#but tonight we partyyy
genericpuff · 7 months
it's the day before my bday
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bettymylove · 2 years
The feeling of comfort
pairing: james potter x reader
content: fake dating trope, both are oblivious idiots, a basic cliche fic, kissing
a/n: my first fic<33 (if you want to be in my taglist comment!!)
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This day like any other day started the same not wanting to get out of bed but still doing it getting ready and heading down to the great hall with Lily.
James flirting with Lily, Sirius yelling he's done with this bullshit and Remus looking at him with an interest you could only imagine you could give to someone.
Sirius and James leaving for practice asking Lily for a goodluck kiss her refusing while rolling her eyes but a hint of blush still evident.
Y/n looking at the slytherin table to gaze at Regulus who she talked with once in a while but he never showed as much interest as her never seeing the true emotions she wanted him to see.
It was the same monotonous routine and she was sick of it she needed something new.
"Hey lily party in the common room tonight tell your friends" Remus informed Lily with so much comfort you wanted that comfort that level of friendship that trust you wanted validation.
"Okay see you tonight" Lily replied to him with a smile and the same level of understanding and informality.
A party finally something not so boring.
"Partyyy" marlene yelled hugging her slightly her of course returning the hug.
There was no reason for a party right now James had thought but who says no to some fun and besides things were getting way too serious around here.
"Chug chug chug chug!!"
Everyone was yelling around James while his head was thrown back trying to finish the contents of the bottle fast.
He did so within seconds receiving an attaboy from Sirius.
Lily and all her friends had made an appearance just minutes after all this Lily receiving a lot 'you look greats' as she normally does she was just effortlessly like that.
James noticed her and lead her towards the bar to his friends.
While y/n was sitting with her friends on the couch occasionally leaving to go get a drink that was until Dorcas decided she was bored and wanted everyone to play truth and dare.
It was all fun and game until the bottle landed on y/n with Lily on the other end and she knew what she was going to ask.
"So I'm only asking this because you didn't tell me the other day but who do you like?" there was a glint in her eyes as if she had found the perfect opportunity.
"Nope i choose dare"
"Nuh uh i already asked the question"
"Fine but if any one of you tell anyone" you pointed at everyone with a threatening look even though it was pointless this was gryffindor and one thing about gryffindors was they like to gossip.
"We won't" Sirius yelled "just tell us" you were about to say no the words practically on your tongue but that sense of wanting validation came back and anyways sharing a secret won't matter, right?
Everyone in the circle was anticipating an answer which you didn't want to give.
"Regulus" you mumbled finally after seconds of awkward silence.
"Regulus Black" you yelled way too loud and everyone was looking at her in shock.
"My brother?" Sirius said in a way that made it seem like he was having a hard time processing this information.
"He's nice to me and actually makes the effort to know me."
"But a slytherin" peter questioned and you were filled with fury.
"Not everyone in slytherin is a bad person and just because you think so because you're too proud to be a gryffindor does not make him bad and he will never be bad to me you just have a standard for every fucking person" she was out of breath after that not quite believing she yelled at someone for something so little "I'm sorry I'm really sorry Pete I think I drank too much so I'm going to bed" she bid goodbye to her friends before heading for the stairs.
And even though Peter had mumbled 'it's okay' she didn't feel it and the only reason she reacted like that was because regulus actually talked to her just because he wanted to just because he wanted to know her and it made her feel good inside.
But anyways that wasn't an excuse and she'd find a way to apologize to Peter.
"Y/n wait" someone she didn't expect called out to her James Potter his perfect curls falling on his nothing short of an angelic face.
"James did you need something?"
"No-well I just wanted to ask you something."
She motions for him to go on.
"You know how I like Lily and you like Regulus Black."
"Yeah who doesn't now" recalling back the scene that just happened.
"Well my point is i thought if we make both of them jealous enough they'll actually want to date us you know ?"
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"By making you my fake girlfriend" he said with such an ease like it was just a normal thing asking someone you barely know to date-to fake date you.
"This could end up really messy i mean if Lily starts dating you then she'll just see me as her boyfriend's ex and that will be a complicated relationship and-"
"I'll tell lily when we start dating" he cut her off.
"I need time to think about this I'll tell you tomorrow morning."
"That's fine."
You just nodded and went straight to bed.
The next morning you woke up a little early to pick up some flowers and your mother's special banana bread for Peter.
When you gave him both the things he was finally in the same mood he always is in.
And there he was James looking at you with an eagerness like a puppy waiting for its treat and of course your friends noticed him staring at you and not his 'lily flower'.
"Is there something going on between you and james?" lily asked with a curious tone.
"What? no of course not" you replied with your voice all high pitched.
Lily didn't completely believe you but left the topic nonetheless.
When you got up to go to your first class and started heading out the great hall James had stopped you.
"Have you thought about it?"
"Uh- yeah yeah i have."
"So ?" you could tell how patiently he was waiting for your answer.
"I'll do it" you said with an assertive tone.
Really y/n that's great he went in straight for a hug and even though you accepted it you still mentioned to him that no was there and he didn't need to that him just shrugging in response.
It had been a two weeks since then and everything was going according to plan well for James at least.
She did things James told her to do to make Lily jealous and it worked as she always found an excuse to leave,her cheeks always flushed.
It was a normal morning james coming down to sit beside y/n kissing her cheek.
"hey sweetheart"
"hii jamie did you sleep well"
"yeah dreamt of you actually" he said pulling her close.
"well i gotta leave have to talk to slughorn bout my paper see you before minnies class" James informed you as he picked up his bag.
"okay byee"
she looked at Regulus during this whole fake dating thing he had not talked to her once she was hoping it was because he was jealous.
"Wow you really are the perfect couple huh?" Dorcas asked.
"Yeah james and his sweetheart" Marlene elbowed you teasingly.
You know what there's a party friday night you should make a move on him to do the deed.
"Really don't you think it's too soon?" Lily asked.
"No it's the perfect opportunity" Mary made an effort to say something in the conversation.
"You know what?it's been almost a month now and i think we're ready" you only said this after hearing Lily's reply.
"Great I'll help you pick you out a dress"
"Yes please that sounds like fun"
You liked this liked being the centre of attention it was nice.
Just before transfiguration you met James like he said you would.
"James you're going to be so happy hearing this"
"Okay, so you know the party on friday?" he nodded at this "Marlene suggested we should sleep together and Lily completely freaked out saying stuff like it's too early so i told them that we're ready so on friday after some time we'll just go to your dorm do whatever the hell we want and then I'll sneak back to my dorm at night so your friends won't be able to see but mine will"
"Okay, i wanna kiss your genius brain and this is a perfect plan"
"Oh i love you" he said hugging her. In moments like this was when y/n felt the best because even though she'll never admit to anyone she had started giving James the longing stares she once gave Regulus and maybe just maybe she liked James and even though they were not going to be together it was nice fake dating him.
That evening when you were back at your dorm Lily had asked you something.
I just wanted to ask "how did you and James even got together i thought you liked Regulus?"
"Oh no that Regulus thing was just a cover up i just see him as a friend I liked James but was too scared to admit that's it."
"Oh yeah that makes sense"
You let out a breath of relief thankfully you already prepared yourself for these questions before hand.
"It was friday and you were afraid you'd break your jaw from how much you were smiling you couldn't help getting to spend some alone time with James was amazing even though you had been on hogsmeade dates this was different it was his dorm.
"So y/n are you excited for tonight?" marlene asked with a slight wink.
"Oh yeah definitely" you tried to play it cool.
"You better tell us all the details"
"Marls he's right there" you said looking right at him he shot you a wink when you looked at him.
You had a free class today and were headed to the the library to get some work done when you were met with a sight you wished you wouldn't have seen.
There he was just outside the library Regulus Black snogging a girl without a care in this world and even though you didn't like him anymore it still stung for some reason.
Why were you jealous when you liked James maybe you were too attached to Regulus and it hurt you to see him with another girl.
You didn't go to the library instead headed straight for your dorm dressed down and picked out Jame's shirt that he gave to wear it and went straight to sleep.
After a while your dormmates came into the room stirring you awake "wait why are you back did I sleep that long?"
"I guess you even missed lunch so we brought you some food" Lily said with a shy smile on her face god you hated what you were doing to her.
"Thank you"
"Okay now eat up we'll all go shower and then get ready for the party" Mary was clearly the most excited for the actual party out of the lot.
"That sounds great"
You did everything Lily said and were standing in front of the mirror trying to decide what drrss to wear.
You ultimately decided on a black mini drrss with baby blue ruching at the neckline and the bottom.
Reaching the patry it was on full swing and for the first time in your entire life you felt wanted.
"Baby here" James shouted at you.
"Coming, okay how do i look"
"Perfect now go get him"
Reaching James he pulled out a seat for you and kissed your cheek in welcoming your freinds followed suit to the drinks area where everyone was hanging out.
After talking with everyone and james getting up to get you drinks a few hours had passed by you had played some games and now as you were about to go to play something else.
James pulled you back and whispered "do you wanted to go up?"
You of course had to initiate it you told your friends you would.
So when you friends were around you started to kiss his jaw and made it look like you were whispering something in his ear.
And he replied with a yeah of course baby before leading you up to his dorm.
"Gosh I'm so tired" james yelled before plopping on the bed.
"Really i thought james potter's party drive was high."
"It is just not tonight"
James was laying on his stomach trying to dig out his record when you decided it would be a great idea to tickle him.
He looked offended to say the least "did you just tickle me?" you just shruged "oh you are so in for it" he stated before you decided to run for it.
He was chasing you all over the dorm and you landed on his bed again he took this opportunity to pin both your hands above your head and tickle you.
"Stop stop jamie stop please"
"Jamie you nevercall me jamie until someone one's around"
"Don't you like it?"
"Love it actually, I love it when you call me jamie" he answered with such a nod that made it sound like he came to a very important conclusion.
If y/n was to tilt her head upwards a mere centimeter she would have been kissing james her james.
They were meant to be together and it frustrated her to every end he couldn't see that.
He tilted his head to the side his eyebrows kniting together in thought.
are you thinking of me?
She wanted to ask him but before she could he released her hands and sat up and in hopes to start up new conversation y/n thought it would be the best idea to talk about her previous crush.
"I saw Regulus kissing someone today"
"Oh no are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine I don't like him anymore there's someone else now." she said looking up at him wishing he would kiss her.
She thought she would be bold for once and leaned in only for James to back away.
Y/n you're not in your right mind right now.
she tried to hide her emotions she really did but it wasn't her fault her eyes started watering.
"Right of course sorry was just a crazy impulse.
James just nodded in response and that somehow made it worse.
"Oh would you look at that you said looking at the clock on his bedsude table it's late enough i should leave"
"But y/n-
And before he could continue she was out of the door.
Going back to her dorm she went in inside only to see her friends already back from the party.
"Hii y/n how did it go?"
"It was great he was great" you said with a bitter undertone which thankfully your friends didn't notice.
You went in your bed not in mood for an interrogation.
You couldn't stop it you were crying crying over a boy you never thought you'd see this day but here you were.
You hated how he made you feel.
You hated how he made you cry
But what you hated the most was that you didn't even hate him at all.
It was morning the birds were chirping the sun was shining but not for you you didn't want the morning to come beacuse that meant getting up and facing James.
But you had to get up you couldn't miss class again.
Reaching the great hall you were relieved to not see James.
Sitting next to Marlene you started loading stuff onto your plate.
"So you didn't give us any details you know."
"well there's nothing to tell i mean it was great i felt great I'm not sure he did though and now i don't know if i should ask him about it or let it be or maybe he's just hiding because he was enthusiastic i don't know I'm probably overthinking"
"Oh there's nothing to worry about I've had some guys who even though feel great just don't express it as nicely its totally normal"
"Really, thanks"
Wow y/n you just inserted your metal problems to make everyone belive he's bad at expressing things that'll make Lily jealous for sure ugh you hated yourself right now.
And just because it wasnt bad enough already James Potter had decided to show up.
"Hey baby"
"Hello" actually I'm going to go early to slughorn to see if I could find a seat after that you fled the great hall.
"But isn't her first class herbology?"
"I think so replied Lily"
You couldn't even look at him in the face let alone be in the same room what was he doing to you and why was he doing it you wish disappear into thin air right now the embarrassing moment replaying in your mind not in the right mind what does that mean.
You had decided that you don't want tofake date anymore it had been long enough already time for it to end.
Shaking you reached his dorm hesitant to knock and just before your hand was centimeters from doing so the door opened and there stood the man you longed you started doubting your decision.
But no you had to do this to make James and Lily happy.
"James I wanted to talk to you."
James asked you to come in but you refused standing in the doorway leaning on the frame you began speaking.
"I wanted to say that - I really- I think that we should end this fake dating thing. Lily is jealous enough and you should ask her.
"But what about your crush?"
"Oh it's okay i don't want to make anyone jealous"
After a few moments of silence while james looked like he was deciding something you decided to leave.
"Wait please wait."
But you resisted the cries and went on it was the nice thing to do for them.
You went to your dorm after that and collapsed on your bed that was probably the most hardest thing you have ever done and it hurt it hurt so much.
By the time you woke up to someone knocking on the door your eyes were all swollen and red and your cheeks had the tear stains still on them and everything about your face yelled you were crying though you didn't care.
But when you opened the door you wished you would had James was there and him seeing that you were crying was not the best thing.
"Y/n- he began before pausing and asking if were you crying.
"No I had something in my eye" you said frantically.
"Anyways did you want something?"
"Actually can I say something?"
"Yeah of course come inside"
"Y/n" he began once again "You said it's been way too long but i honestly feel like it's been mere seconds because every moment i spend with you i don't even realise I'm living it just because of your existence you have completely and totally mesmerised me and I yearn for you and it - it breaks my heart you cannot see that .
"What about Lily?" you whispered.
"I told her weeks ago I don't like her but still stayed with you because I like just being with you merlin I like doing nothing with you."
"I don't believe-"
He held you wrist and pulled you to look towards him holding your face in his hands.
"This feels like home you feel like home to me why don't you get that you are the sole reason why I exist and always will be and I love you y/n more than i will ever be able to say."
You started crying again pushing him lightly "you big idiot."
"So do you love me?"
You didn't answer just pulled his face towards yours smashing your lips against his him holding on to you so tight that if he lets go you will slip away.
Turns out all the books were wrong there are no fireworks in true love there's only comfort and that was exactly what you felt.
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veeluvss · 1 year
most beautiful birthday girl
for @greencways ! happy birthday ml 🤍
elle x female!reader
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It was coming up to that time of year again—your birthday.
You’d never been a fan of your birthday. Years of plans, disappointment, realisation and not to mention the slow, aching loss of youth each new year brought. It was painful for you sometimes, looking back on your childhood and how it was slowly drifting away from you. The princess and pirate parties, the candyfloss and bouncy castles - the children’s laughter echoing through the party; it was just out of your grasp as you stepped into real-life adulthood.
However, this time, you hoped it would be different. In the last year, you’d completed two Ph. D.s and graduated from FBI school - now, you stood in the BAU office after completing your first month as a profiler. The team had been so incredibly welcoming. JJ was like the sister you never had growing up. Garcia was a breath of fresh air every morning as she came in with her bright dress and a large smile. Spencer was so intelligent and kept you on your toes all the time. Elle … well Elle was Elle. Derek made you laugh and Hotch was one of the best bosses you could ask for.
“Good morning youngster,” Derek greeted you as he entered the office. He put his hand on his shoulder as a familiar act of comfort you appreciated in the morning. You smiled at him and he sat down. You went to your own desk and sat yourself down.
Not even half an hour later, you were called into the round table room to review a case. You groaned, not really wanting to be out of town on your birthday. However, you followed the team into the room and took a seat between JJ and Elle. They spoke through the case, easy stuff. A family annihilator, killing parents at point blank range and leaving the children as witnesses, tied up and starved in their living rooms - forcing them to see their parents die out in front of them… yeah, simple stuff.
“Wheels up in 30,” Hotch said, folding his folder and leaving the room. You groaned again.
“What's up Y/N?” Elle asked.
“It’s my birthday on Friday and I was hoping I could just stay at home for it but I have a feeling we won't be back in time for that,” you explained.
“Your birthday? How old will you be?” Spencer asked, following.
“Twenty-two,” you laughed.
“God, I forget you’re so young,” Elle laughed, nudging you as you walked out of the office.
You blushed, maybe too young for Elle.
Friday came around, you were so close to solving the case. You knew who it was, it was just finding him. The team had been working all night to try to. You were so so close.
“We’ve got eyes, he’s just arrived home,” an officer said down the phoen. Morgan put the car into gear and sped off. As soon as you pulled up outside, guns were drawn and you headed into the building.
It didn’t take long to bring him down, he practically surrendered. But that meant, you had a free friday night! A free birthday night!
“So drinks on the birthday girl?” Derek laughed as you all filed into the precinct.
“That’s such a scam, why should I pay for everyones drinks when it’s my birthday?” you laughed. Elle came up behind you then and rested her hands on your shoulders. You felt hot under her touch but you had to admit, it was kind of nice.
“Drinks on me for the birthday girl, alllll night long,” she leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. JJ then came into the office and grabbed your hand.
“Come on! Let’s go get ready to partyyy,” she squealed. You laughed and followed her out of the precinct. “Hotch said we could go early so you have plenty of time to get ready, the rest of the team will catch us at the bars,” she said excitedly, starting up the car.
“Okay,” you smiled. Tonight was going to be a very good night, you knew it.
You and JJ had been at the bar for about half an hour, in your booth, gossiping, before the rest of the team turned up. Derek and Spencer slid in beside JJ and Hotch and Rossi beside you. You couldn’t see Elle, which made you frown.
“Don’t worry baby girl, she’s on her way,” Derek teased obviously noticing your confusion.
You blushed, “I have no idea who you’re on about.” The team laughed before Hotch handed over a little gift bag. You gasped and took it off him, completely surprised.
“What’s this?”
“Just a little something from the team. Your first birthday with us has to be special,” he said - slighhhtly cracking a smile. You took the small box from the bag and gasped. Engraved on the velvet box was a designer jewlery company. This was so much money, you knew already.
“Guys, this is too much,” you shook your head and put down the box.
“Shush and open it already,” JJ smiled.
“It’s too late to take it back now,” Derek teased.
“Well actually, if the colour or fit aren’t correct we did get a 30-day guarantee-” Spencer began.
“Not the time, Reid,” Derek said, smiling at his friends antics and Reid quickly shut up. You laughed a little and slid open the box but before you could open it - you heard the one word you’ve been waiting for all night.
“SHOTS!” Elle announced, reaching the table. “What gys - you gave her her present without me?” she asked. She placed the tray of about 50 shots on the table and you laughed a little.
“It’s okay, I hadn’t opened it yet,” you reassured.
“Scootch out boss, let me sit next to the pretty lady,” Elle ordered. Hotch raised his hands and slid from the booth. Elle slid in next to you and sat a lot closer than Hotch did. You smiled and carried on opening the present. It was a necklace with a beautiful, diamond covered charm hanging from the end. Upon closer inspection, you noticed it was a book and you smiled widely.
“Thank you,” you whispered to the team, running your fingers over it. “I love it.”
“You’re welcome,” Derek smiled , as if he was the mastermind behind it all but you knew, of course, by the shy smile she was sending you - it was JJ. You leaned over and gave her a hug.
Elle coughed and grabbed the necklace. “Let me put it on you,” she said. You smiled and felt the burn in your stomach. She was jealous. You kissed JJ’s cheek as you sat back up and Elle coughed again, looking over at the shots.
“Shots anyone?”
“I thought you were putting the necklace on me?” You giggled, leaning in to her a little.
“Oh yeah, turn around,” she blushed. You had made Elle blush. You giggled and turned around. JJ, knowing about your crush sent you a large smirk. JJ knew how the night was going to end. ANd you hoped it was going to go the way you wanted.
The shots were gon ein minutes and just as you slammed your last glass on the table, your favourite song came on. Gasping, you pushed Hotch and Elle from the booth so you could get out. Grabbing Elle’s hand, which was remarkably soft, you pulled her towards the dance floor.
Hours had gone by, your feet were starting to hurt and your head was going crazy from the alcohol but you were having the time of your life. Elle hadn’t let you out of her sight, JJ was with you too. Derek had girls all around him and Hotch, Rossi and Spencer watched on with their drinks - keeping the booth warm.
You and Elle went over to the bar as last drinks were called and she stood with her arm protectively around your waist. Her head was on your shoulder in a tired but endearing sort of way and her fingers were tracing patterns on your exposed skin.
“We’ll have two vodka cokes please,” you asked the bartender.
“Put it on my tab,” Elle mumbled from next to you. You looked at her. She hadn’t let you buy one drink for yourself all night. “Shush pretty princess,” Elle mumbled and put her finger on your lips. You giggled and smiled at her drunkenness. “It’s on me.”
Just as you were getting ready to go, elle called you back onto the dance floor. You’d just seen her chatting with JJ and JJ went to the DJ. Confused, you followed Elle and she stood in the middle. Suddenly, your favourite love song came on and you gasped, feeling butterflies escape in your belly.
“What’s going on?” You asked nervously. Elle put her hands around your waist and began to dance with you.
“I have something for you,” she whispered. You blushed. “A present.”
“Elle, you ddin’t need to get me anything,” you whispered back.
“Mhm, I did,” she nodded. You smiled and carried on dancing to the music. Your hips swayed in time to the music and Elle’s hand slid over your waist and your hips. Your arms were around her shoulders and you couldn’t keep your eyes off her. She couldn’t stop staring at you either. As the song began to wind down, the music got slower and the dance floor cleared but your focus on Elle only got larger. She began to lean in slowly. You were unsure at first but then her lips touched yours and the whole world exploded. You kissed her back and it had never felt so perfect in your life.
“A birthday kiss,” Elle mumbled as she pulled away, “for the most beautiful birthday girl.”
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urfavoritedcwhore · 1 month
the russian boy//part ten
warnings: very very slight smut(aka kissing and hickeys), swearing
small part bc i didn’t have time to right everything i want to for the party part today:)
lowercase intended
will proofread and grammar check tomorrow
part ten: the time(mini part)
once i'm inside i immediately go up to my room to start digging through my boxes to look for something nice i can wear to the party. i open up a box towards the back of my room and find a black sweater, nothing fancy at all, but i can style it. next i find the box my skirts are in and find my short black jean skirt, (yes i wanna look good tonight and show a lil sum sum, sue me.). i i them both out on my bed and dig through my shoe boxes to find something that matches. when i can't find anything i race downstairs and go into my moms room riffling through her boxes. i find a pair of her black converses she used to wear to when she would mange a restaurant in new orleans. i grab them and run back upstairs into my room. now i know that the party isnt till tonight and right now its only 1pm, but im too excited to wait. i try them all on together and start feeling like my old self when i look in the mirror. its been too long since i've been to a party. hell it's been too long since ive dressed in anything other than shorts, sweats, or leggings. my outfit is perfect.
i decide to invite boris over until it’s time to go. i was gonna eat but im too excited to eat honestly. i text him to come over and not even two minutes later he’s tapping on my window. “fuck!”, i jump startled. i look over to my window and see him pointing to it signaling to let him in. i walk over to the window and open it. he climbs in and smiles at me, “already dressed?”, he says eyeing me up and down. “anytime you don’t see my truck in the driveway come through the door. you keep scaring the shit outta me.”, i say to him annoyed. he ignores my words and grabs me by the waist, “you look so fucking good new girl.”, he says smiling at me. i give him a peck on the cheek and twist out of his grip, flinging myself onto my bed. “ughhhhh i don’t wanna wait to go to the partyyy. i’m too excited, the times gonna pass by so fucking slow.”, i say whining. he sits down on my bed and pulls me off my back so that im sitting up with him. “i know way we can pass time.”, he says as he moves my hair out of my face and cups my chin in his hand. i look at him for a long second. i know he expects me to laugh him off and give him the, “not yet we’re taking this slow” speech, but im seriously considering making an exception of this rule for just one day. we’re going to a party tonight where im probably gonna get incredibly drunk and try to makeout with him. why not just do it now. screw it, im gonna suprise the fuck out of him, and screw the rule just for today. i still won’t fuck him or anything yet, but how can making out be so wrong? i wanna rip off his clothes right now, but im willing to compromise with myself, and that’s the important part. “like how?”, i say smiling at him innocently. his face turns a bright red and i can instantly tell he didn’t expect that to be my answer. “like this?”, i ask climbing on top of him, my knees on either side of his legs. as i straddle him i see a wave of shock go through his face. “i-”, he starts to say, but i cut him off my lips contenting with his. he pulls away with a smirk, “so quick to take charge, eh?”, he says almost laughing. i roll my eyes and start to say something cocky but before i can he grabs my legs and flips me around so that im laying flat on my bed. he laughs at my shocked face and crawls on top of me, “this is ok?”, he says smirking at me. i look at him with large eyes and nod my head fast. i put my hands behind his neck, trying to pull him down into a kiss but he doesn’t move. i look at him with puzzlement, “i mark you first.”, he says with a slight evil smirk. “what do you mean- oh fuck.”, i say as he cuts me off and begins sucking on my neck. i hear a muffled giggle from my neck, which i assume is from my reaction, but i don’t care. i tangle my hands in his hair moaning into his ear as he finds my sweet spot. i whine out in surprise we he suddenly disconnects from my neck. he studies the red and purple bruise on my neck with a smile, “look so pretty when bruise is on your neck instead of hands, yes?”, he asks.
this boy is seriously too close to pushing me to fuck him right here right now. i take a deep breath and respond with a weak, “mhm”, as i look at him with large eyes. he chuckles at that, and presses his lips into mine eagerly. the kiss quickly goes from sloppy and fast, to passionate and slow, our tongues dancing around eachothers mouths. he bites my lower lip softly and i moan out a whine. he disconnects with me quickly and i watch his pupils grow as shock runs through his face. “what’s wrong?”, i ask him, scared that i’ve done something wrong. “nothing wrong, i have to stop or i’ll end up fucking you. need to control myself.”, he tells me as he climbs off of me. “the sound you make, i never hear something so beautiful before.”, he says looking over to me with shock still on his face. he leans over to me and gives me a short, yet passionate kiss. i’m surprised he stopped himself. any other man i’ve dated would have ripped off my clothes and not controlled themselves. boris looks at me with a stupid smirk on his face, “don’t look so surprised new girl, i wait until you say is ok for us to go further, ok?”, he says to me. i smile up at him, “okay boris.”, i say scooting closer to him and lay my head on his chest. he examines me neck as i lay on him, “will need to cover if you don’t want potter to see.”, he says running his thumb over the bruise. “unless you’re ready to tell him now.”, he says and i can hear the smirk in his voice. i yawn as i feel his body heat under my cheek through his tshirt. “i’ll cover it up before the party.”, i say, my eyes suddenly feeling heavy. “take nap new girl, will the time go be faster.”, i hear him say as i drift of to sleep.
AN: sorry for the short chapter guys, i wanted to post tonight, but “the party” is still in the works! hope you guys enjoy this tiny bit of smut<33
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judebellswife · 3 years
SECRET — Jesse Lingard
summary: which y/n and jesse first time sharing their private life on social media as fiancé (polaroid ig feed!)
warning: English is not my first language
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jesselingard I proposed to my girlfriend and she said YES! 💍, I don't think 3 years is a long time but I can't continue with her as boyfriend/girlfriend… I want to take another step with her in our relationship.
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14.days__ Congratulation btw
marcusrashford Ayy Congratz mate, when and where will the wedding party be held?
jesselingard @marcusrashford (:
marcusrashford What’s ‘(:’ mean, mate?
vvvian.gina her IG is @y/instagram/n :)) she's gorgeous 🤌
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y/instagram/n i'm going to be a married woman💍 love ya JL! 🤍
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rlhalliday Ahh y/n congratzz my bae 🥺
hopelingard Aunt y/n i want to sleep at your house, only with you and me no daddy because i miss you so muchh
y/instagram/n why not baby? come on pack your thing and i’ll pick you up, k?
unknown.u Are you really love him or just love his MONEY 🤑
jesselingard @unknown.u Just leave my wife alone, duhh 🙄
masonmount Oh gosh my babyyy!!!!
benchilwell y/n I’m so excited!
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Liked by y/instagram/n, rlhalliday and 809.170 others
jesselingard Sleep over party is readyy! 😆
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Liked by jesselingard and 991.330 others
y/instagram/n Hello! this is y/n.. i have received a lot of questions and inquiries from fans via dms… first i want to thanks all the blessings from you guys and i was really happy to read these dm and at the same time with a large amount of dm asking about our love story, but we wanted to keep it a little private so we can only say briefly that we met in Spain and the story after that was just like any other couple 😉
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benchilwell What’s a great story 🙂👏
jesselingard Let’s celebrate tonight 🍷
y/instagram/n oooooh deal dd
justparttyyiing Urg i’m so sick of here 🙄 disgusting
jessefann.love @justparttyyiing No one ask you to like her, just fuck off
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Liked by rlhalliday, lucialoi and 443.088 others
y/instagram/n bachelor “partyyy” w fam ✌️
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frienddy.aco Anyone notice that she didn’t even drink a sip of wine 😼 i guess she’s pregnant
11113.220_ Maybe she can’t drink, i don’t think she’s pregnant tho
onlyforr.u I love her IG feed, so warm and aesthetic
lucialoi It's really funny when you keep forgetting your engagement ring on the sink 🤣
y/instagram/n yea i just don’t know why i kept forgetting 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Fortunately, someone reminded me, otherwise i lost it
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jesselingard Pretty pretty wife 🤍
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y/instagram/n my handsome hubby! 🐻☀️
benchilwell Photo take by me
marcusrashford Chilly chill
lucialoi @y/instagram/n You are so PRETTY Y/N
y/instagram/n thank you babe 🥺 @lucialoi
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y/instagram/n honeymoon (22/02 🤍)
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jlfan.__ I saw you two this morningg
marcusrashford Beautiful view 😘
y/instagram/n what? Marcus stop it, he’s my husband
cmpulisic Miss you already my friend
chippul She’s so lucky to marry someone like Jesse, I think I should find a man like that too
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cupidvalerie · 3 years
negro · (lee jeno)
pairing: lee jeno x reader
genre: suggestive
notes/warnings: none
word count:
you were dying for this saturday night with your best friends. you know, just the three of you enjoying some take away at home, watching some funny movie on your netflix list and ranting about your week at college. however, your friends have other plans for this saturday.
"i'll pick you up after dinner, we going partyyying :p" that's what the message you just received said.
"okay, i guess" you think. you feel kinda tired after a week of stress because of the classes, but you for sure love a good party and to be honest, you can't remember the last time you went to a club with your girls. to lift your mood up a bit, you put your party mode: on playlist while dressing up.
the club is really crowded tonight, and you quickly spot some people you know from college. the ambient is so good and also the music, the last bad bunny's hits blasting the room. you go straight forward to get something to drink for you and your friends, and just five minutes later you are rocking the dance floor together. as the alcohol is set on your system, you feel lighter and your tiredness starts to slowly go away.
while taking another sip from your sex on the beach, your gaze meets a guy you know from your economy class and he waves at you. however, your attention falls to what seems to be his friend. he's a bit taller than you and his black mullet looks really sexy. they approach you and you greet them with a smile, introducing your friends to your colleague as he does the same.
"hi, i'm jeno" he seems nice and also has a cute eye smile, you think to yourself.
you just small talk for a bit while sipping from your drinks, laughing about something that happened at his classes this week. you feel jeno's gaze in you whenever you two are not talking, and for some reason you are enjoying knowing you caught his eye. maybe because he caught yours too.
"let's get another mojito!" one of your friend says, but you raise your glass signaling that it's not empty yet.
they leave to get their drinks and a few guys from the other group join them, just as the songs changes into one of your current favorites.
"ella tiene maldad, ella tiene una diabla guardá'"
fuck. it's so good, so bad your friends aren't with you right now. maybe they are quick enough and they come back before it ends.
for now, you are tipsy enough to be quite shameless to dance with these guys while your friends get back. they also know the song and you are all singing it - almost screaming it.
you lock eyes with jeno as he takes a sip from his cup and smiles at you, shortening the distance between both of you. you sing face to face, mantaining eye contact while singing.
"loco por darle una nalgá' que la deje marcá"
you notice how well he's dancing, his hips not missing a single beat. maybe it's because of the drink in your veins, but he looks really hot and the situation itself it's starting to get heated up, specially when you turn around to press your back to his chest.
his hands are quick to find your waist and it's not like you mind it. it amazes you how synchronized your movements are, hips rocking together perfectly. there's not an inch between your bodies, ass firmly pressed against his crotch area. the scene is kinda dirty, but you couldn't care less when you turn your head to the side to look at him. he's smirking and god damn, you really get the goosebumps.
your arms goes all the way up to his head and he takes the opportunity to bend down a little, just enough for you to feel his breath in your ear when he whispers to you the next line:
"dale hasta abajo, mami, que no te dé pena"
his voice is on the low side, kinda raspy and so sexy you felt a shiver all the way down your spine. when you turn to face him again, a thin layer of sweat covers his face, some hair sticking to his forehead. his eyes travel to your moving lips and you swear you could kiss him right there, not caring about some of his friends looking.
he seems to have other plans in my mind however, when he grabs your hand and brushes his lips to your ear just to drive you crazy again as he says:
"would you like to come with me to the bathroom?"
fuck. you for sure don't feel tired anymore.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Comic con relief
Henry Cavill drabble
Disclaimer: bit of strong language
Author’s note: For all my fellow dorky cosplayers who can’t go to events right now - I feel you. In this drabble you are stuck in an elevator with some of your nerdy friends and ..ehh..one very cute Mr. Cavill? 
Tagsquad: @tumblnewby @magdelen69
(Link to my Masterlist)
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Henry. Was. Tired. He blinked as the elevator doors slid open and 4 Nazgûl strolled in, their hoods hiding the people beneath, animated chatter echoing through the small cell as soon as the elevator doors closed again. They didn’t even seem to notice him through their hoods, their bodies turning away from him as one of them peered at the buttons, face hovering mere inches from the buttons, before hesitantly selecting one - they probably could see very little through the gauze of their hoods. Henry stifled a sniffle as he managed to get a better look at them. They weren’t common Nazgûl, their arms clutching happily coloured pool noodles and candy-shaped floaties. Original, he had to give them that. Hehe.
Even after visiting at least a hundred comic cons, he could still savour these moments. There was nothing more enjoyable than to just be able to watch people as they were just so fully engrossed in being themselves that they didn’t even have time to throw themselves at Henry’s feet. Right now, Henry was just another regular man. A regular man standing in an elevator with the pool-ready ring-servants of the dark lord Sauron, like it was just another Wednesday.
Actually, it really was just another Wednesday.
And this situation wasn’t out of the ordinary for the Wednesdays Henry had been having.
Henry was currently on a tight scheduled press tour and today’s comic con was one of the many events he was attending to promote the new season of the Witcher. The rush of such a tour was a bit of a double edged sword. He loved to meet his fans, but he was only but a man of flesh and blood, a mere mortal. And mortals..well..they get tired.
Leaning heavily against the back of the elevator wall, he observed the Nazgûl as they pressed another one of the buttons, their voices discussing their plans for the night. From the sounds coming from their mysterious hoods, Henry recognised them to be men. Probably brits just like him. One with a deep baritone voice and two tenors. The fourth one quiet.
The elevator started to move up, the Nazgûl quick to widen their stances before it would be a sea of fallen over black robes. Henry smiled again.  
‘Ooph I can’t wait to get this off. It is the freaking Anduin river down my butt crack.’ The baritone voice chuckled.
‘Dude! Grossss. But agreed. Next time we better build in some cooling system. WEW.’ One of the tenors said.
‘Well you guys go ahead and fix that, you’re the techs in here!’ The fourth one spoke. A ..a woman? Henry looked in mild confusion, his eyes gliding down her shapeless black robes, trying to learn more about her but failing miserably. She was quite tall, but other than that there was no saying what she’d look like. It intrigued him, his eyes resting on her for a longer moment then was probably socially appropriate. He was glad they hadn’t realised yet that he was here with them.
‘Ey and we gotta take some last pictures guys. For fun!’ A tenor said, his hand already digging down his robes to pull out a smartphone. This whole scenario was getting more amusing by the second, especially because the dangerous looking gauntlets were obviously not very practical to take pictures with. Henry grinned, deciding to remain quiet.
‘You and your darn pictures. You could practically plaster your whole bedroom with the whole photo report you’ve made today.’ The other tenor sighed, his complaint falling on deaf ears as the tenor leaned into him to make a selfie, his gloves turning up into a “we will rock” sign.
‘Can you blame me though? I mean..look at us! We’re like the sexiest Ringwraiths of the waterpark!’ The tenor laughed, wobbling his head with a sass. A sassy Ringwraith, but of course.
‘Poooolll partyyy…’ The baritone whispered with an ominous tone.
‘Aren’t we just..dreadfully moist.’ The woman said, a dry humour dripping through her words.
Henry decided to step in.
‘Hey, if you want I can take some pictures of you guys?’
With comical spins on their heels, the four quickly turned around, obviously surprised by the fact there was a 5th person in this elevator. They were properly startled, the elevator quiet as the cabin zipped smoothly through the elevator shaft. Henry smiled awkwardly, shrugging.
‘Woa…’ One of the tenors finally managed, his hand quick to move up his hood and reveal the face of a chubby ginger man, his chin hidden behind a thick beard. ’No effing way…eh.. Sorry we didn’t see you there Mr. Cavill.’
The other two men also took off their hoods, looking quite flabbergasted. ‘Oh..I should not have talked about my ass crack…’ The baritone muttered.
Henry laughed, shaking his head. ‘Oh no really, it is fine. You are amongst friends. Do not contempt yourself.’ His eyes quickly slid towards the woman, but she did not take off her hood, her hood only turned so she could see him. Or well..maybe could see him. Perhaps she only saw a vague blur right now.
‘But eh..want me to take a picture of you guys?’ Henry asked again. The men quickly started to nod their heads, hands pulling back their hoods. ‘Yea man! Thanks. That’s very kind of you.’
‘No problem, no problem.’ Henry carefully took the smartphone from the evil looking gauntlet that was stretched out to him, then stepped as far back into the corner as he could. Holding the phone up close to his nose he could just manage to get you all in the picture.
‘Alright. Great! Love your costumes by the way.’
‘Thanks! Oh can we have one picture with you too? I mean, if that’s not too forward. We understand if you -’
‘Oh no please. Sure! I’d love that. Could I perhaps take one with my phone as well, for my..Instagram? Is that okay with you guys?’
‘Heck yes! Woa..’
The men were obviously enjoying how easy going Henry was, and Henry was glad they didn’t go to overboard on the fangirling department. Henry squatted down in front of the Nazgûl squad and first made a selfie with their smartphone, before taking out his smartphone and shooting some selfies with that too.
It was then the elevator came to a very sudden, shaky stop.
The group wobbled dangerously uncoordinated, gauntlets gripping shiny railings and steadying against the walls as it appeared the elevator had gotten stuck, the doors not opening like they usually would. The woman shrieked in slight panic, her body stuck between one of her friends and the corner of the small elevator cabin, her hooded face probably having stopped her from grasping a railing in time.
‘Dudee!!’ She groaned, pushing off her friend.
The friend laughed, moving away before reaching out an arm to pull her back up. ’Sorry darlin’. Looks like you should have eaten less of that buffet..’
‘Very funny.’ She invisibly rolled her eyes.
‘Hehe. Went to that big toe again I’m sure. Gotta lay low on those chocolates dear!’ One of the other men chuckled, the last of the group now peering at the buttons on the panel.
‘Oh just give it a moment.’ Henry said, touching the man’s shoulder to alert him. ‘It’s probably just a little hiccup. It happens more often than you’d like to imagine.’ He smiled.
They all sighed, Henry’s eyes turning up to look at the ceiling. He chewed on his bottom lip in silent frustration, his fingers gripping with aggravation around his phone. 
UGH…really? Could this day get any more frustrating?
He wished he could just wind down for the day. He had been up since 7 o’clock and he maybe, accidentally, accepted to join his manager to an after party event tonight. Standing here, stuck in an elevator, he realised it really was the last thing he wanted to do. He wished he could just pull on a robe just like theirs and disappear into the comfort of just being Henry for tonight. To really..relax.
‘Had a long day?’ The woman asked, tilting her head in Henry’s direction. He looked at her, her face still hooded and cloaked. Alright, she probably could see him, otherwise she hadn’t noticed his quiet sulking. Henry sighed. 
‘Yea. And no end in sight unfortunately. I halfwittedly agreed to join this after party. So perhaps the almighty gods are just sending me a sign by stopping this elevator.’ He smiled a tired smile.
‘Can’t you just..cancel?’ She asked, shrugging.
‘Perhaps. But perhaps the decision to go has already been made by this elevator.’ Henry shrugged in turn.
‘Hey! You could join us for drinks if you want. Just gonna relax in our room. Play a quick D&D campaign with some beers.’ The baritone said, his hand once more moving to remove his cap. He offered Henry a comforting smile, making Henry realise these were really rather nice people. And fun people too.
He sighed. He wished he could say yes. But he ...he promised. He wasn’t one to break promises.
‘Well I promised my manager..can’t really disappoint him. But thanks for the offer -‘
The lights flickered and everyone instantly looked up, hands moving back to the railings to steady themselves for any sudden movement of the cabin. But…nothing. Still no movement.
‘Hmm, looks like they’re trying to fix it.’ Henry said.
‘Any idea how long that usually takes?’ One asked.
The other men once more removed their hoods, faces hot and slightly annoyed, brows furrowing.
‘Could be a few minutes. Could be half an hour. I don’t know really. Just prepare for it to take a while.’
‘UGH. It’s too fucking hot.’ The woman groaned, her hand finally moving to lift her hood. Henry’s eyes instantly moved to see her, his eyes taking in the bliss of recognising soft skin and blushing cheeks as her black hood pulled away.
She was…very…pretty.
He quickly looked away from her, not wishing to seem rude, but his stare did not go unnoticed by the other men, their mouths curling in knowing smiles.
‘Well looks we might be here for a while.’ A very slender faced man with receding hairline said. One of the tenors.
Henry nodded, chewing his lip.
‘Got any tips on what to do? You said this happens more often?’ The woman asked, Henry’s eyes not hesitating a moment to look back into hers. Gods she was far too pretty to be a nerd. He scolded himself for staring at her again, his brain not managing to process the question she just asked him.
‘Earth to Henry, earth to Henry.’ She waved her gauntleted hand in front of his face and he quickly blinked, a blush brushing over his chiseled cheeks.
‘…I am..so..sorry..I just..’ He shook his head and smiled awkwardly, the knowing grins on the faces of the other men growing by the second.
‘I guess I really should take a night to unwind haha. But, to answer your question; there’s not much we can do. Just wait.’
‘Our offer still stands!’ The bearded ginger said, winking. The woman rolled her eyes, but also shrugged in agreement.  
Henry looked at the group hesitantly, before quickly checking the floor sign that was now blinking erratically. It didn’t look like he was going anywhere anytime soon. Perhaps they wouldn’t even make it out of this elevator. Could you imagine? Stuck in an elevator with 4 Nazgûl? He sure had another fun story to tell after today.
‘Thanks..’ Henry smiled.
Could he cancel his manager? Should he..join these people? They seemed fun. And another night alone in a hotel room was probably not going to do him any good either. He chewed his lip again - he did that too often, he admitted it -, his hand suddenly buzzing. Or no actually it was the phone in his hand that was buzzing. 
Like the devil.
His manager had just texted him.
“Henners. I’m afraid I can’t make it. Feeling a bit iffy and gonna hit the hay early. See you tomorrow.”
Henry sighed in relief, the weight of the world slightly less heavy on his shoulders just now. He didn’t have to spend his night entertaining others, striking up polite conversation and try to keep his composure while a hundred fans wanted to take pictures with him. He didn’t have to pretend to be this hot shot superstar. He could..
He looked up from his phone, the group of Nazgûl already conversing again about this D&D session they just spoke about. Hmm..Should he? He never…well..maybe?
‘Hey. UH..before I say..yes..is it like..okay if I’ve never played D&D before? I mean I don’t want to..-‘
‘YES MAN! Oh and don’t worry. We’ve had plenty of virgins.’ The skinny man quickly interjected, immediately realising those choice words were…well..less convenient.
They all burst out laughing.
‘Good ol’ cherry poppin’ murder hobos, we are.’ The woman chuckled, poking the skinny man in his side. He groaned, the sound drowning in the now very loud laughter reverberating from Henry’s chest.
‘What?!’ The woman shrugged, acting playfully unabashed.
‘Nothing, nothing. I just..never..ever..heard a pretty woman say something like that..ever.’ Henry chuckled, his laughter making him cough slightly. ‘Sorry about that.’ He grinned, offering her a cheeky wink.
‘Oh..’ The woman started to blush profusely, her hand quick to pull her cap back on.
Cute, Henry thought.
’No, no, please. No need to..’ Henry stepped in closer, his hand carefully lifting the hood back from her face, her flushed cheeks appearing from beneath the pool of black. Gods she was pretty. She looked up into his eyes, her breath coming in short, pupils dilated. Ah..she…liked..him..too? It must be Henry’s lucky day…
The elevator jolted.
And suddenly Henry had her in his arms, his body pressing her back into the corner. Oh she was shapely too. His breath choked as he blinked a bit, his brain short circuiting for the longest moment as his hands safely held her against his chest, perky breasts squished against him. Ooph..okay..take a hold of yourself Henry. Don’t be an idiot now.  
One of the man stood up from his awkward half-tumble and sniffled in amusement, looking at the way Henry held on to his lady friend.
‘WELL. Looks like we found ourselves a knight errant for tonight’s campaign!’
The woman blinked, still somewhat overcome by this strange turn of events, the feeling of being wrapped in the arms of one very hot Henry Cavill, the very man not making any attempt to let her go. And then her lips curled up in a smile, her shoulders starting to shake, a heart warming laugh bursting through her full lips.
‘Just…hahahaha..wiew okay..so you know..I play a very fat old wizardess. Not really likely to be saved by any knight errants..any day.’
‘Well..maybe this Wednesday is different?’ Henry tried, finally stepping back and joining them in their laughter, his lips turning up in an amused grin.
He liked these people and thanked the elevator gods for interfering on his night.
And what a fun night it was. It was about 3 o’clock when he finally made it back to his hotel room, his cheeks tired from laughter, his head slightly buzzed from the beer and his heart warm, hands clenched around his phone. His most prized possession right now, because it held her number. Her friends had quickly given it to him when she had gone to the bathroom. And he felt like he was the luckiest man in the whole wide world right now.
A nerdy girl? With humour? And that attractive? Stuck with him in an elevator? He would have said no way, had you told him he’d meet a woman like her this morning. But right now, all he could say was; yes way. Sighing in happy relief, he sank down into his pillow, his heart beating with giddy joy. Today, was perhaps the start of many very good, good days.
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cloudystevie · 3 years
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 14
Tags: Trolls Mythology Au, Broppy, Slow Burn Fluff, Not rated
Ao3 is heeerrrreee
Notes: Normal size chapter, 2k :D It was so hard to write, not like the previous one :( Forgive me for destroying English
- Welcome, everyone! - Poppy beams, raising the Staff in her hand with a big, honest smile. - I'm so glad you all agree to help us with this such a huge project!
Immortals cheer loud, clapping their hands and screaming. They didn't have to, but where's Cooper, the god of Fun, there's cheering from everything cheerable. The pink goddess laughs heartily and glances at her blue company, standing in his Silence on her right. His face is blank and serious. He covered himself with his capote and left uncovered only his head and only of his courtesy to Poppy. She used to try cheering him up, amusing him or something, but she has learned a lot about him during the last months. She knows what that face of his means. Branch's stressed and out of his comfort zone. Poppy catches his sight and gives him a warm, adoring smile. It's okay, it's okay, he doesn't have to enjoy everything she enjoys. She starts liking even that.
The god of Night blinks, calming down a bit. The corner of his lips trembles up a little.
- Thank you all for arriving on my call - Poppy turns to the group of colorful Immortals. - To make the party, we need all of us! But first, Barb, can you tell us what is the party? - She looks at the Queen of Underground. The dull goddess needs no more encouragement. She jumps in the middle of the crowd and yells happily.
- WHO'S READY FOR PARTYYY??? - She throws her fists up and everybody cheers again.
Poppy hears a slight chuckle next to her. When she turns back, Branch gets closer to her ear and says:
- If the whole meeting goes like that, there's no way we'll prepare the whole thing for tonight.
- It can be tomorrow - She answers, smiling. - No reason to rush, right?
Branch twists his mouth.
- You know I want to get this over as fast as it's possible.
- We have different goals then, my dear.
He gives her a disapproval look, but his ears get slightly down and turn purple. She gazes at them with a hint of genuine satisfaction. She notes in her mind to call him like that more often.
Barb is yelling something to Immortals, explaining how the party looks like, but Poppy can't focus on it, can't hear even a single word. The pink goddess and the blue god have their little world here, and she's so into it. Which is, and she knows it so well, kinda distracting right now. She should focus, focus, not thinking about Branch being so close, so close...
She takes a deep breath and forces herself to listen to Barb.
But the Queen of Underworld has finished actually. She turns to her, waiting for her to continue. Poppy blinks, confused.
- Um, yes - She beams awkwardly, not knowing what to say to not reveal that she didn't listen at all. She forgets what she wanted to do next. And the longer she stays in Silence, the more she feels embarrassed. - We... um?
Luckily, Branch notices her fazing. He clears his throat.
- Now you know what the party is - He announces loud enough that everybody can hear him. - So it's time to assign roles, right? - He looks at Poppy, putting his hand on her shoulder. She takes a deep breath, feeling the wave of relief and courage.
- Right! - She beams at him gratefully and then looks around at the assembled. - First things first, we need the Music! Suki? - She glances at the orange hair goddess.
- I'm already creating something - Little strings, twining and spinning, light in her red hands. - But I need Barb's help.
- Here I come, gurl! - The husky voice yells.
- Then, we need our dance pack - Poppy points with a finger gun at the group of the colorful trio with dreadlocks.
- When the music is ready, we'll be on - Tresillo nods knowingly to his two sisters.
- Satin and Chenille! - The pink goddess calls the twins.
- Let me guess, decorations?
- That's right! Lownote Jones and Guy Diamond help you make everything sparkle and cool - She takes a look at the god of Coolness and the silver god of the Glitter and Dreams. She smirks at the red-navy hair god. - Am I right?
- Oh, you got that right, babe - Lownote says with his low, man voice. He gives Guy Diamond a high five.
- And what do you need ME for, Poppy? - Cooper giggles as if he's already happy with his role.
- You and Gust will prepare some party games!
The orange god of Order cheers and steps to Cooper. They fist bump.
- How much time do you need? - Poppy looks around. - We're making it tonight or tomorrow?
- Tomorrow! - Some voices call out.
- Okay, so we'll meet here tomorrow! Branch and I will be joining your groups one by one and helping with your stuff, but first, we have to find a good place for a party - She smiles widely at everyone and announces: - Thank you all for help! Now, let's make this party great!
Everyone cheers loudly and starts slowly scattering, going somewhere with their groups to get their role on.
- You don't have any special role for me? - Branch asks unsurely.
- Your special role is doing things with me. You don't like it?
- But it's your project, not mine. I don't want to run after you this whole time... - He twists his mouth.
- Hey, I don't want you to be my minion. I need you to be. Here. With me. Equally. Like really great teamwork! No... Like one. Like unity. Not like “you and me”. Like “we”. - She smiles at the azure of his eyes. - Leadership is being for others. And that's what I want to do now. Afterward we'll find the place for the party. Are you with me?
He gazes at her eyes, sinking deeply into them. Every time he thought there's no way to adore her more, she says something like that, something profound, mature, thoughtful, something deep from her pure, wholesome heart and clear, bright, intriguing mind. She enchanted him, charming more and more.
- I am - Branch confesses with a low voice and his answer meets a sound, girlish giggle. Poppy's little hand lands on his face, trying to cover his eyes.
- Don't look at me like this! - She giggles, blushing. - Not now! It's pretty disturbing. We have something to do, remember?
His blue lips form into a wide, warm smile. Now he can't get enough of the word "we" in her mouth.
- By the way, thank you for saving me in front of them - She adds, letting her hand off his eyes to show him her smirk. - You shy dork could do that more often.
- I don't feel like a good leader...
- I swear you'll be a great leader if you want - She titles her head knowingly. - Just give yourself a chance.
Branch chuckles.
- Let's start looking for this place then. Like leaders do.
Poppy puts her hands on her hips. She heaves a brief, full of satisfaction sigh, grinning. Oh, her eyes like what they see. The colorful, sparkling lights, clear flat green grass dance floor, Dj Suki standing on the wooden stage with her whimsical, magical machine she calls "a sound equalizer", tasty-looking snacks and refreshments on tables. Oh, the curly serpentines and squat balloons. Oh, the sweet sound of the music, so loud and catchy, it beats into bones, resonates in the whole body, provoking it to move, to let the music take control, to let it wake the mind, making it dizzy and drunk with the overwhelmingly thrilling vibe. Oh, the whole floor is shaking or it's just Poppy ready to dive into the dance crowd the moment it'll appear.
She's bouncing, swinging up and down on her feet, like always she does when she is really excited about something.
And Branch?
Branch was really helpful this whole time. She had been worried that she would have to take care of him, telling him constantly what to do and how. But it was quite the opposite actually. He was watching her helping Immortals and quickly did the same. After two or three situations like that, she noticed, he knew how to lead others, he advised them the way she would advise, or even added something from himself. Soon he got the party vibe and he started suggesting to others his own ideas. The little lights and tables with snacks were his investments, and Poppy wasn't only proud of him, she really felt his support and care. Everywhere she couldn't help, he came. They are truly two unity leaders of this project, as she asked him for. It’s so nice to share her responsibilities with someone.
But even if the preparation was going well and Branch looked genuinely committed, now, when everything is ready, he stands at a safe distance from the party with the Staff of the Light in his hand. It's okay though. Poppy is so grateful for his support, he deserves some time and space for himself. She won't force him to dance until trolls come and insinuate themselves into the party.
The plan is simple: Immortals made the party and invited trolls. If they like it, gods will teach them how to throw one by themselves. So now the main goal is to let them have fun, keeping the party swell. This means, most of the Immortals making this party can just jump on the floor and get a charge of the rave.
Soon trolls start coming. Poppy, as the main host, greets every single one and encourages them to have fun. Tresillo's pack shows them how to feel the music and Dj Suki turns up the music. When everybody's there, getting their grooves on, Poppy decides that this is the perfect moment to take Branch into this juicy beat.
She comes to him and smirks, standing in front of him with her arms crossed on her chest. But he has a prepared answer for that:
- I can't dance with the Staff in my hand. - He announces, showing the thing. - And you know I can't just leave it somewhere.
Oh. He’s right... Her smile falls from her lips. Why didn't she think about it earlier? She gives the Staff her discontent sight.
Her dad, King Peppy, is always saying, that where there's a will, there's a way. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. And Poppy's heart is definitely willing. She looks around intently, looking for an idea. After a minute, something lying under the nearby tree catches her attention. She goes there to uplift it.
- What are you doing? - Branch lifts his eyebrow with puzzlement, watching as she brings a limb and checks its length against the Staff.
- Nah, too short - She twists her mouth and throws the limb back, walking away to find a better one.
- What do you need it for? - The god gets confused.
- It would be quite embarrassing to dance with the Staff, wouldn't it? - She says, bringing another branch. - Look, that one is perfect!
- For what?
- We both will dance with staffs - Poppy smiles at him, presenting the limb like some genius idea of her. - It would be less embarrassing if we do it together!
Branch collapses a laugh, but noticing that she's standing very still he frowns with shock.
- You're serious...
- Yep.
- But... How do you imagine dancing with a long stick in your hand?
She wonders for a while and starts moving to the beat with her limb. Firstly bouncing slightly and then getting up steam.
- Yeah! - She cheers, now full-on dancing. - What does it look like?
The grimace on his face speaks instead of him. Poppy laughs heartily.
- I don't wanna do... this - He points at her loathly. - And you can hit someone with this limb.
- We'll find the place without that many trolls - She doesn't stop dancing even for a second. She gets close to him, moving her shoulder into the beat. She presses her arm to his, grinding her cheek to his. - Come dance with me - She whispers, showing her teeth.
He looks at her with terror. His eyes are wide open.
- What are you doing - He murmurs.
- You promised to come - She presses at him even more
- I promised to help, not to dance - He groans out.
- But I'm putting pressure on you to dance - She said, still pressing. - Feel my pressure.
- Yeah, I feel it, can you...
- Nope.
- But...
- No.
- Poppy...
- Nah-ah.
He heaves a sigh and begs calmly:
- Sweetheart...
That finally stops her. She lets go of him, letting him stand straightly. She grabs her limb with both hands and gazes at him shyly. He looks away, feeling guilty and awkward.
- I'm sorry - She puts her heart in these words. - If you want, we can stay here.
- You never give up on me, huh? - He looks at her. She shakes her head of course. And he doesn't want her to know how much he actually likes that of her. And how much life energy it gives him. She fights for him to live a real life. How did he live before he met her? He didn't remember any of day or night from those times, but he remembers every single day and night spending with Poppy. Their eyes meet and he feels like that moment of Silence between them calms him down. Oh, her vivid pink eyes, full of waiting joy, make his heart beat faster. Oh, he wants to wake up this joy to flame in those eyes. And maybe in his too...
Branch sighs loudly and smiles.
- Okay, let's try it - He announces and unclenches his capote. It would put him off dancing.
Poppy jumps excitedly and squeals. The moment he leaves his capote under the tree, she grabs his wrist and drafts him into the party. Of course, with the limb in her hand.
They find an area spacious enough to not hit anyone with their staffs. And Poppy immediately gets the flow and starts to move with the beat. But Branch... The loud music and smells of the party, ground shaking under his feet and lights blinding his eyes - those all just hit him in his face, making him freeze. He gazes at the pink goddess dancing next to him with sudden panic. He looks around and notices that nobody actually cares about him standing in the middle of the crowd. Nobody, besides him, finds him an idiot or weirdo. He glances at Poppy once again and her encouraging smile beams at him.
- Just move your arms with the beat! - She yells through the music.
So he tries, shyly moving his hands up and down. The beat is juicy, almost touchable, Branch feels it in his head, in his bones, in his whole body. He doesn't even notice when he starts to move faster, he just dives into the music.
- That's right - Poppy praises him with a smile, looking at him with surprise. - You're doing great!
The god laughs. Dancing with the Staff isn't that bad. Even with it, he can dance, spin, jump, throw his hands in the air. He feels the flow. His heart beats fast. His body moves without his thinking about every step. It just gets the rhythm, the melody, the song which’s playing everywhere. He doesn't notice when he starts singing it. Singing loud, so loud, with others, with the whole crowd. But he notices when Poppy joins in. Oh, she has a beautiful voice. They harmonize so well, even though the noise he hears how smoothly they blend in with each other.
Songs pass, one by another, and they don’t stop dancing and singing. He’s laughing, he’s smiling, nonstop smiling, his cheeks ache, but he doesn’t stop smiling.
Oh, she was right, she was so right. This is so much fun!
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yzssie · 5 years
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This is for the lovely anon who made this request.❤ ❤ Thank you so much and hope you like it!❤
Also, I hope you’ll all let me know what you think about it, I always appreciate you and your likes, comments, reblogs, asks! I like to interact with my readers because you all show me so much support and that’s why I am still here, writing. So I would love to hear you out! Thank you for everything darlings T_T ! You’re the best!❤ ❤
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Characters: Tom Hiddleston and Reader(Y/N)
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: smut, dom Tom
Summary: Car and dominant Tom Hiddleston. Lol ok let me do something longer, but I think that was sufficient lmao. You’re the co-star of Tom Holland on the third Spider-Man movie and get invited to one of Robert’s famous dinners, where champagne gives you problems, again. (Too many Toms here btw, hope you won’t get confused)
Words: 4.5k
“Excuse me for a second,” Tom Holland takes out his vibrating cellphone and answers it.
“Hello!” his excited tone shows that the person on the other line is someone he likes a lot.
“Hi, kiddo! Heard you're in the US?”
“Yes, Robert! I'm doing a press tour with Y/N for the new Spider-Man movie.”
“Nice to hear it's doing great. As expected.”
“Thanks!” he nervously strokes the back of his head and you suppose that the Robert he's talking to might actually be Robert Downey Jr.
“Hear me out. I saw that both you and Tom, the other Tom, got it? Ahahah, anyways, saw that both of you are in the US so I'm having a dinner or a party whatever you want to call it, tonight, with most of the cast from The Avengers and some staff from Marvel. Have any plans?”
“Well I was supposed to just hang out with Y/N in town,” he looks at you and you shake your head and show him an ok sign to tell that it won't bother you if he can't join you tonight.
“Are you close with her?
“Yea, yea? We are. Why?”
“Is she the one who plays the fire kiddo?”
“Yes, that's her.”
“Isn't she also friends with Sebastian?”
“That's right. You know, they ar,”
“Then she’s also invited!” Robert cuts Tom.
“Ok, Mr. Downey! I mean, Robert!” he chuckles from the excitement.
“Cool, see you at 8pm. Gonna text you my address in case,”
“I have it!”
“Oh, ok, bye!” a soft chuckle is heard from the other side of the phone.
“We’re gonna partyyy!” Tom ends the call and you look at him confused.
“No way Tom, I am not coming to a party full of famous people I admire, yet I don’t know and I am not wearing this!” you sigh when you get out from the fitting room in a black dress that accentuates your forms right where you need, hiding away some parts you weren’t that confident with.
“It’s a party, Y/N! And everyone is nice enough for you to feel comfortable.”
“Yea, me, the most social person on this planet. You do realize you all know each other? I’m just going to be like the third wheel…”
“You are friends with Seb.”
“Yea, you and Seb. Great!” you raise your hands in the air, sighing.
“And Tom,” he adds smirking.
“And Tom?”
“Yea, heard from Robert that he’s also here and he will come.”
“Then there’s another reason to don’t go,” you get back to the fitting room but Tom’s hand stops you.
“Didn’t you say you like him?”
“Shhhh,” you press your hand into his mouth as if a random Tom Hiddleston will appear from the fitting rooms.
“Yea, well, remember last time right? I spilled champagne all over his pants,” you facepalm yourself. “God, so embarrassing,” you mutter under your breath.
“IT’S FINE, you know he is nice and he wasn’t bothered,”
“I was! I made a fool of myself!”
“C’mon, imagine how rude it will be if you don’t accept Robert’s invitation! It’s the first time and he doesn’t even know you…”
You squint your eyes at him and stare to each other for like one minute before sighing and going back to the fitting room.
“But I am not wearing the dress!”
“I’m wearing the dress,” you whine when you exit the taxi you and Tom rode.
“It’s for the best, trust me,” Tom smiles at you and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“I will die here, Tom, look at me! If you let me alone for more than 10 minutes I will melt to the floor and,”
“Y/N!” an unknown yet familiar voice startles you.
Oh my god, it’s Robert Downey Jr!
“Hello, uhm, Mr. Downey! Nice to meet you,” you shake his hand and he laughs.
“You can call me Robert. I am glad that you both made it. Kiddo?” he takes Tom in a hug and pats his back.
“I am happy to see you all again. It seems like ages!” Tom says and you are both led inside the house.
“Look Y/N, it might be a little bit overwhelming for you, but don’t worry! Some people are coming with their partners so you can just call yourself Tom’s girlfriend,”
“That would be awkward,” you say and Tom scoffs.
“Trust me Robert, that is going to look disastrous,” he laughs and you do the same. “Besides, I think she would prefer to be called like that for another certain Tom,” your eyes widen and you shut his mouth with your hand.
“Am I one of the Toms qualified for that?” a low chuckle is heard from behind and you just want to curse your existence and Holland’s when THE CERTAIN TOM joins your conversation.
“Tom!” Holland hugs Hiddleston and you’re sure your heart can be heard as it beats like crazy now.
“Y/N,” Tom leans to kiss your cheek and you do the same, trying to regain your composure.
“Hello, Tom,” you smile back at him and you gulp when you see his blue suit matching his eyes perfectly. How can someone look that good? Last time you met him he was looking like a teddy bear, but now you notice that he has shaved his beard and cut his hair, turning back from Tom Cuddleston to Tom Hottieston. You internally laugh at your own joke. Wow, you’re so fun Y/N, way to party, you mentally scold yourself. Though, the way that white shirt is wrapping around his torso makes your legs tremble.
“So you guys know each other, see, there’s nothing to worry about,” Robert states as he looks around. “Now, if you excuse me, I have guests to greet,” he spins around and heads for the door.
“So how have you both been? I have heard the new movie is a big success, I would love to see it soon!” Tom Hiddleston ask you and Tom Holland.
“Very nice actually! The press tours are fun as always, especially that I got stuck with Y/N,” he laughs and pats your back while you softly giggle, shyly rubbing your hands.
“Y/N?” Sebastian’s voice interrupts your conversation, well, more like the two Toms’ conversation as he takes you in a big hug.
“Seb!” you smile in his hug, instantly feeling safer.
“And who is this gorgeous lady?” Anthony Mackie joins you.
“This is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” Sebastian introduces you to him and you excitedly shakes his hand.
“Hi, big fan!” you say. You honestly love Anthony’s humor, you always wanted to meet him.
“Oh oh, thank you, I could have bet that you’re one of Sebastian’s fans by the way you guys hugged. 1-0 for me, Vanilla Ice!” he lightly punches Sebastian’s chest while Seb rolls his eyes.
“Trust me lady killer, she’s just being nice,” Seb adds and you shake your head.
“That’s not true!” you laugh and for a moment you could feel a certain stare set on you.
“That’s what she also told me when we first met, maybe you’re right,” Tom Hiddleston playfully answers to Sebastian’s remark and you blush.
A lady appears and offers all of you champagne. Oh no, not champagne. Pretty sure he will remember that embarrassing moment again…
“I should be careful with it,” you softly whisper and Hiddleston grins.
“It’s fine Y/N,” he takes a sip and sets the glass on the little table next to you. “It was only an accident, I didn’t mind it,” Tom reassures you.
All five of you start to talk about different topics and after more sips of the champagne, you feel more comfortable, especially when Anthony makes jokes most of your conversation.
“Holland man, did you shrink more or is Y/N too intimidatingly tall?” Mackie jokes and Tom’s sarcastically laughs. “C’mon man, let me introduce you to some shorter girls,” he takes Holland away and you all laugh at his lack of reply.
“Tom!” a lady’s voice is heard and you turn around to find an unknown face greeting Hiddleston. He excuses himself from both of you and goes to the lady, kissing her cheeks and starting to talk with her.
“So,” Sebastian says.
“Nu ai de gând să faci nimic?”
(Aren’t you going to do something?)
“Să fac ce?”
“Orice doar să nu te mai holbezi la el ca și cum ar fi un desert și tu ești la dietă de 10 ani.”
(Anything else than staring at him as if he is a dessert and you have been dieting for 10 years.)
“Seb, ai noroc că nu ne ințelege nimeni.”
(Seb, you’re lucky that nobody understands us)
“Astăzi ai șansa de a schimba ceva,” he winks.
(Today you have the chance to change something.)
“Nope. Data trecută am vărsat șampanie pe pantalonii lui și crede-mă, am vrut să intru în pamant. De abia duc o conversație cu el!”
(Nope. Last time I spilled champagne all over his pants and trust me, I wanted to become one with the ground. I can barely have a conversation with him)
Sebastian rolls his eyes.
“O să mori singură.”
(You’re going to die alone.)
“Uhum, mersi de încurajare.”
(Uhum, thank you for cheering me up)
The whole night went smoother than you thought, you met most of the old cast of Avengers and everyone was really nice. You drank a little bit more alcohol than you wanted, because of Anthony. You had some moments when you felt a little bit left out when they were talking about things during filming, but that also gave you a chance to join their conversation when they were explaining to you what happened.
You aren’t drunk, you couldn’t just do that there, but you became more easy-going after three or four glasses of champagne. You are thinking about having some fresh air and excuse yourself from the group. All you could see since one hour ago was Tom Hiddleston’s thighs as he was sitting with his long legs a little bit too spread for your dirty thoughts. Definitely, the alcohol influences you a little bit, you feel as if you could be blunter, more straight forward and you actually did flirt a little bit with him, only to laugh it away because you were afraid of ruining whatever relationship you have with him and it was also too dangerous because of Tom Holland who could spill out the fact that you like him.
Going out in the garden, you wander a little bit around the front entrance when a sudden pair of arms engulf you. Something is instantly wrapped around your eyes and when you open your mouth to say something, one of his hand covers it. You panic as you’re dragged somewhere and you crunch your nose at the smell of his cologne, recognizing it immediately. Or are you imagining things? Are you already drunk? A beep indicates you’re near a car which he unlocked.
“Get in and don’t move, pet” the husky British accented voice sends tingles to your core and you nod, relieved that your senses didn’t leave you. Or did they? You’re currently into a weird kinky situation with the man you crush on and you don’t question anything but just follow what he says. Your rational sense is certainly gone. He closes the door and gets inside the car, starting the engine.
“Hands,” he orders and you show them. Something wraps around them too, and by the feeling of it, you could guess they’re some silk strings, which you’re curious where he got that from. Your breath hitches as he hovers onto your body, putting your seatbelt on. “Now you’re going to be a good girl and listen to me, ok?” he whispers into your ear and you weakly nod. A sudden slap on your thigh makes you gasp. “Words baby girl, I want to hear words.”
“Yes, sir,” you inhale and you could imagine his smirk at the name you called him by. His hand on your thigh wraps around your flesh, making you squirm in the seat.
“Good girl,” he hums and strokes your burning flesh. You arch your back to meet his touch, a soft sigh escaping from your pouty lips as if begging him to taste them. He hisses at your reaction, bulge already painfully yearning for release. He dreamt of having you in this submissive position since last time you have spilled champagne on his lap while you were discussing something trivial.
Every time he had touched you, your chest would also stop for a moment to take in the needy sensation of contact. Biting lips, eyes avoiding his stare for so long, smiling eyes, all these betrayed your try to hide your feelings. He also became attracted to you in many ways. You were very quiet at first, a fact which made him want to know more about you. And so he did. He enjoyed your company even if you always met through Holland or social events. He did think of asking you out someday, but he never had the chance. Especially that you were both busy nowadays. You were always making sure to express your admiration every time he was sharing his interests in many things like literature, art. Then, he started to notice your physical appearance. Your curves started to catch his eyes and he was stealing glances at your long legs whenever you were crossing one over another. You were listening genuinely to his words, lips breaking into a shy smile and eyes searching for more.
And that night, that night you unleashed the dark part of him. A creeping blush after too much champagne to handle your conversation and stammering words gave away the attraction you felt for him. Tom Holland left you alone and you were stuck on the chair, uncomfortably alone in a room full of famous and unknown people. He decided to keep you company and sat next to you. You probably didn’t expect him to come over and as time was passing, you were drinking more and more champagne while conversing with him. The alcohol gave you more confidence and you were becoming blunter and more talkative. Until your hands knocked the glass of champagne right onto his lap. You let out a gasp and you started to apologize repeatedly while taking whatever was on the table to dry his pants. He reassured you that there’s no problem and he can take care of it, but you were already patting the champagne stains with a table napkin. That’s what triggered him. Your trembling hands were on his lap, rubbing his thighs, dangerously close to his crotch. You were slightly bent over, giving him a good angle of your breasts and ass tightly wrapped with the thin material of your dress. He imagined you between his legs and he stopped you from doing any more damage to his mind. He became so tense after, that he needed to take some fresh air outside. He then realized that you misinterpreted his reaction as annoyance and you tried to avoid him, which made him more frustrated.
But after what he found out today he will have you, ravish you in any way possible, until you’ll chant his name like a prayer.
“Tom, where’s Y/N?” Holland, obviously drunk, pats his back.
“I don’t know, I think she went out for some air one minute ago,” he answers, keeping a hold of his drunk friend. He couldn’t drink tonight as he came with his car. He probably took one or two sips of champagne comparing to most of the people there.
“Oh, I thought you, she, ya know,” his mouth is already starting to run “spoilers”.
“We what?”
“She’s mad after you man,” Tom finally confirms his suspicion. “I mean, didn’t you see her staring at you? Trust me, she would probably take you right here, right now,” Holland laughs.
“Would she now?” Hiddleston playfully answers but Holland failed to see his already darkened eyes.
“Yea man, she has some kinky shits inside her head, she might look innocent but,” Sebastian suddenly stops Holland from speaking.
“And she’s going to kill you if she finds out what you’re blabbering,” the Romanian man drags him away.
“Please,” you interrupt Tom’s thoughts as you wriggle your lower part, trying to get his hand moving. He slapped your thigh again and you moan.
“Did I allow you to move?” he growls and you bite your lips while you shake your head. He brings his fingers to release your lower lip from your teeth and he forces one in your mouth. You suck on his finger and lick it, gaining a throaty moan. You bite on his finger at the hungered sound of his voice and he grins: “Greedy now, aren’t we, darling?”
His draws out his fingers and they slip between your legs, right inside your panties. His slick fingers outline your clit and then presses down on it.
“Tom,” you cry out his name at the quivering feeling. His fingers draw circles on the swollen bundle of nerves and you wiggle in the seat. Your tied hands grip on his hand working between your legs.
“You’re dripping, lord,” he groans satisfied by your aroused state. His pointer slips easily into your pussy and his lips bury your moan into his mouth. His tongue darts on your lower lip before invading your sweet cave. You become dizzy from all the tantalizing sensations and before you know, your orgasm releases on his long fingers.
“Oh my God,” you sharply inhale and his tongue moves now on your neck, showering your neck with kisses to help your shivering body calm down.
“Did I allow you to cum though?” he whispers into your ear and your breath hitches as he bites on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you reply.
“Oh, you’ll be,” he bites on your cleavage this time and your chest raises up.
“Can I see now please?” you beg, “Touch?”
“No, you didn’t quite listen to me, pet,” he mockingly sighs and you whine. His touch leaves now from everywhere and the car’s motor starts. However, he takes off his tie which he used it as a blindfold and you finally meet his hypnotizing blue eyes. You stare at each other for some seconds, the eye contact intensifying the tension between you two.  A faint blush could be seen on his cheek also and your eyes wander on his torso, then down where his bulge is painfully big. You bite your lips and you glance at him again. He smirks seeing your reaction, “We’re going to get to that part too.”
He grabs the wheel and leaves the parking lot.  
“I hope I didn’t pass out from the champagne and this is a dream,” you mutter and he chuckles.
“Let me show you how real it is again,” his hand travels to your legs but this time he grips the dress and raises it up till your waist, exposing your soaked panties from the last orgasm. The coldness of the leather seats makes your burning skin cool down a little bit. He tugs down your panties and takes a quick glance at your glistening pussy before returning his eyes on the road. “Shit,” he moans.
You close your eyes and sink into the seat as his fingers are rubbing your folds, teasing your entrance.
“Mmm,” you moan when he adds two fingers this time. “Please.”
“You haven’t been a good girl as I told you, love,” he steals another glance at you and the grip on the steering wheel tightens. He curls his fingers inside you, hitting a sweet spot in a matter of minutes. “Hold it in,” he orders and you bite your lips. How could you hold it in? Your body is already writhing from the oversensitivity and you scream when you come undone for the second time.
He sighs but he’s half proud of how easily he can pleasure you. He stops at the traffic lights and takes in your whole state. Few sweat drops could be seen on your temples while you are trying to breathe normally.
“This calls for a punishment,” he undoes his belt and pulls down a little bit his pants and boxers, revealing his rock hard erection, already precumming at your sight. He releases your seat belt and yanks your head by your hair in front of his lap. You struggle a little bit to find a good position because your hands are still tied and you finally stroke his whole shaft with one slow lick. His legs shudder to your wetness, grip tightening more on the wheel. Your tongue darts his tip, circling it before finally take him into your mouth. You both moan at the contact and you try to relax your neck muscles to take as much as you can. He grips a fist of your hair, trying to focus on the road when the lights go green. He wasn’t expecting this to be so distracting and after a few sucking, he stops you. You stubbornly go back to what you were doing, trying to get as much as you can from him.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’ve said stop,” he shouts, but you bob your head faster and the car suddenly makes a left turn and the engine stops. “Goodness,” this time his hand pushes you down further and you’re trying you’re best to don’t gag. Seconds after, his shaft pulsates into your mouth, releasing his seed. You swallow it and get up to see that he stopped into an empty parking lot on the highway. He roughly makes you straddle his lap and his lips ravish yours, hands squeezing your waist. He peels off your dress and you try to undo his shirt but end up ripping the buttons open. Your mouth lands on his torso, tracing your lips on his pecs, enticing a low sound from his throat. You lick his Adam’s apple next and you arrive at his jaw, feather-like kisses covering his skin. His heart might swirled at your actions because he cups your cheek and makes you look at him, the same deep staring of his blue crystals devouring your soul.
“I will ravage you, consume everything you have for me,” his eyes land on your black lacy bra, “Over and over again,” he groans into your ear and he suddenly plunges into you. You moan loudly and arch your back over the wheel. He starts slow and deep, making sure to fill you up until there’s no space between you two. He undoes your bra and takes one of your breasts into his mouth. He grazes his teeth over your nipple while the other hand massages and pinches the other one. You start to jump faster on his lap and he hisses.
No, he wants to make you beg, make you cry for not listening to his orders. You must be punished.
He ceases your movements, holding your waist down and you whine.
“Please move,”
“I think you forgot your position here, pet,” he slaps your ass and you moan.
“I’m sorry, sir, please, forgive me,” you look at him and he smirks.
“I am afraid I can’t do that so easily,” he sweetly smiles at you and licks the other breast, tongue flicking your bud. You try to move but he’s pinning you down quite strongly and you find yourself begging for him to move. You need him, you want to be completely engulfed, owned by him.
He takes you off him, throwing you on the backseat. He undresses himself completely and lunges forward you. He takes you into another messy kiss before he traces down a line from your jaw to the valley of your breasts, to your stomach and stops right between your legs. His hands bury under your ass, groping it. You feel his breath hitting your core and you moan when his tongue finally makes contact with your clit.
“Ahh,” you scream when he nibbles it. The pain mixes with the pleasure from his fast licks and you reach for roof handle to overcome the expecting orgasm, but he stops. “No,” you desperately beg.
He turns you over and takes your hands at the back, tying them with the previously used tie. Your ass is now higher than your upper body, exposing your drenched vagina. He hisses at the wetness waiting for him as you wiggle your butt a little bit but he slaps you again.
“Impatient, aren’t we?”
“Sir, I need you, please!”
“Do you now, pet?” he strokes your abused butt cheek and slaps the other one too.
You yelp and nod.
“Let me hear your pretty mouth begging, babygirl,“ he slaps you again and your breath hitches.
“Please, I beg you, I will obey to you from now on, just,” you don’t finish the sentence as his chest presses your back and he dips into you. Your face lays on the leather from the power he slams into you and he raises you up. He supports your frame by grabbing your breasts, playing with them as he hastily thrusts into you. Only slapping sounds and moans could be heard now inside his car. He starts to breathe heavily into your neck as he feels his dick clasped by your tight walls, indicating that you’ll cum soon.
“Cum now, pet, feel me inside you,” he groans and he gets rougher until you finally orgasm, encouraging him to do the same. He slows down his movements as he spills everything he kept in, inside you, few strokes needed to empty himself all the way.
You collapse onto the backseat and he does the same, however, he tries to support his weight a little bit with his arms.
“This, was, fantastic,” he breathes and tugs away your hair to kiss your back.
You moan as a reply, still trying to recover from everything. “So it isn’t a dream,” you smile and he chuckles.
“Luckily you have Holland to spoil everything,” he tries to get dressed.
“What?” you turn over, confused at his words, but he only kisses you. “That shit,” you mutter.
“Now, be a good girl and let me drive until my hotel,” he kisses your forehead and slides on your dress.
A/N: Who else had that interview with Tom Holland playing in mind while reading that line? =))))
Taglist opened! Please tell me which one you would like or if you want to be removed/changed. If you can’t see your tag please tell me and I am sorry!!!!! Thank you <3 (crossed usernames means that tag isn’t working T_T) 
TOM/LOKI GENERAL TAGLIST: @drakesfiance, @cutiepotpie177 , @brokenthelovely , @heart-shaped-hell , @ultrailoveharrystylesblog , @mooncrow123 , @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms , @powerstrangerdacre , @abrunettefangirlnerd , @darkprincessloki92, @little-moonbeam-666 , @youreawizardjulie , @writingmi , @lokislilslut , @abelstnbhd, @januarycalendargirl , @yuna-belikova , @joyofbebbanburg , @timevortexheart , @captainrainbowpanda , @thesisterofthedevil , @spunky-89 , @unlikelytigerqueen , @loreleyfromouterspace , @bitchwhytho , @justafandomsuckup , @this-side-of-midnight5 , @gabealien12 , @asgardianfloozy , @lokissidehoe , @witchbitch-stuff , @dawnlaufeyson , @captainchedder , @bloominess , @yurio-plisetksy , @buckybarneslovesteve , @casuallyobsessivewitchcraft , @uhh-katie-griffiths , @belindak04 , @what-a-fantasy , @lotus-eyedindiangoddess , @marveloushiddleston
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spnjediavenger · 5 years
Snow Day
A/N: had this one for a little while but converted it into my first x reader (excluding ‘dating would include...’s). Please take a sec to give feedback if you can! xx
Disclaimer: i do not own maze runner or any of its characters
Snow Day (Newt x reader)
             “Y/n, love, can you help me cover the plants? It’s getting a bit too cold out and I’m worried what’ll happen to them overnight if we leave them be,” a thick British accent said from behind you.
           “But, the partyyy,” you whined, leaning your head back to pout at Newt. Today was the day the box came up and that meant a party for the new greenie. Everyone always loved the parties because it was the only time they ever got to have real fun in the Glade.
           Newt chuckled at your pouting face. “It’ll be here when you get back, now come help me.”
           “Nooo,” you groaned, dropping to the ground.
           “All right, you asked for it,” he teased. He left for a moment and the next, a pair of big arms picked you up and threw you over the shoulder of the person they belonged to.
           “Gally! Put me down!” you yelled; though you couldn’t be too convincing because of the laughing you couldn’t hold in.
           “You asked for it princess,” he said simply. “Now quit being lazy and help your boyfriend,” he continued as he set you down. You playfully punched him in the arm as he walked back to the party to throw more Gladers to the ground.
           A hand laced its way through yours from behind and pulled you along. “Come on,” Newt spoke up. “The quicker we do this, the quicker you can go back.”
             It was maybe and hour or two later, at the first audible screech of a Griever, that the party ended. Yourself, along with about half of the other Gladers, were shivering because of the unusual drop in temperature.
           “Alright, shanks,” Gally called out. “Use all the layers you have tonight; we don’t need any of you dumb shucks getting hypothermia and trying to get out of working tomorrow.” You rolled your eyes. Way to be caring, Gally.
           “AKA,” you butted in. “Try to keep warm – we don’t want anyone getting sick.” Everyone smiled a bit before heading to their hammocks.
           “Hey,” Gally stopped, pointing an accusing finger at you. “No sugar-coating. We don’t have room for lazy shanks using the cold as an excuse to not work around here.”
           You tried so hard to hide the smile from your face. “You know you care about them, Gally. You just don’t want to admit it.”
           He rolled his eyes, put his arm around you in a light headlock, and pulled you towards the Keepers’ sleeping hut with Newt at your other side.
                         ~                                                          ~                                                          ~
             You woke up to a commotion going on outside of the hut.
           “What the bloody hell is going on?” Newt asked groggily from beside you.
           “Guys! Guys!” Chuck pounded on the door excitedly. Gladers aside from the Keepers (and yourself) generally weren’t allowed into the Keepers’ Hut and Chuck knew that. “Guys, you have to get out here! Hurry up!”
           “Alright, alright. Calm down, Chuckie,” Newt murmured, literally rolling out of bed.
           The Keepers and you all got ready, putting on extra layers as you felt the chill from outside coming in. As bundled up as you could get, you all walked out of the hut together and your jaws dropped at the sight.
           “OH MY GOSH, IT’S SNOWING!!!” you yelled. From your very limited memory, you’ve never experienced snow; or at least not that you remember. You remembered that it feels cold, and you recalled, very faintly, making snowmen and snow angels. And of course the granddaddy of them all – snowball fights.
           Some people, however, were not as excited as you.
           “This is the hottest shucking place in the world – how is it snowing?!” Gally said, looking around in disbelief.
           “Come on, Gally, this is amazing!!!” you exclaimed, twirling around to get a full view of the winter wonderland that use to be the Glade.
           “How does this not concern you? It’s normally 90 degrees out here and all of a sudden it snows,” he says with his arms crossed, trying to level with you.
           “Yes,” you said. “It’s usually 90 degrees. And now we have a break from the heat. Be happy!”
           “I’m never happy,” he deadpanned, though you caught the small smirk on his face.
           Alby appeared behind us and called out to everyone in the Glade. “Alright, shanks. Breakfast then work. This snow doesn’t change anything.”
           “Unless you’re a track-hoe,” you smirked. Since the weather was like this, there was nothing that could be done with the plants today.
           “Oh no,” Gally said. “You’re not getting out of work, she-shank. You can help out somewhere else today.”
           “You can help brush the snow out of the builders’ way with me,” Newt said, eliciting a groan out of you. He and Gally smiled and dragged you to the kitchen to eat before you would get the day started.
           “Newtttt,” you whined.
           “Y/n,” he sighed. “Quit complaining and just get to work already.”
           “I am working. That’s the problem.”
           “Look, we just had lunch. There’s not much time left in the day.”
           You groaned rather loudly at his response.
           He chuckled a bit. “Just keep working, you lazy shank,” he said, going back to shoveling a path of snow for the builders.
           Your jaw dropped. “What did you just call me?” you said accusingly. You were use to Gally calling you a shank, but Newt never did.
           He simply laughed as he kept shoveling.
           “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” you said deviously. You smirked as you leaned over, scooped up a handful of snow, packed it into a ball, and threw it right at the back of Newt’s head.
           All of the builders stopped what they were doing, trying their best not to laugh (only a few of them succeeded). A handful of “oohs” went around, waiting for Newt’s reaction.
           Newt slowly turned around, jaw dropped, and stared at me.
           “Are you crazy?” he asked, shocked. You just smiled. “Oh, you’re gonna get it now, love.”
           He smirked as he made his own snowball and pelted you with it, laughing hard when it hit you square in the face. You were quick to wipe the freezing snow from your face and prepared to throw another snowball at Newt when Gally’s impatient voice interrupted.
           “Would you two slintheads stop messing around and get to work? Quit distracting everyone!”
           You looked at Newt with a mischievous glint in your eyes, making his own widen in fear.
           “Don’t do it,” he mouthed.
           And guess what.
           You did it.
           The whole entire glade fell silent when your snowball hit Gally straight in the face. Everyone watched in horror at what you had just dared to do, waiting for your inevitable death.
           After what seemed like forever, something strange and practically unknown appeared on Gally’s face.
           A smile.
           “Oh, you’re gonna regret that, princess,” he said. You took that as your cue to run as Gally ran after you with countless snowballs in his arms. Everyone dropped what they were doing and joined in, initiating a glade-wide snowball fight.
           Everyone ran around in a mad scramble, ducking for cover or chasing others in glee, snowballs at the ready. Alby came out and started yelling for everyone to get back to work until an anonymous snowball hit him in the face, too. He pursed his lips together then grabbed his own snowball and ran out into the chaos with the other Gladers.
           You laughed as you hid behind a tree, looking for your next victim. Then a not-so-mysterious person put you in a headlock again and pulled you from behind the tree.
           “Newt, I got her!!” Gally called out.
           He took a snowball and smashed it into your head while Newt ran over to the two of you. He did the same, then started poking your sides as you were still trapped under Gally’s arm. You screeched and jerked the other way.
           “I think we got a ticklish one, Gally,” Newt smirked, stopping his attack for a moment.
           Gally smirked back, but quickly released his grip on me when he got pelted with snow. He turned and ran, yelling, “I’m gonna get you, Winston!!!”
           You felt another poke at your side, jerked away, and ran behind a tree, giving yourself enough time to make some ammo, and nail Newt when he came after you. He chased you and eventually caught you, pulling you both to the ground in a laughing mess.
           He looked up at your face from underneath you and smiled. You smiled back and you two shared a kiss as the snowflakes fell down around you. Even the sound of the other Gladers was forgotten as you lay there.
           Who knew some snow could make the Glade seem like a good place?
                         ~                                                          ~                                                          ~
 “I told you to bundle up, you shank!”
           Needless to say Gally isn’t the most sympathetic person in the world.
           “It’s not my fault you and Newt were shoving snow on my head!” you countered, blowing your nose for what must have been the millionth time that day.
           “Yeah and it’s not my fault you and Newt decided to make out in the klunk stuff.”
           Your cheeks grew red at that. As did Newt’s, who sat beside you.
           “You guys really need to get a room,” came Alby’s voice from the hallway.
           Gally, Clint, and Jeff burst out laughing then, and you hid your face in Newt’s shirt. It was worth it, though.
           And you couldn’t wait until the next snow storm.
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Hunt - Chapter 3 ; Party’s over
Of course, Lydia took us clubbing , she was so happy to got me there , usually i hate clubbing , but well , once in a while , it's alright i guess , and that will get my mind around something else.
Malia and i started to do shots ,even tho i told myself i wouldn't drink , but hey , you only turn 25 once , so why not. We kept dancing together , which luckily made guys here not too much of a bother , but when one started to grab my waist , Malia immediately push him away , taking me against her , dancing sensually against me , flipping the guy off .
- Maliaaaa , you're so meaannn
Malia giggled and put her arms around my neck .
-Are you flirting me , future sister in law ?
-Uhh , yeah , obviously , did you see how hot you are !
-oh heyyy , you too !
Lydia sigh at how drunk i was, while Hayden was taking memories pictures.
- Malia , why is Peter here ?
She frowns , looking at me like i'm insane.
-Woow , you really are too drunk
I grabbed her shoulders , making her backfacing me to show Peter coming our way.
-Girls , sorry to bother you , but we have to meet the rest of the little gang.
-what's going on ?  
-I'll explain on the way
While they all started to head out , i tried to sneak out to keep partying , but Malia saw me and took my hand to bring me with them .
-Nooo , i want to partyyy
We went all in Peter's car , as we came by bus , not wanting to bother with driving  . I  went  on the passenger seat in the hope to get music in the car . We started to sing and dancing , more like giggling like dumbasses but Peter turn down the volume.
-Heyy !
- Your taste in music make me reconsider you,  McCall
-you no fun , Hale
Peter rolled his eyes at me , and i spend most of the ride leaning towards the backseat to talk to the girls . Malia wasn't in a good mood anymore , annoyed to have been  interrupted during our party .
We arrived , getting out of the car , Malia grab me by the arm , helping me to walk a little straight.
- Scott is gonna kill me , he wasn't suppossed to see you drunk like that
-i'm a biiiig girl , don't worry ! he'll get over it
I was so busy laughing that i missed the first step , and broke one of my heel while catching my balance.
-Oh no !
I get the heel in my hand and we head inside the house , to find Scott , Stiles , Chris , and  Derek here , joined now  by Peter and us. They started to explain that something was killing werewolfs , and they needed to invastigate to find what it was .
- it couldn't wait tomorrow ?
They all looked at me , almost all bitchfaces on.
-Yeah , i told them it could , and they should have let you enjoy but Chris insisted to get you here.
Oh , Right , it must have been such a big opportunity for him to get me out of the club , jealous a little i can see , but still wanna be friends , dude , he's annoying me.I sigh and looked at my heel .Derek frown and looked at Peter.
-help her with that
Surprisingly, Peter took the heel and head to the kitchen where i followed . I sit on the kitchen counter while he was looking for the glue to applied it on the heel.
- give me your shoe
I simply lift my leg , instead of taking the shoes off.After raising an eyebrow , he grab the back of my ankle , and put the heel where it should be , putting pressure on it and holding it still . His eyes left my foot , to go along my legs and all my body , checking me out without any shame, typical Peter if you ask me , even if it's the first time he looked at me that way.
- like what you see,  puppy?
He looked at me , surprised by the sudden boldness ,the nickname , the boost the confidence.He only smirk at me , letting go of my feet , his hand going up from the back of my calf to stop on my knee .
- i thought you were the shy one
His eyes went from my face to my clevage , he bit his lips , as i put my fingers under his chin lifiting his face to have him look at me.
- My eyes are up here.
He looked up , smiling.
- Thanks for my heel
He smiled , and put both his hands on the very bottom of my back , making me slip a little on the edge of the counter as i would have him standing between my legs , to then put his hands on thighs .
We both looked towards the door , where Chris was standing .Peter took a step back then  looked at me and back at Chris , only to  leave the room , without a word , mostly to not  start a drama about it,  that would result to have everyone against him.
Chris stepped in the kitchen , closing the door behind him .
- Peter ,really?
- He was helping me
He step closer to me , putting both his hands on my sides , his face was few centimeters away from mine , as he took Peter's place standing between my legs.
My heart went even more crazy than it did earlier in the evening when he hugged me . Having him so close , in this position cause me to stop thinking straight , even if i wasn't already cause of the alcohol.He lookeed  in my eyes , my whole body going off . The boldness that i had with Peter was gone , i felt so small in front of the man that i crushed on for years.
his nose brushed against mine , and i felt his hands grabbing my waist slidding along my sides , grabbing my thighs ,his fingers sinking into my skin , i closed my eyes when i fell him closer , but suddenly he step away .
- Drink this, i'll drive you home .
He handed me a bottle of water and helped me to go down the counter.
- You dont get to tell me what to do
He giggled a little , i looked at him , he still looked calm , which did annoyed me , maybe he does wanna be just friends .
i took a sip of water and went back into the living room. Chris told everyone he was driving me home , i said bye to everyone , thanking them all for tonight . I hugged Peter a little longer , thanking him again for my shoe , everyone only half surprised cause peter and i quite get along nicely in general but we never hug , actually peter never hug anyone except Malia few times.
The drive home was silent , everytime Chris tried to talk to me , i only replied with one word. I was tired , drunk. I would have like to end my birthday in a better way than thinking that Chris definitely didn't  liked me the way i did. At least i can move on now .He came into my house with me if i told him it was not necessary . He even  helped me trough the stairs , but actually thanks god he was here , cause i'm pretty sure,  i wouldn't have been able to go as far as the first steps . As we came into my room , i took off the shoes . Then i tried to catch the zip pf my dress in my back , struggling before Chris step toward me.
-i can do it !
-Lily , you can't do it alone , let me help
I told him no again ,  only to  struggle for 2 good minutes before giving up . He looked at me , waiting for my approval , i simply turned around and he grabbed the little metal piece letting it down , before stepping back .
- You don't need anything else ?
- No
-  Alright .... Good night
He kissed the top of my head and leftmy room . At this moment i felt empty , i wanted him to stay but what's the point . I took off my dress completely and sit on my bed . I wanted to call Scott to come sleep with me but didn't wanted to bother him , he's probably heading to his home with Malia , i can't ruin their night. Instead i just took off my underwears and put on my pyjama , leaving my room  to go to my mom's . Without a noise , i went into the bed , hugging her .
I woke up with an awful migraine and my mom staring at me .I groan in pain , sitting and holding my head.
- Never again
I looked at my mom , she looked so serious and concern that it scared me
- What?  What's going on?  is Scott ok ? ~
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Hello guys !
Here of the 3rd part!
Do you like it ?
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queenmakcr-archived · 7 years
also feel free to alter phrases and pronouns to suit your needs ♥
“ Bikini's and big booties - that's what it's all about. “
” Something so beautiful. Feels as if the world is perfect. Like it's never gonna end. ”
” Look at all mah shit. “
” Please come home with me. “
” This place... is special. I am starting to think this is the most spiritful place I've ever been. “
” Just pretend it's a video game. Like you're in a fucking movie. “
” I mean everyone was so sweet here. So warm and friendly. “
” We're not gonna let anything happen to you. “ 
“ I'm Alien. My real name is Al, but truth be told, I'm not from this planet. “
” Some kids... some little kids they wanna grow up to be president, some kids wanna grow up and be doctor y'know? I just wanted to be bad they kicked me outta school, I thought that was great! “
” When I'm with them, I'm gonna be thinking about you. “
” This money makes my pussy wet. “
” Please come home with me. “
” You're my mother fuckin' soul-mates. “
” Everybody’s so miserable here because they see the same things everyday, they wake up in the same bed, same houses, same depressing streetlights, one gas station, grass, it’s not even green, it’s brown. ”
” It's more than just spring break, it's our chance to see something different. ”
” I'm made of fuckin' money. Look at my fuckin' teeth! “
” I got Scarface on repeat. Scarface on repeat. Constant. “
” Down, motherfucker! Down! “
” Let's cause some trouble now. “
” This is the fuckin' American dream. This is my fuckin' dream, y'all! All this sheeyit! Look at my sheeyit! I got... I got SHORTS! Every fuckin' color. “ 
“ I just wanna go home. Please. “
” Who is ready to die tonight?! ”
” I'm tired. “ 
“ I’m tired of seeing the same things every single day. “
” Rise and shine, little bitch. “
” I am a fuckin' nightmare in this motherfucker. I am the fuckin' Death Star! " 
“ Everything is the same and everyone is just sad. I really don’t want to end up like them. I just want to get out of here. “
” Why y'all actin' suspicious? “ 
“ This money makes my tits look bigger. “
” I was just thinking, maybe you were doing all that praying and I’m the answer to your prayers. ”
” Y’all be careful of that water. Lots of sharks out there… Bunch of vicious motherfuckas out there just lurking.“
”I need your money. “
” Shut your face! ”
” I don't know this guy, or these people, I just wanna go home. “
” Yeah!! Girlfriends! We don't care, we're drunk and wild and hot and were the coolest bitches on this beach. “
” Why did we rob that resterant?! I feel terrible. “
” Shut the Hell up and get me out of here!, Now! “
” I swear to god. I just fell in love with y'all. “
” All I know is I'm not going to sit here another day. How are we going to get enough money in time? “
” This is our chance to see something different. “
” I just have a really, really bad feeling about all of this. “
” I'm tired of always cleaning up your mess. That's it I am done! “
” Oh, What, you’re gonna go home crying to your fucker mother? “
” This one’s by a little known pop singer by the name of miss Britney Spears. One of the greatest pop singers of all-time, and an angel if there ever was one on this earth. “
” Motherfucking vampires. I got my dark tanning oil, lay out by the pool. “
” You know what they’re about? Double penetration. “
” My loneliness is killing me. ”
” You will be missed. “
” Good morning, sunshine! “
” I am not gonna stand here all day waiting for things to get better I am leaving! “
” This is so fun!,Partyyy! “
” We had a promise! Are you seriously gonna break it?! “
” This is a magic place. “
” I've done about every illegal activity under the sun. I am a G. “
” Close my eyes, every time I look, they are like old fashion bitches, straight out of a book. “
” Some people tell me I got to change. But I am 'bout stackin' change. “
” Why do u smoke?, I mean what is the point of smoking, that why they invinted gum. “
” Where's the money? “
” Oh, really? If you go, I'll kill you! “
” Show me bad, sexy boy. “
” If you wanna go back home then you really are a big bitch. “
” Raise your cups in the air, and fuck like ya just don't care. Ha! “
” Why are you here? “
”  Aw! Fuck you, Asshole. Fucking bitch! “
” You shot me in the fucking arm! “
” Am I the only one here that will miss our fucking little bitch? “
” I want the D so much. “
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