#but u don't really look at it and think: huh that's not how humans usually don't move
eldritch-spouse · 9 months
Rinx and cute human auction host with impeccable sense of humour 🗣️ hear me out while I'm drunk again
just ✨imagine✨ – some closed auction with very specific-and-unique stuff, aimed on some narrow monster audience. Why human is a host here? She kinda... wanted a job not in McDonald's, but luck wasn't on her side – at the end, it is what it is. She started to make small talks with visitors and crack jokes around only to escape her fate as an auction lot. To her big surprise and happiness, visitors found feigned confidence believable, as well her humour sharp and dark enough for their twisted tastes, but not too belittling or offensive to hear from a mere human.
More so, she grew popular in this small community. Now she's cheeky and brave enough to talk back to some especially rude visitors– It's still a joke to everyone tho. Laughing stock of the day usually gets too embarrassed to come on her twice and audience can be ruthless.
But huh??? At some totally normal day here's more people than usual??? Regulars looking especially nervous for some reason???? And her boss is suddenly disappears after some lameass short unreadable message about "special guest"?????
Huh. Strange. Well, whatever, business is business-
Guess who got in the playful sarcastic bullshittery with some giant broccoli head first and now sweating bullets cuz that dude is just... Buys everything? Every-single-fucking-lot???? His bets are so high for a quite literal trash sometimes, is he insane???? She knows who is it from the first bet honestly, but she keeps repeating for her own sanity that it's some obsessive cosplayer.
And at the end of the auction he refuses to leave and makes a ridiculously small bet on "the charming host".
She jokes herself the way out only because she was so – well, she tells to bring and show her some fucking lost artifact from a rumour that was popular million years ago if he wants to buy even a minute of her time. "No more, no less," she says and leaves, pretty sure that she won this.
Even if her knees are shaking behind the curtains after a realisation it was fucking Greed Icon, she still believes that she can outplay him.
She's in pure panic and loss of words because she ran out of options and bets are getting insanely high. She thought he was playing and that he will get bored after getting a handjob (it was just a pin at first, she swears!!!), but on their last meeting he told her to get ready for a wedding. G666gling "WHTAT SHOUDLG I AKS FOR PKEASE HELP BITCH HAS EVVRHYTHIN" isn't helping at all.
Rinx loves how well-educated about valuable things she is, how good she's in jerking him off– and it's funny to see how she's sweating as she tries to decline his gifts and fails miserably. Truly, this game was fun while it lasted, but now? Now he wants a Queen.
That's all for today- hope exams wasn't going hard on u and ur amazing brain wrinkles my dear fella Pinnie we can get through 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
[Okay but the best part of this is "G666gle". I fucking love that.]
Oh it wouldn't be the first time Rinx gets excited and tries to take literally everything home, that's why the most well-known auctions around Hell are made with lots of care and many prepared speeches as to why the hosts, staff and other personalities present cannot be given/traded/bought.
Does this stop Rinx? No, not really.
You have his curiosity the same way Admin holds his curiosity. Humans are easy to take, easy to claim, easy to keep. To see you play such a dangerous game yet always come out on top makes you even more valuable in the demonlord's (lack of) eyes.
You don't have the option of declining anything Rinx gives you, be it a box of chocolates, roses, the most expensive outfits you could think of, or a ring that he'll slide into your finger with a crushing grip of your wrist.
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brown-little-robin · 2 months
hi robin :] very random but im watching craft videos while i eat dinner and it got me thinking about ur ceramics. giving u permission to ramble about the ceramics process (or literally anything abt ceramics), if you want to <3 idk anything abt ceramics like not a clue but im very curious and every time u talk abt them i stare at u w sparkly eyes (also i've recently developed a HUGE respect for all 3d arts bc holy shit making it look right at all angles ?????literally how)
Hi thank you so much!! staring at you with the same sparkly eyes,,, watching craft videos while you eat that's so cool,,, Also, weirdly enough, I have the same "how???" thoughts about doing 2d art. I have trouble conceptualizing making something look right from only 1 angle; that seems like a lot of pressure. with a sculpture, if something doesn't look right from one angle, I know there's probably some structural problem, and I turn the sculpture around a little bit and usually figure out that the problem is deeper than what I thought. I'm thinking of ears, specifically—how, often, my problem with the outlines of my ears (seen from the front) is that the back of the ear isn't full enough, I need to add clay, and just nudging the clay to fix the outline wouldn't Work. and I wouldn't have known if I couldn't turn the sculpture around. the respect and awe goes both ways
longgg ramble about the ceramics process below the cut :]
okay SO. the ceramics process, huh? Well, I mean, I'm really in love with the sculpting part, where you take wet clay and make it into an Animal with Bones And Muscles. I just love the animal form—I think in a similar way to how you love the human form and the way clothing folds. I do wheel-throwing too (I make cups, bowls, that sort of thing), but I've been sculpting since I was like 8 years old and I'm way better at sculpture. it's one of a few things in my life that I take genuine pride in. I love teaching people about sculpting, too!! nothing better than seeing someone instantly grasp the insight I spent years developing <333 ANYWAY
one thing that often surprises people about clay is that it's very... flexible, water-content-wise. clay is basically made of a bunch of small "plates" of dry material with water in between. the water makes the entire structure flexible, which is why clay shrinks and goes brittle when it dries. and clay is always drying out. small sculptures like the ones I make, especially ones with thin limbs (more surface area for the air to leech moisture out of) dry out within half an hour. I have to add water to the thin parts every so often the whole time I'm sculpting. but of course the clay has to be firm enough to hold the creature's overall shape, so it's a balance. it's always a race against time. it's super exciting. To Me, anyway
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it takes a day or two for a sculpture to dry. After the sculpture dries out, that's when I paint it with my special pigments. (pigments that survive 2,000+ degrees of heat!!) Like this:
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these are the same sculpture. the first picture was from right after I sculpted the wet clay; the second picture is after it got painted.
Then once a sculpture is made, it sits and dries, right? the water leaves the clay. but not ALL the water. that's why you "fire" the sculpture: you put it in a kiln and heat it up to ~1800°F. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED DEGREES. at that point, all the water boils out and the clay CHEMICALLY CHANGES. the "plates" begin to bond to each other. But they don't bond all the way in the first firing, because you want the clay to still be porous / hydrophilic. you want it to SUCK IN WATER. this is because you want GLAZE to attach to the clay.
Glaze—at least the kind of glaze that I use—is basically DIY glass. It's a lot of very fine silica (sand) with other stuff (like powdered metals) in it to give color. The sand-metal-powder is suspended in water to make it usable, and I stir up the glaze in its liquid form and dip my sculpture in it, and the super dry clay goes YAY WATERRR I'M SO THIRSTY and GRABS the glaze, and the powdery part is left on the surface of the sculpture while the water goes into the clay. it feels funny on your skin when you hold a sculpture in the glaze; you can actually feel the dry clay accepting the water. it feels like... have you ever dropped water on a bone-dry wooden board and seen the water spread out in the direction of the wood's grain? it feels like that.
the sculpture is left looking white and powdery and generally not very attractive. unfired glaze is just... thick white chalk.
THEN I fire the clay a SECOND time. The heat varies, but I always fire to at least 2,244° F. >:D >:D >:D and the sandy glaze actually MELTS INTO GLASS. and I open the kiln, which has the products of about a year or two of work in it, and I WEEP IN JOY because everything has COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED. firing is always risky. some of the sculptures always fail somehow—they break in firing for various reasons, or the glaze runs onto the shelf, or the glaze color turns out different than I thought. but some of them always come out BETTER than I imagined. and it's always a process of discovery, slowly unloading the kiln, layer by layer... the objects still warm from the heat of their firey transformation... hot enough to burn, if you're unloading before they've cooled enough, which I usually do because it's just so exciting...
and my glaze shrinks slightly more than the clay does. imagine that: a thin layer of glass shrinking more than it can take. you can actually hear it breaking. little quiet "plink! plink! plink!" as the glass shatters just a little under the stress. we call it "crazing" and it leaves little cracks in the glaze, like so:
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you can also see tiny bubbles in the glaze on the rabbit's inner ear!
I just. (physically shaking) I just love ceramics so much. The sculpting part feels almost like meditation. it's almost a form of worship, for me, it's religious, it's a little version of creation, a way to look at bodies and try to express how they work. For the simple sculpture, I just make them from memory, but I work from references for my difficult sculptures—for instance, here's the little pile of images I collected to make my recent tiger:
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the painting part is just plain fun, putting cool designs and stuff on a 3-d object in a low-pressure way. and then the two firings are pure magic. pure delayed gratification. it's incredible. you're telling me this thing I shaped with my mortal human fingers survives TWO THOUSAND DEGREES OF HEAT? you're telling me I get to MAKE COLORED GLASS? out of SAND and METAL? you're telling me after all that, I get to open up the kiln which has put these things through immense heat and see these beautiful objects and go I made those?????
thanks for reading, I hope you had fun <333
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quinloki · 6 months
Hii I was called so I'm back with another novel :') thank u anon but you're great at cooking without me lol! Ironically I think a lot of yanderes would be a bit softer to a monster than a human love interest, much more willing to try and compromise or meet you in the middle. Someone so unfamiliar with humans is expected to have more trouble with their rules- though truthfully, they're a bit infantilizing, assuming you understand far less than you really do. If you're smart, and very careful, you can take advantage of this. You don't emote the same way humans do so you're harder to read. It's a little(read: VERY) insulting how some people coo over you and insist you don't even know you're doing anything wrong, but perhaps it's best not to look a gift seahorse in the mouth... You get away with a surprising amount, testing boundaries. Huh? Leaving? You're going for a morning flight/swim, you've been cooped up all night. You want to catch a snack. Isn't that what Marco was doing too? What's "patrol," you thought that was a type of oil... take Marco with you next time? Oh, that's okay, you'll be just fine! Don't worry, you're very good at this and won't get lost- you can smell the ship from almost a mile away! Really, what are you all so worried about?
And of course the fuck part of monsterfucker. It takes them awhile to get to that- they know for the most part how not to break a human, but they don't know what your lines are or what it will do to you if they're crossed. What sort of courting customs do your kind have? What instincts, behaviors and traditions are they dealing with here? What kind of... anatomy? Do your kind mate for life? Are multiple partners possible? Do your kind have a breeding season, and if so, are you even capable of sexual attraction outside of it? If asked any questions about sex, you usually skirt around them, saying something like "isn't that sort of... rude..?" The one concrete thing they get out of you for awhile is one night when you're drunk. "Yeah of course I know how humans fuck. Most of my stuff is scavenged- I've looked through a lot of books and, um-" you make a wobbly motion with your clawed hands. "The... other books. The skinny flimsy ones with more pictures that smell like chemicals."
"... You mean magazines?"
"That sounds right. Anyway, humans are obsessed with sex they write it and draw it all the time. Of course I know." You pull a face. "A lot of it looks really uncomfortable." You don't elaborate. Everyone at the table shares looks with eachother.
XD I love it \o/
What a great little story you got going here. Keeping everyone on their toes because the point is to keep you, not break you, and if they keep you out of the water too long, maybe it would be really bad.
Maybe if you don't get sun light you will wither.
Maybe some innocent touch between humans is severely intimate for you.
Ah, I love the weight it puts on the yanderes /nod nod/
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12timetraveler · 2 years
Okay this is the same anon who loves angst 😭 idk if you’re taking asks rd so feel free to ignore this but how do u think Charles would react to his wife dying? I saw a headcanon that he’d never remarry and I wanted to know your thoughts bc you’re my fav writer!
The Other Shoe Drops
Short sprint
Once he sees the Marston's settled in, Charles heads North to find his own peace.
This piece can be read in it's entirety below or on AO3
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"Life's always confused me. I don't feel I understand it very much. Other human beings seem to understand why they were born but, for me… it seems like I was born to hurt and suffer myself. That doesn't always seem like a really good reason. I wish there was another way."
Every time Charles thought maybe, just maybe he was past the hurt, that he finally found something good, life always seemed to wait until he was happiest before pulling the rug out from under him.
At first he'd found some semblance of happiness with Arthur. The two of them never really defined their relationship, or went very far with it. Mostly it was just moments outside of camp or behind wagons, occasional hunting trips to worship each other. But that suited them both just fine.
Then Arthur had started coughing, and within a month he was gone and Charles was alone.
After that he returned to the kind of life he’d lived before the Van der Linde gang. Living as a lone wolf, floating from place to place, doing what he had to in order to survive. Always he carried that hurt with him, added it onto the hurt of losing his parents, of being alone, all those scars.
Nearly a decade passed before he found someone again. He'd always liked both men and women, and after he'd seen the Marston's settled, he wanted to find a home of his own. Somewhere to lay down roots. Someone to lay roots with. He headed north to Canada, hoping maybe there would be someone waiting there.
Chief Rains Fall had welcomed him to stay with the tribe any time he wanted. Some days he’d take him up on that offer; put up his tent on the edge of the tribe's teepees and cabins and settle down for a day or two at most. But usually he just wandered the wilderness, hunting meat to survive and pelts to sell.
And then he'd found you. You were more than he could ever have imagined. So bright and kind, so strong and fierce. You’d caught his eye the moment he saw you in town, not too far from where the Wapiti tribe had settled. He came into town looking to sell some pelts to the local butcher, and there you were outside the general store, looking at pumpkins.
He’d been frozen in place as he looked at you, and he swore his heart started beating for the first time in nearly ten years.
The butcher followed his gaze down the road and gave Charles a knowing smile.
“She’s a perdy one, huh mister?” the butcher chuckled. “Good luck winning her over, though. She’s a local spinster. Refuses to take a husband. Just tends her little farm and gathers local mushrooms or plants to sell.”
You were in your early thirties, just a couple years younger than Charles. For a lady that certainly did make you an old maid. But you liked it just fine that way. You were friendly, kind, but had long given up on finding anyone who would simply let you be you. No if you were to marry you’d be expected to keep a house and rely on your man. And why would you want to do that, when you were a financially independent, self-sufficient woman?
You’d noticed the man around the area the last few weeks. Spotted him riding on the road by your house, even noticed his beautiful appaloosa horse out in the forest once while looking for some local mushrooms, though the rider seemed to be away tracking something on foot. You’d given the stallion a carrot and continued about your own business. Never had you had a moment to talk to the man himself.
So when you spotted the mysterious stranger staring at you down the road, you decided to take it upon yourself to make the introductions. The butcher, an old family friend, was all too happy to help with that.
“This is Charles Smith,” He said after you’d approached and said your hellos. “He’s a new trapper ‘round here,”
“It’s a pleasure,” you said, introducing yourself and shaking the man’s hand. “It’s a dying art, trapping game and using the pelts,” you remarked. “I’m glad to see someone keeping up with it,”
“Nature provides everything we could want, so long as we only take what we need,” The man said. Oooo his voice sent shivers up your spine, so deep and beautiful.
“I couldn’t agree more,” You said, reaching into your basket and pulling out a jar of honey, “Here. It’s from my beehives. Think of it as a welcoming gift,” You said, pushing the honey into the man’s hands before he could protest. “I hope I’ll see you around, Mr. Smith,” With a friendly nod and a wave to the butcher, you turned and walked back up the road to your little cart, setting your basket beside you and setting off for home.
The next time Charles saw you, you were visiting the reservation, trading some honey and preserves and late-season vegetables for some furs. Apparently you and Chief Rain’s Fall were good friends, and you would often trade with them. IT was mutually beneficial. The pelts from the tribe were often far superior than any you’d buy in town, and the items you grew on your farm or found in the areas around often helped them through the winter.
Chief Rain’s Fall was eager to make sure the two of you knew each other. Charles didn’t miss the twinkle in the old man’s eye. Who would have thought the great Chief would enjoy playing matchmaker? But he seemed determined that you two know each other. Perhaps he knew long before either of you how it would end up.
“It is getting late. You can spend the night if you wish,” Rain’s fall said as you turned to mount your horse and leave.
“I’ll be fine,” You assured him.
“At least allow Mr. Smith to see you home safe,” he said, looking over at Charles.
“I’d be happy to,” Charles said with a small nod. “Roads can get dangerous at night. No one should be traveling alone,”
Normally you’d decline such an offer but you couldn’t deny you wanted to spend more time with Charles.
“Alright. Thank you,”
It was quite a pleasant ride home, the two of you talking a little, though the conversation was never forced.
Two days later Charles showed up on your porch with a beautiful fox pelt.
“I, erm... I wanted to thank you for the honey and uh... Chief’s Rain’s Fall told me you use the furs to make things to get through the winter. So um... here,” He bashfully held out the pelt, all tanned and ready to be used. He looked almost embarrassed, but you just smiled and invited him in for supper.
Over the winter the two of you became fast friends. You’d go out together hunting and gathering. On the stormy days you’d stay indoors and craft items and swap stories. By spring you’d told him if he fixed up the old cabin on the edge of your property, he could live there.
Summer came and the whole town was watching as the two of you spent more and more time together. They all expected you two to jump at any chance to get together. It was obvious you were made for each other. But to the local gossips’ dismay, you remained fast friends and nothing more.
It wasn’t until a late summer storm that either of you acted on your feelings. The rain was beating down on your roof. Charles was sitting with you by the fire, crafting arrows while you sorted the berries you’d gathered.
They do say that it happens more often during big storms like this. You weren’t sure what kickstarted it all. But suddenly you were crossing the room, sitting yourself on Charles’ lap, and kissing him fiercely. Without missing a beat he kissed you back. Once he swept his freshly crafted arrows aside, he lay you down on the couch and the two of you made love.
You spent the next year courting, neither of you in any huge rush to make it official. You spent another winter, spring and summer by each other’s sides, more than friends now, but not yet married.
With fall came a surprise, and, well small towns are not very friendly to women who have children out of wedlock. It wouldn’t be the first thing you did to upset the town, but why deal with the stress when the father was the man you loved beyond reason, and he was ready to marry you in a moment?
You knew with Charles you wouldn’t be confined to the house. You and he would share all the load. He promised it. Even without his word, you knew he was different from the other men around. He respected you, loved you beyond anything you’d ever thought was real. And so you were married before the first snowfall.
With summer came your first child, a daughter. Charles was completely wrapped around her finger from her first breath. Many nights you found him sitting by the window just holding her, telling her all the things of the world until long after she fell asleep.
Once you were feeling up to it, you returned to your routine of gathering plants and mushrooms from the woods while Charles checked his snares. Your daughter was always strapped to one of your backs, just watching her parents work or dozing in her sling.
Two years later a son joined your little family. A small part of you feared Charles may love the son more than his daughter, as many men would. But he loved them both equally. Often he’d be wandering the house with your son swaddled and sleeping in the crook of one arm while your daughter sat on his waist, arms wrapped around her Pa’s neck. He’d try to do chores or whatnot like that, with only one hand somewhat free. But if you ever asked him to hand you one of the kids to help free up his hands he'd just hold them both closer and shake his head. He'd rather be useless than let one of his babies go.
You claimed that your two children were the best gifts he'd ever given you, but he was fairly certain it was the other way around. He'd done so little in their creation but they, along with you, were his whole world.
For years you were all happy. You and Charles watched your children grow, taught them how to get what they needed from nature. Charles told them watered down versions of his adventures with Arthur and his old friends. You laughed, played, worked, toiled, and lived, all together as a family.
When your daughter was 16 and your son 14, the unthinkable happened.
You developed a cough. A horrible cough that would shake your entire body. At first you shrugged it off as just a cold, but soon it became apparent that it was not just something you could shake off with rest.
You’d never seen Charles look more upset than when the local doctor gave you his diagnosis.
There were treatments nowadays. Not even a year after Arthur's passing a cure for TB had been found. The moment you'd been diagnosed you started treatments. Followed every doctor's order to a T. But for one reason or another, it didn't work. You just got weaker and weaker.
You fought for a year, but never could quite shake the illness. You grew thin, almost skeleton-like. Charles was as devoted as ever, doing his best to take care of you while still going out and hunting and parenting the two children.
One night, your body seemed it couldn’t fight it anymore, and you slipped away, your children kneeling on one side of your bed, your husband on the other.
Charles knelt by your grave long after all others had left. Your neighbor, a kindly older lady who knew you since you were a teenager, took the kids home with her after the funeral, knowing Charles would come for them later, but also knowing he needed some time alone at your grave. It was obvious to anyone who looked at him that he was absolutely shattered.
He knelt in the grass near your grave in silence, just staring down at the mound of dirt trying to process it all. Why you? Why were you being punished for his misdeeds? If the universe wanted to punish him for his rough past, it should have taken him. Him. Not you, who had done nothing but love him.
He'd spent so many years waiting for the other shoe to drop. For his misdeeds to come back and bite him. But after so long he began to get comfortable and think maybe things would be fine. Maybe life was done tormenting him. But no. As he'd said all those years ago he was born to suffer.
Fingers clutching at the fresh turned dirt of your grave, Charles let out a scream unlike any sound he'd ever made. It was a horrible, wounded howl that no-doubt echoed around the valley. But if anyone in town heard it, they did nothing. They knew what that sound was. It was the sound of their neighbor’s heart being torn in two.
Charles dug his palms into his eyes, trying to contain his feelings, ease the hurt, anything. He’d known so much loss, but none had hit him like this. He had carried on as he lost everyone he cared for. But he felt like he could just dissolve into the grass and join you underground.
He'd been heartbroken when Arthur died, of course, but it wasn't quite this pain he felt now. He'd built a life with you, started a family with you. You were meant to define the rest of his life. But now you were gone and he was left to carry on. To raise your children alone. For the rest of his life to be Charles Smith the widower.
Suddenly he understood old Hosea Matthews much better. The man had often said how he thought of his dear wife every day when he woke up, and went to sleep. Charles knew he’d be mourning the loss of you for the rest of his life.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there at your grave, weeping. Long enough for his legs to go numb and his knees to dig divots into the earth below.
He sat back on his feet and wiped his eyes, looking upwards to the sky. He needed to pull it together. He wasn’t the only one who was grieving. There were two children waiting for him who’d also lost you. As deeply as he felt the loss, how hard must this be on them? To lose their mother while still teenagers.
Your poor daughter, who would have no mother to see her through all those stages in a young woman’s life. No mother to help her should she decide to become a mother herself. What advice would she miss out on from losing you?
Your sweet young boy, whose voice still cracked when he spoke, and was still shorter than his sister. He wouldn’t have his mother to fuss over him as he grew. If he found someone, he’d never get to sit at the breakfast table and tell you all about them excitedly.
The house was already so empty without you. No laughter as you took down the dry laundry that Charles had washed. No races around the house with your son. No dancing in the living room with your daughter, singing all those silly songs that were on the radio.
There were already so many horrid things happening in the world, with the Great War having just ended. You’d been paramount in keeping the children calm as all the horrors of that terrible war hit the local gossip chain. He was never quite as good at it as you were.
He’d spent so many nights imagining the two of you sitting on that front porch, old and gray, watching grandchildren play amongst the chickens. You were supposed to grow old together, grow senile and gather aches and pains until you couldn’t do much more than just sit out and watch the sunset together.
He knew some expected he'd remarry. To them a wife was just someone to look after the children, and he'd likely want to replace you quickly. But the very thought made him sick to his stomach. You were irreplaceable. He knew he'd never find someone to love the way he loved you. And to love anyone less was doing that person a disservice. He knew he'd be alone for the rest of his days.
Well not completely alone. He still had the kids. Two amalgamations of you and him. Two beings he loved very much. He knew the family would stick together. That gave him some comfort.
He took a deep, steadying breath, and pushed himself to his feet with a low groan. He could no longer just sit here and weep. Those sweet teenage terrors that reminded him so much of you were waiting for him. They needed their father on this day. He needed to get back to them, take them home and... and...
Well he wasn’t sure what he’d do when he got them home. They’d likely all end up in the living room around the fire. Maybe he’d try to lighten things with stories of the good times. Perhaps the three of them could spend the night celebrating your life instead of mourning your death. It’s what you’d want.
“I love you,” he murmured. With one last sorrowful glance at where you lay buried under the dirt, he turned for home.
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catboy-dysphoria · 1 year
what kind of hcs have you thought for your OCs recently?
The word HC is so weird for OCs bc like...I decide the canon the source is my head. LOL. I mean I also use the term HC for OCs but every time I'm like. Huh.
Anyway ummm. IDK who u are so I don't know exactly how familiar u are with any of them! But recently I talked w my best friend about an OC of mine, Andy, who's maybe my favorite overall I think. He's a calico trans catboy FSSW and I love him so much. But while he's definitely really really good at navigating social stuff and being seductive and charismatic and all that, he also has a POWERFUL glare. He can hit you with the side eye and make you feel like an empty Capri Sun if he thinks what you said was remarkably stupid.
Ummm also my OC Mod is usually an android, but in AUs where I make them human, they're a AK amputee and since they're like. An engineering whiz (in their original canon they create/modify parts for other androids and swap out a lot of their own parts often) they like to do a lot of fun stuff messing with their prosthetic. They'll mostly leave the socket alone ofc but they'll make prosthetics that light up or have compartments or whatever. Swiss army leg. They like to show it off a lot, which connects to their canon bc as an android, they stand out a lot by not looking like other people/androids. They don't have any desire to imitate regular humans or even look like other androids, they take a lot of pride in being (literally, mostly) self-made and different.
Also my OC Marie, after escaping from a very traumatic experience that lasted a few years, couldn't speak for a while. IDK what the technical term is, but she's mostly mute. The lady that took her in/later becomes her partner helped her use an AAC app on an iPad or something similar, but even that took a little bit. She mostly just said yes or no. (She ends up mostly verbal later on though.)
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hhawks · 3 years
thirst= shoto and picnic sex under the trees…. thats the thirst💕
no bc :((((((( i’m thinking about soft service top shoto who can never say no to you, especially not when you’re holding your sundress up to show him how wet he’s got you while you’re on your picnic date :(((( and he’s flustered, sputtering, here, princess? now? and you nod, whining about how you can’t take it, he just looks so pretty with his button down, fingers curling slowly to unbutton it down to his chest. plus, you whisper. there’s no one around, no one’s passed by the two of us for hours.
and the thing about shoto is that he just wants his little baby to feel good, to be as happy as he can make her. so he huffs, lifting your hips so you’re seated on his lap, fingers trailing under your sundress. “‘s soaked, princess,” he murmurs against your skin. you’re furiously gripping the hem of your dress, draping it over the two of you so anyone who did walk by would excuse it as no more than shameless pda. but his fingers are running over your damp panties, pulling them to the side before sinking two fingers inside. you whine softly into his neck, slumping against him as he fucks your pussy with his fingers, crooking them so they brush easily against your gspot. “you’re tight,” he mutters. you can’t help it, eyes darting back and forth for any sign of human life. “‘s like you get off to being in public, huh?”
“no,” you shake your head but you’re lying. you want him to fuck you, here and now, lay you on the picnic mat and pull your sundress up over your hips. “just- just needed you, don’t w-wanna wait anymore.”
shoto chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “okay,” you feel him unbutton his jeans with his other hand, pushing them down his hips enough to pull his cock out. “i got you, princess. don’t need to wait anymore, okay? i got you, c’mere.” and he seats you slowly on his cock, hissing at how warm you are around him, your arms looped around his neck as you whimper at the stretch. shoto usually takes all the time in the world to prep you, has you cumming on his tongue at least twice before he even takes his cock out, but here and now he doesn't have that luxury. he eases you gently down until your hips meet his, letting you sit still as you adjust.
"feel okay?" he whispers, hand smoothing down your back, pressing his forehead to yours. "take your time, jus' wan' you t'feel good." but you can tell, from his hand gripping the mat under you that he wants to, needs to move. you plant your hands on his shoulders and raise your hips, just slightly, inconspicuously, before bringing them back down again. you both moan, and he's quick to cover your mouth with his, swallowing your whines as you rut desperately on his cock
you somehow fucking get cum on your dress but u literally don't care. just sit there, foliage hiding your debauchery with his softening cock inside you, your food cold. do u care? not really.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
I’m thinking about Felix with an MC who, on Earth, had a job related to death (like a funeral director, or an embalmer, or anything else), and he doesn’t know until later, but when he does they bond over it lol
Could I have some headcanons about it? If u are uncomfortable with it, u can ignore this!
Oh I love that idea! Let's make MC,, a mortuary makeup artist. Why? I dunno, no one thinks about it as much. Also I suppose I oughta make a request guideline post at some point huh? This kind of thing is totally cool though, don't worry.
GN!Reader, casual attitude towards death, bashing child beauty pageants/that mindset a little bit but frankly they deserve to be bashed much much much worse
When Felix first reveals that he's a necromancer,, you're kind of intrigued. Beyond the usual questions, I mean. At first Felix is a little surprised. Maybe Earth just has a different attitude to death?
You ask questions sometimes. At first Felix thinks it's because you're just curious about death itself - the existence of the Void, mostly. The fact that necromancy is possible. Is there perhaps someone you want to bring back? He really isn't sure he can do that, dragging a dead soul across universes, but he's clever. He could do it if you really wanted him to.
It doesn't seem like you particularly want to raise anyone - or anything - though. He offers. Multiple times actually. He still feels guilty about the whole Astrolabe thing. But you quickly wave that away because that isn't what you're getting at.
One day - it's a while after you first met - he finally asks you what exactly it is that you do for a living.
Makeup? His ears are perked!! He likes makeup!! Have you seen his eyeliner? Do you,,, do you wanna do his eyeliner?
He asks you about your work Is it hard? You settle down in front of him, gently cupping his chin in your hands as you turn his face this way and that. You don't respond for a second, brows furrowed and tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Then you say that, well, it's usually a lot easier when the subject doesn't move Felix stop moving your fucking eyelids oh my gods but the client's families - the real clients, you suppose - can be assholes sometimes. Oh, this is the wrong color, oh, why didn't you cover the mole they always should have gotten removed but were too stubborn to, oh, why did you have to do such a good job you're gonna make the children cry. And speaking of, children were the worst. Parents are either sobbing and breaking down or begging the kid to wake up or, on more than one horrible occasion, roll their eyes and complain about how there isn't enough, they raised their kid to meet certain standards and those don't suddenly go away, it's going to be an open-casket funeral and they need to make the best impression.
'... ... ... Pardon?'
After explaining the concept of pageant parents you finally reveal you use your talents on corpses. It's less upsetting for the family if the dead don't look quite so,, dead. It's a little silly when you think of it like that. Everyone dies. It's as natural as living. Why bother with dressing it up? Death has its own beauty, the same as any other natural thing. Though when you spend so long staring death in the face, maybe you just develop an appreciation for it.
Firstly, you've got some kick-ass makeup skills. He's really very impressed. Don't be surprised if he asks you for pointers. Secondly, he really likes the way you put your feelings about death into words. It's a very human position to hold, and yet so it's human emotions that make it so hard to accept.
I think it helps him be a lot more open about the death aspect of his studies. Also jokingly asks if you wanna help him grave rob since you're used to dealing with corpses.
He gets into a fight with Anisa and Sage about his studies (death freaks them out and all) and comes to you to sulk. I think if you share your experience/perspective with them they might ease up a little bit? At least they won't be as verbal about their disapproval.
Brings you to the crypt a lot sooner because he wants to show you the corpses so you can tell him how you would make them up.
He suggests you make up a body, then he'll raise it, and you guys can see how spot-on you were. Dork.
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hotxcheeto · 3 years
Can you do victoria chase x fem reader, where u are friends with her and victoria begins to form a crush on u
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Pairing(s) - Victoria Chase x Fem!Reader Warnings - Cursing
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Mornings were the worst possible thing in the world for you. You were face down on your desk, head in your arms, eyes closed as you began to drift off waiting for the first bell to ring. Class had yet to start, a great period of time to catch an extra five minutes to sleep. Or maybe tomorrow. Or maybe never if a certain blonde could help it.
"You've got to be kidding me." You groaned and sat up and looked at the familiar face that matched that bitchy tone. Victoria held a smirk, leaning against the table while staring down at you. "What did I do this time?" You leaned back waiting for the usual slander of your outfit you'd chosen that morning, or a critique on your hair which she'd fix nearly everyday for you. "That's the second time you've worn that sweater this week." "It is?"
You looked down at the crewneck confused, unaware that you had worn it already before looking at her. "I was so tired I didn't even realize.." You ran your hands down your face as Victoria shook her head and pushed herself off the desk walking to the chair beside you sitting down as you turned your body to face her. "Of course the fashion police would notice though." You smiled as a light blush dusted her cheeks a smile creeping onto her face.
"I have to, you would be doomed without my constant friendly advice. Though your outfits are horrendous and should be a crime against humanity. My faithful advice keeps them original each day of the week.. most of the time. You should really be thanking me." "You'd love that." You smirked leaning back as she kept her head down digging through her bag before pulling out a concealer shade that exactly matched yours. For a moment you wondered despite the many times you'd used it, how she got it or when?
"Here. For those extra dark circles you've had all week." "Wow, you are getting really bold with the makeover thing, aren't you? Am I starting to get too embarrassing for the Victoria Chase to be seen with?" It was a sarcastic question, your hand going to pick up the concealer when you noticed the way Victoria was staring at you.
"Hey, you okay?" She nodded before swallowing looking over at Max who had awkwardly walked up to the table looking at her filled spot. The bell then rang as you gave the concealer back to Victoria and smiled. "I'll put some on after." Victoria nodded and put it back in her bag, standing up to go to her seat. "Oh, hey y/n, I like your sweater. Is that a new one?" Max asked as she walked around the table and sat at her usual seat setting her camera on the table.
"Oh, no. According to Victoria this is the second time I've worn it this week." You grinned at Victoria whose face began turning red again as she turned around and walked back to her seat silently leaving you confused. "Huh, I didn't even notice." You laughed slightly before looking over at Victoria who had her head laid on her hand, her face turned to the ground so you couldn't see her.
"Is she okay?" "Yeah, I think so." You smiled at Max one last time before Mr. Jefferson began his usual daily lecture.
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"I just don't understand how someone can critique another's photographs when they can't even get their angles coherent. I mean the camera was barely even focused on what the entire project was based on! It's honestly defaming and insulting that Jefferson chose his photo over mine." You silently stared at Victoria, head laid on your hand as you both laid on the grass underneath one of the many trees in front of Blackwell.
You stared at her face, examining each little micro expression that was made as she ranted to you. Despite the anger in her tone, her facial features had always been soft when you looked at them. She suddenly stopped talking, her eyes meeting yours as you smiled.
"He sounds like a dick." You said plainly, a small smile on your face when Victoria's eyes suddenly shifted back to the sky. "He is." She said quickly before watching as you sat up and stretched, scooting over to lean your back against the tree. "Personally, you should just silently one up him. I know your potential, take your photos and shove them up his ass. Gracefully." She giggled a bit, sitting up and moving to lay in your lap, your hands going down to play with her hair.
"Oh, you always know what to say, so graceful whilst you speak. So lady-like." You laughed looking up at Blackwell. "I know, I have incredible manners or so I've been told. Hey... can I ask you a question?" She nodded, her finger running over the seam line of your jeans. Her perfectly white polished nails creating a ticklish sensation making you subconsciously smile.
"Why do you hang out with me?" Her hand paused, eyes shooting up to look at you while you nonchalantly stared back. "What?" "I mean, you are Victoria Chase, Blackwell's well known rich bitch. I mean your a fan-fucking-tastic photographer who is also best friends with the Nathan Prescott. And I'm... not any of those? Well, I'm a bit of a bitch." You laughed a bit at the end before looking down at her again noticing the both anxious and nervous look she held.
"Your one of like... the coolest people here. You should know I don't hang out with losers, or bad photographers." She stammered out, sitting up and turning to look at you. "Mhm." You hummed wrapping your arms around your knees as you smirked at her. "Sometimes when we hang, I feel like its some... bet. I mean, your like the most popular people here and yet... you hang with me?" Your tone wasn't serious yet you could see the scared look she had riddled on her face.
"Hey, calm down, its just a question. I'm not accusing you of anything. All jokes blondie." You leaned forward to comfort her but she moved forward too, grabbing your face and pressing her lips to yours.
You didn't have time to kiss her back when she backed up, terror on her face when she realized what she'd done.
"Fuck. Oh my god. I'm so-sorry I've gotta go I-" "Hey, hey. Whoa give me a chance to respond princess." You grinned keeping her from standing up. You then grabbed her chin and moved her face to look at you, fear and guilt in her eyes causing you to frown a bit.
"Hey, you didn't even me a chance to kiss back. Take a breathe." You let go of her face as she took a minute to breathe. "Damn Vic, your a bold bitch I'll give you that. No wonder you noticed the sweater." She blushed and looked away giving her usual pouty glare. "Don't be a dick." "I like you too Vic." You confirmed now lightly grabbing her jaw, turning her head back to you as you pressed your lips to hers.
This time was softer, both of you leaning into the kiss unlike the one minutes before. You both then pulled away.
"Holy shit. I just kissed Victoria Chase." "Oh will you shut it with that."
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A/n: I kind of hate this but it's late and I'm exhausted :)
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P2] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
A/N : This is really different from my usual writing style but I am experimenting. Please tell me your thoughts and don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list :) AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/31877203?view_full_work=true
In the last chapter --  «-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep. -B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... » He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you. «-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober.
Part I - Part II
Part II  -Yeah yeah...Pff..You're no fun Sabo. Things were finally getting interesting ! »
He smiled seeing that you were now calmer. You started to yawn and bury your face in his pillow. He loved to see you getting so comfortable in his room. He really needed a cold shower after your little show.  -Goodnight (Y/N). I'll sleep on the couch. You can get comfortable. -Are you crazyy ? You gonna leave me alone like this ? Let's sleep together~ -Come on (Y/N), you're a big girl. You could sleep alone for one night, would you ? Translation : I don't want to spend the whole night with a semi. And you're dangerously flirty, and I have wanted you for years and now I have to abstain.
-Pleaaaase. You said looking at him with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes placing a hand in his hair. God.damn.it.
You won again. Like every time. * * *  You opened your eyes hardly next day, feeling something hard against your thigh. You looked at the ceiling
Oh...I am not in my room...Where the fuck am I ?
you turn around only to discover the embodiment of Adonis to your side. A light beam was lighting up Sabo's face. He looked like an angel as his beauty couldn't be that of a human.
Was he always this handsome ?
You didn't know, in fact, you have never had the occasion to wake up in his bed. Wait, in his bed ? This realization came slowly as your head was still foggy from yesterday's consumption.
You looked down, the thing that was pressing against your leg was indeed :
his thing.
You frowned, blushed, pulled away, put a hand on your lips repressing an internal scream, all of this in around three seconds. You then tried to calm down, telling yourself that it was very normal for a man to experience this kind of morning unconviniences, and that Sabo was a man, after all. Even if  you have always seen him as a bestfriend, he was still a man that is capable of physical attraction.
Now that this internal monologue was done with, you felt a bit calmer, but that didn't answer your question. You got out of bed, trying to recall what happened after going in the bar. And it came back. All of it. Without any mercy for your feelings.
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Your only wish was to disappear which meant : calling Nami. You headed out of the house, not even having the courage to face your bestfriend.
« Namiiiii -Uh ? What's the matter ? -I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. -Oh yeah ? Tell me about it. -Wait, why do you seem excited ? -O-oh I'm not excited. Come on tell me. What else could you have possibly done ? -I asked Sabo to fuck me. -Wait what ? You could hear Vivi ask Nami about what happened and her answering « She asked Sabo to fuck her ». -Nami ! Don't go on telling everyone about this. I'm on my way. -For starters, Vivi isn't « everyone », she's my girlfriend. And I'm here waiting for you to tell me what happened. -Wait, I'll come at your place. This can't be discussed over the phone. »
You hung up on her. Ten minutes later, you were at her place. Extremely confused. Nami was painting her nails bright red on the bed while Vivi was sitting comfortably on a chair. You let your whole body weight fall on a lounge pug, tourmented.  «-So tell me how you and Sabo ended up fucking. She emphasized the last word in a way that made you almost choke on air.  -We didn't actually. Nami and Vivi both sighed in a synchronized « Ah » of disappointment. -So hmm...I don't remember clearly. I was really drunk-- well that you're aware of and...And Sabo didn't want to leave me alone so we went to his place. Ace was at Thatch's so we were alone. We hugged and he comforted me. Then I started teasing him, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed him, and then I asked him to fuck me. -Wow that escalated quickly. Said Nami as she continued painting her nails.
-Well, I was heartbroken, I needed something, someone, and he was there, and you know Sabo, he's a good guy ! I don't know what's worse, the fact that I asked him to fuck me or the fact that he said no.
-Oh god I'm so so sorry
- Nami please don't make things worse for me.
-No offense, but you're so dense. Sabo has always been into you. Do you want him, or do you not ? I know that going right into a relationship after a breakup is a bad idea. But honestly it's worth giving it a shot. He's a really good guy. Try dating someone nice for once.
-I don't know, he has something unsettling about him. Like « almost too good to be true » you know ? Added Vivi.
-Ohhh~ I see. Honestly, I always thought that he was a bit prude and hella vanilla. I mean, yes, he's my best friend. But he has never talked about girls to me or about sexual stuff. So I just assumed that. I never thought that he'd be packin' like that. You said as you popped a lollipop in your mouth.
-Ah ? Was it really that impressive ? asked Nami, genuinely curious.
-Yeah. On a scale from 0 to doflamingo he's a solid eight point seventy five. (*)
-Oh gosh. I understand why you're so worked up now.
-That's really...precise. Added Vivi, a bit horrified.
(*) [ The dear reader might need this clarification ; Doflamingo was Law's uncle, he sometimes came to pick him up after uni with his luxurious lamborghini. He wore extremely tight pants that left little to the imagination. And he was most known among your clique for having a nine incher. It was a running joke wether to know if Law got his uncle's genes. Needless to say that this joke wasn't to Law's taste. Now back to our adorable Y/N. ]
-So. I really don't know what to do. I am still heartbroken. -And horny. Added the ginger. -Yeah, that too. I'm afraid of ruining our friendship. -Listen dear, said Nami as she was closing the nail polish bottle, if you're not going for it, someone else would. And trust me, that girl Koala is upping her game. She's going to steal him right in front of your eyes, just like this - and she snapped her fingers. -Oh, and then, you can forget about being « best friends ». Said Vivi adding fuel to the fire. -Yeah, once he's gonna start dating, he won't have too much time for you-- and then, that Koala girl, my god, she seems extremely possessive ! -No way, your voice was detached, trying to act is if you weren't worried, Sabo has never dated any girl before.- -Yes but he seems to get along with that girl. And to be honest, she's kinda cute.
-Nami ! Vivi pinched her forearm playfully, pretending to be jealous.
-That hurt ! And don't be jealous, you know that you're my only one~
-Hmm...I prefer that. Vivi laughed. You started caughing reclaiming for their attention.
-Attention please ! We're discussing my dick-appointment here.
-Jesus you're really annoying, (Y/N), just go for it already.
-How much did he pay you to tell me this huh ?
-What ? He didn't pay me ! You're just always getting your heart broken. I'm just trying to be a good friend.
-Say that you are trying to get rid of her~ Jokes Vivi.
-Vivi, don't expose me like this- Nami plays along while laughing.
-I hate you girls ! You say as you throw a pillow on Nami. The ginger starts complaining that you messed her Nail polish, and the whole scene metamorphosed into a pillow fight.
* * *
You spent the whole day with the girls, chit-chatting about boys and girls and playing stupid games. You felt way more comfortable now, less ashamed. However, you were surprised because you didn't get a message from your bestfriend. You wondered wether he was mad at you, it wasn't in his habits.
You decided to message Ace [click for conversation] [ (Y/N) : Heyy amigo is Sabo ok ? Did he tell u smth abt yesterday ? Ace : Ouch, your hurting my feelings, </3 Only talking to me to ask about my brother~ Yea hes okay why tho ? (Y/N) : Ooo kay. He's home ? Ace : He is. Why don't u directly text him ? (Y/N) : Don't tell him I asked. Btw I didn't forget about those 10 bucks you « borrowed » from me. Give it back.] He didn't answer. You sighed and decided to go see Sabo to settle things down. It was the first time that you were embarrassed to see your best friend. You dressed up in a black skirt and t shirt. You didn't usually pay attention to your looks when you went to hang out at Sabo's, but you were really stressed out and what the girls have said about Koala made you scared of losing him. After all, you had some abandonment issues. You had to settle this down once and forever. You arrived at the guy's place, it was an apartment not so far from your own student flat. You knocked on the door and Ace opened : -Ohhh, (Y/N), he whistles, lookin' like a girl today huh ? -What are you implying you dumbass ? Where's Sabo ? -He's in his room with Koala.- -Wait what ? Koala ? What is she doing here ? Ace raised an eyebrow then said amused ; -I don't know, go ask him yourself. -You're useless as usual. -Always so sweet. You on your period or something ? -I didn't forget about my twenty bucks by the way. -I said I'm goin' to pay you back alright ? Now go talk to Sabo. You and Ace were always teasing each other in a brotherly way, but in reality, he really cared for you, it was just your usual way of communication. But it was true that knowing that Koala was in Sabo's room put you in a bad mood. You knocked on the door with a knot in your stomach. Did they start dating ? Was Sabo interested in her ? These ideas were torturing you. But why did you care anyways ? It was none of your business. He could date whoever he wants. You opened the door but there was only Sabo relaxing on his bed, still fully clothed. « - Sabo ?-Oh, (Y/N), what brings you here ? -Why ? Do I need a reason to see my best friend ? He sits on bed looking at you. He doesn't fail to notice your cute outfit, it was different from your usual sweatpants and hoodies, the way it complemented your figure was almost too much for him. Just that sight was driving him insane, but his face didn't betray his emotions, like always, he acted friendly, not an ounce of lust in his dark ebony eyes. You took place next to him. He smelled good, you thought. The same fresh minty smell as last time. Did he always smell this good ? -(Y/N) ?Huh ? Is everything okay ? His voice seemed concerned.He cared for you. And you had those stupid immature and posessive thoughts. Get a grip of yourself, (Y/N), you thought. -Oh yea-- wasn't Koala here ? Ace told me you were with her.
You tried so hard to act like you didn't care, but he knew you like the back of his hand. But still, he played along. -Hmm..Yes. She just left. I was going out as well. He says with a sweet smile, looking at his watch. You couldn't help but make a disappointed face. -But Sabo I wanted to - I'm really sorry (Y/N), let's talk later. He ruffles your hair and you close your eyes as he does so. You felt stressed out. What happened exactly ? You felt intimidated in his presence for the first time. You wanted him to stay and talk this out. It was a bit awkward for you now. You never thought too much. As he was going out of the room you held the fabric of his coat tight in your hand ; -Sabo- -Hum ? Need me to drop you somewhere ? -N-no. You let his sleeve go, realizing what you have just done, I'll stay a bit then go back home. Don't worry about me. -Alright then. See you later ? -Yeah. See ya. ]
You looked at Sabo go away and you followed him shortly after. Meanwhile Ace was sitting on the couch and watching some movies. You went back home and was quite tormented. It wasn't the right time to worry as you had your assignments and studies to deal with. On one hand, you didn't even have the time to think of your ex boyfriend and his cheating but on the other, you felt like you were let down by Sabo. But why ? He didn't do anything. He just found himself a new friend and a potential new girlfriend.
He didn't even talk about her, but why where you so upset by him meeting her ? After all, he had the right to date just like you always did.
A few days have passed and you didn't get the chance to talk to Sabo. Your exams were getting closer and closer and you didn't feel ready.
Usually, Sabo would help you with your assignments but you were too scared to ask. You realized how much you relied on him and how he has been always there for you.
Who were you exactly to him ?
Maybe you took him for granted.
As you were on your bed looking at the ceiling and trying to collect every drop of motivation in your system to study, you heard your phone ring. It was Sabo's ringtone ! ----- Tag list : @vemuabhi @chloe-abbacchio @mwls-garden @soanywaysistartedsimping If you wanna get tagged just ask for it :)
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marichat-verse · 3 years
Mist Memories
Leo Valdez x reader for his birthday ahhhh (even though it's angsty) with a platonic/developing jason x reader cameo at the end (lmao im sorry i couldn't help myself 😭)
Based on this picture I found in pinterest + also [kinda] based on traitor by olivia rodrigo and omg i really recommend u guys listen to this edit because it reminds me so much of this fic that's been stuck in my head for MONTHS also kind of a run away with me prologue lol
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Your POV
I nervously made my way across the forest until I reached a limestone cliff. I knocked on the iron door, not really expecting to get an answer.
My boyfriend has been shutting himself in Bunker 9 for the past few weeks. I stood there counting up to seven before knocking again. I knocked again two more times, until he answered in the middle of my last knock.
He removed his goggles and winced as sunlight hit his eyes. He'd grown thinner and paler, making the dark circles in his eyes more pronounced.
"Oh, Leo..." I reached out to brush a few strands of hair away from his face, but he moved away.
"What are you doing here?" He said in a monotone voice.
I moved to walk inside the Bunker, brushing off his hesitation to let me in. "I'm your partner, remember? And I'm really concerned because you're shutting yourself out lately. You know everyone's starting to worry about you. Percy asked me to check on you because you missed pegasus riding with him. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Jason's coming back from Camp Jupiter soon. I was hoping you and Annabeth could be with Piper while Percy and I hung out with Jason because it's been a little awkward since their breakup. Plus Piper wanted to tell you something—"
"Please," he said forcefully causing me to stop and look at him. "Just... Get out."
Normally, he'd shut himself from the world for a few days to work on an important project or because he was feeling really sad and he needed space. But this was getting out of hand. He had never locked me out of his life when I offered to help him. He was never this mean when he asked for space. I was not having this attitude of his.
"Okay, Leo. I tried to play nice. What is so important that you blow off all your friends for nearly a month that you can't even tell your partner, or maybe say hi to your best friend who's coming back from the other side of the country?"
He didn't say anything. He pursed his lips and avoided eye contact. I scanned he room for any signs.
It was messier than usual with all the crumpled paper scattered on the floor, especially on his desk. He could have been drawing up new plans. Something in my gut told me that something wasn't right. There were no new unfinished projects, indicating that he wasn't starting a new invention. Harley's helicopter lay on his bench in the same state it was weeks ago. Huh, not even his siblings could enter the Bunker.
I turned and Leo was already changing Festus' oil. I took this moment of distraction to pick up a few pieces of crumpled paper on the floor and on his desk. I had to process the words a bit longer—too long that Leo took notice. Damn dyslexia.
I heard footsteps speed up behind me, but it was too late. I read enough and got the gist of what he had been trying to do these past few weeks.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He yelled at me. Small embers started to erupt between his curls.
I laughed dryly. "So this is what you've been up to?"
His fists tightened, further crumpling the paper in his hands. His eyes flashed with anger, despair and confusion.
I sighed and focused my eyes on his desk, not daring to look at him any longer. Under some pieces of paper were old photographs of him and Piper from Wilderness School. Yup, those definitely were the mist memories she had with Jason. I read the latest draft he'd been writing:
Dear Piper,
Remember the mist memories from boarding school with Jason? They were real, but they were with me.
I miss you. I miss when it was just us. I miss the night on the roof.
Yours truly,
Leo Valdez
I tried to keep my voice from cracking. "How long?"
I heard him sigh. "Three weeks."
I balled my fists. Tears started to fall and smudge the ink. I wiped them away as fast as they came.
"In a dream," his tone softened now. "Hera came to me in a dream and told me to check an old drawer in Bunker 9. I found the photos and the memories came rushing back."
"How long were you dating back then?"
"Two weeks."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
Silence; then a deep breath.
I shook my head in disbelief. "Why?"
"Because I knew you'd get upset like—"
"I meant why would you throw away months of our relationship for a couple of weeks of your relationship with her? And without even bothering to tell me? Gods damn it, Leo. We've been together since you've first arrived at camp. And what about those promises you made when we were sailing to Greece? You've been keeping these feelings away from me and you've been lying to me, making me believe that there's still something between us and—"
"Oh, calm down," he said with an annoyed expression and tone, which only infuriated me more, "it's not like I did anything were her yet! I didn't kiss her or tell her how I truly felt for her! She just got out of a relationship with Jason around the same time I had that dream. I had to figure out how to talk to her about it. I've been alone in this Bunker for three. Fucking. Weeks. I didn't cheat on you."
"Oh, and that makes everything better?" I countered. "Being in a relationship isn't about not cheating, Leo. It's about being honest and communicating with each other."
"Oh, like you've been communicating with me? After the war, you take go back to Manhattan for school, and you take a job. I haven't seen you much during the holidays because work has been keeping you in the city. And you won't tell me what you even do for a living!"
I took in a deep breath. "I told you I needed to have a life outside of camp! I needed to know first that I could handle myself in the mortal world as a normal human being. I needed this demigod part of my life to be separate as much as possible! I've been in two wars, Leo. I needed time to myself, too. And I was about to tell you guys in a few more days. But I guess now, I'm glad I've kept you out of that part of my life. At least I have an escape from all of this. And now, especially from you."
I took another deep breath and walked to the door, about to let myself out. I turned back again, both our tear-stained eyes meeting each other.
"If it makes you feel any better," I said softly, "I would've hated the idea of us breaking up. But if you really love her, if you really feel like you have this special connection to her and she makes you happy, then I won't get in your way. You could at least have had the decency to talk to me so we could have left on a good note."
He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly regretting his actions. I sighed and looked around the Bunker, possibly for the last time. Lots of memories were definitely created in this room; all just as grand and meaningful as the inventions they made here. But just like some of Hephaestus' contraptions, some of them were flawed and dumped in his scrapyard, no matter how much potential it could have had.
"Goodbye, Leo."
I sat on a rock on the beach that gave me a beautiful view of Long Island Sound. To my left, the sun started to set, casting an orange filter on everything. My heart broke, remembering how everything glowed orange in the Bunker. Leo always left the fires burning when he was working. The sunlight twinkling against the sea reminded me of how small bits of flame peaked through his hair earlier. I remembered how mad he was at me. Or maybe he was mostly mad at himself.
I jumped when someone sat—or rather, landed—beside me. I turned and smiled, seeing one of my good friends back at camp.
"Hey, you're back," I said weakly. "How long have you been here?"
He smiled at me, although he could maybe sense that something was wrong. "Half an hour, maybe? I saw Annabeth making plans to expand camp to have a city. She made me do an aerial inspection and I told her I'll get back to her tonight. That's when I saw you."
"Mhmm," I mumbled, not really knowing what to say. It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke up again, knowing he was just waiting for me to open up.
"I broke up with Leo."
His head quickly turned to me. I guess he wasn't expecting it to be that bad. "What?"
"Oh yeah," I laughed dryly. "Turns out the mist memories Piper had in Wilderness School with you? They were real. But not with you."
His eyes widened. "Oh... With Leo."
"He locked himself in the Bunker for weeks trying to write a letter. It was heartbreaking. Like, truly heartbreaking. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her and how much he missed them. Then he said how much he missed that night with her under the stars and... It hurt. Like hell."
"Oh," he said. "I guess Piper didn't tell me everything then."
"She knew all along?"
He shook his head. "Maybe not everything, but she told me she's been confused about her feelings lately and she'd been having visions or dreams of possible old memories that were messing with her head."
"I'm sorry about you and Piper," I said.
"Don't be," he said. "I understand her. It did hurt, though. But I think I can get over it some day. We're still awkward around each other, but at least we left on a good note."
I scoffed. "Leo couldn't even give me a good ending to our relationship."
"Hey," he said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "You're a great person, y/n. You've done so much, especially for him. It's his loss that he was stupid enough to let go of you."
"I know that."
"Do you really?"
"I do!" I said. "I'm a great person and I know that. But that doesn't mean what he did doesn't hurt me."
"I know," he said. "You'll find someone who'll treat you like the queen that you are. You're a great person, and I'm not just saying this to cheer you up. I truly think you're amazing."
I smiled at him. "Thanks, Jason. And you'll find someone great, too. Maybe not as great as me but, then again, who is?"
We both let out a laugh. The conch sounded in the distance, signaling dinner. I moved to stand up before hearing Jason speak up again.
"Hey, do you maybe want to just grab a couple of plates and eat out here?"
I smiled. "Yeah. That sounds good. I don't really want everyone else hounding me about the breakup right now."
I don't know how long it was going to take me to get over Leo. We really did gave something special. It was cruel how the universe gave me something so good, to make me have hope that something was finally going right, then have it yanked away from my arms just as suddenly as it came.
He never cheated on me, but that didn't mean he didn't betray every promise we made to each other. I should have known it was too good to be true. Life has always played cruel jokes on me.
Then again, who's to say that things won't turn out for the better, right?
Tagging: @drvrslcense @bubblybubbubs @dreamerball @quteez @aesthetxcimagines @chasingpj @beingleft @wadewilsonsgreatestfriend
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chxrrysxx · 4 years
Levi's Pain Meds
|contains, fluff,and Levi on pain meds.|
\Levi is kinda highish/
A/n: This is my first aot fic aside from small aot prompts, so feel free to comment your thoughts about it and give some helpful advice. Or just comment about it idk.
"L/n, we have a patient ready for you." Y/n turned around, grabbing the bars of the infirmary bed. "Who do we have here?", she whispered, pulling the tan cloth off of his face. "Levi Ackerman, miss.", her assistant spoke. Y/n was kind of surprised to hear that. She was well aware that Levi Ackerman was still a human, and bleeds like a human, but the thought of him being so hurt that he had to go to the infirmary was...shocking to say the least.
"A-alright, bring him in, the doctor will be right over."
Her assistant moved the infirmary bed over to the corner of the room with the windows on the right side of the corner. Y/n patiently waited outside the room as the doctor performed the surgery. She waved at couple cadets, showing her known beautiful smile. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and Hanji quietly walked over to her, all having worried looks plastered on their dirt covered faces. "Will he be alright", Hanji asked adjusting her glasses. "Oh he'll be fine after a few days. His injures will heal just fine." The door behind Y/n opened and the doctor waved her over signaling it was her turn to do the job.
"See ya later." She waved to the others.
Y/n walked over to the bed, after hearing a low groan coming from there. She looked at Levi and cocked her head in question. "You alright?" He groaned in response and slowly lifted his hand to faintly point towards bthe window. "Ah l got it." Y/n grabbed the dark turquoise curtains and pulled them shut, dimming the room a bit. Levi sighed and attempted to sit up, but quickly regretted that and released a pain 'ugh' and laid back down. Y/n pat the blanket covering him. "I dont think you wanna do that." She said almost laughing at him. Levi smiled sarcastically and then instantly went back to his usual frown. He it hurt his pride a little. A nurse having to take care of him. Well actually, the thought of him not being able to care for himself really lowered his mood.
He ran his fingers that eerr wrapped in cotton fabric through his soft dark hair. His eye bags were darker and he was a bit paler. "You doing alright?" Y/n asked glancing at him. "Why are you here? I don't need a babysitter." She rolled her eyes and laid back in her chair, going through paperwork. "Quit acting like a baby, those pain meds should be kicking in anytime soon now." "Tch." "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, how'd you get injured?" "Why are you making small talk..?" He groaned and this time turned to her direction. "Just trying to take your mind off the pain." A short silence filled the air. Then, Levi took an icy breath and closed his eyes. "We were heading north of Wall Maria. We were ambushed my a group of abnormals. They were in fact some crazy abnormals. One of them was a 16meter giant, and it just kept staring at us. As soon as we mad a move, it swung it's big ass hand, hitting a couple loose branches." Y/n winced at the anticipation of what he'd say next.
"I can tell by your expression that you figured out what happened next."
She nodded, pulling out a pouch of medicine. "Where does it hurt the most?" Levi didn't respond right away. He already felt so vulnerable, so helpless, and he definitely didn't like being pampered. But, Y/n was somewhat comforting. She wasn't all uptight like he thought she'd be.
He was already iffy about the doctor touching up on his leg, and her hand wandered a little to far making him look at her in disgust. He finally made up his mind, after pondering thoroughly. "My left ankle. Make it quick...please." Y/n gasped slightly, hearing him ask her so kindly. The rumors about him obviously weren't 100% true. "Ah-.. alright it'll be a little cold." She lifted up his leg, pulling fabric up. She lightly placed the cream on, with a nervous gut feeling that he was annoyed with her. "You're tense, relax." You looked up at him in surprise. "I don't need you telling me that. Let me do my job." She pulled the fabric back down and sighed.
"That should make it feel better in a moment. But the pain reliever should do enough."
"Pain reliever? When did I get a pain reliever?" Y/n mouthed an 'uh oh'. Damn, I wasnt suppose to tell him that. She thought, cursing under her breathe. "Just ignore me, I'll be back I have to go get some supplies."
"Don't leave." He grabbed her arm weakly. "I don't want that shady doctor doing anything creepy." She stared at him in disbelief. "Are the drugs kicking in already? That's early." Levi glared at her, before turning back to the window. Y/n sat in complete silence, glancing at the door every once in a while. The white lined window- being slightly open sent cold winds to Y/n causing her to shiver. You suddenly snapped out of your haze hearing him speak. "My coat." "Hm?" "You can wear it if your cold." Y/n looked at yourself than back at him. "O-oh no it's fine I'll be-." "I insist." "Alright.." Sbe grabbe drhe coat from the chair and wrapped it around herself. The smell coming from it didn't match his story about his injury. It smelt nice. A faint scent of lavender and hibiscus. She muttered a quiet 'thank you' and breathed it in warmly. "It smells good." Levi remained quiet. "Levi, how are you feeling..?" He shuffled in the infirmary bed slightly, and furrowed his eye brows. "Why do you look like that?" "Huh?" "Your face looks weird. The walls look like they're closing in. I feel sick." He looked so confused, she had to admit, it was funny. "You'll survive", she said patting the blanket. "Don't touch- ugh.." Levi grabbed her sleeve softly. "I'm cold...come here." She looked at halfway confused. "Want another blanket?" She asked. "I don't. Sit down here," Levi said tiredly, looking at the spot next to his head. "You w-want me to sit here?", Y/n asked knowingly. "That's what I said." She smoothed out her skirt and sat down. The loud whistles of the wind made the room feel so peaceful, and zen. Y/n quickly glaned at Levi's tired eyes and she couod swear he was smiling for a moment. He suddenly stared deep in her eyes and wouldn't look away. Y/n, feeling vulnerable, looked away to the window, and focused on a black bird sitting on the metal pipe line connecting the lock to the window. She could see from the corner of her eye that he was still staring. "I-is there anything I can get you...?" Levi didn't respond, but his gaze remained focused on her. At this point Y/n could feel her cheeks getting warmer and warmer. She noticed out effortlessly the tie of his shirt looked. Her eyes trailed down his collarbone and then the outline of his muscles against the thin fabric. Her imagiation started to wonder, but she quickly stopped, from her small feeling that Levi's deep stare could see right through her. She had to admit, Levi was weirdly attractive, and she thought herself to be weird for even thinking that. Most people would quickly judge him based on his reserved attitude and cold presence, but that wasn't what she was feeling from him. His gaze was warm, gentle, with a hint of curiosity. She'd never ever seen Levi look at someone (other than Erwin) with such a gaze. Levi silently studied her. He noticed her flustered expression but paid it no more than two seconds of thought. "Come a little closer." She gasped at his suddenly words and nervously leaned closer. Levi reached his hands around her jaw and pulled her close, to the point of their noses almost touching. "U-uh..w-what are you doing?" Y/n asked in obvious panic. "I'm going to kiss you" was all he said with no emotion in his face at all. He then took her he and in both hands and kissed her before she could even think.
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caizen · 4 years
evenings with you are evenings worthwhile | nanami k.
tw: none | genre: fluff
wc: 634 | not prfr
masterlist | navi
synopsis: kento comes home late.
a/n: everytime i wrote nanami's name i put nanamin instead n didnt realize it until a few sentences in,,, also, this wasnt what i originally had in mind so i might make a part 2. hope u enjoy<3
there's nothing like the door creaking open at 8:00 in the evening and the sound of his light footsteps that make their way to you in the kitchen.
carrots and potatoes sit on the green cutting board, while nanami sits on the chair behind the dining table that's been in the same place for years now. you think it's time to change it, but kento tells you it's not time for that yet and it'll only be a waste.
the gray coat was folded neatly on the white table, his shades placed on top of it.
you don't feel his soft gaze on your back like usual, and he really wasn't looking at you when you turn around.
instead, what greets you is his face buried in his folded arms on the table; a rare sight of him. small strands of hair fall down while everything else remained slicked back, and the watch was wrapped loosely around his wrist.
worry and warmth reside in your eyes, and kento feels it.
this time, it was your turn to give and his turn to receive.
he accepts what you give, you lower the heat and leave what you were cooking to simmer, then you make your way to his side.
you take a seat beside him, a hand rubbing his back gently.
it causes him to flinch, but his muscles relax even more against your hand when his mind registers that it was just you.
there was nothing making sounds but his and your steady breathing, the food cooking, and the watch and wall clock ticking softly.
nonetheless, nanami still considers this as silence and he lets it be.
'overworked again, huh?' you ask in your head and a gentle smile forms on your face.
you feel like you're in deja vu despite this not being a usual occurence. there was no confirming that this hasn't happened before either; you've spent thousands of days together and hundreds of those could have gone like this.
it was during these times that kento actually liked working overtime. it was you that made it likeable and endurable for him; the thought of finding you at home, cooking or waiting for him.
he wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but that didn't stop him from feeling things that others think he wouldn't feel, like love and longing. nanami thinks it's stupid and senseless; he was still human like everyone else was after all. although he himself didn't expect it either.
kento plans ahead of time, but love was the least of his worries. he didn't really understand what was happening and felt like another idiot (in love) in the world.
nanami wasn't prepared for the rain—you. it felt like forgetting to bring an umbrella on the way to and from work. he usually doesn't soak in the rain, but in this one, he does, and he's glad he did.
'i have no regrets,' echoes in his head, and its the truth. he doesn't regret getting drenched in the rain—you loving him and him returning it. he doesn't regret going out unprepared and clueless about the forgotten umbrella; things could have gone differently and he might not have you by his side to provide the things he didn't know he needed.
slowly, you lean forward and press your head against his shoulder. a soft hum leaves you, and you let yourself relax against him.
there's a hint of the laundry detergent and aftershave when you inhale his scent, and you wonder how he manages to maintain the same scent for the whole day, up 'til the next, and the day after that—everyday. you could not nor would you complain about it though.
after a long day of work, this was what you both needed.
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sentient78 · 3 years
[✨] happy or sad? u decide
Day: [CORRUPTED]. Time: night.
WX flattens out the little sheets and pillows inside of their tent. They would prefer a more comfortable surface to power down on, opposed to the rocks and grass they had to make do with before. They sit themselves down when they consider their spot to be neat enough. They begin to lie down when the flaps of their tent begin to stir.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" WX calls out to it. It better be important.
Wormwood sheepishly pokes his head inside. He doesn't say anything at first. WX raises an eye, signaling them to just spit out with what they want to say.
"Can... stay with friend?" the plant asks slowly. "Night scary. Feeling chills."
WX has come to learn that Wormwood feels "chills" when having nightmares. And also has come to learn that he won't leave, no matter what they say.
Begrudingly, the bot scoots themselves over to make room for the much larger plant. Wormwood smiles gratefully before curling up. He's out like a lantern.
Now, WX should just power down there and not think much of it, but they don't. They're just... looking. Looking at Wormwood.
It's strange, how the plant feels that the violent robot is the safest person to be around at night. WX could just... reach after them. Crush their flimsy plant neck in their hand. Twist their arms into unusable shapes. Stomp that mysterious green gem into little bits and pieces...
But they don't. WX doesn't do that. They... can't even imagine ever wanting to do that. What purpose would that serve? What would WX prove by doing any of that? They gain nothing, they feel, from doing any of that to this plant. But why?
He doesn't have anyone to care for him. The humans are nice to him, but they don't have the same sense of grief for him as if one of their own perished. He's like them, but he's not one of them. He's not the same as bitter humanity.
It's a good thing but the bot can't help but feel slightly pitiful towards the plant. He's trying so hard to belong. He's doing his best to find his place in a community that wasn't made for him. But he must know, surely, deep down, he's too different to ever really fit in. His optimism could merely just be a curtain over buried knowing that it's... futile.
It's reminding WX of something... No, no it isn't.
They rip their attention off of Wormwood, turning their back to him. Finally, they power down.
WX wakes up the next day. As their gears slowly tick and their wires come alive, they prop themselves up with their hands. Now, what was on their task list?
They turn to face the tent. Wormwood is still sleeping. Huh, the plant usually wakes up as soon as the sun does. WX shrugs it off, maybe they're just tired.
But the bot looks around a bit more. It's not actually brighter. It's still night? Why is their sleep mode cut short? Did something malfunction-?
The flaps of the tent burst open with an accompanying scream. WX throws themselves back from the suprise, pushing against the tent wall. It doesn't collapse under their strength.
A black void substance trickles in. It rushes in like a flood. Through the rest of the tent, it trickles in like rain. The bot shoots up to a stand.
They see Wormwood get completely enveloped in this stuff. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck- What even is this stuff-!?
It's cold, it's viscous, but it moves so freely around their feet like a river.
Wormwood. Wait- WX reaches down to grab at where the plant was preveiously, only to find their hand hitting floor instead of root.
They try to pull themselces up, but they're stuck. They tug on their arm desperately, but it won't even budge.
"WORMWOOD?!" WX looks around for something, anything, a smile, a leaf, just green-!
But there's nothing. Only the sounds of rushing liquid.
It rises in the tent. Up WX's elbow and knees. It's so fast, it's too fast.
The bot even feels the void substance seep in through the gaps of their joints. They try to pull up again, but it's hopeless. The black gunk is just rushing in.
They can't feel their hand or feet anymore. They can't feel anywhere this slime touches them.
Why hasn't anyone noticef this?! Someone needs to come in and help! It never crosses WX's mind to call out for anyone else but
The plant was swept away, maybe they're even dead by now. And it all happened to suddenly, there was nothing the robot could do.
Now they're all alone, slowly drowning in a void.
All alone. To die. To drown in the worst way imaginable.
And what will become of them, then? They'll just be recycled for their parts. Humans can't do anything with their own flesh, but they'll take, take, take, from the bodies of others, especially a body like theirs that can power such wonderful things. And that's it. They'll die, and they'll just be reused as another tool.
It's all over. It's all-
WX suddenly jotls awake. Their gears rotate rapidly, their wires immediately spark to life-
Oh. Oh.
They're awake. Again. Next to them is nobody. Wormwood? There's no black stuff. Maybe he's already awake.
Light pokes through the tent walls. It's morning. Oh, that's normal.
WX slumps over. What... what was all of that? They release their grip on their sheets they just realized they had...
There's black handprints on them. Slowly, the bot looks at their palms...
They're painted black. Now It's now a little patchy, but it's a color that definitely shouldn't be there.
How about... They just... Sit here for a while?
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #893: Developed Feelings (Persona 5 X Kingdom Hearts)
2:12 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.......
Namine: (Looks Up at the Ceiling While Sitting Next to Lavenza) It might've been a long time thinking about this, but... I've always wondered how the snowflakes were made from each skies. (Turns to Lavenza) Do you have an ideas, Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Sighs While Looking Lost Elsewhere)
Namine: (Gently Tap on the Velvet Girl's Shoulder) Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Immediately Starts Coming Back to Reality) Ooh! U-Um (Turns Back to Namine With a Bit of a Sheepish Smile on her Face) Apologies, Ms. Namine. It seems that this the fifth time that I've been lost in my train of thoughts today....
Namine: (Frowns a Bit in Worry) How come? Have you not gotten enough sleep as of late?
Lavenza: Oh no. It's not the rest hours that is the issue here. I've been thinking about something- Or rather.... someone as of late.
Namine: Really? Who would that be if you don't mind me asking.
Lavenza: It's one of my dearest of friend, Morgana. I....(Starts Blushing While Looking Down) think I am starting to develop.... romantic feelings for him.....
Namine: (Gasps Once She Realized What Lavenza is Talking About) Oh my....For how long?
Lavenza: For a bit of a while now, a couple of days ago to be exact. We have been friends for year now and.... lately, the more that we've spent time together, the more I started to realize that I enjoyed his company a lot more than I usually do. Add that with his kind and considerate nature and how handsome he truly looks in my eyes, I believe with the upmost confidence that my feelings for him has immensely sky rocketed to 'tis very day. Mostly to romantic side of things......
Namine: Awwwww~ (Eyes Widened a Little) But wait. Isn't Morgana a kitty cat?
Lavenza: He is. But he finally managed to gain access to his human form, despite the temporarily limitations it has. (Shows Namine the Picture of Morgana Smiling in his Human Form From her Phone)
Namine: ('Gasps') Oh my gosh. He looks so adorable!~
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly) That he does~ His smile never fails to warm my heart.
Namine: (Giggles Softly) That's almost exactly how I feel whenever I see Vantias smile. Well...Most of the time, he smirks. But he does have his genuine smiling moments from time to time.
Lavenza: Now that you mentioned it, I've been meaning to ask you something about this Vantias fellow for a while now. Is he really the dark entity of Sora in some sort of fashion?
Namine: Not entirely. He's actually the embodiment of the extracted darkness from Ventus heart, that somehow managed to gimmick Sora's facial features.
Lavenza: (Starts Getting Intrigued) I see.....Would you mind telling me more about his origins?
Namine: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all. This might be a little complicated to explain, but a long time ago.......
As Namine begins to give Lavenza the explanation of Vantias' origins, Morgana, watches the duo from a distance while standing beside the kitchen's doorway.
Morgana: ('Sigh')
???????: Hey.
Morgana: AH! (Immediately Gets Startled Before Turning Around and See the a Somewhat Familiar Person Standing Behind Him) Oh! Uhh....It's you. Vantias, right?
Vantias: In the flesh. I.....take it you're supposed be that mascot for the Phantom Thieves or whatever?
Morgana: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! The name's Morgana Okumura!.....(Starts Smiling Sheepishly) The....Noir's adopted son of sorts.
Vantias: Riiiiight........So you mind telling why you were spying on the girl in blue from here?
Morgana: (Eyes Immediately Begins to Widened) What!? I-I sn't spying on them or anything! I was just.....hanging out from here, you know!? (Chuckles Awkwardly) Enjoying the vibes or....whatnot.
Vantias: Uh-huh......And what makes you want to do it here instead of literally anywhere else?
Morgana: Uhhh......(Slowly Shrugs With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Just cause?
Vantias: (Raised an Eyebrow)
Morgana: ('Sigh in Defeat') Okay, fine. You caught me. (Lowering his Ears Down) I was spying on Lavenza earlier.....
Vantias: Wait. That's the girl's name? Lavenza?
Morgana: Yeah. I'm not entirely sure what the name originated from, but it sounds really cool. B-But anyways, yeah. I was spying. But I have a perfectly good reason for that!
Vantias: (Crossses his Arms) I'm listening....
Morgana: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay. So.....Ever since we became friends and....everything we started hanging out with one another, I've been....... (Starts Blushing Again) thinking about her a lot lately......
Vantias: In a romantic type of way?
Morgana: Yup.
Vantias: And I'm guessing that you're afraid of not only of telling her, but what her reaction in all of this would be if you did.
Morgana: Yeah. That's.... exactly what I've been thinking. How were you able to tell?
Vantias: (Shrugs) I've seen a lot of guys act like this on romance movies back home. It starts getting predictable at this point.
Morgana: I see.....So uh....(Starts Twiddling his Fingers in a Shy Like Fashion) I know we just met and all, but....you don't... happen to have an advice in all of this, do you?
Vantias: ('Sigh') Well...If you really feel that nervous about the whole confession thing, then you can always wait for the perfect opportunity to tell her. Or at least whenever you're ready. But DON'T, under any circumstances, take too long to do so, alright? Cause it won't be too long for the girl to eventually find interest in another guy at first sight.
Morgana: (He's right. I can't keep waiting for the opportunity to arise for too long... but I really don't want to rush into it too early.....) (Turns to Vantias With Determination in his Eyes) I'll try and find the right time to confess.
Vantias: (Stares at Morgana For a Brief Sentence Before Nodding) Alright. If you're really that sure about it, then all I gotta say here is be yourself, have confidence, and hope for the best.
Morgana: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. (Smiles Softly) I honestly can't thank you enough for this, Vantias. You're literally a life saver.
Vantias: (Shrugs) Eh. You look like you needed help and I delivered. It was nothing really.
Morgana: Yeah, but....I still appreciate it all the same. Sora wasn't kidding when he said you have a soft spot deep down.
Vantias: ('Scoffs') Of course he would tell you that.....
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muwi-translates · 4 years
Collar x Malice Short Story: Inside the Box
Tumblr media
Christmas Shiraishi-centric short story.
HEAVY SPOILERS. Only read this AFTER you have finished the first game.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Generally speaking, the thing called ‘Memories’ is not clear.
Unlike memory as information, it has no fixed form. Its content can depend on the person.
Sometimes sad memories turn into hatred, and happy memories sometimes turn into delusions.
The human brain can't be trusted. It can automatically rewrite itself for its own benefit.
I, who did not require ‘Memories’ —— surely it is the same for Shiraishi Kageyuki the human.
◇ ◇ ◇
This was when I lived in the ‘Facility’.
Every day, every minute and every second, I lived like a machine.
For me, who knew how to suppress pain and happiness as soon as I understood how, all I had was ‘Curiosity’.
The vast amount of knowledge grew with each passing day. Memories of the outside world were written in letters. Like events of a distant world, even the difficult to read special books were simply ‘Unknown Stories’ to me.
I thought that my desire to know things defined my personality. However, when I think about it now, it may have been a desire planted in me as part of my training. Training to become a perfect doll.
"Christmas. The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, coming from the word "Christ mass", it takes the form of many activities in Japan—...”
Inputting information was simple. However, I was also trained how to ‘Use Memory’. If a huge amount of information stayed on the surface of the brain, it will become confused, so if it is not necessary, there was no need to take out the memory sealed in the deeper layers.
(Gifts are put under a tree, and you gather with your family around the dinner table…)
Perhaps this information will also be stored in a box that is rarely retrieved from.
Of course I knew the basics, it was only carefully investigated because it was related to other information.
(Giving love to each other...for what...?)
The outside world is full of as many far-fetched, mysterious customs as mountains. If you had questions about everything, it would only make the processing slower. But this time, I was not sure why I was so interested in this subject.
"Are you interested in Christmas?"
——Suddenly hearing a sound coming from behind, my shoulders moved unconsciously.
Points are deducted if you are seen reacting. I immediately pretended to be calm and looked back, only to see an unfamiliar face.
“Your hand, it’s been paused on this page for a while now.” 
What peered at me was a pair of eyes full of serenity, transparent no matter where you looked — like glass balls.
"No, I'm very sorry. I memorised it without any problems."
"I’m not blaming you for anything. I know you have good scores here."
He was a high-ranking person who has inspected this ‘Facility’ many times. 
But his appearance did not match his position, with his youthful face. He appeared to be younger than me.
I remembered his name, because it was necessary for me to do so.  —Mikuni Rei. He was a human who worked with those who ‘control’ us.
“I’m interested why you, someone that’s like a precision machine, showed interest in ‘that’, that’s all.”
"I didn't become interested... I just had questions."
What was the meaning of his response? Was I being tested, or was he being whimsical? Either way, I had no right to not reply.
"Why do humans, who aren’t related to that religion, choose to give each other love on that day? What for?”
"...I think there are many other things similar to it but..."
"Yes. But... after reading this information, I think for the average person, this part seems to be more special than others."
As I finished speaking, he— Mikuni Rei’s eyes became slightly dim for some reason. Careful observation of the facial expression can lead to an answer.
A boy in the ruling class felt compassion for a stray cat trapped in a box.
A sense of superiority, a desire for control, and empathy. There were many times where I wanted to give it a name, but it was difficult to understand because I was immature.
"Human feelings... cannot be explained by theory alone. If you feel special, it must be because it touches your heart.... If the other person is the object of your envy and admiration, they are not bound by rights or wrongs."
Thoughts continued to sound as the words continued.
If ‘we’ have feelings for a particular thing, in his viewpoint, it is not a good thing. However, he agreed.
“Why do you treat me like a human?”
Asking questions is normally prohibited. But now my curiosity had prevailed. This was a serious error. There should be no more curiosity beyond the rules.
"You said these things about a pawn, things impossible to explain with theory."
"...You are right. I don't know why. It's just..."
 After speaking, his bewildered gaze stayed on me, and then he spoke unwaveringly.
 "Number 14. I... don't want you to be unhappy."
...At that time, he smiled.
But what kind of smile it was— I can’t remember.
Pitiful? Loathing? Hateful? Kindly? 
I don’t remember. I can't remember.
Because it's stored in a box that can't be taken out, deep and deep inside.
◇ ◇ ◇
In my dream, someone is calling my name.
Did I always have this human-sounding name? I want to lie and tell myself that this is true.
But it's impossible. Even my name, which was supposed to be just a code, has become so dear to me.
“Oi, Okazaki! There’s no room for you here for dinner!”
"How mean. But it's okay, I'll eat some from Mineo-san’s.”
“It’s NOT okay! No one told you to come!”
“I’m sorry, Enomoto. ...I was the one who called Okazaki here today.”
“Geh! Yanagi-senpai?! When did you fall this guy’s wily ways—!?”
"His voice was so loud we heard it from inside, obviously he’ll attract attention. Yanagi-san probably didn’t want to disturb the neighbors."
“Yanagi-san let me in when I kept saying ‘I’m so cold… I’m so lonely…’, fufu, he’s so nice.”
“So you just left Yoshinari outside? Talk about pitiful…”
“I'll bring him a souvenir later. It's food that Yanagi-san and Ichika-chan made together. It'll definitely be delicious."
“I don’t know if it’ll suit your tastes but… Ah, but Yanagi-san’s food, I promise it’ll move you! It’s definitely not inferior to food you’ll find at high-end restaurants.”
"Why does the stupid cat look so proud?"
"It looks good thanks to Hoshino being particular about the arrangement."
“Yanagi-senpai…! I’m getting a little jealous watching you two compliment each other, please stop it!!”
Ah, so noisy. Completely unproductive dialogue. There’s no calculation and no falsity, the boring everyday that I like.
When did I get used to this warmth and treat it as part of my everyday?
While I was thinking in a daze, Ichika-chan reached out to me.
“Shiraishi-san, come here. The party has already begun."
——Party?  ……Is that so? Has it started?
"These were all made with everything we had. Let's have a good meal today."
 ——Fufu, as usual, Yanagi-san takes care of others like this.
“......Though I really don’t understand what’s so good about a bunch of us adults coming together.”
 ——Although that was what Sasazuka said, he also stayed behind to join in.
"Hey, don't stand there in a daze! You’re the protagonist today!"
 ——Hm? Did Enomoto-kun just call me ‘you’?
“I heard Ichika-chan is giving you a present, right?” 
——Even Okazaki is here… Fufu, he must have come in by force.
"Yes. It’s a wonderful gift I prepared with everyone."
I took a box from Ichika-chan who was smiling as she spoke.
I felt strange rather than happy. I was looking right at Ichika-chan, instead of looking down.
Yanagi-kun patted my head, and it also seemed to feel very big. No, maybe it's because I have shrunk.
Thin limbs, short hair. I am the same age as when I talked to ‘Him’ about Christmas.
(Ah. Is this… a dream?)
It seems I dream too much at Christmas.
"But Ichika-chan. I haven't prepared a gift."
"No, Shiraishi-san. We’re...returning you what you gave us."
“...? What I gave you?”
 "Yes. You gave us… a lot. It's only natural that we want to return the favour."
“I see… so this is what it means… to exchange gifts…”
"Yes. We want to share it, because we cherish each other. Please open it, and take a look."
I slowly opened the box, and inside was——、
 ◇ ◇ ◇
When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar scenery.
This was their base, called the ‘Detective Agency’. It also became a place I could feel comfortable as well. 
“Ah, Shiraishi-san, you’re awake?”
A pair of eyes I seem to always see somewhere, someplace, were looking at me. Crystal clear—like glass balls. 
“Ichika-chan…? Ah, huh? Where’s... the present box…?” 
"? Fufu, it's rare to see you half-awake. If you sleep in a place like this, you’ll catch a cold. Are you going to the office to stay overnight?"
I realized the reality as my consciousness gradually returned from my awakening. 
That’s right. The collar—in order to protect herself from those who had declared to ‘pick her up’, she had taken refuge here with her brother.
The deadline announced by Adonis was approaching soon. In order to make her forget this fact temporarily, I had been talking to them about Christmas. When I thought about the gift she gave—and the only gift I could make, I fell asleep.
(Truly... the ‘Heart’ is so difficult to understand. I… must have been scared to have a dream like that.)
 —Everything will end soon.
That smile of his I had gently stored away was blacked out. 
The contents of the boxes I had received from her and everyone had been badly damaged and dirtied.
But I decided not to regret it, even if I was scared or in pain.
Because I got the most precious gift in the world.
"Ichika-chan...Thank you."
"You taught me my first Christmas, right? So, thank you."
"What are you talking about? The real fun starts from now on."
"...Fufu, yeah."
In a few days, we won’t be able to greet Christmas as we promised. Regardless of what happens, it will only make you sad.
Even if I understand that, I want to see it. I don't want to give up. I want to make my wish come true.
 This is certainly not a sad story.
I, who had received such a present, could not be unhappy. 
Even if I get it dirty with my own hands, this warmth will not disappear.
There’s no reasoning. It’s because I’m human. ...Because I am special.
A shining, sparkling gift for me, who was supposed to be called Number 14.
An opened box filled to the brim with tender memories.
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waokevale · 4 years
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Slight panic attack,
Porcelain Face - Chapter 5
WARNING: Lilo&Stitch 2 spoilers (If you haven't watched it before)
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-"So how about we go inside? Have you ever been to a porcelain store before, paper-boy?"
The guy in grey apron asked as the three of them walked into the warehouse of the shop.
-"Nope, and if you want to talk to me with a nickname it's actually cardboard boy." Virgil replied.
-"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, what's your name by the way?" The guy asked, a little nervously from the awkwardness of this conversation so far.
-"Its Virgil" The cardboard boy replied.
-"That's a lovely name you got there kiddo! I'm Patton! I'm the son of the owner of this store, cool right?" The guy so-called Patton said in a cheerful tone.
-"Yeah, yeah. Skip it, that's amazing that you guys finally know each other now but haven't we brought Vee here for a reason???" Ethan rolled his eyes.
-"Ooooh! Yeah! Explanations!" Patton finally replied.
-"Not ALL of the explanations, Pat." - the porcelain boy raised his voice a little with stress and worry.
The older one nodded quickly.
-"Soo.....Do you want to know about your mask?"
Virgil and Ethan both looked questionably at him.
Virgil's expression on his cardboard face obviously said that he indeed wanted to know more about it and the other boy was just waiting for the bomb to explode.
-"Well...I know it's magic but I don't know exactly where it came from, hehe...." Patton laughed nervously, scratching his cheek.
Ethan facepalmed his head then, Virgil though looked pretty confused and disappointed.
-"Guess we're staying here for the rest of the school time...right?" Virgil said, wanting to change the subject, what's the point of asking questions anyway if they won't tell you the answers.
-"Oh no no no! You're not staying in THIS place.
It's only for fixing Dee over here." he said pointing at the porcelain boy
"How about going to the cafe?" Patton suggested getting a glare from the porcelain boy for the nickname that was used in front of Virgil again.
-"You change your mind pretty quickly."the cardboard boy said.
-"Not wanting to be rude of course."
-"Nah, you're not.
He's just like this confused mom friend even if he declares himself a dad" Ethan simply said making the usually bubbly person huff in annoyance before smiling again and saying:
-"Welp, I may act like that sometimes but I do not have a feminine face like you, dear cousin." The older boy smirked as the younger one with heterochromia gasped offended.
-"That's not my fault! Let's just go to the cafe!"
Virgil giggled at their funny relationship, they got along pretty well. 
It was a shame for him to be honest to not have any cousins or siblings....It felt so...lonely.
After they appeared at their destination Patton asked the boys what they wanted to get, since he was the one to buy the stuff.
Virgil wanted to deny but he looked at Ethan instead remembering he didn't eat.
Apparently Ethan forgot for a second as well before getting "angry" again.
-"I can't- You bastard! How dare you Patton?! Right in my face?" The porcelain boy exclaimed as both of them knew what he was talking about, they both laughed. 
-"Your loss. Virgil will get your food then!" Patton simply said as Ethan crossed his arms, pretty pissed off at his miserable non-human being.
-"No, no I don't-"
Virgil tried explaining as Patton gasped before heading closer to the boy and whispering:
-"Please don't tell me you don't eat too."
-"No, it's just I don't want to inpose, please-" Virgil tried saying but Patton kept nagging him until he finally sighed in defeat and agreed.
As Patton went to buy the food and drinks there for a moment was  silence between the two of the other boys until Ethan finally spoke up.
-"Sooo...You're really not ashamed of me being...you know?" He asked as the other boy shook his head pretty fast it could even fall of his neck.
-"No! Of course not! You're wonderful!" He tried defending the other who smiled softly at him.
-"Are you busy tonight?" The porcelain boy asked.
-"N-no? Why do you ask?" Virgil said.
-"Then I'm inviting you over! You can finally meet my queer-platonic mums!" He said exitedly before flushing in embarrassment for saying it out loud."
-"R-Really? They won't mind?" Virgil asked again, a little more shy this time but still with hope in his voice.
-"No, but there is another problem with them that you need to just ignore..."
-"What???" Virgil became a ball of confusion at this moment.
-"They ugh....Think we are a couple? How do you say it....They...ship us?"
-"What???? And why would I be a bout-" Virgil asked with an inside joke.
-"Well, it's not exactly a bout...."
-"I know what it means, dummy. I'm just playing with you to make it sound less awkward."
-"Well, that didn't help-" As Ethan was in his mid sentence he got cut off by Patton who just came back with the food."
-"DA FOOD IS HERE!" Patton happily exclaimed.
With that sentence The boy in vitligo did some hand gestures to Patton, probably the sign language as the boy in glasses glared at him and used the sign gestures back.
Ethan: "F-U-C-K O-F-F P-A-T" 
-"What were you saying????" Virgil asked but instead of answering Ethan took the muffin from Patton's plate who clearly yelled at him as he  shoved it in Virgil's face.
Unfortunately it didn't go through his mask as it was intended to.
Instead it made Virgil very uncomfortable.
-"Guess it broke, huh?" Ethan said.
-"I'll eat it later you idiot! Don't shove it in my mouth here if I can't eat it!" Now Virgil was really pissed at the other boy who now tried to apologize to him the best he could.
And it finally worked.
-"How about we go to Dee's house?" Patton suggested.
-"I already asked him that before, he agreed."
-"Yey!" Patton replied still as happy as ever.
-"But I need to get my things first-" Virgil said worriedly.
-"Oh right!" The both of them said in unison.
As Patton drove him off to his house to get his things.
His parents weren't home as usual....
After 10 bare minutes of packing he came back and popped in the car next to apparently Dee.
-"Why aren't you sitting next to Patton in the front sit?" Virgil asked curiously for why the other boy was sitting here when there was an empty sit in the front.
-"He knows why." Patton exclaimed rolling his eyes as Ethan stuck his tongue out at him.
-"Okay then..." The cardboard boy awkwardly replied.
After 10 minutes of driving or so, because Patton couldn't drive faster that 50mph.
[Ethan always woke up pretty early and run 5 km like it was nothing]
When they finally arrived Ethan went to knock on the door as he said:
"Mom C! Mamma D! I'm brought Pat and Virgil home!"
-"Pfff..Mom C, Mamma D?" Virgil said
-"Shut up" Ethan replied as two woman in the age of 30 or close came to the door.
One had light curly hair dyed the color red and as the author would describe African eyes as they were green with a big patch of hazel in the middle.
She also appeared to have a lot of freckles on her face.
She as well as Patton wore an apron but not for painting though as for cooking.
The other one looked more tomboy like, one could say.
She had pretty short but not too short dirty blonde hair, torquise eyes and a literal face of a duck.
She wore a black hoodie and stripped shirt under it, also having trainers and ripped jeans.
-"How's our not-born-from-either-of-us gay son doing?" They both said in unison as he sighed, Patton though giggled and Virgil just rolled his cardboard eyes playfully.
-"Ooooh! Is this your boyfriend you've been talking about?" Mamma D (Dominique) said.
Ethan yelled, his face being the color of a tomato at least.
-"Not yet" Mom C (Caroline) said looking at a wall and winking to it. 
[She breaks da fourth wall]
-"God..." Dee whined tiredly.
-"Auntie Caroline and Dominique are funny aren't they?" Patton exclaimed.
-"Um....." Virgil was almost silent, as he as well as Dee blushed madly.
-"Anyways, we are going to my room, what's for dinner?" Dee asked, not caring that he himself didn't eat, since the other two on the other hand did.
-"Mac n Cheese!" Dominique yelled.
-"Mmmm, my favorite!" Patton happily cheered.
-"God, I wish I could eat....It always looks so good..." The porcelain boy mumbled not expecting the comforting pat on the back from his hooded friend in the mask.
-"It's fine, though. I'm used to this torture." The boy exclaimed this time louder.
There was a moment of silence before Ethan asked both of them:
-"Hey guys, what do you want to play?" He said pointing at a giant stock of board and video games.
-"Jenga!" Patton exclaimed
-"Monopoly..?" Virgil said unsurely.
-"Virgie NOOOO I don't want to lose you!" Ethan whined holding the paperboy's hands with the pleading yet fake sadness on his face pretending to be dramatic again making the smaller one giggle.
-"Aww you guys are cute." Patton said, adoring the other two who flushed and moved away a few inches.
After some time of playing board games like dungeons and dragons, Jenga, Uno and Hot Patt-tato they were loosing up for a movie.
-"Oh, oh! Let's watch Bolt!" Patton yelled exitedly.
-"I'd rather watch Jungle Book, It's more classic." Dee criticized
-"What about...Lilo & Stitch?" Virgil suggested, still pretty shy though.
-"which part? I have all four, plus the series." Dee exclaimed.
-"Um....Maybe the second one?" Virgil said.
-"Okay then..."
When the dinner was finally ready they all stopped the movie to eat, except Ethan who didn't want to wait for them here and later getting teased on by Dominique and Caroline, Dee left, offended and flustered, then Virgil and finally Patton.
They got to the part in which Stitch couldn't control himself anymore and screwed stuff up, him and Lilo had a fight and later on Lilo went to play a role without him as he was even more broken.
This scene made them all sob, but not as much as when Stitch was put into the fixing machine as everyone thought it was too late for him.
Now they all fully cried. What was the most surprising was that it wasn't Patton who cried the most at the scene but Virgil. 
Both Ethan and Patton tried to comfort him after watching the part.
Though there was happy ending so nothing really bad then..
-"Virgie, why did you pick a movie which would make you cry so much?" Ethan asked worriedly.
-"I just...wanted to see this part again...For some reason.."
-"Okay then..." The boy in vitligo signed.
-"Oh! Son, it was very nice to meet you and I'd be glad to adopt you as my own." Patton said with a loving stare at the masked boy.
-"Ummm....What?" Virgil asked, pretty confused now.
-"Shh..You're my baby now."
-"...Eth?" Virgil tried asking for help but none came since Ethan just gave the "shrug it off" motion.
After some time of eating snacks and talking, the porcelain boy checked the hour.
-"Oh shit we should probably go to sleep, guys."
-"Language, Dee." Patton rolled his eyes tiredly.
-"But it's only 2 AM in the morning?" Virgil asked as the other two gave him an unbelieving stare which made him regret saying this out loud.
-"Bed. Now" both of them said at the same time.
-"Nooooo" Virgil whined as he was being pulled by them to bed.
-"But my Tumblr-" he tried defending himself but for no use.
-"It won't fly away. Now sleep!" Ethan said in a worrying yet stern voice.
-"Um...I sort of have problems with that."
-"Shouldn't you put your mask away first? It's probably hurting your face no-" Patton asked yet being cut off by the younger boy in the cardboard mask.
-"NO!" Virgil yelled but put his hands to his mouth and gasped at his sudden outburst.
-"I'm so sorry, I- I didn't mean to-" he cried as Ethan came closer to him.
-"It's not your fault, it happens sometimes to every one of us. 
Now do you want me to sing you a song? Maybe it will help you sleep, I don't know...."
The smaller boy nodded without any hesitation even to his own surprise making Ethan chuckle a little as he began to sing Welcome to Wonderland by Anson Seabra.
Which actually worked as his wonderful siren like voice lulled the cardboard boy to sleep.
They both then fell asleep on the porcelain boy's bed as Patton just signed, peacefully this time and went to the living room.
-"VIRGIL WAKE UP, WE OVERSLEPT!" The voice broke the amazing silence as the boy in the bed hissed lazily not caring.
-"Virgil please, we need to go! Or I'm taking your mask off." Ethan fake-threatend.
Virgil then suddenly flicked from the bed "energized as ever"
Or rather anxious as ever.
As they both sat in the car and run as fast as they could to the classroom...
And there was a new student.
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