#but they also sort of intertwine and comment on each other
lesbian-kyoru · 1 year
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I'm just calling cause I'm used to it, you'll pick up cause you're not a quitter / a mix for suo and taichi (side a)
listen on spotify
side b
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mxrecg · 1 year
True Love vs Infatuation | Gojo x Reader
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Summary: Gojo loves nothing more than spending time with you, even if it only consists of doing the most mundane of things. It wasn't until today, you realized just how much Gojo Satoru loves you.
Pairing: High School Gojo x YN
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Word Count: 2.4k
A/n: Imma be so honest idk wtf this is but I wrote it a hellaaa long time ago. So bc JJK s2 is out I thought why not post this drabble I wrote a long ass time ago. I also genuinely think this prolly isn't how canon Gojo would act but bruh I tried!! Anyways enjoy
Incandescent fireflies painted the dark sky with small flakes of light, creating an enriched serene atmosphere for reading. 
So there you sat cross-legged, outside your balcony, fully engrossed by the book you were reading. 
You slowly became hypnotised by the words allocated within the pages of the novel you were reading.
As your eyes further loomed through the pages and comprehended the context, your eyebrows furrowed in irritation and cuss words occasionally left your lips. 
Lost and captivated by the words decorating the interior pages of the book, you paid no mind to the snoring boy who laid down on your lap. 
You continued reading the story. Book in your dominant hand; whereas, the other one gently massaged the scalp of the teenage boy on your lap. 
Page after page began to turn, and soon enough you’ve reached the final page… to say you were disappointed was an understatement. 
Angered at the ending, you immediately slammed the book down on a coffee table and debated on whether or not you should ignite it on fire for illustrating such a realistic yet heartbreaking ending. 
Your sudden outburst lured the teenage boy out of his sleep, and he groaned, carelessly rubbing his eyes during his tired state. 
“Did one of your favourite manga boys die again?” he asked, now fully sitting up and stretching his arms. 
“You’re not entirely wrong,” you aggravatedly muttered. 
“Then tell me what’s aggravating your pretty self and giving you wrinkles,” he stated and you didn’t even bother showing your irritation to the latter comment. 
You took a deep breath, turned your head and he watched as your eyes became livid as you recited the vast difference of each character’s milieu and how their fate perfectly intertwined with one another. 
Your hands doing all sorts of motions, in an attempt to exemplify your extreme dislike and sadness of the poetic story you read. 
A story involving two individuals who unconsciously were ameliorating each other’s lives.
“It’s infuriating Satoru!! Did these two airheads even love each other?? It hasn’t even been like 24 hours and the girl is already marrying the man who was bawling his eyes over another girl- love of my life my ass,”
Satoru listened to your outburst intently, smiling at the sounds of your melodic voice. 
You let out a small huff of frustration, before finally ending your rant and the tears suddenly cascaded down your pale skin, “That being said, the author is able to write damn well.” 
Satoru only laughed quietly, wiping away your stray tears with his right hand, “I thought you hated sad romantic books? Why would you willingly choose to read Shakespere? At least watch the movie instead,” he replied and began playing with your hair. 
His reply caught you off guard and you tilted your head in confusion, staring at him with wide eyes. 
“You know what book I’m talking about?” you asked incredulously.  
“Yes… why do you look so shocked?” he asked, continuing to brush the threads of your h/l h/c hair, “It’s Romeo and Juliet, how could I not know? I swear Shoto was straight up fangirling about the movie actor-Da Vinci!!” 
“Da Vinci?” you replied, flicking his forehead and trying to hide your growing amusement, causing the man to pout his lips, “How the hell would a painter act? A dead painter at that.”
“No- no Leonardo Da Vinci the actor-”
It took every fibre in you to not burst out laughing at the moron in front of you, “My love, listen to me carefully- it's Di Caprio. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.” 
The man in front of you scoffed at your reply. 
“Da Vinci. Di Caprio, who cares. They’re both Leo’s involved in the art industry of the world. You must admit though, neither of them compare to me!” he said proudly. 
“I don’t know…. Leonardo Di Caprio does seem to have a lot of fangirls right now…. I mean have you seen him in Romeo and Juliet? Or better yet, Titanic?”
The man only poked the interior of his cheek with his tongue, scowling at you as you laughed. 
“The real question is though- did you read the book?”
“Yes,” he let out, not missing a beat. 
“The Satoru Gojo reads? The world must be ending,” you teased, clasping one of his hands and using your other hand to caress his cheek. 
Satoru didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned into your hand and softly smiled. 
His eyes soon twinkled into amusement, as an idea struck him. 
Noticing the change of his behaviour, you lifted an eyebrow to display your confusion. Satoru remained silent and instead flipped you over, so that your back was pressed against the couch. 
He smirked, straddling your hips and began tickling your sides. 
Squirming under his touch, you burst into fits of laughter, “T-toru…. S-stop….” you tried to breathe out, “Gojo- p-please hahahaha.”
Your pleas only encouraged him to tickle you faster, and you soon began to kick your feet, thrashing beneath the man as if your strength could overpower his. 
“Say Gojo Satoru is the strongest person in the world,” he smiled, continuing his attack. 
“I’d rather die,” you said in between heaps of laughter.
The man poked the interior of his cheek before smirking at you, a playful smile adorning his face as he continued with his attack. 
“Being tickled to death. Hm that seems new, I’ll discard your body so don’t worry, suit yourself,” he replied and grazed his fingers at your newly exposed skin, since your shirt slowly began to ride up above your navel. 
“Ok ok… Gojo… is the… strongest person….” 
“Go on, continue,” he encouraged. 
Despite the laughter escaping your lips, forcing your eyes shut, you already sensed the cockiness behind his words and you immediately laughed harder when you thought of something that would catch him off guard. 
“Gojo- i-is… the… strongest….” you stuttered out. 
“Altogether, now, state the full name,” he stated. Although, it seemed more like a command than a request. 
“OK!! Gojo Y/n is the strongest person in the world,” you spurred out in one quick breath. 
Impressed with the turn of events and his lack of words, you could not help but smirk- considering you made this cocky guy lose his demeanour. 
His tickling immediately ceased, his irises resembling a deer caught in the headlights, and his mouth slowly falling open. 
Gojo was in disbelief, as he tried to ensure his hearing wasn’t deteriorating and the words that escaped your mouth not too long ago were not a part of his mere illusive imagination.
Before he could recover and say some snide snarky remark, you grabbed Satoru’s shirt, pulling him down with you against the cushions of the couch you resided on. 
The action took him by surprise, but he didn't refuse and instead grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him, with his arms eventually caging you beneath him. 
He licked your bottom lip, and you found yourself parting your mouth slightly, both your tongues intertwining with one another. 
Caressing your cheek, he then began to angle your head more towards the left, and did not hesitate to bite your bottom lip shortly after. 
You hissed at the new sensation, and Gojo immediately attempted to alleviate the now burning sensation on your lips by running his lips over the new forming bruise. 
You were the first to pull back to breathe. As the both of you attempted to even out your breathing, one of your hands caressed his dusted pink cheeks, while the other one removed his sunglasses, revealing those piercing icy blue eyes you fell in love with. 
He looked at you with such love and adoration that you could not help but feel butterflies swarming around your stomach. 
Your e/c eyes looked up at his illuminating bright blue ones and you smiled, “I’m the strongest person in the world, Toru.”
“That you are,” he replied, kissing your nose. 
“You’re not even going to rebuttal and be the cocky bastard you usually are?” You questioned him, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re the strongest… The strongest doesn’t necessarily mean having the most power. It’s your character. Plus you got me… not just anyone could make me fall in love with them. You have my tall ass whipped around your finger.” 
You stared at your boyfriend, in awe and bursted out laughing. “We’re both strong. How about that?” 
“Mhm. We’re the top two strongest special grade sorcerers to exist, and for the next century to come” he muttered and buried himself into your neck, as he was now fully lying down on you. 
You laughed at his reply, “Your best friend might not like that statement so much,” 
“... I mean you’re also my best friend and technically you’re stronger than him, not by a longshot but still stronger nonetheless… and I couldn’t be more proud of you,” he mumbled and kissed your neck. 
You quietly hummed in reply, and began to softly hymn the songs of a soft lullaby.
Satoru was still lying on top of you, and as the melody escaped your lips, your fingers threaded his soft white hair. 
Gojo Satoru was at peace. This cocky bastard was like putty in your hands, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
To others his exterior forecasted a childish, arrogant and conceited individual. One who would blatantly show his dislike to those who he did not give an ounce of care for. 
And to the shaman and other sorcerers who only knew his name, he was a force to be reckoned with and feared. 
But to you, he was only Gojo Satoru. 
“Y/n?” he called out softly. 
“You know, I love you, right?” his face may have been hiding in your neck, but you could feel him smiling. 
You raised an eyebrow at his sudden comment, but even you couldn’t stop the smile threatening to form, “I know. And I love you too, forever and always,” 
“You didn’t lie though earlier,” he randomly stated, “One day, your new name will become Gojo Y/n.”
“Satoru…” you whispered, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall. 
“One day, I’ll marry you… and when we’re older you'll become the mother of our children.”
“One day Satoru, one day,” you replied, kissing his temple. “By the way, since when did you even read- romance books?” 
You felt his breathing hitch and he slowly pried himself off of you, aimlessly scratching the back of his head. 
“Uhm… like two years ago?” 
“Why though?”
“About two years ago,  there was a new transfer student. I noticed she was eloquently spoken, especially in English-”
“Eloquently spoken??” You asked, trying to suppress your laughter. 
“Shut up and let me finish,”
You covered your mouth and smiled. 
“Anyways, I was coming back from a mission and stuffing my face with an assortment of sweets. Then I heard you and Shoko talking about romance novels, and how you liked guys that read… so the first book I picked up was some corny romance manga and then I read Romeo and Juliet. Shitty book that I barely understood but happy ending I guess.” 
“So you only started reading because you overheard me talk about it?” you pinched his cheeks, “Aw, first year Gojo Satoru was so whipped and in love, how sweet” 
Satoru only rolled his eyes at your statement, and you bursted out laughing as you remembered his attempts to woo you back in your first year. 
“I thought you barely had any hobbies?” you asked. 
“I don’t. Because I’m good at everything.” 
“Yet you still chose to pick up reading of all things?” you slightly laughed. 
“I would pick up any hobby if you asked me to, honestly.”
“No offence, but if that is where you got your romance from you did a shitty job, love.” you giggled. 
“Ouch,” he replied,  “But hey it went pretty well, you’re mine now anyways.” 
 “That you are,” You replied, kissing his nose. “So if you read the book and I assume you also watched the movie, do you understand my pain?” 
“100% Romeo is an airhead. He was probably just horny and infatuated with the first female he saw,” he bluntly stated and you couldn’t help but laugh out loud, Satoru joining in on your laughter. 
As your laughs began to die down he continued, “On a serious note though… Whether or not it was love, their actions prove that they did love each other. I guess love really does make you blind, their suicide only proved that.”
“Tragic ending?” 
“Not really… in a way, I believe it’s a happy ending- that is, assuming those two airheads were actually in love with each other.”
“Did you not hear me muttering cuss words when reading and slamming the book? If you asked me, that book was nothing but aggravating and sad.” 
“Sad as their death was, it was a happy ending. They claimed to have met their soulmate and the love of their life before they died. Not everyone gets that luxury you know?” 
You looked at your boyfriend with both amazement and confusion, “Since when were you so wise?” 
“I don’t even know, love. But I’m not wrong…. Our story would be much happier though, because neither of us are gonna die.”
“You spoke nothing but the truth,” you quietly replied and the two of you began leaning into each other once again. 
“Who knew Satoru could be such a wise lil baby,” said a voice, laughing. 
The two of you immediately pulled away, and looked up to see no one other than Geto Suguru, the poor third wheeler of your relationship. 
“Suguru… how long have you been there for?” you asked. 
“Enough to know that this man loves you way too much… to the point where he knows his feelings for you aren’t infatuation but solid feelings.” 
While you were a blushing mess, Gojo only smiled and smacked his best friend on his back, “Okay enough chit chat, why don’t we all get something to eat, yeah? I suggest-” 
“Steak. We’re eating steak tonight at that new restaurant. You both are paying. It’s the least you could do for making me witness such crap.” 
“You’re just mad because you’re single, bro”
“Ain’t that the truth,” you agreed. 
“Shut the actual fuck, both of you lovebirds.”
The three of you then laughed and made your way to the restaurant of Suguru’s choice.
A/n: So any thoughts? I hope you all liked it <3 Ngl, this does have another part to it, but idk if I'll ever post it tbh. Follow me on my ao3 account I have other ffs there too @idekmxre
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
New Record
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dean and you set a new record
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Cursing (3x), Smut (P in V, Unprotected Sex), Fluff
Authors Note: Just a quickie 😉 | This is weirdly smutty but also weirdly extremely fluffy at the same time | 18+ only please | MDNI | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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You woke up in one of your favorite positions: being the little spoon to Dean. As usual in this position, his arms had an iron-like grip to them as he held you incredibly close to his chest. The top of your head was gently tucked underneath his chin; your legs messily intertwined with each other. The position felt safe, warm. Yours and his clothes from last night were still scattered haphazardly on the floor when the two of you had taken them off each other in a drunken haze like your lives depended on it. The kisses were sloppy, needy, bruising – you were pretty sure that he had left some marks on your skin; not that you minded.
You felt a slight shift as you felt Dean nuzzle even closer to you; something that you didn’t think was humanly possible but he somehow found a way. “Dean Winchester always finds a way.” He once told you. A soft kiss was placed on the top of your head, a second later he cleared his throat. “Morning beautiful.” He said lazily.
“Morning handsome.” You replied back as you slowly started to open your eyes. It was moments like these you were grateful that the Bunker didn’t have any sort of windows, as you knew that your eyes would have a hard time adjusting to the light. Not that you were particularly hung over, but you knew your eyes would be just a tad sensitive.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this.” He said, placing a delicate kiss on your bare shoulder.
“Hmmm… you say that every single morning.” You said.
“And I mean it, every single morning.” He stated, his comment making you smile. Despite how long you and Dean had been together, waking up next to you (especially waking up with you in his arms) was something that he knew that he would never possibly get tired of.
“And you’re not just saying that because I’m naked right now right?” You joked, your question making him chuckle.
“Well…” his hand started to travel down your body, finding it’s way to your ass and giving it a small smack.
“Fuck.” You mumbled.
“No, but…” the hand that was just on your ass started traveling again, but this time, his pointer finger briefly dipped inside of you, feeling your slightly wet pussy from behind. “It doesn’t hurt.” He whispered. “Last night wasn’t enough for you Princess?” He whispered again, but in your ear this time.
Due to the closeness, you had felt his slightly hard cock pressing into you; causing you to grin. “Apparently it wasn’t for you.”
“Do you blame me? Look at you.” He grinned too; trailing kisses down your jaw, to your neck, and finally stopping at your shoulder.
You turned around to face him, lifting your leg over his hip, giving him easy enough access to slip his cock inside of you if he really wanted to. It was something that he could easily do, as the tip was already touching your clit as soon as you hand swung your leg over. “Same goes for you.” You said, whispering. Without anymore hesitation, his hand wrapped around his cock, his tip teasing your entrance. “Dean…” You whispered.
“Yes baby?” He asked – like he didn’t know what he was doing. “What do you want?” He leaned in, inches away from your face.
“You.” Was all you said, which apparently was enough for him, because the next thing he did was slip his cock inside of you with one very swift movement while simultaneously kissing you. The kiss was hungry, needy; like this was the first time he had been kissing you in years, despite just the two of you making out and having sex only a few hours prior.
You moaned into the kiss, and you had wanted to say a string of profanities as soon as he slipped himself inside of you. Although not an unusual position for the two of you to have sex, you wanted more than anything to be on top. As if he could read your mind – which you were thankful that he couldn’t – he said, “On top. Now.” He practically demanded. In yet another very swift movement, you were now on top, which was easy considering the position that you had previously been in.
You were straddling him now, your hands were placed on his chest while his hands were gripping your hips. “So fucking beautiful.” He half whispered. You leaned down and kissed him, his pace starting to pick up a little now. Without breaking the kiss, Dean raised his body up, so now the two of you were in a kind of sitting position, embracing each other. His arms and hands were wrapped around you, your hands on either side of his face – easily, this was one of your favorite positions because of how intimate it was.
Dean broke away from your lips and started kissing down your jaw and neck again, stopping at your chest. Your head went back a little as he kissed the spot between your breasts, kissing and licking on and around your nipples, taking them in his mouth every so often. “Dean…fuck…” You couldn’t help but let out a very breathy moan. As you moaned these words, you could feel his lips turn into a kind of smirk. “So…close…”
“Already uh?” He asked, seeming amused. You nodded, not saying another word. As much as you had wanted to say something, you couldn’t possibly get any kind of words out. “Does my girl need to cum?”
“Yes.” You replied shakily. “Please.”
“Please?” His voice even more amused now. “So polite for me this morning.” He said, chuckling softly.
“Dean…please…” You looked at him, your eyes and voice begging.
“Alright Sweetheart, you can cum.” His voice was soft; one of his hands moving a strand of hair from your face.
“I love you.” You said, your nose slightly brushing against his.
“I love you more.” He replied. As soon as your lips crashed together, the both of you came.
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“You know Sweetheart, I think that’s a new record.” Dean had said kissing the top of your head, giving your arm a slight squeeze with his hand as his arm was now wrapped around your shoulder.
“What is?” You asked, your finger tracing a small scar that he had below his ribs.
“A new record in making you cum.” He chuckled.
“Why am I not surprised?” You said, rolling your eyes.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝
Like I did with the moral alignments, I thought I would make a post about why and how I sort characters into Hogwarts Houses! There are also quizzes so you can figure it out for yourself as well. I go into detail about each House, what they represent, their background and what it means to be sorted into a certain House. 
I hope you enjoy!
*just because I’m talking about Harry Potter doesn’t mean I align with the transphobic views of J.K. Rowling. There is no room for transphobia on my page, and I support the trans and LGBTQIA+ community*
Figuring out which Hogwarts House you belong to has been around since the HP series came out. But I think there’s more to it than simply choosing to be in ‘the brave house’ or ‘the smart house.’ I think it reveals a lot about a person - or rather, a large aspect. 
Here are a few tests for you to try, comment below what you got!
Test 1 (the ‘official’ Wizarding World quiz)
Test 2 (from IDRlabs, they have other personality quizzes as well!)
Test 3 (Here’s the full Pottermore quiz. The 1st quiz will only have a few questions, so that’s why I don’t think it’s fully accurate to take)
Test 4 (A really good one from Quotev, the questions/answers aren’t obvious)
Gryffindor: Do what is right. Hufflepuff: Do what is kind.  Ravenclaw: Do what is wise. Slytherin: Do what is necessary.
“ Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Fire
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor’, Godric Gryffindor. 
Dwelled at Godric’s Hollow
Was an accomplished dueller
A fair man, he believed that any child who displayed magical abilities before their 11th birthday should be able to attend Hogwarts.
Gryffindor was the original owner of the Sorting Hat
Gryffindor also had a sword made, which would present itself to any true Gryffindor in a moment of need.
He was allegedly the best friend of Slytherin before he left Hogwarts
Godric will always be known for his accomplished skills in battle, and his fight against Muggle discrimination in the wizarding world.
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Standing up for what you believe in - even if your voice shakes. 
Caring about the greater good 
Having a deep need to do the right thing 
Standing out from the crowd
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Lucy Pevensie
Katniss Everdeen
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Buffy Summers
Chandler Bing
“ You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true. And unafraid of toil. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Earth
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From valley broad,’ Helga Hufflepuff
A kind and warm woman who believed in loyalty, patience and hard-work as the best abilities a person can possess
Was a brilliant cook and had remarkable skills for preparing food. Her recipes are still used in Hogwarts to this day.
She brought the house-elves to Hogwarts
Owner of Hufflepuff’s Cup
She was the best friend of Rowena Ravenclaw
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
A need for justice. A lot of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor traits are intertwined, but the difference is that Gryffindors don’t need to know a person to feel the need to look out for them. 
Believe in fairness and equality (Helga Hufflepuff was the only founder who believed everyone should have a fair chance in being taught)
Thinks about other people more than themselves
Would do anything at all, for family 
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Edmund Pevensie
Jay Gatsby
Samwise Gamgee
Michael Scott
Alfred Pennyworth
Joey Tribbiani
Phoebe Buffay
“ Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Air
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Glen,’ Rowena Ravenclaw
A sharp and intelligent woman
She wanted to make Hogwarts the finest wizarding school in the world, teaching only those with the highest intelligence 
Rowena wore a diadem that was said to grant wisdom to the wearer, however, Rowena’s own daughter grew jealous of her mother’s incredible intelligence. Helena Ravenclaw stole her mother’s diadem and ran away, a fact that Rowena kept hidden from her fellow founders even when she fell ill.
Wanting to see Helena before she died, Rowena sent a man to bring Helena home. Unfortunately, that man was the Bloody Baron, who was in love with Helena, and stabbed her in a rage when she refused to come home.
 After Helena was tragically killed, legend tells us that Rowena Ravenclaw died of a broken heart. 
She was the best friend of Helga Hufflepuff
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Open-minded - don’t mix well with traditional, close-minded people. Ravenclaws see the big picture, they think about what things could be, rather than what things are. 
They think outside of the box, they don’t like being confined by rules or traditions. 
Actually very intuitive
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Susan Pevensie
Sherlock Holmes
Bruce Banner
James Bond
Annabeth Chase
Mary Poppins
Monica Geller
Ross Geller
“ Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends. These cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Water
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Fen’, Salazar Slytherin
He believed strongly that only wizards of pure blood 
This belief caused a big rift between the founders, especially Gryffindor, which led to the depature of Salazar 
Despite his flaws, Salazar was a talented wizard, skilled in Legilemency and Parseltongue
Before he left, however, he created the Chamber of Secrets
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals; even using others for their gain. 
Not all Slytherins use these traits for personal gain, however, because the founder was evil - doesn’t mean every Slytherin is. 
Family means a lot to them
Desires respect
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Peter Pevensie
Natasha Romanoff
Daenerys Targaryen
Lady MacBeth
Wednesday Addams
Selina Kyle/Catwoman 
Rachel Green
Harley Quinn
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What is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI?
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The Tree of Feelings SEKAI (often called the Tree SEKAI within the fandom, and for the rest of this post) is a mysterious SEKAI that first appears in Miku's Where Feelings Come Together Colorful Festival story, although it reappears in the Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings and Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! events.
The SEKAI isn't actually a proper SEKAI, but actually a Fragment SEKAI: it appears in response to shared feelings and will disappear again once those have been resolved. Additionally, it can be accessed through a Fragment of Feelings, the same way you would enter a Fragment SEKAI. Although, some characters are shown to be forcibly teleported there by their phones, something which has never been shown with other Fragment SEKAI so far.
However, whose Fragment SEKAI is this? It first appears in Miku's Colorful Festival story, so it must be hers, right? Well, not exactly.
Miku's Where Feelings Come Together story starts off in Shibuya, with Ichika watching a PV for an upcoming Virtual Singer fan festival (the one she later attends in the Scramble Fan FESTA! event). She considers participating in the festival with Leo/need, and her train of thought runs to Miku in the School SEKAI. Meanwhile, Kohane and Minori are out shopping together, and watch the same PV. Minori comments on how cute Miku is and how she sparkles on stage, thinking of her own Miku. Kohane, on the other hand, says that she likes it when Miku looks really cool, also with her own Miku in mind. At the same time, Kanade is walking home after visiting her dad, and sees the same PV. She's reminded that she wanted to pick up a Virtual Singer CD, and how she never would've been interested in Miku had it not been for the Empty SEKAI.
Between the SEKAI, Miku's base form senses warm and gentle feelings gathering, and starts to realise that something is happening, but doesn't reveal what it is.
In the Wonderland SEKAI, Tsukasa is trying to find Miku, since she promised to help him with rehearsals. He thinks back to his first meeting with the Virtual Singers, and how helpful they ended up being to the point he frequently visits the SEKAI now. After deciding that he should show them his appreciation, a ball of light appears, taking him to a mysterious SEKAI, the Tree SEKAI.
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As it turns out, Ichika, Minori, Kohane and Kanade were also teleported to the Tree SEKAI, although in their cases, it was because their phone flashed, similarly to how they (excluding Kanade) were first introduced to the SEKAI during the main story. While they all try to explain to each other how they got there, Miku reveals herself to the others (and confirms that Tsukasa was transported via a Fragment of Feelings).
Miku explains that the Tree SEKAI came to be because of the intertwined feelings of the five. She explains that it isn't quite ready to become a full-fledged SEKAI yet, outright confirming that it is a Fragment SEKAI. She adds that the SEKAI is filled with warmth that has a certain someone in mind, and asks what the five were thinking about before coming to the Tree SEKAI. They realise that they were all thinking about Miku, or their respective Mikus, and in response, Miku beckons them all over to the tree.
In the tree, all of them find items belonging to them. Kanade finds sheet music for her songs, Kohane finds flyers for STAY GOLD and RAD WEEKEND, Tsukasa finds the script for Pegasus Odyssey, the first show he wrote for Wonderlands x Showtime, and Minori finds a promotional photo for MORE MORE JUMP! that she had Kohane take after the group was formed. Ichika then finds the wish plaques that she and the other members of Leo/need wrote at New Years, as well as some of her sheet music and lyrics. Miku concludes that the tree must be a wishing tree of sorts, made from their feelings together, as well as their hopes and dreams.
Ichika then questions how the fact they were all thinking of Miku connects to this tree. Miku explains that they - the Mikus from each SEKAI, and not just this Miku - want the feelings of the people they watch over to keep growing and moving forward. So the Wishing Tree isn't just their tree, it's also Mikus' tree, nurtured by their hopes and dreams for everyone.
Everyone was able to find their true feelings thanks to a Miku, and as a result the tree was able to flourish. Miku thanks the five for placing their trust in "her", but the five agree that they should be the ones thanking her. The SEKAI begins to disappear once they have exchanged thanks, and Miku explains that since this is not a full SEKAI yet, it will return to being a Fragment. However, it won't be gone forever, and one day, when the sapling becomes a fully grown tree, they might be able to...
The five return to where they were before, with no memory of what happened.
We actually learn a lot about the SEKAI from just this card story despite it being its first appearance. We know that despite the fact that there are several SEKAI in existence, this one was born from the shared feelings specifically between the people connected to the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI, as well as the base form of Miku who exists between SEKAI. Even though the SEKAI is currently only in a Fragment state, it can grow into a full SEKAI from there. Interestingly, it was confirmed in Miku's Street SEKAI 2* that SEKAI grow over time, and this new information heavily suggests that all SEKAI actually can be accessed prior to fully forming via a Fragment of Feeling (for example, the five main SEKAI in the game may possibly have been accessible prior to their full formation, although as far as we know, this didn't happen).
The second time the Treet SEKAI appears is in the Virtual Singer-focused event, Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings. This time, only the first Virtual Singers to appear in each of the five main SEKAI go to the Tree SEKAI though.
In the Empty SEKAI, the N25 members are talking about cherry blossoms with Miku, Rin, MEIKO, and Luka. The group offers to show the cherry blossoms to the Virtual Singers, although it won't be the same as seeing them in person since they will only be able to see them in their hologram forms. Miku then decides to see if there are cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, since Mafuyu's feelings have made other things appear there before. While she doesn't find anything due to the SEKAI being, well, empty, she realises that she's happy that the SEKAI still feels more lively than it did before, and that she wants to continue supporting Mafuyu. As she thinks to herself, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports her to the Tree SEKAI.
Meanwhile, in the Stage SEKAI, MORE MORE JUMP! helps the Virtual Singers brainstorm for their next performance. Once a spring theme is chosen, Rin decides that she wants to include falling cherry blossom petals in their concert. Everyone looks across the various stages to try and find a cherry blossom tree, but they don't have any luck. In the end, they opt for using pink lighting, so Rin goes backstage to find some lights. Rin hopes the show will go well after everything everyone has done to accommodate her cherry blossom idea, and happens to find a Fragment of Feelings at that moment.
In the Street SEKAI, MEIKO and Rin have made a new cherry blossom-themed spring menu for Crase Cafe. Vivid BAD SQUAD arrive, and discuss having a picnic under some cherry blossoms in An's neighbourhood, although this makes KAITO and Luka a bit jealous, since there are no cherry blossoms in the SEKAI. Meanwhile, Len wants to find a way to thank MEIKO and Rin for their hard work, so he tries to find a cherry blossom tree for them. He isn't able to find one, but does find a Fragment of Feelings. MEIKO walks out into the street just after he finds it, and it takes them both to the Tree SEKAI.
School SEKAI Luka finds herself already in the Tree SEKAI, and remembers finding a Fragment of Feelings on the school roof. She recalls that Leo/need and the Virtual Singers had been trying to find a cherry blossom tree for a picnic. They had been trying extra hard because cherry blossoms reminded them of Luka as well, and were disappointed that they couldn't find any. Wanting to support Leo/need and their feelings, Luka went to look for a cherry blossom tree herself, and that's how she ended up in the Tree SEKAI.
Finally in the Wonderland SEKAI, WonderlandsxShowtime are trying to create an effect of a cherry blossom petal shower for their next show. They want to use real petals, but there aren't any cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, and they don't want to use the petals from the singing flowers. In the end, Emu suggests taking some petals from the cherry blossom tree in her garden. KAITO is thankful that they're always bringing fun and interesting things over to SEKAI, and thinks of a way to repay them, deciding to look for a real chery blossom in the SEKAI. Whilst looking around, he finds the plushies. They say they have a gift for him, and present him with a Fragment of Feelings, transporting him to the Tree SEKAI.
In the Tree SEKAI, there are cherry blossom petals falling through the sky. Miku goes over to the tree to see if that's where they're coming from, and spots something sparkling on the tree. Rin spots the same sparkly things, identifying them as Minori and the others' feelings, before spotting feelings belonging to other people too. Len and MEIKO also spot that there are other feelings here, with MEIKO making the assumption that they are from other SEKAI. She also has a feeling that where they are isn't an ordinary SEKAI. Luka feels that there are other people in the SEKAI, although she can't see anyone else there. KAITO has the same feeling, but is happy that the tree is proof that everyone's feelings are growing.
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Suddenly, there is a very strong wind, and Empty SEKAI Miku briefly sees the original Miku. Empty SEKAI Miku wonders if the original Miku has been watching over everyone's feelings the whole time. The SEKAI then starts to disappear.
The original Miku briefly appears again, commenting on her surprise at everyone being there. She concludes that their individual desires to help brought them all together, and wishes them luck in future.
When Rin returns to the Stage SEKAI, she is greeted by Len and MEIKO. She tells them that she briefly saw other versions of them, and MEIKO realises they must've been from other SEKAI, and adds that nothing like that has ever happened before. In Street SEKAI, MEIKO mentions having been able to see peoples' feelings through Fragments before, but never anything like that, and she wonders if the tree SEKAI is a sort of nexus between SEKAI. In School SEKAI, Luka says the same thing, wondering if that was some sort of special fragment. In the Wonderland SEKAI, KAITO realises that they must have all been brought to the same place because of their connected feelings, and realises that they must all want to help people very much.
This event reveals that the Tree SEKAI is also controlled by the feelings of the Virtual Singers from the five main SEKAI. Despite not being the actual reason they were brought together, they managed to create cherry blossom petals in the SEKAI because they were all looking for cherry blossoms. We also learn that this SEKAI can be accessed by any shared feelings between the five SEKAI. While the five human characters accessed it because they wanted to give thanks to Miku and original Miku wanted to thank them in return, the Virtual Singers accessed it because they all wanted to help the owners/inhabitants of their SEKAI.
The MEIKOs also bring up some interesting points. They say that this has never happened before, which tells us that in the multiple years of SEKAI existing, no group of people has ever had feelings this strong and intertwined. MEIKO's idea of the Tree SEKAI being a nexus, along with Luka wondering if it was a special sort of fragment, makes a lot more sense, and could suggest that the Tree SEKAI, is neither a Fragment SEKAI or a full SEKAI, but a mysterious third type.
Also both Luka and MEIKO mention having seen the feelings of the humans in their SEKAI through Fragments before, despite neither of them having appeared in a Colorful Festival story at this point, implying that there may be other Fragment SEKAI that the human characters never accessed.
The most recent appearance of the Tree SEKAI was in the second Virtual Singer-focused event, Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! event. Although this time, things were a little different.
After everything that had happened in the past year, the Virtual Singers want to do something to support and encourage the owners of their respective SEKAI as they move forward in their journeys.
While all of them are discussing ideas and planning shows, the original Miku is watching over them from between SEKAI. She's then joined by the other original Virtual Singers, who were also curious about what's going on in the different SEKAI. Miku wishes she could do more to help the "them" in SEKAI who are trying hard to support the people in their SEKAI.
In the Stage SEKAI, Luka and the others are practising a special performance dedicated to MORE MORE JUMP!. Luka wants to keep trying harder because MMJ has always done the same and she wants to support them. At that moment, a Fragment of Feelings appears in front of her and teleports her away.
Meanwhile, in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku and the others are rehearsing a play for WonderlandsxShowtime. Miku is so happy that the members of WxS were able to smile and chase their dreams together, that she's brought to tears. It's then that she hears a mysterious voice wish her luck. This voice was actually the original Miku, speaking to Wonderland Miku from between the SEKAI. She isn't sure how she was able to do it, but she wanted to support them all a lot and just said what she wanted to. The other Virtual Singers voice their agreement, and a Fragment of Feelings appears before them.
In the School SEKAI, Len is practising his singing so that he can perform for Leo/need. However, he can't quite get it to sound the same as when Miku sang with L/n at their concert. Miku explains that she wanted to support the girls and give them a push forwards, which Len keeps in mind. After Miku leaves, Len spots a Fragment of Feelings on a chair.
In the Empty SEKAI, Rin is singing Kanade's song to herself. Rin wants to be able to sing the same way as Miku can, the same way Miku was able to sing to Mafuyu and ease her loneliness. Nearby, Miku and Len approach MEIKO, trying to find Rin. MEIKO explains that Rin is focused on something else, and says that they should leave her alone. Once Miku and Len are gone, MEIKO joins in with Rin, although she doesn't think she can sing the same way Rin can. As they sing together, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports them to another SEKAI.
Back in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku talks to KAITO about the voice she heard and the feeling of being watched. KAITO is able to relate to that, and says that it might be the other "them" cheering them on. This gets Miku excited, and she says that she wants to meet the other "them". And as luck may have it, a Fragment of Feelings appears.
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This time we're somewhere slightly different though. It's never actually stated if this is the same as the Tree SEKAI or somewhere totally different, although it is a fairly similar landscape.
Wonderland Miku has a look at the fragments floating around, and spots the Wonderland SEKAI in one of them. Excited, she then has a look at the other fragments to see what SEKAI they contain.
The original Virtual Singers find themselves in the same mysterious place. KAITO reckons that the place is made of someone's feelings, and Rin concludes that it's a Fragment SEKAI, although they're not sure exactly what feelings it was made from, or whose SEKAI it is. The group then spots the floating fragments, and realises that this is a SEKAI that connects other SEKAI together. The group splits up to investigate some more, and end up running into "themselves".
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The original Rin meets Empty SEKAI Rin, and asks if they can sing together because Empty Rin is such a beautiful singer. The original MEIKO joins Empty MEIKO at the same time, and thanks "herself" for always watching over N25.
Street SEKAI KAITO is here too, and runs into his original self. Street KAITO thinks "himself" is very cool, and admits he isn't really sure what he's doing here, but he's glad that they were able to meet. The original KAITO thanks Street KAITO for always working hard to help Vivid BAD SQUAD.
The Lens meet next. The original Len thinks School SEKAI Len's maturity and musical skills are really cool, and says that they both have to try their best in future. Then it's the Lukas turn. The original Luka thinks it's wonderful that Stage SEKAI Luka is able to bring hope to people as an idol, and says that she was able to give her hope too. Hearing these words, Stage Luka is motivated to try even harder.
Finally, it's the Mikus turn to meet. The original praises Wonderland Miku for her exciting shows that are able to make everyone smile. She believes that as long as Wonderland Miku is by everyone's side, everything will be fine, and she tells her to keep doing her best for them. Wonderland Miku asks to know more about the original Miku, but as soon as she starts to respond, the SEKAI begins to disappear.
This instance of the Tree SEKAI appearing actually leaves us with more questions that answers, and obviously the big question is if this is even the Tree SEKAI.
As mentioned, the appearance is fairly similar. Both SEKAI have a large field, and the sky is identical between the Tree SEKAI illustrations and Rin's Another Version of Me untrained 4* above. Aside from the lack of a tree, which could easily be excused by this possibly being a different part of that Fragment SEKAI, the field is noticeably different. The SEKAI in this event has flowering, bright green fields, while in Sakura Across SEKAI and Miku's Colorful Festival story, the field is a different shade of green and lacks any flowers. The grass is also a bit patchy in those older stories. A last detail that suggests these might be different SEKAI is that Miku doesn't recognise it.
However, I do believe that these are the same SEKAI. Firstly, both SEKAI are a bridge between the five we see in the game. GIven that the Tree SEKAI already exists, it feels very unlikely that another SEKAI serving the exact same purpose would be born, let alone looking extremely similar. As for the differences in appearance? The SEKAI grew of course. As mentioned earlier in this post, Street SEKAI Miku explains very early on in the game that SEKAI grow and develop over time if the feelings that created them don't dwindle. The original Miku alludes to it in her Colorful Festival story as well. I think that that could easily explain why the fields look healthier and are flowering now - because they grew with the feelings of those from the five SEKAI.
And a bit more on the meta side, I want to mention the flowers specifically. Obviously, between the second and third year of the game, this SEKAI went from being an empty field aside from a single tree, to being filled with flowers in it's next appearance. While this is already explained by the theory that it's the same SEKAI growing with time and feelings, I would like to draw attention to the tagline for the third year of the game: Journey to Bloom. All the units made significant changes and developments in order to go further down their respective paths and get closer to their dreams. As a metaphor, they went from being small buds to blooming flowers. I think the same might apply to the Tree SEKAI as a visual metaphor.
So what is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI? Well, it's not entirely clear. Not even the Virtual Singers are entirely sure what it is, because something like it has never existed before. What we do know is that it's a sort of Fragment SEKAI that acts as a nexus between the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI. When the inhabitants and owners of those SEKAI have the same strong feelings at the same time, they will be transported to the Tree SEKAI and allowed to meet. Virtual Singers are able to retain their memories of being in this SEKAI, although humans cannot.
Currently, the SEKAI is still a Fragment, and can only be accessed for short periods of time. However, it is still growing, and it has been implied that it could one day become a full-fledged SEKAI.
As of posting, Miku never met the original five who unlocked the Tree SEKAI again, although this post will be revisted if any updated are made to the lore of this Fragment? Nexus? SEKAI.
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sadko101 · 4 months
unpopular opinion: all bg3 origin ships are great (and as platonic too)
gale x astarion: "enemies" to lovers they have great chemistry and has plenty of room for fluff and angst, plenty has been said about them i dont think i have much else to say.
wyll x gale: theirs plenty of danger in being the blade of fronteirs/avernus and we all know what gale is into. also they are two of the more good leaning characters. + gale is very "being a warlock sounds rough" and wyll is "that man is wayyy to faithful i dont want him to blow himself up". dancer x man with poor knees. (i could yap for ever i love them)
karlach x wyll: PERFECT, their stories intertwine while they have this unyielding care for each other. both platonically and romantically this ship is amazing! i just have no words for how good it is
karlach x shadowheart: karlach calling her shads is adorable and shadowheart is just straight up smitting for karlach the moment they meet. also when you play as origin shadowheart karlach is super sweet about the hairchange i love them.
gale x laezel: good leaning frail human wizard x GITHYANKI WARRIOR. theyre conversations are amazing with a mutual sense of curiosity for each others past and possible future. laezel falling for somone as soft as gale as well. ugh its soo good.
laezel x shadowheart: NOW THIS! its the true enemies to lovers of bg3. kinda "toxic yuri" in the begining but as the story goes on and laezel rebels against vlakith and shart against shar theres a real parrelel to there stories and a sort of understanding that they can find in each other.
gale x shadowheart: an intresting dynamic given them both being incredibly faithful to two gods who arent super fond of each other... as shadowheart strays from shar she encorages gale to relise the power mystra had over him, just a lot of support and love for each other is what im imagining. (definitly a ship thats develoupment focused)
karlach x laezel: now i havent had both of them in my team much, but the dynamic feels close to "grumpy x sunshine" laezel really opening up and being nice over time while karlach is open and happy from the begining.
karlach x gale: wizard x barbarion, (also "idoit" x genuis) is just great, gale and his magic could probably help to cool karlach down temporarly! i hc them both as autistc and i like nd x nd ships. also if you let gale ascend to godhood (loser) and play as karlach he can actually fix her engine heart which adds a sweet motivation to his godhood.
karlach x astarion: now i love these two platonically but i also love them romantically. astarion is enthusastic about recruiting karlach and comments about supporting her. he jokes abouthow strong she is which is cute. if youve ever played karlach origin and romance astarion they have a sweet scene together.
wyll x astarion: monster hunter x monster, wyll loves to tease astarion but he cares about him. he has faith in astarion to be a better person and its just MWAH. astarion is a bit of a simp for wyll (me too) he is very nice about the horns in wylls origin too (i love them)
wyll x shadowheart: they tease each other in a super endearing way. they kinda immideitly clicked and i know that wyll would support shadowheart through her whole crisis and shadowheart will help wyll in his self sacrafising tenancies (these little shits reciting porn together at the docks)
shadowheart x astarion: these two could be evil together, but they also could help each other heal and become better people
laezel x astarion: theyre very differnt views of love and affection. i think laezel would help astarion in his journy of reclaiming his own sexuality. (i need to think about these two more)
durge x anyone is great
i speedran typing this sorry for plethera of spelling erros
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furuyalover · 5 months
Hello welcome back! I'd like to request relationship headcannons with kuro,oikawa and sugawara (separately) with a male reader who's more quiet and reserved that some people think is mean looking but in reality is just a softy that loves cute things. For the song I'd like to request super shy by new jeans.
super shy ! | mars & her music event
“wait a minute i make you mine, make you mine”
— ft. kuroo tetsurou & oikawa tooru x male!reader
AN: ahh ty for ur request!! this was rlly fun & something new for me since i dont listen to kpop that often :)) hope u enjoy! also im trying this new-ish format out so lmk if u prefer this or my usual longer, drabble styled format :D
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kuroo tetsurou
the dynamic between you & kuroo is one that i feel like is awfully similar to kuroo & tsukishima! a semi-obnoxious goofball and a quiet, mean looking guy, who is secretly a lover boy.
“you're on my mind all the time”
needless to say people were very surprised to find out you were dating kuroo
“kuroo’s dating him? i never would’ve thought of pairing, he doesn’t seem like he likes people, even more so relationship sort of guy you know?”
the comments your peers made were bothersome at first but you and kuroo both ignored them
all that really mattered was how much you guys loved each other, so who cares what they think
but knowing kuroo, that won’t stop him from making a snarky comment to shut them up
“obviously im dating him hello? you’re all just jealous that he actually enjoys my company, and not that of a bunch of losers” kuroo was always convinced everyone was jealous that he got to be with you
regardless, you would also roll your eyes and half heartedly apologize for his comments
definitely a huuuuge physical touch and acts of service typa guy
this would always be perfect, since you weren’t the biggest fan of going out, & even just laying together in bed was good enough to be a date for you two
he absolutely loves cuddling with you, and makes it a point to always be touching you when you’re out in public
whether it be having his arm laying atop your shoulder, or rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand while your fingers are intertwined, he always needs you with him.
“i wanna tell you, but im super shy, super shy”
normally you’re quiet around others and kuroo knows this, but you’re more talkative with him and he loves it.
he takes in every word you say and relishes in it.
and one thing about kuroo, he will remember EVERYTHING you talk about or mention
did you briefly mention a new snack you wanna try? you better believe tomorrow you’ll be greated with that on your kitchen counter
that’s just the kind of guy kuroo is. despite his goofy personality, he’s extremely caring and observant. he’ll always do everything in his power to make you feel loved, even the little things. especially the little things really. he believes that these small things are truly what shows how much he cares, without being outwardly affectionate, because he knows how much they make your day. while he won’t hesitate to scream and shout his love for you, he’s a big fan of the quiet type of love that you’re more receptive to. that’s your type of love, with your tetsurou.
oikawa tooru
“find a lil' spot, just sit and talk. looking pretty, follow me”
you honestly found it surprising when you and oikawa started dating, you didn’t think he would be interested in someone like you considering his fan club. but unfortunately the fan club felt the same way.
you really could care less about his fan club though. making sure to constantly roll your eyes at them, and show them your cold attitude
this ofc made them say things like “how could oikawa like him??? he’s actually so mean”
but this didn’t matter !! because behind closed doors you’re a lover boy & oikawa knows that
oikawa is a major quality time and words of affirmation proprietor when it comes to showing his love to you. he’ll do anything with you, as long as it means you guys are together & he gets to be with you
will always always thank you and show his appreciation after every one of his games you go to
if you’re ever feeling down about yourself or his fan club/admirers are giving you a hard time, he won’t hesitate to tell them off & give you reassurance
“you know you’re amazing right? don’t listen to what anyone says, you’re my whole world, and i see every aspect of my life with you” it’s crazy because he’ll can stuff like this so lovingly and casually, like it doesn’t make you choke up
“i'm super shy, super shy. but wait a minute while i make you mine, make you mine
i have a headcanon that oikawa is actually a big poetry fan, and he will send you poems almost daily that remind him of you
tooru looooves to show you off !! even though you’re somewhat stoic and aren’t publicly lovey-dovey with him, he won’t skip a beat to show you off or mention you any chance he gets
you’re the last person he’ll talk to before a game, demanding good luck hugs & kisses, and the first person he runs to after a game. whether he won or lost, it doesn’t matter because he’s just thankful that you were here with him
though he’s aware of his huge club of admirers and how much of a toll they can take on the both of you, he’ll never give them any attention outside of just being polite. because at the end of the day they don’t matter to him, you do. waking up to you every morning, telling you how glad he is to have you in his life, spending hours on end talking about nothing and everything, this is the life you live being in love with tooru oikawa.
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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ccrites · 7 months
i've been thinking of getting a tattoo for a long time, not only because i want to, but also to cover an old stick'n'poke i got when i was 15.
and so it got me thinking of the 141 tattoo artist!au. and oh boy.
Kyle would be an absolute sweetheart. not judging the stupid decisions a teenager made. more like "you wanted a tattoo and you went out of your way to get it, that's awesome. now how about we enhance it instead of covering it, whaddya think pretty girl?" and he'd draw around it, incorporate it into his art, go over the parts that are faded and uneven, then, when he's finished, wipe it gently and go "there, what should've been your first real tattoo" with his blinding smile and a promise to also be the one to do your next one
Johnny would be excited about finding creative ways to make parts of the stick'n'poke incorporate into other elements, make it so you'd never know it was there. but he's also a bit of a freak! making sort of mean comments about, "such a stupid decision, you were but a wee lass and ye didn't know what you wanted! thank god Johnny's here ta' fix ya'". It doesn't help that the tattoo you got was somewhere hidden, somewhere your parents wouldn't see on summer vacation (think where your underwear would cover it, or under your bra straps!) and he'd be such a creep! Sitting closer than absolutely necessary, looking at you too intensely. At the end, he'd suggest a truly hidden tattoo, "Only for me to see, bun, whaddya say?"
Ghost would be the type to frown behind the mask and look at you meanly, and you're afraid that he'd judge you for doing this kind of thing (you had your reasons, okay? some rough period in your life, you needed catharsis, and you were too young to get a real tattoo) and he'd be really condescending, all "there's a reasons youngins can't get them. Cuz' it's a stupid decision to make." and he'd huff and draw the most exquisite art you'd seen, all black, bold lines, and way, way bigger than necessary to cover the small tattoo. If the tattoo was on your hip, he'd extend it from your waist all the way down to your knee, make it flow with your curves, accentuate the stretch marks, and you can't say no because you absolutely adore the style. if the tattoo was on your ribs (bra straps, remember?" he'd extend it under your tits, bring it back over the clavicle, make it to be seen. and the pain. oh the pain. "you said you wanted catharsis, right?"
John would absolutely be on Ghost's side, with "there's a reason they don't let kids get tattoos" and you hear the underlying what a fucking mistake, and you see how he judges you... it makes you want to get it from him the most. Until you get to the consultation, and he tells you to get it lasered off first. But it's so faded, it should be easy to cover, no? you argue. he won't budge. So you get the expensive laser. it sorta hurts mentally, because you got it done with your best friend, and you always assumed you'd keep it there, underneath another layer of ink, where only you would remember it. It takes a few sessions, but then the skin is clean, a blank canvas for John to paint on. and paint he does. it's the most gorgeous piece you could ever imagine, you can see the inspiration Ghost draws from him, all bold shapes that flow into each other and compliment your body. Your skin is raw and pink when he's done, and you get up to admire the work... until you get a closer look in the mirror. you know exactly where the old tattoo would've been, and you'd expected to not be able to place it, under the new art. in its stead, two letters, black, bold, beautifully intertwined.... J.P. ... He'd put his lips next to your ear as you stand in shocked silence. "You're my canvas now."
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josru · 3 months
Analysis of Names
Sydney: means "wide meadow", or "wide water meadow", or "From Saint Denis"
Carmen: means "garden or orchard", or "vineyard of God"
Claire: means "bright, clear"
Luca: means "light"
So from what I've googled and read about, Syd and Carm's names match the most. Obviously it conveys a sort of matching creativity- both characters are filled with the abundance of ideas and passion growing in their personal gardens/meadows.
But a wide meadow is a wild, grassy, overgrown ground, full of plants, kind of like how Sydney is still a little more fresh and new than Carmy, and she's got lots of ideas, but they're not streamlined yet. She's still learning how to trim things down, just like all those scenes in S2 where she's cooking and trying and messing up things.
Now Carmen being represented by a garden/orchard/a vineyard of god makes a lot of sense. He's worked at so many different fine dining restaurants so it checks out that he would be a meticulously crafted, trimmed to perfection garden, just like every perfectly made dish that he served.
Alternatively, an orchard is a bunch of cultivated trees meant to create fruit or some other kind of crop, typically existing for high levels of output. A vineyard of God as described in the Bible typically means that these trees must bear fruit, they're not for decoration. These latter meanings indicate that Carmy is more professional and simply creates a lot more because his process is a lot more streamlined and personally necessary in comparison to Sydney and her meadow.
A small slight connection (but most likely unintentional) between Sydney's "from saint-denis" meaning and Carmy's "vineyard of God" meaning, is that Saint-Denis is a suburb in Paris, France, and they have a massive vineyard there called Morey-Saint-Denis. Saint Denis was also a patron saint of Paris, which connects Saint-Denis and by extension; Sydney, back to God and religion. Interesting that this also represents a vineyard of God, right?
If I had more faith in the show, I would assume this is also a sydcarmy connection. But I have a feeling that this is a stretch/coincidence. Plus I don't remember Syd and Carm ever cooking with wine or talking about Paris (lol).
But otherwise, I think overall, Syd and Carm's names do kind of associate nature, harvest/abundance, and God. Kind of like divine inspiration/creation, which actually checks out. A lot of their important scenes are them bouncing ideas off each other, and then creating together, and you also understand their different skill levels as attributed by their name meanings. I love the idea of them being intertwined in a sort of fateful, holy act of creation.
What I also find really interesting is Luca and Claire's names having a very similar meaning as well. Claire's name might be a very on-the-nose comment of her being the clear choice over Sydney, over the restaurant, but it also ties into this whole thing of giving "peace" Carm and bringing brightness to people's lives (the whole, I just wanna take care of people thing.)
On the other hand, Claire might actually be providing clarity to Carmy in a different way. Like a harsh reality check. She shows him he'll never be normal and that freaks him out. She's tied to his abusive boss for some reason- maybe clarity is more tongue in cheek here, meaning like how anxiety makes you think your worst thoughts are the most clear and true. It would explain Carmy's panic attacks about Claire- he feels like he must meet his familial expectations of being with her, but he doesn't exactly like her, because she's been foisted on him.
Maybe by being the "clear" choice, it also indicates that she might not be the right one. The best choice often isn't the easiest one, and you could argue Claire's existence is meant to provide clarity to Carmy about his feelings on Sydney and the Bear.
Now, Luca meaning light I actually understood almost immediately. (Sorry Claire; the writers did you dirty lol). Because Luca has always had a sort of hopeful presence, like a positive beacon of light reaching out to the other characters. He helps Marcus in finding his way in Copenhagen. He is a calming light to Sydney during the party, to the point where you feel like she's drawn much more to him than Carmy.
So overall I'm kind of thinking of Sydney and Carmy as two sides of the same coin, and Luca and Claire as the two things beckoning to them. Luca is a light for Sydney, as the Bear and Carmy shut her down. Claire is supposed clarity for Carmy, making him feel like things are obviously supposed to be this way, with her.
I feel that Sydcarmy was meant to be tied by being similar in nature, and now we have some (kind of) evidence of that, and that they're being pulled away. The only difference is that Syd's pulling away feels more positive than Carmy's does. Maybe because she's still a relatively unchanged meadow, and she can still pursue other things due to not being permanently changed like Carmen has been.
Anyways take all this with a grain of salt. I know typically things like names are usually foreshadowing, but with Christopher Storer and Co., and how they've left a bunch of hanging threads, I don't know. They may have picked these names purely for the aesthetic.
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seb-reads31 · 5 months
That Hazbin women confessing feeling fluff was very wholesome and I loved to read it. Could you do a similar idea but for a first date and first kiss? still with a shy reader. Feel free to add the angels if you'd like.
Cautions - SPOILERS FOR SEASON 1, cursing duh, niffty biting you (you'll see lmao), a cringy song reference 🤪,
Genre - fluff
Type - head canons
Comments - Ooooo, this sounds so sweet 🥹🥹 I'm so happy to hear you loved the confessions! Like with the confessions, I'm going to separate the demons and angels into two different parts, I hope you don't mind! (Again, Charlie and Vaggie are best friends in this. Implied fem!reader for Vaggie, and male!reader for Niffty. They may or may not have pronouns mentioned in them, cause I mostly use you/your pronouns for readers) I just now realized I forgot ROSIEEEE which makes me sad 😭 (I'll add her into another part I swear just ask 🙏🙏)
Is this the part where we kiss?
- Your first date is gonna be a little rough, but it will be worth it
- However, you might be thinking that Charlie chooses to go to a nice restaurant, or a picnic in the park nearby with the least amount of sinners causing bloodshed and such, but no
- She takes you to LULU WORLDDD (I believe that's the original, and not the Mammon knockoff in greed. Let's also assume it's in the pride ring just in case you imagine yourself as a sinner <33) because she enjoys the rides and games there, and wants your first date together to be full of fun and laughter
- You two are a little awkward at first, like on all first dates, but you both very quickly become comfortable in each other's presence again after 1 ride, Charlie very quickly dragging you away to the next ride
- Several roller coasters, a few carnival games, and some over priced carnival food later and you both reach the haunted house!
- A carnival classic, the tunnel of love 💕
- You both looked at it, and silently agreed to go together, hand in hand, eating parts of your cotton candy
- You both climbed into the swan boat, the ride operator saying "Don't have too much fun, love birds~" then sending you both off into the tunnel, your faces burning from the tease
- You both recovered, just to see all sorts of beautiful art that depicted the classic baby Cupid shooting arrows at humans, making them fall in love
- You both awed at the sites, slowly and subconsciously intertwining your hands together again
- The ride was quite long, so you both chatted, about how much fun you're having, what ride you want to go on next, and how cute this ride is
- Suddenly, your eyes catch Charlie's, her giving you a sweet smile, your conversation forgotten, the both of you too lost in the others eyes to keep it going
- Almost as if you both were thinking the same thing, your eyes darted down to her curled lips, wondering how they would feel against yours
- You both looked back up at each other, and slowly leaned in. Just before you kissed, your lips brush against each other, you hesitating to lean fully in.
- Charlie notices, knowing that she wanted your first kiss to be memorable. She gently squeezed your hand, bringing her other to cup your burning cheek, stroking it softly and giving you the most love filled look you had originally thought you would only see in your dreams.
- When you smiled too, she leaned in again, you following suit, leaned in too, kissing her gently. She smiles into the kiss, so happy you kissed her, that you loved her so much to give her your first kiss, and that she belonged to you, and you belonged to her, heart, body, and soul.
- The extermination was coming up, and you were struggling a little with the actual fighting but refused to just stay inside the hotel during it, wanting to fight alongside your girlfriend
- And she appreciated it, and seeing the determination to learn how to fight the angels burn in your eyes made her feel nostalgic in a way
- And so, your training began! She took you to a quieter part of the land outside of the hotel, away from the cannibals that were still training
- She gave you a small selection of blades to choose from, all of which were made of angelic steel, supplied by Carmilla Carmine (Carbine?). As you looked through the weapons, you decided on [y/w] (your weapon) and raised it up to Vaggie. She nodded, then put the rest of the weapons away, then started explaining the best ways to use your weapon
- As she explained, she did a few examples, and answered any questions you had as you went. Eventually, she handed you the weapon, then asked you to do a simple attack. And you did pretty good! Vaggie gave you a small clap, very proud of her girlfriend. She asked you to do a more difficult attack, but not much harder than the first one. You did okay, just needed to adjust some of your posture
- She walked over to you and started adjusting your posture, nudging your foot to the side, adjusting your hold, then her hands went to your waist
- Vaggie didn't even realize where her hands were until you went stiff, then she looked up at your tinted cheeks and realized what happened
- She almost removed her hands from your waist until you muttered a small "w-wait.." and she also went stiff
- You gently drop the angelic weapon on the ground, then put your hands on her shoulders. A blush creeped on her face as well, realizing how close you both were.
- Vaggie's eyes dart down to your lips, then back up to your eyes, when she realized that your eyes were also looking at her lips
- She smirked slightly, then brought a hand up to brush your hair away from your eyes, her other hand going to the small of your back to pull you in closer to her.
- As she tucked your hair behind your ear, she leaned in slightly, tilting her head. As you got on, your blush became deeper, but you still tilted your head to the side, then your lips finally meet
- As soon as it begins, it ends. A small peck, but it spoke a thousand words from Vaggie. "I will protect you, because I'll be your armor." <3
Niffty (nifty?)
- Again, doesn't do shy guys 😭
- If you were to try and kiss her, this crazy bitch would BITE YOU
- So, in other words, remain 6 feet from her at all times if you value your.. undead life
- Like, I love how crazy she is but she literally KILLED THE ADAM
- You do not wanna test her 😭
- You both had been working hard recently, more shipments are being made, gathering the angelic steel from around the pentagram, and lots of paperwork that needed to be done
- You both could feel your backs dying as they hunched over those mounds of paperwork, however your saving graces showed up from a weapons delivery. Clara and Odette (Carmilla's daughters if you didn't know, I sure didn't) opened the doors to Carmilla's office, and tisking at the tiredness in both yours and their mother's eyes.
- That's how you both got kicked out of your own home and forced into a reservation at a nice restaurant lmao
- You both enjoyed your time there, finally relaxing, letting your hair down (OUT FOR LOVEEE) and joking around. Now, on the way home you held each other's hands, talking about how you needed to pay back Clara and Odette for their kindness in getting you out of the house and taking care of the paper work
- As you both returned, you were giggling happily after a story you told from when you were alive. You entered the front door holding onto each other as you hunched over, holding your stomachs from how much you were laughing.
- You both felt so relaxed, especially you, who had some wine at the restaurant and was feeling less shy about showing Camilla affection, and it showed.
- Your giggles died down as you both looked at each other, slowly leaning, and sharing your first kiss.
- As you part, a blush crosses both of your faces and you look away shyly
- Around the corner, Clara and Odette were silently cheering and giving each pats on the back for their perfect set up
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itsevanffs · 2 months
My five favourite fics
Thanks for the tag @moontearpensfic :3
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
Ok this is a little difficult. In no particular order:
slowly [E, 14/?, Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara/Miles Morales]
Slowly is currently my favourite fic! This might change but I'm 1/3rds through it and it's still going really strong, which is super fun. For those who don't follow my spiderverse stunts, here's a plot summary:
Miguel, a 37 year old divorcee, gets invited to Miles' 14th birthday party through happenstance, where they befriend each other. Over the next six months, that friendship deepens into something Miles isn't quite prepared to handle, and which Miguel isn't ready to give up.
It tackles a lot of (in my eyes) pretty complex subjects, like the nuances of parental neglect, grooming, trans experiences, sibling dynamics, teen sexuality and more :D Aside from that, it's also a PWP, which tend to be my favourites overall. It's a good brain squeeze for me to navigate all the intertwined realistic aspects while still making it believable, and from the response I've gotten, that seems to be something I do pretty well!
Anabiosis [E, 3/3, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle/Harry Potter (implied)]
Anabiosis was a big ol chonker of a fic, and took a lot of research to get right, particularly in the last chapter. I cried as I wrote the ending of the first chapter---I think I sobbed for about 20 minutes straight, a sentiment a lot of commenters have echoed---and it's very close and dear to my heart. It's a big character study about grief; grief for something you never got to have, grief for something you didn't know was there until it was gone, and grief for something you always took for granted. I think it turned out the best it could be, and I'm glad I wrote it.
At the expense of the world [E, 5/?, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle/Harry Potter]
At the expense of the world (or expense, for short) is one of the oldest ideas for a fic I've ever had. I've always been sort of fascinated by ancient Roman culture, and the second I learned about the honestly massive amounts of slavery they did, I wanted to write a fic about it. That's over a decade ago, now, although this fic itself is a lot younger; it's just turned 2 and a bit :D It's also got a lot of research behind it, and while it's more fantasy and PWP than anything else, I'm still really grateful to the very warm response it's gotten!
Sugar [E, 3/8, Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara/Miles Morales]
Sugar is a big excuse for me to play around with a bajillion iterations of the omegaverse at once, and it's really fun! I also really like how organic the dialogue has turned out; watching ATSV 30+ times has really helped me nail down their voices :D It's got some heavy topics in it, like sexism (fantasy sexism I guess) and cultural differences among universes regarding treatment of different dynamics. It's cool! I love exploring stuff like that, so Sugar is a tasty treat to me! (pardon the pun)
the bad man [E, 1/1 Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara/Miles Morales]
This is my first ever pornshot with complete nonconsent, which was a pretty notable milestone for me! I had a lot of fun writing it---I think I wrote it in like... a week or something. I'd check but that takes the fun out of it :P It has two iterations; a teacher/student version, and a brother/brother version. The brother version is a separate fic, you can find it in the series if you want. I'm not sure which one I like better, tbh
Okay, uhh, tag... @cindle-writes, @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, doubling the tag for @mosiva, and @aldergroves and @muchymozzarella. no pressure obv :)
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cheari · 1 year
──﹙₊ cuddling headcanon
pairing: nina zenik x gn!reader, nikolai lantsov x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff!!!
warning(s): none, only possible grammatical errors
nina zenik
if you expect cuddling with nina is you two enjoying yourselves while soaking up the quiet atmosphere, you are wrong
usually, you would rest your head on her arm or shoulder while her face rests close to you but sometimes it would be the other way around
but on other days you two could be wrapped up around each other, legs intertwined
and you two would just talk about, well, anything
most of the time nina would rant on about her day and when she’s done she would listen to you but not without interjecting with her own clever, humorous remarks
she loves playing with your hair, too. if your hair is long enough, she’ll braid your hair or tie them up in all sorts of ways
so please don’t be surprised when your hair is all tangled up by the time your cuddling session ends
sometimes she would also make fun of the way your heart rate escalates 
“your heart is beating very fast right now.”
“just shut up and hold me, zenik.”
if only you knew that her heart is beating just as loud whenever she’s around you <3
nikolai lantsov
i wholeheartedly believe that this man will be all over you when you two are curled up together
your back to his chest, his arm draped over your body, his hand holding yours etcetera
he’s usually the big spoon but he doesn’t mind being the little spoon
you two usually cuddle during the night because let’s be honest here you really don’t have the time to do it during the day
holding you in his bed is his safe space. he could simply focus on you before the two of you go back to your respective duties
him whispering sweet nothings in your ear 
him leaving kisses all over your face
and yes, he is 100% the type of person who wouldn’t let you go and whine if you tried to get up, tightening his hold on you
“you’re a man child, kolya.”
“you love me anyway.”
this man will be the death of me i swear
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated !
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freshfraise · 2 years
pairing: richarlison x reader
summary: Y/N is lavishly flown to Qatar to accompany her industrious boyfriend in the World Cup. When Richarlison finally manages to get an evening off his busy schedule, he makes sure not to waste a second more away from his solicitous girlfriend, whose mind is occupied by one shameless scenario. Him, her and their massive private pool.
author’s note: enjoy :) + apologies for any bad portuguese - PURE EXPLICIT CONTENT/SMUT!!! You’ve been warned lol — (also i can’t believe i spelt surprised wrong in my last title 😭😭)
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He walks us down the pool steps, and his hands stay glued to mine even in water. He peppers heavy kisses alongside my neck and collarbone, forcing me to produce light whimpers in response. The kiss was frantic. My legs still are wrapped around his, trying to relieve any friction.He pecked me on my cheeks, nose then chin before kissing me on my lips. Tongues grazing and biting my bottom lip, a raspy groan emitted from his throat making my back arch from the pool wall. We pull back from each other, and take in each other's state. I look at him, a slender silver chain hanging from his neck.
Richarlison re-positioned me so I was right on top of him. His hand ran through my navel, caressing my skin, eventually travelling to the curve of my lower back. His hand touched the button of my bikini top and he looked at me.
“Can I?” He whispered, I nodded embarrassingly fast hoping that it would satisfy his question, but it didn’t. “Use your words, princesa.” He said, with a stupid grin on his face.
“Please.” I said little under a whisper, shame coursing through my body at my eagerness. His eyes solely stared at my lips as I commented. Biting back down a smirk, he made his way to my back. I leaned down to his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me to unhook each button. My skin came in close contact with his chain, stinging my skin with its frigid touch. He was smooth with each clasp, soothing every fragment of exposed skin that was left under the cover of my top.
Once finally removing my top, he embraced my chest and began to leave love bites in the valley of my breasts. Shuddering moans left my mouth involuntarily which in turn, made Richarlison ridiculously lustful. He shifted under me and his chain glistened against the city lights. He noticed my staring and I realised my slight obsession with it.
Before getting to react, he unclipped the chain and clipped it around my neck.
“Fuck. It definitely looks better on you.” Richarlison practically groaned out, adjusting the necklace against my breasts. Spontaneously, I decided to pick it up and place it between my teeth and suck on it. After popping it out, I could’ve sworn I heard a weak whimper from him. His hands moved to my lower half, smoothing the material of my swim bikini. He peels my bottoms off me as I look down at his black trunks before he quickly begins to unzip them.
Once it was off, we attached our lips together once again, fitting together like the missing puzzles in a puzzle piece. His tongue intertwined with mine, leaving absolutely no room for breathing. His hands moved against my skin frenetically, cupping and squeezing my breasts making me moan deeply into our kiss. I firmly grabbed onto his broad shoulders, guttural groans leaving his mouth. I shivered at his noises, adjusting my position on him. His head whipped back, breathing heavily.
“Deus, a maneira como você se move deve ser ilegal.” (God, the way you move should be illegal.) He stated, completely exasperated, his mouth slack and his eyes glued to our bodies. I smirked confidently and before I even got to relish in any sort of cockiness or superiority, he grabbed my throat with his ringed hand and began to shift under me, with the pressure of the water creating a sensational feeling. An unmanageable amount of whines and moans left my mouth.
“I hate you.” I declaimed in embarrassment of how quickly he can make me submit to him, my head leaning back to the ceiling.
“No, you don’t.” He replied, grabbing the tip of my jaw with his thumb and forefinger and reconnecting our lips. As we kissed roughly once again, I got off him and submerged into the water. I pulled him down to meet me underwater, air bubbles floating around our faces, I smiled at him before closing the gap between us. I kiss him again, my hand firmly planted on my jaw and his hands on my lovehandles.
We emerged from the water and I practically whined at the lack of touch. “Touch me, please , just touch me.”
“You want me to touch you?” He asked shamelessly, wanting to hear me beg. I nodded in response. “Is that so?” Richarlison questioned, cupping my face. “Well, what do you say then?” He whispered, our faces in such close proximity that his breathing made my eyelashes flutter.
“Please.” I moaned out, my back arching uncontrollably.
“Good girl.” He began to lower his fingers towards my heat, past the water, and swiped his fingers through my mess.
“Tão viciante. Why are you so fucking addictive? Your lips,” He began kissing me, before ripping apart from me. “-addictive. Your skin,” His tongue swiped against the skin on my neck. “-addictive. You,” Richarlison dragged his hands against the curve of my body seductively. “-so, so fucking addictive.”
“Richarlison, I need you in me now.” I breathed out, almost under a whisper. The truth being, if he said anymore, I would come before he properly even touched me.
He stared into me, silenced by the request I gave him. He bit his lip and opened his mouth to confirm and I nodded my head before he even finished asking. He turned me around, as I faced the city view as he stood behind. Before I realised, he was placing himself in me, a loud and throaty moan erupted from Richarlison’s mouth. He felt so good, it didn’t even feel real. His hands were on my waist, as my eyes were pinched shut. He guided me rocking back and forth as I rode him. I brought his chain back up to my mouth and bit on the tip of the silver, restricting my noise. Deciding to go at a slightly faster pace, He pounds into me hard, a moan leaving my mouth. He filled me up, as I practically felt his bulge in my stomach. His hands left my waist, as he ran his hands through his hair and then started to grip onto my ass. Another whine left me, as I felt his piercing hands on me.
“Tell me how you feel.” Richarlison demanded, through moans. I don’t know if I had the capacity to speak or if I could. Pure pleasure and bliss took over my body, leaving me no choice but to ignore his request.
One of his hands wrapped around my lower waist and the other grabbed my neck, squeezing the sides. It felt euphoric and I was once again moaning. “Princesa, I said tell me how you feel, speak to me.”
“Good, Rich. So fucking good.” I could practically hear the smug, satisfied smile that formed on his face as he continued pounding into me so hard that tears clouded up my vision. Wanting to hear him vocal again, I began to sink all the way down him, making him create the most confounding and intense moan I’ve ever heard and I was completely adherent to it.
“Oh my God, - Por favor, assim mesmo.” (Please, just like that) He groaned hard, the water splashing against our torsos. Somehow, I sank even lower, and his cock confidently reached my G-spot. Before I cried out in intense pleasure, he cupped my mouth to prevent extreme levels of noise leaving the room. I was still biting on Rich’s chain, my red lipstick staining his silver. I bounced up and down his length, as he leaned forward, creating a love bite on the left side of my neck as I moaned overtly. I kept bouncing up and down, a ringing clapping noise filling the room with the sounds of our skin. Rich’s hands made their way back to my hips and started slamming me down into him.
“Richarlison, oh my-“ I responded to his motion, black mascara stained tears falling down my cheeks. “I love it when you say my name like that..” He said between pounds.
Before getting to reply, my body shakes and tightens around him as I’m a couple rides away from coming. “How are you this tight?- Oh-” He muttered in disbelief, his moans thundering throughout the room.
“I’m so close-” I essentially scream out, my climax reaching me. Richarlison’s pace goes faster, slamming into me with such force, leaving both of us a whimpering mess.
“Y/N-, just come all over me.”
My climax hits me, ecstasy spilling out of me as I come in him. Leaking everywhere, he carried on and groaned with every hit whilst every limb of mine shook. The water suddenly began to feel heavy, as it began to feel like I was floating. Eventually, he came too with an accompanying booming groan leaving his lips as he filled me up. Every nerve in my body and brain was electrified. My body had a temporary paralysis, my mind unable to process the pleasure so fast. I fell backwards into him, shaking in his hold as he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling out of me, I realised just how sore I am, but all is forgotten as I’m in his hold showered with Richarlison’s kisses.
“That was a great surprise, princesa.” He whispered into my ear, kissing the back of my neck.
“Sim,” I agreed and turned around to face him, leaving a kiss. “But didn’t you score twice today?” He smiles and looks me straight in the eye. “What are you suggesting?” He says, tilting his head.
“Dupla surpresa?”
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blossoms-phan · 10 days
I am home from Berlin, and wanted your opinion on a heated debate that was happening in Berlin, that keeps creeping into my mind. People had strong opinions. Everyone was saying how nice Phil was, and how much they loved him and one person started saying that it made them sad as they thought Phil was very insecure in himself, that he saw himself as somehow less than Dan, and that Phil worried that without Dan, we wouldn't love him and he would sort of fade away. Argument went onto Phil is accepting less than he would ideally want in a personal relationship because he somehow thinks he is undeserving of Dan, but he takes what he can get. This all started because people were talking about Joey Graceffa and his skin cancer diagnosis and then led to the comments he made about Dan and how disrespectful that would be if Dan and Phil were a thing. This was pre show, so not sure if after the show people changed their options, but it was interesting, even if I don't agree with all of it.
Sorry if my English is not good. Thank you.
im so fascinated by this apparent conversation and i've been trying to figure out how to respond to this bc idk if i have a good one?
first of all the fact that this was pre show is interesting to me bc one of the most compelling parts of the show/script to me so far that there hasn't been a lot of discussion on (we're only a few shows in im sure it'll come up more/we've been a little distracted by other things lol) is the part where it gets "real" and phil talks about how he felt like he was making content that's not as "important" and babysitting us during the kind of hiatus period/when dan was doing other stuff (sorry for the paraphrasing i haven't listened to it since antwerp so idk if this is entirely accurate) and combined with the sort of soft launch of this bit in pizza mukbang 2 (which is more of just an open conversation/moment of honesty) i find it really sad that phil ever felt that way, obviously he felt comfortable putting it into the show but i think it's less about insecurity bc phil is clearly more confident and comfortable with who he is now, i think he just... enjoys doing this stuff with dan? and there's nothing wrong with that, it doesn't mean that we would love phil any less or that he would "fade away" if it was just him doing all this but like phil's said and dan has echoed many times as well they just like working together and having fun and making it an extension of the rest of their intertwined lives so. idk i have nothing to say to that "argument" really i couldn't agree less they are both so lucky to have each other and they love each other so much. i had not heard about joey graceffa that's awful but idk yeah that comment was a little out of pocket but it was also clearly a joke "if dnp were a thing" i mean they are lol everyone knows no one has a real chance with either of them but yeah. other berlin goers i'd love to hear if any of you caught onto this conversation i did not know this was the kind of stuff people were talking about at shows i would not want to participate in this kind of debate right before seeing them irl but that's just me ig
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"You don't know my name, do you? Will you ever?"
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Summery: beomgyu keeps his promises--he walks you from and sometimes to work, hangs out there with you. its all very comfortable and usual for the both of you. he even orders the same thing every time he comes in: your wonderful hot chocolate you make him. noting is new, its all been done before a thousand times between the two of you. why? you and Beomgyu have been friends for ever. that's great. You and him have also become a sort of... intertwined. more than just being together; youve grown together. also great. but what happens when you do something out of the ordinary? or rather, maybe the two of you stop keeping your promises and let the feelings youve pushed down so hard you feel like youre about to combust bubble up? also great.
a/n: long hair gyuuuuuu based on 'you don’t know my name'!!!!! its one of my favorite (if not my singular favorite) song by her. and besides... come on y'all, its beomgyu so I had to lol. yerin and I talked about this during he 300 subs special (even though SHE doesn't seem to remember it lmao) so here I am holding up my end of the deal and making my fic based on this song. if you liked it please leave some love such as commenting and or reblogging!
warnings/info: slow burn I guess, kissing, reader and Beomgyu go to a party, mentions of people fucking, Beomgyu gets in an extremely heated argument with a complete stranger at said party, I feel like I ranted a bit too much with the fic, a little poem-ish at times I think, reader and gyu are scared to go into uncharted territory with thier friendship, lots and lots and lots of talk of reader and beomgyu needing to control themselves around each other, cursing, beomgyu being sweet and them slow dancing cause that's a warning in itself, one joke about beomgyu and reader fucking? idk its not said explicitly tho this was way too self indulgent I apologize, friends to lovers, reader is gn.
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in now way meant to be taken as an actual or real representation of anyone~
A sharp, wind chime sounding ping makes you spring out of your thoughts to look at the door. Your smile. Huh right on the dot. Your eyes are met with the handsome fetures of your most frequent customer: beomgyu. Hair touching the nape of his neck and eyes bright as ever despite the mugginess outside. though its not all bad-- it makes him remember how one time last winter on your usual walk-from-your-work-with-him, he had stood behind you and wrapped you in his coat, bringing you flush with his clothed chest. it was oversized on him and noting, he thinks, could have prepared him for how you melted into him.
you noticed his wandering eyes and raise you voice to snap him out of it.
“why do you look like that?” you ask. it’s slow at work right now and you say that because you don’t want him to notice your heart pounding. You know if you don’t distract him he’ll do so. He pays enough attention and knows you all too well to hide it. “oh I dunno I just went for a run. No! It’s because it’s raining buckets out there!” “Yeah YOU running? That didn’t sound right” his mouth hangs open a little "um excuse you." he puffs his chest out. "I-I run." the way he's shaking his head while speaking gives him away if you already didn't know him so well. maybe a little too well. but, you tried not to think about that too much. how you
“I’ll have the hot chocolate” he says, although you know what would fall out of his lips just the Same as last time, and the time before that. And many roles before. You know how he likes it (extra sweet. “Just like you” he says. Before you squeeze you nose) but seriously you don’t think you’ve ever known someone who liked such a sugary thing. It nearly tasting like straight candy
“not many people order hot chocolate in the summer. You sure you want that?” “Yeah, it’s a comforting drink ya know.” Something he always used to drink as a kid. Before he met you. Before he didn’t have to watch what he said around someone like you because of half giddy and half eyes to the floor bashfulness he’ll feel if he slips up and gets a little too flirty. Says something a little too strong to you. Not that you’d mind. No, not at all. But he doesn’t need to know you feel that way.
"Yeah but with everything?" you ask, still making it but wondering anyways. He leans further in, putting his hands on the table. "How come you're just asking me this now? we've been doing this for such a long time and now is when it pops into your mind that it's weird to have it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" you roll your eyes at him. but really, you weren't annoyed at all. the truth was you awaited the never-the-same times he'd come in and order that same, warm and comforting drink. (it depend on his classes, and or what he had to do inbetween) It had gotten on the point where one of the other workers there would tap your shoulder and let you know that he was there when you didn't notice.
"your guy is here." one of the workers there would tell you. In a moment of weakness, beomgyu would pop into your mind and your eyes would go wide as you looked for him. "he's not my guy." you'd try and cover your tracks but with the knowing smile on your work friends face as they walked away, you knew it wasn't any use.
"we've been doing this forever." his words rung in your ears. he was right. you had been. you'd both been seeing each other so much and resisting the bubbling urge to kiss the shit out of each other. You'd been inching dangerously close to him, but never as close as you really wanted and craved, the warmth of his heart ghosting your skin... forever. he'd been avoiding your gaze-- the one that made him feel like all the four seasons were swirling up inside him and somehow all their wonder landing in you, seeping out in all the little things you did... forever. To be honestly, neither of you knew how long you could keep this up.
but here you are, thinking of and loving noting more than seeing his eyes fill with excitement as you hand him the mug. he cups it with both his hands even though it isn't cold inside so it wasn't like he needed to warm his hands. "You know, you should just keep your own mug here." you comment. he looks up at you, about to take a sip and obviously not very happy you interrupted his almost-bliss. though, in his mind, it wasn't that different-- no, it could not compare to the feeling he got around you. "Or maybe I should just bring one with me." he jokes, lips pursing to blow the steam off the surface of the delicious smelling drink. "Yeah," you nod, "and bring a plate while you're at it-- you know what," you lean on the counter in front of him, knuckles going under your chin and fingertips folded enough to touch the beginning of your palm. And he'd rather not look at you through the fog emanating from the porcelain mug so he puts it down, leaning in for dramatic effect. "Better yet, take it with you when you leave so I don't have to wash it!" you eyes go wide and you throw your hands up like you just had the best idea of the century-- better than sliced bread.
he puts a hand to his chest, leans back with his mouth hung wide open, and then gets up with his hands to his head pulling at his hair like he just had an epiphany. you laugh freely as he walks around in a circle. once he's back at the counter he slams his hands down on the edge of it and looks all serious. "You've got it, y/n! this is gonna make history!" he exclaims. You take a bow just for kicks and when you come back up his expression has suddenly changed. its gone much... softer, a smile is tugging at his lips and he can't help it but to let it free once he sees your smiling face again... smiling because of him, too. because of the joy you two make together. its unmatched, really. His fingertips feel flushed like his face, and aren't holding on so tightly to the cold metal edge of the counter. he's leaning in now, for what reason he doesn't really know. damn, he wants and fucking needs to be closer to you. he feels it in his core.
Then, he makes the mistake of looking into your eyes and in an instant you send him on a whirlwind. usually he distracts himself and looks at something else but he just couldn't bring himself to this time. He wants to set up an easel and capture your entire expression right here but your eyes... your eyes he's sure made his plan he's trying to stick to of not getting caught in your gaze. or, better yet, not getting caught gazing at you. but, for someone he knows so well and for so long, it wasn't easy. because, every time you speak, every time he looks at you, every time he even thinks of you, his mind starts to cloud with all the goodness he sees inside you. every inch of your mind he knows and all the other filled up spaced he wants to adventure into.
How could he stop his mind from getting tied up in the wonder of a human that was you? He sure couldn't, and nobody in their right mind would be able to. He snaps himself out of his thinking before you can think to do it yourself. Lord knows if you caught him spacing out at a time like this you'd give him one of your infamous smacks on the ears and he'd shriek so loud out of surprise people outside would hear him. "You're making me waste valuable time on drinking this." he chuckled, holding a finger up to you to signal: one minute, as he takes a few big gulps. he puts the cup down and leans back.
"one of your best, y/n." he complements.
you raise an eyebrow. "Oh? so there's a hierarchy and competition for best of y/ns hot chocolate now? if I would've known I would've made it look all cute." you said, getting back to work behind the counter. the place was pretty dead at the moment but there was still a few things needing tone done. "Come to think of it, I should deduct points for not putting a cinnamon heart on the surface." he wonders aloud. "Oh so just a heart would suffice? noting else?" you ask him. "well why not?" he nearly giggles, "Thought you loved me." You simply smile and roll your eyes at him, not really having the opurtunity to have any type of conversation like that here. although you wanted to. and it didn't really have to go the way you intended it. but if he-- or the both of you for that matter, were gonna go there, then you might as well and a full on sit down talk about it. again not that you didn't want to at all-- in fact, you'd thought about how it'd go down plenty more times then truly necessary. And what better place to have it in than where you two had met?
maybe it was just you making excuses for yourself; for putting it off just one more day. one more week. one more month. or basically one more eternity of longing stares and cut of sentences where, you wanna say more but ultimately fail to. the conversation now seemingly over, he shrugs and finishes his drink.
He stays and orders another extra extra sweet, practically caffeinated, slap you in the face to jolt you into operating at top speed crack drink that was his or your signature hot chocolate. this is a habit of his-- one he'd likely have to break soon if this floating feeling of his keeps up and un-in check. but a habit the both of you cherish-- where he comes in and stays until you have to leave. most of the time you don't even get to talk much. but the comfort that comes right along with your presence around each other makes up for it. thats another habit with the two of you: just being in the same room and doing different things. it was pure comfort just being around each other. maybe looking over and smiling at the other or striking up a conversation that could last a minute or the rest of time he was there or in other situations, the rest of time you'd were together-- however long you both wanted it, really. and it was never awkward, either. the silence never aching.
that's how it was when you first started walking back to your respective places after your shift. another habit of his, one you hope, along with the others, would never die. him staying for a while, talking a bit... or a lot with you, then walking together. usually it was him walking you home but others it'd just be whatever you two wanted that day. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his acid washed jeans when you look over at him.
"Did you grow or something?" you question.
"maybe you shrunk, hm?" he countered.
you narrowed your eyes at him. he turns to you and does the same. "Very adult of you." You scoff. "You started--" then, realizing that continuing to say was he was going to wasn't going to help his case in the slightest. It barely falls silent for a second before he, in a moment of either weakness or some extreme courage he doesnt know, he slows down a little, gently puts his hands onto your waist, finger finding place scrunched in your shirt, and stills you. though, with the rapid beating of your heart you didn't need any help to do so. He gently moves you to the inside of the sidewalk. he doesn't know why. it's kinda stupid really. he doesn't even have a reason expect that's how you two are usually walking. but it isn't ever really intentional. Usually he just gets out the door of the diner first and you follow soon after. but he liked it that way. it felt warm and comfortable.
he clears his throat. "So, you were saying?" you look back up at him, not too stunned to speak or anything just....thinking. time still in its frozen capsule like it was a moment ago with his hands on your waist. "I feel like you've grown." you say simply, verbally shrugging. he takes a look at his own arms as if that would give him an idea as to what you're talking about. "I know you haven't but," you sigh, unsure of where you're even going with this, "I dunno you seem different." the both of you are still facing forward, not having looked at each other since a minute ago. "Is that a good thing or a bed thing?" You smile. "good. definitely good." "that's good that it's good." he laughs.
"oh piss off!" You chuckle at him, shaking you head. a second later you don't hear his steps anymore and turn around to see him saying "gladly." and start to walk in the other direction. You yell at him to get his ass back here and he turns on his heel, trotting back to you with a smile on his face, eyes hidden by his hair as he looks down. "But yeah," you say once he's back to walking beside you, "You've defiantly grown. not in height, but how you are as a person now." he hums. "I guess I can see that. you have too, you know?" you quirk and eyebrow.
"like--" he takes a breath, "You've grown... not like you act completely different now, but you've just--" you get what he's trying to say. "Blossomed?" He nods, but before he can start talking again you're already opening your mouth. "So have you. Not like you weren't someone I wanted to spend a lot of time with when were first met but you've grown into this person who-who has so much depth to them. like sure, you look a little different and youve changed your hair countless times, but I think you've bloomed in a way. And I love that you have; that you've made yourself out to be who you are right now." he purses his lips together.
"hey, it's not all me, ya know? Ive only been able to grow the way you said I have because I've got you by my side. actually, no, more than that, I've got you coaching me and trying to help. And have you taken a look In the mirror? its not just me that's grown internally since we've both met. I feel like... You're more you know than you were before. or at least not as afraid to show who you are." "that's cause I have you cheering me on, beom." he smiles at the nickname, something you've had for him forever. just like how you've been learning each other inside and out forever. But he also smiles at himself. he was your personal hype man, as you'd say, wasn't he? "And im really proud of you for flourishing like you have." he says. "Im proud of us." you counter, "for both becoming more than we were before."
all that was missing was two glasses to toast. "Yeah, and we're achieving that together, too. we have been forever. and I know that's why its unfolding so beautifully-- it takes the two of us to pull something so great off like that." you try not to get all fluttery inside by the prospect of him thinking that you're "great." cause there isn't much to it, really. plain and simple. he thinks you're great... or the journey youve taken with him so far is great or whatever... it should stop there for you. but that's the thing: with him, it never does.
It kinda hits the both of you right in the face at that moment. and you realize all you need to know about how the other person feels the same way when your caught looking at each other and saying more or less the same thing of: "wow, I think our lives are intwined now and I love that."
as the minutes go on, you both talk about some of the ways youve seen this with each other-- growing internally as youve both said. You bring up something, then him, it goes on like this until you both have a realization. "...But seriously, though." you cause, "Im glad that we're like this." "Im happy we can be like this too. and to be honest, I don't just want to be a better person, I wanna be a better person with you." he quickly cocks his head to the side, almost like he was punctuating his sentence. "I was just about to say that! I like growing with you. it's amazing. and you make me want to be better. not in a competitive way though. I just wanna move along with life with you next to me."
He puts a hand to his chest, hopping it would distract him from how fast his heart was beating. It had the opposite affect, though, drawing his attention to it under his palm. "Im glad youve been in my life for so long." he says, wondering jut how far he was going to take all this confessing how wonderful it was to have you by his side. wouldn't this make more of an impact on he both of you than just making you smile? or was he making it more than it was? he probably was to be honest; friends tell each other how much they value each other all the time. just... probably the ones who's heart feels like its about to lift him up and fly him away to the moon, stay away from it.
"And I am glad we're in each others lives to often that we can brighten each others days whenever the other needs it." he nods in agreement, not trusting himself to talk more because he'll surely say all that he thinks of you... and us. the rest of the walk is spent back in the comfortable, fireplace like silence like the first couple minutes of it. Once you get to your front door and your back is turned, he draws in a breath. "It is wonderful to have you in my life, y/n. I don't think you can understand how great it is and how much I love it." you're about to swing open your door but you turn around to look in the eye. "Me too. I love how it feels to have you by my side." you really wish you had something more to say but it seems like its enough for him. cause a second later and he's nearly skipping away from your door. You shake you head at him and go inside.
He scratches the back of his neck, thinking entirely too much about what you had said to him. There was a thousand ways you could have meant hit but for some reason he only wanted to think of it as one. the one where you actually secretly wanted to kiss him every time you hugged goodbye. One where you'd invite him into your place for hot chocolate and he'd stay, and long, long while; only really going back to his home for clothes cause fuck, if he had you like that he wouldn't dream of letting you go or leaving you for as long as he could.
God, It was almost uncanny how, you knew what to call him, but his name? that was something else entirely it felt like now.HIs own name had come to be you. that was how much you were written on his heart; written like law on stone. so engraved in his mind that he felt like you were with him all his life... except with this it was more like someone who knew him his entire life but suddenly stoped paying attention for a very important mile marker, then suddenly started up paying attention again, completely glossing over something that was so important to him. Like his name: but now youve replaced it with your own an the wasn't mad about it. and you didn't know, did you? would you ever know his name?
and, in the middle of all his swirling like a hurricane that brought peace instead of distruction, he wondered if you were ever feeling the same thing. did you think of him the way he thought of you?
He knew everything about you, as did you, he, you thought as you slipped off your shoes at the door. But you figured that, since friends need to be honest as much as they can, that wasn't entirely true. cute there was this one, not so small thing youve never shared with him. something that was such a big part of you it might as well be your name. The way you felt when he was near, when you thought of him, fuck, even when someone mentioned him. at this point, him-- and feeling this was about him was such a bug thing that it had become a part of you. he had become a part of you. and just like a name it was something you wanted and needed to tell the whole world. including him.
but there was the problem, you couldn't just scream it out for everyone to hear. that's why youve been waiting. Even though it was takin g a long time for him to figure out that big giant part of you that thad become as second nature as a name. Beomgyu was smart, but apparently he was stupid when it came to this. but seriously, with all the slip ups youve been having recently, you're starting to wonder if he's deliberately not understanding you and your feelings. Like is he that dense or does he just not want you?
You shoot him a message none the less; telling him to text when he got home unless you'll start to worry.
The next time you talk was on the phone on your way to work. He likes to walk you there, too. but today just happened to be one of those days where it couldn't happen. But you missed his presence on the street that reminded you of the talk you had yesterday so the next best thing was to call him. "Hey, it's the server from the diner." You say. "yeah, I know." It was a throwback to when he'd given his number to the place so he could get a free delivery. Though he was hoping you'd pick up on it and call him. and you did. you were the one who had to call to let him know his order had arrived and was currently getting cold outside his door. you had ended the call with him apologizing profusely.
One thing lead to another and you made a follow up call on how the food tasted. you heard him smiling from the other end of the phone as he says, "great as always." You barely thought he would even pick up so you didn't know what to say after that. "especially the hot chocolate." he aded then. And now you're the one smiling uncontrollably. After a few minutes on the phone that day your heart is leaping with excitement. so the next time he comes in, you talk with each other more freely. and now you had his number so when he doesn't come in for a few days you remembered mustering up the courage to text him. "I really wanted to come over there. hot chocolate would probably help cure whatever I have." you felt stupid. duh of course he was just sick, why were you so worried?
within the hour, hot chocolate was delivered to his door free of cost.
and that's when the friendship began; with him texting you an entire paragraph just to say thanks for the gesture and you two talking back and forth, heart seemingly on the edge of its seat, about hot chocolate and hot drinks in general.
"You know... our manager is always telling us to use water," you repeat now what you said all that time ago, "But I always use milk and cream for you." He's snapped back to the present, with you on the other end of the phone, wind whipping in the mic. "aww you really do care, don't cha?" he laughs, smug smile gracing his lips.he can practically hear you roll your eyes from the other end of the phone. "your welcome." you drawled. "I sincerely thank you for your sacrifice of cream and milk." he said, and it sounds like a joke, but still he's smiling in gratitude none the less. youre about to joke about how he needs to repay you... somehow. but he beats you to it. though... with the way he starts off, it doesn't sound like fully a joke. but just enough of one where he knows you'll listen.
"And as a formal expression of my forever debt to you, I invite you to attend a party with me." You figured you'd play along, his tone not serious enough for you to spend the brain power to actually think of an answer. "yeah, sure, Beom." It was about as real to you as the both of you staying completely quiet during a movie so you played along. at least, you thought you were playing. beomgyu puts his speaker of his phone up to his mouth, nearly making your ears bleed as he yells into it: "no take backs!" then promptly hangs up.
you roll your eyes at him, a little concerned for future you and him but cracking up none the less. The surprised expression on your face when he comes by later to quote "take the both of you shopping for the party the next day." was so priceless he wished he had whipped out his phone quick enough. "I keep my promises." he reminds you as he sits down at his usual bar stool. And he sure does, like the one he's been keeping, weighing on his heart for so long he feels like its going to crack it n a million pieces impossible to pick up, about just how much he feels for you. he made that promise to you to stick by you as friends for as long as you'd have him there long enough to be forgotten. but now him. he remembers it like it was yesterday and he intends to keep his word, especially to you. who knows which way it would take you if he didn't. and the last thing he needs is for you two to be torn apart.
he slumps on the counter and gives you puppy dog eyes. you sigh "No one told me you were serious. that was coercion; I did not understand the phrasing of the question, therefore--" oh, you wanted court of law? he'd give you court of law. "uh uh" he wriggles his finger in your face. "was this under a false pretense? maybe. but did that initially give you the right to call back and or ask further questions? yes. so for that reason youre guilty!" he slams an imaginary gavel down on the white counter. you turn around to take a breath. he kicks his feat. "come on, y/n! I think it'll be fun. and if not then we'll leave right away and go to my place to watch tv. and we'll get a cute outfit out of it either way!" you think about it for a moment. "I need deodorant anyways!"
well it is important not to have a stench.....
he can tell youre thinking about it and he perks up at the sight of your wheels turning behind your eyes. it was one of this favorite things-- watching you think, weigh your options and all. It wasn't like you completely didn't want to go. there was a part of you, one that was soon going to get bigger youre sure. but a part of you right now none the less. so what was stopping you? you wanted to be close to him. you loved being close to him and that meant doing things together. but in an environment like this.... it might pose a problem to lips kept tightly shut and secrets you held behind your back.
You take one last look at him, and if it's a regular response between friends or in a slip up you don't know, but you agree. he nearly jumps up out of his seat in celebration. Why did he suggest this? who knows. was this a good idea? who. the fuck. knows. maybe because he wanted to do something with you. but it was probably something more than that it the back of his mind that made him call you and ask. but he knows full well what almost happened the last time you two went to a party together. a bunch of "aww youre so cute together!" made it seem all a little too real after a while and as the night went on with him eventually stopping himself from telling the truth to these people and him getting seemingly eaten from the inside when he stopped just reviling in the fantasy and remembered that no, youre not together. The night ended somehow with you two coming dangerously close to kissing.
maybe he really just wanted to spend time with you; a sort of do-over. he could control himself this time. or maybe that's what it was... he wanted to test the waters again-- challenge himself and see if he really could have self control. or maybe, just maybe, in the back of his mind he wanted to test the waters another way. maybe he wanted to know if it'd happen again. of course he wouldn't do anything about it; he wanted to keep his promise to you but something felt like it was knocking at the back of his mind.
once your shift is done, he's got a spring in his step as he opens the door for the both of you and bouncing on his heels with a smile on his face telling you to hurry up. and no, you don't just go shopping for deodorant... but instead spend two full hours shopping around. two full hours that consisted of trying on clothes and the both of you having to bite your tongues. because fucking hell, why'd he have to have such a good style? you perk up as he steps out the dressing room for the third time, already preparing yourself for you heart seemingly about to beat out of your chest. "what do you think?" "I think..." his face sinks.... "oh--" he pouts, "no no! it looks great! its just, its white."
he quirks and eyebrow at you. "I have eyes, ya know? I did pick it out." he reminds you, nose and mouth scrunching up in that classic Beomgyu disgusted face. "spillage." you simply say. his eyebrows got up into his hairline. "youre right." the next out fit he comes out with, a little more spillage proof, is what he decides on. he takes another look in the mirror, sighing. "you really think it looks good?" he questions. "I have eyes, ya know?" you echo him. he spins around into the dressing room, away from you as quickly as possible so you didn't have to see the smile on his face and the rosy tint to his cheeks.
When it comes to you and picking out your outfits, while youre walking ahead of him to the dressing rooms, he closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall so he can think for a moment. or... more stop himself form thinking so much than anything. he knows what he's getting himself into. but How you reacted each time he'd first appear out the dressing rooms door with that wistful glassy look in your eyes, almost like you yourself were trying to stop your gears turning.... Times like that gave him hope that maybe yeah, you felt the same way about him as he did you. because just for a short moment he saw the same look in his eyes that they had on him now; trying so hard to stop thinking about you. you, you, you, you.
"I think a round of applause is in order!" you say.-- twenty minutes in. twenty minutes of him bouncing his leg. twenty minutes of you hiding the way his complements make you feel. twenty minutes of the second you shut the door behind you him screaming internally into his palms and twenty minutes of you doing the same. he smiles at you when you come out. "I know. we have good taste." his cheeks seem to be nearly kissing at his lashes as he smiles and he's driving you crazy. "We do, don't we?" you take another look in the mirror.
"You really think it's--" Youre starting to stress over if the outfit really is worth the buy. you like it a lot. but now youre starting to wonder if its a little too little here or too much there and-- "I have eyes, don't I?" he repeats, you turn around and lock eyes with him for just a second too long not to do anything to the both of your heart rates.
fast forward to the next night and youre swinging your door open to see him turned the other way. he spins around as soon as he hears the door. You press your lips together and he unconsciously mimics you. "you look really beautiful!" he beams. he's just being your personal hype man as always, and youre not afraid to say that you love it. "Aw you look really beautiful too."
the words slipped past both of your lips like water through fingers. though, unlike water, the words were thick, with feelings long left in the dark hiding behind them. "Oh? so just beautiful? not really--" You step out toward him, closing the door behind you, making you step just a little bit too close to him than usual. "really really beautiful." you clarified. and this time, he doesn't move his head. "thank you." he whispers, voice softer than his hair. and the both of you are unable to move from your doorstep-- frozen in time and space, with the only thing moving being your rapid heart beats and rising chests.
he looks at you beside him and can feel your gears turning inside your head, a sight he so badly wants to get lost in but knows he can't. realizing it'd be bad enough with the gorgeous outfit you were wearing and how he was sure at least someone was going to try and hit on you... he'd rather not start getting himself tangled with you now. but he can't seem to move his neck any other way than craned to his left to look at you.
its was just.... as much as he wants an needs to kiss you so badly.... your so Important to him, he thinks as he lags behind a bit, watching you walk ahead. and your friendship is so important to him that they never want to break it, even if that meant shutting his mouth and staying further away, cause in the end that's really what he wanted: to be and stay friends with you. the reason he stayed never has been and never will be just about what he felt for you. your friendship will always be the most important thing to him and heeds never want to jeopardize that and loose you. he'd rather your friendship stay strong than anything.
Your turn around, beckoning him to come closer. he skips to you, so happy you don't know what to do with yourself. "You know--" "no, I don't. I was hoping you'd tell me." you scoff. "I was going to say that im glad you invited me. Im ready to go be extroverts together now and experience all the bad smells and all the loud noises a party has to offer." he laughs, but he knows youre half serious. and he's fully serious when he says he's happy you came.
the noise thumps in your ears, nearing making them ring. the lights are dimmer than you thought needed but it-- along with noise and people constantly bumping into each other, sufficed in making the atmosphere very party-like. cause well, it was a party after all. He follows you, both trying to scout out where the kitchen was. you'd planned to stick together, tighter than you did last time, tighter than when the both of you were bombarded with people asking you about each other, and stick together you did.
even when you two went upstairs, trying to find the bathroom, and stumbled upon a couple people fucking and practically biting each others faces off in the room you thought was the bathroom. Beomgyu shuts the door immediately, any longer and you'd both be traumatized. "get your own room!" you hear from behind the heavy door." He looks at you and you back at him before bursting into laughter. "I mean, did you want to orrrr?" you phrase it as a joke, and though he thinks he hears something in the back of your tone, he only rolls his eyes at you. though his brows go up higher than youve ever seen.
The second he's done in the bathroom you lead in downstairs to where the music was the loudest. "I heard it too." he pants, "I was trying to hurry up." you really couldn't believe they were playing this here. it was almost too perfect, you thought. with his body so close to yours, dancing and enjoying the song you both liked. And suddenly, it didn't feel like you were in a crowded room. and for a moment all you could see, and feel, and smell, was him. him and his fingers now reaching for yours, spinning you around, laughing without a care in the world. like it didnt matter that your heart was about to beat out of your chest, making you float on the floor you were dancing on.
Everyone else-- the entire room was blurred. It was just you, and him. him, and you. just as it should be. this didn't happen all the time-- rather, you didn't let it happen all the time. but when it did... you swore youve never felt anything so natural. so--so right and beautiful. You smile and ease him into a dip, now youre both laughing. when he comes up, somehow both his hands ended up in yours and now he's pulled flush against your body. he feels like you both are taking up so much and too little space at the same time--like the whole floor is yours and yours only. he swallows thickly, neither of you making a move to step away. you know it sounds stupid but for a second you can feel as life your hearts are beating as one. and for a seance he feels like maybe this is really real. that it won't end any second and that he isn't having another day dream about slow dancing with you in one of your living rooms; all comfy and--
"I have to go get some water." you say so low that only he hears over the music. you really shouldnt let it goony further than this. at least not here. and as much as you wanted to keep ignoring everyone around you cause with him, were they even there in the first place? you knew you shouldn't, couldn't keep it up for much longer cause being this close to him only made you wanna kiss the shit out of him. "y-youre not--" you look at the next to no gap between you still, hands still closes around each others tightly. you blink to free yourself from the perfect daze youre caught in. the song was barely even slow enough to slow dance to. what you you doing? "moving? I know." and before he could even ask if you to stay longer, youre already pushing yourself off his chest and out of his grasp.
"You sure you don't want me to just go with you?" he nearly stumbles after you. "beom, its just for a second." You whip around to face him, arms crossed defensibly. "but a lot can happen in a second." yeah, I can see that, you say to yourself, thinking about just a moment before where dancing to a song you both liked turned quickly into something that was going to make you stumble. beom, the name echoed in his mind over and over until it flowed into his heart where all the other times youve laughed or called him by that nickname laid. "listen I know youre just trying to uphold our agreement, but seriously, im fine."
he knows he's probably being too worried for you, but he just can't. epically after you'd done that. with your hands clasping his against his chest. god, he never wanted it to end. little did he know neither did you. you did actually need water, being so close to him like that had a track record of making your throat go dry and fingers go numb. it also had a track record of making you get lost in his glazed over eyes. you find a cup and rinse in out before anything cause who knew where its been. a moment later youre about to refill your cup when you hear the unmistakable sound of Beomgyus shriek. followed by someone yelling at him.
oh god what did he get himself into now?
You run to where you last saw him and, finding him not there you rush to where you saw a few people gathered by the stairs. those people who were now making way for beomgyu flying down them. someone hot with anger and hot on his tale. Your brows furrowed as he zooms past you. "im sorry!" you hear him say, "I probably shouldn't have gotten involved but it looked like a pretty heated argument!" oh god? that was what this was about? "Yah!" the person yells behind him. "that's why you shouldve stayed out of it!" then and Beomgyu are both on opposite ends of the sofa, both waiting for the other to make a move. when the person inches right, beomgyu tips to the left. when beomgyu goes the other way, the person follows his movements.
two of the three people move off the sofa to get out the way. god, he really was fucked, wasn't he? you didn't know what to do, really. you left for five minutes and here he was getting screamed profanities at by some random person. You wanted to help, but as beomgyu brings up to the person how the person they were talking with looked hurt, and how they themself looked hurt as well, you leaned against the door frame and just watched.
it was another one of these situations, huh? they didn't look mad enough to really do much of a number on him anyways, and youd step in to stop them any minute now if beomgyu doesn't leave the argument first. And step in a minute later after beomgyu and the person going back and forth tore you apart from the inside out to one, see him so worried like this, and two, hearing them yell next to you with the loud ass music was starting to make your ears bleed you didn't need to do after all. Beomgyu was backing up with his hands in front of him defensively. it didn't feel like you needed to collect him or keep him out of trouble or anything cause he was intentionally trying to start a fight, but you could tell no one was going to get anywhere with this. or at least beomgyu wasn't going to get what he was looking for from the person. So you figured it best to tell it that you two should leave. you grab him by the shoulders and lead him out the door. you were kinda done with the party anyways, having been there quite enough time already.
"im sorry! I ruined our night, didn't I?" he begs. "but they were saying some pretty shitty things about someone and it looked like it was about to turn physical." he practically pleads with you as the night air nips at whatever wasn't covered on you. you stay silent the whole way back to you place. "What have I told you?" you tell more than ask sternly once he's plopped down on his sofa. he hands his head low. "Not to get in the middle of other peoples problems..." he echoes what you say every time something like this happens-- he thinks he can be be everyones knight In shinning armor, protecter and helper to all by getting himself involved. it usually doesn't have such... strong repercussions. most of the time its when he hers whispers of someone talking about their troubles with someone else and he tries to console them. which is fine on its own, but then comes the part where he's getting all caught up in it and he's getting hurt along with them.
and as much as you are shaking your head and rolling your eyes at the situation he got himself into... you purse your lips and try not to catch his eyes from across the sofa. you lean back. "But im not surprised. And it's not because you never learn or that youre stupid or anything, ok? so don't even go there. but that's just who you are, how youve always been since I met you-- caring so much for people, even people you don't know that you'll end up like this trying to help them sometimes. that's one of the things about you that haven't changed one bit since I've met you." he inches closer as if you hear you better, legs folded criss cross on the cushions and hands on his knees.
"don't make me out to be such a hero." he shakes his head. and this time you move a little closer. "Not saying you are just," you pause, knowing what you want to say but wondering if this really was the right time for it. It felt right in your bones and besides when were you going to get another chance like this one? when just a bit ago his hands fit perfectly in yours and you could feel his raging heartbeat under your palms? It was now or never, right? but really, you werent too sure you'd be able to stop yourself now. you might've been in too deep, but with him, never over your head. "just, youre the kindest person ive ever met. n' I just worry you'll get hurt more than youve already gotten in the past-- like youve gotten in the past when you get invested like this."
youre breathing all heavy for some reason, and he's getting that same glassy look in his eyes as earlier in the night. it reminds you of a sugar honey glaze on sweet fruit or a dessert and you can't help but stare int them. "glad to see you care." he shrugs. only his lips move thankfully just in your field of vision, eyes staying locked on yours. "I thought you knew I did. he's unconsciously leaning forward to you, his body following the magnetic pull that was you. though he's only following what seemed natural. "Thought you knew that I did?" you put your face in your palm, elbow balanced on your knee. "Yeah, but..." he trails off, the both of you now impossibly close.
and closer, and closer, and closer until your lips join in a searing kiss. you both sigh in relief into it, having waited so, so long. now your heart was really beating out of your chest, your fingertips no longer numb but boiling with feeling. his hands go from his knees to your hands, grasping them firmly, but gently just like you did to him at the party. he felt like he was floating, like he was suddenly sitting on a cloud and wasn't afraid of falling. god, he's wanted this for so long; for fucking ever. how could he stop now? you pull apart, and now youre thinking how in the world you felt out this long. ".... now the way I want you to." he continues, "not the way I do." you smile, leaning in again to kiss him. it was meant to be a quick peck, but instead it turned into you leaning your body into his and his hands on your arms, running up and down them, making you sink further into him and the seat in warmth.
Now, for a second time, you pull away. "Does that help answering how much I care?" he's smiling like a mad man at your words. "so I guess I didn't ruin our night?" he says, more to get his Brian working properly more than anything. "The opposite. I wanted to leave with you anyways." and now he's nearly jumping out of his seat to to do a little happy dance. he couldnt help it, though. especially when you were pulling him back in by his shirt balls dup in your fist and smashing your lips together.
when you pull apart though, instead of smiling in each others faces, the both of you shoot up. oh god... oh god! what did you just do? it wasn't suppose to go like this, he thinks as you rush to put your shoes on at the door. No words were exchanged between the two of you, though. except: "Hey... I--" "no no!" you say a little too loudly, "no, its fine. we don't ever need to speak of this again, sound good?" his lips form a line at your words. he shoots you a thumbs up. "...yeah." it wasn't what he wanted, that's of for user. but what other choice did he have? didn't look like you were ready for it to happen, so my default, now he wasn't either.
it wasn't like you two avoided each other at all costs in the week after the incident. no, not at all. you were friends above anything and everything, and such close friends that being like that to each other would've killed the both of you. and it wasnt like you were mad at each other... but now the silence on your walks together felt.... uncomfortable; unnatural and weird. like you needed to fill it with pointless talking to distract you from how there was this... air in the midst of you two-- like you knew what the other wanted, craved and needed but were too scared to do something about it.
that's why he knew he had to do something about it. so here he was, barging into the diner you worked past closing time. You quickly run to the door to unlock it for him. not like you were doing anything better anyways, watching the raindrops slide down one of the many windows as you wiped down each table. he was later than he usually was, but it looked like he was here for more than just to pick you up. the look in his eyes said it all. You turn around as soon as you pull the door open for him. "we're closed, Beom." the nickname slipped off your tongue so easily it was like you had forgotten the incident the week before, and how you promised yourself you'd back away even more than you had to keep it from happening again.
it wasn't like you didnt want it to. god was it the opposite. it was just... new, and scary. you knew that wasn't the best excuse but it was all you had. he was, in a way all you had. You didn't really know what moving along that road would mean. you knew it'd be good. but again, it was new and scary.
"I can't loose you." he pants behind you. for once he it was raining and for once he did run here. he spreads his arms wide, his long hair dripping on his shoulders. "And I can't-- I can't believe we let this come between us. and I don't want to let the wedge be driven any further." when you still don't respond, back still turned he gets more desperate, running a worried hand through his hair. "Come on, y/n! we're best friends!" you slam your towel down on the counter. "yeah, well maybe that's why this should've never fuckin happened." your words make the room go silent. you didn't yell it, you didnt exclaim it, you basically whispered it, but it boomed like a bomb going off none the less.
he was too important-- your relationship, whatever it may be, was too important to let go; you knew that. he knew that. he didnt say a word, realizing that he might say something to make the situation worse. he knew he was staying after hours, then again, it reminded him of how it would be between the two of you a week ago when you'd still talk the same. he'd come in, you'd make him the best hot chocolate he'd ever tasted next to his moms, and then he'd sit at the same bar stool and you'd talk for hours, barely making a move to actually go home. but eventually, after helping you with cleaning, he'd walk you home.
but for watts its worth, neither of you wanted to go back to those times, even after everything quite liking how the experience of the incident felt. You invite him to go to your place to talk it out some more. having the same idea, he agrees readily.
"I haven't been completely honest with you." you say, youve been talking for a little over a hour now, somehow slipping into how it was about a week ago along the way back to your place, and you don't think youve felt something so good-- so reliving, in a very long time. "I haven't been telling the whole truth either." no other words are uttered between the two of you, opting to lean ever so frustratingly and tantalizingly slow into each other,. his hand coming to rest on your thigh, folded underneath you at the knee on his sofa. you place your hand on top of his has your lips connect, a long awaited satisfied sigh is breathed into each others face, the air tickling you. youre rubbing circles on the back of his hand as his mind races. it was a kiss you poured all your feelings into. one where you spilled into it how you needed him with you so so so bad. how you wanted him beside you even more than he already was. how you were sorry it took you so long, and how you couldn't wait to keep being beside each other. you could feel him pour all that and more into his side of it and you reviled in the feeling, settling into it like it was second nature.
you blink a couple times when you pull apart, glad that you took your talk someplace else now. and well, I guess the both of you know now. youve now pulled out of the dark that beautiful little thing you two were hiding.
Now you both know just that one more, not so little thing you needed-- what was on each of your hearts the most.
Can’t believe never written a solely beomgyu fic before anyways as I’ve said if you liked it please comment and or reblog since tumble works on that system and liking it only bookmarks it for you :) I hope you enjoyed!!!
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
taglist: @itz-yerin
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sweetflanfiction · 1 year
Second Chances - Part 9
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Universe: Read Dead Redemption 2
Pairing: Arthur x reader
Disclaimers and Warnings: If you want me to tag you on the chapters let me know! Also leave a comment with your thoughts :D Not finished, not proofread. English isn't my 1st language. All I know about 1899 is from google, so inacuracies will be plenty. The reader is on the older side, and identifies as a female. We're gonna meet a lot of people in this chapter, if you find something that can be done in a better way let me know!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
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They planned to get the cattle and go to the owner's farm. It was a simple four-day plan, but Arthur was jumpy. He knew how easily a simple plan could derail, specially with the help of some ill-intentioned fellers, that he knew lurked around the transport routes.
They left early one morning. Albert walking into his daughter's room, whispering something to her before leaving. Arthur heard you quietly mumbling something in your sleep. After grabbing the horses, they met with the others at, what he assumed was, the end of Captain's Corner. 
Four people sat on horses, talking friendly. Arthur's mind reminisced back to a time where he was part of something like that. As they approached the people on the horses came into better view and Albert shouted at them. The older man was greeted with a slap on the arm and wide smiles.
Doc Brant sat on top of a white horse, which Arthur found ironic. His pale skin was a little red from the already warm temperature. He was sitting straight in his hat, small round glasses on his face and a tanned hat decorated with dry wheat. Arthur hid a smile when he saw the small bee embroidered on his vest. He remembered when you told him Mrs. Brant wanted to start a honey or beekeeping business of sorts.
The two Everstons seemed to be copies of each other. The only difference was the fine lines on Bernard's sepia brown face. His son, Jeremiah, and him sat on top of two tanned horses, both bidding Arthur hello with a smile and tipping their hats.
Another man sat there, listening with a shadow of a smile in his face, which turned blank when Arthur approached. His hair was silky black, long, woven back into a braid. It had a bead string intertwined with it and a single feather at the end of the braid. He nodded at Arthur but distrust was evident. Arthur understood the wariness and didn't mention it. His horse was gray and spotted and he introduced himself as Blue Hawk.
Albert was riding Bread, a horse that was the color of bread, only becoming black at the bottom of his legs.
And Arthur was riding Gray, the horse he had taken to find Houdini. Although the stallion was getting less agitated and hadn't run away yet, he still needed to keep it slow and steady.
With introductions out of the way, the men rode to begin their mission
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On the way to the stock train Blue Hawk was quiet, listening to the rest of the group's conversation, much like Arthur had been. However, as time passed the rest of the men started to push them into the jokes and conversations they started. Both relaxed a bit and became more cordial towards each other. Every time any of them complained about something, Blue Hawk and Arthur would joke about living on the road and how the other were living priviledge lifes at their farms. Throughout the whole ordeal Arthur kept a watchful eye on their route, his colorful background becoming a helpful resource when spotting places that bandits could corner them. He was thankful for the quietness that followed the group.
At night he would ask to be the first to keep watch. He'd make wide circles around the small camp the men set up, eyes and ears open to any suspicious movement.
He did notice that the men weren't exactly nonchalant about their surroundings or the dangers of their trek. Both Albert and Brant had a rifle each on their saddle and would always be at the front or back of the convoy. The Everstons herded the cattle to stop them from wandering too much. Arthur was impressed by how easy they made it look. It was an art form, how they zigzagged around the big animals shouting at them and reminding them to stay within the imaginary boundaries.
That left Arthur and Blue Hawk to guard the side lines. They would ride together for a while, chatting about the land and the cattle. Whenever Jeremiah or Bernard needed space, they would break apart.
After four days of riding, camping and camaraderie Arthur felt more like himself. These people were pleasantly pleasant. They would bicker back and forth, and disagree on some subjects, and obviously everyone had their flaws. However, in general, Arthur realized, these people, they were good through and through.
All those times people kept telling him 'you are a good man Arthur.' , it only felt like a surface level praise. He knew he wasn't good, he had killed more people than he had saved and some of them, he would do it again. Good people, if they kill, they regretted it. So he concluded that he was fine. He was nice at the best. 
But now, seeing the way these 5 people worked, hell, seeing the way everyone he had met after his resurrection, as you like to put it, worked and dealt with each other, he felt like he needed to step up.
His past is in the past and maybe all of this was a second chance.
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The group ended their journey riding through Captain's Corner's southern gate. The moon was already high in the sky. As Blue Hawk and Jeremiah cracked jokes about Albert's back pain, something was heard. Right at the end of Miss Renoir's land. A child's squeal and then, silence. Arthur squared his shoulders and looked alert for 10 seconds until Bernard laugh.
"Seems like your place is the place to be Albert." He joked and Albert chuckled.
"Seems so." He looked at Arthur, who now had a confused look on his face. "All the roads lead to my house whenever we leave for more than one evening." He gave out an exaggerated sigh.
"Well, at least there will be dinner on the fire." Brant added and Arthur noticed the smell of roasted meat.
"Father probably gifted them a boar." Blue Hawk nodded smiling. "When I left they were preparing to go hunting. There were some boars in the forest trying to get at our crops." 
"We can try and get some chicken wire around the crops. I saw Mr. Thompson do it the other day." Jeremiah pipped in, receiving nods all around.
"I think that'd be a good idea." Albert replied in a rough voice. “If there is one thing that man knows, it's how to protect what’s his.”
The group kept their horses walking forward at a leisurely pace, until they got to the open gate of Graham's ranch. The closer they were, the more distinct the voices and noises were. And it was a strange, unfamiliar cacophony of laughter, squeals and a mooing cow?
When the front of the house came into view, he could see two small campfires nestled between the house, the stables and the barn. He could also see a couple of shadowy figures moving.
“Papa!” A squeaky scream came from the fire and he saw a small child, about the same age as Jack was, running towards the horses.
Everston senior jumped off his horse and knelt on the ground, waiting for the kid to come to him. She jumped into his arms and he faked a gasp.
“And pray tell, why is a fine young lady like yourself staying up at this time of the night?” He grabbed her small waist and placed her on top of his horse.
“Momma said I could. Just today, she said.” She answered matter of factly and Everston nodded.
"Right, of course. I take it your other brothers and sisters are up as well."
"Well, Georgie is sleeping but Grace is up." She grabbed the reins.
"If Georgie wasn't sleeping we would hear him right about now." Jeremiah joked and the little girl looked at him, her face scrunched with annoyance.
"He's a baby! Momma said it's the only way he knows how to talk!" 
Arthur chuckled at the girl, dressed in a striped yellow dress and brown boots, hands on the reins, shaking her head at her brother's comment.
They came closer and Arthur observed the event in front of him.
One of the campfires, the bigger one, was almost extinct. The roasted boar secured to a branch, already cooked. The other fire was more vibrant, the flames having been fed recently. That one was surrounded by an assortment of chairs, some of which he recognized from the kitchen. He also recognized the guitar from the office, plates, glasses, some books, and some children's toys.
Two women were sitting next to the more vibrant campfire, with the two family dogs at their feet. Both had buns on their heads, but one was curvier and smaller than the other. That was Mrs Brant. He could see the small glasses she wore reflecting the orange glow when they turned to look at them. The other seemed the same age as Albert, and Arthur assumed it was Mrs. Renoir.
A young woman walked towards them waving her hand. She was dressed in loose pants and a simple shirt. However, instead of suspenders she had a baby cradled in a bright green fabric sling that wrapped around her torso. He deduced that this was Mrs. Everston.
Something stirred in him when he saw the delicate head of jet black curly hair neatly tucked into the sling. It’s been a while since he actually saw a baby, and even longer since he witnessed a baby sleeping so peacefully as that little one was.
His eyes shifted to the horse pen where Miss Graham was slowly spinning around in circles in it, holding Dusk by the reins. On top of the horse were two other kids, and he remembered Albert saying that the Everstons had a few kids. Both of them were awake, although one of them, the younger, seemed to sway more than the other. 
He looked at you and saw your head turn to the horses that had just arrived. You smiled and helped the children from the top of the big horse with the help of the fence around them. The younger kid clung to you as you tried to put him down and you held him as you walked towards the horses.
Before Arthur could dismount Albert called him closer to him. The younger man tilted the horse in his direction. Albert grabbed something from inside his jacket and gave it to him. It was a thin wad of money.
“It ain’t much, but we divided it in equal parts and that’s yours.” He nodded and Arthur just looked at the money.
“I don’t feel comfortable accepting it.” He said honestly. “You’ve given me enough as it is.”
“Nonsense. You did your job, you deserve to be paid. Take it. Go buy yourself a new pair of pants. Maybe a couple of shirts.” Albert chuckled at him. “Lord knows my daughter is talented at a lot of things, but sewing ain’t one of them.”
Arthur reluctantly put the money in his jacket's inner pocket.
The duo trotted their horses to the stable, taking Dusk with them, while the others gathered around the campfire. Once the horses were safely in their boxes, they joined them.
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@photo1030 :: @sylum :: @marislittlereadingcorner :: @rratman :: @clevergirl74 :: @aureolinb
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