#but there’s a gash above my right eyebrow that’ll probably scar
terra-is-tired · 25 days
guess who fell off their skateboard yesterday
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frostywindmademoan · 7 years
A Worthy Adversary
Pt. 7 in a multi chapter OC fic featuring Michael Gray
“She definitely got her licks in.” Arthur commented as he looked at all the hair and tooth. “Look at this, found a ring in the hallway. You’ll never guess what the insignia is.” Tommy held up a golden band. “Who’s is it?” John asked. “Somebody from the Cohen Clan.” Tommy tossed the ring to Michael who caught it and examined the Cohen family chest engraved on it. “Cohen? Like James Cohen, the bloke we offed?” Arthur pieced together.  “Fucking hell. The first bloke she helped us kill.” John realized.
“How the hell did they figure out who she is?” Michael practically growled. “Don’t get mad at us, we only know as much as you do. Now we have to get up off our asses and track the Cohen fucks down.” Tommy stormed out of the house, followed by the rest of the family. In an abandoned warehouse next to a factory Clara came too. She had a chain cuffed to her wrists and the chain was hung on a large industrial hook meant for lifting heavy equipment. Her arms were above her head and just the very tips of her toes could brush the ground. Her shoulders were going to be sore for weeks at best, but most likely they’d be dislocated. Her head pounded and blood dripped down her cheek from the gash on her head that was a result of it being smashed against the mirror. The noise from the factory next door would mask any sounds she made. “Ah, Rosie, you’re back with us.” Clara recognized the man who started to walk towards her. His head was also bleeding from where Clara had ripped a large portion of his hair out. “Who’s Rosie?” She played dumb. “Shut up you little whore!” He slapped her across the face. “I’m Clara! My name is Clara! I’m Clara Brehmen!” She fiend complete innocence and played the part of scared and innocent victim. “Bullshit!” A blow landed on Clara’s cheek. “Please! I’m telling the truth! I don’t know what’s happening!” She summoned crocodile tears. Exterior pain didn’t faze her. Bones can always heal. Clara didn’t care how many blows it’d take, she just had to convince them that she was innocent enough to keep alive. “What’s happening is that we’ve finally caught up to you! You offed our boss, my big brother! He went missing after going home with you.” The man spit at her. “I don’t know who your boss is! I’ve never hurt anyone! Please, I’m just Clara, I’m a nurse!” She pleaded. “You’re lying! Do you know how I know? We’ve been watching you! You’re Michael Gray’s bitch! One of my men recognized him from a scuffle gone south right before James disappeared. My little brother had his throat slit by that monster of yours! He got his little Rosie to help him kill my other brother!” The man punched her in the gut, causing her to wheeze and gasp for breath. “Please, I’m not Rosie! I’ve never killed anyone!” Clara gasped.”Stop lying to me! Now you’re gonna fucking tell me where James’ body is and where I can get my hands on Thomas Shelby!” He screamed at her. “Shelby? The Peaky Blinders boss? This has to do with them?” She acted confused. “So you know them then?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Everyone in Birmingham does. They scare everyone. Nobody goes near them. I’ve never even talked to Tommy myself, I’ve always been told not to.” Clara half lied. It was true that people had told her to not get involved with the Shelbys, but she had obviously ignored the warnings. “Bullshit! You’re in bed with Michael Gray!” Another punch landed on her cheek. Clara didn’t appreciate the probable fracture in her zygomatic bone. “You’re going to give up Thomas Shelby right now, or I’m going to make you tell me!” He bellowed. “I don’t know anything to tell! I don’t know where he is!” She persisted. “Nicky, the blade.” The man held out his hand as a henchmen placed a glistening blade in it. “Give me Thomas Shelby.” He placed the knife under her chin. “I don’t know!” Clara continued to force tears. The man flicked the blade and cut a straight line across the bottom of her chin, causing blood the drip down her neck. She thought of Michael and hated how much he was going to loose it when he realized what was happening. “Are you going to cooperate now?” The man asked. “I told you! I don’t know anything!” Clara insisted. The man looked Clara up and down and had no shame in letting his eyes linger. “I see why Gray is so fond of fucking you. What’s his favorite bit? The tits? The ass? I personally enjoy a nice chest myself. Your tits are some of the best I’ve seen. I’m sure Gray would hate it if anything happened to them.” He gave a sadistic grin. Clara remained silent. He didn’t deserve a response. “Have it your way then.” His grin grew even more sickening. He raised the knife to her chest and sliced two 5 inch curves at the top of her breasts, tracing her cleavage. She thought to herself that this was going to leave an interesting scar. “Now talk!” He yelled at her. “I’ve already told you! I don’t know anymore about the Shelbys than anyone in Birmingham! All I know is they have a shop. I’ve never been in myself but a lot of the factory lads go. I think it’s just a few blocks over. They have a pub too. Everyone at the factory drinks there. I hear they hang around there a lot. That’s all I know!” She divulged very vague information. Clara hoped this would be enough for them to bite on and that they would go out to sweep the streets for the shop and pub. She quite liked her breast and would prefer the damage done to them to be minimal. “If you’re lying, you’re dead.” He warned before rounding up his henchmen to go split up and search the streets. “Alright Peaky boys, the ball’s in your court now.” She sighed, hoping that having the group split up would give the Peaky Blinders an advantage once an attack began.
“We don’t even know where to begin!” Michael exclaimed. “We know they’re based out of Liverpool.” John tried to help. “They can’t take her that far. They must have some place closer.” Michael reasoned. “I agree. Where do we know of a place you can move a girl to unnoticed?” Tommy tried to get their juices flowing. “Plenty of abandoned buildings around Small Heath. Lots of big warehouses around the factory. They could've taken her to the edge of town, away from people.” Finn offered suggestions. “Warehouses will be easily checked first, then houses. Lets split in to 2 groups and start looking. If need be we’ll all get back together to go search out of town. That’ll be a lot of area to cover.” Tommy began to formulate a plan. “I’ll take warehouses.” Michael stated. “Take John and Finn with you. Arthur and I’ll cover the houses.” The group all scattered and started to head to their respective locations. They didn’t get very far before shots started to ring out in the street. The henchmen, Nicky, had found them. The wild west seemed to come to Small Heath. A full on shoot out ensued. The other Cohen crew members converged on the scene to back Nicky up. Michael was overcome with rage. As others took cover and shot around the corners of alleys as a way to somewhat shielding themselves, Michael walked right down the middle of the street with his gun held out before him. “Get the fuck down Michael!” Tommy shouted. Michael ignored him and just kept walking. It seemed that by the grace of God Michael had some protective barrier around him. It was as if his drive to get to Clara made him invincible. Bullet’s whizzed past, close enough that he could hear them cut through the air, but none hit their mark. Michael, however, hit all of his marks. In his intensely focused and fearless state, he easily shot the Cohens. In his murderous stupor he gave the Peaky Blinders a clear advantage. They had clearly won the wild west shoot out. The only Cohen left standing was the middle brother. “Well, well, well. Richard Cohen.” Tommy walked up to the brother with his gun pointed right at his temple. “Where the fuck is Clara?!” Michael grabbed Richard by the collar and pushed him up against the nearest wall. “So the little bitch’s name really is Clara.” He chuckled. Michael slammed his head against the wall, causing fresh blood to spill onto his cheek. “WHERE IS SHE?!” Michael screamed. “A warehouse, by the factory.” Richard was dizzy and light headed and didn’t have the where with all to lie. “Take us.” Tommy pressed the gun to Richard’s head, prompting him to  lead the way. Richard stumbled his way back to the warehouse where Michael frantically slid the door open. “Shit.” Michael gasped when he saw Clara hanging there. “Clara!” He rushed over to her and was consumed with panic as he tried to see if she was alive. He lifted her head and to his overwhelming relief she smiled at him. “Hello Michael.” Her voice was weak, but she was clearly still the same tough as nails little girl. “Oh my God Clara.” He gave a thankful sigh of relief. “Wanna give me a hand?” She looked up at her hanging arms. “Shit, yeah.” Michael gently lifted her up enough to slip the chain off of the hook. Clara groaned as her stiff muscles fell back to her side. The other Shelbys made it to her side and began to fret over her. “Are you alright love?” John gently inspected the gash on her head. “Jesus Christ your chin!” Finn exclaimed. “This is too much blood. We have to get you out of here.” Tommy put a helping arm around her shoulder. “What about my mate over there?” Clara nodded towards Richard, who was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. “He’s mine.” Michael growled as he set off towards him. “Do you want to know the last words your brother heard before I slit his throat? Just before his skin ripped under my hand I said, ‘You never get to touch my girl again.’” Michael didn’t bother with aiming for the vertebrae. He wanted to feel the blood on him, to feel the skin slice beneath his knife. Michael relished seeing the light leave Richard’s eyes.  “C’mon mate she needs a proper hospital. We can’t patch her up. We’ll pay whoever we need to as much as we need to in order to keep this quiet.” Tommy promised him. “You can’t show up at the hospital in all that blood though mate. We can’t keep that quiet.” Finn put a hand on Michael’s shoulder when he began to lead the way out the door. “I’m not fucking leaving her!” Michael shouted. “He’s right Michael. You’ll be in deep shit showing up there like that.” Clara agreed. Something in her voice convinced him. “Alright, get her there quick.”
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Learning From The Devil: Healing Wounds
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Warning: Blood The sky outside was pitch black and the wind howled around Grindelwald’s manor. You sat in an armchair by the fireplace in the living room nearest to the front door, your legs curled up on the chair and a book in your hands. The light from the fire was the only light in the house, meaning that only the living room was visible and the rest was left in the dark. You were flicking through pages, but nothing was registering in your mind. You were alone. For once in all the time that you had been Grindelwald’s pupil you were completely alone. Grindelwald had told you that he was leaving, that he had something important to do, but that he’d be back when it started getting dark out. The sky had started getting dark hours ago and it was now the early hours of the morning, meaning that he was either dead or captured. At least, that’s what those terrible voices in your head were telling you. You fought those voices as hard as you could, but as each minute ticked by on the grandfather clock in the corner of the room those voices got louder and louder, causing you to worry more and more for your mentor. Just as you felt like you couldn’t take anymore of the anxiety, the front door slammed open, bringing in a strong gust of wind that blew out the fire. But not only did the wind enter, your teacher did too, stumbling through the door and kicking it shut behind him. You shot up from your chair and ran to him, throwing the book on the floor as you got up. Once you reached him you wrapped your arm around his waist and gently led him over to the chair you had abandoned, lighting the fire with a flick of your wand as Grindelwald sat down. You turned back to him, only to gasp at the sight. This was not the neat and spotless teacher you knew, this was something else entirely. His blonde, curly hair was a tangled mess, his face was littered with gashes and blood spilled from his, most likely, broken nose. Looking down, you noticed that his clothes were torn and covered in blood stains. Whether it was his own blood or another’s, you were unsure, but you did notice that he was sitting stiffly and would wince at the slightest movement, indicating that most, if not all, of the blood stains were from him. What happened? Where has he been? You felt yourself getting protective of your teacher the more you looked him over. You looked at him, a silent question in your eyes. He looked back with a mixed expression of exhaustion and annoyance clear on his face. When he didn’t say anything, you started asking questions. “ What happened? Where were you? Why did you come back so late? Who-” You were interrupted by Grindelwald’s annoyed glare.“ You are not my mother, Y/N, you are my pupil.” He chided in the steadiest tone he could muster. You nodded.“ Tut mir leid, ich war besorgt.“ You muttered sheepishly. He sighed and nodded, staring into the fire for a second before turning back to you.” You remember reading about healing spells, yes?“ You nodded again.” Then get to work.“ You followed his order swiftly. You got a cloth and a basin filled with warm water and brought them back to him, then lit a few candles to add some light to the room. You brought one over to Grindelwald and placed it on a small table beside the armchair, where the book you were sure you threw on the floor was resting.“ Please do not throw study material on the floor, Y/N.” You smiled sheepishly at him.“ Es tut mir leid, Herr Grindelwald.” He waved you off without a care, so you started tending to the cuts on his face. You dunked the cloth into the warm water, wrung it out, then started dabbing at a cut above his right eyebrow. He flinched, but remained as stills as possible.“ So,” you chimed, trying to get some answers to the questions you had bombarded him with when he first returned.“ Who did this?” “ Aurors.” He answered disdainfully. You weren’t surprised. Aurors were always out to get Grindelwald. Everyone knew what he had done and what he was capable of. “ Where were you?” You asked.“ Nowhere majorly important. I was told that I could find information on the Hallows in that place, but it was a dead end.” He muttered.“ I will have to deal with the person who gave me the false lead in the morning.” You almost felt sorry for the poor bastard who would face Grindelwald’s wrath, but you decided that they must have known what they were getting themselves into when they joined Grindelwald’s army, so they didn’t deserve any sympathy. At this point you had cleaned most of the cuts on his face, revealing the full damage. Most of the cuts were only small and would be easy to heal. Some were slightly bigger but would still be simple to deal with. Once you had cleaned and examined each cut on his face you deduced that the worst injury on his face was his broken nose. Once you informed him of this he nodded and simply said,“ Do what you must, Kind.” So you did. You put the washcloth on the table and lifted your hand to his forehead, your fingertips just touching his skin. You then ran your fingers lightly down his face, healing each cut as you touched it without having to even mutter a spell. He felt warm, probably from the crackling fire only a few feet away from the two of you. You pulled your hand away once each cut was gone and raised your wand to his nose.“ Episkey.“ You whispered. There was a snap and Grindelwald’s nose suddenly looked normal. Blood stopped flowing from his nostrils and his face looked normal. Well, aside from the look of pain and exhaustion that made him look ten years older. You dunked the washcloth into the basin again then wrung it out and started wiping the blood away from his nose. By then the water had turned red and was lukewarm. It was probably time to change the water. Once you had finished with that you pulled back to look at him fully. He still had bloodstains on his shirt, which meant there were wounds on his torso, too. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow, gesturing to his chest with your wand.“ Do you want me to tend to those wounds too, sir?” You asked hesitantly. For the first time that night, he smiled. As per usual, it was one of amusement.“ Ja, mein kleiner Schüler.“ You gulped and nodded, moving closer to help him remove his shirt. Once it was off you threw it to the side, then replaced the water in the basin with clean, warm water. You picked up the washcloth yet again and repeated the process of dunking it into the water and wringing it out, before turning to your teachers’ bare chest. You almost dropped the cloth in shock at the size of the wounds on his body. None of them were bleeding, meaning that he probably used a spell to stop himself from bleeding out. Still, they were not properly healed, meaning you still had a lot of work to do. There were three large wounds that you focuses on first. The first was a large gash on his left shoulder that ran down to just above his inner elbow. You cleaned the blood off his arm, before pointing your wand at the mark and muttering, “ Vulnera sanentur.” You then proceeded to move on to the next one. This one was just below his heart. It was large, but not particularly deep by the looks of it. You repeated the process of cleaning and healing, then moved on to the third and final one. This one was just above his left hip and was the smallest of them all. It was a small but deep gash that was oozing blood. Clearly your teacher had not paid proper attention to this one. You were much more cautious when you were wiping the blood off of this one. Above you, Grindelwald flinched briefly.“ Careful.” He warned. You nodded and whispered,“ Sorry.” He nodded back and clenched his teeth, trying to avoid making any noise whatsoever. Finally the wound was clean. You stepped back and pointed your wand at the gash and muttered yet another healing spell. The wound sealed up, leaving only a scar that matched the rest of them. You were finally finished. Once you had finished admiring your spell work you took a moment to actually look at Grindelwald in this state. He was skinny, almost too skinny. His bones were jutting out of his chest. You didn’t know how you had never noticed while you were helping him, because it seemed so painfully obvious now. You decided it was best not to mention it. You picked up the basin and washcloth and brought them into the kitchen area to put them away. The exhaustion was starting to set in and suddenly standing required too much energy. You walked back out to Grindelwald to see if he had moved at all. He hadn’t. He was still sitting in the armchair, his forearms lying limply on the armrests. His eyes were slowly drooping closed, but he fought to stay awake. You quickly moved into his line of vision and sat on the floor in front of him, too tired to stand.“ Do you need anything else, Herr Grindelwald?” You asked quietly. His eyes slowly met yours as he shook his head.“ That’ll be all, mein schüler. Go get some rest.” You slowly rose, using the table beside Grindelwald to help you stand up. Once you noticed he was not moving from the chair, you froze. Was he too weak to move?“ Do you need me to help you to your room, Herr Grindelwald?” You questioned in a concerned manner. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.“ No, Y/N, I do not need help.” He muttered.“ I am quite content with staying down here. Now off to bed with you.” You nodded and walked to your room. Once you were in there you noticed that something felt wrong. It was a strange feeling, almost like guilt, but you couldn’t figure out what could cause this feeling. Until a folded up blanket on the end of your bed caught your eye. Of course! Grindelwald no longer had a shirt. His had been ripped to pieces and discarded on the floor. You grabbed the blanket and made your way out of your bedroom, back to the living room where Grindelwald was still curled up in the armchair. You couldn’t tell from the angle you were standing at whether or not he was sleeping. You moved closer, circling the chair, coming face to face with your teacher, who was in the same position he was in when you left. His eyes were still open and they caught yours immediately. “ I thought I told you to go to sleep, kleiner?” You nodded sheepishly and blushed.“ You did, Herr Grindelwald, but I had to bring you this.” You presented the folded blanket to him with a small smile. He stared at it for a moment, then back at you with a raised eyebrow.“ The fire will probably go out while you’re sleeping and you shirt is too torn to provide any warmth.” You elaborated. You then handed him the blanket and watched him unfold it, wrapping it around himself and curling up in the armchair. He looked back up at you with a smile that, for once, was not one amusement. This one was grateful.“ Danke, Kind.” You beamed back at him.“ No problem, Herr Grindelwald. Sleep well.” With that said, you turned on your heel and started walking to your room.“ Y/N.” Grindelwald called, stopping you in your tracks. You spun around to face the back of his chair.“ Yes, Herr Grindelwald?” He didn’t say anything for a moment, but then he turned his body to face you, the blanket covering most of his still bare chest.“ Do not bother with training today. You have done enough work already. Sleep in.” He was right. You had been healing him for quite some time. The sky was getting brighter outside. You were incredibly grateful to your teacher that he would do this for you.“ Thank you so much, Herr Grindelwald.” You cheered. Grindelwald just chuckled and waved you off.“ No problem child, now get some rest.” You thanked him one last time before walking to your room and throwing yourself on to the bed, falling asleep seconds later. Thanks for reading! This was requested by @monstersandmagicians. Hope you enjoy it! Again, I used Google Translate, so it’s Google’s fault if the German is incorrect. Tut mir leid, ich war besorgt - Sorry, I was worried. Es tut mir leid, Herr Grindelwald - I’m sorry, Mr Grindelwald Kind - Child Ja, mein kleiner Schüler - Yes, my little pupil mein schüler - My pupil kleiner - Little one Danke, Kind - Thank you, child Request are open!
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