#but they would be on opposite extremes of the emotionally constipated category
bisexualgenderclown · 2 years
genuinely obsessed with how harrowhark has exactly two (2) big viable ships and literally both of them follow the dynamic of
“gf who cannot credibly claim to have smiled for longer than 15 non-consecutive seconds in her entire life” x “gf who hasn’t lost her smug grin even once even when everything absolutely and objectively sucks ass for her all the time”
like harrow clearly has a type
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So mun what's your opinion on Jotaro as a character? The fandom seems kind of split about him especially in the later parts.
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Ok. So. 
TLDR; A well-intended boy at the end of the day, but he is extremely emotionally flawed.
An elaborated version of this is below the cut!
 SO. I see most people fall into three overwhelming categories when they look at Jotaro. 
A) He’s such a badass and he’s awesome because of that!B) He’s an ass. He’s rude. Fuck that guy.C) He’s relatable.
In my opinion, all of these are correct? While the animation and manga really don’t help Jotaro out with what I’m about to say, you need to remember he’s 17 during SDC. There is a lot going on in both his personal life and during that road trip that changes him.
During this time a lot happens, and has been happening, before the grand road trip to Egypt: 
Fangirls follow Jotaro left and right in the anime: That would get annoying if it was going on for literal years. Especially if you are not into that or just want to be alone.
His dad travels a lot: I feel that although we do not see much of Jotaro’s dad in the anime, that does not mean his presence is not there or that he does not make himself known. Quite the opposite, I think Sadao Kujo has a great influence on Jotaro. As a musician that travels around the globe, he is exposed to the culture, fine art, and countless different perspectives on life. A knowledgable man who has his own period piece of a Japanese home with its own elaborate library, stone garden, and guest rooms for any number of people. I believe he is one of the people who continually inspires Jotaro to continue schooling and to think outside of the box, learn from others, and strive for the best while appreciating what they have. I feel that his absence does cause loneliness in Jotaro, although he would never admit it or make that apparent. Even though he has his mom, I think there’s a special kind of relationship that Sadao and his son have that causes Jotaro to genuinely feel sad when he is out traveling.
He’s in high school which is a time for serious self-development: Who remembers high school? Everyone is self-conscious and unsure of anything, grades are a thing and so is pressure to succeed, cliques abound, and the desire to be liked is the most universal yet undiscussed thread that tends to tie students together. We see a picture of Jotaro before he enters high school, a proud and smiling boy in a standard uniform who seems to want nothing but good for the world. 17-year-old Jotaro is less so. He stands out from others and has tendencies that get him into trouble (delinquency, violence, etc.). Is this acceptable behavior, no of course not. But its understandable because not only during this time is he an unsure kid who has no idea who he really wants to be/is in the middle of thinking he is finding himself, but this strange ‘evil spirit’ threatens to make his bad behavior worse and he is actively trying to prevent his already nasty habits from killing someone. We see he is aware of this too, we see him admit he shouldn’t do this kind of behavior during his fight with Kakyoin, and quite frankly he has no idea what to do to change this behavior. In the wake of all that is high school and sudden evil spirits, it suddenly feels like the end of the world if you make a wrong move when trying to better yourself. And when you carry around that guilt from knowing your violent tendencies have caused a lot of trouble and you’re still going to snap, it really never makes you feel good or even remotely at peace. The best he can do is shut that stuff down internally, or separate himself from others and sacrifice any attempt to have positive social ties. The pain of being alone while finding yourself is far less than the pain of hurting someone else who only ever wanted good for you.
His mother & friends: His mother is a doll, Jotaro knows it, we know it, everybody knows it. The last person Jotaro wants to hurt is the woman who had been supporting and loving him for years. Being able to see through the fear he has regarding his behavior and being the one to offer a warm hand to let him know it will all be okay and this will come to pass. This kind of behavior is what a loving supportive mother would do, and no you should never call your mother a bitch, but perhaps when you are looking for yourself and are scared of what you’re going to find, the reality of what your future self will be… maybe you see that as overbearing one day even though in reality it is far from it. But he doesn’t want to hurt her, so he tries to distance himself from Holly to keep her safe from being affiliated with him. We see this same behavior when Jotaro gets older and has a wife and daughter, he loves them more than anything but to him that means that they could get hurt. Putting distance between him and them means that there is a safety net for anyone who wants Jotaro’s head on a silver platter. 
I feel Jotaro was scared and unsure of himself in these years, and while he did calm down in DIU and SO, the trauma of losing his friends and not only staring death in the face on multiple occasions but seeing so much death and violence play out before him and take the only people he’s considered friends and family taken from him caused a lot of trauma. He’s been through so much in such a short time, and from then on I believed that he never wanted to put him or anyone else through that again. So he distanced himself in any way possible no matter how painful it was. Do I think he’s emotionally constipated? Yeah absolutely. Do I think he could benefit from therapy? Hell. Yes.
So, all that considered: It doesn’t excuse the brash and rude behavior, but it’s understandable why he acts like this and I  know he means well by these actions. Even if they don’t translate.((There's a really good character breakdown here if you want some more elaboration! Thank you for bearing with me!!
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