#but tysm everyone for the support and patience!!! <3
deerspherestudios · 1 year
Game Progress Update!
Since I've posted this devlog on the game page, I'm happy to announce Day 2 script is complete! :-D However, this doesn't mean the next update is right around the corner. In fact it's probably a long ways off as I still have the artwork, coding, and sounds to do next; but progress is progress!
For now my game plan is to keep working on the script for Day 3 and onwards, while also coding Day 2 into Ren'py. For all I know I'll be done with the script before starting any of the artwork ;v; But I think it's a good compromise as I have better balance between personal work and college work. For more ramblings info and sneaky peeks:
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@isabellaswork Since I'm not sure if you can respond to submissions, I'll address this here! The next update will be a full one!! Regarding the timeline, I've stated before I'm hoping to release and finish the game by this year but uh, judging from the amount of content I have for Day 2 alone, that might be further off than I realized.
This might be sad news to some, but I assure you the longer I work on the script, there could possibly be hours' worth of MO content in store. (Just proofreading the Day 2 script took me an hour start to finish so imagine the scale of,,,, possibly 5 days, ,,)
I never expected people to have this much interest in MO; I really want this game to be the best I can make it, even if it means delaying it for the foreseeable future.
Anyway, enough with the downers. Here's some sneak peeks for Day 2 (don't mind the formatting, I've yet to streamline my writing to coding process):
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I'll start to implement it into Ren'py with the proper code work and ask my beta tester to play it once that's done! :-) Overall I'm happy with it, I'm as excited as ever to share this project with everyone. I wish I could graduate faster just to work on it full time but oh well, that's a little bit further in the future </3
I'll leave you with these until my next update; Mushroom Oasis Day 2 spoilers without context:
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Have fun speculating <3 Until next time, fireflies <3<3
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mintiicinnamonii · 2 months
hihi everyone!
it has come to my attention that the links for my covers arent working! to combat this, i will be posting them on youtube!!
secondly, i have exciting news! i will be working on and publishing my story ‘gods on the run’ to Tearose Library and Library of Althea on ROBLOX!! tysm for the opportunity!
As for x readers, I have 3 stories in the works (two lmk oneshots and one donnie x reader hc). Thank you for your patience and support!
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ginsengkitten · 3 months
I just want to say thank you so much for everyone’s kindness and support for my blog and writings. Like seriously from the bottom of my heart. I feel so happy to get to share my passions with equally passionate people here. Even though we’re all a little delusional and sick in the head ;3 .
Also thank you for patience with any requests in my inbox. Summer is my works busy season and as such I have not really had the energy to do requests much but I will get to them :’) ( slash requests only pls <3 )
Anyways tysm ily <3
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daddyfroglegs · 4 months
Prove It: Part 3
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
a/n: once again, tysm for reading!! part four should be out later today. likes and reblogs are always appreciated <33
His eyebrows furrow in confusion at the sound of his own voice on the other side of the screen. "Me?" He grunts, coming to the sudden realization of what this means.
"Lyla, get me in there." He keeps his eyes on the screen as he speaks. Lyla appears on his shoulder with an unsure expression.
"You sure-"
"Lyla. Open a portal. Now." He cuts her off, clenching his jaw as he watches himself circle you. "Okay, on it. Jeez." She sighs, glitching out to prepare the portal. After too many moments of silence, Miguel begins to lose his patience.
"LYLA!" He raises his voice, and the hologram appears again.
"I'm trying!" A red error message appears over and over as she presses buttons on her tablet. "Unable to access, I need to try something else."
"She doesn't have time for that! I need to be there now!" Miguel grunts, making Lyla roll her eyes and glare at him.
"The more you yell at me, the longer this takes. Keep watch on her, I'll open the portal as soon as I can." She gets back to work, troubleshooting and trying to find a solution while Miguel is forced to sit back and watch you be taunted by himself.
Miguel walks around you, tutting at the sorry state you're in. "I had a lot of faith in you, y'know, sending you out here alone. Everyone told me I'd regret it, that you'd get yourself killed, but you just had to prove yourself. Look where that got you." You wince as his foot makes contact with your bruised rib. "What did you think would happen once you 'proved yourself?' Huh? Did you think you'd have more than two friends for once, one of which is dead, which is just sad. Did you..think you'd have enough self worth to not be a doormat to everyone? Or, let's see, did you maybe think I'd finally notice how disgustingly in love you are with me?" He stops, kneeling to where you are on the ground just when you lift your head to look at him with a look that can only be described as confusion mixed with horror.
"W-What..? How did.." He chuckles as you stumble over your words.
"Oh, please. You think I don't see the way you look at me? It's pathetic, really, just like everything else about you. The fact you really think I'd pick you of all people." He scoffs, and you shake your head as tears roll down your cheeks.
"I-I didn't-" He cuts you off with a hand on your throat, making you splutter and choke, pleading silently with your eyes.
"No. No more talking. You've said more than enough." He squeezes tighter, panic running through you as your airways close up. You swat at his hand, clawing as you wheeze and struggle to breathe. "If your little crush wasn't bad enough, your work here just blew it. You're off the team." He snatches the gizmo off your wrist, and your body fills with fear and realization. Miguel knows how dangerous leaving someone in an alternate dimension is. He's seen the consequences first hand. Even if he really hated you as much as he seems to right now, he would never…
"It's you!" You croak, immediately regretting your decision to speak as he squeezes tighter with a grin.
"Maybe you're not as dumb as I thought. Well, too bad." Just as he squeezes, almost as if he's trying to make a fist around your neck, and you feel your eyes roll back into your head and a ringing in your ears, the pressure on your neck is ripped away and your lungs burn as you choke and gasp for air. You pant, grabbing your neck as a subconscious way to protect it.
You lift your head when you hear snarling and growling, squinting to see two men clawing at each other like rabid animals. One grunts your name, telling you to run. Your dazed mind sends alarm bells throughout the rest of your body and you push yourself off the ground with much effort, grabbing onto the pillar for support. Just as you manage to stand and stumble, it feels as though every fiber and cell in your body is being rearranged, ripped apart and haphazardly placed together again. You find yourself on the ground again, your body somehow in more pain than it was a few seconds ago. You hear screaming and realize it's coming from your own mouth, every part of your body feeling like it's been lit on fire from the deepest parts of hell.
Your screams catch Miguel's attention and he looks over in horror to see your body crumpling on the ground, reduced to colorful pixels before returning to normal again. Glitching. You're glitching. His focus momentarily returns to the alternate version of himself to deliver a punch hard enough to knock it unconscious. He webs the anomaly to the ground before hurrying over to where you're squirming on the ground, sobbing and screaming to the point your voice is hoarse, practically nonexistent. He kneels down beside you, scooping you up into his arms.
"Hey, hey, hermosa, look at me. Look at me, yeah? Where's your gizmo? You're glitching, we can't have that, do you know where it went?" He brushes the hair out of your face, brushing it behind your ear and turning your head to get you to look at him. You're still understandably hysterical, crying out and unable to catch your breath.
"Yo-you took...you took it!" You croak, sobbing and struggling to get out of his hold on you. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and concern and he grips the sides of your face.
"Shh, hold on, hold on, I took it? What do you mean?" He tries to meet your eyes, but you won't listen, too overwhelmed by the excruciating pain coursing through you.
"You took it from me!" You shout, shoving his hands away from your face and trying to escape. "Why are you doing this? Get off of me!" You choke on a sob, tears rolling down your cheeks in an ongoing stream.
Miguel processes your words, and realizes your watch being stolen is yet another form of torture the anamoly used on you. "That wasn't me, you know I wouldn't do that, right?" He tries to reassure you, but you shake your head, refusing to hear him out.
"I don't know anymore!" You don't know what to believe, unable to defer what's real and what's not, unable to know whether or not the man holding you is really him or a bloodthirsty creature wearing his face, unable to tell if that same man actually hates your guts or not. "I don't-I don't know!" You sob before feeling that indescribable pain again, the feeling ringing throughout your entire being and leaving you feeling like you just ran into an electrical fence. You fight it, squirming and shifting to get any kind of relief from this never ending suffering.
Miguel feels his heart begin to break as he watches you glitch again in his arms, a sinking feeling of deja vu haunting him. A scene he's watched before, the one person he cares about in so much pain and suffering, and he can't do anything but watch. But something's different this time. This time, the scene doesn't end with a cry for help and him standing alone. It's you. You're still here, in his arms. You're still fighting. Why are you still fighting him?
He tries to regain his grip on you, but you kick and scream, doing just about anything in your power to get away from him. "Dulce chica, stop, stop it. It's me, I promise. I'm real. It's okay, you're gonna be okay. You don't have to keep fighting." His words make you pause before you start shifting again, restless but so, so tired. He hears you crying and runs his fingers through your hair, brushing it away so he can see your face. "What is it, mi corazón, what's wrong?"
"I just...I wanted to prove I was good enough. That's all I wanted. For you to look at me and not see someone who's weak, I wanted to feel like I earned my spot. But I failed, at all of it. I am weak. I'm such a joke, and everyone knows it. Especially you. Now I know why you didn't send me out on missions before. I'm not good enough." Your voice cracks and you bring your hands to your face to hide, wanting nothing more than to just disappear and feel sorry for yourself. Your pity party is interrupted by Miguel moving your hands away from your face, holding one in his while the other strokes your hair.
"No. That's not it. That's not it at all. I didn't send you out because I was scared of what would happen if I did. Not because I thought you weren't good enough, or strong enough, but the thought of losing you would tear me apart. I know you know what happened with Gabi, you're one of the few that does. I've done everything in my power to stop that happening to anyone else, because I couldn't stop it happening to her." His voice breaks and you reach a hand up to cup his cheek. He shakes his head, gathering himself. "I'm fine." He clears his throat before continuing. "I made a vow that day, that would never happen again. I've seen so many spiders walk through the halls of the society, but none have made me feel the way you do. I see her in you, the way you try to be friends with everyone, the stupid jokes you make, the passion to do better. To be better. I didn't want to send you out and risk losing that again, because the truth is I care about you. And I didn't want to admit that, because that would mean letting people in. But keeping that in has done so much more harm than good. I see that now. You don't need to earn your spot, you already have. You're so much stronger than you or anyone else gives you credit for." He looks down to see a stunned expression upon your face, tears stuck in your eyes.
"You care about me?" You whisper, making him chuckle and lean down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"That's all you got from that, huh? Yeah, I guess you could say that." A smile spreads across your lips and you reach your other hand up to cup his cheek.
"I care about you too, Mig. So much." His eyes watch your lips as they form around the words before wandering back up to your eyes.
"Yeah?" He gazes into your eyes, getting lost in their beauty. The tears pouring out of them make them shine and sparkle, the colors of your iris putting any museum painting to shame.
"Yeah." You watch as he leans in closer, and closer, and suddenly it's like nothing else matters. All you can see, smell, and feel is him. Your eyes flutter shut and you feel his lips land upon yours. The kiss is unrushed, sweet and full of passion as all of the feelings that were held at bay form a tidal wave. All the pain in your body numbs out and this time you can hardly feel it when your atoms rearrange and fall back into place in a display of colors and pixels. You don't scream or squirm, your body overcome with an exhaustion that pulls you in. Your eyelids feel so heavy and the sound of Miguel shouting your name and telling you to wake up is overpowered by the constant ringing in your ears.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member is self-harming ft Tzuyu's reaction
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend @saranghaejusseyo who gave me this idea on Tumblr likes it! :) (A/N: I loved this ask lol)
The request: can you do twice 10th member self harming and tzuyu found out.
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The TWICE dorm remained peaceful under the soft glow of the moonlight. In the depths of the night, with the other members fast asleep in their respective rooms, a heavy silence wrapped around the spacious apartment.
Tzuyu had always been a light sleeper. Her innate vigilance had saved her countless times during their travels and schedules, but tonight, it was a burden. She had noticed the subtle changes in Y/N, the youngest member of the group, for weeks now. The way she withdrew from their usual playful banter, the waning brightness in her eyes, and the all-too-frequent trips to the bathroom that Y/N seemed to take at odd hours of the night.
She couldn't ignore the signs any longer. Something was terribly wrong, and Tzuyu was determined to uncover the truth. She had been observing TWICE's sunflower closely, trying to decipher the enigma that had become her youngest bandmate. Tonight, she would put her plan into action.
As the minutes turned into hours, Tzuyu's patience paid off. She heard a soft, muffled sob emanating from her only dongsang's room. It was the sound of someone in pain, someone desperately trying to conceal their suffering from the world.
Tzuyu quietly slipped out of her bed, careful not to disturb the slumbering members. She made her way to Y/N's door, her heart heavy with apprehension. She knocked softly and called out in a hushed tone.
Tzuyu - Love, are you okay?
There was a slight pause before Y/N responded, her voice shaky. 
Y/N - I'm fine, unnie. Just having trouble sleeping.
Tzuyu knew that was a lie, and she wasn't about to let their angel hide behind it any longer. She gently pushed the door open and entered the dimly lit room. Y/N was huddled under her blankets, her tear-stained face hidden.
Tzuyu - My heart, you don't have to pretend with me... 
Tzuyu talked softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
Tzuyu - I know something's wrong. *frowns*
Y/N hesitated, her guard slowly crumbling in the face of Tzuyu's unwavering concern. 
Y/N - Tzuyu unnie... I don't know what to do. I'm so lost. *pouts*
Tzuyu reached out and placed a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. 
Tzuyu - You can talk to me, darling. Whatever it is, I'm here for you.
Y/N finally gave in to her emotions, tears streaming down her cheeks as she poured her heart out to Tzuyu. She confessed the pain she had been hiding, the overwhelming pressure of their idol life, and the self-destructive way she had been coping with it.
Tzuyu listened with a heavy heart, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears. She couldn't believe that TWICE's lovely girl had been suffering in silence all this time, and she vowed to do everything in her power to help her.
Tzuyu - Honeybee, you don't have to go through this alone! We're going to find a way to help you, together. *firm voice* 
Over the following days, Tzuyu became the maknae's confidante and protector. She encouraged the younger girl to see a therapist, promising to accompany her to every session. They talked late into the night, sharing their deepest fears and anxieties, and Tzuyu made sure that Y/N never felt isolated again.
Tzuyu also discreetly informed the other members about Y/N's struggles, asking for their support in a way that respected Y/N's privacy. The entire group hovered around their youngest member, offering love and understanding.
It was a long and arduous journey, but Y/N slowly started to heal. The therapy sessions gave her tools to cope with her emotions, and the unwavering support of her TWICE sisters gave her the strength to carry on.
One night, as they sat together on Y/N's bed, Y/N looked at Tzuyu with gratitude in her eyes.
Y/N - Tzuyu unnie, thank you so much for being there for me. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Tzuyu smiled warmly. 
Tzuyu - You're family, Y/N. My little sister! We take care of each other.
As they settled down for the night, Y/N felt a newfound sense of belonging and safety, knowing that Tzuyu was there to protect her. The moonlight bathed their room in a soft glow, and for the first time in a long while, Y/N closed her eyes with a genuine smile on her face, surrounded by the love and support of her TWICE sisters. And looking at this Tzuyu and the writer (Hi :D) only had a single thought:
I am so proud of our dear readers.
A/N: I’m sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there’s something wrong, ty for reading <3
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zwhoreo · 1 year
Take all the break you need from writimg angst, or even writing in general if you need it. We can wait ^-^
tysm angel :’) i appreciate everyone’s patience and support so much and i feel so loved here
i’m moving back down to university in a couple days, and i might also be less active during the adjustment. but this account is such a safe space for me so i’ll definitely be hanging out a lot on tumblr come this fall <3
love to all and i’ll see you soon with some sweet and happy fics when i’m more settled
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solstheimtxt · 1 year
3, 5 & 7 for vince my beloved 🤍 might come back later w/ more questions heheheheh
Hiii!!! 👋🥰 tysm for the questions!!! And thank u for your patience while i write these out nyehehe (answers under the cut)
Ask me questions about my oc? :D
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>Vince is by and large, mostly a person who goes along with what his family believes (even in other versions of him, fo4/me included). When he arrives in Halcyon he's disgusted at working and living conditions for the people but primarily assumes Edgewater is simply a run down town, and until he gets to Groundbreaker & Monarch does it truly set in exactly what's wrong with Halcyon. He believes the power should be with the people-everyone should have access to food and lodgings, no exceptions. He also understands that people can be lead into false hope and ruin by leaders like Graham. Thusly post-game he keeps the image of the Board alive even though the folks who run the Board are no longer in power. He's not above lying to keep the peace, even if it's not morally correct! (This is especially prevalent when he uses rockwell as a figurehead and kills him when he becomes useless 🥰)
3. What do they believe in?
Tl;dr: Board bad, free halcyon good, halcyon run by idealists not ideal
>I actually haven't written much! Vincent and his husband married at 18, both of their families are alive and close. They enlisted as Marines for free college, left and continued with their lives. Vincent was working as a medic (think like an EMT/Paramedic kinda thing). However, due to living in Los Angeles, and the rising cost of living, their family decided to start anew in a new world, where they could potentially have a safe home that they could work for. (I imagine LA would be even more insanely expensve than it is now, and EMT/medics are typically low income in the LA metro area, ergo Vince & Lance are lower/middle class).
5. What was their life like before being iced?
7. What's their fighting style? Who do they bring along?
>Vince is the same in every game in that he utilizes a sniper rifle (Deadeye Assault rifle), melee weapon (Tossball stick), and either a rifle or pistol. (Think Deliverer in fo4).
(Also toby 🤝 vince snipers 4 life)
I also think having a squad of 2 is dumb! In Mass effect, it makes sense, but in tow it doesnt make sense in universe, a big squad might give away stealth but they have guns so uhhh, anyways. In game, I always used Felix & Max, but typically he would bring the whole squad. On Monarch, he does split the team up, Felix and Max go to Fallbrook and Amber Heights, and the rest of the team do the Devils Peak, and Cascadia quest. (As per my fic nyehehehehehe >:3c)
Usually Felix, Nyoka and Sam made up the front line, with the big guns, Ellie, Max and Parvati kept the enemies from flanking them, and Vince stays back and provides support via sniping, if that makes sense. (But also SAM carries their gear so vince doesnt usually like SAM fighting!)
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that-irishman-fan · 2 years
Hiya! I saw you had matchups open and I was wondering if I could get one? I'd prefer a match from TOS, TNG, and/or DS9 if that's ok! I'm pretty short (5'1) with long blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and freckles across my nose. I'm pretty quiet when you first meet me, as I like to figure out people before I start to open up. Once I am comfortable with someone I tend to be a mother hen (even if I forget to take care of myself). I love to bake, sew, write, and read (mostly mythology stuff). TYSM
Hello friend, welcome to the blog! Thank you a TON for your request, I am absolutely stoked to do it for you! Sorry for all the delays in getting it out to you, I have been so busy that I haven’t had much time to write this summer unfortunately. But I’m here now and I’m SO ready for this! You sound like such a great and cool person, thanks for all the little details you gave me! When I read the little bio you gave, I had two characters who came to mind from TOS and TNG, but if you would like me to add DS9 to the list then don’t hesitate to let me know--I’d be happy to add it! Nonetheless, here is your match-up that I hope you like! 
FANDOM: Star Trek TOS and Star Trek TNG
GENRE: Requested match-up, romantic relationship, headcanons, and fluff!
SYNOPSIS: A Star Trek match-up for the wonderful @star-shooter-354, thank you again for your support of this blog!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: None, this is pure fluff for this amazing person! <3
For Star Trek: The Original Series, Mr. Spock immediately came to mind for me as a potential partner for you! He himself is a more reserved figure who doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve when meeting new people, also liking to piece together whether or not they are people he wants to involve in his life on a personal level. Your quiet patience is endearing, an admirable trait that is highly valued in Vulcans and to him. Your empathy is something his human side cannot help loving as well. He wouldn’t admit it to you, but he relishes in your doting of him. I can picture the two of you sitting in the recreation room of the Enterprise with your fellow officers, Spock playing his harp and you sewing a passion project in the chair next to him. He admires your craftsmanship, stealing subtle looks your way to keep track of your progress; and encouraging you the entire time, in his own unique way. 
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Your Star Trek: The Next Generation partner would most definitely be Captain Jean-Luc Picard, no doubts in my mind about that! Your shared love for reading would be a huge thing you both connected over when you first met. Picard automatically was drawn to you for your complex but alluring demeanour that wasn’t laid out completely for everyone to see. You were a challenge, like a puzzle to put together that would reap the fruits of your affections. Plus, there’s always the benefit of a partner who can bake goodies to go along with his tea. As an officer, you have a calm disposition that uplifts him in the face of danger and stressful circumstances, an admirable trait that makes him so grateful to have you on board. He’s always there to take care of you when you forget, pride swelling in his chest when you let him dote on you. 
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Thank you so so so much for your request again, my friend, feel free to send in whatever you’d like at any moment but no pressure! This was so much fun to do, I enjoyed myself thoroughly! Have yourself a wonderful rest of your summer and take care of yourself please! Thank you all for your continued support for my humble little blog, I love reading your reqs and seeing you liking my content! 
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skylinesnsunshines · 4 years
hello! can u please do a reading regarding taeyong's ideal type? and idk if u do nsfw content, but if u can also elaborate on that would be perfect. tysm, love ur work 💕
hi lovely! of course i can but unfortunately i don’t include nsfw in my readings cause i feel uncomfortable doing that without their consent. however, i will try my best to include as much i can :) requests are currently closed so keep an eye out when i’m gonna take requests again! 
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: modern witch tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans, gods & titans, goddesses & sirens
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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4 of wands, ace of wands, knight of wands rx, queen of pentacles | poet, artist, dragonfly, oya: powerful, jizo: support, pisces: intimacy, intuition and compassion
with the 4 of wands taeyong wants someone who’s very altruistic, family-oriented and balanced, they’re the types to be well-known amongst their family and friend group to be the optimist since they love helping and being surrounded by their loved ones, they have an innate sense of stability and nothing completely “derails” them as they have a very strong sense of self. the ace of wands tells me taeyong wants someone who’s bold and pure-hearted, they have an innate sense of curiosity due to their different hobbies and ideas, since taeyong’s a leo moon with a gemini venus i do get the feeling he wants someone who’s more youthful appearance and maturity wise but are also independent and go after their goals. the knight of wands in reverse tells me taeyong finds people who are spontaneous and go-getters very attractive, since wands cards deal with the fire element (aries, leo, sagittarius) and taeyong got three of them he wants someone who’s a bit of a challenge and is determined with their pursuits, since his moon is in leo and moon deals with emotional satisfaction it’s unsurprising he wants someone to be able to match his level of passion as it’s the more intimate parts of himself. with the queen of pentacles on the bottom i do feel he wants someone who can take care and nurture others too just like himself, i also feel he wants someone who’s aware of their power but uses it for good to help other people, someone who also uses empathy as a strength is also very attractive to him i feel. 
with the poet card, someone who’s skilled with words is very attractive to taeyong since his venus and mars are ruled by mercury (gemini and virgo), taeyong could often express his love via words or even acts of service but i do feel communication is the most important trait to him in a relationship wether that’d be verbal or mental. the artist card tells me he wants someone who’s a creative as i can see him wanting to share his work with his partner and get feedback or possibly work together, i can also envision taeyong’s ideal type is someone who draws inspiration from pain and hardship and turn that into art which helps people. the dragonfly card describes someone who is naturally joyful and has a radiant light within that emits from them, his person can definitely be some sort of a serial optimist and is very bubbly especially when surrounded by people they’re comfortable with. with the oya card, he wants someone who doesn’t let any setback derail them from their goals, they pick themselves back up after a setback and will continue working towards making their goals a reality. the jizo card tells me taeyong wants someone who’s able to be his own support system, just like everyone taeyong sometimes doubts himself or his abilities especially due to his virgo mars being a perfectionist so he wants someone who’s able to reassure him and instil that confidence and belief in himself. the pisces card tells me taeyong wants a very cheesy and fairytale type of romance since venus is exalted in pisces, he wants someone who he can live out his dreams with.  
wheel of fortune, strength, 10 of wands rx, 10 of swords rx | healer, femme fatale, spider, the muses: inspiration, ra: power, taurus: trust, patience & sensuality
immediately all his cards tell me he wants someone with a very strong appearance, they could be conventionally attractive but they definitely have a certain feature that makes them stand out. the wheel of fortune is represented by the 4 fixed signs so taeyong might want someone with a distinctive/memorable voice (taurus rules throat, neck, vocal chords) or unique/eccentric hair (leos are known for having big hair like a lion) or a very intense/smoldering gaze (scorpios have that trademark deep gaze) or someone with an eccentric fashion sense (aquariuses are known to be very innovative) so just someone with one feature that captivates people. the strength is represented by leo so he might want someone who also is very leo-like and exhibits those qualities, it’s possible his ideal type’s personality is someone with a sense of duality to them as they either seem very intimidating at first but are super soft or vice versa, since taeyong’s moon is in leo i do feel he wants someone who is able to command a room without having to do much. the 10 of wands and 10 of swords both being in reverse basically reiterates my points, but i do feel he wants someone with duality, sharp features and a unique face, i do gravitate more towards someone who’s very intimidating looking and people wouldn’t really wanna mess with them, i think his person uses a lot of monochrome colours but they also occasionally use statement colours like red. his person could also have a very strong physique as the strength card and both of the 10s talk about someone of that nature. 
the healer card tells me that those who look past their initial bias of his person finds their presence very healing, i definitely get the feeling that his person’s a very kind individual inside but a lot of people have preconceived notions due to their external appearance. with the femme fatale this person’s very sensual and knows they are, they could purposely use this trait if they want to but i do feel that a lot of the attention they get isn’t on purpose as they just naturally have a very magnetic aura. with the spider card for appearance i feel his ideal type’s appearance is someone who’s very eccentric, basically reiterates my point about some people being intimidated by them but i do get the feeling his person is someone who’s quite graceful. the muses tell me that taeyong might want someone with multiple different aesthetics, they’re a bit like a chameleon and don’t follow one type of trend since they make their own by drawing inspiration from multiple sources. with the ra card, this person is someone who’s aura is very strong and people have an immediate reaction towards them wether it’d be positive or negative, since ra is the god of the sun, order, kings and the sky i do believe taeyong wants someone with a commanding presence and is attracted to someone who others seem is “unattainable”. the taurus card reiterates my points from the femme fatale card earlier, i do think his ideal type is someone with a high level of sensuality since taurus’ ruler is venus, since taurus’ sister sign is scorpio he definitely would want someone who’s quite private and a bit of an enigma. 
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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Dating, Sabo, Zoro, and Ace
Anon asked:  Hii, hope you two have been well! I'd love to request some dating headcanons for Zoro, Ace & Sabo from One Piece! Please feel free to take your time :) Tysm <3
Hello and thank you for requesting with us! I hope you enjoy these headcanons! And I also hope that you take care of yourself! Have a great day/night!
>Admin 𝕋
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Okay, Sabo is the gentleman out of all three of the boys.
He will carry your things when you guys go out shopping
He will give you his coat is he sees that you are too cold
He will quickly get you a bottle of water or something chilly when he sees that you are too hot
And the best part is
When you want cuddles, or want to hold hands, or want to kiss, just anything that involves touching, he will be there to do it
No problem, Sabo will do anything to makes sure you are happy with him
It's a good thing that Sabo would be such a lovable boyfriend
He would want to do a lot of the romantic stuff, from getting you flowers to getting you your favorite foods when you are having a bad day
He will also be incredibly protective of you
He wouldn't want you out of sight, if he knew danger was lurking around, he would want to make sure that you are protected by any means necessary, and sometimes that could be frustrating for you, but you know he does it out of love.
What’s  more frustrating is the fact the fact that he can take it too fare, such as not caring if he is hurt, of not caring about the possibly that he might die, to which you would have to make sure that doesn’t happen to him.
Another thing about dating Sabo would be the fact that he would support you in all your endeavors
say you want to be a writer, or something
he will buy you all the supplies you need
say you want to be a fashion designer, he will buy all the fabric you need 
like no matter what, Sabo will be there for you, and will give you advice or maybe a pick me up so you make sure you don’t lose your motivation.
god, I need a Sabo in my life
He would be just so attentive and kind and warmhearted to you
he will do anything to make sure that you are h a p p y
This guy wouldn’t about how much he himself is feeling be it sad or grumpy or mad, as long as you are satisfied and happy, it’s fine with him, so just make sure when you see him all grumbling and broody, you help him feel better!
All in all, dating Sabo would include being in a very cute, fluffy, kind and cuddly, relationship with a literal puppy, that just wants to protect you and make sure that you are loved, and make sure that you know he loves you from the very bottom of his big bleeding heart
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This stoic, dudebro of a man
dating him would be like dating a tree
but better
idk if that makes sense, but here’s the thing, he would not be so showy about his feelings like Sabo would
Dating Zoro would need patience, and a lot of understanding of Zoro’s body language
He is the type of person that needs someone the know what he is thinking before he knows what he is thinking
He is one to hide his feelings, and not be so outright with them 
but this is only in public
in private 
this man will turn into a whole ass love bug
now, he won’t be as enthusiastic as Sabo would be about cuddling and being all touchy feely, but Zoro, behind closed doors, would definitely be one to stick close to you, and then whisper into your ear about the day he had
and then he will sleep on your chest, mumbling about how comfy you are
just a soft boi, for you only though
as I said though. when other people are around, he will be really stoic, and not be really affectionate
the way he will show his love is by his giving you some of his food
or by showing you his new sword techniques, when he is practicing
or he will just stay close to you, make sure that nobody(Sanji) else sits next to you or puts their little grubby hands on you
Like Sabo, he would also be pretty protective, but at the same time, Zoro will recognize when you can take care of yourself
Say if there is an enemy, and everyone is finding their own battles, Zoro will immediately want to help you, but once he sees that you are doing fine without, he will smile proudly and get back to focusing on his fight.
But all in all, Zoro would be a lowkey lover, that will whisper sweet nothings in your ear when you both are getting ready for bed, and just an overall lovebug when he wants to be
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This man, he’s like
so freaking LOVING
like, the instant you are in his line of sight, he will just yell out your name and pull you into a big hug
dating Ace, is like dating your best friend, someone you can joke with, laugh with, cry with
he is someone that wouldn’t judge you for anything, but will sometimes poke fun at you 
he will be your right hand man, your partner in crime
if you tell him you have a crazy idea for something that could potentially get you hurt, he will not only encourage you to do it, he will help you execute it too
then if you were to get caught doing said bad, crazy thing, he would totally blame everything on you, then run away 
but would totally get you out of the punishment though
On a more romantic note he would be VERY touchy feely
even more than Sabo, because with Sabo it’s more of a if you tell him he will do it, but with Ace, he will just glue to you
he will hold your hand tightly, kiss you on the cheek when you do something cute, hug you from behind when you are cooking food
he would be such a happy, loving man with you
He’d be the type to go above and beyond for like anniversary or birthday
he would get you a freaking dog or something, because you said you liked dogs in passing
he would be the light of your life, as you would be his! You would be his friend, lover, and everything else under the sun!
All in all, Ace would be the fun one of the three, someone you can rely on to make you laugh constantly, and yet be serious when he needs to be! 
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darkorderaf · 3 years
so, i've recently hit a couple of milestones that i'm super excited about! i've hit over 100 posts and a little over 200 followers and that's honestly really, really cool. writing requests for you guys and whatever comes to mind has been an absolute gift. it has helped me rekindle my writing spirit and creativity in a way that i wasn't sure would happen a few months ago BUT IT DID HELL YEAH and i am eternally grateful. thank you so much for yalls kindness, patience, support, and everything in between. seriously, you're all amazing human beings. the only regret i have is that i made this a side-blog so i can't interact on a level with everyone that i would like. :( THAT BEING SAID, i love the heck out of you guys and tysm again. <3 <3 <3 much love.
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
Hiiii! I love your page and uh, is wondering if you can make either a Bakugou or Shouto (whoever you're more comfortable writing) fic where their girlfriend is amazing at singing/dancing and is super sweet and nice but then one day they were given a task to teach other students and it's just [+100 strictness] [+100 anger] [+100 seriousness] like 'oh you didn't put your arm 90° up to the air? Do it again.' 'Oh you practiced 5 hours yesterday? Cool, next time practice up to 8 hours bcuz you still suck.'
Hope you doin well!❤ And tysm if you ever do my request!
A/N: Hello!! Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean so much to me! I can relate to this request because I can get angrily passionate about the things I really like and my patience has to potential to get cut in half! I went with Todo for this one since I have written anything for him in a while!
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Form: Oneshot.
Genre: Fluff.
Warnings: There's like.. One curse word.
Snap, Snap, People!
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All aspiring heroes have that one thing.. That one thing that sets them off into a passionate frenzy. Whether it be hero work like Deku and Katsuki or a certain aspect of their quirk and past, like Todoroki.
For you? It was dance. Dancing was something you primarily kept to yourself, but it was far from a secret. It was something that ran through your veins whether you liked it or not. It flowed all the way to the battlefield where your movements would be precise and graceful, looking as though it was choreographed amongst the many crazy and sporadic fighters 1A accommodated.
Shouto knew of such fact, of course. He took pleasure in knowing all the small details on you. He never saw you actually dance, though, it was a topic you would bashfully deny with an embarrassed smile, something he found absolutely adorable. That being said, he never pushed you to show him but the fact that you were still a dancer never went forgotten.
Up until the school festival, no one knew that Y/n L/n, the sweetest girl that always had a smile gracing her face, a nice tone hanging from her words.. The same person who has gotten to class late on so many occassions because she was trying to get a cat out of a tree could turn into a raging dancing beast with patience as thin as hair and a tongue that dripped venom.
"Who are you and what did you do to our Y/n?" Was a question everyone wanted to ask when they first were getting instructed under your strict ruling but they all were too scared to.
Even Bakugo was intimidated. To a (hidden) degree, of course.
In contrast, Shouto was more neutral, as always, if not a little curious. This was the first time he's seen this side of you. It was new, sure, but Todoroki was nothing if he is not resilient. It was far from his first time dealing with tough, overbearing teachers. Compared to his past experiences, this was nothing but a pinch on the cheek.
"The hell is wrong with you all?! You can fight villains but you can't hit a single beat?!" Your yelling was loud and jarring, Shouto was dazed.
"Speak for yourself, you extra!" Katsuki clapped back, the only one who could find courage to speak, which didn't shock anyone. Katsuki had slightly stumbled over his words, anyone who knew his speech patterns knows he doesn't call anyone in his class an "extra." The insult was forced, as a way to protect any pride that could be left.
"Go shove an explosion up your ass, you anger fueled, arrhythmic bastard. If you want to stomp about this stage blindly, do it when I'm not looking."
Has anyone ever spoken to him like that?
Everyone's expressions were priceless, including Katsuki's (who was speechless for the first time in his life.)
Silence overtook the gym you all were practicing in, a dazed shock
It was an understatement to say that a lot of thoughts were running through Todoroki's head. Things were going on so quickly, and he was usually one who could cope with that perfectly but when things were being set in motion by his usual calm girlfriend, nothing seemed to add up. No matter how hard he tried.
"I'm getting water, practice the steps I showed you all," Your voice was slightly hoarse from yelling as you spoke and turned to go get something to soothe your throat.
You had cooked everyone alive with harsh words, it didn't seem like you. But no one could say that the harsh words didn't summon some form of improvement albeit after Deku stopped crying from being overwhelmed and insulted.
Jarring, the only word that would possibly define such a flabbergasting situation.
"M-Maybe y-you should talk to her, Todoroki," Deku stuttered out, it was no surprised he was shaken up, he was only used to Katsuki's verbal abuse. Yours was on a different level... They were insults that sounded professional and true.
Shouto slightly nodded and thought about the last what? 3 straight hours of practicing a fraction of the set? His– and probably everyone else's bodies ached. No one, except for you was used to such strict practice routines.
He was the only one who hadn't recieved your wrath, and it was obvious there was some form of bias there. He wasn't partial to all your reprimanding, though, having been called out on most of his short comings albeit a little.. softer. More of your usual self slipping through. It was comforting for that to be the case, it showed that your niceness wasn't some facade that hid this beast of a dance instructor.
Todoroki blinked before looking your way, seeing you take a long sip out of your water bottle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Uraraka giving a highly pleading look. "Please calm her down" was the only thing that could be read from the begging look. It was something that snatched him from overanalyzing the situation. Todoroki knew you best, everyone, including himself knew that. The probability of him not being able to say the right thing to calm you down was extremely low.
"Y/n," He called for your attention and your gaze was directed to him. Your eyes had the usual soft look full of love. Had you managed to calm yourself down?
"You are going really hard on everyone, and I think its about time we finished today's practice. We still have a few weeks before our concert," He explained, monotone and to the point, how he usually was.
"But the way everyone is now, there's no fixing it within a few weeks. Long practices help. We should just fix bad habits today, and then we can progress," So that was your mindset, huh? It wasn't completely rooted in the blind anger you showed your classmates.
"I don't think that's a good idea, love," He started slipping in one of his pet names. It was a pretty cheap trick to have you listen to him. "Not everyone is used to this work. You can't differentiate what's a 'bad habit' or something from the exhaustion."
The thing that ran through Shouto's veins was levelheaded thoughts and decisions. (although his spite against his father can blind that, sometimes.) Todoroki was perfect for letting you see things clearly from a good perspective. It made him a good confidant and a good, supportive partner.
"Ah.. You're right. Sorry for going so hard on you and everyone else! I guess my old dance teacher possessed me there for a sec!" A bashful smile and a small, cute chuckle complimented the apology that escaped your lips.
Shouto gave you a warm and soft pat on the head, smoothing out some stray hairs that escaped the uniform shape of your hair, a fond smile plastered on his face. This tooth achingly sweet personality, the occasional bashful moments was what he was completely whipped for. He knew he would grow to become whipped for your demanding and strict teaching methods, too. He couldn't see himself not loving every last piece of you and he'd be lying if he wasn't excited to see the slightly hidden new dimensions of yourself.
He loved you, that's all there was to it. Things that could be seen as "negatives" shone to highlight your indisputable positives. Even the things he has yet to learn about you, he can confidently say he loves. Your passion for dance? It could be said that its one of his favorite things about you, no matter how you might show your love for it.
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bxthharmon · 4 years
Never Go Home Again, Pt. XII || JJ Maybank x Reader
Words: 3130
Series Warnings: violence / talking about abuse / toxic relationships / talking about nudes sex and sex tapes / drugs / underage drinking
Pt. Warnings: Guns / blood and violence
Series Summary: A new girl, a shoebox of old memories, a past she’s trying to forget coincide with a hotheaded, but selfless, boy.  teenagers getting in way over their heads
Pt. Summary: Chaos catches up, causing trouble for everyone involved
A/N: sorry for the slow updates, but with the event (tysm btw ily) i’ve been busy. i have a few more requests, and i promise im getting to them. anyway! feels weird, only 2 or 3 parts left. tysm for all this support <3
Chapters linked in my masterlist.
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JJ woke up before you. His face felt stiff from the tears he’d shed the night before, and the corners of his eyes were filled with sleep. He rubbed his eyes, phosphenes decorating his mind as he pulled them open. The window was wide open, curtains fluttering in the light breeze and the sun decorating the room with a natural glow. He became aware of the towel thrown over the dresser and the wet clothes hanging in the window sill, the memories of last night returning. He looked down at you.
You were curled up, one of his tops and a pair of his joggers covering your body as you gripped his arm lightly in your sleep. He blinked, admiring the lock of hair falling over your face, the curve of your lashes and the relaxed smile that adorned your sleeping frame. He brushed the hair out of your face and let it fall. He realised that he was in deep. Somewhere across the room, the ping of a phone notification pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up, seeing the bluish light coming from the floor on the other side of the room. He slid his arm from your hold, careful not to wake you as you unconsciously pulled the pillow into your grip instead. He rose from the bed, careful not to let the bed creak as he left you. He padded across the room, picking up the phone from the wooden floorboards.
The phone awoke as he lifted it, a series of fresh messages lining up under the time. 
Tyler: hey
Tyler: ik i fucked up with us, but i cant stop thinking abt seeing u when u visited
Tyler: can we try again?
Tyler: ik u said u were seeing someone and dont wanna fuck it up, but i still love u
Tyler: let me know. I miss u
He almost choked, heart beating in his ears as he looked back to your sleeping frame, rising and falling with oblivious breaths. He looked back at the phone, placing it on the dresser softly. He left the room, clicking the door shut as softly as he could, and making his way to the kitchen. He rinsed a mug and put the kettle on, rummaging through the cupboards for the instant coffee granules. He pulled the silver pot from the shelf, peeling the cap off and tapping it on the side of the mug so the granules tumbled in, the dark brown contrasting the light ceramic. He poured the contents of the boiling kettle in, watching the hot water consume the granules and turn brown. He stirred and sipped, hissing as it burnt his tongue. He never had the patience to wait for it to cool down.
He studied the cupboards again, finding no edible food, not trusting the bread after his previous experience. He sipped the coffee again, allowing himself to look back at the closed bedroom door. He wanted to know what happened when you went back, but knew he wouldn’t like the answer. After last night, he knew Tyler was an asshole, and wanted more than anything to fly to California and punch him in the face, but couldn’t understand the text. Thoughts were flashing through his head, ideas rushing to his head. He wondered if he should ask, or leave it and wait for you to tell him. He knew you had no obligation to him, but he also knew that you two had something going on. Whatever that something was. He sighed. 
He thought about how he felt when he saw you smile, how much he’d spiralled after your argument, how vulnerable he was around you. It hit him suddenly, an epiphany that took all his air away but made him feel alive, made him feel broken and brilliant all in one moment. He loved you.
Down the hall, on the other side of the door, he heard the bed creak. There was a pause, and then he heard the floorboards moan. Another minute, and he heard the ping of your phone notification. There was another pause, then the door opened and you stood in front of him, hair tousled by sleep and eyes fresh. You smiled at him, reaching out and pulling him in, kissing his temple and stepping away to make your own coffee. His heart pulled, not letting him push you away and reaching out as you left his arms, but not wanting it because of those stupid texts. In that moment, he fights his impulse and decides to wait for you to tell him. Would you tell him?
He draws his attention to you, hopping back onto the counter next to you. He watched you, enamored with the way you moved, the way you brush against him, the way you seem so carefree in the moment. He wants to kiss you, but he knows he won’t until he knows what’s going on. 
Faster than he wants to admit, you’ve finished your coffees and Kie and Pope are awake, moving about after leaving their slumber on the pullout couch, and then setting up the pulley for the well. Your mood changes when they’re up. You’re more talkative, brushing over any mention of the night before, helping when you can. You look back at him a couple of times, and each time his heart flutters.
You can feel blisters working on your skin as you help Pope with the winch, the rope burning at your skin in the force of the friction, but you don’t pay it any mind. You finish with the mechanism, stepping away and sitting down next to JJ, passing some witty banter with Kie, and opening a bottle of beer, the cool glass soothing the hot skin on your palms.
“What does it feel like?” Pope asked, watching Kie as she sat in the can hanging from the pulley.
“Feels good.” she confirms, pulling the rope slightly.
“John B’s pulling a Houdini.” JJ stated, putting his own beer down.
“Yeah, where is he?” you asked.
“I got my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded, “We gotta get this done.”
“Speak of the devil!” JJ grinned as John B strode past you all without so much as a ‘hello’. “Hey! Dude, I put up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything.”
“No he did not.” You laughed.
“We did that.” Pope said, gesturing between you.
John B ignored you, and Kie called after him as he entered the Chateau. “Okay, that’s it?” you muttered.
“What’s that all about?” Pope asked, walking to you and JJ.
“I was gonna ask you the same question.” JJ said, you and him getting off the hot tub and following him into the Chateau. When you entered, John B was pulling the house apart, searching.
“You alright, man?” Pope asked, “What’s up?”
“What are you looking for?” Kie added.
“Bro, what’s going on, man?” JJ asked, following him as he pulled the gun from under the cushioning on the sofa.
“John B, what do you need the gun for?” You and JJ stepped forwards, both reaching to take the weapon. John B grabbed your shoulders, pushing you over and shoving past JJ as you all yelled for him to chill and talk to you. Pope tried to block his exit.
“What are you, JJ, now?” Pope asked as you and Kie yelled for him to calm down. John B pushed Pope back into the table as you followed him out, asking for him to explain, or calm down. You ran down the steps, the others close behind. He mounted the dirt bike, looking back at the four of you.
“John B, what the hell?” Kie yelled.
“Ward knows about the gold.” John B spoke for the first time. “He killed my dad.”
You ran as far as the dirt track, watching the bike disappear as JJ swore.
“What now, we just go up to the front door and ask, ‘Hey, have you seen John B’?”
The night felt dark, cold, and your boat felt fragile next to the stupidly big boat across the pontoon from you. The shape of the Cameron house was huge and adorned with golden windows on the other side of the lawn.
“Look, he lives in Tannyhill now, it’s plausible.” Kie reasoned, but you could tell she was just grabbing at loose ends. “We can play dumb.”
“Play dumb?” you frowned.
“It’s pretty late.” Pope added.
“Look, I’ve never seen John B like that. We should honestly be going to the cops.” Kie countered.
“The cops? And say what, Kie?” you almost laughed, “‘We’re worried about our friend because he’s going off on a rampage because Ward Cameron killed Big John’? They’re not gonna believe us!”
“Hey, I see Ward.” Pope interrupted you, binoculars up as he watched the house. Kie took the binoculars, checking for herself. “Doesn’t look dead to me, let’s go home.”
“What?” Kie turned, shocked and offended.
“Uh, okay. Obviously Mr Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here, he isn’t now, okay? Plus, I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours.”
“Yeah, well our friend is in trouble.”
“I’m in trouble! Guys, I haven’t been home in three days! My dad’s probably put all my shit on the street by now.”
“Okay, so that’s it? In a time of need you’re just gonna bail? You’re just gonna walk away?”
“Okay, yo, guys.” You spoke from the other side of the boat, “Can we not do this right now?”
“Hey, I have a scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded Kie.
“Okay, well what about John B?” Kie asked.
“Why is it always about John B?” Pope questioned, and you sighed, looking away as Kie looked around, caught off guard.
“It’s not always about John B. You’re so stupid! It would be any of you in this situation.”
“Guys.” JJ tried to stop them.
“This is about friendship!” Kie powered on.
“Bring it down.” said JJ.
“This is about pogues for life!”
“What about forensic pathology, huh?” countered Pope.
“Forensic pathology?” Kie scoffed.
“It’s my life! It’s everything I’ve worked for!”
“That’s your priority?”
“Would you stop with the moral high ground bullshit?”
“Pope, come on.” you cut in.
“No.” he rejected, “No, no. She has no room to talk.” You looked down, knowing you didn’t either. “Where were you when Big John went missing? You weren’t there. You weren’t there for John B. You weren’t there for any of us! Remember your kook year?”
“Dude.” JJ tried, again, to stop the argument.
“Yeah, you forgot about us. Now you feel guilty.”
“Give me a break.” She pushed him, and he staggered but held his ground, you and JJ were up within seconds. “Is that what you need? You need a break? Move!”
You and JJ pulled them away from each other, shouting for them to stop, to cut it out. You held Kie’s shoulders, the both of you breathing heavily. She stared straight ahead, holding eye contact with Pope as JJ looked between them.
“If I’m the one mediating, we’ve hit rock bottom.” JJ sighed. You dropped your hands from Kie’s shoulders. She sat down as you sent Pope to the bow of the ship, sitting down as well.
“Pope, we’ll drop you off.” You said, JJ steering the boat. 
You sat, facing away from the group, water washing around your ankles, arms propped up on the wood as you stared at your phone. You were aware of the conversation - the gold was gone - but you weren’t really listening, or paying attention. Your mind was plagued with worries that felt trivial compared with what was going on, but still felt like the world would implode if you didn’t sort them.
Tyler was rejecting your refusals, insisting you humour him. You turned around briefly to look at JJ, who was watching you. You wondered if he had worked out that you’d slept with Tyler, even though you hadn’t mentioned it. But, of course, you hadn’t mentioned it - he couldn’t know.
You broke from your thoughts as Pope came blundering down the path. “Guys!” he halted when he reached you, and you picked your legs up, swinging around to face the group. “Oh, God, I ran all the way here.”
“How was the interview?” you asked.
“Don’t ask.”
“JB, look, I’m sorry dude. About everything.”
“It’s fine.” John B disregarded.
“But - but I don’t have a lot of time, and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron’s big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I’m there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, ‘Hm, why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?’”
“Gold.” JJ turned.
“That’s right.” John B confirmed.
“Exactly! Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go.”
“We can’t give up now.” Kie smiled, jumping down from where she was balanced.
“What’s the plan, big man?” JJ asked.
“We’re gonna steal that shit back.” John B stated.
You smiled, this was going to be a shit show.
“We go in there, guns-a-blazin’, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible, and vámanos, get the hell out of there.” JJ summed up.
“Send that shit right down the intracoastal.” John B added.
“Wait for the weather.” Kie reminded.
“Exit to Cuba.” Pope finalised.
“Cuba?” JJ sounded offended at the idea, “No, man, Xcalak, the jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, no word for money.”
“I like the sound of that,” you hummed, sitting up from where you lay across the back seats, “Let’s do this shit.”
The VW rattled on for a few hundred feet, John B curving into a break in the thicket, the lot of you leaping out of the car to a wire fence.
“What’s the plan?” Kie asked. “Broad strokes.”
“I don’t think we got that far.” John B admitted, Pope pulled out his binoculars.
“They’re loading up the gold.” Pope pointed out. 
John B took the binoculars, watching the scene before him. You were all pressed up to the wire fence, and you could see a car rolling up to the plane. You watched the figures exit, faintly recognisable without the binoculars. John B lowered the black instrument, Kie asking him what was going on.
“It’s Sarah.” 
You looked back at the plane. They played out like a scene in a play, little figurines moving around, until Sarah was being dragged onto the plane by the shape that must have been her father. John B disappeared from your side as the engine began to whir, loud enough to be audible from your spot behind the fence. Behind you, a car door slammed, and you shouted for your friend as he started the engine, forcing all of you to step back as he smashed through the gate, JJ’s “Don’t be a hero!” resounding in the air.
Still shouting, the four of you ran through the gap as he accelerated towards the moving plane, your shouts fracturing the air. Upon the realisation that whatever stupid, reckless thing John B was doing couldn’t be stopped, you waited in baited breath. You watched the van swerve in the plane’s path, the screech of the brakes reaching your ears. You heard and watched the second squeal as the plane halted, barely feet away from the pogue.
Somewhere in the distance, you heard the sirens.
“Guys, I can’t get arrested.” Pope spoke, breaking the shocked silence you had been standing in.
“I’m on probation.” JJ added. 
“We’re no good if we’re all in jail.” Kie confirmed, and you turned to the three of them.
“You serious?” you almost laughed.
“Y/N,” JJ started.
“Go, if you have to.” You nodded, “I’ll step in if he needs me, God knows what’ll happen.”
Kie and Pope nodded,setting off, but JJ stood. “You can’t-”
“JJ, you said yourself - you’re on probation. But they don’t know I’m here, I’ll be fine.” You smiled, stronger than you felt, “Go.”
He followed your friends, and you stepped back into the trees, the sick feeling in your stomach foreboding a turn of events. The blue and white police car was racing down the runway, and you could almost feel the panic in your friends.
You saw the Sheriff get out, and the exchange that led to Ward’s arrest. You watched her get him on the floor, gun pointed at his face, you heard a bang.
The scene froze for a second, but suddenly time sped up, the Sheriff collapsed, and there was another figure. The gun was pointed at John B. You felt yourself move forwards, but the figures were moving - Sarah’s crumpling onto the floor, Ward standing, John B’s moving to help Sheriff Peterkin. You watched Ward and the new figure. Fuck it.
“John B!” you screamed, and he looked up. He was sprinting towards you as the three Cameron’s started fighting. You jogged, the pair of you breaking into a sprint as you got to the woods, fighting your way through the thicket as more sirens joined the melee. Shots were fired, but they sounded numb to your racing mind. He was slightly ahead of you, faded hoodie flashing as you both ran flat out. Before you registered the road, the horn was honking and John B was rolling over the bonnet of a car. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up, the pair of you running as the driver shouted for you.
You needed to find the others.
You ran for a while, slowing to a walk as you discussed where the others would be. The junkyard, you thought.
After five minutes, you stopped, forcing him to prove to you that the blood on his arms was only Peterkin’s, and that he wasn’t injured.
Somewhere above you, there was a plane. 
You were walking slowly now, approaching the junkyard. You felt numb, knowing that everything was completely different now. You turned the corner, seeing the three other pogues gathered, Pope taking a hit from JJ’s juul. Weird.
They ran to you, seeing the blood in John B’s hands and your shirt (from your attempts to check his injuries) and immediately began to panic, giving you once overs.
“Who’s blood is that?”
You all ducked behind the clutter to avoid the approaching sirens, allowing yourself a moment to breathe. You glanced at the blonde boy next to you, but as you went to speak, he turned away harshly. What the fuck?
Tags: @tangledinsparkles​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lolitstiana​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @teamnick​ @thoughtsofthestars​ @obxmxybxnk​ @jjmaybankswife​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @sxcretinhuman​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @angvelics​ @badwolf00593​ @coloradogirl07​ @mendesmaybank​ @jiaraendgame​ @5am-cigarette​ @emerald-xcd​ @haharudy​
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chil2de · 3 years
Oh take as long as you need love, hope you were able to get the furniture you wanted and that the remodelling’s going well, love you - 🥰
i will sell you my entire soul, a kidney or literally a lung for ur forgiveness because i’ve been mia for ages LMFAOO
i’ll talk about myself afterwards!!! i heard about your exams baby, i’m so fucking happy that you passed! i had a premonition since the start and i knew you had it in you :D believe me when i say i started grinning, u better have celebrated and treated urself to some nice things!!!!!!!
congrats on the reread! i have to give major kudos in the first place that you even had the patience to go through with it in the first place, no because seriously that’s genuine dedication it’s mindblowing. like. you would sit there and read through all my old works?🥺🥺 ur my no.1 contender of giving me heart problems istgggg
i’m totally fine if you wanna keep sending asks instead, i genuinely don’t mind and i’d prefer for you to be comfortable. so whatever you do end up choosing, i’ll support it regardless!
it’s been a while so maybe you read up on the jjk manga? mayhaps? lemme know, cause i’m interested to hear about it! i swear jjk came back as well, i saw some of the recent chapters briefly
the jjk shirts sold out super fast but i managed to grab a white one with four panels of the curses on em, the one with jougo, m*hito sukuna and someone else who is probably not of importance if i can’t remember their name LMAO— it’s nice!! the material is 100% cotton so its one of those stiff-er(?) shirts, 10/10 would recommend for you to get one the next time they’re in stock again
i remember very faintly how i said i’d recommend you some anime LMFAO excuse me it’s 5am as i write this but i was extremely hellbent on getting back to you before sleep <3 dont wanna worry ya
you should totally check out oregairu whenever you can, or maybe violet evergarden? they’re not similar in any way shape or form to gintama, jjk, hq etc but.. they hold a special place in my heart ;; i suck at explaining without accidentally spoiling things or rambling for ages so check out the blurb for them whenever you can ! plus the animation in ve is absolutely stunning
and yeah, i’m from england! i get you completely djghdhg it’s just because most fic writers are american so at a certain point i just wired it into my brain, then whenever i meet someone who’s from england i just get so excited it’s like ?? wow?? you know what anime is? i hope that doesn’t sound rude LMAO it’s just how i said before that the lack of anything anime related here is horrid. esp waterstones, like you said. god that’s awful. i recently caught up on the haikyuu manga online but i wanna support the author by buying the volumes and they’re literally sold out or sold in strange numbers </3
aside from that, how have you been?? taking care of yourself? happy september, btw! it’s basically autumn now, an absolute shocker of a fact but i’m trying my first ever psl whenever starbucks releases them here~
tysm as per usual for your kind complimentsss AAAA u have no right!! absolutely no right to make me blush. genuinely a crime, you should be locked away and kept under supervision :<<< thank youuuu you are the sweetest angel to walk this earthhh~
i’m starting to slowly try to ease myself back into writing for gintama lmaoo, it’s a slow process but i’ll get there eventually!! just gotta wait for my hyperfixations to shift, is all
as for me, the remodelling’s going pretty good! i’ve picked up most of the things i’ve needed like paint, new led strips and bed sheets. i made a grave mistake of buying a mirror from ebay and it smashed in transit LGMHJJD it’s okay you can laugh cause i totally did too, so i’m going up to ikea again next week to get that plus a bed because mine broke? it just.. collapsed? also very funny i promise you it’s not tragic at all <3
thinking of covering up a wall where my pc’s going to go with manga panels, especially haikyuu and blue lock (another sports manga, it’s about football! 10/10 would recommend) because the panels are just *chefs kiss* especially... miya atsumu... damn like timeskip tsumie just hits so different idk why, plus some sneaky gintama panels to help me forget that i still haven’t watched the movie and refuse to watch it. that’s a lie, actually. i got 30 mins in before i quit cause it felt like i was going to violently sob /j
sorry if i missed anything that you said! pinky promise i read it but my brain might’ve short circuited, u definitely have permission to bully me into it if i did forget (i say this like you’re not a kind soul and you wouldn’t just remind me nicely in a soft tone LMAO)
yeah!!! they do have cutouts, they shouldn’t let me and u near them tho cause we’ll end up taking a few home LMAO
first class tickets hell yeahhhh here we go🥺🥺🥺 i call dibs on paying for the shinkansen!!! we can go to the anime district, get some cool merch! akihabara? i think? pretty sure! also does japan sell squishmallows? everyone keeps talking about them but no one sells them in the uk... i want to expand my stuffed animal collection but build a bear charges like 40 quid for no good reason (that sentence in itself was the epitome of being british)
alright that’s a goodnight from me! i hope you’re having an absolutely great day/night/ evening, if not, hope it’s tolerable instead (:
take a sip of water<3
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Upcoming Fics
Thank you all to everyone on my waitlist for allowing me the breather of a break!!!! And if you asked to be on my waitlist, you are STILL ON IT, I have you all written down with your usernames :D. The only issue would be is if you changed your URL and need me to rewrite with your new url!
As said in posts before, I’m going out of order at first to do regulars, friends, and loved ones on my list (maybe only 1-3) because I need patience as I am unsure of my new wait time! Then I’ll be going back to chronological :D. Again tysm for staying patient with me and being supportive! And ofc if you want OFF my waitlist, please let me know ahead of time! I will NOT be upset, and it’s much more helpful to let me know ahead of time!
Current waitlist queue (CLOSED): 11
Upcoming Commissions
Bangawraith - Wraith and her no good, terrible, awful day. Wraith needs loving from her gentleman of a girlfriend, and Anita is more than happy to come over and take care of her lil ghostie girl. Whatever she needs, whenever she needs. Resulting in frisky business and a very relaxed kitty cat afterwards. A follow up to my prior fic of them! CURRENT WIP
Leisure fics + Gift fics
Caustichound (Based on this art) - Follow up of the prior caustichound fic, this time where Hound confronts Caustic after Rune brings up that he was watching them (in a consensual and horny manner ofc) and Hound has been Waiting for the moment they could tear this doctor apart and make him cry. Caustic can’t say he hates the attention.
(POSSIBLE) Revhound - Bloodhound has been taunting Revenant for far too long. Making a wager in the arena, Revenant fails to realize that adding competition only makes the pretty hunter’s desire stronger. Resulting in quite the catch for Hound, and quite the ride for Revenant.
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alkhale · 5 years
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Didn’t get the chance before, but thank you so much to everyone who took the time to meet me at AX through all the ridiculousness and hunting and IM ON MY WAY DONT MOVE
Getting the chance to meet you guys in person is insanely humbling and inspiring because it reminds me of the kind of connections I can make with you guys that go a little more beyond the screen. You’ve all made this a community for me and another home for me to let myself put out the things I want to and have helped me more than you know keep moving forward to be the writer I want to be one day with a book in my hands creating worlds for other people to write fanfiction about. Thank you so much for all your support, your endless patience and love and advice and everything, you guys mean the world to me <3
Forget me being sappy look at how good @xeveningx’s COSPLAY OF FUYU IS I COULDNT BREATHE WHEN I SAW HER TYSM FOR BRINGING HER TO LIFE. I’m the boba in the Ace cosplay, and yes I really did look like that, just a boba head in real life I swear.
(I have some other pictures with u guys but I wasn’t sure if y’all were okay with a face reveal so lmk and I’ll share them too if you want!)
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