#but ye as;lkdjf
fishpunsarelife · 7 months
Hey La'gaan, how familiar are you with human anatomy? If you need to take a refresher course, you're more than welcome to study me ;)
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No. Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.
I am not doing this today.
Not. Happening.
(Cho ein’niya tzau’esh mou? Seriously. WTF.)
Atlanteans are technically human for Neptune’s sake!!! (Even if our physiology is a lot more varied.)
...Why am I even entertaining a single part of this ask, even though I know that wasn’t what anon meant?! UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!
I’m going to go bother my partners and eat some crab.
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lighthouseborn · 9 months
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@dolhood ( Carina ) || just 'cause ♥
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  He was standing at the ship’s rail when she appeared alongside him. They exchanged a quick, skating glance (the same as twice earlier in the day, like they both were scared to look for any longer) and then proceeded to spend the next minutes in silence, Carina’s eye trained to the heavens and Henry, as always, fixated on the horizon. He’d shot down maybe a hundred thoughts as openers, too bold or too banal or too unrelated, and through it all was yet unable to stop wondering—
        “What was England like?” he asked without looking looking. Well- without turning. He was watching from the corner of his eye, his fingers curled loosely around his father’s necklace. “You mentioned it and I've.. never actually been.”
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makoredeyes · 6 months
Okay.... but when are we going to see felwinter fucking timur's brains out in housefire. 🥺
as;lkdjf three things lovely anon: 1: I legit scream-laughed at your ask XD
2: If we're going on my headcanons here, Timur's a little tricky - while I definitely think he has and will let Fel do whatever the fuck he wants with him, that's not REALLY his inclination. IF he's inclined at all? Still getting demi vibes from the dude and that a lot of the time he's happier on the sidelines and/or handling things himself if you catch my drift.
3. Some naughty artwork possibly pertinent to your interests on my bsky and more on the way soon. :3
THAT SAID. Have a saucy little WIP teaser for the next Housefire installment featuring our favorite sparkster doing his favorite thing: playing Boss. =3
"Wow!" Timur gasped, grinning. "Alright baby, let's see your hands."  He lifted Felwinter's palms gently off of Osiris' back, raising one, then the other, encouraging him to grip Osiris' palm to palm, quickly binding Felwinter's wrists together in cuffs that matched his student's. "You did nice work, Fel," he said, admiring his lover's work as he laced Felwinter and Osiris' wrists together.
"I am not exactly out of practice," Felwinter grunted. 
He was tense. Osiris must have noticed too because he gripped Felwinter's hands in a tight squeeze to steady himself and rolled his hips, pulling a long moan out of the Exo.
"Good boy," Timur praised, leaning in and kissing Osiris. "Keep him busy, love."
"Yes, Sir," Osiris murmured, smiling.
"Betrayer," Felwinter said, voice warm.
----- PS: *Yeaaah there might be another back dated smutfic or two at some point but right now I'm making a run for the barn with PLOT. **or a stand alone ***or maybe Things Found will get naughty. It technically fits in with Housefire.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
💕🧸💋 and bonus 🍑💧 for Kerra
Kerra asks!! :D Happy to answer, let's go!
💕— What makes them feel connected to their partner?
Ooh, hmm, this feels like a broader question than it probably is, but to give my best shot at an answer: during pretty much the entirety of LWS3, Kerra's dealing with being away from one or both of her partners. They write letters back and forth for a while, which is nice, until after Confessor's End, at which point they stop giving a damn about keeping the relationship secret and use the comms, too (only sometimes, and they're very careful about what they use them for). But Kerra's definitely the happiest when she's able to hug/kiss/cuddle with/etc. her partners, even if the long-distance communication is still a form of connection.
🧸— What are they like as a parent?
Protective, as honest as she can be, and trying her best literally always. Kerra never intended to be a dragon champion, but from the second Aurene hatched, that was her daughter. She vehemently hates that the world is carried on Aurene's shoulders and that she can't take that burden away, but she does as much as she can, and despite any and all concerns she has, she tries to let Aurene decide things for herself. Kerra ends up with other children, too, after Aurene's ascension (Rhi, Ia, and Tev), who she was more prepared for and loves just as much. The biggest thing she tries to do for her kids is give them the support that they need while letting them make their own decisions and not putting any more of a burden on them than the world already has. (You also could read this as her trying to be a better mother to her children than she feels her mother was to her, and you would not be wrong.)
💋— What are their kisses like?
I fully admit that when I saw this question, my brain went "do people have one style of kissing? does everyone kiss the same way all the time? how do I narrow this down??" xD But I guess the best answer here (that I can give, at least) would be meaningful. Kerra always kisses like she means it.
🍑— Random intimate headcanon
A short one, but have it anyways: Kerra very much enjoys it when her partners run their hands through her hair.
💧— Random angst headcanon
If Kerra lost either of her partners, or any of her children, it would absolutely shatter her, and picking up the pieces would take a long time, if it happened at all. And she would absolutely blame herself.
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whitedress · 4 years
i am once again asking you this but are we really ready for it
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Thoughts on EoD, Pt 1: Unnamed
I mentioned a while back that I might make a series of posts about my thoughts on EoD as I played through it, which, surprisingly enough, is now!
I started by the Scrying Pool and Aurene in the Eye of the North, and immediately had a cutscene, which was odd... not sure that's happened before. Anyway!
First thoughts as Taimi shifts uncomfortably in her chair: please be alright please be alright please be alright and then it shifted into a summary of the whole game! REALLY well done.
Anet really seems to be getting into their 'getting new players into the game' thing. AND guess what THEY MENTIONED TRAHEARNE! Not in words, but one of the cinematics around the part where they were talking about losing people/people dying was him!
Anyway, then, I standing in the Eye of the North heard Aurene's voice... but she wasn't talking/speech bubble/or anything like that, and then I realized she was summoning me. To the Eye of the North. Anet should really include a warning that says "don't be in the Eye of the North for this" for... any release, actually. And any location the Commander shouldn't be.
But anyway! I got to thinking how young Aurene is still. How much she doesn't know. I've never had that maternal-parent feeling with Aurene... I never really Got the whole raising-a-dragon thing. Aurene couldn't talk before the end of S4 and so it was difficult to get to know her, and so she was never like... a super favorite character for me. I mostly saw her as a way to get at Kralkatorrik, which is horrible, yes I know, but that's how I felt. (I mean, she was kinda cool, but I was still focused in a mad-driven rage at killing the Elder Dragons, all, every last one, and not just the men, but the women and children too... you get the idea.) I got to really appreciating her in IBS, though... y'know, after she saved my life... (ahem I'll just ignore The Crystal Dragon where she died protecting me? and my dumb Commander self just thought oof well ouch I guess we can't kill Kralk then :/ like an unfeeling villain.)
ANYWAY. So then I went to talk to Taimi and Caithe. And apparently Gorrik was gone. There were other players standing around and I was SLIGHTLY irritated by the charr tail that kept swishing through my chest. And the charr it belonged to standing squarely in front of Taimi taking up all the space. I made do.
Apparently Gorrik was gone? And Taimi was irritated about THAT... I saw signs of a huge crush. I was looking for it but sh.. what REALLY got me is that she has no idea what she's feeling or why and... a;lkdjfa;lkdjf she's still a child. Still my baby. And Caithe! I foresee Caithe being a wise mentor to Taimi in relationship matters and eeeee. I like where this all is going already. (And her chair swivels. XD.)
And when my baby Taimi asks me something I will NEVER not do it. Especially when it's so clearly important to her. I'll do anything to keep Taimi happy. Anything. I would kill for Taimi.
So I hop along to Lornar's Pass to say hi to Gorrik. Taimi is REALLY antsy about Ankka and not just because she's suspicious of Ankka. Taimi has a severe case of jealousy, haha.
So we're walking along, talking, and suddenly Ankka laughs and says she lied about the data. I instantly switched from walking to running (which... they did as well) and chased her up the slope to... someplace entirely random. Sus? Yeah...
And then Aetherblades showed up! I drew mew weapon and faced Ankka, sure she'd turn into a villain on the spot, but she didn't.
She said 'bye Commander' and vanished - so clearly she'll be a villain for later.
AND THEN I REALIZED SHE TOOK GORRIK. And I panicked. Immediately. Full-on panic reaction. Clearly my friends getting captured is still a trigger for my HoT trauma.
I shrieked Gorrik's name and pounded the Aetherblades with everything I had and demanding they die already. In the time it took me to kill them (frustratingly, longer than I expected) Aurene showed up, and I guessed she was going to carry me, but she and the Commander spent a good thirty seconds TALKING? About Aurene's hesitation to act, no less?? ACT ALREADY, BOTH OF YOU.
Screen fades! Not how I expected that to go... and then I dropped onto an airship. And went back to pummeling Aetherblades shouting for Gorrik.
Now that special-action leap skill was pretty cool, and by the second ship I was settling in to bashing as many Aetherblade skulls as I could find. And mildly smug about the way they started asking how is she doing that.
Finally I found Gorrik! And while I was bashing the Aetherblades on deck, he was pleading they not hurt him and he'd tell them anything. They BETTER not hurt Gorrik. I don't care what he tells them, not like we have a lot to hide at this stage, but don't hurt him.
I get down there and he says they tortured him! And I'm MAD AS ANYTHING over that and I break him free while Aurene distracts that super-mega-laser-cannon-thing.
And then we CRAASH.
AGAIN. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE AIRSHIPS IN GW2. This is a meme by this point. The airships always crash. Always. There's airship wreckage on almost EVERY major Elder Dragon battle site. I mean! There was even airship wreckage in PS against Zhaitan that we repaired and took to the sky in! (That was not as cool in-game as it could have been, but that was PS.)
While at the loading screen, I realized Gorrik had said "don't hurt me, I'll tell you anything" and ALSO "they tortured me but I didn't break." It felt like an inconsistency for a moment but I decided he was just... being brave or something. Those aren't the right words. But he goes on to have a ferocious streak, so. Yeah.
Anyway, we loaded in and the airship was sinking into the water. I wondered if Gorrik could swim?? The screen went black for an extended period of time and I started wondering if I could swim??? But of course I can. We've had underwater missions before. And we hit the water pretty lightly I think.
But hey! Suspension of disbelief. I washed up on the beach, pretty drowned-like, and then this guy walks in. My first thought is: she/her, they/them, cool hat because that's a meme I have seen with him in it already.
And of course there is cool hat action and I can't help but wonder why. I am unconscious.
Anyway I suppose I was taken... somewhere?? The fade-in and fade-out semi-consciousness was REALLY well done. So far EVERYTHING's been well done. Good job Anet.
Anyway then Gorrik spends a solid minute pacing and muttering frantically to himself, and me like a good player sits and listens because I can't listen to more than one thing at once, but he keeps going on about it and I'm itching to investigate that journal (and the bench? Also looks investigatable?) but it takes me a while to realize I AM supposed to multitask and Gorrik's ramblings aren't supposed to mean anything. Nice touch, but... yeah no it doesn't work like that.
I finally opened the journal and got half a sentence in before we were called out of the cell. I obediently put the thing down and walked out! I shall have to replay the mission to read it. Or check the wiki. Sigh.
Anyway... then... I mean Gorrik was being utterly amusing the whole time. Trying to tell this Detective Rama guy about his charge of bioterrorism. You're a sweet little guy, Gorrik, but you can't read a room to save your life... actually that's because he's autistic. There should've been more options to calm him down and assure him I have everything under control. Oh well.
I get my clothing back! It's a good thing I picture her sylvari-like outfit to be an outfit and not actually grown on her, because otherwise that would've been slightly disorienting. As I observe later, I still have my glider with me, and of course all my other odds-and-ends. My stuff.
Anyway then we - OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT.
We're supposed to sign a thing and Gorrik, the adorable little soul, performs this ELABORATE JUMP MANEUVER onto the desk, signs, and JUMPS DOWN AGAIN. It was hilarious.
Then we went to talk to Kas and Jory and Caithe, so that was cool, uh.
Oh! I get to talk about my Commander's first experience with a raptor taxi! Detective Rama told her to get to the training grounds, so she picked up a raptor taxi to get there. And went ZOOMING ALL OVER THE PLACE. I checked my options: go fast, faster, and ZOOM. And also to take control but I didn't know WHERE I was headed. So I as the Commander just clung on tight and terrified as if I'd never been on a raptor before (I like to be IN CONTROL OF THEM, thanks, and maybe just perhaps KNOW WHERE I'M GOING?) and at the very end went leaping past Detective Rama clinging on for dear life. I was unceremoniously dismounted but I walked back to Rama perfectly self-composed, thank you very much.
After that conversation I looked around and decided Anet was serious about this new player experience and making sure we're completely equipped for this GW2 business. I aced it, and I aced the jade mech fight after, and then I had to get back to where I started.
Well, Commander, no raptor taxi here and you have no idea where you went or which way you came or ANYTHING, so let's walk around and find out.
Commander had an INTERESTING conversation with a woman on the road who basically was in charge of city planning regulations and whatnot. I left her determined to take a trip to Central Tyria as if that could be done in a few days' time, like lady, Central Tyria is bigger than you think. Also if you don't go through the Mists I'm guessing it takes ages to even GET there.
Anyway! Headed into Shing Jea, wandered around there for a bit, encountered a STRANGE thing called a jade waypoint and I'm not even sure if I can USE those without a jade bot. Everything else made of jade needs a jade bot, it's like basic passkey around here. I'm starting to feel like I need one of those. What's up.
I... ran into Snargle Goldclaw. Just randomly. Apparently he's having arguments with his editor. But I was very glad to see my Commander shares my view on his "...romance...novels?" (which is what her tone sounded like. Other VAs may have done differently.) Halfway through this whole interaction I just casually said aloud "I hate you" especially when his publisher RECOGNIZED ME from the book Goldclaw had written. Like excuse me do I not get a say in if you write about me. Apparently not.
I was tickled by the publisher's description of Canthan tech and "move-ies" and "interactive stories", to which I nodded enthusiastically while gesturing at my screen and GW2 itself. He then proceeded to say that nobody would be reading books, which I take personal offense at. Oh well.
Goldclaw proceeded to act entirely in love with me in a restrained sort of way, promising to do whatever I require of him. Like. I didn't even do your stupid book collection. Lit-ter-ah-TURE, good sir? No. I respect good literature. I will highly regard an author. I - and the Commander - would be utterly flattered if someone wrote a book about me.
But not when it's Snargle Goldclaw. Not when it's romance novels. Not Goldclaw's "smut." For all his insistence on the idea that it's literature I just can't. He seems to have no respect for the actual relations between characters... I don't even know what the Kralkatorrid Affair even is. What's the pairing. Kralk and somebody... please do NOT tell me who. I'd probably get nightmares.
The only thing good about him is his AMUSING hatred of publishers and editors and anyone who even seeks to critique his art-form of literature. That in itself tells me he may not be all he's cracked up to be. Yes, I am very happy Bonnie Kunderah is surpassing him. SHE sounded cool. And also writes romance. But she's on Goldclaw's level and a perfect rival for him.
Anyway. That's enough about Snargle Goldclaw.
Although I'll admit to being mildly irritated about something else entirely: the adult language. It started on the Aetherblade ship, which was... okay I suppose, 'cause they're pirates, but still. This publisher guy seems... well, I get the vibe I don't like him even though he seems to enjoy getting on Goldclaw's nerves.
But... now that the language is apparent and casual, I miss when it wasn't. When the game was perfectly aimed at young teenagers and had so little adult language it was almost unnoticable! When it was reserved for REALLY serious things, like Taimi getting captured by Joko. It got worse in IBS but not SUPER noticeably. This, however... sigh. Sadly the in-game profanity filter doesn't work on NPCs. LOL.
Anyway! I eventually found my way to the dock so I could take a ship out to Aurene. Actually I found a jade tech zipline (that I couldn't use) and glided instead.
Introduction to Skiffs. Hi. I found it REALLY interesting that, just as Marjory has Canthan recipes from her grandmother, this Canthan guy had Krytan recipes from his father. Why is it recipes. But the point is that the getting-stuck-on-one-continent-for-ages affected both sides. I never expected to find Krytan heritage in Cantha, though I suppose there's no reason why not if there's Canthan heritage in Kryta.
Although they do keep talking about Kryta and never mentioning Elona, or Ascalon for that matter...
Anyway, we get to the cave, we go in, and AWW AURENE... I go up and stand by her head so she can see me, but then Marjory calls me over and tells me she's... had her magic sucked out??!?!?!?!?
Is that even POSSIBLE?! Can she do her proper Elder Dragony balance things without her magic??
Then we have the bringing-fish-to-Aurene sequence, which was ADORABLE. I remember carrying a bit of fish-on-a-stick around in my inventory.
Favorite quote of the day: "even if you were ancient, Aurene, I'd still bring you fish." YES!! GIVE THE COMMANDER SOME PERSONALITY!! I know I was just talking about how little I really care about Aurene earlier, but I WANT to care for her and be her parent. I just haven't quite got there emotionally yet BUT THIS IS GETTING ME CLOSER. THIS IS ADORABLE. THIS IS AMAZING.
Anyway then I went around to the other side of her head because that felt more... comfortable and intimate, I suppose. There should be a /pet emote specifically for Aurene. I want to pet her comfortingly. I want to lean up against her scales and just... sleep like that. It would be comforting to us both. I'll head back to the cave and have a screenshot session.
Anyway, then the 'check up on Aurene' part told me to go back around and approach her from the outside again, so. Sigh. Grouch. Alright.
Caithe is being overprotective of Aurene... but that's understandable. I'll head out and fight on, be Aurene's force for good in Cantha... her champion... :))
Anyway then I got to meet the Empress! She seemed incredibly intimidating and I think she was using the royal We. Which Queen Jennah has never done, but Jennah sort of has this thing going about being available and personal. I sort of fumbled all over myself trying to bow and kneel in the right places alongside Kasmeer, but that was mostly timing and I think my Commander is better at it than I am.
Empress Ihn asked what I was Commander of! And I said 'nothing'! And this feels like it's going somewhere but... not really?? When are we going to start going predominantly by "Champion" because I've been thinking for a while we will at some point. If it's even possible to get more well-known as Champion of an Elder Dragon than as slayer of dragons. But it could be a tool: if someone calls us Commander, that means either they're more familiar with our Pact exploits or else they're behind the times, or something. It could be fun.
Anyway, after that convo, we went in to where Joon and the Minister of Security were talking, and Kasmeer had a GREAT cutscene. Good for Kasmeer. I'm really hoping we get more Kasmeer content. I was sort of out of it through PoF and Kasmeer is the member of DW I'm least familiar with. Jory too, to an extent.
Anyway, the Minister of Security seems rather grouchy and Joon seems rather nice. She also seems like a champion of unity, so that's good. She's definitely a "good guy."
She also hit it off with Taimi, and if you make Taimi happy you're good in my book.
And that's about where I logged off, so, let's see how this goes!
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Now you're just the stranger that I know best Now you're just the stranger that I love best Now I'm just the stranger that you know best
Look at this! Bullshit! Who gave them the right to inspire shrimp emotions!? Doesn't this work so well for Bianuca?
I'm listening and looking at the lyrics as we speak and. a;akldjf;lkdjf
Yes. Oh it most definitely does. And just- mmmmmm. This song is so-
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brizzlovesyou · 4 years
Look season 4 better give me more Diaz family moments! Much like Johnny I too would kill anybody for the Diaz family. Give me more dinners, show me how protective Yaya is of Miggy now after his accident. Give me mama bear Carmen, and poor Miggy stressing over his family being in debt and getting a job to help them. This is the kid who didn’t want to go as Deadpool because the costume was too expensive and who was worried about the surgery because he knew his mom would be in debt. These three love each other so much and for me are the best family in the show and they deserve more of a spotlight.
I absolutely love the Diaz family. They’re so sweet and there’s so much love there. Also YaYa consistently has some of the funniest lines. I’m still cackling over the fact that she thought Miguel tired himself out from some, uh, alone time rather than shadowboxing in his room as;lkdjf;alskfj
But yes, I really hope their family dynamic is explored more in S4. I’m still really bummed that it was given such little focus in S3 but hopefully that will change with Vanessa finally being promoted to a series regular. I’m also still really bummed about how little Carmen was utilized last season, especially as someone who works in the medical field and whose child was undergoing recovery from a massive injury?! But I digress. 
Miguel is a kid that puts so much pressure on himself, who feels such a sense of responsibility to his family. He knows how hard Carmen works and how much she sacrifices for them. I would love to see more family dinners, like you mentioned, and some highlights of their joys as well as their struggles. Like I’m just picturing a really sweet scene where Miguel comes home with flowers one day or Carmen’s favorite snack or something because he just wants to show her a little extra love and appreciation. 
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darkicedragon · 3 years
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darkicedragon are these questions okay aZure are you joining a cult ... again? darkicedragon lkdjf;lakdjf no! this one is just career...dispositions aha ...but also, tao somehow keeps joining cults, bc he joins all these niche interest places and hes just like, 'cool!' and he totally wants to help, and with his background in the Union he thinks the shady stuff is just tooootally normal and walks right into them aZure Tao goes 0o0 and M and Takeo take him by either arms and drag him back 'no' 'not joining another cult, Tao" "that was one time!" "one time... this week" darkicedragon 'but they really just want to help ppl and-!' 'the absolute acceptance of their word as truth is a Bad Thing, tao, and so's seeing anyone not in the group as outsiders to be changed' 'and you also dont have any money to donate to them' 'hhhhhhngggggggggggggggg’ its the money part that makes tao go onq
aZure M's gonna be like 'you really wanna be forced to follow another doctrine, after just escaping the Union?' cuz M's gonna be very much =-= about any cult, religion, or form of authority darkicedragon maybe taos antsy bc hes used to having Rules to Follow so keeps drifting towards them aZure he needs a dom darkicedragon 😂 tao also so used to both follow orders while also being a leader, so he has the leader part in the household, but no orders to follow, so he's Adrift otoh, m21s a follower in the household, when he used to lead before, and he also needs to feel in control so the two of them work it out together aZure yessss Tao going 'we're doing this!' and M goes 'we're not doing this' and Tao goes 'we're not doing this 😔' usually when it's something v dumb also M being good at teamwork... if he wants it like a cat he'll trust Tao with his plans and all but there's moments when he's like 'nope' bc his instincts go 'nah, brah' darkicedragon 'but good idea?' o3o 'no. last time you tried something similar, you put a burn mark on the ceiling' 'ooooh yeeeah' aZure and Tao learns to listen to when M says no and adjust his plans bc usually M's instincts are telling the truth darkicedragon unless its abt m21s own strengths 😂 aZure yes and noooo? cuz M does doubt himself but he's also a self sacrificing bastard and will use whatever 'weak' power he has to protecc his family darkicedragon yes 😂
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 years
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I want to show you how many tabs I have open on Firefox. Yes, you see correctly, it looks like an infinity symbol at this point. That's what happens when you have more than 100 tabs open on Firefox mobile. Every single tab is fanfic. I should be reading them and trying to get them to at least under 100. But what am I doing instead? Going through your master list of fics. Bc I have 0 self control. Absolutely none. I just thought you'd like to know.
THERE YOU ARE! The person who I posted about XD. Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments. You've really brightened my week, which believe me, I needed. You are even reading through my rarepairs, bless you. XD (I rarely get takers for my Geralt x Eskel, so that's especially fun to get a comment out of nowhere)
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yes, that one
and i love your tags a;lkdjf;laskjdf
sweet gimme a few moments
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trulymadlysydney · 3 years
Syd bestie holy shit I am so confused with Shannon. I know we already talked about this but how could she say it’s not that big of deal after josh walked off when she literally just made it into a big deal? Damn she is something else isn’t she. Like honestly I was with josh on that one bc she was just being so unreasonable and didn’t listen to what he had to say.
The challenge itself also brought some surprising revelations. Like when they asked how many sexual partners the boys had? We now know it’s not Jeremy so it has to be one of the girls. But I have no clue which one. Maybe Olivia? I don’t know the search for the answer is exhausting lol. And when javonny said he would want to be coupled with Aimee?? Damn I kinda ship that like they wouldn’t work out but they’re my two fave islanders so a girl can dream. And then javonny saying that will and kyra spend all their time kissing instead of getting to know each other?? A bitch was SCREAMING the shade. I love that man
OPERATION HEART ATTACK? Bro that is going to end so badly for both of them. Like in cash’s case cinco already chose Trina over her and as harsh as it sounds I think she just needs to move on. And Olivia? I think that girl has gone off the rails lmao. When they were talking about what turns them on and she said that will was looking right at her? Like they were standing in a group obviously he’s gonna make eye contact with people in the circle. I understand that when you like someone you think everything is a sign that they like you too but will has never shown interest in her besides during the challenge today. Am I being too mean here? I just deadass think she’s seeing things when she says will likes her back or is sending her signs or whatever.
Also I don’t think it was wise for cash to tell Shannon about their plan. We all now Shannon lives for the drama and loves to play both sides. Plus Trina is her bestie so there’s almost no way she isn’t gonna tell her right? And I really hope that cash and Olivia tell Trina and kyra what they’re doing especially bc cash is so big on respect and if they just go behind their backs to graft… yikes talk about messy. But with all that being said do you think cinco or wills head will turn? I don’t think either of them will switch to be honest and then it’ll just be bad for Olivia and cash. I just think this whole operation is a horrible idea lol.
Okay and I think we’ve talked about who we’re voting for but I voted for Aimee and Wes obviously bc they’re my faves. But who do we think is gonna be in the bottom? I say Jeremy and florita and Trina and cinco.
Last thing! So casa amor usually happens half way through the season and since next week is week 3 I think casa amor is gonna happen sometime next week! Can’t wait for that drama!- E
First off, Shannon and Josh are so weird to me d;flskdj like I hate to say it but I DO get where she's coming from, but after he got defensive she was like "woah no wait you're overreacting ew!" (I mean she's a Pisces so... that explains it kldjafl;skj) But yeah she didn't even try to understand where he was coming from. That whole thing was so stupid lol.
The challenge was MESSY. Dude I went to the Love Island US instagram and people are deadass like OMG SO CINCO'S THE VIRGIN? Like... very obviously missing his joke kdjf;lksd like the DAY he came in he admitted to breaking a bed during sex hello. I still cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out who the virgin is lmfao. If anyone I would've said Roxy but she wasn't even around for that lol. Also PLEASE I LOVE JAVONNY SO MUCH DKLFJSD;LKJ I LOVE WILL AND KYRA BUT HE'S RIGHT.
Also... I'm going to say something mean but you said something similar in the next paragraph you sent so I'm just gonna say it kdjf;lsdkj f I was legit shocked that miss Olivia was such a hot commodity among the men. Like I'm so sorry, she's so pretty and so fun but ... compared to the other girls I feel like she's boring ;akjfs;dlk 🥴
I agree, Operation Heart Attack is SO stupid and it's going to end up blowing up in both of their faces. Cash... love her to death but she neeeeeds to move on. She and Olivia both have already gotten too many people involved in this shit. We know Shannon is the QUEEN pot stirrer, there's NO way she's going to keep her mouth shut about this. As for Olivia and Will... its ridiculous lmfao like Kyra isn't an idiot, Will isn't giving secret signs. I know what it's like to like someone and think that everything is a sign but Olivia... if you don't leave Will and Kyra the fuck alone dlkajfd;slk.
See this is kind of what I was saying about why Cash is starting to annoy me. Like you said, she's SO big on respect and yet she's out here doing this? She really needs to stop thinking she's the main character of the villa. I think Cinco is gonna be tempted but no I don't think Will or Cinco are going to switch it up. I think it's going to end up SO bad for Cash and Olivia both.
I voted Aimee and Wes for sure. I feel like one couple that it's going to come down to is for sure going to be Florita and Jeremy. But as for the other one it's really tough to say... maybe Trina and Cinco like you said although I don't think they've really done anything problematic since getting together. I hate to say it I feel like it could be Olivia and Javonny...
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allofmylovelove · 4 years
interview tag!
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by @galaxymagick thank you <3
tagging: @shineesltm @mauloveskpop @fensi @heochaan idk who to tag nowadays ;lakdjf
name / nickname: ella...don’t really have any nicknames lol
pronouns: she/her
star sign: cancer
height: 5′/152.4 cm
time: 16:39
when is your birthday: june 25th
nationality:  american
favorite band / groups: vixx, kard, the rose, queen, evanescence are the main ones
favorite solo artists: mnek, sunmi, chungha, taemin, leo, ravi, charlie boisseau, florent mothe
song stuck in your head: die Schatten werden länger
last movie you watched: i think it was this one called two faces of january??? idk it had oscar isaac in it and he was the main reason i was there
last show you binged: i literally only watch say yes to the dress atlanta nowadays
when you created your blog: 21 march 2017 (ooo my blog’s birthday is coming up)
last thing you googled: ...tumblr blog info a;lkdjf;asd
other blogs: main is @noscorpsaladerive , aesthetic/photo is @ilestencoretemps also have @therose-net @hiddenkardnet @sunmi-net @coedkpop and also musical blogs @fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur and @french-musicals
why i chose my url: i had a crappy url and needed smth better and don’t recall by kard was the song that got me into kpop so i just chose a line from that
how many people are you following: 202
how many followers do you have: 499
average hours of sleep: who tf knows anymore lol
lucky number: 7
instruments: some piano and ukulele
what am i currently wearing: workout clothes lol
dream job: hell i don’t know anymore...thought i wanted to do translation but idk anymore
dream trip: france, south korea, japan
favorite food: idk i love food so much.....i’m just gonna go wtih goat cheese for now ;aldkfj;d
favorite song: gosh i don’t even know anymore....recently i’ve really been into hammer to fall by queen, head and heart by mnek, and whisper by vixx lr
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: ummm i think it’d be really cool to live in the passe-miroir series universe (which those books are SO GOOD, please read them), or anything where you can befriend dragons ;alskdjsad
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that-otome-potato · 4 years
Potato’s Mash-up’s
“Heyyyy! I’d love and appreciate a steamy serving of mashed potato (!) with Comte, Dazai, or Leo from IkéVamp. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ (*steam absolutely at your discretion) “
;dsaljf sa;lkdjf aslkdjf asdjf asdfj PSEU!!! I cannot tell you how giddy I was to receive your ask!  I’ve been spending all day yesterday and today trying to figure out what to do and I think I finally figured something out!
@pseudofaux and, because she helped my anon questions (anon because I get nervous about sending asks haha ^_^;;), @emeraldtawny
Dazai x MC smut
I turn my head at the obviously incorrect name and noticed that Dazai was seated up on the roof of the manor watching me as I set out the laundry to dry in the gardens.
“Dazai!  What are you doing up there?  It’s dangerous!”
“I needed some perspective!  You should join me.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his eager wave, encouraging me to join him.  As quick as possible, I finished what I was doing and raced up to a window near where he was and managed to climb up onto the roof.
“What kind of perspective were you looking for?” I asked, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, giving him my full attention.
“Life. It’s an enigma.” He gave a dramatic sigh. “Also, it’s nearing sunset and I wanted to watch it with you at the best vantage point.”
I smiled and scooted closer to him, feeling the heat of his body warming mine. “But it’s not because your ‘best vantage point’ happened to be over Isaac’s room, right?”
All I got was one of his warm, charming smiles.
We stayed like that for several minutes, watching the sun set over the parisian country side, in companionable silence. Those moments with him were so soft and serene that I felt my eyes start to droop in exhaustion. So, with a sigh, I lay my head on his shoulder and got comfortable. 
Distantly, I thought I heard and felt him chuckle as I felt my consciousness fade. “Not...ing....you?”
I felt a gentle nudge under my chin a moment before something soft and firm brushed against my lips. When my eyes flew open, it was to see Dazai smirking at me with a soft turn of his lips. “You’ve been busy all day, not having nearly enough time alone with me, and you choose now to sleep?” He clicked his tongue several times with a shake of his head, but he never lost his charming smirk.
“I’m sorry, Dazai. There was a lot to do today.” I murmured sleepily, pulling away from his fingers and rubbing my cheek on his shoulder to make myself comfortable.
“Oh, my little Neko-san.  You get comfortable and just let me take care of you.”
That was the last thing I heard before the shroud of sleep fell over me.
I was having one of the strangest, most erotic dream of my life.  
I was looking down at myself from up near the ceiling of my room in the mansion, and I was naked as the day I was born. My silk bedsheet was draped over my waist, but I could tell that someone was laying between my legs from the movement the cover was making. I just couldn’t tell who.
As I watched, heat licked at my flesh starting at my core and flitting through my limbs like a rain of flower petals from a budding tree, settling deep in my bones.  I felt myself moan at the same time as the ‘me’ below, rubbing my own legs together to alleviate some of the arousal I was feeling from watching the couple in my bed.
I stifled a gasp when a dark, familiar head emerged.
“Have we woken up, my dear?” 
My body jerked, waking from the dream, to find I was, in fact, quite bare with an equally bare Dazai smirking at me as he rested his chin on my belly.
“Dazai? What...”
“I told you that I would take care of you.  However, I might have gotten a little carried away. I thought for sure that you would have woken up before climaxing though.”
My eyes grew wide at his words. “You mean...that was real?”
“What was?  My face between your legs with my tongue buried deep?”
I felt my cheeks flush at his words and looked away from him to attempt to hide it.  But no matter how long Dazai and I were together, he would always know. 
“Uh uh! No turning away.  You know better than that.”
“Yes, but you like it when I do.  You think it’s cute.”
“I think it’s beautiful and you should as well. Though not beautiful enough to want to share with anyone else in the mansion or the world.”
Though the flush still flared on my cheeks, I looked back at him, feeling my love for him filling me as it always did.  My hands shot out to the sides of his head to drag him up my body, so I could kiss his lips, pouring all the emotion I felt for him into it, feeling a rumble in his chest when he wrapped his arms around me.  I used his grip around my body to help me to move around until I had him on his back, my legs astride his hips.
Gooseflesh formed on my skin as he slowly trailed his tapered fingers down my sides, the callouses from his years of writing by hand sending tingles all over.  When I looked down at him, his golden gaze was clouded in desire, my body responding in kind.  I moaned and started rocking my hips when he began rubbing circles over my hipbones, sending delicious shivers straight to my core.
I leaned back down to him, slanting my lips over his, allowing my tongue to play with his, taking his lower lip between my teeth and tugging as I pulled away to sit back up. Dazai trailed his hands back up my torso to cup my breasts, pinching and twisting my nipples with a pressure just shy of painful. 
“Dazai~” His name escaped my lips as a whisper and I leaned my head back, my back arching towards him.  He took that as an invitation and leaned up to place one nipple, then another, in his mouth to lave them in kisses, tonguing them, causing more and more desire to pool between my legs.
When I had finally had enough of the zings that were sent to my core with every tug with his tongue and teeth, I pulled his head back up to mine to kiss him, which he eagerly accepted. “Dazai, please...”
“I know.” He responded in his own hoarse whisper.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted my hips up just enough for him to reach around my body to take his manhood in hand and position himself at my entrance.  
In one smooth motion, I sank down on his shaft and gasped with the slightly upturned tip rubbed along where I was most sensitive.  Even after being together for as long as we have, my body always reacted to him, no matter the position. 
Once I was seated completely, the back of my thighs against the front of his, he leaned back onto the bed and took me with him, his hands moving back to my hips. I used my arms wrapped around him to support my body when I looked down at him, our eyes locked, as I began moving my body. 
Dazai groaned when I pushed his head towards the juncture between my neck and shoulder. He latched his lips onto the flesh there and my breath hitched when I felt his fangs elongate, going straight into my skin and causing the familiar rush of arousal wash over me and I cried out. Fire licking my limbs was never something I thought I would compare something to until I met Dazai. Now it was almost an addiction.  And the fact that it was Dazai making me feel that way? Nothing had ever, or would ever, compare.
I could feel him drawing sustenance from my veins, taking gulps of my lifeblood and causing arcs of arousal to course through my body like electricity and a Tesla coil. I wanted him to take more, to take all, but he would never do that. Just enough to be pleasurable for both of us. 
In no time, bodies slick with sweat, breath sawing from our lungs, and our gazes never straying from the other, I felt my climax approaching once more. With his help pulling me along his cock, I got closer and closer by leaps and bounds.
“Dazai, I’m close.”
“I know.  I feel you gripping me as in a vice and it’s taking everything I have not to finish right now.”
“Don’t.  You’ve made me feel good, taking such wonderful care of me.  I want you to feel good, too. Come on, love.  Cum for me.” I whispered into his ear, feeling Dazai’s body shudder beneath me and his panting breath become heavier as he licked the puncture marks he had left behind, causing them to begin healing. Then with out warning, he used his vampiric strength to hold my hips still against his as he reached completion, triggering my own climax.
Several minutes passed as we recovered from making love. Sated and warm, I rolled over to his side and snuggled up to his strong bare shoulder, wrapping an arm around him and holding him close.
“I love you, Dazai.” I murmured sleepily, feeling the draw of slumber dragging me under once more.
Dazai kissed the top of my head and I hummed in approval. “And I, you, my sweet little human.”
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chocoboxnow · 8 years
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{fan disc release date: 1/27} 
From the mini-drama: Midorima: It’s only natural to trust one’s teammates! Takao: Yeah, yeah… Mibuchi: Midorima-kun and Takao-kun are a pretty good pair all the time, aren’t they? Kise: Never would have thought Midorimacchi would find a partner so perfect~ Midorima: Shut up, Kise!
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
B    U   D    D   Y
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, buddy!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AROUND AGAIN!
Why were you gone!? It’s okay if you can’t or don’t wanna share what it was, but I do sincerely hope that everything’s been okay, and that whatever the reason was that kept you away, it was nothing bad and that you’re happy and doing well. Sometimes being busy means you’re doing stuff and doing stuff means living (good/experiencing things) and that’s always good! :3
Though I do have to say something disappointing! 
I’m sorry that you were excited to see me share DMC5 stuff...because I actually don’t know shit on DMC... ;w; Not even the first one, nothing nothing. I shared that artwork because an artist I follow does love the franchise, and they’ve been into it lately, and even though I’ve no clue on the DMC universe, I do love the artist’s works, and I’m into sharing stuff from the artists I follow even if I’m not into it because of the art itself...I’m sorry if you thought there would be more of it in my blog...sadly just XV still, and here and there some other stuff most likely that I either don’t know or that you’re not into lkajdslskgjadlkj I’m sowwy ;w;
I do think the DMC franchise looks super cool though, and I’d love to play it one day! I never did because I never had the consoles, but that’s okay, I think I can get to play the remakes/remasters one day now! :3
Thank you LOTS for taking the time to drop by and write to me, buddy! I really appreciate it. Thank you for thinking about me :’3
Bah bye, and I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC day! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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