#but then she goes down and pulls out her doctor card and tell me not to stress with school
callmemaeverick · 2 years
Dangerous Games [Sherlock Holmes x fem!Reader]
A/N: This little oneshot has been playing in my head since the release and I had to get to get it out. Forewarning, this is unbeta’d AND non-period accurate. I am not a Brit, nor am I from that era, though I like to pretend. I just like Henry as Sherlock and I like whump, so when he was shot, well, this came out of it. 
Summary: You are Mrs Hudson’s niece and you were at your aunt’s for your monthly visit, when you heard her favourite tenant stumble through the door
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You knew of him, of course. How could you not? He had commanded attention and admiration wherever he went. And that case Basilweather case a few months ago made him even more popular. But you knew him not as the brilliant detective. No. You knew him as your aunt’s reclusive tenant.
Sherlock Holmes.
He was definitely a character, you decided. Sharp as a tack and not a bad violinist. But he was also blunt and straightforward, sometimes to the point of rudeness. You could recall a time or two where his unsolicited remarks and astute observations made you clench your fists and narrow your eyes at him.
And then there’s the constant revolving door of guests, wanted and unwanted, going up and down the stairs to his flat cum office cum lab cum whatever else. It was very irritating for one looking for a peaceful afternoon with one’s reading.
Your aunt loves him though. Dotes on him as if he was her own. You knew he had helped her with something serious, but no matter how many times you asked, she wouldn’t tell you what. It sometimes drives you mad, but deep down you were grateful he was there to help.
So, despite his apparent lack of empathy, you knew he was a good man. Which was the only reason you put up with him.
“You’re an idiot, Sherlock Holmes,” You hissed as you pulled the thread stitching his skin back together.
Judging by the quirk of his eyebrow, you knew it was not something he hears often. In fact, most of the time, it was probably the exact opposite. But you were undeterred, especially since he almost gave you a heart attack, walking through the front door limping and covered in blood.
“Do I want to know the reason you decided to forego a hospital and the attention of a real doctor?”
Sherlock grunted at a particular sharp tug of the suture but did not pull away from your hand. "And miss out on your charming company? Never."
Rolling your eyes at his snark, you returned your focus to the gunshot wound. "Don’t be glib with me, you know it doesn’t work. And it’s not like you couldn’t afford the hospital, so tell me what’s going on?”
When your question was left unanswered, you finished off the last suture and looked up, just to find that his attention was no longer on you but on his map over your shoulder, still cluttered with notes. Frowning, you shifted to block his line of sight. “Sherlock?”
“I had to know.” There was no trace of jest in his voice anymore.
“Know what?”
“I had to know how deep the corruption goes. Her web. I need to know what she’s involved in.”
“She? Enola?” You referred to his young sister, someone you had just met a few days ago helping the man before you up the stairs. She endeared herself to you quite quickly, you realized, as you felt your concern for the Holmes’ siblings grow.
“No. Mira Troy. Moriarty.”
You scoffed at the clever wordplay and turned to look at the map behind you. The name was written clearly on one of the cards.
“She could have died… Enola.” He clarified before you asked. “Had the knife been real, she could've…”
You didn’t know what had truly happened and you suspect you might never will. But you knew it had shaken him quite seriously.
“Sherlock, hey, look at me,” You called, turning back to him. You waited until he pulled his eyes to yours, until you could see the slight discoloration in his left iris. “She is safe, hm? She is sleeping, right in there.” You motioned to his bedroom. "You need not worry."
His gaze moved to his closed door as if he could see right through the wood.
“I just got her.”
“And you’re scared you’re going to lose her.”
You smiled at the sentiment in his soft voice. He wasn’t as unfeeling as he would like people to think him to be. “You’ve changed, Sherlock Holmes.”
He hummed, coming to the same conclusion. “Perhaps.”
“Give her some credit, Sherlock. She’s tougher than she looks.”
He was silent as he contemplated your words and you didn’t know what he was seeing as he turned to look at you but you refused to break under his stare.
“Like you?"
Heat tinged your cheeks at the sincere mirth dancing in his eyes. It hadn't escaped your begrudging notice that Sherlock Holmes is an attractive man, all wide, strong shoulders and deep voice. It also didn’t help that he was indeed one of the most intelligent man you’ve met.
The feel of his soft touch on the back of your hand stole your attention and your breath stuttered in your lungs when you saw that your hand were clasped overtop his. You didn’t know when you had reached out to him, but what shocked you more was that you felt comfortable enough that the action did not even register to you.
You could only watch as he leaned a little bit closer, grunting with the effort. His head dipped to where his thumb was tracing your knuckles. “My sister believes I’m alone here. In need of a companion."
"Is that," Your voice had dropped to a whisper, as if you were sharing a secret, so you cleared your throat to return it back to normal. "your way of asking me to be your friend?"
Sherlock looked up at you and you froze at the look in his eyes. Heart beating wildly in your chest, you followed his gaze as it dropped to your lips. "Not a friend." He said.
You opened your mouth to respond.
The call of his name might as well be a clap of thunder with the way you both jumped apart at the sound of it. And in that instance, the moment was gone. Blood rushing to your face in embarrassment, the both of you awkwardly stood to face Enola, coming out of the room.
"Are you two alright?" She asked taking in the sight of you, wide eyed and flushed, and Sherlock, shirtless and bloodied. "I heard-"
"Y-yes. I was just... leaving." You sidestepped the man before you and headed for the door, highly aware said man following closely behind.
He called your name, exasperation in his tone, but you ignored it.
"Keep the wound and stiches dry and you'd be right as rain in a few days." Over his shoulder, you smiled at his sister. "You take care of yourself, Enola. If you still feel dizzy and nauseous, have your brother take you to the hospital, alright?" Finally meeting his eyes, you tried to convey what your lips hadn't had the chance to.
"Goodnight, Mr Holmes."
His lips twitched at the game you had initiated. He inclined his head in reply.
The game is on.
Part II
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cosmocup1d · 6 months
Note : The reader is a child between 6-7 years old, blood, dead bodies, OOC Characters, Change the canon plot
Part 2
Whoo! 🥳my first one piece fanfic
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It was loud
It was so so loud
[Name] cough as she ran around didn't know where to go but she needs to find her dad, She felt tears in her eyes but quickly wipe them away with the back of her hand after all she's going to be marine to make her daddy proud. She smiled as she wipes her tears she can't wait to tell her daddy that she went to marine Ford all by herself! She then turn and the sight making her instantly sick
Blood was everywhere
But the thing that made her sick there was dead bodies everywhere; to many to count
[Name]cover her mouth so that she wouldn't puke, she's going to be a marine anyway she has to get use to dead bodies. She took a deep breath before running making sure to not step over the dead bodies out of respect
She then trip making me cry out in surprise as she fell down. She cough some more and sat up as she looks down seeing a dead making her scream and crawl away "I-im so sorry mr!" She cried out as she stood up and grabbing the dead Marines coat and putting it over his head as she bowede respectfully
She then turn around and started running trying to see or hear her dad. The said dad was busy fighting of the other pirates and trying to kill Portgas D. ace "ADMIRAL SAKAZUKI!!" A marine cried out "Do they really think they could escape!? There're fools" The said admiral scoff as he activate his devil fruit
"LOOK OUT! IT'S AKAINU!" A pirate cried out "You free ace then turn tail and run eh? The Whitebeard pirates are a pack of cowards" Akainu said as he continues "But considering who your leader isis, that's no surprise Whitebeard is a loser from a bygone area" He finish making ace stop "ACE!" Luffy cried out "A loser huh?" Ace mutter making akainu look at him. The two then begins to bicker making ace more and more furious as the other shouted at ace to stop and come back
"Ace!" Luffy gasp out as he fell down to his knees "luffy! You've reach your limit!" Jinbe said walking over to the boy "Hey... Ace's vivre card..." Luffy reach down at the vivre card unknowingly that akainu was ready to kill him with his magma fist. Luffy looks up seeing akainu magma covered fist heading his way
It happen so fast ace covered Luffy but then someone covered ace
Akainu eyes widen seeing poppy as his fist goes thru her stomach making every look at them with shock and horror "I-i found you daddy!" The little girl gasp out as akainu pulls out his magma arm and reverting it to normal. The other pirates grabs luffy and ace who were stand in shock then dragging them to the ship
Akainu felt his throat close up as he catches poppy who was about to fell down tot he ground "A-are you proud of me d-daddy?... I.. I made it here all by myself..." The girl cough out makibg akainu cradle her and standing up "DOCTOR! ANYONE! CALL A GODDAMN DOCTOR" Akainu order out as Marines scramble to find a doctor "Please don't yell daddy...." [Name] whined out making akainu shut his mouth
Akainu looks down seeing his daughter bleeding in his arms with a hole thru her stomach that he made 'I'm sorry I'm so sorry sorry!' He wanted to say but he couldn't form any words as poppy smiled weekly "D-don't be angry dadddy... It's was my fault.. I-" Poppy was cut off by her fought out blood making akainu panic as he wipes the blood off "I-i was in the way" She finish
"Where is the patient!" A voice said as akainu rush to the voice seeing adoctor, he then lower his arms making the doctor gasp out of shock "I... I'm... I'm so sorry admiral" The doctor bowed his head "The hell you mean 'I'm so sorry'!? Help my daughter!" Akainu snaps at the doctor "I can't help her! Even if I did she would die! All of her organs burnt!" The doctor felt tears in his eyes the girl was so young so innocent
Akainu shuts his mouth as he breath heavily before running "Don't worry we'll get you a doctor" He mutter to his daughter which made her smile "Daddy?..." [Name]mutter "Yes?" Akainu hummed "w-why is it getting dark?" She ask making akainu run faster he didn't know where was he going but he'll run around until he see a doctor or medic
"Daddy please I'm scared.." [Name] cried as she grips his red jacket "it's gonna be alright baby you're going to be alright" Akainu gave a kiss on her forehead while patting her head "Daddy why do I feel cold?" [Name] ask again "Daddy... Please help... I-i don't wanna go!" She cried making akainu grip her tiny body in his arms
She continues to let out sobs and cries making akainu fought hard against his tears as he tries to assure his daughter that she'll be safe and healthy but he knew what's gonna happen but just ignore it "Daddy... I'm sorry... I-i shouldn't have come here... I wanna make you feel proud because I was brave... I'm sorry for all the times that I distracted you from work"
Please don't
"I'm sorry if I accidentally drawn on your document"
I like your drawings
"I'm sorry that I broke your vase"
I never like the vase
"I'm sorry for being loud"
I love hearing your voice
"I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough"
You were perfect
[Name] smiled "Thank you for everything... Daddy" She close her eyes as her hand goes limp her body getting cold
It was quiet
It was so so quiet
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Series Masterlist
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Authors Note: This episode is suppperrrr long because I got carried away with adding my own little scenes. So buckle up, get a little snacky snack, some tea and I truly do hope you guys enjoy!!😘
Third Person POV
The boys and Y/N pull up to a house in Baby. They open the trunk begin searching for the taser guns. "What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks Dean. "A hundred thousand volts" He responds. "Damn" Y/N mutters impressed. "Yeah. I want this Rawhead extra frigging crispy" Dean replies handing them each a gun.
"Now remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count" He reminds them, closing the trunk. They then burst down the door to the dark house, using their flashlights and aiming their guns to guide the way. They make it to a basement and start going down the stairs.
They hear some clattering in a nearby closet and flash their lights towards it. Slowly approaching it. "On three" Y/N whispers and they nod. "One, two, three" Dean counts and quickly opens the door, revealing two young children crouching in fear, covering their ears. "Is it still here?" Sam asks them quietly and they nod fearfully.
"Okay. Grab your sisters hand, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of here. Let's go" Y/N instructs the young boy calmly. Dean and Y/N make sure the coast is clear behind them, "Alright, go!" Dean directs them and they head up the stairs infront of Sam but something grabs him from below the stairs and pulls him down causing the children to scream.
"Sam!" Dean and Y/N yell as he falls. Dean goes to the back of the stairs and fires his shot but misses. "Sam, get out of here!" Y/N shouts. "Alright, take this!" He throws his unused gun for Dean. "Go!" He runs behind the kids and leads them out of the house.
Dean and Y/N stay behind the gank the monster. "Come onnn" Dean taunts the creature to get out as they canvas the basement. Splitting up into different directions. Suddenly the creature comes out and backhands Y/N into the wall, causing her to trip and fall onto her back.
She trudges to the water to get her gun. Retrieving it she fires, hitting the monster. But the water that the monster is also standing in, caused the electricity to electrocute both her and the monster. She passed out from the shock to her body. Dean bends the corner to see a passed out Y/N and a dead monster.
"Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side. "No, no, no! Come on princess, look at me" He pleads, shaking her, praying she's okay. Sam rushes down the stairs out of breath. "Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side with Dean. "What happened?" Sam asks his brother panicked. "I-I-I- I just left her for a split second-" Dean can't get the words out, tears running down both their faces.
Later, the boys are at a receptionist desk in a nearby hospital. "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file" The receptionist says kindly. "Right, um...here" A distraught Dean mutters, taking out his wallet and handing her his insurance card.
"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz" The receptionist nods, a bit confused but goes along with it. They turn to the police officers that were waiting for their report. "Look, we can finish this up later" One of officers says to them understandingly. "No, no. It's okay" Sam replies and begins explaining their cover story.
"We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood and um, our windows were rolled down and we heard some screaming when we drove past the house. And we stopped. Ran in" Sam tells them as the other officer takes notes. "You found the kids in the basement?" The officer asks.
"Yeah" Dean replies, nodding. "Well, thank god you did" The officer says and Dean notices the doctor come out from Y/N's room. "Excuse us" He says, pulling Sam away and the officer thanks them for their help. "Hey, doc. Is she-?" Dean asks the doctor shakily. "She's resting" The doctor tells them. "And?" Sam asks.
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. Her heart...it's damaged" The doctor explains sorrowfully and their faces drop. Deans heart feels like it's about to explode. Blaming himself for leaving her. "How damaged?" Sam asks. "We've done all we can. We can try and keep her comfortable at this point but....I give her a couple weeks. Maybe a month" The doctor tells them honestly.
"No, no. There's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment!" Dean insists but the doctor shakes his head, breaking his confidence. "We can't work miracles. I really am sorry" The doctor apologizes and they nod sadly.
Going into Y/N's room, she's dressed in a hospital gown, dark circles under her eyes, they see her flipping through channels on the crappy tv. "Have you guys ever actually watched daytime TV? It's terrible" She grumbles annoyed, her voice raspy. She looks over at the boys who have broken looks on their faces. "We talked to your doctor" Sam says sadly.
"That fabric softener teddy bear. Ooh. I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down" She mutters jokingly chuckling. "Y/N" They call out to her. Dean shaking his head at the fact that she's joking at a time like this. Only Y/N would do that with her ray of sunshine ass. Dean thinks to himself. "Yeah" She sighs, tossing the remote aside.
"Alright. Well, looks like you fellas are gonna leave town without me" She tells them. "What're you talking about? We're not gonna leave you here" Dean says in disbelief at the fact that she thinks they're gonna leave. "Hey. You better take care of my bike or I swear I'll haunt your asses" She jokes and they look at her unamused.
"I don't think that's funny" Sam says shaking his head. "Me neither" Dean adds. "Ah, come on. It's a little funny" She chuckles and they don't respond, looking away. "Look, fellas. What can I say? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story" She says in a low tone.
"Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options" Sam says hopefully. "What options? You got burial and cremation" Y/N says morbidly and they cringe at the thought. "I know it's not easy guys...but I'm gonna die. And you can't stop it" She tells them honestly. Dean walks to her bed and takes a seat next to her, laying a hand on her cheek comfortingly.
He caresses her cheek with his thumb. She rubs her face into his hand, closing her eyes and basking in his gentle embrace like it's the last she'll ever feel it. "You watch us with those beautiful (e/c) eyes" He whispers to her, loud enough for Sam with hear, tears brimming in his eyes.
A couple days later. Dean is in their motel room now, Sam tried to call John earlier but he didn't get onto him so he left him a voicemail and left to get them food, though he know Dean probably doesn't want to eat, he's gonna have to eventually. Dean is trying to call F/N now but he's only gotten his voicemail so he decides to leave one also.
'This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right now so you can call my daughter. Y/N at (your phone number). Have a good day' BEEP.
"Hey uh, Mr. L/N. It's Dean, uh..." Dean stutters, swallowing the lump in his throat. "You probably won't even get this, but it's Y/N" Dean says tearfully. "She's sick and the doctor said there's nothing they can do. Um.." Dean explains, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall and he takes a deep breath.
"But uh, I guess they don't know the things we know, right?" He says a bit hopefully. "So, don't worry, because me and Sam are gonna do whatever it takes to get her better. I promise you" Dean promises, fully intending it, his heart aching in his chest. "I'm so sorry, F/N. I failed you. I promised you I'd protect her. I failed my Dad." He apologizes tearfully, his voice cracking.
He goes to continue but Sam comes through the door, food in hand and he quickly recollects himself, wiping his tears. "I- but this isn't about me. I just wanted you to know. Okay. Bye" He finishes the voicemail, hanging up and tossing the phone aside. "Any luck?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head sighing.
Sam hands Dean a burger and a soda but he shakes his head. "I'm fine" He lies roughly. "Dean, you gotta eat" Sam chastises his big brother. "If Y/N knew you weren't eating, she'd have your head on a platter. Now eat." Sam orders him, shaking the bag of food while Dean glares at him.
Not saying a word, he snatches the bag of food from his younger brother, and takes the soda from him. Sam couldn't help but chuckle, "You know I'm right" He mutters and Dean rolls his eyes, digging into the bag. He doesn't even have an appetite and neither does Sam but they try to gorge it down.
Suddenly, knocking at the door breaks them out of their so-called eating and Dean is the first at the door, eyeing it cautiously. He opens it quickly to see Y/N in a hoodie, looking worse than a couple days ago, leaning against the door with a sly smile. His eyes widen at the sight and Sam shoots up from his bed, "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks her, helping her in and closing the door behind him.
"I checked myself out" She replies, cringing in pain. "Are you crazy?" Sam exclaims. "I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot" She retorts cheekily, leaning against the doorframe. "You know, this whole, 'I laugh in the face of death' thing...it's crap. We can see right through it" Dean calls her out on her bullshit and Sam nods in agreement.
"Yeah whatever dude" She scoffs. Dean gets behind her and helps her to a chair. "You know the doctors said I can't smoke? Shit pissed me off. A bunch of asswipes, like hello!?! It's my heart that's defective, not my lungs you scrub coated brainiacs!" Y/N exclaims in annoyance. Slouching in her chair like a 5 year old who got their candy stolen.
"That's what you're concerned about?" Dean chuckles, shaking his head. "Shut up" She mutters as they chuckle. She now looks between to two of them properly. "Have you two idiots even slept? You look worse than me" She asks groaning from the pain that's coursing through her body. "We've been scouring the internet for the last three days" Dean tells her as he sits next to Sam on the bed.
"We've been calling every contact in Dads journal" Sam tells her. "For what?" She asks confused. "For a way to help you. One of Dads friends, Joshua. He called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist" Sam responds and Dean nods.
She looks in between them and smirks. "You fellas aren't gonna let me die in peace are ya?" She chuckles dryly. "We're not gonna let you die, period" Dean retorts with a sad smile. "We're going" Sam insists and Y/N huffs, trying to mask the pain she's in. But the boys aren't stupid, they can see right through it.
The Impala pulls into a lot, crowded with people. A large white tent right across from a house. Some sickly people in the mix, from seeing this, Y/N already knew what Sam was up to. She opens the back door on the drivers side and Sam goes to help her.
"I got you" Sam tells her softly and she glared at him. "I got her" Dean tells him, pushing him off roughly and helping Y/N. Sam raises his eyebrows at this and shakes his head with a sad smile on his face. It was hurting him enough to see Y/N like this, he couldn't imagine how it must be for Dean right about now.
When Y/N gets out, her suspicions are confirmed when she sees a sign infront of the tent saying, "The Church of Roy Le Grange. Faith Healer". She rolls her eyes and looks over at Sam with a glare who's feigning innocence. "Man, you're a lying bastard. I thought you said we were gonna see a doctor!" She growls angrily, slamming the Impala door shut.
"I believe I said a specialist" Sam replies defensively. "I'm with Y/N on this one Sam. This is probably a load of crap" Dean agrees with Y/N. "Look, this guys supposed to be the real deal" Sam tries to reason as Dean helps her walk, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I can't believe you brought me to see some guy who heals people out of a tent" She exclaims.
"Reverend Le Grange is a great man" A woman in the crowd says defensively. "Yeah, that's nice" Dean shoots back sarcastically and Y/N chuckles. "I have a right to protest. This mans a fraud! And he's milking all of these people out of their hard earned money!" Another man, arguing with a police officer yells.
"Sir, this is a place of worship. Let's go, move it!" The officer ushers the protestor out of the compound. "I take it he's not part of the flock" Y/N says. "Well, when people see what they can't explain, there's controversy" Sam shrugs as they walk towards the tent. "Yeah but, come on, Sam. A faith healer?" Dean says baffled.
"Maybe it's time to have a little faith, guys" Sam retorts and Y/N glares at him. "You know what I got faith in? Reality. Knowing what's really going on" Y/N snaps bluntly and Dean nods in agreement. "How can you two be skeptics with the things we see everyday?" Sam scoffs, chuckling humorlessly.
"Exactly. We see them. We know they're real." Dean argues. "But if you know evil's out there, how can you not believe good's out there too?" Sam asks. "Because I've seen what evil does to good people" Y/N retorts. "Maybe God works in mysterious ways". A young man by the name of Logan interrupts their conversation, holding an umbrella.
(Quick Authors Note. You can imagine Logan as Mitchell Hoog. It's who I pictured for this role. Also note I post this story on both AO3 and Wattpad (And now tumblr) so I'm not sure yet how to attach a picture of it on AO3 so you can just research it. If not, just imagine him as Ross Lynch. Readers choice. Okay, back to the story!!☺️)
His blonde hair slicked back neatly, his blue eyes piercing into Y/N's. His eyes are nice but not as nice as Dean's. Y/N thinks. Y/N quickly let's go of Dean, placing her hands in her hoodie pocket. She smirks slyly, clearly attracted to him. "Maybe he does. I think you just turned me around on the subject" Y/N says flirtatiously, flashing him a coy smile.
Deans eyebrows cock at this, a familiar burning sensation in his chest rising at the sight of Y/N flirting with someone else. Sam shakes his head at her sudden mood change, noticing the heaving of Deans chest. "Yeah, I'm sure" Logan says chuckling. "I'm Y/N, this is Sam and his brother Dean" Y/N introduces herself.
Putting her hand out to shake Logan's, the smile not leaving her face. "Logan" He takes her hand, shaking it gently as he introduces himself. "So if you're not a believer, then why are you here?" Logan asks curiously. "Well, apparently my best friend here believes enough for both me and his brother" Y/N says smugly.
Causing Sam to shake his head with a smirk as Dean narrows his eyes at Logan. "Come on, Logan. It's about to start" Logan's mother approaches the group, ushering him to the tent. "Bye Y/N" Logan says, smiling at her as he walks away. Y/N eyes follow him as he walks into the tent.
"Well, I bet you he can work me in some mysterious ways" Y/N mutters smirking at the boys. "Really?" Dean says annoyed and she shrugs innocently. "What? I have a weakness for pretty boys with nice eyes" She says in a skittish tone, flashing Dean a wink before walking towards the tent and Dean hearts leaps when she says this.
"Did that electrocution affect her eyesight too?" He mutters lowly, his tone filled with jealously. Sam notices this and snickers. Dean looks over at brother confused. "What?" He asks him and Sam shakes his head. "You're such a jealous idiot" Sam retorts laughing, walking towards the tent, leaving Dean stunned.
"Am not!" Dean counters lamely, walking into the crowded tent behind Y/N. "Yeah, peace love and trust all over" Y/N says sarcastically while looking around, nodding to the security camera. Y/N looks around and she goes to sit in the back next to him but Dean pulls her lightly on her right side. "Come on" He says.
"What're you doing? Let's sit here." She asks confused. "We're sitting up front" Sam says, holding her on her left. "What? Why?" She grumbles annoyed. "Come on!" Sam ushers her. "Oh, come on guys" She mutters angered. "You alright?" Dean asks her gently. "This is ridiculous. I'm- get off me" She groans, pushing them off her lightly.
She appreciates their compassion, love and patience but hates the feeling of being treated like a child. "Perfect" Sam says, pointing to a second row seat. "Yeah, perfect" She mutters bitterly, taking a seat, in the middle of Sam and Dean. Behind Logan and his mom. "Look, I appreciate everything you boys are doing for me. But please. Don't treat me like a child" She pleads with them.
"Okay" Dean says softly and Sam nods. They look on stage to see a elderly man with a pair of dark shades on, wearing a suit and tie. Presuming to be Roy Le Grange. A woman, his wife, helps him take his outer layer on and he begins speaking into the mic.
"Each morning my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it?" Roy asks the crowd ironically. "No" Everyone answers. "Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act" Roy says as Sam notices a crucifix with a symbol he's never need before at the alter.
Y/N cringes in pain, the feeling of her heart aching in her chest. Dean noticed this and wraps his arm around her comfortingly. She looks at him and gives him a small pained smile, resting her head on his shoulder. Sam looks at them with a small sad smile, taking a mental image so when Y/N's better, he can tease Dean about it.
"But I say to you: God is watching" Roy preaches into the mic. "Yes he is" The crowd agrees. "And god rewards the good and punishes the corrupt" He adds and the crowd murmur in agreement, Y/N rolls her eyes at this. Laying her head deeper onto Deans shoulder.
"It is the lord who does the healing here, friends. The lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into peoples hearts" Roy preaches smiling and crowd chants, "Amen!" Y/N scoffs as this, "Yeah, or into their wallets" She mutters making Dean chuckle as she lifts her head off of his shoulder.
"You think so, young lady?" Roy calls out to her smiling, hearing her statement and her eyes widen in embarrassment. "Sorry" She apologizes, ashamed. "Watch what you say around a blind man. We got real sharp ears" Roy jokes, making the crowd laugh. Y/N cracks a small smile.
"What's your name, honey?" He asks her nicely. And she looks at the boys, they nod at her and she clears her throat. "Y/N" She tells him. "Y/N. I want you to come up here with me" Roy says kindly, nodding. Urging her to come up and she shakes her head. "Y/N, go on" A man in the crowd says to her.
Sam looks over in shock at this, happier than ever but Dean is a bit skeptical. "It's okay" She says sweetly. "What're you doing?" Sam exclaims confused and she ignores him. "You've come here to be healed, haven't you?" Roy asks her. "Well, yeah, but, uh- Maybe you should just pick someone else" Y/N stutters as the crowd cheers.
Urging her to go and Sam looks at her in disbelief. "No, I didn't pick you, Y/N, the Lord did" Roy chuckles and the crowd cheers louder as Y/N clenches her jaw. "Get up there!" Sam urges her. "Come on, sweetheart!" A man in the crowd urges her more and she looks around nervously.
Dean gives her his best puppy dog eyes saying "Please just go. It wouldn't hurt to try" He pleads with her and her heart pangs at the desperate look in his eyes. She sighs, nodding in agreement and gets up onto the stage slowly, the crowd cheering louder in joy.
When I die, I am so haunting those boys. I think to myself as I get up on the stage. "Praise the lord, amen" I see a man in the crowd praying with his hands clasped. Sue Ann helps me up on stage, putting a hand on my back. I look back at Sam and Dean and they both give me a look of encouragement.
"You ready?" Roy asks me, away from the mic. "Yeah look, no disrespect but uh...I'm not exactly a believer" I tell Roy honestly. "You will be, honey, you will be" He nods at me with a encouraging smile on his face. It kinda creeped me out. I look at him up and down skeptically as he says to the crowd, "Pray with me, friends"
Every one puts their hands in the air, palms to the sky. Roy slowly opens his hands, lifting it to the air and lays a hand on my shoulder before putting it on the side of my head. "Alright, now" He says and suddenly I feel weak, dizzy. I could feel my eyes flutter shut. I have no control over my body as I drop to my knees like if something is guiding me down.
I could see the boys at the corner of my eye, the worried expressions on their faces, quirking up in their seats. I try to talk, gasp for air, say anything, but nothing comes out. It's as if the life was drained out of my body the longer Roy touched me. My heart begins to give out as the pain courses through my chest.
Soon after I blacked out, falling to the ground.
"Y/N!" I hear Sam and Dean screaming my name in concern and the crowding cheering as they shake me, I gasp for air, coughing on nothing as I lay the ground. "Say something, Princess!" Dean yells worried, tears brimming in his eyes. I'm okay. Holy shit, I'm okay. I don't feel the pain anymore. Nothing.
When I open my eyes, I catch a glimpse of a tall old looking man with pale-grayish skin in a suit and tie behind Roy for a spilt second before disappearing. I gasp in shock and fear at this, not knowing what to say.
The next day, the boys and I are in the hospital, I'm sitting on one of their beds waiting for a report on my heart scan, showered and wearing my usual clothes. "So you really feel okay?" Sam asks me surprised and happy. "You don't feel any pain, nothing?" Dean asks me for the millionth time.
"I feel fine, fellas" I say dryly, my mind still on that thing I saw back at that tent. "Well, according to all your tests. There's nothing wrong with you hear. No sign there every was" The doctor comes in and tells us with a clipboard in her hand. We all look at her shocked.
"Not that a woman your age should be having heart trouble but....uh...still it's strange. It does happen" The doctor stutters a bit. "What do you mean strange?" I ask cocking my eyebrow and the doctor crosses her arms. "Well, just yesterday, a young man like your boyfriend here" She gestures to Dean. "27, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack" The doctor says sadly.
I go to correct her about Dean not being my boyfriend but I'm too taken back by the information to do so. "Thanks doc" Dean thanks her gratefully. "No problem" She tells us kindly before walking out. "That's odd" I tell the boys. "Maybes it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time man" Sam tries to reason.
"No, they don't" I say firmly, shaking my head not convinced this is some coincidence. "Look, Y/N. Do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on?" Dean tries to calm me down and I look at him stunned. "Please don't tell me you're buying into this crap" I snap and he sighs.
"I can't shake this feeling fellas, I can't" I tell them, getting up to pick up my jacket behind me. "What feeling?" Sam asks me gently. "When I was healed. I just— I felt wrong. I felt cold and for a second, I saw someone, uh, this old man" I explain to them as I put on my jacket.
"Im telling you fellas, it's was a spirit" I try to convince them. "But if there was something there, we would've seen it too. Especially Sam." Dean says pointing to Sam with his thumb. "I mean, I've been seeing an awful lot of things, lately" Sam shrugs. "Well, excuse me. You're just gonna need a little faith on this one" I scoff, turning to them.
"Guys, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this. And I've been getting a ton of feelings this last few months and ignoring them. When I ignore them, shit hits the fan. I'm not doing it this time." I say firmly and they sigh. "Yeah, alright" Sam nods understandingly. "So what do you want to do?" Dean asks me calmly.
I think for a second and say to Sam, "Why don't you go chest out the heart attack guy? Me and Dean will go visit the reverend" I tell him. Sam agrees while me and Dean walk out of the room. As we walk to his car and jump in, he looks over at me with a sad smile on his face as he starts the ignition.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask him, looking at my face in the mirror and he chuckles. "No, I'm just happy you're okay" He says, his voice cracking a bit. I give him a small smile but the feeling from the tent is still wrong to me. I can't help but feel guilty about getting hurt, knowing Dean. He's probably blaming himself. "I'm sorry" I say sincerely and he looks at me confused. "About what?" He asks.
"For not being careful at the house, you've lost enough people. I should've been more careful" I apologize and he chuckles dryly, "You're the only person I know that would be dying and apologize for that." He says chuckling, putting his hand to my cheek and my breath hitches in my throat.
My chest starts to heave and I try to stop the heat from rising too my face as he caresses my cheek. His forestry green orbs pierce into my (e/c) ones as he takes a deep breath. "No pun intended, but you've got a good heart, princess" He says amused and I slap his shoulder lightly as we laugh.
"You're such an ass" I retort chuckling. Our faces are inches from each others and can't help but dart my eyes down at his lips. Now is not the time, Y/N. The little voice in the back of my head tells me and I sigh. I'm pretty sure he looked at mines too.
I pull away and clear my throat. "We should go" I whisper, looking down. Dean nods and does the same, taking his hand off my cheek. I wince from the loss of contact as he puts Baby in drive and we're off.
"I feel great. Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened" I tell Roy and his wife as she pours me and Dean some juice as Roy nods understanding. We're now at their house. "A miracle is what happened" Sue Ann said, sitting down. "Miracles come so often around Roy" She says boastfully and I nod.
"When did they start, the miracles?" Dean asks. "Woke up one morning, stone blind. Doctors figure out I had cancer told me I had maybe a month." Roy begins to explain. "So, uh, we prayed for a miracle. I was weak but I told Sue Ann, 'You just keep right on praying'." He glances over at Sue Ann who has a smile on her face.
"I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn't wake up, but I did...and the cancer was gone" He takes off his glasses, "If it wasn't for these eyes, no would believe I ever had it" He shows us his prosthetic eyes. "And suddenly, you could heal people" I add and he nods. "I discovered it afterwards, yes. Gods blessed me in many way" He says, putting his shades back on.
"And his flock just swelled overnight. And this is just the beginning" Sue Ann says proudly and I look at her a bit weirdly. Dean does so too and we nod. "Can I ask you one last question?" I ask them. "Of course you can" Roy nods. "Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?" I ask honestly.
I notice Dean takes a deep breath when I ask this. "Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart and you just stood out from all the rest" He tells me and I don't buy it. "What did you see in my heart?" I ask him curiously. "A young woman with an important purpose, a job to do...and it isn't finished" Roy says softly and I look down.
I could feel Deans eyes on me this whole time, wondering what he must be thinking by all this.
Me and Dean walk out of the reverends house after thanking them for their time. As we're walking down the porch we see Logan, "Y/N. Hey" He calls out to me and I smile. "Hey" I say back. "How're you feeling?" He asks me concerned. "I feel good. Cured. I guess" I say shrugging.
Deans eyes glances between the two of us, his jaw clenching. "What're you doing here?" I ask him curiously and he looks back at his mom who's walking towards the house. "You know, my mom. She wanted to talk to the reverend" He tells me smiling. "Logan" Sue Ann calls for him and he walks up the porch.
"Yes, we're here again" He says with a smile. "Oh, I'm sorry but Roy's resting. He won't be seeing anyone else right now" Sue Ann says apologetically. "Sue Ann, please. This is our sixth time. He's got to see us." Logan's mom pleads. "Roy's well aware of Logan's situation and he very much wants to help just as soon as the lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke" Sue Ann calmly explains to them.
I take in the situation in disbelief. Mrs. Rourkes face drops as Sue Ann goes back into the house after giving Logan a hug. She then looks over at me angrily and snaps, "Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted" She says angrily and I'm taken back. "Woah, easy there lady!" Dean puts his hand out to stop her from getting in my face.
"Mom, stop!" Logan tries to calm his mom down. She looks back at him pained, "No, Logan, this is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you....stranger who don't even believe" His mom rants and then looks over at me angrily.
"I just can't pray any harder" She says disappointed and Logan drops his head in shame. "Logan, what's wrong?" I ask him calmly and sighs, putting on a smile "I have this thing" He says vaguely and my eyebrows shoot up at this. "It's a brain tumor. It's inoperable. In six months the doctors say..." Mrs. Rourke cuts in and explains, trailing off as Logan puts his hand on his moms shoulder comfortingly.
My heart breaks at the thought of someone so young, filled with spirit, is going to die for no reason whatsoever. "I'm sorry" I say genuinely and he nods, giving me a smile. "It's okay" He tells me. "No, it isnt" His mom says sadly, looking at him pained. She then turns to me and grimaces, "Why do you deserve to live more than my son?" She says and my heart drops.
She then walks off and Logan mutters a small apology before going after his mom down the porch. I look back at them and clench my jaw to stop the tears from falling. "Look at me" Dean says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to that old broad. You deserve to live" He assures me and I shake my head, now allowing the tears to fall.
"Yes you do! Come here" He pulls me into a tight hug, wrapping his around around me and patting my hair as I bury my face in his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. "Me and Sam. We could never do this without you, you hear me? Never" His voice breaks as he consoles me. "I'm-" I go to apologize for wetting his shirt with my tears but he shushes me, placing his finger on my lips, causing butterflies to rise in my stomach.
"If you say 'I'm sorry' one more time, I'm gonna blow my brains out. This isn't your fault" His tone is gentle as I chuckle lightly, nodding, sniffling back my tears. He then tucks a loose strand of my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear, "Yes, sir" I say weakly, looking up at him through my watery eyelashes and he smirks at me.
An emotion swimming through his eyes that I can't quite make out.
We end up back at the motel after going to see the reverend which ended so amazingly. Note the sarcasm. Dean closes the door behind him and tosses his keys on his bed, peeling his jacket off and I do the same, resting it on the chair. Sam is currently at the desk, researching god knows what, hasn't said a word since we came in.
"What'd you find out?" I ask him, pulling a chair next to him and turning it backwards, straddling it. "I'm sorry" He apologizes quietly and we look at him confused. "Sorry about what?" I ask him. "Marshall Hall died at 4:17" He tells us, not looking me in the eye and it clicks.
"The exact time Y/N was healed" Dean voiced my thoughts and I put my hand over my mouth in shock. Yeah" Sam nods. "So I put together a list. Reverend Roy's healed six people over the past year and I crossed checked it with the local obits" He explains, picking up a stack of papers and handing it to me.
Dean leans down to take a look as Sam further explains. "Everytime someone was healed, someone else died. And each time the victim died of the same symptom Le Grange was healing at the time" Sam tells us. "Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?" Dean asks and Sam nods sighing.
"Somehow, Le Grange is trading one life for another" Sam tells us and I realize. "Wait wait wait. So Marshall Hall died to save me?" I ask a bit angry. "Y/N, the guy probably would've died anyway and someone else would've been healed" Sam says and I roll my eyes at the fact that he's right.
"You never should've brought me here" I say, getting up from my chair. "Y/N, we were just trying to save your life" Dean tries to reason with me and I turn around looking at him in disbelief. "But, Dean, some guy is dead now because of me!" I snap. "I didn't know" Sam says sadly and I sigh.
"I know" I say softly, I go over to him and he looks at me, absolutely guilty. "I'm so sorry, Y/N" Sam says sorrowfully, pulling me into a hug that I return. I wrap my arms around his waist patting his back as he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "I would've done it for the both of you too" I admit and they look at me stunned.
When we let go of the hug he then says, "The thing I don't understand is, how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?" Sam voices his thoughts. "Roy's not doing it. Something else is doing it for him" I tell them and they look at me confused. "What do you mean?" Dean asks me.
"The old man I saw on stage. I didn't wanna believe it but deep down I knew." I say, looking down. "You knew what? What're you talking about?" Sam asks me confused. I lean against the desk and say, "Theres only one thing that can give and take life like that" I say, Sam is still confused but realization dawns on Deans face.
"You don't think.." He trails off looking at me and I nod, his face dropping. "Holy shit" Dean mutters. "We're dealing with a reaper fellas" I say and Sam is in disbelief.
Hours of research later, Dean and I are looking at a picture with a vague drawing of a Grim Reaper on it that he printed out from the web and Sam is by his laptop. "You guys really think it's The Grim Reaper? Like, Angel of Death, collect your soul, the whole deal?" Sam asks us and we shake our heads.
"No, no, no. Not The Reaper. A reaper" Dean corrects him. "There's reaper lore in pretty much every culture on earth. They go gt a hundred different names. It's possible there's more than one of them" I explain the mythology. "But you said you saw a dude in a suit" Dean says, propping his head on his hand.
"What, you think he should've been working the black robe thing?" I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes. "Sam, you said it yourself that the clock stopped, right?" I question him and he nods. I take the paper from Dean and show it to Sam.
"Reapers stop time. And you can only see them when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and you guys couldn't" I say, resting the paper down. "Maybe" Sam says. "There's nothing else it could be, Sam. The question is, how's Roy controlling the damn thing?" Dean defends my theory.
I see Sams face contort into the one he normally has when he's either realized something or holding in a fart. "What?" I ask him. "That cross" Sam mutters. "Huh?" Dean looks at us confused. "There was this cross, I noticed it in the church tent. I knew I had seen it before" Sam says.
He picks up a deck of and shuffles through them, chuckling when he finds what he's looking for. He hands the card to Dean who takes it. "Here" He says as Dean shows it to me. A man with a skeleton face and a cross, similar to the one on the church alter. "A tarot?" Dean scoffs.
"It makes sense. I mean tarot dates back to the early Christian era, right? When some priests were still using magic and a few of them veered into the dark stuff. Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it" I explain, looking over at Sam for confirmation. He nods in agreement.
"So, Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper" Dean suggests, handing Sam back the card. "If he is, he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white" Sam says, looking at him laptop. Dean then takes his empty coffee mug and mine, resting it in the sink behind us.
He leans against the sink thinking, "Okay, then we stop Roy" He says and I look back at him. "How?" I ask him. "You know how" He says looking at me grimly. "What the hell are you talking about, Dean? We can't kill Roy" Sam says. "The guys playing god, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book" Dean argues and I get up from my chair.
"Believe when I say I agree with you, charming. But we can't kill a human being. If we do that, then we're not better than he is" I tell him calmly and he sighs. "She's right, Dean." Sam adds and he looks over at him. "Okay, we can't kill Roy. We can't kill death. Any bright ideas college boy?" Dean asks him sarcastically and Sam rolls his eyes.
"Okay, uh, if Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta figure out what it is and how to break it" Sam says and we nod in agreement.
We decide to go back to the church (Roy's tent), now pulling into an empty parking space on the lot. "If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book" I tell the boys as we get out of Baby, closing the door. "See if you can find it"Dean says to Sam. "Hurry up too. Service starts in 15 minutes. We'll try to stall Roy" I tell him.
"Alright" Sam responds and the protestor from the day I got healed approaches us. "Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer" He says, handing us fliers. "Amen, brother" I preach loudly, causing Dean to chuckle as we walk towards the tent. "You keep up the good work" Sam tells him and we laugh even louder. "Thank you" The man thanks him smiling.
Dean and I walk inside the tent and take a seat straight to the back. I look over at him to see him deep in thought and I nudge him slight, "What's swirling around in that handsome head of yours?" I tease him with a smile and he smirks at me. "Nothing, I was just waiting on a call back from someone, kinda disappointed" He says, looking down.
"Since when do you wait around for a call from a girl?" I cock my eyebrow at him, shocked. "Not a girl" He scoffs chuckling, I'm slightly relieved about this for some reason but I just ask. "Then who?" I ask curiously. "Our Dads" He says honestly and I'm taken back.
"You called them?" I ask surprised and he nods. "Of course, you weren't well. I wasn't going to keep that from them" He says and I nod sadly. I didn't think about it like that, now I know for a fact that my dad might know I was dying and he didn't even bother to show up. It hurt, I'm not gonna lie. Dean notices the look of hurt on my face and quickly apologizes.
"Im sorry princess, forget I said anything" He says apologetically but I feign a smile. "Im fine. Honestly" I give him a wide fake smile, hoping he takes the bait. He seems to do so and nudges me back with his shoulder jokingly, making me causing gasp and I chuckle along with him.
My phone then rings and I fish it out of my pocket to see it's Sam calling, I flip it open and put it to my ear, "What do you got?" I ask him as Dean leans in closer to me, pressing his ear to the back of my phone to hear what Sam found. "Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral. And I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?" Sam says quickly.
"Guy in the parking lot?" I whisper into the phone. "Yeah, I'll find him. But you guys can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?" Sam instructs up and I flip the phone shut, me and Dean share a look before looking back on the stage. We get up from our seats and walk closer to it.
"Logan. Logan Rourke. Come up here, son" Roy says into the mic, falling out for Logan as the crowd cheers. Logan gives his mom a tearful hug before walking up to the stage. Me and Dean share a panicked look at this. "Oh, man" I mutter sorrowfully. Logan does to walk past me but I stop him.
"Logan, listen to me. You can't go up there" I try to stop him and he looks at me confused. "Why not? We've waited for months" He protests and I shake my head. "You can let Roy heal you" I plead with him. "I don't understand. Roy healed you, didn't he? Why wouldn't you at least let him try" He tries to reason.
"Because if you do, something bad is gonna happen. I can't explain. I just need you to believe me" I tell him honestly and I see Dean looks at me like 'WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!'. Logan looks at me in disbelief. "Logan" Sue Ann calls for him to get up on the stage.
"Please" I beg him. He looks back at his mother and back to me with an apologetic look on his face and I sigh. "I'm sorry" He apologizes and I try to stop him. "Logan. Logan!" I whisper yell but he ignores me. "Dear child" Sue Ann smiles at Logan, ushering him up the stage and the crowd cheers again.
"You deserve this" Sue Ann tells him. I look back at his mother who have an overjoyed expression on his face. "I knew the Lord was planning. I knew it was a mystery if time" Roy says into the mic. I groan in displeasure and Dean looks at me with pity. "Pray with me friends" Roy says to the congregation.
He opens his hand like he did when healing me and goes to lay a hand on Logan's head. I look over Dean, pleading with him with my eyes to do something. He nods and pulls me to the exit of the tent and yells, "Fire! Hurry! Tents on fire!" I go along with it and scream. "Fire! Everybody get out of here!" Everybody begins to panic, running out of the tent.
Roy stops, not laying his hand on Logan. "No! No, please. Please don't stop. Please! Reverend please! Please? Please don't stop" Logan's mother rushes to the stage, begging Roy to not stop healing Logan. My heart hurts hearing her pleas, knowing that if he was healed, someone would die. He looks over at me pained and I give him an apologetic look.
"Friends, if you'd all just exit the tent in an orderly fashion and we'll figure out what's going on out there and we'll come back-" Roy says into the mic. I take out my phone to call Sam, "We did it. We stopped Roy" I tell him once he answered. "David, I think it's okay" I hear Sam say through the speaker.
"Y/N, it didn't work! The reapers still coming!" Sam exclaims in fear and my eyes widen, looking at Dean. "How?!" Dean asks loudly, pressing his ear against my phone. "I'm telling you! I'm telling you, it must not have worked! Roy must not be controlling this thing!" Sam insists. "Then who the hell is?" I ask rhetorically and my eyes glance over to Sue Ann.
Roy's wife is in a corner of the tent chanting quietly and it clicks. "Dean!" I nudge him and he looks in the direction I am. "Sue Ann" I tell Sam before flipping the phone shut. We run towards her quickly and turn her around roughly. She's clutching a pendant with the cross from the tarot card and like the one T the alter.
She's stunned when we do this and starts screaming, "Help! Help me!" She tucks the pendant in her clothes. "You bitch!" I scream angrily, slapping her across her face and suddenly two police officers come and roughly escorts me and Dean out of the tent. Sue Ann comes behind us and begins to lecture us, clutching the red mark on her face from my slap with tears in her eyes.
"I just don't understand. After everything we've done for you, after Roy healed you." She cries, feigning innocence. Me and Dean glare at her, narrowing our eyes filled with hatred. "We're just very, very disappointed, Y/N" She cries then turning to the officers. "You can let them go. I'm not gonna press any charges. The lord will deal with her as he sees fit" She tells them.
My jaw clenches in anger, my eyes trailing her as she walks off. "We catch you two around here again, we'll put the fear of God in you, understand?" The officer bellows harshly, gripping Deans shirt, I don't answer instead just continue glaring at Sue Ann. "Yes, sir, fear of God. Got it" Dean says bitterly, giving them a smug smile and they rough push us both.
"Son of a bitch" I mutter. "Did you have to slap her?" Dean mutters to me disappointed and I sigh. I turn around to see Logan behind me with a disappointed look on his face. "Logan, I'm so s-" He cuts me off. "Why would you do that, Y/N? And it could have been my only chance" He asks me shaking his head, tears in his eyes.
"He's not a healer" I try to tell him but he argues. "He healed you" He defends. "I-I know it doesn't seem fair and I wish I could explain but Roy is not the answer, I'm sorry" I apologize sincerely, stuttering on my words. Tears begin to fall down his face and I have to hold back my own.
"Goodbye, Y/N" His voice cracks, shaking his head. He moves between me and Dean and then turns to me, I turn to look at him and he says, "I wish you luck, I really do" He says sincerely. "Same to you" I respond, tears threatening to fall from my eyes as he walks off. "You deserved a lot more than me" I say to myself quietly but Dean notices.
"Don't say that, princess" He tells me, "Anyone would be lucky to have you" He whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around me, patting my head as I lay my head against his shoulder. "God I need to stop crying, I've been crying so much these days. I can't even recognize myself anymore" I chuckle humorlessly, wiping my tears.
He smiles at me, putting his finger on my chin and tilting my head towards him to look into his eyes. "If it makes you feel better, I think it makes you a helluva lot stronger than me" He says, emotions swimming in his eyes as my (e/c) one's pierce his.
"Thanks, charming" I say genuinely. We look over to the Impala to see Sam leaning against it, letting go of our hug we begin to walk towards it. "Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word, I'll heal your son" We hear Roy tell Mrs. Rourke with Sue Ann next to him as we walk towards Baby.
"Thank you, Reverend. God bless you" She thanks him, shaking his hand and giving Sue Ann a hug. They then head on over to their car, his mom giving him a tight hug, tearing falling from her eyes before getting in and driving off.
Now back at the motel, we explain what happened in the tent to Sam. He's sitting on his bed and Dean is sitting on his next to Sam's as I pace the room, nervously. "So Roy really believes" He says and I go to the window, pulling the curtain to look out it. "I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing" I tell him.
"Well, I found this hidden in their library" Sam tells us, pulling out a small old looking book from his jacket, showing us. "It's ancient. Written by priests who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam explains as I take a seat next to Dean on his bed, handing me the book.
"Must be a hell of a spell" Dean mutters as I open the book, he peers over my shoulder to get a look. "Yeah" Sam responds. "You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood..." He lists off sighing. "To cross a line like that...that preachers wife. Black magic, murder. Evil" He says, shaking his head.
"Desperate" I add. "Her husband was dying. She would've done anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy" I say and they nod. "Cheating death, literally" Sam adds ironically. "Yeah, but Roy's alive, so why's she still using the spell?" Dean asks and realization dawns on Sam's face.
"Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral" Sam says and I sigh, shaking my head. "May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work" Dean mutters as I flip through the book. "We gotta break that binding spell, guys" Sam tells us and I reach a page with the cross like what Sue Ann was clutching.
Me and Dean share a look before looking up at Sam. "You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. Once she dropped it, the reaper backed off" I tell them. "So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the altar?" Dean asks me. "Maybe both?" I suggest and they look at me confused. "Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon" Dean says. "Roy's healing Logan tonight." I tell him and he nods as I get up from the bed, handing him the book.
Later that night, the boys and I head back to Roy's. When Dean parks I notice a familiar looking car, "That's Logan's car. He's already here" Sam draws the car to our attention. "Yeah" I respond sadly, clearing my throat. "Y/N.." Sam goes to comfort me but I cut him off. "You know, if Roy would've picked Logan instead of me, he'd be healed right now" I say honestly.
"Y/N, don't" Dean pleads with me not to go down that path. "And if he's not healed tonight, he's gonna die in a couple months" I look down at my hands guilty. "What's happening to him is horrible, but what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her?" Sam asks me rhetorically.
"You agreed with me when I said, 'You can't play God'" Dean tells me comfortingly but I don't answer, taking a deep breath I get out of baby and the boys follow behind me. We creep around the side of the tent and pull the plastic a bit to the side to see Roy hosting another service. "Gather around. Please, everyone, gather around. Come in closer, come on up" He ushers Logan up to the stage.
"Where's Sue Ann?" Dean asks us. "House" I respond. We walk back towards the house and I notice the police officer from earlier stationed infront of Sue Anns house. I turn to the boys and tell them, "Go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up" They look at me confused, "What are you-?" Dean goes to ask me but I cut him off.
"Just trust me, okay?" I flash him a wink before walking into the view of the officers and they crouch behind a bus that's parked. "Hey! You wanna put that fear of God in me? I don't mind getting double teamed!" I smirk as I call out to the officers tauntingly, instantly they shoot me angry look and they begin running after me and I bolt out of there to give Sam and Dean time to find Sue Ann.
Third Person POV
"That crazy bitch" Sam mutters to himself, shaking his head in amusement as Y/N dashes away from the officers. Dean snorts in laughter, "We call her nutcase and crackhead for a reason" Dean whispers to his young brother, quickly getting up from behind the bus and making their ways up Sue Anns porch quickly.
They walk around around the side of the porch, looking for any weak spots or open windows to get into the house.
In the parking lot:
Meanwhile, Y/N is ducking under trailers, busses, cars, you name it, to keep hidden from the police that are still chasing her. "You see her?" One officer asks the other, shining their lights around the dark lot in search of Y/N. "No" the other officer shakes his head.
On the porch:
From ontop the porch, Sam notices what looks like an underground cellar below the porch, "Dean, come check this out" He whisper yells for his brother attention. Dean quickly comes around and they share a look before running down the porch to go check out the cellar.
They lean down and open it, quickly getting in and closing it behind them.
In the parking lot:
Y/N is currently braced up against a trailer, hiding from the officers when suddenly she hears a loud barking coming from the door. She lets out a low scream in fear, backing up from the trailer. The barking draws the attention to the officers who are on the other side of the trailer.
One of the officer flashes his light under the trailer and inside, scoffing when he comes up empty handed, "Psycho mutt" He grumbles as the dog growls at him through the window. Still barking as the other officer laughs.
Y/N peers off the ledge from on-top of the trailer, sighing in relief, thanking whatever god existed that she scaled the trailer in time before the police saw her.
In the cellar:
While all of this is going on, the boys walk down the stairs to the underground cellar. Bending the corner, Dean notices a altar with candles lit around it, "Hey college boy" He nudges Sam pointing to the altar. "That what we're looking for?" He asks him and Sam nods.
They push open the gate and walk towards the altar that has candles lit around, pictures of people, even Y/N with red X's on their faces (presumably human blood), a human skull with blood dripping down it. Dean picks up the picture of Y/N, showing it to Sam.
"I gave your girlfriend life and I can take it away" A familiar voice booms, causing them to jump and turn around quickly to see Sue Ann with a grim expression on her face. Anger raises to their heads and they share a look before tilting the table the altar was on, tossing it to the floor.
Everything on it smashing into pieces. They run after Sue Ann but she's had a head start from when they were destroying the altar, running up the stairs and barricading the cellar door with a wooden stick. The groan as they try to push it open but Sue Ann is using all her strength to keep it shut.
"Boys, can't you see? The Lord chose to me reward the just and punish the wicked" Sue Ann preaches from outside. "And your girlfriend is wicked, Dean. And she deserves to die just as Logan deserves to live. It's Gods will" She continues to ramble but the boys stop pushing the door and run to the back.
Looking for anything that's big enough to knock the door down with. They find a large peace of wood, that's heavy enough for the both of them to hold. "Goodbye, boys" Sue Ann says and leaves. "On three" Dean says and Sam nods curtly, "One, two, three!" He shouts.
The brothers run the hunk of wood head first into the door with all their might. Busting it down and breaking the peace of stick that was holding it together.
In the parking lot:
Y/N is still in the yard, when she notices the lights in the lot start to flicker. She looks up at the lights in confusion before turning to see the old man she saw when she was healed behind her. Her chest begins to heave when she realizes what might be going on.
The man begins to approach her slowly and her eyes widen, frozen in fear. The man lays his hand on her head and she begins to groan in pain, her head feeling as if it's going to explode. Roy's healing Logan and Sue Ann is trading my life for his. She chose to accept her faith, knowing she wasn't supposed to live either way.
She comes to the realization, not able to move as the man drains the life out of her slowly, bringing her to her knees. Y/N screams as the pain courses through her body.
Inside the tent:
Meanwhile in the tent, Roy has his hand on Logan's head, bringing Logan to his knees while Sue Ann is outside the tent, clutching the glowing cross to her chest and chanting the spell, controlling the reaper.
In the parking lot:
Y/N's eyes begin to turn grey and her skin begins to pale as the reaper looks at her apologetically, as if he didn't want to take her life from her.
Outside the tent:
Now free, Dean pushes Sue Ann to the ground and Sam snatches the glowing cross from her hand, throwing on the ground and it smashes into pieces. Rendering the control on the reaper ineffective. "Noooo!" Sue Ann screams pained.
In the parking lot:
Suddenly the reaper let's go of Y/N, she falls to the ground and begins gasping for air.
Inside the tent:
Meanwhile in the tent, Roy can feel his 'power' die. Logan doesn't feel the effect of the healing anymore, his eyes fluttering open. "I don't understand" Roy says confused. "I don't feel different" Logan tells him, looking over at his mom with tears with tears in their eyes.
Outside the tent:
"Oh my god! What have you boys done?!" Sue Ann screams from outside of the tent, kneeling next to the broken cross, sobbing. "He's not your God" Dean says angrily, clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes at her pathetic sobs. Sue Ann looks up and sees the reaper she had in her clutches across from her, smiling at her with villainous intent. She gasps loudly in fear.
The boys look at her confused as she tries to run away but suddenly stops as the reaper appears infront of us and lays his hand on her head instead. She begins to gasp for air, instantly turning pale as her eyes roll to the back of her head, turning grey.
The reaper then let's go of Sue Ann with a satisfied smile on his face and she drops to the floor convulsing as if she's having a seizure and she lets out one last breath, now dead. The boys look on at this and let out a satisfied breath of relief.
"Let's go find Y/N" Dean tells Sam and he nods, making their way back to the parking lot. They see Y/N leaning against the Impala trying to catch her breath. "You okay, Princess?" Dean asks her concerned and she nods weakly. "Hell of a week" She says ironically and they nod. "Yeah" Sam says.
"Alright, come on. We should get going" He tells them and Dean takes out his keys. They all open the doors to the impala simultaneously before jumping in. Dean in the driver, Sam riding shotgun and Y/N to the back.
Later they're all in their motel room, Y/N sits on her bed staring into space as if she's deep in thought. "What is it?" Dean asks her knowingly, breaking her out of her thought process. Her eyes flicker over to him and she shakes her head, "Nothing" She says, sighing.
The brothers share a look, "What is it?" Sam presses, putting his hands on his hips. "We did the right thing here, didn't we?" She asks them. "Of course we did" Dean assures her and she sighs. "It doesn't feel like it" She says sighing. Suddenly a knocking on the door interrupts their conversation.
"I got it" Sam says, going over to it and opening it to reveal Logan. "Hey Logan, come on in" He says and Y/N shoots up from the bed. "Hey" He says, giving Sam a smile. "Hey. How did you know we were here?" Y/N asks him surprised. The burning sensation comes back to Deans chest, seeing how quickly her mood changed when she saw Logan.
He brushes it off quickly, brushing it under his rug of underlying feelings. "Um, Sam called. He said you wanted to say goodbye" He tells her and she looks over at Sam who gives her a sly smirk. "We're gonna go grab some sodas" Sam says quickly, grabbing his older brother by his elbow and pulling him out of the door.
Dean is hesitant about this but obliges. He huffs in annoyance as Sam closes the door. Sam notices the clenching of Deans jaw. "I thought you said you weren't a jealous idiot?" He teases his older brother, his gaze snaps over to him with a harsh glare. "I'm not. I just don't like the idea of leaving her alone in a room with a guy she barely knows" He retorts roughly as they walk to the vending machine and Sam chuckles dryly.
The irony of that makes him laugh on the inside, knowing Y/N hooks up with people every so often which Dean is quite aware of. Sam mostly did this so Y/N could get some closure because he know she has a big heart under all of her denying.
But partly was because he knew it would bother Dean and hey, his brother always says he doesn't feel that way about Y/N. He loves his brother dearly but the man is too damn stubborn for his own good. And so is Y/N but she hides her jealously better than Dean.
As the door closes behind Logan, the two exchange heated looks. Logan is the first to break it, walking around her to take a look at the room. "So, where are you going?" He asks Y/N. "Oh, don't know yet. Our work kind of takes us all over. So...." She tells him, trailing off when their eyes connect again.
"You know, I went back to see Roy" He tells her. "What happened?" She asks him sadly, already knowing the answer. Logan sighs, shaking his head as he takes a seat on the bed, "Nothing" He tells her as she sits next to him. "I mean, he laid his hands on my forehead but nothing happened" He tells her.
"I'm sorry it didn't work" She apologizes sincerely. "And Sue Ann. She's dead, you know. Stroke" Logan informs her and she nods. "Yeah, I heard" She says. "You know, Roy's a good man. He doesn't deserve whats happened" Y/N says sadly. "It must be rough...to believe in something so much...and have it disappoint you like that" She adds, giving him a sympathetic look.
Logan however has a smile on his face, "You wanna here something weird?" He asks her. "Hmm?" She responds. "I'm okay. Really." He assures her and she's slightly surprised by this. "I guess if you're gonna have faith, you can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they done" He tells her and she smiles sadly at his wise words, leaving her speechless.
"So, what now?" She asks him and he shrugs smiling. "God works in mysterious ways." He repeats his first words to her, giving her a teary smile before resting his hand on her cheek. The way Dean usually does. But it didn't quite feel right like when he does it. He leans in and lays a small kiss on her cheek.
His lips lingering at the corner of her mouth as she swallows the lump in her throat. "Goodbye, Y/N" He tells her with a smile and watery eyes before getting up to leave. "Hey" She calls out to him and he turns around at the door. "Um...You know, I'm not much of the praying type. But...I'm gonna pray for you" She says to him confidently, her tone filled with sorrow.
Logan nods and smiles, "Well, there's a miracle right there" He tells her with a smile, opening the door and closing it behind him.
Authors Note: I told you I was gonna add my own little spin on things in this rewrite lol. Hope you guys enjoyed!! I know how some people may think as if I'm taking away storyline from Sam or Dean by letting the reader experience certain things they go through but please remember I am just trying to keep her as included as possible.
I'm not going to take away big storylines as the whole point of this book is to follow the major plots but I'm just trying to make things more interesting to give a different perspective of the show. I'm enjoying writing so far and I personally have experienced books where I didn't like the way it was going and I left it so I hope you guys are still holding on!!
Note that this chapter is unedited and I plan on coming back to edit it eventually.
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skelswritingcorner · 6 months
Explaining an Organic Phenomena (TFP fic)
I bring forth ANOTHER reader character/Buddy who has endometriosis! This is closer to my own experiences with my still undiagnosed condition, though. I use Buddy in this story, but that's because I still need to finalize this Buddy's name.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Mentioned self harm, mentions of hospital visits, menstrual pain
Story below the cut!
You didn’t expect to end up being involved with an alien’s war, let alone that three of your classmates already knew about them, but you got involved anyway. While you rarely interact with them, preferring to hole yourself up in a small corner to work on assignments, they often pull you into shenanigans anyway. Especially Miko.
The Autobots, as they call themselves, don’t know much about you other than what Jack told them. And he doesn’t know much about you. Most he knows is that at least once a month you end up leaving class early, because it’s the class you have with him that you usually end up leaving for the day, and for the following three days you’re miserable. Jack doesn’t know why either, and you plan on keeping it that way. The only people who get to know about your endometriosis are your family and your doctors.
Well, you at least try. You’ve known them for about two months now, none of them raised an eye at the once-a-monthly absence. Yet. It’s either going to be Ratchet, Optimus, or Smokescreen who will voice any concerns if this happens long enough. Smokescreen, as he’s your Autobot companion assigned to you by Optimus Prime, and Ratchet as he’s a medic.
This is the second period you’ve had since you unwillingly joined them (you blame Miko for this, but also Jack since he’s your neighbor). It was your usual routine during the first day of your period: try to ignore the pain long enough in school, eventually go to the nurse after the pain gets too much for you to focus, then end up being picked up by your mom and brought home.
It was in your class with Miko when you ended up being picked up by your mom. You wrote down something on an index card, giving it to her as you left. She knew what was going on, Miko was the only person outside your immediate family who knew about your condition from you. As you shuffled through to the main entrance, you did see Jack, but ignored him. He was turned away anyway, and you weren’t in the mood to get his attention.
“Where is Buddy? I thought she usually comes with all of you.” Optimus asked. Miko scratched the back of her head before grabbing an index card and showing it to him.
His optics scanned the writing, “I have to leave early, my cramps are getting too much. Tell everyone not to worry about me (especially Ratchet and Smokescreen), I should be there tomorrow.” he read out loud.
“Oh, on the contrary!” Ratchet rebutted, “This happened last month too! And Jack said this happens every single month! Clearly, something’s wrong if this has been happening for years.”
“Well, the only way to confirm if anything’s wrong is to visit her. None of us know where she lives, though.” Raf stated.
“Actually,” Jack countered, “Buddy’s house is right next to mine. Our moms know each other quite well. I don’t think she wants visitors, though. Last time I visited while she was experiencing this she threw something at me, and it hurt.”
Smokescreen entered the room, tilting his head at the lack of his human companion. “Where’s Buddy? I thought she was going to be here.”
“Not here right now,” Miko replied, “she left school early too, needed her mom to pick her up. Girl stuff. I don’t have permission to tell you.”
Smokescreen tilted his head, then turned to Arcee. “Do you know what Miko’s talking about?”
“No, I do not.”
“Then I’m going to find her.” Smokescreen started to walk away, but was stopped by Optimus.
“Smokescreen,” Optimus explained, “I know that you’re concerned for Buddy. However, as Jack is her neighbor, it would draw less suspicion from the Decepticons if he goes to visit her. Jack, do you have Buddy’s contact information?”
“Even better,” Jack pulled out his phone, “I have her mom’s number. Well, I do have Buddy’s number too, but I don’t think she’s going to answer.”
“Excellent. Arcee, go with Jack. Smokescreen, please remain on base, but maintain communications with Arcee.” Optimus ordered. Arcee nodded, and Jack went to grab some of his things before leaving with Arcee.
“Actually, Jackie made a mass displacement machine in case we need to go somewhere that requires someone small.” Bulkhead said, “Arcee might be our smallest member aside from the humans, but I don’t think she can fit through the door of the garage.”
“Absolutely NOT! I believe that would be dangerous. Has Wheeljack even tested it?!” Ratchet turned to Bulkhead, gritting his teeth.
“I’m down to testing it.” Arcee walked to Bulkhead, “Do you know how to operate it?”
“Arcee!” Ratchet exclaimed, “If you really want to do this, I’m going to supervise this.”
This was not a good day. The cramps were especially bad, so all you could do was writhe in pain on your bed, unable to get anything of substance done. Are the Autobots getting suspicious of this now? The Decepticons? Honestly, the thought of Knockout finding you in this state, hell, even Megatron, made shivers go down your spine. It’s a shame too, you wanted to work on that dress for your project. The one that transforms from a vague black silhouette to a bleeding crimson. Too bad that you’re in pain. Mom went out to do some errands, so she won’t be home for a while. And dad? He doesn’t tell you anything about his work, but you know that it has something to do with the alien robots. Why else would the Decepticons kidnap you the day you were released from the psych ward, before you could even cut off the hospital bracelet? Interrogating you about things you don’t know about?
Who’s texting you right now? Grabbing your phone, you checked to see who messaged you. It was Jack. Of course it would be him, he’s your neighbor! The message said something you wished you didn’t read: ‘Everyone’s worried about you, Arcee and I are coming to your house. Ratchet’s worried too. Don’t throw a textbook at me like last time.’
You wanted to punch Jack so hard right now. Also, it was not a textbook you threw, it was a book about the history of fashion. Get it right, Darby. Angrily typing on your phone, you sent out a message: ‘I’M FINE.’ You then put your phone on the nightstand, curling into the comfort of your blankets.
It should take Jack and Arcee half an hour to get to your house, if they’re coming from the Autobot base. Hopefully, you can just tell them not to worry and leave quickly. They shouldn’t worry about you. Well, June did warn them about your mental health not being the best given what happened over the summer, but the point stands. As long as you’re not alone with your thoughts for too long, you’ll be alright.
There’s a sound that you now know is the ground bridge, and another notification sounded on your phone. So they went the easy route. You grabbed your phone, seeing two dreaded words, ‘We’re here’. God dammit. A door opened, most likely the garage door.
It’s Jack’s voice that you first heard, “Buddy, where are you? Who am I kidding, you’re going to be in your room.” as he spoke, his voice got closer. “Coming in!” and he opened the door. Whoop-de-doo.
“Are you in there?” he asked. You popped your head out of your blanket pile, preparing a plushie to throw at him if he says anything stupid.
“Your room has a lot of… black.” Arcee said, peeking from the hallway. Honestly? She’s right. Nearly everything in your room is black and pastel purple.
Wait. How is she in your house? She’s three times Jack’s size, how did she get in through the door? Wait, she looks smaller than usual…
“Why is Arcee in here?” you asked, biting back a whimper.
“Oh. Wheeljack made some kind of mass displacement machine and needed someone to test it. Smokescreen tried to have himself test it to see you, but Optimus has him on base for now.”
Right. That totally makes sense. Not weird at all.
“He’s worried about you, you know? If it weren’t for Optimus telling him he couldn’t, Smokescreen would be speeding to get to you.”
That’s weird. You thought he hated you. Smokescreen was always belligerent and grumpy when with you, mostly because you insisted on being in control so he wouldn’t break the speed limit and possibly commit involuntary manslaughter. He despised your personality.
“I think he only does that because I was assigned his human partner. I doubt that he’s actually worried for me.” you grumbled, returning to your blanket burrito with the plushie ready to throw.
“Ratchet is also worried, you know? He is a doctor and a-”
You threw the plushie at Jack, full force. Arcee didn’t even try to catch it, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly. Even when mass displaced, she’d have to crouch to get in.
“Hey! What was that for?” Jack caught the plushie in his hands.
“Well,” Arcee laughed, “Buddy’s up now.”
She’s being sarcastic. You’re still laying on your side, dammit!
Arcee walked into the room, speaking after she knelt in front of you, “Anyway, are you alright? I’m pretty sure Ratchet wants an explanation as to what’s going on, since this is the second time since you’ve joined us that this happened.”
Ough. Eugh. This is going to be difficult. How do you explain menstruation to a robot? They don’t have those parts, at least you think. “Uh,” you winced, not out of pain but out of awkwardness, “It’s very complicated and requires a lesson in human anatomy. June would probably explain it better than I can right now.”
“She’s at work right now, though.” Jack countered. Oh. Right. Hospital stuff.
“...I’ll grab my drawing pad. Just give me a moment to draw some stuff to help explain it.” you got out of your very comfortable blankets, going to your desk to grab your drawing pad, a pen, and a few markers. After finding a blank page, you got to work drawing a basic diagram.
Once you finished drawing, you turned the drawing pad to the two visitors. You pointed the pen to the first drawing; a very badly drawn uterus with a face, “This,” you tapped the drawing, “is the uterus. To the sides are the ovaries, which is where microscopic eggs are held. Every month, usually one egg is released. Before this, a lining grows inside the uterus to prepare for a human baby.”
“An… egg?” Arcee tilted her head.
“Not like the ones you see at the store, those are specifically evolved to grow a baby outside of the mother. These have no shell.”
You shifted your impromptu pointer. If you had your finger ring on, you would be using that to point, “The egg, however, needs to be fertilized in order for a baby to form. This is usually done through… certain acts of pleasure. However, there are treatments in case you can’t get pregnant that way.”
Jack nodded, nonverbally imploring you to continue.
“But this isn’t about how babies are made or grown, this is specifically about what happens when you don’t get pregnant.” You moved the pen to point to another crudely drawn uterus, now with an angry expression and blood coming out from the bottom. “When you don’t get pregnant, then the lining sheds, basically it’s like bleeding. You can’t hold it in, it’s gonna flow whether you want it to or not. This takes several days, and usually causes mild discomfort. This usually starts when reaching teenage years, but I was eleven years old when I first got mine.”
“Wait, you were eleven when that happened?!” Jack’s eyes widened. You just rolled your eyes to continue.
“Sometimes, though, the lining can grow on the outside of the uterus, and end up on other parts of the body,” you tapped the pen on another sketch, with a mess of lines representing the intestines with blobs of red on them, “most often the highest it goes is the intestines, but it can go all the way to the brain. This is called endometriosis, and it causes incredibly painful cramps. I had this confirmed over the summer, after that incident.” you chuckled, “Didn’t even have the chance to get lunch after being discharged before the Decepticons took me.”
“I’m… sorry.” Arcee frowned.
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” you replied.
“It’s not an apology, Buddy, it’s a show of sympathy. I can’t imagine how that feels.” Right. People say sorry sometimes to show sympathy. Something you never got the grasp of. Saying sorry is meant for apologies, is it not?
“Well, I did stab myself to distract from the pain my cramps caused.” you laughed.
Why are Jack and Arcee staring at you like that? They look like they saw a flayed corpse.
Oh. Right. They weren’t told why you were in the hospital. At least June is complying with HIPAA.
“That’s why you were in the hospital?! You stabbed yourself?!” Jack went closer to you, still shocked.
“In two places. And no, I’m not showing the scars. They still look nasty.” It is true though, the stitches might be gone but the scars are still healing. Besides, one of those scars is on your stomach. You’re not showing that to anyone except for medical professionals, or someone you trust enough. The only person that applies is mom.
“Well, at least we now know what’s going on. Is it alright if we tell the others?” Arcee asked.
“Go ahead. Miko already knows, by the way. She even taught me how to pronounce it in Japanese. While there is an actual Japanese word, they just use the loan word.” you answered, “Also, be careful when telling Raf. He’s the youngest of us, I’m sure he’ll be full of questions. I… don’t want him trying to learn more than he should at his age.”
You’ve always felt protective of Rafael. Maybe it’s because deep down you always wanted to feel like a big sister to someone. Another part of you thinks you’re trying to subconsciously manipulate him into your father’s cause. Regardless of why that is, the moment you ended up in cahoots with the Autobots you’ve taken up the role of an older sibling to him. You did your best to not be overbearing or authoritarian, but you tried to help explain certain things to him. He might be a genius, but he’s still the age of a middle schooler. As long as he doesn’t end up behaving like Jack or Miko, he should be okay.
“I assume that you want to stay here, and not go to base.” Jack scratched the back of his head.
You nodded, “I’ll see if I can go tomorrow, depending on how I feel. See y’all tomorrow. Also, don’t tell anyone else the fact that I stabbed myself being why I was in the hospital.”
“I promise. See you tomorrow, Buddy.” Arcee waved, and the both of them left.
After the ground bridge noise was made, you put the drawing stuff away and returned to your blanket burrito after taking some painkillers. Talking with both of them distracted you from the cramps for a good while, surprisingly enough. That’s an achievement.
“Are you saying that this is caused by a regular human bodily function going wrong?!” Ratchet clenched his hands, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“As far as Buddy said, yes.” Arcee confirmed.
“Yikes,” Miko winced, “I thought my cramps were annoying at best. I can’t imagine what level of cramps she experiences every month.”
“That’s why Buddy’s not here right now?” Smokescreen asked Arcee, who nodded.
Smokescreen sulked in a corner, “Why didn’t she tell me? I’m her partner! And she never said anything about this to me!”
“Buddy might have decided not to tell you since it might make you worry. That, and it’s hard to find a comparison for a Cybertronian lifeform for what she experiences. Even I struggle to wrap my head around it.” Optimus said.
“This could be disastrous.” Arcee replied, “Combined with who her father likely is, we might need to keep a close eye on Buddy. Even more than before. Ratchet, have you ever scanned her?”
Ratchet nodded, “Back when we first found her, yes. Is there something you want me to check?”
Jack piped up, “She said she has two scars, they’re very recent. Did those come up on your scans?”
After some typing, a figure that looked like Buddy showed up on the screen. Two points of trauma, one on her right lower arm’s interior, and one on her midsection. Ratchet nodded, “I was wondering what those were. How did that happen?”
“Not allowed to tell you,” Jack said, “it’s a bit… personal to her. It’s probably best if she tells you herself. I’m not breaking her trust.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Ratchet sighed, “Very well. I’ll ask Buddy when she’s no longer in pain.”
“Hopefully she’ll be okay tomorrow. She might not feel comfortable coming to base tomorrow. Besides,” Miko cradled her cheeks in her fists while leaning against the railing, “she told me that she’s working on that dress! You know, the one she’s making that has a lot of red… for her sewing class?” The looks of confusion from the others proved that they had no idea what Miko was talking about.
“Nevermind.” Miko grumbled, walking to the couch and sitting next to Rafael. Next time Buddy goes on base, she’s gonna have so much to explain.
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
idk what specifically but something with damangela and forehead kisses? 🥹 i've seen damien mention a few times that nothing gets him more fluttery than that and would love to see it with that pairing!! thank you so much 🥹
Damien/Angela - Forehead Kisses - Damangela
By the time Damien is deemed ‘non-contagious’ Angela is about to lose her mind with how much she misses him. Sure, they FaceTime and Angela gives him the rundown on the happenings at her latest StarKid show and what’s been going on at the Smosh office, while he tells her how bored he is, but it isn’t the same as seeing him in person. 
Damien and Angela are already both extremely busy people. Damien is only slowing down because he’s got covid and sort of has no choice but to stop. He still streams, which Angela watches, and affectionately texts him during because she can’t believe he’s streaming while sick but at the same time expects no less from him. 
The time they get to actually hang out is already limited by their demanding schedules so Damien having covid only makes everything feel worse. She is near feral with excitement when he texts her and tells her the doctors gave him an ‘all clear’ to have visitors. 
When she arrives she brings a card she had passed around at Smosh for everyone to sign along with a few recorded messages that make Damien smile and laugh, a soft and touched expression on his face as he reads over the card. 
“God, I’ve missed you,” he says to her, drawing her into a hug, his arms winding around her back. 
“I missed you too,” she says into the warmth of his shoulder. 
He pulls back and he looks a little tired as he’s not in perfect health yet. She reaches out and cups his cheek where his beard is darker and thicker than it’s been since she’s known him. 
“Scratchy,” she says. 
“I’m going to shave it down soon when I have the energy,” Damien says with a laugh. 
“I don’t hate it,” Angela is quick to say. 
“I know, but I don’t love it.” 
Damien sits on the couch, tugging a blanket across his lap. Angela wants to sit by him but a part of her is nervous to catch covid from him. She remembers all too well how Anthony passing covid on to Ian almost put the company in a tizzy. 
“Are you hungry?” Angela asks instead. 
Damien shakes his head. “No, my appetite is pretty shot.” 
“I did make you some pasta,” she says. 
“So sweet of you. Homemade pasta from my little cannoli.” he throws on a cheesy Italian accent. Angela breaks into giggles. 
“Stop, oh my God.” 
She tucks the tin-foiled covered pain into his fridge so he can hopefully eat later when he finally feels hungry. He leans his head back on the couch and he’s looking at her with a soft smile. 
Angela smiles back at him and then walks over towards him. Instead of going to the front of the couch, she goes to the back and leans over so her face is over his, her hair tickling his cheeks and nose. 
Damien lets out a laugh and then Angela leans down and presses a kiss to his forehead. 
Damien hums happily, his eyes sliding shut at her affection. 
In some ways, he reminds her of his cats, and she knows exactly what he likes at this point. 
“God, I missed you.” 
“You said that already,” she teases, her face going pink, “not that I’m tired of hearing it.” 
“I mean it,” Damien says, “I found myself missing all the little things. Like, the smell of your hair from your shampoo, and Spork sleeping on my lap when we’re watching a movie, the way you sing to yourself when you cook. Even your snoring.” 
“Wow, you must really have missed me if you miss my snoring.” 
“Can’t wait to be lulled to sleep by the chainsaw like sound of your snoring, Ange.” 
She playfully punches his arm and he laughs, pressing a kiss to her cheek and then her jaw, before seeking out her mouth. 
The angle is kind of weird because she’s leaning over the couch and she’s really risking it by kissing him but she can’t wait one more second to feel his mouth pressed to her own, warm, his facial hair scratching pleasantly at his skin. 
Angela gives in because what the hell. She’s already kissed him. She makes a show out of rolling over the back of the couch until she flops down next to Damien.
“So, you’ll be back to the office soon?” she asks, her head on his shoulder. 
“Next couple weeks or so,” Damien says. 
Angela stretches and settles herself more firmly against Damien. 
“Good, I can’t wait.”
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hardcandycigarette · 2 years
Long Way Down Part Four
Word Count 3.5K
Okay kids, here's Part Four. In Part Five we conclude our story. I can tell you this story has two endings. I will probably post both endings but in separate posts.
This part has a little mystery, a small bit of dad!rry and some angst.
Warnings: Language and implications of death
“But I don’t want to, Dad.” Archer swings his legs over the edge of the bed.
“Le’ me see, Arch.” Harry lifts the boy’s foot, while he examines it.
Harry notices that Archer's foot is swollen and not moving properly, which leads him to conclude that the boy needs a doctor. "Well, lil' man, we need to go to the doctor."
Archer starts to cry.
Harry leans down to look the boy directly in the eye. “Told ya you were gonna get hurt, and here we are brother.” Harry clears his throat and lowers his son's foot. “I know you don't want to, but we have to. Auntie Gemma’s comin’ and we’re all goin’ to the doctor. Mr. Liam’s goin with us too. It's going to be okay, son," Harry says as he sets his son's foot down. "It's nothing a little bit of care won't fix." Harry smiles at Archer. "We'll get you fixed up in no time. It's gonna be alright."
Harry walks to the closet and pulls down a hoodie and some jeans. He hands the items to his son. “I need ya to get dressed, I’ll get ya sister ready, and we’ll go. Once you two are taken care of, we can finally enjoy that ice cream I promised you."
Harry exits the room and heads next door to Lola’s room. Harry sees Gemma talking to the baby in a gentle, soothing manner and he smiles, feeling a warmth in his chest. He watches as Gemma carefully dresses the baby and he notices a deep bond between them.
“Arch is gettin’ dressed. When he's ready we’ll take off. Poppy's taken care of already. She’s in there with Liam reading. Can’t get caught up with the police and looking for Y/N until I get the kids to the doctor. Won’t be able to take care of it once the police get here.”
Gemma looks up. “Told you I could take them.”
“Parents are the only people who can authorize treatment. Maybe if we consulted with our regular doctor, they would work with us, but we have to go to the after-hours clinic. Let’s just head out and do what we need to do.”
Gemma sighs and shakes her head. “Need to change that at some point.”
“I know, but today that’s how it is. Jeff and Liam have already spoken to the clinic so they're expecting us."
“It's like a broken record, innit? The same questions bein' brought up over and over again with no resolution. How many more times are you gonna have to ask me these questions?” Harry asks as he pushes his hair away from his forehead.
The investigator doesn't look up as he continues to write, but says, "Sir, we need to be certain we're not missing anything. Let's see, we've established she withdrew $4,000.00 from her private bank account prior to her disappearance. Does that seem like a normal amount for her?"
Harry shrugs. "Dunno. It's her private account. I have a certain amount transferred to her every month for her to spend as she wishes. I've never asked if or what she spends it on. Don't even know what she has in there. We have a household account and credit cards for anything she might need for the house or the children. Of course, it goes without saying that she can call if I’m gone and ask for anything, and she’ll have it.”
"Right, and her phone was found, as you know just a few blocks from the Baby Gym. Are you sure she doesn't have another phone?"
"No, no other phone that I know of." Harry walks around, eyes looking at the floor. "I told ya everythin'. I told ya 'bout her tattoos, her moles, her scars. Ya talked to everyone she knows. Ya spoke to m' family, m' friends, and m' work colleagues. Dunno what to say."
The investigator watches Harry’s movements, as he searches for some clue. He's done all the necessary checks – interviewing people who know her, scouring social media, bank accounts, credit cards, tracking her phone. Although, just as before, nothing about Harry suggests that he is lying or hiding a misdeed. “And there is no place you can think of where she might’ve ended up. Maybe the holiday she wanted to take?”
"No." Harry shakes his head and tugs at the corner of his bottom lip, looking up at the ceiling. “I admit, yes, she was unhappy when she left, and yes, her mood was out of character for her, but there is nowhere she would want to be without her kids."
"In relation to the trip she talked about, what do you think about it?”
A long breath escapes his lips as he looks at the ceiling. “Ya lit'rly just asked that. Ya talked to the people she was gonna go with. Ya called the hotel they were plannin’ on stayin’ at. So, with all due respect, that seems ridiculous."
“Does it?”
“Yeah, yeah it does. M’ wife is missin’ and to keep askin’ me questions ya already know the answers to is asinine.”
“We are just asking.”
Hands on hips, Harry turns to the detective. “Well, I’d ‘ppreciate ya goin’ ‘bout ya day and lookin’ fer her.”
As the detective stands, he gathers his papers, and gestures towards the door. "I think that's it for the time being, Mr. Styles. We are sorry you and your family have to go through such a delicate and challenging situation. Please be assured that we will do everything in our power to find Mrs. Styles.” He leads Harry to the door.
“Y/N. Her name is Y/N. She's much more than Mrs. Styles.” Harry opens the door and enters the hallway, The muted gray walls, the fluorescent lights, and the scuffed white floors make him feel uncomfortable somehow. He never expected hot pink walls and colored lights, but it's awful, like a hospital.
When he passes through the office his heart rate picks up a notch, and his chest tightens as he hears murmurs. Harry holds his head down to avoid additional unwanted attention. The officer takes Harry to the front door of the station. “Sir, we will find your wife. Would you like an escort to get you home?”
He shakes his head. "No." He places his sunglasses on his face. His half-dried hair tumbles over his forehead as he walks outside into the cloudy day, despite the sun trying to peek out from behind the clouds. He’s aware paps and fans are taking photos, but he continues to walk to his vehicle. The wind feels cool against his warm skin, as he looks at his phone to see if he has received a call. No missed calls. Sarah sent a text.
How’s it going?
It’s not. Useless fucking wankers.
Inside a large conference room in an empty office building friends and family have gathered. This is a location no one had heard of yet, so they were using the space as a kind of headquarters to gather people and information. It was advisable to keep the paps away from the actual investigation for as long as possible. They were out to exploit Y/N's disappearance. He's already given a press conference. He has nothing else to say right now.
Harry steps into the room. Several people wander around-friends, family, colleagues.
Nick Grimshaw is near the door when Harry enters. He grabs Harry as soon as he steps in. "So sorry Harry. Just wanted you to know I’m here. We’re talking about it everywhere. We’ll find her.”
Harry holds Nick tight. “I love her so much. Can’ be without her. Where is she?”
Tears fill Nick’s eyes. He shakes his head. “Dunno, mate. We all love her and you and the kids.” He releases his hold on Harry. “I also want you to know I won’t share anything about this location or anything the investigators tell me.”
Harry wipes the tears from his own face. “I know. Give me a minute, alright?”
“Of course,” Nick replies. He hugs Harry once more before he walks away.
There are people from his security team, a detective, as well as the private investigator he’s hired.
The room buzzes and hums with activity. Maps hang from the walls, empty paper cups of cold coffee are scattered around, and crumpled napkins litter the tables. There is a sweet scent in the air, maybe that of pastries or donuts. Harry is unable to identify it. And someone's vape emits a puff of smoke.
A few feet away Harry sees Joe Alwyn walking toward him. Once Joe is in front of Harry, he shakes his hand and pats his shoulder. “We both wanted to be here, but Taylor is back in the States. Jeff said it would be okay. I know we aren't close mates, but I wanted to help. Hope I am not out of place.”
“Course not. We can use all the familiar faces, and friends that want to help.”
“Look, anything Taylor or I can do for you just say the word. She mentioned it at the show last night.”
Harry gives a half-smirk. “So that’s an extra 12 million people who know.”
“Maybe a few less than 12 million.” Joe follows Harry’s lead with a small smile of his own. Joe turns to walk away. “I’ll let you get on with it, but I’ve got the day to help in whatever way you need.”
Harry nods. “Thanks. Thank you so much. It’s really kind of you to come. Tell Taylor thank you as well.”
“I will,” he replies, then walks away.
A short, bald detective approaches Harry. "I'm glad you're back. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" he asks.
The man opens a pad of paper to reveal a fresh sheet of pale green, lined paper. “So, is there anyone you can think of anyone at all who might know where Mrs. Styles could be?” He looks up from the pad of paper, his gaze intense as he waits for an answer.
"Didn't I just answer this question with that Reeves fella at the station? And her name is Y/N. Stop calling her Mrs. Styles, and no, you dumbass, I don’t know of anyone else!” The roar that comes from Harry’s reddened face shakes the entire room. Harry throws his arms into the air and shouts, “Stop asking me that fuckin' question! All the resources that ya have at yer disposal, all the money that ya can spend, but ya continue to ask the same God damned questions.” His hands hit his hip. "Swear to God, I'll knock yer block off if ya' ask me that again."
“C’mon, let’s go over here, my man.” Pauli steps in with a firm but friendly request.
Harry pushes Pauli away. “Get ya hands off me.” Harry's tone of voice is stern. It’s clear that he means what he says.
Pauli steps away.
Harry turns to face the room and marches into the group of people. His voice booms through the space as he says, "Every one of ya's here tryin' to help ya don't know." He charges toward a trash bin and snatches up the dirty cups and napkins, tossing them into the trash can. “Why are you treatin’ this room like none of ya ever been indoors? Throwin’ yer napkins and cups all around.” He throws the bin across the room, and it crashes into the wall, its contents spilling onto the floor. His voice echoes across the room as he roars, "None of ya have any idea," Harry shouts. He stands in the middle as everyone slowly forms a circle around him. “None of ya’ know. Ya’ don’t know what she smells like fresh outta the shower, or the way her nose crinkles when she laughs at certain jokes. Ya’ don’t know what she looked like when she gave birth to my babies, the glow on her face. Ya’ don’t know. You think ya' know Y/N, but she’s mine!" Harry drops to his knees, his deep pink face floods with tears. “Mine!” He beats his fists on the floor and sobs, unable to stop himself.
As Jeff approaches Harry, Glenne quickly follows. He wraps his arms around Harry's neck and rests his head next to Harry's. "Let's get some air, man."
"Harry, we love you sweetheart," Glenne says in a hushed tone.
Jeff and Glenne guide Harry to stand. As he clutches the couple, he is shaky on his feet. The two escort him to the door with his arms around them. Harry takes a few tentative steps out of the room, knowing he's in safe hands.
"Oh no dear I'm sure it's her. It's the lady in the papers," the old woman says.
The officer asks, "And when did she arrive?"
"Sunday. Early Sunday morning. I know because I left the key for her to let herself in while I was at church. I usually arrive back by 9AM, and she was here when I got back."
"Did she give you a name?"
"Yes, Laura Lash," she says.
"How did she pay you?"
As she stammers, the woman replies, "You see that's the odd thing. She contacted me and said she knew it was against Airbnb rules but could I trust her and let her pay cash and reserve the room privately offline. Said she was traveling to visit a sick relative, maybe her mother? I can't recall. Anyway, and that she had lost her credit and debit cards. She told me she just needed to decompress. The phrase "decompress" was repeated several times, so I remembered it."
"Right, ma'am. And is she still there?"
"Yes, and she has only been out of her room for the shower, and toilet, maybe the kitchen a few times. The day she arrived, she contacted the market up the street. She offered to pay extra if she could pay in cash, and the market delivered her food. Since some of it is missing from the fridge, I assume she ate it, but I haven't seen her much. I've heard her cry many times. I thought she might be upset about her mother, but I didn't pry, though I did make her a cup of tea this afternoon. She came to the door of the room, said thank you, took the tea and closed the door."
"Ma'am this might sound like a strange question, but have you noticed if she's pumping breast milk?"
"Oh no, dear I wouldn't know. As I said she's only been around me a few times, but I'm certain it's her. We've had a few brief chats, and I do mean brief, less than a minute or two each time. She always keeps her head down. She's very odd."
"And how did she arrive?"
"I'm not sure. She was here when I came back from church as I said, but I can tell you there's no car here."
"Ma'am thank you for the information. Can you give me your address?"
The woman provides her address. “Okay ma'am we are going to send an officer who will call you when they are a few minutes from you. We'll have them meet you somewhere so that if it is her, she won't be scared off."
"That's fine dear. I will be here waiting. But hurry because who knows when she might decide to just leave."
One hour later no one has arrived. As minutes pass, the woman gets more and more anxious, constantly looking at the door expecting someone to arrive. She checks her phone repeatedly in case she's somehow missed the call.
She decides to knock on the guest room door. There is no answer. She knocks again, still no answer. She announces her presence before she opens the door. Y/N appears to be asleep, but she calls her name. "Laura. Laura.” She does not wake up. She shakes her a bit while continuing to call her name. She decides to check for any signs of life, like a pulse in case Laura has fainted or has any medical condition. She also checks to see if there are any other signs of distress in the room, such something to indicate an accident. Less than a minute later she is on the line asking for an ambulance.
Harry looks down at his youngest child and rubs her back. "I know it's beyond her bedtime, Mum, but I just want to hold her for a while," he says to Anne.
"It's OK," Anne replies with a tender smile. "It's moments like these that you need right now."
Harry knows that these moments are fleeting, and that his daughter will grow up before he knows it. He wants to make sure he cherishes every moment he can with her while she's still so young and innocent.
"Harry, you know how they are. One day they're ill, the next they're playing like nothing's happened. She'll be alright. Wasn't as fussy today. It's Archer and Poppy you need to worry about."
As he closes his eyes and nods, he says, "I get it, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to them without scaring them." Y/N has been gone for days now. He knows she's out there somewhere, but he has no way to know if she's okay. He worries about his children, who don't understand what's going on. He's overwhelmed by the responsibility of protecting his family, and knows he has to find the right words to ensure they feel safe and loved.
Anne reaches out for Lola. "Oh, let me take her dear." Harry hesitates to give the baby over. "They don't know why the police keep coming and going," Anne says. Anne pulls the baby close to her, and sways. “I think you should call your therapist. She’ll know how to talk to them, and you need someone to talk to also. No matter what the outcome Harry, even if she walks in the door tonight, your family will need someone, a professional."
He sighs. "I know, guess I just thought I'd figure it out."
"It's OK if you don't have all the answers," she says. Anne touches his shoulder. "You're a wonderful man, but you can't do this alone."
"Thanks, we'll be there as soon as we can." Investigator Reeves disconnects the call. Determined to resolve this issue quickly, he calls his partner, John. He needs to get to Y/N as soon as possible. He knows the longer it takes, the more complicated the situation will become.
"John, think we found Y/N Styles. Care for a trip to Old Holland?" Reeves asks.
"How the fuck did she wind up in Scotland? She must have had a good reason for going there, but what could it have been?" John asks.
"Don't know, guess we'll find out."
"It must have been something really important for her to make that journey, and to put so many people under this kind of stress."
"Alright, meet you at the station."
Before they leave the station the men agree not to contact Harry or the family. They must know it's Y/N and they must know what happened before they speak to anyone. They can't rule anything out until they learn more.
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calwitch1969 · 4 months
Mob J.B Barnes
18+ Only! You have been warned! This was picked off of a bingo card from @buckysburdens 😁 I hope you enjoy this!
James Barnes was not a man you triffled with. Not if you wanted to live anyways.
He sat in his VIP box in his night club, leaning back on the couch as one of the girls he knows sucked him off. The door was locked as soon as she came in so it was just the 2 of them.
"That's it Dot. Deeper... Good girl."
The only sounds for the next few minutes were of her sucking his cock as he gave words of encouragement. A few minutes later he came down her throat.
As she went to her haunches & wiped her lips looking at him with lust in her eyes he grins at her. Tucking himself back in his pants he got up before helping her up off the floor. He gave her a peck on the cheek as he escorted her to the door.
"Remember, if you behave I'll let you cum as much as you can handle later."
Giggling, she winks at him.
"Or, I'll misbehave to draw it out."
Chuckling he pats her on the ass.
As soon as she's gone the smirk is off his face as one of his right hand men come up to him.
"John is here."
"Has he done anything yet?"
"Not yet. He seems to be on his best behavior."
"Keep an eye on him. If he tries anything you know where to take him."
"You got it boss."
"Thanks Sam."
Pouring himself a drink he goes over to the railing to look over the crowd & to see if he can spot John.
A couple of minutes later of watching the dance floor a woman catches his eye.
She wore a royal blue velvet flapper style dress that ended mid-thigh with no sleeves.
He was unsure of her hair color as the lights kept changing. He watched as she danced with her friends. He didn't realize he was smiling as he watched them dance somewhat silly. He watched them head back to their table as a familiar figure walked by it.
If he wasn't watching he probably would have missed John slipping something in one drink.
Straightening, a muscle worked in his jaw as he quickly made his way down signaling a couple of his men.
He looked at his other right hand, Steve.
"He put something in a woman's drink. You know what to do."
With a nod he went another direction while James went to the table were 3 woman sat.
"Excuse me ladies. I believe you're drinks have just been spiked."
All 3 looked horrified then 2 looked at their friend with her half full glass.
"If it's alright with you, I'll take you to a doctor I know who will help at this hour.
As she went to stand she staggered a bit.
James steadied her looking into her hazel eyes that were holding confusion & fear. Her friends also stood. The blonde eyed him suspiciously.
"We're going with you."
The other one spoke up as well.
"How do we know you didn't get someone to do it, then you swoop in like a hero?"
He grins at their protective nature.
"If you came in a car you could follow us."
The women exchange a glance before nodding.
The blonde stepped forward into his space, her gaze hard.
"If you did have a hand in this I'll gut you like a fish."
As they made their way out with his arm around her shoulders to help her walk Dot stepped in front of him with her hands on her hips.
"I thought we were leaving together Jamie?"
His jaw clenched.
"Not now Dot. This lady needs help."
Dot looks her over with disdain.
"So, get one of the guys to take her as we'll be busy." She gave him a sultry gaze.
He quirked an eyebrow as her friends were about to say something.
James looked at them. "Take your friend outside. The fresh air may help."
The blonde glared at both of them as her and her friend gently guided her outside.
Once they were out of earshot his gaze darkened as he looked at Dot who placed her hands on his chest smirking.
Not saying a word he grabbed her hands roughly while leaning closer to her.
"You EVER try to tell me what to do again it will not end pretty for you. Because you seem to forget WHO I am."
He pulled back slightly to see that she had paled at his words.
"Do I make myself clear Dot?"
All she could do is nod as he let go of her wrists.
"Good. Get the fuck out of my club. We're done for the night."
He watched with satisfaction as she scampered away. Straightening his jacket he headed outside expecting to see the 3 women there waiting. Instead he saw Steve there, and across his chest frowning at him.
"That was fast. Thought you'd last longer."
James flipped him the bird.
"Where are the ladies?"
"Clint is escorting them to the hospital as their friend seemed to be getting worse & they didn't want to wait for you to be done with your plans for the night."
His eyes blazed with anger.
"Fucking Dot stopped us at the door & tried to tell me to get one of my men take her."
Steve's eyebrows shot up towards his hairline.
"Are you fucking serious?! Who the fuck does she think she is?!"
James eyes fill with mirth, his smile cold.
"She's been getting more full of herself so she'll get a reminder of who she isn't."
Steve snorts as they head to the black SUV.
"She seems to think otherwise with how much time you've been spending with her."
"After what she did tonight by trying to order me around.... maybe it's time she takes a vacation somewhere."
Chuckling Steve pulls away from the curb.
"So, hospital or to go visit John?"
"Hospital. John can wait. Make sure all expenses are paid as it happened in my club."
The next morning she woke up to a throbbing headache while being thankful the lights were dimmed.
Turning her head slowly she saw the man from last night sitting in the chair typing on his phone.
Snapping his head up he looks at her with surprise. Leaning forward he spoke softly.
"It's nice to see you awake miss Grimm. They said you'd have a headache when you woke but it should be gone before lunch."
"It feels like someone is performing a drum solo in my head."
His lips twitch as he poured her some water then helped her drink it.
"Thank you Mr.-?"
"Barnes. My club is supposed to be a spot for people to enjoy themselves. I feel responsible for what happened to you last night."
Frowning slightly she rests her head back down.
"You can't control what people do Mr. Barnes. Although I am glad you spotted it happening."
"You can call me James."
She started to feel sleepy even though she just woke up.
"You can me Zoe. It's nice to meet you James, I feel sleepy."
He smiles softly as her eyes drift shut & she quickly falls asleep.
Her saying his name made him feel warm inside for some reason.
"Enjoy your nap Zoe. Your don't have to worry about anything."
@buckyalpine @barnesfanatic @mrsbarneswillseeyounow 😅I know I'm forgetting people & I do apologize 💜 I'll tag when I remember.
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Reid x Male!reader - just need you
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I was wondering if I could request a Spencer Reid x Male reader, where reader gets severely injured on a case and reader admits how he feelings afraid that if he doesn't he'll die before ever telling Spencer how much he means to him. Maybe reader either while in the ambulance or in surgery reader has to be brought back? Maybe he goes under twice? - @xweirdo101x 💜
The pain so was blinding, so excruciating you felt like you were being dragged down to the deepest depths of hell and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
You were practically gasping for air, hand clutching on to Reid’s who was sat by your side in the ambulance since he wouldn’t let you go alone.
“Just keep holding on we’re so close, we’re so close!” Reid rushed out.
Reid was trying his best to stay calm for you, but seeing you pale, half dead, it was hard.
You did this to protect him, to keep him safe, you jumped in front of him, it should’ve been him laying on this stretcher, not you.
Your dazed eyes looked at him, and you weakly squeezed his hand.
“Don’t.. dont.. blame yourself…” you rasped out.
Reid looked at you.
“Why did you jump in front of me? If you didn’t I would’ve been hit in the shoulder, it would’ve been okay. You know that.. you knew I would’ve been fine…”
You laughed weakly, and it turned into coughing and struggling to breathe.
Reid placed the oxygen mask around your face, holding it there and listened to you take deep breaths.
“B.. because.. I didn’t.. I don’t want you.. to get hurt…”
You gave him a weak smile and rested your head back on the table.
Reid was fighting with his tears at this point, he didn’t know what to do. You were his friend, he cared for you, maybe more then he ever wanted to admit, but he didn’t want you to die.
You couldn’t leave him, it may have been selfish but Reid didn’t want you to leave him.
He thought of all the times you spent together, laughing, crying, supporting him through everything.
You were the one constant thing in his life.
He felt someone pushing him away and he snapped out his head to see them trying to get your heart to beat again and it was like the world fell apart.
They wouldn’t let Reid go with you through the hospital no matter how much he begged, pleaded trying to pull the federal agent card.
They wouldn’t let him through.
While they were pushing you through the hospital you suddenly bolted up for air, gasping as you frantically tried to get up but they wouldn’t let you.
“It’s okay! You’re okay!”
“R.Reid! I.. I need.. Spencer…”
“He’s waiting for you in the waiting room but we need to get that bullet out of you.”
They rushed you into the operating room, and had to fight just to keep you in place.
They went to put the mask over your face in order to put you under but you grabbed the man’s wrist to stop him.
“I… you need.. you need to tell him…”
All the doctors shared a look and a nurse walked over to you.
“Tell who?”
“S..Spencer… I.. I love him.. tell him…”
She quickly nodded her head and gave you a gentle smile as she put the mask over your face.
“I’ll tell him.”
You were quickly knocked out, and they got to work.
Reid wasn’t sure when the rest of the team would get there but all he could do was pace around.
He was stressed, he wanted to be by your side to make sure you were okay but he knew they wouldn’t let him so all he could do was sit there and try keep his head clear.
There was so much he wanted to say to you before it was too late, but he couldn’t, all he could do now was wait, try not to think about the statistics of everything and just stare at those dreaded doors waiting for someone to walk out with any information about you
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Sometimes a guy just needs his girlfriend to yell at his psychiatrist
So, there's a lot of quinnflag content about Rick taking care of Harley but not nearly enough of the reverse, so I'm fixing that. Harley being Rick's mental health advocate. Got the prompt over on AO3 and technically it was supposed to be the reverse but this is what you're getting instead.
Harley comes back from her lunch date with Ivy to an eerily quiet apartment—which immediately puts her on edge. “Rick? Baby? You home?”
She hears a sob coming from the TV area and finds Rick, curled up in the fetal position in the tiny bit of space between the couch and coffee table. He’s clearly in the middle of a panic attack—shaking, hyperventilating, hands clamped over his ears.
She immediately goes into Doctor Mode and reaches out to touch him just as another firework (or gunshot, who can fucking tell in this god forsaken neighborhood) goes off from the alley below the open window.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” he yells, and she immediately pulls her hand back—trying not to feel hurt by his outburst.
She knows this has nothing to do with her and everything to do with his own trauma—both from the Corto Maltese mission specifically, and the rest of his time in the military.
“Okay, I won’t touch ya,” she says gently. “But baby, you’re having a panic attack. I need you to breathe.”
“Leave me alone, Harley!”
“Nuh-uh. Not goin’ anywhere until ya breathe for me.”
She coaches him through some deep breathing exercises and slowly, he stops shaking and his breathing regulates. She rubs his back soothingly and this time he doesn’t protest. “You okay now, hun?”
He shakes his head vigorously and then says, “Please… I just need some space.”
It breaks her heart but she does as he asks, wandering into the bathroom to grab his meds for him. She frowns when she shakes the bottle and realizes it’s completely full. He started seeing his psychiatrist six months ago.
After that night when he finally broke down and told her about Jotunheim, she’d helped him get set up with a psychiatrist and therapist but after that she butted out—recognizing that he wanted to be able to handle it himself. It suddenly occurs to her that he may have been so focused on her mental health bullshit that he’d neglected his own, and it makes her heart sink.
She goes back into the living room and Rick’s nowhere to be found. She’s about to panic when she hears him say, “In here, Harls,” from the kitchen.
He’s hunched over the sink, head in his hands, but straightens up when he hears her footsteps. He holds his arms open and says, “C’mere.”
She breathes a sigh of relief and hugs him tightly.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he mumbles, voice hoarse.
She pulls back to look at him and brings her hands up to cup his cheeks. “Baby, you have nothin’ to apologize for. Let’s worry about you.”
She braces herself for the very difficult conversation they’re about to have. “Why haven’t you been takin’ your meds?”
He tenses up and immediately tries to look away but her grip remains firm. Finally, he sighs and closes his eyes. “I was on them after coming back from Qarac, just before Waller put me in charge of the squad. And uh, not gonna lie, the side effects were brutal.”
“So ya stopped taking ‘em.”
He nods. “I asked Dr. Parker to put me on something else but she won’t. So I just… haven’t been taking them.”
Harley rolls up on her toes so she can press her forehead to his, “Thank you for being honest with me. Now will you please let me fix this for ya? This was literally my job at one point.”
When he nods in response, she smiles and then grabs his hand—pulling him towards the living room. She gets him settled on the couch with his head in her lap and asks for his phone.
Rick dissociates and focuses on the feeling of Harley’s fingers carding through his hair. He manages to catch bits and pieces of the conversation.
She starts out sounding professional. “Yes, I’d like to discuss a mutual patient with you, Rick Flag.” A pause and then, “Who am I? I’m his fuckin’ girlfriend, you d-bag, and you’re terrible at your job!”
He manages a small chuckle at her antics before another sudden loud bang makes him freeze up. The asshole neighbors have been setting off fireworks all damn day.
Harley pauses in her ranting to grab his hand and bring it to her lips for a gentle kiss. “Stay with me, baby.”
“That’s Dr. Quinzel to you, bitch,” she yells into the phone. “So here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna take him off the meds he very clearly told ya he didn’t wanna be on, and you’re gonna prescribe these instead, and no, don’t argue with me.”
By the time she’s off the phone with his psychiatrist he’s half asleep and she seems to be in a much better mood. “How you doin’, hun?”
He doesn’t answer the question and instead tugs on her hand. “Come over here.”
She takes the hint and rearranges herself so she’s laying right on top of him. He wraps his arms around her and buries his face in her neck. The smell of her shampoo and her weight on his chest helps ground him. “I love you,” he mumbles.
She pulls back to smile at him. “I love ya too, baby.”
Baby. He likes when she calls him that. Before he can say anything about it though she’s kissing him. He deepens the kiss and snakes a hand up her back under her shirt.
As much as he would very much like this to progress further, exhaustion hits him like a freight train and Harley picks up on it. She boops his nose. “Get some sleep, hun. We can continue this later—I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
His eyes drift shut as another firework goes off—and this time he doesn’t even notice.
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finalgirlkateausten · 7 months
stay by your side every night
post-4x11, but in a fix-it 'verse where Elizabeth never got taken by the replicators. established john/elizabeth -- just a soft little hurt/comfort epilogue to that wonderfully whumpy episode. (assumes Elizabeth took Woolsey's place in the episode plot)
John finds Elizabeth in the makeshift control room as soon as he makes it off the Traveler ship. She’s leaning against the wall, listening to Zelenka’s account of the conditions aboard the cobbled together vessel. Even in the flickering emergency lighting, John can tell from the hand pressed to her forehead that she’s probably having a night even worse than his.
“Radek,” she sighs, “my czech is rusty on a good day, if you can’t get your point across in one language, can we switch to polish, maybe?”
“Tell her later, Radek,” John interrupts. “Elizabeth, Jen needs you in the infirmary.”
He takes her arm, but she goes willingly. “Are Rodney and Daniel okay?”
“They are, but you’re not,” John mutters. “I want you to get checked out.”
“We were never hurt, John,” she sighs, “only stunned. And besides, we both know I have the least to worry about in that regard.”
“Sure,” he agrees sarcastically, “so, you could walk in a straight line right now? If I let go of you?”
She shakes her head. “It’s just a headache. I guess a self-repairing system doesn’t make me immune to dehydration.”
John leans over and kisses her hair before guiding them down the hallway again. “Humor me, sweetheart. Let Jen stick you in a scanner real quick.”
“Only if Daniel and Rodney are out of the woods.”
“Deal.” He squeezes her hip where his hand has settled. 
Jen is on his side when he gets there. “Oh, Rodney’s fine, and with Doctor Jackson it’s just a waiting game,” she says. “Elizabeth, go ahead and lie down in the main scanner, will you? While that’s running I’d like to change your bandages, John.”
Elizabeth scowls as she turns to him. “Bandages?”
“Just a few shrapnel scrapes,” he mutters. “You get looked at, I get looked at, yeah?”
He takes off his jacket and shirt, wincing as the bandages and cuts pull with his movements. This is always the worst part of a mission, the coming down, when all of the pain and fear settles in and he has nothing to distract himself. And Keller isn’t super gentle un-taping the gauze, either.
She’s running a stinging rinse over his wounds when her tablet beeps. “Oh… well, no wonder you’re not feeling well, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth slips out of the scanner. “God. Do I even want to hear it?”
“It’s not a huge deal, all things considered,” Jen assures them. “Your nanites must’ve been affected by the wraith stunner-- makes sense, since they’re electric, even if you’re the source of their electricity. I’m sure when they do their thing and replenish themselves, you’ll feel much better. But I’m guessing that could take twelve to twenty-four hours.”
John reaches out to take Elizabeth’s hand. “I guess you’ll just have to sleep it off.” 
She nods, her eyes flicking over him in a distracted manner. “You’re one to talk… John, your back…” her fingers brush over his sensitive skin, but Jen clears her throat. 
“Doctor Weir, please don’t touch any of the area I’m disinfecting. None of his wounds are deep, but I’m worried about infection if I don’t clean them properly.”
“Sorry, Jen,” Elizabeth murmurs. John hisses as the doctor douses him again. Elizabeth’s frown deepens. “You got pretty roughed up, huh?”
Her worrying over him is exactly what he <i>doesn’t&lt;/i> want. “My ears are ringing a little and I won’t be sleeping on my back for a couple days. I got lucky, really.”
“Don’t forget the two broken ribs,” Jen interjects.
Elizabeth’s expression becomes vacant, but she comes back to herself enough to give him her ‘brave face’ smile. “Looks like we both need a little R&R.”
He leans forward to bury his face in her shoulder. “I feel like I could sleep for a week.”
Elizabeth’s fingers card through his hair, and just when the niceness of holding onto her is starting to overtake the pain from his back, Jennifer interrupts again. 
“Elizabeth, please,” the doctor sighs. “You two can hang on as tight as you want as soon as I get the clean bandages on.”
“Sorry, Jen.”
Before they escape the infirmary, John steals a few shelf-stable cold packs. In Elizabeth’s quarters, he finds his way through the dark in concession to her headache, looking for a washcloth or something in her bathroom. Returning to bed, he finds her in one of his old air force t-shirts, hugging a pillow with her eyes screwed shut. He leans down to press a kiss to her temple, laying the wrapped ice pack on her head when she whimpers slightly. “How’s that?”
She lets out a sigh of pleasure. “Really nice. Are you too sore for me to use you as a pillow?”
“Never,” he promises, slipping into her bed. “You scared me today, ‘Lizabeth.”
She pouts at him. “Me? You got blown up.”
He pets her hair absently. “You may be nearly invincible, but if the wraith had decided to feed on you, the nanites wouldn’t have done shit.”
“It was all just terrible timing,” Elizabeth sighs. “I’m just glad we’re back in our own bed.”
“Get some sleep, hon,” John mutters.
“You too.” She nuzzles into his neck. “I’ll still be here if the nightmares wake you up.”
He closes his eyes. “Which one of us d’you think will wake up screaming first?”
“Probably me,” she sighs, “but I’m expecting you to be restless tonight, with your back covered in bandages.”
He grimaces. “If I don’t move, it doesn’t hurt… just feels kinda hot and sore.”
“I’m jealous,” Elizabeth groans. “I swear my head is only getting worse, not better.”
“I can crack a fresh ice pack for you if you want,” he offers. They’re within reach on his nightstand.
“No, it’s cold enough.” She nestles against him even closer. “I just need to fall asleep. Should’ve asked for more sleeping pills.”
John knows she has to take a higher dosage thanks to the nanites processing the medicine out of her system. “I can rub your back until you fall asleep?”
It’s almost too dark to tell, but he thinks she smiles. “You’re too good to me.”
He begins tracing patterns up and down her spine. “I love you, Elizabeth.”
Her voice is already slow and sleepy. “I love you, too.”
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
Old Friends (Zosan X Reader) P11
Plot: Reader is the 9th doctors old assistant but soon moved on to other things, joining the straw hat pirates and falling in love but now their paths cross again (only he has a new face, 10th Doctor) when they go to see an old friend in a strange hospital. Unfortunately there's some one else there that wants to start trouble.
One piece and Doctor who cross over (10th doctor), its based off the new earth episode. i thought since David tenant as the doctor is coming back in November it would be good to get this idea out.
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, Death and Suicide ???
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15
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Managing to get away form the men and reindeer Casandra runs down the long white hallway pushing past people and through some doors that used to be blocked to keep the sick out. She only stops when no one is around to take a breath and pull out the key card from her back pocket. Looking it over Casandra sighs, she was genuinely sorry for everything and hugging the little deer felt nice but a part of her hoped he would catch her going into his backpack to grab the card. Casandra starts walking again trying to find a way out, She's happy it was all over now, she can leave, find a new place and a new body, or she could stay in you. Casandra can feel how tired you are so its only a matter of time before you fade away but a part of her doesn't want that to happen, you don't make her feel alone anymore. "Please... check if he's ok" Casandra stops with a gasp, your voice flowing through her mind begging her to check in the room she just passed. She didn't want to, but she was stealing your body so might as well give you a last request, walking into the room Casandra sees a empty white room but there's a tank with a head in it that she recognizes "Boa" Casandra whispers forgetting that he was here, as much as she hates the head your legs move over to stop in front of the tank.
Boa's eyes open staring at you but he looks fine, much better than your memories showed, the mist is much thicker, his skin is darker and the orbs on his tentacles are back to blue "Who are you? You're not Y/N" Boa's voice calls out snapping Casandra out of it and stepping back a little, she should have known the head would notice somethings wrong even if she didn't say anything "Casandra but it doesn't matter, i'm only for fill her last request to check on you" Your arms cross over your chest as the head nods slightly. Boa's eyes seem to look into Casandra's own soul, it scares her a little, but she also somehow finds comfort in how calm the head is "I remember you" Boa simply says before closing his eyes "Y/N has a kind soul, i see it had changed you a little" Casandra rolls her eyes at him with a groan "No i haven't i-" She goes on only to be interrupted by the head "Then why haven't you left, even now you hesitate to walk away even though your so sure of your goals" Boa opens his eyes again giving you a small smile "I-its just a final request, i'm leaving" tears form in your eyes as Casandra talks gripping your arm tight to try and stop herself form crying "She will die if you leave, is that why?" Boa asks seeming to unlock something for Casandra, but she shakes her head trying not to think about it, It hurts her to think of you dying. "Why? Why did she wait for me? Why did she still help me after i tried to kill her friends? After everything i've done, why is she kind?" Casandra steps closer to the head hoping for answers "I remember her telling me once that, kindness is something everyone should be shown at some point in there life no matter how bad they are."
A tear slips down your cheek as Casandra looks down at the floor "I've known her long enough to know that she can look beyond a person's exterior and see who they really are and most of the time... she just says they need a little bit of compassion" Boa nods at Casandra as she looks up at him seeing he's not lying to her. Casandra wipes away some tears form your cheeks trying to stop crying " i've been feeling stuff for a while but i can't remember what its called.... it feels so warm and nice, what is it?" She asks watching as Boa smiles wider at her, showing her kind eyes "Loved... you feel loved" Taking in a shaky breath Casandra smiles hugging your arms to your chest as a way of giving you a hug but your arms tighten a little more making Casandra smile feeling like your hugging back. "It has been a pleasure but i must go, i'm well again and have a need to travel. Good bye Y/N.. Casandra, please tell the doctor i said thank you" Boa's tank starts glowing blue making a humming noise before disappearing into thin air. Casandra watches as he fades away now only looking at the large window that was behind him. She sighs and lets your arms fall to your sides, she could just leave, but she can't, not after everything you've done for her. Walking closer to the window she looks out at the words trying to decide what to do next.
Running down the hall Sanji, Zoro and the Doctor call out your name along with Casandra's hoping to find you. Fear and anger run through the three worried that Casandra already left, and they'll never see you again but the Doctor suddenly stops outside a room "Casandra" The Doctor's angry voice gets Zoro and Sanji to stop and head into the room after the brown haired man. Your backs to them as you look out the window, they all go to yell when your voice calls out "Boa left, he said thank you, Doctor, just Thank you. He looked a lot better which is good for a head in a jar" The three look at you confused not sure if its Casandra or you until the head in a jar comment. "I was going to leave but i can't... I can't do it to her, not after everything she's done for me" Casandra turns around looking at the three boys, Zoro walks closer anger filling his face, he didn't care if she helped or not, he wanted you back now. "Good now get out" His voice almost like venom as he talks, your eyes soften looking up at the green haired man "I need help wi-" she try's to say only for Zoro to grab your shirt pulling you closer to him making Casandra gasp a little in shock "No get out now" The swordsman yells in your face but Casandra sighs calming down, she know the pain she's caused its written all over their faces. Sanji runs over and grabs Zoro's arm "I know your angry and so am i but that's still Y/N" The cook looks at you with slight anger rubbing Zoro's arm feeling the swordsman loosen his grip a little.
Casandra places a hand on top of Zoro's fist thats holding your shirt "You have every right to be mad but if you'll please let me finish, i was going to say i need help with dying" Zoro lets go of your top shocked at what Casandra just said, Sanji keeps his hand on the swordsman's arm stepping back slightly in shock. They didn't fully know what she meant by that was she just going to leave or would dying take you with her. The doctor sighs and walks over taking out his sonic screwdriver getting the woman to look over at him "You want to die?" The doctor asks in a very calm manner, Casandra nods taking in a sharp breath "I don't want to hurt anyone else, i've caused enough damage, plus i'm scared that if i live, I'll forget this feeling all over again" Casandra places your hand over your heart with a small smile "I'm no longer alone and i don't want to forget this feeling so please... help me" The doctor nods at her showing her his sonic screwdriver and turning it on "I can split your atoms once you leave, it'll be painless and quick" Casandra nods at him before looking at Zoro and Sanji who seem to be a little calmer knowing you won't be hurt by this "I know you two will but... Look after her" The two nod at her as she turns back to the doctor "Good bye Casandra" Your voice echos through Casandra's mind making her smile before breathing out the multi colored cloud leaving your body as the doctor points his screwdriver at it, the hum of it getting louder until the cloud dissipates.
With your body about to collapse Zoro and Sanji grab you helping to slowly lower you to the ground as your body goes limp. Sanji moves your hair out of your face as Zoro looks you over for any injuries "Y/n? Love can you hear me?" The cook asks seeing your eyes still closed but your breathing so thats a good sign. "Why isn't she waking up?" Sanji asks as the Doctor kneels down next to the blonde feeling your forehead "She just needs a bit of time to rest and some good pain killers for when she wakes up" The doctor reassures the two as Zoro checks your injured hand seeing the ripped piece of your jacket still attached. "We should get her to chopper then" The swordsman pulls your arm around his neck then puts an arm under your knees and the another under your back to pick you up. Sanji stands up with him and makes sure your head lays in the swordsman's chest before kissing your cheek. "I told him to meet us in the canteen, the elevators should be working now" The Doctor stands leading the way the two boys following him. Getting into the elevator the doctor calls out floor one letting the doors close. You groan a little waking up but unable to open your eyes but you can feel someone holding you. "Hay love, it's ok" Sanji's sweet voice hits your ears as your head pounds.
Zoro holds you a little tighter as you try and move your legs "Don't move baby, i've got you, just relax" You groan again not really sure what's going on but you try and relax into the swordsman's arms as he kisses your head. The disinfection cyclical suddenly starts washing you all down, you bury your head into Zoro's chest still not sure where you are or what is going on but at least you feel safe in his arms. Sanji sighs moving wet hair out of his face before the drys come on, the noise hurts your head more but you just grit your teeth waiting for it to be over. The doctor runs a hand through his hair with a smile as it drys earning a glare form Zoro "Do you have to be so happy about this?" The Doctor looks over at the swordsman with a small laugh as the dryers finally stop "At least we know where clean and dry" The elevator doors open letting you all out onto the very busy first floor where large creatures in black suits and helmets are arresting the nurses and taking statements off other people. "Doctor" A very deep gruff voice calls out one of the black suited men walking over to you all "Commander, nice to see you again" The Doctor smiles patting the creature on its shoulder "I should have known you would be here but i can't be too mad since you did save these people" The creature groans its helmet facing the doctor before turning to Zoro.
Zoro holds you closer to him glaring at the creature, he can't see its face through the thick black helmet and visor so has no idea what it might be thinking. Sanji notices the swordsman tense and steps in front of you and Zoro as the creature steps forward only stopping when almost chest to chest with the cook "It's ok, their Judoon intergalactic police, actually more like bounty hunters" The doctor laughs placing a hand on Sanji's shoulder trying to get the cook to relax but it doesn't seem to work since the blonde is still glaring at the commander "We have medical staff if you need" The creature speaks raising a hand to touch you but Zoro steps back with a harder glare "No we have a doctor" The swordsman's low voice calls out "There Y/N's partners and their doctor isn't one of the nurses, she'll be fine" The Doctor pushes the Judoon back to help resolve the tension in the air. The commander steps back with a nod and a gruff that sounds very animal like "I will leave her in your hands then. Doctor i would like a clear explanation" The Judoon walks off as the Doctor sighs "I'll see you later and don't worry about them, i secretly think he's worried since she's a friend of the General" The Doctor smiles at them before walking after the commander. Sanji lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding before turning to Zoro who loosens his grip on you a little. Your still going in and out of conciseness making them both concerned, so they head off to the canteen to find Chopper.
The canteen wasn't too busy so it was easy to spot Chopper who was sitting on the same sofa as before seeming to finish bandaging up some alien's arm. The alien stands and bows a little before walking off to rejoin its group "You found her. Is she ok? what happened?" Chopper jumps up onto the sofa trying to get a look at you in Zoro's arms, The swordsman lays you down on the other sofa hearing you groan as you grab his shirt stopping him form going anywhere. Your eyes are still heavy and your head is pounding, your starting to realize who your with and that your in the hospital but you can't tell where exactly you are. Sanji walks over and leans over the arms of the chair placing his hand on your forehead "It's ok love, we're here" As Sanji reassures you Zoro helps Chopper up onto the sofa, so he can take a look at you "Casandra left but Y/N's been in and out, the doctor said she'd have a headache" Chopper nods checking your pulse and checking you over. "The doctor mentioned before about Casandra was compressing Y/n, when we were on the ladder she almost fell and didn't seem to know what was going on when Casandra left her again" Sanji chimes in trying to give more information to help. Zoro sat on the edge of the sofa your hand still clinging to his shirt refusing to let go, so he takes your hand prying it off his shirt and holding it. It seemed to calm you down a bit or maybe you were just contuse again, either way you seemed relaxed and not in too much pain. "I'll get some pain killers for her, but she'll have to be awake to swallow them" Chopper reaches into his bag and takes out some pills while Sanji walks off to get some water.
Zoro squeezes your hand trying to get your attention and luckily it works you groan meaning your awake. "Come on baby, you need to sit up" The swordsman pulls you up and holds you as you sit up stopping you form falling back down "These pills will help with the pain" Chopper rubs your leg seeing you raise your hand to rub your head while trying to say something but it only comes out in a mumbled mess. Sanji sits down next to you with a glass of water, the two help you take the pills and drink some more water. "You'll feel better soon, i think you just need some rest now" Chopper smiles up at you happy to have the real you back "I'm sorry" You manage to get out "It's ok love, none of this is your fault" Sanji moves some hair out of your face as your head falls onto Zoro's shoulder passing out again. The cook moves and helps lay you back down on the sofa before removing his jacket and placing it over you to keep you warm. "Are you two ok?" Chopper asks turning his attention to Zoro and Sanji who both nod "We're fine, have you talked to Luffy and the others yet?" Zoro asks moving to the other sofa and leaning back "No, those police guys won't let anyone in or out and i haven't seen any of the crew near the hospital" The reindeer sits down on the edge of the sofa your on and leans against you a little as Sanji joins Zoro on the other sofa "I think they were all outside when this mess went down which is good" The cook sighs leaning to Zoro who put his arm around the blonde while watching your sleeping form.
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
bestieeeeee, i would walk 500 miles for you!! and 500 more!! if you could only please write me a lil fic of the below prompts! 500 bonus points if you make them in a secret relationship ☺️
hand-holding 16 - only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely
kisses 33 - hushed conversation in-between kisses
you are worth at least 1000 miles of walking. minimum!
haha thank you so much bestie <3
This is another one that got away from me and I hope you enjoy it! And it also got a little sadder than I intended...but I don't think that will surprise anyone haha
The Hook of Your Splendour
The moment they arrived at the New York field office she felt the initial pull in her belly. Something she’d refused to call jealousy at first, even though she knew that's what it was from the start.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: canon typical injury
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily goes to the hospital the moment the cordons are lifted. 
She knows Aaron is ok. Derek had told them as much, his reassurance directed towards her specifically all she needed to know to understand her and Aaron’s secret was out. That her poorly concealed reaction to finding out it was Aaron who’d been caught up in the explosion had been enough to expose what they’d kept between themselves for months. 
In a strange way, she hates him for it. Hates that he can make her feel so flayed open. That he could undo a lifetime of being able to keep her cards close to her chest, her emotions locked into small boxes in her head that her mother had built for her, with nothing more than a smile and the knowledge of how it felt to be with him. To be loved by him.
Even though neither of them had said it yet. 
She knew he loved her, and he knew she loved him. They didn’t need the words, their actions and the way they cared for each other always enough, but as she watched the footage of the explosion, as she watched him get thrown backwards like he weighed nothing, she wished she’d said them. 
The others don’t say anything when she leaves the field office and she’s grateful for it. She knows they have questions and that she and Aaron owe them answers, but they understand that this isn’t the time. JJ even offers to go with her, to keep her company on the drive, but she turns her friend down. She needed the time alone, time to gather herself. To stitch herself back together after the way the last several hours had threatened to pull her apart, cracks appearing in her foundations that she knew only seeing Aaron would fix. 
She’s grateful that her badge gets her past the nurse’s desk with little fanfare, well aware that if there had been an argument she’d have done something her boyfriend would likely have to reprimand her for as her boss. She’s just about to turn the corner when she hears him. 
“Where are my clothes, please?” 
Her heart aches at the distress in his voice, something he usually wouldn’t allow other people to hear. She walks faster and interrupts him arguing with the doctor about how he was doing. 
“Aaron,’ She says, cutting him off from arguing about his need to be in the hospital again. He and the doctor stop talking and look at her, she makes eye contact with the doctor and nods at him, grateful when he takes it as a silent request to let her take over and leaves them to it. She moves to step towards him, “Aaron-”
“I’m fine, Emily,” he says, stopping her from saying anything else, “I need to get changed, I need-”
“I have your go-bag,” she assures him, looking him up and down, trying to catalogue his injuries. She wants to tell him to get back into bed, to make sure he’s ok, but she understands. She knows she’d be the same, that she wouldn’t stay in the hospital when everything was still going on.
“Where’s Kate?” 
She hates herself for the jealousy that rolls through her at the way he says the other woman’s name. 
The moment they arrived at the New York field office she felt the initial pull in her belly. Something she’d refused to call jealousy at first, even though she knew that's what it was from the start. The clear history between her boyfriend and a woman who looks exactly like his ex-wife enough to set her on edge, to make insecurity she wasn’t used to feeling thrum under her skin. She was able to push it down, her insides burning with it as she watches them interact with each other, the case taking precedence over everything else. The feeling rears its ugly head, and she feels worse than ever given the circumstances, but she can’t help it. Every doubt that she knows Aaron doesn’t deserve rising up in her chest. 
She clears her throat, “She’s in surgery,” she sees it flash across his face, the thing she knows is guilt, and she sighs, “They said it’s touch and go…you did everything you could.”
He nods, but he clearly doesn’t agree with her, “You said you have my bag?” 
She steps toward him to hand it to him not missing how he winces as he lifts his arm. “Are you sure you’re ok? The nurse said you have acoustic trauma to your ear, and said something about shrapnel in your leg.” 
“Aaron, please.”
Any fleeting irritation he feels disappears as quickly as it had appeared, the look on her face enough to put out the flame. He reaches out for her instead of his go-bag, his hand wrapping around hers as he links their fingers together. 
“I’m ok, I promise.” 
She flashes a quick smile at him, still not quite believing him but knowing it would have to do for now. They were still in the middle of a crisis and still had unsubs to catch. She squeezes his hand, a silent promise they’d talk more later, and then she drops it. 
“I’ll go update the others.” 
She walks away, her heart even heavier than it had been when she arrived. ___
By the time they make it back to the hotel, it feels like a lifetime has passed. 
She’d found him sat with Kate’s body in the hospital. She’d sat with him for a little while before she convinced him to leave, to head back to the hotel with her and the others. 
She’s not sure if it’s because of the look she throws Dave when he looks at their joint hands, or because the team understand enough to know this wasn’t the time, but they yet again don’t say anything when they both exit the hotel on the floor where Aaron’s room is. Her room is the floor above, although she hadn’t slept there since they’d arrived. 
She helps him shower, her eyes lingering on his injuries, on the faint sight of the blood that was still staining his skin. She changes the bandage on his leg and makes him take medication for the pain, grateful when he doesn’t argue with her. When they get into bed she initially puts some space between them, not wanting to hurt him, but he pulls her towards him, clearly needing her as much as she needed him. 
She rests her head on his shoulder, carefully laying her arm over his chest as she curls up into his side, purposely making sure she isn’t putting any extra pressure on his injuries. He holds her closer, pulling her tightly into his embrace as he kisses the top of her head. She breathes him in, allows herself to be washed over his presence, caught in a wave of affection she knows she could have easily lost today. The footage from the explosion was on a loop in her head, a private showreel she saw whenever she closed her eyes, and she’s all too aware of the fact if he’d even been a couple of steps closer to the SUV he could have died. 
“I’m sorry about Kate,” she says quietly, her words loud in the otherwise silent room. His hand, which had been trailing patterns up and down her back falters slightly before continuing, a tiny reaction that says more than words ever could. 
She knows he views his inability to save Kate as a failure on his part. One of the many things he took on the blame for. Viewing failure as a posion, a side effect of a childhood he’d trusted her with the secrets of, despite it being so very human.
“You know we never liaised, right?” He says out of nowhere, drawing her out of her thoughts, and it’s her turn to falter, her hand that had been drawing patterns on his t-shirt covered chest coming to a stop. She pulls back to look at him, uncharacteristically lost for words as he smiles softly at her, a sparkle in his eyes that she’d never noticed before they got together. Something she knew he kept for her and Jack. “Kate and I? We never slept together. Even when she was at Scotland Yard.” 
“How…” she drifts off, the words stuck in her throat, and he chuckles lightly at her. She shifts, moving so both of their heads are on his pillow, and he leans forward and kisses her, cutting her off from saying anything else. 
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are, sweetheart,” he replies, running his knuckles down the soft skin of her cheek, “Nor are you particularly subtle.” She groans, embarrassment flooding her system as she tilts her head forward to try and hide her face from him, but he stops her, his fingers grabbing her chin as he holds her in place, his smile sad, but there. “Kate asked me how long we’ve been together.”
Her eyes go wide for a moment, something he’d never tell her he found adorable, and she groans again, scrunching her nose up at the revelation.
“Shit, I’m sorry, honey,” she says, cursing herself internally, “I didn’t mean to…I didn’t…” she swallows thickly, the guilt she’d felt all evening tasting bitter on her tongue, “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he assures her, leaning in to kiss her again, something she gratefully returns, her hand raising to cup his cheek. He rests his forehead against hers and she holds him in place, “You also have nothing to be jealous of, Em. Nothing at all.” 
She scoffs, the noise escaping her before she can take it back, and he raises an eyebrow at her as he pulls away to look at her properly. She sighs, her tongue sticking out to wet her lip. 
“Kate is…was your type.” 
It feels absurd as she says it, even more so right now than it had even a day ago. She hates that he can make her feel like this, that she cares about him, about their relationship so much, that it makes her feel like she’s a teenager again. 
“My type?” He asks, the crease between his brows that she loves making an appearance. She rolls her eyes at him, brief annoyance flashing in her gut. 
“Kate and Haley are almost identical, Aaron. Even you can't claim not to have noticed that. And I look nothing like either of them.” 
She realises she’s revealed more than she meant to as he furrows his brows. The mention of his ex-wife enough to let him know that this was more than the misplaced jealousy she felt over his interactions with Kate since they arrived in New York. The ink had barely been dry on his divorce papers, a thin band of paler skin on his left hand where his ring had been, when he and Emily had their first kiss. Something that had taken them both by surprise. 
He knows its not an insecurity about her looks. Emily was confident, quietly aware of her own beauty and the power she held over him, and it was something that made him all the more in love with her. She knew she could undo him with nothing more than a wink and a smirk. He’d always thought she was beautiful, but now he had intimate knowledge of her, of how she looked under her tailored suits and FBI persona, her beauty was enhanced. 
She’d worried about being a rebound, and had told him she refused to play that role in his life, her fingers wrapped around his biceps as she tried to put some space between them on their first date. His attention torn between her clear concern and the way it felt to have her in his lap. He’d assured her that wasn’t the case, that he wanted to see where things between them could go. 
The look on her face tells him he hadn’t done an overly good job at reminding her of that. 
He knows he can’t refute what she’s said, so he simply leans forward and presses his lips to hers again.
“You’re my type, Em,” he says against her lips, kissing her again, “I love you. Not anyone else.” 
It takes a moment for his words to wash over them both. The words they had both held back for months now out in the open, lingering in the air. Fresh and sweet, and full of the feeling of a new beginning like the first signs of spring after the longest winter. 
She clears her throat, a ball of emotion she refuses to let out blocking it, and she smiles at him. 
“I love you too,” she replies, kissing him softly, “I love you so much.” He pulls her closer, deepening the kiss as love for her overwhelms him, and he winces, the tug inside his chest making him groan against her lips. She chuckles, kissing him softly once more before pulling back, “I think it’s going to be a little while before you can have your way with me.” 
He shakes his head at her stamping his lips against hers once more before they settle back down.
“We should probably get some sleep anyway,” he says, “The jet is leaving first thing.” 
There’s a pause, a beat of silence that is somehow louder than her response.
“I spoke to your doctor, honey. If you think you’re flying back tomorrow I’m taking you back to him to check you again for a concussion.” 
The following morning, any understanding from the team has melted away. They get bombarded with, mostly, good natured questions about how long they’ve been together, how serious they are. The only thing that placates Emily is the feeling of Aaron’s palm on her thigh under the table, a comforting weight to it she can’t imagine her life without.
She makes a point of not letting him out of reach as they say goodbye to the rest of the team as they leave to get on the road. Her finger linked through his, partially to dare the others to say something, partially because she didn’t want to to let go of him. The explosion that could have torn him from her for good the main theme of her dreams throughout the night. 
When they make it to the car he reaches for the keys and she raises her eyebrow at him, opening the drivers side door and climbing in silently. 
“Em, come on. The doctor said nothing about driving,” he says, standing next to the still open door with his hands on his hips as she does up her seatbelt. 
“No he didn’t,” she replies, putting the key in the ignition and starting the engine, “But I did,” she smiles at him, “Come on, honey. If you’re good, I’ll let you play whatever music you want. Even the Beatles.” 
He rolls his eyes at her but closes the door with no further comment, rounding the car before he climbs in the passenger side. 
“Good boy,” she says, winking at him as she waits for him to do up his seatbelt before she starts to drive. 
“You going to buy me a Happy Meal too if I behave?” He asks, the tone of his voice letting her know he wasn’t really mad. 
“Oh,” she says, sighing as she acts like she’s thinking about it, sighing as if it’s a tough decision, “We’ll have to see how much of a back seat driver you are.” 
He shakes his head at her, unable to hide his smile, “You’re lucky I love you.” 
She flashes her gaze to him, both of their smiles blooming as their eyes meet. 
“I really am.”  
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norondor · 1 year
I'm not sure it's possible to get a bingo with this card but pick any or all of Nearl/Siege/Horn and give me your Opinions
it IS possible to get a bingo! but you may not like me after this.
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Nearl is such a fucking chad. the first real events i got to do anything with when i started last year were the maria nearl rerun/pinus sylvestris/near light trilogy and holy shit. after being only mildly plussed by her in the intro chapters, nearl became a favorite almost immediately. I don't usually love super chivalrous knight type characters, they're fine, i have no particular bias towards them, but marge is a really well realized modern version of this trope that lands super well with all we see of kazimierz and its hellish culture. obviously as a huge lesbian i was immediately enchanted by her behavior in her event, the dance with liz melted my heart, the homoerotic light and darkness sword duel with viviana made me go insane, she's SO COOL dealing with the blood knight... i wasn't that into the kazimierz plot to start with but nearl (and flametail!) made it my second-favorite subplot in the game all on her own. red circle above is because i cannot tell, due to my somewhat insular choice of fan circles, whether the general fanon is that she's in a poly thing with the Followers or something stupider and more wrong than that; if that's the take, we have a bingo! If not, move that circle over to "everyone but me is wrong."
I know people don't like her staying in kazimierz, but if i can drop a hot take -- and i can, it's my fucking blog and you've chosen to be here, sucker -- i actually like the vibe in near light that you cannot just stride in and crush societal ills and overthrow Capital just like that. helping people is still meaningful; doing the work of dismantling oppression is meaningless without making sure people survive to do it in the first place. her decision comes from a place of altruism and care for the people of her homeland, not from a misguided belief that she can work from within to change the cops or whatever the fuck. i get with that; it's a different character motivation than i'm used to and i'm really for it. moving the decimal place still matters to the people who will survive because you did, and that's what nearl and the doctor are doing the whole time in near light.
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I'm sorry. idk her at all. I've never pulled her, only used her once, and i haven't started episode 10 yet (SORRY) -- i expect this rating to change when i DO know more about her but right now i'm just scared they'll do some lame shit True King Returns plotline with her and somehow make act 2 worse than it started out. she's hotter than all fuck though.
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Second blonde woman bingo! Anyway you can unfollow me now if you wanna.
I'm sorry to be so hard on her but again; having completed episode 9 but not yet started 10+ i despise her. my dear friend @deneviere put it well yesterday; they tried to make her the sympathetic authority figure in ep9 but she is, objectively, here to do some bootboy shit, so what she really is is a massive centrist. no, horn, i DIDN'T consider that trying to preserve a culture under threat of ethnocide could damage unity in the imperial core, because i'm not a fucking imperialist. shut the fuck up, you dumb dog.
It's entirely possible a lot of her bad writing is a symptom of ep9 just being a complete shitshow overall; her interactions with Hamilton Von Racist are incredibly fucking pointless for what actually goes down in them, and the ending after 9-19 was so cartoonishly stupid i couldn't even be angry (this is a lie). she's still very hot and stupid overpowered as an operator, but i'm leaving Horn at level 1 forever because i already have Ashlock leveled, and also i hate her. this rating is also subject to change but, uh, we'll see.
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mknbrd · 2 years
Five times + cameras (CCTV. Polaroids. Phone etc)
the ct machine they'd rigged up is loud. bobbi doesn't mind it — it drowns out her thoughts, the guilt, the wave of nausea rolling over her every time she looks at him for too long. she'd insisted upon it, because sure, she had the maps, the scans, the surgery plans, all of it, but she refuses to trust it any more than she has to.
she doesn't watch his face over the monitor. she really can't bring herself to do it. she'd helped put him here, and, at best, there's a not-insubstantial chance that she'll kill him on the table, too — fifteen point five percent chance of mortality in cases of emergency neurosurgery, she'd told natasha, and that had been in cases where the people performing surgeries had trained for that kind of thing. bobbi had taught herself over the course of weeks on cadavers, and youtube videos, and anything else she'd been able to get her hands on.
the computer beeps at her when the scans start to pull up on her screen, and yeah, if they pull this off, bobbi'll consider putting in for the lottery. she blinks at the scans over her coffee, once, twice, and then turns her head to watch the bed slide out. he's too still. she keeps waiting for him to roll off the bed and ask her to wear adult shoes to work, or ask to see her tits, or whatever. not this. this isn't right.
but then, the ct machine isn't making noise anymore, and the wave of guilt-related nausea comes back, and bobbi turns her whole body away from the setup to puke into a trash can.
natasha is driving, and bobbi's grin is a little sex-drunken when she picks up the phone to dial. " hi phillip, i need you to pull the cctv footage from the saks fifth in midtown, discreetly — . . . because i asked nicely . . . when the video footage of your wife getting fingered in a luxury stores goes live on the nightly news, you'll really only have yourself to blame that you didn't grab it and take it home for yourself . . . that's what i thought. goodbye, phillip. "
he tells her that she went too early over comms — agent nineteen, what the fuck was that ? — and bobbi rolls her eyes back into her skull as she wipes up her bloody nose and steps over a body. " don't tell me i was the only one to catch the height on that bag swinging, boss, " bobbi says, bending down on her heels to reach for the duffel in question. " we got bad intel. whole deal was a setup. " she doesn't need to open it to know it's empty, but she does it anyways, just for the satisfaction of being able to show the camera hidden in her eye glasses that it is. sure, she's a bit of a cowboy, bit of a wild card. a blunt force object, as she's been termed. but reckless — stupid ? hardly.
" am i done here ? " bobbi asks when she gets to her feet, hands scrubbed down the tops of her aching thighs. " these heels are killing me, and i'm fucking starving. "
there's a long sigh down her earpiece — yeah. we'll figure this out tomorrow — and by the time she gets back to her hotel room, there's room service and a bottle of tylenol waiting for her inside.
you're late, he says, like she's not well aware of the time. bobbi rolls her eyes, mutters something along the lines of is there nothing you can do on your own ? and drops into the nearest chair like either one of them is really going to pay more attention than necessary in a meeting full of department heads and secretaries that hate them.
" what, you want a doctor's note ? " bobbi asks sarcastically, to which the corner of phil's mouth twitches. she can't help appointments running long, nor is she going to apologize for the twenty minute puke fest she'd had between the ob's office and the capitol. instead, she reaches into her pocket, pulls out a pair of sonogram scans and passes them both over the corner of the table. " before i forget, your wife said you have to put one on the fridge and make sure one gets into her office. "
he's stopped pouting as much when she puts him through the ct machine. maybe it's because he's resigned himself to the fact that it's happening whether he likes it or not — she'd shouted at him once, i'm not a fucking neurosurgeon phil, excuse me for being careful, and that had put an end to that argument — maybe it's because he likes her better after several months of back-and-forth awkward bonding. whatever it is, she's fine with it, just waits until he lays himself down — she's proud, even though she won't say it — and calmly runs the machine.
and the x-rays come up as usual, and the guilt's subsided a bit. bobbi hits the button that rolls the bed out from the machine and waits for the scans to show up. they do, like clockwork, and they look better than what she'd have otherwise expected. still, bobbi leans over the microphone, and tells him bad news — his broca's area has shrunk to make room for his massive fucking ego — and he flips her off from the side of the bed, and they both grin at each other.
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busterheadspace · 1 year
For the bad things happen bingo and the "taking the blame" prompt maybe an scenario where Brett declares to Reagan but there is an accident and he sacrifices himself for her to save her. Reagan is confused by the declaration and blames herself for what happened to him, after in the hospital they talk.
Woah, I am super sorry for the lateness. Trying to get request done, slowly coming
Note:You can send request in. I’ll still do them
Brett shot up with a gasp, scrambling away. He had a horrible dream. There was blood, a big sharp weapon, screaming and… He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Use the breathing technique that his therapist told him to use. He repeated until he felt calm, an urge to hold himself except.. Why couldn’t he feel his arms? He looked down, his eyes widening in terror
The panic came back and Brett felt like he was dying. Faintly, he could hear the door opened and someone rushing toward him
"Brett! You're going to reopen the stitches!" Andre was in front of him, trying to snap him out of it. Though his voice didn't seem to reach, the doctor grabbed a cup and threw it onto him. Somehow he make him come to his sense but Brett was still shaking 
“What.. what happened?” Brett asked. “Where are my arms?”
“Do you remember the Reptoid party we had to go to?” Andre asked.
“… Kinda..?”
“Remember how Reagan screwed up and ripped the main guy’s arms.”
That sentence was what made him remember what had happen. He froze, just thinking about it..
The Reptiods had shoved them inside the police car and they began driving back to Yale. 
“So why are they mad at you?" Brett whispered
"You weren't there for the speech so JR sent me to do it. You know about my hug problem so I made some robo-arms to do it. I ended up ripping the Senator’s arms off
Oh. Oh this was his fault. Why did he go with his Frat Bros? Should he even call them that? They shoved him in a vent earlier.. But Reagan is in huge trouble because of him. 
They pulled up to the courtroom and Brett wanted to stay close to Reagan. Who knows what the Reptiods would do to her. But one of the security guard told him to find his clothes. He didn't know where they were and he was given a blanket to wear and brought to a courtroom.
The punishment was Reagan losing her arms and the thought made Brett throw up,. Brett was trying to think how he could help her. His name was called up and he got up slowly, and sat beside Court Judy. It felt like everyone was staring at him as he tried to come up with something to say. He looked at Reagan. She was in trouble because of him. He was supposed to give the speech.. Wait, that could do it.
“It is my fault that Reagan’s robot arms pulled the Senator’s arms off.” Brett said. Some people gasp and Reagan was shaking her head, although he continued. 
“I was supposed to give the speech tonight. But I got caught up in a situation and asked Reagan to do it.” 
“Well how do we know you were supposed to give the speech?” Judge Judy asked. He could feel himself blushing thinking about why his clothes were in another room but he tells them. A Reptoid goes and quickly returns, holding the cards he was going to use. 
“Okay. So she gave the speech. How does that involve her using the robot-arms?” The Judge asked. She was staring at him hard and he gulped.
“Reagan never was hugged. So, I gave her the Robot-arms to help with it. I didn’t think they would cause that to happen so.. I’m sorry for that.”
Reagan stood up but Gigi and JR quickly sat her down. Judge Judy stayed quiet for a few minutes before slamming her mallet.
“Brett Hand, I see you are guilty of the involvement of harming our Senator. Reagan Ridley, you should reconsider using tech to help out with your relationship. Brett Hand, I sentence you to get your arms cut off.”
Brett’s eyes widen but he shakey nods and lets the two big Reptiod grab him.  They move quickly, dragging him to a hallway. He was thinking about what he was going to tell his family, how he was going to work. As they walk, something hits one of the security guard's heads. They hissed before another object hit them and they fell onto the ground. The other quickly lets go, facing the intruder's direction before being smacked straight into the face, knocked out cold. Brett turned around, Reagan was running toward him
“Brett! Come on! We’re getting out of here!” Reagan yelled, grabbing his arms. Although Brett quickly backed away, shaking his head.
“Reagan. It’s okay. Cognito needs you. You can’t help with no arms.” Brett said.
“No! You’re not losing your arms becoming of this shitty situation I put myself in! Who cares about the Reptoid! I need you!” Reagan yelled back. Her face was full of emotions. It looked like she was holding them. Brett smiled sadly, putting a hand on his face.
“I know. But I’ll be okay. And.. I know this is a bad place to say it but..if I don’t make this out alive, I love you.” Reagan looked taken back at the sudden words but two lizard guards quickly came up and grabbed her, another pair grabbing Brett and dragging him into a room. 
“Brett! No! You son of a bitches! LET HIM GO!!!” Reagan cried.
Brett was strapped down quickly to a metal table. Two Reptoids were in the room, wearing scrubs. A loud noise, like a chainsaw, rushed through his ear. Brett looked over and saw a sharp object spinning rapidly. His heart begins pounding and sweat rolls his face as it comes closer. 
“Wait! Please! No! No! NO!” Nothing to put him to sleep?! He was going through his awake?! It felt like he was in a Horror movie. They ignore his cries.
The object hits his arm, pain shoots through his whole body as it is drilled into his bones. Brett screams in pain and terror, tears springing from his eyes and blood hitting his face.
“So after being let out, Reagan forced us to wait for you and then you threw out the door. Glenn was covered in blood, and we brought to Cognito’s hospital! Now you’re an amputee!” Andre said.
“Oh my God.. can’t you give me new arms or something?!” Brett stuttered, staring at his bandages. Andre shakes his head.
“It’s complicated. We gotta connect all these veins up, your arms might die again if we do it. JR would kill us if we use limbs for something not important.”
Now came the question he was dreading.
“How’s Reagan?”
Andre shrugged. “Don’t know.. She locked herself in her lab as soon as we came back.”
“And no one helped her?!”
“Brett, this is Reagan. You leave her alone when she’s pissed.”
Brett frowned and quickly remembered what he said to her. He thought he was going to die and oh shit. He just confessed how he felt to her because he was scared he wasn’t coming back alive. And... he made things awkward. He couldn’t keep avoiding her now that he was alive
“Please, Andre. Tell her I want to talk.” Brett plead
“Woah man. Not me. But.. I could get someone to do..” Andre quickly brought his phone out and walked out of the room, leaving Brett alone. 
It felt eerie being by himself, especially with medic supplies. He took a quick glance at his side, the empty and bloody sight of what was left made him sick.
Reagan knew her breathing was too quick but she didn’t know how to stop it. She rubbed her arm across her face, drying the tears rolling down her face but she knew more were coming as the water formed in her eyes.
She had been in her lab for three days. No one had attempted to reach out to her and she was fine with that. It gave her more time to reconstruct something for Brett. Screw his big dumb heart.. Why would he do that for her? She wasn’t worth being saved.. and.. she thought about his confession a lot, making her heart ache. She wasn’t worth being loved. Why he would sacrifice himself for her, she didn’t know why he thought it was worth it
The banging on her door made her growl and she slammed her fist against the control panel
“Go away!” She shouts.
“Brett awake.” Gigi said, unfazed. “He wants you.”
Brett was alive.  Brett was awake. She stopped working after hearing those words. With a heavy breath, she responded.
“Tell him I don’t wanna see him.” 
“Girl, he wants to see you. Do you think avoiding him is going to solve all your problems?”
Reagan didn’t respond to that. Thinking about it, Gigi was right. She couldn’t avoid him forever. After all, JR made him Co-Lead and he needed an answer for her thoughts . She looked at one of her metal plates, and saw her face looked horrible . She wiped her face quickly and opened the door. Gigi was on her phone and while it looked like she was about to say something, Reagan walked quickly away from her. She ignored everyone as she made her way to the infirmary 
Andre was outside a room, and smiled at her.
“Here to see Brett. He just wanted you in the room. Are you guys like.. have sex and-“
“Shut it, Andre.” Reagan said.
“Alright. Alright. I’ll leave you two alone. But if they’re sex, I’m hearing all about it.”
Reagan growled as he left but she suddenly felt afraid alone. What was she going to say? She knew she couldn’t avoid Brett, especially with how she felt about her confession. She took another deep breath, holding back the rush of emotions and opened the door
Brett had laid down, staring at the ceiling and heard the door open. He tried to sit up, or well attempted to. Without arms, it was a struggle and Reagan came in front of him, without him noticing. And once he did, he blushed.
“Hey Reagan. Uh, how was work while I was gone?” Brett asked.
She didn’t respond although he saw her clench her hands into fist. Was she mad at him?
“I’m sorry if the Reptoid meeting went wrong. Sorry I screwed it up.” 
“Are you kidding me?” Reagan mumbled after a moment. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I screwed up..?” Brett's response.
“Screwed up?! I’m one who fucked up!” Reagan exclaimed. “I.....  you lost your arms for no reason…”
“Dad came in with Bear-O just as I was dragged back into the courtroom. It was some stupid robot bear that he used to care for him as a kid. He hugged me and.. I remember why I hate hugs. That robot that Dad made.. messed me up. The judge let me go after I made my dad go up and confess what he did.. but.. it was too late for you. You’re armless now..” 
“Oh..It’s okay.” Brett didn’t know how to respond to that. Reagan shudder as she tried to keep it together and stared at him
“Did you mean it?”
“You mean.. the confession..”
She nodded. “What makes you think I’m good enough to love because I would be a horrible girlfriend.”
If Brett wasn’t connected to a bunch of wires and could sit up , he would have moved closer to her. If he had his arms, maybe he would have grabbed her hand or something to comfort her. But the best he could do is looks back and smiles sadly 
“I’m not that important to Reagan. The company needs you. I do nothing for the company. It’s fine if I don’t make it”
“No. Don’t say that.” Reagan approached the bed, and to the surprises of both of them , her hands cupped his face. Reagan never liked getting this intimate but something in her, maybe the feelings for him, made her do this. Brett was surprised as just days ago, he was punched for trying to hug her.
“I don’t care what anyone else says. But I love you. If you really think you’re not important, you’re fucking wrong.” She felt a tear run down her face and shook her head. “You’re worth more than this stupid company. You deserve someone that isn’t me”
What is that really how she thought? Brett frowned and brought his head to hers, closing his eyes.
“Because you deserve to be loved. I love everything about you. Your smarts and you are pretty. Don’t say that about yourself. Please. I love you so much ”
Reagan held back a sob but she smiled at the answer. She knew Brett would have answered like that and was ready to argue back but.. she didn’t want to. He did love her.. for a reason. Even if she didn’t understand the reason, she didn’t want to fight back. Brett loved her despite how much she told herself that he wouldn’t and how bad the circumstances were.
She did something risky and killed his cheek, and Brett just giggles and sighs constantly. She was fine with that, as long as he’s happy
Brett was released after days of being inside. Where his arms were joint, there were now just two very large scars left. It was very hard doing things without arms or hands. 
The Gang made fun of him but a glare from Reagan made them stop. After a meeting, she made him come to her lab. It was dimly lit and she approached something under a sheet.
“I know my robo-arms made you lose your arms but..” She threw it off, a new set of robot-arms were on a mannequin. Brett looked surprised as she took it off and walked behind him. “I think these will help you. They’re waterproof and now, it’s almost like nothing happened.” 
Brett felt something put on him and looked down at the robot-arms. He flecked them forward and back. They worked like his old arms. He reached for Reagan’s cheek, smiling and kissing it.
“I've wanted to do that ever since the hospital visit.”
“Really? Aw.” Reagan smirked and kissed him on the mouth. Brett returned it, wrapping his new arms around her.
 It was a great feeling and he couldn’t be happier 
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This stars Sydney Sweeney, who is also in “Madame Web” (2024)!  A few weeks ago someone posted a picture of her cleavage and said “THIS WILL DESTROY WOKEISM AARRGHH RRAAARGHH YAAARGH!”  Conservatives, reactionaries, and trolls loved it, because they don’t know what “woke” means. 
So, yes, Sydney Sweeney is Sister Cecilia.  But before we get to her we have Sister Mary.  At some time in the past, she tries to sneak out of her convent, but the nuns capture her and break her leg.  They bury her alive.  We hear her scream as the title card rolls.
Finally, Sister Cecilia arrives in Italy to join the same convent!  Naturlich, she hasn’t bothered to learn Italian.  I mean, if I knew I were going to live for an extended time in a foreign country I would be using Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone, but she’s an American so she can’t be bothered.  The convent is in a beautiful old villa built over catacombs, and the sisters there care for older, retired sisters living out their final years.  Cecilia meets Isabelle, who is a bit of a dick toward her, and Isabella tells her that’s it’d be ok to leave: “God will forgive you.”  Cecilia is determined to stay.  She also meets Sister Gwen.  Also, we have Father Sal, who invited her to join the convent in the first place. 
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Cecilia takes her vows and kisses the cardinal’s ring.  Afterwards, she wanders into the chapel where she finds a nun with a red cloth pulled tightly across her face, like a mask.  Mother Superior finds Cecilia and shows her the convent’s relic, a holy nail that was used to crucify Jesus.  (Strange how there’s a bunch of these nails all across Europe!)  Cecilia touches the nail and passes out, most likely in a religious fervor.  Soon after, she has a freaky dream, of being stabbed by the nuns, and she then experiences a training montage of performing her nun-ly duties at the convent.
Cecilia is bathing in her dress with the other nuns and vomits!  She goes to the doctor, who takes a urine sample.  Next thing she knows, she’s being bustled to the cardinal and Father Sal and the mother superior, and they’re asking if she’s ever had sex with a man.  She insists no!  They perform a vaginal ultrasound and confirm that Cecilia is pregnant.  Instead of reasonably assuming that she’s just a filthy liar who fucks, everyone accepts her conception as a miracle of god.  They drape her in beautiful robe and a headdress of flowers and everyone is amazed.
We jump forward a bit and Cecilia is still suffering from morning sickness, but she also spits out a tooth!  Soon after, Sister Isabelle, she who was mean to Cecilia, tries to drown her in the tub!  “It should have been me!” Isabelle shouts, which isn’t strange at all.  The convent doctor looks Cecilia over afterwards, and Cecilia wants to go to a real hospital, but Father Sal and the doctor put her off, which still isn’t strange.  A little bit later, Cecilia is walking through the courtyard when Sister Isabelle throws herself off the roof and lands on her face.  They roll the body toward us and we can see mostly pulp.  On the way to bury the body, Sister Gwen freaks out and yells at the other nuns, and they drag her away.  Cecilia wanders about that night and finds a file they have about her, with news clippings and a picture of her chromosomes.  She goes outside to peek into a shed, where the nuns cut off Gwen’s tongue! 
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A scene later, Cecilia is screaming in bed with blood around her hips and pelvis.  Father Sal has to take her to the hospital at that point, but the mother superior is crying over the bloody sheets when she discovers  a dead chicken!  Cecilia faked the emergency.  The mother superior calls Father Sal, who stops the car.  Cecilia tries to run away, but they catch her.  Back at the convent, Father Sal wheelchairs Cecilia down to his lab.  He explains that has some genetic material on the Holy Nail , and they’ve been trying to create a clone of Jesus, using the the nuns as surrogates.  He shows her deformed fetuses in jars, but he’s sure that the fetus within Cecilia will be fine.  He then brands a cross on each of her feet.
Cecilia is basically locked up after that.  As her due date approaches, the doctor and the mother superior are performing another ultrasound, and the doctor leaves them alone.  Cecilia bashes in the mother superior’s face with a cross and escape the room, but then her water breaks!  She next finds and kills the cardinal by throttling him with some rosary beads.  She then steals the Holy Nail and goes down to Father Sal’s lab.  She pours about some flammable liquid, but he catches her.  She manages to escape and sort of sets the lab on fire, but he escapes the conflagration and chases Cecilia into the catacombs! 
In a decent chase scene, Cecilia manages to evade the father in the dark maze.  She finds Gwen’s dead body, and then sees a hole leading outside.  But then Father Sal grabs her.  He drags her back and begins to cut the fetus out of her, but Cecilia stabs him in the neck with the Holy Nail (bet Jesus never expected that!) and kills him.  She crawls outside, but then she gives birth, plopping the child out on the ground.  We don’t see it, as the camera stays right on her bloody face, and she severs the umbilical with her own teeth.  We hear the child wheezing and…growling at her feet.  She then grabs a rock and bashes it to death.  That’s how the movie ends, with Sydney Sweeney performing a post-birth abortion.  This is the world liberals want, people!
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“Immaculate” joins a long line of “nunsploitation” movies.  Most of these are…salacious in nature, but a few are a horror movies.  The last one I saw was “The Nun” (2018), which I barely remember at all, it made such a slight impression on me.  We also have “The First Omen” (2024), another nun horror movie, but I haven’t seen that yet.  All of these movies are, of course, placed in their own context.  This movie, “Immaculate,” features a woman who loses her bodily autonomy to an organization with its own designs.  Our context is a country where women’s autonomy is subservient to an actually small segment of the population who believe that these uppity females should just shut up and do as they’re told.  Sydney Sweeney plays confusion pretty well, so that would be an understandable reaction, both to the plot and the world at large, but perhaps the rage at the climax would be more suitable.
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