#but who else will i make grungey and dark if not him?
sallymew4 · 20 days
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knockoff-conlon · 1 year
modern dorlene hcs!!
loud. always. she said it kept her brain at bay. she liked to yell and shout and draw attention to herself.
blonde hair that gets fucking everywhere. everywhere at all times. catches on things, too, like dorcas' rings.
really bright brown eyes.
fastest runner in her elementary school and high school. VERY fast.
tall. 6'2
smart but she doesn't apply herself as a way of rebellion against her family.
neglectful, abusive family that she runs away from when she's fifteen.
her phone background is actually a picture of her and remus, not her and dorcas
closest with remus out of anyone. lived with him when she ran away. they were extremely codependent and didn't have an boundaries. james and dorcas accepted that they were a package deal
90s grungey style. a lot of flannel, ripped clothing, leather, patches.
violent. it was an unfortunate habit from her family. she would get very angry very fast and it transferred to violence, though she tried to never hit her friends and she NEVER hit dorcas.
had a running bet with remus over who would get their braces off first when they were thirteen. (she lost but says she won)
lots of tattoos. one of those people who didn't really have meaning for said tattoos. she just likes the look.
tons of piercings- about eight or nine in each ear, eyebrow, tongue, septum, nose.
musical lover. hope lupin introduced her to all her favorite musicals.
has dorcas saved in her phone as 'side-ho #1'. dorcas knows and loves it.
swears a lot. the marauders, valkyries + dorcas made a swear jar to stop her swearing so much.
jewish convert, conservative jew.
got with dorcas when she was eighteen. once they did get together, they were very close and very in love.
touchy with remus and dorcas. not with anyone else.
designer fr tho. she makes her own clothes and makes her friends' clothes, too.
smokes + she has a lighter with a dumb design on it from remus.
steals remus' clothes 24/7.
looms over people menacingly.
very severe adhd. has a habit of being distracting as shit, forgetting to eat, a hatred for certain sounds and feelings, and hates overhead lighting.
candles. all the candles.
knows how to shoot a gun and often does go to a shooting range.
part spanish and french, speaks both languages.
will eat anything someone puts in front of her. from nachos to fajitas to escargot- she'll eat it all.
really strong. can lift about 450
trust issues.
hockey player.
multiple concussions.
partially deaf due to repeated head trauma from said concussions and abuse from her parents.
she's tiny, literally 5'0 on the dot and so she makes evan and marlene get her things on tall shelves.
gets really anxious sometimes and bites her nails because of it. pandora does complicated nail art on her nails so she feels bad biting them.
flexible as shit.
very feminine, which makes people assume she's straight.
makes her own jewelry and creates a small business of it at her high school. she makes a small fortune off her earrings.
big on romance movies, cries at them. loves horror movies, too, doesn't flinch.
resting bitch face, 100%
lives in a trailer with her dad. mom ran away when she was, like, two months old.
can play bass.
eyes so dark they're almost black.
has a tattoo on her wrist for her dad. it says 'i love you' but in his handwriting.
marlene left her hockey jersey at dorcas' place one day and now dorcas wears it to sleep.
loves to take pictures, has a lot of really embarrassing, weird photos of her friends, family, and marlene.
really good at baking, can back anything. god awful at cooking.
plant mom
fairy lights everywhere in her room.
at one point sold weed to help with the money at her place. now she does it for some extra money.
HUGE activist. got into a lot of trouble at school for it but then barty would be louder and more violent about her getting in trouble and cause a riot.
cold, all the time, no matter what.
big reader, bonded with regulus, lily, and remus over it.
atheist number one but will go to shul with marlene if she asks, specifically the high holidays.
farmer's markets, vintage festivals, and art stores are where she spends all of her money.
loves to paint but there's not enough room in her trailer so she paints outside while her dad reads beside her.
pineapple pizza is one of her favorite foods.
barty, evan, and dorcas hang out together and dye their hair with each other. regulus and pandora do not participate and hang out together elsewhere.
is super, super close with her dad and she tells him everything.
steals barty's clothing because she likes his style and men's clothing is more comfortable.
draws on her converse and marlene's leather jacket.
worships minerva mcgonagall. the art teacher.
scared of flying.
gave herself a lot of her own piercings.
they have 'design dates' where marlene sits and makes clothes, and dorcas works on her jewelry/works on new art.
nauseatingly affectionate sometimes.
that one picture with the girl straddling the other one and doing her makeup. that's them.
flat is always super loud- marlene playing music and them dancing, working on their university assignments and their work.
marlene spends a lot of nights at dorcas' trailer and becomes best friends with her dad because of it.
marlene does bring donuts or coffee for them all the time.
shit talk people but in sign language.
dorcas comforts marlene during nightmares and marlene comforts dorcas during anxiety attacks.
never explained they were dating to their friends, one day just kissed goodbye and everyone just went with it.
marlene picks her up and carries her places (the doctor, cause dorcas is scared of the doctor and refuses to go)
dorcas bakes marlene cookies and muffins when she's sick.
dorcas cheers marlene on at all her hockey games, even though she finds hockey dumb.
dorcas takes marlene to vintage stores and markets and marlene always ends up carrying whatever dorcas buys.
marlene takes dorcas to shul with her on the high holidays and makes snide commentary about the people at her shul. dorcas tries learning hebrew to at least be able to follow along. doesn't work super well but marlene appreciates it anyway.
take turns deciding what movie go watch together. marlene likes action/adventure and dorcas loves a dorky romance movie.
marlene takes dorcas to italy to visit marlene's older brother. make solid plans to move there one day/honeymoon there.
road trip together with them and their friends.
can definitely do the dirty dancing lift.
had picnics on the balcony at their flat all the time. marlene used her candles to make it more atmospheric and dorcas' plants also helped.
kinda broke until marlene's fashion and designs hit it big.
femme x butch, fr tho.
dorcas used petnames all the time. marlene always got flustered and dropped what she was holding.
marlene learned how to style dorcas' hair, how to do braids and stuff like that so she could do dorcas' hair.
very in love, cutest couple ever, and kind of losers with each other.
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idreamofhazel · 1 year
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The Boyking—Chapter 18
Here’s the next chapter! You can also read on AO3 if you want.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: death, grief, blood
Beta’d by yours truly, all mistakes are my own :)
Sam remained standing in front of her, eyes locked together in the fierce but unsettling agreement that they would both avenge this cruel, pointless death. Then, Dallas watched as Sam pocketed his grief somewhere inside himself—pushed it down and sealed it up with a steely countenance while emotions lingered, swimming in his eyes. She could understand this because she, too, had done this countless times herself. Any hunter did. But perhaps she, and Sam, knew better than most.
She also, strangely, found herself understanding that Sam needed to take care of business, but he would be warring with the other part of himself that lost a friend. He would be filled with anger and the desire to avenge Bela’s death, and he would be trying to make sense of what happened while wrestling with an intangible but ever-present guilt. He would need to grieve, all while bearing the responsibility to give her a proper burial and attend to his kingdom.
As king, he would need to keep the whole thing a secret. She knew that the full details of what had occurred could not get out to his subjects. They might feel betrayed that a human connection had put their King and kingdom in jeopardy, and from what Dallas had gathered, some of the demons’ loyalties were already questionable. Sam would also need to determine what this meant for his fight against the apocalypse. How much would the angels, and not only Lilith, get in his way?
Dallas was filled with a sudden sense of disgust. Her thoughts were not that of an enemy gaining information. Right now, she looked at Sam and saw something familiar. Right now, she understood him. And that whole idea turned her off completely.
Sam turned away and left the room, unaware of the thoughts Dallas just had in the last few seconds. She looked around as he left, unsure of what to do next. She could hear him—he didn’t go far—as he stood outside the door, talking to someone, all traces of anger and despair impressively gone from his voice as he asked them to summon someone named “Meg.” Dallas had never heard Sam or anyone else utter the name Meg until now, and as tired as she was, her curiosity was piqued.
Sam returned without a word and collapsed unceremoniously into one of the two plush, black chairs at the fireplace on the far end of the room, his long limbs hanging uncomfortably from the seat. Dallas followed his lead, sitting stiffly in the remaining seat next to his. She kept her focus on the floor and the inky, discolored ornate rugs that covered the coolness of the dark gray stone. She refused to look at Bela or the bloody mattress that would send familiar waves of grief through her heavy heart.
Thankfully, they were not left in silence for long as the door to the room opened and a petite young woman with short, blonde hair and grungey eyeliner entered. Sam rose as she came into the room and Dallas mimicked him, staying near the chairs as the two greeted one another. Meg took one look at Bela lying on the bed, and hugged Sam, and the two embraced like old friends.
“Who do I need to torture and kill?” Meg responded, her tone intimate but casual, like the rest of her, from her dress to the way she stood. Dallas couldn’t help but notice that she was a direct contrast to Ruby.
Sam gave a sad, grateful expression. “I—we—will take care of it.”
At the word “we,” Meg finally looked over at the huntress.
Meg looked back to Sam. “We as in you and her? Or we as in you and the head bi—.” She paused, stopping herself from saying whatever it was that had come to her mind first. Dallas guessed she was referring to Ruby by the displeasure on Meg’s face, which she couldn’t—or wouldn’t—hide.
“Me and Dallas,” Sam responded in a tone that suggested he knew what Meg had been about to say.
Meg turned back to the huntress and looked her up and down. Dallas did not feel threatened but she did feel uncomfortable and awkward standing there, being scrutinized and out of the conversation.
“I wasn’t sure if we’d ever meet, but I had hoped it would be under… better circumstances,” Meg said apologetically.
Dallas had no idea how to respond, as she hadn’t been hoping to meet any other demons, and what Meg said and the way she said it was almost… nice. Meg looked as if she could read this on Dallas’ face but said nothing. Sparing Dallas from explaining herself, she turned back to Sam.
“I can take her from here, Sam. You don’t need to do anything else,” Meg said.
Sam only nodded. Meg briefly placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, then she moved to the bed. Sam went completely still, but he did not stop Meg. Dallas watched, even though it pained her, as Meg gently picked Bela up and cradled her in her arms. Dallas fought to keep her own bad memories locked up as she watched. If it weren’t for the hole in Bela’s chest and blood on her clothes, she looked like she was peacefully sleeping. Dallas half expected her to wake up and ask why she was being moved around, but she did not. Meg took care with the body as they walked out.
At the shut of the door, Sam turned around as if he remembered someone else was in the room, his heavy gaze landing on Dallas. The tumultuous grief in his eyes struck her and she stilled at the sight. His stoic facade weakened. Sam’s eyes, she was learning, revealed much about him. But as soon the revelation was there, it was gone, replaced by a carefully controlled countenance.
“I’m sorry I put you in danger,” Sam said, his voice straining against a dry throat.
Dallas caught a glimpse of the blood stain on the bed behind Sam. She swallowed hard, thinking of the words she had said earlier, when it had been so easy to throw her shame and anger at Sam to build a barrier between them mere minutes ago. Now, she couldn’t find that wall, and she didn’t know what to say.
“I’ll understand if you want to go home,” Sam continued, filling the silence, “Just tell me where, and when, if this is too much.”
Dallas would most definitely like to go home—if she knew where that was. She wanted to run away, out of this death-soaked room, away from Sam’s stifling emotions, far, far away. But she wanted revenge for Bela’s death more, for Nadia’s death, really. No creature, holy or otherwise, would get away with killing an innocent person.
“Not today,” she responded.
She could’ve sworn relief flickered across his eyes, that his shoulders fell slightly, that he took a deeper breath. And then the feelings were gone again, replaced by Sam the King, the man who got things done when they needed to be done.
“I’ll show you to your new room,” he finally responded.
Leaving the chamber, Dallas instantly knew she was in a different part of Hell. The halls were well-lit with more frequent iron torches, and the stone archways spaced every so often were carved with columns on either side and depictions of symbols and creatures above the arch. Sounds of life echoed in distant halls—chattering voices, doors opening and closing, yelling and laughing. It was not unlike the halls of a school, Dallas thought to herself.
“Is this the part of Hell you wanted to show me?” Dallas felt the strange need to fill the silence between them as they walked.
Sam looked over to her as if he’d been snapped back to reality. “Mhm,” he muttered, “I can show you around in a day or two, I’m sorry—“
“No rush,” she assured him, the phrase coming out nicer than she intended.
He smiled faintly at her, and she quickly looked away.
“This is it,” he said next as they stopped in front of a thick, arched wooden door with an iron handle and detailings.
Dallas scowled. They had not walked far from the room they were in before, the room Dallas had assumed was Sam’s.
Sam either didn’t notice or chose to ignore her reaction as he opened the door. Dallas assumed the former as Sam looked distracted, his eyes telling her he was somewhere deep in his mind, only visiting reality for seconds at a time.
Dallas stepped inside and paused. This room was similar to the one she had been staying in except grander. Everything seemed bigger—the bed, the room itself, and windows.
She couldn’t help the pleasant surprise that flooded her body. She walked over to the ledge of one of the arched panes, looking out at an early sunrise, the pastel colors of dawn just peeking through a smattering of clouds.
“It’s enchanted,” Sam said from behind. “It shows the time of day it would be to the person in the room, so wherever you’re from, it shows that.”
Where the magic had decided she was from, she had no idea, but she realized now, looking through the enchanted glass, that she had missed the ability to see the outside world whenever she wanted these past couple of weeks.
She turned around. “How?” She spoke breathlessly, unable to contain her reaction.
Sam’s eyes held the light of the present, he no longer floated off to somewhere else, and his mouth was in a sad, soft smile as he responded to her. “Complicated magic. You can draw the curtains shut if you need to.”
He referred to the velvet curtains so dark green they were almost black. “And I’ll have someone bring all of your things over later. I imagine you’d like to rest.”
Rest. Right. She’d been up all night and now it was morning in the human world.
“Sure, that’d be nice,” she replied.
Sam nodded and turned to leave, but as he reached the door, his hand on the knob, he turned his head back to her. “Thank you, Dallas, for helping with Bela.”
The words held more weight than she could handle. All she could manage in reply was a politely-toned, “You’re welcome.”
Sam walked through the door, shutting it quietly behind himself, leaving Dallas alone for the first time in hours.
She was exhausted, she realized, as she let out a deep exhale. She wanted to explore the room, and the area, but that could wait, she decided.
Instead, she took one more look at the outside world before pulling the curtains shut on both windows, and then she slipped the angel blade and her gun from their hiding places, setting them on the dark oak sidetable. She then peeled off her dirty clothes, undergarments included, and slipped underneath the silky, black sheets and duvet, and she quickly fell asleep.
Dallas awoke later that day—or night—she couldn’t tell, by the entrance of someone into her bedroom. She startled awake at the sound of the door shutting, and she clutched the sheets to her bare chest as she sat up and reached for her nearby blade.
“Relax.” It was Meg who entered, carrying a small pile of clothing. “No Sam around.”
Dallas had forgotten to lock the door last night. She was getting sloppy.
“What are you doing here?” Dallas said breathless, hand still on the hilt of the dagger.
Meg stood at the foot of the bed, looked down at the clothes in her hand, then looked back at Dallas with a raised brow.
“Oh.” Dallas relaxed—only a little—taking her hand off the blade but keeping a tight grip on the one thing sparing her dignity.
“Sam thought you might want some fresh clothes. We can get the rest later.” Meg dropped the pile on the end of the bed. “And I can bring some food if you want.”
Several questions ran through Dallas’ mind, like why was Meg continuing to be nice, why was she barging in, what time was it, but what stumbled out was, “Where’s Sam?”
Meg grinned. “Doing boring king stuff. I can have him bring some food if you—”
“No,” Dallas cut her off, “It’s fine.”
“Alright, if you say so. I’ll give you an hour or so, then I’ll come back.” Meg began to walk out of the room. She turned back briefly with her nose slightly upturned. “You may want to shower.” And then she walked out the door.
Dallas quickly got up and ran to the door, securing the latch lock tightly. Then, feeling the embarrassment of her nakedness despite being alone, she took a blanket that lay across the end of the bed and wrapped it around herself.
She walked to one of the windows and drew back the thick curtains. She was met with a blinding afternoon sun which still sat high in the clear, blue sky. So she had slept about eight hours, give or take, yet she did not feel fully rested. She studied the horizon, trying to place the landscape in her mind, but she came up blank.
She turned away from the window and instead turned her attention to herself. The feel of day-old sweat lingered on her skin, and as she pulled at the ends of her hair, dry blood crumbled off. Not knowing who’s blood she was touching, she immediately headed for what she assumed was the bathroom through a door next to a fireplace.
Again, the room was grander than the previous bathroom, bigger in size and with a marble double sink and a claw foot tub, shower, and another marble fireplace. She stared at herself in the ornate silver mirror. How many times had she thought to herself that she looked tired lately? When was the last time she looked at herself and saw something good?
She turned away from the mirror, dropping the blanket to the floor and turning on the shower to scalding hot.
When she had finished, she dressed herself in the clothes Meg had brought, another set of dark jeans, black t-shirt, and undergarments, and towel-dried her hair. Meg must have had a good sense of time because Dallas heard a knock on the door as she stepped out of the bathroom.
“It’s just me,” Meg sang out, the sound of her voice muffled through the door.
Dallas braced herself for additional company as she unlocked and opened the door, but it was only Meg, and Dallas felt the slight tinge of disappointment.
“You look much better,” Meg quipped as she walked into the room.
“Thanks?” Dallas responded, closing the door behind her.
“Sam’s been in meetings all day, but he wants to show you around.”
Dallas let surprise flicker across her face. “Today? Doesn’t he need… time?”
“He needs distraction. He’ll get through it in his own way, probably after the wake.”
“Which is?”
Meg shrugged. “He’ll let us know when he’s got it figured out.”
Dallas stood there stupidly with a blank look across her face.
“Cat got your tongue?” Meg cooed.
“No, I,” Dallas stuttered, then regained her composure. “I’m fine.”
Meg laughed annoyingly, then walked a couple steps closer to Dallas, who tensed, taking a step back, not knowing the demon’s motives.
“Relax,” Meg said, “I’m not like other demons you may have met here, other bitchier ones. I’m a friend.”
Now it was Dallas’ turn to laugh. As much as she appreciated Meg’s dislike for Ruby, there was no way she really thought they’d be friends.
“Ouch,” Meg said with fake hurt. “I’ll pretend you didn’t just reject the friendship of the only demon here who doesn’t want to slit your throat. At all. Not even a little.”
“Sam doesn’t seem to want to kill me,” Dallas shot back.
“Sam’s not a demon,” Meg replied.
That’s the second time someone had told her that, she thought to herself. “Well, anyone who wants my blood will have to get in line,” Dallas replied tensely.
Meg smiled as if that response had satisfied some private qualification Dallas was unaware of, then she responded, “Let’s go, you don’t want to keep the king waiting.”
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samspenandsword · 2 years
Sam💙💜💗😊 can I please have a ship request!? Man in any era is ok! But preferably prequels/TCW era. NSFW content is ok, but only if you’re comfortable bby 😊
about me: julie, she/her, 26. I’m a fiery, bold, intense short Italian girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I’m outspoken, passionate and fight tirelessly for what’s right. I’m also a bit of a sexpot I can’t help it ok 😂 I have an iced coffee/cold brew addiction, my favorite season is summer, I love indie pop and pop punk music and my favorite foods are pizza and pasta. My aesthetic is a weird mix between sexy, sporty, grungey and like urban street wear. My favorite Star Wars planet is probably Onderon or Felucia bc I love all the plants!! I’m so excited to see who you come up with and absolutely congrats on your 300 followers!!! Here’s to 300 more for my talented friend🥰
JULIE BABE!!!! Okay I love you and I was so excited to write this!! I ship you so hard with Rex (as everyone should lol), but I wanted to write about someone else, cause you're such an amazing person and you are a hot fucking commodity! You would have guys lining up to be with you! I hope February has been going okay for you so far! ❤️
Sam's Pen and Sword 300 Follower Celebration (Closed)
Warnings: 18+ (minors gtfo): implied smut, aftercare, afterglow, tooth-rotting, heart-pounding fluff and sweet nothings and confessions.
Ship request 👄
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When I was thinking of your request and what I know about you, I really couldn't help but think of our beloved Commander Wolffe. The first time he saw you, you were wearing washed out black skinny jeans, a red crop top with lips to match, your hair in loose waves looking perfect for gripping, and to say Wolffe's eyes were glued to you is an under-fucking-statement. I see Wolffe as someone who in theory would love to have a partner, a companion, but in practice is just far more comfortable with a physical relationship that develops into something more. So you guys would have hot fucking sex to start, and slowly, over time, you would see more and more of Wolffe's golden heart showing. Our commander eyeroll doesn't open up his heart to others easily, but once he does, you can't help but cherish it. I like to think that you'd be the one to introduce Wolffe to the gift that is pizza and pasta and good carbs. He's particularly fond of spicy sausage pizza, homemade lasagna, and a good brown wheat bread, like the kind you'd get at space-Cheesecake Factory. I also think you would be the one to introduce him to cold brew, and though he prefers just regular, black drip coffee, he does find himself occasionally liking the mellower, smoother flavor of cold brew. He's also become quite adept at making your blends and iced coffees in the mornings, both of you a little grumbly until the caffeine fully hits.
Wolffe could feel his heart calm as he came down from his climax. He'd never realized how simultaneously fun and intense and passionate sex could be until you came into his life. And he had quickly become addicted to the feeling of you around him, surrounding him, on top of him, beneath him. He simply became addicted to you. In the same way you always (semi-jokingly) said you couldn't live without your morning iced coffee, he had come to realize that you were simply essential. Essential to his life and his heart. Essential to him. You were curled up into his side, leg thrown over his, dark hair a spectacular mess he proudly owned up to. Your skin was slightly tacky, still slightly slickened from the aftermath of your activities. But Wolffe found he didn't mind, hand smoothing down the curve of your spine. You simply wiggled closer, sighing happily, and Wolffe knew he'd do anything to hear that little sigh as often as possible. For it, too, felt essential. "Comfortable, cyar'ika?" Wolffe's tone had a hint of his normal, dry humor in it, but was overwhelmingly fond. He dropped a slow kiss to your crown. "Mmm." "Should get you cleaned up," Wolffe rumbled, not making any effort to get up and do so. You didn't move either. "Mhmm." Several minutes passed, nothing but content silence and loving touch passing between the two of you. And then, as if in sync, you lifted your head from where it lay on his shoulder and he dipped down. The kiss was sated, slow, and contained a rare tenderness for the two of you. Wolffe instantly knew he wanted to kiss you like this more often. "Come on, mesh'la. I'll make coffee after we shower." The speed at which you leapt up and bounded into the fresher made Wolffe chuckle. Forty minutes, and another pair of orgasms later, you were perched on the kitchen counter, smiling as Wolffe set down a glass of iced coffee, straw curled into a fun little twist. You sipped it happily and Wolffe smiled fondly at you, raising his own steaming mug to his lips. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the gentle, content curl of his lips, just as it always did. "Come here," you said, reaching forward to cradle the back of his neck. Wolffe leaned forward, returning your kiss. He tasted heady and of coffee, and it made your head spin. "Thanks." Your voice was quiet, barely a whisper against his lips. You weren't just thanking him for the coffee, but you weren't sure you had the courage to speak your heart quite yet. But Wolffe didn't need you to. Your words were confession enough for him. "Anytime, cyar'ika," he murmured back, pressing your lips together once more. "Anytime." And his words were confession enough for you, too.
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mindofharry · 3 years
evie please write love islandrry. please
IF YOU INSIST! prepare to fall in love with love islandrry <3 (i just made up random people btw!!!) pls send in concepts for this guy 🥺❤️‍🩹
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You arrive to the villa quite quickly, leaving you no time to unpack your nerves. Usually you’re outgoing and have no time for butterflies, but the fact that you’ll be all over tv and being with strangers at the same time? Your anxiety is definitely on a high. But as you begin to walk the length of the villa and approach the other girls, you feel more confident with every step.
There’s currently 7 girls including you, lined up meaning you’re the last one to arrive. You were in a vibrant pink two piece, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“Hi!” You said enthusiastically, hugging each girl. They were all super nice and really didn’t seem like your competition. You all talked for a minute or two, sharing some stuff about your life and jobs etc. “I’m a singer, actually. but at the moment i’m working at a bar in my town” you said and the girls nodded. Your learned their names and professions pretty quickly. The tall blonde, was cady. A little cinnamon roll. the next was a short, dark hair girl cassandra. A little intimidating, but seemed super sweet. You didn’t know much about the two brunettes, lyn and lily but they seemed sweet. and then a fiery, red head paris had really caught your attention. She was hot, and you were sure all the boys attention would be on her.
“Ladies!” A voice called out making you all turn around. A short, curley haired blonde was dressed up to the nines holding a card and had the biggest smile you had ever seen on her face.
“I’m alexis, and i’ll be guiding you through your love island experience! Line up girls, because you’re about to meet the first boy!”
You and the girls all lined up, like alexis told you to.
The first boy didn’t strike an interest for you at all, but it seemed like cady and lyn liked him. So they stood forward - he chose cady to couple up with. This went on for a bit, and a few changed around their person and so forth. Then another walked out, and you felt your heart speed up and you began to feel a little flustered. He was beautiful, and he looked gentle, soft even. He had tattoos littered all over his body, his hair long and curley. You could feel his aura from where you standing, so confident but not in a conceded kind of way.
“Hi, i’m harry” He said, standing beside the boys and other girls.
Alexis smiled and looked over at you, paris and lily.
“How are you feeling harry?” She asked and harry smiled looking over at you and the other girls. He looked paris up and down and smirked slightly.
“Pretty good, yeah”
“Ok, ladies. Step forward if you’d like to be coupled up with harry”
You stepped forward along with paris. You kind of accepted the defeat, you looked up at harry and could see he was already puppy dog eyes for this girl. Well, you would be too. Paris is absolutely beautiful and harry deserves her.
“Harry, who are you choosing?” Alexis asked, you hated this.
“Paris” he said and she smiled walking over to him, he wrapped an arm around her waist quickly staking his claim.
You didn’t stand a chance with that lad anyways, so you quickly got over it and ended up finding someone else. He had the tattoos, grungey look too. His name is zayn, and you were both basically a match made in heaven. The two of you had matching tattoos you soon found out, and you had a shit ton in common. you were not regretting anything when you all arrived in the proper villa - but harry was.
He quickly learned that looks are not everything. He has absolutely nothing in common with paris, nothing.
She was a workout buff, harry was not. A singer, song writer, poet. Sure paris was nice, just not harrys type.
Soon enough everyone settled into the villa, you and lily by the pool, others residing in the kitchen. Harry and cady were in the kitchen making a smoothie together, they had grown closer than others, in a non romantic way. Harry had definitely found a friend in her. He noticed she was around you quite a bit.
“You wouldn’t do me a favour would you?” Harry asked leaning against the counter.
“Put in a good word for me with Y/N”
Cady agreed and drank her smoothie beside you and lily.
“Hey, Y/N. How do you like zayn?” She asked and you grinned.
“He’s amazing. We’ve got a lot in common, but i do sort of see him more of best friend than a boyfriend ya know?” You said and the girls nodded.
“But there’s definitely something there between you both?” She asked and you shrugged.
“I guess yeah, but i wouldn’t be too upset if i was coupled up with someone else”
Cady nodded, smiling to herself. She didn’t push the conversation anymore. The next morning is when everything got a little messy, you and zayn had cuddled the night before and you felt good about your coupling up. But still, neither of you would be too upset if you didn’t get to stay with each other. It was good, you weren’t settling. And to be honest, harry still had your eye.
Zayn and you are by the pool talking when someone taps you on the shoulder, you turn around and see, harry.
He hasn’t talked to you all at all.
“You wouldn’t fancy a chat Y/N, would you?”
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jasonndeans · 4 years
young gods - shane “dio” morrissey x reader
word count: 1,990
warnings: brief scene involving harassment and brief use of the f slur at the end.
chapter: 1/?
summary:  You weren't looking for anything when you met Dio, but you also couldn't take your eyes off of him. You were drawn to him, shrouded in black mystery and his softer side he kept well hidden under that duster. A part of you knew when you first saw him, he was destined to fly too close to the sun. At first, it wasn't really anything he said or anything he did. It was the feeling that came along with him. You'd never felt this way before, and the crazy thing is, you didn't know if you should. You knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright, but...how can the Devil be pulling you towards someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you? Maybe he knew that when he met you, too.
Dio didn’t have much to bring with him on the day he took you up on your offer to live with you in your small New York City apartment; small, albeit big enough for two. He carried almost all of his earthly possessions with him in his pockets — the keys to his father’s ancient, barely running Honda, a pack of cigarettes, loose cash and change, and his trusty switch. The rest would have to be crammed into his car and hauled over, mostly consisting of clothes and shoes, thrifted or stolen. 
“I was wonderin’ when you’d rescue me from the Smack Shack,” he’d quipped, lips curling.
“The Smack Shack” is what he’d dubbed the worn-down, abandoned place he and his buddies — all of them pursuers of a list of drugs, some of them sellers like Dio — often crashed in when a softer, more secure sofa couldn’t be reserved for the night. Thus, The Smack Shack. You’d visited a handful of times despite the fact that it gave you the creeps. Dio had your trust, as did…some of his friends. The neighborhood just wasn’t the safest in Manhattan, needless to say, and there was no guessing what shady characters were looming about in these hollowed out homes. You’re just glad he’s out of there. And with you.
“Ohh, I rescued you, huh?” You’d teased back, your voice lilting in a sing-song tone. “I must be your knight in shining armor.”
He hummed in the back of his throat with a mock grimace, leaning forward to kiss you. “Don’t make me sick, birdie.” His lips were chapped and tasted of smoke, and as much as you detested the habit, it was something so purely Dio. A smirk played on his lips upon pulling back with decorated fingers idly tapping out a rhythm onto a tabletop of a squat little sandwich shop you worked at. “I seem to remember things differently.” Expectant, he cocked his head, casting a shadow of his star-shaped earring onto his neck -- one of many, many things that endeared you to the boy in black.
As if on cue, you turned sheepish with a duck of your head and a bashful smile cast downwards. He was referring to the day you two first met. Officially, that is. Along with the thrill of waitressing and constructing sandwiches, you worked behind a cash register at a record shop -- Empire Records. Music’s always been a constant comfort for you, in your ears when you needed a voice to scream your sorrows, your rampages or your little victories. You’d amassed quite the collection of records as you grew and your music taste with you for a player you’d fixed up and obtained from a seller when on the hunt for more important things like furniture and necessities to fill your then new apartment. You didn’t consider yourself to be one of those douchey vinyl connoisseurs, but you liked the place well enough. It was only a matter of time before you noticed the tall, dark, handsome boy who’d frequent the place without buying anything. He’d stick to the Industrial Rock or Post-Punk ailes and he definitely looked the type, decked head to toe in grungey black attire, adorned with silver jewelry and chains. Every so often the two of you would lock eyes, make slightly painful small talk about whatever was playing through the speakers. You even inquired once if he’d learned your shift schedule with how often he’d appear when you were working, and, leaning suavely on his elbows before you, he’d replied:
“Maybe I have. Maybe I haven’t. That all depends...would you think I was a creep if I said yes?”
Perhaps a normal individual would confirm this, but you had to admit the guy was cute. Okay, he was hot with his dark eyes lined in black, brow piercing and air of confidence. So you smiled and shook your head. Dio smiled back.
You recall during one of your early morning shifts, Dio asked for your coffee order, motioning to the cup in your hands. You gave it to him and he advised against grabbing your morning coffee the next time it was scheduled on your calendar. With curiosity, you obliged and on that day and each day after, in he strolled with your cup in one hand, his in the other. So you carried on like that for a while, chatting over coffee, much to the dismay of your manager.
“Your boyfriend’s a distraction,” she’d remarked one day. “And a loiterer. I don’t care how dreamy he is, he can’t keep hanging around here if he’s not gonna buy anything.”
Admittedly, that caused your heart to sink a little. Yeah, you understood her frustration from a business perspective, but despite not even knowing this guy’s name, his gloomy presence brightened your otherwise dull work days.
When you transferred your manager’s message, Dio issued a breath of...disappointment?
“I don’t believe in money,” came his confession, almost hardly classifying as one what with how casually it was delivered. He chuckled at your raised brow. “Everyone’s a slave to these meaningless pieces of paper and metal, even you. ” A nail painted black pointed at you. “If I want something, nine times outta ten, I’ll find my own way to get it. Seems a little fucked up to work for the essentials for survival, don’t you think?”
For a moment, you sat with this new information. Yeah, it was a little fucked up to fork over hard-earned cash for things like basic needs, but how else was someone expected to live? Mulling it over, you sipped your coffee, once again brought by him. You shot Mr. No-Name-Kid a knowing look. “Am I drinking stolen coffee?” Your smirk couldn’t hide from him.
Dio only laughed.
One night as you closed up shop, you were disheartened at the absence of a certain trench coat clad “customer” in the store that day. You couldn’t place where this was coming from. After all, the two of you were only..what? Acquaintances at most? Names hadn’t even been exchanged, and yet you found yourself scanning the streets outside for any sight of him at the door; reminded of his face when bands like The Cure filled the shop.
Your sigh deflated you as you dug for your keys in your bag -- both to lock up and for your car. It was whatever. This guy had a life too and was under no obligation to visit you as you worked.  You turned the key to Empire Records, locking it shut and gave the doors a pull to be sure, Yup. All good. Nodding to yourself, you turned to locate your car in the lot next door. The night was brisk, pushing past the fabric of your cardigan as you walked an empty sidewalk. Under the glow of buzzing streetlights and neon business signs, you tugged it closer to you. The work day was dwindling, at least on this street, cars every so often rolling past. You’re about halfway to the car park when your ears catch a second pair of footsteps behind you. Your lips and spirits lift with the hope that they might belong to the heavy boots of Dio after all and you turn to greet him.
“Nice night, huh?”
This guy’s not Dio. His hoodie covers shaggy chestnut hair, hands in his front pocket as he trudges along. This dude reeks of weed and booze. You ignore him and continue on your path.
“Not a talker. Got it. Listen, honey, you don’t gotta clam up around me, I’m a swell guy. I’ll walk ya’ to your car, that’s where you’re goin’, right?”
Jaw clenched, you ball your cool hands into fists at your sides, keeping your car key poking out from between your fingers should this douche not get the hint. “I don’t need an escort, thanks.” Your reply is sharp, eyes remaining en route. Other than that, you try your damndest to ease calm through your body. Tempting as it is to dash to the safety of your vehicle, you’re not about to put any fear on display for him. You’re okay. Breathe. The lot’s less than a block away now.
Then a hand snakes its way around your waist.
“C’mon, baby, ‘m just tryn’a be a gentleman. Isn’t that what broads want?” His breath is rancid in your nose.
You jerk away, shooting daggers. “Offer declined, now leave me alone.” Now you pick up the pace with your destination in sight. You don’t make it far before you’re jerked back by fingers at your forearm that tug forcefully. The bastard opens his mouth to spew more drovel, but you don’t give him the chance to speak. Screwing up your face, you reel your arm back and jab him with your key in the ribs.
Pain sputters through his lips. No skin was broken (unfortunately), but he’s stumbled back a few paces and grabs where you’d struck him. “You bitch!” He spits, his glare glassy. “Fuck’s your problem?!”
You’re halted by a chilling mixture of fear and shock at your own actions, snapping out of it when the drunk stranger lunges forward. No time is wasted in absolutely fucking booking it now. He may be hammered, but you’re taking no chances. You pay no attention to the string of swears and slurs from behind you and finally reach your car. The vibrations in your hands make unlocking the door difficult, and glancing up you can see your pursuer drunkenly heading toward you.
“Fuck!” You cry. “Stupid fucking--!”
“If I were you I’d stop right there, you piece of shit.”
The familiar voice that hadn’t been there prior snaps your head up, scanning the darkness to catch Dio crossing the street looking more menacing than you’ve ever seen him. You could get in your car and peel out of there right now, but you’re frozen in place watching the scene unfold.
Your attacker finds his way to his feet again, looking dumbfounded at the character who’s walked onto the scene. “Who -- who the fuck’re you?!”
You catch a smirk on Dio’s lips under flickering streetlights. “That all depends on what your next move is, jagoff.” He looks pissed as all hell, though there’s a layer of calm to his words that stirs your stomach. Dio now stands in front of the other with his hands in leather pockets, like he’s provoking him. He’s always exuded this...intimidating aura, clad in all black and chains but you’ve never seen this side of him in action. Maybe now is a bad time to come to this realization, but you have to admit: it’s sexy.
“Oh that’s, ‘s cute,” Mumbles the brunette guy, snickering. “‘S this your boyfriend comin’ to the rescue? Looks like a fuckin’ faggot if I’ve ever seen--”
Dio’s boot to this guy’s crotch cuts him off in the middle of his “insult” and he crumples to the concrete with a groan; if that isn’t enough, Dio lands a second kick to his temple.
You can only stand there lamely with your jaw agape and watch him swagger over after he just knocked a dude in the nuts.
“Sorry I was late,” he says smoothly. “I was in a meeting. You alright?”
Stupidly, you blink at him in the low light. “I--um...I’m…” Real nice. You shake your head to jumpstart your brain. “Yeah, I-I’m okay. I’m good. Thanks. Really.” So he’d come to see you after all.
Dio nods, appearing grateful to hear you’re unharmed.
You two begin to speak at the same time and chuckle in unison. He falls silent, ushering you to continue. You look your rescuer in the face, unable to swallow a smile. You’d missed those eyes, seeming so warm in the cool of the night. “So, do I get to know the name of my savior?” You prod.
He laughs once, low in his throat. “Dio.”
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matoryoshika · 3 years
tma headcanons that nobody can disprove
jon played guitar in uni. he was very average at it. the only song he had completely memorised was ‘i will follow you into the dark’ by death cab for cutie, which, if you gave him a guitar before he encountered jude perry, he would have still been able to strum out, albeit rather stiltedly
speaking of jon and his music tastes, his personal preferences skew towards emo, alt rock, and indie pop, as well as half of the artists in the ‘easy listening’ section of hmv
melanie is an inch shorter than jon, but she tends to wear heels, and, later, platforms. before the magnus institute, she styled herself in a quite generic, feminine way, but a combination of not having to fit in with the cishet patriarchal ideal to try to avoid being dismissed, having a bullet that justifies the angry thoughts she tries to suppress stuck in her leg, and being stuck at the magnus institute lead to her adopting a more grungey, punkish style
martin really likes kitschy ceramics, the kind that grandparents might have collected over their lifetimes. he denies that this has anything to do with him never knowing his own grandparents
tim was one of the people jonah was considering moving his eyes into, if elias’s body began to give out
both tim and sasha are very good social chameleons, but it’s more of a conscious effort on tim’s part. sasha worked through her own identity issues to come to the conclusion that the self is an ever-shifting thing, and the idea of a ‘true self’ is something that will always remain an ideal that only exists in theory. she flips through self-schemata like nobody’s business. meanwhile, tim is pretty much eternally self-conscious about who he is as a person, and spends a lot of time considering his sense of self. he’ll keep eating his favourite food from five years ago, even when his tastes have changed and he’d prefer something else. he fills the roles he is expected to with all the determination of a method actor, and often has to spend time alone or with sasha to return to feeling like himself
martin was moved to the archives for the purpose of taking care of and developing a strong, emotionally intimate bond with jon. his life has revolved around caring for his mother for as long as he can remember, and a lot of his identity became tied up with being a caretaker, and trying to make people happy and comfortable, even if they treat him like dirt in return. in fact, he kind of expects it, which still doesn’t stop him from trying. it was martin’s stubborn loyalty that led to jon coming to like him. the knowledge that there was someone who cared about him, even after being on the receiving end of his worst traits, made jon want to be better
most of jonah’s decisions were influenced by the web. he had no clue about it
for his part, jon felt as though martin being in the archives was elias’s way of letting him know that he wasn’t trusted, and that he needed extra supervision from someone (allegedly) about ten years older, with (allegedly) a literal fucking degree in spooky stories. martin being incompetent was further insult upon injury. it took him a while to dismantle those prejudices
the admiral is ginger
martin listens to a lot of mitski, which fits better with the image people have of him than his other most-played artists, pansy division and skunk anansie
jon greys steadily throughout the series, until ep.160, wherein he undergoes complete marie antoinette syndrome
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hey kait, so we can tell saerans alters primarily by clothing changes in the game right? well i’m probably wrong, but one time i think you said that you could tell who was who by his eyes? if it’s okay could you please explain how you do that
Well, clothes are a key indicator of a person’s style and choices. I think you can tell right away what kind of person someone is projecting if they can pick what they are wearing and how they are. I know that you can notice it with each alter, honestly. Unknown tends to lean towards grungey clothing, he seems to find a lot of power in being mysterious and dark. I don’t think he cares all that much for looks as long as it paints the stronger picture. 
Ray... doesn’t choose his own clothes. Rika picked them for him and does not show the way that he wants. If he had his choice, he would pick what he wants to wear by choosing dark, muted tones. I imagine something muted, black, tan, brown, earthy in nature. That’s not to say that he wouldn’t pick something pink, I’ve always seen him as partial to it. 
Suit... well, that’s Suit. He wants something flashy and stark to show that he is not that colorful bug. He picks something that is pointed, ritzy, and not too much of grungy. The difference between Suit and Unknown is simply the way that they feel and manifest power and strength. Suit feels like he needs to prove status this way, as most powerful people dress like that. Unknown goes for the other brand o power. 
SE Saeran... is tired, and doesn’t care. He just shrugs on a sweater and jeans and leaves it at that. He doesn't care much and just does what he does. It’s likely that he just got it from Saeyoung and just wears that. He’s not picky and does not care anymore about how he looks. 
GE Saeran is a mixture of Ray and Suit and more than that. He’s just going for a simple look, dressed down, business casual. It just feels right to him. He’s not bound by rules or choices so he can change his style how he wants, I see him leaning towards soft things eventually. 
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Alright, I’ll start with Ray. Notice how his eyes are just a bit wider and give us a hint of naivety. Well, perhaps not naivety, it is more to say that there is still a kind of innocence to him. Don’t think that he’s not capable of destroying or hurting people who get in his way, but there is a somber intensity in his eyes that is just screaming out in pain. When I see these eyes, I see someone who is sad, tired, and craves to please others. There’s someone in these eyes that wants to be rescued.
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Ah, yes, Suit. His eyes are in a constant narrow, and his brows are always feathered. He looks at you with a kind of boredom, or perhaps it’s rage, maybe it could even be intrigue and confusion; Honestly? Saeran isn’t sure what he feels for you. There are vengeance and anger in these eyes. There is someone that is going to hurt before being getting hurt. There is a struggle for power inside of these narrowed eyes, and they are not be confused with Unknown, there is still a sense of urgency for help in this eyes if you look beyond the anger and pain. 
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GE Saeran, my darling. There’s light in his eyes again and the smallest trace of a smile on his lips. Ray and Suit are extremes, they are both urgency, need, joy, sadness, desire, want, fear, anger, resolve, and more than that. He is the utter combination and yet, much more than just two halves smushed together. These eyes are tired but open wide to the truth that he has long been denied by those that promised to protect him. 
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Unknown is here. Apathy. Tired. Angry. Uncontrollable. These are the eyes of someone that has seen and been through too much. Notice how his gaze is firm and almost very bored of you. You’re a means to his revenge, a puppet, a tool, a toy for him to get as a bonus as he crushes the RFA, the redhead, and V. He’s not afraid to do anything. He will do what he must. He fears not. These eyes are lacking their luster and are lost to elixir, and if you dare get too close to him without knowing how to react... I pray for your safety. 
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SE Saeran...  he’s tired, and the weight of what he’s done is going to weigh on him for the rest of his life. He has a lot of trauma and a lot of pain, guilt, sadness, and a strange sense of something else in his eyes. You can tell that he feels a lot of remorse and that he really needs to get some sleep for once in his life. His eyes seem to become a bit clearer and a bit wider, but he will forever be marred by his sins that’s why his eyes are downcast and he feels nothing but dread and shame. He is sarcastic and tries to push people away. 
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I’ll do V’s after ending as a treat. These are the eyes of someone that has realized what happened to him and has seen the weight of those actions. He wants to make up for it, and he realizes that he was manipulated and hurt. He knows that he wasn’t left behind how he was told, These eyes are the widest and brightest. Ray was rescued at his lowest moment and had a chance to recover in the safest way possible, giving him a chance to hold onto that light that still existed deep in his heart. Yet, you can still see something bittersweet in those eyes... perhaps of what he lost. 
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rosiethots · 4 years
Not really grungey eddie au but kinda grungey eddie at the same time. Eddie is at a concert in the crowd bc he’s friends with the band (his grungey friends) but he’s mostly just there for moral support. He gets swept up into the mosh pit and somehow or another ends up with a bloody nose from being punched in the face (on accident) by Richie, who was shoved in as well. They leave to go take care of it and eddie is pissy but this guy is hot and kinda cute when hes fussing over him; ensue pining
please just take this au and write it because that would be adorable.
eddie doesn’t really wanna be in this dingy building filled to the brim with unsavory characters but he’s doing it to support his friends’ and their band because it’s their first gig!!!!
so he’s staying mainly in the back but over time he inches toward the front, more unintentionally than intentionally, and before he knows it he’s in the midst of the pit surrounded by drunk screaming teenagers jumping along to the heavy beat of the music. eddie at first tries to jump along but he just Couldn’t so he tries wriggling back through the crowd to duck near the exit and enjoy the show from there but there’s so many limbs in his way and he’s trying to be polite and gentle in maneuvering around them when an elbow is flying in front of his face and smashing into his nose.
eddie screams in pain but it’s drowned out by the music and cheering which also means he can’t hear the shouts of apologies from his attacker. eddie bolts out of the crowd, now not caring about shoving into to people. he finally reaches a clearing when a hand is on his shoulder spinning him around to make him face this tall broad guy with glasses and messy hair and a face full of piercings. eddie’s eyes are wide because Shit he can feel the blood trickling out of his nose and now this dark giant is probably about to make something else bleed probably due to eddie’s shoving.
but instead the guy is leaning down and all up into eddie’s face shouting “i’m so sorry i hit you! let me help!” and eddie scowls because Oh and he just shakes his head and zooms to the restrooms which were anything but sanitary and he’s got a paper towel against his nose with one hand and his trying to wipe off the dried blood on his mouth and cheeks with a wet towel in the other hand. the bathroom door flies open and the same guy is scrambling in babbling apologies.
eddie tells him he’s fine and he’ll handle it but this guy is stubborn as hell and he’s yanking out more towels and trying to help eddie clean off the blood even though eddie is backing away. but eventually eddie hits the wall and he hears the host yelling for the crowd to welcome riley’s band and he just slides down the wall because fuck he’s missing the performance because some idiot gave him a bloody nose.
the guy gently kneels down next to eddie and hands eddie a new fresh towel for his nose which eddie takes. he pinches the bridge of eddie’s nose for him and eddie doesn’t move away, just kinda glares. they’re silent for a bit until the guy is asking eddie for his name which eddie reluctantly gives which prompts the guy to blurt out his own name, richie, with a grin.
eddie just rolls his eyes and is like “well thanks to you richie i’m missing my friend’s performance.” and richie scratches the back of his head guiltily and is like Is There Any Way I Can Make It Up To You? and eddie scoffs and is like “book them another gig so i can actually watch them?”
richie is quite for a second before whipping his phone out. eddie raises a brow but just sits there holding the towel to his nose while richie holds pressure on the bridge. eddie can faintly hear a deep voice on the line and richie gives a stupid greeting before mentioning the name of riley’s band and saying how fucking great they were and how the crowd went ape shit. there’s talk on the other line but eddie can’t make it out. richie is smiling when he hangs up and is turning to eddie to inform him the riley’s band is now scheduled for club entertainment two nights in a row at a club that richie’s uncle owns.
eddie is speechless and his mouth is just opening and closing trying to find words. richie just smirks proudly and says, “But only on the condition that youll be my date to the club both nights.”
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etherelssaved-blog · 5 years
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introducing               .  .  .               benjamin         ‘         benji          ’          ariel          horowitz          ,          twenty     -     one          ,          local     renaissance     man          .
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑     𝐎𝐍𝐄          ,          𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒          .
full     name:     benjamin     ariel     horowitz     . nicknames,     aliases:
goes     primarily     by     benji     .
bj     ,     if     you’re     nasty     --- -     and     he’s     disgusting     .
date     of     birth:     october     thirty     -     first     . place     of     birth:     ballard     ,     oklahoma     . nationality:     american     . occupation:
clerk     at     stacks     of     wax     .
postman     .
occasional     uber     eats     driver     .
gender     identity:     demi     boy     ,     he     /     they     pronouns     . sexual     identity:     pansexual     . romantic     identity:     panromantic     .
zodiac:     scorpio     . hogwarts     house:     gryffindor     . character     influences:     lip     gallagher     ,     shameless     .     richie     tozier     ,     it     .     
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑     𝐓𝐖𝐎          ,          𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐒          .
weight:     seventy     -     two     kilos          /          158     lbs     . height:     around     six     foot     four     .
hair:     unkempt     ,     curly     ,     looks     unwashed     .     probably     is     unwashed     .     curls     around     the     nape     of     his     neck     and     falls     into     his     eyes     .     black     ,     with     a     few     lighter     streaks     running     through     it     .     an     unfortunate     experiment     with     peroxide     that     he     won’t     acknowledge     . eyes:     dark     brown     ,     golden     flecks     .     long     ,     frustratingly     thick     lashes     .     wears     contacts     when     he     works     ,     but     if     he’s     at     home     he’s     got     his     glasses     on     .     he’s     got     nice     eyes     ,     even     though     he     doesn’t     think     so     . complexion:     pale     -     ish     ,     more     sallow     than     anything     else     .     would     probably     have     a     fairly     healthy     look     to     him     if     he     ate     anything     besides     leftover     chinese     and     flamin’     hot     cheetos     .     
body:     ectomorph     .     long     ,     thin     ,     lanky     .     looks     perpetually     underfed     and     malnourished     ,     and     you     wouldn’t     be     wrong     in     making     that     assumption     .
fashion sense:     very     grungey     ,     very     obviously     secondhand     .     a     closet     shared     between     brothers     .     grungey     band     t     -     shirts     ,     stripey     long     -     sleeves     that     they     find     in     thrift     stores     .     holes     in     jeans     .     most     expensive     pair     of     shoes     he     owns     are     some     secondhand     doc     martens     .      scars:     a     long     scar     running     down     his     left     forearm     from     a     surgery     when     he     broke     it     .     little     white     scars     dotted     here     and     there     from     minor     scrapes     and     dings     .     a     cigarette     burn     on     his     right     leg     from     where     he     fell     asleep     and     let     his     half     -     smoked     cigarette     fall     directly     onto     bared     flesh     . tattoos,     piercings:     an     ear     piercing     .     no     current     tattoos     ,     but     he’s     got     plans     .
distinguishing     physical     features:     incredibly     gangly     limbs     .     height     .     big     nose     .     that     fucking     mole     above     his     lip     .
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑     𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄          ,          𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐒          .
the     horowitz     kids     have     never     had     it     easy     ,     let     that     much     be     known     .     father     is     the     only     commonality     between     all     six     of     them          ;          benji     and     his     older     brother     are     born     to     the     same     mother     and     father     ,     whilst     the     rest     of     their     siblings     are     technically     half     -     siblings     .     their     mother     disappeared     a     day     after     their     birth     ,     and     all     the     two     of     them     know     about     her     was     that     she     was     jewish     .     benji’s     the     second     oldest     of     the     six     horowitz     kids     ;     there’s     his     older     brother     (     24     -     25     )     ,     him     ,     his     younger     sister     (     20     -     21     )     ,     twin     sisters     jasmine     and     cora     (     both     15     )     and     a     younger     brother     ,     miles     (     12     )     .
his     older     brother     and     younger     sister     may     just     be     wcs     that     pop     up     on     the     main     .     stay     tuned     !
as     aforementioned     ,     their     father     is     the     only     commanlity     and     he’s     an     utter     deadbeat     .     drops     in     every     so     often     ,     leaves     cash     on     the     table     for     groceries     ,     and     fucks     off     again     .     they’re     not     really     sure     what’s     going     on     with     him     --- -     whether     he’s     an     alcoholic     ,     an     addict     ,     whether     he’s     got     another     family     somewhere     or     whether     he     just     hated     the     one     he     got     stuck     with     .     regardless     ,     those     kids     raised     themselves     ,     with     help     from     kindly     neighbours     and     do     -     gooders     around     town     .
they     learn     to     make     things     stretch     ,     to     ask     for     help     when     they     need     it     ,     to     make     things     work     .     their     dad     pays     the     bills     ,     at     the     very     least     ,     but     six     kids     are     a     handful     and     there’s     a     lot     involved     in     their     maintenance     .     most     of     the     time     it’s     up     to     benji     and     his     older     brother     (     tentatively     named     ezra     )     to     scrounge     up     money     for     field     trips     and     doctors’     visits     when     they’re     needed     ,     and     that’s     a     lot     of     responsibility     for     two     teenagers     to     handle     .
as     a     result     of     having     to     raise     what’s     essentially     4/5     of     an     on     -     court     basketball     team     ,     benji     doesn’t     give     much     thought     to     school     .     he’s     clever     ,     almost     painfully     so     ,     but     he     doesn’t     have     the     time     to     worry     about     apush     when     his     sisters     have     gastro     and     he’s     been     up     all     night     with     them     .     he     graduates     high     school     with     the     best     marks     he     can     considering     the     circumstances     .
if     he’d     been     raised     in     any     semblance     of     a     normal     circumstance     ,     he     would’ve     gone     on     to     study     music     at     university     .     instead     ,     he     gets     a     collection     of     shitty     jobs     ,     saves     up     to     buy     a     guitar     and     teaches     himself     to     write     music     .     as     a     kid     he     never     got     the     chance     to     explore     hobbies     and     whatnot     ,     so     his     late     adolescence     and     early     twenties     are     blissful     in     that     he     can     actually     do     that     ---     he     learns     that     he     likes     playing     the     guitar     and     that     he’s     good     at     it     .     he     also     likes     dnd     ,     smoking     terrible     weed     ,     drinking     cheap     vodka     and     watching     schlocky     b     -     grade     horror     movies     .     on     their     nights     off     he     and     ezra     have     little     movie     nights     ,     popcorn     and     a     stack     of     cheap     dvds     and     the     like     .
yes     ,     his     brother     is     his     best     friend     .     what     abt     it     .
at     present     ,     he’s     working     as     a     clerk     at     stacks     of     wax     ,     where     he     gets     high     in     the     stockroom     and     cries     ,     only     to     proceed     to     be     absolutely     wonderful     at     his     job     .     (     the     owners     have     learned     to     ignore     the     lingering     smell     of     pot     and     kleenex     .     )     he’s     also     a     postman     and     an     uber     eats     driver     ,     bc     he’s     poor     and     he     needs     to     help     his     family     out     .     he     still     lives     with     them     ,     all     six     horowitz     kids     in     the     same     house     .
idk     man     i     just     wanna     finish     these     intros     he’s     a     sad     dirtbag     who     makes     crude     jokes     and     cries     when     he     jacks     off     what     more     can     i     say
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑     𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑          ,          𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃          .
please     just     plot     with     me     im     just     a     liddol     creacher
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hahyuck · 6 years
Rivalry - NCT gang! Au
Part2. Part3
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↠group; NCT ot18 feat BlackPink
↠genre; mafia/gang au
↠warnings; violence and swearing
↠summary; y/n gets involved with the wrong sort of people and finds themselves mixed up in a rivalry between three gangs, The Dreamies, The U-boys and The 127. The rivalry is known as the NCT and they pretty much dominate Seoul, this all started when y/n developed a crush on The Dreamies Jeno, The U-boys’ Ten and The 127’s leader Taeyong.
↠A/N; (okay for the purpose of this imagine all members are aged between 18 and 21)
“Oh my god, how gorgeous does Jeno look today!” You squealed as you took a seat at the lunch table your friends were sat at. “Yeah sure he’s hot but I heard he got recruited into The Dreamies a few weeks ago and you know about the NCT...” Jennie said concentrating on eating her lunch as she didn’t want to make eye contact with Jeno. “That makes him ten times hotter!” You said dreamily. “Speaking of Ten, did you hear that he’s going to beat up Haechan tonight?” Rose whispered so that your conversation wasn’t over heard. “That’s probably just a rumour, The U-boys don’t hang out around here anymore...” jisoo said concerned.
The five of you continued to chat and eat your lunch, you finished first and went to empty your tray into the bin.
“Your not going to eat your apple?” You heard a voice say from behind you, you turned around to see Jeno smirking at you. You froze unable to comprehend his stunning features. “Are you going to eat your apple?” He repeated, he took a step closer to you and smiled. “N-no, do you want it?” You stuttered nervously. You mentally kicked yourself for sounding so stupid. “Thanks,” he picked the apple up of your tray, “what were you saying to your friends about me earlier, y/n” He asked innocently. Shit. Suddenly without warning a jolt of confidence ran through your system, “is it true your in The Dreamies now?” As soon as the words left your mouth You regretted even being born.
Your heart was racing and your face burned red. but Jeno just chuckled,darkly. “Yes, that rumour is true. But does that make me a bad guy?” His voice was dark and it made your stomach twist, in a good way. “Depends. I personally love the bad guys...” you shrugged. “I guess I’m a bad guy now then, if you want to see me in all my bad boy glory come to the Drippin at 8 o’clock tonight, don’t be late.” He said taking a bite of your apple and leaving.
What the fuck just happened. You quickly ran back to your table. “What was that!” Lisa whisper shouted. “Why were you talking to Jeno for so long and why do you look so happy!” That’s when you realised that you were smiling like an absolute idiot. “Jeno wants me to meet him, tonight.” Was all you managed to say. The four girls had the same shocked expressions on their faces. “A-are you actually going to go?” Jisoo asked. “The Drippin at 8” You blurted, still smiling. “The D-Drippin, you mean that arcade restaurant place where all The Dreamies hangout!” Rose said stunned by the mention of the notorious hangout. You just nodded. “Well I don’t know what else to say other then, don’t die and don’t let him pressure you into anything, other then that we can’t stop you from being your adventurous self.” Jennie shrugged.
The rest of the day Jisoo and Rose tried to convince you not to go or get involved with Jeno and his friends but at the same time Lisa and Jennie were encouraging you to do what you thought was right. At the end of the day you decided that going and seeing Jeno couldn’t be that bad, could it?
After school you headed straight home to get ready.
You unlocked the front door and ran up into your room. Your parents both worked long hours so you pretty much took care of yourself. You took off your school uniform and got into the shower in your en-suite bathroom. You quietly hummed a tune whilst you massaged shampoo into your scalp.
You took an extra long shower which you kind of regretted as when you got out you were left with only two hours to get ready. You sat on your bed frantically blow drying and brushing your hair. Once your hair was semi- decent you started to pick out an outfit. In the end you decided to with something slightly grungey but also kinda cute at the same time.
You checked yourself out in the mirror then flopped onto your bed to text your friends.
[19:21] you: girlssss it’s nearly 8!
[19:22] Jennie: have fun y/n, tell me what Drippin is like when you get back x
[19:22] Lisa: yesss I’ve always wanted to know what that place looks like!!!
[19:23] you: okay will do! Honestly I’m so excited for tonight!!
[19:23] Rose: I’m glad your excited y/n but please don’t do anything stupid and if your ever scared or feel like somethings off just message me and I’ll come and pick you up! x
[19:23] you: thanks roseeee x don’t worry I won’t do anything stupid and I’ll leave if anything bad happens x
[19:23] Jennie: that’s my girl! Have fun x
[19:24] you: thanks, I’m leaving now x
You turned off your phone and slipped it inside your bag before locking up your house and starting your walk to Drippin. You soon realised that you should’ve brought a jacket as an icy wind picked up. You pulled out your phone from your bag and connected your earphones to try and distract you from the bitter cold.
The more you walked the less people you saw out in the streets. You could tell that you were close. Even though The Dreamies were a group of 18 year old boys everyone who lived in the south side of the city were scared of them. They were young and naive which made them dangerous. Obviously there were quite a lot of rumours floating around about them, most of them were completely absurd and most of them made their leader, Mark, out to be a really dangerous thug who has been caught up in the life of violence since an extremely young age.
Soon the streets became illuminated by the violent red glow of The Drippin. You saw the famous hangout at the end of the road. There were a few people stood outside smoking, they were the owners of the restaurant. You walked past them and inside. You breathed a sigh of relief when the warm air hit your cold body.
“Who are you?” You heard a deep voice say. You looked up to see none other then The Dreamies all looking at you from their table in the centre of the restaurant. The person who had spoken was who you believed to be the youngest, Jisung. “It’s y/n!” Jeno said standing up and walking over to you. “Glad you could make it!” He said smiling. He took your hand and lead you to the table you couldn’t help but blush and the skin contact.
You took a seat next to Jeno at the table. “Nice to meet you y/n, Jeno was about to explode. He thought you weren’t going to show.” Jisung said laughing. Jeno lightly thumped his shoulder and looked away from you to hide his blushing face. “I just took a while to get here because my house is pretty far away and I don’t have a car.” You said shyly. Jeno snapped round to face you, “You walked here!?” He said shocked. You slowly nodded, taken a back by his concern. “But it’s so cold and your not wearing a jacket!” He put his arm around your shoulders and rubbed the goosebumps that had formed on your arm. “Don’t worry, me and Jaemin can walk you home,” Jeno said not removing his arm. He then turned to Mark suddenly, “if that’s okay with you boss.” Mark just nodded slightly and Jeno smiled and squeezed you.
Soon some of the boys had broken off and went to play in the arcade which left you, Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan on the table. “How about we get something to eat!” Haechan suggested. You all agreed and Haechan left to order food for you all. “How come I’ve never spoken to you before y/n? Your so funny and nice!” Jaemin said. You blushed, “it’s probably because I normally just blend in with everyone else. I guess I just don’t draw to much attention to myself so you probably never noticed me.” You said smiling. Jenos grip on you tightend when he saw your pink cheeks, “trust me y/n, I noticed you. I guess I didn’t talk to you because I didn’t think you’d like me.” Jaemin said. “Well at least I had some courage to talk to y/n and bring her here tonight.” Jeno said bluntly. He sounded slightly jealous as he pulled you even closer to him and sent a glare at Jaemin. Jaemin immediately switched the subject, “I’m gonna see what’s taking Haechan so long.” He got up and left.
“Thank you for bringing me here tonight, I’m having such a nice time getting to know you and your friends.” You said in an effort to reassure Jeno. This made him smile and he hid his face in the crook of your neck. Haechan and Jaemin came back to the table with four portions of chips. “We aren’t interrupting anything here are we?” Haechan said laughing as he put the food down on the table. Jeno removed his head and frantically shook his head. He made you laugh a little because he was being so adorable.
The rest of the night was so fun, you had never laughed so much. You spent the night stuck to Jenos side whilst the two of you moved between various members of The Dreamies. You got know them all relatively well and the only person you were slightly scared of was Mark because he was being quite and distant towards you.
You checked your phone and saw that it was nearly 11pm, you whispered to Jeno, “it’s getting pretty late, I think I’m going to head home.” He looked at you and pouted. He then called for Jaemin and Haechan to come over. “What are you doing Jeno?” You asked confused. “The three of us are going to walk you home.” Jeno said taking your hand in his. The two boys walked up to you, “Are we taking y/n home now?” Jaemin asked Jeno. Jeno nodded and Haechan and Jaemin put on their coats.
You headed out into the night. As soon as you stepped outside the cold air hit you like a truck. Without thinking Jeno slipped off his coat and wrapped it tightly around your shoulders. It felt like a large hot water bottle. “Ah Jeno, so that was why you kept your coat on top of the heater the whole time!” Haechan said laughing. “I don’t know what your talking about!” Jeno said sarcastically. “So smooth.” Jaemin added. You laughed and kept the coat wrapped tightly around you.
The four of you walked through the dimly lit streets and talked whilst your voices were echoed off the houses.
You were quite close to your house when you heard footsteps behind you. “What was that?” You asked Jeno. Jeno turned around and squinted into the distance. So did everyone else. “I think someone’s over there.” Haechan said. “I think there coming this way,” Jaemin added. “I think there’s more then one of them.” You said. You felt increasingly nervous as the number of bodies multiplied. You watched the four figures emerge from the darkness until they were stood underneath a street lamp.
“It’s Ten.” Jeno said almost gulping at the sight of them. Haechan shuffles from foot to foot. “And isn’t that Lucas, the one they recruited a few days ago...” Jaemin pointed out. “I-I’m pretty new to all this stuff but I really don’t think we should all be staring at them, it might like provoke something...” you muttered looking down at the floor. “I think it’s too late for your smart input.” Jaemin said as he realised that they were walking up to you.
“Well, well, Well if it isn’t the daydreams!” Ten said as he stopped centimetres away from you. You quickly took Jenos hand in yours and squeezed it tightly. Jeno stood in front of you protectively, “what are you even doing here, you said you didn’t want to fight Haechan anymore.” Jeno said confidently. Ten just looked at him and shrugged, “changed my mind.” His lips curled up into a mischievous smile. “And who might this be?” Ten said as he moved closer to Jeno and peered over his shoulder to find you hiding behind his back. “That’s none of your business, she’s not one of us.” Haechan said moving to your side.
“So are you gonna fight the kid or not?” Lucas said clearly getting impatient. Ten looked at you then at Jeno then at Haechan. You watched as his eyes glistened from the reflection of the street lamp. “N-not tonight...” Ten said looking at you. “We can’t fight infront of that person if they aren’t even involved in our mess, it wouldn’t be fair.” He smiled and didn’t take an eye of you. You felt the familiar feeling of your heart racing and your cheeks blushing. “Thank you.” Jeno said, he quickly pulled you away and continued walking to your house.
“I might be crazy but were you seriously blushing?” Jeno whispered into your ear his voice was blunt and clearly, he was jealous. “It’s just cold.” You shrugged avoiding eye contact.
When you came up to your house you turned around to face the boys, “this is my house, thank you for bringing me home,” you said smiling, “oh and I nearly forgot! Here’s your coat Jeno.” You went to take the coat off from your back but he stopped you. “Keep it.” He winked at you. “Thanks,” once again you were blushing like mad. You quickly ran inside and watched them leave from your window.
That’s when your phone pinged.
[23:01] Rose: please tell me your home now!
[23:01] you: only just
[23:01] Lisa: did you have a good time? What did Drippin look likeee?
[23:02] you: I had an amazing time! All they boys were so nice and funny honestly don’t know what I was so scared about😂
[23:02] you: and drippin is THE COOLEST PLACE EVERRR it’s literally got an arcade in it and everything!!! We need to go there together some time!
[23:02] Jennie: only if the Dreamies would be okay with that, don’t want to start anything with them if you get what I mean.
[23:02] Jennie: buttt we could all go out for a drive like right now? I’m so bored and hungry!!!
[23:03] you: I’m down ;)
[23:03] Lisa: I’m coming too!
[23:04] Jennie: me and rose will come and pick you up
You went to quickly to get changed into some more comfortable clothes before the girls arrived.
You heard a beep coming from outside and rushed out. You climbed in the back of the car next to Jisoo and Lisa.
Jennie drove off, you turned the corner and saw a group of four boys walking in the middle of the road. “I swear down y/n these better not be any of your new dreamie friends.” She said as she beeped the horn. “I don’t think they are, they look older...” You said. They all turned around at the sound of the horn. “The U-boys.” Jisoo murmured. Jennie told everyone to roll their windows up and lock their doors, but Lisa’s window was stuck. Ten walked up to the window and stuck his head inside the car.
He looked at you and instantly smiled, “someone’s popular,” He said smirking. “I didn’t catch your name earlier, what is it if you don’t mind me asking?” You began to wonder what you should say, should you make a snarky comment should you lie about you name? “It’s y/n” You said trying to hide your smile. “Y/n... that’s a pretty name...” he spoke his thoughts out loud, “look, I’m sorry we were walking in the middle of the road, we didn’t expect anyone to be out driving this late at night.” He said to Jennie. Jennie was shocked by his kindness and could only manage a small nod.
“And as for you y/n, I’ll see you around.” He waves good bye and pulled his head away from the window. Jennie quickly started the car again and drove off, “he’s quite charming isn’t he!” Jennie said trying to tease you. You just ignored her and played with your hands.
This will be a series, I don’t know how long it will be though?? I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions for the next part! Thank you for reading x
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guksthighs · 7 years
Euphusitic ( ii )
 one | two | three | four | cont.
Excerpt: ‘The magical atmosphere faded as the heavy thud of music seeped through the walls from the shop next door and Hoseok's hand paused in the air as he looked in interest towards the shop.’
Genre: humour, fluff, tattoo artist x florist! au
Length: 1k
A/N: this au is so close to my heart and i really hope you guys will come to like it as well
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Hoseok had no time alone the next day to investigate the shop next door; Taehyung, their new employee was busy asking every possible question and then some.
"How does the coffee machine work?" Hoseok sighed, running his hand through his dark brown hair before starting to walk over to where Taehyung was yelping as an endless stream of scalding milk poured out of the small metal machine.
"Don't pull the lever, just press the blue button and place a cup underneath," Jin was there before Hoseok walked past the hydrangea and he watched his boss shoot him a smile before he continued to help the younger boy. Jin was very patient when explaining to Taehyung but it meant that Hoseok's workload had doubled as he began preparing a bouquet of white lilies for a funeral.
His shears worked away snipping off stray leaves, and he allowed himself to become completely absorbed by his work, white lilies joining roses and green chrysanthemums. The flourish with which he worked was one of the main attractions to the shop, it had even led to Jin setting up a few tables in the corner of the store so customers could enjoy a pastry and a cup of coffee whilst watching Hoseok at work.
Usually, Hoseok would hate this kind of attention, but he became so absorbed in making sure every petal and leaf fell in the correct position that he didn't notice the old ladies whispering about how handsome he was or the young girl staring at him with the mouths hanging open.
Even now Taehyung paused in his fiddling with the machine to watch the boy, whose brow was slightly furrowed as he continued to add flowers to the mix, "it's beautiful," he whispered and Jin laughed next to him nodding in agreement. Hoseok seemed to shine when he was concentrated like this, a sense of confidence radiated from him; back straight and fingers moving through the air as if he were conducting a symphony.
The magical atmosphere faded as the heavy thud of music seeped through the walls from the shop next door and Hoseok's hand paused in the air as he looked in interest towards the shop, where he knew the umbrella girl was working and realised with a slight sense of dread that they weren't going to be just another antique shop.
"Jin why are you smirking?" Hoseok set the bouquet aside, making a mental note to remember to add a coral ribbon around the vase to finish it, but for now, he wanted to know why his boss looked so smug, with a grimace he walked forward and tilted his head towards the new shop, "you know what type of shop it is, don't you."
Taehyung perked up, leaping up from where he'd been crouching admiring the peach palette of the Austen roses, "It's a tattoo shop, my friend Jeongguk works there!" But his grin and excitement quickly faded when he saw Hoseok's eyes widen.
Taehyung's hands covered his mouth with embarrassment and he slowly moved so he was hiding behind one of Jin's broad shoulders as he watched Hoseok turn red as he seemed to quiver slightly. Hoseok was angry, his quiet paradise of pastel fronted shops selling beautifully decorated cupcakes and dusty antiques was now home to a grungey tattoo shop, and he was going to give them a piece of his mind.
"You wanted me to make them a welcome present," Hoseok wasn't really asking a question as he was already walking around the shop picking up two buckets, one containing orange lilies; a rare flower to send due to its' meaning and the other was butterfly weed, both meaning hatred and go away.
Jin tried to suppress his smile as he watched the usually shy boy comprise a bouquet with such a rude hidden message and for a few seconds he was proud of the sudden confidence that had filled his friend and employee.
"Shouldn't you try and stop him?" Taehyung tugged on Jin's sweater, although both of their eyes were glued to the boy's figure as he placed the flowers together in a beautiful arrangement but Jin just shook his head before finally looking down at Taehyung with a smile.
"He'll have to find the courage to deliver them himself," then Jin glanced at the door with a wistful smile, "and I'm good friends with the owner, so I'm sure he'll understand and see the humour behind this." Taehyung nodded, obviously still slightly confused but he was too enraptured by the artistry happening in front of him to say anything else.
Hoseok was too busy surrounded by this annoyance at the tattoo shop to think about being embarrassed, he secured the ribbon with the logo on the bouquet and picking it up, he made his way to the door, shoulders set with determination to put these people in their place. Hoseok only paused at the door to announce his absence, "I'm taking my break."
Jin just nodded, surprised by his friend who hadn't been this confident in years and a small smile spread across his face as he began to talk to Taehyung about the different places they cater to. Only seconds after he had left there was a crack of thunder and the heavy rain began, as well as Hoseok entering the florist again to grab an umbrella.
The umbrella was one of the branded ones, and he tried to suppress his groan as he looked up at the yellow sunflower petals and wondered how he was going to seem scary if he was carrying a bright umbrella, but it was too late to turn back and so Hoseok took a step into the rain, clutching the flowers slightly closer to his chest.
He wanted to send a message in style, not with wilted and damaged petals. Hoseok had planned it in his head, they would receive this stunning bouquet and wonder what the unusual flowers meant and after speculating between them would they look it up. And his message would hit home and if it all went to plan he would never see that bright smile and dark umbrella again.
If you enjoyed this, please do not hesitate to like, reblog and comment~
And tell me your thoughts in the comments/ask box <3
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU)
Alright I’m just going to start posting this anyway since I have so much of it already written. This is my first venture into writing so go easy on me. Im normally an artist not a writer. I’ll intro my OC too she’s a grungey stoner girl going through some big changes. Those changes being that she’s slowly turning into a nosferatu style vampire. She “Dropped out” of bartending school, dumped her abusive ex and moved to Maine where she found out that every monster in the world had the same idea. Eventually she moves in with everyones favorite clown and feelings start to happen. This chapter is just intros really smut and romance is coming. Mostly a parody humor fic with horror and romance thrown in. There is lots of gore, NSFW, drug use, alcohol, death, swearing, and violence. So you’ve been warned. Chapter 1 The Contract She had been there for a month now. Somehow she was still alive, and living amongst monsters. “You know…It’s not that bad mom, the house is a bit old but it’s charming you get used to it after awhile.” as she says this a chunk of the Old Well House’s ceiling falls onto the ancient dining room table. She flinches a natural reaction left over from humanity’s days as a prey animal but she recovers quickly mostly unfazed. “Visit? Oooooh no, no, thats not a great idea. Roommates are a bit quirky you wouldn't like them.” she said into the phone. Quirky was a massive understatement. She opened the fridge and let out a groan of frustration at the severed head and arm sitting on top of her tupperware. “that son of a bitch” she whispered “Hey mom call you back, kitchen trouble. Love ya.” she hung up the phone and shouted “ALRIGHT WHO’S IS THIS?!” her voice echoed through out the old decaying house. She was met by heavy breathing and guttural grunting the kind you would hear in a horror movie sound clip. She turned to the doorway towards the owner of the sound, a hulking behemoth donning a butchers apron. He’s covered in old blood soaked handprints and his signature mask made of the leather from a human face. “What the hell Leatherface you have your own fucking fridge for this shit” she stated unafraid. Now one would be wondering at this point why is this girl so relaxed? Why has she not died of a heart attack or been murdered by these horrible housemates. This clearly wasn't your average college drop out living situation, not by a long shot. No my friend, this is the story of a human who literally lived with her monsters and in the process became one herself. But the only thing you need to know right now dear reader, is that Lucy Smith never turned down a good deal.  It all started when she wanted to get out of the city. Adam and our dear Lucy had just broken up after being her high school sweetheart and boyfriend for 5 long years. It happened at the end her second to last year of college, he had become an absolute monster and she was done with his shit. Lucy wanted to get away. Away from everything that reminded her of him and the life they had shared together. “I’ll go to the other side of the country,” she thought “as far as possible I’ll go to fucking Maine.”   When she found the house it looked abandoned. “Fucking hell this must be a fake ad or something. No way this place is inhabitable.” she groaned but there was a small sign in the window of the house on Neibolt Street that read “Room for Rent” in badly drawn red ink. “Wellp I got nothing to lose anyway, either I die via whatever serial killer is squatting here or the drinking will get me later.” She had next to nothing other than a car, her belongings and enough money for three months worth of rent. This really was her only option. As she walked by the sun flowers haphazardly planted in the front yard in some sad attempt to make the house look pleasant, the front door creaked open on its own. “Yeah I’m definitely going to get murdered.” she mumbled. Lucy stepped cautiously in the doorway “Um hello? I’m here about the room?” something scuttled on the floor above her, it sounded like the pitter patter of children’s feet. Lucy’s heart began to pound her blue eyes wide now and her senses heightened. “Anyone?” she called out into the decrepit house. Lucy made her way to the window and picked up the for rent sign clutching it tightly to her chest. She was an avid horror fan, and she was no idiot. This house screamed ghost murderer she began to step further into the house when suddenly the door slammed shut. “FUCK” she shouted trying to pry it back open but it wouldn't budge “ALRIGHT ASSHOLE” she yelled “I’m fucking done with this game! You going to discuss the room with me or not?!” a door in a different room had creaked open and Lucy could have sworn she heard the faint sound of bells. “This isn't funny bitch” she yelled nervously searching for an exit “be brave be brave be brave” she whispered to herself. Down the hall she heard footsteps from something large they seemed to be dragging across the floor. Fucking hide you idiot her brain told her she quickly and silently bolted to the kitchen, almost on the verge of tears now cursing herself for even getting into this situation. She frantically searched the room for something to hide in and a half open cabinet caught her eye. She made a dash for it when she hear the jingle again this time louder and coming form the basement of the Well-house. She reached for the rotting door and screamed when something grey and furry leapt out at her. It smelled almost dead and its eyes were lifeless and faded. The creature was a very pissed off dirty grey cat. “Holy shit little guy” she managed to say. The cat darted off into the house and Lucy let her guard down slightly breathing a sigh of relief, only to turn around to meet a twisted smile with long fangs and glowing yellow eyes. Suddenly the demon clown shot a gloved claw out around her throat. Lucy passed out from sheer terror, dropping the for rent sign on the ground next to her.  ___________ Lucy awoke to voices, they were twisted and clearly agitated. Their tones were enough to make someones skin crawl. Her thoughts were foggy and her head ached from hitting it on her way down. She moved to rub it but she found she was tied to a chair, she thrashed a bit in a sad attempt to escape. the girl knew knew it wouldn't work. She was frail and malnourished looking, a text book punk kid in flannel and a stupid t-shirt that had a skeleton hand holding up the cliche devil horns. She wasn't getting out of this. The voices began to sound clearer now she had yet to open her eyes but she could hear what the owners were saying. “We can’t just kill her we need the money.” “She’s fucking human Tiff, just let the clown and the big guy fight over her meat!” “We’re about to lose the house babe! This is the best place we've had in years!”   “You know the rules no regular humans allowed in our society.” “Leatherface is human!” “PFF barely,” “Will you two PLEASE stop bickering for 5 seconds!” “Oh you wanna finally join us Jingles? Because you've been sitting there drooling for the past five minutes while we've been trying to figure out what to do about YOUR house.” “DO NOT CALL ME JINGLES, DOLL!!!” Lucy opened her eyes, light stung them at first and her vision adjusted. She gurgled out a moan of pain and the room suddenly went silent. Across from her were two dolls one a pretty blonde girl doll with dark makeup the other a boy haphazardly stitched together in a terrifying way. “What the fuck” she mumbled turning to look behind her, she heard heavy breathing that coming out so deep they almost sounded like moans. The monster towered over her and most horrifying of all he wore the skinned face of a dead woman. Lucy quickly turned away to finally find the other inhabitant pouting in the corner, the evil clown from earlier. He was tall, lanky and had a giant forehead with fluffy orange hair twisting around like cotton candy. The clown was staring right at her with a terrifying hunger in his eyes, like he could smell her fear from across the room. She tried to soak it all in. This isn't happening this isn't real. Oh god I'm going to die here she thought. Then, something deep within Lucy’s mind snapped. She began to laugh. Her laughter was a mix of hysteria and horror it was insane and manic. “Wellp I’ve finally lost it.” she thought to herself as her cackling died down. The monstrous flatmates stared at her slightly confused by her reaction.  “Well that the first time I’ve made that kind of impression. Thought makin' them laugh was your thing jingles.” the boy doll mused The clown let off an inhuman warning growl and the doll grinned wickedly. “Y-youre all r-real.” Lucy stuttered starting to slip into insanity. “Careful who you say isn't real around here toots, Jingles over there tends to get real triggered about that subject” the male doll quipped “Are you done insulting me yet? You disgusting excuse for a child’s toy.” the clown hissed “Not on your life chucklefuck.” “Chucky! Can we please focus on the girl!” the dolls female counterpart snapped “Sorry pumpkin, they've been having a bit of a dispute ever since the clown left a huge pile of drool outside the fridge yesterday morning” she turned to Lucy who now was a mix of terrified and utterly confused. “I was very hungry and couldn't decide what to eat!” the clown pouted “YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE PANTRY FULL OF DEAD CHILDREN IN THE SEWER DO YOU EVEN NEED TO EAT ANYTHING ELSE?” Chucky shouted back at him. “Wow that hurt. I don't just eat children you know” the clown mocked being struck in the heart followed by a sharp glare. The silent behemoth behind Lucy had decided enough was enough and banged on the counter next to him. All in the room went quiet. The female doll sighed “Well if you two are going to be children about this I’ll make the decision for us. Alright look hun. We’re in a bit of a pickle and we need an extra roommate or Penny here is going to lose the house. Then well all be shit outta luck, especially you sweetheart. So I’m givin ya two options” she looked at the grumpy killer clown who huffed and finally nodded giving the female doll permission “One, you take the room. You will live here as the fake owner so the town doesn't try to reclaim the house and tear it down. Or two…. you die.”  “And if I don’t want either?” Lucy questioned giving in completely to this new terrifying situation she was in. All the inhabitants in the room smiled wickedly. The clown stepped forward and grabbed Lucy’s chin forcing her to look into his golden predatory eyes, they were slightly out of alignment as if he was barely managing to keep control of himself  “You can try to run kitten, but in a house full of monsters” he grinned his smile sadistic with a sprinkling of insanity “I promise you wont get far.” he inhaled sharply as if sniffing a freshly cooked meal before taking a bite. Lucy swallowed her fear and insanity pushing it down deep within her. “I’m a fucking survivor and I’m not going to die in some rotting haunted house.” She thought to herself. The clown growled and shoved her face back roughly as if offended by her sudden burst of bravery. “How much is rent?” she stated cool and suddenly collected.She wasn't really but the girl was no stranger to putting on a brave face. The group turned to the clown who was suddenly put on the spot “….$450” “Fuck that. Does this crackhouse even have running water?” she spat. “Watch your filthy little mouth!” the clown growled. She had obviously hit a very sore spot. A weakness she smirked. “$300” she haggled.  “Just for that remark, five” the clown sneered in her face again, he was so close she could feel his breath on her nose. “You cant go up you fucker” “How much is your life worth to you little human” “About 300 bucks a month, clown.” “Four.. not including utilities” he smiled like the devil himself. She broke. “Look if you don’t kill me then my ex probably will. Im dead either way. Probably safer with a bunch of monsters than with that psycho, so $350 with utilities and I wont call the cops and make sure people stay away from your place. You all obviously want to remain here in secret so I keep my mouth shut about what you are and you give me a cheap place to live and start over. I honestly don't give a shit if I'm living with demon dolls and cannibals. I just want freedom from my old shitty life and my old shitty ex.” she stared back into the clowns eyes in pure defiance. Blue and gold bore into each other in some unseen battle. Few have ever done this to him before and were allowed to live. Finally the clown broke the stare he was a bit thrown off. “I’m not a cannibal I'm not even human you disgusting Leech.” he mumbled. Clearly the demon clown had a pride issue. “Wait call the cops? Ah shit Chucky you forgot to take her phone???” the Tiffany yelled at the male doll. “You didn't fucking tell me too! I thought we were going to kill her like we do with all the humans that wander in here!! Didn't see the fucking need but apparently were all going soft because Buck Tooth McForehead over here is worried about foreclosure!” “You idiot! You never listen to me!!!!” she screamed and lunged at him.  The clown rolled his eyes at them, apparently this happened a lot. “Can you guys please take this to the bedroom, since I know where this is going and I really don't want walk in to find you making up on my sofa again.” Leatherface who had been mostly silent had moaned and covered his eyes clearly grossed out at the thought. “FINE were leaving! Tell us when you two kids make a damn deal instead of eye fucking each other for hours” Chucky shouted from the floor his wife’s hands around his neck. “Ew what the hell man we weren’t…” Lucy began but was cut off by an eruption of anger from the clown. “GET OUT.” the clown roared.They stood up and Chucky took his wife’s hand in his and Tiffany gave Lucy a wink as she left. “what the hell was that-“ Lucy started. “Ignore them” the clown interrupted once again. “Ok but like what did he mean by-“ “Ignore them” She turned her attention again to the tall murderous, inhuman apparently, clown. Who was clearly extremely annoyed with the whole situation. “So we have a deal clown?” “Pennywise” the clown said. “PennyWhat?” “I have a name and its Pennywise… The dancing clown.” “You dance?” “Not the point.” “Can I see?” “No.” “I thought clowns liked to preform.” “Are you finished?” “Maybe.” Lucy fired back at him.  The clown was not used to this amount of sass from such a small frail looking thing. She could certainly run her mouth. It reminded him of a very specific boy that had smacked him in the head with a baseball bat all those years ago. He knew he was going to hate this human, but he had little to no choice in this. The Well-house was apart of him and desperate times call for desperate measures. He decided to wait to kill her when she tries to move out. It'll happen eventually anyway, after all this human will be living amongst monsters, horrible abominations true living nightmares! No normal sane human would be able to last long in this situation. And then he will enjoy feasting on this small thing’s flesh. Biting into her pale skin hearing her cry out in fear when he turns on her. Oh yes her sweet, delicious, beautiful fear. He'd inhale her scent and burry his nose into her bleeding flesh licking the wound in her neck. Those big blue eyes wide in terror as the filthy leech rose up finally floating. Her short platinum hair swirling around her frozen face. Beautiful, intoxicating, delicious, alluring, all mine, mine, mine, MINE- he woke himself from his trance his eyes had drifted apart and he was drooling immensely. She was staring at him waiting for him to say something. He mentally cursed himself for those strange thoughts that had just drifted through his head. “You uh…. you ok there? It looks like you left earth there for a bit”   The clown sighed and growled more turning to his giant flatmate. “Untie her and bring me some ink Leatherface, lets just get this over with” Pennywise said exhausted. The giant equally concerned and confused grabbed a knife off the kitchen wall and cut her free. Lucy’s first instinct was to run but she glued herself into the reality of her situation. The behemoth walked over to her still holding the knife and she suddenly felt the fear come back. What if the clown had lied? The giant grabbed her hand roughly. Shit she began to panic as he pressed the blade into her hand and cut. Pennywise was now sporting a devilish grin seeing his flatmate to be squirm and whimper under the blade. He suddenly had an old looking contract and a quill in his hand which he laid out on the table in front of her “Read it and sign it Leech” he sneered “Really? Im signing it in blood? Really?” “You’re being difficult and childish just sign the damn paper.” “Why do you keep calling me Leech anyway?” “Because you're sucking me dry with this $350 a month deal, sign the paper.” “Do I get to at least remodel my room?” “SIGN THE PAPER” “Bite me clown. I want to know the fine details.” “Careful what you wish for little Leech it just might come true.” he muttered. “That a threat Penny?” she fired backThe clown glared at the nickname. “You know, you’re cute when you're mad” she chuckled reading the document. “Interesting requirements you got here. Don’t know what the hell this whole community council thing is and all these weird secrets but eh its cheap living can’t complain.” she dabbed the pen on her open wound and scribbled her name on the line.  “Congratulations were flatmates.” the clown growled snatching the paper and walked off towards the basement. Lucy turned to Leatherface and chuckled. “I like him, he’s fun. So you guys gonna take me on the grand tour?” the giant still very confused with the whole situation nodded silently and Lucy followed him out. She didn't quite know what she just agreed to and this definitely wasn't the change she had in mind. All she knew was that she had wished for a new start and she sure as hell was getting one. 
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dear-chaton · 7 years
1-100 bb
BAbe lol why it’s fine but oh dear lord who’s ready to another long af ask?
Bc I just answered some of these I will link to the first part here^^
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More milk than cereal bc I don’t care if it get soggy
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Lots of cream, milk and sugar.
6: do you keep plants? Nope
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Writing I guess? I didn’t pick up drawing or painting till late last year
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Always, singing to myself as I fill this out right now haha
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Side but curled up nearly in fetal position bc I’m lanky as hell
12: what’s your favorite planet? Mercury?
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Either really pastel or grungey
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! In space metal sticks together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Lasagna
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I like to point out friends spelling mistakes on discord and pin them so that everyone sees bc I’m slightly dyslexic so it’s funny when I do catch mistakes
20: what’s your favorite eye color? I love green and blue eyes
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. There’s many of those lol
22: are you a morning person? Nope
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? No, I don’t like to have one single person that knows every single little thing about me, I have multiple people that know many things that I trust to them but often those things rarely overlap
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? No where?
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? It’s a tie between my pug shoes or my cat shoes bc they have memory foam soles since I work on my feet all day I wanna have some comfort on my off days
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Just plain regular bubblegum
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?  Oh yeah plenty of times
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. It was after a friends party last year and we just sat in her living room comparing the average guys dick size for some reason 😂
33: what’s your fave pastry? Croissants
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It’s a really big bunny rabbit, I don’t think I ever named it to be fair and yeah I keep it on my bed nearly all the time and it’s something I use to comfort me if I’m sad and wipe away the tears if I cry :’)
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yes lol but I more so collect them than use them
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Either skillet or Pentatonix
38: tell us about your pet peeves! Hate when people cut me off when I’m saying something, I barely talk so when I do I’m a little miffed if I don’t quite get to finish my train of thought, I also hate when people chew loudly in a quiet setting like please no save me
39: what color do you wear the most? A navy blue or a jade green
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I guess the most important to me is my purity ring and I’ve had that thing since I was 13 so nearly 8 years I’ve been wearing it and yeah
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! It’s kind of quiet and quaint but it’s fabulous to have study groups there and sit there for hours I feel bad for the people that deal with us but it’s so nice
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Being in the back of my boyfriends car, cuddling him
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Ha nope
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. What’s the favourite movie for cats to watch? The Sound of Mewsic (you can pry cat puns out of my cold dead hands)
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Heights and yes still hate it
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I love cds and the last one I bought I can’t actually remember it’s kind of been a while^^
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Bears from each state
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Misbehaving by Pentatonix or The Only Exception by Paramore
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? That despicable me meme bc I love those movies okay
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My friend Stirling who just had to put his dog down :(
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Screeched and lunged for my phone I guess erm
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Just the small things you don’t think of when you think of a particular person like someone will bring a blanket to our group between breaks and we’ll all huddle underneath it or someone will push two couches together so people can cuddle and/or spoon and be cute like stop being so freaking cute sometimes okay,
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? It’s interesting I’ll say that
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I am bc I’m the oldest of my friends and therefore the only one who’s roughly allowed to drink but no seriously my role on two discord servers is a toss up between Wine Aunt or Wine Goddess like I don’t make this shit up
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Have never really liked poetry so uh
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Orange juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? On my bookshelf there’s all my favorites out on display but the rest are kind just shoved into boxes
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? It’s dark out bc it’s nearly midnight 
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? My best friend even though I haven’t been the greatest friend and not talked with her in a while >.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Soft with white and light blue flowers I guess?
68: what’s winter like where you live? Hot and humid most of the year with a week or two of what the fuck Florida
69: what are your favorite board games? Checkers
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Most definitely
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Always ready to fight
75: tell us about your pets! I had a puppy that I had to give away over the summer, she wasn’t really a puppy she was a little on the older side but I really loved her and miss her a lot
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Studying but my classes are pretty easy
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Neither
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don’t mind them but since my nephew likes them I tolerate them
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? One wall is just a hot pink bc that was the color of my sheets at some point but I’m gonna paint it to a pastel mint hopefully soon
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Like an iceberg, so cold it pierced my soul (idk either man)
82: are/were you good in school? Pffffffft that’s hilarious
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I wanna get one tattoo is it’s simply ❝&❞ and on my left inner wrist
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? No not really, haha
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Homeward Bound bc that is my shit okay
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I don’t like cities so um yeah
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Er maybe to the city to go to a con but otherwise not planning to travel much
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Drowns it with cheese, after taking a lactaid pill of course
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? It’s almost always with a headband of sorts
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My friend Mags
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Going on a date and going boating with my family
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I always procrastinate them lol my computer must hate me
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? It was 6? Years ago and I didn’t have the right shoes and slipped on some mud and fell
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. I have a YouTube playlist for that shit lol there’s like 100 songs i listen to on repeat
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Future bc hell if I’m about to relive my past again no thanks fam I’m good
Really Fucking Cute Questions
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do you do requests? if so, saeran, seven, and v's reaction to a male mc that seems very caring and understanding but is goth af, listens to heavy metal, and likes to collect creepy/cursed things in his spare time.
This MC is just Mod Haruka. Anon, are you aware that you’re basically describing my fiance? He couldn’t stop laughing when I told him this popped into the askbox. - Mod Kait. 
Saeran is the man that will vibe with you like nobody else. 
He can't judge a book by it's cover because if he did that, he would be dooming himself to the very same fate. He's always been more lured to the darker, and gloomier side of things. If he had a choice, then he would be dressed in muted tones and in all black. He's not really going to put a lot of work into it, either. If he likes it, he slaps it on and that's nice.
That's not to say that he's totally what we all consider a true goth, though. He's just a very minimalist type who aims to blend into the big darkness. Just leave it to simple black sweaters or turtlenecks. He'll pop in the spikes and the collars and the chokers just for kicks when he feels like it. Just depends. He just likes the style and the aesthetic but that doesn't invalidate him. It's the thing that he used to freely separate himself from the rest of the damned cult.
So, he takes one look at this MC and he’s like, okay, I can vibe with this. It wasn’t what he expected but there’s not a problem in the world with that one, nope, he’s more than happy to be close to somebody that gets his aesthetic really good. 
You two have a lot in common from the surface, but there are some subtle differences on the inside that separate you. Saeran is hard on the outside but soft on the inside. He’s got more domestic hobbies and he really doesn’t listen to music. Whereas you’ve got a grungey vibe and enjoy the finer things in life, meaning the macabre and the fun. 
Yet, one glance at the two of you in public leaves people left to assume that you’re both just the same kind of grungey punks. 
Saeran is intrigued though by some of your hobbies. He’s always wanted to get more into supernatural things. He’s always an inkling of something inside of him but he’s never had the time to get to learning. He likes to learn and you’ve got a lot of things in your collection and disposal that he’s never seen before, and a lot of info that he didn’t know where to start from. He likes you to listen to you fixate and talk about your interests. Everybody else in the room may be cringing or looking away because the two of you get rather involved in your discussions and those with weak stomachs just can’t seem to cut it. 
He’s rather infatuated from the start. Saeran loves your vibe and makes no qualms about it. He’s got the same style. Though, sometimes he may like your jacket a bit too much and borrow it from you. There’s a lot of mixing and matching going on in this household with your shared wardrobe. 
Seven is a man of wild colors and bright patterns who looks like he walked right into the zany era of pop art color and crawled right back out of it to look like a vibrant hot mess discounted Ronald McDonald and somehow make it look really dope as hell. Seven has found something that works for him but he doesn't really have a set style that defines him apart from the mishmash he made for himself. He can put on anything and feel right at home in it without any worries. He's never had the option to have picky tastes so he's never really thought about it.
He's okay with anything. 
He really doesn't think hard. His life is a lot like his personal choices, a big swirling pot of outcomes that don't seem to twine just right yet somehow the puzzle pieces smash together. 
He takes one look at this MC from the CCTV and he’s a bit stumped. You’ve got such a cute face and you’re got an aesthetic that he hardly ever sees. Seven is unsure of how to approach you. He assumes at first that your tone and attitude may be more surly. Then, he talks to you on the phone for the first time and oh, oh my God, you’re the nicest and sweetest person that he’s ever spoken to in his life, and your laugh is enough to steal his soul.
You’ve just got interests that are a little different from everybody. He likes to cozy up to you, and when he stops being such a butthead, he takes every opportunity to get hugs from you. Everybody assumes right off the bat that you’re the one that they should fear crossing but it’s the other way around. The goofball is the one that has all the power and you’re such a sweetie. It’s kind of hilarious when you’re together because you’re always turning heads. 
Seven doesn’t mind that attention when it comes to turning heads. He’ll get more involved in your style when he gets closer to you, and he’ll often time ask you for your opinion on what he would look best in. There’s a lot of fashion shows in his closet when he’s just jumping in and out to try and enthrall you. He’ll playfully mess with you by borrowing your clothes, but he’ll make it even by tossing his jacket at you. 
He’s got his own weird fixations. He makes robots and AI for fun, just for the hell of it. So, he really doesn’t say much about what you like. He can be a little superstitious and uneasy around the supernatural but as long as you carefully reassure him when those are involved then he’s not bothered. 
He does like to listen to you talk about the cursed things that you own. He often ponders how things can get so cursed over time and if you two could find something modern that’s haunted. 
That’s kooky hijinks!  
V is also a big minimalist. 
In all parts of his life, he tends to keep things simple and not overbearing. He just thinks that things have order and he feels better when he knows where all the items are and there isn’t too much overbearing clutter to bother him with clutter. There isn't much he wants or desires and he keeps things neat and tidy. Be it from the way he keeps his house from looking any more than a spick and span museum, or the way that he tries
He tends not to think too much overall about the style choices he wears. 
V hasn't really changed his ways ever since he was a kid, the same could have been said for Jumin. He's got a simple but very relaxed look that he wears and it's nothing overall too flashy or too noticeable compared to the part around him. He's never really given it much thought and he just sticks to what feels okay to him and that's pretty much that. He’s just a simple man who doesn’t think too hard about the way he looks. 
Now, he comes to learn rather fast that not everyone is like that. You’ve got a style about you that he’s never really come across. He knows plenty of artists and photographers that have a personal brand of style, but he’s not had the chance to be around those that have a style like yours. So, he’s intrigued by your choice. He would be one of those to be unsure momentarily of you but wouldn’t show that on his face. He’s too polite for that. 
V comes to really appreciate you. You’ve got an energy that is somehow both comforting and imposing. You can draw people into you and you can keep those that you don’t like at bay. He’s always had nervous energy around others but when he’s with you, he finally doesn’t even think about that. He can just hold your hand and breathe in a sigh of relief. You even get him to think harder in appreciation of more colors that he’s never really considered. 
Being an artist, he’s always looking for that next sense of wonder, and you’ve captivated him like nothing else ever has in this world. You’re tough but you’re delicate, you’re sweet but you’re macabre, etc. He often compliments you very sincerely when you look like you’re radiating confidence. He sees that you feel more at ease in muted tones, and in ripped jeans. He may not get it himself but he loves that you’ve found something that works for you. 
V has really only ever been invested in the music that his mother held dear to her heart. Apart from that, he’s never gotten too in touch with it. You give him the chance to look into other avenues and find other messages in it. He’ll actually be really into it, believe it or not. Does that mean there’s death metal at the house? Yes, yes it does. 
He’s also kind of odd when it comes to hobbies. So, he really doesn’t judge you for what you’re invested in. He’ll listen to you give the story and history behind what you’ve got in your hands and he’ll nod mindfully. It’s important to you so that means that it’s important to him. He likes to learn and understand more about how you see the world and find beauty in places nobody else looks. 
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