#but this is also a non issue and i feel so silly being as annoyed with those posts as i am
sampilled · 7 months
i am aware that when people talk about straightbaiting they are literally just joking but also
That is literally just what happens when the woman is chubby or has a job in a male dominated field or it is an interracial couple.
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toxycodone · 3 months
𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 !
𝘤𝘸. 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴. 𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘰𝘴, 𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘶, 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘤𝘬
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I genuinely think Laios is attracted to the unconventional or stereotypically attractive. Anyone with unique features, personality quirks, etc. If you don't fit in, you're more willing to catch his eye.
He finds it difficult to really like? Gain an interest in someone who doesn't really "stick out". I think it's clear with the way he treats Kabru that like! People kinda are a blur to him! So! anything that makes someone stick out will catch his interest and he'd be more willing to remember them + actually continue to think about them.
MUST. Share his interest in monsters/animals. This is very important. Like there must be a shared interest there whether its just about anatomy, behavior, etc. I just think he needs to be accepted to talk about this and share fun facts. He likes it. Cooking or an interest in food would also be another plus.
Also just? He likes really easygoing people who aren't super judgemental. Laios is really unapologetically himself and he gets chewed out for it by his friends enough. He's very self aware when it comes to his own issues (esp by the end of the manga) so. Yeah. Just someone who he doesn't feel the need to mask around.
Honestly, maybe someone childish would fit his vibe too? I mean this in a more lighthearted sense. Like someone he could play tag with or goof around in the woods with. He missed out on being a kid for a while, and he's still kinda interested in stuff like that (bug collecting, cool rocks, etc.). Even in post manga he still wants this.
Also uhhhh beastkin/monsters/whatever of any kind get bonus points. Do they have to be this way? No. But. It would definitely do some favors to be feral/wild in some way like this.
Okay I am not saying this is healthy or anything, but Kabru is ridiculously attracted to fixer-uppers. The main character/savior/hero complex kicks in and he cannot help it.
This can either be super good for him if the person is like. not terrible and is actually okay with this. but uh. that isn't always the case. Bro is often setting himself up for some sort of situationship most of the time. He cannot catch a break.
But he totally needs to be confronted about this to have a relationship work out. Hope you can be at least a little assertive!
Oh and the people pleasing. It's going so far. Please, I-....
He needs to be stopped.
Ultimately. He's gonna go after the people who show the least interest in him and this SPECIFICALLY comes from his own insecurities as a person.
But in the end he's gonna truly fall for someone who can put their foot down and confront him about these issues. He's so insightful and perceptive when it comes to others and can easily point out and help you with you're own shortcomings. But he is super blind to his own faults. Legit does not. Even realize.
He honestly needs someone to help him grow, because in my eyes I can see him like even post manga being pretty stagnant here so . Yeah. You don't need to be like some badass assertive person either. As long as you can just sit down and have a serious conversation w him about this I think it'd go well.
And he'd fall for you because I think it's the first time he genuinely sees someone who recognizes things that are bad about him + still loves him despite that + wants him to grow as a person and assert his own wishes and needs more. Yeah. I just have a lot of feelings about that.
This goes two ways.
Non Toxic Route
He'd easily see himself falling for someone mature and responsible. It would start out as just a professional admiration but it would slowly become more intimate as Chilchuck starts to enjoy their more unique personality traits (and even ones he'd consider annoying) --like being feisty, or maybe they're picky, or they can be silly sometimes. That type of thing.
It's a total slow burn with him.
But he also likes people who are more lowkey. Chilchuck is not a "falls for you immediately/puppy love" kinda guy. He's jaded and has a past and has KIDS so. He needs to be treated gently and not rushed into things. Anyone who lets him come to them and start to be more affectionate without demanding it...yeah. Handle him with care PLEASE.
And speaking of this...he wants to keep up appearances since he does value his professional life and has kids and an ex-wife. So he wants someone that can blend into this life without causing drama or more headaches (his party gives him plenty. pls.)
"Toxic"/Not Gonna Last Route
Chilchuck is easily motivated by the more basic pleasures of life, so I can definitely see him having a bootycall that becomes some weird "what are we" type of vibe.
He's like...in the back of his mind the type to enjoy a "dirty little secret". Something he thinks only him and this person know about. But as time goes on he eventually gets emotionally involved with them and is like "we need to cut this off".
It is an extremely painful breakup on his end for sure and makes him more jaded when its literally! His own fault.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Jealousy Headcanons (SKZ)‗ ❍
Pairings : Stray Kids x gn reader
Genre/warnings : Mentions of jealousy, might get a little toxic, sprinkles on fluff because we love a happy ending, not nsfw but it's suggestive in a few bits.
Summary : How, why and when the Stray Kids get jealous. Not a ranking.
Word count : 2.8k
A/n : None. As always, of course, this is just silly writing. Don't take it seriously :)
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
Chan ‗ ❍
I feel like Chan would generally be quite chill, simply because he's someone who doesn't like to hang out with toxic people, therefore would try to avoid issues from the start.
But while with some other members, fo example, the reason would be their good/non conflicting nature (which it is, for sure), I low-key think that in Chan's case could be because he's actually quite aware that when he gets mad/ annoyed with something, he's not gonna let it go easily.
He also wants to focus as much as possible on the positive and wholesome aspects of a relationship, but could unfortunately, when the time comes to have an argument, may be showing his worst self. Someone that he also hates and would like to keep locked away.
These situations wouldn't come up in relation to jealousy though, unless the relationship itself was toxic. In that case he'd either end things pretty quickly or spend a lot of time being upset and arguing, depending on how strong your bond is by that time. In the second case I think things would end up either very coldly or very messily.
Again, I feel like though he might get insecure at times, his reasons wouldn't be tied to any other person except himself.
He doesn't give a fuck about random people's opinions, but he cares about yours. Which is why feeling like he isn't doing his absolute best for you would be the worst.
For example, if a coworker or a friend was kind enough to make you a surprise/gift/bring you food to cheer you up, he'd feel upset that he didn't think about it first.
He'd start overthinking and doubting himself, maybe beating himself up over the fact that you haven't been on many dates lately or he's been too caught up in work.
He'd also probably go quiet because he feels bad,but you would catch up quickly and eventually reassure him and work things out.
If you did happen to get a little jealous (a normal amount I guess?) he would make sure to talk it out and understand what made you upset. Communication is fundamental and he knows it, even though sometimes he can't deliver quite well as he would like. He would always end up apologizing, though.
Now, about the kinky part, I do think that he would be into being a little possessive. Mostly because he's just so in love and attracted to you that the thought of other people even thinking of 'getting a piece' would drive him mad. Don't worry, he's gonna let it all out and remind you exactly who gets to make you feel good.
If you did that to him, he would find it extremely hot and amusing. He likes the fact that you're as desperate for him as he is for you, and would be more than willing to let you prove it to him however you wanted.
Minho ‗ ❍
Minho is quite similar to Seungmin I think, but with a sprinkle of Chan in the middle. He probably wouldn't stand a toxic partner, but I feel like he'd be more into it kink wise.
He seems like a pretty confident person, but overall I think that his own security would come from the fact that he wouldn't be with you if he didn't fully trusted you and respected you from the start.
I could see him getting a little possessive when he saw/felt other people being obvious with eyeing you or flirting. It would be more a question of pride than anything, though.
'Yeah, you like what you see? I fucking bet, too bad it's mine' or some shit like that. He'd really get off on you also being into it. I'd say that he would find it amusing when someone tried to flirt with you, because he knew you are his and would never betray him. He'd almost find it funny to see the disappointment on their faces.
He'd also appreciate you making some similar remarks, but accuse him of actually cheating or betraying you in some way and you lost him. You should know better, you should know HIM better.
He can play around a lot but when things get serious or too much into the emotional aspect then he'll take it very seriously, too.
Again, he wouldn't be with someone that he doesn't 100% trust or that wouldn't trust him, so it would come as an unwelcomed surprise and probably have a big fight over it before he dumps your ass.
Absolutely no time to waste on problematic behavior, especially within a relationship that should be his safe place. It would also leave him quite hurt and overthink it a lot, even if he wasn't in the wrong.
Changbin ‗ ❍
This man doesn't have a single bad bone in his body. That's why he would absolutely despise stuff like jealousy, but he is human too and sometimes humans do get a little into their heads.
His jealousy would come from either lack of attention (in his regards) or 'too much' attention (from other people to you). For Changbin it would never be THAT serious regardless, truly. He's a little silly so could very well just be jealous, mostly in a humorous way, of you for example petting and praising a dog.
He'd pout and go like 'What about me :(' and make you shower him with kisses and attention. That's truly the most he'd go in terms of being jealous of someone or something. He just really wants you to himself, okay?
When other people seem to be giving you 'too much attention' (which realistically is never, unless it's unwanted), it means that he just wishes that he did it first or more often. For example, if a friend bought you a specific thing that you've been wanting for a long time. He'd be really happy to see you happy, but low-key wished that he was the one who gave it to you, instead.
Overall unless it's something that could directly impact you in any way, he doesn't care. If a dude at the bar was being an asshole he wouldn't get jealous, he'd straight up fight (for you).
If you got jealous of him though, depending on the situations and the dynamic of your relationship I think that he'd either find it kinda cute that you wanted him for yourself (and make sure to shower you with attention). On the other hand, if the jealousy came from a more problematic mindset, he simply wouldn't put up with it and would be quite annoyed that you even implied about infidelity.
I feel like the whole 'You're mine' thing could potentially be a turn on in the bedroom but to a limited extent. He seems like the kind of guy that would lean into the more wholesome aspect of the relationship and avoid problematic feelings, even if it's just to mess around in private.
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
The thing about Hyunjin, is that he's a hopeless romantic. This is both a blessing and a curse, I think.
One one hand, you would expect him to have quite high standards for both himself and his partner, meaning that if he decides to be with someone they 100% have to have a similar mindset.
Between all the art, music, poetry, cinema and such, I feel like he would spend a lot of times just thinking and fantasizing about the things that he has seen/read/heard, and would probably end up creating a whole new idea of love in his mind.
Which, again, could be a blessing because the chances of him purposefully hurting you or cheating are very low. But, at the same time, would maybe end up reading too much into things or situations and end up disappointed/upset, even when he doesn't have reason to be.
He essentially could very well take a grain of salt and make it into a whole ocean. He'd also be pretty easy to fix things with I think, because he seems very direct. He's either the type to blurt out everything at once or be so overdramatically upset that you couldn't help but ask what was wrong.
Hyunjin wouldn't stand toxic or overly possessive behavior, I think. He'd end up having a big argument and break up pretty quickly if the relationship was fresh, but could try to 'gaslight' himself into thinking that it's just because you love him too much, until everything inevitably goes to hell (and you'd have a messy breakup). Would 100% cry for days on end and let it out through art (all kinds).
I have to admit though, that I don't think that he would be completely against a little jealousy. Again, he's a romantic (a little delulu, if you will) and would probably like a bit of the angst/teasing that comes with possessiveness/jealousy.
Would 100% do some movie-like stuff like come up to you and kiss you passionately in front of a person that was flirting/eyeing you up and down a little too much, just to prove the point.
Would also probably enjoy you doing the same (still a normal amount, I mean). This applies to the bedroom too, for sure. The words 'I'm yours/you're mine' are probably in a whole special chapter of his personal romance mind-book.
Jisung ‗ ❍
Yes, he would get jealous. To an extent. He's very sweet and likes to have fun and play around a lot, which is why I feel like this wouldn't show as much if he was in a healthy relationship, maybe with someone who is calmer than him.
In that case I think that the occasional jealousy would come mainly from him wanting to be the very best version of himself for you, and seeing you interact with people that seem to be able to give you something 'better than him', would upset him.
He would definitely bottle it up and either wait until you notice or explode in a random moment of vulnerability. He'd feel so bad afterwards. Why would it be you fault if he was not being enough for you?
I also feel like these intrusive thoughts and overthinking would never fully go away, but he'd try to tell himself to at least trust you and the loving words that you tell him. He tells himself that if you're still with him, there must be something that he's doing right at the end of the day.
If he happened to be caught up with a more jealous/obsessive person though, it would get SO messy. He can be a hot head sometimes, or so we've heard, so of course if you put two hot heads together what do you get? A big mess.
I feel like sometimes him being so much in his own head could make him seriously question his actions, especially if someone else is pointing them out to him.
I think that an obsessive behavior from a partner would be an absolute deal breaker, but unfortunately it'd depend on how deep he is into the relationship.
If you were at the early stages, then he'd have a way clearer mind to end things. But if maybe this had been going on for a while or he was truly into you, it would be a lot harder for him to deal with it in a healthy way. You would end up arguing A LOT and probably be toxic as hell with each other.
That being said, I think that he wouldn't necessarily have a thing/kinks related to this type of behaviors, but angry/make up sex would 100% be a thing. In that case, I'd expect him to go a little crazy with it.
Felix ‗ ❍
Felix seems to have a similar vibe to Jeongin, I think. He'd try as much as possible to avoid any type of uncomfortable/bad dynamics in a relationship.
For this to happen, though, he would have to be with someone that matches his vibe and that he could trust completely.
I don't think that there are things or situations that could get him actually jealous per se, but he could be feeling a little insecure in very random moments.
Like a casual comment on another person that you may find attractive and doesn't share some of his personality traits or features. Or maybe not as much as he'd like, which means that he'll think that's also what you would like, so he'd feel like he's not enough.
He would tend to get a little into his own head in these situations, which means that it would be up to you to actually understand if something was wrong. He'd eventually talk it out and forget pretty quickly about whatever the problem was, with the right amount of praise and affection.
I think Felix would be really turned off with a partner that would get overly jealous or possessive, especially if unjustified. BUT, I wouldn't rule out him actually being a little into it either.
For example if he was getting his make up or hair done and you'd say something like 'I wish that was my job' or something similar to tease him. I feel like he would find it amusing and genuinely boost his confidence, since of course he loves you and wants you to want him, too.
Could see him play around with it in the bedroom a little, especially to tease you. Careful or he might start purring if you'd go with something along the lines of 'The prettiest boy, and it's mine'
Seungmin ‗ ❍
He seems to be a quite cynical person. And can be a little insecure at times. Put these together, and you'll have a pretty emotionally unavailable man (sometimes).
The two things that could get Seungmin jealous are self doubt and possessiveness. He's someone who will love with all his heart, but that could scare him sometimes.
He would almost be afraid of loving too much and feeding into a 'delusion' (hence all the 'I don't believe in forever' stuff), that if broken, would absolutely crush him. He'd mostly blame/get mad at himself for allowing his heart to take over his mind.
He'd probably be quite afraid of not being enough > get embarrassed and mad at himself > shut you out because he's way too much in his own head. It would take some cooling off and some overthinking before he'd eventually even listen to you.
He's also someone who values actions way more than words, and this particular mindset would be useful whenever he's feeling a little jealous or possessive. It wouldn't be that easy to get him riled up, and he'd also probably not really act on it either. He gives off a petty/cold shoulder type of vibe more than an outburst.
Any type of jealousy would eventually be born from his own insecurity, not from him not trusting you. These situations would be fixed pretty quickly as soon as you'd manage to get him out of his head, whether it is from some sort of verbal reassurance or a physical action.
For example a hand hold at the right moment, including him in conversations, a random word of praise, a sweet phrase. On the other hand, this jealousy could very well be taken out in the bedroom too, I think. Would kinda get off on the whole 'I'm yours/you're mine' thing.
In general unless if you were are a pretty obsessive person yourself, he wouldn't give you reasons to get jealous. He seems pretty shy and quite careful with getting too comfortable, especially with strangers. He'd probably reflect on himself and eventually either work it out or be a deal breaker to him.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
Jeongin also seems like a person that wouldn't like the idea of jealousy or in general to deal with negative feelings.
He can get insecure sometimes but I feel like he'd end up making the problem about himself and wouldn't get 'triggered' by jealousy in regards of another person.
The only times in which he could get slightly annoyed is seeing you have fun with someone else that isn't him simply because he wants to be the one to make you happy all the time.
Jeongin really does look like the kind of guy who is just chill. If there aren't any issues within your relationship, he's not gonna be the first to make them. I also think that he wouldn't overthink on these type of things. If he decides to be with you in the first place it means that he trusts you and you probably have a similar mindset.
That's why I think that if you ever ended up being jealous over him, it would come as a surprise and not necessarily a good one. Of course it's different if you're joking, but he still wouldn't put up with it for long. I truly just feel like he hates the concept.
If he was the accused one, at first he'd try to talk it out and understand what made you react like that, and eventually apologize to make sure that he never does it again. But if your accusations came out to be meaningless and it was you being obsessive, he'd probably end the whole relationship. Straight up.
It doesn't feel like a possession/possessive kink would be a thing in the bedroom, either. Not denying nor thinking too much on a dom/sub type of dynamic at all, I just think that remarkings like 'I'm yours/you're mine' type of thing wouldn't be his cup of tea.
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theemissuniverse · 2 months
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A/N : I don’t think anyone is going to read this because tftbl is so underrated but I’m bored soooo
WARNINGS : nsfw headcanons, MDNI
You and August? Nobody would have ever guessed you two were a couple. No one would have even assumed you two were a couple.
The two of you, surprisingly, were together since you were thirteen. At first it was just silly kid love but now that the two of you were grown adults, it turned into something serious.
August wasn’t expecting himself to fall in love with someone like you given you two were complete opposites. But he was. Madly in love with you. Even if he had a hard time of showing it. He was.
You were also the only one that could put August in check. That was something other people realized quickly.
You were only person allowed to kiss August, hug him, show him compassion and sympathy. Otherwise he didn’t care about it for anyone else.
“Be nice.” You told your boyfriend. You two had successfully kidnapped Fiona, Rhys and the rest of their friends while trying to unlock a vault.
August scoffed, crossing his arms. “I am nice.”
“To me.”
“Yeah, because you’re the only one that deserves it.”
You giggled a little and leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips. August accepted the kiss and pulled you closer to him.
The ones you kidnapped? Were further in the room and looked in complete confusion and disgust. “How did they end up together?” Rhys asked distraught.
“Talk about opposites attract.” Fiona mumbled.
You pulled away from him and walked out of the room. August turned towards the group and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “You people figure out a plan or what?”
“Do we have to suck your face too to get treated like a human being?” Sasha asked sarcastically.
August gave her a look full of disgust. “Don’t make me puke.”
August is protective but doesn’t breathe down your back. He knows you can handle yourself and that you don’t need a babysitter. But if anything were to happen, he’d burn the whole world down.
He isn’t the biggest on PDA but doesn’t mind to kiss you in front of everyone or even slap your ass.
He doesn’t really get jealous because he knows you love him. He’s more so just moderately irritated when he sees a man flirt with you or have a crush on you.
Which brings him to Rhys. He can tell Rhys has a crush on you because well, he is a man, and he’ll just roll his eyes half the time he sees you interact with Rhys. He’s not worried though.
While he may not be jealous, you are the one that is despite you being the more level headed one in the relationship and will all the time make remarks about him with other women or even Sasha. This annoys him because he genuinely doesn’t like any other women and has to remind you that he’s the one in love with you.
At first it was hard to get him to break his walls down but once you break them down, he is non stop saying he loves you. It kind of freaks people out seeing him so lovey with you and at the next minute wanting to shoot everyone in the face.
August doesn’t ever let you sit in a seat and makes you sit on his lap all the time.
He loves when you play with his hair. It releases some stress he’s feeling.
He has a rule where you two can never go to bed mad or walk out the door mad. He has abandonment issues so even if you’re extremely mad at him, you are forced to sleep in the same bed as him. Also if you’re leaving and are mad, you still have to tell him you love him.
August rarely gets mad at you. Or even irritated with you but if he ever does, he just needs a little space.
With how handsome August is and him owning a bar, he gets a lot of women trying to flirt with him. A lot of the time he gets really disgusted and just rolls his eyes. He’ll tell them he’s taken before walking away.
You on the other hand get the worst out of it because there’s a lot of drunk men at his bar that are not afraid to flirt with you openly. When August sees how uncomfortable they’re making you or if they make physical contact with you, he kills them instantly.
Speaking of, while you know you have to kill to survive on Pandora and do it out of necessity, August some times just kills if someone pisses him off which you don’t like. He tries not to do it in front of you.
August always kisses you on your knuckles.
When August messes up in the relationship, it’s hard for him to say he’s sorry but he will say it. If that doesn’t work, he’ll shower you with gifts to the point where you stop giving him the silent treatment and actually talk to him.
August is the dominant one in the relationship. While he is submissive to you outside the relationship like getting you anything you want and wanting to do things for you, August takes complete control in the bedroom. He is never really submissive but he’ll let you get on top of him though.
He loves to eat you out and probably prefers giving to receiving. He just loves making you feel good.
August prefers your ass more to your chest. He just likes grabbing it and giving it a smack and it happens frequently.
He’ll talk you through it. All the time. He sees how much it makes you squirm and loves seeing you all wind up. He’ll always praise you. He’s not the one to really degrade in the bedroom but if you ask then he’ll do it.
August likes all the sex positions to be completely honest but if he had to pick one, it would be cow girl. As dominant as he is, he loves when you ride him and seeing your chest bounce up and down. He’ll mainly have to help you through because the pleasure is too much for you to keep up the pace. Seeing you struggle turns him on even more.
He isn’t really into hurting you in the bedroom but if you ask him, he’ll do it.
He loves when you beg to cum. Not that he ever denies you. You’re just so desperate to cum on him and it turns him on so much that he is ready to cum inside of you.
Considering you’re in a long term relationship with him, August just prefers cumming inside of you. He doesn’t mind if you get pregnant and actually wants kids. Also it’s just hotter to do it inside of you.
He loves eye contact. He forces you to look at him through out the entire time and if you cum without looking at him, then you have rounds until you do.
2 times out of 10, you have to initiate intimacy. August gets turned on just by looking at you and is always on the go to have sex so you’re never really the one to start it.
When he is feeling he wants you to take control, he doesn’t mind if you tied him up to the bed.
August has a lot of stamina so he’s willing to go a long time until you want to stop.
He can cum just by looking at your body but even when he cums too quick, he keeps going until you do. If he can’t get back up, he just settles to eating you out.
He loves thigh riding. He’d watch you cum on his thigh every day if he could.
He loves when you leave hickeys on his body. Not until does it feel good but it looks good on his body.
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capricioussun · 6 months
How do you interpret US Papyrus? I'm always curious how others interpret him because there's a good range of them!
Ooh, in general?? Hm, I guess mostly the way I try to interpret him is sort of like if you gave UT Papyrus chronic fatigue and issues tied to having to act as the judge in his world! Which, to me, basically makes him very silly, kind, sassy, but also very insecure and very lonely.
I should explain- ough this is gunna be an essay so there'll need to be a readmore soon aha, but I should explain how the whole "judge" thing usually works in my interps!
It's not an inherent thing, or some "angel given" power, there has always been an acting Royal Judge, someone the crown had appointed that they felt they could, well, trust the judgement of, who they could consult about crimes and justice and whatnot. The prior judge Fell some years ago, but since Toriel/Asgore had already left, Asgore/Toriel never appointed another, as a sort of self punishment as well as a promise they would continue with their task of collecting the human souls without the assistance (or interference) of someone else.
That was until Sans/Papyrus came along. The "judging" effect was caused by one of the many methods Gaster used to make the brothers, involving the justice soul trait. This is where the KR came from, as well as the unique ability to "see" the sins in others' souls. After discovering this unique ability, eventually the king/queen asks Sans/Papyrus to act as the new judge (as well as some other reasons that vary depending on AU).
Now, the kr and "judge" ability manifested in Stretch much later than the sanses in non-swapped AUs, which made it a much more difficult transition that only made it much harder for him to socialize with others. He basically couldn't "turn it off", which, on top of feeling incredibly guilty about the invasion of privacy, made him feel anxious and stressed out and couldn't help but put the negative thoughts front and center in his attention, making him also feel like those were the most prominent thoughts and feelings of those around him.
So like, you know how anxiety and self image issues make you feel like everyone secretly hates you or finds you annoying or etc etc etc, basically, he had "proof" that was true, and despite trying his best to ignore it, things are already hard enough for a pre-teen/teen, on top of his physical health taking such the dip it did around that time, too, he quickly became anxiety riddled, isolated, and miserable.
Before then, he was actually a lot like Rus (UT) when he was a kid! And it was hard on Blue, too, since he was practically just a teen himself, so for all of that to land on his brother as well as needing to work harder to take care of him when he had bad health flares, things were rough for a while there.
That being said, Blue did help in keeping Stretch's mental health from completely plummeting, always trying to keep his mood up, encouraging him, trying to find him friends (how he met Undyne aka Sylv!), etc etc, and the brothers grew a lot closer in that time, as Stretch had always admired Blue, and it meant a lot to him.
That was until, of course, things never got any better. His health continued to decline into older teendom/young adulthood, and there was some personal drama here and there, especially involving Sylv, and when Blue joined the guard, that was the last straw. Stretch was sick of feeling like such a burden on everyone, so even though he'd initially turned Toriel down to act as judge (knowing his brother absolutely hated that she'd even asked him in the first place), he went back to her and accepted. That was really when the distance between the brothers started, which wasn't helped by the resets starting up soon thereafter.
(Quick aside, as he got older, he did get the hang of controlling his "judging" ability, and "turning it off" is no longer an issue for him later on)
So in his efforts to become more independent, he worked a lot on his social life and how to interact with others and make himself well liked. Sure, maybe he doesn't really have any real friends, and people forget his name all the time, but he'd finally learned how to utilize his heightened intuition to get along with people, rather than weird them out.
He’s still riddled with anxiety and self worth issues, but he’s gotten incredibly good at masking, and typically comes off as very relaxed and friendly. He’s a big fan of wordplay and very mild practical jokes (like those types of gags where you put on Groucho Marx glasses and pretend to be someone else. Blue always plays along for the bit), but he has a tendency to hold people at arms length, and tries to avoid others actually getting to know him.
Very few people know he’s the judge, and he prefers it that way, he'd rather everyone underestimate him so he never disappoints. That being said, he does still make quite an effort to help those around him without their knowledge, and he’s still lowkey very interested in engineering and computer science. Him and Rus are definitely two peas in a pod when it comes to interests, they could talk about comics for hours on end, but the primary difference is that Stretch tries much harder to hide how much he cares, where as Rus will shout it from the rooftops.
I'm not a big fan of the characterizations that make him a huge brat, sometimes even an outright jerk, I don't really understand them since neither Sans nor Papyrus are like that, but w/ my guy, he’s definitely a huge dork and sweetheart, who just also happens to be very sassy at times ahdjfjsksk
He also still holds on to his belief in others, like Rus. Even despite literally knowing better, he’s also been proven right too many times to lose that hope, which is why, in his fight, as opposed to UT Sans, he gets very quiet and looks miserable. He genuinely doesn't want to hurt them, but he knows he’s out of options. When he offers an out before the fight, he won't spring a surprise attack, and just offers a genuine hug. The player doesn't get a choice after accepting, they kill him, and his final words are pretty similar to Rus' about knowing they can do better, and he believes in them anyway, though he makes a comment about that sounding pretty stupid with a laugh before he collapses off screen.
WOW this got longer than I meant it to I'm sorry huge lore drop instead of just general facts ough BUT ! Idk, hopefully this gives a half decent feel for how I interpret him! I love him a lot I'm mixing him into a salad like a crouton <3
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kings-highway · 9 days
Sneaking into the advice corner: how do you write non-serious but also non-crack conversations? How do you balance the mundane friendship-building levity bits with the need for purpose and capturing the themes or progression you need without jumping directly into the heavy stuff?
Thank you!
so so so sorry it took me so long to answer this one! just busy and wanted to make sure I could give it the attention it deserves
now, obviously, the master key to this kind of question is just to understand people very very very well, because all questions of dialogue sort of eventually become questions of psyche, but thats a lot of work so Im gonna run through some things I use to address a few of the points mentioned above: non-serious but non-crack; balance between levity and seriousness; and how to avoid jumping into the hard stuff.
1. Non-Serious but Non-Crack
this answer might not gel with everyone but the truth is... just write the crack conversations. based on some comments ive seen on my own stories recently, fandom has turned the word "crack" into anything that isnt intended to be emotionally enlightening or significant. you might be looking at perfectly normal conversations as crack conversations. Or, you might be VASTLY overestimating the average intelligence of the conversations between friends. People are WEIRD. As long as you play it straight and dont make a joke out of your own writing, you can pass off pretty much anything as non-crack if its meant to be characters goofing around and being silly. How the fuck else do you think I pulled off daichi straight up biting a pencil in half in TETRIA or the Peace Sign in In The Woods? Crack content played straight is just regular funny.
2. Balance
im gonna say one piece real quick and then go more in depth.
**Your funny ha-ha jokes have to come before your serious Oh-Nos**
If you finish a serious conversation with a stupid joke, you've ruined the serious conversation. If you finish a joke by having the characters somber up, you've heightened the intensity with the contrast of humour. You know that scene in Mulan where they transition from "A Girl Worth Fighting For" into gazing into a razed village? Imagine how fucking annoying the scene would be if they found that village, and then when marching off to continue on their way broke into that song exactly as it was performed? Terrible. [TBH this mostly applies to scenes that flow into each other, not so much if they are separated by chapters, scene breaks or time skips.]
A much more challenging piece of advice is to try and have a good mental map of how all your characters feel about certain topics/emotions. for example, if you want your character to be avoidant of feelings, theres no reason to make them bad at avoiding feelings, you can use genuinely funny jokes to break up serious conversations and distract the reader (and other characters) exactly as the avoidant character intends to. This just requires some awareness of your scene and will carry more of a weight on the other characters who may realize (or come to realize) what that character is doing. etc, etc. For all types. This sort of transitions into the last one...
3. When to Get Serious (And How to Make It Natural)
now you've probably heard the classic writing advice "people will say everything except what they want to say" and I have a LOT of issues with that for various reasons, but its a good benchmark for understanding the timing on these things. Saying what you Want can be almost impossible. If youve ever had to break bad news to someone - and I mean really bad news, "someone passed away" bad news - youll know how paralyzing doing so can be. You end up doing everything BUT saying that. You pick up a glass sitting on the table and make a joke about how, from the corner of your eye, you thought there was a spider in it. This isnt true, youre making it up you need to tell them something important. You both laugh about how gross that would be. you need to tell them. You think it'll kill you if you say the words out loud but you need to say something so you joke about what would have happened if youd poured yourself some water and there was a spider inside. This is supposed to be a conversation about their father passing away. And now youre talking about drinking spiders. Everyone is laughing. (crack conversation amirite?)
Look, I have severe anxiety about expressing my wants and this bullshit happens to everyone. Do you know how many days I spent telling my roommate about the plotlines of haikyuu before finally suggesting we should watch it together? SO MANY. Because I was just terrified of rejection. This works for everything. People HATE feeling bad. People hate feeling bad so much they'll do the weirdest shit to avoid it. And honestly that's when you get your best humour.
Of course, similarly, since people hate that feeling, they're often likely to COPE by making quips. Typically, if two characters are fighting each other, I find it better for them to be 100% serious. BUT if two characters are communicating while fighting a 3rd thing, theyre WAY more likely to start making little one liners. Obviously if its the climax of your story, hold off, but the very classic "WATCH OUT!" "NO I WAS JUST PLANNING ON GETTING PUNCHED THANKS FOR THAT." (screamed across a field mid fight) kinda never goes out of style. you just dont want people making jokes WITH the things theyre fighting (in my opinion) - this whole concept can be combined with point 2, where these jokes can be inserted in a climactic conlict only BEFORE the emotional beat hits.
But when it comes to timing, it can be hard. Here are a few quick things to keep in mind:
1. If there is external pressure (man coming to kill you RIGHT NOW) that anxiety disappears. These are the scenes you want to break into 100% seriousness right away.
2. If there is tension to break or potential conflict between characters (are YOU the Killer??) characters will avoid this like the plague. Beat around the bush. Possibly for as many scenes as it takes to turn it into a #1
3. If there is bad news or a message to deliver (Your Mom was Killed by the KILLER.) you can hesitate and beat around the bush but it probably should be passed along in that scene.
4. do NOT try and break the tension with humour AFTER the intensity. Sincerity is a good thing, and allowing your intense scenes to be intense and to be heavy and serious even if theyre not funny is really important.
and finally, of course... all advice to be taken with a grain of salt. If you write a scene that breaks all of this advice, and you love it, and its exactly what you want... then that scene is perfectly written. Do what makes you happy.
thanks again!
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lensman-arms-race · 10 months
50, 46, 37, 28 (with Poly, I love your theory of them always bantering), 24 and 16 for TTV? Feel free to pick and choose!
Polycephaly questions:
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I see Tabieeee's comic as canon because it makes so much sense.
If you haven't seen it, go look now; it's only 8 comic pages and has probably <30 lines of dialogue - you can spare the time. It'll chill you, break your heart, and give you such brain worms! All Skibidi fans should read it!
Read it? Okay. Therefore, going by this, Polycephaly was once a normal TV unit before being upgraded to their current form. Since Polycephaly is apparently the only large TV unit, I'm guessing it was an arduous process, because the TV faction didn't repeat it (though it could be simply that there aren't that many TVs to begin with). Poly has probably chosen to 'put away' their memories of who they once were; it's easier for them to think of themselves as having only been Polycephaly.
46. The person they most admire
TV Matriarch, because that's the only entity who can match them for banter.
They also begrudgingly admire Browncoat cam for having the audacity to run after TV Matriarch for a hug like they did. (The Matriarch does dish out hugs fairly liberally but only on their own terms.)
37. What they really think about themselves
Drawing a bit of a blank on this one, because Poly has appeared in so few episodes. I guess they think of themself as a 'no-nonsense' person who gets shit done, since that's largely true.
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Skibidis: "Ugly-ass bitch" :D
The Secret Agent: How is a human able to teleport?!
Titan TV questions:
24. Most annoying habit
I liked @askthesmoltitans's answer that Titan TV stims when idle, which causes issues when repairing/upgrading. I also remember seeing someone else's headcanon that their back-grabber spikes are ticklish. If both of those are true, it could be very annoying for the mechanics who have to service the spikes!
Also, when playing videos to entertain other Alliance members, they like to drop in silly captions and add sound effects, which is often funny, but can be annoying when you just want to unwind and watch something but the Titan keeps adding comedy trombone noises, Inception BWAMs, etc. You can't really ask them to stop, because they're the bloody Titan.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
They worry about what they'd do if they encountered a skibidi that challenged their proclamation that 'all toilets will die', i.e. if they encountered a 'good' non-hostile skibidi that doesn't 'deserve' death. (Perhaps one that remembers being a human and wants to go back.) Morally they'd be obliged to spare it, they guess, but it doesn't sit well with them to have to go back on their word. (The obvious answer is to say that a 'good' one doesn't count as a 'toilet' and therefore does not have to die. But is that the answer or is that just playing with words?)
(Original post with list of questions)
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ducks-on-jupiter · 3 months
few other rarepairs i got are . uhm. dazai x yosano, jouno x dazai, FRANCIS AND ZELDA HOW COME NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THEM?? uhMM and nathaniel x margaret. if that's even rare. what do you think
Hihi, don't know very much about verlaine... I'm so sorry (or some of the guild members i need to re read that arc okay...) <//3 but I can do the other ones tho
I don't think about them very much but they're actually really cute. I feel like they could bond a lot because they have very similar trauma. I also think Yosano would really help dazai with his mental health. Also, while being clearly more healthy, I deffiently think yosano has her moments as well, and obviously dazai would support her during that. I think they'd have a similar sense of humor, and would enjoy watching movies/shows together. I don't know if they'd be super open about it to the other members of the agency or not, they both seem like fairly private people, so at least at first I don't think they'd tell anyone. (Ranpo knows. Yosano would tell him but he'd know even if she didn't.)
Beautiful woman x absolute loser boyfriend (/silly /lh)
Okay now we're in the very rare rarepair territory lol
I can't exactly think of how this relationship would start, but I think they would either bounce off of each other's personalities very well, or descend into absolute madness. I think they both have some issues with empathy, so that might help them bond a little easier than they would with other people. I do think some arguments would start because of different morals, but hopefully they could work it out. Also, we all know dazai loves messing with people and being annoying but I think dazai would respect jounos space and things, because that's kind of verging on messing with accessibility. I think jouno wouldn't want to ask for help with things because internalized ableism, or a fear of being perceived as lesser by other people, but dazai is dazai and would see right through that and help anyways (to a normal, non-pushy extent. Jouno is still a functional adult and dazai knows that). I think they'd listen to podcasts or audio books together and a lot of physical contact as a love language.
I tried to expand a lot on those because I only did 2 of your requests so I hope that's good enough :)
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kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
Gustholomule with 002 for the ask game!!
hi anon i'm so sorry i meant to answer this ages ago but i was swamped with finals all week! finally free though :)
when i started shipping it: pretty early in my watch through! i remember watching something ventured, someone framed and thinking hmmm... these bitches gay ?? and then once i got into the fandom and saw there was a following for it i really started shipping it! actually my first toh fanart was gustho haha
my thoughts: i don't think dana & co ever meant for us to ship them tbh, so even though i was disappointed that they didn't interact in the finale, i wasn't super surprised. but i think they have such an interesting dynamic!! gus is so cool and matt is not but also theyre both SO lame in the best way and they both have trust issues and also theyre like 12 and like... they are just so special to me
what makes me happy about them: how goofy they are. while i do think there's so much potential for their dynamic, i also think they're just two silly guys who hang out and i like the simplicity of that
what makes me sad about them: their lack of screen time :( (together and separately)
things done in fanfic that annoy me: hmmm tbh i've only read gustho fanfics that i've really enjoyed... i've never really had a negative experience with a gustho fic! all our writers are so talented! but i guess something that sometimes bothers me in fanon is when the hexsquad is rude to matt/don't give him a chance. i see why they might be wary, but Luz is the king of Befriending Everyone, willow is naturally very compassionate, and hunter/amity have both had their fair share of second chances! so even if they wouldn't get along right off the bat, i'm not a fan of scenarios where they just never warm up to him/consistently dislike him
things i look for in fanfic: i love when gustho fics have them just hanging out being teenagers. thats the vibe i think fits them best!
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: hmmm i don't really have other ships for either of them! there's no one that comes to mind but i think if either of them were implied in the finale to be in a relationship with a hexside student we've met, i'd be like 🤷‍♀️ sure ig
my happily ever after for them: they continue to get close and become besties throughout high school, move in together after grad, and are so close that eventually they realize they've basically been dating for years and just kinda shrug like kay guess we're a couple and then theyre in love forever <33
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think it depends! the both fill both roles at different times. though i do think that depending on when they get together, matty would totally be like "I'M the big spoon cause i'm MANLY" and gus is like "okay manly man" and makes him the little spoon anyway and he actually loves it
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i'll bfr they're sex-neutral aces to me anyway so <3 (i don't really think about their feelings about sex since they're like 12 for most of the show, i just love to project my identity onto blorbos) so ANYWAY to actually answer the question, i headcanon that they LOVE to game together. video games and board games both - they just both get so competitive and have a lot of fun with it. their game nights are VERY loud and high-energy
thank you sm for the ask! i love thinking about these losers :)
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hi Cas!!! It’s wedding anon. Real quick, CONGRATULATIONS! My partner and I are both young teachers, and I have to say, i’m SO happy for you. My fiancé moved schools after they treated them badly, and didn’t allow her to use Mx. instead of Ms. (which is really important to them). 
Idk if you’re still taking advice, and i’m from England so there’s definitely some differences, but I teach 11-16 yr olds and honestly?
I’ll always say the best thing to do is be on their side. If they get caught in a hallway, oh they’re on their way to me. If they’re uniform is wrong (idk if it’s non uni in the US but like, breaking uniform rules) then I already punished them and they can’t change it (jewellery wont come off/don’t have spare clothes). If they’re eating in classes, yeah i told them, i’ll talk to their teacher. 
Obviously you have to be careful with serious issues but the silly small rules really freak out the youngest years and really piss off the oldest years. As long as you have boundaries to how far you’ll help them, say for example, any kids can always come to my room and chill out- but if they make anyone uncomfortable they are not welcome back. 
Also at my school there’s big queues for lunch, but you can get an early lunch pass to skip it. There’s a kid in my tutor base (idk if you have those) whose friends all have early passes for dinner cause of a club. So I gave her one so she can eat with them and then come to my classroom and do her homework. 
Oh and try to not set group tasks with a fixed number of people. If you’re alright with it, all group activities go better when they’re with friends. Especially at that age. But not if you limit the number. “It’s supposed to be two, but i’ll allow three.” “Groups of four, yeah okay you guys can be a five.” As long as they DO the work, it’s easier for everyone. 
(And when they’re dicks, remember that they’re learning from their parents and the internet. It’s not their fault. I know you know that, but the most important thing at that age is more than one second chance. Cause they’re gonna be teal annoying basically all the time) 
ANYWAY- there’s a new development you WONT believe. 
Also, WOW, your mum tried to wear a wedding dress to YOUR wedding, damn you really get it then 😭
(Oh god I haven’t even begun to worry about what she’ll wear if she comes).
I feel like parents get a free hand at  being a dick more than others, but for good reason. My mum sacrificed so much for me, and grew up in a totally different way than I did. I don’t blame her for her attitude, but I’m getting a little sick of the guilt tripping.
I stopped going to church every weekend during university (once i moved out) about six years ago, and my mum DROVE UP to my dorm and sat me down and gave me a three hour speech about how she CANNOT STAND me not going to church cause then i’ll go to hell and she just wants me not to go to hell and why don’t I just go to church and pray to god so that she can know I won’t go to hell.
And not to get into a thing- but the reason i’m against being a christian is because of christian’s. Like it’s fine if you decide the way you live is what will get you into your heaven, but like- don’t act like everyone else you meet who also isn’t a devote christian is going to go straight to hell. In fact, trying to decide who does and does not go to hell feels incredibly not christian. 
Anyway, as you can see I have a complicated relationship with my mother and with religion. So I sat my mum down yesterday and told her that I want nothing more than her at my wedding, and that i’ll happily take whatever suggestions she has, but that where I get married has to be up to me and partner. I also tried to explain that we literally CANNOT marry in a catholic church due to their rules but she just yelled more about our queer marriage. 
At one point she said “since your wife is only half a women can’t she just become a man for your wedding” and then she had to sit through my own thirty minute speech about how to not devalue my partners identity… but like- can trans people marry in catholic church’s if they’re just a straight couple and the trans person just doesn’t tell anyone???? I feel their system is flawed. ANYWAY. 
She’s not coming. She won’t be at a wedding “facilitating the devil”… WE’RE GAY, by her standards just standing next to my partner is “facilitating the devil”.
I know her tones though, I think she’s gonna change her mind. 
So my dad hasn’t been around much of my life. He’s coming to the wedding only if my mum is. I don’t really care whether he’s there or not. I’ve already told him he’s not walking me down the aisle. He doesn’t give a shit (he never has). He’ll show up if my mum does, or not if she doesn’t. 
(It’s a long story but when I was in second year at university, I lost my campus dorm… and this annoying bartender guy took me in when I almost became homeless and cooked me food and stuff and like- he’s my dad now, i’m a found family girlie). 
ANYWAY. So yeah, but he’s also super catholic. So he, who doesn’t give a shit about ANYTHING, who never supported my mum, who laughed when I told him I was engaged cause he NEVER KNEW i’d been dating my partner… of five years. HE wants to find me a wedding venue. And this isn’t to be nice by the way, it’s to exert his power in any way he still can. 
And naively I had thought maybe he was being nice. BUT THAT PROVED NOT TRUE. Just… let me build up to saying this… 
So my sister has helped me find actual potential churches that would accept our marriage (“only if YOU want, don’t listen to mum”) and my dad has… are you ready… PUNCHED A FUCKING REVEREND. 
Yep you heard that right.
And NOT because he was homophobic. 
No no, they were ALREADY mocking me and partner, saying how funny it was that we were going to hell for BEING US. 
No, he punched our CHILDHOOD churches reverend (not the same person we had back then but still) because he has the audacity to call my dad a BAD father and husband for- everything (apparently my dad got to gossiping with him about cheating on my mum, and that time he hit me, and that time he smashed a beer bottle over my sisters cat).
You forget how psycho your family is when you’re away for so long (I know my sister forgot too) until your back. Around them again. 
But ANYWAY. He’s sort of invited. He’ll either come with my mum if she comes. Or not if she doesn’t. I don’t care if he’s there. Unless he punches someone again, i’ll probably never even notice him. 
The funny thing about all of this is, while yes a venue is one of the most important things, we’re not actually getting married until January 2026, that’s like a year and a half away (my partners always wanted a winter wedding cause they’re fucking adorable). 
Anyway, that’s the update. A year and a half until my wedding and my dads punching reverends and my mums yelling about the devil. 
I shouldn’t have invited them.
Hi hon!
Thank you so much for the advice, I really appreciate it. I'm definitely going to keep all of that in mind.
As far as your update- OH MY GOD
Well, I am SO proud of you for standing up to your mum. That's NOT easy. And your dad sounds...wow. But I'm glad your sister is being so supportive!
But I do want to say- I think you were right to invite them. And the reason is because if you chose not to invite them, you would never know if they would be supportive or not. You would be assuming the worst. But by inviting them, you're giving them the choice to be supportive, and you're assuming the best. Is it going to hurt if they don't show? Absolutely. But now you know that they chose to not be supportive. And that was them. Does that make sense?
But again, I am so proud of you for standing your ground and standing up to your parents. And for defending your partner when needed! You're amazing <3
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 24
Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots) vs. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
skitt usez any, ena usez they/it/she (bc of her eczema), and olive usez he/they
The TL;DR 4 them is that theyre little fucked up guys living in a circus 2gether. Skitt is a repressed traumatized clown amphibian, Olive is a sweet jackalope who acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and Ena is a chaotic little shithead w a short fuse, whos actually secretly the mom friend. I like to put them in2 situations in my head and then never write said situations down. Also theyre all aspec and trans.
he is simply a little guy! (puts him thru the horrors puts him thru the horrors p) Oh, hes a bit fucked up actually.
-a mishmash of basically any amphibian features i think r cool! It is also a clown! Isnt that silly? Well its actually 4 trauma reasons. Lol. lmao.
-has rejection sensitive dysphoria and wants every1 2 love him so much all the time. Cries and throws up when it inevitably doesnt work out.
-super in2 fashion and makeup. Can u guess why? Trauma reasons, of course! Honestly most of her hobbies r rooted in wanting 2 escape something.
-i cant think of anything else non-spoilery 2 put here. Uhm. ze really likes bubble baths and swimming.
A little skrunkly autismic sourpuss. He wishes that he cud b more sincere w people sometimes, but every past attempt has been met w people shutting them down, in 1 way or another. The only person in the world he feels even mildly comfortable around is Ena (and later on in the story, Skitt).
-acts like an asshole around most people bc theyre used 2 being seen as one. And by asshole, i mean a little quiet, sulking, wet cat in a corner of the room who makes angy faces at any1 who invades their space.
-mute! This is bc bunnies do not have vocal chords. Communicates thru sign language and annoyed noises. Screams when overstimulated. Yes, bunnies can scream, just not using vocal chords. There r also other sounds they can make! (mostly annoyed sounds. He does purr as well! Just like a real bunny)
-very in2 music. Plays the harmonica and other woodwind instruments that r easy 2 steal. Can they play good? Uhm. havent decided yet actually.
-has a sort of heart shaped facial scar and a broken antler he got from entirely mundane causes (antler is permanently broke, dont question how that works bc i dunno).
-very incredibly touch averse, only tolerates Ena’s touch. theyre also fat and very fluffy! Great 4 cuddling! But he wont let u. Sorry.
Money gremlin!!! Chaotic anarchist motherfucker!!! Probably owes u money! Is currently being gay doing crime. In this world, 1 does not have to pay/steal 2 survive, but Ena does it anyways 2 fuck shit up and stir the pot.
-escaped from a shitty orphanage w Olive.
-horrible anger issues. If Olive is a sourpuss, Ena is a bomb waiting 4 an excuse 2 go off. This is bc in the orphanage, they learned that no 1 wud listen 2 them unless they scratched and fought and clawed and bit and punched. (and shocked!). Shes generally chill tho, just, its easy 2 get on her bad side.
-sorta the therapist friend, bc its good at telling ppl what they want 2 hear. Her charismatic attitude also helps when scamming people.
-uses prosthetics! In this world, aquatic animals r given the ability 2 stay on land 4 extended periods of time via prosthetics! Want 2 know more? Ask me :>
-basically blind. Electric eels have awful eyesight, and shes no exception! She can only see bright lights and colors. They use electrolocation 2 get around. (please ask me what it is if u dont know, i am v happy 2 infodump abt anything oc related!)
Remember kids, a vote 4 my ocs is a vote 4 disability, queerness, anarchy, the found family trope, little guys being put in situations therye entirely unequipped for, furries, and much more!
Skitt has a triangular dress with purple and yellow split colors, and purple leggings. Pointy, slender legs. A long pointed yellow hat with a little green thingy on top (idk what to call it). Blue eyes with froglike pupils. Minty-green, short, curly hair. A classic clown makeup look (off-white facepaint, a clown nose, and pennywise-esque makeup lines going from the bottom of his eyebrows to the sides of his mouth.
Olive is a jackalope with short, olive/forest green hair swooping over one eye. His eyes are the same color as his hair. Most of their fur is darkish brown, while his belly, his inner thighs, and lower left arm is beige. their right arm, lower legs, and the top of their ears are black. Only wearing black arm warmers thanks to sensory issues.
Ena is a vaguely pirate-themed girlie. Dark brown skinned, with grey arms and greyish legs. Big thicc tail. Mostly black hair. Tattered black shorts and an even more tattered, dark green crop top. Has red eyes and a red sash tied around its waist. Lots of little spots all over their skin. lazy-eyed.
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
she's a werewolf she's aroace she stalks people on accident. she didn't know what a crime was until the police went after her. her best friends are a supervillan and a failed actress. she thinks she would make a good detective (she wouldn't). she's fun and friendly and sweet but still a fully thought out character. she runs away from her abusive home to find her sister and in the process finds a whole new family. she even takes down the government.
Pris is a short, pale girl with  black hair styled to look like wolf ears. she has brown eyes with diagonal red pupils and a bit of a snaggle tooth on one side.
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boltcreature · 1 year
I know I haven't posted non art stuff here in a long long time but I wanna try and use this more as a general social media too what with everything at the other one. I have always sort of liked the set up of tumblr more anyway but a fear of being annoying and posting things people don't care about when they probably follow me for a fandom I haven't drawn fanart for in 2 years lol.
So maybe time for a re-introduction?
Hello! I'm BoltCreature. I do a lot of thinking about drawing and SOME actual drawing. Mostly chibi/SD stuff cause I have that issue where if I can't finish something in one burst of drawing I don't wanna finish it (this is only 50% a joke).
As far as hobbies go I love tokusatsu, manga and anime, video games, horror movies and gunpla mostly.
My favourites of these things are off the top of my head.
Toku: Kamen Rider 555, Avataro Sentai Donbrothers, Kamen Rider Den-O, Choujinki Metalder, Kamen Rider OOO. (Special extra shout outs to Kamen Rider Hibiki)
Manga: Alita Last Order, Chainsaw Man, Eyeshield 21, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, xxxHolic.
Anime: Durarara!!, Baccano!, Laid Back Camp, A Place Further than the Universe, Mobile Suit Gundam.
Video Games: Final Fantasy XIV, Dark Souls, Animal Crossing, Super Mario World, Raging Loop.
I'm currently playing VA-11 Hall-A and loving it.
Horror movies: Ring, Noroi, The Blair Witch Project, Halloween (1978), Shadow of the Vampire
Gunpla feels a little silly to make a top 5 of cause I do love it but I'm not hardcore by any means. I recently build a HGUC Guncanon (my special little guy) and the HG Ariel and they were both very good!
I also stream occasionally at twitch.tv/boltcreature - mostly art stuff.
The header of my tumblr page is from episode 3 of season 1 of Joe Para Talks With You. It's a very good episode of television that everyone should watch, it's very important to me.
I think my ask box is open(?) If anyone has anything to ask!
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crow-caller · 2 years
Finished Pokemon Violet
storyline, npcs : 10/10 best pokemon has had
poke designs: 8/10 generally really really solid generation, some great ones. fck the duck tho for real
catching/battling: 7/10 solid, fast, better. the fighting gimmick this gen is very underwhelming tho
enviromental design 2/10 a lot looks nice enough but it's extremely barren, not enough variety or big set pieces, cities are pretty but empty. No interior buildings, only sandwich
Gimmicks: 5/10 open world feels nice but half baked. Running and climbing and gliding is fun, exploring is fun. Raid battles are still meh. the hats are silly. The novelty is refreshing for pokemon
snom: 10/10 very glittery in this game
world design: 1/10 minor NPCs are sparse and you can speak to very few of them, none of them particularly interesting. pretty much no non story activities. pokemon spawn in groups but have no unique actions or interactions and don't feel natural. There's no secrets or hidden lore worth looking for
pokedex/collecting: 8/10 About 400 (100 new), which is a lot, but in a world this large and free roaming, it starts to feel repetitive. You enter a new area and only see one new guy max, as most of the new ones are put directly at the first few towns. I like the book style of the dex with nature photography pics a lot. Collecting feels very fun when you can snipe the ones you want rather than random grass search for hours. Lots of evolutions spawn, so you also need less grinding
Post game content 3/10 Mostly many harder battles and rematches as typical. annoying side quests to find 999 coins (so you can get an ugly pokemon) or some ominous stakes (so you can get cool legendary pokes). Not much extra story or content (haven't done it all yet)
Glitches .../10 I've had very few issues running the game on the cartridge but the amount still isn't acceptable for a game of its cost. It's force quit twice, the camera very often clips through the floor, pokemon get stuck, lag sometimes happens. It's been rare for me but not cool.
fun 8/10 maybe I'm just autistic and love pokemon and collecting things, but I had a blast playing it overall. I can imagine replaying being pretty fun too, honestly. Part of this is the novelty. A kid would enjoy this, someone wanting more (and we deserve more!) won't really.
Overall: the strict math is a 5.7 but this is not a good scale. I'm gonna say 7.5 "It could be way better and you're lucky it works for me"
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pngboomer · 9 months
Just saw a tiktok discussing the fact that when people really get down to it and talk about their autism (and not in the general "touch of the tism" or "tism rizz" content), most allistic people are typically upset with or confused by autistic experiences.
Now there's a big reason I don't talk about my autism or the way I interact with the world at length, and its because of shit like that and also some feelings of shame and whatever that I'm not gonna get into, but also, I remember trying to open up about things in the past just to be laughed at or side eyed about.
An innocuous example that some of my allistic friends seems to despise, and it requires you to just follow me for a moment:
imagine a word in your head
Imagine a shape around the letters of that word, fully connected but circling the outside of that word
Take the letters of the word away, and give the shape a color, any color
This is how I store information about people or places in my head. That shape and color is assigned when I realize I will be meeting this person more than once, and any associated information about them is stored within a "filing cabinet" in my brain where I can access that information.
If that information has supplementary information (album cover, movie poster, etc) the vague name shape is stored alongside a severely blurred image of that album cover or whatever it is.
Now, most allistic people I know just kind of stare at me when I explain all of this to them. Then I get a small "huh, that's interesting" that usually ranges from mildly interested (typically other non-neurotypical people) or vaguely annoyed. Often, people are just confused about how I remember things. The problem is that I don't remember things in fully realized sentences. The information is just ... there. It's in the file.
Relating back to the original post, this is one of the tamer things I tell people, mostly to gauge how interested they seem to be in my experiences or my point of view. I have other things (how I order social hierarchy in my head, for example, usually gets laughs) that I'm less forthcoming about, mostly because someone saying that it seems silly only makes me feel idiotic for doing it and doesn't, you know, fix the issue. [Edit: the wording here is bad; I don't need to fix the way I view these things in this example in particular, but there are other things that I've definitely needed help with.]
But it is damaging to see people pretend that autism is a "trend" or is being seen as "quirky internet content" when autistic people are so very far from being treated normally by non-autistics.
On a more positive note, if people are genuinely interested in hearing about my experiences with autism, I'll consider typing some stuff out here.
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arbitraryreveries · 1 year
My Ranking of the Bridgerton NOVELS
From someone who read all but the last two. I can't read the last two yet. But this is the first six.
The Official Reading Order Is:
The Duke & I
The Viscount Who Loved Me
An Offer from a Gentleman
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
To Sir Phillip, With Love
When He Was Wicked
But I Read Them:
The Duke & I (after I watched the show)
When He Was Wicked (because everyone said it was sexy)
The Viscount Who Loved Me (after I watched the show)
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (because everyone likes Polin so much)
To Sir Phillip, With Love (because I was curious)
An Offer from a Gentleman (because I was at last willing to have Benedict ruined for me since everyone said he was a jerk in the books)
Now, here's my list IN ORDER OF ENJOYMENT from LEAST to MOST (discounting all factors such as the amount of sexism and quality of plot and writing, etc., because there are some wild things in these books, BUT for the sake of the ranking, this is just HOW MUCH I LIKED THEM with no other factors involved):
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
The Duke & I
To Sir Phillip, With Love
The Viscount Who Loved Me
An Offer from a Gentleman
When He Was Wicked
I didn't actively HATE any of these, though there were moments in most of them that I hated.
And here's why they are in that order.
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton - #6
I think the thing that destroyed this for me was expectations. Y'all love Polin so much, but I just felt like their relationship wasn't developed AT ALL? Like, the story relies on them being "friends" to lovers, but I never felt the friendship. It felt like Penelope had a silly crush on him, Colin suddenly found her hot after she "grew up" (got skinnier, even?), and they started wanting to bone. Further, it wasn't that sexy, and y'all have been acting like it's SO SEXY. But even things like the mirror scene are just ... a fantasy Colin has but never actually does?? Like, that's so lame? And what they do do is off screen or not very hot, with the exception of the carriage scene which is kind of weird/creepy in the first place. Plus, Colin is a jerk, and Penelope is not much better if only because she refuses to communicate in a helpful manner.
The Duke & I - #5
They really did soften that non-con in the show, didn't they? Like, in the show, I really do think Daphne had NO IDEA what she was doing. She wasn't taught consent. In the book, she feels very much in control, and that's gross. That said, I get that in the era ... like, I know it's wrong, but I get it. Anyways, all this to say, it was kind of vanilla, and not super charming, and Daphne really is "not like other girls." I did like the sibling interactions, though.
To Sir Phillip, With Love - #4
I think because y'all like Eloise in the show, you have villainized this one, but it's actually pretty solid. There are some iffy bits, and like every single hero in this series, Phillip can be ... yeah. Wildly sexist and obviously dealing with issues that are never resolved. BUT that said ... I didn't think it was half-bad? I think it could have been adapted well, but show Eloise is more a jerk who feels like discount Hyacinth (I adore Hyacinth, but she's likable). So I was pleasantly surprised with this one as I expected it to be far, far worse, especially as I don't like show Eloise. But this Eloise is fine, if she does need a little more personality!
The Viscount Who Loved Me - #3
Not actually that good of a book, but I LOVE Simone and Jonathan, so that's why this is up to high. Since I watched it after watching season 2, I JUST. I CAN'T. HELP. MYSELF. Their chemistry has made the book better. Also, the book removes the annoying subplot with Edwina and all the wedding drama and just ... it makes it better. I wish they'd found a way to work it out without the pain that was that one really bad part of season 2 (where they carried on with the wedding with Edwina) while also giving Kate and Anthony the ability to choose each other/not have an arranged marriage. Like, surely there must have been a way!
An Offer from a Gentleman - #2
The only reason this is #2 is because my expectations were on the GROUND. I read this last because I just KNEW I was going to come out DETESTING Benedict, and I didn't want to. He's like my favorite character in the show (other than Kate who is absolute perfection ... oh, and Lady Danbury, though she's a much more minor character ... and Simon, I actually really like show Simon), and like, I wasn't ready to have my baby Benedict destroyed. But again, I dreamt worse than was true! I inserted more sexism and bullying and evil in the book in my head than was true! So because my expectations were so low, I really enjoyed it, and I thought Sophie was the SWEETEST (other than Kate and Francesca, she is my favorite book heroine - they're all tied for 1st place) and ... like, I even liked her so much that I went back to Eloise's book to reread her scenes because I LOVE HER. Benedict wasn't fantastic, but their sex was sexy, and I think Sophie deserves all the world. She is a gem. Protect my baby forever. <3
When He Was Wicked - #1
I LOVE THIS BOOK. Why don't you talk about it more? Francesca and Michael are GREAT. I can't wait to see the Fran/John/Michael trio in the show (I hope!!!). The chemistry, the sex, the tragedy and heartbreak, the angst, the longing for a child ... all of it touched me in a deep place. I also think it was better written than some of the other stories, though beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there are some typical-of-the-books weird moments (Michael at times can be really sexist/angry/borderline playing with non-con in an unhealthy way when it comes to his "seducing", but it was less creepy than some of the other ones because Fran is always so into it, and it was clear that her regrets were entirely due to John, not because she felt violated or used by Michael, which is what really would have been disturbing). That said, I felt like I was sighing and suspending my disbelief less with this novel? And really, it almost made me cry several times, sometimes even during the sexy scenes, because I just FELT FOR THEM. Like, truly, I don't know if it's because I'm dealin' with some baby issues or because it hits my sexsy times tastes so well, but like, I was INVESTED. Anyways, I just thought this book was great (for a Bridgerton novel).
I know there are some unpopular opinions here, so I may get beat up, but hey, guys, they're just books! And a TV show! Let's not be mean to each other about tastes, okay? Even though I was snarky here a bit lol so I deserve it. OKAY have at me! BULLY AWAY. I'm sorrrrrryyyy.
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shslskaterboy · 2 years
the antags?
OOH a three for one, thank you bestie
For Byakuya
Favourite thing is how he stays a stupid asshole even after his character development
Least favourite is every interaction he has with Toko like please leave that girl alone
“No, I am not… effing with you” like fr what a loser
Brotp probably him and Kyoko cuz I feel like they would develop mutual respect after surviving the killing game
No otp personally, I hc that man as aroace
Notp is him and Toko. Once again please leave that girl alone you are not helping
I hc that he eventually gets comfortable enough around the others to stop wearing a suit literally all the time, and maybe he’ll even put on sweatpants every now and then (god forbid)
If I had to pick a song for him I’d say Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey (for obvious reasons)
Every image of him being confused and sweating is the best because haha get dunked on boy
For Nagito
Favourite thing about him is such an impossible question cuz like. He is such a mess and there is so much going on and he’s just trying his best in his own fucked up and weird way. I guess maybe that’s the best way to describe why I like him
Least favourite is probably not a problem with him as a character so much as just. People being wrong about him? Idk like people taking him at face value as just the annoying guy that messes up trials makes me a sad boy :(
“Maybe you only think there’s something wrong with me because there’s something wrong with you!” Yeah you get him king, that’s definitely it
Brotp gotta be him and Sonia. I just think they should be silly together
Otp is him and hajime. I don’t need to say any more than that, you all know this already
Notp is Nanami probably, or really any girl because that is a gay gay man
I definitely hc him as autistic with heavy sensory issues. I think he gets overwhelmed by sounds and textures and stuff very easily
I have. Many songs I associate with him but I think the first one I think of is House of Wolves by MCR
Favourite image of him has gotta be him on the laptop in chapter 5 because I’m basic and he’s pretty I’m sorry
For Ouma
Favourite thing about him is his commitment to the bit. He’s a silly little guy. He’s the worst most annoying little creature ever. He is going to ride or die for his ideals to the very end. What a guy
Least favourite thing is just how little we know about him. And ya I know that was probably intentional on the writers part, but I think good character design (and what makes all the other characters we know and love so likeable) is the context of what makes them who they are. Ouma is almost completely unknowable, which is just unfortunate because I think there’s a lot of lost potential for who he could have been
“At least I wasn’t boring, right?” I’m crying and screaming. He’s just a little guy
Brotp is probably him and miu. I think their dynamic wis hilarious and it might actually be good in a non-killing game scenario
Otp is him and Shuichi. Again everyone who knows me is not surprised by this
Notp would be him and Kaede. That is a gay boy and a lesbian, not a romantic couple
I like the hc that he was an orphan and had DICE as his little found family, and that outside of them Saihara is the first person he starts to feel comfortable being vulnerable with
The song I associate with him most is London Calling by the Clash
Favourite image is the one of Maki dangling him over the fountain. He was being a little shit and he reaped what he sowed, it’s was hilarious
This became so much longer than I thought, also I really couldn’t think of any “unpopular” opinions so you’ll have to excuse me for excluding those. Anyway this was fun thank you bestie
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