#but there is not a lot to base their relationship off!
reidmania · 2 days
beartober masterlist ୨♡୧
hi hi im so excited!! umm these wont be posted on specific days bc i said so.. (too much commitment for me!) please remember that you're responsible for the content you consume and that many of this fics are covering heavy topics, don't read if you may find them triggering based off the warnings at the start of each chapter. these are all hurt x comfort, fluff or angst, (right now)
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01. to be loved is to be known. all spencer needs to know you've had a bad day is your comfort movie playing on the tv when he gets home from work.
02. In the absence of you. to find out youre pregnant, and experience a miscarriage all in the time spencer is in prison, is a lot, then struggling to figure out if you should tell him or not when he is home.
03. slow it down. when you feel like youre falling behind as life picks up its pace, spencer is there to slow it down.
04. love letters. when spencer is away on a case and you feel alone, you turn to his written love letters for comfort.
05. braids? when bored stuck at home because of his knee injury, spencer asks you to teach him how to braid his hair
06. bandaids don't fix dead. after a traumatic case, you shut down and engage in more (moderately) reckless behaviour, spencer's not a fan of you putting yourself in danger.
07..home sweet home, you come home to find dad!spencer dancing with your daughter
08. a replacement to it. after you let it slip that you rely on spencer for hapiness, he thinks its best for a conversation regarding your relationship.
09. living for the hope of it all. spencer wants more than the arrangement you can offer him.
10. -- to be determined
11. -- to be determined
12. --to be determined
guys im so excited. im plotting against you all rn.
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destinationtrekk · 1 day
How would Wesker react if his shy, inexperienced girlfriend walked into his office just to give him a blowjob?
barking growling chewing on my cage yowling and howling for this. it's pretty long but wow!!
18+ mdni gn!reader but can be read as afab if you want anon <3
he'll be very focused on work so you haven't seen him for a few hours, or maybe a few days! the relationship is relatively new, so the two of you haven't done much past kissing and some heavy groping. but you miss him, and really really want him, so you risk going into his office to just say hi
he acknowledges you and plants a sweet kiss on your cheek but goes back to work pretty quickly. you stay behind him watching what he's doing but honestly none of it makes sense and you have more on your mind than paperwork and lab results.
you start to slide your hands over his shoulders, down his chest, and very, very slowly over his stomach. you can feel him tense and he stops you immediately, turning to face you while he pushes your hands away
he speaks before you can feel to rejected about it. his eyes are full of concern but also dark with something you haven't seen enough of to name. he asks what you're doing, says he misses you too but he doesn't have a lot of time for you right now. you have to push past your own feelings and muster up a bit of confidence because, no, that's not what you wanted at all.
your voice is quiet when you ask to give him a blowjob and his eyes are immediately black, pupils dilating so fast you barely catch it. he asks if you're sure, no, are you really sure? the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable or forced, so it takes a few tries to confirm that yes, you really want to do this.
he abandons his work immediately, pushing his chair back and spreading his legs to invite you between them. he holds you still and kisses you for a few minutes to ease you into it, and you shakily slide your palms over his bulge and blush at the low groans he lets out. he's usually quieter and a little cocky, but you've been able to tell how pent up he is from not having you. he wanted you to go slow and get used to each other, but you're well past waiting any longer
you drop to your knees and watch as he pulls himself out. you knew he was big, just his bulge was enough to surprise you, but next to your face he seems like too much for you to handle.
he talks you though it, oh god does he talk you through it. literally step by step - lick the base, that's it, baby, all the way to the tip. kiss it for me, your lips are so soft, fuck, do that again
you think his hands are trembling when he finally cups your cheek and tells you to stick out your tongue for him. your eyes are locked on his face and you look so innocent, all pretty and soft tucked between his thighs. he can't help but slap his cock on your tongue a few times, letting out a shaky breath before he meets your eyes. he asks softly if you're ready, and when you nod enthusiastically with your tongue sticking out he nearly cums right then
he lets you pick the pace, telling you how to move your tongue and stretch your jaw, wincing but moaning when your teeth accidentally scrape him a few times. it's soft and slow, but so sloppy - you're spilling drool down your chin and taking shuddering breaths around his cock. your mouth is so warm and wet, he doesn't think he's ever been this hard in his life
he lets you suck and lick and kiss all your want, but eventually he has to pull out of your mouth and jerk off next to your face. your head is laying on his thigh as you watch him tug on his cock, studying how he likes it so you can do it next time. he doesn't want to tire your mouth out too much the first time, but he does grab a handful of your hair to pull you back up when he's close, stroking himself with your tongue kitten-licking his tip.
he cums all over your tongue, cleaning up the small drip down your chin and pushing it back into your mouth. he groans when you suck on his thumb now, and he's still hard just knowing you have a mouthful of him. he makes you swallow it and immediately kisses you, and of course drags you to bed to return the favor
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cripplecharacters · 22 hours
Hi! I have kind of a weird question. I have brachydactyly, but just type D (short wide thumbs). I don't really feel like it counts as a disability, I mean I have other health issues that are disabling. I have a couple adaptations, like a setting on my phone that lets me easily move everything closer to my thumbs, although I rarely use it because it makes me self conscious (although then my thumbs hurt from stretching but it's not like disabling pain or anything). Anyway, all that to say I hated my thumbs growing up, my parents never really paid attention to me so I thought it was my fault they were like that, and I was super self conscious. Now I'm drawing characters, and I very purposefully give them all normal thumbs. I've started to very intentionally get better about my own self esteem, but I still feel uncomfortable giving my characters those features even when they're almost entirely based off of me. My question is, am I just perpetuating the problem that I had growing up? I know the policy is "write/draw what you want with your own disability!" but I feel guilty since I'm choosing not to include my minor difference. I guess what I'm asking is, do I have a duty to include it? Is it such a minor detail that it doesn't matter? What's the policy on people deliberately not putting their differences into their art?
Hi asker,
I just want to let you know that you're okay just existing. It's not your duty just because you exist to become Educational, or to draw or write something you don't feel comfortable drawing/writing because of your own life experience.
Your relationship with your own brachydactyly is yours, and different people handle their own conditions differently. Someone might give all their characters brachydactyly, or someone else like you might give it to none. Both are okay – it's your condition. You get to deal with your own differences and conditions in whatever way you want as long as you don't hurt others, and you don't hurt others by not making it your duty to represent this particular thing.
I have a lot of sympathy for you about this. It definitely is difficult to have a difference that ends up affecting your self-esteem in any way, and I'm glad yours is improving, too. If you ever get to a point where you want to give your characters your difference, that's cool. If you don't, that's cool too. Our stance that "if it's your disability, talk about it however you want" extends to this, too, even if you don't feel it counts as a disability – it's still your experience with your own body and your own difference.
Essentially, it's not your job to be an ambassador for brachydactyly if you don't want to be. That is an optional position that you are not required to occupy. 🤍
Hope this helps,
mod sparrow
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fadedtoneverland · 18 hours
hello I hope you are well, could you write Mingi x male reader who is androgynous and biracial, the reader is a soloist and his music style is city pop fluff and suggestive please 🫶
“pretty city boy”
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❤︎ synopsis — just some fluff headcanons of mingi with his amazing bf <3
pairing: idol!mingi x soloist!male!reader
theme: fluff ✿ , suggestive ❤︎
a/n: more ateez !! and with a male reader too! ugh, i love my male readers 🫶🫶 we need more of them in the fanfic space.
cw: suggestive jokes. innuendos (because it’s mingi). teasing from woosansang
before the relationship
when you first joined the industry, you had no idea what to really expect.
making a fan base and career out of being a kpop soloist was scary, especially because you didn’t have a group prior to debuting to gain traction from
so of course, you were scared
but thanks to your amazing company and staff, they promoted you well enough to make your name known throughout all of korea, and even worldwide.
and of course, when fame comes, other idols start naturally hearing about you.
one of them being song mingi from ateez
as a musician himself, mingi had very high respect for the pretty boy with amazing vocals and stunning, unique visuals.
that pretty boy being you, of course.
so naturally, he got invested
mingi learned more about your company, and also the songs you wrote. he really liked the city pop melodies you’d incorporate, and some of the heavy themes you’d sing about in your songs.
so after diving into your discography, he begged hongjoong to get tickets to one of your seoul concerts
it took a lot of convincing, but joong eventually gave in
so now him, hongjoong, seonghwa and san all went together to watch your concert, and get the full experience of your performances
and it was totally worth draining the captain’s wallet
as a performance heavy idol, mingi takes live performances very seriously. his craft is impeccable, and here he was, starstruck by how easily you dominated the stage
you were made to be a star. it’s like god crafted your very being to make the whole world fall in love with you and scream your name
just like how mingi did in this moment
he was so in awe, that san took notice of this, and even waved a hand in front of mingi’s face during the intermission, trying to get his attention.
not like mingi cared, he still processing the adrenaline high from that insane performance. and it was only the first act
when mingi met you at send off, you were just as sweet as you seemed on stage. polite and courteous, even thanking your sunbaenims for attending your concert
to be honest, you were also fanboying a little upon finding out half of ateez was at your concert. you admired their work a lot, and were very happy to know they enjoyed your performance
safe to say, that wouldn’t be the last time you saw mingi. you kept seeing ateez throughout various award shows and promotions, and of course, you’d talk with mingi every chance you got
he was the member that captivated you the most. tall, handsome, charismatic, talented. just everything a guy should be.
and also he was like totally your type too but let’s not talk too much about that
one day after an award show and during an after party, you gave mingi your number, and soon you both started talking more
and of course, that blossomed into something more
during the relationship
mingi first confessed to you, and over text as well
he’s a busy man, so he never had the chance to do anything romantic as a confession
luckily, you accepted, and you both lived for this secret relationship you guys had.
obviously mingi told ateez, and they’re all very supportive
especially the hyungs, hongjoong and seonghwa. they do their best to assure that they support this, and will do anything to protect his relationship
kq also goes extra lengths to keep his relationship private, as does your record label.
the relationship itself is so cute
mingi likes to act all tough and hardcore, with his dude-bro shades n’ all
but the minute you’re around, he softens up like a puppy
you give him the princess treatment he deserves. surprisingly, you’re the one that pampers mingi more in the relationship, and he doesn’t mind at all.
more hugs and kisses from you, please and thank you.
he calls you his pretty boy
emphasis on the “his”, mingi is lowkey very possessive, and does not want to share his lover.
yeosang, wooyoung and san tease mingi endlessly for acting like such a simp around you.
like one minute, he’ll be arguing with wooyoung about who ate the last pack of ramyeon, but the minute he gets a call from you, he stops the argument and is like “hiii babyyy!! :33”
leaving wooyoung dumbfounded, and mocking mingi in the background with his other two besties
“ewwww look at the simp.” “gay behavior smh.” “get a room you guys”
those are some cool phrases from the trio
your dates consist of composing songs together and visiting cafes
the idol life is demanding and hectic, so your downtime is spent with nice, calming activities
whenever mingi’s stressing about something or experiencing bad anxiety, you kiss his knuckles to make him feel better
and following it by peppering his face with a bunch of kisses to let him know he’s loved <33
mingi’s love language is physical affection.
whenever you’re over at the ateez dorms, which is not often, he’ll take it upon himself to throw his body over you, and cuddle you all day.
mingi will also slap your ass a lot
like, a lot. and you can’t do anything to stop it.
sometimes he’ll straight up grab your ass from behind and whisper not so pg-13 things in your ear
“y’know it’d be really easy for me to just bend you over right now on this kitchen counter.” “mingi i swear to god-“
he’s a shameless little fucker whenever it’s just the two of you.
mingi is not the most horny guy in the world, but damn does he know how to keep you screaming all night
one particular night you guys went at it a little too hard in the ateez dorms… and accidentally kept a few people awake.
the next morning, you limped into the kitchen to see a very… very agitated choi san, with his arms crossed and bloodshot eyes
you would’ve been terrified if he didn’t look so goofy in the moment.
“.. pfft— hey san-“ don’t talk to me.”
you apologized to him of course, and san forgave you.
mingi then later walked in the kitchen with visible hickeys on his neck, and shot a smug ass grin to san. a grin that basically said “yep. i bagged that pretty boy.”
overall, the relationship is very sweet and loving, and you couldn’t be happier to have a man like mingi <3
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tiredandoptimistic · 5 hours
"Early 21st Century Romanticism" truly is one of the Community episodes ever for a variety of reasons, but I'm a Saw enjoyer so I'm gonna talk about the scene where Troy defends Abed to Mariah, and specifically defends his love of the Saw franchise. It's not just representative of Troy and Abed's relationship, but also of horror and neurodiversity and how those subjects are so easily ignored and discredited.
For those of you who haven't watched the episode recently, it's about Troy and Abed both crushing on the same woman (Mariah, the librarian) and deciding that the only fair way to resolve this is for her to take both of them to the Valentine's Day dance, and decide afterwards which one she wants to date further. Mariah is down for this plan, and ends up preferring Troy and sending Abed away. Abed is chill with this, but Troy clearly isn't; spending his dance with Mariah grilling her on why she would possibly see Abed as anything less than the perfect date. She has a couple reasons, one of which being that he spent two hours analyzing the Saw movie franchise. She eventually calls Abed "weird," causing Troy to storm off and reunite with his boyfriend best friend outside in peace, but I'm gonna focus on that bit about Saw because that's who I am as a person.
Before I go any further, it's important to remember that Saw is a largely hated franchise. Well, "hate" might be a strong word, but it's definitely looked down upon as worthless torture porn for the depraved. Troy is not a horror guy. I'm not a horror guy either, which is why I haven't actually watched the later Saw films and am content to enjoy them purely through my friends who are more down for gore and batshit plot twists ( @cape-wearing-enigma this is about you and your Saw slideshow presentation). My point is, Mariah's clear distaste for Saw and her opinion that it's "weird" to put two hours worth of thought into it is pretty damn standard, and just based on Troy's personal tastes I wouldn't be surprised if he agreed.
But the thing is, he doesn't.
He continues defending Abed's taste in films and his interest in talking about them, because to Troy it's not about enjoying Saw it's about enjoying listening to Abed get passionate about anything he cares about. His line about how "the first one did redefine the genre" in particular sounds so polished and is delivered with such ease that I'm confident it's something Troy is repeating that he heard Abed say, that he's got complete faith in it being true because it's what Abed thinks.
That, more than anything, is what sells the episode to me. I really relate to Abed in that I'm someone who can and will talk for hours about my interests, and those interests are often things which aren't generally considered to be "good" (oh the joy of trying to explain that I'm not into something for a bit or because it's "so bad it's good," I just genuinely love it and think it's great), and it's one thing to be able to hold a conversation with someone who shares those interests but it's a lot harder to find somebody who just likes hearing why you care about them.
Now, I'm aware that Saw is a popular mainstream franchise, but that's not the point here. Mariah isn't weirded out by Abed liking Saw, it's by him talking about it for so long. It's okay for you to watch when a new one comes out or do a marathon for Halloween, but once you start actually caring and putting thought into a "dumb" franchise then you're the weird one.
Horror is one of those genres (alongside romance and comedy) that are just seen as inherently low-brow and simple by a lot of people, like they have no value besides being easy watches and are easy to pull off in a compelling way. Which is wild! Even if you don't actually have deeper thoughts about a movie, if it genuinely scared you then that means the creators did something right and that takes effort! Good horror deserves to get credit, but instead it's just all lumped together into one mass that it's apparently okay to talk shit about.
I won't make statements about the entire Saw franchise, but as someone who loves the first one, I firmly believe that Saw (2004) is genuinely a really fucking good movie. If Abed had ignored the rest of the films and just talked about the first one for two hours, he'd still have plenty of material.
I'm not sure that I have a conclusion here, I just think it's awesome to see one of my favorite characters getting so into something I also enjoy, and one of my favorite parts of Troy and Abed's relationship is that even when they don't completely agree they still support and respect each other. This is yet another example of when it would have been so easy to make Abed the butt of the joke, but instead Troy (and the show) decides that actually Mariah is the weird one if she can't appreciate him.
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hanbinics · 3 days
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HALLOWEEN '24 [based off these prompts]
october has always been your favorite month of the year. you’ve always argued that absolutely nothing can beat the crisp autumn air, pumpkin spice invading everyone’s homes, and the excitement of halloween just around the corner—at least, that’s how it usually is.
this year, however, brings a sense of nostalgia. it’s the saturday before halloween and usually you would be with chris talking about anything you still needed for your party. since high school, you and your best friend have thrown a halloween party together, it becoming a tradition and a fun way to get everyone together, especially as you’ve gotten older. maybe it was naïve of you to think it would carry on forever, but you liked to believe that in order for one of you to back out, it would have to be for something really important.
turns out, quite a few things become more important—college, new friends, new relationships, and life in general. you’d noticed over the last few months that it’s been harder to catch any quality time shared between you and chris, which you think might be the reason why you were even more excited for fall’s arrival knowing that most of the season has always been occupied by activities with one of your favorite people.
now, though, you just feel silly. it’s like a slap in the face to be standing in the middle of a craft store in search of decoration inspiration for halloween, knowing you’ll be doing it alone this year. just as your fingers are brushing over a few plastic pumpkins, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. when you fish it out of your pocket, your eyes glance over the text message previewed on the screen.
chris: hey. busy tonight?
you hesitate for a moment before replying, vaguely wondering why he’s asking since you haven’t spoken to him in a few weeks.
no, why?
he doesn’t answer your question, instead sending back a vague “good” in response that you don’t reply to, entirely confused. you decide to put it out of your mind, your gaze only briefly glancing over the pumpkins again before you’re leaving the craft store entirely, no longer in much of a mood to think about how you’re going to decorate your dorm room by yourself this year.
it's not until you’re pulling into the parking lot of your dorm building that your phone goes off again, only this time it’s a phone call. when you see that it’s chris again, you frown in confusion, your thumb tapping the green button before pressing the device to your ear as you struggle to get out of the car with your bag.
before you can even greet him, or ask why he’s calling, the brunette is huffing into the phone. “thought you said you weren’t busy, kid. where the hell are you?”
your head jerks back slightly in surprise and maybe a little irritation at the fact that he’s questioning your whereabouts. you could ask him where he’s been for the last few weeks, but you don’t really feel like arguing.
“i’m just getting home, chris,” you say in response, your tone a bit clipped. you make your way into the building, grateful for once that you live on the first floor. “why? do you need something?” you suddenly feel a little bad, wondering if something is going on, if he’s okay.
but when you hear him snort on the other end of the line, you roll your eyes. “’m fine, kid. look up.”
immediately your eyebrows knit together in confusion, but you listen to him anyway—only to realize that he’s standing right in front of your dorm room. he’s grinning at the look on your face as you get closer, but your gaze immediately falls to his occupied arms full of orange lights, fake cobwebs, and plastic pumpkins. when you look up at him again, his smile only widens.
“don’t look so surprised. didn’t think i was gonna let ya’ decorate on your own, did you?” he asks, raising an eyebrow, but when he notices the way you purse your lips, he snorts. “fuckin’ kiddin’ me, right? you’re short as shit, kid, y’won’t be able to reach nothin’. now open the door, my arms are gettin’ tired.”
you can’t help the smile that threatens your mouth as you open the door for him, his blunt teasing doing nothing to calm the gentle thud of your heart in your chest. it stays like that for the rest of the night, chris teasing you here and there as you decorate the inside of your dorm together before settling down in a fort of blankets and pillows with hot chocolate clutched in your cold palms, hocus pocus playing on the tv.
your arm is pressed against chris’s, his warmth radiating around you like your own personal heater in the calm, cozy atmosphere of your dark room. you find yourself looking at him just as he takes a sip from his mug, admiring the sharp cut of his jaw and his side profile, something unfamiliar but pleasant settling in the heart of your stomach. when he catches you looking at him, a blush creeps up your neck.
“quit starin’ at me,” he huffs shortly. “movie’s the other way, kid,” he tells you sarcastically, but you can’t help but smile.
“thank you for coming tonight,” you tell him quietly instead, still looking at him despite the way his blue eyes remain focused on the tv. “i know it’s probably not as fun as a party, but it means a lot to me.” you feel incredibly sentimental in the moment even though you’re well aware of the fact that chris hates getting vulnerable in any way, shape, or form.
it’s why you don’t expect an answer from him, instead just pressing deeper into his side, your head coming to rest against his upper arm and part of his shoulder as you finally listen to him and focus again on the movie playing.
chris can’t help but be grateful that you miss the ghost of a smile on his face as you cuddle into him. he’s never really given a shit about throwing the halloween parties, but it’s been worth it every year to see the way you light up at every single one, to witness the cute little costumes you pick out, and more than anything, just to spend his time with you. but he lets the truth linger on his tongue as his body warms in every space you occupy.  
this, by far, is his favorite halloween.
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: ̗̀➛ tag list: @blahbel668, @zay-sturns
: ̗̀➛ divider by @/riottsrph
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jeonscatalyst · 2 days
I’m procrastinating from a project at work haha, and apologies if you’ve already answered a similar question! (And if I’ve sent in something similar already 💀)
At the tail end of what it looks like jikook prepared for us during enlistment (muse, golden documentary, AYS content), does it put anything into context for you differently? Such as, do you still believe jikook are irl dating and were so throughout chapter 2?
I always have to laugh at the biggest argument against jikook during chapter 2 was that they didn’t hang out in front of cameras. Do I think jikook saw each other a lot ahead of face? No. Do I think that then not seeing each other a lot mean they can’t be dating? No, and Jimin in particular was busy.
I always laugh at our clowns-in-law, because we really don’t know how much they’re hanging out off camera. We didn’t know about a whole taekook Hawaii trip until a year later, we wouldn’t have known jikook spent the night before jeju unless Jimin made an offhand comment.
All this Discourse from them about how jikook grew distant in chapter 2, as if they didn’t do the biggest act of devotion by picking the harder path (to go for the buddy means you’re automatically in one of the harder bases) so that they wouldn’t spend 18 months apart. Don’t know about you, but I’m personally not doing all that for someone I’ve been distant from for the past 6 months.
Hi anon.
“At the tail end of what it looks like jikook prepared for us during enlistment (muse, golden documentary, AYS content), does it put anything into context for you differently? Such as, do you still believe jikook are irl dating and were so throughout chapter 2?”
I have actually given a few of my thoughts on this already but I don’t mind repeating them. I think there is a good possibility that Jikook are irl dating or are in some kind of a romantic relationship, as a matter of fact I am certain that they have crossed the friendship boundaries (don’t ask me why, I just am lol) but the thing with the terms “dating” or “couple” is that they could be a little more complicated that people wish to admit. Just because two people are in a romantic relationship or have a relationship which isn’t platonic doesn’t necessarily mean they see themselves as a couple or think they are dating. I will always maintain that I think Jimin and Jungkook have been in a romantic relationship and possibly still are but I can’t say for sure if they have ever considered or termed what they were doing to be “dating” or being a “couple”, because of their circumstances or because of how much pressure labeling what they have could be on them. This isn’t me saying that is how things are in real life for them but just me saying this a possibility which means I could be 100% wrong.
To me it is clear that Jimin and Jungkook are attracted to each other, it is clear that they love each other and they also have quite a few couple-like behaviours even during chapter two and some of these behaviours could even still be seen in the show but the thing is, things never completely make sense and quite frankly they shouldn’t because there is a lot we don’t know. There are always going to be some question marks because we don’t have all the information. These guys have full lives behind the cameras that we know absolutely nothing about so expecting everything to always make sense or for all the dots to connect completely in situations like this is a bit unrealistic in my opinion. So anon, I do believe Jimin and Jungkook are in some sort of a romantic relationship, they could be a couple in a long term committed relationship, they could just be casually dating, they could be FWB, I honestly don’t know what kind it is so because I don’t know that, I don’t know if I would say I believe they are “dating” or a “couple” but I believe they are more than friends.
“I always have to laugh at the biggest argument against jikook during chapter 2 was that they didn’t hang out in front of cameras.”
This particular argument has never made alot of sense to me because one particular period of time could never debunk or prove that a romantic relationship happened so when I see people use this in their arguments against Jikook, I get the impression that they are either too young, have very little life and relationships experiences or are straight up dumb because anyone who actually treats this discussion like we are talking about real human beings and not some fictional characters we are shipping, would never use this as an argument. The only thing Jimin and Jungkook allegedly not seeing each other during a period in the solo era could mean or prove is that they probably were not actively “dating” or together at that particular point in time but it doesn’t debunk the idea that they were together before that or after that.
The thing is that shippers often cherry pick moments or value single moments over patterns and history. It’s how taekookers honestly believe that taekook are a couple just because they hung out frequently for a period of time even though everything that happened all the years before the solo era and even during the solo era proved that Taekook were definitely not a couple because they just didn’t have the history. People often forget that in the real world, human relationships ebb and flow, evolve and devolve. Even the closest people could experience moments in their relationships where distance creeps in, I mean 10 years is a long time for a lot of things to happen but some people seem to think that human beings and relationships and feelings remain the same.
Instead of the cult thinking that things changed and taekook finally started spending more time together when it was more convenient or simply because they both made the concious decision to do that so they could bridge the distance that crept in, they choose to believe that before the solo era, some people were restricted from hanging out with anyone they chose but had more freedom after they all started doing their own things. Dumb I tell you.
Truth is, because we don’t know how much they hang out behing cameras, we have to listen to them and not just make assumptions. While I understand that they cannot always be completely honest with us about everything they get up to behind the cameras and that they sometimes have to lie to protect their privacy, I see no reason why they would ever have to lie about something as simple as seeing or spending time with each other. Sometimes fans exaggerate or purposely bend or twist their words to make things worse or better but I believe when it comes to stuff like that, they have no reason to lie. It’s either they choose to say something about it or say nothing at all if they don’t think it is our place to know.
I don’t necessarily think Jikook were distant in chapter two. It is obvious to me that they weren’t much so but I do think things weren’t the same for them. I think whatever relationship they have/had experienced some hiccups but not necessarily “distance”. They were clearly so important to each other for Jk to do everything he did for Jimin during his debut and the fact that they chose to enlist together says alot too so whatever haters have to say falls apart when you think about all these. Funny how they claim they were distant yet Jikook somehow keep ending up with each other, every step of the way. Take a look at their every milestone since they debuted, Jikook just somehow always managed to end up by each other’s side.
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jjunieworld · 58 minutes
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❝ 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𓈓 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗏𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝗂𝗍𝖾.
p ‎⸝⸝⸝ 엔하이픈 hyung line 𝑥 fem!reader ꔛ g ‎⸝⸝⸝ vampire au, vampire!enha, established relationship, suggestive ── blood, biting, dry humping, kissing, skinship ╱ ❨ 𝓂.list ❩
✉️ ⦂ happy spooky month hehe!! i lovee vampires!!!! expect a lot more vampire stuff since it seems you guys want it based on this poll! i think it would be fun to do a part two where they turn her into a vampire (>人<) enjoy!!
͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏  ͏ ͏  ︵͡   𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 (⌒‿⌒)♡
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it was an hour until dawn and your boyfriend still wasn’t home. worry etched at the corners of your being and you paced around your shared apartment in wait. you had been blowing up his phone for the past three hours to no avail and you were sick with worry that something might’ve happened to him. just when you were about to go out into the night and find him yourself, he and jake busted through your front door—heeseung completely bloodied.
“oh my god!” you exclaimed as you rushed towards them, helping jake carry heeseung to the couch. “what happened?! where have you been? i’ve been calling you for hours!” the words flew out your mouth a mile a minute and you couldn’t stop them.
heeseung groaned with pain from all the cuts and wounds he had. “werewolves…” he trailed off hoarsely as you lifted off his shirt to inspect the damage.
“he got attacked on the way home,” jake said, and you could tell the guilt was eating him alive. there wasn’t a scratch on him. “i literally only left him alone for a minute—one minute, and i come back outside to see wolves on top of him.”
you raced to the kitchen and put some paper towels under the water at the sink. “it’s okay, jake, it wasn’t your fault,” you reassured. you came back to the two of them and handed jake the wet towels. “all that matters is that he’s alive.”
“not technically,” heeseung joked before going into a fit of coughs. you and jake glared at him.
you pulled up the sleeve of your shirt and held it at his mouth. “drink,” you said firmly. it was the only way to insure his wounds healed. jake began wiping the blood off of him.
heeseung pushed your arm away a little, shaking his head. “i-i can’t—”
“drink,” you and jake demanded at the same time and you pressed your arm against his mouth. cautiously, heeseung grabbed your arm with his hands, darting you a hesitant look. you watched as his fangs elongated and caught the light before sinking down into your skin.
you winced as your eyes traveled down to his bloodied torso. one by one, the wounds started to close and heal and heeseung eyes got more red. you started to feel lightheaded and stumbled towards heeseung, nearly falling over. he immediately let go of your arm and steadied you. “i’ll get more towels,” jake murmured.
“don’t scare me like that again,” you spoke, sitting down next to heeseung on the couch. he smiled at you, mouth covered in blood, “i’m sorry, i don’t plan on getting attacked by werewolves again.” you playfully nudged him, the two of you laughing.
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𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAY
you always thought there was something a little weird about your boyfriend. how you could really only see him when the the last ray of sun dropped below the horizon, how sometimes his eyes would look more of a garnet color than brown, how cold he always was, and even sometimes how his teeth seemed sharper than the average person’s.
he would have an excuse for all of it. he’s night owl, he spends his whole day working so he can only see you at night, the light is playing a trick on your eyes, he’s always been this cold, or his teeth are just more pointier than the average. but still, something didn’t sit right with you.
you remembered the night you were cooking dinner together and the blade you were cutting veggies with just so happened to accidentally slice a bit of your finger. “oh!” you gasped, pulling your finger close to you as droplets of blood formed at the cut. you turned to jay and noticed his weird behavior, assuming it was worry. “don’t worry, it’s nothing serious!” you reassured.
jay quickly excused himself to the bathroom and didn’t come out until you wound was all cleaned and wrapped up.
it was little things such as that that had pointed you in the direction of something else—something… supernatural. you had to test your theory, so you decided to plan a little vacation for the two of you and begged for weeks for jay to say yes, and he finally relented.
he seemed a little moody and there was bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept a wink since you started begging him to join you. and now that you were looking, his eyes were definitely a garnet color. you pulled him in for a kiss and subtly pushed your tongue past his lips. sharpness.
you only had one more test to do to truly confirm your suspicions.
a loud, and slightly painful, gasp ripped from your throat as blood poured down your arm. jay rushed in the kitchen, fast as lightning and his eyes widened at the scene. you looked at him with furrowed brows, trying to keep the smirk off your face at the way his eyes grew a more darker red.
without even thinking, and before you could even blink, jay’s mouth was on your arm. your blood covered his mouth and dripped down his chin as he lapped all of it up. your eyes widened and you finally let the smile form on your face. “i knew it!” you said, victorious.
jay’s eyes darted up to yours and you watched them slowly lighten to more of a scarlet. he removed his mouth from your arm, the wound somehow sealed, and knitted his brows together. “how did you find out?”
“well, besides the obvious?” you joked while motioning to all of the blood. “you didn’t hide it that well.”
“so this was all part of your plan?” jay asked. you nodded smugly. jay hummed, lifting your arm towards his mouth. “i see,” he said before sinking his teeth back into your skin.
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𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAKE
you were so irresistible to jake—so alluring. he just couldn’t get enough of you.
your lips moved in sync and he couldn’t help but try to pull you as close as he could just to get more. you hummed a little and pushed away from him and jake remembered that you still, in fact, needed to breathe. he removed his hand from the back of your head, pupils blown wide and no doubt the dark red he was accustomed to having every time he was in your presence.
inhaling deeply, you whimpered slightly as jake’s lips attached to your neck, right where the thumping of your heart could be felt and the best source of your blood ran through. you knew jake was always careful, especially with you, but no matter how many times you told him that it was okay to take a little bite, he wouldn’t.
“it’s bad enough already being near you,” he said, “i can barely control myself as it is.”
now it seems he was fighting his primal urges hard. you felt the slight prick of his fangs against your skin as his kisses on your neck turned to slight nips. he pushed your chest into his and you could feel him inhale deeply.
“it’s okay,” you muttered lowly, still catching your breath.
jake pulled back and you say his scarlet eyes, seemingly darker than they were moments before. he shook his head slightly. you nodded more and guided his head back to your neck. “it is,” you reassured.
you inhaled, preparing yourself for the sharp pain that you expected his fangs piercing into your skin would have. once they did, you let out a gasp. jake held you tightly, lapping at the blood pouring from your neck. you felt his tongue lick every drop, leaving none to spare.
before he could get too carried away, jake pulled back, his mouth and chin dripping. “see,” you smiled. “i told you it would be okay.”
“no,” jake murmured, licking his lips. “cause now that i’ve had a taste, i’m never gonna be able to get enough.”
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you were awoken by the presence of something standing over you, making fear creep deep into your beating heart. you reached over to the other side of the bed. when you felt the empty bed you cracked your eyes open, confused. very slowly, you turned towards where you felt the presence near the side of the bed.
above you, with wide eyes so red they were borderline black, stood your trembling boyfriend as he stared down at you. your brows drew together as you blinked a couple times. he looked pale and almost sickly. the hollows of his cheeks were more prominent and when he licked his dry lips you saw the white of his fangs. immediately, you could tell that he hasn’t been feeding like he said he was. “sunghoon?” you meekly asked, eyes widening at the state of him.
you reached out to touch his hand and in a flash he was flying across the room, back pressed hard against the wall of your shared bedroom. you sighed softly, “why didn’t you tell me you haven’t been feeding?” sunghoon remained silent as he tried to not let his primal nature overcome him and devour you. you sighed again.
pushing the covers off of you, you scoot towards the end of the bed and sunghoon tried to push himself farther into the wall. you pulled down the sleeve of your nightgown off your shoulder and fully expose your neck to him. “here… drink,” you say softly.
his scarlet eyes are more visible as the moonlight shines onto him. there’s slight veins under his eyes that appear at your request and his mouth opens, tongue dancing across his long and sharp fangs. ultimately, sunghoon turns his head and shakes it a little, his gaze finally tearing away from you.
you lean closer to him. “drink,” you demand more firmly and his eyes snaps to yours. “it’s okay,” you add, “you won’t hurt me, i know it.”
relentlessly, sunghoon takes hesitant steps towards you, his eyes hyper-focused on your neck and the delicious blood pumping through your veins. sunghoon cups your face gently with his cold hands and his eyes dart to yours. you give him a slight nod of reassurance. sunghoon then buries his face into the crook of your neck, his nose rubbing up your neck and sending a chill down your spine.
sunghoon pressed a chaste kiss to your neck before you felt his fangs bite into you. a gasp leaves your parted lips and your eyes flutter closed. sunghoon has never fed from you before, but you think you could get use to the feeling as pure bliss overwhelms your senses. you start to feel your body go numb as he laps at the blood trailing down your neck. sunghoon holds you tightly to his chest as he makes sure he gets every last drop he possibly can.
when he’s finished, you feel limp and your eyes are barely open. sunghoon lays you back onto the bed and kisses at your neck again before surfacing from your neck to assess the damage. his mouth is messy and red with your blood, the liquid dripping down his neck as he licks his lips. “better?” you ask him woozily, your eyes closing fully as sleep tries to whisk you away.
“better,” sunghoon replies, and you feel his arms hook under your back and legs before you’re falling into a deep sleep.
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∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , request ] ︵͡   𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 (⌒‿⌒)♡
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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i need an angst to fluff inumaki x reader fanfic based on the song 'daylight' by taylor swift ASAP (no rocky OR stayc OR newjeans).
"And I can still see it all (In my mind)
All of you, all of me (Intertwined)
I once believed love would be (Black and white)
But it's golden (Golden)"
the song's basically about the struggles taylor went through in her past relationships and begins to doubt she'll ever find pure love until she finally meets the man that brightens her life and shows her what true love really is.
the reader could've went through an abusive relationship in the past and guarded herself up even after she met inumaki until she gets to know him better and opens her heart to him KFYDORNEFH. inumaki and the reader could have like sentimental moment together where the reader finally opens up about her past relationship that caused her to become the person she is now and inumaki could bring up his insecurities of his cursed speech and how it's affected his life dealing with bullying, unrequited love, etc.
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summary: after an abusive relationship you don't believe you're ready to love again, but then Inumaki Toge entered your life like a ray of sunshine breaking through the storm clouds...
cw: abusive relationship, abusive ex, emotional abuse, mentions of verbal abuse, emotional manipulation, toxic relationship, implied sa if you squint, self doubt, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, growing old together
word count: 1.6k
note: i'm so sorry this took so long! a lot of things happened irl, plus i really wanted to do this request justice! also a quick disclaimer: not all abusive relationships look the same! the abusive ex in this fic is basically a mix of my and my best friends exes, so it strongly reflects my, as well as her, own personal experiences! please don't read this if abusive past relationships trigger you in any way, shape or form. take care of yourselves, i love you all <3
listen to this while reading!
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You hadn’t exactly been the luckiest when it came to love. Your first relationship lasted all of a month, the two of you parting amicably after realizing you were better off as friends. Your second relationship had lasted a little longer, before fizzling out due to him moving away. 
But compared to your third and most recent relationship, all of your previous ones looked like fairy tales. At the time, you hadn’t realized how toxic he was due to his nature. There was nothing dramatic about the abuse, nothing like the obvious and exaggerated examples you saw in the media.
It had started small, but quickly escalated into manipulation and toxicity. Going into the relationship you were confident in yourself and your ability to set and maintain boundaries. But as time went by you found yourself being talked into doing things you weren’t comfortable with, or didn’t want to do. 
You tried to convince yourself that you had wanted it as much as he had at the moment, so it wasn’t his fault, and that going forwards you would be more firm. Then the emotional manipulation started.
He would treat you like you were nothing more than a shit stain on the sidewalk, call you names, accuse you of cheating and only using him for his body. But just as you hit your breaking point he would swoop in and love bomb you.
The vicious cycle continued, and when your friends told you it was unhealthy, and that you should break up with him, you told them that you couldn’t. That you loved him and he made you happy.
And it was true.
He would beat you down until you hit rock bottom, break you until you were numb, but during the moments when he doted on you and told you how much he loved you, the high his love gave you was like no other. Looking back on it you could see that it was manipulative and abusive, but at the time you lived for those moments.
Even at the end, you couldn’t help but love him as he spat names full of vitriol at you. You told him you loved him, that you would be a better partner, and were left heartbroken when he broke up with you. 
A couple of weeks passed, and after the heartbreak faded, your mind began to clear and you felt as if you were thinking rationally for the first time in years. Hindsight is always 20/20 and yours was no exception. Looking back, the red flags were clear, and you had no idea why you stayed with him for so long. 
It was probably because you refused to see him as anything other than a good person who loved you, and that scared you. Clearly you were a terrible judge of character, and if you wanted to avoid getting hurt again you couldn’t trust yourself.
If you couldn’t trust yourself, there was no way for you to trust others. So you went through life alone. At least, you went through life alone until you met him.
Inumaki came into your life like the ray of warm sunshine that caresses your face after the storm clouds dissipate. 
After struggling to find the motivation to go about your life for months, you had thrown yourself back into your schoolwork. So when Inumaki Toge was assigned to you as your partner for the paper you had to write, you pointedly ignored the fact that he was extremely attractive and got to work.
As the research paper progressed, the two of you became closer, and even started looking forwards to your meetings at your local cafe. He was struck by how kind and dedicated you were; how you didn’t look down on him for being unable to speak. It was really nice to be treated as an equal.
You were struck by how funny and caring he was, and just how much you were beginning to enjoy spending time with him. It was terrifying.
Just months ago you had promised yourself that you would never fall in love again, that you couldn’t trust yourself to not jump headfirst into another abusive relationship, but here you were, falling in love once again. And it wasn’t like a little crush or anything. You fell, and you fell hard.
He consumed your every waking thought, from his mischievous little smiles to his gorgeous purple eyes, to the kindness he showed your underclassmen. You found yourself hyper analyzing every one of your interactions with him, searching for any red flags, desperately hoping to find something that proved he wouldn’t be good for you.
Because at the end of the day, you weren’t just scared to get into a relationship for fear of another abusive partner. You also feared opening yourself up to love again and getting your heart broken again.
Every logical, rational part of you knew that it wasn’t a good idea, that you shouldn’t date again, but then again, every emotional, instinctual part of you screamed that something about Inumaki Toge was right.
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
A month flew by, and the deadline for your paper came and went. Without ever speaking about it or formally agreeing to, the two of you continued to meet up, except now it was to hang out, not to work. Coffee dates, trips to the local museums and aquariums, exploring local small business restaurants, whatever you had the time and funds to do you did, enjoying the time spent savoring each other’s presence. 
It had taken time, and a lot of proof that he was nothing like your ex, but you had finally gotten to the point where you were ready to move on, to trust. To place your heart in the hands of another, even if it meant leaving you vulnerable again. And a big part of that was due to the gentle kindness and patience he showed you.
Nothing about the relationship the two of you shared was the stuff of romantic dramas, with their dramatic confessions, sweeping declarations of love, and passionate gestures. Instead your romance was quiet. It was easy. And most of all it was completely reciprocated. 
There was no defining moment where the two of you stepped across the line separating friends for lovers. It was more like the two of you were on a peaceful journey, only noticing days after that you crossed it. The line between friends and lover merely blurred, until one rainy day while the two of you were camped out in your bedroom the two of you decided you were “officially” dating.
But putting a label on it hadn’t changed anything. If anything, the label was only there so you could continue doing what you had been. And if that meant picturing a future that involved marriage and growing old with him, well that wasn’t anyone’s business, now was it?
And I can still see it all (In my mind) All of you, all of me (Intertwined)
Now, half a century later you sit on your porch, quietly rocking on a swing as you watch the sun rise, daylight slowly spilling across the sky. The glow of youth had long left your features, skin sagging under the weight of the joy in your smiles, joints and bones creaking from a lifetime of adventures. 
And sitting there on your porch, the swing creaking rhythmically as you sit beside the love of your life you think about your ex-boyfriend for the first time in decades. Looking back, you can’t even fathom how different your future was than you predicted.
Before you met Toge, you had resigned yourself to growing old alone, obviously having friends by your side, but going through life without a romantic partner. At that point in your life, you believed that love was more trouble than it was worth, that it only brought hurt and you would never find someone who would make you feel like the main character in a romance novel.
But then Toge came along, and it was nothing like the romances. It was soft, gradual; rather like the sunrise in front of you, slowly extending its syrupy warmth across the inky expanse of the morning sky. His love wasn’t dramatic or invasive, but it was comforting, warm, and all-consuming. His love filled you like the first sip of tea on a cold winter day, spreading across your chest and reaching into your limbs, chasing away the cold nip of the air.
His love was like daylight, spreading across the dawn sky, lighting up everything it touched bringing color and life to all. A gentle squeeze on your hand drew you out of your thoughts, and you turned to look at him.
His once bright silver hair had been reduced to a dull gray, and the crisp lines of his seal stretched and sagging across his cheeks. But his violet eyes were as bright as the day you met, and it seemed the love in them only grew daily. Clutching his liver spotted hand in your own, skin papery thin and liver spotted, you basked in the combined glow of your shared love and smiled.
“Hey Toge? I love you?”
He merely smiled and planted a loud kiss on your cheek, not needing to say anything in response.
After all, why would you need words when your love is as permanent and sure as the sun rising in the east each morning?
I once believed love would be (Black and white) But it's golden (Golden)
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general taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight @hotvinimon
jjk taglist: @m0k0k0 @starlightanyaaa
inumaki taglist: @stopshakingplz @hugsforjungwon
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Can you explain to me what are the differences between Bungo Stray Dogs, Bungo Alchemist and Beast? Like are they written by Asagiri Kafka, or are they written by different people?
I’ll try
Bungou stray dogs and Beast (Bungou Stray Dogs Beast) are both created by Kafka Asagiri.
Bungou Stray Dogs is a series about characters named after real life authors.
But are based on a character from that authors most notable work. And have abilities that tie into that book as well.
For example Dazai is named after the real author Osamu Dazai and is based off the main character in his book No Longer Human.
Bungou Stray Dogs Beast is 4 volume manga series about an alternate universe from the main Bsd series.
It’s a world where Akutagawa joins the Agency and Atsushi joined the Port Mafia. With other differences here and there.
Bungou to Alchemist is a game that was adapted into a 12 episode anime series.
It’s about famous Japanese authors being reincarnated to protect their books from being corrupted by monsters known as tainted.
The characters are named after famous authors and are based off those authors. So a lot of the dynamics from Bsd are different here as their more aligned to real life.
For example real life Dazai greatly admired Akutagawa so that’s the relationship they have here. In Bsd Asagiri flipped that dynamic around
I hope that makes some sense 😅
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velvetvexations · 1 day
I'm putting these asks in as text because my inbox is so packed rn lol. Love you Velvet Nation!
i swear to god cisfeminist spaces are the worst. a lesbian was asking why straight people have such bad sex (for the woman in the relationship, regarding the orgasm gap) and everyone jumped onto how testosterone is the reason for it (as in testosterone makes you want to orgasm in 3 minutes with no regard for extending sex outside of wanting to orgasm), even a trans woman saying the sex is so much better with oestrogen in her system. and me and a few other transmascs pointed out to this trans woman that it was probably because she was running on the wrong hormones, and any of us transmascs that dared to say we have extremely fulfilling sex that is infinitely better than the sex we had before we started T was absolutely shat on and berated for “speaking over women” even though we were just sharing our experiences, it’s just that those opinions went against the bioessentialism held deeply by the community
Yo, that's fucked? What the hell? Do people seriously earnestly not get how they come off here?
aside from OOP ignoring all of the black transmascs and other transmascs of colour in the discussion around transandrophobia (including a trans man of colour coining the term), i wonder if they believe we’re making up black transmascs because the transradfems i’ve seen so far have been overwhelmingly white. maybe because radfeminism is inherently racist or something… and their bible is written by a middle-class white woman with no perspective on transmisogynoir and this reflects upon a lot of the discussions of transmisogyny to this day…
Radical feminism is inherently Karenesque. They cross the street when they see the PoC transmascs they spend every waking hour slagging off approach on the sidewalk.
I just really want to chill and watch anime together with you some time, your taste is based as fuck
It sure is!
most bizarre thing i have seen today: a transradfem who clearly believes 100% closeted and non-passing transmascs have privilege over cis women but dancing around actually saying it because they know deep down it might get them backlash from the less radical transradfems
I don't even think it would.
I am still very "read another fucking author" at all the transfeminists who only ever quote Julia Serrano, but finding out she *also* hates the terms TMA/TME made my fucking week. Like, the transradfems' hero doesn't even agree with them!
A lot of them didn't even read Whipping Girl.
Can confirm male/female socialization is not actually a consistent thing because I was literally too autistic to internalize any gender roles, at least in relation to myself. Just. Never learned! Like water off a ducks back
High five!
Really if you take a character who presents as one gender and transition them some trans person is going to be mad about it cause they saw themselves in the original conception of the character. It's inevitable.
Yeah, that is the unfortunate truth of the matter.
That second paragraph is literally what terfs say about trans women. Turning that on trans men doesn't make you any more feminist it just makes you transphobic. (This is directed at the op of that post not you velvet)
Radical feminism is so fucking easy to recognize no matter how repackaged it is.
Racist feminism anon here: see this is the reason I feel like shit for having any critiques of feminism whatsoever. Like hashtag Not All Women obviously but literally these specific women aren't listening to marginalized men. We're not talking about whatever cis white able-bodied Elon Musk fan they think stands in for "men" in this situation. They put "valid concerns" in scare asterisks as though the very idea we have any is laughable. And no actually racism is not a "secondary manifestation" of misogyny and while transphobia stems from misogyny it shouldn't be treated as secondary for any trans person. How the fuck are we supposed to point out that white woman separatism leaves behind men who actually do suffer under patriarchy when it gets telephoned into "you stupid fucking bitch shut up I'll fucking kill you"
The point is making it so you can't.
BTW, I didn't get to edit it into the post before they blocked me, but they were reblogging Actual Nazi shit, like, the OP of the post was progressive but our dumbass here didn't notice that "if there was no hope their propaganda would be unnecessary" is (a) a popular Nazi thing and (b) added to the post by a literal Nazi.
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It never does, they're fully removed from this plane of existence.
Note: At this point I kinna forgot I wasn't screenshotting these
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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I can't believe someone who's BFFs with a tankie is a hypocrite.
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You're the second person to apologize for using that format and it always makes me think of the clown-names drama every time.
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girlymatsu · 2 days
2, 6, 11, 12 and 14 for the self insert lore ask game :3
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
SO I imagine Erina to come in in between season 2 and 3.. I was posting about it a few nights ago, in the erina timeline she sees the matsus from the background at the highschool reunion and gets inspired to go hunt them down and calculate befriending them. . But that wouldn’t be her first scene that would be revealed later in the erina arc .. the first scene would be strange coincidences of the matsus seeing erina run into them in strange situations and coincidences, and it’s all recollected by the matsus all talking about their pov of the encounter at chibita until erina actually shows up behind them and being giggly abt how silly they are… im trying to adjust the specifics of her intro so it’s WIP ⚠️ 🚧
6. does your self insert have any pets?
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HEHE yes technically @tottychanneru ‘s oc ramirabi is like a pet to her but he is more like a little animal magical creature bff.. he is funny creature… he is her supporter.. her precious friend who phases through the window peacefully when he goes out for the day
And erina also gets a dog later in her and oso’s relationship… based off my own dog Cho Cho <3 I think in the erina verse he would be called Po Po maybe because thats one of my nicknames for him hehe, or Chopi, … and Osomatsu helps get him for her because she was longing for a dog… seeing someone want to give up their little cutie happy dog and erina wanting him so bad but can’t go and meet the owner because she has to work and she’s far away… and Osomatsu surprises her by going on the journey for him… he is a stubborn princely type dog who is very attatched to erina… Osomatsu would get a little competitive with him.. but they ultimately get along because of their love for erina, also they are animals together
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11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
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Erina is gyaru who kind of experiments with her style, likes agejo a lot but not totally tied down to it, sexy street fashion mixed with a casual cutsey toony flair.. if that makes sense. she loves cutesy patterns and accessories and colors… she usually show tummy and legs , wearing platformers/pumps/chunky shoes rather than too pointy of heels
My friend @/marisivoney on Twitter captures it so well with outfit designs they drew for me for artfight!! Sososooo cuteness
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12. how would the fandom view your character?
Omg.. I feel like maybe she’s the icon of a Marina and the diamonds Spotify playlist , widely kinned bpd girl icon.. my friend said she would be menhara girl character u see on Pinterest… I would love to hear what the erinanistas say.. how would the fandom treat her, think what if she was a dangan ronpa character in 2013, tell me your thoughts
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
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ashherahh · 10 hours
all about leo
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These interpretations are based on my experiences with these placements and tropical astrology. Birth charts are unique and not everything will be relatable.
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I truly admire individuals with a Leo Mars. They're excellent in everything they do, and they have this drive and motivation that can rarely be matched. Those with a Leo Mars are really able to make a name for themselves, excellence is in their blood. I honestly don't know where they get the motivation from, but they excel against all odds.
I've noticed that people who are really smart or they're considered a "genius", they have either a Leo Moon, Venus, or Mars.
They won't be the first to do something but whatever environment they're in, they'll end up reinventing the metaphorical wheel of whatever they do.
They...really do like attention. Many go as far as to be influencers or celebrities, but the more tamer Leo's still love recognition either way. They want to be acknowledged for their looks or their work or their partner or their style, but somehow they want to stand out.
Even if they come across as shy, once you get close to them, you'll hear how highly they speak of themselves. They really speak highly of themselves but it's not unfounded, they live their lives how they speak about themselves.
No one really talks about it but they're very quick witted, but they especially want to have the last word. Their remarks usually come across as condescending but that's just how they think.
COMPETITIVE. They are so so so competitive. I work in a sales environment, and I also work with a lot of people with strong Leo in their charts. They are the first ones at the office and the last ones to leave. They make goals for themselves and they follow through on it.
Leo Venus individuals need to feel appreciated in a relationship, they wanna be courted. They want to feel like they are important to their partner, they want you to show them off, go the extra mile for them. They have really high expectations in love. Once sex is involved, it's difficult for them to separate love and sex.
Those with Leo in Mercury have very distinct voices or speaking styles. A lot of them are really great singers as well. They are the kind of people who give motivational speeches, they speak with authority. When they speak you'll want to listen. They're very vocal about social issues and they'll be the first to speak on something even if people don't agree.
Very, very assertive with their boundaries and anything they want in life really. They can also be quite diplomatic and tactful when getting their point across.
They're very consistent with their energy levels, and their treatment of others is consistent as well. You'll be moody but they'll still have the same energy with you, unless you really piss them off. One thing I've noticed is that they don't allow external issues to influence who they are and how they behave.
I've noticed Leo placements having an obsession with shoes and accessories. They like to adorn themselves and you'll never catch them outside looking frumpy.
Mars in Leo individuals are easily...motivated. They're extremely expressive as well and can often be seen as dramatic because of this. They are the kind of people who always have a plan of action and they like to delegate tasks so they can come across as bossy.
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zahri-melitor · 4 days
All right, I'm actually trying to tally this up: what are the actual storylines people can think of that are about Dick and Jason's relationship that feature them on page together? Ones where it's basically just them up against each other or working together, rather than intermixed with a lot of other family (so for instance, I'm not counting things like Tom King's scene announcing Bruce and Selina are engaged, or Batburger).
My immediate round up off the top of my head and a quick scan of appearances consists of:
Nightwing Year One
Jason's 1980s NTT appearances
EDIT: Batman #416
Brothers in Blood - Nightwing #118-122
Climax of Battle for the Cowl
Batman & Robin 2009 #4-6 and #23-25
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 2017
Blood Brothers - Nightwing Annual 2021
Maybe Joker War? But that's got Babs and Tim around as well
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starrysharks · 2 months
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winter assassin outfit
#zeno's art#ocs#reassassination#octavia krankenstein#oh i got a LOT to say about this one#in the comic octavia starts wearing this outfit after a certain event i think n its very symbolic#it represents mainly how her personality has changed as well as her relationship with kranken and humanity as a whole#lets do it top to bottom. FIRSTLY the mask that replaces her goggles that she wore in the “summer” outfit#the mask represents several things. firstly that octavia's relationship with kranken improved#i think the mask itself is probably kranken's and octavia uses it. showing that they've become closer#and ALSO even using a mask to hide her identity while working is in line with kranken's ideas of clothing being practical rather than flashy#(see her first outfit was originally really frumpy and practical before she DIY'd it into the minidress type thing)#anyway. the hoodie is supposed to harken more to an executioner showing octavia is more used to her job#the hoodie has eyelets which are circles. the fact that there are way more circles in the design shows that she becomes less cold#and more assimilated into human society#the gloves however are a sign of her persistent rebellion as they're fingerless and impractical lol#the pants are based off of tripp nyc's design. which was popular with mallgoths in the 90s/00s#it shows octavia's own personality and interests and of course has two hidden sets of 6's through the eyelets#lastly her shoes resemble skulls. that one's just for fun#while her first outfit completely represented rebellion i like to think this one bridges the gap between rebellion and octavia settling down#and becoming more familiar with those around her#this is only the first pass so i'll prob incorporate more red into the outfit before it's finalised#octavia isn't the only one who changes either! i want like ~3 changes for almost everyone
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theblacktiecacti · 6 months
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jay went to clown school. let’s talk about that
#art by me#jrwi riptide#jay ferin#i was drawing wherever the wind took me#and it took me to clown school jay#the best destination i could’ve hoped for#i feel like so much could be explored or expanded there in fanon#but i barely see anything#welp if there is none make some#sound off in the comments if you ever think about how jay rarely retracts into herself when faced with conflict#but instead goes to clown school or hitches a ride with the loserest boy she can find#and it’s the rare (and most impactful) moments when she responds differently#shutting down after the phone call with her grandmother#or blowing up after learning about lizzie and ava#or crying as she’s told to shoot her friend in the chest#but the every day conflict almost always gets humor as a response#which leads to very out of pocket moments but we love jay for it#oooooough jay ferin the way you express emotions is so important to meeeee#ALSO the fact that often it’s insult based humor or overly confident in self humor#let’s dissect that jay how do you relate to your friends in the hierarchical structure of the navy academy#did you feel like your humor had to subtly place you at the top? or you would not be enough? jay?#your relationship with kira hinges on fixing this structure by being better than it hm? let’s talk about that#let’s talk about how your life centered a lot around being the best even if not directly or intentionally#should i do a full analysis on this?#i kinda wanna do a full analysis on this#jrwi
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