#but what if the leak was wrong and they merged them into one brother named gawyn who looks like galad-
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first they jumpscared me with a floofy-haired white boy who turned out to be rand in disguise and not gawyn, and THEN they showed galad without gawyn. mean and evil!!!!
#WHERE IS MY BOY#now the 'what if they DID merge the brothers' fears are resurfacing#even though i KNOW they can't be true since they namedropped gawyn but this actor's cv leak named him as galad#but what if the leak was wrong and they merged them into one brother named gawyn who looks like galad-#no girl they would've just named Merged Brother galad if they were going to do that! i'm sure gawyn is simply out of frame in this shot#right??? right?????#wot#wot book spoilers#wot show spoilers
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Part 5 [FF | AO3] of Protocol: The world has changed since the Merge. Ghosts-threats-are everywhere, the Guys in White are in control, and trust is a risk when friends can so easily become foes. Dystopian AU (courtesy of competent, world-merging GiW)
Red light engulfed Danny, and all Jazz could hear was his scream.
He dropped.
His screams cut off as he crashed into the ground, but they still echoed in her ears.
Jazz couldn’t breathe, but her eyes met Sam’s. Sam’s lip curled before she picked her way across the wreckage. “You broke protocol.” Sam’s voice was cold. Hard. Cruel. “You let that ghost separate us and then you pursued without waiting for backup.” She reached Danny and kicked him in the side, hard. Jazz winced. “Still animate. Come on. Let’s secure it.”
Fenton made no move to help her haul the ghost from their jet once they reached the base, but Sam wasn’t entirely convinced her sensibilities regarding it hadn’t been compromised. She’d once thought it a brother, after all. The betrayal of what it actually was should cut deep, but perhaps it was hard for Fenton not to see her brother looking out from the ghost’s lying eyes.
The ghost was conscious again, despite its ectoplasm leaking all over the previously-pristine containment cell on their jet. The other members of their team had paused to jeer, but Fenton had dismissed them with a bark, and they’d gone. Phantom had been their capture; no one else would share that glory.
Sam was only letting Fenton share credit because she’d distracted it in that critical moment.
Fenton took down other ghosts readily enough. She didn’t lack skill, not anymore. Sam knew she was still the better shot—she always had been—but Fenton could rival any of the senior staff at this point.
She’d be a good one to train new recruits, if anyone could convince her to step back from the field.
Not that anyone would. She was a Fenton. Her family name was well known now, and not just because of the abomination that had once been her brother.
It made Sam’s insides curdle, thinking that she had once called it a friend.
Thinking that she had helped it.
“Make the report,” she told Fenton. “I’ll get the ghost down to processing.”
Fenton met her eyes, knowing exactly what Sam was doing. “Are you sure?” she asked quietly.
“You’re still a good hunter.” Hesitation alone wasn’t enough reason for Sam to stab her in the back and report her. Even with that, Sam trusted Fenton more than she trusted the newer recruits. Someone with a sloppy shot would get her killed, and Fenton wouldn’t let a ghost attack her.
Besides, she was willing to let Fenton fudge the report for something as small as that. She wasn’t willing to swap places and let Fenton take the ghost anywhere while unsupervised, however many cameras were spaced throughout the facility. Getting the ghost to processing wouldn’t take that long, anyway. She’d be back before Fenton finished.
It wasn’t strictly following protocol, of course. They were supposed to make the reports together. But the higher ups would understand. This wasn’t a ghost she was willing to pass off to anyone else. Not before she got it to processing, anyway. She knew better than most how tricky it could be, but they’d be equipped to handle its tricks down there.
“Thank you,” Fenton whispered. Her eyes lingered on the ghost for a few more seconds before she turned her back on it and headed off. That technically meant Sam needed to get someone else to help her get the ghost out of the cell, but it was more for redundancy’s sake than anything else. She was content to have them watch her work.
The Guys in White gadgetry was simple to use. Intuitive. Besides, a good many pieces weren’t unlike the FentonWorks weaponry she’d once used. Considering all the Fentons’ designs had been turned over to the Guys in White, that wasn’t a surprise. After the raids on Vlad’s various secret labs, his technology had been appropriated, too. There were others, of course, but Sam didn’t trust anything that she knew came out of the hands of completely inept ghost hunters.
Just because they’d improved since the Merge, out of necessity if nothing else, it didn’t mean she’d trust their previous so-called research.
The ghost was still twitching from the electricity she’d run through it before opening the cell, but it was a simple thing to snap on the cuffs, attach a lead chain, and drag it to its feet. “You’re coming with me,” she told it as it blinked stupidly at her, sagging against the outside wall of the cell. She pulled, and it stumbled into place alongside her.
“Sam,” it croaked.
Did it think she was still its friend?
Maybe she should let it. The very idea made her nauseous, but if it thought it could trust her? If it thought she was just doing this for show? She’d get a lot more information out of it than if it knew the truth.
Or, rather, accepted the truth.
“Protocol,” she hissed, hoping it would take that to mean she couldn’t talk.
It blinked and nodded, but it had never been one to keep silent for long. It barely waited until they were out of earshot of the other agent before it asked, “Where are we going?”
“Processing.” She knew she should add I’m sorry or some equivalent, just for the show, but she couldn’t force the words past her lips just yet. She glanced pointedly at the cameras instead. It licked its lips and bobbed its head again.
“Do…do I want to know what’s involved in processing?” it ventured after a moment.
No. “Cursory evaluation, subject assignment, security recommendations. For your accommodations.” She put as much of a sneer into the word as she could muster. Let it think she hated that she was doing this. Let it think that she didn’t want to, that circumstances were forcing her to. Let it think her pretense was for a different reason. “It’ll mostly be to check a box than anything else. Your reputation precedes you.”
“Yeah,” it whispered. “I’ve been a target for a while. We all have.”
“You’re a bigger prize than some.”
“Which will make my escape that much more meaningful,” it said. It still spoke quietly, barely moving its lips even when she glanced at it, but it was able to put an impressive amount of force behind the words. It had only slightly turned its face towards her, but it looked…hopeful.
She stamped down on the disgust that rose within her and fought to keep her face and voice smooth. “It would,” she managed, which was as close to agreement as she could get. They weren’t going to just let it escape. None of their specimens escaped. Some had been destroyed, eventually destabilizing and turning into ectoplasm, but this one would be more resilient than that.
“So not right away, huh?”
It did think she was still on its side. Good. She gave her head a minute shake. “Not yet.” Not ever.
“Too risky, I guess.”
Was that a note of fear in its voice, buried beneath bravado and false acceptance?
“I’ll hold on, I promise. No matter what they do to me.”
They. How foolish it was, not to sort her in with the others, if only out of a sense of self-preservation. She could have told it that it was better to assume the worst and be wrong than to assume the best and be wrong.
It would learn soon enough.
Sam stopped in front of the elevator. “Processing is in the first level of the basement,” she told it as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.
It followed her inside—it had to, as she still had it on a short leash—and waited until the doors had shut again before saying, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. When they attacked. I…I tried, but….”
“It’s okay.” When she thought back on it, the attack hadn’t come soon enough. She’d done so much for the rebels. Too much.
“Have you seen Tucker?”
Tucker. She still wasn’t sure if he’d come around to the right side, but after she’d come here, she’d sent word to have one of the other tech guys screen his communications. No guarantee, of course, if Tucker’s skills were better than whoever was trying to hack him, but Tucker was valuable, and she didn’t want him taken for questioning unnecessarily. If they hadn’t captured this ghost, she might worry more, but since they had? Tucker’s hands would be tied even if he did still want to help the rebels. The abomination would have been one of his last consistent points of outside communication, and without a leader, a face, a symbol, something to rally around, the rebels would crumble sooner rather than later anyway.
“Field agents don’t associate with the techies.”
It lapsed into silence, finally, as they arrived at the floor for processing.
Sam nodded to the agent at the end of the hall as they exited the elevator. “This is where I leave you. With Agent N.” Processing was contained, every square inch coated in phase proof finish or built from treated material. It wouldn’t be able to escape, even if Agent N displayed uncharacteristic incompetence. “I need to get back to Fenton. Jazz,” she amended too late, seeing the look that crossed its face.
“Right,” it breathed. “I…. I’ll see you soon, I hope?”
“I don’t know,” she said. Let him think they still kept her schedule in the dark, even though she wasn’t among the newest recruits. It was still looking at her, so she twisted her mouth into a smile. The best she could manage, anyway. “Sorry.” The word felt wrong. “Um…good luck.”
It snorted. “Thanks, Sam, but luck isn’t going to get me out of this.”
No, it wouldn’t, but luckily, she didn’t need to come up with a response because Agent N was in earshot. Not looking at the ghost beside her, she said to her colleague, “This is our latest acquisition.”
Agent N grinned at her and took the proffered lead. “We caught it at last.”
“We did,” she whispered, feeling its eyes burning into her. She stood her ground as Agent N took it in for processing. When it looked back at her, something inside her twisted, and she turned away.
(see more fics | next)
#danny phantom#dystopian au#sam manson#danny fenton#phanfiction#fanfiction#dp fanfiction#my writing#ladylynse
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Crisis on Infinite Earths
So given what I have been reading and watching lately, I just can’t anymore. What some self-promclaimed experts and people who should know better are claiming ist just so wrong, it hurts
So here is a short list of the most common misunderstandings concerning the future of the Arrowverse and “Crisis on Infinite Earths”.
(By the way, only ever believe stuff that comes from offical sources, take even the stuff Pagey and Ben say with a grain of salt, there sources may be reliable or may not be reliable, and in the time between production and transmission a lot can change (they same goes for canadagraphs). And please listen to their whole videos, they are going to tell you were they got something from and how believable they think it is most of the time. If they don’t name sources, they are probably just speculating, please keep that in mind).
* “Crisis on Infinite Earths” will be a five night event.
No, while there are five episodes, the last two parts will air on the same night. So it’s four nights: Three in december and one in january.
* It will be the crossover-event that imbebds “Black Lightning” into the Arrowverse.
Kind of true. Black Lightning played by Cress Williams is in the crossover-event. However there will be no tie-in episode in “Black Lightning” and it’s unconfirmed if any other BL-characters will show up in the crossover. Furthermore “Smallville” and “Birds of Prey” will also crossover in the Arrowverse with this event. Does this make them part of the Arrowverse? I guess, that’s up to debate.
* Tom Welling will be the third Superman in “Crisis”.
Kind of true. There are two important versions of Superman in the crossover: The Arrowverse-One played by Tyler Hochelin and an aged up version played by Brandon Routh. However Tom Welling is reprising his Smallville-Character in the crossover as well. And he will be in a scene with Tyler and Brandon. But he is not heavily involved in the crossover, and it’s unknown if he actually is going to be in suit or not.
* Erica Durance and Tom Welling will reprise their “Smallville”-Characters, but Michael Rosenberg will not.
Probably true. Michael Rosenbaum did post a rather long explanation for him not being in the crossover. This explanation is most likley true, but it could have been a calculated lie an/or a ploy to get more money for a cameo, or he could have changed his mind after all and now be in the crossover anyway. However, none of this is very likely.
*Justin Hartley is the Smallville Green Arrow in “Crisis.”
Unconfirmed and probably not happening due to “This is Us”. If he is in it, it would be a very small cameo.
* Helena Wayne is the only “Birds of Prey”-Character in “Crisis.”
She is the only confirmed character in “Crisis” as of now. It would be kind of strange to not use the Black Canary, whose actress is a regular on one of the Arrowverseshows, but somehow no one ever confirmed her for that part, so maybe it’s just Huntress.
* “Crisis on Infinite Earths” confirms that “Birds of Prey” takes place in the same timeline as Tim Burtons Batman-Movies.
I really don’t think so. There will be a nod to the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton-Batman-Movies, but I don’t think that there will be a connection to “Birds of Prey”. The newspaper of the Keaton-Verse shows an article about Bruce Waynes relationship with Selena Kyle, yes, but this takes place in the present and the picture they used shows a young Michael Keaton, so where should the grown-up daughter come in? As nice as this would be, explaining it would distract from the actual storyline.
* Michael Keaton will be in “Crisis”.
You wish. I wish. We wish. I really doubt it.
* Kevin Conroy is Old Man Bats.
Yes, he is. That’s literally all we know about his role though. He spoke about a Bat-suit, so at least it looks like we finally get a proper look at a version of Batman during Crisis.
*The Titans in the crossover are not the Titans from “Titans”.
Okay, so about that. There was a scene involving the Titans which was marked as filmed. We don’t know who was in that scene, but it was a cameo-moment. So, the only version of the Titans that was ever shown in a non-animated adaption of DC Comics was the version from the DC-App. Now, there is the rumor/claim that the actors refused to shoot said scene for various reasons and that the scene was scrapped. Of course one could do a scene involving alternate versions of Wally West und Roy Harper posing as the “Titans” from any odd Arroverse-Universe. But why should anyone bother to do this? Also, it’s very likely that those two are not even showing up in Crisis at all, so why bother doing this scene at all? So unless it turns out to be an unexpected animated scene, the only Titans making sense appearing in Crisis would be the current Titans from the DC-Show with the same name.
* Tom Ellis is playing Lucifer in Crisis.
Oh, boy, that one. We have photos. And denials. So, the mostly likely scenario is, that Tom Ellis is going to play an unnamed angel or demon who is going to be summoned by John Constantine in order to do something (probably bring back Oliver from the dead). While the character is dressed like Lucifer Morningstar in “Lucifer”, my guess it that he won’t be named that onscreen. So this is going to be an indirect crossover, where everyone knows it’s Lucifer, but no one says it. Unless the sequence gets scrapped, because it leaked. However given that it is a scene of plot-importance that probably won’t happen.
* Given that Brandon Routh is leaving “Legends” Ray Palmer will die in Crisis and stay dead.
Okay, this is what prompted me to right this article. Yes, Brandon is leaving “Legends of Tomorrow” alongside his wife. He filmed his last scenes a short while ago (Probably). BUT THE LEGENDS TIE-IN EPISODE IS THE FIRST ONE OF SEASON 5 AND TAKES PLACE BEFORE THE REST OF THE SEASON. A SEASON THAT RAY PALMER IS VERY MUCH IN FOR THE FIRST HALF SO UNLESS HE IS UNDEAD FOR THE REST OF SEASON 5 HE CAN’T DIE FOR GOOD IN CRISIS! Rays last episode is most likely to either be 5.7 or 5.8 because “Crisis” is not even the official first episode of the season, but more like episode 5.0 or a special between seasons. Yes, they filmed it between the episodes 5.7. und 5.8 along the other shows for technical reasons, but it takes place before the events of season 5.
* Mick might die in Crisis.
Like I said, Dominic is very much in season 5. The Legends Tie-In of Crisis takes place before the events of season 5, even though it was filmed as episode 8.
* Zari Tomaz is in Crisis.
Again: Crisis takes place before the events of season 5. During the season finale of season 4 Zari was erased from the Legends-Timeline and her brother Behard took her place. The Legends can’t remember Zari, they think Behrad has been their teammate all along. There will be a new version of Zari in Season 5. But this version will under no circumstances debut during Crisis. However another version of Zari Tomaz from another universe could be in the crossover for a brief cameo.
*Behrad Tomaz is in Crisis.
I thought so too, because he is in the current Legends-Team. however the only Legends we know for sure to be in Crisis are Ray, Sara, Mick und John. It was pointed out to me that including Behrad could be to confusing for the general audience. So he might just sit this one out, like Evelyn did the Arrow-Tie-In of “Invasion!”.
* Batwoman ist the only Batwoman-Character in Crisis.
Possible, but unlikley.
*Batwoman will catch up to the other shows timeline-wise before Crisis
Not necessarily. Given the Waverider, Harbinger, and the Monitor and the events of Arrow 8.4 time travel is very much on the table. Batwoman could just be taken from her current late 2018/early 2019 timeline for the crossover. Or the Tie-In-Episode takes place later than the episodes after it.
* Crisis will end with all universes merging in one.
I hope not. It’s possible, but would be a very stupid move. As in any adaption this one will be very different from its source, so don’t bet on it.
* “Superman and Lois” und the Arrow Backdoor-Pilot will be the new Arrowverse Series for the next season.
At this point a pilot for “Superman and Lois” has been commissend and the Backdoor-Pilot for the Mia/Canaries-Show has been flimed and will be transmitted in January. Neither show has been picked up yet. This won’t happen before pilot-season, which means we won’t know for sure until mid 2020.
* “Supergirl” will be cancelled because of “Superman and Lois”.
While it is entirely possible that “Supergirl” will end after Season 6 (given that standart US-television-contracts run for six years), the show won’t be cancelled for a potential Superman-show, that might not even be picked up. If “Supergirl” ends, it will be because Melissa wants to move on, not because of Superman.
* Next season is going to bring a six part/ seven show crossover.
I have nightmares about this already. But we can’t know until we know the 2020/21 programm of The CW.
#Blog#arrowverse#News#Crisis on Infinite Earths#Arrow#The Flash#Supergirl#Legends of Tomorrow#Black Lightning#Lucifer#Titans#Smallville#Birds of Prey#superman & lois#green arrow and the canaries#Batwoman#Arrow Season 8#The Flash Season 6#Legends of Tomorrow Season 5#Supergirl Season 5#Supergirl Season 6#Batwoman Season 1
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Synopsis: The Andersons hold their annual family Christmas in Nashville with a secret underwraps
“Charlotte, have you seen mama?”
“Gro-cer-ee.” the two-year-old told her dad proudly. She barely managed to utter the word as she remained engrossed in the princess movie Anderson had put on the TV to keep her occupied. With one hand in her small pink bowl of popcorn and the other stroking Bellamy’s fur, she certainly wasn’t willing to give her dad any more information than what was necessary.
Patting her head to let his baby know he appreciated it, Anderson stalked into the kitchen to grab a drink. He and Miranda had already gone Christmas shopping the week before so there was no need for her to be at the grocery store. But in true Miranda fashion, he figured she had come up with a last minute idea to impress everyone. With both families traveling from Alabama and Texas respectively, his wife had felt the pressure for the last two years since Charlotte was born. He was positive she missed casually showing up at his mom’s and her own knowing they had already prepared a full Christmas banquet. But as a mother herself now, she had been adamant on gathering everyone in their own family home to create a new tradition.
After his mulled wine glass was poured and Waylon had come in asking for a snack, he was just about to send her a text asking where she was when he heard the front door slam shut.
“There you are! Why did you need to go to the grocery store?”
“We forgot carrots!” Miranda laughed, rolling her eyes at her own mistake. “We can’t have Christmas without carrots! And Charlotte needs to put one out for Rudolph tonight!”
“It’s a good job you remembered, honey.”
“I do have my uses.” she smirked, throwing the heavy bag on the counter and placing both of her cold hands on her husband’s chest. “You were worried about me?”
“Just a little.” he lied. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going?”
“I figured you wouldn’t notice…” she trailed off. “But I’m home now, it doesn’t matter.”
Anderson agreed, pulling Miranda in by the waist and brushing the stray hair trapped under her hat away from her face. As he leaned in to kiss her, Miranda felt her stomach jolt but sucked it up. And when he eventually pulled back, she forced a smile and headed upstairs.
As his wife left to put her pajamas back on to cuddle Charlotte on the couch, Anderson took the carrots and went to put them in the refrigerator. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed the exact same bag filled with orange sticks sitting at the forefront of the chilled kitchen apparatus. Miranda was many things but she was not forgetful.
“What the hell was she doing…” he whispered to himself.
Upstairs, Miranda walked straight past her closet and into the ensuite. Locking the door behind her, she headed straight for their bathroom counter and emptied the contents of her purse. As a white and blue box fell out, she picked it up, her hands shaking. She thought back to four years ago when this process had begun, when she spent every month praying that very same box could give her everything she wanted. But it had failed her. And it had failed her too many times to trust it could result in happiness.
She promised she would never keep a secret from her husband, especially after her last marriage. She knew he was growing suspicious downstairs but she couldn’t let him in on this one. She could control her own disappointment: bottle it up and pretend it never happened but she couldn’t face his masked devastation. Not on Christmas Eve and certainly not with their own little miracle anticipating Santa’s imminent arrival. They had to be thankful for her, for what they had but Miranda couldn’t ignore the nausea and the sore boobs any longer.
Taking a deep breath, she tore the cardboard apart and took the stick in her hands. She couldn’t bear to look as she pulled her jeans down and closed her eyes. In most cases the not-knowing was always worse than facing reality, but with her pregnancy struggles, she wasn’t so sure on that policy.
When the two minutes were up, Miranda stopped pacing. Her hair was now matted with sweat and the little mascara she had put on her face to go purchase her fate at the grocery store was trickling down her face.
Looking at the small blurred screen, the blonde looked at the number of pink lines before her.
She immediately crumbled to the floor.
______ _______ ______
“Now remember, if you don’t go to sleep, Santa won’t come!”
Miranda and Anderson both laughed when Charlotte immediately shut her eyes, insisting that her furry friend at the bottom of her bed did too.
“We’ll see you in the morning, baby.” Miranda coo’d, leaning down to leave one last kiss on her two-year-old’s cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you too, mama.”
After Anderson had repeated the sentiment and the little girl’s fairy lights were turned on, her parents left her door slightly ajar before making their way downstairs. Every Christmas Eve they had their own private Christmas. With the craziness of merging their families at the festive season, they barely got any time to themselves and so made the effort to give each other their gifts the night before.
“Wine?” Anderson asked as Miranda took her spot on the couch in front of the fire.
“I’m not thirsty…”
“Are you alright?” her husband laughed, resting the back of his hand against her forehead to check her temperature. “You’re not coming down with something are you?”
Taking a seat next to her, Anderson decided he would go first. It usually went down that way. He would give Miranda the most thoughtful gift before she would feel embarrassed of her mediocre one. To her they were, but to Anderson her effort went farther than she could ever comprehend.
“Open it, honey.”
As Miranda tore the paper off, her heart soared when she opened up a small velvet box. His jewelry game was always out of the park. Unlocking the golden latch at the front, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the silver platted bracelet. It had numerous charms hanging from it and when she picked it up to have a closer look, she saw her husband’s name, their daughter’s and one for every dog.
“Our whole family” he smiled.
“You’re too good to me.” she sniffled, a small tear leaking from her eye as she leaned over and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
“Now show me mine!” he laughed, clapping his hands together. He had completely killed the moment but he figured he could recreate it once Miranda had given him his.
“Okay…” she began, her voice uneven. “So I bought you something months ago and it completely sucks so I changed it at the last minute —“
“That’s what you were doing at the grocery store?”
“No, I was buying carr —“
“Don’t lie to me, Ran. We already had them in the refrigerator.”
“Oh…” she sighed softly to herself. “Fine, you caught me.”
But as Anderson looked closer at her sweaty face, he could tell she was lying. In all the years he had known her, he had quickly learned she wasn’t very good when it came to that — or maybe it was just lying to him that she sucked at. But he decided to let it go, it was Christmas after all.
“So go on then…what’s my gift?”
Miranda smiled uneasily as she twisted round and grabbed the leather box with a red bow tied neatly around it. She could barely hold her stomach together as Anderson let the ribbon fall to the floor and took the lid off the box. He looked up at her momentarily, his face confused about what it contained.
“What’s this?”
“Look closer…”
As Anderson lifted the long device out of its wrapping, he stared intently down at it. It took him longer than Miranda anticipated to put two and two together but when everything finally began to make sense to the dad-of-one, he looked up at his wife, his eyes filled with tears.
“Merry Christmas, baby!” Miranda sobbed, a smile engulfing her face.
“Y-y-y-you’re —“
“Pregnant? Yeah…I am.” she stated casually, tears falling down her own face as she looked at her wreck of a husband. The stick containing her pee in his hand didn’t seem to bother him.
“We — we’re…” Anderson took a second to catch his breath, inhaling and exhaling the best he could. “We’re having another baby?!!”
“We’re having another baby.”
Anderson couldn’t contain his joy any longer as he pulled Miranda into a tight embrace. As he locked her head in his arms, his lips repeatedly kissing the top of her head, neither of them could speak except for the audible tears escaping their eyes and lips.
“But how —“
“I don’t know…” she sniffled, her head resting on his shoulder as she laid herself on him. She smiled when his hand went straight to her stomach. “I didn’t want to tell you incase I wasn’t and then —“
“So that’s why you went to the grocery store.”
Miranda laughed, her head leaning up to kiss his soft lips one more time.
“Yeah, sorry about that! It’s just we’ve been through this so many times before and it’s never been good news and -”
“You’re carrying our second child!!!!! You’re never apologizing to me again!”
“I’ll hold you to that one!” she winked.
“I just can’t believe —“
“God works in mysterious ways, babe.”
“I always thought we’d only have Charlotte…” Anderson noted, his spare hand brushing through Miranda’s golden locks. “I accepted that the day she was born. And don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for our little girl every single day but we made another baby? We get to give her a baby brother or sister? Ran, I —“
“I know…” she smiled, her voice hoarse as she choked on her tears. “Our very own Christmas miracle!”
“You have no idea how much I love you.” he returned.
“Oh, I do. I so do.”
Stretching his body out across the cushioning of their couch, Anderson beckoned Miranda closer. Curling into his side, Miranda pressed her elbows into the soft furnishing in order to lean up. She pressed her lips to his softly, her heart swelling as Anderson’s encompassed them. Between their sleeping little elf upstairs, her husband’s lips pressed into her and their unborn baby squeezed between them Miranda was pretty confident this was the best Christmas Eve she’d ever had.
“Charlotte is gonna be so excited!!!” Anderson gushed when he eventually pulled back. “She’ll be a big sister!!”
“This poor baby!” Miranda joked, earning a laugh from her husband.
But truth be told, her daughter, and now eldest, would make the best big sister a baby could ask for. Miranda had been one herself. She loved having a younger brother and she knew her husband had always craved a big family after being an only child. Pregnancy was the one thing in their lives they couldn’t see coming.
As their Christmas tree glittered before them, Charlotte’s milk and cookies for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph laid on their coffee table, and their dogs snoozed by fire; all the presents underneath the tree now seemed trivial. For the best gift had already been made months earlier, ready to greet the world long after the holidays had passed. But the baby inside Miranda’s stomach was the only one the pair would truly remember.
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She’s no you ch. 17 part 1
I worked out how to post yay!! But I have to do it in parts so here’s the first part.
Like always it’s unedited
@lily-pop-2 @luly310 @eveerez @lurkernolonger @mmfdfanfic @hey1tskat1e @milllott @i-dream-of-emus @milymargot @arathewallflower @mallyallyandra @tinakegg @l88cym
Third persons pov:
Days turned into nights, and those nights had not yet turned into weeks, but it felt like eternity. It felt surreal for Finn to feel the heat of the women he loved again. He had missed the comfort of Rae's body with her luscious curves and silky skin. Olivia never once felt right, either too warm or to cold. Of course his baby momma was just right.
Finn chuckled to himself momentarily as he enjoyed the scenic view of Manhattan's elite within his sight. He knew from the moment he met Rae his life was going to become a whole lot better. Even socialising in college became more entertaining, Rae had always mixed well with his fraternity brothers, she was just a breath of fresh air.
Archie stepped into Finns open office just in time to catch him straightening out his collar. The atmosphere was thick between the brothers, like a knowing about what was about to unfold.
"You ready?" Archie asked swiftly, his faćade playing the part of a perfect business man. Finn nodded and quickly collected his thoughts before picking up the file from his desk.
Today was the day he promised Rae would come. His plan was formulated and discreetly passed on to those who needed it. He didn't think it would succeed so quickly and he was pleasantly surprised.
Archie followed Finn through office space and towards the elevator. The ride down to the floor below was silent; both choosing to stand on opposite corners. The ting of the bell indicated they had reached their destination, but before Finn could step through the doors Archie grabbed his arm. Concern foreshadowed his face but his eyes told a different story, a warning of what was to come.
"Remember Finn we are at work. I have cleared the floor, but I do not need security dragging that man's broken body out the building" he said sternly in a brotherly-like fashion. "If her brothers can keep it together so can you. I know how much you want to crush that man's face, but hit him where he hurts - His ever growing ego. Other then that brother, I hope you fuck that peice of shit up."
Finn smiled and clapped a hand on the back of Archie's neck, pulling him forward and rested their heads together for a moment. A moment of gratitude and love. Finn pulled back, nodding and understanding Archie's words. Finn didn't even think twice before replying. He was brutally honest and the words, they had already found the tip of his tongue.
"I can't make any promises."
Not even leaving room for an argument Finn left a gaping Archie at the elevator and marched towards the main board room. The sound proof glass wall ran the entire length of the back wall, the room itself being the size of a small apartment. It was where his company meetings where held, and socilaizors organised within work. It usually comfortable sat 50 or so people, but today only a few people gathered.
Finn pushed open the glass door to silence. Roberto was the first to look at Finn, anger edged into his features but a light sparked in his eye. He was a wicked man at times, but a trustworthy partner to have.
Positioning himself between his father and Roberto, Finn ordered the papers he needed then handed them to his left and right. An ordinary practice Finn used to calm himself. He hadn't looked across the table yet. He didn't dare to, not until he was completely calm.
Archie scurried in seconds later, frazzled no more he joined Julian and Mark who chose to remain standing, other then join the table. The three of them hesitantly watched Finn move waiting for a sign things were about to sail south.
John Davis, his wife Merabelle and their lawyer Mr. Tom Hinton watched on silently at the man who had summon them. Internally John smirked, the thoughts of his conquest with the beautiful Rae Nelson flashed in his mind. Even with the merge Finn was planning on taking with him; or so the whispers told him, all he could think of was how soft her skin was. He was a sick, skillfully witted man climbing to the top. But as they say you should never believe Chinese whispers.
"Mr. Davis" Finn spoke without a hint of emotion. This surprised John, making him clear his throat and smile.
"Mr. Nelson, this is my wife Merabelle as you know and my lawyer Mr. Hinton. My Secretary told me you wanted to speak with me about an important matter?" 'Yeah, whilst I was fucking her in the restroom.' John thought.
Finn acknowledged the two other occupants sitting next to the vile man. His body couldn't help but momentarily grow stiff as he listened to John talk. Never in his life had he wanted to kill a person, but right now it was pretty plausible that he was going to go down for capital murder.
"My name is Roberto Earl and I will be representing Mr. Nelson, I'm sure you know Mr. Nelson Snr" he gestured to the older man next to Finn. "And these are my brothers Julian and Mark, standing with Finn's brother Archie."
Recognition ignited in the eyes of the opposing party, for one it seemed strange to have such a family affair at a meeting without other outside listeners, and two Roberto was a very well known lawyer in the city of New York. They had never heard him venturing into business endevers though, it was family court where be succeeded the most.
"Very well. Shall we get to the point?" Finn question. John nodded signalling for Finn to continue speaking.
"Before I get started John i just want to point out how lucky you truly are today" John looked to his wife and grinned a smug grin, the though of money does that to a man. "But you know what they say, luck only takes you so far.."
Merabelle stiffened, John mouth gaped slightly and Mr. Hinton looked between the two. They didn't understand as to what Mr. Nelson was rambling on about, but if they went by the murderous glint in the man's eye they would have to say it was not good.
Finns hands slammed down on the table, causing both his dad and Roberto to grab a shoulder to make sure he wouldn't lunge at the pathetic excuse for a man.
"You fucked with the wrong family John! And you defiantly fucked around with the wrong women, who aren't your wife." Finn looked towards Merabelle, he felt sorry for the aging women who he knew was a nice lady. She was actually friends with his step-mother, and Finn knew for a fact that she had no idea what exactly her husband did behind her back. He was going to make sure she was going to get out of this unscathed.
"Who-who who-"
"Who, who, who? What are you John, a fucking owl? You didn't think that what you did would get back to me? Are you really that pathetic? YOU SEXUALLY ASSULTED MY FUCKING WIFE!" Finn roared just as the tears leaked from Merabelle's eyes.
"You cornered her, sexually assulted her, then got your little slut on the side to take photos of it!" Finn clicked his finger and Archie pulled the photos from the file in his hand. He threw them on the table, they slid across the polished wood until they were stopped by John's hand. A not too subtle sob escaped the women next to him as he glared at the evidence.
"What exactly is going on?" Mr. Hinton questioned to nobody in particular.
"Your client both molested and assisted to help blackmail my clients wife-"
"Yeah and my fucking sister you piece of shit!"
"Mark enough!" Roberto warned turning to face his brothers. Julian grabbed hold of marks arm and dragged him further away from the table, where whispered words were passed between them.
"In accordance with the contract that Mr. Nelson signed when he invested in your clients company, it states that all financial support given to Mr. John Davis can be subtracted at any given time. This was the loophole given when my client chose to invest in such a small comany."
Roberto passed Mr. Hinton the paperwork necessary for the lawyer to look over. With wary eyes he looked towards John and Merabelle, Roberto was correct. Though the clause was small and in the fine print, never the less it was still there.
"Let him!" John spoke suddenly, scoffing at the paperwork in front of him. "He only invested 30% of my company, I've made more then enough in the last year to cover his share!"
"Id like to remind you John that I wasn't the only person to invest in your company when you started out" Finn all but chuckled.
"In fact several other business men and women put their hard earn cash into your business, but it seems to be they have found a better alternative. My company have offered them investment deals that they would be a fool to turn down" Finn watched in delight as John paled in front of him, the sudden gulp of saliva that seemed to be lodged in the man's throat brought a hint of joy to Finn.
"You can't do that!"
"All is fair in the game of business John. You fucked with the wrong person and now I'm going watch you burn" Finn smirked.
"Finn" Archie interrupted when his phone beeped. "Its done. I've sent the details through to Mr. Hinton."
Tom grabbed his phone off the table and also paled. Everything was working out perfectly.
"You uh- you..."
"Spit it out already Tom! I'm not paying you for nothing!" John spat.
"Seems your not paying me at all Mr. Davis. You have no money to do so!" Mr. Hinton said annoyed. He had been putting up with the attitude of this man for the last few years, and he had finally had enough. "You stupidly put all your funds into your company. House, credit cards, even your assets. Your officially bankrupt."
"If that is all Mr. Nelson, I bid you farewell." Tom rose from his seat collecting his things and headed for the door without even sparing a glance at his former client.
Merabelle sat weeping hysterically. Finn felt a pang of guilt for the poor women caught in the middle. It was time to shed a little light on the situation.
"Merabelle. You have always been a great friend to my mother. And what kind of man would I be if I left you high and dry. Your husband may be a bastard but that doesn't mean you need to be punished for his mistakes. This morning I purchased the deed to your house from the bank, and i am willing to sign it over to you. All you have to do is sign a contract. The locks are currently in the process of getting changed and a spare key will be within my grasp in the next few hours. You don't have much time to give me an answer but is it really worth the risk staying with this vile man!" Roberto slid over a file. Merabelle's nibble fingers gripped tightly on it and she leaned slightly away from her husband.
"There's only one catch. Your husband is not to be invited onto the property and if he does he will be arrested, you will void the contract and have to move out immediately. I'm doing you a favour here Mrs. Davis, your a kind women and you don't deserve to be treated the way you do by your husband. No person deserves to be cheated on constantly." Merabelle nodded in understanding.
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WYIB Chp. Five - Anything For You, Dear Boy | 3,192k
Read more chapters here! Read on AO3 here!
Reunions, bondings and neck lying. What has Stiles gotten himself - and Peter - into?
Deucalion’s laughter rings out throughout the clearing. There’s still a shocked silence coming from the Hale pack and the Alphas seem in no hurry to say anything. There’s no mocking to the sound, not like when he’d first spoken to Derek and Stiles can tell the man is now genuinely pleased. It’s a nice laugh, really, and Deucalion seems to put so much energy into everything he does that Stiles grins despite himself.
“Anything for you, dear boy.” And it shouldn’t make Stiles blush, shouldn’t make something pool low in his belly, a feeling he can’t quite name - or rather doesn’t want to. He know’s what he’s going to do and although it was a plan thrown together on the fly, he’s confident in his ability to pull this off. He doesn’t need anything coming in the way of it, doesn’t need anything risking this.
“I ask that you return to Alpha Hale his capture pack mates,” Stiles says calmly, raising his voice at the end to let it come through as a question, not a statement.
He’s asking a favor after all, and despite what the man said Stiles is still treading carefully. He recognizes the line he’s standing on is a thin one, that he could very easily fall off, offend the wolf in front of him and everything he is trying to do would fall with him.
“And what can you possibly offer?” Kali slurs around her fangs, her eyes slowly bleeding red as she sneers at him.
“Myself of course,” Stiles says, turning to look at Peter. The man is standing close behind him, hardly leaving space between their bodies. He has stayed by Stiles side ever since the boy revealed himself, all but abandoning his nephews pack. It’s nice to know he’s willing to take Stiles side in this, but the nod the man gives him helps to put him at ease, “Well, Beta Peter Hale, and myself.
“You do one magic trick and think you are worth their lives?” Kali says on a growl, her knees bending as her beta shift falls over.
It’s not a pretty sight, her already long toenails elongating even more. Her face shift isn’t pleasant - her eyebrows recede into her sideburns as her hairline fills out in a deep set widow's peak, her nose flattening and lips curling back in a snarl. It’s not pretty although it is intimidating.
Stiles closes his eyes, letting his magic guide him. It flares bright inside him and he allows it to be seen, for the growing light of the moon to spill out of him and into the clearing. When he opens his eyes it’s to see the Alphas squinting, Kali covering her eyes against the light of his magic. He focuses on her then, lets his magic bleed into his eyes and he catches sight of her Alpha spark. It glows red in her chest, bright inside her and he pushes on it with his own magic, forcefully shifting her back to human. He calls his spark back, satisfied with the show of his magic as the she-wolf stumbles backward, eyes wide.
“Think I’m worth it now?” Stiles asks, letting his voice tease.
“Very well, Spark Stilinski. We will return Beta Erica Reyes and Beta Vernon Boyd to the Hale Pack in exchange for both Beta Peter Hale and yourself.” The older Alpha says, voice raising and echoing in the clearing.
Before he even finishes speaking the second twin walks out of the cover of the trees, several gasps sounding from behind Stiles. Stiles relaxes though, glad that the entire pack is finally out in the open. He lets himself release the breath he's been holding but doesn't do more than that, still keeping his body tight, his spark still close to the surface.
Once the second twin has situated himself next to his brother, Erica and Boyd stroll from the treeline in what looks to be perfect health. Erica’s hair is nicely curled, her lips painted red. Boyd is still as tall as ever, his hair still shaved close and he's cleanly shaved.
Neither look like they've been being held hostage for months as they walk past the Alphas. He hasn't seen them since Gerard’s basement and it's like the image of them strung up, bloody, bruised and broken is being overlaid with what's in front of him. He can see them, can see that they're safe and healthy but also can't seem to shake out the image of Erica roaring in outrage as Gerard fucked him.
The closer they get the more Stiles wants to reach out, wants to feel them, to reassure himself that they are real, that they are alive. Erica takes that choice away when she walks up to him and falls into his chest, tucking her face under his chin and releasing a sharp sob. Boyd comes up behind her, bracketing her in both his arms, each around her to hold Stiles as well, one hand on his back and one cradling his head.
He lets himself fall into the embrace, soaking up the feeling of the two whole and safe around him, his spark all but roaring in delight. Stiles is now crying as well, loud sobs ripping themselves from his throat. The only reason he isn’t trying to quiet himself is because he's vividly remembering that night, remembering the pain and worse, the feeling of the man's release leaking out of him.
His tears are an odd mix of trauma and relief, because Stiles is relieved. He is so fucking relieved to see his pack mates - or friends rather, since they were never pack to begin with - safe and happy. It's almost overwhelming and he can feel his spark combing over them, making sure that they really are as okay as they look.
They do finally pull apart and Erica laughs, smiling at Stiles before saying, “You really are a superhero, huh Batman?”
Stiles just smiles, a weak tearful thing as he rights himself. He lets himself lean into Peter as he feels the man send comfort along their bond, a hand coming up to lightly hold the back of his neck. It’s a strictly lupine gesture but it helps calm Stiles. It also helps knowing that he has the man here beside him, behind him, willing to follow him.
After seeing Boyd and Erica, Stiles feels reassured about his decision to join the Alpha Pack. They’ve had the two of them held ‘hostage’ for months yet both of them look like they did just before they decided to leave, if not better. Stiles is actually fairly sure Erica’s hair is blonder than it ever was before, falling in thick and styled waves down her back.
Stiles takes a steadying breath, allowing himself one more moment to seep strength from Peter. It’s crazy, really, that the wolf is so willing to follow Stiles into what is literally the enemies territory. He has no idea what Stiles has planned, nor what could possibly happen and just the fact that he’s putting so much blind faith in him makes Stiles want to preen.
The wolf, despite being nearly twenty years his senior is deferring to him as the Alpha and just knowing that makes Stiles more confident in his decisions while being terrified of them.
He takes a step forward, Peter following him close enough that Stiles can still feel his body heat against his back. He walks until he’s in front of Deucalion, not once looking back at his old pack. He’s aware of them embracing Erica and Boyd, can feel how they’ve collectively stopped paying attention to the threat in front of them. Their idiocy never ceases to surprise Stiles, and for the moment he’s happy they kicked him out, happy that he doesn’t have to deal with them.
“Well, now that everything is settled,” Deucalion begins, bowing slightly, his lips twisted into a small smirk at the mockery of the action. Derek clearly doesn’t know how to properly behave when it comes to formal meetings, and Deucalion is just showing his superiority once again,
“It was a pleasure.” And with that he turns his back, obviously unthreatened by the Hale pack. He doesn’t step forward right away though and Stiles in turn steps up, offering out his arm for the older man to grab onto. He’s not sure why he does so, but his spark is calming under his skin and he’s always been one to trust in his instincts - they’ve rarely led him wrong. So he doesn’t think, refuses to look deeper into his actions and instead just acts. The man lightly wraps his hand around Stiles’ proffered arm with a small, genuine curve of his lips.
It’s then the man takes his first step, Stiles keeping in line beside him. Stiles is smart and he’s done quite a bit of research. Really, there’s only one position in pack hierarchy that would allow Stiles to fall into step with his Alpha, and that’s not something he’s willing to think about.
He could fall half a step back, fall into the role of Emissary, but now he’s leading the man. He decides the only reason Deucalion is letting them walk beside one another is because he is leading the man even as he wills himself to forget about the cane he knows is in the man's pocket.
Instead he assumes the role of another Alpha, straightening up just a little and letting the smallest bit of his power bleed under his skin. He’s presenting himself as close to an equal as he can, because the only other option is not worth exploring. They make their way through the forest, Stiles’ magic tracing the power trails the pack left on their way here.
He can still feel Peter right at his back, the wolf standing close. The man is his second and the way he’s standing is presenting them as two different packs, not yet merged into one, though that is the goal, and it’s obvious at this point. It does make Stiles feel better though, knowing that Peter is still willing to follow him and fuck, Stiles hopes to be worthy of that.
Not much further is said as they continue their way out of the clearing. It isn’t necessarily an awkward silence though it isn’t the most comfortable that Stiles has experienced. The atmosphere is tense and Stiles is set to blame that on the Alphas. He can’t smell emotions and he isn’t quite able to feel what the others are, but he can get a sense if he focuses enough.
It’s - it’s almost like an aura, in a sort. He can tell that Deucalion is the only one who is truly calm, the only one who doesn’t have anything to fear. In fact, he has a sort of - excitement clinging to him. It’s subtle, yes, a barely there thing but enough to pique Stiles interest.
The air of excitement around the Alpha wolf only grows as they near the end of the tree line, the trees thinning out even as they move around Stiles and Deucalion, the forest bending to their power. Stiles is hopeless to imagine what they may be together, how brightly they must shine standing beside one another and just how much they could be as one.
He isn’t stupid, he has an inkling of what is about to happen. Either Peter and he are going to die or they will be brought into the pack, Stiles as Emissary and Peter as his left hand. It would be a rare position for the wolf to take, one not normally required. Yes, they all merge together, they all become one, but Peter would be Deucalion's beta and Stiles’ left hand, while Deucalion could have his own or give Peter the position as his.
When they hit the very end of the forest line Peter shoves past Stiles, all but throwing him into the man at his side who shoots out a hand to steady him. Stiles pays no mind to Deucalion, though, all his attention focused on where Peter is on his knees, arms wrapped around a petite girl. She’s short, maybe Lydia’s height if the girl ever wore flat shoes. Her hair is hiding her face, falling in front of her where she’s bent over Peter, the man wrapped around her middle.
Stiles knows it’s Cora even before the broken voice of Peter carries the name to him. He can see the pack bond between the two, an old, brittle thing slowly healing itself as Peter sobs into her stomach. Cora just clutches at the man's shoulders, her head lowered so she can breathe deeply at the top of his head.
He turns to the Alpha at his side - making sure that his spark is still attentively watching Peter. He doesn’t like that the man so blatantly turned his back on the others, though he can surely understand why he would. Deucalion has a soft smile on his face, a rather self-indulgent thing.
He’s sure if he could scent emotions the man would be radiating smugness, as if this was all part of some evil plan that is not evil at all.
The man turns his head to Stiles, flashing the boy a smile and it’s a pretty sight even with the scars adorning the man's face. They’re long, red things surrounding his eye area and his forehead, visible even around the rims of his black-out glasses. The scars themselves are raised, puckered skin and they look painful, and Stiles wonders for a moment if they are.
He looks up when his spark tugs at him, alerting him that Peter has stood. He’s now smoothing hair back from his niece's face, his lips moving softly even as his shoulders continue to tense. He can't hear what they’re saying but whatever Cora says has Peter sagging with relief, so Stiles can guess the content of conversation had been Laura.
He stretches his magic and he feels that it's softly surrounding the two, keeping what they're saying from the wolves as well. Stiles watches as Deucalion’s lip twitch from the corner of his eye and he can only hope it's from amusement.
Peter comes back soon after, his eyes bright and his smile all but blinding. Stiles pulls him close with the arm not being held by Deucalion, presses his forehead against the man's and flashes his eyes. His hold is firm on the back of Peter’s neck and their bond sings between them, so much unhindered joy that Stiles is sure even John in his humanity would be able to feel it.
Cora comes up only once Stiles has let Peter go and the man has fallen back behind him - assuming his previous position. Neither Stiles nor Deucalion say anything when Cora stands beside her Uncle, hands tightly held together and instead continue their walk, finally breaking the tree line.
A few years to the left in an old looking building, though Stiles doesn’t have time to look at it. Instead they rest for a moment, standing close when the rest of the pack catches up. Deucalion doesn’t let go of his arm until the second twin breaks through the tree line and Stiles misses the warmth of it.
He waits until the pack is gathered, using the moment to calm his heart, to push down his growing anxiety. This - this could ruin everything. It’s not as though Stiles isn’t aware of the position they're in, the disadvantaged he and Peter hold. This - this could turn very, very bad for them very quickly.
“I do have one condition,” Stiles begins, ignoring the disbelieving snort that Kali lets out. It didn’t matter, she didn’t matter. Stiles was sure Deucalion was smart enough to know Stiles’ power, even if the she-wolf did not, despite his display on her earlier,
“I know you are looking for Gerard.”
Stiles says it in a calm manner, smirking when the man’s eyebrows rise in surprise. Stiles hadn’t been sure whether or not the Alpha had known that Stiles had a front row seat to his memories. He doesn’t like that Deucalion was unaware of what he was doing, especially as he really had no idea he had done it - or how. His smirk falls but instead of dwelling on the consent issues of delving into someone's mind without their knowledge he continues on.
“When we find him, I get his heart.”
“Sweetheart, what ever did he take from you?” The man asks, his face much softer than it previously was.
Stiles just looks down at that, his spark already raging under his skin even as he tries to push it down. Peter’s hand is once again firm on the back of his neck, though now only does so much. He is still is unable to answer, so he’s grateful when the Alpha only nods in acceptance, clearly dropping the subject.
Stiles steps closer to the man, facing him head on. “Alpha Deucalion, I submit to you as my Alpha, and wish to be granted entry into your pack.”
“I accept your submission, Spark Stilinski, and welcome you to my Pack.” With that, Deucalion leans forward, biting into Stiles’ neck with human teeth, licking a line from where the collar of Stiles shirt ends up to behind his ear. Stiles knows he’s leaving behind a thick layer of scent but can’t seem to be too upset about it as he feels pack bonds slowly form deep in his chest. Before he can step back Deucalion grips Stiles left forearm, Stiles copying the gesture, “Will you, Spark Stilinski, accept the honour of upholding the position of Emissary to the Alpha Pack under the lead of I, Alpha Deucalion.”
“It would be my honour to uphold the position of Emissary to the Alpha Pack under the lead of you, Alpha Deucalion.” The words had hardly left his lips before a wave of power rushes through him taking his feet off the ground in its intensity. It’s reflected in his Alpha, the man's eyes flashing incredibly red even behind his glasses, glowing brightly as a rumble makes its way from his chest.
He takes a small step forward and places a small kiss on the Alpha’s cheek, flushing a little in embarrassment but trusting his instincts nonetheless.
He stands to the side and watches as Peter submits as well - the action much the same though the Deucalion face shifts, his skin darkening in his beta shift, jaw expanding to fit more teeth. He does bite into Peter gently and once teeth have pierced skin, Stiles feels that bond glow all the brighter, stronger now that there is an actual alpha anchoring them together and not just Stiles’ magic allowing him to stand in as one. Peter flashes him a smile full of sharp teeth and the bright, clear blue eyes of his wolf before he’s being smothered by Cora, both obviously overwhelmed by their bond reforming in such a strong way.
He stands next to Deucalion then, a small smile curling on his lips as warmth unfolds in his chest.
#my writing#teen wolf#wyib#with you I belong#my work#fanfiction#deucalion/stiles#deucalion#stiles stilinski#peter hale#cora hale#the alpha pack#spark stiles stilinski#magical stiles stilinski#emmisary stiles stilinski#slash
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Rites of Passage
Here, on the Rites of Passage, our final three commemorated the memory of those that fell before them. Here is what they had to say.
Ally: We never got a chance to work together, but being first boot in an org is tough. I’m not sure if you’ve played orgs before but I hope you continue to and don’t let this experience dampen that!!
David: We never really talked much but I hope you're happy that a Tanha made F3.
Zach: I did not speak a single word to you. However, you seemed chill?! Bye legend.
Ally: You were an interesting character to listen to in tribal. Sorry that your experience was cut short!
David: Girl it was so great to be able to be your friend the first week. You have an undeniable spirit and I love you bunches.
Zach: Due to the tribe differences we didn’t get to talk. You seemed fun though from the tribals, it would’ve been fun to play with you!
Ally: Is that your real name? Iconic.
David: I'm sorry that I never got a chance to meet you but I'd like to thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.
Zach: We didn’t talk at all, but you’re probably a radical person.
Ally: I heard that you got blindsided and that’s rough. Good luck in any future orgs!!
David: I'm sorry that I never got a chance to meet you but I'd like to thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.
Zach: I was surprised at this vote. To me you seemed like a good social player. Sad to see you go before we got the chance to play with one another.
Ally: A FALLEN QUEEN. I loved you so much and you were the first person I connected with on Aphi Sa. Your inactivity was just too much and in the end it didn’t make sense for me to vote off potential active allies for someone that wanted me to give them reminders of when stuff was due. You’re a really sweet girl and I’m glad I had the chance to play with you and I still feel bad for voting for you.
David: I'm sorry that I never got a chance to meet you but I'd like to thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.
Zach: a FALLEN GODDESS! I’m so sorry about the vote. You just were inactive and didn’t contribute. I hope to see you in the future, queen.
Ally: I didn’t know you but I heard that you were super pissed after you were voted off and that’s understandable, especially since you got cut right before merge. That’s super disheartening and I wish you luck in the future!
David: I'm sorry that I never got a chance to meet you but I'd like to thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.
Alexa: Similar to most, we didn’t talk due to the tribe setups. You seem fine though, and perhaps we could’ve been good friends in the game. Who knows...
Ally: King of creating a majority alliance without asking people and not including me! Your alliance leaked literally immediately to basically everyone in the game, and it was pretty iconic how quickly the vote flipped on you after that. I felt really bad because based on your face at tribal you clearly didn’t expect it, and I’m sorry that you were blindsided.
David: Wow buddy I don't even know what to say your boot was a total mess and totally set the tone for the game. Tanha Strong!!
Zach: You were one of my favourite people in the game. We literally talked hours on end with nothing but filter words and random spam. It was REALLY fun and I truly am grateful to have met you and recognize your… quirkiness <^=^> - unfortunately, your game was a little messy and you didn’t include me in that alliance so :/
Ally: Tylerrrr!!! You were one of my favourites and I really saw myself working with you but I didn’t want to make Aphi Sa think that anything was up by pushing for Brandan instead of you. Zach was supposed to be the one Brandan vote but we switched because he didn’t wanna vote Brandan and I didn’t wanna vote you. THANK YOU FOR THE LEGACY ADVANTAGE ♥ I didn’t get any votes that tribal anyway but it was super nice to have and I appreciate you willing it to me. You were in such a good spot in the game imo and you had all those freaking advantages. You were an insanely good player that went out too early. You should definitely continue to play ORGs and if you ever need recommendations I can help you out!! I hope you and Mia are both doing well. ♥♥♥
David: Tyler you know I think the world of you. You were and are an incredible friend the entire time you were here. We made a Final 2 Day 1 and I truly hope you're proud of me for making it as far as I did. Love you brother and say hi to Mia!!
Zach: If I could pick one person to be on jury, it’d be you. Not only did you shockingly have three advantages, you literally were playing a great social game, and a good strategic game. Your vote was honestly really hard and the first vote that was painful for me to experience. Overall though, you seem like a snazzy individual. Maybe in future games we can give it another shot!
Ally: We literally did not talk. At all. And that was part of the reason that I was super down to vote you out. You were the only person that I had made no connection with at all and that was definitely just as much my fault. Keep dodging those paintballs tho sis!!!
David: We didn't talk as much as I'd like but I am so happy I got to meet you. We hit it off almost immediately and I am so glad we did. I hope to talk after the game.
Zach: Although we didn’t talk that much, you seemed cool! I loved getting to know you and your kids, and the only memory I have with you that’s really still so iconic was the paintball challenge that took place in the first round. DARN MEKENNA! It was great meeting you.
Ally: Hi legend!! First of all good luck in that scary doll season tf king of returning IMMEDIATELY. I viewed you as a threat to me for all of the merge up until you being voted off. You intimidated me both on a personal and a gameplay level. You were honestly so quick to yell/fight/etc (and so am I generally) and it made me super nervous to be around you. You were also just such a strategic and social threat and that really showed at the merge tribal when you worked your ass off to get Andreas voted out. You’re a hell of a fierce player and I respect you a lot.
David: Brandan you are without question one of the most strategic players I have ever seen and truly I think if you had lasted any longer you would have beaten us all.
Zach: Truly, you were an interesting character in this game. I think you and I had our rocky differences, and unfortunately I don’t think it was in the agenda to keep this ongoing. You were a cool dude, and I am happy to have met you and perhaps we could be friends outside this game. I’m sure the Kuang Si family is rooting for you in your current game!
Ally: The first Aphi Sa to fall post-merge. I was the most excited to work with you out of everyone when the cast was posted because I’m a huge musical theatre fan and you mentioned you were in your bio, and I wish we had gotten to talk more about stuff like that during the game. Almost all of our conversations throughout the merge took place in the Aphi Sa chat instead of PMs and I wish I made more of an effort to reach out to you more. I heard about how wonderful of a person you were going in and I definitely wasn’t disappointed in that respect. I’m sorry that turning on Aphi Sa meant turning on you first and I hope there are no hard feelings. You’re absolutely a queen and I adore you as a person.
David: Honestly I hate that I didn't get to know you as well but anyone who picks the almighty Jenna Morasca is immediately a friend. You're awesome girl.
Zach: Frick. This vote was devastating, and i’m still so sorry it was executed. You are a great girl and I do think you were such a game changer and a frontrunner. Outside of game, as a person you seemed really cool and we had similar obsessions and celebrity icons! I had a blast talking to you, and i’m in another game with you so i’ll still be talking to you maybe~!
Ally: I never knew how to read you ever. Literally all of the information I had from you was from Zach because the two of you were close. You and I never really talked all that often and I never really formed a connection with you and I kind of wish we had. You seemed super cool and you were also really funny. Sorry I never said Big Mac during family feud!
David: Kai I think you're an incredible guy and honestly I think the world of you. I think you're a great player and a greater person and I can't wait to talk after the game.
Kai: KAI. WORM ON A STRING! You were a pal and I was so shocked to see you in this game but honestly I was so happy to get to play with you again, and this time on the same side. You were one of my favourite people to call with and talk, and I really did enjoy playing with you and working with you. Unfortunately this game had a different agenda, and you had to go. No hard feelings, I do love you to death and enjoyed experiencing this with you.
Ally: Your vote off HURT! I was so genuinely happy when we started working together after Charlotte was voted off, and our calls were a lot of fun. You’re a really smart person. At the beginning of the game you were inactive and I thought you were just gonna get voted off pre-merge or be an early merge boot and you definitely proved me wrong. Nothing that I said about wanting to work with you was disingenuous, you’re just such a smart player that I felt like I had to take that chance when I could and stick with David and Zach. I have a super high opinion of you and you’re someone that I really sincerely hope to keep in contact with after the season. ♥♥♥
David Bud you kicked major ass this game I am thrilled to have sparred against you but man am I glad for that double vote. Kudos.
Zach: JG! You honestly surprised me this game. You started off on a rough patch but you really pulled through in the merge portion of the game. I’m glad to have met you and developed a good relationship with you, and I truly hope that relationship continues outside the game. Thank you for everything you’ve done in this game kingie. Talk to you soon!!!
Ally: I miss your jokes. You were always such a positive presence in the tribe chat, and I loved checking Skype to see a super lame dad joke from you. Calling with you was also fun. You’re a genuinely nice person and I like you a lot. I never heard you say a mean word about anyone, you were always just super positive, and super loyal and I’m glad I had the chance to work with you and get to know you. I hope we keep in touch. ♥
David: Brother you are plain and simply amazing you have absolutely been my older brother in this game you kept me in check when I needed you to and I am so grateful for the friendship we formed. Take a beer for me and we'll have one on the outside.
Zach: You were so quirky and I really enjoyed your presence. From your jokes to our calls, you were honestly one of my favourite people to talk to and have met. In a game perspective, you and I were good allies and I really was shocked at how close we got. I know we’ll be friends outside this game and i’m excited to reunite with you. - p.s., He have class. He give sass. But most importantly, he scream at own ass.
Ally: Despite being in the game for so long together and being together since the swap, we honestly didn’t talk that much, and that’s one of the biggest regrets I have. I lied to you and mislead you a lot about votes, and I wish that I had made more of an attempt to get to know you/actually work with you. Even if your submission wouldn’t have counted in the tiebreaker, I still only won by one SECOND and that’s insane, it was so close, you put up a hell of a fight and it was nice talking to you.
David: Devon where do I begin. You were a scrapper from the beginning of the merge and it's incredible how far you made it. You did everything you could and I'm sorry you went out how you did.
Zach: You and I never really developed a strong bond, but you were an interesting person to talk to. We never worked together, like at all, but I still enjoyed your company and we had our talks. In addition, i’m sorry the tiebreaker wasn’t in your favour. You did good and i’m proud of how you played the overall good game. Catch ya on the flipside!
Final three, don’t forget to complete the Final Immunity Challenge! Your penultimate Tribal Council is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27th, at 9:00PM EST.
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Galra Lance Official Notes
Check List:
Blade of Mamoura, Lance and Keith go to the trials, Lance re-does the trials along with Keith, to prove his loyalty to Voltron and is salty.
Lance is exposed as a Galra when he's injured, others are surprised and Allura doesn't talk to him OR Keith. Lance gets the brunt of it. But Shiro is a bit more iffy and Lance decides to leave.
Lance reveals he's a test tube baby that Blaytz and the galra servent is his father surprise Kolivan is that servant. He's super old but time dilations happened.
Lance does his dads proud, blaytz and Lance's family died and that caused the riff.
(Okay- Voltron upgrades-Have three upgrades to unlock
Blue _Laser_Jaw Blade_ +Sonar Scan. Bayard+Console=
Yellow _Laser_Jaw Blade +Extra Armour Shoulder Cannon
Red _Laser_Jaw Blade +molten lava Saber (Double Sword Ability
Green _Laser_Jaw Blade_ +Plants Arm Cannon
lack _Laser_Jaw Blade_ +Astral Project Saber
Voltron _Can shoot lasers out of it's eyes. (Oh god Bayard combinations create different things owch my head) Green Lion [Shields] [Wings create Shield] Red Lion [Sword] Blue Lion ...? Green+Yellow+Red+Blue = Enlarged Cutless Red + Green = Dual Sabers (Shiro and Keith)Red+ Black = Blazing Sword (Lance and Keith) Red + Black = Flight Boosters
(Possible Abilities)
Blazing Sword. Shield. Lasers. Missiles. Sabers. Cloaking Device. (My own) Energy Whip. Electric taser blast. grapple hook.
(Lion heads can de-tatch from voltron then reaatch)
"Wait the lions head just dettach? Are we still INSIDE when that happens?"
"Oh good if I wasn't motion sick before." Hunk sighs
Bayard Unlockables:
Ultimate Lockable ALL WEAPONS: Zarkon has- Whip, Sword, Schythe, Blade, Gun, Lance : Sword/ Gun Allura:Whip Keith: Sword Shiro: ??? Katie: Taser Hunk: Canon
(Two) Galra Lance Story.
Lance is a galra, and Ex-Mamourian (He was kicked out because he was suicidal and kept getting attention to try to make Zarkon afraid which was the opposite of what mamoura wanted so Lance is a rebel doing his own thing, bounty hunting stealing, raiding and above all about to steal a red Lion on the ship hailed under Sendak and he’s going to get a boatloud of it. Then a cocky kid in a red suit slashes in claiming it’s his lion. Lance wonders if any of this was even worth it?
1 Flash to mind meld plus suspicion lances memories of him in water with mermaids and pre-galran.
2 Flash to “surprise, not a galra.” Lance is exposed and returned and nervous.
3 His father is Blatyz the previous blue Paladin and his other father the Galra whom Blatyz married. (Wait how were you born?) Pidge asked and Lance grinned his tail flickering back like a cats (I was a test tube baby)
4 Keiths initiation Lance returns to the Mamoura.
5) The talk. Shiro comes out of Alfor's room and see;s Lance and instantly feels ashamed after the trials the two talk and begin the
-Next morning- go over bayard upgrades and try to test them out- get inturupted by Kolivan as they have a mission they couldn't do alone but now with VOltron they can now pursue it. It's time for the Blade to make a stand its a gamble their willing to face. next morning with a mission to bust Slav out of jail. This is where Lotor appears straight af, he wants slav for himself for his little pet project that he won't disclouse UNTIL he see's allura and reaks the F out and realises he can use- her ask her for help. (turns out Lotor is a double agents working for the Galra since he was an exiled prince) Lotor and Lance were an old time fling but both only did it for information. Shiro asks Keith if he should grow his hair out...flirts with Lance then gives up and see's allura and they both get along.
6) Lotor reveals the robo beasts and Zarkon creating his own anti-voltron all he needs is a reality comet and he would be unstopable. Until the new robobests are...different they leak into Voltron and almost corrupt the paladins, Lance and Keith take a hit freaking out.
7) Keith is fine he's able to snap out of it, but Lance goes feral and almost doesn't come back to himself until Lotor and Allura pull him back, seeing Shiro taking care of Keith almost makes him lose control again. Coran and Lotor look at the substance and find out what it is.
"Quintescence in its purest form, it can- it can make you mad I think...thats what happened to my parents."
Lotor, we can't change them back it's been thousands of years. I know- I- its for my people not them. Some can't control it.
Lance feels like crap and avoids the others, missing his packmates. Shiro finds him and the two talk. Introducing Fusion tron, Keith and Lance fuse and both co-pilot the red/blue now mixed lion "What the hell? it's like Voltron but less. "It's weird as fuck." Lance said "Is what it is." But at lease he and Keith didn't fuse like that cartoon Pidge said, now the two had seats side by side like Voltron but it wasn't a leg or an arm it was two sides of a body wait.
"Was this what Voltron was supposed to be? If we got closer?" Keith blinked up at him "Um,"
"I mean I see us as brothers kinda, we went through the trials together and rely on each other- or am I wrong?"
"No! No that's...that sounds right." Keith said with a small smile on his face his ear turned pink Lance could only beam and glance back to the others. "Heh, Pidge and Hunk want in."
6) They save Honerva and Lotor and they find a planet and make it habitable and release everyone from the Galra, but some planets are merged some want the Galra gone and some need their galra to remain so Allura and Lotor try to fix things. Lance goes to his planet which is hidden and Allura gasps to see Alteans, Mermainians and Galra there in hiding in a warped hole. She cries and hugs Lance "Why didn't you tell me."
"It would've been safer for them and us, if we lost I didn't want the Galra finding them."
"Thank you," She said watery smile in place.
On a spacecraft floating on the edge of an arus solar system, an abandoned Galra named Lance, was taking a pit stop.
His ship consisted of junk, the pilot hanger cluttered making even hoarders feel disgusted open drinks and snack bars littered here and there and Lance had to squeeze in just to get to the pilots chair, the craft only had one room and a bathroom that stopped working. And his room was the only place that was clean it had an assortment of guns, rifles, snipers, you name it, along with a discarded blade that has seen no use in years with a strange symbol on the hilt.
Lance had music blasting from his speakers some album he bought from an alien shop, the album was called ‘Queen.’ And so far Lance was a fan.
He was flickering through a data pad as many reports scrolled past with anflick of his finger. Galra operations, cargo shipments, military vessels, open channels with radio chatter that Lance ignored. He was looking for something easy.
The life of a thief had its perks, steal medical supplies and weapons and give them to a rebellion and make a profit. Usually he sold to both sides just to live more dangerously. A recommendation opened up and Lance smirked behind his mask with the three circles on the front.
A vessel captioned by Sendek was hovering outside Arus, sliding the panel right and lots of data began to download at lighting speed , appeared and Lance’s smirk grew.
It had some precious cargo on it, a Lion of Voltron to be exact.
Lance was having the time of his life knocking out guards ninja style was just so easy, he had the red lion in his sights.
“Well hello gorgeous, mind dropping down that barrier and getting out of here?”
Suddenly he heard a nose and hid behind a pillar in the shadows, just as more galra guardsran into the hanger.
Lance turned and frowned to see a boy in red and white armour (like thats not inconspicuous) and took them down, Lance grew more suspicious this kid fought like a galra. But he didn’t wear mamorian armour or any rebel armour that he knew. Could be a threat.
Until the kid went to the barrier “Alright open up.”
…it did nothing, the boy growled in frustration “Ugh-we don’t have time for this! It’s me keith! You’re I AM YOUR PALADIN!”
Lance couldn’t help it, he laughed.
The kid whipped around activating a weapon, a sword.
“Stay back!” Lance shook his head “No, wait,” he was still chuckling holding up his hands “I’m not-”
Suddenly more guards made themselves known and the two found themselves with their hands full.
Lance wasted no time shooting the Galra, even took care of the kids blindspots, this jlb was bigger than he thought maybe if he helped the kid out they can split the money fifty fifty.
That was until.
“You’re not getting this lion!”
Keith slammed his hand against the panel, and opened up the interlock, the vacum
Shot the galra forward and Keith was barely gripping onto the panel.
Lance cursed then used his grappling hooks to latch onto a structure beam.
Suddenly Keith’s slipped and he was pulled into space.
Lance acted on instinct he unlatched grapplings and shot out of space after the teen. He easily grabbed him stopping them both from slinning.
“Let go!”
“Shut up, I’m trying to save your life.” Until the kid screamed Lance turned in time to see big metal jaws clamp shut around them.
Both screamed as they tumbled along the inner corridors, Lance was usually could at improvising- but this was going so far out of left field!
He had no clue what was even going on anymore.
Both were on their hands and knees panting from the sudden death experience, until Lance heard a high pitched sound and turned his head slowly.
Keith held his red sword against his face. Lance could only stare- oh well, stare in his mask and ex-Mamourian armour as much as he could.
“Who are you?” Keith growled. Lance knew he could knock the kid out and take the lion. But he’d have no idea if it’ll even respond to him, and Keith is a fighter and wouldn’t let this thing go, heck heleaped out of an airlock for this thing.
A crash outside saved his interrogation. “A rebel, against the Galra,” he rushed out (which was sorta true)
“Honestly I would tell you more but we don't have time!”
….It turns out Lance got involved in something much bigger than him.
This...this was Voltron.
His childhood stories, the one his dad told him about. The universe’s last hope before Alfor hid them away.
They returned!
Kinda, with one blue lion shot, it just sat there with it’s barrier up. Useless. Not doing a thing….sounded like his type of girl. Chilling alone while the whole universe wasn’t in chaos.
But even with four lions they were able to take down a fighter craft, one with Sendek attached as it crashed onto the planet before him. Colour Lance impressed.
Keith wasn’t too bad either during the battle. He was an excellent pilot and a fighter, but he had a very bad habit.
“Green is wide open,” Lance said with a sigh as he watched how obvious it was that the green Lion had three fighters on their ass.
“Help them out.” Dumbass, he left unsaid.
Keith seemed to hear it.
“I know-” keith instantly covered them and Lance saw fighter ships approach from the main craft. “Your right-” Keith barely managed to dodge.
“Will you quit back seat driving!?”
Lance almost stopped until he saw the black paladin was in distress “The Black lion-”
Keith was moving before he even finished. Keith was good, just had to see the bigger picture.
Once they defended Arus and went planet side, Lance had already made a decision, as he left the red lion trailing behind Keith he saw the others landed beside them.
A woman appeared out of the castle looking relieved, until her eyes clocked his and Lance almost ran back up the mouth of the lion.
“Who is he?”
Allura demanded once all the pilots had landed.
Lance brightened behind his mask, his lilac tail flicking back and forth as he descended the mouth of the lion and held his hand out.
“Oh hello, I’m Lance.” He over exagirated his movements the more big and dumb he looked the more trusting, Allura took his hand tentively.
“You can’t tell with the mask, but I’m winking.”
Allura pulled her hand away still suspicious. “Keith!”
Keith glanced at him curiously. “He was with the red lion,”
With no warning, Lance felt Allura grab his arm and twist him around onto his knees, Lance yelped.
“Ow, ow ow- that hurts lady- ow!” His hand was trembling and clenching as Allura dug her palm into his shoulder.
“What were your intentions with the red lion?”
“I was planning on stealing it,”
Allura looked very alarmed, until Lance gasped on. “But now? wouldn’t dream of it!” Allura growled “Why should we trust you?”
“My dad told me about Voltron,” Lance wheezed god this lady was tough.
Allura let him go surprised and Lance fell over with a yelp just barely catching himself, he turned and pointed at her with a scowl (That she didn’t see)
“Look I know what this looks like but I know that, this,” he gestured at the lions as he stood up ”This isn’t some collectors item, this is VOLTRON! The people’s hope, if anyone found out I-” Here he slapped a hand to his chest “-was responsible for sabotaging Voltron I’ll be doing the Galra a favour, Which is the opposite of what I want to do.”
Allura and the others who looked defensive, straightened once Lance said his piece.
“Is there anyone out there fighting Zarkon?” She asked, Lance placed a hands on his hips “Still? Jeez Lady where have you been? There is no more fighting, Its just surviving at this point.” He flapped his hand lazily “I already gave up on that freedom pipedream long ago, but yes other rebels are trying. Chances are if you make a dent in Zarkons oppressive system the rebels will come flocking.” And if the Mamoura catched wind of Voltron Lance wanted to be out of there ASAP.
He waved at them taking a step back “Good luck to you,” He patted the barrier of the blue lion and continued to walk away, hoping he could get enough of a signal to his ship to get him as far away from this planet.
Until the barrier collapsed with a swish.
He stopped walking as the others gasped. No.
Lance turned to see the others gape at the lion (Now free) then their gazes turned towards him.
Coran came to himself before the others. “It seems we have found our blue paladin.”
Lance looked around then back at them, wait they meant him?
Oh Gaia, no.
Lance lay ontop of the bed that the princess graclessly gave him, they all had rooms of their own. The Paladin rooms. He was a paladin.
Oh Gaia.
He shuffled over his armour digging into his side, no way in hell was he not wearing his armour, especially with the company he kept, he had no idea what they would say if they knew.
That he was a Galra, an ex-mamourian.
He placed his hands over his mask and groaned, if what they said was true then he would run into his ex-cult sooner or later.
Gaia, he respected them but if you don't agree with everything they say do you cancel you, he tossed and turned in dread.
And his team, the ...humans he was with, some were nice but others made him wary, Shiro. He was the galra's champion. Lance wondered if he remembered everything he'd done in the Arena.
It was the reason he hadn't revealed himself to them yet, he knew the leader of Voltron would hate him and Allura lost her family.
Lance turned on his back and gave a nod, he'll tell them once he gets close, when they get to know him and hopefully won't be afraid.
He shut his eyes, he doubted it.
The alarms blared and Lance sat up straight his dagger in hand at the threat his heartbeat in his throat, "What the hell?"
He barely slept at all during the night and this was jarring, he leapt out of bed and almost ran into Shiro, who was already in his armour?
Lance kept up and both ran to the bride to see Allura and Coran turn around.
"What's happening? Are we under attack?" Shiro asked his eyes tense, Lance had to internally grimace, how was the man even staying together he'd never know.
"No, that was a test." Shiro's shoulders slumped "Test?" Lance looked away, ouch.
"At least Shiro was in his armour." She gave Lance a pointed look and he flinched his tail flickering "What? I have armour! And blue isn't my colour." He crossed his arms.
Also their armour had a clear helmet so you could see the persons face, no thank you.
She huffed then glanced at her data pad "We just have to wait for the others." Lance glanced at the door and crossed his arms, he had to admit if these were going to be his new pack mates fighting against voltron he felt worried.
He had no idea while he gazed at the door, Shiro was watching him.
Lance's tail flickered back and forth in agitation, he had a large build and long legs if Shiro could describe him, Lance almost looked like Deadpool, he glanced at his belt at the blade hanging from his thin hips, it had a symbol and Shiro squinted, it looked familiar.
"Okay lets make a bet," Lance spoke suddenly shocking Shiro out of his thoughts. "In order, I think it was be the...Red Paladin, then Green then Yellow."
Shiro raised an eyebrow "You do know their names, right?" Lance glanced at him and Shiro tensed, he had no idea if he was looking at him directly it was...weird not looking someone in the eye.
"Psh- Yeah, defiently...I know their names....um, Hank?" Shiro felt himself smile despite himself "No,"
"Kleve?" Shiro shook his head "Not even close,"
"Podge?" Now Shiro laughed, looking away "Don't let them here you say that."
"Well then, who do you think is going to come through that door?"
"Keith first, defiently,"
"The red Paladin?"
"yes, then...Hunk the yellow paladin."
"Ah, the Podge the green Paladin?"
"Pidge, yeah I think they would be last."
"Okay, your on."
Just as they finished Keith ran through the door, with a blade in hand and his civilian clothing. Lance had his arms crossed then tensed as he saw the blade.
"Whats going on?"
Allura sniffed "We'll wait till the others are here." She looked very disapointed, from what Lance learned being admist a war zone then waking up in present time Allura was still battle ready like no time has passed.
The others? not so much.
Then Hunk walked in and Lance cried out "NO! argh god dammit!" Hunk was still in his pajammas and paused "What-" He cut himself with a yawn "What'd I do?"
Lance shook his head "Nothing bud," he glanced at Shiro and held out a hand, he did not miss the flinch the Black Paladin did but continued like he barely saw it.
His wrist activated and a hologram appeared "Well you won the bet theres a twenty." Shiro blinked "What?"
Did...humans not use Gac?
"Oh, thats amazing! Did technology move to contactless?" Coran asked leaning close to the holagram that had 20 [GAC] on the screen, Coran looked amazed "We might need to use this to replicate, maybe we could transer Gac to the other Paladins," Lance shrugged "Well I'll get it to you later,"
"What's Gac?" Hunk asked his eyes squinty and dead looking, guess the poor fella missed out on some sleep.
"Space currency." Keith guessed and Lance shot him a finger gun "Got it in one," Then Pidge walked in, in her casual clothing.
Lance stared them down.
"What? Why's he looking at me?"
"You lost me 20 Gac, Green Paladin."
All discussions ceased as they turned to Allura, her eyes looked thunderous. Lance ducked his head as she took in a breath.
"This was a test, which you all have failed! If zarkon attacked we would be dead!" Lance glanced at the others and saw most looked disapointed, except Hunk, his dead eyes only gazed at Allura.
"Well sorry, but in a few hours we were on Earth and now we're here in a space ship fighting an intergalactic war we had no idea even existed it takes a while to get used to." Lance had to admit he had a point and their leader, he glanced at Shiro his eyes tight and...nobody noticed.
Changing enviorments with no control, he was surprised the guy hadn't had a break down yet. Lance saw it in other soldiers, some became numb and suicidal.
"Enough, this is war and you have an obligation to be a Paladin, now suit up we're forming Voltron I want to see if yesterday wasn't a fluke." She turned around to Coran an obvious dismissal and Lance had to shake his head.
It's like he never left the Mamoura, geez.
"Hey," He jumped with a yelp his tail spiking up. Pidge looked uniterested "You're an alien right?" Lance lowered his arms "Yes- no...technically you guys are the aliens! I'm normal."
"So what are you?"
Quiznack um-
"Uh Aquatica Species," He saw Coran jump then turn "What?"
Lance shrugged "The reason why I wear this armour, I can't breath....this." he gestured around and the others looked surprised then understanding. Pidge nodded "So you're armour has ulti-functions? it can work in space and breathable air."
"This air is not very breathable to some people."
"Paladins. Lions, now." Pidge jumped and scurried away and Lance chuckled until he passed Keith and almost faltered at the look on his face.
Keith was watching him with...suspicion, his eyes flickered to the blade at Lance's hip and Lance felt himself pale, Keith knows- Keith knew he was lying.
Keith turned around and left and Lance felt tense through the duration of the day.
Trying to form Voltron? Did not work, mostly because Lance had no idea what he was doing and the first thing he did was grab his ship.
"Lance- Where are you going?" Shiro growled and the ex-Mamourian grimaced "I can't just leave my ship out there, it has my stuff in it- two ticks."
"Ticks?" Lance grabbed his ship with the blue lion and began his descent back to the castle.
"Wow is that you're ship?"
Lance preened "Why yes it is-"
"It looks like shit." Lance frowned, he had a feeling that...wasn't a compliment.
"Hey don't diss my ship, it got me through enough scrapes with the Galra and pirates."
He went into the hanger bays and depositated his ship, then turned tail and leapt back into the air. Before the others could ask questions they heard Allura through the screens.
"There is too much chatter, does this mean you formed Voltron." Lance internally grimaced.
"Um, we're getting there, Princess. Don't worry we'll get this before dinner." He bopped his head then paused "I'm winking in case you couldn't tell." She ignored him and glanced away "We are teting the castle's defence systems, maybe during duress you might form Voltron."
Shiro cut in "Allura I don't think-"
A laser shot out and the ground exploded next to Pidg'es feet the others yelped and scattered dodging blasts and such, they barely had time to even think of Voltron their first thought was to dodge everything the castle was trying to throw at them.
Lance had no idea how Voltron even worked he heard stories from his parents before they...But they were supposed to be close- like pack mates. They were new, they were strangers. Aqquantiences in one of those space malls with spritsers how could they be open with their bonds for their lions and each other in the span of a few vargas?
The lasers stopped and the shield around the castle went down, the others glanced at one another.
"Maybe if we..." Hunk padded to Keith and shoved him.
"ow- Hey!"
"Sorry I thought we could...combine!"
"Well we could try that..." Shiro said speculating.
"What slamming into each other?" Keith growled avoiding Hunk and moving away.
"No a pyramid."
"Like cheerleaders." Pidge intercepted and Lance leaned back in his chair. He had no idea what they were talking about.
"Okay, the legs of Voltron," Hunk moved and Lance just stood there glancing at the others, who was the other leg?
"Can you move beside Hunk?"
"huh- wait I'm a leg?" Lance gasped "oh, I had no idea." He padded over to Hunk and stood next to him.
"how do you not know?" keith asked and Lance scowled "I don't know what Voltron is Keith, I heard stories but I have no idea-"
"It's okay, we had like a mind meld with the lions they should us what Voltron looked like." Lance pouted "That sounds like fun, shame I missed out."
Long story short, the 'pyramid'? As the humans called it, tumbled and collapsed.
Hunk called it quits and stormed into the castle, "Alright, we'll take a break and try again in an hour."
Lance had no idea what an hour was but decided not to ask.
"I'll stay out here, bond with blue- it might be me since this is the first time flying a lion."
"Okay, don't stay out too long," Shiro said and he watched the others fly towards the castle and Lance sighed and gazed down at the controls.
"Okay beautiful, lets see how you can fly." He pushed forward on the controls and yelped, this thing was faster than what he was used to and...easier to use.
But at the same time "Why is this in archaic altean!? Such outdated language- what does this button do?" Lance graced a panel and yelped when the lions tail shot out a bolt
"Oh so that's what that does," Lance activated his mask and swiped through the options before his eyes, in space he created virtual stratergys from his previous missions, one for combat and another for flight. He activated it and braced himself.
"Time for some manouveres".
The others collapsed onto a couch "This is so freakin hard." Pidge groaned covering their face and Hunk glanced their way "I know I thought Voltron would be cool but this is just...urgh it's worse than math I just don't get it."
Allura opened the door and the others tensed "What are you doing? Have you formed Voltron?"
"No, we came in when the castle lost power." Her gaze was murderous "Are you telling me you havn't formed Voltron?"
"Where's Lance?" Coran asked as he saw the room lacked their dark large counterpart.
Allura tensed when Keith spoke "He's still outside with the lion-"
"And you left him? What if he stole it?" She growled and Pidge shrugged "Don't know why since he dumped his ship in our space garage."
"Whats a...space garage?"
Shiro just walked in and saw Allura - shit.
"Hey we're not taking a break." Keith glared his way and Shiro crossed his arms.
"Let's get our blue paladin," Coran said once he realised how tense the atmosphere was "Maybe if we do training excersises together it might make you closer as a unit."
They all stood to go to the control room to get Lance, but all of them paused to see Lance outside during his formations.
"Oh wow, he's good." Lance did a corkscrew in the air and did a manouver even Keith struggled with.
"Um, Lance?" Allura asked and the visual of Lance appeared with his hood up and his mask glowing, it was...omnious.
"Oh hey Allura hold on-" He patted his mask and the light dimmed "Did you want something?"
"Return to the castle, we decided to try something different."
"Okay, gotta say- Blue works like a dream kudo's to the archetecture." Allura flushed "T-that would be my father."
"His work is amazing, so simple to use and powerful except for the Altean text- I can't understand half of this." Lance admitted flying through to the hanger bays.
"What do people use these days."
"Galra script, everyone speaks Galra since they colonised everryyy- shutting up, I'm gonna stop there." Allura blinked she had no idea what her face looked like but he must of noticed.
"Can you come to the control room?"
"sure thing."
Lance was passed a mind meld and glanced at the others "um,"
"I can see you number 2."
"Number- what?"
"I numbered you all in height, you and Shiro are close in height but since Shiro's the head that makes him the winner." Lance could only stare and saw Coran begin to sweat and moved away "SO the mind melds! The give inside into your minds there is nothing you won't be open to it will be a short cut to make you all intimate with one another, the previous paladins fought together in war and combat and opened to one another in time...time we DO not have!" He said perky but Lance was stuck on Coran not looking at him was he...intimidating?
Nah, that could be it, Lance was the regular goofball others told him that plenty of times.
Wait- mind melds.
Pidge put it on and already flashes of someones life appeared through she gasped taking it off.
"Concentrate, you don't want to reveal too much."
Lance's tail began to fuzz with agitation, he couldn't wear that- how could he get out of this?
Shiro saw Lance looking calm and relaxed...if it wasn't for his tail bristling like a ghibli character, his eyes narrowed what did he have to hide?
Lance took a breath and accepted the meld "Think of something important and use that to concentrate on Voltron."
Something told him even Coran had no idea how Voltron worked. How do you bond with the lions? with your paladins is it wishful thinking, is it...like family?
No one knew. Maybe they were just team mates, strangers who had one goal...maybe it was that one.
He saw the others put on their melds and Lance took a breath then placed his on- wait memory.
He thought back long and hard on a memory something that kept him going, that made him help people as much as he could.
Keith's was a...wooden hut in a desert? But something about it felt cozy the house was intact and the doors opened with a child running out (Keith) and a older man, at first Lance thought it was Shiro then saw he looked different, maybe they were related but then again all humans looked the same to him.
Hunk was food, okay but then it exapanded a table a feast with other humans all looking at him warmly oh he made the food that was amazing oh gosh now Lance was hungry...Shiro was of a craft it was a weird design and pointed up? how strange he had his arms around two people one was of Keith looking up at him with pride and the other was a man of the same colour as Hunk with a soft brown hair and eyes. He could feel it, their love and pain with these memories. These were not good memoiries maybe they missed their planet.
Then Pidge with a smaller human with longer hair, they looked cute for a furless speicies.
He could feel them through the bond and shivered wow, is that how their were supposed to feel like through the lions? This without devices that was some high pyschic powers he wondered if humans were gifted with it.
"Lance? Is your meld supposed to be blank." Lance flinched "Well they do call me empty headed- just thinking." He took a breath and focused on his oldest memory.
One were he was underwater with his father, he could only breathe under for small amounts of time, he glanced down the soft waves reflecting of his skin before his fur grew in, the Aquatic man was speaking but Lance was too young to remember what he said on that day, his other father was above the waves with his feet Blaytz put a finger to his lips and gestured up and Lance watched as he swam upwards and grabbed the feet and lanked him into the water the water rippled and bubbled around the other so the others couldn't see.
Lance was crying thankfully the masked kept it hidden but by their faces they could feel it, Lance straightened up "now what?"
"Use that memory to form Voltron."
Was it a reason? His memory shifted into the blue lion as the others changed as well, the lions moved and Lance peeked an eye opened to see the visualization, So thats what Voltron was supposed to look like....Until the green Lion glitched back into the image.
"Pidge stop thinking of your girlfriend!" Pidge growled "shut up I'm not!" It changed back but that disrupted them all Lance could feel it that tranguil bittersweet feeling was gone and in it's place was stress.
It flickered again "Pidge!"
"forget this!" they slammed his mind meld down and the others flinched and even Shiro saw the tears at edges of their eyes.
"Lets...take a break."
Lance took his meld off and gave a sigh of relief, he hoped the Paladin bond wasn't on all the time he doubted he would be able to keep this up for long...
Lance sat at the table with Allura and Coran gazing at the others, this day felt like a huge waste, he could see the panic setting in but he had to admit this was overkill.
"You know I can't eat because of the mask? Can I go to my ship?"
"No this is a team excersize." lance sighed he had to feed Hunk thankfully Keith didn't have to do anything.
"Okay um, how about we make one hand lax and the other eats." Lance demonstrated making his hand with Hunk limp and raised the other in a demonstration.
"We can try."
Who knew it would be so difficult Lance shoved his food goo forward since Keith had too many close encounters and Shiro just looked so sad that he couldn't eat properly.
Lance was so focused on feeding Hunk he missed the whole alteraction with Pidge and the princess until he was suddenly hit in the face with food goo, he cried out as he heard the others laugh.
"Oh it's on!" Lance shook his head to dispel the goo and was slammed back again by another one and felt both his arms raised to start throwing food goo without his permission but they were laughing.
What was even happening?
If he did this in the blade they would be in trouble, he saw out of one eye the princess laughing and Coran was going crazy and moving around which was not fair.
He grinned using his tail to chuck food goo on the floor to trip him up,
"Nice one Lance!" He felt himself flush at the praise from Shiro and soon enough it died down.
"Enough don't you realise what you're doing!?" Lance's tail lowered between his legs but puffed his chest up, he already yelled at a leader of a rebellion before he would do it again there was drill sergents but then there was this.
"You're working as a team!" She beamed and Lance had to blink.
The others laughed "Who feels like they can form Voltron!?" Keith yelled and even Hunk laughed "heck yeah I can- I can feel that we can do this, y'know?" Lance wiped the goo of his mask then scowled as it smeared around making his vision blurry, he gazed around looking for a cloth still attatched to Hunk and Keith he reached out and sudden movment had them tumbling "oh!"
they all fell over in a heap and Lance may have realised it was his fault. "I didn't do it!" Like quiznack he would admit it though.
Chapter Two.
Working with Voltron was...an experience. Loads of things happened, Coran almost died in an explosion, Shiro- how did the green Paladin put it? Yeeted him out the airlock. Admist the whole panic when they finally had a moment Lance could finally relax.
But something Lance enjoyed the most, was training. He was always the runt of the litter in his packmates always the baby blade.
So bossing people around right now? Was awesome, they did a usual team exercises and saw the team weren't improving, it made Lance worried that the team stuggled against his simulations even the ones for begginers. If they fought the Galra now.
Panic, that was...he was feeling panic right now.
"Okay, team meeting, Allura can you come in please?"
Allura slipped through the doors as Lance had the team standing.
"Okay good work today team, but I noticed alot about all of you individually and you have strengths and weaknesses we have to work on. But we don't have the time, so Ive worked on a training plan."
Hunk and Pidge groaned "No!"
"Ah-ba-ba!" Lance hushed them he turned and pointed at Shiro and Allura and moved them to stand before the group.
"Here's the top tiers, Shiro and Allura. They are the only ones that can take a Galra in a fight." Both flushed at the praise until Lance barrelled on "But Allura has inner rage that clouds her judgment and leaves her open and Shiro tends to....space out." Shiro glanced away and Lance patted his shoulder. "It's okay, Buddy."
"Keith your middle tier. I would've put you with Shiro and Allura but you tend to rush in on missions recklessly and forget your fellow Paladins are struggling." Keith scowled and Lance gave another shoulder pat "We'll work on it."
"Hunk and Pidge." They both stared as Lance stared "Lower tier."
"These tiers are based on the level you have to reach to not only beat the Galra," Lance turned his arms locked behind his back "But to stay alive no ifs buts or maybes. The Galra will kill you, they don't discriminate."
Here he glanced at them all "So, here's a demonstration all of you guys are going to have to attack me. If you can beat me then you're ready to face the Galra it's as simple as that."
The others glanced at one another. Shiro frowned "Lance I don't think-" Shiro leapt back when Lance lunged his fist missing Shiro's shocked face he felt Allura move behind him and crouched sweeping his leg and she yelped falling to the floor, he heard Keith more than saw him and reacted still kneeling he grabbed Keith's arm and took a step pulling Keith and slammed him into Shiro just as he realised what was happening and the two collided and stumbled, he faced Pidge head on evading each punch and throw and pushed them hard making them tumble onto their backside.
Hunk was next and Lance actual felt treipdidtion, Hunk would've know if he saw his tail twitch.
But thankfull Hunk was not overly confident and was holding back, Lance was able to trip him with his tail making him fall on his stomach.
Keith came back and Lance had to admit, he wasn't that bad, Allura grabbed him around the neck and Lance fell making her stumble as he dropped his weight, he backrolled through her legs and kicked her backside making her stumble into Keith.
He ducked when his armour sent a warning and almost cried out when Shiro gave him his full attention.
The others weren't getting up, their focus was on Shiro and wondered if he would beat Lance, no one wanted to get in the way.
Shiro grabbed his arm and spun Lance around and pushed holding his arm in a deah like grip, Lance jabbed his stomach and Shiro pulled back and Lance kicked him once, then again Shiro blocked his punch then the next Lance spun with a leap and kicked him in the sternum- Shiro grabbed his leg and spun him around and Lance fell back with a cry until he grabbed Shiro's arm breaking his hold and pushed making Shiro bend down in pain as his arm was twisted. He cried out and Lance's fingers twitched almost wanting to let go, until a weaponised hand sliced across his face, Lance pulled back in time and behind his mask he smirked.
Now this was getting interesting. He wasn't fighting Shiro anymore. He was fighting the champion.
The others must of sensed it, Keith almost took a step forward until Lance held a hand out, he had this. Shiro took that as a sign of attack and lunged.
it was desperate and chaotic, it took Lance everything not to get impaled- hah, and not in the fun way. All he had to do was...wait for an opening.
He could tire Shiro out and wait for an opening, but it came when Shiro's movements became too wide and unfocused.
Easily when the arm grazed Lance's torso he grabbed the appendage and pulled.
He...may have forgotton how light humans were, Shiro went flying.
If Lance still didn't have hold of his arm Shiro would be half way across the room.
Shiro fell to the floor in a pained yelp and Lance grimaced.
He let go immedietly and circled round to the fallen leader, thank god he was in Paladin armour.
"Shiro are you alright?"
Shiro's face was flushed his eyes wide but not unclear, at least he was back in the right mindspace now.
"I uh that." Lance chuckled "You did amazing, a few more practice's and you'll pinning me soon enough." He held his hand out and Shiro blinked, his hand around Lance's hand twitched. "What?"
Lance pulled Shiro up and tilted his head "Are you okay? Not concussed?" before Shiro could even speak, Lance jumped back as Pidge with a battle cry tried to skewer him then yelped tripping over their feet.
"Whoa- Spider-monkey!" Lance yelped looking at Pidge and body tense waiting for anymore spider attacks. Pidge groaned "Really!? not even a surprise attack!?" Lance chuckled and stroked the back of their neck.
"It's no problem Pidge, you all did well." He turned back to the team and nodded "Not bad. Not good, but could've been worse. Hunk." The Yellow Paladin stood up straight "You could've beat me." Hunk blinked surprised "Wha no way-"
"Yes...way, I'm smaller and weaker than you, you held back your punches and hesitated you need to be more confident with your body to use it as a weapon. Pidge." they turned with a raised eyebrow.
"You almost had me, you're small and quick if we hone that down you could take out an enemy in just a few jabs. Luckily you have your bayard to shock a Galra but bigger Galra with..." Lance huffed a breath "Speical enhancers a shock won't be enough."
He glanced at Keith "I see why the Red lion choose you, but you need to think out your attacks a bit more, wait for an opening like Allura did I almost lost there. You two make a good team." The two flushed and that's when Lance realised the humans were all panting and flushed.
"Are you guys okay? I mean- you're not dying are you?"
Hunk laughed "Dude, I feel like I've been put through olympic training that killed me."
"Even so, this has gained new insight on us as a team and what we should work on." Shiro said placing a hand on Lance's shoulder. He had to admit he felt warm and fuzzy helping the team.
Allura nodded "This has been insightful, but I think our human friends should take a break."
"How are you not even affected- damn you!" Pidge directed at Allura and Lance who glanced at one another.
Lance shrugged "Well I've been fighting since I was a kid, not so sure about Allura." She sniffed "So have I? Fighting is essentiel in Altea." Keith crossed his arms "Really? I thought Altea was supposed to be peaceful?"
"Peacful doesn't mean we are a doormat, if we are threatened we defend as simple as that."
Lance glanced away, okay that went awkward fast.
Allura seemed to feel so.
"Lets have a break, you have all worked hard today."
"Awesome," Pidge fist pumped and turned to Hunk "I thought we would never have free time."
Lance's tail flickered "Well that gives me enough time to clear through my ship." He stretched feeling his stomach pull. "I need to get rid of some junk." Pidge and Hunk glanced his way and Lance tilted his head.
"On second thought, we're going to your ship."
And that's how Lance found himself with the paladins of Voltron + the alteans looking at his ship.
"My it looks..." Coran saw Lance turn to him and flinched "not that bad." Lance sighed, he had to admit it was a piece of junk but it was his ship dammit!
"Alright, lets give you the grand tour!" Lance gestured broadly and practically skipped towards his ship "This baby has got me through so many scraps so be nice." he patted the control panel that fell off and he jumped trying to shove it back onto the slot.
He could feel the others staring at him. "Mind he mess I never had to show off my- well to anyone," Here he paused and gazed up "I've been so lonely..."
He shook his head and kicked the door and it opened with a whoosh, and a pile of junk fell out, Pidge grimaced.
"On second thought I think I might- wait is that a Queen CD!?" She grabbed it and Lance jumped "Careful thats the only existent one in the entire moon swap!"
"Moon swap?"
"Where it's a space mall, it has so many cool stuff from other planets their's one shop that has many strange things." Lance picked up a t-shirt that had martians on it.
"I got a bunch of stuff from there,"
Pidge frowned "This....this is from Earth?"
"Earth? huh, is that where you're from?" Lance stepped over the trash and yelped when his foot concaved and he almost fell over before going further in, the others peared around not sure with wanting to go in, Until Lance starting throwing everything on the floor outside the ship to clear the way.
Allura sniffed "i hope you're cleaning that up." Lance waved his hands "i will- oh, Allura since you're here!" He ducked under a desk and reached under for a box and dragged it out.
"Found them," He had no use for these, he had them from....the mamoura and realised he probably won't be using them anytime soon well, until today.
"Here is everything me and my blade have on the Galra, schematics of all known buildings, fight simulations, physical combat key codes, the works everything till current day I always updated it whenerver I could." Allura's eyes shone and unlike Lance that was stuggling with the weight she easily held it.
"I...thank you."
"No worries."
"Boy you live like this?" pidge asked becoming ore adventerous and grimaced at the food cups and mold growing in places. Lance scowled about to yell that it wasn't that bad.
"Pidge, I've seen you're room. You still have those floating ghibli things in there." Hunk said and Lance chuckled.
"God everything is so messy-oh." A door swooshed open and there was Lance's bedroom, clean pristine and full of guns.
The others stared, it was obvious the weapons were next to his bed. They turned back to him in a silent question and he shrugged "I was in space with Galra and pirates, sleeping with weapons is normal."
Keith peared in "It's kinda amazing..." he trailed off what he saw a dagger and froze, he leaned down and picked it up, it was so familiar and....his eyes widened at the symbol at the hilt. Lance snatched it "Don't touch that." He shoved it under his pillow and slammed the bedroom door shut. The others barely saw the interaction too busy trying to manouver the mess of Lance's ship.
Keith could only stare, his hands sliding to his own Dagger, the hilt covered in bandages to hide the symbol.
Hunk glanced down and gasped "Oh my gosh-"
"Hunk no!"
"Is this your family?" He asked, there were photo's, of Blaytz and his father.
"Who's that?"
Coran gasped "I know who that is!" he took the photo and Lance easily grabbed it "Careful-" He snapped and the others stared and his tail lowered "it's the only photo I have." Coran's smile waned "Sorry my boy, may I?" Lance hesitated then gave it to him.
Coran thumbed the photo.
"This, is the previous Blue Paladin, he piloted alongside your father." He aimed at Allura who gasped and Lance's tail flickered he knew this, but for the Paladins to remember.
"When you said Blaytz I wasn't sure how- it's been thousands of years." Lance shrugged "Time/space Dilation? A thousand years to you could be like a month to the Galra, and they were put in sleeping pods."
"They...who is this one?" Allura asked her lips turned downwards, Coran glanced at him and brightened "Oh Kolivan! He was a server at our Paladin meetings the two took a shining together they - are they still?" Coran asked and Lance shook his head.
"We were, on a planet it was hidden away from the Galra but they found us and everyone..." Lance trailed off but he knew they got it and shrugged "Well that's why I joined the mamoura to help others like he did y'know."
But he knew he was letting him down, he just lost the will to care. Now he was flying his fathers old Lion? What were the odds in that?
"Well, looks like you have a full day ahead of you cleaning..." Shiro glanced around "This."
Lance jumped back "What!? You wanted to look at my stuff then leave me? This could be a team bonding excersize!"
"We're good."
"I think the mice are calling me," Allura was so fake it looked plastic.
Shiro patted his shoulder "Good luck, Buddy." Lance slumped until he felt Pidge tug his tail he turned snatching his tail and curling it around his body.
"Don't trash everything, I might want to keep some of it." Lance crossed his arms.
"You could help?"
"No thanks, Deadpool."
Lance eyes followed Pidge out beyond confusion "Deadpool?"
It took him all day, he had huge piles Junk and maybe savagable, Coran gave him some sort of trolly to take his stuff into his new room although- he did leave half and half in case he had to make a quick get-away...better safe than sorry.
Funny thing though, Pidge pretty much took his junk and everything he thought was salvagable ended up getting tipped. Humans were weird.
"Lance?" Allura called on the com and Lance perked, thank god anything away from the hoarders nightmare that was his ship.
He raced to the training room and saw allura downloading all the info he had "Yes, Princess?" She smiled his way and Lance had to calm himself down, be still his beating heart.
"I saw some of these programs and thought they were intriging but...this file it's not true is it?" She asked and Lanced glanced at the file in question and grimaced.
"I'm sad to say it is true, Hagger she along with others experimented on other intelligent or non-intelligent life forms and created robo-beasts." The hologram shifted revealing the know robo-beasts that were stationed around the universe.
"If a Galra fails their mission they are taken and reprogrammed into a robo-beast." Allura looked disgusted "Its horrible what the Galra have done..." Lance tilted his head then shrugged, he could say 'not all galra' but he doubted Allura would care.
There was always a few bad people in every group that reflects badly but when the whole group acts a certain way is a cause for concern. Allura probably wouldn't want to know that half the Galra were groomed and punished if they spoke out against the Galra.
She had to be clear and focused any hesitence could cause them everything.
"You also did flight simulations?" She asked and Lance perked "Yes, here. I think Pidge can download them into the lions so we can practice and hone our abilities. I hate to say it princess but...they're no way near ready for the Galra Shiro and Keith maybe but as a team..." He had the Mamouran blade to fall back on as a point of reference but they were so laid back as if they weren't in a war it was werid and anyone else would be mad but-
Lance had to love the for it, it's exactly how he would've acted to deal with the impeding doom that is the Galra and he liked them. Kolivan would pop a blood vessel at them.
"I feel the same," Allura spoke watching them in the training room, Keith and Shiro sparring while Pidge and Hunk fiddled with the training bots to make their own sentries.
"But they are so talented, I have faith in my Paladins." Lance nodded "Humans are amazing aren't they?"
"Annoying, but yes, they are gifted." Lance took a step back "Well if there's anything else-"
Saved by the Alarm Allura tensed then used the speaker "Paladins they're is a distress signal- suit up and report to the control room."
And that's when everything went sideways.
Lance had to admit he went a bit above and beyond for his pack-mates, in the midst of battle Pidge was downloading data from the Galra prison they were trying to rebaliatate.
"Is it normal for you guys to do side missions."
Pidge grunted and that was answer enough. He glanced nervously at the door then cried out when the whole base rumbled his feet leaving the ground for a second.
"What the quiznack!?" Pidge shot up "It's a self destruct- we gotta go!" Lance scowled and picked Pidge up "Ah- HEY!"
He ran and saw the others running towards their lions, until he saw Shiro getting trapped by the Galra Keith and the others were in their lions at that point.
"shiro!" Pidge cried out Lance placed her down and shoved her towards her Lion.
"Go to your lion, Stop those fighters." Pidge glanced up and saw the Galra escape in pods or fighter ships and were now attacking the lions.
"Go!" He yelled when Pidge hesitated, Lance turned and sprinted towards Shiro seeing too many Galra crowd him.
Shiro was fighting like his life depended on it his arms gloweed purple illuminating his face, Lance had to admit, for a human he had a striking form impressive even to Galra standards.
All of these guys were impressed as well but they were more focused on their job than courting a human enemy of Voltron.
Lance slid in and shot at any Galra that got too close paving a path for Shiro to get to his lion which luckily was in a barriar. Shiro faltered "Lance-"
Lance waved "I'll be fine, boss!" He fired at another Galra and turned back before Shiro could say anything all Shiro could do was get in his lion as the base rumbled again, Lance barely had to fire as the Galra suddenly....retreated.
He paused "What the...?"
Hold on.
He turned too late as the base suddenly exploded throwing him backwards his suit taking the most impact. And a floating Prison base in space crumbled into debris.
Lance never thought he would die like this, falling through space his body numb and in constant pain from the impact his vision going blurry. He died doing the right thing, saving people at least, he chuckled but even that felt weak he was worried. That he would die being a coward, proving Kolivan wrong that he cared for no one but himself.
Everything went black.
The others found him floating in space, if it wasn't for Keith they might not have saw him since his dark mamouran clothes blended into the dark stars of space.
"We- we need to take him back- now!" Shiro ordered and the others moved like demons, Shiro watched the body limply being held by Keith and when they got to the castle of Lions and ran forward Coran already had a pod up.
"Put him here, luckily his suit took most of the damage, but his air supply was damaged that's why he's unconcious-"
"He's not-"
"We have to open up the armour just to check, then put him in the pod before irreparable damage goes to the brain." Shiro nodded using his arm he sliced open the front of the armour chipping away, it felt painstakingly long to open.
"Paladins! What has- oh my Gaia!" Allura cried out at Lance's prone body, Shiro tried to focus, the guilt the overwheling anxiety that this was his fault kept assualting his thoughts.
Then the armour slackened and fell away and their relief was cut short at the body inside, it was not an aquatic alien they expected but a Galra.
The others froze unsure how to proceed until the Galra groaned his voice higher pitched that the armour allowed.
"Put him in here-"
"No! He's a Galra!" Allura hissed and Shiro growled "Who saved my life!" He reached in and gingerly took the prone body and balked.
He was...smaller than the armour, he was the same height as Shiro but here he was a head or so smaller, his form not as bulky he was thin with small fur covering his arms, and his face was squished in pain and Shiro placed him in the pod delicetly. All of the Paladins could only stare at the alien unconcious in a pod vunerable for all to see.
Lance thought these were his pack-mates but once he woke up, he had no idea what would happen next.
Pidge and the others watched his vitals, Lance's skin was pale before but now brightened to a more purple hue. Shiro had his arms crossed and had no idea on what to think. From what all the Paladins knew the Galra were the bad guys, this whole time, was Lance a spy?
Was he sent to infiltrate Voltron? Shiro could feel himself begin to pace at the thought that they were almost tricked, was he going to betray them later on or-
"Shiro- Chill." He stopped as he watched Pidge glance up from her laptop.
"Lance has done nothing suspicious in the time that he was here, we were all watching him like a hawk." Shiro sighed "But he didn't tell us, shouldn't we be concerened."
Hunk looked up "Maybe that's why he didn't say anything, I mean the Galra are terrible but what if Lance isn't? what if he's like a good Galra?"
Shiro would love the benefit of the doubt but the Arena...he had too any bad experiences with them.
"I wish I could believe it, but we can't blindly trust anyone, Lance could be on our side but he might not be."
Allura nodded "He needs to be placed in a holding cell once the pod opens up."
"Wait-what?" Hunk cried out looking shocked "We can't do that- he's it's lance he's our team mate I thought it meant we were a family?"
Shiro took a breath "Hunk it's for our safety if he reacts violently-"
"So what? You need us to form Voltron but if we don't look like a human we get the boot?" Hunk scowled and Shiro grimaced. "That's not..."
The pod opened up before the others can work up a fight, Lance slipped out the pod his eyes fluttering, the others were startled that his eyes were...different from galra's. Not fully yellow, he still had a pupil and were still blue.
He fumbled and Shiro reached out on instinct to steady him then drew back, glancing at his Galra prostehtic Shiro grit his teeth and looked away.
Lance was still out of it to realise what was wrong.
"Urgh I feel like I crushed then brought back to life," Lance moaned leaning back against the pod, he gazed up a gesture he did all the time, he always looked serious and no nonsense but his lips quipped up into a smirk. "So what happened?" His tail flickered back and forth.
It was weird, before in his armour they had no idea what Lance looked like, the faces he pulled behind the mask the only clues they had was the ticks and moveents of his tail.
It was swishing side to side, relaxed.
Then he saw no one was looking at him "What?" He raised a clawed hand to his face "Is there something on my-" Mask, he would've said until his hand brushed through dark purple hair he stiffened eyes wide in shock and his tail began to fuzz in distress.
He bolted, dived straight over them and began to sprint towards the corridors, Shiro tensed he knew it.
They gave chase the others splitting up to find him faster, Shiro gained on him and saw Lance moving towards his ship- he was going to escape.
"No!" Lance faltered and Shiro lunged colliding with the Galra and both tumbled to the floor in a heap with Shiro on top his arm activated and glowing against the lilac form, Lance looked petrified.
"Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Lance's eye's flickered then sighed closing his eyes and slumping against the floor.
"Does it make a difference?"
Shiro hesitated "It does, why ask?" Lance smirked "I'm a Galra, either it's slow torture for information or 'yeet' me out in an airlock."
Shiro gaped offended "I would never do that!" Lance opened one eye "You did for Sendek." Shiro clenched his fist and saw it was still activated embarresed he settled down and heard footsteps.
"Shiro- oh." Keith paused and slowed to a stop, "Should I leave you too alone?"
Shiro scowled "Keith-"
Lance shoved him off and sat up, Keith pointed his bayard at Lance "don't move." Lance froze then growled when Keith bent on his knee took the Galra's hands and tied them up in cuffs.
"We have questions."
They were in the kitchen, because Hunk was stressed and wanted to bake and gave a plate of weird goo cookies for Lance. The Galra perked now thankful to eat without the armour getting in the way. His room was full of crumbs.
Pidge grabbed the plate and pulled it back "Snacks are for talkers." Lance pouted "Fine, okay um, surprise I'm a Galra!" He did jazz hands which looked odd on his over compensated armour but it suited him.
"Okay- why are you so small?" Pidge asked and Lance straightened up "I am not! Bigger space suits were safer, the lithe ones were always cut to pieces and being alone in space I was not chancing it."
Allura cleared her throat and Lance ducked his head his tail flickering, "Um yeah." He sat up Straight as Allura placed her hands on the table.
"All this time you were Galra and you said nothing about it?" Lance blinked glanced down at his cuffed wrists then back up at Allura.
"From what I heard when I joined the team," He glanced at them all in turn "Allura your father and people were masacred from the Galra." He turned to Shiro "You were captured and forced against your will to fight to survive, Pidge you lost your brother to the Galra." He then leaned back "Keith and Hunk and everyone was fighting the Galra when you first got your lions- I would've left you too it, but the blue lion responded to me." He raised an eyebrow "Wouldn't you think the blue lion would accept me if I was your enemy?"
Allura slammed her fist on the table "Zarkon was the black Paladin and look how he turned out!"
The silence was deafening, Allura realised her mistake when Shiro spoke his eyes hurt "What-"
She turned to him looking panicked "I uh,"
Lance almost wanted to say who was keeping secrets now?
but everyone looked upset even Pidge jumped of the table "And you think we should'nt have KNOWN THIS!?"
"Zarkon flew the black lion!?" Lance eyes flickered over all them but then his eyes slid over to Shiro and swallowed, Shiro looked close to losing it.
Lance took a deep breath "Shut it!"
They all stopped and turned his way his tail flickering in agitation "Last time I checked I was being interogated here or being a galra." The others seemed to come back to themselves and Hunk who was in the back spoke up.
"Um If you I mean you're a Galra of course so I um," Lance smiled his way "Yes Hunk?"
Hunk stared "Man that is so weird and jarring usually the big suit makes you look so serious but...you look kinda cute." Lance's face fell into a frown. "Your question, Hunk?"
"Oh right, why are you- y'know fighting the Galra? Aren't they you're family?"
Lance raised an eyebrow and took a breath.
"Don't you always know right from wrong? What the Galra are doing is wrong but it's not like I can walk up to Zarkon and Hagger and go hey can you stop being a quiznack and let people go? People fight back," Lance hissed leaning forward.
"My father was the blue paladin and he told me all about you and Alfor princess." Lance said "That Alfor was a coward and hid the lions away-"
"Hw dare you-" Allura growled as Lance stood up.
"Blaytz was defencless I had to watch my father DIE without you- without Alfor from Zarkon all because Alfor was his number one fan I wouldn't be surprise if Alfor worked for Zarkon himself!"
"Enough how dare you lie about y father that way you-"
"Who built the lions, Allura?" That drew her back "What?"
"Who. Built. The. Lions."
"And who did he give the Black lion too, Alfor could've piloted black everyone knew this. But he gave the Black Lion to Alfor." Lance sat back in his seat "Almost romantic, isn't it?"
"Wait-" Keith started ignoring the seething look Allura was giving him "If this Blaytz guy was your father how are you...?" he gestured and Lance glanced down "Oh!"
He beamed up at them "I was a test tube baby! They took Blaytz DNA, and my other fathers and combined the two, but Galra DNA is much more dominant so yeah." Coran nodded.
"You do look like him." That stopped him short he ducked his head "Thanks." Coran placed a hand on Allura's shoulder "I think I can take it from here, Princess. The rest of you disperse."
"I think I'll stay," Shiro said and Coran nodded.
"Coran I don't think-"
"You can watch the castle footage if you need, I don't think Lance would cause a problem." Lance shrugged in a cute 'who me' gesture and Allura scowled and left the room with the others followed. Keith faltered but then left with the others.
Coran sat before him and paced him the plate "You spoke alot, I think you're allowed a cookie." Lance perked and took one he wasn't half way down before Shiro spoke.
"Who do you work for?"
Lance paused "Mfh Hol om." He swallowed then tried again "I told you, I worked for Blades of Mamoura."
"Worked?" Lance glanced away "We had a few disagreements so I left."
"What were those disagreements?"
Lance's eyes flickered up "Knoledge or Death," He sneered "It's their cult mantra, it literally means die for the mission any chance you have if it'll give you a sliver of the chance to stop the Galra." Lance leaned back "No one helped me, I had to save myself, I had to get stronger and smarter on my own and watched younger blades die because they weren't lucky." Lance took another cookie "If I believed that I would'nt have gone back for you Shiro, you would've had to fend for yourself and Voltron would have left you behind." Lance beamed "Lucky that I didn't believe in that garbage." Shiro fidgeted under the stare and Coran spoke up.
"Who is the Blade of mamoura?" Lance's eyes moved to Coran.
"The survivors. The ones left behind when Alfor sent away the lions and hid his daughter away, the Aquatic speicies and the Galra who rebelled against Zarkon." Lance shook his head "Coran, you knew Alteans and the Galra were together, families children terrified that their loved ones would die since Zarkon was all anti-altean." Lance sighed leaning back his eyes shining "My dad - he sacrificed himself and the ones left created the Blade of Mamoura that self sacrifice has dictated our way of life to the point of suicide when that's not what he wanted." Coran reached out and touched his wrist Lance flinched and saw Coran.
"I'm sorry," Lance shrugged "It wasn't your fault."
"No but I was there, I....I knew Blaytz and Alfor, we would always go on space adventures together."
"You miss them." Coran nodded "I miss all of them."
Shiro suddenly felt like he was intruding, but....even though what Lance said was emotional it hit too close to home for Coran too similiar. Lance could've worked on this story for a while some sort of cover up if he got caught.
"You said you let the mamoura. what did you do then?"
Now Lance couldn't look him in the eye, "I um, not really proud of what I did after, I went solo trying to help people but...I ended up getting stabbed in the back, they- they were probably nice people but they almost gave me up to the Galra even though I just saved them. And well, I stole supplies from the Galra and gave them to the rebels." Lance said and Shiro nodded
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"Then I stole weapons fro the rebels and gave it to the Galra."
Lance held his hands up "Don't judge me!"
They both looked horrified and Lance's tail bristled and his teeth gritted into fangs his hand clenched.
"You want to defend people? I am the people, we are bitter and hopeless and will sell anyone to the Galra to survive if you can't handle that then maybe we don't need you to be the defender of the universe."
Shiro leaned forward "Is that what you're going to do? Help Voltron then give it to the Galra when you get bored?"
Lance tilted his head "No- what do you take me for, Shiro I did what I had to because there was no getting rid of Zarkon don't you think we tried? He has a witch for a sidekick everyone not killed or tortured was turned into robo beasts." Lance brushed a hand through his hair "I said Voltron it's actually- it's actually packing a punch it's- the Galra are scared that's never happened before." Lance looked at both Coran and Shiro and knew they didn't believe him. Why would they?
"Look, if it's going to affect Voltron then I'll leave. I mean Zarkon was the Black Paladin so now you are so Paladins can get replaced. If you guys think I'm going to betray you then why not just cut your losses and abandon me on a planet somewhere and leave?" Shiro shook his head "There is no replacing, we just want to know if we can trust you."
Lance blinked "You can download my memories like you did with Sendek? Would that help?" Coran paused.
"We could- it wouldn't take long we can hook you up to the castle and it would tell us if you had bad intentions or not, nothing can hide from Altean Alchemy."
"Alright so when can we do that?"
Coran beamed "right now Number, ah....you've shrunk Number 4."
"What I've been demotted in height! that's no fair!"
Coran chuckled as he turned and Lance followed the way Shiro stood too and when Lance got too close, Shiro flinched.
Lance moved away "Ah- sorry I...Sorry," He walked faster towards Coran and Shiro could only slump in dismay.
Getting used to...lance...that was going to take a while.
0 notes
Episode #10: I Gotta Try To Mix Stuff Up -Mo
F11 Cast Assessment: http://youtu.be/3hjwhTlBURs

HOW IN THE FUCKING FUCK DID I STAY! I WAS SO SURE THAT I WAS LEAVING. I had a plan with Ben to try and get votes on Jake, but that didn't work out so I had to put the votes on Ben. Shoo kith to the core.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Autumn, Eddie, Shoib, Jake and Bec are all in an alliance. Maybe Trixie and Matthew are in it too. Not good. I gotta try to mix stuff up. I'm in the minority.


Me changing my vote really changed the outcome of the mess I created huh https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwhjxmrQwLXJFgk/giphy.gif On a serious note what I did was wild and my own power scares me I need to chill the fuck out cause if jury is gonna act any way like Ben, I'm in trouble. I DO NOT want to slit every throat and highkey I'm covered in blood already btwn this and the Drew thing and I just like... need a minute. If I stick with Jake and Eddie they could easily benefit off a petty bitter jury and just say I was their gameplay, especially Eddie. Like all the "tea" starts with him but I'm the one using my strategic and social powers to make votes happen. If we're a "we" why am I the only one with blood on my hands? I can't explain it fully but it's come to light that the Drew vote was based on an al-lie-ance, which may or may not have been started by Eddie, and then a day later Eddie's trying to convince me to do a tie vote this round and I'm like lol no it's worth it right now that's too messy. Yet Eddie and Jake kinda make it happen anyway and conveniently need me to step in to get everyone to stop targeting Jake so I do, further implicate myself in that entire fiasco, vote for Heather then change my vote to Ben because Jake is begging, I cost myself a jury vote in the process, and now it's all over and once again I'm holding the bag. Except this time I feel like shit because Ben didn't derserve that but it worked out so Eddie and Jake are happy as can be and are already trying to find ways "we" can further stir the pot. Meanwhile I'm over here shooketh knowing I'm turning friends into jury enemies https://78.media.tumblr.com/80040e0dfe8ba752bd5b545fcb1b26d8/tumblr_of7tfgfboP1velux2o8_400.gif I'm not saying I'm gonna turn on Eight and Dr. Brenner but like never say never. You don't see any of my other allies exploiting their relationship with me and egging me on to be cracked because it's almost like- that's wrong and manipulative as fuck. If I had to pick between the two I'd keep Jeight cause Jeight (Jake + Eight) is my kindred cracked brother who also happens to be a bigger threat lmao. Mitch is literally Hopper and tbh I thought I could kill him and Shoib but the thought of that makes me sick. That's not who I am and the fact that Mitch and Shoib have never asked me to wile out it's very telling. I can already tell shit is gonna keep popping off cause there's a lot of people I don't want to personally kill because jury management and because I'm not that girl. All these moves put my game on the line, not everyone else's, so certain allies need me more than I need them. I went from 7 shields to 4 but at the end of the day if I'm protecting some of my shields more than they're protecting me, what good are they? I can slay all by myself https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwLCRptkjfHHiuY/giphy.gif

Okay bitches it's time for me to explain last round more in-depth because wow I did that. I was really nervous when I merged since Eddie/Autumn lied to me about the Drew vote and I didn't know if they'd still work with me. Me and Trixie played up being alone, and Julia added us to a chat to call where she pretty much listed all her allies and said she'd be with us over them. Me and Autumn have an interesting relationship, we cussed each other out after the vote but after we explained everything we kissed and made up. I was genuinely upset that Eddie lied to me like that so I made sure he knew I was and I think it helped in making him want to keep working with me. So I talked to Autumn at the beginning of the day about the vote and said that I wanted a fave out. She brought up Ben and I agreed immediately bc I don't trust him. She also wanted to tell her alliance with Rebecka that they could do Heather because Rebecka wanted her out. So after that I called Heather and exposed the Julia/Mo/Ben/Rebecka/Matt alliance and told her that we needed to stick together. She ended up telling me that she knew Trixie had the idol because Julia told her, so I acted like I didn't know about the idol, but she pretty much confirmed to me that Julia trusts her the most. I needed the Ben vote to go through and I needed Heather to be the other vote, because I knew that Julia would flip on Ben to save Heather. Things got scary when at like 6PM I heard my name was going around. From what I gathered, Ben, Mo, and Matt wanted to vote me instead of Heather, but Rebecka was adamant about voting Heather and I told Eddie and Autumn to say they wanted Heather to keep the vote off of me. Right before the votes Trixie transferred me her idol and told me to play it if Ben got idoled so um wig? She also told me that she voted for rebecka last minute in case we both idoled the votes.... BUT tribal happened and Ben went HOME! WOOOO I was so happy and I hope those stupid faves who didnt bother talkin to me this round were fucking SHOOK. I'm ready 2 turn up...

I really want to win this immunity to keep my ass safe, especially from last round. BUT THE GAG IS I SUCK AT FLASH GAMES LSFAKSFIL

Hi. I've been super inactive this week because I've been visiting friends but it is what it is. So Ben getting voted out wasn't ideal, I would've loved to vote out heather but WHATEVER. I had to abstain from this challenge soooo I'm gonna be up for elimination and I hope I don't get votes this time! Who knows tho hehe not me

lets vote julia OUT... sis you're not about to play this middle in this game!! That’s me and autumn’s job! That’s why I’m throwing julia so far under the bus right now. You can only play the middle in survivor if you have people who have a lot of trust in you from both sides. I’m making sure that matt and rebecca never look at julia as a possible number again because they distrust her and feel like she’s thrown them under the bus. It would be a cute concept if we could just vote julia out this round honestly. Vote julia out this round, somebody who has been playing the middle, but also keep heather in because rebecca and heather will still be a big conflict in this game that autumn and i can take full advantage of. Then next round we blindside matt with that THICC idol in his pocket. I’m going to continue to be a little lowkey though. I just got to keep working on my social bonds at the moment while allowing Autumn and Jake to continue to do most of the leg work when it comes to getting votes and have our plans come into fruition. At the same time I’m always going to make sure that one on one with Autumn and Jake, I’m always putting a lot into our strategy and what we want to do. I need a good balance of doing enough to not be considered a goat, and not doing enough to be considered that binch who will probably win the game. If this works how I want it to, Autumn and Jake should be targeted before I am. They'll be seen has the big threats to win while for a little I’ll just be seen as a number until I have my breakout episode. [3/5/18, 4:35:22 PM] Bec: Yeah it sounds right [3/5/18, 4:35:41 PM] Bec: Honestly I would've voted for Ben [3/5/18, 4:35:45 PM] Bec: If I had known [3/5/18, 4:45:33 PM] Matthew Summers: okay just read all this [3/5/18, 4:45:56 PM] Matthew Summers: yeah i torally get where ur coming from but its just lol to me they’d bring up those alliances [3/5/18, 4:46:33 PM] Matthew Summers: bitches were desperate [3/5/18, 4:46:47 PM] Matthew Summers: i think now more than ever we need each other tho Like if I literally got out of flipping on Matt and Rebecca with them feeling like Julia and Mo are the ones who were screwing them over last round then.... I think the play for me and Autumn is 100% get Julia to be the vote this round, and blindside Matt with the idol next round. Autumn and I will be able to continue playing the middle and eliminate a good social player who has a lot of connections around the tribe. Julia does trust Jake and tells him a lot so while I don't really speak to her I feel like I know where her head is at in this game. Idk, I guess I just hope I can somehow finesse her vote out. That would be iconic.

Ok so I think I am in a realy good spot right now and am kinda seen as a floater, let me go through each player and my thoughts on them cause why not? Autumn - Love her and kinda trust her, she seems really smart and I feel like she has my back for now and won't screw me over anytime soon, I am comfortable in my alliance with her and Mitch. Bec - Have barely talked to her, don't trust her and don't think I will get on with her at all, she seems to play the game based off personal feelings which is why I want to stay in her good books. Eddie - I love Eddie, he is a paranoid mess like me, he is leaking everything to Jake so like I wanna keep him around for as long as possible so we can gain some info. Heather - I want to keep Heather around so that Bec and Heather are at each others throats, I know they will want each other out for as long as they are here. JakeP - I trust him and he has my back but I want to take him out deeper into the game because he is such a big threat. Julia - Julia is crazy, she leaks EVERYTHING and its sooooooo annoying but I kinda trust her but don't want to tell her everything from now on. Matthew - Barely talked to him, feel like I have nothing in common with him. Mitch - Very quiet and seems like a SUPER loyal player but is a massive comp threat and want to kinda get rid of him at like final 7. Mo - Very quiet but love him and hopefully can build a better connection with him. Trixie - MY IDOL QUEEN, MY FINAL 2. WE MAKING FINAL 2 100%%%%%%%

So close, I am happy for Autumn though. So my plan now is to talk to everyone as much as possible so no one wants me out (watch me get eliminated this episode).
8th place better stay the fuck away from me
Ok Eddie, I see you going around spreading rumors of an alliance that doesn’t even exist to get Ben eliminated. Not on my gay watch.
I got heated over something that was true but out of context

okay bitches here’s the tea. so yesterday eddie told me that he was going to tell rebecka that julia leaked the core 3 and i didn’t want julia getting heat for that but it was too late bc eddie wanted to do it and even with me saying i don’t think it’s a good idea didn’t do anything. so he told rebecka and rebecka ended up freaking out on julia and she came to the chat with me and trixie but she immediately thought Mo leaked it so i ran with it because Mo leaked the 5 person alliance to Eddie before. fast forward to today, Mo told me that Julia leaked the alliance they had and was saying the same to Eddie, so I went to Julia and told her to get her to target Mo because I wanted him out this round tbh. I mean if I can get Mo/Mitch/Rebecka/Matt out i’ll be happy because I think they’re all still close. Julia also doesn’t trust Matt now because Eddie told me that Matt told him that Julia is shady so I spilled that tea to Julia as well. Eddie is worrying me a bit because Matt and Rebecka are still talking to him a lot and trust him. like bitch what. whatever. i hope the faves continue to turn on each other :3

so eddie is a MESS. flipping to my alliance, flipping against us, then flipping back? thats circa 2014 matt summers teas. he gotta go soon, but we need him now rip
i dont trust julia anymore. she came to me trying to say she didnt throw rebecka and i under the bus but she def did so i’d love to vote her out butwe’re going with mo bc thats what eddie wants to do. sigh.

Hello I'm coming at you live from my sociology class hoping I don't get a strike The only names out there are julia and mo. I don't care about voting julia but if mo goes home I will be pissed and on the wrong side of the vote yet again. But that's fine because I GUESS I'm just playing the deception game from this point on. I'm loyal to Autumn and shoib but damn we are bad planners. I think because of how disorganized the merge tribe is I can get away with lying about my vote for a few more rounds.

I am watching this tribe chat like a fucking hawk!! but also I wanna see how Kaoh Rong turns out? So if Mo and Julia could not blow up everyone’s game rn that’d be amazing. I’m SO glad I’m immune now God is good all the time

IM WORKING WITH MO RN AND WE ARE VOTING OUT MATT LMAO HeatherThe vote was Mo for like hours, which I was not really comfortable with, but I love Julia so I had to protecc her. HOWEVER, everything seems like it was a misunderstanding so now its Matt, who doesn't message me toooo much. Plus I am there for Mo since we had to suffer in the drinking challenge together. Sorry Matt kiss kiss.

So this is one of my last minute right before tribal confessionals! I'm feeling shook as fuck cause something's just not smooth in the buttermilk. Something is up and I think an idol will probably be played tonight. Everyone is saying Mo but nobody knows who Mo is targeting. Like shouldn't he be campaigning to people so why has nobody heard a name other than Mo? He either has an idol, or people are lying to me because I'm getting blindsided.... Neither of those options are good at all because it means I'm most likely getting voted out tonight. I just don't have a good feeling at all and maybe I'm just being paranoid but idk. My gut tells me something is up. I really don't wanna spend time in the jury with Ben. That would be hella awkward.
0 notes
The bitch named Karma: Section 10
Jazz POV: I had no idea what was going on. One klik I was giving Prowl several processor blowing overloads, the next he was laying in the medbay once more. "What gives?! It hasn't even been a groon yet!" Starscream gave me a look crossed between anger,horror, and worry before looking back at my now very still sparkmate. "You're not spending time alone with him anymore. I do not know how you managed to cuff him or why you ignored his request to stop as I'm sure he made but it will not happen again. If Soundwave can even pull him though this." My optics brightened at that. "What do ya if?! Whats wrong with him?!" He crossed his arms as my sparker hurried around the room hooking things to Prowl. "You pushed his frame too far, he is extremely over heated which it's doing a lot of damage inside him. Not to mention he's nearly out of fuel. You've scraped the inside of his value so raw its leaking energon. I don't know how you managed this, but should he make it, you wont be given the chance to do it again." I didn't like that, if, word. "Ah had no idea ah was hurting him! Ya think ah woulda kept going if ah knew!?" "I have no doubt Prowl ask you repeatedly to stop and you refused." I swallowed hard, looking between them. "He didn't!-... Ah though he was playing! Used to love when ah cuffed him... Prowler..." He didn't even flinch as I ran my fingers down his face. "What happened?!" My carrier knocked the doors open, took one look at Starscream and swung at him. "I'll have your wings on my wall!" He just managed to duck and I jumped between them. "It wasn't him! It was-..." I couldn't help the whimper as his optics jerked to me. "Who was it?! Do not try to hide them from me Jazz! The peace is far from solid and I won't have anyone jeprodize it! Tell me who it was!" "It was meh!" His optics brightened so much they looked white as tears trickled down my face. "What?... Jazz!- How could you do something like that to him? He's your sparkmate..." The compete horror and disappointment in his optics was enough to send a fresh of tears rolling down my cheeks. "Ah remembered he used to like when ah tied him up and ah though he was just playing when he said stop! Ah though he felt good! He kept overloading!" My carrier turned away from me to look at Prowl once more. "Its possible to overload even when in pain. It's the amount of charge that is in ones frame. Strictly speaking, you could overload someone through pain alone... You are my bitlet, and I love you, but you will not get the chance to do this again. I don't know how you managed to get this far anyhow." Behind me Starscream took a tentative step forward. "When I came into the room Prowl was stasis cuffed to the bed rails. It weaken him enough that he couldn't get away even after he found out how less than gentle Jazz could be." "Enough. Soundwave wants Jazz out of the medbay. I need to focus on getting his systems to stop caniblizing his spark. Megatron should request Ratchet. Hurry." My optics brightened as I was tugged away. I knew what that meant, and there was a good chance I may never see him again. My fist clenched and I jerked away from my carrier, scrambling up onto Prowl's chest to hug him tight. "Ya can't leave meh! It was just an accident! Ya gotta fight Prowl! For meh! Fight for meh!" Tears trickled down my face, landing on his as I leaned down to kiss his lips. He still stayed so still though, I didn't know what I expected. Maybe I'd put too much stock into those human books carrier and Cade had read to me. True loves kiss was what woke all the sleeping princesses. Prowl was no princess though, and he slept right through it. Arms pulled me back and I was tucked into my carrier's sparkling hold. "A few more deca-cycles and you won't be able to recharge in there anymore... I truly hope what you did can be undone." Not nearly as much as I did... If Prowl faded, so would I... Prowl POV: My frame felt really heavy coming back online, but considering I hadn't though I would be, this wasn't that bad. I couldn't remember quite what happened. Jazz had managed to convince me to allow him to stasis cuff me. There's was pain, so much pain, even durning overload. I'd been running out of energon, then the door opened... It was Starscream. A arm flopped over my optics. "Never thought I'd be glad to see that seeker..." "Do you know how fragging lucky you are?! You've been in stasis for 6 deca-cycles! Your spark nearly went out more times than me and Soundwave can count you fragging glitch!" I groaned as I rubbed at my optics before onlining them to see Ratchet glowering down at me. "Too bad... I was really hoping you were just a bad line of code left over from stasis." Then he hit me just as Soundwave stepped into the room. "Ratchet, we spoke about hitting our painents already. It is good to see you're awake once more Prowl." I groaned, pushing myself into a sitting position to look around the room. "Where is Jazz?" "Megatron just took him moments ago to fuel. He has not left your side willingly since the incident happened. Megatron has decided that he is not allowed around you without supervision." A hand pushed me back down before a scan tickled over my frame. "Prowl will still be spending a few cycles in here until his spark is clear, it's still patchy. A merge would likely help to resolve the issue and limit the time spent under Ratchet's less that tender bed side manor." "I'll do pretty much anything to stay out from under his hand. I much prefer you treating me to him." Ratchet snarled. "Well next time you do something so fragging glitched he can fix you!" The doors opened once more and I glanced up to see the twins. "You called?" "When did they get here?" Ratchet picked up his wrench and shook it at Sunstreaker. "If you start anything at all!-" "He didn't start anything before. I requested that he start a fight in order for myself and Jazz to be sent back. He needed his carrier but he would not leave my side." A hand landed on my shoulder, rubbing firmly as the yellow mechs optics met mine. "Are you fragging kidding me?! I had that little glitch running every fragging stupid errand I could think of and he never once gave up your glitched plan! Was Ironhide in on it too!?" I inclined my helm. "Fragger! And that little glitch?!" "I assume you mean the new mech. No. I guess he's just wanted a piece of the action." "No. Quicksilver is a friend of Soundwave. Sunstreaker told me about the plan and I thought he could help. He was eager to go along with it." My optics flicked to Soundwave's and I shook my helm. "Prowl needs to strengthen his spark through merging to stabilize the fluations, take him back to your quaters." My optics brightened before jerking to Sunstreaker who smirked. "Looks like it's not such a cold day in hell. Come on, I'm turning in the favor you owe me for kicking your aft." He tugged me lightly until I stood, just in time for Megatron to step in with Jazz. He threw himself at me instantly, scrambling up my frame and clinging to me as tightly as he could. "Am so sorry! Ah didn't know ah was hurting ya! Ah though ah was gonna lose ya Prowl! Please don't ever scare meh like that again!" His fingers were anchored so tightly into my armor it was starting to hurt but I knew he was only scared. "I am OK Jazz. I am going with the twins for a while, I should only be a few groons." "No! Ah can't be away from ya now that yer finally awake! Please don't make meh go away! Please!" I looked at Sunstreaker and he shrugged. "We can work around him. He needs to know you're OK." Sides nudged me from the other side and I nodded, lifting my sobbing bundled higher. "Soundwave will accompany you to be sure there is no backlash. Prowl's spark is still weak." I nodded and slipped from the table.... Jazz POV: I swallowed hard as Prowl was pushed down over Sideswipe, their chest pressed flush as their sparks tangled around each other. Sunstreaker was knelt behind him tracing light circles around his still closed panel. Prowl didn't seem in any great hurry to open as he did for me and I wondered if it was because he had liked me more, or if I'd scared him... I didn't want to think if the second option. I didn't want to have ruined it for him. "Open for me Prowl... I'm not a sparkling, I know what I'm doing..." Sunstreaker trailed a line of kissed down a door before dipping his glossa into the housing making MY mech gasp HIS name. That just rubbed me the wrong way. Then his valve cover slid open even as he flinched away from the prodding fingers. "Please!" "Shh... This won't be anything like that. You're OK." My denta ground together, he was scared to be hurt... Sunstreaker slipped a finger into him making him tense up before rocking back, as his doors fluttered. "There you go." Prowl looked behind him as he ground against the digit in his valve. I swallowed hard, I wanted to be the one to make him feel good. Under him Sideswipe was running his hands over his fluttering doors making him keen as Sunstreaker sank his spike to the hilt inside him. "Loosen up Prowl... You're tensing and it's going to make this uncomfortable for you. Stop trying to overload him for a few seconds Sides, he needs to relax. The yellow mech batted his brothers hands away and began stroking gently over a door. For a few seconds Prowl just knelt there shivering slightly before slowly, he started to sag into the petting. "I'm sorry Sunstreaker. The pain is still fresh in my mind. Even though it's been several deca-cycles for you, I've only just woken today." "That's OK. I'm in no hurry, I know how that mind of yours works though. If I let you push me away you'll lock yourself down and that fear will eat away at you until you're terrified to let anyone touch you. I don't intend to allow that to happen. Jazz is young. He's not the mech you remember just yet." I growled at him and shifted forward, only for my sparker to catch me. "Do not think about it. Prowl needs to overload to strengthen his spark and alter the fluctuations. Jazz very nearly offlined him." My jaw clenched as I watched MY mech sag back into Sunstreaker. "There you go... It's ok Prowl, no one's going to hurt you anymore." He nodded his helm, and the touches on his doors shifted from soothing to trying try induce overload. "Sunstreaker!" Prowl's hands bunched into the covers on either side of Sideswipe as his twin rolled his hips into him. "Frag you make such pretty faces when you're being pounded from behind! Can't wait to get in you!" Prowl smirked suddenly before Sideswipe squeaked. "What if I wanted in you?" His helm lolled back as his valve cover was pushed to the side and Prowl buried a finger into him. "You won't even need any coaxing. You're soaking into the bedding already." One of Sideswipe's optics offlined and he held onto Prowl's shoulders as he sank into him. "Frag Prowl!... You really should have spent a few nights with us." "I'm here now, as long as Soundwave doesn't mind sharing you?" Prowl glanced back at my sparker who shook his helm. "Soundwave enjoys Prowl's company. It was upsetting seeing you in that state." I cringed as he gave me a look. "You could always join. I don't think Sides is going to last long. Having multiple sparks to trade energy with will be beneficial anyhow." My sparker made a low noise before sitting on the end of the bed. "Primus please move! You're driving me crazy Prowl!" He glanced down to Sideswipe with a smirk as he rolled his hips making the others helm loll to the side. "Frag you're evil!..." Prowl chuckled before finally starting a semi quick pace. Behind him Sunstreaker pushed him forward some to get a better angle. I hated that I couldn't be the one to make him feel good..... It took nearly 3 groons for Prowl to finally ware himself out. My sparker tugged him over against his chest as Sunstreaker flopped to the side with a contented sigh. "Didn't peg you for having that much stamina Prowl. Going to pound you again after we get some fuel in us and cool off." He caught Prowl in yet another kiss making him mew lightly. The contended smile that settled on his face made my spark squeeze knowing it was caused by someone else. His optics flicked to me and he held out a hand. I didn't waste any time getting into his arms either. "I'm sorry for ignoring you Jazz. I'm sure you're ready for a nap." Napping was the last thing on my mind. "Actually... Kinda thought we could finish the other half of meh groon..." That took his smile away instantly and he pulled away from me. "No." "Prowl.-" He flinched away, plating pulling close to his frame. My hand froze between us as I saw the fear behind his optics. "Yer scared of meh..." "You hurt me quite badly, almost too badly. I love you, but not enough to endure that kind of pain more than once. I don't want you to touch me like that again." I swallowed thickly, reaching out to run a finger down his cheek. "It was a mistake..." "It still happened. I'm sorry, I need rest now." My spark ached knowing I'd lost that part of him, I didn't even know if he'd ever let me have it back.... Prowl POV: My systems were sluggish at coming online again and the first thing I noticed was Jazz's face inches from mine. There was a heat in his optics I'd seen far too often not to recognize. "Frag Prowler... All ah wanna do is frag ya just like Sunny did! Won't hurt ya! Promise!" He grabbed at me but I managed to flip us so he was under me. "Please Prowl! Ah don't think ah can take this feeling much longer! Ah need it!" His frame was running very hot and I wouldn't deny him the interface, that didn't mean I was taking again though. "Shh. Open, if you're insistent on your first interface being with me then you'll have to be bottom. If you don't want to take then I would suggest you find someone else." He stilled for a second and I thought he might leave before his valve cover slid to the side. "Ahm gonna make ya trust meh again. Ah don't mind taking for ya Prowl, just wanna be close like we were..." He looked sad as he petted down my cheek. "We are still close Jazz, I just have no desire to be hurt. Perhaps in a few vorns when I'm sure you have enough experience not to injury me again, I'll let you lead." His optics pulled away from mine and he blew out a vent. "Yeah... Ahm sorry, Prowl... Really fragged up, ah just wanna make up for it though." I didn't like that I upset him, but I remembered the pain too clearly to take that chance again. "Would you still like to continue or not?" His helm nodded. "Yeah... Show meh on meh frame how to make ya feel good." That I could do......
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