#but we are both dumb bastards with Zero ideas
rise-my-angel · 6 months
Because I love salt, what do you find to be the most annoying lines of so-called evidence or foreshadowing for ships you hate? For me it’s hard to pick just one but Jon saying Sansa looked radiant is up there for me because the idea that Jon had a crush on Sansa in the first book or before is so much worse than the thought of them meeting again and then developing feelings (which I still hate, but it’s just not as bad). It’s super normal for people to think their siblings look nice. Arya’s POV chapters also remark that Sansa is beautiful. Ashford theory is annoying because it was originally about the hound and Sansa (also hate this ship but the fans are a million times more tolerable). I also roll my eyes when fans insist that the bride of fire line foreshadows Dany marrying Jon (and I even LIKE that ship but only in an AU in my head where Lyanna is Jon’s mom but Rhaegar is NOT the father)
"Because I love salt"
You have come to the right place as this is an accurate real life photo of me running this blog:
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Thats a good one I hate though, multiple siblings and family members in this series all compliment one another. Even characters with bad relationships compliment each other. In the books, Arya recalls that her father calls her pretty, which only Jon ever also called her. Does that mean Ned had romantic feelings for Arya? Or Lyanna for that matter? No of course not. Thinking someone in terms of beauty is zero indicator of attraction in any way.
Also its even funnier with Jonsas because Sansa herself notes that Arya looks just like Jon, and then on multiple occasions notes that she thinks Arya is ugly. So, its even less compelling.
In the show Tyrion compliments Cersei's beauty all the time and we know there is nothing to it. It's reading into something that isn't there beacuse if they ignore the way beauty is used in this series as a common compliment towards other highborns, then its a really simple box to check on really stock symptoms of attraction. (I also dont really enjoy Sansan but it is funny how they just stay in their circle and mind their business like they somehow are winning based on being not fucking annoying alone).
I'm gonna rapid fire for Jon here because pretty much every single ship he has is backed by the worst evidence known to man.
The idea that Jon never thinks about Sansa because he loves her the most is dumb and not how we know Jon works. He holds back what he says not what he thinks. He thinks of Sansa the least because despite being his sister, she treated him like shit because she looks down on him for being a bastard. Jon cares about her, but not anywhere near how he cares about his other siblings who have clearly shown him love and respect.
The worst of Jon and Arya is a very very old outline that grrm scrapped. Its an outline that wasnt used and most of it isnt canon so it is literally a piece of non evidence for a ship that is disgusting. (Both Jonsa and Jonrya make Jons good older brother behavior towards his sisters look predatory and the shippers are all literally too blind to realize it)
Jon and Dany have literally nothing to back that up, because they are staged as moral oppositions to one another, dont know the other exists, and the idea that the motif of ice and fire will be about the coming together of romance is antithetical to everything grrm has established about the themes of his story. They are so far from being a ship that literally the ONLY thing they have to support it is the show and thats an absolute joke (see my every post that got me blocked by jonerys stans for more detail)
Ygritte is a rapist, so I accept literally zero "evidence" on that ones validity.
I also hate the "the actors have chemistry" argument to support really bad ships, because some actors having chemistry doesnt equal good romance, it equals good on screen dynamics in its own unique way. Like Tywin and Arya in season 2 have GREAT chemistry, but I don't need to explain why shipping that is creepy. Catelyn and Jaime have great chemistry, but it doesn't mean anything was actually there which could've worked.
Like shipping is fine, but so many people just INSIST it is canon or meant to be instead of something fun to think about. I joke ship about Stannis and Davos because its fun but I'm not over here arguing that people who don't ship it are "ignoring the text in front of them deliberately".
Also honestly, its really funny to me that you had to specify you'd only like that ship if they weren't related. Big oof on that one. Jonerys stans hate the idea they couldn't be related because they somehow think Dany being his AUNT isn't at all creepy. Like, Dany is related to Jon the way Jon thinks hes related to his MOTHER. There is no capability of romance or attraction there, that's crazy.
People who are biologically related but don't know it, 99% of the time are in fact, still not accidentally attracted to each other because that's biological survival instinct. Anti inbreeding protocol. But they think because DANY was raised to think her families blood superiority driven incest is fine, that somehow means JON would think its fine. Jonsas have no argument for that they just have to pray desperately that Jon would want to fuck his little sister despite how much it makes him look like a predator.
I'm sorry, I hope you have water on hand to wash down all this goddamn salt I just threw at you all at once.
Really, it isn't individual lines that irk me, its the overall tendencies of these ships to put more emphasis on things that don't even exist to justify something they don't even realize WHY people think it's creepy. I don't hate a lot of ships, just...all pro incest ones, and ones that promote predatory/rapist behaviors. Which is why I don't ship much in this series.
We're probably not meant to ship many people in this series if I in any way understand even a modicum of why grrm writes the lack of romance the way he does.
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Drone Military (NSFW)
This is a collab me and a friend from another site, who goes by the username of Ng5hvlo4 (or just Ng5)
 Edward Kingsley sighted as he stepped outside of his dorm, the sun hitting him right in the face as he closed the door behind him.
“Right…” he muttered as he pulled out his smartphone and opened up his calendar. “What’s first on this shitshow….”
The 19 year old young man sighted as he ran his fingers through his black hair. Ed didn’t really want to come to this university in the first place. He had zero interest in studying law or anything related to it, but his father had pretty much forced him. Ed’s father was a highly renowned attorney who was known to represent the government and various large companies, along with managing one of the biggest Law Firms in the nation.
*I don’t care what it is you want!* His father’s voice still rang in his head, *I built this firm up from nothing, and I’ll be damned if I let it fall to the hands of some random intern I hired once on a lark, you hear me!? I don’t care what the fuck you thought about studying, you are going to study what you need to become a lawyer and you’ll take this firm from me when I die!*
He sighted, stepping out of memory lane as he headed for his first class of the semester. His father had left no room for argument as he forced Ed into a political sciences career. “Bastard is probably talking me up to his old dean at Harvard or some shit like that….” he muttered as he entered the coffee shop.
“Morning Ed!” the girl behind the counter greeted him with a smile. “How was your night?”
“Bout as well as I expected honestly,” Ed muttered as he pulled out his wallet. “Slept like two hours, tops”
“Yikes…” she muttered. “So I take it you’ll want something strong?”
“Yes please,” Ed muttered. The girl nodded and turned around to prepare the drink, leaving Ed alone to stare into his reflection in the glass that separated him from the register. He wasn’t anything too impressive, light brown skin, grey eyes, jet black hair, and no real facial hair to speak of. *No wonder no one is interested. I must be one of the plainest guys on Earth…* he thought as the girl came back with a steaming cup of coffee.
“Here ya go. An extra strong Espresso,” she said, taking the two dollars he handed her without issue. “Hope you have a decent first day.”
“Here’s hoping,” Ed muttered as he took a sip of a liquid, turning around to leave.
“Oh, and don’t forget to check the Announcement Board!” she called out to him. He sighted and headed over to it.
“Right, what have we got here…” he muttered as he skimmed through it. “Chess club…D&D…” he blinked as a rather big flier caught his eye. “Military recruitment drive, today at the Central Hall, 9:30 AM. All students are welcome…”
The Army. Ed had often daydreamed about running away from his father, away from his responsibilities. Responsibilities that he didn’t want. “Heh, running off to join the Army. Sounds like a shitty TV drama,” he muttered as he took a drink and turned around to leave. But as he opened the door, the idea still tingled in the back of his head. “Oh fuck it,” he muttered, a dumb smile on his face. “I’ve got an hour to waste before class starts…Might as well check an old dream off the list.”
He made his way down the walkway towards the Central Hall. Trees lined both sides of the brick walkway. A cool morning breeze wafted by even as the sun shone faintly through the cloud cover. It did not do much to lighten up his mood. He was glad none of the other students tried to talk to him on the way, as he really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone right now.
The Central Hall was easy to find, and that there was some sort of army van parked outside helped as well. The inside was packed, much more than Ed expected seeing as how the military wasn’t particularly well liked out here. He walked over into the middle of the crowd, finding an empty spot right in the center.
“Did you hear about that big investigation going on?” he overheard some people talking as he maneuvered his way to his seat.
“Oh yeah. Big government investigation thing. Apparently a bunch of companies have had a massive boost in productivity.”
“Why would they care about that?” he heard someone else ask as he finally sat down, blending into the massive crowd of people. “Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Normally yeah. But apparently the amount of it has the government wondering if we’ve got a monopoly or something forming since all the companies involved make the same things.”
Ed shook his head as he looked around.
“Heard the government is getting a really big firm to look into it,” someone else said. “One called Kingsley and Edwards, I think…”
“Oh fuck,” Ed muttered under his breath. “That’s what dad was talking about yesterday….Old fuck is happy about a new contract,” he sighed as he heard the doors of the auditorium close. “Well, no second guessing now,” he thought to himself as he looked ahead, as a group of guys took a seat next to him.
“Yeah, my dad wants me to join. Part of the family tradition and such,” one of them said, clearly dejected.
“My dad’s been telling me it’ll be good for my character. But I don’t know,” the other one said with a shrug. “I mean, I don’t exactly have the mentality for it.”
Ed couldn’t help but overhear because of how loud they were talking. He could sympathize with them; his dad was making him become a lawyer, after all. And looking at his twig of a body, he wondered if he would even be allowed to be in the military. He was so scrawny.
As the two guys sat down, he sent them a friendly smile just as the lights began to dim. It was time for the presentation to start.
“Here we go,” he muttered, looking ahead as the lights of the stage blasted on.
A strange, kind of distorted sounding trumpet rang out from the speakers, making a few people, including Ed wince a little. As the trumpet sound rang out, four men marched onto the stage.
Leading them was a rather tall man, maybe a foot or two taller than Edward himself. He was clad in a military dress uniform. A black ensemble that seemed to shimmer slightly in the direct lighting that the stage was receiving. Blonde hair could be seen peeking out from underneath the cap he was wearing, and a few medals were pinned on his lapel. There was some kind of logo on the hat, but Ed couldn’t see what it was exactly. It didn’t seem to resemble any branch of the military that he recognized, however.
“Interesting uniform,” he heard someone to his left mutter
“Damn, wish my dad had an outfit that good. Looks a lot better than the butt-ugly green thing he got in the marines,” someone else said to his right. However Edward’s eyes were drawn to the next three guys that walked on stage. Some of the biggest, buffest men that Ed has ever seen.
They all marched out together, about a second after the guy in the dress outfit, decked out in black armored suits that shone against the dim stage lights. It was a different uniform than Ed was expecting. He had expected matching camos and hats, rather than what looked like tight black suits with armor on them. Everything from the neck down that was visible was covered in the rubbery outfits, with big black boots and gloves to complete the ensemble.
The suits didn’t leave much to the imagination. The parts that were not armored showed the outlines of big muscles. And the bulge was enormous.
The men marched in together in sync, stopped, then abruptly turned to face the front. They put their arms behind their backs in a sort of rest position. Three of them stayed in the line, looking straight ahead. The man in the dress outfit smiled at the three and took a step closer to the microphone, giving it a few taps to make sure it was on.
“Thank you all for coming!” he said, pressing a remote he had pulled out of his pocket, which shut down the trumpet noise, much to the relief of many observers. “I am Captain Gavyn Larson,” he said with a clearly proud smile on his face. “I’ve been serving for about 20 years”
“20 years?” Ed muttered, surprised “Fuck he looks my age…”
“Now, the gentlemen with me are,” he pointed at men standing beside him, “Private First Class James Lane, Private First Class Casey Butler, and Private First Class Jorge Duran.” At the sound of each of their names, the three men in line gave a nod of the head.
Ed had to admire their powers of concentration, as well as their physique. Ed was secretly ashamed of his skinny body and would’ve wanted a bigger, stronger body just to have one. But the schedule his dad put him under was ruthless and gave him no time to pursue his own personal pleasures. So he had never had the chance to develop his body at a gym or the like; not that he had any idea of how to go about it anyways. During his private moments, he had daydreamed about having a big strong body, perhaps strong enough to take a stand against his father. A big body to give him confidence and power enough to not be pushed around.
“Man, that would be fucking amazing…” he muttered as he stared into the air.
“Um, dude?” the guy sitting next to him asked, gently poking his ribs, which snapped him out of his daydreams. “You ok?”
“U-Um…. Y-Yeah I’m ok!” Edward squeaked; his face red as he turned his attention back to the stage.
“I’m sure many of you were expecting to see something else on them, instead of these suits?” the captain asked with a chuckle. “Probably expecting camouflage, or some Kevlar and backpacks, right?”
“Yes,” came a mumble from the crowd.
“That’s understandable,” he said with a knowing nod. “In the army we are nothing if not industrious. Having the right gear is the difference between life and death out on the field, so we are always looking for new designs or organization. These suits were recently introduced into service by a coalition of companies that are interested in entering the military industry. While there were some who were stuck in the old ways, after a long discussion, these finally proved their usefulness to the Brass.”
“Interesting,” he heard his neighbor mutter. “Dad always went on and on about how old fashioned the generals were…”
“These new suits are much better than the standard camos and provide better protection,” the Captain continued, not caring about the whispers. “Yes, we pride ourselves in making sure our soldiers have the tools they need to get the job done. There has been a push for new weapons as well,” the Captain smiled and pushed another button on his remote.
A soft, peaceful music began to ring out from the speakers.
“Elevator music?” Ed asked as the music rang out through the entire room. “Well, it’s better than that awful trumpet thing at the very least.” He rested his head on his hands as he listened to the captain start droning on. About training, guns, combat and what not. Despite having come here for that, he found his attention slowly being drawn to the three soldiers standing at attention right behind the captain.
The three men looked amazing. Ed wished he could have bodies like theirs. They were like statues. Frozen in perfect positions for all to admire.
“And don’t worry if you don't exactly have the physicality. Just look at these photos of the three gentlemen behind me.” He pushed another button to turn on the projector. Edward’s eyes went wide as he saw a picture of a shirtless guy in shorts. It was a guy even more skinny than he was, as he could see the guy’s ribs. The next two photos were of averagely built guys; nothing like the muscled gods that stood on the stage.
“Holy crap,” Ed muttered, blinking as he felt the music flood into his ears. “If these guys could join, then I might have a shot at it too.” Ed started to think that maybe he should indeed join the Army. It would give him a big, strong body. Perhaps even the confidence needed to stand up to his father.
“Now!” The captain’s voice rang out, snapping him out of his thoughts. “If my ramblings have actually convinced you to join up,” as he spoke, Ed could see one of the muscled guys walking down towards the students, papers in hand, “Private Butler is handing out some sign-up forms. Please fill them and leave them on your chairs if you are truly interested. We’ll make sure to get to you as soon as we can.”
Ed watched the soldier casually walk about the rows of chairs. His movements were precise and his muscles rippled under the suit. When the soldier was next to his chair, Ed reached out to take a form. Then promptly dropped it as his hand began to shake wildly. Not missing a beat, the soldier caught the form in the air and passed it back to Ed, barely looking as he did so. Their hands met briefly as the papers were exchanged, the soldier’s gloves all smooth and rubbery. Ed mumbled an apology, but the soldier didn’t seem to hear him and seemed rather preoccupied with handing out forms.
Ed watched the soldier for a bit, before looking down at the stack of papers in his lap. “Am I really gonna do this?” he muttered. But even as he was doubting himself, he was reaching into his bag for a pen.
“Are you going to join?” he heard someone say on his left.
“Heck yes! I’m convinced,” someone else said.
“You kidding?” someone else said, and Ed heard the sound of paper being scrunched. “I’d rather go one on one with that brute who handed these things out than even consider this.”
Ed left the filled-out form in his chair, then scurried out the room quickly. “D-Did I really just do that?” he muttered, his face rigid as he headed for his first class, walking as quickly as he could. As he entered the classroom and took a seat, he shook his head and took a deep breath. “Be rational Edward…There’s no chance they’ll pick me,” he chuckled. “I saw, like, four of the football team sign up, so they’re probably gonna go for them.” Shaking his head, he pulled out his pen and started focusing on class.
A few hours later, Ed was stumbling through the doors of his dorm building.
“Sweet fucking god,” Ed muttered as he stepped into his dorm. He ignored the groups of chattering students as he went straight for the elevators. As the door slid shut, he leaned against the wall, and his phone started to ring. “Now what?” he muttered angrily to himself as he pulled out his phone. It was probably his father. “Might as well get it over with.”
But it wasn’t a call from his dad. It was from a number that he didn’t recognize. His phone didn’t flag it as spam, so with a shrug he picked up. “Hello?”
“Hello,” a rather emotionless voice said on the other end, making him think a bot had managed to slip through. “Is this Edward Kingsley?”
“Um yeah,” Ed said, sighing. “Look, if this is about insurance, expired warranties, or new credit card deals, I’m not interested.”
“This is not about that, I assure you,” the person on the other end said. “I am calling to confirm that you signed up for the Military recruitment earlier today.”
“Um. Yeah I did,” Ed responded as the elevator arrived on his floor. “Why?”
“By military doctrine, we require verbal confirmation that you are signing up and did not fill the form as a joke or had your name entered by someone else.”
“Um, I signed up willingly and no one else signed me up.”
“Thank you. That is all that we needed,” and with that, the person hung up. Blinking, Ed slipped his phone back into his pocket and shook his head.
“Fuck me, cranks are a pain,” he said as he opened the door to his dorm and stepped inside. Not looking around, he dumped his backpack on the desk and turned to plug his phone in.
But before he could do that, he was suddenly grabbed from behind and a rag was forced over his face. His eyes went wide as he felt drowsiness flood his body. The last thing he saw before passing out was the shiny black uniform that the soldier had been wearing earlier.
Pain throbbed through his head as Ed returned to consciousness. He felt so lethargic, like he had spent an all-nighter. Not an unusual feeling for him given the demanding lifestyle his father imposed onto him. Through his closed eyelids, Ed felt an annoying light in his face. He tried to turn away so that he could go back to sleep, but found to his surprise that his attempt to rollover was prevented by some metal restraints over his torso and arms. With mounting panic, he soon found that his entire body was restrained on some sort of metal surface. He could feel the faint chill of the metal against his skin and realized that he was naked. He expected himself to be cold, but instead he felt toasty and warm all over.
Ed squinted through the glare of the light as he tried to get a sense of his surroundings. A set of restraints around his head prevented him from looking at anything beyond what was in front of him. And the light in his face was giving him a headache. He spotted motion out of the corner of his eye, but couldn’t get a good view of it. A moment later, he saw a black figure coming into view. Ed was too confused by his situation to respond as the figure bent over and manipulated a device that caused the table to slant forward. The motion mercifully moved the bright light out of Ed’s gaze. Slowly he opened his eyes to get a better view of his surroundings.
He was in a room that was no bigger than his dorm room. Various monitors hung on the opposite wall and he heard the low hum of electronic equipment. He couldn’t see much beyond that and what little he could see wasn’t going to be of much use in helping him figure out where he was.
The black figure moved to stand in front of him. Ed could now see that it was a person dressed in a rubber uniform that reminded him of the man in his room.  The figure was wearing an opaque gas mask that revealed nothing of the face beneath. It gave Ed the chills.
“Please, help me. I don’t understand what is going on.”
The figure in black did not answer or make any indication that it had heard him, and continued with whatever it was doing. Ed finally recognized the familiar-looking black body armor and black rubbery suit. Ed realized with a start that the figure was one of the soldiers from the recruitment drive. The feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach blossomed into full-blown fear. He renewed his struggles against his bonds and called out for help as loudly as he could. His pleas fell on deaf ears and his captor took no action against his attempts to escape.
Scream and struggling as he was, Ed didn’t notice the soldier position a sort of tubular contraption near his crotch until he felt its slimy contents slide against his cock.
Ed practically screamed at the man, “Don’t touch me! Get your hands off me! Help! HELP!”
With no concern for his captive’s protests, the rubber figure slipped the device onto his cock and snapped something around the base of his balls, like a vice. Ed could feel some sort of gooey substance envelop his cock and, to his surprise, it felt really good. His cock was already rock hard, which added to his confusion. “Focus Ed! Focus on trying to escape!” he screamed at himself.
With greater effort, Ed struggled in vain to break free of his bonds. He was locked in tight. He closed his eyes, trying to summon greater willpower in the vain hope that it would give him the strength to shatter his bonds. Nothing. The restraints wouldn’t budge.
He felt something slide into place over his head. Opening his eyes, he saw some sort of complicated looking headset and visor slide over his face. He couldn’t see through the visor and, as it settled over his ears, he suddenly couldn’t hear anything. Not even his own voice.
He wasn’t left in the darkness and silence for too long. The view in front of him lit into a maddening display of color. The sudden illumination made him wince in pain and he closed his eyes to try to escape the brilliance. It did not work. He could still see the colorful patterns clearly through his eyelids.
Slowly, as his eyes acclimated to the light, Ed opened his eyes. The pulsating colors formed a pattern: a pulsating spiral.
“What? Are you trying to hypnotize me? That won’t work! Hypnosis is fake!” Ed said. Or at least, that’s what he thought he said. His mouth was moving, but he couldn't hear himself at all.
*Repeat this phrase: I need to watch the hypnotic spiral.*
Ed was shocked to suddenly hear a voice in his head. It sounded exactly like his own voice. His own voice, telling him to watch the spiral. But that couldn’t be-
*Repeat this phrase: I need to watch the hypnotic spiral.*
Again, his own voice boomed in his mind. What was going on?
*Repeat the phrase or I will be punished.*
Wait, puni-
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain course around his cock. It hurt a lot and locked him into momentary rigidity. It was the worst pain he had ever felt. Instinctively, he clamped his eyes shut as he was racked with pain. It didn’t block out the shifting mass of color from his sight.
*Repeat this phrase: I need to watch the hypnotic spiral.*
Still dazed from the prior shock, Ed tried to think of a way out of the situation. The next shock happened before he could finish his thought. He screamed in pain; pain that felt twice as bad as before.
*Repeat this phrase: I love watching the hypnotic spiral.*
Ed didn’t think about what to do next. He needed to make the pain go away.
“I love watching the hypnotic spiral.”
As soon as he said that, he felt something slide along his cock, stimulating it. The pleasure felt so good in contrast to the earlier pain.
*Repeat this phrase five times: I love watching the hypnotic spiral.*
Without thinking, Ed started to repeat the words. He had to repeat the words right away or else he would be racked with pain. He didn’t want to experience another painful shock.
Ed didn’t know how long he sat there, restrained and naked to a table, listening to his own voice tell him how much he liked watching the spiral while his mouth repeated that same phrase over and over again. He felt his body grow hot and he felt his cock throb with pleasure. It got difficult to think about anything other than the instructions that were being whispered to him through the contraption’s build-in headphones. Nor did he have time to think about anything. The few times he was too slow to respond, his body was racked with pain that was progressively worse than the time before. So he quickly fell into a pattern of instantly repeating whatever he was told to say.
*Repeat this phrase: I love being hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral.*
The change in phrase surprised Ed.
“Wait, wha-aarrrghhhhh!”
Again, his cock flared with pain from the device. Ed could do nothing more than scream until the pain was shut off.
*Repeat this phrase: I love being hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral.*
“I love being hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral. Aaaaaa- oooooo-”
Ed was suddenly overcome by intense pleasure along his cock. He moaned loudly, not that he heard himself speak. He had masturbated before during the few times he was alone, but always feeling like an unwanted eye was peering over his shoulder. As such, he hadn’t had the chance to truly enjoy the pleasure that he could get from his cock, pleasure like what he was receiving from the device that pushed and pulled at his cock and balls.
*Repeat this phrase five times: I love being hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral.*
Dutifully, Ed repeated the phrase. He was made to repeat that phrase many times. As he did, he could feel a sense of relaxation fall over him. A true relaxation such that Ed had never experienced before while living with his father. The more he looked at the hypnotic spiral, the more relaxed he felt.
In his mind’s eye, Ed began to see himself standing inside of his dorm room. There were various odds and ends piled inside, mementos of his childhood and of happier times. On the wall opposite his bed, Ed could see the hypnotic spiral swirling about from some hidden projector. Ed was standing beside the bed, stroking his cock as he looked deep into the spiral and continued to repeat the phrases he was told to repeat. And as he did, Ed began to appreciate just how beautiful the hypnotic spiral was. He came to realize that the hypnotic spiral would take away his worries. Would help him feel relaxed and good. And all he had to do to continue feeling this good was to continue to relax and let himself become further hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral.
Soon, Ed was in a trance. As he sunk deeper and deeper, it became easier and easier to repeat back the phrases he was told to repeat. Phrases such as,
*I love being hypnotized. Being hypnotized feels so good.*
*I am a good, hypnotized recruit who loves to obey.*
*Obeying feels good. Obeying feels natural.*
His entire body became enveloped in a cocoon of pleasurable lust. His mind grew fuzzy and lightweight. He found it hard to think beyond the immediate pleasure and his need to repeat the various phrases. The more he did, the more they sounded right and true. Because the voice from the headphones sounded like his own, the phrases began to ingrain themselves deeply into his psyche.
“This feels so good. I just want to be hypnotized,” Ed thought to himself during his dwindling moments of lucidity.
*Repeat this phrase: I love watching the hypnotic spiral. I love being hypnotized. Being hypnotized feels so good. Obeying is good. Obeying feels good. Obedience is natural.*
“I love watching the hypnotic spiral. I love being hypnotized. Being hypnotized feels so good. Obeying is good. Obeying feels good. Obedience is natural.”
He was made to repeat that over a hundred times. By the time he was finished, his throat was dry and hoarse, but his mind was more relaxed and clearer than it had been for a long time. Inside his mental room, many of his mementos had been cleared out to leave more spare for the hypnotic spiral. There were still several objects gathered beside his bedside table, including a photograph of him and his father smiling together when Ed and his father had both been much younger.
*Good recruit. Good, hypnotized, obedient recruits deserve a reward.*
The contraption attached to his crotch, which had been slowly edging Ed’s genitals, began to pump faster and more steadily. The pleasure within Ed’s body mounted higher and higher, magnified as it was by the past few hours of edging. The pleasure and pressure mounted to higher levels until it was too much and he finally released all of his pent-up ejaculate into the contraption. The orgasm was mind blowing and lasted for an instant and eternity. There was nothing for Ed to compare. By the time he had emptied his balls, the exhausted Ed slipped back into unconsciousness. The programming didn’t stop there, as the subliminal audio from his head-gear continued with its devious work.
Ed clasped his feet together and stood as tall and straight as he could. His brain felt very fuzzy as he tried to process his surroundings. He appeared to be in a white room along with some other boys. Before he could get a good look around, a shifting pattern of lights along the opposite wall drew his attention. He recognized the pattern, the hypnotic spiral. The view reminded him that good recruits love being hypnotized. Ed’s gaze became glassy and vacant as he stood in line along with the other boys.
Ed could feel his cock pulse and twitch as he gazed ahead at the spiral. He knew that he stood stark naked in a line of boys who had all been abducted and subjected to hypnotic brainwashing over the past few days. Brainwashing that had convinced Ed that the voice from the earphones had been his own thoughts and that had convinced him to believe in “truths” that he wouldn’t have ordinarily accepted. Like how natural it was to be naked and aroused around other men. How natural it was to be hypnotized and to be aroused when hypnotized.
A beautiful, shirtless, muscled adonis stepped into view in front of him, disrupting his view of the spiral pattern. The man was easily half a foot taller and was covered with well-developed muscles. The man stood close enough to nearly bury Ed’s face into his muscular chest. The proximity brought the man’s musky scent to Ed’s nostrils, which caused a pleasant twitch in Ed’s cock. A twitch that bumped his cock against the one belonging to the adonis and that sent a pleasant ripple throughout his body.
“Recruit, are you ready to serve your country?” the man said to him. Before Ed could think about anything, Ed felt his body stiffen to attention. In a weak, surprised tone he said, “Sir, yes sir.” The response had come instinctively and felt right, even though Ed had never used that phrase before.
“I can’t hear you, recruit!”
“Sir, yes sir!” Ed practically shouted, sounding more like a whiny cry than the confident tone that the man projected.
“That’s better. We’ll make a soldier of you yet!”
Ed suddenly yelped with pleasure as he felt the man’s strong fist wrap around his cock and give it a few strokes. The old Ed would have found this whole situation completely fucked up. The new Ed instead felt pride at being so handled by his superior officer. In his warped mind, he saw this as one of many rewards for being an obedient recruit.
“We have a squeaker here!” the man called out to the line. No one responded. Even so, Ed felt his face redden with embarrassment. As much as he wanted to, he did not otherwise move or turn away. That would’ve been bad form. “Don’t worry, squeaker, we’ll get you trained.” The man gave Ed’s cock a few more strokes before letting go and walking down the line.
As the man walked out of his field of view, Ed’s gaze was once more caught by the hypnotic spiral that was still playing against the wall. As his mind sank back into trance, the image of the naked adonis came to mind. The mental image of his muscular naked body made Ed relax even deeper and made his cock pulse with additional pleasure.
Absent from Ed’s mental picture and physical awareness was that the man’s gaze was even more vacant and devoid of emotion than his. Like Ed, the man was hypnotized but on a much deeper level. The entranced man was immensely enjoying being in trance given how his hard cock bounced about. Also absent from Ed’s mental image was the monotone voice that the man had spoken in. Ed heard it as a vibrant, crisp voice that reminded him of his dad when he was giving orders. Instead of the conflicting fear and outrage that Ed wouldn’t normally felt at such a tone, he felt pride and contentment.
Once the man had finished his inspection of the ranks, he shouted to them all, “Good recruits!”
The compliment brought a wonderful shiver through Ed’s body. It felt so good to get a compliment from this man. Nearly as good as the pleasure he had felt when the man had stroked his cock with his firm, manly hands.
“Recruits, I am the officer in charge of your training. You are the new recruits to the Army. As recruits, you will obey without question all instructions from me and the other superior officers!”
Ed had shouted on impulse along with the other recruits. Together, their collective voice sounded like thunder after a lightning strike. The lightning being the full-body quivering of his body as it was wracked with mind-numbing pleasure.
“Very good. Turn around.”
Ed did a quick 180° turn, then felt a moment of disorientation as he bumped against someone that had been standing closely behind him. That someone proved to be a completely rubberized man that stood at attention and carried a black bundle and small bottle in its outstretched hands. Everything about the man was covered in black shiny rubber, even his impressive balls and erect cock. The man’s face was shrouded behind a black gas mask. Ed couldn’t see anything through the tinted lenses of the man’s gas mask, but he could see the outline of the man’s powerful muscles pressed against his rubber skin.
The rubber man had made no reaction as Ed bumped into it and continued to hold the bundle out. Had the rubber man not moved to compensate or had Ed not seen the faint movement of its chest and intake of breath through the gas mask, he would’ve assumed the man a manikin. Like before, the gas mask unsettled him and Ed had the urge to back away. But something kept him in place, despite his mounting discomfort.
“These veteran soldiers,” the naked officer began, “will assist you throughout your training and will make sure that you get acclimated. Now, the first thing you will do as recruits is put on your uniforms, which you will ear at all times unless otherwise told.” Ed at last noticed that the black bundle was some sort of rubber suit and the bottle some sort of lubricant.
“Your assigned veteran will assist you,” the officer continued. “Is that understood?”
“Use the bottle to lubricate the inside of the rubber suits. Then slide into them. Up to it!”
Ed’s took the rubber bundle in one hand while the other hand began to unfold it into a body-shaped suit that would leave only his head uncovered. Ed’s body moved automatically, as though he knew exactly what to do. It was a very discomforting experience for Ed as his hands swiftly lubed the inside of the suit and began to guide his legs inside.
As he slid his legs into the rubber bundle and pulled it up, Ed could feel the material caress his body in a way that reminded him of many hands gently rubbing over his skin. He was surprised that any material could feel this good. As he pulled it over his crotch, the experience of rubbing his cock against the rubber nearly caused him to ejaculate. When he paused to take a break, the rubber man suddenly took hold of the base of his shaft and balls. Without a moment to process what had just happened, Ed’s cock began to quiver in that special way that signaled the coming of an orgasm.
The rubber man suddenly pinched his shaft and the feeling subsided without diminishing the pleasure level. Ed’s cock throbbed in a dry orgasm as the man slid his cock into the rubber cock and ball sheath. The whole experience was nothing like Ed had felt before and he was left dumbstruck. His breath came ragged and short as he struggled to process the powerful emotions he had just felt. As he stood there, the rubber soldier began to pull the rest of the rubber suit up Ed’s body. By the time Ed had regained his faculties, he was fully enclosed in a black rubber suit from the neck down. Even his fingers and feet were covered, though the feet looked more like socks than anything else.
Ed took a moment to look down the line, to see how the others were faring. A red-haired boy next to him was still sliding his arms into his suit and the boy just beyond stood fully dressed in rubber. Before Ed could see any further or make contact, he felt a hand press firmly against his shoulder and turn him back to face the rubber soldier.
The soldier pressed a pair of rubber gloves and boots against Ed, who immediately got to work putting on the remaining items. He slid the boots over his rubber socks, noting how snug they fit. He was unsure why he needed to wear rubber gloves when his suit already had gloves attached, but he put them on all the same. They felt smooth and slick and…comfortable, Ed realized.
With everything in place and nothing else to put on, Ed instinctively put his hands down to his side and tried to adopt an attentive pose. The rubber soldier placed its hands against Ed’s shoulders and turned him back around to face the hypnotic spiral.
Ed felt his tension melt away as he gazed at the colorful swirling pattern on the wall and slipped back into trance. He did not resist as the rubber figure began to guide his body into the appropriate posture. The rubber-on-rubber contact felt much better than anything he had felt before, and he could feel his body pulse with erotic pleasure. Then he felt a rubbered fist slide along his cock, a sensation that felt good and correct.
“This is the appropriate posture. It feels good to stand at attention while awaiting orders,” the rubber soldier said in its monotone voice.
What the rubber soldier said made sense. Ed did feel good as he stared at the hypnotic spiral, as he waited for the officer to tell him what to do next. His cock felt so good and hard, and again he felt like he wanted to ejaculate. But this time he controlled himself, sensing that it would be wrong to ejaculate prematurely. He didn’t question the absurd and alien thought; he merely accepted it as part of Army culture. As he settled into the position, he could feel what felt like the figure’s erect rubbery cock press between his butt cheeks. The contact felt right and brought Ed some unexpected pleasure. In a subconscious part of his mind, Ed was wishing that the rubber man would fuck him hard.
There was a buzzing noise from behind him and an object was pressed against his head. He suddenly realized that it was an electric razor and that he was being shaved bald! He started to raise his hands to protest, but the rubber soldier was too quick and dodged his feeble attempt to seize hold of the razor. Ed began to struggle as a pair of hands pressed on his shoulders.
“Do not struggle. Look at the hypnotic spiral. You love being hypnotized by the hypnotic spiral.”
Ed felt compelled to do as the soldier said as he ceased squirming and turned back to look at the spiral. He felt himself sink back down and everything felt better. The soldier grabbed his cock and began to steadily stroke it.
“Let the hypnotic spiral hypnotize you. Do not resist whatever happens next. You love being hypnotized. You love obeying.”
Ed did just that. When the soldier let go and resumed his work, Ed did nothing but stand still. He did not resist as his hair was shaved off, then polished off by some burning liquid, then dried with a towel, and covered with a rubber hood that had been attached to his suit. Once the soldier was finished, it pressed its body against Ed’s behind and resumed stroking Ed’s cock. Ed loved the feeling so much. He didn’t want it to stop. He also loved the tightness of the rubber hood, as it felt as though a fog has settled over his mind as a result of the slight pressure of the rubber from all directions on his skull. It made thinking that much harder to do.
From somewhere further away in the room, the officer called out, “Drones, install the gas masks onto the recruits.”
Ed heard the rubber figure behind him utter a clear, “Yes, master,” in that same monotone voice before releasing Ed’s cock. Ed didn’t get a chance to think about the rubber soldier’s unusual response before some sort of object was slid into his ear hole and held in place by something wrapped around his earlobe. Sounds became muted. Then a pinging noise resounded in his ears, which repeated again a moment later. Ed’s hypnotized mind slowly tried to work out the purpose of the noise, but was beaten to it by a toneless male voice coming from the earbuds that said,
*Initializing calibration. Unit, say “connection established” if this message is audible.*
“Connection established,” Ed dutifully replied, now well practiced at following directions immediately.
*Connection established. Finalizing calibration. Calibration complete. Unit, say “calibration complete.”*
“Calibration complete.”
There was silence for several moments, then some sort of barely audible material began to play in the earbuds. Ed struggled for several moments as he tried to listen to what was being played. He was momentarily distracted by a pressure against his forehead. A rubber gas mask was being pressed against his rubber hood. When the straps were secured, Ed was left completely sealed in rubber. The sensation felt very pleasing and seemed to complete him in some way. He took a deep breath to calm himself, and found that the action was no more difficult than before. He also found that he could see decently well through the mask.
Obeying the soldier’s prior directions to continue to stare at the hypnotic spiral, Ed’s eyes automatically searched the wall in front of him for the hypnotic spiral. But it was no longer being projected on the wall. He started to look around for it, but then a pair of hands pressed against his cheeks and guided his face back to staring straight ahead. He did not resist as the veteran soldier corrected his posture. He simply accepted and stared ahead at the blank wall.
The wall suddenly began to move upwards, momentarily shaking Ed from his concentration. He watched in fascination as the wall lifted up to reveal a full-length mirror that stretched across the wall. In it, he saw the veteran soldier shift from being behind him to standing next to him. While both were dressed in the same uniform, the difference in statue and musculature was immediately obvious. Ed was a twig of a boy and the soldier was a hulking Adonis.
From the other side of the room, the officer called out, “Recruits, feel free to take a look around as you remain in line.”
Taking advantage of the freedom, Ed twisted his head to look down the line. In the mirror, he saw other pairs of rubber-clad figures, one scrawny and the other a hulk. Ed presumed that the twigs were his fellow recruits. His eye caught sight of each boy’s noticeable erection as well as the bigger erections of the veteran soldiers. The scene struck him with a sense of awe; that he was a step closer to being like these Army men. A small step, but a step nonetheless.
“This is the Army uniform that you and the other soldiers wear while on duty. As you go about the base, you will see other soldiers in uniform. You will treat each person you see with respect. You are all units in the Army. All of you matter. After a few months of training, you will be just as built, endowed and disciplined as your peers. Only then will you truly belong. Is that clear, recruits?”
“Sir, yes sir!” Ed called out along with the other recruits. His voice sounded muffled and warped, likely because of the mask.
“Good recruits. Recruits will wear these uniforms at all times. If any part is damaged, the recruit will immediately obtain a replacement.”
“Sir, yes sir!”
“Now that you are in uniform, you will address anyone else in a rubber uniform as ‘Drone.” You will also address myself and the other senior officers as ‘Master’. Is that clear?”
*Wait, we need to call him Master? This is too intense.* Despite his misgivings, he automatically called out “Yes, Master!” with the other recruits.
“Excellent. Attention!”
Ed’s body suddenly snapped back into rigidity as he turned to face the front. He could tell without looking that his fellow recruits (*er…drones*, he mentally corrected) were doing the same by the loud snap of their rubbered bodies as they assumed the attentive pose.
Just as suddenly, his view of the world darkened until he couldn’t see anything. He started to feel off balance and was about to move out of formation when a pair of strong rubbery hands gripped him tightly and held him in place.
*Remain calm.*
His own voice, again, thundered through his mind. He would remain calm. He was a good recruit and wasn’t going to panic over what was probably regular protocol.
Once the view was entirely black, the interior was lit by the same flashing hypnotic spiral as from before. Ed did not look away or resist. He loved staring at the hypnotic spiral. He loved being hypnotized. It felt good to be hypnotized. His cock twitched with pleasure.
Ed didn’t know how long he stood there gazing vacantly at the hypnotic spiral. It did not matter to him. As he stared, he slowly became aware of this own voice whispering into his ear. It sounded more noticeably monotone, but it was his own inner voice whispering things that Ed knew were true down to his core.
*I love watching the hypnotic spiral. I love being hypnotized. Being hypnotized feels so good. Obeying is good. Obeying feels good. Obedience is natural.*
Eventually, faint light poured in through the the lenses of the gas mask, growing in intensity until Ed could once more see the room. Could once again see the mirror and the row of rubber-clad drones standing attentively before it. The hypnotic spiral remained superimposed over his view and Ed dutifully continued to stare at it. He did not notice that he and the other recruits were smiling, smiling just like the veteran drones.
A male robotic voice began to speak through his earphones.
*Welcome to boot camp, drone. My name is Master Jake. I am your superior officer. I am the leader of the Army. You obey me. It feels good to obey me.*
Ed accepted the command without a second thought. It seemed only logical to obey the man at the top of the Army’s hierarchy.
*You will now be trained on how to operate and behave as a military drone. The most important thing you need to do at all times is stare at the hypnotic spiral. Feel your body relax and your mind empty.*
Ed focused with all of his might on the hypnotic spiral that was playing in front of his eyes, feeling himself relax into blissful state as he did.
*Stroke your cock. Feel your mind flow into your balls.*
Without hesitation, Ed gripped his cock in his fist and began to steadily pump it up and down. The sensation felt so good as he rubbed his rubber hand up and down his rubber cock. As he rubbed, it became harder and harder to think. As though his inability to think was tied to his cock. He could feel his balls churn, filling up with cum, eager to release.
*At all times, you need to stare at the spiral. You need to let it take over and guide you. It is too difficult to think for yourself. It is easier to obey. As you obey, you will feel pleasure. As you feel pleasure, your mind will sink into your balls. Whenever you ejaculate, you will release your mind out through your cum.*
What he was being told felt so true and right. Ed was ready to obey. He wanted to do well as a recruit, wanted to show Master Jake just how good and obedient he could be. His cock ached for release, but he controlled himself so that he wouldn’t cum. It was something he just knew; he wasn’t allowed to cum without permission by a senior officer or by Master Jake.
The drone veteran moved behind Ed and began to dry hump his ass with its rubbered cock. The sensation felt so good and magnified the pleasure that Ed felt as he stroked his cock. The more he stroked, the easier it became to relax and stare at the spiral. The more he stroked, the less he cared about anything else.
*You will be taught how to operate in different modes. The 1st mode is exercise mode. Stop stroking your cock. Follow the drones to the exercise room.*
Ed’s hand immediately released its grip and returned to his side. Much as he wanted to continue, he knew he needed to obey. At least the act of obedience brought pleasure.
The drone standing behind Ed abruptly turned to march out of the room. Doing his best to continue staring at the spiral as he walked, Ed followed closely behind; at least as much as he was able to. It was difficult to walk at first, as he felt like he was sleepwalking. He felt his body sway from side to side. His gait was hard to manage and he nearly ran into the drone several times. His blunders didn’t seem to faze or knock the drone off course, much to Ed’s relief.
The column of rubber-clad men made their way past long, dimly lit, featureless hallways that were anything but empty. Other rubber men marched in formation, often close enough to nearly brush against Ed and the other recruits. Most were decked out in armor, while others wore nothing more than their rubber suits. They all wore identical rubber gas masks and also looked the same. Ed had no idea how to tell any of them apart.
The one exception was when they marched past a short column of naked men. Ed saw them briefly out of the corner of his eye as they marched past. As a consequence of his intense focus on the hypnotic spiral, he didn’t notice that the men had a dazed expression. Their eyes seemed to stare out into space at something unseen that was apparently so marvelous to look at based on each man’s wide grin and sporting erection.
The drone in front stopped so suddenly that Ed collided right into him. He might as well have collided into a mountain; the drone didn’t budge or seem to register the impact. Awkwardly, Ed took a few steps back and tried to stand at attention, though he bumped into the drone behind him. Another mountain. He felt a pair of hands latch onto his shoulders and push him forward so that he stood precisely between the drones. It was a very tight position. He could feel his cock rest against the ass of the drone in front while behind him he felt the pleasant feeling of a cock pressed against his own ass. His thoughts drifted as he stood there gazing at the hypnotic spiral. He had nothing else to do and he knew how important it was to stare at the spiral and fall into trance.
The reason for their abrupt stop soon became clear that Ed when he saw that they had reached a rather large door with a keypad next to it. The drone leading them robotically stepped over and typed in a code that Ed couldn’t see. The machine beeped, a loud clunk rang out, and the door slid open.
“Step inside,” he heard the drone say. Ed didn’t even think about it and stepped inside along with everyone else. The room was a rather fancy looking indoor gym. The floors and walls were all a stark white that reminded Ed of a hospital, with machinery and equipment laid out in an order he didn’t understand. Treadmills, step masters, weights, bikes, and more. He also saw some mats made of the same rubbery material which he was now clad in on the opposite end of the room, all laid out an equal distance from each other, as if they were laid out by a machine instead of a human.
“Recruits, lineup!” came the officer's voice, loud and clear through the rubber hood. Ed felt an adrenaline rush and he quickly turned around to find the other recruits. What he saw instead was a line of rubber clad figures dressed in identical suits. Ed was confused about what to do, at least until he saw that half of the rubber figures were moving in a messy cluster while the remainder were perfectly still. Without a second thought, Ed moved to join the mass of churning rubber bodies as they tried to make a line. It was difficult. Ed still had trouble moving and he could tell that everyone else was suffering the same. Everyone bumped into each other as they struggled to form a line. It seemed to take longer than it should have, but eventually Ed stood in line with his fellow recruits.
“Stand closer together, recruits! Stand close enough to touch!”
Ed frowned a little at the order, but did as he was told, moving closer to the guy on his right, until his shoulder was squished against his fellow recruit. Then he felt pressure on his left side as the other recruit squished into him.
“What the fuck was that!?” the officer shouted, as he stepped in front of them, glaring at them. The moment his eyes landed on Ed, Ed felt shame and pain course through him, even worse than during his first round of hypnosis. The officer’s glare and anger was something he never wanted to experience again. “This isn’t a fucking school assembly! GET BACK IN LINE AND TRY AGAIN!”
Ed nodded rapidly, along with all the other recruits. They moved back into the line with the drone soldiers, who had not moved from their position since they had first entered the room. When the officer clapped, the recruits moved back into the squished side-by-side lineup, this time doing it in less than five seconds.
“Hmph. Better. Still utter crap,” he said, sending them all another glare that made Ed shiver in discomfort. “But better. There’s the makings of decent drones in here. AGAIN!”
They repeated the exercise about 12 times before the officer spoke up again.
“Finally!” he said with a grin, finally breaking the never-ending glare he had been giving them for the past twenty minutes. “Good work recruits.”
Ed felt relief at finally earning praise from the officer. The praise brought pleasure, which made him feel so good. *Oh thank god that’s over…I never want to see him glare at me again….*, he thought.
“On your backs, recruits, and get ready to do sit ups.”
Probably the one part Ed had not looked forward to in the Army was the forced exercise. He had done some exercises at home, though with his schedule he never had time for the gym. Still though, he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up. He hoped that it wouldn’t cause him to be kicked out of the Army. Even so, with his mind in a hypnotic trance, Ed didn’t complain and simply fell to the floor and got onto his back.
The feeling of someone grabbing his ankles shook him out of his brief reverie. Lifting his head slightly up, he saw a rubber drone clasp his ankles and spread his legs enough so that the figure was able to fit his head between them. The reason for that became clear an instant later as the drone took Ed's rubber-clad cock through some sort of squishy tunnel that went through the mask and into the drone's mouth. Ed felt a tongue lap against the head of his cock and it felt good. He squirmed from the pleasure and tried to press against the drone’s mouth to give his cock relief, though the drone kept Ed’s ankles firmly on the ground.
The officer saw the recruits squirming in place and shouted, “Stop squirming recruits or you will get punished!”
Ed stopped squirming, though it took an effort of will to remain still. As much as he wanted to squirm, his superior officer had given him in order and he needed to obey. It wouldn’t do good for him to be a delinquent on his first day.
“On my count, you will do exactly one sit up. You will move your body up using your core, hold it for 1 second, and then gently make a controlled fall back down. If you do that correctly, you will get a reward.”
Ed had a pretty good idea what the reward would be, so he got himself ready. He wanted pleasure more than anything else. That pleasure would be granted through obedience, so Ed prepared to obey. His balls begged for release and Ed could feel his mind flowing down into his churning balls, making his brain feel emptier than it had been earlier.
Ed tightened his abdominals and focused with his will to lift his body with his core rather than with his neck. It was difficult and he could feel his neck tighten up, trying to compensate for his weak abdominal muscles. He focused on keeping his abdominals engaged, even though he could feel his body thrum and shake from the effort as he held position and then lowered himself back to the ground.
The number came sooner than he was expecting, but he really wanted that reward. More than that, he wanted to prove that he could keep up, that he wasn’t a failure. The pent-up desire to prove himself surfaced and he lost himself in the moment. Before he knew it, the officer had counted 20.
“Well done, recruits. You all did good. Time for your reward. Stay still as you accept your reward.”
Ed felt the drone bob its head up and down his cock, sucking on it, stimulating it to glorious pleasure. As tired as he was, Ed wanted to thrust his cock, but he focused on trying to stay still as he was ordered. Just as he was beginning to enjoy himself, the drone stopped after only a few slurps, leaving him wanting more. But he kept still, determined to prove his control to his superior officer.
They spent the next hour going through all sorts of exercises and stretches, always partnered with one of the drones. The exercises were mostly straightforward, though they each had a sexual component added to them. Most of the time, it was a mouth on their cock. Though once or twice, it was a cock sliding into their ass. It had felt tight at first, but Ed’s ass had been penetrated several times during his earlier brainwashing sessions. He didn’t consciously remember prior experiences, but his body subconsciously knew and hungered for more.
By the time they were done almost an hour later, Ed was so tired that he could barely think. So tired that he could barely move…at least until the officer gave the order to march out of the room. As he marched along with his unit, his cock bounced about and throbbed. His cock begged for release, but was denied.
The next room was relatively small and had a bunch of objects protruding from the wall near eye level. As the recruits were lined up in front of the objects, Ed recognized them as rubber cocks. They looked very big up close. He had a sinking feeling about what was going to happen next, a feeling that he couldn’t explain. Despite having had his cock sucked on and his ass penetrated, Ed struggled with the thought of sucking a cock.
“After working out,” the officer said, “it is important to feed your body with the nutrients it needs to grow big and strong. After exercising, you will come here to extract your sustenance. Does anyone have any questions?”
No one moved to speak for several moments, though eventually one timid hand raised from further down the line.
“Master, are we…to…”
“Stop stammering! Ask your question, recruit!”
“Yes, Master! Do you want us to suck these cocks?”
“Exactly! They will squirt your sustenance down your throat, but only if you do a good job.”
“That is..fucked up...nasty!” a voice suddenly rang from Ed’s right. The protest sounded forced, as though the recruit had difficulty speaking normally. Ed thought he understood. He didn’t want to wrap his mouth around a cock. It wasn’t right for some reason that he couldn’t exactly remember.
“Recruits, focus on the spiral. Don’t think about anything else.”
Ed immediately refocused his gaze and his worries melted away as he gazed ahead at the hypnotic spiral. Which, funny enough, was centered on the rubber cock in front of him. From behind him, he felt a drone press against him and wrap a hand around his chest. The hand began to twirl around his nipples and, to his surprise, he found it felt rather nice. It was sending pleasure through his body, causing his cock to pulse. As this happened, he felt a hand wrap around his cock and gently stroke it up and down.
“Repeat: It feels good to stare at the spiral. Good recruits stare at the spiral and obey. Obedience is natural," the drone said in its monotone, robotic voice.
“Yes, master. It feels good to stare at the spiral. Good recruits stare at the spiral and obey. Obedience is natural.” As he said the words, Ed felt himself sink deeper into trance. Felt his earlier concern drift away and evaporate. He loved being hypnotized, loved obeying his superior officer. As he stood in a daze, he felt the pressure into his ass and the pleasure increased. The desire to obey grew stronger as the pleasure increased. He wanted the pleasure so badly that he would do anything.
“Feel your mind inside of your balls. Feel your balls ache for release. When you are commanded, ejaculate and empty out your mind. Delete your thoughts. Remove everything except your desire to obey.”
Ed understood perfectly. For the past few hours he had felt his mind grow more sluggish, felt how difficult it had become to think about anything other than the present moment. His body had been pleasured like nothing before and he was desperate to release his seed. Within his mindscape, a good number of the various mementos in his room had become translucent. A small part of Ed knew that if he came, he would lose those parts of himself and that it would be bad for some reason. A small part that was overridden by the intense desire to obey and to feel pleasure from obedience. A small part that was deleted upon the utterance of two words from the drone veteran,
“Ejaculate, now.”
“Yes, Master!” Ed uttered just before he felt his body tense and cum gushed out of his cock. His moans joined the chorus of moans from the other boys as they released their pent-up loads. And the pleasure did not stop there. Even after he had emptied his balls, he felt such pleasure as the drone continued to fuck his ass and play with his cock and tits. His mindscape became emptier as the translucent mementos suddenly disappeared. Completely erased. Like he had felt the last time he last cleaned his room, Ed felt as though his mindscape had suddenly gained much more room and that it was easier to focus. For the first time in a long while, Ed felt light on his feet. Felt completely carefree and empty.
He stood in his mental room dressed in the same rubber suit as what he wore in reality and gently stroked his cock. The opposite wall still projected the hypnotic spiral, but had also begun to project several lines of text. Lines of text that matched the audio that was being projected from the earbuds.
*You are mindless. You have no will or personality.*
“I am mindless. I have no will or personality,” Ed dutifully repeated in his mind. He believed it utterly.
*You are a mindless rubber drone. You exist to serve and obey.*
“I am a mindless rubber drone. I exist to serve and obey,” Ed mentally repeated.
While the mental version of Ed continued to repeat the phrases of the brainwashing audio feed, the drone standing behind him continued to fuck and stroke Ed’s body. Ed’s body was a lightning rod of pleasure and he did not want it to end.
The drone then leaned forward to speak into Ed’s ear, “Open your mouth and take the cock inside."
Without resistance, Ed opened his mouth wide and slid it onto the rubber cock hanging from the wall. He operated in a dreamlike state, and right then the most important thing that mattered was obeying the most recent instructions. It felt too good. Obedience felt so good. His whole body was being pleasured as he sucked dutifully on the cock from the wall. Everything was so good.
The drone continued to provide instruction, “Suck it like you would suck your own cock. No teeth. Take it deep inside your throat. Use your tongue to pleasure the shaft and tip. Suck on it. It is more efficient to obtain nourishment this way.”
Ed lost himself in the motion, completely focused on the task in front of him. Right then, nothing else mattered but sucking on the rubber cock that protruded from the wall. If he could, Ed would’ve turned around to see that every recruit was similarly engaged, including the one that had protested.
“Get ready to accept your sustenance. You crave the taste of semen. Semen fuels your body and keeps you mindless and obedient. It is important to remain mindless and obedient. Obedience is pleasure and pleasure is the reward for obedience.”
Ed wanted it so badly. He wanted it all.
Moments later, a steady stream of salty, creamy liquid began to gush out of the rubber cock. Ed relished the taste and dutifully swallowed all that the rubber cock provided. The taste felt familiar, though only his deep subconscious mind could remember how he had been fed the same cum-laced nutritional slurry during his initial capture and brainwashing.
Greedily he gulped down the seemingly endless supply until no more came out and his stomach felt nice and full. He released his grip on the cock and took a step back. The drone behind him shifted with him, though he continued to pleasure Ed's body. Ed stared ahead at the wall of hollow dildo-shaped feeding tubes, thinking about nothing except how good it felt to obey.
“Good recruits!” the officer called out, “You have done well. Now you will learn sleep mode. Follow the drones.”
The recruits were led through the hallways to another door with a keypad that led to a vast locker room. They marched past row upon row of narrow, tall lockers without a second glance and paid no mind to the rubber men in various states of dress.
When the drone suddenly stopped in front of him, Ed was able to hold his movement in the nick of time. He was still getting used to marching while hypnotized, but he was doing better. Subconsciously, he made sure to position himself so that his cock rested against the drone's ass crack while also making sure that his own rested against the cock of the drone standing behind him.
“Here are your locker assignments. 131, 132…” The officer said as he walked down the line, patting each recruit on the shoulder as he gave them their assigned locker. Ed’s locker was 141. He waited in line along with the other recruits until the officer told them to open their lockers. Inside the locker was a spare rubber suit.
“Place your gas mask and earphones inside the locker. There is a mount for your gas mask and a cable to charge it. There is also a mount for your earphones, which will charge them when they are installed. It is very important that you keep these items charged to full capacity.”
Ed found the mounts and placed his mask and earphones next to the spare gas mask and earphones. The spares had a green glow near them that signaled that the items were fully charged. When he was done, he stood at attention in front of the locker.
“After removing your mask and earphones to charge, you will then shower. Follow the drones.”
Ed got back in line and followed the drone. It was even more difficult without the hypnotic spiral; for some reason he felt as though he were even more unbalanced. Even so, he did his best to follow the drone, which still wore its gas mask and uniform. Not that Ed noticed given his entire focus was on staying behind and keeping up with the drone.
They rounded a corner and found themselves in an expansive shower room. It was big enough to house several hundred guys. There were shower fonts along the walls and mounted overhead in a grid. And they were not alone. Drones were peeling off their rubber suits and soaping up their naked human bodies. Every single one of them had a vacant, hypnotized expression and moved with single-minded efficiency. The ones that were finished marched out of the showers carrying a wet rubber bundle.
It took nearly 20 minutes for the recruits to shower, as the officer in the drones had to personally supervise them on how to properly remove their suit and clean it. The water was barely lukewarm, cold at first but all right after a few moments under the water. Once the suit was removed and cleaned, the drones guided the recruits on how to clean themselves. Ed had the feeling that he should already know how to do this himself, but he couldn’t remember. Not only did he have to soak his body with a special soap that left a slight burn on his skin and that caused a few hairs to fall off his smooth body, but he also needed to insert a hose up his ass to rinse it out. And he had to clean his cock thoroughly.
By the time they were done, they were marched through a narrow tunnel that blew a gust of air against their bodies, which quickly dried them and their suits. Then they were back in the locker room and marched to their lockers. They removed their spare suits and placed their half-dried suits on the hanger. Then they were lubricating themselves and sliding into their spare suits. In much less time than it had taken earlier, Ed and the others were once more covered in rubber from head to toe. Ed felt relief as he slid the gas mask into position and refocused his gaze on the semi-transparent hypnotic spiral. Felt peaceful calm as the earbuds resumed their brainwashing programming and his inner mind continued to faithfully repeat the phrases. With time, his mental self would continue to repeat these phrases even when not actively wearing his earbuds.
None of the boys talked or looked at one another as showered and dressed. Each was entirely devoid of thought.
“As an Army drone, you will wear a rubber suit at all times. You are expected to be ready at a moment's notice.”
Nothing made more sense to Ed.
The recruits were led from the shower room to a sort of barracks that was lined with bunk beds. The beds seemed to be made of the same black material as the rubber suits. They marched past beds that were already occupied with drones, two to a bed, until they arrived at a spot with some unoccupied beds.
“You will each sleep with another drone in the same bed. Now, get in the beds. You will sleep with your heads at opposite ends of the bed.”
Each of the drones instantly responded with a “Yes, Master” before making their way into the bunk beds. Each of the recruits followed a soldier drone into one of the beds. Ed followed his into the top bunk. The drone arranged itself on its side so that it faced Ed, who was still climbing the ladder. Ed clambered up onto the bed and positioned himself onto his side. The bed was just large enough for two men and had partially raised edges so that the drones wouldn’t fall over in the middle of the night. The bed seemed to mold itself around him. It felt so much better than any bed he had ever slept on. No pillow was provided, but he didn’t feel like he needed one given how well the bed supported him.
He was about to relax with his head against the drone’s boots when the officer called out, “Don’t rest with your heads by their feet. Place your head next to their cock.”
Ed instantly obeyed and shifted his body so that his head was next to the drone's rubber-clad cock. It was a little uncomfortable to move into a new spot, but the bed quickly adapted to his new position as he rested his head near the drone's cock. It looked big and thick so close to his face.
“Recruits, take the cock into your mouths!” the officer called out.
Ed suddenly felt the drone reach out and guide his own cock through some sort of opening in the gas mask, through a gelatinous circular opening and into the drone's warm mouth. The whole thing felt extremely pleasurable and Ed gasped and moaned.
With effort, because of the pleasure that his cock was feeling, Ed guided the drone's cock through a similar opening in his gas mask. The rubbery cock filled all the way to the back of his throat, causing him to feel like he was going to throw up. He did his best to suppress the feeling, but ultimately had to pull his mouth a little away from the cock. As he readjusted, he found that he enjoyed the taste of the rubber. That he enjoyed having a rubber cock in his mouth. He hoped that it would cum!
“Being in the Army is about belonging to a bigger community,” the officer continued. "It is about forming strong bonds with your fellow soldier. Before you go to sleep, you will take your fellow drone’s cock and sleep with it in your mouth the entire night. You will not remove it for anything until it is time to wake up. If you ejaculate during the night, your partner will consume your cum even as they sleep. You will be woken up when it is time to wake up. Sleep well, recruits!”
Ed tried to respond with “Yes, Master”, but it came out garbled and indistinct. Then his vision became completely dark as the lenses of the gas mask darkened. The hypnotic spiral soon dominated his field of view and everything suddenly felt all right. His mouth relaxed and he pushed forward until he had the drone's entire cock in his mouth. He didn’t feel any of the gag reflex from earlier and he began to feel tired. He tried to keep his eyes open, to continue staring at the hypnotic spiral, but his eyes closed and he found himself standing inside his mental room. The rest of the night, he stared at the spiral and recited the phrases on the wall as he stroked his cock and felt his body tingle with pleasure.
Over the next week, the new drones continued with their training. This consisted of physical combat and procedure training. At combat training, the drones were taught how to subdue enemies, not kill, using various knockout techniques and gadgets that they carried in rubber pouches that were affixed to their suits using a reversible adhesion technology. At procedure training, they were taught how to interact with civilians and criminals, were taught what phrases to say to various situations, and were put through hours of simulations to hone their responses. Other hypnotized officers and drones roleplayed the criminals and civilians and were given toy replicas of weapons (including toy guns that shoot rubber bullets) to make the simulation all the more real. It had been hard work, but the drone that had once been Ed was a quick study. Since the drones could not think on their own, they had to be trained on how to respond. These procedures became ingrained through practice to an extent that a layperson would think that real thinking people were responding to the situation.
The rest of the time, the drones slept, ate, and exercised in accordance with instructions that were regularly sent to their earbuds. Each drone was connected to an electronic planner that sent them directions at regular intervals. In this way, the drones operated without the need for constant orders from the drill officers.
Drone ED-9021 was working on a set of push-ups while his partner lay underneath him with its mouth open. As Drone ED-9021 moved up and down, his cock pushed in and out of the other drone’s mouth port.
“98, SIR! 99, SIR! 100, SIR!” Drone ED-9021 chanted as he finished the last of his push-ups.
He was about to move on to the next exercise when his drill instructor marched into the gym and called out his designation. The drone immediately stopped what it was doing to stand at attention facing the drill instructor. The drone thought about nothing as it stared straight ahead through the lenses of the gas mask. Stared right through the semi-transparent hypnotic spiral as it played across the interior of the lenses.
“Good job, Drone. Kneel and give me 100 sucks!”
*A drone does not think. A drone obeys.*
“Yes, SIR!”
Drone ED-9021 instantly dropped down to its knees, guided his mouth to the instructor’s 8” cock, and began to deepthroat like the expert cocksucker that it was. There was no gag reflex and the drone kept a mental count of how many times he took the cock completely down his throat. He ignored the pleasurable moans of the officer as he kept on sucking without pause. He felt the officer start to tense by the 40th suck, strain by 80, and vibrate by 95. At 100, the drone removed its mouth.
*A drone exists to serve.*
“100, SIR! How can this drone serve?”
“Bend over, drone.”
*Obedience is pleasure.*
“Yes, SIR!”
Drone ED-9021 turned around, raised its ass, and lowered its head. The drone didn’t react as the officer rammed his cock into his hole, which was so pliable now. It didn’t take long for the officer to cum deep inside the drone. The drone simply waited in that position, content to wait until it was told to do something else.
“All-right, stand up drone.”
The Drone raised itself, turned, and snapped its feet together. He could see the officer was panting a bit, but that did not enter his conscious concern. He felt the officer reach out to stroke his cock and fondle his balls for a while. Though the sensation was exhilarating, the drone did not moan with pleasure, nor did it ejaculate.
“Drone ED-9021, you are to report to the Sergeant’s office immediately.”
*It is a mindless, rubber drone. It exists to obey.*
“Yes, Sir! This drone will serve and obey.”
The drone left the hypnotized drill instructor with the other drone as it went about to complete its new orders. The drone left the gym and marched through the hallways of the base as it made its way to its destination. Along the way, it was stopped by a pair of drones that were on guard duty.
“Halt, drone. Drone, what is its designation?”
Drone ED-9021 immediately stopped in place at the command and dutifully responded, “This drone’s designation is Drone ED-9021.”
The drones stood close enough that their erect cocks rubbed against each other. Each looked nearly the same in their rubber uniforms. Each stood tall and proud at attention as they stared ahead at one another.
“What is the drone’s current purpose?”
“This drone is reporting to the Sergeant’s office.”
“Good drone. It is cleared to proceed.”
The drones disentangled and Drone ED-9021 continued on its way. It arrived promptly at the Sergeant’s office without any further detour, gave its identification to the guards there were posted outside the door, and was ushered into the office.
Inside he found Sergeant Jefferson standing naked before a man in a suit that was bound to a chair with rope. The man’s mouth was stuffed with a sock that barely muffled the obvious outrage from the bound captive. Drone ED-9021 did not recognize the man in the chair, nor did it matter to him. He had arrived at his destination and adopted the attentive pose as he awaited fresh orders.
“Drone ED-9021 reporting for duty, Sir!”
The naked muscular form of Sergeant Jefferson turned to face the drone. He smiled at seeing the drone standing so obediently in place. He loved ordering the drones about, loved how obedient they were and how good they made him feel when he had some brought in daily for his release. Like the other naked officers on the base, Jefferson had a hypnotized, glazed expression. He seemed to be staring at something that only he could see, which was the spiral pattern that was imprinted on the contact lenses that he wore. The imprint was faint enough that unless someone looked closely they would not notice it, and yet clear enough for Jefferson to see as a semitransparent overlay of his view.
“Very good Drone ED-9021. Stand next to me.”
“Yes, Sir!”
“As I was telling you, Mr. Kingsley, your son is in good hands. I know you are a bit confused, but do try to understand. He’s much better this way now. He’s that good obedient boy that you never really had and just look at his new body. Look at these muscles.”
The sergeant rubbed his hands over the drone’s arms and chest, outlining and pressing against the muscles in a sensuous manner. There was a good deal of muffled outrage from Mr. Kingsley as he struggled harder against his bonds.
“I’m sure you’d like to see your son’s face, to make sure it really is him. No worries, here he is.”
The officer removed Drone ED-9021’s gas mask, revealing the vacant gaze of Mr. Kingsley’s son. The drone did not react to anything that was happening as he mentally continued to recite the obedience mantra in his mental landscape. The muffled noises from Mr. Kingsley changed to what sounded like pleading threats. The sergeant carefully removed the sock from Mr. Kingsley’s mouth. He enjoyed it when his captives squirmed and pleaded to no avail. It made him feel more aroused, an additional pleasure above the pleasure he experienced while hypnotized.
“What did you fuckers do to him?! Edward! What is wrong with you! Come on boy, stop playing around and help your father out of these ropes!”
“Oh, he won’t. As you can see, he’s completely loyal to the Army. Aren’t you, drone?”
“Yes, master!” The response was crisp, but lacking in tone. Drone ED-9021’s body did not move a muscle, nor did his eyes waver from staring ahead.
“Cut the crap, Edward and listen to your father! Hey, what are you doing!”
Jefferson had removed the drone’s protective bulge cover to reveal its erect rubber-clad cock and big balls for all the world to see.
“Fuck, Edward! What are you doing letting this pervert touch you like that! Hey, stop that or I’ll kick-” the sergeant replaced the sock gag as he didn’t want to shout over the man’s fruitless rant.
“You still don’t get it, do you?” Jefferson leaned against the still unresponsive drone, his hand now gently stroking the drone’s hard rubber dock. “There is no Edward. He is now a drone, fully subservient to the Army. He is the soldier of the future! And he is very tasty. Drone, be a dear and gently fuck my ass while I talk to your dad.”
“Yes, master!” Ed’s father looked on in disgust as his son mechanically grabbed the sergeant’s waist, inserted his cock, and began to fuck the sergeant. His son’s eyes had not changed from their glassy, vacant, lifeless expression. Meanwhile, the sergeant moaned with pleasure.
“You see, Mr. Kingsley, your son is gone. And it’s time for you to accept that. And, trust me, you will grow to be happy knowing that your son is serving his country as a mindless rubber drone.”
The office door opened again and another drone entered the room carrying a small bundle in its arms.
“Ah, Drone AT-3927, please outfit the bound Mr. Kingsley with the meditation headset.”
“Yes, master!” The drone was meticulous and swift, easily placing the meditation visor onto Mr. Kingsley’s head. This part was the hottest for the sergeant, as he loved watching other men fall into trance. He himself had been thoroughly hypno-dominated like the other officers, though he wasn’t as deeply entranced as the others. Master Jake wanted him to be more independent so that he could run Army operations smoothly and better deal with inquisitive, meddling, busybodies like Mr. Kingsley.
“Drones AT-3927 and ED-9021, please switch places. AT-3927, fuck me in the ass while I watch ED-9021 suck his bound dad’s dick.”
“Yes, master!”
Without hesitation, Drone ED-9021 pulled out of his superior’s ass, knelt in front of the man bound in the chair, pulled down his pants with practiced effort, and began to suck and lap at the elderly man’s flaccid cock. It didn’t take long for it to grow erect as Drone ED-9021 worked it with his practiced mouth. Mr. Kingsley’s efforts to resist diminished in the wake of this unexpected pleasure until he was no longer resisting the hypnotic influence of the meditation visor. All the while, Jefferson watched the conversion take place with glee, getting as much pleasure out of the fucking he was receiving as he did from watching Mr. Kingsley submit.
It only took a week for Mr. Kingsley to become a proud supporter of the Army and pleased with his son’s progress as a soldier. He received a lucrative contract to work with the Army as one of their legal consultants and turned in a phony report to the government to keep them ignorant of the Army’s actual operations for the time being. With help from the Army and their extra meditation headsets, all of the employees working at Kingsley and Edwards became of similar mind and equally supportive of the new changes. Behind closed doors, they also became very supportive and close with one another.
Mr. Kingsley often visited the base to check in with Sergeant Jefferson and his son’s progress. He was so proud that his son was beginning to look like a proper Army drone in his rubber uniform and gas mask. Seeing his son all rubbered up and looking sexy had his father aroused and happy for his son. Yes, he had hoped that his son would follow in the family business, but clearly what mattered was his son’s happiness. He had come to realize that he had been wrong to push the boy. Thanks to the meditation program, Mr. Kingsley felt at peace for the first time in many years and was no longer as overwhelmingly preoccupied with his own mortality and desire to leave a legacy in the business world. What now mattered was him and his son’s happiness. The rest would take care of itself.
Sergeant Jefferson and Mr. Kingsley stood next to one another in their birthday suits as they talked shop. Drone ED-9021 stood in front of Jefferson as the sergeant pummeled his ass. He wore his full Army uniform, including his tinted gas mask.
“As you can see, Mr. Kingsley, he is very well trained and ready to serve his country. I’m sure you must be very proud.”
“Very much so. More so than I have been of him before. He’s really turned out to be an impressive specimen.” As he talked, Ed’s father rubbed his fingers across the drone’s nipples as Jefferson fucked the drone’s ass. The drone made no response to how he was manhandled and used. All that mattered was obedience.
“And our new arrangement has been rather beneficial. Those annoying government inspectors have been sent on a wild goose chase and we should have some peace and quiet for the foreseeable future.” With one hand, Jefferson stroked Mr. Kingsley’s exposed pecs, which elicited a pleasurable moan from the older man. The sergeant turned his attention to the drone he was fucking and asked,  “Drone, how do you feel about all of this?” He loved listening to their programmed responses as much as he enjoyed using their bodies for his own pleasure.
“This drone has no desires. This drone exists to obey and serve.”
“Good job, my boy!” Mr. Kingsley said as he knelt down to savor his son's cock. He had grown to enjoy the taste of cock, especially when it was covered in rubber. The rubber added some texture and taste that Mr. Kingsley found that he really liked.
“Mr. Kingsley, it is time for another meditation session. We can do it right here. Besides, it’ll be better to have your son suck you off during this session.”
“Excellent idea! He is very talented! A true testament to the training of the Army!”
Mr. Kingsley was so proud of his son. Without resistance, he sat back down on the chair and opened his legs wide so that his dronified son could suck him off. Mr. Kingsley gently lowered the meditation visor sitting on the desk over his head until it covered his face. Moments later, he was entranced by the hypnotic spiral and ready to receive his new orders from Master Jake. Sergeant Jefferson smiled at how things had worked out for the best as he pushed his cock deeper into the drone’s ass. *Yes, things were working out splendidly,* he thought.
If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my Patreon to support me if you can. And a shout-out to my top-tier Patrons, Jerry Nelson and Vikitren! This fic also has an extended version on my Patreon that you can check out if your intersted
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emsleyanbluejay · 3 years
@cannibalisticcorvid is trying to bully me into writing Sammy/Marko Nonhuman AU porn and it’s not working because neither of us have any ideas for doing so.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Overprotective - Hawks x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: hi ! if you don’t mind could i request something for hawks?? you can do it as a oneshot or hcs (which ever works for you). basically my idea was that the reader and him work together but reader gets injured. its not even that bad maybe just like a deep cut on their or something but people come to load them into the ambulance and hawks is just in protective birb mode. mans has his wings around them and is glaring at anyone near and reader is just like “pls i just need to get stitches then i’ll be fine dummy”. protective hawks just makes my heart go hnnnggghhh,,
A/n: fun fact of the day, protective Hawks also make my heart go S;DFJLASDFLJA;SDJFA, I love him sm, like he's such a bastard but he's an amazing bastard yk? I mean just look at how absolutely dumb and adorable he looks in the banner❤️ Anyways, thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy it!!!
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“Hawks, the situation has gotten a little bit out of hand, they can use an extra hero out there.” One of Keigo’s assistants informed him over the phone.
Before he even replied, he flew quickly over to the site, “I’m already here. Who’s on duty right now?” Keigo released some of his feathers to rescue some civilians, and listen in on whatever ruckus was happening.
“Kamui Woods and H/n, but their quirks aren’t the best fo-” Keigo didn’t even let the woman behind the phone finished before quickly turning off his phone and sending even more of his feathers to scan the area for you.
If he was called in for backup, that meant you and Kamui Woods weren’t able to contain the villain very well. Or it could mean both of you were injured far beyond being able to defeat it. His mind raced trying to listen in on every corner of the danger zone.
The villain wasn’t exactly incredibly destructive or murderous, he was just a criminal with a rather pesky quirk. Being able to create spikes wherever his skin touched and on his hands, led to a lot of bystanders in the busy area getting injured, both Kamui Woods and you, were rather overwhelmed.
“Woods, rescue the civilians, I’ll try to ambush him.” From one of his feathers, he could hear your voice and pinpointed your location before swiftly flying over there.
His eyes landed on yours, and for a brief second, you faltered in your position, rather shocked at seeing Keigo there. This small shock led your ambush to completely failing, the man had enough time to react to your attack.
The spikes on his hands were directed to slash your chest, if it wasn’t for a red feather quickly pushing you back, your chest would’ve been a giant gash by now. Keigo flew down and quickly apprehended the man with his feathers quite easily. Making you slightly scoff behind him.
“Always got to show off huh?” he looked back at you with a small smirk, only for it to immediately falter when he saw your right hand on your shoulder. Blood dripping from your fingers.
“Birdie, I thought you completely dodged it?!” Keigo walked over to you eyes glued on the wound, wings rather puffed up from worry.
“He can extend his spikes you know?” Since Keigo was still looking pretty alarmed, you tried calming his nerves down, “Love, it's literally nothing. I get worse injuries all the time, it’ll probably take 2 stitches and that’s it. I am a bit tired from all the fucking running though.”
You said the last words in a more joking manner and started to head over to an ambulance to get your wounds treated and transported to a hospital to check for any further damage.
That was your plan, before Keigo suddenly picked you up from the ground, his wings taking flight immediately.
“Oi Keigo what the FUCK are you doing?!?!??!?” You yelled, being completely shocked at the fact that a second ago your feet touched the ground, now there was no ground to be seen.
“Who knows if the people in the ambulance were actually working with the thief.”
At this point you were flabbergasted, this man picked you off your feet just because of a deep cut in your SHOULDER, not even your legs, and didn’t want you to deal with paramedics because he was scared of them being the thief’s accomplices.
“You are literally making zero sense.” You let out an exasperated sigh knowing full well Keigo isn’t letting you go any time soon.
Finally arriving at the hospital, Keigo was literally on your tail the entire time. Even when going up to the desk to explain what happened to when you had to explain the circumstances you were in (those circumstances being you didn’t get to the paramedics on sight because of a certain hero).
When one of the nurses came to bring you to another room, Keigo followed once again.
“Excuse me, sir, we need to bring you to a different room to do a check-up on you.” There were a few scratches here and there from the previous fights before your skirmish with the villain. But he completely ignored the nurse. Only fluffing up his wings even more.
“Sir?” “Oh, I’m incredibly sorry, I’d like to say with my little birdie over there.” Keigo gestured towards you who’s being led to sit on a bed before getting stitches.
He came over to stand next to you and hold your hand in his.
“Babe, I’m literally a pro hero, I’ve gotten stitches more times than I can count. It's ok.” You tried reassuring him. Codeword: tried.
When the doctor came in with her tools, Keigo literally glared daggers at her. The room felt like it dropped a couple of degrees and you can feel the doctor getting slightly nervous from the dangerous glare of the rather intimidating hero.
Who wouldn’t be intimidated when an extremely popular hero’s lover was being treated by you?
“Ok no I’m not doing this, babe wait outside.” Keigo immediately looked at you with an offended expression. As if you just insulted him and all of his ancestors before him, “You’re literally intimidating the poor doctor, this will take about 15 minutes and then you can come back in.”
You kept a stern tone to him and he dejectedly, like a child after getting scolded by his mother, walked out the room. Leaving the ‘suspicious’ (at least to him) doctor and you alone.
15 minutes had passed and when the doctor left the room, she was immediately met with the menacing glares of the fastest hero, “They’re ok right?” The doctor stammered trying to answer him, “Uhhh yeah, yeah she’s fine. Its, it's not that deep.”
After answering she immediately paced away from Keigo who was already entering your room.
He took a seat beside your bed laid his head on the crook of your uninjured shoulder, wings lightly fluttering from the joy he was feeling. He had the biggest dopey smile you had ever seen.
“Your wings look really fluffy right now.” You remarked reaching out to caress some of his feathers. They were incredibly soft despite how dangerous of weapons they can be when he wanted them to.
“I was worried, am I not allowed to worry for my incredible birdie?” He cooed to you before wrapping his hands around your waist, peppering kisses all over your face. Causing you to giggle and lightly push him away.
“I’m a pro hero you know, I know when to ask for help.” You held up the feather necklace Keigo gave you, showing you technically could signal him to come to your aid any time if you needed to, “You don’t need to worry about me, pretty boy.”
The dopey smile somehow grew much more into a heartwarming one. He climbed onto the hospital bed, snuggling with you on it, was it slightly uncomfortable? Sure. But you wouldn’t have to stay here for that long anyway, so why not just have a little calming cuddle session.
Keigo, feeling your head on his chest, his hand tangling itself on your hair, and his other hand holding firmly on your waist, reminded himself. You will be okay. He doesn’t always need to baby you. You’re perfectly capable of doing things.
“Hey, birdie?” You hummed in reply, “Sorry for how weird I acted.” You snorted, weird was an understatement.
“It was cute seeing you overprotective though.” With that Keigo’s laughter filled your ears. Like a soft calming tune.
It was weirdly serene, bandages all over your left shoulder, the sun lightly setting, and an amazing man (bird? Man-bird?) in your arms.
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savage-rhi · 3 years
Imagine, if you will, a world where Higgs and reader laugh together about one of reader’s childhood memories. It’s cute, it’s fluff, it ends in kissing, because that is the only thing in my head currently, and it plays on repeat 👉🏻👈🏻
@astrandofgold coming right up and thanks for being patient! 👀
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"You've pried enough into my life, now it's time to pay the piper," Higgs remarked at Y/N, watching as they laughed at the comment.
"Since when do people talk like that?" Y/N countered.
"Since when do you give a shit about my manner of speakin'?"
The sarcasm in Higgs's voice made Y/N turn their head as they glanced around, trying not to focus on how his gaze seemed to zero in on them. It was quiet outside by the porter docks, save for the commotion both Y/N and Higgs were conjuring together. Y/N thanked the universe no one else was working the shift. Seeing a porter and a wanted terrorist mingling like they were at a high school reunion would have put a bullet between the eyes of Y/N's career and then some.
"If you're gonna be so bold, you should say something," Y/N said to Higgs, snapping out of their thoughts.
A smirk crossed Higgs's lips. "Tell me somethin' about your childhood, about little you."
"My childhood?"
Higgs nodded.
"I don't think I have anything interesting to say." Y/N teased, watching as Higgs rolled his eyes in a playful manner. He shook his head, sighing in disappointment.
"C'mon, we both know you're full of shit in that department," Higgs said as he reached for a can of beer. He and Y/N having shared a six-pack Y/N had stolen from one of the docks.
"Point taken," Y/N laughed and took a sip from their own can. Their fingers gently tapped the ground, legs swaying off the edge of the deck both Higgs and them were sitting upon. Y/N's eyes lit up, chuckling as their face grew warm.
"There was this one time as a kid, I used to watch cartoons all the time. Stuff from the vault, like Wiley Coyote and Roadrunner. Well, I didn't care for Sylvester and Tweety Bird. Couldn't stand it. I felt bad for the cat so in school I wrote and illustrated a ten-page book about Sylvester finally catching Tweety, butchering and eating him. I read it in front of my peers, all proud about it. The instructors didn't appreciate it at all, but my dad thought it was the greatest plot twist in history."
Higgs bellowed as he laughed hard. His cackling was contagious to where Y/N joined him. Neither knew how long they had been at it until Higgs wiped away at his eyes, feeling tears threatening to leave as he blinked.
"Jesus, and here I thought I was a weird pipsqueak."
"Pfft, this coming from the guy who is so into Egyptology, he'd fall asleep with his arms over his chest as a kid so that if he died in his sleep, mummification would happen faster."
"In my defense, I said I was a dumb kid. Not a weird one. Big difference."
Y/N and Higgs laughed, shaking their heads as they tried to dismiss the other. Eventually, their antics died down, leaving them in comfortable silence. They both looked up at the mountains ahead, contemplating what was shared.
"Y'know, this wasn't a bad idea. Hanging like this." Y/N remarked as Higgs hummed in agreement.
"See? I'm not always a bastard."
Y/N rolled their eyes in a playful manner. Not before letting out a sigh. Higgs was going to have to leave soon, or the risk of getting arrested would have been too great. It was weird how over time they went from enemies to friends. All due to Higgs trying to stay connected to the UCA, despite the numerous claims he wanted nothing to do with society ever again given his past. He'd grown a lot, and Y/N could see it in the way he smiled just then.
"This has been fun and all, but time to go," Higgs said with a content sigh, getting up on his feet along with Y/N.
They both looked at each other. Another bout of silence passed between the two as hesitation made either of them look away.
"Guess I'll see you next time?" Y/N asked.
"Oh yeah, gonna be needing some more pizza smuggled real soon." Higgs grinned then took a few steps away. He was about to wave when he felt Y/N grab a hold of his cape and pull him into a tender kiss.
Higgs's eyes went wide, shock coursing through him as he pulled away for a moment.
"What the hell was that for--"
"Did you like it?"
"Well yeah but--"
"Just go along with it before I change my mind."
Higgs still in shock nodded as he kissed Y/N back. Their hands tangled in each other's hair as their mouths ravished one another's. Soft noises left either of them as they unleashed the pent-up feelings they had been keeping at bay for one another.
Pulling back after what felt like an eternity, both Higgs and Y/N gazed over one another. Their eyes hooded as Higgs gently suckled on Y/N's bottom lip, pulling back with a satisfied smirk watching them wince.
"How long we're you savin' that for?" Higgs breathed.
"A while," Y/N admitted, catching their breath. A small gasp of a chuckle escaped their throat as Y/N swallowed. "Your lips are chapped."
Higgs smiled, pupils were blown as he pecked at Y/N's cheek. His right hand cupped their face as his expression darkened.
"Maybe if we keep this up, that won't be a problem."
"You're terrible."
"It's in the name terrorist." Higgs laughed.
"Ex-terrorist." Y/N corrected.
"For now." Higgs teased, knowing that got under Y/N's skin. He leaned forward, giving a soft kiss to their lips. It lingered for a few seconds before he sighed.
"Maybe I don't have to go right away?"
Y/N's smile evolved into a grin as they grabbed a hold of Higgs's hand and ran off. Both of them shushed one another, not wanting to catch the attention of anyone at the facility.
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crhinge · 4 years
Breaking Down The Classic Rom-Com
I feel like I haven’t written a fun post in a hot sec so lets talk about one of my favorite subjects: Rom Coms
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According to wikipedia, a Rom Com, also known as Romantic Comedy, is “a subgenre of comedy and slice-of-life fiction, focusing on lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles.” In the past, Romantic Comedies have also been called “Chick Flicks” but I think this is devaluing of both women and  the romantic comedy genre. 
The other day, I woke up to find that the most wholesome rom-com couple of all time reunited: Matty & Jenna (Aka Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Garner). This got me thinking about the beauty of the Rom-Com and how unappreciated they can be. It has been years since we have seen a rom-com with the cultural impact of 13 Going on 30, and I would like to petition for more of them after a sad and painful year. 
I can already hear the millions (in my head this blog is extremely popular) of comments “What about To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before?!?” “What about The Kissing Booth?!?” And too that I say, "Good Riddance!” If you’re rating your rom coms on a TATBILB scale, or even WORSE The Kissing booth, I feel sorry for you. Truly I do. So let's dive into the best Rom Coms of all time, but first... 
What makes a Rom-Com good? Well let's start with a relatable as hell main character. I am talking a girl (sometimes guy), who has many flaws, but the audience can see themselves within her/him. Let's use Jenna Rink from 13 Going On 30 as an example. Well, she's literally a 13 year old in a 30 year olds body, but don’t we all still have a preteen hiding inside of all of us? She is 100% willing to be herself at every step, even if that means dancing thriller all alone. She touches on all of our insecurities, while teaching us how to break down our walls. 
Rom-Coms also need characters to make realistic choices. This does not mean that the movie itself is realistic, but rather than you can understand the choices the characters make. Again, 13 going on 30 does a fabulous job of this. Obviously, Jenna traveling in time because of wishing powder is not realistic, but the choices that her and her past self make are. Due to the insecurities of her childhood and a need to feel included, relevant, and powerful Jenna pushes important people out of her life, which happens to so many people in the real world. These decisions force her to miss out on the love of her life, and ultimately, the story ends sadly: the love of her life marries someone else and she is left with tears, wishing powder, and an old doll house. That is until she is able to travel back in time and change the course of her life. 
Lastly, Every classic Rom-Com couple needs to have chemistry. There. I said it. Hollywood loves just casting random famous actors without giving them a proper chemistry read. One great example of this is Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel in Safe Haven. Both fun, famous, Hollywood actors who have zero chemistry. Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner had more chemistry throwing back Razzles than those two did during an intimate sex scene. 
Alright, now that we have broken down the requirements of a Romantic Comedy, let's jump into the best and worst of all time.
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Best: When Harry Met Sally. 9/10. A classic. A tale as old as time. Both Sally & Harry are very flawed, yet relatable characters. Sally is too picky and particular, while Harry is a player. They both suck at relationships, but make rational decisions based on their motivations. We all have friends like these two and their chemistry is on point, both on a friendship and romantic level. They bounce off of one another splendidly. 
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Worst: Sleepless in Seattle. 1/10 I know, this is a strong take, but this is a terrible movie about a stalker. Meg Ryan (I don’t even remember her character's name) is the stupidest most unrelatable character I have seen in a long time. She is extremely unlovable, cheats on her SO emotionally, and flies across the country to stalk a man that she has never met before. And then you’re telling me that Tom hanks FALLS FOR HER? Nope. No. I refuse to except this. Plus, their chemistry in this is pretty mediocre (You’ve Got Mail is Way Better) and we only get to see them together once. 
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Best: 10 Things I Hate About You. 8/10. I was tempted to leave all high School Rom-Coms off this list, but Heath Ledger is my exception. Talk about likability. Kat is a strong, powerful, independent woman who learns how to be more vulnerable while still being a feminist badass. We all wanted to be Kat growing up. Meanwhile Heath Ledger is the classic bad boy with a soft side, and who wasn’’t into that? Both characters grow into new people throughout the movie making them relatable, complex, and realistic. Not to mention the angel that is Joseph Gordon Levitt, who keeps the audience up beat and smiling throughout the course of this Shakespeare tale
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Best: My Big fat Greek Wedding. 10/10.  Have you seen this film recently? Because it is an absolute DELIGHT and so relatable. It dives into the difficulty of family expectation and cultures merging. It also has the cutest proposal of all time with a realistic couple that fights for one another on a daily basis. You laugh. You cry. You get a dynamic cast with wonderful chemistry. You feel invested in the family and the relationship. Just a joyful wonderful film.
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Worst: Something Borrowed. 0/10. If you’ve never seen this movie, don’t. Ginnifer Goodwin sleeps with her best friends fiancé and we’re supposed to be okay with it because she liked him first. Hard pass. And she ignores John Krazinski who is right in front of her. She is unlikable, unreliable, and makes dumb decisions that no one else would. 
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Best: He’s just not that into you. 9/10  I will go to bat for this movie. It follows several realistic storylines in a Love Actually manor, except they actual seem legit. A woman realizing her boyfriend is never going to marry her. A girl facing the fact that maybe some guys just aren’t that into her, and she isn’t an exception to the rule. A man slowly making the decision to cheat on his wife as they are growing apart. A woman realizing that she is worth way more than her bastard husband. A woman realizing that the person she’s sleeping with will never leave his wife for her. It's compelling, has realistic characters that we can relate to, and still warms your heart in the end. 
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Best: The Big Sick. 8/10. Okay to be fair, this is based on a true story so it automatically has realistic characters and decisions. Maybe I should leave this off of the list, but I wish this film got the recognition it deserves. Two lovable main characters who make mistakes that are understandable. Wonderful chemistry between Kumail and his girlfriend as well as her family. 
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Best: About Time. 11/10 This is hands down the best Rom-Com of all time and Potentially the best film of all time as well. If you don’t cry in this movie you do not have a heart or soul. The characters are SO insanely likable and adorable.It touches on the importance of family and valuing time and how little of it we have. The chemistry within the whole cast is palpable, and we can all relate to at least one character, whether it is the protagonist Tim, his wife Mary, his sister Kit-Kat, or his father. 
Well it is important to point out the obvious here: this list is lacking diversity in a huge way. All but one of these movies follow a cis, straight, white couple, and that is extremely concerning. People have attempted to make more diverse rom-coms over the past few years, but they all seem to be lacking one of the three core components of what makes a rom-com great: Relatable, realistic, and great chemistry. For example. Crazy Rich Asians was a fantastic film, but the high level of wealth that Nick Young comes from, made his character difficult to relate to, and I’m sorry but the chemistry just wasn’t there for me. Always Be My Maybe’s characters fell flat and it’s not a film I would want to watch more than once. Love Simon made some huge waves for LGBTQ representation in the media, but that ending kiss was unrealistic along with his friends reaction to fining out he was lying, which left the movie anti-climactic by the end. 
Now, the most recent film on this list was made in 2017. And before that 2013. So where have all the Rom Coms gone? Why don’t we see more of them. There are a few Rom Coms that could be contenders on the “Best” list from the last couple of years that include a small amount of diversity: 
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Yesterday 7/10. The big question here is does this count as a romantic comedy? The love story isn’t the main plot, but is definitely a large sub-plot. This movie features an interracial couple and is highly re-watchable. The main characters are entertaining, relatable, and have pretty good chemistry. We will see if it stands the test of time. 
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The Broken Hearts Gallery 7/10. This movie has gotten NO recognition. The main character, Lucy, is an extremely likable 20 something, not unlike our Ginnifer Goodwin in He’s Just not that Into You. The plot is fun and predictable but keeps you watching. I don’t know if this one will stay on my list long, but it’s definitely up there. 
But here is my challenge to Hollywood: create some new, beautiful Rom Coms that celebrate diversity but that don’t throw away the relatable, realistic, and high chemistry characters that we are just waiting to fall in love with. It’s got like 16 ideas up my sleeve, so just give me a call Hollywood. 
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k-eudia · 4 years
I have like zero ideas but I need to think about renga bc life is not a vibe rn
I think it's a widely accepted headcanon that langa steals reki's hoodies. Imagine him in the purple hoodie with the purple converse.
Langa with reki's headband.
Reki knows how much langa loves food so he looks for nice places to eat at, like different types of restaurants (cuisine from all around the world) for their dates.
The idea of them going to canada and langa teaching reki snowboarding lives in my head rent free. Reki complains about how cold it is all the time so when they get back to the house langa wraps reki in a warm blanket and then laughs at how cute and ridiculous he looks and reki pouts. But the blanket smells like langa so he secretly loves having it around him. Alternatively, langa holds reki's hands between his palms to warm them up.
They often stay out at the skatepark until it's really late at night and it's just the two of them and after they get tired they just lie down to the ground and stargaze until one of them gets sleepy so the other says they should go home
Mechanic star reki decides to make them tiny matching skateboard keychains. Reki has langa's board on his backpack and langa has reki's
Miya tells reki about how langa was like 'have you seen reki' at s when he wasn't there for hours and days, ignoring everyone else just to make fun of him. In turn shadow says something like 'as if you didn't want to run to him and make sure he was okay because you missed him so much' and miya retorts with 'stfu you missed him too Mr 'things are off balance without him' and so miya and shadow start fighting while reki turns to an embarrassed langa to ask if he really was looking for him all night long and langa tells him he was, of course he was, everything around him felt meaningless without reki
Ppl like to think of langa as some cool prince but it quickly spreads in school that he's just as much of a dumbass as reki. They never pay attention during class because they're watching skating videos or they're secretly texting or passing notes and ofc always get caught so their classmates start to call them 'two halves of a whole idiot'. And then the whole school. Especially when they see them running from teachers for skating inside the school building
Reki goes over to langa's place and while langa is in the bathroom or something, his mom meets reki and she tells reki how she's really grateful for him bc for the first time since langa's dad died, langa found something he could enjoy just as much as snowboarding. He was smiling and going out a lot and sometimes he was rambling about skateboarding and about how amazing reki is for hours and she was so scared he'd close off completely but he didn't thanks to reki. Reki says that he's the once who's grateful for langa, for having a friend like him who shares reki's passion and happiness. Who understands him.
Once reki and langa are in langa's room, reki hugs him tightly and langa asks why, surprised and reki says it's just because he's glad they're friends. He also tells langa that his mom is the nicest woman he's ever met but doesn't explain why.
They try to have study dates at a café or smth but obviously it doesn't work at all because they always start talking about something else and forget about their homework.
Hey langa, you've seen that new video on yt that's recently blown up, it's about a person doing some insane trick. I've never seen anything like that before.
No reki but I'll check it out once we've fin-
Oh look it's already opened on my phone, let's watch it now
Okay, I suppose we can have a short break
And they watch it and look at eachother and without another word start packing up and going to the skatepark
Langa sends reki cheesy love songs in an attempt to flirt but it flies right over reki's head. He's always like 'haha that's a catchy song langa, you have a nice taste in music' and langa internally screams 'my taste in music is your face'. He's close to actually screaming it at reki
Langa has definitely done that thing where someone asks anything literally anything and langa without missing a beat goes 'reki. ... Wait what was the question?'
'hey langa what type of weather is your favourite?' 'reki. ... Wait what was the question?'
One time someone was dumb enough to try and flirt with langa. They left after like five minutes bc langa couldn't shut up about how amazing reki is. Langa has this power where he can transform any type of conversation into a convo about skateboarding and with that reki
Reki ruffles langa's hair but get this: langa wakes up with terrible bed hair and reki combs it out for him
Back to that purple hoodie stuff. Langa permanently stole it and one day his mom notices it while washing the clothes and asks langa about it and he says some dumb shit like 'it's my emotional support hoodie' 'okay dear but where did you get it?' 'from my emotional support bastard'
Imagine, just imagine it's corona time over there and it's pretty bad so they're in quarantine and that hoodie is the only thing keeping langa sane.
They're the type of dumbasses to fool around in a shopping cart at the parking lot of a grocery store. At first langa is hesitant to sit inside but then quickly gets a taste of that adrenaline and reki is behind him pushing the shopping cart smiling widely and langa thinks it's worth it for that smile alone
They fall and get tangled up and injured and langa says reki is a dumbass and reki says they're both dumbasses and they kiss.
They build sandcastles at the beach with miya. Miya at first says he won't bc it's childish but then sees that reki and langa don't care about what's childish and what's not so he joins but says it's only because 'i can make a better castle than y'all anyways, guess i have to prove it'
Reki helps langa practice his writing and tells him to write anything, first thing that comes to mind and langa writes smth like 'i really like you' and once again it flies right over reki's head. He's like 'hmm yeah so it could help if you tried to...' and langa's like ffs
Boardgame nights with reki's family. Bonus point: they invite nanako too
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anika-ann · 4 years
A Cup of Truth (S.R)
Type: One-shot, a bit of coffee shop AU
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader    Word Count: 3000
Summary: Your favourite pretty blond comes in every day to get a cup of good ol’ joe. You flirt on occasion; mostly you, because your suit of armour – which people boringly call an apron – and his smiles give you confidence.
When the band of dumb goons picks your damn workplace to attack, your confidence flies out of the window. Well. Good thing that the resident Avenger heroes save the day including the one in his all-American star-spangled glory.
Prompt: “You can’t mask that ass. I’d know it anywhere.” (Bold in the text)
Warnings: hostage situation, violence, non-consensual drug use/injected, hospitals, slightly crack-ish humour (?) and some fluff
A/N: For marvelcapsicle’s challenge. Thank you for letting me participate, darling, may you gain more and more sweet followers in the future ♥
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Here’s a thing: Steve Rogers had a lot of fight in him. Before or after injected with the serum, no matter his shirt size, no matter if he could swing his fists effectively or not, he would punch bullies in their face.
When it came to people close to his heart, that rule amplified tenfold. No one touched the people he cared for. And while he would not necessarily call all of them friends, he would go rabid should any harm come their way.
To be fair, the list of ‘his people’ who were still alive wasn’t long; he could almost count them on the fingers of one hand. Tony. Natasha. Clint. Thor. Bruce. Probably Fury. Really, his circle was a bit monotonous, people who could protect themselves just fine at most times, but simultaneously with high-risk job of being the first defence line for the world’s greatest threats.
And then there was you.
You, with your inviting smile whenever he appeared at your counter at the café he had discovered during his endless walks.
You, handing him a drink different to his usual ‘boring’ cup of joe once a week, because that was the deal you had offered and Steve, caught in his curiosity about today’s world and your adorable challenging expression, agreed.
You, with your pretty eyes, irises twinkling at his attempts at flirting, no matter how awkward and out-of-time they sounded, graciously returning the favour… if he was reading the situation right.
You, always grinning wide when discovering a doodle he had left on his napkin, taking it with you back to the counter.
You, blissfully unaware of his double life, genuine in your demeanour, dealing with plain old Steve Rogers, and perfectly safe; at least as safe as one could be on Manhattan.
You in a headlock, as five rogue SHIELD agents decided to crash into the café you worked at of all the damn places, choosing it with deadly precision and nearly driving the poor Captain America into a cardiac arrest.
Not that you had any idea your life mattered to the proclaimed Star-Spangled Man more than anyone else’s. You were the exception to the rule; you were the precious outsider Steve caught feelings for, the one that was not supposed to learn about his other persona for at least a while longer and sure as hell was not supposed to get herself in a mess like this one.
Steve stood frozen as Natasha had two men at gunpoint, Clint fighting another, the last one having been already knocked down by Steve himself. The only injured people were the few customers, scarce at the hour, and the employees; some bruises and insignificant bleeding wounds between all of them.
The worst problem still remained; Perez had his arm around your neck, visibly squeezing your windpipe at least partly if the colour of your face – one stained in tears and Steve could kill at the moment, kill with no remorse – was anything to go by.
He gripped his shield tighter, staring the man down with his jaw clenched and his heart beating its way out of his chest, the syringe at your carotid scaring him more than the reduced airflow to your lungs.
“It’s over, Perez! Let her- let the woman go,” Steve howled, knees slightly bend in posture allowing him to spring forward at any second, to throw his weapon, to punch the living daylight of the bastard that not only betrayed SHIELD, but put his hands on you.
Big, big mistake. He really shouldn’t have done that.
“I like her exactly where she is, Cap,” Perez snarled, a wicked smile on his bloody lips, only his eyes giving away a fraction of his fear. “Move and she gets a ticket straight to hell.”
Perez was outnumbered and he knew it; even if he managed to escape, they would find him easily with Tony Stark’s system of surveillance. Yet, he tightened his grip and with you involuntarily acting like a human shield for him, he started backing away, gaze flickering between the three present Avengers.
Natasha’s right arm twitched as if she wanted to shoot him on spot – but she didn’t want to risk leaving the other two without the threat of immediate death for even a second.
And then several things happened at once; Clint knocked his opponent down with the construction of his bow; Perez who saw it lost his nerve and swiftly slammed the needle into your neck, piercing your skin easily, as easily as Steve’s panicked shout ripped from his throat.
The next second, an arrow was sticking from Perez’ shoulder as he jerked back with a cry of pain and Clint put another arrow through his hand, adding one to his thigh for a good measure. Two gunshots sounded in the background, Natasha’s aim as unmistakable as ever.
Perez fell to the ground with a scream, not even reaching for the gun in his holster before Steve was there to knock him out with a brutal hit straight to his face with his vibranium shield. The crack sounding at the impact was like music to Steve’s ears, the blood spurting from Perez’ nose a pleasant visual.
Yet, it didn’t feel half as satisfactory as Steve hoped as you had stumbled and toppled over your own feet. He barely managed to slow down your fall, gloved palm shooting up under the spot between your shoulder blades, his other hand holding your shoulder. He supported your enfeebled weight as you practically lied over the unconscious man.
Steve didn’t bother paying attention to his surroundings, knowing that the noise around him was Romanoff and Barton apprehending the remaining thugs. Instead, his gaze scanned you head to toe, focusing on your face and neck when he couldn’t find any other injury.
You were pale, eyes misted, unfocused, skin worryingly cold to his touch.
“Hey-- hey! Can you hear me?” Steve demanded urgently, lightly patting your cheek.
At that, your pupils zeroed on him, wide with disbelief, and to his immense shock, a lazy smile spread on your lips.
“Steve?” you breathed out his name and blood crystalized in his veins, his heart, already panicking, speeding up. How did you know his name? Perhaps the drug, the whatever liquid in the syringe was taking effect and you were turning delirious? Shit, they needed a doctor-- “You’re the pretty blond. Steve. My flirty Steve… my hero. Everyone’s hero.”
Steve’s horror escalated with each word. Good news: you were still breathing and apparently quite lucid, even if your speech was more of a mumble. Bad news: his secret identity just blew up.
Luckily, he considered the good news much more important; and lucid he would like to keep you, so he shot Natasha and Clint a meaningful glare, wordlessly asking them to call help. He wasn’t sure whether it registered because both of the spies were staring at him wide-eyed as the woman in his arms just outed him like the café’s regular… one that flirted with her, no less.
Steve cleared his throat, focusing on his mission – to keep you talking. There was no much point in denying it, was it?
“Eh... yeah, it’s me. How-how did you know? I wear a mask-“
“Muscly… real muscly… and that ass,” you muttered and Steve nearly choked on his spit, certain that he just turned red all over, including the area you pointed out.
Wait, did that mean that you had been checking him out?
So not important right now.
“Oh, uhm- how are you feeling? We have to-“
“You can’t mask that ass. I’d know it anywhere,” you continued babbling as if you hadn’t heard him and Steve gulped, feeling his teammates, who still hadn’t called a doctor, what the actual hell- watching you with interest. ”…could bounce a penny off it… no, that ain’t right, a quarter off of it, that’s it… Dream of it sometimes… biting-“
Clint coughed loudly to cover his laughter, finally springing into action after that uncomfortable remark that gave Steve quite a visual he wasn’t sure how he felt about just yet.
“Alright, as amusing as this is, we should get her some medical attention…”
Steve only took his eyes off of you for a moment, shooting Barton a look that screamed ‘You think?!’
“I want to touch it… please lemme touch it—just once,” you pleaded quietly, swaying even in your practically horizontal position, straining your neck to catch a glimpse of the object of your interest. “The best I’ve even seen-“
“I think it’s ethanol she got injected with…” Natasha announced, sniffing the syringe with disgust in her voice. “High concentration.”
And Steve felt like he just got hit by Thor’s hammer… in his head. Seriously?
“…alcohol?” he asked, dumbstruck and utterly relieved, the heavy weight in his stomach lifting a bit. “You think she’s merely… drunk?”
“Well, alcohol straight to the bloodstream is seriously nasty on its own, S-“
“Alcohol nasty, yesss. And this really hurts,” your voice interrupted Natasha and Steve’s heart clenched uncomfortably when the surprised grimace appeared on your face, your eyes indeed clouding in pain, looking up at him, doe-eyed, so vulnerable and trusting.
“Hey, no sad Steeb! Your eyes pretty too. Little pictures you draw… so suuuper cute. I like your hair. You came in the day, wind blew, so messy-- like bed hair, wanna try top that-- I betcha I can do better-“
“Sounds drunk enough to you?” Natasha hummed casually and Steve didn’t even have to look at her to know she was smirking, while he was both fretting over your state and blushing to the roots of his hair because of your blunt compliments and unfiltered fantasies.
You turned your head slowly to Nat as she spoke, a crooked grin curling up your lips. “Hey, you’re pretty too-“
Much to Steve’s annoyance, the Russian spy had the audacity to chuckle and wink at you.
“Why thank you-“
“But prefer blonds,” you babbled again, lowering your voice conspiratorially. “He’s real nice. His biceps are like… huge. Bigger than my head-- ow, my head… spi-spinning- I think-? Whoa— oh… “
Steve called out your name in panic as you went limp in his arms, your body pliant, folding like a house of cards.
“I like her,” Clint noted as he jogged to Steve’s side, kneeling to take your pulse on the unharmed carotid with a furrow to his brows. “The medics are on their way, she’ll hold on until then.”
Steve sighed in relief when Clint nodded in affirmation again, feeling your heart still beating.
Steve’s grip on your tightened, hand sliding behind your head to cradle it gently rather than letting it dangle in such unnatural angle. He manoeuvred it so your cheek rested against his chest, his newly free hand sneaking under your knees so he could lift you with ease as he stood up.
“Nice, Rogers. Keep going like this, squads with weights, and you’ll keep that exceptional ass of yours in shape,” Natasha teased him, but when he turned to glare at her, she gave him a soft smile and beckoned towards your nearly motionless body. “She’ll be okay. Let’s go get her some help.”
Your head was pounding. The right side of your neck was itchy as hell and felt extremely stiff. The beeping sounding in your ears was a thing from nightmares, echoing in your aching skull.
You felt like shit and honestly, you could cry when you tried to open your eyes and the sharp light hit them, making you swiftly close them again.
A realization slowly crept at you that there was a presence of an intrusive smell too, making you want to puke— or was that just the brutal hangover? Because you felt unbelievably hungover on top of everything. The world seemed to be spinning even behind your closed eyelids and you couldn’t but groan, deciding to only curse the universe mentally since your throat resembled a Sahara Desert.
“Oh, hey gorgeous,” a female voice greeted you from your left and you snapped your eyes open with a startle, staring with shock at the beautiful redhead sitting by your bedside.
For few long seconds, you wondered if you died and went to heaven, because there was a non-descript angelic-like creature watching over you.  You quickly brushed that thought aside, because there was no way Heaven looked like a hospital room and provided you with such shitty sensations attacking your poor body.
So you asked the only logical question, ignoring the dryness of your mouth which soon cause you to cough.
“…who are you?”
A plastic cup with a heavenly cold liquid landed in front of you, the straw sticking from it directed to your lips as the stunning woman frowned discontentedly.
“Oh, you don’t remember?” she asked, seemingly hurt. “My heart is breaking! You told me I was pretty.”
You blinked slowly, finally adjusting to the light, finally able to talk without pain (that much pain, that was) and your head started pounding some more, embarrassment filling every fibre of your being.
What the- oh god, you had really got drunk, hadn’t you, and now you had a total blackout on what you had been up to in your questionable state.
“Eeeer… I did? I mean, you are… but-“
“But you prefer blonds, yeah, I know,” the mysterious woman finished your sentence to her liking and your eyes went wide. How did she- and who was she again, sitting in your hospital room like that? Had you really got so smashed that you didn’t remember her when you should have? When had you met? Shit, your mind was so foggy… “And you think Steve’s a bit prettier. And his ass is the best you’ve ever seen, so I get it…”
“The hell?!” you squealed in utter horror, sitting up straight as the words registered, a flash of blue, red and white flickering in the back of your mind, followed by a sharp stung in your temples. A nauseatingly strong pain resembling an intense cramp – only like ten times worse – shot up your neck as you moved so quickly, ripping a startled yelp from your throat.
A hazy image of the café you worked at blended into a picture Steve’s beautiful eyes – did this woman know your regular, your handsome flirty blond regular? –, sensation of gentle hands cradling your jaw, a sting in your neck—
“You need to be careful with how much you move. Your neck took quite a hit, they had to perform a surgery on you, you got a transfusion. They worried about your brain too. They’ve been monitoring you for four days now and this is the first time you’re awake,” your stranger explained patiently, voice full of compassion.
Your hand involuntarily rose to massage the incriminated place, still unsure of what the woman was talking about, the images in your brain confusing the hell out of you. You still had no idea who she was, but her face was starting to feel a bit familiar – you assumed that whatever had happened, she had been there too, possibly helping you.
And there was something in her green eyes, cautious yet somewhat calming, making it easy to trust her for some inexplicable reason.
“Steve’s gonna be pissed at me for missing it,” she added and grinned. “I made him leave to take care of himself before he could actually start taking roots in here. He’s been worried too. A lot.”
The amount of question marks in your head just doubled, but at the same time, your heart fluttered. Steve had visited you? Often, apparently? That was really, really sweet of him. The thought of him guarding you – and didn’t he have a physique of a bodyguard, once mentioning he was in private security when asked –, brought a dreamy smile to your face.
Perhaps it wasn’t only about flirting for him either…?
“Keep looking so lovestruck and I might forgive him that he hasn’t mention you before. Though I guess I can’t blame him, wanting to keep— anyway. I’m Natasha. Nice to meet you,” she extended her hand towards you at last and you automatically accepted it, telling her your name in return.
Even though that was probably beside the point seeing as she had been found at your bedside in a hospital.
“Hi, Natasha. Nice to meet you too… I think.”
The redhead burst out into a quiet laughter at your hesitance. “Fair enough. After Steve comes back and explains what exactly happened – because it’s not quite my place to tell you –, call me back for the good details. It’s fun to make him blush.”
Despite just only having met this woman, you decided that you kinda liked her and nodded in acceptance of her offer. Steve might be sweet – perhaps even sweet on you it seemed – but some harmless teasing could never hurt. Not when it apparently had something to do with his glorious ass.
Here’s a thing: Steve Rogers had a lot of fight in him. Before injected with the serum or after, no matter his shirt size, no matter if he could swing his fists effectively or not, he would fight for what mattered.
His teammates and friends certainly fell into the category. The somewhat relationship he had been trying to build with you was right there with them, definitely worth fighting for.
So, after revealing his identity – an action which become inevitable at that point, really – he had a delicate confession to make and a bold question to ask in an almost shy voice. He still asked it, because he would be damned if he gave up on you.
You said yes, your confession about certain harboured feelings matching his.
You said yes, you would like to go out with him very much, because you liked him too.
And no, it wasn’t just because he owned the best backside you had ever seen. Steve Rogers was, according to you, quite memorable and worth fighting for in general too.
(Steve, over time, might have developed a bit of a love-hate relationship with the fact you were getting along with Natasha so well. It was good news and bad news at the same time, seeing as it often resulted in the two of you teaming up against him. Once again, the good news won him over… because he simply loved how easily you fit into his world and how surprisingly well he fit into yours.)
S.R. masterlist
Thank you for reading :-*
It’s once a again a bit different from my usual writing; it’s short (like wtf me? short?) and it’s with a quote that is hard to do justice to... so I hope you liked it at leats a bit. Feedback always appreciated :-*
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oumakokichi · 4 years
Hello!! Since I saw you were enjoying YTTD, what do you think about Sou and possible parallels to be drawn between him and Kokichi? Love your blog!
Oh boy, that’s a pretty great question. I had a feeling when I started YTTD that it was only a matter of time before Sou wound up being my favorite, and I wasn’t proven wrong over the course of the game. There are definitely some similarities between the two of them—and some differences too!
Spoilers for both games under the cut, so be careful when reading!
Well, to start with the similarities: they both lie. Uh, a lot. In fact, lying is sort of the most memorable thing about both of their characters.
Kodaka has stated that Ouma represents ndrv3’s entire theme of lying on multiple occasions, and I don’t think anyone needs any convincing that lying is Ouma’s entire schtick. With Sou, Nankidai has never (as far as I know) said anything about him representing the concept or idea of “lies,” but it’s still pretty evident nonetheless from the narrative.
Where Sara tries to keep the group united and cooperating with each other honestly, Sou undermines her attempts at nearly every opportunity and lies time and time again, both in and out of the main game. Even his theme song emphasizes how much he lies. Vgperson did a great job translating the title in my opinion by making it “Not So, Sou,” and in Japanese the title is “Sou no Uso”—a play on the fact that his name is a rearrangement of the Japanese word for “lie.”
They even have a few physical similarities as well: Sou is physically taller and older, but both of them are fairly scrawny, underweight (this is lampshaded with Sou in Your Turn to Shine by the fact that he can put off dying from starvation for at least one extra turn), and of course, they both wear scarves.
I have actually seen a few people in the DR fandom call Sou “green Komaeda” when playing YTTD for the first time, probably due to his role as the “trickster” character within the main game, but I honestly think it’s much fairer to say he’s similar to Ouma instead. If anything, it’s kind of hard to not see the similarities between the two when going from one game to the other.
Ouma does, after all, go out of his way to antagonize people within trials as well, and both he and Sou are considerably paranoid and mistrustful of others’ intentions. Both of them are all too happy to play the role of the villain even if it means being hated by everyone else, because they want to make it out of their respective killing games alive and they don’t trust anyone who talks openly about “cooperating” and “believing in each other.”
Of course, that’s not to say that the two of them are carbon copies of each other. Sou is similar to Ouma, but he’s definitely not identical. Their key differences are easier to see when you look past their surface-level personas, as well as their motivations for why they do the things they do.
To put it simply, both of them lie, but for almost completely different reasons. It’s true that Ouma in part does lie because of his own paranoia and lack of trust for the rest of the group—but also, Ouma just really, really loves lying. It’s a core part of his character; he states multiple times that he believes having the ability to lie is the same as having free will, and this shows how deeply he resents the idea of “having” to tell the truth, or well, being “forced” to do anything, really.
He also lies to entertain. He says so pretty explicitly in his salmon mode ending, and it’s absolutely not a lie: Ouma is someone who loves being dramatic, over-the-top, and entertaining. He hates being bored, and he hates the idea of boring other people even more.
After playing ndrv3 at least once, it’s really easy to see that deep down he’s just a clown with a love for funny wigs and really dumb pranks, so I wholeheartedly believe that even outside of a killing game, Ouma would still lie all the time (in fact he does, again, in his salmon mode route). It’s just that his lies would lack any malice or hostility to them.
The thing that sets Ouma apart from many other “bastard trickster” characters in fiction is that his love for lies isn’t some of act or façade that he’s putting on. He enjoys it in the same way that a kid enjoys making a prank phone call or putting a whoopee cushion on someone’s chair. Within the constraints of a killing game, it’s absolutely true that Ouma is cold, calculating, and manipulative—but he’s also genuinely childish, fun-loving, and silly. These traits are honestly the reason I love Ouma so much as a character and find him so interesting.
By contrast, Sou lies out of absolute necessity. Knowing that he has a 0% chance of survival only increases his desire to make it out of the game alive all the more, and solidifies his distrust in Sara with her high rate of survival. He lies out of sheer desperation, willing to talk and act like a completely different person from his true self if it means giving himself even the slightest sliver of an opportunity to stay alive.
Even his name (his real name, that is), reflects this. He took on both the name and, to some degree, the persona of the real Sou Hiyori: a first name that is, like I said, an anagram of the word “lie,” and a surname that means “sunny.” By contrast, his actual name, “Shin Tsukimi,” means “truth” and “moon-viewing.” Before the events of YTTD, Shin Tsukimi was an extremely gentle, timid person who was honest and trusting to a fault, further confirmed when we actually see an AI of him in chapter 3 who acts completely different from Sou as we know him.
Sou might put on an act and pretend that he enjoys lying and being a huge bastard in the middle of the main game, but he’s not nearly as good at keeping up the villain façade as Ouma, and his cracks show a lot easier. Multiple characters, particularly Sara, Kanna, and Keiji, call Sou out on his bad acting at various times, and insist that he isn’t nearly as evil or uncaring as he’d like to pretend. This is a sharp change from Ouma, who remained an enigma even after his death and played the part of the ringleader so well that nearly everyone still believed he was a Remnant of Despair until nearly halfway through the chapter 6 trial.
From what we can see of Sou’s personality, both in YTTD and YTTS, he’s not lying because he likes the fun of it all, or because he’s just a kid who loves pranking people deep down. He’s really, truly scared shitless and eaten alive by his own paranoia for pretty much the entirety of YTTD, and while he’s certainly not the trusting or naïve Shin Tsukimi anymore, he nonetheless tends to still show signs of being quiet, timid, and occasionally even grumpy and closed-off from other people.
For example, Sara has multiple opportunities to tease him or attempt to befriend him throughout the game. When you teasingly insist that you’ve “always been close friends” with him during the second half of chapter 2, he looks completely startled and taken aback, even a little horrified at her persistence in wanting to get to know him after all the stunts that he’s pulled. You can also have Sara bother him while he’s working on the laptop after they get rid of Mishima’s AI, to which he responds with more and more irritation. In my opinion, I get the sense that Sou is more used to being the butt of jokes rather than making them, and doesn’t enjoy feeling as though someone’s poking fun at him, even if people like Sara are doing it with good intentions.
While I called them both scrawny earlier, I do want to clarify that I absolutely, unironically think Sou is weaker than Ouma physically too. Ouma isn’t exactly super strong or anything; he complains when lifting the inugami statue with Saihara in chapter 3, and he doesn’t seem to like PE class from some of his dialogue in salmon mode. But it’s really clear that Ouma does hide some of his aces up his sleeve, and that he can punch a hell of a lot harder than he lets on, like in chapter 5 when he counters Momota’s second attempt to punch him.
Meanwhile Sou… Sou struggles to open cabinet doors and probably pickle jars too. He has weaker physical strength than both Kanna, a middle schooler, and Gin, an elementary schooler, in his YTTS stats. I love him to pieces, I think he’s a fantastic character, but it’s just too funny. Sou is not merely scrawny, he’s essentially the biggest, weakest pushover despite being around 20 years old or so and I think that’s great.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts on the similarities and differences between the two of them! Both of them are absolutely willing to go to extreme lengths in order to try and survive their respective killing games, and they’re both extremely paranoid and distrustful of others. But removed from the killing game, Ouma is pretty clearly someone who aspires to be a clown (both a class clown and a literal, pie-throwing, nose-honking party clown) and to entertain others, while Sou is honestly just an exhausted and extremely grumpy convenience store worker bordering on unemployment who has zero upper body strength and just wants to be left alone.
Thank you for the really fun question, anon! I really love both Sou and Ouma, so I had fun getting to write this meta for them!
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
5 Works Meme
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains; thank you!! I’ll tag: @elaphaemourra, @sith-shenanigans, @opalxempress, @sunsetofdoom, @swtorpadawan, and anyone else who wants to do this!
In no particular order:
This one I actually liked enough to make my avatar - it’ll probably eventually get replaced, but for now I still really like it. The lighting came out well, I got practice with back muscles and butts which are both things I’m bad at, I still really like her expression, and I got to learn a new technique for doing scars. 
Leave It Up To Me
And this one ended up as my blog header. I’m sensing a theme here. I’m super proud of this art; I’m terrible at backgrounds and I don’t usually bother with them, so doing a background-focused piece was a real challenge for me. And then I did it mostly lineless, for some reason, because I thought trying to do all the details in linework would kill me. I’m not sure if that choice made it easier or harder, but it sure did turn out well considering. And then the rim lighting/backlighting on Garen turned out super well too, and just... the whole feeling of the piece came through, I think. (And then it got zero notes, because I had no followers when I posted it and there was an external link so it didn’t show up in the tags. Sigh.) Fun fact about this one: usually there’s one overlay layer with a gradient on it to help pull my digital pieces together color-wise, but on this one there’s three - one for the background only, one over Garen only, and one over the whole thing.
Duserra in a suit
I spent too much damn time on this for it not to be on this list. The gold filigree detailing. The texturing on the tailcoat. The vest pattern. The colors I struggled with, and I went through I think five or six different test palettes before I found one I really liked, but I think I pulled it together well. My one regret is that I forgot to give her tie the same texturing as her tailcoat.
Of Blood And Ghosts
A one-shot that ended up almost twice as long as most of my others. Honestly, it might not be my best writing ever, but I’m proud of myself just for finishing it - usually I write/draw something in one or two sittings or I never finish it. This piece took me weeks of work because I kept getting stuck. I’m proud of myself for pushing through and finishing it. ...and then it got almost no attention on AO3, probably because of the awkward length and the sort-of-self-harm content. Sigh. Oh well. I really enjoyed getting to explore what Force rituals might look like (and feel like), as well as looking at the Force from two different characters’ perspectives and getting to throw my poor Zabrak sisters at each other again.
And my crowning pride and joy,
The Sith Lullaby
(Click the link if you haven’t heard it yet. Do it. /e)
I almost never write music because it’s time-intensive, labor-intensive, and a skill I haven’t spent that much time honing. Making up music isn’t difficult for me. Making it good, and putting it on paper, is difficult. Or tedious, at least, and my dumb ADHD brain doesn’t do well with tedious tasks. But something possessed me to write this, based on one off-handed comment I made about a scene idea for a fic I don’t even talk about here. I spent three days pretty much doing nothing besides writing English lyrics, translating them into Sith, writing the melody, making the Sith lyrics fit the melody, and then finally putting it all together on paper. And I have zero regrets. The result is my pride and joy of the last year of Star Wars content, my crowning achievement thus far in this fandom: a lullaby written by me and then played and sung by me in the Sith language, an absolute bastard of a conlang that’s just filled-out enough to be difficult without being complete enough to not force me to make up probably 90% of the words in that song.
And who knows? Maybe I’ll do it again someday...
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ksbwnotes · 3 years
Chapter 9, Part 1
Ahhhh...poor son of a bitch.
1. Heyyyyy, green tape
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Hmmmn, Koogi seems to use green a lot...is that just more common a color for duct tape in Korea? But thing is, her main outfit for Bum is green tones. And he likes froggies, which are green. 
Also, we never do see Sangwoo use this tape with CEO daughter girl (just ropes, a cloth for her mouth, and this weird metal thing to cover her eyes). Or with Bum, for that matter (I only saw it so far used with Koogi’s illustrations, which are a different matter altogether...I might be mistaken, I won’t skip to that part, but Sangwoo might have used it on Bum in the last chapters, which could signify how far his mentality has deteriorated). 
But this guy is different. Sangwoo has no emotional attachment to him.  The duct tape could be, in a way, signifying how worthless this person is to Sangwoo. That he’s nothing more than a box full of unsavory memories he would rather tape shut forever and throw away to rot.
2. Ooohp. Bastard’s bringing out his iconic apron
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Sangwoo the butcher.
But this is something new that we haven’t seen before. Again, Sangwoo has never once wore this with Bum. So that means Sangwoo truly has no intentions of going easy on this guy. Blood is going to be pretty much spurting every-the-fuck-where. 
So even though Sangwoo doesn’t consciously plan to kill someone, he has his habits and ideas down to a pat so that once he does get into that territory, he can more or less get right down to it. Sangwoo seems to do what he can to ‘separate’ himself from his atrocious acts, but also fulfilling an ‘aesthetic’ that fits with the atrocity he has become. 
Like, that apron.  Too risky to wear regular clothes, so apron is the next best thing and can act as a barrier of some sort once the blood goes flying. It’ll reduce how much splatters onto his skin and how much of his body he has to actually clean. It’s also just keep things less gross and more sanitary that way lol.
3. I am the type to find this funny and really be amused by Sangwoo’s smartass-ness
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I suck at being a smartass and I can’t do it, so I really appreciate it whenever someone else can, even if it’s mean lol. But if it’s mean, it’s a guilty pleasure for me, like right now. x’D
4. Honestly, Sangwoo, how did you get yourself into this situation...
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Oh!  So he was able to get out of the blow job. Nice. The guy was actually respectful. If Sangwoo were sane, he’d understand this and just run away instead of luring this guy in to kill him. 
But, really, why did Sangwoo put himself into this position?  I don’t have anything foolproof as evidence, but I really don’t think Sangwoo is the type who actually needs to kill at specific intervals as an outlet.
If anything, Sangwoo has a more...instinctual response to sexual situations, like Bum. For Bum, he becomes hyper-aroused and zeroes in on the pleasure to a point that it overrides his more logical line of thinking. The “he’s a killer I should be scared” becomes “it feels so good and nothing else can exist but this pleasure”.
For Sangwoo, he has two modes. The first one is passive, where he’s just following his partner’s whims and saying that he’s enjoying things but he’s actually just powerless to resist. It’s his instinctual reaction after being forced to just...take his mom’s advances. He feels empty, like a doll that is just meant to be used and taken for pleasure. It’s no better than being a corpse that is fulfilling another’s necrophilic tendencies.
The second mode, I believe, came to be as a self-defense mechanism to the first mode. In order to avoid ever feeling like that, he is in control of everything. He has complete dominance over his partner. In a way, the extreme violence is the only way he can genuinely feel pleasure because he’s ‘safe’. He can literally go one way or the other, his trauma has made it impossible for him to have any other mode than ‘docile’ or ‘predator’. 
5. Well, even without the possibility of murdering someone, Sangwoo choosing an alias is no surprise
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He did go into a gay bar, lol.
I also find it interesting that this is where we get a look into Bum’s thoughts. And it’s regarding Sangwoo’s alias. 
Also, now I am wondering if Sangwoo ever resorted to using aliases with his other prey. Because if he had, then this does add a whole other layer of premeditation to his serial killing. Even if he’s not purposefully scouting for prey, it would at least mean he’s always prepared in the event that he comes across prey. 
That is what makes Jieun such an outlier and also Sangwoo’s downfall in terms of getting caught. Jieun knows Sangwoo personally. There is a connection between them. And her disappearance could easily be traced back to him. Sangwoo isn’t an idiot. He knows how to pick and choose his prey and he probably makes sure to never make it so that the prey can call him by name. 
That is also what makes Bum such an interesting outlier. Because Sangwoo is risking A LOT just to keep him--someone who knows Sangwoo’s real name and actually has witnessed his personal life, both in the outside world and behind closed doors. Sangwoo chose him over the girl. Sangwoo broke his legs, not only to keep Bum from escaping, but to keep Bum with him. 
This does suggest that Sangwoo is not serial killing for the thrill of it (at least, not just for that), but because he’s in search for something that could replace the kills. Sangwoo doesn’t want a pile of dead bodies under his feet--he wants one alive body to stay by his side and love him, in spite of those dead bodies. 
6. ....cute motherfucker
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Koogi, I resent you so much for making him this cute...
Honestly though, it just strikes me how Sangwoo keeps trying to keep on a carefree and happy facade even during times like these. We do later see him doing that as a habit as a child, so it fits that he does that on steroids during his adult years, especially considering the things he does. I’ll refer back to this when we get to Jieun’s death scene.
7. Shows of weakness
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Ah damn I’m going to have to revisit this part. I have a lot of thoughts on it, but I’m too sleep deprived to actually make sense of it. But this part is important in understanding Sangwoo’s mentality and the ways he tries to train Bum to fit a certain image.
Aaaaaand today is a new day!!  So going forth:
During the times Bum showed fear and was trembling, I do think a major part of why Sangwoo hates it so much is because it reminds him of how much of a monster he is. But I also think it’s because it reminds him of his mom, which he does say about Bum’s trembling. Because no matter what happened to his mom, she never learned her lesson. If she were able to change, then Sangwoo’s childhood would be less painful. 
But Bum being quiet and looking scared, but still able to meet Sangwoo’s eyes...that reminds Sangwoo of what he was while with his parents. And even though Sangwoo does hate himself--to a point where he doesn’t want to change because he has no belief he can be better--I do think he’s grieving for that child who had no clue that things will just get worse and worse from there. 
Especially since, from what I’m assuming, he knew how to manipulate his image so that he could avoid being beaten and locked up like his mother. So he would hold more respect towards his conditioned response versus his mother’s conditioned response. He probably refused to admit to himself how he felt back then, because obviously that’s a cruel thought to have and Sangwoo’s level of empathy was still average to high at the time. But it still doesn’t erase his resentment towards her inability to be better (I think this also contributed to why Sangwoo presumably felt ‘free’ after his first kill).
I think I’ll have a better grasp over my thoughts once we get to Jieun’s death >_< 
8. *opens mouth, then silently closes it*
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That first sentence probably is not meant to sound the way Sangwoo makes it sound. xD  Which is a bit too gay for someone who firmly claims he is wholly hetero.
Oh actually this is funny. Since the only other person in the basement is a guy, the card dude probably thinks Sangwoo really is gay or internalized-antigay or something. But the truth is a lot more complex and sinister than what it appears to be on the surface.
9. Ooooooh, high stakes indeed
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Lol, this does drive home the idea to me that Sangwoo is really pissed at Bum. Because, again, he would’ve never went to that gay bar had it not been for Bum. So, in a way, even though Sangwoo internally knows Bum isn’t the one going out in a body bag, this instillation of fear is a punishment for making him question his sexuality in a way that triggered Sangwoo’s trauma. Because there is literally no safe way for Sangwoo to explore his sexuality considering his past and his current lifestyle.
On the other end of the spectrum, I wonder how Bum is feeling about this. He probably genuinely believes that Sangwoo is genuinely putting Bum’s life on the line, in a way that if he fails the card game, he’ll die. Like. I definitely would. No matter what past form of affection Sangwoo showed, if he says he’ll kill me, I would full-heartedly be like “Yeah. Yeah, I don’t doubt you, hun.”
And, still, Bum knows better now than to complain or beg. Because unlike his mother, despite his own mental issues, Bum can be trained and that is why Sangwoo keeps him around.
10. Where do you come up with these things, you bastard
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I mean, seriously, he has so many ideas on how to break a person. These are more psychopathic than sociopathic tendencies, I think, so that’s why Sangwoo right now, is a high-functioning sociopath.
11. Oh my fkkn god tho, this smart boi XD
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Or maybe I’m just dumb and have no clue how to play cards. 
Or maybe Sangwoo has been spending time with Bum playing cards.
Or maybe Bum is just good at cards and has spent his time practicing them.
Either way, the fact that Bum is able to fkkn pay attention during these times shows that his own trauma and mental issues have no bearing on how smart he actually is. He doesn’t have strong observation skills and is slow to understand people, but that’s more of a natural character trait, even if it is more emphasized by his mental disorders...mmmn, I do kinda wonder if Bum could have some traits shared with autism but I’m too neruotypical and untrained to say whether or not he does.
12. No seriously, we have creative Sangwoo here with this card game from hell...
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...Then we have Bum here able to pull out logical conclusions like his mind is clear despite the immense anxiety and pressure of the situation. There’s a reason why Bum is still alive. For some reason, the longer Bum is stuck in his situation, the more 
13. Seriously, I could stab him in the eye for being so cute despite being revolting, it’s not RIGHT KOOGI
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Stab stab stab stab
14. It probably doesn’t mean much, but I still can’t help but point out how Sangwoo is making sure to be close to Card!dude and facing Bum
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This would be the most logical choice since it will ensure his victim doesn’t try to escape. And even if he does, he can quickly do shit like pulling back his hair if he tries to be ‘bratty’. Also, being behind someone like this is meant to represent a menacing appearance and being the ‘controller’ behind the scenes. Sangwoo has the upperhand since card!dude can’t see him and Sangwoo can do whatever he wants to the guy. 
But this also puts Sangwoo and Bum on more equal ground. Sort of like “partners in crime” because they can face each other and communicate via body language. In a way, Sangwoo can help Bum or make Bum do things, influencing his next move. While, at the same time, keeping a literal eye on Bum but without the upperhand he has on card!dude--because Bum can also keep an eye out on him. 
15. I’d probably laugh if I were Sangwoo too lol
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I bet you Sangwoo didn’t expect Bum to actually get the goddamn ace. The fact that Bum is this fkkn lucky is indicative of how Bum is lucky enough to even be alive at this point. Bum has been able to avoid his ‘fate of death’ over and over again that, honestly, the sheer disbelief of it is ridiculous. But it’s also like Sangwoo is saying ‘Of course you’d get the goddamn ace. Of course you would, you little shit, why am I even still surprised by you at this point’.
In a way, Sangwoo might also be thinking that ‘Huh, it’s like I meant to mess with the cards so that’d they be in your favor.’ But of course, he can’t have that because Bum being ‘too’ happy about things means he won’t be able to control Bum. So, for Bum’s case, he’s doing a second round to train Bum further, rather than to fuck with him before he kills him (like what he’s doing with card!dude).
Other than that, this is also indicative of just how well Bum is dealing with the anxiety of this moment. Card!dude might have done better (though he can’t have that much control over the cards) under normal circumstances, but between the both of them, Bum is actually calm enough to think things through. It says a lot about his capabilities lol. It makes me wonder what kind of person he could’ve been had he been raised well.
16. Lol, even though this is a throwaway line, I think this is indicative of who Sangwoo has already chosen
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This is really like a “come on, partner in crime, get up to my level here and let’s fuck with this fucker together”. But the thing is, Bum is just as much a victim as this guy. There is literally no way for Bum to think any other way but Sangwoo fucking with both of them, not just card!dude. 
Because the thing is, if Bum forgot himself and reacted the same way as card!dude, Sangwoo would kill him, along with card!dude.
But yeah, it does make me think of how Sangwoo would’ve reacted if card!dude actually won. How would his script go? Would he still do a practice round? Or would that have been enough for Sangwoo, and he would’ve skipped to the next part of his plan?
I don’t think this second round was something Sangwoo expected. And that really drove home to him how Bum keeps surpassing his expectations again and again. 
17. *wince* Oohp.
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The trembling and slight protest. Definitely not what Sangwoo wants to see. I can’t blame Bum for responding like this, BECAUSE A FKKN SERIAL KILLER IS PRETTY MUCH TRYING TO SCREW HIM OVER, but at the same time, he should know better than to respond this way. 
I also do think, other than the threat to his life, Bum is perceiving this as Sangwoo ‘choosing’ card!dude over Bum. It’s like a rejection and that probably hits Bum’s rejection sensitivity. If it was just a threat to his life, Bum would probably be able to still stay silent at this point (uh, most likely not because again, life is on the line, but still maybe). However, there’s also this sense that Sangwoo doesn’t actually want him to live--that the card game is just an excuse to kill Bum.
18.  think it says a lot that Sangwoo still responds to Bum’s protest via ‘patting’ him on the head rather than pulling on his hair. 
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If card!dude was more intuitive, then he probably would’ve noticed that something was off in the way Sangwoo was treating Bum. More leniently. Because any small variation in treatment is not a promising outlook for card!dude.
But the thing is--now that I know how the ending is--Sangwoo is just doing this as a way to fuck with the other dude.  Actually he was probably proud of Bum winning so that he could further fuck with card!dude and make him taste the bitterness of false hope. Sort of like a “heh, you did better than I thought you would”. 
Sangwoo does want him to live because this card game is not about ‘who’ to choose. Sangwoo has already chosen Bum. This is just a matter of how much satisfaction Sangwoo can get against his revenge on the other guy.
Though, Bum is genuinely worried because why would he think that lol. There is also this thing where Sangwoo chose to kill a pretty girl and keep him, a skinny male loser, alive. So from his stand point, Sangwoo’s choices are difficult to pinpoint. Bum also won’t see himself as more ‘attractive’ than card!dude, so he most likely was scared that Sangwoo’s choices has changed once again and he would be thrown away like CEO daughter.
19. Hmmmn...
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Now that card!dude has been given a second chance and can see Sangwoo’s willingness as a show of ‘favorability’, he has more control over his anxiety (which I do think is different from Bum, who has this sort of ‘on-off’ button for his anxiety, versus card!dude who seems to have more of a ‘reduction-enlargement’ slider). He probably feels more confident. 
And this is probably exactly what Sangwoo wanted, because then that will make the fall so much sweeter, the look of horror that much more gratifying.
20. Really, and there were people who wanted Sangwoo and Bum to have a happily ever after
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The psychological warfare Sangwoo is putting onto Bum is so brutal that it’s really difficult to keep reading. Again, Koogi making it so that Sangwoo got better, then got worse when he realized he couldn’t handle what it means to ‘improve’, and then die...it made me respect this work so much, because nothing about this is romanticized.  And furthermore, Bum didn’t die, but at the same time, he was scars that will never be able to heal. His mentality was worse in the end than it was in the beginning, which is a goddamn feat because there wasn’t much left for him to fall.
Another alternative that I saw float around was Bum and Sangwoo dying together and...no. No no no. That’s too romanticized as well. And Bum being left alive while Sangwoo dies has this very...god I don’t even know how to explain. It’s not a happy ending. For me, there’s no vindication for it because I got to see just how deeply Sangwoo was suffering, which made it impossible for me to enjoy his death despite every incredibly shitty thing he has done. It was literally just...a masterpiece. One that showed just how, really, there are places on earth that truly have no hope and the suffering only ends with death. 
I usually never like nihilistic stories like these. Like seriously, there’s a reason why I avoided Killing Stalking like the plague. But after so many stories where things have a happy ending just because they MUST, it doesn’t only get tiring, but destructive for me. 
And Killing Stalking is special to me because instead of showing that everything was hopeless in the beginning just BECAUSE life is hopeless, period...it shows that things could’ve gone differently because Sangwoo and Bum were never truly without hope in the beginning. Sangwoo wasn’t a classic serial killer. Bum just needed better guidance. They just needed to be given a goddamn chance, like so many people in the world in general.
Instead of outright nihilism, it’s more in line with existentialism and that things reach the point of no return if nothing is changed. Or that if there are changes, it’s the type of change that makes things worse and doesn’t allow for healing.
Anyways, I don’t quite have all my thoughts on this together, so this is something I have to revisit once I’m done reading KS.
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kbstories · 4 years
“It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone.”
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Protective Baku, Soft Baku, Stargazing
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Minor content warning for (discussions of) self-esteem issues. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
With an absent hum, Bakugou turns the page, squints, scribbles down a line in his neat, tight handwriting. A piece of black fabric separates his hand from the paper, the same wrapped around his pen, too.
Kirishima leans forward, over his own book-and-notepad combination dotted with scrawled comments and colorful post-it notes. It’s been an hour since any of it has made sense to him.
“Bakuuu. C’mon.”
A sigh, annoyed. Another line is added. Then: “The fuck d’you want?”
It takes a few seconds until the silence has stretched enough for Bakugou to look up and into Kirishima’s pleading eyes. Bakugou’s expression barely changes beyond a raised brow, unimpressed. It’s the one reserved for when Kirishima’s being especially dense – slightly more severe than muttered curses and slightly less so than that God-help-me roll of his eyes he premiered during their last study session.
Which was yesterday. Kirishima would be proud of unlocking a new Angry Bakugou Face in record time… if U.A.’s grumpiest genius wasn’t the only thing standing between him and a frankly impressive row of failed grades.
Final’s Week is brutal, even for heroes-in-training. Especially for heroes-in-training. So: Desperate times, desperate measures.
“Slap me”, Kirishima tells Bakugou, hushed in their corner of the library. “As hard as you possibly can.”
The arch of Bakugou’s brow climbs higher, utterly devastating in its wordless criticism. He says, “What”, tone Aizawa-levels of flat, and it’s not a question. It’s a command: Explain or else.
Kirishima is in no state to resist. The confession bubbles out of him in a whiny rush.
“Dude, I slept like… zero hours last night ‘cause Kami got Pokémon Colosseum – y’know, the reboot? So cool – and we kinda lost track of time. I know, I know, it was a stupid idea, I swear it was an honest mistake!”
Bakugou continues to stare as he puts down his pen and wipes his palms on the edge of his shirt. Kirishima ducks his head, hiding behind the limp strands of his hair.
“Don’t look at me like that, man. I’m seriously about two minutes from passing out here and there’s like a hundred pages of this thing I haven’t read yet, let alone understood, and oh shit Mic will hand me my ass with words tomorr–”
It all happens so quickly: Kirishima catches a blur of motion headed his way and squeaks; his skin hardens about half-way before there’s sparks and his cheek smarts, and a hissed “Motherfucker” sounds right in front of him.
The sharp slap! noise registers only after the fact, when Kirishima holds his face and Bakugou holds his hand and they both stare at each other in mutual bafflement as their skin turns red with the impact.
That moment is like glue, clear and sticky as it extends past its natural limit – then Bakugou snorts and starts to laugh, a cackling hyena-laugh that Kirishima’s never heard in full and certainly not like this, loud and unrestrained, and all hopes of holding back his own laughter is lost as he cracks up, too.
They laugh and laugh, until Kirishima’s stomach starts to cramp up and there’s the sheen of tears in Bakugou’s eyes. “Your f-fucking face”, Bakugou wheezes at some point. “Fucking bastard, you almost broke my hand! With your fucking face!”
All it does is send them into another round of hysterics.
At some point, Kirishima glimpses some of their classmates poke their head around the bookshelves secluding their study corner from the rest of the library, faces ranging from exasperated to deeply disturbed. There’s Ashido, giggling at the sight of both of them bent over and struggling to get some sort of grip, and Kaminari, who just mumbles “What the hell, guys” while straddling the line between sleep-deprived and intensely fascinated by what he’s seeing.
And hey, at least Kirishima’s really freaking awake now. There’s the problem of trying and failing to breathe without dying, his face helplessly flushed and sweating, but the world’s colors are back to being bright and sharp. Across from him, Bakugou isn’t faring much better, shaking his head and the back of his hand covering the broad smile he can’t seem to get rid of.
“Fuck you, you stupid, moronic idiot. For fuck’s sake, Kirishima.”
Kirishima rubs at his chest, the ache in his lungs starting to lessen now that he’s marginally back in control. “I’m so sorry but like”, he waves at himself and he can’t help his grin despite the stinging protest coming from his cheek. “Thanks, dude!”
“Eat a dick.” There’s no bite whatsoever in Bakugou’s grumbling as he sits back down and digs his nose into his book once more, thoroughly ignoring their flabbergasted audience.
After a moment of pantomiming what amounts to I’ll tell you later to their friends, Kirishima joins him, ready to tackle the final boss that is the English language.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥 )
yo nitro (sent 17:48)
where u at? (sent 17:48)
why (received 17:52)
why what 🤔 (sent 17:53)
OH uh to hang out? (sent 17:55)
dw dude it’s just me (sent 17:55)
[location] (received 18:10)
bakugou katsuki what are you doing in the middle of the woods??? (sending…)
NO WAY (sending…)
signal’s gone AGAIN i’m going feral (sending…)
screw it (sending…)
The GPS signal craps out twice more before Kirishima heaves himself onto the edge of a cliff and spots a familiar silhouette. Sheltered by a bend in the rock bed, the glow of a fire illuminates a backpack set aside, a pair of discarded hiking boots – and Bakugou, leaning against solid stone with his arms crossed behind his head.
“Took ya long enough”, he says, the lazy smirk on his lips cut in flickering shadows.
“Listen.” Kirishima wipes beads of perspiration off his temple; a spontaneous rock-climbing session by the last light of day is not what he had hoped for after hours of exhaustive quirk training. “We already have a perfectly good camp. There’s, like, leftover curry and hot springs and stuff down there.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Yeah. And a bunch of extras.”
There’s an exasperated reply on his tongue – They’re called classmates, genius. Y’know, friends? – but Kirishima knows it’s pointless to even start that debate. He snipes him with his sweaty headband instead, celebrating his own marksmanship when it hits Bakugou square in the chest with a wet thwap.
“Wha– Shitty Hair!”
“You made me climb this stupid cliff in the middle of the night. Deal with it.”
Bakugou just throws it back, the force of an explosion propelling the thing past Kirishima’s shoulder and off the mountain entirely. Kirishima watches singed white fabric disappear into the abyss, bidding it goodbye with a somber salute.
“Well, that’s lame.”
“You’re lame, fuckface.”
Shaking his head, Kirishima laughs and joins him by the fire.
It’s quiet for a bit while he gets comfy and Bakugou throws a chunk of wood into the flames, sparks bursting into life immediately. This far up, the air feels… brittle, in a way, thin and cold enough Kirishima wouldn’t have been surprised to see his breath mist. The breeze ruffles the crowns of the trees around them, the rush of rustling leaves in the distance strangely soothing.
Bakugou’s gaze is lost in the night sky when he starts to speak. “Been thinking of borrowing my parents’ car and driving out here by myself. Y’know, once I got my license and shit. ‘s got some good trails, people were talking ‘bout it on those shitty hiking forums. Forums, like we’re in the fucking 2000s.”
His elbows on his knees and his head propped on his hands, Kirishima hums and looks up as well. The moon is a thin island of white in an ocean of indigo blue growing steadily darker, a myriad of stars coming out to keep her company. “Yeah?”
“Mh”, Bakugou makes around a soft breath. “Guess they’re all shit out of luck though ‘cause it’s the personal playground of pro heroes, apparently. It’s a miracle none of our idiots got fucking lost coming out here.”
‘Our idiots’, huh? Kirishima nudges his chin lower and into his palms to hide his smile. “Kinda far of a trip to make just for some hiking, isn’t it?”
A casual shrug, followed by a nod upwards. “Not for this. The lodge is the only structure for miles in any direction and even with us here, it’s got fuck all on an entire city. Get it?”
“Yeah! No light pollution, right?”
“Yup”, Bakugou confirms, popping the ‘p’. A small grin is shot Kirishima’s way, teasing rather than mocking. “What’s this, huh? Don’t tell me you paid attention in fucking physics after all.”
Kirishima breathes an offended huff, mock-hurt.
“Pshh, please. Y’know how everyone has that one niche thing they randomly obsessed over as a kid? That was me with astronomy. Back in Middle School I had like, a huge model of all the planets in my room and my favorite constellations mapped across the ceiling with those glow-in-the-dark stars. Years of useless knowledge, all stored right here.”
Kirishima’s thumb taps his forehead as he smiles at Bakugou; Bakugou’s lips pull into a smile of his own, small but there. When he turns back to the stars, Kirishima does the same, sighing wistfully.
“If Thirteen’s class were just about that I’d freaking ace it, dude. I get that I’m kinda dumb with literally anything else, but space is my jam. Did you know that–”
“You’re not.”
The train of thought Kirishima was about to gleefully jump onto screeches to a halt. “…huh?”
Bakugou frowns at him. “You’re not”, a vague wave in his general direction, “stupid or whatever.”
Perhaps the dumbfounded blinking Kirishima’s doing in response is already enough to prove Bakugou wrong on that. Still, Kirishima sits up a bit straighter, eyebrows pulling together tightly.
“Um. I appreciate you saying that, bro, but I’m only here ‘cause Aizawa decided to get in touch with his merciful side after all. Like, Cementoss totally wiped the floor with me back home. There’s no point in lying to myself about that.”
“So you’re calling me a fucking liar, is that it?”
Kirishima can only watch as Bakugou’s mouth twists beyond the usual doom and gloom and into something… frustrated. Genuinely annoyed. An iron weight settles in Kirishima’s gut, heavy and hard to ignore. “I didn’t– Look, man, can we not fight over this? I’m just saying I wanna face my mistakes and do better, that’s all.”
“Then say it!”
There’s a severity to the words that catches Kirishima off guard. Bakugou is staring him down with eyes so intense they possess their own gravitational pull, closer to black than crimson in the fire’s light–
Kirishima likes to think he knows Bakugou, at least a little. What makes him tick, what makes him angry – because there is a reason and a rhyme to his anger, a pattern to the things that set him off that Kirishima has yet to properly figure out. It’s just that Kirishima isn’t usually one of those things, not anymore.
“You lost me, Baku”, he admits, quietly, after a beat or two of tense silence. “What do you mean?”
Bakugou sighs, a harsh noise between them. The deep breath afterwards is new, however, a sharp inhale followed by a calmer exhale before Bakugou points at him, a wordless listen up.
“Just– Okay. You fucked up and wanna learn from it? Cool, fucking say that then. Not some bullshit about being too dumb to do shit ‘cause you’re not. Fuck right off with that.”
Mouth opening, Kirishima is stopped by a flurry of firecracker sparks and a terse growl of “Shut the hell up, I’m not done.” Finally, Bakugou’s look snaps elsewhere, one sock-clad foot kicking at a loose rock in clear irritation.
“Studying isn’t your strength, who gives a fuck? You got into U.A. top-fucking-two, you’re one of the only capable fuckers around and if you seriously think you don’t deserve to be here because Cementoss got lucky one fucking time then you got another thing coming.”
Kirishima sits there in a state of mild shock until Bakugou huffs and glares at him again. The threat behind it is ridiculously empty considering the impromptu speech he just gave and holy shit, Bakugou Katsuki is praising him. Kirishima Eijirou.
He might actually cry.
“What? You’re competition, bitch, so don’t make me a fucking liar by pretending otherwise.”
Scratch that, tears are definitely part of the picture now.
Wet-rimmed eyes and a quiet sniff, that’s as far as Kirishima gets before Bakugou’s expression suddenly falls, crestfallen to an almost comical degree. Kirishima does laugh then, a watery little chuckle that doesn’t seem to make things much better, either.
“Sorry, just… Damn Nitro, I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me. You really think so?”
And okay, yup, that’s a real glare, this time. Bakugou throws up his hands. “You’re so– Urgh. Did I fucking stutter?”
Kirishima rubs the moisture out of his eyes and smiles. “Nope.” Faint embarrassment heats his cheeks; he focuses on the warmth curling in his chest instead, glowing bright and comforting like the embers at their feet and the stars above.
“Good”, Bakugou mutters.
More wood is tossed into the fire and rekindled with red-hot palms. Scooting closer, Kirishima holds out his hands and hums happily as it chases away the ever-cooling temperatures. They can’t stay up here forever – Aizawa will have his hide for sure if he doesn’t show up to the remedial course tonight – yet Kirishima figures they have a few more minutes.
Bakugou goes right back to his earlier sprawl, unaffected by the cold: arms crossed, eyes on the sky like he can’t get enough of the sight. Kirishima thinks of glow-in-the-dark stickers, faded over time. Quietly, he wonders which constellation is Bakugou’s favorite.
“Hm? Yeah?”
Shoulders relaxed, voice even, Bakugou says: “Tell me something. About space, I mean.”
As complicated as being friends with Bakugou can get, it can be so, so easy, too. Just a while longer, Kirishima decides as he settles in next to his best friend and starts talking.
>>Chapter 4
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linkspooky · 4 years
Ten Favorite Female Characters
I was tagged by @midnight-in-town​, so now I have to show them how much I love my favorite women. 
Name your favorite female characters from 10 different Fandoms and tag 10/or the amount you wish people
Tagging: @hamliet​ @amonmahboi​ @inumaqi​ @thyandrawrites​ @kaibutsushidousha​  @harostar​.. yeah, I don’t know ten people. 
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Enoshima Junko 
“Hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. It swallows up love, hatred, and everything else.”
Junko wishes she was a psychopath. She’s spent her entire life pretending to be a crazy psychopath, because living that life is just so much more interesting than the one she’s stuck in. Enoshima Junko is just too smart for the world, and everything is too easy for her, and rather than try to dumb herself down a little bit she’s decided to knock everything else down. She’s a girl kicking down sandcastles because building them out of sand all alone is no longer doing it for her. 
Junko’s interesting because of the weird logic and loops she runs her brain into. There’s a complex character behind the whole “I exist only to spread despair” thing. She’s perfectly capable of forming emotional attachments to people, and genuinely caring. But the people she likes are generally far worse off than the ones she doesn’t care about. 
Junko wants so badly to, just not be human. She does the most inhuman things possible to prove that she’s not human. What really made me love her is the lengths she’s willing to go, to the point in Dangan Ronpa Zero where she basically took a screw to her own brain and started acting like a normal girl only when all of her memories were removed. 
Junkos relationship with Matsuda shows two conflicting sides of her character. How much she's humanized by her love of him,  and also how much she wants to completely destroy that part of herself. It's like she physically can't be a normal girl. Or rather she doesn’t want to be to such extremes she’ll break everything and then herself. 
And if she can’t be normal than Junko decided that self destruction is her next best bet. There’s just nothing that will satisfy Junko, and it’s interesting to watch someone that empty decide the world is going to end, or she’s going to end herself and she doesn’t really care which. 
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Ajimu Najimi
“Call to me with affection, Anshin’in-san. Well, I don’t really care what manga characters call me.” 
Hey, I put Junko on this list twice. Both Ajimu and Junko live in a world that is too easy for them, and therefore they have no reason to get emotionally invested in others or try to attach themselves to anything. Which is why it’s fun to see Ajimu attempt the same thing as Junko to kill herself in style and eventually get saved from herself.
Medaka Box is such a meaningful manga to me because they take the weirdest characters and no matter how deranged they are they find the parts of them that are relatable and go, well guess what you’re human too. Ajimu literally calls herself a non-human and she’s just as human as all the rest in the end. 
The best part is it’s not her good points that make her human, it’s all her flaws. It’s easy to feel like the world isn’t real, that nothing in the world is worth living for, to feel no emotional attachment. Those are all human emotions. Not because they’re good and shining, but because they’re petty and terrible. Ajimu is this brilliant character, but she’s also kind of just a petty little girl using a ‘fiction is reality’ lens to cope. She’s not that special actually, she’s just suicidal, and kind of awful in general. It’s nice to see that human side behind the mastermind character. 
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“My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right of course but it still hurts.” 
Azula is someone thoroughly dehumanized by everyone even the “good” members of her family (Uncle Iroh, Zuko, her Mother). I like how Azula in some part seems to be aware that both her brother, and mother seem to kind of consider her the “bad sibling” and she just decides to embrace it. Like it’s... not emotionally healthy in any way and it’s terribly tragic but there’s something about characters who actively make the decision to be a monster that gets me. 
There’s something about Azula’s writing that makes me uncomfortable, and it makes me sad that Zuko like... continually associates her with his father’s abuse, and demonizes her like she wasn’t also a kid going through the exact same situation, but Azula getting increasingly unstable is at least an appropriate response to that. 
Even if her brother, her mother, or her father won’t see her as her own person and they all see her as an extension of her father’s abuse on her, Azula is just so determined to be her own person even if it means burning the world, or herself A common theme I guess, but a lot of these characters have narratives about not being allowed to be their own person or shown any kind of humanity or normalcy. 
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“Well, well, well what do we have here?”
Morrigan is mean, and nasty, and grumpy and bitchy and witchy. She’s allowed to be unlikable, because Morrigan never bends to anyone. Her survival, and freedom will become first before anything else. 
It feels like Morrigan is the main character in her own story, and you just happen to be a part of it for a short while. You may even be an important character to her, she may be attached, but ultimately you’ll never be more than support to her. 
Morrigan is such an ambitious an singular entity that her character development is letting you be a part of her life and not the other way around. She'll always survive on her own.  Morrigan is irrevocably shaped by her environemnt, and yet she craves freedom in that too because she doesn’t want to be bound by her past or shaped by her mother. So much of herself is dedicated to being better than the environment that she was raised in that she defeats her mother not by killing her, or freeing herself, but rather by being a better mother than her. 
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Raven / Rachel Roth
“Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos...” 
Raven is fun, because a bunch of monks thought the best way to teach her to handle her emotions was to never allow her to feel any emotion ever. So, Raven is eternally running on a zero. She’s terrified even a small amount of happiness will end the world. She’s not allowed to be her own person, neither her bastard father, nor the monks treat her like one.
Raven is so gentle, and selfless, and emotionally perceptive and sensitive to others needs but she can’t ever display almost any of these good traits because she’s internalized the idea that she’s such a bad person. She always believes all the time that she exists to hurt others and that makes it so difficult for her to connect to others. 
Which is why her true friends bond with the Teen Titans is so meaningful, because Rachel found a family in spite of all of that. She has friends who think she’s a good person unconditionally despite the fact that Raven continually tells herself she isn’t. There are people in the world willing to navigate the maze of walls that Raven has built around herself, and that her environment forced her to build and closed up, and she’s so happy to have them. 
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“Some call our realm a world of shadows, but that makes it sound so unpleasant... The twilight there holds a serene beauty... You have seen it yourself as the sun sets on this world. Bathed in that light, all the people were pure and gentle...” 
Midna just steals the show. Her story now. The game’s not called Legend of Zelda anymore now it’s Legend of Midna. Not only is she the most important character in the game she appears in, but she’s also in character someone so selfish she’ll always prioritize herself over everyone else. However, only because she feels that she can’t exist as anything other than the princess of the twilight and has to prioritize her survival for the sake of her people. Midna even says so at the start of the game, she can’t be kind because she wasn’t spoiled like princess Zelda in the bountiful kingdom of the light. 
Midna is so selfish and yet doesn’t really have her own wants and needs as a person outside of the role she has to play for her people, which is why she’s so terribly lost without it and just because this terrible selfish little gremlin. Link and Zelda affect Midna so much because they humanize her. They both sacrifice themselves to save Midna the person and she doesn’t get why. She doesn’t get why two people would help someone who has been so unkind to them and who has failed them this much so far. 
That act of selflessness moves her, and also freaks her out. She even says she didn’t want to be saved by either of them. Which is what makes her redemption in the second half of the game so interesting, because Midna really improves herself so she can become someone worth their kindness. She doesn’t want the selflessness of people like Zelda and Link to go to waste, and because of that begins to care about things outside of her kingdom and her role as princess 
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Vriska Serket
“After all of this is over. Do you want to go on a d8?”
Unfortunately one of my top 3 favorite characters of all time comes from a really terrible source material. Vriska is everything I like in a character.  She's a mess. She's really hard to swallow. She's a character that's not meant to be liked.
Nobody really likes Vriska and it's all her fault for being such a horrible person, nobody wants her damage. Which is so interesting because usually main characters get forgiven over and over again. Everyone leaves and if they don't Vriska will burn those bridges herself. No character better embodies what it's like to be stuck in a self harming cycle
Authors are always so obsessed with making characters look good or showing what a good person they are few characters are allowed to be just plain unlikely in ugly ways. It’s what lets Vriskas genuine desire to be better actually seem like a struggle. 
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Kocho Shinobu
“Are you angry? Yes, I’m angry Tanjiro. I’ve always been angry.” 
Shinobu is just all pleasantries on the surface, but so full of negative emotions in ways women aren't allowed to be. I love the medicine / poison dynamic to her character and how it rots her to the core. Too much medicine is a poison, while poison can be a medicine when applied to the right situation.
Shinobu is, two faced. She’s beautiful and kind, and full of ugly emotions and empty. She nurses people back from the dead, she sees no point in living herself and purposefully throws herself into a suicide in her plan against Doma. There’s just such a destructive dance between extremes for her because Shinobu is such a unique individual, trying to deal with all of these emotions she just can’t deal with. She can’t be noble, or better than her trauma, she just pretends to be a good person while she slowly rots away inside.  
Shinobu can put on smiles all day -
But she can't be like her sister.  She can't love people like her sister can. Maybe she could once but all that's left now is anger. Bitter, unpleasant, and completely in denial of it and still masquerading as a good person. The most beautiful kind of poison of all.
She’s not her sister, but she’s also not really her own person. She doesn’t know who Shinobu is, doesn’t know who Kocho Shinobu lives for. She just doesn’t imagine herself living past her revenge, and even though she’s surrounded by love she’s just so cracked it all pours out of her and absolutely nothing could be worth prolonging her life after everything she’s lost. 
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Toga Himiko
“What exactly is a normal life? I also live a normal life, you know.” 
Himiko Toga is a girl who lives entirely on her own terms. Which is just so rare for a female character, you know? It’s so genuinely subversive to know that Himiko was once a nice girl, who always smiled, always put other people’s feelings first, and that sort of ‘good girl’ behavior drove her completely insane.
Toga deciding to be true to herself is an act of rebellion against the world. 
For Himiko everything is flipped. What others regard as psycho behavior is her normal. She doesn’t let other people define her story as a tragedy, and even murders the one person who tries to control her story. In a story where female characters constantly downplay their own importance to support the male characters Himiko is the only character important enough to be the center of her own story. Himiko’s story is so subversive as well, both of how society treats her, and how the story treats characters like her. 
Himiko is such an excellent yandere, all yanderes wish they were himiko. She comes off as this batshit stabby girl,  but then you find out that shes actually emotionally perceptive. She first comes off selfish, bratty, and self-centered but she turns into one of the most sensitive characters in the manga. She eschews the ideals of being a good girl that was forced down her throat, but that doesn’t mean she’s not empathic, or that she’s not capable of goodness. She’s good to twice. She’s good to the people who accept her. 
Himiko no matter what will always be a deviant. Always be an outsider. Instead of trying to make room for her her parents forced her to lie and wear a mask until her identity became completely shattered. I like Toga because under the knife wielding psycho she's a normal girl. Then under that normal girl there’s also a knife wielding psycho ready to fight back, and both of them are the real her. 
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Ihei Hairu
“I saw the reaper, he was very beautiful.” 
Every character from the garden is just fundamentally broken.  Hairu and Rize are interesting foils, because if you think of about it a loveless childhood turned them both into ruthless killers. It’s just they decided to live for different things, Rize lived rejecting love and Hairu lived chasing after love. However, fundamentally they are the same. They are children starved for any kind of love or nurturing.  Hairu is so desperate she devotes her entire life to the first person who acknowledged her. However, the same sort of desperation to live, that tragic need to make the most out of the few short years they have exists in all garden children.
Hairu wants so badly to be a person, but she’s not a person. She’s half ghoul. 
There's just something about a girl who was never meant to be born and never meant to live, still trying.  There's a dark side to her character, she's violent and inhuman exactly like the environment she was raised in but she was also still a child at heart seeking love.
Which is why though her narrative is a thoroughly unhappy one, it does make me happy that there was someone who loved her in the form of Koori Ui. There is someone who wanted her to live longer. Her life was short, but she did live, and it’s that struggle to connect to others that made her truly alive. 
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grayintogreen · 3 years
So we’re in the endgame now and I’ve been thinking a lot about Lucien’s inevitable fate. Now I LOVE the guy, nasty boi that he is. He’s fun. He’s an asshole. He’s exactly like Molly, except that he has nine sugar daddies in his head convincing him to use all of that flimflam he excels at to be a fucking nightmare cult leader bastard.
(Sidebar: is this why Molly’s charisma was lower than it should be? Because he didn’t use Lucien’s charisma the way Lucien did? Fascinating.)
BUT therein lies the dilemma. Bitch gotta die. That’s a non-starter. I’m pretty sure Caduceus’s point about the Nonagon being Lucien’s rabies is accurate and that removing that from the equation might level his dumb ass out, but when it comes down to it, will they resurrect him and try to get Molly back?
Personally, I think Caduceus is gonna be the one, as the least volatile about it, to make the suggestion- he seems like he was pretty keen on the idea, even if he’s also like “hey I have no personal attachment to that body and you’re literally a thing of my nightmares so if I have to personally end you I will.” It’ll be up to the rest of the party if they want to chance it- and only if it meant Lucien would come back without the nine eyes, because at that point, he’s not really a threat and they can find out how much of the corruption was in those rather than Lucien.
Again, “big if.” I don’t know if bringing Molly back is even a priority anymore. Saving the world is. When the dust settles, it might be a conversation, and only if there’s NO ONE ELSE to bring back or if there’s even a body and Lucien doesn’t get devoured by the Somnovem as is probably at least 50% likely.
But let’s assume that happens. Let’s assume they all agree. 
Molly was a sliver that existed as a piece of the whole left behind when Vess did her soul crush. Whether we believe that Molly’s sliver died and Lucien is just existing without it or he’s been lying full tilt about it and THAT’S why he can’t fucking let go of the M9 and seems to be fucking obsessed with them, despite seeming to have no actual use for them is a non-issue. If Lucien dies and they bring back Molly, I don’t think they’re just gonna get that one sliver. They’re gonna get Lucien as a whole back, because Molly and Lucien are the SAME PERSON. They’re just different versions of the same person. You can tell that Matt built Lucien that way- he took Taliesin’s concept for Molly and built a backstory into it and a horrible nightmare cultist vibe. If Lucien and Molly weren’t clearly meant to be the same person (Molly is just Lucien with his baggage removed and a better environment to grow and flourish in), then Lucien wouldn’t be ANYTHING like Molly. There would be zero overlap at all.
So if they bring Molly back, they’re going to get Lucien too, probably a little fusion dance of the pair, like I’ve mentioned before. I have a lot of ideas about how the Somnovem arc is gonna play out and at least one of them is that the Somnovem are gonna betray Lucien once he’s no longer any use to them. He’s clearly a pawn high off his own power. The Somnovem are nine Trent Ikithons gone mad and they just want stooges to mold and shape the way they want to get where they need to be.
I’m babbling, but basically I think bringing Molly back without considering that Lucien is a whole-ass person (the SAME person in many ways) too, who has been corrupted and twisted and become this monstrosity is doing a little bit of disservice to both Molly and Lucien. I think they need to be whole again and figure out who they are now that they’re no longer bound to the Somnovem, and I think that makes for an interesting story, alongside the nature vs nurture concept that Matt has already set up. Also with Essek, it brings the party to nine, and if the purple redemption boys get to hang out when they’re not with the party proper, I fuck with that.
Also, like, I’m 100% sure that even if they bring Molly back as a level 14 Blood Hunter, Taliesin is gonna be like “yeah I’m definitely not gonna play him as a PC again and deal with all THAT baggage when I could play Caduceus trying to rehabilitate his stupid ass.”
I could be wrong about that! Cad’s arc could end here, since this was his goal all along, but I don’t feel like it’s going to when there’s still Caleb and Fjord storylines to wrap up. And also Tharizdun out there... being awful. Somewhere.
This, of course, all depends on if they bring Lucien/Molly/Mollucien back to begin with, which MIGHT NOT HAPPEN, but if it did, this is the storyline that works for me, personally. I’d be cool with whatever they did! Obviously. It’s their game, Dave. But god I just want the delicious un-fucking of Lucien’s cult bullshit to bring about a better version of himself due to Molly’s influence. It’s a delicious way to end that arc. Mwah.
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nakonaniko · 4 years
The Glitter; A NoMin Smut. +2k Words. Warning: The following work contains mature content.
The boys had just finished filming the first episode of ‘Riding Battle’ and were sitting around a plastic table munching on some snacks to ease their hunger. Loud howling came from the boys as a sulky Jaemin stepped out of the toilet witch an itchy eye. Without saying any words, he plopped down onto a plastic chair and shoved some chips into his mouth as he scrolled through social media using his secret accounts. Jeno, a little scared of Jaemin’s frustrated state, turned to him and attempted to touch the lower lid of his swollen eye. Haechan and Jeno had taken their fun a little bit too far this time and Jaemin was certainly not happy about it. Jeno was busy analyzing the faint redness of his eye when Jaemin spoke up.
“You know you’re fucking lucky that I love you or else I would’ve snapped your neck in half the moment you touched that glitter bottle.”
And with that Jeno knew that things weren’t as bad as he thought they had been. He gave out a sigh of comfort that he didn’t know he had been holding in for a while and careful of the several pairs of watchful eyes around them, pressed a feather kiss on Jaemin’s half closed eye. Not long passed until it was time for the boys to pack up and go back to the dorms. The Hyundai van that SM had prepared for their transportation was big enough to house all of them and so they all settled in their seats comfortably. The manager informed the members of the rather long distance that they had to pave and told them to rest if they felt the need to. The boys laid back their seats and soon Chenle and Jisung fell asleep, leaving the rest in their tired and drowsy states. Once in a while the sound of Renjun’s rather loud whines and grunts followed by Heachan’s clingy attempts to cuddle him was heard, but aside from that all was sound and peaceful. Jaemin was sitting in the back row, where there were more than one seat available and had laid his forehead on the glass of the window, staring out at the orange and red of the sunset. Jeno caught sight of his silent boyfriend and couldn’t help but think that he had something to do with Jeamin’s unusual lack of energy. Usually Jeno (and all of them) had to beg a noisy Jaemin to stop teasing them so much and let them be for a while but today, that was not the case and Jeno couldn’t bear this situation at all. Looking around, Jeno found almost everyone asleep or busy doing something on their phones. He then slowly got up and walked over to where a not-yet-asleep Jaemin was sitting. His heartbeat was oddly high for someone who had barely done anything and when he finally sat down next to Jaemin and brushed his bangs out of his forehead slowly, he was sure that any ignorance from his boyfriend’s part would break his heart deeply. Jeno was fortunate for Jaemin raised his head instantly and hummed faintly before burying his face inside his neck. Jeno wasted no time and expressed his affection by placing multiple kisses on the top of his head, making sure to embrace him as close as possible. Jaemin sighed a sigh that Jeno usually would hear in more private circumstances, in bed to be exact. His breathing hitched as he felt the wetness of Jaemin’s soft and warm tongue on his exposed collarbones. Jaemin was teasing, which was not new, and it felt great, but Jeno had other things to worry about for now.
“Baby? Have you been ok? Do you feel sick? It’s that bastard Renjun’s punch in your chest, isn’t it? Come on let me take a look –“
Jaemin interrupted him halfway:
“Jeno-ya I’m fine, I’m just tired and a bit … maybe a bit frustrated.”
Jeno’s brows furrowed in confusion and deep thought.
“Frustrated? Frustrated how? Is this about that dumb online game that Chenle and Jisung keep pushing you to play so they can gain more lives? I swear to God I’m about to end –“
Jeamin was very well familiar with this habit of Jeno. He tended to be super protective and sensitive when it came to his comfort and he wouldn’t shut up unless a lid was put over his pretty mouth. Jaemin masterfully managed the situation by grabbing the collars of his leather jacket and covering his lips with his own pair. It took Jeno less than a second to fall prey to Jaemin’s sudden attention and soon he was kissing Jaemin back. What surprised him was the force with which Jaemin kissed, he was pushing himself forward as if attempting to straddle his waist there and then in a van full of people. Jeno broke the kiss momentarily and shook his head a little just to get some sense back in that head. Jaemin chuckled at his boyfriend’s fucked out state and punching his chest lightly added:
“I’m frustrated since you know … it’s been a while.”
Jeno was in no state to realize what Jeamin was trying to say and so he just shook his head cutely as a way of asking for more clarification. Jaemin sighed and looked at him straight in the eyes this time.
“It’s been a while since you’ve last dicked me down hard and nice. Here, happy now?”
‘Wow that was a piece of information I could not possibly handle right now’ thought Jeno. He gulped and ran both of his hands through his perfectly styled hair, sighing in the process.
“Is that why you’ve been extra salty for these past few days?”
Jeamin only nodded, with his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth, giving Jeno full on puppy eyes.
Jeno reached out and rather harshly took his bottom lip out.
“Don’t fucking tease me like that unless you’re willing to limp for a week.”
Jaemin rolled his eyes in response, which only infuriated Jeno more. The ride came to an end and the boys were finally in the comfort of their baggy clothes and cozy dorm atmosphere. Chenle and Jisung took turns on their shower stall as the rest of the boys were busy wiping the makeup off their faces. A loud Heachan startled Jeno as he ran into his room to show him something.
“Look what I’ve got! With this amount I’m sure we can tease Jaemin for a whole month!”
He said, waving the bottle of glitter that they had used earlier to paint Jaemin’s under eye. Jeno was about to snatch the bottle and punch Haechan in inappropriate places when a comfortably clothed Jaemin passed by the door. It took him a few seconds to come back into the door frame. He chuckled lowly and took the bottle out of Heachan’s hand.
“Haha. Veeeery funny you guys. Now fuck off before I smack you both.”
Jeamin waited for no other response and headed back to his shared room with Jisung. After a quick shower and a bowl of ramen it was time for him to do something until he’d eventually fall asleep. Wasting time on social media was the first option. He checked the profiles of all of the other members and soon grew bored. Jisung had long fallen asleep and that meant no bickering and teasing him. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and walked out to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water. There in the living room sat an energetic Haechan playing games on the TV, surrounded by the asleep figures of Chenle and Renjun. That left Jeno alone in his room. Jaemin walked towards his lighted room and found him shirtless in front of the full length mirror, drying up his hair with a blow dryer. He stood there for a while, just taking in the graceful flexing and unflexing of his boyfriend’s back muscles as he did the most simple things, like drying his hair and putting on body lotion. Finally he plucked up the courage and walked over to an oblivious Jeno, put his hands on his wide shoulders and pressed a chaste kiss to where his shoulder blades met below the back of his neck. Jaemin waited for no other response and walked back to his bedroom.
He sat down on his bed and covered his face with both of his hands. He had been extra touchy for the last few days, the comeback schedules for ‘Ridin’ had totally drained all of his energy and that meant he had little to zero opportunities to spent some quality time with his boyfriend who was as equally busy. He eventually realized that tonight was the night. After all Jeno had the room all by himself tonight and they could take advantage of that, unless they wanted to wait for a while and then book a hotel room for a few hours just to fuck each other mercilessly. He couldn’t take it anymore and judging by the reactions that he received from Jeno back in the van, Jaemin was sure that he was on the same page. He walked out the door and made sure to take the glitter bottle with him. What Jeno likes, Jeno gets.
When he opened the door to Jeno’s bedroom the lights were already off, only the faint moonlight shone through the window and lighted up Jeno’s bare torso. Jaemin was not in the mood for extra teasing and so he locked the door and began taking his clothes off one after the other. Jeno’s steady breathing was a sign that he had been asleep for some time, and Jaemin had zero plans to be careful tonight. He boldly opened the glitter bottle and rubbed some on his collarbones and chest, making sure not to put any on the nipples since Jeno would certainly not like the idea of glitter on his tongue. Jaemin added the last touches by putting some around and under his eyes, since that was what sparked Jeno’s attention in the first place. He carefully lidded the bottle back and put it on Jeno’s bedside table. It was time for action now. Jeno was a lousy sleeper and so he never had his covers on, that was a bonus for Jaemin as he easily began straddling Jeno’s naked waist.
He took a hold of his rock hard cock and led the tip of it inside the little hole of Jeno’s bellybutton, wetting the small area with his pre-cum. Running his hands up and down Jeno’s chest, he laid his palms on his shoulders and continued humping his skin shamelessly. Jeno’s eyes fluttered open to probably the most sinful image that he could’ve ever seen. There Jeamin was, face blushed and lips parted, moaning his name under his breath like a prayer, his chest and closed eyes glistened with the most beautiful glow as moonlight illuminated his delicate body. His mind was still attempting to register to the sight in front of him, but his body reacted faster. He grabbed Jeamin’s petite hips and helped him hump his belly faster. In less than three minutes Jaemin came hard in hot spurts of thick cum on Jeno’s chest and chin.
“Jeno-ya …”
That was all he had to say before Jeno ran a finger in his hot cum and led it onto his lips, an action to which Jaemin gladly opened his mouth. He licked and sucked his finger masterfully and pushed himself forward to catch Jeno’s lips in the most animalistic French kiss. Jaemin was too far gone to care for foreplay and while kissing proceeded to take Jeno’s half hardened cock and sat on it carefully. Jeno’s breathing faltered.
“Baby … baby … ugh .. I need to .. I need to stretch you first … ah fuck ..”
The feeling was nothing like any other sex that they had experienced. Jaemin could feel Jeno’s cock rising to its full length inside his hole and Jeno felt like he was unlocking new spots inside of him. Jaemin’s confidence in riding his boyfriend died down a bit as he grew tired of the uncomfortable situation.
“Turn me … turn me around .. my leg ..”
Jeno got the sign immediately and still inside him, turned them around so that Jaemin was now caged within his embrace. This was Jeno’s position. Whenever they were in bed like this, Jeno would turn into a merciless animal and fuck Jaemin senseless. And it was about to begin.
“You thought that it was fucking ok to tease me like that in front of the others back in the van huh? Was it fucking funny?”
Jeno’s harsh words were followed by a brutal slap to Jaemin’s left ass cheek.
“Hmmm …”
Jaemin wasn’t one to give up easily and Jeno was very well aware of that.
“Begging to get fucked like the dirty little cock slut that you are … how shameless.”
The second slap was accompanied with a sudden thrust forward and that almost sent Jaemin over the edge.
“You’re so good … you fuck me so good … ugh ..”
Jeno bent his legs and lifted knees up to his chest as he kept his brutal thrusting rhythm. Jaemin’s neglected cock shook from side to side as Jeno pushed him deeper into the mattress with every thrust.
“tou .. touch yourself for me … stroke your cock ..”
Jaemin fisted his red and swollen cock and started fucking his fist in an ungodly speed. The sweat mixed with the glitter on his pale body accompanied by the lewd sounds and sinful words that exited his mouth sent Jeno over the edge. He quickly pulled out of Jaemin’s abused hole and led the tip of his red cock to Jeamin’s mouth, he immediately stuck his tongue out and that was where Jeno lost it completely. He came in heavy spurts on Jaemin’s tongue and chin as Jaemin himself came in his hand and painted his Jeno’s torso a dirty shade of white. Before he could swallow Jeno’s load, Jeamin pushed himself forward and captured Jeno’s lips in yet another animalistic lip lock. Jeno’s cum along with a mixture of their saliva dripped off their chins and onto where Jaemin’s freshly released cum laid on his belly. Breaking the kiss, Jeno dipped two fingers in the unbelievably dirty mixture and stuck them in his mouth as far as they would go, gagging in the process. Jeamin hissed through his teeth.
“Fuck baby that’s so hot … Jesus ..”
Jeno then pulled out slowly, trying not to hurt Jaemin’s sensitive body, which proved to have been unsuccessful.
“Ugh … fuck that hurts ..”
Jaemin smacked Jeno’s chest playfully and in response received his wholesome boyish smile.
The pair laid alongside each other and stared at the ceiling for a while, until Jeamin spoke up.
“So that glitter huh? Wonder if you have other interests that include whips and chains.”
Jeno chuckled and bit his shoulder playfully.
“I guess we’ll see. Till then let’s just clean up before they come for us. This place smells like ass.”
Jaemin rolled his eyes and rolled onto him, making sure that their softening cocks touch in the process.
“Hmmm … well I guess cleaning can wait.”
It was going to be one hell of a night.
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Altered States
Oh hey there, so I accidentally wrote a whole fic for that comic I made a few days ago LOL
The eighth time Kuro flinched when Mahiru looked at him, he snapped.
"What's your problem?!"
Kuro peered at him over the top of his manga, looking for all the world, guilty. 
"What a load of bullshit!" Mahiru exclaimed, throwing the dish rag back into the sink. "Every time you look at me you cringe like someone's kicked you!"
Laying his head down on the table, Kuro closed his eyes and sighed gustily. "No, I don't."
"Yes, you do!" Mahiru stomped over to where he sat and slammed a hand on the table. "And I'm sick of it!" 
The force of the gesture bounced Kuro's forehead against the rough grain surface and he grimaced, gingerly touching the red spot that had formed. Mahiru frowned and tucked his hands behind his back.
"S'ok." Kuro mumbled, hunching back over as he looked everywhere around the dark kitchen but at Mahiru. "It's to be expected."
"Is it?" He asked, surprised. Behind him the clock ticked over the new hour, three AM, and the coffee pot beeped on.
"Of course." Kuro muttered sourly. "What do you expect when your strength is suddenly a hundred times what it was?"
Mahiru crossed his arms, thinking as he tapped a finger against his inner forearm. "I dunno. I guess I figured I'd just kind of.... get it?" He laughed and shrugged, pulling out a chair and sitting facing Kuro's tense form. "So is there something I should be doing? To learn better?"
Kuro finally glanced at him, his eyes wide in what looked like disgust. "How can you be so nonchalant about this?" He demanded, lips twisting in a way that had Mahiru feeling rather sick to his stomach.
"What do you mean? There's nothing to do but get used to it, right?"
Suddenly, Kuro jumped up, his chair screeching back as he stepped away from the table. "Mahiru." He spit harshly. "You're dead.
"Mahiru watched him calmly, arms resting on the table in front of him. From the corner of his eye he noticed he'd forgotten to switch the brew strength to strong. "Not really." He said casually. "I'm still sitting here, talking and doing the dishes."
Kuro crept farther away, shaking his head softly from side to side. "No. It's not the same." As he reached the threshold of the kitchen, he actually tripped, his heel catching on the jut of the carpeting and he stumbled. His arm shot out, bracing against the archway and he clenched his teeth so hard, Mahiru heard it from across the room. "You'll see." With those dubious words, he slipped around the corner and melted into the blanketed shadows of the living room.
Unsure whether Kuro had turned into his swifter cat form, or had just bolted down the hall, Mahiru stood slowly, pacing over to the coffee pot and punching the brew button. The little green light immediately flipped to red and he sighed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What's wrong with you two?" Misono asked, waving his finger idly over several different chess pieces as he decided which to move.
"What do you mean?" Mahiru asked nervously, his eyes tracking the movement of Misono's finger, and consequently the gentle flow of blood through the thin veins.
Misono glanced up, his brow raised, completely unimpressed. "Don't play dumb with me. That idiot cat won't come within ten feet of you." When Mahiru remained silent, he continued. "He used to drape himself over you like an out of date smoking jacket. What's wrong?"
Twirling his fingers around each other, nervously, Mahiru rolled his shoulders in surrender. "What do you think?" He flicked his red gaze up to Misono and blinked. 
Misono, to his credit, did not flinch, but his eyes did narrow momentarily. "I would think he would be relieved."
This was a new take on it to Mahiru and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Why do you say that?" He refused to let his expression change when Misono touched a piece, peering over at him to see if he found it worrisome.
Scoffing, Misono finally pushed his knight forward. "Oh, please. Do you have any idea what kind of state that bastard would be in if you had died? The town would be destroyed, no doubt." He tapped his fingers against the table a moment and sat back, satisfied. "And I imagine-" he fixed Mahiru with a look "- it's because he's rather fond of you."
Mahiru waved a hand through the air in dismissal. "Of course he's fond of me. It's been three years."
Misono rolled his eyes. "Not at all what I was referring to." 
"Then what did you mean?"
"Let's just leave it with this- I think it likely that Kuro feels responsible for you, in more than one way. No doubt he's feeling guilty for not protecting you."
"How long did Lily have to coach you to get that right?" Mahiru asked humorously, ignoring the glare he got in return. "Besides, I'm fine." He gestured down at himself. "Here I am, all limbs intact and breathing!"
Misono paused, staring at him as though he were an idiot. "I don't think they see it the same way we do, Mahiru." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So, you're upset that I'm not human anymore?"
After a dizzying amount of thought, Mahiru had decided that the simplest approach was best, and that meant cornering Kuro when he least expected it and just going straight for the kill, as it were. He had bided his time, pretending not to be upset every time Kuro flinched back from him, or turned away, and waited until after dinner. Kuro was sprawled across the couch with his usual lack luster enthusiasm and Mahiru had used the distraction of a new drama series to make two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. It was unlikely, but he hoped that the drink would prove a useful deterrent in Kuro claiming a busy schedule to go running off again.
Jumping at the question as though shocked, Kuro dropped the remote, his gaze, for the first time in days, meeting Mahiru's. "What?" His voice was rough and uneven, serving only further to remind Mahiru of how far apart they seemed to have fallen. "What did you say?"
"I said, so, are you upset that I'm not human anymore?" It took every ounce of self control in his body to keep a straight face, to keep any inflection or bias from his tone, when all he really wanted to do was curl up next to Kuro and beg him to tell him that it wasn't just that a possible eternity of Mahiru's company didn't sit so well with him.
"What do you want me to say?"
Mahiru shrugged. "The truth." Setting down the two mugs, he perched gingerly on the edge of the cushion, as close to Kuro as he dared. Not only had their communication dropped to almost zero over the last week, but now Kuro seemed to have developed a distinct aversion to any and all forms of "nearness". It was made all the more grating to Mahiru's nerves given the new subtle smells he could pick up, one of which was a soft, almost pine like scent that seemed to come from Kuro. It was distracting and interesting and he found himself constantly fighting to keep from drifting closer to get more of it.
Kuro scoffed, the first sign of a real emotion that he had shown in ages and Mahiru almost smiled. "It's always so simple for you, isn't it?"
"What is?" Mahiru asked in surprise.
"Everything." His tone was bitter, but Mahiru could still just barely hear a sense of exhaustion dancing along the borders.
"Not everything." In disbelief, Kuro turned to him, mouth twitching to the side and this time Mahiru did smile. "In fact, most things are complicated. Which is why I choose to just go about it simply. The best way to deal with trouble is to face it head on, right?"
Instead of answering, Kuro shrugged, closing off as he looked away, his gaze skittering around the room and through the piles of magazines and comics and games he had amassed since his arrival in Mahiru's life. "I'm going to bed." He stood and without ever turning, walked swiftly down the small hall and to his room. 
When the sound of the door closing and the lock clicking echoed, impossibly loud, back to Mahiru, he reached out and picked up the far mug, the one with the little black cat on it. Leaning back, he took a tentative sip, willing the tears crowding his throat to stay hidden away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the bright side, Mahiru thought, as he slid down the wall, the pain this would have normally caused was seriously dampened by his new body. Looking up, shocked by the size of the dent in the siding that he had left behind, he blinked. Yup. It was kind of amazing. Not to say that it hurt less, he amended, wincing when the man took another lunging grab for him and scraped back the skin along the length of his arm. It was more like his senses had been tuned and refined, allowing him to sort through and choose which sensations to focus on.
"Wish it came with some cheat codes, though." He muttered, throwing himself to the side just in time to avoid a steel tipped boot to the face. His reflexes may have improved a hundred fold, his speed and strength unparalleled to his former, his body resilient and healing almost from the second it was damaged, but that didn't mean he knew any better how to take advantage of any of that. His years of rigorous training and experience had transformed him into the very warrior that he had so desperately wanted to be, but that had been his human body. Now, finding his soul trapped within the murky wavering confines of this strange new territory, he couldn't seem to recall a single block or defensive move. "Fuck!"
The man, sensing his irritated distraction, had taken a running leap and thrown them both back, over the edge of the roof they had ended up on. As they tumbled through the air, Mahiru went for broke and spun himself, levering his leg out and praying it connected. When he felt a solid thump, he risked looking over his shoulder to see that he had in fact landed a hit and the man- the vampire- was now unconscious and angled away, falling farther out of reach each millisecond. Miraculously, he crashed through one of the large windows of the neighboring factory building and Mahiru sucked in a deep, relieved breath.
"Yes!" He shouted and then closed his eyes, praying, probably in vain, that the pain of breaking perhaps all the bones in his legs upon landing wouldn't put him into shock. He didn't really fancy passing out in the alley to be found by his new rogue vampire friend, or worse yet, happened upon by some poor, terrified mother walking home from the grocers.
"You're still a total moron." 
The voice hissing in his ear and the arms circled tightly around his waist were all achingly familiar and Mahiru's eyes flew back open to meet Kuro's, staring at him in mournful anger. Somehow somersaulting them gracefully in the last ten feet to the ground, Kuro landed lightly on his feet, Mahiru still clutched against his chest. 
"What were you thinking?" He demanded, seeming to forget, for the moment at least, that his strict rule of no touching was being blatantly neglected.
"Well, I was hoping that I wouldn't break all my bones." Mahiru said cheerfully, trying desperately to keep himself from leaning into the soft cotton of Kuro's jacket.
Kuro sighed explosively, rolling his eyes heavenward as though seeking divine intervention. "I can't deal with you." He finally looked back down, gaze wandering gently over as much of Mahiru as he could see. "Are you ok?"
Overcome with joyful panic at the show of concern, what had once been so commonplace and was now unheard of, Mahiru could barely answer, the words tumbling from his mouth like warm stones. "Thanks, Kuro." He swallowed, and forced his lips into what could be described loosely as a smile. "How did you know where to find me?"
"Lucky guess." He muttered stiffly, remembering himself and stepping back, his arms falling coldly away from Mahiru's sides. He sighed, staring down at the ground where the first few drops of enterprising rain were beginning to fall. "Let's go. It's going to be a storm." Without waiting for an answer, he turned and walked jerkily away.
Mahiru couldn't help but notice that he was dragging his left foot just slightly and he was rushing to catch up, reaching out to grab a swatch of warm blue jacket and return the favor of inquiry, when at the last moment, just inches from the weaved cotton, his fingers froze and dropped. He stopped, standing still in the middle of the alley as he watched Kuro slowly disappearing into the increasing fall of water from the clouds. Looking up, he forced his eyes, red and inhumanly sharp, to remain open, even as the small chill drips landed against them. In the dropping temperature it was impossible to tell if it was his tears or just the rain that was tickling across his jaw and down his neck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What am I supposed to do?" Mahiru asked softly. He couldn't bring himself to turn from where he stood at the counter, though whether it was shame or fear or embarrassment that stilled him, he didn't know.
"Why are you asking me?" Hyde tossed the remaining melted ice from his cup out the window. "Why don't you just tie him up until he talks to you?"
Shocked into forgetting his mortification, Mahiru glanced over his shoulder. "Are you kidding me? Sometimes I don't think you know Kuro at all."
Hyde shrugged, hands splayed and eyes wide in mock confusion. "What do you want from me? I'm supposed to be meeting Licht at the mall right now, you know." He peered crookedly over the rims of his glasses. "Do you know Kuro?"
The question took him by surprise and Mahiru fumbled the whisk, splattering eggs across the counter top. "Of course I do!" He fell silent, worrying his lip, wincing when one of his fangs sank into the soft skin and a small splash of sweet blood landed on his tongue. 
Hyde laughed, crossing his legs and tipping back in the chair. "If you say so!" When Mahiru just continued to stare morosely down at the frothy bowl of eggs and milk in his hands, he groaned and stood. "Look. I know you've got this crazy obsession with being simple or whatever lame thing it is you're always yelling." He grinned when Mahiru turned to glare hotly at him and slapped a hand on his shoulder. "But sometimes you're terrible at taking your own advice! I can tell you the best way to talk to Licht, but Kuro, well, Mahiru, you're the expert." He paused, smirking pointedly. "Because you're the only one Kuro will let be the expert."
Mahiru didn't answer, instead pulling a spatula from the drawer and dipping it contemplatively into the egg bowl. Perhaps Hyde, although still almost unbearably annoying, was right. Maybe it really was that simple.
"These are my words of great wisdom for you." Hyde said, interrupting his thoughts and bowing lowly. "And with that I leave you to your newly eternal teenage angst!" Mahiru rounded on him in ire and he laughed uproariously, darting back. As he fled the room, he leaned back in through the door way just long enough to snag a handful of cookies from the jar on the far counter, and, shoving two in his mouth, winked. "Like I shed Mahroo, jush tahk to 'im. E'll lishen to yoo." Crumbs flew from his mouth and Mahiru unthinkingly whipped the spatula at his head. He ducked at the last second and his laughter bounced down the hall as he danced away, the utensil leaving a huge stain of yellow batter like goo dripping lazily down the wall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dinner was always quiet nowadays, something Mahiru had come to sullenly accept, so when Kuro scraped his spoon softly around his bowl and asked him what the splotch in the kitchen was, he choked on his water, spilling half of it down his shirt. Hacking into his hand, he turned away, aware that his face was most likely bright red. Kuro did nothing as he gasped and finally he cleared the burn in his sinuses. Sitting back, he still somehow managed to feel surprised when he was neither short of breath nor light headed. It must be true he didn't need to breath then, he thought numbly. Oh, sure, he'd tried going without several times when he was bored and on his own, but his instincts seemed to have survived along with his character and always around the two minute mark he panicked and sucked in a huge whooping breath ruining the experiment.
"What did you say?" He asked choppily, willing his voice to hold steady. 
"I asked you what met its end on the kitchen wall."
"Ah. I threw a spatula covered in eggs at Hyde."
"I see."
There was a short, palpable beat of quiet as they stared at each other and then, suddenly, they both broke down, laughing into their plates. Mahiru took the brief lull in tension to study Kuro across the table, who was still chuckling softly as shook his head. He looked the same. Technically he had looked the same for several centuries, but to Mahiru it was something to be taken note of day to day. Seeing that despite his newly altered state, and Kuro's less than stellar response to it, he was not fraying completely apart at the edges, was a relief. He looked more tired, perhaps a little disenchanted beyond his usual veneer of casual distaste at the state of existence, but it was nothing that some ramen and a movie couldn't fix. The dawning hope that perhaps this was something he could still salvage bubbled up viciously in his chest and before he could stop himself he had reached across the table and grabbed Kuro's wrist.
"Do you want to-"
Kuro jerked back, ripping his arm free, and fixed Mahiru with a look of revulsion. In the loud static silence that followed, Mahiru could tell that he was finally going to lose the battle with his tears and just a second before they spilled down his cheeks he smiled, a fleeting brittle thing.
"Sorry." Was all he got out before he felt his face grow warm and wet and he saw Kuro's eyes widen in a stunning mix of astonishment and dismay. "I think I'm going to go to bed." Amazingly, the flood waters did nothing to shake his voice and the words were stark and clear in the needle like atmosphere of the kitchen. "Good night."
Unconsciously, he poured on a bit of his fascinating new preternatural speed and was at the kitchen door before he even knew what he was planning. As he turned the corner, deciding to throw himself under his quilt and sob and ponder until he could dredge up and piece together a way to fix this, a long fingered hand curled over his tightly clenched one. Freezing up, too scared to pull away but unable to look, he simply stood, his back to the quivering mass of warm nerves that was Kuro behind him. That gentle pine smell came to him again and he almost screamed in frustration; he could count on one hand the number of times they had been this close since that day. It had just been two weeks ago but it felt like a torturous eternity, Mahiru thought dizzily, how could it have only been two weeks since-
He glanced wearily over his shoulder and met Kuro's steel gaze.
-since he'd died.
His name on those lips was enough to pull a startled sob from his lungs and he felt his heartbeat, an inconsequential thing now, quicken, the unexpected sensation almost painful. Kuro reacted strangely, his brows pulling down, lips quirked in sardonic amusement, and he lifted his free hand slowly, so slowly to Mahiru's now heightened vision, and lightly touched the feather brown hair layered over his forehead.
"I'm sorry." He murmured, his fingers still resting between the strands. "I really am a monster."
The statement bounced around Mahiru's head, trying to find a definition, but it was to no avail and he frowned through his savagely drying tears. "What are you talking about?"
It was Kuro's turn to look confused, hand dropping to his side. "How could you even need to ask?" His voice broke in anguish, faltering back a step as though someone had struck him, and it was only surprise that kept Mahiru from reaching out frantically to pull him back in, closer. "Look what I've done to you."
Words failed Mahiru in his upset and so he only shook his head minutely, unable to believe what he was hearing.
"You're- you died." Kuro whispered haltingly. His hands came up to run through his hair in distress. "I couldn't even-"
"Hey, hey! Hold on just a second!" Mahiru exclaimed, finally finding his voice and lunging forward, digging his fingers aggressively, deeply, into Kuro's shirt in a mad attempt to keep him from running. "This isn't your fault! Kuro, what are you talking about?!"
Eyes flashing eerily in the dim evening lighting of the hallway, Kuro studied him solemnly. "Whose blood did you drink, Mahiru?" A tremor ran down Mahiru's spine and Kuro almost smirked. "And why did you drink it?"
"I-" Mahiru faltered, fear staining his hope a hazardous, familiar black, and ran his tongue across the two small teeth in his mouth that seemed to be the root of all this trouble and pain.
"That's what I thought."
The resignation in Kuro's voice broke the chains of dread tying him down and suddenly no worry or terror could be worse than the reality that Kuro thought he had somehow failed. "You're wrong." He said it too quietly, but was heard clearly all the same, both of them stilling as the street lights flickered on, bathing everything in a warm yellow. "It's my fault. Not yours. It's mine." He laughed brokenly. "It's my fault because- because I couldn't stand to lose you. I couldn't stand to think I'd never hear your voice again. That I'd never see y-you agai-" His tears had begun anew, pouring down his face in an unabashed flood. "I thought- that I couldn't leave you here alone. I thought that, all I wanted was to be with you." He reached out, running his trembling fingers over the thin, delicate skin of Kuro's neck in the place where just thirteen days ago he had ripped it open himself, and whispered what he'd been hiding. "So I took it from you."
In a fit of madness, Kuro threw back his head, the warm skin under Mahiru's touch pulling taut, and laughed. "You really think that?" He asked incredulously once he had managed a breath. "Are you shitting me?" Eyes wide, Mahiru started, staring up at him, perplexed. "Ah jeez, what a pain." Kuro sighed, running a hand over his face. "You really think you, laying there with a walnut sized hole through your puny chest and half your blood soaking the dirt, could in any way have taken something from me?" His tone was dangerous and Mahiru had to stop himself from faltering back in a kind of instinctual fear. "Mahiru. I gave it to you. I leaned over you like a weeping villain and pretended not to see my blood falling into your mouth. You were more than half gone, from the second you raised your arm and scratched me, I knew you were dead. I let it happen. I did it."
Something equally dangerous was unfurling and spreading in Mahiru, something hot and white and sharp and beautiful and he couldn't help the wavering smile that tiptoed across his face. "You mean you wanted-"
"What I want and what's right is not the same." Kuro interrupted him. "You're- you were- You should have grown up." He paused, watching Mahiru with a kind of empathetic mourning and suddenly he looked all of his six hundred years, head bowed under the weight of such an endless journey. "You should have grown up and graduated college, gotten a job, married, traveled, grown old. And now all you have is this half life, this pathetic excuse for living and it's all because I let myself grow complacent. I took from you, exploited you beyond what you offered and in the end I couldn't even save you."
Latching onto the only thing he currently had a response for, Mahiru shook Kuro's shoulders roughly, heedless of his recently unfettered strength. "You didn't exploit me! I wanted to help you!"
"You're still a child if you really believe that." He retorted, subtly rolling a shoulder and wincing. "You turned to me in desperation because-"
"Because you saved me! Of your own free will! You saved me and my friends lives! You did that, Kuro, you!" Mahiru shouted. "It had nothing to do with blood or contracts! It was you." He paused, waiting warily to see if Kuro would deny it. "And that you is my best friend. Everything I've done is because I wanted to. Everything has been because it's what I wanted."
"And dying?" Kuro asked tartly. "Was that what you wanted too?"
"I don't know what might have happened." Mahiru said quietly, loosening his iron grip on Kuro's shoulders, wondering if he'd accidentally cracked any of the bones in his panic. "But that doesn't matter because we can't change the past." He ran his hands over the lapels of the now worn denim Kuro had first appeared in. "And all that does matter is what we do from here on. Maybe I made the wrong choice. But I would do it again." He heard Kuro's little intake of breath and closed his eyes, smiling sarcastically. "Go on, call me stupid, or a hot headed moron. Maybe I am. But I'm not a liar."
Like ash from an angry gods volcano, deadly quiet filled the cracks and spaces in the room as they stood, like statues, facing each other in dawning comprehension. The first to move and break the spell, Mahiru sighed and stepped back, hoping that his expression didn't belie his turmoil and fear and heart wrenching love.
"So please don't ever call yourself a monster. Because you're my hero."
As though he were about to fall to the ground, Kuro stumbled, staring at Mahiru like he'd never seen him before. "What did you say?" He whispered, a hand clenching so tightly in his shirt that the fabric began to stretch. Stony and unflinchingly, Mahiru raised his chin, meeting Kuro's horrified gaze. "I said you're my hero."
"That's what I thought you said." He sounded winded, as though he'd run a hundred miles, looking pale beneath the moon glow tan fanning across his face. "I can't handle this."
The old worry came digging back into his bones and Mahiru winced, looking away. "Do you not-" He hesitated, unsure if he wanted the answer, but the question had taken on a life of it's own, twisting and slithering in his stomach, eating his sleep and peace of mind, and he pushed on. "Do you not want to, I mean, not want me around that long?" He laughed stiltedly, realizing how awkward the question sounded when spoken aloud.
Kuro opened his mouth, looking shell shocked for a moment, and then closed it again, shaking his head. "I'm not dignifying that with an answer. Mahiru, listen to me." He stepped forward quickly, instantly destroying the boundless distance that had at some point stretched between them. "What matters is, regardless of anything else, I should have protected you. I wanted you to live."
"I am alive!" Mahiru protested, brows furrowed in outrage. "I'm right here!"
"You're a vampire." Kuro said flatly. 
"So are you!"
"Precisely." He enunciated each syllable as though speaking to someone hard of hearing, though they both knew Mahiru could now hear a pin drop across the room.
Frowning, Mahiru reached out, tugging on a lock of Kuro's forever unruly hair. "If you're implying that you yourself aren't alive, I find that very insulting. Not to mention you would be insinuating that I have made a mistake in judgement. To me you've never been anything but a very sturdy, very lazy guy who snuck his way into my house."
The crumbling, perpetual look of almost fearsome anguish that graced Kuro's delicate features suddenly began to transform, morphing into what a more distinguished member of society might call mortification, but to Mahiru just looked dumb and he couldn't stop the small chuckle that punched it's way out of his throat. Kuro shot him a sulky look, just further ruining his image and Mahiru covered his mouth, trying valiantly to muffle the full on laughter now leaking free.
"I'm sorry. I can't believe it, but I don't think I've ever seen you looking so embarrassed." He explained, smiling timidly. "Which is really saying something considering how long I've known you."
"I am a paragon of unflappable apathy." Kuro muttered distractedly, still staring at Mahiru with something akin to worry. "So you mean to tell me that you're fine with all this? Being murdered and turned into a vampire."
"I've been trying to tell you that from the beginning." Mahiru crossed his arms in annoyance. "But you seem to have trouble hearing over the sound of your own angst."
Kuro glowered at him, then frowned softly, his fingers digging and twisting in the ruins of his shirt. "I'm sorry, Mahiru."
"Me too." He said kindly. "But I'm not sorry to still be here with you."
What looked like a gentle blush misted over Kuro's cheeks before he shook his head. "No, I mean I'm sorry that I- I let this happen and then just ran from you. I left you to figure all this out on your own, when I should have been here to-"
"Don't worry about it." Mahiru cut him off, holding up a hand. 
Kuro still looked unsure, the tendons of his fingers pulled tight against the creamy expanse of the backs of his hands; Mahiru couldn't seem to tear his gaze from them, wondering if his looked just as crystal perfect now too.
"I won't." Kuro said suddenly. "I won't let you suffer any more."
"So you'll help with the chores?"  Mahiru asked brightly, smiling when Kuro blanched. "I'm just kidding. I know you can't be trusted to do the laundry." He made to turn, to wander back to the table, his hope that Kuro would follow an almost all encompassing fog, but stumbled when a hand tugged on his wrist, holding him back, and he glanced over his shoulder warily. "What is it?"
"How can you be real?"
He felt his brows raise in question, unsure how to interpret Kuro's words, and so settled for shrugging. "I don't think I'm all that special really."
"You're doing the impossible." Kuro insisted, leaning forward in earnest, his face open and wondering. 
Mahiru laughed. "It's not impossible. I think I just have a better incentive than most."
"And what's that?" Kuro was still staring at him, but now he looked almost hopeful, as if  he were hoping for the chance to hope, and Mahiru felt that dangerous something, so solid and bright and distracting, respond in kind, unfurling and reaching out to wrap around the endless, terrifying entity that was Kuro's existence. As though feeling it, Kuro took a small, indecisive step toward him, his eyes locked on Mahiru's like he feared if in looking away he would disappear into the void.
"Don't you know by now?" Mahiru asked softly, smiling as he turned back. "I think I've made it pretty obvious."
"You know I'm not good with all these guessing games." Kuro muttered, taking a half step forward.
"It's because you're too lazy." Mahiru snuck one foot forward as well, shyly. 
"They're no fun." Kuro argued. Another step and he was almost directly in front of Mahiru, watching him cautiously from half lidded eyes.
"So only fun things keep your attention?" Mahiru said jokingly, reaching out and slowly sneaking his hand beneath Kuro's arm.
"Only things worth the effort." Kuro corrected, allowing his arm to be pulled up and almost wrapped around Mahiru.
"What kinds of things are worth the effort?" He took a final step forward, his other arm curling around Kuro's steady shoulders, the teasing touch of inhumanly soft hair tickling over his forearm.
"Don't you know by now?" Kuro echoed, his free hand coming to rest under Mahiru's chin and nudging his face up just a fraction. "I think I've made it pretty obvious."
"Just a bit." Mahiru conceded, raising up on his toes and bringing himself within reach, waiting.
The sudden, anticipated touch of Kuro's lips was like a jolt through his nerves and Mahiru almost gasped. Though he had thought that perhaps this was the course they had been set on, it was still a shock, something that he didn't think he could have expected even if he'd been warned. Unsure what to do, he remained still, allowing Kuro to slowly explore the fragile expanse of his lips in that gentle, probing way that only he seemed to possess. When he finally drew back, eyes clouded with both fear and a kind of deep ember passion, Mahiru smiled brightly, locking his fingers together behind his neck.
"Was that the answer to your puzzle?" Kuro asked quietly, tightening his arms around Mahiru's waist.
Pretending to think, Mahiru let his face pull into a faux pout, barely holding back a laugh when he noticed Kuro tracking the movement raptly. "Mmm, one of them, yes."
"And what are the others?" Kuro whispered, his breath ghosting across Mahiru's open mouth as he slowly drew back in as though pulled by a solid force.
"What if I made you guess?" Mahiru murmured, the movement brushing the sensitive skin of their lips together, mingling the colors of their shared essences.
"I suppose for you I'd be willing to try." Kuro fell forward, letting that blatant power that Mahiru had always sensed in him flow freely, pulling Mahiru's feet free of the floor and crushing the air from his lungs; if he'd wanted to, he wouldn't have had the ability to complain.
When he was allowed to fall back to the floor, his legs steady only though instinct, he sucked in a heady breath, rejoicing in that spicy sweet scent, now, finally, near enough for him to really experience. "Should I feel honored by your offer?" He asked mischievously. "You don't know what kind of guesses you'll have to make."
Kuro sighed, resting his chin on the top of Mahiru's head. "That sounds like a lot of trouble."
"Yes, it does." He agreed sagely, grinning. "But I have complete faith in you."
For the barest moment, Kuro froze, his back tensing under Mahiru's palms, but after a few frantic heart beats he relaxed and slid back a step, keeping a hand on Mahiru's forearm. "Don't you always." Their fingers soft around each other as he twined them together, he pulled Mahiru out and away from the dark kitchen, leaving the coffee pot to blink its soft red light into the approaching night.
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