#but then luckily my sister got it and her class got it and i got it and my class got it
danielnelsen · 7 months
there’s so much i wanna do this week/month/etc but i’m just too sick, i have no energy, i can’t sleep, i’m constantly nauseous and headachey and on the verge of a migraine, i’m stressed and irritable and impatient and panicky…….how tf did i survive nearly 5 years of high school untreated if i can’t even manage this when i don’t have any major obligations rn
#at least i finally got my meds so hopefully i feel a little better soon#although i’m now on 20 pills per day which is Just Great#whenever i’m in remission it’s nice to just. forget sometimes that this can happen at any time#kinda wish i had the typical kinda chronic illness that people talk about with ‘flares’#or at least triggers that i can plan around#the other times have all had an easily identifiable stressor tho tbf. idk what caused this one#the first time was whooping cough and the next few were all very major life stressors like my cat dying right after i started uni#and i think also towards the end of my honours thesis?#but this…….there’s no major stress right now. nothing wildly beyond normal#i’m a little concerned about my joints tho. they’ve been so much worse than normal the last few months#so i’m kinda worried i’m developing rheumatoid arthritis (also an autoimmune disease and it runs in the family specifically)#so if that’s happening then it could set my thyroid off? probably should get to the doctor at some point#obv i’m seeing my endo for thyroid stuff. but i should see my gp and get her to run all the autoimmune blood tests again#i’ve done that before but it’s been a few years and my ankles and knees are so painful i can’t even walk properly a lot of the time#BUT I JUST WANNA DO THINGS I ENJOY AND I CANT AND I WILL CONTINUE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT#‘oh you’re so lucky you don’t have as many obligations because you’re chronically ill’ ha ha ha please swap lives with me immediately#personal#but seriously. i wasn’t diagnosed until i was nearly 17 and we can trace it back to whooping cough when i was 12#so it was the last half of year 6 and then all of years 7-10 and the start of year 11 of just being. uh. ‘very lazy and complaining a lot’#and TEACHERS joking about me and my sister (who was dealing with an arguably more severe undiagnosed disease) missing so many classes#wow so funny pdhpe teacher who’s supposed to be teaching is about health#and the thing with being a mentally ill teenager is that hyperthyroidism can just look like a very severe anxiety disorder#so i didn’t go to the dr until i was too sick to go to school at all. and luckily had a good dr who did a blood test#i’m just rambling now because i can’t sleep and i don’t wanna lie here doing nothing#might go play pvz or something. that’s been keeping me entertained
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chickenpox vaccines
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Hook with the daughter of Ariel or something like that. With them being in a secret little relationship but he’s always trying to come up to her and flirt with her. Maybe Uliana finds out and freaks out the rest is up to you
Secret | James Hook
Pairing: James Hook x fem!reader (Ariel's!sister!reader)
Summary: Once Uliana figures out your secret, everything comes crushing down.
Warning/s: angst, but with a happy ending, fluff, keeping secrets, fight, short fic, possible grammar and/or spelling mistakes
Author's note: It's here, hope you enjoy!! Also, I made the reader Ariel's sister because in my head, it fits the timeline.
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Honestly, nobody had any idea how it happened. You were Ariel's sister. He was a pirate. How in the world did you manage to end up together?!
Well... truth to be told... it happened so suddenly, just like when the storm in the middle of the sea happens. Nobody really expects it, but it arrives it crashes you with its whole might. Leaving you breathless.
It was a normal, sunny day when you met him. You were walking down the corridor, just trying to get to Merlin's class. Clutching your book in your hands, you found yourself outside as you came face to face with Hook. In the middle of the courtyard. All alone. His back was turned to you, and with that finding, you felt the sigh of relief leave your body pass your lips. It doesn't matter, you thought to yourself. So you decided to keep walking. You did not want to be late to class.
But it seems like the luck wasn't on your side that day. He turned around and walked up to you as he yelled out.
"Ahoy there, mermaid!" He smirked as your eyes met. "Skipping class again, I see. What's your excuse this time? Lost your voice singing to the fishes?"
James Hook, now leaning against a stone pillar, hook on his right hand and a mischievous glint in his eyes as his eyes scanned you.
"Hook, I unline you, am actually trying to now get there in time." You rolled your eyes at his teasing but decided that maybe it was time for you to finally tease him back a bit. "But don't worry, I've got a treasure map to Merlin's class. Care to actually join me?"
You saw a little tint of blush forming on his face, but you must have imagined it. And just as you thought that this would be the end of your conversation, he did something that left you stunned.
"Merlin's class? That's the real curse of Neverland. But I'd follow you anywhere, little mermaid." He gave you a wink, smirking.
You found yourself blushing, but no... it... it can't be. Luckily, you quickly regained your composure and continued your, playful, rivalry banter.
"You know, pirate, I've heard rumors about your hook. Is it true you lost it in a duel with a giant squid?" You leaned over closer to him.
"Aye, but it wasn't just any squid—it was the one that stole my heart." He smirked as he leaned down, closer to your face. "But now, here I am, a one-handed pirate with a penchant for trouble and a weakness for mermaid smiles."
You found yourself laughing at his flirting. You couldn't help it, it was just so... so endearing.
"Well, Captain, I've got a secret too." You said, with a little smirk planted on your face. "I've hidden my voice in a shell. Only the right kiss can unlock it. Interested?"
And so you did that for a while until you two were actually late for Merlin's class. You walked in, and Hook did not. But there was no way that you would admit to anyone, even your friends, why you walked into the class flushed, cheeks pink, with a stupid smile on your face.
You do, of course, realize that this was a bit abnormal. He was a pirate and part of Uliana's crew. You were a mermaid princess, daughter of the Triton himself. It was not normal, but as the days passed and what was a true rivalry, banter turned into just pure flirting, you found yourself not really caring.
As weeks passed and the flirting continued, somehow, you found yourself having a pirate boyfriend. After all of that, Hook and you started dating. Somehow.
And it was better than you ever expected it to be. You sometimes felt like, outside of Uliana's crew, you were the only one that he was nice to. It was... perplexing. But you loved it.
However, you both agreed that you should keep your relationship a secret for a while for both of your sakes. You weren't dumb. You both knew how your friends would react if you told them that you were dating. So that's how it all started. Secret stolen glances when nobody was looking, passing notes in class, stolen kisses when you were all alone, and, of course, flirty teasing banter.
That's how you found yourself, pressed against a tree in the school's courtyard, Hook with his hand by your head, his hook under your chin, trapping you.
"You're a siren in a landlocked school." He spoke, looking into your eyes. "Your voice could raise sunken ships, and your smile—well, that's my undoing."
"Tell me, Hook, do you ever dream of flying?" You asked as you started to trace your finger along his hook. "Not in a ship, but with wings made of stardust?"
He looked at you, captivated.
"Every night, my dear. And in my dreams, you're the compass guiding me through constellations." He leaned down towards you, your lips almost meating until something happened. Something that would change this forever.
"Hook!!" The terrifyingly hight and mighty voice rang out along the school courtyard.
You both turned around and froze as you came face to face with Uliana, Hades, Maleficent and a few more people that joined the courtyard when they heard yelling.
"But reality has a way of clipping my wings." Hook sighed as he moved away from you slowly, your heart speading up and breaking at the same time.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Uliana screamed. "What are you doing with a mermaid?!"
That's when you noticed something. Yes, Hook moved away from you, but his hand with his hook that was under your chin was now placed on your waist, still holding you close to him.
"Calm down, Uliana." Hook spoke up, looking at him.
"Calm down?!" Uliana yelled, absolutely fuming. "Are you seriously telling me to calm down right now?!"
"Yes." Hook said, "Yes, I am."
"Don't play games with me, Hook." She threatened before throwing a glance your way, smirking as she plotted against you. "If you don't stop doing whatever you're doing with this one, you will no longer be a part of my crew."
A moment of science was heard around the courtyard, and you know that it was over. He couldn't give up on his crew, and you most certainly did not want him to, so that means that your relationship has reached its inevitable end. Your heart was breaking as you looked on the ground, slowly moving away from Hook.
"You won't do that." He spoke up, his voice strong, ringing out. "We won't end our relationship." He turned to you and brought you closer to him once again, smiling at you before turning to Uliana with a determined look.
"You know that you need me whether you liked it or not. So, no, you won't throw me away from the rest of the crew. And even if you do, it doesn't matter. I still have her, and that is something that nothing will be able to change." He spoke as her face was formed into pure shock.
"So good day." He sarcastically bowed before he ruined around with you and walked away.
"Don't worry, she'll come around." You looked at him. "Maybe..."
"I honestly don't really care." He shrugged, his eyes ringing with truth. "I have you now, little mermaid, that's all I need and so much more, really."
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @ariaroseloklover @isafran1125 @gayfrog29 @mystic-mae
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rueclfer · 1 month
Can I request a best friends brother touya plssss :)
Ur loser Touya who, canon to your fics, writes in a diary journal is so good and needs a comeback 😭💗
Okay thank you byyyyyeee :P
god i love todosiblings tomfoolery in touya fics!!!! ily anon thank u for loving this loser as much as i do
open up the door // touya todoroki
“Knock knock.” The voice interrupts yours and Fuyumi’s chatter from the other side of her bedroom door.
“What?” Fuyumi calls out, cueing Touya to poke his head through the cracked door, eyes meeting her before your own, in which you quickly darted away. “Can we help you?”
“Yeah, you can actually.” He returns the tone, fully swinging the door open, leaning against the frame. “I hear you losers giggling and shit from all the way down the hall. Don’t you think you two should shut up and go to sleep?”
You look him up and down, eyeing the stretched out flannel pajama pants hanging low on his hips and distressed band tee over his lanky frame. The glossy sheen over his eyes and the state of his hair made it apparent that he had just rolled out of bed, woken up from yours and Fuyumi’s night time antics and gossip.
“It’s barely 12am on a Friday night, Touya.” You cock your eyebrow at him. “Nothing more important to do than to bother us?”
“Tell me, Y/N, what exactly am I interrupting?” He walks into the room, being careful to step over the scattered containers of various beads, rolls of string, and a couple pairs haphazardly throw scissors laying across the floor. “Friendship bracelets? Are you guys 12?” 
You were laying on the floor on your stomach as he approached you and stepped over you with a leg on each side. Touya leans down and looks past your head to see the unfinished bracelet in your hands.
“Whatcha spelling out, huh?” 
“Fuck off.” You huff, slapping his calf to shoo him away.
“Leave us alone” Fuyumi groans. “We’re gonna go to sleep right now, okay?”
“Sleep, don’t sleep, I don’t give a fuck. Just be quiet. Especially you, loudmouth.” He flicks the back of your head before stepping over you towards the door, clicking it behind him.
You and Fuyumi meet each other’s eyes before simultaneously letting out an annoyed sigh.
“Sorry, you know how he is.” Fuyumi huffs. “He’s so annoying sometimes.”
You had a long standing relationship with the Todoroki family. Your friendship with Fuyumi flourished in middle school when you had accidentally snapped her glasses in half during gym class. Luckily, for you two, you were a wizard with duct tape which had not only effectively fixed her frames, but made you two inseparable since. 
“Sometimes?” You scoff, beginning to shove the craft supplies to the side, making room for your floor mattress. “I was seriously planning on marrying into the family one way or another, but you gave me some shit options, Fuy. Introduce me to a cousin or something.
“Settle for him to be with me forever.” She sighs dramatically and shoots you a pout. “If you really loved me, you would.”
Another thing that lingered since you two were kids- the concept of setting you up with her older brother. The idea had always seemed so perfect for her. There you were, someone who got along with the family, the sister she never had, and most importantly, was “good enough” for her brother, who notoriously had a shitty dating history. However, Fuyumi’s fantasy quickly crumbled midway through high school, when Touya suddenly decided that he was too good for anyone- especially his little sister’s best friend.
“Touya’s a fucking prick, Fuy. I really do want to beat the fuck out of him, no joke, and I’m pretty sure the feelings are mutual.”
“Watch it!” She scolds you. “He’s not that bad, or at least not as bad as he used to be.”
“Not as bad? ‘Hey ugly’ is his go-to greeting for me. He acts like my presence is the most inconveniencing thing ever. If we're alone in the same room, he'll avoid me like the plague and then once there's anyone else around, suddenly he wants to annoy me at any given chance.”
“He’s going through a life crisis or something. Be nice.” She warns. “Or else I’ll kick both of your asses. Wake me if you’re up before me, okay? But only if it’s after 10am.” She yawns. “Goodnight.”
“Yeah whatever, g'night." You say and roll your eyes, knowing that you will definitely not be waking her up.
Now with the lights off and you two in your respective beds, all you could do is look up at the glow in the dark stars plastered to the ceiling, and think back on all of your interactions with Touya from the moment you met him to now- from your raging infatuation with him when you first met as children to the growing resentment and annoyance into your late teens.
The glaring sunbeam peaking through the curtains hit you right in the eye, effectively waking you up from your deep sleep. Your phone reads 6:54AM. You mentally groaned to yourself before rolling out of your mattress, exiting the dark bedroom with a soft click of the door behind you. On an early Saturday morning like this, the Todoroki household had its rare moments of silent solitude
Padding your way to the bathroom, you were still in a drowsy state, eyes lidded, and the heaviness of a deep sleep weighing on your shoulders. Once the door shuts behind you, you lean against the kitchen sink and rub the sleepiness from your eyes,
"The fuck, Y/N?" The familiar voice snaps you awake. Your vision focuses on the figure standing near the shower. "You pervert, what do you think you're doing?" He exclaims with a growing amused smile.
"Jesus, Touya!" You exclaim, taking a step back against the door. "Ever use a fucking lock before?" You lowly huff, trying to keep your volume down.
"Why would I when no one's ever up this early? Don't you walk around with your eyes open?"
"I just woke up like two seconds ago." You groan. "Why are you just hanging out in the bathroom?"
"Well I was going to shower. Unless you're here to 'beat the fuck out of me?'" He leans against the wall, arms crossed.
"Listening in on our conversation? Who's the pervert now?" You furrow your eyebrows.
"Involuntarily, with your loud mouth and all." He takes a step closer, almost closing the gap and leaving just mere inches of space between you two. "Sounds like you don't like me very much, huh? What happened to that little crush in middle school?" He kept his voice low.
"Fizzled out a long time ago when you started thinking you were too cool for everyone." You press your finger against the middle of his chest. "You're full of yourself, stuck up, infuriating to be around, and you have no reason to not like me when we've known each other for damn near a decade. You're such a dick for no reason."
"You done?" His amused smile grew even wider, making the fury in your stomach grow stronger. "Because I don't have to explain shit to you."
You rub your face in your hands in frustration. "You know what you act like? A 13 year old who thinks being mean to his crush makes them like you back." You cross your arms, almost tip-toeing your way closer to his face. "That must be it, huh? Can't navigate your feelings?"
Touya bit the inside of his cheek.
Before he could retaliate with another venom filled comment, someone on the other side of the door was knocking. Had you two been so loud this early in the morning?
"Y/N?" You recognized the groggy voice. "Are you in there? Can I come in?"
You froze and quickly realized how the situation looked- you and Touya almost pressed up against each other in the bathroom. Alone. After you had just told her all about your disdain for her brother the night before.
You locked your eyes with him. He opened his mouth, ready to respond in your place, in which you quickly slammed your hand over his mouth, and the other on his shoulder. You start pushing him back towards the shower.
"Yeah! I'm in here, give me a second!" You called out over your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He mouths, taking a step into the shower before he could trip over the ledge.
"Shut up." You whisper back, closing the shower curtain. "Stay." You warn.
You took a glance at yourself in the mirror, silently hoping Fuyumi doesn't notice your flushed cheeks.
"Sorry I was getting ready to shower. Was I being too loud?" You open the door to see her sleepy state of lidded eyes and tousled hair.
"No." She yawns. "I got a migraine, I just need my medication."
You step aside for her to dig through the medicine cabinet for a moment, sending subtle glances to the shower every now and then, hoping Touya doesn't decide to make an appearance.
"By the way," She mumbles. "I was serious about last night. Be nice to Touya, okay? You know he kinda has a crush on you."
"What?" You exclaim a bit too loudly, slapping your hand over your mouth.
She shushes you, putting her finger over her mouth. "You'll wake him. He's a light sleeper." She warns. "But yeah, Natsuo read his diary last week and told me. I think I kinda knew though, since he's so emotionally constipated." She softly chuckles, lightly shaking the migraine medication into her palm.
"What the fuck, Fuyumi?" Your mouth hung open. "Diary? You tell me this now?"
"Well I didn't realize how much you disliked him." She smiles. "Just thought you should know. We'll talk more later, though. I'm going back to sleep. Think about it, and have a good shower."
"Okay.. thanks." You mumble, closing the door behind her.
If you really wanted to, you could let yourself feel mortified for Touya and make an agreement to pretend like that conversation didn't just happen, but you could feel the disgusting pride and ego growing larger by the second as you digested this new information.
Touya rips the shower curtain to the side, stepping out of the shower with a new layer of blush dusted over his cheeks and his wide eyes filled with embarrassment.
"Shut up." He huffs, running a hand through his hair.
"Didn't say anything." You shrug, pressing your lips together to suppress a smirk.
"Keep it that way, then."
He begins to make his way towards the door, in which you promptly block with your body.
"Y/N. Move." He demands, one hand on the handle and the other pressed against the door next to your head.
"Guess I got you figured out after all. You write about me in your diary often?" Your let your smirk grow. "You'd have better luck if you were nicer to your crush, don't you think?"
You could see that pompous facade of his crumble by the second with the way he bit down on his lower lip, cheeks growing into a deeper shade of red, and eyes darting away to avoid your own.
"It's a fucking journal. Not a diary. Let me out. I'm going to go smother that fucking brat with his own pillow."
"Why don't we unpack this here, instead?" You lean back onto the door, preventing him from pulling it open. "If you like me so much, why are you such a dick?"
A beat of silence passes as he releases a long sigh.
"I-" He starts, staring down at you with a sheepish expression. "don't mean to be an asshole. I just get nervous, okay?" His voice falters towards the end.
You cock an eyebrow at him. "Nervous? How does that make sense or justify anything?"
"Because I can't think straight whenever you're around. Which is all the fucking time."
You didn't think far enough ahead as to how you could navigate this. You questioned if this could even be considered a confession or where things would go between you two when you eventually let him out of the bathroom.
"We were fine when we were kids, though?"
"I didn't like you when we were kids." He huffs.
"So a few years ago? When you started acting like an ass?"
"I guess." He mutters. "Can you move over now?"
"I give you one chance." You cross your arms.
"To apologize, confess and ask me out. Properly."
"Right now?" His eyes widened, mouth gaped open.
"Yup, or forever hold your peace and watch me get with one of your cousins or something."
"You'd actually go out with me?" He asks under his breath.
"Ask me and find out." You shrug.
He pressed his lips together, continuing to stare down at you with furrowed brows- of course you stared back in annoyance. You thought that he already had the easy way out, thanks to Fuyumi, so this hesitation only made you more anxious.
A voice in the back of your head had started pounding through the front. It was your 10 year old self. They're making your stomach twist in anticipation. They're making your heart race. They're making your hands clam up. They're hoping he'd do it.
But he wasn't.
"Okay, guess not then. I'm leaving." You suddenly blurt out, turning to grab the handle.
"Wait." He places his hand over the door frame, preventing it from pulling open. "Give me a fucking second okay? I feel like I can barely breathe."
He puts both hands on your shoulder, expelling a long breath of air to the side. You tense at the sudden physical contact, feeling the warmth of the palms of his hands melt into you.
"I'm sorry for being a dick to you. I'm sorry for not knowing how to act around you. I'm not sure I deserve it, but can you... give me a chance?" He spills out through clenched teeth, all in one breath.
His face was still flushed and expression was almost pained. You knew you backed him up in a corner but if he had this crush for a few years, was he ever planning on telling you?
"I know you had a crush on me when we first met as kids, and I know you definitely don't anymore, but if you want to give me a chance then I guess that would be.. cool." He sheepishly says, sucking in the inside of his cheek.
"You guess?" You cock your head to the side.
"You're fucking killing me, Y/N. That's seriously the best I can do at 7am right now." He deadpans. "Yes or no- before I start panicking."
You pause for a moment, taking in the weight of his hands on your shoulder and intense eye contact.
"I'll go out with you."
"Really?" His eyes widen, and grip tightening. "After everything? You will?"
You nod your head, slightly taken off guard by his surprise.
"Cool. Cool. Okay." He takes a step back, bringing his hands back to his side and shoving them in his pajama pants pocket, giving you space to take your exit. "Um. I'll keep you updated on that date then? When I figure it out?" He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
"Cool." You say, still standing idly.
"Cool." He responds, pressing his lips together in a tight line
"Don't make it weird, okay?" You huff. "I don't want to tell Fuy yet."
"No weirdness here." He awkwardly smiles, now fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
"Okay we're done here." You teasingly roll your eyes. "You're being weird, so I'm leaving. See you in a few hours, loser."
You two exchanged shy smiles and glances before you made your exit, letting out an audible breath of air after shutting the door behind you. Later that morning, after his shower and getting ready for the day, Touya would find a beaded bracelet hanging on his bedroom's door handle, reading "T O U Y A < 3" in which he slipped over his wrist and would glance down at all day, reminding himself not to fuck it up.
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rlimagi · 2 months
Can you do bridget with a villain GF. Like major Sunshine x Storm or whatever
Perfect Revenge
Pairings: Bridget x Villian! Reader
Genre: Fluff with a splash of reader being a menace <3
Warnings: evil activities?
Note: Hi!! Thank you for your request, this is a bit short but this is the first time I’m writing for Descendants so hopefully you’ll enjoy this! Also thank you everyone else for the requests, I’ll start writing as soon as I get more ideas<3
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“Sweetheart, you need to stop being so nice to people who don’t deserve it!” You frowned, voice raising higher and higher the longer you thought of Uliana who recently dropped a bucket of green paint over Bridget’s head.
It was humiliating for Bridget but she still forgave her, the thought made you more angry by the seconds.
“Calm down, baby. The school’s going to flood soon if you don’t, just…it’s fine just stop thinking about this.” Bridget being the angel she was, intertwined your hands with hers to calm you down even when she was the victim of a petty prank.
You sighed, your emotions got the best of you to the point that you didn’t realize that you summoned heavy rain upon the school grounds.
You lifted your eyes off the ground to see other students running inside the school, trying their best not to get too wet.
“Okay, fine…sorry but really, if she touches even an inch of your body again, Ursala might need to come on land to find her precious baby sister’s remains.” You said, smirking as you eyed Uliana and her gangs who were strutting to god knows where but you know it’s not to etiquette class.
“That’s well…good enough! Thank you baby, now stop sulking and go back to class!” Bridget smiled gleefully, giving you a kiss on the cheek before running off to her class before giving you a chance to respond.
Your face reddened at the sudden kiss even if it was only on the cheek. Bridget had always had this effect on you, even in the darkest of days she’ll somehow make it all brighter.
But just to your dismay, Uliana appeared in your sight again but this time she was alone. A smirk rose up your lips. “Sorry, Bridget. You’ve let Uliana off way too many times. She wants to play with fire, but I’ll give her all the elements.”
You silently followed her into the forest, waiting until she was too far from another living being aside from yourself to strike.
You stood on one of the branches of a tree, luckily the trees in the magic forest was big or else you wouldn’t have been able to hide so easily. “Uliana~” you sang out, your voice echoed into the darkness, scaring the living soul out of the villian.
“Who’s there!” Uliana shouted, trying to seem threatening but you could read her like an open book. She was trying her hardest not to tremble
“Is that how you speak to a friend?” You pouted, faking an innocent look as you jumped right in front of her.
“You!” Uliana screamed, her body fuming in anger but before she could utter another word you snapped your fingers. Then her lips was moving but no words came out.
“I?” You asked, pointing to yourself as you tilted your head to the side. “I what, Uliana?” your smile grew wider as the speed of her lips moved faster and faster, yet no words seemed to be coming out.
But clearly, Uliana wasn’t about to let you off so easily. She glared at you and was about to sprint to your way when you ordered the vines on the ground to pull her onto the ground, tying her whole body to the sharp grass.
Let’s say what happened next wasn’t very pretty.
“Yn! Guess what! Uliana hasn’t been bothering me at all lately, I think she liked the cookies I gave her!” Bridget smiled joyfully, placing the plate of cookies aside before running up to you to give the warmest hug ever.
You melted into her touch, nodding to everything she said. “Of course, who wouldn’t like my princess’s famous choco chip cookies.”
Bridget blushed at what you called her, “Your princess?” she pulled away from the hug for a bit to look right into your eyes, it was filled with love and adoration.
“Only mine, got it?” You claimed in a joking manner, grinning when she playfully pinched your cheek.
“Of course, silly.” Bridget cupped your face before pulling you in for a sweet kiss, a kiss sweeter than all the sweets in the world combined.
After pulling away from the sweetest you wished to never be apart from, you saw Uliana from the corner of your eyes. She looked like a deer caught in headlights after noticing your eyes on her, immediately she ran out of your sight.
It was you who made Uliana stop her bullying towards your girlfriend but no one needs to know about that. Especially Bridget, your girlfriend should never know that you tortured someone for hours just for her.
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meangirls-imagines · 7 months
Leap of Faith
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Description: Part 2 to "Best Friends?" The roommates call an audible when they see how much the aftermath of the Incident™️ is affecting both girls. Help comes in the form of the Murray family.
WARNINGS: buckle up, this is a 2.4k word RIDE, realizations of love, reader being sad, sports injury (reader breaks her ankle), first kisses.
a month.
that's how long it had been since what leighton had deemed "d-day".
this was the longest she had ever gone without talking to y/n and leighton was hurting. she broke things off with alicia after the incident happened. it wasn't pretty. 
hurtful things were said, alicia flipped a coffee table and had to be escorted out of the dorm building by jackson, who kimberly luckily had at the ready when things turned south.
her roommates could see this was taking a toll on the blonde, the trio trying their best to keep leighton's spirits up. whitney was really the only one who got to see how it was affecting both girls. 
y/n, in whitney's opinion, was doing worse than leighton was. whitney rarely saw the girl outside of practice and the one class they had together. she had heard through the grapevine that y/n hadn't slept in days, maybe weeks. all she had been doing was going to class, practice and the gym.
had she tried to talk to y/n? yes. but to no avail. the girl had brushed her off every single attempt. whitney had no idea what to do. she talked to bela and kimberly and they formed a plan.
they were going to get the girls together.
leighton was pleasantly surprised when she saw her dad and nico sitting outside her dorm on a bench, seemingly waiting for her. she walked up to them and immediately was pulled into a hug by nico.
"leighton! there's my beautiful sister." the blonde was confused but hugged her brother back. once he released her, her dad pulled her into his arms. "hi guys. not that i'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" the two shared a secret look with each other. "we wanted to visit and say hi. your mom is here too, but she went to talk to the kappa president about something."
the blonde looked suspicious but shrugged it off. the two men kept talking as they guided leighton to their suv that was parked near by, planning on taking her to lunch. the blonde allowed them to, finally relaxing for the first time in weeks. 
y/n shot another ball into the back of the net at full force. practice had ended over an hour ago and she was still kicking penalty shots, trying to get her frustration out. her body was exhausted and threatened to shut down at any moment, but y/n stayed fueled with energy drinks. she had jogged after the ball she had been practicing with when a voice yelled out.
"i knew you'd be here." 
y/n froze. she hadn't heard that voice in a while. she slowly turned to see a woman taking off a pair of designer sunglasses, staring into y/n's soul.
there she stood, in all her glory. mimi murray. y/n audibly gulped at the woman staring at her. she slowly walked towards the woman, kinda like a scared puppy. the woman looked at y/n and cupped her cheeks. "have you been sleeping? eating?" y/n opened her mouth to answer when mimi put her hand up to stop her. 
"no. you don't need to answer, i already know. grab your stuff. we have plans." y/n nodded and quickly grabbed her stuff, not wanting to disappoint the woman more than she probably had.
with leighton, nico, and henry, the trio were out eating at an italian restaurant half an hour away from campus. the two men noticed how quiet leighton had gotten, asking her if everything was okay. she spilled everything to them, the men looking at her sadly. "leighton, i'm gonna be honest with you, i'm surprised it took you this long to catch on."
leighton looked at her dad surprised. "what do you mean?" her dad sighed. "i had a feeling a while ago that she had feelings for you. and then the feeling was confirmed last year. remember when that alex guy came to our house to ask you to prom?" leighton frowned. "yeah?"
y/n and leighton were hanging out in the living room of the murray household. since it was the spring, soccer season had taken over most of y/n's schedule, leaving her barely any room to hang out with the blonde. so, every rare weekend that y/n had off, she spent at leighton's house. 
as the two sat on the couch cuddling and watching a movie, the doorbell rang. thinking it was one of nico's friends, the girls ignored it. until leighton's dad came in. "hey leight, there's someone here for you." confused, the two girls got up, walking to the front door where alex hightower stood at leighton's door with a huge sign and a bag of leighton's favorite treats. the sign read "it would be a treat if you went to prom with me". y/n's heart dropped to her stomach as leighton smiled at the boy, accepting his invite. 
she was hoping to gather enough courage to ask leighton if she just wanted to go together as friends. she visibly deflated as leighton spoke excitedly with alex about prom plans. henry was standing off to the side watching it all unfold. he saw how y/n reacted to the proposal and his heart broke a little bit. 
alex eventually left as leighton dragged y/n up to her room to have the girl help her plan her dress. henry saw as y/n plastered on a fake smile and allowed the girl to drag her up the stairs. 
when he woke up the next morning, y/n had already left. a few weeks later, as leighton danced with her date and scanned the room looking for y/n, her heart breaking when she didn't see her anywhere. y/n sat at home alone, looking on instagram and seeing how happy leighton looked. in that moment, y/n made sure that leighton kept that happiness with her, no matter how much it hurt her.
leighton's heart broke at the revelation. she had no idea she was the reason y/n didn't go to prom. it broke even more when she thought of y/n wanting to ask her to prom. she definitely would've had the perfect prom with y/n. nico and henry looked at leighton. nico spoke up. "leighton, y/n has been in love with you since you guys met. she has dedicated this friendship to making you happy, even though it kills her. and i think you love her too."
leighton was crying at this point. henry scooting closer to her and pulling his daughter into his side. "leighton, honey. you wanna know what i think you should do?" the blonde sniffled and nodded. "take the leap. go after her. you two are made for each other. you need each other more than you know. take the first step and get your girl." leighton sniffled and nodded. 
they paid for lunch and headed back to campus. on the drive back, ideas ran through leighton's head on how she could take the leap. a light bulb went off in her head and she smiled. 
she knew exactly what to do.
with mimi and y/n, the older woman took the girl to the best spa in town. after she had received a mysterious phone call from leighton's roommate, she listened as the girl told her what happened between y/n and her daughter and how y/n wasn't taking care of herself. her protective mom side came out and she cancelled any meetings she had for the rest of the day and headed to essex. 
now, the two sat in the steam room together, fresh out of their swedish massage sessions. mimi decided to break the ice first. "so, what happened between you and leighton?" y/n froze again. "we had a fight last month. i haven't talked to her since." mimi nodded. "did this fight have to do with the fact that you're in love with my daughter?"
y/n's head whipped around to look at the older woman nervously. "w-what?" mimi looked at the girl smirking. "i know more than you think. i also know that my daughter is also in love with you." y/n's jaw dropped. "no she doesn't. she's dating someone else." mimi shook her head. "nope. she called me the night you guys had the fight and told me that she broke up with that anna girl." 
y/n chuckled. "you mean alicia?" mimi waved the girl off. "same thing. she told me that the breakup didn't go well with alicia." y/n's heart dropped to her stomach at the thought of what might've happened. she shook her head. "so what if she broke up with her? she's not in love with me." mimi sighed. "yes she is. don't you remember what happened a couple of years ago?"
leighton murray was NOT a school spirit person. 
except when it came to y/n. 
when it came to y/n, leighton and her parents would be in the front row of the stands. leighton would be draped in whatever jersey y/n wasn't wearing, her soccer letterman, and the blonde would even go the extra mile and paint her face in school colors. she loved watching y/n play soccer. especially when y/n got extra sweaty. (leighton would daydream about other instances where y/n would be sweaty but she would never admit that.) 
this certain game, spence was playing their cross town rivals, st. john academy. the game was intense, both teams receiving multiple cards before halftime. y/n was getting pushed around and tackled more than usual and every time she hit the ground, leighton would lose a little off her life.
it all culminated in the 40th minute of the game. y/n was sprinting down the field with the ball at her feet, no defenders in front of her, ready to put spence in the lead. a defender from st. john had caught up to her and slid into a dirty tackle. y/n was blindsided as the defender's cleat came in at full speed and force to y/n's ankle.
there was a pop, a scream, and a thud as y/n fell in a heap to the ground, not before bouncing her head off the field. leighton couldn't breathe. she squeezed nico's hand extremely tight as the boy tried to calm her down. the second the ref waved her hand for the medics, leighton was out of her seat, sprinting to the field. 
coach smith met her at the sideline and ran over to y/n with her. the girl was writhing in pain on the ground, tears streaming from her face. the medics began prepping her ankle to transport her to the hospital. leighton kneeled next to her head. "y/n. hey, you're gonna be okay. i promise." the blonde took y/n's hand, squeezing it gently to let her know she was there. y/n squeezed back as her head pounded and her ankle throbbed. 
the medics eventually moved her to the ambulance where leighton demanded to ride with them, texting her parents to meet them at the hospital.
leighton never left y/n's side during her recovery. so when senior year rolled around, leighton was where she always was, front row, letterman on, watching her best friend take the field for the last time in her high school career. 
y/n was pulled out of the vivid flashback by mimi. "i knew leighton was in love with you when that happened. she was glued to your side that whole year you recovered. she had multiple guys ask her out on dates and she always shot them down. she always drove you to physical therapy. i knew then that if leighton, who refused to go near one of us when we're sick, was doing all of this for you being hurt, she loved you." 
y/n's heart raced. maybe mimi was right. but, had she ruined it with the fight they had last month? mimi noticed the hesitation on her face and stood. y/n looked at her confused. "where are you going?" mimi turned and smiled at the girl. "i'm taking you back to campus to get your girl."
y/n walked back to her dorm, more relaxed than when she left that morning. maybe she would sleep on it and make a decision from there. she pulled her keys out to unlock the door, eagerly wanting to get into bed. when she opened the door, the sight before her took her breath away.
leighton had crafted a blanket fort in the common room of y/n's dorm, fairy lights and all. y/n could see that leighton had gotten her favorite takeout, including dessert, she had a bottle of wine (that she convinced her dad to buy), and her laptop had disney plus queued up with the movie they always watched together, cinderella.
y/n looked at the blonde, who stood nervously by the couch. she was wearing one of y/n's soccer hoodies and some sweatpants. y/n had never seen her look more beautiful than she did in that moment. leighton smiled shyly at her. "hi. i know you're probably still mad at me but i've missed you and i couldn't stay away from you any longer so i did all this so hopefully you would forgive me? it's totally cool if you don't-"
y/n strode across the room and pulled leighton into her arms. she was taller than the blonde so she buried her face in leighton's hair. the blonde relaxed into y/n's arms, tucking her face in the crook of her neck. "i missed you too bubbles." leighton smiled at the nickname. they pulled away from the hug as leighton looked up at y/n. 
in a last second idea, leighton leaned up and kissed y/n, catching the girl off guard. y/n quickly relaxed into the kiss, sparks flying behind her eyes. the two kissed for a few minutes and pulled away. 
"i love you. i think i always have but i was too scared to admit it. but i've always had this weird feeling when i'm with you. i can't explain it, but i know it's a good feeling. and it's a feeling i don't want to ever lose. i wanna be yours, y/n. forever, if you'll have me."
y/n smiled wide and pulled leighton in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. "you have no idea how long i've waited to hear those words, bubbles." leighton smiled at the girl. "well, buttercup, get ready to hear them forever." the two kissed again, their passion slowly bleeding into the night.
the couple could never figure out what came over leighton's family to show up that day. 
they would find out years later.
in a speech, surrounded by their friends and loved ones.
with matching rings on their left hands.
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
First Kiss
Stepsister!Wanda x Reader (Teen AU)
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High school. It’s rough for you. On the downside, you have to deal with grades, social circles and the constant reminder of the crushing loneliness that first love creates. But on the bright side, you got an amazing stepdad Django Maximoff, and a cute and quirky stepsister Wanda Maximoff.
It was just after home room. You were feeling happy as could be. Your plan was to ask out Carol Danvers, Captain of the school’s volleyball team. You had practiced in the mirror and even asked Django for advice. He was more than happy to oblige.
You walked to your second period class with a pep in your step. You sat next to her and you seemed to have a good vibe between you and her. And then you turned the corner and stopped dead in your tracks.
Carol was standing there she was kissing James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes and then she turned and kissed Valkyrie.
“Bye babes” she said with a wink. Your heart shattered. Luckily she didn’t notice you. Or maybe it was unlucky. You didn’t know. Your head was spinning.
“Y/N!” Wanda called out to you with a smile. She didn’t quite grasp what was wrong with you. She gave you a gentle shake. “You okay?”
“I-I don’t know” you just walked into class and sat down wordlessly next to Carol. And for the first time, you didn’t care.
The rest of the school day was a blur. You went from school to your own bedroom in an almost zombie like state. You felt absolutely alone and helpless. Your high school crush had a girlfriend…and a boyfriend.
You just curled up on your bed and just buried your head in your pillow in sheer embarrassment. You felt as embarrassed as the numerous times that you found yourself staring just a little too long at your step sister. In truth, Wanda was the one you truly loved.
Her kindness, her humor, her beauty, everything about her drove you crazy with love. But she was your step sister. You had hoped that if you focused on another girl your age, maybe you’d somehow focus your affections on her rather than Wanda.
But even that didn’t work because the only other girl you liked was part of a throuple.
You just buried your head in your pillow and grunted in embarrassment. And then came a soft knock at your door.
“Go away” you mumbled. “Nursing a broken heart in here”
“You sound like a dying moose” Wanda spoke up from behind the door. You couldn’t help but smile.
Wanda entered a second later with a cup of tea for you. “You okay, Y/N?”
“I don’t know if you saw it but Carol…she’s uhh…”
“I saw that…” Wanda huffed, “she can’t really make up her mind. Just pick one and be faithful”
“I’m never gonna find love” you mumbled before taking a sip.
“I’m sure Pietro would tell you the same.” She giggled.
“How’s your mom and Pietro doing?” You inquired.
“Malibu’s fine for them. I miss my bratok tho” she sighed. “But I know Pietro would love hanging out with you.”
“Life’s weird, Wanda.” You stated Esther pitifully. “I haven’t had my first kiss yet”
“Neither have I” she smirked, “although few have tried. No one can conquer the witch!”
Wanda throws her hands in the air and faked conjuring up some kind of magic. You couldn’t help but laugh. And then she laughed along with you. It just felt right being there with her.
You stared at her. She stared at you. A small blush made its way across her face.
“Y-you know,” she gently moved a stray strand of hair away from her face, “what if we…oh forget it”
“What if we were..each other’s first kiss?” She found herself trying to hide her embarrassed face.
“Really?” You asked.
“Y-yeah. I want my first kiss to be with someone I trust. And I trust you” she explained.
“O-okay” you managed to say. Your heart was beating out of your chest.
The two of you just looked at each other for a split second before you broke the silence, “do you want me to lean in or-?”
“I-I’ll lean in” Wanda chimed in. She let out a nervous giggle before she leaned in.
You found yourself leaning in and then it happened. Your lips touched hers. So soft. So tender. The faint scent of strawberries permeated her skin. You could feel a sense of warmth and love take over your entire body.
Wanda pulled back. How you just wanted to take a hold of her and kiss her again. You could kiss her countless times and you sweared it would never be enough.
“That was…” she blushed, “wow”
“Y-yeah” you giggled. “T-thank you”
“What are step siblings for?” She smiled and turned to leave. “I’ll see you for dinner”
And with that she turned and left. You collapsed against your bed in an absolute state of bliss.
Years later your now wife Wanda told you that she did the exact same thing too.
Tags: @lifespectator @ma1egamer @aloneodi @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @konstantin609 @revanshand @russianredassassin @scarletquake-n7 @supercorpdanbeau @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @jacenradio7
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vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Sam's version)
(Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: age gap (?) reader is 19 and Sam is 24 a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Tara :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you since you were 4, when Tara and you were in the same class for the first time. You were also her neighbor, but she never knew before that.
You were her little sister’s friend. Best friend, even. When Tara wanted to play, it was always you she wanted to play with. And Sam always accompanied her, so she saw you a lot too.
Then, when she was in age to want to have some money, she babysat you and Tara’s other friends. You were always so nice and sweet, always smiling, and opened to hugs.
She liked you a lot. Out of all of her sister’s friends, you were her favorite.
Sadly the time you spent together came to an end when she ran away.
Even if she didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to see each other a lot more, because your parents had found a new job, and you moved out of Woodsboro a few months after her.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as your eyes met each other’s, both of you knew who the other was.
You chuckled in surprise, while Sam looked at you with wide eyes at how much you had changed.
"Oh my god..." she murmured "What are you doing in New York? It's really far away from Woodsboro"
"Oh yeah, my parents got a job here, a few months after you left... We never really moved again after. What about you?"
"We needed... fresh air. A new start. Away from Woodsboro and Ghostface"
You had heard about the recent Woodsboro murders, but couldn't believed all the rumors about Sam being the real mastermind behind it all.
"Of course, I understand that" you said with a light smile "You should take off your jumper, you're going to catch a cold..." you continued, taking off your hoodie and handing it to her "I don't know if it's the right size, but at least it'll keep you warm"
Sam gave you a thankful look, and put on your hoodie. It smells like her... she thought.
You smiled, and hugged her without thinking about it. You had missed her a lot more than you would ever admit.
"It’s so nice seeing you again…" you said quietly, as she hugged you back
You stayed like that for a minute, silently enjoying the hug, until you got interrupted.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
You broke the hug to look at the person, who appeared to be Tara, your childhood best friend.
"Y/n?" she smiled as she saw you and opened her arms for a hug
You gave it to her happily, holding her extra tight. Then, you discussed a bit, trying to catch up on each other’s life.
“Oh, I wanted to ask you, would you mind giving me your number? So we can talk” Sam suddenly asked you... a little nervously? You weren't sure.
You nodded and took her phone when she handed it to you, before putting your number in it. You gave it back to her with a big smile.
You were more than happy to see the Carpenter sisters again. Especially one of them.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Since you gave Sam your phone number, you hadn’t stopped talking. Every day as soon as you woke up, you started texting. You just had so much to catch up onto!
When you weren’t in class, you made a habit of going to the café where Sam was working. Your excuse was that it was always calm, building a good atmosphere to study there. The actual reason was to see her more.
When she was on a break, she would come to your table and either start catting with you, or just keep you company when you were actually working. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the serious look you had when you were concentrated.
She enjoyed your presence in the café. She was glad you chose to sit there to study, for when she had finished her shift, you could spend more time together. She would often walk you home, to make sure you’re safe.
Sometimes you were with Tara, studying together at the café. Sam loved her sister, but in those moments, when Tara and you were laughing together, so close, while she was behind the counter dealing with rude clients… she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache.
You knew that feeling damn well, every time a client was trying to flirt with Sam. Or at least it looked like they were flirting to you. And every time you had to slap yourself mentally, not understanding why you felt that way.
The answer would come a bit later.
You had planned a movie night with Sam at your apartment. You were alone and bored, and she has nothing better to do as Tara was doing homework with the twins.
You were happy to have that moment with her, but also nervous. The time you had spent together since you met again only brought back feelings you thought were just a stupid baby crush. Turns out it isn't just a baby crush. You had a crush on your best friend's sister.
This whole situation gave you anxiety. What you didn't know was that you weren't the only one.
Sam also had a crush on you. Her sister's best friend. Her sister's crush. She always had known Tara had a crush on you, she even thought you would be together at one point.
You would have made such a cute couple. That's what she had thought for a long time. Now she just can't help but feel an ounce of jealousy thinking about it.
And then the guilt strikes. Tara loved you, she couldn't do that to her... And even if she didn't, you were just so much younger than her... 5 years can be a lot, especially since you were young.
But again, imagining you with someone else made her jealous.
She was lost, and torn between telling you how she felt or just trying to forget her feelings.
"What do you want to watch?"
Your voice made her snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh uh... I don't know... Why don't you pick something?"
"Hmm... Okay! There's this movie on Netflix that I wanted to see..." you said, sitting on the couch next to her -at a reasonable distance- and turning on the tv.
While you looked for the movie on Netflix, Sam couldn't keep her eyes away from you. You were just so pretty...
She had trouble concentrating on the movie, often distracted by your presence next to her.
You could feel her eyes on you as the movie played. It wasn't the first time you caught her looking at you, but every time when you looked at her, she had looked away. You had figured it would be the case this time too.
You were wrong.
When you looked at her, her eyes were still on you. At this moment, you were like frozen in place. She had never looked at you like that before.
She had the look you gave her when she was not looking. In love.
While you were gazing into each other's eyes, you both got closer and closer to each other, to the point you could kiss her if you wanted to. And you wanted to. So bad.
"Can I... can I kiss you? Please..." you asked quietly, almost pleading her to let you kiss her
She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek to keep you close. Kissing you felt so right... as if your lips were made to be kissed by hers.
But again, Tara loved you... and Sam felt like she was betraying her sister.
She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm sorry I... we shouldn't have done that..."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You thought she liked you back...
Your pain must have been visible on your face, as Sam was quick to talk again.
"It's not against you Y/n... I... I really like you but..." she sighed "Tara has a crush on you since forever... I can't do that to her..."
"What...? Wait... What?" you started, surprised
You never knew Tara had a crush on you. You only ever saw her as your best friend and thought it was the same for her.
"Sam you can't just- you can't just put her feelings above yours... I mean- I understand it's going to be difficult for her... But it's not like we chose that... I- I love you Sam... And Tara's my best friend, her well being is important to me... But seeing you without being able to tell you how I feel or kiss you... it's torture"
As you spoke, you asked yourself if it wasn't too much. Scare her away was the last thing you wanted. But everything you said was true.
Sam was looking at you, mouth agape, clearly not expecting that. She didn't expect you to like her back, let alone make her a whole love declaration.
She wanted to give in and take you in her arms and kiss you again and tell you how much she loved you. She wanted to be as honest with you as you were with her. She wanted to love you openly.
But there would be consequences. Tara would be hurt. Tara would feel betrayed.
But again... you were right. She couldn't put Tara's feelings above hers all the time. She loved you just so much... She wasn't sure she would be able to recover if she didn't give it a shot.
She cupped your face with both hands and kissed you again, more confidently, more passionately than before. She loved you, she wanted that kiss to happen. She wanted you to happen.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Telling Tara about your relationship was harder than you thought. It never seemed to be the right moment.
Now you saw the hints of her crush on you. You saw the smiles, the looks she gave you, how her tone slightly changed when you were alone.
Both Sam and you were trying to find a good moment to tell her, but it wasn’t easy. And the more you waited, the more difficult it would be to tell her. You had to find a way to tell her quickly.
The whole situation was giving you so much anxiety…
“How are you?” Sam asked as you close your apartment door
“Tired… You?”
You took off your shoes and hung your jacket, before sitting on the couch next to her. She pulled you on her lap and wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Her warm embrace helped you relax a bit, as you nuzzled your face against her neck.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other in a comfortable silence.
When you pulled away, it was to kiss her. You’d wanted to do that the whole day and couldn’t even tell anyone about it. About her. About how much you loved her.
By the way she kissed you, you knew she felt the same.
Even if she felt bad for her sister, she couldn’t stop herself anymore. Now that she has had the chance to kiss you, she never wanted to stop. She felt so at ease when she was with you. She could be herself without the fear to be judged.
“I love you so much…” she murmured, her grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly
“Me too Sam… I love you too”
You kissed her again, arms around her neck, before hugging her again. You closed your eyes, relaxing in her arms once again.
You had been so stressed for the past days that you had trouble sleeping. But like that, in her arms, it only took you a minute to fall asleep.
Sam didn't notice right away, and started talking to you while rubbing your back.
"... Y/n?" she eventually asked as you weren't answering her
She moved slightly to get a look at your face, and her lips curled up into a soft smile as she saw you were asleep.
"You really were exhausted, hm?" she murmured, kissing your temple softly
She then hesitated before carrying you in her arms, careful not to wake you up, and made her way to your room. She laid you on your bed, putting your blanket over you.
"Goodnight angel..." she whispered before kissing your forehead
She was about to leave when she felt you grab her shirt.
"Don't go, please..." you pleaded quietly
You needed her right now, needed her arms around you, her oh so comforting warmth as she held you close.
Sam bit her bottom lip, thinking, but it didn't take long until she gave in and slipped under the sheets next to you. She couldn't resist you -and she didn't want to be away from you.
She wrapped her arms around you, letting you snuggle up to her.
"Goodnight Sammie..."
Your voice was barely audible, showing how tired you were. Sam smiled at your words, the nickname provoking her cheeks to turn a bit red.
"Sleep well" she said back, kissing the top of your head, before closing her eyes
Having you in her arms like that was just so relaxing. She felt like she was in heaven. The thought of waking up next to you made a smile creep up to her face, and was the last before she fell asleep as well.
The next morning, you woke up in her arms. It had been the best sleep you had in days. You didn't even want to move, you felt so at peace in her arms...
You eventually opened your eyes to see Sam was already awake, a smile on her face.
"Good morning" she said before kissing you
"'morning" you said back, smiling as she rolled on her back, pulling you on top of her without breaking the kiss
You were both in your own world; nothing else mattered at the moment, to the point none of you checked your phones. If you did check your phones, you would've seen tons of missed calls and texts from Tara.
She was worried for her sister didn't come back at their apartment -naturally because she was with you all night.
After some more kisses, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Sam
"What do you have?"
"I have... eggs, bacon... bread... Uhh... yeah that's it" you let out an awkward chuckle
"Eggs and bacon sound nice" she smiled
You nodded, and put the bacon in a pan to cook it.
While you were waiting in front of the stove, you felt Sam's hands snicker to your waist. You turned around, and she took the occasion to kiss you.
What you didn't know was that Tara had decided to come to your apartment -as you weren't answering her calls and texts, and currently had a clear view of the scene through your kitchen's window.
She couldn't see who it was, but the scene let little to the imagination; you were clearly kissing someone. So that's why she wasn't answering... she thought
Clearly enjoying the kiss, Sam lifted you up to sit you on the counter, hands on your hips, her lips still on yours.
If Tara felt her heart sink at the sight of the kiss, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.
Her own sister was making out with the girl she has had a crush on for years.
She was mad for it seemed not to be the first time, considering the way you were holding onto each other. Which meant you lied to her.
But knowing you, maybe you just had a hard time telling her. It had always been that way; every time you had bad news to tell her, it took you weeks because you knew it would upset her.
That thought calmed her down a bit.
When she looked at the window again, she saw you smile at Sam just the way she smiled at you. You were in love, that was certain.
You seemed happy. And deep down, that’s what Tara wanted. Seeing you happy.
So she turned around and walked back to her and Sam’s apartment, thinking ‘maybe, in another life, we’ll be together…’
[Tara's version]
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' husband Gojo - The Aftermath- 02
Tags- smut, angst, cheating, TW seizures, bad mental health of reader
Synopsis- The events of the fateful night of Christmas...
The Aftermath- 01 // series masterlist
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24th December, 2016
"Hey y/n! Wanna get some drinks on Christmas? If you don't have any plans! Or are you too busy for us 'poor people'! Haha!". Your friends have called and they joked.
You come from a very lower middle class family. Raised by your grandmother and elder sister(by six years) due to your parents being absent.
It was difficult, you grew up watching your grandmother working at an age where she should be enjoying life and your sister when she should be studying. You grew up knowing what's it like to have nothing.
With a decent education, you and your sister started supporting your grandmother with a decent corporate job until your sister got married to her co-worker.
It was just you, helping financially your grandmother with her medical bills while saving up enough for a decent enough wedding dress to follow your sister's path, where you marry an average man like she did, have kids, take care of your children and man and thats it.
An average life.
But you wanted more.
You prayed. Day and night for an extraordinary life, a life memorable and not like your sister's.
You wanted more from life.
And the Gods heard your prayer.
Your whole life changed when you became an essential part of Japan's prolific Aristocratic family.
The news was everywhere. Its a rags to riches, The modern Cinderella story in everyone's eyes.
It was beautiful.
It was memorable, everything you wanted..
Until it wasn't...
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"Uh.. yes i am free.", it felt so different, talking to people you worked with after so long. "What's the timing?", you asked.
"25th, 7pm! At the usual place. Also y/n! Could you maybe bring your husband! I mean we would all love to meet Mr Gojo! He's so funny! Only if Mr Gojo is free that is!"
Ah yes. Mr Gojo, the funny, entertaining Mr Gojo. He has met your friends from work enough times to make an image of the grounded but arrogant, funny rich guy.
"Oh! He-he isn't home. He's quite busy. Maybe next time, i will bring him!", you managed as if there will be a next time!
"Oh(disappointed) , nevermind then. Send my regards to Mr Gojo. And you do not forget to come y/n!"
You wanted to go out, outside and away from this house of memories, with Satoru, that trapped you. You wanted to breath fresh air and move on.
Move on?
How could you move on?
The fact that you were 3 months in your pregnancy after 4 years of marriage. But you failed to carry the child. You failed to maintain the marriage with the person you love. And you're talking about moving on when its just 2 months?
How cruel y/n, how cruel...
25th December, 2016 || 6.45pm
You got dressed up in a simple black turtleneck, jeans, an overcoat and knee high boots with a woolen cap on.
A thick layer of concealer was enough to hide the under eye dark circles. You put on a red lipstick and went out.
The staff stared at you, secretly though, but nonetheless they stared and judged you.
'Is Lady y/n really pregnant?' One said. "She doesn't have a bump though", other quoted. "Come to think of it, her monthly(period) hasn't arrived either. She is pregnant!".
"When's she going to announce?" One servant asked. "Maybe after Lord Satoru arrives?". "Oh! Maybe on the New Year's eve! Seems perfect timing as well.", one replied.
The servants maybe nosy but they know their places. They know, something so sensitive as the pregnancy of the great six eyes sorcerer's wife, its not their place to give the news to the family.
Generally, almost every household's staffs know about anything and everything that goes on in Gojo household. But the word, luckily, doesn't reaches to their employers most of the time.
But this time, it wasn't just some other light news from the Gojo House and the servants of other households started talking to their employers in no time...
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It was already past 11.30pm.
Reunion with your office friends and straight up five bottles of your favorite vodka felt so nice that you almost forgot about all and everything that had gone wrong in your life.
You meet up with your co-workers every Christmas for the last 4 years. Sometimes Satoru would company, sometimes he wouldn't.
Talking about politics, sports and who's dating who, both in the office and among celebrities. These were mostly the topics you spent discussing while drinking.
"Hey, its almost going to be 12. I think that's it for the night guys!", one of your girlfriends announced after a slight glance at her silver wrist watch.
"Whaaat?", your speech was slurred and vision blurry after five drinks. "Isss overrr already? Whyyyy? Less get the party started.."
Everyone chuckled. "Ah y/n san had too much to drink! Now we'd have to drop her at her royal palace!", the other girlfriend smiled, a little jealous of your luxurious life.
"Whaaaaat? Less playyy! C'mon ya lot!", you continued babbling frustrated.
"I'll drop y/n. If its okay with everyone."
Out of all the twelve co-workers, one of them stood up and offered to help you reach home.
He knew none are interested in insuring you reach home safely. Everybody was just ignorant and busy to get back home to be on time for work.
He, Kenzo, always have had feelings for you. From the moment you entered the Office to present, when you're married and babbling gibberish while totally drunk.
Everyone agreed to leave you to Kenzo since it was no secret, the feelings he has and someone like him would definitely make sure you reach home safe and secure.
26th December, 2016 || 12.26 am
The group gave their farewells to each other and went on their way.
You, on the other hand, are so drunk that its impossible for you stand up without your legs wobbling and bringing you down.
Kenzo helped you and got you on the passenger seat of his car and started driving towards your 'palace'.
Your head felt heavy with all the drinks you had. You could hear voices in your head, all distorted, words lapsing onto each other.
"You did this y/n!"
"Because of you y/n your baby is dead"
"Satoru will never love you"
"All you've done since marriage is sitting on top of your husband's fortune... living the life you never had"
"Satoru's family....They were right...Everyone was right.."
"You are just a whore"
"Whore for money"
You let out a scream and started twisting and turning your head and hands to stop all this annoying gibberish in your head. Your eyes closed tight shut.
Kenzo, while driving through almost an empty road, saw this and was absolutely horrified. He thought you're having seizures so he stopped his car in an empty underground parking lot that was luckily near when he saw you.
"Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?". He grabbed your cheeks to hold you still while his other hand held forcefully onto your shaking arms. "Talk to me y/n. Talk to me!"
"Talk to me y/n"
You heard.
You opened your eyes, slowly letting in the artificial bright lights hit your eyes. Lips trembling. Cheeks red, tears rolling.
You felt a grasp on your cheeks and lowered your gaze to see Kenzo, worried and sweating.
You let out a sigh and without any thoughts hugged Kenzo.
He didn't know what just happened but if hugging him makes you feel better, he's okay with it. He hugged you back. Caressing your back.
All the thoughts had stopped now in your head.
You calmly pulled away from the hug and locked your eyes with Kenzo's.
He is so handsome, same age as you, has beautiful hooded eyes, his nose, his lips.
You gently brought your lips closer to his and he to yours. You both so close but so far. You wanted to kiss him, he wanted to kiss you.
Your lips brushed upon his and he kissed you. You put your tongue in his mouth and fought for dominance. After a few pants for air, you won, a battle you never won with your husband.
Kenzo pulled back though halfway through. You were puzzled. Didn't he want you? But then you saw him looking at your big blue and white diamond wedding ring.
Oh so thats what it is.
You quickly removed the two rings from your left hand and put the expensive rings onto dashboard. One ring being your wedding band and the other ring was an official platinum-diamond band symbolizing that you are the Gojo Clan head's wife.
In a rush you jumped sat on his lap. Fixating yourself just above his crotch, continuously rubbing your clothed groin over his. You both panted.
You unbuckled your jeans and threw them in the backseat and unzipped Kenzo's pants, about to slide in his member in you. You were so in heat he could see right through you if he'd have to be honest.
He held your wrists and stopped you from doing it...
"Y/n, we shouldn't... its not right... you're married-", he protested with his voice low.
"I decide whats right or not... so shut up and do it already", you growled at him in frustration and just put his cock in your unprepared cunt.
You were finally tainted wholly...
It hurt a lot in the beginning, doing the deed all dry, without any foreplay after so long and after your miscarriage but slowly your body adjusted.
'God! he's so small', you thought to yourself while pushing in Kenzo's 5 inches hard cock in you since for the last over 7 years you've gotten used to Gojo's 8 inches.
This lowly act of yours went on for around 2 hours. Doing it anywhere and everywhere inside the car, in all and every position.
26th December, 2016 || 4.50am
The radio was playing 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers.
Kenzo was driving you to your house.
You were quiet. He was quiet.
The drive to your uphill estate was easy since it was early morning so the streets were traffic free. He drove his car through the beautiful posh Uphills neighborhood of Tokyo. Your house was almost there.
Each house in this posh area are mindfully distanced to provide full privacy and personal space to the owners. That is why Satoru bought his married house here.
You were looking outside the window with a cigarette between your lips and suddenly your heart skipped a beat, eyes widened, forehead sweating when you saw your husband's black Audi sedan parked in the driveway...
You gulped when the car stopped outside the Gojo Estate's premises.
Door opened, left foot out and you got out. Before entering the gates of your premises, you leaned down a little to look at an equally annoyed Kenzo.
You both didn't share any words or any final looks and he just drove his car as soon as you got off.
He knew what he had done was crossing the line and beyond. It was so unethical to sleep with a married woman, doesn't matter if you were his crush once or not.
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"Well technically y/n you are separated and will be divorced soon. So its not cheating. Technically?" Your head convinced you in case when you'd be caught you'll have an argument ready.
You started walking through the cobblestone walkway, a little nervous... Actually, truth be told, you are scared of seeing Satoru. Finding you in your current state at this late hour.
You took one last big puff and then crushed the cigarette with your boots.
You rang the bell once, twice. You started thinking maybe its not Satoru but its Mr Ijichi. Yeah! He's busy anyway.
The door opened just as you were about to ring the third time and all your fears came true...
Satoru Gojo opened the door.
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@sindela @dazai-gojo-kinnie @whats-humanity-lol @thewickedofrizz @phantasmia @ghostllyyz @yihona-san06 @Enaaneaen @sweet-almond @Angel_🫶🏻@autumn-slaves @wondermilka @hh0peful @kugisakinobarades @witchbybirth @nineooooo @ssc7514 @Hana-patata @blue_spices @haikyuubiggestsimp @urstepmom69 @hueneve @chayunwoo@waosobii @nadzhaf @yoriichiswife @tiltraumadouspart @kirschtein123 @whoisobsessed @Asala @ashthemadwriter @remnirris @svm666 @voidsatoru @staygoldsquatchling02 @dunnowhy-m @nnasv @violetmatcha @dummyf @Noblog @Littledemoness15 @shaiah @iluv-ace @mmeerraa @angellyah @0bakuzan @waxhers @chanelmalandro @shoutobrainrot @angrydaughter @Screw-aebi@asdfghjkl7things @kodzukenwhore @gabile18 @bollockswhy @pelicanpizza @electro-supremacy @Zatannaswifeblog@spam-and-eggs @guenievresworld @b0scuit@aliventboo @marit332 @ieathairs @hells-escapees @no-name222
Aplogies, tags are CLOSED
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rxmqnova · 9 months
Can I request a Wanda and daughter reader.
Both Wanda and Natasha are teachers at readers school.
Reader is excited because her and mommy are sleeping over at Natty's house.
Reader is horrified to learn that the school bully Yelena is Natasha's little sister !
Scared of being picked on, reader sticks by Mommy's side.
But it turns out Yelena's actually not scary and really nice to reader.
She even plays tea party with reader before bed.
Please and thank you 😊
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Y/N: 6 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Mommy and I are having a sleepover at mommy's girlfriend's house!" Y/N says to her best friend excitedly, both walking to the direction of Wanda's office.
"That's so cool! I love sleepovers!" Y/N's best friend exclaims, making Y/N smile and nod in agreement.
Y/N's smile fades when she hears cries followed by laughing. She knows exactly who's that… there's this one older girl at Y/N's school that everyone fears.
"Wait!" Y/N whisper shouts, catching her best friend's hand and stopping her from walking.
She peeks her head from behind the corner, spotting the school bully just like she expected. There's also a boy from her class. He's sitting on the ground, his cheeks stained by tears.
Y/N's heart is pounding in her chest like if she only just ran a marathon as she's watching the older girl breaking the smaller boy's pencils.
When the bully finally walks away, Y/N and her best friend slowly walk out from behind the corner, wanting to help him but the poor scared boy just runs away when he sees them.
The two girls say their goodbyes at the exit from the school and Y/N's best friend leaves. But luckily Wanda's office isn't that far away from there, so Y/N sprints to her mom's office immediately, hoping she won't meet the bully on the way.
"Hi, mommy" Y/N smiles after stepping into the office, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she closes the door shut.
"Oh, hi, sweetheart. Did you have a good day today?" Wanda asks, her smile widening when her daughter crawls on her lap and cuddles up to her.
"Mhm. I can't wait to have a sleepover with Natty, mommy!" The tiny girl grins, making Wanda chuckle while she's running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
"Well, we should go home and get ready then" Wanda says, scrunching her nose and receiving cheers from her daughter.
"Let's go then, mommy!" Y/N immediately jumps off of Wanda's lap, holding her hand out for her mommy on which Wanda can't help but chuckle.
"Natty!" Y/N shouts, letting go of Wanda's hand and immediately running to greet Natasha with a tight hug.
"Hi there, tiny!" Natasha smiles, lifting Y/N up and giving the her a cuddle, pressing a kiss to the little girl's cheek.
"Hi" Wanda smiles, joining her favorite girls and pecking Natasha's lips with a kiss.
Wanda and Natasha have been together for a few months, ever since Y/N started school and Wanda started working as a teacher at her daughter's school, just like Natasha does.
That's how they met actually, though they only told Y/N about their relationship just a month ago as Wanda was a bit scared about Y/N's reaction. Wanda wasn't really dating after Y/N's father left which was even before Y/N was born, so Y/N didn't have to share her mother with anyone which is why was Wanda scared. But luckily it all turned out well in the end and the little girl loves Natasha so much which makes Wanda really happy.
"Natty, I got A from math today!" Y/N says happily, holding her mommy's and Natasha's hand while walking to the kitchen.
"Really?" The redhead gasps playfully, making Y/N smile widely and nod her head. "Wow. I'm so proud of you" She smiles warmly, making the little girl blush a bit. "Y/N/N, this is my little sister Yelena" Natasha gestures to the girl that's sitting at the table, Y/N immediately dropping Natasha's hand and clinging to her mother as she locks eyes with the school bully.
"Hi" Yelena smiles with hope to finally find a friend, giving Y/N a friendly wave.
"What will you say, hm?" Wanda asks as soon as she sits her daughter on her hip, raising an eyebrow.
"Hi" Y/N says back before burying her head into her mommy's neck on which Yelena looks down with a sigh.
"Y/N/N's just a little shy, I'm sure you two will be such good friends" Wanda assures the little blonde, giving her a smile. "How about you draw here with Yelena while I'll help Natasha with dinner?" Wanda asks, not giving her daughter time for answer, and just sits her down on a chair next to Natasha's little sister before disappearing to the kitchen with her girlfriend.
Y/N sits on the chair with her head low, avoiding eye-contact with the girl next to her.
"Which color do you want? Do you want pink, blue, red or different color?" Yelena asks, placing a paper in front of Y/N and showing her all the crayons, so she could choose one.
"Pink" Y/N mumbles, adding a small 'thank you' when Yelena hands her the crayon.
The little girls draw quietly, Yelena trying to start a conversation, but always getting only a few words in response.
Once they eat their dinner, they all move to the living room, Y/N immediately sitting down next to her mommy and clinging to her.
"Do you want to see my room, Y/N/N?" Yelena asks with a smile, walking closer to the younger girl on which Y/N clinges to Wanda even more.
"Okay, honey, go with Yelena, yeah?" Wanda stands Y/N on the ground, giving her daughter's shoulder a little rub to encourage her.
Y/N knows there's no point in trying to get her mom to let her stay here, so she accepts Yelena's hand and walks with her to the blonde's room.
"I have lots of toys! Do you want to play with me?" Yelena asks nicely, earning a small nod from Y/N.
Yelena hands Y/N some dolls and the two start playing, Y/N finally getting more comfortable around Yelena when the older girl keeps being really nice to her.
"Do you like playing tea party?" Y/N asks, still a bit shyly, but Yelena nods immediately which makes Y/N grin.
The two prepare everything they need. They prepare the teddies, dressing them properly for the game and then dress up themselves, both applying some of Natasha's lipstick, so it would be perfect.
They sit the teddy bears on the chairs, then sitting down themselves and starting to play, pretending to drink their tea like ladies.
The room is soon filled with laughs of both girls which is heard through the entire house, making Natasha and Wanda smile widely.
Unfortunately, it's getting late, so both girls need to go to bed. That's why Wanda and Natasha walk upstairs, stopping at the doorframe of Yelena's room, watching the two play with huge smiles on their faces.
"Girls, it's time for bed" Natasha speaks up, receiving whines from both kids. "Oh, come on. You can play all day tomorrow"
"Can Y/N/N sleep here with me?" Yelena asks with hope, Y/N gasping on that idea.
"Yes, mommy, can I?" The tiny Maximoff asks, pulling out puppy eyes on which Natasha and Wanda share a smile before nodding and making both girls cheer in response.
Well, it looks like Yelena finally found a real friend she's wanted for a long time, maybe even best friend which will only time show up.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You go to the zoo with Ty Lee. Later, you and Jia-Li watch a brutal confrontation between Kaho and an underclassman.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.3k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: big reveal HAHA jia-li is ruon-jian’s sister and kaho is chan’s!! idk if that was what people were expecting or not but i thought it was funny so here we are
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To Zuko,
I suppose that, if you really are set on it, it would not hurt me to think of you as my friend. I hope that you are prepared for what that may entail.
I jest. I do not think I am a particularly difficult person to have as a friend, though you might get a more honest review from Ty Lee or Jia-Li. At least in my own opinion (which one might find to be unfairly high), I am agreeable enough to get along with most people — at least those who are agreeable in return (so, not Kaho).
Ty Lee and I went to the zoo. It was entertaining. I am fond of animals, and I found I enjoyed myself more at the zoo than in the academy. At least the birds sound pretty when they screech! The same cannot be said for my dear classmates, who are of the disposition to speak quite incessantly but without anything of substance or value to contribute.
My classes have been going well. I am already at the top of the year, which is partially due to how much I study and partially due to a different factor. I will not call it memory, because it is nothing that that is personal to me, but it is true that at times I will understand something before our teacher has even taught it. I must have been a very learned Fire Nation soldier, indeed.
I had to watch an Agni Kai. One of the girls in the year below us fought Kaho. Of course, she lost. It is such a brutal custom, you know…though of course I understand the cultural significance, it is not a joy to watch. Certainly, I don’t understand how some of the girls were eating snacks and placing bets on the outcome. Luckily, the girl who went against Kaho is alright. Kaho let her off with only a small burn, but it could’ve been much worse.
In better news, Jia-Li has invited me to spend the next break at her house on Ember Island! So I will go there instead of taking up space at the palace. I am excited — I am not sure if I’ve ever been to the ocean or not. It will be exciting to see it for the first time; or, if not for the first time in my life, then for the first time that I will remember. Of course, I will continue to write to you even on vacation, and Jia-Li has already said that I can borrow her clothes and things, so there should be no strain put upon you. If there were, then I would not even suggest it.
The next time I shall see you in person will be after the term is properly over, then. I look forward to it will hopefully be the Fire Nation lady you want me to be by then.
From, Your friend Ursa
P.S. You should not be surprised by what I am about to say: I still don’t remember anything.
“Wow,” Ty Lee said, chewing on a piece of candy as the two of you walked down a gravel pathway together. “I still can’t believe we got free admission!”
“Apparently, all students do,” you said, holding out your hand. She dropped the small, round, fruit-flavored disks in your palm, and you popped it in your mouth, smiling at the burst of flavor. “Though it makes sense they don’t advertise that.”
The Strategy Mistress was sick, so you all had been given leave to spend the afternoon as you pleased. Ty Lee had offered to take you to the zoo with her, remembering that you had mentioned wanting to go when you had woken up in the palace, and you had jumped at the chance to not be in the suffocating dormitory for a little while.
At the moment, you and her were standing in front of the dragon moose enclosure, watching as they grazed. One of the dragon moose had a calf, and it was a sweet looking animal, somehow adorable in its awkward ugliness. As you watched, it had a spurt of energy, jumping and bucking through the pasture, racing along the fence line and only skidding to a stop when it realized it was being ignored. Its ears drooped as it trotted back to its mother’s side, lowering its head to the grass once again.
“These dragon moose look a little different than the ones that pull the carriages,” Ty Lee said.
“Oh, I know why that is,” you said, eager to prove your competence. “Dragon moose are actually only native to one small part of the Fire Nation. The ones that pull our carriages are the offspring of ones that were domesticated many centuries ago. They’ve been selectively bred to best fit our purposes almost since the day our ancestors first tamed them, so they’ve evolved into very different looking animals. The wild dragon moose, such as these ones, never had that push to evolve and optimize to our needs, so they look the same as they have for all of those centuries.”
“You sure do know a lot, Ursa,” Ty Lee said gamely. “Was that school knowledge, book knowledge, or past knowledge?”
“Book knowledge,” you said. “I don’t know if I was that interested in the convergent evolution of domestic and wild dragon moose in my previous life.”
Ever since the first day of your classes, when you had discovered a mysterious aptitude and innate understanding of the rules of etiquette, you and Ty Lee had come up with three categories: school knowledge, book knowledge, and past knowledge. School knowledge referred to the things that you learned in your lessons, the offhand comments and the droning lectures that you remembered better than anyone else in your year. Book knowledge was the summation of the many pages upon pages you had committed to memory, encompassing everything from the political structures of the Fire Nation to the fauna of the Northern Water Tribe. Finally, past knowledge was the most mysterious and ambiguous category, because it meant the random things you just knew in your mind, even though you had no real reason to.
More things than you were really comfortable with fell into that latter category. It really didn’t feel fair — why was it that you could recall the pillars of etiquette and the different battle formations of the Soldiers of Agni, but not anything about who you had been in the past? Why was your identity, which you wanted to know the most, the only thing you could not remember?
In the middle of the zoo was a large, artificial lake. You and Ty Lee stopped at the fence and leaned over to watch the flying dolphin fish leap through the air before diving back into the water with great splashes. A little ways away from you, a child raced up to the fence and gripped it, staring at the flying dolphin fish in awe. One of the fish noticed him and swam over towards him before slamming its tail against the surface of the lake, bowling the child over in a great deluge of salty brine.
You and Ty Lee exchanged looks, neither of you laughing until you saw the other’s face, whereupon you burst into fits of giggles, unable to hold them in any longer.
“Should we go help him?” you gasped out, wiping away the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. Ty Lee, who was doubled over at this point, shook her head.
“I think — I think his mother’s got him,” she said breathlessly. True to her word, an adult woman was yelling at the boy as he wailed, still face-down and drenched to the bone.
“He should’ve just stayed with the turtle ducks,” you said, shaking your head and pointing at the small flock floating placidly along, far from the mischievous flying dolphin fish. “They’re so cute!”
“From what I remember, there’s a petting zoo area somewhere in the zoo, if you want to try feeding turtle ducks,” Ty Lee said. “I wasn’t able to see it when I came with Azula and Mai, though, because Azula hates turtle ducks.”
“Hates turtle ducks? How could someone hate them? They’re so sweet and guileless,” you said. “Was she wronged by one as a child?”
“You could say that,” Ty Lee said. She didn’t offer further explanation, but considering you had never even met Princess Azula, you didn’t blame her. Whatever her past with the turtle ducks was, it was the princess’s own secret to keep or share at her own discretion.
It took you a while to find the petting zoo, as they had no signs, so you had to ask people to point you in the correct direction. Unfortunately, most of the people that you asked were other visitors, and by the time you finally found a staff member to take you there, you had all but given up on the prospect of going at all.
“Mostly, the people who come to the petting zoo are kids, or at least have some of their own,” the zookeeper said. Ty Lee scowled at her.
“Some of us are young at heart!” she snapped, earning a snort from you and a bewildered look from the zookeeper, who raised her hands in the air and back away.
“I cannot believe that was your response to her,” you said as you reached the counter where a different zookeeper handed you little bags of food to give to the animals.
“I panicked,” Ty Lee admitted. “But really, she had no reason to be judging us! It’s her own job that relies on visitors like us. Who cares about how old we are?”
“Quite right, Ty Lee, and anyways it can be argued that I have about as much life experience as a child, in one way, so she really has no ground to stand on,” you said.
“I wouldn’t say you’re all too childlike,” Ty Lee said. “You act like most anyone else our age would. Maybe more mature, even, but certainly not less, even though you have no memories.”
“Of course, it isn’t as if the effects of my formative experiences on my psyche have been erased just because I can’t remember them,” you said. “They still shaped my spirit, even if I cannot recall how they did so.”
Unfurling your fingers and offering your hand to one of the dragon moose — which was of the domesticated variety, not one of the wild ones from earlier — you used your other hand to rub its forehead.
“Ew! It slobbered all over me!” Ty Lee said as the dragon moose she was feeding swiped its long tongue over her now-empty palm and then across her cheek, ignoring her attempts to shove it off of her.
“That must mean it likes you,” you said. She stopped trying to shove it away, her expression growing contemplative as the dragon moose used its lips to play with her long braid.
“Aw,” she said. “Now I feel kinda bad for being so mean.”
“I don’t think it’s offended, but maybe you should get your braid out of its mouth before it chews it off,” you said. Ty Lee yelped and yanked her braid out of the dragon moose’s grasp, jumping away to stand behind you.
“As soon as we get back to the academy, I’m going to have to shower,” she said, shuddering.
“You do smell somewhat like dragon moose,” you said, sniffing her delicately and then wrinkling your nose. “Wanna go back to the flying dolphin fish? I’m sure they’d be happy to rinse you off.”
“Very funny!” she said.
“It feels like you don’t think it’s that funny,” you said, snickering. “Which is a shame, because I do.”
“Let’s just go see the turtle ducks. They’re the whole reason we came here,” she said, stomping off.
“You don’t want to visit the hippo cow?” you said, pointing at the enormous beast that was allowing toddlers to clamber over it as it dozed with one eye open.
“I don’t even want to think about how things could go wrong if I go near that,” Ty Lee said. “Turtle ducks are nice and safe and little. As I said, let’s go there.”
These turtle ducks were kept in a pond which had no fence, allowing them to wander about as they pleased, swimming amongst the lilies blooming in the water and hiding in the bulrushes on the part of the bank further from the path.
Crouching, you broke off pieces of lettuce and threw them towards the turtle ducks. They paddled over and began to squabble amongst themselves, racing to snag the treats before their companions.
Ty Lee joined you, and for a little bit, the two of you were quiet, tossing lettuce at the turtle ducks and observing them eat. Only once all of your lettuce had run out did Ty Lee speak again.
“I thought turtle ducks ate bread,” she said.
“They do,” you said. “They love it a lot, which is why people give it to them. But it’s bad for them. Makes their stomachs upset.”
“Then why do they love it?” she said. “If it makes them sick, why do they keep eating it?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “It must taste very nice. Sometimes, it’s like that, I guess. You do things that you know are bad for you because you think that they are good.”
Ty Lee glanced at you out of the corner of her eye. “School knowledge or book knowledge?”
“Neither,” you said. “Past knowledge, I think.”
You couldn’t explain it, but then again, when had you ever been able to explain your past knowledge? Ty Lee exhaled but did not question you, which you were grateful for. You doubted you could’ve explained further, anyways.
“There you are!” Jia-Li hissed when you and Ty Lee walked into the dormitory building together. The light mood of the outing had faded after you had fed the turtle ducks, a pensive melancholy settling over you both in place of the earlier humor as the two of you considered your own respective thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” you said.
“Where have you guys been?” she said.
“We were at the zoo,” Ty Lee said.
“Didn’t I tell you before we left? Did something happen? Oh no, did the Strategy Mistress suddenly feel better and decide to hold class after all?” you said. “We have an exam coming up. If I missed a class, then I’m going to have to double down on my studying.”
“Those are words I never want to hear from your mouth again,” Ty Lee said. “How can you ‘double down’ on your studying when you already spend almost every waking moment doing exactly that? I mean, there’s only so many hours in a day, you know!”
“Never mind all of that!” Jia-Li said. “No, the Strategy Mistress is still sick, so you didn’t miss anything — at least, nothing academic.”
“Good,” you said. “I don’t mind missing anything else. Which I’m assuming we did, considering you look near to fainting, Jia-Li.”
“One of those idiots in the class below us has been spending the entire afternoon antagonizing Kaho! I’m afraid she’s going to blow up, and sooner rather than later,” Jia-Li explained.
“That sounds like something I’d like to be far away from,” you said. “We should’ve stayed at the zoo a bit longer, Ty Lee.”
“Mhm,” Ty Lee said emphatically. “I’d take dragon moose slobber any day!”
“I don’t think this girl realizes what she’s getting into,” Jia-Li said. “See, the thing is, whenever you’re around, Ursa, Kaho’s too busy hating you to get annoyed by anyone else. But since you were gone all afternoon, she’s had nowhere to channel her inner anger.”
You made a face. “So? Are you suggesting that I should’ve stayed around and let her be rude to me or something?”
“Not at all,” Jia-Li reassured you. “It’s more that she’s seemed downright gentle recently — or, I guess, gentler. That’s why that girl thinks she has a chance, but the truth is in terms of Firebending, Kaho is probably the most talented student in the entire academy at the present moment. And when you mix that talent together with an ill temper, it’s a bad combination.”
“Has she challenged her yet?” Ty Lee said.
“Not yet,” Jia-Li said.
“It’s only a matter of time,” Ty Lee said, sighing. “Ugh. This is all so ridiculous! We should all just get along.”
“Let’s just avoid them all for as long as we can and hope everything has smoothed over by the time we go down to eat dinner,” you said. “Ty Lee, you can stay in our room, as long as Jia-Li is okay with it.”
“Of course,” Jia-Li said. “I wouldn’t send you into the dragon’s maw like that.”
“I can handle her if it comes down to it,” Ty Lee said. “And I really need to shower — bad run in with a dragon moose’s tongue, Jia-Li, it’s a bit of a long story. But thanks for offering!”
“What can she do against someone like Kaho?” Jia-Li asked you. You shrugged.
“I have no idea, but she is one of Princess Azula’s closest friends, so she must know a thing or two,” you said.
“That’s true,” Jia-Li said. “Let’s stop talking about Kaho and her idiocy now, though. There’s no point in letting her spoil our time together. Did you have fun at the zoo?”
“I did!” you said. “It was nice to see all the animals, and we got to feed some of them at the petting zoo, which was nice. They were all very friendly.”
Jia-Li smiled fondly. “That’s good. I used to love going to the zoo as a kid. My brother and I used to visit together — his favorite exhibit was the flying dolphin fish, but I always liked going to see the koala sheep.”
“Were you and your brother close?” you said, feeling a pang in your stomach. You had no idea if you had a brother or a sister or any siblings at all. What if you did? Would they be missing you right now, or would they have moved on from you already? Would they resemble you, or would you look completely different? Would they have cared for you in your youth, or would you have cared for them in theirs?
“We used to be,” Jia-Li said. “When we were very young, that is. He was my best friend.”
“What happened?” you said.
“We grew up,” she said, undoing the ribbon tying her hair back and beginning to comb through her long locks. “I came here, and he went to the school for boys. Then I suppose we just learnt to have different interests. He preferred hanging out with his other boy friends, and so I was left to find my own entertainment.”
“That’s sad,” you said. She set down the comb and retied her hair.
“It is,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to go to the zoo with him again, or some other such activity. Actually, I just wish we were children again…but we are grown now, aren’t we? It’s fine. That’s how life is.”
“Is he much older than us?” you said.
“Only by a couple of years,” she said before brightening. “You should come meet him!”
“Uh,” you said. “Where would we do that, exactly? And why?”
“Our next break is soon. My family has a house on Ember Island; you can come stay with us! Unless you have other plans already or something, of course,” she said.
“I don’t have any plans,” you said. “I probably would’ve ended up going to the palace again, but visiting this Ember Island place sounds a little more appealing, in truth. As long as you and your family are alright with it.”
“My family won’t care,” Jia-Li said, waving you off dismissively. “My father will probably be delighted to have the girl sponsored by the royal family staying in his home, and my mother will just be happy that I’m bringing a friend home. As for my brother…nobody cares about his opinion, anyways! If he wants to complain, then he can just run along and stay at his best friend’s house. They’re going to be on Ember Island then, too.”
“Then I would really love to do that,” you said. “Thank you for inviting me, Jia-Li.”
“Sure, you’re a great roommate, so it’s not an issue,” she said. “I was a little sad about having to leave you during break, but now I’m just excited! You’ll love Ember Island, I promise. It’s so beautiful there.”
“I’m excited, too,” you said. “Actually, I was a little scared about the break — I wasn’t sure if I had a place in the palace or not, and either way, there’s something a little intimidating about staying there. It’ll be much more fun to be with you the whole time, in a place that I can feel somewhat wanted.”
“Of course!” Jia-Li said, growing starry-eyed. “And I can take you to the ocean for the first time! Do you know how to swim? Wait, you probably wouldn’t know if you do or don’t. Well, if you don’t, I’ll teach you, and if you do, we can swim together! You can borrow my things, I think we’re probably close in size.”
“Alright,” you said, overwhelmed by the many plans she was already coming with. “I’ll leave all of that to you. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”
“You can count on me,” Jia-Li said, giving you a thumbs up. “I promise it’ll be the best break ever!”
Since Ty Lee had apparently gone to her room after showering, you and Jia-Li decided to make your way to dinner together in the hopes that you’d find her in the dining hall. Both of you were hungry by that point, though, and you unanimously agreed to just eat, even if she wasn’t there.
“I’m surprised,” you said when you walked in and found no traces of Ty Lee anywhere. “She’s normally so timely when it comes to dinner.”
“Yeah, but remember how long it takes her to wash and dry her hair? She probably won’t be down for a while,” Jia-Li reminded you.
“Right, I forgot about that,” you said. Ty Lee took a lot of pride in her personal appearance — rightfully so, of course, given how lovely she was — so her pre and post-shower routines were quite extensive, to say nothing of the actual shower itself. And especially because she had gotten covered in dragon moose saliva at the zoo, Jia-Li was correct to assume that Ty Lee might not be out for quite some time.
“Uh-oh,” Jia-Li said as you two sat down with your dinners. She nodded at the end of the table, where a girl you vaguely remembered being in the year below you was smirking at Kaho, whose jaw muscles were twitching with every word the girl spoke.
“Someone should stop her,” you said, though you made no move to get up, wanting to stay far away from the disaster zone that was about to emerge. Jia-Li hummed in assent, but she obviously had the same idea, remaining firmly put beside you. “It’s like she has a death wish.”
“She’s just trying to prove her superiority,” Jia-Li said. “There’s a clear hierarchy in this school, and right now, Kaho is at the top. She doesn’t like when people come for her spot, but of course, everyone wants to be there, to be number one, so they’re always trying to best her. It’s why she doesn’t like you — you’re beating her in terms of academics, which she hates, because she’s supposed to be the best. At least with you, though, you’re not a bender, so she can console herself with the fact that you’ll never be able to compete with her in any way that matters on that front. This girl, though, is challenging everything that Kaho is. She wants to be the most respected girl in the academy, but to do that, she needs to prove that Kaho isn’t worthy of that place any longer.”
“Can she do it?” you said.
“No,” Jia-Li said bluntly. “Plenty of people have tried. None of them have succeeded, except for Princess Azula, and she’s a special case in that she already was afforded a different status than the rest of us because of her bloodline.”
“Then she’s a fool,” you said.
“There’s more fools in this world than not,” Jia-Li said.
The girl continued to tease Kaho, who was obviously doing her level best to ignore her, not even affording her the dignity of looking at her. One could argue that it was maturity, but you understood it for what it really was: a way to demean her opponent, to prove that the other’s existence was meaningless to her, that she was so insignificant it was as if she truly did not exist in Kaho’s eyes.
“Honestly,” the girl said, voice lilting impishly, “I feel for you, Kaho. I mean, you used to be the top student, and then a girl with amnesia took your spot! It must’ve been embarrassing, losing to someone who doesn’t even have any memories. And to make matters worse, the prince really does seem to favor that girl, and we all know what he thinks of you…”
“What is she talking about?” you whispered under your breath to Jia-Li. “Why is she bringing me into this? What does Prince Zuko have to do with anything?”
“You’d do well to shut up now,” Kaho said, though it was the wrong thing to do, for her reaction was proof that the girl had struck a nerve.
“It’s like I told you,” Jia-Li whispered back. “Kaho is used to being at the top. When we were younger, before everything with the, ah, banishment, she tried very desperately to befriend the royal family. She was never able to endear herself to Princess Azula, but her sights were always on the prince, anyways, so that mattered little to her. It was marriage she sought; the prospect of being Fire Lady was too appealing.”
“I’m assuming she was unsuccessful,” you said. Jia-Li nodded.
“Extremely. It wasn’t even her fault, really; Prince Zuko was always kind, but unattainable for all of us. He had no interest in dallying with girls that went to school with his sister, so Kaho was never able to gain his approval in the way she wanted. Perhaps it might’ve been different if he hadn’t been…you know. They might have grown closer as they grew older simply due to her sheer persistence, but we’ll never know,” she said.
“For being the supposed best of us, you’re not the best at a lot of things,” the girl said. “I mean, I bet you’re not even that good at Firebending!”
Kaho slammed her fist on the table, standing to face the girl and glaring at her.
“Is that the game you want to play?” she said. “Fine. I’ll go along with it. I challenge you to an Agni Kai!”
“I’m assuming that’s not a good outcome,” you said.
“Nope,” Jia-Li said grimly. “Let’s just say that things have gone from bad to worse. Come on.”
“We’re going to watch?” you said.
“It’s all but mandated. I don’t like it, either, but we kind of have to,” Jia-Li said. “Hopefully, it’s over soon. Sometimes, Kaho can be inventive.”
You and Jia-Li stood in the very back of the crowd, though your view was still perfectly unobstructed. You almost wished there was something blocking your vision, though, something in between you and what was surely going to turn out to be a grotesque sight, one way or another.
“Want some?” the girl in front of you said, turning around and proffering a bag of candy to you and Jia-Li.
“No, thank you,” you said, for you were already queasy and knew that sweets would only worsen the effect.
“I’m okay,” Jia-Li said.
“I’m betting on Kaho,” the girl said, grabbing a handful of candy and dropping it all in her mouth. “Wanna join the pool? One of my friends is running it.”
“Like a betting pool?” you said.
“Yup! It’s how I could afford to buy this candy — I won last time,” the girl explained.
“No way,” you said.
“We’re good,” Jia-Li said when the girl looked offended at your short response.
“I can’t believe they’re betting on something like this!” you said.
“It’s common, believe it or not,” Jia-Li said.
“I believe it, sadly, but I wish I didn’t,” you said. “It’s so heartless.”
“That’s just how things are here,” Jia-Li said. You pursed your lips as the fight between the girl and Kaho began, deciding to keep silent, because your words would be wasted when your argument was not even with Jia-Li in the first place.
Even though the girl was no slouch in terms of Firebending, the fight was over almost as soon as it started. Kaho’s power was too much for her opponent, and she seemed bored as she coated her palm in fire and slapped it against the girl’s bicep.
“I got the first burn,” she said, miming a yawn. “So I guess that means I win. Why are you crying like that? Honestly. Just shut up. Why’d you agree to fight me if you couldn’t accept defeat like an adult?”
The skin on the girl’s arm was red and angry, already beginning to blister, but you could tell even without an explanation from Jia-Li that Kaho had been merciful. She could’ve done worse, but she had chosen to let that girl off with a warning. A reminder to never be so daring again.
There was something odd about it all, though. Despite the fact that her opponent was standing across from her, you noticed that it was not the burnt, sobbing girl that Kaho was scowling at so darkly.
It was you.
I’m glad you were able to make it to the zoo. I know you mentioned wanting to go a while back, so it makes me happy to know that that desire of yours was fulfilled. I wish I could’ve been there. Did you get to feed the turtle ducks? I remember doing that when I went, though of course I only visited once, with my mother, and that was a long time ago, so maybe things have changed and they don’t let people do that anymore.
I wish you hadn’t had to see an Agni Kai. They are definitely a darker part of Fire Nation culture. But, then again, for a nation that values honor so greatly, they are just a natural consequence. I hope you haven’t been frightened too terribly. Mai says that Kaho isn’t always so generous with her opponents, so there’s something to be grateful for: at least it was only a small burn. You’re entirely right — it could’ve been worse.
You shouldn’t worry about taking up space at the palace. It would be my our pleasure to host you once again. But Ember Island is a nice place. You will have fun there, I’m sure. The ocean is very, very beautiful. It’s the bluest thing you’ll ever see, and it goes on for what seems to be forever. The Fire Nation is lucky in that our ocean is warm, and the tides are not so vicious — nothing like the poles, where it is so treacherous and cold.
It is nice to know that you are enjoying yourself so thoroughly. That is what I am really concerned with; it matters little to me if you ever become a proper Fire Nation lady or anything along those lines. I would even prefer it if you didn’t. It’s more important that you are happy.
Yours, Zuko
P.S. Perhaps I am not surprised, but I am still disappointed on your behalf.
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
School crisis
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Muichiro x fem!reader
info: it’s the first day of school and reader gets her period unexpectedly, she isn’t prepared for it so she has nothing to use, but luckily a boy walks by.
a/n: Ik muichiro doesn’t have a sister, but let’s pretend he does in this 😊 ————————————————————————
The first day was already tiring and you still had 4 hours left. You had a free period, so you just roamed the halls. You had felt some lower back pain and cramps, but you thought it was just meaning your period was coming soon.
You went to the restroom, and when you went to do your business, you saw red splotches in your underwear. You groaned annoyingly. What were you supposed to do now? Unfortunately it had bled through your pants also, so now you couldn’t leave the bathroom. You looked out the door way to see if anyone was coming so you could run to the nurse. When you looked to your left, you noticed a boy walking. You knew it was awkward to ask him for help, but it was better than walking in the hallways with bloody pants.
The boy was Muichiro Tokito, who was known as the popular boy in previous years. He would be the last person you’d ever ask for help, but right now he was the first. As he was about to pass the restrooms, you stopped him. “Excuse me!” He turned his head ti look at you, puzzled on why you would ask for him. “Yes?” You bit your lip in embarrassment as your eyes roamed the floor. “I um,” you pointed at your pants, “well I think you get it.” He continued to look at you until it looked like something clicked in his head. “Oh, here let me see what I have.” He twisted his backpack around infront of his body as he searched through it.
After a few moments, he found the pad that was in his bag. He held it out to you. “Here, this should work.” Your eyes lit up as he handed you the pad. You felt like your worries were gone. “Thank you so much!” You took it from him as you slithered back into the restroom.
Not too long after, you came out of the restroom. To your surprise, you saw Muichiro still standing outside. “What are you doing?” He glanced over at you before he turned to you fully. “Well, I saw when you had turned around that you had bled through your pants, so here.” He took off his hoodie and handed it to you to put on. You took it hesitantly, but put it on quickly. He still stood there even though you were covered. The two of you stood in silence until you broke it.
“Do you have free period right now?” He nodded. “Well, thank you, again.” “It’s no problem really. Hey do you want to walk around with me?” You stared at him for what seemed like forever. You hesitated slightly before you agreed to walk with him.
As the two of you walked in a comfortable silence, there was something gnawing at you. “Muichiro, why did you have a pad on you?” You looked at the ground and fumbled with your fingers until you heard a low chuckle. “I have an older sister, so she taught me about them and told me to carry some incase of situations like this.” You felt a little dumb, him having a sister was so obvious. How else would he know what to do? “Ohh, well that makes sense.” You chuckled to yourself.
The two of you continued to walk around until the next bell rung. When it did, the two of you split up. While you were in class, a lot of people kept asking you how you got his hoodie and if you two were dating. You brushed them off the whole time, but you couldn’t help but think about him the entire class. Muichiro was also thinking about you his whole class. A small friendship had blossomed over an unusual circumstance.
oh. my. gosh. Guys school actually sucked so bad today I never want to go back 😭
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angstywaifu · 2 months
Black Dahlia - 8. Prove You Wrong
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year. Set Pre Fourth Wing/Books
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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I join the crowd of cadets making their way to the gym, the first round of challenges finally here. My staff firmly grasped in my hand. Before I can pass through the door with everyone else, a hand grasps my arm firmly, pulling me roughly from the crowd as I stumble over my feet. I right myself, prying the hand from my arm to look up and see Dain staring down at me.
”What the hell do you want?” I snap at him.
I’d gone most of the last two weeks without interacting with him. Only catching his eyes on me during battle brief and during meals. Luckily our squads had not been paired together for any classes, meaning I got a lot of time away from him. Otherwise I know I would have crossed paths with him already.
”Just wanting to make sure you do your best in there and don’t disappoint dad.” He tells me bluntly.
”Oh don’t worry, father dearest won’t have to worry about that.” I snap before pivoting on my heel and walking away.
”What about those marked ones you’re training with?” He calls out, causing me to stop in my tracks.
Shit. Clearly Dain was paying more attention to me than I thought. As well as training with Austin and Liz, Bodhi had brought along another marked first year called Ciaran . But we weren’t always the only squad in there. Every night there would be marked ones from other squads scattered around the gym, keeping the allocated distance as dictated by leadership. Marked ones weren’t allowed to hang out in groups of more than three. And I knew exactly what it looked like to Dain. I turn back to him, that smug smirk on his face that I had grown to know as a look he got when he thought he had caught me out. Not today.
”I’m not training with them. I’m training with my squad, helping those who need it. No rules against that. And the other squads are more than welcome to use the space as well.” I tell him with the smile I usually used when talking to our father.
”You need to be mindful of the company you’re keeping. Word might get out. Not exactly a good look for us.” The tone almost similar to the one our father used when giving orders. Except Dain hasn’t nailed the commanding authoritive edge to it needed to drive it home.
”Oh yes, because me being a good squad member and helping others is such a bad look. Leadership are definitely going to hate me doing that, and being able to work with others. Maybe you should take some notes if you want to impress dad and have a leadership position next year. Wouldn’t want to disappoint him.” I mock back, before pivoting on my heel to walk inside the gym.
By the time I get inside challenges have already started up. I push my way through the crowd to where I can see Bodhi’s head sticking up above the crowd. And on the mat in front of us was Austin, facing off against a far bigger first year from First Wing. Two weeks ago I would have been a little nervous for the outcome of the fight. But as she ducks under his swing and takes his knee out with a well placed kick, I have nothing to worry about. And I can’t help the slight smile that works its way onto my face. It had only been a bit over a week that we had been training together, but her and Liz had come a long way since then. Both practically sponges with the information and techniques I was showing them. They weren’t perfect, but they knew enough to hold their own more comfortably.
”Durran and Stoll, you’re up. And Cardulo and Huxley you’re up to.” Emetterio calls out, pointing to the boy standing next to me and the pink haired girl I now knew as Imogen from the few times I had seen her in the gym.
I lookover as she pushes through the crowd, drawing my attention to Dain who is looking right at me, with a look that tells me he is not convinced about the conversation we had outside. He was definitely going to go and tell our father about this. And as much as I wanted to say it didn’t worry me. It did. I might be away from our father, but he still had power over me here.
”For someone who apparently took a third year down so easily two weeks ago, you’re looking pretty nervous Aetos.” A voice drawls from next to me.
I turn my head, and standing right where Bodhi had been moments prior was someone I hadn’t been this close to since conscription day. Someone who had shown how much they wanted nothing to do with me every time our eyes met. Garrick. I almost have have to crane my neck to meet his eyes. He was easily the tallest rider in the quadrant. And probably the biggest. And yet he had managed to squeeze into the space Bodhi had once been. But I had seen the way other riders moved out of his and Xaden’s way in the halls. No one wanted to mess with them. And I couldn’t blame them. One look at Garrick and I knew I had no chance against him on the mat. Maybe if I could wear him out, but I could tell that wouldn’t be easy.
”Don’t call me that.” I snap back before turning my gaze back to the challenges in front of me.
”Someone’s touchy about their name.” He teases before chuckling.
Gods I wish I could punch him and shut him up.
”Yes, something you should have learnt on my first day here.” I point out before clenching my jaw.
Something he must notice as he chuckles again. “Oh I did. And before long you and that brother of yours will learn your name will only get you so far here. I can see it in your face, you got lucky with that third year.”
Oh but he was wrong. Very wrong. The emotions that must have crept onto my face were nothing to do with the challenge awaiting me when my name was called. There was no denying my fight against Nari and I had been over and done with quicker than a lot of others during assessment day. And due to Garrick not having shown up to any of the training sessions I had been at in the gym, he was yet to see me actually fight.
”Henrick and Ae- Dahlia! You’re up!” Emetterio calls out, pulling me from my moment with Garrick as I turn to watch another first year from Dain’s squad walk onto the mat, sword clutched in his hands.
Goosebumps work my way onto my neck, causing me to shiver as Garrick leans down to place his mouth next to my ear. “Go on then little Aetos. Try prove me wrong.”
Oh don’t worry Garrick Tavis. I will prove you wrong. Though I don’t say the words out loud, keeping them to myself as I grip the staff in my hand tightly before walking onto the mat. I didn’t need to live up to my name. Didn’t want to be anything associated to that last name. I needed to prove that I was more than just the Colonel’s daughter. That despite my last name I had worked and earned what I was here to do. Not just handed it on a silver platter because of that name. I almost feel sorry for the boy stood in front of me, his light brown hair curling on his head, the freckles scattered on his face giving him a youthful look to his appearance.
With a flick of my arm, the staff that I’d had retracted till now expands to its full height. The one upside to my last name was the weapon smiths. Any idea they had, they were willing to help create. One of which was the staff in my hand. I was good with the staff, even if it wasn’t a popular choice. Especially amongst riders. Mastering a staff meant you had a lot of flexibility in finding something you could use as a weapon. A handy skill to have out in the field if you got caught out. I swear I can hear Garrick snicker from behind me at my choice in weapon.
The boy and I circle each other, eyeing each other up as we look for an opening to attack. I lung forward, testing to see how he would react as I hadn’t seen him fight before. He easily deflects my incoming attack before coming back at me with a series of powerful slashes. He clearly knew his way around a sword. Good. I wanted a challenge. But I could tell he was unsure of my weapon of choice, his eyes moving up and down the staff as he takes in how I move.
I feign an attack to his right before pivoting towards his left as he takes the bait, swinging to block an attack that never comes. I watch as his eyes go wide as I swing low, taking out his legs from under him as he falls to the ground. He quickly bounces back as he rolls out of it before spinning back towards me, sword gripped tightly in his hands again. He comes at me with a series of strikes, trying to closer the gap to gain the advantage. But I block every single strike with ease.
I can see the frustration building in his eyes each time I dodge his attack. He’s skilled, but I hold the advantage with my weapon. I take a moment to catch my breath, waiting for an opening. Which comes seconds later as he charges forward with a powerful swing. I quickly side-step, lashing out with my staff in a quick jab. The impact sends him stumbling back and I see my opening and I don’t hesitate to make my move. I thrust my staff towards the unprotected area, meeting its mark with ease. My staff connecting with a satisfying blow that sends him sprawling to the ground as I sweep his feet out from under him. He hits the mat with a solid thud as his sword flies from his hand. He makes a move to grab his sword, his movements sluggish after hitting the mat. But I’m quicker, pinning him as I place my boot on his chest, staff pushing down on his neck. The boy looks up at me wide eyed, shocked I had pinned him within two minutes, before nodding his head in a sign of defeat.
”Aetos is the winner!” Emetterio declares, before moving to select the next cadets to take to the mat.
I release the boy from beneath me, pivoting on my heel to return to my squad. I can’t help but smirk at the scowl on Garrick’s face before he turns and pushes his way through the crowd. Told you I’d prove you wrong.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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mode-lfy · 1 year
Haewon - Revenge pt2
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Sry for the long wait, this part 2 is 4K words. It's a little long but I hope you enjoy it.
"What the fuck is going on!" Tae-won shouted as he witnessed his sister naked and riding Y/n on the couch.
"Oppa? Why are you here!?!?" Haewon asked, surprised and slowing down her pace of bouncing on Y/n's dick.
"What are you doing!" Her brother shouted in shock.
Y/n smirked at him and wrapped his arms around Haewon.
"Is he your brother?" Y/n asked, pretending to be shocked.
"Yes..." Haewon looked back at Y/n nervously as they stopped and sat together.
"Hi, I'm Haewon's boyfriend." Y/n introduced himself, smirking.
"Y/n! You piece of shit!" Tae-Won angrily shouted as he walked over and tried to punch Y/n.
He was stopped by Haewon. "You guys know each other?" Haewon asked, shocked that her brother knew Y/n's name.
"I didn't know Haewon was your sister!?!?" Y/n feigned being dumb.
After Y/n left the house and her brother was scolding Haewon.
Tae-won wanted to complain to their parents but he didn't want to break the news to them. Instead he asked his parents to stop Y/n from coming over to teach Haewon and don't allow Y/n to meet her.
While his parents agreed and Y/n eventually cutting contact with Haewon, giving his excuse to her that Tae-won threatened him and etc...
Y/n thought that making Haewon hate Tae-won and fucking her. That was it...
Much to his and Tae-won's dismay however...
Haewon decided to join their university too...
Beginning of new semester...
"Have you heard?" One of Y/n's friends asked.
"Heard what?" Y/n asked.
"Tae-won's sister is enrolling in our university!"
"What!?!?" Y/n asked in shock, dropping his phone.
"Yeah! I heard she's pretty and hot!" His friend whispered to him.
"Gosh..." Y/n mumbled.
Y/n quickly went back to his dorm room and laid down, thinking of a plan on how to avoid Haewon.
He looked up on his social media where the guys were already discussing about the new girls in campus. Including Haewon...
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Curious, Y/n opened the door to see who was it...
Luckily, it was his friend. He thought it might have been Haewon.
He let out a sigh of relief.
"Dude! Do you know Haewon?" His friend asked, as if interrogating him.
"No...?" Y/n answered weirdly.
"She is in our dorm. Supposedly to stay close with her brother. But when she heard someone talking about you. She got curious and asked about you."
"What!?! Who was talking about me? What did she ask??" Y/n asked anxiously, pulling his friend closer and looking around the hallway.
"It was Jong-min. He was talking about how you helped him with an assessment."
"Damn! This Jong-min got a big mouth!" Y/n sweared.
"And then Haewon asked, who is Y/n? Where do you stay and what classes you go to."
"So... does she know where I stay?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't think so?"
"Okay, just don't tell her where I stay." Y/n said, pushing his friend away.
*close the door*
Just an hour later, there was another knock on his door when Y/n was arranging his stuff.
He opened the door and it revealed Haewon! Who was smiling when she realised she finally found Y/n.
"Oppa!" She shouted, running in to hug Y/n. Who... reluctantly hugged her back but pushed her back soon after.
"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked.
"Oppa, I'm here to study and... get back with you. I even moved into the dorm. I wanted to be with you." Haewon said, smiling as she held Y/n's hands.
"Haewon, I can't be with you. You know that. Your parents asked me to stop seeing you." Y/n explained.
"No! They will understand! You are the only who could understand me, you were so nice to me... I want you!" She insisted.
"No! Stop disturbing me. I don't want to be involved with you anymore!" Y/n said, pushing Haewon down on the floor.
Haewon cried, hurt and left on the floor.
"Is it cause my brother is threatening you?" She asked, crying.
"Yes! Now will you leave me alone?" Y/n said, holding his fists and closing the door.
As he closed the door, he sat down against the door.
He wasn't sure what he was doing either... this is all too... messy. Y/n wanted to be with her, but he don't want to mess up her life.
"Ah fuck!" Y/n punched the floor.
After 5 minutes, he opened up the door slowly, seeing if Haewon was still there.
He saw that no one was there anymore, but he felt guilty... worried... Is Haewon okay? That was all that is going in his mind.
After a week....
Y/n asked around for those in Haewon's major, if anyone knew her and if she was doing well.
"I don't know... I haven't see her in any of the classes either." One girl told him.
"Ok, thanks" Y/n said.
"Are you Haewon's brother or boyfriend?" She asked.
"Ugh, no. Haewon's brother told me to ask around." Y/n forced an awkward smile.
"Do you want to go out together?" The girl asked shyly.
"What? Umm, no sorry. I have a girlfriend." Y/n said, rejecting her. Making the girl nervous.
Y/n went home after his class and was doing his assignments when suddenly someone knocked on his door.
Someone knocked on the door hurriedly.
"Calm down!" Y/n said, quickly running to the door, opening it.
He opened the door to see Jong-min.
He was sweating and panicking.
"What's wrong!?!?" Y/n asked, confused.
"Somethings gonna happen to Haewon!"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"There's a party tonight, and someone said to her, you wanted to meet her there and she agreed to come."  Jong-min said, catching his breath.
"Hae-won went there and I think, one of the guys want to spike her drink and..." Jong-min said, not wanting to finish the last sentence.
Y/n got the address of the party, and quickly drive his way to the location of the party which was in a club not far from the school.
"Please, please. Don't let anything happen to her." Y/n said, as he drove with full speed.
He parked outside and quickly showed his ID to the club bouncer, then going in and looked for Haewon.
"Room 7, Room 7!" Y/n recalled Jong-min saying it.
Y/n quickly opened the door and entered, seeing Haewon slightly drunk.
"Oppa...?" Haewon, holding a cup of alcohol , smiled and slightly confused, losing her footing.
He pulled Haewon away, leaving the room.
Someone tried to stop him from taking Haewon away, but he simply pushed them away.
"This girl is sister of Oh Tae-Won! From computer science major!" Y/n shouted, making them all freeze and leave.
"Shit, Oh Tae-Won?!" The guy who spiked the drink and organised the party sweared, throwing the glass cup down on the ground.
"Oppa? Where are we going?" Haewon asked, drunk and spinning around.
Y/n laid her down gently at the backseat while making sure she was doing okay.
He drove slowly back to the dorm, making sure Haewon wasn't being having any discomfort.
Once he arrived, Y/n slowly carried Haewon back up to his room. Making sure no one caught him and her together, not wanting any misunderstandings.
He opened the door and carried her in, "gosh... is all everyone who's drunk, heavy?" He carried her and laid her onto his bed.
He looked at the drunk girl in-front of him, he sighed.
He sat on the bed, holding her face.
"I miss you. I don't want to hurt you." Y/n whispered, touching her cheek.
Y/n then continued doing his work for awhile and then stopping for the day, laying beside the bed and sleeping on the floor, with his spare blanket.
The next day, he found Haewon beside him, looking at him.
"Hmph!?!!" Y/n was shocked to see her beside him.
"Are you really that shocked?" Haewon giggled.
"What are you doing?" Y/n asked.
"Nothing..." Haewon said, but her hands wandered around Y/n's shoulders, slowing going to his lower body.
"What were you doing last night?" Y/n asked, angry.
"I heard you wanted to meet me at the party." Haewon explained.
"If I wanted to meet you. I would have asked you to come meet me personally." Y/n said, further explaining.
"I don't go to places like club either way."
"Oh..." Haewon said, timidly.
"Are you okay? They tried to spike your drink." Y/n said, touching her hair.
"I'm okay. Cause you saved me." Haewon smiled.
"I..." Y/n was at a loss for words.
"I heard what you said last night." Haewon revealed.
"You said you love me." Haewon said cheekily.
"Did I?" Y/n wondered.
"You did..." Haewon said, touching Y/n's morning wood now.
"Haewon?" Y/n looked down at her hands over his bulge.
"Oppa, don't resist me..." Haewon said.
Y/n looked at her, hesitant.
Y/n got up the bed and sat, while Haewon went down on her knees and pulled down his underwear, where Y/n's excited dick greeted her.
"I missed this..." Haewon wrapped her soft pale hands around Y/n's dick.
Y/n moaned as Haewon gently played with his dick.
"Oppa, you miss me?" Haewon started quickly jerking faster, enjoying how good she is making Y/n feel.
Y/n rolled his eyes and sighed satisfied, at the hands of Haewon.
"Oppa!" Haewon tapped him.
Y/n regained his mind and looked at Haewon, who then slowly swallowed the whole of his dick into her warm mouth.
All while Haewon maintained eye contact with him.
"Shit!" Y/n sweared, as he feel an amazing sensation as Haewon's mouth enveloped his member.
Within a minute or two, Y/n started to moan and closed his eyes.
"I-I am going to-" Y/n couldn't control himself.
Haewon felt Y/n's dick expand in her mouth and then came the explosion of cum into her mouth.
It tasted just like how she remembered...
"Mmm..." Haewon swallowed, Y/n's eyes remained closed and his body relaxed.
"Gosh, I missed this." Y/n admitted, touching Haewon's shoulders.
Haewon got up slightly, and started to take off her clothes. Stripping from her clothes, slipping each piece of clothing off slowly.
Y/n marvelled at the sight...
It's been awhile but Haewon's body remained beautiful and nice.
She got on top of him and kissed him.
"Haewon... I..." Y/n wanted to stop her but couldn't.
"Shush..." Haewon said as she slowly coaxed his clothes off.
"I know you want this. Don't try to stop me again." Haewon said, as she sat on Y/n's stomach and smirked.
"Oppa, you missed me. Don't you?" Haewon continued, while she touched herself.
"Touch me. Claim me." Haewon urged.
Y/n got up and put his mouth onto Haewon's boobs. It felt weirdly satisfying to Haewon as Y/n's hand explored her body and he continued kissing her.
"Fuck... This is so good." Y/n said, as he struggled for breath.
"We aren't even having sex. Imagine if we were... we are both not leaving this bed." Haewon joked.
"I will show you that tonight." Y/n said, looking at her with a determined look.
After awhile, they both laid in bed exhausted.
"Oppa, you should continue to sleep. It's barely morning." Haewon said, laying her head over his chest.
Y/n looked out his window to see the sunlight starting to shine through the trees into his room.
"I thought it was already morning." Y/n laughed.
"Let's sleep together." Haewon said, smiling happily as she hugged Y/n's body, feeling the heat of his body warming her.
And when Haewon later wake up, she sees Y/n still sleeping peacefully.
She got up and wore her clothes, looking around his room, before heading into the small kitchen area.
She looked for some ingredients in the fridge and started to cook breakfast for Y/n.
Y/n woke up to the sound of sizzling and looked towards the kitchen. He sees Haewon's back figure cooking something and frying something.
He got up and walked towards Haewon, hugging her from the back.
"Oppa, you are awake?" She asked, continuing to cook.
"Mmm." Y/n said, leaning his head on her shoulder.
"I cooked breakfast for you." Haewon said.
"Thanks." Y/n said, kissing her and touching her stomach.
As Y/n was eating breakfast with Haewon, someone knocked on the door and Haewon went to open the door.
As Haewon walked towards the door, Y/n just realised what that would mean.
"Wait!" But it was too late...
Haewon already opened the door, and outside was Y/n's friend, Jong-min.
"Yes?" Haewon asked the person.
Jong-min was shocked that Haewon was in his room and didn't know what to say.
"Uhh... nothing. I knocked on the wrong door." He said before walking away.
Y/n rushed to the door and shouted at him.
"Hey!!! it's not what you see!"
"Don't worry, I won't say anything!"
Y/n quickly closed the door and looked at Haewon, who was laughing at him.
"What? Are you scared." Haewon asked, looking at him smirking seductively.
"I shouldn't be dating you." Y/n admitted.
"I don't care. I want you." Haewon said, walking closer and holding his hand.
Y/n thought for awhile...
Haewon looked at his eyes and smiled, "I will make you decide."
She slowly go down on her knees and started to pull down his underwear once again, putting his dick into her warm mouth.
All this feeling, sensations... all too good and familiar for Y/n to resist.
"Stop me." Haewon dared him, momentarily stopping the moment.
Y/n stopped for awhile and simply allowed her to do her 'magic'.
"I could do this all day..." Haewon struggled to say, as she sucked his dick for the second time that day.
Y/n held her head and guided her. The fact that she wanted this too, made him feel even better.
Haewon slurped on his dick and Y/n started to thrust his dick slowly into Haewon's mouth.
Soon, the pace fastens and it was almost as if Y/n was fucking Haewon's mouth.
Then... Y/n unloaded into her mouth once again.
"You are insatiable." Y/n said, as he pulled out of her mouth.
"Me? How about you!" Haewon joked, after swallowing his cum.
"Go to your class, okay?" Y/n advices her.
"How did you know I haven't been to classes?" Haewon asked, surprised.
"I just know." Y/n struggled to explain.
"You have been asking around about me." Haewon understood, happy that Y/n cares about her.
"Don't use my family as excuses anymore. Just be my boyfriend. I want to be your girlfriend." Haewon said, hugging Y/n tightly.
Y/n didn't say anything except just hugging her back and patting her head.
"Okay." Y/n mumbled.
Haewon started to attend her classes and do well in classes, submitting her assignments and being a good student.
However when outside of the classroom, she was doing all sort of things with Y/n. She would often go to his room and suck his dick or get fucked by Y/n.
Of course, they kept it low profile and a secret but Taewon soon found out.
Oh was he furious.
He confronted Y/n, who was in the room, busy with Haewon.
"Haewon, I know you are in there! Y/n, you bastard!" He shouted, knocking on the door.
He put his ears on the door and could hear Haewon moaning.
"Hey! Stop it!" Taewon shouted.
"Wait!" Y/n replied.
After a quiet minute, both of them appeared at the door, all dressed but sweaty.
"What do you think you are doing!!!" Taewon shouted.
"I was just helping her." Y/n answered.
"Do you think I'm stupid? I will tell this to father and mother! They will make you get kicked out of university!" Taewon warned, before leaving.
Haewon looked at Y/n in fear, worried for him.
"Don't worry." Y/n assured Haewon. 
The next day, Y/n went to her house with Haewon and officially introduced himself as her boyfriend.
As they sat down to talk, their parents were sceptical about him.
"Well, you are older than our daughter by 3 years. It's fine but... we are a little worried." Her mother explained.
"I understand but I want to let you know that I will treat her well and make sure she live happily everyday." Y/n say, making Haewon's father nod and Haewon blush.
"Hmm, but a tutor dating his former student... and Taewon even made us stopped you two from meeting after Haewon finished her exams..." Her parents were hesitant.
Y/n stood up and spoke. "Sir and ma'am, Haewon is a very nice girl, she just needed someone who could understand her."
"I want to be that person." Y/n continued, making Haewon touched. Also gaining the approval of her parents.
Her parents approved of them and asked them to go study well.
When driving back to their dorm, Haewon spoke.
"Thats way too easy! They didn't even talk much." Haewon wondered.
"Don't worry about it" Y/n held her hand.
"You should be worried about what I'm going to do to you after we get back." Y/n teased her.
And as soon as they got back into Y/n's room, Y/n stripped her naked and bent her over his desk, preparing to fuck her.
"Mmm!" As Haewon enjoyed the feeling of Y/n controlling her and the feeling of Y/n's dick inside her tight pussy.
"Yes! Oh! It feels so good!" Haewon moaned, struggling to contain her excitement.
"Keep it down. You don't want other people to know about us." Y/n whispered.
"I don't care! Fuck, your dick is so good Oppa! Fuck me harder!" Haewon shouted, continuing to moan.
Her moans only served to motivate Y/n.
The sound of their body clapping from the thrusts were filling the room.
"Fuck! My Oppa tried to stop me but nothing can stop us!" Haewon said, as she held on to the desk.
"Yeah, tell me more!" Y/n said, as he pulled her onto the bed and impaled her on his dick.
"Continue! Ride my dick!" Y/n commanded, spanking Haewon's ass.
"Fuck, so good!" Haewon moaned, trying to get up and down his dick.
Y/n sucked on her tits and held on to her closer.
It wasn't long before Y/n was about to cum and struggled to pull out of Haewon's tightly pussy. Haewon understood and quickly got on her knees, ready for him to finish in her mouth.
Y/n allowed Haewon to do her magic and within seconds inside her warm mouth, a huge explosion of cum went into her mouth and into her throat.
After a momentarily silence, both of them laid down in bed. Smiling at each other.
The next day, Y/n was asked to meet Taewon in his room.
Haewon wanted to stop him. "No, don't go." She hugged him.
"It's okay, I got this." Y/n said, kissing her forehead.
Y/n left alone to Taewon's room where he felt immense anger even entering his room.
He was asked to sit on the bed while he sat on the chair, as if it was an interrogation.
"You want to just play with my sister and fuck her only. Don't you? You don't have any feelings for my sister. You just want to take revenge on me for threatening you. And especially your ex-girlfriend..." Taewon said, whispering the last part.
Y/n held his fists...
He really wanted to punch this fucker.
But Y/n held on, as he realised something.
Y/n realised that his laptop was facing them, and specifically him. Although the laptop was black screen, the camera was open. He figured that this was a bait.
"No! I love Haewon, she's my true love. I really want to be with her." Y/n said firmly.
Those words surprised Taewon.
"What?" Taewon asked in confusion.
"I know you thought I would be like you. Fucking girls around in college and hooking up like crazy." Y/n exposed him, knowing whatever Taewon was trying to do is futile.
"What are you talking about!" Taewon stood up in anger.
"I won't tell your parents that you tried to invite Haewon to your friends party in the club and you asked for money, pretending it's for class when you are just splurging!" Y/n lied.
"What the fuck are you saying!" Taewon shouted, punching Y/n.
"I will take my leave now. I love Haewon and won't let her go!" Y/n said, before leaving.
Once he left the room, Taewon looked towards the laptop and talked panicky.
"Mom, Dad. It's not what you think it is! He's lying!" Taewon tried to defend himself.
"Enough! We heard enough." A voice came from the laptop.
Y/n heard from outside the room smirking, knowing that he succeeded.
Then, came a message from Haewon, asking to come to her room.
Once he arrived at outside her room, Y/n was greeted by her parents and Haewon.
"Hi, Sir and ma'am." Y/n bowed respectfully.
"Don't worry about Taewon. We support your relationship with Haewon fully!" Her father said, patting him on the shoulder, satisfied with him.
"I won't let you down!" Y/n said.
"I hope you don't mind that Taewon wanted to test you earlier." Her mother said, apologetically.
"It was a test?" Y/n pretended to be shock.
"I'm sorry, yes." She continued.
"I have seen how my daughter behaved from when she first met you and until now." Haewon's parents said, looking at Haewon, proud of her.
"Don't worry. I understand. Now, we have to talk to Taewon about something else." They said, stern.
"Did I get him in trouble?" Y/n pretended to be sorry.
"No, it's okay. You did good." Haewon's father said before leaving with his wife.
Y/n was left in the room with Haewon and smiled at her.
"Oppa, my parents love you!" Haewon said, delighted.
"And I love you." Y/n said, his hands wandering to her tits.
"Oppa! So naughty!" Haewon hit him playfully.
A few days later, Y/n was invited to stay over at Haewon's house as her parents are leaving for a vacation and wanted the couple to stay at the house, making sure the house was safe.
Taewon was shocked, when hearing the news.
"What!?!? You are letting them stay alone overnight at the house?" Taewon asked, in shock.
"Don't worry, they are responsible adults. We trust them." They said, calling from the airport.
"We need to get on the flight. Bye." They hung up the call.
Taewon quickly drive to the house and opened the door with his keys.
He climbed up the stairs, and could hear them having sex.
Taewon got instantly mad, and knocked on the door.
Inside the room however....
Y/n had Haewon bent over her own desk and fucking her from the back, enjoying the beautiful view of her naked body, and nice ass.
"Gosh, your brother is trying to disturb us." Y/n said, struggling for breathes as he is thrusting inside Haewon's tight warm pussy.
"Ignore him. Just continue fucking me." Haewon said, continuing to moan and arch her back.
Y/n hold on to her waist and continue to fuck her even harder and faster.
The claps made by their body in unison was in rhythm and even louder.
Haewon's moans music to Y/n's ears
"HEY, ARE YOU IGNORING ME!?!?" Taewon shouted outside.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum soon. Your pussy is too good!" Y/n exclaimed, saying it loud for Taewon to hear.
"Cum inside me, Oppa!" Haewon said, wanting it.
Within seconds, Y/n's seed was flowing inside Haewon's tight little pussy...
And Taewon was unable to anything about it...
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
I had a bit of a cnc stoner Wanda thought where she coaxes you into trying her special treat & holds a blunt to your lips, all before proceeding to get high as well & lazily play with your clit <3
Try It
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: 4314
Warnings: smut, jealously, possessiveness, edging, kinda public sex, college AU, strap on use, edging, crying, weed usage, small cnc, mommy kink, multiple orgasms, thigh riding, begging, sub!r, Dom!wanda, emo Wanda, mentions of pervert Wanda, mentions of porn, small angst, homophobia, praise kink
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Wanda walked into her class, luckily she only had two today. She took the seat next to you, making you turn to look at her. Her hand made its way to your thigh, she admired the way you worriedly looked to see if anyone would notice. You were always like that. It’s not like you were ashamed of her, no, you loved to be seen around with your girlfriend. But sometimes, the bold moves she’d make were too much for the public eye. The occasional grab of the ass, her hand placing itself on your thigh like she was doing now, you didn’t want people seeing. Especially not your parents.
You two met when you were children. Seeming as your parents were best friends, it was hard not to be around each other at all times. You and her brother always were closer, your parents always said you two would get married one day. He was also the first person you came out to, and the first you informed of your crush on his sister. He wasn’t the happiest, but he got over it. You can still hear all the ‘Wanda and Y/N sitting in a tree’ jokes, or how he’d wrap his arms around him and pretend he was making out with himself to mock you two.
Your mother and father never knew of your sexuality, especially not since your dad was the priest. He was loved by everyone, except you. Wanda would always be the one to comfort you when you were confused, she knew what it was like to deal with unsupporting parents. Unlike you, she found a way to get away from it all, weed.
While you did student councils and spelling bees, she’d escape the world by smoking. Her grades would slip as yours exceeded, you needed the academic validation. Wanda didn’t care anymore, she just wanted to live her teenage years by having fun.
Whenever you had study dates, she’d end up convincing you to stop and watch a movie with her. She’d usually offer you a joint, only for you to quickly dismiss it. You would never be allowed back into your home if they ever found out you smoked, they’d quite literally kill you.
You and Wanda first started dating back in your senior year of high school. After years of pining over one another, she nervously asked you to prom where you both shared your first kiss in the girls' bathroom. Your parents obviously would never let you go to the dance with a woman, so Pietro offered to pretend as though he’d take you if you got him a date with a girl in your honors society club.
And ever since then, you and Wanda have been inseparable. You both got accepted into the same college luckily, the one you’ve been dreaming of going to since you were a little kid. Wanda always was one to go out to parties and skip class, but you were the same as your high school years, getting all A’s on every assignment you did. Your professors all loved you, not so much your girlfriend though. But you didn’t care. If Wanda were to ask you to skip class with her, more often than not you’d say yes. If she dragged you to a party, you’d end up making out in her truck by the end of it. One time, she took you to a frat house and had you wasted by the end. You woke up with a tattoo of the letter W in between your middle finger. She already had your name tattooed on her wrist, you scolded her the day you first saw it.
Everyone started rolling into class, some late, some just barely making it. Wanda never moved her hand, and the small smirk covering her face never left. Your best friend and head of the debate team sat on the other side of you, Kate Bishop. Wanda never seemed to like her, she always said she was too much of a priss or that she wanted to get in your pants. She said that about everyone, actually. Kate gave you a look with a small smile, Wanda flipped her off behind your back. She rolled her eyes, pulling out her notebook before starting small talk between you too. Your girlfriend rested her head on your shoulder, trying to distract you from your conversation with small pecks to your neck.
“Wanda! We’re in the middle of a lecture!” You scolded in a small whisper, turning back to your friend and giving an apologetic smile. Wanda sighed, frustrated by your actions. You were such a goodie two shoes. Sometimes your friends wondered how you two ended up together, and if you were being honest, you didn’t know either. I guess two opposites attract.
“But I don’t care about this dumbass class. C’mon, what do you say me and you head out of here? Come back to my place?” You threw your head back slightly, annoyed by the same words she said every day. “Oh c’mon, please? We can have some fun?” You chose to ignore her instead, trying your best to listen in on the professor’s words. She didn’t stop though, if anything, she teased you more. Her hand had traveled further up your leg, playing with the hem of your panties under your skirt. You tried to discreetly push her off, struggling to write your notes down. Your face was cherry red, and Wanda was grinning.
“Now do you want to leave?” She asked hopefully, just wanting to get out of this boring class already.
“Nope.” Your thigh jumped up and down as you picked at your lips, looking around nervously to see if anyone could see her fingers moving your panties to the side. You closed your legs to the best of your ability, only to no avail. She pushed them back open, giving a harsh grab as a warning.
“At least let me have some fun, baby.” You looked at her like was crazy. You let out a small moan under your breath as the pads of her fingers rubbed your clit ever so gently. You hid any noise with a small cough or fake sneeze, Wanda would always say bless you as if she didn’t know what was going on. She acted innocent. And you hated it.
“Wanda, we can’t do this here.” She leaned into your ear, making sure the professor was facing the board so he couldn’t see you two.
“Then let's leave, princess. We can head back to my place where I’ll properly fuck you.” She grabbed your hand, placing it on her crotch as you felt a small bulge. She was packing. You retreaded your hand quickly, your cheeks a cherry red. She chuckled dryly, you hoped she would remove her digits but she didn’t, she just left them there. She didn’t move them, they just sat there as if wanting you to do the work instead. You couldn’t stop the small buck of your hips, chasing after her like she was holding your favorite candy. You wished you could wipe that smug look off her face.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, meet me in a few minutes.” And you did. The professor looked at you puzzled when you both left, Wanda covering by saying you had ‘girl problems’ making both you and the man blush. She dragged you into the nearest stall, pushing you against the door and kissing you fiercely, she wished that Kate could walk in and see how wet you were for her. Her fingers trailed beneath your skirt, the way she did just moments ago. Her fingertips grazed your clit through your panties, barely touching you just to see how you react.
“Mommy, please.” You whined and begged, hoping she’d have some sort of mercy on you. She didn’t. She wanted to make you as desperate as she was, she wanted to watch you wither.
“You’re fucking soaked, baby. Is this all for mommy? Has she gotten you all worked up?” You nodded and looked down shamefully, the embarrassment overtaking you. She gripped your chin, making you look at her with pleading eyes.
“Y-yes, it’s all for you, mommy.” She hummed and dropped to her knees, you gave her a look of shock before she gave a small lick to your center.
“Did mommy get you all horny and desperate?” When not receiving a response, she looked back up at you. Your hands folded behind your back and your legs parted just enough for her to get between them, you were such a shy girl. She suddenly stood up, making you look at her with confusion before she walked past you and to the door of the bathroom. She looked back at your shaken-up state,
“You coming?” Yeah, you would be. You both walked back into class, Wanda following shortly behind you. Some gave you disapproving glances, others trying not to look at you and have to deal with Wanda’s wrath.
When the painfully slow class finally ended, Wanda threw her bag onto the floor of her and Pietro’s apartment. She didn’t exactly want to live with her brother during college, the two of them would often bring girls back home making it awkward. But she couldn’t do much about it, she could barely even afford to live here.
She was having a stressful day, And all she wanted to do at that moment was call you up or get high, her two favorite things. She knew you’d probably be studying or doing homework, but she also knew you were thinking about her. About the wetness coating your inner thighs. She could see it right now, you rubbing your thighs together, finding any way to get yourself off. Shyly playing with your clit, teasing your hole with a finger. You probably wouldn’t even be able to fit a digit inside of your tight hole, she can barely even fit her strap inside of you.
Luckily, Pietro wasn’t going to be home for the next week as he was visiting their mom and dad. So, she grabbed the small jar of weed in her nightstand drawer, taking the paper and rolling up the small joint. Her favorite thing to do was have you roll it, watching the way you tried your best only for it to be close to falling apart. She’d chuckle, and you’d pout back at her. But you never smoked with her, you refused.
She lit the joint and took a long drag, puffing out smoke into the humid living room. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was better than nothing. The playboys that were left out a few days ago plagued her mind. She stood up, balancing herself before grabbing one and going back to the living room. She undressed her bottom half, too lazy to take off her shirt as she got right into it. Her fingers teased her clit as she flipped through the pages, the naked woman only making her think about you more.
“Mm, fuck Y/N. Such a good little girl for me.” She moaned out into the empty room, not caring if she was just talking to herself. The weed was getting to her, goosebumps spreading across her body.
Before she could go any further, her phone rang, the bright light illuminating the dark room. She sighed and looked at the contact, her mood immediately lifting when seeing the caller. She answered on the fourth ring, her raspy voice making you shiver.
“Yes, baby?” She could hear your moan from the other side of the call, smirking to herself when realizing what you were doing.
“Baby, are you touching yourself?” You only nodded before remembering she couldn’t see you. Your clit throbbed as you rode the small teddy bear she got you for your anniversary, picturing it was her strap you were riding instead. Your hips only gained speed hearing her on the other end, the fear she wouldn’t like this going away when you heard her groaning. She hit the facetime button, wanting to see your weeping cunt on the fluffy fur of the stuffed animal.
“C’mon princess, let mommy see you.” Your camera was placed at the end of your bed, giving a full view of your bottom. She could see your head looking back at one place continuously, probably making sure your dorm mate wouldn’t walk in anytime soon.
“Oh sweetheart, are you scared someone will see you? What do you think would happen if they walked in right now? You think they’d stay and watch you whoring yourself out on the phone?”
“Mommy, need you.” She ticked, taking another puff of her joint before speaking up once more.
“You never answered my question, sweetheart. Tell me, what would you do if someone walked in right now to see you like this, so sweet and innocent riding the teddy bear I got you? Would you stop? Or would you keep going for me, for mommy?” You wished you could say no, that you’d never let anyone see you all needy and vulnerable. But that would be a lie. The thought alone brought more discomfort to your body, the good kind of discomfort.
“Mommy, I-I think I need to cum.” You whined out, chasing the high you prayed she would finally give you.
“Oh, honey, you wanna cum?” You nodded fastly, the stuffed animal being coated with your slick. She hummed, acting as if she was deciding.
“Hmm, no.” She hung up before you could complain, knowing you wouldn’t bring yourself to finish if she denied you. Her whole plan was just to get you to come over, then she could see you once more. She’d be the one to make you cum, not your teddy bear.
Ten minutes later, she heard a small but rushed knock at her flat. She smirked, knowing who it was, and stood up, opening the almost completely broken door. There you stood, clutching close to your skirt as you tried getting past her and going inside.
“You missed me that much.” You tackled her with a kiss, desperate to have her on you somehow.
“Please, mommy, I’m so wet and sticky down there.” She smiled sweetly at you before walking you backwards, sitting you down on the couch, and towering over you.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve taken care of you.” Tears flooded your eyes as she gave you a seemingly innocent pout.
“Y-you hung up on me! I was so close and you just hung up!” She sat down, grasping your hips and tossing one of your legs over her own. Her fingers trailed under your skirt, her other hand forcing you to stay open for her. She felt a damp wet spot marking your panties, gasping as she realized you weren’t lying, you were actually that horny.
“Oh my, you’re dripping all over me! You’re gonna ruin my couch, baby.” She saw the way you eyed her small jar of weed, looking back at her with pleading eyes.
“You want to try some?” She was beyond excited when you gave a shy nod, making you your own to try.
“Alright, just take it between your lips and- yeah, that’s it. Just breathe in, and blow it out.” You coughed harshly, feeling embarrassed when hearing Wanda laughing at you. Her hands wandered around your body, grabbing your ass hidden beneath your schoolgirl skirt in her hands. She moaned under her breath and stuck her head in your neck, smelling the cologne of hers that you took.
“This precious little ass, so perfect.” She groped you without any shame, not caring for the whimpers that would leave your mouth.
“Mommy, tastes funny.” She nodded, patting your back to help you get it all out. She bounced you up and down like she was burping a baby, you were her baby. Her innocent little doll. And she fucking loved it.
No matter how hard she tried to resist it, she needed to fuck your sweet cunt. She needed to mark it as hers, have you know that you belong to her and only her.
“Doll?” She whispered, receiving a small hum in return, “Mommy really needs you right now, can you be good and let mommy play?” You felt so used, like she had ruined you for anyone else. You could see the imprint in her pants, the same one from earlier. Her bottoms were already unbuttoned, her boxers being the only thing left to stop you from riding her strap. You could tell what she wanted, she wanted to hear you beg. Plead her for her cock. And you wanted to give in, but you so badly wanted to show her that you didn’t need her. To make her realize that you didn’t survive off of her fucking you, and that it was just a pleasure.
So, you shook your head, seeing the small smirk on her face falter in the slightest. “What do you mean no? I thought you were just begging to be fucked by me.” She knew how to get under your skin, and you hated it.
“I mean, no. I don’t need you touching me every second, you don’t always have to be so goddamn horny, Wanda.” You faked a huff and crossed your arms over your chest. The woman held back her laugh, finding your clear lie funnier than she should.
“Oh, sweetheart, you know that’s not my name. I thought you were smart enough to know this by now, because you need me. You need me to fuck this pussy every second. You need to be dripping with my cum every second. And you need mommy to touch you every fucking second.” Her lip went between her teeth, the muscles in her face clenching as you stared into her reddened and droopy eyes. She was high out of her mind, and you hated to say you loved it.
“Tell me the truth. You want mommy to fuck you, we both know you do.” You tried getting off her lap to no avail. She had a strong hold over you, and not just physically. When you didn’t answer, she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and leaned back into your neck. She grazed her tongue against the skin, watching as goosebumps erupted over your entire body. Her arms stroked your inner thighs reaching close to your covered cunt.
“Tell me, my love. Tell mommy how much you need me.” You couldn’t care to deny it anymore. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, you knew you needed her on you, inside of you.
“I want it so bad, mommy, I really do!” She hummed into you, her teeth biting the shell of your ear.
“Yeah? But I thought you were just telling me you don’t?”
“I’m sorry, mommy, I really am! I-I need it, I do!” Her thigh was covered in your slick as you slid back and forth, the soft skin beneath you quickly becoming an addiction. Your hand placed itself on her bulge, feeling the toy straining and begging to be inside of you. The blunt returned to its spot between her fingertips, taking a long drag before puffing it out in your face. It smelt horrible yet amazing at the same time. Knowing that the smoke came from her made it all the more attractive.
“You want mommy’s dick? You want to be stretched out, baby?” Your nod wasn’t good enough for her, she wanted you to beg. She wanted you to beg her just to even touch you.
“Words, my love, words.” You had trouble forming a sentence. The overwhelming feeling of her soft and plushy thigh beneath you was too much. Your orgasm hit like waves. It was strong, powerful even. You were shocked she didn’t ruin it, she just watched with heavy and hungry eyes.
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me. You get me so hard.” She let out a loud moan once she finished speaking. You both knew she couldn’t actually get hard, but she loved pretending she had a real dick. She loved acting as though she could feel you clenching around her because fuck, she wishes she could. She wanted to feel you as you came around her cock.
“My god, you’re so fucking hot, my love.”
“Thank you, mommy.” She laughed in your face, something you didn’t expect. You thought you were done, that she’d let you calm down and sleep. But she couldn’t get enough of you, she needed you so badly.
“You’re welcome, princess, But, I think you owe me another one, don’t you?” You only nodded along, losing grip on reality as you plummeted to the pleasure. You moved your hips upwards and rested yourself above the tip of her length. If you had to guess it was probably close to seven inches, it had to be the largest piece you’ve taken so far. The second the head of her cock entered you, you already felt full.
“Mommy, too big!” Your whines amused the woman who did not care to remove her hands from your hips. She was guiding you to go lower, to be filled to the brim just how she liked.
“Oh, darling, you can take it. You’re my big girl! You take whatever mommy gives you, right?” She was manipulating you, and you thrived off of it. You loved the satisfaction of her forcing you to do what she wanted.
“Yes! Yes, I take what mommy gives me!” She hummed in response, eyes focused on your weeping cunt. You were dripping and she just wanted a taste. As much as she loved weed, you’d always be her favorite taste. You were her favorite little girl.
“Oh, baby! You take my dick so well! And I’m not even helping, such a smart girl you are.” You soaked in her praises, eyes closed and mind fuzzy. You couldn’t think, she was the only thing clouding your mind.
“Thank you, mommy. Thank you for fucking me.” She kissed the side of your face before leaning down and capturing your hard nipples in her mouth. Her tongue played with the bud, a small trail of saliva being left behind as she moved on to the other.
Your hips started grinding desperately, already nearing the edge once more. You knew she’d make you hold it, not letting you cum till you begged her helplessly.
“Princess, does mommy’s little girl need to cum? Are they that dumb and fuzzy and need their mommy?” She didn’t let your small nod be your only answer. She wanted to hear just how much you needed her, how wet you were for her and only her.
“Doll, you know mommy doesn’t like when her girl is ignoring her. Tell me, do you need to cum?” The tone of her voice would never match the cold expressions she’d have painted on her face. The black makeup she wore and leather jackets she’d drape over her shirt. Most of the time, you ended up being the one to wear her coat, she loved seeing you wear it more than anything. But, seeing you wear nothing but her jacket? God, it fucked her in the head. Her mind would short-circuit seeing your tits bouncing under her clothes.
“I-I need to cum, mommy. Please let me cum for you?” The coil in your stomach was closer to snapping than ever before. Feeling her strap deep in your walls had you clenching hard.
“That was weak, darling. C’mon, beg mommy.” No words could explain how embarrassed you were. You knew she loved it, but fuck was it difficult. You could barely even muster out words let alone plead her. But you knew you had to if you wanted the release you were chasing.
“Please, mommy! Please fuck me! I want to cum so bad, want you to breed me. Want you to fuck a baby in me, mommy, please!” She pondered for a moment. As much as she wanted to edge you all night till you were crying and shaking, she wouldn’t be that cruel to her angel. Her sweet thing needed to finish, and she’d let them.
“Do it for me. Fucking cum for your mommy.” She growled out next to your ear, feeling your legs shaking on top of her own. She leaned back to watch as she took another hit of her blunt. She wishes she’d taken a photo along with all of the Polaroids of your nude body she has. It was kept in a shoe box under her bed next to the playboys she’d forgotten about. Every night she missed your precious body and you were asleep on the phone, she’d masturbate to your photos. The ones with cum dripping down your legs. The ones with markings of ‘mommy’s slut’ on your stomach. The ones with hickeys coating your neck and tits. And especially the ones she had taken of your blissed-out face. How she could stare at those all day and still miss you.
“That’s a good girl, so good for me. You did so well, took all of them so damn well.” You mumbled out your appreciation before taking the small blunt out of her hands. You took a small swig to impress her, only receiving a small lip bite in return. She didn’t know how she ended up with the hottest little slut, but she did. And you were all hers. No matter how much the others talked about you, you both knew at the end of the day, she was the one making you cum. She was the one pounding you with her fingers or her strap. You were all hers, and that’s how it would always be. You were her sweet little dove.
“That’s a good girl, so good for me. You did so well, took all of them so damn well.” You mumbled out your appreciation before taking the small blunt out of her hands. You took a small swig to impress her, only receiving a small lip bite in return. She didn’t know how she ended up with the hottest little slut, but she did. And you were all hers. No matter how much the others talked about you, you both knew at the end of the day, she was the one making you cum. She was the one pounding you with her fingers or her strap. You were all hers, and that’s how it would always be. You were her sweet little dove.
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lightlycareless · 3 months
Hiii 🤍
So I got this idea from one of your one-shots, the one where naoya and y/n are doing it in a mission😭
So they are secretly dating in that right ? And I thought about them in highschool AU secretly dating too🤭 And you know her siblings and friends finding out eventually, like I really wanna see naoya and y/n sneaking outttt and those stuff yk, kinda like a forbidden romance 😭
Have a good day 🤍🤍🤍 byeee!
Hellooooooooooo anon hehehe
Thank you for liking that dirty piece of mine 😏 super indulgent, of course. Glad to have it out of my system. (Edit: it said sister, wtf lol)
So anything highschool au related is like my weakness, specially if I get to write things like secretly dating aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Anyways this is a two part story!!! heheheh Didn't mean to, but after that ending, I just had to. :) I hope you enjoy it!!
warnings: none. au. highschool. Naoya is like maybe super ooc, but he adores you so. 💖 it's only expected. FLUFFFFFFF.
Happy reading!!!
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Secretly dating Naoya during high school is naturally filled with clandestine meet ups here and there, made possible by you asking for permission to go the “restroom” in the middle of class, only to head up straight to the designated place of reunion: right around the corner of a distant hallway and beneath the stairs, pulled into a tight embrace as soon as you cross his sight, and subsequentially letting you know how much he missed you and how dreadful it was to be away from you for even one second!
“I missed you too!” you would exclaim, wrapping your arms around his neck and attempting to pull him down for a kiss—you always hated how he forced you to stand on your tip toes, all for his seeming enjoyment. “Lean down a bit, I can't kiss you like this!”
But Naoya would only chuckle, letting you struggle a bit more until he finally obliged, taking your lips into another quick kiss before freeing you once again, to meet up later, that is.
“See you for lunch, princess.”
“… Only if you promise to not be mean…”
Naoya laughs.
Even if the two were meant to keep this a secret from the outside world, that didn't stop you from indulging in the things you always wanted to do with him, such as packing an extra box of lunch for him, obviously handmade by you, meeting up at the rooftop of whatever building was empty to have it together, and if he felt in the mood for such, feed him as well.
“Wait, before we eat, close your eyes.”
You’re no longer taken aback by requests of this nature, if anything, it excited you, so you quickly obeyed soon after. Naoya would then take hold of your hands, gently placing a box on them before asking you to open your eyes—a gasp ensued at the sight of your gift.
“No way! These are—how did you even get them?! I thought they were sold out!”
These were none other than the special edition tiramisu mochi your favorite store made just a few weeks ago. The desire to go and get a few was there, but your responsibilities at school were far more demanding, and so, you’d come to dejectedly accept the reality that you might never have them, not even a taste…
Luckily, Naoya's adoration for you (and determination to make you happy) was far bigger than anything else, literally, and with the possibilities he had… all that he needed to do was make a few phone calls and he’d soon have the happiest girlfriend in the world.
“Nothing's sold out for me” Naoya sappily admits, but to you, who was completely enamored by him at this point, was only the sweetest response yet.
“Oh, Naoya, thank you so much!!” You cry, taking him into a hug and attacking him with kisses all over his face. His cheeks become a flustering mess, and yet, does nothing to remove you. “I can't wait to try them!”
“Just be sure to eat first, though. I don't want you getting all full with mochi and then complaining you’re hungry…” he teases with a smirk.
You pout. “It was just one time!” that you wanted to recall. “But alright…”
Naoya kisses your cheek.
“Don't be upset, princess. If you want more, I'll get you more”
As long as you give him more of those sweet kisses, or more like tiramisu kisses, as they’d become known later on.
These were nothing more than just a few examples of the things you liked to do with Naoya. However, not everything would be completely enjoyable, and just as expected of life, the two were bound to eventually do things neither liked in its entirety—nothing too extreme, just… tedious by itself. Like studying.
Even then, however, Naoya always did his best to help you. Since he was the best student out of the two, he could easily provide you with the help you needed to improve your notes—if not the motivation to do so.
It was silly to think how Naoya at one point once hated doing this with you, or more like was oblivious to your actual intents when asking him for help. Back when the two were just barely staring to know each other, you'd come to him with the pretense of needing guidance with one of the many subjects you were struggling with.
And Naoya, was blunt and blind as he was with these social matters, would only limit himself to answer the follow:
“Why are you asking me? Isn’t your sister bright or something?”
It took a great deal for his friend Ranta to not slap the stubbornness out of him, instead, he managed to explain what you were truly attempting to do with these approaches. You can rest assured knowing Naoya felt like an absolute idiot after discovering this. Thankfully, now that he knows what you mean, he doesn’t let any opportunity pass. In fact, he even offers himself up for the job—even when you profusely refused.
“I don't want to study anymore…!!” You'd dramatically cry, resting your head onto your arms and down on the desk; simply continuing to whine. “I hate this!”
“Come on, princess; just a bit more and you’re done.” Naoya attempts to comfort, removing one of your hair strands covering your face. He enjoyed this silly side of you, thought it unbearably adorable… but he preferred you to be happy. By far.
“No. I don't want to; I don't care if I fail, I'm not doing this anymore! And nothing will convince me otherwise!”
“Are you sure?” He smirks, placing his arm around your waist and leaning closer to you.
“Yes!” You try your best to remain unaffected, even if deep within, you were desperately longing to bask in his touch.
“Not even a kiss?”
“Nope! Not even that!” You refuted his suggestions. “Don’t try to convince me otherwise, it won’t work!”
Well, you’d have to do better than that if you wished to stop Naoya.
“Oh, really? Not even…” Naoya then reaches for his bag to swiftly take out a small Gengar plushie. Coincidentally, the same one you saw at the mall a few days ago: the newest one Pokémon Center had released, and naturally, you’ve been dying to get. “…For this?”
You press you lips together, trying your best to control your impulses and freak out about the gift—but there’s one thing you always forget about Naoya: is that you can’t ignore his enchantments, and soon, you attempt to seize the plushie from his hands, only to once again, fail to acknowledge his impressive speed, a snarky smile on his lips as he imposes distance between the two.
“Nuh, uh, princess. You have to keep studying if you want this.”
“Just—give it to me!” you gasp, trying to reach for his arm once again, but he just keeps straying further and further away from you. In fact, he actually stands up to make it even harder for you!
But that doesn’t stop you, no, not at all, for you respond with the same energy, quick to stand up as well and throw yourself towards him in one last attempt to seize the plushie and claim what is rightfully yours!
If you hadn’t accidentally tripped over, that is, by innocently getting your feet stuck with the legs of a nearby chair and tripping onto Naoya, who instinctively grabs you and begins to worry about your wellbeing, Gengar effectively out of your mind.
Just like you—however, it was more by the fact you were embarrassed to have done such a thing, feeling nothing but stupid by allowing yourself to fall victim to such silly games, as seen in the redness of your face.
“Stop it!” you breathe, trying to free yourself from his arms, hide from his sight. But he holds you in place, fearing you were hurt. “Let me go!”
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
“I’m—I’m fine, just—just let me go!” you whine, and it’s a good thing that Naoya knows you so well to the point of understanding you don’t really mean to get away from him, but rather, hide your shame—which he hopes to ease by finally giving you the plushie of your desire.
“Don’t be upset, Y/N. It was just an accident.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head, you pout.
“This was so humiliating…” you lament. “I feel like a child! Oh, I’m so undeserving of this…”
“Hmmm, if it’s worth anything, today wasn’t that bad. In fact, remember that one time when you ate chocolate ice cream and—"
“Naoya!” you gasp, he laughs.
“Alright, alright!” He cups your face, pressing your cheeks together and making you pout. “I’m just joking; trying to make you feel better, you know?”
“Doesn’t seem like it…” you frown.
“I adore all of you. Even the embarrassing parts.” Naoya leans closer to your face, rubbing his nose against yours. Your heart swoons. “So don’t torture yourself about it.”
“…I adore you too.” You confess, eager to already tell him you loved him, but only when the time was right. When he felt ready.
“Let’s take a break and get something to eat, yeah?”
 “How about ramen? I bought some packets that are supposed to be super good the other day at the market. We can just get some hot water from the cafeteria and done!”
“You know how I feel about that type of food. I’d rather take you out to an actual restaurant.” He raises an eyebrow.
“I would like to but… we need to plan these things with time so we won’t be seen” you dolefully remind him, he sighs.
“Well, nothing beats a date at school.” Naoya then jests, you chuckle.
He then cups your face once again, leaning down to kiss you tenderly.
Saying it’s a nuisance falls short to how you actually felt about this whole ordeal. About having to walk around eggshells just to go out on dates, but until both were ready to let the world known of your relationship, (or prepare for the dramatic response you know your family and friends will have to it) this will have to do.
Unless you two were to lower your guards and let someone else win you to it, hinted by the sound of a shutter coming from the door, followed by a bright flash that made you and Naoya freeze instantly, eyes wide as both slowly turned over to the entrance, loathing all of the implications this moment provided, completely petrified when realizing it was much, much worse than anything you imagined.
For standing by the door frame, stood the culprits behind it all, the last people you wanted to know of your relationship with Naoya: Gojo and Geto—the latter holding the newest bane of your existence, and the former with his mouth agape, eventually letting out a loud shriek that snapped the two out of trance.
“Wait, Satoru, Suguru—It’s not—It’s not what you think!!” You scrambled to control the situation, to no avail, for it was exactly what they thought!
The same information that had them running into the hallways and heading to God knows where, certainly not to keep this secret hidden from the world.
It was only a matter of time before the whole school knew, especially if there was a photo involved! And after that happens, you and Naoya would be forced to give out explanations to everyone that dared ask. If fate found it to be merciful on you, then the only problems you'll have will come through your friends.
If not… then it’d also be a matter of dealing with his and your family as well.
The mere thought of it sends shivers through your spine—mind scurrying to envision all kinds of scenarios possible.
“Do you think they’ll—they’ll take me out from school?” you fretted. Naoya swallows, unsure.
Guess both will have to wait and see what the future has unwittingly prepared for the two—until then, you’d prepare the speech you’ll inevitably give your parents and his in hope of defending your relationship.
Or at least, the possibility of remaining in contact with Naoya, if settling for the worst.
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I realized that I wrote Naoya doing 1000 things for Y/N. But in my defense, Naoya is the type to give you good things and you're the type to give him good times? If that makes sense. I mean, he has a lot of money, and you're actually allowed to live a normal human life so, complementing each other!!! hahaha
Anyways, what a shocker. Who would've guessed that high school bullies Gojo and Geto were to find out you were dating Naoya first? UGH HAHHAAHHA It was only a matter of time tbh. Though I do fear for their life 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Well, since I love this concept so much be sure that I will write more about it. Or just about HS in general, agjkhasjkgas I love it 😭
Thank you so much for sending in this ask!! Can't wait to write the second part, the.... revelation and everything that will ensue. I wonder if they'll make it out of this alive? Who knows!! hehe.
Take care and hope to see you soon!!!
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