#but this is like the 3rd time I’ve seen myself in the mirror with my hair in a way that could kind of be mistaken for a masculine cut
sassmill · 9 months
Ah fuck it’s 2 am and I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and now I’m having gender thoughts
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v1xyboy9 · 5 months
4Me 4Me - Matt sturniolo
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Summary: completely ghosting your ex boyfriend definitely helped you get over him…right ??
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI !!!, use of alcohol, weed, and nicotine, language, tiny bit of smut, switch!matt x Switch!reader, uses of pet names (baby, honey, sweetheart, pretty girl), not proof read, lmk if I missed anything
Word count: 5.8k
You and Matt dated for a year and ended up on bad terms due to your jealous toxic behavior and Matt’s possessiveness. For the first 2 months of the break up yall stayed in contact and still acted like a couple until you got a fucking grip and completely ghosted him on the 3rd month. You started going out a lot more and making new friends even flirted with a couple guys but nothing was truly helping that bit of emptiness that you still felt without Matt.
It’s now been 10 months since you and Matt broke up and 8 months since you’ve completely cut contact. You stopped going out as much you really just focusing on yourself and fixing your bad behaviors making yourself a bit cold and distant with everyone in your life, your friend even calling you “heartless” at one point. And maybe also you know tattoo therapy….
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Tara invited me to her party that’s tonight and of course I said yes, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her or even went to a party period.
Its was currently 8pm and I’m contemplating going now that I’ve been staring at myself in the mirror or a bit to long
“Yeah no I can’t wear a dress”
Everything about it was just unflattering and too feminine I change into some baggy dark wash jeans with one of those black rave star halter tops that literally only covers your boobs and the rest of it is straight up string
I accessories with a black BEBE belt , black and white tie dye beanie, studded cuff bracelets, and to finish off the look some black and white DC shoes. I also make sure to lift my thong a tad bit so you could see it poking out of my waistband
“Okay now I feel better”
I definitely started dressing less fem and more masc over these couple months but honestly it’s a nice change I personally think it’s made my style better
I check the time it’s 8:30pm and my Uber should be here in 5 minutes. I grab my phone, my vape, my penjamin, and my house keys. Lock the door and happily go outside and get in my Uber
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Pulling up to Tara’s party you got a bit of a qweezie feeling in your stomach but just brush it off texting Tara letting her know your here and step out of the car thanking the Uber then head inside.
It was loud and surprisingly dark you try to look around and see if you recognized anyone…..JAKE ! It was always easy to spot him due to his height. You head in the direction of Jake but also looking around to see if you know anyone else, you see Tana in the distance with her bf, Johnnie awkwardly standing next to Sam while he talks to Colby. It was nice to see your friends again you couldn’t lie you missed being out like this.
You finally get to Jake lightly tugging on his jacket for him to notice you, Jake looks down in confusion but breaks into a smile once he sees you
“Y/NNNNN nice to see that you escaped prison” he chuckles and embraces you into a hug
“Please don’t make me seem like a criminal Infront of people that don’t know me” chuckles “but thank you I really have Tara to thank though, speaking of her where is she ?”
“I actually do not know but maybe the bar knowing her”
Chuckles “yeah you’re right”
You turn in the direction of the bar and sure enough you see her tiny self
“God damn y/n how many tattoos did you get within these past couple months, your more covered than me”
You look around confused for a second then realized you never posted about your tattoos when you got them
“Oh shit right dude honestly um I thinkkkk twenty, cause I have 28 in total right now and when we meet I only had 8”
“Your crazy”
“Says you you also have a fuck ton of tattoos”
“Yeah but mine are small patch work you’res is like HUGE”
“If you think any of these are huge then you should see my most recent tattoo it goes down my whole leg”
“Your actually insane now go see Tara cause she has something for you”
He lightly pushes the small of your back in the direction of the bar which you moved heading to where Tara is your anxiety spiking for some reason you take a hit of your vape and continue
Tara sees you coming her way and started squealing in excitement and runs to hug you and you hug her back of course
“Ughhh you don’t know how much I’ve missed you you really went all ghost on everyone for so long” she looks you up and down “like look at these tattoos most of these weren’t here a while go” she chuckles “you look so hot though maybeeee might get a guys number you neverrrr know”
You laugh at her teasing blushing a little bit
“Nono I’m really not here for that I just want to have a good time you know that”
“Hehe okay we’ll take a shot with me pleaseeee”
“Just one”
“Fine two”
“Give me a chaser bro I am not taking these straight”
Tara laughs handing you her Diet Coke “Go first”
I throw back both of the shots then chug down the coke
“Uhhh fuck I hate alcohol so much”
You Take a hit of your vape and pen
“Smoking is also bad for you, you know”
“Yes but I much rather kill my lungs then my liver thank you very much, also Jake said you have something for me what is it”
“Oh yeah um it’s not a gift or anything but more like someone gave me this to give back to you, open your hand”
You give Tara your hand while she places something in it
“Promise me not to get upset”
“I can’t promise anything Tara but I won’t make a big deal out of it”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
She moves her hand, it’s a ring and bracelet…. Matt’s ring and bracelet that I gave him when we first started dating.
“Well that sucks it’s the one thing I wasn’t expecting coming from him, give it back to him they’re his not mine”
“Give it to him yourself y/n it’s been 8 months”
“Yeah I guess right…”
Tara smiles a little
“Okay well let’s not worry about that now let’s have fun”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Nick pov
“I’m tired of your depressed self you never have fun, ever since y/n broke up with you, you’ve been MISERABLE and I’m tired of it, it’s been 8 months officially, tighten the fuck up and get over it”
“Matt you even got ready JUST GO IN you act like we’re gonna see y/n, I tell you all the time that women has CHANGED for the better at that. she doesn’t go out anymore she’s a homebody and on her work grind dude”
“I don’t understand why you still talk to her”
“She didn’t want too for the longest but I made her stay my friend cause I didn’t wanna lose a good friend cause of my brothers possessives and his own problem’s”
“She also had things wrong with her”
“Matt come on dude you’ll be with us the whole time”
“I do not wanna go”
“You are not about to miss ANOTHER Tara yummy party now get your ass out of the car, NICK GRAB HIM”
I hop out of car and open the driver door and pull Matt out the car while Chris pushes him out, Matt is extremely pissed off
“OKAY JUST GET THE FUCK OFF ME”He straightens himself out
“Okay we can go inside yall are so annoying”
“Wait Matt where is your ring and bracelet?”
“I guess I just forgot them”
“You fucking idiot”
I could tell he was lying it’s not hard to tell he always wears them and he was fidgeting with his hands way to much
My phone vibrated in my pocket it was from y/n
“Nick are you at Tara’s party ?”
“About to go in why !?”
“Im coming outside”
“Um yeah Tara invited me??”
“Stay inside”
“Now why the fuck would you tell me to stay inside?”
I look up from my phone to see y/n coming towards us with a confused look on her face
“Oh fuck”
My eyes dart to the side looking at matt for the second, she turns her head to look at him then tilts her head
“Oh That’s why, well I came to give you Matts bracelet and ring back but since he’s here”
She walks to him and places Matt’s bracelet and ring in his hand
“Next time don’t send someone else to do your dirty work Matthew I know you’re not weak like that”
“Y/n I-“
“You don’t have to explain yourself Matt I don’t need to know, it was good see you three, I’ll be going inside now if you’ll excuse me”
We watched as y/n walked back inside
“Now if I must say y/n has only gotten more attractive, holy fuck even the way she composed herself”
“Chris shut the fuck up” I start “well is that what you wanted Matt”
“Her tattoos…holy fuck”
“Oh my god your not even paying attention”
“I am I am but what the hell why did she only get more attractive and I’ve gotten less”
“Your not ugly your a very handsome boy”
“Yes a very attractive young man”
“Okay yeah but COMPARED TO THAT no dude I just fumbled”
“I mean not really yall where toxic asf nearing the end of it”
“Yeah but she’s changed”
“And you haven’t soooo let’s move on with this conversation and get THE FUCK inside please and thank you”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Y/n pov
I run back inside to find tara and grab her by the arm
“Matt is here I ran into him by accident”
“Girl huh how?”
“Nick told me he was outside so I went to give him Matt’s stuff but he was literally right there I just gave Matt his stuff of course but I spoke to him but I feel like I was super harsh with it”
“Girl breathe… talk to him literally what is the harm it’s been 8 months I’m sure he would understand also it’s not like you like him still”
Bats eyelashes blank stare
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me y/n”
“IM JOKING IM JOKING but I do wanna apologize to him for everything cause it was mostly my fault”
“Okay but wasn’t he like overly possessive”
“Yeah… but I always pushed his boundaries with that shit and was always insecure and made him not have any privacy like I definitely need to apologize to him more than he does to me”
“Instead of telling me that why don’t you just go”
“Heeehhh let me go hotbox the restroom and enjoy my first thennnn I’ll go talk to him later in the night”
“Might as well get another shot in while you’re at it”
“Ugh fineeee just because I know your gonna bother me about it anyways”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Its 10:35pm now your a bit more drunk then you would like and you where also a tad bit high as well.
You feel all sweaty and crammed now kinda wanting to go home now but you still wanna talk to Matt so you go to find him. you stumble apon chris first though he was sitting and talking to colby and his girlfriend Malia
“Hmm chris have you seen matt?”
“I havent actually why”
“I wanna talk to him”
“y/n youre drunk”
“Yes i know chris im not gonna do anything stupid trust”
“Hmm dont know if i should”
“He going into the bathroom right now” colby spoke up
“Hehe thank you colby also Malia you look absolutely gorgeous”
“Thank you y/n” she giggles
“Hmm of course”
You very joyfully head to where that bathrooms are and stand there and wait for matt to come out, getting more nervous you hit your pen
“You waiting for someone beautiful”
You look up and meet eyes with a guy youve never meet before, you look at him confused
“Random flattery wont work on me”“Awe come on you wouldnt dress that way for no reason”
“What are you implying exactly huh”
“You know what i mean look at you” he goes to grab your waist and you back up
“Hm okay well imma give you two options now. 1. Leave and dont bother me again, or 2. Continue to harass me and i make a scene”
“Awe come on a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be threatening no one” he went to brush your hair behind your ear but you slap his hand away
“Try some stupid shit again dawg”
“Awe what you think you all tuff i bet i could bend you over right here and fuck that attude out of you”
You spit in his face “lmao the fuck you think you are”
“YOU BITCH” he pushes you hard against the wall winding you
Just in the blink on an eye you see matt grab the dude by his collar his slam him against the wall “watch your fucking mouth and if see you put your hands on any women again ill wont just slam you against a wall next time, patchetic excuse of a man” matt lets go of the guy looking over at you worried then comes over too you
“Are you okay ?”
“Yeah i didnt feel it tbh im a little to drunk”
“Um can i jus-”
“Wait no dont say anything can we talk outside i really need to talk to you”
“Um yeah lets go to the van”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
You both head outside and get in the van at first it’s just silence between yall until Matt clears his throat so you speak up
“it’s been a while since I’ve sat up here”
“Yeah it’s one think Chris doesn’t have to worry about anymore”
“He must of loved when I stopped coming around huh”
“Only for the part he didn’t have to fight anyone for front seat, he misses messing with you he really sees you as a older sister y/n”
You didn’t even hear him you were too much in your head which lead to word vomit
“I’m sorry for everything, I was a pretty shitty girlfriend I never had trust for you even though you gave me no reason to feel like that I had a lot of mental health issues going on and I pushed everything onto you and it just became more and more toxic cause my jealously and insecurity’s only grew… I truly am sorry for everything”
There was a moment of pure silence which scared you a bit until Matt let out a light chuckle
“I see that you’ve gotten way better at talking about your feelings”
“Yeah it’s called get on anti depressants and getting help”
“Oh shit sorry..”
“Nono oh my god I was joking about the anti depressants, I am on ADHD medications now though” you laugh and how easily he believed you
“You’re an idiot”
“Youre a bigger one”
“Shut up”
“Hey, don’t catch an attitude with me Mister” you grab him by the chin making him look at you then let go
“Okay I’m sorry I take it back, but I do wanna say I still can’t apologize to you about how possessive I was cause well it hasn’t changed, I thought it was cause well I haven’t had any interest in anybody but no… seeing you again especially with other guys it gave the same feeling in the stomach that it did back then as well”
“Matt can I ask you something”
“Yeah of course ?”
“When we were together what was i for you”
He looks at you confused but then just sighs
“Everything. You made everything just feel so perfect nothing was bothersome anymore all my thoughts would leave my head I was just happy… anytime I was away from you all I was waiting for was you to text or call me once you weren’t busy anymore or asleep, everything revolved around you because I wanted it too, you felt like my true safe place… and when you ghosted me it honestly ruined me.
“I thought it was some kinda sick joke at first but even Nick and Chris couldn’t get through to you.. it felt like my whole world crumbled down. After the first week I got a little better since Nick forced you not to break contact with him and Chris just because of me, I’m pretty sure neither of them told you this but sometime when you would call them they would have the phone on speaker just so I could hear your voice…it was the least they could do they said cause they felt bad”
“I’m sorry Matt I didn’t know it affected you so much…but I do remember on the 4th month of having no contact with you Nick called me at like 3am asking me if I could just get back with you could shut up but I didn’t know what he ment at the time”
He looked confused for a second but then it clicked
“I woke him up one night cause I couldn’t sleep and just complained about how much I missed you”
“You know I unblocked your number on the 4th month right?”
“Huh no what ?!?”
“Yeah I unblocked your number a while ago totally not to see if you would call me or something…but since you didn’t I just assumed you were over it at that point, it lifted a weight off my shoulders but now knowing that wasn’t the case, I’m sorry”
“Hm don’t apologize you didn’t know”
“I still feel bad” you pout
“Wipe that pout off your face you look ridiculous”
“Ugh you’re still so mean when I pout”
“Uh yeah your not a kid don’t baby yourself”
“I don’t even mean too you know that”
He laughs resulting in you taking a hit of your cart and exhale in his face, he waves the smoke out of his face
“YA MOTHER, actually I take that back I love your mom so much”
“She actually asked about you last week well she asked Nick not me”
“Awe did she really?”
“Yeah she asked when you would come to visit her in Boston”
“What yall tell her?”
“Nick told her that he would ask you”
“He never did ask”
“Oh well um when would you wanna go see her and dad?”
“Next time yall take the trip out there I’ll go with yall”
A huge smile plasters across Matts face, he uses his hand to cover his face trying not to seem more happy then he needed to be
“Yeah okay, I’ll let Chris and Nick know and we’ll figure out a week to go”
“Okay perfect, I’m actually kinda excited I haven’t been in forever”
“Does this mean we’re back to being friends?”
“Absolutely” you give him a bright smiles “just make sure to not go back into bad habits, I’ll make Nick go off on you”
“Yeah yeah whatever”
“I’m serious Matthew”
“I promise I won’t go back to my old bad habits”
“Pinky promise”
I hold my pinky out so Matt can interlock his but got distracted by the feeling of the car door opening behind me, it was Chris
“Chris back now don’t even start”
“She just came back and I already have to sit in the back”
“She’s a women she gets front, go”
Chris dramatically closes the door with a big huff then gets in the back with Nick
“You’re not sorry you have a full smile on your face”
I couldn’t help but giggle, I missed this to be honest.
“Okay let’s get y/n home and then call it a night huh”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Almost 4 months have passed since the party, you started hanging out with the triples more often even if it was just to sit in there house and do work, Nick wanted you up and out of your house even making you run errands with him and Matt just like yall use to. You were mostly with Nick and sometimes Chris for the first 2 weeks but gradually starting hanging with Matt more often weither it be watching a movie together or just talking about a topic over a meal.
After a month has passed yall started going on night drives together sometimes it wouldnt even be days you were at the house he would just randomly come by your place and tell you to come downstairs. Matt always knew you enjoyed listening to music and driving around at night and it was a nice way to catch up more, matt even opened up a bit more about his insecurities and internal struggles
Now going into a new month the boys planned a trip to Boston to visit their parents and of course you’re going along, you’re currently all packed and waiting for Matt to get to your place your legs bounce with anxiety but also excitement, you haven’t seen there parents in a while
Soon enough Matt texted you that they were here, you quickly headed downstairs seeing the van putting your luggage in the back you could hear Matt screaming at Chris to get in the back, Chris gets out of the front with a huff and gestures at you the get in
“Let’s go passenger princess we don’t have all day we have a flight to catch”
“Chris just shush”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
It’s now 6pm, trip there was nice no difficulties or anything except for Chris trying to scare you while on the plane resulting in Nick and Matt silently yelling at him cause he made you scream super loud by accident. once getting through all the airport security and whatnot yall where finally able to get outside, Nick ordered a Uber for yall while yall waited. You’re still a little tried leaning your head on Matt’s shoulder
“You okay?”
“Mhm just still tired, sorry”
“It’s okay, you can take a nap in my room when we get to the house yeah?”
“Can we eat first?”
“Mom knows we’re coming she said she’s making us dinner so you’ll eat don’t worry”
He tucks your hair behind your hair and kisses the top of your head, only recently he started being physically affectionate with you again and your fine with it he knows your boundaries
Soon enough the Uber gets there and yall head to the sturniolo household
Once there the boys head in first and you follow behind them, Mary Lou ignored the boys and engulfed you into a big hug
“Ohh honey how have you been”
“I’ve been good, how have you been?”
“Oh honey you know the same old same old nothing new around here, I’m glad to see you again I thought I wouldn’t see you again after Matt told me yall broke up”
“I thought the same thing to be honest but everything is worked out now, I’m glad to see you again and doing well”
“Same to you”
“Ayeeee look who it is, my daughter in law that’s technically not my daughter in law anymore but still definitely is to me”
You laugh at jimmys comment before he gives you a small squeeze
“It’s nice to see you again sweetheart”
“Same to you”
“Okok whatever y/n isn’t important what about your sons?”
Of course Chris had to speak up, you see Matt rushing back downstairs you didn’t even see him go upstairs
“Your stuff is in my room if you need anything”
“Thank you Matt”
“Mhm of course”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
It’s been 3 days since yall have been in Boston it’s been a lot of family time and catching up, you’ve been sleeping in Matt’s room on his bed while he continues to protest to sleep on the couch in the living room even though youve told him multiple times that its okay for him to sleep with you.
Its currently 8pm on a wednesday evening its just you and matt in the house chilling in the living room. mary lou, jimmy, chris, and nick went out to a small get together with friends. Matt didnt wanna go out which is common, you stayed because well your not from boston and dont know anybody theyre going out with plus you really wanted to catch up on your reading since your behind.
You get up from the couch to stretch
“Imma go take a quick shower”
“You showered yesterday though?’
“Imma just wash my body off not like im washing my hair”
“Hm okay have fun”
“I guess??”
You giggle as you walk away genuinely wondering why he seemed annoyed by you going to take a shower. You clip your hair back then grab some jammies and your hygiene stuff then go to the restroom to take your quick shower. You lied about the the quick shower you actually ended up doing an everything shower minus your hair cause you felt like it, it still wasnt super long only 20 minutes. After drying off you slip on your black lace panties and your junji ito PJ pants over them, tossing on a black spagettii strap not bothering to put a bra on, You also do your skin care then clean up and head back to matts room putting your dirty clothes in the basket you and matt are sharing for the time being.
You grab your headphones, penjamin, reading glasses, and book from your bag then get comfortable on matts bed putting in your headphone and connecting them to your phone choosing your reading playlist, opening your book placing the book mark next to you and put your glasses on, finally taking a blinker cough your lungs out a bit and now ready to get completely immersed in the book.
Its been 20 minutes since you finished showering matt figured you would comeback downstairs once your done but youve been gone for 40 minutes now and it was bothering him so he went upstairs to his room to see you peacefully reading on his bed not even noticing that he walked in, he decided not to bother you and just grabbed clothes so he could go shower as well leaving you be for now until he was done.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
I picked up my phone to check the time its 7:27pm youve been reading for a little over an hour now, you take a quick stretch then sit back down to continue reading
“Damn you still reading?”
“Oh hm?”
I look up from my book and see Matt shirtless with grey sweatpants on and damp hair. I could feel my face heating up
“I came In here earlier and you were reading I figured by the time I finished my shower you would be done, didn’t know you wear glasses though when did that start”
“Oh. Um they’re just reading glasses I’ve had them for a while now but I never really read but now I use them all the time”
“Can you look at me and point your finger up”
Confused but curious I do as he says, he takes a picture and starts laughing
“You’re so cute”
“Oh shut up, let me see”
“I’m being serious”
He walks over to me showing me his phone with a stupid smile on his face
“I look so stupid”
“Erm actually looking ahh”
“I’m kidding I’m kidding, I think you look very beautiful with your glasses”
He places his hand under my chin making me look up at him threw my glasses
“Don’t look at me with those eyes sweetheart”
“Maybe keep your mind out of the gutter, I’m just looking at you Matt”
He chuckles and lets go of my chin
“Well I’m headed back downstairs enjoy the rest of your night”
“Matt for the love of god can you just stay up here with me”
“Naw naw I don’t wanna bother you”
“Matthew Bernard sturniolo please stay with me”
I don’t know why I’m begging, but I just wanted to be with him I wanted it to feel like old times I don’t want him to put that space between us anymore, I just want him again.
“Are you sure?”
“Matt I swear to god-“
“Okok I get it I’ll stay”
“Okay, I’m almost done with with book though so give me like 5 minutes”
The moment I pick up my book he takes it from my hand and places it in a higher spot where I can’t reach
“You’re done reading cause I’m bored and cause I said so”
I take off my glasses as Matt crawled into bed with me, cuddling closer to him he wraps his arm around me and plays with my hair
“What’s going on sweetheart, what’s going through your head”
“Nothing why do you think that ?”
“Well it’s just that this is the first time we’ve done this In a long time so you know”
“I just wanna be close to you I don’t know, I’m comfortable around you”
“Glad I make you feel comfortable”
He kisses my forehead continuing to run his fingers through my hair, I drape my arm over his chest scooting myself closer to him
“Is it bad that I don’t wanna let you go ever again”
“No, cause neither do I. You’re so important to me on so many levels just those 8 months alone went to show me that I was miserable without you”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t apologize, you did what you had to do and guess what you learning and progressing also helped me out you know”
Just watching him talk made you smile, Matt in general makes your heart feel warm
“Matt can you kiss me?…”
“Woah..y/n I-“
“Nevermind sorry that was to mu-“
Matt cups my cheeks and places a small peck on my lips then looks at me for reassurance, I nod my head. He pulls me into another kiss it’s slow but passionate just like it’s always been, I began to move myself from my side to the middle to straddle him, my thighs on either side of his body directly placed above his slowly but surely growing erection. I break the kiss, Matt places his hands on my thighs looking up at me
“Are you sure about this”
“If I wasn’t I would tell you”
“Hmkay just making sure baby, is it okay if I mark you”
“Only if they’re hidden”
“Can I make just one of them noticeable?”
“If you buy me the pair of shoes I’ve been wanting”
I said it as a joke cause Osiris NYC 83 skate shoes are 1. Expensive and 2. Lowkey hard to find especially the color ways I want. Seeing a smile spread across Matt’s face told me that he already bought me the shoes and I should have come up with a better deal.
“Whatever your thinking in your pretty little head in correct”
He flipped us over him now being on top of me
“Safe word is meatball”
“Matthew you’ve gotta be kidding me”
He chuckles and kisses my neck
“I’m joking sweetheart gosh, you know it’s always been strawberry nothing has changed”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
He carefully takes the clip out of your hair throwing it across the room, he kisses the side of your lip slowly going down peppering kisses over your neck he lightly bites down on your collarbone earning a whimper out of you
“Ow Matt”
“Sorry baby”
He kisses where he bit soothing his hand over it with his other hand slipping it under your shirt
“Can I take this off?”
You nod your head
“Words sweetheart”
“Arms up”
He easily slips your shirt off again tossing it across the room
“No bra?”
“Shut up”
“Yes ma’am”
He kisses down your chest to stomach leaving marks every once in a while, coming back to your lips giving you a small peck
“My pretty girl”
Your face heats up in embarrassment making you cover your face with your arms
“Awe come on don’t do that baby, let me see your pretty face”
You put your arms down
“There’s my beautiful girl”
“Matt just fuck me”
He chuckles “your so impatient I’m just admiring you honey, it’s been too long also just look at these beautiful tattoos on you”
He traces the stars that go down your left ribs, you squeeze you thighs together at this point everything Matt is doing just feels like teasing
“Do you really need me that bad”
“Oh shut the fuck up”
Matt slides his finger under your waist band
“When is the last time you’ve came y/n”
“Matt don’t make me answer that”
“No I wanna hear the answer”
“Yes sweetheart”
You sighed knowing damn well he wasn’t gonna let it go
“The week before I ghosted you”
“Hm that was also the last time we had sex isn’t it?”
“Yes now shut up and just fuck me Matt please”
“At least you said please”
He quickly pulls down your bottoms panties included, Kissing down your stomach once again until reaching your pussy giving it a light peck
“Already wet huh?”
You close your legs around his head, you notice his eyes scanning over the tattoo on your under right thigh
“Yeah and what your gonna do about it ??”
“Eat you the fuck out”
(I would write full smut for yall but I’m genuinely so bad at it..)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Now naked cuddling in bed together watching SpongeBob while Matt plays with your hair making you doze off a little
“You tried sweetheart?”
“Let me get some clothes on you then we can sleep yeah?”
Matt grabs you a pair of his boxers and a shirt of his
“You got it or want me to do it”
“I’ll do it just throw on some boxers please, I love you and your body and your dick very much but please cover it up”
“Repeat what you said”
“Throw on some boxers please”
“After that”
“I love you?”
“I love you too”
He puts on his boxers while you slip on your as well and put his shirt on, he lays back in bed tacking you in the process
“Does this mean we’re back together?”
“Don’t rush it pretty boy ask me again in the morning and I’ll say yes as of right now though let’s sleep”
“I love you so much”
“I love you too Matt, I won’t leave you again I promise”
“You better you know much I hate when you leave, just stay”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Ragghhh hihiiii um this is kinda an authors note i guesss sorry if this is kinda wack shit I had writters block for 8 months and this is my first writing coming out of it so be nice 3:
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leikeliscomet · 6 months
No, Ncuti Gatwa's Casting Isn't Regressive
Chapter 3 - Dancing Queen/Conclusion
‘I’ve experienced racism my whole life, and while I always believed in myself, always knew [racists] were stupid and uneducated, I guess it did misinform my view of how the world works. It makes you think everyone has that opinion and you’ll constantly have to fight through life – then you learn that you don’t: you can find a tribe, you can find your people.’ - Ncuti Gatwa for Elle
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So with the treatment of Who’s Black men and the neglect of Black women in its representations of womanhood, consider the Fifteenth Doctor. A dark-skinned Black queer man, wearing a kilt and a bold smile, spinning to his heart’s content on the dancefloor. This is an image of Blackness, an image of queerness and an image of manhood and masculinity the show has never seen before. Gatwa is fully aware of this and has gone in depth in his interviews. He’s also addressed his Rwandan heritage and his family fleeing genocide against the Tutsi. Gatwa knows the feeling of being an outsider, heavily mirroring the revelation of the Timeless Child. Black Britishness is already a form of representation mainstream British media has only recently acknowledged and in this case, Black Scottishness is taking the forefront. Despite being a British cultural stape, Doctor Who’s been shy about representing Black Britishness specifically. We’ve had three Black companions, but little references to the culture (minus Ryan’s mention of grime music in Arachnids). We know Yaz is Pakistani. But is Ryan African? If yes, is he Nigerian, Ghanaian etc.? Is Ryan West Indian? If so, is he Trini, Bajan etc.? Is he both? What was Martha and Bill’s heritage? Many Black people in the British Isles are 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants, some of us are African, some are West Indian and some of us are both. Black British identity is complex as it is a melting pot of different African and West Indian cultures blended to create something new. Gatwa’s Black Scottishness provides this insight to Fifteen. Gatwa’s Rwandan heritage is included in Fifteen’s sonic too, with Gallifreyan symbols translating the phrase ‘the sharpness of the tongue always defeats the sharpness of the warrior’. Other Black cultural references have appeared for Fifteen too, with Gatwa noting his wardrobe is inspired by Black American HBCU fits. Even though it isn’t yet confirmed (and unlikely for series 14/season 1 seeing as there are no Black writers… yay!), Gatwa has shown interest in a Nigerian historical stating he’d love for the Doctor to meet the Orishas, goddesses of West African folklore. Again, with many different Black cultures not only is this an opportunity for representation but also new stories, new locations and new concepts the show has yet to discover. To fit in so many spaces but none at all is a perfect summary of the Black British experience and other Black experiences in Western countries.
“We choose our families. And the Doctor is a lonely wanderer, looking for their next adventure … I know many a gay man, MANY a gay man, I could describe that way!” - Ncuti Gatwa for the Guardian
Queer Black manhood and masculinity is rich and diverse and with this new era, we could see the tip of its iceberg. There have already been representations of this before in media such as Moonlight and Noah’s Arc so for a mainstream British show like Doctor Who to feature a queer Black man as the lead, we have the opportunity to show something special. With Nine and Jack’s kiss and Fourteen’s cosign of Isaac Newton already showing this potential, we could see a canon longer term mlm pairing involving the Doctor for the first time. And not only that but with a Black doctor for the first time. A queer Black man showing love and being loved is a reminder for queer Black people that universe-defying romance includes us too and that our DoctorRiver or TenRose moments can exist.
There is so much to look forward to in this new era and even more potential for the type of representation it can bring. So with that in mind, I hope the greater fandom at large can see this and that newer fans will get to experience that same joy we did when we first fell in love with this show.
‘This person survived a genocide. This person fits in everywhere and nowhere. I am the Doctor. The Doctor is me. I decided that I had to get this role’ - Ncuti Gatwa for Rolling Stone
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<- Chapter 2
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Nokto 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Licht was always cheerful and always had a smile on his face.
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I was the one who stole Licht’s expression.
At that time, it was difficult to be in the court and I couldn’t stay sane--.
I chose to run away as soon as possible so I didn’t have to look at Licht, who had lost his emotions.
Sariel: “A short term, study abroad program in Benitoite?”
Nokto: “Yes. As a prince, learning the basics of business is by no means a bad thing.”
Nokto: “Please, Sariel.”
Sariel: “…I understand. I’ll ask His Majesty the King.”
Sariel: “By the way, are you going alone?”
Nokto: “That’s what I mean to do. I don’t need an attendant.”
Sariel: “…”
When I talked about the short term, study abroad idea, I couldn’t look Sariel in the eye.
At that point, it was like admitting there was something to regret.
Woman: “Prince Nokto, aren’t you enjoying studying abroad?”
Nokto: “What…?”
It was a question that came up suddenly when I came to Benitoite and got used to life.
The couple, who were young at the time, had agreed to take care of him at the request of His Majesty the King of Rhodolite.
They were always concerned about the young prince.
Nokto: “It’s fun. It’s fun to learn things you don’t know.”
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Woman: “I hope so… we have never seen you smile.”
Nokto: “…That’s not…”
Woman: “Yes, it is. And not once have you laughed.”
It was a shock.
Unlike Licht, my expression was still alive.
At least, I thought so.
But that was my imagination.
I panicked and peered into a nearby window.
My face reflected was empty.
Man: “Boys around your age laugh like idiots, play around, and act naughty.”
Nokto: “…”
I still can’t forget the pained faces of the couple.
On the day Licht lost his emotion, it seemed I had lost mine as well.
I don’t know where I left it, or if I could even find it…
However, such an excuse is not allowed.
“That day”, I was protected by Licht.
There’s no way I should lose my emotions while being protected.
Licht should not be burdened anymore… I thought so at least.
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Nokto: “…Smile, me.”
I stood in front of my mirror and tried to move my facial muscles.
I didn’t know what kind of face I should make. I force myself to move them as if they were clearing up the sins I had been running away from.
Day in and day out, everyday—I practiced and practiced.
Woman: “Prince Nokto, you’ve been smiling recently.”
Nokto: “Sorry for worrying you. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally gotten used to life.”
Thus began the liar’s smile.
--End Past—
Benitoite’s annual antique market was bustling with people, left and right.
It’s good that Emma suggested I help out at the stall that the elderly couple is opening.
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Silvio: “What are you doing here?”
(…and here comes trouble.)
I had been preparing myself for the possibility that he might come, but…
When faced with the continent’s richest man, who exemplifies the dreams and aspirations of merchants, one can’t help but sigh.
Nokto: “Can’t you see?”
Silvio: “I’m askin’ because I don’t understand. It’s like you’re a different person.”
Nokto: “A different person?”
Silvio: “I’ve been watchin’ for a while, but you don’t always look like you’re lying when ya laugh.”
Silvio: “It’s the first time I’ve seen you play like a kid, ya fox bastard, and it gives me goosebumps.”
Nokto: “Huh? I’m not playing around that much.”
Silvio: “Should I hold up a mirror for ya? You’re a lot more cheerful that you think you are.”
(…I didn’t know. I guess even I can get carried away sometimes.)
(No, there are a lot of times. Ever since I met Emma I’ve been thrown off kilter.)
Not only Silvio, but even Emma, who is supposed to be on my side, is smiling.
Apparently, I really am in high spirits.
I used to only be able to smile to ‘lie’, but now I’m having fun.
(It’s my first time doing business like this that had nothing to do with public affairs, but I guess I unexpectedly like it.)
(“I want to be a merchant” The beginning of my dream wasn’t a good one.)
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Licht: “Hey, Nokto. Do you think mama will be kinder after you leave the castle?”
Nokto: “I think so, because it’s all the castle’s fault.”
Nokto: “Mama looks sad and we’ve been told lots of things…”
Nokto: “If there’s no more things to torment mama, surely…”
Licht: “…That’s true. Well then, I’ll find out where I want to go from mama.”
Licht: “I want to run away to a place mama likes anyway.”
Nokto: “Then I’ll think of a way to earn money.”
Nokto: “I need money to escape… should I become a merchant?”
Licht: “You’re smart Nokto, so you can definitely become a merchant.”
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Nokto: “I guess so… I’ll try. If I make a lot of money, I’ll buy sweets for you, Licht.”
Licht: “Really? It’s a promise!”
--End Flashback—
(I’m sure Licht remembers, too.)
(…It’s an ordinary dream, but for us it was heavy.)
The earnest wish that clings to the dream of becoming a ‘merchant’ is not something that can be said out loud.
(At first, it was still good, but one day ‘ becoming a merchant’ meant ‘escaping from Licht.’)
(I’m a coward.)
(…I’m a shameful coward.)
(I thought so, but I didn’t realize it was ‘fun’…)
Emma: “…The current Nokto doesn’t want to run away, does he?”
The antique market closed with great success and I walked with Emma on the beach dyed in the twilight.
In the end, the antiques prepared by the old couple were sold, and a strange sense of accomplishment was in my heart.
Perhaps it was because of such a feeling that I became light-hearted.
When I told her the other reason for my dream of being a ‘merchant’,  Emma hugged me without saying a word.
Emma: “The Nokto I know forgot to take a break because he’s such a hard-working person.”
Emma: “So I don’t think you need to beat yourself up about it now.”
Nokto: “Yeah, I guess so.”
(Even if you blame me, the past won’t change.)
It’s true that he didn’t run away. You don’t need to blame me.
(Thanks to Emma, I learned that ‘wanting to be a merchant’ wasn’t just about ‘wanting to run away.’)
Maybe it’s because I’ve lived my life with my expressions and emotions covered with lies.
Perhaps even the pure interest I had as a child had disappeared.
But over time, I met my true self that Emma had found.
That is terribly heartbreaking.
(The fact that I wasn’t studying abroad just because I wanted to run away is, in a sense, a salvation for me.)
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(…Licht is the one who should be saved.)
Nokto: “…”
(The reason I had Emma meet the old Benitoite couple was because I knew I couldn’t hide my cowardice from them.)
(I brought you here because it was just the right opportunity, but actually…)
(…maybe I really just wanted someone to forgive me for my past weakness.)
(No, the more I think about it, the more I hate myself…)
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Nokto: “Hey, don’t let me think anything right now.”
Emma: “…okay.”
When I asked her for it, Emma cupped my cheeks in her hands as if she knew everything.
Our lips pressed together feels so good, and once I taste it, I want it endlessly.
I was so absorbed in it, I forgot to breathe.
The more I try, the more the pain fades.
(I’m better now because of Emma.)
(I don’t want to run away, and I want to atone for my sins in my own way.)
(That’s why I’m often overworked.)
There are times when I can’t see it myself that Emma takes care of me and suggests vacations.
Emma: “Are you okay…?”
At the end of the long kiss, Emma’s eyes met mine.
Nokto: “I’m sorry for that.”
(Maybe it wasn’t a pleasant kiss.)
When I stroked her hair with the intention of apologizing, Emma suddenly narrowed her eyes.
Emma: “Nokto, you’re making a face that tells me it’s still not enough.”
Nokto: “Oh, you understand?”
With a deceptive smile, a thin finger caressed my lips.
Emma: “…Okay. Kiss me until you’re satisfied.”
Nokto:” I don’t know if someone will come, is that okay?” 3103
(You said no in the city for that reason.)
Emma: “There’s no one right now. If it’s just a kiss…”
(You’re so sweet, you probably know how I’m feeling right now.)
(…just for today.)
(Tomorrow, I’ll do it properly again.)
Relying on Emma’s kindness, she takes my breath away again.
I bit her lips, entwined her tongue, and tasted every inch of her mouth…but I didn’t feel like stopping today.
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minggukieology · 2 years
Hello, I found this old quote from jimin and I’ve seen it translated elsewhere but I was hoping to get your take on it? It’s from this article
지민_ 중학교 3학년 때부터 춤을 춰왔고 부산예고에 수석 입학 할 만큼 소문난 춤꾼이지만 동시에 매력적인 보컬로 방탄소년단만의 색깔을 만드는 데 큰 역할을 했다. 또 ‘짐드백’(지민+샌드백)이란 별명이 생길 정도로 팀 내 서열 꼴찌가 됐는데 어쩌다 이렇게 됐나.
▲ 춤뿐 아니라 보컬에 대한 고민도 많은 편이다. 보컬적인 면에서 아직 너무 부족하다고 생각하기 때문에 스스로 만족할 수 있을 만큼 노력해서 더 좋은 노래를 들려드리고 싶다. 서열 꼴찌인 건 인정한다. 막내 정국이한테 던져지고 나서 이렇게 된 것 같다. ‘정국 맘’이라는 별명이 있는데 이제 ‘정국 장난감’이 된 것 같다.(웃음) 반항할 수 없기도 하지만 그런 장난이 싫지 않기 때문에 어쩔 수 없다.
Hi, thanks a lot for your message.
Since it's quite a bit of text I will give a translation without much of explaining around it for the parts where it just mentions Jimin's history etc and focus more on the parts which I assume were the reason you sent me the message for.
Here I will also try to make it more fun for me (and for those who are maybe interested in going more in depth too) by showing multiple ways of translating certain words or phrases, ranging from 1st option marked as ¹ - 'closest to source' translation (which I typically provide to show what was said in original word as opposed to just transforming it to be more seemless and easier to understand for an English speaker) /2nd option marked as ²- close synonym (kind of middle of the two, optional) / 3rd option marked as ³- 'looser, more flexible' translation (might not be mirroring the source text 100% but brings the essence of the word, phrase closer to the English language and its context). This is just to show translations can vary depending on stylistic choice and preference. Naturally, this doesn't always apply though and there's many further nuances that can be discussed etc.
Note: if you wish to skip the (admittedly long) explanation and my weird number exercise, scroll to the bottom for clean translation.
지민_ 중학교 3학년 때부터 춤을 춰왔고 부산예고에 수석 입학 할 만큼 소문난 춤꾼이지만 동시에 매력적인 보컬로 방탄소년단만의 색깔을 만드는 데 큰 역할을 했다.
또 ‘짐드백’(지민+샌드백)이란 별명이 생길 정도로 팀 내 서열 꼴찌가 됐는데 어쩌다 이렇게 됐나.
"Jimin- You've been dancing since the third grade of middle school and were such a notorious dancer to the point that you got accepted to Busan Arts High School as the top student (*수석 입학), but at the same time, you also played a big role in creating BTS' own specific colors with your ¹attractive / ²appealing vocals.
Though on top of that, you came in ¹last position in the team ranking / ³were last in the team pecking order to such an extent that you ³earned yourself a nickname ¹'jim-deubaek' / ²'jim-dbag' / ³'jim-punchbag' (Jimin + ¹sandbag / ³punching bag), ¹how did it happen / ³how come / ³how did this come about?"
(*note: here of course the tone is playful and the meaning obviously isn't referring to any harmful violence, the question is posed in a way that it implies Jimin is both the top (skills, influence wise) and then finds himself at the bottom when it comes to certain power hierarchy in the group, like when they joke around together (even physically), to the point that not even the youngest regards him as a 'hyung' and rather plays around with him, which Jimin then refers to in the response accordingly)
춤뿐 아니라 보컬에 대한 고민도 많은 편이다. 보컬적인 면에서 아직 너무 부족하다고 생각하기 때문에 스스로 만족할 수 있을 만큼 노력해서 더 좋은 노래를 들려드리고 싶다.
서열 꼴찌인 건 인정한다. 막내 정국이한테 던져지고 나서 이렇게 된 것 같다. ‘정국 맘’이라는 별명이 있는데 이제 ‘정국 장난감’이 된 것 같다.(웃음) 반항할 수 없기도 하지만 그런 장난이 싫지 않기 때문에 어쩔 수 없다.
"Not only dancing, I tend to worry a lot about my vocals too. I think I am still lacking in the vocal aspect, therefore I want to try hard enough to be satisfied with myself and give you better songs.
I admit to being last in ³the pecking order. I think ¹it became/ ³I ended up like this after ¹being ¹thrown / ³tossed around by ¹the maknae Jungkook. I have the nickname ¹'Jungkook's mum' (*the word mum spelled in Korean) but now / from now on I think I am becoming ¹'Jungkook's toy' / ³'Jungkook's plaything'. (Laughter) I cannot ¹defy it / ²resist, but since I don't hate these kind of ¹antics/ ¹play / ²jokes / ²mischief, ¹there's nothing to do / ³I can't help it."
Concluding note: by giving multiple options I tried to show that there are always various ways to go about translations. Here I would say to avoid misunderstanding, it's better to try to convey the meaning of what was said with a bit more flexible translation.
TLDR, clean translation:
Reporter: "(Jimin) You've been dancing since the third grade of middle school and were such a notorious dancer to the point that you got accepted to Busan Arts High School as the top student, but at the same time, you also played a big role in creating BTS' own specific colors with your attractive vocals. Though on top of that, you were last in the team pecking order to such an extent that you earned yourself a nickname 'jim-punchbag' (Jimin +punching bag), how did this come about?"
JM: "Not only dancing, I tend to worry a lot about my vocals too. I think I am still lacking in the vocal aspect, therefore I want to try hard enough to be satisfied with myself and give you better songs. I admit to being last in the pecking order. I think I ended up like this after being tossed around by the maknae Jungkook. I have the nickname 'Jungkook's mum' but now I think I am becoming 'Jungkook's plaything'. (Laughter) I cannot defy it, but since I don't hate these kind of antics, there's nothing to do about it."
(exerpt from 그 여름, 우리가 사랑한 방탄소년단, published 27.07.2016 by atstar1)
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moonsquaremars · 1 year
what in the actual fuck.
i thought i had met the one. no, for real this time. i say that every time i meet a guy. i swear.
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my chart
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he was chubby, just my type, and we did the same drugs. grew up in the same part of town. he had a house and a job. bingo.
i ask if he knows his moon sign, he responds that he doesn’t know what it’s currently in. i had to ask him to repeat himself because of how disbelief i was in. i coulda melted there on the floor.
later he shows me his printed out natal chart and i examine it on his bed.
unfortunately i do our synastry chart and he only had one key aspect. most of my exes usually have more than one. first red flag, i ignore.
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keep telling myself maybe he only has one because he’s the one key for me. even though the key aspect was a bad one.
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he’s a cancer sun like me. my lilith is also in cancer and supposedly that means you attract the darker aspects of that sign. that would line up. his moon is in gemini, mine is in virgo. kinda at odds there. he constantly wanted to argue. like to the point where it didn’t make sense. like pulling arguments out of thin air and kept running out of ideas.
all his personal planets are in cancer. mine are in gemini. his moon is in libra 7th house, my uranus is in 7th house. i have a tattoo of uranus glyph on my ring finger because it’s my favorite planet for what it represents in astrology. supposedly moon in 7th makes needy for like constant social interaction and having people around. also adds up. he has a lot of friends, and he’d use that to hurt me.
he had pluto in 11th house. i have mars, mercury, and venus there. i really feel like he livened me up. helped me see a light and grow comfortable in my skin and environment. pluto is power and i definitely felt empowered.
my sun is in 12th house, his was in 8th. compatible houses. we talked about spirits and the occult. he told me he had seen a demon one time. it made me fall for him harder. i have a vacant 8th house so it really piqued my interest. i thought it was cute, sexy. an 8th house sun.
he had outer planets in the 12th house, and a bunch in his 1st and 2nd. i have a vacant 1st house. not my favorite house to be honest. could explain why he’s such a dick and ok with hurting others. i feel like first house is a self centered house.
2nd house, i have my moon there. another placement that makes sense. i thought i could make a home with him. i loved his home. i wanted to learn everything about him and spend years with him. i looked at him and saw a husband.
but it got so sour so fast. he wouldn’t let up. it makes me think he was sabotaging it, us. for reasons unknown. maybe he’s just a bpd narcissist and there’s no sense to make. maybe it’s cuz his ex died and his mother is also deceased. i have no clue. maybe it’s just because he’s a big ol bottom.
but i really thought he was the one. i hate that so much of his chart made sense, but i’ve felt like this before about someone. it really hurts having to constantly let go.
we also had north node and chiron conjunct. i thought that was interesting because not a lot of people have that placement ? or maybe they do ? but his were located in gemini in the 7th house. mine are located in libra in the 3rd house. isn’t that so ironic? it’s like it’s mirrored.
he was also born in 1984 which was so sexy to me because george orwell. but he is kinda small minded and i feel diminished my shine in some ways. im just so upset. this doesn’t make any sense to me.
if you’ve read this and have any observations or insight, i’d love to hear it.
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fleabane420 · 2 years
Mary, Life is in the Living On Authenticity and Production in Being: A Diary Entry and Creative Treatise on the Creation of Self Pt 1
Saturday Afternoon, 3rd December 2022
A secret wish I’ve never told anybody; one of the innumerable thoughts that each day skitter across my brain – to bred and imbed themselves or to float forgotten into oblivion; one that has stood down death at my own hands: create. As Keaton Henson says in his song The Pugilist ‘I still have art in me yet.’ I must live because I have not yet created. And yet, of course I have. But not that something-else-outside-of-myself-Creation that will hold vigil to my memory; proof that I lived and loved and created. Proof, perhaps, that I was real.
 But what is real? And what, if any of it, is worth recording? And in creating how do I not destroy by flattening subjectivities for the sake of conciseness, understandability, ‘art’fulness or marketability?  
 I didn’t used to fear death. I was obsessed with it. I craved it. I stared down its loving embrace every day for years. I lived on the Roof of Gang of Youths’ Achilles. My thoughts, those skittering lice, abounded with eulogies of self and sensuous whispered pleas for release. I told family, those friends who are like family, psychologists and myself that I held on because I didn’t want to cause pain. This is true. Because I have felt pain and I have caused pain and there is so much pain and I am terrified of causing more pain. But not it is not the whole truth.
 In moments when my hunger for the oblivion was near consuming, it was the emptiness in me from a dearth of creation and the fear of leaving nothing but a carcass that kept me from feasting on my carrion – the abundance within me needs to nurture bellies somehow.
 And yet I am afraid. Afraid of the death of bodies though I desensitize myself through obsession with the morose from a young age. Afraid not of what comes next, though perhaps I am and it is just not prevalent in this moment as who the fuck am I to know the depths of myself – just a lost traveller in a deep wood – but of what I will leave behind. As a child in the bath, I would imagine my body was an island where my skin protruded from the water. I would imagine years and storms passing as my body and the water revolved around each other. Lives lead. Stories told. I have always told myself stories. But I struggled to articulate them to others. Sometimes I want to keep my stories, just for me. But they feel as if they will fill my up until they jump from my skin leaving me some kind of deflated mess with my insides exposed. I want to gift my thoughts. Both as presents for those who think them too and to rid myself of them.
 And now the secret seems pertinent and of course I am scared to force the moment to its crisis because at 17 I was earnest and afraid but at 24 I still remember that feeling of being seen by words and even though I’m even more afraid I want even more to be seen as who I am growing myself into with rejection of who I think I have to be.
But perhaps I have time for more indecisions.
 I want to throw away my words and thoughts onto some page so that I will not waste them. My thoughts are an uncontrollable swarm and when unleashed flowers bloom and bones brittle. I want them to be recorded for they are all I am worth and god I want to be worth something in this culture that has reduced me to a consumer I want to give something back or else? How can we Create under the pressure of commodification?
 And who am I to think? Perhaps the reproduction of my bone brittling [sic] thoughts are not fit for consumption. I was afraid to write high for months because it often became a mirror in which I conversed with the cruellest parts of myself I usually try to hide from. But I am not just my thoughts. Though they are a part of me. And it is the death of that part of me which scares me the most. To die with thoughts unthought and unshared. For this part of me - my thoughts, my ‘Genius’ or what will you – to die unremembered and without some headstone.
 And yet. And yet I am too tired. Too afraid. To create. To not create anymore. That emptiness in me from a dearth of creation and that fear of leaving nothing but a carcass scream at me that I must! I must! And yet! Here it is. I am scared to cause pain. To be hated. And terrified of not being loved. Scared for others to see me the way I see myself and desperate to be seen as I am and to be loved for it. To be earnestly and authentically me. To create. And it is exhausting and that emptiness is corrosive and contagious. And so my secret wish is to create enough so that someday after my tragic death my work, whatever it may be, will be found by someone and shared as a something-else-outside-of-myself-Creation so I might never have to worry how it is received but I can go into oblivion knowing I left some piece of me behind.
0 notes
iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu Boys when they make you insecure PT 2(Atsumu,Suna)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
word count: 1.6K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You have been dating the great setter of the MSBY Jackals since your third year in highschool 
You’ve always been okay with his profession 
Even when it comes with the adoring fans he has (the ones that don’t necessarily like you..)
And the away games he goes to, that you can’t always go to because of your job.
You and Atsumu got to spend all of quarantine together, which was challenging at times. As you and Atsumu sometimes did have conflicting personalities but you loved being together for 8months + altogether. 
But now with the restrictions being lifted, Atsumu got to go back to practice and playing some games although you still got to work from home. Over lockdown, you do feel like you gained a bit of weight (which you didn’t pay much attention to since didn’t everyone gain some weight?) 
However, today you were scrolling through twitter, smiling fondly at the recent tweet ‘tsumu made about you;
@ ThebetterMiya: ‘Remember this @ *Insert your twitter handle here* ‘ 
It was a picture of the two of you in high school in your second year, with you giving Atsumu a hug just after his game against Karasuno. The memory made you smile, but your positive thoughts stopped after seeing a particular comment... “Y/N has definitely let herself go” it read.
 To your surprise Atsumu even liked the comment, you didn’t want to overthink things as you know that Atsumu just unconsciously likes comments and tweets without thinking all the time. But you can’t lie and say you didn’t agree with the comment. 
For the rest of the day, you spent your time googling and searching personal trainers and gyms that were open for you to go to and new healthy diet plans to try
.Atsumu came home a while later, tired and grumpy claiming that coach worked him extra hard in practice. Because of your newfound idea to start eating and being more healthy, you decided to have one last day of ‘letting go’ so your ordered yours and ‘tsumu’s favourite take out.
Whilst eating dinner, you were going INNN as you should  because this is basically your ‘last meal’ you were going to have. ‘tsumu caught onto your cavemen-like way of eating which made him chuckle a bit. “Hey babe, woahh you’re really hungry aren’t ya?” 
His comment threw you off, even though you know that he probably didn’t mean anything by it but from the comment on his twitter earlier and how you already feel about yourself it just didn’t help.
“Well what do you mean about that?” you say a little agressively “you think i’m getting bigger right?”
Your question threw him off guard since he didn’t mean that “well Y/N I know you’ve kinda let youself go a bit and you’re obviously not the weight you were when we 16 but-” before he could finish you get up out of your seat and rushed to your room with tears in your eyes, missing the end of his sentence which was “but I still think you’re beautiful” he murmurs.
He decided to give you some space for a bit, and before approaching he see’s your phone ringing (lets just say you and Atsumu have ultimate trust so you can answer eachothers phones :3) “Hello is this Y/N L/N” the person on the otherside of the phone asked 
“No, this is Miya Atsumu” your boyfriend replied 
“Oh! Miya-san i’m a big fan of you!” he started making Atsumu chuckle “I was just calling Y/N to say i’m available next week saturday to start training”
‘Training?’ Atsumu thought “Can I ask what training you’re preparing for with Y/N” he asks
“Oh I am a personal trainer.” he replied “ Well that’s all I can say, can you please tell Y/N-san to call me again so we can work out times.” he ended the call.
Atsumu goes into your shared-bedroom where he finds you on your laptop looking at ‘weight loss’ tips. He goes over to you and closes your laptop lid and pulls your hand to lead you to the mirror in the room. He stands you in front of it and puts his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.
“You’re beautiful Y/N” he says, sparking more tears in your eyes “I think you misunderstood what I said earlier, you. are. goregous. babe” he says punctuating every single word. “Even, if you feel like you gained weight, or lost weight or whatever I will always think your beautiful. If you feel like you want or need to change I will definitely support you along the way, but I think you’re amazing Y/N.”
“Thank you ‘tsumu” you start “ I do feel a bit insecure about the way I look right now, and I’m sorry for my abrupt leave at dinner but I do feel like my body is gross but I do want to try to see myself the way you see me.”
After many efforts from Atsumu, you definitely fell back in love with your body wether you were bigger or small you didn’t care cause you knew you were beautiful either way and so did Atsumu which he reminded you of that every single day.
AN: Can someone give me a synonym for beautfiul lmao cause that’s the only word I can think to use lol.
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You and Suna have always surprised people when they find out that you’re together.
Since your loud and talkative personality mixed with his quiet and nonchalantness is that a word? seems to not work well for other people
But opposites attract right?
You just finished the last episode of Kakegurui and were excited for your boyfriend to come home so you can tell him about it. You and Suna have been dating for a few years, after you confessed to him in front of all the boys in the gym in your 3rd year.
Suna enters the house mumbling a soft “Hi Y/N” to which you responded back with “Hi suna” rushing towards your boyfriend with a big hug. 
He slightly recoiled back out of your hug making you frown, to which he used the excuse of ‘I smell bad from practice let me take a shower.’ Whilst he was in the shower you decided to make some dinner for you both since it seems that Suna is a bit ‘grumpy’ today.
Once he exits the shower, and gets changed, he sees the table set out with the delicious food you made. You exit the bathroom to see him sat down already eating his plate. “How do you like it ?” you ask him wanting to know his opinion on your food.
“It’s good” he mumbles, continuing to shove food in his mouth. A bit bothered by the lack of response, you decide to talk about the newest episode in the hopes of lighting the mood. “Last episode of Kakegurui was great Rin, you should’ve seen it I really love mary. She’s great, I am a Mary Saotome simp through and through I still didn’t get the game they played but who cares? I can’t wait for season 3 to come out, I’ve already ordered the first 3 volumes of the Kakegurui twin manga, do you think it’s as good as the manga since I do think it’ll probably be better since it is Mary-centric and who hates mary since she-” You ramble on not taking notice of the bubbling annoyance that Suna seemed to have.
“Can you just shut up Y/N” he shouted making you flinch “ You’re so fucking talktative gosh” he got up and left the house slamming the door shut making you jump again. 
Instead of wallowing in your bed you decide on going out the library to go and read a good book (something that always makes you feel better) forgetting the harsh tone that Suna used with you. You were only trying to lighten the mood...
You got too engrossed with your books to notice how the sun is now gone and it was pitch black outside, the librarian notified you that it was time to go, you figure that if Suna was back at home he would’ve cooled down now so you can have a proper conversation which to be honest, you didn’t really want one.
Once you enter your house, Suna rushes towards you enveloping you in a big hug murmuring a “Oh thank god I was so worried” he tried to give you a kiss on the forehead but you recoil out of it, just as he did to you earlier. 
“I think i’m going to go to bed Rin” you say quietly trudging towards your bedroom and getting immediately in your bed. Suna stood there in the spot you left him in feeling bad for what he said to you at dinner. He goes into you bedroom and see you on your bed and silently gets into it next to you.
“Y/N I know you probably don’t want to hear me right now, but I am sorry” You don’t respond but slowly move closer to him letting him put his arm around you. Because of your silence Suna continues to speak “Umm...I watched the last episode earlier and you were right Mary Saotome is the goat but.... yumeko is better” he said teasingly 
This made you smile, as this is what you wanted a nice moment with your boyfriend talking about the last episode of your favourite show. You spend the rest of the night arguing over which character is better and decide to start Demon Slayer together, with Suna enjoying your after episode talks that you have.
AUTHOR NOTE: I was really excited to write for Suna and Atsumu but I have a fat migraine so i’m so sorry for it not being thattt gooood today :// but I hope you enjoy it regardless 
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cheesy-cakey · 3 years
note this is a hatter au from a wattpad book I wrote.
You Weren't there
Kalim X Reader Angst
We had graduated.
We got married.
He inherited his family's riches.
We had a son.
We were happy...
I gazed out the window of my quarters.
I was no longer a Hatter... I was now an Al-Asim.
The Hatter name had died out the moment I decided to be a part of Kalim's family. I still owned our land and property. But I had no use for it.
I thought that this was going be our happily ever after.
Holding the one I love close. Kalim embracing me and our son.
But I guess reality doesn't have a happy ending... Especially us Hatter's.
As I watched the scene out the window.
In the garden was Kalim... With his 2rd wife and daughter.
Yes, that's right. I may be Kalim's first wife... but that doesn't mean I'm the only one.
I watched as he held her hand while with the other he carried his daughter.
I moved away from the window and sat on the plush bed of my quarters.
"How could I be so stupid. How could I be so blind. why did I think... That out of all the people in the world. I would have a happy ending." I muttered to myself as I leaned back on my arms tears pricking out of my eyes.
I went back to the window watching them hold each other close. I traced my hand on the glass feeling the coolness of the material.
I kneeled on the floor hand on the window sill while the other was on the floor.
"If happy ever after did exist~" I sang as I wrapped my arms around myself.
"I would still be holding you like this~"
"All those fairy tales are full of sh*t"
"One more f*cking love song I'll be sick" I sobbed as I was never meant to have a happy ever after.
3rd POV
Little did Y/N know that someone came to visit.
Watching through the crack from the slightly opened door.
Ali Al-Asim watched as his mother broke down crying.
"Why... why of all people... why does it have to be mother that suffers?"
He walked away knowing that it's better to not disturb her like this... He knew seeing him would just remind her of the happy ending she could've had.
He returned to him quarters and sat in one of the chairs in his room.
"Mother... You shouldn't be suffering like this... You told me father loved you... You said he loved you more than the stars in the sky... then why... why does he treat you this way? why does he neglect you? weren't we happy? weren't you happy?" He leaned his head back as tears pricked out his eyes.
"I never get to see you smile anymore. The smile that could shine brighter than the sun. Your eyes became dull... no longer full of hope and happiness like the stars."
he slammed his first into the table Infront of him as tears fell from his face.
The 15 year old couldn't bear to see his mother like this...
He's seen her cry too many times...
-Time Skip-
It was Ali's 16th birthday.
Which means a big celebration...
But his mother as much as she wants to attend she couldn't bring herself to leave her room.
The Hatter that used to be full of life, laughing, singing, dancing. The Hatter that enjoyed parties and seeing her friends smile... lost her spark.
-At the celebration-
"Happy Birthday, Young Master, Ali!" The servants cheered.
"Happy birthday, My son!" Kalim exclaimed as he greeted his first born.
"Thank you, Father!" Ali exclaimed with a smile.
"You're 16 now, which school do you wanna attend, Ali!?" His father asked excitedly.
"I want to go to Night Raven College! That's where you went to right, Father?"
"Yes, I did! Me and your uncle Jamil went there together!"
"Then it's settled, NRC it is!"
"I could have the headmaster make you dorm head as well!"
"No, Father. I wish to become dorm head with my own skills." He stated.
"Haaaah? fine, if that is what my son wants. Now everyone! enjoy the party!"
he walked away as he went to meet other guests.
A lot of people were here. His uncles from NRC. His Friends. even his half sister.
But there was only one person Ali wanted to be here.
Ali stood up from his seat and sneaked away.
He went to the quarters of someone he held dear.
he knocked on the door and heard a come in.
"Good evening, mother" he said with a soft smile.
"Ah! Ali, Happy Birthday" She replied with a tired but loving smile.
she was sitting by the window with it being wide open allowing the wind to enter.
He went closer the his mother and kneeled beside her.
"How are you feeling?" Ali asked.
"I'm feeling very well. So how is your birthday?"
"Nevermind the birthday. I just want to stay here with you" he said as he buried his face into her dress resting his head on her lap.
The lady giggled at her son's statement, watching him with caring eyes.
"I have a present for you" She said as she brought out a box.
Ali raised his head.
"Mother... you didn't have to" he said as he received it.
"Oh, but I do. this is something I've been meaning to give you"
Ali opened the box to see a top hat, a golden silk snake wrapping around the hat with a single Jasmine flower.
"It used to be mine. Sometimes in the Hatter family we give it to the person we marry but sometimes we also keep it. But this time it's time to pass it on to the descendant. I redecorated it for you. do you like it?" The elegant lady smiled as she remembered her memories with the hat and proud to be able to hand it down.
Ali looked as the hat.
"I love it... thank you mother" He thanked as he lied down on her lap once again.
"I'm glad you do, my dear son" She placed a hand on his white hair exactly the same as his father's.
Sher stroked his head gently as the moon shone down on them through the window.
It was now time for Ali to go to Night Raven College. He said farewell to everyone and as he was about to get on the Ebony Carriage he looked up to a window to see his mother smiling at him. he smiled back and entered.
-at the dorm sorting-
Ali was up next to be sorted.
"State thy name"
"Ali Al-Asim"
"The shape of thy soul... I see you best improve in Scarabia."
He stepped away from the mirror and joined the other students that were sorted into Scarabia.
He will make his mother proud.
-Time skip-
It had been a week since he had arrived. And just like that he had became a dorm head not from money but from skill.
He was currently in potions taught by Professor Crewel.
His phone then suddenly rang.
"Excuse me, Professor. I need to take this call"
"Of course, pup. but next time I won't be allowing it."
Ali answered his phone and it was one of the servants.
He was analysing his potion while he answered.
"What is it? I told you not to call me around this time because I'm in class."
"Apologies, young master. But it's about Lady Y/N"
"Mother? what about her? does she miss me? tell her I'll visit this weekend."
"It's not that sir"
"what is it then?"
"she umm"
"spit it out"
"The lady has passed away"
Ali suddenly dropped the beaker shattering it to a million pieces.
"Al-Asim! bad pup! what are you doing!?"
Ali stood up knocking his seat over. He slammed his hand on his desk that still had the shattered glass and spilled potion. good thing that the potion doesn't give much effect since it wasn't finished.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PASSED AWAY!?" He yelled as tears pricked from his eyes.
"Al-Asim?" his professor called out worried.
"I mean what I exactly said, young master. The lady passed away earlier this morning. when the servant went to serve her breakfast she didn't wake up. they tried waking her up then realized she wasn't moving. they called a physician... and he said the lady had passed away"
"no... you're lying"
"Ali Al-Asim, what's wrong? Get your hands off the desk your starting to bleed." Crewel said as he took the boys hand from the broken glass and started cleaning it.
"Mother... is she really dead?"
"yes, sir"
"wait... your mother?" his professor asked
"As in... Y/N? she's... no longer with us?" his eyes wide as saucers.
Ali fell on his knees tears spilling not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.
"Mother... no... no... no no no NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" He sobbed.
"Ashengrotto, take him to the infirmary to clean his wound up. The rest of you dismissed. I need to speak with the head master."
"Yes, professor"
-time Skip-
currently Ali was in the head masters office.
"Al-Asim. I heard what had happened. I'll let you go home for as long as you need. I apologize for your loss. You can use the mirror to go home." Crowley said as he watched the boy sob.
he himself wanted to cry since one of the most lovable students he had, had passed away.
"Your mother... was an incredible woman. Not only as a student but as a friend to the rest. It's a shame she... had to leave us so early. I thought that maybe... I'd be dead by the time she leaves."
"Thank you, headmaster... I'll be... heading out now" Ali exited the room and went to the mirror and went home.
Once he had arrived he was greeted by the servants but he just walked right pass.
His sister also greeted him, but he continued walking.
soon he arrived at his mother's bedroom. He saw her... looking like she's sleeping soundly... knowing she's never waking up again.
He walked to her bed side. held her now cold hand and feel to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably
During her funeral, all her friends from NRC came. Tears spilled everywhere as they found their dear friend no longer with them.
they approached Ali who just stood by her coffin.
"Sorry... for your loss... Ali"
He just kept silent.
For the long duration of her funeral... Not once did his father... the man his dear mother loved and longed for, show up.
This had made the boy even more upset. but that did not overpower the sorrow he had.
-Time Skip-
The funeral had long ended...
His mother was buried...
he returned to school but barely spoke.
"Al-Asim... pup. I suggest you go meet with Professor Yuu. You need it"
Ali merely nodded as he went to his magicless professor who taught about monsters and health.
"Ali... take a seat"
Ali sat down across him.
"You haven't been sleeping have you... you have bags under your eyes. You look pale. Ali"
He just sat there.
"I know... I know you're depressed... Your mother was my vice prefect back in our school days. she was a wonderful woman to be with... she laughed... she sang... she smiled... but you know what I love most about her?"
Ali looked up and looked at Yuu.
"She makes people around her smile as well. She wouldn't want you to act like this. Y/N, She too lost a parent in her younger days. But that didn't stop her from being happy... She always had joy in her eyes... and you know you have her E/C eyes as well"
"So please... Don't let this bring you down. Your mother... Be like her. someone who smiles, laughed and most of all makes others do the same. sure reality doesn't have a happy ending. But you're writing your own story so make sure it leads to one."
Ali thought about it. looks back down... looks at the mirror in the room and looked straight into his E/N coloured eyes.
"You're right, Professor. Even if mother is gone... I should make her proud" Ali stood up with smile.
Ali bowed.
"Thank you, Professor Yuu!"
"Just call me, Yuu."
Ali smiled and ran off back to his dorm and to his room.
Yuu on the other hand stood up and went to the window and looked at the sky.
"I wish... I could've held you one last time... Y/N... I loved you so much" Yuu said as he let the tears fall.
Ali pulled a box from under his bed and opened it...
It may not fit his outfit but it doesn't matter.
he stood up holding the object and went to a mirror.
He looked straight at it and placed the hat he was given on his head.
"I'll prove... that I can give us a happy ending, Mother"
and with that Ali changed... He changed for the better. all the old staff watched him... and it reminded them of someone who they once cherished in this school.
-Time Skip-
it's been 2 years since Y/N's passing. Ali Al-Asim was now 18 years old. A third year.
But what's interesting is. when his 1st year ended the mirror had announced something... He was transferred to a different dorm.
Just as they were all about to leave.
"Wait... It seems someone's soul had reshaped into something new." the mirror had stated.
"What? but that's not possible" Crowley said in surprise.
"Ali Al-Asim... Step forward"
Ali hesitantly stepped up.
"Yes... it seems your soul had reshaped... though you are still suited to be a part of Scarabia... Your heart... Is perfect for the Ramshackle Dorm"
"Isn't that"
"Your mother's old dorm... well it seems like you're becoming just like your mother" Crowley smiled as he placed a hand on the boys shoulder.
-end of flashback-
And since then he became the dorm head of the Ramshackle. His hat suited his outfit. he was happy.
And right now the 18 year old was going to make a decision that'll change his life.
Currently standing Infront of his father, Kalim Al-Asim. wearing a somewhat butler outfit somewhat similar to that of what his mother wore back in her younger days as a Hatter.
"Father... I don't wish to be an Al-Asim anymore."
"What? could you repeat that?"
"I don't want to be an Asim."
"But son! you're my eldest! you're my successor!"
"And I don't want to be your successor!"
"I want to continue mother's legacy!" Ali yelled as he gripped his wrist behind his back while looking down.
"I want to be a Hatter! I want to carry on the Hatter name! I want to do this for mother! it the least you could let me do"
"the least I could let you do?"
"Yes! The most you could do was probably be there for her!"
"You left her all alone! making her cry every night! every night for you!"
"She didn't get her happily ever after! Cause you weren't there there for her! you weren't there for us!HECK She would've been contented with just you being there even if you didn't love her anymore!"
"I know you are aware that You're naive, gullible, oblivious and all that. but please... just see it... the least you could do" Ali looked up and looked Kalim straight in the eyes.
Kalim staring back into E/C colored orbs that was exactly the same as his wife that had recently passed away.
He looked down and took a deep breathe
"I'll... let you go..."
"yes... as you said... it's the least I could do for not even attending the funeral."
"Thank you... father" Ali smiled as he walked away.
this was a new start for Ali... Becoming just like his mother. Writing a happily ever after for them.
We can't say the same for Kalim though.
He sat at his chair.
His 2rd wife entered the room and sat beside him.
"What did he want?" she asked.
"To leave the family"
"He... wanted to become a Hatter to continue Y/N's legacy."
"I see... don't worry I'm here... and besides I'm sure we can make a new heir."
"I'm not in the mood"
"But, dear~"
right then and there Kalim snapped.
"THAT'S WHY I KILLED HER SO YOU WOULD ONLY LOOK AT ME- MPH!" she clasped her mouth shut trembling from what came out.
"what? WHAT did you just say?"
"I-I didn't mean to!"
Soon Jamil entered the room. in truth he was about to enter till he heard screaming and heard the entire thing.
"Yes, Kalim"
"Take her away. make her confess EVERYTHING that she had done. After that could you call Azul? I want to have a talk with him to deal with something."
"Yes, of course" Jamil left with the 2nd wife being taken away by guards.
As they all left the room Kalim sat down and tears started running down his face.
"Why was I so stupid? thinking I could protect you without having to hurt anyone but as a result I ended up hurting you... then lost you. I should've dealt with them from the start. I should've just been there for you... now I not only lost you... but I lost our son too... haha! why am I so stupid?"
For the rest of the night Kalim just cried. knowing can never bring you back.
"isn't that an interesting timeline."
"Didn't know that there would be a bad ending to their story. I hope this timeline won't stick it would be so sad~" a voice said as she closed a book that's titled 'You Weren't there'
soon the book started to become grains of sand.
"oh? what is this?"
"The timeline is disintegrating"
"I guess that means that story won't be sticking around."She then pushed up her glasses as she looked back at the millions of books being written each having a pen that glows with inspiration and life."I wonder who's story would be finished next~ would the story disappear? or will it be part of the official collection?"
"Let's see what endings are in-store~ After all"
"I am the story keeper~"
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Breaking Point [Sapnap x reader]
Paring: Sapnap x Gender Neutral!reader
Summary: You are both on your edge, it's not looking good for your relationship.
Warnings: Angst, cheating, infidelity.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: Please request stuff, I'm starting to run out of ideas myself. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. Also, thanks to the kind-hearted @libbynotfound for once again beta reading for me <3
”Listen Y/n, I didn’t mean to okay.” Sapnap treks after you, as you throw open the front door to your home. You scorn at his words. “Didn’t mean to what? Get caught or do it in the first place?”
You turn around to face him right there in the hallway. Taking in his silence, before you turn back around to head into your shared bedroom.
“Your hesitance says enough.”
“I just-” Sapnap tries, he does. You stop in your track once more, not turning around to face him.
“You just what?” You hiss out “You just happened to fucking cheat on ME?!” You can’t help but yell at him, all your frustrations bubbling right in your throat. Leaving you with the bitter taste of anger.
“No, I mean yes. I mean, fuck!” Sapnap pulls a hand through his hair, as he watches you walk into your bedroom. Giving himself a moment to breathe, before he follows.
Sapnap stands in the doorway, as he watches you pace the floor. He runs a hand over his face. “I’m sorry okay! I was drunk, and one thing led to another, and then we were in bed, and then you walked in.”
You turn around abruptly. “Don’t you fucking dare blame the alcohol.” You walk closer to him, until you are standing right in front of him. “Don’t you fucking dare do that, when you told me alcohol wasn’t an excuse to have kissed my friend.”
“I- it isn’t the same.”
“What you were soberer huh?”
“No, but we both fucked up.”
“You’re a prick, you a real fucking asshole do you know that?” You throw your arms out in frustration. More than done with the argument already.
“You aren’t exactly a fucking angel yourself.” Sapnap snaps at you, as you go back to pacing the room. Unable to look at him.
“No, but at least I owe up to my mistakes!”
“Then what do I do?” It’s now his turn to make gestures at you, the frustration boiling in both of you, making the air in the bedroom feel heavy. You don’t slow down to look at him. “What? You want me to get on my knees to beg for your forgiveness?”
You scoff at his words. As fucking if.
“Don’t scoff at me.”
“Or what?” You glare at him.
“Jesus Christ, why are you like this?”
“Why are we like this?”
Silence falls over the two of you, both of you heaving out of frustration and anger, unsaid words hanging in the air, slowly drowning the two of you.
Sapnap sighs.
He makes his way over to your shared bed, and sits down, holding his head in his hands. A sombre mood slowly takes over as you watch him.
“I’m sorry okay, I’m truly sorry. It shouldn’t have happened. Yet...”
“It did.”
“Yeah, it did.”
You sit down beside him on the bed, you fall onto your back when he turns to look at you.
“I think we need to look the truth in the eyes.” The celling has now become your new area of interest for your eyes.
“The truth?”
He falls back too.
You’re now both lying in the bed, staring at the ceiling. Mirroring the picture, you have framed on your wall from your 3rd anniversary when you went on a picnic. You had asked a stranger to take a picture of the two of you as you spotted clouds together. It was a cute and intimate moment. It was perfect.
“Sapnap, when was the last time we spent actual time together?”
“…” His silence hangs heavy in the air, joining the sombre mood and frustrations from earlier.
You turn your head to look at him. Catching him already looking at you.
“Yeah, that’s what I mean.”
Sapnap turns his gaze back onto the ceiling. Regretting the night before. Regretting a lot of things. Regretting staying when you kissed your friend. Regretting promising you it would just be the two of you.
“We went to the aquarium.” He recounts. You can’t help but laugh at the memory of the trip. “We fought so much, I don’t think they are letting us back in. I’m not sure if it’s for the fish’ or the kids’ sake.”
“Maybe our own…” he adds to your anecdote.
“I can’t disagree with that.”
The somberness falls upon the two of you again.
“So where do we go from here?” he catches your eyes, staring into them, right through them. And for the first time in a long while you feel seen by him, not just watched.
“I take the bag I’ve packed-” Sapnap sits up at that, interrupting you. “You have a packed bag?”
You slowly sit up, finally admitting out loud, “I’ve had one since the aquarium…”
“That was 2 months ago.”
You nod, staring at the wall ahead. Silence falls upon the room once more. You listen to him shuffle around a bit before he speaks up again.
“We were already falling apart back then weren’t we.”
The confession hangs in the air as if he’s waiting on your approval.
“We have been for some time.”
And you give it to him. He watches you as you get back up from the bed, lazily standing in front of him. Wanting to reach out. Instead, it feels like a stranger is sitting on the bed you are used to sharing with your beloved.
“I’m sorry.”
He breaks you out of your head. As he has always been good at.
“You keep saying that, and maybe I should too.”
You know you haven’t been the best partner either, you did kiss someone else, and you had begged him to stay. So he stayed.
“Maybe, I just feel like it’s my fault.”
Sapnap tries to reach out to you, but you let his hand linger in the air. You want to take it, you do. But you know better.
“It’s on both of us. We just hit the final straw finally.”
His hand falls. And it seems the two of you have both accepted this is it. That night your home turns into a house, with one less resident. And one less bag containing enough stuff, that the two of you never truly see each other eye to eye again.
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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A/N: In honor of reaching 400 followers, I decided to make this into a short series. I don’t know how many parts it’ll be. Thank you guys for reading my stuff and showing me love 🥺💕 you’re all so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭 I would also like to thank @teoran for the precious idea that allowed this story to come to be ❤️❤️
✨Part 2 here✨ | ✨Part 3/4 on ao3 only✨
“So, you’ve never actually been here before?” Suguru let out an annoyed sigh as his best friend draped his arm over his shoulders.
“No, but I heard this is one of the nicer ones.” Satoru says. “Besides, none of them are hard to look at.”
“I would’ve been content going out to dinner with everyone else-
“Lighten up! You do that all the time. You’re single so why not spoil yourself a little?” The white haired male insisted.
“Stuff like this feels degrading, and some of them are topless.” Suguru really hasn’t been to a strip club before. He wasn’t a prude, but surely his respect for women had him steer clear of places like this.
“Yeah— strippers do that sometimes.” Satoru laughed, taking hold of his drink. 
“And it’s not degrading- they’re hard working women. Stop talking like an old man and enjoy the show.” He added, respectfully. Suguru took a sip of his drink, watching a new dancer approach the platform. A sweet, caramel skinned girl had taken the stage, swaying around the pole in front of them.
“This is Tasty.” Someone over the loud speaker introduced her. “We recommend Tasty for new comers. She’s a bubbly, friendly dancer who feels like the girl next door. Tasty is currently ranked 3rd in our private dancer line up for this week.
“Look at her,” Satoru said, pulling his lip between his teeth. “That’s Tasty. I heard so many good things about her. She’s so much more petite and cuter in person.” 
Suguru only nonchalantly took another drink, but he was definitely looking. The tan skinned girl wrapped her body around the pole, delicately twisting herself right in front of the both of them. After shaking her ass for a bit, she moved down the stage, dancing for other customers. 
“I’ve got so much cash on me, Suguru-chan~! We’re gonna have so much fun.” He nudges his barely flustered friend.
“And try not to look so serious, before you scare the ladies away.” He rolled his eyes underneath his dark sunglasses.
“You think I’m scary looking?” Suguru raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah but in a sexy way.” Satoru leant forward, almost touching noses with the dark haired male. He really had no regards for personal space. 
“Wait til the girls find out you’re a huge softy underneath.” Satoru laughed. 
The tan stripper on the stage descended down the steps, wrapping up her routine and passing the two of them. Satoru pulled his shades down, winking at the girl, and handing her a generous tip. He watched her swoon a bit before running off, bra full of singles. 
“Candy, you’re on next.” Tasty called out to you as she entered the locker rooms. You were intently positioning your false lashes on in the mirror. You heard all the girls bustling on about some attractive men who were tipping nicely tonight as you got ready.
You hum in response, bending down and adjusting your straps on your shoes. 
“He winked at me, he winked at me!!!!” Tasty said, fawning with the other girls who were peaking out the doorway.
“Girl, you have to see this. They’re the hottest guys I’ve ever seen.” Tasty cooed at you. 
“They’re so tall. I got so shy and ran off. I’m sure the one with the sunglasses was flirting with me. I’m gonna go give him a dance, I just needed time to collect myself.” The tanned skinned girl held her cheeks in her hand as she spoke.
“Tasty’s got a crush hmmm?” You say smugly before standing up straight. You look at the hundred dollar bill sticking out of her bra amongst the many singles. You raise an eyebrow at her before you take both of your breasts in your hands, doing a jiggle test to see if they’d pop out your body suit. 
“You’ll have a crush too as soon as you see them.” Tasty rolls her eyes. You’re barely intrigued. You’d been infatuated with the same man since high school, and no one could compare to him.
Granted, the both of you weren’t actually dating, nor do you believe he had any idea about your affections or actually reciprocated them. He would occasionally flirt with you, but do not be mistaken— he was a complete asshole. You often rejected his advances, telling him to fix his off putting attitude. This led him to tease and mess with you more, but he still loves to do his best to get you flustered all the while. You couldn’t date someone who lacked so much compassion. But even so, every time you saw him, your knees went weak.
You were partially rejecting him because you were also a busy woman, and you barely had time to fraternize with him the way you wanted to during your day job. When you both were younger and went to school at the academy, he actively made you feel like you were losing to him because he was such a prodigy. Being on his team really sucked because even though you were producing proficient results, standing beside him only made you look just above average.
“Let’s see what this is all about.” You say, strutting towards the huddle your co workers created in the hall. You worm your way through, getting a glimpse of the two men that had everyone’s hormones in a frenzy.
“Oh no.” 
You watched as the white haired narcissist threw his head back in laughter, conversing flirtatiously amongst the other waitresses and dancers that crowded around him.
Fucking Gojo Satoru.
“Oh no, no, no.” 
Impossible. You were upset that you’d know that laugh of his anywhere. Not to mention his hair made him stick out like a sore thumb.
The only person who knew of your double life was Shoko. And Shoko wouldn’t tell a soul. 
Beside Satoru was a seemingly mellow Geto Suguru, grinning softly towards all of the women around them.
You sought death. That was the only way out of this situation- on a stretcher, covering your face and body and keeping your anonymity.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You say, squatting all the way down to the floor and crawling back into the locker room, praying not to be seen.
“Candy, girl, are you okay?” Your stage manager peered down at you as you slumped behind the love seat in the corner.
“Those guys out there— the two of them work at my day job.” You mutter, burying your face into your knees.
“You know them?!” Tasty interjects. 
“Unfortunately,” you nodded. “And the white haired one likes to mess with me a lot.”
“You wanna go home early?” Your manager asks. You had bills to pay, and but quite honestly, one day wouldn’t hurt. 
But for some reason you couldn’t help but feel like you’d be allowing him to win somehow by doing that. It was silly- he had no idea of your existence here so this was hardly considered a competition. But this was your space, and you refused to be forced to cower within it.
You stand up, scanning the room for something unique to wear. 
“I’m not letting that bastard ruin my bag. I’m getting my money tonight.” You sway towards the vanity, discovering a silk blindfold with eye sockets. You wrap the cloth around your eyes, adjusting it so you can see properly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yup.” You say confidently, fluffing your hair in the mirror. Besides, it’s only one night, you thought.
You walk out of the prep room, walking towards the steps of the stage. You walked right past the two of them, feeling so many eyes on you as you slowly ascended the stairs.
Both their heads shifted towards you, the sound of pre-cheers and compliments from regular customers ringing with your every step. 
“This is Candy.” The host spoke into the loudspeaker. “All the boys want a piece of her. She’s the sweetest dancer here, and she’ll make you forget all your troubles with her playful smile. This week, Candy currently ranks number one in our private dancer line up.”
You were above the two gentleman who were posted up in the front of the stage. Just how did these fuckers find this place? You looked down at the two of them, like a queen looking towards her subjects. You started your routine, smiling your signature smile just like you always did. You wrapped your hands around the pole, swinging your body. The cheers and music rang through your ears. Dollars were being thrown at you, but you were so distracted by two of them.
The both of them had been eyeing you just like everyone else, but you couldn’t help but feel self conscious anyways. You swayed your hips, swooping down elegantly to pick up some of the money while you danced, offering winks to some gentlemen in the crowd. Your eyes caught on Satoru, whose sunglasses were tilted slightly downwards. Your eyes nearly met, and you swiftly shifted your gaze towards Suguru. He really dragged you here, you thought. Poor Guru-san.
You watched as Satoru threw a generous wad of singles towards you. You refused to pick it up. 
It was a 10 minute set before you would go around and flirt with other customers. You eventually collected your earnings before you gracefully walked down the steps, flipping your hair.
“Candy~” The bastard called out towards you.
You didn’t want to turn around, but you did anyway, breasts bouncing full of bounty. 
“That’s for you,” he cheekily handed you a folded wad of cash. You felt the thickness of the money between your fingers. You almost wanted to give it back to him and walk away. Unfortunately, it was custom to lurk around customers who tipped that generously. Your eyes shifted towards Suguru, who had been subtly ogling your breasts.
“Thank you.” You smile plasticly, which you don’t normally do. You were typically and genuinely nice to customers. Most of them abided by the no touch rules and were decent.
“What brings you both here?” You say, leaning on the banister, breasts in full view.
“It’s my buddies birthday.” He grinned. “I wanted him to get a private dance with this weeks number one dancer, or Tasty, if she’s not too busy.”
Your eyes panned over to Suguru, who honestly didn’t look like he wanted a dance from you. You knew better though, not all customers were forward like that, so you didn’t take it personally whatsoever. You even contemplated going to get Tasty to take your place, but something in you made you want to dance near Satoru. Knowing you could rub your hot body in his face and he couldn’t touch you turned you on just a bit. You had no idea where this power complex of yours was stemming from. 
“Sure,” he had already paid you more than what the dance costed. “So do you wanna stay out here or go for a private one? I’m fine with whatever, baby.” 
You could’ve cringed at yourself, calling your childhood friend baby. You tucked the wad of cash into your body suit. There was enough money here to pay for either kind of dance, possibly two of them. 
“I’m good actually.” Suguru says, taking a seat on the sofa. Your eye twitches a bit, and you looks towards Satoru. 
“Sugu-chan’s just shy. He couldn’t stop talking about how good you looked.” The white haired male waved his hand. It must’ve been true, because the blush on Suguru’s face was something you could’ve burst out laughing at. Keep it together (Name), you thought.
He was so reserved and gentlemanly at work. You never would’ve guessed he could look this worked up about getting a dance from a beautiful woman. You sit beside him, crossing your legs. 
“If what he said is true, thank you. I’ve done my best to perfect that routine.” You said proudly, shifting your body towards him. “Do you really not want a dance?” You ask again, completely ignoring Satoru, who had been going on about something. 
Suguru shifted in his seat, and he was obviously trying not to look at your breasts when you squeezed them together with you arms like that. 
“I guess I wouldn’t mind one.” He breathed out. You smiled at him before standing up and spreading his legs a bit. You danced in between them, while he laid back and admired you. Satoru sat on the other end of the couch while another dancer attempted to make a pass at him. He accepted her offering, tipping her nicely as well. While she danced for him, you could feel his eyes burning a hole through your back.
You whipped your ass a round, graciously showing Suguru what you had going on. You were feeling mortified on the inside considering he was your childhood friend. However, he was undoubtedly good looking. A little part of you found some sort of sweet satisfaction showing yourself to him like this. He didn’t seem to know it was you, casually sipping while he watched you do your thing.
Your eyes met Satoru’s, who had been peering at you through the body of your fellow dancer. He could feel himself getting aroused at your womanly form, shifting in his seat. He found it hard to focus on the lap dance he was getting from the lovely woman in front of him. 
So this is what she’s really like, he thought to himself.
He had been staring for so long your were getting spooked. Did he realize it was you?
For God sake’s, please no.
He offered you a wink and smirked devilishly before going right back to giving his attention towards his current dancer. Your blindfold was your safety shield, and if he stripped that away from you, you would quit your day job and the go find work in a different club. 
After some time, you and your partner finished, receiving generous tips yet again. 
“Thank you Candy~” Satoru hummed, thanking you on Suguru’s behalf. You waved goodbye, before going towards a new set of customers. He never did stop staring at you that night. Not until you completely removed yourself from the floor. Once your shift was nearly over, and you needed a breather, you seeked refuge back in the prep room.
“I’m glad that’s over,” you sighed, sinking your body into one of many beauty chairs. You decided you had made enough money for the night, removing your blindfold and setting it down on the vanity. Tasty trailed in moments after, swooning excitedly.
“What’s up with you?” You ask, removing your earrings as well.
“I got the dark haired ones number.” Tasty squealed. You were happy for her, considering Suguru was always a decent guy growing up. 
“He’s not bad,” you throw your head back, throwing your hair out of your face.
“It’s the other one I’m particularly wary of.” You say, attempting to tie your hair into a ponytail. 
“Oh yeah! The white haired one told me to give this to you.” Tasty tore another piece of paper from her bralette. 
You stared at the folded strip between her fingertips before anxiously grasping it with your own. You unfolded the thing, eye twitching in agitation.
Call me, if you want ;) XXX-XXX-XXXX
This motherfucker.
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hpotterwhore · 4 years
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warnings: gryffindoor female!reader, angst, some jealousy, mention of a hickey.
a/n: this is the first part of a three part series?? i’m really bad a summaries so i apologize 😔 also this is set in 6th year and there are some flashfowards between each part! there is an oc that i added just for the sake of it.
word count: 1417
summary: you had been bestfriends with harry since 3rd year, becoming inseparable. when harry starts seeing someone, you become an outsider only to realize you should be the one by her side.
i admired myself in the mirror. gryffindor won their first quidditch match of the year and even though i didn’t play myself, i couldn’t just not support my house. besides, my friends worked hard and deserved this.
i went with a black, form fitting dress that accentuated my body perfectly. it was one of the things that gave me confidence. i remember hermione telling me when harry asked her what he should get me for my birthday.
“you wouldn’t believe how frantic he was!” hermione laughed out. “harry really did try hard, i do hope you like his gift y/n.”
i made my way to the common room, everyone inside already lively and cheering on. i found my spot in the corner, watching from afar. i much preferred to keep to myself and my few friends, but i love seeing them happy and i’d always do anything to keep them that way. fred made his way over to me, mischief radiating off of him.
“so y/l/n, enjoying yourself?” he asked. i adore the twins, they’ve always been there for me aside from harry, admittedly, i have always been a bit closer to fred. “course i am fred, sitting in a corner is always a highlight.” i responded sarcastically. he punched my arm playfully. “you need to put yourself out there! what about relationships, aren’t you interested in anyone?” he raised his eyebrows. in complete honesty, my love life has been pretty dull. i’ve put so much effort into my studies that i hadn’t really seen the point of getting in a relationship. i’ve had a crush once or twice, but never anything serious. i didn’t really see the point.
“afraid not.” i said. truthfully, i had a small crush on harry back in 4th year, but it was just that. a crush. time passed and i got over it. fred studied my face to see if i was lying, but he couldn’t tell if i was or not, so he backed down. “fine, i’ll lay off, see you around.” he winked at me before walking off to join everyone else.
i looked around the room, taking in the ambiance when harry made eye contact with me and motioned for me to come with him to another less crowded part of the common room. he always considered at how much i hated large groups, and he preferred i be comfortable. i always admired how considerate he was — and still is.
“nice party, harry” i smiled. “it is? isn’t it?” we sat down on one of the couches and caught up a bit. he’s been so busy with quidditch practice i haven’t really been able to see him. breaking the silence, i asked him a question that caught him off guard.
“is it odd that i haven’t dated anyone?” i asked. harry tilted his head. he knew i was never one to care about relationships, and honestly was confused as to why i cared now. “no, not at all. why do you ask?” i looked down, fidgeting with my dress. “no reason. just curious, is all.” suddenly feeling the weight of the room, you contemplated leaving the party early. harry being harry, he noticed this. “you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, you know.” he reassured as he patted my knee. “no it’s okay! i want to be here for you guys.” i told him. it was partly true, i really did want to congratulate them on their win. but i will probably leave a bit earlier than i intended to.
we sat for a few moments before a girl walked up to harry and gave him a small peck on the cheek. i gave him a look of confusion. had harry ever talked about her before? she was insanely pretty. he wrapped his arm around her waist, “oh right! y/n, this is my new girlfriend.” he smiled contently. she waved at me, “hi! i’m genevieve, but you can call me eve!” i slightly nodded my head and gave her a small smile. “okay..hi eve.” i responded. i didn’t mind that harry was dating, but why didn’t he tell me? we tell each other everything. “so, how did you and harry meet?” i asked. harry was about to speak before she cut him off. “oh it’s the funniest story! i’ll tell you.” she sits down next to me and went on about how they met. i mostly tuned it out, giving a nod every few minutes o show i was interested.
“-and that’s it! cute, right?” she linked harry’s arm with hers, turning to him. “yeah.” he said, less than enthusiastic, which i’m sure only i picked up on, because eve began to talk again more bubbly than ever. “should i tell you about-” stopping her before she could tell another story, i gave them both a simple smile. “i’m gonna go to bed, i’m getting pretty tired, see you both later.” i stood up and left.
i truly was tired, so i took a shower and threw on a baggy t-shirt and some shorts. i tried going to sleep, only to be kept awake by my thoughts. i knew i shouldn’t be bothered, but i was a bit hurt.
usually me and harry were in sync. and i was beginning to feel that maybe this new girl was the reason i hadn’t been able to see him that often. she seemed super nice, just overly enthusiastic. and if i’m being honest, totally not harry’s type. unsure as to why this bothers me, i opt for being happy for harry instead, and actually get some sleep. if only i had woken up with the same attitude.
the next morning
hermione wanted to wake me up for breakfast, being the early bird that she is. after attempting and failing, she noticed i was in fact awake, i just wasn’t getting out of bed.
sitting on my bed, she tried to coax me downstairs to the dining hall. “y/n, come on! i’m hungry.” she pouted. i gave her one look, and turned over. “wait- is something wrong?” she said, sincerely. that’s another thing, hermione could literally read me like a book. which sometimes i was grateful for, and i knew that if i didn’t tell her what was up now she’d get it out of me later.
“did you know harry was dating?” hermione blinked at me, and gave a dry laugh. “i think he mentioned it once or twice.” she trailed off, putting her pointer finger to her chin in an attempt to help her recall her memory. “why, does he have a girlfriend?” she asks.
i get up, and start changing but continue the conversation. “yes actually, i met her last night.” you said flatly. hermione narrowed her eyes at me, before saying. “that’s why you didn’t want to get out of bed this morning—you’re jealous?” you matched her gaze, quite shocked at the insinuation that you would ever be jealous of someone who was with harry. 
“no!” you answered far too quickly. “i mean, i’m just upset harry didn’t tell me, you know?” you reasoned. unfortunately, hermione wasn’t buying it but she was was willing to let it go for now. “hm. fine, let’s go get breakfast?” you nodded, following her out of your dorm.
truthfully, i didn’t really eat much, hermione and ron were ogling each other the entire time. and something was still bothering me in the pit of my stomach, although i couldn’t figure out what. “hey y/n!” harry said, arriving later to breakfast than usual. in fact, everyone was almost done. “hi.” you responded. he furrowed his brows, shocked at your coldness. i usually greeted him with a smile, but i just wasn’t in the mood today.
he sat down next to you, his usual spot of course. “you okay? you seem a bit..off” he noted. turning to look at him, you prepared to respond when you noticed a hickey just above his collar bone. you suddenly didn’t want to be there, and completely ignored his question. “i um, i’ve gotta go.” i stood up, running to the closest bathroom.
i still had some time before my first lesson, so i took it to compose myself. “what the hell was that, y/n!” you exclaimed, staring the girl in front of me down in the mirror. then, as if your day could get any worse, another girl walked in. “oh! y/n, right?” i recognized the voice from last night.
you’ve got to be bloody kidding me.
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amara-scott · 4 years
Enjoy your dinner.
Movie: The Gentlemen Characters: Raymond Smith x Reader Categories: Teasing
you’re reading part one | part two
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Takes place a few weeks before the movie timeline.
3rd Person P.O.V.:
Her father knew very well that she did not enjoy these kinds of events. Richlings bragging about their richness to other fat cats. Not to mention the young ones. The ones her age, who did not have to flip a coin to get any of the wealth their parents owned. Dirty or good money, does not matter. It is more dirty than anything else though. And she knew that also. Another reason for her to usually not stay longer than needed.
It has been a while since her father has last asked her to join him and her mother to a dinner party. It was way more just a synonym for let’s see who will embarrass themselves first by drinking too much of the way too expensive bottle of rum. Long translation - but a hundred percent correct. 
And even though she loathed going, she always used the opportunity to make the largest impact possible without trying to say a word. She loved the longing stares and the surprised ones every time she did indeed attend alongside her parents. Today it was just her father though. Her mother was out in Paris, probably spending all the pocket money her loving husband gave her. At least their love for each other seemed honest.
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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
When I walk down the stairs to stop in front of a mirror in my hallway, I hear another honk of the limousine waiting outside. I sigh, grabbing a light coat and throwing that over my arm, holding a small clutch in my hand. After locking the door behind me, I greet Mitch with a smile.
“ ’Ello Miss (Y/L/N), hope you are doing well today.” I hold back a roll of my eyes, long forgotten how many times I made him call me by my first name. If I had to guess, probably around 64 times. He doesn’t work for me, he works for my father and my father alone. 
“Very well indeed, how about you, Mitch?” He smiles, about to answer, when a voice from inside the car calls out.
“-You can chat on the way there, we’re late as it is.” Now I do roll my eyes at my fathers words and send Mitch another small smile. He nods, closing the door when I’m in, going back to the drivers seat.
“Wow, darlin’, you look lovely tonight.” I greet him with a kiss to each cheek and buckle up.
“Thank you, is that a new suit? I’ve never seen you wear burgundy red.” He nods, smoothing out the fabric. 
“It is, it is. You’re a smart one. I despised the colour but your mother thinks it looks expensive and high-class. And you know her- there’s no telling her no.” I chuckle along and we get a few small-talk questions out the way before we finally arrive at the mansion. Some old business partner of my father’s. I can’t keep names in mind so I usually go the shy and long time no see route. It usually works.
My father helps me step outside and Mitch rides off, picking us up later again. Before walking after my father I take a deep breath and exhale, placing a smile onto my face. Fake- but no one seemed to notice the last few times. So no worries there. Walking up the stairs, an arm wraps around mine and I glance up to my right, frowning at the sudden physical contact. James. Yes, the one person I loathed the least. Or you could say - who I actually liked a bit. I grin and bump my shoulder with his as he guides me up to the entrance.
“Hello there gorgeous lady, haven’t seen you around a lot lately.” 
“Well, can you blame me? These types of gatherings do not amuse me much. They rather support my boredom and make me want to drown in expensive alcohol. I don’t want to turn into an alcoholic.” He smirks at my statement but shakes his head. 
“You’re a special one, you know that?” I nod, sighing dramatically. I look up front, where my father is already involved with other suit-wearing snobs.
“I know- I am.” I try sounding posh, but fail miserably, making us both laugh. I still have my arm wrapped around his’ as we get offered a drink and then he is off. Talking business, making connections. A life I would not want to live. That is why James and me could never be more than friends. Even though he might wants change my mind on that one day - I would never accept his advances.
“Well, well, well. If it is not little Miss (Y/L/N) Junior. How are things going?” I turn, taking another sip of champagne as I recognise the slimy man in front of me. His eyes wandering up and down my presence. 
“Oscar- what a nice surprise-” My fake smile widens and I let him kiss my knuckles briefly - even though some of the potatoes I had for lunch earlier wanted to revisit. He must be double my age - I never thought of that. 50 at least.
“Would not be that much of a surprise to you if you would join our parties more often.” So it is his housing we are inside of right now. Good to know...
“Oh, Oscar. You know I am a busy woman. Cannot have fun all the time.” My smile starts to hurt my cheeks but I keep it up. Having held it for longer. My record is 24 minutes and 37 seconds. Yes, I know. Very impressive.
“But you never fail to make a grand entrance, what a gown on you - just lovely. Perfectly fitting for you, an extraordinary woman.” His sickly, slimy words feel like nails scratching on a chalk board but I hold back a flinch, nodding once. Not quite sure how to reply. I glance down at my drink, assumingly and very unconsciously having drank it all.
“Oh, would you look at that- I think I need a refill, it was lovely chatting-” “-Let me get you a new one.”
“No need, Oscar. I will just go myself.” 
“Oh please, I insist-”
“-Here, take mine. I don’t drink Champagne.” I turn to my right, looking at the source of the new voice. A man I have not seen before stands there - a neat three piece in dark blue, adoring his well shaped physique. His dirty blonde hair combed back to perfection. He rearranges his glasses with his free hand before it disappears in the pocket of his trousers. The other one still holding out the glass to me. I realise I held a breath and nod at him, this time smiling genuinely. 
“Thank you-” I drift off, not taking my eyes off his. A little staring contest going on. I accept the drink and take a sip. Not having blinked once. Just like him.
“-Raymond. Raymond Smith.”
“Nice to meet you, Raymond Smith. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
“I know that.” I quirk an eyebrow at his answer, him staying silent though, a small smile grazing his lips. 
“Well, why don’t I give you a little tour? We have a whole new balcony on the east wing-”
“-no, thank you Oscar. I just found a way more interesting activity.” I cut him off, not taking my eyes off of Raymond Smith. I see his lips twitch but he is holding back a smirk. Which makes my smile grow. I only hear a huff and grumbling. 
I then break the eye contact, feeling rather lost now and walk past him, closely past him. My shoulder barely touching his jacket. I can feel his eyes on my back, making me sway my hips a tad more than usual. The things the right man can make you do.
I decide to sit down at an empty table and pick out some of the delicate canapés placed in the center. It looks like a mushroom tartlet and once inside my mouth I nod to myself. One thing that makes me come back to these parties is definitely the appetisers and the drinks. Lot’s of effort goes into them but no one seems to enjoy any. Either because they are busy laughing at jokes that are not funny or because they think others would judge them for eating. I learned to not care, ever, about what someone thought of me because I eat more than them. Their loss.
“Enjoying the food, I see.” I chew quickly and swallow thickly, holding a napkin to my lips as Raymond sits next to me at the round table, taking a tartlet himself. I hum.
“I do, cannot be mad about the food. I am a true gourmet, what can I say. But- you probably already knew that, did you not?” I grin at him, watching his chew and making eye contact with me once more. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“No, did not. I will note it down though.” His teasing tone sparks my interest and I wonder how far I could go. Or what he works as. Why I have never seen him before. 
“Tell me, Raymond Smith, who are you?” I turn toward him, leaning my arm on the table and tilting my head slightly, full attention on him. He wipes his hands at a napkin, eyes cast down as he seems deep in thought. Choosing his words carefully. One of the only men here who do.
“I don’t really exist. I just - like a good dinner party every now and then.” I bite my lip at his cheeky reply, trying to hold back all the things running through my mind. 
“Can I guess?” I lift my head and he nods, gesturing for me to go ahead. He leans back slightly, probably expecting the most cliché answers anyway. So I think again, observing his posture and the drifting of his eyes every now and then. Back over to the big table. A couple people sitting there. He must be here either with his wife or colleague. I shake my head at the wife, he wouldn’t be sitting here with me if he had one. 
“Well, seeing as you’re not here by yourself, you must be the right hand to someone or - maybe you are the kid of a big fish.” He smirks, nodding. One must be correct. I go with my first instinct. “-a right hand man it is.” I look back over to where he seemed to focus earlier. I do know a few of them. One being a partner to my father’s business. Another one the son of said partner. And then - no way. Micheal Pearson himself. The Micheal Pearson. Sticky bush Pearson. But Raymond would not be involved-
“-I see you figured it out.” My eyes snap back to Raymond and I close my mouth, licking my dry lips in the process. I tense up, not knowing if running would be an appropriate reaction. But then again - I never cared about appropriate behaviour that much.
“And I also see you’re taken aback.” It sounded more like a question really. But I only nod, sending him a small smile.
“It is not every day that I cross paths with true gangsters.” 
“I will take that as a compliment. And just for your information-” He leans in closer, elbows on his thighs. “-there are a few more gangsters here than you would like to care.” 
I gulp at his intense eyes, he leans back up and stands to his feet, smoothing out his suit and buttoning his jacket. 
“Well, if you would excuse me, my duties as a right hand man are needed. Have a good rest of your evening, Miss (Y/L/N). Enjoy your dinner.” 
“You too, Mister Smith.” He nods, walking off. I look after him, Mister and Misses Pearson walking off with him and exiting the building. I let out a breath I was holding and sink back into the chair. Not without being haunted by those icy blue orbs.
More The Gentlemen Imagines
Full Masterlist
part two
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mansions-maiden · 4 years
Helloww, I'm here for 3rd request xD
Don't know you like it or not but hw abt MC is sweet, ladylike, polite, never complained, and lovely girl but someday...when comte hold a banquet and yeps mc has low tolerance alcohol and got drunk so herself became 180° 😂😂😂
She started laughing like maniac, shouting and scold the residents like asian mom 😂.
Etc 😂😂 you can make what kind of screaming+scolding she will throw at them 😂😂😂 The residents ? OH I WANT TO SEE THEIR STUPID SHOCKED FACES AHAHAHA. Take your time writing it xD and thank you so much before my darlingzzz 😘😘😘❤️❤️
This is gonna be a fun one to write! Sorry this took so much time to write! I have been busy with school works. But I’ve been writing it slowly. here you go!  The words in the brackets (..) indicate that she missed saying these words.  I had to write the words in a weird way to show that the words were being slurred by mc. 
I tried writing it to your ask .Hope you like it! 
Everyone was still wearing surprised Pikachu faces as they were staring at sleeping MC. For never had they expected to see the completely hidden side of her.
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Previously, that evening~  
MC is sweet and  perfect lady, as described in the ask. But little did the vampires know what they would be witnessing that night. 
The lord of the mansion decided to throw another banquet that night for the second time in the month being the hedonistic man he is. And all the residents were invited, including MC. 
All of them reached the venue that evening and in the banquet halls, many fancy dishes were there, waiting to be eaten by  people. There were finest of the wines brought from the  far away land and the exotic dishes that were never seen before. 
All of the mansion residents gathered in a room(kinda VIP room). All have helped themselves with a drink or two and were chatting away. MC stood against the walls of the room, swirling her champagne glass as she spoke to Sebastian.
All of them continued talking to each other.
After some more time:
MC was still speaking when she began giggling to herself continuously. 
All the residents:  “???????⁇?”
MC:” if only people knew how crazy these idiots are!! bwahahaha!” 
Napoleon: “Who are you talking about MC?”  
MC: “ Who am I ... talkin bout? I talk about the grreeat ‘men’ in history.." mc continued giggling as her words began to slur.
Arthur: "And why exactly are we 'idiots'? "
MC: "who in the world knew that all of these men would have crazy sides no one ever knows!" She began laughing again.
All of them looked at each other and then at MC. They noticed her flushed cheeks and understood the situation. 
“MC, you are quite drunk. You should stop drinking now..” 
“ N-no no no no.. I’m not drunk at all.. see,I only drank 1,2,... 4 glasses of champagne! I want to talk! “ 
MC: “comte! do you know..? arthot went into the town again yesterday even after you shun himm.. But he didn’t let me tell you...! teach him a lesson comte!” MC told as she pretended  that she was holding a gun against Arthotur’s head. 
“What in the world is mademoiselle doing?” Jean asked with a confused stare as Sebastian replied, “In our time period, we show guns with our hands in that way.. it’s a type of pretend play..”. 
“And..wait  what? From when did my name change to Arthot?? Did she misspell it??” Arthur asked looking at her. 
“ Lemme think.. nope.. You’re ..definitely Art..Thot! yup! That’s it!” 
  “Arthur.. come to my room later. I should ‘gently’ remind you the rules of the mansion. “ Arthur gulped audibly as comte stared at him with ‘nothing-is-wrong’ smile.
“Arthur, Dazai-san!! Can (you) come here once??” She suddenly asked them with  puppy eyes as they came forward. She tried to reach their faces but couldn’t. She pouted a little and climbed onto the couch behind her. 
“OWW!! “ Both of them cried in pain as MC twisted each of Arthur’s and Dazai’s ears.  “ how.. how dare youu...!  How dare you tease.. Is..Isaac?! the only baby of this mansion! Poor boy! He’s traumatized because of you!” 
Isaac having the time of his life: “That’s right mc! How dare they tease a bab- wait! Who do you think you’re calling BABY!??! “ Isaac frowned at his yet another new nick name. 
Her feet began wobbling and she fell from the couch onto Mozart.  “Aww man!! I fell off the couch!!! Bu..but.. this pillow is soo smoooth and silkyy.. yayy! A nice pillow for me..! “ She said as she snuggled her face into her’pillow’, aka Mozart’s chest. 
“What do you think you’re doing?! Get her off me! mmph!! “ Mozart began yelling but felt a hand clamped over his mouth. “Shh.. doon’t shout.. and you should.. smile like this. Say CHEEEESE! “ MC said, forcing his lips into a smile with her hands. 
MC kept giggling even when Napoleon and Leonardo helped Mozart and sat her on the couch.
(I'm sorry I know that her giggling is too much but I don't know how drunk person acts exactly ^^;)
Leonardo: "How much did she even drink? Why didn't you stop her Sebas?"
Sebastian: "I'm sorry master Leonardo.. I didn't expect her to drink these many. I thought she had high alcohol tolerance.."
Leonardo (stretching hand towards mc): "Cara mia, you had enough fun, c'mon you need to rest up in the mansion.
MC shook her head vigorously . "Noooo! I don't want to rest! I want to talk to all of you~! Why don't you go to sleep ...? Da Vinci~. You've got your bed AKA them... (Pointing finger towards floor and wall) . I'll sing a lullaby to youu.. "
She began humming the tone of the lullaby as she dragged Leonardo with her.
" Rock-a-bye, baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall
Down will come baby, cradle and all"
"Go to bed renaissance man! And ! Your cigarillos are confiscated by me! Hmph! " She took the cigarillos from his pockets and threw them into the dustbin.
"MC! You sing so good! It's as if the angel herself has sung the lullaby.. what song is it?" Vincent asked with an excited and curious gaze.
" the lullaby..? T'is from my own time.. god! I miss my old days in college! " Everybody heard small sniffles in the room then. 
They felt helpless seeing her cry. “What’s the matter cherie? Why are you crying? Is something hurting you? “ comte asked approaching her. 
“*sniffle* everything is *hic* alright comte *sniffle, hic*. I just remembered *sniffle* my own time and my friends.. I miss them *sniffle* a lot..” Tears began rolling down her soft cheeks.  Everyone looked at each other.. 
“ A-and.. *sniffle* I also remember the days I used to cry and struggle due to math in college. Especially calculus.. And I’ve heard that Isaac was the one wh- *sniffle* who invented it.. Isn’t it Isaac?”  She asked Isaac through the glassy eyes. 
Isaac: “Y-yeah... it was me..” He lowered his eyes as if he had done a mistake. 
MC grabs Isaac’s lapels weakly and shouted, “Why? Why did you invent calculus?! I remember.. I remember the days I used to stay awakee... until late night, scratching my head and struggling to... to solve them!!    I... hatee.. you !!” She suddenly released him and pushed him back, making him wobble a little. 
Theo: “what the heck hondje?! how much drunk are you!? your mood swings are faster than Arthur’s snarky comments! “ 
MC: “ Hey Theo! Don’t you dare call me Hondje.. You’re the hondje... Who doesn’t allow anyone to come near your darling brother like a guard dog!” 
Theo was very taken back at the sudden backfiring of the nickname. 
MC: “Coming to Vincent and Jean! you both are so adorable.  You’re the epitome of purity. I love you both so much. muah!” She sent a flying kiss to both and both the men’s cheeks flushed a little. 
Napoleon: “Do you have something to say about me MC?” He asked her with curiosity and a little amusement dancing in his eyes. 
MC: “ Well, All I can say ..is.. DON’T GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE! I can’t.. beliieeve that ‘nightmare of Europe’ went around kissing people.. poor soldiers must have been traumatized..! “ 
“ I can’t believe the nerve of you all to send me to Napoleon’s room early in the morningg!  *gasp* Wait !!This means that all of you have been kissed by him.. didn’t you? Hahahaaa!!”   she continued laughing clutching her stomach hard. 
“Do you know?! There’s a stalker in the mansion who stalks you all 24/7. And he notes it down in his ‘oh no! they didn’t ‘ notebook! It’s none other than our Seba- mmph! “ her voice suddenly came out  muffled as Sebas quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. 
“Wait-who is that stalker??” Dazai asked in confusion. 
“It’s no one Dazai san. She’s just blabbering.”  Sebas quickly replied in a stoic expression. 
“Wow.. she speaks truth when she’s drunk Will..” Vincent told Shakespeare. “ She is.. After all, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart..” Shakespeare told him. 
“Cherie, you must really go back to mansion now. Come, I shall escort you back home..” Comte said worriedly as he approached her. 
“ NO! no comte ~ . See, I-I’m perfectly fine~. And you should stop being a mother comte. For the god’s sake, you’re a man! See, look at your reflection! You’re a handsome man! not a beautiful woman! Ditch all these.. motherly duties and enjoy yourself.~! “  She exclaimed as she turned him towards the mirror. 
“And you all~! stop being such a child and stressing out poor comte! Okay?! repeat after mee! from this day forth, I shall look after myself and never stress out  mama comte!” 
“Do you even like us luv?” Arthur asked her with a knowing smile. 
“Well, yes.. of course! Even though you all are handful.. I love you all a lot! I love you all this..much (spreading her hands on both sides)..I want to.. stay here..for..ever..” 
Suddenly, she felt the world spinning and lost consciousness. But Sebastian caught her by the waist in the nick of time. 
The room suddenly fell silent as the blabbering of a drunk resident stopped. 
“Well well- tonight’s play was rather very interesting.. But the curtains have fallen in a very unexpected way..” Shakespeare said laughing and breaking the silence. 
Sebastian gently laid her on the couch as she slept soundly. “never expected to see this side of cara.. not that I dislike it though..” Leonardo said as he laughed breezily. 
“It felt so entertaining to see her talking her like this.. Though it’s not gentlemanly, I would love to invite her to drinks and make her drunk.. I want to hear those words and keep them to myself..” comte said looking at her. 
“Let’s take her home and call it a day.. And let’s keep it a secret among ouselves...” Napoleon added. Everyone nodded in agreement and started towards mansion, still laughing at her words. That’s how they came to know the completely hidden side of mc that eventful night.  
                  -------------------- THE END   --------------------
 i also wanted to ask you guys if my plots up until now were different or if it feels like I’m writing cliché things..how does it feel? 
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Argo ch. 2
Friday the 13th - Friendship/Romance - Jason Voorhees/OC M/M ship
2084 words, 3rd person POV
I love to hear feedback on my fics so please don't be shy! You can also tell me your thoughts on anon if you don't want your name on your comments!
Cross-posting on FFN under PyroTheWereCat
Meeting Lijah face to face threw off Jason's rhythm for the rest of the day, and for the entire day after. He had no idea what to do with himself. He could go home, but his mother would want progress by now and he did not want to try to explain how he let Lijah go when even he didn't know exactly why he did it. He could start planning the killings of the other counselors, but he couldn't focus long enough to think about that. His mind was stuck on Lijah, and he determined the only way to get unstuck was to see him again. He had to know why he wasn't afraid and treated him so kindly. There had to be some sort of motive.
Darkness fell over the camp that Friday night, and Jason patrolled the outskirts until every last fire went out and all noise had subsided. His blood was on fire, and he could not rest until his curiosity was sated. He quietly crept to the counselor cabins, searching for number five. Would Lijah be alone? Was this a good idea to come here at all? Jason berated himself internally for his interest in this person. This was stupid. Why was he here? He could easily just kill them all and return to his mother as usual. What was different this time?
There, a little distance from the other cabins, Jason saw a large number 5 painted on the side of the building. The lights were off, save for one room where the soft yellow glow spilled out into the woods where Jason stood. He steeled himself, prepared to fight if an ambush awaited him. Not quite ready, but ready enough, he approached the window and peered inside.
Lijah's bedroom was relatively tidy, minus the small heap of dirty clothes in one corner, and some posters with ragged edges and some tears that were taped to the walls. A dresser stood on the right side of the room next to the door, a small radio and some books resting atop it. Above the dresser hung a simple mirror, and it reflected Lijah's slim legs as he lay on the bed on the opposite end of the room. Jason turned his gaze to the left, seeing Lijah in a thin t-shirt and boxer briefs, reading a book on his bed. Was there ever a time he did not look so at peace?
Jason contemplated simply letting himself in, but he felt compelled to avoid scaring Lijah as long as he could. He sighed heavily and knocked on the window, hoping this wasn't the worst decision he could possibly make. Lijah gave a small start at the sound and turned to see who had made it. To Jason's surprise, Lijah's eyes lit up and he smiled as he set the book down and hopped off of the mattress. He lifted the window open and stepped aside for Jason to climb through.
"Hey!" Lijah greeted cheerfully, "I was hoping I'd get to see you again!"
Jason awkwardly clambered into the room, his size proving troublesome for the space provided by the window. He grunted as he heaved himself through, but he managed without Lijah's offered assistance. He closed the window behind him and turned back to Lijah, the closeness of the walls and ceiling emphasizing just how much of a height and width difference there was between them.
"Have a seat!" Lijah insisted, patting the bed, "Make yourself at home. I was just reading a few chapters to make myself tired enough to sleep, but I can stay up to hang out with you."
Jason sank into the mattress, watching Lijah the entire time. Was something wrong with him that he didn't perceive a threat from Jason? Or maybe he was just leading him on and tricking him into trusting him, and then he would turn against him later. Lijah stepped over to his dresser to retrieve one of the books. Jason saw that it was a spiral bound notebook with a pencil jammed in the binding. Lijah brought the notebook to the bed and climbed up to sit next to him, folding his legs underneath himself.
"I figured since you don't talk, this might help if you want to tell me something about yourself or ask me questions," Lijah explained, "Are you comfortable with writing?"
Jason shrugged. It had been a long time since he had written anything, not counting his own name in the dirt yesterday. He was able to read, but he wasn't confident in his spelling or handwriting. He accepted the notebook anyway, having some questions for Lijah that he could not express through body language.
"cant rite good. ELijah college?" he wrote, needing to spell the full name and crossing out the 'E' to get it right.
"Do I go to college?" Lijah checked, and upon Jason's nod, he elaborated, "Yup, I'm on break right now, but I'm going back in the fall for my senior year. I'm studying psychology and sociology. I'm hoping I can get into social work or therapy or something and help a lot of people."
Jason's frustration increased at this declaration. There was no way he was this good. There had to be some dark side to him somewhere.
"What about you?" Lijah asked, "Do you live around here? And, I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?"
Jason nodded and returned to the notebook.
"live with Mother by camp. im 23."
"Oh, nice, you're only two years older than me!" Lijah commented, "Do you get along well with your mom?"
Jason nodded and pointed to Lijah as a means to ask him the same question.
"I don't live with my parents anymore," Lijah answered, his tone changing very slightly to hint at some discomfort, "They're good people, but I couldn't live in that environment anymore once I started college. I've pretty much been living either at school or at summer camps for the past few years, but I'm looking into apartments for myself so I can have a place to live after I graduate."
There was the lead. Something must have been wrong with Lijah's family life to force him out on his own, and the implication that he didn't have friends to stay with made the mystery all the more enticing. He remembered the female counselor from the day before who had asked to go with Lijah before he and Jason had met.
"frends?" Jason wrote, "girl frend?"
Lijah laughed, and Jason felt a shiver at the sound for some reason.
"I get along with everybody, but I don't really have any close friends," he said, "I haven't dated anyone for a while now either. I've been focusing on myself and getting through school, though also the people I tend to date are...not the best for me."
From what Jason had seen of Lijah from afar, he seemed like he had lots of friends and was close with many people, but now it seemed he was just as alone as Jason himself. He stared at Lijah for a moment, trying to figure him out. It was then that he noticed some tiny details about Lijah's face that he hadn't seen in the woods yesterday.
Lijah had freckles on his nose, and his eyelashes were long. His eyes were a greenish hazel, and crinkled at the corners when he smiled. His usually fluffy brown hair was somewhat damp looking, possibly from a recent shower. Jason couldn't explain it, but Lijah was rather pleasant to look at.
"So you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I'm a little curious," Lijah prompted, snapping Jason back to reality, "Why do you wear a hockey mask? Is it good for keeping bugs out of your face?"
Jason tensed. He didn't want Lijah to see his face under the mask. That would surely scare him and make him hate him like everyone else. Jason shook his head and tried to think of an excuse to write down, but all he could think of was,
"i like it."
Lijah nodded upon reading this.
"That's a good, solid reason for anything," he agreed, "I should start living by that a little more, honestly."
Jason relaxed at this, relieved that Lijah accepted that answer. He wasn't sure why, but he was beginning to want Lijah to like him. It was almost like when he was a child and wanted to be friends with the other kids at camp, but this felt different somehow. Lijah didn't have friends of his own either, so they would only have each other if this worked.
Jason did not even think about possibly killing Lijah at this point. He was far too invested in who he was as a person, as well as excited at the possibility of having a real friend, to remember what his mission was. Mother wasn't expecting him back until August. It should be fine.
"Alright, Jason, I'm gonna tell you something and I don't want you to get upset," Lijah began, scratching the back of his head, "But I figure if you wanted to, you could have easily killed me a few times by now, so I think I'm safe. I honestly thought you were gonna kill me yesterday in the woods - we've all heard the stories of the Killer of Crystal Lake or whatever; they warned me of the history of this place when I was hired - but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat everyone the way I'd want to be treated. I figured if I died, I would die putting my best foot forward, and, wouldn't you know it, I did that literally."
Jason blinked. Was that really all he'd needed to not kill people? Someone being nice to him?
"For the record, and I'm sure you know this already, but I'm not scared of you now. People don't have to look a certain way to be good or bad. And, hey, if you helped me out and came to visit me like this, you can't be all bad, can you?"
Either Lijah was too naive for his own good or he was very good in the field he was studying. Perhaps both? Jason wasn't sure. He picked up the pencil again to write,
"can i see u more?"
Lijah read this and nodded.
"I'd love that!" he enthused, "Please, come see me this time of night any night you want. I've got lots of books to read, I've got food in the fridge, you can shower here if you want to...I'm the only one who uses this cabin, so really, I don't mind you being here and making yourself comfortable."
Jason wasn't an expert at body language or understanding people in general, but it was clear to him that Lijah desperately wanted a friend. He felt a twitch at the corners of his mouth, a small smile breaking through. Whatever this was between them, they both wanted it, needed it, and Jason looked forward to exploring an actual friendship with someone his own age. Maybe he could bring Lijah back to Mother and show her that there was someone special in the outside world, someone who cared about everyone.
It was a nice thought, but nice thoughts never lasted long.
Jason and Lijah spent several hours that night getting to know each other. Jason could not believe how easy it was to communicate with him and even more so how easy it was to let his guard down. He found himself having fun, something he couldn't remember the last time it happened. Lijah did grow quite tired after midnight, however, so Jason excused himself through the window to allow Lijah to sleep.
He returned to his temporary campsite in the woods to get some rest as well, wanting to have plenty of energy tomorrow to spend more time with Lijah. He wondered if he had tried to approach the counselors he'd killed differently, if he had a more approachable mask and cleaned up the rest of his appearance, would he have been able to befriend them too? He doubted that notion the instant it materialized in his mind; those counselors weren't like Lijah and would have been afraid of him either way. Lijah was special...Jason could feel it deep within him. Just a few hours with him made Jason reconsider killing anyone this summer.
He hoped Mother would approve.
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mcyt-transcribed · 3 years
transcript of “where I've been”
TW for discussion of cancer and Covid-19
 Here’s the Google Doc link or you can click on the read more.
Techno: Yo, Technoblade here with another upload, oh my God I can’t believe it. We’re back, we’re playing Bedwars, uh, I don’t know why I said that in the present tense because I actually recorded these Bedwars games a few days ago. I have- I’ve played like, almost no Bedwars since the win streak, which was like, I dunno, years ago - so, you know, forgive me if I’m a little rusty. These are literally just the first three games of Bedwars I played, recorded them, and then just threw them in this background footage because, you know, I like live commentaries a lot, but I feel like sometimes, when you have a topic to talk about, having to play a video game simultaneously can sorta- it can sorta detract from the commentary, you know?
But before that: a plushie commercial filmed on my iPhone.
We got the first one - it’s Technoblade. He’s in a flying pose. He’s flying to save some civilians or he’s falling flat on his face. Depends on who you ask. Alright. We got the- We got Technoblade. He’s sitting down. He’s- He’s seated. He’s seated. It’s incredibly exciting. Uh, we got- we got Technoblade but he’s- he’s a giant- he’s a gigantic pillow. It’s Technopillow. This is actually- This is actually really- This is really soft. You’re gonna have to take my word for it.
These plushies go on sale on September 3rd at 3 PM EST at youtooz.com. The last ones sold out in around eight hours, so be prepared. I mean, one of them was like, two minutes but ehhh, it’s not happening again.
So where has Technoblade been? I know I’ve been gone since like, June. I was actually being really productive in July, which I know you guys are gonna- You’re not gonna believe me when I say that because I made no content. But I was! I was, you gotta believe me, okay? I was getting so much work done IRL; I was like, filling out paperwork, making business moves, working on merchandise, buying new equipment to make new videos. ‘Cause I really wanted- I really wanted to increase the rate at which I was making videos, ‘cause I kinda spent- You know, I kinda spent like, all this time becoming a famous YouTube and then instantly like, stopped uploading. Which, I mean, to be fair, I guess that started more in like 2018. So, that’s more just a pattern now.
 But I figured, you know, this whole thing where I go two- you know, one or two months without uploading- I don’t want that to be me, man. I wanna be uploading at least once per week. So I spent a lot of time preparing to do that. And the plan was that I would start doing that in August, but I took a- It didn’t- It’s, uh- It’s not going great, I’m not going to lie to you.
So in the last two days of July I noticed that my right arm was starting to hurt a decent amount and I thought- My best guess was that it was some kind of repetitive stress injury, ‘cause you know I’ve been playing video games since the age of like, five. It’s pretty much nonstop. I was gonna get carpal tunnel at some point but, uh, I took a few days to rest my arm and it really didn’t… really didn’t feel any better after that. And so after a few days of that, I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed that my right shoulder was starting to swell like crazy and I was like, “Oh my God! I must’ve broken a bone, this is-” I mean, this- It looked- it looked crazy.
So, you know, the next day - August 2nd - I, uh, headed over to the doctor to see what was wrong and uh, they ran a couple of scans and then they came back and they told me that, uh, the reason my arm hurts is because I have cancer.
That really couldn’t have gone worse, I don’t think. I feel a bit silly talking about this with, uh, Minecraft in the background; it feels a bit out of place. But I’m a Minecraft YouTuber - I don’t- I don’t do a face cam. Which is I guess how most people would talk about serious things, with a face cam. I also probably, uh- *chuckles* Also probably a bit weird to plug my merchandise in the- in the same video, like, “Hey, guys, I have a- I have a terrible disease, also buy my plushies, bro.” But uh- *laughs* Listen: I’ve been waiting so many months to sell those plushies, bro. And it keeps getting delayed and now cancer thinks it can stop me. No no no no no. I’m trying to make some bank, bro. I wanna get paid, also they look fantastic, I mean just look at them, they look incredible. Alright?
I mean, I guess it would be ideal to like, split up the announcements, but I’m going back into chemotherapy next week; I don’t got time for this, man. We gotta go!
To be fair, I could make this a lot weirder; I could have like, the thumbnail be a giant red arrow pointing to my tumor with the caption “Might die! Not clickbait!” *laughs* Yeah, just the ultimate- the ultimate YouTuber, bro. We’re clickbaiting the whole process.
So after the scans come in, I get transferred to another hospital which has an oncology award, so it’s a lot more specialized towards what I need. And I’m sorta like sitting there in the bed for a couple of days like, “Hello. Could I please get some healthcare? Could I- Could I just get a- Could I just get a crumb of healthcare? Please! Like, I *stutters* I wanna see people sprinting, you know? I feel like I want to see some urgency, you know? If you guys gotta- *stammers* You know, there’s like, this tumor on my arm - if you guys could just- if you guys could just get rid of it. Just get rid of it right now! Could we just go? If you gotta cut off my arm, cut off my arm, bro - do what you gotta do. I won’t complain, man, I’ve won enough Minecraft tournaments. I’ll just play Minecraft with my feet from here on out, bro. I’ll still be B tier at least, okay? It’s fine. Do what you gotta do.”
But then the doctors are telling me, “Oh, well, we can’t- we can’t do it immediately. We gotta- We gotta find out what it is, we gotta run some tests, do a biopsy.” I’m like, “Okay, do the biopsy.” Like, “Oh, well first we gotta do some scans.” I’m like, “Alright, dude, the scans.” And so it took a couple of days and then they did a biopsy, uh, three days later. And then I was like, “Alright. Let’s go!” And they were like, “Oh, well, the biopsy is gonna take like, a week or more to get back.” And I’m just sitting here like, “Bruh, please. Please, just treat me.”
I mean, it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense and I’m sure they know what they’re doing, but I’m just sitting there in the hospital like, “Please. Please, healthcare.” So they get the biopsy and they send me home and they’re saying like, I’ll come back in like a week or so when they have a treatment plan prepared, and so I- It was a very fun week at home ‘cause I was sitting there still not getting treated and I was just like, looking at my tumor like, “Alright, Mr. Tumor. You know, you need me to survive so it’s in your best interest to just- to just chill out for a little bit, you know? We don’t wanna go too crazy.”
And faintly- Faintly if you strain your ears, underneath my skin you can hear:
[Dream’s speedrun music plays for a few seconds]
Techno: Yeah, it was a really fun week. But I did finally get started on chemotherapy, which is a wonderful process. Let me explain chemotherapy. So basically uh, you know how society has progressed for thousands of years of technological and medical innovation? So basically, one of the top three ways we have to fight cancer is uh, for you to go to the hospital and then they uh, plug you into a machine and then they inject poison directly into your veins for several days. That’s uh, that’s one of the best ways we’ve got of going about this and the poison- it’s supposed to kill the cancer - it uh, also kills things like, you know, blood. But ehhh, does anybody really need blood? I feel like it’s pretty optional, you know? Uh- *small laugh* Blood for the Blood God as it were, alright? Uh, I’ll take what I can get.
I, uh, you know, I used to have a channel meme- ‘cause back in the day- you know how my motivation always goes up and down in, like, cycles? I used to have a meme where whenever I’d get super motivated I’d, ya know, I’d start uploading, like crazy. I’d also do things like get a haircut. And, so, I joked that, uh, the less hair I had, the more I’d upload. ‘Cause that’s- the hair was holding me back. And so, if that’s still true, I gotta say, chemotherapy, that’s gotta be daily uploads or something, bro. *laughs* It’s gonna be- Chemotherapy Arc is gonna be fantastic for content.
Well, ya know, after I got diagnosed, I, uh, I’ve been making a lot of phone calls- ya know, informing all of my distant family members about the situation- and, I gotta say, of all the phone calls I’ve made, nobody took the news worse than my health insurance provider. They’ve been inconsolable for weeks. They were like, “You got what!? No!” 
I mean, I had no idea they cared so much. They’ve just- oh my God. I- I think they’re the real victims of this. I mean, could you imagine? Could you imagine? Like, look at me! I was a healthy twenty-two year old, I, like, barely went to the doctor, even for, like, regular appointments. I- I guess I went to the dentist, that’s the one thing I did. I was the freest paycheck they’ve ever seen in their lives. They could’ve been milking money off of me for decades. And then, bam, cancer, bro. *laughs* Oh, those poor guys. 
Uh, the one- the one favor I- I do wanna ask- If you guys could all do one small favor for Technoblade- uh, you know that coronavirus thing you been hearing in the news for the last couple of years? Uh, I want you guys to get rid of it. Just, uh, I want it gone. Just a couple days should be sufficient for you guys to do that.
No, but, seriously. I’m kind of, uh, immunocompromised right now, which means, uh, if a bacteria touches me or, like, a virus touches me, I will explode. So, yeah, uh, I wanna- get the vaccine, is what I’m saying.
I’m gonna get cancelled by the anti-vaxxers for saying it, but it’s such a good vaccine, bro. Pfizer got full FDA approval, this week, for people aged sixteen and up. I think you- you can also get it if you’re eleven to fifteen if you’ve got emergency approval or whatever. Uh, I mean, if you have any concerns, don’t listen to a Minecraft YouTuber, but, please, at least talk to a doctor. Because it’s- it’s so good bro. It’s so good.
The hospitals are currently getting flooded by unvaccinated people. I’m gonna go ahead and speak on behalf of all cancer patients when I say that it is incredibly annoying when the- when the hospitals are getting overworked by people dying of preventable diseases. I’m just saying- we got dibs on those hospital beds. So, ya know, you- you probably don’t- you don’t even want them really. You don’t even want to need them. So, I think the vaccine… what is it? It, like, reduces the chances of you needing hospitalization from Covid by, like, ninety-six percent? I mean, it’s so effective, bro! Come on! I mean, you might still get, like… I mean, you could still catch coronavirus, but, like, the symptoms are gonna be so much milder, bro, I’m just saying. Think about it. Think about it. Talk to a doctor.
I remember when I first went in for chemotherapy, A: I was thrilled, ‘cause, like, yo! Healthcare! Inject it into my veins, bro! Let’s go! But, also, like, the first couple of days were actually pretty chill. I was like, ‘Dang! This is easy, bro!’. And then it kicked in. And then it kicked in. My energy levels were zero; they were absolutely nothing. It’s hard to describe how tired I was, but I think my one example is- so they let me go back home. And after several days of resting, I had a virtual appointment with a doctor. And, so, they were, like, ‘Alright’. And I was just sitting there, like, ‘Wait a second. You guys want me to sit upright in a chair for an hour? What is this, the Olympics, bro? I’m going back to bed! What? What?’ *laughs* ‘Wha? Let’s calm down here. Sitting in a chair? Am I Superman? Like, come one, bro.’
As you can probably tell, I’m feeling a lot better right now. Which is, uh, I think that’s part of the process, is, uh, you get a little bit of recovery time to, uh, ya know, eat a lot of really good food- get the weight back- and get ready for the next round.
And, uh, before we go back for the next round, I’m gonna be playing a lot of video games, uh, making some content, seeing if I can get some more videos prepared, because, uh- I know people are gonna be like, ‘No! Technoblade! You don’t need to make videos for us! Please rest!’
Nah, this isn’t about you, bro. This is about me. I enjoy this, man. This is, like, one of the safest and most fun things I could be doing right now, bro, I’m gonna do it. I don’t know how much content I could make, ‘cause I’m kinda slow, but we’ll see. We’ll see.
I already have a video prepared for next week, uh, September third. You guys are gonna love it. It’s, uh, it was actually- it’s kind of, kind of an old video. It was, uh, from a few months ago, but it’s very good. So, yeah! You guys have that to look forward to. 
And, for the record, I know I’ve been complaining a lot in this video, but I just wanna clarify that the doctors I have are, like, insanely good, bro. I’m gonna be getting some of the finest healthcare in the world, so don’t worry about me too much.
I think the treatment has already started to show some results. I- I mean, it’s been so short of a time, so the results aren’t gonna be insane or anything, but, at the very least, the speedrun music has stopped playing. 
So, yeah, that’s where I’ve been and that’s what I’m gonna be doing for the foreseeable future. Wish me luck, and, uh, wear a mask, I guess. Ya know, standard coronavirus procedures. All that coronavirus stuff and like, getting vaccinated - that goes double for Californians, okay? But it helps everywhere.
Uh, that’s all I’ve got for today. See you guys next time!
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