#but x armor can't hurt me anymore
aeviann · 2 years
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if I had a nickel for every Xenoblade protagonist with a red jacket that has an X-shaped design element incorporated at the chest area and also has glowing blue accents, thereby loosely referencing the design of the Monado, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's funny that it happened twice.
The only logical outcome of this pointless realization is of course to draw an outfit swap
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kateswallofweird · 1 month
i miss the age of tumblr when mcu fanfictions were constant. post thanos snap so ig nomad!steve rogers x you ; will update wc later ; definitely not proofread
you didn't mean to fall in love with him. it just happened.
"they're after me again."
steve was up before you could even open your eyes. you felt the bed dip as you blinked away the remnants of sleep, and when you came to, he was frantically looking for his suit.
"it's hanging in the bathroom," you say, a yawn betraying you as you sat up, drawing the blanket closer to your body.
this was the third night in a row that he'd woken with a start, convinced that someone was coming to get him, to get you. it had happened in the past—the sense of impending doom, not the presence of a threat part—and every time anxiety filled him, you talked him down from his ledge of fear.
it was a consequence of the life he's lived for so long, you realized after his second panic. beneath the heroics (the risky plays that would leave anyone else for dead, the responsibility to run into fire when everyone else ran away) and all the power (the super serum and the expectation to always deliver), steve rogers was still a man whose heart pumped his body of blood and whose mind ran in circles when presented grief. a well aimed punch would still hurt him just like how years of fighting still incurs in him an unfamiliarity to peace.
"we need to leave," he mumbles. it's more to himself than it is a direction to you. "secure the perimeter. payments in cash. fake names and new disguises."
he fumbles with the zipper of his top. his hands start to shake, and the rings that line his eyes seem darker tonight.
"who's coming after us?" you ask, getting out of bed (despite your body aching for sleep) to help him. your fingers straighten out his armor, the rough kevlar fabric no longer leaving your fingertips raw.
when you look up from his suit, it's clear he's searching for an answer. his eyes scan the windows behind you, like he's expecting an assailant to launch themself through the glass at any moment.
he is ripped from his anxiety by your voice. all it takes is his name, the gentle but commanding tone you take to bring him back down to earth.
"i . . ." but he can't even begin to form a sentence to tell you what's plaguing him.
he is a weathered version of the man he once was. captain america? what a joke; the modern day symbol of patriotism was laughable to him. he wasn't a hero anymore; he'd lost his fight. he was just . . . steve rogers now, a fugitive overridden with the fear of his past catching up to him.
"talk to me," you plead.
his chest tightens when his gaze meets yours.
"do you ever think about," he pauses, like he can't bring himself to say it, so you wait until he can. "do you ever think about how much better your life would be—without me?"
because you didn't mean to fall in love with him. you didn't mean to cross government lines and harbor a fugitive despite the growing consequences and a call for his return. you didn't mean to soften the heart of a hero growing sour, someone who's seen war and suffering and what happens when you fail to shoulder your burden. you didn't mean to find hope amidst the grief of a world half empty, spilling joy back into a man who was just about ready to give up. you didn't mean to fall in love with him. it just happened.
but you supposed that's what made love so beautiful; it's a choice. every day, every hour, every minute—it's a choice to stay and to do right by this person you've committed to.
"come back to bed. it's cold without you."
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yaut-jaknowit · 4 months
Aboard a communal ship with many different species (lots of humans though) A human fed up with her yautja partner always comparing her to yautja. Gets drunk at the bar and does karaoke to Human by Christina Perri. Prompting all the human at the bar to sing to lol
Am same anon that asked for the mechanic story with the trio of bad bloods. If it's okay with you, my color can be a blue diamond 🔷️
I'm Only Human
Pairings: Zaikeh (Female Yautja) x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2986
Summary: With your patience stretched thin, you burst at the seems. That was the last time you could handle being compared to a Yautja. You are human. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. So, you take yourself to the nearest bar on the communal ship and drink away your problems. Your only three friends come to cheer you.
Author Note: Welcome back, Blue Diamond! I love your idea with the mechanic! It's been a huge hit. Thank you for nicknaming yourself. I can't wait to see what else you throw at me.
Time in, time out. It’s the same thing every day. Despite the very fact you know you aren’t as strong or as mighty or as fit as the weakest of Yautjas, Zaikeh tells you this. Every. Single. Time. Can’t reach a bowl? A Yautja could. Can’t lift a box? A Yautja could. It’s grown old but the pain was fresh everything time she points out the difference.
At first, you tried to bring it to her attention that it wasn’t nice to say that to you. Yes, you know that you are incredibly weaker than her every sense of the word. Females were stronger, more intelligent than their male counterparts. While you are simply not.
The two points didn’t connect in Zaikeh’s mind. Each time, she would brush it off. Feelings and emotions for a Yautja aren’t as well developed compared to humans. They react more on instinct than what they feel. Unless that feeling is mating.
Your feet paused just shy of the front door of your shared quarters. Your hand rests on the door frame as you peeked over your shoulder at Zaikeh. The large, black female Yautja sat in the living room, on the floor. One of her many weapons in her lap, sharpening the blade.
“Hey Zai, I’m going over to A'jiadh’s,” you announced. A’jiadh was part of the trio alongside with Mai’tuiudh. The three of them have settled on this communal ship for the time being. Until an enforcer finds them and sends them on the run again. They’re famous for how well they invade and kill any enforcers their kind sends after them.
The black Yautja picked up her head and cocked her head to the side. “Why are you going over there?” she grunted then returned her attention to the weapon sharpening. Zai was meticulously about her cleaning of both her weapons and armor anytime they get dirtied. A'jiadh lacks this skill. Mai’tuiudh lies closer to Zaikeh than A'jiadh.
You could swear you had told her earlier in the week. “To hang out. He’s going to help me with some language practice and sparring.” While being on the run, it’s best to be prepared. This includes knowing how to fight off an enemy.
If you were to be captured by an enforcer, god only knows what they might do to you once learning you willingly live Bad Bloods.
Zaikeh hummed and inspected the sharpness of her blade. “Any Yautja would know how to fight by your age.” Your nails turn white as they press into the metal door frame. You refrained from speaking the retort that sat bitterly on your tongue. How does she not see the hurt in your eyes at her words?
“Well, I can still learn, can’t I?” The words came out harsher than you were aiming for. The months just building up to a point you couldn’t hold it back anymore. She just huffed and continued to perfect the blade a little more. And that hurt.
Once the first crack in the dam raced up the wall, there was no stopping it from spiderwebbing out.
The first sting of tears crowded your lash line. A lump began to grow in your throat. “I can’t take it anymore!” you shouted and spun on your heels to face who you thought would be the end.
Everyone has a boiling point. Where it spills over the edge and creates a bigger mess in the end.
“Why do you constantly compare me to other Yautjas?! I’m not like them. I’m not a Yautja. I’m not like you!” Tears poured down your face as the first of your sobs broke free. The dam crumbling in your hands, far too late to stop it. The water gushing and taking you within its storm. “I’m human. I don’t think you’ve realized this yet.”
All the pain in your voice was evident.
She raised her head in surprised when you first yelled at the top of your lungs. Your voice echoing back at you in the limited space. Her forest green eyes were focused on you now. Not missing the way you cried with a flare of anger and sorrow filling your scent.
“I’m only human, Zai,” you whimpered and drew back into yourself. Defeat washed over you. It weighed down your shoulders as you looked upon your mate with hurt. “I’m only human.”
Then, you about faced and scrambled out of your shared quarters. This life will never be the same afterwards. She’ll come after you in a bit, letting you calm down from your outburst. First though, before you could allow for that to happen, you were going to skip A’jiadh’s and head to the nearest bar. You needed something to wash down the pain of the afternoon.
Though the alien words rolled over your head, you could understand the country feeling it gave. Species of all different kinds mingled both at booths and tables and on the dance floor. You, on the other hand, found roost on the darkest corner, place to sulk. A heavy, strong drink resting on the wooden table before you.
Condensation builds up on the glass, creating a ring on the coaster. You picked up the drink and took a mouth of the throat burning liquid. A buzz was beginning to build up by this point. It wasn’t to the degree you wouldn’t remember the next morning, but you’re steps wouldn’t the straightest. So, you stayed hold up in the corner, drinking away your reoccurring issues. One who was too oblivious to see the issues before her very eyes.
If you could, you would slap the Yautja silly. Maybe knock some sense into her with the way she’s been acting as of late. It’s only gotten worse. You don’t know if the other two had something to do about it. But, they seemed to endure your presences at least. Why else would A’jiadh invite you over to spar and whatnot.
Said Yautja must be confused on why you hadn’t shown up. Oh well. He’ll shoot a message over to Zai and she can be the one to explain her misdeeds.
You used the back of your hand to wipe the evidence of fresh tears away, gone from sight. Just in time too.
Three bodies slid into the booth before you. People you know. As much as you wished to pull a smile on your face, the alcohol and sorrow that filled your veins prevented that. You kept a blank expression on your features and just stared at the dark wood.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise,” one of the aliens teased and nudged you with her elbow. You held your tongue and just lightly shrugged, uncaring of any of their words.
On the other side of the table, one of them ‘oo’ed and gave Vincy a look. “She’s truly in trouble if she’s pouting this bad,” Cog snickered then sat back in the booth, arms thrown over the back of the couch. Lestgawnt, the only one not to poke at you, butted his foot against your ankle. You only drew your limbs into your torso and turned to face the wall.
The group silenced themselves. Vincy placed her hand on your shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened? Is Zaikeh still comparing you to her species?” she questioned with a softer tone time around. You sniffled and rubbed at your running rose with the back of your hand before nodding timidly.
Cog huffed and shook her head. “I can’t believe her! Does she not see you’re not a Yautja. I sweat, Yautjas are so full of themselves!” she muttered mostly to herself then leveled her gaze on you. “You know you are more than welcome to stay with one of us and get away from her. Clearly she doesn’t appreciate you the way you deserve.”
That tugged a smile onto your lips. You appreciated her. All them actually. Living with three aliens that knew little about humans was difficult. Until they landed here. There may not be many humans here but the two you found were great. Then there was Lest, a Jakor. He was cool to hang around with.
You glanced at each of them. All of their eyes were on you, even Lest’s. “Thanks but no thank you. I-I don’t want to leave her. I just need to get her to understand this comparison hurts me. Yautjas… they’re fucking stubborn.” Your curse and true words brought upon laughter amongst the table.
“I don’t know why you don’t just leave her ass. There are plenty of options around here. Like…” Vincy leaned on the table with her elbows and pointed into the crowd. “Like her. Damn, I want a piece of that.” More laughter bolstered into the air. You followed her finger to find a random alien that you didn’t even know the name of. Yes, she was attractive but Zaikeh had your heart.
Everything else about her was fine. She protected you, clothed you, sparred gingerly with you, taught you things you never thought were in existence. This was just the one thing she slacked on. You downed the rest of your drink and slammed it down on the table.
Your eyes met Cog on the other side of the table. “Let’s dance or sing. I need to get off of my ass. I need to get her off of my mind.” You couldn’t just sit in this corner for the rest of the night before you had retire back to your shared quarters. And face the Yautja after storming off. You dragged a hand over your features at the thought then shooed Vincy from your side.
The woman scooted out and offered your hand which you gladly took. She hauled you out of the booth and up onto your feet within the span of a couple of seconds. Lest and Cog moved out as well and guided you towards the dance floor packed with other bodies.
Vincy gave you a goofy look before rocking with the beat of the music. You couldn’t the small giggle that broke your tense shoulders.
With the alcohol in your system working its magic, you began to dance out your heart. Everything that’s been weighing on you as of late started wash off of you. It was relaxing to feel all your troubles just leave. You laugh and giggled and danced alongside your three friends.
From being on the run with a trio of Bad Bloods to cultural differences between you and Zai, to dance away the night was what you been needing. All it took was a few cups of alcohol to get you dancing. To feel the beat of the music draw you in and let the worries of your life wash away. You couldn’t help giggling every so often and bumping into any of your friends. Your steps are a little wobbly.
A couple of more drinks down the hatch had you standing on the only stage in the bar. One of your arms is slung over Vincy’ shoulder as she keep you standing. A microphone like device held in your hands as you sung out your heart.
Out of the billions of songs they had, you found the one you needed to let loose your frustrations.
Human by Christina Perri.
The lyrics appear upon a transparent screen but you didn’t need them. Not when it was sung from the depths of your heart. This song was heavily connected to your life at this very moment. It was fate to find this song when all your troubles began.
Eyes of many watched as the words, the lyrics poured from your lips like a waterfall. Every word pronounced with all the hurt you’ve had building up.
Tears sting your eyes, on the verge of crying in front of the crowd. Yet, you were in your own world. The music and alcohol working its magic on you. It loosened up your tense emotions, letting you be free.
When the first tear rolled down your face, you opened your eyes when you felt a familiar stare. Instantly, your gaze darted to the entrance to find Zaikeh, standing there, a little out of breath. Her stance was tense, eyes pinned onto your trembling frame held up by Vincy. Her mandibles drew in tight to her face as she straightened her posture and watched the door.
“But I’m only human,” you sun directly in the microphone, hoping the words finally hit Zaikeh in the heart. Anything to get it through her thick skull that her comparison is hurting rather than helping. There’s nothing you could do to change yourself into what she wants.
“And I bleed when I fall down. I’m only human.” These lyrics meant a lot to you. It was not just the song but words you meant deep down. You can only be, do so much until you hit your limitations. The brick wall you couldn’t get passed or it would kill you.
You cried, shoulders sobbing and shaking. Vincy held you tighter, afraid you were going to topple over at the slightest breeze. “And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. ‘Cause I’m only human.” Zaikeh kept her eyes locked onto your form, watching as every tear fell and stained not only your cheeks but the metal floors as well.
The Yautja was glued to her spot and could only see the pain in your face as the words hit her. Vincy pulled you into a straighter position and off the stage as the song ended. You buried your face into her shoulder, body shaking with each heartbroken sob. Each one striking the black female straight into her heart.
Instantly, she was pushing her way through the crowd towards the group. Some of the members glared up at the Yautja only to realize who and what she is and backed off.
As she moved towards you, Lest and Cog saw the incoming danger and put themselves between you and Zaikeh. A scowl on each other faces. Cog crossed her arms and was ready to face down Zaikeh if it came down to that. Vincy kept tugging at you waist to get you away from the trouble about to rise. You latched onto her and stumbled with each step to keep up.
The human and Jakor didn’t stand a chance against Zaikeh and shoved the two of them out of her way. Cog slammed into another person while Lest was knocked into a wall. Vincy was the only one that stood in her pathing. She marched up to her, ready to pull you from the human. Vincy shoved you behind her and bared her teeth up at the Yautja in aggression.
“You aren’t allowed to see her! You fucked up and aren’t allowed to be around her,” Vincy snarled and pointed an challenging finger up at her. Zaikeh just stared down at this girl who barely reached her waist. She quiet literally grabbed Vincy by the head and picked her up.
Vincy screamed a war cry and swung and kicked at the Yautja, looking like a kitten trying to fight its mother. Zai simply dropped her off to the side then roared straight into the human’s face. The brown haired woman froze, stunned at the loudest of her roar.
This silence the rest of the bar. Everyone’s eyes on the two of you now. You picked up your head and found Zai’s attention had returned to you. She crowded your space and pushed you against the nearest wall. Your hands were grabbed and pinned to the hard surface she trapped you to. It was pointless to even attempt to fight this massive beast who owned your heart.
A whined built up in the back of your throat. A new fresh set of tears falling down your cheeks. You hiccupped, head tilted all the way back to expose your throat to her without meaning to. The alcohol in your system doing wonders.
It was heavy on your breath. Zaikeh could smell it. A huff sounded from the lumber giant. She reached down and easily tossed you onto her shoulder. On her heel, she spun around and marched out of the bar, not giving your three friends a look.
Not like any of them could do a thing to save you from your mate.
In the confides of your room, she set you down on the cool tile. At this point, you come to realize that this wasn’t your shared bedroom. This is your space on their ship. What was going on? There’s A’jiadh and Mai’tuiudh too. With all of their stuff packed up. You whined and clutched onto the arm Zaikeh offered you. Otherwise you would’ve been head over heels in the worst way possible.
“What’s… what’s happenin’?” you slurred, wobbling a little. There wasn’t a clear thought in your mind right now.
The Yautja looked down at you and held you to her thigh. “We are leaving,” she answered. A’jiadh and Mai were moving supplies into the ship. A human sounded from you.
“Oh, nice.” It didn’t register inside of your brain what was happening or what that meant. You were in your own la-la land, happy as can be. She must have realized this and huffed before carrying you into your original bed. It felt like heavy to lay on.
She tucks in the blankets tightly to your body. A waterskin was set off to the side, within reach. You hummed and tried to reach up towards her. Something inside of you felt angry towards her but you couldn’t place your drunk finger on it.
A soft kiss was placed to your forehead. You were out like a light. A morning full of fun surprises were going to meet you the next time you woke up. One including a raging hangover.
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my-cowboy-hat · 1 year
Risk and Endearment
Summary: Bounty hunting with a Mandalorian is a dangerous job, but you know the risks. Don't you?
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!Reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings: blood, injury, near-death experience, angst, PINING, hurt/comfort, fluff, cuddly Grogu my beloved
A/N: I'm not sure where this came from or why I started it, but it got me writing again for the first time in a while so I'm not complaining. I've never posted any of my own work to this blog but I think I'd like to start.
I hope you enjoy reading this, please feel free to comment your thoughts!
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The explosion comes from nowhere. 
One moment, you and Din are fighting a particularly elusive bounty, quickly gaining the upper hand, and the next, debris is flying everywhere. 
You don't remember the initial impact to your abdomen, or maybe your body just didn't register it through your shock. Time slows and the sounds around you start to echo in your ears. The first thing you notice is that your hands are wet and there is a coppery taste on your tongue. The next is a sharp, pinching pain slowly growing from your stomach.
Have you been impaled by something? You wonder why your thoughts are so calm when everything else seems everything but. A quick glance down tells you, yes, you have certainly been impaled. A long, thin metal rod protrudes from your stomach and the dusty gray shirt you wore is almost fully darkened with your blood. 
When your ears slowly stop ringing, you can hear Din cursing frustration as the explosion manages to be enough of a distraction for the bounty to escape.
"Din?" You call out with a wince. He turns to you and you see his body jolt at the state you are in, "Din, I- I think we need to get back to the ship."
You think you might be in shock.
You manage to take a few steps backward with the intention of turning toward the direction you knew the ship to be in, but suddenly the world started to spin and you can't place where you are anymore. You hear Din yell your name as you begin to fall, and a pair of armored-covered arms wrap around you before you could land.
All your senses start working overtime when your brain suddenly catches up with the series of events. You can hear fire crackling around you and you whip your head around wildly in order to get a grasp on the situation. Worst of all, you can feel the excruciating, agonizing pain from your abdomen. You cry out when you feel Din place his hand on the area next to the rod to apply pressure.
"Dank ferrik!" Din grunts, "No, no, no."
"Ship," You breathe, "We have to get back to the ship."
"The ship," he repeats, and then you're being lifted in the air. You groan with the movement but manage to hook your arm around the back of Din's neck. 
"Just hang in there. We're not far." He tries to reassure you.
The trek to the ship is difficult for you to remember. The pain searing through your body only seems to increase with every step Din takes. Your eyes flicker from the story night sky to the lip of the mandalorian helmet, trying to focus on one or the other. The rest passes in a blur.
Din says your name again and suddenly you're on the ground again. Cool metal blankets your shoulders as you're laid on your back. You shake your head as another wave of pain hits you and you slap your hand against Din's armored shoulder before gripping the cloth covering his arm. 
"You're okay," Din tells you, but you don't think you believe him.
"I'm so-sorry," You whimper, a tear falling from the corner of your eye. You feel it slip down the side of your face and it tickles your ear. "Din…"
"Don't talk," his voice is gruff as he cuts your shirt free from your bloodied skin.
You start to panic and your breathing becomes ragged. So you start speaking. You say the only things that come to your mind at that moment.
"D-din I-" You let out a harsh gasp that turns into a sob, "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna- I don't wan- wanna die."
"You're not gonna die," his voice is firm, but you think you hear his own tears in his voice. "I won't let you die. Hear me?"
Faintly, you register that his gloves are off.
"Din, I- I- I- I can't- it hurts,"
"I- I know, Cyare, I know."
You don't know what he's doing. You think your stomach might be going numb. You can't really tell in all honesty, but it's a welcomed feeling, you think as your sight begins to blur.
"Take- take care of th-the baby. He-he needs you." What's happened to your voice? It sounds muffled in your ears. You feel the tears streaming down your face freely now. The pain is unlike anything you have felt before. You knew that even if the injury doesn't kill you, surely this pain will.
"He needs you too," Din's voice sounds far away now too. Why? You don't want him to go.
"An-and care… f'yours- self t-too. I love you. Th-theres a-a bag und-er my cot. Credits, and- and- extra ration pack- ah! I love you, Din. I love you. I love you."
The edges of your vision begins to darken and it takes everything in order to keep your eyes open if only to keep looking at your Mandalorian's blurry form. But this is not your Mandalorian, is it? Your Mandalorian wears a silver helmet. This one has shades of brown.
You hear him say your name when your eyelids become too heavy. He sounds so upset and urgent but you can only hum in response, the numbing feeling slowly taking over your whole body. Maybe now... Now, it might just be okay if you rest your eyes a bit.
When you wake, it's to a small hand tapping on your cheek.
You let out a small grunt when you attempt to peel open your eyes. 
You hear a small, concerned coo from where something sits heavy on your chest and there's another tap on your cheek. When you finally manage to open your eyes, your vision is in hues of blue, and small black dots dance as they take in the wooden ceiling above. 
You hear another coo and you dip your chin to see your small, green child looking at you with his big dark eyes. When he sees your eyes, his ears perk up exponentially and he collapses forward with a soft squeal. His small hands hold your neck and he nuzzles his head against your chin.
You lift a heavy hand to his back gently and whisper, "Hello darling."
You can't remember much, but flashes of the explosion play like a distant nightmare in your head, along with a fear of death you didn't know you had. You remember the pain in your abdomen and the sound of a distraught mandalorian.
You were alive. You survived when you were certain you wouldn't see another day. When you were so sure you would never see Grogu or Din again.
"Darling?" You whisper, tears stinging your eyes, "Where's your father?"
You're only given another small coo in response, the baby refusing to remove himself from his hug.
With the hand not holding Grogu, you trace down the edge of your ribs and softly over your stomach. Your body jerks in the anticipation of pain rather than the pain itself and you let out a soft whimper. You take in your surroundings as a distraction and find yourself in a small room of a wooden hut. A light breeze slips through an open window on one side where a dresser stands under the seal. There's a chair to your left with a pillow and a thin blanket thrown over it.
The room seems barren otherwise, minus the bed you were occupying.
You wonder what planet you were on. How long have you been asleep? 
Your head pounds in the way it does when you wake up after sleeping for too long, or when you take a nap that just wasn’t long enough. It did not help your confusion. 
"Dank Ferrik!" You hear a curse coming from another room and Grogu quickly sits up again on your chest, ears drooping at the sound.
The door to your room is opened and your Mandalorian steps through, "Grogu, what did I tell you? We need to let her sleep. She'll wake up when she-"
He stops when your eyes flicker up to meet the T of his helmet. 
"G'morning," You greeted softly.
Din breathes your name in a way you've never heard before. Like a prayer. "You're awake."
"Where are we?" You question. He steps forward hesitantly and you watch his gaze travel over your form, landing on your stomach.
Grogu gently slips off your chest to lay at your side.
"We- we're on a planet called Sorgon. I- it was the closest one I could think of with people I trust."
"How long…?"
"Almost a week. The medic here gave you some medicine to keep you asleep for a bit longer so your body could heal easier."
You nod and try to blink away the tears threatening to fall. You never thought you'd see him again. Hear his voice.
When you sniff, that seems to snap Din to attention. He makes a move to grab the kid but you shake your head vehemently, "No, no please let him stay. I thought I'd never- I wouldn't-"
Din pauses, "I know, cyare."
Cyare. You have a faint memory of that word being said but you don't know what it means. 
"You…" He clears his throat, "You almost didn't make it."
You reach out to him with your hand and he takes it instantly. His shoulders were stiff and the edge of his helmet kept dipping forward in an almost jerky sort of nod. He takes a knee next to your bed.
"You saved me."
"Your heart stopped."
"It's okay," You tug his gloved hand over your chest, above your sternum, where he could feel your heart beating soundly. "You made it start again. Thank you, Din."
He doesn’t respond, at least, not with words. He only squeezes your hand a bit tighter and lets out a shaky breath that crackles against the modulator of his helmet. 
By your side, Grogu snuggles into the crook of your shoulder, eyes drooping.
"He hasn't slept well," Din informs you, "I… He wanted to heal you himself, but I-" he cuts himself off and looks away.
He had stopped Grogu from healing you. Good.
"It would've killed him," You say softly, "I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself, or you, for that matter."
Din only nods and his gaze falls to your hands, still laying on your chest. Your fingers graze down the side of his glove until you reach the exposed skin of his wrist, absent-mindedly swiping a thumb along the bumps of his veins and the small scar that you discover on the side, just below the joint of his thumb.
You realize, even after all this time with the Mandalorian, you've never touched his skin. You've seen him without his gloves, of course, and even occasionally a peak of his lower neck when he was bare of any armor. Now, however, you feel him for the first time, Din. His wrist is smooth under your touch, maybe a bit smoother than you'd imagine. Perhaps wearing so much gear does wonders for skin care. You smile softly at the thought.
When you see how rigid Din’s posture has gotten, you give him an apologetic smile and begin to pull away when he suddenly grips your hand firmer in his. Your breath catches in your throat when he brings it up to his helmet where his lips lay just beyond. 
And suddenly, Din is speaking again. Just one word this time, barely above a whisper, "Mesh'la."
You don't know what it means, but he says it with such sincerity and softness that your face warms under his covered gaze.
"You should rest," He continues, lowing your hand but not letting it go.
"I've rested long enough for the next month, Din."
"Are you hungry?" 
You nod and he makes a move to stand but you tug his hand, "Wait…"
He pauses at an awkward half-kneel next to your bed and tilts his head in question.
"Just…stay? Just for a little while longer?"
"You should eat, Cyare."
Cyare. He's called you that before. You hear the echo of his voice frantic, and breaking while you laid dying on the hull of his ship. You think it may be a term of endearment, just from the way it falls so kindly from his lips. It makes you hope he loves you in the same way you love him.
You'll learn what it means one day. You'll learn the words he calls you with such reverence. You'll learn the whole language for him, you decided. Maybe you'll learn the words that could express what he means to you in ways the common tongue could not. 
"I will," You promise. He doesn't know it's a promise for something else but that's okay. "Just sit with me a little longer. Please?"
Din stares at you for a moment. You wish you knew what he was thinking. Finally, he nods, "Always."
Thank you for reading!
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missmarveledsblog · 24 days
Is it the end? ( Joel miller x reader)
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summary : y/n opens up the about the past, mark starts on his plan and well a patrol leads to an ambush , y/n face the beast of the past and this time she ready to go down to make sure he can't hurt those she has come to love even if it means she might never see them again
warnings : angst as fuck some fluffy moments but this one is also heavy , mentions of abuse in the past including SA , domestic violence , facing an abuser , violence a lot
A.N : this whole chapter is a warning if any of the following could trigger please look after yourself and skip this one (you're not alone , you got this, we are all proud of you ) hopefully see you in happier fic in future
Previous part
Maybe it was the events of the night or maybe it was because it was Joel miller. She never felt this way , something her mother described  as love it was all new and scary and yet it filled her with warmth , comfort and safety when the man was near her. How instinctively her body new he was close like sense searching him out and even in her most scared state she felt the rush of calm the moment his arms where touching her skin, his scent of  oak and musk in her nostrils and the gruff husk to his voice all those made her feel safe , all those felt like home. The man who made her feel like she wasn’t alone again . years of living hell more hell then infected hell she’d prefer them to her ex.They had more mercy , mindless zombies had more compassion then her ex to which is she didn’t get free well she would of threw herself to them. But here she was with joel sitting on edge of his bed and she wanted to be open with him completely , not hold or hide anything. 
“ i wasn’t scared because it was nigel ,it wasn’t anything to do with him it was the feeling that sent me back” she breathed out feeling the words ready to burst from her mouth like a dam every single one  that needed to be said.” he wasn’t the one that was attacking me like in my head it wasn’t him, it was like i was back there back in a past so dark it felt like a black hole, sucking the life out of me every second i didn’t even feel like a person just puppet on a string or when times seemed fit the whipping boy for when he was having a bad day”she laughed dryly .
“Jonah found me i was exhausted , starving and probably on the brink of death i thought he was my knight in shining armor like stories my mama told me about as little girl , he was on a horse and everything, brought me back to his camp and i had food and warm clothe even a blanket because i refused to ruin my brothers, then after a while i found my prince was a monster with a pretty mask , one that hid the evil he truly was start slow i would talk to passers by the first time he hit me claimed it was some sort of ptsd thing then he stopped using excuse , stopped wearing the mask every time i opened my eye i hated it , hated he didn’t just kill me like he kept telling me it wasn’t something i feared anymore it was something i wished for only thing i had was that blanket, my mama made it from some wool we found , then jonah found it made his men hold me down and he burnt it right before my eyes and something snapped inside when he went  let the melted material fall i grabbed his knife i cut him , i cut em all and ran with the bag  on my back, then there i was falling over my own feet , starved , dehydrated and my body ready to give up until a man called out just as i hit the ground ,i woke up here  in jackson and your brother as telling me i was ok , i was safe” she sniffled .
“ so when nigel hit me pushed me it wasn’t him i was seeing , smelling and hearing it was jonah like i did every single day since i was fifteen” she smiled weakly the tear that filled her waterline and once more she spent a night crying in joel millers arms feeling the weight of the past off of her shoulder. 
He just held her ,tight holding only her . she didn’t need his words to tell her how strong and amazing she was that could wait. What she need was to feel safe , to truly feel protected. How much he hated the world for trying to break her , how it made her hurt in ways a person should never hurt.  She needed to feel comfort and security to know that he had her, he was going to protect her no matter what . Tommy must have known more about his behavior to suggest it   he wasn’t going to ask. She already told him so much but he could only imagine what else the monster had done. It didn't take rocket science to see that .  He hoped his touch told her what his mouth didn’t , He meant it every sense that day he said it , she had him  in every way she wanted him .  More and more he felt him drawn to her seeing every side to the woman and she was still beautiful even more so like a flower blooming  a bed of weeds . one he will do everything and anything to keep it flourishing . he barely slept that night , watching her sleep the way her lashes touched her cheeks , the soft even breathes that pull and pushed through the pillow plush lips .  How perfect she fit in his arms like she was always meant to be there , how she should always be there and if he could it would always be that way . 
Mark wanted to leave , this needed to be over with  the longer he was gone the more danger they were in .  Jonah promised they would be safe if he did this but it even he couldn’t trust that man’s word , he did know once this was over he was taking his wife and daughter some where else far away shit he would build a boat if he needed to .  It need to end soon longer he waited the longer it would take . 
“Mark we got your present” the radio crackled as he rushed off. 
“ so fucker made it huh  he should be able give you details of the patrols , y/n does them weekends two days from now i can’t stay” 
“ two days  and i get my wife back good enough for me i’ll give you a horse and your cunts back” jonah snickered. 
“ two days” mark gritted his teeth before turning the channel off. 
Even though it was an absolute nightmare of event the night before it was the best sleep she gotten in a long time , every single time she was a sleep in his arms she had dreams  actually dreams and not nightmares that made her wake in a panicked sweat . She woke rested and calm , she was safe.  Even if it was the wake of a storm she felt safe In joel millers presence . Something about the man always made her protect something wod Seem like it was made up concept . 
“ hey love bird  breakfast Soon” ellie voice called she didn't have to look at the teen to see the smirk that was there , feeling it was enough . 
“ we'll Get up in minute go ahead” his voice god his morning Voice had her thighs clenching and her stomach In a tornado Of feeling. “ darling you wake” he rasped. 
“ do I have to” she sighed nuzzling more into His chest her head bobbed at the vibration of his sleep filled laugh . 
“ sadly you do , ya need to eat and get your head checked … I mean the wound On your head checked” . 
“ need my head checked wouldn't hurt either” she snorted as she stretched out something was different yet the same like unspoken new Development to their friendship or whatever this was . 
“ don't we all come on your grumpy when ya don't eat” he pushed her gently as he got himself up the glare she sent him was down right adorable In his eyes . Leaning down as their face so close ,Eyes locked on the each . 
“ If you're good I'll Make you a cup of the good coffee” He smirked lips ghosting over her , he could easily fall into the temptation of one simple movement And he could finally feel her soft lips . Yet he pulled back as her eyes followed his confused tilt Of her head she looked like a confused puppy . The fucker was playing with her well she could match him . 
“ I ain't ever been good  might need a man put me in my place” she whispered in his ear before heading down the stairs almost beaming when she seen ellie Standing there.  That smirk all over her face as y/n descended the stairs. 
“ looked cozy up there thought i was actually going to have to go ahead”.
“ nah couldn’t leave you to walk two minutes on your own” she giggled. 
“ my hero , hows your head that bruise isn’t as big as i thought it would be either , where’s joel?” . 
“ here i am  come on both of y’all get cranky when you don’t eat” he shot y/n a look to say whatever started was definitely not over. 
The three walked easily through town til she stopped outside that alley a shiver sent through her body until she felt his hand land on her lower back and suddenly she didn’t feel so scared continuing on their journey to the mess hall. 
As soon as she walked in it was like all eyes were on her and  they probably are few looked at her with pity , some in respect and some in pride.  Tommy had a shit eating grin on his face as he almost studied the two, ellie ran off towards dina and some of the younger residents of jackson. Maria looked  both worried as she took in the injuries so did the residents doctor making her roll her eyes. 
“ after i eat you can poke away” she finally said . 
“ oh you bet your ass you should of been brought last night” the doctor playfully glared. 
“ i also need to talk to you after if you don’t mind doing it while doc does his thing”maria ask quietly.
“ course then i want the good coffee”she turned to joel.
“Fine fine come on before benny gets there before us” he chuckled  moving her along as maria gave them an appraising look to only see her own husband watching with a big grin on his face. 
The rest of the breakfast was same the two found ways of touching each other like a couple of love struck teenagers til she was taken to the clinic  both and doc wanting to make sure the wound on her head properly taking care of  . which only good thing the man could say was it was cleaned properly but it needed stitches and should of  the night before . 
“ so you wanted to talk to me what's up may as well distract me” she laughed nervously. 
“ patrol found kid note attached erm mom was  well found not far later but was too late .. couple that was gonna take him changed there mind and maura she is watching him but she too old for kid so was wondering if he could stay with you” maria explain softly  and carefully. 
“ how old ? “  she asked wincing and gripping the chair as she felt the skin being pulled. 
“ four  his names charlie , cute little thing”. 
“ can i think about it after patrol this weekend i’ll give you an answer i mean its alot” she went to look at the woman. 
“ yeah of course i can take your time really” maria nodded . “ are you her shadow” the woman joked. 
“ something like that erm she ok”joel asked. 
“ fine but i needed stitches which i tried to tell the old fool it was my idea not come here” y/n winced . 
“ bad influence young lady” the man playfully chuckled cutting the thread. “ come back in a couple days to check it over keep it clean now off with you” he shooed her off. 
“ and i thought you liked me” she pouted.  
“ as much as a headache” the doc grumbled. 
Maybe it was the way she was raised , a couple who could of easily left her to die but choose to care for a complete strangers child not once but twice and the conditions We're  less dangerous than before  so maybe  it was something to consider .  Like a sort of paying it forward help a child like she was . She could ask ellie to help watch on patrols but then again this was big what if the possibility  Of jackson falling and then she was trying to survive with a child and watch if she screwed kid up.
  She walked Through town watching where he was . He was playing with his toys as the elderly woman watched. The way his Eyes lit Up with the snow all around til he must of felt her eyes on him suddenly he was looking right at her and wasn't charlie it was her brother lucas the way he would play , his Little chubby cheeks that went Rosie when it was cold. Yet when she blink he was gone Charlie head tilted looking at the woman . She gave a warm smile and wave although joel could see it , he knew that feeling of seeing a person of the past in someone else . 
“come On darling let's get that good coffee” he smiled softly . 
“ you think I could do it,  don't pretend you don't know “ she smiled weakly. 
“ I was one to suggest it at meeting” he nodded . 
“ you have too much faith in Me joel miller” she sighed laying her head on his shoulder As they walked . 
“  nah I just know you'll know how he feels” he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder letting himself being so close. 
“ I'll make  my choice after patrol” she nodded although he had a feeling that she Already  had her answer.  
The two could feel the shift Hell a blind person could see it . They were so close  and yet each waiting on the other to make that move . Each afraid of reading it wrong in so sort of way although  It was just more afraid. She sat closer to him, he would touch her more letting himself get closer , each so close and so far. 
They were like that the whole couple of days it was driving them both crazy  just wanting to take that step joel more so . 
“ you gonna grow a pair and make a move” tommy asked as they all were tired of the dance and just wanting the two to finally just get together. 
“ I was thinking talking to her tonight but since you got  like four of us out here I’ll have to change my plan” joel sighed although slightly relieved at the change of plan knowing it was safer in case nigel was out there .
“ well he's armed, Mark was too busy beating him to notice slimy prick taking them hence him want making it right” tommy huffed. 
“ yeah well I ain't worried about them” joel huffed as she walked past on the horse . 
“ you girls gonna keep chattering or will we get going” she smirked . 
“ you were less mean when you didn't talk” tommy playfully narrowed his eyes at her. 
“ well blame your brother is like that pardon box thing” she shrugged. 
“ Pandora box sugar “ tommy snorted 
“ yeah that too come on” she laughed as joel hopped on his own horse they all walked out. It wasn't a big one just check around make sure everything was safe make sure the cabin was empty and if it wasn't make sure it wasn't raiders. She sat on her horse humming away  eyes looking around she wasn't scared whether nigel was armed or not , he wasn't greatest a shooting and his knife or fake knife skills well they weren’t  anything to fear but she would give him on thing he was sneaky.  But he wasn't around he was definitely gone she nothing was around not an animal or infected but she stalled moment she seen the prints in snow .
“ something this way” she called bolting off before anyone could grasp her words .
“ I got her” mark headed off as joel and kai  the other man followed after. 
She kept going and going she was ahead of group something she now regret something in her stomach told her to run but before she could even turn she was knocked off the horse hitting the ground with a thud knocking the air from her lung  as the sound of footstep came towards her . The crunch in the snow was she tried to focus her vision on the blur looming over her .
“ i missed ya darling” that voice , that voice that made her stomach twist and turn , the one that made the bile rise in her throat . 
“ fuck you” she gasped feeling his boot heavy on her throat.  
“ aint something you should say your husband dear” he pulled her up by the hair. 
She pushed and pulled out his how not caring for how it felt like her scalp was burning in his hold. One thump to her head she was out cold. 
“ good job Mark shame was fer nothing huh” jonah laughed shooting the approaching man before his men put y/n on his horse and leaving the area hearing the ones approaching . 
When joel finally got there was two minute later ,  he wanted to scold her for taking a head  when he saw mark on ground and her horse empty  something told him that wasn't going to happen today . 
“ where is”  joel crouched voice trailing off at the sight of more blood trailing off . 
“ jonah took her  , he said he'd give me my family back if I did” mark laughed coughing as blood stained his lips . “ settlement up … fuck up north about an hour an abandoned warehouse they stay in cold months ” mark cough and spluttered. 
“ get tommy on radio now” joel growled not knowing if he should save the bastard or let him suffer. Saving him would help get y/n back . “ why didn't you ask us help stupid bastard” he pushed harder on the wound making man cry out. 
“ you don't know them like I do their worse than a rabid dog” .
“ well time put rabid dog down” joel growled.  
“ tommy and men on their way doc too” kai spat looking down at the man , the betrayal.  
“ she dies you will regret it I don't care who you think jonah is or how bad if y/n get hurt well  even devil himself will stop me” he spat . 
She woke up tied up to pole in an abandoned office it seemed as she looked around . 
“ well wife good to see your finally home , I may  forgive you some time but this ain't that time “ he slapped her hard making her head jerk to the side with the blunt force of it . 
“ you think I'm scared I got away once I can again” she laughed only to be slapped again . “ jesus you hit like a bitch” . 
“ looks like I gotta train you again I got time hell might break those legs of yours” he kicked her in the stomach making her slump over gasping for air. “ would you look at that I still take your breathe away” he chuckled. 
“ when I do get free I will make sure your dead this time” she growled feeling the hilt of her blade still there. 
 “ well our new  man here will make sure you dont” he smiled whistling as nigel walked in  face as smug as anything . 
“ ah the guy who tried rape me I'll make sure to kill him too” she spat only the mood instantly shifted as jonah head shot to the man.
“ she liar man” nigel laughed not noticing the shift. 
“ his hand will show you other wise I cut him with your knife both have matching scars now real besties” she rolled her eyes. 
“ show me your hand” jonah stalked closer. 
 “ she lying man I didn't touch her” nigel backed up his smug smile long gone . only as jonah pulled him close seeing the same blade pattern his blade across the wound .
“ you tried take what's mine huh guess both ya need teaching “ he growled knocking man to the ground kicking him hard . Giving her time to pull the knife from her sleeve cutting the binds . 
He kept kicking and kicking as the man below him stopped moving only stopping when he felt the metal touch his throat. 
“ put that down sweety and I'll forgive you”. 
“ only thing that's being put down is you , how dumb you think I am to think you would forgive you psychotic fuck” she pressed harder making him hiss only for him to slam his head back hitting hers he pulled out of her hold and she held on the knife. 
“ I don't care if it kills me but you ain't walking out this office alive “ she stood adrenaline coursing through her veins as she jumped behind the desk as he pulled his pistol out , she smiled feeling hers in her boot pulling it out she stood only for him to be right there his gun pointing right at her.  Two pulled and pushed the guns direction as she heard more shots and screaming behind her . She heard joel  calling her name that all she needed to push the gun from her to him as it went off sending her ex to the ground. 
“ I ain't that scared little child bride of yours I keep my promises now she took her own revolver shooting him in the head.  Walking needing to get to him only door open their he was standing completely in front of her .  While hers showed relief , he told different story. 
“hey what's wrong” she stood confused til she followed his line of site seeing what had him so concerned the knife sticking out her stomach.
“ why don't I feel it” she said slowly slumping to the floor. As joel and tommy ran over both ignoring two dead men  only focusing on her. 
“ I need to stop meeting you like this” she joked looking at tommy as he torn  her husband shirt off placing it around the wound . 
“ hey look at me we're  gonna get you to doc right” joel promised holding her hand. 
“ joel hour way I don't think we can..” tommy hissed. 
“ I got him , he thought was gonna be scared little girl but I got him” she smiled weakly Trying not to scream . 
“ you show em who boss” tommy felt himself getting choked up . 
“ we need to move her  some how” joel yelled feeling a sick sense of history repeating.  He couldn't watch another Person he love die in his arm not again it was good enough killing him . 
Her eyes felt heavy  everything felt sore and burning yet she felt weightless . 
Her hand lifting weakly towards his face holding it like it was last time she was going to see maybe She would See see him again  in another life more peaceful life not Filled with infected or Monsters under the guise of men . then Her hand felt and hit the ground , everything was cold and black  as she watched the sequence of her life passing by most of best parts involved joel  , she finally understood what those stories Meant , the ones of the Knight Saving the princess .  Joel miller was her Knight and she was happy she knew a good man , she was happy to fall In love . 
next part
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @vickie5446
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tonkatsubowl · 5 months
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▼ huuuge spoilers.
▼ sam x reader
▼ sam confesses to you.
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you already knew of firefly's true identity when she felt comfortable enough showing you her true colors. the two of you were already close as it is, but the moment she introduced herself as the stellaron hunter, you were confused about your friendship. were you truly allies or enemies?
the memories the both of you made together... where she lead you to the scenic view of penacony, where the both of you spent time together playing games in the arcade area...
and when she revealed herself to be your enemy, you were confused. stellaron hunters are supposed to be your enemy—why hasn't she harmed you in any way? she protected you, even.
you sat there, in the same scenic view that firefly originally shown you in the past, pondering to yourself...about everything that has happened to you so far. you were lost in thought, until you heard metallic footsteps approach you from behind.
immediately, you materialized your weapon, spinning around to see who it was—only for firefly—no, sam—to reveal himself.
"... firefly?"
you questioned, unsure if he was a friend or foe at this point.
"what are you doing here?"
you hear sam sigh through hid armor as he approached you, seating himself on the bench as he gazed upon the horizon. "i wanted to see you. i had a feeling you'd be here." he looks towards you, and even with that helmet on, you could tell he was softened by your appearance.
"you wanted to see me? ... you aren't going to try to hurt me, are you?"
sam shook his head, "no. there's something i wanted to tell you."
"...why now? i have no many questions, and—"
"i know, (y/n), i know you have alot, but i can't answer them now... because i have something more important to tell you."
the man in armor pats the spot next to him, and you were reluctant to sit. but you dematerialized your weapon as you sat next to him, closely, even. he felt relieved that there was some trust you had for him, but... still.
a stellaron hunter. your enemy.
"... from the memories we had together when you were with 'me', i found myself lost in my feelings for you."
you paused. you look from the scenic view, then to sam with a puzzled look. "what are you saying?"
"i'm saying..." a sigh. he was quiet. you could tell he was vulnerable with you at this very moment.
"... (y/n), i'm in love with you."
you froze up, your heart began to pound when you heard his confession. you were silent, unsure how to respond.
"i... i don't know what to say," you murmur, "is this another trick? i... i'm sorry, i just-"
"i understand." sam says, shaking his head. "i just needed to get that out there. we're... naturally enemies, after all. and we've fought before, and i've held back. i definitely did not wish to hurt you."
you were quiet. what were you supposed to say? you weren't sure of your feelings anymore, and... you wanted to leave. your heart began to race and you began to feel light headed. your trust issues, they were... you just didn't know anymore.
so, you got up.
"i-i'm sorry. i just... firefly, i don't know." you say sam's real identity instead, "i... i just... i'm sorry."
that was when you immediately dismissed yourself, quickly exiting the scene. your eyes teared up, your heart aching.
you weren't sure what to do. you felt your world spin, and spin, and spin.
what could you do or say in a situation like this?
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trailblazethegalaxy · 9 months
9:24 AM ~ *Gepard Landau*
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Summary: You're trying to train with Gepard but he can't seem to focus. Little do you know he's harboring a massive secret from you...
Pairing: Gepard Landau X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Drabble
Word Count: 797
Warning: N/A
“And that’s six wins for me this morning.” You stated apathetically to the Silverman Captain still on the ground. “C’mon Captain. It’s like you’re not even trying.”
Gepard sighed before taking your proffered hand. “I am trying, actually.”
“That’s even scarier.” You sighed and shook your head. “You’re supposed to perry instead of thrust and dodge instead of attack. You’re getting everything mixed up! I don't understand how. You're one of the best swordsmen on the Silvermane Guards.”
“It’s not my fault.” He muttered under his breath.
“What was that?”
You shook your head. “I’d tell you to go again, but we’ve been going at this for hours. Shall we take a ten minute break before trying again?”
He nodded and you saluted him, with a professional click of your boots. Gepard sighed and walked off to clear his head in some capacity. When he was out of your sight, he smacked his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was getting this sloppy in front of you. Sure, the sword wasn't his main weapon of choice, but it was as you said, he was one of the better swordsmen in the guard. He should be far better than he was acting right now. Although it really wasn't that much of a shock in hindsight. Not only were you his second-in-command, Gepard also had a massive crush on you.
Ever since you joined the Silvermane Guards, you’ve been training alongside him. Whether it be weight-lifting in the gym, going out for lunch between training sessions, or sparring, the two of you were always together. At first he thought of you as just a friend. But as time went on, his feelings for you only grew. And they grew so much, apparently, that  it caught the eye of his sister. Serval pointed out to him one time while he was getting his shield repaired that he seemed to have taken a liking to you. Though Gepard tried to deny it, since then, he couldn’t seem to focus when he was around you, no matter what the two of you were doing. 
And now, he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
But what was he to do? Come right out and confess to your face? No, he couldn’t. It wouldn’t be proper. Besides, you deserved a much more romantic confession. Preferably from someone who wasn't your superior.
No, what he needed to do was nip this little crush in the bud. He had to end his attachment to you, even if it hurt his feelings in the process. He had seen too much loss and heartache in his life. He didn’t want to lose you. But sometimes you had to break a few eggs to make an omelet, or something like that…
When his ten minute break was up, Gepard returned to the training grounds. He was surprised to see you had changed into just a leather tunic and leggings instead of your armor. You were currently sharpening your sword, a light sheen of sweat on your brow. When you looked up at him and smiled, it made his heart skip a beat.
“Hi Gep.”
“Hi…" He coughed into his hand and looked away. "Um, aren’t we supposed to continue training?”
“We were.” You say slowly before sheathing your sword. “But I noticed there was something bothering you while we were training earlier. Whatever is on your mind, that's what’s messing you up. So we’re going to tackle the underlying issue until everything is all sorted out, and then we'll get back to training.”
He shook his head vigorously. “No, I don’t think we need to.”
“I think we do.”
“No, please-”
“I would really rather not talk about my feelings to you!”
While your eyes widened, Gepard froze. 
He felt pale and his stomach churned with fear and embarrassment, making him want to throw up right then and there. But he luckily kept his lunch from spilling. In his mind he was screaming at himself. 
This was not happening. 
This was not happening!
And yet, you didn’t look angry or sad about what he said to you. If anything, you looked surprised. However, he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Oh, is that all?”
“Um, pardon?" He mumbled out, completely confused. "What do you mean "is that all."?"
You shrugged. “Honestly, looking back on our interactions, it all makes sense, doesn't it? Really, I’m surprised I didn’t pick up on it sooner. Ah well, nothing to be done about the past now.”
Walking over to him, you take his face in your hands and pull him close to you. It felt like his cheeks were on fire. But he didn’t move.
“May I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.”
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
New life with her
captain rex x reader
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The secret marriage between you and rex had always stayed a secret between you and him, with a select few that had witness the wedding and approved of the relationship. As everyone knew if these relationships was found out it will be bad new for the both of you, but mostly rex as he had most of his life serving the republic and doing his duty as well. Soon enough the secret marriage will not stay secret anymore, as it will become well know to the republic and jedi. Soon the exposure of your marriage will soon affect your life and rex life in the end.
Bail " due to your relationship with clone trooper rex the senate has decided it will be for the best, if you step down from you position and leave the senate"
y/n " ......'
montha " we can't have this happening in the senate y/n we are sorry but your action have concerns for everyone, and the separatist could use this against us and it can hurt many people"
y/n " so I'm losing everything because I chose to be with a man I love and I'm not giving up on him"
bail " you are losing everything for the betterment of everyone else I'm sorry y/n but it will be good for you to leave now"
y/n " padme"
padme " I'm sorry y/n but it for the best we have to think about the well-being of the republic and the people you serve, you have done enough damage and broke your oath"
y/n " I made Oath to serve the republic and I did that there was noting against falling in love"
padme " it for the best we cant have the separatist or anyone else seeing we are breaking our rules"
y/n " what about rex"
senator" we was stripped of his rank and status of trooper he is just avenge man now ... he could of been more and so could you but looked what happened you both are useless and betrayed us"
y/n " bail, montha, and padme we are friends I'm friends with all of you are you really going to look at me like this"
bail " we are sorry y/n and we wish for the best for you" you didn't say anything else as you were soon escorted put by droids, you had seen the troopers look at with you disgust.
padme " y/n"
y/n " padme"
padme " I'm sorry but I had to do what was right for our people and the republic, we have to sacrifice what we love and care for so everyone else can be better"
y/n " so will you be saying the same thing if everyone found out you and my brother"
padme " I'm spry y/n there a place for you on nabob where you can live with rex, and I will come to see you along with anakin"
y/n " really padme you are going to stand here and save yourself and act like you are secret married to a jedi"
padme " I and anakin relationship has to stay a secret I'm sorry y/n but maybe one day everything will be fine" you dandy say anything else and you walked away from the senate building, it will be a long time until you are back here. It will be the last time any of your old friends will see and hear form you.
later on
y/n " rex" you found rex wearing normal clothes not longer with his armor, he looked upset.
rex " hey my love" you soon hugged rex he had given everything now to republic and now he was stripped of everything even his brotherhood as well.
y/n " I'm so sorry my husband I all my fault"
rex " no it not your fault my love what has happen can't be undone"
y/n " padme didnt fight for me none of my friends did after all these years it ... meaning nothing" rex soon got up from his seat and soon hugged you as the two of you stood there.
rex " don't cry everything will be fine"
y/n " where do you go from here we both lost everything"
rex " we can start a new life on planet far from here just the two of us, and see where they take us"
y/n " I will love that" you and rex soon left the clone base as you saw his armor was backed up in duffle bag he was given, his former or fellow brothers either looked at him or turn their backs to him. You held rex hand tight as the both of you handed toward your apartment to spend one last night there, as you two will be leaving.
y/n " so where this planet you know of rex"
rex " it good planet and is neutral in the war so we will be safe, and it less liking the republic will come and the separatist as well ... there a home and I can find some work I was told about from a friend I was talking with it will be hard but maybe it will be best for us"
y/n " I will love that rex anywhere with you will be good" rex soon smiled towards you and soon brought you into an embraced, soon the two of you talked more about your new lives. After getting all the Information you need for you and rex, to started new life without anyone asking questions and having some of your stuff send to this new home.
anakin " hello you two"
y/n " anakin"
anakin " sister I'm sorry for what happened and I'm sorry to rex" rex didnt say anything as he looked at his former commander with heartbroken look on his face.
y/n " anakin I'm your sister so hwy did you fight for me and rex"
anakin " I'm sorry but if anyone found out me and padme I wilmlose her and she will lose everything she loves"
y/n " so what are you going to do now the republic might mark me a traitor in now time, rex has been stripped of everything that he fought for"
anakin " I'm really sorry but where you go I will make sure you both, are safe and taken care off"
padme " oh ani" you soon turned around from your brother you just wanted someone to fight for you and rex, but it seems like your brother wouldn't do that at all.
rex " jedi knight skywlaker I think it best if you leave here for now"
anakin " rex come on we ...."
rex " please leave my wife be sir it has been a long day for her" anakin soon nodded his head and started walking away from the duo.
anakin " I hope one day everything will be fine and you can understand what happened here today sister" you didn't say anything as anakin soon left you soon started crying, as rex brought you into a embrace as you cried on his shoulder.
the next day
????? " y/n rex" you and rex were about to leave when you two spotted ashoka coming running toward you both she soon stopped, when she reached you two.
y/n " ashoka"
ashoka " I came to say goodbye you two have changed my life and helped me learn, I'm sorry for what happened to you both it wrong"
y/n " thank you ashoka"
ashoka " rex I'm so sorry if I ...."
rex " It okay kid I will be fine I just need you to be safe out there, and give a good fight as well"
ashoka " yes rex I will make sure I will look after anakin for you y/n and the troopers for you rex" you and rex soon hugged ashoka one last time, before you both got on the ship leaving the republic home world. Only ashoka and friends that were on your guys side and helping will know where you and rex had gone. Rex heart had broken when he was stripped of everything he knew and had been raised to be, until he knew you wil become his new world and life. It will be the two of you now making a new life in this galaxy.
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
can i request obi wan x reader? where obi wan has been distant and busy that whenever he does see reader, he kinda barely even asks “how are you” or even “i love you”
the reader starts to think their relationship is coming to an end and cries ab it one night and obi walks in? and so forth
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Summary : You knew the war would keep your lover away, but as time went on, he became more and more distant. Warnings : angst, hurt/comfort (aka my favorite trope tee hee) Notes : thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy it :) i did make the reader a senator so i hope you dont mind
You and Obi-Wan had been together for a while. At first, you both were hesitant since he was a Jedi and you were a senator. You knew trying to have a healthy relationship while keeping it secret would be tricky, but you made it work. He would visit you in your penthouse, you'd meet up on other planets to get away from the eyes of the senate and Jedi order.
The war, however, changed things.
When The Clone Wars began, you knew both you and Obi-Wan would be busy. Obi-Wan would be on the front lines and you would be in the senate, trying to deal with the politics of war. You tried to make time for each other, but as the war waged on, Obi-Wan started to distance himself from you.
At first, you understood. You knew he was probably tired and busy with his clone battalion. You were just happy that sometimes he would come over to your home and sleep in the same bed as you. It was comforting, knowing he was there next to you.
Then those times became less and less frequent, and he wouldn't even say "I love you". Hell, he wouldn't even ask how you were. He would mumble an answer when you asked how he was doing then curl up into bed next to you.
You wished he would just say something, say he loved you.
Now, you sat on the edge of your bed, thinking back on your relationship with Obi-Wan. Your room was dark, the only light coming from the night life of Coruscant outside your window. You were trying to wait up for Obi-Wan, but you weren't even sure he was coming.
It hurt not knowing he was alive or dead. It hurt not knowing if he loved you anymore, if he cared anymore.
You felt tears start to pool in your eyes. Was this it? Was this how your relationship would end? You thought you two could make it, that you two could last. But recently, it didn't seem that way.
Tears were slipping down your cheeks when you heard the front door slide open with a 'hiss'. You didn't get up to greet him, you didn't even move. You stayed where you were, frozen as you listened to his footsteps approach your room.
"Darling, are you awake?" Obi-Wan called out, walking into your room.
You finally lifted your head and looked at him, tears still falling. Obi-Wan's heart snapped at the sight and was immediately kneeling in front of you, taking your hands in his.
"What's wrong?"
"Do...do you love me anymore?" You asked, pulling one hand away to wipe away your tears only for more to take their place.
"What? Of course I love you, dear, you're the reason why I keep fighting this war."
"Then w-why are you being so distant? I barely see you and when I do, y-you don't talk to me."
"Oh, my love, I'm sorry you feel that way. This war is draining and I truly wish I could be with you more, but I can't. When I finally come here after a long day, I feel at home and safe because of you. All I want to do is hold you and get some rest."
After a few quiet moments, you replied, "I'm sorry I thought you didn't love."
Obi-Wan stood up, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he did so. "It's okay, love. I know these times are stressful and tiring. Just know I'll always love you, no matter what."
He let go of your hands and walked to the other side of your bed. You laid back and watched as he took off his armor, boots and gear. With just his pants and loose shirt on, he crawled into bed next to you. You smiled as he pulled you closer.
You gave him a quick kiss before resting you head in the crook of his neck. "I love you, Obi-Wan."
"I love you, too."
You and Obi-Wan quickly fell asleep after that.
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
if you were up for it....
❛ just keep moving. don’t look back. ❜
❛ there’s nothing you can do to save them. ❜
with Joel? 👀
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a/n: i swear i can't write anything short. especially if it comes to this man. i delved deep into the angst with this one, and based it off of the vibes of the song pale rider. it gives me joel vibes in a way. i loved doing this small fic for you babes. i hope you enjoy it!
summary: grief was a noose and he did what he could to loosen it before he lost you too.
word count: 949
pairing: joel miller x reader
warnings: not explicit, gore, tw blood, violence, angst, grief, death.
You could taste copper on your tongue as you watched the scene unfold before you. The gun you’d been clutching at for what felt like hours, was emptied a few minutes ago. Your final bullet being lodged in the chest of someone you couldn’t believe turned out to be infected. The ache in your fingers started to form; the positions your knuckles were in causing the digits to stiffen until it hurt to move them.
Red splatters of blood were spread along your jacket, the color solidifying in the pale brown. It wasn’t even your jacket. It was his. Which made the realization that her blood was currently staining it, so much worse. If you could, you’d look away. Keep your eyes diverted from the scene as Joel came closer. Each step measured and slow so as not to startle you.
Is that what you’ve become? A wild animal that would bolt if given the chance? You didn’t feel like an animal—having done the right thing. But that didn’t stop the grief—the guilt—from entering your heart. Forever promising to remind you that no one else pulled that trigger. No one else killed your friend.
“Hey.” His hand reached out to cup your cheek, touch your neck, anything to establish that he was here with you.
Only for you to flinch away. You turned away, unaware that his hand fell back to his side—a pained expression overtaking his face. The burning sensation in your chest, hot and uncomfortable. You should be crying over her death; should have broken down all your walls to grieve the only friend you had. Except the tears were nonexistent, and the numbness was slowly beginning to overtake your entire being. Soon you wouldn’t feel anything—the emptiness giving you peace of mind.
Turning you into a hollow shell of who you used to be.
His hand settled on your arm, turning you back to him slowly until he could pull you closer. You felt it. The shift in your chest, in your body, as the shock fell away. Finally revealing the broken bits of you beneath your heavy cast of armor. Collapsing into his hold, you felt him draw you tight, his cheek pressed to your head and hands rubbing along your back.
Joel encased you in his warmth, his hold tight, heartbeat steady. That’s what you latched onto. The steady beat of his heart as he pressed whispered words into your hair, the scent of blood still prominent in your nose. You had to get away from this place. Run until you couldn’t feel your legs anymore, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from her. From the gruesome horror you created.
“I shouldn’t have killed her,” you said numbly against his shoulder, the sting of unshed tears building in your eyes. Yet no matter how much you wanted to cry…you couldn’t.
The emotions had built to a point that release was no longer an option. So they burrowed themselves where they could. Lodging in your throat, your chest, until you felt like you were drowning beneath the weight of them. Clutching onto him, you tried to center the anguish that ate at your insides. While your friend had unwillingly become a monster—apart of the infected—you housed one in your body.
Keeping it trapped, for fear of what might happen when it was finally set free.
“I told you,” he said gently, pulling away to cup your face in his warm calloused hands. “There’s nothing you can do to save them. Once they’re infected…”
“I know,” you replied, stifling the sob that clawed its way up your throat. “But she was my friend.”
He glanced at her, laying in the field of wild grass. If it weren’t for the infection showing itself already, he would have thought she was sleeping. He knew how much she meant to you—how you had no one to call family until her—and he wanted to take away your pain. To endure the pain of the act for you.
He should have been the one to pull the trigger, having done it many times before today, but you acted on impulse. A trait that he taught you when you first met.
If he couldn’t say the right thing, he would hold you until the pain subsided. Until he could take you back home and make sure that you kept going—that you didn’t disappear in on yourself. He could recall the day he first saw you vividly. The smile you gave him captured him, your words settling in his mind like a sweet melody he’d never tire of hearing. No matter how long it would take, he’d bring that part of you back.
You dragged him from the edge of hell and reminded him of what love felt like. He would do the same for you in a heartbeat.
“C’mon honey,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple. “We’ve got to go.”
“I can’t leave her.” Your tone sounded dead and that alone terrified you.
“You have to.” He led you towards the path, keeping you close to him with each step. And you followed, knowing that he was right. You couldn’t help her no matter how much you wanted to—the grief and memories all you had left of who she was. “Just keep moving. Okay honey?”
You nodded, clutching onto his hand. It’s what she would have wanted—what she would have told you to do. So, you exhaled, in the hopes that you’d let go of the pain you could no longer keep. 
“Don’t look back,” you whispered, forcing yourself to continue.
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l4narecl1pse · 2 months
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chapter 27 - oblivious
student!heeseung x student!reader
chapter 26 ~ Masterlist ~ chapter 28
You pull so predictably, at my armored heartstrings, shattering their strength, melting them slowly, one touch, is all it takes, and I am yours.
again, my writing skills are terrible so please don’t judge 😭
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as yn left her apartment building, her eyes fell on her best friend. he was beaming at her as she walked towards him and pulled her into a strong hug when she arrived at his car.
'you look gorgeous.' he whispered in her ear and pulled away from the hug. yn turned her head away to try to hide her flushed cheeks, but the smirk on heeseung's face was indication of a failed attempt. his compliments always made her blush even though she'd been receiving them for over 10 years now and no matter how hard she tried, heeseung always saw her shy smile and the blush creeping onto her face.
the drive was relatively silent, yn tried at first to get heeseung to tell her where they were going but he just gave her a smile and continued looking a the road ahead. it took almost an hour to get to the location heeseung had spent hours trying to find. one that was as beautiful as she was.
arriving at his chosen place, heeseung took yn by the hand and dragged her towards his picnic blanket that was perfectly set up for them. yn's eyes fell on the picnic her best friend had set up for them and her jaw dropped. it was the most beatiful picnic she had ever seen. as she turned to compliment heeseung on his picnic planning, she was faced with a bouquet of flowers. tulips. her favourite. heeseung's face appeared from behind them with a shy smile on his face.
“you've always talked about wanting someone to give you tulips as a gift” he refused to look up from the ground while he spoke.
she reached out to grab the bouquet. “they're beautiful, seung.” she smiled at him.
“like you” he quietly replied. this left yn lost for words. sure, heesueng was flirty with her before, but never to this extent. “come on lets sit” he quickly moved on after seeing yn freeze.
when they sat down, heeseung turned to face yn completely.
“seung what are you doing” yn asked seeing the suddenly serious look on his face.
“I need to tell you something.” he started, hands fiddling nervously “and before you say anything, I need you to listen to everything I want to say.”
yn nodded, encouraging him to continue.
“okay, we've been best friends since we were 8 and you've stayed my friend for all this time. I'll be forever grateful for you being my best friend until now.”
'what is going on' yn thought 'this feels like a break up. is he saying he doesn't want to be friends anymore?' she began to panic thinking about it.
“however, I don't want to be your friend anymore” heeseung looked at yn when he said this. he saw the panic in her eyes and raised what she thought was going on. “omg no! what I mean is - what im trying to say is…” he stumbled, now panicking as much as the girl in front of him. he reached over and took yn's hands into his own. taking a deep breath, he began to explain. “I don't want to be friends anymore cause I can't bear the thought another man holding you in his arms. I can't even begin to describe how you make me feel when you look at me. it hurts me, just how much I ache for you. and I understand if you don't feel the same way but I needed to let you know because it was eating me from the inside out anytime I looked at you.”
as heeseung finished, he looked up from her hands in his and was met with yn's teary eyes.
“I never thought you would say it.” yn managed to choke out. heeseung frowned confused as she continued “for years I have yearned for you. in secrecy and silence, hoping one day you would possibly feel the same way I have done since the beginning. for years I pretended that I saw you as just a friend because that's how I could keep you by my side. but it was getting so hard to pretend.”
“wait…are you saying… you feel the same?” heeseung tried to wrap his head around the concept of his crush of over 10 year liking him back.
“I always have. from the very beginning, it has always been you.” yn smiled at him tears finally escaping and cascading like a waterfall down her cheeks.
heeseung let go of her hands to cup her cheeks wiping away her falling tears with his thumbs. he was beaming now, bright like the sun. “all this time we've both been oblivious huh?” he chuckled.
“I guess so” yn giggled along with him.
"does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" heeseung asked nervously. yn nodded not able to get the words out of her mouth.
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@lilifiedeans @sumzysworld @jinostooth @lialaiakalaiiaia
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angriel · 2 years
Eywa's Chance: Fralo Pt. 7 (End)
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Fralo - [ˈfɾa.lo] adv. every time, every instance, each time
Warning: Widowed! Jake Sully, Warrior! Reader, Sexual Themes (will put signs), Angst, Absolutely Ass Writing, 17+, Violence, War, Chaos, Peace. Skypeople reader, Jake x Reader, Mentions of killing someone, curse words!
"Eywa Ngahu Fralo" you heard someone said as you drifted off to sleep.
You were standing alone in a middle of something you don't know but all you see was white, You have no idea how long you're here and it seems that you've forgotten who you're. But it doesn't matter as you felt peace by your own company, You don't know why but you feel the urge to wake up, and it is strange for you because you know you're awake.
You can't describe the feeling that tugs in your heart, you feel someone emerged from behind you, you saw a tall blue female alien and it smiled at you. You subconsciously smiled and waved, you stopped waving and thought to yourself why you felt safe with her even though she was much bigger than you.
"You don't have to remember me, Ma (Y/n) I was sent by Eywa to help you. You need to remember who you are (Y/n)" she said by slowly walking towards you, ignoring her comforting presence you maintained your ground in high alert. She held out her hand motioning for you to take her hand.
You were hesitant and just stared at her. She just nodded and said "Just let me help you", and with that you took her hand and memories flood your brain and it began to hurt badly so you involuntarily closed your eyes. But you pushed through not succumbing to the great pain you're feeling.
Suddenly you knew who you're, you remembered everything including how you met Jake, Your meeting with Neytiri, Mating infront of Eywa and lastly, you remembered why you're here. You opened your eyes and heavily panted.
"Ney... Neytiri?" You uttered under your breath, her smile widened and she nodded "Now go and save our mate" she added before disappearing. You felt yourself beginning to wake up and you feel your body getting heavy probably from the injuries you've suffered earlier.
When you opened your eyes you saw dead bodies everywhere you looked, No one was shooting and fighting anymore except for Jake and Lang. You remembered that the war is not yet over. Using the pain in her body to awaken her consciousness.
You collected your breath before standing up and watching as Jake and Lang fought, it was an even battle both exchanging blows that weakened the other. And so you decided to help Jake by running up to a huge boulder next to him and then suddenly you used Jake's shoulder for momentum to lift yourself up and jump towards Lang. Jake was left astonished still processing what you did as he saw you jumping towards Lang.
It all happened so fast as you stabbed Lang at his Arm quickly maneuvering for you to climb on his AMP suit, he took his hands off at the controls of the armor and tries to catch your dagger that'll pierce him but to no avail. You manages to stab his chest looking at him with a sickening smile on your face, He began to lose all of his senses and before it happened he mutters his last words under his breath enough for you to hear him. "I'll see you in hell (Y/n) Lewis".
Lang summoned every last bit of strength left within him and with a quick movement he took his knife out and he stabbed you at the stomach, he weakly smiled feeling victorious, finally avenging his fallen brother. He drew his last breath and died. Jake called your name, watching you fall down slowly with his eyes and feels his world crashing down at the sight of blood seeping out of your wound.
(Y/n) felt as if every strength she had on her body left her as she fell down with Lang, but luckily Jake caught her just in time before her body hit the ground. He panicked and immediately contacted norm through his transmitter.
"Norm! notify Mo'at our tsahik is gravely injured I repeat (Y/n)'s Injured!" He said as he called for his ikran and quickly finding s rope to bind your body closely to his and he made his way on the camp. Norm Hear his call and immediately turned back to Mo'ats tent.
"(Y/n).... (Y/n) is gravely injured! Please I beg you Mo'at... Please do the consciousness transfer on her otherwise This clan will lose another precious Tsahik" Norm exclaimed at Mo'at and she immediately left the tent and gathered all of the tribe.
She stood on top of a rock before saying, "Everyone! Our Tsahik needs help. She need us gather everyone! And make way to the Tree of Souls Now!" Her voice beamed throughout the camp and almost immediately all of the people gathered the others and called for their own ikrans. The one's who doesn't have one was with the riders.
Moat brought (Y/n)'s body with her tying her Avatar's body with her as her ikran swooped down at the directions of their sacred place, she hopes that they're not too late.
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Jake was waiting for all of them at the Tree of Souls hearing a flock of ikrans flying down he feels a little relieved but still it wasn't enough for his face to lit up, he saw Mo'at ran to him and Norm was carrying (Y/n)'s Avatar body. She saw you Catching your breath as you're forcing yourself to be awake despite the heavy weight on your eyes.
"Please do anything to save her.... I - I can't lose her" He said heartbroken and voice cracking in his pleas. Mo'at ordered for Norm to put your Avatar body down aligned with your injured human body. You looked at Jake and said "If I don't make it, please don't blame yourself" Jake shook his head No and replied "You will make it sweetheart don't worry I'm here with you Stay strong for me m'kay?"
Jake wasn't Naive he knew that the consciousness transfer was dangerous and he was the only one who lived through the process, he silently hoped that it will not be like what happened to Grace Augustine. And with that Mo'at Began the Ritual the tribe began to connect their tsaheylu to the ground to make a bond to Eywa and they began to chant.
They've been chanting and chanting as Mo'at is yelling her own chant while Jake is right beside you, you felt his warmth and presence as it gives you a sense of security. You felt vines growing up from the ground and held the both of your bodies some atokirina's started to attached itself at you and you felt Eywa's presence. You smiled to Jake and he returned it while trying his best to hide his worries. But you still saw through them as your eyes are share even if you're injured.
Mo'at felt Eywa's presence all throughout her body and to the tip of her fingertips, More and more Woodsprites are attaching itself to your 2 bodies, you felt yourself losing consciousness but you fought it “ It’s okay baby don’t fight it, I’ll be here for you.” Jake said and he kissed you after comforting you, you replied with a single whine from your mouth and later on you heard them stop chanting. Mo’at turned to you and said “Eywa is deciding, Jake Sully” she saw you closed your eyes.
“Eywa Ngahu Fralo (Y/n)” you heard someone said as you drifted off to sleep. Jake held his breath as he removed the mask off of you and he planted a kiss on your forehead. After a few moments he saw your Avatar body breathing and he was relieved. But he waited for a few moments and you still didn’t open your eyes and that was when he knew that something is wrong.
He began to speak your name as he lightly taps your shoulder but you’re still asleep, Mo’at interfered and said “The Great Mother is talking to her, do not disturb their meeting” She spun around and said something to the tribe in Na’vi “The Tsahik is meeting with Eywa, let us go back home as the Olo’eyktan thanks us for our hardwork!” The tribe rejoiced as they flew to the high camp happy, leaving Jake and (Y/n) alone. He clicked his tongue and proceeds to go home, he put (Y/n)’s 2 bodies in his tent. The human body will be buried to be one with Eywa.
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Meanwhile (Y/n) was all alone but she knew that Eywa was with her. Suddenly a Woman showed up with a stick..... A Cigarette? You put your guard up and hissed at her but she only chuckles "Feisty like Neytiri huh? Who could've thought that Jake is a sucker for Feisty ones". You lowered your guard and looked at her confused, "I'm Grace Augustine" She extended her hand & you take it to shake her hands with her.
"I'm Eywa's assistant now, well sort of." She said "I'm one of Jake's close friends, I'm a scientist that fell in love with the nature of pandora. I fought dor the Na'vi people together with Jake." She explained as the scenes of her helping Jake flashing at the background, after a while she disappeared. You don't understand why she just told you her story but before you can jump into conclusions Another person appeared.
It was a Tall Male Na'vi stood before you, you greeted him and he greeted back. "I was sent here by Eywa to teach you, come" He said. His presence held Authority even greater than Lang.
"I was once the Olo'eyktan of the People, but my reign was cut short my Coronation was a few days before the 1st war." He reminisced as the scenes of his heroic deeds replayed at the background.
"I was shot and fell down the flying machines, Jake the great Toruk Makto and the Olo'eyktan now found me. I passed the Olo'eyktan to him and begged him to ease my pain and he did." He explained further as he smirked.
"Not to brag but, I'm the first female Toruk Makto" You beamed at him and he bursts out laughing offending you. "Interesting, that Sully found his match huh?" He Bowed at you.
"I'm Tsutey, I was a brother to Jale pleased to meet you (y/n)" He said one last time before he disappeared. You started to piece the information together and you're beginning to understand it all, suddenly another woman emerged and peaced at you.
"Sup Jake's Mate Name's Trudy, Pleased to meet you" She said as you waved at her, she smiled at you and waved back with the same energy. She stretched for a moment and released a groan before saying.
"Imma make this quick cause I have a nap to catch on" And with that she hurriedly showed you her late story before she died. "Am Jake's Pilot and I'm hella good at it, Shit's pilot can't even hit my plane dang." She praised herself and we both laughed.
"I sided with the Na'vi's cause fuck humans. I would rather betray my own kind to keep seeing Pandora's beautiful nature than staying loyal to my kind and destroying this treasure" She said. You saw the scene of her bombing the Home tree where many Omaticayans flee for their lives.
"I regret doing that, but I'm glad Eywa gave me another chance" She muttered and she quickly disappeared. You waited for a few moments and no one appeared, you sighed and wondered when are you gonna wake up, you're worried that Jake is waiting for you for a few Hours.
"My child" You heard a soft yet firm voice of someone, you looked around your consciousness but saw no one. You realized that it was Eywa talking to you, You bowed and knelt to the ground to show respect. Suddenly a woman was standing before you.
"Thank you for defending the land, (y/n) may you and Jake lead a peaceful life. But I must warn you my child nothing is permanent" She warned you and proceeds to give you a time lapse of a vision? Many images flooded your brain and you winced.
The last image was a young Na'vi dying infront of you, you heard water clashing and you feel tremendous guilt and sadness. Before it went further the visions stopped and Eywa embraced you wishing you luck for the next chapter of your life. "You should wake up now child, your mate has waited for you" The great mother said before you felt yourself wake up.
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Jake was broken but he doesn't show it he wonders if he's being delusional when he sees (y/n) breathing, he doesn't know if he's loosing his mind or not. But he saw your already big stomach containing his child in you, he doesn't know what to do anymore.
"It's time to let her go Jake it's been 8 months already, look at her! She grew thin! I doubt that child is even alive!" Norm exclaimed at Jake, he has spent the past months convincing Jake to let (Y/n) go and just bury both of her bodies together but Jake keeps on denying it.
"Shut the fuck up Asshole! You don't know what it feels like to lose Both of your mates in one lifetime!" Jake screamed at Norm, he sat down next to you and nuzzled his face in your hands. Norm went quiet and pat Jake at the back.
"I'm sorry man, it's just... It's been a few months you know" He said, Jake just scoffed and looked at him straight in the eye and ordered him to go away. And Norm obeyed.
He nuzzled his face closer to your hands silently hoping you'd wake up. He felt your fingers lightly twitched and he immediately opened his eyes and called your name. He watched you as you regained your consciousness. His eyes teared up and a single tear landed on your skin.
"Ma Jake? Why are you crying?" You asked, he laughed at you and replied "You've been out for 8 months and that's the first thing you'll ask me?".
Your eyes widened "8 months?!" You said while sitting up. But you felt a pain on your stomach, "Shit I forgot I was pregnant" You said and Laughed through the pain. Jake asked you if you're okay and if he need to call Mo'at. You nodded yes as the pain intensified.
He ran outside and called for Mo'at, just as they walked back in you felt your water broke and you screamed in agony as you felt being split in 2. "Fuck! Jake I think Your Child wants to come out!" You said while caressing your stomach.
Mo'at went and called for all of the healers and they made Jake wait outside. You're screaming in pain of giving birth, just then Mo'at made you eat some fruit and said that it'll relieve your pain. And to your surprise it worked! The whole Labor passed and you gave birth without feeling any pain.
A few minutes later You saw your child crying as Mo'at gently placed by your side. "It's a boy! Po Tutan!" As Mo'at screamed in Joy, Jake suddenly bursts in and saw you with his child and said the same thing. "IT'S A BOY!" he kneeled right next to you and asked you what would his name be.
You smiled and close your eyes as you heard Neytiri's whisper on your ear "His name would be Neteyam, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" You proudly said as they cheered with the successful birth you did.
As they announced it to the tribe many was happy of the news both by your successful labor and you being well and alive. They began to prepare for a celebration of Neteyam's birthing, you looked at Jake proudly carried Neteyam and he connected his little Tsaheylu on a strand of the Tree of souls.
You have wondered how did you get this type of story in your life when back then you were nothing but a nobody back in being a Marine. But still you were thankful for Eywa for giving this to you, you thanked her for giving you both Jake and Neteyam as well as the tribe of the Omaticaya. And you know to yourself that....
With this it ended a chapter in your life and at the same time it has opened another and you can't wait for the future. But you can't help but be bothered by the Visions that Eywa has showed you.
@fluloa @cleverzonkwombatsludge @thatsenoughformelol @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @erenjaegerwifee @soxfix @dorck26 @vampsclassiffied @1950schick @lovekeeho @fanboyluvr @buttercake2234 @slutforsmut4ever @witchywannabe3263 @sharni07 @blackgirlwriting
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lunathebee · 2 years
Just saw your dialog request thing! And can I say oh my god! Can you do 9 and 7 please, but no dying, I can’t handle angst 😂
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Pairing: Namor x human!fem!reader
Warning: mention of blood
A/n: no dying?? hmmm,it took me awhile to come up with something lol
Dialogue prompt #7: "In k’áatech" ― "I love you?" ― "Your Mayan is getting better In yakunaj (my love)"
Dialogue prompt #9: "Open your eyes, my love, my moon. I'm begging you...please. The war is over; we won... but without you, it doesn't matter to me anymore."
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"I should have known better." Namor shook his head and glared at Y/n, his eyes no longer soft and full of love anymore; they were icy cold and sleek like a dagger, preparing to strike. "You're just like all the humans on land, foolishly thinking some negotiation could solve everything."
Y/n takes a deep breath to control her rage. Namor has always been stubborn, ever since the first day they met; but she knows that beneath it all, he is a soft-hearted person, a king who cares about his people's well-being, and a charming man to say the least.
But there are moments like right now that make Y/n feel like her lover is a totally different person.
"All I’m saying is the war could be prevented, and NEVER compare me like that when I—I myself was willing to become a Talokanil for you... UgH..you know what? Fine" Y/n stormed off to put on her armor and breathing mask as Namor watched in disbelief.
"What are you doing?" He asks while following her with caution.
Y/n doesn’t answer as she picks up a spear, admiring how sharp the blade is before Namor takes it from her hand in anger. "Don’t make me ask again, In Yakunaj (my love)" He lowered his head and whispered in Y/n’s ears, watching her reaction.
"Can’t you see? If you don’t want peace and my advice, the least I could do is fight alongside you." Y/n smirks. "And maybe I can be there to watch how you lose the war that you started first."
Namor can feel his head fuming with anger for a moment; his lover sure knows how to mess with him. Namor has always taken pride in his superhuman strength and power; never in a million years would he think about losing a fight. "Nice joke Sirenita (little siren)"
Y/n likes it when Namor calls her by that nickname; there are many things that she has regretted in the past, but loving him is definitely not one of them.
“Now…can I have my spear back and go with you? Namora and Attuma must be tired of waiting for us In ajawo' (my king)”
===𓆝 𓆟 𓆞===
"¡Líik’ik Talokan!" Namor yelled out loud before watching his people jump fearlessly from the water onto land, easily overpowering all the enemies.
Y/n on the other hand is struggling to fight; after all, she is a human, and her abilities can't compare to a Talokanil warrior. 
"Tsk tsk, what do we have here? Your skin isn’t blue like those freaks" A guy ripped off Y/n’s breathing mask while forcing a knife near her throat. "You don’t need this, honey; you are a human, aren’t you?"
The woman gritted her teeth in anger, unaware of how the guy already had another knife digging slowly into her stomach.
"Y/n!" Namor’s voice booming from above caught her attention; it turned out he had been looking for her when she went missing, flying and scanning the whole area.
But it's not just Y/n who is aware of Namor's presence; the bad guy holding her hostage is as well.
"Fuck, you're dead to me" he muttered, and before Y/n could comprehend what was happening, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, causing her to cry out loudly.
Y/n watched the guy run for his life before being killed immediately by Namor's trident falling from the sky. "KILL THEM ALL!" The king yelled, furious at seeing his lover get hurt.
Y/n doesn’t know what is happening or what happen after that, but the headache and dizziness are making her slowly become unconscious. Is this the end?
"Open your eyes, my love, my moon. I'm begging you, please. The war is over; we won... but without you, it doesn't matter to me anymore" Namor cried out while holding Y/n close to him.
"I’m okay; I will be okay... But geez, it did hurt."
The sudden answer made the king widen his eyes in shock and happiness. His lover is okay, but how?
"The armor saved my life." Y/n smiled, as if she knew what Namor would ask. "Well... I would say that it didn’t do a very good jo-"
Her sentence was cut off by a deep and fierce kiss; the action took Y/n by surprise, but she happily joined in, deepening it.
Namor broke the kiss before pulling Y/n’s head closer to his, their foreheads touching. "In k’áatech"
"I love you?"
"Your Mayan is getting better, In yakunaj (my love)"
Y/n smiles at Namor's praise before pulling him closer, yearning for another kiss.
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Sabine Wren: The Crossroads
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I'm trying very hard not to hyper-fixate on a show that won't be airing for a few more months. But, damn, did this trailer awaken something in me.
I am, like most of you, super excited for this show; I'm excited for Ahsoka, excited for Thrawn (loved him since the OG Timothy Zahn trilogy all those years ago), excited for these new 'Dark Jedi' -
And, most importantly, excited for the return of Sabine Wren.
Actually, I'm the most excited for her and for what the actress, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, will bring to this older incarnation of the beloved Star Wars Rebels character.
Because this is not the Rebels Sabine Wren. This is someone new. And I am very interested in meeting this new Sabine.
Someone who is informed by the history of what happened in Rebels, yes, but who also experienced an entire Galactic Civil War and the repercussions of fighting said war while being so very, very young.
And she lost her family. Kanan, Ezra, and later on, the Purge of Mandalore. It's hard to say if the remaining Ghost Crew stayed together during the events of the OG Trilogy.
So many questions: what was she doing in the past ten or so years? How long has she been on Lothal? Did she ever return to Mandalore and try to save her family, her people? Did her family survive the Purge?
Someone pointed out that it's interesting that Sabine chose to stay on Lothal instead of returning to Mandalore - that she chose the homeplace of someone who was like an adopted sibling to her, rather than her own real flesh and blood home.
I suppose that speaks to the bond between her and Ezra. That she found more comfort returning to his home, rather than hers.
The official trailer released for the Ahsoka show is intriguing in what it shows of Sabine - and, most notably, how static she is. The Sabine Wren I remember from Rebels was dynamic, spunky, and a fighter.
This Sabine Wren is notably less so - we see shots of her basically living at Ezra's watchtower, garbed in his style of clothing, and just . . . waiting, it seems. Waiting for Ezra to come home.
(I'm aware that the extended Ahsoka trailer featured Sabine more in action, with her wielding Ezra's lightsaber against the female Dark Jedi, partaking in a speeder chase, and, later on, putting on her iconic armor. But, even then, I could argue that she's being reactive in most of those scenes as opposed to proactive.)
Rebels takes place shortly before the Galactic Civil War broke out in earnest. Sabine had just suffered two back to back intense personal losses - Kanan and then Ezra - and, despite the victory of dispatching Thrawn into the Unknown Regions for the foreseeable future, she still had a whole WAR to fight.
I can't imagine what it was like to do all that, while so young, and already having sacrificed and lost so much. Not having Ezra by her side throughout the entire war must have hurt unbearably - and the pain of his absence was probably magnified during the peacetime that emerged after the Victory at Endor. Because there wasn't a war to fight anymore, there was peace. Sabine didn't have that to distract her from his absence any longer.
And he wasn't there to enjoy seeing Lothal rise and prosper. Only she was.
Watching Sabine stare at the hologram of Ezra during the Ahsoka trailer hurt. Her expression is simultaneously haunted, sad, and . . . perhaps something more, that we'll hopefully see play out in the show. You know, immediately, that watching that hologram of Ezra is a daily ritual for her.
The actress for Sabine said that she's "wrestling with her demons" during the Ahsoka series. And if that one haunting scene of her staring at Ezra's hologram with a galaxy's worth of pain and longing in her eyes is anything to go by, then I am so ready for all the hurt and feels ready to be thrown our way.
There's a lot to be excited for in the Ahsoka show. But, for me, the success of such a grand epic that they're aiming for rides on how well they handle the Sabine x Ezra relationship. Because for Sabine, yes, the fight against a returned Thrawn is important.
But, there has to be personal stakes for our heroes. And having Ezra's fate intertwined so closely with Thrawn's was a master stroke on Filoni's part.
If Thrawn returns, then Ezra is back with him. And Sabine wants to find Ezra and bring him home. That's what she promised in the Rebels epilogue. I think that is what will matter the most to her.
Maybe that's how Ahsoka persuades her to get back in the fight - that finding Thrawn will mean finding Ezra. And if the Grand Admiral gets in her way . . . well, good luck to him (not really). It's obvious how much Sabine has missed Ezra - and, as we all know, Mandalorians don't take it kindly when someone harms their family.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
☠️🦖 "All you do is lie" for Deacon x f!sole?
Hurt me so good please. Congratulations!!
Well, you can't get much more perfect than this line for this character, so thank you for that!
And I will do my best. Again, I love Deacon, but I also love making him feel a little shitty. 😈
I hope you enjoy!
"Deacon? W-what are you doing here, are you... Were you following me?"
Deacon's jaw set, the action formally damning him as the hurt in Sole's eyes turned to embers of fury.
"What happened to you being busy? What happened to not having time for your partner, for having to 'go it alone?' All this time, you were just tracking me? Spying on me?"
Sole was nose to nose with him by the end of it, so close, they could make out the cool blue of his eyes beneath his darkened shades. As well as the guilt that shone within them.
"Danse," Sole turned their head slightly to the side, their gaze refusing to leave Deacon's as they spoke to their other companion. "Why don't you head into the airport. I'll be right behind you."
Even without looking, they could feel the Paladin's eyes narrow at their request.
"Very well, I'll do as you ask, just... Be careful. I don't trust this one."
"Yeah..." Sole said, more to Deacon than to Danse, "I'm starting to think I shouldn't either."
The heavy steps of Danse's power armor-laden form grew distant as he trekked back to the Brotherhood HQ, but still, the Railroad spy firmly held their gaze.
"All you do is lie to me, Deacon!" Sole burst out, their arms flailing in frustration, "Everything you said the last time we spoke, it was all just bullshit! Does this mean nothing to you?" They gestured to the pair of them, one finger poking uncomfortably into his chest as they did so. "Everything we've been through, all this time working at each other's sides, doesn't it make you feel like shit? Not having a friend in the world? Not having anyone you can trust? Anyone that you can actually be honest with? Or are you even capable of honesty anymore?"
"Trusting people is dangerous, Sole." Deacon spoke firmly, almost completely monotone. And Sole wasn't sure why, but that pissed them off even more. They opened their mouth to let him know as much, but Deacon continued before they could voice a thing.
"That's what I've been trying to teach you all this time. Can't you see that? It's because I- I care about you that I want to protect you from anyone that might try and take advantage of you," He gestured broadly to the large airport behind them, his meaning clear. "Anyone who might put you in danger, even unknowingly, and that includes me. But it also includes your laser pistol pals in the giant metal flying nightmare."
"This isn't about them, okay? I'm not just blindly trusting the Brotherhood, but after you blew me off, what the hell was I supposed to do?" Their voice rose an octave, a testament to their desperation, "You wouldn't help me, Deacon, and I need to get into the Institute, I need to find my son, and sever that horrible organization's hold on the Commonwealth for good. I thought that's what we both wanted, but then you made it clear you had other priorities."
"Sole, just because--"
"Other priorities that, I guess, included spying on me." They spat the word at him, and Deacon flinched at the malice. "You didn't need to sneak around, okay? I know it's what you're used to now, and all your anti-trust monologuing probably means you wouldn't believe me at all, but you could've just asked me what I was doing with Danse and the Brotherhood. I would've told you, and, because I'm not you, I would've been honest about it."
"Ouch, okay, I get it." His voice sounded stripped, like the overused scratchiness of an old holotape. "Just ask, yeah, that's always worked in the past."
"You didn't know me in the past, Deacon." Sole's tone wilted, the anger slowly draining out of them as their companion began to yield to their fury. "I'm not a cunning master of subterfuge and stratagem. I'm not your enemy. I'm your ally, and whether you say it or believe it or not, I'm your friend, too. I know this goes against everything you preach, but you can trust me."
He nodded to them without a word, and Sole couldn't help but notice the way something appeared to catch in his throat as he swallowed thickly.
"I-I know." He finally said after a long pause, where the dangerously electric energy in the air between them seemed to sizzle out into a pleasant hum. "That's what scares me about you. I'm not... Not used to it, is all."
One hand came up to rub at the back of his neck, a small grimace still present in his expression as he looked away from his companion's still-intense gaze.
"But I can try, you know? Can maybe give it a go again. This whole 'friendship' thing." He said with air quotes around the word that, coming from his mouth, sounded like a forbidden swear word.
"I'd like that..." Sole smiled at him, their expression finally soft enough for the spy to chance another glance into their bright eyes without fear of being burned.
"So then... if what you say is true, and I really can just ask you. What are you doing hanging out with these jarheads?"
"You were the one spying on me," They said with a teasing grin, "Why don't you tell me?"
"Okay, yeah, I deserve that." He chuckled, his shoulders finally relaxing from their previous tenseness. "And while I did have a few theories, I think I'd rather get it straight from the source. Save face, and all that, you know."
"Yeah, I think that's probably best too." Deacon grinned at that, an apologetic thing, but also one of familiar amusement.
"Really," You continued, "I just needed to borrow some power armor from them. I have a lead on how to get into the Institute, but... Yeah, it requires me not dying of radiation poisoning first, so..."
The Railroad agent chuckled a bit at their tone, the way their sarcasm rivalled even his own.
"Well, if it's power armor you want, that Paladin Danse guy sure as hell looks like the one to get it from."
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vankaywie · 1 year
Bertholdt Hoover x Gn!Reader
Warning: Angst. Fluff. Making out.
Word count: 1.2k
An: I saw this on my notes, i made this months ago and i actually forgot about it lol. This fic is actually longer than this but I've decided to cut the ending off because it was... icky. Bleh. No. I also can't think of any title for this LMAO. By the way, the titan I've made up for this is based on an infected in Tlou:} A shambler and a bloater. Also i am very if theres mistakes [sobs]
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No... No, No No.
You've already lost Marcel. You can't lose him too...
You knew Bertholdt since you were a day old. The two of you were titan shifters, along side with Reiner, Annie, and Marcel. Annie, you, Mercel, and Bertho was selected to become warriors and to inherit the power of the titans. Annie inherited the power of the Female Titan. Reiner Inherited the power of the Armored Titan. Marcel inherited the power of the Jaw Titan. Bertholdt inherited the power of the Colossal Titan. And you inherited the power of the Acidic Titan.
The Acidic Titan is 15 meters tall. Half skinless. The Acidic Titan lets out acids around it's body, just like how the Colossal Titan lets out steam. The Acid burns through a human's body. In rare occasions, the Acidic Titan can sometimes throw a ball of acid that explodes. The Acidic Titan can also be a good weapon for the other titans.
You watch as Bertho lays unconscious on top of a roof, legless, armless, with Armin's titan trying to reach for him. You were far away from Eren and his group, since they knew you were a 'traitor'. When he finally woke up and realise that there was a titan attracted to him, he quickly yelled for help. He smiled when he saw Eren and the others, but they were frozen.
"Guys, please! Help ME!" He screamed. He screamed Annie's name, of course. He liked Annie. He also screamed Reiner's name. He screamed your name.
No... You couldn't take it anymore... You quickly used your ODM gear to get close to Bertho and sliced the titan's fingers, making the others gasp. You saved Bertho, yes... But, in the process, the titan's other arm yanked at your ODM gear and quickly shoved you in between the titan's mouth. Half of Bertho's arms and legs were already healed. You were in between the titan's teeth, still trying to escape. But the pressure was too hard, you were about to get crushed any seconds now.
"B-Bertho... " You whimpered. "Why would you never look at me...?"
"It's always 'Annie, Annie, Annie'... Why won't you LOOK AT ME?" You yelled, sobbing. "I can't believe this is what we're talking about as I'm about to die." And now you were laughing?!
"Hey! Don't you dare pick on him!" You yelled at Porco, shielding Bertho behind you.
Porco chuckled, "Seems like somebody likes Bertholdt."
Your cheeks turned pink. Bertho was so confused of what was happening. "Nuh-uh!" You shook your head.
"How pathetic, you act like a child." Porco laughed. "I'm sure they won't pick you to have a titan power."
"That may be true, but i am a child. What's your excuse?" And with that, Porco scoffed and walked away.
"Are you okay, Berth?" You asked, turning to look at him with a smile on your face.
"I'm fin-"
A thud can be heard. It was Annie, she tripped on a rock "Oh- Annie!" Bertho yelled before running towards her. You knew Bertho likes Annie. It somehow hurts to see him desperately run towards her.
"A-Annie. Are you okay?" He asked. Helping Annie to get up from the ground.
"I'm fine."
You just stood there as you stare at Bertho smiling at Annie.
He stares at you in shock. The others stares at the both of you in shock. Bertho wasn't expecting this confession.
"Why won't you transform? You're about to die if you don't!" He yelled.
"We're both gonna die if we kill or leave Armin. And besides, we're 'monsters'. We deserve to die, right?" You cried. "I'm letting Armin inherit the Acidic Tita-"
You felt a hand pulling you away from the titan, making you crash next to Bertholdt. "Wait... If Bertho's here, then who- REINER?!"
"Thank you, Annie.. Bertho and [Name]."
"REINER!!" Bertho screamed in terror as Reiner gets eaten by Armin. Reiner... I'm so sorry.
You heard an ODM gear being used, when you turn your head, you saw Eren and the others getting close to the two of you. And with that, you quickly grabbed onto Bertho and used your ODM to get away from Armin as he transformed into an Armored Titan.
As the two of you went pass the wall, Levi was chasing you and Bertho, so you bit yourself to transform. You were holding Bertho as you run in your titan form. Levi couldn't catch up, your titan was too fast. You didn't exactly know where you're going. But you just needed to go somewhere far away.
The moon has rose. Bertho was sleeping beside you. His fingers were the only one that wasn't fully healed yet. You chuckled at his silly sleeping position. His torso was on the ground, one of his hand was on his head while the other one was holding his foot. His other foot was on top of a log that was laying there at the ground. You were leaning against that log as you were sat on the soft grass, with a fire infront of you to keep the both of you warm.
A sigh left your lips. You didn't know what to do. If the two of you came back, theres a massive chance that the others will kill the two of you.
The fire was almost gone, another sigh left your lips. You wanted to get more wood for the fire, but before you can even fully stand up. Your shirt was being pulled back down.
"Stay with me." Bertho spoke, lightly pulling at your shirt. "I don't want you to leave."
You sat back down, hugging your knees close to you. He was now sitting beside you.
"About what you said-." "You heard nothing." You quickly interrupted, looking away from him. The awkward silence was surprisingly comforting to you.
"Forgive me." Out of nowhere, his hands were on your cheeks, pulling you close until your lips met his. Your eyes widened in suprise. As much as you wanted to enjoy this moment, you quickly pulled away.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry!" Bertho was quick to apologize.
"No, no... It's fine." You said, hugging your knees, looking away from him. "I thought you liked Annie."
"I do." He says, staring at the stars. "But not as much as how i feel towards you..."
Both of your cheeks were red by now. You couldn't take it anymore. You turned to him and quickly pulled his face and lock his lips with yours again. He was now underneath you, your lips were still dancing with his. You finally moved away from his lips. He was smiling... So cute. His smile disappeared as soon as he realized there was something wrong.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Bertho...?" You said, as you lay your head on his chest. He let out a sound that sounded like a 'hm?'. "What are we gonna do?"
"We should go back to Marley." He was stroking your hair with his fingers. That small gesture made you feel tired. You just wanted to sleep.
"That's good." You yawned. You closed your eyes for only a second, but you eventually drifted off.
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