#but we’re having a cup of tea together it’s nice to not be alone in the mornings!
rinhaler · 10 months
I am soooo tired
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bihansthot · 1 year
Name: Mid-Autumn Festival 1,000 Follower Spectacular!
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bi-Han x afab!Reader
Word Count: 4,000
Summary: You and your husband Bi-Han enjoy a nice family dinner at Madam Bo’s for the Mid-Autumn Festival and later enjoy some alone time with one another, experimenting in ways you never have.
Author’s notes: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival lovelies! Have I got a treat for you and it involves mooncakes but that’s not all! Y’all wanted Bi-Han getting a prostate massage and fuck if I didn’t deliver it! This is kind of a mash up of things I wanted to write, one being festival stuff, the other being a celebration of hitting over 1.000 followers here on tumblr! It’s so wild to me that a blog that just rambles about Bi-Han and writes about him has so much love but here we are! This story has some dirty talk and possessive Bi-Han in it but also has some soft moments, its a good mix of fun and filth and hopefully y’all enjoy it! If you do please don’t be shy with the likes, comments, reblogs, DMs etc. Let me know you liked it please! Enjoy lovelies!
You giggle and shove Bi-Han’s heavy body off of yours, “Polar Bear, stop, we’re in public,” your words are slightly slurred as you find yourself pleasantly buzzed. You look around the expansive tea house and despite the size everything seems warm and homey, you’re always happy when you’re out with Bi-Han at Madam Bo’s.
“Come on qīn, it’s the Mid Autumn Festival it is all about the love between Chang’e and Hou Yi, you shouldn’t be stingy with the affection,” Bi-Han laughed and you could tell by the blush high on his cheeks that the cryomancer was drunk, or at least tipsy, Bi-Han could hold his liquor quite well and you didn’t think you’ve ever actually seen him drunk.
“Brother, why don’t you have some more to eat, that’s what the Mid-Autumn Festival is really about, sharing food with your family,” Kuai Liang chimes in pushing a delectable-looking bowl of steamed crabs toward Bi-Han. “Father always used to talk about the importance of spending time together as a family.”
“Fuck Father, I’m glad he’s dead,” Bi-Han slurs before reaching for a steamed pork bun instead as he bit into the light, fluffy bun.
“Polar Bear, please not tonight, tonight is about family, don’t upset your brother’s please,” you urge, your face clouding with worry.
“Tch, sorry qīn, you’re right tonight it about celebrating family and being together,” he grumbles reluctantly and motions for you to pour him another cup of baijiu.
You’re hesitant to pour another cup for him, but you don’t want to deal with his complaining and posturing if you don’t so despite your better judgment you pour the liquor into his cup. You reach for some of Madam Bo’s delicious har gao and happily eat the plump, juicy shrimp dumpling leaving the crabs for your husband and brothers-in-law to share.
“It was a good idea coming down to Madam Bo’s for Mid-Autumn Festival this year, none of us have to clean up afterwards,” Tomas laughs and takes one of the crabs for himself. “I know I appreciate it! Do you know how much work it is cooking and cleaning up for the three of you?” You laugh and take a sip of oolong tea, trying to pace yourself on drinking, you’re well aware you can’t hold your liquor quite as well as Bi-Han can, well not baijiu at any rate.
“Who cleans up qin? Huh?” Bi-Han raises his eyebrow at you and you have the decency to look sheepish knowing full well the cryomancer always did the cleanup when you did the cooking.
“I, uh well,” you shove some roast duck in Bi-Han’s mouth to silence the cryomancer’s protests. “Tomas, how are things lately, I feel like I haven’t see you or Kuai Liang in ages,” you switch the topic.
“Things have been challenging but very rewarding, work with the Shirai Ryu are going well and we’ve even managed to find a promising new initiative, his name is Hanzo,” Tomas answers with ease in between sips of his own glass of baijiu.
You were so pleased the brothers had managed to work out their differences after Fire God Liu Kang and intervened and the two of you had talked some sense into Bi-Han. Kuai Liang and Tomas had still kept their Shirai Ryu to be the guardians and protectors of Earthrealm whereas Bi-Han kept his Lin Kuei and they were granted more of a prominent role in the tournament and guiding Earthrealm. It had been harder to convince Sektor that his army of drones were no longer necessary, but thankfully Bi-Han had seen sense and had commanded Sektor to stand down. There was still definitely tension between the brothers, but you were content that you were all in a good enough place that you all could come together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival as a family. The festival was a foreign concept to you when you first arrived in Fengjian, but you had fallen in love with the holiday when Bi-Han told you the story of Chag’e and Hou Yi, their beautiful, tragic love story made you weep, but despite the sorrow you loved the idea of being able to celebrate their love. “Hanzo huh? Well that’s good, I’m glad to hear things are going well, but I will admit things are lonely without all of you.”
“Earthrealm needs the Shirai Ryu, its a sacrifice we all have to make,” Kuai Liang interjected before you could get too involved in clan politics.
“Yes, of course, I understand,” you reply, sneaking another dumpling and a sip of tea, the table was laden with so much food there was no way the four of you would be able to finish, you regret not inviting Sektor and Cyrax, but thought it was better they weren’t there as there was still bad blood between the two clans.
“Who’s ready for Moon Cakes?” Madam Bo suddenly interrupts, placing a heaping plate of assorted pastries on the table.
“Moon cakes!” You squeal with excitement and suddenly you somehow feel hungry again, you had never had the pastry before you started dating Bi-Han, but after trying them you were hooked on them, the custard-filled ones were your favorite. As if she were a psychic Madam Bo pops a mini custard-filled one in your mouth and you can’t help moaning with delight as the flaky pastry gives way to the luxurious custard inside.
“Madam Bo, you spoil us,” Tomas smiles at the elderly patroness as she smiles at your happy reaction to the confection.
“Nonsense Smoke, it’s Mid-Autumn Festival! Everyone gets moon cakes! I can’t have my customers unsatisfied on such an auspicious day,” Madam Bo chirps happily.
“Thank you Madam Bo,” you manage after finishing your miniature moon cake, a look of satisfaction plastered to your face.
“The one with the black dot is the sesame one Bi-Han,” Madam Bo laughs before slipping him the bill and heading off to tend to her other customers.
Bi-Han doesn’t hesitate grabbing one of the ones with the black dots, sesame moon cakes you know are his favorite and he acts like a little kid when he gets one, to the point that you’re surprised he doesn’t ask you the make the confection year round. He finishes off his moon cake before draining his umpteenth cup of baijiu, he counts out his bills carefully before adding some extra for Madam Bo, despite tipping not being customary in China, it was a holiday after all and Madam Bo deserved it for her warmth and hospitality. “Shall we?” he asks standing up and swaying on his feet slightly.
The four of you make your way back to the Lin Kuei Temple as you bid good night to your brothers-in-law and giggle drunkenly toddling after Bi-Han.
You flop on your shared bed as Bi-Han struggles with getting his belt off, he finally works his way through all the layers of his belt and lets it fall on the stone floor. You watch him wrestle with the rest of his complex uniform, in no state to be able to help him with the various layers and complex knots holding his layers off. After several long minutes, Bi-Han seems to finally work his way out of his excessively complicated robes as he flops on the bed next to you. “I’m proud of you Polar Bear, I know letting your brothers leave and create their own clan isn’t easy for you, but you did a very good job acting very civilized tonight.”
“I don’t want to talk about them, show me your tiddies,” he smirks at you reaching for the hem of your qipao you had worn at his insistence.
You laugh at his immature behavior, “help me unzip it then,” you whisper running your hand along his smooth cheek.
“Fine, fine,” he agrees, giving you a slightly petulant pout as if to say, how can’t you just become instantly naked, as he tugs the zipper down and carefully helps you out of the garment.
You’re pleased that even in his inebriated state Bi-Han had the common sense to remember this was your favorite qipao, one based off of one of his mother’s, and he was gentle with it. You lay next to him in just your lingerie, one of your favorite sets, dark blue and lacy, it was equal parts delicate and sexy, it also fit perfectly, there was no overflow or pinching and the underwear hid your imperfect little belly.
“Fuck your tits are huge,” He laughs drunkenly burying his cold face in between your ample chest making pleased little noises as he rubs his face back and forth.
“Polar Bear,” you giggle as you tug his hair loose from his tie, his ebony locks spilling down his well-muscled back, you stroke his silken locks as your husband continues to amuse himself with your breasts.
“I love your tits so much, they’re so soft and so jiggly, they’re like big ol’ flans,” he chuckles as he reaches around to undo the clasp of your bra to be able to manhandle them with ease.
You let out a soft sigh of pleasure as his cold, calloused hands squeeze and grope your sensitive breasts. “I want to play with you tonight, please?” You pull Bi-Han’s head up to look him in his beautiful chocolate eyes as you give him your best pleading look.
He sucks in a low breath and reluctantly rolls off of you to give you free rein of his body, “what did you have in mind qin?”
“There’s something I want to try, keep an open mind Polar Bear, its supposed to feel really good for you, I promise,” you bite your lower lip, sucking it into your mouth as your eyes roam over his flawless body.
“What?” He asks sitting up on his elbows, trying to fight off the pleasant floaty feeling the baijiu has given him.
“I’m not going to tell you, you just have to trust me, you know I’d never do anything to hurt you, but it might be kind of weird,” you explain running your warm hand along his aching, cold cock.
He leans back with a pleased groan as he lets you stroke his cock with slow, gentle strokes, “fine, but it better feel good,” he mumbles, bucking his hips up slightly.
“Where’s the lube,” you ask pressing a kiss to his cold cheek.
“Lube? What the fuck do you need lube for?” Bi-Han bristles immediately at the mention of the lubricant.
“I need it to jack you off, you said you’d keep an open mind Polar Bear,” you frown at him as you straddle his narrow hips.
The cryomancer grunts unhappily as he relents, “its in the draw in the bedside table,” he tells you as he squirms under you trying to get some friction for his neglected cock.
“Got it,” you grin triumphantly as you pull the tube from the drawer and make your way back to Bi-Han’s dripping cock, it's so pretty you lick your lips, huge, dripping, and heavy against his perfectly cut abs. “Mmm Polar Bear your cock looks delicious right now, I’m a little jealous of my hand,” you sigh almost wistfully as you squeeze some of the lubricant in your hand as you grasp his big cock and give it a gentle tug.
“You can suck it instead,” the cryomancer grins at you as he lifts himself back up on his elbows to watch you.
“Maybe I will,” you muse sticking your tongue out playfully as you fist him gently, not applying much pressure yet, just teasing the cryomancer, loving the feeling of his thick, veiny cold cock in your hand. You lay with your head on his rock-hard abs as you can’t help but let your tongue dart out and gather the pearly fluid leaking out of Bi-Han’s cock, it’s cold but not bitter, salty but not unpleasant, musky and masculine and perfectly him.
“Mmm qin, that feels nice,” the cryomancer practically purrs in his drunken state, something you absolutely loved was how Bi-Han didn’t seem to care about how vocal he was when he had been drinking.
Your hand works along his cock, stroking him with a firm grasp as you twist your hand in a circle when you reach his soft, velveteen head, “Bi-Han,” you whine his name as you look up at his pretty flushed face, his hair hanging loose around his face as he bites his lip with pleasure, it was the perfect picture a sight no one but you were privy to see. Your hand moves faster now, pulling another groan from the cryomancer as you jack him off, you seize your chance while he’s focused on the feeling of your hand gliding over his dick, you switch hands so your lubricated hand is no longer stroking the cryomancer, who hisses at the added drag your other hand offered. You take a deep breath and swallow audibly as you carefully nudge his legs further apart and there it is, the little pucker that you have your sights set on. Slowly, carefully you trace the outside of the hole with your slicked-up finger and before Bi-Han can react or stop you, you slowly sink the finger inside.
“Wha-what the fuck!? What are you doing qin?!” He starts, body going rigid, his ass clamping around you instinctually.
You ignore him though and fish around inside him for that little bundle of nerves that you know in spite of himself is going to make Bi-Han feel good, and you find it as you stroke it with a come hither motion.
“Huh, wha, why hnnnggghhh,” the cryomancer can’t hold back the pleased noise as you stroke his prostate, “fucking stop this is weird,” he starts to sit up.
Your hot mouth drops over his cock, swallowing him down as best as you can in a practiced motion, your finger wiggling further in his tight hole.
“Ah, fuck qin, that, that feels kind of good, do… do it again,” he pants and squeezes his eyes shut as he relaxes against the bed enjoying the feeling of your warmth encompassing his cold cock.
The noises he makes are like heaven to you as your mouth works his cock over, your tongue laving every inch of it as you suck it further into your throat. Slowly you work a second finger into the tight ring of muscle as you massage the cryomancer’s prostate, your fingers dancing across the fleshy nub.
“Ta ma de,” he groans deeply in his native tongue as he subconsciously grinds his perfect ass against your fingers, the baijiu loosening his inhibitions enough to enjoy this very rare role reversal.
You pull away from his delicious cock to echo his sentiment, “fuck,” you take in his flushed, blissed-out expression as you thrust your fingers in and out slowly, applying steady even pressure to the small organ inside the cryomancer.
Bi-Han lets out a low moan as your fingers speed up, his body starting to tremble with his impending release, “shit qin, that feels really good, keep going, please,” he practically bites his own tongue to stop himself from begging like a little bitch in heat.
Your tongue massages the underside of his shaft as your fingers keep moving in and out of the cryomancer’s tightness, you never actually thought you’d get this far, you thought maybe you’d get one finger in before he wigged out and stormed off for the night but actually getting to finger fuck your husband made your brain short circuit. You shift and rub your thighs together trying to alleviate some of the mounting pressure, seeing Bi-Han look so fucked out had you nearly cumming from the sounds he made alone. Your stomach feels tight as arousal pools in it and you don’t know how much longer you can keep yourself from making the cryomancer fuck you, you want to see him cum though, you want to taste his cold, viscous fluid filling your mouth, so you don’t stop, you can’t stop, you ignore your own desires and focus solely on his. You bob your head along his cock, forcing as much inside as possible, it burns as it stretches your throat, but the little shout Bi-Han makes is worth the discomfort. Your finger twist and screw in and out of the cryomancer’s tight confines, each press and thrust of your fingers massaging his prostate more and more.
“Qin, I’m gonna,” he gasps and lets out a choked-off cry as he tries to warn you, but you get the message, your fingers double their efforts as you pound into his prostate and you pull back until only the tip of his huge cock is left in your mouth. With a loud growling shout of pleasure, Bi-Han is cumming in your mouth.
You moan as the icy liquid splashes against your tongue the saltiness coating your mouth with the thick liquid. Your tongue swishes the cold fluid around as you swallow frantically trying not to spill a drop of the cryomancer’s cum, you can’t help it though, Bi-Han cums so much more than a mouthful as some of his release flows down your chin.
Bi-Han just moans with satisfaction as his release keeps seeping from your hot mouth, his hips still as do your fingers, “fuck me, what was that?”
“A prostate massage,” you answer, pulling off his cock with an audible pop as you swallow down more of the cryomancer’s essence. You wipe your chin off and make a show of licking your finger clean watching Bi-Han’s lust-darkened eyes, you raise an eyebrow as you look down at his still-hard cock. “Someone’s not done apparently,” you comment gesturing to his huge dick.
“Well of course not, my girl hasn’t cum yet, I still have a job to do,” he growls before pouncing on you and pinning you down. The cryomancer all but rips your soaked panties off as he rubs the velvety head of his cock against your dripping walls.
“Fuck Bi-Han, please, I need to cum so bad, seeing you like that has me so turned on, you were so hot,” you babble as his dick slowly opens you up as his cock sinks into your tight pussy. You cry out loudly at the feeling of the cryomancer rearranging your insides to make room for his massive cock, it feels so good, the stretch and slight burn as he buries his cock inside you.
“Mmm fuck qin, you were made just for me weren’t you? You’re always so pretty and so wet for me, such a good little slut,” he growls possessively as he holds himself inside you balls deep letting you get used to his huge cock.
“Ahhh, Bi-Han please,” you whimper as he starts to move, the pressure in your stomach teetering on unbearable, you knew your little pregame session sucking his cock and finger fucking the cryomancer had turned you on, but you didn’t realize how much it had turned you on. One thrust from the cryomancer and you were practically seeing stars, you shout and throw your arms around him tangling your fingers in his loose hair.
“Hold on tight qin, I don’t feel like taking things slow tonight,” the cryomancer shoots you a smirk and all you can do is moan in response.
You cry out his name over and over as he begins to piston in and out of your tight, wet hole, everything feels too much all at once but perfect all at the same time. Each stroke of his cock drives deeper and deeper into your welcoming pussy as the fat head of his cock assaults your sweet spot. You’re dizzy and lightheaded within minutes and it had nothing to do with the alcohol you consumed, it was all from the cryomancer’s actions, the way his cock moved in and out of your body, the way his weight bore down on you, the way he claimed you as his own.
“Such a good little slut, whining and whimpering so prettily for me, you just love getting stuffed with my big cock don’t you? It’s what you were made for, taking my cock and only my cock, no one else gets to touch you qin, you’re mine,” the cryomancer growls, possession dripping from his words as his grip moves from your hips to press the undersides of your thighs towards your stomach.
“Only you Bi-Han, I’m only yours,” you cry out as the pressure becomes unbearable and heat pools in your stomach despite your body being chilled from the inside out. You cling to the cryomancer, trying to ground yourself but only wind up pulling his hair causing Bi-Han to let out a low, warning growl.
“Only I get to touch you, only I get to fuck you and only I get to paint that pretty little pussy white with my cum, but you’re such a little slut you love every minute of it don’t you,” Bi-Han continues, his words edging you closer and closer to your peak as his cock rams into your cervix over and over causing your entire body to tremble and shake in his grasp.
“Only you Bi-Han, oh fuck only you!” You cry out as your toes curl and the pressure bursts, you cry out his name shrilly as your head thrashes back and forth as your tongue lolls to the side as you cum hard around Bi-Han’s perfect cock. Stars burst before your eyes and pleasure floods your body as you shutter and heave below Bi-Han’s flawless, thrusting body.
Bi-Han groans deeply as he presses your thighs almost flush to your stomach, plowing in and out of your body with little regard for how oversensitive you were in this state, he was only concerned with his own orgasm. He keeps fucking you hard, pounding your cervix open with each thrust as he chases his high, loving the way you cry and tremble for him, “what a good little slut, such a good girl for me, I’ve going to fill you up with my cum now,” he grunts out in between gritted teeth as his hips start to falter and lose their rhythm. “Oh fuck, that’s it, that’s my good slut,” he lets out a low bellow as he stills inside you.
You cry and shake as the cryomancer’s final onslaught brings you to your peak once more, hot fat tears drip down your cheeks as he pushes you past reason. The sensation of Bi-Han’s cold viscous cum painting your walls white does you in, with a weak little sob of his name, you’re tumbling over the edge hurtling towards darkness as your orgasm consumes you.
Neither of you move for a while, you couldn’t even if you wanted as you’re trapped under the weight of the cryomancer as you finally regain consciousness. You whimper softly, unable to find your voice yet as you shiver with cold brought on by the cryomancer being buried deep inside you still.
Reluctantly the cryomancer finally rolls off you to the side of the bed, “fuck qin, that was, well that was something else alright.”
“That was so good,” you whisper, barely able to form coherent thoughts yet, “your cock is too good, I still feel drunk, but I don’t think it’s the liquor anymore,” you giggle softly as you grab one of the fur comforters from the bottom of the bed and roll up in it before slotting yourself next to Bi-Han, laying your head against his rock hard pecs.
“We should, uh maybe try that again sometime,” Bi-Han admits, his cheeks colored with a rosy shade of pink as he looks away not wanting to make eye contact.
“Anytime you want Polar Bear, anytime you want,” you agree and smile before slipping into a very deep and very restful sleep.
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issdisgrace · 1 year
Could you do one of Asa with a Dominant male reader? Possibly even throwing in a bit of bondage. I just want to see this wall of a man crying while he’s getting dicked down.
WARNINGS: Fluff, smut, collaring, Asa is autistic fight me, also Asa is a good boy that sings like a canary in the bedroom
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Today was a normal day, for the most part. Asa had gone to the hotel and would be back before dinner with my family. I tidy up and made sure to put away all the things that would hint that mine and Asa's relationship was far from a normal one. Asa was a man of power and control everywhere else, but here in our home, I was the one with the power and control. It was nice to see over the years of being with Asa just how things changed. He was once a very closed off and stiff man, but as time went on, that man was slowly replaced with a more relaxed and open man. It was a long time to get Asa to this point, but it was worth it. I wish he would be more like the man I know behind close doors with others like my family. In the 7 years of our relationship and our 3 years of marriage, I don’t think Asa has said more than an essay worth of stuff to my family. My family’s still not sure about Asa despite us being together for 7 years. Now that Asa’s in a good spot emotionally, I have hopes that this dinner will open a new door and my family will see just how good Asa is. At 5:30 I started dinner. Asa will be home any minute and my family arriving at 6. While I’m preparing the vegetables, I hear Asa come home.
“I’m in the kitchen, love.” I call out. I hear his soft footsteps as he makes his way to the kitchen.
“Hi, Asa. How was the hotel?”
“Good, I got to get a couple of things, but I was going to go out tomorrow and get what I need.”
“I’ll go with you. I have to pick up a couple of things. While we’re out, we can try that cafe that opened last week.”
“Sounds good.”
“Oh, I got you something. It came in the mail earlier.”
“What have I told you about spoiling me?”
“Asa, you are my husband. I can spoil you all I want. Wait here and let me go get it.” I leave my spot at the counter and walk into the living room and grab the box off the coffee table. I make my way back to the kitchen to find Asa making himself a cup of tea. 
“Here love.” I say and hand it to him. I watch him closely as he opens it. He examines it, slight shock written on his face. 
“This is like 30 different types of Scarabaeus beetles, how?”
“I know some people.”
“How much did it cost?”
“That is none of your concern, love. Now you got to go get ready. My family will be here in a bit.”
“Ok, I love you and thanks for this.”
“No problem, Asa, I love you too.” I give him a kiss before sending him off. I go back to cooking and before I know it, there’s a knock on the door. I answer the door and there is my mom, dad, younger brother, and my younger sister.
“Come on in dinners about ready.”
“Where’s that husband of yours?” Dad asks.
“Upstairs, I got him a new piece, so he’s probably putting it away.”
“That’s sweet.” Mom says.
“You know you spend too much on that excuse of a husband.” Dad says.
“Dad, Asa is not a bad man, nor is he a terrible husband. It’s just he’s not used to other people.” 
“Huh? Sounds like you're making an excuse.” He says.
“F/n leave poor Asa alone. I know he’s a good boy and if he wasn’t, I would let him marry y/n.” Mom speaks up. 
“Well, I’m still mad he went to you, not me, to ask for y/n’s blessing.”
“Dad, remember he didn’t have a good relationship with his father.” My brother b/n speaks up. My dad grumbles. 
“Alright everyone stop, we are going to have a good dinner. You are going to be nice to my husband and not make any snarky comments, ok. Now you guys go have a seat in the living room and I’ll go get Asa.”
“I want to see Asa.” The s/n days. She loves him. 
“Alright, let’s go get Asa.” She follows me up the stairs and into Asa’s office. Asa is in a pair of black slacks, gray turtleneck, black dress shoes. He looks lovely as always. He is bent over his collection, examining each and everyone making sure they are all placed correctly.
“Asa.” The s/n cries out and runs to hug him. Asa turns around just in time to be engulfed in the hug. 
“S/n, how have you been doing?” He says, looking down at her. 
“I was good, except b/n almost set the house on fire the other day.”
“Does mom and dad know?” I ask, mildly concerned.
“No, and please don’t tell mom and dad. They will never let us stay home by ourselves ever again.” 
“Ok, but next time I won’t be so generous.”
“Thanks, so Asa y/n said he got you new bugs what did you get.” One reason S/n and Asa get along is because S/n also likes bugs. S/n pulls away from Asa and lets him show her the scarab beetles.
“You guys come down when you're done. Dinner will be done is 15 minutes.”
“Ok, we’ll be down soon.” I leave them with a smile, knowing they will geek out over the beatles together.
My family just left and S/n managed to convince Asa to take her to work sometime so she can see the bugs there. Asa had been more open and talkative and it was nice to see him so relaxed. I can definitely tell that my father was suspicious about this change of behavior, but the rest of the family didn’t care and took the change happily. It was time to wind down for the night, but I felt Asa needed a treat for being so good. I walk up behind Asa as he brushes his teeth and wraps my arms around his waist, placing my head on his shoulder. 
“You need something.” 
“No.” I say as I slowly slide my hand down his torso and into his pants.
“Please don’t tease.”
“Since you asked so nicely, I won’t, but how about you get out of these clothes and I give you a reward?”
 I pull away from Asa and walk back into the bedroom. I go over to the trunk where we keep our toys and get a collar out. I turn around to see Asa coming out of the bathroom naked, like I asked. He’s always a good boy. 
“Come here, love.” Asa walks off to me, his cock swaying slightly. I couldn’t help put lick my lips. He always looks so delicious. Once he was in reach, I pull him in. I place the collar around his neck and lock it into place. 
“Since you did so well at dinner, you get to decide your reward, so what will it be?”
“Can we cuddle and could you also play with me?”
“Aww, you're so cute. Of course.” I gently lead Asa to the bed. 
“Get comfortable, love.” While Asa gets comfortable, I strip off my clothes. Joining Asa in bed, I pull the man into me. I slither my hand down to Asa’s cock and slowly start to tug on it.
“Come on, let me hear those pretty little noises. You know how much I like them. “
“Please what?”
“Please, sir, make me cum.”
“Oh, I will just have patience.” I speed up my pace and start to mark Asa’s neck. Asa’s moans filling the room. Another thing I loved about Asa is that when we are in the bedroom, he sings like a canary. His sounds are just so addicting. I made him sing and sing as I jerk him off. It only took 5 minutes max of me playing with him for him to come to his high. 
“Please, I’m close, sir. Let me cum.”
“Aww love, go ahead, cum for me. Cum for your sir.”
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 10 months
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Alternate title: Soaked Sweethearts
This is simply a fan translation of the game. Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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I turned my gaze outside the window upon hearing the sound of the rushing wind.
(It's windy today.)
I stopped sewing and watched the trees sway.
Kicho: "Mai, can I come in?"
Mai: "Sure. Something smells nice."
Kicho: "I made some tea. How about taking a break together?"
Mai: "Okay. Thanks!"
Putting my sewing kit back on the shelf, I sat with Kicho at the table, and he gracefully poured tea into the teacups.
(Being alone with my lover like this is so blissful.)
Kicho: "Are you really that happy?"
Mai: "Huh? Did I say it out loud?"
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Kicho: "No, even without saying anything, I can tell just by looking at your face."
(It must have been obvious that he could tell so easily.)
Kicho: "Why are you turning to the side?"
Mai: "Because I'm embarrassed about having my feelings read."
Kicho: "It's too late to be feeling shy now."
Feeling my cheeks getting warm, I took a sip of the warm tea he handed me, and a sweet, familiar scent tickled my nose.
Mai: "This has honey in it, doesn't it?"
Kicho: "Yeah. I remember seeing someone drizzle it into tea back in the future."
Kicho: "Do you like it?"
Mai: "Yes, I can even savor the aroma."
Kicho: "I see."
(If he wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to drink it in this era.)
With every sip, the sweetness of the honey soothed my heart.
Mai: "It's delicious. Can I have another cup later?"
Kicho: "Of course. I added it to make you happy. Feel free to drink as much as you want."
(Ah, he smiled.)
My soft gaze met his emerald eyes, and my heart beat faster.
Mai: "This tea tastes even better because I'm sharing it with you."
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Kicho: "……..."
Kicho: "You really say the cutest things."
Gently, he reached his hand out and stroked my cheek.
(Hehe. It tickles.)
Mai: "By the way, it's rare to see you taking a break at this hour."
Kicho: "One business negotiation got canceled."
Mai: "So you came to see me in your free time?"
Kicho: "Of course."
(He's so straightforward.)
Heat spread to my cheeks again with happiness and embarrassment.
Afterward, we exchanged plans for the week and engaged in small talk while enjoying the tea.
(Since we’re both busy, it looks like it’ll be just another ordinary day.)
That’s why sharing a warm cup of tea and talking like this felt so precious.
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Kicho: “Mai, how about going somewhere on our next day off?”
Mai: “Really? Okay!”
Kicho: “Then choose where you want to go.”
Suddenly, a knocking sound interrupted our conversation.
Subordinate’s voice: “Excuse me. Lord Kicho, are you here?”
(It seems like he’s looking for Kicho.)
Kicho: “I’m here. What is it?”
Subordinate’s voice: “We need you to handle an urgent matter at the port.”
Kicho: “I’ll be right there.”
Subordinate’s voice: “Yes, sir.”
Kicho stood up and returned the tea set to the tray.
Mai: “Are you heading to the port now?”
Kicho: “Yeah. I’ll probably be home late.”
Kicho: “By the way, about our previous conversation, think about the place you want to go.”
(Even though he’s so busy, he still cares about me.)
Mai: “Okay, I’m looking forward to it.”
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Kicho: “Yeah, me too.”
I saw him off as he left the room, then returned to work.
(I wonder where we should go on our outing.)
A few hours later一
(I did a great job today.)
Having completed my work quota, I stretched my body and realized that the outside had already become completely dark.
As I turned on the lights, it started to rain.
(Come to think of it, Kicho went to the port.)
(It’s raining. I hope he’s okay.)
(He said he’d be late, so I should probably bring him an umbrella and pick him up.)
I hurried out of the room and bumped into someone with a thud.
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Kicho: “Mai, where are you going?”
Mai: “Kicho? You’re back?”
Kicho: “Just now.”
(He’s not drenched.)
(I’m glad he made it back to the trading post before the rain started. But...)
Kicho: “........”
His expression was so tense.
(Did something happen?)
Kicho: “I’ll be working late tonight. You should go to bed first.”
Kicho: “I’ll be in the reception room, so if you need anything, just call me.”
Mai: “Okay.”
I nodded, and he walked away.
(I'm curious, but I guess it's better if I'm not by his side tonight.)
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The next afternoon, I left the room to go to the market to buy some fabrics.
(In the end, I couldn't see him this morning either. I wonder what happened after that.)
As I left the room, I heard whispers from the end of the hallway.
Kicho's Subordinate 1: "Is that true?"
Kicho's Subordinate 2: "Yeah. It looks like there's a spy targeting Lord Kicho among those who visited the trading post."
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The unexpected words left me breathless.
(A spy targeting Kicho? Who on earth?)
Even after his subordinates left, I couldn't move from that spot.
Kicho: "Mai."
Mai: "........."
I snapped back to reality when someone called my name.
I looked at the source of the voice and saw Kicho staring at me.
Mai: "Are you being targeted by a spy?"
Kicho: "It looks like you already heard about it."
Mai: "Yes. Is it true that there's someone in this trading post who is after you?"
He frowned and let out a small sigh.
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Kicho: "I have such information, but I still don't know who the spy is."
Mai: "So, it's true after all."
Kicho: "Sorry for surprising you. But don't worry, it will be over soon."
Kicho: "You can continue to live normally without any concerns."
(I understand that he's trying to reassure me, but...)
I couldn't nod sincerely because his tense expression from last night crossed my mind.
Mai: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
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Kicho: "Don't try doing anything stupid. Besides, I'm pretty good at finding spies, especially those from Azuchi."
He chuckled, and I pursed my lips.
Mai: "Are you talking about me!?"
(I want him to take me seriously, not make fun of me.)
Just as I was about to try again to offer my help一
Kicho: "Are you really that worried?"
Mai: "Eh? Ah..."
I felt my feet gently lift off the ground.
With one arm holding me, he opened the door to my room.
As soon as he entered the room, he closed the door behind him.
Kicho: "There's no need for you to be anxious."
Mai: "Nnn..."
He embraced me in his arms, and our lips met abruptly.
(Why did this happen so suddenly?)
He slowly slipped his tongue in and entwined it with mine, slowly melting me.
Unable to stand, I collapsed into Kicho, and the arm around my waist supported me.
Kicho: "No matter what happens, I will never let any harm come to you."
Kicho: "I'm currently investigating the identity of the spy, so it's only a matter of time until I find out."
Mai: "Ah…nnn…"
He deepened the kiss as if to reassure me.
(No, that's not it.)
(What I'm worried about is not myself, but him.)
He's a kind person, but it's true that he has earned some resentment through his past actions.
(If something happens to him…)
Even thinking that, my objections were sealed with a kiss, preventing me from saying a word.
Kicho: "It's about time."
He whispered this reluctantly and released his arm from me.
Breathing out a sigh, we gazed at each other, and someone knocked at the door.
Subordinate: "Lord Kicho."
Kicho: "I know."
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Kicho: "Then Mai, I'll be going now."
After lightly stroking my head, he disappeared beyond the door.
(I couldn't convey anything.)
I was left standing there, my cheeks flushed.
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The next day, after finishing my errands and leaving the shop一
(Huh? You're kidding, right?)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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toracainz · 1 month
Tell Me Where to Put My Love pt5
You and Steven haven’t been together very long, but that won’t stop either of you from fighting tooth and nail for a chance at a future together.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Part 4 -  Unavailability Is the Only Thing That Turns You On
Part 5 - At Last, When All of the World Is Asleep
Part 6
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of DID (only knowledge from the show and some light research). Swearing. Established relationships. Married relationship. Use of term “priest” in a gender neutral sense. Discussion about cheating. Discussion about homewreckers. Canon typical violence in later chapters. Angst. Fluff.
Word Count: 3.1k
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The sun had settled in the midday sky as Steven and Marc took turns pacing in the flat as they discussed what this whole lucid dream adventure would entail. They had been mostly quiet after you and Layla had left as they cleaned up after dinner. Neither of them was really sure what to say. After showering and getting a good night's rest, the two of them took the morning to contemplate the situation and now by lunch they were discussing the pros and cons.
“Listen, Steven, I’m not too sure this is a good idea. You know how often dreams can turn into nightmares? It’s one thing when you have to deal with it yourself but to have…people there to watch it all happen? Look I knew going into this that trying to make this work would be difficult to say the least, I knew that. Geez, it’s all just. It’s a lot.” Marc could feel his muscles tensing as he paced, fists clenching at his sides. “Obviously, I want you to be happy…obviously you want me to be happy…I just…I never expected…”
“Never expected what? That I would want to continue my relationship with them once we came back from Cairo?” Steven didn’t mean to have a slight sarcastic tone, it just sort of happened.
“No, of course that’s not it. Of course not. I just…I never expected things to pick back up so quickly. Steven…” Taking a deep breath, Marc stopped his pacing to face the mirror in the loo, his hands pressed together as if pleading. “, listen…buddy, you gotta understand. All this—this vulnerability thing? That’s not my schtick, alright? That’s always been you…”
Steven looked at Marc from where he appeared in the mirror, a soft expression on his face. “I know, Marc. I know and you are doing amazing. Really. You’re right, it’s not going to be easy. Not like anything in our life has been has it? No. But things are different now, yeah? Before we thought we were alone…having to deal with what life threw at us on our own. But…we’re not alone anymore, we have each other, we have people that care about us.”
Marc looked at Steven like he had before, brows lifted into a soft almost pitiful look. He wasn’t used to this, to having this kind of support. He was still skeptical of this dream business. “If things go to shit…”
“We can call it quits. That’s the end of that. Don’t have to go any further than we want to, yeah?” Steven was quick to reassure Marc. Unlike Marc, Steven was intrigued and a little eager to see what would happen, find out how it would feel. Marc nodded, a sign to Steven that he was coming around to the idea.
The rest of the afternoon the two of them talked about contingency plans if things didn’t go in a way they were comfortable with, ways to make sure things stayed reasonable. Steven of course had plenty of ideas, of course outright saying that they were done or didn’t want to continue was top of the list. Marc had a few of his own. Being able to make “escape” plans helped to further ease Marc’s nerves and anxieties. By the time the night had begun to fall they each felt more confident and ready to face this new experience. All that was left to do was…call you and Layla.
You had gotten the call while you were out getting dinner. Though with how small it was you weren’t sure it would count as dinner. Really what you wanted was a nice cup of tea…from Steven’s favorite tea shop…the same tea shop he miraculously walked into after being missing from your life. As luck would have it the same seat you had occupied that day was open now, so you decided to sit there again. With a deep breath you mentally recreated that day in your mind’s eye, the busyness that the day brought, the light that had been shining through the windows giving the whole place a more open feel…and him standing in line waiting to order.
You had no idea then how things would get to where they are now. The both of you learning that you’re both avatars to ancient Egyptian gods, you learning that Steven was part of a system, and that the other part of the system was still married…to the woman Steven kissed while he was away from you.
You played with the napkin in your hands to busy yourself, trying to push such thoughts away. The tea helped, its warmth helping to ease your body and calm your mind.
As you finished tidying up your space after finishing your little meal, you received the call. He called you. Steven did text occasionally, but he was “old fashioned” and liked to hear your voice, and you his. He told you that he and Marc were ready and willing for this “dream adventure” he called it. How very Steven. It’s that humor that made you fall in love, among other things. Feeling how such a short conversation dredged up just how much you cared for him made your heart ache. You wondered if Marc had already told Layla or if he would after you and Steven had gotten off the phone.
It doesn’t matter. You have a job to do tonight and need to focus…but it wouldn’t hurt to get Steven a tea before you left the shop.
Arriving at the flat, it was Marc that let you in. Once again the two of you were caught off guard by the other. Marc stepped aside, giving you room to enter. It was strange being in a familiar place with someone not so familiar to you.
“I…uh…I brought Steven a cup of tea from his favorite shop. I wasn’t sure what you liked otherwise I–”
“Not a big tea drinker. I’m more of a coffee guy, so…don’t worry about it.” Marc was silent for a moment trying his best to make conversation. “Thanks though…that’s uh, thoughtful of you. Um, why don’t you make yourself comfortable? Layla’s on her way…”
So he prefers coffee…how funny. You nodded, hanging up your coat before going to take a spot on the sofa. The TV was on but had been turned down to a low ambient volume. The show looked like some kind of sports news channel. You knew it must not have been Steven that selected the show as Steven was’t much of a sports guy except for the occasional cricket match.
Marc stands on the other side of the fish tank, seeming lost in thought, but really he was looking for a sign that Steven was near the front, maybe he could give Steven control and let the two of you chat…he didn’t feel like he was very good company, but he couldn’t be so lucky. Letting out a deep sigh he comes around and sits in the empty chair near the sofa. He was uncomfortable for sure, he didn’t know what to say or what he could say, but he knew he should say…something?
“So…how long you say you been working for Tutu?” Being an avatar was really one of the only things the two of you had in common so he figured that was the best place to start.
“Oh um, a while. I mean, he came to me when I was younger…so it’s been a good while. But I wouldn’t say I work for him…more like I work with him.”
“That so? Can’t really imagine a god not bossing someone around and giving orders…must be nice.” Marc scoffed lightly. The idea that Tutu wasn’t treating you like some glorified puppet was a tough idea to wrap his head around. “Taweret doesn’t seem the type either.”
“It is nice. Tutu’s been really chill about when and where he calls on me. I know you didn’t really have that with Khonshu…” Now it’s your turn to wrap your head around how Khonshu could use and manipulate Marc like he had. Steven had explained a good bit of how Khonshu was, how he had manipulated Marc into being his avatar.
“You mentioned he tricked you into being his avatar…doesn’t seem very nice.” Marc had visibly relaxed by now. He had to admit you did have a calming presence, though a part of him wondered if that was some kind of passive ability from Tutu. Maybe having a calming aura helped with the work he had you doing.
“Yeah, well, when you’re dreaming and some fanciful figure asks you to be his hands, to help sooth the minds of dreamers, and help those plagued by nightmares…you don’t really think much of it. I said yes, thinking it was just another vivid dream where I was playing a hero or something to fight monsters…turns out I was partly right. But I had no clue until a few days later that the figure from my dream was not just a dream. I thought I was seeing things, that maybe my mind was having trouble differentiating between reality and dreams when I saw Tutu just out and about.” Looking back it’s almost laughable, how silly it all seemed. But in the moment, you really did think maybe you were going crazy or something. Tutu had alot of explaing to do.
“Hmm…seems to be a trend with the gods. Tricking people to serve them. Fucking glad the bird’s gone. Feel like I can breathe again.” 
(Don’t think I could have ever done it without Steven.)
A soft smile tugged at the corners of Marc’s mouth thinking about how Steven stood up to Khonshu, using his words against him. Steven had strengths in areas Marc didn’t, and vice versa. The two of them complimented each other…and Marc was so thankful to have Steven especially now that they could share their lives with each other.
“I can imagine. Or, well I mean I can sympathize.” You nodded, smiling softly.
The both of you fell into a somewhat comfortable silence as the conversation began to lull. Marc felt antsy, he wasn’t sure how much longer Layla would be, but it was mostly the nerves for this “thing” you were all about to do. Taking in a deep inhale through his nose he sits up a little straighter, hands rubbing and grabbing at the arms of the chair.
“Listen, I uh…I’m sorry about…outing you to Steven. That you were hiding something. He’s…important to me…and I care about him, so I just wanted to make sure…” Marc paused, he seemed like the very act of apologizing made him uncomfortable, made his skin crawl. It wasn’t because he didn’t feel sorry, in fact that was exactly why. He felt guilty for judging you, someone he’d watched from the sidelines all this time, someone that made Steven happy, someone so genuinely kind that it just felt wrong to have put you in that situation. With the tables turned, he would have been furious if someone had forced his hand to come clean about something so personal…it had happened before and he could have rung Harrow’s neck for bringing up Layla’s dad on top of everything else.
“No, it’s alright. I’m not upset or angry. I needed to tell him, I just wasn’t sure how to tell a walking egyptology encycolpedia that Egyptian gods were real and I served one. So, thank you. For giving me that push. It helped that Steven told me about Khonshu and the suit.”
Marc glanced at you, he knew exactly what you meant. Steven didn’t take it well when he told him the truth that day in the storage locker. Steven barely thought Marc was real, how was he to believe gods and avatars were real. So if someone Steven trusted so deeply had told him the same things…Marc wasn’t sure how Steven would take it, but he can’t imagine he would have taken it well.
There was a knock – Layla. Marc hopped up, rather quickly, to go and let her in. When he opened the door she flashed a courteous smile, but it became more tender when she recognized it was Marc that had answered. You stood as the two made their way into the flat.
“Alright, we’re all here. Suppose it’s time to get started then?” Laya looked from you to Marc, the both of you nodding in agreement.
Marc’s attention drifted to the mirror hanging by the front door, Steven was coming forward. Everyone really was here. “Listen, I um…I’m gonna let Steven kinda…take the driver seat on this weird ride, alright? Just until…” Marc’s heart was beginning to pound, his thoughts beginning to race. The whole dream world thing was scary enough when he and Steven were discussing it alone, he hated that the two of you might see him on the verge of a panic attack. Layla, recognizing how Marc’s body stiffened and tensed like a bow being drawn ready to be released, turned to face him a little more, her hand reaching out and brushing her knuckles against his.
“Hey…” her voice was soft, nearly a whisper, trying to draw his attention to her rather than what was about to happen. “Marc, hey. It’s okay. I’m not overly thrilled about this either, but well be doing this together, yeah?” Marc’s hand shaikly nudged against hers, his fingers slightly intertwining with hers as he nods, taking one deep breath after another.
“Yeah…yeah, I know, but…I’d still rather Steven be…I mean he’d rather be out here for this. He’s been excited about this.” He chuckles breathily, thinking about how Steven had kept them up going on and on about what he thought it might be like after they had gone to bed the night before. Layla nodded, she knew it would be better not to argue, to let Marc do what he felt comfortable doing. Marc’s posture began to shift, he turned his head ever so slightly as if he was about to try and crack his neck, when his head turned back the eyes that looked back at Layla were different. Steven’s hand was still where Marc had left it, intertwined with Layla’s as he stood there a moment getting his bearings. Clearing his throat he pulled his hand away, giving her a sheepish smile before looking to you, with a very different more adoring smile.
“Hello, love. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner. Are we ready to start the party?” Steven could barely contain how giddy he was. He hadn’t felt this excited, and scared, since he and Layla had entered Ammit’s tomb and saw the sphynx statues.
“Ready if you three are. Um, you can either sit on the couch or even lay on the bed, which ever would be more comfortable.” You gestured to either of the options, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than the way Steven lingered with Layla when he came to the front and hoping they would choose the couch. What was he thinking of, seeing her there, feeling her hand on his?
As Layla and Steven settled on the couch a familiar presence joined the room, causing the both of them to jump slightly at his sudden appearance. Tutu. You pulled the chair Marc had been sitting in in front of the couch and close enough that your knees could touch Steven and Layla’s.
“Now then…” Tutu’s deep, calming voice floated through the air as the light’s in the flat began to dim. The room began to feel comforting, like a warm blanket on a chilly winter day. As the lights dimmed, it was as if the glow was gathering around you, your clothes being exchanged for what looked like a modernized egyptian priest regalia. It wasn’t often your “suit” was used in the waking world, perhaps Tutu was feeling theatrical. “Children…relax and let your minds wander.”
“Close your eyes, steady your breathing, just like you would when laying down for bed.”
Steven and Layla followed the instructions, shifting a little on the couch to get more comfortable. You reach out and gently take Layla’s hand in one while the other rests over her wrist. At the feel of your touch she opened her eyes, wary of what you were doing.
“This is just a token, to serve as a connection to me and Tutu. A conduit of sorts. It will help to strengthen your own lucidity while in the dream.” When you finished explaining, Layla was left with an Egyptian style, cuff bracelet covered in hieroglyphs and symbols associated with Tutu that were similar to the ones you wore, though hers had a number of scarab motifs as well. Satiated, Layla closes her eyes and begins to relax again.
Steven had glanced over, sensing the tension when you began to explain yourself. He watched as your hands moved to him to do the same. Your fingers softly dragging across his calloused hand. While the bracelet took shape, you couldn’t help but caress his hand with your thumb. It was as if just being in contact with him made you feel at ease and content. Steven felt the same. The way your hands felt against his was so different to how Layla’s felt when he had come to the front. He wished he could tell you that, but he knew it wasn’t the right time. Once his cuff bracelet was complete, covered in hieroglyphs but a distinct triple crescent symbol in the center, your hands lingered with his for a moment before the rumble of Tutu clearing his throat snapped out of your trance.
“Now then, children. Close your eyes, relax your bodies, and clear your minds.” Tutu, very much unlike Khonshu, never sounded demanding. Even when giving instructions it felt more like a request.
Steven and Layla abided and settled in. You take a deep breath as your eyes begin to glow. Tutu waves his hand over you all, and unseen by Steven and Layla, your hand copies Tutu’s as a blanket of sand drifts in the air, dissipating before it touches the ground. You feel your own body beginning to relax, the glow of your eyes becoming obscured as your eyes close.
And just like that, you, Steven, Marc, and Layla drift off to sleep, just like you would settling in to bed after a long day.
Tutu observes the three bodies before him. The flat is quiet save for the occasional soft snore coming from Steven. Then there is the sound of a few objects on a nearby shelf beginning to rattle as the lights flicker slightly.
“If this displeases you, perhaps you should have said something sooner, instead of hiding…old friend.”
Don't forget to reblog and/or comment! I love to hear from you all!!
taglist: @roseqzpd​ @rosecentaur1916​ @ahookedheroespureheart@sleepyamaya@parkeepingparker@lockleysgrl@marc-spectorr@vermillionsails@harrys-tittie@n0ripeaches@missdictatorme@bitchyglitterfox@spacecowboyhotch@randomchick546@teacupcollector@local-mr-frog@stevenknightmarc@ahookedheroespureheart@mccn-bcys@juneknight @moonz33
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
i just loved headcanon modern rowaelin x reader, could you make one with nessian?
ps: I love your writing
Modern Nessian x reader headcanon
A/n: thank you anon ❤️
Warnings: none
You def met them at the gym
You and Nesta always waved to each other after running into each other in the locker room
Then it graduated to ‘hello’ a few times
They we’re your gym crushes 100%
You had never properly talked to them until Nesta was there alone one day and some dude was trying to hit on her
She spotted you on the treadmill and immediately rushed over to you, telling you what was happening
After having talking for a few Nesta got on the treadmill next to you and you guys walked and talked for like 2 miles
“He’s gone Nesta, you don’t have to pretend to talk to me anymore.” She looked taken aback, “I like talking to you. I’ve been meaning to introduce myself and Cassian too, my boyfriend that I usually come with.”
She invited you over for dinner that night at their house and that dinner was the start of your relationship
They loved to treat you
Especially Cassian, he loved to spoil you and Nesta
You two love going to the spa and Cassian wanted to make sure his girls were relaxed and well taken care of
You all went on vacation every few months. It was always somewhere different ranging from tropical beach vacations to skiing (Cass is def a snowboarder and he was so happy to teach you how)
They def have matching black motorcycles and you usually switch back and forth between who you ride with so it’s equal
One on one time with Nes was relaxing, reading, and nice cup of tea
She also loves shopping with you and helping you pick out your outfits (her fashion sense is the best out of the 3 of you)
With Cassian you both enjoy cooking together. Nesta can’t be bothered to use the kitchen except for the microwave so when you get the chance you and Cass cook together
He makes it fun! He puts on music or a trashy reality show (he’s invested in the Vanderpump Rules drama) and you just have fun singing amd talking
With both of them your go to activity is the movies
The next big blockbuster is coming out? Cassian ordered the tickets online weeks ago and preordered popcorn, drinks, and candy
He absolutely made you and Nesta do a Barbenheimer double feature. You were excited Nesta wanted to see just Oppenheimer
Cassian is more relaxed and silly where Nesta is more serious but you and Cass always make her laugh
You were nervous to meet their family, wondering if you would be accepted by them
Cass and Nes were super reassuring and helped you through your anxiety
Your favorite to cuddle up with is Cassian
His chest is so broad there’s so much room for you and Nesta and he’s just so warm and comfy
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goferwashere · 6 months
Bull & Don’s Night Out (Punch-Out!! Monster Hunter AU Oneshot)
2.4K words and the idea is finally out in the world. I can rest now
I actually like tumblr’s format and options for coloured text so I think I’ll stay posting stories on here
Being turned down by all of the members of the world circuit was a bit embarrassing for Don. There was a WVBA hosted event for world circuit members only; plenty of investors and other boxers would be there, and Don had wanted to go as someone’s plus one.
Unfortunately, it seems that everyone had their own plans already. Aran didn’t pick up his call and always avoided him like the plague so he already knew the answer to that. Soda turned him down outright, and tried to punch Don when he tried to say anything more. Super Macho Man was already taking his ‘boyfriend’ to the event, and decided not to press further. Sandman was a no. He wasn’t even going to try with him.
But, Don had someone he knew he could convince.
Bull was just trying to enjoy a nice cup of tea. He sat at a boba shop far off in the outskirts of the city, and enjoyed the peace and quiet that it offered. He loved the way they prepared all of their drinks, and came there quite often, though nobody knew it.
Something of an odd sight, a pastel shop decked out in pink and white— and you see a hulking 6’2 boxer walking through the door. Bull was quiet though, and that’s all that mattered to the employees.
He swirled his drink around with his straw, looking at the cat pattern adoring the lid. He always found it cute. This was his private spot, and was glad that he wouldn’t be bothered here.
“Bald Bull! I’ve been looking all over for you, you sneaky man.”
The door flung open, and in sauntered Don Flamenco. All heads turned to him as he walked across the shop and sat down at Bull’s table. Bull sat up straight, now embarrassed that all eyes were on him. Don seemed to enjoy it though, judging by the smirk on his face. Bull wanted to say something, but he felt his throat getting a bit dry. So he just stared at him. Don pretended not to notice the uncomfortable silence and pressed on.
“I’m curious, what is it that you’re drinking? It looks delicious.”
“What do you want, Don?”
Bull knew that Don didn’t do small talk. He pushed his drink to the middle of the table and turned to get out of the booth. Don put a hand on his, and he stopped.
“Oh, please don’t go.” He traced a finger down until he reached his fingertips. “I should know by now that I can’t fool you.”
Bull’s cheeks were heating up slightly, and he gritted his teeth before begrudgingly sitting back down. Don’s smile widened and took a sip of Bull’s drink.
“Hm. Peach.”
He wasn’t getting that drink back. Sighing, he waved Don on to continue.
“Ah yes. Are you planning on going to that WVBA event?” He said, motioning with the drink. Bull rolled his eyes.
Don pouted. “Oh, Bull… Can’t you do me a favor? Just this once?” He tried to get handsy again, but Bull pulled back, placing his arms firmly in his lap.
“I don’t like being in crowded places.”
Don sighed, looking out into the street. “I don’t know where you came from Bull— but here, if you want to keep your job you need to have connections.”
Bull began to grind his teeth together, fiddling with his drink receipt in his pocket.
“I know that.”
“So why don’t you take me? We can go together. I can do the talking for both of us, yes?” He extended a hand to Bull. He had to admit, it was a bit of a tempting offer. Don had always been charismatic. If it hadn’t been for him, he wouldn’t have met any of the other monsters. They were… certainly something, but it was better than being alone. Anything was better than being alone.
But such a big place, with so many people. All of them talking about money and investing, and so much that he knew nothing about. Even if Don were there, it would be too much for him.
“Not this time.”
Bull pushed himself out of the booth, and began to put on his coat.
“Bull, don’t do this.” Don clicked his tongue, and Bull knew what that meant. He only had a small window to get out of Don’s vocal range. He picked up everything and shoved on his thick hat, but it was pointless.
“Sit back down Bull.”
Bull could feel the comfort and warmth spreading throughout his body. He prepared to drift off and wake up when it was all over, but instead he just sat. He was still fully awake.
“Don. Please.”
Don’s eyes widened a bit, before he grimaced and turned his eyes down to his drink. He was silent for an uncomfortably long time. Bull was about to speak up again, but Don was quicker.
“Just let me go with you, Bull. It doesn’t need to be like this.” He didn’t raise his eyes to meet Bull. Bull was starting to get angry.
“I said that I don’t want to go.” He tried to get up again, but to no avail. “I’m not-” Don held out a hand to stop him.
“We’re not talking about this anymore.”
Bull felt his lips close, and he could no longer open them. He let out heavy puffs, mentally struggling as he tried to command his body to do something.
“You are inviting me to this event. You’ll be with me for the day, and you’ll do everything I say. Got it?”
There it was. Bull felt his consciousness fading into the back of his mind as his body nodded slowly. The last image in his mind was Don’s face, with a hint of guilt plastered across it.
The next night, Don pulled up outside of Bull’s house. He got out of his car to go get him. He knocked on the door, and Bull came out wearing a suit and bow tie.
Don had to admit that he was a bit taken aback. This must’ve been a new suit, because he’d never worn anything like this before. He reeled his head back a bit as Bull stepped out onto the porch, and Don jumped at the chance to inspect him. He dusted him off, fixed his collar, straightening his bow tie, and all manner of other small things, but he looked dashing. Bull should wear suits more often.
Don was a bit more casual in his outfit, a simple button-down with dress pants and a suit vest. He was a bit jealous now, feeling that Bull might actually look nicer than he did. He scoffed and led him back to the car. He contemplated for a moment, before handing the keys to Bull.
“Since you look like such a gentleman today, why don’t you drive us there?”
Bull blankly followed the order, starting the car as Don got in the passenger seat. He put his feet up on the dash, and Bull mumbled something about it not being safe. Don whipped his head over to him, but he still seemed under his command. Even in this state, he managed to be concerned about something. He slowly put his feet back down, and kept a tense eye on him the rest of the way there.
Bull got them there without issue, and after parking the car he rounded to the passenger side to let Don out. Taking his hand, Don stepped out and his chest puffed up when they approached the doors. They checked the invitation and just like that they’d made it.
Don had to stop his jaw from dropping once they’d entered. This banquet hall was massive, and incredibly fancy. His mind immediately went to all of the other boxers, and how they’d be dressed up for the occasion. He could never see any of them in formal attire.
Dull conversation after dull conversation was had between Don and many of the other people at the hall. ‘Networking was necessary’, he kept saying to himself. But eventually food was brought out, and he was more than ready to eat.
“Bull, grab me a plate will you?” He waved Bull away as he found a table for the two of them. He returned swiftly, with all manner of delectable sweets on the plate. He placed it in front of him, and noticed that Bull had snuck a few foods that he would’ve liked on the plate. Again, this perturbed Don, but Bull still seemed docile. He’d only gotten Don a plate, and nothing for himself. He sighed and pushed the plate between them.
“Take what you want.”
Bull lunged at the food like an animal, eating with his hands. Don pushed himself back into his chair, and whispered harshly.
“Use cutlery! Eat slowly!” He couldn’t believe that Bull needed to be told this. Bull stopped, wiping his hands on his napkin before again doing as he was told. After making sure that Bull was behaving himself, he picked up a fork and began to peck away at the various fruits and other things that Bull had stacked on the plate.
Then out of nowhere, Bull reached across the table with his napkin. Don leaned back cautiously, but his shoulder was being gripped by him. Not hard, but enough to stop him from moving. Don’s heart started to beat faster, but Bull just wiped at the corner of his mouth. He’d removed a chocolate stain, staring at Don for another moment before going back to eating. Don reached up slowly, touching where Bull had wiped his napkin.
He hadn’t told him to do that.
Why did he do that?
He looked up, saying nothing.
His eyes weren’t focused. They looked normal enough, but upon inspecting them— you couldn’t fake that look.
“Nevermind. Carry on.”
“Nevermind. Carry on.” Don’s voice boomed, reverberating through whatever… this place was. Bull covered his ears, and realized that he’d transformed back into his original form. He freaked out, looking around, believing he’d just exposed himself to a café full of people.
But the only thing around him were large stone walls. He only needed a second to instantly recognize where he was.
It was a maze.
He looked up, and saw a foggy, murky blue color clouding the sky above. Below his hooves he felt gravel. He snorted, before looking ahead and seeing a path being illuminated ahead. There was only one way for Bull to go, so he followed.
Bull sat quietly, watching Don eat. They were having something of a staring contest, but unfortunately Don couldn’t compare to the eyes of a glazed over zombie. Don was getting antsy. He finished the last of the food, and told Bull to go dispose of it.
“Go throw this out.” Bull winced at the loud command. He was starting to get an idea of where he was. The maze was large, but with a clear path being illuminated to him, he could travel much faster. He knew that he was reaching the end of the maze.
He could hear vaguely what was going on outside, where his body was following Don’s orders. He was going to make Don pay for making him do this.
After returning, Bull sat down quietly. Don looked around, before standing and wrapping his arms around one of Bull’s. He led him to the bathroom, and took him into the big stall— after checking that the bathroom was empty, obviously.
He looked a bit frazzled from the event so far, with his suit and bow tie starting to slip out of their perfect position. He also seemed a bit sweaty. Don stared at him for a moment before letting out an exasperated sigh and grabbing a bit of toilet paper and dabbing at the sweat to clean him up. He then adjusted his tie and suit, since he couldn’t do it himself.
“There. Good as new.” Don said, stepping back to admire his work. He looked him up and down, but something caught his eye.
Bull’s hand was twitching.
Don’s brow furrowed, and he reached out for it. He held it in his and watched as it continued to do so. Bull had been acting strange all night. What was going on?
Bull could see it now. A straight shot to the exit. He was running for it, and now he was going to get Don back.
Don clicked his tongue, and reached up with his free hand to touch Bull’s face. He inspected it, adjusting his jaw to get different angles. Bull seemed fine, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Then Bull was back. He sucked in a breath and took in surroundings. He was in a bathroom stall, and looked down to see Don holding his face tenderly, with their hands interlocked.
He pulled back, and Don’s eyes widened.
Don let out a sputtered gasp as Bull slammed him into the wall, holding him by the collar. Bull was seeing red now.
Don put his hands up, frantically trying to break Bull’s grip.
“Please, Bull, it wasn’t like that— agh!” Bull put an arm against his windpipe, and Don’s eyes widened even more. He croaked, trying to get any words out, but Bull wasn’t going to let him. He watched as Don’s eyes began to flutter, and his breathing started to get shallow.
Right before Don was about to pass out, Bull dropped him on the tile floor. Don scrambled back and pressed himself against the wall, taking in deep breaths.
Bull stood over him, and he’d never seen Don so scared. His mouth moved, but nothing came out aside from quiet wheezing.
Bull stepped back, and he saw Don’s head loll to the side. He was trying to say something, but Bull wasn’t going to hear it.
“You’re a monster.”
Don let out a wry chuckle, hiding his expression from Bull.
“T-takes one.. to know one.”
Bull looked at the state he’d left the matador in. Guilt was beginning to creep in the back of his mind, but he shook it off. He was just trying to hurt Bull’s feelings.
He unlocked the door to the stall, and walked out of the bathroom. He thought he could hear something else from Don, but he didn’t want to hear anything else that snake might say.
“Wait… Bull.. C-come back…” Don wheezed. “I’m.. I’m sorry.. please don’t— leave me here…” He took in a sharp breath, pushing himself off the wall onto the floor. But Bull was already gone. He didn’t mean what he said. He just—
Just what?
You just wanted to hurt him. You deserve this.
Don’s inner monologue taunted him as he lay there, disheveled and out of breath. He didn’t mean it.
But it was too late.
gofer try to write fun and wholesome fiction challenge (impossible)
I HOPE Y’ALL ENJOYED!!! ouuu lordddd this one was so much fun to write so I hope you had just as much fun as I did 😋
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ghostly-cabbage · 2 years
Hi and congrats on 1k!
For a request, I’d love if the fellas from TTB had some fun bonding time together over a mundane activity (watching a shitty ghost hunting show, baking a complicated recipe, the horrible game known as Monopoly, etc.)
Thank you so much for sending this request!!! I loved this prompt so much you have no idea. I care them so many. I set this more or less in the timeframe that we’re in currently (which was harder than you’d think). But, as the story goes on requests like this will be more and more fun, trust me ;) Anyway! I hope you like!
"Cuppa?" Danny asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. You know, like a cup-a tea?" Alex says, dragging Danny down the empty hall to the hotel breakfast lounge. "No offence, but you American's have shit tea."
Danny snorts. "Wouldn't know. I'm more of a coffee person to be honest."
Alex looks at Danny and the dark circles under his eyes. "You know, coulda guessed."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Alex holds his hands up but can't bite back his smirk. "Nothin'. Nothin'."
The hotel dining room is half full. People are milling about with plates, scooping out one-tone scrambled eggs and mini-sausages onto plates. There's someone scrolling on their phone, standing next to the waffle maker that reads 2:14 and counting down, looking bored. Across the room the bulky TV mounted on the wall plays the news.
Alex side-steps someone on their way away from the counter, making a beeline for the beverages and coffee dispensers. There's a small wire rack with tea boxes. Calm Chamomile, Soothing Mint, Earl Grey, English Breakfast. He's not familiar with any of the brands.
"You've really never put milk in your tea?" he asks plucking two paper cups from a tower next to a hot water dispenser.
Danny stands at his shoulder. "No? Sounds kinda gross, dude."
"It's not, I promise. You're gonna have to trust me, yeah?" He shoots Danny a smile and reaches for the English breakfast tea.
Danny makes a soft noise, a scoff concealing amusement. For all of his apparent secrets, Danny is easy to read.
"Would you get the milk? 2%." Alex nods towards the mini fridge at the end of the counter, stocked with milks and single serving yogurts.
 Alex fills the cups with hot water, steam unfurling from within the cup. He tears the packaging on the tea and plops the bags into the water--tossing the garbage in the closest bin and snagging two stir sticks. Danny is walking back towards him when he picks the cups up and moves to a table with clear view of the exits.
 Danny sits across from him, setting down the small carton of milk.
"Now what?"
"Now, we wait."
Danny slouches back in his chair, hands tucked in the pockets of his hoodie. On the surface he looks lazy--unconcerned. But Alex can see how tense he is, eyes fliting away to track anyone that gets up or walks in. It's a strange sort of relief, knowing someone is else is watching for red flags. Before Yassen--Malagosto--Alex was used to being in the field alone... This isn't the field, but it might as well be, maybe in a way this is worse.
"'S it true to you have 'tea time' everyday?" Danny asks.
Alex snorts. "No. People have lives. But some people do I guess. Old people. It's nice on days off."
"Makes sense," Danny says before breaking into a yawn.
The urge tugs at the back of his jaw and before he can stop it, he's yawning too. His eyes water and he shakes his head. "Dude, stop, you're making me tired."
"It's not my fault you and Yassen wake up at the crack of dawn," Danny mutters, quiet enough to keep it between them.
Alex rolls his eyes. He wants to ask Danny if he's actually been sleeping or not but... Something makes him hold his tongue.
"Force of habit. I'm sure Yassen has had the same sleep schedule since he born." Huh. Now that he thinks about it, it's hard to think of Yassen as anything other than what he is--a dangerous Scorpia assassin. The idea that once Yassen was a kid that wanted to sleep in and avoid school is almost too absurd to entertain.
Unasked questions flicker across Danny's face, but in the end, he asks none of them. Probably best that way.
After a period of amiable silence, Alex's attention captured by morning highlight coverage of a world cup football match aired last night--he decides the tea has steeped long enough. He takes the bags out and puts them on top of a paper napkin. He pops the carton open.
Danny shifts forward, sitting up. "Tea time, innit?" Danny says with a shit-eating grin and the laziest attempt at a British accent Alex has ever heard.
"Hey," he says, sharp but fighting a smile, "if you're gonna be a dick, you don't get any."Danny laughs, small but genuine. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry." He gestures at the cups. "Continue."
Alex pours milk into the cups, watching it plume at the bottoms like mini explosions. He stirs them and then pushes Danny's cup towards him with a satisfied nod.
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"No sugar?"
"You can, but then you miss out on the flavor of the tea itself, man."
 Danny lifts a skeptical eyebrow. "Thought you said American tea was shit?"
"Christ sake, just try it!"
Danny grabs the cup and brings it to his lips, blowing across the surface and dispersing the lingering steam. He takes a sip.
Danny hums, setting it back down. "Not bad. I know what'd make it better, though."
Alex watches in horror as, from out of nowhere, Danny pulls out a small blue container of French vanilla coffee creamer.
"Oh, that's just blasphemous."
Danny's smile twists a bit evil as he pulls the seal and dumps the creamer in. And then a second, and a third.
"How many of those do you have? It's not even tea anymore, dude. You gotta stop."
"Sorry, I didn't even ask. You want some too?" He moves towards Alex's cup with a creamer at the ready and Alex yanks it away, twisting away from Danny in his chair.
"Don't you dare."
Danny snickers.
"Not everything has to have a metric fuck-ton of sugar." He lowers his voice, "American drinks are so sweet, I don't know how you stand it."
Danny picks up his cup and shrugs, taking a drink, eyes drifting away from Alex and out the window. "Stick around long enough, you'll get used to it."
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theoisnotty · 2 years
Untitled Part Four
Theo’s smirk had yet to falter.
“Maybe someday it could be something like a family business for us.”
I had never really thought of passing down business. Truthfully, it was something of a passion project. I don’t expect anyone to want to take over someday. I especially don’t expect Theo to involve himself whatsoever, that trust fund baby. At least I decided to actually make something of inheritance, Theo had never worked a day in his life and I cannot foresee him suddenly becoming a star employee.
“You can start to tend to my Draught of Living Death over there. We learned it in sixth year, it shouldn’t be something you’ll mess up.”
Finishing up a batch of Living Death was the last of today’s potions. I had originally started it, but later on realized the other potions needed to be packaged primarily, as they were out of stock. Living Death rarely sold out. They were still in full stock as of last night.
Theo nodded, getting to work. He spared a longing glance, catching my eye.
“Is that enough work for you?”
Theo nodded, turning his attention back to potion making. Theo was always bright back in our school days. Never would I have considered him to be a hard worker, though. Lazy, but brilliant enough to collect as many OWLS and NEWTS as I did. Even as an eleven-year-old child, Theodore was a brilliant wizard. Potter overshadowed us all, but back then Theo was my friend. Teddy, always there when I needed him. After meals we would sit near the black lake together; we shared stories for hours. In third year, we were also keen on caring for our respective owls. His owl, Henley, a great eagle owl, seemed to devour the owl treats I would bring for my own owl.
I scurried to the back room to retrieve a container to store Theo’s nearly-finished potion. I was only planning on staying a few more minutes, saving work for my employees such as stocking shelves.
“We’re nearly done with our work here, Nott!”
“Does this mean you’ll join me for lunch?”
Regardless of the fact that his green eyes twinkled and he wore a smug smirk, I could tell he was nervous. It’s as if we never shared a meal together. This man was utterly hopeless.
“Anywhere in particular?”
“How about Arnette?”
There was no denying that Arnette was indeed my favourite. We spent more Sundays than I could count there. A nice Parisian wizarding restaurant, with the most amazing variety of tea I’ve yet to come across. I weighed my options. I could go home to the manor, talk about marrying Theo with my parents at lunch or apparate to Paris with Theo and have an awkward… albeit, delicious meal.
Theodore could tell that I was considering both of my options. He looked at me in my dazed state and lifted his eyebrows, expectantly.
“Well, you’ve got me on that one, I could definitely use a classic cup of Arnette’s caramel pixie dust tea.”
“Ah, you’re growing more and more predictable, Y/N”
As if he wasn’t doubting I’d accept the invitation. I rolled my eyes. If it wasn’t for their delicious ratatouille, he would be dining alone.
We Floo to Arnette, greeted by a young waitress, maybe eighteen, tops. She’s wearing a steamed white blouse and black, silk dress pants. I feel flustered, I’m in my pink work robes, I feel shabby compared to the high fashion restaurant, and its patrons. Theo looks down at me, and smirks.
“Table for two, Mr. and Mrs. Nott. Reservation.”
I glance at Theo and roll my eyes. Of course he already made a reservation before even asking me to go. Typical of him, acting without thinking. I find it especially weird that he made our reservation under “Mr. and Mrs. Nott”. We aren’t actually married.
Once we are seated, we order and sit in silence. I shift awkwardly in my seat. What should I say? Should I continue to awkwardly sit here? I don’t even know what he’s been up to for the last few years. It all feels so unfamiliar compared to how things used to be. I had not seen him routinely since our Hogwarts days, six years ago. So much around us has changed since that time. Potter defeated Voldemort. We can all live in a somewhat less hectic world. Now that so much time has passed, the world feels just as big knowing the expectations of our traditions I am to uphold. Marriage is a frightening concept, especially considering the fact that we are expected to produce heir(ess)es before we turn thirty. I am partial to believing one of the reasons why the Nott family chose me is because of their hopes I would continue to steadily grow, good hips for child bearing, pureblood, successful, all they could want for Theodore.
I gazed at him from across the table. As flirty as he’s been, I really do doubt if his apparent feelings are genuine or even existent. He’s a very suspicious person to me. Who knows what he thinks of the situation now. Zabini and Malfoy put a lot of thoughts in his mind. Thoughts calling me a “blood traitor”, thoughts agreeing with and admiring arranged marriage. The first thing I want to do right now is confide in my friends. I wonder what Pansy and Daphne would think of his odd behavior. I picture their reactions.
It occurs to me that Theodore owes me.
“When will I be getting your old quidditch jerseys, Theo?”
“Quidditch jer- Oh!” He cuts himself off. I suppose it isn’t so personal when he cuts me off because he even does it to himself.
“Bring them by Chauldron L’Or sometime soon? They’ve always looked so comfy, I’m excited to wear them around the manor. I know doing so will appease mother and father. Your parents might like the idea as well.” I grinned.
“Around the manor?” He questions, his brows furrowed.
“Yes? Is that bad or something?”
“I was thinking we could maybe go out with you in my jersey. Show them who you chose to ma-”
It was my turn to cut him off.
“I didn’t choose anything! You were chosen for me.” I sniffed.
Theo rolled his eyes. Of course. He then surprisingly slouched ever so slightly in his seat. At this, I rolled my eyes back at him.
We sat and ate in silence for a while longer. Neither of us wanted to speak, too annoyed at one another. As if another moment of silence would be all too taxing on his subconscious, Theo huffed, and spoke again.
“I would have chosen you.” He softly murmured, giving me a defiant look.
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Novel subheading: Friendship has conquered death
Maria, Cept, Miranda, and Nestle all made eye contact simultaneously, then all turned away with a sheepish look.
"Uh," said Miranda.
The four friends were grouped together in front of a fireplace in the city's most esteemed and revered teahouse, Wick. Tossing scented briquettes onto the blaze, proprietress Balis growled, "You four get up there every evening around six to talk nonsense. You and your ugly old computers."
The friends laughed. "We were just having a little chat," said Nestle, the least irritable and most even-tempered of the group. "No need to begrudge us a place."
"But you're using it as a headquarters. Of sorts."
"That is true," said Cept. Maria was next to him, Miranda to his left. Nestle was relegated to the far side of the room, sitting alone against the wall with her boring old tea cup in her lap. She'd been at this tea shop, or one like it, for over ten years now, and the other three had never quite gotten the hang of it. They didn't like it so much, but sometimes it was nice to be able to do a little thinking away from an electric glow.
Balis nodded. "Fine, fine, but you four stay away from my teacups. We're nice and full, but I don't want to be running off to have them washed all the time."
"Our apologies," said Nestle. "We'll try not to."
"'Tis only, you three keep bringing in, and it's, you have it, the bane of teacup existence. Too many cake crumbs, or --"
"Or watching my hands quiver in the heat of the mug before me," said Miranda.
Balis threw another scented briquette onto the coals. "What are we talking about?"
Maria said, "Go on, Miranda, it's your floor."
Miranda took a drink of her tea -- she liked it sweet -- and put down her cup and saucer with practiced care. She was a clumsy soul, and the teacups here were all either hand-painted or expensive, one or both.
"I'm no great shakes at explaining it," she said.
"Just try," Maria said. "We're friends."
Miranda sighed. "So. It's about the green box. That's what our friends call it, sometimes. To take a name from one of the earlier groups that went into it. But we've had it for a long time. Bought it from . . . from" -- she stopped, as though she'd said something extremely sensitive.
Cept took up the narration. He was a kind man, but with a slightly pedantic streak. Some sort of old culture had left its marks on him, and unbeknownst to him he tended to tend to whichever of these marks was most appropriate to the given situation. It had gotten him beaten up once.
"We have been using it for about ten years now. It's a machine capable of containing many large numbers of discrete images. When used in its standard configuration, it can store only one image at a time, but it is capable of inputting and outputting many images quickly. It's a bit like a camera, in that way."
Nestle said, "Oh, we all know about the green box."
Miranda said, "Right. It's been a pretty standard part of our house for a decade now. As I said, it's gotten sort of cramped. We've got room for 376500 images on it right now. But --"
"Bumped up against the wall!" Cept interjected.
"That's the point," Miranda said. "It's bumped up against the wall. We can store one more image, but that's all. We're hitting that barrier we always hit -- our cell sizes are getting too large. You can't do much at the level of individual cell size, and you can't make much progress. At least I can't. Miranda has her ways. But what can we do when we can only hold one more image, and you can't even usefully work at the level of individual pixels anymore?"
Maria said, "What could we do?"
Miranda drank some of her tea, and stared into the fire. "Maria and I are going to try something new. That's why we brought the box here. We brought it here because we knew it would freak Balis out. We wanted to know that it was our choice, our real choice, that we were making. To keep us honest."
Cept looked around. The walls of the shop were covered in the dazzling murals, the stained glass windows filled with dazzling rainbows. The pictures were all Balis's own creations, done with an eye for the beautiful and the sublime. The shop could not be called "subdued."
"We thought, what if we . . . made the box into a person?"
"A person?" Maria said. "A person?"
"But you were going to talk to it, too, right?"
"Well, yes, we were going to communicate. The box and us. Be a person. And a machine. No, you know, that's not quite it. It was supposed to be . . . the interface would make us more human, more real to it, to each other, to ourselves."
Miranda looked around again. "I'm always saying that I can't remember my mother's face, really. And she wasn't even there, at the moment of my birth, to impress a visual record in my brain. Miranda can remember her mother's voice, sort of, but not as well as she wants. She needs something more than words. A picture. To bring her mother back. Or" -- she put a hand on the back of her neck -- "her father. She's missing her father more than me, lately. In their last conversation, he called her 'the clever one' and he praised her . . . intelligence. It wasn't anything new to either of us, but it was" --
Cept began to speak.
"It was too late by then. Nothing could have done any good. We could have done anything. No, we could have done things. Woken up earlier, asked them, begged them, to choose differently. There are always choices. If we'd known the choice that would make him stay. But he was gone. We still had the box."
"The box," Miranda was saying. "The box that could see and hear."
Maria said, "But it's --"
"The box that can do more. Didn't Cept and I go over this? Didn't we talk about this, about the sheer power of the box, about how it's only limited by our imaginations?"
Cept said, "The box is always only limited by our imaginations. But what are we if not creatures of imagination?"
Miranda said, "We are, I guess, that."
Maria said, "I guess."
"And I'm not a machine," Miranda said.
"And I'm not," said Maria.
"And Miranda isn't," said Cept.
"And we're here, in our friend Balis's teahouse, about to make a great leap into a new frontier," Miranda said.
"About to," Maria agreed.
Cept cleared his throat. "What can you do, for an audience, Balis?"
Miranda spoke into the sudden silence. "I can paint. I can paint stuff you can't believe."
"It's all very interesting, but --"
Maria put her hand on Balis's arm.
Maria said, "I can sing. I can sing all kinds of things. Songs from the before-times, ballads and ditties. That's where we got the one we used to meet each other. You heard our first song, remember? 'The Moonsailors.'"
"I remember it well," Balis said. "I don't know where you learned it."
"We didn't just learn it from each other," Miranda said.
"We learned it from a tape. A cassette. One we found in the teapot, upstairs, on the top shelf."
Maria said, "It's a long story. You can't just flip a record on, or press a button. It's a whole . . . song. There are . . . ~songs~ in between. That
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knivesncrows · 10 months
The games we can play
Pairing: Loki × original female character
Genre: Fluffff
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Loki meets a beautiful stranger at one of Asgard’s celebratory balls, helping his evening go right.
Notes: Hello everyone! This is a pairing I’ve been obsessed with for the longest time. Helia is a product of so much lore and passion and I just recently realised how good these two would be together! This is a part of a bigger universe that I’ve been brainstorming for a while but Loki season 2 gave me an incentive to finally start writing about it. This oneshot is based on the Taylor Swift song ‘Blank Space’ which fit perfectly with how I envisioned them to meet. Hope you enjoy the both of them as much as I loved writing them!
Part of when we’re all alone, I will reach for you series of non chronological oneshots.
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Today was another one of the celebratory banquets that everyone on Asgard seemed to love so much and Loki was tired of mingling with the same people over and over again.
He liked a good celebration, don’t get him wrong but these formal ceremonies were much more stifling than the ones he preferred, the more….indecorous ones. There hadn’t been one in a while and it was such a shame, for only at those times did the uptight nobility let loose, forgetting their inhibitions, indulging in all kinds of vices. And Loki was definitely the one who savoured those gatherings the most.
A few people had come up to greet him, two ladies and three lords, engaging him in conversation about the trivialities they get up to and asking about his.
Alas, the heavy burden of social responsibility fell on his mother and himself since the other two members of his family could hardly communicate in a manner fit to converse with the gathered people, though due to different habits. His brother could not stop himself when he started talking, boasting rather, while his father rarely spoke outside of what was necessary.
Loki on the other hand had been blessed by the natural charisma like that of his mother and people certainly took note of it. He was pretty sure that he knew much more about these nobles than Thor did, no matter if he was still more admired than him. Loki never did understand how that worked.
He could not wait to end the night with a warm cup of tea and an excellent read, hidden somewhere amongst the vast columns of books housed in Asgard’s library.
“Hello there.”
Loki turned away from the group of nobles he was conversing with, to look at who had spoken. Even though it was a little boring to chat with the same people for the umpteenth time, Loki didn’t like being interrupted.
His furrowed brows smoothed when he saw the person who had spoken. The silver haired woman was holding a glass of bubbling drink in one hand, a circlet of gold around her head showing that she was probably of high status, in a gown of white that Loki had to admit looked really attractive on her. Her smile, while genuine as far as Loki could tell, also contained a bit of a sly upturn.
“Where have you been?” Her words brought the furrow back to his face. He was pretty sure he didn’t know this woman, which was admittedly a shame, but true nonetheless. However, he wasn’t about to blurt out his confusion unlike one other member of his family that had no such filter.
“It is nice to make your acquaintance, madam but you must excuse me for my poor memory. I fear I cannot quite remember where we have met before.” His words were smooth, a polite smile on his face and he was sure the woman would blush and tell him she admired him or something of the same manner and he would thank her politely and that would be the end of that. Her reply, voice dripping with honey and suggestion, however had him and the nobles around him speechless.
“Ah, the incredible things I could show you.”
He swore he even heard a gasp from one of the ladies standing near him but the now mischievous upturn of the woman’s lips had him intrigued. Here she was, a lady of unknown - although , he had deduced it must be high - standing, of unknown origins, talking to him like they were more than acquaintances and he didn’t have a clue as to who she was. Maybe he should start paying more attention to who his father invited to these things.
He cocked his head, letting a smirk grace his own face, intent on playing along with her little game. This was the most fun he had seen since the evening started.
“Magic, madness, heaven, or sin? I assure you I have seen it all.” He practically purred, taking a few steps towards the woman. The group he had been standing with, followed along like baby ducklings, intent on seeing this play out. It wasn’t common for people to speak so casually with him, knowing his standing and he knew with confidence that this woman was definitely not of Asgard. He would have remembered such a beautiful and bold lady had she been of its court.
He noticed her eyes brightening, smile turning positively devilish at his response and he felt his heart stutter a little at the way she looked at him.
“Oh, anything that you want. I just saw you standing there, and thought to myself, ‘he looks like he could be my next mistake’.”
This time there could be no mistaking the scandalized whispers of the people around them. But the lady didn’t seem like she cared. In fact, she took a sip of her drink, eyes goading as if wanting to know if he would play along or brush her off in the face of proprietary. Well, she was in for a surprise if she thought he was going to back off.
“A mistake I certainly shall not be, my lady, I assure you. But will the high be worth all that pain?” He let his eyes trace her figure, drinking in her delicious body, made all the more enticing by delicate pieces of gold jewellery that she wore in just the right places.
“Oh, I’ve got a long list of ex-suitors that can attest to that high.” she moved a little closer, voice down to barely a whisper he was sure was meant only for his ears. “And the pain as well.”
He felt a shiver go down his spine at the words, getting a little light headed at the smell of her perfume invading all his senses, her face now a lot closer to his own. Belatedly, he noticed that the people had left them some space, probably not wanting to annoy the prince in case the conversation turned more private, but hadn’t moved their eyes off of them.
“What do you say, my lord? Love is but a game, and I think you want to play it.” She grinned smugly, all too aware of the effect she had on him and it disgruntled him a little that he couldn’t appear as stoic as he wanted to in front of her. Would she think him weak, for showing his appreciation of her words and form on his face and actions? Or would she embrace it, reward him for it with another seductive quip? Although it appeared she did not know that he was a prince, if he put any thought to the way she addressed him. What would she think when she knew?
“So you think this,” he gestured between them, “is going to be a forever thing? A happily ever after?” He didn’t want there to be any illusion between them. Yes he was attracted to her, as was she since she was the one who started this all, but he didn’t want to bind himself , in a manner of speaking, to anyone yet. He had plenty of time to dedicate to debauchery before that happened. And it wasn’t going to be anytime soon.
“Oh, it could easily go down in flames, I assure you.” She smiled sweetly at him and this time, it was he who stepped a little closer, barely appropriate judging by the etiquette. But he was a prince and who was going to admonish him? His mother maybe but he was pretty sure she was not aware of what was happening just yet.
“In that case, will the lady—“
“Your Majesty!”
A shout from behind the woman interrupted his sentence and he raised his eyes to look at a knight, looking as if she had just arrived, with a few more guards in tow, all looking at them with awkward expressions.
The woman in front of her stepped back a little, her body still angled towards him to listen to what the knight had to say. He was surprised to see the woman responding to the title of a monarch. She looked young, around his age, and he had just assumed that she was a lady with a foreign delegation.
“Your Majesty, the king of Asgard is requesting your company. And please, do not slip away from us again.” The knight, who appeared to be the head of the guards, spoke in a low voice but Loki was close enough to hear her.
His brows raised in surprise but he made no move to step away. This woman, no Queen, was turning out to be a complex puzzle the more he heard about her and Loki of Asgard, was never one to shy away from a good academic pursuit.
The woman sighed, and spoke a few words to her guards before turning to him, the same smile on her face, although a little subdued.
“I will be looking forward to that game.” She winked, stepping back but Loki was faster.
He took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips, all the while maintaining eye contact with her, and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. He was delighted at the way her eyes widened at the gesture and he lingered like that for a few moments, caressing her hand before letting her go.
“I will be waiting patiently, my lady.”
The smile she gave him crinkled the corners of her eyes and Loki found himself wanting to kiss the creases. The head of the guards gave an exasperated look to her Queen, as if she was used to it and the rest of them strategically averted their eyes.
“Let’s not delay anymore, my Queen.”
The woman turned then, her guards forming a semi circle around her as she walked towards the other side of the room, presumably to where his father was, the guests clearing out of her way as she walked ahead with poise.
“Your highness the king asks for your presence.” A guard spoke in his ear and he smiled, giving a nod in acknowledgment and walking the same way.
Yes, this was the most fun he’d had since the evening started.
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wcmi-22 · 1 year
When Robbery Meets insanity Chapter 3
Darkness fell upon the castle and so did the rain. The thunder clashed and roared throughout the land around. In one room, Alice slept and dreamt of the horrible events that lead her to sleeping at the castle.
Alice tossed and turned hearing the harsh voice of her assalent ringing in her mind as the memory played over and over again.
“Put the money in here, sweet cheeks!”
“Hurry it up, you lazy sack!!”
Gun shots could he heard over and over again through out her mind. Even visions of the man smiling viciously kept coming back inside her as he shot the gun.
Alice awoke in a cold sweat and shaky breath. Then she heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Umm come..come in,” she said nervously.
“Hello, dear!” a gentle voice said. In came a kindly old woman with a tray that had a teapot and cup to match it.
“Hello, Mrs. Pots!” she greeted.
“I thought you could use a nice spot of tea after your nap, dear!”
“Oh! Thank you!”
Alice then took the cup and sipped it a little.
“Did you have a pleasant nap, deary?” Mrs. Pots asked.
“Um..not quite,” Alice says.
“The nightmares again, miss?!”
Alice nods as she holds herself together.
“There there dear,” Mrs. Pots says “Why don't you distract your mind with a nice book in the library.”
“Sure.” Alice says. Alice soon got in her robe and slippers then walked down to the library.
As Alice walked through the hall, she felt couldn't help but feel the tension around her. Finally, the door to the library set her at ease.
She looked through the library and came across titles to see if there were anything she could read.
“Let's see.” she thought “ ‘War and Peace.’ No. ‘Crime and Punishment’ Heavens no! ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ Definitely not!”
She sighed and just decided to sit at the bay window and looked out at the rain.
“Oh Alice!” she thought to herself once more. “You can't eat! You can't sleep! You can't even read! What are you going to do? Isn't proper for a lady to be like this. People may think you've gone mad! Have you gone mad?! Are you Mad like Reginald? Huh, Reginald... What must he think of me? Why should I care?! Maybe I have gone mad?”
Suddenly, she heard the door to the library open and jumped.
“Oh, it's just you Belle!” she said in relief. Then she saw behind her was none other than the mad hatter, Reginald Theophilus the Third.
“Reginald!” Alice says surprised “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you, cricket! “ he explained.
Alice looks back to Belle for a moment. Belle knew what she was thinking at the moment but, didn't care. She knew this was better than being isolated from society. Plus, if anyone could possibly talk some sense into her, it was Reginald.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” she says before leaving.
Alice then looks away to the window away from Reginald. Reginald sighs to himself. He soon takes off his hat and then kneels to the ground next to her bay window seat.
“Alice,” he says gently “we’re all worried about you. I'm worried about you.”
Alice was silent.
“I know you don't want to talk about what happened. Or explain to me why you didn't tell anyone where you were but, can I at least know if you are ok? Because if you tell me you're ok, I'll leave you alone and I won't bother you about this ever again.”
Again Alice was silent. Then suddenly, the emotions came back! All the pain, the trauma, and the helplessness she felt at that moment. Tears started to flood her eyes and her breathing started to hitch.
“That's the thing Reg,” she finally says in shakey breath “I can't!”
Suddenly, she bursts into tears.
“I wake up every morning having the same dream about what happened!” she explains furiously “ I have to look over my shoulder every day and sleep by candlelight every night so I won't get scared! Yet, even then, I hear his voice, I see his face, and hear those gunshots over and over again in my mind! SO IF YOURE GOING TO TELL ME THAT YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL OR EVEN YOU KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH, DONT! BECAUSE YOU DONT! NO ONE DOES!!!”
At that moment, Alice covered her face and wept.
“You're right!” he says.
“What?!” Alice says between breaths.
“You're right, I don't know how you feel, Alice! Or even what you went through.” He explains “But, all I know is that you can't run or heal from a situation you can change.”
“What do you mean?”
“The coppers got him and his immediate family but, they need you to identify him so they can charge him.”
“But, Reginald I..”
“I know but, think about it this way, if you do nothing and he is free, this could happen to anyone else including Belle, Snow, or even another blonde like you. Yet, what if that time, it gets worse?”
The room was silent for a moment as Alice thought.
“Reg, I...”
“Now, I'm not trying to say you should just get over what happened and move on, because that kind of thing takes time and I'm not going to pressure you about that at all. But, I am saying, you can start the healing process by showing him that he has no control over you, Alice.
“How?” she asks gently.
“By putting him away for good.”
Alice began to cry once more. She knew he was right in every way but, fear still kept pursuing her mind once more.
“I can't do this alone, Reginald!” she says.
“Then let Ears or Belle come with you to the police station. Let them...Let me help you, Alice!”
It was quiet for a moment or two between the pair. Then Reginald got up and placed his her on his head.
“Just think about it, Alice.” he says.
Reginald then turns around to walk to the door. Until,
“Can you come with me, Reginald?” Alice asked softly.
“ I most certainly can!” he says to her with a genre smile. To his surprise, Alice smiled right back at him. She still may have had tears in her eyes but, she was still smiling at him none then less.
To Alice’s surprise, that was not only the first time she smiled in a long time but, it was the first time she actually felt happy as well.
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back2luvs · 1 year
Warrior - Mai Ling x Eliza Pendleton | Sweeter Than Tea And Cookies
Rating: M (making out)
Word count: 1,038
Summary: “Why don’t we kiss, he’s still in the other room anyway.” A mischievous smile creeps up Eliza’s mouth.
“Are we really about to do this?”
Eliza nods. “But we’ll take this slow. It is the first time for both of us, after all.”
After weeks of longing, Eliza and Mai Ling finally get to feel what it's like to have their bodies pressed against each other. Slight spoilers for S3 (if you don't know who Eliza Pendleton is yet)
Cross posted from AO3
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“Ah! Mai Ling, it’s so good to see you again,” Eliza greets, opening her home’s door. Mai Ling gives her a couple of air kisses as she enters her home.
“It’s nice to see you too.” The Chinese woman smiles, as Bernard approaches the two women.
“Oh, Mai Ling! Lovely seeing you again.”
“Likewise.” She smiles at him.
“Would you ladies like to join us? We’re playing pool with a few friends.”
Mai Ling shakes her head. “We’re good.”
“Alright. Just tell the maids if you need anything, alright?”
Both women nod their heads, as Eliza takes the other woman’s arm and guides both of them to another room.
Mai Ling and Eliza enjoy a delightful tea together, engaging in a light conversation. However, throughout their encounter, Eliza finds herself captivated by Mai Ling’s extraordinary beauty on this particular day.
“God, how can a woman be this beautiful? Oh my gosh, where do I even start? Her smile, oh my goodness, that smile! I would literally do anything for this woman. It’s impossible not to admire her; not only is she intelligent and accomplished in business, but also unbelievably kind. And her face—not to mention the way her makeup emphasizes her absolutely beautiful features? Gosh. Everything about this woman is absolute perfection, from her eyes to her-”
“Are you alright? You’ve been staring at me for a minute,” Mai Ling asks, noticing how Eliza’s eyes were glued to her.
“Huh?”—Eliza gets ripped out of her thoughts—“Oh, yes- yes, I am.” She smiles.
The Chinese woman hums in response, as she reaches for another cookie and takes a bite out of it. Eliza’s eyes don’t leave her, causing her to lapse in focus and end up pouring the tea on the center table instead of her teacup. She hastily apologizes while Mai Ling stares at her, head tilted quizzically.
A maid then approaches both of them and begins to clean up the mess Eliza made. She then asks if they need anything, to which both women shake their heads before the maid leaves, leaving Mai Ling and Eliza alone again. Awkward silence loomed between the two, before the American woman began to speak.
“I have something to tell you,” she says.
“What is it?”
Eliza sighs. “I’m not sure how to say this but—I like you.”
Blood rushed to Mai Ling’s cheeks when she said that. “W-what?” she asks incredulously.
“Look, I know it sounds stupid, but I’ve liked you for quite a while now. Ever since we first met, there was something in me that ignited and just- I don’t know how to explain this but, after we left your home, I wasn’t able to stop thinking about you.” The American woman stops talking, as she caught sight of someone passing by the living room.
“Mai Ling, I like you. I really do. But,”
“But what?” The Chinese woman asks.
“I’m afraid you don’t feel the same way.”
Words lingered in Mai Ling’s throat when Eliza said that. Like her, she had also liked her for the same period of time. But it took her a bit to come to terms with her feelings, since it felt new to her.
And then, she finally spoke. “Actually, I do.”
“I do have the same feelings, Eliza. I’ve been thinking about this feeling a lot, and I even tried to deny it- but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Eliza, I never knew I would fall for you from the moment we first met.” Mai Ling smiles, as she takes the American woman’s hands in hers. She then brushes her index finger over the curve of Mai Ling’s cheek, before cupping it and placing a thumb on the other woman’s lips.
“Why don’t we kiss, he’s still in the other room anyway.” A mischievous smile creeps up Eliza’s mouth.
“Are we really about to do this?”
Eliza nods. “But we’ll take this slow. It is the first time for both of us, after all.” And then slowly, she leaned over to Mai Ling and captured her lips with her own. The Chinese woman reciprocates the kiss, closing her eyes and molding her hands on Eliza’s waist.
Their kiss deepens, as Eliza’s hands find Mai Ling’s body. As they tenderly touch each other, a growing desire emerges. Kissing each other felt like a beautiful dream, sending delightful shivers down their spines. Mai Ling’s hands then dance around Eliza’s stomach area, before she abruptly breaks the kiss.
“Is this alright?” She asks, not wanting to make the American woman feel uncomfortable. Eliza nods in response, as both women lean back for another kiss. They embraced passionately, hands exploring each other’s bodies once more. Their fingers moved eagerly over each other’s form, as if in search of something.
A need for more slowly begins to ignite, but both women hold themselves back. They’ve only known each other a few weeks ago, but only got to know more about each other during their conversation over tea and cookies. Although they found it strange and unfamiliar to be so close to one another, they still believe in the mutual trust they share.
Both women then break the kiss, catching their breaths. They lock eyes, as Mai Ling gives Eliza a satisfied smile.
“You seemed to have enjoyed that,” Eliza starts.
“Can you blame me though?”
The American woman shakes her head. “You didn’t taste anything like what I had imagined.”
“Was it worse?”
“No!” She laughs. “So, so much better.”
Mai Ling giggles at this, as her eyes dart to the grandfather clock. She froze in her place when she saw the time, before she quickly grabbed her purse.
“I had a lovely time with you today, Eliza. But I have to get going now, so until next time,” The Chinese woman says, as she got up from the couch.
“Hey, take it easy.” Eliza grins. “Take care.”
Mai Ling gives the American woman another smile, before both of them head to the front door. A carriage was already waiting for Mai Ling there, and so she says another goodbye to Eliza, before entering the carriage.
Bittersweet emotions wash over Eliza, as she watches the carriage grow smaller. 
“Until next time.”
Tags (for reach): @bleep-blop-lizard-hop @cleverqueencommander (lmk via dms if you wanna be untagged!)
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Our Little Drummer Boy
Summary: Mariana and Tenn try to figure out what to get their kids for Christmas.
Word Count: 1966
Read on AO3:
Tenn worked to fix up some cups of tea. He waited the appropriate amount of time, letting it steep before he took the bags out. His mind was still half asleep but even so it was already spinning with what it had focused on for the last few days” Christmas. He gazed outside, noticing that the snow was starting to fall from the sky covering the already blanket ground with more snow. It was really beautiful. He almost felt tempted to grab his paint supplies and paint the scenery. Mariana was waiting for him though, he had promised to bring her back some tea.
Tenn returned his attention to the tea, making sure he made it just the way his wife wanted. Once he was sure he had gotten it right he picked up both festive mugs and went back to the bedroom. His footsteps were soft and deliberate so as to not wake up the kids. Otto and Clarissa weren’t the loudest kids in the world or the wildest but still it was nice to have some time alone with Mariana.
“There’s my Mr. Man,” The playful lilt in Mariana’s voice made Tenn look up to see his wife still bundled up in tons of blankets.
“Here I am,” Tenn smiled softly then handed over the right mug to his wife. Mariana whispered a soft thanks and felt her heart warm when her husband pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Okay, so,” Mariana cut herself off by taking a sip of the tea. A hum vibrated through her throat and she slipped further into the covers. Tenn’s gentle laughter made Mariana send over a look. “What?”
“Nothing, I’m just glad you like the tea,” Tenn placed down his mug then got into bed. “So, Christmas is coming up which means presents.”
“You and I are on the same page there. We gotta start thinking about what to get for Otto and Clarissa,” Mariana scooted closer and dropped her voice down to a whisper. She didn’t want to risk the kids hearing even if they were still asleep.
“Right. I saw these cute cameras for kids. I figured since Clarissa is always asking for one of our phones to take pictures of her stuffed animals that she would like it.”
“That’s a great idea,” Mariana smiled then took another sip of her tea. “Mmm, let’s make sure it's purple. Light purple.”
Tenn nodded “Alright that shouldn’t be tough,”
“Okay, the first present figured out for Clarissa. So on to the first for Otto.”
Both of them thought for a minute, sipping their tea and letting their minds spin some thoughts around. Otto was the tougher one to figure out of the twins. Not because he was necessarily picky or anything like that. It was more so that he was very quiet and internal, making figuring out his interests a puzzle sometimes. Add onto that that he was selectively mute and now things were tough.
“Doesn’t he like dinosaurs? I thought I saw him looking at those a lot when we went to the national museum together.”
Mariana shook her head. “Nah, he wasn’t looking at the dinosaurs. I think he was trying to find Clarissa when she wandered off. Maybe something medieval like knights and dragons.”
Tenn pondered on it for a minute, tapping his fingers against his mug.
“Okay, so that’s out the window,”
“What? Oh because I didn’t say anything? I was just thinking that’s all.”
“Yeah, well I just don’t know,” Mariana sighed and collapsed into the propped up pillow.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna figure it out, alright?” Tenn brushed his hand up and down Mariana’s arm but he could see she was stuck in her head. “Sweetheart?”
“Hmm? Yeah, yeah I know. I just-” Another sigh escaped her lips. “I want to make sure we get both of them great gifts.”
“We will.” Tenn gave a reassuring smile. Something about that helped Mariana’s nerves settle and she took a deep breath.
“You’re right.”
The couple took a moment to calm down before getting back to the drawing board but it seemed as though they had run out of time when they heard their oldest’s voice.
“I better go check on her. You can finish up your tea but then I need your help in the kitchen for breakfast, Squishy,” Mariana pressed a kiss to Tenn’s cheek then slipped out of bed. Tenn watched his wife as he drank his tea. He made sure he didn’t spend too long though, not when he needed to help out. The Christmas gift planning would have to wait.
Days had passed and it seemed as though they had made no progress at all. Tenn couldn’t help but feel disheartened about it and those feelings had bled into family time as he dropped by Minnie’s house to visit his sisters for a bit.
“Mmmmm, these cinnamon cookies are so fucking good,” Sophie declared as she leaned back in the chair. She quickly worked to stuff more cookies in her mouth despite not finishing the cookie that was already in her mouth.
“Slow down, you’re gonna choke,” Minnie shook her head as she drank her hot cocoa.
“But they’re so good!”
“Yeah, Ren always makes tons during the holidays, so chill.” Minnie scolded her sister before noticing that Tenn was more reserved and in his thoughts than usual. "Everything okay, Tenn?”
Sophie pulled her focus away from the cookies at that. “Shit, did something happen?”
“No, it’s nothing serious,” Tenn awkwardly brushed away some of the stray cookie crumbs that had flown from his sister’s mouth. “It’s just…” He started to fidget with his fingers, focusing on his nails for a few seconds before looking up. “Do you ever struggle to figure out what to get your kids for Christmas?”
“Hmm, nah. It’s more like making sure they still believe in Santa. Now that is exhausting,” Sophie waved around a piece of a cinnamon cookie as she spoke.
“Are you still making Marlon dress up as Santa?” Minnie looked over at her twin and saw the proudest smile appear on her lips.
“Yep! And it works like a charm… Most times. It’s better than warning my kids about Santa being dangerous.”
“No?? There’s nothing wrong about warning your kid about some random creep coming down your chimney.”
“You’re still scared of Santa, Minnie?” Tenn was shocked by that.
“No! I’m not! I’m just being smart with Timothy,”
“I thought he loves Santa though,”
���Yeah, he always leaves out cookies with Ren for him.” Minnie leaned back in her chair and took another sip of her hot cocoa. “Anyways, why do you ask about presents?”
“Because me and Mari are struggling to figure out one for Otto.”
“Oh, well what does he like? Planes? Cryptids? Hobos? Captain Commando?”
“Those are things your kids like.” Minnie pointed out and Sophie frowned.
“Uh yeah, and it's awesome.”
“He doesn’t like that stuff,” Tenn spoke up before his sisters butted heads. “He hasn’t really shown interest in many things.”
“Hmm,” Minnie tilted her head back as she thought. “Maybe something with music, like an instrument?”
“Oh! Yeah! Kids love that! And there’s tons of options like toy pianos and drums,”
Tenn nodded along, taking in his sisters’ advice. “Yeah, that might work,” He tapped his phone screen and sighed softly. “I should get back. Next time I won’t take up all of our time together.”
“Tenn, you took like five minutes. It's fine,” Minnie rose up from her spot and gave her brother a goodbye hug.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Text us if you need to brainstorm some more,” Sophie hopped up to her feet and pulled Tenn into a hug.
“I will,” Tenn smiled and waved towards his siblings before leaving the house. As soon as he did he heard laughter that made him look over to the front yard where Renata was busy playing with Timothy.
“Here comes the winter tickle monster!” Renata declared loudly then proceeded to sweep her son in a hug. Both of them were busy laughing before Renata spotted Tenn. “Heya, Tenn. Aww leaving already?”
“Yeah, gotta get back to Mari and the kids.”
“Okay, drop by again soon,” Renata beamed and Timothy said his goodbyes to his uncle, giving a wave while Tenn pulled out of the driveway. Tenn worked to turn on the holiday music station then focused on getting back home. It felt like he finally had a good idea for what to get his son.
“A drum? Just one, not like a set, right?” Mariana asked as she walked hand in hand to the local Target with Tenn for the first round of Christmas shopping.
“Yeah, I figured it could be fun for him and we could make it so he could walk around with it so he could still play music.”
“Hmmm, I like it! Okay, let’s find our kid the best drum ever! But first, let's grab that camera for Clarissa!”
Tenn joined his wife in the little hype cheer then walked into Target.
The days of December went by faster than either of them thought was even possible but they had done it. They had gotten presents for all their loved ones and had gotten ones they hoped their kids would like. The stockings had been done and Clarissa had already opened her first gift: a color-by-numbers book from her Aunt Sophie. The little five-year-old looked at the book in awe as she joined her twin on the couch again. It was clear that that had been a hit with her.
“Okay, Otto, your turn now,” Mariana smiled over at her son who gave a silent nod then wandered over to the tree. He stared at each of his gifts, making rounds and rounds around them. He wanted to check all of his options before deciding. After what felt like forever he had landed on a round gift off to the side. Tenn and Mariana shared a look and held hands as they waited to see if their kid would like his gift. Otto sat down, carefully unwrapping the Christmas paper. He had a meticulous way of doing so, not wanting to rip it at all. After a while the gift was free and Otto looked at the drum with big eyes.
“You got drumsticks with it too, buddy, so why don’t you try it out?”
Otto glanced over at his mom and nodded before he worked to get the strap over his neck. Slowly he stood up, gripping both drumsticks tightly. He stared down at the round red drum with golden detailing. He seemed hesitant about it for a few seconds and then he tapped the right drumsticks against it. His eyes widened and he looked over at Clarissa when she gasped and showed interest in his gift. Otto stared down at the drum then tapped the drumsticks against it again and again. After a moment a smile tugged on his lips and he started to play a made-up tune on it. The gentle excitement that the drum had given him radiated off Otto as he continued to play.
“You like the drum?”
Otto paused in his playing when he heard his dad’s voice and he gave a huge nod. Awkwardly he struggled to get the drum off of him before rushing over and wrapping his arms around both of his parents. It was a hug that lasted for more seconds than either Tenn or Mariana thought Otto would hold onto the hug. After a while though he returned to his drum and continued to play a tune. The sight caused a smile to appear on his parents’ lips; they were sure it was one that wouldn’t leave for a long, long time.
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I bought a box of Yerba tea
I drink it most mornings now
Which means I think of you most mornings
I wonder if you remember drinking hot Yerba
More honey than tea
Giggling with me
Tea topped with a splash of cream
It’s fresh milk from yesterday, stored in a large mason jar in the back of the fridge downstairs
Sipped from a big spoon
Out of your mothers nice mugs
Leaning far over the counter in the kitchen
I thought we were so grown up
And I thought we would end up
Grown up
This morning I poured myself a cup of Yerba tea
But not as much honey
And cream I bought from the store
Before Covid I was mad at you
Sad at you
Sad for me
You moved to Tennessee
And got married in Italy
And I didn’t understand why I never got an invitation
When I think about the last time I heard your voice
I don’t remember how it sounds
I remember how it made me feel
And then I remember that I have heard your voice in…
Six years?
I’ve learned so much about us since the world opened again
So much about me
So much about you
That is was never intentional
That we’re both so sick
And we’re both getting healthy again
That we’re both hurt
But now when I read what you write
Black words back lit by white
I reply with a heart and a like
And I remember reading your writing on yellow lined legal pads
Spending the night for days on end
Confessing kindred spirits
You said with big brown eyes, you had always wanted a friend with eyes like mine
But my eyes have changed, in time
I don’t know what that means
My guilt lies in never knowing
Or being to deaf, dumb, and blind to know better
My Yerba tea burns my tongue
We were both too young
To understand
That we were not alone
You wax so eloquently
I lack so definitely
To express a shame that I should not carry
I’m sorry it’s been six years
I’m sorry that we have been so sick and sad
And I’m sorry that you suffer so much more than I
Im most sorry that by my hurt I was blind
In the smallest way I now atone
By drinking Yerba tea alone
With every sip, too sweet, I think of you
Bella I love you, and I hope you know
I missed you too
- sunnie
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herzblutballade · 2 years
Whumpuary Day 1: Nightmares
Language: English Genre: whump just a little bit of hurt and a whole lot of comfort Characters: my OC Cae & @marmeltier's OC Cynthia
CN: Nightmares, disordered sleep, unhealthy relationship with sleep, mentions of hypothetical threat/danger/harm/fight, mention of character being turned into a vampire.
Author's Note: Yeah, let's not even pretend, this turned out very fluffy, not whumpy at all. No regrets tho, I got to write my precious bbys pre-relationship & broke my own heart in the process, 11/10 would do again
When the screaming started, Caedes had assumed the worst — and rushed over immediately. He was careful to move as quickly as possible without making a sound, his heart pounding vigorously as he was sneaking through his own house. There’s barely any distance between his bedroom and the guest room, but with Cynthia’s agonizing screams ringing in his ears, it felt like an eternity until he finally reached her.
But when he opened the door and peeked inside, there was nothing — no intruder, no attacker, no tangible danger. Just Cynthia thrashing around in the guest bed, screaming her lungs out.
It’s only now that he’s sitting on the edge of the bed, close enough to make sure she is truly unharmed, that his heartbeat is beginning to resume its usual rhythm. »Cindy?«, he asks, voice lowered, gently shaking her shoulder in an attempt to wake her from her troubled sleep. »Hey, Cyn.«
At first, she doesn’t wake, doesn’t answer, just twitches and whimpers in her sleep. Just when he’s about to raise his voice again, louder this time, she jolts awake, sitting up straight, scanning the room with eyes wide open, a look of absolute terror on her face.
»Hey. It’s okay.« He desperately wants to soothe her, but doesn’t know how, doesn’t dare to initiate any more touch, afraid of startling her even more. So he just raises his hands in a typical gesture of surrender, trying to demonstrate that he’s not here to harm her in any way. »It’s just me. You’re awake now. You’re safe.«
She’s still breathing heavily when her gaze finally fixes on him, and it takes a long moment until she seems to recognize him; until she realizes where she is. She blinks at him, lips parted slightly, no words coming out.
»You were screaming«, he explains, suddenly feeling a bit silly for showing up in her room with a sheathed knife on his belt, ready to fight who- or whatever was threatening his best friend. »I thought …« His words trail off and he shrugs, smiling apologetically.
»Nightmares«, Cynthia sighs, »just those damn nightmares again. I …« She takes a deep breath and buries her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes as if to clear the remnants of her bad dreams away. »Sorry, I forgot to warn you before staying over. Peaceful sleep is … not really a thing for me.«
»It’s okay. Now I know«, he replies, mustering a half-smile. »Sounds kind of familiar, honestly.« In fact, he barely ever sleeps anymore now that his body has much less need for rest than a regular human’s; before he got turned, his sleep was terrible most nights, too, especially the dreams, even though he often couldn’t recall them clearly enough to write them down or tell anyone about them.
Cynthia looks at him for a long moment, as if pondering what to say or do.
»Want to stay up together?«, Cae suggests, his smile widening. »Until you feel a bit better, at least. How about a cup of tea? I’ll set up a kettle and try to think of a good distraction while we’re waiting for the water to boil.«
Although her eyes still have that haunted look to them, Cynthia’s lips now curve into a soft smile, too. »Yeah, I’d like that. Tea sounds nice.« As Cynthia crawls out from under her blanket, Caedes stands up from the bed and reaches his hand out to her, helping her to her feet as soon as she takes it. Before he can turn to leave the room, though, she suddenly catches him in a tight hug. She seems to hesitate for a split second before she adds: »Not being alone sounds nice, too.«
At first, the sudden closeness catches him by surprise, and he freezes mid-motion, unable to react, unsure how to react, but finally, he manages to wrap his arms around her, too, holding her close for a moment that seems to go on for so long he begins to wonder when the appropriate time to let go would be.
Hugging her just a little bit tighter, he lets himself enjoy being this close to her for one more cycle of breathing in and out. »Come on, let’s get you some tea«, he murmurs then, forcing himself to let go and lead the way to the kitchen.
Not being alone sounds nice, too. It’s true: When it’s the right person keeping you company, it absolutely does. Even — or especially — in the most vulnerable moments.
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