#but whenever i have coffee i must have all the sugar
sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
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Look at how many sugars Amy is dumping into her coffee. Girl is so me lol
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 months
A/N: i was really in the mood for some smut and the neighbors trope popped into my head, so here we are!
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry, your freshly divorced, insanely hot neighbor needs your help: you have to pretend to be his new girlfriend when his ex-wife comes over, however your little stunt outdoes your expectations in a lot of ways.
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It's a basic instinct for you at this point to look up at the balcony whenever you’re approaching your apartment building. However you’re not looking at yours, but the one next to yours that belongs to one hot, freshly divorced guy who moved in next door about two months ago. 
You remember the morning the moving truck appeared and you knew someone was taking the vacant apartment beside yours. You just arrived back from your morning run and you jumped right into guesses about who it will be. Maybe someone your age? A girl you can go to yoga with? Or a sweet old lady you can have tea with on warm afternoons? Hopefully not a noisy family, because the walls are way too thin to endure the screaming of a child. 
Then you saw him. Carrying a heavy looking box up the stairs, a simple white shirt stretching on his torso, tattooed arms flexing under the weight of the box, you knew you were fucked the first time you saw Harry Styles. 
It took you no time to lurk over the next day and introduce yourself as his neighbor. 
“If you need suggestions for coffee spots around the neighborhood, I’m your person,” you smiled at him charmingly as he stood in his doorway in gray sweats and a black t-shirt, hair messy but so delicious, it was screaming for your fingers to run through his locks. 
“I will definitely keep that in mind. I can offer to fix anything around your apartment, I’m kind of a handyman,” he chuckled and your knees almost buckled hearing his creamy british accent. 
Fate played on your hand, because you kept running into each other so it didn’t take long for you to go out for a coffee run together and it was smooth sailing from then. You learned about how he just got divorced, his wife cheated on him and he found out on their second anniversary, tragic story and you still can’t quite understand how any woman could cheat on a man like him. You practically drool every time you catch a glimpse of him arriving back from a run in nothing but a pair of shorts, his tanned skin glistening from sweat. You definitely love to move out to the balcony around the time he can be expected to appear in the late afternoon, you watch him stretch and breathe heavily and the sight alone makes you break a sweat as well, but for a whole different reason. 
You’ve been trying to flirt with him every possible occasion, but you also make sure you don’t come off too pushy. After all he just got out of a marriage, it must be hard on him to recover from being cheated on. There’s also a slight age difference between the two of you, not that dramatic, but that eight years could easily be a deal breaker for him, so you’ve been playing it safe. 
When you’re lying in bed late at night and sleep is not coming to you, you can’t help but think of how he is on the other side of the wall, you imagine him sleeping without a shirt, maybe thinking about you the way you like to think of him… But it’s all just a fantasy, one you fancy very much. 
The door to his balcony is open so you know he is home, but he is not out. You take your time walking up the stairs, your legs are definitely tired from the run you just had and just when you reach your floor Harry’s front door swings open and you stop, watching him walk over to your door. He didn’t notice you, so you stay still and watch him take a deep breath as he lifts his fist up to knock, but then it falls back to his side and he shakes his head, stepping backwards before returning to his spot on your doormat and that’s when you decide to put him out of his misery. 
“Are you out of sugar, neighbor?” you ask, slowly walking towards him. Harry spins around with a stunned expression. 
“Oh, I didn’t–I didn’t see you.” You catch his gaze running down your body and legs and you’re thankful you decided to wear your shortest shorts. 
Playing with your keys in your hands, you finally reach him. 
“What’s up?”
“Um… I have a bit of a situation on my hands and you might be able to help me.”
Unlocking the door you push it in and gesture for him to follow you inside. 
“Do tell me.”
Rounding your way into the kitchen you step to the fridge to grab some water. Harry hesitantly follows you and stops by the kitchen counter. 
“So, I talked to Rory this morning,” he starts. You’ve heard enough about Rory, his ex wife to know that if she’s involved, it’s for sure something messy. “You know that painting in my living room?” You nod. “Well, she insists it’s hers, because a friend of hers painted it, but I was the one who paid for it. Whatever. She’s been trying to get me to give it to her and honestly I’m over it so I gave in. She is picking it up today.”
“When will the part where I can help come?”
“Right here,” he chuckles nervously. “We got into a fight, no surprise. She screamed at me over the phone and told me I’ll die alone because no one can put up with my shit.”
You need to force yourself to swallow the bitterness in your mouth. That woman sounds very much like the spawn of the devil, because who would say that to anyone? Especially to Harry? Aside from being insanely hot you’ve also learned just how kind, passionate and funny he is, basically the whole deal. Rory is the biggest loser in history for letting go of a man like him. 
“One thing followed the other and I just… Um, I told her that I have someone.”
The light bulb switches on in your mind, because you already know where this is heading. And you like it, very much. 
“I don’t know what got into me, but I told her she can meet my alleged girlfriend when she picks up the painting so she can see herself that I’m not the loser she thinks I am. And… as you might now, I do not have anyone…”
“You want me to be your fake girlfriend,” you finish for him, saving him from having to say it out loud. You can see just how awkward he is, having to ask you for such a thing. 
“Basically, yeah. Only if you don’t mind being part of this shitshow. I understand if you find it weird and I don’t expect you to–”
“When should I be over at yours?” you simply ask and watch his eyes go wide. 
“Y-You will do it?”
“Sure, sounds fun. Besides, I’m curious to see the stupidest woman on earth,” you add smirking and he finally lets out a relieved laugh as well. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. Really, I owe you big time. She’ll be here in about two hours.”
“Perfect. I’ll be there.”
For the next two hours, you do everything you can to bring out the hottest version of yourself. Hair, makeup, dress, everything is on spot when you step out of your apartment and walk over to Harry’s door, ringing the bell. 
When the door swings open and Harry sees you his mouth hangs open, giving you that one last ego boost you need to be the best possible fake girlfriend ever. 
“Satisfied with your girlfriend?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“I-I uh–Yeah! I’m… yes.”
“Can I go inside then?” you ask with a chuckle and he steps aside in a hurry.
“Sorry, yeah come inside.”
“So what’s the plan?” you ask, walking into his living room and making yourself comfortable on the couch. Harry follows, but he takes the armchair across you and you can tell he is still struggling with not ogling you, especially your exposed legs and deep cleavage the dress teases him with. 
“I don’t… I have no idea, I have never done this before.”
“I have.”
“Just once, in college. One of my friends broke up with a girl who did not take it well and I was his fake girlfriend for a week to get her to stop harassing him. It worked.”
“Then… I trust you with anything.”
“What’s the goal?”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes, as if he is embarrassed to say what’s on his mind. 
“Harry, say it. I’m happy to help with anything.”
“I want to make her regret it.”
“Regret what she said?”
“Regret everything,” he corrects and when he looks you in the eye a shiver runs down your spine from the determination that’s behind his green irises. 
“Consider it done,” you smile at him devilishly. 
At your suggestion you both take a shot to ease your nerves and make it easier to lie. It seems to loosen him just enough that he doesn’t look like he is about to attend an interrogation. 
And then the bell rings. 
“Show time,” you smile at him and as he walks over to the door you take your place on the couch again. 
You hear the door open and then a female voice mixes with Harry’s before the footsteps follow. Harry comes into view first, but then Rory steps out from behind him and you see the pure shock in her eyes when she finally spots you. 
“Oh, hi!” you smile at her almost disgustingly sweetly as you stand from the couch and walk closer. “You must be Rony. I’m Y/N.” You hold out a hand for her and watch as her mouth twitches when she hears you mess her name up. 
“Rory,” she sassily says and shakes your hand at last. “So you’re the… girlfriend.” The disgust in her tone is apparent, she is not even trying to hide it and it just makes it way more enjoyable. 
“Yes and you must be the cheating ex-wife.”
Harry coughs beside you, he was not expecting you to be this blunt, but the look on Rory’s face is priceless, because she can’t deny what she is. Moving closer to Harry you wrap an arm around his waist and though at first he freezes at your closeness, he is quick to recover and join in on the act, his arm finding your waist as well. 
“The painting is over there, just take it and let’s get over with it, alright?” Harry nods towards the painting he already took off the wall, now it’s leant against the console table that’s been underneath it. 
“You didn’t even wrap it?” she scoffs. How am I supposed to take it like this?”
“Rory, I’m not a fucking gallery. You wanted the painting, take it.”
“It’s gonna be ruined if I just put it into my car like this!” she argues. 
“That’s none of my business.”
“Harry, this is so not okay! I can’t–”
“Jesus, Rory fine! I think I have some bubble wrap,” he grunts, heading into his bedroom to find something to wrap the painting in, leaving the two of you alone.
Rory gives you another long, dirty look, as if you were the woman Harry cheated on her with when she is the culprit of this mess here. 
“So how long have you been together?” she then asks, pretending like she is just chit chatting, but you know she is eager to know everything about you.
“A little over a month now. You know, I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Harry is just the perfect guy and I couldn’t stay away from him.”
“Oh, he is not that perfect, little girl.”
It’s obvious she tried to derogate you by calling you a little girl, she must be around the age of Harry, not more than thirty-six for sure, but she can’t find anything to use against you other than the fact that you’re clearly in your twenties. How mature. 
“I know. But everything he can give me makes it worth it. And the sex, ah!”
She gives you a puzzled look. You knew this would stir her up, Harry mentioned how distant they grew in the last few months and sex wasn’t the same anymore. Looking at the timeline she must have started her affair around that time and Harry couldn’t perform the way he otherwise could because she wasn’t open to him anymore. It was a vicious cycle, but you also know Rory is the kind of woman who must have humiliated him because of that. Harry never said, but you just feel that she criticized his sexual performance when she left him even if it all happened because of her. 
And now hearing that he is giving his all to another woman is definitely something that can drive her nuts. 
“Oh please, he sucks in bed,” she scoffs.
“Not with the right partner. He is so good, I honestly don’t know how you could let go of him.”
“He couldn’t make me cum for months!”
“That’s unfortunate. I get an orgasm basically after every meal. He is so good at it, honestly, it’s like he just wants to please me every possible moment. I mean, I can’t remember a morning when I didn’t wake up with his head between my legs, he loves quickies, I have to sanitize the kitchen counter like twice a day.” You let out a chuckle and just watch as her face grows redder while staring at the kitchen counter, raging jealousy swirling in her mind for sure. It’s clearer than daylight that she didn’t cheat on him because he wasn’t manly enough, this woman is simply a stupid loser who couldn’t appreciate what she had, maybe panicked that she can’t mess around with others and then simply chose to ruin everything. 
You’re more than happy to remind her what she lost. 
“Alright, this is all I got,” Harry emerges from the bedroom with some bubble wrap he probably had left from moving, but when he sees you and Rory staring each other down, he stops. But before he could speak up, you decide to push that knife into Rory’s chest as your final move. 
Stepping over to Harry you push yourself up against him, he drops the bubble wrap and his hands grab you by the waist instantly, though you see confusion in his eyes before you take his face in your hands and pull him closer, lips pressing against his hungrily. 
It’s not a sweet, shy first kiss. This is the perfect show off, messy, passionate, full of tongue and eagerness as you practically devour each other. For a bit you forget about the show you’re putting up and it’s your real desire you’ve been fighting for weeks now. Every time you try to pull back Harry just keeps demanding more and you happily give him what he wants. He bites into your bottom lip when one of his hands moves down to your ass, giving it a not-at-all shy squeeze, making you moan into the kiss. 
It feels like it takes forever for you to stop, when you open your eyes you’re met with Harry’s hungry eyes, his lips are slightly swollen and shiny from your kisses. 
And then you remember you’re not alone. 
“Oh, fuck you. Fuck you both!” Rory pops the bubble around you and when you turn to look at her, she is already grabbing the painting, not even bothering to wrap it. 
“It was nice to meet you!” you call after her.
“Fuck you!” she repeats, marching towards the door and you’re just smirking like an idiot, pleased with yourself for pissing her off so badly. 
Harry follows her to shut the door behind her and you let yourself bathe in the sweet victory you just earned. 
“This went amazing, right? She was so mad, oh my God!” you laugh, but your smile quickly disappears when you realize the serious look on Harry’s face as he is walking back towards you. 
Shit, maybe the kiss was too much. He didn’t want it and now he is pissed at you.
“Are you mad about the kiss? I-I’m sorry if it was too–”
The words die down on your lips when they crash against his again, his hand cupping the back of your head while the other returns straight to your ass, groping you so hard your whole body smashes against his. 
Your mouth opens in surprise and it gives him the chance to push his tongue against yours, he is demanding, rough and so much more raw than what you imagined him to be like. 
“What did you tell her?” he asks against your mouth, moving you around until the small of your back hits the kitchen counter. “What did you tell her that made her so pissed?” he demands, his hand already eagerly moving underneath your dress. He presses two fingers against your clothed clit, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
“I said, ah–I said I wake up every day with… your head between my legs, and… Oh fuck!” You’re losing your ability to speak your thoughts as his fingers start circling, the fabric of your underwear is so drenched, if you could think straight you might be embarrassed just how aroused he made you so fast. 
“And?” he urges you to continue, but at the same time he pushes your underwear to the side and pushes two fingers into you without warning, making you gasp so loud that people on the street must have heard it through the open balcony door. 
“A-and that you fuck me on the… the kitchen counter all the time.”
He curls his fingers inside you as he keeps talking.
“Then that’s what I’ll do to you now. Are you okay with that?” he asks and you nod eagerly as you hold onto his broad shoulders. 
The next moment he pulls his hand back and you whine, feeling empty all of a sudden, but then he lifts you up and makes you sit on the counter, he lowers himself and places your legs over his shoulders with careful, but confident moves. You grab onto his hair as he pushes his head between your thighs and his mouth meets your clit. 
“Oh, fuck! Harry!” you gasp out, tugging on his hair as he swirls his tongue against your swollen clit, his fingers teasing your hole again. Then they push into you and he sucks on your clit, making you see stars. 
You imagined him to be skilled, but whatever it is he is doing to you, it feels out of this world and now you know you weren’t wrong when you praised him that much to Rory before. 
You’re totally out of breath when he comes up, he kisses you and you can taste yourself on his tongue, your hands impatiently tug on his shirt to get rid of it. Soon the fabric lands on the tiled floor and you map out every inch of his hard chest with your palm and while you keep kissing like there’s no tomorrow, you faintly hear the zipper of his pants come undone. 
You look him in the eyes when you reach down and take his hard length into your hands and you can’t hold back a gasp when you realize just how big he is. 
“I know you can take it, baby,” he coos, kissing the corner of your mouth and you’re ready to take him right then and there, but he moves back, making you reach for him in panic. “Condom,” he says and you lean back onto your elbows with a sigh as you watch him disappear in his bedroom. You have just a few seconds you process that here you are, on top of Harry’s kitchen counter, with your dress bunched up around your waist, your drenched pussy on show, waiting to be fucked properly. You definitely did not expect this outcome when you woke up this morning, but you’re not complaining. 
Then Harry appears and he is walking over to you, completely naked, his dick in his hands as he rolls the condom on while moving and you bite into your bottom lip, hoping to remember this view until the end of time. 
When he reaches you again he simply curls his arms around your thighs and tugs on you so you get closer to the edge. His erection wedges between your wet folds and the tip pokes against your clit, making you clench around nothing. 
“I have to admit, I’ve been fantasizing about fucking you on this counter since the day I moved in and saw you for the first time.”
“Just on the counter?” you ask teasingly. 
“Every surface of this fucking apartment,” he admits with no remorse.
“Make a list then and I’m more than happy to do them all. But let’s tick the counter off first.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
He reaches down and circles his thumb against your clit a bit before grabbing his dick by the base and dragging it up and down your cunt a few times before pushing the head in first, letting you adjust to his thickness first. When you claw at his chest he takes it as a sign to go deeper and he keeps pushing until you take his whole length, feeling fuller than ever before. 
“I want to go hard,” he breathes out, staying still for now.
“Go hard then. I can take it,” you assure him, though you do have doubts feeling just how stretched out you are now. 
“Of course you can. You’re my good girl,” he praises you and before you could get a word out, he pulls back and slams into you hard. 
There are moments when you actually think you’re about to burst, Harry did not joke when he said he wants to go hard, his thrusts are fast and rough and he makes sure he buries his whole length into you every time he pushes into you. At one point he pulls your legs over his shoulders and it allows him to reach a point in you no one has before and it pushes you towards the edge rapidly. The counter is painfully hard underneath you, but you somehow forget about the pain and only focus on how hard Harry is railing into you. His stamina is incredible, your body already feels like goo and you’re not even doing the actual work. 
“Harry, I’m so close,” you moan and his fingers dig deeper into your thighs at your words. 
“Come around my cock, baby. I wanna feel you squeeze me.”
You cry out his name again, a tear rolling down your cheek, because you’re so desperate to let go. Harry moves a hand to where you meet and his thumb returns to your clit and that’s what throws you over the edge. 
Your back arches and you squeeze around him uncontrollably, gasping for air as he ruthlessly keeps fucking into you. 
“That’s it, baby. You look so fucking beautiful, coming on my cock.”
You can’t stop moaning as you ride out your orgasm. The last waves are washing over your body when his movements fall out of rhythm, he slams into you hard and he sucks on his breath before moaning out your name over and over again, pushing into you a few more times as he comes. He falls forward, his face burying into your heaving chest as he tries to catch his breath along with you. There’s a long minute of silent bliss, his cock is still inside you, his lips peppering soft kisses onto the skin that’s exposed on your chest while you’re mindlessly playing with his hair. 
When he straightens up he pulls out of you, the empty feeling hitting you again. He carefully helps you off the counter, but keeps his arms around you, because when your feet hit the floor you wobble. 
Nuzzling your nose against his chest you take the cross pendant on his necklace between your teeth and pull back, looking him in the eyes. 
“Don’t do that, or we’re moving to the next place on the list.”
Giggling you let go of it and push yourself up to steal a kiss. 
“Give me some time to recover, but I’m all in to check out another place.”
“Jesus, I knew you’d be the death of me the moment I saw you,” he breathes out, before his mouth claims yours hungrily. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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haeryna · 8 months
i would give up heaven if i had to ↪ gojo satoru x reader x geto suguru ✶.ೃ࿔*.
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summary: sugar melts saccharide sweet on his tongue, and yet the taste in his mouth is so very bitter. the look in suguru's eyes tells him more than any words could. they'd messed up; badly.
tw: angst but melancholic? mentions of illness, mentions of abandonment, reader has a healthy relationship with their parents, author uses switches between "gojo/geto" and "satoru/suguru" to denote emotions. food as a metaphor for love. not proofread. author is extremely tired
notes: title taken from enhyphen's "sweet venom (english version)." a shorter chapter to kind of fill in the gaps. banner from @/cafekitsune
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It's been a week since Gojo and Geto showed up at your doorstep and ever since then, you've been filled with a pervasive sense of anxiety. After the whole six hours they spent pleading outside your door (you shudder just thinking about it), they had been uncharacteristically silent. It had gotten to the point where you felt almost a bit insane, peeking your head out the door to check outside if anyone was waiting for you, before you left for work.
It didn't matter if it had been five years, or five days. You knew them better than you'd even known yourself. The freckle on Suguru's collarbone. The barely noticeable scar on Satoru's arm. How Suguru preferred tea, black, and always expensive, while Satoru's guilty pleasure was instant coffee with ungodly amounts of syrups and sugars added to it. You knew them, and therefore you knew that the silence was suspicious. Even as children, whenever you'd get into fights, they would be even clingier than usual, as if they were desperate to reaffirm that you were still there.
So why was it so quiet?
The scream of the tea kettle startles you out of your thoughts and you flinch, hastily moving to remove it from the stove. Why should you care? The audacity they'd had, coming to your doorstep on a whim, before claiming they had no choice. Your thoughts are more bitter than the medicine you mix into your parents' tea. Satoru had been undoubtably hysterical once his parents had found out. You couldn't blame him for that. But Suguru had been the one to call all the shots, buying two plane tickets instead of three.
What if they couldn't afford a third one?
You shake your head, as if you could physically shake the thought. It doesn't matter now, you think viciously, as you stack the cups on a tray. Five years was a long time to go without seeing someone for. Fame and wealth changed people, and you were no stranger to the heavy influence they both exerted upon the music industry. Besides, it's not like your address had changed since they'd left. They could've found you whenever they wanted to.
"You never left?"
The cups rattle dangerously as you carry them to your parents' room. Your mother is sitting up in bed, staring longingly out the window. Your father must be outside, soaking up the last few rays of sunshine before the sun started to set. Gently, you set the tray down on the nightstand. "I have your medicine, Mom."
Your mother smiles, but there's a fragile kind of sadness to it. "When were you going to tell us?"
Heavy resignation falls over you as you sigh, shoulders slumping. "I didn't want to worry you and Dad while you were away at the hospital. It wasn't that big of a deal-"
Your mother cuts you off, eyes firm but gentle. "Dear, please. I saw how happy you were when all three of you were together, and how devastated you were when they left. I just..." She hesitates before continuing. "I don't want you to live your life with regrets. Especially because of your father and I. You deserve to be happy too."
"I am happy," you protest fiercely, but she shakes her head. "You had such lofty dreams. And now, your father and I are the ones holding you back. Life is too short to have regrets like yours at such a young age."
"It just hurt so badly," you whisper, as you take a seat at the end of the bed. Your mother reaches over to intertwine her fingers with yours.
"I know, dear. But which is greater; the love for the things they did do, or the pain for all the things they didn't?"
Your mother's words ring through your ears as you blearily stare into your coffee cup. While the insurance helped, there were still bills to pay, and food to put on the table. You'd stayed up all night finishing work for your remote office job, before taking the short bus ride to the cafe you worked at during the day. The world spins briefly. You would kill for a good night's sleep.
The door chimes and grimacing, you down the rest of your coffee, before pasting a cheery smile onto your face.
"Welcome, how may I help..."
Sator- Gojo stares at you from the other end of the counter. Even with the cheap medical mask he's wearing, the blue eyes and white hair are enough to have your coworkers whispering behind you.
"...you," you finish lamely, immediately looking down at cash register. Why was he here? Especially in the town over? More importantly, why hadn't he gone back to Asia yet? Cursing, you study the bills lined up neatly in the till. Gojo says your name, softly, and the whispers behind you intensify.
"That's me!" you chirp, forcing yourself to point at your nametag. The tips were nice here, and you couldn't afford to find a new job. The pitying stares from everyone back in your hometown was already suffocating enough; gaining the attention from Gojo's rabid fangirls would probably push you over the edge. "Is there anything in particular that you like? Our customers really love the caramel crunch latte."
There's a tone to his voice that you can't place when he finally speaks. "Yeah, I'll take one of those. Extra sweet. Do you happen to have any tea here?"
The words slip out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. "Unfortunately, we only have one drink that features black tea."
You can feel Gojo's gaze, searing into your face as you stubbornly continue to stare at the counter. "Sure, I'll take one of those."
Numbly, you recite the total to him. As he hands you his credit card, you can see your hand shake as you reach out to grab it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You should've forgotten everything about them when they left.
But you couldn't. You never could.
You hand his card back, but a firm hand on your wrist forces the air out of your lungs. Eyes wide, you peer up at Gojo in shock. His eyes are filled with an intensity that you've never seen before. "How much do I have to tip you in order for you to be the one to make our drinks?"
His grip is firm but not bruising, even as you try to tug your hand back. "I can assure you, our baristas-"
"I don't care," he interrupts. "I want you to do it. You're the only one who can do it." The final part of his statement is so soft that you barely catch it. "It's only ever been you."
You have the horrible feeling that the two of you are no longer talking about extra sweet lattes and London Fogs. The whispers are getting so loud now that you yank your hand back and give him a strained smile. "I suppose I can." At this point, you'll do anything to stop talking with him.
As you busy yourself around the cafe, you hate how easy it is to make the two drinks. Extra caramel; Satoru always loved when his coffee was practically infused with it. You grab the filtered water, running it through a filter several more times. Suguru always insisted tea tasted better the more filtered the water was. You heat the water as you crush up small caramel candies. Satoru enjoyed when his drinks had a little something he could chew on. The tea was steeped for five minutes, exactly. You added lavender and vanilla syrup. When Suguru had made you try a London Fog for the first time in ninth grade, you'd teased him for the "oddly pretentious taste." A splash of milk. An extra large heaping of whipped cream.
Wiping your hands on your apron, you can feel the pain in your heart form the salt of your tears. "Lizzie," you call out. "Can you deliver this to the customer? I'm going on my ten minute." Not waiting for a response, you dash into the bathroom, barely slamming the door behind you as you let the first of your tears fall.
"Toru! Toru!"
"What?" he snaps. Undeterred, you rush up to him, bright pink lunchbox clutched in one hand. "Sugu said you forgot your lunch at home, but it's okay! We pooled our allowance together, so Sugu's in line for the cafeteria right now"
A rush of warmth fills his chest. "You shouldn't have," he protests, but you wave it away. "Mama always says that food is meant to be shared, especially with people you love! And it wouldn't feel right eating without you."
The school onigiri had never tasted good, but that day, Satoru had savored every bite.
Satoru stares at the teenager who'd called his name, wringing her apron nervously, before taking the offered cups. "Thank you." Where had you gone?
"Can I get your autograph?" she blurts out, and Satoru winces. His cover had been completely blown. Suguru's not going to be pleased, he thinks wryly. Yet as he dutifully signs his name on the provided paper, his mind wanders to you. Your hands had been shaking. Were you cold? Tired? Or was it his fault? Briefly, he considers sticking around, before quickly dismissing that idea. You clearly wanted to avoid being associated with him, and although the thought makes his stomach twist, he understands it as much as he hates it.
The walk back to the hotel is short. Satoru's mind is a mess. The bags under your eyes rivalled Shoko's. Were you taking care of yourself? You seemed thinner, too. The sick feeling inside him only grows, festering into something ugly. He dutifully ignores it (like he has been the past five years) and takes a sip of the latte you made, freezing.
Every time all four of you had gone over to your house after school, you'd always insisted on making snacks for the three of them. The coffee tastes like sunny afternoons, and bright laughter, of your voice teasing Satoru for the sheer amount of sugar you'd have to put in his drinks. Caramel seeps into his system, and unbidden, he thinks of your eyes, watching him with a hint of apprehension and exhaustion.
When had it gone so wrong?
Suguru is lounging on the couch as he enters. "What took you so long?" Suguru grumbles, reaching for the other cup. It takes Satoru a moment to respond.
"She was working at the cafe."
"Is that so?" Suguru murmurs, taking a sip of his own drink. Immediately, he tenses, eyes stunned. "Did she-"
"It tastes kind of like-"
"I know."
The two lapse into silence. You'd had so much love to give that it had practically overflowed. Food was just one aspect of it. Some days, you'd even give up parts of your lunch, insisting that Satoru or Suguru take a bite. He thinks of the way you'd hold him, the way you'd leave him encouraging notes in his locker, how you'd save up allowance to buy small things that reminded you of them. How you'd keep extra hair ties on your wrist for Suguru, and how you'd always keep a plastic water bottle in your bag for Shoko. How many times had they taken it for granted, taken you for granted?
"She looked so exhausted, Sugu. She's got these real dark bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept in a while. Her hands were shaking. Her eyes were so dull, and so lifeless. I..." Satoru closes his eyes. "I think I would give up anything for her. Music, fame, money. I forgot what it was like, being with her. I felt alive, even though she could barely even look at me."
"I think the worst part is that she really thought we wanted to leave her behind," Suguru says, miserably. "It's all my fault, I was in such a hurry to get us out of there that I didn't say goodbye at all."
"You're not the only one to blame." Satoru's voice is sharp. "We both knew where she lived. We could've called her house phone, saved her number to our new phones from her parents."
"Will she ever forgive us?"
The way they'd heard you wailing from behind the door had torn their heart in two. They never wanted to hear you make those noises again, especially with the agonizing knowledge that it had been their fault.
"I don't know," Satoru says, truthfully. "But I can't even think about returning to music until she knows just how much we really love her."
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retroaria · 30 days
Domestic Life w/ Osamu Dazai ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
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summary: life with agency!dazai, days off, date nights, the whole shabang!
warnings: slightly suggestive at some points (not sure if MDNI is necessary but keep it in mind) NOT SAD AND MISERABLE CANON DAZAI!!! Pretend he is happy and joyous for this, why would he want to die when he has you? Not proofread!!
BSD M.LIST | enjoy 🐈 - aria
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The days where Dazai can fully devote himself to you are unfortunately far and few. On top of that, he’s a rather forgetful man. He saves all his reports for the last minute, needing to finish them up while everyone else is already gone (or spend just as much time begging Atsushi to do them for him). He makes plans, promises, deals, all of which take up his time aside from the usual agency agenda.
You know that Dazai loves what he does, so you put up with it. At the very least he still comes home almost every night, flops himself down on the bed and wraps his arms tight around you. And he’ll still be there in the morning. flashing you a warm smile as you wake up to see him adjusting the collar of his suit, throwing his jacket over his shoulder before planting a soft kiss to your lips and heading out the door. The purely intimate moments you get to experience together always happen in the dead of night or at the crack of dawn.
Aside from that, as well as all the work related events Dazai brings you to, his days off don’t come often. Whenever the stars align and those days do happen to fall upon you, you know immediately as you wake up in the morning. He’s still wrapped around you, arms and legs, almost in a death grip. He would’ve left for work by now if he had too, not that he hasn’t slept in late before, but his suit is still sprawled on the floor of your room. He hadn’t taken the time to wash it or hang it back up because he wouldn’t be needing it the next day.
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These days begin with an absolute power struggle in the bedroom (not the fun kind). This man will not wake up and will not let you out of bed. He will whine and groan and sometimes even shed tears at the fact that you would ever want to leave him when he finally can spend a morning with you. “Dazai we still have stuff to do today, you can just hold me captive.”
“Do you hate me Bella, is that it? Has our love truly dwindled? I finally have the chance to engulf you in my affection and you want no part of it.” He’ll give you a full Shakespearean style monologue about how cruel it is that you would deny his neediness.
“Oh my god Osamu, you are so dramatic”
Eventually you do escape his grasp and leave the bedroom to start the day, to which he must follow suit. These days are spent with Dazai following you around like a lost puppy.
He follows you to the bathroom, you guys get ready together, he sits on the toilet while you shower, talking to you through the curtain about all the recent agency drama, casually mentioning all the times he’s almost died in the last week alone. (He’s also sneaking peaks of you, slyly pulling the curtain back when you won’t notice)
On days where the two of you get to go out you always let him pick your outfit. Dazai’s list of skills typically pertain to crime and manipulation, but style and fashion is somewhere in there too. He’s usually wearing simple jeans and a crew neck, but he wants you to look like a runway model next to him. “Gosh you look beautiful, gonna make me look like the luckiest guy in the world standing next to you!” he gushes in a sing-song tone.
The first order of business is breakfast, a task which Dazai wants desperately to help you with, but always fails miserably. You opt to let him make coffee for you two, which he adorns with an ungodly amount of sugar and creamer. you’ve been drinking Dazais coffee for so long you’ve grown to like it. It’s like a sweet treat with breakfast, nothing you could complain about. If he gets his hands on a frying pan you’re truly doomed, so this is the one thing you let him have. He can handle the toaster too so he’ll make toast for you guys with jam on it that he spreads on in the shape of a heart with a smiley face in the middle “Dona’ look, can you tell what it is?” he says with a smirk of confidence on his face.
“Very sweet Osamu, your hearts are getting better and better” You can’t actually tell what it is but you know he does the same thing every time. You grab the toast from him and plant a kiss on his cheek, it’s like his reward.
One of Dazai’s favorite things in the world is going to the grocery store with you. It’s such a simple task, that always ends up being so much fun. He relishes in the domesticity of it. It feels almost intimate in a way, it’s something you both would have to do if you were apart, but you’re together, so you do it together for the both of you. He loves being reminded that you are a part of his life in every way.
But god is he troublesome
Dazai is the kind of person to stay at the sample stand and talk to the employee for forever. After about 10 minutes he knows their geographical lineage, their favorite flavor of ice cream, their mother’s maiden name, the name of the high school they went to, the name of their first love, but then he gets bored and moves on. Btw he ate the whole tray of samples while he was talking to them, but made sure to swipe one for you before he bounced. “Don’t think I forgot about you darling” he’d wink as he hands you the cup.
Once you guys get everything you need you head back home. Dazai is a gentleman and is obviously carrying all the heavy bags, but not without complaining. “I don’t remember us getting 3 tons of milk”
“I have the milk, that’s the bag with the 10lb rice”
“I don’t remember us getting 3 tons of rice either.”
When the two of you get home he acts like he just got back from a 12 hour shift, like he’s been fighting an enemy organization all the day, like he’s been strategizing with Ranpo for hours, like he just had to get rescued by Chuuya. He helps you put the groceries away and throws himself onto the couch.
Once he notices you’ve start cooking he returns from his corpse like state on the couch and peaks over at you. He likes watching you cook because you look so focused yet so relaxed at the same time (I’m sorry if you don’t like to cook oops) . He likes to try and read your mind whenever he watches you do things.
Eventually he’ll get up and walk over to the record player in your living room. As you’re chopping away you notice the feint sound of a jazzy tune ringing away behind you, before you can turn around to see the source there is a pair of hands on your hips, swaying you from side to side. “Osamu, I have a knife in my hand”
“That’s never stopped me from anything before in my entire life” he hums away, pushing his body up against yours as he lays his head in the crook of your neck. You guys stay like that as you continue to cook, him humming into your shoulder, planting soft kisses as you simply sway to and forth.
“This is really nice, but I’m about to start chopping onions.” You lied, you were already chopping them.
“Augh god, my eyes! Why would you ruin the moment!?”
“I have to make dinner ‘samu!”
After dinner you guys both enter a corpse like state on the couch, snuggled together, either watching a movie or a parallel play type thing, usually both of you reading your respective books. During this time Dazai can be rather clingy, wanting to literally lay on top of you or have you lay on top of him. He also needs to get your opinion on whatever is happening in the movie or this crazy new suicide method he saw in his book (it’s a novelty interest now, how could he want to die when he has you!)
As bed time approaches, Dazai gets into the shower and it’s your turn to sit in the bathroom with him and tell him about all of your own work drama. Unlike Dazai, your peaks behind the curtain aren’t very sly “hey I see you~” he’d say in a teasing tone.
When the two of you finally get into bed, a wave of sadness washes over Dazai. He is unpleasantly reminded that he has to go to work tomorrow. His little life with you would end once morning came and he’d go back to having to use 100% of his brain power to focus on anything but you. He dreaded the thought and all he can do now to eleviate the pain is pull you close beside him. He plants a million kisses on your face before pulling your lips against his into a deeper kiss that usually lasts until both of you are tired and slightly out of breath.
At this point you begin to drift off to sleep in each others arms. You awaken the next morning to Dazai flashing you a warm smile as he adjusts the collar of his suit, throwing his jacket over his shoulder before planting a soft kiss to your lips and heading out the door.
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I FINALLY wrote something for my husband Dazai. I hope you guys enjoy and I can’t wait to keep writing I’m having so much fun here!! Stay safe guys and much love 🤍🤍🤍 -aria
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realcube · 2 months
thinking about coffee shop au! with tenya iida
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he always comes into your work with the most complicated and convoluted order. a large, half-caff, oat milk chai latte with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, no foam, a dash of cinnamon and heated to precisely 66.5℃. or something like that.
however, he will only ever bother with that order if you — his favourite barista — are there, because your co-workers never get it right. you always do, though. in fact, what he finds most impressive is how you are able to perfectly memorise the whole order. it's as though you've already put it through the till before the words have even left his mouth.
what he doesn't realise is that you have a sort-of mind-reading/telepathic quirk that allows you to hear it in his head, as a reminder for whenever you forget any of the details. although sometimes you need to refer to the order slip whenever his mind deviates from thoughts about his drink, usually to ones concerning you.
he thinks of you quite often after he enters the shop; all sorts of flustered meanderings about how pretty, kind and intelligent you are. you were under the impressive he was fond of you, so the first time he ever came into the shop, you wrote your number on his cup but he never called or texted. hence, you assumed — despite his enamoured inner monologue — he must not be interested.
today, once you finished brewing his drink, you sat it on the counter for him to collect. he hesitantly approached and picked it up, inspecting the cup thoroughly, until he inquires, "excuse me, sorry to bother you, but is this mine?"
you know for a fact it is, but you still say, "there should be a name written on the side."
his eyes widen as he pulls the drinks closer to and a away from his face, doing all sorts of facial contortions. you'd think he was having a medical emergency if it wasn't for the fact you could hear him say in his head, 'darn it! this is what i get for trying to be cool and not wearing my glasses. curses to midoriya and his awful advice.'
you smirk upon hearing this, gently taking the drink out of his hand, pretending to read it before handing it back to him, "this one is for 'iida'. may i suggest bringing your glasses next time?"
"how do you know i need glasses?"
you shrug, "all attractive guys do."
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annebd · 2 months
have you ever written a thing and had no idea where it was gonna go because you didn’t actually have a plan and then you were somehow still surprised (but pleasantly) at where it ended up anyway? yeah, me too. this is super short, just a little slice-of-life domestic maxiel moment.
They’re at the farm in Perth, nowhere to be and nothing to do for ten full days before they have to head back to Milton Keynes for the start of testing. They spend the first night sitting on the back porch, sharing a frankly terrible delivery pizza and a bottle of Daniel’s shiraz- out of disposable paper cups because Daniel can’t be bothered to unearth his actual wine glasses and because Max always claims the taste is the same as in proper glass anyway. They go to bed early, too jet lagged to do anything more than share a kiss goodnight and cuddle together under the quilt that Daniel’s nonna had given him when he’d first moved to Italy- a small reminder of home. Nowadays, the quilt stays on the farm, a reminder that this, actually, is home.
In the morning, Daniel awakens to a streak of sunlight shining brightly across his face. The quilt is thrown haphazardly across the foot of the bed, kicked off during the night as the warmth of the Australian summer melted across them in sleep. He stretches big and yawns, scratching lightly at the peach fuzz on his lower belly that he’s finally allowing to grow back in. The giant antique clock on the wall across from the window (his mum had made him buy it- said he needed some kind of interior decoration in his place, and Buffalo Bills merch emblazoned with Josh Allen’s name didn’t count) tells him that it’s just after ten. He reaches out a hand: the other side of the bed feels cool- Max must have been up for a while already.
With a groan, and a refusal to acknowledge that hopping out of bed at 35 involves much more moaning and creaking knees than it did at 22, Daniel gets up and stumbles his way towards the living room. He follows the faint sound of Dutch cursing and an even fainter whiff of coffee. Max hates coffee- says it makes him gag- but whenever he’s up first, he makes Daniel a cup exactly the way he likes it, with the tiniest splash of creamer and an even tinier bit of sugar.
He rounds the corner to the living room and sees the source of the cursing. Max has set up his Playstation and is in the middle of a FIFA match.
“Honestly, Daniel, they’re terrible. Look at this,” Max says crossly, waving his hand at the TV in a gesture that Daniel takes to be an all encompassing indicator of terribleness. “How can they be so bad?”
He’s not even looking in Daniel’s direction; the sofa faces away from the passageway to the back of the house. It’s one of the things Daniel loves about him. Max doesn’t need any preamble to a conversation. He knows that if he starts, Daniel will simply catch up.
Daniel shrugs, climbs over the back of the sofa to plop comfortably next to Max. “Dunno, Maxy. Can’t all be rockstars like you.”
Max glances at him quickly, a small frown in his brow as he assesses in an instant whether he thinks Daniel is teasing him, warring with a smile at the inherent compliment anyway. “Yeah, well, of course it takes lots of practice. Maybe they are just not putting in the time.”
“Maybe so,” Daniel agrees. He leans over to grab the cup of coffee that Max had made for him and takes a sip- perfect as always. He sinks a bit lower into the couch, getting comfortable. “Any plans for the day? Other than kicking some randos' arses in FIFA?”
“I though that we could—” Max cuts himself off to interject a string of cursing in Dutch as his player onscreen clearly does something other than what he’d intended. He mashes at the controller furiously, and a moment later, Daniel sees the screen light up with a goal. Max nods, satisfied, and continues “maybe invite Isaac and Isabella to spend the day here. Always, you’re talking about wanting to take them out on the dirt bikes. We can do that together.”
Daniel nods. “Sounds good. I’ll give Michelle a call- maybe we can swing by and pick them up. Say hi to Mum and Dad on the way.”
Max is already absorbed back into his game, but when Daniel stands to go grab his phone (slightly less groaning as he stands from the couch, no less knee creaking), Max reaches out a quick hand to squeeze his thigh gently. “Good morning, by the way.”
Daniel smiles. “Good morning, baby,” he says, and leans over to peck Max lightly on the lips.
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pacifymebby · 10 months
What would each peaky boy be like with a wife who owns a bakery, one who pops round to meetings with fresh cakes and treats and stuff
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This is a really cute request and really feeds my dream of having a bakery one day
🌿 your bakery is quite small and easy to miss but once Tommy knows it's there tucked down a side street, pretty much just a hatch in the wall, he never goes a day without visiting
🌿 Always, no matter how busy he is, will take the time to stop by even if only for a second or two to say hello and pick up something to eat. You think he must really love your baking and he does think your breads the best he's ever had however, that's not the reason he stops by every day.
🌿 You'd joke about how he's going to eat you out of heart and home if he carries on like this and he'd very simply say, "Marry me love, then I won't have to will I..." Of course he's only teasing but the blush it paints on your cheeks is priceless and well, he does often wonder what it would be like to marry you.. no harm in putting the idea in your head.
🌿 He says the same thing every time you tease him for stopping by, which you do at least three times a week. It isn't that you're ungrateful for the business it's that you don't understand how a man as busy as Tommy Shelby has time to visit your little bakery every day and you don't understand why he'd want to.
🌿 this little routine, you teasing him, him making that joke, you blushing and going shy, carries on for months and months, it drags on so long that all your friends are certain he's not really joking, that perhaps Birmingham's most infamous has taken a liking to more than just your bread.
🌿 One day when he says it you smile, "if you keep saying that Mr Shelby one day I might just take you seriously..." And he pauses, mouth caught in a half smile, hands in his pockets as causal as you like he looks you up and down to work out whether you're teasing him. "And what would you say if you did?"
🌿 When you're married he'd help you set up a bigger bakery, hires you staff to help you run it, but you always keep your little shop too because that hatch in the wall holds a special place in both your hearts.
🌿 Whenever you think up a new recipe or you're experimenting with new flavours Tommy makes sure to be interested in what you're doing, listening to you when you tell him about your troubles "Thing is I don't know if it's salt I need, to bring out the sweetness, or if I'm just not using enough sugar and then there's the trouble with the Cherry jam it's too... Too..." "Jammy?" He'd tease, "wait no, too cherry flavoured eh, that it love?"
🌿 will be the first to try anything new recipe you've baked and will always give you an honest answer, unless somethings truly awful, then he won't tell you quite how bad it is because he doesn't want to break your heart.
🌿 He will try anything and everything you put in front of him but he has to admit his favourites are the more savoury treats you bake, anything with cheese is an instant hit with Tommy and sometimes, when he's had one of those weeks where he's stressed out, hardly eating at all, living off coffee whiskey and cigarettes, one of your cheese buns is the only thing that can tempt him to take his spectacles off for a moment, come out of his head and back down to earth, back to you.
🌿 Whenever there's a family meeting you always want to use it to get opinions on your baking so any new recipes are prepared specially for the family and you get in a real huff if anyone refuses to try your food... And Tommy always warns them in advance, threatening his brothers to "be fuckin nice yeah, try the cakes, be fuckin nice eh?"
🌿 Sometimes he brings Charlie into the bakery to see you and when you can tell that Tommy's particularly stressed you offer to take care of the young boy. He enjoys baking with you, making a mess with all the flour and sugar. He's your number one taste tester and every time he's in you get him to pick his favourite so that you can advertise whichever items he recommends as "recommended by little Charlie Shelby"
🌿 It sort of turns you into a bit of s matriarch within the family. Whenever anyone's having a party, whenever there's a birthday to prepare for, you're always kept busy baking cakes and sweet treats for the whole family. And when Charlie tells his cousins about the fun he has at the bakery they all want a turn decorating cakes and iced buns with you...
🌿 Tommy definitely falls in love with you a little more every time he drops into your little bakery in the late afternoon to pick his son up, to come face to face with your flour dusted features and your bright smile, watching you suck a little icing from your fingertip to test the sweetness.
🌿 He will almost always catch your hip in his hand, look down at you with longing in his eyes and murmur something sweet like "give us a try of that eh love..." sucking the icing straight from your pinky.
🐻 Alfie has been coming to your bakery for a very long time, he remembers when your mother used to run things, remembers her Challah recipe by heart.
🐻 He would often turn up early in the morning before you were open, let himself in anyway and lean, white sleeves pushed up to the elbows against the counter waiting for you to turn up. "Thought you might fancy a little company this mornin miss y/l/n..." The first time he shows you're shocked and you can't hide it. You know he's infamous, a violent criminal who promises nothing but trouble... but you also know he's the baker of Camden town and that your mother was always quite fond of him...
🐻 So you can't turn him down. Not that anyone in their right mind would turn Alfie Solomons down...
🐻 You spend lots of time baking together in that kitchen, it's Alfie's favourite place to be, holed up cosy amid the yeasty smell of baking bread and the sweet scent of fresh pastries. He enjoys your company, enjoys getting close to you, using excuses such as "y'see ziskeit your problem yeahs, that you ain't leanin into it enough, you've gotta kneed with your whole body right, like this..." standing behind you, arms around your waist, kneeding the dough for you with you trapped between him and the counter watching him work.
🐻 You also have lots of little tiffs in the kitchen, him winding you up by putting things away in the wrong places or reorganising cupboards and shelves so that you don't know where any of your belongings are. Him getting tetchy with you when you insist you know a better recipe for something than he does.
🐻 However despite your tiffs Alfie never lets you talk yourself down... Whenever you have a new idea he's always quick to tell you you're a genius. Always calling you the cleverest girl in Camden town, always dramatically complimenting you. Even if something goes wrong, even if a cake isn't perfect or the bread you've baked doesn't quite rise properly he will hush any of your complaints with one finger to your lips, that contemplative frown on his brow
🐻 "Now just you mind what you're about to say yeah my little ziskeit, just you be very careful what words come out that pretty little mouth of yours next yeah because I've got somethin to say right... I've got something to say... This here yeah, it's bread right but... It don't feel right just calling it bread yeah, cause this here ain't any old bread, this bread right it's a fuckin work of art my little ziskeit, this bread right, it's a masterpiece, one of them modern wonders of the fuckin world right... So just you think very carefully yeah about what you're about to say..."
🐻 "Cause I won't put up with no bread slander today right, I've made up my mind and I just won't tolerate it..."
🐻 You teaching him how to delicately decorate cakes and pastries with ornate little designs. Him getting frustrated because his hands are too big and his fingers are a little too clumsy to master the finer details. You hugging him, kissing his cheek when you reassure him that his gingerbread men aren't "fackin elephant man ugly"
🐻 Your flower stained blush mirroring his flower stained blush when you both realise what you've just done.
🐻 When he's busy working all he wants is a visit from you and he always hopes you'll come down with something from the bakery. He literally sits there in his office pining for you and your "delights" as he calls them, and sometimes when you're late or you can't visit he sits there getting more and more grumpy, poor Ollie has to try and lighten the mood but just gets grumbled at.
🐻 And when you do come to visit Alfie at work he gets jealous when you bring stuff for the workers too and he chides you for "spoiling" them. He only does this because he loves the cheeky smile you give him as you sit down in his lap and offer him something sweet to try, "Don't worry Alfie I didn't forget about you..."
🐻 When he flees to Margate you open a bakery together on the seafront, he tends to hide away in the kitchen getting jealous when local boys come in and flirt with you, occasionally when he's feeling particularly protective he'll come out to spook them.
🐻 but for the most part that little bakery on the sea front is your own little slice of heaven, back in London he'd fed you the idea whenever you were getting worried about him and his business. Whenever you started to fear he was in too deep, making too much trouble for himself.
🐻 And now he's finally made good on that promise to you. It's just you, him and Cyril living a peaceful life together in Margate. The smell of freshly baked bread in the mornings, spending evenings together preparing the dough for the next day's batches.
🐻 You've definitely thrown a handful of flower at him multiple times, definitely "pied" him at least once for being a grumpy old martyr.
🐻 He's definitely given you that look, beckoned you over and instructed you to "clean up your mess now ziskeit, reckon you've had your fun with the fuckin creme patissiere..."
🐻 Scoops up said creme patissiere with his two fingers and feeds it to you, won't smile until your lips are closed round his fingers, your eyes locked with his.
🍂 Sorry Arthur bby but...
🍂 I feel like he's a really messy eater, like he chews really gross and definitely talks with his mouth full... Crumbs everywhere, always spilling cream or jam down his shirt...
🍂 Which means you have to instruct him on how to eat your cakes and usually clean him up afterwards too. You have to break a piece of cake off for him and place some in his mouth giving him instructions "right close and chew..."
🍂 But no sooner has he closed his mouth and begun to chew is he forgetting himself again, opening his mouth to tell you how fucking lovely it is and you'd have to hush him up.
🍂 "Fuck me darlin this is fuckin delicious, fuckin heavenly..." he starts getting crumbs everywhere, you're watching exasperated but endeared all the same as he gets crumbs all over the floor and himself. You know there's nothing you can do about this.
🍂 You can't help laugh at him, he's so daft sometimes, doesn't seem to have any idea how funny he looks... But you get a cloth and wipe the cream from his mustache, giggling at him, him chuckling along too when he realises what he's done.
🍂 "Sorry love I can't help it, they taste so good I forget me manners..." "Excuses, excuses.." you tut only teasing him. He actually blushes.
🍂 Arthur loves your baking so much that whenever there's a family meeting he all but insists you bring sweet treats along for everyone.
🍂 "Please darlin I'm beggin you, how are we gonna survive Tommy's fuckin speeches without somethin to eat... He'll have us in there all night with nothin to eat... We'll starve if you don't bring us somethin sweet to eat..." he's so dramatic but you always comply, just rolling your eyes and teasing him. "God Arthur anyone would think you haven't just eaten five of these..." You grin packing tins full of pastries to take with you...
🍂 But he can't help it, he loves your baking and he loves you, thinks the sun shines out of you and your gifted hands so he wants to show off his talented girl and her delicious creations... Upon arriving he will very loudly announce that everyone needs to "fuckin shut up and listen to my Y/N cause she's brought everyone some new cakes to try and they're fuckin delicious..."
🍂 He'll make everyone try one, even Tommy and he'll glare at his brother until he says something nice about your baking.
🍂 "We're fuckin blessed right, to have such a fuckin talented baker in the family..."
🍂 You try to teach him to bake but honestly, he's clumsy, he makes a mess, he can't concentrate on the recipe because he's standing close to you and instead of having his hands in the mixing bowl he just keeps trying to grab you and hug you, can't keep his hands or his lips off you for long enough to get through even the most simple of cookie recipes.
🍂 Honestly if ever you've got something important to bake, a wedding or birthday cake, new stock for the shop you have to lock him out of the kitchen until you're done because he's too much of a distraction.
🍂 You have the fear whenever you're working on something delicate, you have to put signs on the doors reminding Arthur not to slam the doors when he comes home. When you hear him coming you brace yourself, hovering round your delicate creation, wincing when he forgets about not slamming the door.
🍂 "Arthur please my love!" "I know I know I'm sorry sweetheart I'll be careful" he says hands in the air all surrender and sweet, making an effort to tip toe and be careful, forgetting three seconds later much to your despair.
🌼 John gives me low-key earth sign vibes, not sun sign earth sign vibes but something else, like a moon perhaps? Anyway my point with that is that John definitely has a love of home comforts, mundane, little luxuries... He likes being spoiled with sweet treats. Likes coming home to find you baking with the little ones.
🌼 I mean he really loves it... There's nothing better than finishing a long day at the betting shop surrounded by drunk, rowdy men, to stop by the bakery on his way home only to find one of his children behind the counter, standing on a stool to help you serve customers. He can hear his other kids giggling in the kitchen and he practically jumps over the counter in excitement to see them and all the mischief they're getting up to whilst your backs turned.
🌼 Him asking for one of your finest cakes, and then when Katy holds her hand out to take his money he grins and says "Well y'see kitty my little love, I spent my last penny on flowers for your mammy so Daddy was hoping he could pay with a kiss eh?"
🌼 When she agrees she's very cheeky, she sighs dramatically and says "fine but just this once..." and when he scoops her up and kisses her cheek about to take the cake from her hand she holds it back and says "one more for mammy."
🌼 So he slips behind the counter and slinks his arm around your waist pulling you away from your work to give you a very dragged out, much needed kiss. The kind he really shouldn't be giving you in front of the customers... Not when there's a queue.
🌼 You shoo him away so that you can get back to work telling him to go and sort his little hellraisers out in the kitchen.
🌼 But John doesn't want you to "get back to work" and so once he's rounded the terrors up and helped them clean up their mess in the kitchen he's right back ar your side, gruffly announcing to the line of customers that the bakeries closed and it's time to go home. Each and every one of your attempts at protest is silenced with a kiss and when you open your mouth to argue with him about it again he takes one of the cakes from the counter and puts it in your mouth to silence you so that in your shock there's nothing for you to do but take a bite, chew and cover your mouth to hide your messy giggle.
🌼 "Can't bloody believe you John Shelby! You're a bloody n..." "Irresistible, devilishly handsome, doting husband? I know love you don't need to tell me..." he teases taking the cake from your hands and helping himself to a bite. "Come along flower, we're all waiting for you, we wanna go home..."
🌼 And when faced with John and the wide doe eyes of all your little ones looking like angels now that dad's come and got them into shape... Well you can hardly refuse them.
🌼 Uses "Teach me how to bake love..." as a premise to get some time with you whilst you're working, his minds really not on baking though he is thinking of putting one in the oven...
🌼 At least one of your children have been conceived in that kitchen...
🌼 When you bring the children with you to family meetings so they can give everyone the cupcakes they made, John gives his brothers warning looks like "you will eat these very girly lookin cupcakes and you will tell my girls they're the best thing you've ever eaten!" he makes a big song and dance of telling everyone how amazing they taste.
🌼 Has started food fights in the kitchen with the kids. Has started food fights with his brothers at family meetings because he wasn't satisfied with Tommy's "wow Katy these are really good..."
🌼 Has definitely defused an argument with you by putting a handful of batter in your hand and instructing you to throw it at him. "C'mon flower, you're pissed off with me ain't you, fuckin throw it if you think I deserve it..." then being shocked and a little bit wounded when you actually do throw it... Arms around you immediately play wrestling with you to get his revenge.
🌼 And this usually ends up with the two of you kissing, wiping cake mix from one another's faces, closing the kitchen door so that your customers can't hear how you really resolve a fight...
🌼 Always making special requests, his favourite things you bake are your berry pies and he gets such a huff on when you inform him that you can't make anymore because the berries in question are out of season anymore. "Fuck the seasons.." gets genuinely cross he can't peaky blinder style intimidate the literal seasons.
🍀 It's unsurprising that Bonnie has quite the appetite considering a) he's a growing lad, and b) he's a boxer, always training, always exhausting himself in the ring...
🍀And yet once he finds your bakery, he's never too tired to stop in after a long day training, and you can't deny you don't look forward to seeing that oh so slightly mischievous smile every evening... so much so that sometimes you stay open just waiting for him to drop by.
🍀 He's always very sweet to you, always leans on the counter chatting away to you whilst he eats the sweet buns you save especially for him... It takes him a little while to realise that's what you're doing but when he works it out, that you hold treats back for him and you even stay open a little later waiting just for him he becomes a butterfly filled mess. Feels really proud, starts cheekily calling you things like "my favourite girl"
🍀then he starts stopping in early too, gets up at the crack of dawn just so he can drop by your bakery on his way to the boxing gym. He uses the excuse that he's hungry, that he needs to fuel himself up for the day but really it's because he wants to see more of you. Wants to get you alone.
🍀He joins you in the kitchen, sometimes helping you out, sometimes just sitting on the counter admiring you whilst you work, being a pest getting his fingers in the jam, pinching the strawberries you've carefully halved to top your pastries.
🍀 You're constantly swatting his hands away and threatening to kick him out but by now you both know you never will. That little crush you thought you might have on the young boxer has flourished and you wake up every morning looking forward to seeing him. In the hours between him leaving in the morning and returning to you after training your little bakery feels so empty and lonely without him.
🍀When he pinches some cherries from the top of one of your pies you gasp in frustration about to give him a scolding but when he sees you, your cheeks flushed that glow of annoyance in your eyes he can't help chuckling at you, telling you he's sorry, saying "c'mere dove, I'll share..." youre about to refuse when you catch the pining look in his eyes, the way he looks at you with such a quiet pining... it lights sparks inside you, leaves your heart racing, makes you feel very forgiving.
🍀So you give in and roll your eyes, say fine, come on share then... and though you expect him to place a cherry in your palm instead he plucks one from the stem and pushes it to your lips, watching you breathlessly as you take it in your mouth and sink your teeth into it. A little juice escapes your mouth and stains your lips and the corner of your mouth deep, sweet red.
🍀And he leans in without even thinking about it, kisses the corner of your mouth to catch the juice before it can trickle further and make a mess of your pretty face.
🍀You don't get much baking done after that and the cherry pie youd been labouring over is left forgotten about on the side whilst you and Bonnie get thoroughly lost in eachother.
🍀From then on Bonnie stops in on you twice a day every day, he walks you to and from the bakery morning and night and quite often makes up excuses to bring you back to the caravans at night. The first time you meet his family you're so nervous, wanting to impress them, the way Bonnie's been spending all his time outside the gym "elsewhere" people have begun to talk and so everyone is curious to meet the girl who has stolen his heart.
🍀You bake plenty of delicious buns and breads to gift them trying to make a good first impression and Bonnie is insistent that you really shouldn't have done, that they'll love you regardless of whether you bribe them with food, but secretly he just wants to keep you and your baked goods all to himself. "If everyone knows how good these are they'll all be coming here and then there'll be none left for me!" He says taking another bite from his second cinnamon bun of the afternoon.
🍀He stops talking however when you catch the stray icing hes got on his cheek and suck it off your finger, "Don't be daft Bonnie, I'll always save enough for you."
🍀He goes foraging for berries and fruits, always bringing you wild herbs he's picked that he thinks you'll be able to do something good with, sprigs of lavender and such to weave into your more intricate designs. His favourite thing however is to convince you to close up shop for the day and go foraging with him, taking you out into the country on the back of his pony, showing you all the best places to find your favourite herbs and flowers.
🍀 Pulling you down into the long grass beneath the trees, cradling you in his lap after a long walk, smothering you in kisses and affection.
🐀 Being the quiet, earthy homebody that you are you're not exactly Isaiah's type. He wouldn't even have met you had it not been for Michael dragging him out to your bakery one morning, insisting that you bake the best pastries in town.
🐀 And at first Isaiah is cynical, "fuckin pastries for breakfast are you soft lad, you eat fuckin pastries for breakfast... Them toffs who raised you really mess with your head didn't..." he's still taking the piss out of Michael when they walk into your bakery but one look at you steals the end of his sentence straight from his lips.
🐀 Because even with a light dusting of flour over your nose, your cheeks rosy from the heat of the oven, stray hairs escaping your pretty little hair scarf, he thinks youre the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on and suddenly he's swallowing all his snide remarks.
🐀 and suddenly he's a little embarrassed, a little uncertain of himself because he's realised he's out of his depth when he wants to charm you. You're so different from the other girls in his life that he just doesn't know what to say to you.
🐀 "Would you like to try something sir?" You ask, your softness literally melting Isaiah. Michael is just sniggering a little smug because he'd known this would happen all along. This was his plan all along.
🐀 And then Isaiah realises that if he plays up to being clueless you will give him all the attention he desires offering for him to try different things, explaining what each item is...
🐀 You're surprised when Isaiah comes back the next day without Michael, you honestly weren't expecting to ever see him again.. it was clear to you that the bars and clubs were more his scene, that he'd choose whiskey and dancing over tea and cake anyday... But clearly Isaiah has his heart on the best of both worlds, he goes out at night with the peaky lads, raises hell and then visits you to see the soothing sight of your angel face every morning.
🐀 His curiosity impresses you though and every morning you pick something out special for him to try... You've heard what he gets up to on his Saturday nights and on Sunday morning you make sure you've got just the right cure for his sore head and jaded eyes.
🐀 Then one morning he doesn't show and you begin to worry about him, when Michael drops by you ask after his friend and though at first Michael laughs, giddy with mischievous excitement when he realises his friends been visiting the sweet little baker every morning... Then however he tells you Isaiah's in the hospital, got caught up in some unpleasant business. He doesn't tell you it's Peaky Blinders business but you know what he means...
🐀 And you're horrified to learn that the charming Peaky boy you'd grown rather fond of is hurt, so you beg Michael to take you to see Isaiah in the hospital. Michael genuinely can't hide his amusement as you busy yourself making up a basket of sweet and savoury treats for Isaiah, he's just watching you fuss over the hardened peaky lad, can't wait to rip the piss out of his friend who's clearly got an admirer.
🐀 And when you turn up at the hospital placing the basket down at Isaiah's bedside he's shocked... A little embarrassed at the way his attachment to you has been revealed so dramatically. But he's also touched, also beginning to realise how nice it is to have some consistency, how much he loves having someone so homely and comforting to take care of him.
🐀 So he invites you to stay, tells Michael to piss off and he lets you feed him one of the sweet buns you brought him. He's being extra charming, flirting with you, teasing you for your having visited him... "Anyone would think you were me girlfriend coming here an spoilin me like this darlin..."
🐀 You're speechless, you don't know what to say to him but you get very flustered and he thinks that's adorable so he puts you out of your misery very quickly, "can't say I'd mind that me like, havin you as me girlfriend... Lookin after me when I've been through the wars..." "If you want to be my boyfriend Isaiah Jesus you'll have to stop all this scrapping... I don't want to spend every Sunday in the hospital with you..."
🐀 But of course it's not the last time Isaiah winds up in the hospital and every time he does you bring him a basket of sweet treats... It makes him rather popular with the rest of the peaky boys who start dropping in on him much more often so that they can pinch treats from that basket when he isn't looking.
🐀 He asks you to teach him how to bake but much like John he can't keep his hands off you for long enough to learn. He does have quite nimble hands though and so eventually he gets very good at plaiting bread dough with you.
🐀 He's always bragging to Michael and Bonnie about you, he'll bring something from the bakery down to the Shelby offices or the boxing gym just so that he can eat it slowly taunting them about how good it is. "Ah ah boys hands off, my girl made this one just for me..."
☘️ You're so stubborn though he realises this is an argument he's not going to win so eventually he settles for a compromise. You can keep your bakery, keep your little business as long as he can be involved somehow. So he insists on helping with your accounts and being involved in the financial side of things... which you're really rather pleased about as you've never liked running the accounts, numbers aren't your friend and you find it so dull being stuck at a desk when all you want is to be in the kitchen.
☘️ Isn't happy that his girl has a job... he should be able to provide for both of you, he earns enough to spoil you rotten and yet you still insist upon working in that bakery.
☘️ But before you met Michael that bakery was your whole life, you've worked so hard to have a bakery all of your own, to have a business that belongs to you, to be able to make a living from something you love and you're not about to give that up for Michael just because he doesn't understand how much your work means to you...
☘️ And when Michael gets involved with the bakery and you begin to work at it together to grow the business you start trying to use it as a pitch to convince him to go straight, to leave his brothers corruption behind and settle for a humble but comfortable life, a safe life with you.
☘️ Of course that never works, Michael has ideas beyond his station, he likes the luxury which comes with being a gangster, he's enamoured by the glamour and fame which comes with being a Peaky Blinder...
☘️ Instead what ends up happening is that your bakery gets dragged into the Shelby business... When the lads hear about the delicious treats you bake they start coming up with excuses to hold their business meetings in your kitchen where they have access to all the delightful treats you bake fresh from the oven. But they're all so charming and Michael never lets them get up to any trouble so you grow quote fond of having them around.
☘️ You're very dedicated to your craft and Michael gets frustrated when sometimes he feels you pay more attention to bread than to him. He will tell you he's taking you out for dinner, ask you to be ready by seven and then find that you aren't even home... When he goes to find you at the bakery youre dusted head to toe in flower, nowhere near suitably dressed up to go to some fancy restaurant.
☘️ And you always look so genuine when you gasp and apologise for having lost track of time, when you start ranting about how you were just desperately trying to perfect this recipe, that you'd tried one idea and almost set fire to the kitchen so had had to start again, then you'd tried this other idea and it was almost right but not quite and that well, you really just wanted to perfect it so that you could bring it home for him to try because you wanted it to be perfect for him...
☘️ Well he thinks you're the sweetest girl in the world and he can't stay mad at you for very long. He loves that at the end of all that you were actually thinking about him all along, trying to bake the perfect treat just for him... He loves that you wanted it to be perfect for him, it makes him feel really special.
☘️ "Ah well never mind eh love," he sighs taking your cheeks in his hands to brush the flower from your face and kiss your nose, "the corrinthian can wait eh, got everything I need right here..."
☘️ He'll even try to help you with your projects sometimes even though he really doesn't like getting his hands dirty. He'll do it for you, just as long as no one else is around to see him doing some "real work"
☘️ Loves being spoilt by you, loves that you value his opinion above everyone else's. Gets a little wounded when you want to take something to a family meeting to ask everyone to try because "my opinion not good enough for you now love?"
☘️ You always have to pacify him with a kiss and a reminder that his opinion is of course the most important.
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sehodreams · 9 months
which riize members are sugar babies vs sugar daddies?
This is one of my favorite concepts, thank you!
TW and tags: MDNI, sexual content, sugar daddy!riize, sugar baby!riize, all consensual.
The ultimate sugar daddy, the daddiest of daddies, he lives to take care of you, to check you're always happy and satisfied, shopping springs whenever you want, traveling the world next to him and everything you want it's immediately yours. The only thing he wants from you? For you to always have a smile on your face, welcome him with your warm and do everything he says.
A bit toxic though, he doesn't want any man that's not him to talk to you or even breath the same air as you, he wants texts from you always telling him where you are and what are you doing, and you better tell him the true, because if you lie, he'll find out, and when he's angry he's not the same man.
If he fucked you when he was happy, he'd treat you with su much care, not wanting lo leave a single mark in your smooth skin, "that's my girl, always being so good" he'd smile, but if you were bad, lying to him about your whereabouts, he'd leave marks everywhere, for everyone to see that you had an owner, and forget about him calling you his good girl again, "slut, what I give you is not enough? What do you need from him that I can't give you? Fucking bitch" he'd pull your hair, your back pressing his chest and your legs open, to leave as many hickeys on your neck as he could while pressing the vibrator to your cunt, you begging for him to forgive you "I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to, I don't know what I was thinking" you'd cry after he denied your orgasm for the fourth time, always moving the toy away when you were about to cum, "of course you weren't thinking, but this is what happens to bad girls who don't think, they get punished".
He's always lived comfortable, and he knows how good it feels to be taken care of, he likes it, and he wants you to live exactly the same way, or even better. He may be young, and if you're younger it's okay, but he'd like to take care even of an older partner. He'd do anything to convince you to accept his money and gifts, he'd give you his card after some time, but it started with small things, like you asking for insignificant things like a coffee, or some material for school, and he'd send you at least four times the amount you needed. Then, he'd fight to pay your rent and school, slowly talking to you into becoming his sugar baby until you finally accepted his help, and you'd do it only because you realize he really, REALLY, wants to treat you like that, almost like a need.
He didn't expect anything from you in return, only your loyalty and your presence in his life, but after seeing how much he likes to see your needs fulfilled, you just want to reciprocate the care, so you'd always give your best in bed, his favorite position was with you riding his cock because that way he'd have your beautiful chest in front of his face, and you'd do it without complain everytime he came to the place he rented for you, or on the couch he bought for you, saying "thank you daddy, I like this place so much", because it doesn't matter your age, he's your daddy, and he'd cum only from hearing you, saying, "you deserve it baby, you deserve everything"
His case is a little special, he likes to take care of you, of course, but more than that, he lives to spoil you. He'd sent you money even to share with your friends, you're doing a group project? Baby take this and buy everyone's coffee, you want to travel? Honey take this card and stay in a nice hotel, if you want company invite your friends too. he just wants to spoil you to the core, you're the best gift for him, and if he has all that money, it must be to spoil you, right?
When you thanked him everytime you met, falling to your knees and opening his belt to suck his cock, he'd pet your hair, smiling and helping you with it so you could be more comfortable, saying "that's my precious baby, always getting what she wants", because you both know that, more than him, you're the one who needs his dick inside your mouth to feel happy.
This baby has always worked so hard, when you met him he was so exhausted from his part time jobs that he knew he didn't need a partner, but he couldn't help and fell for you, and look at that sweet face, you never thought about treating someone like that, but buying things for him came to you naturally, and when he tried to buy things for you too, you didn't let him, even less anything expensive, doesn't matter the occasion. You only want him to live with that beautiful smile on his face, and you wouldn't be afraid of spending as much as he needed, you had that high position and that salary for a reason.
He'd be so uncomfortable at first, feeling his pride a bit hurt, because when he met you he didn't want you to see him like a boy that needs to be taken care of, he wanted you to see him as a man, and it would take time, but you'd show him, little by little, that what you liked the most was to see him well dressed, feed and happy, and it's not like you don't expect anything from him, you expect him to always be there for you and give you the support you couldn't get from anyone else.
In bed you'd whisper to his ear when he fucked you, "so good baby, that's my boy, always taken care of me" and then he'd feel like everything is where should it be, your card in his wallet, his stuff in your apartment, and you under him.
This manwhore knows he's pretty and knows he can get whatever he wants with his face, but it was different to recieve things from you than with his other partners, he knew you had drawn a limit with him, you weren't in love, and you didn't want him to fall in love with you neither, which made him, as stupid as it sounded, want you even more.
It was like, it started because of his own needs, but now all he thinks about is what can he do for you. You give him gifts, you pay his expenses and tell him he can get anything he wants, but he only wants your time, your praise and your hands touching him, it didn't matter where, holding hands outside, petting his hair when he watched a movie, or making him cry while touching the tip of his leaking cock, he just wanted all your attention on him.
It was so hard to get you all for himself, there wasn't anything more satisfying than you telling him you could spend the day together, and you would like to take him out shopping and to nice restaurants, but what he wants is to stay in your house, drink one your expensive wines, to then have you sitting on his face, or you to let him fuck your sweet pussy that he missed so much the days he couldn't see you, "I can go shopping any day, but I can't have you with me all the time, please just use me when we're alone, please".
This big boy loves gifts, and you love to see you pretty boy all dolled up, wearing nice clothes and looking gorgeous next to you. However, it's important to clarify that he only likes gifts from you, he only wants to be spoiled by you, and he's the one who is more into you.
When you met you didn't pay him any attention, he was just the pretty boy who worked in the cafeteria inside your office building, and you didn't have the time to pay attention to anyone who wasn't you or your client. He, on the other hand, always followed you with his eyes, and not only because of how elegant you looked, but how cold and kind you were at the same time, you never smiled at him, but you always said thank you, and he never expected you to remember him, but when one day he was crying behind the office, and you caught him when you wanted to have your daily cigarette, you talked to him with so much delicacy he'd never forget it "everyone has it hard at first, it's everyone's first life, so don't worry, things get better with time".
And it was true, things did get better with time, you offered to take care of him while he was in school, and he accepted because he needed it, but also because he wanted to be as near you as possible, wiped with your beauty and charm, he liked to be spoiled by you, and he loved to help you forget all the stress from work when you were together. "Always so pretty, please let me take care of you too" he'd say, pressing his fingers inside you before fucking you hard into oblivion, rutting your insides and watching you cry under him, making you dumb with his cock, so different from your usual put together look.
I can't help but see this boy following you around like a puppy, hugging your arm and saying "Noona, what do you think of this bag? Please buy it for me" with that cheeky smile, and you'd pull out your card to buy anything he asked for. He loves to be spoiled, and you love the smile he has after you buy him what he wants. You don't give him your card, but you always sent him money, and in exchange he sends you pictures of him doing his usual stuff, a picture of him in the cab he takes to school instead of the uncomfortable bus, pictures of him drinking coffee and studying, of him sweaty after playing basketball with his friends, he'd just sent you pictures of him doing everything, only expecting your daily good night.
He doesn't mind that you don't send him pictures of you, or that you don't answer him that much, because he knows how you smile when you see his pretty face on your phone, and that's enough for him, he knows your busy.
In bed, however, he needs to hear your voice all the time, "please tell me I'm doing good Noona", and he'd also be as spoiled as always "can I cum inside please? Please, please, I've been doing so good in school, please give me my prize", and how could you say no to that sweet face, anything for your baby.
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anemoelliacia · 11 months
the five times alhaitham knew he loved you
warnings: female reader, basically just tooth rotting fluff :)
▶ I recommend listening to the song I hear a Symphony by Cody Fry while reading this chapter. <3
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The first instance was when he was talking to you about something Akademiya related, and you were listening intently. Truthfully, you didn’t quite understand or grasp what he was talking about. Though, you tried not to let on to the fact that you didn’t understand. You did the best you could to entertain the topic he was talking about. The next evening, when he stopped by your home to see you after work, he found you asleep at your desk clearly researching something. He felt the need to satiate his own curiosity, so he looked at the books and papers on your desk. Turns out, you were studying the very topic he was telling you about yesterday. He is a stoic man, however he couldn't help but softly smile down at your sleeping figure as he quickly deduces the fact you must have started studying it for him, to be able to understand and properly discuss it with him. It tugs at his heart, emotions bursting forth he hasn’t really had the time to feel before. He thinks, “hm, do I love her? I think I do.”
Secondly, the time he saw you jokingly bickering with Kaveh over a card game during dinner. You won and Kaveh was being a sore loser, all Alhaitham could do is sit back and watch the two of you interact, chuckling each time you jokingly shut down Kaveh’s antics and him whining over losing. He watches you and can’t help but want more little moments like this with you around, he thinks, “yeah… I love her.”
Thirdly, whenever you stay at his house, you make it a point to try to wake up earlier than him and have coffee ready for him. It was a habit of yours he can’t even pinpoint when it happened. Did you start doing it the first time you stayed the night? He can’t recall. But never fail, everytime you stay the night, you always wake him up with a gentle kiss on the head and a piping hot cup of coffee just the way he likes it, two sugar cubes and no milk. The longer this habit of yours goes on, he can’t help but think, “I love her,” each time you do it. 
Fourthly, when you always plan dates to be at home, or in out of the way places because you know how much he doesn't like needless social interaction. Alhaitham is a rather observant person, he puts the pieces together quickly why he thinks you opt to do this. One date night, when you cooked him dinner at his own house and served it up elegantly at his dining table, he brought it up to you. He asks you, "why do we always have dates at home when I know you like to go out?" and you say, "for you. I don't mind doing what's best for you." and it's the truth. He already is a very busy person, but not just that, he prefers quiet situations– Alhaitham doesn't like to deal with crowds of people, excessive noise, or pointless conversations with anyone but you. So, if date nights at home are what's best, you're very happy to accommodate that. Your response was quick, yet thoughtful. A smile momentarily graces his face, and he thinks, "I love her…"
The fifth and final instance was just a quiet intimate moment. He was sitting in bed with his back against the headboard reading an abstruse book about philosophy, and you were laying with your back flush against his chest reading along silently. Neither of you felt the need to talk, you just wanted to be in each other's company. Alhaitham mindlessly plays with your hair in between flipping the pages of his book, placing a kiss on your head every now and then. It may seem like an insignificant moment to anyone else, but to him, in this moment he realizes he wants you forever. So, "I love you," he finally says, knowing it to be true as you two sit together and enjoy the quiet company of each other.
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▶ if you liked this, check out the other parts linked in my masterlist :) every genshin man i write for is getting their own part.
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harlowsbby · 1 month
Stick With Me
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lil summary, this is a fic based off Jack’s character Scalvo from The Instigators 💓
“Alright yeah, yeah I told you I’ll meet you at the docks later… alright see you soon.” You frowned as Scalvo got off the phone with Richie.
“What does he want?” Scalvo tossed his phone on the other side of the couch before looking down at you. “Well if you must know little miss nosey.” Scalvo flicked the tip of your nose lightly making you laugh.
“He wants me to meet with him tonight along Casey and some new guy I guess his name is Rory.” You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him.
“I thought you were done with Richie and Mr. Besegai I told you they don’t mean you any well and they don’t treat you right.” You quickly removed yourself from his lap and made your way into the kitchen.
“They treat you like shit babe and yet whenever they come knocking you go and answer every single time.” You spat.
Scalvo groaned but nonetheless followed after you because he hated arguing with you and he hated being the reason you were upset.
“I know baby but look I promise this will be my last job with them and I promise after this I’m done.” Scalvo wasn’t necessarily a big softy but when it came to you he was like putty in your hands.
“You said that last time Scalvo.” You snapped causing him to winch at you using his name. Usually you’d call him babe or baby but you never addressed him by his first name unless you were really upset.
You hated that Scalvo worked with Richie and Mr. Besegai you know they were trouble and treated Scalvo like he was less than. You didn’t agree with what Scalvo did for work.
On the other hand you also knew this was the only lifestyle he knew so it was hard for him to just change and cut that all off over night.
“And now you got some new guy coming into your little gang.” He chuckled at the word gang making you glare at him. “It isn’t funny babe I worry about you okay? I promised you we’re done with this shit.”
You knew he’d never be done because working for Richie and Besegai was quick and easy money something Scalvo liked. He figured what was the point of waiting two weeks for a pay check when you can get money in less than 24 hours.
He sighed and made his way around the kitchen island making his way to you. Once he was close enough he leaned his back against the counter and made grabby hands to you.
Signaling he wanted you to come to him which you did.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you leaned forward and rested your head on his chest. His head dipped down a bit so it was resting on top of yours.
“Look babe you don’t have anything to worry about okay? I promise I’ll be safe and after this I’m done with them completely he just needs my help.” You mentally rolled your eyes because you knew this wouldn’t be the last time.
“Fine, but please call me when you’re on the way home yeah? You know I’ll miss you.”
You always had him call you after he did a mission for Richie and Besegai. You just wanted to be able to hear him and to know he was safe.
“I promise I will baby now give me a kiss.” You smiled as you reached up on your tippy toes to give Scalvo a kiss a quick peck on the lips.
You went to pull away but he wasn’t having it he quickly deepened the kiss and grabbed ahold of your ass and squeezed it tightly. “Scalvo!” You gasped making him grin.
“What? You know I love doing that now give me some more sugar.” You chuckled and leaned in again giving him another kiss which quickly got heated.
The two of you were so wrapped up into one another that you didn’t even notice Cobby walk in with a box of donuts in one hand and your iced coffee in another.
His jaw flew open and he gagged the minute he saw the two of you.
“Hey, hey come on now can you two little fuckers not fuck where we eat?! That’s fucking disgusting.” Cobby gagged. “Honestly do you have no home training?”
He immediately grabbed the Clorox wipes and started wiping the counter where the two of you were. “Relax all we did was kiss.” Scalvo stated as he shoved Cobby out the way.
“And? Take that shit upstairs.” Scalvo smirked before grabbing ahold of your hand. “Better make sure you cover your ears then.” Cobby rolled his eyes as Scalvo led you upstairs.
“I can’t stand that little piece of shit.” Cobby muttered but nonetheless made sure he was out the house the minute he heard the bedroom door shut.
(first lil fic in a minuteeeeeeee I promise ima get back to posting some Jack fics soon! I got one coming out later this month! 💓)
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yanderehsr · 1 year
Ooh yandere steleron hunters x baker read who absolutely loves to cook and often gets flirted with because of them being a cinnamon roll
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Blade: He doesn't like sweets but he does like you so he visits the bakery every day, all he orders is a cup of coffee, black and with no sugar or milk, then he drinks it while staring at you, it's a rutine he has grown fond of.
Blade's jealousy grows by each day, you get flirted with a lot and he can understand why, it's you, they would be crazy if they didn't. The problem here is that you are his and he can't let those pesky bugs think that it's ok to flirt with you. He satiates his jealousy with killing those that speak with you, but soon even this will not be enough.
"I love you so much but you sure can be naive. You didn't even think about why I was your only regular"
Kafka: She likes sweets, especially those that you make. Whenever she comes to buy something for you she starts flirting with you, she is also very good at it, saying things like "I see something sweet right in front of me I'd much rather try", she will leave you redfaced and embarrassed.
No one seems to flirt with you as much nowadays as usually, Kafka uses spirit whisper on others to get them to leave you alone, sooner or later you're bakery must close since you don't earn money anymore and who is waiting on you with open arms but Kafka.
"Oh how tragic, you're out of a job it seems. How about you come with me and I can give you a job at my home"
Silver Wolf: She's more into snacks rather than sweets but if it's made by your hands then she will rather have that. She makes small talk with you as she eats, taking the moment to remember each detail of your face to memory.
Customers who usually flirt with you finds it impossible to find your store ever again, they get teleported far away by Silver Wolf as soon as they come close, you start to feel lonely as the only customers left are the ones who pay and leave, the only one left willing to talk with you is Silver Wolf, just as it should be.
"They are just idiots who left you behind, you should focus more on what's right in front of you, me"
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "I hope you know that the things I do for you are all in the name of love."
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simple acts of love,
guess what I found DEEP, DEEP in my drafts.
characters. dorm leaders
includes. gn reader.
cw. short scenarios, bruh this was literally so deep like i was still rosestadt when I made this.. not proofread or changed at all since I made it.
note. no use of any names, only titles to fit in more with the gender neutral theme, since I know some people may know yn or name as an entirely different character.
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riddle rosehearts — making their favorite kind of tea / coffee.
a clink makes riddle tear his eyes away from the history book he was previously skimming over. the action of his jaw chewing immediately ceased at the sound, leaving the taste of his favorite tart lingering inside his mouth.
dessert. it was always his favorite part of a meal, even if he didn't have much freedom to actually consume them in his childhood.
riddle finds himself looking at the prefect of ramshackle wearing a calm expression on their face, they present a relaxed exterior—and in their hand, is a cup of steaming, hot, lemon tea.
"prefect, what's this?" he blinks, slowly, and innocently. riddle leans over to let the aroma of the tea enter his senses. and when he does, there's only two cubes floating around the liquid.
and then there's a realization. "wait.. this is.." #339 your after-meal tea must be lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes.
you smile. "for you. your after meal tea should be lemon tea, right?" there's a moment of silence that ensures, before riddle answers slowly.
"ah... yes, I'm suprised you remember." he clears his throat. gladly lifting the cup up with the use of his fingers, and of course. leaving his pinky sticking out, it's the only proper way to drink tea after all.
the laugh that you release makes his face a little warmer, he isn't sure if it's because of you or the hot gas the tea emits. "well.. I don't really remember all the rules, I just happened to remember you mentioning it. that's all."
riddle presses his lips together. gripping the handle a little tighter. you were actually listening to him? what a joy, you should have been sorted to heartslabyul! he must make an appeal to crowley after this. "hm.. this is most appreciated, thank you prefect."
but for now..
you walk around the table until you're near enough to be able to lean and see what he's reading. "what are you reading?"
his answer is immediate. "I'm going over topics for the upcoming exam—" riddle pauses, and looks over at you. "—would you like to join me?
leona kingscholar — covering them with a blanket whenever alseep.
"ah.. he fell asleep again." you mumbled, trailing off for a second to admire leona's features. he probably was a pretty popular guy back in his home if he wasn't scowling so much.
you wrack your mind for the item you've misplaced. didn't you leave the blanket folded on the bed? you wonder. carefully sliding off the sleeping lion's head off your lap and into the couch, watching him grumble and stir.
please don't wake up.. you internally pray. sighing in relief when you finally slip away without disturbing his slumber. (which you'd like to differ.)
after making sure your legs weren't as numb as before, courtesy of leona laying on it for hours. only letting you leave when you needed to pee, trying to tell you to hold it in so he can 'sleep better.'
you peer inside your bedroom and marvel at the horrible generosity crowley gave you, you aren't really in the position to complain since you'd be homeless if it weren't for him. but now you wonder if leona would let that even happen.
the door would probably fly off its hinges if you pulled any harder, a few cobwebs around the corners you couldn't reach and there's rust forming around the metal surfaces of the room. barely noticeable but if you come closer it's definitely there, the room looks relatively okay compared to the other rooms of ramshackle.
you quickly grab the blanket atop your bed, snuggling closer to the cloth gently tickling your face. it's soft and comfortable, perfect for a nap.
leona's sleeping figure comes to view after passing by a few rooms, ramshackle was bigger than you'd thought when you first gazed upon it from the outside. his position still stayed the same as it did the last time you saw him a few minutes ago, probably too tired to even move.
creeping closer to the unsuspecting man, you switch off the lights. humming softly at the way the darkness wrapped around you like a veil, casting a soft atmosphere across the room. and then finally, draping the blanket across his body, stretching it all the way just below his ankles. since you knew he didn't like both of his feet absorbed in the whole thing cause it might get too hot.
in fact he didn't bother with blankets much so you figured that you'd bring him one anyway from how cold it was in the winter. even when there's a fireplace just a few distances from you, the frost still somehow paves its way.
winter in this world was kind of a hassle since you had to shovel your way through patches of snow unless you wanted to get stuck inside the building. you found out the hard way after you got buried in a mountain of snow after opening the front door.
you sigh and shake your head, scratching your head from the memory. as you stand up you're suddenly bounding towards the couch at an alarming speed, so fast that everything actually blurred.
you took a few moments to register that you're laying down, cocooned in leona's arms. his breath tickles your neck as he nuzzles further in, providing you with the warmth to finally relax.
as some kind of bonus you aren't sure he's even aware of; his tail, usually swaying comfortably behind him is now wrapped around your leg as some kind of unconscious affection.
how do you get out of this? well it seems like he was aware and read your mind. "you don't."
azul ashengrotto — popping into each other's zoom calls.
monstro lounge is pretty chilly. you think, he was pretty picky about his circumstances. you slide a finger over a surface and finding not a single dirt in it. but its expected when he's a merman.
you look up. marveling at the various fishes swimming around the ocean, of course. taking a second to admire the many coral reefs, all different in shape and color.
the lounge was pretty quiet. given when it's so early, the only reason you're only actually in here in the first place. was because you'd fallen asleep, waking up in azul's bed. the man himself sleeping on his side of the bed, leaving a big space between the two of you as if he was nervous to be in the same space as you.
leaving out the sounds of water flowing. there's also the eery laughter of two twin eels, that signals nothing good is ever gonna come out of it. and of course:
azul's voice, loud but oozing with easy confidence. which you're not even sure if it actually is after the whole overblot thing.
you curiously stare at the hall where you know leads to his room. if you focus you could hear.. "headmaster, with all due respect...." and then you bleurgh, is he talking to crowley? well it wasn't your business anyways..
so you let the intrusive thoughts win as you creep closer to the door of his room, there's a small opening as if it was begging for you to peek through, and you do.
you see azul seated on his chair, wearing his dorm uniform when it isn't even a school day as he talks actively to his monitor, and on his screen is a layout of all the dorm leaders you've come to know.
riddle is nodding attentively, speaking when necessary. leona is laid down on his bed, looking just about ready to drift off. kalim is showing the camera a bright smile as jalim urges him to listen in the backround.
vil looks like he's looking at himself in the camera more despite looking at the screen. idia's camera, of course being off. and malleus not even being present.. he probably got excluded in the invitation as usual, but you aren't even sure if he owns a phone, much well know how to use it.
crowley is also there but whatever.
you quietly slide inside. hastily passing behind him, praying you didn't appear. the meeting does go on, until kalim speaks. "wahh!! was that the prefect?"
azul blinks and turns in confusion. counting in his head that all prefect were in the call. when he sees you, his mind just blanks for a second so he just dumbly stares.
you wave awkwardly. "hi.." kalim returns the favor tenfold. "hi prefect!!"
"what's the prefect doing there so early?" riddle's voice fades into the room and azul forgot how to lie for a few seconds.
"hm? oh ah... well.."
somehow the dorm meeting whose main topic was originally planned to be for school. ended up with you being the topic.
kalim al asim — running to them, picking them up, and spinning them in a circle.
in a hallway, kalim can be seen walking. there's a content smile on his face, a little duller than his usual bright one but a smile regardless. all in vicinity of the boy openly stare at his obvious upset mood.
there wasn't a jamil in sight which is strange since the classes of second years usually end at the same time, unless one of the professors had something to say.
ah... what do I do? I haven't received a letter from my family as usual.. kalim sighs solemnly, his shoulders further drooping. just the thought of his siblings makes him a little lonely.
if jamil was here he'd probably say. "kalim. you received a letter from your family three days ago." ah, he could almost hear his voice!
your head pops out from a pillar, grim following right after and as if some kind of butterfly effect, ace and deuce's heads pop up a second later. you all whisper vigorously.
"that's dorm leader kalim.. he looks upset!" deuce mumbles. ace just rolls his eyes and snorts. "yeah? way to point out the obvious genius."
they start bickering.
"why are we here? there's a lotta' food in the cafeteria and we're missing out.." grim says, then he looks at the pair. "oi! you two, you're gonna expose us!"
grim joins the bickering and you facepalm. it's a wonder kalim doesn't notice the chaos a few distances away from him..
you beam. "guys! I have an idea!" at your statement they both pause and look at you skeptically. "what?"
"sorry not sorry to say this but your ideas aren't exactly the best."
"who saved us from that one time in the mines?"
you join the bickering for a few.
that's how you ended up sprinting across the halls at a speed you didn't know you possessed. eyes locked in on the turban wearing man, kalim continues to trudge towards his next class unknowing of the chaos as usual.
"kalim!" the boy stops and turns around in confusion. nonetheless there's still a freindly look on his face, which soon turns into more confusion when he spots you making a beeline for him.
the next second he feels you collide into him, the air is knocked out of his lungs briefly and he feels himself hoisted up in the air and spun around while being hyper aware of your close, discret snuggling.
when his feet touch the ground there's an obvious lift to his mood. "that was fun!! let's do it again!!"
"wait I haven't worked out muc--"
you're both on the ground now.
vil schoenheit — doing your makeup together.
there was always a saying. beauty is pain and you wholeheartedly believed it when you witnessed the whole backstory to vil's overblot. but now..
now you start to regret believing it because why does your brows even need to be perfect!? you side eye the mirror. it looks perfectly fine!
in his fingers lay a tweezer, and in between the tweezer is the sacrifice from your brows. "stop jumping around so much, I wouldn't wanna mess this up." vil scolds. choosing to not comment on the fact that you scooted away from him.
"ouch.." you're trying to resist to tear up. immediately scooting away from vil once you feel the awful, stinging pain from your eyebrow. he casts you a half hearted glare.
you narrow your eyes at him. "is this really necessary?" you question seriously. vil raises a brow, somehow making him look more sassy. "there isn't beauty without pain, this is a necessity."
you both stare in silence, neither giving up before he eventually sighs and rolls his eyes. "hmph. fine, we were done with that anyways." vil softens up. giving you a taste of mercy before grabbing a tube of eyeliner and beckoning you to come closer.
you oblige cautiously and place your hands on your lap, sitting idly as the pleasing sensation of the brush is felt ok your eyelids. from your unoccupied eye, you give a moment to admire his concentration.
wow he's.. "beautiful, hmm?" a look of confidence is paired with the air vibrating around vil. you nod mutely, not sure if he's talking about himself.. or you, most probably the first one.
vil stands up and grabs your wrist in a firm, tender grip. he leads you in front of a mirror, wearing a triumphant smile as he admires his work. "now you've grown, potato."
"are you gonna harvest me now?" you joke and his face drops. "...what? no."
idia shroud — bailing them out of awkward social situations with a specially-designed system of code words and hand motions.
anyone has the one time, sight of a lifetime of they catch eye of the ignihyde dorm leader. more looking like wanting no more than to just melt into the wall itself as idia presses himself further to the corner.
his fiery hair shrinks the more the random student—too enthusiastic for his taste, talks animatedly in a way that even he struggles to keep up. usually idia thinks he's good at multitasking since he could read subtitles while taking note of a particular fight scene.
but this was way too hard..
"hello!" idia flinched at the uncharacteristically loud tone you spoke it. the student however, blinks and turns to you with a raised brow. their attitude does a complete 180° but you admit you'd grown used to it.
this is a school for villians after all. they probably didn't want to talk to a nobody like you.
since the student seemed lenient on giving you the lesser treatment you just opted to ignore their existence and look straight into the anxious eyes of idia.
you beam a forced smile. "idia!—" but then the student interrupts you again, with a slight chilling persona. "excuse me. would you mind?" then they turn to him again.
contrary to their previous attitude they switch their personality again..
idia stares right into your soul. a silent plead. help me.
you cringe, hand switching into various hand motions when the student turns their back to you. idia's eyes widen in astonishment and understanding, his flames seemed a bit brighter. if you ignore the slight tinge of pink.
he nods at the student who seems ecstatic by his non-verbal response nonetheless. "i-...um... I have to go attend... a, b-birthday party for the reindeer? " idia mumbles out through clattering teeth.
it seemed like a question rather than an excuse so you started wildly gesturing—the student still unknowing of you. be more confident, relax. "I-I'm going to a birthday party!"
he adds after a long silence. "...for the reindeer!"
now he seemed way too excited.. you facepalm, opting to just leave him alone and gesture for him to take a leap of fate and start running towards you.
the student blinks and suddenly they're the only one alone in the hallway.
"wait... that was the prefect of ramshackle?!" a scream of despair.
malleus draconia — tracing the veins on the insides of their wrists.
his hands are humongous. you muse. absent-mindedly toying with his fingers as you stifle a yawn. malleus hums, using the hand that you weren't occupied with to wipe away the tears that formed after your yawn.
affectionately of course.
but then again. you presume that since he's a dragon and all its expected, given his height was already quite abnormal from the start. up close, he's larger than expected.
it's funny. the literal guy feared by the whole school is letting you toy with his hands..contrary to the rumours he was a pretty nice guy! if you look past his intimidating persona atleast.
but you do get their fear of him. weird as it sounds.. malleus really is quite scary. even worse when he's somehow angry. with his tall exterior, emerald eyes that usually seems so dark, and the horns. it makes him look..
so beautifully dangerous.
you turn malleus' hand. immediately catching eye of the prominent veins, kind of flexing under the weight of your grip. you can feel the thrum of his pulse through your fingers.
"do you feel that?"
"..I believe so?" he looks more entertained than you.
you mumble. "why is it so.. long?" you gingerly rub the vein, you can almost feel malleus vibrate, seemingly pleased.
note. i just saw it when I was cleansing my drafts.. actually say thank you to ellie since they are wholly the reason why it gets published in the first place. again, NOT CHANGED AT ALL since I wrote it months ago
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mrsevans90 · 7 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 15
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: FLUFF, arm cast injury, Nana sassiness, crude language, innuendos, and Walt!
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 14
I lay in bed holding Emma for as long as she sleeps, refusing to leave her side for more than a quick restroom break. Emma is wrapped around my body as it helps her to relax and I’m more than happy to have her curled against me. Emma begins to rouse around ten am and I know she needed every bit of that additional sleep for both her exhausted body and brain to recuperate.
“Hi.” Emma whispers while sleepily rubbing her eyes with her left hand as she sees me watching her.
“Mornin’ Sugar. You sleep okay?” 
She nods but doesn’t say anything.
“How’s the arm?” I ask and she looks down sheepishly. 
“Hurts. I need some more Tylenol and maybe ice.” She admits.
“Let’s get some in ya then. After breakfast, I’m taking you to the urgent care and I don’t want to hear a word about it.” I tell her using my “captain voice” that she once told me she thinks is dominant and sexy.
“Okay.” She agrees knowing I’m not going to back down from getting her proper care.
She takes care of her needs in the bathroom before we brush our teeth and she sits on the bed. I walk over and pick her up where I wrap her legs around me before I start heading down the stairs.
“Austin. My legs aren’t hurt. I can walk.”
“I know, but I want to hold you.”
“You’re going to reinjure your leg carrying me around like this.” She says as she buries her head in my neck and goosebumps raise on my arms and neck from her mouth so close to my sweet spot.
“I’m a bit tougher than you think, darlin’.” 
“Oh, I think you’re plenty tough.” She whispers against my neck and I feel the blood rushing to my dick. Not now, Syverson.
I set her on the counter next to the coffee maker and start brewing us some coffee that I’ve been thinking about for the past 3 hours. I’m used to waking up much earlier than this and am usually finished with my second cup by this point. 
“Biscuits, sausage and eggs sound good?” I ask and she nods. I pull the frozen peas from the freezer and place them across her bandaged arm.
“Not a word about my canned biscuits.” I tease her and she holds up her wrapped arm.
“Not really in a position to tease since my homemade ones would be a lot more difficult to make today.” I was about to apologize again for her getting injured but am surprised when she kicks my rear with her foot from where she’s sitting and winks at me. I love when she’s playful like this, especially after what happened yesterday.
“When are we getting the dogs back home?” Emma asks.
“Whenever you’d like, Sugar. I can call PawPaw and arrange something after we go to the doctor.”
“Okay, I guess I need to call my parents and let them know what happened yesterday.” She says sullenly.  “I’m here for you babe. Whatever you need.” I tell her and she goes to get her phone and make the call while I make breakfast. I decide to call my grandparents while cooking and inform them that we obviously won’t be at lunch today. Nana tells me she’s still cooking everything and will package it up for us to take home when we get the dogs. I thank them both for dropping everything to help yesterday and of course they tell us that it was no problem. I ensure Nana that Emma is okay and I’ll keep them updated on what the doctor says about her arm. Nana is going all mother hen and asking to come clean her house or what she can do to help us and as sweet as it is, I just want to give Emma time to process without pressure.
Once breakfast is finished, I set the table and go in search of Emma. I find her on the back porch still on the phone with her parents who were obviously upset. 
“May I?” I gesture to the phone after Emma looks mentally exhausted and she nods.
“James? Diana? Hi, it’s Austin. I just wanted to reassure you that I’m taking care of our girl and taking all of the necessary steps to ensure he doesn’t get out of jail. My cousin, Walt, is a detective and has filed several charges against him and feels confident that between witness testimonies as well as parking lot footage from the store, he will receive significant jail time.”
“We are so grateful that you were there, Austin.” Diana says.
“So am I, I’d like to apologize for not getting there sooner. I have replayed the assault in my head time and time again and wish it had gone so differently.”
“Emma says that you almost killed him before taking care of her, so there’s no need to apologize.” James exclaims.
“I’ll be honest, if I had not been told to stop, I probably would have. I was so enraged that he ever laid a hand on her that I just couldn’t think of anything else. We will go to the doctor here in just a bit to check on her arm, and I promise to keep you guys informed.” I assure them.
After the phone call, I help Emma up and inside.
“Thank you.” Emma kisses me on the cheek.
“Not a problem, Darlin’. Eat up.” I gesture toward the food as I refill her coffee mug.
“Thanks for breakfast as well, but I meant talking to my parents. My dad almost lost his mind. I was running out of steam trying to reassure them and stop them from coming here.” 
“I can’t say I wouldn’t be the same way if it was our daughter in your position. Heaven forbid.”
Emma smiles sweetly. “Our daughter?”
I smirk at her and nod. “You like the sound of that or somethin’?”
“I do.” Those two words coming out of her mouth make me bite back a smile. God, I hope she’ll be saying them to me sooner rather than later.
“Me too, Sugar. You have no idea how much.” I reply before getting lost in the idea of a beautiful little blue-eyed baby girl that looks like her momma.
We eat our breakfast and get dressed before heading to the local urgent care. I know they have an x-ray machine and after the typical hour wait they take her back and examine her injury. It’s determined that she does have a hairline fracture but it shouldn’t need any additional care outside of a cast. She’s referred to an orthopedist next week for a more permanent cast and Emma is not pleased that she’ll have one for the next few weeks, already thinking of ways to convince the doctor that a temporary cast will be much more realistic considering her job. I call Nana on the way back from the doctor and let her know we’re going to head that way to pick up the dogs. I think some snuggles with Mills and Aika will help lift Emma’s spirits. We make our way to the farm and park and I help Emma out of the truck before the front door comes flying open and Nana comes flurrying out.
“Oh, thank God you’re okay!” Nana scuttles down the stairs and I turn thinking she’s going to give me a hug but she blows right past me and wraps Emma up in a tight hug. I can’t help but chuckle at Emma’s face who was clearly not expecting that either.
“I’m okay, Nana. Thanks to Austin of course.” She says and smirks at me.
“I’ve been so worried but Austin begged me to let you rest otherwise I would have been up at your house cooking and cleaning or whatever you needed.”
“Thank you, Nana. I appreciate it. Austin has been taking great care of me though. He’s been amazing.”
“Good. I should hope so.”
“Hi Nana. Nice to see you too.” I joke as she’s been ignoring my presence.
“Hi son.” She answered. Even though I’m their grandson, PawPaw always called me that when I was growing up and working with him on the farm and it kind of just became their nickname for me. I guess because he only had a daughter and my dad never stuck around, he considered me like a son that he could pass all of his knowledge too. Mark never really cared much for working at the farm and believe me, there were times when I hated it as well, but I found the tranquility in being able to mentally detach and build something or fix something tangible as well as working with the animals. Mark was more of the philosophical type who filled his time with school studies or high school girlfriends. I relished being outside and my PawPaw never missed a single football game growing up. Maybe that’s why I stayed so close with my grandparents even after the military sent me away for so many years.
I’m brought back to reality from my thoughts when the screen porch door creaks open with PawPaw sending the pups out to us. I immediately catch the ball of fluff running straight towards us to keep him from jumping on Emma. Mills’s tail is wagging so hard he almost falls over from his excitement. Aika is a bit slower but still just as happy to see us and receive all of the attention and scratches.
“Hi PawPaw.” I greet him as he makes his way down the stairs.
“Hi son. I held the hounds off as long as I could but they heard you and were just pitiful not being able to get to ya.” 
“How much has Nana spoiled them while they were here?” I ask.
“I didn’t!” I hear Nana interrupt her conversation with Emma to defend herself.
“The woman boiled them chicken for supper. Seasoned it and everything. Damn dogs had a feast fit for humans last night. Not to mention she gave them a treat for simply ‘looking cute’ or not barking at the chickens.” PawPaw mutters with a shake of his head and I can’t help but laugh.
“That sounds about right. I’m betting they don’t even want to come back home.” I chuckle as we all head up the stairs into the house. 
“Well she’s back on her soapbox about how she needs a dog now so maybe just let them visit overnight and I can keep holding her off. I’ve got too many animals to feed and tend to without adding more.”
“I’ll bring ‘em over for her to spoil rotten sometime in the next week or so.” I tell him and PawPaw just winks at me.
“Now, clue us in on everything that happened please. Your PawPaw never asks questions and I’ve got about a million of ‘em.”
I look at Emma and she nods giving me silent permission to tell them what happened.
“Emma has an ex who treated her badly while she was in Alabama and she got a restraining order against him. After she moved here, he tracked her down somehow and I called Walt who helped us arrest him for breaking the restraining order. We set her up with security cameras and an alarm system at her home which gave us both peace of mind when she wasn’t with me. He apparently has been following her and was able to somehow find that we were at the store where he attempted to kidnap her in the parking lot. I got to him and knocked him unconscious, and Walt was able to file several charges against him. He fractured Emma’s wrist in the scuffle and she’s supposed to go next week for a temporary cast which she’s not too thrilled about. That’s about it.”
“Oh, heavens. I can’t imagine how scared you must have been, sweetheart.” Nana coos at Emma who nods somewhat embarrassed. “I was. I’m so glad Austin was there and he’s been absolutely amazing. I just worry about him getting in trouble over it.”
“I told ya, Sugar, if he presses charges I’ve got witnesses and video footage to prove it was warranted. I wish I had done worse, honestly.”
“Ya should’ve just smashed his head in.” Nana mutters.
“Nana, what would the church think?” I playfully scoff and we all bust out laughing except PawPaw who just cracks a smile.
“I don’t answer to the church, I answer to the good Lord above and I think he might be okay with that since you were protecting your woman.” She says sassily and I can’t help but shake my head at her.
“You’re something else, Nana.” 
Before we can take the dogs home, Nana practically forces us to eat cookies that she’s made.
She packages them up along with the food that she made at lunch and sends us home with about eight different containers of food, one of which is labeled for the dogs. I load it all in the truck before putting the dogs in the backseat and going back to say goodbye to my grandparents and help Emma in.
I smile as Emma hugs PawPaw tightly and thanks him for helping us the other day.
“Y’all are family, and we’ll always be there if you need us. That goes for either one of ya.” He says and Emma looks flabbergasted to have PawPaw include her in a statement so loving. Those were rare from PawPaw.
“Thank you. We would do anything for y’all too and I’m so grateful to have y’all in my corner.” She smiles shyly at him before Nana scoops her into another hug with promises about lunch next Sunday.
I hug PawPaw tightly and then Nana telling them both that we love them before helping Emma into the truck and heading out. Emma is silent looking out of the window as we make our way down the long drive and when I finally get her attention I see a tear running down her cheek.
“Sugar, what’s wrong? You hurtin’?” I ask thinking either her period or her arm are bothering her.
“No, I’m just grateful. Your grandparents accepted me without any questions even with the drama that follows me. I’ve never had that with anyone other than my parents. Colin’s family tolerated me at best, but they didn’t like that I wasn’t wealthy like them. I wasn’t raised in prestigious private schools and country clubs. I always felt out of place or looked down upon. Your grandparents have met me a few times and seem to fully accept me as part of your family and it’s just the most loving feeling.”
“Aw, babygirl, they do love you. I have no doubt that both of those two old folks would drop everything they were doing if you needed them. You’re part of this family.” I entangle our fingers together as I hold her hand.
“It’s just overwhelming to be accepted so quickly, just as myself.” She says.
“Well, you are. I haven’t brought a woman home in years, not since I was in my early twenties. My grandparents are a great judge of character. Nana is very outspoken both good and bad and with PawPaw, I can just tell by his demeanor when he’s pleased or disappointed in me. I knew he liked you after that first lunch when he hugged you. He’s never felt necessary to conform to southern social niceties, which means he did that because he genuinely wanted too. I think they are honestly so grateful that you put up with my stubborn ass that they are hoping to convince you to stick around.” I joke and Emma smirks.
“You’re more than a handful. I’d say a mouth and two handfuls to be exact.” She crudely insinuates and I almost choke on my own saliva which causes her to giggle.
“Sugar, you surprise me at every turn. You’re this sweet innocent thing one minute and then your joking about taking my dick in your mouth the next. You’re the whole damn package.”
“I could say the same about you.” She sweetly giggles.
“I love you.”
“I love you more, baby.”
The following week has arrived and Emma has somehow convinced the orthopedist to use the hard cast for the next three weeks before moving to a temporary, removable brace. Her charm apparently knows no bounds. She isn’t thrilled about wearing the cast, claiming she feels like she’s back in high school after she broke her ankle from a cheer accident, but I can’t help but smile when she comes in with a blue cast on her forearm.
“Want me to sign it? I promise I won’t draw pornographic stick figures where anyone can see them.” I joke and she rolls her eyes with a gentle shove against me. 
“Not a chance. I’m already mortified that I have to wear it for the next three weeks. I don’t need any additional attention being put on it.”
“I think you look cute.” I kiss her forehead.
“You won’t think that when you’re having to help me put a bag on it just to shower tonight.”
“I promise, I will.”
While Emma is at work, I make an appointment in the next town over. Walt had asked if I wanted to get a beer sometime this week, but instead, I asked him to meet me for lunch. We met up at a fast food restaurant, called Milo’s, where we grabbed some food.
“What are we doing in Bouldin Creek for lunch?” Walt asks as he takes a bite out of his burger.
“There’s a jewelry shop here I need to go to and I figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Plan on getting yourself some new earrings?” He jokes.
“Plan on picking up an engagement ring I’ve been looking at online.” 
“Atta boy.” Walt says as he pops a fry into his mouth.
“Hopefully it’s the right one.” I say as I overthink what’s about to be a very large purchase, and I’ve never talked to Emma about her jewelry preferences.
“I’m sure it will be. When are you planning to pop the question?”
“I haven’t gotten that far. Still stuck on the how to ask the question.” I mumble. I’ve always been a very confident person, but I really don’t want to fuck this up.
“Well, when I asked Angie, I took her out do dinner. I don’t think I’d do that again. If she turned me down that would have sucked in front of everyone. But, we’re divorced so don’t take my advice.” 
“Noted.” I smirk and he punches my arm across the table.
“Don’t be a dick. I was young and in love. You’re just old and in love.” 
“I’m two years younger than you, asshole.”
“Yeah, and I’m old which makes you old too. Can you even get down on one knee?”
I flip him off and he chuckles.
“Yes, I can. I was thinkin’ about maybe just taking her on a picnic or something. Watching the sunset maybe? I don’t even know what I should say but I want to make it romantic for her.”
“Let’s go get the ring and we can brainstorm.”
“Thanks man. Any new updates with Colin?” I ask as we head towards my truck.
“He’s still sitting in jail waiting on the court date in two weeks to determine if he receives bail. We’re obviously making a case for him being a flight risk and asking for him to remain in jail, but I can’t predict what the judge will do. He’s got some outlandish claims which of course haven’t been backed up with evidence.”
“And what are those claims?”
Walt sighs knowing I’m going to get even more pissed off. “He claimed that Emma called him asking him to meet her there and rescue her from you. It’s obvious bullshit and he has no proof that there was ever a call. He’s just trying to save his ass.”
“Rescue her from me?” 
“I told you it was bullshit, man.”
“Jesus. The guy is even more of a pussy than I had imagined. Can’t take accountability for anything it seems. I plan on being there in court, but Emma hasn’t decided what she wants to do yet. I think it’ll be too hard on her to be there but if she wants to go I’m not going to stop her.”
“Well, maybe its best if you both stay away. I’ll be there and can let you know what happens. I think you’ll both just get angry and that’s not what either of you need right now. Why don’t you take her on a trip or something?”
“I’ll think about it. A trip might be a nice distraction from things.”
“Maybe take her somewhere and propose. The mountains, beach, tropical vacation? You’ve traveled more than me so I’m sure you have a better idea.”
“If by traveling, you mean in a damn cargo plane out to the desert, then sure. I have no desire to vacation in Afghanistan.” I joke and Walt rolls his eyes.
We head into the jewelry store and with mine and Walt’s careful opinion, I select the ring that I plan to propose to Emma with. We’ve only been together for a handful of months, but when you know you know, right? I don’t want to waste any more time just on the conventional approach. I have never felt like this with anyone before and I feel like my once in a lifetime, soulmate connection actually came to true. I want her to be mine, officially, if she’ll have me. 
That evening, Emma is home when I get back and I quickly and discreetly hide the ring with my ammunition on the top shelf of the closet knowing that she would never look there and she’s not tall enough to reach it without a stool. She hasn’t stayed at her house since the kidnapping attempt, claiming she just wants to be here with me. I decide to broach the subject over dinner.
“You still serious about wanting to move in here with me?” I ask and without hesitation Emma nods.
“Not because you’re scared of being alone, though right?” “No baby, I’ll admit you’ve helped keep the nightmares away but this just feels like home. It has from the moment I first came here and you being here is the main reason. Though if you want me too, I can go back to mine.”
“Not a chance in hell, Sugar. I want you here constantly with me. That’s why I was hoping we could discuss officially moving ya in and how to make that happen?”
She smiles and I grin back at her.
“I’d love too. What about the furniture?”
“Well, the guest rooms upstairs are empty and you have the eye for interior design. You can replace anything I’ve got in here if you’d like, except for a few sentimental things of my mama’s. Just tell me what you want to do and we’ll make it happen.”
“I don’t have a lot of stuff anyway. Should we list my house?”
“Let’s get it empty first so we’re not in a rush and then we can list it if you want too.”
“I can’t believe I’m actually going to live here with you.”
“I can’t believe I talked you into it, roomie. Let’s start this weekend. I don’t want to await any longer.” I smirk at her and she giggles.
“I also wanted to talk to you about maybe taking a vacation?”
“Where’d you have in mind?” She asks as she picks up her wine glass.
“Honestly, anywhere. I haven’t been on a true honest to God vacation in almost a decade and I’d like to take you somewhere and have some time with just us if you’re up for it.”
“I’d love too!”
“Maybe the beach? We could drive down and spend a week out in the sun.”
“That sounds perfect. I haven’t been to the beach in at least two years.” She says.
“Well, buy yourself some cute little bikinis and I’ll plan the whole thing, alright Sugar?”
“Oh, I’ll buy some bikinis, don’t you worry.” She sasses and I’m already itching to book this vacation and get us away from all obligations and responsibilities. If I plan it right, maybe I can use this as my opportunity to make a romantic proposal.
Emma, the beach, and a bed is all I need. I’m about to be one happy man.
Part 16
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
Alright, since I’m a big ball of stressy-drepressy lately, I was wondering how Jake would help Sugar through a day that she’s just not feeling it. ♥️ luv u fren.
I hope you like this bb! it's a little bit more descriptive, I hope you don't mind.
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 1.9k
warnings: migraines, bad moods
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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You’re not sure how it started, but whenever you were feeling down in the blues you always scampered off to Jake’s room. It was so big and open and he always had the fireplace on so it felt cozy all the time. His pillows were the fluffiest you’ve ever felt and the whole place smelled of him, rich and musky. Even with the fireplace on, his comforter was cool on your skin. 
The day started off bad as soon as you woke up because you slept through your alarm. It was also Rhea’s day off and Jake’s early day to fly so you were in the house alone. It’s been a bit stormy lately and the wind kept you up from outside your window. It must have hit a power line or something because the coffeemaker was off when you got into the kitchen thus the coffee was cold and tepid. 
You planned on taking a shower before work but now you were running late and your hair looked so gross. Even the luxurious dry shampoo couldn’t save the mess of your head so you opted for a messy bun. Then you got frustrated because your messy bun wasn’t the right type of messy. 
“Miss y/n?” Reynolds called to you from downstairs and you were rushing again to get dressed. 
When you were finally ready you asked Reynolds if you could stop at the coffee shop near Jake’s house before going to the shop and he said yes. That didn’t end up happening because the drive-thru line was obnoxiously long and Serena texted you that there were a ton of people in the store already wanting to do orders. 
Your stomach grumbled and you wanted one of Rhea’s muffins. 
The wind was still horrendous and you could smell rain, the clouds were dark and gray which matched your mood perfectly as you walked into the shop. Recognizing you, customers started bombarding you with questions and shoving phones in your face of what type of arrangement they needed. 
The back of your neck began to throb signifying the onslaught of a migraine. 
It’s going to be a long day.
By the time you got home your feet ached, your arms ached, you had bandaids on six of your fingers from thorns and yanking off leaves and your head was killing you. You worked through lunch and you know you didn’t drink as much water as you should have. The storm kept rumbling in the distance which only made you more antsy because the lights flickered every now and then in the shop.
Dom assured you he’d check that the back-up generators were up and running before he closed up. He sent you home early because he could tell how miserable you are. 
The whole drive home you were battling with yourself whether or not to text Jake asking if he could pick up food from your favorite restaurant. You don’t want to seem needy but he told you to ask him for whatever you’d like. Would he be bothered? What if he had a bad day and wanted to come home and relax and your request pissed him off? 
Not wanting to make him mad you stare at the contents of the fridge for a good twenty minutes before you nibble on some pasta salad. Your head was still killing you and you just felt so sad and tired and exhausted and your body ached–
It was like your feet were on auto pilot as you trudged up the stairs, down the hall past your room and walked right into Jake’s. The remote for the fireplace was on his nightstand so you pushed the button to turn it on, the flames engulfed the space quickly as wind roared on outside. You bit your lip as you contemplated going to his bed or the big couch on the other side of the fireplace.
You decided on the couch, it had a huge knit blanket that felt like a hug and you could watch a movie on the tv up above the fireplace. You settle in and pick some romcom from the early 2000s you haven’t seen in a while and wait for Jake to come home. 
Twenty minutes into the movie you hear the front door open and close and then torrential rain is hitting the windows. You keep your eyes on the characters in the movie but peek at the doorway waiting for Jake. Your head is pounding as loud as your heart as you wait for him, neck aching, body aching…aching for him. 
Jake finally appears in the doorway, his hair wet from rain and his flight suit is tied around his waist so the white shirt he has on is spotted with rain drops. In his hands is a carrying tray with two strawberry shakes and the other holding a big bag that you recognize from your favorite restaurant. 
“Reynolds told me you weren’t having a good day. I’m sorry I’m late, the roads are terrible and the line at the drive-thru was long. I got all of your favorites, and the dessert they had is the chocolate pudding you love so I got extras,” he explains making his way over to you. 
He sets the goodies on the coffee table in front of you then kneels on the floor, resting his elbows on your blanket covered body. 
“I thought I’d find you here. Migraine?” he asks and you nod. “Did you take anything?” A shake of the head. “I’ll get your medicine and peppermint oil. Start eating and I’ll change, okay?” 
He stretches forward to kiss your cheek, he smells like rain and then he’s gone. As he leaves, he yanks his shirt up and over his head; your tummy flutters at seeing his muscular back. You force yourself to sit up and grab your shake, the hearty sip and sweet strawberry flavor makes your taste buds sing. The coolness of the shake also feels good in your throat. 
Jake returns in gray sweats and a different t-shirt, his NAVY one that you secretly have a favor towards. The color looks wonderful against his skin. A small tub of lotion and bottle of peppermint oil is in hand, he keeps it in his bathroom because you normally retreat in his room during bad headaches. He likes to be prepared.
He touches your shoulder and you shift forward so he can sit behind you on the couch, it’s big enough that you can fit comfortably. He places your medicine on the table.
“Your head might feel better if you take out the knot of your bun, Sugar,” he says softly knowing loud noises hurt your head. 
“It’s all gross,” you shake your head which makes the throbbing pain worse.
“Want me to wash it?” his fingers probe at the base of your neck and up your head, his thumbs rubbing with just the right pressure to alleviate the pain. 
“How would you do that?”
“Well, I have a pretty nice tub in my bathroom…or yours,” he muses, continuing to rub your head. You continue to suck up your shake. 
“Maybe later,” you sigh.
“Okay,” he kisses the back of your neck delicately. His lips are cold and you sigh.
“Stay there for a minute .... lips are nice and cold.”
You feel his smile on your neck as he kisses you again and keeps his lips there, skimming them over your neck gently. The tip of his nose is also cold and you relax a bit from the temperature change. He pulls your shirt down a little so he can kiss even lower past your neck and onto your back. 
“Ready for the peppermint?”
“Mhm,” you hum and his lips are gone. 
He unscrews the lid of the lotion, you faintly pay attention because now that you’ve got some shake in you, you’re paying more attention to the movie onscreen. You can tell he adds the peppermint because you smell it, that even helps your head a little. 
Jake’s hands are cold as he presses the peppermint coated lotion onto your neck and he begins to massage you again. His fingers knead gently at your cranium, up into your hair and down to your shoulders, his thumbs paying extra special attention at the center of your head. A soft moan escapes and you tilt your head forward so he can really rub at the taut muscle. 
“I’m sorry you had a bad day,” he murmurs. 
“Everything just went wrong. This is helping…”
“Good. What movie are we watching?”
“50 First Dates.”
“That’s a good one.”
“It’s almost over…what do you want to watch next?”
“How about The Princess Bride?”
“As you wish,” you tease, quoting the movie. The throbbing in your head lessens but you grab your medicine and take it with your shake. “How was your day?”
“Busy, we kept waiting to fly but the storm prevented it. Had to stay grounded and I kept thinking of you.”
He massaged your head until the movie ended and joined you in eating the dinner he brought home. You selected his movie of choice, which was also one of your favorites, and cuddled up on the couch, he slipped under the big blanket with you and you rested your head on his chest. Jake’s fingers played with your hair and unworked the hair tie.
“No, my hair is gross–”
“Shush, I don’t care. I bet that feels better, huh?” he asks. The tightness is released and you burrow further into his chest. You start to skim your fingers over his forearm, creating designs. He sighs.
“What?” you ask stopping your tickling.
“That feels nice,” he sighs, his cheek pressing to the top of your head. “Don’t stop.”
You smile into his shirt and start tickling his arm again, jumping slightly when thunder cracks.
“I know you hate it,” he says, running his fingers down your back and waist. “But I think I like when it rains.”
“Because that means you’ll be here with me.”
He squeezes your waist and you tilt your head so you’re looking up at him. He’s already looking at you. Feeling brave and bold, you place your hand at the back of his neck pulling him forward so you can touch your lips with his. It’s slow building, this kiss, his lips soft and supple giving you full control. You part your lips slightly but when you don’t feel his tongue against yours, you slip yours against his. 
Jake groans when your tongues connect and he shifts you up higher so you’re more level with him. Your leg is fully over his waist, both your arms around his neck. His kiss is giving you shivers all over, his hands hot on your waist and back as your shirt rides up a little from your movements. 
“You taste like strawberries,” you huff, breaking away to take a breath.
“So do you,” he smiles rubbing your nose with his. He moves his hand to cup your cheek, tracing his thumb over your lip. “How’s your head?”
“Better. Thank you,” you kiss his nose. 
“You’re welcome, Sugar. Let’s finish the movie, hm?”
You nod and fall back into your original position, lips buzzing from his kiss, heart hammering from how it made you feel. While you watch Wesley and Buttercup fall in love, you secretly hope it rains every day so you can be in Jake’s room all week.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Sweet as Pie (GN!Reader x Clark Kent)
Can we get a fic where Clark is a bumbling mess trying to as reader out on a date? Just him being so sweet and awkward and cute at the same time?
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Here's a little secret most people don't know about Clark.
He's a lot more like Clark Kent the mild-mannered reporter than he is Superman the alien superhero.
Sure, he plays up the act a lot.
He's not really that clumsy.
He is a little bit nervous and awkward, but his charm lies in his genuine sweetness and cheer.
He already gets to be a little bit more like normal with you - you don't work at the Daily Planet, and he met you at a coffee shop when there weren't any seats left on a crowded day.
Perry's drink order takes forever. He's very particular.
Lois sees coffee purely as fuel, but she hates the taste so she adds scads of cream and sugar when no one's looking - her order is a tall black coffee.
But you two got to talking, and when you met again, you invited him to sit with you.
So after a few conversations that get cut off by him having to leave, you ask him to hang out sometime when he won't have to go so suddenly.
And that's when he gets a little adorably flustered.
"Oh, I, uh... I'd like that. A lot. Most certainly."
You chuckle. "That so? How sweet?"
He blushes the color of a tomato.
It's not an official date, not really. Just hanging out, getting a bite to eat and visiting a bookstore.
Unbeknownst to you, Clark keeps getting disrupted by villains so he has to keep rescheduling the not-a-date.
But finally the calendars align.
Clark insists on paying. You tilt your head at him but then he just chuckles. "Sorry. My Ma just... taught me that whenever you invite someone out to eat, you should at least offer to pay for their meal."
"Sounds like you were taught well. Did you get to use that rule a lot?"
"Back in Smallville? Nah. I saved up a ton to take Lana Lang out, and I took Billy Crescent out a few times, but other than that, nope."
"Awww, you must have been so cute!"
He chokes a little on the tea he ordered - and smiles. "Careful, you'll flatter me and it'll all go to my head."
You grin back, and conversation resumes - Clark seems a little more comfortable, and your easy chat resumes at its usual pace.
The day goes by wonderfully. Clark and you have a great time at lunch and then at the bookstore.
And when it's time to head home, Clark seems to steel himself...
...only to lose his nerve.
"Hey." You chuckle back.
"Look, if I misread the situation, I totally understand and all, but... I really enjoyed our time together and I'd love to take you out again."
You open your mouth and he hurriedly interrupts.
"As a date! On a date. In the romantic sense."
You laugh. "Yeah, I kinda figured that part out."
"Oh." he grins. "I suppose I was a little obvious, eh?"
"I saw it comin' from a mile away."
"Well, then, I suppose I'm glad you understand me so well already."
"I look forward to our date, Clark." You wink, before getting in your cab.
Clark simply blinks back at you, stunned by the wink.
Later on, his demeanor will become more comfortable and even flirty, but these first few moments are filled with his adorable flustered expressions and stumbling.
Because deep down, Clark's just a bunny rabbit at heart.
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dutchess-of-fear · 1 year
Jonathan crane x reader
Warning: angst but fluffy at the end
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Jonathan crane was late again going back home, for the two weeks he had been coming home late whenever you are sleep and then goes off to work before you even wake up, you do understand the importance of his work at Arkham Asylum but this was getting ridiculous.
I decided to woke up a little early to talk to Jonathan, when you went to the kitchen he was surprised by you awake, "my dear? Why are you early up?" He then offer you coffee which you accepted "well apparently this is the only time to see you" I stated drinking the coffee that was quite too bitter for me, I heard him sigh for a bit as I went to add some sugar into my coffee.
"My dear you know how it is like working at a place like arkham, you would expect days I be gone for a long time at work" he began to explain his reasons but stopped talking when he see me upset by the lack of time we spent together, "look Jon.. I know this job takes a lot of time from us to be together I understand, but...I just like to see my boyfriend, from time to time" I replied placing my cup down on the kitchen counter and talking to him directly "but I have patients I have-"
"to work with and need you're upmost attention but don't you think you're girlfriend need just a small bit of attention too" I felt tears stinging my eyes as I try to hold them back.
I don't want to be like that's girls that are desperate for attention but now I started to act like them, Jonathan then held my hand in his and his other hand held my cheek as I look into my lovers eyes, "I'm so sorry, I made you feel this way, I try to be back home early as I can" he kiss me softly on my forehead as I relish in the feeling I had missed for so long, but it ended all too soon as he had to get to work, let's hope he kept his promise.
(Jonathan Crane Pov)
I promise (Y/N) that I be back early this time around but I don't think I won't be able to keep my promise if this Batman give ups, But is just wishes that will never come through.
But maybe my wish did came true as I had the chance to give him some of the fear gas, which in turn worked as it startedto take effect on him, and it was my chance to get away and run back to my home, I just hope (Y/N) isn't too mad.
The house was dark I check down on my watch and seen it was 11:35, weird she would be awake at this time, she must be tired, I unlocked the door and slowly got in and close the door behind me, I only realised I still have my scarecrow mask on so I need to get to the bathroom and remove my mask and hid my briefcase before she would find it in the morning.
I care for her too much to lose her now, "Jonathan you were late again" I suddenly heard for the living room 'shit!' I mentally said to myself  "I'm sorry my love I was late, I am just going to the bathroo-"
"No! Jonathan, you are going to explain to me what have you been doing that you are always late home?" She said and I can see in the dark, tears in her eyes and it hurt me seeing her like this.
"Are you cheating on me Jonathan?" My eyes widened as I look over to where she was in the living room "My darling would never, ever do that to you," I softy said to her hoping it will calm her, "then let me see your face so I know it's not true" she went over a switch the light on as I think of how do I explain this.
((Y/N) pov)
I turn the light on and saw my boyfriend with some sort of mask that would resemble some sort of scarecrow, I stood there confused as my boyfriend hung his head low, "Jonathan why do you have a scarecrow mask on? Are you- Uh.. you" I stumble over my words as I slowly go over to him as I lift the mask from his face, he didn’t had his glasses on as he looked sad 'is this what he was hiding from me? That he is the scarecrow?' I place my hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into my touch.
"Well at least I can say one thing...is that you didn't cheated" I softly spoke as he smiled very softly as he finally looked into my eyes "but this is a lot to take in" I said as I see the sadness in his eyes, I walked over to him and caress his cheek softly smiling to him
"but I am willing to accept for who you are and what you do and would stay by your side" his eyes brighten with happiness as he held my hands "thank you, and you should know I would never hurt you, your too precious to me" he said kissing my hands.
My heart began to rapidly beat and butterfly's appeared again inside me like the first time me and Jonathan met and I feel in love with my man even more "oh! Jonathan I know you wouldn't hurt me. I trust you very much" he then finally kissed me as he held me close, with this kiss it was feel with love and care for me, as I melted into the kiss leaving all the worries for another day.
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