#but tripitaka just wouldn't stop
ghostly-creator · 2 years
Last night I had a dream where I was Sun Wukong. Tripitaka was using the tightening headband spell on me, I didn't know what I did, but it was agony. Sadly and Pigsy just kept looking at me with distain and anger, I tried begging them to help me but they just watched. They all were so angry at me and I didn't know why.
This is interesting cause a little bit before that I was dreaming about having fun with my friend at their school. Idk man, minds are freaky.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Refering to Twin Sun AU:
Wait, so where's Macaque when the pilgrims meet Wukong's brother? Where's his hot goth boyfriend to show off to the pig?!(He can so get bitches, he just has an acquired taste unlike the greedy piglet!)
Like, if Mac kept going back to the mountain while he was imprisoned, even if they argued a lot, wouldn't Macaque be on FFM helping take care of their home? Wouldn't he be there for introductions after they come to apologize? Was he hiding in wukong's room with him when they first showed up and comforting his crying boyfriend? Are they official at that point or just besties dancing around each other still? Is he visiting DBK's family? Will he show up during Redson's arc? I don't think he would miss out on the chance to show up and spook Wukong's new friends if given an actually valid chance to do so, he's kinda petty like that, the sassy bitch. Where's my favorite emo monkey?!
I feel like Macaque still takes a break from FFM for a bit after a few decades to find himself artistically - in a lot of aus I have him train under the Nine-Tailed Vixen. And since Luzhen is at home governing everything (albeit with a lot of help from the Stalwarts) Macaque wouldn't feel much guilt in going on the road.
As long as he's able to return to Five Point Mountain at least once a year.
I love the imagery of Wukong running home after the White Bone Arc, believing that he's lost the closest companions he's had in centuries - only to see Macaque standing there in their bedroom, pretending as though he hadn't rushed home at the sounds of his mate's release upon the wind.
Wukong collaspes into his mate's arms, sobbing from a mixture of frustration and loss of his party, and of relief and joy of seeing Macaque in their home again.
Macaque is ready to murder that monk if he ever dares step on to their island.
Luzhen almost beats his brother-in-law to the punch with that one. Luckily the Stalwarts, Sha Wujing & Ao Lie, and Wukong himself stop that from happening.
As they're all hashing out their demands, a deep enchanting voice comes from the Palace doors.
It's Macaque, deliberately unglamoured and dressed in silk bedclothes befitting a King's spouse. His hair toussled as if he'd just rolled out of bed.
Wukong is confused by Macaque's choice in fashion until he sees Zhu Bajie's expression.
The very same pig who had goaded their master out of spite of Wukong "ruining his chance" with the White Bone Demon, was now staring jaw-dropped at who Wukong had waiting at home for him.
Wukong's face goes red from blushing, and he socks Bajie in the face for oogling his goth bf.
Macaque still doesn't trust Tripitaka. His own sense of premonition tells him that the monk will betray their trust in the future. He wants Wukong's circlet off Yesterday.
But Tripitaka cannot remove the Circlet. Only the Buddha himself can.
Macaque growls with frustration - and threatens that if Tripitaka ever uses the Headache Sutra again, then Macaque will personally take the voice from the Monk's throat before taking his mate home with him.
Macaque occasionally pops up along the Journey - whether working/performing for his Vixen mentor, or just to check that the Pilgrims are keeping their promises. Even just to step out of the shadows and terrify them at quiet moments. And ofc to smooch Wukong as they did whenever they met under the Mountain each year - the Golden-Eyed king watching his mate emerge from the darkness like he's the moon itself.
Misfortune does happen to Macaque though. Something that leaves him minus an eye. Perhaps a version of what happens in the Jttw Stone Egged au between him and the Brotherhood - the shadow far more quick to denounce his former brothers with the confidence a healthy marriage and a supportive brother-in-law has brought him.
Luzhen is very proud of how Macaque makes things up to Wukong, though he'd never say it.
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semisolidmind · 2 years
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(so the last bad end wukong post was a sort of swap au, i guess? it spawned from a post before it in which mac takes swk's place on the journey protecting the monk, because swk is a bad guy here. like, one of the big bads. like maybe "the buddha wasn't able to catch him at all" kinda bad)
but I really REALLY like your idea here, so
(let's preface with some backstory. summed up, reader and wukong were sorta married? but it was juuuust a little bit against her will? and he kinda forced her to drink an immortality elixir? and macaque, one of wukongs closest friends and a general in his army, becomes closer and befriends reader. wukong isn't cool with that, attacks macaque over it (cool but traumatizing eye scar), mac is determined to get away from wukong and take reader with him. wukong gets even more power, goes crazy, goes up against heaven, gets trapped under a mountain for it.)
reader has (kinda??) gotten used to immortality (not like she had anyone mortal in this world to be sad over), she and macaque have gotten comfortable living together in their little hideaway on a far-off mountain, everything is going okay...there's been no sign of the monkey king since his rampage through heaven. macaque has assured her; he's safely trapped under a sealed mountain, and there's noone dumb enough to remove the seal.
until tripitaka.
the mountain splits in half, the sound echoing across the land. miles away, tending to her garden....
...reader feels a chill down her spine.
(in this timeline guanyin put the golden fillet on wukong immediately cause there's no way this iteration wouldn't try to kill and eat tripitaka on sight. )
so, sometime later, the pilgrims arrive. macaque is stunned, how did he NOT hear them coming? how did he not know?! now his greatest enemy is free and, and– actively helping the tang monk? wukong seems calmer than he remembers, but it's obvious how much he's straining against the leash the monk has him on. the deadly aura radiating off the monkey king is enough to make macaque nauseous. he not-so-subtley places himself in front of reader when he greets the pilgrims. but...it's too late to hide her. if the small intake of breath he draws is any indication, wukong has already noticed her presence.
reader freezes when their eyes meet. no, no, he was supposed to be trapped, he wasn't ever supposed to get out! she sees his pupils dilate, his smile stretch to expose his fangs.
"Peach! Its so good to see you again. I was worried the elixir hadn't worked, but here you are! Beautiful as ever." he gently laughs. he waves off any questions from the other pilgrims. when they ask who reader is to him...his answer is an amused laugh and a sickeningly fond look in her direction.
macaque and reader play the part of good hosts, but they're both incredibly nervous the entire time the pilgrims are in their home. the atmosphere is tense, and macaque doesn't leave readers' side for a second longer than he has to. dinner is a stiff, polite affair, and wukong never takes his eyes off reader. macaque insists the monk and his disciples take his room while he stays with reader. but that doesn't stop the feeling of being watched, or the murderous aura radiating from the opposite side of the house.
neither of them sleep well that night.
the next morning, the monk has macaque help him gather provisions before they move on, distracting him just long enough for wukong to corner reader. he presses her against the side of her home, nuzzling his face against her cheek...
"I'll be back as soon as this little trip is complete, ok, peach? Just sit tight and wait for your king to return~♡"
macaque and reader pack up and move the next day.
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yourbloodysunrise · 16 days
Sundrop I just had just ask for the same OC again istg-
Btw the OC's name is Yuzhao, and all-
And I've been cooking up some more lore so buckle up it's gonna be long (I'm so sorry😭):
You know Tripitaka tried to correct and help Sun Wukong in the JTW? (We get hints of that in LMK) Well imagine that, but with the First Spinjutsu Master as Tripitaka and Yuzhao as SW, after lots, lots, and I mean a lot of attempted murders from Yuzhao's parts they eventually became friends, and FSM began telling him about the vision and prophecies he had.
One of them being that a (insert element) master would one day beat him when the time came.
So basically after being freed the reason he became interested in the Ninjas is because of that prophecy, knowing they were the one.
Except he's not mad, buddy became so strong that he want someone to be challenge him so psychotically bad that instead of stopping that prophecy he keeps pushing it.
Though he forgets the difference between mortal and immortal and may or may not put them in deadly situation thinking it won't harm them much.
So (pls pls pls?) write a headcannon of it with the Ninjas?? Like each Ninja you're writing for is the one the prophecy is talking about, eventually he explains the prophecy to them by accident in the most comic way possible.
You can add Garmadon and Wu but instesd of the prophecy talking about them it's about Lloyd, and how they would react to how Yuzhao acts towards Lloyd, and yes they are unaware of the prophecy but FSM did give them some hints in the past 👀👀
Ik ik it's a lot but my brain keeps cooking up scenarios and your writing is just so goooood.
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🌤 — too many letters, more than four letters don't digest: meow
🌤 — ok, ok, just kidding :) idea sounds cool, so I tried my best. I decided to combine these two requests, I hope you two don't mind. enjoy <3
❝ Is it possible to change fate? ❞
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☆ ┈ She's still not thrilled with you, but over time she starts to soften up a little towards you.
☆ ┈ How long has it been since you were released? A week, a month, or maybe six months already? Nya lost track of time.
☆ ┈ She just got used to you. Your seemingly eternally annoying behavior begins to seem to her not so unbearable.
☆ ┈ ..No, seriously, Nya herself is surprised that she has become more tolerant to you.
☆ ┈ And yet, this does not mean that there will be no conflicts between you two.
☆ ┈ I just imagine that because of how much time you spent sealed away, you could forget about the prophecy for a while.
☆ ┈ Your constant attempts to challenge her are boring to her. If she accepts them and loses, it will hit her significantly, and she will start training harder.
☆ ┈ I still think that you still remember the difference between mortals and immortals, trying not to harm them too much if you do fight.
☆ ┈ She freaks out at the fact that you can beat her so easily, and you remind her of it. It brings back unpleasant memories for her, mostly those when others decided what to do and who to be.
☆ ┈ Nya is a person of will, she wants to prove to you that she may not be stronger than you, but she is able to defeat you. This is how her intense training begins.
☆ ┈ She tries to occupy herself with all she can do: improving physical fitness, training her element powers, maybe she will try to learn how to use Spinjitzu more in time. I wouldn't be surprised if she even resorted to Airjitsu again.
☆ ┈ Others start to worry about her 'cause she is overworking herself significantly. You are just watching from the sidelines, thinking about how soon the moment will come when the prophecy will come true.
☆ ┈ One day, while Nya was training, you were resting near her, watching her. Admittedly, the training has paid off. She became stronger than before…
— "I wonder.."
— "About what?" — she asks you, out of breath from the physical exertion, but continues to train.
— "When you will defeat me. You know, the prophecy that one day Master of Water will defeat me, blah blah blah..."
☆ ┈ Nya will probably stop at the same moment and look at you with a confused look. Are you again messing with her?
☆ ┈ Looking at your serious face, she gets tense..If this is true, will she really become so powerful one day that she can defeat you?
☆ ┈ She turns her head away from you, shaking it. Defeat a damn strong demon? It definitely sounds like a silly legend, but..
☆ ┈ She looks at her calloused hands, tired from frequent workouts.
☆ ┈ Well, if this is true, then it's would be hard to stop the prophecy…
☆ ┈ But, you know what? She doesn't will trying to escape it. Nya don't mind show you what she really can do.
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☆ ┈ Jay is not completely sure what he thinks about you. You seem to get along well, but still sometimes you can be annoying to him..
☆ ┈ Maybe when you offer him a fight, he reminds you of how powerful you and complains about that, while you listen to him with that face: 🙂
☆ ┈ Jay can accept the challenge, but it will end in literally nothing. Let me remind you that you is still stronger than him, and the ninjas is unlikely to be able to defeat you :^
☆ ┈ The problem is that Jay refuses to give up. Even if he falls, feeling pain and fatigue after the battle, he will still force himself to stand up, no matter how much he wants to stay in place. He just doesn't want to let himself lose.
☆ ┈ Flashbacks from his bad times, flashbacks from his bad times, somebody call an ambulance...
☆ ┈ Generally speaking, at some point you unanimously agree to a draw. Jay is mostly because he is so damn tired, and you are because you are tired of watching him force himself to fight.
☆ ┈ Considering that he refuses to give up, you involuntarily remind yourself of the prophecy. Right now, Jay may not be strong enough to really take you down, but who knows, maybe he'll be able to do it soon?
☆ ┈ Imagine that Jay is quietly training with others, and you are somewhere in the background cheering him on as if he is fighting for the whole Ninjago.
— "Come on, hit harder! That's it! Beat it up like you're beating me up!"
— "..What."
— "Well, you know, like in that prophecy where I'm supposed to be struck down by Master of Lightning...Don't get distracted!"
☆ ┈ Jay may first think that you were just joking, and most likely one day he will casually joke about it. I just imagine how you laughed loudly at first, before stopping and saying through laughter that "by the way, it's true fr fr :)"
☆ ┈ I sincerely believe that Jay will be confused by this news.
☆ ┈ First of all, WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO TELL HIM ABOUT IT JUST NOW??? Secondly, what is the probability that this prophecy will come true?..
☆ ┈ The whole point is that Jay doesn't really want to fight with you. He doesn't really believe that he can beat you, and he even managed to get a little attached to you.
☆ ┈ To put it simply, Jay hopes that the prophecy will not come true. He doesn't know what to do to prevent it from happening, so he can only hope.
☆ ┈ I wonder if it will come to the point that the prophecy really could not come true?..
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☆ ┈ ..Overall, little has changed.
☆ ┈ You and Kai still jokingly fight each other sometimes, although it's more like a childish fight between two old friends.
☆ ┈ You find your relationship strangely funny. In fact, you're kind of friends, but you don't have to be..
☆ ┈ Kai really sees you as a comrade rather than a possible ally because of all the time you've spent together.
☆ ┈ Training with you, your carefree attitude towards him instead of fighting with him, as he should have done since his release…
☆ ┈ Let's sum up, he likes you. Some people call him strange because he is so indifferent to the fact that an ancient powerful demon is always hanging out next to him.
☆ ┈ ..But, in general, Kai doesn't care. You're not doing any harm, which means there's no reason to be afraid of you, right?
☆ ┈ It seems to me that of all the ninjas, you will have the most normal relationship with Kai. Sure thing there are others who don't mind your presence, but Kai is still the most loyal to you.
☆ ┈ It seems to me that you could have told him about the prophecy during one of your skirmishes. For example, Kai manages to take you by surprise, and he finally got the upper hand over you.
☆ ┈ At first you are not surprised, but when the realization reaches you, you laugh nonstop while Kai joins you with laughter, proud of his victory.
— "..Not bad, not bad!" you pause to catch your breath after a long laugh, "It seems we are getting closer.."
— "Closer to what?" he asks, resting his hand on his knees, wiping sweat from his forehead after your fight.
— "To the prophecy. Well, you know, 'one day Master of Fire will defeat me in a fight', meh meh.."
— "..I told you about the prophecy, right?"
☆ ┈ Kai is just confused by this at first, but over time, when he thinks about it more often, it will start to annoy him.
☆ ┈ In the early seasons, Kai had problems with how he thought he was the chosen one, but I believe that over time he stopped thinking about it and now that he gets what he once wanted, it leads him to unpleasant thoughts, which angers him.
☆ ┈ Kai just denies the fact that the two of you will ever have to fight for real. He doesn't want to fight you! You're not doing anything wrong, so why should he fight you?!
☆ ┈ In short, Kai believes that the prophecy will not come true, and will do whatever comes into his head and in his opinion will prevent the prophecy from happening.
☆ ┈ I wonder what you will be doing at this time?
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☆ ┈ Over time, he will get used to you. He's still not sure who you are to him, but he's made sure you're not the enemy.
☆ ┈ Enemy wouldn't help him in the danger, right?
☆ ┈ It's hard to describe your relationship in any way. Zane mostly treats you neutrally, and you, in turn, just hang out with him, always chatting about something.
☆ ┈ I just liked the idea that you see him more like a human, not nindroid.
☆ ┈ Like, rush around him if he is broken/injured, tell him something that he cannot understand himself due to his system..
☆ ┈ With a P.I.X.A.L, everything is a little more complicated for you. She's starting to like you more, but she's still being careful about you, and she won't fight you until there's a reason.
☆ ┈ It will be more difficult to fight/train with Zane, because you can either not inflict special damage on him, or on the contrary, seriously break him.
☆ ┈ No, really, you don't need to do that. Let others do it. Please-
☆ ┈ About the prophecy, it seems to me that you could just casually mention it during the conversation. It was so insignificant that Zane might not have taken it for the truth at first until he asked you about it.
— "Prophecy? What kind of prophecy is this?"
— "Oh, that one..Nothing serious. Something about the Master of Ice have to defeat me sometime."
— "..And despite that, you're not trying to avoid it?"
— "Ha! Why should I?"
☆ ┈ How hard it is for you to be with each other..
☆ ┈ Zane is quite skeptical about this. Yes, he had seen some prophecies come true, but in those situations it was different. Firstly, by "defeat" you can describe a lot, in terms of winning what exactly? Secondly, even if you need to fight a serious battle, at the moment he sees no point in fighting you.
☆ ┈ I am torn between the opinions that Zane will be worried about this for a long time, or that he will only occasionally think about it.
☆ ┈ But hey, it's not that bad. At least having the prophecy didn't change Zane's attitude towards you.
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☆ ┈ *nervous laughter*
☆ ┈ Oh, where should I start?..
☆ ┈ God forbid that poor person who had the guts to attack Ninjago, because you and Cole definitely won't spare them...
☆ ┈ Yes, you two have a good relationship! All those quarrels that once were have long been forgotten, because if you have disagreements, then you take them out on your opponents.
☆ ┈ I think you like each other. You're going to do some stupid things together, laughing at it like two idiots. (with all due respect🧡)
☆ ┈ ..His desperate lessons to teach you how to play video games do not end, although he is tired of explaining to others why his joystick is always broken.
☆ ┈ The only thing why he doesn't similiar with Kai in your relationship is because he still unwittingly prefers other ninjas.
☆ ┈ Yes, you are cool and all that, but please stay in the monastery under the control of Master Wu, okay?
☆ ┈ This does not interfere with your friendship, so to speak. Although, when he finds out about the prophecy, he will, to put it mildly, be confused. Maybe it was when the two of you were fighting someone?
— "..Hey, it seems to me, or have you become stronger? Ooh, I don't want to find out what will happen to me after the prophecy.."
— "Prophecy?" Cole asks you again, hitting some unlucky guy in the face, instantly causing him to fly away.
— "Mm, I didn't say? A prophecy in which the Master of Earth should defeat me or something like that."
— "Cool."
☆ ┈ Despite the fact that many ninjas, although they did not immediately believe it, they still understood that you were talking about the prophecy seriously, Cole does not do this. At all.
☆ ┈ Yeah, he's the only one who will always think that this is a joke, and since you mostly don't talk about the prophecy, he won't even think about the fact that it's true.
☆ ┈ ..I can't blame him, he sees you as a friend, I think many people would deny it or simply wouldn't believe it.
☆ ┈ In short, nothing has changed for you. Hooray!
☆ ┈ ..Let's hope that the prophecy will not be soon so that something will change.
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☆ ┈ I'm so sorry for him-
☆ ┈ Let me remind you that despite the fact that Lloyd was suspicious of you for a long time and did not really like you, in the end he accepted you as a friend.
☆ ┈ You have become someone important to him. Yes, maybe you could be annoying sometimes, but you've become a really close person to him.
☆ ┈ It seems to me that you could 'help' him with his worries. It seems like something: he comes to you to talk because he feels bad, and you don't know what to do and are like, "mgm, mgm, MMHHHM... care for tea??"
☆ ┈ He appreciates it anyway. It seems to me that in the case of Lloyd, you deliberately do not want to tell him about the prophecy, because you understand that for him it will be like a punch in the stomach. (I DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU DON'T LIKE NINJAS)
☆ ┈ Like, "Lol, he's cool, but what will he do to me? Maybe there's nothing wrong if he doesn't know about it."
☆ ┈ It seems to me that there are two possible scenarios. Either Wu or Garmadon somehow guess about the prophecy through hints, or you accidentally blab about it to Lloyd. Most likely the second one.
☆ ┈ I don't think I can describe it, because you could say it and after a couple of seconds immediately close your mouth, because you realize that you said it. And Lloyd heard you…
☆ ┈ I don't want to hurt Lloyd once again, because he's been through a lot already for the whole series, but he really feels bad after he found out about it.
☆ ┈ Does he need to fight you? Why? When? Is there any way to avoid this? Did he really mean something to you, or were you just studying him all this time?
☆ ┈ This is probably one of the rarest cases when you may be really embarrassed by the situation and you would try to comfort Lloyd.
☆ ┈ You are not doing well, but know that he is tense. If in the case of Garmadon he was a child and could easily be distracted by something else, now he is older, which means it will be more difficult for him to move away from this.
☆ ┈ Lloyd wants to deny the prophecy. Wants to, but it's hard for him. He is afraid that he will hurt you because you have become close to him, but he is also afraid of why he will have to fight you. Are you going to try to do something terrible? Will you betray him? Why does someone choose what to do for him again?!
☆ ┈ It shouldn't have come to this, but here we are. We can only wait to see how the prophecy ends…
☆ ┈ ..If it comes true at all.
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☆ ┈ It's very complicated with them..
☆ ┈ It's easier with Wu, he missed the old days when you were comrades, so he will soften towards you. Of course, he can hit you on the head with a staff so that you don't relax, but as long as you don't cause trouble, you're fine.
☆ ┈ The Garmadon is not happy about your return. Generally. Unlike Wu, he holds a grudge against you for abandoning them and leaving Garmadon alone while the evil in his blood drove him crazy.
☆ ┈ They have become more tolerant of you, but this does not mean that you can do whatever you want, especially if you have revealed a desire to live with them..There are special rules for you.
☆ ┈ To put it simply, many things are forbidden for you.
☆ ┈ Garmadon have monastery, as it was shown in the third season, and apparently he have a young students. I think, in his free time from training, you could have fun with them while Garmadon watches you from the side and rests.
☆ ┈ You often try to help them, even if it means bringing Wu his teapot from the other end of Ninjago, or checking on Lloyd on a mission because Garmadon is worried about him.
☆ ┈ By the way, I think the three of you will make a great trio in battle. I generally like the interactions of Wu and Garmadon when they are allies, and you could be the perfect complement.
☆ ┈ In this case, it is combined with Lloyd's hcs. In both cases, you are friends, and most likely Lloyd will tell them about the prophecy after you blabbed about it.
☆ ┈ I'll tell you right away, Garmadon is damn angry.
☆ ┈ He sees that Lloyd is having a hard time taking it, and is angry at you for not telling him or Wu anything. Yes, he hopes that the prophecy could have been avoided, but he is not sure when it will happen, and therefore does not know if it can be prevented.
☆ ┈ Wu feels regret. He remembers all of Lloyd's experiences, he was with him almost all his way, and now even more trials are being imposed on him.
☆ ┈ The two of them often started discussing this together, and finally realized that their father had left clues about the prophecy for them. And, well, guess who goes after it, telling the ninja team to watch you and not leave you alone with Lloyd?
☆ ┈ So, these two intend to do everything in their power to prevent the prophecy. And, unfortunately to you, without you.
🌤 — I'm so sorry this one take so much time, there were several reasons for the delay, some of them were health problems and writer's block, but I got better so I finished it :'э
🌤 — rlly hope that you'll like it. have a good day you all💌
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novelcain · 2 years
Okay, okay okay… I’ve had a little headcannon rattling around my head for awhile now…
Okay SO, Ao Lie is referenced as being a “young Dragon” right??
Well what if he’s actually the Dragon equivalent of a Teenager? Meaning he’s literally a traumatized child! (Because apparently his dad was totally okay with Ao being sentenced to death by the Jade dumb-dumb) and this realization makes reader unlock the most terrifying ability possible… Parental RAGE!! 😈
I could seriously imagine reader just going absolutely Apeshit on some poor soul, who thought they could get Tcherpitaka by targeting his “horse”.
She’s all like: “HOW! FUCKING! DARE YOU!!! You think it’s acceptable to attack kids!?! Do you! DO YOU!!! Well guess what pal, I’m gonna make sure you NEVER have children of your own!!”
The lowly demon: crying, shaking, and curled on the floor… “I-I’m s-sorry.. p-please, have m-mercy..”😭
Sun Wukong: … (possibly, slightly turned on)😏
Brought to you by the musings of a Pumpkin.. 🎃
I fucking love this headcanon. Your mind is a truly beautiful place Pumpkin.
Alternatively tho~ I see your reader threatening a random demon and raise you reader threatening Ao Run the Dragon King of the Western fuckin Sea:
It was no secret that after finding out that Ao Lie was essentially the dragon equivalent of a teenager you had become protective of the former death row convict. You couldn't believe that any parent would willingly send their child off to their demise over some property damage. Even if the property in question was a bunch of magical pearls.
Over time, you became something of a mother figure to the young dragon. Making sure he didn't overwork himself. Pushing him to pursue hobbies and further his education. And doting on him in general. Ao Lie soaked up every bit of praise and didn't miss a single opportunity to rub it in the other disciples' faces. Especially Wukong, who silently grew more and more jealous with every interaction between you and the prince. "Why the hell can't you stroke my fur like that," he'd pout quietly to himself.
And then one day, the group ended up in the Dragon Palace of the Western Sea, and all hell proceeded to break loose. The moment you laid eyes on the Dragon King himself you shouted, "YOU!"
"Oh no," lamented Tripitaka.
"You son of a bitch!" You pointed at Ao Run. Wukong slapped his hand over his mouth to stop from bursting out laughing while Tripitaka began to silently weep, both Bajie and Wujing gasped and stared wide eyed at you in disbelief, and Ao Lie's—who was in dragon form—jaw hit the floor.
"Pardon me—"
"Shut up," you cut off the king causing the massive dragon to scoff in indignation, and that sound alone made Wukong unable to hold his laughter back any further. Tripitaka let out a sob and fell to the floor with his head in his hands. Bajie ran to grab you. Wujing tried to apologize. Lie shrunk in on himself in look as small as possible, hoping to avoid his father's wrath.
"You bitches shut up too," you yelled at the gang and slapped Bajie across the face when he tried to clamp his hand over your mouth, "And don't touch me!"
At this point, Wukong was rolling on the floor as Bajie stumbled to hide behind Wujing while holding his abused cheek, and Tripitaka was praying to Buddha to be merciful to his soul when he meets his gruesome demise.
The young woman simply ignored her companions and proceeded to ring out the Dragon King of the Western Sea for his awful parenting methods for the next hour.
By the end, Ao Lie had begun crying and took a half human form to hug you. You gently patted the young prince on the back, glaring at his father, who was looking rather ashamed by now. The Dragon King hung his head while his entire court watched in awe as you chewed him out. The king wouldn't admit it, but you were getting heated to the point that he was worried you'd insure he'd never have another child to mistreat again.
Wukong had sat down to get a more comfortable view of the show but also to hide that he was just a little bit aroused by your protective nature. He couldn't help but wonder what your thoughts on children were.
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bilbo12 · 1 year
Wukong cares about people. Macaque isn't a saint.
Alright, I've wanted to write this for a while, so here I go. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any typos.
I've been watching so many fananimations of LEGO Monkie Kid. They're all gorgeous, top of the top, excellent, chef kiss and I'm glad the fandom seems to be growing every day.
But I HATE how so many people have portrayed Wukong as an asshole who doesn't care about anyone. Love the animations, they're great but I don't think Wukong is the villain people make him out to be.
Now don't get me wrong, Wukong has made many, many, many, mistakes throughout his life. The thing is, people don't seem to realize that while he messed up, his intentions were good! "Yeah, right, then how is he such a bad mentor?" I'm gonna shut you up right there.
When MK first got the staff, he didn't know how to use it, I agree with you. But Wukong is a milennia old stone monkey who has gone through a lot on his life, getting stronger and stronger with each fight.
"Pfft, what about DBK? You can handle it! Consider it a trial"
That's what he tells MK when said boy asks him what to do with DBK, because for Wukong that fight is easy. He then reassures him that with enough confidence in himself he could take him on. He trusted MK since the first moment and even told him to consider it as a trial. He was evaluating MK during his fight to make sure he had picked the right successor.
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And just in case and most probably noticing how nervous he was on his first fight, he kept an eye out on him to make sure to intervene in case MK needed help. Wukong already knew that MK was invincible before locking away some of his powers in the second episode, therefore he was confident that he would succeed. And even if he already knew he was going to defeat DBK, he still watched over him to make sure he wouldn't get hurt.
Following this battle, in the first episode "Bad Weather", MK doesn't call for Wukong's help. He's confronting Red Son when suddenly the staff acts on its own and takes him down to the ground and who appears afterwards? The Monkey King himself! Almost as if he had sensed that MK needed some help with defeating Red Son. Almost as if he had been the one to call for the staff so he could talk with his student. Again, he showed up on his own because he cares.
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"Then what about that time he abandoned him?"
He didn't abandon him. To abandon someone is to stop supporting them, to give up completely in someone. Monkey King knew that LBD was coming back but he didn't want either MK or his friends to get hurt.
He's used to doing things on his own! I mean, on JTTW Wukong was always sent ahead to see if there were any demons that would kidnap Tripitaka. And even though he warned his companions numerous times that there were demons under the disguise of innocent people, they wouldn't believe him. So why should he tell MK and his friends that there's an enemy approaching? Every time he had warned other people of other threats, they had never believed him, so why should MK be any different?
I think that's one of the reasons why he didn't even try to defend himself when Pigsy snapped at him. Because he's used to taking the blame. What's the point in trying to do something right if you're going to be blamed for everything going wrong, regardless of how much you try to make it okay? He even tries to keep helping MK through his training with the astral projection throughout the whole season!
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So, he searched for the map that would lead him to the rings of the Samadhi Fire, knowing full well that he could end up dying.
"This wasn't supposed to happen! I thought if I could somehow get the Samadhi Fire out of you, without hurting you of course, then I could put it inside myself. Then, I don't know, use it to burn up the Lady Bone Demon or something?"
Let's remember that while it's difficult to hurt Wukong, the Samadhi Fire is one of the powers that could actually kill him. He was willing to risk his life so he'd be able to save not only the whole world, but his friends as well. Do you realize how crazy that sounds? To be willing to give up his own life to save the Earth?
He even says that he wanted try to get the ring out of Mei without hurting her.
Would someone who didn't care about anyone try to make something as painless as possible for the victim? I don't think so.
Alright, let's focus on Macaque now for a bit.
My biggest beef with this guy is that some people seem to paint him as the misunderstood character who never did anything wrong because "Oh, my best friend abandoned me and woe is me!". Yuck.
While Macaque has many good reasons to be angry at Monkey King, that still doesn't give him the right to kidnap and trick MK. It doesn't give him the right to taunt him and make him feel like shit, nor the right to manipulate him and make him think that he's not a good successor.
"Well, you know what that means! There really isn't anything special about you. You're just some kid with a heavy stick!"
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Macaque knew that if he hurt MK, eventually Wukong would come out to save him, because he knows that he'll protect him. This is a little theory of mine, but Macaque manipulates shadows, right? Who knows how many times he's watched MK from them? Because I don't think his plan to steal MK's powers was something he thought of in just one minute. No, I'm pretty sure that plan took a while to be thought of.
"Ah, MK. You really are dense, aren't you? You saw a story about a hero who got handed everything? Who didn't have to work for anything? And you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn't care less about his friends. That's you, bud."
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He tricked him into sharing his insecurities, knowing full well that MK was vulnerable and stressed out about the whole LBD situation, then blamed him for not caring about his friends. He made him doubt whether he truly cares about his friends or not or whether he was even a good person.
And we all know how hard MK's worked to try to get control of his powers, especially after he lost them when LBD took away his staff. MK can be a lot of things: optimistic, a bit smug at times, a bit forgetful... But if there's one thing I'm sure of is that he worked hard to control his powers. He even asked Wukong to limit them so he could control them better, knowing that it'd be harder but he still did it.
And let's take into account that Wukong apologized to MK for how he acted towards him. Macaque, still to this day, hasn't apologized at all. And yet, he keeps mocking Wukong and saying he's the same old Wukong, while he himself is still stuck in the past.
I get that Macaque is angry at Wukong, I really do. But if he were really so angry against him, maybe he should've brought it to Wukong himself instead of using MK. He isn't a saint. He's made mistakes as well. These two are very complicated characters who have gone through a lot, but neither of them are blameless. Macaque isn't a saint, but he does care about some people. And although Wukong has made many mistakes, that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about other people.
Anyways, to finish it off, as MK once said:
"Uh, you know you two are the same, right?"
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pompomqt · 3 months
Journey to the West Chapter 46
When the King just wants these crazy powerful monks out of his city but Sun Wukong still has one more Daoist to kill:
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In this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest we continue our Monk Vs Daoist showdown. So lets get into it shall we?
We continue our story with the King very impressed by Wukong summoning the Dragon Kings, in fact he's all set to give them back their stamped travel papers, but the three immortals jump in and beg the king to let them challenge the monks again. This time to a meditation problem- which even the king points out shouldn't be to difficult for a monk. The Daoists explain that in this particular challenge they will have to ascend to the top of a raised altar with only the help of a cloud. The King thinks this sounds cool, so he asks the monks if they will accept the challenge.
Surprisingly Monkey doesn't immediately jump on board this new challenge to prove his superiority which even Pigsy takes notice of. Surprise, surprise, turns out it's because Monkey's ADHD ass can't sit still long enough to meditate. Tripitaka on the other hand can, in fact during his monk training he meditated for years, pity he can't fly though. Luckily Monkey has that part covered, so while Tripitaka volunteers for the challenge, Monkey makes a duplicate as a stand in, while he transforms his real body into a cloud to carry Tripitaka to the top of the altar. With that done he transforms into a mole cricket to watch the competition unfold with Pigsy.
The competition goes on for a while before Deer Immortal decides to give Tiger Immortal a helping hand by sabotaging Tripitaka. He borrows a trick from Monkey's book and transforms a piece of his hair into a bed bug and flicks it onto Tripitaka. Tripitaka starts squirming because of the itch, and Monkey realizes something must be wrong, because if Tripitaka said he could do this, then he definitely could. So Monkey flies up to take a look and notices the bed bug. He flicks it off and gives Tripitaka a few scritches for good measure. And since a bald monk head wouldn't get bed bugs naturally he assumes that the Daoist's must be cheating and decides to reply in kind. Monkey flies into the air before transforming into a giant centipede and drops down to land on and bite Tiger immortals face, which of course causes the Daoist to fall from his perch.
With yet another contest decided, the King once again tries to send the monks on their way, but is once again stopped by the Daoist's suggesting yet another competition. This time it's a guessing game, the queen will place a treasure inside of a chest and they will both try and guess what's inside. Tripitaka asks Monkey how they are supposed to do this, and Monkey just says to wait while he takes a look. So Monkey transforms into a mole cricket and sneaks inside the chest and finds a palace robe. Rather then just exiting the chest to tell Tripitaka however, Monkey spits a bit of blood onto them in order to transform them into a torn and worn out cassock. And then he pee's on it for good measure. Satisfied, Monkey exits the chest and tells Tripitaka to guess it is a warn out cassock.
Tripitaka is little wary to give such an answer but nevertheless after the Daoist's give their answer of it being a set of palace robes, Tripitaka replies as Monkey told him to. The King is so insulted by them insinuating that they have no treasure, and tries to have them arrested before even opening the chest. Thankfully Tripitaka is able to persuade the king to at least check first before having them arrested, so the king does so and is extremely surprised to find that they were right.
The King decides to try again, but this time he decides to personally place something in the box. So he goes to his garden and chooses a huge peach, before presenting the chest to the competitors to try again. So Monkey pulls the same trick again and sneaks inside the chest and is extremely pleased to find the peach. Monkey who has never needed an excuse to devour an important peach, takes the excuse anyways and eats the whole thing leaving only the pit behind. One tasty snack later and Monkey returns to Tripitaka and tells him to guess a peach pit.
Tripitaka is once again wary about giving such an answer, but he trusts Monkey not to steer him wrong. So after the Daoist's give their answer of a peach, Tripitaka gives his guess of a peach pit. The King of course once again tries to declare the Daoist's the winner, since he placed the peach inside the box himself, but Tripitaka persuades him yet again to at least fact check first. So the king opens the box and is yet again surprised to find that the monks are right. The King is thoroughly freaked out at this point and begs the Daoist's to just drop the matter since clearly the monks have some kind of divine power on their side.
The Daoist's however want to give it one last try. They suggest to the king that the monks can only remove non living items, so this time they place a Daoist youth inside the chest and order the Monks to guess again. This time when Monkey sneaks inside the chest he transforms himself into one of the Daoist elders and persuades the youth to try and trick those no-good monks, by transforming into a monk in order to throw them off. So the Daoist agree's and lets Monkey shave his head and transform his clothes. Monkey also gives him a few other monk like accessories and tells him to only leave the box if someone calls for a monk. Also in order to really sell it he should chant the name of Bhudda.
Daoist youth thoroughly persuaded, Monkey leaves the chest and tells Tripitaka to guess it's a monk. And for the first time Tripitaka is perfectly fine with this answer, since it's actually a treasure in his book. And sure enough the Daoist's try and call out the Daoist youth only for him not to respond, but once Tripitaka guess's it's a monk, the youth comes right out, in full monk swag and chanting the name of Buddha.
The King thinks that settles that, and these monks definitely have some serious divine power, and really just wants to let them go now. The Daoist's however have one last competition they want to try. Turns out the 'Immortal' in their names isn't just for show, since they do possess a few tricks along that line. See, these Daoist immortals have learned how to survive having their heads cut off, their hearts removed, and being boiled in oil, and they are eager to see if these Monks can do the same.
Unsurprisingly Monkey is much more on board with this challenge then the meditation one, and is roaring to go show off how indestructible he is. So Monkey brags to the King that he's learned the art of head cutting, and has been waiting for an opportunity to try it out, so he would love to go first. So the king has the execution site prepared, while Tripitaka warns monkey to please be careful. Monkey brushes Tripitaka off and goes right to the chopping block, and has the executioner chop his head off and kick it away. However no blood comes out of his neck and a voice coming from his stomach calls for his head to return.
This freaks out the Deer Immortal, so he summons two minor gods and bribes them to help him by holding Monkey's head down. Which, yikes, they are probably gonna wanna scram after this before Monkey finds out, he's threatened to beat gods to death for a lot less after all. Anyways, unable to summon back his head, Monkey simply summons a new one. While Monkey lavishes in the attention from his fellow disciples and master, the king tries to give them their travel papers yet again so they'll get out of his hair. However Monkey insists that the Daoist's take their turn on the chopping block first. As is only fair.
So now it's Tiger Strength Immortal's turn on the chopping block, and sure enough once his head is cut off, Tiger Immortal tries calling it back. And just like what the Immortals tried to do to him, Sun Wukong takes certain measures to stop that from happening. So Monkey transforms one of his hairs into a dog, and has the dog drop the head into a nearby moat. And apparently Tiger Immortal is weaksauce and can't even grow a new head like any self respecting real immortal, so soon enough blood spurts from his neck, and he dies. Transforming into a headless yellow tiger. Plot twist...?
Anyways some officials go to the King and tell him what happened. And while the King side eyes his to remaining immortals they rush to assure him that the monks must be using some illusion magic or something to make him look like a Tiger. Anyways they must avenge their fallen brother! The contest continues! This time it's the disembowelment thing. Which Monkey is also thrilled to try out, since he's been having a stomachache lately, so this is excellent timing.
So Monkey goes up on the executioner block and slices his chest and stomach wide open. And just to show off, he makes a show of taking out his organs one by one and examining them before putting them back and healing himself back up. More frightened then ever the King tries yet again to get these monks out of his kingdom, but Monkey isn't leaving until an Immortal tries this gut removal thing to.
So now it's Deer Strength Immortal's turn. He goes to the executioner block and slices himself open and removes his guts just like Monkey did. However before he can put them back, Monkey transforms one of his hairs into a hawk to steal the guts and Prometheus this dude. Sure enough these immortals can't seem to grow shit back so Deer Strength Immortal dies and... turns into a white deer. I'm sensing a pattern here. Anyways, apparently Goat Strength doesn't know when to quit when they're behind because he demands Monkey try the oil bath thing.
Monkey is on board with this plan, an oil bath sounds rather refreshing at the moment, he even asks if they want him to strip for it or not. Goat Immortal is worried that Monkey's clothes might be oil resistant or something, so they are going to have this contest in the nude. So Monkey happily strips down and jumps right into the prepared boiling oil. While Monkey is happily frolicking around in the oil, he see's Pigsy whispering to Sandy. Pigsy is actually just commenting on Monkey's abilities, but Monkey assumes he must be mocking him.
So Monkey decides to prank him back, by transforming into a tack and sinking to the bottom to disappear. So an officer declares Wukong dead and tells the King, who is delighted that the scary monk is finally dead. He tells them to remove Monkey's bones so he can see it, however even with a strainer there are no bones to catch. So they just assume he melted completely, and the King orders the arrest of rest of them.
Before they can arrest them however, Tripitaka asks for a moment to mourn his lost disciple. The King is moved by Tripitaka's loyalty, and grants his request. So Tripitaka gives Wukong a very sweet eulogy, and Pigsy of course ruins the moment by yelling that Wukong is a deep fried BanHorse Plague. This works to offend Monkey into revealing that he's not actually dead, as he transforms back just to yell at him.
So the officers report that Monkey is actually alive, but the guy who first made the report is worried that he'll be punished for giving a false report, so he just says that Monkey is actually a ghost. So Monkey decides the best way of proving that he's not actually a ghost is to, get dried off and dressed, and then kill that guy. After all could a ghost do all that? Anyways the king is thoroughly cowed at this point and wants to just let this go, but Monkey insists that it's Goat Immortal's turn in the oil bath.
So Goat Strength Immortal begins taking his oil bath, and nothing interesting happens, so Monkey investigates and finds the oil cold to the touch. Figuring that a dragon king must be giving the Daoist a hand, Monkey calls up one of the Dragon Kings and demands he explain himself. The Dragon King explains that the Goat Immortal managed to cultivate a cold dragon for himself, but nevertheless the Dragon King has the cold dragon arrested. And without the cold dragon, the oil begins to properly boil, killing Goat Strength Immortal in the process. And with that the chapter ends with the King being bummed that all his immortal Daoist's are dead.
Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague), The Great Sage Equal To Heaven and Pilgrim Sun. Immortality: 5 + 94,000 years Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils, intimidating horses, churning large bodies of water, sleeplessness, seizing the wind, enhanced smell, discerning good and evil within a thousand miles, Spirit Summoning, lock picking, object transformation, distance reduction, vanishing in a flash of light and super healing. Demon Kill Count: 9+ Unknown Number of Minions Human Kill Count: 1009 God's Defeated: 22 + Unknown number Defeats: 5 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official, Treason, attempted murder, failure to control or report a dangerous fire, desecrating a corpse, breaking and entering, trespassing, violating Tree Law, looting corpses, trading counterfeit goods, criminal threat, animal abuse, Assisting or Instigating Escape, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption. Cry Count: 7 + 3 fake cries Mountains Trapped Under: 4
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka and the Tang Monk Abilities: Curing Blindness, making branches point a certain direction (allegedly), reciting sutras, pretty privilege, memorization, Heart Sutra and Meditation. Cry Count: 21 Tight Fillet Spell Uses: 31 Paralyzed by fear: 5 Bandit Problems: 2 Kidnapped by demons: 6 Falling Off Horses: 8
Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), Prince of the Western Ocean, and third prince jade dragon of the dragon king Aorun Abilities: Transforming into a human, a water snake, and a horse, eating a horse in one bite, flight, Magic of Water Restriction, Singing, and Sword Dancing. Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience. Contributions to the plot: 2
Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability), Zhu Ganglie, Pigsy, Idiot and Eight Rules. Weapon: Rake Abilities: 36 Transformations, parting water, fighting underwater, cloud soaring, size enhancement and CPR Demon Kill Count/Kill steals: 2 Kidnapped by Demons: 3 Human Kill Count: 1 Failed Flirtation/romances Attempts: 3 Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment, Murder, Kidnapping, arson, defamation, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption
Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), Sandy and Sha Monk Weapon: Monster Taming Staff Abilities: Fighting underwater and Cloud soaring. Demon Kill Count: Unknown number of minions. Kidnapped by Demons: 2 Human Kill Count: 1 Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, desecration of a human corpse, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption
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ohnoanalien · 1 year
All You Need to Do Is Ask
Hi! I'm back, kind of!
I was planning to not post to keep the bots away-- but @hcdragoncat is an awesome writer, and @journey-to-the-au is awesome in general! I got inspired by this drabble based on the What If AU.
It might also be because the SEM posts are destroying me and I need some fluff, comfort, and humor (or at least, I tried). I see your ':)' and I know I'm in for a bad time. Pray for me before I strangle a myth from a 16th century book. ❤️
Regardless, thanks for being amazing writers! You're awesome!
"Absolutely not."
"Baije, please-- ow-- don't worry yourself. I'll be fine."
Haarini pleaded to no avail. Pushing her back down with stubborn hooves, the pig demon reached for a small bundle. All the while, Pilgrim silently picked at his meal from afar.
"Ah, but you seem to forget." Garnet eyes examined a swollen ankle, reaching for a roll of gauze. "I was once a farmhand. Injuries like these are terrible if left untreated."
"You can't just assume--" Pigsy's sharp glare met hers, cutting her thorny words at the stem.
"Tell me. How many years did you spend outside your temple, honing your survival skills?" He moved to wipe a stinging cut on her cheek. "Because I can assure you that, when you are a wanderer, pain endurance isn't a requirement."
From beside the campfire, Sha Wujing's eyes traveled from Haarini's bloodthirsty scowl to Pilgrim's endless shivering. With gentle footsteps, the demon sat down beside him, nudging him with a large shoulder.
"You're eating very slowly. Is everything alright, my friend?"
No response. The eldest disciple sniffled, rubbing a flushed nose.
"Wukong?" The monk asked again.
Ao Lie raised his head.
Zhu Baije and Haarini stopped their bickering. Their eldest disciple finally looked up, startling when he was met with a sea of curious eyes.
"Do I have something on my face?" The stone monkey chuckled nervously.
"Well, no." Wujing hummed to himself, "You just seem-- oh, what's the word--"
"Distracted." Tripitaka furrowed his brow from his spot under a tree. "Absent-minded. Weak."
Weak. Weak?
In an instant, Wukong's fur puffed at the accusation.
"Master, you forget that our eldest disciple can’t possibly weaken. He's immortal several times over! He's probably just cold from his little dip in the river." Zhu Baije snorted.
"He's right, Master! I'm p-perfectly..." A raspy breath hitched.
Haarini frowned, pushing herself to her feet. "Wukong, what’s going–"
A loud sneeze rumbled through the night air, fire flickering at the force of it. Dazed and confused, the pilgrims surfaced from the shock, ears still ringing. The deity's face reddened through his fur, hovering a paw over his nose. 
"Excuse me. I– snff! I need to go…patrol the area." He mumbled. And with that, the great sage was gone.
"...Should we go after him?" Wujing finally piped up.
Haarini took her time limping through the mountain path. She was insistent on checking first-- despite the group’s overflowing concerns.
"Please do not search for too long." Tripitaka guided her towards the brush that circled their little safe haven, "You might exacerbate your sprain."
"And watch for roots." Zhu Baije examined her wrappings…again. "Tripping over anything in your condition would make things much worse."
"And please be aware of your surroundings." Wujing added, hands wringing. "If a demon attacks, we wouldn't want you to fight alone. So remember to ask for help when you need it, okay?"
Haarini's eye twitched. "Anyone else want to give me advice that I already know?"
Like clockwork, the youngest disciple whinnied. The warrior threw her head back, glaring up at the moon. "Thank you Ao Lie. Very helpful."
The forest itself was much better company, lively with conversation. Owls hooted. Crickets chirped. Haaniri stepped from the dapples of moonlight into a wide meadow, its rolling garden seeming to stretch on for miles. Fireflies gracefully floated above the flowers, flickering in the dark like embers on the wind.
A coughing fit broke the peace, and Haarini couldn't help the giggle that passed her lips. The Monkey King was never one for stealth, was he? She carved her way through the tall grass and up to a familiar patch of golden fur. 
And there sat her patient, sniffling and rubbing at his face.
Haarini frowned. Was. Was he crying? Is that why he was so quiet? Is that why he refused to come near us? Is he too prideful to face his friends?
The langur paused. She steeled herself, a nimble paw reaching out to his shoulder.
And then all chaos broke loose.
The Monkey King sneezed. She screamed. He yelped. They scrambled backwards, perched on all fours and fur puffed like feral cats. For just a moment they were frozen in time, backs arched, staring wide eyed between a storm of windswept petals.
"...We’re going back." Haarini said flatly, loosening up to pick freckles of pollen from her fur.
"I’m fine."
"I am! Don’t you trust your Grandpa Sun?"
The langur sighed, moving to sit beside him. "Do you know how stubborn you are?"
Wordlessly, ruby eyes traveled to her ankle. Haarini scoffed, tail blocking its view with a silver swish. "Th-that’s not the same!" She huffed, arms crossed.
"I see." Wukong wheezed out a chuckle-- which spiraled into a coughing jag. Blood boiled under his dear friend’s fur. Golden eyes narrowed. 
Fine. If the idiot wasn't going to help himself, she'd just have to do it for him.
All too suddenly Haarini hissed in pain, reaching to clutch her ankle. And as she predicted, the deity immediately leaned forward, ignoring his own state. He suppressed a shiver. She fought the urge to strangle the immortality out of him.
"Will you stop that? I said I'm fine!" Haarini grasped at his cheeks to push him away.
Her friend immediately obliged, concern weighing heavily on his drooping shoulders.
“What a terrible illness. His mind must be half-melted by now…" The patient muttered, flexing her fingers.
"What was that?"
"Oh! Sorry. Just mumbling to myself, that’s all. Being treated in the presence of a king must have rattled my nerves quite a bit." She threw a wrist over her forehead, shooting him a teasing smirk.
A snort broke the monk’s worry, and Haarini couldn't help but mirror his laughter as he sprung back to life. Wukong scooched just a little closer, emerald grass pooling at his waist. "Oh, I completely understand. After all, you are in the presence of someone so great."
As he tried to calm his giggling Haarini leaned on her elbows, scanning every inch of his body. "The long walk here hasn’t done me any favors either. Would you mind...?" She extended her leg.
Without hesitation, Wukong rolled up his sleeves.
Then cracked his knuckles.
Then cracked his neck.
Haarini raised a bushy brow.
“What?” The Monkey King sniffed, nose in the air, “I’m just preparing.” And with that, he began to message a twisted ankle.
The langur hummed, a round ear flicking absent-mindedly as she dipped lower. "You know, I was wondering. You can't swim without sinking. Why jump into a river to save me from drowning?" 
For just a second, the deity’s carefree smile bent. "Come now, you’ve traveled with me long enough! Any challenge I've faced is just flimsy kindling in my hands. This was nothing! A fluke! A bump in the road!"
Another sniffle.
"But you could have easily let Sha Wujing do the honors. Or Zhu Baije. Or a barely sturdy tree branch.” Haarini said with a sigh of irritation.
The Monkey King’s face grew hot with embarrassment, but her thoughts marched on.
"It. I just. If there's anything wrong. If...if I did something wrong--" All concerns flipped on their side as the great sage’s lower back twitched, unable to stop a pitiful whimper from slipping out.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Last chance, dumbass.
"Don't worry! Don't worry! As I said, I'm perfectly well, th-thank you." Wukong's voice crackled, and he paused to rub at an aching throat. He gazed down at the flora beneath him, feeling its soft strokes between his claws. "Don’t assume, my friend. You didn't do anything wrong. It's hard to explain. Your presence is like...sitting under the cool shade on a hot day. Or the warmth of a snowy hot spring. I feel...relief around you. And I don’t want to lose something so precious."
"Tail's not moving at all..."
"Ugh! Forget it!" The king scratched at his scalp as he turned back to his patient-- just missing the way Haarini straightened like a ruler.
"Noted.” She agreed to the unknown, one-sided conversation with every bit of false confidence that she could muster. “Before I head back to our camp and leave you be, can I ask for one more favor? It's nice and painless this time, I promise." She implored.
"Of course." Wukong smiled, looking like he was one slight twitch from passing out in a fit of pain. "Anything for you."
She gently slapped a paw to his cheek, all innocent mannerisms dropping.
"You need to lie down before your injury gets worse."
Sun Wukong blinked slowly, eyes dull and glazed over. “...Excuse me?"
"Oh, don't give me that!" Her touch moved back to his forehead, "Your fever is most likely from an infected wound, as well as exhaustion from so much moving around."
"I'm-- snff-- I'm fi--" He stumbled, rubbing his eyes to clear a dizzy spell. Haarini immediately took the chance to crawl along the king’s back, lifting his robes, and he quickly sobered with a mortified squeak.
"Just as I thought." A puffy gash trailed down his back, blood matting his ginger fur. "For gods' sake, there's still grime stuck in the damn thing!"
Surprise turned to anger, and the immortal whipped his head around. Offense and shock pierced through the langur like arrows. Nonetheless she persisted, circling The Monkey King and toeing the line that could easily yank her down to the bottom layers of Diyu.
"Oh I know your type well." She growled. A silver claw poked him over and over, forcing him to stumble backwards. "Unwilling to admit weakness, unwilling to communicate, unwilling to keep yourself safe because-- despite your strength and cunning-- you believe yourself to be perfect and flawless and never make a single mistake!"
Wukong couldn’t help but flinch in pain as his back hit a tree, pinned to the wall by a single finger.  "And of course immortality is an incredible power to wield, but it’s also completely useless if you spend an eternity unable to walk! So please, for my sake, stop pretending you're so invincible and let me help you already!"
The world paused. Fireflies danced over a pair of flushed faces. And ever-so-slowly, Haarini pulled away. 
"I'm not very good at being subtle, am I?" She moaned, pressing a palm to her head.
"Maybe a little." Wukong trilled, wincing at a searing heat that shot up his spine.
Haarini opened her mouth for another lecture– blinking in surprise when the Monkey King obediently took a seat on a nearby rock. 
"I don't suppose you brought any medicine...with..." He gasped, and Haarini’s paws flew up to her ears before they could burst.
“...ow.” Cracking a cautious eye open, Pilgrim felt a handkerchief press into his lap.
"Maybe let's start with this." Haarini chuckled, whacking his shoulder with a snowy tail. "You need it more than I do."
Her ankle throbbed. She shifted from foot to foot, snowy tail extending as she tried not to fall. But a gentle arm wrapped around her back, and a warm side pressed against her own.
For a body made of boulders, his skin was surprisingly soft.
"If I ask my master for help, will you promise to stay off your feet for a few days?" Wukong smiled sheepishly under half-soaked fabric.
A giggle brushed his ears like swaying wind chimes. 
“We really are a wreck, aren’t we? Ahahaha!” Through her wobbling Haarini returned the favor, pulling her monk ever closer. "Alright, alright. Anything for you."
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lmk-aus-galore · 5 months
Lmao, for sure. I mean, "he became a deeply protective and caring creature" or whatever they said in Roast of the Monkie Kids, and I sat there like....you mean. you mean the guy Tripitaka often agreed with, *insert some allegorical thing for persuasions of the heart, and that post on their similar nature* the one who get getting Wukong in trouble and stole fights at the end? Mmm, yeah he would push you off a cliff. But bc he's different here, we're contractually obliged (not personally, but when discussing objectively in fandom) to acknowledge those differences. I dislike JTTW Tripitaka, but I understand he's a different dude here. Also woah, didn't know that was something Tripitaka got hate for??? Most Wukong fans I hang around tend to like him. But 100% its genuinely funny Macaque gets the "bUT in jtTW" treatment bc in any other fandom it would never happen. But maybe its exactly because he clicks all the boxes of the fandom's villain fav that there's this push and pull to balance what someone thinks is a "lack of criticism" so they turn to the book and say "well if this was the BOOK he wouldn't be as popular" that is, of course, besides the people who genuinely have their lore all mixed up and with full confidence throw out incorrect facts. Also ughh, Macaque and the monkeys is one of my favorite running gags in this show and I really hope you're right because that means he maaaaay have been there during the Burning of Flower Fruit Mountain, if they keep that in since Erlang Shen is in the show. And it's right after the LBD incident. And yes, it's quite possible. To add on to your points, Wukong says "its time to give back what you stole" in s1 ep 9 and this show loves its parallels. Macaque's eye twitches then, and I wouldn't be surprised if he said that in their 2nd fight as he also stole their supplies. Oooh that IS interesting, I thought the fire sealing happened after the journey. I know a few people theorized that this was an AU where the circlet got taken off sooner, makes you wonder why? Honestly yeah, if they actually grew to get along then makes a whole lotta sense why Wukong would be upset. There's a thousand layers of tragic, because Imma be honest. I really struggle to see Macaque as being possessive or jealous. He'd going to need a serious trigger to do that, and it would have to be either serious resentment over Wukong not being there (FFM burning) or "Because normally you just RUSH to my rescue." being internalized and acted upon when "Monkey! No violence!" happens. The 1st fight def haunts him as it haunts Wukong bc we see him say "I need to stop dragging you into my mess" post s3. "But no! Wukong doesn't listen to anyone, doing whatever he wants and dragging everybody into his mess." Their fight drives me insane bc for the life of me, I can't imagine what motivates Wukong to throw shade like "always had a sidekick kind of vibe." and "on brand for you to have a worse version of everyone else's powers" and "that's a relief. I thought it was somebody important." or why Macaque wanted to kill him so bad "its going to be soo satisfying killing you with your own powers" why always the power reference? because all this over the MONK??? Nah. What caused them to spit hypothetical vitriol in mystery fight 2 so bad their relationship fractured into this. "It's great to see ya, bud!" being mocked again that time implies their 2nd fight had a heavy connection in bringing up the 1st as well if Mac is literally resurrected bothered over it instead of fight number two. "Looks like our own friend, the Lady Bone Demon" (s3 ep 1??) is ALSO weird af phrasing, because it sounds like Macaque was there during the LBD fight when we know he wasn't..........right? with the close timeline of events and her involvement in Mac's revival + the Diyu also freeing Azure + both of them initially hating Wukong, makes you wonder if its orchestrated to get back at him, like literally every villain thus far. Maybe for erasing his name from the book of life and death?
Especially with the trailer out.
I have a feeling the 10 kings are covering up their crime of releasing Azure and blaming it at Wukong.
Which despite it not at all being his fault, there’s too much evidence against him that unfortunately frames him as the one who released Azure or something…especially since all 10 kings are in a position of power.
Maybe this Season is more on trying to prove Wukong is innocent or something?
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WHAT ON EARTH IS UP with the fandom and not understanding friendship bonds? First Wukong and Tripitaka, and now Wukong's relationship with the main gang (not counting Mk) is being seen as Wukong desperately trying to make friends with ppl who don't want to be his friend WHICH IS FALSE ON SO MANY LEVELS THAT IT'S ACTUALLY INSULTING.
I'm THIS close to trapping you all UNDER A MOUNTAIN.
Did Wukong make mistakes? Yes.
Sandy already saw Wukong as a goof friend since the beginning, he made that one clear ever since he fully believed Wukong wouldn't just randomly steal immortal peaches.
Amnesia rules was when Pigsy and Tang had their bonding episode with Wukong, and in the end of it Pigsy said that Wukong isn't a bad mentor for Mk after all and Tang even hugged the monkey with tears in his eyes when they brought back his memories. Sure Pigsy was still distrustful, especially with Wukong talking about the rings, but his comment on Wukong's mentorship hasn't changed.
Mei and Wukong had a rough start I'll give you that, and it's easy to understand why, but people are forgetting that SHE LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT HE IS HURTING THE ONES THAT CARE ABOUT HIM MOST. KEYWORD, "CARE ABOUT HIM MOST". Meaning they care A HELLA ALOT ABOUT HIM.
Yes do they call him out sometimes on things? yes. Does that make them any less friends with him? NO, NOT ONE BIT. Being friends doesn't exempt someone from being free from their problems and mistakes, just because you are friends doesn't mean everything gets pushed under the rug. Being friends is knowing about these problems and mistakes, but choosing to stay anyway because you know they are a good person that can slip up sometimes like everyone else, AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE GANG DOES WITH WUKONG.
Here's a funny lil teeny tiny thing that really makes this interesting is that- THEY LITERALLY WENT TOGETHER TO SAVE WUKONG FROM THE SCROLL. And do you wanna know what happened while they were IN the scroll? Together they established the fact that not only did the past gang see Wukong as a friend, with each giving him a shoulder pat of reassurance, but they also showed how they are not only part of the current current gang, but that the current gang backed up Wukong and stood by his side BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS. And Wukong already has trust issues with making friends already because bro had past terrible relationships until the JTTW gang, and in that moment of reassurance from both his old friends and his new one's Wukong said "I won't let some curse bully me or my friend a second longer!" And that was the first time he really called them friends and they all worked together to stop the ink demon. The beautiful moment established the fact that they are all close friends.
And do you wanna know what sealed the deal on this? The big home run? At the end of the season 4 special, they all celebrated by having a beach party together, and do you know what they did right as Wukong showed? EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM GAVE HIM A SMILE, A GENUINE AND HAPPY SMILE.
Are they all perfect? No. Do they still have some things to work out? Yes. Are they all friends anyway? YES. Actually no, even more than that, THEY ARE *FAMILY*. Families and friendships aren't always going to be perfect, but that doesn't mean the friendship isn't there at all. The gang all sick together despite their flaws and few mistakes made not because they are forced too, but because THEY CARE ABOUT EACHOTHER AS FAMILY.
And THAT is what makes true friendship. That's how the current gang Wukong has befriended are ALL HIS BEST BUDS.
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googleitlol · 1 year
Now I wanna share more so here’s another blurb from my jttw x reader, thinking of calling it Little Dove but that’s just a placeholder rn
I’ve never rlly written a dynamic that begins so… aggressively before, so it’s been rlly fun writing the beginning bits where Reader straight up despises Sun Wukong. I’ll probably do another post for this fic explaining why Reader (or Dove) hates him so much, so if anyone wants to know more, lmk!
(This takes place just after SWK has been freed)
Dove Masterlist:
This river would be perfect for finding the right materials. Once you can see a suitable clump of reeds by the river, you turn back to begin your harvest. Alone at last, you're finally able to feel a semblance of peace. The moon reflecting over the great body of water, a soft breeze carrying through the air, tonight might prove to be the first calm night in weeks of travel.
The family that let you and your traveling companions stay the night truly seem to be kind people, they were quite considerate when realizing your group are strictly vegetarian. It also felt amazing when you were able to properly bathe yourself again. Not that you aren't used to spending days in the wilderness, but it was certainly a welcome change of pace to have proper shelter for the night.
You start snapping the reeds out of the ground, checking the first one to see if it was the right width for an arrow before continuing your harvest. You carried no extra arrowheads, but you were certain you could worry about that later. For now, these reeds would work as good arrow shafts.
Normally, you would collect your own arrows after a fight. But that just wasn't possible in the midst of the chaos of that demon attack. There were too many of them to kill them all, and with Tripitaka's horse taking off with the monk, all you could do was leave the arrows behind. Luckily, you still have a few left over, but it isn't enough.
After taking a sizeable amount of reeds, you follow the river downstream for some time. It didn't take long for you to find a rock large enough to sit on while you work. Setting the reeds by your feet, you take out your bow to help measure how long to make the arrows. Taking a seat, you take one of the reeds in your hold, drawing the soon-to-be-shaft and taking mental note of the length.
"Do you ever sleep?"
The voice from behind makes you jump out of your skin, though the following snicker quickly helps to ground you.
Turning back, you see Sun Wukong leaning against one of the trees lining the shore of the river. "I mean, you've made it very clear that you're mortal. Rest is important for those of you that can die, right?" One might think his words came from actual concern if not for the smirk on his face stretching from ear to ear. "I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm immortal. But you knew that already, didn't you?"
He has no idea how infuriating he is.
You swiftly turn back to face the river after seeing who's with you. "Done showing off your new garments to your master?"
"Can’t I accompany you? You’re not the only one who can become a bird." His reply was casual, as though he didn't sense your blatant hostility. You know he does, but he acts oblivious to it. Maybe that's the point, a method to aggravate you further. So much for that peaceful alone time.
Now with more annoyance than before, you begin snapping the reeds to the length needed. Silence falls over the two of you as you work, which you might almost be grateful for… if not for the monkey's overbearing presence that had moved to be just over your shoulder.
Taking out your knife, you begin notching the arrows shafts, doing your best to ignore the occasional brush of a tail over your arm. It was easy at first to call them accidental little grazes as his tail never seemed to stop swaying. However, it was starting to grow harder when it kept happening. Tapping your nose was the final straw.
"Can I help you?!" Your head swivels back to face the monkey, the same shit-eating grin resting on his face.
Despite the clear aggression in your tone, a laugh is his first response. "What are you doing?"
The question makes you roll your eyes. His tone is condescending, his smile doing nothing to hide the mock in his voice. "I need arrows, what does it look like I'm doing?" Part of you can’t help but wonder, would his teeth get replaced if you knocked them out? If he's immortal, would they come back or would he remain teeth-less? One could only wish for the latter.
The Monkey King strolls over to face you now, his hands behind his back. "Oh, I know. What I meant to say is, why? Didn’t you hear what I told Master? Don’t you know how powerful I am?” He gestures to himself, getting much too close as he continues to blabber. “You don’t have to worry your pretty little head anymore. Just curse me out from the safety of Master’s shoulder. Your insults will keep me entertained.”
“You pompous—!” You stop yourself before you can go any further, the iron grip on you knife tightening as it points towards the ape. The smug look on his face tells you all you need to know. He wants you to get riled up, like he said. He has to be bored out of his mind, being ‘converted’ and forced to help Tripitaka. So instead of plundering villages or whatever it is that he did before his punishment under the mountain, he’s playing with you.
Closing you eyes, you let out a deep sigh. If that’s how he wants to play it, then so be it. “Why are you here, Sun Wukong?” You ask, your expression returning to its neutral state from before.
The demon raises a playful brow, finally stepping back to allow for some of your personal space back as he hummed in faux thought. “Master seems to like you— I don’t really see why— but when you left, I thought what a shame it’d be if you were snatched or eaten in the middle of the night.” He shrugs absentmindedly before his eyes narrow. “Then again, who knows? It might be fun to watch.”
You let out a dry chuckle at that, inspecting your handiwork as he turns to look out over the water. “Trust me, simian, I am plenty capable of caring for myself.”
“Is that how you ended up under me that day in the Jade Palace?” He snickers, and it takes everything not to snap at the comment.
“You mean how I distracted you long enough for the thunder deities to arrive, and eventually the Buddha himself?” Collecting your arrow shafts, you rise to your feet. “It was never my goal to beat you. I’ve been taught to know the difference between fights I can and cannot win. Your power is the only reason I can stomach you being here.”
Laughter ripples from his chest, the monkey turning to approach you once more. “Aww, what a good little student you are. Is that why you’re so uptight all the time? You’re a teacher’s pet?” Despite his demeanour and mocking tone, you stand tall as he circles to your other side, his back now facing the woods that line the river.
With an uncaring expression, you study the monkey’s face. Brow raised cockily, smile accompanied with teeth that are bared. His body language, arms crossed and posture tall. “You may be immortal, Sun Wukong, but everything is temporary.”
He lets out another huff of amusement. “Is that a threat, Dove?”
“A lesson I’ve been taught again and again.” You raise your brows with an uncaring smile. “You might have eternal life, monkey, but you won’t last on this journey.” You lean closer, voice just a whisper. “So I’ll be there to watch the moment you mess up.”
With a little hmmph, you move past the Monkey King. “And I’ll enjoy it.”
With your final words, you take your materials to work elsewhere, leaving the Monkey King by the water to digest your words. He turns to watch you stalk off into the woods, frowning with a smile. One could only know it was forced if they noticed the twitch at the corner of his mouth.
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broke-art · 1 year
How about a prompt (one shot or head canon, your choice) for wukong and Macaque with a S/O (platonic) who is an introverted pacifist (most of the time) but if provoked can show a display of power rivaling the monkey king.
I think I'll aim for a head cannon though that would be fun to write about when I get a bit more time!
Sun Wukong :
Wukong would probably be chill with a pacifist I mean after all Tripitaka was one. He'd allow them their preferences but still tease them pretty often. I personally believe Sun Wukong (to some degree) can sense power so assuming he could sense you had some power he might be curious, but I doubt he'd actually push it unless withholding said power was painful to you.
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After you had displayed your abilities however, you could definitely expect soooo much more teasing. He'd likely try to see just how much you've got.
Macaque :
Macaque would understand that your a pacifist but it certainly wouldn't stop him from finding your boundaries. He'd want to know just what exactly it took to get you to react. Though hurting his friends would certainly be off the table, pushing them out of their comfort zone in order to teach them certainly wouldn't be.
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Once he actually saw you use your abilities, he'd probably ease up a bit on pushing you. After all, he never thought Wukong (his brother) wouldn't hurt him, but pushing him a little too far was how he lost an eye.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
So technically, buddhist monks are not supposed to marry or have romantic or sexual relationships. Normally, the fact Wukong has a mate and is traveling with him while he is acting as a pilgrim under the tutelage of a buddhist monk would automatically disqualify him from enlightenment and break his oaths...
Luckily for him, Macaque is a master at loopholes, and Wukong never actually swore to become Buddhist, merely that he'd protect and learn from one. It also helps that his Master fully supported the relationship, Tripitaka had never thought he'd see his mot troubling pilgrim so happy and affectionate even after all those years and meeting his family on FFM
Tbf the Gautama Buddha was married (Yaśodharā) and had son (Rahula). He straight up abandoned them shortly after his son was born in his quest for enlightenment. His wife became a female arhat but never forgave him for abandoning her and their child.
Wukong having his Egg, and having a partner who abandoned him, accidentally makes him a mirror to the Buddha's wife. Except unlike the Enlightened One; Macaque came back and stayed.
Wukong technically not promising to be a monk is hilarious to me, since while he might not be a "true" buddha - he'd be considered a Bodhisattva/Demi-God like dear mama Guanyin. The "Victorious Fighting Bodhisattva" if you will.
Also him, Bajie, Wujing, and Ao Lie frequently break Buddhist no-nos throughout the book. There's a scene during the Dr Sun Wukong chapter where the Tripitaka straight up tells his diciples to get drunk in his place.
Also dont tell me that Bajie wouldn't put up a fight over the rules about not eating onions or garlic (apparently monks arent allowed cus it "produces hormones" aka makes you flirty). He'd pout harder over onions more than meat.
Macaque would straight up refuse any buddhist titles if offered at the end of the Journey. Get that out of his face. He's just Macaque. He learned his lesson back when he tried calling himself "Great Sage Informing Wind". I love the thought of him pulling out reciepts in case anyone tries arguing that Wukong is breaking buddhist vows.
Tripitaka is a poor celibate monk/divine-bug dealing with a pair of diciples in permanent honeymoon-mode for the next 14-17 years. And he thought dealing with Bajie's lustful nature was bad enough, now he has to deal with the Pig's drunken, envious wails for his own spouse to come smooch him.
But the Great Monk ultimately approves of Wukong's relationship with Macaque. Not only because it keeps the monkey calm and gives him and extra bodyguard, but because Wukong is genuinely happy with his mate. The Wukong of now - cuddling and feeding his mate fruits - is a far cry from the tiger-crushing beast that greated Tripitaka at the mountain.
Now if Tripitaka could find a polite way of telling the monkeys to please stop kissing while the monk tries to meditate?
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
The Future Past.
ya'll i don't know where this came from but i just started to type and it wouldn't stop. idk what part of the story this is gonna be from but it is definitely before Rukong is a thing.
the fire had long since burned itself out, but still, Rue refused to sleep, her golden eyes stayed locked on the dying embers and spreading ash seemingly captivated her attention. Wukong rolled his eyes at her, she was being stubborn again and if she didn't sleep soon she would complain all fucking day tomorrow about being tired and he was not about to deal with that.
walking over to the human girl he put his hand on her shoulder to shake her out of whatever funk she was in, but as soon as the palm of his hand made contact with the exposed flesh of her shoulder his eyes widened as he was forcefully pulled away from his body and into somewhere new.
the Sun was high in the sky and the Monkey King could make out many tall boxes all around him. The noise was overbearing and so much was going on, but he had to focus on finding Rue and returning. off in the distance he heard the unmistakable laugh of his second human companion, it was lively, and there was an air about it that made it distinctly hers. he followed it through the crowd, being carful not to run into anyone or draw any unwanted attention to himself, and within time he caught up to the laughter, only to find someone he did not recognize...
it looked like Rue, hell she even sounded like her too, but her hair was completely greyish blond, and her clothing was like nothing he's ever seen (it showed too much skin in his opinion), she carried herself differently than the Rue he knew... Wukong didn't know how to place it but something was fundamentally different... but he had to take the chance.
"Rue!" he called, chasing after the girl, "RUE!" he tried again louder, this time finally managing to clap her shoulder. however, once contact was made everything but them stop, all life, every sound, the very breeze itself stilled. Rue wiped around, a face full of fury and a hand raised like she was about to hit him but as soon as she saw who it was her eyes widened. Her hand faltered and her whole demeanour shifted, clothing too, into the human he knew. she looked at him with something akin to fear and his chest constricted, never in all of their time together had she ever feared any of them.
"wha-" her voice cracked.
she looked back to the girls she had just been walking beside, opting to completely ignore Wukong (which infuriated him) she shook their shoulders but nothing budged. Wukong could see tears pooling in the corners of her eyes and thought she deserved it.
"are you fucking done? we have a master to get back to you wimp"
he snapped at her, and she turned on him full fury on her face.
her fist collided with his chest, but he just stood there, looking down at her with pity.
"the kind that really doesn't want to deal with your shit right now."
a resounding smack echoed around them. it bounced off the walls of the buildings and beyond. Wukong's eyes widened at the sting he felt on the left side of his face and noticed that he was looking in another direction.
Rue had slapped him.
he looked at her with wide eyes, he had never seen such fury and sadness combined into one swirling emotion until right this second. and something in his gut told him that it was wrong.
he took a step forward, arms spread, ready to receive, something in him told him she needed this... more than he needed to keep up his pride and whatever other lies he put on for his group. right at this moment Rue did not need the mighty Sun Wukong, great sage and monkey king.
she needed a friend.
when he finally managed to get his arms around her in an embrace she beat at his chest again, every hit that echoed through his ribcage only made him hold just a little tighter. And finally, when she realized he wasn't letting her go, her anger melted into anguish. Sobs racked through her body, tearing from her chest, up her throat, and ripping out of her mouth. when her knees gave out Wukong gently guided them both to the floor, her hands had gripped so tightly to his clothing that she was beginning to pull at his fur but he didn't care. swallowing his pride once more, he spoke softly.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dismissed you like that."
the apology only made her sob harder. burying herself further into his hold. he panicked slightly but got over it fast and settled them into a more comfortable position.
he waited till her sobbing turned to crying, then eventually the crying gave way to hiccups and Wukong was relieved she was ok.
when she looked up at him, her eyes were full of shame.
"I- I shouldn't have yelled like-"
her mouth shut quickly.
"you had every right to." he could feel himself filling with shame, "how long have those emotions burdened you?"
he wanted to know how long she felt like that? when did her mind begin to conger the worries that this journey was hopeless for her? why hadn't she said anything to Master about it? surely he would have been able to soothe her worries on the subject.
"it was when i brought it up with Tripitaka..."
'Are you FUCKING kidding me?!?!?!' what kind of stupid bullshit had that monk said to her??
"actually, never mind... I'll only get angrier if you tell me"
he needed to find something for her to talk about and fast. so he pointed to the girls she was with before.
"who are they?"
she looked surprised that he's even asked, but she turned around in his arms and began her explanation.
"They were my friends... we had met in our first year in a humanities lecture and it turned out we were in the same tutorial. our teacher had put us all together for a group project and after that, our friendship only grew."
Rue took a deep breath, pointing to the furthest one; "that Alex, she wants to get into medical school to be able to support her parents, but she's also an amazing singer."
she pointed to the next one, the one she was beside; "that's Vivian, her goal is to be a successful author one day, make one of the best high-fantasy sci-fi books the world has ever read. and she had some kick-ass ideas."
finally, the last girl who was on the other side of Rue; "that's Sam, she got in on a sports scholarship and is trying to make it to the Olympics for high diving. we go to every one of her meets and then get food afterwards."
she seemed more at ease now, definitely more relaxed than she had been.
"they sound really nice."
it was all he could say, he didn't know what half of those things were but by her tone they were important.
"they were. I miss them so much... and my parents. I think about them all the time and what they must think happened to me..."
the amount of pain in her voice when she said that almost broke something in him. but to that front her could relate.
"i think of my home every day" he admitted, "I think of what all of the monkeys are doing if they are ok. I think about if Yu Xi had her children alright, and I wonder how they are growing."
damn! he was making himself fucking depressed thinking about it now.
"Yu Xi?"
Rue sounded curious, so Wukong, knee-deep in memories himself, divulged; "she was one of the cubs born after I took my spot as king. I watched her grow and find a love of her own, she was like a god-daughter to me. before I got sealed under the mountain I took the time to catch up with everyone in the cave. she was pregnant at the time... I never knew what happened after, but I like to think that she and her cubs are safe."
slowly the landscape around them both faded, Rue and Wukong were back in the camp, in front of a fire that had long since died, not even embers were left.
Wukong shook his head and rubbed his eyes, finally back to normal. Rue blinked and shook herself out of it as well.
"thank you"
he looked at her with confusion, but as she stood up and faced him, she also grabbed his hands. Wukong didn't know what to do, on one had he wanted to pull away and blow off this whole thing, but on the other something about her eyes captivated him.
"thank you for telling me about Xu Yi, I'm sure her and the rest and living wonderfully waiting for the day you can return to them."
Rue began to turn away, but Wukong didn't let go of her hands.
"I'll make sure you get home. you will see your friends again."
she smiled, nodded to him and walked away, from her posture and the look in her eyes...
she didn't believe him.
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relmint · 2 years
Hello! wanted to ask you something, so I have realized that in jttw, Wukong always turns to Guanyin when he needs help and she also comforts him when he feels sad, and it seems that Wukong trusts her and respects her a lot, it is like a relationship between a younger brother and an older sister. (correct me if I'm wrong, sorry I'm just getting started and it's a lot of things) but shouldn't Wukong be mad that she was the one who gave tripitaka the circlet in the first place? Does Wukong know this? why does he trust her if she was the one who gave tripitaka the circlet in the first place? Pd: I love your art! <3 have a good day
Before I start, I would like to say that I have not finished reading the book myself, so some of my interpretations may seem off :0 For folks who are more knowledgeable than me, feel free to add on and share what you think as well! Now, let’s begin!
Yup! I also see them as having a younger bro and older sis bond :0 Also Wukong did grow mad when he learned it was Guan Yin who taught Tripitaka the magic! 
From Anthony C. Yu's translation, page 320, Chapter 14:
"I wouldn't dare strike you," said Pilgrim, "but let me ask you something. Who taught you this magic?" "It was an old woman," said Tripitaka, "who imparted it to me a few moments ago." Growing very angry, Pilgrim said, "You needn't say anything more! The old woman had to be that Guanshiyin! Why did she want me to suffer like this? I'm going to South Sea to beat her up!"
Wukong also chewed Guan Yin out for her tricks the next time they met on page 327, Chapter 15:
The Bodhisattva and the Guardian soon arrived at the Serpent Coil Mountain. They stopped the hallowed clouds in midair and saw Pilgrim Sun down below, shouting abuses at the bank of the stream. The Bodhisattva asked the Guardian to fetch him. Lowering his clouds, the Guardian went past Tripitaka and headed
straight for the edge of the stream, saying to Pilgrim, “The Bodhisattva has arrived.” When Pilgrim heard this, he jumped quickly into the air and yelled at her: “You, so-called Teacher of the Seven Buddhas and the Founder of the Faith of Mercy! Why did you have to use your tricks to harm me?”
“You impudent stableman, ignorant red-buttocks!” said the Bodhisattva. “I went to considerable effort to find a scripture pilgrim, whom I carefully instructed to save your life. Instead of thanking me, you are finding fault with me!” “You saved me all right!” said Pilgrim. “If you truly wanted to deliver me, you should have allowed me to have a little fun with no strings attached. When you met me the other day above the ocean, you could have chastened me with a few words, telling me to serve the Tang Monk with diligence, and that would have been enough. Why did you have to give him a flower cap, and have him deceive me into wearing it so that I would suffer? Now the fillet has taken root on old Monkey’s head. And you even taught him this so-called ‘Tight-Fillet Spell,’ which he recites again and again, causing endless pain in my head! You haven’t harmed me, indeed!” The Bodhisattva laughed and said, “O, Monkey! You are neither attentive to admonition nor willing to seek the fruit of truth. If you are not restrained like this, you’ll probably mock the authority of Heaven again without regard for good or ill. If you create troubles as you did before, who will be able to control you? It’s only through this bit of adversity that you will be willing to enter our gate of Yoga.” 
“All right,” said Pilgrim, “I’ll consider the matter my hard luck. But why did you take that condemned dragon and send him here so that he could become a spirit and swallow my master’s horse? It’s your fault, you know, if you allow an evildoer to perpetrate his villainies some more!”
As you can see, Sun Wukong and the Bodhisattva were not off to a great start. Guan Yin gave Sun Wukong the fillet to ensure he kept his promise of bringing the Tang Monk to India, attaining enlightenment in the process. From my point of view, the purpose of the journey was not only to introduce Buddhism to China but for the pilgrims to redeem themselves as well. It's basically like community service lmao. In the beginning, Sun Wukong was not very committed to maintaining his deal with the Bodhisattva, running away when Tripitaka scolded him for killing the 6 robbers. Sun Wukong does come back after having tea with his bestie the Dragon King, and to ensure Sun Wukong won't change his mind Guan Yin decided to give Tripitaka the fillet. In the beginning, you could justify why the fillet was needed. You can't deny that Sun Wukong was a dangerous warlord, managing to outmatch the might of Heaven itself (Absolute king, he wrecked those guys in Heaven <3). It seems reasonable how the Bodhisattva would think of the fillet as a necessary item to keep Sun Wukong in check. Sun Wukong, along with being overpowered, is seen to be impulsive and rash. That makes for a dangerous combination. But as the story progresses, you can see how Tripitaka overuses the fillet (Tripitaka sucks at being a teacher). I think the Bodhisattva was not aware of this. Or at least, not aware that Tripitaka used the fillet to such a degree. She is not omniscient, as proven by how Sun Wukong has to go to her to fill her in on all the tea. 
I think I have to also mention corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is a common thing in a lot of countries back then, especially in East Asia! This way of disciplining was the norm. It was universally accepted, so there was a big chance people didn’t really think of the fillet as such a big deal. Confucianism is deeply embedded in Chinese culture, and it puts great importance on filial piety and good behavior. Teachers and parents are granted a lot of authority in this philosophy. If it’s for the sake of discipline, then corporal punishment is justified (obviously this is a damaging and flawed way of thinking but that’s just how it was in ancient times. Luckily, values are changing and people are becoming more aware!). Unfortunately, Sun Wukong and a lot of others r probably not aware that this was actual abuse. ….I think I digressed and I am sorry if I did but back to Wukong and Guan Yin! The way I see their relationship, it’s…complicated. In the beginning, their relationship was def strained. Wukong was mad at Guan Yin for the fillet. As for Guan Yin’s feelings towards the monkey, I think she genuinely wanted Wukong to succeed. She def disapproved of Sun Wukong’s rambunctious nature, but time and time again we see her offer her assistance throughout the pilgrim’s journey. Because of this she probably grew fond of the monkey, and Sun Wukong to her. I mean, she lets Sun Wukong crash at her place and allows him to vent his feelings to her. She is also stern whenever Sun Wukong’s resolve for the journey falters. She wants Wukong to stay on track. I think she genuinely wants Wukong to attain his merit, achieve enlightenment, and succeed. Isn’t that why she became a Bodhisattva? To help people? But this is just my interpretation! Also out of pure fun and brain rot, I want to share this song that reminds me of Sun Wukong and Guan Yin <3 
Also, I just wanna say one of my fav interactions between them is when they worked together to save Tripitaka from Black Wind Demon! I loved their light bickering <33 I personally think Chapter 17 was when Wukong and Guan Yin’s relationship became better and they started opening up to one another :> Also aahh thank you so much for liking my art! Sorry for the long ramble XD I hope you have a cool day anon! 
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novelcain · 1 year
Hi i want to ask this on my birthday(march 17) but asks were closed so ill ask it now. how would the pilgrims react to finding out that it the readers b-day? 🐇🍀(idk which one to pick so you decide)
Happy late birthday my dear!🥳🥳🥳🥳 Sorry that asks weren't open on the day of but I hope you had a great day darling! 🤗💜💜💜
Now for reactions!
Wukong would be excited! He loves parties and this is absolutely party worthy! He'd probably either fly you all to Flower Fruit Mountain so that him and his monkeys can give you the BEST day of your life. And you better eat as much sugar as you can cause 'round here the party don't stop!
Tripitaka gives you well wishes and several blessings throughout the day. He grew up not knowing the day of his birth and so he wants you to have a safe and wonderful day.
Sandy would pick you up and give you huge hug and wish you many happy birthdays! He'll be picking you up a lot today so get comfy sitting on his shoulder today.
Ao Lie would congratulate and immediately start looking for a gift. Only the absolute best for one of his friends plus he was taught to have a gift ready on the day of so he feels like he has to start looking the millisecond he finds out.
Pigsy would probably try to get you a hug like Sandy but a loud "NO!" from everyone shut that down rather quickly. (Since this is your first birthday with all of them then Bajie is still... Bajie.) So instead he just wishes you a happy birthday.
And as a gift to you dear 🍀 anon:
🎁Gifts from the gang~🎁
Wukong being a king and loving things that are extravagant and he's totally not trying to show you that he can give you all the riches in the world that would be ridiculous would go for something extremely expensive and rare yet still meaningful. For example he might get you a hair stick of your favorite flower or animal that is made from precious gems and metals. It'd also likely have some sort of magical property as well. Tho because of how valuable this gift would be it'd likely kept safely on FFM with the promise that Wukong would take you to retrieve it once the journey is over. (this also may or may not have just been a ploy to get you to FFM after the journey sneaky monkey)
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Tripitaka being Buddhist wouldn't get you anything extravagant or expensive, instead preferring to give you something useful to you and your journey. Maybe something you've been asking for lately like a journal and a brush. He'd also likely try to give you something the has Buddhist scriptures on it as a means to try to when you over to Buddhism once more.
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Wujing would give you something he thinks you would enjoy and use often. He'd likely give you a handmade fidget toy made from wood and stone with lots of different textures and shapes. (You've talked to him enough about fidget toys to have a general idea what they're like)
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Ao Lie being raised a prince would most likely also get you something very lavish and it'd very likely be something useless to you right now like an art piece or vase (he means well but these were the kinds of gifts given to him his whole life so it's the only reference he has) (this would also have to be kept on FFM)
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Bajie would probably get you something that not only helps you and it something you'd like but helps him as well. For example if he likes your cooking then he'd get you new cooking equipment or if he likes when you play music he'd get you an instrument
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