#but today he gave me two and one extra for later or tomorrow
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wileys-russo · 11 months
i thought of a PERFECT lessi fic. so r is a teacher and one of her students have a cute crush on her. lessi notices the little gifts she’s getting and gets jealous
school yard crush II a.russo
"-alright that's the bell and i will see you all tomorrow. make sure to be sensible and smart when walking home or by the road please year three!" you called out after your students as they filed out one by one, chattering happily that the day was finally over.
"miss?" you looked down to see one of your boys was requesting your attention, hiding something behind his back. "yes ben?" you gave it to him as he shuffled from foot to foot. "this is for you bye!" he handed you a folded piece of paper and raced off out of the room causing you to laugh.
watching to make sure all of them made it out safely you returned to your desk, having some homework to mark before you could head home hopefully before five.
taking a seat you opened the letter, a smile growing on your face as the boy had scrawled a poem using the letters of your name to compliment you. "so cute." you chuckled, taking a photo of it and tucking it away in your desk.
"lessi? you home?" you called out a few hours later as you let yourself in, not having seen her car in the driveway. dumping your bag on the counter you noticed a heart shaped note stuck to the fridge indicating your fiancé had headed to the market to grab a few things.
unsure when she'd left or when she'd return you headed off to shower, ready to wash off the day and get comfortable to continue the marking you'd not yet finished.
stepping out of the bathroom and into your bedroom you could hear music and smell the inevitable scent of the blondes cooking signaling she was home. changing into her arsenal travel top and a pair of shorts you made your way toward the source of the alluring scent.
"hello you." she saw you before you reached her, stirring something in a pan as she sent you a beaming smile. "hi baby." you kissed her gently in greeting before clinging to her tightly, feeling an immediate sense of calm settle over you as the two of you shared an embrace.
"you smell lovely." the striker mumbled as she rubbed your back and kissed your cheek, the two of you stepping away from one another. "it's this new body wash, it's caramel scented." you yawned, rounding the bench and settling yourself on a stool.
"when did you get that?" alessia asked curiously, moving to chop some carrots as she kept a watchful eye over what was already on the stove. "one of the kids at school gave it to me, i tried to give it back but he started to cry and i felt too guilty." you admitted with a sheepish smile.
"mm teachers pet? every class needs one." alessia laughed, sweeping the carrot off the board and into the pan. "no i think he has a crush, it's quite sweet really." you chuckled, alessia's smile disappearing at that. "should you be encouraging that?" she questioned with a small frown.
"i'm not encouraging it!" you chuckled as your fiancé simply hummed. "alessia russo are you jealous of an eight year old?" you teased with a grin, the blonde sending you a glare over her shoulder. "no." she grumbled with a frown.
"my love i mention that my name's gonna change once i get married like every five minutes. i'm not leaving you for him less." you laughed at the question.
"i'd also be marrying you in prison if you did." alessia retorted as you clicked your tongue in agreement. "look its harmless babe. i'm sure his parents got the body wash anyway, you know very well they have no issues trying to bribe me to pay their kids a little extra attention. and you have no issues eating the chocolates that follow!" you smiled standing up and moving to hug her from behind, poking her very ticklish sides as she squealed and grabbed your hands in hers.
"he did write me a little poem today though. you know you could take some tips from this kid i don't see any love letters from you!" you teased, placing a few gentle kisses to her neck. "i leave you notes in your lunch all the time!" alessia protested with a huff.
"yeah that say things like 'property of future mrs russo' or 'reminder that you have the best fiance in the world'." you laughed with a roll of your eyes. "they make you smile do they not?" alessia raised an eyebrow as you had to agree.
"then you're welcome."
"mm so romantic." you smiled, the blonde pecking your lips before you removed yourself, grabbing your phone and waving her over to read the poem from today.
"i guess that's a little bit sweet." alessia admitted with a sigh, stealing another kiss and returning back to the stove.
"what's cookin good lookin?" you questioned as you slid your laptop out of your bag, placing it down in front of you and moving your bag to the floor.
"beef ragu." you could have moaned at the answer, instead sighing happily as alessia chuckled at your obvious excitement.
"if food is the way to the heart you could have asked me to marry you the first night you cooked for me and i'd have said yes." you grinned, flashing your wedding ring at her as she sent you a wink.
"come on come on come on, i want butts in chairs within thirty seconds or we'll do extra math all afternoon instead!" you warned playfully as your class took their time dawdling in from their morning break. though at that threat they sprinted in and hurried to sit down making you laugh.
"it's quiet reading time to calm down a bit, everyone go and grab a book please!" you encouraged, gesturing toward the bookshelf on the back wall.
"why did you get us to sit down if we had to get up again to get a book miss?" one of the girls called out with a groan. "because i can! now off you go." you waved, taking a seat at your desk. focused on the paper in front of you you jumped slightly as you glanced up and found a pair of eyes much closer than you thought.
"these are for you miss." ben thrust out a handful of flowers and weeds, messily tied together with a hair tie as dirt showered down on your desk making you wince. "did you pick these out of the garden buddy?" you asked to which he nodded with an eager grin.
"okay. i think we need to have a little chat." you smiled, standing to your feet and gesturing for him to follow you outside. "3C my listening ears are on, so keep reading and no silly business or its times tables for all!" you warned seriously before stepping out of the classroom and partially closing the door.
"how come you brought me those flowers ben?" you started gently as the two of you sat down on the bench outside your classroom. "because my dad gets my mum flowers." he answered matter of factly as you bit back a smile.
"okay. so you got them for me because..." you encouraged for him to finish your sentence. "you're really pretty, like my mum." he again answered confidently. "now ben that is very sweet, but you know you and me aren't like your mum and dad." you started softly.
"i'm your teacher, so we have a special relationship but not like the one your mum and dad have. i am always here if you're feeling sad or upset or confused or angry or if you just need to chat, and i'll always do my best to help you. but i already have a fiancé, and i love her like your dad loves your mum." you continued, the boys face falling slightly but nodding along.
"and she gave me this ring which means that we promise to only love each other like your dad loves your mum. one day when you're ready and a lot older, you'll find someone like that too! but you have to stop getting me things okay? its very thoughtful but i want you to only think of me like a teacher or a friend, okay?" you finished as ben nodded.
"now you and olivia are pretty good friends right?" you diverted as he confirmed. "so why don't you go and give her the flowers? because you can give best friends things like that too to make them smile! just not teachers." you clarified as the boy let out a small oh and nodded quickly.
"alright. thank you for listening! back inside you go." the smile returning to his face as he raced inside you let out a sigh, taking a moment to collect yourself and return, clapping a pattern and grinning as all your students clapped back.
"only me!" you perked up as your fiancés voice rang through your shared home, a thump as she tripped over on the way in making you grin as she hurried to the kitchen.
"welcome home clumsy." you greeted her as the blonde returned and wasted no time flopping her taller form down on top of you. "how was dinner?" you asked, running your hands through her hair, alessia having gone out with a few of her team mates after training.
"it was lovely. missed you though!" she pouted as you kissed it away, having declined her invitation in favor of lesson planning. "brought you some leftovers. have you eaten?" she pushed herself up to hover over you as you shook your head with a guilty smile.
"baby it's nearly nine thirty! no more work, i'm banning it." your fiancé scowled, closing your laptop expertly with her foot and hauling you up to your feet. "those are for you too." she kissed your cheek and nodded to a bunch of flowers on the counter as she moved to heat you up some food.
"oh lessi, they're gorgeous. thank you!" you smiled softly in appreciation as she placed a bowl into the microwave. "are these just because i told you about ben today?" you teased, having called the striker during your lunch break to fill her in on your conversation.
"no! they're just because i love you." alessia defended, moving to press her body into yours and bury her face in your neck as you hummed with a chuckle, the taller girls lips beginning to mark a trail down the column of your throat as she pushed you a little harder into the counter.
"maybe it had a tiny bit to do with it...but just a tiny bit!"
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saltofmercury · 2 years
As someone who has just fallen for König, thank you for the reading material. He's just more adorable now. May I request a 'there was only one bed' trope with König? If you don't feel comfortable with it or need anything else please let me know. <3
First of all, very very special thank you. You are the first to make me think of TWO ideas for this prompt but I will be publishing that one later.
Second, I’m surprised I never thought of this prompt for myself!
Anyway I love u and I hope you like this version and I’ll tag ya in the second one.
“There’s only one.”
At the start of your relationship, König was polite. Too polite. Maybe it was the cultural differences or the military instilled in him but between you two but he always kept his distance from you.
He asked to hold your hand when many other men would just simply grab your hand and intertwine their fingers against yours.
He asked if he could have a kiss, it was cute, almost innocent the way he asked as if he would get in trouble if he stole one.
Further down your relationship when you spent the night at each other’s houses he would leave you in his room while he took the couch. Same thing when he stayed at your house. He took your couch and never gave it a second thought.
You always respected this, even appreciated that he was so gentle with you, he was never one to be so forward with you, but it was just eating you up inside… does he really like me?
One afternoon while you two were building a puzzle together he casually brought up a “holiday” for you two.
“It’s not far, it’s technically up north from where we are now.”
You looked up at him from the table still holding a blue piece clearly not finding its spot. Was this extra?
“You want to go up north?” You say, still concentrating if the manufacturer had given you 501 pieces instead.
“I think it would be fun. A change of environment” he had said simply. He looked down now hoping you would say yes. He was fidgeting in the middle of the puzzle. König was so backwards to you. He worked on the middle of the puzzle and then slowly worked out.
You thought it over.
It was harmless, you needed a break from work and you craved a little more interaction, affection from him.
“Okay let’s do it.”
The ride up north should have been long, tedious, and never ending. Surprisingly it had become a great window of opportunity for the two of you. He told you about his childhood. A restless, dangerous, and tornado of a child in his backyard.
You loved when he talked to you about his childhood, it helped you piece together the guy that he was today. You laughed and smiled at all his expressions, his concentration to storytelling.
When you had arrived at the hotel, he took the opportunity to unpack for you and carry your luggage as you went to reserve a spot for dinner.
You requested an outside table, the wait would be about 30 minutes, right as the host called out to you, and he appeared in front of you half an hour later.
“Jesus,” you said sarcastically.
“Was pretty sure you abandoned me.”
He smiled at you, “No, just last minute details I needed to fix.”
You wanted to ask what details he was referring to, but the waiter approached your table to discuss specials.
It wasn’t until after dinner that you noticed him off. He kept fidgeting and finding an excuse to not go to the hotel.
“Do you want to see the park?” “Maybe there’s a fun event happening tonight.”
It has been a pretty long drive and a long day. What you really wanted to do was unwind for the day, shower, and wear cozy pajamas.
“No, maybe tomorrow, why don’t we go back?”
He looked nervous. Took a deep breath and agreed.
“Okay, let’s go back.”
You approached the hotel, rushed upstairs with him. Commenting on their choice of artwork.
Would you look at the rug? Gosh it makes me feel dizzy.
Look at this picture, it’s teal and the carpet is red!
He responded with small hums.
He opened the door for you, you ran inside the bathroom. You needed to wash away the sweat and grime of the day.
Once finished, you stepped outside, looking for your lotion and pj’s. You saw König sitting at the edge of the bed, elbows to his knees, rubbing his hands in circles.
“Are you washing your hands there?” You joked.
He said nothing. You kneeled toward your suitcase, got ready for bed in the bathroom.
“You okay there?” König kept fidgeting with his hands. Why did he seem ..Anxious? You approached him.
“Are you alright?”
He spoke softly, “There’s only one bed.”
“So?” Then it hit you.
Bed. (Singular)
One bed. (Sharing?)
König was sitting at the edge of ONE bed.
Maybe the universe had finally pushed aside the boundaries that König had been so fixated on. You had secretly said a small prayer —thank you so very much.
“Is that a problem?” You asked.
“No.” He was firm, but quickly added “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. I didn’t plan this.”
You laughed. Only König would think because you shared one bed with one another it was malicious on his part.
“Would you stop it?” You shook your head and pulled him up towards the bed. You pulled back the sheets, nestled the pillows up around you. You pat down the side next to you and wiggled your eyebrows. He settled in. You settled yourself right next to him, a leg over his, an arm over him.
“This is okay. This is more than okay. This is the best..” you yawned
He was stiff. “… dove”
but as he peered down at you, seeing how relaxed you were, you closed your eyes against him, he then got comfortable with you.
“This is okay.” He says back. A confirmation. “The best.”
His heart warmed up with the thought of you being so comfortable, so at peace with him. You didn’t even think twice about sharing a bed with him and he did. Maybe he needed to shut off his brain when it came to you because this felt like home. This felt better than the couch.
He made a mental note of this moment.
It isn’t until weeks later that he confesses to you one night as you snuggle up next to him at his house —
“I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner…Sleeping next to you is easy.”
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silvermarley · 10 months
Hi! I just discovered your acc and I love what I have read 💖🥺 Can I make a request? 👉🏻👈🏻 today is Tanjiro's birthday so I would like a Tanjiro x fem reader smut (both are adults but his gf is a couple of years older than him) where both have been busy lately with work and don't have time for a bit of sex until one night after work his girlfriend decides to start the action and seduce him but despite the fact that they have done it before he still feels very shy with her but in the end they end up having a good sex night. Have a nice day! 😁
Thank you for reading my stuff! <3 (Ik it’s his bday by the time u asked but happy very late bday to Tanjiro 😭 so sorry I couldn’t work on this sooner!)
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Work Can Wait
Tanjiro x F!Reader
Warnings: smut, aged up, established relationship, soft sex
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Work really left no time for sex, leaving only cuddling to sleep and the other more basic things. That’s not entirely a problem to you, but you began to miss his touch in the more intimate ways.
With the seemingly never ending work you two had to do, it seemed impossible for it to happen for the time being. But you felt hope when your boss let you leave work slightly early, saying that you’ll be working the later shift the next day.
Not just that, but it seemed the gods had blessed you tonight since you got a text from your lover after you informed him of your situation.
Tan <3: Love, you’ll never believe this!
(Y/N): Go on-
Tan <3: I get to work much later in the day tomorrow, so we can finally have time to ourselves! :)
(Y/N): You’re joking.. that’s amazing!
You set down your phone on the bed and smiled happily.
Tanjiro got home about 15 minutes after you did on a normal day. But now that you had the extra time to ready yourself, you decided to put it into use.
You took a shower, and made sure you felt good.
Then you dug through your drawer to find what you wanted. You had bought a beautiful lingerie set a bit ago, it was a lovely maroon color. You bought it in hopes that something like this would happen.
With almost child-like excitement, you rush to put it on. After doing so, you admire how it complements your body. You were reminded of why you picked it to begin with.
The color was your boyfriend’s favorite. It seemed to also be close to his hair color, bringing a sense of warmth to your heart at the thought.
You continue to freshen up, making sure you looked your best. Deciding not to put your normal clothes on, you put a silk robe over it temporarily. You already knew what you would do to get what you want.
Tanjiro texted you that he was on the way home by the time you completely finished getting ready. “Great timing..” you thought.
You sat yourself on the bed and waited in anticipation for him to arrive home. You practically jumped up when you heard his car door shut just outside.
He knocked on the door, knowing you were home. When you opened the door, he didn’t notice what you were wearing at first, doing his usual routine.
You had discarded the robe, wanting to initiate what you’ve been wanting for a while.
After giving you a kiss and a warm hug, he pulls back. Suddenly his face becomes a rose color, blushing like a schoolboy.
“I-“ he started then gulped, “B-Baby.. what’s all this? You got all dolled up for me?”
You pull him down to you by his collar and gave him a peck on the lips. “Mhm..” is all you said.
He couldn’t help but stare. Something about you wearing his favorite color in such an erotic way made him feel hot.
Tanjiro pulls you in by your hips after regaining his composure. “Y-You look amazing..“ he puts his head on your shoulders and inhales. “‘Always love your scent after a long day..”
You chuckle lightly, and start running your hands on his upper body, knowing the effect your touch has on him. He lifts his head.
Taking the chance, you pull him by his hand, leading him to your shared room. He patiently follows like a lost puppy.
As you two enter the room, neither of you bother closing the door. You find your back against the wall, lips against his once more, but this time your tongues dance together in a heated makeout.
You both shamelessly moan into the kiss, knowing you two needed this. It’s been way too long.
You parted from the kiss, tugging on his dress shirt. He nods and lets you take it off of him, to which you discard the clothing to the side.
Your hands ran up and down his chest, admiring the view you missed dearly. It wasn’t long before you were forced back into another kiss by his desperate lips.
Not wanting to break away from him, you unbuckle his belt and slip it off, letting it drop.
“Fuck darling.. I-I need you..” he whispers huskily, now hastily leading both of you to the bed like a virgin who can’t wait to get his “v-card” taken away.
He hovers over you, his lustful gaze admiring you under him. He was going to make up for all the missed moments due to work.
“‘Looking so pretty..” he mumbles, kissing down your collarbone to your stomach and then your thighs.
He presses more sloppy kisses on your inner thighs until he gets right next to where you need him. Tanjiro tugs down your panties, getting harder at seeing how wet you already were.
After throwing them to the floor, his lips are immediately on your pussy. You moaned loudly at the contact, sensitive from lack of attention to it.
He groans at your taste, something he craved daily, but such a thing was out of touch. His skillful tongue worked wonders on your pussy, licking and sucking on your clit.
Your hands thread through his hair, gripping it to base yourself in reality. Even after what felt like ages, he knew just how to make you feel good.
You don’t remember when he did it, but one finger, now two, was pumping in and out of you. Your back arched off the bed, the stimulation he was giving your poor cunt after being neglected was overwhelming.
“G-Gonna cum! Don’t stop..!” You whined.
He was lost in your taste and in your sounds. He only hummed and continued his actions.
It was only when your legs were shaking and you were pushing at his head did he stop. He licked his lips, like someone who just ate a delicious treat.
He blushed wildly, his body screaming at him to fuck you. Tanjiro removed the rest of his clothing, which felt a bit embarrassing due to your staring.
He moved back over you, slotting himself back in between your thighs. His cock rubbed against your slick pussy, and you both groaned in unison.
“Y-You ready baby? Please say you are..” it’s not hard to tell he is holding himself back.
You nodded. He smiled, and kissed your lips.
“Been dreaming about this..” he whispers again as he pushes in slowly, as he always would.
“Me too..”
As he finally bottomed out, it was a feeling you both knew and loved. He wanted to wait until you were properly adjusted to him before he moved, even if it was almost painful for him.
But you couldn’t wait anymore. Not when what you’ve been wanting is right in front of you. You try to buck your hips up to get the friction you crave.
He bit his lip and knew you felt the same. You needed this now.
Tanjiro began slowing pulling out and the thrusting back in. With every one, we would find the rhythm that worked and then kept it from then on.
He had you gripping at the sheets and moaning without restraint. Not that he was any better though. He was quite loud himself, gripping onto your hips for dear life.
“God.. I missed this so much..” he breathily mutters, immersed in the clenching of your pussy on him.
You whimpered in response. His thumb, almost out of reflex, moves to your clit and rubs small circles. You arch into him more, as he leans over you carefully watching your reactions.
You felt yourself get close. Your noises increased in volume, and you tighten around him. The bucking of his hips got sloppier as he felt himself get close to the brink as well.
“Y..You’re gonna cum with me right sweetheart?” He moaned, “Please.. cum for me.”
You nodded with vigor, one hand holding onto his arm and the other digging into the sheets.
“Fuck.. cumming!” You moan, seeing white as you do.
Tanjiro groans wildly and thrusts a few more times, before spilling his seed inside you. He stays inside for a moment, then pulls out.
He watches his cum drip out of you. He has to tear his eyes away.
You chuckled, noticing his trance. He falls to the side of you when you pull him.
“Didn’t know I needed that this badly..” he laughed nervously, staring into your eyes sweetly.
“Yeah..” you agree, “I love you so much.”
He kisses your forehead. “I love you too, my love. I’m sorry work has stalled my attention towards you. I’ll make sure I can get more time with you from now on to take care of your needs.”
You lay your head on his shoulder. “That would be nice.. and I promise the same.”
Your eyes slowly flicker shut, as his voice soothes you to sleep. He smiled warmly and later decides to get some rest himself.
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bakugokemkatsuki · 10 months
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Reader
**Pro Hero Era **Genre: Fluff **Warning(s): Cussing, use of nickname love for reader, reader size as being smaller mentioned once **Reader GN/Fem/M **Key: Talking; You, Izuku, "Bakugo"
Dating the number one pro came with a lot of responsibility. The news constantly had their eye on him on you on the relationship. They were looking for any reason to rip him to shreds but also any reason to boost him up. This was a lot to handle for one person and you tried to help him bare as much of the weight as possible, but you could only do so much. He was All Might’s successor, the new symbol of peace and justice. That was a lot to handle. This led to Deku making less and less time for you but more importantly less and less time for himself. He was pulling long hours working 12 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week. And if he wasn’t at the office, on a mission, or patrolling he was on call; ready to jump into action the second he was needed. After months of this you could see it was really taking a toll on him. His mental and emotional health were going down the drain. His physical health was starting to faulter as well. He had dark bags under his eyes and was covered in so many bruises and cuts from all the fights he had been in recently. His hair was always a mess, and he wasn’t eating nearly enough. You’d finally had enough, you were going to have a serious talk with him about all of this, tonight. You had tried to bring it up several times before, but he always assured you he was fine and brushed past it. You weren’t taking no for an answer today.
You heard the jingle of his keys as he unlocked the door to the apartment. “Hey love, I’m home.” “I’m in the kitchen.” You were waiting. It was now or never. “Hey, love how was- “Izuku stopped mid-sentence as he entered the kitchen. You sat at the table waiting for him with a very serious look in your face. “Love, what’s wrong?” concern laced Izuku’s voice. “We need to talk. Please sit down.” He sat down visibly nervous. In ways you found it funny seeing the worlds new symbol of peace so afraid of you. I mean you were MUCH smaller than him and your quirk was in no means even comparable to his. “Izu we need to have a serious discussion.” “Love I’m sorry, whatever I did to upset you please, forgive me. You know I would never upset you on purp-“ You cut him off as you reached across the table to grab is hand. “Izu I’m not mad. I just want talk to you about work.” “Work?” “Yes Izu. Work. You keep avoiding me and saying your fine and your not and I will not accept that answer anymore. You are struggling. I can see it. The stress and pressure is really getting to you. From your hair to your eyes to the fact you don’t even eat dinner with me most nights anymore. I can see it in the way you fight, the way you present yourself, the way you act. I mean you come home shower sleep maybe 4-5 hours get up work out and go back to the office again. Your NOT taking care of yourself Izu. Seeing you like this hurts. I want to help you.” Izuku was silent for a moment. “Your right… I am struggling.” Tears start to form in the corners of his eyes as he speaks. “I was always taught to put others first and to be a symbol, a hero everyone could look up too. I was built to take All Might’s place, but it’s much harder than it seems.” “I know love, but if you don’t take care of yourself now, you won’t be here to take care of others later.” “Your right love, and I’m sorry. I have been neglectful to both you and myself. I will make it up to you.” “Izu. I understand. I know your busy being the worlds greatest hero.” “Thanks. I’m going to go call out tomorrow so we can spend the whole day relaxing.” “No need. I already made arrangements. Bakugo and Shoto are going to split taking over some extra work while you’re gone. The office gave you a whole week off. I wasn’t the only one who noticed you pushing yourself to much. Those two did as well. I believe Bakugo’s exact words were ‘Icyhot and I have got this covered. Get the damn nerd to take time off before he kills himself.’ Those two really care about you. As do I, so please spend the week with me?” “Sure my love. I’ll try to cut back some on hours when I go back as well.” “Thanks Izu. Now lets eat so we can go to bed.”
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 10 months
Fit for a King - WIP - “I never miss the shots I take”
Fit for a King - Masterlist
a/n: this got a bit darker, but to balance it all out there's some cute smutty stuff later in the chapter - hope you enjoy
König, Müller and the KorTac Team are on a mission to get a target out of a prison, everything went well, but lying in bed, Müller is uneasy and reflects on today…
TW/CW: mentions of violence and death (ptsd), nsfw explicit scenes
I lie on the bunk in my tent and I can't fucking sleep. Today's mission replays in my head, over and over again. I almost missed one of the prisonguards. König ziplined up the tower, thinking it was all clear, when the guard stepped around the corner, running into him. Luckily my eyes were on him and I dropped the guard before he could even reach König.
"Achtung, Maus1!", he shouted over the coms. A moment later he added "Nice shot though." and I could hear the smile in his voice. I was extra careful after that. My eyes didn't leave him at all, were glued to him. Everything after that went smoothly and we got the target out, no problem.
But the feel of worry didn't go away and it's still eating me up a bit. The target already got lifted by heli, brought to the nearest hospital because the injuries were too severe to leave them with the field medic. We're going to get picked up tomorrow 1100. Enough of a break for most of the team to sit in the main tent and relax a bit. I can hear their laughs faintly and I'm sure booze is involved.
I didn't want to join them. The lingering feeling that I almost failed today and almost got one of my teammates killed – not just anyone, but the Colonel – got my mind racing and overthinking. What if I hadn't seen the guard when I did? What if I had missed my shot? What if the guard had moved faster or got a shot off at König?
I wanted to apologize to him. But after we rescued the target, he didn't leave their side. Then later he was in the meeting tent, doing all the boring organisational work with Horangi. And I didn't want to disturb them. I went for a shower, washing all the dirt and grime off myself, missing warm water already (one of the few luxuries I always miss on missions). By the time, Nikto asked me if I wanted to join them in the team tent, I was already spiraling into overthinking territory and drafting apologies in my head, so I declined. And that's why I'm lying in my bunk right now, rehashing every detail and going over what happened. Again.
As the only woman on this smaller mission, they gave me my own small tent, so at least nobody will see me in this state. I groan and push my head into the pillow. Relax, Karina, nothing happened. You didn't miss the shot. He's fine. Still standing tall. Mental images of Håkon bust their way to the forefront of my mind. Breathe, I tell myself, just breathe, as the scenes of his death replay almost as vividly as when he was shot right in front of me.
I don't really register what's happening around me, as the moment his head rolls back replays over and over again, until I feel a big heavy hand on my neck. "Müller, Müller!" The voice is calling my name. The scream I let go gets swallowed up by the pillow until I'm being flipped. "You're okay, you're okay, you're okay.", the voice continues to try and calm me down as another big hand comes down on my mouth to stop my screams. "Breathe, Sergeant, breathe." The commanding tone of the voice cuts through the panic hazing my mind and my blurry vision starts to turn clear. I take two deep breaths and a t-shirt fashioned into a sniper hood fills my field of view, two eyes looking worriedly at me from the two holes cut into the front. The first thing I notice is that there is no eyeblack around them, just a bit left on the lower lashline, giving him an emo look.
"Erde an Maus2, everything okay?" I nod hesitatingly, holding back the tears I feel pricking in the corners of my eyes. I'm not gonna cry in front of the Colonel. "I'm okay.", I say, not sounding convincing at all. I'm glad he shook me out of my flashback, but his presence confronts me with the reason why I had a flashback in the first place.
"Uh, good that you're here, I guess.", I say trying to sit up. My head is swimming. "I actually wanted to talk to you about today." Even I can hear that I'm slurring my words, I'm still so loopy. "Hey, hey, langsam3." His arm loops around my waist. "Maybe you should go to the medical tent?", he suggests steadying me while he completely skips over the fact I wanted to talk to him. I try to ignore the feeling, as I'm reminded of the way he grabbed me just a few days ago, which was so different from now. "No, it... It'll be fine, I just need to bring oxygen back into my body." I slump down. "I guess, I didn't get proper air when… the pillow..."
His big hand strokes over my back just once, in a comforting manner, and I sigh. "Okay, you know best.", he says simply and relief floods my veins. "But I'm gonna stay here for a bit, so you don't collapse while nobody is here, okay, Mauserl4?" Mauserl. What a weird word. The ‘au’ is long and broad and the ‘l’ sounds soft and breathy. I nod and keep breathing.
"Oh, this is so stupid.", I groan and bury my face in my hands ashamedly. "Hey, stop it.", he says, carefully pulling them away again. "It's not stupid. That's just the way it is in our line of work, unfortunately.", he says and I can hear the sad smile in his voice. "I can't count all the times I actually pulled somebody from a flashback and then comforted them. You're one of us and unfortunately that comes with the package." His hand continues to stroke up and down my back, and we just sit in silence for a few moments.
"I almost fucked up today.", I say then, soundlessly. "How?", he asks, confusion mixing into his voice. "I almost missed the guard that was on the tower you infiltrated." – "Müller, that was not your assignment. And you eliminated him on sight.", he explains calmly. “But what if I hadn’t seen him or missed or something like that?”, I worry. “Did that ever happen?”, he asks softer than I would have expected him to ever talk to me. I shake my head and smile sadly. “I never miss the shots I take.” His hand stills for a moment and then starts to caress me again. “Then what happened?” I sigh. “I- I hesitated. For just a second. And instead of me dropping the enemy, my teammate got a headshot from them.” I’m looking at my hands. They’re shaking hard. A sniper’s hand should never shake. I ball them into fists, swallowing down the next wave of tears. “It was my fault that he died.” His other hand softly grips my chin and makes me look up at him.
I meet his eyes and they’re soft, so soft. He wipes away one stray tear rolling down my face. “You can’t change what happened. That’s the way it is unfortunately.”, he says, honestly, stern, and yet calm enough to give me some weird kind of comfort. “Beating yourself up doesn’t bring them back. We still all do it.” There’s sadness in his expression as well. “It’s the harsh truth. But we can still look out for our comrades that are still alive and kicking.” He’s smiling at me, I can see it by the way his nose is scrunching up and the laugh lines around his eyes get more prominent. It looks downright cute. “So, you don’t need to apologize for anything. Thank you for looking out for me.”, he tells me and I hear the sincerity in his voice. I nod and cast my eyes down. “I would do that for anyone of my mates.”, I say. “I know, but still. Thank you.”, he repeats again, with that soft voice that is making me feel things. I can’t look at him right now, feeling vulnerable and shy. It was easier to be stand-off-ish and flirty with him rather than… like this! Whatever this is.
“Hm, so shy, I don’t know you like this.”, he chuckles. “Weren’t you the woman that threw me over her back? That wanted me to take her and eat her up just a few day ago?” That pulls me out of my shyness. My head whips up to look at him again, and I feel heat creep up my face. “You started it. Both times.”, I say poutily, but I can’t help the little smile coming through. He shrugs lightly. “Maybe…” His eyes are twinkling and I would have given anything to see the grin on his face right now. His hand is on my cheek again. “Mh, look, already smiling again.” His thumb is caressing my cheek. And he’s close, so close.
“What do you say? You want me to take your mind off of it? Distract you a little bit?”, he asks, his face just a few inches from mine. You don’t have to be a psychic to know what kind of distraction he’s talking about. I nod, starring into his eyes, biting my own lip at the thought of him making some of his words true. “Use your words, Liebes5.”, he coos pulling my lip down. “Yes please.”, I blurt out without hesitation. He chuckles again, satisfied at my answer. His hands let go of me and grab the waist of my pants. I help him get it off, hurriedly, and he signals me to slow down. “Just let me, okay?” And I let him.
König gets rid of my panties as well, then he gets up from the floor and sits next to me on the bunk, pulling me into his lap, so my back is against his front, hard, warm, comforting. One arm he hooks under my leg, spreading me for him. My nerves are starting to get to me, but then I hear him groan, right beside my ear. It sends a wave of arousal over me because it’s so fucking hot when men make those little sounds. His right hand is slowly trailing down my stomach, the fingers softly caressing me. My breath hitches in my throat as he’s almost reached my pussy, and I can feel him hesitating as well for just the shortest moment. It feels like crossing a boundary. A boundary we’re both willing to leave behind us.
His fingers slide down and we both moan, almost in unison, when he touches me for the first time, definitely needy and already a bit wet. “We have to be quiet”, he whispers and I bite my lip again as he explores, stroking, caressing. I whimper as he slowly begins to circle my clit with two of his digits, dipping a bit deeper down with every flick of his wrist. I can feel myself growing wetter, more turned on, and I grab onto his arm that is still holding up my left leg while my other hand is sliding up to his shoulder. I just need to touch him too, and I don’t want to reach for his face because of his mask…
Then he pushes into me, one finger at first, slowly in and out. “Hmm, so wet for me.” He adds another finger, stretching me out. I let out a deep sigh. “More, please.” He chuckles. “Aye, Ma’am.” He finds a rhythm with his fingers and the palm of his hand presses against me with every push. His touches get me worked up fast and my hips move out of their own volition, grinding against him. “Yes, ride my fingers.”, he coos.
I look to the side and find his eyes that are already on me. And suddenly the cheeky reach-around, a little impersonal, is getting way too hot, and all too real. Those are my Colonel’s fingers in my pussy and from the thinly veiled lust in his eyes, he’s enjoying this. A lot. The little distraction, meant for my pleasure, is getting to him. “Feel so fucking good.”, he grunts. He pushes deeper, his fingertips brushing over the most sensitive spot inside me. Fuck, that’s only his fingers, and I already feel so full. How would it be like to take his dick?
His head dips down, breaking the eye contact, until his lips touch the side of my neck. Kissing, nibbling, licking, and I’m reminded of how he bit me, and I almost want to tell him to mark me, but the last shred of sanity is holding me back. “Come on, Prinzessin6, come for me.”, he breathes against my skin, the breath skitting over the wet patches he left with his mouth and tongue. “I wanna feel you come on my fingers.” His thumb is strumming over my clit and his mouth sucks on the most sensitive spot on my neck, and the sensations push me over the edge and I follow his command. He doesn’t stop fingerfucking me and helps me ride the orgasm out until I’m spent and breathing heavily in his arms. My head rolls back onto his shoulder and we just stay like this for a moment.
I look back at him, aware that he’s still inside me. But he pulls out his fingers and before I realise, he brings them to his lips. I can’t really see what he’s doing because of his hood, but the way his hand moves and how his eyes roll back, he must be… he’s licking my arousal of his fingers. My chin drops. “You taste even sweeter than I imagined.”, he finally says meeting my eyes again, and I can’t help the blush rising to my cheeks. I’m at a loss for words, but the way he looks at me… my god. I consider dropping down on the floor, to my knees, just freeing his dick and taking him in my mouth. But he gets up with me in his arms, holding me against his chest for just a moment. I let myself enjoy the embrace, his scent and warmth giving me another sense of comfort.
König sets me down on the bunk bed, pulling my sleeping bag over me. “Good night, Mauserl4, sleep tight.”, he says pressing a kiss on my forehead and I melt a little. God damn it. I look after him as he leaves, maybe admiring his butt a bit, the sway of his hips bringing more dirty thoughts to my mind. He peeks out the tent, looking around and then he’s gone. I sit up, reaching for my pants and… my panties are gone. Did he fucking steal them? I shake my head, laughing to myself, sigh and snuggle myself into my sleeping bag. Well, I guess, that just happened.
Maus: 'mouse', Müller's callsign (see chapter “If you have had me on my back, we can also be on a first name basis”)
Erde an Maus: 'earth to mouse'
langsam: 'slow
Mauserl: 'little mouse' (a more austrian version to 'Mäuschen', sounding a bit like: <mow-suhl>)
Liebes: 'lovely'
Prinzessin: 'princess'
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jackmanbj · 11 months
college stress
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summary: jack is trying everything to make sure his girlfriend is stress free and is going to do everything to make it happen.
you had just woken up and you were in the middle of brushing your teeth when you heard jack making his way to the bathroom.
“hi mamas..” you spit the toothpaste out and gave him a kiss “hi baby” “you have school today?” “yes jack, you know this” “cant you miss one day?” “as much as i want to, no baby” “whyy??” “because its going to push me back in my studies!” “baby please.. ill do the work for you” “jack, you cheated off my papers everyday in highschool, and you didnt go to college” “ok?” “you dont know this stuff baby” “hey! im smart!” “not smart enough to brush your teeth before getting in my face.”
you handed jack his toothbrush laughing while he jacked it out your hand.
“and your not smart enough to not kiss me before i brush me teeth!” “oh shut up!”
once you both were done brushing your teeth and washing your faces, you headed into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for you and jack.
“what do you want to eat jack?” “you” “jackman, i will let you starve” jack started mocking you “oohh jackmann i will let you starve!!” jack said in a extremely high pitched voice. “bitch. im not cooking.”
“wait i was kidding!” “nope! what time is it?” “7:15” “OH SHIT IN LATE!”
you ran to your bedroom and started getting dressed for class, since you were late you just put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and took your hair out the bonnet.
“BABY!” “what jack! i have to go!” “kiss first” you gave jack a peck and tried to rush out the door but he grabbed your hand pulling you back.
“a real kiss our your not leaving” you gave jack a deep kiss and said you loved him and rushed out the door.
around an hour later jack and urban was on the phone and jack was venting to urban.
“yea man, it feels like she doesn’t have time for me anymore, i mean, i get she has her studies and all that but damn” “just call her teachers and beg them to let her pass her classes for tomorrow and explain to then how shes been extra stressed, ect and you want to plan something nice for her and she’ll be back in like 2 or 3 days.”
so jack did just that.
he called every single one of your teachers and they all agreed to give you a free day for mental health.
jack knew you would be home later so he called the restaurant you had your first high school date at and had the whole place reinvented, all tables removed except one, rose petals all over, pink and red lights, and more for after the dinner.
after you got out of your classes for the day you made it back to you and jacks apartments and made your way into the bedroom, you dropped off all your studying sheets and pens onto your desk and made your way to the bathroom.
jack was in the shower getting ready to go out with urban.
“hey baby girl, how was school?” “hi, shitty.” you started getting undressed tossing your clothes into the hamper.
“jack if i tell you one more time, keep your damn clothes in the laundry ben when you take them off!” you said picking his clothes off the floor “im sorry mama” jack opened the shower door expressing for you to get in.
once you got in you turned the water up hotter “AHT! thats to hott!” jack said whining and covering his whole body making his way to the back of the shower.
“your fucking dramatic babe” you turned down the water and jack used his hand as a tester to see if it was good enough.
once you two got out the shower you went to your dresser and put on a undershirt and a pair of jacks boxers while jack got dressed to go out with urban so they could set up your dinner surprise.
“jack where are yall going?” “out to eat while we talk about somethings for the team” “ok baby” you pulled jacks face down by his chin so you could give him a kiss while he fixed his shirt.
“see you later ma” “see you baby.” once jack left you laid down and took a nap.
its was now 8:30pm and jack just texted you.
stinka💕- get dressed in something nice, im picking you up at 9:30
once you seen the message you immediately got up and ran to your closest finding a black dress and some black skinny heals.
you set outfit down and started doing you hair, you had straightened your hair the other day so you put think curls at the end, once you were done with your hair you started putting on your dress, you didn’t want to put on your heels when jack got there.
you started your makeup and was just putting on your setting spray when jack texting you letting you know he was outside.
you quickly put on your heals and grabbed your tote bag, jack was in the car waiting for you looking at you as you speeded to the car.
you got into the car and meet jack holding a bouquet on flowers.
“hi baby” “hi stink” jack leaned over and kissed you handing you the flowers “thank you baby” “of course.”
jack pulled out the driveway and started driving towards the restaurant.
“jack where are we going?” “you’ll see” jack pulled up at the restaurant and you immediately realized where you where.
“JACK YOU REMEMBERED!!” “of course i did mamas.”
jack got out the car rushing over to your side to help you out the car.
jack opened the door for you and helped you out his truck.
you both made your ways inside and you sat in the middle of the restaurant, where jack had it set up.
as you looked around you started to cry “oh no no no mamas dont cry!” jack started wiping your tears softly with his thumb.
“im sorry j, its really pretty” “its all for you mamas, no one else”
eventually you both ordered and started making your way back to the car.
“we got one more place to be at” “jack.. i have class tomorrow..i cant stay out this long” “no you dont, i called in sick for you, easy A in all your classes” “JACKMAN THOMAS HARLOW!!” “what?? what i do??” “why in the world would you do that?!” “because baby, you look so stressed, you have little time for me and absolutely no time for yourself. that she needs to stop, understand?” “mhm”
once you started driving to a route you had never been on you started asking questions about where you were going but every time you got the same answer “you’ll see”
jack arrived at a lake and you both made you way to the too right by the railings.
you and jack were talking for a little until he randomly got up and went in front of you.
and got down on one knee.
“jack..” “y/n y/m/n, i have loved you since we were 14, i want the best for you, your the sweetest person i have ever met. you put yourself before anyone else, you make it your priority to make sure everyone is safe even if you dont get the same treatment, i want to be the one who makes sure your safe when no one else does, i want to make sure im always going to be the person thats there for you, whose going to make sure your ok, whose going to stand up for you, please baby.. let me be that person? y/n y/m/n.. will you marry me?” “YES YES JACK OH MY GOD!!” jack jumped up picking you up spinning you around before placing you back down and sliding the ring onto your finger.
“i love you stink” “forever and always?” “forever and always” you pulled jack down and gave him a kiss on his nose while you both made your way back home.
you ended your night in one scary movie then cartoons so you and jack hopefully wouldn’t have nightmares.
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joeys-babe · 1 year
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(posting this pic again bc, oh my god)
Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 9: Game Dey
September 12, 2021
it's been two weeks since joe and i made up and attended the team dinner together.
the dinner ended up being a really fun night. joes teammates are really sweet, so are their girls that were super welcoming, the food was great, and joe gave me a tour of the facility when almost everyone had left.
when joe dropped me off back at my parents house i couldn't wipe the smile off my face, there were some flirty moments we had shared and i couldn't get him off my mind.
even the next morning, i walked downstairs for breakfast grinning like an idiot. it didn't go unnoticed by my mom either.
"who's got you smiling like that?" - your mom
"oh nothing.." - you
"joe?" - your mom gave you a knowing smile
"maybe." - you
"how'd last night go?" - your mom
"really.. really good. i didn't want the night to end." - you
"so did you and joe flirt?" - your mom
"a little bit. i don't know it could've been one sided. after everyone was mostly gone joe gave me a tour of the stadium that ended at his locker. it was dark in the locker room and at one point we were just looking at each other. it was so intense i thought we were going to kiss, but ja'marr walked in and turned the lights on. we both awkwardly backed away from each other and just looked at our feet." - you
"definitely doesn't sound one sided!" - your mom
"even if it wasn't.. it was probably just in the moment." - you
you didn't know it of course, but later that day joe had a similar conversation with your mom.
"so how'd last night go?" - your mom smiled when the question made joe blush
"really good. it was an amazing night, i'm really glad i found the courage to ask y/n to be my date." - joe
"so did you try to make any moves?" - your mom
"yeah actually. i'm not the best at flirting but i think y/n noticed my attempts at it. after the tour i gave her of the stadium we were standing at my locker, all the lights were off, and we were just staring at each other. i made a split second decision and was going to kiss her but ja'marr walked in and ruined the moment." - joe
"you were gonna kiss her!?" - your mom
"yes, it was the perfect moment. i was gonna finally tell her how i've felt for years." - joe
"i'm sorry ja'marr ruined the moment."
- your mom
"it's fine, at practice a couple days ago he apologized to me after i told him my plan." - joe
"so, you have a plan b?" - your mom
"i was thinking about asking her to go to my first regular season game, since i'll be playing. it's my first game back from my injury and i really want her to be there. if we win we'll probably have an after party and i can confess there." - joe
"sounds good. i'm so happy you're finally telling her." - your mom
"i am too. i just really hope she feels the same way." - joe
*end of flashback*
a couple days ago, my family went over to the burrow's for dinner. after we were done, joe and i went into the basement and were watching a movie when he asked me to go to his game. i could tell he was nervous about something during the movie and when he asked me the sweetest question it made sense.
"hey so, sundays the first game of the real season. it's home, and my first game back since my injury. i really want you to be there. you don't have to go if you don't want to.. but i'd love if you were there cheering me on." - joe
"i'd love to go joe. i wouldn't miss your first game back for the world." - you
"good. i'll give you your ticket tomorrow, i don't know if my parents are sitting in the stands or the suite but i'm sure they'll do whatever you'd be more comfortable with." - joe
"i think sitting in the stands would be more fun, but you have to promise me one thing." - you
"what's that?" - joe smiled
"you'll dab me up when you come out to stretch." - you
"i can promise that" - joe
the next day joe had given me my ticket, and now today was the day. i woke up extra early today, i wanted to look my best for the game (and joe).
i had washed my face and put my mascara on, wearing leather leggings and joes bengals shirt. my speaker was playing lowly in the back ground, it was kinda sad but i had a playlist to hype me up playing. but, if things went the right way tonight i might be confessing to joe tonight.
a song i really liked came on, and since i was ready for the most part i started dancing along to the song. my back was to the door, using my hairbrush as a microphone.
"any reason why i wasn't invited to the dance party?" - joes deep voice startled you
i jumped as i turned around only to see joe with his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame.
"joe! you can't just walk in my room!" - you
"i knocked! no one answered so i thought i was free to walk in." - joe shrugged
"what do you need" - you sighed
"i actually have a couple things for you" - joe
"what?" - you smiled
joe stood up straight and motioned for me to follow him back into my room, when i did i saw a gift back sitting on my bed.
"what's this for?" - you grinned up at him
"just some gifts, want to show you how much i appreciate you by getting you stuff for the game." - joe
i removed the tissue paper out of the bag only to see a cluster of orange, black, and white.
when i pulled everything out i realized that joe had gotten me his jersey, and not just one either. the orange, black, and white jerseys were all in the bag.
"joe you didn't have to get me all this!" - you smiled at him as you held them to your chest
"yeah i did. you've been supporting me my whole career well my whole life. this is your first bengals game and i really want to make you proud, i want to show you that all the hard work payed off. every time i made you pass with me in the backyard helped me get here, i'm just really excited for you to watch me in the nfl." - joe
"awww, joey. don't make me cry." - you dropped the jerseys on the bed before pulling joe into a hug
"i'm already so proud of you." - you
"thank you. there's more in the bag by the way."
- joe gave a somewhat cocky smirk as he pulled away from you
"you really spoiled me huh?" - you
"yup" - joe grinned
i moved back over to the bag on my bed and looked inside. there was a bengals beanie, a snapback hat, and a tiny box in the corner.
"what's this?" - you picked the box up
"open it" - joe smiled
i returned his smile before opening the box to see a dainty necklace with a "9" charm.
"this is so pretty! you didn't have to do all this joe.." - you
"yeah i did. you've done so much for me, this is just a small thank you." - joe
i walked back over to joe and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"i love everything. thank you so much." - you
"you're welcome, y/n. i knew i wanted to get you a jersey because all you have is my shirt, but i didn't know which jersey color you'd like most.. so i got them all." - joe chuckled
"which one do you think i should wear today??"
- you
"mmm, we're wearing the white jerseys today. wanna match?" - joe laughed
"okay so white jersey, what accessories?" - you
"the necklace of course, i don't think you'll need a hat today." - joe
"i'll put it on right now, can you help me?" - you
joe nodded and i handed the necklace to him. i stood in front of him as he moved my hair to the side and put the necklace around my neck.
"why do they make these clasps so damn small."
- joe grumbled as he struggled to get it clasped
"can you do it?" - you chuckled
"yup.. got it!" - joe moved your hair back in place after he got the necklace on
i turned around to face him and he moved the necklace to where it was perfectly centered.
"it looks really good on you." - joe
"thanks joey" - you
"y/n when are you leaving?!" - your mom stormed into your room
both joe and i's eyes snapped up to my mom, who was now awkwardly standing in the doorway with her jaw slightly dropped.
"sorry.. i didn't mean to interrupt. i didn't know you were here joe.." - your mom
"it's okay, i have to get going anyways. gotta get to the facility." - joe started towards the door
"bye joe. thanks again for everything."
- you smiled
"you're welcome. i'll see you later." - joe winked before walking past your mom and out of the room
"oh. my. god." - your mom mouthed
i licked my lips, recalling everything that just happened.
"what'd he get you? that bag is huge y/n!"
- your mom
"this necklace with his number on it, every color of his jersey, a bengals snapback, and beanie."
- you
"awww isn't that sweet." - your mom smiled
"he put my necklace on for me, i couldn't describe to you the amount of butterflies i had in my stomach mom." - you
"i'd say. you need to hurry up and finish getting ready though, robin and jimmy are already downstairs to go to the game." - your mom
"okay!" - you
when my mom left the room i ran my hand over my face in attempts to wipe the stupid smile off my face as i looked at the gifts laying on my bed.
god joe was the best.
*time skip*
"you excited??" - robin
"oh totally, i'm happy to be here for joes first game back. it's still crazy to me that he's in the nfl." - you
"it's still crazy to me too. he's really excited for you to see him, but a little nervous too. he said he was going to be embarrassed if he lost the first game you saw." - robin
"win or lose im probably gonna tackle him in a hug later." - you chuckled
robin and jimmy exchanged a small smile. what's that about?
"joe came to me a week ago asking what he should get you for your little bengals goodie bag." - robin
"aww how sweet." - you
"that's what i thought too, but he shot down all of my ideas. so i hope you liked everything he got you, because he picked it out all by himself."
- robin
i laughed while thinking about how sweet joes gesture was, he has me wrapped around his finger.
"i love everything. especially the necklace." - you
"necklace? i was only showed the jerseys and hats." - robin
"oh uh, yeah he got me a necklace. it's just a dainty little chain with a nine charm." - you pulled the necklace out from under your jersey
"how adorable. i'll need to make sure to get a picture of you two after the game. oh and we're gonna be sitting near the tunnel, it'll be the bottom row so you can say hi to joe during warmups." - robin
"sounds good" - you looked away and out the window, trying to hide your blush
*time skip*
i followed robin and jimmy to our seats, i received a few weird looks from some fans but i understand why. a strange female was walking around with their quarterback's parents so i could see where they were coming from.
"don't take the fangirls looks to heart. they watch joes every move, and here you are a young beautiful woman that's hanging around his parents. they're gonna be a little suspicious."
- robin
"i'll be okay, they'll find out i'm just a close friend soon. but i have to be honest, i didn't know joe had fangirls." - you laughed
"oh yeah, i foresee the number of them increasing with his return. and honey let's be real, you're more to joe than just a close friend." - robin
"i don't know about that-" - you
"here they're coming out to stretch!" - jimmy
my eyes left robin and shot over to the tunnel exit, watching for the familiar 6'4 stature. i was starting to wonder if joe had forgotten because most of the players were out stretching and i hadn't been approached yet.
"he's probably nervous about the game, i'm sorry that he forgot honey." - robin
"it's okay-" - you get cut off by a familiar voice yelling your name
"y/n!" - joe
my eyes darted around till they landed on joe, just a couple rows of people between us. a huge smile formed on my face as i waved at him, he returned the smile and motioned for me to come down.
i stood up and walked down the stairs to the bottom row before sticking my hand over the edge to connect it with joe's.
"you kept your promise" - you smiled
"of course, i always keep the promises i give you. i also thought a picture of us dabbing each other up would be insanely cool." - joe
"you're mom wants to get a pic of us after the game." - you
"we can do that." - joe nodded, his smile never leaving his face
"don't you have to get going?" - you looked around at the other players already warming up
"i've got a couple minutes. i really appreciate you coming by the way. i was kinda nervous because it's my first game since my injury, but you being here really helps." - joe
"of course, i'm happy to be here! do you like my fit??" - you
"well duh. you look amazing always, but you look extra good in my jersey." - joe
"yeah? i wore my necklace too." - you
"it looks really pretty on you." - joe grinned
"thanks, joey." - you
"burrow!!" - zac
joe sighed as he turned around and saw zac motioning for him.
"i gotta go, i'll see you after though?" - joe
"of course. i hope you win." - you
"thanks, i'll try to win it.. for you." - joe
i looked away to try to hide the blush on my cheeks, but joe laughed.
"see ya later, y/n" - joe
"see ya, burrow." - you smiled to yourself as you watched joe turn around and run to his coach across the field
the game was absolutely electric, everyone was so hyped for joes return and start of his redemption story. when the team ran out i got literal chills, it was insane seeing joe play in the nfl and i can’t put into words how proud of him i am.
*time skip*
four quarters and overtime later, i was jumping up and down when the score ended in 27 - 24. joe had won his first game back!
“i’m so proud of him!” - you yelled to robin over the cheering crowd
“i know you are honey! i am too! wanna go ahead and start going towards the players exit?” - robin
“sure!” - you
i couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as i walked with jimmy and robin to the players exit. we stood near the door, leaning against the wall. i knew it was going to take joe awhile, but i didn’t expect him to text me soon after the players got back to the locker room
i’m gonna shower rq, do my press conference, and head straight out to you guys.
okay sounds good, we’re standing by the exit. don’t feel like you have to rush yourself, you need to celebrate the win joe.
i’m going to, we’re going to our go-to bar to celebrate.
oh okay, so are we still gonna get that picture your mom wants?
yeah, why wouldn’t we? just bc im going out to celebrate doesn’t mean im not gonna go talk to you guys. plus i was hoping you’d go with me.
idk joe, i’m pretty tired.
pleeeeeaaaaaaaase??? i want to celebrate this win with you.
atta girl. i’ll drive you, i don’t planning on getting drunk so i can drive you home too.
okay, sounds like a plan. i’ll see you in a bit, hit the shower and don’t be late to your conference mr. burrow
goin that way rn, ma’am.
“are you texting joe?” - robin
“yup, he just told me he has to shower and then do his press conference before he’ll be out here.” - you
“glad he told someone” - jimmy sighed
“he wants me to go with him to celebrate with the team. so im going with joe when he leaves, no need for you guys to be my ride.” - you
“oh ok” - robin
*time skip*
“hey guys!” - joe
all three of our heads snapped up in joes direction, we were all kind of dazed while staring at the ground waiting for him.
i tackled him in a hug, and he didn’t seem taken back at all when i jumped on him.
“i’m so proud of you.” - you
“won it for you, y/n” - joe
“you’re gonna do great things this year joe, and all the years after that.” - you
“i hope you’re there for all of them” - joe
“i will be, joey.” - you smiled at him as you moved one of his curls out of his face
after that i moved to the side so he could talk to his parents before robin asked to stand together for a picture.
joe had his arm around my back, his big hand on my shoulder as my hand was pressed onto the middle of his back.
“smile!” - robin
she snapped a few pics before showing them to joe and i.
“you make me look so short.” - you jokingly complained
“you make me look so tall.” - joe retorted
“oh whatever” - you laughed as you shoved his chest
joe and i continued to laugh together till robin and jimmy decided to leave, and joe and i were walking to his car.
“im really glad you’re coming with me. you know i dont like settings like that, but you make it more bearable” - joe opened your door for you before he shoveled to the other side and sat down.
“i’m just the best.” - you joked
“you really are.” - joe looked over at you, his eyes going from your eyes to your lips and back.
you didn’t know it, but he wanted to kiss you so bad. hopefully though, if everything goes right tonight, he’ll be able to do that as much as he wants.
authors note: joes contract extension deserves a new chapter the same day. 😭😭
hope you enjoyed ❤️
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theluciansystem · 1 year
Moon Knight - "what's an avatar to a god?" - Ask game, prompt 14
Summary: When you're walking home from a store, about to celebrate the boys' release from Khonshu, things get a little messy as someone follows you home.
Warnings: mentions of blood, alcohol, some creep, and a knife. + dying Y/N.
Word count: 890
Notes: hope you enjoy :)
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They were free as of 2 months ago, free of Khonshu, free to not do his bidding anymore, and I am so proud of them for leaving him behind. I knew it was hard to leave, but my boys did it.
Steven and Marc had been encouraging Jake to finally leave Khonshu since the end of Ammit, near when I first met them. Jake later told me he hated ‘that maldito pollo’ anyway, and didn’t like being told what to do.
I’m walking with a box of chocolates and some wine for me and Steven. Tonight was our night to celebrate, I set up a night for me and each of the boys. Today Steven, tomorrow Jake, and then the day after Marc.
I start to hear footsteps behind me after I leave the store. I continue to walk for a while, waiting for them to turn off somewhere. But the steps continue, continue, continue…   I start to worry, I’m about a two blocks from home, I just can’t have something else happen. I pull out the pocket knife Marc gave me, I turn to face whoever’s following me and-
“Y/N isn’t picking up, guys…” Steven says out loud, and he tries to call again, only to get voicemail again Trying to fidget with a rubik’s cube in one hand, phone in the other.  
She’s most likely just picking up extra stuff at the store or just got distracted, it’s fine. Marc says, attempting to comfort, almost sounding like he’s trying to convince himself of that too.
Why so worried, hermano?  Jake asks. 
“I dunno, I just got a bad feelin’.” Steven replies, still fidgeting, he looks over to the mirror.  Trust that feeling, go get ‘em!   Jake gives a light smile then gestures to his jacket..
“Yeah.. yeah!” Steven puts on his jacket, and grabs his keys. Jake turns to look back at Steven while he’s not looking, Jake looks mildly concerned.
Finally on the streets, Steven begins to walk toward the direction of the store you were supposed to be at. Not even a block in, he sees a form on the ground, a flashing streetlamp gently illuminating it. He stops, he knows that jacket that’s cuddled around the body—your body-…  he rushes toward you, flipping you onto your back.
There’s so much blood..  Marc says, and that’s all it took. Steven starts sob, “fuck fuck… love, please,” he checks, and you’re breathing, but just barely. He takes out his phone and dials for emergency.
You can faintly hear him… his voice, you cling to that.
You open your eyes as much as you can, to a poor sight; one of your boys, crying like it’ll make you not be bleeding, phone to his ear, talking.. you can barely hear out his words now, but you can read his lips one more time, “stay with me, mi amor”. 
 You cling to him.  Him, his quirks, his hand holding yours, the feeling he gives you every time you look at him, all of him.
Steven switched out with Jake while connecting to emergency, as he was too panicked to talk. Eventually connecting to services, a man comes on the line. “It would take the closest ambulance twenty-minutes to get out there,” questioning if he it’d be faster to carry you to the nearest hospital or to wait, Jake hears voice too familiar behind him and you.
“Well, well. Appears as though we’ll lose another traveler tonight.”
“Khonshu. No- this.. this won’t be it, this can’t be the end.” His normally confident voice is shaking with nervousness.
“There’s almost no way out of this one, boy.”
“Almost?”  Jake asks, and he is silent. “Respóndeme!!”
Khonshu chuckles, “They would make a great avatar.”. Jakes faces drops, “you.. you surely wouldn’t?”, Marc’s voice echoes in their head,  i-it’s Khonshu, you can’t trust him to-
“Do whatever it takes.” Jake says, without listening, and steps out of the way. Khonshu moves toward their Y/N.  Your eyes open once more, and it’s like you finally see him.  Leaning down, he asks the question, “Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?”
You don’t answer.
Jake looks at your chest, just making sure you’re still breathing, and you are.
“Do you swear–“  “yes” it comes out a small whisper, but the word means more than it should.
Khonshu laughs, then returns to his monologue, “then rise. Rise and live again. As my fist of vengeance,” with each word, Jake feels his heart break for you. “As my Moon Knight”
With a sudden glow in your eyes, and the suit comes on… you raise up into a sitting position.
“..Mi amor?” Jake gets down on one knee, you turns toward him. The head part of the suit goes back down, with tears in their eyes, “Jake…” You practically jumps into his arms, “I’m so sorry–“ 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby.” you start to bawl, you don’t even recognize that it’s probably now Marc you’re talking to. There’s short whispers of “i’m sorry”’s from you and “it’s okay”’s from him until he kisses you and just holds you, leaning in, and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, while Khonshu just watches over his new avatar..
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serenity-ren-bliss · 7 months
I've found my ambition again
Prompt(s)/Premise: Kazuha + prompt 6: Reunited + Quote 6: "It's so nice to see your face"
Notes: WOOO! The first fic for this event is finally out!! Have I written a modern Au of this? Yes. Am I possibly tiring out this premise? Possibly. Do I care!? Hell nah.
TW: fem!reader, Not beta read
Kazuha stared off at the sea, lost in thought. "Kazuha!" The familiar, booming voice, sounded behind him, causing him to jump and almost fall of the bow of the Alcor.
He turned to face her. "Captain Beidou." She crossed her arms. "This is the third time today I had to scream in your ear to get your attention. What's up?"
Kazuha sighed. "My apologies, Beidou, I'm just... thinking." She smiled at him, concerned. "Well, whatever it is, you know you can talk about anything with me, right?" He nodded. "Thank you, Beidou"
She pat his back. "Well, Wei Yin needs you on deck for something." Kazuha nodded. "I'll be right there." She smiled and walked off. Kazuha took one last look at the horizon.
Later that night, the members of the Crux rejoiced. They broke out their bottles and Beidou made a toast. "Have some fun and get some rest tonight, my friends, cause tomorrow we'll be in Inazuma for the first time since the abolishment of the Sukoku decree!" Everyone cheered.
No one could deny that coming back to Inazuma after the decree was amazing. Basically any member of the crew would agree that the decree made Inazuma one of the worst nations to visit. Kazuha, tho, was extra excited. This was his hometown, and he was so happy to see everything in its full, reestablished, glory.
He drank a full bottle of sake that night, and he might've had more had Beidou not kept her eye on him. "You had enough, Kazuha, go to bed." He agreed without arguing.
The next morning, Kazuha was more giddy anyone on the Crux would ever see him, practically jumping in his seat as the Alcor pulled into the docs in Inazuma. He ran over to the rail.
"You looking for something?" Beidou asked it as a joke. She didn't expect Kazuha's face to light up at the sight of something, and he ran off the ship.
"Kazuhaa!!!!" An unfamiliar voice boomed through the air and the members of the Crux watched in awe as Kazuha, who had never once mentioned anyone from his life outside of his late best friend, ran up to a girl they had never met.
She was running towards him as well, and they met in the middle, with him picking her up and twirling her. "Kazuha!!!" He put her down so she could look up at him, cupping his face.
"It's so nice to see your face again, my love." He gave her a passionate kiss. She returned it, and when he pulled away, she gave him a small giggle. "I missed you so much. All that time in hiding was misery!"
She's been hiding away since the vision hunt decree was announced less than two weeks after her vision manifested. Kazuha used to come visit her often, however after joining the Crux fleet he never got the chance and was only able to slip letters for Thoma to give to her, which they are both endlessly thankful for, but seeing each other's face again is the best thing to happen to both of you.
"I have so much I need to show you tell you, do with you!" Kazuha giggled fondly in response. "That sounds amazing, my dear, but first, I need to introduce you to someone." She nods, practically bouncing in place as Kazuha beckoned Beidou over.
"You never told me you had a partner, Kazuha." She came up behind him. "I'm Beidou, captain of the Crux fleet." The girl shook her hand. "Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you, Captain Beidou."
"You too. Glad to know Kazuha here hasn't been staring off into space these past few weeks for nothing." "Really!?" Kazuha blushed a little. "Aww, Kazu! You've been thinking of me!!" He chuckled. "Of course, my love. There's not a moment I'm not."
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mageofseven · 1 year
reading your boxers or briefs post got me thinkin :o
fertility doctors actually recommend that men trying to have kids wear boxers, or even just go full blown commando, bc briefs lower sperm count (the area becomes too warm, and impedes sperm production)
how do you think the brothers and/or dateables would react to this info? :o
Okay this is kinda weird but also really fascinating!
I'll give this one a try, but I'll do the Brothers in this post and make another for the unDateables~
"Yes, Love?"
The man didn't even look up from his paperwork as the human strolled into his office.
No response came after a minute so the demon sighed, sat down his pen, and looked up at them.
"Come here, my Heart." He pushed his chair from his desk.
MC scurried over and sat on his lap.
Luce gave a small chuckle at their movement before kissing their cheek.
"So what is it that you need, Love?"
The human laid their head against his shoulder and took his hand, playing with his fingers nervously.
"I learned something new today."
"And what would that be?"
A blush filled their face, but no response came from the human's mouth.
Luce kissed the top of their head and stroked their hair patiently.
"T-That...men who wear briefs have a lower sperm count and doctors recommend they wear boxers..."
Luce pursed his lips. He knew what his partner was very unsubtly hinting at and was...not a fan of the topic.
This man has been raising children since he himself was a child and he was...so very tired.
"You want a child, don't you, Love?"
MC hid their face in the crook of his neck, not answering.
The demon sighed. There was a lot of good things about parenting that MC has never gotten to experience.
Maybe...one more child wouldn't be so bad for this man.
"Would you feel better if I started wearing boxers tomorrow and we...started trying for our child?"
"Yes!" The human accidentally yelled in his ear and immediately regretted it.
MC hid their face in their boyfriend's chest.
Luce sighed and kiss their head, his ear ringing all the while.
"It's fine, Love; as long as you're happy."
The greed demon was laying in bed on his phone, scrolling through various apps in his boredom.
MC has been in the bathroom for a while now and the man didn't wanna fall asleep until his Human was wrapped up in his arms.
The human came out a minute later, all antsy.
The man was too focused on his phone to realize such though.
MC slid into bed next to him and he pulled them into his arms before setting his phone on the stand next to him.
"Hey Babe?" MC mumbled.
Mammon brought his lips to their temple for a kiss before responding.
"Yeah, Babe?"
Silence. The demon raised an eyebrow.
"Ya good?"
The human curled in closer to their boyfriend.
"I...I learned something today."
"Yeah?" The man rested his chin on the top of their head and yawned. "Waddya learn, Babe?"
"That..." MC took his hand and laid it on their stomach. "That boyfriends who wear boxers have an easier time getting their partners pregnant."
It took a good minute of letting his Human's word sink in before he realized what they were getting at.
The demon bounced back to meet his partner in the eyes.
"Did I...?"
MC nodded.
"Are you...?"
MC nodded again, this time with a smile and tears in their eyes
"Holy shit..." He stared, eyes wide before cheering. "Hell ya, baby! My Babe's having my baby!"
Mammon held them tighter and kept kissing them all over their face, causing the human to laugh.
Life was about to be extra good for these two.
The demon could tell MC had been acting...off most of the day, but really didn't know how to approach them about it
And ultimately just decided to cling to them and hope he can make their day a bit better.
Even once night fell, the human still seemed distracted, nervous even, and the otaku didn't know what to do for their partner.
"Hey... Henry?"
The two were curled up together in his bathtub bed, ready to end the day.
Except their boyfriend couldn't sleep without asking them about it.
"Did I...do something?" He asked, worried. "You've just been acting all weird today so I was wondering..."
MC bit their lip.
The human shook their head.
"Its not you..." They assured him. "I just...I have to come to terms with something I learned today."
Levi tightened his embrace around the human.
"Yeah? What did you learn?"
MC snuggled closer to him, mumbling something into his chest.
MC sighed and looked up at him, repeating themself.
"I learned that...boyfriends who wear boxers...have an easier time getting their partners pregnant."
Levi wears boxers.
...Oh no.
"A-Are you...? Did I...?"
MC started crying into his chest.
"I'm sorry..."
The demon didn't know what they were going to do; they weren't ready for a kid.
Hell, they haven't even dated for a full six months at this point!
All he could do was be there for his Henry and do what they needed him to do
...and wear briefs for now on 'cause this man was now paranoid.
The demon was in the library, reading a new book when he saw movement from the corner of his eye.
He looked up and saw his Kitten standing there, swinging in place as they waited to be noticed by their boyfriend.
The blonde smirked.
"Were you being patient for me, Kitten?"
The human nodded happily as the man set his book down and reached out to slide them onto his lap.
Thats when he noticed they were carrying some papers.
The blonde raise an eyebrow.
"Do you have something for me, little one?
The papers start to crumple in their hands as their grip tightened.
Satan kissed their cheek and rocked them a bit.
"It's okay; you can tell me."
MC didn't respond; they just pointed to a highlighted section on the paper.
The man gently took the paper and could feel his Kitten lightly squirm on his lap as he read what was apparently an article on male fertility.
The highlighted section was on underwear choice and explaining how briefs kept things too hot down below and lowered a man's sperm count.
The blonde sighed, well aware of the human's message.
Of course his Kitten wanted to be a parent. They'd be an amazing one too; he knew it. They were sweet and caring and had so much love to give
"I'm sorry, Kitten."
The man watched as his partner deflate in his arms.
He sat the papers on his book before tightening his embrace around them.
"You would be an excellent parent; I know you would." He gave a kiss to their cheek. "However I...am not quite ready for this sort of life change."
MC stared down at their hands.
The blonde brought his hand to their chin and gently brought them to face him.
"Right now...I just want to focus on us. On you." He stroked their cheek. "I just want to give you every ounce of love my heart can create. Someday, we can... revisit this topic, but for now, I just want to focus on you."
His partner still looked so disappointed.
Satan sighed and gave a gentle rub to their stomach.
"You'll make a great parent; but that will be for another time." He repeated before kissing their neck.
The blonde hated to disappoint his Kitten, but he felt it was better to be honest with them.
The man continued to faithfully use the birth control rune on the human during their intimate time, but switched to boxers for them as a sign that...even if he's not ready for a child now, he meant it when he said it was something for them later
And MC took comfort in that.
The two had only been dating for last the month and half when MC started acting strange.
For a while, the human didn't seem to want to talk about it so the lust demon did his very best to try to cheer them up.
When that didn't work, the man wrapped his arms around them and whined in their ear.
"Dolly... can't you just tell me what's wrong?"
MC was really stressed out and had their head in their hands.
"Why couldn't you have just worn briefs more?"
Asmo raised an eyebrow.
Before he could say anything, the human shook their head.
"Nevermind that...was just part of something I read recently..."
"Do you mean that thing going around online about underwear and a man's sperm count?"
MC nodded.
Asmo was about to ask why they're so concerned about his sperm count when it hit him.
The human started crying.
"It was one time."
The two haven't been dating long, but slept together for the first time recently.
It was...very impromptu so neither thought to use protection
And now his Dolly is pregnant.
The demon rubbed their back and made comforting 'shhh' sounds in their ears.
"Doll...it'll be okay."
"How? How could this ever be okay? We can't do this..."
"We can do anything." He lowered his arms around their waist and peppered sweet kisses over their face. "No matter how soon this is, we can handle this together."
He gave a loving rub to their still-flat stomach before whispering into their ear.
"We can do whatever you want about this, okay? I'll stand by you no matter what."
The couple needs time to decide how to proceed with this, but regardless of what they choose to do about this baby, Asmo, was prepared to be extra careful about protection in the future and was even willing to wear briefs more instead of his usual commando way to make his Dolly more comfortable.
The gluttony demon swallowed the food in his mouth reaching out and taking their partner's hand.
"Are you ready to talk about it, Muffin?"
The human gave a shy nod.
They've been a bit out of it all day and though worried, their boyfriend was waiting patiently for them to be ready to talk to him about it.
"I...I've kinda been paranoid about something lately."
The big guy raised an eyebrow.
MC nervously swung their hands a bit, which was still intertwined with Beel's.
"I read something online recently about...men who wear boxers have an easier time getting their partners pregnant."
"I wear boxers."
The human let out a small and smiled softly at him.
"I know, big guy." Their smile fell and the light in their eyes dimmed.
Beely squeezed their hand.
"Why are you thinking about my underwear?" He asked, confused but still worried.
MC closed their eyes.
"Beel...I missed my period."
His eyes went wide.
"Are you--"
"I don't know." The human cut him off. "I...I've been too afraid to get tested."
The man pulled them into a hug.
They were...afraid? He knew that they've only been dating for eight months and haven't even talked about kids yet but...
This just seemed like such a happy thing to him; his Muffin could be pregnant. They could be parents!
Yet MC is scared...
"What scares you about this?" Beel asked as he rubbed their back.
The human shook their head.
"I feel like I'm only now just starting my life. To lose it all already because of a baby...Beely, I'm not ready for it."
It hurt the demon to hear that his partner wasn't happy for this potential child like he was
"Let's just take it one step at a time." He told them. "Let's get you tested and we'll go from there...okay, Muffin."
The human nodded and hugged him tight.
Their boyfriend offered to wear briefs for now on if that would help make them feel better, but MC said it was okay and he didn't have to.
They imagined that with his...size that him wearing such constricting underwear would be painful for him, but appreciated that he was open to switching just to comfort them.
MC tried bring up the boxers vs briefs topic earlier that day, presenting it as nothing more than a 'fun fact'.
Their boyfriend found it mildly interesting, but his sleepy mind was too slow to realize that the human was trying to lead somewhere with that fact.
Later that night, Belphie work up to an empty bed and say that the light in the bathroom was on.
Since Beel was still fast asleep in own bed, the youngest brother knew it was MC in there
And for some reason, his intuition was prickling.
The tired man got out of bed and approached the door.
Since it was left ajar, the demon had no issues peeking in
When he saw his partner holding a pregnancy test.
He pushed open the door, accidentally scaring the human in the process.
Were they--were they???
The man took the test from their hands and read it.
Negative. Oh thank the devil...
He tossed the test in the trash and slumped against his partner.
The man let out a heavy sigh before leading them both to sit on the edge of the tub and squeezing the human's hand.
"Look, I'm sorry just...next time you think you might be pregnant, just tell me. I won't be mad just--just don't hide it from me, okay?"
The demon knew with his luck that there probably will be a next time and that next test very well could say positive
Which honestly scares the man more than he wants to admit.
Starts doubling up on protection during their intimate time and wears briefs almost religiously.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Only Temporary
♥ ♥          Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe needs a temporary living space, and you happen to have a spare room to let. One plus one equals two, baby.
CW / disclaimer: rpf (don’t read if this makes you uncomfy), fem!reader, swearing (lots), so far fluff only
Author’s note: this is the second part out of five. I'll maybe add onto the summary as the story grows, if it needs it. It's looking to be another slow burn (because I love those the most). We'll see! (rewrittern 14 nov 2023)
Wordcount: 5.1K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Big sigh.
It was always the same fucking issue. You contemplated why you even had a car to begin with at this point.
And yours sucked too, didn't seem to want to work when it had you behind its wheel for whatever reason. 
Had you mentioned life being shit already?
You slowed down and idled along the tree-lined pavement. Leaning over your steering-wheel, top teeth tucked into your bottom lip, your eyes darted from side to side in your usual routine of looking for a parking space. 
Coming back from visiting family, it was just past two in the afternoon, and you didn’t hold out much hope. 
In all the years you’d lived in your flat, you’d never parked right outside it. It was always the same story, bumper-to-bumper all the way down your street.
You flung yourself back into your seat. 
You had to circle the block, probably about a dozen more times too, and then you’d probably still end up parking about a mile away, anyway. 
You tried focusing on the positives. It would get your step count up, burn some extra cal-
Oh my God! 
You almost missed a Range Rover pulling out of a parking space and you very nearly drove straight into it. You slammed the breaks and came to an abrupt halt. You looked up at the windscreen of the Range Rover and mouthed “Sorry,” at the driver.
It was him. 
Your neighbour.
For a moment, you weren’t quite sure what to do, so you just sat there as he nodded a curt response, swerved around you, and roared off down the street. 
You looked in your rear-view mirror and watched the grey swirls of fumes around his exhaust, listening to the noise of the engine as he accelerated away. 
You’d done it again. 
Bumped into him like a complete idiot. 
Depressed, you slumped over your steering-wheel and rested your forehead on the badge in the centre. You closed your eyes and replayed the last scene torturously in your head, the look he gave you as he drove off and- wait...
Hang on a fucking minute. 
If he had just left, that meant… 
There, where the Range Rover had just been parked, right opposite your flat, you saw what any resident of your street would describe as a modern-day miracle. 
A parking space.  *
“Do you think you have time for a quick trip to Zara? Help me buy something to wear for my date tomorrow?” your flight attendant friend had only just landed and had to make most of her time at home before she’d be jetting off again. 
Only getting so many chances to see her, you’d given her a key ages ago so she could let herself in if you were still getting wine at the corner shop. Because when she was over, it was always wine o’clock, no matter the time of day.  
“Afraid I’m busy later,” you knew a quick trip to Zara wasn't really a thing, as it would always lead to more visits to more shops and you didn’t have the time for it today.
“Too busy for Zara?” you friend was incredulous. “But there’s a sale on.”
“I know, but my new flatmate’s moving in today,” you explained. 
“Ooh?" She immediately perked up. "Tell me more.” Folding her arms, she primed herself for more information.
“He saw the room on Saturday and was going to move in yesterday, but he had work? I don’t think he had work, but... it was... something, I don't know.” 
“It’s a he?” your friend raised her eyebrows with interest. 
“You can’t- do not test-drive my flatmate,” you warned her, stopping her in her tracks. 
She looked at you indignantly. 
“The thought never even crossed my mind.” 
Now it was your turn to raise your eyebrows.
“Okay, fine, it crossed. But now it’s crossed back again,” she protested, waving her glass of wine around. “So, what’s he like?”
“He’s…” you had to think of a second. “He’s got brown eyes... um... shit, that’s all I know about him.” You confessed, realising you told him not to leave the toilet seat up, but hadn’t asked him anything about himself. 
“I guess I’ll find out later,”
“Do you need me as a chaperone? Your personal sidekick?”
“I’ll be fine, thanks,” you did a mental time-check. Maybe if your friend would leave in an hour, you still had time to blow-dry your hair straight. 
You caught yourself. 
This wasn’t a date.
“Is that really safe?” warned your friend. “He could be a murderer.”
What she really meant was, he could be a single murderer. 
“I doubt it. He seemed really nice,” you said, having seen right through her concerned-friend act. “Eddie liked him.”  
Your friend gasped and looked around to see if she could spot him. Eddie disliked your best friend with fierce passion. 
“That fucking bitch of a cat,” she started, but steered back within a second. “I think I should stay. Safety in numbers and all that.” She persevered.  
“Yea but also, two’s a company, three’s a crowd,” you added.
“Well, it’s up to you. If you want to risk being chopped up into little bits and pieces, and placed into Tupperware boxes in your fridge... there's no lock on your bedroom door, you know,” 
You gave in.
“All right, all right. You can stay for dinner. He’ll be moving in soon after.” 
Her face split into a huge grin and she stretched out both arms, hands with wiggly fingers, which you reached for and you let her giddily grab your arm.  
“But please, no making a fuss,” you warned.
“A fuss? Me?” she instantly let go of you and clutched her ample chest, looking at you in hurt astonishment. 
“Trust me, you won’t even know I’m here still.”  
That evening, you watched as you best friend sucked in her stomach and reached for a bottle of wine, showing you her underwear as she leant forward. 
“Any more wine?” her underwear had a little diamond heart on it, and you had the urge to twang it, like a catapult. 
“It’s Joseph, right?” she pouted, her lips slick with lipgloss.
“Joe. It’s um... yea, it's just Joe,” 
“If you insist. Any more wine, just Joe?”
The three of you were outside in the garden. It was one of those warm summer evenings when there wasn’t a breath of wind. The air was scented with a cocktail of jasmine, lavender and the sausages from your next-door neighbour’s barbecue - wouldn't a barbecue be fucking great to have? - and you had music playing on the little portable speaker balanced on the window ledge. You even lit a bunch of little tea lights and placed them around the shrubbery, which took forever as they kept going out and burning your fingers. It was worth the effort though, they really transformed your garden.
You glanced around and felt a glow of pleasure. In retrospect, you didn’t know why you’d been so nervous. Everything had turned out just fine.
Well, not everything. 
As your eyes rested on your friend, who was wiggling around the table with her bum still stuck out, you felt a lump of irritation in your throat and flicked your eyes over her shoulder, all shimmery with body glitter, and watched as Joe lit another cigarette.
He had turned up with his things – a rucksack and a book bag – a couple of hours ago. When he had dumped both on his bed, he’d kicked off his shoes and dug out a packet of camel blues from his jacket. 
He did mention something about another piece of luggage coming in later, as he had to take public transport and didn’t want to struggle on his way over. 
He could take two trips. 
From where? 
You weren’t sure.
“Mind if I have a smoke outside?” he had asked, padding barefoot into the back garden. 
“Please, make yourself at home,” you’d called after him somewhat redundantly as he’d already stretched out on a sun-lounger with Eddie purring in his lap.
Well, you couldn’t just leave him there, could you? 
As his landlady, weren’t you supposed to be grandly welcoming him into your home and make him feel at ease? 
But your ability to make small talk had completely abandoned you, so you hovered around for a bit, fiddled with things that didn’t need fiddling with, made a comment on the smell of barbecue being the best smell there was, to which Joe agreed, and then thanked your best friend for tottering in and taking over.
She had stepped out with two bottles of Pinot Grigio and a corkscrew, and had taken control of the conversation in full flight attendant mode. 
“So, what brings you over?” she was now asking flirtily. “Business, or pleasure?” 
“Business,” Joe answered in such a way that either he hadn’t noticed you best friend was flirting, or if he had, he was politely ignoring it. 
“But before I bore you with any details, you’ll have to excuse me a moment,” he turned to you and asked where the bathroom was. A question you knew was only asked to be polite; your flat was small, and he’d seen where the bathroom was. 
“Second on the left,” your friend chimed in before you could answer. 
As soon as Joe had disappeared, you turned to your friend. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” you hissed furiously. 
“Breaking the ice,” she simply said, all wide-eyed and innocent. 
It didn’t fool you for a minute. 
“Breaking the ice is asking someone about the weather,” you gasped. “What happened to, ‘trust me, you won’t even know I’m here still’?”
Taking a slug of wine, she sloshed it around her mouth for a moment, swallowed, then looked at you sheepishly. 
“Okay, I’ll admit I’ve been a bit flirty.” 
“A bit?” 
“Oh, come on. I just thought in case my date for tomorrow doesn’t work out, you know. It’s always good to have a plan B.” 
“My flatmate’s your plan B?” you said indignantly, feeling suddenly protective of Joe, possessive even. 
“Well, why not? You don’t fancy him.”
True. But–
“Oh, shit. You don’t, do you?” her face froze. “I didn’t know! If I had thought for a moment–”
“No, of course I don’t.” you protested hotly. “It’s just…” you trailed off sighing. 
You didn’t know the end to the sentence you’d started. 
Then, your friend leant over and squeezed your hand and said, "I know. I’m sorry," in understanding. "Maybe I have come on a bit strong."
“A bit strong?” you grinned ruefully. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring your aromatherapy oil.”
“Who says I didn’t?” she laughed, and despite yourself, you couldn’t help but join in.
It was about an hour and a half later when you said goodbye to your friend at the door. 
She was drunk, and her Uber was waiting so she had to scurry to keep her rating up. 
The rest of the night had been fine, apart from the embarrassing questions your friend had thrown into the group. It had taught you that all three of you were single, which was nice to know, but outwardly asking the last time anyone had gotten laid wasn’t the best way to have gone about it, you thought. 
Your friend telling Joe about your neighbour that you had feelings for but had yet to have a decent conversation with wasn’t fantastic either. You'd immediately denied everything of course, said your friend was drunk and didn't know what she was on about, but the flush of your cheeks had given you away entirely. 
Luckily, Joe had been a real gentleman about it and hadn’t pressed it any further. 
Back in the garden you saw Joe was gathering up the glasses and empty bottles. When he stepped inside and placed everything down on the kitchen counter, you hovered in the kitchen for a moment.
“Night then,” you said eventually. 
“Yea, night.” 
Another pause. 
“You can use the bathroom first, if you like,” you offered politely. 
“No, it’s okay, you go ahead. Ladies first.” he replied, equally polite.
“No, please, you’re the guest.”  
“Honestly, it’s fine.” 
Backwards and forwards it went, like tennis, until finally you won, and he disappeared into the bathroom with his toothbrush. 
You went into your bedroom and started to undress, pulling off your T-shirt and jeans and tugging on your old tartan pajamas. When you turned to the mirror you saw that the elastic had perished at the waistband, so your butt looked all baggy as if you were wearing a nappy. 
You froze at the sight of yourself. 
There was no way you were going to be wearing those ever again. 
Stripping them off and chucking them onto the floor, you yanked open your drawers, searching for another pair of pajamas you knew were in there, but you could only find the top. 
Were you going to be walking around in your bare legs with your thighs out for Joe to see? 
Was this the type of flatmate you were going to be?
Next door you could hear taps being turned on and off, teeth being brushed, the toilet flushing, a plug being pulled out and the basin draining. Any minute now it was going to be your turn, and you were going to have to make it from your bedroom to the bathroom without being seen.
When you heard the lock turn, you waited a second and pressed your cheek against your doorframe to peer through the crack. You could see a letterbox of light, floorboards, and your fern, which... shit, that desperately needed watering.  
No sign of Joe. 
With a flush of relief, you eased open your door and tiptoed bravely into the hall, bare thighs out and all. 
This was your flat, after all. 
You could have your thighs out a second.
Especially if no one was actually going to see them.
Turning into the bathroom, you shrieked. 
“Oh, sorry. Did I scare you?”
Joe was still in there.  
“Jesus Christ, yes – I mean, no – no, it’s okay,” clutching your chest, you tried to catch your breath. Which is when it dawned on you that Joe was naked but for a pair of checkered boxers. 
Not that you meant to look.
“Oh, by the way, you never did say why you were visiting,” you blurted, in an attempt at casual chit-chat as you reached for your toothbrush. 
You caught yourself eyeing Joe in the mirror, which wasn’t difficult to do when he was just standing there still, all naked flesh and muscle. 
Joe saw you look. 
Eyes straight ahead. 
Stop staring. 
Your eyes shot down where you saw Eddie, twirling around Joe’s legs, tail up high, waiting and wishing for some attention. 
You and me both, you thought.
“I didn’t?” Joe wrung out a facecloth you hadn’t noticed he was holding. Just like you hadn’t noticed that the bathroom was spotless. 
No toilet seat left up, no soggy towel on the floor and or bristles on the soap. Huh.
“I’m here for my job, we’re on location for a bit, and it’s near here,”
“Oh, really?” you said vaguely, throwing him your best smile of approval. 
Love a man with a job, you know, especially now that you didn’t have one. 
You then reached for the toothpaste and noticed that the top was screwed on properly. Overcome with the warm glow of satisfaction, you knew you’d made the right decision of having Joe move in. You were going to get on great. 
“What kind of job?” 
Picking up his clothes as he walked out of the bathroom, Joe then went and spoiled it all by telling you something you really didn’t want to hear. 
“I’m an actor.” 
A few days later you were stood in the hallway and watched Joe rehearse lines in his bedroom through the gap in the door, script in hand and all. 
You clamped your hands over your mouth to suppress a groan. 
Maybe it wasn't entirely fair to Joe, but your ex-boyfriend had been an actor, and everything about it had been awful. 
The cockiness. 
The dramatics. 
The impossible work hours, and the selfishness that came with them. 
“I know it's your birthday, and you've had this trip planned for months, but I've been invited to an award show, I'm going to have to cancel.” 
Okay, asshole. 
Add the climbing up social ladders you weren’t interested in and the feigned importance over people with bad personalities. 
And the namedropping? 
Just, that whole world? 
So pretentious and absolutely awful. 
A floorboard beneath your feet creaked. Shit. He was going to come out of his bedroom and catch you there. Spying. 
You weren’t spying, though. 
You just got home from shopping with your best friend and happened to be walking past, you thought frantically as you dove into the bathroom to avoid being caught. 
You locked the door and turned on the taps. 
So, you hated actors. 
But you didn’t hate Joe. 
On the contrary, he was a really nice guy and he even put the top on the toothpaste, you reminded yourself with satisfaction as you eyed it on the sink. 
“Hello?” There was a polite knock on the door, and Joe’s voice. “Are you in there?” 
“Yes,” you replied, startled. “Sorry, are you waiting? I won’t be a minute!” Worried your cover was about to be blown, you clanked around with the soap-dish to add a bit of realism.
“No, it’s fine, take your time. But when you’re finished, come outside to the garden.”
“The garden?” you mouthed at your reflection, wondering what Joe was up to.
“I’ve got a surprise,” Joe then added. 
You took a few more minutes to fix up your hair and make-up, might as well, since you were in there, before emerging tentatively and padding down the hallway barefoot. 
You were racking your brain for a possible answer as to what the surprise could be, so you could be prepared for it when, suddenly, a funny smell distracted you...
You sniffed the air curiously as you walked into the kitchen. 
It was almost as if something was burning. 
As the idea struck, you hurried to glance through the patio doors into the back garden. 
It was full of smoke. 
Oh, shit. 
Panic set in. 
Your house was on fire! 
Did you remember to pay the household insurance? You knew it was on your list of things to do. 
Frantically, you started looking around the kitchen. 
You need something like– something like a jug. 
A large glass jug of lilies sat in the middle of the table, so you grabbed it, dumped the flowers in the sink and dashed outside, water slopping over the edge. 
Grey smoke was billowing from behind the glass of the opened patio doors.
Shit, shit, shit.
Vaulting over the step, you spun ‘round the side, your fingers slipping on the wet glass as you swung it back with all your might. 
Only there weren’t any flames. 
Just Joe. 
“Tah dah!” He threw him arms wide and grinned as he saw you, but it was too late. 
Like a pendulum, the vase had swung, which meant it also had to swing back.
Suddenly everything was happening at once, but it was as if someone had slowed the time right down and you were watching it on film. The water swooshing out of the vase, soaring through the air like a huge wave, every droplet magnified as Joe’s face came into shot and began its journey through a remarkable range of emotions – from happiness, to confusion, to open-mouthed shock as the water eventually hit him square in the face. 
And then, you were back in normal time. 
You saw Eddie scurry away, wet tail and all.
Joe, totally drenched, was standing there, dripping, blinking, gasping. 
Still handsome, you thought.
“Um… what the fuck?” 
“Oh, shit,” you muttered as you watched him wipe his wet face and hair with his apron. 
Joe was wearing your frilly apron over a white shirt. And he was holding tongs in one hand and a packet of sausages in the other, standing in front of a shiny metal object that looked suspiciously like…  
“A barbecue?” you blurted.
“It’s a housewarming gift – well, for my housewarming. I thought you might like it, seeing as you mentioned you liked the smell...” 
As he was speaking, you glanced down at his feet and noticed he was now standing in a puddle of water.  
“But if I’d known I was going to get that reaction, I might have stuck with a scented candle.” Joe scrunched his nose.
“Shit,” was all you could muster. 
Joe tipped his head and shook it like a dog, spraying you with drops of water. Not on purpose, you reasoned, stepping back so he didn’t drench you in the process.
“I’m so sorry, I thought something was burning.”
“It was the sausages,” Joe paused and looked at your facial expression.
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” and the embarrassment on his face only made yours grow deeper. 
“No! No, it was a great idea!” you protested. “I mean, it is a great idea. I love the barbecue, and I love sausages.”
Enthusiastically you grabbed a fork and leant over him to pluck a charred object from the grill. For a moment your bravery wavered, but then you smiled cheerily at Joe in a bid to save the situation. 
He smiled back interestedly. 
Backed into a corner, unwilling to lose face, you forced yourself to take a bite.
Joe watched you with what you could swear was a glimmer of amusement. 
“I wasn’t sure how long to cook them.” He confessed.
“Mmmh, mmh,” you continued as you began to chew. 
Pain shot through a back molar as you bit down hard on a tough bit. This wasn’t what sausages were meant to taste like.
“Yea? Is it good?” 
“Delicious,” you replied, covering your mouth, and swallowing with great difficulty. 
Free of your penance, you breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived.
“Great, have another,” with the tongs Joe popped a few more onto a plate and held it out to you. “There’s plenty.” 
“Erm, no, thanks. I’m fine for now.” 
But he insisted. 
“Oh, come on, it’s my treat.”
Treat? This was torture. 
“Eat it.” Joe then said, a whole lot more stern than you were used of him. You weren't sure if you were at the stage of friendship for that tone of voice to be acceptable. 
You struggled to smile as you took the plate, wondering if there was a way to distract him so you could quickly hide the sausages in the shrubbery.  
“Great, thanks,” you stammered, at which point, Joe burst into laughter. A loud belly laugh, making him throw his head back first before bending over, followed by a loud snort as he took a breath. 
You were astonished.
“That face,” he doubled up, his hand slapping himself in the chest as he laughed. 
“That careful bite,” Joe mimicked you, and you tried not to smile, but it was impossible. 
“You bastard,” you muttered, mouth twitching. 
“Can you blame me? You threw a big vase of foul-smelling water at me!” 
You started giggling at the memory. 
“I guess that just about makes us even,” Joe held out his hand for you to high-five. 
Feebly you brought your hand up and then down against his. 
“For now,” you couldn’t help adding.   
The Taglisted: @ghostinthebackofyourhead​ @kiwisa​ @jasminearondottir​ @josephquinned​ @cancankiki​ @sidthedollface2​ @dylanmunson​ @munsonsgirl71​ @alana4610​ @emmamooney​ @xomunson​ @sadbitchfangirl​ @jssmth5​ @nobody-000​ @thatonefan-girl​ @paola-carter​ @eddiemunsonfuxks​ @figmentofquinn​ @haylaansmi​  @thewondernanazombie​ @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere​ @munsonmunster​ - add yourself  
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cyncerity · 1 year
alien terrarium au!!
here it is! i said it’d be today, so it’s done! 1 min before it becomes tomorrow!
minor thing, tho: this is extremely unedited. like, there are a lot of things i post that aren’t edited fully, but i didn’t even fully read this one in one sitting. but i’m not free again until this tuesday or wednesday, so i’m not gonna make you guys wait that long lol
basically it’s midnight and i’m way too fucking busy so i’m gonna post it and edit it when i have time to later in the week. if you wanna wait for the fully edited version, ignore this until i specify that I edited it. if you don’t care, i hope you enjoy! this has been an on again off again thing for a few weeks and i’m so glad to finally have it like 95% done :)
tw: soft safe vore, unconventional vore ig?
“We have to cut our losses here. We don’t have enough to fund this any longer, and there’s no one we can reach out to for more money. We can’t risk this getting out.” “Fine, I- I know, it’s just…this is a breakthrough. We can’t afford to give up now.” “We won’t. We just need some time to get back on our feet is all. Besides, he knows what to do now…” the scientists turned their heads to the one way mirror they stood behind. A little boy, barely a teenager, sat behind it on his bed, his eyes glassy and unblinking, turned a glossy pearlescent white. Their project, practically their life’s work. Well, the container for it, anyway.
Wilbur heard the three scientists come into the room, and somehow registered one of them motion vaguely with their hand despite his eyes being effectively turned off, which meant they wanted him back in their world. Ugh. Still, he cut off his thoughts with his practically other half, eyes beginning to function again and the scientists approaching him as they saw his eyes shift back to the colors they were supposed to be.
“Wilbur, what we’re going to tell you is very, very important, so you have to listen carefully. It’s your life at stake if this goes wrong. And his.” The one in blue said, gesturing to Wilbur’s torso. Well, that was certainly a way to get his attention. Wilbur didn’t say a word, though; the green one didn’t like it when he ‘sassed them,’ so he instead scooted back and placed both arms protectively around himself and his…what did they call him once, ‘cargo’? He was sure he heard Green call him a ‘parasite’ once, which was rude. Still, they must have noticed his panic, cause the orange one responded immediately. “It’ll all be ok, things will just have to change for a minute here. You’re…youre not going to be able to stay here for a while.” “What?!” Wilbur said, unable to restrain himself. The green one went to speak up but was silenced by blue, who just whispered something about him being ‘scared’ and how this was ‘probably a lot to handle.’ Yeah, no shit it was!
“I get this is a huge change, I do, but it’s necessary for now. We don’t have the necessary resources to keep taking care of you here. We need to find a way to keep you safe and healthy, both of you. You’ll be staying somewhere secure while we find somewhere more reclusive to hide you. We don’t want anyone finding out anything and putting the two of you in danger.” Orange said, sitting next to Wilbur and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Right. Right, he had a purpose. And if part of his purpose was to survive without his caretakers for a short while, he could do it. If it meant safety for his stowaway, he could do it.
“You doin ok, bud?” Orange asked, and Wilbur nodded slightly. Orange was his favorite of the main three. He was always nice, and even gave him extra treats when he was behaving! “When do you think you can be ready to leave, Wil?” Green asked, crouching to be at level with where he sat. “Whenever you need me to be, sir.” Green smiled and ruffled his hair. Wil always tried to be extra good for Green. It’s not like he didn’t like him, it’s just that Green was more likely to yell at him if he messed up. “Good kid. We’ll leave tomorrow morning and introduce you to who you’ll be staying with. Try to get some rest.” He said, smiling before leaving and leading the other two out with him.
“Sam! Hey buddy!” Dream said, jumping out of the side of his van and running over to his old friend. “Dream! How’ve you been?” “Pretty good, you?” “Doin pretty good myself.” Sam replied, pulling Dream in for a hug. “So, who’s this kid you found?” “Calls himself Wilbur. We found him a few months ago, but we’re a bit short on money right now and can’t handle another mouth to feed. He won’t stay here for long, promise, just till we find a more stable income.” Dream hated to lie to an old friend, but he couldn’t afford his secret to be leaked. “I’m always lookin to help out, especially for a friend. Anything I need to know about him?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of an odd one, but that’s what we love about him.” Dream chuckled, hoping his friend was still oblivious. “He disassociates a lot. Like, constantly, and tends to get really upset if people try to mess with him when he’s like that. He also doesn’t do a lot of physical activity. Bruises take longer to heal for him, he gets sore easily, and his immune system doesn’t handle cuts well. He’s not very talkative, and he’s got some weird scars all over him. We think the two are connected, but we don’t know what this kid has been through.” Dream finished, and Sam nodded solemnly. Great, he was taking the bait. He was less likely to ask questions if he thought he was prying into the past of an abused child.
meanwhile, in the van…
“We found you abandoned. You’re just staying here until we get more stable jobs and can afford to feed you again. If he ever asks you about where you came from, you look away or change the subject as quickly as possible. You don’t know why you disassociate. You don’t know where the scars came from. Never do any of your caretaker necessities for him in front of Sam. He can’t know. Got it?” “Got it. He’ll never know.” Blue nodded back. Orange had just kind of been pacing in the van as Blue gave him the rundown again. Green came back to the van with a hand out towards Wilbur, giving him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was about to take the hand before his arm got tugged and he was pulled into a hug from behind. A gentle one, obviously no one wanted to risk damaging what was inside of him, but a hug all the same. He didn’t get many of those. When the person pulled away he saw it was Orange, who was smiling proudly. “You’re gonna be fine kid. We believe in you. I’ll miss you, ok?” Wilbur just smiled back and nodded. “I’ll miss you, too. We both will.” He said before taking Dreams hand and walking outside with him.
It had been an…odd week with Wilbur in Sam’s opinion. Firstly, he’d been way more interested in things like trees and grass than any normal child would be, but refused to touch them. He also spent 95% of his time in the guest bedroom with the door locked, never making a sound. Who knows, maybe the kid just liked to sleep. He refused to play any sort of physical game, like Dream had warned him, but he seemed overly cautious of anything that could hurt him. But he wouldn’t pry, that wasn’t his job. His job was to take care of the kid until Dream, George, and Sapnap could take him back. Right?
That’s what he was supposed to do, but somehow, against all logic…he knew this kid. The giant brown eyes, the curly brown hair, his face shape, it was all so familiar. But why?
Until it hit him.
He’d woken up in a cold sweat, immediately racing to his computer to see if he was right. And his suspicions were confirmed, against all odds. There, on his friends facebook page, was a photo of him and his young son. His young son who was Wilbur’s age. His young son who used to have an identical twin brother who went missing when he was just a few years old.
Sam knew Wilbur’s face because Wil wasn’t the only person he knew with that face.
Sam wasted no time calling. He must’ve called 12 times before someone answered, which was fair given the ungodly hour, but this was urgent. “What the fuck, Sam…” and groggy voice answered. “Mate, it’s, like, 4 in the morning, what could possibly be this important-”
“Phil, I think I found your son.”
Breakfast was different the next morning. Wilbur walked downstairs only to see two strangers sitting at Sam’s table, one an adult and one a child around his age. The adult looked about as old as Sam, which was to say a bit older than his scientists. He had blonde hair and kind blue eyes, and was wearing a dark green sweater jacket over a white button up. The other had long pick hair pulled back into a loose messy braid and glasses almost reminding Wil of his own except square instead of circular. He wore a simple pink hoodie and dirtied jeans and surprisingly clean white sneakers, but he must have been staring, cause soon the kid looked over to him and-
Wilbur’s breath froze.
Why…why did this kid have his face?
At this point, the man had looked over to, and immediately shot up from where he was sitting, knocking over the chair he was sitting on in the process and making Wilbur flinch. “Orpheus?” Wilbur stared blankly for a few moments before the man rushed him, barely giving him time to react before he was pulled into a hug.
Not a gentle one like Orange knew to give. Not one given by someone that knew why so few people were even allowed to touch him. A lung crushing, tight hug that was unbelievably painful after so much time with such infrequent gentle touching. He rarely found his mind drifting back to his the feeling of cargo in him, given that he’d lived most of his life with him and had gotten used to the odd sensations, but now it was impossible to ignore. Everything in him, everything that had been worked on so diligently, everything that had been removed and replaced and rearranged to make him perfect for his purpose, and his stowaway inside were being crushed. His purpose, the thing he’d been raised to protect, his only true constant in his life, was being crushed. It was the most horrifying downpour of fear he’d ever felt.
Wilbur screamed.
He screamed bloody murder as the adult let go and backed away, eyes wide. Wilbur vaguely noticed that both the strangers were crying, but he didn’t care. Wilbur only stopped screaming once his air was gone and now replaced by jagged breathing and spasms in his lungs. He felt like he was about to collapse as his vision darkened and his limbs began shaking. He needed to know if he was ok. If he wasn’t, Wilbur would never forgive himself. He needed to know.
“Kiddo, I need you to take deep breaths, ok, I think you’re having a panic a-“ “Stay the hell away from me! All of you!!” Wilbur screamed, voice hoarse as he smacked Sam’s hand away and ran up to his guest room and locked the door. He sat on the bed with a thud and tried to stop his shaking, but couldn’t spare much time for that since he had to make sure his cargo was still ok. He needed him to be ok. God, he was still just a kid, even younger than Wilbur. He can’t have let him get hurt.
He tried to take deep breaths and reached his mind out to some foreign instinct he knew. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how it came so easily, but it was such a central part of his brain that he could find it with ease. The second he got close to it, his whole body relaxed involuntarily. He hadn’t done that, which only meant…
“Oh, Tommy, thank god.” Wilbur sighed out loud, though the rest was said just to Tommy in the special way only they could communicate. He felt Tommy slow his heart rate more as he felt like he was being sucked away from his body into a void that words couldn’t possibly describe. “Wilbur!” a voiced called out. It hadn’t come from anywhere, just everywhere, like Wilbur’s did when he was here. Wherever ‘here’ was. He didn’t really know. It wasn’t like a darkness or white area, it was just…nothing. Not a nothingness that couldn’t be seen, but felt. Devoid of anything that could make it describable. Wilbur liked to joke that it was the emptiness in Tommy’s brain. “What was all that outside? You know i’ve got se-“ “Sensitive hearing, I know. I was being loud. Sorry.”
Wilbur could basically see Tommy huff and roll his eyes, despite the fact that he’d never seen Tommy at all. He knew every detail of his little brother friend, and Tommy knew every detail of Wilbur. Despite neither of them being able to see in their respective nothings, somehow they could sense every “move” (aka the movement they imagined themselves making since they didn’t have bodies in the nothingness) the other made in the void. Also Tommy can sometimes see through Wil’s eyes to look at reflections, but he rarely does that. Green doesn’t like when he does that.
Still though, he knew Tommy. He may not know what he looks like perfectly, but he knew Tommy. In an odd sense, he knew his details, but never what he truly looked like. He could list the facts of how Tommy was, but he had a feeling of deja vu whenever he tried to imagine a face or any detailed image of his body. He never could, he just knew the facts, like he’d seen Tommy but the detailed image in his brain had been removed and blurred beyond recognition. It seemed kind of unfair to him, given that Tommy knew exactly what he looked like because of the shared vision things and mirrors existing.
Still, though, he knew the pale white-blue of his skin the bright blonde of his hair and otherworldly accents. The shining, almost glowing iridescence of his eyes and the strange markings found on his body. He was mostly humanoid, which had initially shocked Wilbur and the scientists. Orange had warned him once that since they had no idea what Tommy was, something inhuman and vicious could easily rip through him. It scared him a little, but at that point he’d seen Tommy’s egg once and had grown monumentally attached, lethal beast creature or not. But Tommy was humanoid, except for one thing; he didn’t have legs. Rather, he had a long predominately red scaly tail like a snake.
When Wilbur was first getting used to Tommy’s being in there, the hardest thing to deal with was one: the odd feeling of scales against his sensitive organs and two: Tommy was almost always cold. How he could stay shockingly chilly in almost 100° Wilbur didn’t know, but that’s probably a big factor on why Tommy couldn’t be in open air; he’d freeze to death. Or his aversion to any form of light (maybe that was an understatement: a dim lamp 2 rooms over could kill him). But besides that, his unnatural colors, and a few other random snake-like features, Tommy was far from the horrific deep space lovecraftian monster he or the scientists were expecting. He was more just a little person who also happened to be a snake from space. No biggie.
“I- I don’t know what happened down there. There’s…there’s these two people, and one looks exactly like me and the other called me the wrong name and rushed to hug me and I panicked cause I thought he hurt you. You’re not hurt, are you?” “I’m right as rain, mr. human man. I’m sturdier than you think. Er, well, you’re sturdy and I’m in here so yeah I’m good.” Tommy responded, letting out an unearthly mix of a rumble and a hiss as he did. Wilbur liked Tommy’s weird alien noises, it comforted him. He sighed. “Still, I should’ve been more careful-“
“No you shouldn’t have! Stop bein a..a uh…” he paused for a minute to mumble a series of his weird Tommy noises before starting again. “what’s the english word for someone who takes blame for no reason and thinks that they need to solve every problem ever cause somehow everything is their fault?” “I think you’re talking about a martyr complex.” “Stop have’n a martyn complex!” Tommy yelled back, making Wilbur laugh. He pressed a hand against where he felt Tommy within himself, in one of the open areas that had been cleared just for him. Tommy pressed back and started to purr, a common reflex for him when he was happy, excited, or just needed to comfort Wilbur.
Even if Wilbur’s and Tommy’s consciouses were in the nothingness, they could still feel their body’s and move a little bit, even if it was more difficult than when they were awake. Wilbur liked to think of it as the same type of gesture that his scientists would do when they rubbed his hair or gave him a side hug, something he would love to try but could never do with Tommy. He thought Tommy deserved to have his hair played with or to be hugged, but it could never happen. But the pressing in, the only amount of intentional contact they’ve ever had and could ever have, worked just fine as a replacement. Something comforting and quick to show he cared. Of course, Tommy knew he cared, they’ve lived together (well, one within the other, but same difference) for most of Wilbur’s life and all of Tommy’s.
“Still, though…i don’t know what to do. Sam hasn’t had anyone else over, i don’t know what they’re doing here.” “I’d say good old fashion spying, then. See if you can get closer and make out what they’re saying.” “Good idea-“ Wilbur said, beginning to break off the connection before Tommy shouted out. “Wait! Aren’t you gonna let me see?” Wilbur rolled his eyes and somehow, in a way he couldnt describe, let Tommy’s weird telekinetic force into his mind. He opened his eyes and he was back in his room, the nothingness vanished and his body back in his full control. He looked to his mirror and sure enough, the shiny white gloss that overtook his eyes when talking to Tommy had confined itself to just Wilbur’s pupils. He’d given Tommy access.
“There, is that better?” Wilbur asked quietly, unable to respond telepathically when not in his weird zoned out state. The lack of that void didn’t seem to pose an issue for Tommy, though, as Wilbur heard an enthusiastic “Yup!” mixed with a few alien chirps echo through his mind as a response. Wil nodded to his reflection (and Tommy by proxy) and went to the stairs. He probably didn’t need to go down, he just needed to be able to hear them.
Ok that was, in hindsight, a bad decision.
“‘Dad?!’ I have a dad!? And a brother!?!” Wilbur whisper yelled, pacing back and forth across his room. With Sam and the now-not-so-much-strangers still talking in their kitchen, he figured it’d be safe to talk outside of the mind void. Tommy, meanwhile, laid himself against the front of Wilbur’s storage, rubbing circles into the walls to try and calm him down. “Maybe that’s not so horrible! I mean, you’re not an orphan! That’s normally a good thing, right?” Tommy said skeptically.
“Maybe it would have been 9 years ago! But now I have you!” Wilbur said, stopping to sit on his bed and pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I don’t know them. I don’t remember them at all; you’d think if they were a good family to me I’d at least recall that they existed. But I don’t. How could I ever trust them with knowing about you?” “I…I don’t know. But…you have a dad, Wil! And a brother! That’s not something you can just ignore! Neither of us know what it’s really like to have a family, maybe…you could learn for the both of us?”
Wilbur sighed. He knew Tommy was right. And they’d both wondered where their families were; if they missed their sons, if they even wanted to give them up in the first place, what ever happened to them. Wilbur always felt awful because Tommy would likely never know. The odds that his parents were even still alive were slim, and it’s not like he ended up on earth with very specific instructions on how to take care of him by accident. But Wilbur had never thought his family could show up, either, yet here they were.
“What do we do about the trio?” “You know how I feel about them. Let’s see if those two are any better.” To be fair, Wil did know how Tommy felt about them; he didn’t like them at all. Tom didn’t like the tests they ran on him, he didn’t like what they put Wil through in order to do tests on him, he didn’t like how they treated his big brother caretaker as the less important one in their experiments, and he didn’t like how damn nosy they were. That part even bugged Wilbur. How the hell did they expect Tommy to be able to explain so much about what he was? He’d never met anyone like himself either, he’d been hatched on earth!
“Well, at least we know them. They’re predictable, and we know they have our best intentions at heart. Our. They know how to help the both of us and I- I don’t know if I can do all this alone.” “Wilbur you haven’t been alone since the day I was born. You’re not gonna start now.”
“What if something happens to you and I don’t know how to fix it? It’s my job to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I let myself get caught up in some familial adventure and you ended up getting hurt because of it.” “I get it but don’t you think that’s unfair?” Wilbur paused. “Wh..what do you mean ‘unfair’?” “We’re kids. You’re a kid. It sucks for you that I’m your responsibility, it’s unfair that you gave up your childhood to keep me safe. But you can get it back, some of it, at least. Just…see if this can work out. If not for you, then for me. I hate seeing you put yourself on the back burner like this, Wil, I hate it. I can’t stand that i’m the reason you can’t have friends or play or be a kid. But this could change that. If it can’t, we’ll go to whatever lab the trio puts us in next. I’m sure they’ll be sooo thrilled that you’ve met your family.”
“Tommy don’t say those things about yourself.” Wilbur said, hugging his arms around himself. “I chose to take care of you, and I’ve never regretted it. Not for a second. You’re worth everything I willingly gave up, ok?” He heard a disgruntled noise in response. “Fine, we’ll come back to this conversation later. For now…ok. I’ll..I’ll give them a shot-” He heard Tommy cheer with a mix of wooing and trilling that he made when he was excited “-but Sam obviously knows the trio, so i’m sure he’ll tell them about my family at some point if he hasn’t already.” “I figured, but what are they gonna do? They can’t take you if you want to stay.” “Emphasis on if I want to stay, remember?” “Got it, bossman.”
“Wilbur?” He heard a voice outside call while knocking before the door opened a crack. “Were you…talking to someone..?” Sam said, poking his head in through the gap a bit. “Uh, no, I just..uh..kinda talk to myself sometimes. But I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” Wilbur said, trying to move past his previous conversation as quickly as possible. The less Sam questioned why he was talking to an empty room, the better. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, I just…don’t like being touched.” Not exactly true, but if it would keep the blonde guy and his clone from touching him it could be the truth for a while. Sam just solemnly nodded. “I’m sorry, I told him about you and how you were just kinda found with no memories, but…I don’t think he believed that your amnesia was as bad as I told him it was. I don’t think it hit him that you really didn’t know him until you ran off…Wil, he’s-” “He’s my dad, apparently. I was eavesdropping, i heard you talking downstairs.” Sam stared wide eyed for a second before he nodded solemnly.
“I know this must be a lot. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by calling them here, you obviously didn’t expect to meet your long lost family while you stayed for the month. But…I’ve been friends with Phil for a while. That’s the blonde guy, by the way. He…he didn’t take losing you well. I was there for him when he and Techno were grieving and it..it was horrible. They were so broken.” Sam said, eyes beginning to shine from unshed tears. “I can ask them to leave if you want, I understand if-“ “I don’t want them to go.” Wilbur interrupted, almost mad at himself that he’d let Tommy talk him into this. “I want to meet them. I want to see what they’re like again.“
“Really? I mean, you can, but I just thought-“ “I’ve made up my mind. Can I meet them again?” “Y-yeah, yeah, absolutely.” Sam said, leading Wilbur out the doors down the stairs. He heard Tommy make a few more excited chirps before he started purring again. Like always, it put Wilbur at ease a bit. He followed close behind Sam down the stairs and back to the kitchen, where he saw the pink haired boy leaned over the blonde guy, who was sitting at the table with his head on his folded arms. The pink haired boy’s head snapped up from where he’d been comforting his father as Sam and Wilbur re-entered the room, eyes narrowing at Wilbur like he was a rabid animal. In the awkward silence, Phil looked up, and it almost pained Wilbur too see his red cheeks and puffy eyes. He really hadn’t meant to hurt the guys feelings, he just panicked. They all stared at each other for a moment before Wilbur realized that they were probably waiting for him to speak up. Great.
“Uh…I’m sorry for screaming at you, Mr. Phil. I don’t do well with…surprise contact. You just scared me, is all.” The man just continued to stare back at Wilbur for a moment. “You…you really don’t remember me, do you, Orpheus?” Wilbur looked back and took a deep breath. This may have been for Tommy, but he had to stand his ground here. “I’m going to say this once, and only once cause I don’t think you can handle hearing it a second time, ok? You think you can handle this?” Phil looked a bit confused at the annoyed tone but nodded, prompting Wil to continue. “Good, cause here it is: I don’t know who Orpheus is. I don’t know who he was. All I know is he’s not me. Maybe he was, but not anymore. So maybe your grieving wasn’t in vain: because he is in fact very much dead.”
Wilbur paused as Phil’s face fell and tears started to run down his face again. Even the pink haired boy had started crying. He tried to ignore it. “My name is Wilbur. If you want to know me, not Orpheus, me, I…I’m willing to try to connect with you again. I don’t mean to be heartless but I need you to understand that if you want me back, there will be no prior standards for me. I won’t try to change how I am now to be the person I used to be for your amusement, because frankly? I couldn’t give less of a shit about what you want, because I don’t know fuck all about either of you. If you came here to find the son you lost, I’d suggest leaving. Any questions?”
Shocked silence filled the room. Phil stood silent and still as tears poured down his face, his clone even started to cry when he saw Phil crying, and Sam looked like he’d just watched a bomb go off. Wilbur just stood at the center waiting for something to change. For Sam to send him to his room, for Phil to break down even worse or for him and his son to deem Wilbur too different and abandon him (again), but nothing was happening. ‘Way to sugarcoat it, Wil.’ quietly played in his head, as if Tommy was afraid he’d somehow interrupt the group despite them not being able to hear him. He’d elbow himself in the gut later, that’d probably look really weird if he did it now.
“…Do you want to come home with us?” Phil said after a few minutes, shocking Wilbur. “Do you want me to?” Phil just nodded and wiped a few more tears from
his face. “Even if you don’t remember us, you’re still my son. You always will be. I’ve missed you so, so much Wilbur.” He said, kneeling to be at eye level. Wilbur just sighed. “Ok, then…let’s go home, I guess. I didn’t come here with much, I can just go with you now?” “Really?” Phil said, surprised but seemingly excited. “Oh, o-ok then! I thought you’d want a few days but, uh, sure! As long as Sam is ok with that?”
“Oh yeah, Sam!” Wilbur interrupted, turning to face the man who’d just kind of been standing silently, clearly unsure of what to do in the situation. “I need you to tell my guardians what happened. They’ll
probably understand, but they’ll also want to meet my long lost family
since they raised me and all.” ‘More like interrogate them and possibly file a restraining order so they can never take us again, but same difference I guess.’ Tommy chimed in unhelpfully. Wilbur ignored him. “Give them Phil’s address asap so they know where to find me. Also give me their phone numbers, i don’t remember them.” “Wait, guardians?” Phil chimed in, lightly tapping Wilbur on the shoulder with a concerned look. “You have legal guardians?”
“Three college aged guys, yeah. But I wouldn’t say legal,” Wilbur explained, “they just kind of took me in when I was lost without my memories. They tried to find you for a few years but gave up after a while. I couldn’t really give them any info to go off of.” “Oh…do they treat you well?” “Yes.” ‘No.’ Wilbur and Tommy said at the same time, though obviously only one was heard. “That’s…that’s good, i guess.” Phil said quietly, then it was back to the awkward silence. Godammit, Wilbur hated silence. Was it gonna be like this all the time with Phil?
“Well then, let’s get a move on.” Said the pink haired boy who Wilbur had only remembered was in the room when he spoke up. He’d been pretty silent, but at least his tears had dried. That was better than Phil was doing. “And you are?” Wilbur asked. “Technoblade, but most people call me Techno.” he said, holding a hand out. Wilbur just stared trying to figure out why he was doing that. Was it a high five? Sometimes orange would give him a high five when he did a good job testing, but why was he doing it sideways?
Wilbur smacked his hand quickly and pulled away, smiling awkwardly. Techno just lowered his hand and stared. Shit, he was wrong about the high five, wasn’t he?“Ok…” Techno said, “we’re gonna have to re-teach you some stuff, aren’t we?” “Uuuhhh…maybe.” Wilbur said quietly as he heard Tommy laugh at him. Asshole.
Wilbur made his way to their car after grabbing his bag and saying goodbye to Sam. The packed into the car, and Wilbur was met with the silence again. Phil seemed…weary of him, to put it best. Like he was dam one bad storm away from breaking. Techno seemed more disinterested in him, just playing on a phone as Phil started to drive, never looking up at him. Well, he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence this time. He didn’t want to talk to them anyway.
Instead, he let himself fall into his nothingness, connecting with Tommy on the other side. “Well that went great!” Tommy said sarcastically. “I stood my ground.” Wilbur shot back. “I don’t want to be treated like some lost broken kid. I’m 13. I know what I’m doing.” “Well, I like them. They seem nice!” Wilbur wasn’t sure how to respond. Sure, Phil seemed like he wanted to care about him. Techno seemed…willing, at least, even if he was a bit nonchalant. But could he trust these people? They were the people who abandoned him and left him to almost starve to death in the woods as a toddler. That wasn’t exactly something a loving family would do, but they seemed happy to see him alive. Was it a mistake? How could they have fucked up badly enough that he got amnesia and almost died at the ripe age of 4?
But Tommy seemed so excited. As much as the scientists always tried to make sure it didn’t happen, Wilbur loved Tommy. He really was like a little brother, they’d grown up together. They’d both always been told that it would be for the best that they didn’t make that kind of connection in case something where to go wrong, but who else did they have? Tommy was family to him, and damn if he wouldn’t do anything to make the little boy happy. He sighed. “Yeah, well…let’s hope so.”
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third-arch · 11 months
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No Surprises-A Trafalgar Law X Reader Fan Fiction
fluff, sfw, some cussing, mild angst
Three years later:
Your office is silent. All that you hear are the sounds of your pen scribbling, and the occasional creaking of the floor beneath you. You glance at a photo on your desk. You brush off the dust that settled on Kanna-ya’s picture, and stare at it for a moment. You adjust it, so it’s facing towards you alittle more, and give the photograph a painful smile. You paused, and went back to work. But, you could hear tiny little steps approaching, no-scurrying to your office. You can hear a faint grunt as you glance at tiny hands gently pressed against the side of the door to your office, always left slightly ajar. “Come in,” you say.
“DAAAAAAAAAAAAD” Taiga-ya pushes open the door and runs over to you.
Taiga-ya hugs your leg, attacking it with hugs and nibbles. “Dad-ya! When are we going to play! You’ve been busy for like fifteen quadrillion kabillion yearsss”
Taiga-ya wore her green “scarf” that Zoro gave to her. She loved it. It made her feel like “The strongest Trafalgar tiger ever-ya!!”
Law picks her up and sets her in his lap “Here, let’s call the guys and cancel these plans, Taiga-ya.” Taiga’s eyes sparkle. Law’s eyes glance at another photo on his desk of the two of you, happily married, embracing one another. He smiles a little. “Daddy!! I never see you smile like that!! It’s so pretty!! Why don’t you do it more?” “Because, the only one who can make me smile that way is mom-ya” He plants a kiss on your forehead. Taiga tries taking your hat and putting it on her head. When you realize this, you help give it to her. She looks so cute. Cora-san? Kanna-ya? I hope you’re watching. I’m going to be the best father I can for her.
“Hello, Captain Law? We have important news for you. The vice-” Law holds the phone close to Taiga
“GO FUJK-MMM1m!1 Whoops. Interception from Captain Law. Sorry, that was my Daughter” and pulls her back to his chest. Taiga bites his arm.
“Oh Law! Congratulations! You never mentioned her!”
“...I try not to, for her safety” Law looks down at his dear daughter with gentle eyes. Her face is buried into you, saying through your chest (muffled) Bakayaroooo!!! He was so proud of her. He wanted to settle down somewhere private so he could raise you safely. But, at this rate, it just wasn’t possible. He still had so much work left to do.
Taiga-ya ferociously attacks her daddy-ya’s hand while he wrestles with the boring boat dudes on the other line.
“Hey, I’m going to spend time with her today, can we do this tomorrow?”
“Oh Law…tomorrow morning, got it?
“Mm Hm.” You hang up.
You pull Taiga on your lap. “Did Zoro-ya teach you that phrase?” “Yea B)” God Dammit, Zoro-ya. You’d deal with that mosshead later.
“Dad! Can you tell me a story about mom?”
“Your mother?” Taiga nods, happily “Hm…once, for my birthday, mom-ya gave me a present. These two small hibiscus flowers. She found them in a place called Wano and said I’d look good in them.Taiga-ya…do you want one of them?” “:00000000 YEAAAAAAAA!!!” “You have to promise me that you’ll love it, okay?” Taiga energetically nods. How much energy did Kanna-ya have? It would explain how she could go on and on, you suppose. You smile.
“Here, Tai-ya” you gently unclip the yellow hibiscus from your coat.”The yellow can remind you of me, and the flower will remind you of mom-ya.” “Thank you, Dad-ya! I love you ! You’re the best captain ever!!” Taiga nuzzled into Dad-ya’s chest. “I love you too, Tai-ya” Hehe, just like her mother. She’s brilliant for her age. She reminds me of Luffy, in a way, too…
Sunlight hits the framed photo of you and Kanna-ya, and you invite Taiga-ya for ice cream. “Alright, Tai-ya? What flavor?” She’s resting on your shoulders, wearing your hat. You’d give up anything for her. “COOKIES AND CREEEAAAAAAAAM!!!”
“Well, is it good?” You sit at the table across from Taiga, watching her eat her ice cream” it’s all over her mouth, but she doesn’t care. “Daddd this is sooo gwyuuddd!! Here!! Have some!” You lean over and take a lick. “Thank you, princess-ya!” Taiga smiles at you and goes back to focusing on her ice cream. The room was quiet. The only sounds in the room came from Taiga’s hyperactiveness and her licking her ice cream. “Daddy-ya! Can we play together and have a sleepover?” “It’s your day, pumpkin-ya. What do you want to play?” “We can go to the park!! Isn’t there a place nearby?” You boop her nose “is that what my little tiger-ya wants?” She nods furiously “okay oka okay! Be careful! You’re going to hurt yourself.
You wait for her to finish up. “Here, taiga, look at me.” You take a napkin and while her mouth from all of the dried ice cream. “Go brush your teeth and grab your shoes. We’ll be there soon, okay?” “Alright dad-ya!!” You can hear her trot off to her room. It may not show, but days like these were really hard for you. You were trying your best, but you missed your wife, so much. Something just felt incomplete. It was hard, really hard. But, you were doing this not just for Taiga, or Cora-san or Kanna-ya, but for yourself. You needed to live. You had too much to lose. “I’m ready, dad-ya! Let’s go!!”
Taiga runs over and tugs on your pant leg. You life her up, “and maybe tomorrow we can make cinnamon rolls!” and pull her in to smooch her cheek. She giggles, and responds by delivering an attack nuzzle to Dad-ya’s chin beard thing. A devastatingly critical blow! “Daddy! One day, I’m gonna protect you and be just like Mom-ya and Cora-san! I promise!” You pick up your daughter and look at her. You smile with your teeth “I’ll be cheering you on, tiger!” before smooching her forehead. 🤍
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Yes, Zoro and Law are basically Dads in the afterwards of my fanfic haha. I’ll drop more content soon!!
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
[Long Post] the rewritten zombie au post (part 1)
Tav Journal - Alpha
Sanity log 1:
Something happened a few days ago, we're not sure what to call it yet. People have gone mad, it's a miracle that all four of us made it off base alive. To be honest I'm not even really sure what went down. That's why im even starting this, so I can keep it all in order. I think I'd much prefer a verbal log, but with the way things have gone I think this is more logical since devices have limited storage and usually aren't water friendly. And in any case wilderness survival training in boot taught how to make string from plants, and I went down a rabit hole af few years back on how to make books from scratch, so I know how to do that. The only problem would be finding things to write with, but there's probably an easy solution.
I've never done this before, I'm not really sure where to start, but I guess the beginning would be good.
The beginning felt like ages ago to me, so I'm a bit hazy on the details. Ghost says we were in his room watching a movie (note: it might be good to start getting the others side of things too, not sure for what, but maybe it'll be useful later). And then I think we heard lots of noise, screaming maybe, or just a stampede perhaps, I know I definitely heard a gunshot. We opened the door to see what the hell was going on and ,honest to god, the halls were packed fulled than I've ever seen them, with a moving hoarde.
After that it gets much clearer. Kinda. Ghost pulled out a go bag from, I don't even know, and the knife he keeps under his bed. It was like he was prepared for something like this, he was so fast (though I suppose if you go through as much shit as he has then you learn to stay prepared, I guess). He pushed me us out the window, and then we were running into the woods. Well ghost was running to the woods, I was following ghost.
He shoved us down under the shrubbery and the just laid there for, I don't even know how long, but it must've been a quarter of the day easily. He started peaking his head up when the sun hit the tree line, at this point we still have no idea what's up with gaz and/or price. I think ghost had us wait another hour or two, until it really got dark, before we actually got up. And then we're apparently heading to the armory, remember, I'm still just following ghost at this point.
Ghost hands me one of the tac bags and tells me to load it with whatever ammo I could grab. The bags are meant to hold guns, so there's a lot of space to fill up. Honestly I hardly even looked at it all, I just started tossing stuff in. Ghost was filling up his own bag of whatever gun was compatible with the rounds I was grabbing. (Side note: the base is only allowed to keep a certain amount in the armory at a time, so I grabbed it all). He also, apparently, grabbed 2 sets of the combat knives, which he would hand later to me once we got off the base.
After that we went to the cafe, loaded up on food. I wonder if ghost knew what was actually happening or if he was working off of instinct? We got off base after that, Wandered until night fall. Wandered most of the next day as well. Ran into price and gaz as the sun was setting.
There's more to add. A lot more. Important details I skipped to get the main points down. But we're moving on early tomorrow morning, I took watch last night, so I need sleep tonight.
"Hit the hay, Johnny, we're moving gone as soon as the sun's up"
"Aye, right on it, LT. Don't get too borded without me." He gave the man a mock salute, to which he got an unimpressed look. He settled with his head on his arm and let his eyes fall shut.
If soap woke up in the morning a little earlier that price and gaz so he could cuddle with ghost... well that's neither here nor there.
"I think we're crossing the city today, so... you know... expect trouble." Ghost says quietly.
"Cans 'n' gum? Or something else?"
"Maybe pick up a bag or two. Gotta be extra careful though, I think price said he saw squatters when he was out scouting with with gaz yesterday."
"Zombies ghost. Brain eating zombies, like the dumb movies." Soap giggles.
"Fine. Zombies." Ghost humors him with an exasperated sigh at soap's antics.
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samynnad102687 · 11 months
Oct 19th - MaryLily Flower and Leaf Pressing
1,025 words
Lily loved the Fall. She also loved books and flowers too. So naturally, she wanted to combine the two of them. Lily was sitting in a field with Mary, having a picnic. It was still warm enough that they could stay outside longer without worrying about freezing. She was looking at all of the leaves that had started to fall off of the trees and all of the flowers that were going to succumb to the winter frost pretty soon. 
“Hey, Mary?” Lily asked as he leaned back on her elbows.
“Do you know how to press leaves and flowers?”
“I haven’t done it since I was a teenager but yeah, why?” Mary said as she peeked at Lily from behind her sunglasses.
“I was just looking at these flowers and the leaves falling around us and I wanted to preserve them somehow and that was the first thing that I thought of,” Lily shrugged.
“Oh, yeah. I think that would be fun. Do you have a journal or a book in mind that you want to use?” Mary asked as she sat up more to look at Lily.
“Maybe? I have a bunch of journals at home but I can’t remember what is in them.”
“Okay, well we can pick some flowers and leaves and take them home and figure it out or we can look for the journal first and then pick the flowers,” Mary suggested.
“Let’s get the journal first. I don’t want to disturb the flowers yet.” 
Lily and Mary finished their picnic and packed up a couple of hours later, heading home to look through the abundance of journals and books that Lily owned.
“What about this one?” Mary asked, holding up a slightly battered journal that Lily had forgotten that she had.
She took it from Mary’s hands and opened it to the first page. It was the only page with anything written on it and it was only a list of books that she had planned on reading three years ago. Did she read all those books? Maybe about half. Did she forget that she had already written this list and started a new one in a new journal? Yes, yes she did.
“This would be perfect,” Lily said as she ripped out the single written page and voila, it was a brand new journal.
“Great. Unfortunately, it’s getting too dark to find some flowers today. I can show you some of my favourites tomorrow after work.”
“That works. Wanna get something to eat?” Lily asked as she looked at the clock. They had been going through her books and journals for two hours.
Mary brought Lily to one of her favourite fields and Lily was surprised that they hadn’t been there before. It was full of colourful flowers and the leaves were just starting to change on the trees. Lily didn’t know what to say as she took in the sight in front of her. It was a gem hidden from the rest of the world. Tucked into its own little corner. 
“It’s beautiful, Mary,” Lily replied when she got her mouth to form words again.
“I thought that you would like it. I used to come here all of the time with my mum before she passed.”
“Is that who taught you how to press leaves and flowers?”
“Yeah, and then I taught my little sister but it’s been years since I’ve been out here,” Mary said sadly and Lily could see that she was remembering her mum and sister who had passed away a couple years ago.
“We can go somewhere else if it’s too hard for you right now,” Lily replied easily. Just because she thought it was beautiful didn’t mean she was going to make Mary stay if it made her sad.
“No, that’s okay. I’ve been meaning to come back for a while, I just needed the extra little push and you gave me that so thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Lily gave her a kiss on the cheek. “So what’s first?”
“First, you need to find the flowers that you want to press. I brought a basket so we can collect a bunch and sort them out at home. Do you know what kind of flowers you would like to try?” Mary asked gently as she walked around the field.
“Not really, I’m kind of just seeing what draws my attention,” Lily shrugged.
They walked around the field and collected a variety of flowers and leaves before heading back home. They walked into their flat right at the perfect time. As soon as the door shut behind them, it started to rain. 
Lily walked into the kitchen and set her journal and the basket on the table. She also got out the parchment paper and a couple heavy books to set on the journal when they were done. She pulled out the flowers from the basket and laid them gently on the table next to the books. 
Mary took one of her books that she was going to press the flowers into to show Lily how to do it without destroying the flowers or leaves. She took a piece of parchment paper and set it in the book, then took a carnation and set it gently on the paper before adding another piece on top and closing the book and setting two more books on top of it.
“See? It’s as easy as that.” Mary exclaimed when she was done.
“Looks easy enough.”
Lily took her own journal and picked up an aster and gently set it inside, just like Mary had shown her. She arranged the petals so that they weren’t crumbled up and set the new parchment on top. Lily wanted to try it this way before pressing the flowers directly into her journal. After Lily put the extra books on her journal, they went to the living room and watched a movie on the telly while they waited. Once Lily and Mary determined that the first try was a success, they pressed three more flowers and a couple of leaves before calling it a night.
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