#but when they do they make very silly faces and then tend to just lose all energy
bugdogg · 1 year
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it went from expression doodles to silly small ideas i wanted to put down to emotional stuff
also trying out these brushes i got back in like 2021
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
thinking about the scene between vex and percy at the end of campaign one where after over a hundred episodes of the two of them as snarky assholes (affectionate but factual) helping to fight dragons and gods, they both buckle under the weight of just. missing their families in a way that’s fresh to both of them in different ways, where percy finally has the room to admit what’s been taken from him and what he let himself lose in his commitment to vengeance (the ability to actually Grieve) and where vex just watched her brother walk into death off towards their mother. and it’s been a horrible day, and percy confesses that he was going to be a clockmaker, once.
and then, three decades later, we see the two of them elevated to a less accessible status through the eyes of bell’s hells, where they’re to be the judges whether laudna gets to come back, where The De Rolos™ are leaders and percy is a hardass and vex is a lady, except there’s an intricate clock tower in this Whitestone’s cityscape, except ashton goes to punch a statue bust and several brown bears occupy his surrounding environment. and vex sees a face not unlike her own that was killed precisely for that fact and commits to helping her and percy sees a face too much like his own and gives them a hard time until he’s standing surrounded by the crushed glass of his home and offering genuine advice about how to move forward.
and to me what was so compelling about vex and percy both as individuals and as two people who fell in love with each other was that they both had walls for different reasons that functioned in very similar ways where they didn’t have to admit the things they knew/felt were missing in themselves. but by the end of their campaign those walls aren’t gone but they have, like, doors and windows now or something. and that’s present when we see them again from the more removed view of campaign 3, percy’s harshness softens for his daughter, vex helps bell’s hells but also ensured that should laudna bring delilah back then whitestone was protected and, god!!!! they’re perfect delicious characters genuinely and the way that matt makes the duality that defines those characters (and their relationship and whitestone itself) where they are stoic and cold and harsh but they’re also warm and kind and silly. that’s narrative that’s character creation and development that’s environmental storytelling that’s to be loved (and to love) is to be changed.
sorry but tonight’s 4sd has been fantastic and the group talking about the inherent shittiness of whitestone’s geographic and historic placement and the resonance of seeing vex and percy and percy’s advice to ashton has me thinking so many thought’s because. what if whitestone was already tending towards uninhabitability and what if it got worse when the briarwoods diminished even the warmth the sun tree could provide but. what if the last son of the ruling family returned and what if he fell in love and that was enough not to cancel out the harshness of whitestone but to amend it and add something to it. something something the mistress of the grey hunt protects whitestone from the harshness of the parchwood, something something percy’s speech to vex about why he gave her the one title she’d have to earn, something something vex was already doing the work of the mistress of the grey hunt simply by caring about and standing by percy — even before it was love — in the face of orthax and the briarwoods and death blast coffins and deals with devils.
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sigh-tofm · 11 days
if you’re asexual… (18+)
… price
- understands.
- respects your limits to the fullest. asks ‘is this ok?’ or ‘can i touch you here?’ a lot in the beginning, until you sit him down and explain that you’re not made of glass. he can touch and hold and kiss you like he would any other partner, just not shove his hand down your pants or flip your skirt up to get access to you.
- fills your relationship with domesticity instead. has your tea ready and brewing when you get up in the morning and knows exactly how you like the bed to be made. holds your hand when you’re out shopping and buys the special brand of cookies that you like. doesn’t watch ahead on your shared tv-shows and always cuddles you on the sofa.
- if you’re sex neutral/positive, he loves messy blowjobs and getting to fuck you silly in missionary. he’s a little bit of a dom and also completely whipped for his wife.
… kyle
- understands.
- does not push it. does not even attempt to initiate anything. lets you have all the control. after a couple long conversations where you explain your needs and limits, he’s all set. once he knows how he can best spend time with you, that’s all he needs. it’s actually a little refreshing to have a partner not chomping at the bit to jump his bones (curse of looking like an angel).
- gains a newfound appreciation for the sensual aspect of your relationship. running his fingertips over the stretchmarks on your hips, playing with ice cubes on your bare back, admiring the indents ropes makes across your skin after it’s been left on you a while. there’s no penetration, no orgasms, just two people exploring each other together.
- if you’re sex neutral/positive, kyle loves the lotus position. thinks it’s the peak of sexual intimacy and absolutely adores being face to face so up close.
… johnny
- understands (after a little while).
- has a mini crisis because he thinks this means you’re not attracted to him. you explain that’s not true, you actually find him super hot, but that you just don’t want to sleep with him. that it feels like a chore to you, like doing dishes. not horrible, but maybe a little gross and just something you’d just rather not do.
- embraces the romantic side of your relationship. loves the intimacy, getting to hold and kiss you. drapes over your back like a warm cloak when you chop vegetables at the kitchen counter and just enjoys the closeness. finds a new peace in himself he hasn’t felt for years.
- if you’re sex neutral/positive, he loves it when you ride him or tease him with your hand. still a complete maniac if he really lets lose. loves getting to let lose with you.
… simon
- understands.
- is almost relieved. has always had a complicated relationship to sex. knowing that you don’t want it from him settles some part of him that’s been restless and anxious for years. chaste kisses on the lips and constant handholding become your new normal. is very matter of factly about it if he does ask you for sex.
- finds that he most of all just wants to spend time with you. follows you around like a lost dog, no matter what you do. always comes to run errands with you or sits in the shade outside while you work in the garden. even when you get up to pee at night, he lumbers after you and stays just outside the bathroom door, squinting at the dim light. you’re so used to it that it’s second nature when he catches the bottom of your sleep shirt and lets you guide him back to bed. feels so at peace when you’re close by.
- if you’re sex neutral/positive, simon will sometimes ask if he can eat you out or if you can lay back on the kitchen table so he can fuck you. you tend to oblige.
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wintersera · 9 months
countdown || winter x g!p reader
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notes: I KNOW MY ASS SHOULDVE PLANNED AHEAD, but anyways it’s out! i didn’t expect to write this much tbh but we move. reader is also an idol btw and an 02 liner
cw: g!p reader, switch!minjeong, switch!reader, exhibitionism, little bit of begging
wc: 3.9k
“have a very happy new years. everyone stay healthy and eat well. oh! and don’t forget to greet your friends and family a happy new years as well!”
that was it, the end of the new years event. all the cameras were turned off as you and your label mates wished the fans a happy new years. you, in the middle of the youngest and oldest of le sserafim, waved at the fans and blew them all a kiss before you were led by the hand of your leader, kim chaewon, to the bottom of the stage. but you couldn’t leave your fans without saying another goodbye. you let go of your leaders hand and ran back on to the stage throwing a heart sign to one of your favourite fansites before chaewon shouted at you to come back “okaayy okay, wait a second unnnie” laughing at your leader increasingly losing her patience.
“lee y/n, hurry up we need to go” her brows furrowed a little while eunchae pointed out the crease in chaewon’s brows. she cracked up way too much “hong eunchae, it really isn’t that funny” she didn’t say much after that, she just held onto yunjin’s shoulder in attempts to surpress the laughter “sorry unnie, you just looked a little silly”
once you had gotten changed out of your stage outfits and into your casual clothes, that being an oversized black hoodie and your pants that you wore almost everytime you went outside, the staff members called you towards them, making you sit down on their chair so they could get you out of the makeup. removing your stage makeup was a hassle, getting those coloured contacts weren’t for the weak, although you should be used to it by now. it took a long time to get everything off, including the extra accessories that were wrapped around you like crazy. but anyways, you finished up washing your face before sitting down to wait for the other members. since you were the first one to be done, and you tend to get bored easily, you wander around the halls looking for something to do, whether it be finding an idol friend of yours to record a silly video, or just to chat to one of the staff members, you needed to do something to cure your boredom.
by chance you saw kim minjeong, your girlfriend, aimlessly walking around the place much like you were doing. now was the perfect time to ask her to come see you after she had gotten out of her performance outfit.
you hadn’t seen minjeong in what felt like years, it was a few months and you saw eachother when she flew back to korea calm down. being so busy with her world tour and her two comebacks this year, you only managed to go on a few dates this year, and sometimes when she did have breaks, you were busy because of your tight schedule as well. since her groups comeback, ‘drama’, you didn't see her for a good two months. did it hurt? absolutely, you missed seeing her, missed her touch, her smile, her everything.
luckily she was here, approaching you actually… wait she walking here? snapping out of your little daydream, you realise that minjeong was right infront of you.
“what’s up with you? you look like a lost puppy”
“oh wait, hi jeongie” smiling wide at her, yeah you looked like a puppy in her eyes to be honest “i was about to ask you something you came at the right time because i was about to ask you a question” you say while playing with the hem of your hoodie “so… you know how we haven’t seen eachother in months right? i was just thinking about spending some time with you somewhere after you get changed”
“where exactly?” she asks with curiosity. not so much questioning you in a bad way, just curious of what you had planned. she tilts her head to the side, wanting to charm her way into you giving her an answer, it didn’t work, although she was very cute.
“you’re not tricking me with your little head tilt” chuckling as your face turns light pink “it’s a surprise you dummy. just text me when you’re done and i’ll come to your dressing room” she nodded her head and gave you a peck on the cheek before she walked away satisfied by seeing how bright your face got. you weren’t exactly discreet with your relationship anyways, people were shipping you before the two of you were dating, for some reason, which made it easier for you to carry out skinship whenever you’d meet up in public. meaning that small kisses on the cheek, hand holding and hugs meant that the fans thought you were queer baiting aggressively, oh they were so wrong.
“i’ll see you later loser”
a good twenty minutes go by and you were waiting outside of aespa’s changing room, phone in hand just in case minjeong called or texted. the stylists really took their sweet time trying to get minjeong out of the stage outfit she was wearing, i mean to be honest, it did look like her dress took time to put on, especially with those strings and stuff at the back, and the various other little things that were included in the fit. a couple more minutes and she comes outside, surprised that you were to her side when she opened the door “oh, hi. thought you we’re gonna wait outside the building”
“well, i thought it would be better to wait for you here. and also because it’s warm in here” you reply back to her.
minjeong wore this casual white skirt despite the weather being cold, it was a little too short as well, but it’s not like she cared about it anyways, she had a hoodie to wear as well so i guess she was fine, she also had these white leg warmers to keep her from shaking, although you didn’t understand how leg warmers could keep her toasty. she looked pretty, really really pretty that it made you think of a ton of inappropriate things, that could wait for later though “i’m gonna go ask your manager a question, i already got the green light from mine, and i’m hoping, HOPING, your manager agrees” you dramatically throw your hands in the air, looking up to the sky. minjeong just looks at you like you’re stupid, although she loves how playful and reactive you can get when it comes to her. she nods accordingly, allowing you to go into the changing rooms “stay here pleeaaseee”
“what for?” she throws another questioning look at you.
“a surprise, you’ll see” smiling at her cheekily. you knock at aespa’s door, they open and greet you with a ‘heyyy’ you close the door checking if minjeong was listening “minjeong step away from the door”
“aw mannnnn”
you spend a couple of minutes explaining the plan to minjeong’s manager, she agreed that it would be a good idea, and since aespa didn’t have anything scheduled for the next week, you could take minjeong out on a silly little birthday thing with the help of your manager. you came out successful, a smile on your face as you look at minjeong “come on, follow me babe” minjeong follows you eagerly, hand in hand as her manager bids you two a fun night, maybe she got the implications of to why you booked a night at a fancy hotel, well you hope she didn’t, that would be kinda…. strange, but besides the point, you walked to your waiting room for your manager.
“are you for real gonna take the managers car?”
“you know i can’t drive YET, and plus, if i get an uber that’s gonna cost me so much money, y’know they’re overpriced” your manager was sat there waiting for you and minjeong, crossed legged and everything “are you ready to go yet?” your manager asks “oh yeah, we’re ready” pushing herself off of the chair, your manager escorts the both of you two the company car.
after ten minutes of driving towards the hotel, it should’ve taken five but your manager got lost trying to navigate the car down a street. you don’t know how she ended up in that damn street, but google maps said otherwise, you finally end up at the reception desk waving goodbye to your manager that dropped you off “a hotel? and a really… pricey one?” again, questioning you.
“only the best for my favourite unnie~” you jokingly teased her, although you were younger by a year, she’d told you not to call her unnie after you had gotten closer, excluding the times you met on camera and during the times you met while you were still on the job and in public, of course.
“yes ma’am!” you chuckle.
“that’s not any better” hitting you lightly on the shoulder.
after speaking with the receptionist about your room, she gave you the keycard and gracefully pointed towards the elevators where the guy who carries peoples luggage smiled sweetly at you, even though you didn’t have big ass bags or anything, he offered to carry your handbags. you respectfully declined as you didn’t have much to carry anyways, but he kept insisting. besides the porter being too much of a nice guy, you ended up on the highest floor of the hotel, the fifth floor to be exact. not too high and not too low, just enough to see the sky clearly and just enough for people not being able to recognise you both when you step out into the balcony.
finally stepping into the room, minjeong was greeted with a small cake on top of the room's table that you bought from one of her favourite bakeries. written on it was ‘happy 23rd birthday minjeong’ accompanied by a small little smiley face next to the text that you personally drew on yourself. she noticed a few balloons in the corners and a few more decorations here and there.
“you did this? for me?” fighting back the urge to have this big loser grin on her face.
“like it?” worried that she wasn’t gonna enjoy something so sudden for her birthday. your hands reach the hem of your hoodie again, bunching the fabric up
“i-i do like it, i love it actually. why the expensive hotel though?
“i thought it would be nice to celebrate elsewhere and um…” your face heated up at the thought of explaining why you exactly booked a hotel, specifically at night, and on her birthday “well… i haven’t seen you in so long, i missed you a lot and so, y’know, hotel room.. you and me… alone. i mean we don’t need to do anything, i-i just wanted to spend some time wi-“ minjeong cut you off, pressing her hand against your lips.
she giggles “thank you y/n, i’ve missed you a lot too. the whole tour and the comeback… it’s been like a few months since we haven’t seen each other, i’ll make it up to you” she leans in closer and closer. you weren’t even inside the room properly yet, both you and minjeong were still standing at the entrance. you wasted no time and dragged minjeong towards the bed, you sitting down on the edge while minjeong straddles your lap. her lips grazed against yours gently. the kiss was slow, steady and loving. minjeong’s small giggles as she presses her lips continuously on yours made your heart skip a few beats, god she was so cute. tiny little whimpers fell from her mouth as you relax into her touches. the feeling of your own body made minjeong moan, she loved feeling your curves, quite frankly she loved touching everywhere. from your neck, down to your collarbone, your arms, waist, hips, thighs, your entire body really.
the kiss gradually turned passionate, with minjeong grinding on your lower half while she deepens the kiss. her eyes opened, half lidded as she took your face in her hands and stared at your dazed expression. her lips parted again, smashing her lips onto yours as she kept rocking against your bulge “mmmngh… minjeong” you whined into her mouth, your bulge growing extremely hard and becoming undoubtedly uncomfortable against the fabric of your pants.
without even saying a word, minjeong gets off your lap, complaining to her that you miss her touch already, she laughs a little, the dissatisfied look on your face made her crack up knowing that she would clearly tend to your needs regardless. she knelt down at your legs, parting them open and slotting herself in between your thighs, face way too close to your crotch “jeongie?” you weakly call out for her.
“hm? what is it” jerking her head up while her hand reaches around to tease your cock.
“please” you whisper loud enough for her to hear you, but also quiet enough so that you wouldn’t get so embarrassed “i’m… feeling shy” that came as a surprise to minjeong, usually because you were the one making her feel embarrassed.
“hahah, cute. y/n we’ve done this so many times before, you’re so full of surprises today, aren't you” she says as she unzips your pants slowly. the adrenaline made your head feel fuzzy, after all it’s been months since you were intimate with her. your breath became shaky as she finally took your pants off, your hand covering your face as she fiddled with the elastic band of your briefs “relax y/n, i’ll make you feel good” finally pulling them down. your hard cock sprung up making minjeong exhale. she licked her lips hungrily, paying attention to how you were twitching without her even touching you.
“hurrryyy, minjeong i need you” your desperation was as clear as daylight. the way minjeong stared at you like a dumb puppy made you want to take her head and shove your cock so deep into her throat, but it was her birthday so you let her have control… for now. she acted dumb, asking how you wanted her, as if it wasn’t obvious enough. you pleaded, begged for her to use her mouth which you missed so much “jeongie, mouth… please” you whined. it didn’t help as she was having too much fun with teasing you, a smug smirk on her face, and if you weren’t on cloud nine already, you would’ve noticed a mischievous glint in her eye.
“hmmm, beg for it again. you sound so cute when you say please” she noted your uncharacteristic shyness and took advantage on it, laughing while she looks you straight in the eye. again, you covered your face, turning your head to look at the wall instead of her.
“don’t make me beg, anything but that. i’m embarrassed, please don’t make me beg” gripping onto the bed sheets when she moved her hand around your shaft “s-stop, i don’t wanna beg” you were the one to always tease her, karma, you guess. all that teasing you did finally came back to you, and now you were lost.
“but you want it don’t you?” yes, you did want it.
“p…please, want your mouth around my-” you caught yourself stuttering and slurring your words. the more you spoke, the faster minjeong stroked your cock “mmh, want it around m-my cock please” no words were exchanged afterwards. minjeong went straight to your cock, taking it all with ease. her tiny mouth was always so skilled when it came to pleasuring you. every single time that she sucked your dick, you were always so surprised that she could take your girthy length. seeing her mouth so full of you made you practically rock solid, even though you were pretty much as hard as you could get. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed herself further, taking your dick all the way back to her throat, tip hitting it whenever she bobbed her head up and down. this caused you to grab her head with both of your hands, you let your head fall back all while she was suddenly very focused with swirling her tongue around your tip.
fuck, you wanted to fuck her mouth, hold her mid length hair into a ponytail and push your cock all the way in, chasing your own high and disregarding your girlfriends comfort, but you remembered that you wanted to let her do whatever. her endless switch up between fast to slow, to then slow to fast, and then fast to slow, made your head spin.
savouring the taste of your dick in her mouth, minjeong hummed in satisfaction, the low hum causing you to moan back in response. minjeong felt your thighs tensing, your hands tugging her head urging her to come closer, and your cock twitching inside of her mouth. you were oh so sensitive to the point where you couldn’t take the abrupt pace minjeong was going at “close- so close” you moaned out, careful that your voice wasn’t too loud just in case the people next to you could hear.
your breathing became irregular, sharp inhales and exhales as your legs begin to tremble “m..minjeong, gonna cum- i’m gonna cum” you sharply inhaled again before you called out minjeong’s name once more, cumming all in her mouth and holding her head still so that she could swallow it all.
minjeong gave you a few minutes to come down from your high. your legs were still shaky, but you managed to put your clothes back on before suggesting that you should go to the balcony to watch the fireworks. you left minjeong to it, taking pics of the cake while you wash up in the bathroom, which didn’t really take long. with new years in mind, you bought these cheap ass sparklers that you could possibly light up on the balcony. you weren’t too sure if you were allowed to use them, but it’s not like you were going to light it up inside of the actual hotel room. minjeong guided you excitedly to the balcony, hands intertwined and laughing like you were kids again.
“waaahh, the view from here is insane. i’m glad i booked this room in advance” taking in the fresh winters air “and the balcony is big enough for us to light this” you took out the sparklers from your bag with a childish grin on your face.
“awww cute, you bought sparklers as well” her eyes lighting up as she looks at the package “can we light them up now?”
“YES, yes we can- sorry i got excited” opening the sliding door to find the lighter you also packed, you came towards minjeong and asked her to hold the end of the sparkler, you did the same and lighted hers up first. minjeong took out her phone and recorded you lighting it up, her excited squeals being caught on video while you were in the back laughing as well. it was a sweet moment for the both of you, cherishing the last minutes of 2023 with each other.
the last spark, and then it went out. you both looked at eachother and went towards the railings, your shoulders touching each other as you both gaze at the skyline.
“i’m so glad i met you y/n, i can’t wait to spend another year with you. this time i hope we get a vacation or something, a few weeks off with you would be good enough for me”
“me too, i hope our schedules this year aren’t too heavy. i know hybe is like chill with us, but i don’t know about sm… oh well, i just hope we get to see each other more often”
[12:00am, the first of january 2024]
all of a sudden the bells chime, cheers from the people on the streets could be heard throughout the city, fireworks were being set off from every direction, painting the sky a beautiful colour. to see this with your lover was truly a blessing.
“minjeong…” you whisper again “happy birthday and a happy happy new years” you say sweetly before kissing her on the lips.
in all honesty, you still felt kind of horny. coming from behind minjeong to pull down her panties, the cold air hitting her inner thighs which made her jolt “w-wait, people can see us from up here” she said, swatting away your hands that were about to reach under her hoodie.
“no one’s gonna pay attention to us, everyone is focusing on celebrating new years. it’s only us” pressing your cock against her bare pussy. you unzip your pants again, letting it fall to the ground “plus it’s dark and we’re very high up, so no ones gonna notice our face either” you move aside her hair, pressing a kiss on her nape before you let your hands roam underneath her hoodie, and then under her bra.
“y… your hands are cold” her hands grabbing on tightly to the bars, attempting to stifle her moaning as you pinch and pull at her hardened nipples. ever so gently pushing your cock inside minjeongs already soaked pussy, you tease her asking if she got wet by sucking your cock. she reluctantly agrees by nodding her head
“go on, say that you got wet” that was karma for asking you to beg.
“i-i can’t, they’re gonna hear us” whispering under her breath while also attempting to keep her moans low. you reassure her that no one’s going to hear the two of you, it was just you and her alone in the moment and no one else “…fuck, fine… sucking your dick made me wet, you happy?” you moaned in response to that, smiling and saying “yes” while you slowly pumped in and out of her pussy.
you were clearly pussy drunk, your hips moved on their own, grinding your cock hard into her. minjeong felt warm and her pussy was tight, almost making you drool as you kept pushing in further and further. the sensation of minjeong clamping down on you made you almost moan too loud, catching yourself off guard you covered your hands just in case anyone heard you, ironic right.
i guess you could say the cold made minjeong even more needy, she wanted to keep you as close as possible, asking you to wrap your arms around her waist as you kept pounding into her tight pussy “y/n, y/n- keep going, feels amazing~” you assumed that you hit the spot that she loved oh so much, her moans becoming higher as you rammed harder.
“like this jeongie? mmgh.. you want me to fuck you like this, huh?” taking one hand out of her shirt to place it on top of one of her hands that were still gripping onto the steel metal bars.
“y/n- i’m close, so close… fuck me faster.. go faster” obeying her, you move as fast as you thought was needed, slightly bending her over. at this point you were getting too dizzy, knowing that you were also close to orgasming, you hold her waist, practically slamming her into your cock “oh god… about to— hnngh, cum” minjeong’s pussy throbbed and clenched around you so tightly that it made your eyes roll back, her legs spasming as she came around your cock, breathless as she called your name out weakly. you followed, grabbing her waist and pulling her in, not letting go so you can spill every last drop of semen inside of her.
“god… i’m… exhausted” you say between breaths. with new years over, and another plan to take minjeong out on a date when you wake up, you carry her back inside kissing her forehead “happy birthday again jeongie” smiling sweetly at her
“mmmm, thank you y/n”
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a/n: they at the cake as well don’t worryyy
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strawberryrafaxzd · 2 months
⋅˚₊‧ Oikawa Headcanons ⋅˚₊‧ Gn reader enjoy ⭑.ᐟ
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✮Whenever Oikawa is with you, he lets his "tough guy" mask fall off. That's why, most of the time, you two tend to have calmer dates, deviating a bit from the usual, like picnics in parks, watching movies, and other things.
✮He likes to lie on your lap while you play with his hair. He complains about how he hates geniuses like his kohai Kageyama (ahhajaja lol) and other things that annoyed him. You just laugh at the cute and funny way he imitates them and give him a peck while his cheeks turn red and he kisses you back.
✮As silly as it may seem, he has some kind of shame about feeling this inferiority complex and hates showing that he feels insecure. The only person he feels safe to talk about this with is you, so be prepared to take his late-night calls and comfort him. Believe me, it will take hours for you to convince him that you are serious when you say he's an incredible player. Even if he thinks he will never measure up to the "geniuses," that's the biggest lie because he's already superior to them just by the effort he puts in "to reach their level."
✮Oikawa often gets "mad" and throws a tantrum because you refuse to go see him play and cheer for him because you're afraid that, one day, one of his crazy fans will throw a rock at your head out of jealousy (akhajajakakakak sorry, I had to write that). But it turns out he always convinces you to go by looking at you with his puppy eyes and that pout. No matter how hard you try, you always end up losing to your sweet boyfriend. But maybe it's not so bad to lose since, in the end, he will always be there thanking you for being the best girlfriend in the world, cheering for him while he showers you with kisses on your face.
✮When his family has special events, his mom always invites you. She definitely loves you, always saying how Toru finally found someone to straighten him out. The gatherings always end with you and his nephew doing his makeup and styling his hair with ribbons and braids. In the end, Oikawa always ends up toppling both of you over, tickling you until his mom sees the three of you sleeping on the floor hugging each other (she always smiles, sighs, and covers you with a blanket, saying,( "these young ones nowadays").
✮In that same vein, when Oikawa sees you and his nephew bonding and having fun, he thinks of one of his greatest dreams. Aside from his volleyball career, it's to marry you and have a family together. He definitely can't wait for that.
✮One of the dates you love the most is when Iwa joins you two. You always die laughing at their fights. You and Iwa get along very well. To be honest, when you buy or make sweets or any kind of food for Oikawa, you always make extra for (wa to eat too ;)
✮Omg, who is that person who isn't even from Seijou that is screaming nonstop in the Aoba Josai cheering section against Karasuno? Wait, the person just called Karasuno's number 9 an idiot.
(Stories say that when Aoba Josai lost, you cried more than the players themselves. Yes, you are Aoba Josai's biggest fan.)
✮One of the cutest things ever seen was you going to his school to deliver his glasses that he left at your game night on Friday and putting them on him, giving him a kiss in front of everyone during recess. By the way, he didn't use to wear glasses because he thought they looked ugly until one day he asked what you thought, and you said he looked "super hot" with glasses hehe (Matsun and Makki still wonder why
Oikawa suddenly decided to wear glasses every day and almost die when he forgets them).
✮Oikawa always wears the sweaters you wore and the ones you drew little stars on. When Iwa notices that he always wears sweaters with stars and a perfume that doesn't belong to him and asks why, he simply says, "it's my way of showing others that I belong to my angel."
Bônus ⊹˖ :
Iwa still has nightmares about the time when Oikawa had gone to Argentina and hadn't settled in yet. Only he knows what it was like to hear you crying out of longing when you went out to bars together after your video calls with Oikawa. At least now he can sleep well knowing that Oikawa is finally okay and has managed to take you to Argentina with him. Now it's Iwa who gets the video calls from the two of you😊🥹🥹
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆉 𓆝 𓆡⋆.˚ 𓇼 𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆉 𓆝 𓆡⋆.˚
Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language I hope you enjoy it, it's the first time I've written headcannos so it definitely wouldn't have been that good, I hope you enjoyed it
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t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d · 10 months
You’ve showed in a few of your drabbles and fics the boys’ more instinctive behaviors when it comes to the people they like (like Leo with his tapping/claw fluttering). Do you think you could tell us a bit more about how you think each of the boys act differently around the person they like due to their instincts and more “turtle-like” behavior? I think it’s super cute and cool that you try to incorporate those traits into your fics! I’d love to see more of it 💞💞💞
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ ;; small habits that you've picked up from the turtles
taglist ;; @apostlephobe
req ;; yes/no
gn reader—they/them prns
warnings ;; swearing
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raph ;;
— not just because he's an alligator snapping turtle, but i think he would display a lot of cuteness/affectionate aggression!!
— i.e. playful bites, playfighting (very, VERY careful playfighting. he is a big boy and can crush you easily.)
— he deffo chirps and churrs, but it's absolutely the deepest out of the brothers. like it's SCARY how deep his churrs can get.
— on the topic of sounds, he deffo makes like dog-whining sounds when he's upset :( like the high-pitched ones (he makes them whenever he's really REALLY worried or just upset)
— big tail go whoosh. mostly sways when he's nervous/happy!!!! he loves u but stay back when he's REALLY happy mans can knock you into your feet by accident :(
— do not the tail unless u tell him first + get permission. easy way to death is to touch his tail without asking bc his first reaction will be to swing it HARD (not intentionally) and it WILL give you a concussion.
leo ;;
— prone to chirping. that's it. loves to chatter and prattle on, especially about how much he loves you, and will only ever stop if you give him kisses + affection, and will do so with soft chirps <3
— ALSO CHURRS!! but gets embarrassed about it and tries to do it in private/ when only you are around (p.s. he churrs almost all the time when y'all r alone)
— like mentioned in the post, he flutters and taps his claws!! this one is more instinctive so he gets HELLA embarrassed when y'all r doing whatever and his hands go to your face and gently tap or wiggle against your cheeks
— (melts if you do it back to him)
— y'all seen those photos of red-eared sliders riding on top of softshells?? yeah that but you. he will LAY ON YOU any chance he gets homeboy loves to cuddle
— his tail isn't as big as raph's, but deffo is as expressive, it wags alot, mostly when he's happy,, but like his churrs, he normally tries to control himself and his reactions so around others, his tail will twitch a little around you, but it's full-on wagging when ur alone :]]
donnie ;;
- homeboy growls more often than actual churrs, but u can BET UR ASS that as soon as u say sumn as little as 'wow, that's so cool!' or 'ooh, ur so smart!' to him HE LOSES IT homeboy becomes a chirruped, churring mess
- obv he's preferential w physical touch, but is in heaven when u massage his shoulders after a long day of missions/work (shrimp posture) and he subconsciously churrs (despite him denying it)
- when feeling needy/ in a lovey-dovey mood, he tends to nudge ur head w his, veryvery gently
- so much so that it can be a silent way (cough cough bad boy image) of him asking for affection/ attention from u w/o having to actually ask
- unlike raph and leo. does not. NOT like having his tail touched he will bite and snap at u outta pure instinct.
- SPEAKING OF WHICH gentle bites and deffo some playfighting bc softshells r aggressive but he loves u a lot :]] also when annoyed/agitated/threatened. neck. he turns around/ stretches his neck (not much) to look bigger + more intimidating (it just looks silly)
mikey ;;
- straight out the gate we all know he's affectionate and touchy asf. i know i said it for all of them but.
- PLAYFIGHTING!!!!!;;;;!!!!:!!!:: but he don't hold back. he is BITING he is SCRATCHING he is PLAYING DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!! (he learned it from leo)
- tends to just. bumpbump nudgenudge u when he wants affection (or whines for it bc #youngest-child-syndrome)
- considering how talkative and very open-w-his-feelings he is, he's probbles the most comfortable openly chirping and churring around you, he does not care bc he wants u to know u make him happy/comfy enough to be able to do those sounds :))
- the tail!! wags like CONSTANTLY but similar to raph's, don't touch unless given permission (he bites)
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A/N ;; HIIII hi guys :) lol sorry for going missing. i have no excuse. ANYWAYYYYY sorry for such a lil upload and IM SO SORRY FOR GETTING THIS REQ DONE SO LATE :(((((( anyhow, i HOPE (not promising) that i can start writing more and more soon!! busy w school but y'all know how it is!!!!
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mourningsbane · 1 month
Perhaps silly questions, but I'm growing more and more curious of your blog with each new entry/question answered. Love the story slowly unfolding here, cannot wait for the next part and following moons <3
Does Palekit have any further deformations? Or rather that question but in past tense. His tail looks almost fin-like, but I'm not sure if what we are seeing is a) a stylistic "drooping goo" effect, b) a very weird tuft of fur, or c) some malformation of the tail tip, resulting in its split structure.
What's the clan's relationship with Sweetkit, considering so many of its members', em... involvement in the perishing of Honeyspring and her kits. Mostly wondering if Flaildrizzle, Tanglefern and Rootstar feel anything (guilt, sadness, etc.) at all when they see this only kit in clan after a whole litter dies in such horrible circumstances before Sweetkit's arrival? I mean, surely such a tragedy leaves an impact. A followup question-
How much time has passed since Honeyspring's death and Sweetkit's arrival? Do any of LutumClan's cats consider Sweetkit to be like "a second chance" for the clan after losing their only queen and her litter?
A bit of an alternate outcome question! Let's assume Nothing Bad Ever Happened©️ to Honeyspring's kits. What would their warrior names be? What would their basic personalities be? Would any of them pursue high ranks within LutumClan?
Also sending fictional love to Honeyspring, stay goopy queen 💅
There's no such thing as a silly question! Besides, I like answering questions, even if it takes me a while to get to them! <3
My answers are a tad long, so I'll put them under the cut!
1.) Palekit did not have any further deformations! His face was slightly crooked, and his tongue sometimes hung out, but that was about it. He also had severe issues with vomiting; he just couldn't keep anything down and tended to bleed.
2.) Rootstar, Flaildrizzle, and Tanglefern all feel very guilty and upset by what happened to Honeyspring's kits! Still, they, and the rest of LutumClan, saw Sweetkit's arrival as a sign of hope. However, LutumClan as a whole tends to be a tad overprotective of the only kit in the clan.
3.) About 3-ish months have passed since Honeyspring's death! Sweetkit is definitely considered LutumClan's "second chance" of sorts, but a few cats (namely Rootstar and a few others) REALLY wish Sweetkit was in the care of someone who ISN'T Bearface. They're worried that Bearface, being a former outsider who barely respects the clan code as is, will be a bad influence on her.
4.) As for the alternate outcome, let me think! I'll give you my best guesses, but destiny is mutable, so these could've easily changed!
Smallkit would grow into Smallcloud, and would become an apprentice to Tanglefern! She would be on the smaller side, but she'd be a fierce creature for sure! She'd be smart and cautious, but never a push-over.
Flailkit would grow into Flailwhisker, and would likely go on the path of becoming a queen or mediator! She'd likely be about average height and a bit on the chunkier side. I imagine her to be quiet and shy, much like Flaildrizzle, and easy to talk over. Still, she cares greatly about her clanmates, even if she's easily overwhelmed. Smallcloud would've been very protective over her in their youth.
Palekit would grow into Paleclaw, and would most certainly follow the path of a warrior! He'd idolized his aunt, Rootstar, and wanted to become a leader just like her. He's prideful and a little boastful for sure, but not intentionally. He's just very proud of his aunt being the leader, and his mom (Flaildrizzle) being the deputy, and wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Had Honeyspring's kits lived, Sweetkit's role would have also changed, but I can't say it due to spoilers!
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dfortrafalgar · 4 months
I saw you were accepting requests and I was wondering if you would be okay with writing a Law and kunoichi s/o scenario/drabble/one shot (whatever you like!)? I think it would be so cute seeing him nerd out over her 😌 I love your work! 🫶
hi anon!!! i'm so sorry this took so long! i had a lot of fun writing this though, it's kind of short so i hope you don't mind, it was a fun way to do something a bit more silly and outlandish and have our wonderful nerdy captain be a dork at the same time <3
also, i used this picture as a reference for reader's clothing. i know western media and costumes tend to have a very strange depiction of ninja clothing, but consider the often overlooked history of ninja in general, and especially female ninja, i wanted to make sure that i could depict something such as attire a bit more accurately!!!
Sudden Revelation
Law x Fem Reader
Law didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with you, until you vanished from his sight.
Warnings: drabble fic, kunoichi/ninja reader, some light depictions of typical shounen action, fluffy ending, worried sick and nerdy law <3
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You were never one to stray too far from the pack.  Law knew this, and he loved that about you.  Your tendency to stay glued to either his side or the company of your crew mates meant that he didn’t need to agonize over your safety when on dry land for important missions. After the Heart Pirates split up on an unassuming island to investigate the theorized location of a poneglyph, leaving you to traverse with Penguin and Hakugan, Law expected tonight to be no different.
Until they returned to Law, eyes wide and frantic.  Without you.
“How the hell did you manage to lose her?  We haven’t even been off the ship for over an hour!” Law grumbled, suppressing the primal urge to yell at his crewmen.  Nighttime darkness shrouded the surrounding woods and village like a blanket, and the last thing the pirates needed was an irate captain waking up whatever potential defense force the people on this island had.  Instead, the surgeon’s voice came out of his larynx as a strangled, almost high-pitched groveling.
“We don’t know!” Penguin begged, holding his hands up in front of his face.  “We turned around to ask her something and she was just… gone!”
“I swear we didn’t see her,” Hakugan added.  “She was behind us when she vanished, but we didn’t hear anything.  It was like she just poofed into thin air.”
“Not even rustling or anything?  Just… nothing?” Law asked, his voice riddled with skepticism as his eyebrows furrowed, creasing the skin above his nose.  “How do you expect me to believe that?  She wouldn’t just outright disappear like that.”
“How do we know you didn’t teleport her away?” Penguin asked, his voice snarky.  “For all we know you could’ve snapped your fingers and transported her back to the ship because you were worried.”
Law’s piercing gaze shut down any more retaliation from the older man.  Pinching the bridge of his nose in between his calloused fingers, he grumbled, “You two go join my search team.  I’ll go look for her.”
Without putting up any more of a fight, Penguin and Hakugan booked it past their captain and into the woods where Law’s own small gaggle of Heart Pirates remained secluded in the treeline, watching the debacle unfold.  Law’s fist clenched around Kikoku tighter as he gazed left, then right, then journeyed into the darkness alone to search for you.
The profound worry plaguing him and the frustration at your sudden disappearance fought ruthlessly in his mind as he trudged through the brush.
You felt free in your shōzoku, much less constricted compared to your Heart Pirate boiler suit.  While your usual off-white clothing provided ample warmth and comfort while on the submarine, it was clunky and far too revealing when the need to be conspicuous developed.  As you adjusted your obi and shouldered your tantō, you couldn’t help but smile at how easily you slipped away from your crewmates.  But you needed to be fast.  It would only be a matter of time before Law found out you had vanished, and the clock was rapidly ticking.
You knew where the poneglyph was hidden, thanks to the efforts of Straw Hat Nico Robin, whom you had secretly contacted via Den Den Mushi while on your latest watch shift.  You had nothing to prove in going off alone.  Rather, you learned that the underground bunker where the stone was kept was heavily guarded by a squadron of local village folk who, despite their calm and welcoming demeanor in the daytime, were very hostile when the sun set below the horizon.  And you refused to let anything happen to your crew, not when you had the means to do something about it.
You swiftly stepped through the brush, dodging sticks and shrubs as your feet carried you deftly through the darkness, your dyed blue clothing helping you blend in near seamlessly through the inky surroundings.  It was far too dark to view the map you kept folded in your pocket, so you were relying on memory alone to find the entrance to the village bunker.  According to Robin, it was tucked away in between two large stones embedded into a mountainside.  The passageway would be so narrow that you’d need to sideways-shuffle through the opening in order to enter.  But you had no issue with that.
After what felt like hours of searching, squinting your eyes through the darkness to spot anything that looked remotely suspicious, you finally found your landmark.  Two huge boulders hiding a black abyss of an entrance in between their jagged surfaces.  
You just barely stepped forward when a sword unsheathed behind you.
“Don’t move if you know what’s good for you,” an unknown voice called out through the darkness.
It wasn’t anyone you recognized.  Your hair stood on end as your mind reeled for your next action.
“Drop your weapon,” he demanded.
You closed your eyes, honing your senses.  With the way he had revealed his sword, just based on the sound it made, he wasn’t completely prepared to wield it.  It must have been lose in his grip, unsure as to whether or not he should strike or not.  He was surely unsteady on his feet, caught off-guard by your presence.  The confidence in his voice was a ruse, you were certain of it.
With a blinding motion, you pulled your tantō out of its own sheath and whirled around, gripping the handle of your blade firmly in your grasp.  The metal dug into your hand, coarse against your skin and yet so familiar to you, allowing you to land a swift cut to the chest of the unsuspecting village man.  You hadn’t wanted to draw any attention, but you didn’t really have much of a choice.  You had come so far in detecting the location of the poneglyph, you couldn’t just give up now.
Another shallow gash landed on the man’s arm as he staggered backward, his grip on his sword wavering with the shock of your lightning-quick attacks.  He was blindsided as he managed to sidestep another swipe from your short blade, his eyes wide and petrified through the darkness.  The back of his heel landed on a stick, snapping it in half and sending a sharp echo through the surrounding woods making your blood curdle.  Way to draw even more attention.  You flipped your blade in your hand to land another strike–
God damn it.
A bright, electric blue light engulfed the area in a bubble, a sensation that you would normally welcome, but now greeted with distaste.  All of your plans had been thoroughly ruined now.  You wondered how long Law had been searching the woods for any sign of life in order to find you.
You stepped back just in time for a gust of air to whoosh past you, an indirect strike being landed on the man accosting you and bisecting him at the pelvis.  A shrill scream escaped his lungs as his upper body flopped onto the ground, his entire body frazzled as he gazed at his legs running around independently.  The sight was truly morbid, but you had seen it enough.
“Who the hell are you?!”  Law’s voice was incredibly fierce as he shouted through the darkness, the sound making your heart rate increase nervously.  You were in for it now, he was absolutely talking to you.  “Well?!”
You didn’t have anything fully concealing your face, and while your layers of clothing hid your form, your cover would be blown if you turned around.  You tried to lower your voice as you responded, “I’m not here to bother anyone.”
A long pause followed your words.  Neither of you were acknowledging the bisected stranger off to the side as Law’s room disappeared, leaving the separated torso incapacitated for the time being.
“Then why are you here?  I’m looking for someone,” he demanded.  He sounded as exhausted as he did frustrated, making your chest clench.
You bit the inside of your cheek, digging through your subconscious for a way out of this situation.  You didn’t want Law to see you for what you were.  You hated that you had kept this side of you hidden from him, but it was too important to you to keep your deeper skills hidden from your friends… from your lover.
When you took too long to respond, Law stepped closer.  His own nodachi was unsheathed and held outward in a threatening motion.  “Who.  Are.  You.”
There was no turning back now.  You pivoted on your heels and rotated your body to finally face Law, hoping that the darkness of the night and the overall color of your clothing would conceal your features enough that Law would have to really work at adjusting his pupils enough to see you.
The way his eyes immediately widened, though, told you that he figured you out near instantly.
“B… baby…?” he whispered, his arm lowering.  He frantically slipped Kikoku back into her saya, closing the gap between the two of you and holding out his hand, touching your shoulder as if he wasn’t sure it was actually you in front of him.
Now you felt awful.  His face had rapidly morphed from an expression of profound anger into one of desperate relief that he had found you.  He probably thought you had been captured or worse… and knowing how strongly he felt about losing you…
You opened your mouth to apologize, but Law summoned another Room in order to teleport the two of you into a location that wouldn’t reveal your presence to whoever might have still been inside the cave entrance.  The bisected man could deal.
Law pinned you by one of your wrists against a tree, his hand trembling as he gently squeezed your limb.  “What… why…”
“Law… I’m so sorry,” you mumbled, your voice nothing but a whisper as you struggled to fully rationalize your actions in your head.  “I should have told you.”
You could make out through the darkness the way Law’s golden eyes were frantically examining your body, your clothes, your posture, your overall demeanor, looking for any signs of injury.  It seemed like he almost didn’t realize you weren’t in your boiler suit as he assessed you for any potential injuries.  When he finally did realize your garb was the complete opposite of the usual off-white jumper, he stepped back.  “What… are you…?”
You sucked in a shaky breath.  “A kunoichi,” you muttered.  “A ninja.”
Law finally stepped back enough to give you breathing room, and also pick apart your clothing in the darkness.  You were adorned in a layered hakama, your outer and innermost layers folded similarly to that of a kimono, and an indigo-colored obi was tied securely around your torso.  His jaw might as well have been on the floor.
“You’re a…” he stuttered, rapidly losing the ability to speak.
“A ninja,” you reiterated, keeping your voice low, still unsure about his current emotional state.  For all you knew he could blow up into an angry, petrified, desperate state, so convinced that he had lost you.
Instead, Law reached out a shaky, inked hand and gently ran his fingers across the outer seam of your hakama.
“How long have you… been a…”
“Since I was a child,” you answered, allowing him to digest this insane revelation at his own pace.
Kikoku was placed carefully on the ground, allowing both of Law’s hands to wander your body in a way that somehow replicated a child-like wonder.  He lifted your arms, gazing through the inky blackness at the carefully embroidered and printed details of the fabric that adorned you, spinning you around to examine the way your obi was holding your lower layers into place, trailing his fingers over the way the fabric seamlessly folded over your collarbones.  He went from top to bottom, picking apart every single aspect of your appearance.  This was the last reaction you were expecting from the man, to say the least.
“Law…?” you anxiously muttered, letting him lift up your arm once again to examine the way the fabric of your shōzoku flowed downward.  “Can you say something?”
Your boyfriend finally paused, his eyes darting up to meet yours.  “You’re really a ninja,” he asked, more-so wanting to confirm one last time that, yes, you were telling the truth.
“I am,” you nodded.
“Holy shit,” he uttered back, his voice airy and bewildered.  “That’s… you’re… you’re so cool.”
Your heart swelled twice its size at his words.  “You really think so?”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he suddenly asked, his hands never once leaving your figure.
You pursed your lips.  “I’ve been keeping it a secret forever, really… it just never occurred to me, I guess.”  That was only partially true, but you didn’t feel like now was the time to get into your worries of involving your lover or your crewmates into your risky solo endeavors.  “Are you… mad at me?”
“Furious,” Law stated back swiftly.  “I thought Penguin and Hakugan lost you for good.”
Your stomach rolled around uncomfortably in your stomach.  “I’m really sorry, Law… I know I should’ve told you.  I’m sorry for making you worry so much…”
“Worry doesn’t even begin to cut it,” he barked.  His voice was still low, his hands still dissecting you from the outside, but his body radiated a fierce, overwhelming aura of a pent up fury.  “Please don’t do that again… if you want to go rogue then just tell me.”
You eagerly nodded.  “I will, I promise.”
Law didn’t respond, and instead continued gazing at your apparel.  “You’re so cool…” he whispered, a sudden, jarring shift from his previous words.  “You’re a ninja… holy shit.”
He was nerding out now.  His dominant, protective captain and boyfriend side was dealt with in the form of chastising you for hiding your secret from him, and now he was free to gush.
“I am,” you added, a small, unsure smile pulling at your lips.  
“My girl is a ninja… oh my god.”
“I know where the poneglyph is,” you quietly muttered, a vain attempt to see if you could snatch Law’s attention away from you.
“I know.  But you’re a ninja.”
No dice, he was fixated.
“You look like Stealth Black, kinda.  From volume 15 when he and Sora fought over that cityscape in the middle of the night.”  He was transfixed.
“If I’d known you would’ve loved this so much, I would’ve told you a lot sooner,” you chuckled.
Law’s eyes finally tore away from the way you tied your obi, landing on your face.  “We’ll come back for the poneglyph.  We’re going back to the Tang.”
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after-witch · 11 months
Horrorfest: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: Mahito just wants you to have a nice Halloween.
For Horrorfest request: Mahito putting his darling through a House of Horrors.
Word count: 2823
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, body horror and gore, Mahito is his own warning here
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Maybe it said something about your inherent ghoulishness that, when Mahito granted you the rare favor of allowing you to pick an activity to do outside the damp tunnel where he kept you, you chose this--going to a haunted house. 
A cheap one, too. One of those kinds that was retrofitted into an existing building during October and then packed out like a cheap weekend carnival on November 1st. The kind that ignored safety violations and tended to hire teenagers who showed up high or drunk or both. 
It was more cheesy than anything else. A series of dimmed rooms with strobe lights and spiderwebs, or people jumping out in mediocre costumes or revving up fake chainsaws. No, it wasn’t really scary… but to be fair, your definition of “really scary” had been completely upended the moment that you were kidnapped by a curse with a penchant for torturing people in ways you never thought possible before. 
But it was still a tradition, damn it, and if you couldn’t get through October without at least one Halloween tradition under your belt, you might just lose your mind. Or what was left of it, considering your circumstances.
Still, did Mahito have to be a spoilsport about it? He’d been grinning at the start, one arm slung around your shoulder, even though no one else could see him. By the time you’d gotten to the third room, he was pouting. Complaining. Whining. 
And now, at the end, as you walk out following one last jump scare involving an oversized doll costume, he’s rambling on and on about how these humans were terribly uncreative in their creation of a supposedly haunted house. Like you were just walking through the park and not a poorly lit room blasting spooky ambiance music as some tired teens tried to make you shriek. 
“I know humans are capable of better than this,” he muses, sourly, as you make your way out of the parking lot and back onto the side streets that will eventually lead you “home.” Not your home, never your home. But the only home you’ve known since he took you, and it’s better to consider it something familiar than to fully face the reality of your situation without a gloss of comfort.
“It wasn’t that bad,” you say, lightly, blandly. “I think you’re being too harsh.”
Mahito sighs, and pulls you closer. To anyone on the street without the gift of sight, you might look a bit drunk. Stumbling now and then, leaning into nothing at all. Mahito likes this, you think, and that’s why he does it all the time on the very rare occasions that you’re allowed out.
“But I’m not wrong!” You glance at him. The almost childish expression of disappointment is stomach-turning. “You didn’t even flinch or scream or anything fun. You weren’t scared.”
You start to answer, then stop. He’s right. A year ago you probably would have shrieked yourself silly, as simple and ridiculous as the haunted house was; but that was a year ago. That was before. 
“I’m… not scared of much any more.” Your words come out slow and carefully considered. It’s a habit ingrained in you by now. Mahito did love to take your words and run with them.
“Oh?” Mahito turns his head to look at you, and you catch the last moment of a grin that he pastes over with a solemn expression as soon as he sees you looking.  
“Poor thing,” is all he says. 
You don’t talk much on your way home after that.
“I promise, this will be fun!”
“Don’t worry so much, you’ll get wrinkles! Not that I’d mind, but I read this book from the 1980s on beauty perception and--”
Mahito pouts, puffing his cheeks out ridiculously. When he doesn’t say anything, you sit up straighter.
“I’m just saying this isn’t necessary.” You keep your tone gentle, sweet. You don’t want him to accuse you of being ungrateful again. The last time he did that--the less said, the better. “I already got my Halloween fix at the haunted house, really. And we watched a horror movie the other day, didn’t we? And you got me a book…” 
Your hand gestures ineffectually towards your nest of blankets, where a battered copy of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary lay. Mahito found it in a box of books someone threw on the curb and proudly brought it to you, like a cat bringing a dead sparrow to its owner.
Mahito’s expression turns sticky, and his voice coos to match. “Ohh, you’re being so sweet, pet! But I want to do this for you. Since you like Halloween!” He resumes setting out a small collection of large bowls, most with mismatched lids, humming a song you don’t know all the while. “I worked really hard on this, you know!”
“I…” You start to protest, but it doesn’t get far. There was never any use arguing with Mahito or even reasoning with him on most things. Curses did not have the same reason as human beings. That much you knew by now.
So you sit obediently on the ground in front of the beat-up coffee table he dragged in here not so long ago--for this very purpose, maybe?--and try to calm the writhing ball in your stomach.
“Where did you get this idea, anyway?” You ask. Your voice shakes a little, from the cold or worry,  you don’t know. 
Mahito hums, setting down what must be the last bowl and surveying his work. “I read it in a magazine of Halloween party ideas! Some of them look pretty fun. Bobbing for apples…” He looks up at you with an almost hungry smile. “Your hands have to be tied behind your back for that one. Humans sure get kinky on Halloween, don’t they?” 
Your cheeks heat up horribly but you don’t answer. It’s smarter not to indulge Mahito in any questions related remotely to sex. 
The line of bowls on the table looks like something out of a sad potluck. You wonder why he picked this idea, or anything in a book about Halloween parties.
You recognized the idea at once. It was one of those old fashioned party games where the host put food in bowls and told everyone it was something gross, like brains or eyeballs. You remember playing this game only once in your life as a child, and everyone thought it was dumb and boring even then.
Well, it was probably the easiest to do with only two of you; you’re grateful, anyway, that he decided not to go for apple bobbing, if what drew him to it was the rope.
“One final touch!” He practically skips over to you and holds out a ragged strip of black fabric. A blindfold. 
Oh, no. Nope, nope and nope. 
“Um, can’t we just turn off the lights?” There were a few flickering bulbs built into the walls--for service workers, you think, back when this tunnel was actually serviced--and Mahito kept a few battery powered lanterns around that he threw out and replaced whenever the batteries died. 
A pout. A shift on his legs, a hand on his hips.
“It’s more fun this way. Ugh, don’t be so boring…”
Ah, boring. The most dangerous word in Mahito’s vocabulary. And you aren’t being sarcastic when you think that, which is why you sigh and blow cool air out your mouth and nod at him. 
He giggles, and scampers behind you with the blindfold in tow.
“This is going to be so fun,” he says, practically trilling as he ties the blindfold around your eyes. The darkness is quick and artificial and awful. “Have you played it before?”
You hum something like assent. “Just once, when I was little.” 
Mahito presses a kiss to the top of your head and you fight the urge to squirm.
“If you don’t remember the rules, it’s like this: I put your hands in each bowl, and you tell me what you think it is!” 
Your heart begins to speed up, no matter how much you try to tell yourself to remain calm. It was just a blindfold, no big deal. It was just a stupid Halloween party game, no big deal.
It was just Mahito… well, uh, wait a minute. It was Mahito. You were right to worry. 
But you’re trying very, very hard not to--and that was as close as you’d get to remaining calm tonight.
You hear the sound of the various tops being pulled off the bowls, accompanied by little grunts and noises as Mahito perhaps struggled with the lids. 
Someone takes your hands--you jump, and Mahito laughs--and guides them to the edge of the bowl.
Something squishy and a little stiff. Wet, but only vaguely. Round, like bouncy balls. But they feel more organic than that. 
“Grapes,” you say. “They’re grapes.”
Mahito makes a choking sound. Did he not think you knew the tricks of the game? Maybe the first people to play the game decades and decades ago were caught unawares, but the answers were common knowledge by now. Grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for intestines; some people got creative and made fake brains and stuff, too. 
He pulls your hands out of the bowl and sets them on the next.
Your hands plunge in and find not quite what you expected, but close enough. Instead of strings of spaghetti noodles, Mahito has chosen sausages. You suppose that was more realistic when it came to feel and size, anyway. They weren’t cold exactly, but that was nothing new--there was no fridge around here. 
“Sausages.” When he doesn’t respond. “Like, a whole row of them.” 
Mahito huffs. 
He’s such a spoilsport, you think. Maybe you ought to start guessing around to appease him. Or would he catch on that you were lying and get more annoyed at you treating him like glass? Or would that make him feel good? It was so, so hard to tell what you were meant to do sometimes. 
But he does take your hands, now a little slimy with cooking water, and set them on the next bowl.
This one is… a little different from the rest, and you couldn’t quite place it. It was soft, smooth, but almost sponge-like in texture. Like a gummy or…
”Gelatin?” You’re not quite sure for this one, and it comes through in your tone. Still, your fingers squish the mystery item. “Like, an organ?” You remembered once cooking beef liver for your dad and it had the same gummy, gelatin-like feel before it was cooked. Unpleasant and odd to touch, for sure. You didn't know if it tasted good.
“Yes!” Mahito sighs out the word, and at least he’s no longer acting like a pouty child when you guess right. It makes the ball in your stomach shrink down, just a little. Even if you’re still waiting for something to happen. Maybe he’ll try to jump scare you at the end or something. 
The next bowl is liquid, and you almost jerk your fingers back out by instinct. It couldn’t be water, it wasn’t thin enough. There is even a slight smell to it, almost artificial--red dye. Mahito would dye the fake blood red just to make it more authentic, wouldn’t he? 
“A smoothie, maybe? Or whole milk, or cream…” 
If Mahito cares that you didn’t give a singular answer, he doesn’t let you know. He only lets out a pouty whine and you wonder which of your three guesses was right. 
“Last bowl,” he says, before placing your hands on the edge of the plastic container. 
What in the world?
When you put your hands inside, your fingers are immediately met with a multitude of small, firm… somethings. Your fingers fiddle with one of them, feeling over the grooves. Wood, maybe? Figurines? You’re reminded, suddenly, of when cereal used to come with toys in the box. But you very much doubt Mahito collected a few dozen old cereal figurines. 
“I’m not sure,” you admit. “Really big wood chips? Figurines?” 
There’s a few moments of unusually heavy silence, and then Mahito whines. Whines! 
“You’re awful at this game. You only guessed one of them right! I thought you’d be better at it, since you’re into this human holiday…” 
You scoff, though you’re not offended. Just confused. And tired. And wary. Nothing new there, when you think about it.
“What do you mean? The only one I wasn’t sure about was this last one… maybe the one before it, but it’s hard to tell the difference between milk and cream or whatever.”
You feel the presence of Mahito leaning over the table, feel his fingers fiddling with the back of your blindfold, and blink as the artificial blackness drops away to reveal Mahito sitting in front of you with a pouty look on his face. 
And then you look down at the mystery bowl, your hands still resting inside, and bile immediately rises into your throat when you realize two hideous truths:
One. The bowl is filled with transfigured humans. Small distorted shapes of horror. A whole bowl of them, piled high, like a candy dish on granda’s counter.
Two. Your hands are red. Not just red, but red with slick, thick gore. Blood. There was no mistaking the feel of it. The second-to-last bowl is filled halfway with blood. Real blood. Human blood.
Your neck turns slowly, like you’re a broken, mechanical doll that can’t quite complete the movement. The acidic bile in your throat reaches your mouth and you swallow, swallow, swallow. But all you can do is cough and hope the real vomit stays down. 
It shouldn’t surprise you, what you see. But somehow your stupid self thought he was playing a party game, a copycat out of one of his magazines. 
The bowls are not filled with peeled grapes and sausages and blobs of gelatin.
The bowls are filled with eyeballs of all different colors, most of them still trailing red optic nerves like tails; with strings of intestines, thick and slimy and pale; with livers in varying shades of brown and red. 
“Oh,” Mahito says, perking up, when he catches you looking at the bowl of livers. “I wanted to show you, look at this one!” He grabs one of the livers and holds it up for you to see. “He had some kind of disease, I think… see the funny lumps?”
You’re only aware that your body is shaking when your neck jerks and twinges in pain. 
“What the fuck,” you mutter. “What the fuck.” 
Mahito quirks his head. You hate that you know the confusion on his face is real. He really is curious about everything, all the time. Especially human thoughts and feelings and behaviors. A mad scientist if there ever was one; but at least a mad scientist had some sort of lofty, if fucked up, end goal. Mahito just was. 
“What’s the matter?” He scoots on his butt around the table, not stopping until he’s sitting next to you. You don’t fight--you can’t--when he takes your hands and holds them. He doesn’t mind the gore being smeared on his own fingers, you’re sure.
You feel like your eyebrows would fly off your head if they could.
“What’s the matter? What’s the--you… you used real human body parts--real people--for this game. That’s what’s the matter! Christ--”
Mahito’s eyebrows furrow.
“But that’s the game! You put all sorts of creepy things in bowls and people guess what it is.” He squeezes your hands. “Are you sure you aren’t just a sore loser because you stink at guessing?” 
How many people are in that bowl, anyway? The thought comes and goes; it would be like playing some fucked up game of “guess how many beans are in the jar!” Only there is no knick-knack prize if you guess right. Just a solid number to the bowl of horrors sitting only inches away from you.
How many were there, how old are they, do they have family, did it hurt, did they scream--
Your lips are dry when you lick them and speak, voice shell shocked and dull. “It’s a party game. You’re supposed to use things like, like--peeled grapes for eyeballs or spaghetti for intestines. It’s a dumb party game because it’s silly and no one is really freaked out by that if they’re older than 7 years old.” 
The game isn’t meant to end with you realizing that you’d been feeling up the organs of murdered people, is what you should say. But you’re not sure Mahito would recognize that for the rebuke that it is. 
“Ohh,” he says, and you can see it all clicking into place in his mind. After a few beats, he grins with pride. “Well, my version is an improvement.”
You must look incredulous again, because he continues. “See, my version is more fitting ” He nods to himself. “I’m much better at Halloween than humans.”
For once, you can’t disagree--not even in your own thoughts.
His version is really scarier than the original
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five-and-dimes · 7 months
As You Always Were
A very silly fic based on a convo I had with @gabessquishytum about Dream being an idiot but in a gender affirming way lol
Read on AO3
Hob felt like a teenager in a lifetime movie, but he was choosing to lean into it.
Gripping the bathroom sink with both hands, he stared himself down in the mirror. “You can do this,” he said to his reflection, “You deserve to live your truth. You love yourself. Even if things don’t go the way you want, you’ll survive it. You’re sexy and you know it.”
Nodding to himself, he turned away from the mirror and began pacing his flat, looking for anything left to clean or organize.
He was going to come out to his boyfriend today.
It had been two months since he and Dream became official. They had known each other in some capacity for much longer. They shared a lot of mutual friends, but for a long time Dream didn’t tend to join large group get-togethers, so Hob only saw him occasionally. Then this past semester they had both ended up in a class together for the first time. Despite studying vastly different subjects, this particular course was required and both had managed to miss it when they were underclassmen. And now, as they entered their final year of university, they both needed to complete it in order to graduate. Drawn to any remotely familiar face, they had sat together, and then started talking more, and then slowly fallen for each other.
The past months had been amazing, full of sweet dates and kisses and hand holding and Dream being nothing but understanding when Hob hesitated to go any farther. But Hob wanted to go farther, had been burning out of his skin with the need to touch every part of Dream and be touched in return.
He just… needed to let Dream know what to expect when he took his clothes off.
Stalking through the living room, he moved the books on his coffee table this way and that, as if it would make any sort of difference. It’s not like it was the first time Hob had let someone know he was a trans man. He’s had plenty of experience sharing that part of his life, with family, and friends, and hookups. It’s gone good, and bad, and all the levels in between.
So why was he so nervous about telling Dream?
He was being ridiculous. It’s not like he was worried about Dream hurting him or anything…
Groaning, he put his head in his hands and allowed himself to turn and flop face-down onto the couch. What a world he lived in, where he consciously felt grateful to not worry about being murdered. Sometimes he hated everything. 
With a sigh, he pushed himself up, shaking his head and aggressively re-fluffing the pillows he had flattened with his brief pessimism. He wasn’t going to think about the world right now. This was just about him and Dream and their relationship. And, optimism aside- even just being logical and realistic in a way he so rarely was- he didn’t think things would go badly, per say. Dream was gay, and had always been an open supporter and ally for the trans community. Worst case scenario, even if Dream decided he didn’t want to date someone with Hob’s body, he was certain they could remain friends.
Turning on his heel, Hob speed walked to the kitchen and began wiping down the counters for the third time.
Could they stay friends? He wanted to say yes, to say they could move on from this little bump in the road, but the truth was, even after such a short amount of time, if they broke up Hob would be heartbroken. He had fallen hard for Dream… could he really go back to being friends with him after knowing what it was like to kiss him and hold him? What if it was too much, hurt too badly to take that step back, and then he lost not only his boyfriend, but his best friend? And their lives were so entwined, they shared much of the same friend group, would he lose them, too? Choosing Dream over him because Hob was clearly the one being ridiculous and overemotional? 
Catastrophizing, a voice that sounded suspiciously like his therapist rang in his head.
He nearly jumps out of his skin at the tentative knock on his door, glancing at the clock to see that, yes, he has spent the entire morning worrying and fussing and it is in fact the time he asked Dream to come over. 
Hob honest to God straightens his shirt. As though that will help.
What does help is opening the door and seeing the subtle way Dream brightens. No matter how stoic he tries to be, Dream has always been terrible at hiding how very fond he is of Hob, something Hob is eternally grateful for. It’s nice to have the reassurance. Especially now.
“Hello Hob,” he smiles, giving him a quick peck as Hob gestures for him to enter. He takes two steps inside before halting, raising an eyebrow as he glances around Hob’s impeccable flat. He’s been here before, he knows this isn’t the usual state of things. “It seems you were productive today.”
Hob laughed nervously, which only made Dream turn his gaze to look at him curiously, “Ah, yeah, you know, the motivation just sort of hit, haha.”
Dream frowned slightly, “Are you alright?”
Nodding rapidly, Hob starts herding Dream into the living room, “Yeah, absolutely, I just-” Dream allows him to gently push him to sit on the couch, “I mean, I am fine, there’s just something I wanted to talk to you about,” he paces in front of Dream for a moment as his boyfriend’s head moves to follow him silently, “And it’s nothing bad. Or, or at least I don’t think it is. It just… it just is, y’know?” 
He turns back to look at Dream and finds him staring, blinking slowly in carefully reigned in confusion, “No. I don’t know. What’s going on?”
Hob released a shuddering breath, dropping down to sit a respectable distance away from Dream on the couch. “Okay, I…” Hob wrung his hands together, “I had a whole speech planned, but I didn’t write it down and now I can’t remember any of my talking points, so I… I’m just gonna say it.”
Dream nodded, brow furrowed in concern as Hob closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I’m transgender.”
Even just saying the words made his chest feel lighter. It was out in the open now. Whatever happened, happened. 
And what happened was Dream reaching out to gently cover his tense hands with one of his own.
“Thank you for telling me.”
Opening his eyes, Hob looked over, and his breath caught in his chest at the soft smile Dream was giving him, the one he only showed Hob, “I know that must have been hard,” Dream continued, running his thumb over Hob’s knuckles, “thank you for trusting me with that.”
“So,” Hob’s voice was breathless, a smile slowly creeping onto his face, “So you’re okay with it?”
“Of course!” Dream took both of Hob’s hands into his, eyes wide and anxious in a way Hob had come to recognize meant he was afraid of being misunderstood, “Of course I’m okay with it! I’m sorry if I ever made you think I wouldn’t be. I l-...” He swallowed thickly, “I care about you so much, Hob. This doesn’t change that at all.”
Hob couldn’t help the warmth that spread through him at the cut off confession. Dream had warned him of his struggles with love, especially with “falling too fast”. Despite Hob reassuring him that Hob also had a history of falling far faster than some would deem reasonable, Dream still tiptoed around it, always wary of scaring Hob off. So it meant something that he had come so close to slipping.
“I care about you, too,” Hob leaned forward to press his forehead against Dream’s shoulder, letting out a relieved laugh, “God, I was so nervous!”
Dream pet his hair, “Understandable. I know it’s a big deal. But I promise you have nothing to worry about.”
For a few minutes they stay pressed together, Dream a comforting presence as Hob let the adrenaline bleed from him. When he finally pulled back, they smiled at each other. Before he had a chance to lean in to kiss him, Dream spoke again.
“So,” he tilted his head questioningly, “should I use she/her pronouns from now on?”
Hob could feel the record scratch in his brain. 
He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Shook his head, “What?”
Dream frowned, “I just meant in private. I wouldn’t change pronouns in public if you’re not ready for that. I’d never want to out you. Although I’d be more than happy to support you whenever you want to begin social transitioning.”
“Transitioning?” Hob was still waiting for his brain to restart. He felt like he was in the twilight zone. Dream was smart, Dream was studying astrophysics, there was simply no way-
“I’m sorry,” Dream bit his lip nervously, “I don’t mean to make assumptions. I just want to make sure that when we’re together I refer to you as you want. Would you prefer they/them? She/they?”
“What? No. What??” Hob shook his head rapidly as he realized that no, this wasn’t a dream, this was actually happening, “No, Dream, it’s the other way around!”
“No!” And even as he yelled the word, Hob’s face split into a grin and he burst out laughing. Dream blinked in confusion, looking like he didn’t know whether to be offended or not, and it only made Hob laugh harder.
“Dream, babe, sweetheart,” Hob gasped for breath, trying to pull himself together and failing, “I’m a trans man! I’ve already transitioned, that’s what I was trying to tell you!”
For a moment Dream just stared, blinking slowly like a cat. Like a particularly dumb orange cat.
“... He/him, then?”
All Hob could do was keep laughing. 
Slowly, Dream began to giggle too, which only made Hob laugh harder, which made Dream laugh, and the vicious cycle continued until they were both doubled over with tears on their faces.
“You are the smartest person I know, how are you such a himbo?” Hob exclaimed.
“Shut up!” Dream shoved him playfully, “I was being supportive!”
Hob couldn’t resist. He threw himself forward, tackling Dream back onto the couch, allowing himself to lay on top of him as he kissed him clumsily, barely suppressing his grin enough to press their lips together, “God, I love you so much.”
A laugh caught in Dream’s throat, his eyes widening. Hob doesn’t want to pressure him, so he smiles, leaning in to rub their noses together, coaxing a soft giggle from him. He just wants to make him comfortable in the wake of a confession that he knows is a lot for Dream, he’s not expecting anything back right now.
He thinks maybe it’s that sentiment that allows Dream to look up at him and reply, “I love you, too.”
“Yeah?” Hob grinned, leaning back so he is sitting up and stradling Dream’s hips, “Even though- and I can’t believe I have to say this outloud but now I have to make absolutely sure you understand- I have a cunt?”
Dream sputtered, face flushing at Hob’s bluntness. And yet, even as he pouts, he nods, “Yes. I love you, however you are.”
“You would love me if I was a worm?” Hob teased.
Dream nodded solemnly, replying completely seriously, “I would love you if you were a worm.”
Hob’s grin softened, and he leaned down to kiss Dream again.
And then, feeling bold and brave and loved, he grinned mischievously.
“I hope you know I’ll be telling this story at our wedding.”
(Years later, Hob will end the story by telling their guests about how Dream smacked him in the face with a pillow.)
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aphrogeneias · 7 months
for the birthday girl —
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, sweet like birthday cake. beware of cavities.
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The living room still smells of burning candles when everyone leaves.
There's a pack of unevenly shuffled cards on the table, near the half-eaten birthday cake. If you listened closely, laughter still echoed through the walls of the apartment, remnants of a happy night in the company of your dearest friends.
There's peace in the silence that is left over.
After you said your last goodbyes at the door, you'd been relegated to the couch, still wearing the silly bejeweled plastic crown Erica brought and insisted you'd use it — “for the birthday girl, duh.” — and a blanket over your exposed legs, not yet wanting to take off your new dress.
You listen to the one who'd insisted you sat down while they were in the kitchen. Eddie took your shoes off before setting a knitted blanket down over you, and while you tried to argue that, technically, it was past midnight and your birthday privileges could be revoked, he refused to listen.
Such a stubborn boyfriend you have, but you tend to not complain when it benefits you like this.
Eventually, the silence of the living room grows weary, and you stand to seek the company of the boy moving through the kitchen. Your barefoot steps barely make any noise as you approach him, with his back to you, facing the sink.
As if he hadn't spent all day in this very room, baking and decorating his very first birthday cake, until he realized he got too excited and messed up the recipe, having to ask Dustin to bring one from the store on his way here.
You'd spent the afternoon eating the icing, and you made him promise to not worry himself too much anymore — but here he is.
The sleeves of his shirt are pulled back to his elbows, showing off his inked forearms, wet from the dishes he's just finishing. His back is just as inviting as his arms as you wrap your arms around his lean waist, nuzzling yourself between his shoulder blades, and breathing him in.
It smells, and feels, like home.
“Thought I'd told you to stay put.” There's nothing but affection, and perhaps a little bit of amusement, in his voice.
“Don't want to.” You mumble with your cheek smushed to his warm back and the worn cotton of his long-sleeved shirt. “Missed you.”
“I was just in the other room.” His body vibrates with his chuckle, and you feel it go through him. Squeezing your arms around him, you let out a laugh too when he whispers, “Needy.”
“You love it.”
The two of you stay this way for a while, your hands travelling under his shirt, feeling the scarred skin of his sides and tummy beneath your fingertips — a reminder of the gift that is him, standing next to you for another year — until he finishes doing the dishes, and without drying his hands, turns to you. He takes your face in his wet hands, then, already chuckling at your protests, “Ugh, no!”
Water drips from your cheeks to your neck, but the feeling of his warm hands on the sides of your face, thumbs caressing your cheeks, is enough to make you ignore that. He is smiling even bigger than you are when he kisses your forehead, “Shhh. Let me.”
One, two, three. Four, five, six. Kisses to your forehead, nose, cheeks, jaw, chin. They keep adding up. To the top of your head to where your jaw meets your neck. You don't lose count, you notice.
One for each year you've been alive.
Involuntarily, your eyes fill with tears. “What's all this for?"
“You deserve’em.” His big eyes are shining too, under the yellow light of the kitchen. “Happy birthday, baby.”
He fixes the tiara on your head, and gives you one last kiss, this time on the lips. “Thank you.”
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mouwrites · 10 months
FNAF Security Breach - Catching Their Eye (Glamrock Bonnie & Daycare Attendant)
He’s not particularly close to any humans
Of course, he’s always polite and jovial with employees, but he doesn’t really cultivate relationships with them
He basically treats them the same as guests
But one day, he finds himself noticing you
It’s your personality that makes you stand out
Specifically, your sense of humor
The little jokes and quips you crack while interacting with guests brings a smile to his face
He actually ends up borrowing some of your material
From then on he keeps an eye (and an ear) on you
At first he’s just looking for a laugh himself, and maybe some inspiration for jokes
He trains himself to catch your voice over the noise of other guests
He learns to love the sound
After a while he decides to approach you
He tells himself it’s to ask official permission to use your material, but secretly he also wants to meet a fellow silly
“You come here often?”
“Kinda. I mean, I live in the walls, so…”
He lights up, absolutely delighted to engage in some comedic banter
He loses track of time talking to you
He even forgets his surroundings, completely oblivious to the children muttering excitedly as they “casually” walk past him several times
Eventually you have to separate though; you’re both still technically on the clock
It’s you that has to break your little bubble; he’s way too enraptured to do it himself
You walk away, hurrying off to your next task
He’s frozen in time while he watches you go
He’s sad to end the interaction, but at the same time he’s buzzing with joy that it even happened in the first place
Daycare Attendant (Sun)
He tries to remember every face he meets
Unfortunately he meets a lot of faces, and he often gets them mixed up
At first, you’re no exception
He calls you by at least three different names before getting it right
But the way you smile when he finally learns your name…
It sticks with him
Your name doesn’t though; he immediately forgets it again
So he gives you a ((very creative)) name in his head: “smiley”
He doesn’t actually call you that though
He just watches from afar, going “there’s smiley!!” in his head whenever he sees you
He does tend to stare, just because he wants to see if he can catch that smile again
One day you catch him, and you smile and wave
He just about short circuits right there
He leaps into the air, bounding around energetically and laughing victoriously
“Smiley smiled at me!!”
He doesn’t really look where he’s going, and eventually he comes to a stop right in front of you
You can’t hold back your laughter at his over the top reaction
From that moment on he dedicates himself to making you smile more often
Daycare Attendant (Moon)
He’s very good at remembering people; his mind is like an iron cage
But he doesn’t interact with people too often
He usually just waits to overhear someone’s name, or for them to tell it to him
It’s a rare occurrence for him to actually ask for someone’s name
So it’s a bit of an occasion when he approaches you to ask for your name
He was enchanted by your appearance, having caught sight of you from afar
He waited patiently for you to come to him; close enough that he could speak to you
Then he introduces himself, apologizing when you jump
“I didn’t mean to startle you. What’s your name?”
“That’s alright. I’m Y/n.”
He nods slowly
He decides that your name is just as beautiful as your appearance
He’ll continue to watch you, mostly from afar, but sometimes he’ll venture closer
You won’t see him in the darkness, but you might hear him whispering your name
It’s a little habit he’s developed; he’ll whisper your name just to hear the sound of it
It reminds him of you and your beauty
Needless to say, very infatuated with you
You’re like a fine jewel to him, something to be admired, something special in a sea of plain faces and names
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Thank you so much for reading!! And thank you to the lovely person who suggested this ;D take care <33
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b-o-e · 1 year
the plan
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: you are called dumb by frank lol (he refers to himself as the same GAHSGAH)
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #4 :)
Wally, desperate to get you to pick up on his feelings for you, sits down to try and sort out a plan with his wingmen.
Frank set his hands on the table top, leaning over it. These were important matters!
“We need to brainstorm here,” he said, eyes roaming between the other two seated at the table. “Things Wally can do that our target might actually pick up on,” he stood at his full height, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh!” Eddie exclaimed, raising his arm with a smile.
“You don’t have to raise your hand, Eddie.”
“Right,” the mailman smiled sheepishly, hand finding the back on his neck instead. “We can go with the obvious option and have him write a letter or two?” He pitched. 
“That did work on me…” Frank noted, nodding his head as he tapped his finger to his chin. “What do you think of that, Wally?” 
“I've… tried that,” Wally piped in, his cheeks flushing slightly. He wasn’t very proud of his attempt. 
“Oh. You have?” Eddie quirked a brow, puzzled. “I haven’t seen any letters between the two of you recently. Did you deliver it yourself?” 
“...I got shy,” he admitted bashfully.
“Writing a letter made you shy?”
“When I write, I tend to overthink it... When I speak, my words simply flow,” 
“That… actually makes a lot of sense for you in a way,” Frank commented, brow slightly furrowed. He shook his head, getting his thoughts back on track.
“But, what about the smaller things?” Frank then questioned. “You could try to be a little more physical with them?” 
“Yeah, have you tried a hand on their knee when you're sitting with them? Your shoulders close when you're walking together?” Eddie asked. 
“I do that,” Wally sighed. You guys were at the point of touching nearly every second you spent together. He would rest his leg against yours when you sat next to each other, he would rub your arm when consoling you, he would place a hand on your back when moving by or leading you somewhere, among any other thing he possibly could. He did all that!
“Eye contact obviously isn’t an issue,” Eddie giggled to himself.
Wally agreed with that fact. How could it be an issue? Wally couldn’t help but to gaze into your pretty eyes. He often found himself getting lost in them, losing track of the conversation sometimes as well.
“Treating them to something, perhaps? Maybe a sweet treat from Howdy’s?”
“Every Sunday. We’ve made it routine,” He said. He was fairly certain he could name all of your favourite snacks from there by heart, at this point.
“Hand-holding? Hugs?” 
“Every moment I can find an excuse to.”
“And you already tried a kiss on the cheek..?”
“Yeah…”  Wally deflated, his head resting against the table as nothing came of the interrogation. Was there no hope for him if all these attempts have failed already?
“Huh. They’re just dense, aren't they?” Frank deadpanned.
“Frank!” Eddie scolded.
“What? So were we,” he shrugged.
“Anything I try, they mistake it as me just being friendly,” Wally lifted his head, offering a defeated smile. “Is a friend all I’m meant to be?” He questioned, eyes like those of a kicked down puppy.
“I mean, I don't think so. It’s pretty clear they– ow!”
Frank had stepped on Eddie’s toe under the table, leaving the man pouting.
“It’s pretty clear they think you do these things in a friendly manner, " Frank took over the sentence. 
“How do I make it so that they don’t think of it that way?” Wally asked. 
“Well…” Frank began.
Wally was open to any suggestions at this point. He was done beating around the bush, and ready to face his feelings toward you head on if need be.
Wally had only one question on his mind. How?
hi!!! here is a lil snippet for today B) next is the one I've been most excited for! I hope that you guys enjoyed this lil inside thing for how Wally gets his advice lol.
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
thank you for reading, likes and reblogs are appreciated RAHHH DOPAMINE, and have a great day!!
Posted Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 10:28 AM
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newkatzkafe2023 · 10 days
How about a short female monkey reader with a temper, will kick someone in the knees if they make fun of her, but can be really sweet with her partner and children.
Short People tend to have the biggest attitudes on the planet....For example Children and Chihuahuas🤣🤣🤣
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(Lmk Wukong) He knows the struggle better then anybody else. He remembers people looking down at him and underestimating him at first because of his height. Then you do a one-eighty and be a angel to both him and Mk, acting like a loving wife to him and a sweet mother to Mk. It always makes Wukong blush and dizzy especially when he watched you break someone's leg Five minutes ago🤣
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(HIB Wukong) He laughs every time you lose your temper. He not stupid to tease you for your height especially when he saw you break legs over it. You are a loving mother to Luier and love to spoil him and spend alot of time with silly girl and and teach her how to defend herself and makes sure nobody takes advantage of her. Wukong also loves your short body it's easier for him to hug you.
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(NR Wukong) He laughs every time🤣 you kick someone. To him you are short and sweet looking all cute and cuddled up to him. You are an amazing mother figure to both Li and Su making sure Li eats, sleeps and clean his injuries when training gets to hectic. Then you Su was the daughter you always wanted you love spending time with her always dropping whatever you are doing and running to give her your aid. Wukong loves how tiny you are becauseit reminds him of those plushies.
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(MKR Wukong) A match made in Hell for everyone else😈. He's also flies off the handle whenever someone insults him, and he loves watching you beat ass. He also hates when People make fun of your height, and If Someone was dumb enough to do that in front of his face He'll be joining you on getting revenge for that transgression. On a Brighter note fruity has a very special place in your heart and love him just like any mama would love her child.
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(Netflix Wukong) Short Couples goals🥰 you and Wukong are the cutest village couple, But their was Times when people would make fun of your height, and because in his mind anybody who insults you they are insulting him, you both would join forces on kicking the crap out the aggressors. Lin is the sweet little daughter you always wanted, and you love to take care of her, you both have a lot in common mostly about Wukong and how he's goofy and a bit egotistical but you both love and care about him very much.
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vinestaffery · 3 months
hello!! if u can write illumina … can u pls write some general dating hcs? if u cant i completely understand :-) (if ur reqs are closed IM SO SORRY HHHH)
hihi!! thankyou so much for requesting :3 of course ill write these for you, i absolutely love headcanons because it doesnt run me dry quite quickly when it comes to writing oneshots!!! i hope these were good enough and i hope i was somewhat able to catch illumina's personality!!
Illumina tends to lose track of time, like a lot. Sometimes, he doesn't even realize that you need to be sleeping and he would just love to spend time with you. He can't comprehend the fact of time itself; Day time and Night time are like hallucinations to him. If you were to correct him on such, he would utterly avoid any points you make or make counters, such as him tossing you around and ignoring each time you try to demand being let go. He absolutely loves how you get so mad at him for such a silly little thing!
He is very bird-like, and you can tell by his very bird-like notions. Sometimes he'll accidentally knock into glass-sliding doors and be completely confused. What do you mean there was glass infront of him? There's nothing there! Sometimes, you might even catch his cleaning his feathers at his favourite past-time. He used to get really grouchy about, in which you understood. At the start of your guys relationship, he was quite private, especially taking care of his wings. Now, he's completely fine with you doing so, sometimes even asking you to help.
He'd get really overprotective with you sometimes when you get to meet new people. He likes to let people know you are his. He is not willing to trade for anything about you, and you notice this a lot. Sometimes he'll wrap his arms around you, his wings slowly rising beside him and you and his chin relaxing on your head. He likes to humilate the other while embarrassing you, stating how much you and him are together, flaunting it in others faces. You set some boundaries around this and he followed, but he still likes to let his presence be known or noticed.
Because of your involvement with Illumina, and being his soon-to-be-engagement partner (I tried my hardest to make this as inclusive as possible I am so sorry), you were mostly greeted with gifts from many other deities. Deities such as Windforce, Venomshank, and even Firebrand and his two sons(?). They'll deliver care-packages to display their gratitude and that your always welcome under their care, even though Illumina is someone that they don't really connect well with.
Cuddling with him is one of your favourite things, mostly because you have the ability to embarrass him. Even though he's 7'0", you always big-spoon him. He'd always try his hardest to be the big-spoon, but in the end, he loved the attention you'd give him as he finally gets that big ol' sleep.
He is a horrible cook, but that's okay. Sometimes, it'd be hilarious bakings and dinners, and sometimes near-death from the house burning down. I promise you he doesn't mean it!! But he'll struggle so badly to impress you, which he always successes. You always tend to help him, in which he tries his hardest to shoo you away!! But in the end, the help is always met with great gratitude, cuddles and affection.
Illumina struggles with affection, I'm not kidding. Being unaware of his own presence and being someone so cruel to others, only to fall for someone like you? He struggles. He never had been this affectionate, on both giving and recieving side, but he's always keen to try. When he tried to figure out more, he asked Ghostwalker, someone he knew he couldn't go back to but he needed major help. Sure, they both broke off, but he was willing to try anything. Ghostwalker found it strange, dangerous but was somewhat grateful that Illumina was willing to change. In the end, Illumina came home and was in the most affectionate mood, taking care of you and also, forgetting to check up on dinner in the oven.
He does give you nicknames, but isn't too keen on big major ones. The ones he use the most is, 'My Angel', 'Princess', 'My starlight', or any other cheesy name that he can give you. He varies much and listens into other nicknames he can give you.
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holderoftheg-r-a-i-l · 4 months
giant mechs hc dump under the cut. some are silly, and some are. very sad.
- some times someone will ask Ivy a question and instead of her voice they get a text-to-speech voice because the info is from a data download instead of her reading it
- Jonny sleeps with a weighted blanket. if he is sleeping in the same bed with someone, they will usually roll him up in the weighted blanket because if they do not, they will get kicked in the face from his flailing
- Marius spends a lot of time in the cockpit with Brian. Partially because he's fascinated with the control panels (he only knows what a few of the buttons do) but also because Brian tends to hum while he drives and it's calming.
- Raph keeps a catelogue of plants & substances from every system they visit. Ivy helps her categorize them. when they leave a system often the two of them can be exclusively found in the labs or library for several days as they sort & label plants, drugs, ect
- Tim has spent a lot of time studying whatever notes he can cipher out of Dr Carmilla's works. he spends a lot of time tinkering to try to create more mechanisms. he blames himself for Berties death since he convinced him to enlist, and even though bertie is long dead he still wants to learn to build a Mechanism, just to prove to himself he could have saved him if he had time
- Marius absolutely will hand someone his arm if they ask for a "hand" with something. this has ended in him getting shot more than once
- Jonny enjoys laying his head on Brian and listening to his heart beat, imagining it's his own. He has sworn Brian to secrecy (everyone already knows)
- occasionally ivy's brain will crash and she has to reboot. originally this freaked out the others but they're used to it. they will fuck with her while she's out of it. once a reboot took several hours and she woke up and every inch of her face was covered in stickers
- in order from best cooks to worst- ivy, Nastya, Marius, Raphealla, TS, Brian, Jonny, ashes, Tim.
- ashes & Tim are both natural heaters and are usually in the middle of a cuddle pile on colder planets
- Brian doesn't technically need to breathe and enjoys walking on the bottom of deep bodies of water to see the creatures below. he does have to make sure he gets all of the salt water off so he doesn't rust tho
- no one is letting the toy soldier back into the aurora, it just exists where it believes it should (because it's needed, narratively important, or because it believes it will be funny). only aurora knows this, the others believe they keep accidentally letting it back in. this also means toy solider is *incredibly* good at startling others by just appearing in corners or behind doors.
- Jonny is missing the finger prints on one of his fingers from a bar fight, where he narrowly missed losing the whole finger.
- Tim has some knee damage from living in the tunnels during the moon war and while the mechnaizing has helped some, occasionally uses a cane
- Ashes has nerve damage in thier lower limbs from the flame damage
- Marius sometimes gets phantom pains from his missing arm
- somwtimes Brian turns all of his sensors up because he forgets what feeling actually alive feels like. his processor has limited ability to process things like warmth or pain so they just feel like echos of the real thing. he gets jealous sometimes of the others. everyone else can *feel* thier hugs. he's even jealous of TS. it can't feel like him, but it also doesn't remember what it felt like before. he's even jealous of the others feeling pain because at least it's more than just dull flashes that thier brain attempts to imitate as feeling
- ashes is Brian's favorite to touch/hug/cuddle with purely because they run hotter so it's easier for his sensors to pick up the temperature difference (so it feels the closest to hugging did before mechanizing)
- Brian hates the zero grav zones on the aurora & avoids them if at all possible because they remind him of his time before mechanizing (aurora knows this and will shuffle corridors around if she knows where he is going to avoid low grav areas)
- sometimes Tim will just. turn off the sensors in his eyes for a bit. usually when he's over stimulated. sometimes when he's tinkering on something he knows well and someone keeps bothering him. sometimes it's because someone keeps trying to get his attention and "sorry I didn't see you my eyes were off" is hilarious
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