#but unless I sleep 12 or more hours I feel like shit
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headknight-oh · 7 months ago
I have a sleep study tonight (bc my sleep is fucked up because of some hellish combination of dsps, adhd, depression, and unemployment) but also because my doctor thinks I might have sleep apnea. But that also means I can’t nap today like I want to. My brain doesn’t have enough juice to stay awake, much less do anything useful. What do I do??? For the next like 7 hours? Lay here and try not to sleep?
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marshemillow · 26 days ago
My 26th birthday just came and went, and I still just kinda feel hollow about it.
I've always hated my birthday, mainly because when I was 14, my dad threatened to kick me out of the house the second I turned 18, and so when I was 17 and 1/2 in July, I had a suicidal episode so bad that my friend called the cops on me and they had to drive me to the emergency room. That was my first major suicidal episode, and I can't say every episode after that was much better.
A couple months ago, I realized that I was closer to 30 than I am to 20, and somehow, this broke me. Yeah, I don't think of people in their 40s or 50s as old, they have PLENTY of time left! But as soon as I'm half that age, I'm like "NOOO I DON'T WANT TO GET OLDER I'M GONNA DIE ONE DAY I DON'T WANNA DIE-"
I think it's only bothering me so much because I'm not enjoying being alive. I don't sleep at night unless I'm having vivid nightmares, and so I end up being asleep for 12 hours sometimes but none of it was good quality sleep, so I always wake up more tired than when I went to bed. I'm too depressed and distracted to do anything I want to do, even things I want to do more than anything like drawing and writing. I keep feeling like my family and my friends just put up with me and don't really appreciate me. I VOTED FOR HARRIS YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.
Everything just keeps falling apart around me, and my birthday only reminds me of all the bad things that have happened since my last birthday and how little progress I've made in figuring shit out. I'm just not happy, and it's starting to drive me insane.
This is a personal post, so reblogs will be turned off.
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quietblueriver · 2 years ago
Another prompt!
On the edge of consciousness
Quick thing #5.
In which Bea suffers a minor injury and Ava has some trouble dealing. All fluff. Very silly. Thanks for the prompt! :)
Ava’s exhausted by the time the van rolls back into Cat’s Cradle. She and Dora had taken six of the newly-official sisters to follow up on reports of some strange behavior in a town in rural France. Ava was hoping they’d find a whole lot of nothing and more than a little wine. What they actually found was eight wraiths and one fun new demon who had hurled himself through one of the cracks that had started appearing after Ava left, apparently a side effect of Adriel yanking Reya into this world, even though she only stayed for like 5 minutes.
It was quite an initiation for the newbies, who did really well all things considered. The whole deal is to make sure they can do this kind of shit without her, because Ava wants to be able to step away from demon-slaying every once in a while to travel the world with her curious, hot, polyglot girlfriend. She’s a teacher now, or whatever, so she didn’t just let loose with the halo when she got annoyed. Instead, she stood there and called out instructions and warnings and made sure none of the babies got maimed or worse and that they didn’t maim or worse any of the possessed. Quite a few halo interventions in the end, but they’re learning.
And the wraiths would have been enough, but of course there was the demon, a real asshole who at one point started sprouting and flinging weird spikes from his back. Ava did a lot of shield throwing and yelling and worked very hard not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. They got him down, in the end, and she finished the job. She’s physically fine but she’s mentally done—she needs sleep and Beatrice. Beatrice, mostly.
They haven’t spoken in three days, which isn’t unusual, unfortunately, but she always hates it. Occasional texts are sometimes the best they can do and she’d sent a few while Dora was driving but hadn’t heard back. Again, not unusual. Bea hates her phone even if she loves Ava (and she does, which she makes clear all the time to everyone and which Ava feels incredibly smug about, thanks) and she’s busy right now with training newbies.
Ava is looking forward to hunting her down in the yard, engaging in only a moderate amount of PDA because “I need them to be able to look me in the eye, Ava, please," and then sleeping for at least 12 hours.
Ava’s hauling her duffel from the back, the rest of the team shuffling inside, when she notices Cam, waiting nearby and fidgeting with her hands, her bottom lip between her teeth.
Camila…flinches? at Ava’s voice and Ava doesn’t like that one bit. She swings the duffel over her shoulder and walks toward her, frowning.
“Hi, Ava. Welcome home.”
Her voice isn’t peak happy Cam but she’s not upset. Still. “What’s wrong?”
Camila sighs, meets Ava’s eyes. “Okay, most importantly, everyone is fine.” Ava’s heart rate spikes immediately, the halo humming to life. “There was a bit of an accident.”
Ava stares expectantly at her, heart pounding and halo charged, and Camila winces.
“Beatrice was involved.” Seeing Ava’s face, she says again, loudly, “She’s fine! She will be fine! She is in the infirmary and everything is…”
Ava’s off before Camila can finish, dropping her duffel and phasing through the first of the walls between her and the infirmary doors. She has the layout of Cat’s Cradle memorized at this point, after eight months of living here and training here and wandering the hallways when she has nightmares and manages to sneak out without waking Bea, so she has a pretty good idea of where she’s going—straight back and to the right.
She’s barely bothering to let her body fully constitute again, catches two sisters in one of the hallways by surprise and hears a “Holy Father!” before she bleeds through a storage room and turns right down another hall to find herself, finally, at the infirmary doors.
She sees Beatrice propped up in the second bed, privacy curtains mostly open, holding a well-worn copy of The Oresteia, because of course she is, a bandage where an IV line would be on the back of her hand. Her other arm is in a sling, a wrap peeking out from the neckline of the loose gray sweater she’s wearing. She’s awake. She’s sitting up. She has a book. Ava is so relieved she nearly cries.
Beatrice startles obviously when Ava phases through the last door between them, and Ava knows she must be incredibly tired or incredibly stoned or both, maybe, to react that obviously. When she turns her head to face Ava fully, Ava’s jaw clenches tight and she starts forward immediately. The left side of Bea’s face is battered, covered in scrapes and rubbed raw in spots.
Bea seems unbothered, smiling dopily and letting the book fall closed and into her lap so that she can wave excitedly, moving her whole upper body in concert with her hand. She stops the motion quickly, flinching and staring down at her torso like it had broken a promise, brow furrowed in disappointment.
Yeah, so. Stoned it is.
Bea brings her attention back to Ava and the frown disappears as she reaches out, her motion still uncoordinated but less violent. Her palm is up, fingers wiggling expectantly. It’s adorable, but Ava can’t really enjoy it right now.
“Ava! I missed you!”
Ava smiles at her, grabs the wiggling fingers gently between her own and sits on the edge of the bed, leaning over for a chaste kiss. Beatrice, uninhibited and unashamed, hums into it and sighs when they break apart, eyes fluttering and body swaying in a full Disney Princess-esque swoon. The instinct to coo at her like the precious baby duck she is fights with the ongoing panic in her chest and results in what she’s sure is a super fucking weird expression but Bea doesn’t notice or care; she’s all big brown eyes and open adoration.
“Hi, baby. I missed you, too.” She smooths a hand over Beatrice’s hair, newly shorn on the sides (a development that nearly broke Ava in the very best way), the length on top messier than Bea ever lets it be when she’s conscious and outside of their bed. Bea leans into her. “What happened here?”
She frowns, her forehead wrinkling, and Ava smooths the patch of unmarred skin with the tips of her fingers as Bea says guiltily, “Sorry I didn’t call. I didn’t want to make you worried. Just a little accident this morning.”
Ava will deal with that later. She’s not trying to get into it with sweet, stoned Beatrice about when to call. (Always, is the answer, Bea. Always fucking call. There is literally nothing more important.)
Before she can ask about what happened again, though, a flustered Camila hustles through the doors. She hovers uncertainly and then offers, weakly, “She’s okay?” The inflection lets Ava know Camila is aware of what a stupid fucking thing that is to say, but she glares at her anyway, and Camila blanches.
Ava turns back to her girlfriend and asks, resting her hand over Bea’s good one, the IV bandage tacky on her palm, “What kind of accident, gorgeous?”
Beatrice blushes, flips her hand so that she can play with Ava’s fingers, and says, incredibly nonchalantly, “We were practicing an extraction and I got hit by a car.”
Ava’s whole body tenses. The halo hums lowly.
“You got hit by a car.”
Beatrice hums, distracted by Ava’s hand, and then frowns, maybe realizing exactly how fucking awful that sounds. She looks up and adds, as though it will help, “Only a little!”
Camila sighs loudly but keeps her mouth shut.
“You got hit by a car a little.”
Ava works very hard not to lose her shit. She doesn’t want to upset Bea, and the real target for her anger, whoever hit her girlfriend with a car, isn’t in the room right now. She breathes deeply. The halo pulses the littlest bit under her skin in sympathy, still humming quietly enough that only Ava can hear it.
Beatrice offers, as if it might help, “A tap, really.”
“A tap? Beatrice.”
“No big deal. See?” She frees her good hand and uses it to wave up and down her body, flinches when the motion requires her to bend slightly and she’s definitely not making the point she wants to make. Ava catches her hand and holds it still.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re fine.”
The halo hums louder and Ava feels energy start to build under her skin, hot and itchy.
“She should recover quickly. She’s been hurt a lot worse.”
Ava snaps her head back to look at Camila, both eyebrows up and mouth open a little disbelievingly. Because yes, Bea is going to be fine, but this nonchalance? About getting hit by a car? Nope. Nope. Nope. How is Ava supposed to leave, like, ever if this is how her girlfriend and her best friend approach what looks like one step down from vehicular manslaughter? Fine. Jesus Christ.
“Gee, thanks, Cam. Have you been taking bedside manner lessons from Lilith?”
Camila blushes but Ava’s attention is quickly drawn back to Beatrice, who is nodding in agreement with Camila, or trying to. The drugs aren’t doing her any favors on that front, so the movement gets away from her, less decisive and more drowsy and drunken. The effect is something between a puppy trying to keep itself awake and Mother Superion on the rare occasions she stays for game night (or, once and memorably, karaoke) and indulges in one glass of wine too many. Like both a puppy and Superion, Bea begins to sway, eyes closing, and Ava puts a steadying hand on her uninjured shoulder. She gets a grateful smile when Beatrice settles back into the pillow.
As if sensing that she’s about to start again with her questions—which, despite what the two idiots in the room with her apparently think, are absolutely reasonable and pretty fucking chill relative to the information she has—Beatrice says, voice a slightly slurred and incredibly exaggerated mimic of the one she uses when training recruits or doing serious OCS things, “It could’ve been much worse. She wasn’t even going that fast.”
Camila groans and the halo thrums and Ava adjusts on the bed, gentle but unable to stay still any longer.
“It could’ve…” Ava splutters. “She wasn’t…she wasn’t even going that fast?”
Ava hates the word shrill. It’s misogynist as fuck and used to invalidate women’s feelings and police their tone. Bullshit. But she won’t deny that the pitch of her voice is rising higher and higher with each piece of information. She reaches for a metaphor Bea would appreciate. She’s a tea kettle about to go full whistle. She’s a tea kettle about to explode.
She takes a deep breath, counts, exhales. Does it again. Okay. Okay. It’s not helpful for her to blow up. She’s been too hard on Camila. She needs to know what happened and what Bea needs. That’s what matters.
Bea’s clearly working to keep her eyes open. New strategy. She takes the deepest breath yet, presses a very soft kiss to Beatrice’s uninjured knuckles, Bea humming and closing her eyes fully.
“Sleep, baby. I’m just going to talk to Cam. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Promise?” Sleepy brown eyes blink open at her and she’s nearly pouting and Ava’s got a whole lot of feelings right now, but love pushes to the top easy, easy, easy when she looks at Bea.
Her voice is calm even if it is still much higher than normal as she looks to Cam and asks, “What happened?”
Camila steps closer, hesitant, and Ava consciously works to relax her shoulders. She says, standing and reaching to pull Camila into a hug, “Sorry I was a bitch. I’m,” she glances at Beatrice, whose eyes are closed again, “I had to take care of all of the baby nuns and I’m a little exhausted and it’s Bea and I just…”
Cam hugs her tighter and wipes a tear from Ava’s cheek. She hadn’t even realized she’d been crying. She’s fucking tired.
“I understand. It’s okay.”
Beatrice makes a soft noise, and Cam smiles at her fondly. “They gave her more medicine just before you got back. I’m honestly surprised she’s still awake.”
“Mmm.” Ava steps back a little and shakes it out, folds her shoulders back.
“It really was an accident. Beatrice was helping a novice in a drill with a moving extraction, and the driver was a little overeager, and, well, Beatrice got knocked back with some force. She dislocated her shoulder and has some nasty road rash, but, as you can see, they’ve given her medication, and she should recover relatively quickly.” Camila bites her lip for a moment. “I promise she’s okay, Ava. I would’ve called you immediately if anything serious had happened. I’ll always call, even if Beatrice won’t.”
She uncoils a bit more. She knows it’s true. There’s no way that Cam wouldn’t call her or send Lilith to come get her, if things got really bad.
A tiny, sleepy noise escapes Beatrice, and Ava blows out a breath, smiles at Camila. Beatrice is fine. Beatrice will be fine.
She eyes the sling and wonders how long she’ll need to wear it. Bea’s going to hate being on the bench. The newbies are going to hate it, too.
Underneath the totally reasonable anger, she feels almost bad for whoever it was who hit Bea. She’s pretty beloved, even if she won’t admit it, and it’s no secret that Ava can be a little, uh, overprotective. The kid’s probably having a rough time.
“I know we’re avoiding another Yasmine situation, but clearly there’s some work left to do on teaching the novices left to drive.”
Camila frowns and begins to respond, but they’re interrupted by the familiar hiss of Lilith’s arrival, the black wings folding behind her a ridiculous contrast with the bulging M&S bag in her hand, the top of a green Colin the Caterpillar box peeking out of the top. Ava bites back a smile. What a fucking softie.
She lets go of the glamour that she wears in public, her skin mottling with scales as she removes her sunglasses. She reels back slightly when she catches sight of Ava but recovers quickly, thrusting the bag out in front of her without a word. Ava takes it, catches sight of candy and biscuits and a tin of fancy tea.
“Thanks, Lil. She’ll be excited about these.”
Her eyes turn to her shoes, black boots identical to Bea’s favorites, says gruffly, “How’s she doing?”
“She’ll be fine.”
Camila smiles at her and Ava lifts a shoulder, moves to unload the bag on the table next to Bea’s bed. Beatrice, apparently still awake enough to notice Ava’s presence, reaches a hand out and rests it on Ava’s thigh, whispers something that Ava is almost totally sure is nonsense. She doesn’t try to decipher, kisses her cheek before before going back to her mission, rifling though the considerable stash Lilith brought and beginning to pull things out.
“You’re being much calmer about this than I anticipated.”
Ava snorts and looks up at Lilith, whose eyes are focused on the injured side of Beatrice’s face.
“Yeah, no. I lost my shit for a bit there. Cam took the brunt of it.” She turns her eyes to Camila. “Sorry again.”
There’s not enough room on the table for everything—Lilith really wasn’t fucking around—so Ava prioritizes Bea’s favorites.
“Like, I’m obviously not delighted and I’m definitely going to have a talk with Bea about when to call me, say, for example, when she gets hit by a car, but she’ll be okay.” She tucks what won’t fit on the table into the little drawer below and brushes some of Bea’s hair back. “Also, stoned Beatrice is super cute.”
Lilith’s shadow falls across Bea’s body, and Ava turns to see the sharp line of her jaw clenched, her eyes scanning Bea’s body and lingering on her shoulder.
“It really was an accident.”
It’s said absently, her voice soft as she leans even further forward to tuck a corner of Bea’s blanket a little tighter around her. Ava’s stomach swoops with fondness, and she reaches her own hand out to squeeze at Lilith’s bicep, black scales and warm skin a strange contrast on her palm.
“Yeah, Cam told me. It’s fine. I mean, someone’s getting a talk from me, because what the fuck, but…”
Ava halts at a hum from the bed. Beatrice is clearly just on the edge of consciousness, eyes straining open before fluttering closed again, words barely coherent. Barely coherent, but coherent enough.
“Don’t be mad, love. Lilith is usually a very good driver.”
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noxexistant · 5 months ago
ai-less whumptober; day twelve
@ailesswhumptober 12 — isolation, sensory deprivation, “Can you feel me? I’m right here.” ↳ the farm, circa 1889 word count; 1.4k
cw; abuse, claustrophobia, mentions of death
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It's cold. So damn cold. Hellishly, endlessly cold.
Oscar is numb. It's dark all around him, pitch blackness, and the cold has sank into his bones to weigh him down like water, stiffened his joints like death does to the animals. He'd long ago lost track of what time it is, and through the stone walls around him has no idea if the sun is still up. If anyone might still be awake.
If anyone still remembers him out here at all.
He'd been asking for it, really. He'd known it was coming. There was nothing else to expect. But Da had started on Mo for something stupid, and Oscar can never stop himself from getting involved when it's his wee brother on the wrong end of Da's anger. Mo's only tiny, and Da is so huge, so cruel.
So Oscar had thrown himself in between them and shouted and protested — and after Da had belted him bloody for his troubles, he'd dragged him out the back door with a big calloused hand around his arm. Kicking and screaming and pleading. Over the hill and to the old shed by the fields; a stout, damp stone structure with no windows and a solid wooden door that bolts on the outside, so small inside that Oscar can just about sit but can't lay down, surrounded on every side with old tools and machinery. Rusted monuments of his father.
And though Oscar had known, had expected, exactly where he'd end up — where he always ends up — he'd still started screaming louder.
"Please!" Oscar had wailed, digging his bare heels desperately into the damp dirt to try and slow the walk. It hadn't worked. His father is a big man. Strong. A farmer. "Please, please, Da, I'll—I swear to God I'll be good, I'll be quiet, you can lock me up inside 'til—'til you need me, I'll clean, I'll look after the babby—"
He knows it's no use to beg Da, not when the man's made his mind up — not ever. But it's an instinct to fight. Perhaps Oscar's only instinct.
All the fight's left him now.
For hours he had screamed, even after the bolt was slid into place with the sickeningly familiar sound of grating metal. He had begged and hammered his fists on the door until his knuckles split, the blood the only warmth available to him, but it's long cooled and gone thick and tacky since. He'd wailed for his father, and then wailed for Ma. Wailed for his grandfather despite every knowledge that he's dead. Pleaded for anyone to come and let him out, come save him, come protect him from the stone walls that seem to be closing in on him from every side despite the fact he can't see them. Can't even feel them with touch, for when he reaches out or moves too far, the metal edges of tools find him first. Too blunt and rusted to be much more than a warning, but what a warning they are.
At least they keep him conscious. Prevent him from tilting too far from either side, even in moments his consciousness tries to leave him, worn thin from exhaustion. Hunger.
On the one hand, it feels as if it would be a blessing to fall asleep, pass the time he's imprisoned here to suffer his penance, but Oscar is all too aware of the risks of not waking up. Perhaps being asleep when Da is finally close enough again for Oscar to make a noise and remind him he's here, and miss his chance entirely. He doesn't want to die in here.
Alone and forgotten. As fitting as it seems for him.
Perhaps half of it is fear for his own mortality, but the rest —
Who would look after Mo?
Da and Ma are both shit at it, probably haven't even fed the kid tonight. Had they put him to bed? Mo ain't good at sleeping on his own, he won't stay in their bedroom unless Oscar is there to keep him there, and then he'll wander off God knows where. He's gone missing countless times before, been found wandering the field or hiding somewhere in the farmhouse or curled up with the animals in one of the barns. Oscar can only wonder where he is now.
He supposes he has the answer to his question when he hears quiet footsteps approaching.
They aren't the heavy stomps of Da's boots, nor the delicate steps of Ma's bare feet. They're bare, but they're clumsy. Young.
"Os?" Morris says.
Oscar swallows hard to stifle a sob.
He'd thought his tears had all dried up with how he'd wailed, but suddenly they've found him again, and they've wound themselves tight around his throat, tighter than even the cold had bound him. He's struck with the desire to hold his little brother, clutch him tight to his chest. For his own comfort or Morris.
"Mo," he chokes out. "You ain't s'pose to be out here."
He wonders what Morris is wearing. Pictures him in his threadbare undershirt and drawers he wears to bed, pictures him freezing in the cold late fall air. Pictures his tiny clumsy feet against the cold, wet dirt.
"Wan'ed you," Morris mumbles. "Can't sleep. M'back hurts, Os."
Oscar's hurts too.
"He hit you?" he asks quietly.
"Fuck. 'm'sorry, Mo."
He hears movement as Morris shuffles closer and must sink down, and the door rattles slightly in its frame.
"Can you feel me?" Morris asks, with all the innocence of a little kid. "'m'right here. Got my—my hand on the door. So 's'almos' like bein' together."
Oscar has to swallow again. Shuffles closer and presses his own palm to the door, where he guesses Morris' might be.
"I can feel you, Mo."
He can't. All he can feel is the door between them and the walls all around him, but it's nice to pretend. For a moment, it almost makes it easier to breathe. But then he thinks a little more, about the fact that Morris is here, and his chest gets tight again. The walls squeeze in.
"Mo," he says, edged with urgency, "You gotta get back inside."
Morris whines. "I don' wanna."
"I know, I know you don't, but you gotta. 'f'Da catches you out here—"
"I don' wanna go inside, Daidí was bein' scary—"
"I know. I know, Mo. But he'll be scarier if he finds you, yeah?"
It's as if he can hear Morris swallow in the beat of silence that follows.
"Yeah," he whispers. "He'll be. Be real mad."
"Yeah. Good. Good kid. So you jus' gotta. Head back inside an' head to bed, alright. Wrap yourself up. 's'cold, ain't it?"
"Are you cold?" Morris asks suddenly, rather than answer.
Oscar can't feel his hands at all anymore. Can't feel his feet, the sensation crawling up his legs like he's sinking into something. His knees are aching like they've been turned to stone, and he feels as if maybe he'll never be able to move them again.
"'m'fine," he lies, and Morris believes him, because what else can the kid do?
"Okay," he says quietly. And then pats his palm in a soft rhythm against the door, a clumsy little game to amuse himself, until Oscar starts patting back. The two of them continue, locked in an out-of-sync sort of rattling of sound, until finally Oscar catches on to Morris' rhythm, and Morris bursts out giggling quietly as they're suddenly tapping in perfect sync to his own made-up music.
Oscar, despite everything, can't help but feel himself smile too.
"Get inside," he tells Morris gently. "Curl up on my side of the bed, 'f you gotta. Okay? Try get some sleep."
"I will," Mo says. Like the good kid he is. "I will. Love you, Os."
God. Oscar swallows hard.
"Love you too, Mo."
Morris' footsteps race away, and the silence that follows is deafening. So all-consuming that Oscar takes to tapping again, just to prove to himself that all sound hasn't emptied from the world, hasn't left him behind like everybody else.
It's cold. It's so fucking cold. And, without Morris, the fear begins to drown him again, but he meets it with a new determination — to stay awake, to survive. Because his baby brother needs him.
And Oscar's not a kid anymore.
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astravv · 1 year ago
prompts pt 2 - requests OPEN
a/n : hello I got a bit of writer’s block so to keep this stream of fanfics going so here’s some prompts! angst, smut, and fluff. females included this time..
not all prompts were made by me!
smut prompts
1. “you look so pretty like this”
2. “i’m not wearing any underwear right now”
3. “i want to spend all night learning every sound you make”
4. “i think about you when i touch myself”
5. “open your mouth for me”
6. “shut up and cover your mouth. do you want to get caught?”
7. “lie back, let me take care of you”
8. “do you want to take this somewhere more.. private?”
9. “is this okay or do you want me to stop?”
10. “i’ve always wanted to do this with you”
11. “i want to watch you take off your clothes”
12. “you want to do this right now, even though we could get caught?”
13. “lay back and touch yourself, i want to watch”
14. “show me where you like to be touched”
15. “let’s fulfill that fantasy you have”
16. “friends? friends don’t know the way you taste”
17. “i know you think about me in the shower”
18. “you’re only calling me because you’re desperate”
19. “don’t make this something it isn’t, i’m not your girlfriend / boyfriend. i just want some company”
20. “i can fuck you better”
21. “when i touch myself, i think of you. when i’m with them, i still think of you”
22. “you should probably take me off the speaker phone, unless you want to share”
23. “you know how i like it when there’s people around”
24. “are you sure it doesn’t hurt?”
25. “how about you ride me?”
26. “does your ass hurt?”
27. “you like the thought of someone walking in on us, huh?”
28. “i’m sorry, you don’t enjoy being teased?”
29. “who gets to touch you like this?”
30. “you’re really good at that”
31. “i can’t wait to be inside you”
32. “sex is not all i think about”
33. “tits are meant to be played with and sucked on”
34. “tonight, you’re mine”
35. “i’ve had sex with you a lot in my head”
36. “hey, wanna fuck?”
37. “oh, so you’re a virgin?”
38. “do i make you nervous?”
39. “is that how you want it? rough?”
40. “is there any way i could repay you?”
fluff prompts
1. “hey why are you staring? is there something on my face?”
2. “you’re so oblivious aren’t you?”
3. “are you sure about this?”
4. “stay with me tonight”
5. “i’ll keep you warm”
6. “kiss me”
7. “you’re my favorite person”
8. “i’d follow you to the end of the earth”
9. “i think you’re probably the only one who understands how i feel”
10. “to me, you are perfect”
11. “just hold me”
12. “just one more kiss, please?”
13. “you look gorgeous”
14. “you’re all that matters to me”
15. “i am so proud of you”
16. “we should run away together”
17. “you bought me flowers?”
18. “you are the only thing that makes sense to me”
19. “you can stay for as long as you want”
20. “dance with me”
21. “i’m falling in love with you”
22. “everyday, i fall deeper in love with you”
23. “we will never be able to get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that!”
24. “i’d never turn down a kiss from you”
25. “you are so addicting, my love”
26. “are you wearing my hoodie?”
27. “you’re such a flirt” — “only with you”
28. “break the rules with me”
29. “i love hearing you laugh”
30. “you make me smile on the darkest of days”
angst prompts
1. “i loved you”
2. “was it worth it?”
3. “that was the one thing i asked you not to do”
4. “you weren’t there, you were always with her / him.”
5. “you left me alone”
6. “we don’t work together”
7. “you’re too late”
8. “you were my everything”
9. “why do you go out of your way to hurt me?”
10. “we could’ve had everything, but no, you had to throw it all away”
11. “who are you anymore?”
12. “you’ve broke my heart too many times”
13. “i would’ve never done this to you”
14. “i’ve waited hours to tell you how i feel, but it seems that you don’t give a shit”
15. “i will never forgive you”
16. “let me go”
17. “please don’t make me go, i want to stay”
18. “i loved you, and you used me”
19. “i want you, why can’t you want me?”
20. “i can’t keep doing this anymore”
mondstadt : kaeya , diluc , albedo
liyue : zhongli , ganyu , keqing , yelan , xiao , baizhu
inazuma : ei , yae miko , kokomi , itto , ayato, kazuha
sumeru : alhaitham , cyno
fontaine : neuvillette , furina , wriothesley
sneznhaya : childe , dottore , pantalone , arlecchino
how to request
please put which character you would like in the fic (max 1), which prompt you would like, if you want you can add a little context, and either female or gender neutral y/n.
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problematicfactive · 1 year ago
New intro Post
New intro post! How exciting! This is my celebration for reaching 25 followers so fast! Thank you all for your overwhelming support in this journey, it really has been a lot.
If you're new here, my boyfriend and I are both introjected from extremely problematic medias revolving around a very bad person that lived in real life. We are both from fictional medias, bit the person of which we introjected is very much real, and We've gotten a LOT of shit for it.
Spaces that claim to be safe spaces for systems-- or God forbid, safe spaces for *problematic* introjects and alters, tend to be rude or spiteful towards individuals who are factives from problematic sources.
I firmly believe this hateful stance comes from a place of not understanding, so I've created this blog to give people who don't understand a chance to talk and speak to us without losing their cool as we also stay anonymous on this blog. They're always nice until they find out who you are /hj . Since it's creation, the blog has since turned into a big place for problematic factives to just feel safe and seen. I'm beyond happy about this, and glad my blog can serve both purposes. More under the cut!
We post a lot of everything!
We answer asks from people who have questions about us or about being problematic factives, we make positivity posts for problematic factives, problematic factive culture is... posts, and lots of other things you could think of. Feel free to vent in our askbox or message us for a chat! We'd love to have a friend.
Some things off the top of my head that I can't do on this blog (but if you end up making a blog for these things and need a mod, totally hmu!)
Stimboards/Moodboards etc. - I would literally love to do these but the problem is I know like nothing about anyone. Of you were to ask me for a Donald Trump moodboard I honestly do not know what I would do my mind would just blank. That being said, in decently good at making them so if there were a person I knew well enough to do a stimboard on, I definitely could
Icon edits - This is somthing I'm capable of doing, but it isn't something where I would want this entire blog to just turn into requests. If you're making a blog specifically for these creative requests things totally hmu
Art - I cannot draw but my hope is that that changes in the future.
Meet us!
My last intro post didn't really have any information on us as people let's try and fix that.
I can't tell you my name, but you can call me Anxiety. I'm the main mod and significantly less source connected/more source ashamed. I go by he/Anxiety with Anxiety being able to work in place of either a name or a pronoun. Unless the host is helping out with something, anything that isn't labeled comes from me. I'm the only one out of the two of us with the physical ability to type so when he posts something, it's a little special occasion and deserves a label.
My boyfriend doesn't have a name option other than a source one. On the blog he has only been referred to as my boyfriend, but if you need a name for him, call him NPC. He uses he/him pronouns and will sign off any post that he thinks up all on his own with -NPC and tagged with # npc posts
Here is some of the tagging we use on this blog
# problematic factive culture = Problematic factive culture is.. posts
# kindness and positivity = Kind and Positive asks we've received
# good thoughtful questions = Good questions we received as asks
# positivity post = Positivity posts
# problematicfactive blog things = things that ate moreso related to one of the mods or running the blog than they are about problematic factives
# rainy day drafts = drafts that could be super old because I made them and them left them in the drafts so I could post when I don't have anything else to post
# queued because I am asleep 😊 / queued because hopefully I'm sleeping = posts that I queue to be 5-ish hours away from the last post. I often post somthing at 12 am Eastern Time regardless of the last something was posted, so those early morning positivity posts tend to also be queued with the tag
If you come across us and like what we do, consider boosting or realigning this post! I'd love for as many people to find out we exist as possible
# askers experience = Asks sent in where an asker tells me about their life
# npc posts = posts my npc wrote as a mod on this blog (does not apply to posts where "my boyfriend's answer" is me paraphrasing or trying to speak for him)
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elvenbeard · 1 year ago
It's 8:42 in the morning, I didn't sleep, I finished Phantom Liberty.
I have so so so many emotions, I'm so... HHHH.
Big big big big big spoilers below the cut.
I only played through one of the expansion endings so far (siding with Songbird), and I played the new main game ending... and I'm such a fucking puddle of feels now hhhh.
What I can say is that... I still love the Sun ending a lot for Vince, and that won't ever change. But this new one now... I don't even know where to start MAAAnnn...
I started my 12 hour gaming session yesterday briefly before shit went down like... Feels like it was all in a different life (HAH). I really liked the whole prep-work for taking on Hansen, tracking down the rental car, the convo with Songbird about her past, and man, I said that before, the lil scene with Alex had me bawling. The little human moments of connection in the face of all the horrors Cyberpunk does so well that get me everytime. Vince getting up to dance with her was so fucking cute, and internally both me and him and Alex probably too knew that that would be the last moment of peace - and potentially (and he ended up being right) the last night they'd play on the same team.
Like... Even after the convo with Song, me, the player, was pretty sure I'd end up siding with Reed. He and Vince had a lot in common with their backgrounds, principles, etc etc. and Songbird seemed out of control, in a way, like Reed had said. But that whole sentiment he kept repeating ("she doesn't know what's best for her", "I gotta save her" etc etc) was beginning to creep into Vince's head and rubbing him the wrong way (having grown up with an over-bearing, controlling parent, the whole control-shit at Arasaka, etc etc) - subconsciously at first, but it got to a point where he could no longer rationalize it away.
AND THEN. FUCKING FUCK. The faceplate. I had been dreading that shit so fucking much, I knew it was coming but yeah... I think Vince would rather die than having that done on him out of his own free will. Like... the tech is insanely cool for a spy ngl. But Vince is not a spy. Not really. With his background and opinions of cyberware and everything... getting your face replaced is a step too far, a step he wouldn't wanna take, ever, unless like, he got his face melted off in a horrible accident or something like that. Not for a one-off mission, more or less, for people he didn't even fully trust. Both he and me were hoping that somehow there would be a way around it. Like you can talk your way out of taking the oath and so many other things. But no, this thing is forced on you (for plot reasons, obviously, and again, I fucking love the concept of it and the options it offers for gameplay. I'm really just speaking for my V's personal experience here XD)
That whole situation felt so fucking invasive to begin with, and I'm not even speaking about the cyberware. There was so much pressure, from Reed and the Ripper, zero explanation as to what exactly the Ripper was gonna do, just how invasive the procedure is (that it's not reversible just like that, for example). V was never shown the thing beforehand, never got an explanation what it's made of, how it works, how to maintain it. There way not a single friendly word, nocalming him down. Worst doctor expereience ever, and that's quite the achievement with Vince's trackrecord of dealing with horrible doctors in the past. The whole thing was traumatizing as hell for him, the whole experience, just being knocked out without much of a warning, then not even fully and HHHHHH.
And then he stumbles back out of there, desperately clinging onto the hope and trying to tell himself that it's all gonna be worth it, all the trauma, the pain, questioning his identity even more than he already does. But the show must go on. And so he goes on to kidnap the Frenchies, and for some reason he wants to believe these two nobodies will make it out of this mess alive somehow, against all odds. Yeah. No. But not just *that* they died, but *how* they died was the final straw. So fucking cold and brutal. Vince was shocked how Alex was suddenly so cold and brutal, although not quite as much as Reed. And then when Vince gets rightfully upset about the situation, how it was handled, how inhumane... Like, he had to kill a lot of people working for Arasaka, and as a merc, but he would always wanna make it quick, painless, if it was really necessary to kill someone to begin with. Unbekownst to the victim, bullet to the head, precise and quick. Especially if it was supposed to be an execution, not something that happens in combat. But these two kids were scared shitless, dragged out of the car and not executed but butchered, brutally. And when Vince gets upset, complains, is enraged about how unprofessional these two alleged spys are, Reed says "they were just some criminals, why would you care?" - you know, to the lowly criminal standing in front of him. That was the line that shattered the fragile trust V had left in Reed for good. Like... he didn't trust So Mi either, but she had just as many reasons to distrust Reed and the FIA and Myers as V, and he would've rather taken his chances with her instead after this final display of something he could absolutely not stand behind any longer.
Damn. I loved the whole sequence with Kurt, the convo, pretending to be Aymeric (from a player standpoint it was amazing, I also cackled later when I played Run this Town and got to use the disguise in a different context xD but honestly, Vince was hating every second of the meeting, also knowing he was just about to betray the people that hat brought him there.
Kurt's death was... maaan. Epic and a letdown at the same time. He would've deserved so much more screentime and a bigger part in all of it. I would've loved the option to side with him xD but then the DLC wouldve been even larger and even more complicated. Loved it as is though, still but yeah. Needs more Kurt!!!
Vince had no regrets about betraying Reed and putting his trust in Songbird until the very end... even when she ended up betraying him one final time with her revelation of the cure only working once. I fucking loved the confrontation with Reed on the bridge at the spaceport, I had been crossing my fingers so so hard for it to come to a showdown like that. I was so tempted for the dialogue choice of "take her, and I don't want anything for it in return". Cause like... despite everything, Vince had no desire to kill Reed. It wouldn't have changed a thing. Too many people had already died on his behalf anyway, and his hope for a cure was lost either way. So he ended up surrendering So Mi. I picked the option "deal", because I absolutely wanted to see the new main game ending, and I'm not sure if maybe with the "I dont want anything" choice you lock yourself out of it, but I will definitely test that out next time around.
The whole stuff that happened at the spaceport in general... I'm still trying to process it. And of fucking course Mr Blue-Eyes has his disgusting creepy fingers in all of it (or one of his associates) by helping So Mi, offering her this way out. I hate it (I love it). But that whole sequence of getting her to the spacecraft, I loved it so so much. Like all the boss fights and main missions, it was so nicely paced and structured, I had so much fun and I'm speaking as someone who is not good at fighting in video games.
So Mi's betrayal hurt, but letting her down in the end hurt even more. URGH. UUUURGH. But like... in that moment Vince was also like "okay... no cure. fine. But I'm not without leads, I'm just so done with all this spy crap. I should've never agreed to help her in the first place." If anything, he was sorry for things not turning out good for any of them really, but when do they do in NC.
He was glad to talk things out with Reed in the end to a degree, say his farewells. Still not getting his hopes up too high about him, still not really trusting him all that much. In a way still sympathizing, but at that point he'd be certain that he's done with the corporate world and anything like it for good. Revenge and hard feelings were pointless, Reed suffering from his decisions was punishment enough for Vince in that case.
I'm not sure if Vince would end up asking the FIA for help realistically. Like I said, I love the Sun ending for him a lot from a narrative standpoint. And Johnny's whole "please, don't do it", and him getting wiped as the price for it for good... that was at the same time not as bad as I had pictured it, but simultaneously it was awful. So yeah... I really don't know if, with all the choices present, the FIA would be number one. Realistically he'd wanna hear out Hanako first, and I think with how time-sensitive everything else is beyond that, the FIA is propbably off the table. Either way though... I wanted to see the ending.
I was bawling my eyes out during the AV ride, V and Johnny making up, talking a final time... and Johnny calling him Vincent in the end fucking destroyed me asödhjfasfasdf ;______; Doctor detected heightened emotions not just on V but on me as well that was so... HHHHHH. My feels ;__;
And then... the new main game ending. God. Like... ever since those new holocall icons of Kerry and Judy appearing a while ago, with Kerry's 2079 world tour promo... We had to get a timeskip. And I feared the cure would be tied to working for the FIA long term or some shit like that, something that would drive a wedge between V and his loved ones for good. The cure being tied to all sorts of horrible things I kept imagining...
And then the reality was so much more gentle and in a way so so fucking happy if that makes sense? Like... fuck, two years have passed. And fucking Reed and no one else in fucking Langley apparently considered even telling anyone back in NC about the complications of V's operation and all. Y'know, keep his loved ones in the loop after even telling him "tell your friends you'll be gone for a bit, a month tops". And that's the worst betrayal of the whole expansion for me cause like... it was so pointless. Did no one tell anyone cause they had no hope? Cause they wanted to sever V's ties on purpose? Was it Reed's decision, someone else's? Was it intended as punishment? Or was it downright laziness and uncaringness for V as a person, and he maybe just an interesting yet complicated experiment. That one really really hurt. And Vince could not blame Kerry or any of the others for being hurt by that and having moved on with their lives. He would've in their spot, for sure. And no, Reed, he absolutely fucking will not work for the FIA, fuck off. And then Vince fucked out of there as quickly as possible and never looked back.
The whole "your body can't tolerate implants anymore" thing... Did not really hit him that hard. Like... yeah. Netrunning, hacking, which he was always so fucking good at, is not gonna be a thing anymore in this timeline. And that he'll miss sorely. Feeling really really fucking capable about something he built a big part of his life around. That was a central part of his life for all his life, really.
But apart from that... he was always low on chrome. He wouldnt miss it nearly as much as other Vs I think. I think what he struggles with more is just recovering from the coma physically, how weak he is for sure for a while, the fact he probably will never be as fit as he used to be. But still... there's hope in that. Cause he gets to live. He never wanted to be a merc, he would make a damn good fixer for sure... but he'll find something else, something less dangerous. He won't be happy being just a nobody in the crowd, but he's also fallen from high places before and climbed back up, coming out on top every time, every time more himself, seizing new opportunities and making his way. He can make it out of that hole. Like, yeah, the timing sucks... But Kerry wants to see him again, and they can rekindle things. I'm sure they will. I'm so happy Kerry got to play at the Crystal Palace, he's so on top of his game, given how low he was when he and V first met. You know... he says he was hit hard by V's disappearance and potential death, but he's out there rocking the world. He's doing good, he didn't fall back into a spiral of depression and despair. And that makes me so happy. And Vince is gonna hold on to that thought of a future together not just not being off the table, but being so much more certain than before now.
Vince is upset about Panam being so upset, but he can understand her well. He wouldn't feel much different than her. He is sad about River not wanting to see him, but he hopes he can change his mind, somewhere down the line. He is so excited to meet Judy's wife, he is so happy she found peace and love. Hell, Vince would happily just be Kerry's useless trophy husband, if I'm being completely honest, and it's possible now. With no obligations in Night City left, no reputation to upkeep, they can do whatever they want. Rogue promises he wont be forgotten, he will be a legend of the Afterlife forever - one that actually gets to live a full life. Who can forget about all the horrors. He's gonna adapt and find his new thing and like, you know...
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This little scene, and the farewell scene with Misty hit me so hard cause... remember this?
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I actually... had something very very very similar planned for Vince in the long run that we get with PL now. I'm feeling extremely validated with my headcanons and ideas and concepts and just... Yeah. Not that that's absolutely necessary for fanfiction to be valid or anything, but I'm just... so happy.
I said it in a prev post, PL is the gift that gives on giving by granting me all my little wishes and confirming so many tiny random headcanons. But I didn't think it would also get me pretty much the ending I'd been working on already in the background, the one that he'd deserve. So yeah... idk. Cyberpunk can have happy (or at least bittersweet) endings, it does for me 100% now. V gets to live and survive, if you choose to, canonically.
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dickbaggins · 10 months ago
genuinely asking. are you insane. Ive just read The Stakes last night and it changed the chemistry of my brain in a ways that I can't comprehend. i couldn't sleep last night so i am now taking suburban train, eyes blood shot and thoughts racing in my scull like bugs or vampires in the forest searching for someone to bite. I don't even have much to say about the smut except that it was one of the best that i read ever in my life and i found out fanfiction exists when i was like 12 so i read. A Lot. but ... the. the state of their relationship??? jdbdjkdjdjd how do i call it. the way they are insane about each other and Gale ohhhhhh GALE. What The Fuck Gale. What The Fuck DickBaggins. who will take responsibility for all this i am genuinely asking. who will pay for my therapy AFTER THIS. I can't like describe the state of my mind when Astarion left Gale's apartment, taking a train and looking at Waterdeep, the City that took... from him. Feeling like this. Yooooo
now it wasn't surprise that you could capture the nature of Astarion's inner mind very well since i am a fan of your other bg3 works but to do it in an au like this?????????? to extract his utmost self and insert it in what looks like silly hockey au just for it to actually be very complicated world where Gale did such a big mistake when he was younger he's going to pay for it gods above and belong only know how long???? maybe forever??? maybe he'll never wake up feeling Astarion's arms wrapped around him???? And Astarion as an elf he. he relives his memories while he trance yes???? idk if you keep this funky little detail in your au but to think about. It. Losing my mind tbh
what i am trying to tell you. this au brought tears to my eyes and i expected something smutty and juicy and maybe funny and silly and instead you just submerged me in a tragedy so gut wrenching and raw (HA). I am not even exasperating. Wtf.
so. Thank you i guess. I am going to think about it for 30 business days at least :)
That was. Phew. I need to dive in Mithridatism's Gale's weed collection after this because i can't legally find it in my country
Hope you are well, friend
elves are so fucked up. they've just gotta lay there and contemplate all the shit that's ever happened in their lives? this isn't restorative? this is a defect!! and it has to mess them up
and everyone else gets to relax and snore their way through some nonsense dreams every night without the horrible shadow of their past looming over them in razor-sharp, unbidden memories for eight hours straight??
what a raw fucking deal
(and for me canonical vampire spawn astarion doesn't sleep or meditate or any of that stuff UNLESS it's with someone else. otherwise he's up all night prowling and doing his hair and oiling his hand crossbows)
hey I'm glad to have ruined your life a little bit over my hockey au! even though it's uuuh heavy?? it was a lot of fun to write. kinda want to keep finding new aus to throw them into now? there's just so many more situations I want to put them in
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saintsofwarding · 2 years ago
Chapter 12: Monster Box
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Someone brought her a cup of tea. Rose sat with her hands around it, playing with the teabag, not drinking it. She didn't trust her hands not to shake and spill it everywhere upon lifting it to her mouth.
The room was bland, walls beige, the furniture comfortable but waiting-room featureless. Rose hunched on an armchair, dressed in BSAA sweats, her cuts and bruises bandaged. A stream of people had handled her before she'd been left in here- medics to tend her injuries and take a sample of her blood in case the Embryo's venom had affected her too, someone with paperwork for her to sign, a team in HAZMAT suits checking her over for biohazards, ushering her into a freezing-cold disinfectant shower, taking her soaked, bloodied clothes and bundling them off to parts unknown.
Someone else brought her a sandwich. It looked a little wilted, but looking at it had made her realize just how hungry she was, and she attacked it like a starving dog.
Now, she was clean and dry and dosed up on ibuprofen, but that hardly made her feel any better. She could hear the murmur of voices and footsteps from the hallway outside, though she was alone in the room, its door locked, its walls windowless.
There was a mirror, but Rose figured that was there purely for observational purposes. Without a clock or her phone, she couldn't tell how much time had passed- it might have been minutes or hours since Chris had left her in here with an assurance he'd be back as soon as he could, he just needed to make some calls.
He didn't tell her to not worry. Somewhere, past the anxiety chewing holes in her guts, Rose appreciated that.
She tried to sip at the tea, giving it a cautious sniff first. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything in it besides leaves and water. No sedatives or anything. The heat helped bring a little feeling back into her body, helped clear the haze in her head. She was exhausted, but she didn't want to sleep in case there was news.
In case...
"In case you wake up to someone shaking your shoulder, telling you your second daddy is dead," whispered a voice in Rose's ear. "What's the quote again? To lose one father is a tragedy...to lose both looks like carelessness..."
Rose lifted her eyes. Eveline stood on the far side of the room. The light flickered and hummed overhead, throwing the other girl's face into flashes of shadow, her eyes hooded in darkness so all Rose could see of them was a bright bird gleam.
"Go away," Rose told her. "You're not real."
"Just a voice in your head? A whisper in your dreams?" Eveline slunk back and forth, a grin curling over her small, pointed face. "I'm more than that, Rosemary-rue. I'm a part of you that's never ever gonna go away..."
"Okay, fine, you're a completely real manifestation of my past trauma. Our past trauma. Whatever. I'm still figuring all that gestalt shit out." She took a swig of her tea, hoping its caffeine would kick in soon.
"You just don't get it, do you?" Eveline said. "Heisey protected you all those years, but it could have been worse. So much worse. All the monsters out there, and the worst ones of all are right at your door."
Rose rubbed her forehead. "Leave me alone."
"You'll never get it." She could hear Eveline growing closer, closer, the room darkening around them as her mold spread over the walls, the floor, the lights, spores winking like stars in the muggy light. "You'll never be free. Not really. Not unless everyone's dead. Papa Heisey. Chris. Your mommy." She cackled. "Mommy, mommy, mommy. Looking for her lost little girl, deep in the forest, but she was stolen away by the monsters in the end..."
"Go away-"
"What will you do then, I wonder? How do you think this is gonna end if you don't take control of the situation now? You could do it now. The BSAA...Chris and all his toy soldiers...they're nothing to you. Not really. You could crawl inside them. Tell them what to do. Just like I did. Then nothing would stand in your way. Nothing could."
Closer, closer. Rose's hands tightened into fists on her knees.
"Even Heisenberg," Eveline whispered. "You did it before, so many years ago, stealing his powers away when he was being a bad boy. With him under your command...all that power...all that...mm...brawn..."
She gave a theatrical swoon, her hand trailing over her forehead. "Oooh, he's a splendid specimen, all right...what do you think he could do if he really cut loose? We could see, y'know. We could make him."
Her voice was right by Rose's ear, right inside her head. Rose sprang to her feet, flinging aside her tea.
"Go away!" she screamed, the sound raw and brutal, scraping real pain from deep inside her throat. "Go away! Get out!"
She stood, panting. Eveline was gone. The mold was gone, the fluorescents unobscured. Had it ever been there in the first place?
An echo of childlike laughter, then nothing at all.
The door opened. Rose spun with a gasp, lifting her hands on reflex, but it was just Chris. His brows were drawn together, his expression somber.
The world spun into stillness around Rose.
"No," she whispered. "Is-"
"He's fine," Chris said, quickly. Rose swayed where she stood as relief crashed over her, hard enough she barely caught his next words. "Relatively speaking. Whatever's in that thing's venom should have killed him five times over, but seems Karl Heisenberg is tougher than even we gave him credit for."
"That's right." Rose crossed her arms, then uncrossed them. Mistake. She'd look fidgety. But Chris wasn't looking at her with any kind of pity, just a heavy, searching intensity that made her more than a little uncomfortable.
"And so am I," she went on.
A worn smile crossed Chris's face. "Yeah, I know," he said. "You take after your dad."
He didn't mean Heisenberg. Rose felt her lower lip tremble. She looked down at the ground, then back up at him.
"Is Sam okay?" she asked.
"The...the girl in our apartment." She blushed. "She was, um, tied to a chair."
Chris nodded. "Yeah, that was pretty memorable. Last I saw Samantha Torres was being taken with a protection detail to a hospital. She's okay. Freaked, but okay."
"Good," Rose said.
She chewed her lip, took a breath, stopped.
"Can I-" she began. No. The time for being a scared kid was over. "I want to see Heisenberg," she went on, strengthening her tone. "Take me to him. Now."
She wasn't fooling anyone, least of all Chris Redfield. Still, that surprising gentleness lingered. It should have looked out of place on a guy built and battered like him, but it didn't. It stayed as he nodded.
"Okay," he told her. "But after that- we need to talk."
The temporary BSAA facility looked like an ordinary warehouse building save for the guards posted at the doors, the rooms of computer monitors and spills of cables strung down narrow, dimly-lit industrial corridors. Chris walked her through the facility with his hand on her shoulder; guards shifted at their posts as she passed them by.
One commando in body armor reached out for Chris, his eyes cold on Rose, his other hand on his sidearm.
"Without a collar or cuffs, Redfield?" he muttered. "You got a death wish or something?"
"Guess so," Chris said, shouldering past him, pushing Rose lightly onward.
They took an elevator down, down, down, into a deeper sublevel buzzing with greenish light. Rose smelled chemicals down here, burning in her nose. The doors were windowless, and she and Chris passed by a lot before he at last stopped at a pair at the end of the hallway.
He swiped a keycard. The doors went chunk.
The room beyond was cold as a deep-freeze, a shadowy span of girdered ceiling and concrete pillars. In the center, on a dais, was a massive, circular glass tank, its interior lit to a blinding glare. Inside was a cot, now torn to pieces and mangled into a new, thrilling shape.
In the middle of the detritus, fiddling with the bits of plastic that had fastened the cot together, sat Heisenberg.
His coat was slung over one of the cot legs that stuck into the air; he'd been stripped to the waist, his beefy torso so heavily bandaged he looked like a mummy from one of the Hammer horror movies they'd rented every Halloween, to watch until the sun came up while getting sick on shitty dollar-store candy. The color was still drained from his skin, but he was alive. Alive, not a crystal sculpture.
Joy burst in Rose's chest, lightning coursing down her veins. She stopped before the glass, her heart pounding, staring in at him as he looked back at her.
"Hey, kid," Heisenberg said.
"I hope you didn't try to escape or anything."
"Nah." He tipped his head to the side to show another collar strapped around his neck, an auto-injector aimed for his jugular. Wires trailed down to a sensor taped to one hairy, scarred-up pec. "The nice lady in the white coat was kind enough to explain that this thing measures my Cadou's energy output. It goes too high..." He clicked his fingers. "Night-night."
"Sure fuckin' is." He nodded at her. "You all right?"
"You're not mad at me?"
"'Course I am. You're grounded for a year. No allowance. And don't even think about asking for another fuckin' pony."
Rose snorted. "I didn't even ask you for the first pony."
She glanced back. Chris hung back at a distance, his arms crossed, his head down. He was giving them a moment, Rose realized.
She crept closer to the glass. Warmth pushed at her eyes; she felt the little tremble down in the pit of her stomach that meant she might lose it again, like on the riverbank. She swallowed back her tears and pressed her hand to the glass.
"How about you? Are you okay?" she whispered.
"Thanks to you."
"How did they-"
"Stuck me with some purple shit in a syringe." He waved his hand dismissively. "Figure it was some kind of mutagen accelerant, kick-started the Cadou's regenerative abilities, stopped my calcification in its tracks. Feel like a pit of corpses, but at least I'm not one of them."
He gave a raspy laugh as he levered, slowly, shakily, to his feet and limped over. "Hosed me down pretty good, too. Chemicals everywhere. Burns like a bitch. Reminds me of the time I fell into the factory runoff. Now that was interesting. I thought my face would melt off."
Rose reached up to swipe tears from her eyes before he could notice. "You almost died, you bastard," she spat.
He noticed. Of course he did. And, of course, he was gonna be an asshole about it. "Aww, and you're gonna cry about it?"
"What you were saying by the riverbank-"
"Not now." He cut her off. A beat, then he pressed his own hand to the glass, just over hers. Without his gloves on his hands looked strangely bare; he hardly ever went without them outside of the apartment, in front of anyone that wasn't her.
She wasn't sure why; she'd never asked. She'd never asked so much. Now, maybe- maybe- if they got through this- they could begin to talk. Not just evenings in front of the TV, sinking their attention in arguments and jabs and weird experiments and jovial evasions. No more of that. She wanted to know everything, not culled from his half-forgotten memories, but in his own words. About the village, about the other Lords. Everything Miranda had tried to take from them all.
His scarred fingers curled, as if to enclose hers in his grip.
"Not now," he repeated, his voice as close to gentle as she'd ever heard it. "Don't make me say it again."
Rose nodded. She sniffed. "Okay," she said. "Fine. But I'm not leaving just because you're shit with emotions and you're getting all uncomfortable."
"Fuck you-"
"You're gonna have to buy me more than a pony if you want me to ever be nice to you again."
"You got me tongue-fucked by a monster, you little-"
"You're gonna have to buy me a car," Rose said. "To start. And a nicer phone. And I want to go shopping and you're footing the bill. For everything-"
"Bold, kid! I'd admire your demands if I cared at all about them."
"If you say no I won't love you anymore."
"Hah!" Heisenberg roared. "No!"
Rose could barely stay on her feet as they argued back and forth. Love, she thought, like grief, was a dark room full of monsters. Years she could wander blindly, never meeting tooth nor claw, until all at once she was in their grip, their jaws locked in her flesh, never letting go.
She still didn't forgive him. She still wanted to sit him down, tie him to a chair if she had to, and have a long and uncomfortable conversation with him until he admitted, by force, everything he'd pigheadedly never say in other circumstances. She wanted to know. Everything. Everything. For now, though, she was just grateful he was here at all.
Maybe it would be better for her to never forgive Heisenberg, leave him to the mercy of the BSAA. Maybe they would be safer apart in the long run.
She didn't much care about what would be better, what would be safer. She'd take all the monsters in the world so long as he was one of them.
"What is this place, anyway?" she asked Chris as she retreated, at last, from the glass. Heisenberg stayed there, watching them both with glinting eyes. "You just happened to have a perfectly-sized box to put him in?"
"No." Chris let out a long breath. "This whole place was built to contain an entirely different bioweapon. The Embryo. Provided, of course, we got one alive."
"So it's really not yours."
He shook his head. "My squad's been tracking those things for weeks. Each one gets bigger. More powerful. Like with each incarnation it's learning."
"Yeah, I figured that out, too."
Chris gave a dry laugh. "You sure did."
They were heading down another green-lit corridor. Rose glanced behind her as more commandos fell into step behind them, anonymous in full black tactical suits and face visors, automatic rifles at a casual ready. One of them gave her a little salute. Rose frowned, then faced front again.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked. She thought they'd go to an interrogation room or something.
"It'll be easier to show you."
"You're not gonna lock me up, like Heisenberg?"
Chris's gait slowed.
"Rose," he said. "I was friends with your parents for more than three years. I first saw you right out of the hospital, saw the way Ethan and Mia looked at you. Like you were the only thing in the world that mattered to them. They were...good people. Your father was one of the best I ever knew. And now- to find you- after so many years..."
He gave his head another little shake.
"No, I'm not gonna lock you up," he said.
He picked up his pace again, pushing open a door and heading into a long, echoing stairwell. "BSAA's turning up the heat on me and my squad, as I'm sure you can tell from the warm welcome they gave you upstairs. They gave me seventy-two hours in Regent City to get this thing done and get you and Heisenberg in the bag."
Rose hurried after him. "So you know something about the Embryo?"
"Who sent it? It and the-" She took a short breath. "The thing that looks like me."
"It's an Embryo, too." He held out his hand. In his palm gleamed a metal disc like the one she'd fished out of the blackened remains in the subway. "I found this in the wreckage at the hall of mirrors."
"How can...how can that thing become me?"
"Hm. Good question," Chris said. "Part one of my theory is there are two varieties. The scout and the hunter. Come on. Through here."
He shoved through a door with a pushbar and into a long, echoing space beyond. Rows of computers were set up on makeshift desks, servers whirring at the damp, cold air. This place must be underwater; Rose smelled a faint salinous tang in the air, heard a faint churning boom, like the impact of waves. Another smell hit her, too, a moment later. Something burnt, like charcoal briquettes, overlaying the sting of acid.
Chris flicked a switch. Fluorescent lights powered on with a hum, illuminating the transparent tent set up over a table in the middle of the room. On it, arrayed like an autopsy, was the corpse of the Embryo Rose had hit with the subway train.
"Here," he told Rose, thrusting a full-body orange HAZMAT suit and pair of booties at her. "The acid can still burn your eyes real bad, and we're still studying the effects of its ash on human lungs."
She began struggling into the too-big suit. "It's not still alive, is it?"
"No cell regeneration. Seems the combination of electricity and train was enough to cook this one golden-brown." He'd suited up faster than her and helped her do up the back zipper, securing the velcro tabs around the helmet with deft movements. He unzipped the tent and held the flap open for Rose to duck through.
They emerged into the tent proper. Rose's breathing hissed, reflected back at her. She approached the table, examining with wide eyes the charred, glutinous flesh, the remnants of a cartilaginous internal structure, the half-decomposed mouth tentacles, pale and limp, like ropes of overcooked spaghetti. It looked even bigger here than it had in the subway, a gorilla-like body structure armored with plates of crystalline bone, the gelatinous sac that had once hung down from its belly now burst and deflated.
She thought of Mara in the bathroom, her relief when Rose had come back to save her. If only she'd been faster.
If only she'd gotten this thing before it got to her, Mara might still be alive.
"You know who made this thing, don't you?" she asked, quietly.
Chris nodded behind the clear visor of his suit. "They call themselves Ouroboros. The snake that eats its own tail, and lives again, and again. They've been a shadow in my radar, a reoccurring name in the books of dozens of bioterrorists I've taken down over the last ten years. They make monsters, bioweapons sold to the highest bidder to unleash as they see fit. Worse, they're smart. They never leave traces, never stay too long in one place. I've raided labs I know were theirs only to find empty rooms scrubbed clean. They never let their monsters out in the open. Until now."
"What changed?" Rose said.
Chris turned and met her eyes.
"You," he said. "I had the blood tested that we drew from you a couple hours ago and compared it to the Embryo. Rose..."
She stared at him in turn. "Tell me."
"It was a match, Rose. These things- all of them- are made from a base of your DNA." He paused. "It was no accident they started going after you. No accident one showed up with your face. Are you okay?"
She'd put out a hand against the table. Little shocks of white burst in her eyes, in time with her heartbeat. The filtered air tasted bitter as she tried to steady her breathing.
Of course, she thought.
Of course.
There were no coincidences, not being her. Heisenberg, for all his efforts in carting her around, running her from place to place always one step ahead of the BSAA, hadn't accounted for one thing- that they weren't the only ones with their eyes on her.
That there had never been any chance of peace. Not for them.
"How?" she heard herself say. "How did Ouroboros get my DNA? How do they even know about my powers?"
Chris paused for a microsecond. "I don't know. Not entirely. I suspect there was some kind of data breach after me and the Hound Wolf Squad evacuated the village, someone listening in after catching wind of Miranda's plans. She wasn't exactly subtle about them."
She turned to face him. "Okay, fine. Doesn't matter. How do we take them down?"
"I'm working on that. Like I said, they're smart, but they've stuck their necks out sending the Embryo tests into Regent City. They can't just release them kilometers out, expect them to wander into town. They've got to be within the city limits. Close to where all the attacks have taken place. Somewhere they can contain more than half a dozen huge-ass monsters without raising notice."
"That could be a lot of places."
"I know." He leaned against the table, staring into the charred depths of the dead Embryo, his eyes half-lidded and lightless.
Rose was silent for a moment.
"You said you were friends with my dad," she said quietly.
Chris inclined his head.
"What would he do if he was here?"
Chris gave a low laugh. "Latch onto the smallest lead and worry it to the bone. Hunt it down no matter how stupid it was to even try."
He glanced sideways at her. "You know what he did to save your mom? After years of radio silence, he gets one email from her. One. And he spends the night battling through the hordes of hell in the Louisiana bayou to get her back alive. Crazy bastard."
He shook his head. "Took on Miranda and her family freakshow with a pistol and a prayer. I thought it was all for nothing after Heisenberg escaped from the Hungarian facility with you in tow, but when you popped up, years later, just a glimpse of you through a Glaswegian CCTV camera...it was nothing short of a miracle. I think I'd almost given up on those."
"I'm not a miracle," Rose said.
Chris looked at her.
"I'm not some kind of symbol," she went on. "Or savior. Miranda wanted to make me into a vessel for her own dead kid, nothing more than an empty shell to use as an excuse to murder, manipulate, and destroy. I'm never gonna be that again. Not for anyone. Ever."
"Rose, it's safer-"
She grabbed him by the front of his HAZMAT suit and wrenched him closer. He outweighed her by more than a hundred pounds, towered over her by more than a head, and yet he stumbled under her strength.
Her power surged; mold unfurled from the orange material of her suit, a splayed halo of writhing tentacles that glistened like oil in the fluorescent light.
"Ever," she said again. "Get it?"
She released him. Chris rocked back onto his heels. "Loud and clear," he said, a little smile hooking the corner of his mouth.
"Good," Rose told him. "'Cause I can get way meaner than that."
Chris held up his hand; the rest of the squad that had followed him- the Hound Wolf Squad, Rose guessed- lowered their weapons.
"All right, boss?" one said in a distinctly Afrikaans accent.
"I assume you won't take my suggestion of staying out of the action," Chris said, giving his guy a thumbs up.
"Not on your life."
"You're a kid, Rose."
"A kid who inherited crazy powers from a god. You want me on your side." She paused. "Also, I'm literally the only person on this continent that Karl Heisenberg might listen to."
"We're kind of on the rocks."
"Yeah, I got that as well." Chris paused. "He's dangerous, Rose. I know you know that, but you should hear it again. Ethan trusted him, and Ethan died. Don't let yourself suffer the same fate because of some misplaced loyalty to him."
"He's the reason I made it past seven months," Rose said. "My loyalty is not misplaced."
Chris held her gaze for a long moment, his forehead deeply lined, his brows drawn together in a contemplative frown. Years he'd fought bioweapons like her, years he'd spent putting mutants in the dirt. Not listening to them, sympathizing with them. Not granting them mercy. That was how he kept people safe, how he kept the world from descending into undeath and chaos: doing what needed to be done, and doing it well.
Now he seemed to be giving her a chance. Rose wasn't about to waste it.
"Then what do you propose we do?" Chris asked- half-mocking, half-serious.
Take the lead and worry it to the bone. She was her father's daughter, after all.
"I have a plan," Rose said. "But there's one catch."
"You need," Rose went on, "to let out Heisenberg."
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lordelmelloi2 · 1 year ago
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for that ship ask meme on waverose
#20. Who would be the type to walk out of the bedroom all sleepy and tired and wrap their arms around their partner who's making coffee/tea or breakfast for them both?
joiwhghlsdkfj It might be neither. Both are the "sleep in until 12 pm" person and crabs-in-bucket-style will drag the other back into bed. Waver is better at getting up and doing stuff though because he's a tad more disciplined from 10+ years of Doing That because he's a teacher. Rosesona also generally loves wrapping his arms around Waver from behind ... Waver's only making tea and toast though, Rosesona doesn't eat for at least an hour after getting up.
#21. How do they always cheer eachother up during sad times?
This is actually kind of a complicated question because "cheering each other up" really ranges ... well it's more like the "sad times" range. There's the distraction level: the "let's go out to dinner, neither of us really want to cook and we need to get out of the house", there's the "Let's get in the car and drive, right now"... the desire to escape a Something is usually what has to be solved. Is it the crushing weight of being in debt in the 21st century? Or the idea that you'll never amount to anything, no matter what ability you have? Is it the idea you're a terrible partner for the other and you have a feeling that this whole thing is a miracle-- or a total fluke, which you can't tell is just anxiety or not?
If it's something simple like "Someone said something mean to me and I'm pissed off about it", that can be solved with a kiss and a treat of some sort. If it's something so much deeper than that, if it's something truly crushing and seemingly inescapable: we have to go to the ocean. We have to go. Right now. Come with me.
#22 Would they be the type to dress up in those funny/cute/hot matching couple costumes during Halloween or dress up parties?
Rosesona can hardly get Waver to do stuff like that without at least a day or two of bothering him about it -- But if it's funny enough, Waver will join in. It depends. I think the two of them are capable of doing that wire-mother-cloth-mother thing if they wanted to. It really has to be funny enough of an idea. If it's too on-the-nose or like a "turkey-and-stuffing" type costume Waver hates it and won't do it. They couldn't do a sexy doctor and sexy nurse thing unless it was for like, a photoshoot... Idk. If we're talking Chaldea, Waver's more likely to do something like that because of the Chaldea Vogue magazine shoots and the other fun things that they do in the media clubs and such, but if it's not in Chaldea, if it's in London, there's a lot more at risk. You can't really have a Lord of the Clock Tower with compromising photos like that floating around.
#23. Do they love playing board games or video games together?
This stupid ass video game couple is ruining my life (Im the couple). the video games thing is also particularly messy because Rosesona has better routes for importing Japanese games and more friends that can get more niche shit in so Waver is like desperate, always, constantly asking Rose shit like "Can you see if this game is available..." or even like "If you find a download..." "Rose, what does this say..." "Can you translate this for me..." like Waver is truly bothering the shit out of Rose all the time with this. All Rose wants to do is burn CDs of Aphex Twin when he sits down at his computer and then Waver will be like "Can you check that Japanese website to see if someone uploaded a ROM of..."
#24. What are their pet names for eachother?
They used to not even have pet names actually. I can't remember what film it was that they watched but something clicked in Waver's brain and he started calling Rose "sweetheart" and so now they call each other "sweetheart" all the time.
... there's also this running joke they have with each other where they will call each other "kitten" and themselves "mommy/daddy" in reference to like, the discord moderator-discord kitten type shit (this started during their time in Chaldea). They will not ever genuinely call each other kitten or mommy/daddy without getting a glare. hell they can barely even do the joke without looking at each other with a weird expression it's really funny to watch
#25. Do they like binge watching shows together?
Yes but it depends. Waver doesn't watch a lot of TV so Rosesona really has to be like "Okay you need to watch this show to understand the impact it has on greater society" to which Waver is like "What part of me indicates you think I'm attached to greater society in the slightest" rose: "Girl shut up and watch The Sopranos with me"
If it's anime Rosesona has an easier time (LOL) but he also never wastes his time with anything. He made Waver watch GitS:SAC because it was important to him. They watched RGU together. In Chaldea they've watched those and also PMMM and now they're both mentally ill about it. I'm just saying the Waver=Homura parallels are there even regardless of Roasze.
But I think the thing too is that since they're both pseudointellectuals heavy overthinkers that approach everything they engage with very seriously and genuinely, Rose usually tries to find something that he can actually Talk with Waver about on a serious level because he rarely watches something and is like "my brain musshhhhyyyy haauauahahaa" they're just not that kind of people.
Do I think they'd watch something stupid together: it depends. Rosesona can barely watch something stupid so Waver will steal some glances. Oh, but: if it's stupid but Rose wants Waver to watch it anyways he'll just quote Iskandar "You need to widen your horizons more and get more in touch with the people" and Waver will grumble and sit and watch it (and complain the whole time but it's ok).
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thisselflovecamebacktome · 2 years ago
Ok so i'll give my opnion on some things and you tell me how you feel:
1) i think selling tickets for the tour behind the stage, it's pure greed. If u want more people in the show, make a stage in the middle of the stadium 360⁰
2) Im so tired of swifities saying 'wow taylor works SO MUCH" cause like she gets paid enough for those hours, i'm sure we (not famous people) work the same if not more hours a week and like i dont have a million. I actually think she is one the few celebs that are worth million dollars and work that amount
3) Midnights sounds so boring to me. The sounds are so..... empty (very much Jack style). I listen to the album, just dont LOVE it, yk?
Plus: i find a lot of the lyrics cringe. Some exemples-
- vigilant shit (the whole thing)
- i'm mastermind and now you're mine cause i'm a mastermind
- paris (the whole thing)
- sweet like justice, karma is a queen
- sexy baby
Anyway i"m taylor fan, just some things are weird to me
Welcome to my thoughts (3am edition) because I cannot sleep lmao.
Tickets: I think selling tickets behind the stage is fine so long as it's marked as such. Like so long as the customer knows what they're getting and can make a fully consenting choice, I think it's fine, especially in a venue where there's screens that can be watched because more people in those seats would be watching the screens a lot during the show anyway. Where it gets shady is in cases like what Ticketmaster did for Eras where some of the seats weren't marked as being behind the stage/obscured until after the purchase. In saying that, most "obscure" views actually aren't in my experience. Like a few years ago I had "obscured" tickets for Bruno Mars and it was just a side view and arguably one of the best views I've had of a stage lmao.
Taylor's Work Hours: I both agree and disagree with this. In general celebs get paid too much so I agree with that part. Likewise, I've always found the idea that she's "so brave" for continuing on with tour atm to be weird because like all of us do that in our day to day lives with our jobs and other commitments (unless we physically can't for whatever reason). In saying that, every job is more difficult in some ways and less in others. Tbh this debate reminds me of the fact my mother always thinks my jobs aren't "real" because my brother is a blue collar worker and when I've worked I've been a pink/white collar worker and while yes, his job (bartender) is more physical than mine (admin positions) will most likely ever be, my last job (receptionist at a psychological medical centre during a pandemic) was far more emotionally draining because I spent 7 - 12 hours a day listening and responding to trauma non stop. Like as someone who has done both blue and pink/white collar jobs, I can honestly say that on the most part, blue was less exhausting and a lot of my friends (both who have done both and who saw me do both) agree. And in many ways Taylor deals with both of these. Like to promote her album she kinda has to bare her soul constantly, especially because she's built her brand off of being relatable. And then with tour she's gotta be fitter than I ever will be and maintain that lmao. There's also a lot of work that celebs (and especially ones like Taylor that manages most of her career, only allowing a small team to help with certain stuff) do that we don't see. Like even if she's not working on TS11/the rerecordings atm (which I'd wager she is working on both), Taylor is not only working 9 hours a week at the moment. She's likely working as many hours as a regular person. Obviously she has the benefit of flexibility that most of us don't both in terms of hours and not having to work at all if she so chose, but yeah I'd argue that even if there was some way to prove that she doesn't work as hard, it would still be a closer call than most people think.
Midnights: So there's two parts to this. In general I agree that Midnights is not my favourite work from her, especially sonically and especially the standard edition (which is what Jack primarily worked on with the 3am songs being a mix of him and Aaron with some others). Like it reminds me of 1989 in that way. However, I don't think any of it is cringey. To be honest, I'm going to assume that you are younger than Taylor and I because in my experience the cringey vs not seems to be a gen z (people born 1996 - now) vs millennial or older (born 1995 or before) thing. Vigilante Shit is peak millennial tbh and while I cannot go into it (for legal reasons) as someone going through a situation where that song resonates, it hit from the first listen lmao. The line from Mastermind you used just sounds like something a villain would say and given she made it clear that that's the vibe she was going for (at least sonically) with the chorus, I think it fits really well. Tbh I don't understand why people find Paris cringey at all. Like it's just a cute love song, no different than Sweet Nothing or Call It What You Want. Same with that Karma line. Like she's just saying that Karma will decree the ruling that it sees fit and its word is final/there's no escaping it which is the theme of the song as a whole but especially the bridge. So the sexy baby line is not cringey but clunky to me. Like it's trying to say so much at once, and again, uses millennial references that went over a lot of people's head at first (even ones like me because I never watched 30 Rock lmao). Like I just don't think there was ever going to be a way to say all that which flowed well in my honest opinion.
But ultimately it's fine that you find stuff weird as a fan. I couldn't tell you anyone in a fandom space that doesn't find at least something weird about that particular fandom.
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catherinekal · 1 year ago
So this got me thinking about my average work day and how I manage all this shit. I work retail, usually 8-4 unless I get fucked with my schedule. I get up about a hour and half before. Mainly to get a shower in and eat. I don't do oats, but I do just eat greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter, fruit, and a slice of cheese. Simple, not to hard to make, and very little dishes to wash later. The rest of the time is for waking up and lately getting to my car early to defrost it. I don't work to far so my commute is small so that's nice. My job is mostly walking all day doing curbside pickup. Can be fucking brutally busy or not much at all. If I need groceries I just shop after work, one advantage of being in retail. I get home and I either spend a fucking hour making a large batch of lentil stew in my instant pot. Gives me 3 hearty meals. On days I don't have to do that I heat it up and exercise after. Usually takes a hour to do that as I just do some basic full body home exercises. Usually around 6:20ish or so I'm done. I try to exercise 3 times a week and never cook stew on the same day I work out because fuck that would take to long. Then I either hand out with my lovely friend online and play games/watch anime. until sometime between 8-9. Or I just watching shit on youtube or play games myself. Then I try to get some German studying in there though that's been hard to make a habit still. No matter what I try and get at least a hours worth of time writing at night. I should be sleeping by 10:30 on work nights, but it's usually close to 12 by the time I'm in bed. I do lose sleep and legit haven't had a night of more then 6 hours of sleep in so long. But I make do and its important to write. On days I don't work I can sometimes get more sleep. I save general chores for those days like laundry, taking out trash, and shit like that. Therapy to is on off days if the schedule fits, it doesn't always. Once it gets warmer I'll be adding photography to my off days, but fuck trying to take pics in the cold. I also cook breakfast on off days to. I used to cook more in general, but lentil stew has not gotten old and is pretty cheap for how much I can get out of it and it's just a hour twice a week for 6 meals. Be shorter with some proper knives, but fuck spending more money on shit. The way I see it my life is about slow progress until I can hopefully get the hell our of the U.S. I could drop writing or german for more games time or quit working out, but fuck that. I've spent most of my life doing fuck all and now I'm 31 unhappy in a shit state with not much reason to stay. The repeated days can be draining, but honestly my friend helps so goddamn much and having a goal in life feels nice. I've just accepted video games don't get hours each day like they used to and that's ok.
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tintysun · 2 months ago
I’m gonna make and leave a semi-personal post here because this keeps coming up.
WARNING! A bit TMI and a few harsh truths.
People oughta stop falling in love with me (or claiming they have). For real, my entire existence consists of sleeping for 10-12 hours, spending another 3-5 staring into the distance, and whatever’s left doing whatever I want (which may or may not include things that please you). I don’t know what else you’re projecting, assuming, or expecting, but that’s it. Well, that and being insane on the internet. My looks? I’m “mid” by today’s standards. And if by some miracle I end up taking over the world, you don’t gotta be romantically involved with me to be a part of that.
I’m currently, and who knows for how long, unable to fall/be in love. Even sex with me would be mediocre at best without that element. I don’t fake orgasms for anyone; never have and never will. Hugs, cuddles, and snuggles might be okay enough if they’re the tired/resting kind, because that’s a state I can sympathize with and join in. And that’s basically what’s left of me in this department. Whether you’re at fault for that or not, I may have wandered into the land of narcissism, with all these guys listening to Andrew Tate or any other clueless podcaster who speaks confidently in their ignorance and arrogance, corroding their brains, and it left me without faith.
HOWEVER, if you do feel a strong pull toward me, know that chemistry, even the intense sort, doesn’t necessarily have to mean something romantic. It might just be spotting a pal you can laugh off problems with or, I don’t know, someone to rain hell on your worst enemies and/or manifest an entirely new reality with.
And sincerely, it has nothing to do with who you are. Maybe you’re a great person capable of genuine and abundant love like no other. But I don’t know that and I’m out of chances to give to (romantic) love. So put me in a different category. I assure you that I’m a worthwhile buddy - unless you’re an insufferably awful person, then I can’t be a buddy to you.
As for being hit on by people who are married… that’s a topic I can’t be bothered to tackle anymore. Y’all are grown-ups. Sort out your shit. I am done giving the benefit of the doubt just because I once found myself in the spot of realizing I wasn’t meant to forever be with my partner in that sense, and we shortly broke it off. But you, asses, aren’t breaking anything off, looking like dicks, and are making me feel more sorry for your spouse instead.
Lastly, if anyone is under the impression that having various “options” is something I enjoy, it is not. If I was more vain and overall egotistical, or as non-committal as people’s BS has made me look, I might be like, “Ha! Another sucker at my feet!” But that’s not how it goes for me. On the contrary, I feel burdened and as if forced to search for a needle in a haystack. It’s not fun for me at all. I’m exhausted.
With all that said, I understand we’re all imperfect human beings and etc. So I’m not too terribly mad. But I still need a break.
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musedith · 3 months ago
4, 14, 24, 34 & 44 for angelina, elena & sienna !!
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since this line of questioning is for three of my ladies, i'm representing myself as their representative with this gif of phoebe bridgers. remember mascots?
4. do they wear their hair down when they sleep, or tied up / braided?
angie ties her hair back and will even braid it if she's not feeling extraordinarily lazy, elena it entirely depends on how she's wearing it atm, but always back and wrapped in something silky. sienna is lucky if she can get a brush through her hair in the morning and often has monstrous bedhead. she figures it out.
14. do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?
angie hates staying up, but sometimes you draw the shit end of the stick and by that i mean are a working mother and have a life to lead and shit to do. she often does but tries not to. elena is a childless loser, so she mostly stays up late on wikipedia rabbit holes and watching movies like the rest of us. she knows a lot about circadian rhythms and gets disappointed with herself. sienna is not staying up late unless she has to. that lady is a taurus, give her 12 hours to sleep and she will.
24. do they have a short temper? what’s most likely to set it off?
all three of them probably fall under the category of 'relatively easy to annoy, but harder to actually piss off' to varying degrees. in terms of setting them off, "you're wrong" would also probably do the trick to all three. sienna is no doubt the snarkiest and probably the easiest to peeve off generally, while angie is more zen in her judgment and elena is sort of obliviously opinionated.
34. are they the jealous type? what are they most likely to be jealous of?
i'm gonna come out and just tell everyone right now that all my characters i have ever and will ever play are the jealous type, the possessive type, the green with envy type. i think all three of them have a lot of jealousy about wasted opportunities and potential, but especially angie. she's also best at hiding it. elena and sienna are more likely to be jealous for some other reason on top of that, and be called out for it.
44. did they go to college, or are they attending? did / do they like it?
angie got an associate's degree in nursing and hasn't looked back since, and could not really give a rat's ass about her college experience. she wanted to get certification and get out as quickly as possible, but we saw how successful that was. sienna's college experience (lmao, a business degree) was significantly marred by the whole death of half her family thing. she regards going back after as a mistake, wasn't ready, wrought with guilt, whatever. elena was an ivy league girlie and an anthropology for both her bachelors and her masters degree... and she liked it fine until she burnt out and moved back to her hometown to sell movie tickets and convince herself she's an artist.
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jodilin65 · 11 months ago
I definitely don’t have as much energy as I had yesterday. I’m not horribly tired, but I’m tired. Again I got the same 83 sleep score. Slept a little less than 8 hours this time, but there was one huge spike in my oxygen level and I do remember my nose was stuffy for a minute there, and I also got up to pee and had a bit of trouble falling back to sleep. So I don’t know if there’s a connection or not.
Obviously, the vitamins aren’t helping. I looked and found I had 19 days in March that I was either tired or exhausted, and only 12 good days so that sucks. That’s way too much! Even a third of the month would be too much. A quarter of the month is kind of borderline, but 19 days is way too much because you’re talking more than half of the month and it’s like, come on already!
But after doing some serious reflecting, no doctor has ever really helped me. The silicone stuff isn’t helping. I didn’t think it would. I still wonder if it’s worth running to the GYN because no one ever seems to help solve my problems. For years, no one helped me with the anxiety that I had, and no one has helped with the fatigue. So why would anyone be able to help me with the burning down there? I really think that unless they’re missing something, the next step would be for her to recommend estrogen-based treatment and unless it was in pill form or something I could put on my fingertip, I wouldn’t be able to use the stuff. Then there would be the side effects.
Someone was blasting music earlier. I could just make out the faint beat of it in the bedroom. So I stuck an ear out the door and there was definitely music going, but I couldn’t say if it was outside the park or not. It’s one of those things where it could have been loud but far away or softer and closer. There were no lights on next door and I doubt it was the party girl or the honker.
Speaking of the honker, he shared a post about where he was eating by the river, so I said that it looked like a nice place and to have a safe trip home. Then someone else asked him when he was leaving because they wanted to get together one more time with him. I was hoping he would answer but if he did, he did it in a private message.
On Facebook, you can list yourself as going to an event or interested in an event, and he’s interested in a motorcycle expo on April 20th. So he’s likely to be here until at least mid-April and maybe even May.
Okay, now onto a couple of mysteries. Let’s start with someone I thought was following me that I now don’t know if they are. I thought that one of my New York visitors who’s listed as being in Newark was them. Whenever I clicked through to their location, even though geo-tracking is a joke and is usually 10 or more miles off, it always took me to upstate New York where I thought they lived. It puts me in the middle of a canal above Finger Lakes, actually. But then when I was looking at a map at something else, I saw that Newark is actually in the southern part of the state. I don’t remember it ever saying one town while giving me a totally different location on the map like that. Usually, the town it says they’re in is the town that’s going to come up when you run the IP, so I don’t know where they really are or if it’s who I thought it was or not.
The next mystery of the night is actually something that happened in 2013, way back when you could get anonymous comments on my-diary. I got slammed with all kinds of criticism then since apparently, the only way people feel they can really speak their minds is if they can do it anonymously. It was kind of funny and I actually got a kick out of some of the shit I would get back then. I was sorry the day that option went away. You can still comment anonymously on Blogger but that site is dead in comparison and people know Google tracks. They don’t seem to know how to disable tracking or that they can go through browsers like Tor if they want to hide. If I don’t want someone to know I’ve been around, I use Tor.
So, anyway, back then I think I had more than one person trolling me. There was a person who had an empty account who loved to critique me for being a complainer, and I am. I’ve always been very vocal and very blunt. If something goes well, I say so. If something goes bad, I say so. That much is true.
But then there was somebody who used a fake email address. You didn’t have to have an account to comment. It required an email address but as long as the end of it made sense, you could plug in whatever name you wanted.
I got comments about waiting for my dead parents’ money to buy a place and all this literature sent to me about narcissists and psychopaths. One of their little tutorials talked about how narcissistic psychopaths trick people into forgiving them so they can manipulate them again and how they believe their lies and live those lies.
I looked back and read through their messages again because sometimes, after time goes by, you see things from a different perspective. I first thought Maliheh only befriended me long enough to get me to keep her name out of my book before she ghosted me but when I later looked back on it, I came to suspect that the real reason she ghosted me was because she didn’t like that I liked her. Only she knows, though.
Being the curious person I am, I’ve always wondered who sent those messages. I studied the wording, the writing, the style of writing, and the content. There are so many names that come to mind because there are so many people who could have had that link to that diary that knew me because I was much more open about sharing with people I actually knew back then. Nowadays I try to keep an unbiased audience who don’t really know me personally.
The first name that came to mind when looking at it from a modern-day perspective was Andy. I apologized for dumping him the first time. So there’s the forgiveness aspect. Also, he’s a very paranoid individual who thinks everybody is always lying about everything. So there’s the lying part. Hell, he thought I was lying about my sleep disorder. If anything, I’ve been too honest throughout my adult life. No one has any power over me or a hold on me of any kind and therefore I don’t have to worry about not being truthful. I would rather not say anything at all than lie.
He sometimes also complained when I complained. I was told on Ask around this time that I seemed like a very negative person and was there anything that made me truly happy? Well, this totally smacks of him, even though he can be pretty negative as well.
What doesn’t smack of Andy were some of the comments defending my parents. Andy always knew how fucked up my mother was and he never took her side. Ever.
Whoever it was seemed to know me personally, possessed a deep-seated hatred of me, and desperately wanted to hide their identity. No one ever came out later on and told me it was them, so they never wanted me to know who they were.
It was too well written for termite Tammy and her bratty brood unless they changed their writing style to throw me off their scent. I doubt it, though. They weren’t that smart.
Kim and Molly wouldn’t have been nearly that intelligent to write and send articles written by doctors but I wondered about Molly’s mother.
It could even have been Aly playing some kind of strange joke on me. The possibilities are endless. But I’ll never know who it really was…just like they never wanted me to.
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alicedoessurveys · 1 year ago
1 - When was the last time you spent over £100 in one transaction? What did you buy?  the food shop, huzzah for cost of living crisis
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I do. I have a stuffed sloth teddy (my emotional support sloth). as a teenager I was embarrassed about it and worried people would judge but now as a 28 year old I don't give a shit.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable?  I mean, I care what I look like but I will always choose comfort over style.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? 
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film?  neither thank you 🙈
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock?  primary school teachers I guess
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen?  reed diffusers and plug in air fresheners. they don't have to be expensive, I get mine from Aldi
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading?  gotta be almost 10 years now. and because its apple its starting to give up life. but I can't afford to replace it.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? I live alone, I always keep my doors locked unless I know someone is coming round.
10 - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt?  I have SO many candles and vary rarely actually remember to light them. I like scented ones.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants?  it is impossible for plants to survive in my care. I don't understand it. they just die. all the plants in my home are artificial.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one?  this is the second one today. I plan to play sims after this.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself?  the room is mainly white/cream but the wall behind me is painted with pink, blue and grey asymmetrical triangles. I decorated it myself.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink?  had a toffee nut latte a few hours ago. current drinking cream soda.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they?  I have no piercings.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come?  I like a good bath, but it always results in my kitchen flooding because there's a leak so I tend to have showers. but my shower has shit water pressure and the temperature fluctuates between too hot and too cold so I don't enjoy showers.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for?  8.30am.. 9am at the latest. I have church in the morning and its mothers day so I have to make sure I don't forget to take her presents
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often?  I get paid at the end of every month which is fine tbh, just would like to be on more than £8 an hour
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house?  they're Hufflepuff ones. yellow long sleeve top with the house badge on, and yellow checkered leggings. super soft, suuuuuuper comfy.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee?  not often.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone?  insta, Tumblr, WhatsApp, snapchat, bible
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either?  I like both, but I LOVE dogs cause I work with them. I don't personally own any, but my family do.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful?  I don't but I wish I did.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style?  I do. I like beanie hats. also don't mind wearing a cap in the summer.
25 - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Im a single paw-rent to a house rabbit so all responsibility falls on me.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? literally my work uniform
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous?  I don't think I have. I think ive driven in socks before but it was uncomfortable
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back?  I have. I worked in a primary school during the pandemic. the covid rules at the time meant each class was supposed to be its own 'bubble' and wasn't allowed to mix with other classes but this school fully ignored it and had kids from multiple classes mixing together in a small room. the kids were always coughing on each other, licking things, one kid constantly had snot running down his face. it was a germ factory and I have health anxiety. I was also stressed because my 3 year old niece was in hospital and one day it just got too much and I had a panic attack and walked out. my boss had no understanding at all, turned it round to paint herself as a victim and basically was a bitch so I quit. and thank God I did because 2 months later I got hired as a dog walker :)
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items?  I collect funko pop figures and yes I take them out the box. they have sentimental meaning to me because most of them were gifts from my best friend who died last year. we would always buy them for each other at Christmas
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights?  nope
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