#but there's not really salt and sugar supplements?
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tj-crochets · 5 months ago
Hey y'all! Another weird question for you: How long do you have to fast for a blood sugar reading to count as a fasting blood sugar measurement? Also, does drinking soda (like, full sugar soda) slowly over the time before the blood test count as not-fasting? Asking because I keep testing* in the fasting blood sugar range when I am pretty sure I am not supposed to. Like, two hours after eating a meal when I've been slowly drinking soda the whole intervening time, or half an hour after drinking a whole full-sugar gatorade *with the home blood sugar test thing, not like doctor's office tests. though I test in the fasting range there too? I do know the word for the tester thing but I am brain fogged at the moment
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sapphicseasapphire · 1 year ago
I’m wondering if any of the chain members have any dietary restrictions and if so how do they deal with food while travelling I’d imagine some wouldn’t exactly need to eat ( wars, wild and time) but also most of the other might need to have different diets then the typical hylian. ( honestly only twilight and maybe four might be the only with a more typical diet)
This is a great question, and one that I’ve thought about at length. Sorry I took so long to respond, I’m so incredibly busy with my classes! I hope this answer is sufficient haha! (Under the cut because long)
Wild: Surprisingly, he does need to eat! Just, not for the reasons that you or I do. Wild does not feel hungry. His body does not consume energy (it’s not… physical, really). But his magic is based in the natural world, so if he’s hurt, he must strengthen bonds to nature. The easiest way to do this is to ingest things that come from nature. So like… any food ever. He gets hurt a lot (the little chaos gremlin) so he tends to eat a lot! And he may be a silly little guy, but he has standards. He’s an excellent cook, surprisingly.
Wars: Doesn’t eat. Can’t eat. Is a sword.
Time: Time doesn’t need to eat, but after spending his life as a mortal, it’s a pretty tough habit to break! He’s nostalgic about food, almost. While he doesn’t feel hungry, he doesn’t typically feel full, either. So eating won’t make him sick or anything. If he smells something tasty, he’d ask for a serving! Other than that, he doesn’t have any dietary restrictions.
Hyrule: Vegetarían! And he LOVES sweet things. He fills up on berries and then will go days without eating again- it doesn’t take much to sustain his little body. (Like Wild, he’s not exactly physical, either. Most of his body mass is just magic). Sugar water? His favorite. Jelly? He loves. He’s such a little guy, I love him.
Sky: Pescatarian! As Link, he was vegetarian, but Aepon really liked fish. To this day, Sky’s favorite meal is pumpkin and fish soup, which is a weird combination. But Pipit made it for him once and it’s been his favorite ever since! (A combination of Link and Aepon’s favorites). He’s not against eating meat but his body isn’t really equipped to handle it. Same with dairy- but no one knew that until they gave him a bunch of milk after hearing that he has fragile bones. He is morally against eating eggs.
Legend: He has to absolutely douse all of his meals with a bunch of salt or he’ll die, but he’s vibing. He prefers seafood, but he’s been living on land (and has traveled enough) to be able to stomach the plants that grow above water. He has even developed a preference for certain meats. He’ll take whatever he’s given, usually, and add his own salt haha.
Ravio: Literally the exact same as Legend. (Except he’s been neglecting the salt thing for pretty much his whole life. Someone help him, he’s not doing well).
Wind: Literally the exact same as Legend and Ravio, except he doesn’t need all the salt supplementation… at least not nearly to the same extent.
Four: Eats a typical diet! Nothing really to say here. Typical three meals a day, meat and vegetables and dairy and all that. Four will mix their food before eating, which the others might find odd. They prefer to have everything in every bite. Soups are good haha!
Twilight: Typical diet. He eats meat and vegetables and dairy and all that jazz. Lots of protein. He eats… more than you’d expect, and that’s because he has different forms to maintain. It doesn’t cost him anything to shift- it takes no energy- but if he only eats enough for a Hylian, he won’t be able to last long as a wolf or another large animal.
This post might offer some more insight!
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theageofsims · 2 months ago
I'm having a really rough time and I really don't want to say anything, but at the same time I feel like I want to say something and I have like nowhere I can really say it because I feel like I don't know people personally in the community, but I also know I spend most of my time on Tumblr, some of the time, blogging my Sims so I felt like I could post this here rather than my personal blog.
I don't know how much more I can actually take.
I am doing the best I can with my diabetic and high blood pressure diagnosis after losing my dad to stomach cancer. And I get talked to like I'm a fucking idiot by my doctor who I have only had since September, at my physical today.
I am just sitting here at home like crying my fucking eyes out on and off since 11am this morning.
But I'm just fucking tired. I am mentally and emotionally tired after losing my dad in 2022, and dealing with my diagnosis for one year now.
I have had a fear of doctors since I literally came out of my mother's womb. She and my dad had the roughest time with me all through my youth and teenage years about going to the doctor while my older brother put them through NO hell about it.
I don't know where this fear came from, but I don't see it going away any time soon and each visit I have had since my diagnosis has been a terrible experience. And I have to go back every 3 to 4 months to check my sugar levels and my blood pressure and every last fucking thing.
I am tired of pricking my finger every single day. I am tired of taking my medicine. I am tired of the side effects. I am tired of the fucking blood pressure monitor. I am tired of it all.
Now it's off to the fucking eye doctor, then there, then here. I can't stand doctors and now you are forcing me to go to more doctors outside of my PCP office because "diabetes can mess with your eyes" and "check your feet because diabetes could take your limbs" -- I fucking know this. My mother's been a diabetic since I was 3 fucking years old. I've known how to deal with diabetes since I was 15, until at age 37 I now have to deal with it for myself and for the rest of my life.
I am just so fucking bent it's not even funny.
I am the lowest I have ever been in my life and honestly, I've felt pretty low during moments in my life for the amount of shit I've gone through. No matter how much effort I make, nothing is working. I try so fucking hard and nothing even moves in the right direction like I'm fucking cursed or something.
I feel lost and I feel alone and that's NOT the fucking person I am so that kills me inside. I never ask for help, I'm always there helping others.
Like literally everything, I blame myself for everything. It's like it's my fault I'm sick with these things. I know that's stupid and totally not true, but that's what I tell myself.
I am doing the best that I can do, but some days I just don't want to do it. Some days I'm just so slow going about everything.
I eat healthy. Sure I splurge like others, but since I've gotten sick? If I splurge for one meal once every month, it's a lot. I can't even fucking eat a piece of bread with a can of tuna without thinking what the bread might do to my sugar level.
It's like I love food so much and suddenly I'm like developing a fucking eating disorder over what every single piece of food could be doing to me.
I can't eat salt, I can't eat sugar. I can't eat fucking oatmeal. I can't eat cheerios. I can't even eat fucking wheat chex which is full of fiber. I can't eat fucking dairy. I can't eat fucking fruit.
I'm eating green veggies every single day and I can't seem to just be at normal fucking numbers or down to what they want me to be.
I've got side effects from the medication. I have to eat something with the medication. Now my entire system is slowing down so fiber up, but it still does nothing to move things along. Then I have to make sure I'm taking vitamins to supplement for all the shit the meds are depleting.
I'm fucking just tired of it all like JFC. I'm doing the literal best that I feel that I can do and I've got people coming at me like scolding me for shit that's not even my fucking fault and judging me.
Even my dad was a diabetic, but later on in his life. He was the one with the high blood pressure since he was like 29 years old -- and even that didn't kill him, the fucking stomach cancer did. The man ate healthier than anyone I knew once he hit like 55 years old -- and he fucking died of stomach cancer. Go fucking figure.
It's like you walk into the doctor's office and you get diagnosed with 5 things. They literally size you up and add shit to your chart you don't even want on there or you don't even know what they are.
It's like the dumbest shit to even say, but I sometimes feel like I've just been forgotten about. Like I'm being tested to see how much I can take before I just fucking crack and it's like I can't take any more. Maybe I could years ago or maybe I could before my dad died, but I can't take any more right now. I just want space and a fucking break so I can breathe and I feel like I'm being constantly monitored and forced to do shit that I don't want to do.
Anyone that knows how I blog here knows I'm a pretty silly and upbeat type of person -- and sarcastic as hell some of the time, too, but I'm really having a really tough time these days. I just try to put my best foot forward, but clearly, that isn't working at the moment.
I also hold a lot of stuff inside -- I always have since I was a kid so it's extremely painful for me to admit to how I honestly am feeling, but I'm just really down because I'm trying so fucking hard and it's like life just is like let's just fuck with her a little more and see how she does.
And through it all I can't call up my dad and be like hey Dad, can you believe this crap?! Or hey Dad, what should I do? Or hey Dad, how's the weather? I can't call him for any fucking thing anymore and that's a feeling I never expected to feel early into my life, and so suddenly.
I'm doing my best, but I'm also just fucking tired. Like something's got to give, but fucking when? I'm the most patient person in the world, but fuck -- when is something finally gonna fucking give?
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adviceformefromme · 9 months ago
Listen I feel so ugly all the time I'm trying to get myself better but it seems like every time I do something comes up and knocks me down to the point where I just quit and it pisses me off. Recently I started to use my journal more to write down stuff to better myself I write down quotes of the month, and listen to podcasts at work sometimes. But after work, I'm so tired I work from 8AM-4PM I don't have the energy to do anything especially working out and that's my biggest issue and it hurts me to the core that I'm this way. Do you have any tips to help me? Please cause I need it bad.
Hey sweetie, okay some ideas...
What is it you don't love about yourself ? What is that makes you feel ugly? Are these things you can accept or want to change? If you can't accept things you don't like about yourself, then honestly I would start thinking about making some changes. What is within your power to change? What would make you feel beautiful? Is it your teeth? Start saving for the Invisalign or teeth whitening strips, is it your thin hair, look into new hairstyles, weaves, extensions.. If it's your face shape that you really can't make peace with maybe its worth getting some fillers. And while I don't want to promote these things, in my personal experience I have felt happier when I've invested in my image. I had 11's between my eyebrows and after so long of trying to accept these lines in my head I got botox and I was the happiest. So go invest in you, if you can't afford it do what you can, save up & research online. Invest in your image. I've seen friends feel so unaccepting of how they look for years, putting themselves down because of early wrinkles, bad teeth - when all it would take is some investments. So choose you. This is your one life, do you want to spend it feeling ugly and second class every time you look in the mirror? Or do you want to invest in looking and feeling your best?
On the low energy - I would assess your diet. What are you eating, drinking? This will be a huge factor. Carbs - the devil in my opinion. I spent a vast majority of my life in carb crashing and hunger and needing more sugar / food DESPITE thinking I was eating and drinking healthily. Now I am studying nutrition, I am learning how detrimental my diet was to my overall health. So I would advise, protein and greens diet. Cut sugar, in the form of carbs/ starchy vegetables, replace chocolates / crisps with nuts and fruits. Drink more water, invest in some celtic salts, supplements (vitamin D + k2, vitamin c, DIM, selenium, magnesium - ensure there on no nasties inside bulking agents), grass fed meats, organic veggies, salads, bone broths weekly.
I would also make sure you are doing exercise. It needs to be sweat inducing. A run down the road and back to start with if you're unfit. You don't need a fancy gym. Take a cold shower when you get home (you can start with a hot temp and then do 30-60 seconds cold to build yourself up). Do some stretches, make an effort, as simple as while the kettle boils, make this an opportunity to touch your toes or rotate your hips.
These are some starting points. I would begin the latter first, get your energy and body right initially and then start putting money and investments into your image. Health is wealth, so while you may or may not feel beautiful, without investing in great health you will ultimately struggle.
I hope this helps. DM is open if you have more questions/ need more support xoxo
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jenroses · 2 months ago
More applied Fork Theory:
Problem: POTS means I need increased hydration and electrolytes. A history of kidney stones means that standard electrolyte mixes don't do it for me. Also, they're often stupidly expensive. The kidney stone thing means that drinking lemon juice is advisable. Preserving my teeth means that I need it substantially diluted. Allergies/mast cell issues mean that ReaLemon and most commercially available standard lemon juice concentrates are out due to sulfites. And steroid-induced-but-now-type-2 diabetes means sugar is out, but most sweeteners cause problems for me. I do not have the energy to squeeze lemons.
Solution: Homemade lemonade thusly:
Pure lemon juice. I don't have the stamina for squeezing but in my area I can buy Lakewood Organics or Santa Cruz pure lemon juice, no additives, not concentrated, in quart bottles.
Potassium Chloride: I get NOW brand potassium chloride but really any food grade potassium chloride in bulk will do. One small jar lasts me a while, at least 6 months to a year? Maybe longer? I haven't mathed it.
Sodium Chloride: i.e. salt. While I am on a lower sodium diet than I used to be due to kidney stones (high sodium pulls calcium into the urine, where it can combine with oxalates. The combination of an almond-forward keto diet for diabetes plus high sodium for POTS is a recipe for kidney stones. Nevertheless, I feel Bad if I don't get at least some salt with my liquids.)
Sweetener: By far the easiest for me is pure stevia extract powder. Either the Better Stevia brand or the tiny canister from Trader Joes which is probably the same thing. They function identically. This is ideal because it does not add significant bulk to the liquid. Pure monk fruit or alluose are the only other sweeteners I'd personally use. But if you make this, choose a sweetener that works for you, even sugar if you tolerate it well.
If NOT otherwise supplementing vitamin C and avoiding oranges, Magnesium Ascorbate
Tools: Measuring spoons and a cheap milk frother. (Idk if the one I have is that one, but that's the general concept). Mason jars or other quart containers for mixing individual drinks.
Now when I started out, I was making one lemonade at a time.
In a quart jar: 1 oz lemon or lime juice (I keep a 1 oz shotglass just for this) 1/4 teaspoon of stevia extract powder 1/8 teaspoon of potassium chloride and/or other electrolytes as appropriate to your medical situation. 1/8 tsp potassium chloride is about 360 mg of potassium.
Fill the jar with filtered water. Stir. Drink.
It dawned on me after a while that I could make up a bunch of concentrate and then pour a 1 oz shot glass into the jar and add water and it would be much easier. So:
In the quart jar of pure juice, add the following, shaking* between every tablespoon addition.
3 tablespoons of stevia concentrate powder (this rounds the sweetener up slightly) 1 tablespoon potassium chloride powder will add about 270 mg of potassium per serving. (This rounds the potassium down slightly from the single serve recipe.) If desired, 1 tablespoon of magnesium oxide will add approximately 250 mg of magnesium per serving. I take my magnesium in a different way. If you need additional vitamin C to get to your baseline of 60 mg per day of vitamin c, adding 1/4 teaspoon of magnesium ascorbate will add about 25 mg of vitamin C per serving and a trivial amount of magnesium.
I use about 2 1/2 teaspoons of Potassium and 1/2 teaspoon of sodium for my mix. Adjust to your medical situation. Just remember that you are using 32 servings, some math will be required.
You MUST shake after each tablespoon or it won’t mix well*. Recap the jar very tightly. 
Once this is mixed, it is best to let it sit in the fridge for a few hours to hydrate any remaining chunks and then shake well before using.
Add 1 shot (1 oz) of mixed concentrate to a quart jar and fill the jar with filtered water to make one serving of lemonade.
Then my niece gave me the milk frother for Christmas. And so instead of stirring after each addition, I put the powders in a small jelly jar, added a small amount of lemon juice to it, used the drink twizzler to whip the powders into the lemon juice into a paste, added a little more lemon juice and did it again, and then carefully poured the result back into the lemon juice jar, going back and forth until I got it all. It was kind of frothy at first, but sitting in the fridge for an hour let the foam all settle out and the mix was perfect.
Or just go here:
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akshaymehndiratta · 11 months ago
Akshay Mehndiratta : Summer Special Light Meal Ideas From Across India
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During the hot summers in India, people are eager to eat cool and tasty food to feel good. Akshay Mehndiratta, who loves food and trying new things, travels across India to taste different summer dishes. In this blog of Akshay Mehndiratta, you will find some foods that you should eat during summer, which will make you happy.
Delhi Street Food: Tasty Chaat
Akshay enjoys a variety of street foods when walking through Delhi’s crowded streets, his favorite dish in delhi is chaat. He also like meals like aloo tikki chaat and papdi chaat, which blend sweet, sour, and spicy ingredients such as tamarind chutney, spicy coriander chutney, and chaat masala to please your taste buds. Chaat is a popular snack offered throughout India, with each area having its own unique recipe. Akshay Mehndiratta, pictures Delhi’s street cuisine and enjoys every mouthful.
Gujarati Treats: Fluffy Dhokla
When Akshay Mehndiratta went to Gujarat, he had a delightful breakfast called dhokla, which was light and tasty. Akshay appreciated the traditional steamed dhokla and the many varieties of dhokla, including unusual flavors like spinach and corn. This dish is prepared using gram flour, spices and lemon juice. Being high in protein, fiber and other minerals, it is an excellent supplement to any weight loss diet.
Kolkata’s Famous Rolls: Kathi Rolls
In Kolkata, Akshay had the pleasure of eating excellent kathi rolls from street vendors. Kathi rolls are a delicacy made with a mixture of spicy vegetables and wrapped in a crispy bread called paratha. This meal is perfect to eat while traveling in the hot sun. This popular street food of Kolkata is a favorite and tasty meal that really impresses everyone.
South Indian Crispiness: Delicious Dosas
Akshay Mehndiratta traveled to a peaceful place in South India. He ate the amazing dosa there. Dosa is a unique dish that is loved by everyone. There are many varieties of dosa, each with its own flavor and spices. Along with traditional masala dosa, Akshay also ate Mysore masala dosa and rava dosa. Each dosa has a distinct taste. He ate the dosa with coconut chutney and spicy sambar, which made it even more delicious. This was an excellent dinner for a South Indian summer.
Rajasthani Retreat: Thali Temptations
When Akshay Mehndiratta visited Rajasthan, he tried a rare meal called Rajasthani Thali. The platter was filled with colorful and delectable foods that reflected the region’s culinary heritage. It serves spicy meals, spicy pickles, fresh salads, and sweet dishes that accentuate Rajasthan’s distinct flavors.
Maharashtrian Refreshment: Cooling Sol Kadhi
While traveling to the western state of Maharashtra, Akshay enjoys Sol Kadhi, a traditional drink that is perfect to beat the heat. Made with coconut milk, kokum (a tropical fruit), and green chilies, garlic, and cilantro, Sol Kadhi is a refreshing and tangy concoction that helps cool the body and aids digestion. Served chilled, this pink colored drink is a popular dish with food during the scorching summers of Maharashtra, offering a rich flavor and respite from the sun’s rays.
Uttar Pradesh’s Summer Classic: Chilled Aam Panna
Heading to Uttar Pradesh, Akshay Mehndiratta, gets a refreshing twist on the classic summer drink Aam Panna, raw mango, mint and spices. Known for its cooling properties and tangy-sweet taste, mango panna is a popular thirst quencher during the hot summer months. Made by boiling raw mangoes until soft, then adding fresh mint leaves, roasted cumin powder, black salt and sugar, this cool drink is both refreshing and nutritious. Whether enjoyed as a mid-day refresher or served with a light summer meal, aam panna is a summer favorite in Uttar Pradesh and beyond, offering a delightful way to beat the heat and stay hydrated.
As Akshay Mehndiratta spends the summer tasting various cuisines across India, he reveals in this blog how diverse, inventive and delicious Indian cuisine is. From bustling metropolises to serene beaches, every part of India offers its own favorite and refreshing summer meal. Akshay loves to try new foods and share them with others so that people can understand about the food and enjoy them.
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dsknsk · 1 year ago
'Lone Trail Event' (parody on 'Hardware Store')
Nothin' ever (ever) happens in this town Feelin' low down (down), not a lot to do around I thought that I would go right out of my mind Until Arknights X told it myself They said, "Hey, you know that vacant spot Right when Ines left it? Well, Rhine Lab bought it And on that spot they're gonna have a shop Where we can go get snakes and elves!"
Since then I've been walking on air (air) I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair 'Cause I'm so excited and I really don't care I've been waiting since last June For this day to finally arrive I'm so happy (happy) now just to be alive 'Cause any minute now I'm gonna be inside Well, I hope it opens soon
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
In my sleeping bag I pulled through, all night Right at the Play/App Store^, then as soon as it was [Update] I pressed my thumb right up against the glass You know, I had to be first in line Gonna get me a permit and a block Want some furniture for every single dorm of my base See those medals? Very, very soon The entire set will be all mine
Ops with codenames walking down the aisles Rows of stages that go on for miles and miles Brand new flashy skins in a plethora of styles All arranged alphabetically And they're doing a promotional stunt There's a great big green sign out front That says every and each customer Will get an OliviAlter free
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
Would you look at all that stuff… They got^^ Originite Prime, Headhunting Permits, Module Blocks, Lungmen Dollars Experience Tapes, Keton Colloids, Data Supplement Sticks, White Horse Kohl, Bipolar Nanoflakes, Refined Solvents, Transmuted Salt Agglomerates, Orirock Clusters, Incandescent Alloy Nucleic Salt Sinters, Transmuted Salts, Crystallic Electronic Units Integrated Devices, RMA-70-12, D32 Steel, Compound Cutting Fluids, Skill Summaries 2 and 3, Orirock Cubes, Sugar, Polyester Oriron, Polyketon, Supporter Chips, OliviAlter Pots, Matching Furniture and Furniture parts And an infinite LMD sink
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
^ = Depending on whether you’re an Android or an Apple haver ^^ = Includes the shop content and the mission rewards total, doesn’t necessarily rhyme or match the length of the original bridge, repeat as much as you like
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angelamontoo · 2 years ago
I forgot to add in My Slaps ans Boo post. They'd probably play pranks on the other the other Peter Parodies! They get tired of being pushed around, its their own little revenge <3
With Boo's ghost abilities and Slappy's need for chaos, they'd make a wonderful duo! Though Boo's pranks are usually well meaning. Slappy on the other hand, leans towards mean spirited. Keep sharp objects away from him by all means.
Ooh I like that idea. I can see Boo being really excited when Slappy suggests pulling some practical jokes on the other parodies, envisioning something like putting a whoopee cushion on JP Ghastlys office chair or replacing the sugar with salt, only to find Slappy had something more like replacing Hugos iron supplements with rat poison in mind lol.
Eventually Boo talks him down to the more innocent pranks since Slaps enjoys mischief of all kinds, but yes. He would still have to keep an eye on him
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Part 9: Yes, Really, A Chocolate Potato Cake.
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Pictured above: the cake in question. This recipe was first published in 1912, but was made famous by YouTuber and TikToker B. Dylan Hollis. He specializes in making weird recipes from 20th century cookbooks. It was actually delicious! Now, I chose this recipe for many reasons. One, I'm Irish. Two, the history of potato cultivation was actually kinda similar to that of chocolate cultivation. Both were native to the Americas, both were staple crops of a vast and mighty empire (the Maya and Mexica in the case of chocolate, the Inca in the case of the potato), both were taken to Europe by the Spanish, both are now associated more with European countries than with the Americas (Switzerland, the Low Countries and England for chocolate, Ireland and most of Eastern Europe for potatoes). Three, both have surprisingly dark histories. As someone of Irish descent, I grew up on stories on the Great Famine. In the first half of the 19th century, when Ireland was still part of the UK, Irish farmers began growing potatoes as a way to supplement their income...but they began to depend too much on it, and more specifically a single variety of potato. It was the only food they could afford to grow...and for many Irish, the only food they could afford period. After an outbreak of potato blight hit Europe, Ireland was hit the hardest, leading to the Great Famine and to one million Irish people leaving for greener pastures. And I've already went over the dirty history of the chocolate industry.
Combined together, they represent the products of oppressed peoples, of diaspora, of shared hardships. But also camaraderie. I offer this chocolate potato cake in hopes of a better, more peaceful world.
--CAKE-- 1/2 cup salted butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup whole milk 1/2 cup riced/mashed russet potato 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon each of: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg 1/2 cup GRATED semi-sweet chocolate (2oz, or half a baking-chocolate bar) 1/2 cup chopped nuts (I recommend walnuts) -- FROSTING -- 2 tablespoons salted butter 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup whole milk 2 oz semi sweet chocolate 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Instructions | CAKE: 1.) Set diced potato to a boil until tender. I do not peel the potato. 2.) Cream together butter & sugar until fluffy and pale. 3.) Slowly incorporate the eggs, which have been beaten. 4.) Rice or mash potato in a separate bowl, then stir and cool with milk. 5.) Incorporate the potato & milk, mixing well. 6.) Combine flour, leavening & spices in a separate bowl. 7.) Gently incorporate the flour mixture, grated chocolate & nuts. 8.) Add batter to a buttered and floured 8x8 inch cake tin. 9.) Bake at 350 fahrenheit for 45-55 minutes.
Check at 40 minutes with a toothpick.
When inserted into centre then pulls away clean - the cake is done.
Instructions | FROSTING: 1.) Add all ingredients; save for vanilla, to a saucepan. 2.) Set to a LOW boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally at first. Remove from heat. 3.) Add vanilla, and beat to desired consistency. 4.) Apply frosting to the cooled cake.
Beating more will lead to a spreadable frosting - less so will lead to a thick, pourable glaze which will set wonderfully once cool.
Briefly chilling the boiled frosting will help to thicken, just stir before application.
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weightlossacvreviews · 1 year ago
Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies Reviews (Critical Update): Consumer Reports Expose The Hidden Dangers Of Weight Loss Keto ACV USA 2023 - 2024 New Updates
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☘️STEP 1 🚶 Take 2 Gummies Daily with a glass of water.
☘️STEP 2 🚶 You will notice a drastic change in a very short period of time!
☘️STEP 3 🚶 During the first month of use, Keto Gummies with BHB produces accelerated Fat Burn, which could result in weight loss.
☘️STEP 4 🚶 With your weight loss goals achieved, continue to take ACV + Keto Gummies for 3-5 months as to stabilize your appetite, as well as to maintain and transform your new, slim body.
It is a dietary supplement that can help you achieve weight loss goals in a short time. These gummies are designed with herbal, science-backed ingredients proven to burn fat. Along with fat burning, it has major health benefits. This is a 360 supplement that can help you live a healthy life. Hopefully, this comprehensive Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies review can help you make the right decision. Read more about Best Weight Loss Keto Gummies [2023 Updated Reviews] And Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies Top 5 Ranked Weight Loss Gummy!
What is Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies is a best weight reduction supplement intended to incite ketosis and help with weight reduction. It can help with digestion, power stages and serotonin creation. This supplement can valuable asset in a solid fat-consuming methodology without causing shortcoming and weariness.
Planned with the assistance of natural substances, it can increment digestion, security sugar degrees and even improve acknowledgment and mindfulness. With standard use, you could accomplish a lucky casing.
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Do keto apple juice vinegar chewy candies really work?
Indeed, in the event that you are taking a believed brand of chewy candies, you will obtain the outcomes. These chewy candies can initiate ketosis very much like a ketogenic diet and can consume fat for energy. Likewise, they can support digestion and decrease craving. They assist with controlling craving and raise energy levels. These chewy candies are an ideal dietary enhancement to get a thin conditioned body.
Also, Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies are made with the greatest fixings that can assist with accomplishing body objectives.
Do keto chewy candies truly work for weight reduction?
Indeed, it is feasible to drive our body into ketosis with the assistance of BHB salt. Keto chewy candies have a sound portion of BHB salt that can help with supporting the fat-consuming interaction.
According to a new report, BHB salt is extremely viable in transforming fat into ketones, which are scorched for energy. This entire interaction without a ketogenic diet is conceivable. Be that as it may, following a keto diet alongside Weight reduction ACV Chewy candies can obtain fast outcomes.
How powerful are ACV chewy candies for weight reduction?
Most ladies and men utilizing ACV chewy candies have figured out how to drop a couple of pounds/additional kilos. We have tried the item, and allow us to guarantee you that this dietary enhancement is equipped for conveying results. It can consume fat and lift energy simultaneously. There is no shortcoming or infection. Also, you can keep up with solid bulk while getting thinner.
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What amount of time does it require for Weight reduction Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies to work?
At the point when you begin taking the enhancement consistently, this is the thing will occur.
Week 1: No perceptible changes; your body will adapt to the fixings in Weight reduction ACV Chewy candies. What's more, you won't feel anything.
Week 2: Scarcely any individuals will feel the expansion in energy levels and diminished pace of laziness. You stay dynamic and ready the entire day. Furthermore, there are little changes that not very many individuals will take note.
Week 3 to 4: most of individuals will encounter a smidgen of weight reduction; contingent on the all out weight, way of life, age and orientation, you will encounter perceptible fat consuming.
Week 5 to 8: Individuals who are attempting to shed a couple of pounds will accomplish their objectives during this period, if they are following a severe keto diet and gym routine daily practice too. What's more, for others, this is the genuine start of weight reduction.
Week 10 to 14: Practically 80% of individuals accomplish their weight reduction objectives during this period. Also, this is the most urgent period of weight reduction. You should not quit taking chewy candies; for longer-enduring outcomes, you should keep taking them.
To accomplish longer-enduring outcomes and decrease reliance on consuming less calories for fat consuming, you should keep utilizing this item. Possibly stop when you feel sufficiently sure to follow a solid way of life.
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How could we choose to pick and survey Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
There are sure standards that an enhancement should satisfy before we prescribe it to our perusers.
Result Conveyance: Each supplement should convey the outcomes. On the off chance that it isn't conveying results, it is burning through our time and cash. Thus, the essential quality is productive outcomes conveyance.
Medical advantages: obviously, it is a weight reduction sticky; we believe that it should convey results. Simultaneously, we don't believe that our bodies should endure during weight reduction. We want an item that can support helping strength and endurance.
Client criticism: It is essential to understand what clients are talking about; anybody can guarantee anything. We are here to find what genuine clients need to say. Furthermore, on the off chance that they are disturbed and don't suggest it, then it is out of our need list.
Reasonableness: Keeping up with great wellbeing ought not be an extravagance; the vast majority need to carry on with a straightforward life inside their means. In this way, we need something simple on the pocket and a monster in conveying results. You should get a profit from each and every penny.
What are the advantages that make Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies an exceptional fat-consuming dietary enhancement? Advances weight reduction: As we expressed over, all fixings utilized in Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies are science-upheld fat-consuming spices. Obviously, BHB salt is one of the most mind-blowing known weight reduction fixings that can assist with accomplishing results rapidly. Apple juice vinegar extricate is known for its digestion sponsor properties, and along with ketosis, it can consume fat quick.
Balance sugar level and pulse
Lessening insulin responsiveness with the assistance of natural fixings can work on the absorption of glucose. In patients with higher glucose levels, it can assist with decreasing side effects of irritation and a couple of sensitivities. Likewise, as a quick burner, it can assist with pulse too.
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Further developed stomach wellbeing
The natural fixings in Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies can advance the probiotic culture in our stomach. There are great microorganisms, and afterward there are awful microscopic organisms; it can effectively give sustenance to great microbes, so they contend and can with the prevailing relationship inside our stomach. It diminishes the gamble of swelling. It can assist with heartburn and has a spotless defecation.
Better skin quality
As Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies give a decent portion of cell reinforcements, you can anticipate restored skin and helped collagen strength. By battling the free extremists, we have the ability to battle the indications of maturing. All things considered, it will assist with skin wellbeing.
Helped Digestion
Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies works by enacting ketosis and by helping digestion. A little lift in digestion, express 6% to 7%, will support helping energy consumption. The general purpose of a weight reduction diet is to be calorie inadequate, and here, you don't need to do a lot. As energy use is expanded without causing any upsetting state of resembling a stick exercise routine everyday practice.
Expansion in strength
As you gain energy by fat consuming, you experience an expansion in energy levels. You stay dynamic and ready the entire day. You won't feel feeble. Most weight reduction items instigate a dormant state; with Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies, you experience something contrary to laziness. This cautiously organized fat-consuming enhancement is an outcome situated item.
Decreased craving
It can assist you with keeping up with segment size. It encourages you for a more drawn out time frame. Halting hunger isn't going. It just defers appetite and diminishes dinner segments. You eat less and burn through more effort, an ideal state for the weight reduction to work.
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Further developed concentration and fixation
Shortcoming and absence of energy can cause mental fogginess; with this enhancement, you gain energy. Ketones can give energy to the cerebrum also. So our cerebrum stays dynamic and alarm. It can stay away from weariness and can further develop concentration and fixation.
Expanded serotonin creation
A strong synapse that assumes an imperative part in our yearning, sexual considerations and fixation. An expansion underway essentially implies we stay positive and propelled. The crude nutrients and minerals in Best Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies can help in expanded creation.
Body Certainty
There is no question that with another body, you can flaunt another you who is certain, in charge and can finish things. Being fit is important, as individuals see husky individuals as lethargic and pointless. Thus, an expansion in body certainty can deserve admiration and trust.
What are the key fixings used to fabricate Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
Green Tea Concentrate: A strong wellspring of cell reinforcements and weight the executives characteristics. It can support further developed strength and personal satisfaction. According to late review, it can assist with consuming fat by supporting digestion. Also, also the advantages of sound skin.
BHB Salt: The entire explanation we can accomplish the metabolic condition of ketosis without following a keto diet. This is the essential element for ketosis. BHB salt is delivered in our body yet in next to no amount. Along these lines, we supply this salt from outside. At the perfect sum, it can transform fat into ketone, and afterward ketones are utilized as a wellspring of energy.
ACV Concentrate: Alongside BHB, Apple juice vinegar is another key fixing. Alongside weight reduction, it has various medical advantages. This fixing makes it an entire dietary enhancement that hoists solid living. ACV remove utilized here is unadulterated and is of greatest.
Gracinia Concentrate: Another strong concentrate that can assist with weight the executives. It is known for its hunger stifling characteristics. Likewise, a protein in Garcinia can diminish the transformation of glucose into fat. Indeed, you read that right: glucose gets changed over into fat. While the vast majority expect that fat gets saved as fat. Thus, it helps control feast divides and can lessen fat amassing.
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Make sense of the working of Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies. How is everything turning out to consume fat?
There are two different ways that these chewy candies target fat.
First is ketosis; you probably found out about the ketogenic diet. It is a low-carb, high-fat, and protein diet. During this metabolic express, our body consumes fat for energy. It tends to be accomplished with the assistance of BHB salt. Weight reduction Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies utilizes the BHB sat and files ketosis without any problem. In this way, you will consume fat for energy.
The second method for consuming fat is helping digestion. By expanding energy consumption, you can compel your body to consume additional fat for energy. Subsequently working on the proficiency of ketosis. Expanded digestion resembles fanning a fire.
Likewise, hunger decrease assumes a significant part in weight reduction too. Here, we have the fixings that can assist with controlling dinner size and in the middle between eating. In this manner accomplishing the ideal method for getting a consuming state.
The most effective method to consume Weight reduction Keto Gummies.
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Main Site - https://www.timesofisrael.com/spotlight/best-weight-loss-keto-gummies-2023-updated-reviews-and-acv-keto-gummies-top-5-ranked-weight-loss-gummy/
Read More:-https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/best-weight-loss-gummies-shark-tank-keto-gummies-acv-keto-gummies-reviews-2023-acv-gummies-for-weight-loss-full-guide-for-use—news-320031
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alvavi · 20 days ago
Can Your Diet Really Improve Your Mental Health?
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The Mind-Body Connection
In a world where stress, anxiety, and depression are becoming increasingly common, many of us are searching for ways to improve our mental health. While therapy, medication, and mindfulness practices are often recommended, there’s another powerful tool that might be overlooked: your diet. Yes, what you eat can have a profound impact on how you feel mentally and emotionally. But how exactly does nutrition influence mental health? And can changing your diet really help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, or even cognitive decline?
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The Science Behind Food and Mental Health
1. The Gut-Brain Axis: A Two-Way Street
One of the most fascinating discoveries in modern neuroscience is the gut-brain axis — a bidirectional communication system between your digestive system and your brain. This connection explains why what you eat directly affects your mood, cognition, and emotional state.
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2. Nutrient Deficiencies and Mental Health
Certain nutrients are essential for optimal brain function. For example:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Found in fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, omega-3s are vital for brain health. Studies show they reduce symptoms of depression and improve cognitive performance.
Magnesium : Often called the “relaxation mineral,” magnesium helps regulate stress hormones and promotes calmness. Foods rich in magnesium include spinach, almonds, and dark chocolate.
B Vitamins : These vitamins, particularly B6, B9 (folate), and B12, support neurotransmitter production. Leafy greens, eggs, and fortified cereals are excellent sources.
Zinc : Low levels of zinc have been associated with increased risk of depression. Oysters, pumpkin seeds, and chickpeas are great options to boost zinc intake.
A deficiency in any of these nutrients can disrupt brain chemistry, leading to mood swings, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.
Real-Life Examples: How Diet Transforms Mental Health
Case Study 1: Sarah’s Journey with Depression
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Case Study 2: John’s Battle with Anxiety
John, a software engineer, suffered from debilitating anxiety that affected his work and personal life. After researching the link between gut health and mental wellness, he started consuming probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. He also cut back on sugar and refined carbs, which are known to fuel inflammation. Over time, John reported feeling calmer and more focused, attributing much of his progress to dietary changes.
These examples highlight the transformative power of nutrition when combined with other mental health strategies.
Key Diets for Mental Wellness
1. The Mediterranean Diet
Known for its emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, and fish, the Mediterranean diet is widely regarded as one of the best diets for both physical and mental health. A 2019 meta-analysis in Molecular Psychiatry found that adherence to this diet was associated with a lower risk of developing depression.
2. Plant-Based Diets
Vegetarian and vegan diets, when well-planned, provide abundant antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients that combat oxidative stress — a major contributor to mental health issues. However, individuals following plant-based diets must ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3s through supplements or fortified foods.
3. Anti-Inflammatory Diets
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Practical Tips for Boosting Mental Health Through Nutrition
Start Small : Incorporate one new healthy food into your meals each week. For instance, swap white rice for quinoa or add spinach to your morning smoothie.
Stay Hydrated : Dehydration can impair concentration and increase irritability. Aim for at least 8 cups of water daily.
Limit Ultra-Processed Foods : Highly processed foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats can negatively affect your mood and energy levels.
Cook at Home : Preparing meals at home allows you to control ingredients and avoid hidden additives.
Practice Mindful Eating : Pay attention to hunger cues and savor each bite to foster a healthier relationship with food.
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Evidence-Based Research Supporting the Diet-Mental Health Link
Numerous studies underscore the importance of nutrition in mental health:
A 2015 review in The Lancet Psychiatry emphasized the need for psychiatrists to consider nutritional interventions alongside traditional treatments.
A randomized controlled trial published in PLOS ONE (2018) demonstrated that participants who received dietary counseling alongside standard care showed greater reductions in depressive symptoms than those who received only standard care.
According to Harvard Medical School, diets rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds may protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
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Conclusion: Nourishing Your Body, Nourishing Your Mind
The connection between diet and mental health is undeniable. By making mindful choices about what we eat, we can support not only our physical bodies but also our minds. Whether it’s adopting a Mediterranean diet, increasing intake of omega-3s, or simply staying hydrated, small changes can yield big results over time.
So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or down, ask yourself: Could my diet be part of the problem? With the right knowledge and commitment, you can harness the power of nutrition to enhance your mental well-being and live a happier, healthier life.
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anuj1985 · 2 months ago
The most effective method to live a healthy lifestyle
Carrying on with a sound way of life is a pledge to rehearses that support physical, mental, and profound prosperity. It includes embracing propensities that make equilibrium and amicability in day to day existence while advancing generally speaking wellbeing. A foundation of a sound way of life is legitimate nourishment. Eating a fair eating routine wealthy in supplement thick food varieties like natural products, vegetables, entire grains, lean proteins, and solid fats is fundamental. These food varieties furnish the body with the nutrients, minerals, and energy it necessities to ideally work. It's similarly critical to restrict handled food varieties high in sugar, undesirable fats, and salt, as these can add to ongoing medical problems like weight, diabetes, and coronary illness. Remaining hydrated is one more fundamental part of sustenance, as water upholds various physical processes, including absorption, temperature guideline, and poison disposal. Drinking no less than 8 glasses of water day to day, or really relying upon action levels and environment, keeps up with hydration and generally speaking wellbeing. Presently you comprehend how to live a healthy lifestyle . .
Actual work is one more basic part of a solid way of life. Customary activity upgrades actual wellness as well as works on emotional wellness by decreasing pressure, nervousness, and melancholy. Grown-ups ought to hold back nothing 150 minutes of moderate high-impact action or 75 minutes of fiery movement each week, enhanced with muscle-fortifying activities on at least two days. Exercise can take many structures, from running and cycling to swimming and yoga, and picking exercises you appreciate makes it simpler to keep up with consistency. Past organized work out, integrating greater development into your everyday daily schedule, like strolling, cultivating, or using the stairwell rather than the lift, can essentially add to a functioning way of life. Development helps in keeping a solid load as well as lifts cardiovascular wellbeing, fortifies bones, and further develops adaptability and equilibrium.
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Emotional well-being is similarly fundamental in accomplishing a solid way of life. Stress the board is a basic viewpoint, as persistent pressure can adversely influence both mental and actual wellbeing. Rehearses like care, reflection, and profound breathing activities can assist with decreasing pressure and advance unwinding. Moreover, side interests like work of art, playing music, or planting give inventive outlets that improve profound prosperity. Constructing and keeping up areas of strength for with associations likewise assume a huge part in emotional well-being. Good associations with family, companions, and local area individuals offer everyday reassurance, lessen sensations of dejection, and cultivate a feeling of having a place. Participating in friendly exercises, whether it's joining a club, chipping in, or basically investing energy with friends and family, can further develop temperament and generally speaking life fulfillment.
Rest is one more mainstay of a sound way of life. Quality rest permits the body to fix and revive, supporting actual wellbeing, mental clearness, and profound strength. Grown-ups ought to hold back nothing long stretches of rest each evening, keeping a predictable rest plan even on ends of the week. Laying out a loosening up sleep time standard, like perusing, cleaning up, or rehearsing delicate stretches, can indicate to your body that now is the right time to slow down. Establishing an ideal rest climate keeping the room cool, dull, and calm, and staying away from screens before sleep time additionally adds to all the more likely rest. Unfortunate rest can prompt weariness, diminished mental capability, and expanded hazard of persistent infections, so it is pivotal to focus on rest.
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Preventive medical care is a necessary piece of a sound way of life. Ordinary exams with medical care experts assist with identifying potential medical problems early, empowering opportune mediation and therapy. Routine screenings for pulse, cholesterol levels, glucose, and other key wellbeing pointers are fundamental for checking by and large wellbeing. Inoculations, influenza shots, and other preventive measures safeguard against diseases and keep areas of strength for a framework. It's additionally critical to keep away from destructive propensities like smoking and exorbitant liquor utilization. Smoking is a main source of preventable sicknesses, including cellular breakdown in the lungs and coronary illness, while unreasonable liquor can harm the liver and different organs. By stopping smoking and directing liquor consumption, you altogether lessen wellbeing gambles and work on long haul results.
Maintainability and ecological care are arising parts of a solid way of life. Numerous people are embracing eco-accommodating practices like developing their own food, decreasing waste, and moderating energy. Cultivating, for instance, gives new, natural produce yet additionally offers active work and mental unwinding. Utilizing economical materials, decreasing dependence on single-use plastics, and supporting neighborhood, natural ranchers can help both individual wellbeing and the climate. Moreover, captivating in outside exercises like climbing or nature strolls cultivates a more profound association with the regular world, upgrading both actual wellbeing and close to home prosperity.
Taking care of oneself and self-improvement are likewise significant in driving a sound way of life. Carving out margin for yourself to unwind, reflect, and re-energize forestalls burnout and advances internal harmony. Rehearsing appreciation, journaling, or putting forth objectives can develop a positive outlook and energize self-improvement. Mastering new abilities, seeking after interests, and embracing difficulties add to a feeling of achievement and self-esteem. It's vital to celebrate little triumphs and progress, as this forms certainty and inspiration to keep taking a stab at a better life.
A fair way to deal with life is critical to keeping a solid way of life. This includes laying out sensible objectives, overseeing time successfully, and not being excessively condemning of yourself. Flawlessness is unreachable, and mishaps are a characteristic piece of the excursion. Rather than zeroing in on disappointments, view them as any open doors to learn and develop. Adaptability and versatility permit you to explore life's difficulties without undermining your prosperity. By adopting a comprehensive strategy that addresses physical, mental, and close to home wellbeing, you make a supportable starting point for long haul wellbeing and joy.
All in all, carrying on with a sound way of life is tied in with making reliable, deliberate decisions that focus on by and large prosperity. It envelops supporting your body with nutritious food varieties, remaining dynamic, focusing on psychological wellness, getting quality rest, taking part in preventive medical care, and encouraging a feeling of equilibrium and reason throughout everyday life. By incorporating these practices into your day to day daily schedule, you upgrade your physical and psychological wellness as well as develop a feeling of satisfaction and essentialness. A solid way of life isn't an objective yet a deep rooted venture that develops with your necessities and conditions, engaging you to carry on with your best life.
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treestellmesecrets · 2 months ago
Things that have NOT worked for me to lose weight:
■ smaller portions more often throughout the day. To me, this mentally feels like eating a lot yet somehow simultaneously feels like I am not eating enough lol. I have binge tendencies and I like larger portions, so for me I enjoy eating a reasonably sized meal, once a day.
■ apple cider vinegar. Has done nothing to help. I use it as a toner tho.
■ using less salt. I thought I was gonna drop like 8 pounds of water weight but I didn't. So I'm back to being a salty queen now I guess ...
■ ginger shots. Nope. Doesn't help digestion either.
■ peppermint tea. It's yummy (only with creamer and sugar tho so now we're contradicting our goal), but it certainly hasn't helped me lose any weight. Or any kind of tea for that matter, unless I'm replacing meals with pots of tea.
■ pilates. It's great for toning muscles and cultivating a more feminine body, but I don't think it's helped me lose weight.
■ appetite suppressant supplements. Nothing that claims to suppress appetite has worked for me. Don't do a damn thing.
■ drinking more water. Me and water have a strange relationship though. I don't drink water really and I don't get headaches. I sometimes get thirsty in the evening and then I'll chug water but other than that I can't stand drinking water. And when I have tried to drink more, it just makes me have to use the bathroom constantly and bloats me. I get it's water retention from sodium but see above, I tried cutting down on my salt and that didn't work either. Wtf...??
I'll update if I think of more.....
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thefrogman · 4 months ago
Let's do a quick RFK Jr. themed debunk-a-thon.
First, your appearance is not an indication of health. People with terminal cancer can have six pack abs and overweight lifelong smokers have lived to be 100.
Second, physical fitness does not mean you have the knowledge and expertise of a doctor. A 70 year old with abs is probably on a boatload of steroids and actually increasing health risks. A doctor would probably say you shouldn't take steroids without some actual need beyond biceps you can brag about.
And the analogy of the personal trainer is faulty as well. There are plenty of people who are good at advising people without being able to do the thing they are giving advice for.
Athletic coaches are a great example.
A lot of the winningest NFL coaches were mediocre high school or college athletes. And their physique usually resembles that of Santa Claus.
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But they get Super Bowl rings along with everyone else on the team.
Doctors are known for being the "worst patients." Many of them are so overworked that they turn to vices to help relieve their stress. They can overeat or smoke. They might be too tired to have any kind of fitness routine. My good friend Dr. Kevin has to wrangle three daughters while running a pediatric rheumatology department. He's the smartest person I've ever personally known and a fantastic doctor. But he will not be winning any bodybuilding contests.
RKF Jr. has a lot of money and time and access to personal trainers and nutritionists and human growth hormone. But sure, let's let him do some heart surgery and see how it goes.
Let's move on to some of his biggest concerns regarding our societal health...
Current evidence suggests…
Aspartame is bad for rats if you fill them with an obscene amount. And it *might* be bad for humans if you drink 15 cans of soda every day. (More nuance here.) Dosage matters! Remember, dihydrogen monoxide is poisonous if you are very motivated to make it so.
High fructose corn syrup is bad for you. Because sugar is bad for you. And they are functionally the same. Switching to cane sugar will not magically make people healthier. (More nuance here.)
A lot of processed foods are unhealthy. But probably not because they are processed. It just so happens that most processed foods are soft, easy to eat quickly, and they have a lot of fat, salt, or sugar, while being very calorie dense. They are often super tasty to the point of being psychologically addictive. That is a perfect storm of factors making processed foods very easy to overeat. The idea that the act of processing food causes some extraordinary harm outside of the ingredients already being unhealthy is most likely a myth. (More nuance here.)
Similarly, seed oils are not causing harm outside of them often being used to cook calorie dense food with a lot of fat, salt, or sugar.
Food dyes are safe in normal amounts. The concerning studies gave kids two colored drinks along with a shitload of candy every single day for two weeks. The problems went away when the amount was reduced to moderate levels. (More nuance here.)
Supplements are mostly an expensive way to fortify your pee with vitamins. You are literally pissing money away. You really only need to supplement something you are personally deficient in. Though if you can get those vitamins from food or sunshine, you will probably more effectively absorb them. I use supplements because my disability keeps me from being able to consistently cook or go outside. Just because something is "natural" does not mean it can replace actual medicine.
Organic food is not special and has become marketing hype.
GMOs are fine.
And finally…
Vaccines are safe and effective and they are probably the best thing humans have ever created. They have saved millions of lives. Many of those lives were CHILDREN. (More nuance here.)
The other problem is that RFK speaks definitively and bombastically. Food dyes give you ADHD. Seed oils explode your heart. Corn syrup makes your toes fall off. Processed foods make you a bloated zombie. Vaccines alter your DNA and turn you into a mutant.
It's fear mongering, plain and simple.
He is not interested in making anyone healthy, he just wants to scare you into believing his conspiracy theories. He uses the tiniest nugget of truth or suspicion and elevates it to fact whenever it helps his agenda.
Or he skips the nugget altogether and just blatantly makes shit up.
Because I have, ya know, ethics... I have to say "nuance here" because a lot of this stuff is very complicated and you can't actually say anything with 100% certainty. And that uncertainty is how he weasels his ideas into the public consciousness. When science updates our understanding of something, people say the science was wrong. "First they said this and now they say this!" Having better information is not a failure—it's progress. It is just the process working as it should. But they use that to hurt the reputation of science and scientists.
Scientific consensus is always just the best representation of our knowledge at any given point in time. We would never be able to eat any food or take any medicine if 100% certainty was required. We'd all starve and die because we weren't allowed to take even the most marginal of risks.
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This is going to be a long 4 years.
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atplblog · 2 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Recommended dry fruit powder for kids & adults . This super nutritious dry fruits & seeds powder mix is made from 7 different nuts and seeds. These ingredients are known to help in weight gain, add minerals & vitamins, protein naturally. Add them in porridges, milk, fruit smoothies, make parathas and even add them in your curries to naturally nutrify the dishes you make Nutrition Information: - Freshly made weight gain mix powder. We make them in small batches so you can feed your little one super fresh always . We focus on freshness since children need to consume fresh foods for maximum nutrient absorption. - No Salt, Sugar, Milk Powder, Artificial Minerals/Supplements. A 100% Junk free product. - Almonds are considered one of the best brain foods - Watermelon seeds are rich in micronutrients like selenium, magnesium, copper & zinc - Most nuts & seeds are rich in mono-saturated fats, protein & vitamins Shelf Life: 2 Months from MFD Storage & Usage Instructions: After opening the pack, immediately transfer into a clean, dry, airtight container. Keep it in a cool dry place or in a refrigerator. Since there are no preservatives, please use it within 4 months of opening the pack Why Moms love Early Foods: - Made from ancient Indian Super Foods - We make really small batches of food each day. So you can always feed super fresh meals. - Grandma inspired recipes, simple, healthy with minimal processing - No Sugar or salt. - No Preservatives, colours or artificial flavours. All Natural Freshly prepared mixture of 7 dry fruits & seeds powder tWe make small batches of food every day so you can feed your child super fresh foods always. Shelf Life: 4 Months from MFD. Best mixed nuts and seeds powder for kids No Preservatives, No Artificial Flavour, No Sugar, No Salt, No Additive. A 100% Junk Free Product. How to Use: Add them in porridges, cereals, smoothies, milk, morning breakfast of oats or cornflakes and even in curries to naturally make the meal more nutrient dense. Ingredients: Watermelon Seeds 36%, Almonds 18%, Cashews 18%, Sunflower Seeds, Pistachio 5%, Walnut 3%, Pumpkin Seeds. And nothing else. material_features:Vegetarian [ad_2]
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where-be-wonderland · 4 months ago
Fitness: 11/24/24
weighed in at 214lbs again this morning. good thing my mom and gma told me that i can fluctuate with just water weight, which i know i struggle with.
i did NOT take a rest day yesterday. i did some arm workouts, some stretching, and then 25 minutes and over a mile on the treadmill.
i swear, i fall asleep so much faster with me working out and taking all my meds properly. i wake up a bit BEFORE my alarm and then wake up AT my alarm, not an hour later like i've struggled with for the past several years. I'm still working on correcting my posture, which is causing my neck and shoulders some pain due to fixing my now-normal hunched stature. i'm working on it with stretches and catching and fixing myself whenever possible.
diet-wise, i feel like i'm still doing well. i eat sweet things, but sweet things low in sugar and higher in protein. i've really cut down on snacking, too, except a small snack in the evening to take my meds with. i'm trying to be gluten-free as much as i can, too. i'm taking a fiber supplement in the morning and trying to drink more water. i also now take apple cider vinegar gummies. i have a real issue with constipation. you'd think, with me taking these supplements and working out and walking everyday, that i'd start to be more regular, but that's just something to do with my fibro and ibs, i guess.
i keep forgetting to take pictures of my progress. i know one week doesn't show anything, but i need to have photo evidence. my goal is to check in once a week, so every Sunday from here on. it'll make me feel good to have visuals of my journey changing my body to my liking. i like how my legs are right now, but it's my belly, my arms, and my neck that i really wanna slim down, especially with me being prediabetic again.
tonight, i forgot to put out any meat to thaw, and i only have about 500 calories to spare, so i think i'm gonna have oatmeal, or a cheese toastie. probably a cheese toastie so i can use up the cheese slices i got. the bread is gluten-free, but the cheese is regular cheese, and i top the pieces of bread with japanese kewpie mayo and garlic salt. hopefully it's not TOO much sodium, as that's something i struggle with.
my face has been red since i started working out. i've been either using an exfoliating cleanser or face wipes, then an acne toner, then eye cream, then a rice serum, and then a fancy moisturizer. i don't know if my acne being more noticeable is because of the changes to my diet or the exercise making me flush more often. my hope is that my hormones will balance out, and with me cleaning my face everyday, it'll clear up. i need to also change my pillowcase more often.
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