#but while hes a civ idk
itsohh · 2 years
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A/N: GN reader.  Not that happy with this one ngl, eitherway bone apple tea.
Summary:  Olivier and you go out to dinner in France and after being notified of an upcoming mission decide to treat the night like it's your anniversary.
Word count: 2351
Warnings: NSFT, Smut
Smoothing out your suit, you got out of the car. There was the small tap of your heels as your partner made his way over to you. Olivier smiled and offered you his arm, one that you took with grace. "As stunning as you are tonight, we don't have to go out if you don't wish to." He whispered in your ear as the pair of you walked up to the restaurant. There was silence for a few moments before you eventually answered him. 
  "No, no, I want to do this. I'm just-" The lady at the front started to speak. Unlike Olivier, you were unable to understand what she was saying, yet you greeted her when Olivier did and allowed him to take the lead  You heard his surname be mentioned and she gave the pair of you a nod and started to lead you to your table. With a graceful smile, you thanked her with the tiny amount of French you had picked up. "You were saying?" He held out a chair for you and helped push you in before he took his own, your blazer now on the back of your chair. 
  "I just… wished I paid more attention in French class. I hate having to constantly rely on you, it must be annoying." You looked down at the menu and promptly closed it. "I can't read this." You sighed. 
  "Hey, if it's too much I'd be happy to go home. But if it's me you're worried about don't be, I knew prior that you would need help. I really don't mind it, I'm just happy you're here." His hand covered yours on the table. 
  "Now, I can read you the menu or I could pick something out."
  "Ah just pick something out, I trust you know my tastes by now."
  "Anything in particular that you're in the mood for?" He scanned the menu.
  "Hmm soup?" His eyes looked up from the menu to you.
  "Have very… safe." He teased with a smile. 
  "I'm just in the mood for soup."
  "Nothing got to do with the fact your face paled when you saw that waiter that passed us earlier?" A fake gasp left your mouth  
  "I would have you know I'm always up to trying new things how dare you to think that my desire for soup is anything but that." He rolled his eyes in response and smiled with you  
  "Hot or cold?"
  "Hmmm, I'll get you a bisque." He mumbled. The waitress came and Olivier ordered for the pair of you. 
  A text had Olivier look down at his phone soon after the waitress left. His eyebrows narrowed and a sigh left his face, but not in annoyance or frustration. One of exhaustion.
  "What is it?"
  "I'm needed for a mission, I have a flight back tomorrow morning.  I had hoped we would get our anniversary off but duty calls."
  "Let's go home after this then, next time we get leave we can continue where we left off. I've enjoyed my time with you here let's just pretend tomorrow is today yeah? Besides we did plenty in the last couple of days. We went to the museum and I met your parents."
  "You did well meeting them. I know the tension was high."
  "I'm just glad they spoke English."
  "On the odd occasion, they will. More people speak it than you think, they just refuse to use it. Especially if people think you're a tourist." 
  "I still don't think they like me."
  "They don't dislike you if it makes you feel better. It's my fault really." He looked away as he continued to speak. "My relationship with my parents is better than it was but I think me introducing you really reminded them of when I was younger." 
  "Olivier…" Any words were cut off by the waitress who placed the two meals in front of you. The light orange soup had been placed in front of you while a meat dish had been placed in front of Olivier. 
  "Here's to our anniversary." He lift his glass of water to yours. 
  "Here's to us."
   The pair of you had enjoyed the dinner and started to walk back to his car. Your blazer rest on your shoulders while your pace was at a leisurely stroll. "So what are your plans while I return to base tomorrow?"
  "Probably catch a flight home. Go see my niece. Shes-" Any words on your lips were cut off but the yank of your arm and the cold metal against your throat. Olivier froze and stared, his eyes assessing the situation. 
  "Money now." Barked an order.
  "We're getting mugged?" You whispered in astonishment and the blade was placed a little harder against your throat. "Just do what he wants and let him go home." You whispered and received a nod from your lover  Immediately Olivier brought put his hands up and started to speak calmly in French to the man. He brought out his wallet and pulled out any notes he had. 
  The man behind you slipped away from your throat and punched Olivier which had him double over. His focus now on Olivier's wallet. In your free state, you quickly grabbed the man's hand and twist his back in one smooth movement. With a hard shove, you pressed him against the brick wall next to him and lifted his arm higher until he suddenly dropped the blade. You could hear Olivier start to groan and you glanced at him in the corner of your eye. "There was no need to hit him." You hissed in his ear. "Now, get the fuck out of here your lucky I just want to go home." Carefully you let go of the man and he bolted away from the pair of you
  "Olivier are you alright?" You quickly went over to his side. 
  "I've had worse, don't worry about me." He gave you a smile as he recovered. Your fingers brushed over his brow where he flinched at your touch. 
  "This is going to bruise." He caught your wrist with his hand which slipped into your hand. He rubbed your hand with his thumb. 
  "I'm fine, that was barely anything, so long as you are uninjured."
  "Yeah, Olivier I'm good."
       With his keys placed to the side the pair of you shuffled into the house but barely after taking your shoes off Olivier had grabbed you and pressed you against the wall. "You know, I have to admit you really got my blood pumping." He whispered in your ear as his teeth gave you a light bite on the crook of your neck. Your back was against the wall while his hands slowly started to run under your shirt. 
  "Olivier." The whisper was barely heard from your mouth. "I don't know how but I'm not complaining." His hand ran across your stomach before his hand fell back down. 
  "Dealing with that man earlier was incredible hot of you." His fingers found the buttons on your shirt and slowly started to undo them. One by one. 
  "You were doubled over in pain. I'm surprised you could see that." Your humoured voice dragged out into a slight moan when his mouth started to suck on your neck. 
  "I can assure you I did." He pressed his pelvis into you for enthesis, his hard length very obvious against you. 
  "And how come you're not normally like this when we are at work then? I take down people all the time." He pushed off your shirt and took a step back to remove his own, far more hastily than he did your own. 
  "As stunning as you are when lives are at risk my mind is not how strong and smart you are. I'm thinking of what I should be doing."
  His shirt was dropped to the ground and he started to work on your pants. "Ah, so I can't get you distracted and eliminate you?" 
  "We're both attackers."
  "I could defend." He laughed at your defensive tone. You felt your underwater leave your body and he started to remove his own pants. "Yes, you could. You may struggle against us attacks though." 
  "Ha, maybe it will be nice to be on the side of Tina's interrogations for once." You dragged out the 'o' as Olivier pressed his now naked body against yours. His hand had free roam of your body. They ran up your sides, feeling the shape of your body before they moved up and settled on the side of your face. "Thank you for everything. Words can not describe how fortunate I feel to be with you." His eyes shut and he rest his forehead against yours in the change of mood. "But please tell me if I do something you don't like. I know the culture shock can be overwhelming so if we ever come here again don't feel you have to do anything. Especially for me." You placed a finger under his chin and lift it so his eyes made contact with yours. 
  You keep your hand on his face and placed your palm against his cheek. "When we come back, I promise not to do anything I don't want to. And Olivier I will do things for you if you like it or not." Your face closed in on him and you slowly pushed your lips against his. The kiss was slow and sensual but when you caught his lower lips beneath your lips something inside of him snapped. 
  His lips ripped from yours and started to press kisses on the side of your face. His hips rolled against your own. "Olivier." You breathed out and put a hand against his bare chest. Then he was suddenly gone. In your lust-dazed state, a confused sound left your lips. His hand suddenly grabbed yours and he pulled you to the couch nearby. Just as you were just in front of it he gave your shoulders a light shove which had you fall onto it. The couch silent took your weight. Yet Olivier didn't join you, he disappeared leaving you to slowly recover from your dazed state. 
  Just as you were to say his name he reappeared. The bright pink bottle of lube was in his hand. He nealed down on the couch next to you and his hand lifted your leg up by the calf. With you exposed his wet fingers found your hole where he generously applied the lubrication. His eyes met yours for a second before your body relaxed and slipped two of his fingers into you. Ever so slowly he pushed the two fingers inside. He had obviously warmed it prior due to his fingers not giving you a chill. 
  He stayed still for a moment before he slowly pulled his fingers almost completely out and then pushed them in. The liquid squish filled the air and went they were base deep he started to scissor his fingers inside. With you now properly lubricated he retreated his fingers from you. With one leg hoisted up, he placed himself at your entrance. "Happy anniversary Olivier." You smiled up at him. 
  "Happy anniversary darling." His words left his lips just as he pressed himself inside. The pair of you let out groans of relief as he finally entered. Inch by inch he continued to press himself in until his hips finally met yours. "Every day with you is a blessing I will never take for granted." He leaned over and pressed a kiss against your forehead. 
  "How romantic." You smiled up at him looking down to his cock that was buried inside of you and then his eyes. "Now are you going to move or am I going to have to-" He cut you off by the quick movement of his hips leaving yours and then slamming back into you. Your voice was lost and a smug grin settled on his face.
  "What was that dear?" He smirked and when you opened your mouth again he repeated the action, a curse leaving your lips in response. This time he continued making slow but hard thrusts into you. "I could have sworn you were saying something." His voice was punctured and each word was in between a thrust. 
  "You can be such an ass sometimes." You breathed out and a laugh left his lips. 
  "Mmm, I did try to be nice." 
  "Shuddup you arrogant bastard and fuck me." Your slightly slurred words had him smiling as he knew there wasn't anything but affection in them.  He gripped onto your thigh and his pace sped up, a constant slamming that would no doubt be felt in the morning. The wet sound of your fucking filled the air and his scent overwhelmed your scenes. His blond hair was out of place and only got worse when he ran a hand through it. and only got worse when he ran a hand through it. Olivier continued until you breathed out his name, your walls starting to quiver around him. “Not yet.” He continued, his thrusts started to get sloppy, and out of time. “I want to….” He heavily panted. “With you.” A whine let your lips in protest. “Just a little more daring, just hold out for me.” His eyes screwed shut for a minute until his eyes snapped to yours. “Let go, cum with me.” His voice was barely heard as he buried himself deep inside of you, his cock pumping his seed inside of you while your wall clenched down on him. A long curse left your mouth and you found purchase on the side of the couch. 
  White had covered your senses at timed seemed to move in limbo as your entire body fell into oblivion. A haze had covered your senses and only when it died down were you returned back to yourself. Olivier had pulled you up into his lap while he sat on the sofa, your head resting on the crook of his neck. A movement that you hadn’t even realised had taken place. “Happy anniversary Olivier.”
  “Happy anniversary darling.”
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Note: I super don't like the framing of this headline. "Here's why it matters" idk it's almost like there's an entire country's worth of people who get to keep their democracy! Clearly! But there are few good articles on this in English, so we're going with this one anyway.
2024 is the biggest global election year in history and the future of democracy is on every ballot. But amid an international backsliding in democratic norms, including in countries with a longer history of democracy like India, Senegal’s election last week was a major win for democracy. It’s also an indication that a new political class is coming of age in Africa, exemplified by Senegal’s new 44-year-old president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye.
The West African nation managed to pull off a free and fair election on March 24 despite significant obstacles, including efforts by former President Macky Sall to delay the elections and imprison or disqualify opposition candidates. Add those challenges to the fact that many neighboring countries in West Africa — most prominently Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, but other nations across the region too — have been repeatedly undermined by military coups since 2020.
Sall had been in power since 2012, serving two terms. He declined to seek a third term following years of speculation that he would do so despite a constitutional two-term limit. But he attempted to extend his term, announcing in February that elections (originally to be held that month) would be pushed off until the end of the year in defiance of the electoral schedule.
Sall’s allies in the National Assembly approved the measure, but only after security forces removed opposition politicians, who vociferously protested the delay. Senegalese society came out in droves to protest Sall’s attempted self-coup, and the Constitutional Council ruled in late February that Sall’s attempt to stay in power could not stand.
That itself was a win for democracy. Still, opposition candidates, including Faye, though legally able to run, remained imprisoned until just days before the election — while others were barred from running at all. The future of Senegal’s democracy seemed uncertain at best.
Cut to Tuesday [April 2, 2024], when Sall stepped down and handed power to Faye, a former tax examiner who won on a campaign of combating corruption, as well as greater sovereignty and economic opportunity for the Senegalese. And it was young voters who carried Faye to victory...
“This election showed the resilience of the democracy in Senegal that resisted the shock of an unexpected postponement,” Adele Ravidà, Senegal country director at the lnternational Foundation for Electoral Systems, told Vox via email. “... after a couple of years of unprecedented episodes of violence [the Senegalese people] turned the page smoothly, allowing a peaceful transfer of power.”
And though Faye’s aims won’t be easy to achieve, his win can tell us not only about how Senegal managed to establish its young democracy, but also about the positive trend of democratic entrenchment and international cooperation in African nations, and the power of young Africans...
Senegal and Democracy in Africa
Since it gained independence from France in 1960, Senegal has never had a coup — military or civilian. Increasingly strong and competitive democracy has been the norm for Senegal, and the country’s civil society went out in great force over the past three years of Sall’s term to enforce those norms.
“I think that it is really the victory of the democratic institutions — the government, but also civil society organization,” Sany said. “They were mobilized, from the unions, teacher unions, workers, NGOs. The civil society in Senegal is one of the most experienced, well-organized democratic institutions on the continent.” Senegalese civil society also pushed back against former President Abdoulaye Wade’s attempt to cling to power back in 2012, and the Senegalese people voted him out...
Faye will still have his work cut out for him accomplishing the goals he campaigned on, including economic prosperity, transparency, food security, increased sovereignty, and the strengthening of democratic institutions. This will be important, especially for Senegal’s young people, who are at the forefront of another major trend.
Young Africans will play an increasingly key role in the coming decades, both on the continent and on the global stage; Africa’s youth population (people aged 15 to 24) will make up approximately 35 percent of the world’s youth population by 2050, and Africa’s population is expected to grow from 1.5 billion to 2.5 billion during that time. In Senegal, people aged 10 to 24 make up 32 percent of the population, according to the UN.
“These young people have connected to the rest of the world,” Sany said. “They see what’s happening. They are interested. They are smart. They are more educated.” And they have high expectations not only for their economic future but also for their civil rights and autonomy.
The reality of government is always different from the promise of campaigning, but Faye’s election is part of a promising trend of democratic entrenchment in Africa, exemplified by successful transitions of power in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone over the past year. To be sure, those elections were not without challenges, but on the whole, they provide an important counterweight to democratic backsliding.
Senegalese people, especially the younger generation, have high expectations for what democracy can and should deliver for them. It’s up to Faye and his government to follow."
-via Vox, April 4, 2024
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mistydeyes · 1 year
HI😽 kind of hard to explain, but what about like civ!gn!reader x gaz and it’s pretty early in their relationship and the reader meets 141 or his friends or are at some sort of outing with other people or something and like it’s so obvious how smitten reader is with him and it’s noticeable to everyone whereas kyle doesn’t notice much or at all, and is pretty much oblivious to it? like they’re pretty much enchanted by him yk?
like for example; kyle is casually talking about something with the group, reader is sat next to him and he isn’t looking at her as much (bc he’s engaged w what he’s saying and the conversation) but reader is just totally admiring him, starstruck by him. an enamored, infatuated look on their face. just staring at him, not listening much just because they’re just so captivated by him? idk i hope this makes sense!!
maybe during or afterwards, someone lets him know their observations (i can totally imagine it being soap or alex lol, or price in a fatherly kind of way [if it’s 141])
feel free to ignore this especially if it doesn’t make sense! i wasn’t sure how to explain or if it did correctly but i hope i did! THANKS!❤️❤️💕 (sorry if this is long😭😭)
thank you so much for requesting this anon! i feel like this it totally possible for him because while he may be a genius on the field, he gives a lil clueless vibe w relationships
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summary: Despite being such an intelligent and observant soldier, Kyle can be a bit dense. After a chance meeting, you two have been dating casually but you are left wanting more. You think it’s a big step when you meet the 141 but the night goes for the worst. Can someone talk some sense into him?
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x civilian!gn!Reader
warnings: swearing
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“Are you sure this is okay, Kyle?” you asked as you adjusted your jeans and black shirt. “Mhmm” he replied, without giving you a second look. You tried to hide your nervousness behind a smile but your hands gave it away. You were meeting Kyle’s teammates for the first time and wanted to make a good impression. Despite him reassuring you it would be alright, you still had butterflies in your stomach at the thought. What if you weren’t good enough? You were meeting his captain for god's sake! As you scanned the crowded pub behind him, you hoped you would make it out of this date alive.
“They should be here somewhere,” he reassured, taking a look above the conversing heads and cheers of drinks. “Ah there they are!” he said finally locating the high top at the corner of the busy bar. Without a second look, he maneuvered to the table and you attempted to follow his long stride. You managed to dodge the splash of beer as you reached behind Kyle. “Took us a minute to find you,” he said breathlessly, “Like I said last week this is Y/N.” He gestured to you and you gave a small wave to the group.
“Y/N, our person of the hour!” one of his friends remarked, you assumed it was Johnny based on his thick accent. “Nice to meet you all,” you smiled and you took a free seat beside Kyle. “Mind reminding me of your names again?” you asked politely, It’s not like you didn’t know who they were but you appreciated the clarification. In fact, once you differentiated Simon and Johnny, the entire group and the stories Kyle had told you fell into place. “Gaz, you want to do the honors?” one of them asked but he was already diving head first into the drinks menu.
“Ah I guess I’ll do it,” Johnny said as he cleared his throat. You crossed your hands, preparing for this presentation. “Well here we have Simon,” he said as he gestured to the quiet man who took up a majority of the corner with his broad frame, “doesn’t say much so don’t be bothered.” You nodded as he pointed to the older man who sat drinking a scotch that looked more than your paycheck, “I’m sure you’ve heard of our Captain Price.” Again you nodded and Price stuck out a hand for you. “You can call me John.” “And finally,” Johnny said bringing the attention back to him, “I’m Johnny Mactavish.” You gave a round of applause to his fantastic introductions.
“Well I think you deserve a round for that,” you smiled and Johnny’s eyes lit up, “plus I’m sure Kyle knows what he wants by now.” You smiled at him but his gaze was plastered to the decorations on the wall. “Yeah, and you?” he asked and you smiled at the brief acknowledgement. “Just a rum and coke, my typical order.” You gestured the bartender over and ordered everyone a round of drinks. Your ears rang from their jeers and words of gratitude. “Anything for those who keep Kyle safe,” you smiled as you looked back at him but once again, his eyes were looking somewhere else.
Sensing the lull in silence, Soap spoke up. “So uh did Kyle ever tell you why we call him Gaz?” You shook your head as the bartender returned with your drinks. “He hasn’t actually,” you smiled, “heard he had a fun nickname.” “It’s more of a call sign for us but ever since he joined he’s been Gaz to us,” Simon spoke up as he sipped his chilled bourbon. “Well it all started when I finished basic,” Kyle began and you looked at him. You loved when he spoke about something, especially when he talked to an attentive group. He was a natural storyteller and captivated his audience.
He took a sip of his pint before he started his story. “A buddy of mine said that it was a tradition, something your platoon decides on and he threw a few out there,” he continued and laughed at the memory. He could tell you the most mundane instruction and you loved the way his lips curved into a smile after every statement and how he held eye contact with those who were listening. You could completely drown out all the other extraneous noise and just tune in to the Kyle Garrick radio. “Anyways what started as Garrick turned into Gar and eventually a Lieutenant passed by and just said to call me Gaz,” he concluded and Johnny laughed at the ending.
“And we thought it was more than that,” he joked and everyone joined in. Kyle’s laugh was infectious to you and you suppressed your giggles with your hand. He smiled at the slight jab, sipping out of his glass that was collecting condensation. “Not everyone can be called something like ‘Soap’” he shrugged. You noted to yourself to remember all of these silly little names that were such a foreign concept to you. You’d have to circle back to Simon and John. As the two continued to trade insults and laugh, you finished your drink. You were happy because Kyle was happy. You hoped this wouldn’t be the last time you would be meeting such an interesting group.
Eventually, Simon put an end to their banter and the conversation moved on. “So are you two a couple?” John asked and before you could reply, Kyle beat you to it. “Just have been dating a month or so, nothing official yet,” he replied casually. “Five months,” you mumbled and under the roar of the bar, only Simon heard you. Maybe that was the best way to put it but you wanted something more permanent. Something less fleeting and unemotional. You tried to suppress your disappointment but the tension in the air was evident. You tried to think of an escape route. “I’m gonna go get another drink, I’ll go to the other end of the bar,” you said as you glanced at the swamped counter, “they look busy.” You grabbed your wallet and hopped off the stool, mingling through the crowd.
When you left, Johnny immediately attacked Kyle. “Okay Gaz,” he said calling the attention to himself. “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked suddenly and Kyle turned to him, surprised. “What do you mean?” “That ray of sunshine is clearly into ya and you’re like a sheet of cardboard,” he boasted and the rest of the table nodded. Kyle turned to see you trying to make your way to the bar amongst the crowded room of patrons. “We’ve been dating for a month, I don’t want to make things too serious,” he replied as he turned back to the group. “You should see how they look at you,” Price began, “it’s like you created the stars in the sky.” Despite his efforts on the field and in recon, Gaz strained to remember those recent moments. “I’m just saying,” Price lectured, putting a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, “they’re someone worth putting the effort into.”
As Price loosened his grip, Kyle turned to see you struggling to get the bartender’s attention. “Listen to us, a table of a bunch of single blokes,” Johnny said with a laugh. Kyle laughed along nervously but got up from the table. “I’ll be right back,” he said and his departure was met with hollers from Johnny. As you sighed in defeat as the bartender helped another patron, you felt Kyle hold your waist from behind. “Over here!” he called and in a few moments, the bartender returned to take your order. “They’ll have a rum and coke,” he ordered and you couldn’t help but smile a little wider at his good memory. “This one’s on me, love,” he said as you looked up at him.
“Thanks, Kyle, I appreciate it,” you replied with a slight smile. Before you could turn to get your drink, Kyle placed a hand on your cheek. “Hey uh would you want to be something more permanent?” he questioned and you couldn’t help but be surprised. “Oh Kyle, if this is something your buddies said then–“Before you could finish, he interjected. “No,” he said with a smile, “actually I’m glad you get along with them, they’re a bit of a mixed bag.” You looked over to the group and let out a laugh as Johnny tried to get Simon to take a shot with him. “They’re great, real good people you work with,” you pursed your lips before replying, “but I think I’d like that.” He kissed you softly and you swear you could hear your table cheer. “I really like you, Kyle,” you giggled, almost as if this was a school crush confession. “Good, I don’t know what I’d say if the person I fancied said no,” you both shared a laugh as you returned.
As Kyle checked his phone quickly, Johnny shot you a quick wink. You didn’t know what happened when you left but you were glad that this group looked out for Kyle– not just on the field. As Simon and John held a drunken Johnny up and helped him into an Uber, you felt Kyle interlace his fingers with yours. “Not too early for some PDA?” he questioned and you shook your head. “Never.”
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nonsensical-pixels · 8 months
hey everyone,
my grandpa passed away earlier today, after a three month battle with cancer. it was a long time coming and he's been deteriorating fast but i just feel so numb whenever i think about it. i guess it's shock.
he was the father figure i looked up to most in my life and was the person that got me into the sims, and gaming in general--i'm crying right now just thinking of my childhood spent playing with my ipad on his lap while he he played civ 5 on his gaming PC.
i'm sorry but i just can't continue looking at this blog without him around. the sims isn't the same without him, nothing is, all of my computers, phones, anything electronic in this house is his. everything's changed all of a sudden and i just can't deal with it right now.
i'm sorry to leave this blog again when i've just gotten back to posting more regularly, but it's all too much. i have school, my siblings, and a funeral to worry about. i can't barrel through everything playing sims anymore like i used to do. i have to face this head on.
there's still some stuff in the queue to keep you guys occupied i guess, for a couple more weeks. i won't be adding any more or fixing it for... idk how long after this post. it's just, all too much
goodbye, - ky
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aerscribbles · 1 month
What Video Games I Think The Cast Of TGCF Would Play:
(long under the cut)
Xie Lian: Ultrakill. Devil May Cry. Neon White. Bayonetta. Anything fast paced, skill based and violent will do. He would play every Soulslike Fromsoft game, at first for the challenge and later for the emotional catharsis. Speaking of Fromsoft, he would absolutely adore the Armored Core series. Give the weapons freak a customizable mecha, please.
Hua Cheng: Dating sims, to practice his seduction skills in a simulated environment through a proxy character. Then he would figure out he enjoys the Visual Novel format in general, and go through just about every one of them in existence. He would also play a lot of Animal Crossing-like games. Ghost City is just his animal crossing village.
Feng Xin: Ye olde Legend of Zelda. All of them. Classical RPGs in general. He would enjoy a structured experience with juuuust the right amount of freedom. He likes knowing what to do and where to go but having some amount of choice in how he gets there.
Mu Qing: Fromsoft Soulslikes, purely for the emotional catharsis. I think it would either fix him or make him worse.
He Xuan: Rougelikes and weird artsy shit. The former can become a kind of 'turn emotions brain off logic/violence brain gets to drive' experience, and for the latter, well, fishboy is a loser nerd (affectionate) (saying this as a bit of loser nerd myself). Also heavily modded Skyrim.
Shi Qingxuan: Gatcha games. Look, they have disposable income and a fondness for pretty things. They would. After the... Blackwater Incident, they would get really into MMORPGs, playing as support- a way to have social interactions the way they used to, being powerful, beautiful, loved and needed.
Shi Wudu: Only plays viddy games socially. Allegedly. In reality he does play video games, just really really old ones. Heroes of Might and Magic, the older Civ entries, stuff like that. Would also the spreadsheet hell game (World of Warcraft). Generally regards video games as a complete and utter waste of time.
Pei Ming: Aside from the obvious visual novels IYKYK, he would have a great time with MMOs.
Ling Wen: Give this lady some nice and bloody fighting games, to unwind from being the sysadmin-in-chief for a massive organization while being unable to punch any of her coworkers. She would probably also enjoy the highly technical aspect of speedrunning.
Yin Yu: Puzzle games, platformers, puzzle platformers. The more brain-meltingly hard the better. The Witness. Baba Is You. Celeste. Return of the Obra Dinn. Portal. Hollow Knight. Little Nightmares. Outer Wilds. I think his favorite game ever would be Stray. IDK he's catboy coded.
Quan Yizhen: An absolute relic of a doom copy, given to him by Shixiong to keep him occupied ages ago. Would pick up some other games post-canon, probably playing co-op with Xie Lian.
Yushi Huang: Strategy games, to keep herself sharp.
Mei Nianqing: FTP gatcha phone games. Gambling addict, keeps things portable.
Jun Wu: Before/during canon, nothing. Post-canon, anything, as long as it's co-op with Mei Nianqing.
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aipurjopa · 10 days
ive deemed you to be very fucking silly do you wanna yap about anything? (go wild. literally anything.)
HIHIHIHIIHIHII okay so i don't have muchhh to yap about buuuut i did wanna say hi and yes, i'm SO fucking silly i hope i'm the silliest guy you've ever met
ummm i guess i'll rant about that new unstable vid from parrot then (heh)
THE PART WITH WIFIED KEN AND PARROT ON THE FLYING MACHINE MADE ME CACKLE. I have so many questions. it's all staged so why did parrot actually have them stay up all night. or at least it sounds like they did because of wifies reaction to being woken up. how tf did ken mistake an enderman for a person (probably cause he was half asleep). how did parrot pitch this part of the recording: "hey guys you wanna stay up all night to move these villagers. for the bit."
Also idk if anyone else but me noticed (i'm crazy) but in the scene where uu!parrot meets up with uu!ken before they do the villager thing the track that plays is the same track from the proton escape vid during the end screen. I think it's cool cause it's like picking back up from where things left off last video (pulling uu!ken's stasis and the viewer not seeing if it worked to now confirmation that yes, uu!ken is alright).
Also I think it's cool how uu!ken and uu!parrot always seem to oppose each other in recent videos. uu!ken who at the end of everything still has a home, still has a stasis in the overworld, still has a way to be free vs uu!parrot who doesn't have that. uu!parrot who has no place to call home, who can't return to the overworld, who can't be free when he's trapped in the end.
it's cool because it's almost like a reverse on what they wanted during the proton escape. uu!ken who wants a place to be safe and if locking himself into a prison is the way to do it, then so be it (uu!parrot being locked in the end and "at least it's okay because i'm making a safe nation.") and uu!parrot who wants to get everyone free (uu!ken who now is one of the few who is able to freely go between every dimension as he pleases). i think it's really cool who their characters sort of oppose each other in this sense.
also uu!dean was really cool lol. i really liked having a guy who is sorta bad at the game and needs a place to go that the main character ends up doing everything for a lot. that and the whole "i'll remember it" quote at the end of the episode. parrot and wifies have seen nations be leveled to the ground, they both are probably numb to it. the new folks (emphasized by dean's character specifically) haven't ever experienced this sort of rise and fall before. to them this civilization was special, it's what saved them, how could they forget it?
sorry uu!dean for thinking you'd betray parrot in the civ vid and sorry uu!ken for thinking you'd betray parrot in the proton escape.
other random stuff from the video: ken has green and yellow fireworks and also the shield #branding, parrot constantly trying to go through the portal (it won't work), the update to cross dimension pearls being revealed by ken who has NO idea why this could be bad (everyone else in the call panicked), and also how while parrot is losing his mind about the mole wifies and ken are just having a silly little chat in the sewer lol
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ladytauria · 8 months
This but jaytim https://www.tumblr.com/cemeterything/739420982161326080/and-needless-to-say-the-mask-stays-on-during-sex
ohhhhh 👀
( linking here for easier clicking )
secret identities / identity porn is one of my favorite tropes and this is SUCH a good take on it.
my brain goes two places with this—
the first is to civilian tim & red hood, working together for [ insert reason ] and tim being viciously protective of jason’s identity, even from himself <3 they start to fall for each other, but jason isn’t… ready to reveal. maybe for insecurity reasons, maybe because he doesn’t know how to explain everything, maybe it’s trust issues, maybe it’s all of the above.
at the same time, he has feelings, and acting on them with tim not knowing who he is feels wrong. tim doesn’t feel the same way, though—it’s fine if jason isn’t ready, tim still likes him, still wants him. he doesn’t mind waiting, and he doesn’t want jason to deny himself something he wants especially after all the ways he’s protected people <3
besides, he knows jason. he doesn’t need to see his face / all of his face. (“and the [mask/hood] is hot.”)
(EDIT: RIP, i hit post too soon!!! pls ignore for now EDIT 2: fixed)
however, the SECOND place my brain goes is a prompt i was given a while ago—although. the first does make me think of another prompt i have…—as well as some (non jaytim) fics i’ve read recently.
but thinking about jason, who works as a prostitute while trying to get his GED / save up for college, and red robin!tim. i cant decide what i like better though; the slow build of feelings as red robin shows up, using jason as an informant, or that + an adding complication of red robin being hit by sex pollen, and their trysts continuing after. (especially since jason didn’t even TRY to look under the cowl/mask~ he never does)
lots of angst, too—jason not feeling worthy of seeing whose behind the mask, and/or “knowing” he doesn’t mean that much to red robin. meanwhile tim afraid to tell jason who he is bc his civ identity is so many of the things that jason hates <3 afraid that he’ll lose all of jason’s affection and trust…
thank u for sending this nonny, i will be turning it over in my head~ (& you may see it incorporated into one of those, esp the second, since that concept has already been rotating in my mind a while)
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #20
20. LUXEMBOURG Tali - "Fighter" 13th place
Decade Ranking: 73/153 [Above Electric Fields, below Emma Muscat]
For a grand, greatly anticipated return, "Fighter" has always been just there for me. It's summery, upbeat, lightweight and frivolous. Not a shabby, nor a moneymaker. This entry is an FFF (Fun Finale Filler) and it knows it.
How do I know that it knows itself? Well,
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BADLY ANIMATED CGI LEOPARDS 😍 😍. You know how I feel about staging tricks like that. They're tacky and ugly and stupid and transparently try to cover up a middling composition.😍 idk, I love Leopards and I love the colour purple, so maybe it was just tacky ENOUGH to be funny, but I stan the decision-making because Tali > Ochman.
It was quite amusing 2 me that Luxembourg made their grand return after 31 years, only to try to throw vast swaths of cash at unnessecary embellishments because they KNEW it wasn't a high flier and needed to throw in SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make it work. Shirtless sexy dancers, badly animated VR, all the pyrotechnics in the world. It feels... very emblematic to them as a country even though this was their first ever modern era contest? "Money fixes everything", no wonder the EBU wanted their opulent arses back.
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And it is funny they staged "Fighter" like that because "Fighter" always kind of worked, anyway? It was a plucky power-up song, and a clear qualifier in semi 1 no matter from which position it performed.
It didn't NEED the leopards
it didn't NEED the gratuituous sexual tension lmao
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The way to go with a song such as "Fighter" is by finding a balance between tough and cute. The balance swung a bit too heavily in favour of "tough", because "Fighter" just isn't that kind of song, despite the reworks Lux tried to force. It's whimsically French foremost and while "France was historically a militaristic powerhouse,"toughness" suits France historically, nearly everyone associates it with cultural sophostication and romance. (hence why France is always culture focused in Civ, and never the feudal, chivalry-themed warmongering menace it actually was for most of its history ♥)
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As ridiculous Fighter's staging got (and how lowkey BAD Tali'Golergant vas Eshkoli's styling was), it still vibed as a fun time. It might just be my latent alcoholic ass imprinting on the tequila sunrise colous scheme, but still. Tali took command of her dancers, showed her inner strength by fistpumping the air and thickened her braids so they no longer resembled antennae.
And she kinda ate those lives, yo.
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In semi 1 Lux made for an excellent palate cleanser, a burst of energy after the period of inaneness Rim Tim Tagi Dim left in its wake. I love Raiven dearly and I really like Iolanda, but excitement was not their game. Tali came to the rescue when needed.
In the finale it was less necessary, though it did make Israel stand out as even more miserable to me, so there is that.
Sigh, I have to address the Israeli thing, don't I?
Look, I don't fucking CARE that Tali is proud of her Israeli-Jewish heritage. Nor that she visits the fake country twice a year. Nor that her song was produced by that other israeli Tali. I think her views on the matters are misguided and warped, but I get it. She's going to stick up for her OG country and her people, and we'd be foolish to expect her to do a 180° turn just because we believe she should. She has her stance, I disagree with it, but I can respect it. Civilians aren't responsible for whatever bloodthirsty maniac rules the roost or their actions, regardless of whether they elected them directly or not.
(though I will say that her transparent and overtly cheerful agreement with Joost's DQ all "YAY! HE BROKE THE RULES AFTER ALL ^_^ :claps:" made me ALOL. That DQ is still a grim affair, but lmfao what a scrump cheerleading bitch ♥).
But in a sense I wish Tali had been Israel's entrant himself. The only thing that erases Israel's controversy is their withdrawal, true, and Tali would have beenthe perfect horcrux, but if we WERE to have that country at Eurovision, I'd rather have them with Plucky Apolitical Filler (ft. Three Giant Leopards) rather than Teary Propaganda Ballad (Eurovision Reskin), y'know?
Also note, dear Israeli's, that -by my knowledge- Tali was NOT shunned by the other acts or the fan community, nor by the media and the professional juries, despite being half-Israeli and Jewish and zionistic. The few strays that she did end up catching were by the usual dumbfuck bigots on social media and amounted to nothing. So much for antisemitism, huh?
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It's difficult to end the write-up after that rant that had little to do with the performance, so I will just say this: Tali's placement, while a tad high, proved that there's always a place for positivity and acceptance at Eurovision, no matter your background or your political colour.
With retrospection on our side, it makes sense juries would vote for "Fighter" as everyone agreed Nemo should win anyway, allowing them to siphon away twelves like a vacuum on amphetamine. With Croatia, Italy and France picking up the scraps, anyone with a modicum of inoffensiveness would be favoured to do well, (since this finale was HIGHLY jury unfriendly) which also favoured Lux because of the novelty coming with their return.
Ultimately it's our choices in life that define us, and Tali's were to give us a fun time unburdened by shackles of war, and that, in THIS FUCKING YEAR, was worth a lot to me.
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avtracker · 6 months
friday, march 29, 2024
woke up at 9:30 am
shower at 9:45
i have work at 12, so im leaving around 11
10:08 in starting to get dressed and i’m thinking about what i want to do with my life, what i wanna create. i have a couple ideas (and one is in progress!) but all i know for sure is i feel like im born to be some kind of entertainer, in one way or another. thinking about the people i look (or looked) up to and recognizing that they’re like digital renaissance men; music, comedy, sketches, even podcasts or talk shows. i feel like i have a lot to say, but idk how to start or what to start with, which sounds weird to say but it’s how i feel. i should probably finish getting dressed now, i have work today.
i skipped class once again—it started at 10:10, lol. just no energy with the whole “school thing” ig. c’est la vie
(i just don’t like traditional school or traditional jobs; i wanna do something new and exciting and unique. i want to MAKE something of myself)
10:32 i just cleaned the kitchen and took out the trash. turns out the dish soap dispenser got knocked over and spilled all over the counter so i cleaned that. currently running the dishwasher and the dryer, too. there’s still some dishes in/next to the sink, so i hope my dad isn’t too upset. it’s just a couple cutting boards and knives (from all the cheese i’ve been eating) and a pan i haven’t washed yet lol
5:47p just got on discord with em, summarizing work rn: i felt very faint and almost passed out many times, due to not eating and only consuming a monster in the morning. but i had a lemon loaf and then got Cookout with my tip money otw home. chicken strips there are D-tier on god. i listened to Ride’s new album 2x already, going for listen #3 while we play civ v lol. it’s awesome
8:25p played some civ v with em and liam. i’m actually kinda sweating (from fear). liam’s trad/lib strat is going surprisingly well and im afraid he’ll nuke me lol. i think em has been playing strong too, overall im p worried. i did war liam briefly (didn’t kill anything) bc he converted Wittenberg to taoism (the fuck 😡 /j), so i hope he doesn’t harbor any resentment in this game. victory isn’t quite as close as id have hoped and there’s a lot of opposition (em and liam are genuinely good and capable players). i feel way better now that ive eaten; i have to remember to make breakfast tomorrow morning!!!
i have work tomorrow morning (9am). i’m gonna try to go to bed at a reasonable time (10p).
overall today has felt kinda good, apart from almost blacking out a bunch due to no food (lol). i didn’t feel very much sadness, just stress/dread about classes that i’m avoiding (which ik makes things worse but i can’t help it 😭). i’ll see my dad after work tomorrow so that’ll be refreshing; it’s been 2.5 weeks since he went abroad. having good food will be nice too, since he cooks at lot and i don’t cook well (cooking is stressful! i do like baking tho :D) i think i’m gonna try to track what i eat, too, in the new month
tomorrow i’m probably gonna play some terraria after spending time with my dad and then i want to work on some projects: my semi-secret infomercial-based project and maybe some music. i wanna finish the demo for this song about justin, and im gonna go visit my friend sam this summer and hopefully record a split with him and he’s gonna help me with the instrumentals for this song. i’ve been thinking about justin a lot,,, i miss him, or at least who he used to be. it sucks having a friend that totally betrays you and everything you are, yk? oh well, ig. cest la vie lol
i’d also like to do some reading this year. i wanna read Scythe (Neil Shusterman), Interesting Facts About Space (Emily Austin) i’ve been really wanting to read, as well as the classic Fallout: Equestria (Kkat)
- 8:40pm
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autisticlilith · 11 months
After like five yrs I finally watched SU:Future and the last episode of Steven Universe myself— turns out I actually stopped right before the last episode, which is weird cuz I thought I had missed a whole season, but yh.
But anyways I wasn't blessed enough to not see all the socmed posts abt it— in fact I watched it cuz of the sort of SU renaissance last month —but why did everyone make it out that the memes making fun of the ending were wrong? The plot was exactly as what was claimed. Now I'm getting flashbacks to the LandlordCap diskhorse, cuz it feels like ppl are claiming that detractor's reading of the text is wrong when said reading is flatly correct & the actual unspoken objections are whether the text is enjoyable as an audience member or not
Like with the amount of posts being like "Steven actually HATES the diamonds and fantasizes and even attempts to murder White!" I thought that the sunshine boy protagonist somehow underwent a drastic change, but no he's still sunshine boy— and to be clear, He should still be sunshine boy, that's not a problem at all! —but when I watched the actual arc, the context got totally erased by ppl who think they were "defending" the show but we're actually mischaracterizing it severely. Steven's anger get framed as a mixture of trauma and superpowered pubescent identity crisis that— in the most literal sense —turns him into a raging monster and gets heals through the power of his family's love, which includes the Diamonds hugging him until they all cry and go back to normal. But the way ppl acted, I though Steven was gonna get revenge— for himself or others —but no it's framed as a horrific impulse that was a sign of his descent into madness that he needed help with.
Idk why there were sm many posts misrepresenting the arc when there could be posts wondering why tf the series puts sm onus into Rose/Pink— and that's not to say she didn't do things ppl should be mad at her for, but if we're gonna play relativity games.. then why did the other Diamonds get a series of quirky fun cutesy hobbies while the mere mention of Rose puts the characters on their toes? —And also why did SU: Future completely flatten every non-Steven character? In the main series the "side" characters often had the most personality and growth, but in SU:F they're so flat and dull and effectively lampshaded for Steven crying hour redux. I can see why SU:F wasn't really a hit.
Amd also with the surviving CG's (especially Bismuth) making such a big desk about their friends and comrades lost in the war, you'd think uncorrupting the Crystal Gems would introduce a wide and expansive cast for SU:Future, but they have no character either and the surviving CGs act like they're just acquaintences at best. Seems like a waste of a Future spinoff, and that's saying smth bc the mainline show— in light of getting cut 40 episodes short —wasted a whole episode of their limited schedule just for Watermelon Steven making a phone call from prison.
And— now I'm just thinking about other potential content —you know what else could make for like a flashback or something, smth abt Who made the Diamonds. Or at least White Diamond cuz maybe she made Blue and Yellow. I always headcanon'ed that an advanced organic civilization invention the gem lifeform and created White, but either their civ died out or she killed them or White's creation drained their entire planet's resources and accidentally self-destructed them, and then White perhaps created the others by draining entire other planets for one gem. Whatever the case, I'm sure it's canon that Pink was a later creation cuz she was entirely unfamiliar with organic life, but it would've been cool to see confirmation about White's origins and who made her.
who is this. why are you sending me a whole novel
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phoenix-reburned · 4 years
I've gotta stop watching videos about Hell and end times before bed lol.
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
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I’m replaying the demo - so thoughts on Dimitri, specifically, below
I absolutely cannot get over all the information we get about Dimitri’s life in Fhirdiad after the tragedy, his time with Rufus and all the things that happened to him. A lot of it makes a lot of sense, imo
Rufus being a part of the orchestration of the Tragedy of Duscur, since he was overlooked in the Royal Throne Ascension due to not having a crest (sound familiar? Stares at Miklan), apparently he had a better mind for politics, while Lambert had a better mind for tactics. I wonder how they would’ve worked together, but due to Rufus’ ire he simply couldn’t handle it - even though he was made grand duke of Itha, that simply wasn’t enough when you grow up the first born of the royal family only to get overlooked due to something you can’t help. It was never meant to work.
The fact that it was set up not just to kill Lambert so Rufus could take the throne, but Dimitri too - I’ve seen theories? Rumors (idk if it’s actually true in the OG game or not) but the fact that Dimitri was kept alive by TWSTD, spared during Duscur so that he would be the one to start the war that Edelgard actually ends up starting - so they undermine Rufus’ plan, while also helping him, to keep Dimitri alive. But then when Edel begins to fill the role they had originally had in place for Dimi, they decide to let Rufus do whatever he wants with him.
That being said, Incessant Assassination Attempts. Apparently Dimitri’s time in Fhirdiad after the fall of Duscur was met with his life on the line SEVERAL times. Not to mention the most significant being the insurrection that Dimitri and Felix are sent to 2 years after Duscur - the fact that Dimitri is only alive because of ‘the Fraldarius Family’ AKA FELIX. Despite the fact that that’s where Dimitri first began showcasing signs of the repercussions of the Tragedy and the damage it did to his mental health - killing several individuals that Felix deemed were Civilians (though I love an unreliable narrator and just because Felix thought they were civs doesn’t mean they actually were - TWSTD maybe?)
Also, thoughts with this go to Felix if he were to ever find out that the insurrection was supposed to be an attempt on Dimitri’s life??? Would his feelings towards Dimitri change? Would they not? HMMM
A comment one of the Kingdom General’s says during camp right before you fight in Fhirdiad also puts some things into perspective, “Under the pretext of guarding him, the grand duke provided an ‘escort’ who watched his every move at all times. Despite having committed no crime, he was basically put under house arrest. Word is they even read his letters! Can you even imagine?” 
So, over the course of the four years between the tragedy, and Dimitri arriving in Garreg Mach, he is faced with several assassination attempts known to be orchestrated by his uncle, a personal “escort” meant to spy on him who reads his letters and little to no one around who he can trust or lean on.
So that’s why I had all the commentary that Rufus says, all the horrible awful comments about Dimitri, about the “creature” / “monster” he is, how you can even tell when you “”look into his eyes”” hurt so much. Especially when you think about the fact that Felix calls Dimitri “boar”?? Dimitri, who never makes a comment on it, because it’s the commentary he’s used to hearing about himself, used to dealing with.
It explains a lot of his behavior during Post-TS during the base game, where he describes himself as an animal or a corpse, I always thought it was a bit intense for it to have only been because of Felix’s commentary. But for it to be from Felix and his uncle? To be treated like a suspect and a monster by everyone around him in a place where he’s suppose to ascend the throne, where he is to be their King and lead them?? It’s really disheartening.
It’s to the point that both of them make comments about how the emotions Dimitri feels are feigned, faked, not genuine in the slightest. How could they be? He’s only a monster. A boar. 
I have absolutely no doubt that a lot of Rufus’s issues have to do with Cornelia / Cleobulus’ doing, probably poisoning his mind and pitting him against Dimitri and Lambert, filling his mind with the idea that he is the rightful heir - and while he is, if we go off of age rather than crest, that’s just not how this society is built.
Anyway, I’m only at the fight in Fhirdiad so far in my replay - I’ll probably reblog this again when I finish that and get The Cutscene with Rufus again so I can get exact quotes. but MMMMMMMMM
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ladder-discourse · 3 years
Nonsense Ass Creed AU Thoughts
1. Larry is like the Leonardo/Piri Reis of the Brotherhood, but like.... He's the Leonardo IF Leonardo was more unreliable/a bit useless at times. Larry doesn't go out on missions and stuff, he mainly bums around the hideout building useful gadgets and weapons and stuff and uses his clout as an artist to hold big swanky events which help the gang pull off missions and stuff.
2. Phoenix meets Maya when Mia mysteriously goes missing (rather than being murdered) and the story becomes kind of a tag-team effort of the two of them trying to figure out what happened to Mia (and not even being sure if she's still alive or not) and Phoenix trying to rescue Edgeworth from the grip of the Templar Order.
3. I am only just now considering the absolute hilarity of Phoenix being terrified of heights while also being an Assassin, since dangerously free-climbing huge buildings and jumping off dangerously high vantage points is like, their whole deal.
4. Maya has some kind of bullshit first-civ descendant super power that she primarily uses to help out, since she was too young to have started proper Assassin training before Mia goes missing (She has something like Eagle Vision but maybe not exactly that, like. Maybe she's a prophet or something??? idk. Have I mentioned Assassin's Creed is stupid.)
5. Phoenix gets to teach Maya Assassin stuff. It's difficult, he's not the best teacher because HE'S still new to this shit, but they really bond over the process and he becomes fiercely protective of her. By the time they figure out where Mia is and the three reunite, Phoenix has basically become the unofficial middlest Fey sibling.
6. Concept: Scene where Templar!Edgeworth dramatically holds Phoenix at knifepoint in some dark alley and monologues about Phoenix needs to let their past together go, and he demands Phoenix stop trying to follow him. He warns Phoenix that the next time they meet, he WILL have to kill him. (spoilers: Phoenix does not listen to this warning, and the next time they meet, Edgeworth, in fact, does not kill him.)
7. Concept: Maya and Franziska cross paths when Maya and Phoenix are infiltrating the von Karma residence for some reason or another. They have a knife battle or something with Maya quipping and being goofy the whole time and Franziska being furious that she's not taking this seriously. It ends with Maya completely getting the better of Franzy and leaving her comically tied up or something (rather than killing her) and Franziska is left with a lot of REALLY CONFUSING FEELINGS in the aftermath.
8. Concept: Phoenix and Edgeworth end-game tag team battle against a cackling supervillain MVK who is using some kind of ludicrous first civ artifact (Press (X) to Punch the Pope)
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projectdreamcatcher · 3 years
c!tubbo for the ask meme ofc
ITS GO TIME. /dsmp /rp
Why I like them: tubbo’s one of those characters who I like because he’s so fucked up. I find him really interesting because we can see Exactly what made tubbo the way he is through all of the streams we see of him. Also he’s just a select few I enjoy to watch while he’s on screen!
Why I don’t: honestly? I don’t think this is a matter of just dislike more of like. Something unnerving. He’s just kinda an asshole. But he’s a different kind of asshole than say, idk, ranboo. Ranboo is just a guy who’s pretentious in your history class. Tubbo is nice but not kind. Tubbo could very easily hurt people even on massive scales, and do it with a smile, because he’s already justified it in his head that it’s for the greater good, it’ll serve the collective many, even if it means he hurts the few. It’s not a matter of dislike it’s just something so Realistic in how disturbing it can be.
Favorite stream: basically all of his snowchester streams. My favorite has to be the interrogation stream he did with foolish. The atmosphere and later tubbo showing foolish pogtopia. It’s a real neat insight on tubbo as a character it’s a shame it’s not talked about moreZ
Favorite line: you expect me to choose 1? NOPE here’s all of them. (“You won’t die as long as you’re compliant.” / “You’ve undermined my authority from the get go!” / “hello minutes man” / “I don’t feel grief anymore, only anger.” / “I didn’t even get to say my goodbyes” / “do you know what ghandi does in civ 5?”)
Favorite outfit: the snowchester outfit is so cozy so. Being predictable and choosing that one.
OTP: nah
BROtp: I don’t really have one? I dont really go all GAGA at clingy or bee duo or bench trio or like, any duos at all really. I sorta just consider myself a tubbo main. by himself
Headcanon: he is developing little wooden or plastic toys to go with the kids meals at tubburger- but it’s less about quackity’s profits and more about something nice for Micheal.
Unpopular opinion: oh god if I were to list Every unpopular opinion here I would be here all day. But like. I feel like c! Tubbo gets so Much leniency compared to the other characters on the dream smp, if that makes sense? And because of that liency (which isn’t itself the problem- more like some of the other characters don’t get Any) - the excess of leniency means that people just. Refuse to look what c Tubbo does in the face because they’re too busy giving him benefit of the doubt. Bc they have to or else you could get accused of villainnizing him. So no nuance whatsoever. For some reason I’ve never had to fight this hard to have basic acts and flaws Acknowledged at all let alone analyzed. It’s kinda frustrating.
Wish: I would love for the Cold War plot to come back. I want to see my little boy (the nukes)
Oh god don’t ever happen: moving into the mansion /srs
5 words to describe them: the boy here he is my boy it’s him it’s the boy!!! (I went over the word limit. You get what I mean)
My nickname for them: radioactive superheated distant motherfucker
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shyrose57 · 3 years
I mean we all know that Karl caught Celabi's eye but then we can have Him (and those caught up with him) explore whatever came here before hand.
Tommy could have something spft to contrast his tommyness or we can go clingy route and have Tommy and Tubbo bonded to a legendary pair like the eons or even add Ranbo and get the bench in on the action
WAIT THE LAKE TRIO! RANBOO GETS UXIE! AND TOMMY GETS AZELF AND TUBBO GETS MESPRIT (god I hope I called em the right one, I always mix em up)
Dream gets Victini idk it feels like it fits??
Im spitablling off the previous civ. thing and XD could be a past dude that Arceus liked with a little sister that has Girintina wrapped around her finger. They are nice. And Celabi sometimes takes them to the present to hang with the gang after the whole being thrown into the past and getting home deal!
I also think id be funny if techno had no legend and got the Blood God reputation all on his own and he causually curb stombs everyone even when the legends decide to humor their funky lil humans and do battles (its a bonding experince! And I refuse to accept the canon about how pokeballs can make a pokemon follow orders, its transportation and nothing more)
anyways, Goodnight! :) I like pokemon as you can see
Not sure if you meant Karl exploring the now present, or the way-back past, but both is so very good.
And Lake Trio for Bench Trio, god, I love that so much, it fits so well. The trio only meets each other on the Esempii, so while they could just meet the pokemon there, it'd also be interesting for the pokemon to have always been with them, and by searching for the rest of their trio, also lead Bench Trio to one another.
Kinda what Dream to be bonded with Rayquaza, solely because then we can give George and Sapnap Kyogre and Groudon. But Victini's also an interesting idea-he doesn't have to be bonded with it to be friends with it, right?
Ooo, that's an interesting one. Maybe Drista's even still around present day, she just lives with Giratina and got some cool side-effects from it. Everytime Celebi decides to get people on a field trip, it's always chaotic.
And that's so funny. Yeah, let's do that. Techno just doesn't have a Bonded, he just came to help Phil watch over his idiots. His team is also full of idiots, and nobody even realizes he's the Blood God until they battle and suddenly Techno's goofy pokemon(+Carl) just absolutely destroy them all.
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randomnameless · 3 years
You said starting a war is never a solution, but wasn't the war of heroes started by seiros who wanted revenge and wilhelm who wanted to conquer the world?
Yes, yes I did.
And I think it is one of the main reasons why Rhea absolutely wants to protect peace now, because she saw first hand what happens when you start a war.
On the other hand... Just like her crappy S-support where she is given no answer to her interrogation "did the war start because of me?", can we really say Rhea started the war? Maybe she should have hid for 1892 years and waited for Nemesis to die, without finding her to debone her, so maybe he would have forgotten how he came in possession of his relic? Ditto for the Dudes?
Seiros was, per Rhea's words, roaming around the world, only seeking revenge - but we know it's false. Seiros built a canal for the people on Enbarr, and I do not see how building a canal served her revenge. Seiros performed miracles (and it's highly inferred she used white magic to heal people), again, this doesn't have anything to do with her revenge.
Maybe she built the canal playing Civ - if the people in Enbarr aren't dying from pathetic sanitary conditions, then they can focus on being more numerous, thus higher numbers for her army - and the miracles? maybe just performed to make people believe she really is a prophet and follow her - it sort of worked since they built a church in her name
But given her actions as Rhea - when she is apparently obsessed with reviving her mother but still helps oprhans, old people, people no one wants, makes an academy, opens an animal shelter, etc etc - I don't think the "Seiros played Civ with humans" theory has any credence.
What's the link? Well, Seiros plans her revenge but wastes her time helping random humans, and she's still on a timer because the second a human notices her nature she's dead.
How the war started? Idk.
Did Rhea, with 50 humans, rushed against Nemesis to kill him, when Willy thought it was free real estate from the Dudes when Seiros'd get rid of them?
Did the Dudes asked Willy where's that dragon he modeled his horns after and Willy answered with his white sword - thus starting the war - instead of selling her?
Did Willy invade Dominic's lands because he wanted to unify Fodlan under his rule to make, idk "a world full of smiles" and Seiros really believed him so she joined, as it also gave her an occasion to remove the Dudes?
This would also mean that WoH Seiros thought it was alright to start a war if they are fighting for a just cause, when Rhea adopts Deg's isolationist (somehow) behaviour - wars should be avoided no matter what even if they are fought for a "good" reason.
Ultimately Tibarn was right, Deg's wishes to protect peace at all costs were, while commendable, ultimately wrong, since humans will always fight for some reason or another.
With 3H, I suppose the morale of the story would be "it's not about fighting a war or keeping peace, the truth path is the path where only one ruler guides the world, thus guarantees there'd be no fights under his dominion - Willy, Seiros and ultimately Edel weren't qualified to rule the world, but you, Billy, are."
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