#but then it kinda got lost in the chaos of moving out (which I still have not done 😭)
br1ghtestlight · 9 months
I need to get back into learning the guitar again. i need to play wonderwall
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Things Are Changing (Part 14)
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Jason waited at the bar, tapping his fingers on a pint of beer he was too nervous to actually drink. Danny had gone out with the birds of prey tonight to either look after, or make a mess of, crime alley in his absence. He’d find out which one in the morning, though he trusted Danny to keep most of the Chaos under control since he loved their home almost as much as Jason did. 
He wasn’t nervous about what they were doing, he was nervous about meeting Roy again. Which was probably why he was early for the meeting, early enough to get a beer that was no longer as cold as it had been. He sighed at himself and took a sip. 
“Hey buddy,” Roy greeted, biting back a chuckle at the way Jason jumped. 
“Damn you and your light steps. You'd think after growing so much you'd make a little more noise,” Jason sighed, taking another sip from his beer before getting up and hugging Roy so tightly it made him wheeze. “It's good to see you too.”
“Damn, you got strong,” Roy gasped, patting Jason's back awkwardly. “You were such a scrawny kid too.”
“Ya,” Jason chuckled, putting Roy down again. He stepped back a little while Roy ordered a beer and glanced around for a more secluded table where they could talk a little more openly. Once Roy had his beer Jason jerked his chin towards the table, Roy nodded so Jason led the way over to it and they sat together. “It was from being malnourished as a kid, but a dunk in the pits seems to have repaired a bunch of that shit and I absolutely shot up! 
“It was kinda weird because for the first… year there I was barely conscious so when I finally came back to myself it was already to a body that was so much larger than the one I was used to. The LOA had been drilling me on techniques and shit so unconsciously I knew my new size and strength but anytime I tried to do something and thought even a little to hard about it I’d be so fucking clumsy! And you wouldn’t believe how many doorways I hit my head on before I got used to this height,” Jason chuckled, and Roy laughed along with him.
“Damn that's crazy, but also I totally get it. I was kept unconscious by Cadmus for years, when I finally got out of that fucking tube I’d lost my arm,” he held up his prosthetic, which was so good Jason had barely noticed it before. “And my muscles were so atrophied moving around felt nothing like it used to. I didn’t grow That much but it still… it was so fucking weird.” He sighed and took a bigger gulp of his beer, it clearly wasn’t easy to think about still.
“That’s fucked up,” Jason sighed, patting Roy’s shoulder. “Cadmus are a bunch of bastards. If you ever want help blowing up any of their shit let me know. I’m pretty good with explosives and guns now, and Danny would help too, and let me tell you,” Jason whistled softly and gave an almost feral grin. 
“Both you and Dick always go for the powerful ones huh?” Roy cackled, elbowing him.
“Hey! To be fair to me I didn’t know he was this powerful when we got together! I knew that he had a healing factor but that was all I knew until after we moved in together.” Jason said with a dramatic pout. 
“Still, I bet you picked up on the vibe,” He said and Jason sighed because he couldn’t refute that.
“What about you though? You said Lian’s mom is in prison now but who was she?” Jason asked, he figured it was fair game after the teasing about his own relationship, though he second guessed himself when he saw Roy sigh and slump a little.
“Cheshire,” he murmured, tracing the lip of his glass with a finger. 
“No shit!” Jason breathed, shocked but at the same… she was an interesting character, Jason knew she wasn’t all bad, and she was pretty.
“Ya, and she’s a good mom. She adores Lian, but you know how she and Artemis grew up right? They never really had a chance. I tried for years to keep her with us, but I don’t think she can get out of the life for real when she doesn’t know anything else. I can’t keep waiting for her, me and Lian, we gotta move on and make the best of things you know?”
“Ya, I get that, Do you have anyone else in your life now though? Since I’m assuming you and Cheshire aren’t really a thing anymore?” Jason asked curiously. 
“No I haven’t,” Roy said with a little shrug. “I tried at first you know? Especially since people kept saying Lian would need a mom, but dating with a kid is hard. I’d rather just focus on her then try to chase any skirt. Artemiss lives with us off and on so it’s not like Lian doesn’t have a female role model, me and Artemiss just don’t fit together. We tried to kiss one and it felt so fucking wrong! She’s like my sister.”
“I’m glad you’ve got support, and you’re doing great. If you ever need any help I can give, just let me know okay? Maybe it’s kinda sad to say since we haven’t talked in years, but you’re still my best friend.” Jason admitted, shifting awkwardly in his seat.
“Nah, it’s not that weird, you might still be my best friend too,” Roy said with a wry little smile and a shrug. “Sad… maybe, but honestly I’d say we’re both pretty fucking sad already.”
“Well, you’re not wrong, so cheers to that,” Jason laughed and they clinked their glasses together, giving each other sardonic smiles. 
They were quiet for a moment, just drinking their beers before Roy put down his drink and cleared his throat. “So, I assume Danny is your boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” 
“Ya, that’s him. He’s been with me a long time, even before we started dating. He’s… He’s absolutely amazing Roy, I’m not sure I deserve him,” Jason sighed.
“Oh come on now, of course you do, you-” Roy started but Jason was shaking his head and biting the inside of his cheek.
“There’s a real power imbalance Roy, and you wouldn’t think so given how physically powerful he is, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters more is he worked for me before we got together, and he’s so fucking broken after everything he’s been through. And I’m not kidding Roy, what he’s been through makes what happened to both of us look like a vacation. He sees me as his saviour, he’s said multiple times that he would do anything for me and he means it. 
“Roy…” Jason bit his lip, he hadn’t admitted this to anyone, hadn’t talked about it with anyone. Suddenly he was nervous as hell someone would overhear. “Do you mind if we go back to one of my safehouses to talk about this actually?”
“Sure, you got one nearby? We almost should have started there honestly,” Roy agreed, already pushing himself away from the table. 
“Ya, probably,” Jason chuckled awkwardly, putting down some money for their drinks and following Roy out. “There’s one in walking distance.” 
Neither of them spoke again until they were inside and settled on the beat up couch. “So, what were you going to say?” Roy prompted and Jason groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“I’ve had some serious anger issues since coming back, the Lazarus pit really did a number on my temper and my self control. Danny never defends himself. He’ll defend other people if he thinks I’m going overboard. But I don’t know if he has any self worth beyond what he thinks he can do for me you know? I love him, and he loves me and I love how devoted he is, but he’s almost too devoted you know?” Jason said, having thought better of actually admitting to beating Danny.
“Oh shit man, ya, that’s… complicated,” Roy said with a sympathetic frown. “I’ve never had to deal with anything like that, I don’t really know what to tell you, except I guess, encouraging him to make his own friends and shit, and try to be worth his loyalty?” 
“Ya, I’ve been trying,” Jason sighed, rubbing his face again and ruffling up his hair. “I can’t push him away, both because I love him and I don’t want to, and because he’s explicitly told me losing me would break him, like actually kill him.”
“That’s fucked up,” Roy agreed uncertainly. 
“Ya… But I mean other than that things are great. And He’s hot as hell,” Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood again after all that. It wasn’t fair to have Roy to have any actual advice, this situation was so far outside the realm of the normal.
“Ya? I believe you, the crazy ones usually are,” Roy joked back, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. “But pics or it didn’t happen.”
Jason laughed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the pictures he had of Danny, and of Danny and himself. Most of the pictures on the camera were of Danny honestly, and not all of them were fully appropriate. Danny liked to feel watched during sex and the camera would do.
“Damn, he is hot,” Roy agreed with a low whistle and punched Jason’s shoulder lightly. “Good for you dude.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him, you’re going to love him I’m sure. And hey, if you do like him, we like sharing,” Jason said with a meaningful little smirk that made Roy blush and choke. Jason laughed softly at him and switched apps to text Danny he was good to come join them now when he was ready too.
Danny was having fun running with the birds of Prey, they were busting up a trafficking ring Seline had found and doing a damn good job of it too he’d say! The girls were responding better to the ladies and Danny’s obviously queer self than they might have to the bats, and none of the traffickers had stood a chance against them!
Once it was done they went their separate ways, Harley and Salena wanted to make sure the girls got to a trusted shelter safely, and Ivy wasn’t really a people person so without her girlfriend there to help she left quickly too. Danny didn’t mind, he was just waiting for Jason to text him it was alright to come back, it shouldn’t be that much longer. He had already gotten a text that the visit was going well, which made him smile and eased his worry. 
He was just gazing up and the smog covered sky, considering going for a fly to see the stars when he heard a thump on the roof behind him. Danny had a bad feeling about who that was, since either of the brothers would have texted him before showing up. He sighed heavily and turned around seeing Batman looming on the other side of the rooftop. Though maybe it was Danny’s imagination that his posture was more uncertain then it had been before?
“What do you want?” Danny drawled, looking back up at the sky.
“I just want to talk,” Batman said, and Danny definitely wasn’t imagining that his voice sounded softer and less rough. “I… misjudged you at first, I couldn’t accept what Jason is capable of now and you were an easy scapegoat. I understand now that… Well, that it’s not your fault.”
“Huh,” Danny sounded, blinking in surprise and looking back at Batman consideringly. That hadn’t been what he expected. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Constantine thinks he knows what you are.”
Danny barked a laugh and leaned back a little. “So what’s the old magician’s theory?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with a knowing little smirk. 
“He says you're a halfa, the first one in thousands of years,” Batman shared, and Danny froze for a moment. 
“Huh, I hadn’t expected him to get it right,” He sighed sitting down on the edge of the roof and propped his elbows on his knees. 
After a moment of hesitation Batman came closer and sat down next to Danny, still out of arm's reach, which he appreciated. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, truly. And I’m sorry about what my colleagues said, whether the beings of the Infinite Realms are threats or not, it was an incredibly inappropriate response.”  
“If you just came to apologize, then apology accepted, and you can go now,” Danny said, giving Bruce a suspicious look. 
“No, that’s not all,” Bruce said, steepling his fingers and leaning forward on his knees. “Constantine told me that according to legends Halfas were creatures of balance, guardians of sorts. Do you have any way to learn about your… cultural heritage?” 
“Some of the ancients lived when halfas were still around. Frostbite and Clockwork have told me some. I’m still very young, I’ve been dead less than 6 years-” He noticed Batman wince slightly but ignored it- “It’ll take me a long time to grow into whatever it is I’m supposed to be.  Don’t you hold your breath when I do though. Balance and Justice aren't the same things after all. If I do ascend I’ll be fighting against you as often as I’m on your side I expect,” he chuckled.
“Right,” Bruce sighed. The disappointment in his voice made Danny cackle, though he muffled it with a hand since Batman was playing nice. “Well, the Justice League have a few supernatural consultants on call if you need to talk to someone. And if you need any help, really, let me know.” He stood up and held out a card. “Not that you need it with how close you are with both my-... All of my sons, but if you need any help. Call me. Being alone isn’t easy.”
“I absolutely won’t, but thank you,” Danny said, but after a moment of hesitation he slid the card into one of his pants pockets. Batman seemed satisfied with that, nodded to him. “And I’m not alone, I have Jason.” 
Batman froze for a moment, looking at Danny with wide eyes before Danny realized how that had sounded. He shook his head with a laugh. “No, Jason isn’t a halfa. His resurrection was under completely different circumstances! He’s got a bit of the Realms in him, but it doesn’t flow through him like it does me. He’s still, like, 85% human.”
“That… That’s good,” Batman sighed, his shoulders slumping a little.
“Did you have any more questions?” Danny prompted, cocking his head. 
“You offered help with any Realms beings. Do you expect we’ll have any trouble?” Batman asked, cocking his head a little. 
“Maybe,” Danny said with a little shrug. “It depends if the GIW still has an active portal somewhere, and how good their security is on it. Must be better than my parents used to be or we’d already be up to our eyeballs in confused ghosts, but it’s always a possibility.” He noticed the considering look Batman was giving him and gave a crackling laugh; “I haven’t been back to the realms in years. If anything’s going on there I don’t know about it. Though I’m sure Clockwork knows where I am if they really need me.” 
“Right, thank you for the offer,” Batman sighed and stood up. “And just think about my offer alright? If you need help, or protection, call. Not just from the GIW.”
Batman hesitated, opened his mouth to say something else and then sighed and shook his head. Whatever it was he seemed to have thought better of it as he turned away with a swish of his cape and grappled away. Dramatic bastard. 
Danny chuckled and shook his head at the older hero’s behaviour and pulled his phone out again. He had a text from Jason, telling him which safe house he and Roy were hanging out at and that he should come. And maybe… if he wanted to, to bring lube and the three of them could have some fun. 
Danny grinned sharply and licked his lips beneath his muzzle, well he’d just swing by their nest on the way over then! He texted Jason he would be there soon, and asked if they’d need condoms too.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
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So I wrote a whole long thing about Amy's tarot cards, but what about, you know... the rest of the Sonic Frontiers DLC? The new alternate story route, the hours of new gameplay, all that?
Having now played it, I'm not sure Sonic has ever had this specific combination of good ideas that make the future of the series look bright, and execution that I fucking hate.
(Full spoilers ahead.)
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The good
There's a lot to like here, conceptually.
First and foremost, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are finally playable in a new mainline 3D Sonic game for the first time since 2006! Seventeen years! We've been begging for this for so very, very long. Nature is finally truly healing from the fallout of Sonic '06. Early on I hedged my bets and expected them to be locked to Cyber Space or something like that, assuming that there was no way they'd be fully playable in the Open Zone. But sure enough, while they're a bit limited compared to Sonic, they're still all full-blown characters with skill trees to unlock and lots of exploration to do.
We also got a more bombastic alternate final boss fight, after the first take on The End kind of underwhelmed. And it's obvious that Sonic Team has listened to our pleas to focus on the 3D platforming over the forced 2D sections, and to reduce the amount of automation in the level design. This update is chock full of Actual Platforming. Wow! I can only pray this means we never get an area as agonizing to explore as Chaos Island again.
Sure, there's still some jank - especially with Knuckles' movement, which is kinda rough. But if this is the stuff they're trying out so that they can refine it further for the next game, then I'm really excited.
On the other hand, good fucking lord is The Final Horizon tedious. And that tedium sapped most of the fun out of it for me.
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The frustrating
The new scenario massively increases the difficulty over the base game, seemingly out of a desire to give the hardcore players who were posting speedrun videos and whatnot more of a challenge. It's the Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels of Sonic. This difficulty comes in many forms throughout your playtime, some worse than others, and continues to ramp up over time.
Rather than giving you a tutorial level, the new scenario dumps you directly into a remixed version of the final island and makes you do some fairly precise platforming with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails - new characters with new movesets that you won't have any experience with. You'll also need to find character-specific Koco that give you free levels, because Sonic's friends all start at level one and certain locked moves in their skill trees will be mandatory to progress. They don't even have Cyloop unlocked at the start. And because they're all low level, that means you'd better steer clear of the beefed-up bosses scattered around the map, which will absolutely annihilate Sonic's friends. (I honestly just avoided them and never bothered beating any of them, not even with my high-level Sonic. I have no idea if they're beatable with the others.)
None of this is explained to you particularly well. I spent my first few minutes with Amy wondering why the attack button did nothing, only to eventually think to check her skill tree and realize that I had to unlock her basic attack. If you don't bother to take the time to read through the skill trees, you'll very quickly find obstacles you have no way of getting past with no clues as to what exactly you're supposed to do.
Adding to this confusion is the fact that objective markers often tell you to go half a kilometer into the sky, and you'll have no idea how to get up there because all of the relevant platforms are out of your draw distance. Many objects seem to only pop in for me when I'm within about 60 meters of them, which isn't a long distance for a high-speed open world platformer like this. I was having this problem running the game with high graphics on PC, so I can only imagine how obnoxious it is on Switch. I'd frequently find myself poking around nearby clusters of platforming objects and praying that they'd lead me to a spring, rail, or cannon that would eventually point me in the direction of the floating objective marker.
There were always complaints about the art direction in Frontiers and the way it relies on floating rails and prefab platforms that are visually disconnected from the natural scenery of the islands, but it's even more dire here. The new platforming sections are dense and complex, but they seemingly didn't have the budget to change the topography of Ouranos Island at all, so it all takes the form of these prefabs. It very strongly gives the vibe of a Forge creation in Halo 3, back when there were no blank canvas maps and people just had to make "new maps" by jamming a bunch of shipping containers and barricades together in the sky above one of the default arenas.
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I was still more or less having fun, though, despite the jank. It's a big creative swing, I told myself! They're trying stuff out! They're experimenting!
And then I hit the towers.
The towers are agonizing because they're SO close to being great. The logical part of my brain understands why some people love them, but god, I just fucking hate them. The platforming there IS cool! These layouts are cool! The individual challenges along the way are a bit tough, but totally doable. You know what's not cool? Making one mistake and slowly falling 800 meters all the way back down to the ground, forcing you to start over. Because none of these towers have checkpoints. For me, this one decision transforms what should have been a fun set of platforming challenges into a massive, unfun difficulty spike.
I enjoy some masocore platformers, but those are typically games with quick deaths and restarts like Celeste, Super Meat Boy, or VVVVVV. Hell, the Mario games tend to get way more difficult than the average Sonic game, and those are obviously all great. Quite frankly, unlike those games, Sonic Frontiers is nowhere near tight or polished enough to make this difficulty feel fair. Bits of jank that I could ignore in the base game due to its lower difficulty are now matters of life or death. Missing a jump because I boosted off an incline in a way the game didn't like for reasons I don't understand is not fun. Falling off a tower because the camera was pointing in the wrong direction while I was in midair and I couldn't see the next thing I was expected to homing attack is not fun.
And it's such a jarring spike when moving from the base game to the DLC that it feels like the game is suddenly quizzing me on skills it never bothered to instill in me. Maybe if you've spent the last year labbing out the movement tech in this game this is all a no brainer, but for the average returning player it's a kick in the dick.
I'm sure I could've beaten these towers normally if I gave them enough tries. They aren't the hardest thing in the world. But I very quickly decided I had better things to do with my life and turned on easy mode, which adds tons of extra springs and homing attack balloons to make all of the platforming piss easy. I wish there was a middle option between Only Up: Sonic Edition and this extreme hand holding, but when given the choice between the two I gladly picked baby mode. I just wanted to see the story.
(The new Cyber Space levels are also long, challenging, and devoid of checkpoints, not unlike the towers. But I only ever found the entrances to two of them. So I only did two. They're theoretically required, because they give you "Lookout Koco" that you need for... some reason? But in a rare act of mercy, Sonic Team put Cyloop treasure spots that give you free Lookout Koco all over the map.)
As I continued, so many little things started adding up to piss me off. Why do you only reveal like five tiny squares of the map at a time? I would've loved to find all the new 1-on-1 dialogue scenes, but not if I had to do dozens of hard mode versions of the stupid little puzzles and challenges to reveal the whole map. Why does every character need their own unique collectibles? What is this, Donkey Kong 64? Why can't I just grab this EXP for Amy when I find it as Tails? Why can I only manually swap characters by talking to an out-of-the-way NPC unlocked right before the final boss? Why is fast travel disabled? Why are the new vocal themes you hear when playing as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails so monotonous, with a single verse repeating over lo-fi beats ad nauseum? Why is the jukebox feature completely disabled throughout the DLC, even after rolling the credits? Why can't Tails homing attack? Why do I have to wrestle with the camera so much while also holding the jump button to fly as Knuckles and Tails? How many right thumbs do they think I have? Why is this animation for picking up animals in the Cyber Space levels so incredibly slow, and why can I still take damage while it's playing? Why does the stupid starfall event have to make it so hard to see what I'm doing when climbing these towers? Why does this shitty combat trial have a popup that makes it seem like I should be using the Cyloop when the actual strategy revolves around repeated parries? And on and on and on...
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The story
What about the new story? Well, there sadly isn't much to chew on here. Most of the DLC has the cast running around and finding different macguffins for arbitrary reasons, as part of some sort of plan to divide up the work on the last island so that Sonic can go train with the spirits of the Ancients and harness the power of his cyber corruption. What the fuck is an Impact Form? I don't know, but Knuckles needs something to do, so go find one.
It's a thin excuse plot meant to make you do platforming challenges around Ouranos Island, with little room for Ian to add any real flavor of his own, even though he certainly tries. Having Sonic meet the spirits of the Ancients who controlled the Titans, who are revealed to directly parallel the personalities of him and his friends, is kinda neat, I guess? It's something. The optional conversations seem to have some fun bits, including both conversations between the supporting cast and additional lore. But again, I only found a few of those because of how tedious filling out the map was.
The writing is also let down by the voice acting - or I guess the voice direction, because I know this cast can do better. Roger's voice continues to be weirdly, distractingly deep as Sonic, which was clearly something that was requested of him just for this game. (For a recent example of him going back to his regular Sonic voice, see this LEGO trailer.) The performances of Sonic's friends are also WILDLY mismatched. This is most clear when they start feeling the effects of the cyber corruption. Knuckles seems to be barely affected at all, Tails sounds like he's moderately hurt and low on energy, and Amy starts completely overselling her pain out of nowhere. The extremely strained performance makes it sound like Cindy's literally being tortured in the fucking booth. I have no idea what's going on over there.
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The final challenges
People have debated whether or not things like the towers and the new Cyber Space levels are fair challenges. What's not up for debate is the fact that Master King Koco's Trial is complete and utter bullshit, and I can't believe they shipped this.
Before you can fight the new final boss, the game forces you to do a boss rush of the first three Titans - INCLUDING the pre-Super Sonic climbing sections - with a hard limit of 400 rings. For all three lengthy, heavily scripted fights. Back to back. You can't even cheese it with the leveling system, because you're forced to do this at level 1. This all but forces you to look up speedrun strats for the Super Sonic fights so that you don't run out of rings and fail the trial.
And the real kicker? They changed the parry just for this trial! Originally, you could just hold down the bumpers endlessly and Sonic would ready himself to parry the next attack, whenever that may hit. Now it requires you to do a "Perfect Parry" with specific timing. And you HAVE to hit those parries if you wanna clear this trial and get to the new ending. Miss a few and you're probably fucked. You just have to reset. Time to go through all those fights, all those climbing sequences, all those QTEs, and all those unskippable mid-fight cutscenes all over again. This is by far the most egregious example of the DLC deciding to quiz you on new skills that the base game never required of you, and it's one of the most absurdly unfair things I have ever seen in a Sonic game.
Easy mode does make this trial easier by making the timing window for Perfect Parries much more generous, but that's all the help you get. It's still easy to lose time failing to parry Wyvern's hard-to-read animations, or to lose rings by getting hit on the climb sections, or for things to just fuck up because these fights were always kinda jank. I gave it a few shots. I looked up guide videos. I tried the Quick Cyloop and stomp combo strat that seems all but mandatory. But I quickly decided that, again, this wasn't a worthwhile use of my time. It just sucks. And I really, REALLY didn't want to overwrite all my fond memories of these Titan fights, some of my favorite setpiece moments in any Sonic game, with memories of this shit ass boss rush.
So I cheated! And if you're on PC, you should too.
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With the worst hurdle out of the way, I turned cheats back off and moved on to the new final boss. It was pretty cool. It's much flashier than the original fight against The End, that's for sure. It's still kinda annoying, and it requires you to do very specific shit without properly telegraphing it, but it's nowhere near as bad as the preceding challenges. I was hoping for one last new metalcore song to go with the new fight, which we sadly didn't get, but at least the new version of I'm Here is good.
The ending is... mostly the same, with a couple altered scenes that don't really change anything in the long run. But overall the new finale was pretty good. I just wish it hadn't been such a slog to get there.
Closing thoughts
Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon wants to be three things:
A patch that adds a new alternate ending that was probably supposed to be in the base game in the first place.
An experimental take on making Tails, Knuckles, and Amy playable again, presumably testing things for the next game. And...
An official Kaizo Sonic Frontiers mod for the sickos.
The thing is, the people showing up for #1 and #2, the main things that Sega hyped up about the update, are not necessarily going to be down for #3. If they had announced some uber-hard new Cyber Space levels for the arcade mode or whatever, I'd be like, neat! And then not play them. I would never touch Master King Koco's Trial if it was an optional challenge. I would leave that for the sickos. But instead, they made the hardest content mandatory for anyone who wants to see the new Good Ending where the final boss gets an actual budget.
I'm mostly left in a state of shock that it shipped like this. I cannot believe they playtested this and decided this was the state The Final Horizon should be released in. That this should be the note Frontiers ends on. That this should be how we remember those Titan fights. That this should be the lingering taste in our mouths as we wait however many years for the next 3D game.
Armchair devs always love to say that things would be "easy to fix," but like... there really would be easy fixes for the insane difficulty and general tedium here! Add a few more tutorial popups explaining what the game expects of you with Sonic's friends. Give the Cyber Space stages and the towers a couple checkpoints. Give the combat trials more generous time limits, especially on the lower difficulties. Remove half of the map puzzles, and make the ones that remain uncover twice as many squares. Skip the startup animation for Knuckles' glide. Let me turn on the goddamn jukebox. Since so much of this update was designed around fan feedback, I can only pray that Sonic Team is still listening, and that they tweak at least a few of these things with a balance patch.
But still, after those many, many paragraphs of complaining... this still somehow makes the future of 3D Sonic seem pretty promising?
Sonic's friends are FINALLY playable again, and the focus is back to proper 3D platforming, rather than railroading players into awkward forced 2D sections in what's otherwise an open world. These are the things that they hopefully want to carry over to the next game. The difficulty? Well, that's just because it's the postgame DLC that's supposed to be the toughest challenge in the game. It's just an unreasonably cruel one of those - an example of how designing and balancing for a vocal minority of your fanbase can really hurt your game. But Sonic Team is onto something here, and I hope that they can learn the right lessons from this expansion and not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi Petri, soooo I just finished Dead man walking and already (not that soon though, cause I know you have many requests to get through) need a part 2 because this is my new favorite thing, I love it, you did amazing (as always <3).
You can do whatever you want for part 2 but I wish you could do a little scene where the reader is trying to figure something about her job out and Gally is there just staring at her, and how beautiful she looks when concentrated,and they're just flirting and having fun. Also please do a lot of Fry teasing them because I absolutely love it.
Yes, absolutely, I can.
Love my boy Gally.
Sorry I've been MIA.
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SUMMARY: See above. Continuation from part 1. Time skip to the Safe Haven.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, Frypan bullying Gally, awkward tension, you not being sure what to do with yourself, reference to Chuck's death. WICKED being WCKD because movie. Newt's dead. Rip.
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The past few weeks have been a blur of chaos and emotion.
You'd arrived at the Safe Haven. But, you were the only person left from the rebels.
Lawrence stormed the City, destroying and setting fire to everything, which was not the plan. And not something you agreed with.
You'd split off and made your own way through the City, managing to bump into Gally on his way to their escape ship. His group had taken some blows.
They'd lost Newt to the Flare. Teresa got swallowed by a burning building. Thomas had been shot. Minho had been deeply traumatised at WCKD's hands.
Life hadn't been easy on these kids. But at least they're safe now.
And so are you, even if you're permanently having some kind of identity crisis due to too much free time and losing your rebellious means.
But, hey, you've still got Gally, at least.
Well, sort of.
Things have been painful awkward since your kiss in the Last City.
It's no one's fault in particular. You've been moving a hundred miles an hour your entire life, and now you get shouted at for finishing your work too quickly, and you're not really sure how to deal with people when you're not bossing them around or being bossed around.
And, Gally is just generally terrible at feelings.
It's actually mildly concerning, sometimes.
Which has led to a weirdly tense friendship where neither of you really know what you're doing.
It's a painful watch.
And you kinda sorta forgot that Gally is still a slightly awkward teenage boy with no experience with women.
It's definitely an experience; but on the bright side, you've become an honorary Glader. Sure, you don't understand the slang still, and you have to remember to not ask too much about the Maze or some of the people because you'll be met with several PTSD induced panic attacks. But, you've befriended them.
Minho is funny and sarcastic and incredibly tough.
Frypan is sweet, and also kind of funny. And he's an excellent cook despite what the other boys say.
Thomas is bold and determined, even taking a bit of a leadership role alongside Vince - even after his well-deserved break.
And whilst Brenda and Jorge aren't quite Gladers, you also like them quite a bit. Jorge reminds you of Lawrence in a way. He's rebellious and bold, but instead of cold and occasionally terrifying, he's funny and fraternal. And Brenda is kind of like you in a way, except she's playful. Which you have severely been lacking in the last few years of your life.
Yet, despite integrating into his friend group, his new home, his daily life - yours and Gally's relationship is still at a weird standstill.
So, you've decided to dive into work. Helping Vince is an easy way to clear your mind, and helping out people who've suffered under WCKS's hands is kind of your speciality.
You prepare blankets, clean, help Frypan in the kitchen, help with building plans, settle petty disputes; you name it, you do it.
And that's something Gally has always admired about you.
"Oi, shank, you're starin' again." Frypan says, snickering as he sits next to Gally, the light from the flames bouncing off his face.
Bonfires are an almost nightly occurrence at the Safe Haven. A celebration of their freedom and security. But, it's a bittersweet experience for the remaining Gladers. Memories of happier times dance in the fires of community. They always thought escaping the Maze would be the end, but they often find themselves remembering simpler times.
You don't share the same heartfelt irony.
"I'm not starin'." Gally grumbles back, yet his eyes still linger on you.
You walk around, handing out drinks and occasionally adding to the fire, making small talk; mainly with Vince, Thomas, and Brenda. You also occasionally take grimances sips of Gally's special brew - another festivity bought from the remains of the Maze.
"Uh huh, sure you aren't." Frypan chuckles as he sips his drink, a beat passing between the boys. "I don't get it. You guys kissed. Like, you kissed an actual girl. And now... what?"
Gally sighs, dropping his head as he speaks in a grumbled tone. "I... I don't know, man. She's... she was my boss. She saved my life. You know she found me in the Maze and-"
"And did everything to patch you up. Took you under her wing. Yeah, yeah, we know, we get it." Frypan rolls his eyes, knowing the story off by heart. "You clearly care about her, so why not actually doing something about it?"
"She hasn't done anything about it."
"Uh, yeah, she did."
"When she shuckin' kissed you, slinthead."
Gally falls silent for a moment, eyes landing back on you. It's everything about you; your hair, your eyes, your smile, the way you hold yourself, your passion - everything.
"...I don't wanna shuck it up, Fry."
Frypan's eyes land on his friend, the teasing tone slipping away as he looks at him. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Gally anxiously taps his foot, eyes lingering on you again. He looked at you like you were a Goddess and him a feeble insect, blessed to be in your mere presence.
"Gally?" Frypan presses him, brows starting to furrow in worry.
Gally has never been good with words. He's aggressive, and scary, and dangerous. Even if he has learnt to forgive and become more humble thanks to you, it's not like he's become an expert at this. And now he has...
He sighs, running his fingers through his short hair. "...I messed everything up back in the Maze. I was scared, and I acted on my own. I tried to hurt you guys, and I..." He trails off, the sound of the gunshot and Chuck hitting the floor still burnt into the back of his retinas. He shakes his head, clearing his throat. "I don't wanna mess this up, too."
Frypan looks at him for a few seconds, before smacking him on the back of the head.
"Klunk-! Fry! What the shuck, man?" Gally grumbles as he rubs the back of his head.
"Are you hearing yourself, shank?" Frypan leans forward on his knees. "That girl over there brought you back from the dead. She saw the potential in you and made it work. Without you, we would've never been able to save Minho, we would've never stopped WCKD - hell, we probably wouldn't even have made it here, man. Get a grip. You ain't that same sissy that spent his time buggin' out around the Glade, terrified of change. You're a hero and a rebell who risked his life for change."
Gally looks at his friend, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"And the only way that you're shucking this up, is if you sit you shank-ass here and do nothing." Frypan continues, letting the statement hang in the air for several moments.
Gally nods, churning the words over in his head.
"I'm right. Am I right, or am I right?" Frypan grins.
Gally snorts, shaking his head slightly. "You're right."
"'Course I shuckin' am." Frypan grins, patting his long-time friend's back. "Now, are you gonna sit here, wasting your breath yappin' my ear off - or are you gonna go get your girl?"
Gally struggles to hide the smile playing on his lips.
His girl.
He likes the sound of that.
"I'm gonna get my girl."
Whilst Gally gets his heart to heart (lecture) from Frypan, you've taken to cleaning up cups and desperately trying to stop drunk people from falling over. It's not a pleasant way to spend your evening, but it takes your mind off your boredom and constant speculation about your relationship with Gally.
"Hey, Boss." The familiar voice pulls you away from your thoughts, landing on the broad boy.
"I told you you don't have to call me Boss anymore, Gally." You roll your eyes slightly, continuing to pick up glasses.
"Yeah, sorry, force of habit." Gally rocks on his heels, anxiously looking at you.
"...You good?"
"Uh, yeah - uh, can we talk?" You raise an eyebrow at his words, a bubble starting to form in the pit of your stomach. "Like.. in private?"
"Sure. 'Course. Uh, wanna walk along the beach?"
"Yeah." He smiles slightly. "Sounds good."
You put the glasses you've collected down, nodding for him to follow you as you both head towards the waves, starting to wander as the waves just miss lapping up your feet.
Gally doesn't look at you for a while. His eyes fixed on the endless sand ahead of him; it's a heavy silence.
You don't push him. Sure, you spent months pushing him to his full potential. But when it came to talking, it was better to let Gally take his time.
After about ten minutes of walking, he finally takes a deep breath. "So, uh... I spoke to Fry.."
"Oh, yeah? What did he have to say this time?"
"He basically called me a useless slinthead." He chuckles dryly, glancing at you.
"Slinthead? That's like a dickhead, right?" He grins slightly; you're still getting used to the dumb slang of the Glade - it really doesn't help that every group of Maze escapees has their own set of personal curse words.
"Yeah, basically." He chuckles.
"...why'd he call you a dickhead? Sorry- slinthead."
He can't help but shake his head at you, that smile still on his face. "Well, uh, I've been a massive diaper-klunkin' sissy, basically."
You blink. What the fuck does that even mean?
He laughs at your confusion before composing himself, stopping to look at you, which makes you stop, too. You face him, brows furrowed slightly as nervousness starts to feel heavy through your inside.
"...remember before the Last City fell? When you kissed me?"
You freeze, embarrassment heating your face as you'd began to start cringing at the memory when you fall asleep. "Honestly, I thought you'd forgotten that." You attempt to joke to lighten some of the tension.
He scoffs. "Yeah... I've been a bit of an idiot." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just... I was worried about ruining things between us, yanno? I'm so used to messy everything up and-"
"You don't mess everything up." You interject, immediately prepared to defend him against himself.
"Yeah - I know; Frypan already gave me the lecture." He grimaces slightly, almost like he's cringing at himself. "But... I like you. Like, I really shuckin' like you. And... we're safe here. I wanna stop being such a pussy and just..."
It takes a second to sink in what he's saying, your skin feels warm and tingly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. "...just?"
"...I just wanna ask you if... you'd... like to be my girlfriend?" His confidence falters with every word, voice raising in pitch, scrunching his face as he finishes his question in embarrassment. "That sounded shuckin' awkward." He sighs. "Listen-"
You don't listen, because he has no time to speak. Adrenaline takes over as you step towards him, hand coming to cup his cheek as you press your lips against his once again.
The kiss is short and sweet as you pull away, meeting his half-lidded eyes and wide grin. "Take that as a yes?"
"Yes, Gally, I'd love to be your girlfriend. Took you fuckin' long enough."
He snorts. "Yeah, yeah." He leans back in, kissing you again, this time deeper and with more passion, his fingers creeping around the back of your head and into your hair.
"Shuck yeah!" Both of you pull away from each other, seeing Frypan shouting from half way down the beach. "Told you she's your girl!"
You look at Gally. "The fuck is he on about?"
"...Don't worry about it."
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So, I'm back.
And back with a part 2, nonetheless. Sorry for vanishing, lads, I've had some wicked lack of motivation and I feel like a bit of a dick about it.
Yanno... since it's been literal months.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed :))
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necroromantics · 1 year
hello, this is only a suggestion about something you could write someday only if you like it. I'm really curious about this: imagine toby has a s/o before becoming a proxy, so how would he behave after his disappearance? do you think he would stalk them? maybe he would plan some kind of encounter or get caught stalking them (if so, how it would happen)? idk, i recently found your blog and I just love your Toby and I was wondering what your headcannons could be on this scenario.
🪓 — Ticci Toby + Old Friend
we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when. but i know we’ll meet again some sunny day.
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AN: my bad if this kinda sucks, im not used to writing prompts like this also i wrote this in point form, but if you’d like a oneshot instead let me know 🙏
- i cant imagine toby having the emotional capacity or social skills for a proper relationship prior to becoming a proxy, though i can see him having something of an unspoken mutual love with a childhood friend
- but once he lost lyra, he isolated himself so heavily from everyone and everything, which ended up with him pushing away the only person who treated him like a human being
- a couple of years had passed until he saw them again, and when he did, he couldn’t catch his breath. it happened completely by chance. to be honest, dealing with everything he did, and with the effects of slender sickness, their existence completely slipped his mind until that fateful night.
- it was late, and dark, they were walking home from a particularly rough shift and toby caught a glimpse of them from his spot standing under the flickering streetlight.
- he almost yelled out after them when it processed in his brain where he recognized that face and stride from. once it clicked, toby took a moment before moving from his spot. he needed distance to be able to follow them home without being caught.
- when they approached their dimly lit condo, they fumbled with the key to the front door for a moment. taking the opportunity, toby quietly snuck up behind them and snaked his hands around their waist.
- “found you”
- their first reaction was to spin around and clock him in the face, and of course their fist bounced off like nothing. he didn’t flinch, he even chuckled a bit.
- when they saw his face, they gasped.
- “i thought you died in the fire???”
- “yeaah about that…”
- from that point on, toby would sneak into town just to visit them. he would rarely enter through the front door, he much preferred to enter through the bedroom window his old friend made a note to keep unlocked. it was what he was used to. he was a peculiar boy grown up to be an even more peculiar man.
- but they continued with each other as if there was no time apart. like a missing puzzle piece finally finding its way home. his lost friend would question him, but learned quickly it got absolutely nowhere. asking him was futile. they knew better.
- toby would come to them, they weren’t ever allowed to know where he was, or what he did when he was away.
- they were kept under lock and key. his secret. prized possession.
- on particularly bad days, he would show up to their place and just silently lay in bed with them, allowing his prize to run their fingers through his messy brown hair and let the chaos of the outside, and his job, slip away for a moment.
- the light in his otherwise dark and twisted world. a part of him was so scared of getting them hurt, or even worse hurting them himself.
- but he was still the same unstable, angry boy he always was. and though he tried, he wasn’t cut out for being a good partner to his long lost. there would be fights, threats, hatchet marks on the walls and doors.
- they would learn soon that he wasnt the same boy he was.
- toby could never really shake the feeling that his lover only looked at him with eyes that screamed ‘what have you done?’
- if they ran away, he would kill them. or keep them locked up in an abandoned cabin off somewhere in the forest for the rest of their miserable life.
- and if they chose to stay, they would have to spend all their time and energy being disrespected and drained. there was no fixing things. he wasnt a kid that meant well anymore, he wasnt a victim. whether they knew it or not, he was a cold blooded serial killer.
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j0die101 · 1 month
I love how Illya and Napoleon just seem to take turns saving each other's lives. And also, how they would have kept ending up dead if not for the moment of "I hate this dude but guess I gotta save him, only for the sake of the mission of course" when they saved the other one before. Especially at the beginning of the movie.
See under the cut for a very detailed list 😅😅
~Illya holds onto the car Napoleon and Gabby try to escape in~ Napoleon could have very easily killed him right there, clear shot, no distance at all, but somehow it just doesn't seem fair (N "saves" I)
~ Public bathroom scene: Illya refrains from suffocating Napoleon after his boss tells him to let go.~ kinda not sure whether that counts. Saving his life by not killing him (?), guess he could've just ignored his handler and go all in. I'll let it count. (I "saves" N)
~ breaking into the satellite facility part 1: almost getting caught because Illya is too slow to pick the lock -> Napoleon picking the lock for them (N saves I, or well saves them both)
~ breaking into the satellite facility part 2: Illya figuring out a way to escape when everything goes to shit. (I saves N, or well also saves them both)
~ The best, funniest and most epic scene in the entire movie if you ask me: the harbour and Napoleon's little truck-picnick~ now see I really love this scene because it is incredibly comedic while being incredibly dramatic and angsty and a major turning point in the story. They're being chased - they're out in the harbour on a boat - all escape ways blocked - Napoleon holding on to the top of the boat. They're being shot at - a lot. Illya takes a sharp turn - Napoleon falls off the boat into the water, or does he let go on purpose ?- Illya doesn't notice right away. Turning around a few moments later he only sees the entry holes of the shots, right where Napoleon used to hang on. What conclusion does this lead him to? Surely he must think Napoleon got shot, fell off the boat and is drowning or bleeding out or both somewhere on the water. He is on his own. So he tries to get away, but is fighting a lost fight. Meanwhile, Napoleon swims ashore, finding the picnic basket on the truck and just enjoys a little break, while Iliya is being hunted down.
Now here comes the part, which I consider the major turning point in their partnership. It's a tiny little moment. Almost unnoticeable. Almost.
Illya's boat is now on fire, and it's sinking quite rapidly. The hunt is over. Napoleon starts the engine of the truck. He's about to just drive off, in the chaos no one would suspect their own truck driving out of the harbour. He could just tell their handlers the truth. Iliya was killed by their targets. Get rid of him easily and move on with the mission by himself.
But then, he changes his mind. We can see how his expression changes. He's like "damn, somehow I can't do that. Why do I have to be like this? Why can't I just let him be done with?" Kinda being annoyed by himself really.
And so he turns the truck, drives it into the water, right onto their opponents boat, sinking all of them. Using the headlights to locate Illya. Saving his life by dragging him to the surface and ashore. (N saves I)
~ the chair: Napoleon is trapped, tortured by a nazi psychopath, no way of escaping. He believes Gaby has sold them out. He has no idea whether Illya is even still alive. And yet, somehow there he is, getting him out of a hopeless situation. (Also if anyone is ever shocked by electricity, get them to the hospital immediately!!! Heart failure can happen from this as well a day after as right away. They need to be under medical observation!!! Don't let the media tell you otherwise!!!) (I saves N)
~ the iconic motorcycle scene. Illya is hurt, trapped under his own vehicle after a crash that, lets be honest, should have killed him instantly. Napoleon is trying to save Gaby from the crashed car and is ambushed, about to get shot point blank while on his back on the ground. Yet somehow Illya doesn't just manage to get his motorcycle off of himself, but continues to throw it onto Napoleon's assailant. Guess Iliya's in the lead now (I saves N)
~ And finally: the stand off about the disc. Illya feels betrayed, he is struggling, he doesn't want to kill Napoleon, but needs to finish the mission. He is close to a psychotic episode. There is so much pressure on him, who wouldn't be stressed to their total limit. By now Napoleon knows him, he is excellent in reading people. He would have been able to shoot first. Maybe even resulting into killing Illya. But instead he decides differently and is able to de-escalate the situation. By showing care and kindness (aka surprising Illya with the watch). Thereby he doesn't only save his own life, he probably saves them both. (N saves I, I guess)
~ together they are able to make the only logical decision. A decision that is probably saving millions of lives. They burn the disc. Disobedience against their handlers. A decision based on what is right. Together. (N&I saving loads of people together)
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
I was rewatching Daredevil season 2 and while, yes, I’ll fully admit Matt had many issues going on and was trying to do everything and please everyone and be everything at the same time that he overwhelmed his own plate, that he was a bit asshole-ish in a way BECAUSE of those reason, that his communication skills fell through the cracks, and yeah maaayybbbeee he didn’t handle the whole Karen/Elektra thing well at all- HOWEVER
It always bothered me that he never did get to explain to Karen why there was another woman in his bed. And idk what it really looked liked from Karen’s point of view, but that was clearly a woman who’s not well/has been hurt. He just never got the chance to say “oh, welp, she was nearly sliced in half, poisoned and nearly died” which, granted he couldn’t tell her all of that but a quick “she was attacked” mmmmaaayyybbbeee would have helped like a smidge?
And, I always see people call Matt an asshole during that season but again, I never truly thought he was straight up a dick. Ya know? He wasn’t, he tried to handle everything at once and he couldn’t. He went from almost having a relationship with Karen, going good with Foggy and the firm and then Frank shows up, nearly shoots his head in, gets Frank captured, thinks things are going good again, chaos and pain he never dealt with shows up in the form of Elektra, is kinda sorta manipulated into helping her and she bribes the firm with money, tries to be Daredevil and Lawyer for the biggest case of the decade with Frank, fights ninja’s he can’t sense with his abilities, accidentally almost gets Elektra killed, nearly misses the cases.
Asshole Stick shows up, Matt realizes Elektra and Stick know each other, Karen walks in, Foggy is mad. Karen wants nothing to do with Matt, Foggy tries to get him back on track and Matt (because he’s Matt and has guilt and thinks his friends are better off without him) pushes Foggy away. Thinks he has Elektra who chooses him and to “be better” when he thinks he’s lost everything, only for him to be shot with an arrow, had a kid killed by Elektra moments after the “be better”, realizes he was just a mission, again has no one. Finds out that all he did putting Fisk away was help him get control of the prisons and now he’s feeling like all their hard work was for nothing. Pushes Claire away- the last person who really is still trying to be on his side and give him tough love- like…
This poor man. This poor, guilt ridden, martyr masochist of a man tried to do everything at once, be a good friend, boyfriend, lawyer, hero, and it all just falls through his fingers no matter how much he did or tried. And it continued to fall to shit afterwards…which lead to him in the Defenders trying not to be apart of anything, to having and still wanting and needing to- to Season 3 Matt.
And that’s where his development continues and it’s beautifully heartbreaking to watch that man fall apart and push people away to finally realizing pushing the people who truly love him away and just being Daredevil was not the right move and yeah, maybe accepting some help and being honest is what’s best, and truly accepts himself as both Matt and Daredevil, asshole or not. And that when it comes down to it, Foggy is the purest heart of gold best friend Matt could ever have because he recognized all of that in Matt and refused to abandon him even after everything.
This got away from me….I shouldn’t write things while sick and on cold meds 😅
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aachria · 1 month
im in so much agony.
what the hell man ☹️
ALSO SABO (semi, he never got clarification 💀) KNOWING LUFFY AND ED ARE MARRIED LETS GOOOO 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️
imma be so fr i understood maybe half the plan. like i got it, i kinda know whats happening, but thats only for phase one..... phase two and three im so fucking lost they both said sm and i felt my mind explode. i forgot to read half the sentences and my mind was so blown i just decided to not go back and read them even though they will probably fix me and make me realize exactly whats going on LMAO
i once again request a 10k chapter, although still no threats bc im scared of my weird dream curse 💔 which i still have..... its better tho- its evolved into tumblr becoming a weird celestial being because when it said ur discontinuing ur fic as an ad and caused chaos people ended up worshipping tumblr to try and get you to keep writing ur fic- so no longer a nightmare just a really weird dream.... 😭
Teehee. Be so honest with me did you think I would just leave that prime angst real estate unpoked?
Poor Sabo will get real answers one day. Hopefully. He was so damn much fun to write I just love him. Him and Ed are the two smartest people you know who also happen to be the most unstable and likely to cause an international incident by being a lil silly and goofy.
That plan... oh that plan. Writing that plan was fun and I got very carried away. I was terribly proud of myself for remembering half the shit in there before I had to pull up the wiki, and the Enies Lobby bit will be my smartest move until the next time I do something remotely smart.
Baby I'm going to hold your hand as I say this because I am being so for real, at this point if you are still having this dream every night you need to genuinely consider seeking professional help. That's not normal or healthy. Talk to a therapist or guidance councilor or something.
I hope to god you mean before the movie started or when it was done because if you had your phone out while that movie was playing I will be very disappointed. I wanted to go see it this week with my mom but it didn't end up happening ✊😔 I did rewatch both Top Gun movies though. Love those.
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theninthdoor · 9 months
What does the future hold for Blackpink member's individual careers going forward?
Jisoo || ten of wands, queen of swords: If she hasn't started to get them already, she's about to… there are tons and tons of offers coming her way. So many, in fact, that it will likely become very overwhelming both for her and her new company/management. She'll have to decide first the direction in which she wants to take her career, and only then should she decline or accept them. I also feel like she's way more at ease now when it comes to rejecting projects and deals, since there's no longer that feeling of "if I don't take this, I might never get another chance" (because, as we know, YGE was always extremely picky with the kind & how many solo activities the girls were allowed to do).
Jennie || I've looked into Jennie's career future already > here
Rosé || the high priestess rx, nine of wands: I think, in the upcoming months, Rosé will be trying to find her identity both as a person and as an artist. This newfound "freedom" is nice, of course, but it also brings about a lot of stress and uncertainty. She got so used to being told what to do and having others make decisions for her, that now she's a bit lost, anxious and unsure of what it is that she wants to do or who she wants to be. It might take her a little longer than the others to come out with new music or big solo activities, I think, but once we get them, they'll be totally genuine and true to the (new) vision she has for herself.
Lisa || ten of swords, queen of wands rx: So, I'm getting 2 main messages from this… 1) she's ending a lot old partnerships, either because they don't align with what she wants for her future or because she feels like these people/companies/entities aren't really rooting for her. To be completely honest with you, I think much of this has to do with the Paris show debacle, and the possibility that these companies either stayed quiet and still instead of supporting her, or gave her a slap on the wrist for it. Regardless, she's done with them. 2) I kinda see her wanting to cause a little more chaos??? Lisa still doesn't feel "free"; the chains of her idol career/image are pretty much still intact, despite what happened. I think she wants to enter or "Good Girl Gone Bad" era soon, but even though that move has proven to work for many, I just wish she'd be more careful with how she decides to go about it - since I'm also picking up on some (more) brands/people distancing themselves from her because of it.
btw, sorry if Lisa's answer was a bit longer, but there were a looot of layers to it. I tried my best to narrow it down.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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Any thoughts on how Mic & Aizawa got together in CC? Like, did they start dating in high school? After they graduated? Was there a painful pining phase that made all their friends want to kill them?
I hinted before that it was a poly thing with them and Oboro(who was probs the one who asked them out if Midnight didn't watch them all pining and smack them upside the head) and like.
They did get together in high school and that was mostly just some normal pining and such but also due to the Oboro situation that went sideways for a bit.
Oboro's death kinda. Hit them hard in different ways and swung between finding comfort in each other but more often than not it was just. A lot. For them to be with each other.
Mic is handling things.... decently. He's more bottling everything up and it /will/ come out one day but he's just kinda trying his best to move forward while Aizawa is kinda lost in grief. And that does kinda fuck them up because Mic is upset that Aizawa doesn't seem to be trying to make progress while Aizawa's in the 'how dare you try to move on' thing. (neither are right or wrong here but god do they need therapy)
They didn't explicitly break up, but they weren't exactly together anymore.
And then I'm like. I'm speedrunning Aizawa's character development so that a lot of it happened pre-Canon of him like. Coping by overcompensating. Pushing himself too hard. And eventually taking out his anger on people who aren't pushing themselves to the same unhealthy extent in the same unhealthy ways
Ms. Joke was kinda the first target in this, given her entire persona is about being goofy and all so when given close proximity... but she's also got thick skin and is a determined motherfucker and is like "I can fix him!" (baby girl please your taste in men is awful)
This continues for a while and even into Aizawa's first year as a UA teacher where he just starts randomly expelling any student he feels isn't extremely dedicated and taking it seriously. Which is, ultimately, all of his students within the first like month. Because they're dumbass 15 year olds who are mostly trauma-free ofc they're gonna good off and not buckle down and be serious all the goddamn time.
Nezu is like 'look I love some chaos as much as anyone else HOWEVER you need to get your shit together because I can't have you expelling literally all of your students. PLEASE get therapy!'.
Which does piss Aizawa off for a bit. Because he's heavily projecting. He lost someone. Any of them could die at any moment they need to take this seriously and prepare for it! They're here to be Heroes not have fun! Not taking things seriously will get them killed!
This does swing back around to Ms. Joke who does end up snapping at him of just like a 'god don't you get it? People have to have fun and goof off and be fuckin happy sometimes or else they're absolutely miserable and probably just want to die!'(she might like being silly and all but humor is /also/ a coping mechanism for her)
And it's.... yeah just her snapping and pointing that out does kinda. Hit. In having him realize that 'oh I'm very much Not Okay™'.
Which gets him to actually get his ass some therapy so he can help process the grief and the whole like. You're allowed to take a break, you're allowed to be happy and do things that aren't serious when you don't have to be on the job you don't have to be paranoid 24/7 that someone else you love is gonna fuckin drop.
After a bit of this he does meet up with Mic again to talk on just. Everything. Kind of apologize. Mic def hits his own breaking point here too. And they need to do a bit of work but GOD do they miss each other.
Slowly but surely they work on themselves and each other and by the time of CC they've gotten to the point where they're married now and while they still have some hiccups they're a hell of a lot better.
ofc we get the added 'oh hey your dead boyfriend is actually alive but was kidnapped, experimented on, given amnesia, and has been forced into villainy for the last 10+ years and for bonus points he's a dilf now' drama later
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nightmare13 · 2 years
Yang Jungwon
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One shots
Lost cause
Synopsis: since your brief friendship with your crush, yang jungwon, ended in radio silence, you’ve been determined to keep him at arm’s length. jungwon, convinced that you’ve grown to hate him during your months of disconnection, is equally as determined to win you back.
Genre: high school au, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn warnings. cursing, one mention of piss
Word count: 8.5k
Stars on your ceiling
Synopsis: you’ve heard countless stories of how your parents met, and of the vivid dreams that brought the two of them together. still, once you begin to have soulmate dreams of your own, it’s hard to enjoy getting to know your supposed other half when your best friend occupies your thoughts instead (and when your soulmate doesn’t remember these shared dreams ever happening).
Genre: soulmate au but not really, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff + angst
Word count: 21.7k
$3 Coffee
Synopsis: Yang Jungwon works evening shifts in a late-night convenience store. You attend evening college classes. How did you end up being so awkward that you made the store workers feel as if they were bothering you, and then end up walking out with a $3 coffee you didn’t even want?
Genre: Fluff, Short story, Strangers to crushes.
Word count: ~3k
X - part one;
Synopsis: what do you get when you have a stupid asshole of a bestfriend (who’s completely head over heels for you, should he add) and a fucked up ego that refuses to admit any form of defeat? you guessed it: the summoning of a jealous ex-boyfriend who dumped you two years ago, and is hell-bent on winning you back.
Genre: angst, fluff, slow burn, exes au, college au
Word count: 28.5k+
Social Media AUs
Diamond league
Synopsis: in which lee heeseung creates a minecraft server for his friends and all sorts of chaos ensues, including the budding romance between you and yang jungwon
Genre: social media au (smau), crack, fluff, slice of life, horror/mystery (for pt. 2), gamer au, youtuber/twitch streamer au, (one-sided) enemies to lovers
All clear!
Synopsis: for as long as you’ve been on jyp university’s badminton team, your team’s main rivals have been hybe university. the rivalry goes way back, and as the team captain, you’re well aware of your team’s disdain towards the hybe team - but it just so happens that you’re secretly dating hybe’s team captain, yang jungwon. and since tournament season is coming up soon, the rivalry between hybe and jyp is stronger than ever, and you and jungwon both know that if the secret got out, conflicts would arise. you’ve heard of enemies pretending to be lovers, but have you heard of lovers pretending to be enemies?
Genre: smau, fluff, crack, angst but only a teeny bit i Think, secret relationship
A project and a guitar
Synopsis: jungwon is just a boy who plays guitar for fun and that can't stop himself from looking at you in class, he never thought of talking to you even if he had the biggest crush in the whole world, but what happens when a project forces him to make a move on you?
Genre: smau + written chapters, highschool!au, fluff, slight angst, strangers to lovers, kinda slow burn, love triangle (?) but not really.
The language of flowers
Synopsis: jungwon’s just every bit in love with the student council president who keeps visiting his flowershop OR in which you find solace in a flowershop, and its owner’s grandson finds solace in you.
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff
Unexpected partners
Synopsis: Jeon YN has had a crush on Yang Jungwon since Freshman year. To Jungwon, she is the perfect VP. That is until YN announces that she isn’t going to be running for StuCo in senior year.
Genre: SMAU. Friends to Lovers. Highschool au. Angst. Fluff. Comedy.
Admiring you!
Synopsis: You’ve never had good luck with dating. You just couldn’t seem to make it work. You were led to believe that was how things would always be. You had no idea but, Jungwon, one of your classmates has been crushing on you for a long time. But because you are you, you never paid attention to him in class. After seeing him staring at you for a time, you finally identify him as a barista at the aroma café. Will anything ever change for you? Will you be able to establish a committed relationship at last?
Genre: high school au, smau, fluff, lots of crack, strangers (?) to lovers, classmates to lovers
Silent treatment!
Synopsis: yn and jungwon, the middle school best friends everyone thought would get into a relationship when they entered highschool. well, they were definitely wrong. after entering highschool, jungwon finds new friends and slowly starts to ignore yn. as much time went on, they became strangers once again, until yn decided to leave. jungwon never noticed that she left, that was until he went for family dinner at yn’s parents house. regret, pain, guilt, is all the boy could feel when her parents mentioned that one of her best friends decided to ignore her, like they were strangers again. as the years of highschool goes past, jungwon becomes closed off, only talking to his friends, wishing he still had her. but what if yn returns for the last year of highschool? will jungwon make an effort to become friends again? or will she be the one ignoring him this time?
Genre: ex friends to lovers, reader ignores jungwon in first bunch of chapters, reader is closed off, fluff, angst, reader is stubborn asf
Project: stay single
Synopsis: when being the youngest and only girl of the park household, strict parents and overprotective brother and cousins are a given. therefore, park y/n sworn off dating until she enters college (not that she had much of a choice). but when the awkward but terribly cute yang jungwon is placed in her lab group, she finds herself wanting to break the number one rule in her family—no dating till college. or maybe they could be just friends, right?
Genre: smau, high school au, strangers to friends to lovers, mutual pining (?), instant attraction, forbidden love but not really, fluff, (attempted) crack, slow burn cause they’re two socially awkward kids
Synopsis: Lee Hyerim is a firm believer that the male dominated world of pro-gaming should not be limited to strictly males. What happens when XXGZ’s manager hears of Hyerims extreme gaming skills and scouts her to join their team, thus being the first female pro-gamer? Once XXGZ’s members hear about Hyerim joining their team they were appalled, there’s no way they’re going to replace their former member Lee Heeseung, with a girl- no matter how good she is. Not to mention that once XXGZ’s leader Yang Jungwon meets hyerim he starts falling for her- which is prohibited and one of 5 of their only rules.
Genre: e-sports romance, tsundere jungwon, ???slow burn???, mutual pining, simp jungwon
Mystery Player
Synopsis: life is unfair, that’s what yn tells herself everytime her extremely bad wifi throws her out of the server in the middle of a game. but when she gets disconnected, once again, while playing with the best game-buddy she has ever had, yn is ready to flip the universe off. enraged about the loss of her unknown game-buddy, yn throws her frustration out on twitter in a long thread, recalling every little moment that happened during the four hours of playing with her “soulmate” (yn’s words). unfortunately, the long thread suddenly finds it’s way onto her public twitter and not her private. what a shame that she only realizes it once the notifications start flooding in.
Genre: smau, fluff, crack, meet-online, online friends to lovers!au, gaming!au
My Prefect Crush!
Synopsis: After one whole year of crushing over your house's prefect, the universe seems to have listened to your prayers since the headmistress decided to choose you as the new prefect. A perfect opportunity to get closer to your crush, right? What you didn't expect was finding out that, maybe, the prefect Yang Jungwon wasn't just as perfect as you thought he was.
Genre: modern hogwarts au! // smau!
More recommendations to be added
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harus-simp · 1 year
Home, sweet home
-Taerae x reader-
Warning:none (fluffy fluff 😚)
Requested: hiii, do you think you could write a drabble about waking up with taerae and being all domestic ?? <3 (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, here's your drabble of taerae, so I hope you like it :))
Thank you so much for requesting <3
Spending the day inside with taerae after a long day celebrating his debut makes you realise how much you love him and how hard would it be for you to not have him in your life.
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As the morning person you were, it was around 11 a.m almost and you were still sound asleep. The they before you and taerae had been out all day celebrating him getting 6th place on boys planet, so you were both exhausted from moving around a lot actually.
Shuffling on your bed made you a little bit more conscious, however you wanted to keep sleeping so you tried to for a couple of minutes until you started opening your eyes only to find your boyfriend staring at you with a sweet smile adorning his face.
"Morning sleepyhead"he said ruffling your hair softly as he was using his elbow as a support.
"Good morning"you told him hiding behind your blanket.
He laughed at your behaviour.
"How long have you been watching me?"you asked embarrassed.
"Don't know, I lost count"he said neutrally waiting for you to go out of your little fort.
"Ahhh, seriously, why are you like this???"you whined taking your blanket off you.
He ignored your question and grabbed your hand starting to pull you out of bed to stand up.
"C'mon we can't stay here forever, it's late"
You wanted to stay on bed but figured fighting wouldn't lead you anywhere so you just let him drag you to the kitchen in order to make breakfast.
As you made your way there you both thought of what you could have to eat. Yes at 11a.m, but you both were hungry so who are we to judge?
You finally decided to have something simple as pancakes..., yeah that was the idea because let's say it wasn't going that well.
"What are you doing taerae?"you shouted panick taking over you.
"Aren't you supposed to pour mik now?"
"Yes, but not that much!"😫😫😫
Yeah, so the pancakes didn't turn out that good but well, at least you were having fun together?
After that, you washed the dishes and took a shower because all the goofing around while cooking kinda made you both dirty due to all the flour flying around lol.
Right after that you guys started cleaning the apartment with background music which kinda was a mistake as well 💀💀💀 (you can't do shit without causing chaos, I think junhyeon has infected you lmao).
So instead of finishing everything in a short spam of time you took more time than you had plan and ended your work half an hour later that you had intended to.
Then tarae got the idea of interpreting you hot summer, but an acapella version of it with his guitar as you had requested him to sing days before the song, what can you say you wanted a little spoiler before the finale 🤭
He gathered all he needed and positioned himself to sing in a comfortable place.
As he started singing you were literally hypnotised by taerae's voice (who wouldn't actually), it was true that you had heard it before on the programme but hearing him in person was much better, he knew how to perfectly highlight his skills and you loved how he was able to just draw you in.
After he finished you clapped enthusiastically expressing your love for him and his vocals.
"You are so good taerae, you suit the concept a lot"you complimented him.
"Haha thank you"he said flashing you one of his characteristic smiles.
As you stared at him, you started to realise how lucky you were to have someone like him in your life, he was one the one you always seeked for his face in a crowd when you were meeting for a date, how your whole face and spirit lighted up when you felt his presence or even the heartache you had when you both needed to part ways was enough for you to understand that you wanted to keep him in your life forever.
"What are you thinking there?"he asked curiously as he saw you smiling unconsciously at him, looking directly into his eyes.
"Just how lucky and greatful I am to be your girlfriend" you answered, the smile not leaving your face.
In that precise moment he really felt how time stopped right there and you were the only thing that mattered to him.
You managed to make him so shy he couldn't even look at you back. You simply smiled wider and got closer to him.
"What?I really am"
He trapped you in his arms hugging you tightly and not intending to let go.
"I am more lucky, believe me"
And just like that you spended the rest of the day just being all lovey dovey and clingy 😙
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lonelimbless · 9 months
(Different anon, just wanting to clarify that real quick.)
This is mostly my own spin with some wholesomeness thrown in:
During Legends, Raymesis ends up teaming up with Rayman (hence why he's playable) in order to take Ales down, as he got quite enough of the dude.
Before Legends though, all the way back during Rayman 2 actually, Raymesis ends up befriending Dark Globox and at some unknown point also Glombrox. Despite being a seemingly big brute who likes to scare people, Glombrox was surprisingly the most level-headed of the group. Raymesis ends up actually prefering the hero-turned-criminal that was Glombrox over his original father (Mr. Dark). So Raymesis ended up getting himself and his two siblings some new frog friends. If you know that meme of a tired looking guy holding a gremling on a leash, that's pretty much Glombrox with the group, or at least most of them, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Glombrox and Tychon could enjoy just taking the day of and read or go explore some ancient ruins for lost knowlegde.
Zephyr and Dark Globox pretty much constantly encouraged each other's chaotic nature.
Raymesis mostly just rolled with everyone quite frankly.
At some point Tychon does end up getting a crush, this being on the princess Olympia, after she saved him by stopping a large ogre's fist with just one hand. Tychon ended up chatting with Olympia quite a bit, about her home of Olympus, her powers, why she was here and so on. She in return asked about a lot of the things Tychon had going on, true she wasn't booksmart like they were, but they were still curious which Tychon liked.
Zephyr meanwhile does end up getting a wholesome friendship with Tily the Fairy, both of them going around pranking people and causing mischief. This does help Zephyr slowly leaning more towards the good side of chaos. Zephyr does have to remind her that Dark Globox is not a frog to use as a bouncing castle from time to time though.
Rayman and Raymesis meanwhile becomes rivals/frienemis, but Raymesis would never admit to actually liking Rayman's company after all these years.
In the future, we're talking about post-Mini here, Mr. Dark returns to the group. Raymesis, after both meeting Glombrox and teaming up with Rayman is kinda hesitant to return to his side. At first they team up, but it's actually Glombrox and Zephyr who decides to make a change here; first with Glombrox beating Mr. Dark to a pulp after getting enough of his ego ruining everything they planned and just overall not liking the guy, and Zephyr who when later on Mr. Dark is near-defeat asks her to open a portal to get him out of there, she refuses which ultimately leads to Mr. Dark dying. (I was also thinking Ly the Fairy, but i thought Olympia would be more interesting, unless you want me to elaborate.)
For a moment they don't know what to do with themselves, but as time passes, they end up actually prefering to live without Mr. Dark. Tychon does eventually leave the group, deciding to move to Olympus with Olympia, while Zephyr ends up becoming Voodoo Mama's new assistant. Raymesis stayed behind with Dark Globox and Glombrox though, the three of them turning one of Ales' old hideouts into a new house. Raymesis still keeps in contact with his siblings to this day, and while he still doesn't wanna admit it, he's thankful that Rayman won that battle all those years ago.
Oh, this is very wholesome indeed...
Besides some things that I wanted to clarify is with that battling Mr Dark is much more of a team effort and I'm not too sure if I want Tychon to have a crush on Olympia, perhaps just have her as a friend or what not. Other than those, this is such good stuff.
I especially enjoyed Dark Globox and Zephyr being chaotic buddies so here ya go. I might draw the rest soon. And I think I'll rename Dark Globox into Maddox, to fit in with the group.
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They're having soft tacos later ✨/ref
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starlight-lesbians · 1 month
How Lottie and Hydra met
Lottie arrived to the station at the same time as Pearl, and after being unceremoniously introduced to the engines, she slipped off as to not get caught up in the racing chaos.
She was exploring the yard by herself, trying to avoid the engines looking for racing partners
Hydra was hanging around with the other freights, sans Slick, who was off probably getting herself into trouble, when he caught sight of a coach he’d never seen before wandering around the yard
Of course everyone knew that two new coaches were being transferred today, it was always big news when first class cars arrived after all, but he hadn’t expected to see one of them just wandering with races coming up soon, usually new coaches got snapped up by engines looking for a pretty racing partner.
Hydra moved towards her cautiously, which was unlike him, but she seemed a bit nervous and he didn’t want to scare her, “Hey there, you new here? I haven’t seen you around before.”
Lottie’s gaze snapped onto the fuel truck approaching her, and visibly relaxed upon seeing he wasn’t another engine, “Hi! I just got here today actually.” She waved to him a bit awkwardly, “I’m Lottie, and you?”
“Hydra, great to meet you Lottie.” He moved forward the rest of the way to her so they didn’t need to project their voices so much, “Crazy time for you to get transferred, right before a big race and all.”
Lottie shuddered and let out a small laugh, “Yeah, me and the other coach I came with, Pearl got pulled into the chaos quite fast.” She was glad to have slipped away when she did.
“Races tend to do that, make everyone go crazy that is.” He studied her face for a moment, “I take it you aren’t too interested in the whole event?”
She shrugged, “I like to watch, and I’ll participate if a friend needs a partner, but it isn’t really my speed I guess.” Lottie scanned over Hydra’s face with a small smile, he was quite handsome.
He nodded along with her words, “You’re avoiding all the engines then, right? Because I’m sure plenty of them would want such a pretty coach as a racing partner.”
Lottie felt her face heat up a bit, and she went to respond before she heard Pearl’s voice shouting her name from around a corner.
She shot Hydra a sweet smile and called back to Pearl, “I’m over here!”
The group of other coaches rounded the corner and visibly relaxed at seeing Lottie safe and not lost, since she’d just sped off from the group, “We were wondering where you went!” Pearl rolled up next to her, sizing up Hydra in that cautious best friend way, “Glad to see you’re okay, but we need to go get settled for the night.”
Lottie nodded and took Pearl’s hand, waving to Hydra, “Nice meeting you! Hopefully I’ll see you around.” The group of coaches set off back to their sleeping quarters at the other end of the yard.
Hydra grinned and made his way back over to Porter and Lumber, who had a few questions about the new coaches which he answered before they all got settled for the night too.
So this was like kinda bad because i wrote it while half asleep but yeah! Requests are still open!
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farasen · 2 months
OC lore
So about the OCs that I posted earlier. I'm kinda fixating on them right now so I wanna ramble about them a bit. I wanna name this universe "I sleep with an axe". The events are happening in the beginning of 2000s on the South of Russia. There's no holistic story so far, but in my head it's like a psychological thriller and drama. Main characters do have some lore tho. Before I continue, some TWs: grooming, pedophilia, rape and murder.
Okay then, let's start with the main character - Zhenya, Zheka or Eugene. He lives on the outskirts of the town in a small house with his grandma. He has a mother, but she's been deprived parental rights due to alcoholism. Father, on the other hand, has been absent from his very birth and Eugene doesn't even know if he's alive. After his mom lost custody of him he had to move to another town to his grandmother. He was around 12 years old at the time. The problem is, Zhenya is very shy and it's hard for him to make new acquaintances. Thus, he didn't have any friends, and, despite grandma's efforts, he still felt lonely. That is until he met Andrei - a teacher in his new school who happened to be his neighbour. Now, look what we have - a lonely boy at the new place with no father or male figure at all in his life. And the man was acting friendly and protective of the boy, almost like a father. The day Eugene met Andrei was a turning point in his life. The man would act weird and often make Zhenya uncomfortable, which didn't prevent them from building a bond and later having secret "relationships". As if that hasn't been bad, later on Andrei would drag him into ever more sinister activity – something that almost made him paranoid and actually made him sleep with an axe. Some side facts about him: he likes American films and wants to move there one day. He's the best at English classes because of that. He also like to be called Eugene, but everyone (except Asya) calls him Zheka anyway.
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Moving on to Nastya. She's a year older than Zheka and is in a higher class. Unlike Zhenya, she hits it off almost with everyone she meets. She hangs out with the guys more often, they consider her "the bro", but she gets along with the girls too. Eugene met her a lot of times at school, but never dared to talk to her. Asya is chill and easy-going, but has some bad habits such as drinking and smoking. Well, it's also part of her way to befriend people - go to outdoor sprees. Although she gets along with people, she never managed to find deep, meaningful connection with anybody. Well, at some point she and Eugene happened to bump into each other and that's how their friendship started. She’d gain a good friend, and he’d overcome his social anxiety with her help. She also has a younger brother Yura, that she'll fight and bite for, because it's the only important thing that's left of her family. No, she's not an orphan, it's just that her parents always fight, Nastya grew up in this chaos and hatred and she doesn't want the same for her little brother. Her biological dad died when she was 5 and a year after her mother got married to her stepdad and gave birth to Yura. Soon enough, their relationships started to go down. Yet, they live, or more like, coexist together to the point of the events of the story. Some side facts about her: she has a lot of moles on her body that she sometimes covers with patches to hide it from the sun. She could wear long-sleeves or something, but it's too hot for that. And her short name isn’t pronounced as ''Aska’’ in English, it has soft ‘’s’’, that’s why I mark it. Also I have a headcanon on her voice:  Твоё нежное безумие - Спазмы памяти.
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Yura is an 11-year-old boy and a little brother of Nastya. Kind of bratty and sometimes acts simply out of spite, especially when his sister started to hang out with Zhenya. He used to get more attention from Asya before this boy appeared in her life, so he’s a bit salty about that fact, but his behavior really gets on Eugene’s nerves sometimes.
Yura has always been close with Nastya, but as the time went on, she stared to talk to other people more and spend less time at home. Furthermore, she’d tease Yura quite often. Of course most of them were just friendly sibling jokes, but due to his age the boy took them close to heart. He was pretty lonely at school too and would often wonder around the town till evening.
Some side facts about him: he likes sharks. He’s grades are bad, except PE and crafts classes. He can study tho, he just doesn’t want to.
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Oh, and the creep of the story – Andrei. A man in his 40s doesn’t have any family, which confuses people around him because he seems to be pretty nice and hospitable. But that’s only a face that he wears to manipulate others, once you really get to know him you’ll realize that he has a really nasty nature. If you look up the translation of ‘’Твоё нежное безумие - Всегда один’’ you’ll understand what I mean.
Even though, he’s just an English teacher, he fought in Afghan war previously, where he made a lot of helpful acquaintances, plus he receives social payments. This sort of makes him privileged in terms of the town he lives in, because he’s able to get something others can’t. Adults often come to him for help and kid wanna see all the cool stuff they’ve never seen or listen to his stories. But as it was already mentioned, this friendliness is only a mask to deceive others. Like Eugene, for example. In reality Andrei has always been a sadist and a liar. He groomed the boy into thinking that their relationship is normal, though should be kept a secret. He uses a lot of tactics to keep him at bay, mostly threatens him with his connections, but also blackmails him with telling others about his bisexuality, which was very shameful in Russia at that time (and still is sadly). He deprives him from making new friends, which is also the reason why Zhenya didn’t tell him that he started to hang out with Nastya, he thought he’d shut it down instantly. And Andrei probably would, but he did a different thing.
So what was that that ‘’sinister thing’’ I’ve mentioned while talking about Eugene? Well, I think you all understood that he has a thing for younger boys and, apparently, Eugene was not enough. He’d kidnap boys for his own pleasure only to kill them later, but Andrei wouldn’t do it by himself so when he found out Zhenya hangs out with that girl he got mad, sure, but it also gave him an idea. Since that girl knows pretty much the whole town and most likely introduced the boy to her friends, he could bring some guys to him. Of course the boy refused at first, but the man reassured that if he does what he’s told, nothing will happen to him, or his family, or Nastya. That’s how he got dragged into series of rape and murder, even though he never participated in the crime outside of bringing future victims to Andrei’s house.
Side facts about him: he has scars on his arms and palms.
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Designs and some story elements may change since I literally started working on this universe like 4 days ago
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luoism · 10 months
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gooooooooooooooood morning !! i got an iced coffee by my side n i'm ready 2 go !! it's nice to meet all of u ^^b my name is sen (they/them) n i am the writer behind LUO: a little guy who happens to also be a ghost whisperer, with a talent to cause chaos wherever he goes !! (honourary mention to @huitians 's mun for making me that header >< i literally owe u my life)
tracker !!
replies status: - nayeon :: owed, drafted, in progress - ryder / there's a crowd :: owed, drafted, in progress - huitian / second meeting :: owed, drafted, in progress - yuhui :: owed
did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called XU LUO, but they kinda remind me of LIU YANGYANG — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another 23 year old in their THIRD year of some BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN ANTHROPOLOGY, but wait ‘till you hear about their MEDIUMSHIP! nifty, huh ? probably good to know, especially ‘cause i heard they’re THE CURIOUS CURRENT’s new PODCASTER! they’re pretty OPTIMISTIC on nullivi, but you should watch out for their RECKLESSNESS just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me ! ༊*·˚
he literally only is here for a fun time (not a long one!)
grew up an orphan in venice, italy: lost his parents in an accident - he isn't really sure ?! he was way too young to remember, and if that's what the people from the orphanage told him, that's what he'll believe !!
speaking of, that orphanage was BUTT CHEEKS!
. . . it was also haunted. . .
the second people there figured out that he was an anomaly, they moved his room to the attic, where luo was destined to spend most of his time.
he would essentially stay in there all day, and only be allowed down once everyone was asleep (which meant that he would have teachers who taught him at night)
so luo made friends with the ghosts of the orphanage.
he could already see them and hear them anyways, so! it's not like he had a choice!
while his stay at the orphanage was designed for him to have the worst time possible, these years were the happiest years of his life
(it's also kiiiiinda all he has)
more info on his stay can be found on his bio page (though it's still under co!!!!)
his uncle is the one who was able to legally adopt him and bring him to seoul, south korea.
his uncle owns an antique shop where luo works during the weekend. it also doubles as a shop for anomalies (it's hidden in the basement).
luo loves and would die for his uncle. they have the best relationship!!!!!!!!! he is happy :)
because of his upbringing, he can be very: naive, gullible, sooo eager to please. like you could tell him that you like that one snack only available at the other side of the city during a very specific time frame of the day.
and he would show up the next day with it for you.
"did you seriously go all the way there just for a snack?!"
"oh, it was nothing!" (it took him three hours, he got lost twice.)
because of his upbringing, he can be very: blunt, honest to a fault, terrible at picking up social cues. he doesn't do it to be mean, if anything, he will say it how it is with a big smile and such cheerful energy, it often confuses a lot of people
he isn't particularly liked by the common crowd. labeled as the weird kid his whole life, he finds that it's a status that seems to follow him everywhere.
his main friend right now is @seriphic , though he has been recently introduced to @ofmays and @huitians.
he already met tian beforehand, but that's a story for another day. maybe he's crushing a little.
he wants more friends so PLZZZZZZZZ plzpzlpzlpzlzplzpzlplz hit me up
curious by nature, it's only fair that he is a PODCASTER!!! for the curious currents, which actually does redeem his reputation a little bit...!!
until he starts talking about ghosts. he loses everyone, then.
his main hobbies include ghost hunting and tarot reading.
he does both for free, so if you're in need of his service, you know where to find him!!
he also has a youtube channel where he posts his ghost hunting vlogs.
speaking of ghosts, here is a full summary of his anomaly !!
he doesn't really talk about his ghost stuff, but he isn't ashamed of it either. based on his upbringing, he simply learned that this isn't a normal topic of conversation. to have
i think i'm gonna shut up before i write more...!! his plot page is still under construction, but please don't hesitate to reach out to me until i post it! like this post and i'll reach out... ^_^b please also take my discord because plotting on tumblr is soooo buttcheeks....
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