#but y’all went into this wanting the show to fail because
twinsarekeepers · 8 months
Seeing the way that pjo fans have jumped on any opportunity to nitpick and criticize the show has made me realize y’all really want this show to fail and you’re really not slick about why.
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r3starttt · 8 months
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Streamer gf! Ellie whose wall is almost filled with guitars even though she only plays with one specific and does it just for you.
“Y’all wanna see the guitars? I only use that one actually” she moved her chair to show it properly, pointing her index finger at one that was lying on the floor
“Want me to play? I haven’t done it in a while”
Streamer gf! Ellie who remembered everyone that she had a girlfriend once she went super viral (and got made fun of bcs there was no way she could even approach to any girl without getting nervous and it seemed)
Streamer gf! Ellie who made you appear on stream with her after that just to prove you were in fact real and dating her.
“For today’s stream I’m gonna show y’all my wife, be nice, but not too much” she grabbed you by the wrist, bringing you closer to the camera and only showing you from your nose down.
“I told y’all to not be so nice, why’re you even calling her mommy? What’s wrong with you people”
Streamer gf! Ellie who got insisted on doing more streams with you so she started to play with you on stream (ofcs your favorite games most times) and bringing you with her anytime she played any horror game.
Streamer gf! Ellie who started to play Minecraft with you once a week on stream (having more views those days too) because people loved the dynamic you two had for that one game specifically.
Streamer gf! Ellie who ended up showing your face by accident while trying to adjust the camera and panicked once her chat told her because she thought you’ll get mad or something
“What do you mean? No I did not-“ she started to open like ten different tabs on her computers, checking something desperately and trying to push you so you wouldn’t see the screens “what? What happened?” you asked, confused.
Ellie was panicking but the chat didn’t seem to take it so seriously so you laughed at her too, still fully confused and trying to understand whatever the screens showed. That until you saw you face on a clip “Did you just show my face?”
Her eyes shifted to you, not saying a word “El, did you? Really?” once she heard you laughing it was like the sudden tension on her body disappeared almost immediately, letting out a small laugh as well “Well everyone, meet the wifey” your hand slapped her arm, not to hard but with how dramatic she is; she pulled away from you ‘oww’
Streamer gf! Ellie who tried to make a vlog and failed because she doesn’t know how to hold the camera properly (you ended recording everything for her)
Streamer gf! Ellie who social media is full of shit posting, kitties and you (likes every edit her fans make about you)
Streamer gf! Ellie who once did a bet with you during stream and ended up getting long nails because she lost almost immediately
Streamer gf! Ellie who wears lots of “I love my girlfriend” shirts on stream
Streamer gf! Ellie who spoils you a lot and likes having small dates with you, like building legos together, doing movie marathons or going shopping. Just anything where she can spend her money on you and have a nice time together.
“Babe, wake up” you were covered in blankets, hugging a pillow and trying to cover yourself from the warm but very bright rays of sun that entered trough the open spaces in between the contains. Groaning the moment Ellie started to pat your back because that meant she was either hungry or bored and needed you up too.
“El, let me sleep… cuddle with me, Mhm?” the way she chuckled made you turn around, trying your best to open your eyes properly “I have a surprise for you” her sleepy voice elicited a smile on you “yeah?”
She got under the blankets, crawling to you until she was practically on top of you “yeah, and I don’t wanna be late” her lips pressed on your forehead, hands on your face making small circles around your cheeks with her thumbs
Streamer gf! Ellie who insists on you making your own YouTube channel or something like that because people love you a lot and you would be a very talented influencer
Streamer gf! Ellie who got excited when you first opened an account somewhere to interact more with the fans and did lots of spam about it
Streamer gf! Ellie who begged you to get a cat. She wanted the orange + black combo originally but ended up getting a gray kitty she found on the street (and it’s obsessed with it, it’s her baby) She named it either a stupid name or something game related
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Streamer gf! Ellie who apologizes a lot for having to go on stream during the weekends or when you’re free and feels bad for not being able to spend more time with you
Streamer gf! Ellie who always goes to cuddle with you and the cat after every stream and asks you to tell her everything about your day
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allfryam · 2 months
the biggest team in the country
Coach Johnson sighed as he watched his football players practice. Their skinny bodies were struggling to keep up with the rest of the teams in the league. They were constantly getting tossed around the field when playing against a bigger team. Coach knew he had to do something if they wanted any chance of winning this year.
at the end of practice, coach rounded all the boys up and took a knee. “Y’all are clearly havin a tough time when playin against the other teams. I’m putting y’all on a new diet to try to enhance your performance.” The players looked around in confusion. The dining halls on campus have given each of y’all an unlimited food plan.” This got the players excited. “Now I want y’all to use this, alright? So I’m going to require y’all to eat at least 5,000 calories per day. No skipping meals. Any player that fails to meet these conditions will have to deal with a separate punishment.” The players had big grins on their faces. They couldn’t be more excited to eat as much as they wanted in the dining halls.
a month after coach started this experiment, he had each player weighed a week before their first game of the season. Matt G. - 155lbs to 169lbs
Jake R. - 143lbs to 160lbs
Steve B. - 151lbs to 164lbs
Jason K. - 149lbs to 170lbs
Mason L. - 154lbs to 171lbs
Dylan S. - 146lbs to 164lbs
Zach B. - 158lbs to 175lbs
Connor M. - 143lbs to 146lbs
coach was seriously impressed with how quickly his team was growing. All of them except Connor. He had only gained 3 pounds in a month? Coach knew he was going to have to give him the special punishment.
after the weigh ins, coach sent the rest of the team home and pulled Connor aside. “Hey Connor.” Coach sighed. “I’ve noticed you only put on 3 pounds this month. What the hell happened?!” Connor’s face got red. “I… umm…” he stuttered. Coach stopped him and told him to meet him at his house in an hour for his punishment.
Connor showed up to coach Johnson’s house extremely nervous. Coach sat him down in the kitchen and put a big bowl of pasta in front of him. “You ain’t leaving till you finish everything I serve you.” Coach growled. Connor shuddered and started eating the pasta. When he was finished with that, coach placed a large cup full of some kind of smoothie. Connor chugged it and his stomach started to look like it was about to burst. When Connor had finished the drink, coach put the final meal in front of him. It was an entire cake. “But I’m already so… full.” Connor moaned. “THATS TOO DAMN BAD!” Coach yelled. Connor reluctantly began eating the cake and about halfway through he started to cry. “WHAT THE HELL YOU CRYIN FOR BOY?! I GAVE YOU UNLIMITED FOOD AND ALL YOU COULD DO WAS GAIN THREE POUNDS?!” Connor cried his way through the rest of the cake until his stomach looked like it was about to explode. Coach sent Connor home and went to bed proud.
By the time the first game came around, Connor had gained a few more pounds because he was terrified of having to go back to coachs house. The boys did better than they ever have. They were becoming heavy enough to rival with the other teams. But it wasn’t enough. They still lost because the lighter teammates were still getting thrown around. Coach knew he had to speed this process up.
at practices he banned the boys from most cardio and stocked the locker room with lots of snacks. Coach continued taking the lightest player to his house to stuff them full of fattening food. Once the boys found out how bad the punishment was, it motivated them even more to be bigger than their teammates. Their uniforms began growing tight around their expanding bellies and thighs. Before the second game, coach took their weights again:
Matt G. - 169lbs to 183lbs
Jake R. - 160lbs to 179lbs
Steve B. - 164lbs to 185lbs
Jason K. - 170lbs to 190lbs
Mason L. - 171lbs to 178lbs
Dylan S. - 164lbs to 187lbs
Zach B. - 175lbs to 203lbs
Connor M. - 146lbs to 180lbs
coach was astonished. His team had really stepped it up, especially Zach, he was over 200lbs now! But looking closely, there was a clear outlier. Mason was the lightest on the team, which meant he was going to get coach’s special punishment.
Mason arrived with an appetite after Connor told him what happened. Coach started with an entire pizza. Mason gulped it down and unbuttoned his jeans to make more room. Coach gave him a carton of ice cream to eat next. As Mason ate, coach noticed his tight shirt start to rise due to his expanding gut. Mason had to take it off because it became so uncomfortable. Towards the end of the carton, Mason decided to drink the melted ice cream left at the bottom. Coach watched as he chugged the creamy liquid spilling a few drops onto his round stomach. Mason set the empty container down and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his bloated belly and groaned. But coach wasn’t done. He gave Mason a Big Mac as his last meal. Mason could barely think as he slowly shoved the Big Mac into his mouth. His eyes were glazed over and his stomach was screaming in pain. He eventually finished and coach sent him on his way, knowing he learned his lesson.
The second game had finally rolled around and they actually won! The boys were becoming big enough to hold their own on the field. Even though they won, coach still wasn’t satisfied. The team they beat was still one of the smaller ones and some of the lighter boys were still struggling. Coach treated them to a buffet for their victory and made sure they all ate well.
the team continued winning against bigger and bigger teams and coach continued treating them to trips to the buffet. They were a month away from the championship and coach knew they were going to have to get a lot bigger if they wanted to win. He decided to weigh them again so he would have a month to get them as big as possible for the championship.
Matt G. - 183lbs to 218lbs
Jake R. - 179lbs to 208lbs
Steve B. - 185lbs to 230lbs
Jason K. - 190lbs to 236lbs
Mason L. - 178lbs to 227lbs
Dylan S. - 187lbs to 217lbs
Zach B. - 203lbs to 257lbs
Connor M. - 180lbs to 234lbs
coach liked the results he was seeing, especially with Zach, he was easily the heaviest on the team, and he put on weight like it was nothing. But once again, coach also noticed the lightest player, Jake.
Jake knew what he was in for when he arrived at coachs house. He sat at the table ready to eat the insane amount of food coach was about to feed him. Coach started with waffles. A stack of about 15 thick waffles dripping with butter and syrup. Jake tore through them one by one, not caring about the syrup dripping from his mouth onto his rounded belly. Coach brought out a cheesecake next, and Jake took off his tight shirt to make more room. He scarfed down the delicious food, moaning with pleasure. Coach was surprised. Nobody on the team ate as fast as Jake, and they definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as he was. When the cheesecake was gone, coach brought out the final meal, his homemade lasagna. Jake grinned as he began to eat it. Lasagna was his absolute favorite, and coach made a mean lasagna. Coach watched with awe as Jake’s belly grew and grew. Soon enough, the entire tray of lasagna was gone and Jake just let out a big burp and rubbed his bloated gut. “What else ya got coach? I still have some room for more.” Jake said between burps. Coach was stunned. There was no way this boy could still eat after all that food. Coach found a pie left in his fridge and watched Jake quickly get to work. Before coach knew it, the pie was gone and Jake was headed home with his bloated belly leading the way.
in the month leading up to the championship, coach Johnson was doing everything he could to keep his team growing. He mixed mass gainer into their water, treated them to the buffet after every practice, got the school to supply them electric scooters so they wouldn’t waste their energy walking to class, convinced the chefs at the dining hall to give the boys extra food when they ordered, bought snacks to supply their dorms for when the dining halls were closed, and finally bought them bigger uniforms so they had plenty of room to grow. He would constantly call them small and weak, and do his “punishment” with the lightest player every single night.
the night before the championship, coach weighed the players one last time.
Matt G. - 218lbs to 262lbs
Jake R. - 208lbs to 270lbs
Steve B. - 230lbs to 281lbs
Jason K. - 236lbs to 288lbs
Mason L. - 227lbs to 274lbs
Dylan S. - 217lbs to 264lbs
Zach B. - 257lbs to 312lbs
Connor M. - 234lbs to 290lbs
coach was proud. They had all ballooned in the last month with coach’s help. Their round bellies, thick thighs, massive arms, and broad shoulders made them quite the force to be reckoned with.
the day of the game, the team played great. They slammed the other team to the ground with their immense weight. Especially Zach. He had grown to over 300 pounds, and not a single person on the other team could move him. Their smallest player, Matt, (who wasn’t small at all) was the fastest. Zach would push through the team and pass the ball to Matt who would run straight to the end zone and score. Coach and the team celebrated their victory with one last trip to the buffet. Their massive bodies took up the entire booth, and all of their food covered the entire table. They never had leftovers though, if one boy got full, another player would volunteer and eat the rest. The boys cleared the table and revealed their massive new guts.
coach stood up and tapped his glass with a fork to make a toast. “Yall listen up. I’m so proud of yall for stickin with it this season and followin my orders. I know it wasn’t always easy to keep up… but some of you did that and then some. So I wanted to hand out a few awards.” Coach reached into his bag and pulled out a miniature trophy. It read, “most weight gained - Zach B.” The boys cheered and Zach claimed his trophy. The rest of the trophies included:
most “punishments” - Connor M.
biggest appetite - Jake R.
roundest belly - Dylan S.
biggest comeback - Connor M.
coach had created 8 big, heavy, and hungry football players, and he was excited to meet the new freshmen next year to see if they would do as well. ~
I’ve always really liked the idea of a coach fattening up his players. I’ll probably do a part 2 if you guys want it. I already have some ideas on how coach plans on fattening up the new freshmen. Anyways, love you guys! And remember you can always message me with story ideas or a picture you want me to write a story about and I’ll do it completely free.
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vngelicc · 1 year
m e a n d y o u r m a m a
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p a i r i n g : namjoon x reader
g e n r e : domestic boyfriend au.
t a g s : soft smut, drunk sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, breeding kink, flashbacks are in italics, y’all are rlly in love, mentions of future pregnancy, DOMESTIC, model!reader, teasing, IM SICK AT HOW SWEET THIS IS, drunk scene is where the baby is made LMAO
w o r d c o u n t : 3.6 k
s u m m a r y : you like to remember both what life before the little one was and after with your loving boyfriend namjoon.
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“Just how did you two manage to find each other in such a big world, what stood out the most for you?”
– I can’t really put my finger on it, when we first met each other I admit it was all me in the beginning. I couldn’t stop staring at her and I think she thought I was a creep or a weirdo. “Oh would you look at that, Kim Namjoon from BTS is a weirdo,” or something like that. I didn’t approach her until the end of the night, right as she was leaving. It turned out we had a lot in common, other than the whole being invited to the same fashion show thing.
The camera shutters and flashes went off in every direction and the room was filled with chatters from the stylists on set. Despite getting the chills now and then you felt empowered and beautiful in the tiny backless night slip that seemed to ride up with every movement you made. (You know Namjoon is definitely enjoying the sight of you prancing around in such scandalous attire.)
Namjoon’s dressed to the nines, styled in a black and white striped suit, a watch worth over sixteen thousand, and his black hair styled in such a way you wanted to tangle your hands in it. “You’re both sensual beings,” the photographer had expressed before the shoot even began, and that he was right about.
Here you were, perched on Namjoon’s lap like his personal little arm candy to show off to the world. His hand rested over the small of your back, his other arm perched on the armchair whilst he lazily flicked his hand back to avoid getting any ashes on you or himself. “Look into the camera,” the photographer mumbled, “show me the art of sex you both embody.”
You stared into the camera with a sultry gaze, eyes half lidded and lips parted slightly. Namjoon couldn’t resist and right before the camera went off again he turned to look at you with eyes full of desire and lust. How could he not after all? Given that you were practically being offered on a silver platter to him dressed so scantily and pretty.
“How did you realize that she was the one?”
– It wasn’t hard at all, I often sat at home thinking about the future a lot with her, I slowly realized she was my home, my entire future included too. I think that the dealbreaker for me was when we finally decided to get matching tattoos of our name together, we went in separately because we wanted to surprise each other. She comes out smiling like a kid in a candy shop, and when I ask her why she shows me her ring finger, and right there I see my initials. I fell even more then and there. If it was even possible.
The hand on your grip gently guided you to a more comfortable position, ensuring that you were relaxed. You had a tiny smile on your lips as you stared deeply into his eyes. You hadn’t missed the way he subtly ran his hand over the expanse of your baby soft skin. His hand cheekily snuck a little squeeze here and there.
“Are you free after this shoot?” Namjoon grins in amusement, suppressing his laughter when he sees you roll your eyes at him. “What? Are you, or are you not?”
You give him a look, failing to hold back your smile as you fondly bring him down for a gentle peck. “I’ll have to see Mr Kim, we’ll have to discuss this with baby Kim, see what he thinks about it.”
Namjoon sighs in fake exasperation, “..I guess baby Kim can join us too then.” You playfully smack him in response.
“How in love would you say you are?”
– I would rather not be on this Earth if I couldn’t be with her, everyday I’m more and more thankful she came into my life. I don’t worry about it at night anymore, not when our little blessing is sleeping in the room next to ours. I think that I’m most definitely ready to settle down and enjoy life, well, our life to be exact. I think an image that’s recurring in my mind is of us walking down the beach with our kid, that’s how in love I am..
The world went absolutely berserk when Namjoon’s company had announced both his relationship and your pregnancy. For the sake of privacy your company didn’t offer much to the press, stating that anything in direct relation to your private life was to be revealed by you and you only. Something you deeply appreciated.
You dated quietly for several months, flying in and out to see each other with no one but your closest friends seeing the two of you together. Here and there you dropped some cryptic pictures with his hand in yours, a scenery photo from your date, and if you were feeling a bit bolder you posted a picture from the back of him walking straight ahead of you with your hand still in his.
Your fans were just dying to know who you were seeing, begging and pleading for more. You didn’t make an official statement until after the events of you discovering your pregnancy. Which like mentioned before was several months into your dating.
When you finally dropped the news of your pregnancy, you were about five months along already. It hadn’t been much but a simple picture collage on Instagram of your belly being surrounded by two ultrasound pictures. Namjoon’s hands were laid over yours with the caption being: “our tiny bundle of joy”.
The internet blew up, which was understandable because their favorite supermodel was both tied down and “somebody’s baby mama”. It felt a little cruel to leave them hanging so you explained in a more formal post on your Instagram. “I know lots of you are surprised ‘n stuff but I wanna let you guys know I’m doing okay and I’m happy with my on-going pregnancy! As you can see I’ve met someone very special to me and we’ve been together for a while now. I hope you will all continue to support me! xoxo”.
Namjoon was next after you since he had wanted you to be on-board when you both decided to reveal your relationship. He did the same, except posting a full blown picture of you sitting in the grass with the sunlight pouring down over your frame. He added a simple heart to it and let his company do the rest for him.
When the baby was born you had decided to add all those little moments captured on camera to a small video you decided to dedicate to your little one. Looking back on it now makes your heart swell with utter adoration and love for Namjoon. You realize that you’d go to hell and back for him, and he’d do the same for you.
After parties in LA are crazy, well the LA lifestyle was pretty wild on its own anyways. After attending your friend’s concert with Namjoon and some other friends of his, you two went off to the after party. It was pretty wild already, drinks were poured and people were sitting in small circles on the rooftop smoking weed and taking other stuff you were going to stay as far away from.
Namjoon and you were swaying together on the dancefloor, you had your arms wrapped around his shoulders loosely and his hands settled on your waist. You admit that maybe you had taken a few more shots than intended, same for Namjoon but the buzz was pleasant though and being with your boyfriend made it one hundred times better.
He had his forehead resting on yours, a closed-eye smile on his face as he listened to you sing along to the song playing in the background. “You’re off-key.” He teases.
“Do you want me to stop? Wait, do I sound that bad?” You pout at him and bring him down for gentle kisses, “You’re supposed to lie to me and say I sing better than anyone on this Earth.”
Namjoon’s eyes open and he kisses you a bit more intensely, “You sing better than anyone on this planet.” He murmurs against your lips.
A small smile forms as you push your forehead against his, “Are you drunk right now Joon? You telling me these things cause you know it’s what I wanna hear?” You tease softly. He shrugs in response and you laugh again and throw your head back. The world around you spins from how dazed you are at the moment.
Namjoon follows and leans down to trail kisses up the column of your neck, “You singing isn’t the only thing going on in my mind right now baby,” he mumbles, “I could think of a couple other things we could be doing instead of being here.”
You hum in response, “What kind of things were you thinking of?” You lick your lips. He doesn’t reply, not verbally at least, he slots his lips against yours with more intensity than the small lazy kisses he has been exchanging with you this past hour.
A soft little moan escapes your lips and you wrap your arms tighter around his neck. He pulls you in so you’re both pressed up against each other and whatnot. Through his jeans you can feel the outline of his cock press against your thigh, hot and throbbing which in turn makes you whine quietly into his mouth. Namjoon hikes one of your legs around his hip so he can press right up against your clothed pussy.
You start grinding sensually against him, unknowingly moving to the beat of the music playing in the background. Namjoon groans softly against your lips and pulls back to stare into your eyes with a half-lidded expression. “C’mon, let’s get the fuck outta here.” He tugs you in by your ass.
You nod eagerly and stumble after him as he takes you through the large crowd of people. You’re in no state to drive and neither is he so you two catch a ride with a friend you see who also happens to be leaving the party too. The whole ride back to your home is spent exchanging heated kisses in the backseat of your friend’s car.
When you get there Namjoon hoists you up in his arms and carries you in. You tangle your hands in his soft hair and tug him closer for a kiss, moaning into his mouth as he kicks the front door open and enters. “C’mon baby,” you mumble pawing at his shirt as you try to take it off, “need you so bad.”
Namjoon groans in response and sets you down, hurriedly tossing his shirt off and then going for the back of your pretty little dress you got on. The hallway becomes a mess leading to the bedroom where Namjoon has you pinned on the bed, hands searching through the drawer for a condom. You’re whining and pleading for him to hurry, wrapping your legs around his waist as you pull from the kiss, “Forget about it baby.”
“You sure?” He dryly replies, swallowing in obvious excitement.
“Mmhmm.” You nod, “Just need you in me,” you breathily whisper and reach down to grip his hard cock, “c’mon baby, put it in.” You moan softly as you rub his cock up and down your wet slit, “You feel how wet I am for you?”
Namjoon shivers at your husky soft tone, his eyes drop down to where your hand is stroking his cock as you tease yourself with the mushroom tip. A bead of precum drips from the tip and adds to the mess of slick your pussy has made. He moans loudly and reaches down to grip his cock himself and push up against you until the head catches at your opening.
“You’re driving me fuckin crazy baby, I’m gonna fuck you so good. Gonna have you shaking and gushin’ for me, pretty little pussy boutta cream all over my cock and make a fuckin mess.” He slurs out and presses in, pushing to the hilt until his pelvis is pressed close to yours.
A loud moan escapes your lips as you throw your head back on the pillow and grip the sheets. His words only seem to fuel the desire pooling in your belly causing you to grind up against him in an effort to chase your pleasure. Namjoon places both hands on either side of you, using it as leverage to hold himself above you while his hips begin to slowly roll into yours.
Your pussy is so slicked up you can hear every time he pushes his cock in and out. With a choke up whimper you reach between you two and rub your clit in slow circles to match with the speed of his thrusts. Namjoon buries his face in your neck and ends up mouthing at the skin there while he loses himself to the pleasure and rhythm of his thrusts.
“Fuck you feel so good babe,” he moans, “gripping me so nicely, wanna watch my cum drip from your pussy, love making a mess outta you.” He whispers into your ear, his hands slither down to grab your asscheeks and he holds onto them tightly while passionately fucking into your throbbing cunt.
A wobbly little cry bubbles out of your throat at the change of pace, he drives his cock into you passionately with his thrusts jostling you up the bed with how hard he’s going. Your bleary eyes open, the room around you is all blurred out from your tears and how tipsy you feel from the drinks earlier. You feel like you’re spinning in ecstasy, pleasure blooming pleasantly all throughout your body.
A blissful smile forms on your face as you hike your legs up higher around his body, “Mmm, right there Joonie I can feel you so deep in me… ‘s so good,'' you slur out, “gonna cum.” Your breath hitches.
Namjoon moans a little louder as he pulls back from your hickey littered neck to stare down at you, “Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock baby? C’mon baby, wanna see your pretty face when you cum,” he leans down to slot his lips with yours in a messy little kiss, “you’re so fuckin gorgeous babe.” He whispers like it’s a top secret no one must know.
“L-Love you so much,” you hiccup softly, “so, so, much.”
Namjoon whispers his own set of ‘I love yous’ whilst he fucks away at your cunt. His cock bumps into your g-spot over and over again, it makes your legs shake from the strong pleasure. Your orgasm draws nearer and nearer until you suddenly stiffen and it hits you like a ton of bricks.
“Namjoon..!” You cry out, hugging his body closely to you as you shake through your orgasm.
He groans in response and bucks up into you for a few more minutes until he’s coming too. He cums with a low moan of your name, head already dropped down on your chest. You end up laying there lazily trying to catch your breath and stay awake. A wave of drowsiness hits you out of nowhere, you try to blink the sleepiness away but every second that ticks by you’re closer to knocking out.
“Mmm so sleepy.” You softly whisper as you let your arms fall back on the bed and lay there motionlessly.
Namjoon hums in response as he lays his head on your bare tits, “Me too.” He mumbles out, eyes already closed in bliss.
“Les sleep,” you slur out softly and wrap your arms around his head, “so.. Sleepy.” You whisper the last part out before sleep takes over and you’re left in the dark.
“... ‘Would you look at that Haru, daddy’s finally getting around to build your crib. After ordering and leaving it in the closet for months.’ You tease softly, holding the camera up as you try to get it to focus on Namjoon who’s sitting in the middle of the room reading a book of instructions with a look of utter confusion on his face.
‘You need help there?’ You laugh softly.
Namjoon looks up at you with his eyes lighting up with joy when he sees both you and your swelling baby bump, ‘You come in here to make fun of me or what?’ He chuckles as he sets the booklet down and holds his hand out to you.
‘No, dropped by to ask for the car keys cause I’m hungry–no, we’re hungry.’ You correct as you rub your belly and step closer.
Namjoon gently pulls you in and nuzzles his face against your tummy, ‘I left the keys in the room by the bed, what’re you gonna get?’ He says as he lays soft kisses over your shirt.
‘A burger or something.’ You reply and angle the camera downwards so you can capture him kissing your tummy, ‘You wanna come? That way you can take a break n stuff since this crib stuff is hard.’ You laugh.
‘Haha, very funny.’ Namjoon rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
‘Love youuuuu.’ You coo as you begin walking away, capturing his own ‘I love you’ just in time before you walk out the door…”
Namjoon and you were both wrapped up in bed lazily making out with the TV on in the background. You were SUPPOSED to be watching the new Scream movie that came out but Namjoon had other plans. With him kissing up on you like that it reminded you how rare sex was between the two of you ever since Haru was born. It was like the kid had a sixth sense and knew when you guys were trying to get into the mood and stuff.
You’re surprised he hasn’t started crying through the monitors by now, but you rather not jinx it just yet. You’re both buried under the warm covers which obscures both you and your noises. Namjoon takes it slow, rocking his hips back and forth against yours. His cock fills you to the brim and brings nothing but a pleasant ache and pleasure. This is exactly what you were missing, the intimacy.
Given the circumstances around Haru’s conception you and Namjoon went back to using condoms because you were not about to risk anything (not that you didn’t miss him going bare, which he did a lot during the pregnancy). Soft moans and pleased little sighs left the both of you, between the two of you there were quiet squelching noises that your sopping pussy made from how slicked up you were down there.
“Shit.” Namjoon curses under his breath as he ducks down to hide his face in your neck.
He keeps the same pace up, making sure to hit those sensitive spots that send spiraling in pleasure. Your moans rise a bit in volume but he’s quick to hush you with his lips, not wanting to wake up the baby in fears of ending the one time you can fuck early. Namjoon pants softly and pulls back, reaching down to hike your thigh around his hip to go in deeper.
“Fuck you make me wanna give you another baby.” He groans out, “Gonna look so beautiful, full of our baby,” his eyes close and he shudders in pleasure like he’s thinking about it.
You let out a tiny mewl in response, pussy tightening around his cock at the thought of him knocking you up with another baby, “You’re not playing fair.” You softly pout.
Namjoon breathily chuckles but it dissolves into a moan when you squeeze around his cock again, “Can’t help it, you look too goddamn sexy.” He purrs and rocks into you faster.
The bed frame gently creaks from the increase in speed, you end up whining at the change and quivering, “Right there,” you bury your face in his neck and hold on, “mmm..mm.” He grunts quietly and keeps hitting that spot where you like it, he reaches down to flick his thumb over your clit in time with his thrusts.
Your head falls back and you let out a loud long moan, shivering for a few seconds before going limp as your pussy convulses around his cock. He hisses softly and lets himself fall on you as he rocks into you slowly, trying to stave off his own orgasm but failing miserably because you feel so good.
He throbs and a quiet moan escapes his lips, cum filling the condom (he secretly wishes it was you he was filling up. “Shit.” He lifts himself off of you and rolls on to his back, “Can’t believe we actually got to finish this time.” He chuckles.
You sleepily hum, curling up and closing your eyes, “..I know right..” You mumble softly, already on the verge of falling asleep since you know, that’s the parent life for you now.
Namjoon yawns quietly and leans over to smooch you gently, “Night baby.”
“....Night.” You whisper softly.
“Is this..?”
“..Holy shit, you’re serious. Fuck baby.”
“Are you not happy..?”
“Of course I am baby, I’m excited to have this baby with you. I love you more than life itself, I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you, only if you’ll have me of course.”
“Of course I will you big dummy, why wouldn’t I?”
“I love you two so much..”
“I love you too.”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama
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wildbluesorbit · 10 months
London || JTK
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Paring: asshole!Jakexreader(f)
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE! I can’t even tell y’all how nervous I am; this is my first fic AND the first smut I’ve ever written. I’m a Third Eye Blind freak and just generally think this song is one of the sexiest songs in existence so naturally I knew I wanted to write this fic. Big big love and thank you’s for my editor @tommie-gvf. I loved writing this so much and didn’t think it could get any better until I saw everyone’s reactions.❤️‍🩹
I ask for your patience as I’m a beginner and am very open to criticism. Pretty please tell me what you think!
Summary || Jake has a lover that lives in London. He visits her every time he’s in town, but recently the simmering situationship has taken a toxic turn.
Content Warnings || swearing, alcohol consumption, party setting, toxic relationship, jealousy, over possession, verbal aggression, slight physical aggression, big angst, graphic sexual depictions
Kink Content || dom(m) and sub(f) shift, [semi] public sex, dirty talk; praise & [public] degradation, sadism, zelophilia, katoptronophilia, daddy kink, slight impact play, nipple play, dry humping, hand job, ejaculation(f), oral sex(f receiving), penetrational sex
Word Count || 8.3k+
*disclaimer - I have no idea how to write any European, reader’s origin is up for interpretation*
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You continue to refresh your phone screen in hopes that it will load a new message or maybe even reveal a glitch.
“You know,” your best friend, Claire, aspires to tempt you back to reality, “that guy hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since we got here, right?”
A hum in acknowledgment of her bait is the only thing your split attention will allow as you proceed in refreshing your messages. Even going as far to restart your phone.
“He's kind of cute,” you return another hum as she sings further, “like really cute.”
“Go on then, have a go,” you try to push her self-assigned matchmaking duties back on her.
You have no choice but to be shoved back into the rumbustious surroundings of the overpopulated flat party as your phone is suddenly ripped from your hands. Claire raises it above her head not even bothering to investigate what might be holding you hostage. She is well aware of your antics.
“Please don’t tell me you're texting him again,” she lifts the device higher as you futilely lunge for it.
“He said he was coming,” you begin to gather a defense, “but I haven’t gotten a response since I sent the address… maybe hold my phone a bit higher?”
Claire lets out a monstrous groan of frustration and rolls her eyes, “You really are helpless!”
“I know,” you repine and give her your best pleading puppy dog eyes and hold two starving hands out in front of you.
Begrudgingly she gives in, slamming your phone against your awaiting palms. As soon as your phone is back in your possession you return to refreshing your messages, all in vain of course.
Whenever Jake was in London he always visited you, sometimes even flying you out to whatever part of Europe his show was in or just because he wanted to see you. A trail of one night stands that became ritual.
The nights always started out modest, the two of you innocently traipsing about parties and bars accompanied by his brothers. You would all share drinks and stories for hours, belly laughing until you were ceased by sore ribs, as if you had all been friends for decades.
Nevertheless without fail, as the drinks poured further so did Jake’s appetite for you. He'd always shadow you with some kind of seemingly harmless touch; a hand on the small of your back progressed into squeezing your knee and then thigh, to tugging you into him by the waist when he was made uncomfortable or wanted to share a secret amongst chaotic surroundings.
One by one, his brothers would slowly fade out; Sam first, then Danny, and Josh was always the last to let the party die, taking it with him when he went. From that point, the evenings between you and Jake would morph into a primitive and sensual burn. Teasing and tearing at each other until the two of you eventually spent the rest of your night curled around the other. Once again, darting back to your guarded bubble of shy soft intimacy; neither of you willing to accept it was different from anything else anyone made you feel. Time spent together was something the both of you always rushed through days for, memories neatly placed in a treasure chest of beloved keepsakes when it was over.
But lately, it was different. Something brittle and bitter had blossomed. Jake had gotten only bigger and busier. Sometimes, he’d pule about missing you so naturally you’d beg to see him. He’d send beautiful trinkets and fine clothing from whatever part of the world he was in that next week to ineffectively make up for his absence no token would ever emulate.
Though you are elated for him, you are also acutely aware of your need to move on in order to outrun the pining tidal wave that threatens to swallow you whole. You’d tried before, but no man was Jake. And seeing you with other men only spelled him into a envious fit. A sight that tormented you both, the other too afraid to cry out as nothing was ever set in stone.
So instead you’d go to war over some irrelative thing and he’d ultimately swear on his beloved he didn’t give a shit about you and when or if he’d see you again; only to gift you some pretty peace offering in amends to offset the vigorous cycle once again.
Like a vinyl record against the needle, the two of you are going round and round the same circle; different songs, same sonic. You know if the pattern continues, you are slowly headed towards the dead wax. You hope tonight will mend the broken pieces between you as he vowed he’d come to spoil you a few weeks ago.
“You need to cut him off,” Claire has stated her stance on the situationship brazenly before, “all he does is treat you like shit. He entertains you from a distance and keeps you waiting until he wants to get his dick wet.”
Having been through this debate with her many times, you only frown and exhale, “It's not like that and you know it.”
She mirrors your disapproval, “Isn’t it?”
Just as you are forming your rebuttal your phone buzzes in your hands; confiscating your ability to exist anywhere other than your screen. It might as well have looked like you were going to dial 9-9-9 the way you dementedly scramble to open your phone.
Hey, angel. Sorry, I got stuck at this dive with my brothers and now they don’t want to leave. I think we’re just going to spend the rest of the night here. Maybe I’ll catch you next time?
You had not been enjoying your time at this party. You had been ignoring your best friend. You had been ignoring cute flirty strangers. You had been exuberantly anticipating Jake’s company tonight for months. All to be left on read, pathetically pining for hours now; all so you could be stood up by the man.
Your chest bursts with flames of mortified resentment, fueled by his impudence. Irate does not even scratch the surface of how your heart pounds. Your blood is scalding, skin scorching.
Jake made you feel stupid yet again.
Your face must give you away before you can even get out a word of impertinence as you look up from the insolent text to see Claire smugly sipping her drink.
A knowing smirk spreads viral across her face, “He's not coming, is he?”
The last thing you want to do is tell her bitch ass she is right in your state of red. Instead, you offer her a question you know will sate her pride without feeding on your wounds.
A vengeful grin takes hold of you “Cute stranger checking me out, you mentioned?”
You have never seen her look so pleased with herself as she nods in the direction of a man at the end of the bar whose gaze you hold.
There is no way you are going to let this night go to waste. Not after Jake made such a desperate-looking fool out of you.
You decide if he is going to ignore you it's going to be his loss, not yours. You are not going to let him waste your time and you are definitely not going to let him take your fun.
You throw your most alluring eyes and innocent smile at the stranger and wave him over. He returns the greeting and calls some indiscernible phrases out to the bartender before receiving three drinks and walking over to your table.
He is tall, dark, and handsome. The complete opposite of Jake. A promise of great distraction.
He sets the three drinks down at your table pushing two glasses of what he claims to be screwdrivers towards Claire and yourself. He then proceeds to introduce himself as Hunter through an almost seemingly painful giant smile.
You can’t help but compare it to your favorite pretty and childlike grin Jake always wore, a sight you ache for.
You cordially engage in small talk with him, asking and answering the procedural “Where are you from?”, “What do you do?”, and “What do you like to do?”; fitting in the occasional desirous glances and seemingly innocent yet lingering touches when appropriate.
He is definitely funny, but not witty and satirical like Jake’s humor; undeniably intelligent, but not in the philosophical and existential sense like Jake.
You mentally berate yourself for still thinking about a guy who is obviously not thinking about you when Hunter clutches your hand, ripping you from your dissociation.
He points towards the middle of the flat where you see multiple people frolicking about, “Do you want to dance?”
Why the hell not? You throw back the rest of your drink and smirk wide in response. This seems to oddly appease Hunter but you think nothing of it as you feel yourself being towed to the make-shift dance floor.
At first, the movements are modest, just an adventurous activity between acquaintances. But after a few songs, you feel the alcohol rid you of your inhibitions, most likely against your better judgment, but at this moment you can’t seem to wrap your fingers around any care if you tried.
You grind and tangle yourself up with this man you hardly know. He seems into it and you are blissfully swept away from your afflictions, a win-win. So what is the harm?
As soon as the thought has come and gone, you feel it; an overwhelming perilous sensation of being surveilled. You turn your attention over to where you had left Claire at your table to see her deeply engaged in conversation with Josh.
Fuck. Where there is a Josh there is most certainly a Jake.
You whirl towards the flat’s bar to lock eyes with the source of the sinister stare; an infuriated Jake leaning against the countertop, arms crossed. He holds your gaping stare with a blistering nostril-flared one of his own, licking over his salient bottom lip into that bewitching pout and clenching his jaw.
A small part of you threatens to collapse under guilt as if you have been caught doing something wrong. But you find the majority of you seethes under a new tantalizing flame, devouring any clemency present.
Almost drunk off of this new power dynamic, finally, you have the upper hand and Jake is the one squirming. Of course, you want Jake over this clown any day of the week but he had made you wait almost all night, he can definitely handle a few more minutes.
You spin, now facing towards Jake’s beaming acrimony from the bar, allowing him a full access view to you commandeering one of Hunter's hands connected to the small of your back and slowly guiding him down to your ass, the other to your waist. You press your backside against his pelvis and his hips follow, grinding in the motions of your own.
You stretch upward as high behind you as you can, sinking your fingers into Hunter’s thick black curls. Just to sell it, you showmanly lean your head back against Hunter’s shoulder and whisper sweet nothings in his ear when he leans down into you.
You glance up at your petulant victim to see Jake roll his eyes and throw his head back in a deriding chuckle before he slams down the rest of his pint. Jake is most certainly under your spell.
You tell yourself that each song with Hunter is the last dance until you’re unsure how many have passed. Any concept of time you own is completely suspended in the delicious way Jake looks when he is hungry to devour what he can’t have, and in this moment it happens to be you.
Abruptly, you feel yourself being swept towards the nearest wall and your face being tilted up towards Hunter’s as he cranes his mouth down to meet yours.
It is nice. Pleasurable for sure. He is definitely a good kisser, but again all you can bring yourself to think of is Jake’s perfectly pink pouty lips pressed against yours.
There is no point in tormenting Jake if you are just as miserable.
As you are about to break away from the stale kiss, Hunter’s weight that is pinning you up against the wall unexpectedly falters, sending you fumbling to the floor. You attempt to regain your balance but the room is slightly spinning, a likely side effect from the alcohol in your bloodstream. You might have questioned it having only had a drink or two if your focus wasn’t currently employed by figuring your way back to vertical.
A hand makes its way into your line of sight, offering to help you up. You swat away the aid, recognizing it as Jake’s. He huffs and shakes his head vexed. Jake brings himself closer to the whirling stack of bones that you are on the floor and tenaciously claps his rangy hands around your waist; making a show to assign his fingers in the exact arrangement where Hunter’s had just been. He devoutly springs you to your feet as if you'd rehearsed the move. As soon as you gain your footing you step back from Jake and dust yourself off, despite landing on a clean floor.
You inspect your crumbs of clues; the boys glaring at each other and at the brink of verbal warfare. You arrive at the conclusion that a fuming Jake had let all restraint dissipate as he shoved Hunter off of you in his impulsive fit.
“Why don’t you go find some other victim to slam into a wall,” Jake snarls, “she’s had enough for tonight.”
“She didn’t seem to have a problem when she was dancing all over me,” Hunter shoots back genuinely confused, “are you supposed to be her boyfriend or something?”
You race to interject, “He is not,” addressing Hunter but then throw your finger in Jake’s face, “and you have no right-”
Hunter takes one big territorial step to cleat himself between you and your oppressor. An exasperated Jake scowls at your fictitious defender and back to you, his features melting into a sickened sight as if to ask if you are really going to allow him to be vilified as the threat.
Of course protection from Jake is the last thing you will ever need. He could say whatever he’d like but Jake will never lay a harmful finger to you.
However, the hunt makes the game. You subtly shrug at Jake and let the mens’ egos carry out your dirty work.
Hunter sets his fist on Jake’s sternum in an attempt to get him to step back, “Mate, she doesn’t seem to be into it so why don’t you give us some space.”
This is the trigger that detonates the antagonized man just in front of your human shield.
“Oh trust me, mate,” he mimics Hunter in an explosion, the shrapnel riding your blood to your cheeks, “when I say I happen to know what the little slut is into and it is definitely not-” Jake is cut off by a panicky Josh now stepping in between the two before Jake can say anything he can’t take back.
Josh seems to instruct his detesting brother through glances. You always find it hard to properly digest a situation with the appropriate amount of severity when the twins begin conversing with mere facial expressions.
It only lasts for a second or two before Jake refixes his glare towards Hunter. Mirroring Jake, Josh returns to Hunter with an antsy smile and places a friendly hand on his barely-reachable shoulder, as if he is about to deliver bad news.
“Sorry about him,” he starts to mediate, motioning towards his fuming twin he shrugs and chuckles nervously, “tequila makes him aggressive.”
You almost giggle at Josh’s flamboyant rescue. He is a detail oriented man who is verbally quick on his feet. He usually paints pictures you can not poke holes in. So you know he must be distraught or drunk as you hadn't even seen Jake drink an ounce of liquor since he arrived.
However, Hunter doesn’t seem quite as amused as he slaps Josh's hand off and grunts, “Whatever, I don’t do crazy exes anyway.”
He insincerely waves you off and facetiously blows Jake a kiss in one last satirical jab before sauntering off, dematerializing amongst the crowd.
Jake now recoils from Josh’s touch and waits for him to vanish as well. However, Josh’s sight seeks you and bears a disapproving nod, warning you to behave in a glower. For a split second, you forget he is a twin as his protective demeanor is all that of a vigilant elder sibling.
Nevertheless, Josh makes his way back to where he had been so unnecessarily interrupted and dragged away from Claire.
Your attention gravitates to Jake in daggers. Before you can form any thoughts or strategy, venom goes flying past your lips, “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”
Jake swivels his head around, slightly panicking at all the partygoers that had stopped party going to sightsee this freak show. He never likes to be the center of attention unless he has six strings and a fretboard under his fingers.
Nimbly, he leads you by the arm into the nearby bathroom and slams the door shut.
You throw your arms out in confusion, “Have you lost your fucking mind?!”
He fires back, “No, just my patience with you!”
The room is small enough now that his scent circulates and the offensive smell of beer and bourbon attacks your senses; which explains his uncharacteristic boldness.
“Shit, Jake, you smell like a fucking brewery,” you spit out.
He seems to grasp how sloppy he let himself get. Your words siphon a hint of sobriety as he takes a deep breath and now speaks to you with a much more repealed approach.
You can tell he is still upset but is focusing on his convictions for the moment, “Are you okay? I didn’t mean for you to fall like that.” He hesitates, “And I’m sorry- I have no idea why I called you slut- I didn’t mean-”
You are nearly swept away by the sweet breeze of your angelic Jake; the one that trips over his words when he gets excited and loves to take on whimsical personas of his own invention. Jake that is present and kind, even at the end of the night. But just like a fleeting breeze, you easily withstand his charms.
He may have found his composure but you certainly did not, not that you want to, “I’m fine, Jacob! Want to explain whatever the shit that was?!”
Any remorse present in his tone abandons him, “Oh please, you wanted that! I could see it all over your face while you were messing with that prick. I don’t even know why I'm surprised. You’re like a child who throws a fucking fit. The moment I don't do or tell you exactly what you want you go throw yourself into the arms of some random no-good fuck. I knew you were with him as soon as you went radio silent.”
You narrow your eyes at him. You’re almost suspicious of the blank canvas he’s left for you to fill in with logic; he’s usually ten points ahead when debating, never speaking a vulnerable statement for someone to collapse before him. You are almost hesitant to ask the question.
Your hand finds your hip as a means to reinforce your interrogation, “That’s just it, isn’t it? You don’t own me, Jake! So what if I was dancing with Hunter?”
He rolls his eyes and growls at the mention of his name. If Jake were an ounce more theatrical you swear he would have gagged too.
You cross your arms and lean into the balls of your feet as you sharpen your questions, knowing you have him trapped, “If you knew, why did you even show up then? Why do you even care? It’s not like I’m your girlfriend or anything?”
He blurts out way too quickly to disguise any aloofness, “I don’t care!”
Jake immediately throws his head back in defeat and groans, crumbling under further rumination of your questions, as if they frustrate him as much as they do you, “I don’t know! You just- It kills me to see you- sometimes- you make me so-”
He is struggling to articulate his thoughts without making himself look like the blatant asshole, but you see right through it.
You, however, have no problem spitting the word out. In fact, it progresses the igneous tension between the two of you into a delicious sweltering burn.
You dangle the word right in front of him just to watch him squirm, “Jealous?”
The accusation furrows his brow and tightens his shoulders.
If you didn’t know any better, his sudden dark tone would have you red with shame for such an accusation, “You think I’m jealous? Trust me, kitten, you haven’t even seen jealousy. Go fuck that guy for all I care.”
You giggle and raise a slanderous eyebrow, soundlessly challenging his overtly bogus defense. Your defiance vacillates Jake back to his munition.
He charges towards you, his footsteps following the alignment of his pointer finger swinging in your direction, “What the fuck are you smiling at- You know what?! Fuck this and fuck you! You always do this. Always getting me into more trouble than I bargain for.”
Jake is growling in fragments now, growing taller with every step he takes drawing in towards you, surrendering to your gravity.
“This isn’t me! I’m not this person who gets jealous and fights with strangers at a party,” he gestures his clenched fists towards you, arms length away now, “And I don’t like being angry with you!”
Jake corners you between the wall and a stall, yet his rushing commute ceases to falter, “And what’s worse is I actually think you enjoy this! You must get off on this! I think you want to see me lose my mind!”
Jake is close enough that you are now confronted by the moles that cradle his right jaw, the charming silver starting to streak from his temples, the sculpt in the cartilage of his prominent nose, the slight uneven curl of his upper lip and the barely there freckles that line the ample lower. Details no camera could capture and no screaming fan could ever have knowledge of; intimate details one would ever amass without his admission.
If he moves any closer he would have to kiss you. He scolded you for getting worked up off his anger when he was doing the exact same thing. The worst part being you aren’t even sure if he has caught on to this rage-driven gravitation between the two of you. His face reads “Caution, stay away,” but his body is imploring you to take care of him. He is right where you want him, giving you all the power once again.
He resumes waving his finger at you and stiffly pokes your collarbone. He opens his mouth to make another point but his words never deliver themselves. You see his very thoughts dematerialize as he touches your buzzing skin.
He doesn’t even lift his finger from you, just lets it fall to the start of your breasts, making your chest heave. He subconsciously presses his body to yours; so close you catch his erratic breaths on your lips.
You hastily retort while he is distracted, “That’s pretty amusing considering you're the asshole that ruined my night, not the other way around, slut.”
He rakes the pad of his finger still connected to you, up your clavicle till it rests at the top of your outermost prominent neck muscle, delicately wrapping the rest of his digits around your throat once he runs out of room. He sinks further into your orbit so that he is now hovering just above your features.
“Look at you, just begging for someone to put you in your place,” he rasps out, ever so slightly applying a teasing pressure to reduce your air flow.
Collecting yourself enough to stream your words out in a lazy river, you dare taunt the feral man that holds your next breath between his fingers, “Look at you, Jacob, absolutely rabid with jealousy.”
“I’ve had it with your little attitude,” his hand delectably contorts further around your throat in a fit of conniption as he roars through clenched teeth, “Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t fucking drag me here to make me jealous.”
“Bite me, Jake,” you roll your eyes at his arrogance.
You expect him to snap at you, to reprimand you for your insubordination. However, to your surprise he laps one long stripe from the corner of your pout to the start of your cheekbone. The action expels your nerves into shock; a shudder slithers its way up your spine.
Jake sighs against the shell of your ear, “Is that why you’re being such a little fucking brat? You just want me to bite you, sweetheart? Is that it?”
Your only response is a whimper as a crackling heat awakes between your thighs and your hips grind into Jake on their own accord; giving him the only answer he needs.
Satiated by your feedback, Jake nearly moans at regaining the upper hand, “I swear- and why should I even care, kitten?”
You urgently squeal, struggling against your constricting airway, “Because it’s your fault! I’ve never craved attention until you did this to me!”
Cocking his head to the side to purport the appearance of a disapproving analysis, he mocks your need, “How did we end up like this, beautiful? We are absolutely no good for each other.”
You don’t bother devising a clever response, knowing he’s already decided to give you what you want.
He clenches his jaw and runs his tongue along the ridges of his teeth, twisting the pink muscle into the crevices of his molars, “It’s rude to stare, kitten. Do I need to teach you how to use that pretty smart mouth of yours?”
You only bat your eyes at him, your expressionless face waiting for what you know comes next.
He raises an eyebrow at you, impatient for some response and mutters, “Say something.”
A shit-eating grin sneaks its way onto your face, “Don’t forget to lock the door, babyboy.”
Jake’s once kind eyes grow dark to an absolutely immoral shade of lust. Heedlessly, his lips crash against yours, the sensation you’ve fantasized about since the last time his mouth deserted yours. He tastes of bourbon and peaches.
He slips his hands around your ass and hauls you up to straddle his waist. You wrap your legs around him as he staggers towards the door lock as you instructed, as if he couldn’t wait to get his hands on you long enough to complete the task first.
Jake places you on the sink and protestingly pries himself back from you, as if starving for more but looking at you was a vital duty he must perform.
His eyes plot you up and down, infatuated with this strand of you, reserved only for him. You don’t have to say a word for Jake to know what happens when he’s away; the way you move for him confesses everything he is already aware of. He is the only one capable of having you completely and utterly vulnerable and unguarded and unadulterated; animalistically yourself.
For the first time tonight, Jake’s pretty pout draws back in a genuine smile for you; a giddy fool and his favorite fix.
He gracefully reaches to untie your wrap blouse and it falls to your sides, uncurtaining your heaving breasts. He hums in satisfaction of your physique.
Jake lightly places his hands on your knees and observes as his fingers featherly dance upon your thighs, only to stop and squeeze into the thick of them until he leaves white imprints. He curls into you, Jake’s perpetually exposed chest rubbing against your newly bare nipples, extracting a hiss from you.
Your core already weeps with need.
The hungry man burrows his face into your neck but stops right before his lips meet your skin, knowing you desperately need his mouth.
He teases you with a tickling whisper, “Fuck- I missed you. They don’t make girls like you in Nashville.”
The ribbing huff of his breath makes you shudder.
You press your hand against his hip, slide it down the curve of his thigh and inward till you map out his hard length through his pants, “I can see, you poor thing.”
Your movement draws a low growl from him in your ear, “Fuck- You see what you do to me, kitten? You see all the problems you cause me?”
You begin to palm him through his clothes and feign out a bratty whine, “Yes, but we always have such a good time, don’t we Jakey?”
Jake begins to eat at your neck while you continue to caress him until he moves down and out of your reach.
He plots out your clavicle, licking down your sternum through the valley of your peaking breasts; delaying his journey to lap one of your nipples into his warm salacious mouth as he gropes the other in his lanky hand. A few mumbled swears fall from you as Jake begins to venture in biting and sucking marks into the supple flesh of your breasts, soothing each spot with candied kisses afterwards.
“Shit- just when I thought these perfect tits couldn’t get any prettier. An absolutely breathtaking sight with my bitemarks,” he pants.
Jake’s mouth resumes its migration south to your goosebump ridden thighs. He sinks his fingers into the flesh of your ass, resting his elbows against the corners of the sink for balance as he lowers the rest of his body to accommodate the angle of your glistening center.
His mouth now takes purchase of where his fingertips had just deserted your thighs, kissing away the residual sting; closer and closer to your entrance till his head vanishes, canopied in between your skirt and legs. You feel the heat of his huffing through the lace of your panties. The sensation alone is enough to make you whine with need. Jake then bites into the material of your damp thong, sampling your arousal as he tugs your underwear to the side using his teeth. Jake plants his lips to yours in a row of delicate kisses, making you quiver with anticipation.
“Wider,” he growls out the demand.
You lean back to let your bare shoulder blades rest against the ice cold mirror behind you in order to grant him better access to your wetness. Jake is entranced as he gapes at how the chill glass spells you to hiss and clench around nothing.
He takes a deep inhale of you and slots the tip of his nose against your entrance. In one agonizingly slow movement he reclines his head so that his nose flits over your aching clit as he sticks out the flat of his tongue to follow the lewd trail.
You open your mouth to sing his praises but all that comes out is his name in a hiccuping squeak.
He then wraps his ample lips around your throbbing clit and nimbly sucks it into the warm plush of his mouth, swirling his velvety tongue around your bud.
The deed elicits a piteous wail to escape you and the confiscation of any remaining control over your restless limbs. Your hips involuntarily swing forward, seeking more of his mouth.
He rewards you with a swift smack against your thigh, “Easy,” he begins to plant light kisses on your entrance, “needy little thing today, aren’t you?”
Having not fully removed his mouth from you, the vibrations of his teasing words sends unexpected ripples of titillation humming through you, instigating your reeling squirms further, “Relax, kitten. I know how to take care of you. I know what you need.”
He finally unlatches his other hand from your ass. You hadn’t even registered the delicious sting of his fingers over the imperious pleasure of his mouth; a pain promising to blossom into pretty hues of purples, blues, and greens.
He delineates the curve of your thigh with his fingertips, finally fluttering over your entrance. Impatiently, he hikes your skirt up to bunch at your waist. He savagely yanks your lace underwear down and over your ankles, not even bothering to wait for you to adjust to help slip the material off. He looks to you with a seemingly innocent goofy grin as he pockets his newly pillaged treasure.
You roll your eyes and press your lips together to stifle your obvious giggle. In a feigned offense, Jake snatches your ankles in his grasp to reestablish his authority and your attention. Slowly, he lifts your legs to settle your thighs around his shoulders, careful not to throw off your balance on the porcelain counter.
You lock your ankles around him as his hands pet up your legs and wrap around your thighs to bore into your flesh. Jake reintroduces his mouth to your soaking entrance, sloppily devouring your nectar.
Though pleasing, you know he is holding out on you. Jake loves to hear you beg; for you to pray for what you know he can’t help but give you.
“Jake, more,” you demand despite knowing it will land void.
He immediately ceases his feed and arrogantly reminds you of your place, “Oh, I don’t think you’re in any position to give orders now, are you kitten?”
Mourning the loss of his mouth, you choke on a sob, “No, Jake!”
He tenderly begins to brush his digits along your skin, “That’s right, but I happen to know that pretty mouth sings a lot lovelier than she barks.”
He moves one of his thumbs to circle over your swollen clit as incentive, making his compulsion undeniable.
You desperately pant out your pleas, “Please- Shit- Please, Jake. I need- Jake- Fuck- fingers?”
“Sorry, baby, you’re not making any sense,” he terrorizes you now, stretching a free digit from your bud to tease your entrance.
You manage to piece together your needs enough to satisfy him, “Jake- please, I need your fingers- need them inside me- I need to soak them- please, baby?”
Your scandalous words draw a sweet moan from him. The vivacious grant of your request tells you he can’t stand to make you wait any longer.
He begins pumping his middle and ring finger inside you, making you mewl his name.
He once again envelopes your clit in his lips and begins to suck and lap you towards ecstasy. You feel the euphoric tension strain your abdomen as Jake curls his fingers around the spot he always seems to effortlessly discover.
“Fuck- Jake don’t stop- please- please don’t stop,” your voice reaches the high pitch only he brings it to.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, you sound too pretty with my fingers inside you to deny,” he coos against your sensitive clit.
Jake’s lustful praises send you into an orgasmic haze as your walls squeeze around his fingers and back arches away from the mirror.
As he feels you getting close, Jake begins to coach you, “Relax for me, beautiful. Can you relax that pretty pussy for me?”
You inventory only enough coherency to wantonly moan, indicating your process of his demand.
“Good girl, that's it. Just breathe and take it,” his praises coerce you into obedience.
Even though every endorphin in your body is imploring you to writhe at Jake’s touch, you do your best to relax and breathe as he ordered. You relent to Jake’s fingers, allowing him to caress into a new spot, a fresh wave of sensitivity finding you.
He knows he’s found the place as soon as you squeal his name in response. He begins to violently fuck deep into you with his hand, pumping in and out of you, his fingertips catching his new target every time, catapulting you into your orgasm. You're consumed by white heat as you soar through your ecstasy.
You’ve cleared through your orgasm yet oddly the tension in your abdomen is not alleviated but is now twice as constricting.
Jake never ceases to send his fingers in and out of you at a furious pace and the pressure that builds is of a different class, requiring your whole body to participate in your release. Where he was once babying his mark, he is now assaulting it; his digits curling into you with every pump. The sloppy sounds of Jake finger fucking you grows louder with every stroke.
His lips swallow your clit, slurping you into his mouth for safekeeping, sending you into overdrive as you approach this new release. Your pussy begins to convulse and contract around Jake but he drives into you faster still.
“That’s it, babygirl, cum for me. I’ve missed having you on my tongue,” his words barely make their way into your consciousness.
Your vision begins to black out as your eyes roll back and your slick sprays his face and coats his hands.
Yet, Jake refuses to cease his assault. Your climax builds within you so tight, it rips its way out of you. Your cunt expels a deluge of liquids and continues to pour into Jake’s hand with every dizzying clench of your cunt. Again. Again. And again. Until you are downpour, trickling past his wrist and onto the tile floor.
“Fucking shit- Jacob- don’t stop- I can’t- I’m still cumming- Ja- Baby- Jacob,” your voice melodically crashes and breaks against waves of rasping screams and swearing whimpers louder still, floating off somewhere in oblivion.
Jake thinks it's the most beautiful you’ve ever sounded. Your body finally gives, and you collapse back against the mirror behind the sink. After a few seconds you peek your eyes open to see the mess you made.
He pulls away from you to stand once again and observes his glistening hand in a gaping awe, unphased by your cum dripping down his chin.
“I love when you do that,” he mutters more to himself than you as he slurps your elixir from his own limb.
He isn’t even touching you but the pornagraphic sight reels a moan from you.
“Does my beautiful girl want a taste of her own orgasm?”
He places his fingers along your lips, waiting for your consent. You stick your tongue out and he slides his digits up along the textured muscle until you stifle a slight gag; the veins that decorate his knuckles pressing into your top lip.
He pulls your mouth closer to his with his fingers, slipping them out just before he slides his tongue between your lips; you further taste your glaze as he licks into your mouth.
He impatiently pulls away from you with a hungry groan and scatters to undo his belt. His pants fall to his ankles, his normally hidden curves now visible; a delectable sight you will never grow tired of. His physique is appetizingly curvier than most men and the very view made your dripping pussy flutter without remedy.
Jake catches your ravenous stare and arrogantly quips, “See something you like, kitten?”
Rather than respond, you greedily grab at him and slip your fingers under the waistband of his boxers. You tug him closer along with the material and shimmy it down to liberate his hard painfully pink penis.
“I missed you too,” you run a finger over his leaking tip, causing his head to roll back in a hiss, “and this pretty cock.”
In one swift movement, you quickly gather your remaining arousal on his face in your free hand and reach down to slather his throbbing dick. You lay messy open mouth kisses along his jaw and neck as you now lightly pump him in your hand.
“Fuck- you’re so hot,” Jake rasps out at the loss of composure; his mouth slacks agape as you continue to jerk him off.
You move your hand to flick at his head and his features further melt in bliss.
“Slow down,” he whimpers, ”I want to be dripping down your thighs, not your hand,” his statement demands your submission.
You can tell Jake is unraveling fast as he starts twitching in your fingers. He is close until he obstinately pulls you away from him by the wrist.
You pout out an apology and he relocates your hands around his shoulders, and grabs your waist as he paints your cheek with open mouth kisses. His tongue works a long stripe behind your ear and sucks your lobe into his mouth.
He speaks through teeth clenched around your cartilage, “You always misbehave like such a brat, but underneath it all my girl is just a sweet thing, aren’t you?”
His intimate words alone render you to a din of pitiful mutters and swears.
You feel him begin to press his hard cock into the thick of your thigh, involuntarily pursuing relief, “You just need someone who knows what you are, hmm? Knows what you need?”
You praise and beg as your center is reintroduced to that familiar ache, “Jake, please. You know what I need.”
The sensation of Jake grinding himself against your leg dissolves all restraint. You try to buck your hips towards him in search of what you want most, but he doesn’t let you succeed. Jake arrests your waist to push you further back onto the sink.
He snickers at your cupidity, “What a greedy little slut. Just came a fucking mess and you already want more.”
You stroke his ego with hopes flattery will seduce him, “Yes- I’m a glutton for you, please, Jake?”
You scoot back up to the edge of the sink and grab at him; mad for his touch. Instead, your ambition is requited with a stinging smack to your cunt as he bellows the command, “Sit still! I’m not going to tell you again.”
You can’t help the fearless groan that echoes throughout the small room.
He bitterly miffs, “Yea? Should have thought about that before you were fucking around with that shit for brains?”
“Jake, I’m sorry,” you gravel, growing more impatient by the second that you can’t feel him.
Your insincere words purchase you no spoils as he taunts you further, “Good- You have no idea. I wanted to break his fucking nose wide open! What was his name again, sweet thing?”
Before you can fashion any remark, he yanks you to teeter on the end of the countertop once again. Jake, shaft in hand, drives his throbbing tip just past your lips, and flicks himself against your sensitive clit.
Your knuckles grip white against the corners of the porcelain struggling to remain in place as you whimper gibberish, “Fuck- Jake- I- MMM- fuck-”
“Look at my good sweet girl, so cock drunk she can’t even remember the pawn she was using to make me jealous a few minutes ago,” he smugly croons.
He featherly runs his fingers through the tresses of your hair. As he smooths down your mane you cave into his touch.
“I fucking hated seeing you with him,” his words drip with scorn, “It killed me. You deserve better because you’re my good girl.”
Lining himself up to press into your labia, he docks his forehead against your clavicle to look down at his toying with you. Slightly arching forward, his pink head only just glides past your entrance.
You are teetering over the line of ditzy, Jake’s tantalizing quips being the only tether before you are too far gone, “What a filthy slut? Playing dirty to get Daddy’s attention?”
Any remaining composure flees from you as the name is growled against your skin and you immediately call it back to him, “Shit- I’m- fuck- I’m sorry, Daddy. Please, fuck me?!”
One hand still residing in your hair, he tugs by the root to guide your ear to his open mouth, “Well you’ve got my attention now, my sweet little fucked out thing.”
Without warning, Jake mercilessly thrusts himself inside you to the hilt. You slap your hand over your mouth to silence the obscene wails tearing through you.
Jake promptly rips your hand away, “Don’t you fucking dare. I want everyone to hear my little cock drunk slut sing.”
Without granting you an opportunity to adjust to his girth, he pulls himself nearly all the way out just to plunge himself all the way back in, driving into that magical spot.
Just as that illustrious need grows in your stomach, Jake pulls out completely. You don’t have the opportunity to protest before he gathers you from off the countertop and twists you around towards your reflection. He gingerly presses his touch into the protruding shape of your shoulder blade, lightly ushering you to lean over the slab of the counter. You surrender to Jake’s decree, not willing to risk your orgasm.
Jake finds your fucked out gaze through the mirror and faintly adjures, “I want you to watch as I fuck you.”
You know better than to mistake his lowly tone for submission. You lean your weight on your elbows as you settle against the sink and raise your head to take in every detail as Jake begins fuck into you from behind.
His pace starts off moderate, but every stroke pierces deep. Your eyes are spellbound by the vision of his pelvic bone slamming into your ass with every harsh swing of his hips.
You do your best to keep your eyes visible as his rhythm picks up, but inevitably your head hangs limp, dizzy from your approaching high. You resign from your efforts once he begins to rock into you faster, burying himself further in your cunt.
You are compensated by a half-lidded Jake forcing your head back up by your chin, “Nah-uh. Look at me, baby.”
You manage to anchor your head where Jake repositioned it, but you are helpless to the way your eyes roll back as he swivels his hips rutting into that sweet spot. Jake grants you exoneration as your walls tighten around his twitching cock, indicating you are close.
Your every muscle trembles as you are abraded by your final orgasm. You're too far gone in your trance. You babble a gibbered language of swears and crying moans as you give into the chemical release.
“Just one more for me, babygirl, you can take it,” he hushes you.
You are strung back from your trip by the stutter of Jake’s hips and hiccuping moans. He is close. You see him tire as he curls around you, his panting grunts tickling your skin.
“Come on, baby,” you root for him despite your own overstimulation, “fuck me full. Want it so bad.”
You are captivated by the reflection of his features contorting under bliss as he fights to keep his hips in motion. You roll your hips to follow Jake’s strokes as his high suspends his stamina.
His eyes roll back as he begins to convulse, his dick jerking inside you. He releases, his lewd moan of absolute venery graces your ears as he empties himself inside you, coating your pulsing walls.
Jake goes limp, briefly taking refuge against your backside as he catches his breath and you come down from your highs together. He lazily litters your skin with kisses wherever his lips can reach.
He sighs against your spine, “Fuck- you’re magnificent. Absolutely electric.”
He wills himself to stand vertical, tugging his pants back in place over his hips before he eases you upright. Assisting you with his steady grip on your pelvis, the steamy skin of his lithe chest sticks to your backside. He wraps an arm around your waist to hold you steady as your knees buckle upon landing, pulling you into him once more. He bows his head to warrant his lips to lathe your neck, savoring the salt of your skin.
Far too consumed to break away from his sloppy kisses, he tilts his head as his eyes hunt for the reflection of yours, “But I meant what I said earlier, we’re no good for each other.”
He nibbles his way up and sucks at the muscle of your jaw, “I like you way more than I planned to but there’s no way we can continue like this, babygirl.”
You go numb; the only sensation present being pins and needles pricking your chest. His words spell you dumb, abolishing any sense to speak or move.
He delicately spins you to face him once again and tenderly kisses the tip of your nose.
Jakes slightly pulls back to skillfully tie your blouse back up for you, “Whatever this is, it's got to settle here.”
“Jake- you-,” you breathlessly chase for the tail of your thought that doesn’t seem to exist.
He squeezes your hands in his, “I mean it, kitten, don’t call me anymore. I won’t pick up for you.”
The tender manner in which his lips love on you does not mesh with his condemning words.
He draws back to see tears you aren’t aware are now rolling down your flushed cheeks.
He lets go of one of your hands to cup your jaw and kisses the salty sadness from your features, “Don’t cry, baby, you’re perfect.”
He envelopes your lips between his one last time before he brings your hand still in his grasp to place his pucker against your knuckles and whisper, “Please take care of yourself for me, babygirl.”
You are prisoner to paralyzation as those enticing amber eyes abandon you; rendering you to nothing but shattered forsaken ruins strewn across an empty bathroom, grasping and grappling to purchase any sort of rationale beyond the carnage.
You’re forced to silently choke on consternation at the sight of his chestnut waves bouncing against his shoulders as Jake weightlessly vanishes through the swinging door.
pretty please let me know what you think🫶🏼
taglist - @alwaysonthemend @becinabubblegvf @carbondancingthroughtime @edgingthedarkness @fleet-of-fiction @gretasfallingsky @gretasmokerising @gvf23 @heckingfrick @hsfallingsky @imleavingyoufornewyork @kiszkazz @klarxtr @itsafullmoon @jakesguitarsolo @jakesmustache @livkiszka @sacredjake @sparrowofthedawnsworld @takenbythemadness @thewritingbeforesunrise @tripthelightfatality @vanfleeter @wetkleenex-gvf @zoe-tally06
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list and know y’all have already made this so rewarding❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
this was the eren and reiner fic with a the different ending. i felt like it wasn’t what y’all wanted so i changed it, but if you’re interested in reading it here it is🤷🏽‍♀️
caller blocked
“ian ready for no relationship.” the excuse of excuses. the words that were always thrown your way after you’d try to convince your little “fling” that you wanted to be more. eren stood up, zipping his pants before grabbing his hoodie and heading out your dorm room. your situation was…complicated. well not really. you grew very attached to this man, looking for him at parties, going to every single one of his games, giving him your notes so he wouldn’t fail and get kicked off the team, and letting him fuck you whenever he wanted.
you were practically dating. or that’s what you thought. eren seen you as just another pretty little thing to keep his grades up and his dick wet. using you constantly while labeling it at love to keep you coming back for more. “b-but why ren?” eren dropped his shoulders, sighing before he walked back to you and raised your chin with his fingers. “you know the rules pretty. cant be tied down worrying about a girl during the season. when all of this craziness is over then we can work sum out.”
a smile bloomed on your face as you looked at eren in complete adoration. you couldn’t wait for the season to end so you could finally be with the man you love. your friends seen you as a complete idiot, and they had no problem trying to shut down your delusions. “girl what don’t you get? as soon as the season ends he gon drop you like a bad habit.” “yea he’s lying to you baby.”
you shook your friend as your friends annie and sasha tried to speak some sense into you. “he wouldn’t do that to me. h-he lo-” “he doesn’t love you and m’gonna prove it.” before you could reply annie pulls out her phone, clicking historias instagram story to show you what she posted in her close friends. there eren was, laying his head on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her as the rest of his body laid snug between her legs. the caption reading ‘pussy put his ass to sleep🤣’.
your eyes instantly welled with tears as you watched eren, your eren be with someone else the same way he’d be with you. annie was contemplating telling you for awhile. hoping that you’d come to your senses on your own without having to get hurt, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “why would he-” “because historias dumber than a bag of rocks and she doesn’t mind sucking and fucking a dick that’s been in half the campus.” sasha spit.
annie wiped your tears with a napkin from her purse before standing up with you on the quad bench. “fuck him furreal. there’s so many guys that have been tryna get at you, but you’ve been oblivious to them because of eren.” you nodded your head, acting as if you were agreeing but you were really heartbroken. the three of you said your goodbyes and you went back to your room. tears flooded your pillowcase as you thought about what you had just witnessed.
you were being played, but you weren’t about to just let it go. deciding that one day you’ll get your revenge, but right now you wanted nothing to do with him. weeks went by since you’ve last talked to eren. he wasn’t suspicious of it since he’d usually only talk to you when he needed something anyways. covering up his actions with “practice” to keep you from pestering him.
as annie said, a lot of guys have tried to get at you and instead of shooting them down like you usually did, you gave one a chance. you and reiner have gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. texting almost everyday, eating lunch together, and sharing your favorite books with each other in the library as you studied. he was sweet and charming.
always paying for your lunch no matter how many times you’ve tried to return the favor, walking you all the way to your dorm after a particularly late study sesh, and holding your hand when the two of you would cross the street. he mostly did that for his enjoyment, but you didn’t mind.
the two of you weren’t dating, but many people thought you were, given that one was barely seen without the other. “where’s your boo suge.” sasha would say when you finally hung out with your girls after three long weeks. “hush uppp. we just talking.” annie, sasha, and pieck busted out laughing before pieck leaked some information to you.
“girl you know we seen you getting your back blown out in the back of his jeep right?” your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in shock. “yupp. saw him pulling your hair and allat right in our dorm parking lot.” sasha said as you covered your face in embarrassment before mumbling into your hands. “ooouuu yall so nosey i could strangle all three of you right now.” annie scoffed as she pulled your arms from your face.
“you think we’re dumb? you’ve been ditching us every chance you got. and when you do decide to finally hang out with us for a little, you come with a bunch hickies and a pimp walk.” all of you laughed at her last comment. rolling your eyes before checking your phone. speak of the devil.
‘got everything ready for movie night!’
‘waiting on you now mama💛’
you looked up from your phone, instantly getting pissed looks from your friends. “don’t even say nun. go be wit your man. enjoy it too because this weekend you all OURS. you hear me?” you giggled as you stood from your spot on sasha’s beanbag chair. “i hear youuu. love yallll!!” each of your friends replied with “love you toos” before you left to go spend time with reiner.
“aight i got nightmare on elm street and i got fri-” “princess and the frog” reiner chuckled as you looked up at him. sitting on his bed in nothing but his t shirt that you changed into as soon as you got there. “we watched that last time princess. you said you’d let me switch it up.” pink lip jutting out in a pout at he looked at you with sad eyes.
you laughed, watching this huge man with black ink dancing around his arms and chest being such a softy for you. his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he situated himself under you on the bed. “okay then coco. i love un poco locoooo” a groan flew from his lips as he rolled his eyes at your choices. “no more disney. if i hear another song ima rip my ears off.”
the two of you ended up settling on john wick, but that didn’t really matter since it was thirty minutes into the movie where you found yourself plopping up and down on his thick dick. big veiny hand holding the back of your neck while his other arm was squeezing your ass. “how ya feeling princess.”
your moans flew directly into reiners ear as your hands gripped the pillow next to his head. “s-so good papa. real good.” his pace slowed as he started putting more of his inches into you. your hands flew to his hair, stroking and pulling his blonde crown with your eyes closed tightly. “that’s what i like to hear. love making my pretty girl feel good.” you were so out of it you didn’t even notice that reiners hand was no longer on your ass. instead he was texting your ex fling on your phone.
ren ren💚
‘yo. you up?’
he seen the name pop up and instantly got heated, knowing what he’s done to you. he grabbed the device without thinking as he made quick work to delete his number before replying.
‘yea what’s up?’
‘miss you mama🤧’
‘let me pull up on you’
‘the nerve of this guy’ reiner thought as a quick idea came up into his head. he quickened his strokes, laying the phone on the bed as the phone dialed erens number. “o-o-ooouuu rei you feel so good.” a smirk crept onto his face. “i feel good pretty girl?” you nodded your head, whining after you felt a hard slap to your ass. the sound bouncing off the walls as his one hand took up lots of space on your asscheek.
“use those words mama. like when you talk t’me.”
“y-you feel so g-good daddyyyy” reiner looked up at you in adoration before connecting his lips with yours in a sloppy kiss. smacking sounds ringing loud in the air as he practically devoured you. reiner glanced back at the phone to see that eren had hung up, a bunch of texts popping up as he scrolled through each of them.
‘wyd y/n?’
‘man you so lame for that fr’
‘how you just gon give my pussy away like that?’
‘he never gon be able to fuck you like i do’
‘cmon baby don’t pass up a relationship with me for braun…’
‘i swear i’ll never text historia again’
‘she could never amount to you ong baby’
‘text me back y/n :(‘
‘at least still study with me…historia’s so dumb i’ll get kicked off the team fasho’
*caller blocked*
reiner threw your phone to the side before laying you on you your back. pulling out of you before moving his head towards your pussy. his pink lips wrapped around your clit before licking up and down your middle. “all mine right baby?” his green eyes met your brown ones. the two of you staring deeply into each other before you nodded you head slowly.
“all yours”
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buff-muffin · 9 months
I’ve been slowly brewing up little One piece canon compliant head canons. These could be used to write little stories if I or someone else wanted. But I just want to get them out of my head so here you go.
Just an FYI. I’ve only finished pre-timeskip so spoilers for till the end of marineford ig and if something is proven different by Oda or later on in canon. I want y’all to know I really don’t care.
1. When Shanks was visiting Foosha village he had never actually heard of bug fighting neither had almost any of the crew. To little Luffy that was essentially a hate crime and he ran out of the bar so fast all of them thought they had upset the boy. He returned around an hour later with two large bugs in his hands and the crew got to watch them fight. Thoroughly smashed and here to enjoy Luffys interests they got WAY too into the fight and started placing bets and were screaming, cheering for their chosen bug. Never had the town seen so many grown adults so worked up over two bugs on a bar table.
2. Nami helps Usopp with his hair care. Back at Syrup village he normally had the kids help out when it finally needed to be washed. But now on the Going Merry he didn’t exactly trust a man with three swords or Luffy near his hair. And Sanji wasnt much help either. He was scared to ask at first but after Arlong Park Nami agreed and it soon become tradition for them to kick Sanji out of the kitchen for Usopp’s hair day and spend the whole time talking and gossiping. Sanji was and still is jealous about it but it’s completely platonic
3. (continuing after 2) Chopper was the next member to join the ‘hair care club.’ While his hooves aren’t the best for helping out with washing or braiding, and his human form’s hands were too big. He liked hearing about what went into caring for different hair textures. And he just liked to be helpful. However it was through being in the hair care club did Chopper realise that being part human because of his devil fruit meant his fur needed to be washed way more often than it did. And after some trial and error with wash frequency and products, they found the perfect combo that leaves him adorably soft.
4. (also continuing after 2) Robin was the fourth member and was invited to join before the events of Skypia. Nami asking if Robin could braid her hair while she did Usopp’s. But Robin just quietly confessed she had no idea how to braid hair. Seeing as no adult in her life wanted to sit down and teach her at Ohara. Seeing that as an atrocity, the hair care club had their first offical meeting. Where they showed Robin all sorts of braids on both Nami’s hair and Usopp’s
5. (continuing after 4) Robin quietly found herself very proud of the knowledge of knowing how to braid. And on quiet hours on the ship while she was reading and everyone was doing their own quiet things. She often used extra hands to add little braids to Luffy’s hair while he either fished or napped. Luffy is completely aware she is doing this yet never thought to bring it up. He loves little acts of affection from his crew and waking up to braids in his hair never fail to make him smile.
6. (continuing after 2. This is the final one I swear) Brook is the last member of the hair care club. While he lets Chopper check his ‘roots’ and general hair health he actually knows how to do different hair styles for Usopp’s hair texture and happily teaches him as well as the others and now Usopp can finally branch out in hair styles
7. one of Luffy’s favourite pass times is to listen to his crew mates talking about their dreams. He sits at the table listening to Sanji tell tales about the all blue. Or listen to Franky and Robin ramble about work. He listens to Zoro talk about people he wants to fight, and the islands Nami wants to visit. He’ll listen to Chopper’s doctor mumbo jumbo and Usopp talking about plans for new weapons. He loves listening to Brook’s songs but he’ll also hear tales about the skeleton’s old crew and stories of Laboon. He tries to ask questions to sound interested but it normally just gives people the idea he’s not paying attention. So instead he gives them encouragement. Because his favourite part, is seeing the way their eyes light up talking about something their truly passionate about, and the shameless smile they give him knowing their captain would never once make fun of their dream.
8. Robin quickly found comfort in Luffy after joining the crew and for a while she couldn’t figure out why. Until she realised his ‘shishishi’ laugh sounded just like Jaguar D. Saul’s, the giant she met growing up. And when she realised it was the first night she slept soundly on that little boat.
9. After loosing his arm Shanks went through a really annoying yet hilarious adjustment period of getting halfway through a task before realising he needs two hands. His crew always laughed when Shanks did his ‘wait how am I gonna do this’ pause. And while they always help him out when he needs it. They know he will figure out how to open things himself. Hopefully without his teeth.
10. Ace very proudly has a scar on his arm from where Luffy accidentally bit him once way too hard while fighting. When Dadan patched him up and told them it was probably gonna scar Ace was pissed, Luffy was wailing in apologies and Sabo had been dying of laughter that Ace’s first ‘cool fighting scar’ was his brothers teeth mark. Now though? Among the other battle scars Ace’s skin bares. That scar is his favourite story to tell. And all of the Whitebeard pirates know to. Never let their fingers near Luffy’s mouth.
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spicymushroomz · 8 months
Baby, I’m Jealous
Sebastian Sallow x Ravenclaw!GN!Reader
Synopsis: You get asked out by a guy from Ravenclaw and a certain brunette is not happy at all
Not Proofread
All Characters aged up to 18.
Word Count: 1056
Warnings: Jealousy, not historically accurate, Sebastian is aware of readers feelings, no use of y/n, use of an oc love rival, rushed pacing, making out, probably bad writing.
Author’s Note: Omg im so sorry for not posting. Ive been rlly stressed and dealing with #issues lately so im so very sorry. Please enjoy this little sebastian sallow fic (p.s. I might make this into an actual fleshed out fic if y’all enjoy this!)
Well, this was certainly an unusual day.
You sat down at the Slytherin table to eat with Ominis and Sebastian like usual, talking about various gossip going around lately, and discussing what shenanigans you might get up to later.
“No Sebastian, I am not sneaking into Scribner’s desk to find her weird demented romance books.” Said Ominis sternly.
“But Ominis! It’s for the greater good!” Pleaded Sebastian as you giggled at the two of their antics.
You had started hanging out with them after Sebastian showed you the Undercroft. 2 years back, even after all you went through, you stuck by each other. After these 2 years, it was no surprise you were in love with Sebastian. Even from the beginning you thought he was gorgeous, and Sebastian wouldn’t have it any other way.
You see, Sebastian had been aware of your little crush since the day he showed you the undercroft. He saw the blush on your face as he taught you confringo. He thought you looked great when you were flustered. It’s why for the past few weeks he’s been teasing you, whispering softly in your ear, fleeting touches, and sometimes you could’ve sworn you caught him staring at you. (Not that he would admit that anyways)
You desperately hoped he would ask you out, but as the days went by that hope dwindled. You couldn’t really blame him though, especially because he was trying so hard to look for a cure for his Sister, Anne.
You silently resigned yourself to a quiet, single life forever. Or at least, until you got over Sebastian. (Which might as well be forever)
Which is what leads us to this very strange, peculiar day. As Sebastian continued to plead with Ominis to go steal Scribner’s weird romance books, they failed to notice Dmitri Lockhart, another 7th year in Ravenclaw.
You met him on your first day, he was kind, if not a little cocky, and mostly everyone liked him. Apparently, he was the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team’s beater. You thought he was fairly handsome, with his toned body, fluffy blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. However you didn’t think he held a candle to Sebastian in terms of looks.
He sauntered over to the Slytherin Table, sliding in next to you.
“Hey there, [name].” He greeted.
“Hey Dmitri.” You greeted back. Sebastian clenched his jaw, his eyes lingering on how Dmitri’s arm was touching yours.
“So listen, I was thinking that maybe we could-well maybe we could go to Hogsmeade sometime this weekend?” He asked, stuttering a little bit. You were impressed by his straightforwardness but you wanted to refuse. As sweet as the boy was, you would rather hang out with Sebastian.
Which speaking of, was seething with jealousy. How dare Dmitri think he can just saunter over here and ask you out, especially because that’s what Sebastian was planning to do.
Sebastian looked at you, the faint blush on your cheeks made you look ravishing. What he wouldn’t give to kiss you there and then. But then this guy had to come over and make everything difficult. Sebastian knew that in the end it was your decision, so he just had to sit there and take it.
You smiled softly at Dmitri, and let him down gently. “I’m sorry Dmitri, but I’m afraid I already have feelings for someone else.” You said, glancing at Sebastian.
Dmitri nodded. “That can’t be helped then, sorry [name] see you later.” He said, getting up and walking back to the Ravenclaw table.
Sebastian smirked smugly. Of course you chose him over Dmitri, you were smart after all. He looked at you with dark eyes, like at any moment he would gobble you up.
“Excuse us Ominis, me and [name] need to go have a private discussion.” said Sebastian, leaving the table and gesturing for you to come with him.
Ominis sighed, hoping that whatever you guys were going to do, you would at least save some space for Jesus.
Sebastian dragged you out of the great hall and into a small corridor nearby.
“Where are we going?” You asked, excited. Sebastian looked at you with hungry eyes.
“[Name], I’m in love with you.” You turned red. This was not what you were expecting. You had no time to process before he hit you with a blunt question. “May I kiss you?” He asked frantically, his eyes fleeting from your lips to your eyes.
You were even more shocked, your brain short circuiting but still managing a small nod.
Sebastian wasted no time. Hungrily, he dove for a taste of your lips. He was like a starved man, having a meal for the first time in a month. He couldn’t get enough. He ravished you, not letting you come up for air for what felt like hours. His hands had wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
He needed you closer to him. You drove him crazy, everything about you. From your lips, to your eyes, to the perfect shape of your body, everything. Everything about you was perfect for him.
When you finally looked at eachother, out of breath from the kissing, you were an utter mess. Dazed, and in a state of bliss you had no idea if this was real or the best dream you’ve ever had.
“I love you.” said Sebastian softly, “I always have.”
Realizing this was all real, and not some strange dream, you replied. “I love you too, I always will.”
Author: I know this is cringy, but I have been craving just a cringy little fic lately. It’s also nice to ease me back into writing after a short break.
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rangerbarbz · 1 year
Patient Pines
Disclaimer: This chapter is a special one because this one is my first fanfic request! I am very excited to write this for them, and if anybody else has any more suggestions don’t hesitate to ask or DM me <3 I love writing for y’all. Thank you so much for the notes, reblogs, and lovely replies!!!
Summary: Ford refuses to admit that he’s sick, and reader must deal with him
It was late in the afternoon when you went to visit Ford at his dorm. You had finished all your classes for the day and wanted to visit him before you got started on your homework. You had put on a striped tanktop, high waisted shorts, and black converse to go see him. You always tried to dress cute when you saw him because it gave you butterflies when he gave you compliments on your outfit. However, you could show up in a potato sack on a date, and that man would still look at you like you had stars in your eyes.
You knocked on his door and smoothed out a wrinkle in your shorts. Before the door opened, you heard a cough on the other side, but didn’t think anything of it until you saw Ford. He opened the door wearing his red sweater and Backupsmore University sweatpants. His hair hadn’t been brushed and his eyes looked tired. It would have been a normal Ford outfit if it weren’t for the blanket that was draped around him. That did concern you.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Ford said in a gravelly voice. Even though he was definitely sick, the voice was kind of sexy. He leaned in for a kiss, and you put your hand up to his forehead stopping him.
“Ford, you’re hot.”
“No, I’m cold.”
You looked at him sternly. “Ford, you’re sick. Have you been resting?” You already know the answer to this question.
“I’m fine. I’ve been doing chemistry homework,” he replied, letting you inside. You looked around the room to see crumpled tissues near the trash can.
“That’s not what I asked, Mr. Pines. Have you been resting?” you asked again with your arms crossed. He quickly looked at you because that’s what you called him whenever you were upset with him. You only got upset at him when he wasn’t taking care of himself; that was his only flaw.
“Uh…No because I’m not sick, Y/N,” he answered, going to sit down at his desk.
You walked to his bathroom to open his mirror which revealed a medicine cabinet. You rummaged around to find a thermometer. You returned to his bedroom to see him tightening the blanket around himself.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this,” he said starting to get up. You pushed him back into his chair, and his eyebrows lifted a tad bit.
“Open,” you instructed, holding the thermometer in front of his mouth. He sighed and opened his mouth reluctantly. You stuck the device under his tongue. There was a short pause between you too as you examined the mercury rise in the metal tube.
“You know, if circumstances were different right now, I would be very attracted to this assertive attitude of yours,” Ford mumbled, with the thermometer still in his mouth.
You blushed a bit and smiled. He was so smooth without even meaning to be. “Shush. You’re going to mess it up,” you told him. “Okay, I think it’s done.” You removed the thermometer from his mouth, turned around to face the ceiling light, held it up to get a closer look at the tiny numbers.
“What’s the verdict, nurse?” Ford said pulling you into his lap with his strong hands.
You grinned trying to remain serious but failing. “You have a 101.2 degree fever, Mr. Pines.”
“Do I now?” Ford said, raising an eyebrow at you. He moved his hands underneath your tanktop to massage your hips. Lord, if he wasn’t sick right now, you’d be all over him.
“Yes, you do. Flattery will not work with me, by the way,” you stated, getting up from his lap. (That was a lie. You were practically putty in his hands.) “I am going to go down to the dining hall to get you a bowl of chicken noodle soup and by my dorm to get some medicine. While I am gone, I expect you to be in that bed RELAXING and NOT working on chemistry. Do you understand?”
He smiled softly at you. “I understand, dear.” You caressed his cheeks and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“I’ll be back soon.” You left the room and returned around 20 minutes later with a large to-go bowl of soup and ibuprofen. You opened the door to see Ford curled up in his bed. He looked so cozy with his eyes closed and the blankets on him.
“Ford, sweetheart?” you whispered, nudging him awake. He sat up in bed with his glasses askew. You chuckled and straightened them for him. “I have your soup and medicine.”
He gazed at you with love in his eyes. “Thank you, darling,” he said, accepting the bowl of soup. He started taking small sips of it from his spoon. “It’s very tasty.”
“I’m glad,” you replied, getting him a glass of water and his ibuprofen. “This will help bring that fever down.” He took the medicine quickly.
“Y/N, I want to apologize for being a stubborn patient. You’re right, I need to take better care of myself,” Ford started. “I let my studies get ahead of my personal health sometimes. I truly appreciate all you do for me. You have been an excellent caregiver, and I promise I will start looking out for myself more.”
You smiled at him and climbed onto the bed with him. “Thank you, Ford. I just worry about you. I don’t want to lose you any time soon,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. You wrapped your arms around his waist to pull him closer to you. He obliged scooting towards you and planting a kiss on your forehead.
“I will say, though,” you continued, “this sick voice of yours is kind of hot.” Ford laughed, his cheeks turning red.
“Are you saying you want me to get sick more often, then?” Ford asked jokingly.
“You wish. Free soup and cuddles? That sounds like a good time,” you answered him, kissing him on his cheek. “Are you feeling better?” You were being sincere this time.
“I always feel better when I’m with you.”
Author’s Note: I really liked writing this, so if anybody else has more requests just let me know. Hope you enjoyed!
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taehyungfirst · 2 months
i don't think what tae posted was fanservice, its a sweet moment between friends and its nice of tae that he shared this with us.
However, i don't like his timing. The trip was over year ago, why post it now? Its just not very sensitive of him.
Members went to media training, they are professionals and some even admitted to keep a Low Profile to respect the comeback time of others.
Nobody wants everyone of them to be totally silent, but i think its insulting to taes intelligent to say that he didnt know that he would rile up the taekook shippers with his post.
Also its not the first time that tae failed to mention jm's cb, while beeing active and feeding the shippers.
I love tae, but i believe we should still speak up, If somebody does sth that one dislikes.
I should’ve ignored you but this discourse is pissing me off beyond remedy.
He posted that NOW because Type 1 JUST dropped and he ALWAYS posted vcuts, and since Jungkook was there WITH him, he added Jk in his posts because he was reminiscing a cute moment and -again- he was there. If he didn’t post Jk face y’all wouldn’t be here complaining about it I can assure that to you.
“It’s not the first time he failed to mention jm cb” literally this is the first time he didn’t mention Jm, he has been showing support since forever and mostly, he doesn’t OWE you anything. You don’t get to speak and to dictate about someone’s friendship because you don’t know them, and friendship isn’t measured by social media posts. Actually, you always talk about Tae posting for Jimin, but did Jimin post about Tae projects? Where is his post about Wherever u r? Where is his post about Fri(end)s? Where is his post about LWA? Have you ever seen one of tae biased people complaining about that? No, because we don’t care. And you don’t care either you’re just upset Taehyung posted a picture with Jungkook and you don’t know how to cope with that.
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lycanlupins · 4 months
┌─ “ „ EYES LIKE SKY ─┐
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Roy Harper x F!Reader - Chapter 1
Cam Girl Au! [+18]
Sex toys, D&S elements, controlled orgasm, pet names
AN: im kinda back?? idk im trying this out because i really like writing again 🥹 lmk if y’all like this!! remember to like + rb + leave a comment if you enjoyed it!! Anyways, enjoy Chapter 1!!
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You heard a familiar ping come from your laptop, a sign that everything was up and working on your end.
“Great…” you sigh and roll your eyes, “Time for another show.” You’re a cam girl, and a pretty successful one at that, but it never failed to make you rethink your career path when you logged in at the same time every night like clockwork. You didn’t have a specialty so to speak but you did have a specific clientele, so you did what you do best; angle your camera, adjust your lingerie and press the glaring red go live button to start your show.
[r0binhood]: how’s our favorite girl?
[seraphicsiren]: tired, been pretty low energy lately but i’m ready to please as always!
Your number one fan, r0binhood, was finally there and that meant you’d be taking home at least $100 that night.
[r0binhood]: good, hopefully that means you have all of your toys charged ;)
Gag. He was probably some creep in his 50’s, rubbing one out on his wrinkly cock while you talk him through it but fuck it, his money was a nice cushion while you got back on your feet at the new apartment you were renting.
“Hi boys, let’s start shall we?” You purred, pushing the straps of your nightgown down ever so slowly just to tease your viewers. Suddenly you hear a familiar notification, your first tip of the night. A few tokens here and there from desperate men trying to get your attention but you knew better. You knew if you wanted the real money, you would wait for him.
r0binhood has sent you 50 tokens.
There it is. You push down your nightgown, exposing the lacey bra underneath, a slew of tips flooding your notifications once more. They never got to see your face, it was your one rule, and it kept the mystery alive for them. You won’t have a breach of privacy and they can imagine you look like their wildest, wettest dreams.
[r0binhood]: private show?
[seraphicsiren]: you know the rules, private shows are 500 an hour.
He wouldn’t, you knew better than to expect a man to buy that sort of time on one of your shows. Sure, you may make a few hundred per show along with your other forms of income but a private show? In your dreams. You were asking $25 an hour for your time, it wasn’t much but most men would tune out then and there.
r0binhood bought a private show.
The screen went blank, no notifications to be had and then an empty chat popped up.
[r0binhood]: hi princess. just thought i’d spoil myself and see what you can do for me with the time we have here.
You were used to entertaining multiple men, and sometimes others, at the best of times on your streams. This was scary, this was something you were completely foreign to.
[seraphicsiren]: you have an hour of my time to tell me to do whatever it is you’d like. my attention is all on you.
Your hands were shaking, sweaty, and clammy at the thought of performing for one person. You had been intimate in the past, that wasn’t the issue, he was paying for you to please him this time. And while yes, you knew what he liked more or less, he was still someone completely stranger to you.
[r0binhood]: why don’t you start off with the bullet, don’t take anything off, just use the bullet on yourself.
You grabbed the compact vibrator from your nightstand, flipping the switch to the on position as it came to life with a whirring sound. Most often than not, you were in control of the speed and rhythm, but tonight he had tricks up his sleeve.
r0binhood redeemed 300 tokens for bullet control.
Shit. You begrudgingly sent the link for a 10 minute session on your vibrator.
[seraphicsiren]: use those 10 minutes wisely
[r0binhood]: i’ll only need 5
An immediate slow vibration started against your clit, sending a wave of pleasure through your nerves.
“Fuck…” you moan under your breath. Usually men like him would spend their 10 minutes of control on the highest setting, they never knew what you liked. They thought all women must like a high intensity session when it just felt boring to you, but you faked orgasm after orgasm when they were in control to make them feel better.
Not this time. No, this man knew what he was doing, he slowly upped the intensity until he heard that hitch in your breathing, the one that indicated that it must have felt good.
“Mmnh…that feels so good, christ…” you lolled your head back, rutting against the vibrator and a pillow under you for better friction. He must have noticed the way you were reacting because he immediately switched up the intensity for a split second to grab your attention.
[r0binhood]: needed your attention sweetheart, i want your eyes on me, i want to watch you come undone.
This man… he commanded his attention, and he commanded it well. Why was this man behind the screen making you feel horny for some god forsaken reason? Was it the dominance? The control he had over you at this moment? Fuck it, you didn’t care, it just felt so damn good.
Another minute passed before he grew bored of the intensity, turning it up a setting or two.
“Shit!” You squeaked, panting like a dog at the feeling between your legs. You were soaking, dripping all over your pretty red sheets and pillows, grinding down for some semblance of friction against your puffy, needy cunt.
Soon enough, the setting he was at was beginning to make you see stars. Babbling nonsense and a string of curses as you kept humping your pillow like a horny teen until—
“SHITSHITSHIT!” You felt that tight coil in your stomach pop, squirting all over your sheets and everything within a small distance of you. You wanted to collapse, you could feel your legs turn to jelly as you tried to crawl back to your laptop.
[seraphicsiren]: 5 minutes…left…
You knew he was chuckling behind his screen, because how the fuck did he get you to squirt on camera with just him in control.
[r0binhood]: i’ll let you be for tonight, here’s the rest of my tokens. i’ll be back tomorrow night if you’re online. see ya princess.
r0binhood tipped 1000 tokens.
Not long afterwards you ended your stream, too spent and shocked to continue for the night. You shut your laptop, cleaned your bed and made a beeline for your kitchen.
“How the fuck did he do that…” you racked your brain for the amount of times you had actually cum on stream. You could count the times on one hand and now make that two hands. You were still throbbing, rubbing your legs together while you washed some dishes in your sink. You never noticed the window in your kitchen was facing another occupied apartment until just now.
“Huh…wonder who lives there.” You watch the light from their tv flicker different colors. Suddenly you see movement, someone getting closer to the window. Holy fuck.
He looks directly at you, a smile wide on his face as he waves and opens his window. You were awestruck for a moment, he was gorgeous. Not in a model way but something different. He was rugged and manly but still somehow read as boyish. After a few moments you join him in opening your window, leaning out ever so slightly.
“Hi! I’m Roy, nice to see a friendly face across the way for once!” He shouted.
“I’m Y/N, I’m guessing this place was empty for a bit?”
“Yeah, this isn’t really the nicest building around but it's got charm! What do you say we meet for coffee sometime? I haven’t met anyone around my age in forever.”
“Yeah! How does tomorrow morning sound?”
He smiles a toothy grin. God he was cute, missing a tooth by his right canine and light ginger stubble littered his chin. He nodded while you were busy taking in every feature of his face and he chuckled.
“Hey, get some sleep, you look out of it.” He shook his head, still smiling from ear to ear. You couldn’t tell if you were throbbing from the mind numbing orgasm you had earlier or if his kind smile had your brain in a tizzy, either way you needed to take care of that feeling before bed. You finished up dishes in the kitchen, closed your window and headed straight for the cum soaked bed.
You were honestly too tired and too horny to care so you grabbed the nearest towel and dropped it on top of your sheets. You could worry about that in the morning, right now you needed sweet relief. And with your final spur of energy you grabbed your dildo and got right to work at the thought of that hot ginger across the hall.
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rosinaparker · 4 months
I love your 9th member imagine, I love to see a full one shot. I’m not picky about the subject, maybe something happens on stage (good or bad) or maybe a conflict with another member or another group (with a positive ending)
It was an accident..
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A/N: YOOO I’m so happy we’re getting requests again😭 (glad to hear you liked the 9th member imagine! Let me know if y’all wanna read more of these) -Rose
Genre: angst, with a good ending
pairing: platonic!skz x f!reader
warnings: arguments, yelling, bruises, accident happening, cursing, mad Lee know
It has been a tough week for you and the boys, lots of mistakes have been happening on stage, lots of arguments happened..the air was tense between everyone. You had managed to withdrawal from any arguments but you’re time was coming too and you knew it.
Today was a very important day. The mama show was happening. The concert you and the guys have been practicing for almost 3 weeks. Most of the petty arguments that happened earlier were starting to cool off. It wasn’t long till it was your turn on the stage. The song that you had to preform was thunderous. Not as bad as it sounds like.
Everything was going smoothly till the pants that the stylists chose for you started to get in the way. Han had already stepped on them several times, you had to pull them up constantly and to top it all off, minho tripped on them at the end, making you fall off balance as he stepped on them. You quickly catch yourself before you fall onto the ground too hard. It was a disaster, Chan waited till the lights went off and came to check up on you, a bruise was definitely forming at the knee.
Suddenly Minho took the in-ear monitor out and put his microphone away from his face.
“What the fuck was that?” He spat at you, giving you a nasty look. The others didn’t want the show to end badly, since they were still on stage. The audience was still watching, even if it was dark you could make out that someone was arguing.
“Guys dont make a scene” changbin called out. Chan saw how frustrated minho was and immediately pulled the members off the stage and into the backstage.
“Couldn’t you watch your damn step? I almost tripped to the fucking ground” he snapped back. He started pacing around the room “the whole crowd saw us falling onto the ground because of you” he groaned.
You weren’t having any of it, immediately shouting, “Its not that big of a fucking deal!”
“Guys dont argue. It was very obvious that this show was not going to be successful” hyunjin called out, trying to calm the situation but only making it worse
“It wasn’t successful because she fucked it all up again.” The other yelled, getting all up the tall ones face.
Chan got between them, making sure they don’t get violent “Hyunjin is right. The show wasn’t going to do well. And y/n wasn’t at fault here”, he points to your pants “the pants were just too long and make it hard to dance in.”
Han spoke up “i agree, i kept on stepping on them.” he gestures a ‘sorry’ to you for doing so.
“The past few weeks have been tense guys. WE have been tense.” Chan exclaimed, “we have been arguing with each other the whole time, obviously the performance is gonna fail” he sighed, turning to leeknow.
“It was an accident, stop blaming her already.”
He still looked pissed, but tried to see a different point of view “fine, fine. Sorry for bursting out like that” he glanced at you. “Sorry for making you trip” you look at the rest of the guys. You felt stressed. Shit was too much right now and you let your members down..
“I’m sorry guys-” you were cut off by felix “don’t apologize. We’ll just have to tell the staff that the pants were horrible”
It seemed like the situation had toned down, everyone went back to their seats. Eyes were following the group, whispering something to each other.
Yeah, there was no doubt that the audience knew there was a fight.
Seungmin noticed the bruise on you knee getting darker “need an ice pack for this?” He points at it.
“No i think i’ll be fine” you give him a weak smile.
“Hope you won’t limp around for the next few days” i.n butted in. The rest of the night went on quietly. The ride home was silent. It seemed a bit akward between you and minho..
As you were about to enter the dorms, he kinda holds you back “hey, are we good?” He asks quietly, to which you give him a small smile “yeah. You were just frustrated, don’t worry”
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. How about i buy you korean bbq?” Your face lights up, he knows how to make things better between you “sound good to me :)”
You had an ice pack pressed against your knee the whole night long though-
A/N: its a bit different from what I usually write. Hope its good enough!!!
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himbofan · 5 months
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
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heyyyyy y'all sorry for being MIA for months... but don't worry you can't get rid of me that easily >:)
ODASAKU!!! i just love this man so much.... we have been married for 20 years and i wanted to share some of the things oda would do as ur boyfriend cuz he's perfect boyfriend material <33333
i have a lot of bsd ideas and things i wanna write too so never be afraid to slide in my inbox and tell me what u wanna see :3 i love to yap about 2D men :333 anywayzzzz hope u enjoy!! likes and reblogs always appreciated <3333 🫶 (this is like my fourth time posting this, pls show up in the tags this time 😭😭)
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wc: 300+
characters: sakunosuke oda
cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff
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sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…remember tiny things about you, from your favorite coffee order to which side of the bed you like to sleep on. even the most minute and menial details are etched into his mind. don’t like tomatoes on your sandwich? don’t worry, you’ll never have to ask him to change it again, he’ll always make sure you never have tomatoes.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…watch every video you send him beginning to end without skipping, anything from a 10 second funny cat tiktok or a 2 minute youtube video explanation about the life cycle of shrimp. he’ll respond with a “👍” or “Lol.” every time.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…always agree to matching halloween costumes with you, even if they’re silly. he doesn’t really have a strong opinion about what he wears, he just likes to see you excited. last year y’all went as barbenheimer but he was barbie and you were oppenheimer. (he had a blast)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…listen every time you rant about annoying coworkers or classmates. even though he looks uninterested, he’s actually listening carefully, even if he doesn’t know who you’re talking about he just likes to hear how you feel and think. he's an excellent listener and loves to hear you talk because he likes the sound of your voice :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…attract animals for seemingly no reason. whenever you’re out and about in the city, he never fails to have a stray cat appear and rub up against his legs, or a squirrel cautiously approach him begging for food. his aura is so comforting and secure, he’s basically an urban disney princess.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…let you pluck his eyebrows and have self care nights with clay masks and fuzzy hair bands. he doesn’t really know what’s going on but he lets you pamper him with products because he loves to spend time with you and see you smile. :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…slow dance with you in the living room, kitchen, hallway, or anywhere the mood strikes you. he loves seeing the beauty in the mundane domestic moments, it reminds him that your shared love is unconditional.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…stare at your face while you’re sleeping. he wants to memorize every feature and shape, silently admiring how the rays of light dance off of your skin in the early morning. even if you’re snoring or drooling, he’ll always think it’s adorable because you’re the most beautiful thing in his life.
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kurogxrix · 2 years
ATWOW characters as parents HEADCANONS ;
- neteyam, lo’ak, norm, kiri, ao’nung, rotxo, + tsu’tey
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[ All characters aged!up for plot purposes! ]
Where to even start.
Pray for that baby’s safety cause damn it’s boutta get wild.
He brings your children on his Ikran every time he gets the opportunity to.
Lo’ak loves to show off and showing off to your children is not an exception.
Does cartwheels in the air while your children are with him.
That earns him a good scolding and probably some ear pulling with it too.
Reassures his children that they’re enough. we love him 4 that.
Goes to Neytiri and Jake for advice sometimes.
Once he made you really upset and borderline doubting yourself as a mother after he had said something and he has never hated himself more in that moment.
He went to ask Neytiri how to make things better.
Asked your kids to help him do something to make you feel better.
You lowkey only forgave him cause your children were in the plan and you didn’t wanna disappoint them.
After that he made sure to hold you tightly at night and reminds you how much of an incredible mother you are everyday.
He’s so smitten for his family it’s insane.
The kind of dad that will put his children up on his shoulders and he spins them around.
It’s all happy and joyful until they’re both dizzy and he ends up with puke all over him. That’s what he gets for spinning a toddler over his head.
The type of dad to furrow his eyebrows at your kids when they don’t finish their food (your son literally told you to add more food to his bowl after you warned him that it was a lot).
The chill parent.
He will scold your children when they disobey but i dont see him as the yelling type.
When he gets really angry then he’s a real scary father. But other than that your children all adore him.
loves being his kid’s ‘hero’.
Like when they get their limbs stuck in the fabric of the tents and he goes to unlatch them.
A stressed and tired dad i can just tell.
Makes toys for his children himself because he wants them to be special.
He prolly makes dinner but the kids don’t like it (L for him)
You take up the cooking after his miserably failed attempts at making food. He’s slightly jealous when he watches your kid’s delighted faces at you cooking.
Stays so close to them when you all go swimming at the lake.
Like the water could be at waist level for them and he’d still accompany them.
Lets his children paint on his warrior body paint and he’s lowkey regretting afterwards.
You cant help but make fun of him and your children join in too.
Jokingly sulks after y’all laughed at him.
So now you all owe him a shit ton of kisses.
‘I’m doing this for your own good’ kind of dad, in the least toxic way possible.
Cutest thing would be you being a na’vi from the omaticaya falling in love with him despite being an avatar.
Lets say his avatar is still alive and well.
It’s kinda hard for him to maintain his family life and head of the avatar program life at the same time.
He pushes through for y’all though.
He cuddles with you and your children in your family tent at night while he wakes up in his human form to take care of himself and the program.
His kids and Jake and Neytiri’s kids are besties.
Takes his children to the lab with him to show them his research.
Loves the way they’re so enamored about his research until they start touching everything.
Has to restrict them at some point.
He can’t get himself to yell at them.
The type of dad to put his children on his shoulder when they can’t see something amongst the crowd.
He’s such a good dad.
He has the dad drip full on. We’re talking a large shirt with cargo shorts and sandals. In his avatar form or human form it doesn’t matter, he’s always rocking the dad drip.
Passes his awkwardness to his kids but you find it endearing.
You love how shy he was when he met you, and you love that you can see that in your children.
He would’ve never expected that he would’ve been here, mated with children but damn Eywa really has plans for everyone.
Brings your kids something back everytime he goes on an exploration.
He shows them the godly privilege of netflix. Doesn’t tell them that it’s on child mode because he fears rebellious teenagers help.
Doesn’t wanna taint them with some human internet bullshit so he never tells them about the web lmao.
She’s so cute honestly.
The both of you chose to adopt an metkayina baby that has lost her parents.
You want to teach your daughter in the future that it’s okay to be different, and even if the both of you are look different to her then you’ll always love her.
She amazes your child with her pandora jesus powers.
You’re badass cause I said so and you teach your daughter to stick up for herself.
You’d probably beef with your child’s bullies and Kiri will scold you for acting so brashly.
Will bring your daughter on a walk in the forest every evening.
Kiri relishes in your sweet daughter’s loud laughter when she attracts wild animals to her.
He’ll be the type of dad to pull lightly on his children’s tails and then look away as they wonder who did it.
you fear letting them too long with their dads cuz you’re scared that they’re gonna turn out as little bullies like he was.
but it’s their dad so you can’t really keep them away. should’ve just chosen a better mate bae🙁
The type of dad that will hold their baby upside down by the foot while they’re literally screeching in joy.
He’s kinda harsh on olo’eyktan training once your son gets older.
You however take your sweet time while teaching you daughter the ways of Tsahik.
sometimes you gotta remind Ao’nung to calm down lmao.
He doesn’t want his son to hate him or his duties so he eventually does and instead tries and make training sessions more like a fun bonding time between the both men.
He makes dad jokes you cant tell me otherwise.
Every teen in the clan is scared to approach your children (romantically) because of Ao’nung’s wrath.
When one boy finally got the guts to ask your daughter out and she said yes, he was finna flip his shit fr.
You had to PHYSICALLY hold him down as you watched your daughter leave on a date with the man.
He knows that he shouldn’t actually hold his children back from having a romantic life, so instead he chooses to tease them about it.
‘Saw that boy giving you googly eyes yesterday, heard from some rumors that he happens to be dating the olo’eyktan’s daughter?’
‘heard you sneaking out the marui last night son, you really should work on your sneakiness.”
The type of dad that WILL swear at your children but like fondly? like;
Your son and him are playing fight in your marui at night when he has the amazing idea to tickle his father.
‘Oh you little bitch, it’s on,”
Then he gets scolded by you and potentially his ear pulled as you do so but oh well it was worth it.
Brags to his spirit brother about his children.
doesn’t wanna admit but he secretly loves it when you all just cuddle up to him during cool nights. Then pretends to be annoyed by im later in the morning.
You all know he’s capping.
sweetest dad in all of awa’atlu.
The metkayina woman are probably jealous of your baby daddy I ain’t even gon’ lie to you.
He loves burping your child for some reason.
I headcanon him as someone that has grown up with only girls. Like full on just sisters and their mother so when his first child is born a son he can’t help but be ecstatic at the newborn male company.
He physically cannot scold your children so you have to do it yourself.
Makes you look like the bad cop.
He spoils your children a little too much.
Like they wanna try akula meat? damn just wait a min for him to call up his skimwing-
Your children have a fav parent and it’s clearly him.
They still love you though.
Rotxo’s always here to remind you how much he’s grateful for the family that you gave him.
Brings his children to meet his spirit brother as soon as they can enter the water with you.
bonus: Tsu’tey
He lowkey has beef with his baby.
will have staring battles with it.
They both fight to see who can get more affection from you but we all know the cute baby is gonna win.
Hes deadass gonna sulk i aint even lying.
He’s not the ‘awww ur so cute’ kind of father but the ‘you’re not ugly’ kinda dad but we all know he loves his baby.
When his children grow up he will be strict on them there’s no denying.
At this point he kind sounds like a bad father but he isn’t (at times).
He shows his love through words of affirmation.
Reminds his children that he’s proud of them when they achieve something, or sometimes just in general.
He wont go easy on their potential mates. Like he'll lowkey show them what hell is.
HE CANT KEEP IT IN HIS PANTS. after you both have had your first child together he’s just 100x more affiliated with you than he was before.
not to say that he didn’t love you before, on Eywa my man was a goner. There’s just something about motherhood that made you shine much more than before.
You’ll probs end up with like 5-6 children.
for a hoe that claims to dislike children i do be writing a shit ton of family things huh (it’s cuz i love dilfs 🫶🏽)
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#29: Never Seen Your Face Like That (S5E12)
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I love that Rick and Michonne low-key tell on themselves in this scene lol. I can’t help but smile and laugh when watching this exchange cuz the attraction between them is BLATANT. Let me tell you, these two find each other hot and it’s clear as day lol. And it’s cute seeing them both try to be casual with it but not being able to resist reacting to each other with obvious attraction. Their pre-canon era was a time. 😋 It’s like this dance to keep things appearing 'platonic,' when they’re clearly feeling so much more...
At the start of the scene we see all of tf in this quiet moment, and then we hear Michonne’s satisfied sigh as she joins her family with a refreshed smile. Interestingly, she does not seem to be getting red flags about ASZ, whereas others are more on edge - which is understandable for them but also goes to show why Michonne’s gut instinct can always be trusted.
She asks how long she was in there for - and it seems rhetorical, but my sweet man Rick is going to tell on himself by giving an exact answer lol. I love that he’s the one to respond and that he doesn’t just say “a while” or a general answer. No - this man says “20 minutes.” She’s on his radar always. And it’s cute that this scene between them starts with talk of toothbrushes because we know how much "dental hygiene" will bless us in season 6. 😏
Michonne says she couldn’t stop brushing as Rick walks into frame, which I’ve always found cute cuz he knows this is the big reveal where she gets to see his clean-shaven face for the first time, especially after her whole “your face is losing the war” comments from s4.
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I love that Sis literally has to pause as she notices his face. Who can blame her? And I always really appreciate that Rick actually let’s the moment breathe for a sec as she takes in his new look. We see later how he reacts when Deanna notices his face and says 'wow.' He’s much more dismissive or not wanting that attention on him - but with Michonne, he seems in a bashful way to really want her to see him and to like what she sees as he positions himself in better lighting with a slight smile.
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And Michonne most definitely likes what she sees. Y’all, the way she is looking at him - He’s fine fine to her.  Like I've said before, from both of them, even during their best friends phase it was always giving 'that’s my hot best friend,' make no mistake. 
Michonne says this 'huh' that almost seems to slip out before her mind can filter, and that 'huh' suggests she certainly has some positive thoughts on Rick's new look.
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I will forever love the way Danai delivers the line, “I’ve never, I’ve never seen your face like that.” It has that dash of smitten flirtiness that is just so adorable. And Michonne’s smile. 😊 The best. Her face says it all. It makes it loud and clear that she likes his new look a lot, and I love that she also vocally reacts to it.
Even just the pause between saying she’s never, she’s never seen his face like that. He got her a little flustered, and I’m here for it. No one but Rick Grimes is getting Michonne, queen of composure, smitten like this. 😋
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And then Rick says how he felt the same way before and after as he walks in her direction and I think tries to idk play off all the attraction that’s being emitted from the two of them, but like it can’t ever be denied or downplayed.
(Side note: I know some of tf had to be up in this living room seeing Rick and Michonne reacting to each other like this and thinking...
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And I just like that it’s clear what Michonne thinks of his face matters to him. Everything about her and what she thinks matters to Rick, as not just his bestie but as something more too. 
(Also, tell me it's not just me who will see pre-canon scenes like this one and just stop to take a moment to marvel at the fact that these two went on to have a baby together. It never fails to bring me joy. 🤗)
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And what Rick thinks also matters to Michonne, cuz she stops him and tells him she gets why they’re playing it safe and “we should,” which lets you know that no matter how much she wants this place to work, she’s with Rick first and foremost. But she has a good feeling about this place, because Michonne is always right. And considering this place will be where she and him finally have room to build a home, rediscover their humanity, enjoy their romance, and expand their family - she was definitely right to have a good feeling about this place. 👌🏽
Rick responds saying he hopes Michonne is right, which again cements how a huge reason all of them are even at ASZ is because Rick wanted to give Michonne’s way a chance. He’s still in many ways going off of her gut over his own, and I love that he trusts her that much to do that and wants her to be right. That’s a special influence reserved just for her. And Michonne responds "yeah, me too" cuz she also knows how it was her push to go here that led them here.
Watching this whole scene back - this is such a couple-y moment between them. If you would have told me this was post-canon I’d believe you because this whole scene was giving couple.  Like every second was saying...
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The Deanna moment comes directly after this scene between Rick and Michonne and it’s this immediate contrast between how Rick reacts to Michonne noticing his face and the groan he gives Deanna when she notices.
I also like that Deanna drops her first hint that she’s a Richonner when she tells Rick she’s given him a job she just hasn’t told him yet, “same with Michonne.” As I've said before, I’ll always love how Deanna, renowned for getting a good read on people, immediately saw the similarities and partnership of Rick and Michonne and paired them together in the same job. She knew they go together. (Also the scene ends with Deanna telling Rick he looks good, which again is another sign she has good judgment lol. 💁🏽‍♀️)
I love how often Richonne would have these Richonne bubble moments in front of all tf in s5. Like it occurs quite a bit cuz they can’t help it. And this is one of those pre-canon scenes where you just know these two are destined to become a couple. Because Rick and Michonne love and trust each other, but also really want and desire each other too. 😌
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What he thinks vs what she knows (Drabble)
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Word count: 2k-ish
Warnings: self image, insecurities, internalize racism, self esteem issues, sappy lovers, teenagers being teenagers
(A/N: Had this saved up in my drafts, figured I post it since I’m still editing and getting ready for more Chispo and bruja content. Y’all are surviving a drought so I figured you’d like to get scraps 😭 you can see this as chipso y bruja canon? Uncanny? Maybe another au who knows? 🤔 I know I’m literally the author of this fanfic Anyways Thinking abt making a tag list for when I post so lemme know if you want to be tagged. Til the come get ya scraps! This one an agnsty one)
Leo thinks he’s ugly.
He thinks it has to do with his frame. It’s too scrawny and weak. Not enough muscle, like the rest of his siblings who buff up endlessly. Or the Ares kids who have chiseled abs.  He doesn’t even have the height to gain such strength. Or the right body fat percentage.
Maybe he’s ugly because he doesn’t have wavy hair like a Greek should. He has tight curls that seem to go everywhere, never in one place. Messy and kinky in all directions. No one ever seems to notice when it’s comb and neat. 
His skin can be the reason why he’s ugly. It’s not perfectly pure white. And it’s not just the right olive tan. He’s dark that awful awful color— Moreno feo! His aunt would hiss at him. As if she wasn’t the same color. 
Or could it be his scars? They’re littered onto his body jagged and spread over his arms and hands. Not to mention the disfigured tissue from the left of his face and downwards, all red-brown burns spread over him.
If none of those things prove that he’s ugly, then maybe his face will. 
He doesn’t have a strong chiseled jaw, even with puberty it’s still soft with some baby fat. Except for his way too pointed chin. The smile he paints on, definitely crooked and awkward; not perfectly straight shining teeth.
Lips are usually chapped because he kind of sucks at self-care. Proof by all his acne scars over his cheeks. Besides his weird moles. And who can forget the weak peach fuzz placed on his upper lip. Upwards his small, wide, and awkwardly squished nose.
Above that is not sky blue or green or any other unique  color— but his dirt-ugly brown eyes, baggy from his lack of sleep some days, and way too thick eyebrows. 
The worst part of it all, is his pointy ears. They stuck out enough to notice. The first thing people would see. They were stupidly pointy. And ultimately be what Leo was most known for:
Fuckin hobbit 
Mexican Spock he didn’t even like Star-trek!
The list just goes on. 
All these things make Leo thinks he’s ugly. Bullies and ex-infatuations have been sure to let him know it. 
So to himself — Leo’s ugly.
Breisa loves Leo. She loves how he makes her feel. And how he cares. Or how he shows his love. She loves the warmth he brings. The dizziness she feels when she’s with him. He never fails to make laugh. Or her feel any less important, more than just his girlfriend. His compliment. Not his missing piece.
But one thing that irks her, is how he can’t see himself in the same light as she sees him. He doesn’t love himself the way he loves her. It hurts to see that. 
Breisa wanted him to be able to have the self confidence in himself. He’s so smart, sweet, funny, strong, handsome, and caring but in his charming way. Despite how awkward or weird he could be which she had to admit was also cute he was charming in his own little way.
 Hopefully her plan was the best way to show him. 
“Come on!” Breisa smiles and dragged Leo from behind, “Ya llegamos!”
“Alright alright—stump!” Leo tripped and face planted into the dirt. “Ow.” His voice went small.
“Oh my bad.” She winced, helping him up. Dusting off his clothes from the dirt. “Didn’t mean to get so excited.”
He spit grass out his mouth, “No worries, cariño.”
 He wipes off the dirt with a bandanna from his back pocket. 
“It’s not like that I can get any less dirt-ugly” Leo laughed.
Breisa frowned at that. “Let's just keep going.” 
Then she pushed through an overgrown bush, leaving him confused. 
‘She always laughs at my jokes…’ Leo thought to himself; anxiously fiddling with his silver ring he made out of metal scraps and pennant washers. 
“Leo, apurate!” Breisa called. 
He shaked his head and breathed in, ‘Worryin’, over nothing. No seas pendejo.’
Trudging forward he pushes through the leaves, trying not to get smacked by branches and vines. 
As he stumbles out— almost face plants again when Breisa caught his arm. 
“Careful.” She smiled down at him. 
“Ya sabe.” Leo rolled his eyes playfully. “Why are we here?”
All she does is point with her lips— forwards. 
As Leo glanced over, his eyes caught where the rocks met a grassy field. Overlooking the underside of a hill.
A fuzzy rose-patterned blanket laid out, a picnic basket holding it in place. Next to the basket was a sketchbook, pencils, and a little radio. And the view of Camp-Half-blood spread out below them. From the Strawberry fields to lava rock climbing wall.
“Woah.” He breathed. “Did you—?”
“Yup.” Breisa grinned. 
“Picnic date—?” 
“Uh-huh.” She answered. 
“For me—?”
“Yes.” Breisa huffed jokingly. “Siéntate, lindo. No te preocupes por nada.” She plopped down and patted the spot next to her. 
“Bossy.” Leo sticks his tongue but laid back into the blanket. 
She mimicked his face. “Whatever. Since I’m so bossy, I guess all these tortas and Capri-suns should be for myself.”
He popped an eye open. “Tortas with ham, chips, and cheddar cheese? Topped off with tapatío?”
“My speciality.” She started digging from the picnic basket. “But guess you don’t want some. Cause I’m so bossy.”
“Espérate.” He sat up, “Sólo porque eres así— I don’t have to die of hunger.”
“Nah, pero soy mandona.” She munched on the sandwich. 
“Hey!” Leo jumped.“I want some!”
“No way!” Breisa pushed his face away. “I don’t want to annoy you. I’m mean and bossy so my food must be bad.”
“Awe come on, it's still editable!” He laughed. 
“Now you really ain’t getting nothing!” 
Leo sighed satisfied, laying back on the blanket.
“Guess my food was editable?” Breisa raised an eyebrow. 
“It was alright, I guess.” He shrugged. 
Breisa shook her head with disbelief. “Tell that to the four tortas, bowl of fresas, and endless capri-suns.”
“No te oyes. Sugar crash. So sleepy.” Leo closed his eyes. 
Breisa rolled her eyes. Flicked his forehead. Then pulled her sketchbook onto her lap. Without even thinking she began to sketch a picture of him. 
Pages and pages of Leo began to fill her sketchbook, it’s become a habit of her to have at least one drawing of him in each. Always having three hearts or a little flame next to each sketch. 
Before, she would have never admitted having these drawings of him. Only because it would inflate his gaintanic ego. Leo being Leo, he would have something annoying to say.
Now even  she knows that it was his way of saying— ‘I like you a lot. I just say stupid stuff because it’s easier to get your attention.’
 It doesn’t make him less annoying, even as her significant other.
“What are you drawing?” Leo suddenly appeared beside her.
After her surprise wore down. She traced her pencil idly and muttered, “You.”
Leo stared at her for a good long minute before bursting into laughter. 
“Why are you laughin’?” She flushed, feeling a little embarrassed. 
He calmed down and smiled. “It’s nothing— just..” He snorted again, looking at himself, “Why do I look like that?” 
“Like what?” Breisa asked.
“Like all majestic and shit.” He waved his hands. “I ain’t that good looking. Or you know a profound art subject.” Leo rubbed his neck awkwardly with half of a smile on his face. “I’m just me, heh you know?”
Breisa put her sketchbook down, inhaled deeply, anf faced him. “Eres tan pendejo.”
“Say what now?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“You. Are. Stupid.” She said slowly. “You aren’t just whatever Leo. I draw how I see it. You’re cute, handsome, and freakin pretty. That’s why you’re my favorite muse.” 
Leo’s face burned…And so did his hair. 
Breisa reached up, pinched a curl between her fingers. It fsss as the flame went out. 
Leo cleared his throat, and swatted at the rest of his hair. “No way I’m that good looking. I’m sure there are other better people to be your muse. You must be blinded by love.” 
“I’m not blinded by nothin’.” Breisa fussed. “You just can’t and refuse to see what I see.”
He looked at her like she was crazy. “See what? Fuck up half-melted ugly troll goblin thing—who shares no light to a girl like you?!”
She grabbed the sides of his face and made contact with his coffee brown eyes. Gods she melted when the sun made them glow. He automatically shut up any protest he had. 
Breisa brushed her thumb over his jaw, right at the scar.“I see a scrawny mofo with big beautiful brown eyes. A sideways smile that makes my heart flip. All wrapped up in that pretty face of his. Soft curls I can play with all day. Cute ears that get all red when I compliment him.
Hard working hands, that I can trace very dent and curve with my fingers. Strong arms that hold me in warm embrace. Just the right height so I don’t have to snap my neck up to look at.
Goofball pyromaniac but somehow suave n romantic. That knows everything about me, cares for me, and loves me. 
And even though he thinks he’s the scum of the earth. A monster burned with his scars in and out. Or  is undeserving of love because of some bullshit and stupid unworthy people from the past. They’re wrong. Cause to me, querido, you are the best person to ever walk into my life. And melt my heart.” 
Then Breisa planted her lips on him with tenderness, her hand on his chest, and moving another hand from his jaw to his curls.
Leo squeaked and brain short-circuited. Half of it was racing with thoughts while the other half went numb. ‘Do something idiot!’ His brain finally scolded. Arms wrapped around her waist and he sighed against her lips.
When she pulled away, his lips still tingled pleasantly. Just like every other kiss they shared.
Then she looked at him with so much love and admiration. He nearly cried. 
But he shook himself out of lovesickness and gave her a deadpan look. 
“Ok, you really gotta stop kissing me without warning.” Leo huffed, swatting his hair which was probably on fire. Again.
Breisa snickered at him. 
“En serio.” He empathized half-heartedly. “You realize how many times I’ve almost passed out? Or bursted into flames? I could’ve started a Forest fire.”
“Eh,” She shrugged, "It's worth it to see you get all flustered.” Then she squished his face, while cupping his jaw again. “I love this face. ¡Qué lindo! ¡Qué guapo! ¡Te adoro! ¡Te quiero, mi amorcito! Such a pretty boy, Mwah!”
She kissed all over his face dramatically. Extra affectionate on his scars. 
“Stop.” Leo rolled his eyes. Yet, his big dumb grin that showed off his cute gap gave him away. 
“Nah.” Breisa smiled just as stupid, “I am not done admiring. And I’m not done with my sketch.” 
“Hmn. Guess I gotta keep being your muse.” Leo hummed leaning onto her palm.  
“Guess you do.” She pecked him on the lips. “I’m going to make sure I get all of your beauty.”
“You know my face better than me.” Leo agreed and kissed her again…and again…and again.
After that he walked back to his cabin holding Breisa by the hand. Lipstick marks all over his face and the folded sketch in his pocket. Thinking maybe he wasn’t so ugly.
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