getting there :P. Slowly but yea!!
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sleepdeprivedghoul · 6 years ago
Strangers ||2||K.TH
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Genre: Angst with a dash of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Running away, arranged marriage, strange encounters, toxic family relationships.
Word Count: 2.4 K
Description: Running away maybe wasn’t the best thing you could’ve done. Getting stranded in Japan was the second thing done wrong, meeting Taehyung was just a plus throughout the whole situation. Yet when fate comes to intervene will he still be there by your side or will he vanish and become cold like all the others in your life?
Part 1 
You had somehow managed to successfully get a hotel room, and no one had asked why such a young girl was all alone. Japan was just the place to hide and blend in, no one seemed to care or know of your father’s business. It was just you. 
You shuffled over to the bathroom of your hotel room and turned on the shower to the point that it would burn your skin. You felt dirty, your hair was up in knots and greasy, plus you still had dry tear streaks running down your cheeks, with a hint of black from the mascara you’d been wearing.
Funny how you nearly forgot that you needed to scribble the number on your wrist down somewhere, so leaving the bathroom you went to the bedside table and grabbed the pen and pad that laid next to the phone. 
After successfully writing it down you decided it was time to call him. He would surely need the information, but you feared that maybe he was working with your father. The inner turmoil was going to drive you crazy, plus you could always make a mad dash out if Taehyung was to betray.
With a shaky hand you dialed his number, and knew that this call was going to look scary on your bill. After three rings a groggy voice non other than Taehyung  answered with a yawn, “Hello?” 
“Hey are you in Japan yet?” 
“Yeah I just got here not too long ago, what’s the hotel?” 
“Uh, Escale-Yokohama.” You answered with a slight stutter as you clearly read the name on the pad of paper that rested upon your lap. 
“I’ll see you soon, whats the room number?”
“Hold on a second.” He chuckled on the other line as you laid the phone down and moved to grab the room key card which held the number. walking back over to the phone you answered with an embarrassed giggle, “The third floor room 312.” 
“I’ll be there in about two hours.” 
“See you then.” With that he hung up his phone and I placed the phone down and moved back to the bathroom to wash up. Climbing into the shower beneath the horribly hot water you stood straight, eyes closed, you relished the heat and felt relieved. Especially with all the odds seeming to be stacking against you, but they also seemed to be falling down like a house of cards. 
It wasn’t long before you were caught up in the clean, warm sheets that the hotel had given you, your eyes glued to the ceiling as the television droned on with fits of laughter from a rerun of a game show. Your mind kept racing back to him, your arranged husband. The one that you were running away with all of a sudden. The guy with the sweet boxy grin, and the body of a Greek sculpture. He was perfect physically, but how was he mentally?
You only knew so much about him from the times he was over to hangout with Jungkook. You were always hidden in your room, eyes staring at the wall that separated you and your step brother. You’d always hear them laughing and the wise cracks they’d throw at each other, sometimes when you left your room, or when you came home they’d be in the living room talking. Tae would stop what he was doing and smile at you, sometimes even ask how your day had been, while Jungkook would roll his eyes or punch him in the arm playfully. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips and eventually you let yourself laugh, it was funny how things had changed. There was one day that will always be so vivid in your memory, a day that can always crack you up, and it was just so stupid yet so...cute. It was surprising that you never thought so deeply on it.
It was a typical Wednesday, Jungkook had just returned home from practice with Taehyung, the two were being noisy in the living room as you were busy in the kitchen whipping up some brownies for your parents anniversary. Another sad year, another reminder of the well established life that you were supposed to blend in with. Yet you couldn’t, and you surely wouldn’t.
“And so I kicked the ball like so,” stated Jungkook and before you knew it a scream escaped your lips and the batter flew all around you while a measly soccer ball now laid in the bowl. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes  as the rapid storming of feet stopped, and a stifled chuckle was heard, you felt weak and a mess. The pristine white kitchen was covered in chocolate, as were you.
“J-Jungkook,” You stammered in both rage and embarrassment, hands clenched onto your shirt as you shot him the nastiest glare you could muster. Jungkook laughed once more before walking over to the refrigerator and pulling out one of the many bottles of champagne, he turned on his heel a wicked smirk on his face as he looked over at Taehyung. 
“Want some?” He asked as Taehyung looked you over.
“Uh, maybe later, I’m going to help clean up.” 
“You realize we have a maid for that?” Asked Jungkook who had his eyebrow raised and arms folded across his chest. 
“I know but we did make a mess.” 
“Ugh, meet me when you’e done, I’ll be in my room.” With that Jungkook left and it was only Tae and you left. Your fists were still clenched, eyes watery and you felt the urge to let go of all your emotions. Bowing your head, your eyes closed you took a few slow deep breaths to recover. You wondered why you were so upset, it wasn’t even that big of a deal, it was actually quite common for Jungkook to ruin things for you sometimes, but in the end he’d help you clean and fix what he had done wrong. 
Maybe that was the problem, Jungkook had left you alone, but there was still an evident smirk on his face as he left. “Hey, Y/n are you good?” Whispered Taehyung from besides you, his hand suddenly on your shoulder causing you to look up and at him.” 
“I... It’s all good, I just, I just don’t know right now. I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry, you have nothing to be apologizing for, it was pretty shitty what had just happened.” 
“It’s whatever,” you managed as you lifted your head to look over at the now serious male before you. “I don’t think so.” He answered his voice deep as he moved into of the drawers and pulled out a clean dish rag, he moved towards the sink turning on the tap, his eyes locked with yours. Neither of you looked away, he turned his eyes from yours only to turn off the tap. 
“Come over here for a second,” you complied and stood in front of him, your back against the counter top, one of his arms around your waist and stayed on your lower back as he took the warm clothe to your face and neck, removing the chocolate from your skin. 
“Taehyung,” you giggled as he wiped around your lips, he stopped as he looked into your eyes, then down at your lips. “Yea?” He whispered huskily, your face heating up a bit. 
“You know I can clean myself up right? I’m not some helpless girl.” His face darkened as he looked down and smiled before looking back into your eyes. He took a step back and in that moment you realized how close the two of you had been. 
“Yeah my bad, here.” He handed you the rag and moved to grab the ball and dropped it into the sink. “You should go change those clothes and throw them into the washer before they stain.” He answered and you looked up at him once more, his bright eyes had dimmed slightly, a hint of a blush went from his ears to his cheeks, a sad smile on his lips as he looked over at you. 
“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute.” All he did was nod his head. 
As reality dawned on you, and the knocking on the hotel door, pulled you out of your past and back into the present. The one where you were alone, and soon to be sharing a bed with a man that you only knew as Jungkook’s beloved friend, Kim Taehyung. 
As you moved to open the door, you couldn’t help but ponder if you hadn’t said anything that day if he would’ve kissed you? What would have happened then if he had? Would you have still ran away, would you be fine with the arranged marriage? 
Before you even opened the door you looked through the little spy hole and saw it was indeed Tae. Slowly you pulled open the door and stepped aside to allow him in. He dragged in tow two suitcases and laid them down by the bathroom door as you quickly closed and locked the door. 
“I grabbed us some of the essentials, mostly money.”
“And no body questioned why a twenty-something year old was loaded?” 
“I took the private jet and paid the pilot to keep this a secret.” 
“Aren’t you afraid he’ll report us?”
“Not really, he’s worked for me more so than my father.” 
“So what is our plan at this point?” He asked with a grin. 
“Well I’m tired and just want to sleep more than anything.” He nodded and threw down the backpack by the suitcases before looking at the Queen sized, solo mattress before turning to look at you. 
“I guess you wanted to sleep with me so soon,” he laughed as he smiled and crawled onto the the bed turning towards the game show that was playing. You stood by the door still, unsure whether to go and lie besides him and drift off or to run off again. 
But deep down you knew Tae was trust worthy, he’s been around you all your life at the Jeon’s, he’s been nice to you even when Jungkook would tease and pick on you. He once even fought a guy at school who had been harassing you, always tugging your skirt and staring at you chest and making sexual remarks. Taehyung kicked the guys ass even after Jungkook left the pervert with a warning, but he didn’t listen,so Tae decided he had to be taught a lesson.
“You going to sleep tonight?” Asked Taehyung who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“Uh... I-” He chuckled as he crawled off the bed and towards you, “If you want Y/n, I’ll sleep on the floor or in the bathtub if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“I would never make you sleep on the floor or in a bathtub, that’d be so fucked up.” He smiled and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the bed. “Get some sleep we’ll wake at 6:00 and hopefully leave at 6:30, 7:00 at the latest.”
“That’s so early,” you whined as you crawled into the bed and buried yourself under the blanket, he climbed in after you on the other side. He laid on his back and propped himself to where he could watch the TV and look at you. 
“We’re going to have to leave early, especially if we don’t wanna get caught.” With a sigh, you mentally agreed and turned off the lamp perched on the bedside table, secretly watching him as you fell into a slumber.
  Hoseok couldn’t help but feel guilty for the way you ran out, there was something wrong and it was obvious. He saw the fear on your face, and he saw the pain in your eyes. You seemed crushed. He pondered for a bit wondering if the Jeon’s were in town, and if they were what big product were they releasing soon? 
“Hobi,” called his fiancee from the bedroom, he knew you had been running from something, especially since you said I knew it was a mistake to run to you. Those words kept spinning round and round in his head as he worried for your well-being. 
“Mai,” he called to her from the living room as he slipped on his shoes ready to go and search for you. A young girl all alone in Yokohama, Japan was certain to end badly. He also knew it would be in your best favor to call your parents, though he wondered if they were the reason for your sudden appearance, unless they too where somewhere in Japan; which he highly doubted. 
“Hobi? Where are you going?” He offered her a smile and a kiss on the cheek, his tired eyes expressed deep concern but also offered the illusion of happiness. 
“My younger cousin was here a couple hours ago, and I can’t stop worrying about her. I don’t want you to be upset, but I’m going out to search for her, I fear she’ll get into some trouble. Kidnapped or raped, it’s not safe for a girl her age, and with her looks to be out at night alone in the streets.” Mai nodded her head, she wrapped her arms around Hoseok’s shoulders and leaned in to kiss his cheek. 
“Be safe.” 
“I will babe, I’ll be back in a few hours with just enough time to sleep then go to work.” Mai bit her lower lip, she hated how long and hard he worked, especially now that their son was born, he ended up taking more rigorous shifts and barely slept a wink while she was at home caring for the baby. 
Hobi kissed her lips chastely, before grabbing his hoodie and keys and leaving the small apartment. He knew he had to call the Jeon’s, and it pained him to do so. But they had to know where you were, and hopefully, he prayed, that they would let you stay with him for a bit. 
He hated to call, especially when it was most likely their fault for you running away. Though he did it anyways, the first time he was sent straight to voicemail, assholes, he thought as he left his message of: Hey Y/n’s in Japan and she’s fine. 
He wouldn’t dare mention how you bolted off and left him standing dumbstruck in his hallway. With that one call he made his way down the emptying streets, passing party-goers, and citizens just getting off work. He knew to check the hotels first. 
Where are you Y/n? Was the only thing he thought as he entered the first hotel, a picture of you and him from a couple years ago pulled up on his phone to show as a reference.
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timehealsfanfictionbka · 6 years ago
Time Heals..... Chapter Four
Chris looked around in awe as he pulled into the parking lot of his old high school. Robyn leaned back against the passenger seat and sighed, “not much has changed as you can see.”
“Maybe not to you.”
Robyn shrugged her shoulders, “we can walk around the grounds. They don’t have those cameras like they used to have when we were in school”
“They got rid of them?”
They both climbed out and walked around the front of the car. They walked a few feet before Chris stopped in the middle of the practice football field. Robyn, having walked ahead of him, stopped and walked back to Chris, “what’s up?”
“Remember when we were here after school hours?”
“Chris, we were here a lot of times after school hours, you gotta be a bit more specific.”
“Right after graduation.”
“Yea. What about it?”
“What happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“That night me and you, something just started to go wrong. We didn’t talk as much, we didn’t go out as much. What happened?”
“Life happened, Chris and it wasn’t as bad as you make it sound. I saw you every other day, we were making school plans and everything. You decided to go into the military and I guess somewhere in the mix, you met Tiana. Chris, we weren’t gonna be best friends forever like we were in high school”
“I don’t understand why not.”
“Considering what happened after that, I’m surprised you don’t understand why.”
“That had nothing to do with our friendship.”
“It had everything to do with our friendship because it clarified exactly where we stood with each other.”
“Chris, it’s the past and I don’t wanna spend more time thinking about it than necessary. I’m over it.”
“You don’t seem like it.”
“Robyn, we haven’t spent any time together in years but that doesn’t mean I don’t still know you. I know how you are when you’re upset and there’s something you want to say and you aren’t saying it.”
“I really wish it was that simple but it’s not.”
“Why isn’t it?’
“Chris, trust me this is a can of worms you don’t need to open. Is this what you brought me here for? To dig up old shit?”
“No but-”
“So why are we even talking about this? It’s been eight years, I’ve been married and widowed, you’re happily married and life has gone on. I’m over all the selfish shit you did, I’m over our whole past friendship and I’m definitely over this conversation. You wanna be friends again? I can do that but I really have no interest in hashing out old shit.”
Chris held up his hands in surrender, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to upset you or offend you. I just don’t want whatever happened in the past to affect any possibility of us being friends in the future.”
“Chris, I said I’m open to being friends. If it’s something that needs to be addressed, I will do so at the appropriate time but as of right now, I’d rather leave it alone.”
“I can respect that.”
“Thank you.”
They both went silent for a few moments. Robyn tucked her hands into her pockets and looked down at the floor. Chris sighed and ran his hand over his head, “Rob-”
Robyn shook her head, “Chris, just don’t.”
Chris nodded his head, “you wanna walk? I think we both need a breather.”
“Lead the way.”
Chris started walking and Robyn trailed behind him.
They walked in silence for a few minutes before stopping in front of the school practice track. Chris stopped beside her and gently nudged her shoulder, “is it ok if I ask you a question?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“Why’d you come here with me?��
“Why’d you come here with me?”
“Curiosity to be honest. Trust me, I am well aware that our last encounter didn’t end too well 8 years ago. We never properly said goodbye or ended our friendship so there’s a lot of loose ends. Partly the reason why I’ve been avoiding you lately but it seems as soon as someone says your name, you appear.”
Chris chuckled, “I do have a great sense of timing sometimes.”
“And your mother has a great sense of everything to be honest.”
“Why you say that?”
“Did you ever tell her about me and you?”
“What you mean?”
“She keeps asking me if anything bad happened between us and I keep wondering if she’s a psychic or something.”
“Robyn, nobody knows about that. It wouldn’t be good for either of us if anyone found out.”
“I’m just asking because I feel like she suspects something.”
“My mother is always suspicious. Ever since she decided me and you were supposed to be soulmates she’s been clocking our every move.”
“And when did that happen?”
“Middle school, I think.”
“Are you serious?” Robyn laughed, “And how did she decide that?”
“My mother loves you, almost more than me and she’s always had this little bit of hope that we would end up together. I’m sure you’ve heard that before.”
“A lot more than I would like.”
Without thinking about it, Chris placed his arm around her shoulders and Robyn simply glanced up at him before settling into the embrace. They started walking together, Robyn with her hands still in her pockets, “I mean I understand where she’s coming from because we’ve always been close but that doesn’t always translate into a relationship.”
“That’s very true.”
“I mean look at you and Tiana, there’s a reason y’all worked out. She seems like a nice girl.”
“She is. It was weird at first because we seemed so opposite but I think we’ve realized we’re more alike than we thought.”
“Michael was my polar opposite in every sense of the word but he was open to change so it worked out.”
“How’d you meet him?”
“At school. He used to be a residence assistant on campus.”
“Oh so you’d known him for a while.”
“Kinda, I officially met him at the start of my senior year.”
“We weren’t friends or anything, prior to that we just knew of each other.”
“Oh, why didn’t you mention him?”
“There was nothing to mention. He was a nice guy but I was focused on school. We didn’t even start dating until at least 3 months after I graduated.”
“Oh, that’s cool.”
“You had already gotten married and moved away by then.”
“Oh cool.”
“So how’d you meet Tiana?”
“She was a nursing assistant on the base where I started my basic training.”
“Hmm...so she’s a nurse?”
“She was studying to be a nurse but she withdrew from school when we moved to France.”
“Why didn’t she finish her degree there? I heard college is free overseas.”
“It is but I really can’t answer that question, I’d have to ask her.”
“So did you stop at Bachelor’s or did you continue your education?”
“I have a Master’s in Finance.”
“Finance? You didn’t take it easy on yourself, did you?”
Robyn laughed, “It was interesting enough and I didn’t want just a general business degree. I’m thinking of going back for one in Business Administration but I’m not sure.”
“That’s great. What makes you not sure?”
“Time. The girls aren’t old enough to be completely self-sufficient and school takes up way too much time.”
“Oh. That’s understandable.”
“What about you?”
“What you mean?”
“You gonna upgrade your degree anytime soon?”
“I don’t know. I think I gotta get more adjusted to working then we’ll see what happens.”
“That’s a good way to handle it. So...how’s the wife adjusting?”
“She’s doing ok. I’m not sure she’s liking it too much though.”
“What you mean?”
“I don’t think she likes Houston too much.”
“Did you meet her in Houston?”
“No. I mean she’s been here to visit when we were dating but she’s never lived here or anything.”
“So where’s she from?”
“She was born in California, raised in Michigan.”
“So where did you actually meet her?”
“Remember when I left that summer for like 2 months?”
“Not really.”
Chris frowned and Robyn shrugged her shoulders, “Anyway, I went to Fort Jackson in South Carolina for basic training and she had just started working there.”
“No matter where you go, you always find a girlfriend.”
Chris laughed, “that was not my intention.”
“You were and have always been girl crazy, you used to have them by the dozens and you know it.”
“You make me sound like some kind of ho.”
Robyn twisted up her lips, “you said it, not me.”
Chris squeezed her tightly and Robyn giggled, “Don’t get mad at me, I just call it like I see it.”
“Anyway, I had sprained my ankle playing football with some of the guys and ended up going to the infirmary and there she was.”
“And you flirted with her, got her number and you sweet-talked her out of her draws a few weeks later.”
Chris raised his brow, “how’d you-”
“We may not have been around each other in so long but I still know you and I knew you all too well back then.”
Chris chuckled and nodded his head in agreement, “so how’d Michael get the Ice Queen’s number?”
Robyn poked him, “I told you about calling me that but anyway, I called him, and he didn’t call me.”
“He was my tutor, he had graduated already and came back to work at the school and he was really good at math so we linked for study purposes. After I graduated with my Bachelor’s, he asked me out for dinner and it kinda went from there.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did he pass?”
“Inoperable tumor. He apparently had it for years before he met me, went through a lot of radiation and chemo but it didn’t help as much as he hoped. About 4 months into us dating, he told me and I went to his last doctor’s appointment where he requested they stop the treatment. Doctors gave him a 15-month timeline, he went to hospice for about 3 months before he passed away.”
“So you were only married a year then.”
“Yup. He passed about a month after our 1 year anniversary.”
“Wow. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. It wasn’t sudden or anything so I coped with it pretty well. He was awesome with the preparation so I’m glad for that.”
“That’s always a good thing. Are you close to his family?”
“His mother and grandmother, yes. Everyone else? Not really.”
“Oh that’s too bad.”
“It’s fine with me. I am not gonna force them to like me, as long as they treat my children with respect, I am fine with that.”
“Well that is most important.”
“So you really waiting to have children?”
“Actually no, that’s just something we came up with to pacify my mom.”
“What you mean?”
“Tiana doesn’t want any kids.”
“She doesn’t want kids.”
“You, the one person I know who everybody’s children loves, plan on not having kids.”
Chris shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t make her do something she doesn’t want to do, it’s her body.”
“But you’re her husband, y’all can’t come to some sort of compromise?”
“I’ve tried but when I was active duty, I didn’t think it would be fair to stick her alone with a child then once I got injured and discharged, we talked about it and her mind didn’t change. I got baby cousins and stuff to occupy me.”
“That’s really unfair to you.”
“It is what it is. Hey, if we become friends again, I’ll just spoil your daughters.”
“As if your mother isn’t bad enough.”
“She’s always had a soft spot for you, you know that.”
“I think she just loves kids.”
“And you. I got many other friends with children, she doesn’t dote on them on the same. You’d think they were her grandchildren.”
Chris laughed but Robyn’s body tensed up a bit.
“You ok?” Chris asked softly.
“I’m fine. I feel a little cold, you mind if we go back to the car?”
“Oh sure.”
Chris hugged her to him tightly and rubbed her arm, “feel a little better?”
Robyn smiled up at him, “Yea, thanks.”
“Tiana, did you want anything to drink?” Joyce called from the kitchen.
“No thank you Mama J, I’m fine.”
“Oh ok. You and Chris staying for dinner?”
“We could. I’m still trying to get the house to my liking.”
“How’s it going?” Joyce asked as she came to sit next to Tiana on the couch.
“It’s ok. I miss Paris a lot though.”
“You were there for a long time, it’s definitely a home for you.”
“Yea, I think I just need to get used to Texas.”
“It’ll take time. If it wasn’t for Robyn when we moved here from Virginia, I doubt Chris would’ve adjusted so well.”
“How long have they known each other?”
“Since the 4th grade. They met in school and I guess with both of our families being new here, they bonded over that.”
“That’s awesome.”
“Yea, too bad they stopped talking for so long.”
“I wonder why.”
“Nobody knows. Chris says they grew apart. Personally I think he did something stupid and made her mad, it’s happened before.”
Tiana chuckled, “He does have a way of getting under your skin.”
“That’s my son for you, then turn around and charm his way right back into your good graces.”
“Tell me about it.”
Tiana started to speak just as the front door swung open and two giggling girls came running in. Joyce stood up and met them right at the foyer and they ran into her arms, “Hi my babies.”
“Hi Mama J,” the girls said simultaneously.
“Sorry Mama J. They were just so excited to see you, they have something to show you,” Robyn said as she walked in the door behind her daughters.
“It’s fine. They didn’t hurt anything but I would love to see what they’re so excited about.”
Erin and Erica both dug into their book bags and pulled out laminated certificates, “We got best dance duo in our class today!”
“That’s so great! I’m so proud of you!”
Joyce knelt down to hug and kiss them, “I think this deserves your favorite red velvet cupcakes, you wanna help me make them?”
Erin and Erica turned to Robyn with a pout, “Can we, Mommy?”
“Well...we were supposed to be going out to dinner but if you want, we can stay for a little bit so you can make your cupcakes.”
“Go wash your hands and change into your other clothes first, ok?”
“Yes Mommy.”
The girls took off running to the guest room as Joyce stood up, “Robyn, where’s Chris?”
“Sitting in his car on the phone.”
“So he took you to get the girls from class?”
“Yea, when we left from seeing Micah it was time for me to pick them up and I wouldn’t have had enough time to come here and get my car without being late .”
“True. How is Micah?”
“Dodging child support from 3 baby mamas.”
Joyce shook her head, “The boy never listened. I told him about that foolishness back when y’all were in high school.”
“I know. Glad I dodged that bullet.”
“That’s cause Chris saved you.”
“What you mean?”
“He never told you about him talking to Micah before he ever introduced y’all?”
“Uh no.”
“Oh. I guess that was supposed to be a secret.”
Robyn shook her head, “I don’t even know why I’m surprised. That is your son.”
“What about her son?”
They both turned around at the sound of Chris’s voice. Joyce smirked and left back towards the living room. Chris stopped next to Robyn, “what was that about?”
“You warned Micah about me?”
Chris feigned shock, “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t lie to me, Christopher.”
“See what had happened was…”
“Bye Christopher.”
Robyn rolled her eyes and walked off into the living room with Chris trailing behind her laughing. He playfully grabbed her into a hug and rubbed her hair, “so you not gonna let me explain.”
“Not if you gonna lie to me again.”
“Hey Babe.”
Chris looked to his side and smiled when he saw Tiana sitting on the couch, “Hey Baby Girl, I thought you were at the house.”
“I came by to see your mom for a few minutes. How was your day?”
“It was good. Robyn took me around to see some old friends.”
Robyn waved at Tiana then carefully withdrew herself from Chris’s arms, “Hi.”
“Hey,” Tiana replied.
“I’m gonna go check on the girls.”
“Are those your children?”
“Yea, Erin and Erica.”
“They’re adorable. How old are they?”
“That’s awesome. They’re beautiful.”
Robyn smiled and left towards the guest room leaving Tiana and Chris alone.
“What was that about?” Tiana asked. Chris frowned as he sat down on the couch, “what you mean?’
“The hugging and stuff. She barely spoke to you the last time we saw her and now y’all hugging.”
“We talked and decided to be friends again. We were just playing around.”
“Oh ok.”
“You must be feeling better, you’ve barely left the house since we got here.”
“I figured I should do something since we’re gonna be here for a while.”
Chris sighed, “we gonna have another discussion about this again?”
“No. I still don’t understand why we had to come here and not somewhere else.”
“I wanted to be closer to my family, we went over this in Paris.”
“I know but- whatever.”
“T, can you try and get used to it? Give it a year or so, please.”
“Ok, ok.”
Chris hugged her and leaned down to kiss her lips. Tiana smiled and settled her hand in his lap, “your mom invited us for dinner, you wanna stay?”
“I don’t mind unless you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine with me.”
Robyn quietly walked past with the twins into the kitchen to not disturb the moment between Chris and Tiana. Joyce smiled as she saw the girls, who ran over to the island to stand on either side of her. Robyn sat down on island stool and started scrolling through her phone.
“Angel, you staying for dinner?”
Robyn looked up and shook her head, “no, I need to get the girls back home.”
“Ok, I’ll make y’all some to go plates.”
“Thanks Mama J.”
“So...how was your day with Chris?”
Robyn raised her brow at Joyce, who laughed, “it was fine.”
“Did you talk?”
“A little bit.”
“And what? We talked, I told him I don’t wanna rehash old situations and we decided to move forward and be friends. Nothing serious.”
“Well that’s good. I’m glad y’all talked.”
“Y’all gonna be awhile with the cupcakes?”
“Ok, I’m gonna head to the store real quick, I need to get the girls some stuff. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
“You alright?”
“I’m good. See you in a little bit.”
Robyn walked over and kissed the twins, “Have fun with Mama J and be good.”
“Yes, Mommy,” they replied simultaneously.
Robyn left.
A few minutes passed and Chris and Tiana walked into the kitchen.
“Where’s Robyn?” Chris asked.
“She went to get the girls some things from the store while they make cupcakes with me.”
“Oh ok.”
“Bitch, where you disappear to? We haven’t heard from you in days,” A voice exclaimed from Robyn’s phone. She sighed and shook her head, “Leandra, relax. I’ve just been busy.”
“Busy doing what? Chris is married, so you ain’t doing him.”
Robyn’s mouth dropped open in shock as Leandra laughed, “I fucking hate you.”
“What? You know you wanna ride that dick again, once was not enough.”
“Who are you around?”
“Nobody. Why?”
“Nobody knows about that incident except you and Melissa.”
“Yes seriously.”
“Not even his wife.”
“Definitely not his fucking wife, are you kidding me? Can you imagine that situation?”
“Robyn, it was 8 years ago, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.”
“Probably not if it wasn’t on the night before his wedding,” Robyn murmured.
It got completely silent and Robyn watched as Leandra’s eyes widened, “you heard that?”
“Fuck yes! You fucked him the night before his wedding! Bitch!!!!”
“Lele, stop screaming, somebody is gonna hear you.”
“Girl, I thought it was some random ass day and y’all just happened to fuck but the night before his wedding? This is some hot ass tea. How the fuck did that happen?”
“We got drunk, started talking about old shit and one thing led to another.”
“Robs, how does that even happen?”
“You know me and Chris have always been close. Sleeping in the same bed and all that other shit. It’s something we’ve addressed before in a roundabout way but I guess it just came out at that time. It’s crazy, I know.”
“Do you have feelings for each other?”
“Now, I don’t know. We did then. We talked about it before this ever happened and decided to just be friends. Being drunk didn’t help that night.”
Leandra laughed, “So how do you feel now that he’s home?”
“Fucking pissed. Like everything just fell apart after that night. I don’t know if I’m more mad at him or myself.”
“I know that feeling all too well. Have y’all discussed it?”
“I really don’t know if I want to. Like what exactly do I say without sounding bitter or like I want to be with him besides he’s married, this will affect more than just our friendship.”
“That is true. I mean it’s gonna come out eventually.”
“It doesn’t have to though.”
“Robyn, things like this always come to the light whether we want them to or not, someone is gonna find out.”
Robyn sighed and ran her hand through her hair, “I don’t need anymore drama in my life.”
“I’m just saying. So how’s it going with Michael’s family?”
“Same as always.”
“They still upset about the marriage and the will?”
“Of course they are. Well mainly it’s just his sister. She’s such a bitch.”
“I keep telling you to let me whip her ass.”
“That is the girls’ aunt.”
“Not biologically or legally.”
“I’m so tired of hearing about her doing some scandalous shit to aggravate you or my nieces. It’s ridiculous. Shit, I’m surprised she hasn’t told the girls Michael isn’t their biological father.”
“The bitch better not, I’ll fuck her up myself.”
“Are you ever gonna tell them?”
“When they’re older, yea but I don’t know how I’m gonna deal with the aftermath of everything. I mean, they’re gonna ask who their real father is.”
“Do you know?”
“Of course I know.”
“Who is it?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“Really Robs?”
“Leandra, it’s just something I don’t want to remember or even think about.”
“Were you raped or something?”
“No, it was a one night stand. I fucked up and I just don’t want to think about it. They’re here, I love them and that’s all that matters.”
“Let’s just be glad they look like you then.”
“Let’s be very glad.”
“Is it someone we know?”
“No Leandra.”
“Sorry. Sorry. I’ma leave it alone. What you up to?”
“Sitting in my car in the mall parking lot.”
“Chris and his wife are at Mama J’s house and I didn’t wanna be there.”
“Are y’all still not talking?”
“We actually spent the whole day together. I don’t really know his wife so it’s awkward.”
“The whole day?”
“He wanted to see where we grew up so I showed him the high school and everything.”
“Did he try to talk about the past?”
“He did but I shut it down. I’m not ready for all of that.”
“Clearly. So how long you gonna sit in the car?”
“Maybe another hour or so. The girls are making cupcakes with Mama J so I wanna give them enough time to do that before I take them home.”
“Oh ok. You coming for Crop Over?”
“Yes, we are coming for Crop Over.”
“Are you participating?”
“I’m thinking about it.”
“Oh ok. Well I gotta get back to work, we need to talk tonight though.”
“So I can tag in Mel, you cannot spill tea like that and think I’m just gonna let it go. I wanna know everything.”
Robyn groaned, “Seriously?”
“Yes seriously. Next time, learn how to talk lower.”
Robyn laughed, “Bye Lele.”
They hung up. Robyn sighed as she stretched her arms above her head before grabbing her wireless beats and her phone then got out of the car. Just as she connected her Bluetooth to her phone, it rang.
Chris sat down on his mother’s porch with his phone to his ear. The phone rang for a few moments before she picked up, “Yes Christopher.”
“Hey, you ok?”
“I’m good. Why you asking?”
“You left kind of suddenly, I just wanted to make sure you were good.”
“I’m fine.”
“Did I do something?”
“What? No. It was just really awkward in the house, it felt crowded, that’s all.”
“Awkward? Why?”
“I saw that look your wife gave you when you were hugging me.”
“Oh that was nothing. She was just thrown off since we didn’t really speak the last time we saw each other then she sees us hugging, that’s all.”
“Hmm...does she know you called me?”
“Yea, she knows.”
“Oh ok.”
“Which store did you go to?”
“I’m at the mall, figured I’d give the girls some time to hang with Mama J before taking them home. We don’t come this way too often. Are they ok?”
“They’re good. Very smart little girls. You did a great job.”
“Aww...thanks. Maybe you can work your irritating charm and get your wife to change her mind.”
“I doubt it. Well I’ll let you get back to what you doing, just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“Thanks for the concern but I’m good.”
“Hey, you free anytime this weekend?”
“Saturday afternoon, why?”
“I was thinking about having a luncheon or something, get Tiana acquainted with some of the people I know. It's hard for her to get used to a new place and all her friends are back in Paris.”
“Umm...just let me know what time and I may be able to stop by for an hour or so.”
“Ok cool. I’ll let you know. Thanks.”
“No problem. Later Christopher.”
“Bye Robyn.”
They hung up. Chris walked back inside the house and sat down at the island with the twins after grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.  Erin smiled up at him while Erica concentrated on making the right color of red frosting for the cupcakes. “Mr. Chris?” Erin asked.
“Yes Erin?”
“How long have you known my mommy?”
“Since I was about your age.”
“She was your best friend?”
“Yup. She still is.”
“That’s cool.”
“Do you have a best friend?”
“My sister is my best friend.”
“Now that’s cool.”
“Yea, we hang out all the time. Sometimes she can be a meanie but it’s ok.”
Chris chuckled as Erica looked over at her sister at that exact moment, “I am not a meanie. You just like to bother me during my quiet time.”
“Because you’re my best friend, you’re supposed to hang out with me all the time.”
“Well Erin, you have to be respectful of people’s space. Just because your sister wants time by herself doesn’t mean she’s no longer your best friend. Sometimes you gotta have time to do all your favorite things that other people may not like to do, “Chris interjected.
“Oh like Erica likes to read more but I like to draw more.”
“Exactly. There’s nothing wrong with being by yourself sometimes.
“You think that’s why my mommy doesn’t have a boyfriend?”
Chris choked on the water he had just drunk. Grabbing a napkin, he coughed into it and set the bottle of water back on the table, “Erin, I don’t think that’s the same thing.”
Erin shrugged her shoulders, “Oh ok.”
“Besides that’s something your mommy would have to explain but it’s not appropriate or polite for you to ask something like that. Promise me you won’t say anything else like that especially to your mommy?”
“I promise, Mr. Chris.”
“Thank you.”
“Mr. Chris, do you have a nickname?”
Chris shook his head, “Not really. I guess you could say Chris is my nickname since my full name is actually Christopher.”
“Oh ok.”
“Do you have a nickname?”
“Not really. They said my dad used to call us Double Trouble.”
“That’s cute.”
“My dad was really nice. He died a long time ago though.”
“Aww...I’m sorry to hear that but at least you got to know him.”
“I miss him sometimes.”
“That’s normal. Do you talk about him alot?”
“When we go to Mama Lisa’s house, we do but not with my mommy. I think it makes her sad.”
“You think so? So what do you do when she feels sad?”
“Me and Erica climb in her lap and we tickle her. She laughs really loud then we go get ice cream.”
“That’s really sweet of y’all. You know if I ever have a daughter, I’d want her to be just like you.”
“Of course, we’re awesome.”
Chris burst out in loud laughter, “Yes, y’all are awesome.”
“Can I hug you, Mr. Chris?”
“Of course you can, Erin.”
Chris opened his arms and hugged the little girl tightly before tickling her belly causing her to giggle.
“Chris, you better not be distracting them,” Joyce called out as she walked into the kitchen. Chris gave his mother a look and she laughed, “I was just talking to them while we wait for the cupcakes.”
“Mama J, I think I’m finished,” Erica said.
Joyce looked over into the bowl and raised her hand to give Erica a high hand, “that is perfect, Sweetie. Why don’t you and your sister get cleaned up and we’ll play outside until the cupcakes are finished and cooled?”
Chris set Erin down and watched as her and Erica ran out the kitchen. Joyce smiled as she watched his expression, “Thinking about having some?”
“It’s always been a thought but we’ll see what happens. They’re really great kids.”
“Yea, Robyn did really well with them but I didn’t expect anything different.”
“Ma, what you think about throwing a luncheon for Tiana? I want to try and get more acquainted with my friends so she doesn’t feel so lonely.”
“That’s a great idea. You gonna have to start reconnecting with some people though and that takes time.”
“I was gonna have Robyn help me out.”
“You jumping into this friendship thing headfirst, huh?”
“What you mean?”
“It’s almost like you never stopped talking.”
“Nah, it could never be like that. I wish though.”
“What’s making it difficult?”
“Just a lot of stuff I think we need to talk about that she wants to leave buried in the past.”
“Stuff like what?”
“Like private stuff, Ma,” Chris said with a chuckle, “if she won't even talk about it with me, I doubt she’d want me to tell you.”
“I guess. You just have to give her some time probably.”
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andrewuttaro · 6 years ago
New Look Sabres: GM 13 - OTT - Pommer 1000
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This game was Jason Pominville’s 1000th game in the NHL. It was pure happenstance that it occurred in Ottawa who just so happen to be the recipients of what is, by his own admission, Pominville’s favorite goal. It was the 2006 Stanley Cup Playoffs and the Buffalo Sabres, reborn after the lockout by way of a bevy of great players, matched up against the heavily favored Ottawa Senators in the second round. In the same Canadian Tire Centre the two teams faced off in tonight, (then called the Coral Centre) in a tight game five overtime Jason Pominville streaked in along the boards and scored the series-clinching goal. Pommer was 23 then. That Sabres team eliminated the Senators before losing in the Eastern Conference Final to the Carolina Hurricanes. The following year, after the Sabres put together their best season in franchise history (Yes, the 1975 team went the Final after another 113 point season but let’s not pretend the year doesn’t matter here) and won the President’s Trophy they made it all the way to an Eastern Conference Final matchup against a reinforced Sens team that, coupled with a few other variables, beat the Sabres in the same number of games they were beaten in the playoffs prior. This is all to say that not only was this a significant game because of Jason Pominville or even where the Sabres are in the standings at the moment, this is a significant game because it’s the Ottawa Senators and fuck the Sens! Yea, the Sens went onto lose in that Stanley Cup Final to the Anaheim Ducks but the damage was done and although it wasn’t the end of that Sabres golden age it was the last time Buffalo looked poised to win a championship.
This kind of history is what makes up real rivalries. This is arguably the only rivalry in recent history that means anything to Sabres fans. I for one always get into these Sens matchups, perhaps more than I get into the Leafs matchups. So without further ado, I give you the Burn Book, why to hate division rival Ottawa Senators: 2007 and its fights, the way it ended and the aftermath: that is the reason to hate the Ottawa Senators. You guys are the Buffalo of Canada in so many ways but that just means one of us needs to do it better. Beating you is routine and expected. Those third jerseys with the O gives anyone who can see color a migraine, I can’t imagine wearing it. Going into the shite management you have now seems like overkill but I think I speak for many hockey fans when I say I hope you get a new arena if it means staying in Ottawa. All kind feelings aside: Buffalo doesn’t import Canadian tires, you are actually the city that eats Toronto’s trash and nowadays your serving up your trash team roasted over a hot tire fire that is only getting stronger. Oh, you got Thachuk on your team now? I can’t wait to see how he ends his ELC asking for a fair amount of money and gets shipped out of town. Fuck the Sens! Now, onto the matchup tonight.
Having watched the game… or even read the boxscore you can tell all this talk was for nothing. Almost seven minutes into this game Ryan Dzingel cut through the Sabres defense like hot butter and threaded one past Carter Hutton. There were a few token chances for the Sabres in the opening frame but they played sloppy and got penalized twice to the Senators once. Dzingel scored on that powerplay, the Sabres didn’t on either of theirs. Defenseman on the Senators are producing better than any other D-Core in the league right now which, barring their four game losing streak going into this game, maybe why the Sens are starting hot: secondary scoring. Remember three games ago when we were talking about our defenseman doing that? Ok, so a one goal deficit going into the second isn’t all that bad. One minute into the second Dylan DeMelo, part of your return for Erik Karlsson… sigh… scored a wild bouncer that went off the bar then bounced off Hutton’s back and in. OH GOD, THE SABS ARE BACK! You know I was so frustrated at this point I had to hold back swearing at the TV. Not only were the Sabres getting buzzed like a cloud of bees was attacking them but every bounce that could have gone wrong went wrong. Then Kyle Okposo got penalized for DELAY OF GAME (puck over the glass) and I said you know: FUCK IT. My wife wanted to watch Coco (2017) today on the Day of the Dead so I said why not! Turns out that was a fantastic choice: not only because Coco is watershed film for both representation in children’s cinema and a tour de force in the animation department enough to win an Oscar, but BECAUSE THE SABRES WERE GIVING US NOTHING!
Colin White scored after I left to put the Sens up 3-0 through forty minutes. It was only 59 seconds into the final frame however when the man of the hour Jason Pominville sauced in a Jack Eichel shot to get Buffalo on the board. I respect the hell out of Pommer but I was deep in Coco at this point. The Land of the Dead is really an animation marvel: even for Pixar. Well three or so minutes later Jeff Skinner similarly guided in a shot from the line by Ristolainen and the Sabres were within one. Again, I was deep into unraveling the complicated family drama of Coco at this point, getting into third act but I won’t spoil any of it for you. I will spoil this game if it hasn’t already been for you: the Sabres didn’t complete the comeback. With twenty seconds left in regulation Bobby Ryan sunk an empty netter to wrap this game at 4-2 Ottawa. I talked a lot of trash to start this game because I sincerely hate the Ottawa Senators but damn, the way Sens fans honored Pominville, the guy who ruined their 2006, that’s pretty awesome.
You would hope the Sabs had moved into the Land of the Dead. Unfortunately the one bad period against Columbus and the bad 30 minutes in the Calgary game were omens that on the third game the Sabs would return and consume a whole game! All awesome Pixar imagery aside, the Senators rocked the Sabres harder than Pommer’s 2001 Draft haircut. Look it up, he looks like he was a dancer for the Backstreet Boys. Rasmus Dahlin looked good in this game but Marco Scandella fucked him up at every turn. Rasmus Ristolainen didn’t do Buffalo any favors in their own zone. Even Jake McCabe, the man driving the defense this season, looked poor, at one point just about taking his own goaltender out of a play. Since the d-men didn’t go through where was the secondary scoring to come? Insert It’s Nothing gif here. No secondary scoring and the sad part is that supposedly that’s what Jason Botterill (one of Pominville’s teammates in Rochester back in the day) got with all his offseason moves! I don’t even know what to do with these Sabs after this game: this club was 8-1-3 in their last twelve games against the Sens; that last regulation loss was the last matchup they had in the garbage pile that was last season! I just don’t know what to say outside of congratulations Pominville about this game… I guess… I recommend Coco; it’s a fantastic movie pretty much all the way around.
The show goes on for a Saturday matinee back in Buffalo against the Sens. I’ll be seeing a movie with family but lord knows if I come out of that theater and the Sabres don’t have a W there will be hell to pay. I shouldn’t have to repeat the absolute necessity of winning these next four games before the schedule gets harder. I hope this helped you cope. Writing these isn’t always fun, especially when the Sabs show up, but if Coco taught me anything it’s all about not being forgotten. Don’t forget about New Look Sabres! Share it, comment and hit that little heart for remembrance. Congratulations Jason, you’re the only player on this team who knows what golden age Sabres hockey looks like: hopefully we all see some more of that soon.  
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Fun fact: Jason Pominville has worn the most different Sabres uniforms in his career. On top of the current ones and the old red butter knives in the post image here, he wore all of the goat-heads, Buffaslug, 40th anniversary, retro jersey and Winter Classic jersey last season. I’m sure I missed a few but this is already my longest P.S. yet.  
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sillystarshine · 4 years ago
90210 season 4
ep 8 20 years ago today
Awe they’re using actual photos of Carol Potter (cindy) and James Eckhouse(Jim) from when they were young
i love when shows use real photos from the actors actual life
Erin Silver is adorable! but also a little weird trying to wrap my head around the fact that Erin and I are the same age (’92 babies)
Really Mel? you can’t skip one romantic getaway take care of your damn daughter! 
and Brandon has met his next girl of the moment
Dylan you don’t need a gun!
no good is going to come of Dylan owning a gun
I’m not sure if John Sears is truly crazy about Kelly....or....just plain crazy
Yea Andrea what kind of lies you telling...Brandon ‘aint no Saint
For once the show writers were like okay fine it is weird if there’s an almost 10 yr gap between characters
they turned their wedding picture in a puzzle? why?
they should’ve done a collage of their parents pictures over the last 20 yrs and combined them all to make their wedding pic
A tomato dress......??
TMI Brandon we did not need to know that your parents lock their door every Sunday night
For once I agree with Brandon...Seriously Brenda you;ve only know Stuart for 2 weeks slow down(he’s definitely no the one)
Dylan only lives like 10 mins away? huh thought he lived out farther
Noooo Grandma Walsh why are you forshadowing....Brandon and Brenda are only 18 they don’t needs to be getting married anytime soon
the fuck Brandon you seriously needed to Break a window?!
holy shit! Dylan please please! get some help you were just about ready to shoot your best friend
Listen to Brandon please(for once)
Andrea relax you and Dan have only been with each other for like a few weeks...so isn’t marriage like years down the line?
Again i ask why make their wedding picture a puzzle?
like wouldn't it have been nicer if they either A) just gotten their wedding picture blown up to a bigger size or B) maybe had someone paint their wedding picture
hmmmm how does Dylan Know Stuart and What does Dylan know about him exactly?
 why is Brenda’s grandma so ready for Brenda to be married off?! like calm down grandma
.....What?! Whaaaaaaaat?! omg...they....wha...why...it’s only been 2 weeks!
2 weeks Brenda you barely know the guy and you’re saying yes to getting married
Stuart WTH?! why the rush to get engaged do you really love her or are you on some deadline also feels kinda rude to steal Jim and Cindy’s thunder proposing to Brenda on her parents wedding anniversary
like maybe if you and Brenda had been with each other for at least a year(or more) and you felt like part of the family but it’s only been 2 weeks
Also coincidentally (or the writers were possibly “inspired” by) Shannen around the time this episode aired had actually gotten engaged herself to Ashley Hamilton after(you’re not going to believe this lol)  only 2 weeks of dating.
talk about life imitating art...or perhaps it was the other way around? how very meta of the show...
Sparks? what are you talking about Kelly i see no sparks between you and Dylan what so ever
you know what...good for Jackie somebody needs to get on Mel and have him get his priorities straight
Come on Mel you have the whole week to your self to do what ever the hell you want to do so it shouldn’t be so difficult to give your young daughter 2 days of your undivided attention
Now is not the best time to tell Brenda’s parents the news come on Stuart let them enjoy their anniversary
oh hell no Stuart and now you want to announce it to everyone?! This is Jim and Cindy’s night! like calm down
1st.) Yes Cindy yes I am pretty sure Brenda has lost her mind 2nd) yes Brandon this definitely takes the cake (so far) as craziest things Brenda Walsh has done
I don’t like this I’ve been agreeing more with Brandon in this episode alone then probably all the other previous seasons combined
why do you look so scared to see Dylan, Stuart ? hmm what does he know???
I’ll never stop saying it Dylan and Brenda are meant to be!
they’re not together and she’s now engaged to another man but Dylan is still out here  looking out and trying to protect her :’)
I wish Dylan hadn’t hurt Brenda first and i also wish Brandon would’ve actually been the protective brother he’s supposed to be and let Dylan have it for hurting his sister the way he did
i already like Jesse way more than Dan
Folgers twin connection moment on the dance floor
you made the picture into a puzzle and didn’t get it glued down or at the very least framed within glass?!
you guys live in California there’s bound to be an earthquake at some point!(case and point the 1994 Northridge quake is just around the corner) 
side not surprised the show hasn’t done an episode centered around an earthquake..
awe sweet ending of Jim and Cindy dancing
0 notes
write-orflight · 4 years ago
Trouble: Chapter 5
Tumblr media
*Gif not mine*
Pairings: HotchxReader
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Rating: M
Words: 2.4K
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, choking, slight degradation, sexual contact, dom/sub overtones. TW!! mention of past rape/abuse. witch shit.  
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N There is a Trigger warning for the beginning of this chapter! Talks heavily of past abuse and Rape please if that is something that will trigger you, skip to the first break! Take care of yourselves, Cia
Chapter 5: My sweet love, won't you pull me through? 
You were sitting at the table of your shop opposite of Hotch, drinking tea. Or at least trying to, Aaron decided to try and make you some but it was disgusting. You couldn’t help but smile at the effort though. 
He watched you intensely before you sighed. 
“I met Charlie about half way into my senior year of college. He was TA of my psychology class and everyone wanted him so I guess I felt special that he wanted me, a quiet girl from a hick town. He was sweet in the beginning, always planning these elaborate dates, never once forgot an anniversary or birthday; it wasn’t until we were dating for a year that he changed. He was jealous, at first it was just guys at bars who happened to hit on me, he would get mad then it started to be the waiter at a restaurant or the guy servicing my car. He always blamed me called me the slut for trying to fuck other men while we were together.” You sighed, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. “Pretty soon after that is when he started beating me. I felt so hopeless and dark and it seemed like I could do nothing right. Nothing was going to stave off his hand. One night, we were out together and as we were leaving the bartender slipped me his number. Charlie was furious, said I had to have been doing something to make him do that and that if I was going to act like a whore he was going to fuck me like one.” 
You were fully sobbing now and Aaron was immediately out of his chair, hugging you tightly. He says nothing for a while, just  let’s you quietly sob into his shoulder. 
“You don’t have to talk about it, I understand. We can stop, dove.” He whispers. You shake your head. 
“No, I need you to know this.” You choke on another sob before clearing your throat. “He raped me, and didn’t even bother to use protection… so some time after that, I found out I was pregnant with Bean. I couldn’t let him anywhere near her so I ran. And he found out about Bean around her 1st birthday. Silena’s a good friend who followed me anywhere but this is the 3rd state we’ve moved to, to avoid Charlie. I can’t do that to her or Bean again. I’m not leaving this time.” 
“You don’t have to, okay? I’ve got you.” Aaron says. “It’s not just you guys anymore. You have me now, okay? And I’m sure the team wouldn’t want they’re favorite coffee place gone so you have them too.” He laughs, inducing a chuckle from you too. 
Silena comes out of the kitchen then. “I’m going to head out, but I don’t want to leave you alone.” She says, sadly. 
“I’ll be fine, Sil.” You roll your eyes “Go sleep.” 
“My sister in law has Jack tonight, I’ll stay with her.” Aaron adds. “That is if you want me to.” 
“Uh, yea. That’s fine.” You flush. “Goodnight, Silena.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” She moves to hug you which you instantly return. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She whispers in your ear, winking as she pulls back. You roll your eyes.
Soon after you and Hotch head up the creaky stairs of the shop to your apartment in silence. You relieve Malia, Artie’s babysitter who asks if everything’s ok because she heard yelling. You reassure her everything’s fine and see her out. 
“If you want to wait here you can, I’m going to check on Bean.” You say, Hotch nods and watches you walk away. 
He takes this time to survey your apartment. He's never been in it before and now he knows why. It wasn’t that it was dirty, in fact it was clean and organized but it seemed every corner, shelf or place you could find space there were mason jars with labels like, Moon water, Banishing powders, Aura Repair tea, Mugwort, etc. Uses that, of course still eluded Hotch to this day, despite knowing and dating you for some time. The only shelves not taken up by jars are the altar where Silver and white candles are half melted, alongside some stones and various flowers. The second shelf was littered with frames. Hotch stopped to look at them, there were a lot of pictures. You, standing with an older couple who Hotch assumed were your parents, He didn’t particularly like that one because though you were smiling you can tell that you aren’t happy in the slightest bit. The next is a photo of you, Silena, and a third girl he never met on your graduation day, your hair is blue in this photo and you have Silena in a headlock in one arm and your degree in the other. The next one was you in a hospital bed, holding a sleeping child, flipping off whoever was holding the camera, red hair frizzled beyond belief. The last photo was his favorite though, it’s you and Silena, standing in front of a building that he immediately recognized as Hallowed Grounds, both in paint splattered overalls, your green hair tied up in a red bandana. 
“That was the day we finally signed the deed for HG.” He hears behind him, he turns to see you smiling. “The realtor we signed with laughed at us because we showed up to the meeting with paint cans. He wanted us to look at different places but we knew as soon as we saw it this was the place for our shop.” 
“I’m glad it was, I don’t think we would’ve met if you opened somewhere else.” Hotch says. 
You shake your head, grabbing his hand to rub your thumb across his knuckles. “I don’t believe in ‘what ifs’, The goddess tends to steer me in the right direction. So I believe when I opened my shop here it was just her steering me towards you.”  
Hotch looks at you for a second, smiling. “Come here.” He says, tugging you into a passionate kiss. You sigh deeply, wrapping your arms around his neck, his hands leave small bruises along your hips. You both look at each other headily before you whisper. 
“We should go to bed.” 
Aaron looks at you sincerely. “You sure, Y/N? I don’t want you to feel press-I can take the couch--” 
“Come to bed with me, Aaron.” You cut him off, grabbing his hand. “Please.” 
He nods and allows you to lead him to your bedroom. Hotch takes in the space for a second while you enter the bathroom to change. There were plants pretty much all over the room, some hanging, some shelved and some in a planters box outside the cracked window. 
He looks at you when you come out the bathroom, only wearing a giant long sleeve Stevie Nicks sweater. He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“I don’t tolerate Stevie Nicks slander in this house. She’s like the queen of earth witches so whatever comment you have, keep it to yourself.” You say, climbing into bed. Hotch takes this time to undress from the suit he’s wearing. You try not to watch to give him privacy but you can’t seem to take your eyes away as you watch him peel off the layers until he’s left with nothing but his boxers. His broad chest and toned stomach now on display before you. You smiled as he turned back to you, looking into your eyes before he turned out your light and climbed into bed beside you. You instantly turn towards him, laying your head on his chest. He wraps an arm around your waist and you feel a kiss on your temple as you drift off. 
You wake up gasping hours later. You haven’t had a nightmare in years but you suppose with Charlie being back in was only a matter of time before those came back too. You suddenly feel arms around you, you flinch but then you remember last night and Aaron staying over. 
“What’s wrong, dove?” He mumbles. 
“Nothing, just a nightmare.” You sigh. “What time is it?” 
“Little after 9:30.” 
You spring out of bed shit. “Shit, Artie! And I have to open the shop—“ 
“Silena came and picked up Artie for school earlier. And Malia is picking her up.” Hotch says. “And I’ve been instructed to tell you to ‘not under any circumstances come in the shop’ You’re taking a mandatory day off.” 
“But— I’ve gotta… there’s nothing for me to do?” You say, confused. It’s been years since you haven’t had anything to do. 
“No, dove.” Hotch smiles. “Now, Do you want to come back to bed?” 
You weigh your options for a second. “No, but would you like to shower with me?” 
Aaron is immediately up, pushing you towards the bathroom as you laugh heartily. 
Aaron’s hands were on you the second you were under the warm spray together. One cupping the side of your jaw while the other roamed your body. You sighed heavily, melting into his touch, opening your mouth to grant him permission. He pushes you up against your shower wall, hand wrapping around your neck, not squeezing yet, while the other toys your breast and nipple. 
“You’re so beautiful, dove.” He says and you can’t help the whine that leaves your body while he moves his hand to your heated core. “You want me to take care of you?” He asks, you nod. A loud moan ripping through you as he slides a digit into your sex. He just watches you for a minute, fingers thrusting into you repeatedly while he thumb circles you clit in pace. His other hand roams your body, over your breast before settling around your neck again. 
“Fuck! G-“ You started, you held your tongue though. As much as times like this made you want to call on any deity in praise. You knew specifically your patron would not approve. You settled for another loud moan. 
“You sound so pretty.” Hotch says, a small smile playing on his lips while he kisses your neck. “You going to come for me, Princess?” He asks, you nodded wildly. Unable to do anything but gasp. “Go ahead, dove.” He says while you release yourself on his fingers. Hips moving involuntarily to ride out your orgasm. Hotch kisses every part of your face that he can reach before turning you around so your back was to him. 
You feel him pepper small kisses in your shoulders, his erection rubbing against your backside, you moan at the feel of it. 
“I need to be inside you, Dove.” He says, hot against your ear. “Can I?” You nod, fast pushing back against him. “I need to hear you say it, Princess.” He says. 
“Fuck me.” You say, out of breath almost. “Please, Sir.” 
“Good girl.” He says before pulling up your right leg and sliding into you. The both of you groan at the first contact. He grips you tighter as he sets a fast almost bruising pace. The water had run cold but neither of you could bring yourselves to care. You were shaking unbelievably, extremely lucky you had Hotch holding you up. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” He sighed, hot in your ear. “You’re so fucking wet and tight.” He moves his hand to your clit, pushing somehow deeper into you. You whimper, pushing back against him. “You gonna come again, Princess?” You nod shaking, moaning loudly trying to hold yourself up against the shower wall. You moan one last time as your release takes over you, your sex clenching tightly around Aaron. 
“Fuck, that’s it, dove. You’re such a good girl.” He says, lowly into your ear. “You want me to fill you up?” 
“Yes, Sir please!” You say struggling to stay upright due to his brutal pace. He groans deeply into your ear as he gives a few shallow thrust before releasing himself inside of you. 
You’re in such a daze you barely notice the rag cleaning you up. Aaron kisses the side of your temple whispering sweet nothings soft in your ear as he cleans you diligently. Pretty soon, the two of you are out the shower and he wraps you in a towel. 
“You ok, Dove?” he says, soft to you. “Do you need something?” 
You step out of the bathroom to get clothes. “I’m fine, Aaron. I just need a second.” 
“I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.” He says, analyzing you. 
“Of course not.” You smile. “I’m just trying to figure out what deity to thank for giving me you.” 
He smiles back at you, pressing a kiss to your hand. 
You and Aaron hardly had days off. It was one of the qualities you liked about each other, the meticulous work drive. But now that you did have time to yourself (No work, no kids.) You found yourselves unsure what to do. 
Which is why you suggested the museum. 
It’s been so long since you’ve been able to go to a regular museum that wasn’t a children’s one, The two of you spent  the afternoon actually looking at the art and exhibits. Talking quietly to each other, Hotch’s hand at some point ends up in yours and you smile softly at him. 
Next the two of you stop at The Crystal Fox, an occult shop that you tend to get your supplies from, as you were running low on candles. Hotch listens diligently as you tell him about the power behind different herbs and candles depending on the deity you serve. He tries to keep up with what you’re saying but in the end it’ll always be too much for him to understand. 
When you guys realize it’s getting late, you opt to see a movie after lamenting to each other that it’s been a while since you’ve seen a movie that wasn’t animated garbage. Aaron buys your tickets and you have to threaten him with bodily harm to let you buy the snacks. The two of you settle into the movie, you laying your head on his chest while his arms go around you.   
After the movie, he drives you back to the apartment. You kiss Aaron goodbye a couple times as he seems reluctant to let you go. As you climb the stairs of your apartment, nothing could have prepared you for the site you’d seen. 
Your sitter, Malia, is dead on your living room floor. Obviously hit with something heavy multiple times. You run to Artie’s room, choking on sobs not prepared for the site you might see. But the site you see… is nothing. 
Your daughter is missing.   
Taglist: @megatrexus @roses-and-grasses​ @tittymuncher69​ @liaabsurd​ @ladyravenclaw​ @genevievedarcygrangerreading​ @softbibxtch​ @xxdisappearwithoutatracexx​ @crimeshowtrash​ @augustgraceful​ @theweirdobella​ @infinity1321​ @stella95827 @neaswift @chelseyjoyce​ @addie5264​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms​ @ayyodolliecakbby​ @thedoctorisweirdlyepic​ @kathleenjasmine​
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lil-nct-scenarios-11 · 8 years ago
Jeno- One Last Time
Group: NCT- Jeno
Theme: Valentine’s Day special
Type: One shot- angst (im sorry I had to)
Plot: Jeno and you meet up for your date but instead of saying “I love you’s”, you say things that breaks Jeno’s heart on a snowy Valentine’s Day.
(oh my gosh you guys, I tried so hard not to write angst so soon but I just could not help myself. We all know Valentine’s Day is either super great or like this scenario sugests, super not great, so I guess I’m just being realistic in a way, anywayyys I hope you enjoy) *evil laughter* let us bring forth heartbreak and all the tears sorry not sorry
 You wake up on Valentine’s day to a heavy weight of guilt in your stomach as you stretch and look over to read the cute messages your boyfriend sent you. 
 Good morning beautiful, happy Valentine’s Day!
 It’s been so long since we get to see each other in person.
 Can’t wait to see you soon Y/N!
 It looks like there’s a lot of snow out, so make sure to wear something warm.
 ‘Ugh, why does he have to be so sweet? I don’t know how I can do this to him. He’s only making this harder for me. How am I supposed to break up with him, and how am I supposed to do this on Valentine’s Day of all days? He’s been looking forward to this day for so long. I hope he didn’t plan anything special, I told him to keep it simple.’ you think to yourself.
 With a sigh, you reply to his messages rather simply compared to him, then get out of your comfy bed to go get ready for your last date with Jeno. You had no idea what to wear, you didn’t want to deck up with the necklace Jeno gave you for Christmas or the ring he got you on your seven month anniversary. You think of the long relationship you two managed to maintain and a smile appeared on your face as you remember the last date you two went on. When the flashback of your ice skating date came to an end, your smile quickly went away as a lonely tear trickled down your cheek. You wipe it away slowly and tried to concentrate.
You never wanted to do this. You never wanted to shatter Jeno’s heart ever, and you never wanted to do it on the most romantic day of the year. But you need to end this relationship, you can’t keep up with his busy schedule. You very rarely get to see him in person and even managing to keep a normal conversation through text message is difficult because he’s got so much going on in his life. When you two used to go to the same school, you were very happy with him but now that you attend a different school at a different part of the city, you can’t even see him anymore. Things have just been really difficult for you to maintain and you thought that the best thing to do was to break up with him.
You blow some air on your thick mittens as you walk up to Jeno, who was waiting outside a café. His face instantly brightened up when he saw you so he ran up and engulfed you in a bear hug, lightly lifting you off the ground.
“Hey boo, how have you been? I missed you so much,” Jeno asks with a huge grin, holding your face with both hands.
“I’m good baby, I missed you too,” you say softly as you hold on to one of his wrists.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he exclaims happily, leaning in to peck your lips sweetly.
You pull away suddenly and look at him with sadness and shock mixed in your eyes.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” he asks worriedly, his eyes searching for an answer in your glossy eyes.
“Nothing,” you blurt a little too quickly. “It’s nothing Jeno, I guess we’ve haven’t seen each other for so long that I was just surprised haha. Let’s go inside, it’s cold out here,” you suggest, shivering slightly.
He puts his arm around you, pulling you closer, and walks into the warm, chatter-filled café. You two order hot chocolate with cute, pink treats, shaped like hearts. You two barely managed to find a booth in the crowded, couple-infested café but you got a great seat next to the window.
“So how’s school Y/N?” Jeno inquires, taking a sip of hot chocolate.
“It’s been pretty stressful not gunna lie. It’s kinda rough managing AP and honors classes with 2 clubs and being on the volleyball team. I don’t get home until 8 o’clock then I gotta get ready for 4 hours worth of homework and it’s just hard. But I feel like that’s nothing compared to what you gotta go through,” you sigh loudly.
“Haha, I don’t think so, sounds like you got it bad. For me, when I feel like giving up, I just remember that I got a really great, supportive girlfriend,” he smiles, planting a kiss on your hand.
You place a hand on Jeno’s cheek and you feel him lean against it. “Baby, I just worry about you, how do you manage to balance school with being an idol while still being with me?” you ask, thoroughly perplexed.
He just chuckles lightly, “As long as I got you, I know I’ll be fine.”
You put on a weak smile, trying to hide the pain you feel inside as he keeps bringing the fact that he looks at you as his source of motivation. Your heart aches knowing that you’re gunna break up with him today. You’re gunna tell him ‘I don’t want to be with you anymore. I won’t be there to help cheer you up as your girlfriend. I won’t be called your girlfriend anymore.’
You choke on your hot chocolate and start to cough violently.
“Babe, are you ok?” Jeno asks quickly, jolting towards you from behind his seat.
“yea, be... back,” you cough, getting up to go toward the bathroom.
You rush to the bathroom and clear your lungs out. You look at yourself in the dirty mirror and notice how puffy and red your eyes are. You splash some water on your face and pat it off with some paper towels. You steady your breathing and try to clear your mind, then after you compose yourself you walk out of the door and towards your booth.
“Hey, feeling better now?” Jeno asks concernedly.
“Yea, I’m good,” you mumble. “Do you wanna go for a walk?” you ask abruptly.
“Right now? Okay sure,” he says a little taken aback.
So you dispose your trash and walk back out into the cold, hand in hand. You two walk in comfortable silence as you lean on his arm, a little reluctantly at first, but you do this to take in his familiar scent and touch for the last time. You two come to a stop once you reach a snow-covered park.
Jeno breaks the silence by asking cautiously, “Babe, what’s wrong? Why are we here?”
You let go of his arm and stand holding both of his hands as you look down. “Jeno,” you begin quietly. “Jeno, I’m sorry. I don’t want to do this,” your voice cracks, as your hands lets go of his.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jeno asks discouragedly, holding your hands again firmly, trying to look in your eyes.
“Jeno. I want to break up,” you say slowly.
Jeno’s eyes open up wide with shock and you add in quickly, “I’m sorry I didn’t want to do this today, not on Valentine’s Day. But I wanted to do this in person and not over text message like an asshole but I wasn’t sure when I’d get to see you again in person so I…”
“Stop. Y/N please, stop. Why? Was I not good enough? Did I not keep you happy? What did I do wrong, tell me! “ Jeno asks heartbreakingly, shaking your shoulders as tears fall down his face.
You cry into your hands as he pulls you into his chest, his head resting on top of yours. You sob into his sweater and you feel his tears hit the back of your sweater. “I’m sorry, Jeno. I’m sorry,” you sob.
He pulls you away from his chest slowly as you remove your hands from your face. “Tell me why. Before you leave, I just wanna know why Y/N,” Jeno says miserably.
“I couldn’t handle it anymore! All the stress from school was just getting too much for me, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I never get to see or even talk to you anymore and that’s not how a relationship is supposed to be! It’s not your fault, you were such a great boyfriend. You’re more than anything I’ve could have ever asked for and I’m glad you were my first love. I knew that when I fell in love with those eye-smiles and found out it belonged to an idol, that this wasn’t gunna be easy. But I knew it wasn’t a mistake, the last 18 months of my life with you were beautiful, and I’m so sorry I spoiled it like this. I sorry I had to end it on Valentine’s Day and ruin this holiday for us. I’m sorry I want to say I love you but I don’t want to hurt you even more. I’m sorry that I can’t be your girlfriend anymore, Jeno. But thank you for spending all that time with me and for being my first everything. Thank you Jeno,” you murmur, watching your relationship fall apart and shatter like broken glass.
Jeno just holds you again and tries to calm you down by shushing you and rocking you back and forth. “Shh Y/N, it’s ok. It’s ok. You’ll be fine. You will get over this one day and you’ll be fine. I will too but it’s gunna take time. Lots of time. Man, why is this so hard? Why does it hurt so bad? I don’t want to lose Y/N, I can’t help but to say I love you. I’m sorry I can’t help it. I really mean it too Y/N. I really do love you. I know its hard. It’s hard for me too but I… I always look forward to our dates. I don’t know what to do, I just don’t want to let you go. Can I just stay like this with you forever? I don’t wanna lose you. I don’t wanna let go,” Jeno breaks down, tears streaming down his face.
“Jeno, I have to go. Please let go of me,” you say quietly after a while. He shakes his head, “Jeno please don’t make this hard for me.”
“Please give me one last kiss before you leave,” he pleads hushedly.
“Oh Jeno. You know I can’t do that,” you say sadly.
“Why not?” Jeno asks.
“Its not just not right anymore,” you answer softly.
“Yea…I’m sorry,” he replies.
You give Jeno one final hug and whisper very quietly, “Good bye Jeno.”
“Good bye Y/N.”
You look up at Jeno one last time and restrain yourself from kissing him to make everything all alright but instead you painfully peel yourself away from Jeno, a boy you can no longer lovingly call your boyfriend, and turn to walk away. You hear the sound of your shoes crunching against the freshly fallen snow and then the further you walk away from Jeno, the louder his sobs sound in your ears.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper one last time.
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~ Part Two
*I’m so sorry everyone who read this, I deadass wanted to stop writing and go cry in a corner. I got too attached to this bc he’s my bias and I guess I just love to break everybody’s hearts, well happy valentines day!
*also this gif is kinda hella perfect for this I’m sorry I’m just tryna make things a lil hearted but I don’t think its working
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itsjayyyy · 6 years ago
November 24, 2018 6:57 pm
Well, I think this is the first time that I’ve written some big plan in a journal and actually followed through with it. So yeah, I did do a lot of apartment hunting. I first tried my college’s (and the local art college’s shared) sublease facebook page for students. And it was hell, I mean someone would post about a room for rent for $700 and within 15 minutes, 4 people would have already said “I pm’d you!” Like damn. There’s no way I’d be able to find a place in my budget that isn’t gone already. I was about to lose hope and just look at my college’s affiliated apartments and hope for next academic year, but then I found a page, on my college’s website, that allows you to post a sublease for others. And this website was hidden so well, I’ve never seen it in my entire year of apartment hunting. A lot of them were in my budget (less than 600), and one stood out in particular, it said “my girlfriend and i are looking for a roommate for our 2/2 apt, etc etc” but then at the end it said “must be lgbt friendly because we are very much lesbians” and i was like sign me the fuck up. I messaged them on a wednesday, thursday rolled around and no reply (i was like, they have an android, maybe they just don’t check their phones as much as iphones do), but then it was friday and I gave up. I went back to the listings, messaged another couple in a 2/2, but on saturday still hadn’t gotten a response. Sunday I became a little more frantic. I messaged a third listing, waited ten (10) minutes before deciding that they also were unavailable, and messaged 3 more all at once. and then i laid on my bed and lamented about how I would never be able to move out. And then I got a reply from one of them!!! she said it was still available, roommates are two other sophomore girls at ucf, it’s unfurnished, etc. I was pretty down to take it but then, about 30 mins later, another person replied. And suddenly I remembered why, when I used Tinder, I only messaged one person at a time. The second person to answer me was in the same complex, but $100/mo cheaper. It’s like, I already got pretty far in talking to the other girl, I felt like even if it were cheaper I couldn’t go back on it. So I hit up rose and asked if she wanted to smoke. Her me and peter looked at the places online, and they both said go with the cheaper one, but another issue was how they texted. The first girl was pretty warm, using exclamation points and emojis, but the other girl was just “yes, it’s still available. when are you looking to move?” like such a cold vibe. (yes I know it’s stupid because 100 is 100 and I wouldn’t even be moving in with her, I’d be taking her room but still.) Even though both of them said go with the cheaper place, I felt that I should go with the other.
But then the next day in bio, I was asking for more details and I felt like she did seem kind of cold, like saying “ask the leasing office” and not really offering a time for me to see the place. So I texted the other girl saying I wanted to move in around early december and she became super enthusiastic. Like she sent me a good 20 pictures of the place, and even said I could come over that day to look at the place (this was last monday). I did, around 5:30 (well I came at 5:15, then left to go to the boba shop next door, then came back). She was waiting for me in the parking lot bc I got super lost (I forgot that the numbers outside of the building is the ADDRESS. I didn’t look at the listing’s address I just read the name of the complex and went there. oops.) She seemed to be south asian, like from there but have been living in america for at least a few years, she said she’s moving out because she just got married, etc. The apartment had a style that I would probably describe as oatmeal- light brown carpets, cream walls, very bland, very 2000′s low-income apartment. But hey! I love it! It’s got its own bathroom, walk-in closet, and a huge window facing the back of the property so when I want to smoke I’m gucci. (off topic: I haven’t listened to cherry bomb by nct since feb 5th. wow. That was prob around the time when ami showed it to me in chem in spring.) I told her that I would apply for the sublease the next day, and I did. Despite not having any classes or any reason to go to the east side.
They said that they check 3 things: a credit score of at least 650 (i have a 695), 3x the rent in income (rent is 535, I have 700 from work and 1000 in scholarships per month), and rental history (yeet). They said if you don’t have one of the requirements you can make up for it with either a guarantor, “like a parent cosigning” (YEET) or a larger security deposit. The girl subleasing the place said she was fine with giving up her security deposit, like she didn’t even want me to pay her for it, so I’m going to see if I can add another 300 onto it so they might let me sign. They told me they’d let me know likely on Monday or Tuesday. Also on Tuesday I’ll be going to a meeting for the pride association with a friendsgiving theme, since obvs not every gay kid can go home to a loving family. Maybe I’ll find someone there. Recently I’ve just been becoming so damn bitter about being single, ugh. Like, not bitter enough to identify as an incel, but like, bitter enough to spend all of my time self-loathing.
So I haven’t been able to tell if things have gotten better or worse between me and rose, or if it’s just my period coming up that is making me act like this. In one of the low points of self-loathing (I’m still single, I have no friends, rose is the golden child in the family while I’m hated, rose’s stupid boyfriend comes over for dinner 6 days a week when I could NEVER be afforded that luxury, I’m ugly, etc), I was isolating myself in my room, scrolling down the homepage of reddit, when I saw a post on r/lgbt that was cross-posted from r/gaming or something similar. It said “in the new pokemon games, professor oak doesn’t ask if you’re a girl or a boy, he just says “what do you look like” with different options. Before I could be like “yea fuck the gender binary” i had to be like “there are new pokemon games????” And I looked it up and there were. But it was on the switch, not the 3ds. I messaged rose about it, but she was off on her 6-month anniversary with peter so she wasn’t super interested (she did say “oh don’t buy it” bc it was 350). Let me tell you, when you feel like nobody loves you, the one sure source of love is a credit card with a $2,500 line. I got out of bed, got dressed, and went to target and bought a switch, with the new game. And I played it all night. It was better than any other pokemon game, because it was a revamp of the original game, and I grew up playing pokemon leafgreen, the first revamp of the original. I was reliving my childhood. Of course, when I posted it on my story, rose messaged me, saying “did you seriously buy it?” Like yes, I seriously bought it, because my parents never bought me anything other than the legal bare minimum as a kid, because unlike rose, I have disposable income and aren’t burdened with creditors, because I want something fun to occupy the time so I don’t spend every waking minute wanting to kill myself. Is that so bad, that I spent $350 on something that gave me more happiness than anyone else ever would?
Another thing that pissed me off: after I said yea I bought it, her first reaction was “are there two player games?” when I said it’s mine, I bought it, she said “what if I bought one too?” Why can’t I ever have something to myself? She has her own life, her own personality, her own friends, but whenever I have something, she HAS to have it too, or at least put her hands all over it. I buy a video game? She has to play it too. I listen to a new band? She has to listen to them too. I say I’m queer? She cheats on her (now ex) boyfriend with a girl to experiment and say she’s 1% bi (and then promptly never touches a girl again. and doesn’t come to pride. and doesn’t participate at all in anything related to the lgbt community.) It never ends, she yanks every interest out of my hand, parades it around, before tossing it back to me, all crumpled up and gross.
Two days after I bought it, I had begun to stabilize. Was my mood improving because of pokemon, or because I’m getting closer to my period and my hormones are balancing out? The world may never know. 
My mom finally enrolled in healthcare. One day, I told rose that I wanted to go hang with peter, and she said “after dinner.” I was like, I literally want to avoid dinner because of our parents, that’s the point of us hanging out, they don’t love me. And she, being the centrist she is, gave her whole “yes they do love you, at least mom” spiel, at which point I brought up that neither of us have healthcare. From when I was 12 all the way to adulthood, everyone in my family knew that I needed braces, not just for cosmetic reasons but medical too. And every time I asked my parents, they’d say they would be getting around to it soon. Which is the exact same rhetoric I heard about my healthcare, now as an adult. But I knew that mom had already enrolled dad in his healthcare, so why are rose and I still left in the dark? After saying this, rose spent the next week twisting mom’s arm, and since everyone loves rose, she got around to it. It’s gonna be 134 per month, but I’m paying for it via scholarship in january. I still haven’t told my parents I plan on moving out, I probably won’t until I get approved for sure. Just gotta wait for Monday/Tuesday/whenever.
So, I’m being stalked. (okay i feel like this update is jumping all over the place, but I’m just trying to go from one complete topic to another, not chonologically bc then I’d miss something.) One day I was walking from the library to visual arts, when I saw out of my periphery walking towards me was what looked like savon. We didn’t make eye contact, and right then peter replied to our game of cup pong so I looked down at my phone as I responded with my move. As I walked past him, I heard him mumbling something to himself (something he often did if he wanted to get my attention without making it look like he was trying to get my attention). I felt like I wanted to die, just being within a 10 foot radius of him. 
And it got worse. The next time I had to go to that class (maybe monday? idk), I didn’t see him on the sidewalk, but as I walked into the building through one door I saw him going out the other door, as in the one next to me. He was wearing sunglasses (indoors?) and carrying one of those first-year engineering student boxes, and looking in my direction. I was looking at the door, of course. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out his m.o.- stand around the entrance of the building (that he saw me go in at 2:25 pm on a mwf day), where the windows are tinted, so he would be able to see me going in but I wouldn’t be able to see him inside. After class I hid in the bathroom for 45 minutes, because I was so afraid that he was waiting outside of the building or something. UGH. why do I have to live in fear on my own damn campus. Luckily, I only have one more class meeting in that room for this semester, and I’m probably gonna come a whole lot earlier, and from the other entrance. What scares me is that I posted my schedule on snap, and spriley saw it. I mean, it was at an angle and kind of blurry (caption was more important, just me bitching about how I’m gonna be on campus from 7am to 7pm). And I don’t think that spriley would take the time to watch my 6-second story a million times to copy down the classrooms and times. He just outright doesn’t like me, nothing like savon’s weird obsession with me, a girl he knew in high school but otherwise hasn’t spoken to in almost 2 years. I’m calling it now, if anyone shoots up ucf, it’s gonna be savon.
So let’s lighten the subject a little: we’re almost to the end of the semster!!!! It’s this week, then finals week, then that’s it. And as a matter of fact, this week is the online exam for sociology, and the roundtable discussion for composition (and the video I’m gonna knock out real quick, so I’ll be done soon.) My last three exams are all going to be done on Wednesday and Thursday of finals week. So Monday and Tuesday I don’t have any classes, so those are the days that I’m looking at moving out on. It’s lit.
Last week I posted on my snap how someone parked a limebike in a motorcycle parking spot, and heather messaged me saying “girl where have you been.” I mean, she made no attempt to contact me for the last month, but whatever we’re living our own lives. I told her I was focusing on school and stuff, and she said we should meet up. I was like yea sure, but the next day she didn’t show lol. She later said she was taking an exam and it was way longer than she expected, but we never made plans to meet up again. I guess that’s just the way most high school friendships go.
Okay I think I’m gonna end the update here, I’ve covered almost everything important. Tomorrow, Sunday, I work at cinnabon closing 2-9. I’m gonna grind to finish this econ homework tonight, then monday I’m gonna start rehearsing my presentation for comp or whatever. Start studying for finals, maybe take my final in sociology, ya know, just play it by ear.
(wow it’s 8:46 now. this update almost took 2 hours.)
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