#but things go prospera's way so
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not-a-mawmouth Ā· 2 years ago
If I may, personally I feel the pacing is weird because itā€™s going very very fast and some big things are happening that we probably should have seen. Like Suletta goes from completely despondent and devastated to being determined and emotionally secure enough to recognize and talk about how her mother doesnā€™t truly love her in two episodes, one of which involved a terror attack on the school and all her friends nearly dying. Which makes sense for the plot and the pacing, but one more episode post-Norea where she comes to that emotional state just a tad slower would be nice. Especially since a lot happened in between episode 20 and 21! Miorine became President, the SAL found out about Quiet Zero, Peil decided to jump ship, Quiet Zero is now operational! And we didnā€™t get to see any of it happen! If Quiet Zero was this close to being finished why did Prospera need Miorine at all? Did Delling key some important part of it to something only the President would have access to and Prospera needed to steal it? Did she just hate Miorine that much and wanted her to suffer?
It kinda feels like a lot is getting squished right now to fit our 25 episode limit, and I really donā€™t like it.
As much as I adore Witch from Mercury right now, I feel that its pacing, once you zoom out of the weekly format, is kinda weird. I don't know how to put it into better words yet, but something is just off and I'm glad I get to experience the show on a weekly basis.
#itā€™s the ā€˜Miorine becomes President (which happens offscreen) and immediately Quiet Zero is finishedā€™#itā€™s the ā€˜how in the hell did Peil learn about Quiet Zero? why didnā€™t we see them make the decision to abandon Benerit?ā€™#things like that#why didnā€™t we learn about what the SAL was AFTER we learned they were secretly bankrolling a war against Benerit?#these things arenā€™t necessarily flaws per see (they do at least make internal sense)#and itā€™s always the non-Asticassia parts that get hit the worst with it#also how long does it take to build a mobile suit?#we went from Gund-Nodes being under development two episodes ago#to there being an entire fleet of them this episode#so how much time has passed? has it been months? days?#I kinda thought the whole ā€˜Norea goes hamā€™ thing happened like a day after Quinharbour#or less#so was there like a month timeskip in between these episodes?#and then you get things like Suletta being a second-year instead of a first-year which.#like thatā€™s not as big but it sure took me by surprise#sheā€™s never been to school before!#why is she a second-year?#g-witch#it kinda feels like we missed an episode in between these two#where Prospera uses Miorine to get access to the resources she needs#to finish Quiet Zero#Peil are under massive pressure due to Shaddiqā€™s actions#so they find out about it somehow and go to SAL with it#personally I think the wierdness comes at least a little from all the times stuff like that happens and then it is never explained again#the school will act if people get violent?#why didnā€™t anything happen when ChuChu sent that girl straight to the ICU?#just. a lot of stuff like that adding up#where we can argue and rationalize and go back and forth on it#but what happened is that the show kinda didnā€™t explain something it sorta needed to#and again the things can make sense and we can think our way through them but the problem is still there yā€™know?
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shera-dnd Ā· 2 years ago
Well with the final Suletta sunday I guess it's a good time to do one last bit of thematic analysis and symbolism
There were no actual tomatoes this episode, so I think it's time we address the core theme those tomatoes played into
Choosing Love
Because in the end that's what saves everyone. It's why even our hated villains get to live.
Because when everything went to shit and they could have all chosen anger or despair, they all chose love
Prospera and Suletta, Ericht and Suletta, Lauda and Guel
They chose to love and live and be together as family
Because love here isn't just the romantic love Suletta and Miorine have for each other, but familial love, and the love between friends too
That love comes together as all the gundams join Callibarn at the end (plus Elan's love for Suletta) and release it all in one crowning moment
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A gigantic blast of gay rainbows. A love so strong it overrides that super weapon and shuts it down
Lets not fucking forget the ghosts stored in the data storm. All of those who died to the gundam curse returning one last time, as their memories are allowed to live on
All those who our protagonists lost, but that are still with them. The memories of them helping them fight on
It's those memories that let Suletta surpass Permet Score 8
But like Sophie said, Gundams are weapons of war. They're meant only for killing.
And once again they choose love. They decide that if Gundams can only exist to harm, then Gundams shouldn't exist at all. The Mobile Suits, Quiet Zero, every weapon disintegrates, leaving behind the thing they truly wanted Gund Arm tech to be
Medical technology. Something that exists with the sole purpose of helping people.
Love may be stored in the gundam, but with them gone that love is allowed to be free again
Of course the mobile suits disintegrating is also meant to parallel the benerit group falling apart, because guess what Suletta isn't the only one going for that thematic consistency
Miorine could spend years using her financial power to fight the other companies or made a big show of making donations to Earth, or "helped" in a myriad other ways that still kept her in power as the head of a mega corporation
But what did the bitch do? She dismantled the company and sent all the assets to earth, so they'd be able to rebuild and flourish without becoming dependent on her company's good will
Because guess what choosing love is choosing vulnerability. Choosing love doesn't mean shit if you're still holding power over others around you. They chose love and that means choosing to let go of that power
No money, no death robots, they don't need the power, they don't need control, they just need to help others in whatever way they can
Considering that clinging to control and power has been a very common recurring trait among our villains, this was genuinely the best way this could have gone
And so they all get to live, in a world they built together, a more peaceful world. Because they made their choice
Okay I'll stop. I could write a god damn thesis about this show, but I think this about covers things
Love me a show about being hopeful and full of love and joy in a world that expects only bitterness and spite
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comradeyurika Ā· 2 years ago
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And as her plans come to their end and Suletta has exceeded Eri's permet score, Prospera because Elnora again. She believes that she can't ever be forgiven, but both of her daughters are reaching out to her. Despite all the monstrous things she did, in this moment she is just a grieving mother whose daughters want her to be happy.
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And in the big final dramatic moment we have the excellent usage of silence to lead into the belief that Suletta has died before we, and Miorine, learn to our relief that she was merely unconscious. It's a very sweet moment that ties us right back to Suletta and Miorine's beginnings as well.
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And so we finally reach the end point. The epilogue is brief but gives us a chance to check in on where everyone is at 3 years later. We get to see the Earth House kids finding success, Shaddiq continuing his penance, Petra alive and with prosthetic legs (yay!), and more. The scenes of Ericht taunting Miorine digitally are pretty funny and give us a nice view of what the family dynamic is like with a non-corporeal sister-in-law in the mix. And the scene with Miorine and the former Grassley squad is really nice because it reflects on the fact that maybe all of those profits will just go right back to space and that they've just changed the name of the oppressors, but they have no way of knowing the alternate paths. And so we close with Suletta's dream of building a school back in the mix, just in a different location, and the friends being able to live together in peace at last.
As far as endings go, this is pretty alright. The show definitely needed another season, but considering this is what they had, I think they did okay with it. I would like to see another story set in this universe sometime after this, but I'm content with G Witch even if I feel like it could have reached greater heights with 36 episodes instead of 24.
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explosionshark Ā· 2 years ago
my favorite Miorine thing is that she's so laser focused on suletta to an almost comical degree. prospera reveals that she wants to ruin delling's life (like, her dad, who is dying at the hospital) and miorine goes "ok but leave suletta out of this!". near the end prospera goes on a tirade about eri and miorine, pissed out of her mind, says "you have another daugher! suletta, remember??". i love her.
I think the show does a really good job acknowledging that 1) Suletta and Miorine both have REALLY different methods of parsing their emotions and expressing themselves and 2) holy shit they're fucking IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER FOR REAL
You really cannot meaningfully analyze these characters and the decisions they make and the way they relate to each other without keeping their toxic relationships with their parents in mind. There's SO much projection going on - Miorine project herself onto Suletta and Suletta projects her mother onto Miorine.
When we meet Miorine she's isolated and miserable and her only concern is to spite her father and secure her own future. She feels at once dismissed by Delling and also oppressed and controlled by him. Suletta and, subsequently, Earth House are the only real connections she's made with other people. It doesn't take very long for her priorities to shift from getting herself away from her father to providing for her groom and gund-arm.
By late S1 she's undergone this massive shift - she's in charge of a project she chose, working with people she cares about. She's got two things she never had before: autonomy and support.
When Miorine hurts Suletta's feelings by trying to take greenhouse duties away from her, by endorsing her spending time with Elan, she is trying to give Suletta the most important thing she can think to give: autonomy. Freedom to choose how she spends her time and with who. It's a great conflict because it's such a revealing miscommunication. By projecting her own feelings and trauma onto Suletta, Miorine misses what Suletta actually needs. And it beautifully foreshadows the conflict in s2.
Bc the turn in s2 is that Miorine needs to reconcile the version of Suletta that she has come to know and care so much about with the Suletta she was confronted with at plant Quetta. Correctly, Miorine identifies that Suletta is being manipulated and controlled by Prospera. But she takes it further - she overlays her own parental trauma onto Suletta. Miorine sees herself and her father in Prospera's control over Suletta. Worse even: to her father, Miorine was a chess piece in reserve. But Prospera isn't holding Suletta back from anything to preserve her though: she's putting her on the front lines. She's using her as a weapon. And Suletta lacks the perspective to see it.
Suletta is, it seems, incapable of conflict. She can't stick up for herself. We see this all the time but especially in the whole lunch fiasco when she decides everyone hates her because she's too sad to ask for food. Miorine, on the other hand, actually has an easier time expressing conflict and disapproval than she does vulnerability. Calling out Prospera for the way she dominates Suletta makes perfect sense because Miorine has been calling her own dad out for the same things pretty much her whole life.
So, ultimately, Miorine deciding that she has the moral right and authority to make decisions on Suletta's behalf is a great piece of character work. The thing she spent her whole life resenting her father for becomes exactly what she does to Suletta.
Suletta projecting her mother onto Miorine is definitely another part of the dynamic. Again, it's something we see most in s2. Right before the sabotaged duel, we see this moment of total cognitive dissonance in Suletta's thinking. Miorine and Prospera come to hold fully oppositional places of importance in Suletta's world. She ascribes basically an equal level of authority to them.
She loves her mom > her mom loves her > her mom would never make choices against Suletta's best interests > whatever her mom says must be right > if it hurts or if it feels wrong, it's because Suletta has to be more mature. And at the same time she loves Miorine > Miorine is smart and capable > Miorine wouldn't make a wrong decision > if she hurts Suletta, it's Suletta's own fault.
After she loses to Guel, Suletta copes by blaming me herself. She doesn't know how to be angry at someone she loves, but she does know how to feel shame for not being good enough. She wasn't the victim of a cruel betrayal, because her love for Miorine means she CANNOT be capable of doing something that bad. It becomes instead a failure of Suletta's - if she has been better, Miorine wouldn't have abandoned her. It's her own fault for losing and for wanting more than she should have in the first place.
It's the exact kind of broken, warped thinking she applies to Prospera. And it's why Prospera is exactly right when she tells Miorine that she too could get anything she wants from Suletta.
This is why I love the reunion so much. It's so explicitly about owning your own actions and allowing the person you love the space and freedom to decide how to respond. Suletta extends her hand. Miorine decides to meet her there.
Suletta chooses to risk herself in the Calibarn. Miorine alone respects her choice enough to raise the permet score, even if she breaks down immediately after.
Anyway wow I'm fully brainsick about these two. Sorry for that long ass rambling reply but oh my god I'm in a chokehold atm
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the-eeveekins Ā· 1 year ago
The 18th Day of G-Witch: Precious Things
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So, off the bat I get to address a complaint I saw about Miorine pop-up later in the show: Prospera never manipulates her into her bad choices, she makes them on their own.
And that's true, to an extent. Nearly every bad choice Miorine makes starting in this episode and into the next few were ultimately decisions she made. But in every case, it was Prospera's words that pushed her towards making those decisions. Prospera doesn't actually have to heavily manipulate Miorine into playing into her hands, she doesn't have to actually convince her to do these things, because she understands Miorine so well that she knows just what to say to make Miorine make those choices herself.
This is a perfect example of that. Prospera wonders aloud if Suletta will really give up Aerial and stay uninvolved in her schemes, thus pushing Miorine to concoct a plan to forcibly separate Suletta from Aerial. Time and again, Prospera hands Miorine the rope and she hangs herself with it.
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These scenes make this episode so tough. You can tell Suletta has been waiting for Miorine, you can tell how excited she is to finally be reunited with her. And you can tell how excited she is that Miorine is about to turn 17 and they can officially get married. Look at her face, Suletta is so ready to marry Miorine as soon as possible.
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This was essentially Miorine's last hail mary attempt to avoid something drastic. I think if she would have gotten a positive reply from Suletta, she would have asked Suletta to simply give up Aerial to Prospera/The Benerit Group and tried a different route of breaking Prospera's grip on Suletta. But Suletta's answers combined with Prospera's earlier words push Miorine into drastic measures.
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Look, ultimately I don't like Guel and I disliked his character development and how much focus he got in S2 at the cost of more important characters. But at least the guy handles being rejected properly and accepts Suletta's response. Which makes the way parts of the fandom and even Bandai itself continuing to try and push this relationship so annoying and frustrating. He got rejected TWICE, accepted Suletta's rejection and moved on with his life. I feel bad for fans of his who keep getting stuck with merch trying to push that aspect of his character.
Also, there's nothing complicated about this scene, there's no love triangle going on. Only homophobes desperate to downplay a same-sex relationship would turn a scene where a girl clearly rejects a guy while explaining she has feeling for someone else (Miorine) into some sort of complicated relationship situation. Looking at you, Anime Trendz.
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As if to drive home the fact that Suletta was talking about Miorine in the last scene, Miorine also reiterates that she doesn't want to lose the things precious to her (Suletta). I know it was frustrating when the show was airing that they never said "I love you," but given what we know in retrospect, I'm glad the staff still found ways to show that these girls loved each other. I'm so tired of people saying they had no chemistry or their relation was a weak one because they never said those exact words, when we now know that Bandai would have never let the staff do that.
Miorine is doing everything for Suletta's sake, even going behind her back and making decisions for her because she thinks it's for the best (just like her father did to her). This also begins the very frustrating trend of Guel silently sitting back instead of speaking out, because he clearly sees that what she's doing won't keep Suletta uninvolved. And considering his feelings for her, you'd like to think he'd push Miorine a bit harder towards a less drastic course of actions than the one that would hurt her so much.
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This is a duel Suletta detractors love to point to when they say Suletta isn't skilled and is carried by the Aerial. "Override is cheating and Suletta was only about to win this fight because she cheated" was a common argument I saw. Setting aside that it's not against the rules, by the same vein, Guel is also cheating by using the AI assist to basically do most of the piloting for him. Funny how people are quick to disparage Suletta's skill as a pilot because they think Ericht controlled the whole suit (it was just the bits), but when Guel literally has an AI program pilot the whole MS for him, there's suddenly not a peep out of those people about Guel being a bad pilot. And sorry I know this is kind of a pointless rant but I've had to read too many sexists on Twitter and Reddit tell me how good Guel is and how bad Suletta is to not say anything.
Anyway, even though Guel had a newly repaired and upgraded Darilbalde against Suletta's damaged Aerial, Suletta still basically had Guel beat easily before the AI saved him and put Suletta on the defensive.
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Like, I know Suletta doesn't literally say "Will you marry me?" but look at this dialogue and tell me with a straight face it's not a marriage proposal. If you think this scene is anything but Suletta asking Miorine if she'll marry her, you're either homophobic or have a horrible case of heteronormative you need looked at.
Miorine is a stronger woman than I am. After hearing that I don't think I would've had the strength to push that button, and you can even see her hands shaking in that moment. The anguish she must feel hearing Suletta say those words and knowing what she's about to do must have killed her inside.
Also...we saw what the GUND-BIT Rifle does to a mobile suit even in school regulation mode. Suletta was so determined to win and marry Miorine that I think she was seconds away from accidentally straight up murdering Guel here.
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Honestly, this scene probably hurt me more than any Gundam death ever has. I was depressed for a long time after it aired, and it absolutely made in so much worse that there was a one week delay until episode 18 aired, making this the last thing we saw for two whole weeks until the next episode (which was more pain!) Even though this is my 4th time watching it, it's still difficult to sit through, and it's only made bearable by knowing there's a happy ending waiting for them at the end of this.
Lynn said in an interview that Miorine had to be as cruel as she possibly could in this scene because if Suletta had detected even the slightest hint of kindness or care for her in Miorine's words and actions, she would have held onto that and not let go.
I definitely agree that Miorine's actions here are awful to Suletta and I understand it when people say they wouldn't personally be able to forgive her after something like this. But also realize that:
Miorine never expected Suletta to forgive her or come back to her, and she was fully prepared to throw away her own happiness and her relationship with Suletta for the chance that she could break Suletta free of Prospera and let her live an independent, happy life.
For better or worse, as horrible as this is, it does work. This puts a massive dent into Suletta's belief that listening to her mother and following her motto will always lead to gaining positive things in life. And that dent is important in the next episode.
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animebw Ā· 2 years ago
Okay, but you know what freaks me out about the new Gwitch episode? When Prospera's talking to Suletta about the Slap, she tells her she did the right thing and Miorine will surely understand her with time. But when she's talking to Miorine? She says that Suletta went too far and there probably could have been a better way. She's feeding them conflicting narratives on how to feel about it, and neither of them know. So when they finally meet up again and talk about it, they're going to approach it from opposite perspectives thinking the other one needs to come around to their point of view.
And that's going to be ugly.
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instantbee Ā· 2 years ago
Witch from Mercury ED Analysis Time!
Okay the new episode came out and it has some information that I think completely contextualizes the ED. Or maybe not. maybe I'm an insane person. Lets find out! Two pieces of information to state at the top 1) Eri=Aerial. Suletta's gundam is actually her big sister. Wild 2) Quiet Zero, the project that Prospera is trying to get Miorine involved in, is a networking technology that seems to link human minds with both each other and technology
Okay! So! The ED! We start with shots of a ghostly and incorporeal Miorine that Suletta cannot touch no matter how hard she tries. She also has her hairband on. Important? Maybe? Put a pin in it
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So these shots seem bad.
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Suletta is holding her hand out for Aerial and then Aerial plunges her hand into Suletta's chest. Which, given the implications of the GUND format, Ericht in the Gundam, and the project that Prospera has been working onā€¦maybe not great. But throughout the show we have seen multiple times that Aerial really cares about Suletta. Like a lot. Has done things to protect her and care for her, has comforted her. Suletta refers to them as sisters, etc
The next shots seem to be implying some level of taking over Suletta.
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But! The sequence continues. Suletta loses her hairband...that she never takes off...because it was a very important gift...from her mother. The symbolism of the hairband is not missed. Not by me and not by the dozens of other posts that have pointed it out. It represents Prospera's control over Suletta.
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This is followed by shots of her finally being able to grab Miorine's hand. The ED started with this ghostly Miorine that Suletta can't touch no matter how much she tries. And she's wearing the headband. But as soon as she loses the headband she's suddenly able to touch Miorine. SYMBOLISM
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So, there's a shot of Aerial looking like she's taking over Suletta but it actually sets her free of her mother's influenceā€¦which leads her to being able to finally be with Miorine. Aerial is Suletta's older sister that is inside the Gundam. Aerial has protected Suletta and been her companion. They talk to each other. Aerial has comforted Suletta. Suletta thinks she's just the Gundam and loves her as her sister as she is, but I bet Eri knows the truth. Prospera has been demonstrated to have psychologically conditioned Suletta. Ericht is now a data stream in a system that is designed around interlinking human minds. And I fucking BET that Prospera is going to try to use that conditioning, ask Suletta to hurt Miorine in some way as her final revenge against Delling. And I think it's going to work. Suletta is going to be terrified and trying to stop herself from hurting Miorine but unable to overcome her mother's conditioning. And then, Eri is going to link with her and break the conditioning and the sisters will work together to stop Prospera. Because i bet when push comes to shove the sisters will choose each other over their mother.
Because these are the shots we get after Miorine and Suletta are together
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Suletta conducting the gund bits and working with copies of herself
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What are the Sulettas working together for? What are they doing? I dunno, but it centers on Miorine
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A sketchy and incorporeal Miorine...that cannot be touched...a Miorine that is still Miorine but perhaps can't be physically interacted with...if only there was something in the show that could do that to a person...
I think Prospera is going to put Miorine into Quiet Zero as revenge against Delling and that Suletta and Eri are going to work together to rescue her
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Also that looks like a heart. I'm not crazy you're crazy
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socialshakespeare Ā· 5 months ago
Hi! Iā€™m just wondering your stance on pronoun changes for characters? For example, ā€œTo thy strong bidding task Ariel and all his quality-ā€œ Iā€™ve seen many productions change that to match the actorā€™s gender, since Ariel isnā€™t seen as a strictly male role anymore. Would we be allowed to do that too on the readings? Could we say ā€œAriel and all their qualityā€, if we liked? Or is it a strictly stick-to-the-script sort of a thing?
This is a very thoughtful question, thank you for asking!
The short answer is that we don't usually change the textual pronouns of a character, but you're fine to do so as long as it's a minimal change that all parties (the character & anyone referencing them) are able to coordinate.
[If anyone's wondering about the video project then the characters are yours to play with btw!]
We make very minimal changes to the text most months, but we love individuality. That's part of why we do Shakes the way we do - no rehearsals, no directors, and never the same casting twice. Everyone creates something fresh, together, on the day.
That's also why it's harder to make reading-specific character changes. With Ariel, who's only referred to like once by Prospero, it's a lot simpler, but pulling a Julie Taymor turning Prospero into Prospera would require a whole lot of script changes for basically everyone.
Ultimately I (Stef) think it's a matter of coordination and nuance. Specifically as regards Ariel, I'd say go for it! Just reach out to the other actor to discuss it first. if you're Ariel, you want to be sure Prospero is able to edit their script. If you're Prospero, well, you need to know what change you're making, don't you?
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takerfoxx Ā· 2 years ago
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Well, it's been a full week since Gundam: The Witch From Mercury has ended, and God, I miss it already.
This was a special show to me, and no joke, it might have made my top five anime of all time. There was just something wonderful about getting invested in a series while it was still running and tuning in week by week and having time to really digest what I've seen before the next episode hit. Granted, I marathoned all of season one and only checked it out because of the SLAP, but even so. It was a wild ride.
And not in the least because wow, a canon wlw couple in a massively mainstream franchise like Gundman, one that ends up getting unambiguously married, and it's not treated like a joke, not played for fanservice, and doesn't portray one of them as a horny molester. That is kind of huge and groundbreaking. And yeah, I am ride or die for SuleMio. They're like number two of my favorite anime couples, second only to KyoSaya, and they actually have the advantage of bursting out of the subtext into undeniable TEXT.
What's funny is that I remember being a little put off by their dynamic in season one. Despite all the hype, there was this weird distance between them, one that was very unromantic, to the point where I started to wonder if they even liked each other in that way, or if it was just a political thing. But then they had their WONDERFUL zero gravity argument, where it was revealed that this was actually a deliberate writing choice, and Suletta and Miorine's differences in backgrounds, ways of thinking, toxic upbringings, and difficulties communicating were going to be obstacles that they had to overcome. And watching them struggle with those problems and make multiple mistakes was honestly far more captivating then a cliched lovey-dovey relationship would have ever been. And seeing them finally come together and get their happy ending was well worth the wait.
But even beyond the main couple, this show fucked. The mech fights were all hype, everything was gorgeously animated, all the side characters were all unique and likeable (seriously, I was making an effort to remember everyone's names, even the throwaway characters with barely any lines), the music was OUTSTANDING (Red: Birthmark still gives me chills) and I still hold that Lady Prospera was not only one of the best and most interesting antagonists in a long time, but she is still one hundred percent Grade A Space MILF.
Still would.
Did it have it's problems? Of course it did. I agree that the last few episodes did feel really rushed, with stuff like the Calibarn and the big space laser suddenly showing up and being super important despite never even being mentioned. All the names of the different organizations were hard to keep track of, even though it was really important to the plot, and there was a lot going on that I felt could have stood to have room to breathe. Honestly, I don't know why WFM only got half the usual amount of episodes for a Gundam show, as it could really used a few more.
And yes, I would have loved to have seen the wedding and a kiss. I know, it's Japan, and Gundam doesn't usually have kissing, but after all that build up!
Still, what we got was still wonderful, and I'm glad that for as shaky as it got, it still stuck the landing.
I'm gonna miss this show. I'm really gonna miss it.
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incorrecttowerofgodquotes Ā· 2 years ago
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 5 Review
- Happy Birthday is forever doomed, and that greenhouse does nothing but destroy relationships. God, I am suffer
- Sadly, Miorine fell for Prosperaā€™s provocation and decided to team up with her, but on the condition that she leaves Suletta alone. But thatā€™s perfectly fine for Prospera, Suletta doesnā€™t matter to her. Sheā€™s just a replacement daughter, and now that Aerial has hit Permet 7 or 8, she doesnā€™t need her.
- Shaddiq has the worlds most punchable face, but he is playing the game smart. Peil was an obvious wildcard, so heā€™s decided to partner with them in order to get them out of the way. And it looks like he already got his father out of the way too. RIP Sarius, you were the only good parent.
- Jeturk House is a literal found family and I canā€™t stop crying. They all love each other so much. It seems Petra and Lauda are dating and Felsi just learned about it. Also, the fact that Lauda loved his brother and wanted to support him from day one is sweet. God I hope nothing bad happens to any of them.
- The callbacks and dark reflections in this episode to Episodes 1 and 3 have slayed me. The end of the episode was an exact copy of the end of episode 1, but this time, Miorine is saying goodbye instead of hello, all underneath a darkened sky compared to the bright dawn we originally saw. The entire dueling room and then elevator-hallway scene was an exact copy of Episode 3, so much so that they reused Seceliaā€™s animation. Since the three main characters this episode were Suletta, Miorine, and Guel, it makes sense to bring back references to the episodes that started their character development in the first place
- also somebody gotta glue Seceliaā€™s ass to that couch cause every time she gets up some bad shit happens
- Guel and Sulettaā€™s scene at the greenhouse made me feel like I was walking on air. Guel has grown so much and has decided to be honest with his feelings, and you can tell just how happy those words made Suletta. But at the end of the day, Suletta loves Miorine, and Guel supports her. He isnā€™t that selfish jerk we saw in episode 1 anymore. He wants whatā€™s best for others to, not just himself. But also the GueSule shipper in me was crying a bit
- But that beautiful scene in the greenhouse leads to Miorine strengthening her resolve to give Suletta a good life, even if it means hurting her. Sheā€™s willing to work with Guel, someone she absolutely hated, because she knows he loves her just as much as she does, and all they want is for Suletta to be happy. The fact that Miorine is willing to sacrifice herself and enter a marriage she doesnā€™t want is heartbreaking, but thereā€™s no one else she can trust.
- The scene where Guel says thereā€™s no world without Gundams and weapons hurts a whole lot. Miorine and Suletta, despite all theyā€™ve gone through, still havenā€™t seen the true harshness of the world. Guel, whoā€™s experienced even just a fraction of what horrible things are taking place, canā€™t see any world where peace is absolute.
- Guel suffering from PTSD makes so much sense. As much as we like to meme that suffering builds character, what it ultimately did was fuck up Guelā€™s life forever. Heā€™ll always carry the trauma of killing his father, but as we saw in this episode, the impassioned cries of his family is what snaps him out of it. Really, between Chuchu and Guel, I think Felsi has the magic voice ready to heal trauma. Maybe she should hang out with Suletta after this ep
- All right, this is going to be a long fucking section about El5n, because I genuinely have so many thoughts rotating in my head about this failson. First, the greenhouse scene. Seeing the way he so violently assaults Suletta out of desperation is terrifying. Heā€™s being pushed to the absolute brink. He even brought a taser just to knock Suletta out. Itā€™s a large change compared to his usual ā€œjust smile and waveā€ and I think itā€™s wholly because of last episode. El5n had his mind violated by Eri, the one place that not even Peil could assault and change. And that combined with Belmeriaā€™s whining set off a bomb inside him. He realized in that moment that he will never be safe as long as he plays by Peilā€™s books. Any more attempts of hijacking the Aerial would continue to hurt the one thing he has control of, his mind, and if he sticks with Peil any longer, heā€™s going to die
- But what hit me the hardest was his anger at Sulettaā€™s cries for Elan, specifically the line ā€œThe man youā€™re thinking of isnā€™t here.ā€ Itā€™s a short line but packed with so many meanings. First of which, the simple one being that El5n finally lets the cat out of the bag, stating that he and El4n are two different people. But looking at it deeper, we can see more to this statement. The second meaning could be the intense hatred he possibly feels towards the original Elan. That the man Suletta thinks he is has been hiding behind body doubles and living his life without even sparing a single thought towards her. The third meaning is that El5n is pissed that El4n is dead, and that Sulettaā€™s cries for him just make his grieving so much worse. Fourth, and finally, is the fact that El5n doesnā€™t want to be a replacement for Elan, he wants to be his only person. All Suletta can see is Elan, not the kid underneath the mask, and that hurts him. The fact that his very identity and status as a person has been torn away is sick, but no one but him knows.
- But before any more of his true self can pour out, Guel comes in to protect Suletta, just twisting the knife further into El5n. Heā€™s had no one to stand up for and protect him, heā€™s alone from everyone, separated by a mask. And the fact that the one who comes to Sulettaā€™s rescue is a man whoā€™s lived in luxury and hasnā€™t struggled a day in his life (at least on El5nā€™s eyes) is even more painful. The final shot was the ā€œWhat are you afraid of?ā€ line Guel says to him. Cause for the first time, someone has finally seen the pain and hurt heā€™s going through, and it happens to be some spoiled rich kid. But really, what is El5n afraid of? Is it a physical death or a spiritual death? Is he willing to wear the mask of Elan as long as he isnā€™t incinerated, or does he not want to lose his true self?
- Ultimately this retrospection El5n goes through is hidden to us, but we see the outcome. In which heā€™s chilling in a room with Norea and Nika for no reason. Truly a king. The dub said this line, but El5n feels like Norea is a kindred spirit. Someone who can understand what heā€™s going through and the amount of rage bottled up inside him at the unfairness of his situation. God, I hope these two end up together, or at least as partners. They need to fix each other so bad
- But where does El5n go from here? He canā€™t hang out with Peil anymore, so will he cooperate with Shaddiq? But Shaddiq is now working with Peil so that would cause some issues. Will he go full scorched earth at the presidential elections and air everyoneā€™s dirty laundry? I think that would be an amazingly funny moment. Will he and Norea bond over their tragic pasts? I want to dig into his backstory so fucking much, but I know that doing so would only hurt me further
- Also small detail but El5n saying to Nika that her friends missed her was pretty sweet. He understands what itā€™s like to feel alone so he reassures Nika that she isnā€™t.
- When the happy birthday song came in and Suletta pulled out the big fucking gun, I got scared for Guel. Weā€™ve already seen that thing eviscerate a mobile suitā€™s legs, so itā€™d probably have killed Guel if Mio didnā€™t step in. But still, who the fuck decided to put that song in there?! This isnā€™t funny anymore Okouchi
- God, Sulettaā€™s love for Miorine hurts so badly. She wants to be properly married and do everything a married couple can, but in the end, itā€™s taken from her. Sulettaā€™s codependency on her mother, Aerial, and Miorine is not healthy, and she needs to experience the loss of these things in order to grow as a person. But the real question is will she regress or progress? She still has Earth House, who are filled with nothing but the sweetest children, but she could also be taken advantage of by Shaddiq or simply dig herself into a hole. In the end, itā€™s all Sulettaā€™s choice. She has to find strength within herself
- Miorine hesitated when hearing about Sulettaā€™s dreams for the future. She wants just what Suletta wants, a happy life with the one she loves. But in Miorineā€™s mind, as long as Suletta is tied to the Aerial, her mother, and her, then Suletta will forever be stuck and taken advantage of. Miorine is willing to play the bad guy, no matter how much it hurts her, because she loves Suletta. Sheā€™s become the person she hated so much, her father, and you can feel the pain itā€™s causing her.
- Guel and Miorine feeling extremely guilty for what they did just means that Jeturk finally took another L. Though I hope Guel will be able to help Miorine realize itā€™s okay for her to love Suletta
- Ever Eri feels bad for what happened, but it also seems like sheā€™s moved onto a higher plane, possibly within Prosperaā€™s mask. I guess if she really is gone, that means the Aerial is back to killing people status. Or maybe itā€™ll find a new leech?
Guel claiming a W but still getting an L is perfectly on brand. The lesbians are going through a divorce arc. And I canā€™t believe I spent that much talking about El5n when he only showed up for like 3 minutes. All of our characters are suffering but Shaddiq, the bastard
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animehouse-moe Ā· 2 years ago
Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch From Mercury S2 Episode 11: Unrelenting Tenderness
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Ah, nothing like being stressed out for an entire episode as to whether or not Suletta will succumb to the high permet score, or if Guel will end up killed by Lauda or kill another family member, or if our Elan will go off and die like the others, or this that and the other thing, all to get faked out for the real danger/moment. Incredible work on the episode that skirts around a more high level narrative to instead approach characters head on to unify them for this "final" episode to come, so certainly lots to talk about!
Well actually, sort of unexpectedly, the episode starts with a Calibarn vs Aerial fight that's showing off to the max. Of course, Suletta and Eri are having their chat about ideals and what's right/what they should be doing, but I'm pretty sure most people understand what's going on, so I'll just share how absolutely cool the fighting is for these scenes.
The pacing is wild, and given the scale of the combat, I think the decision to take the objects further away from the viewer so details matter less was a great idea. It allows for incredible pace in the fight without worry of being perfect, or taking absolute ages to complete. Plus, the way the fight's constructed in three dimensional space, you still get close ups and flybys past the camera that allow you a closer glimpse into the combat. Just really, really well orchestrated combat for the feel that was desired of it.
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Similarly, I love how well designed the combat style of the Calibarn is. If you notice through the sequence, Suletta isn't actually retaliating against the Gund Bits at all, rather she's purely evading them. As you'd expect of Calibarn. It's main form of movement is also its source of combat power as the, as I like to call it, "broomstick" is used for high powered propulsion through the fight. And I think that's a super cool idea for a design, especially with how this episode show it off.
But anyways, the fight rages on as Lauda engages with Guel, the Earth House + Elan + Bel, and Felsi all sortie to enter the fray as we cut to the opening.
Following the opening, and a bit more dancing around with various characters to establish where they are/what they're doing, the data storm of Quiet Zero suddenly begins to wane/fail. This is a really cool piece that reminds viewers of where Quiet Zero began. Under the supervision of Miorine's mother Notrette. It also reminds viewers about the fact that Delling Rembran continued the Quiet Zero project in secrecy, but disavowed the existence of Gundams. Anyways, I present to you the notion that Notrette still exists in the Data Storm, and that she's the one interfering with Prospera and Eri. Ericht's frustration in regards to the data storm stalling out are directed at someone, nothing something, but another person that shares a similar goal/ideal to Ericht. Prospera's comment on pest control. It all implies a lot of things, and there's not many others that would check enough boxes aside from Notrette.
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We temporarily shift from Quiet Zero towards a very interesting conversation with the Space Assembly League. Given what we've known with the last while in regards to the league, I wouldn't say it was expected, but it was certainly a possibility that they would stick their nose into the situation in full. What I find most interesting about it is how much this opens up the world of GWitch. The existence of a massive space laser that's a "tool for transferring energy", and the idea that civil unrest and discord still exists on Earth, coupled with the fact that Shaddiq's character arc hasn't actually been concluded. There's a lot of moving pieces that say, "but we're not done yet!", so I'm very curious to see what comes from their involvement and the various politics surrounding the league as well as Earth.
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Now, onto the most nerve-wracking and stressful part of the episode: Lauda vs Guel. My heart was in my throat this whole time. The conversation, the Gundam vs Mobile Suit, the flashback. So much of it. I'd been stressed since we saw Lauda show up in the last episode, and they certainly drew it out in today's, but the character development for Lauda in particular was outstanding.
The whole idea of the being the younger brother that just wanted to stand beside his sibling but never could rings so clearly with his words. That Guel chose Miorine over his own brother, that Guel killed their father and never told Lauda, that Guel left Lauda just as quickly as he returned. All he wants is the big brother that accepted him all those years ago, the big brother that give him the gift of a family, someone to look up to, someone to go running to when times were tough. It's an incredibly emotional piece that builds off of Guel's similar encounter with his father. It had me so scared. Going back into Lauda's memories to find Guel hug and accept Lauda, and then returning to see Guel's Dilanza embrace Lauda's Schwarzette in the same way as sparks fly and you sense the end of Guel.
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I'll never forgive GWitch for scaring me that badly, but thank God Felsi had already rocketed out in her mobile suit to break up the fight. But yeah, Gigabob continues his tear of being the best boy this season, and brings his little brother Lauda under his wing finally. Incredible piece that gives Guel the chance to right the wrongs of his past with his father, and to step into the light with his burden lightened.
So with the most nerve-wracking sequence finished, we return to Earth House and Co who have infiltrated Quiet Zero and are trying to shut it down. It's tense and high stakes, and there's great moments like Bel standing up to Prospera, who represents the sins that Bel herself bears.
The real moment though is Miorine (and Notrette to a degree). Miorine is tasked with inputting the shut down code for Quiet Zero, which was originally 'Quod Erat Demonstrandum', or in the literal translation 'What Was To Be Shown'. Typically, it's used at the end of math proofs as a way to conclude them, so an interesting addition in the form of originally 'concluding' Quiet Zero while staying true to Notrette's penchant for latin phrases.
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Of course, Prospera changed the code so it doesn't work, but like Eri hinted at earlier, Notrette isn't completely gone, and is still helping her daughter Miorine by providing a backdoor to which only she would know the answer: part of the genetic code of the tomatoes that her mother left behind. A really sweet piece that speaks to Notrette's love for Miorine, but also like I said further proves the existence of her within Quiet Zero/the Data Storm.
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Truthfully, I think the introduction of Notrette via the data storm helps bring Suletta (and by extension Prospera) and Miorine closer as lead characters. Giving them something that's been lost, and that they struggle with through similar aspects allows them to be placed on equal footing while providing different approaches/ understandings to their unique situations.
But anyways, Quiet Zero gets shut down and the Benerit Group/Earth House/sorta Space Assembly League succeeds in their goal of defeating it. But the Space Assembly League at the top has a different idea, as they turn that weapon on Quiet Zero and fire, leaving Eri on her own to protect everyone.
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I really like this piece, specifically because it's Eri's decision. It's Ericht moving to protect her mother and her little sister, and their friends and family. It's not Eri acting for the sake of Prospera, or under her order or wishes, it's one of the few scenes where Eri acts under her own agency and desire. And within that, it's incredibly ironic that she ends up destroyed.
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And our episode ends here. Aerial destroyed, Quiet Zero shut down, no defenses, no protections as they stare down the barrel of the universe's most dangerous weapon.
A dire situation, one that seems to have little hope of surviving for our characters involved, but let me show you these details first.
Starting off with Prospera, her permet pattern is different. The shape is decidedly different from the usual that we see from all the other pilots/characters. Alongside that, she's not actually piloting or directly interacting with a Gundam or anything, so it shouldn't be visible in the first place. So why can we see it, and why is it different? Well, for one, she seems to use it as a way to connect/interact with Ericht and Aerial, but more than that I feel it's connected to Carbo Nado and Prospera's past with her that was teased in the prologue.
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Secondly, I think it's easy to forget how Suletta refers to Aerial/Ericht, and how we're shown the girl/Gundam. Suletta commonly uses 'Miina' to refer to Aerial and her Gund Bits, which means "everyone". Suletta sees, experiences, and understands Aerial as a multitude of Ericht's, and we see them that way as well. Even in this episode we see several Ericht's that take the place/form of Gund Bits.
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And if you pay attention to the wreckage, you'll notice that some of the Gund Bits from Aerial are still intact, floating around Suletta and Calibarn.
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So I'm sure most know what this means, but Eri is still alive. Aerial is gone, but Ericht lives on through her Gund Bits, and will ultimately integrated with Suletta and Calibarn to form a defense against the Giant Space Laser ā„¢ļø.
And that's the end of the episode, this time. For sure. Definitely. I'm really quite interested to see what they do with this final upcoming episode though. There's the potential to expand the scope of GWitch to place further focus on Earth through the Space Assembly and Shaddiq, but there's also the opportunity to call it a day with the final episode with whatever the outcome may be from that. It's a good position to find themselves in, and I think I'll be relatively satisfied with whatever they do there. So many character arcs have been resolved, and goals reached between them all. But it also doesn't mean there's an entire world for them to explore out there, for new challenges to arise or progression to be made, particularly with characters like Shaddiq and Miorine. Only time will tell though, and with a countdown of one week, we won't be left waiting long to find out.
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mayhem-ensues Ā· 2 years ago
Okay, so I'd have to imagine that the SuleMio reunion is coming next episode for sure. The whole reason Miorine walked away from Suletta in the first place was to make sure that Suletta stayed away from both Prospera and Gundams and now she's headed straight toward both of those things. Dramaturgically speaking it simply doesn't make sense to have Suletta get in the Gundam without addressing this core conflict.
I'm not gonna call this a prediction because it's really more like a wish for how the next episode is gonna go, but what I want to see is Miorine somehow learning that Suletta is going to pilot a Gundam and confront Prospera, and desperately wanting to stop her. After all, literally everything that Miorine has been through and suffered has been for the sole purpose of keeping Suletta safe. Their's no way she wouldn't go in person to try and stop Suletta from getting in a Gundam if that's what she has to do. From there we should get the tearful SuleMio reunion where they finally communicate what they want properly (and it better be lengthy after the amount of time their relationship has spent in the background).
From there you can have Lauda show up in the Schwarzette to try and get them, Guel can try and stop Lauda to finish off his character arc and free up Suletta and Miorine to go after Prospera together.
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themattress Ā· 2 years ago
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............Actually, letā€™s amend that statement.
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In regards to the past few episodes of G-Witch, thereā€™s been discourse about Miorineā€™s actions, how right or wrong they were, how culpable she is in the presently unfolding disaster on Earth, etc. And looking it all over, I gotta say...for the most part, this is 100% on Prospera, not Miorine. Because hereā€™s the thing: Miorine in-universe and out gets a lot of praise for being really smart, a prodigy, a girlboss, etc. and yes, she is all that...but sheā€™s also still a child. Realistically, there was no way that Miorine, for all her talents, was going to stand a chance matching wits against an experienced adult master manipulator like Prospera, and Iā€™m not sure why anyone expected otherwise. Prospera knew exactly how to get into her head and how to lie or half-truth with believable conviction, so of course Miorine was going to be manipulated. l feel like assigning blame to Miorine is in the same vein as assigning blame to Sansa Stark for being manipulated by Cersei Lannister, or blaming any given Teen Titan for being manipulated by Slade Wilson. How about we just blame the grown-ass adult instead?
With that said, there was one thing she did wrong, which also gets misunderstood. See, looking at the situation from an objective lens what she pulled on Suletta in Season 2, Episode 5 was completely justified in terms of accomplishing what it needed to for Suletta. Sheā€™d tried being straightforward with Suletta and it didnā€™t work; Sulettaā€™s known and trusted her mother and ā€œsisterā€ way longer than she has Miorine and couldnā€™t be persuaded to abandon them; they needed to abandon herĀ if she was ever going to wake up from her brainwashing. However, the way in which Miorine did it was completely wrong-headed. Letting both her own personal realizations and anxieties mix with Prosperaā€™s manipulation led Miorine to believe sheā€™s doomed by blood and is her fatherā€™s daughter no matter how hard she tries not to be, so the best thing for everyone is for her to embrace that, to emulate her father and cut off all emotional ties, to let people believe she doesnā€™t care even when she does because ā€œtheyā€™re better off that wayā€. Some people claimed sheā€™s continuing an abuse cycle, but that doesnā€™t work when sheā€™s this self-aware about her actions. Whatā€™s actually happening is that Miorine is continuing to abuse herself, and thinking thatā€™s fine so long as sheā€™s the only one who remains miserable as a result (and, as we all know...she wasnā€™t.)
Bringing up the Teen Titans and Slade again, this line from Robin fits well here:Ā ā€œFocused, serious, determined...as much as I hate to admit it, he and I are kind of alike. But there's one big difference between me and Slade. He doesn't have any friends.ā€ Miorine should have realized that no matter what the similarities to her and Deling, she has friends and he doesnā€™t, and she should have reached out to them instead of just keeping things between herself, Prospera and Guel, neither of whom are people she likes. What she should really be kicking herself for now is just cutting Suletta loose and expecting her friends to pick her up rather than incorporating said friends in her plan of cutting Suletta loose from the beginning. Because now they donā€™t know what the Hellā€™s going on and are stumbling around blind.
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Does anyone at this point, Suletta? Does anyone really? Thanks a lot, Mio-Mio!
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comradeyurika Ā· 2 years ago
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The arrival of Guston and Bel gives Suletta a chance to finally tell the truth out loud about her, Ericht and Prospera. She can't reason with Prospera because to her Suletta was just a means to getting the daughter she actually cared about back. This is all surprising information to her friends, but of course it's not going to change anything about how they feel about Suletta. For Guston, it just means its time for Plan B in how they approach this situation.
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Bel's protestations don't work for Nika considering what she knows now about what was happening at Peil and with the different Elans. Although Belmeria has been carrying this guilt, it doesn't change what she did at all.
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Suletta is able to find her resolve because of everything going on with her mom, along with the realization that her sister has been the one protecting her from the Gundam's curse this whole time.
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The unveiling of Quiet Zero takes things from bad to worse. Miorine can only watch on in horror as even more lives are lost to Prospera's plan, and she feels personally responsible for it considering how she was working with her previously. And for the Earth House members it shows them just how high the stakes are for this upcoming confrontation.
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Everyone finds their motivation to help out, even Elan 5 is going to come along for the ride. He finally has a purpose for living, and he's able to treat Suletta with dignity now. Guston definitely feels out of place among this group, but he's aware of it for sure.
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Even the one moment that should have been happy from this episode, the reveal that Petra is still clinging onto life and has a chance yet to live, is immediately turned into the next chapter in this tragedy, as we see Lauda having been put completely over the edge. Shaddiq's words about how Guel killed his father are certainly still weighing on his mind. Lauda being prepared to come right after Miorine is a big shift, but I'll be interested to see how that story develops in the next couple of episodes.
It seems like the series could actually be ending this season with the way the story is going, but there's also still a lot of stuff left unresolved, so it's pretty hard to say for sure. We should get a better idea over the next couple of weeks
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stacotto Ā· 2 years ago
I shouldn't be surprised when the episode title is, "The End of Hope", but.....fuck. I can barely keep my thoughts together as I write this, but, here we go.
Watching Earth House deal with the fallout of Aerial being the new poster child for the evil Spacian overlords was damn sad, Aliyah pretty much nails how I feel about it, though Lilique going "not our problem" is both a mood and unexpected (not in a bad way ofc). It was really sweet seeing Petra be nice to Suletta, on top of commiserating over their love lives, really added some nice depth. Her dialogue was Death Flag city tho. For those that care, the post-episode radio program hinted that she might still be alive, though just judging by the rubble she was under she might not have working legs anymo- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Clever.
Love to see Guel finally show off why he's always been an Ace in the making; my man faced off in his still school-spec'd Darilbalde vs a freshly upgraded Michaelis set to full power, and came out on top. Really appreciating his ability to use his drones, he's definitely the series' Quattro. Feeling bad for Lauda tho, dude just learned big bro just killed their father then gets the call at the end probably about what to Petra. Can already tell he's going to have a lot of internalized guilt over this happening because he skipped out on their date (for an admittedly important reason) unless she gets the chance to tell him otherwise.
RIP to the Earth House hangar and Chuchu's Demi, but I take solace in the fact that I called the Barding being her next custom suit the moment I saw the Gunpla images (obviously the Barding we saw in the episode was missing some details from the gunpla like the second head mounted on the backpack which is definitely going to be salvaged from Chuchu's old Demi but yeah, called it). Also now feeling the Felchu vibes, ya'll got me.
Speaking of new ships...why did I have to get so rabidly attached to 5nore only for her to get Anew'd literally one episode later, it's not fair. They were going to run away and see the things she drew then the rest would come later. It's not fair. 5 is either going to have a Guel arc or just go absolute villain mode, and I'm not ready. It's not fair.
Okay I'm going to ramble a bit because I have been absolutely normal about the fact that Suletta has been a rescue pilot for a significant portion of her life and that detail is only really known to those that read Cradle Planet but they absolutely showed that off right at the end because this girl is tearing her hands apart moving heavy concrete slabs because goddammit there are still people that could be saved and she did not memorize the canyon patterns of Mercury, learn to wield a beam saber with the precision of a scalpel and earn Eri's complete faith that if she said she could complete a mission in 4 minutes then it'd be done in 4 minutes for her to not put all that experience to good use. I hope her effort gets recognized. It probably won't, Gundams just attacked the school again and killed likely scores of students if not hundreds this time around, but she's gotta get some respect for this.
"What We Can Do Now" is a hopeful title, and probably another TitleDrop episode like "Not the Best Way", so here's hoping that it's either a breather episode gearing up for a descent to Earth or said descent episode proper. I mean, it's either that or Mio and Prospera coming back up to Plant Quetta to send Quiet Zero...into...oh no.
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the-eeveekins Ā· 1 year ago
The 12th Day of G-Witch: The Witches From Earth
Starting off with something silly again, but I was always amused by Suletta standing on the ceiling and scrubbing it. The joys of zero-g.
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The scene establishing that Prospera & Delling have been working together, that Prospera definitely is Elnora and that it's been over 20 years. Unfortunately the series never really delves deep into Delling and Prospera, and I've always wondered if they started working together after the inquiry in episode 2, or if it was a sham from the beginning and they were already collaborating by that point.
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Bel is obviously suspicious of Prospera, and was trying to ask Suletta something in the last episode before being interrupted. I think this is the moment, when Prospera mentions only one daughter, that Bel clocks her with regards to the fact that Ericht is mysteriously missing. Bel knew about Ericht from Folkvangr and was probably trying to ask Suletta about her sister (because Bel knows Eri would be older, therefore Suletta wasn't Eri).
It's the very next thing Bel confronts Prospera about.
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I've seen it pointed out that Suletta likely suffers from rejection sensitive dysphoria, explaining her intensive negative reactions to feeling rejected or unwanted in this episode. It also explains why she's so desperate to be wanted or needed by those around her, and it's the only way she feels accepted by her peers.
It plays a major role in this episode, but an even bigger one in her development in S2.
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The chase! I love the animation bump for this scene, especially for their facial expressions in particular.
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I hope people aren't normally allowed into this hallway, because every time I watch this scene all I can think about is how much of a safety hazard it is. Miorine could've been decapitated.
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I always loved how Miorine does not let Suletta push her away here. She really cares about Suletta, hates seeing her like this, and she's determined that they're going to talk out this problem here and now.
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Suletta has been in love with Miorine since the Incubation Party, but I think that entire time she had serious doubts if Miorine actually loved her back. Miorine had told her she had no intention of marrying the Holder and she just needed Suletta to protect her until she got to Earth and others had reinforced that idea in her head. And while Miorine definitely showed Suletta she loved her with her actions, saying it with words was something she had absolutely struggled with.
But this is the moment Suletta realizes that Miorine does love her back.
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This was the love confession. This is Miorine saying "I love you." and Suletta saying "I love you too." Considering that the staff probably wasn't allowed to have them say those exact words, I thought the sentiment came across beautifully through their words and actions in this scene.
This episode originally aired on Christmas, and what a Christmas present this was. I was giddy for weeks, the fandom was going insane, and it definitely starting changing Sulemio in my head from a couple I liked to a couple I would be obsessed with nearly a year later.
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LOOK AT THAT SMILE! She is so happy and so in love!
(Look, my personal headcanon is that they definitely kissed off-screen between the last scene and this one so she's especially giddy that she just kissed the girl she loves.)
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Never forget that Shaddiq is a rat bastard.
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Title Drop! ALSO, Sophie's little fang! Charm point!
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