#but this will get such a massive happy ending
stagefoureddiediaz · 3 days
so what youre saying is buddie canon early 8b
Hey Nonnie
Ummm I’m not 100% on an exact timeline, but that would kind of be where I’d be expecting canon to land - I’m sort of hovering in it either being an end of 8a cliffhanger picked up in the first episode of 8b or early to mid (at the very latest) 8b.
I think Buck will be ready and in position before the end of 8a - I think the Gerrard arc - him possibly bring ignored by Gerrard and repeating patterns of behaviour - and acting out for attention (as he did with his actual father and got attention etc and then tried with bobby but didn’t get what he was seeking but eventually figured it out and got something better) only for it to blow up massively in his face (because Gerrard is going to effectively be the more evil mirror of Philip) and lead to some much deeper figuring out and learning about himself - accepting and moving on from that will be his big early 8 thing - then the stuff with Tommy will build off of that and probably lead to a relationship termination somewhere around 8x07 and him finding his inner happiness in freeing himself from the weight of Tommy (his past inner child and subconscious negativity!)
It’s Eddie’s timeline I’m less certain on - because there’s a lot more going on for him and I can’t quite figure out where they want to get him to on the various threads at which points. He has the still lingering Spector of Shannon (please put her to rest poor woman) and his mommy issues? as well as the catholic guilt wrestling with his faith (another reason I think we might get fight club Eddie back just without the illegal nearly killing someone aspect!) and its impact on him.
Not to mention the Christopher and his return of it all and how that ties into Eddie finding out who he is. All these things play into his unrepression and gay awakening.
So yeah it’s the Eddie timeline I’m not quite sure about but buddie is coming s8 Ive never been so certain I can feel it in my bones
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pachu09 · 1 day
Spirits of Nature AU
"*He is Harbinger of Doom!.*"
Tobirama snarled in fury as he gestured to his River that was flooded with lava after the Goddamn Volcano erupted.
Hashirama frowns at him even as the Spirit of the Forest watches with dull eyes as his vast jungle was consume with flames.
Thousand of years of nourishing each other and their territories were gone in an instant because of an anomaly.
His river, Anija's Forest and Human's lives are lost...
Just because a Spirit of Volcano had been borne? settled down? between their territories.
Tobirama curled his lips in disgust as he glowered at the Spirit of the Volcano. The Spirit stared at him blankly.
" If you want so badly to remain friends with him then do so....I will never welcome that Spirit in my territory. The moment he step even a foot in my Rivers...I will make sure the Ocean will drown that fucking Volcano even if it kills me. "
Tobirama turns around to leave his Anija with that accursed Spirit. He mentally tried his connection with his Rivers to cool off the lava that was happily lapping away at his clean waters...he sneered in disgust.
He might have to call for the Human's aid to clean the filth out of his waters. The nearest towns would help happily...since they all benefitted from his River Waters.
They surely wouldn't be happy that after the Volcano killed most of their kins they are also threatened with its lava flowing freely onto his Waters....
Tobirama clicked his tongue and dove into his river as soon as his feet touches it. He glared hatefully at the bubbling lava happily covering at least half a portion of his River...
" Just you wait. Your filth will never taint my Rivers again. " he muttered in fury as he carefully avoided the lava and swam underneath the water towards the Human's settlement.
And true to Tobirama's self proclaim promise. He never let the other Spirit near his Rivers again. The Ocean at the end of the Continent they lived in always bubbled angrily ( reflecting Tobirama's anger ) whenever the Spirit of the Volcano skirted around Tobirama's territory. He is always on watch at that menacing Spirit. He never lets his guard down even if he had to also ignore his Brother. He had even stop stepping a foot inside his Anija's forest eversince the dangerous Spirit had befriended his Brother.
He had also branded the Spirit of the Volcano's Brother as a dangerous entity. The Spirit if Lightning is a menacing entity that makes Tobirama feel fear and loathing. It doesn't even help that the other Spirit always repeatedly pokes around his territory. As if by doing so he thinks Tobirama will let him in....
Tobirama had made a quiet vow that he'll never let an Uchiha Spirit pollute his territory ever again....
But that vow was unintentionally broken when Tobirama let a little Uchiha Spirit settle near one of his largest lake...
One day, Tobirama glowered darkly as Uchiha Madara stood outside his lake's boundary.
Uchiha Madara stared darkly back at him. Tobirama plans to again ignore the other Spirit...but the other entity's words made Tobirama instantly pops veins on his forehead.
" I was unfairly banished from your territory. But my littlest kin gets an instant welcome from you...that is hardly fair because there is no difference between us, Senju! "
Tobirama sneered in disgust. " There is a massive difference between the two of you. First of all, Kagami actually asked for a permission to settle in my territory. Second of all, he is just a little geyser....unlike you who looms threateningly all over my territories....and last and most importantly...Kagami is actually cute and a gentle child unlike you who looks like a Brute, acts like a Brute and thinks like a Brute. Go away Uchiha, you will never step foot in my territories ever again, you'll have to kill me first if you want to get in. "
The Spirit of River carefully maintained his disgusted expression while internally he is afraid that Madara will force his way in even with a barrier between them. He narrowed his eyes as Madara casually puts his hand on top of the barrier and spidercracks bloom beneath his palm that glows menacingly....
Tobirama swallowed his fear. He knew he wouldn't last even an hour if he fought the Spirit of the Volcano. But he'd rather be dead than let the other Spirit inside his beloved territories again.
As quick as a wind, Tobirama tensely watched as Madara took off his hand over the weakening barrier....but the other Spirit's smile made ice slide down Tobirama's spine. It is a smile that is threatening and full of unknown promises....
Within a blink, the Spirit of the Volcano disappeared without saying anything more. It baffled and terrified Tobirama for usually the other Spirit harasses him without a rest, usually by screaming his head off or threatening to bust down his barriers. This kind of silence is a new one that brought unknown shivers down his back. It felt like he would be hunted down and what?...Tobirama shakily inhale...no sense in overthinking things...he just needs to repair his barrier and he can hide in the center of territories again to avoid that Brute of a Spirit.
A week later Tobirama watches with terrified eyes as the Volcano erupted again....but this time its deadly ashes, black smoke, giant boulders and burning lava completely swallows his Rivers and lakes ( some of the Human settlements too if the terrified and anguished screams he can hear are actually real ) but surprisingly avoided to destroy any of his Brother's territory.
Tobirama had ignored Kagami's pleas to come with him to safety. He was rooted to his spot as the Spirit of the Volcano emerge from the burning lava that already covered half of one of his favorite lakes.
He stared with terrified eyes as the other Spirit's eerie red red eyes settled on him.
" Won't you let me in now, Senju? "
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senditcolton · 2 days
hiiiiiii my beautiful friend!!! I’m sure I speak for a lot of us when I say that I would love a check in on we’re a bad idea matty—whatever that means for you and where you vision they are now! (request 1 of ???)
- @comphy-and-cozy
Who Are We to Fight the Alchemy?
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a/n: i will gladly write anything for this universe because i love it so much and i will happily write anything for you @comphy-and-cozy. if you couldn't tell from the title, a Taylor Swift mashup inspired the final part of this series so it's only fitting that a Taylor Swift mashup inspired this fic.
Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: brother's teammate, references to alcohol consumption, but mostly just pure romantic fluff!!!
Things change.
It was a statement that brought pain and heartache. But it was also a statement that sometimes brought about such joy and happiness. You were thankful to say that in the past year, the latter was more applicable to your life.
The amount of change that you had experienced felt astronomical whenever you sat down and tried to quantify it. In just a few short months, you went from being miserable in Los Angeles, trying to get over a man that broke your heart and left you reeling to being happy back in New York City and coupled with that same man. A man who had changed even more than you could’ve ever imagined.
Matt Martin used to be a bad idea. Last summer, when the two of you reconnected, he was a surprise. Now, you could safely say that he was one of the best things in your life.
It was jarring at first. There was a part of you that was still distrustful, remembering who he used to be: someone who wanted you to himself but never wanted to claim you. But that summer night, he proved how much he had changed and how much he wanted you. Completely. And he had continued to prove it every day afterwards.
That wasn’t to say the transition was easy. There was a lot of bridges to cross: emotionally, physically, metaphorically. It took a while for you to believe that Matt meant what he said and what he did; that it wasn’t all just an overcorrection brought on by guilt or that it wasn’t just another elaborate ploy to get his hooks back into you. But the one thing that convinced you was how patient Matt was. He understood your reservations, took responsibility for how he treated you, and gave you as much space as you needed to process – even if that space was thousands of miles.
You went back to Los Angeles. Mostly for realistic reasons, like your job and your lease. But you would be lying if you didn’t think of it as a test for Matt; to see if he would wait for you, to see if he still wanted you.
And he did, in every single way.
That was enough for you to take the final leap, move back to New York, and fully commit to being his, the way he was ready to commit to being yours.
That was six months ago. Now, you were Matt Martin’s girl.
It was a massive mind-blowing change, one that you never expected. You had wished for it when you were younger, the massive crush you had on your brother’s teammate making you a fool. You desired it that winter you went to a bar with your brother and ended up leaving with Matt. You craved it every moment, during the stretch of hookups and illicit meetings after charity galas and nights out and engagement parties. You resigned that fantasy when you left for Los Angeles. You tried to banish the dream from your mind while you were underneath California’s sun.
But when you saw him again at Scotty and Emily’s wedding, the fantasy of being his resurfaced. Only this time, it wasn’t just something that you wanted. Matt wanted it just as much, if not more. And now, it was no longer a dream. It was your reality.
You were his. He was yours. Something that everyone in your life knew.
You had told your brother Scotty and sister-in-law Emily shortly after the two of you became ‘official’ and were happily surprised when they seemed okay with it. You were sure that their reaction would’ve been much different if they knew the entire timeline of your relationship with Matt Martin (something you were unsure if you would ever tell them). Your friends from college knew, although they were more skeptical, having known part of the tryst you and Matt had shared. Eventually, the news spread to the whole of the New York Islanders, as well as their wives and girlfriends, who welcomed you into a whole new world, one that you never experienced when you were just Scotty’s sister.
But the person that knew before anyone else did was Mat Barzal; the person who knew the entire history of you and Matt Martin and the only person who had one foot in each of your worlds. He was the most supportive of the change, a fact that was slightly surprising but not at all that shocking when you thought about it. You even sometimes thanked him, for giving you both the necessary push that allowed you to reconnect.
While everyone in you and Matt’s personal circles knew, you hadn’t – quote unquote – gone public with your relationship. The gossip blogs had deduced that Matt Martin may have been taken off the market but there was nothing confirmed by you or Matt or anyone else. Whenever you went to Islanders games or appeared in pictures with the other WAGs, you were still known as Scotty’s sister. There was never an implication that you were something more.
And when the New York Islanders had clinched their spot in the playoffs and the discussion of the ever-important WAG jacket began, you told Matt and the girls that you weren’t going to wear his last name on your back; a boundary that Matt respected and the girls playfully ignored. Something that you realized when you were invited to the ‘jacket reveal’ party (out of principle, of course) and had a large package placed on your lap.
In the moment, you were a little annoyed at them for ignoring your wishes, even though you knew that they did it with the best intentions. But now, in the friends and family box at UBS Arena, the jacket wrapped around your frame and your hands clasped in Lyla and Emily’s, you were happy that they did.
It was game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals after all. And the New York Islanders were less than five minutes and one goal away from reaching the peak of the mountain.
Your gaze is glued to the ice, your knuckles turning almost as white as the surface that the Islanders and the Jets were zipping across. You felt as if your breathing stopped every time Winnipeg entered the zone, also vying for that single goal that would bring the Cup to Canada instead. You flinch as Mark Scheifele took a shot at the net, your muscles only slightly relaxing when Ilya made the save. The Jets manage to secure the puck and throw it to back to the point where Josh Morrisey waits. Morrisey attempts to pass to his teammate Vilardi, but a miscommunication causes the puck to bounce off his skate instead.
The black disc sits in the expanse ice until someone scoops it up. And you can’t stop the screams of his name that escape your mouth as Matt Martin skates down the ice, his focus on the net in front of him, a Vezina trophy winning goalie between him and the deciding goal.
The puck flies off his stick and you swear you can feel the entirety of UBS Arena holding its breath. Until the rising shot sails by Connor Hellebuyck’s blocker and hits the netting. Then the arena seems to explode.
The goal horn coupled with the cheers from seventeen thousand people is deafening. However, it all seems like background noise to the way you’re screaming, your pure excitement not even muffled by the pile of bodies that rush over to hug you. You swear you can feel tears in your eyes as the girls pull away, your gaze connecting with the giant screen hanging over the ice as you watch Matt skate by the benches, receiving aggressively excited fist bumps and helmet pats from his teammates.
The reality that there was still two minutes left in the game washes over everyone quickly, the seasoned fans realizing that while things change quickly in life, they can change even quicker in hockey. But as the clock counts down, the nervous energy slowly transforming into that of pure excitement, your eyes scan the arena to find the number 17.
You see him on the bench, his body almost draped over the side as the Islanders hold the puck against the boards, the seconds dwindling down.
Three. Two. One.
The sound of the final buzzer almost makes your knees drop out from under you, your body wanting to collapse in pure relief. You don’t have the opportunity to because before you can blink, Lyla is gripping your shoulders, shaking you with pure joy.
“They fucking did it!!!” she screams in your face and you can do nothing except pull her into a bear-hug as the excitement from the girls, the fans, the players, the coaches, everyone fills the arena. Your eyes flick up to the Jumbotron to see the mass of blue jerseys surrounding the net as the team embraces.
You watch content as the traditionally handshake line happens, your eyes forever glued to Matt as he skates around, occasionally being pummeled with hugs and cheers befitting the game-winning goal scorer. The Conn Smythe trophy is brought out and you hug Lyla tight, cheering almost as loudly as she did when Mathew is announced as the winner.
When the Stanley Cup is brought out, you think it’s a miracle that you can even hear the commissioner over the sound of cheering – a noise that only becomes louder when Anders lifts the trophy over his head.
The girls slowly start filtering out, bustling to get down to the ice but you wait until Matt gets the Cup handed off to him, not wanting to miss the moment he holds the greatest trophy in all of sports for the first time. If you thought there were tears in your eyes when he scored or when the final buzzer went off, there was no denying their presence now as you watch Matt skate around the ice with the silver chalice held proudly over his head.
You feel Emily gently tug at your hand, pulling your attention away from the celebration and pulling you into the hallway and down into the bowels of UBS Arena. The ice is almost blinding as you walk out onto it, your arm linked in Lyla’s. She quickly abandons you when she spies Barzy, running towards him and enveloping him in a massive loving embrace, leaving you to catch up.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Conn Smythe winner,” you tease as you walk up to him, his arm securely wrapped around Lyla’s waist. His grin is wide as he pulls you into a hug. “Congrats Barzy. You deserve it.”
“Thank you,” he mutters to you, letting you go as you step back. You watch his eyes glance over your frame, registering the material wrapped around your torso. “Nice jacket.”
You laugh, the joy in your eyes reflected in his – your insanely supportive best friend.
“Have you seen him yet?” Mat asks, his question causing your eyes to dart around the arena.
“Not yet, but I’m sure he’s getting interviewed or something. I’ll just congratulate Scotty while I wait.”
“Does he know? About this?” he says, gesturing to your body. You reply with a playful shake of your head and Barzy whistles. “This will surely be a night he’ll remember forever.”
You giggle, Mat’s statement not even close to an exaggeration, even without the innuendo that one could easily attach. You give him a quick wave as you wander away, taking a moment to spy Emily standing next to Scotty and your parents. You run up to him, head butting him in the chest in greeting – a ritual that started when you were younger that the two of you continued to this day. Scotty embraces you, smiling as he takes in the moment.
You are laughing with your family when you feel the weight of someone’s gaze attaching to your frame. It is a slow turn of your head until your eyes connect with the ocean blue irises of Matt. You can see his chest rising in heavy breaths, the adrenaline of the moment still buzzing through his body. But the thing that nearly stops your heart is his expression; a mixture of shock and wonder so clearly painted on his face.
You smile, your attention falling completely from your family as you drift away, walking slowly towards him. He coasts up to you and you’re still unsure if his disbelief is related to winning the Cup or to the sight of his last name on your back until he stops in front of you.
“What – ” he begins to say, his hands reaching out to trace down your arms, fingers gliding over the material. His almost hesitance makes you giggle, a smile pulling at his lips in response.
“Surprised?” you laugh, before twirling slowly, the weight of Matt’s gaze raking across your frame undeniable. “It looks good on me, don’t you think?”
The confirmation Matt gives isn’t verbal at first. Instead, he simply lifts you into his arms, your legs instinctively hook around his hips. One of his hands flies into your hair and tugs you forward until your lips press together. The energy and excitement that had been sparking around the arena seems to funnel directly into the kiss. The way your body was buzzing had nothing to do with the glasses of white wine that you had consumed in the past hour and everything to do with the feeling of Matt’s lips against yours.
He finally breaks the kiss and sets you down on the ice, keeping you wrapped in his arms as he stares at you with just as much reverence as he looked at the Stanley Cup.
“You look fucking fantastic,” he mutters and you can’t stop the laugh at the bluntness of his statement.
“I thought I should dress up for you,” you muse, your hand lifting to brush away a few of the sweat-soaked stands of hair from his forehead.
“Glad you did. I think you were my lucky charm.”
“If that’s so, then why didn’t you sweep every series?” you tease, the joke falling from your lips.
“Because the universe needed to know that you were mine.”
The seriousness of his words has you pausing, your eyes looking into his, seeing the sincerity and relief reflecting in his pupils. You realized the gravity of the situation. What you were wearing… it wasn’t just a jacket with his last name sewn between your shoulder blades. It was a confirmation to him, to the team, to the fans, to the world that you were his, even after everything that lead the two of you to this moment.
It was a symbol of your commitment, your trust, your love. It was a public declaration that you were his. Completely.
You could never resist the pull of him, even before this moment, and you certainly can’t stop it now as you lean in and press your lips against his again in a kiss that was just as – if not more – passionate as the last.
“I think I’ve been yours long before I put this jacket on,” you whisper to him, your quiet confession clearly heard as Matt pulls you impossibly tighter against his body.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he replies, a remark that he has made a dozen times before and one that you never tired of hearing. You step back, the playful smirk appearing on your lips.
“Even now? After you scored the goal that made you a Stanley Cup champion?”
“There’s absolutely no comparison,” he asserts, lifting your chin to kiss you again.
Things change, that much was true. They morph and transform, get created and destroyed. What you and Matt shared had shifted more than you could possibly imagine. But it had changed for the better. The connection you two shared was the purest form of alchemy; taking something sordid and turning it into pure gold.  
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tagging the "we're a bad idea" babes: @texanstarslove @smileysvech @laurenairay @dissonannce @cowboybarzy @cellythefloshie @provokedgoalie @m00nlightdelights @tkachvkmatthew @cixrosie @alwaysclassyeagle @geospatialharmony
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gassyandnasty · 9 hours
The Jock Formula 2.1 - Living with JongHo
Sorry for the long wait, guys. Finally, the chapter I promised with the Jock you chose in the poll is here.
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Dohyun's POV
Being a nerd in this campus in a complete hell. We get constantly harassed by Josh and his gang, and everything got even worse when my friend George invented the "Jock Formula".
It was supposed to save us, but Andrew got everything for him and now is joining this hell of a frat. It can be sad for the rest of our friend group, but for me it's worse, as it has always been.
I'm JongHo's twin brother. Yes, that big and burly guy actually has a nerdy relative that he is quite ashamed of. We were supposed to be the same, but I was never inclined to sports, and those gross eating competitions, so while he kept growing, I stayed the same.
My place isn't in this frat at all, but our strict parents didn't want us living apart on college so Jongho only moved to the frat with the condition that I went together. And I've been unhappy since.
They treat me like a maid. I have to wake up earlier to cook breakfast for them, clean ALL of their mess. And it's a hell of a mess. Apart from the dirty and cruel pranks that they pull on me constantly. On top of all that, I have to endure my big and brainless brother everyday, since we share the same room.
They are having a hazing ceremony today, I won't even go downstairs to say anything to that traitor, but I can hear the loudest burps and farts ever, and all kinds of noise those meatheads produce. Happily, those ceremonies take a lot, so I'm having crumbs of peace this night.
I put my headphones on and put some ASMR to muffle the outside noise. I feel I can sleep like an angel without him here, so when I close my eyes, I loose no time in getting asleep.
Unconsciously, the peaceful time is feeling oddly long, when It's interrupted by a loud thud in the door, followed by it's opening:
"Think I missed the handle again haha damn, tonight was fun."
It was Jongho. Peace ended. He can't even come in the room quietly in the middle of the night. I heard him opening the fridge and grab a bottle of something.
"Ugh, so thirsty..." loud gulps followed by heavy steps. "You there?" I can FEEL his massive frame over me, maybe if I keep pretending that I'm asleep, he leaves me alone.
"Wake up, princess." He says, poking my face with his heavy finger, but I won't budge. I hear his stomach rumbling as he states "Gosh, I'm so full... I know what will wake you up."
With that, I fell his heavy weight smothering my head. I know this feeling too well, his huge and sweaty cheeks mold all around my face, while he adjusts himself to get his crack right above my nose. Im cooked.
"Shouldn't have eaten that many hot-dogs... HNNNGG" I feel him straining and forcing out a a fart.
It slapped like a punch on my face, as it stink intoxicated my senses, while the explosive noise overpowered my ears. It was long, loud and deep, not losing power once, while it rumbled all over my face.
I tried to scream and got muffled by his massive ass. And the taste of his fart invading my mouth after was demonic. He started to rub his butt on my face as I felt him laughing above me.
"Hahaha that can waken the dead, right?" He dumbly stated, almost killing me. I managed to push him over my face, making him land on my chest. Suffocating me all the same.
"What do you want, you JERK?" I ask with the remaining force I have, while he grins and sniffs his own fart.
"Damn, that was a monster, happy that wasn't on my face haha" he thumped on his full belly. "Ate so much this night, only your friend Drew could beat me, you know? He is part of the group now, loser."
"Don't mention that TRAITOR near me. I don't want to hear about Andrew, may he gags on his own gas." I curse him. It boils my blood to know that a guy I called friend is now joining my biggest enemies.
"I don't know about Drew, but you're gagging on this..." Jongho scooted a little to the side, bending his ass towards me, and forced out another fart:
I gagged.
"Hahahaha, I can't wait for the new pranks we are going to pull on you, loser. Now, I gotta sleep" Jongho got up and I finally felt the relief of his weight leaving my chest. But I didn't see him going to the bathroom to change or shower. He is stinking of beer and hot sauce.
"Aren't you missing something? Are you gonna sleep reeking like this?" I ask, trying to save work for me tomorrow, if he changes, I don't have to wash the sheets.
He looks at me with an uncomfortable face, aa he brings his head to his stomach, I hear it rumbling when he answers: "Yeah... I think I'm missing something..." he gives his belly a strong push and bend his face over mine, opening his mouth wide, letting it all rip:
As he answers me with an ungodly belch, that covers my face with saliva, bits of food and a sickly smell of soda and sausage. He grins as he jumps on his bed and I turn light headed, passing out.
I wake up feeling sick in the day after. Gosh, I hate them so much. Our room is still stinking, and I'm tired just to think of how much cleaning work I have to do as they messed everything up on that hazing.
I turn to my side and Jongho's bed is empty. Bad sign. He NEVER wakes up early, that can only mean that I'm... late.
I fear for my life.
I get ready fast and go downstairs, maybe I can make up for the time lost, and the first thing I see when I arrive at the kitchen the scene I see is terrifying.
Empty plates all over, with Jongho, Josh, Sal and Andrew sat at the table, looking at me.
"Forgot about breakfast today?" Josh asks, not giving me a good morning even.
"I-I..." I was about to say, when Sal added: "So we had to do it for ourselves..."
Gosh I'm so screwed...
"But no worries, you didn't cook us breakfast, but we will give yours. Sit" Jongho said. I wanted to run but there was no escape. The only place left was between my brother and Andrew, they already wanted to tease me.
As I sat, Andrew said: "Morning, loser." Putting his arm around me, his pits were already stinking.
"I have a name and you know that, Andrew. How could you?" My blood boiled.
"I have a name and it is Drew now. I can address you by how I want though, whimp." The boys laughed at his response and I gritted my teeth.
I was hungry cause I didnt have dinner yesterday. The hazing kept everything busy so I only had some snacks, my stomach rumbled, making them laugh.
"Hahaha, he is hungry guys, why don't we give him his meal already?" Josh commands.
"I will begin with the appetizer" "Drew" says. Gosh I hate to even think calling him that.
"Open your mouth." He says.
"No way! I'm not doing that!" As I thought of getting up, Josh held me, and Drew pinched my cheeks, forcing my mouth open.
"Now we get it haha eat that!" He starts to swallow air and get close, very close. As my open mouth is in line with his, he rips a nasty belch in it, making me taste what he had for breakfast
He even blows afterwards, making me teary eyed.
They all high five and laugh, as I see Sal getting in front of me next.
"Now for the entreé, baked beans with a pinch of..." Sal turned around and bent over, displaying his huge bubbly ass on my face. I felt his hand grabbing the back of my head, making me land with my open mouth right in front of his crack. "...my stink... HNNGG"
And it stunk to high heavens. All of their gas is potent, but Sal's has twisted smell, making the worse. And I had to swallow.
As I gagged, the guys laughed about him making me eat his fart. I felt some movement, and now Jongho is holding me while Josh got in front of me.
"Let me see if I got your order right, you wanted a double... UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPP" He added with a nauseating belch on my face. As I didn't have time to process this, I saw him turning around and lifting his leg:
They couldn't contain themselves with so much laughing at his stupid joke. At least, it's finished... they got "my order".
"What a restaurant will he think this is?" I hear Jongho say behind me. "If we don't give his dessert?" That got the guys expecting something. In a swift move, he let go of the hold on me and pressed his ass on my face, pinning me against the chair.
"A full cake, as you ordered, sir" Jongho said, rubbing his colossal ass on my face. I could hear some flashes now, bet they are recording it.
I heard him grunt, and it happened:
A powerful and huge fart rumbled my face, and went straight down my throat. I could taste the twisted flavour of his breakfast as he filled me with his gas.
"Aaaaahhh, bon appetit!" Jongho sighs in relief, high-fiving his friends. They leave the room as I'm too weak to stand up.
Uuurrpp- I burp as some of their gas come back.
I hate my life.
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askchilchuck · 2 days
May it be alright to ask if we can learn a bit about you, our lovely admin 😊
Btw you're doing awesome! Keep up the great work ♡
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Huh? What do you mean admi- Chilchuck is yanked out of frame.
HI you’re incredibly sweet!
I’m not super good with this kind of stuff so I’ll go over the basics.
My name is Sophie. I’m 26. I live in the Pacific NW in the US (hence why my schedule sticks to PST usually). And I work an office job, which is why I get a lot of free time during work days lol.
HUGE Dunmeshi (and especially Chilchuck) fan, but I also really like MHA (Keigo/Hawks my beloved 💖) even if the ending made me really sad. (Hori should’ve taken a hiatus IMO. I fully believe he would’ve been up to following through with the plot lines he set up if he wasn’t pressured to keep his pace.)
I was also violently reminded of my massive Peter/Quicksilver (x-men movies) crush when he showed up for .2 seconds at the end of DP3, so I’ve been wanting to watch those again with my mom some time.
I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in high school. I came over from DA where I used to post my fics before my mom found out and got me into AO3 (fandom runs in the family lol. She’s also a professional author/editor and was like “no kid of MINE is gonna post to fucking da” lol.)
Not sure what else to say so I’ll give you a fun fact: I hate coffee AND tea! If I need caffein I’ll drink a Ghost energy drink (preferably the red Sour Patch Kids one) and if I want a hot drink I’ll go for hot cocoa. Also for soda I’m on team Dr. Pepper and will die on this hill lol.
That’s all I can think of, but if any of you have any questions I’m more than happy to answer! I’ll check up on the comments on this post throughout today if you’d like.
Thank you for being awesome, it makes doing this a lot of fun. 💖
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mychlapci · 4 hours
I've become obsessed with the idea of tiny prowl getting knocked up by his coworkers. At least one person's filling him with transfluid a day, usually it's multiple bots jacking off into a bowl and using the little dropper to fill him throughout the day. It's only a matter of time before something takes! Big sires are possible, just rare bc of how rarely bots with such big size differences hook up. It just means prowl's gonna have a big litter of chunky sparklings!
The whole precinct gets worried when their little detective starts getting 'sick', he's so nauseous and tired all the time. He's still horny as hell though, desperately begging for their transfluid whenever he gets the chance.
Even when he's tiny, his bumper is too big for him to see the growing baby bump under it. One of his coworkers finally makes the connection and carries him to a medic, who tells them he's only a quarter into carrying some very big sparklings, just barely under the range of what's safe for his little frame.
Usually it would be a bit of a scandal for an entire department to get one of their new members pregnant, but prowl's much too small to be doing field work anyway, it's much easier to sweep the whole thing under the rug. Prowl can stay at his desk as he gets rounder and rounder. Bringing a whole new element to the office when they can feel his massive tummy while he rubs against their spikes.
He ends up going into labor at his desk, with all of his coworkers watching and cooing over him as he pushes five chubby sparklings out of his tiny valve.
Little pregnant prowl was so cute there's no way they're letting him stay empty for long ❤️
oooOh my god, pregnant tiny Prowl... He's basically a ball by the end of his pregnancy, so swollen he can't even stand up. When he gets horny, one of the officers always has to lift him and rub him against the tip of their spike until they can get some transfluid into his tiny little valve.
The birth is so difficult, but the officers cooing over him are happy to help him by lightly pinching his massive belly, holding his little kicking legs in the air as he pushes <3333
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l832 · 1 year
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dailydegurechaff · 5 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… sometimes I wish isekai quartet put them in cute uniforms
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multifanbrainrot · 5 months
i'm loving "lovesick moron" juno and "vulnerable & communicative" peter a lot, please give me more of them kabert
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ruvviks · 9 months
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Mikhail and Vitali were inseparable; when they weren’t studying or getting into fights, they would hang out at Mikhail’s place to smoke and get drunk on cheap rum and vodka, to then pass out in each other’s arms and sleep most of the next day away. They promised each other— no matter what would happen— they would never leave each other’s side. Yet after starting university and college respectively, they did not see each other for a little over six years, leaving them both heartbroken and wondering what went wrong.
by lucas expedidor // catch me if you can; eden // clementine von radics, from 'courtney love prays to oregon' // sam sax, cruising: a broken tiara // 'ceramic home' by heavensghost; quote from john murillo // 'something's changed' by laiikastears // i don't want to watch the world end with someone else; clinton kane // fortesa latifi, from 'the truth about grief' // audre lorde, the evening news // frank o'hara, biotherm (for bill berkson) // heading home; ruben // 'preface to a dream' by alessandra casini // tokyo; caroline kole // langston hughes, poem // haruki murakami, norwegian wood // julie buntin, marlena // by lute // by aleksandr popov // anyway; noah kahan // christa wolf, cassandra: a novel and four essays
#cp2077#edit:mikhail#edit:vitali#nuclearocs#nuclearedits#happy birthday to my two boys :^) yes they share the same birthday what about it. it's essential to their whole. thing#whatever it is. they're like soulmates but also they are NOT dating. i need you to understand that. because it makes everything funnier#you guys remember when i first introduced them here and people thought they were together. good times honestly#but yeah no vitali is officially dating vincent and mikhail is just their eternal third wheel. their relationship can't be defined#they also reunite of course but i LOVE emphasizing their grief. they didn't know they'd ever see each other again#and they've known each other since around age 12. imagine spending almost every day with someone who CHOSE you#and then suddenly not seeing them or talking to them for YEARS. what do you do with that grief. that pain#sure they've found each other back but what do you do with that. where do you put it. it makes me insane!!!#they both were so lonely in their own way. vitali getting lost in vices and crowds but ending up all by himself at the end of the day#and mikhail drowning himself in studying and pushing himself far over his limits just to distract himself from the hole in his chest#night city in my head is much more massive than what it feels like in game. like yeah it feels big but not. BIG big#and i think mikhail and vitali's story and them losing contact while only a district apart really emphasizes how like#how HUGE this city is not only in terms of actual land it covers but also just. how overwhelming it is. how it can swallow you whole#anyway if you've read all of this hi. wanna make out
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Some important stuff in regards to the harassment of developers came from Bungie today. They won a lawsuit against a guy who repeatedly harassed a community manager and his family (not fully confirmed in the official document, but people are fairly certain this is about A_dmg and his family). This is a twitter thread from the lawyer who went into some details about the situation. The court document is also available to read (featuring some of the horrific harassment tactics that were motivated by racism and also used racism as part of the harassment so be advised if you want to read).
This isn't just a win for the individual community manager and Bungie, but also has potential to set a bigger precedent in the future. It's basically the first time this has been done to this extent and some ruling in this case made it clear that companies can pursue this sort of legal action in the future if their employees are harassed and threatened. This is HUGE because the protection of employees in the gaming industry has been abysmal otherwise. This case will allow for the company to file a lawsuit on behalf of their employees in cases of harassment.
Before I add some of the more heinous stuff about this situation below, I want to say that the majority of reactions to this are positive. People are happy that this happened as it did and a lot of people are excited about potential big influence this will have in the future to combatting harassment of this type in the gaming industry.
Extra details and thoughts below (racism tw):
This started because the community manager highlighted a black content creator, Uhmayyze, who is himself a victim of harassment more often than not (usually of racist nature). He is most often harassed because he is unapologetically positive for which people have continuously sent him awful shit and comments. Because he enjoys the game and isn't jumping on the hate train. Just recently he commended Bungie for a ban wave and had hundreds of people hound him on twitter for his comment, including Gladd who started it by specifically replying to Uhmayyze and putting him on blast (warning for a lot of gross comments, including photoshopped screenshots of fake discord texts to make Uhmayyze look bigoted, nsfw images, r slur, suicide baiting and so on). This is important because the incident of real life harassment was fuelled over a community manager highlighting a content creator that is himself being harassed and despised online for the crime of... being positive. And you know, for being black. This situation isn't an isolated incident. The community, including other content creators, are absolutely horrible towards this one person that they feel, I guess, does not follow the content creator NPC questline of hating Bungie and Destiny.
So of course, at some point, someone from that crowd will feel confident and justified taking things further. How dare Bungie promote this person they hate. How dare they focus on a positive creator. They're clearly biased and don't want to listen to criticism, only to "toxic positivity" streamer. How dare a community manager highlight this creator. It's a personal slight to them, and "proof" that Bungie is bad and evil and "ignoring criticism." There's someone out there (and probably not the only one) that hates this creator and the game so much they were willing to harass and threaten a community manager and his family in real life.
The community manager was first harassed by phone with text messages and voice mails featuring racist bile, including apparently a voice mail telling him to "convince Bungie to create options in its game in which only persons of color would be killed." This is the worst part for me and super concerning in general, as well as showing the dedication of this person to racism, motivated by his hatred of a black creator (which also, by proxy, technically makes the streamer being harassed as well). Absolutely ghoulish behaviour.
This escalated to also harassing the CM's wife and resulted in doxing them; the harasser somehow found their address. Most of the reports on this will say that the asshole "sent them pizza" which doesn't truly capture how horrific the incident was. First, it's a random guy who has your address which is concerning enough given that he harasses you by phone already. Apparently the pizza was made to be "inedible" and the delivery was instructed to bang loudly on the door upon arrival to maximise discomfort. The order was also deliberately made to be paid on delivery to create as much pain for the victims as possible. The harasser also kept track of the delivery and then called the family again when it was done to tell them to "enjoy the pizza." The family immediately contacted Bungie who contacted the police and provided the family with protection. There's no telling how this would've escalated had they not been in the position to call Bungie and had Bungie not reacted to them asking for help. It's absolutely crucial here that Bungie is the type of a company willing to immediately assist in this situation.
Immediately following that, Bungie organised a long and expensive manhunt to identify the harasser and bring them court. That's where most of the expenses went; finding the culprit and protecting the employee and his family. This is the money Bungie earned back by this court decision because they could prove that the expenses were caused by a person harassing and threatening their employee.
This is a big win overall for the whole industry. It's Bungie setting a precedent on how a company should protect its employees. No matter what people think about Bungie or big corporations or whatever, this is how you can use a lot of money and power to make sure that your workers have rights to decency and safety. That's huge for the rights of workers and worker protections. I hope it becomes a standard and that any future harassment is prevented altogether or at least punished accordingly.
Naturally, the commentary on the news from a big part of the community is super positive. Unfortunately, there's also a part of the community that has a lot of really awful shit to say about this. The comments on twitter are littered with people who are using THIS specific moment to yell about Bungie being a greedy corporation, how the money they won should be used to "fix the servers" and "make more pvp maps" or how Bungie will greedily put this money "into Eververse" or "into Marathon." There's comments about how time was uselessly spent protecting an employee who should expect harassment anyway, instead of working on "fixing the game."
This is what I mean when I talk about how impossible it is in the current situation to have a meaningful discussion about any sort of criticism or feedback. There's thousands of comments from people who think that this specific instance shows how Bungie is greedy. This is what I mean when I say that none of these people actually understand what they're talking about. You can't make proper criticism when you can't separate game development with a company's legal effort to stop an escalating harassment campaign of an employee. The majority of gamers are simply not fit to offer any criticism or feedback. The idea that we all have something useful to say and that employees at Bungie are obliged to give us their time of the day is simply incorrect.
I genuinely 100% stand by the claim that the recent barrage of content creators promoting the idea that Bungie is "the greediest company in the world that's scamming players and increasing costs out of greed" as well as the idea that Bungie is "abandoning Destiny for Marathon, isn't working on the game anymore and is deliberately ruining it" is the reason for these comments existing. If a big streamer said that Bungie is getting too much money but also not doing anything "good" with it, then any money that Bungie receives (including compensation for expenses they took to protect an employee from active harm) is a result of greed. The nuance of any situation is lost; when you only learn the mantra of "company has money therefore company bad" you WILL end up causing harm for people and you will most definitely not be an advocate of workers rights. That's where we're at right now.
The dehumanisation of people who work at Bungie (and the harassment itself) is a consequence of this crap and other similar crap that's been thrown into the ether for the past year, disguised as "we're just offering feedback." People heard that Bungie is a "microtransaction hell" and that Bungie is only investing in Eververse and Marathon and they feel like this story reflects that; they feel like an employee being harassed is not deserving of proper condemnation and that this isn't important enough and that Bungie is a greedy corpo anyway so who cares about that. They do not understand how companies work, how games are made, the state of the industry as a whole (or the world as a whole), the treatment of employees or workers' rights, and you cannot meaningfully critique a company's business practices without understanding that. And they don't because they think that legal expenses used to protect victims, finding a culprit and bringing their ass to court is money that is being used for game development and that Bungie receiving this money should result in... new pvp maps or "fixed servers."
And there's even seemingly good commentary where people recognise how this is good, but they initiate the comment with "As much as I hate Bungie and Destiny and I think they're awful and greedy and destroying gaming as a whole..." : that's not the time and place. You don't have to excuse your support of a big win for potential new employee protection policies just because those policies are done by a company. Of course it is. Companies are the only ones capable of pursuing this sort of legal action. It's one good way a big company can put their power and money into a good place to actually help people and bring forth positive change. And like, you don't have to tell us how much you despise Bungie before you're "allowed" to admit that this is good news. Sometimes companies do good stuff. It's literally not that complicated.
I hope that this situation will help other employees demand the same protection, that other companies will follow suit and that this will also make potential other harassers rethink whether or not they will engage in this or similar type of behaviour. In the meantime, know that the community is largely positive about this, but that there are still absolutely detestable human beings who should feel ashamed of their reaction to this. They shouldn't feel welcome here. And there's still people doing this to the devs and I hope Bungie takes their asses to court too.
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sinkat-arts · 2 months
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A Song in the Dark
1: Heartsong (~12k) | daisuga | dark fantasy | angst w happy ending | rated E |
The Light is dying. Life withers across the land as darkness infects the hearts of man. A Godking is missing… or dead. Demons and shadows emerge from the deep places of the world and madness drives good people to dark deeds. Amidst this chaos - and to the dismay of all - the Order chooses the disgraced paladin Daichi Sawamura to journey south into the heart of darkness to seek their salvation… but what is one man against all the powers of the dark? What is one man against the darkness in his own heart?
Read Chapter 1: Heartsong on AO3 >
I'm so excited to present the first chapter of my story for the Haikyuu Sword and Sorcery bang! I worked with the incredible @lanirawhoney, who not only created two beautiful pieces for this story... but inspired a whole character (you'll meet Eustace in chapter 2). Massive thanks to Lani for sticking with me through this - it was a pleasure to work with and learn from you!!!
Links to Lani's beautiful art:
Disgraced Paladin Daichi Sawamura >
Wandering Suga (ft Donkey Friend!) >
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quadrantadvisor · 6 days
Sometimes I still think about The Owl House Gang all trying to watch ATLA together but then Zuko's backstory in The Storm retraumatizes Hunter so bad they have to stop
#luz is too young to have grown up with the show she just heard it was good#SHE DIDN'T KNOW GUYS#they all get super into it and the gaang and maybe even make some jokes about how Zuko reminds them of Hunter#and then suddenly it is Not Funny Anymore#they just straight up stop watching it because it was So Bad#and then months later Hunter is like '....... i really want to know where that show goes'#so they pick it up again#everytime Zuko makes a bad life decision Hunter is just dying inside#'your dad DOES NOT LOVE YOU YOU CAN DO BETTER'#season 2 is such an emotional rollercoaster#like zuko is figuring stuff out and seems like he's gonna redeem himself and everyone is getting so hype#because at this point they NEED to see this character get a happy ending because they have been throufh WAY TOO MUCH over him#and then in the season finale he regresses#the BETRAYAL#they are like wailing and rending their clothes like dudes in the bible#hunter just sitting there with his head in his hands#season 3 storyline with zuko at the fire palace is also massively triggering for him but he's being so normal about it#the rest of the squad on the copium like 'he can still turn this around guys'#secretly several of them have given up on him at this point but they can't admit that there's too much riding on this#and then zuko DOES IT but the scene is so tense that no one even feels like they can celebrate because they're all projecting way too hard#and then zuko redirects the lightning and they're like 'FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!'#there is much crying at the finale#luz and amity kin assigned eachother as aang and katara so they're really happy when they get together#hunter like 'mostly this is making me glad I didn't have to become the political leader of The Boiling Isles as a traumatized 16 year old'#'can you imagine'#these tags were not supposed to be this long lmao#toh#atla#avatar#my rambles
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jamethinks · 11 days
So, regarding my previous post: the 3 cats Nightfall has are based on each of the Forgers (not on purpose)
Kot is the adult male Siberian weighing in at about 9kg. His exact age is unknown since she had him since he was an adult. It is known that he is a bit older (notably older than Anya). She got him as a kid, and to avoid talking about her backstory, let's just say at some point she went back to Russia for him. Because of his age, he's not as energetic as most Siberians but definitely more energetic than a normal cat. He's got bone problems and has to take lots of meds.
He's the Loid of the cat team. Very serious, observant, and has no time for Koshka's shit. Because he was alone for so long, he actually prefers solitude. Finding a nice high place to perch up on and watch over everything. He's not openly affectionate and only prefers to cuddle with Fiona. He is a very patient cat though making him the perfect companion for Anya. She loves to pick this big heavy cat up and walk around with him and he just sits there with a grumpy face and everyone is worried she's annoying him but he's actually just chilling and kinda likes her.
The next is Kit. Kit is a purebred Sphynx that Fiona got from a gang of traffickers. It was a bunch of these chicken cats that they were trying to take to the use to sell to breeders and skinners. She rescued all and decided to keep one. Kit is very very affectionate and snuggly. He loves cuddling with Fiona at night and following her around during the day. Whenever she's not around her berries himself in Kot's fur and sleeps right there. He's not very suited for the eternal Ostanian fall so he has to be kept properly warm and is very pampered.
He's obviously the Yor parallel. Initially seen as weird and unusual, most people prefer to avoid him, and some even scream and run. In reality, he's actually the sweetest, most gentle cat of the bunch. Again, he is super affectionate and very extroverted. He's very social and warms up to the Forgers immediately. He even gets along with Bond loving to really get caught up in the big dogs endless fluff. Yor at first was creeper out by him but ended really warming up to him, and he spends most of his time there just following her around and accepting so many pets.
Koshka is the baby. Nightfall got her from the old man spy. He saw how sad she was because Twilight was too busy with Operation Strix and thought she just needed a baby for herself and that she did. Koshka is extremely energetic, like constantly bursting with energy. Stuck in an eternal state of zoomies. She's actually albino with a thick white coat, blue eyes, and partial deafness. She was born on some breeding farm and deemed defective and was set to be put down before old man spy got his hands on her. She's only around 6-9 months, so really a baby.
She's again meant to parallel Anya, I think he description alone shows why. Interestingly, though, she's Loid's favorite. He never liked cats because he thought they were mean and very solitary animals. He liked dogs because they're more social and just seemed more useful. Koshka absolutely broke his brain with her very dog like personality. She was super clingy and nagish just like Bond and would actually start climbing him if he didn't tend to her in time. She would be bolting back and forth through the house, jumping all over the furniture like an energetic puppy. At first, Loid found it annoying, but it also felt so familiar. Because she's so young, she hasn't been trained, so he enjoys dealing with this unpredictable little kitten.
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grimm-the-tiger · 25 days
My FL main went through some really weird, organic development over the...oh god, I think it's been five years since I started playing now.
So my main is named Skadi Larkin. They are a little bastard. They started out extremely 2D; I named them after my favorite Norse goddess and the protagonist of the book I was reading at the time. I originally wanted to make them female like both of their namesakes, but the second I saw the third-gender option, I thought it was too good to pass up. This is where they got their primary base characterization as a mad scientist who wanted to Cause Problems.
Then I started the Nemesis ambition and forgot which option I'd chosen for who I was trying to avenge, so they lost both their lover and their older brother under tragic circumstances (only the lover was killed by Nemesis's antagonist, though).
Then I got an Exceptional Friendship and had to give my tragic backstory in order to gain entry to the House of Chimes. Skadi pulled said tragic backstory (orphaned in a hansom accident) more or less out of their ass, but it did establish that their parents are dead.
Somewhere down the line, I realized that technically Skadi is a linguist, since the Correspondence is a language, and I made that their profession on the Surface as well.
Around this time, I started working on character designs for my fan comic. I got really into messing around with skin tone, and somewhere along the line thought it would be fun to draw Skadi (who was originally white) with darker skin, and it stuck.
Then I abruptly realized I was taking a lot of options that increased my Melancholy, and almost all of them were based on the Surface. So now Skadi has a longing for the Surface.
I left the game for a few years, but somewhere during this stretch of time, and I don't know how this happened, but I decided Skadi was now Native American; specifically, Metis. I changed their design to incorporate a sash woven in a style characteristic of the Metis, which also added a bit of color to their design (which was mostly black or grey at this point).
During this time, I started incorporating Skadi into my fan comic. This would eventually lead me to actually flesh out their backstory in greater detail. When I started playing the game again, I also created my first alt by total accident (long story), and I decided to weave her backstory with Skadi's.
So Skadi is in the interesting position of being an Indigenous person who is what we'd probably consider Two-Spirit today but they'd just call "Bollocks to that gender crap". They never belonged on the Surface, since the Metis are in a bit of a liminal space compared to other tribes due to their interesting background (the Metis are the descendants of French settlers and Indigenous inhabitants, mostly Cree), and Skadi exists in a liminal space within that liminal space due to only being half-Metis and raised primarily in white culture, although they still maintained a connection to it through their late mother. They also never belonged because no one else on the Surface outside of the communities they already felt isolated from would ever accept them for their gender. London gave them a chance to express one of those, but not both, and despite knowing that the Surface hates them just for existing, they still long to return.
#fallen london#fallen london oc#mild fallen london spoilers ig#there's a really interesting dichotomy with all of my fl characters honestly#skadi's is just probably the most blatant#umbra belacqua (my shadowy alt) is someone who both loves very fiercely and is capable of immense cruelty at the same time#in her backstory she had the husband of her ex-fiancee (who left her at the altar) murdered because she couldn't let go of her ex's betraya#said ex is my persuasive alt and is both very socially gregarious and extremely withdrawn#he probably won't ever get a spouse just because he can't bring himself to love someone else after what happened the last time#and he had very good reason for leaving umbra because he could never love her the way she wanted#and he felt that the sympathy she would receive from his family would more than make up for the heartbreak#since umbra is obsessed with gaining power and prestige and he came from an influential family#and knew that running away with the person he really loved would get him disowned#(he doesn't know umbra killed his husband btw)#my dangerous alt is my persuasive alt's sister#she's trans and badly overcompensating for it by refusing to wear anything except feminine clothing#because it hasn't quite gotten through to her yet that no one in Fallen London particularly cares about her gender expression#and she feels like the only way she can be seriously considered a woman is if she does everything she can to look like one#which causes her a good few problems because her one true passion is violence and that's not usually considered a very feminine hobby#then their younger brother (my watchful alt) is someone ironically very disinclined to violence who resorts to it anyways#the only people he's actually going to try to kill are the ones he has to kill for his ambition#and he's not very happy about it but he doesn't have much of a choice#because while he might not like bloodshed his murdered spouse was an anarchist who definitely did#and he's determined to do right by his memory by...killing a lot of people apparently#he is not a terribly mentally stable man and when i finally get around to making his account#he's going to have a massive nightmares problem that he refuses to deal with and keeps ending up in the royal beth for it#tl;dr all my fallen london characters are going through it and have overly long and complicated backstories#my main just happens to have the most overly long and complicated of them all
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buttercup-art · 2 months
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