#but y'all gotta stop
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atlasdoe · 11 months ago
"Dumbledore raised an army of children TWICE"
y'all do know that WE were the ones who made the order of the phoenix so young right??? The Marauders and Lily were the only ones with cannon ages
we can't make all of the characters young and then hate Dumbledore for making an "army out of children"
for all we know marlene and dorcas could've been elderly women! we were the ones who hc them to be the marauders age
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month ago
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here are your peter doodles from last night,,, my art style is still changing and i can't settle on anything which is driving me insane but at least he looks cute
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ask-applewhite · 4 months ago
Darling: my parents agreed Daring isn't your prince
Apple: great! they agreed that it's you, right?
Apple: right??
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drinksglue · 25 days ago
Hot take, but no, you do NOT get to call yourself "pro-fiction" if you peddle such drivel as "Well yes, it's okay to like anything in fiction... but if a yucky theme shows up repeatedly in an author's work, then that says something about what kind of person they are!" because that's still fancop rhetoric. You are a fancop. Bye.
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spaceshipsandpurpledrank · 4 months ago
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cicimellie · 19 days ago
guys. we need to be fr. no more of this markgemma or markhelly stuff. real ones know it's only legitimate once you smash their names together in an unholy way that displeases God. gark and melly supremacy
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rockybloo · 11 months ago
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I promised the masses a pretty bat and I delivered
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dyktvideogamesfx · 2 months ago
no one saw anything its fine :3 ! Have a great rest of your week y'all
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Did you send two asks in a row screaming for more Accidental Yandere Golden Cheese lol. Calm down brotato, Merchant is here. Merchant sees you (and everyone else in my inbox I swear to God Almighty I will address you all eventually). Let me see what I've got in my noodle for you
Under the cut because this is fucked and gets a little extra graphic at one particular point lol
Golden Cheese actually has tried to gather the identities of those Burning Spice has murdered. What she wasn't able to glean on her own, from her own personal knowledge of other lands and peoples (i.e. noticing certain traits she knows to be endemic to certain cultures, like a hair accessory or something), she found in books and scrolls in her kingdom's library that gave her a better idea. Whatever she couldn't find in those, she found via sending cheesebirds to travel far and wide in search of any kingdoms, cities, villages, families and friend groups with confirmed missing persons. They would report back to her and, with all the knowledge she's gathered, she's able to find a name, which she then wrote onto a label and placed under the person it belonged to. She's managed to eventually give all the heads their identities/personhood back, at least to some degree. And now, knowing who these people are/were, she can get them back to their loved ones easier. Right? ...Right? (She tries not to progress beyond being proud of herself for going that extra mile, because it just leads back to "ok so why are the heads still here, why haven't you returned them". In trying to do the right thing, she ultimately just does the WRONG thing again and reinforces her preexisting guilt and shame, because... she knows exactly why she hasn't returned them...)
Golden has started... experimenting with Spice, for lack of a better term. After she was proven correct about him paying attention when she mentions someone she doesn't like and later killing that specific person for her, she starts testing him in other ways. She makes subtle suggestions about how he ought to kill people, to see how he responds in the moment and if he actually ends up doing it later. She tries to coax him into going into detail about how the killing went, just to see if and how he does so (turns out he really does like to brag about his crimes, especially to her). She tries to hint at him giving her other things besides body parts, like certain trinkets (it... sort of works. If she asks for a watch, he... brings her a severed arm with a watch attached to it still, for example). She's observing how far he'll go and in which direction he's willing to travel in at her suggestion. (...And she revels in how much power it turns out she has over him. She really does have him at her beck and call. It's lovely.)
When her friends ask her how she's been managing her Beast (they are aware that hers is still actively targeting her, but that's it), she acts as nonchalant as possible. Burning Spice is nothing. He's just a fly buzzing around her head. She handles him just fine. When they ask her how they can help, she tells them she doesn't need it, because she doesn't want them anywhere near him she really is fine. It's fine. She's fine. When they suggest going after him themselves... thank goodness she's a good actress and a quick thinker, because her very first REAL reaction was seething fury that she had to keep under control until she was alone again - but then, when she finally is, she just has another crisis of conscience, because now she has to confront the fact that she can no longer tolerate the notion of him being harmed by anyone besides herself. She used to want him dead or imprisoned by any means necessary, but now... now, she lies about his whereabouts to everyone who asks (and she always knows where he is, she snuck a tracking device onto him), because she doesn't want anyone coming near him for any reason anymore, least of all to harm him. Because only SHE can harm him now. He still comes to fight her, not just to give her things. And she obliges him, albeit begrudgingly (never mind the sick satisfaction she feels when she hurts him or takes him down. She wonders if this feeling is what he's referring to in those letters about him reveling in their battles and how he enjoys her suffering). She... she won't let that end. She won't let anyone get in the way. In his way. In THEIR way. She can handle him by herself. Everyone else can stay home. They won't take him away from her. She cannot guarantee their safety if they try.
She once idly wondered about his past. About the people he likely once had in his life. About... if he'd ever been fond of any other women. She could hardly fathom the hatred that utterly overwhelmed her senses when the thought entered her mind. So angry was she that she broke the glass of water in her hand in said anger and injured herself. So haunted by this notion did she end up, that she tried to ask him about it the next time they met (as subtly as possible; she understands the implications of asking such a thing). He just shrugged and said he didn't recall; the only woman that mattered to him was her. She hated how relieved she felt when he told her that...
...but after that day, and for a good while, he only targeted women. He kept killing adult women and bringing their heads to her, and no one else's. She quickly surmised that he might have noticed her jealousy (or at least imagined she was jealous) and immediately set out to prove his devotion to her further than before by destroying those she feels threatened by - even if the threat does not exist, for she is all he ever wanted. He never told her directly, but she figured that's what it was. And she allowed herself to believe it. Because it made her happy.
(When the women-only killing spree eventually ended, she was struck with morbid curiosity and asked him about the men he killed. Was there anything behind the ones he chose? He revealed to her that, though his targets were mostly random, he would go out of his way to kill any man that he thought she might find attractive. He was capable of feeling threatened, just like she was. It was quite the surprise... a surprise she welcomed, a surprise she found deeply amusing. Because really, what was left for her to find attractive in anyone anymore, when no one went as far as he did to earn her favor?)
She actually does find him handsome. She always has, from the beginning. It was something she considered to be a great shame; such good looks squandered on such a horrible man. But now... with her greed slowly spiraling out of control thanks to him constantly overfeeding it the way he does with his violent extremism... she's starting to dare to find that extremism handsome, too. She's slowly but surely ceasing to find any shame in the circumstance. She's starting to think he's handsome... and that's it, that's the end of the thought. He's handsome, with all of that blood coating his face and body. He's handsome, puffing his chest out and beaming with such sick pride at the handiwork he performed for her. He's handsome, in his maddened, unwavering dedication to her. He's handsome... no asterisk, no addendum, no ifs ands or buts. He's handsome. Burning Spice is handsome. It weighs on her like a stone. And it only gets heavier each time he sees him and his handsome face again.
Sometimes... just sometimes... she'll reread those letters that are particularly... steamy. There's something rather fascinating about them, in a different way than the others. They're so... uniquely visceral. She believes him when he tells her he's starving; his hunger practically lunges at her from the page, claws at her, sinks its teeth into her, sets her body alight. Pure, unashamed, blistering hot lust and sexuality, with some of that same addiction to violence mixed in (he's a sadomasochist, go figure). People have flirted with Golden before... but not like this. No one on earth has ever dared to speak to her so brazenly, not even after several pints of liquid courage. He talks about wanting to break her bed as well as she herself. He tells her how often he touches himself to the thought of her. He details exactly where he wants to put his hands. Where he wants to put his mouth. What he intends to say straight into her ears as they go, and what he wants her to say back to him. How he doesn't want to stop until they both collapse with exhaustion. Just neverending feverish rants about he wishes to destroy her in more ways than one, and how he expects her to scream and beg either way. She won't admit it, not even to herself, the thought tried to make itself known inside of her head once and she shoved it down and tried to bury it under concrete instantly, but... she's almost... intrigued. She's flattered, of course. She relishes this aspect of his insatiable appetite for her alongside all the others. (She likes being told she's pretty. He does that and then some.) But... some small part of her is... curious. Curious about... if he really would follow through on what he says he wants to do, if he really had the chance. How it would feel. How HE would feel. What the difference would really be between him overpowering her to win a fight and him overpowering her to... to...
...there are nights where she lays awake, drilling holes into the ceiling with her bloodshot eyes, wondering where it all went wrong. There are nights where all that succeeds in putting her to sleep are the warm, bitter tears that stream down her face when the guilt and shame grow too powerful. There are nights where she just gets up and leaves, throws herself out of her own window and flies off somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't matter - it just had to be somewhere she couldn't feel dozens of empty, lifeless eyes watching her through the walls. Judging her. Condemning her. Damning her to Hell, where she and the monster who ended their lives belonged.
...and then, there are nights where she feels... strange. Where she notices how... big her bed really is, and how small she feels laying in it. She wonders how it would feel if he was there. If she could nest in his thick, strong arms instead of thin bedsheets. How much more comfortable his chest would feel, compared to her pillow. If his hair was as soft as it looked. How he'd react if she started tracing his tattoos with her fingertips. If sharing a tender moment like that would awaken something in him. If it would somehow help him realize how wrong all of this is.
...Or maybe it would just make it worse.
Maybe she doesn't care anymore.
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anonno-42 · 3 months ago
Finished S02E07 for nth time this morning thinking I'm finally over it, sick of it, and just generally exhausted of rewatching it.
Me 1 minute into timebomb-related posts/reels/tags:
[Grabs remote, opens Netflix]
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viaviv124 · 6 months ago
Hear me out (it's new AU brainworm time)
When the lamb kneels before Narinder he breaks all of their bones, right? Well in this universe he wanted to keep them by his side tho bc he's come to care about and value them. But for whatever reason he can't fix their broken body, but was able to save their soul and keep it sealed safely. As he was taking back the lands of the old faith under his rule, he also sought out different ways to get a body for this lost soul he kept close. Eventually his eye fell on a pretty realistic looking porcellain doll and so he set himself on the idea.
It took over a hundred years to create a body realistic and stable enough to hold a soul. But finally, after all these years, the lamb opened their eyes again.
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lynxgriffin · 1 year ago
Could Susie be able to eat Papyrus’s spaghetti? Eating things that aren’t made to be eaten is one thing, but trying to eat something that shouldn’t be eaten is another. And according to Sans, Papyrus is able to make something that is almost edible.
Susie canonically will eat stuff that's not even edible! She ate a pinecone! Actual food that just tastes real bad is not going to be a problem for her!
Heck, she'd probably be one of the few to actually appreciate Papyrus's cooking for reals!
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rexscanonwife · 2 months ago
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thatoldbooksmellsstuff · 6 months ago
I feel like a lot of fandoms need to learn that certain characters function outside of their ship. Not everything they do and not all their motivations and actions need to be related to their love interest
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epickiya722 · 10 months ago
... okay, no, I just had two thoughts.
So even when Kenjaku possesses another body, they still hold the Cursed Technique of the previous body and carries it over to that next body. (Example, using Kaori's CT while in Suguru's body.)
Doing that... I wonder if it's possible that would mean their children could possibly inherit a CT they have or a variation of it?
Because, before knowing what was revealed, what if Yuji had been able to use Blood Manipulation because Kenjaku has the technique (from possessing Ancestor Noritoshi Kamo's body)?
Which, if that had been the case, it would have been even more fucked up he consumed 6 of his other siblings to use a technique he already has.
Leading onto my next thought!
It's messing with my head realizing that not only Yuji consumed 6 of his siblings while they were fetuses but had he not been Yuji, his body could have been taken over. Add those 6 fetuses, that would make Yuji risking being possessed and his body being taken over 7 times!
Death Paintings have to gain a body via consuming said DP. Just like how the reincarnated sorcerers take over bodies completely. Incarnated sorcerers are reincarnated through, in most cases, consuming some Cursed Object. The DPs are considered Cursed Objects, in their own class of Cursed Wombs.
Has even even been discussed how risky that was? Yuji getting his body taken over? Or because Yuji was able to control Sukuna, they figure that the DPs would be no problem?
Yuji really isn't a vessel. He really was born a cage. No one else has been able to have complete control of their own body without the incarnated sorcerer possessing it gives up that control willingly (ex: Angel and Hana - Angel lets Hana have control).
Yuji isn't just a cage for Sukuna. He's a cage for anything!! It makes sense that the DPs couldn't take control of his body because he could control Sukuna.
But they didn't know Yuji was made for that that I'm aware of!! There was a risk literally 6 times with the Death Paintings!
I'm sleepy writing this... I have thoughts, oh my gosh... just ignore me...
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knowshedoes · 5 months ago
to each their own but as a women I refuse to get pregnant without a ring
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