#a bit banged-up but we stay silly
terra-is-tired · 25 days
guess who fell off their skateboard yesterday
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
TW: angst, toxic traits, somewhat bullying, breakup
fem reader
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You’re his first girlfriend. He’d never bothered with anything serious before—it seemed too messy to trifle with. He doesn’t know why he suddenly decided. Suppose he’d been feeling a little bored, and something within him saw you as a fool-proof opportunity.
It wasn’t because you were anything special. Actually, it was more the opposite. You didn’t seem like too big of a risk. You were just a normal, honest, nice person—a bit of a loser, too, if he was being honest. He could do a lot better and pick someone of the same caliber as him, someone with a cooler style and presence, but then he’d only get caught up in the competition.
You were more to his appetite—a dorky, blushy lil’ nerd who giggled nervously at everything he said. In other words, no competition at all. You’d never dare break his heart because you frankly couldn’t afford it. And he found solace in that imbalance—knowing he held all the cards and that you could only be grateful he’d chosen you.
At least, that had been what he’d thought. But then, here you are, holding his hands from across the table in a cute little sundae café, telling him how this just can’t work anymore.
He’s confused for a whole minute before it sinks in.
You’re breaking up with him.
He’s confused afterward, too.
You’re breaking up with him?
That can’t be right. You must be joking. He almost laughs, almost cackles, but ends up staying completely silent. Something about that pitiful look in your eye makes his throat tight, and he almost thinks he’s going to cry instead. 
You’re breaking up with him. You, with him. His foot starts to tap. Have you hit your head or something? You’re dressed in a hoodie, for crying out loud, with not an ounce of make-up on—effortless, as if his perception of you wasn’t any of your concern while you’re fucking breaking up with him.
No way. There’s just no way. You must be confused about something, is all. There’s absolutely no way you’re doing this.
“What are you talking about?” It comes angry. Louder than he’d intended, enough to make you jolt in your seat. A couple of heads even turn your way. You wait for them to turn back before answering.
“I just think we’re a bit too different. And… I don’t know…” You were trying to find ways of telling him you weren’t in love with him but ended up deciding it was unnecessary—it wasn’t exactly something he needed to hear even though you had a lot you could say.
You’re rude and arrogant and treat me like some rescue pet you’ve nurtured back to health. You act like you’re embarrassed to be with me even though you’re the one without any friends. You’re selfish and spoiled and—
“If you don’t know, then there’s nothing to talk about. Quit being silly.” He has a furrow between his brows as he picks up the pink menu between the two of you, scanning the different types of milkshakes you could share and forget all about it. After all, you weren’t breaking up with him—that would just be absurd. “Let’s get strawberry.”
“Guess we could get mango if you want that instead—”
“I’m not sharing drinks with you—”
“What? You tryna lose weight or something? Not like anyone but me is gonna see you when all you wear are those baggy hoodies all the time. Speaking of which, you should wear mine instead, they’d suit you better—”
“Listen.” You stop his rambling. “I’m not sharing drinks, and I’m not wearing your clothes. I’m not being silly, either. I’m being serious. It’s over—”
“No, it’s not.” His fist bangs against the table—the look in his eye on edge and twitchy. “I asked you why, and you had no good reason—so it’s not, not until you convince me.”
You had wanted to avoid it, but it seems he wouldn’t allow you the grace to spare him. That being said, you hadn’t meant to be so brutally honest…
“You’re a narcissist. You don’t treat me like a girlfriend. I’m more like a charity case or some type of experiment to you. Half the time, it feels as though you’re just playing a game with everyone in your life like pawns for you to shuffle around the board as you see fit.” You’re the one with the furrowed brows now, unable to bite your tongue as you’d kept it in all this time. “I think you should seek help and get your controlling tendencies straightened out before having any type of relationship. Or don’t. In any case, I don’t think I’m the right girl for you.”
There’s a silence. The chatter of the café seems distant. You feel half inclined to apologize as you look at him and stare down the glassy tabletop as if trying to find his reflection for comfort—but then he beats you to the punch.
“You’re right…” he starts softly, mustering the words, and you’re almost proud to see him take it so well, but then there’s a viscousness to his next words. “You’re not the right girl for me.”
When he looks up again, his face is warped—callous and seemingly disgusted by the sight of you. Something about it even seems to lash out at you, seeking revenge.
“I can’t believe I thought I saw something in you,” he sighs. “Turns out you’re exactly what everyone warned me you would be—just a plane-boring old Jane. What a joke—wasting so much time on something so worthless. Forget breaking up with me, I should have broken up with you a long time ago.”
He gets up in a rush and bears over the table, both palms laid flat upon the surface.
“Charity case?” he seethes, then conjures a fake laugh and an even faker grin. “I couldn’t have put it better myself. Enjoy sitting here alone like the loser you are.”
And even though you’re the one watching him walk away while ordering a chocolate sundae for yourself, you can’t help but feel sorry for the poor guy… 
That had been the most emotion you’d ever witnessed come from him.
Obviously, he doesn’t take it very well, stumbling through the café before bursting out the door, but even he’s surprised by how disheveled it had made him. He’s hyperventilating when the fresh air hits him, almost sprinting to his car so that he can lock himself inside it.
But the car only makes it worse as he’s far from alone in there. You’re everywhere. On the hood, waiting for him with a smile. In the rearview mirror, waving at him. In the seat next to him with a pout, asking if you can stay over. In the backseat, naked with a coy twinkle in your eye.
He knows! He has some of your underwear at home—he’ll threaten to pass them around campus unless you beg him to take you back. No, what’s he thinking!? You’ll never come back to him that way. Fuck, what can he do, what’s he supposed to do!? He just called you worthless—what that fuck was he thinking?!
The tears startle him as they drip down and splash upon his whitening knuckles, where he grips the wheel for dear life even as the car stays completely still—safe and sound in the same plot.
There’s a light pink lip balm on the dash. Yours. You must have left it there—maybe on purpose? No… you don’t play games like that. You’d been honest in the café. The fact terrifies him—his heart seems to want to reject it at all costs, the way it tears in his chest.
He picks the slim pink stick up and rolls it around in his hand, which can’t seem to stop shaking. You’d sat on his lap in this very seat, laughing at something dumb he’d said while applying the very same balm on his lip—kissing his forehead while saying something sweet. He knows it wasn’t, but he imagines you’d whispered that you loved him.
When he smears the balm around his lips this time, he imagines kissing you and your soft lips and that everpresent smile he never bothered telling you was pretty.
He’s such an idiot. The birds in the parking lot take flight at the jostling of his car, but no one hears the roar.
And as he sits there in the following silence, wallowing in his own self-pity and regret, he can’t help but feel like the lead of some angsty teen romance.
And like the lead in an angsty teen romance, he swears… whatever it takes… he will win you back.
You will be his again.
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks ♡ JJK – Gojo, Naoya, some young type of Sukuna, or Toji ♡ HQ – Tsukishima, Oikawa, Sakusa, Miya twins ♡ BLLK – Reo ♡ AOT – Eren
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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multi-fandoms-posts · 18 days
Unexpected Visitor(but somehow not)
X Men Masterlist
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It is a quiet afternoon in the small, secluded cabin that Y/N and Logan call home. The sun casts golden light through the windows, and a peaceful silence fills the air, interrupted only by the soft breathing of the baby sleeping in Y/N’s arms. Logan sits beside her on the couch, looking at the tiny figure with a look of sincere tenderness that few have ever seen on him.
“She’s beautiful,” Y/N murmurs softly, so as not to wake the baby.
Logan nods and gently strokes a finger over the tiny hand of their newborn child. “Yes, she is. Just like her mother.”
A smile touches Y/N’s face as she leans against Logan. It’s hard to believe that this moment of peace and happiness is truly their life. After all the struggles and dangers they’ve faced together, this serene family life seems almost like a dream.
But that dream is abruptly interrupted when the door bursts open with a loud bang and Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, storms in without warning. He is carrying an oversized baby carrier filled with colorful toys, and a silly baby hat with a wiggling propeller sits on his head.
“Daddy Logan and Mommy Y/N!” Wade exclaims enthusiastically, throwing his hands up in the air. “I’m here to entertain the baby and give you some parenting tips!”
Logan sighs deeply and closes his eyes for a moment, as if preparing himself to deal with Wade. “Wade, the baby is sleeping. Can you maybe… be a little quieter?”
Wade makes a face and loudly whispers, “Oh, of course! Sorry. I forgot you’ve gone soft now.”
Y/N suppresses a laugh and shakes her head. “Wade, this isn’t a toy store. We’re trying to get her to sleep.”
Wade sneaks closer and glances at the sleeping baby in Y/N’s arms. His expression softens for a moment, almost tender, before he suddenly reverts to his usual grinning mask. “She’s cuter than a frosting burrito! But seriously, folks, I never thought I’d see Logan as a loving dad. What happened to the wild Wolverine, huh?”
Logan lets out a soft growl, but Y/N soothingly places a hand on his shoulder. “He’s still the same Logan. Just with a new job being a dad.”
“I bet you’ve even learned how to change diapers, huh?” says Wade grins
Logan takes a deep breath to stay calm, “Yes, Wade. And if you don’t stop, you’ll be changing them next.”
“Don’t worry, big guy,” Wade grins back. “I’m just here to see if you now have a pacifier instead of your claws. But hey, I get it. Fatherhood can soften you up. But where’s the fun if you don’t stir up a bit of chaos now and then?”
“Wade,” Y/N begins patiently as she adjusts the baby into a more comfortable position, “we really just want some peace and quiet. You know this is new for us, right?”
Wade pretends to think, then nods as if he’s had a great idea. “You’re right! You need time to adjust to the new life. So I’ll be on my best behavior today. Promise!”
Logan looks at him skeptically. “I doubt that means anything good from you.”
But Wade ignores the comment and sits in an armchair opposite Y/N and Logan. He watches the baby attentively as she continues to sleep peacefully.
“You know, Logan,” Wade starts after a while, “I never thought you’d become so… tamed. But somehow, it suits you. The big, gruff Wolverine as a loving dad. It’s almost… heartwarming.”
Logan rolls his eyes, but it’s Y/N who responds. “Wade, life changes. People change. And Logan has always been more than just his claws.”
Wade nods in agreement. “Well, I guess I have to accept that. But tell me one thing, Logan what will you do when the little one gets a boyfriend? Will you show him your claws? Or maybe your best ‘I’ll tear you apart’ look?”
Logan smirks and replies in a dry tone, “I’ll show him that I’m very, very old and can be very, very dangerous. That usually suffices.”
Wade laughs loudly and nods approvingly. “I like that, Daddy Logan. Strict but fair.”
The baby stirs in Y/N’s arms and slowly opens her eyes as if awakened by Wade’s laughter. She looks up at Logan. “I’ll put her to bed,” murmurs Logan as he carefully stands up and takes the baby from Y/N. Wade watches him with an almost reverent look as Logan gently presses the little girl to his chest and takes her to her room.
Once Logan is out of earshot, Wade leans closer to Y/N and whispers conspiratorially, “He’s really gone soft, hasn’t he? The Wolverine we knew would have thrown me through the wall by now.”
Y/N laughs softly and shakes her head. “He’s still himself. But the love for our child has changed him in a way you might understand someday, Wade.”
Wade shrugs and puts his usual mask back on. “Maybe, maybe not. But I have to admit he’s not doing so badly as a dad. And if it comes down to it, I can always lend him a handful of grenades to keep the boys away.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Please, Wade. Leave the grenades out.”
Logan returns to the living room after successfully getting the little one to sleep. He gives Wade a warning look before sitting back down next to Y/N.
“You’re not actually planning to be quiet today, are you?” Logan asks, eyeing Wade warily.
Wade raises his hands in an innocent gesture. “I’ve been very restrained! But you have to admit, I’m the best babysitter option you have. No one else will take care of the little one as well while you get a break.”
Logan snorts. “Wade, if you ever babysit our child, I’ll make sure you’re under constant supervision.”
Wade grins widely. “Deal! But I bet she’ll love me. I mean, who can resist this face?”
Y/N tilts her head and regards Wade thoughtfully. “Alright, Wade. Maybe we’ll let you babysit sometime when we’re sure you can behave. But until then… maybe you could just keep us company without causing chaos.”
Wade pretends to bow. “A task I will undertake with pride! But if you ever need a bit of action, you know where to find me.”
Logan and Y/N exchange amused smiles as Wade settles into his chair and actually remains a relatively quiet guest for the rest of the afternoon. Of course, they know this won’t last forever. Wade remains Wade always ready with a crazy comment or an even crazier idea.
But for now, in this moment, everything is perfect. They are together as a family and even Wade somehow fits in.
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Gonna Take Care Of You
Bang Chan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Very suggestive and sexual wording.
A/N: This has been sitting in my documents for a couple years. Oops. Also not revised or edited.
Not my gif credit to owner.
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You let a small whimper leave your lips as Chan gave your neck a soft bite, his warm hands sneak underneath your t-shirt. “Chan we don’t have enough time for this, you guys start the show in 15 minutes. We can continue this later, I should’ve been seated with yours and Felix’s family already.” You said softly. “Mm. They can wait just need to feel you, need to touch my good luck charm before the show for extra luck.” He hummed pulling away from your neck to brush his nose against yours before pressing his pink plump lips to yours. You had to admit it was incredibly sexy when he was needy for you, but in this situation you worried about the start of the show and the fact you were supposed to be in your seat by now. “Baby, as much as I’d like you to fuck me until I can’t walk, you’ll have to wait.” You said softly ghosting your lips over his. “But trust me it’ll be worth the wait. Now get you sexy ass on that stage.” You giggle before giving a teasing tap onto his butt. The action causing him to let out a soft chuckle before grabbing your chin between his thumb and index finger. “Fine, but when we get back to the hotel you better be ready for a long night.” He smirked. His expression softened leaning in to kiss you one more time before giving you a soft smile. “You really are my good luck charm. I love you little mouse.” You smiled at the silly nickname he had given not to long after you started working with him. “I love you too. I’ll see you after the show.”
As usual you loved watching the concerts the boys put on, but being able to watch it with some of their family in Sydney made it even better. Chris’ family embraced you soon after you were introduced to them. Same went for Felix’s family becoming close to both of their sisters. Though because of the flight restrictions and not enough free time it had been years since you’ve seen them, except for Hannah, so when Chris had some rare time off he had invited you to go with him to spend time with his family. Unfortunately you didn’t have any free time when it came to your own work schedule to go with him, plus you both couldn’t risk seen together in public especially without the other members. Even though you had been in a relationship with him for almost 5 years, JYP wanted to keep it secret and so did you and Chris; not wanting to make the relationship public because the both of you valued privacy.
After the concert, you were escorted to the hotel in a separate car arriving 10 minutes before the boys even left the venue. You knew that once Chan came back to the hotel he’d want to wash up, so you leaned down grabbing him some clean comfy clothes before doing the same thing for yourself and setting them on the bed. This was one of the things you liked to do when you both are home and especially when you came to stay with him on tour, you liked making sure he was properly taken care of. After setting out the clean clothes you then proceeded to the bathroom to take off your makeup and put your hair up before changing into some sleep shorts and a big t-shirt. Grabbing your laptop you walked over to the bed and climbed up so your back was against the headboard, you had left for the venue before you could finish up the bit of work you had left to do.
You had been so focused that you didn’t hear Chan walk into the room until you felt a hand on your ankle causing you to jump. “Sorry baby, didn’t mean to scare you.” He said as he laid on his side facing you, as his hand that was still on your ankle rubbed up and down your leg. You hummed closing your laptop setting it on the night stand, leaning forward to run your fingers through his hair. “I got your clothes and toiletries set up for you on the bathroom counter, I’ll order us some food as well. I’m sure you’re hungry.” You said softly giving him a small smile. He smiled at you lovingly softly grabbing your hand and placed a soft kiss to the back of it. “God how did I get so lucky.” He said softly. Chris’ lips soon turned into a seductive smile. “You know, I am hungry but I think I’m hungry for something a bit sweeter; definitely my favorite meal and the best part is only I get to enjoy this delicacy.” His soft plump lips start to slowly kiss up your leg closest to him brown eyes glued to your face, he loved pulling reactions from you especially when he would touch and kiss anywhere that wasn’t your lips. “You take such good care of me, now it’s my turn.” You blushed looking away from his heated gaze, your could feel your panties dampen and your vaginal walls flutter around nothing just aching to be filled. “Baby girl look at me.” Chris said voice deep with lust. You bit your lip looking at him but you continued to struggle to keep your eyes on him.
God he loved that after 5 years he could still make you flustered with just one look, touch or word. “Is my princess being shy?” He smirked already knowing the answer he stood up before taking off his shirt and gripped your ankles pulling you to the end off the bed kneeling between your legs and nuzzled his nose against your clothed core, the action causing you to let out a tiny whimper as you sat up on your forearms to watch him. “Damn you smell heavenly. Gonna take such good care of you baby, just like you take good care of me.” He placed kisses on each of your thighs before looking up at you for permission, his beautiful brown eyes were now darkened with lust and a hint of pure love. You bit your lip before giving a small nod, before you knew it he pressed a kiss to your center that was still covered before sliding your shorts and panties down in one swift yet gentle tug. “You ready baby girl? Because this is just the beginning of a long night.” You let a whimper in excitement and anticipation, the sound caused the already sexually charged man to smirk. This man was going to be the death of you.
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thepastdied · 1 year
Some Fun
eddie munson × fem!reader smut
Summary: You are Dustin's cousin and meet Eddie for the first time. Things get hot.
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Loud laughter erupted from the dining room, echoing throughout the Henderson home and up the stairs.
Your eyes snapped open, frantically looking around.
"What the hell.." You murmered.
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and stretched. It was just about 6pm, though still fairly bright out on this summer day, and the sky glowed a beautiful orange that poured through your bedroom window.
You'd just gotten back from college over on the East Coast. Every summer you come back to your aunts house, where you will stay for the next few months before returning back to your university. She was like a mother to you. And Dustin, Dustin was like a brother.
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You kicked the covers off of you and swung your legs off the side of the bed before slumping over to your dresser. You'd regretfully overslept, your nap only meaning to be a couple hours, and now felt more tired than you did after finishing those chores this morning.
You changed out of your sweaty clothes and pulled on some pajama shorts, a tank top, and fixed your hair. More laughter came from the first floor, and you scrunched your eyebrows. Mike is so obnoxious..
Your feet padded against the hard wood floor of the hallway as you made your way downstairs.
"Hey." You threw an effortless greeting at the kids without looking up.
You sighed and went into the kitchen to get a glass from the cupboard. Your eyes flickered over to the dining room, the table half in view, to see the boys who've grown up far too quickly chuckling with one another.
Lucas so happened to look over and smiled as he gave you a small wave. Mike noticed, and so did Dustin, causing them all to turn around.
"You look like a fucking zombie." Mike cringed at you.
Your jaw dropped as you scoffed and shook your head.
"Well, I did sleep for literally 4 hours." You pointed out.
"Thought atleast one of you little shits would have woken me up so I could get you dinner". You added in annoyance before moving to the fridge.
You rummaged around before finally retrieving the lemon you'd been looking for and moving back into the boys' view.
"Well, Eddie already ordered us pizza since you were too busy sleeping," Dustin said.
"Child neglect." Mike just had to throw at you, causing you to mouth a 'shut the fuck up' in his direction.
"Wait, who?" You raised an eyebrow at them as you grabbed a knife from the drawer.
A head appeared out from behind the wall, scaring the living hell out of you and causing you to almost throw your knife.
"JESUS FUCK! You scared- oh, wow, hi" You stared at the brown eyed boy who had a silly grin on his face and instantly blushed. 'oh wow' Really!?
He snorted out a laugh as he stepped forward, a heavily ringed hand sticking out in front of you.
"I, my lovely maiden, am Eddie. Eddie the Banished." His eyes flickered down at your body before locking back onto yours. "My last name is actually Munson.. not Banished."
The boys began to talk with one another again and you were grateful, considering you were making a complete fool out of yourself.
You reached forward to grab his hand as you shyly laughed.
"I'm.." You blinked a couple of times. His eyebrows raised and disappeared into his fluffy bangs in anticipation. You somehow forgot your name.
"-y/n." You blurted out.
He grinned widely, revealing his perfect teeth and deep smile lines, head lightly bowing as he held your hand before letting go.
"Well, we were just about to throw a movie on - if you wanted to join." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and puffed his chest out.
You slowly nodded a few times, the gears in your brain having trouble working properly.
"This is a scary movie we are talking about, I hope?" You tilted your head in question.
"Is Children of the Corn scary enough for you?" He leaned his tall frame against the wall, one leg crossing over the other coolly.
You bit the inside of your cheek. Scary movies never really got to you. But if you get to sit next to him then.. suddenly, you find this movie terrifying.
"I should be able to hold myself together." You smirked up at him.
You turned around to go back to your task of cutting up the lemon for your water. Eddie didn't move an inch and instead raked his eyes down your body. You glanced over to him, his eyes fixated on your bare thighs. You cleared your throat.
"I can meet you guys in the living room?" You spoke without looking at him. You didn't want him to feel flustered about you catching him staring.
"Y-yeah, sure." He clumsily scurried to where the kids were.
You released a long breath and held your aching chest as he disappeared into the other room.
Eddie gave the kids pizza while you went to grab blankets for everyone. The larger couch in the living room has a pullout bed where the three boys stayed huddled together with the large pizza box in the center. You found it adorable, just like the old days.
"You need help up there?" Eddie calls up the stairs.
Your tongue sticks out from between your lips as you stretch your arms as high as you can to reach the top shelf of the closet.
"I'm- shit..!" Your fingers graze the corner of the blanket before your toes give out, and you slumped back onto your feet.
Eddie reaches the top of the stairs just as you slap your hands to your side in defeat.
"Please.." You sigh as you wipe the sweat from your forehead.
He chuckles and (unnecessarily) walks behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he easily grabs the blanket and tosses it over your head. You flail your arms and bunch it into your chest, sending him a playful glare, your hair messy and in your face.
"Eddie the Banished is about to really get banished." You lean forward and narrow your eyes as you blow the stray hairs out of your face.
"You are gonna banish me? Sweetheart, I'd like to see you try." He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and wiggles his eyebrows.
"Oh my god, what does that even mean?" You slap his arm at his supposed dirty remark.
He holds where your hand made contact and throws himself against the wall, sliding down until he is a heap on the floor.
"No- no! Please! Don't banish me- I'll do anything!" He pleads as he grabs your ankle.
Your hand covers your mouth as you giggle at his over the top theatrics. He is fucking insane..
"Eddie.. get off the floor." You shake your head in disbelief.
"That's what you want me to do? I was hoping it would be something more like... you know-" He pauses his pleas and whispers.
"Wha- Eddie, get up!" You reach down and grab his arm, as if that will do anything.
He wears a mischievous smile as he stands and shakes his hair. You close your eyes and breathe out before walking past him to go downstairs. The boys didn't seem to notice either of you were gone and as you rounded the corner to the living room Eddie grabbed your arm.
"Hey, you should sit with me." His eyes flicked between yours, nervous that you'd say no.
You nodded your head and continued to the living room, blinking a few times as you see each of the boys already had their own blanket.
"Where did you get those?" You pointed to each of them.
Dustin looked at you as if you were stupid and pointed go the door on the opposite side of the living room. "The closet."
You stared blankly as they continued their conversation and looked at Eddie. His tongue was in his cheek as he stared back smirking and patted the cushion next to him on the empty couch. A wave of anxiety hit you as you approached him and slumped down. Eddie came upstairs after you. He must have known the kids already had blankets. You stilled when his thigh touched yours as he spread his legs.
Dustin shut the lights and started the movie, the entire room being enveloped in darkness.
You looked down at Eddie's legs and felt your heartbeat thump in your chest.
And Eddie, he was looking at your crossed legs and didn't miss the way they were clenching together.
The past thirty minutes have felt like an eternity. You were practically dripping into your shorts.
Your eyes shot down as Eddie moved one of his hands to his thigh and rubbed his palm against his rough jeans, slowly working his fingers toward you. You jumped when his fingertips barely grazed the outside of your thigh. He turned his head to look at you as he did it again, watching your chest rise as you took in a sharp breath. You let him put his whole hand on your thigh and leaned your leg into the touch. His hair tickled your shoulder as he grazed his lips against your ear.
"Is this okay, sweetheart?" He rubbed his thumb in circles and moved his hand slowly toward the inside of your thigh.
You silently nodded and moved the blanket onto your lap, spreading your thighs just a little.
Eddie hummed as he sat upright again and looked over to where the kids sat. Your fingers grabbed his wrist before they were able to meet your pussy. He quickly looked at you, understanding your knowing look.
You sat like that for the remainder of the movie. His hand on your inner thigh and both of you excruciatingly horny, though unable to go further for obvious reasons.
"Welp. We're gonna go for a bike ride." Dustin stood up and stretched, the others following suit as he flicked the table lamp on. They began to grab the empty soda cans from the side table.
"A bike ride now? It's going on 8pm -"
Eddie ripped his hand from your leg and stood up, discreetly fixing himself in his pants.
"We can clean up here, shoo shoo. Be back in an hour so we can watch another movie, the night is still young my sheepies!" Eddie shooed them away with his hands and pushed them out the door, each of them giving eachother puzzled looks.
You stood from the couch as Eddie came back into the room and began throwing the trash away while he moved the remaining pizza to the kitchen. There was so much tension that it was unbearable.
"So.." He started. Geez.. now it's even more awkward.
You really, really needed him. Anything from him.
You raised an eyebrow at him as he moved to sit on the couch again, roughly patting his lap. "Come here."
You shifted on your feet and rung your fingers together. The way your legs rubbed together made you want to moan- that's how desperate you were.
He spread his legs out and licked his bottom teeth as you stood in front of him. You put your hands on his shoulders as you moved to straddle his lap.
"Fuck.." He breathed out as his hands gripped your waist and pulled you tighter to him.
You turned your head in embarrassment of the situation.
"Hey-" He moved one hand to your jaw.
"Look at me." Eddie's voice was soft. You did as he said.
"Would it be cool if I like.. kissed you?" He asked before he pursed his lips and scrunched his eyes shut. As if you'd say no?
You giggled at his bashfullness as your hands moved from his shoulders to his chest.
He opened one eye to peek at you and then shut it again to shake his head in a giddy manner.
"Eddieeee.." You whined.
He opened his eyes and lightly laughed before leaning forward and brushing his nose against yours. You smiled when his breath touched your lips, causing him to laugh. He mumbled an apology before moving one hand to the back of your neck and drawing you into a soft kiss. You pulled apart for only a second before he roughly pulled you flush into him, your gasp being silenced by his mouth.
Eddie's fingers raked down your back and to your ass, gripping you hard and moving his hips up into you. You moaned and rolled your hips. He tore his mouth from yours and let his head fall back, his hair dangling over the back of the couch as you sat up.
"Holy fucking s-shit" He moaned with an open mouth and then clenched his jaw as he groaned.
You throbbed when you saw his neck muscles tense up. His chest was hot under your hands as you trailed them down to his pelvis, where you snaked your fingers under his shirt. Your hips ground into him, his jeans giving just the right amount of rough friction to throw you over the edge. His fingers tightened on your ass when you leaned down, tits pressing against his chest, as you latched your mouth onto his neck. You moaned as you felt your slick gush against your panties.
"Woah that.. that's f-fucking good." Eddie shivered as you licked and sucked up his neck to behind his ear.
His dick was rock-hard under you as you rolled your hips against it. Eddie moved his hands in between your bodies as you continued to devour his neck, his breath quaking while he fumbled with his belt and undid his jeans.
Only the thin layer of his boxers was keeping his raw dick hidden from you. You sat up and wiped the saliva from your mouth with the back of your hand. Eddie's head remained on the back of the couch as he rolled it to the side to look at you. His hair was pushed back on one side revealing the dark marks you left on his neck. He probably has no idea. You smirked.
You palmed him through his boxers and could feel the wetness of his precum seeping through. He groaned from his throat and bucked his hips up into your hand.
"Please.." He breathed out, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed.
You quickly stood up and removed your shorts, keeping the panties, before sitting back down. Eddie's mouth hung open while he watched your every move.
You positioned your clothed pussy over him and lightly dragged it along his boxers. You sighed in pleasure as the warmth of his dick met your pussy. You felt your slick slide between your folds as you pressed into him, letting your head fall back as you moaned his name.
"Y-you're.. oh god, you're so wet. You're gushing I can f-feel it." He pulled his head up and looked down where your bodies met. Your juices were seeping out of your panties and onto his covered dick.
"Wanna cum on you.." You mumbled, entire body heating up.
Eddie laughed from his throat and frantically nodded.
"And you will, baby. You're gonna fall apart just f'me, huh?" He put one hand back on your ass and another down to your pussy, running his fingers along the outside of your panties. "Fucking soaking.."
He held his hand in front of your face, sticking his glistening fingers together and separating to show the strings of your slick. Both of your breaths were hot and shallow as you continued to grind into him.
"Mm.. never tasted pussy before." He brought his fingers to his mouth and stuck his long tongue out, licking a long strip along his fingers as his dark eyes bore into yours and he moaned at the taste.
"Oh my god-" You choked out a moan and your nails dug into the skin of his waist as you began to roll your hips faster.
"Shit shit shit shit-" Eddie gasped and sat up, holding you by your waist and meeting his hips with each of your movements.
He mouthed at your collarbone and shamelessly moaned as you tangled your fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck. His teeth grazed your skin before he lightly bit down and messily kissed a trail up to your mouth. You bit and licked into eachothers mouths.
"Fuck yeah, just like that." He moaned into your mouth as your fast pace brought both of you closer to cumming. "Wanna-" He grunted as his movements stuttered. "Wanna come with you, sweetheart."
"Mhm.. mhm I'm close. R-really close." You kissed him deeper as he got more sloppy, one of his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you against him while another hand came to grab your face. His tongue was almost down your throat, not that you were complaining. You tore away from him and babbled incoherently, head falling slack to your shoulder as your hips jerked against his as you reached your high. A loud cry rang throughout the room as you arched your back and fisted his hair tighter, legs beginning to shake with over stimulation.
"Okay.. woah that's hot -kay.. okay, okay, okay- FUCK." He let out a long guttural moan as he flopped backwards onto the couch.
Spurts of warmth spread from underneath you, both of your juices mixing together. Your chest heaved as you looked him over. He panted as he looked at you, his hair wild and splayed out across the back of the couch, some sticking to his cheeks, and his face flushed and sweaty. He gulped and wiped his face with the sleeve of his Hellfire shirt.
"C'mere.." Eddie motioned you closer, smiling like a complete dope while trying to catch his breath.
You layed on him and breathed out a relaxed sigh as he kissed the side of your head.
"Next time.. maybe we could go in my room?" You speak quietly against his chest, his heart thumping loudly in your ear.
"Next time!? Goddam.. you'll be the death of me, baby. Of course." His chest vibrated at he spoke, belly shaking when he laughed.
You sat up enough to look at his face.
"So you liked it then..?" You leaned in and pecked his lips.
"Seriously?" He grinned widely, just as he did when you first met only hours ago.
"That.. was fun. Shit."
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stayfortwominutes · 1 year
💭 reaction | bangchan
prompt; first time sharing a bed
disclaimers; a bit suggestive*, petnames, reader is described to have a fuller figure, no depictions of the members' personalities, actions or thoughts reflect their true character.
pairing; bang chan x female reader.
content; fluff, comfort, established relationship | word count; 800+
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the downpour came without much warning. abrupt surges of thunder echoed in the street followed by the heavy pelting of thick rain drops against the pavement. believing the weather would soon clear up, y/n and Chan chose to wait out the storm. after a few hours passed, they had already cleared dinner, and finished washing up.
"fancy staying the night? I'll take the couch as usual," chan called down the hallway. as the words floated to y/n, she found herself smiling. he was ever the gentleman, and throughout their steady eight month relationship, chan was cautious to push any boundaries, especially those regarding personal space.
with her face towel in hand, y/n sauntered into the room. chan was stood at the side of the bed, lovingly fluffing the pillows before quickly dashing a spritz of his perfume in the air and fanning it with his hand to evenly distribute the scent. y/n had often complimented his fragrance choices, and he knew a light touch of it on his borrowed sheets would be comforting. sneaking behind his busied figure, y/n secured her arms around his waist.
"baby girl, have you finished showering already?" he asked, his eyes forming crescents as his gaze fell upon her.
"mmmh," y/n dazedly replied, her senses overcome with the soft, warmth of his perfume and the sleepiness that could not be kept at bay.
chan leant down, placing his hands on either side of y/n's shoulder, giving them a gentle squeeze, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. y/n's cheeks and his own both tinged with hues of pink. the two were still full with the giddiness of puppy love despite their long term status. y/n still felt hesitant, she also did not want to push. chan had already made his way to the door, hand resting on the knob when y/n spoke.
"couldn't we share tonight? the thunder is sort of loud." in the smallest voice, y/n mumbled her question.
chan knew y/n well enough that thunder was neither a concern nor threat, and that she could sleep through the end of the world.
he chuckled to himself, responding with a cheerful "yes."
natually, chan took the side of the bed that wasn't to the wall. y/n settled herself on her left side to face him, but oddly enough, her boyfriend had bundled himself closer to the edge, and she wondered how he hadn't fallen off already.
"i didn't realise how small this bed was for two," y/n uttered. despite her low voice, the sound seemed the fill the room, as the rumbling thunder silenced at that precise moment.
slowly, thoughts of self consciousness took residence in her mind: was chan keeping his space on purpose? was he not ready to be in such an intimate situation yet?
"y/n?" he called out to no response, only the lively hum of the air conditioning could be heard.
"y/n?" he voiced again, a little louder. this time he successfully pulled her from her thoughts. the frown on her face evident under the moonlight that shone through the window.
"baby, what are you thinking about that has you so spaced out?" y/n met his eyes, a shadow half covering his face. unsure if it was the nerves of being within such close proximity or being so tired, y/n took the chance. "are you uncomfortable being this close to me? i can move to the couch, i don't want you to fall off and hurt yourself."
chan sat upright, blinking before taking his head in his hands.
"y/n- baby," he began, turning to face her.
"i was worried about making you uncomfortable. and i won't lie, the way your hips fill out my shirt had me a little preoccupied. i didn't want you to think i was trying to make a move the first time we slept together."
hearty laughter erupted from y/n, "my goodness, how silly could i be? i thought you were being extra careful because you weren't feeling it. i wanted us to cuddle..."
making grabby hands towards chan, the man was quick to shuffle over to her, scooping her up in his arms so y/n's head lay in the crevice of his shoulder as his arm snaked around her waist.
the couple silently admired each other's features in the dark as the rain seemed to calm. the placid atmosphere and shared warmth of their bodies lulled them further into a slumber.
"goodnight, my precious channie," y/n whispered, before gently pecking the tip of his nose. her right hand now tucked against his chest, the rhythmic beating of his heart mellowing her previous nerves.
y/n could remember a chaste kiss falling upon her cheek before she was out like a light.
"sleep well, baby girl."
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consider reading more: masterlist
notes; i enjoyed writing this piece, and hopefully i can get to the other members too. please let me know if you have any feedback. © stayfortwominutes ; august 14, 2023.
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
Hey can I pls request asking bf chan if you can give him a handjob for the first time and then making him cum all over your hand 🤭
This took me to a headspace that is currently causing brain rot so thank you for ruining me 😭This is a lot longer than I intended for it to be but I promise its worth it lol Enjoy! 💕
Free Time - Boyfriend!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader - Imagine
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings under the cut
✨Part 2: First Time✨
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Warnings: Cursing, Cum tasting (for like a second), that should be all of the warnings? So Sorry if I missed any!
Reader is Called: Baby, Babygirl
Chan is called: Babe
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Your relationship with Chan was nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and sexual tension. The two of you have only been dating for six months and you both agreed to take it very slow when it came to physical intimacy. You’ve done some stuff like making out, teasing each other over your clothes and even a bit of dry humping while making out but you have yet to fully expose yourselves to each other.
Today was one of Chan’s very rare days off and he promised to spend every second of it with you instead of working. The two of you spent the day doing absolute nonsense, you stayed in bed until noon and then ordered the most tasty yet unhealthy breakfast that you could imagine. Neither of you bothered to get dressed, you wore a flimsy tank top and panties and he wore nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. The two of you flipped through channels and played uno a couple of times until he got sick of losing. You played a silly game of hide and seek and even had a pillow fight. Your entire day seemed to come straight out of a rom com and you weren’t mad at that one bit. As it got later in the day your energy seemed to die down just a bit, the two of you decided to just chill and listen to music about two hours ago but it only brought your burst of energy back when Chan decided to try and teach you the choreo to Red Lights.
“You know I suck at dancing” You laughed as you tried to follow along with his directions.
“I know but this one is so easy.” He chuckled as he watched you mess up the move for the millionth time.
“I quit.” 
You playfully throw your hands up in defeat and move to change the song since the two of you have now listened to the Red Lights a gazillion times. Chan plops down on the couch, and you study him quickly as you move to sit next to him. He’s sweating slightly from trying to teach you the choreography and he’s slouched into the couch and man spreading in such a sexy way that you almost think that you’re crazy for thinking it. As you sit next to him your eyes catch a glimpse of the slight tent in his black shorts and you can’t help but to stare for a bit. Luckily, Chan has his head tilted and resting on the back of the couch with his eyes closed as he breathes softly, if it weren’t for his slight exhaustion your staring wouldn’t be all that subtle.
“What time is it?” He asks with a sigh as he lifts his head to look at the digital clock on the wall in front of you two. “Oh wow, ten o’clock already? It feels like it's six.” 
You chuckle and nod but your mind is on anything but the time right now. You quickly glance down at the outline of Chan’s member through his shorts before moving closer to him and throwing your leg over his knee and laying your head on his chest. 
“What should we do now? We’ve spent the entire day being adult children.” Chan wraps his arm around your shoulder slightly holding you against him and his fingers start tracing imaginary circles into your skin. 
“We could try to wind down for the night. Maybe I’ll go shower and you can do your little night time routine, put on your diffuser and dim the lights and stuff.” You smiled at the fact that he knew you so well, there was a certain atmosphere you liked to create in the house before you went to bed. You liked everything to feel soft and sensual but you weren’t sure if you were ready to give up the hyper fun vibes that were weaved into today quite yet. 
“Maybe” You moved your leg, throwing it over both of his and positioned yourself so that you were straddling him. “Or we could enjoy each other's company a bit longer.”
Chan’s hands found a home on your waist as he looked up at you with bright playful eyes. “Yeah? How would you like to enjoy my company, babygirl?”
His lips turned into a grin and he bit his tongue slightly in anticipation. You stared down at him with the same sparkling look in your eyes but your gaze was less playful, there was a glaze of lust over your eyes that Chan was slowly noticing. You know that he noticed it because you could feel the evidence hardening near your heat. 
“I think you know how.” You whispered as you leaned down towards his ear and left small kiss down his jawline. He let out a low groan as you continued to pepper light kisses all over his neck.
“Baby, what exactly is it that you want to do?” 
“Well, I still want to take it slow with you.” You kissed the shell of his ear in between sentences. “But, I saw that you were semi-hard and now I can feel that you’re completely bricked up.”
You chuckle lightly when Chan moans quietly from you sucking on his earlobe. “So, I was thinking that maybe… I could give you a hand job?”
You pull away from his neck to get a glimpse of his facial expression and honestly you can’t tell how he feels about it. You’ve never seen such an expression on his face before, it almost looks like a cross between excitement and confusion.
“You want to jerk me off?” He asks bluntly, making you blush slightly. You shake your head in confirmation and Chan swallows hard as his eyes search yours “Are you sure”
“I’m so so sure” You slowly get off of his lap and stand in front of him. He takes you in for a second, your pretty cotton panties are hugging your hips and your tank top is so thin that it might as well not exist. One of your tank top straps is falling off of your shoulder and your hair is back in a messy ponytail, his hungry eyes scanning you only makes him harder and his dick twitches as a result. You notice the movement and smile towards him.
“Can I? Are you okay with that?” He shakes his head before managing to get a meek ‘yes’ out of his mouth. You drop to your knees in front of him and trail your hands up his calves and then up his thighs under his shorts. Chan holds his breath for a second as you get closer to his member but he shakily exhales when you move your hands back down his legs. 
He watches your every move and keeps a close eye on your body language, he wants to make sure that you enjoy yourself too. You smile up at him as you excitedly sit up on your knees and reach for the waistline of his shorts giving them a slight tug before dipping them down and freeing his hard cock. You’ve only ever felt his member during make out sessions or when he got hard from you being on top of him, this is the first time that you’ve ever seen his cock and gosh to say that you’re impressed would be an understatement. You shimmy his shorts down a bit more down his thighs before lightly touching his hard dick and taking in just how perfect it looked. It’s a bit darker than the rest of his body and has a pretty prominent vein running along the bottom of it. The tip of his cock is red and dripping in anticipation and only one thought pops into your head.
“I did this to you?” He grins down at you and shakes his head.
“You always do, baby.” You grin back at him before running your hand up and down his shaft a couple of times trying to get used to the feel of his smooth skin and get accustomed to his thickness. “Fuck”
Chan’s head falls back against the couch at the friction and it only encourages you to do more. You lightly run your hand over the head of his cock and his hips slightly buck into your hand. You rub the pre-cum leaking from his cock across his tip with your thumb and he moans at the sensation.
“Baby, I’m really sensitive. It’s been awhile.” You shake your head in acknowledgement before spitting in your free hand and bringing it to his shaft. He watches as you take your second hand and smear your spit over his cock. A low groan erupts from his throat as his brows furrowed and he bites his lip slightly. 
“Tell me if I do anything you don’t like or if I can do anything different, okay?” He shakes his head with a slight smirk.
“Of course but you’re doing fucking amazing right now.” You shake your head before bringing your hand back up to your mouth and spitting in it again. You wet his cock and then slowly start to stroke him with your wet hand. “Oh fuck.” 
You try to keep a consistent rhythm while you pump his length, slowly increasing the speed as he melts into your touch. “Just like that, don’t slow down.” 
You maintain the speed that he likes but you decide to spice it up a little. You lick your other hand and wrap it around his tip, stroking up and down at the same pace that you're stroking his shaft. His hips buck into your hand again and he runs a hand through his hair before taking a hand full in his fist and slightly pulling at it. “Oh baby, you’re doing so fucking good.” 
Your mouth waters a bit as you watch how he reacts to you. His facial expressions and the way that his toes curl at the pleasure makes you want to give him more. You can’t help but to wonder what he’d be like when the two of you decide to take it all the way. 
You change up your technique a bit and start twisting your fists side to side in a screwing motion making sure to cover his entire tip with your hand. A deep groan leaves Chan’s throat as your hands work over him. 
“You like it, babe?” You ask in a bit of a cocky yet sexy tone, it feels good to see the effect that you have on him. You can barely imagine what it’ll be like the first time you use your mouth on him. 
“I love it.” He moans out “Can you twist your hands and go up and down at the same time, baby”
You hum in response before doing exactly as he asks. His head falls back against the couch again and his back arches slightly.  “Shit, babygirl, so perfect.”
You raise up on your knees a bit and spit down onto his cock making sure to keep it nice and wet, Chan groans at the sight and his free hand reaches forward and lightly grips your chin making you look into his eyes. With his brows still furrowed he dips his tongue out of the side of his mouth and bites it lightly before shaking his head. 
“You’re so pretty jerking my cock like that.” A low moan escapes you as your eyes flutter shut momentarily and your lips part slightly. You bite your lip a bit as you keep his eye contact. Suddenly, his eyes shut tightly and his brows raise before furrowing again and his lips pull into a thin line. You lean forward a bit spitting down onto his cock again and the wet sounds that fill the room make the scene nearly feel pornographic. Chan opens his eyes and his mouth falls open as he shakes his head to encourage you to keep up what you’re doing. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” He groans out and you swear that it’s the hottest thing that you’ve ever heard him say while you’ve been with him. You keep your hands going to a steady pace squeezing a bit more to give him a tighter feel. “Baby..” He moans out  and you moan back in response.
His grip on your chin loosens slowly before he retracts his hand to bring both of them up behind his head to grab at his hair as his breathing quickens and his hips buck lightly fucking himself into your hand. “Just like that” 
You keep your eyes on his and you watch as his cheeks start to turn red and he fights to keep his eyes on yours. “Fuck.. I’m..” His head falls back and he moans out loudly, you feel his cock twitch in your hands and you moan as you watch his first stream of cum fall against your hand.
“I’m fucking cumming” He grunts out and you slow down your movements as you watch his cum spurt out in hot bursts that cover your hands and drip down to the hardwood. Chan lets out a deep sigh and starts deep breathing to slow his heart rate. You slowly stop twisting with both hands and instead use one to jerk him lightly to ensure that you get every last drop from him. 
“There’s so much.” You whisper to yourself but Chan hears you and chuckles lightly.
“I told you that it's been a while.” He lifts his head to look at you, his hands let go of his hair and fall to his side. You haven’t let go of his now softening member yet and it’s purely because your curiosity is getting the best of you right now. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just.. I want to taste it.” Chan’s brows furrow again but before he can ask what you mean you bring your cum covered hand up to your mouth and take a small taste. His eyes widen as he watches your tongue dip out and lick his arousal, a small groan leaves his lips as you look into his eyes and lick it again, taking a bit more this time. 
“Not bad.” You shrug before standing from your spot between his legs.
“That was fucking hot.” He watches a smile creep up on your lips and you shake your head playfully. 
“Come on, let's clean up and wind down. You made a mess on the floor.” 
“Oh yeah I made a mess.” He laughs as he stands trying to avoid the puddle of his cum on the floor. You both go to the bathroom and clean yourselves up. Chan pulls up his shorts and just when you’re about to leave the bathroom he grabs your shirt lightly and his hand finds your waist pulling you back into him. 
“Thank you for that. You really were amazing, so so perfect.” He plants a kiss on your neck and you giggle, smiling wide. 
“It was my pleasure.” His fingers caress your sides as he leans into your ear.
“Your turn?” You blush immediately as you look over your shoulder to your smiling boyfriend. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Maybe.” You shake your ass against him teasingly before breaking free from his hold and sashaying away. He watches you with hungry eyes and you can feel his gaze on you. Maybe you won't be winding down anytime soon. 
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eveandtheturtles · 10 months
"The Bath Tub Incident"
Pairing: Bayverse!Leo X You
Summary: A little mishap in your apartment ends with you needing to stay a bit with the brothers. They are curious what happened.
Rating: Strong T for some words and topic I guess lol
A/N: everyone mentioned are 20+ y.o.
A/N2: do you ever see a post on Tumblr and it is too fucking funny to not torment Leo with it? Here we go.
Tag train: @madammuffins @tinkabelle19 @leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @raphsmuneca @m1dnyt3-w0lf @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @fyreball66 @dilucsflame33 @scholastic-dragon
"Hey, Leo?" Donnie looked at his eldest brother over the breakfast table.
"Yeah?" Leo replied then took a bite of his sandwich.
"Not that I have any business in it but I think we both are kind of wandering," Donnie took a glance at Mikey and Raph, who were now listening in like hawks. "And don't get me wrong I love your girlfriend, we all do..."
"Can you just get to the point?" Leo hated when Donnie was beating around the bush like that. He knew exactly where the genius bastard was going. He was mortified of the question but like, just get over it.
"Right, so how exactly did that bathtub brake?"
"Well, Donnie, as you said before it isn't-" Leo started, through his gritted teeth.
"We tried to have sex in it and we slipped," you cut him off.
Leo covered his face. Here it comes.
"I TOLD YOU!" Mikey jumped up banging hands on the table. He started silly dancing around the table. "I was right, I was right, oh yeah. Who's right? It's Mikey!"
Raph was too busy howling in laughter, while Donnie looked like the smuggest motherfucker on Earth.
"This is what I was trying to avoid!" Leo hissed to you.
You shrugged and stuffed your mouth with pancakes. "What were you going to tell them? That the Foot invaded my bathroom?"
The look on his face told you everything.
"Oh, my god!" You swallowed quickly not to choke on your food.
"I was going to stage things up a little!" He tried to defend himself.
"Like how?!"
"I don't know!" He threw his hands up.
Next to you Raph was crying laughing, his head on the table banding his fist on it.
"You ripped my shower fixture and bent my tub! You wanted to add more to the damage cost?!" You gaped at the audacity.
"It seemed like good idea at the time!" Leo hid his face in his hands. Hiding his shame.
"Y'all owe me 20 bucks!!" Mikey shouted from across the lair. His arms in the air. Hero posing.
"You are so lucky your dick snapped last night bc I swear to god-" You started and Leo made a whiny noise.
Donnie made a zoom on Leo's face. This was going into family archive of the most embarrassing breakfasts folder.
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poemsforchan · 7 months
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
summary: you meet Chan at a club and things get steamy from there.
word count: 3,579 words
warnings: NSFW, chan is always referred to as Chris, might be ooc?, mentions of alcohol, a lot of kissing, reader gets called pretty, sexual activities in the car, naked humping, thoughts of raw sex, that is all I can remember.
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The blinding lights of the club hurt your eyes when you walk through the door. The stuffy air and loud music hit you full force and you almost feel like turning around and going back outside, where the atmosphere was chillier and less suffocating. Your friend’s hand on yours is what makes you move forward, navigating through the sea of bodies with a quick “Sorry!” or “Excuse me.” being thrown into the air even though no one could really hear you. Your friend lets go of your hand when you reach the bar, immediately trying to get the bartender’s attention to order a drink. In the meantime, you look around the place in hopes of seeing your other friends you were supposed to meet. You suspect it would have been better to meet up outside the club. You shoot up a quick text to the group chat and wait for a response, expecting at least one of them to check their phone. Your friend returns to you with a big smile and a colorful drink in her hand and she promptly drags you to the dance floor, swinging from side to side to the beat of the song. It doesn't take long until you spot your friends and you move from your spot to stand beside them, exchanging hugs and loud words.
You dance with your friends for a bit, screaming lyrics and laughing as they make you twirl and do some silly dance steps. Mid twirl your eyes catch the stranger standing near the wall. He’s not alone, two other guys standing next to him with drinks in their hands and they laugh at something, but he’s staring only at you. The man is cute and very much attractive with dark hair, full lips and big muscles but you don’t stare at him for long, a bit too shy at the intense eye contact but you can almost feel him look at you even with your back turned to him. One of your friends catches your attention and you discreetly move your head towards the stranger behind you. She squinted her eyes in his direction, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be discreet and not completely obvious.
“You should talk to him!” She screams over the music, giving you two thumbs up in approval. You shake your head in horror, denying her suggestion. “He keeps looking at you!”
You want to check if it’s true but decide against it, not knowing what you would do if those intense eyes were still on you. You can’t help but feel a bit self conscious and scared that you were reading the signs wrong. You didn’t want to make a move just to be turned down because he was actually looking at one of your friends. Or maybe he was just looking around, too bored of the party and your eyes coincidentally met. You didn’t have much to lose but you wanted your pride to be kept intact. The rest of the group caught up on what was happening and they too proposed you going to talk to the mysterious man but when you denied their offers, they didn’t push you too much.
You kept having fun with your friends, the time passing too slowly and there were still a few hours to go before the agreed time to leave. Your friend, thankfully, asked you to go outside for a bit, feeling too hot and tired dancing. There’s an open area used mainly by smokers but a few people are sitting on the floor against the wall talking to each other. You and your friend find an empty spot, the rest of the group deciding to stay inside. She sits on the floor, completely ignoring the fact that it’s dirty, and you settle for leaning against the wall.
“You ok?” You ask her just to make sure.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you? We can leave earlier if you’re feeling tired.”
“Don’t worry.” You answer, looking around the place. “The guy inside was really hot. I kinda wish I had the guts to talk to him.”
“He was totally checking you out.” She laughs, looking up at you. “You’re so sexy, you should've jumped on him.”
You shake your head at the thought. “Never. Maybe he was looking at you. There’s no way I’ll embarrass myself.” Your friend replies with a “No way!” a bit too loud that has some people turning to look at you. “I’m serious!”
Your friend starts rambling about all of the signs the man was showing when looking at you, set on convincing you that he was indeed into you and should go for it. You don’t pay much attention to what she is saying, instead only catching a few words from time to time as you look at the people outside. You feel sleepy already - your day was too long for you to be partying all night but you weren't about to leave knowing you could stare at the pretty guy for a bit longer even if nothing was going to happen. You look back at your friend, still rambling about the man being “a pussy” and “doesn't know what he’s losing” as she gets up from her place to start walking inside. You laugh at her passion, your hand already holding hers so you don’t get lost in the crowd. The loud music hits you full force once again and you can tell your friend is still talking but you can’t really hear anything. The woman stops abruptly and you bump against her back, looking over her shoulder to see what happened. The pretty man stands in front of her, a shy smile on his lips as he says something near her ear. Your heart drops a bit and you scold yourself for getting a little bit of hope. He says something to your friend, she laughs and you just want to get out of there. You squeeze her hand before letting go, trying to signal that you were going back to the group standing a few meters away. Your friend quickly turns around with a big smile.
“He’s asking if he could steal you from me for a bit!” She screams over the music. You look at her confused. You? Maybe you didn't hear her correctly. “Was telling me he thinks you’re cute and wants to talk to you.”
“Why wouldn’t he just talk to me?” You ask a bit too loud, making the guy hear you too.
“I didn't want to seem like a creep or come onto you too strong. I don’t know, I’m nervous!” He replies, scratching the back of his neck.
Your friend pushes you closer to him before shouting a “have fun!” before rejoining your group. They’re close enough that they can see you if you need someone to save you and that makes you relax a bit. Still, it’s a bit awkward. The man’s eyes are too intense and you try your hardest to avoid eye contact. Instead, you look at your hands picking at the skin around your nails. A warm hand settles on yours, stopping your actions and making you look at the owner. He gets closer to your ear before saying “I’m Chris. You?” and you feel like you're going to combust on the spot. His hand is holding yours, his eyes are looking at you and you have an urge to just scream. His thumb is rubbing circles on your palm, moving to your fingers and then up to your wrist. He repeats the action multiple times, still looking at you and still waiting for your response but your brain is practically malfunctioning. You manage to say your name without embarrassing yourself further but you believe there’s steam coming out of your head when Chris smiles so sweetly at you and your legs turn into jelly. Your heart is beating too fast, your body is too hot and Chris is too close to you. Your eyes go from his to his lips and you don’t think you have ever wanted to kiss someone as bad as you want to kiss Chris. “You’re really pretty.” You hear him say and you swear you’re about to pass out and humiliate yourself in front of the hottest guy you have ever met. “Wanna go outside so we don’t have to keep yelling at each other?”
You almost want to argue that you haven't been yelling at each other because your brain turned into mush and you’re not talking at all but you still nod and he guides you outside, your hand still holding his. Chris takes you close to the spot you had previously stood with your friend. The cold air helps you organize your thoughts and stop overheating. With the stuffy air inside the club, the proximity and Chris’ breath hitting your neck, it was a matter of time before you passed out.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you since you first walked in.” He admits before his eyes widened and he quickly said “Not that I’m stalking you or anything! I just happened to see you and you’re really beautiful but I was so, so nervous. I don’t think I’ve ever done this but I knew I was gonna regret it if I didn't make a move. My friends were giving me a pep talk and when I saw you come back inside I just went for it. I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Don’t apologize, that was cute.” You giggle a little, feeling a lot calmer knowing you weren't the only one anxious. “You caught my eye too, I was just too shy to make the first move.”
Chris lets out a breath. “Good to know. I was scared my rambling was going to push you away and make you think I’m weird.”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry, I don't think that.” You chewed on your bottom lip, thinking about what to say next.
Chris’ eyes move from yours to your lips for a second before he snaps back to reality and his eyes move up again. “I’m glad. Are you… are you sober?” Your eyes alternate between his and the tongue wetting his lips. Chris’ hand is still holding yours and he uses it to his advantage, pulling your body closer to his.
“Yeah…” you whisper, not wanting to break the moment. Your throat is dry and you wonder if alcohol would have helped you in this situation. “I’m the designated driver. Are you?” you ask back.
“Drank water all night.” He replies.
His answer is enough to make your lips crash. Chris holds the back of your head with his free hand while yours is grabbing his shirt. His lips are soft and taste a little bit minty - it makes you dizzy. You can't think of a kiss better than this one but you reckon it has to do with the man kissing you rather than the quality of it. It’s a bit sloppy and fast but knowing you’re kissing Chris is enough for this to be the best kiss of your life. He’s the one stopping the kiss first and you mindlessly chase his lips, your eyes still closed. He chuckles and gives you a few pecks. You open your eyes and immediately wish you hadn't. Chris looks even more handsome with red, swollen lips that shiny a little from the lipgloss you had. His hand slides down your body from your head to your waist and you’re as close as possible. Every single thing you want to do to him plays in your mind like a movie and you even get surprised at your thoughts. It’s definitely a first.
For the first time since he talked to you, you let go of his hand to wrap your arms around his neck. His grip on your waist suggests he’s trying to hold himself back, eyes burning with desire. You pull him for another kiss, nails lightly scratching the back of his head as you play with his hair. You push Chris against the wall to deepen your kiss as you open your mouth to welcome his tongue. You don’t think you can go back to living your boring life after tonight and especially not after Chris starts being bold and slips a hand to grab your ass.
“Come home with me.” Chris whispers against your lips, then moving to kiss your jaw and neck.
“Can’t.” You manage to breathe out. “I have to drive my friends home.” You explain, throwing your head back to give him more space. The man sucks a hickey on your neck and hums at your words. “The backseats of the car are really spacious though.”
You don’t know why you were so bold suddenly but you knew you needed some kind of relief. Plus, having sex in the car was safer than going to his house. Right? It didn't matter either way - not when Chris looked at you with those eyes; like he was ready to undress you right there. He holds your hand again and guides you through the still full place until the exit. You manage to send a text to the groupchat informing your friends regarding what is about to happen (texting with one hand was harder than you expected but you’re almost sure they will be able to understand despite the horrible mistakes). When you reach the exit, you guide Chris to where your car was parked and the walk felt longer than you remembered. You unlock your car but Chris claims your lips before you have the chance to open the door. His hands travel up and down your body and you pull his hair a bit to make him stop. The man full-on groans while kissing you and you’re quick to reach behind you to grab the door handle before you decide to just drop on your knees to hear him groan like that again. You open the door and quickly go inside, laying on the backseat with your head propped on the window. Chris gets on top of you, almost forgetting to close the door if it wasn't for your warning. He goes back to kissing you as soon as you’re in the privacy of your car (which wasn't much. Sure, your windows were tinted but you doubt you will be controlled enough that people passing by don't know what is happening). You separate just long enough to pull his shirt off before your lips are crashing again.
“Do you… fuck… do you have a condom?” You ask, breathless, while grinding your hips against his already hard dick.
His eyes widened. “No! I didn’t think I was gonna need it.” He runs his fingers through his hair, making it even more messy. “I can just go down on you or something?”
The thought of Chris between your legs is definitely something and you’re inclined to say yes but, today, you’re focused on both of you. However, you hope you can see Chris again to fulfill the fantasy of having the handsome man pleasing you with his tongue, whether he’s between your thighs or under you while you ride his nose. Right now you have to deny his request, instead unzipping his pants. “We could just… do this?” Your front humps against him and Chris groans, moving his hips.
“Yeah… yeah, that’s fine.” He replies weakly. “Just… hold on, fuck.” Chris grabs your legs to help you take off your shoes and then works to unzip your jeans, sliding them off your legs with a bit of struggle. He pulls his pants and boxers down just enough to take his dick out and your jaw drops at the sight. Chris is pretty everywhere and you mentally curse yourself for not having condoms on you because you could be feeling his dick inside of you right now. One of his hands rests next to your head, supporting his body while the other guides his dick to touch cunt - your underwear being the only thing in between. Chris groans with each thrust, surprisingly vocal in this situation, which gets you to imagine how much louder you can make him be. For the first time in your life, you kind of want to get fucked raw by this guy you just met. Obviously you don’t. Instead, you pull your underwear to the side so you can get more friction. Chris, to your displeasure, thrusts against you rather than into you but it’s the best you will get in this situation. The tip of his cock bumps deliciously against your clit and you cling onto his shoulders like he will just disappear. He kisses you and bites your neck between sweet, groans and then his warm hands are pushing your top up so your bra is on display for him.
“Take it off for me.” Chris pleads and you immediately do as it says. The position is a bit awkward and it takes you a bit longer than normal to take off your strapless bra but as soon as you manage, Chris’ hand is touching your boobs, pulling softly a nipple between two fingers. “You’re so pretty.” He whispers. “And you have the prettiest pussy…” Chris grunts. Your brain almost doesn't process the words coming out of his mouth. The man who was too shy to talk to you had the dirtiest mouth during sex but you would never complain. Not when he looked at you like you were an angel, the prettiest person he has ever seen. “I can’t wait… f-fuck… I can't wait to fuck her.” Chris’ hand slides down your front until his fingers are circling your clit for an extra stimulation. It’s too much and not enough at the same time. You think your brain short circuited due to Chris’ words and at the fact that his dick, at times, gets dangerously close to your entrance. “You’d take me so well, wouldn't you?” You realize Chris’ words aren't directed at you and the whiplash you get from the guy you talked to at the party and the man humping you in the backseat of your car is insane.
With difficulty, you find your voice to whimper a “‘m gonna cum. Keep doing it like that.” that has Chris kissing you again. His fingers maintain the rhythm you asked for and it doesn't take long until you cum with a moan of his name. Chris helps you ride out your orgasm and his thrusts get a bit sloppy at the same time. Your hands find his hair, now slightly more curled than you remember seeing at the party and sticking to his forehead. “Are you close?” Chris nods eagerly. You pull his hair a bit, drinking in the way a moan falls off his lips so red and swollen from all of the kissing. Chris thrusts a few more times before spilling all over your stomach with heavy breaths.
Post-nut clarity hits Chris hard. “I am so sorry!” He says with widened eyes. “I don’t know why I said those things.” He looks down at your body, his cheeks getting a cute shade of red that you’re not sure is from the heat or embarrassment. “And I got you all dirty, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine, don’t worry. I enjoyed it.” You calm him down but feel a bit shy yourself. “I have tissues in my purse. I think I threw it in the front seat. Can you get it for me?”
Chris looks over the front seat and reaches to grab the purse. You grab the tissues but he stops you and takes it from your hand. You never believed in love at first sight but butterflies are partying in your stomach while Chris gently cleans you. When he’s done he pulls your panties back in place and smiles kindly at you, dimples on full display. You tug him for another kiss, this one slower than the ones you’ve been giving him so far. You both get dressed fairly quickly after you read the clock and realize your friends might show up at any moment. Chris opens the car door, looks around to see if anyone is near and then hops out the car. You get out after and leave the door open to hopefully get rid of the smell of sex. Chris pulls you by the waist to get another kiss and it confirms that you both like kissing each other more than anything.
You see your friends walking to your car when you stop kissing, a bit drunk and laughing loudly at something.
“I have to drive my friends home but… You could come to my house after.” You say quietly, a bit shy and scared that Chris didn’t feel all of those butterflies too and this was a one time thing. “If you want.”
He pulls out his phone from the back pocket and hands it to you unlocked. “Give me your number and I’ll text you so you can send me the address? My friend is gonna drop me off at my place and I’ll just drive to yours when you’re done.”
“It’s late though. Are you sure?” You question, taking his phone and creating a new contact with your number.
“One hundred percent.”
You get teased by your friends all the way but you barely listen to their words, thoughts filled with Chris and the second encounter happening when you get home.
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joongbin · 1 year
Hello !! How are you ? If your requests are open than I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Stray Kids with 9th member m!reader who is like a cat, very introverted and loves flexing his muscles but never showed his abs and so on tour he decided to have fun and show it off. How do you think the members (OT8) will react ? He is their crush of course. Also bonus how do you think Stays will react to it ?
Feel free to delete this request.
WOW. - ot8
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summary › muscular, hot, way too introverted and also cat-like, you! being a bit silly, you decide to do something unexpected at a concert.
genre › fluff, crack
pairings › ot8 (seperate) x 9th member!male!reader
warnings › everyone is WHIPPED for you. That's all.
note: light work no reaction.
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Chan didn't mind that you were introverted, but GOD everytime you flexed your muscles literally anywhere, he would just stare. Stare so hard that you had to ask him if he was okay.
You always acted just like a cat, sometimes Minho would mistake you for Doongie. You were always sleeping after performances, and there are times where you're affectionate .. but not much.
You had abs. Oh you definitely did. He only saw it when you accidentally lifted your shirt up one time. But oh my god.
You showed your abs during a concert and he didn't. He couldn't take his eyes off and EVERYONE noticed. He even touched it....
Felix noticed that Chan's ears were red as HELL, and only told Stays about it.
The entire thing went viral on STAYTok. One half were people freaking out about your abs and the other freaking out about Chan touching your abs.
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We all know Minho likes cats. And you were exactly just like that! Possibly in every SKZ-TALKER, Minho was attached to you no matter where.
People thought it was cute, and the staff didn't mind since it wasn't causing anything to be .. weird. And it was getting positive feedback, so they kept most of the moments in.
One thing about Minho, he likes to slap butts. Yeah, Minho does that to you, but he also does it to your stomach just to feel your abs for a few seconds. He's never seen them before, though. But that changed at one tour in Chicago.
You were playing around with Chan by pulling up his shirt every once in a while, but when you walked up to him to lift up his shirt, you decided to surprise everyone and lift up your shirt instead.
Minho had an o face while Stays screamed their lungs out. He touched them for a second before smirking at stays, flexing that he could touch them while they couldn't.
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Ah yes. Your flexing buddy. And your ' never show abs ' buddy. You two are awfully similar except he's extroverted and you're introverted. The only time you ever get out the house is when Changbin drags you to the gym or out to eat.
You two always flex whenever given the chance to. I mean, fan service, right?
Changbin LOVED to touch your biceps. And your tiddies....
We all know how Changbin is on stage. Always doing something that makes people think what his sexuality is. And ALOT of those moments were with you. Multiple times trying to kiss you, making a few adlibs about you whenever your absent, and others
But GOD when he saw your abs for the first time on stage, he was so surprised, his face became a meme among stays.
Literally ever since that day, Changbin had been touching your abs in EVERY SINGLE CHANCE HE GETS. Always having a cheeky smile on his face.
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Hyunjin was also an introvert, so the two of you usually hang out indoors, usually enjoying the silence or talking about some random drama on TikTok.
Although Hyunjin wasn't a fan of skinship, being around you was like having a pillow 24/7. You were so comfortable to sleep on.
He always slept on you during pre-performances. Purposely on your stomach though.. he just hasn't seen them yet.
When he saw it for the first time on stage he was mesmerized. How long have you been working on them abs???!! They're more visible than Chan's!
GODDD YOU LOOKED SO GOOD LIKE THAT. He would often get distracted when looking at you because he was wondering why you weren't the visual of the group....
Got more attached to you after that just to touch your abs /j
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Han only goes to the gym if you decide to go. AND SOMEHOW YOUR BICEPS R SO BIG EVEN THOUGH YOU DONT GO THAT MUCH???
Maybe you worked out in the dorms.... Since you didn't really like going outside as much as most members. Quarantine prolly got to you.
whipped 100%. The moment he saw your abs on stage he immediately went to touch them. Pretending like his cheeks weren't burning.
Whole thing went viral among STAYS. People were shipping you two together, making edits of the moment and such...
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Touches your biceps 24/7. It's like a stress ball to him. HE WISHES HE COULD BITE THEM.
Your biceps were about the same size as Changbin's, maybe a bit smaller but yeah.
You just were extremely introverted and didn't like going out. It's understandable, being an idol and all
One thing different about you was you had ABS. and it was so different on you compared to him because you were A BIT BUFF COMPARED TO HIM. he was like a twig
So when you were on stage and was wearing croptop with a shirt under, HE WAS STARING. AND THIS WAS BEFORE YOU SHOWED YOUR ABS
He saw them. You lifted up your shirt. He almost passed out. He stared.
He was TOUCHING them and staring so hard it almost took most of the concert time
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He was a bit like you. Introverted. Except he acts like a dog and you were just like a cat.
You were just on the couch laying down with your shirt up a bit, showing your abs a bit.
He saw them and just pretended not to see them as you greeted him. He immediately had to go back to his room to process what he just saw.
He clung on to you alot. You didn't mind, if it meant that he felt safer with you.
When on stage, the two of you have a lot of moments. Seungmin having multiple failed attempts at trying to kiss you, singing/rapping your parts whenever your absent, and others.
So, when he saw your abs for the first time on stage, HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO FEEL. His face became warm and he just touched them with the other members.
You looked so attractive with them..... He couldn't stop thinking about it everytime on stage.
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He liked you. Yeah. But he didn't know how to express it. You were this hot and he was just there.
You always encouraged and comforted him whenever he felt down. That's why he liked you.
He liked your biceps. THEY WERE SO FUN TO SQUISH.
Jeongin didn't have alot of moments with you on stage since he was was too shy, but you two had a few cute moments on stage.
When he saw your abs for the first time, he started laughing while touching them, ears red while he stuttered on a few words.
He touched them like every day and you can see that he touches them alot in SKZ-TALKERs
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just screams. Everyone screamed. Louder than when Felix or Chan showed his abs.
Whole thing went absolutely viral on STAYTok. A few of them said they wanted to bite them, a lot of them were just screaming over it in the TikTok comments.
A lot made edits of the moment, and a lot made videos of showing the moment on multiple devices.
Basically: you probably made a lot of people question their biases.
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aryxchse · 6 months
hey pookie!!
secondly, could i get some love talk with my fav boy, leo??🤭🤭🤭
cabin three girly 🫡 who who just wants like silly goofy kisses, ya know?? like i just want to have a silly goofy time with my bf 🫶😖😖😖 (hopefully that’s enough info, if not, reach out, honey!!)
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"leo, you're literally dying my forehead!" you whined.
"sorry!" leo said, quickly wiping the hair dye from your forehead.
for the past 30 minutes, you and leo were trying to dye your bangs blue. you already finished dying leo's hair, so it was your turn. and since he insisted on dying your hair because you did his, it all lead to here.
"you look so cute," leo giggled like he was making fun of you, placing a soft kiss on your nose. "i think it's done."
"yeah? you didn't left any places right?" you asked, looking at your hair from the bathroom mirror. leo carefully twisted your bangs on your forehead, which is the sight made him laugh loudly.
it was funny for you too, a twisted blue hair just staying on your forehead. you laughed with him as he kissed your neck between his giggles, keeping his hands away to not get any hair dye on your camp shirt.
the idea came from percy and annabeth, since they had matching grey strands in their hair. the reason it's being blue is because you love blue. and leo loves you, so he's down to anything you ask.
"we should wait like, around what?" he asked, lifting you up with his arms, careful enough to not touch you with his dyed hands. you sat on top of the counter, looking at your watch.
"40 minutes should be enough." you said, wrapping your arms around his neck lazyly. leo kissed the inside of your arms, leading his lips to your cheek. you giggled because his kisses made you tickle.
you guys chatted until the 40 minutes passed. you two almost forget it and start to make out, but leo suddenly burst into laughter when your bangs stick up to his forehead. you wiped his forehead then washed his hair, then he started to wash your bangs.
"people are gonna be sooo jealous lemme tell ya," he said, carefully applying shampoo on your bangs. "you look even hotter."
"i could say the same." you giggled. "blue really is your color."
the light blue strands shined in his dark curly hair, but he didn't mind. as long as it made you happy.
"alright, all done." he said, drying your bangs with the same towel he used.
"it's time to style it!" you cheered, chuckling.
you started to style your bangs with hair straightener. you smiled at leo and shaked your head a little bit to make your bangs move. "so?" you asked.
"very cute," he said, pinching your cheek. "how is mine look?" you looked at his blue curl that you did your best to style it like the rest of his hair. and to be honest, it looked so cute!
"aww, you're so pretty valdez," you said, holding his chin and kissing his nose. "look at you, like a barbie doll."
leo smirked and blinked a couple of times like a girl showing her mascara. "i know right?" he joked, you laughed and kissed his lips.
"let's show percy and annabeth who's the cutest with the matching strands."
a / n ; the queen wants the queen gets! and hopefully she likes!!
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monseulamourrr · 9 months
→ “a long road ahead.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— you set off on an approximate six-or-more-hour drive with your girlfriend and you come across your greatest enemy: boredom…
word count: 1.4k
tags: fluff, literally just yujin and yn being cute while on the road like stopppp, me when.
requested? : nope.
a/n: is anybody surprised that i'm already on my third yujin fic? no? yeah, me either... anyway this one's going to be kinda short since it's a pretty simple idea to begin with :] hope ya'll like it 🥺💕
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yujin knew that as soon as you dropped your nintendo switch on your lap, you were bored as hell.
she was only able to take a few short glances in your direction from time to time since it was her turn on the wheel, but she could see it all in the little habits that you showed whenever you were weary. your eyes wandered, you couldn’t sit still, you weren’t sitting up straight like you usually did, and the most notable habit, you started talking with impatience evident in your voice.
your constant sighs along with your tiny mumbles and occasional grumbles were nothing short of adorable for yujin. especially with the way you got frustrated from playing animal crossing of all things. but having been your lover for years now, yujin knew all the things that would ease you and hopefully even cure your boredom.
she reaches for her phone and opens it, earning a ‘tsk’ from you.
“eyes on the road, miss.” you said, nudging your girlfriend’s arm.
“i got it, love. one sec.” yujin seamlessly switches to your favourite playlist and triumphantly smiles as she did so. you shook your head, not at all a fan of her recklessness. although you were happy that she thought of playing your favourite songs instead of the usual playlists for a trip like this.
a smile graces yujin’s face when she saw how you’ve relaxed on your seat, softly humming to the songs you love as you stared at the long road ahead.
“you don’t want to take a nap? it’ll be a while before we make a stop.” yujin said, eyes briefly switching from the gps and back onto the road. there were still three and a half hours of driving before the two of you reach your destination. even yujin thinks it might’ve been better if neither of you drove but instead, just flown to that other city.
“and who’s gonna keep you in check? surely not azzo.” you looked at yujin’s beloved puppy sitting on the backseat of the car. azzo was diligently decimating her chew toy. good girl!
“i promise i’ll only stay ten over the speed limit.” yujin says with a cheeky smile, earning a soft punch in the shoulder from you. you don’t fall asleep; it was impossible! yujin found every way to keep you up and alert either by randomly touching your face, taking your hand and kissing it, or simply just letting it rest on your lap. she probably knew, but you were so giddy. you couldn’t hide your smile, even when you turned your face away.
damn yujin. she will always make your heart jump.
if she wasn’t constantly touching you, yujin was singing. and when she was singing, she was a mess. head-banging, slamming her hands on the steering wheel, even honking out of nowhere. yujin didn’t care that she looked stupidly insane, she cared that it made you smile and laugh. although you did scold her when she swerved a bit after singing too passionately.
when you noticed that yujin had a pout on her face a few moments later, you knew only one thing could cheer her up. well, two things. food and kisses, mostly the food part. after giving azzo some treats, you proceeded on feeding yujin and yourself. she had insisted on bring some donuts for the ride, saying that she needed the sugar to keep herself awake. but you knew the silly thing just wanted some donuts.
“you picked all my favourites?” yujin asks. you hum in reply since your mouth was full. you don’t notice the loving look yujin gives you before she turns her head back towards the road. a small action from you, but one she appreciated beyond understanding.
“one could never go wrong with the excellence that is the strawberry flavour.” yujin says, licking her lips. you shook your head and wiped her mouth as best as you could before continuing one eating. yujin was much, much happier after getting fed and a much happier yujin was a much happier you of course!
eventually, and thankfully, you had to stop at a near-empty gas station for a bit of a break and to refill the tank. while yujin busied herself taking azzo out of the car to run around, you decided to stick with the car and fill it up. there were still a few hours of driving left, thinking about it made you groan out loud and roll your eyes. at least it was going to be your turn to drive though, it wouldn’t be too boring.
“babe, we should have lunch.” yujin says after you finished what you needed to do.
“wouldn’t that just keep us on the road for longer?” you asked, scratching your head.
“well, you need to relax! and we both know those donuts didn’t do too much for our stomach. come on, the restaurant’s open.” yujin nods her head to the eatery right next to the gas station—it was empty.
well, you couldn’t exactly say no to food, much less your girlfriend, so you ended up parking the car nearby and entering the eatery with yujin and azzo following close behind. you and yujin (and azzo) chose to sit in the booth on the farthest corner of the eatery, and you stared out of the window and into the empty road.
even if you miraculously teach your destination quicker than expected, there were still things needed to be done that would chip the day away fast. checking in at the hotel, dropping off all your things in your room, organizing the plans for your getaway, dinner, shopping, outfits—
“why’s mama so grumpy today, mommy?” yujin spoke with a ridiculous high-pitched voice. you turned your head and scoffed at the sight of her ‘talking’ with azzo.
“because mama’s got a lot on her mind! see that look in her eyes?” you were glaring at the snickering yujin. “she could summon a storm!” a hearty laugh leaves yujin’s mouth when you rolled your eyes. of course, you would never be upset at yujin and you knew that she was doing these seemingly annoying antics to cheer you up. you loved her a lot for that.
yujin lets azzo sit on her side of the booth before sitting beside you. she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. automatically, you lay your head on her shoulder, sighing blissfully at the feeling of her warmth next to you. “let’s look in the bright side, okay? we finally have all the time in the world just for the two of us, and azzo. as soon as we reach the hotel, we can just have fun and do everything we’ve been wanting to do but couldn’t because of work. think about that, and suddenly, a few more hours of driving doesn’t sound so horrible, huh?”
as always, you could rely on yujin’s positivity to kickstart your own. you nodded, putting your hand on her thigh and squeezing it gently. “you’re right, yujin-ah,” you raised your head slightly, frowning. “sorry i’ve been real stingy this entire time.”
“nah, don’t worry about it,” yujin ruffles your hair and kisses your head, making you giggle and snuggle even closer to her. “i love you even if you’re feisty. and you know i love it when you are.” yujin winks at you, making you grimace and pinch her cheek.
“i love you too, idiot.”
you had a good time at that restaurant. you and yujin took turns feeding each other, discussed the details of your plans only to end up adding even more plans just to maximize your time and fun for as long as you can, and she even teased you about a gift she prepared beforehand which of course got you so curious that you asked her endless questions about it. surprisingly enough, yujin could control herself and managed to not spill a single clue about her gift. she said you simply had to wait and be patient like you always are.
(it was a promise ring. one she would give to you five days from now during a romantic candlelit dinner in a beachside restaurant.)
after eating, you, yujin, and azzo set off in your homey car once again. this time, however, you had a smile on your face! brought only by the cutest girlfriend that made the long drive a lot less boring and more fun, loud, and exciting.
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
John & "Listen to yourself.”
Angst to fluff!
Thanks for sending this in, anon! I’m sorry it took me a bit to get to write it! I hope it’s along the lines of what you were thinking of! Also just try to imagine it’s (Y/N) instead of Esme in the gif - I felt that it fit the scene and couldnt help but use it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
But I Got Your Mind Off of It
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, mention of a weapon
Word Count: 1111
Summary: John manages to talk (Y/N) off the ledge before she blows up the longest relationship she has over something so silly…which happens to be something she’s also done before.
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The sound of the bang that the door closing made was even loud enough to make John Shelby jump. He scrambled from the table he was sitting at to get over to the concealed hole in the wall where a revolver was nestled. He was just about to access it when he noticed who had slammed the door.
“The fuck was that for, (Y/N)?” he asked his wife, his brows furrowing together in confusion.
(Y/N) didn’t hear him though. She was too busy pacing the floor while muttering unintelligible things. Something about someone being stupid and never wanting to see them again. John wracked his brain for a moment, trying to figure out if it was something that he’d done.
He decided to finally approach her when he came up empty. “What’s goin’ on with you, love?” he asked her, hoping that his voice was level enough so that she wouldn’t get set off…even more than she all already had been.
“I just can’t believe she did that to me,” she finally spoke clear enough for John to hear what she was saying.
“Who did what?” John still didn’t quite understand what was going on.
“Mary,” (Y/N) snapped, as if she was annoyed that John hadn’t come into the conversation with all of the details.
But that didn’t stop John from asking more questions. “What did Mary do?” was his next one.
“She stood me up. We had an entire evening planned and then she cancelled last minute!” she didn’t hesitate in sharing her frustrations, aggravation starkly present in her words.
John furrowed his eyebrows as he took a moment to figure out which way he should approach the situation. (Y/N) was not one to be messed with when she was hot about something, and he hadn’t seen her this worked up in a long time. But before he was able to do anything however, (Y/N) was turning to leave the shop.
“That’s it!” she proclaimed as she made for the door, “I’m going to give her a piece of my mind!” She then started angrily walking towards the door. Just as her left hand reached for the knob, her right was pulled backwards. She gasped as she was spun and within seconds, her back was pressed against the brick wall. Her eyes widened as she looked at her husband, who now had her pinned so that she couldn’t leave.
“You’re not going anywhere…not like this, at least,” he told her, speaking in a calm voice because he knew that if he raised it, all hell would break loose.
“Let me go, John,” she huffed, trying, and failing, to break from his grasp.
“Why did she cancel?” he asked, not giving into her wishes.
Lucky for him, (Y/N) was all for giving the details now. “She ditched me to spend time with her new man. We had this night planned for weeks just to have her call me earlier today saying that he’s asked her out for dinner. She’s ditching me for dinner!” She was fuming by the end of her explanation, all of her anger washing back in again. Who ditches their best friend of over 10 years to have dinner with a guy?? The thought of it was absurd!
John searched her eyes for a moment, waiting to see if she had anything else to add. When she stayed silent, he couldn’t help but break into stiffled laughter. This made (Y/N)’s brows furrow. “What the fuck are you laughing about, John?!” she asked incredulously, not sure if she was now more upset with her friend or her husband.
“Listen to yourself, (Y/N),” he began, surpressing his laughter so that a more serious air would fall over the conversation once more.
“What?” she snapped back at him.
“What Mary’s doing…” he started, shaking his head slightly as he snorted to himself, “you did the exact same thing to her when you started seeing me.”
“I did not!” she immediately proclaimed, shocked that he wasn’t taking her side on this matter.
“You absolutely did,” he stood firm with his point.
“Yeah? When?”
“One of the first dates I took you on. I brought you out for dinner, and you told me that you felt so bad for having to cancel your plans with your best friend.”
“Yeah, but…but I felt bad about it,” (Y/N) was quick to point out.
“You don’t think Mary feels bad about it?” John asked with raised eyebrows.
“At least I didn’t cancel the day of!” she pointed out another - what she at least thought was a - flaw in John’s argument.
“Well maybe unlike your amazingly considerate then-boyfriend, now-husband, her boyfriend doesn’t have the same regards to the possibility that Mary had other plans.”
“You’re so full of yourself, John,” (Y/N) snorted as a smile broke passed the deep frown she was wearing.
“Just stating the facts, love,” he winked at her, making her roll her eyes in response. “But I got your mind off of it, didn’t I?” he questioned then.
(Y/N) pursed her lips as she realized what he’d done. Then she silently cursed him and his ability to make her mood change on a dime. She waited a few moments before she, begrudgingly, replied: “you did.”
“Good. Mission accomplished,” he grinned, finally letting go of her hands so that he could settle both of his under her jaw. “Now what I’m hearing from you is…” he paused, licking his lips as his grin grew bigger, “that you’ve got the night free.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes again, trying so hard to keep up the act that she was angry. But it was so damn hard with him looking at her the way he was. “My night is free now,” she finally answered him.
“Which means you’re able to spend it with me?” he checked.
“You don’t have any duties to carry out at the Garrison?” she responded with a question of her own.
“None that are as important as me wife,” he grinned.
“You can be so cheesy sometimes.”
“But I got your mind off of what you were mad about, didn’t I?”
“Just take me out on the town…before I go and change my mind,” she dismissed his question, though the look on her face told him immediately that he was absolutely right.
“You don’t need to ask me twice,” he grinned before he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. “Let’s go,” he said after pulling away, reaching down to take her hand in his and lead her out of the betting shop.
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**tagging in a reblog so the notification gets sent out!
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666writingcafe · 1 month
New Voice Messages (Part Three)
"Hey. I know it's late and you're probably asleep, so you don't have to respond to this right away. I should be asleep, but I keep tossing and turning whenever I try, so I gave up on that hours ago. I'm currently sitting on the rooftop, looking up at the night sky. Well, and recording this message, but that's self-explanatory, I feel. *sighs* Don't mind my rambling. I'm both incredibly tired and slightly tipsy. I finally got around to trying the bottle of Demonus that Diavolo gave us as a housewarming gift, and it's pretty decent. I had a couple glasses of it before coming up here, thinking that it'd help put me to sleep. Obviously, it hasn't, but it was worth trying, I suppose. I at least feel like I can respond to your note without choking on my words or banging my head in frustration. *briefly pauses* Given the way you signed off on it, I'm going to assume that you trust me enough to not abuse your old name. That's also why I'm outside. Less likely to be overheard using it by my brothers. If that's okay with you. If it's not, feel free to tell me off for it the next time we meet. So, MC. *pauses again before lightly singing MC's name* Have I ever told you it's a pretty name? Saying it is comforting somehow. *clears his throat* Sorry. Like I said, I'm a bit drunk."
"Feeling more in control now. Might still ramble a bit, but hopefully not as much as before. *takes a deep breath* The first time I read your note, I ended up crying. Not because you said something wrong, but because it was...sweet? Is that the word I'm looking for? *briefly pauses as a gust of wind gets picked up on the mic* It'll have to do for now, I guess. Anyway...it's interesting how you and Diavolo said more or less the same thing, and yet I'm more inclined to listen to you than I am to him. Perhaps it's the difference in tone? I could definitely tell that he was getting frustrated with me towards the end of our phone call. I know there's a part of him that sees me as a really shiny toy, one that he's quite territorial over. If I were to leave his side, he'd throw a massive fit, I'd imagine, and he might start a war over it. Which is silly. I'm not worth fighting over. *pauses* And yet everyone seems to for some reason. It's like I cause people to lose their minds. I don't know if it's due to the amount of titles and prestige I've had or my physical appearance or something else entirely, but they seem to all go into hysteria after spending any significant amount of time with me. Except for you, MC. You don't care about Lucifer Morningstar, former Lightbringer, Avatar of Pride, yadda yadda yadda. You simply see me as me, if that makes sense. You want to make sure that I'm okay, and you don't expect anything in return. It's a way of repaying back the kindness bestowed upon you in your situation, I suppose. And it'd be cruel of me to ignore all of that and still plunge to my death. So I'm staying. *pauses* You're right. This does feel weird. You better make good on your promise, MC, or I may end up changing my mind again. *chuckles* Don't take that last part too seriously. I'm merely messing with you a bit."
"You know, I wonder what my brothers are thinking about this...offer being made to us. I already know Mammon and Beel would stay, and Belphie's going to do whatever Beel does, but I'm not sure about Levi and Asmo. I mean, you were there when Asmo was yelling at me about leaving the Celestial Realm. Do you think he's eagerly packing his bags as we speak, or--"
A Few Hours Later
"Sorry about the abrupt ending of my last message. Mammon caught me on the rooftop. We ended up talking for a while. *pauses* The two of us have an interesting relationship. Kinda similar to the one I have with Satan. Mammon's sort of my brother and sort of my son, except he didn't spring out of me like Satan did. He's the first angel I felt the need to protect. Everyone else was prepared to throw him away, even though he was merely a child. I couldn't sit back and let them treat him like that, especially not after I held him in my arms as he was crying. He was around the Chihuahua's age when that happened. *clears his throat* I apologize. I know you don't like me calling Luke a chihuahua. I really am trying not to. *pauses* So yeah. Satan's technically the third oldest, since he came into existence in my mind shortly after I took Mammon under my wing. Levi came into the picture when Mammon was a teenager, and the others when he was just becoming a fully-grown angel. *pauses again* It was actually Mammon that insisted that we take care of them, and he was so earnest about it that I couldn't say no. I mean, the fact that he was willing to do for others what I've done for him...I was quite proud of him. Still am, even though he insists on putting on a persona these days. I know deep down, he still cares about everyone. *pauses yet again* Is it weird that I feel comfortable sharing all of this with you, MC? It might be the alcohol still affecting me, but somehow I don't think it is. I...I think I've come to trust you. Completely. I haven't even gotten there with Diavolo yet, and I've known him a lot longer. *chuckles* You truly are special, little lamb. *silence* Shit. That wasn't supposed to be said out loud. I better go before I start calling you more silly nicknames. Good night, MC."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @interconnectedmatrix
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mothfables · 2 months
Legend Meets Groose
Legend has been having a good day.
They’re in Sky’s era, taking the day off to relax in his surface home. Legend had decided he even felt alright enough to regress, so with the others’ encouragement he dressed in some of his comfiest clothes and settled on the floor in the main room to play.
He’s feeling particularly small today, so instead of his usual chewy necklace he has a teether- made by Sky and Wild just for him. His brothers don’t feel comfortable letting him have his necklace when he’s this small, something about a choking hazard (which he personally thinks is silly, but whatever), so the teething ring it is.
He doesn’t mind — the ring itself is solid but squishy enough it feels good between his teeth, secured by a small wooden bunny (carved by Sky) that’s nice to rub his fingers over. Legend won’t admit it, but it might be one of his favourite items when he’s small.
He’s playing a game with Wind, something simple but fun that helps him settle comfortably into his headspace. He hums and squeaks happily, feeling content and safe with his brothers here with him. His mind is calm and soft and he feels himself sink a little deeper.
Everything is fine.
Of course, that’s when things decide to take a turn.
The door opens with a bang! that makes him jump. In comes one of the largest men he’s ever seen.
Legend freezes. Distantly, he registers his teether falling out of his mouth and to the floor with a muted thud. Somewhere in his mind he knows who this is, but all he can focus on is how big the man is, and how loud, and how scary.
The stranger turns away, maybe to talk to Sky, and Legend takes the chance to bolt.
He scrambles to his feet, aiming for the hallway he faintly remembers Sky mentioning holds the bedrooms. The first door he tries refuses to open. Frantic, he throws himself at the next one he sees. This one opens easily under his hand and he tosses himself through - barely remembering not to slam it behind himself. He sweeps a panicked gaze over the room before diving under the bed in the far corner.
He shoves himself as far back as he can, startling when he hits the wall. He curls up, bringing a hand to his mouth and biting down. He has to be quiet. He has to stay hidden. He has to-
The door opens.
Groose hurries toward the house he shares with Link and Zelda. Link is back and he didn’t tell him!
Obviously such a thing must be corrected immediately!
He finally reaches the house and without thinking bursts through the door. Inside he sees Link, as well as the group of heroes he’s been traveling with. “LINK! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU WERE BACK!!!”
Some of them flinch at his volume and he winces. “Oops! Sorry, got a bit excited there, haha.”
Link laughs and moves to wrap Groose in a hug. “Hey! I was just about to go find you and tell you we were back!” He pouts up at him and Groose claps him on the back with a grin.
He goes to tease his best friend but is interrupted by a quiet patter of footsteps and the faint creak of a door.
“Uh, hey guys?” Groose turns around to see one of the smaller boys kneeling on the floor with a worried look on his face. “Lege just ran.”
Worried exclamations sound before Link steps over to the boy and joins him on the floor. “What happened, Wind?”
“We were playing and then Groose came in and he got spooked, I think. As soon as he looked away Lege ran that way,” Wind points towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
Link worries his lip.
“Sorry, Groose,” he offers an apologetic smile. “I guess I should’ve warned you-”
“Aw, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault for comin’ in without knocking. Not surprised I spooked at least one of ya.” Groose waves him off.
Link looks like he wants to argue but Groose shakes his head and moves towards the hallway. He needs to apologize to the little guy, and he only hopes he doesn’t scare him further.
He hears worried muttering behind him but ignores it in favour of figuring out which door the missing hero might have gone through.
Link and Zelda’s door is locked, since Link’s been on his quest and Zelda’s been out doing some surveys to find the best places for building new houses and farms. So that strikes that as a potential place to hide. Groose turns and notices his own door is slightly open.
…He’s sure he closed it when he left this morning. The little guy must be in there then.
Groose is careful as he opens the door and peeks inside. It’s empty upon first glance, and he almost leaves to continue searching the rest of the house before his eyes land on his bed and-
That makes sense.
As quietly as he can, he slips inside, making sure to leave the door open a crack. He makes his way over to the bed and sinks down to sit beside the nightstand - that way there’s plenty of room for a frightened hero to make an escape if needed.
There’s no sound besides his own breathing and for a minute he worries he’s got the wrong room; that the little guy isn’t in here after all. Then - the tiniest, squeakiest sound he’s ever heard. It sounds a bit like a remlit sneezing, only a thousand times cuter.
“Bless you,” he says on reflex. There’s a tiny startled sound. “Ah- right. Sorry for scaring you earlier. I was excited to see Link again and just rushed in. I forgot you guys would be here too.”
No response from the hero under the bed. That’s okay. Groose is content to wait; sometimes it would take Link hours to stop being scared when something triggered him. He wouldn’t be surprised if these other heroes were similar. Worse comes to worse, he can go get one of the others and let them help the poor guy.
A few more minutes pass before he hears the shuffling of fabric, like someone is crawling. Then pink appears, followed by grey, and soon there’s an entire hero kneeling at the other end of Groose’s bed, watching him apprehensively from under soft pink hair.
The kid’s dressed in a soft grey woolen dress and leggings coloured in a mix of muted pinks and blues. He looks like he’s ready to spend a nice relaxing day at home; Groose feels a little bad for potentially ruining that with his sudden arrival.
He sends the little guy a warm smile. “Seems like you’re feelin’ a little better, huh?”
He gets a shy nod in response. The kid’s clutching the blanket in one hand while the other creeps towards his mouth. The action reminds Groose of the little kids back on Skyloft - how they’d cling to their parents’ clothes and chew their own tiny fingers. He feels a sudden urge to tell him to stop, get him something else to chew on, but he’s not sure it would be welcomed.
Instead, he shifts to face him, leaning back against the bed with another smile.
“Say, you see anything cool on your travels?”
The kid lights up.
Sky is pacing the living room, wringing his hands and constantly glancing back at the hallway Groose disappeared down.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Groose; he does, really he does. But he doesn’t know about Legend’s regression. Sky had planned to mention it to him when he went to get him, but then Groose had taken it upon himself to find him, and then-
Here they are.
So here he is, pacing a hole in his carpet as he worries about his best friend and his little brother and everything that could be going wrong.
The only reason he didn’t immediately take off after Groose is because he knows, for all he seems big and goofy and not all that bright, Groose is smart and clever and much better at handling situations like this than he appears. Sky remembers the many, many panic attacks and meltdowns, and how Groose did his best to be there for all of them; providing support and a steady shoulder to lean on- and cry on, as was often the case.
So, though he’s close to chewing his nails down to the quick with worry, he chooses to wait and let his friend do what he does best.
It’s only when he can’t wait any longer that he spins towards the hallways and makes to march down it. He’s stopped by a hand on his shoulder and nearly snaps his teeth into it before registering something is being held out to him. Blinking, he realizes it’s Legend’s teether. Following the hand holding it up and back, he sees Warriors behind him.
“I figured he might want it, so I washed it while you were busy putting a new track in your carpet.”
Sky inhales, holds it, then exhales; it’s only a little shaky. Taking the teether from Wars, he smiles gratefully. “Thanks. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
Wars returns it with his own small smile before squeezing his shoulder and stepping away.
Feeling a little calmer now, Sky heads down the hall. Groose’s door is slightly open, so that’s where he goes. He goes to open it but pauses at the sound of voices; one deep and warm, the other high and soft. Neither sounds angry or upset, which lifts a bit more weight off his shoulders.
Pushing open the door, Sky is greeted by the sight of Legend sitting cross-legged on the floor at the end of Groose’s bed: he’s rocking and waving his hands as he babbles eagerly to an intently-listening Groose. His best friend is also on the floor, leaning against the bed with a warm smile on his face as he watches the boy talk.
“-bunnies go hop-hop!” Legend tells Groose, who nods and makes an intrigued sound. “They also like to, um- t’ eat lots an’ lots of plants! They can’t have too many carrots, though, cause they coul’ get sick. Eve- even though ev’ryone says th’t’s what bunnies eat. An’ they- um, they also like t’ burrow! Th’t’s when they dig an’ dig lots of tunnels an’ rooms t’ live in an-”
He breaks off when he sees Sky, immediately reaching for him with an excited “‘ky!”
“Hi, baby!” Sky coos, kneeling down to draw his little brother into his lap. Legend goes easily, tucking close and grasping at Sky’s shirt with a happy sound.
“Ohhh, you’re little little, huh baby?” Legend hums in answer, squishing his face against Sky’s neck. Sky coos and cuddles him some more. After a moment he remembers he’s still holding the teether and nudges Legend until he looks up, then lets him grab it and eagerly pull it to his mouth.
Groose clears his throat. Pulling his attention away from his baby brother, Sky sees him glancing between the two of them, brows pinched in confusion. “Uh… not to be rude or anything, but… Can you explain what’s going on? Why’s the little guy, uh, ‘little?’”
Oh, right. Sky had been going to explain it before everything happened. Well, no time like the present.
He clears his throat and shifts so he’s sitting a little more comfortably. “Right, so, essentially… You know how hard my quest was on me, right?” Groose nods. “Well, Lege had six of them, that we know of. This is his seventh. And he… he started really young. So, to cope with everything, his brain goes back to being a kid sometimes. And sometimes even younger than that.”
“…So it helps? The- the ‘being small’ thing?” Groose’s expression is a mix of worry, sadness, and dawning understanding.
“And you all take care of him when he’s like this?” Sky nods and Groose leans back with a thoughtful sound.
“Well… Can’t say I totally get it, but he seems to be doing alright. And he’s got you lookin’ out for him, so he’s got nothing to worry about.”
Sky’s chest warms at Groose’s faith in him even as he blushes, flustered, and hides his face in Legend’s hair. The little boy coos and reaches up to clumsily pat his head in an attempt at comfort; Groose chuckles as Sky groans dramatically. He nuzzles his little brother’s hair and presses a kiss to it to show he’s not mad, and Legend squeaks happily, cuddling closer.
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Stay Alive (45)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. Two updates in one day WHOOO!!
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“Beloved, your aura is stale. I know you're worried but you have to put faith in us.” Jin dipped his head into the crook of your neck, his head tickling your cheeks. 
You all had finally begun to get a move on with the plan, traveling from the magical city of Seoul to where the portal of Lake Yuri laid. Each one of you traveled in their own ways–the valkyries were on their pegasuses while Seungcheol was able to carry some of his companions on his back as a full dragon. 
To say you were stunned when the man transformed into a 5 story reptile was an understatement. Namjoon laughed at your expression telling you that most dragons were able to shift just like Jungkook was able to. When you realized Namjoon was able to do that you softly told him you wanted to see his dragon one day. 
However it was not that day because Namjoon explained he was still healing from his injuries so shifting wasn’t an option for him just yet. So all of you climbed into a ship that was fueled by magic. It floated high above the sky–courtesy of another coven that learned how to use their magic in objects. 
You watched from the railing as the scenery passed by below, catching sight of more creatures that were beyond larger than imaginable. That didn’t stop you from thinking about what was going to happen the moment you all reached your world again. 
You shook your head. “Jin, you've been stuck in that facility for the past 10 years. Who knows what will happen—”
“And that's the thing, we don't.” He cut you off. “No matter how much the witches tell us the fortune is going to be good, fate has a silly way of changing quickly. However, because of our powers we have hope to win this. We're going to take everyone out–they deserve it just like we did.”
“I understand that. I couldn't live with myself knowing they were still trapped.” You shook your head, looking back over the railings as you allowed your body to relax into the elf’s arms. “But I also couldn't live with myself if something happened to you.”
“We'll come back home—with you.” Hobi walked over to the two of you, the others coming up as well. 
“And then we can settle down and have those babies. No worries about our powers from there.” He grinned, teasing you about the future. 
“We have things to finish, Beautiful.” Jimin told you.
“And we have a reason to make it out.” Namjoon spoke up. 
“Who do you think will have a kid first?” Taehyung asked. 
“We don't even know when!” You laughed at the second youngest’s question.
“She slept with me first.” Jungkook spoke honestly. 
“Ya! Doesn't mean anything. I slept with her here!” Jin whined, glaring at the boy. 
“I did too.” Yoongi shrugged.
“Same.” Taehyung repeated. 
“We just having sex all over the place now?” Jin scoffed. 
“Jin!” You scolded, lightly hitting his arm around your waist. 
“Sorry, beloved.” He grinned, leaning down to kiss your cheek. 
It wasn’t long before the mountains came into view. It seemed that everyone slowed a bit down as they came to the realization that this was going to be it. You couldn’t imagine how tough things might have been. Hanseol was a weak person from what Bang had explained. However Kang was a different story.
He was a witch who only wanted more power. He would find ways of making himself powerful at the expense of others. You couldn’t give an answer for as to why he started working with Hanseol but there was still worry in the back of your mind about the man you had only come across once. 
Seungcheol was quick to turn back into his human form in a puff of smoke after his members got off his back. The faerie of the group twirled a staff around stomping it into the ground causing a mist of magic to flow out from it. Another member who you assumed to be some kind of sandman dropped down from his cloud, letting go of the three other members who had rode with him. 
The valkyries climbed off their horses, allowing some of the other warriors from the area to take them. IU had shifted back into her human form after being a swan. There were more people who came down after them, getting ready to cross the portal and into the other world. You took in a deep breath, knowing no matter how many people Hanseol had on his side they couldn’t stop people who had trained for years. 
“You boys ready?” Minsuk asked them all. 
Namjoon took a look at everyone, getting nods of their heads. 
He turned back to the leader of guards for Yuri Lake. “Let's go.”
 The pass through the magical mirror-like lake felt much different than what you remember a few days ago. It was freezing cold but only for a few seconds. You didn’t feel wet like you thought you were going to but you did feel light as Jungkook helped you through. 
He was waiting on the other side along with the rest of the boys wanting to make sure you were more than okay. Once you caught your breath again, you gave them a smile allowing them to rest easy. While the others looked around in quiet contemplation you took the time to walk towards the entrance of the cave. 
Seeing the small cross waiting there had you stopping in your tracks. You felt the breeze blew through and into the cave, causing you to look up. When nothing caught your attention you turned back to the stone, trying to memorize it to heart. 
You felt something touch the back of your legs, causing you to turn but found nothing. The others had begun to make their way out, Hoseok’s eyes quickly landing on you before making his way over. 
“Do you think her parents hate me?” You asked quietly. 
“I don't think they would. It wasn't your fault.” Hobi comforted you. 
It hurt to think that you couldn’t remember anything from before. Your head couldn’t even come up with the things you could’ve done with Nabi before everything went wrong. You must have been friends with her before crossing into the other world. You had been coming to your grandparents home since you were a little kid. But your mind really couldn’t think of anything having to do wit her. 
“I want to know her story. What happened before and after everything.” You said, looking over at him. 
“I'm sure your grandfather will be more than happy to tell you after this, princess.” Yoongi passed by, giving you a smile. 
The familiar trek back to your grandfather’s house was easy. However once the building came into view and the back gate was left broken your eyes went wide and you rushed forward. 
“Wait!” Jungkook called out, having smelled something off with the house. “(Y/N)!”
You stopped at the patio, seeing most of the doors broken off or furniture thrown out into the open. The house itself was still standing but it was clear someone had forced their way in and were trying to find something specific. In this case you knew it was someone rather. 
“They were here.” Jungkook spoke up, his nose wrinkling up as he took a sniff around.
Your eyes began to sting, biting your lip to keep from making any loud noises to alert the others. However they could still easily see you picking up things with shaky hands.  
“Let's get a move on. We have to stay vigilant in case Hanseol left some of his men behind to guard the lake.” Namjoon added, looking around the trashed house. 
“I'm glad we told grandpa to stay back.” You spoke up, picking up a family photo.
“We'll help him rebuild later.” Jimin told you softly, picking up the other pictures that were thrown around. 
“All my grandmother's things.” Your breathing began to grow shallow, tears pooling at your eyes. 
“Here, I managed to find this in the rubble.” Jin came up to you, handing you a small metal circle.
“Her wedding ring.” You sniffled, turning the diamond over before putting it on your own finger. 
“It fits.” You choked on your tears, quickly being pulled into Jin’s embrace. 
Hoseok took your hand, fingers delicately running along the one that had your ring. You sniffled as his magic came from his own hands, wrapping themselves around the jewelry. He had a small smile on his face, looking proud of himself when he pulled back after he finished. 
“What did you do?” You asked, looking up at Hoseok.
“It won't fall off.” He explained with a smile. 
“So it's glued on?” Taehyung tilted his head. 
“It's magically glued on. She can take it off but only her–or us.” The witch explained. 
“Thanks Hobi.” You smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss. 
“You're welcome, Hun.” He smiled. 
“If I could, I would make you your own ring.” The boy rubbed the ring, smiling softly. 
“Your transfiguration is good though.” You told him. 
“Not perfect.” He shook his head. “And for you I want to make the perfect ring.”
“Why is it not perfect?” You asked. 
“Because I don't have my wings to perfect my spells. They are part of my energy and because they are gone things don't look as they should in my eyes.” He told you honestly, a sad look passing his eyes. 
You could easily remember the day you had met Taehyung for the first time. A boy who wanted to show you a magic trick–well what you thought was a magic trick at the time. It left you astounded and with wonder. You wanted to see more of what he could do. 
He was someone who left you wanting to know more about the childish side of things. It was who he was as a person, someone who could do so much and yet still stay as though nothing ever really affected him. You knew he was hurting as much as the others but that didn’t stop him from wanting to try his best to protect everyone just like the others. 
“I think everything you do is amazing. You got the others out perfectly. Wings or not, your magic is amazing.” You softly told him. 
Everyone had gathered outside in the courtyard in the middle of your grandparents home, watching as Namjoon seemed to fuss in and out of the building. 
“How will we get there? You say it's in Seoul.” Hwasa spoke up, looking as Namjoon seemed to close all the available doors to the house. 
“Bang Nim gave us some portal keys to enter.” He showed six different keys in his palms, all different sizes. 
“However I must let you all know, we will be heading directly into the facility. Be prepared to fight.” He took in a deep breath, looking around. “Are we all ready?”
“Are you?” Yoongi spoke up, looking at his closest companion. 
Namjoon turned to you, watching as you had a reassuring look this time around. “Always.”
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkund, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @juju-227592 , @alienchickenpoop , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @thatonedemigodfromseoul , @woozixo,
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