#but this vulnerable Jumin Han
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This is for Yandere Malleus Draconia
Yandere Jumin Han is here
Yandere Malleus Draconia
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The change in your behavior happened after "moving in together".
Or so Malleus calls it
"Kidnapping" would be a better term :D
Malleus forgot to ask your opinion on "moving together"
So you didn't take it very well in the beginning.
In the beginning, you had a lot of arguments.
Malleus calls it "culture shock".
And you wouldn't have gotten used to their ways yet.
Common sense would be a better word :D
But over time you realized that it wouldn't help.
That way you wouldn't get rid of Malleus.
You had to be smarter.
So you swallowed your pride and pretended to be in love with him.
Malleus shouldn't believe it.
But he does.
He has a strong need to be loved.
And a strong need not to be alone.
And that you would finally love him would fill him with happiness.
If Malleus hadn't kidnapped you, you might feel bad.
Because Malleus would trust you, you would be able to walk more freely in your "new home".
However, unfortunately you had forgotten something.
Malleus might not notice your escape plans.
But Lilia would.
And Lilia wouldn't want to see Malleus hurt.
So he would talk about it with Malleus.
At first, Malleus doesn't want to believe what he hears.
But he would have to accept the truth.
However, Malleus could not let you leave.
You and him should be together.
It's just a shame you don't get it.
However, Malleus would choose to be cautious.
He wouldn't want you to suspect anything.
However, you would find out as soon as possible.
More specifically, the next lunch time.
Malleus would put something in your food.
Probably a weak sleeping pill.
His magic could amplify the effect later.
Malleus would not enjoy this
But he would make sure you couldn't leave him.
The situation would surely be terrible for you. You came for a normal lunch.
But suddenly you start feeling really bad.
You feel weak and your vision starts to fade.
And the only thing you would hear would be Malleus' words.
"This is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will. Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me? Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
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juminies · 3 months
hi, any thoughts on jumin and rika and how he saw her? i love your jumin takes so i'm very interested in hearing your opinion on this
Hi! This is one of those things I've been meaning to talk about forever but never really had the motivation to get around to writing about, so you've opened a door for me to finally attempt to get my thoughts down. Sorry if it's a little muddled or convoluted :')
Disclaimer I will be ignoring the existence of the ssum because even though I know there has been Jumin and Rika related shenanigans over there they are not part of mystic messenger canon to me whatsoever 💜
I have always felt as though when it comes to Jumin and Rika’s relationship in particular a lot of people look at them far too simply without considering, in particular, Jumin’s view on love and human connection in its entirety—the fact that prior to his route he has not witnessed healthy love up close his entire life (including the "love" between V and Rika, even if they seemed good together on the surface). He is, as such, very hesitant to get close to it, and doesn't think about it as a realistic scenario for himself despite his admitted loneliness.
Jumin is very averse to making new connections in general; he struggles socially, is used to being viewed as something people can use for their own benefit rather than his own person, and V is the only real friend he has ever made of his own volition. Consequently his adoration and loyalty for Jihyun were bound to extend to anyone he loved too, and it just so happened that the person V loved was Rika, who confronted Jumin in a way that even his lifelong best friend didn't. There was a level of emotional vulnerability with Rika that V—like Jumin—was uncomfortable expressing, and so she brought out a different (new) side of Jumin. It wasn’t entirely one-sided either, as Rika also confided in Jumin in a way that she admitted she couldn't even to Jihyun at least once. Jumin and V have seemingly always had a tendency to undershare and Rika, as the person closest to them, definitely knew that. So she and Jumin developed this weird little friendship where they were both closer to V than they were to each other, but neither of them could quite confide in him the way they could to one another. She was also one of very few people (especially pre-RFA) who never saw him as just his talent, his position, his wealth. He liked that she saw the ugly parts of him too. She made him feel comfortable and free. He could just be Jumin, not C&R's Jumin Han, you know?
But it’s important to remember when thinking about them that Rika was very likely the first time anyone had ever talked like this with Jumin, and really tried to get him to dig deeper into his own emotions in a way that wasn’t belittling. Jumin represses and has always repressed. He had always tucked feelings he found inconvenient away ASAP, hidden even from himself. But Rika saw him as a person, and intentionally or not she tapped into the parts of Jumin that he tried to hide away and gave him an outlet nobody else had ever really allowed him. It became something that he associated with her and her alone.
I wanted to avoid just throwing big VN chunks in here but this one in particular is so important to deducing their relationship, so I am just going to put the standout parts here ->
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Now the thing with Rika is that, the way I see it, it can be difficult to determine what is genuine with her and what isn’t. She didn't have anything to gain from specifically Jumin the way others did, but Rika has this fundamental need for people to see her as good and honest, and she needs to be admired even when she doesn't truly believe she deserves it (or otherwise when she doesn’t truly deserve it). The situation with Saeran aside I don't think that she takes to explicitly or purposefully lying much, but outside of her relationship with Jihyun(?) she is a people pleaser to the highest degree because she seeks constant reassurance that she is not completely evil.
This exchange, for example, has always felt incredibly off to me
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because there is something in it that subtly pushes Jumin into a corner in what can be easily interpreted as attempt to seek validation. It happens in a serious conversation immediately after Rika asks if he trusts her and he tells her "of course I do." It feels almost like she's testing him; trying to see how far his loyalty to both herself and V stretches. There's a very real possibility that she knew how highly he held her and attempted to use it to reassure herself. To quietly push him to make her feel desirable—lovable—perhaps? This probably isn't the only time similar occurrences popped up. I don’t think she intended to cheat, and she would have known that Jumin would never betray Jihyun like that anyway, but I do know that she felt unfulfilled with V and it’s not a stretch to say she would seek similar reassurance elsewhere. A little bit like she does with MC in V route, really.
Then there's the projection onto Elizabeth, which is in my opinion a coping mechanism not for Rika's absence specifically but rather for Jumin's general loneliness. This, obviously, was not romantic (the fact I have to clarify this is absurd but I have seen some... interesting takes over the years), but Jumin admits himself that he viewed Elizabeth like a confidant. Him turning to Elizabeth was him knowing that he could not continually go to Rika when he needed emotional support because she quite clearly expressed she wanted him to find it elsewhere, however it makes sense that he struggled to disassociate Elizabeth from Rika when Rika was the only person he felt could see him for what he really is. He was not presented with any other legitimate option. I do feel it’s quite interesting when trying to comprehend how much Rika really cared for him that she seemingly didn’t know the extent of Jumin’s emotional reliance on her.
When all is said and done though, I think that claiming Jumin was in love with Rika is both untrue and far too simple. To be honest I genuinely don't even believe Jumin himself knows how he truly felt about Rika, really. He's the king of burying his emotions and he is loyal beyond belief, so I do think that if there had been romantic feelings for her mixed up in him somewhere (which there very probably were, though a bit warped due to his aforementioned lack of perspective on healthy love) he wouldn't have let himself unpack them enough to realise that's what they were. What he did definitely do, though, was put her on a pedestal as the only woman he felt like he could legitimately trust with anything. At the point where they were the closest every woman before her had either abused him or had an ulterior motive, but Rika was unique. She wasn’t trying to get close to him for sex or connections or monetary gain. She brought out a curiosity in him that nothing and nobody else but V had been able to before. Jumin had so little real, genuine, heartfelt human connection. Of course he was going to get attached to her, but I don't think that he’s lying when he says he didn't even think about it because she was his best friend’s girlfriend. Around the time that he opens up about Rika I cannot see him intentionally lying to MC whatsoever. She was his friend. He trusted her. I actually think the way he feels about Jihyun is incredibly similar to how he felt about Rika.
As a final note, Jumin knowing the truth about V's eyes, along with the assertion that MC is "warm and soft... unlike Rika" are very intriguing. They're the main two things that suggest to me that while he admired her on the surface he quite clearly had some much deeper, more complex feelings about Rika (particularly closer to her "death"), but still chose to put his faith in Jihyun’s judgement rather than doubting Rika while she was around. I think it's very possible that after witnessing the selfless kind of care that MC provides he started to really pick up and reassess the colder side of Rika's behaviour, so to speak. Not even strictly things that happened in bad faith (she did genuinely hold RFA members highly after all), but she has a very twisted view of what is good for both herself and others, and it’s one that Jumin does not mesh with.
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itsdrawingmen · 8 months
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Metal separates from metal, and a faint fizzing comes from inside the can. A satisfying little sound. Zen quickly puts the can to his lips and takes a big swig. It makes his nose a little itchy, but the feeling is pleasant.
Or maybe it’s just habitual. He’s not sure.
He leans onto the counter as he puts the can on top of it. His head is heavy. His mind is a mess. He takes a little glance again at the pack of cigarettes and the lighter. Should he go for another one?
He decides to wait a little more.
Maybe another beer will finally make him sleepy.
Zen pinches the bridge of his nose, then drags his hand down his face with a sigh.
Then takes a wistful look at the kitchen.
It’s a little messy: dishes in the sink that Yoosung's been too busy to wash, although it’s his turn; some snacks scattered on the countertop; a mug of water left on the table. It’s become a welcome sight. Yoosung’s presence has made this kitchen feel less beige and sterile. But right now, in the dim light of the small lamp under the cabinets, Zen feels his loneliness and messiness here that much more jarringly.
He can’t imagine life without Yoosung anymore.
He’s not sure how he feels about the life with him, either.
He has to give Yoosung credit, though, he’s been nothing but delicate. After the botched first kiss and the exchange of confessions (Zen tries not to think about what he has said, because if he does, he immediately feels his face heat up with embarrassment) — after that, Yoosung has been such a sweet soul.
When hasn’t he been.
Zen sighs again, runs his hand across his face one more time. Takes another swig of beer.
It’s still doing nothing for him.
Shouldn’t have developed such a tolerance.
Damn this.
His thoughts are wandering. All of his life — or most of it, anyway — he has been alone in this world. Alone against his parents; alone against all the people wanting to touch him, pet him, squish him, like a little decorative animal; alone against the gangs, the men older and stronger than him who looked at him and saw something they could use; alone against the brutal competition in the musical theatre industry; alone in this beige disaster of a flat, full of nothing but echo and beer cans. The few times he has thought he has had something going for him, he has just remained heartbroken and that much more alone.
His brother. He licks his teeth.
Then mouthes a different name. Yes, it still tastes bitter on his tongue.
He takes a swig of beer to wash down the feeling.
Rika, too. He grins to himself.
They all left. Some took things with them. His trust in people, his hopes for the best. Everything that was soft and vulnerable within him.
His virginity. He smiles bitterly. Such a dumb story, but who'd listen. The name is bitter in his mouth. The void is nagging in his chest. He drinks again.
What makes this time any different?
And why the fuck does it have to be a guy again, he thinks. I promised myself it wouldn’t happen. I wasn’t even a good friend to him.
Or was he?
He thinks back to the hours he has spent googling for recipes to get him to eat. To holding his hand, listening to all the ways he has thought of going out. To changing his bedsheets, to taking out his trash.
To hugging him so tightly and kissing him on the forehead.
To washing his hair. To helping him bleach.
To writing to none else than Jumin Han for the contacts of the clinic.
Why was he doing all that?
Why has he suggested he move in here? Just to split the rent?
He drinks again.
The fuck does it matter.
Now he’s here, they're both here, and among them there’s a guy who doesn’t want to let Zen slip back into his habitual loneliness.
He hears soft footsteps and turns automatically in their direction.
Yoosung stops in the doorway, sends him a little, pale smile. It’s warm. Zen raises his beer can to him. Cheers.
‘Hey,’ he replies, then takes a swig.
He has already noticed that little look, running over the cigarettes, the lighter, the beer can. Over Zen’s figure, slouched against the counter. Reading the clues. In the months living together, it has become some sort of a ritual. If one of them can’t sleep, he probably needs a hug.
He prays silently to all the powers he doesn’t believe in that Yoosung doesn’t go for it.
‘Not sleepy?’ he hears the soft voice ask. Yoosung passes by him and settles at the kitchen table, sideways on the chair, pulling his one knee up. They’re face to face now.
At a comfortable distance.
Zen thanks Yoosung’s delicacy as he puts down the can.
‘Nah,’ he replies. ‘Which sucks, really, I have the final rehearsal tomorrow. The dress rehearsal. Before the premiere.’
Yoosung smiles a little wider.
‘Yeah, the premiere. I’ll be there.’
‘Sure you aren’t gonna be bringing a plus one?’
Yoosung glances down, his expression bleakening.
‘Oh, no, I don’t think. One of the guys has a birthday party over at the dorm, and everyone is going.’
‘They didn’t invite you?’
‘They did but…’ he grimaces a little. ‘I’m not really friends with the guy. He’s… kinda terrible.’
Zen nods understandingly.
‘How come you aren’t sleeping? Been gaming?’
Yoosung lowers his chin to his raised knee. His face is now dejected.
‘Still not up for it?’
He shakes his head.
‘I’m kinda nervous to go back. After the last… several times.’
Zen purses up his lips, inclines his head to the side.
‘Assholes. So what’s keeping you up then?’
Yoosung licks his lips.
‘Well, I was getting together with those three girls recently, to study together, you remember, I told you? They were always staying a bit late in the library, and I kind of… invited myself to join, and they didn’t mind. Well, we’ve been doing that for some time, and they’ve been really cool. They asked at first, you know, about the eye… I thought they’d be weird about it, but they were really sweet. And I thought we should hang out, well, outside of uni. And I invited them for boba for this weekend, and they were down, and we just figured out the details and stayed a little too late chatting…’
His smile is warm as he is studying the tiles behind Zen’s back. What a relief, Zen thinks. He’s hanging out with girls now. He’ll be smooching one of them in no time, and we will just gather together right here, talk about it, and agree that we both got kinda carried away and that we’d just forget about all that’s happened. Wow, problem solved.
He doesn’t feel relieved at all.
His heart becomes even heavier.
‘You’re not inviting them to the premiere?’
Yoosung chuckles, shakes his head.
‘Aw, no. They said musicals are cringe.’
‘They have no taste.’
‘Tell me about it. They’ve simply just never heard of Zen, my favourite actor.’
As he looks up at Zen, straightening, his smile is so sunny. Zen tries to give one back, but it feels feeble and insincere.
‘Go get dressed,’ he says, gesturing vaguely to Yoosung’s thin tee. ‘It’s kinda cold here.’
‘I’m fine.’
Zen sighs.
‘You want me to give you mine, or what?’
He’s wearing a warm cardigan, and it’s so cozy, but Yoosung only has to ask for it, and he can have it.
‘I’m fine, really.’
‘Suit yourself.’
Yoosung reaches out for the mug of water on the table, glances into it skeptically.
‘How long has this been here?’
‘All day, probably,’ Zen shrugs.
He watches as Yoosung goes off to the sink, pours the dusty water out, and fills himself a new cup.
The nagging in his chest is becoming more unbearable by the moment.
I could use another cig, he thinks.
‘Are your new friends pretty?’
‘Are they pretty? The girls you’re going for boba with.’
Yoosung looks away, as if he hasn’t thought about it.
‘I guess? Yeah, I mean, yeah! One of them, Eunju, actually has a pretty distinctive style. She has this haircut, like… like this,’ he tries to make an approximation out of his messy hair.
‘A mullet?’
‘Yeah, I think it’s called. Messy, with highlights. Green. Yeah, and she always has all sorts of buttons and pins, she let me see some of her collection, and she’s even into LOLOL! Well, I… kind of told her I don’t play anymore.’
‘Aw,’ Zen drops half-heartedly. ‘Shame.’
‘Yeah… But, I mean… yeah, I guess they’re very pretty. Probably what caught my eye was that they seemed… nice. Like nice people.’
Zen holds a straight face as he takes another swig of beer. Being an actor has a lot of perks. One of them being, you always know perfectly well how to hide what you really feel.
‘Mind if I make myself tea?’ Yoosung asks from the direction of the stove. ‘Or do you want to drink in peace?’
‘Nah, by all means,’ Zen makes a vague gesture with the beer can. ‘Help yourself. I’m fine.’
He watches Yoosung pour the electric kettle and turn it on, then rummage through tea bags, smelling them, picking a flavour. At last, satisfied, he drops a bag into a huge mug. It is made to look like a fat smiling panda.
Yoosung glances at him around his shoulder.
‘Sorry, I didn’t ask… you want some?’
Zen raises the beer can. It’s feeling very light now. Yoosung nods.
For a little while, they wait in silence. Yoosung’s on his phone. Then, the water boils, and Yoosung pours his tea. He returns to the table, puts his mug and some chocolate bars on it, and settles on the chair again, pulling his other knee up now.
‘You have no concern whatsoever for your health,’ Zen drops.
‘Said the pot to the kettle.’
Zen doesn’t have any objections to that. He steals a glance as Yoosung opens a candy and sinks his teeth in, staring at his phone. His presence doesn’t feel intrusive. He doesn’t look like he’s waiting for anything. His thumb taps away at the screen.
Now that he’s not looking, and has turned his blind side to him, Zen takes liberty to stare. He studies the mess of bleached wavy hair, the moles on the roundish cheek, the oversized tee hanging from his small frame. Yoosung has a serious look on his face, but it’s all because he knits his eyebrows and squints to see better. He’s so adorable like this, though. Zen recalls the feeling of Yoosung on his lips: his forehead, his hair. His tensed up mouth.
You’re so down bad, Zen Ryu, he thinks.
And then thinks, fuck.
‘I’m feeling like shit,’ he confesses into thin air.
Yoosung puts down his phone. He isn’t turning to Zen, but he reaches out for his mug and brings it to his lips.
He’s listening.
It’s such a habitual little thing between them by now. Someone needs to talk. And the other lends an ear. And sometimes also a shoulder.
Zen lets out a broken sigh.
‘Everything’s just so weird today. I’m feeling weird. Fucked.’
‘Looks like not the kind that a beer could fix?’
Zen shakes his head.
‘Not the kind. And not the kind you can sleep off, or smoke off. Listen, I was thinking. How come you even came to care for me?’
Yoosung turns to face him, settling on the chair sideways again. He studies Zen’s face for a moment.
‘Well, you've always been beautiful, so here’s that,’ he smiles. Then pauses.
Normally, a compliment like this would make Zen feel better. Now it just rings hollow to him.
Yoosung sighs.
‘I don’t know,’ he says. ‘It all just… happened little by little, I guess. We got acquainted, I wanted to get to know you. You felt… nice, you know. Like a nice person.’
Zen smiles bitterly under his breath. Isn’t that what your girls feel like, Yoosungie.
‘You’re a great friend to me,’ Yoosung says. ‘Someone I can lean on. Someone who cares. It was… a nice surprise, honestly, to find out. You’re not, like… taking pleasure in ego-tripping at my expense.’
‘Who’d a thunk.’
‘Helping people is a good thing,’ Yoosung continues, unfazed. ‘An act of love. That’s what I think, anyway. But a lot of people don’t do it out of love. Don’t do it for the other. They just do it to feel better about themselves. And it’s just humiliating and patronizing.’
Humiliating and patronizing.
Zen looks at him carefully.
‘Do you feel that way often?’
Yoosung nods, purses his lips.
‘Kind of. Not with you, though. Not these days. Not when you stayed with me back then.’
Zen huffs a breath before downing the leftover beer.
‘It was no fun without you. I just wanted my friend back, thankyouverymuch.’
Yoosung tilts his head to the side, looking away. Zen can’t help thinking that he sees right through him, all of his half-truths and half-assed lies.
‘Okay, maybe I just hated to see you… like that,’ he relents. ‘Hated the thought of you. You know. Gone.’
‘You were so patient with me.’
‘That’s what it took. Look, Yoosungie. I’m just. Gonna say it like I think it. You don’t need to return any favours. I did it because I wanted to. And you shouldn’t feel like you owe me something for it.’
‘Like what?’
Zen sighs.
‘I mean. Who am I? To you. When you look at me, who do you see?’
Yoosung looks at him. The stare of his different eyes is soft, intent.
‘I see Zen,’ he says. ‘My best friend. The friend I love.’
‘Why what?’
‘Why do you… love?’
Yoosung sighs.
‘I don’t think it really works like that.’
‘But something made you look at me that way. Was it because I helped you? Because I was there, bless me, taking care of you, feeding you, I don’t know what else?’
Yoosung looks away.
‘Look. It’s true. It felt… good. Safe. Leaning on you. But now that I’m… doing better, I think I’m enjoying this way more, you know. Now that I can talk to you more as an equal. You’re… really cool. That’s mostly all there is to it. Yeah, I’m grateful, of course… but it’s mostly that you’re just cool. Through all of that stuff, I’ve really learned how cool you are.’
Zen pulls a little face, looks away.
‘Okay, fine, let’s hear it. What do you think is so cool about me? Mentioning this face is cheating, you know.’
‘You’re determined,’ Yoosung says simply. ‘This is probably the best word I can pick. You’re determined in pursuing your dream. In pulling your friend out of a black pit. In carving out a better life for yourself. Otherwise you would have stayed a gangster and a delinquent, wouldn’t you?’
Zen bites onto his tongue.
‘I guess.’
‘You’re determined and you never give up or despair. I often despair. But you… you always see the light. And you’re so fiery about it, too. It's beautiful. It’s contagious.’
‘Is it?’
Yoosung shrugs, looking down.
‘I may not always look it…’
‘Oh well.’
They’re silent for a little while.
‘I love the energy you’re radiating,’ Yoosung says, at last, quietly. ‘It’s so deliberate, you know? You know what you stand for, and you... emanate it.’
‘What do I emanate?’
‘Inner strength. Determination. Passion. But also kindness. A very sincere and no-nonsense sort of kindness.’
Zen winces.
‘Yeah, figures.’
Why does he have to sound so honest, so sincere? Why does he have to be such a great guy, why does he have to make Zen’s heart melt like butter?
And why has Zen expected anything else from him?
Yoosung looks down.
‘You probably hear that a lot. But, well. That’s just what I’m thinking. Do you think it’s cheesy?’
Zen crumples the empty beer can in his hand at last. He opens the cabinet under the sink to throw it away, then takes a new one out of the fridge. He cracks it open and immediately takes a big swig. Yoosung watches him quietly, then sips his tea.
‘I wish you’d just admit that you see me as some kinda mama ducky,’ Zen says at last. ‘Or as some kind of guy you feel like you owe something to.’
‘I don’t think that.’
Zen huffs, gulps down beer in huge mouthfuls, almost painful to swallow.
‘You should be out there wooing that girl with a mullet,’ he mutters under his breath. Then toks the can on the counter and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. His voice is shaky and disobedient.
Yoosung huffs out as he rises. He crosses the kitchen, and then Zen suddenly feels him so close, and his arms wrap softly around Zen’s waist, and then he nestles comfortably against his side.
‘I’d much rather stay right here,’ he says.
His hands are now locked together, resting on Zen’s hip. The cloud of hair tickles his nose. Zen chokes up.
I wanted to get sleepy, he thinks. Not sentimental. What’s this bullshit.
And then he drapes his arm softly around Yoosung’s shoulders, nudging him even closer. He closes his eyes and breathes him in: a faint smell of the tee that needs a wash, of fresh hair, of scented tea and chocolate. His lips find Yoosung’s temple almost past his will. He presses a kiss into tender skin.
He can’t believe he has almost managed to convince himself he doesn’t want this.
‘I should be in bed,’ he mutters into Yoosung’s hair.
Another little kiss comes naturally: just lips brushing past skin, they’re so close anyway.
‘Wanna go now?’
Zen takes another deep breath.
‘Yeah, just a little bit more.’
‘Just tell me when you wanna go.’
Zen’s fingers brush Yoosung’s arm absently.
‘You sure you’re not cold?’
‘Climb under the cardigan, if you wanna.’
‘It’s comfy here.’
Maybe it’s for the better, Zen thinks. Maybe he’s just telling himself he worries for him. Maybe it’s the wolf speaking. Maybe he should just let go, and not risk tainting this beautiful person with whatever he himself is tainted with, or cutting him on the spiky constructions built around whatever is still left vulnerable in him.
‘Just a few more minutes,’ he mutters.
‘As long as you want,’ Yoosung says quietly. ‘I’m not going anywhere.'
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euphoricesctasy · 2 years
nsfw jumin han (mystic messenger) hcs <3
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- kinky. - jumin is the type of man to leave you tied to the bed, a vibe nestled against your clit, while he goes to work for the day - that doesn’t happen SUPER often however, because HE prefers to make you feel good, not some stupid vibrator. - he loves taking you anywhere and everywhere, he wants everyone to know that you’re HIS - if you come to work with him, he’ll leave the door open just a fraction while he fucks you. the fact that someone is so likely to walk in is so exciting and arousing to him.  - he’s super into cockwarming too, he’ll have you on his cock whenever and wherever he can. if you’re open to it, he’d be down to have you cockwarm him in his meetings. he really doesn’t care - he just wants to feel you. - the way he fucks you at work is quick and sloppy, but still always a good time. the way he fucks you at home, however.... - he is so into bondage (this is canon iirc); blindfolds, shibari, gags... he thinks they make you all the more vulnerable to him. - jumin loves being able to have full control over you, he loves having you at his disposal - mouth gagged, hands tied, blindfold on - looking so pretty for him while he has his way with you - he’ll occasionally be super vanilla (i.e - on anniversaries) and almost soft, but you both prefer when things are a little... spicier.  
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Hey it’s me again lol hope you’re doing well. My midterms started this week and I am not having a good time, I didn’t prepare well enough so ig I’m only reaping what I sowed 😔If you do ship writing besides MC ships, could I request some comfort JuminV? I could use some fluff in my life rn lmao, thank you so much in advanced 💗—submission
“Your eyes are cloudy, Jihyun.”
“An astute observation,” Jihyun muttered under his breath as he leaned his head back against the couch to avoid Jumin’s gaze. “I know what you want to tell me, Jumin... and as I’ve told you before, I’ve come to terms with what’s happened to me and I’m not sure that I want to mend what’s been broken. There’s nothing to be done to change what happened now that it’s happened, what else can I do... but accept it?”
A long, somber sigh followed his words that Jumin chased after. “That is what you said after the accident you and your mother went through. You shook your head and said there was nothing to say about your scars despite how much it caused you pain to look in the mirror.”
Jumin wasn’t wrong.
There wasn’t a moment when his observations weren’t correct, but the way he knew how to cut deep without fail, every time, had its charm. He knew that he would never be able to avoid Jumin’s candor, nor the way it blended with what mattered most to him—the well being of someone he cared about. That was a core value to Jumin Han’s very existence and by being someone he called his best friend, he was no stranger to that empathy.
Jumin wanted better for him...
Even if they both understood Jihyun wasn’t sure he deserved it.
In a soft voice, he said, “I couldn’t escape my scars.”
"I don’t believe your scars were something you needed to flee from, Jihyun.” Jumin said. The words meant to say what they both knew. “I don’t think you need to run away from this operation, either. There’s no guarantee that the operation will fix your vision, much less give you back some of the sight you have lost. But, if you are denying the operation because you think you must carry this scar as you carry—”
“Don’t,” Jihyun’s words croaked in the back of his throat. He wasn’t sure if it was the wine or his shattered heart that made him more vulnerable and open to what his friend was about to say, but he knew what Jumin wanted to say. He knew the words like the back of his hand because it wasn’t the first time he’d heard them... they just felt heavier on Jumin’s lips than they ever did on his own.
Jumin said nothing but slowly but surely, he leaned over and let his head rest against Jihyun’s shoulder. “I apologize. The wine has made me become much more forward in my thinking tonight. You know I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Jihyun... I worry for you.”
A part of Jihyun’s heart whispered: If you know what I’d done... how I failed... you wouldn’t dare worry for me.
“I’ve always worried for you, my friend... when I look into your eyes... they may look physically cloudy upon first glimpse... but it goes deeper than that. There are clouds keeping your truth from me... and I won’t press you for what’s been haunting you as of late, but I want you to know... I will always listen when you are ready to speak to me, Jihyun. My heart is open to yours.” 
Jihyun’s own heart fluttered at those words that neither he or Jumin would ever explore the way they might’ve liked to, barriers, insecurities, fears holding them back, but to know it was there was to know what it was like to be home. To be home was to be with Jumin. For some reason, that was always the truth. That was always where he wanted to be, even if he couldn’t admit to himself, even when they were kids.
For Jihyun, even at his darkest moment, he yearned to know that Jumin would be there for him. Even if he couldn’t dare bring himself to ask for the help that Jumin would rightfully give without a second thought. Jihyun didn’t think that he deserved the operation on his injured eyes— just as much as he didn’t think he deserved Jumin’s love.
I know it is. It always has been. His heart whispered as the words were never confessed aloud.
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xelasrecords · 7 months
Hi, I'm the anon who asked about Jumin. Thank you, I was thinking that if it came to the worst that he might be tempted to push MC away but your answer makes a lot more sense. I think Jumin would be the type of person to have precautionary plans in preparation for the worst happening. I have another question if you don't mind answering.
I've seen quite a few cheating fics/love triangle fics in the Mystic Messenger fandom. When it comes to canon I don't see any of the RFA members cheating on MC, with Jumin being the least likely of them all. I don't see much of the reverse though. In the case of MC cheating, how do you think Jumin would react? Would he be the type to blame himself for being away from her too long and ask for forgiveness? Would he forgive her and then suggest getting couples therapy? Or would he be over and done with the relationship now that the trust is gone (I don't see that happening unless MC wants it but at the same time I'm not entirely sure considering his viewpoint on women before MC came into the picture)
Also, in the aftermath of what you think would be Jumin's reaction to MC's infidelity, how do you think he would react if in the future if MC kept repeating her unfaithfulness vs if the cheating was a one time thing (for example would he act as if it never happened in the first place?) Thanks!
His knee-jerk reaction would be "oh shit I'm repeating my father's cycle that I have worked so hard to avoid" or "am I dating my father???" and shut down instantly from years of trauma being flung to his face. Then he'd be sad and disappointed and angry. It had taken him so much to open up to MC and this was how they retaliated.
Loyalty is Jumin's Achilles heel and being cheated on would really put this to test.
He'd still try to understand though. I'm taking an example from V's betrayal (why does he have so many canon examples of being hurt...). Depending on the magnitude, he can either desperately reach out for answers or think of V somberly but resigned to the fact that they won't be friends again. And when Chairman Han betrays him by making him marry Sarah Choi, he's hurt but he takes the logical course to protect his relationship with MC and expose Sarah.
After all the betrayals he receives, there's no malice from his side—unless the people he cares about are hurt.
If V truly repented, I believe he'd be open to communicate with him again even if it'd take years. Jumin already has so few people in his life that he trusts, he doesn't want to lose any more. So, if the cheating a one time thing, he could see it as a problem to be solved, question where things went wrong, if it was his busy schedule, if he was too unemotional for MC, if he couldn't give them what they needed. Then he would strive to be better and propose couples' therapy as you said.
Forgiveness is a complex thing though. Can Jumin still trust someone who had stabbed right into his oldest childhood wound even if he wanted to? He could try, but what if MC's genuine effort to change wasn't enough? By cheating on him, they had planted a seed of doubt in his mind that also tapped into his insecurities that he's a monster unworthy of love, love doesn't exist, and everyone would eventually leave him like a mother. That fear, knowing that it was put by someone he loves the most—could he move past that? Should he?
The intention matters too. Jumin always wants to know the reason of an action that he's willing to look past V's mistakes because he does it for misguided love and then to protect the RFA. Chairman Han claims he does it for Jumin's happiness. Jumin could do mental gymnastics for that. But what's the benefit for him to be cheated on?
I think he would really try to reconnect with MC, but the betrayal would always be on the back of his mind, the knowledge that this person had the ability to use his most vulnerable parts against him. His trust was broken and their relationship wouldn't be the same again.
It's an entirely different thing if MC cheated on him repeatedly. Unlike V who would let it happen and use it to prove his love harder, Jumin has self-respect. He's principled, and it's also due to his hatred of the kind of women his father dates that he'd put his foot down. There are lines that he won't cross and tolerating repeated cheating is one of them.
Or Jumin could go the possessive way and cage MC so they wouldn't leave him and see that he was still worthy of their love. He would prove that to them.
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juminhandfs · 3 years
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Cheritz please release a Jumin DLC that won't make me feel guilty of playing 🙏😥
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amalgamezz · 7 years
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Little did I know a fictional character could ever rip my heart apart.
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cinnbar-bun · 6 years
Jumin’s Route in a Nutshell
Jumin: *talks about how upset he is*
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omgjumin · 2 years
good morning! - han jumin
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summary: treating jumin in bed <3
tags: oral m!receiving, praise kink, dom??? reader, sub! jumin, gn! reader
notes: can you tell how much i love jumin by the amount of times ive him pretty in this? he’s just so pretty, i can’t help it
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it's rare when you have the blessing of waking up before jumin did. the sunlight peered through your bedroom blinds in hopes of waking the lovely sleeping couple. to your unfortunate situation, it did. the clock read 9:55am, sunday morning. although you went to sleep late, you had the best sleep of your life that night.
jumin held your delicate body in his arms as he drifted off to sleep. "good night, darling" he softly whispered into the silence of the night as he kissed the skin near your ear. he loved being able to hold you secure in his arms. to him, holding you like this was an affirmation that you were his. that you were right there, not going anywhere. though he won’t admit it, his favorite part of holding you was being able to smell your comforting scent to be able to fall asleep.  "good night, i love you jumin" jumin hummed a response, a small smile appearing on his lips. quickly, he fell into a deep sleep as you stayed awake. you shifted not too harshly, as to not wake the pretty sleeping man beside you. you grabbed your phone and opened the chatroom, only to be met with gaming yoosung and overworked seven.
707: omg
yoosung: whst for?????
707: lolol spelling error anyway !!!
707: it's MC !!!
MC: hi seven! hi yoosung!!
yoosung: heyy !! what are you doing?
707: is your husband beside you? lolol
MC: he's asleep, but i cant go to sleep just yet
707: OOOO so you, came to me, the great SEVEN O SEVEN to help your boredom?!?!!?
MC: id be lying if i said no. what r you guys up to?
yoosung: LOLOL !! im preparing for the rare boss that just appeared. the guild leader said he saw it
707: im working as usual TT but not to worry, defender of justice 707 needs to protect the world >.<  
MC: good luck seven! and eat something that is healthy
707: i am >_< 
MC: those chips aren't healthy
707: for a guy like me i dont really care about that but anyway ill log off to go finish work byeeeee
yoosung: ill leave too !! boss just appeared bye
MC: have fun don't game too late
chatroom ended.
you sighed as you set down your phone onto the nightstand beside the bed. jumin was still resting peacefully. he looked pretty, almost too pretty for your eyes. "i want to kiss you so badly but i can't." you whispered, you softly stroked his hair as you watched him slowly inhale and exhale. you just wanted to kiss him until you couldn't breathe. his soft pale lips that were slightly parted released sighs that filled the silence in the room. with the clock reading 12:32am, you decided it was time for you to sleep.
the same lips that lured you to sleep were the ones that kept you awake now. your intense stare at his lips did go unnoticed by the still sleeping man. you pushed a strand of loose hair behind his ear before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. oh, how he looked so cute yet attractive in this moment was unknown by you. you gently traced small hearts on the side of jumin's arm, trailing further to his shoulder then onto his chest. he looked most vulnerable in this moment, with his guards down, his beautiful grey eyes closed, one arm rested on top of your waist while the other closely pinned to his side. your hand was cold to the touch but it was more than welcome on jumin's warm body. your hand trailed farther down, the waistband of his silky black pants and the very edge of his matching shirt brushed against the hand that was traveling his body. as if it had never ventured there before. as you teasingly slid your hand into his pants, jumin's body had shivered, startled at the sudden touch. you kept stealing glances at his face. his eyes squeezed closed, hair disheveled, his lips curled into a small smile. was he dreaming about this very moment? you didn't know however you pursued your actions.
you rubbed the area right above his pelvic line, his surprisingly matching black boxers were clinging to him as your wandering hand was. you could tell just by your subtle limited movements, he was slightly turned on. his eyes were still closed. was he sleeping or pretending to sleep so you could continue your demonstrations? either way, he still allowed you to continue on with your seemingly risqué actions. your hand reached under his boxers to push them down, your eyes strained on his reactive face. slowly you pushed yourself down underneath the covers, to where your body was in between jumin's legs. at this point, you swore jumin had to be awake, yet you heard a small snore coming from his mouth. you smiled mischievously as you parted your lips to wrap around jumin's aroused cock. you placed small light kisses on the tip, your tongue teasingly licked the sides. he wouldn't get his treat just yet. you sucked onto the skin on his inner thighs, purposely avoiding the area where he most wanted you in. 
"please…" jumin whispered. you didn't know how long he has been awake, though you will get to know that later. "not yet." you mumbled as you continued with your marking of his thighs. "suck." if in any other circumstance, you would've immediately followed his order but this time you decided not to. exercising your control over this situation you stared up at him, his begging eyes returning the contact. "that's not how we ask for things, is it? now ask again, nicely. then i just might give it to you." he groaned at the way your dominating voice sounded. this was completely new to him, yet it turned him on way more than he expected. "please, i want to feel good please." you grabbed the top of his cock before giving it a small stroke. "good boy." you licked a long stripe up his cock, before going back down on him. 
the morning sun now peering onto jumin's morning face made him look all the more ethereal. god, he was so pretty at that moment. you hollowed out your cheeks, taking all you could into your mouth. he sucked in hard, the feeling of your lips doing their best to pleasure him made him shutter. he moaned, hums of your name and praise released from his lips. "fuck- that feels so good, mm MC-" you hummed around his dick, the pleasure from that alone made jumin whine. you brought one of your unused hands to rub your clit in slow circles. as you kept moaning around his twitching cock, jumin reached down to grab at your hair. he didn't want to take control of your movements, however he hinted that he wanted you to suck harder. jumin's slightly choked out moans became the first sign that he was about to release. "ah, fuck- im about to-, please don't stop." he thrusted into your mouth, unable to control the movement of his hips. you choked at the sudden thrust but continued to satisfy your husband in front of you. "eyes on me, jumin. i want to see your face while you cum." he peaked his eyes open, gazing at where you two connected. "oh god..." jumin's dick twitched, ropes of cum shooting down your throat. his eyes looked exhausted but he would never complain about what he had woken up to.
you crawled back out of covers laying your body on top of his. his arms wrapped around yours keeping you close. "how long have you been awake for?" 
"ever since i felt you staring at me."
"i hate you. i wanted to kiss you but i didn't want to, in fear of waking you up."
"im sorry, my love. i just wanted the moment to last. i love you, thank you for this."
"mhm, i love you too."
"now let me repay you." 
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Hi can you do yan malleus,jumin,lelouch and L(separately)with female reader where secretly planning to escape,they pretending to submit,obey and behave well to them but they notice and put something in their food so that their body is weak to escape from them.So when the reader is weak and sick because they eat 'something ' they said "this is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will.Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me?Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
Hahhhhh.... want am i requesting 🥲.I guess could you make it a story,maybe a short one.
I do this now with... Uhmmmm Jumin
Others come later
Yandere Jumin Han
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Jumin had noticed a change in your behavior.
A change that seemed to happen overnight.
suddenly you were much more obedient.
You were also much nicer to him.
Literally yesterday you cursed him to the lowest hell.
Jumin would like to believe that you finally love him.
He would like to believe that you have really changed.
But sadly, Jumin wouldn't be a delusional yandere.
Even if he enjoys your affection and love.
Jumin would start watching you more.
He would have cameras in your house.
But nothing strange would happen.
Not at first.
However, Jumin would not stop monitoring the situation.
While he would enjoy your love.
Then one day when he was at work he would see you doing something weird.
It looks like you're packing some things and shoving your backpack under their shared bed.
This would be the sign that Jumin has been waiting for all along.
Now he would know why you've been nice for the past couple of months.
You would try to escape him.
Oh you cute naive thing.
That night when Jumin came home everything would be normal.
He would not at first reveal what he saw that day.
You give him a kiss on the cheek and go eat together.
However, when you eat more you will feel strange.
Your body starts to feel weak.
And your head starts spinning.
Then Jumin would reveal everything.
How would he know your plot and put something in your food.
You wouldn't be able to do anything….
Your body would have weakened rapidly.
Before you pass out, you will hear these words in your ears.
"This is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will. Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me? Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
When you woke up you would be tied to Jumin's bed.
There would be no hope that you could ever leave again.
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juminies · 1 year
Jumin's normal ending is actually rather sombre to me, mostly down to the fact he spent so much of his life denouncing his father for allowing women to cloud his vision and have so much influence over him, and then Jumin quits his job on a whim because he deems love more important.
Jumin isn't like Chairman Han, of course. He's no womaniser. He's honest and loyal and beyond in love. But Chairman Han making women–love–his sole priority and neglecting other responsibilities is something Jumin (especially in his route) has, rightfully, been very openly critical about his father doing. It's something that's actively frustrated and upset Jumin his whole life. But, just like that, an MC who ignores her duties because she's too focused on him pulls him into the mindset he's spent so much time resenting. He's already in such a new and vulnerable position with very little legitimate knowledge of what a healthy relationship should look or feel like, and then with her attention on nothing but him? This weird sort of uncomfortable codependency arises. Oh? Perhaps that's just how it should be? It's safer with her constantly by my side. It's more comfortable if we're always in each other's sight. There's no need to put much weight on anything else as long as we have each other.
It's almost as though GE is "we're a team no matter what" where NE is "I cannot and will not function in a room without you in it."
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Mc getting hurt because a guard/ bodyguard didn’t recognize her as their partner
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There wasn't a single day Jumin Han stepped out of the house without a guard.
Whether he would walk out of his penthouse towards the car or from the car to his office, there were always men in black suits following behind him.
This didn’t change at all when he got married to you. In fact,  it was the opposite.
He thought that now he had a weakness and people knew that he was vulnerable. He had something special he didn’t want to lose and his fear was that someone would use this knowledge and attack him, hurting you.
That was the reason he doubled the amount of bodyguards for you whenever you stepped out of the house with him.
Of course you thought that it was tiring and once you even argued with him about that, but as you once almost got kidnapped after he listened to you, you decided that Jumin knew what he was doing for you and your security.
And so, when you learned that Jumin actually arrived at the parking lot, but still didn’t come up because he was speaking on the phone, you decided to surprise him by coming down to him without any guards as it was in the same building.
You slowly approached your husband from behind, your hands ready to cover his eyes when someone jumped on top of you from your right, making you fall to the floor and yelp in pain.
,,MR HAN I WILL PROTECT YOU!’’ the man hissed as he kept pressing your head down to the cold floor.
,,HANDS OFF OF MY WIFE!’’ Jumin quickly hissed after he turned around. His eyes fell to your body. His heart was racing as he saw you crying on the floor.
The bodyguard just realized what happened, but before he could explain himself, he was imprisoned and fired afterwards.
And Jumin made sure to take care of you and your health as he pressed a cold compress against your now blue arm...
The chatroom was blowing up from all the accidents where fans tweeted about yours and Zen’s personal lives.
So much so that the RFA were concerned for the safety of the both of you, especially yours as you were often attacked or bullied for being in a relationship with an idol.
And so, after a long discussion between you and Zen, who demanded that he didn’t need Jumin’s help, accepted the offer of bodyguards who were supposed to keep the both of you safe.
Well, they were supposed to, but instead did the opposite....
Zen couldn’t believe his eyes when a guard quickly grabbed your arm, holding it up and hurting you a lot.
He couldn’t believe that the person who was supposed to help him actually hurt you and so he quickly reacted.
,,Hands off!!’’ he hissed and pushed the guard away. To your surprise, Zen was actually so strong that he managed to make the guard, who was built much bigger, stumble and let go of your now red swollen arm.
,,You big fat idiot. You’re supposed to protect her the most!’’ he kept hissing, shaking and grabbing you by your waist.
,,Princess, let's go to a doctor… I’m so sorry…’’ he sighed as he observed your arm.
Of course he quickly took a picture and sent it into the group chat, asking Jumin to please call all his bodyguards back. ,,I guess I can protect you better on my own than with him,’’ Zen said as he kissed your bandaged arm.
,,Once again, the party will be a great success, Mc!’’ Jaehee clapped as she watched all the guests entering the hall after showing their ID.
,,And the safety is once again the best,’’ Seven bragged. Of course Jumin’s bodyguards were standing everywhere at the hall, giving their best to keep everyone safe.
Well, perhaps there was someone who was way too passionate with his job…
,,Young lady, what do you think you’re doing?!’’ someone asked you, none other than a guard who let in everyone of the RFA except for you.
Yoosung, your husband, looked back at you and tried to understand the situation as you slowly looked up to the guard in his black uniform who didn’t want to let you enter.
,,I’m the host of this party so I’m thinking of… giving my speech?’’ you told him, trying to join the other ones and your husband when the guard suddenly pushed you back, touching your chest.
,,What the hell?!’’ Yoosung hissed, quickly approaching the both of you.
,,You’re not wearing the bracelet, I can’t let you in!’’ he hissed at you, who was shocked by his actions.
,,You don’t know who even gave you the job tonight?! She’s my wife and I’m wearing the bracelet! She doesn’t need one as she’s host!’’ Yoosung hissed and tried to grab your hand, just for the guard to slap his hand away from you and pull you back once again.
This time Jumin decided to end the whole misunderstanding and instead called more bodyguards who were supposed to bring away the guard who mistreated you.
,,Mc… are you hurt anywhere?’’ Yoosung asked you, concerned as he helped you and checked the places the guard dared to touch you.
,,I’m okay because you helped me once again… Yoosung,’’ you smiled and quickly gave him a kiss, making his cheeks turn red...
,,I feel much better knowing that you two got guards,’’ Zen said as he took a sip from his black coffee.
,,Me too,’’ Yoosung agreed as he took a bite from his cookie, making the both of you smile as your favorite guests came to check on you two once again.
Lately coffee shop owners, especially women, were getting attacked by strangers and that’s why you and Jaehee agreed to get two bodyguards, despite Jaehee knowing some Judo.
,,You can’t always protect yourself or Mc!’’ Zen said, something that made Jaehee rethink.
And so, two guards stood outside the shop even when the shop was closed.
,,Shit, I forgot my cellphone at the shop,’’ you cursed before the two of you could walk to the house next to the shop.
Both of you decided to live near your shop as it was easier to get things done rather than driving or walking to the shop, so you found an apartment just next  to your shop where the both of you lived together.
,,Okay, you can go and get it. I will prepare dinner,’’ Jaehee said and smiled at you as you nodded.
Quickly you approached the doors of your shop, taking out the keys when someone stopped you, making you shriek back at first.
,,Ah, it’s just you, thanks for working late,’’ you smiled, trying to open the door again. However, the guard didn’t seem to recognize you…
minutes later, Jaehee decided to check on you, worrying because you weren’t coming back, when she observed the guard throw you to the floor.
Her body reacted on her own as she quickly defended you.
,,We don’t need people who can’t even remember the face of the people they work for,’’ Jaehee hissed as she was trying to take care of your wounds.
,,I’m so thankful that I have you, Jaehee…’’ you whispered and chuckled, giving her a peck on her cheek…
,,What if these guards are spies from my father to kill us or take revenge?’’ Saeyoung asked you after you told him to accept Jumin’s offer and take his bodyguards for the time being.
You were living together with your finacé and his twin brother Saeran and finally could somehow defeat the prime minister, who was the father of the boys.
The consequences, however, were that since then, you had to live in fear. You all knew how powerful the man was and didn’t want to think about what he could do to the three of you or your friends.
,,They’re Jumin’s guard, they won’t hurt us. Jumin would never give us his bodyguards if he wasn’t sure that they’re good people,’’ you told him and patted your lover’s back, making him feel better.
But not even three days later, he deeply regretted the decision…
You and Saeyoung were play fighting and suddenly he yelled that he needed help because you wanted to ,,kill’’ him. However, this was just a joke the two of you did more than once, which always led to naughty games…
Once, Saeran thought that the two of you were arguing for real and entered the room while his brother was just taking off your clothes. Ever since then, he learned to just let the both of you play your odd games…
However the guard, not knowing this detail, entered the room as quickly as he could and when he saw you over Saeyoung’s body, he acted on his own.
His big hands quickly pushed you back, making you fall to the ground and hit your head hard against the drawer next to you.
,,M-MC?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!’’ Saeyoung hissed and quickly took his gun from behind the bed and pointed it to the guard, calling Saeran who immediately rushed to him.
,,Did my father send you?! Are you here to kill us?! Saeran! Take her and run!’’ Saeyoung panicked.
A bit later, after the guard managed to say that it was an accident, Jumin made sure to gather his guards again. Saeyoung took great care of you and your injury.
Of course, you didn’t lose the chance to tease him and acted as if you lost your memories, but of course you quickly stopped your acting as you saw him panicking uncontrollably.
12.01.2022 // 21:43 MEST
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Hiii ^^💕 Where do you think GE saeran will work after all the issue with his father will solve? This thing really takes my arrantion these days. Thank you❤
Alright, there is no implication of where either of the twins will go after the events of Saeran's After Ending. Now, in one of the items that you can purchase from Cheritz Market, it was loosely implied that Saeran might take a job as a White Hacker which if you don't know what those are, that's basically a job in Cybersecurity where you're looking for vulnerabilities that can be hacked by bad guys. So, it would put him on the opposite end of the spectrum from where he started originally.
I believe that's the job Saeyoung takes at C&R in V's After Ending, actually. Since he does start to work for C&R! It's not a stretch for the twins since they're both great at what they do. Those two are pretty much the best of the best when it comes to how great they are at hacking. The things that they are capable of doing in such a short amount of time are unbelievable in our reality. Yet, we know that it's possible for them to have worked that hard to get to that point considering the circumstance. It's a job they know how to do very well.
However, I just don't like the thought of the boys continuing to hack personally. If they're doing it to help others from being hurt and they enjoy that, it's okay, but after hours and hours of fighting to survive online? Maybe it's high time for a solid break from it. No, I'm pretty sure it's high time for a break from anything that has to do with work remotely close to that. They deserve to be able to choose things that have nothing to do with that.
If you ask me about my ideal circumstance for the twins Post-SAE, I'd tell you it looks a little different from what the media implied. So, for me, I imagine the twins taking a few years to explore the world and experience things alone, together, and with MC right behind the two of them, of course. Saeyoung's got a lot of money saved, after all. He has talked about that in plenty of routes in the game. He has a considerable amount of money saved as well as things that can be sold easily to make cash on spot. They don't need to go to work right away and I highly doubt that our boy Jumin Han would let the boys struggle after everything they've gone through.
But, after a few years, Saeyoung picks up his toy-making habit and Saeran is confident about his gardening. This is generally the outcome that most people tend to imagine for the twins. It's the one that I have seen beloved by many. Who cares if it's a risk for someone to open a combination toy and flower shop? It's what the boys want to do. They want to make others happy with nature and electronics. They make it work as a family business and that's the happiest idea for me. They get to see each other every day and the boys don't have to worry about being apart ever again.
The RFA is still together and yes, they still hold parties. That's something that I want to continue believing in going forward as something they do. It won't look like the parties that they used to have but it just feels right for them to keep the parties alive in some way. However, the focus now for parties is on kids in need. All efforts are toward kids in poverty, neglect, or worse all around the world. It's a goal that every member can agree on. Given the fact that everyone in the RFA has faced trauma in some regard, it's easy for the to agree this should be the focus. It would be touching to imagine the focus being on helping children before something is too late.
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xelasrecords · 2 years
The Worth of Gifts
Han Jumin x Reader
This is basically a love letter to Jumin because that one line that he said in his route lives in my head rent-free. Waking up at 6.30 am on the weekend just to write this was worth it.
Words: 1.4k
Masterlist Read on AO3
"I have brought a couple of things for you, my love." Jumin rushed in a flurry of cold wind as he entered the bedroom that you shared together, his navy blue coat billowing behind him. He settled down a horde of shopping bags on the bed that you were lounging on. They had lined both his arms up to his elbows and you found it curious that he was doing the hard work alone, without the presence of a trailing assistant nearby.
You had been on your phone engrossed in your favourite TV series when Jumin came in. Immediately, you sat up straight and scanned the bags of different colours and sizes that were strewn across the bedding. "A couple of things?" You raised your eyebrows at him. "I don't think I would define it that way. Which dictionary are you using? Maybe I should get one too to understand you better."
"A dictionary? I'm afraid I don't have one ready at my disposal. I calibrated my purchase decision based on the number of things I wish to give you, and these barely count towards anything." Jumin was about to expound on it more when he saw your face lighting up with mischief. "Ah, you were teasing me."
You gave him a playful shrug. "Maybe?"
"I see." His lips curved into a sly smile that matched your own.
You took account of the things he got you. They were things you had mentioned in passing or had pinned on your Pinterest boards and saved in your wish list. It was astonishing that he remembered everything. That he remembered and thought to gift them to you because he thought it would make you happy.
Throughout your life, all you wanted was to be known, to be seen by someone who loved you and someone whom you loved back. And here he was, showing you how much he knew you so casually as if it was a given. This love language of his, although it overwhelmed you at first, was something you could learn to get used to in time. You had never been pampered lavishly before, but hey, there was a first time for everything.
"Jumin, love," you started.
"Yes, darling?"
"Why did you get me so many things?" You looked at him in awe. "I appreciate everything you bought me. I mean, do you know how long I've longed for these?" You shook your head while peeking into the bags. "You are something else, Jumin. But I have to wonder, why of this magnitude?"
"This isn't anything. I can do so much more for you."
"I know, but why?" You pressed, genuinely curious.
Jumin wasn't one who would deflect from sensitive questions that came from his beloved. Like you, he wanted you to know everything about him. He was secretly relieved that the both of you shared the same desire. He couldn't imagine being with someone who couldn't care less about his more vulnerable side.
"If you must know, it's because that's what everyone expects from me since I was little," he said, his head tilted down almost imperceptibly. You didn't miss it, and you detected a slight tremble in his voice nearing the end of the sentence.
It tugged at your heartstrings seeing him like this. Carefully, you pushed aside the shopping bags and crawled towards him. You came to a kneel in front of him and swept your fingers through his tousled dark bangs. "You don't have to prove your love to me through material means. My love isn't something to be earned or bought. You deserve to be loved simply because you exist." You took a breath, diffusing the anger that burned in your chest at the unfair expectations Jumin had to live up to since he was young. No kid should ever shoulder that kind of responsibility, and that included corporate heirs. "I love you for being the Jumin that you are."
He raised his eyes on you, and you found his gaze faltering, unsure. It was a silent urge to go on. "Think about it. Think about how our relationship first developed. In the beginning, I was interested in you because you're smart and funny in the most unexpected ways. Then, I saw how caring you are towards your friends and family. How you offer unwavering support for them despite being the butt of their jokes most of the time." You brushed the back of your hand against his cheek and he leaned into your touch.
"I just did what I had to," he muttered.
You couldn't let Jumin throw out more self-undermining statements. For someone so confident and self-assured, it hurt to see that he felt the need to cover up this part of him before his own friends. "You have that sense of duty because you love us. Deny it as much as you want, but it doesn't diminish the truth. You know, it surprised me how non-judgmental you actually are despite the firm personal beliefs that you hold. You let other people be themselves, and that's what I want for you, especially when it comes to this relationship." Your hand found its way to the back of his neck, compelling him to raise his eyes to you. "Don't ever think that you can only be accepted if you provide enough things for me. You are enough. I'm happy with you even without them."
Jumin was silent. When you were talking with such ferocity, you didn't notice that you had inclined your body so close towards him, near enough that your noses were touching.
Jumin rested his forehead against yours. "How do you always know the right things to say?" he breathed out.
"I only see what is already in you." You pressed a brief, tender kiss on his lips, tasting the cold air from his earlier excursion outside.
"Thank you for reminding me of your love," Jumin said, his expression an earnest reflection of how he felt about you.
"You can always ask for one whenever you need it. I'm your endless supply of support."
"What would I have to give in exchange for this dubiously free support?"
You grinned. "Nothing, I'm naturally generous! Just press the button and I'll come running spewing out motivational speech. I won't stop until you wind me down."
"Wind you down," Jumin appeared to be in thought before continuing, "like this?" He stole a quick peck on your neck.
Instantly, you felt heat rising up your cheeks. "Hey! That'd just wind me up," you scoffed.
"Then I'd have to do it more often." He attacked you with tiny kisses all over your face, nose, chin, and jaw, and trailed down to your shoulder. You burst into laughter, pretending to pull away from him but bringing him down on the bed with you instead.
The shopping bags around you rustled. Jumin toppled on top of you and you could feel the fabric of his dress pants rubbing against your bare thighs. He was smiling and man, your heart was taking flight on its own. This beautiful, beautiful man. You could never get bored of looking at him. He was above Greek statues. He was real.
"I love you," Jumin said quietly.
"Funny. I feel the same way." You tapped on his nose. "But we probably should get these out of the way if we want to do more." You gestured at the sea of bags lying nearby and wiggled your eyebrows suggestively. "I don't want to ruin these gifts you procured for me with blood, sweat, and tears."
Jumin sighed. "Must we? I can just get the replacement for them later."
"We absolutely must."
"Fine." He was about to push himself back up when he halted. "Wait, I have to clarify. Do you mind if I still buy you things?"
You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Of course I don't. You're allowed to shower me with love, only don't do it to prove your worth to me."
Jumin took a second before replying. "Earlier, you expressed your wish to understand me, but you seem to have understood me well. Sometimes even better than I do myself." He chuckled to himself before training his eyes on you again. "I want to understand you deeper too if you would let me."
That wasn't even a question. "Once again, you're allowed, Jumin." You dragged him into another kiss, the mess around you be damned.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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rfaromance · 2 years
hey! can i ask a scenario with jumin about a broken home MC that really hate his father cause what he do in the past and one day he just being sooo annoying and make MC hate him more. how would jumin react to this situation of his wife? sorry if this not spesific and hard to make!! 😭😭
No need to worry! I'll do my best! Naturally, I'd warn anyone wanting to read this if they struggle with the topics of divorce or just... hate Chariman Han as much as I do. LOL. Also, since you specified wife, I'm going to make this a she/her MC!
He could tell from the way she slammed the door behind her that she was upset. No, that was an understatement. She was furious, judging from the way her arms were shaking and from the force of the blow that made even the walls of the penthouse rattle ever so slightly.
"My love--" Jumin began to speak, but he stopped short when he saw the way she spun around on her heel to face him. He didn't stop at the sight of a face aglow with fury or teeth gritted in anger, but rather upon seeing the tears welling up in her eyes and the way her nose scrunched up as she tried to prevent the floodgates from letting go.
"I never," she began carefully, as if trying to keep her voice level despite the amount of emotion she was feeling, "want to be in the same room as that man ever again!"
She didn't have to clarify who "that man" was. Jumin already knew.
He couldn't say he blamed her.
Stepping forward slowly so as not to alarm her, Jumin delicately approached the woman who was fighting so hard to keep herself under control, but he could tell that she wanted nothing more than to let it all out. "Let's sit down," he suggested softly, and he led her over to the sofa. Thankfully, his father had yet to return from the C&R meeting, having needed to take care of certain other aspects as the CEO. At least, that was the excuse that Chairman Han had provided, but Jumin couldn't help but assume he was out... socializing.
To put it politely.
As soon as she sat down, Jumin could hear her begin to sniffle. He cautiously seated himself beside her, still maintaining just enough distance to not quite be touching her while she was still in a volatile state. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her calmly. Maybe once upon a time, Jumin would have abhorred the thought of being so vulnerable around someone and never suggested it to her, but she was the one who taught him it was okay to express his emotions, even if his ways of doing so were considered "abnormal" by most people. And if his experiences with the RFA and V, in particular, had taught him anything... Suppressing your feelings and thoughts would only cause pain and never bring relief.
He wanted her to feel relief.
She hesitated, and judging from the look in her eyes, she was contemplating whether to speak or to bite her tongue, or at least trying to decide how to put her feelings into words. "It's one thing to know he's a womanizer," she grumbled at last. "It's another thing to see it in action." Her hands tightened into fists, and she hastily moved them onto her lap so as not to scuff the velvet sofa with her nails. "It's one thing for him to be a sleazeball, treating women like objects who he can pick and choose and discard and use whenever he finds them most convenient," she went on, and Jumin could tell that at this point she had tossed any idea of sugarcoating her words out the window, "but to see him try to force that notion onto others? It's despicable!"
Much to Jumin's surprise, she suddenly lifted her head and turned her tearful gaze onto him, locking her eyes with his. "I saw. I don't know if he knows, or if he even cares, but I saw everything." She paused for a moment, swallowing hard; he could imagine she was getting choked up. "The meaningful glances he gave you whenever a new secretary entered the room. The not-so-subtle gesture at the female vice president of that financial company. The way he didn't even spare a look at me when we entered that room together, hand in hand. I had to bite my tongue throughout that entire meeting, when I wanted nothing more than to call him out on his disgusting behavior!" Her voice had risen in pitch with each sentence, and when she finally got to the end, a loud sob escaped her lips. "I hate people like that! If... if people would... treat each other as equals... and truly dedicate their love to someone... like they promised...."
She trailed off, tears streaming down her face as she fought to catch her breath and continue. As much as Jumin hated to watch her suffer like this, he couldn't help but feel as if she needed to get this weight off her chest. Even if he knew what she was going to say.
So instead of urging her to continue before she was ready, or insisting that she stop because he knew what was coming next, he inched a little closer and rested his hand on top of one of her balled fists. She seemed startled for a moment, but then her hand began to loosen and her fingers began to unfurl from underneath his firm but gentle touch. "I could have grown up in a loving home..." she finished at last. "Instead of having one parent... who treated love like a game, a tool, a weapon... and one parent who resented me, as if I was a reminder... of a broken promise of love...."
As soon as she finished, she buried her head into Jumin's shoulder. He imagined she was trying to muffle the sound of her sobs, so he didn't comment when he heard a little whimper or two slip through. He was silent for a few moments, allowing her to let her feelings loose, the feelings she had kept bottled up all day and allowed to erode her from the inside out. Only when she began to lift her head again did he finally speak. "One thing I am glad to have inherited from that man is his business acumen. But in the way he treats women, I am embarrassed to call him my father." He sighed and gently raised his hand to rub her back, massaging small circles. "You, MC, are the one who taught me that love comes in many forms. That love is nothing to be ashamed of. That love should not be scorned, even if others do not understand. My love for Elizabeth the Third is different from my love for the RFA, which is different from my love for you. I no longer want to be afraid. I thought love was not meant for me until you opened my eyes. I may not love in the same way other people do, but that does not make it any less intense or any less true."
The dark-haired man lifted his hand from his lover's back and then reached up to carefully grip her chin in his hand, so that she would make direct eye contact with him. "So please, believe me when I promise that my love for you is the strongest, truest, and most devout love I have ever felt. I am sorry... I am deeply sorry that you did not get the love you deserved in your life.
"I will spend the rest of my life ensuring that you never forget you are loved."
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