#but they also aren't as consistent so i'm always a bit nervous in case i'll never have another one again
rragnaroks · 2 years
fall out boy comes out with new singles and BAM suddenly i am dreaming about patrick stump every night
#again#like i pretty consistently have dreams about hanging out with fall out boy or just patrick or patrick and pete#even when i'm not hyperfixating on them or even thinking about them in my everyday life or listening to their music at all#and they're consistently the best dreams ever. warm and fuzzy and content#and i always wake up from them feeling safe and happy#even if i don't remember the dream itself after a minute#they just make me smile#but those dreams don't happen that often#maybe once a month? sometimes a couple nights in a row#but now i'm sure i'll have them every night :)#which is somewhat sad because now i won't dream about hanging out with taika waititi or joey batey#those dreams bring the good feelings as well#but they also aren't as consistent so i'm always a bit nervous in case i'll never have another one again#internal monologue#OH#i also fairly often dream FOB's come out with a new song#and i'm hearing those songs in my dream and they're always INCREDIBLE#but i can NEVER remember them when i wake up#and that just interests me a phenomenon#i'd like to know what the music would be like to a fully conscious person?#like would it be real music at all or just garbled nonsense?#is my brain basically white noise while the songs happen or what? am i really coming up with music in my head?#are they parts of existing songs from other bands?#i'm pretty sure they're not existing FOB songs but i can't be sure#like i am sure but like. i can't be sure for real#but i'm sure#wtf anyway i'm stopping now#those songs just interest me#happens in my joey batey dreams too by the way! just realised!#ok goodBYE
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How do you do ships with other people’s ocs? Like, developing through roleplay or?
in my case, a lot of it comes from crossover ask games that help develop ideas, sometimes if I make an OC and know one of my friends has ocs in the same fandom I'll just send them an ask to basically say heyyyy here's a new oc any thoughts if any of your ocs would make a good crossover, hey any vibes/headcanons on crossovers between these specific people, hey this crossover thought just hit me like a train what do you think, etc
(i have a crossover ask tag here for some examples of how those conversations look – though those are mostly people sending me the asks not ones I send – and a general crossover tag here for more examples!)
it's also very helpful for me that 90% of the time I only talk to the same small handful of people and they're all people that I've talked about crossovers with before so talking about new ones isn't hard – talking to new people about crossovers is definitely more intimidating haha! always worried that they won't like me or my oc or the vibes etc – and then it's mostly just sporadic conversations when we have ideas
I haven't done a lot of roleplay at all (I do have an rp blog but kind of forgot about it whoops 😭), especially with crossovers, but it's definitely not something that I'm against either
I definitely think the best starting point is just to ask! (i say, being terrible at starting any conversations) if you have a specific crossover that you're interested in with someone you can always start with like "hey, i'm super interested in a crossover between these ocs, this is sort of the vibe i can see, you interested?" or if you just want a crossover (or want to give them options in case they aren't feeling the same specific vibe) you can always go with a "hey, i'd really love to talk about crossovers, do you have any ocs who might work with [your oc]" or "hey, i'd really love to talk about crossovers, do you have any ideas on crossovers between our ocs" – just in that case make sure it's easy to find your ocs lol! I've gotten that ask in the past when people don't really have lists of ocs or any easy to find information (consistent tags help the most imo, masterlists are good, really just anything that helps them actually find your ocs/get an idea of them to think of ideas) and it's really hard because you want to make good suggestions but if you can't find the ocs, you can't really figure out where to start
It's also obviously different starting the crossover conversation with someone you already talk to, whose ocs you know and who knows yours, and where you probably already have a bit of an idea of each other's vibes and likes/dislikes with ocs compared to someone you've never talked to. Both can go very well and be very fun, but if you're nervous you can always start with just sending some asks about their ocs or a "hey are crossovers a thing you're interested in?" and building a bit of a connection first, but that's really a personal preference/level of social anxiety decision imo!
i feel like this was a lot of rambling without a lot of useful info so if anyone else has thoughts, drop them in the replies to help anon out <3!!
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smalls-words · 2 years
Please I am just obsessed you both are just so sweet and cute :) I’m sorry for asking so many questions theres not many agere safe blogs within the marvel fandom that I’ve found that openly talk like this :’)
- Do they have a favorite show or movie to watch when regressed?
- How did you become a platonic cg with your little?
It's okay! We don't mind the questions, but they're a little spotlight shy so I'm not mentioning them by name in each of these posts (but if you have a look around my blog it's pretty easy to figure out who it is)
Not so much favourite shows, they like most shows, but movies are their favourite!! We Bought A Zoo, the Jurassic movies and anything with their favourite actresses are definitely high on the list! They're so cute, they like to make noises with the dinos (apparently they've been practicing with their stego, Spike) We Bought A Zoo is good for them to be little, and is also very comforting when they have a bad day 🥺🥺
Well we actually met here, on Tumblr, and we talked a looooot. Like, I can't even remember how our conversation started. They showed me their little side quite early on and they were delighted that I accepted them (people are assholes sometimes). We kept talking and now we talk mainly on Discord because Tumblr has been somewhat unkind to them in the recent times 😢😢😢 I was so happy when they asked if it was okay for me to be their caregiver, and I'll admit, I was nervous. I was quite new at it all and scared I would do something wrong, but like most relationships either plationic or romantic, you learn about each other and become atune to one another. I check up on them via Discord and Tumblr whenever I can, and when we haven't spoken in a bit or they're feeling down on their blog, we talk and sort through our feelings together 🥰🥰🥰 There's always one thing that is consistent with every little I've met: nicknames (i have a few from my littles) and reassurance.
Regressing, psychologically, is a defense mechanism and a trauma response (at least, for my little that is the case sometimes). It's a way to escape this shitty world in any way shape or form from whatever trigger that's there. Reassurance that they aren't annoying, or that they aren't clingy is the key to keeping them and yourself happy. If you want space, it should be communicated in a fashion that doesn't make a little anxious, because littles should feel safe and protected. I sometimes ask for space, and that's okay for us. Work sometimes gets in the way, but we always tell each other when we have work and that we can talk after. Driving whilst talking is a no-no, so wishes of driving safely are always exchanged 🥰🥰🥰
They are quite possibly one of my favourite people to talk to, and my entire day is made when we talk.
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