#but they are so good Q_Q
yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
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yurucamp · 4 months
graduated on saturday! hopefully i can draw a little more now
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hiphopcherrrypop · 8 months
doodle request of hagure and jabashiri drinking slushies and hagure is infodumping about the fighting lore between their gangs to him for the 20th time (jabashiri will always listen)
also extra note: i love your bucchigiri art!!!
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SOOO REAL + so cuuuteee
(extra note THANK UUU!!!)
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Jamming out to FNAF songs again. God am I excited for the movie.
I just have such a hopeful feeling it'll remake the experience of what the first few games felt like... The scary mystery of it all. And I feel like the songs also drive that point in them- that the full story would always have unanswered questions. And I love that.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
GO GO READY GO!!! haruka in her training arc!! ~♡
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[textless version under cut]
for you otometal my life haters 🦐
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mirukimary · 26 days
Prompt #1: Steer
Spoilers: ARR (lv46 quest ‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magitek’).
Pairing: WolCid; One-sided crush.
Iola learns how to walk a magitek armor.
Oh how she wished that the noise of the magitek would drown out the sound of her heartbeat. It was annoyingly uncessant, so loud it made it difficult to hear Wedge’s instructions.
What was her name again? Maggie?
Yeah, Maggie. Today was their first ride together. A magitek armor, huh? Iola always found them to be kind of cute, a bit silly in the way they sway around when they move. She had been dreaming of piloting one of these ever since she saw them for the first time. And here she was, about to do just that - a dream come true.
…And here she was, struggling to focus on it.
Her heart was too busy fluttering around, sounding alarms that yes, Cid was there. She knew. She could see him and hear his voice. There was no need to remind her, yet it would not quiet down.
“I've overseen a hundred such tests, but they still play hells with my nerves.” Biggs commented as he helped Iola up the machine. He then lowered his voice and added “And that's without the chief watching…” while throwing glances at Cid’s direction.
Iola’s gaze followed his and soon Cid came into her view. Her heart leaped even higher and her mind started to wander again. Did she pin her hair correctly? Was her skirt behaving as she climbed onto Maggie? Did her pastel clothes look cute against the black steel? She wasn’t about to embarrass herself right?
Her feelings were not showing on her face, right…?
Before she knew it, Iola was sitting atop of Maggie, the machine’s strange controllers blinking in front of her. Even with her mind filled with stupid thoughts, she couldn’t help but be amazed by them. Just a tap on these and she’d move, right? Like the garleans did? With such ease? With Wedge’s approval she moved the controller and Maggie took its first steps forward. It was a weird feeling, almost like the machine was about to topple down. But as soon as Iola started to take note of it, the feeling was gone. The slight noise of the metal hitting the ground became familiar, the sway stopped being uncomfortable and instead felt like the first steps of  freedom. What a curious thing garlean technology was.
A few more tests were run. Maggie slowly turned to the sides, not an issue in sight. Walked backwards. It was uncomfortable and not advised, but still a thing she could do if necessary. A leap, then two. Weird how easy it felt to press a button and fly into the air while piloting something so heavy. What a shame such wonderful things were made just to be destroyed in war.
Iola’s eyes found their way to Cid again. Did he also think the same? Or all was well with him, as long as the machines fulfilled their purpose? She wished these feelings had never met her. It would be so much easier to ask then. 
“First, I'd like you to try climbing that tangle of crystals yonder─as far up as you can go, if you please.” Wedge’s voice cut Iola’s daydream, dragging her back to the task at hand. She noticed him putting a small notepad away, and helped him do some linkpearl tests before moving. All set to go.
Which direction was it again?
Oh yeah, right. She lightly touched the controls and turned the machine towards the crystal path. It answered without issues, and soon Iola found herself piloting a magitek up the small cliff, beautiful orange rocks surrounding them and glistering in the sunlight. Another slight turn to the right and Iola noticed Cid’s gaze on her. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned her head to stare at the controls again. Just a bit more forward, and she was on top of the cliff, away from his field of vision.
“No anomalous movements evident from either leg. Good.” Wedge’s voice on the linkpearl cut her train of thought and brought her back to the present again “Next, jump back down and then sprint north, quick as you can!”
Iola stared at the drop ahead for a bit, wondering if it was even safe. Well, the Garlond Ironworks knew machines much better than her, did they not? With that thought in mind, she pressed the controller forward, and tapped the button to jump. And somehow, that’s the calmest her heart had been that afternoon.
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taniushka12 · 1 year
Oh my god with the dungeon meshi anime getting closer everyday you know what is also closer to becoming reality?
Laios animal ive become amv yeaaaAAAAAAHHH
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When I speak English I feel like Im a little racoon from animal crossing bc I have a insurmountable desire to end all my sentences with Yes?
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boundless-ut · 4 months
How many people are working on this? Is it just you?
Yup, just me! At least for now.
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tenebriism · 5 months
Another year means another birthday; another bittersweet day to be avoided at all costs. She knows full well that for Diluc there is more grief here than joy; a deep rooted ache that has only ever dulled over time rather than faded. Perhaps it’s why Jean chooses to mark the occasion of his birth with a different kind of festivity this year, something calm and lowkey that can serve as a distraction more so than some ruse of a party or grand celebration. 
With coupon in hand, ungloved digits wiggle it before his nose - a cashing in of his own gift just one month prior to mark her own nameday. “I’d like to request your company today, Strawberry.” She thinks it’s what he needs as much as anything, even if he seldom wants it. Just someone to be there to chase away the darkness of his thoughts and help him survive until the sun rises again and heralds a new day. A person that believes in him. That loves, and cherishes him, no matter the turmoil he carries. 
Finally letting the coupon drop, with her free hand she reaches for that of her red haired paramour, tugging him along with a gentle but earnest insistence away from the safe confines of his own sullen isolation. Through Mondstadt’s streets she navigates with idle chatter, a careful but contented babble of whatever had dominated her thoughts that day until she could settle on the steps of the Ordo Favonius. 
Hesitation lingers as she ponders the rationale of her action. Today of all days, it’s a bold move to bring him here. To ask him, in no uncertain terms to trust her, even if not the Ordo itself. Fingers squeeze against his own, warm and encouraging even if uncertain of her own well intentioned plan as she asks for permission before guiding him up those steps and into a building that had been irrevocably tainted so many years ago. 
It isn’t a history lesson she has seeks to give though, as her boots click across polished floors up and guide him upwards through winding staircases to the highest point of the highest tower. High above Mondstadt, her vision becomes that bit clearer, a picnic laid out on the seldom used stone as two pairs of golden binoculars sit alongside it. 
“I know what today means and I know celebrations aren’t exactly…appropriate, but I wanted to do something for you all the same. Something that you’d enjoy; that would bring you peace and maybe even allow a little bit of that adorable Strawberry charm to see the light of day. So this is me, with my very minimal knowledge of bird watching, trying incredibly hard to find the perfect spot to see your feathered friends.”
At her feet there sits a freshly wrapped selection of gifts containing a new Falconry glove; a book of timeless poems translated from Liyuean, a compass to guide him home on his travels, and a single symbolic dandelion. 
Jean smiles; the nervous curve of her lips creeping into the apples of her cheeks as she stretches upwards onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to the silken skin of his cheek. “Happy Birthday Diluc." 
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He's ASHAMED at the skepticism he greets her with at the door. The lack of fondness she so very deserves, the lack of affection or acknowledgement of all she has done to keep him on this earth. It's hard--- she knows this, and every year, he prays she does not take offense to the way he closes himself off, even to her. THIS ISN'T HIM... not entirely. It's a PART of him, an extremely UGLY part that rears its hideous head once a year on this very day, but despite how FAR he has come to not let it CONSUME him as heavily as it had in past years, it's the one day he CAN'T win against his own emotions no matter how hard he fights.
Can't swing a claymore at tears... can't set aflame his own bloodshot eyes. Can't rip out his own heart as it aches, relentlessly, within his chest and makes him feel one too-deep breath away from suffocating on the spot.
She's brought the coupon, though. An arts and crafts, signed, sealed, delivered CONTRACT, of sorts, that he'd encouraged her to use to whatever extent she felt necessary. She's nothing if not cunning and strategic, and, really, he should have EXPECTED this, but would it have changed anything even if he had? No... because even beyond the crayon covered contract she waves in front of his face, it's ultimately HER who encourages him to go along with this little plan. It's always the soft look she gives him, the purity, appreciation, AFFECTION so strongly reflected in her gaze... he thinks anyone would bend, just because it's Jean Gunnhildr.
It's when they get to the headquarters that Diluc hesitates. He stops at the very bottom of the stairs, and though the manner in which he tugs her backwards and into his arms is gentle, his grip on her has tightened ever so subtly.
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' What are you doing, and why are we here? '
The question burns in his gaze, by no means DEMANDING of an answer, but rather, afraid. This is the last place he wants to be today, of all days; maybe any other day, he can somewhat stomach the smell of these halls and the sight of those vibrant, perfectly hung banners, but not today.
Gods, not today.
It's... Jean, though, and she has never given him a reason NOT to trust her, even since childhood. She has only ever wanted what is BEST for him, even if it meant bearing a pain most unrelenting in the period of time he'd felt it necessary to leave Mondstadt for years and years and years, lest he DROWN in his own anger and grief. No, this is NOT where he wants to be today -- the Headquarters, at least, but he DOES want to be with HER.
So, he surrenders himself to her in full, yet again, and allows himself to be guided up those stairs to wherever she deems fit to take him, and goodness, is the reward plentiful.
As the sun hits his skin and the wind plays in his hair, the tiniest of gasps slips through when eyes fall upon her carefully concocted plan. " You... remembered. " Of course she did--- has he, amidst this annual trauma, forgotten the woman he is so honored to be betrothed to? Jean could likely state, with confidence, the number of freckles on his body, the number of sugars he puts into his coffee in the morning, the specific brand of paints he prefers to buy for the little pockets of time he can dedicate to his own hobbies, WITH his favorite tea he likes to sip... whatever it may be, Jean will remember.
The little kid who used to play Knights of Favonius with a young Kaeya and young Jean shines through in this moment. Nay, he isn't tugging on suspenders and waving around a tiny, wooden stick at an invisible enemy, but there's a certain pep to his step as he excitedly hastens forth that's not often there. " You're just in time, too. Look, right out there--- " Finger extends, following the path of a gorgeous falcon as it soared past the buildings. " Native to Liyue... can't imagine what brought her all the way over here. Change of pace, perhaps... " Though his musings are mostly to himself, he keeps an arm curled 'round her waist. Keeps her close and up against him, where he prefers for her to be, and delights in the kiss she bestows upon him.
If she's looking for bits and pieces of HER Strawberry, it's certainly shining through now, right along rosy tinted cheeks.
" ... thank you for this. " He realizes he hasn't even said that amidst all his excitement, and flushes even REDDER at the onset embarrassment.
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" You just... archons, you are perfect. Beautiful in every sense of the word. I just... I love you. I love you so much. Happy Birthday to me, indeed... "
@gunnhildred ;;
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muddlemore · 8 months
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seariii · 10 months
Health update: broke the streak of waking up with a sore throat, It doesn't (or barely) hurts today. Coughing is still here and the cold air doesn't help, my back hurts from the effort of coughing. I hope I'm finally getting out of this one, I'm so tired of it
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mewsporridge · 2 years
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dexaroth · 2 years
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yayy damien‼ 👍
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Petri I've been exploding about you all day I've been standing in my kitchen cleaning obsessively glaring at walls and staring so hard into blank space. I live alone so I'm allowed to shiver like a dog thinking about my friends. You're doing so well it's absurd you're doing such a good job of taking care of yourself, and regulating yourself, and not overwhelming yourself and I'm genuinely just sitting here like =_=_=_=. Someone should give Petri every single thing in the world its doing so so so well.
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yappacadaver · 1 year
Q_Q does he not know because he's scared?
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