#but then he was getting bandaged w a smile on his face and he got up and kept playing and i was like
I love love LOVE griezmann
I love LOVE Mbappe
and I hate Lahoz ! <3
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jazjelspen · 6 months
my angel baby (part 6)
alastor w/ angel daughter reader
(notes: alastor's adoptive daughter is in hell, let's hope she doesn't get eaten alive!)
(the singing lines you'll encounter were meant to not be in order.. you'll understand once you read it hehe >:) )
(caution: alastor being lowkey a bit manipulative? not too terrible but just word of caution.)
(tags: @maksdust @willowwillflower @sunshinesetsstuff @0willowwisp0 @projectdreamwalker @1potato2rulethemall @just-here-reading @avitute @pooplyface1423 @insomniacfigure @mo-0-o @thekanrojimitsuri2 @nevermorekisses @wildfire153 )
my editor <3: @kruncher
Rosie finished her sentence by patting your shoulder gently before her hands finally rested on the handle of her umbrella once more.
You fiddled with your hands as you shined an awkward smile.. you looked like a child about to give a powerpoint presentation to a class.
You then chose to immediately face the Princess once again, eyes on her entirely "but.. um.. Yes!.. Princess Charlie, I saw you at the courtroom presenting your case and I just have to say I'm very inspired!... and I would like to contribute to your cause somehow!.." you paused yourself from speaking too much into it.. wanting to save certain parts for only her ears to hear.
"I also would need to get back home.. and I know you have that sort of influence in Hell to get me a way in Heaven again!-- o...oh..-"
You felt your skin crawl as you barely acknowledged a suddenly teleported Alastor to your side, his staff holding up your injured wing gently to get a good look at the bandaged injury.. his eyes narrowing and a 'hmm' softly escaping his throat. 
A threatening spark in his eye flashed which resulted in your injured wing suddenly moving away from him, despite that flash not being for you specifically. 
In his usual Alastor fashion he seemed very collected, but it was a bit obvious he was much intrigued at your presence and your bandage.
Charlie seemed to finally catch her bearings, moving a few frazzled strands of hair away from her face. "Well.. Welcome either way! We can definitely do that! I will admit I only managed to get through to heaven thanks to my dad but I'm sure he can come up with some sort of way to get you back home!" she seemed to look at your halo and wings, your status as an angel very well seen and she was honestly a bit frazzled by a 'winner' falling down in here all of a sudden.
Rosie gently laid her hand on Alastor's shoulder "Poor little thing ain't she? Susan got her wing real good but I fixed her up right in the nick of time! no infection will harm her further."
Alastor's radio shriek happened again but in a much softer pitch "Susan did this?" There was a quick pause before Alastor spoke up again, "Oh I'll have to talk with Susan soon! How impolite could that old woman be! The senior citizens these days.." he rolled his eyes in a playful manner before Charlie spoke up again.
"Well!-- _____ was it? Let me see if I can get Vaggie to sho--"
"Nonsense!" Interrupted Alastor, almost practically jumping in between Charlie and yourself with a very odd excitement. "Why, I'll help of course! It is quite simple just taking a new guest to their new room!"
Charlie smiled half heartedly "Alastor that's so helpful of you! Just.. don't scare our guest please. I know how interesting you can.. get." the end of her sentence dragged on, as if dreading what he's capable of doing. "Oh and no deals! This is a freedom-oriented place! We don't want any souls to be collected here please.." she then just gave you two a thumbs up, a bit exhausted but still uplifting.
"Meanwhile I'll talk to Rosie here about her cannibals and how we intend to also keep them safe! While they also get their-- fill!.."
Alastor seemed to slither his arm around yours, elbows interlocking. "How exciting! There's so much to show you around here in the Hazbin Hotel! Gosh it'll make you wish to stay down here forever!" A loud cackle could be heard from him that eventually morphed into a bunch of static-covered laugher.
Your body froze as you were dragged away by Alastor up the velvet red steps, not even getting a chance to properly thank Rosie and Charlie.
You're stuck with him now.
Lucky you.
Getting dragged by Alastor was as if a swarm of wasps was lingering on your arm; absolutely nerve-wrecking. 
You stayed quiet as he continued to ramble, talking nonsense about hell, the hotel, how he thought of the name and the design.. basically bragging. It all went in one ear and out the other.
"--isn't that right darling?"
Your senses came back to you and your eyes flickered up to him once before looking down. "Oh.. my bad I didn't catch that.."
Alastor stopped in his tracks which immediately caused you to stop in yours. There was a pause..
"Why, my dear, since when have I ever had to repeat anything to you? You hardly ever daydreamed like this before!"
You let out a shaky exhale through your nose, "Yea.. sorry." you spoke in a subtle sarcastic way.
He shook his head, his tongue clicking into minor sounds of 'tsk tsk.' "Oh _____ darling there's no need to be so formal! I'm your father! Not a stranger."
You scoffed, "You seem to enjoy treating me like one."
His eyes narrowed down at you; you wanted to burst into a cold sweat just like that. 
"It's better that way, you have absolutely no clue about how animalistic these sinners can be!"
He let his arm uncurl around yours to stand in front of a hotel room door with one of the miscellaneous hotel numbers at the top, his hand covering over the door knob as a green glowing hue forced it to open with a single 'click', a key suddenly spawning and dropping right into the palm of his clawed hand.
Your nose scrunched up in slight disgust "Oh I, in fact, do have a clear idea.. "
Alastor didn't respond to your comment but simply took your hand and had your palm face upward, dropping the cold obsidian key on your skin.
"Your key to your new quarters! If there's any issues with it, do let us know how we can fix it for you."
Your fingers closed your hand around the item and held it tightly against your chest in a defensive stance.
"Uh huh.." you then skimmed past him to walk through the door, your free hand clenching onto the handle of your travel bag in stress.
"Although, I'm simply dying to know--" Alastor's haunting voice caused you to freeze, your head slowly tilted to look behind you with a chill down your spine. Alastor's eyes radiated red, red as sin. 
"Why exactly did you think it was a swell idea to drop aaaall the way down here?" His arm holding up his came pointing up and slowly down as he stretched out the word 'all', insinuating falling down from heaven.
"And somehow doing that while still staying pure as snow? Oh darling, I just must know!"
You huffed a sigh out your nose and rolled your eyes,
"You know, I really admire how hard you try to ask questions when you know I'm not gonna tell you anything."
"_______, even a blind and deaf man would know that voluntarily going down here is practically a suicide! And I know you, you must've thought of this real well hmm? Risking getting gutted like a fish?"
"What would you like to know.." you mumbled as you then proceeded to close the door on him, your back slowly turning towards him.
Until the door was harshly tugged back to stay open, looking over to see Alastor gripping the other end of the door knob.
He laughed, it intimidated and irritated you "My darling you seem to forget who I am. I'm no stranger, I didn't spend the entirety of my glory 20s and 30s to raise you alone just for you to attempt to disown me. Besides.. you still need me my dear. 
After all.. I was the one that held you when the thunder refused to subside, I built you a home.. a wonderful home that others would live in with pride!"
He grabbed your hand yet again to pull you out once more, twirled you suddenly and pointed at your current outfit, a bit dirty with faint spots of dirt on certain spots from first hitting that dumpster when you first got here. 
"Don't even have to mention the elephant in the room.. just simply look at you! Fragile as a flower, still a little sampling.. just a sprout." He next pointed at your wings, ears, and halo during the duration of his phrase. His tone slowly morphing into a familiar sing-song voice and melody you could have sworn was something from your childhood.
You scoffed "Okay that's nice and all but can I just g--"
"Father knows best! listen to your father, It's a scary world out there, " He teleported behind you in the opposite direction of where you were facing you, a hand on your shoulder as his shadow morphed into a more terrifying form for you to gasp and shriek at. 
"Father knows best, one way or another something will go wrong-- I swear!" You couldn't help but stumble a few steps back in shock and fear from seeing that shadow again, causing you to trip over your feet and end up getting thrown by gravity down to the floor in a sit-up position.
"Oh look! Sloppy, underdressed, immature, clumsy, please--" he walked up to you, bending down to grab your hand once more to pull you up harshly. His eyes glowing while closely meeting yours as his shadow laughed in the background menacingly "They'll eat you up alive!"
As he playfully shouted his words in that familiar sing-song melody that you couldn't exactly tap into at this moment, he yet continued to hold up your right hand up in the air and the other proceeded to hold your left.. he was now twirling you around across the hall diverting slightly far from your open hotel room as if you were both dancing in a mix of 30s and classic ballroom dancing. You tried to push him away but his grip was fierce and the sudden dancing confused you, making you unable to properly think about your next move.
"Father's right here, father will protect you, darling here's what I suggest!" He then finally stopped at the foot of your door, your vision getting a bit woozy from the intense spinning Alastor put you through. "Skip the drama, stay with papa--"
"Alastor for fucks sake!-" you finally exclaimed, rubbing your eyes and taking a moment to relax your eyes to recover from your previous state.
"I can handle myself! I know ways to protect my own skin and none of them involve you!" You panted as you stomped your way back in your given room, this time gripping the door handle with a grip you've never had before. 
"Now go do whatever it is you do, and leave me alone!" you slammed the door in his face and locked it as quickly as you could, eventually throwing your bag on your new and neat bed with a huff. 
You've never felt so much anger before since you were living and breathing-- these complicated emotions rising in you like a volcano that sat dormant for centuries until finally erupting and exploding fire and skin-melting magna. This all came out with you lashing out and now even wanting to tear up a bit since you always hated fighting-- with him, with anyone. It hurt. More than it should have. 
You simply crawled on your bed and held yourself, knees up to your chest and arms around your knees. Comforting yourself in the only way you knew how.
God, you hoped this trip in the end turned out to be worth it.
Alastor on the other hand simply smirked, your stubbornness will be no match to his own and he will be sure of that.
"Goodness. Even after all these years, the temper tantrums will never cease." He let out a small pitched 'hm' as he turned on his heel to head back to the Princess of Hell and help her with her next few plans with the battle against the exorcists. 
Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes noticed and witnessed the father and daughter's interaction in the hall.
Back to you,
Curled up in your hotel room you then decided to crawl over to your traveling bag, scrambling over to open it and hastily take out a few things like a smaller bag full of toiletries, clothes, and even your personal first aid box for emergencies. 
All would be put aside only for your hand to be looking for one thing in particular, hidden under all your neatly packed items was a journal you brought from back up in heaven to document events to keep your thoughts in place, help you cope with changes, and just as a way to express your emotions in a healthy way and you knew you would need these more during these next few weeks. 
Opening the hard cover your eyes were met with a small paper pocket that you taped up in order to save photographs and small thin memory trinkets. 
You smiled softly, your other hand then went to look at the side of your bag to take yet another photograph, it was the one you put in right before leaving your home to get to hell. 
Placing that photo on the cover of your bed, then taking out your photos that were inside that small pocket of your book you then spread them out all beside each other on your bed.
Six exact photos you had, each correlating to a specific memory you adored dearly.
First five photos were favorite memories of yours, some were of when you were hanging out with Sera, St. Peter, and other court member friends of yours. Either at picnics, libraries, shops, restaurants, etc. 
The last two were more than important to you though, they were two portrait pictures of her and you.
She was a much older woman, she died around the time you were born but never have you felt like someone was more like family in heaven than she did. Unfortunately you never had the chance to meet her until you were in heaven but at the same time after making an intense realization when getting to know her better it's as if you knew her your entire life. 
She was one of your favorite people, but one of your most painful reminders.
Your hand grazed over those two photos, your hand trying so hard not to clench them due to how many fucking things are setting in place, connecting to each other.
"I'll be back, I promise." you spoke to the images of her sitting beside her with her kind smile, you could see him through her smile as well "I'm sorry I never got to tell you what he did, who he really is.. you don't deserve the pain that comes with it if I did.."
You teared up, decades of guilt overwhelming you in this single moment. "I'm sorry grandmother, that he turned out this way.. that he did this to me."
You had no reason to apologize, no reason at all.
But she was so good to you, she recognized your last name but you couldn’t bear to ever tell her the truth and that guilt haunted you yet you reassured yourself it’s better to keep her from knowing who he really is with how highly she speaks of him. 
She treated you as if you were her own flesh and blood. She gave you a home as well up in heaven, took care of you.. guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that aspect.
How can someone like him, with a mother like her, turn out the way he did.
How.. sad, that truly is.
You were sixteen years of age when this specific event occurred.
You have always been a good kid, always done as you've been told such as '____ dear don't forget to wash your dishes today', '_____ don't forget about your school work.', 'get in bed now young lady, you still have a bedtime you know', and '______ dear you're a bit too young to read the news don't you think? read this instead, more appropriate for young girls your age!'
You have always done what your father told you, followed every rule he sets, avoided every thing he didn't want you to do. 
Although.. whenever you did something you weren't supposed to was where you slightly feared him. He never yelled, never was one to do so. He was always a gentleman and as kind as he could be, although most of it for show. 
One thing he always was, is being passive aggressive. 
Passive aggressiveness was one of his many strong suits, and using words to get you to fear and to avoid doing what you were not meant to do was his specialty. You always wanted to please your father, for you knew that your entire life was the way it was because he chose to be responsible for you. This didn't happen much though because you just always followed what he ordered.
But sometimes being too obedient can be tiring and you were starting to get a little brave recently.
You see, your father has never allowed you in his home office for as long as you could remember, for all you knew he only took you inside when you were a baby with no total awareness. 
Why were you never allowed in his study?
You were.. actually never sure yourself, at least not until the days leading up to your death.
You were always told it was because it was his private space where he wants to keep everything neat and tidy, and that he wants his work space where he saves and writes anything for his radio show in there and that anyone on the outside would simply ruin the ambiance inside that helps him work.. or whatever.
Although, the older you got and the more conscious you gained you eventually thought that this rule is kind of.. stupid? It's just a study but.. you just guessed that whatever your father said was true.
On this particular day though, you wanted to give him a surprise! Only issue was that it included the study..
It was the day before Alastor's birthday, and you just wanted to check his schedule without being too obvious at all to make sure you had time to slip his gift either in his bedroom or sent to his radio studio.. so you decided to quickly slip into his study and check it really fast and leave!..
You spent the entire month before to find someone and commission for them to make a portrait painting with you, Alastor, and his mother in a single frame. Even giving photos of your father and your grandmother for them to reference, due to the lack of colors at the time with photographs it was more of a monochrome painting at best. This would be your birthday gift to him.
You waited for him to leave for work for his evening broadcast and you just came from school, pretending to be reading a book you were assigned to while laying on your bed and relaxing.
Alastor knocked at your door, letting out a quick 'come in!' In reply, he opened it for only his face to pop out of your door with his iconic smile.
"Hello darling! Just wanted to let you know I'll be off to do my next broadcast! Don't forget to tune in soon if you don't have any school work to do."
"Yes father, see you soon!"
"See you soon sweetheart! if I'm late for dinner there's always some leftovers."
He waved at you before closing your door and leaving a bit hastily despite being very early. You stayed as silent as possible till you heard his footsteps distancing away and finally.. that distant loud click of the front door.
You got moving, dropping the book on the bed without a care while scrambling up and opening the door to your room, your feet pitter pattering across the hall and down in front of the study, your hand reaching towards the doorknob in excitement. 
Until you stopped.
'What if he finds out? do you think he'll notice the slightest change at all?.. would he yell or get mad?.. ground me?.. he's never grounded me much but..' your hand inched closer to the knob, the moment your fingertips touched the wooden texture that's when you knew you weren't going to turn back.
'well.. it's a huge surprise for him.. it's just checking his work schedule without him knowing so he won't have a clue I have a surprise for him, it'll be easy!..' 
And finally your fingers wrapped around the doorknob and finally opened the entrance to the study with sudden anticipation while the creek coming from the door only caused goosebumps up your arms.
The room itself was dark and smelled of old wood from the floorboards and dusty papers, speaking of the floors they creeped like crazy with each hesitant step you took inside while your eyes scanned the entire foreign environment. 
Your eyes managed to make out in the middle of the room a large cushioned chair positioned in front of an even larger wooden desk that was wide enough as a school principal's desk would be. Approaching it you now got to see more clearer details like several papers and folders being sprawled around the space, two half empty cups of his usual coffee, pens in pen holders and laid with the papers,.
Your eyes looked up to see the wooden walls organized with draped over portraits of Alastor himself as a kid, others of paintings of his mother that you haven't seen besides the one in the living room and the photos he showed you, and.. one of you as a toddler.. your eyes couldn't help but linger at that particular portrait of you that you have never seen.
You looked down at the desk again to look for his work schedule since all you knew was that it was in some leather journal you saw him carry before.
But you were yet again met with a framed photo standing on his desk and it was one of you as a baby! You've seen baby photos of yourself but never one of where you literally were still sleeping in the crib.. you couldn't help but smile. 
But you went back to work, opening the squeaky drawers filled with hardcover books, folders with dates and names of several shows he's done before. 
Looking at one of the drawers nearest to the ground on the right hand side was where you found even more photos of you as a baby! And even others of himself growing up and some of his mother, your heart warmed at the thought of your father always keeping his family in mind. 
And how amazing was it that the leather journal you were looking for to finally show up! 
Taking it out with great anticipation you skimmed through the pages of his endless paragraphs and paragraphs of letters and numbers.. suddenly stopping at a particular page where there were.. stains.. they looked almost black in the dark but by squinting your eyes you can barely tell a dark hue of red.. you stood up to see if there was a small lamp on the desk that you missed but right as yo--
"What are you doing here."
Alastor's voice boomed across the room startling you to the point where the journal closed and almost jumped out of your arms as you gasped.
Your eyes darted at the door which didn't seem to hear the creek open the way it did when you came in, covered in darkness was Alastor of course.. his eyes and smile seemingly piercing through the darkness as his figure was illuminated from the light in the halls.
"Father!-- I.. I'm.. I just wanted to--" He interrupted you not by speaking, but by walking in and the creeks from the wooden floors seemed more threatening than when you first heard them. The closer he got the more your shoulders raised up.. "Look I'm sorry I just wanted to see your work schedule, that's all!.."
"Darling." god even the way he pulled on the chain attached to the lamp made it scary as well.. "You have never disobeyed me before, how can I work comfortably now?"
"I'm.. I'm sorry.." 
Alastor's aura seemed to at least lighten up with the lamp now.. god.
"Guess I always knew this day was coming.." he shook his head in disappointment, "knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest."
"But I--"
"Soon, but not yet. Trust me, pet."
"But father! I just wanted to look at your work schedule.."
"And you could've asked, not sneaked in like some thief.. I never raised you that way." Despite how the situation is though.. he had his eerie permanent smile on his face which only confused you more.
"You see my dear, by disobeying me even in the simplest of things only calls for danger. Unnecessary trouble to lure and latch onto you. Trouble in which even I won't protect you from."
Why was he talking like this?.. you were unsure.. but you knew that he was leading on to make some kind of point.. but in a sing-song type of approach. 
It wasn't uncommon for him to sing lessons to you at this age or whatever age you and him were, it's a common thing to you that his theatrics were an everyday thing.. it's how you learned how to sing yourself.
He continued, "Gullible, naive, positively grubby, ditzy, and a bit.. well.. hmm.. vague!"
You shook your head in confusion, him taking himself beside you to then shine you the most.. warming smile yet. The mixed signals were insane.
Seeing your confusion he only intensified it more "oh but darling I'm just saying cause' I love you, father understands, father's here to help you, all I have is one request!..” he spun around you as he ended up facing you and holding your hands in his, finally pulling you in a warm hug. oh wow.. he was never one to say ‘I love you’ much.. This total change was whiplash at its finest. 
You melted in the hug quite easily as you were always an affectionate child, plus you wanted to get rid of the guilt by just.. hoping he would forget what you tried to do. 
The energy changed.
“Don’t ever come back into my study, again.”
“I..” you were speechless.. you were starting to question his authority slightly more than ever but.. “Yes father..”
“Oh I love you very much dear..”
You smiled slightly despite the stern scold he gave just now, but he was also never one to hug much so this made you feel nice.. 
“I love you more..” you could almost feel Alastor slowly grab onto the journal you were holding and tucked it in his coat which he usually wore out to work. 
“I love you most.” Backing away from the embrace with his hands on your shoulders he also gave you an uncharacteristically yet fatherly peck on your forehead and hairline which was only saved for when he’s tucking you in at night and he’s having a good day. 
Leaving behind a small ‘peck’ sound. It was almost kinda awkward the way he stood, it was as if he was trying to make it convincing with how fast it was too. 
“Don’t forget it!” He smiled at you brightly as he raised up a finger to only move it side to side.
“You’ll regret it.. Father! Knows best..” he gave you simply two pats on the head with his palm and his book in his jacket due to how swiftly he took it from your hands. 
Leading you out the door with a swift motion of him pulling you by your wrist and into the hall once more.. this time making a mental note as he closed the door behind him to get a proper lock for his study next time.
He then immediately started scrambling out the door, “Oh well look at the time! Almost late for work! I’ll see you in a while, my flower! Remember, I trust you! Don’t break it again! Would be a shame if that were your gift for my birthday!..” Cheerfully announcing across the house as he finally reached the door to pop out in the wide world again.
Why did he come back? You could only assume he forgot the journal you were holding before..
You sighed, biting the inside of your cheek with your eyes wanting to water. “I just wanted to give you your gift perfectly..”
Arms crossed, you went back into your room and sat at the foot of your bed. Somberly regretting your terrible decisions..
‘Can't believe you broke his trust like that!.. and a day before his birthday??.. you must be out of your mind _____.’ Eyebrows turn down with a sad little frown on your face.
‘Although..’ your thoughts led you to look out the doorway of your room and into the dark hall. 
‘Is there anything else he’s trying to hide?..’
(HEYYYY thank you for reading chapter 6!! This was a total blast to write ✨ had so much fun trying to add a bit more detail into Alastor since he is still a serial killer, and he does this all out of love but it can definitely come out more.. manipulative. Whether he does it on purpose or not kinda depends on how you want to see it but personally he does it on purpose because he knows it’ll keep his daughter at bay qwq -and yes! I used tangled songs because personally I felt like it really emulated this side of him so ya!! He loves her to death but isn’t afraid at all to pull strings.)
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broshot · 2 years
Can I request JJK characters x near death hurt reader? C:
a/n: you absolutely can, thank you for the request! this request doesn't have any characters so I picked a few myself, let me know if there's anyone you wanna see in this and I'll write♡ I also added a little confession to this because it was cute :) this is probably not what you expected at all but I hope that's fine
cw/tw: gn!reader, hurt w comfort (angst to fluff), hurt reader, mentions of death + blood, confession, gojo being a dad to megumi (I love them), probs a bit (or very) ooc, contains: gojo satoru, megumi fushiguro (separately)
nanami and sukuna version
gojo satoru was a man who feared no fights; he was the strongest, invincible. he went into fights knowing he'd win, he never had any doubt of that.
and he smiled. he smiled and he joked around. he wanted to seem strong both mentally and physically. and he was strong, so strong he could protect anyone, he thought.
so why were you laying on the ground with your head on his lap with blood flowing out of your side? why was the ground being painted red with your blood? why was there so much blood, didn't he win the fight with the curse that was attacking you?
he took of the bandage that was over his eyes, placing it on your wound and pressing on it. it didn't help. the blood kept flowing out, staining his hands red.
"(name), open your eyes," he demanded. you shook your head so slightly he might have missed it if he didn't have his eyes glued onto your face.
"try for me, okay? open your eyes just a little."
you obeyed, looking at him with your eyes slightly open. your eyelids felt heavy. you opened your mouth and choked out a quiet "it hurts, I can't."
"no, please. don't leave me now." he pegged as your eyes started to close again.
"please look at me. the help is on the way, I swear." his voice broke a little and he hated it. he didn't want to cry, he wanted to be strong.
"I'm sorry." you whispered, wishing he'd hear your last apology and maybe, if there was a slight chance to it, maybe accept it.
"don't say that as if they were your last words," he said. "please, open your eyes and look at me."
but you didn't react. he noticed the tears in the corners of your eyes and the thin line of blood getting out of your mouth and sliding down on your cheek.
"no," he breathed in, feeling a wave of panic flow over him. he couldn't loose a person he loved, not again. he definitely wouldn't lose you, he swore to himself.
his head was spinning and he felt dizzy. "satoru, you idiot, you can't collapse too." he scoffed at himself.
"don't stand up or the wound will get worse." he said to himself. what if he didn't move, though? would the blood just bleed out before you got any help?
he felt your body get colder and colder by the seconds. his eyes started to sting and he felt warm, salty tears push out of his eyes to his cheeks.
"please wake up, please!" he sobbed out loud. he couldn't lose you, he didn't want to.
and again, he blamed himself for the nth time. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not being able to save you." he sobbed, hugging you closer to him. he then raised his head up to the sky and screamed "I didn't ask to be the strongest!" as if the universe could hear him and change the past.
he cried like there was no tomorrow. he didn't care if anyone saw him like this, not now. he could make them forget about it soon enough, anyway. he could build his walls back up and stop looking vulnerable, but at that moment none of that mattered to him. he just wanted to keep you safe.
"gojo! (name)! where are you?" he then heard a voice.
you opened your eyes but immediately closed them due to a bright light in front of you. you suddenly became aware of your horrible headache.
"(name)? are you awake?" you heard a familiar voice ask and you turned to look to your right.
"satoru," you coughed. he was unusually quiet so you quietly asked him if he was okay.
now that was what got him speaking. "are you.. you could've died - you almost did - and you're asking me if I'm okay?"
you smiled softly and nodded. "you seem quiet."
he looked at you. this was a rare sight - he was crying. gojo satoru, the strongest, was crying. but his next words caught you off guard.
"the love of my life almost died, how could I not be quiet?"
"I love you, that's what I'm saying." he looked straight into your eyes, not wanting to seem like a coward. his cheeks were slightly pink.
you were quiet and he felt as if his heart was coming out of his mouth. he was nervous, more nervous than he ever had been.
"I love you too." you finally said, shaking some of his nervousness away.
"I love you so much. I promise I won't let you get hurt again, I'll keep you safe forever." he cried, wrapping his arms around you carefully so he wouldn't make your wound hurt.
"I know satoru. I know you will."
megumi fushiguro didn't show his emotions often. he was cold and awfully straight forward with his words. because of this, he often hurt other people's feelings, may it be intentional or not. he didn't have much friends because of this.
he did what he was asked to. he fought when he was told to, he wanted to fight. if he won fights he could prove that he was strong and worthy.
he wasn't scared of many things, or so he thought. in fact, he told people he was fearless but it was a big lie. he feared many things, his biggest fear being abandonment. he feared that his loved ones would leave him.
and maybe it was the universe playing tricks on him and his stupid believes, because his biggest fear was displaying right in front of his eyes.
you were on the ground, unconscious and bloody.
he hadn't noticed this happening to you. the current fight against some curses took all of his attention.
he rushed over to you, kneeling down. he tried to wake you, tried to make you open your eyes but you didn't.
he didn't really know how to react. he felt his heart tighten and his stomach twist at the thought of you being gone.
he was in absolute shock, not knowing what to do. so he called gojo.
he answered immediately, just as megumi expected. gojo always answered him fact.
"heyyyy megumi, I'm kind of a middle of a fight right now but what's up?"
"it's about (name.) they're hurt. badly." megumi managed to say, suddenly realizing how dry his mouth was.
"I'll be right over." was what he heard gojo say before the call ended. megumi took your hand in his, squeezing it softly. it was his attempt of trying to comfort himself and stop the bad thoughts from coming into his head.
but as he looked at the ground, he became aware of the huge amount of blood that was coming out of your stomach.
and to his surprise, he cried. he cried in the middle of a fighting ground and in front of many many people. he never cried in front of people, but this was not an ordinary situation.
but then gojo appeared next to him. megumi quickly wiped his tears and tried to look as usual as he could but his tears didn't stop flowing out of his eyes. his tears blurred his vision.
"they're going to die and leave me, aren't they?" megumi sobbed as gojo told someone to take you to a safe place.
"they'll survive for sure, megumi, they're strong." gojo tried to comfort him. megumi shook his head.
"but what if they won't survive?" megumi cried. he felt helpless, childish even.
gojo wrapped his arms around megumi. he didn't know what to do in this situation, he didn't really believe his own words about you surviving.
so let megumi scream into his chest, he told megumi to just let it all out.
you woke up in a hospital bed. your limbs felt heavy and to be honest, you just wanted to sleep. and you felt warm, really warm. were you getting sick?
but you opened your eyes and saw megumi's black hair. he was sleeping next to you, laying his head on your chest. you lift your arm to softly shake him, waking him up.
"(name)," he whispered, still not awake.
"it's me, 'gumi." you smiled and suddenly he was fully awake.
"you're awake." he stated the obvious.
"I am."
"thank god." he sighed. "I thought you died. and left me."
"I would never leave you. especially like that and without a goodbye." you smiled.
megumi hugged you. he didn't hug you often (he wasn't the biggest affection enjoyer) but this wasn't the most unusual thing. what was more unusual was the fact that he was crying.
"oh megumi, don't cry." you pouted.
"I just, I love you so much and I don't want to live without you." he sobbed. he really decided to throw all of the unusual behavior at you at this moment, you thought.
"you love me?"
"of course I love you, how could I not?" he asked, pulling away from the hug to look at you with his teary eyes.
"you're beautiful." you whispered. "and I love you too, megumi."
"thank god." he sighed, pulling you in for another hug.
this is so bad omg I'm so sorry english isn't my first language btw so sorry for bad writing♡
I'm writing the other requests too, wait patiently my loves :D (and please request more)
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psychesalcove · 2 months
ֶָ֢ "it's nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today,"
hiiii! can i request a luke castellan x fem reader fic, the scenario being luke just woke up after the quest gone wrong (when he got the scar on his face) and reader is the first one he hears. she’s aphrodite’s daughter but she’s the one cleaning his wound in the infirmary. you can spin it however you like💗 just want some luke castellan fluff (w/ a bit of angst💗) where he confides in reader, and he cries but hides it by nuzzling in her neck, she’s just a comforting gf that feels her neck become damp.
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luke castellan x daughter of aphrodte reader
my writes are completely race and body type friendly! feel free to interact my loves:)
part of psyches, 'in memory of those who chose the sea' event
-> want to participate in the event?
an: babes this is suchhh a cute idea for luke omg!! i love detailed asks its amazing n' your ideas are stunning, bueatiful, and everything!! i had so much fun writing this, hope you enjoy! and again, sorry for not writing sooner, i was camping with my family and had no wifi lmao 😓 love ya 🩷 ps. I also did like a lot of writing for this,, so I hope u don't mind lovie!!
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you hummed quietly to yourself as you wrapped up a child of ares arm; according to them, they had gotten distracted and accidentally went up against a sword. you patted their arm to signify you were finished. once they got up, you walked over to will.
'how's he doing?' you asked, leaning against the counter will was sitting at. luke, your boyfriend, had a rough go of it on a recent quest. you weren't all sure of what happened; as he passed out before he could get a coherent sentence said. you did catch some words: hermes. hurts. and some other ones that you couldn't quite make out.
will looked up from the pile of paperwork he was reading. 'better. he's still not 100%; but he's making recovery. i'm not exactly sure when he'll wake up,' he explained, briefly scanning the paperwork to make sure he said the correct information.
you hummed, eyes also going down to the paperwork to scan it over. 'do you think i should be with him, when he wakes up?' you asked, eyes going up to meet wills.
'i'll give you the rest of the day off, how about that?' he asked, though it sounded more like a statement. he could probably sense your anxiety about luke and his wellbeing. 'i think he'll be happy to see you,' will gave you a soft smile before his attention went back to his paper.
you thanked him and quickly made your way over to the back of the infirmary; where the private cots were. you gently pulled back the curtain and was met with the same sight that you saw last. luke was laying on the bed, bandages wrapped around his face due to the injury that was on his eye.
you quickly sat down in a chair, prepared to spend however long you would need to wait for luke to wake up.
as you looked out the window at camp; a light squeeze on your hand drew your attention back to luke. you smiled softly when you saw him staring back at you, even with one eye. 'hi hon,' you whispered gently, hand squeezing his back.
he didn't say anything, instead smiling a little at you as a response. you took that as he didn't want to talk; especially about the quest he just got back from. you opted to ask a question on a different topic.
'd'you want a hug?'you whispered again, hand still in his. all you got in response was a light nod of the head, a nod you would've missed if you weren't pouring all your attention into him. you removed your hand from his and quickly wrapped your arms around him, holding luke in a protective embrace.
his head quickly found its way to your neck; both of you being mindful of the bandages still on his face. as soon as both of you settled into the hold, lukes shoulders started shaking lightly. in cue, you felt wetness on your neck, along with lukes heavy breathing drying the wetness; though the tears were quickly being replaced by new ones.
you tightened your grip around him. luke rarely cried: you assumed it was the pressure of being a good role model for the younger campers, or even who he associated with at camp. you shuttered lightly at the thought of what must have happened on that quest for him to react like this.
before you could attempt comforting him, he spoke through his quiet sobs. 'im, i'm really sorry for this,' you heard him mumble quietly as his breath picked up even more.
you shook your head softly at him. 'luke, hon. you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. quests can be hard, they're made to be. its okay to be scared of them. it's natural, completely normal.' you said, hand starting to rub small circles onto his upper back in an attempt to comfort him.
you couldn't tell how long the two of you stayed in that position; you holding onto him like he was your lifeline and luke holding back just as hard. slowly though, his sobs started to subside, and his breathing returned to normal. throughout him crying, you decided not to try and get him to stop, knowing that this crying session was long overdue.
luke seemed to think that he calmed down enough, as he gently pulled out of the embrace. as the two of you stared at eachother, he opened his mouth. 'it's nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today,' he said, a small joking tone to it.
you smiled lightly. 'are you okay?' you asked, ignoring his past comment; knowing it was probably a way to steer the conversation around what just happened.
he sighed deeply, the eye that wasnt covered closing as he layed down again. 'yeah. m'sorry about my, uh. episode. the quest was just a lot.' he chuckled, opening his eye again. 'i love you,'he added, flashing you a quick smile.
you sighed, grabbing his hand and brining it into your embrace again. 'it's okay to have episodes like that love. it's human; you should honestly do it more often.'you hummed gently, rubbing circles onto his knuckles.
luke only nodded lightly in response; seemingly drifting off to sleep once again.
'i love you to, luke.' you mused, pushing up out of the chair and pressing a gentle kiss to his noninjured side of his face.
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luna0713hunter · 5 months
Never knew that I'll find someone like you
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a/n : Just watched the first ep and gosh i love this anime so much(人*´∀`)。*゚+
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"That was amazing!!"
"you guys saved us again!!!"
"you're a lifesaver!!!"
Haruka's ear's are ringing.
He sees people around them cheering;from the distance,he sees an old lady approaching him with a small first-aid kit. But he doesnt let her touch him; because he doesn't need help. He's been on his fucking own ever since he could remember;all his life,people were nothing but horrible to him. Always calling him names, pulling at his hair and taunting his eyes-
Haruka doesn't need anyone.
So he pulls his leg away just as Kotoha finishes patching him up. He's gritting his teeth,and when he looks up,he sees everyone's staring at him.
His ears are ringing.
Everything feels too suffocating.
He barely registers his feet moving,and jumping. He lands a kick straight to someone's face and when he steps on the ground once more,he winces;his leg hurts,and even though the knife cut wasnt that deep,it still left a burning pain behind. His knuckles are bloody and when he clenches them,his skin screams at him to stop. But Haruka needs to leave;he needs to get away from all these people who're looking at him without any malice or ill intent. He's not used to this; he's not used to being called a lifesaver or be thanked for what he's done.
Because ever since Haruka could remember,he was a 'Monster' to everyone around him.
He clenches his fist harder,and grits his teeth when the pain on his knuckles becomes worse-
"oof,that looks painful."
A hand grabs his.
A small,softer hand.
Haruka blink,and looks down. And in return,you blink up at him with a raised brow.
"this needs to get bandaged. C'mon."
But Haruka doesn't budge, instead his face suddenly bursts red,and he attempts to pull his hand away. But you don't let him; instead you grab his hand tighter (careful not to hurt him more) and tug slightly.
"why are you resisting?"
"W-what?!" He near screams, "I'm not resisting!you are!"
He tugs at his hand again.
"Let go!"
"nope." You pop the 'p' and grin, "what,are you embarrassed?"
"N-No way!!why would i?!"
And you just smile,softer this time and suddenly-
Haruka's heart thumps.
His heterochromic eyes widen,as he watches you pull out a small box and upon opening it,he spots some... sickening cute bandaids.
His eye twitches when you pull out one and stick it on his bloody knuckles. And suddenly,Haruka finds himself looking down at his bruised knuckles that are now covered in cute cats and dogs bandaids. He raises his head,and through his bangs,sees you grinning at him expectedly.
He knows his cheeks are burning, so he lowers his head and stares down at his shoes. His fingers start to pick at his bandaids and he pouts before huffing.
"...thanks,i guess."
And when he peaks up at you again,your lips are slighy parted and your eyes have widened. Then a blinding smile overtakes your feature and you pat his shoulder.
"no problem!if you ever got hurt again,i always carry bandaids with me!"
And suddenly, Haruka notices your uniform and his mouth hangs open.
"you're from Furin too?!"
And the pout that takes place on your lips shouldn't make his heart beat so much faster.
"yeah, why are ya so surprised?"
Haruka just stares, because he hadn't seen you arrive with the boys. He couldn't believe this;how could someone so sweet and innocent be part of the Furin-?
A snap of fingers in front of his face brings him back to reality.
"so you're the new student!i was wondering how you look!"
"and you are...?"
You straighten you posture and smile proudly.
"y/n l/n. First year at Furin."
Ah,so you're his new classmate...
"Yo,y/n!" When one of the boys call out to you and your attention is off him,he lets out a sigh but doesn't avert his eyes. He keeps staring at your smile;how your cheeks are slightly tinted pink when your upperclassmen compliment you. Haruka swallows and stares down at his bandaids.
Maybe... attending Furin wouldn't be so bad after all.
Not now that he knows you'll be there with him.
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ssparksflyy · 1 month
just thinking about first kiss w/leo and your hands are in his hair except he gets nervy and the tips of his curls accidentally catch fire and burn your hands !!
so then he carries you bridal style to the infirmary, literally crying and begging for forgiveness
and yk the talk with will as of how you acquired these odd shaped burns is awkward as hell
anon ur so right
whats funny about it is that the tips of his hair catching fire is actually one of your favorite things about him, you think its super cute and tease him about it sometimes- calling him names like 'hot head' and telling how adorable you think it is only makes them burn brighter and has him shoving his tomato red face into his hands. you werent lying when you called it adorable, it truly always made your heart flutter and brought a smile to your face.
so when it happens during your first kiss together, you obviously pull away and remove your hands from his hair cause.. well.. they just got burnt ?? but you still cant help but smile a bit.
the burns themselves werent extremely bad, they just stung a bit, and the kiss was great but that didnt stop leo from freaking out and immediately apologizing repeatedly, asking you if you were okay and grabbing your hands to get a better look at them.
you explain to him that youre okay, but this man is literally on the verge of tears, thinking you hate him and never ever want to see him again. you assure him youre ok, and just need to run over the infirmary for a quick treatment.
you try to turn away to the infirmary, but leo is so quick to literally sweep you off your feet and carry you in his arms, bridal style. he says something about making it up to you and calls himself 'your certified knight in shining armor' which only makes you smile more.
he begins scurrying over to the infirmary, pushing past campers so determined to get you there as quickly as possible, making you giggle. he puts you down at the door of the infirmary, quickly grabbing the door and holding it open for you.
you let out a light laugh and a 'thank you', then brush past him and into the infirmary. he follows right behind you, closing the door behind him. you walk up to the counter, asking one of the apollo kids for some assistance with your burns and she leads you over to sit and wait on one of the hospital beds until will can help you.
leo sits in the chair right next to you and even though youve told him a million times that youre ok, his leg cant help from bouncing and he can't stop fidgeting with his fingers. you notice his behaviors and put a hand on top of his busy ones, giving him a soft smile. he looks up and returns the smile, but is snapped out of his la-la-land trance when will walks over with his clipboard, ready to help you.
he asks you whats wrong and takes a look at your hands, but seems to have a puzzled look on his face.
"how'd you get these burns? theyre really weirdly shaped." he asks.
your face gets hot and your body tenses up, leo having the same reaction.
"uhmmm..uh- i-"
"wel-well you see what had happened was-"
"we ummm.."
"out with it already." will said, giving you a deadpan look.
you and leo glanced at each other in panic, but knew you shouldnt lie. not to will.
"we..wellwekissedandiwastouchinghishairbutthenitcaughtonfireandburntmyhadns" you mumbled quickly, looking down.
"what?" will asked, moving closer in hopes of hearing you better.
"wee.. kissed and i had my hands in his hair but then it caught on fire and burnt my hands" you said, elongating the syllables and feeling your face get hotter with each word.
will tired so hard not to laugh or smile, after all he was in a 'professional environment' ( as chrion called it ) but he really couldn't help it, he smirked and put your hands down, walking away from you and over to the cabinet where all the camp's ointments were kept.
he smothered a glob of the ointment onto your hands then bandaged them up so they could heal properly, and let you go on with your day- but not without a few teases and jokes while leo helped you fill out your paperwork.
after you finished up in the infirmary, you and leo walked out together and immediately plopped onto the bench outside.
"well that was embarrassing" leo said, stating the obvious.
"yep... well, now i know to learn from my mistake the next time i kiss you" you said, a small smirk forming onto your face.
your comment had caught leo by surprise, "what? wait... again? you-you'd wanna do that again?"
you turned to face him with a smile, "i mean why not? youre a good kisser and it's not like ive havent a crush on you for years"
leo had to be on the verge of a heart attack with each surprise he'd faced today, this one only pushing him further off the edge, "you've had a crush on me for years????"
you simply nodded your head and smiled, trying to play it cool when in reality your heart was ready to run out of your chest.
leo ran his fingers through his hair in disbelief, "wait so were you like really good at hiding it or something?? cause ive had a crush on you for years and i feel like its always been painfully obvious."
it was your turn to get nervous, suddenly at a loss for words.
"w-well, maybe you should do something about it then." you said, sounding more confident than you felt.
"well maybe i will."
he cupped your face with his hand and brought you in close for your second kiss that day, holding your hands down with his free one, and moving his lips slowly against yours. this time, the kiss was long and soft, the way your first one should've been. when the two of you finally pulled away for air, you had stupid smiles on your faces that only grew after leo asked you,
"would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
to which you gladly said yes to.
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spookbooh · 2 months
Morning Antics w/ Wriothesley -Wriothesley Oneshot x Reader- Modern AU
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⋆꙳•❅ ❅•꙳⋆
Waking up beside your dark haired husband turns out to be quite the soft moment for you two.
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The stinging morning glare soaks through your closed eyelids, rousing you from a peaceful sleep. You groan at the daring realization of forgetting to close the blinds to avoid this start to the morning, but your thoughts are silenced when a gentle hold around you tightens briefly, as if to remind you of his existence.
After adjusting to the blinding light pouring into the room, your eyes land on your sleeping husband beside you, chest rising and falling with every other tick of the clock in the hallway. The sun looks befitting on him, skin scarred yet still so soft under your touch. Your gentle grazes on his cheek wake him however, and icy blue eyes meet yours.
“Mmng..” he groaned softly, reaching a rough hand to cover his face from the sun. You chuckle a bit. “…What time is it?”
He reached for your phone on the bedside table, glancing at the time before settling back into his imprinted place on the mattress. He smiled seeing you, though.
“Good morning sleeping beauty,” you say with a snort. His hair was undoubtedly tangled and twisted in itself, though you could say the same for yourself.
“Morning..” he sighed, running and hand through his hair at your mention of it. The top two buttons on his dark grey top were open, practically screaming for you to glance down, which you did with a smile and slightly tinted cheeks. The marks down his neck always had you swooning, even while not bandaged in black fabric. Wriothesley of course, always caught you staring.
“Damn, not even a kiss first?” He laughed. You grant his wish by leaning in and kissing his cheek, though he pulls you right back in to press his lips against yours for a few seconds before pulling away. The sheets made that familiar shifting sound at every move you two made, and still fell on deaf ears per usual.
“How about some coffee and pancakes?” You say with a smile. He nods happily. Despite not being the biggest morning person, you tore yourself out of bed just to spend a little more time with your husband before you both had to depart for work. Often times, the morning antics you two got up to were the highlight of your day- such as the time you accidentally put too much salt on the eggs and left both of you sputtering for water or when Wriothesley tripped over himself while frantically pulling up his work pants because he slept in too long and was then running late for work and you couldn’t stop laughing at him the entire day after that.
Perhaps the only thing you disliked about the morning now was the burning sunlight throughout your shared apartment… and getting out of those heavenly sheets, of course.
While Wriothesley stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth and wrapping up his scars to put on his suit, you couldn’t help but peek in like a child eyeing the cookie jar after they just had their treat for the day. The office he worked in seemed off put when his skin was bare so he started to cover them for the sake of a smooth business environment. You swore you were ready to tear each employee a new one when he started doing this but he assures you every time that he’s not insecure about it and just wants to keep the peace.
You left him alone to get ready in peace while you went to prepare pancake batter so he could at least get some food in his stomach to start the day. While you almost screwed up the batter to water ratio, you cooked a decent plate of 8 pancakes and started brewing his coffee the way he liked- a dash of milk and the slightest bit of vanilla. He preferred to start his day with coffee and drink tea throughout the day to avoid an unhealthy amount of caffeine, which he also bothered you about on occasion.
You nearly had a heart attack when you felt his hands around your waist, a little lost in thought in that moment to realize he had finished getting ready. He laughed softly, feeling your jolt of surprise.
“Relax, relax. Just me,” he noted, resting his chin on your shoulder- be it by bending his back into a uncomfortable position to reach down far enough. “Smells good.”
You turned, hooking your arms over his shoulders and kissing him one more time.
“Your coffee’s almost done. Pancakes are on the counter, too,” you say. He hums softly before moving to the island counter where you put breakfast.
“Thanks, hon. Really,” he says, grabbing a mouthful. “I’ll be sure to treat you to dinner tonight.”
You smile subconsciously, already looking forward to it.
-Written by Booh. ^^
I love this man I love this man I love this man I love THIS MAN.
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
cw: mentions of scarring, canon-typical violence, flashback (not graphic), minor body horror (again, not graphic, mostly just emotional feelings about scars)
Everyone gave him weird looks when they walked in, quickly schooling their features when they noticed he was awake and watching them.
He didn’t know exactly what that was about.
They had him on a lot of good drugs.
But eventually he got weaned off them, and he noticed the pull of bandages on his side, and his arm, and his neck, and his face.
He was still unable to get out of bed. Still couldn’t even reach his arms above his chest for more than a few seconds.
But he damn sure reached up to feel the cloth and plastic surrounding his cheek. How had he not noticed for days? How had no one bothered him about it?
Maybe they had and he just didn’t notice. The morphine was one hell of a drug.
Wayne was soft, patient with him. Saw him touching it, saw the way his eyes filled with tears. He’d never been particularly vain, hadn’t cared much about what he looked like to others, but this felt bigger than that. This felt like he was changed in a way that everyone could see.
Add it to the list of things people could bully him for.
He cried himself to sleep, Wayne’s hand in his, silently comforting in the way he’d always done.
When he woke up again the next morning, he was alone.
It was the first time he’d been alone since the boathouse.
He could swear he heard bats outside his door, screams coming from the attached bathroom, flashes of someone dying on the ceiling.
He felt the sharp sting of teeth puncturing his skin.
He felt hopelessness creep into his bones as he gave in.
Maybe this time they would finish the job.
Steve Harrington’s voice broke through the thoughts, panicked enough to bring Eddie back to his hospital bed within a second of hearing it.
“Shit, are you okay?” He continued, hand brushing against Eddie’s bandaged cheek.
Eddie nodded once, closed his eyes, leaned into the touch.
He could blame it on any number of things if Steve felt weird about it. The morphine, the flashback, the loneliness.
“You’re okay, Eddie. I promise. Won’t let anything happen to you,” Steve whispered.
Eddie believed him.
He fell back asleep with Steve’s hand gently cupping the mangled side of his face.
If Steve could still touch him there, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Steve came by every day, sometimes in the early morning, before visiting hours officially started, sometimes well after Wayne had left to get some sleep. He always smiled when he walked in, a genuine one, not the one everyone else gave that was so fully of pity and pain he couldn’t bear to make eye contact. He sat down on the side of the bed, not the chair like everyone else, not scared to be close.
And every single day, without fail, he would run his finger along the edge of Eddie’s bandage on his face, watching his own movements and cataloging any changes.
Eddie sat quietly, still, scared to put words to anything happening. Scared to tell Steve what it meant to him to have someone acknowledge his pain in this way. Scared to think Steve could mean anything by it.
It was easy to pretend Steve was doing this because he cared.
Maybe he did care.
But he didn’t care the way Eddie wanted him to, needed him to.
So he stayed quiet, still.
He watched.
He fell asleep while Steve talked about his day, the kids, what Joyce made Hopper do around the house.
He woke up alone most days, but that was okay, because Steve would be there eventually.
“You ready to get that thing off?” Wayne asked, gesturing to the bandage.
“Oh. Today?” Eddie suddenly didn’t want to ever be without the bandage. Removing it meant he’d see what was under it.
It meant seeing how much that place had ruined him.
The pull of the stitches hadn’t been as obvious with the pull of the bandage masking it.
But now it’s all he felt.
The nurse smiled at him as she put some antibiotic cream over the area, saying he would probably still have to keep it extra clean for the next week or so while the stitches did their job.
Wayne smiled at him in the way that meant he didn’t really want to smile at all, but knew Eddie needed him to.
Steve didn’t come.
Eddie didn’t sleep.
He woke up with panic in his chest and a silent scream in his throat.
He woke up with Steve’s hand on his face.
Gentle, soft, but a strong comfort.
“Promise I washed them first. They said we have to be careful about germs,” Steve said quietly.
“You don’t have to. I know it’s…it’s gross. It’s ugly. I’m ugly.”
Steve shook his head. “No. Not gross. Not ugly. Alive.”
“You’re alive, Eddie. You could have your entire face held together by staples and you would still be a miracle. You’d still be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Well, Steve’s charm wasn’t an exaggeration, was it?
He wasn’t even sure if the skin barely pulled together could blush anymore, or if the heat that should be on his cheek was burning on the outside the way it felt like it was on the inside.
“It’s gonna be awful when it heals. I saw it in the mirror.” Eddie could feel every stitch in his jaw, the few that spread across the corner of his mouth and bottom lip, the ones that were nearly up to his ear. “I’ll always have a crooked face. The scar will always be huge. It’s all anyone will see.”
“Then they aren’t looking.”
Eddie bit his lip, eyes searching Steve’s. “But you are.”
“No. I’m seeing. There’s a difference. I see you. I see what you’ve survived. I see the mark it left on you. I know it wasn’t just the scars that cover your skin.” Steve leaned his head down, touching Eddie’s forehead with his own. “We all have them. And we’re all still here. Your heart’s beating. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Who knew you were so good with words?” Eddie smiled sadly.
“Robin says I’m just good at not having a filter.”
“She’s right as always.” Eddie wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist, turning as slowly as he could to kiss his palm. “You’re not scared of it.”
“No. Are you?”
“I’m scared that you’ll change your mind when it’s always there as a reminder of what happened.”
Steve kissed his nose, making him smile for the first time in what felt like years.
“I’ll have the reminder that I got you out of there. That no matter what, the bats couldn’t finish the job. That you were stronger and you made it.” Steve let his hand drop, but quickly laced his fingers with Eddie’s. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you to trust me, but will you? For today?”
“Just today?”
“I’ll ask again tomorrow.”
“And what? Every day after that?”
Steve smirked.
His eyes were glistening with tears, but Eddie could tell it wasn’t sadness or fear.
“If that’s what I have to do.”
They hadn’t even talked about feelings, not really. Nothing that made any sense to Eddie, nothing that they could define. A part of Eddie was still convinced he was in a coma and dreaming this entire conversation up.
But even the nurse had noticed the way Steve watched him, how he touched him, how he fought for him. She said he’d been a firecracker from the moment he carried him into the hospital, dripping blood on the tile, staining the halls with his demands for help.
Wayne said he barely left his side the first day, only doing so when the doctors had told him they would call the cops if he didn’t.
Erica even noticed how things had changed between them, stating that she refused to watch her babysitter and the only DM she had respect for make out.
But Steve held Eddie, made him feel like he could get out of the hospital bed and live a life that wouldn’t keep him running. Steve was there.
Steve might even love him. If not now, then some day.
And Eddie could trust him today.
He could probably trust him tomorrow.
“Kiss me?” Eddie probably shouldn’t. The stitches tugged when he talked, and another mouth anywhere near his wounds was just asking for an infection.
But Steve would be careful. He knew what Eddie could handle.
It was barely a kiss. A graze of the lips at most.
But it was the best kiss Eddie had ever had.
At least until tomorrow.
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maivolpe · 4 months
I'm giggling rn what if reader and bucky go on a mission and reader gets shot while trying to protect bucky but the bullet was actually a 🌟 special 🌟 bullet and bucky has to take care of reader until they feel better (LIKE A BARBED WIRE BULLET omg and they keep bleeding through their bandage and finally find out what bullet it was GASP.)
fun fact: this would probably technically be a war crime! so sorry for how late this is, i appreciate your patience and thank you for requesting ♡
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: cursing, gunshot, blood wc: 918
he didn’t respond. he was focused on something sam had said, face frozen in a smile, oblivious to the shadow at the window, the glint of metal in the sunlight.
but you could reach him. you dropped your glass, crossing the kitchen in three steps, planting your hands on his chest. you pushed him, both of you tumbling towards the floor, and then…
“hey, hey, hey…” bucky’s voice floated across the blankness, calm and measured. “don’t move…”
why did he say that? you weren’t moving.
“…didn’t hit anything important, you’re okay…”
what didn’t hit anything important?
“…muscle and fat, jus’ muscle and fat…”
and suddenly it occurred to you what he was talking about.
everything came rushing back, your train of thought screeching back into the station, and you gasped, face pressed against the cold tile of the kitchen floor. pain struck up your leg like lightning, and you cried out, bolting upright.
“easy, now, sweetheart,” he grunted, laying his vibranium arm across your chest while he pressed a cloth to your leg with his other. “can’t have you moving right now.”
fuck, it hurt. you’d been shot before, but this time it was different somehow. it burned with a fierce intensity, ravaging your leg. you felt like you might explode at any second.
“sor- i- i-“ you stammered.
“hey, don’t forget to breathe, doll.”
you bit down another cry, forcing air out through your nose.
“good, that’s good… sam?”
you caught a glimpse of him ripping off a section of his shirt for a tourniquet. somewhere in the back of your mind, you felt sad. you’d liked that shirt. it was a shame he’d have to use it on you.
“buck, it- fuck…”
you really felt it now, warm and sticky blood seeping through the cloth, flowing down your leg. the pain seemed to deepen, spreading up through your calf to the rest of your body, and you gritted your teeth to halt a pained scream.
bucky glanced down at your fear-stricken face with a mix of guilt and shame, but quickly offered you a tight-lipped smile. “nothin’ we haven’t done before, huh sweetheart?”
“feels different,” you groaned. “w-worse.”
he swore, propping your leg up onto his knee. you hissed at the movement, but held as still as you could while he pulled the strip of cloth up to your thigh.
a door slammed somewhere behind you and sam finally drifted into your swimming vision, breathing heavily. “i got him.”
“great,” bucky grunted, pulling the knot tight with his fingers. “help me out, will ya? i think it’s a dum-dum.”
then sam swore, and you knew to be worried. “give me that.”
bucky hovered back over you, lifting your chin with his hand. he thumbed at your cheek, and you leaned into the contact. “eyes on me, doll. sammy’s jus’ gonna tighten that up for you.”
you nodded, but it felt detached, as if you were slowly floating away from your body. his bright blue eyes were getting harder and harder to focus on, your body begging for the respite of unconsciousness.
“she’s going,” you heard bucky say, and you let the darkness take you.
when you next awoke, the pain had faded to a dull throb, and you were decidedly not dead. it was a good start.
you were in bed. not your bed, though. the gentle crackle of a record player sounded somewhere in the corner— bucky’s bedroom, then. sunlight was just beginning to stream through the blinds.
the super-soldier was curled up in an armchair next to your bed, head cupped in his palm. his hair, loose and unkempt, dangled in front of his face. he must have nodded off at some point during the night— that was rare, but then again, you were sure it had been a long one.
“what’s a dum-dum?” you croaked.
bucky startled awake, instinctively checking over your bandaged leg before meeting your eyes. his gruff expression melted into one more sympathetic, and he reached out to squeeze your hand.
“hey there, trooper.”
“hey. what’s a dum-dum?”
he chuckled at your persistence. “dum-dum bullets are expanding projectiles. they’re used to enlarge wounds and increase impact shock.”
your eyes widened, and you pushed yourself up on your elbows, straining to catch a glimpse at your calf.
“we got you fixed up,” he said quickly. “don’t worry.”
“thanks, buck,” you murmured, sinking back into the cushions.
he didn’t respond, and you blinked up at him. he had paled, the grave expression you were so used to seeing returning to his face.
“you shouldn’t have done that,” he mumbled, voice gravelly.
“you were gonna get shot,” you said. “i did what anyone would’ve done.”
bucky shook his head. “you should’ve let it happen.”
“i don’t think it’s fair,” you argued. “just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you should have to take it all the time.”
“i can take it,” he corrected. “i am guaranteed to come out on the other side. you’re not.”
“that’s so stupid,” you sniffed.
“i know,” he said, smiling sadly. “but if it means keeping you safe, i’d take it every single time.”
you sighed, beckoning at him. “get in.”
he gingerly climbed over you, careful to avoid jostling your leg. you threw the comforter over him, and once he was settled, pressed your forehead to his.
“you owe me, barnes.”
he chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “my knight in shining armor.”
you know he’s teasing you, but you don’t care. “of course, princess.”
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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love-anddeepression · 4 months
Hello! You wanted ideas? I have a random.thought I'd like to share! Oh I am a writer myself, so bear with me here!
Imagine that after the with shishitoren, you go to check Ume's bite. Because you know, bites can get infected awfully easily.
After checking, it seems fine. Just like Ume promised it was.
So you say " Hm, well.. from all have seen, it seems like you will have a very interesting hicky."
Which makes Ume slightly concerned:
" Yeah it's not that- wait what? That you had seen?"
You giggle and confirm. The boy freaks out:
" Y/N, seriously, what do YOU know about hickys??"
To which you smile at him before walking away:
" What I know indeed~"
That makes him flush red. Worried sick and slightly jealous by what that means.
But the thing is, you were used on trying to hide your friend's hicky. So you have seen a few.
Alas Ume wondered what you meant. Kotoha had to reassure him you were just messing with him.
Once alone, he wondered what it would be like to give you hicky. Which made him blush a lot and he started to scold himself to have such thoughts and tried to forget that idea.
But the image of a mark on you looked pretty good on his head.
Thank you for reading!
imagine the conflicting feelings Ume would have 😭
“Ume?” he hums in reply, eyes still glued to your face as you stand between his legs and scan him for more injuries, “Move your neck a little, lemme see the bite.”
He tilts his head to the right, just a bit. Though he’s told you he’s fine, you always like to check, to make sure it’s up to your standard of fine.
You’re so..cute. He wants to bite you up. “That tickles!” he whines as your fingers splay on his nape as you unwrap the bandage to change it.
“Woah!” you exclaim with a chuckle, leaning down to look at it,. You’re so close to his face, his cheeks rings with the lightest shade of red, “That’s going to heal and look like someone gave you a huge hickey! The boy are going to have a field day teasing you.”
His blush darkens at your teasing words, “W-what?” he chuckles, “How’d you know what a hickey looks like?” he teases.
You just smile and wink at him teasingly and if it was any other situation he’d have taken your wrist and pulled you to him and kissed the daylight’s out of you but now he’s-
What is he feeling?
It’s not something he feels very often, there’s nothing for him to be feeling this way over.
“Is my boy jealous?” you croon from above him, your hands slowly making their way to the back of his neck and playing with the strands there, each stroke making him more pliant in your hands, his head tilts up seemingly of its own accord.
You’re so unbelievably adorable. He’s never adored someone this way, and his blood runs cold when he thinks that someone else got to love you before he did. That maybe your hands played with their hair and you kissed them when they were tired too.
“Me? Jealous? Please.” he scoffs, looking away, desperately trying to calm his nerves. You huff out a laugh and step back from the circle of his legs, taking the first aid kit back to the storage on the terrace.
With your back turned, you don’t see your boyfriend whip his phone out and hurriedly text someone like a mad man.
“Hello my sweet younger sister i know you and my girlfriend are close did she date anyone before me? haha :DD”
“She hasn’t been this serious with anyone.”
“Yes, you big BABY. I’m busy! Tell the boys to come over later, and you bring my friend with you, i’ve missed her.”
“You’re telling me to come over? AWWWWW MY SWEET SISTER🥹🥹”
“i take it back, STAY THERE.”
Your hands wind around his neck from behind and you smooch his cheek, he closes his eyes in glee and leans to smother your face in little pecks that have you giggling and him pulling you into his arms again.
After a few moments of silence, he speaks, “I lied. I was jealous.”
You snort, “Knew it.” He shoved you a little and you laugh.
“So.. was your boyfriend better than me?” he raises his eyebrow teasingly.
“For the record,” you meet his eyes, “You’re my first serious boyfriend, and the only one i’ve ever kissed, so you don’t have to be that jealous. And I know so much about hickeys because i had to help my friend hide them many times for school.”
He heaves out a sigh, “Ah I see.”
“You baby.”
“I’m your baby.” he sing songs and your face flushes.
He has direct access to your neck in the position he has you in, and he gets the urge to shove his face into its crook and kiss you there. Maybe even leave a mark of his own, maybe leave a few of them. So anyone who saw you would know that you were all his and that they couldn’t have you. He’d be quick about it too, just a kiss and a nip and a soothing kiss again-
“Hey, you with me?” your voice drags him out his thoughts and he blushes, looking up in an attempt to hide his face from you. He feels a little ashamed to have thoughts like this, if you ever found out, you’d be so creeped out, he’s sure of it. He should just come clean and apologise.
But then he feels a light kiss on the column of his neck, right below his ear and his eyes roll back.
He’s the strongest guy in Furin. He leads a gang who is feared among others. He’s a force to be reckoned with.
But right now, he’s weak. You let him be weak and he’s never been more at peace.
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oepionie · 1 year
—"GOTTA ESCAPE THE VOID." overblot mc!
SYNOPSIS: The Ramshackle prefect has a reputation for frequently encountering fatal magical mishaps. And when a magical accident involving Crowley almost kills them, Crewel resolves to take matters into his own hands. But it appears that his impulsive decisions cause the prefect to reach their limit and go off the rails.
⊹ [ cw ] — heavy warnings, please read before you proceed. arguments with father, self-depricating thoughts, mentions of blood, protective parent, thoughts of offing self (only once), overblot mc!, miscommunication w friends, crying, physical fights ◞
⊹ [ tags ] — angst! gender neutral reader, crewel really embodies the 'cruel' in 'cruella', ace gets mad at you :(, deuce tries to comfort you through it all, crowley feels guilt (wow), crewel is vry vry angry and punches crowley, crewel has a mother gothel moment<3◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 2.5k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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YOUR VISION WAS NOTHING, but a myriad of colorful blurs and shapes. Muffled voices spoke to you, but everything was practically just incomprehensible, panicked babbling. The heavy pressure of metal was pressed up against your windpipe, restraining your breath as it wound tighter and tighter. Though, a few seconds later, it vanished as if it had never existed, bursting into bright magical sparks.
The gush and pool of blood surrounds your dirtied, tangled mess of hair, a dark scarlet seeping into the knotted strands. Kneeling before your body, Crowley felt his heart skid to a stop. The sight of your fatigued form writhing around the ground tore at his chest, claws of guilt digging in deep and dragging across thick tissue.
"Prefect…Can you hear me?" The crow murmurs, clawed hands pressing against the side of your pounding head as he guides it to rest atop his lap. Vibrant blooms of red stain the dark fabric of his pants, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"Dad…it hurts s'much." You slur in hushed tones, your eyes wringing shut from the pain. That was enough for Crowley to put his arms around you.
He shielded your body with his torso, hands clawing at your back as he wracks his mind of what to do next. Hastily turning round, he shifts his gaze to the surrounding students, all of them looking equally mortified.
"What are you standing around there for?! Call the nurse!"
"Y-Yes, sir!"
Drip. Drip
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The pungent smell of alcohol and medication fill your senses as you groggily blink awake.
The familiar creaky wood of Ramshackle's ceiling greets you as you pull yourself from dreamland. Looking over both sides of your bed, you smile once you see both Deuce and Ace seated on a nearby couch. Both of them were quick to jump up and approach you, fussing over your bedridden form.
"Thank Sevens." Deuce murmurs, tenderly combing your damp hair back. You roll your head to the side to face him, but wince at the sudden throb of pain in your spine. Ace darts over and hushes you, gently repositioning your head to face front once more, making sure your neck was supported by a pillow. "Hey…It'd be great if you don't move so much…"
“Right. Makes sense. 'Nways…how bad was my injury?” You mutter, your recollections of the past event still foggy. All you could remember was that Crowley had fired a spell, and you somehow got into the crossfire.
“Fucking horrible.” Ace scoffs, looking at you sternly.
"Yeah, take it easy for a bit. The injury was…pretty serious. It was a miracle that the spell missed your head by a thread…" Deuce murmurs as he presses a gentle hand on your bandaged forehead.
Strands of blueberry hair fall loosely at the sides of his face as he stares down at you with worry. "You were out for three days."
"Ah…well—you know, me and my dumb non-magical ass. Always getting into trouble," you giggle, a cheery grin stretching over your cracked lips. Though it rapidly drops when you realize your two friends aren't laughing with you.
Ace shifts his gaze to the floor, hands clasped into a fist. "You're not dumb, prefect…"
"Well—I kinda am," You snort, tugging the blanket closer to your chilly form. "I really have to stop being around the old man's magic shows."
Unconvinced, Ace only shakes his head and scoffs at your jokes. The ginger reclines back into his chair, hands vigorously tugging and pulling at his hair. "You aren't. The real issue here is that deadbeat crow. I mean...hasn't he learnt anythin' from last time? What kind of idiot treats his child—"
"It wasn't his fault, Ace." Pushing yourself off the bed, you immediately interrupt him, voice stern as you rush to defend Crowley. "He didn't mean it. I got in the path of his magic. And—I'm pretty sure he's already beating himself up over this."
Sinking back into the bed, you clasp both your hands together. "It wasn't his fault. Sure, he's reckless and all but…but he's still my dad."
Silence washes over your room.
Ace was visibly frustrated, the blunt tips of his nails dug deep into his skin, nearly piercing past skin. With a final scoff, he stands from his chair and quietly excuses himself from the room.
The door slams shut with a blaring bang as both you and Deuce were left alone.
Sighing, the freshman takes your trembling hand in his, clasping it tight as his body temperature warms the cool skin. He draws your right arm up to press your palm against his cheek, eyes looking deep into yours.
"Professor Crewel is pissed," Deuce whispers as you trace gentle circles on his skin. A pair of shaky cyan eyes meets your concerned ones. "He was planning to—"
Deuce's mouth parted open and close and yet he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. You cast a questioning glance his way, but Deuce shakes his head, disregarding your questions.
Surprise washes over you as you stare down at Deuce's hunched over form. It…wasn't like your friends to be so dismissive.
You, Ace, and Deuce had always been good friends. Sure you had your differences but you always communicated openly with one another. Nobody has ever been this...secretive.
Just…what was happening?
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
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The sickening crack of a bone echoes through the faculty room as the rough knuckle of Crewel's fist connects with Crowley's face. The headmaster reels, mask flying off as his hands fly to his bloodied nose.
Everyone in the vicinity quieted as the only noise heard was the potionology professor's labored breathing.
Then, without hesitation, Crewel surges forward. Loud commotion and screaming could be heard in the meeting room as everyone quickly circles around the two. A couple of hands seize Crewel by the arms, but the professor only grows more agitated, attempting to fight past the herd.
"Let me go!" Crewel roars, tugging his arm free as he attempts to swing a fist at the headmaster. "Dire! This is your fucking fault!"
"Divus! Calm yourself!" Trein scolds, arms locked tight around the man's torso. A few more pairs of hands restrain the professor as he is forcibly pushed down onto a couch.
His face was the epitome of unrepressed rage: With his cheeks drawn back in a deep sneer, eyes bloodshot red, and hair a knotted mess.
Trein stands before the younger man, looking down at him with disgust. "Have you no shame? What will the prefect think once they hear of this?"
Across the room, Crowley spits out a little blood, blinking fresh tears out of his eyes. For the last three days, the crow has been suppressing all of its emotions; however, all of a sudden, he is overcome with an unfettered and unhindered flood of shame and rage.
When the headmaster finally turned around, he fixed Crewel with an expression so scathing that the potionology professor felt compelled to charge at him again.
Once, coldly, sharply, and bitterly, Crowley laughed. "It's my fault, you say? You think I don't know that?"
"Oh please—Dire. I couldn't care less about what you think." Crewel seethes, venom practically dripping from his lips. The alchemy professor strides forward, heels clicking against the floor as he grabs Crowley by the collar.
"You're a failure of a father. All you've ever brought their way is danger." The professor cackles kicking the crow's skin.
Digging deep into his red handbag, Crewel snatches out papers and jams it into Crowley's chest. The crow unravels the creased pages to read the text on the document, eyes ripping wide open as he realizes what it was.
"You…can't possibly." The headmaster sputters, hands shaking as he reads the texts again and again.
"Oh, but I can." Crewel sneers, taking pleasure in the look of fear Crowley sends his way. He snaps around, coat billowing up behind him as he briskly walks towards the entryway. "I expect those papers to be signed by tonight."
Before walking out of the room, Crewel spares the headmaster one final glance. "The prefect departs this Monday."
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Days after the event were all followed by violent storms that appeared to go on forever. Every night and day, the rain endlessly poured down from the bitter grey skies and roars of thunder echoed through the dewy clouds. Some days, it was nearly impossible to go to school.
It was almost as though Mother Nature herself was upset.
Just like how everyone was.
Crowley and your other friends shunned you like you had the plague. Even bright Kalim greeted you with a deep frown, a flimsy excuse slipping off his lips as he ran away. Only Deuce stayed by your side through it all.
The blueberry had told you everything was alright—that everything was normal and fine— but you couldn't help but be skeptical.
So when Crewel came to visit, you welcomed him right in. Eager to hear what he has to say.
The clatter and click of your father's heeled boots echoed through the walls of the dormitory as he examined the premises, comparing it to his own much more lavish flat back home in the city.
Finally, after an excruciating 5 minutes. his gaze flitted over to your bedridden form.
And the words he utters out next shatter your entire being.
"I'm withdrawing you from NRC."
The glass clasped in your bandaged hands slips from your grip, smashing onto the oak wood of Ramshackle's flooring. You raise your mortified gaze to scowl at your professor, jaw dropped open in shock.
"What?" you breathlessly utter. "What do you mean?!"
"I'm transferring you to another school." Crewel replies, pushing himself off the fireplace and slipping his thick fur coat off his shoulders. The scant light emitted by the candles atop your study table did nothing to help you navigate his form as he strode around your bedroom.
"Now. You might be asking why? For one, look at the…accommodations Dire provided you with."
Crewel kicks a piece of splintered bark aside while making a gesture towards the disorder and wreckage all around you.
In the evenings, you had to use candles because the ceiling lights seldom ever functioned. The flooring had so many tears and holes that they were virtually falling apart. On occasion, you could even see the scuffle of rats beneath. The roof leaked, horribly; You had no money to fix it so you placed a bucket below instead. The front door was broken, barely hanging on its hinges, evidence of all the times your friends visited and never bothered to knock.
All of these problems and so many more were present, but this dorm was with you since the very start. It provided you with a roof over your head…it helped you survive.
"So what?" You retort, leaning back into your bed and sinking deep into the scratchy yet familiar pillows. "I don't mind it!"
"A foolish decision." Crewel sneers, running a hand into his hair. "Your accommodations aren't the only problem. Your self-destructive habits endanger you as well!"
There it was.
Groaning, you wring your hands through your hair, tangling it up. "When are you gonna stop saying that I'm self-destructive!?"
"When you start acting like somebody that actually cares about their life!" Crewel barks out, hands grasping your shoulders. The sudden increase in volume makes you recoil, but you were stubborn and refused to give in just yet.
"But I do care about my life!" You sputter out. "Why can't you just—"
"Remember what happened when Rosehearts overblotted?" He reminds you, "You charged towards a bloodthirsty tyrant with no protection, no magic, and no plan." Crewel then crosses his arms over his chest, addressing you with a pointed glare. "And you have the nerve to tell me you're not self destructive?"
"Riddle is not a tyrant!" Crying out, you slam your hand against your bedsheets, face twisting into an unsightly sneer. "I was trying to save my friend!"
Crewel gets right in your face, returning the expression of anger you sent his way. "Those friends of yours only care about you when you're useful!" he thundered, jabbing a finger into your chest.
That comment immediately silenced you.
Your hand was clasped over your mouth, jaw dropped wide open in disbelief as a sharp gasp escapes your dry throat.
A poisonous and dangerously harmful feeling gripped at whatever remnant the professor had of a heart. It colored his thoughts with regret as he began to feel a twinge of guilt, the weight of words sinking in.
There was a deep sigh of resignation from Crewel before he put a hand on your shoulder and looked you deep in the eyes, voice lowering to a softer lilt. "Why is it that every other person in that dorm had the sense to run away from the blots, but you didn't?"
Kneeling down, your father gazed at you with such vulnerability in his eyes as he murmurs, "Do you know how terrified I was every time I'd get the same message from Dire that you were out fighting overblots again? Putting your life at risk for those rabid dogs?"
The recognition of your destructive habits hit you like a splash of ice cold water. With a guilty and uncomfortable grimace on your face, you averted your attention to the floor. "I just wanted to help."
Slowly rising to his feet again, Crewel casts a deep frown your way. "I know you do, but you're careless with your life and if you're not careful…one of these days, you're gonna die."
"I will not hear anymore disagreements about this, do you hear? I've allowed you to run rampant around these past few months. You will so as I say and I'll have you transferred by the end of this week." He says simply, dropping a pristine sheet of paper clasped in a clipboard before you. Your dull eyes flicker across the title as you grudgingly reach for the pen he offers you.
That blank line at the end of the page is swiftly covered by your shaky red signature and Crewel is powerless to stop the relieved sigh that heaves past his lips.
A surge of victory, certainty, and an intense sense of relief overpowers the tangled and conflicting sentiments of guilt that were swimming through his chest.
You were safe, that's all that matters.
With a grieving heart, you nudge the pen and page back to your father dismissively, placing them both atop the bed. Crewel re-rolled the page and tucked it back into his handbag along with the pen.
The professor raises a hand to gently pat your shoulders as he bends down, pressing a kiss atop your head. "Father knows best."
As Crewel quietly takes his leave, he is none the wiser to the formation of impure, tainted tar-like blot dripping from your tears. Curling in yourself, you tuck your head into your knees, a broken sob spilling from your lips.
A sick and twisted feeling arises in your heart as you replay the argument you had with Crewel, and you start to wish that maybe, just maybe, Crowley's spell had succeeded in striking you.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
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AHHHH CONGRATS ON 5k!!! Ok ok, hear me out on this request because I think it might make a good little fic. I can’t decide between Hesh or Price for this one but I got a general idea: stoned Hesh or Price. You know those videos of husbands waking up from surgery and not recognizing their wife right away but knowing they’re the most beautiful person in the world (something like this: https://youtu.be/kV8KyeApBJY). Well maybe it’s something like he got hurt from a mission (hurt enough to require drugs/anesthesia for the plot) but is recovering back at base and imagine their wife is their medic and she’s trying to update his team on how he’s recovering and you just got a stoned Hesh or Price completely hopped up on drugs following his injury, just fawning over her and he just goes bananas when she “reveals” they’re married. The team got a kick out of it
—Keep The Sheets Warm, My Love Is Coming Home
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [If this wasn't enough to prove that you were the only person for Hesh, you didn't know what did.] ❞
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You walked around the room, tidying up what you could if only for the simple fact that it could distract you from the unconscious body in the bed. Realistically as a medic, you knew he would be fine—he was in the best hands possible—but Hesh had a track record for being unpredictable. 
He’d gotten into some trouble out in No Man’s Land again. Broken arm and ribs; a bullet through his thigh. He was so pumped full of medication and anesthetics from surgery that you doubted that he would be waking up soon.
But then again, Hesh was always surprising you. It was one of the reasons you’d married him, after all. Never a dull day.
Elias’s voice calls from the doorway. 
“You’re going to fall over at this rate,” you blink quickly, turning with an extra blanket in hand to spread around your husband’s comatose state. 
Your father-in-law has his arms crossed, and Logan slinks his way through the doorway with an arm looping your shoulders, a head pushed into your scalp silently. You sigh deeply, tension that you hadn’t realized was on your face lessening.
“Only if he keeps me from seeing those greens of his.” 
Logan huffs a laugh, squeezing you as his father grunts—the stern man’s eyes softening in a way they only would for you and his boys.
“He’d be more worried about you than himself if you did. Put my mind at ease, okay?” Your eyes roll but you nod with a small smile. You don’t argue with his point in the slightest. 
So, that was how you ended up here, in a seat by Hesh’s hospital bed—your hand in his and your head nodding back and forth with fatigue. Elias and Logan are casually playing a game of chess from across the room when David’s eyes flutter; his mouth releasing a low groan.
Your lids snap back, spine straightening, but before you can get a word out, your husband is pulling his hand from yours. His green eyes are loopy, pupils blown wide. 
He mutters something under his breath, lips grimacing and face pulling in at the sight of you. 
“Hesh?” The two men stand as you check his vitals, heart hammering until there’s nothing out of the ordinary and you can sit back down with a sigh and a relieved smile. “Take it easy, alright? You got out of surgery a little while ago—everyone’s here for you—”
“W…Where’s my wife?” His words slur, jaw loose as he rotates it; the unbroken arm with an IV chord stuck in it raises as jerky digits rub at his eyes. You’re left at a loss, blinking slowly in confusion before sharing looks with your in-laws. “No offense, Miss, you’re pretty and all, but…shit, why’s everything spinning?”
A hand covers your mouth, heated embarrassment lighting inside of your veins. 
“Hesh, Sweetheart,” your arm reaches to the brunette, trying to grab his wrist that he weakly moves away. 
“Stay away from me,” he grunts, head limply lulling on its pillow. “Thought I told you to keep it to yourself. My Wife’ll rip,” Hesh’s voice fizzles, a loud yawn peeling his bandaged face back, “you to pieces.” A pause. You hear Logan trying to hide his loud laughter behind his lips. “Did…the doctor send you?”
Your body turns to Elias, face beaming and expression exasperated. 
“Now that he’s awake will you get the other three? It’ll be easier to give the news to all of you at once.”
“Already commed ‘em,” the man states, watching his eldest with a raised brow and a slow smirk. “Least we know he’s a loose cannon on anesthesia.” 
Merrick, Keegan, and Ajax all file in, and as you continue to watch over a loopy Hesh, his small noises and babbling continue even when you give the breakdown of the patient sheet. You stand just shy of brushing the bed’s lower frame. You won’t lie and say it isn’t hilarious.
“He needs to keep out of the field for at least two and a half months, boys, and I’m not joking about that, alright?”
Your husband’s slow voice slashes through your speech, and the rest of the Ghosts snicker, sharing knowing looks as Hesh tries to lift the hand currently wrapped to his chest to keep it still. “You’re a real beautiful lady, Doll, y’know that? I’m sorry you like me so much, but I love my wife, you hear? Please don’t be angry with me.”
“Hesh, Darling,” you walk closer and bend down carefully. He blinked owlishly at you, finger coming up to poke at your cheek. Your hand grabs his as you hear Ajax make a quick remark to Keegan about the man being ‘totally whipped even when he’s high.’ 
“David, hey,” your voice prompts him to smile, perhaps now only realizing the familiarity of it. “I’m going to tell you something, hm?”
“Okay,” he watches, petting your neck with his thumb. 
“I am your wife.” The man’s eyes widen comedically as everyone shares a long laugh with one another. 
“No way,” Hesh breathes after a moment, awe-stricken. “Really?”
“Really.” There’s a moment of silence, and then the heart monitor begins to pick up its pace to a fast pound. Your face goes hot with love, and you bend your head forward in a long and honest laugh into his shoulder. 
Green eyes shift to the men, and Hesh beams, cheeks red and heart racing as he slurs out, “This is my wife?!”
It was safe to say they were never going to let him forget about this.
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linos-luna · 1 year
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Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate you 💕
My Queen ❣️🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: Yandere! Some violence, stabbing, delusion, obsessive behavior, fingering, some oral
(Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7)
“W-where am I?!”
You looked around, realizing that you’re on a bed in a room you don’t know with your wrists tied up with zip ties.
What happened? What was the last thing you did?? Your mind was racing with thoughts when you heard the door open.
“Hello, love.”
You turned to see a familiar face. Hyunjin?
He’s a friend of yours, well… was. You hadn’t talked to him in over a week. He was nice but sometimes a little weird. He’d follow you around and sometimes knew things he shouldn’t… you told him you needed some space. You’ve always had a little crush on him but that idea was definitely out of the question now.
“Hyunjin??” You looked at him with concern. “W-what? What’d you do to me?? Where—??”
“You’re in my home, silly.” He chuckled while moving closer. “Well… our home now.”
“Hyunjin, what are you doing?! Why are my wrists tied??”
“Well I don’t want you to escape.” He said before leaning in to kiss you, only for you to turn away.
“Hyunjin this is sick. You can’t do this…”
The man roughly grabbed your chin and turned your head to forcefully kiss you.
“Y/n. You’re the love of my life.”
You were unnerved by his calm demeanor and want sure what to do. Your heart was racing.
“You’re my queen.” He said while sitting next to you. “I must keep you here, in my castle.”
He’s losing it. He must be. What kind of person does this?
A bit later, he brought you some clothes. They were from your closet at home. Outfits that you’ve worn before.
“I think these look cute on you.” He said with a smile.
“Well… I can’t put them on with my wrists tied.” You said while holding up your wrists.
“Yes of course, love.” Hyunjin nodded and got some scissors to cut them off. After doing so, he put them back in the drawer and kissed your hand. “I’ll be making dinner. Come out when you’re ready.”
You nodded and as soon as he left, you grabbed the scissors. You waited to hear him go to the kitchen and slowly opened the door.
When sure that he was distracted, you made a run for the door. Unfortunately, you were instantly spotted and grabbed from behind.
“What are you doing, darling?!” He said while trying to get ahold of you.
“Hyunjin let go!” You yelled while trying to cut him with the scissors, only grazing his thigh.
“Stop it! I don’t want to hurt you!” He took hold of your wrist in the struggle and was able to take the scissors from you.
You stomped on his foot, hoping to get him to let go. But that only seemed to agitate him. Instead of letting go, he had the scissors open, cutting the inside of his hand.
Suddenly there was a sharp pain in your shoulder, making you pause and scream out loud.
You stumbled backwards into his arms and looked at your shoulder. The scissors where there. Stabbed in pretty deep.
“Oh baby… darling I’m sorry!” Hyunjin said frantically while dragging you to the couch. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“Why would you do that?!” You sat on the couch crying, watching as the blood stained your shirt.
“I didn’t mean to!” He said with tears. “Darling I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt my sweet queen. To pierce her pure skin!”
It was hard to not cry. The pain was searing and wound deep.
“I would never hurt you! Never! Never!”
“Take it out!” You yelled.
“Not yet! You’ll bleed out.” Hyunjin said with a sigh. “I’ll get the emergency kit.”
You sat there in pain as he left to get the kit. He came back with a box and grabbed the bandages.
Hyunjin moved your sleeve down and you winced as he pulled out the scissors then nearly screamed as he pressed cloth against.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said while cleaning it up. He bandaged the area up then wiped your tears.
“Your hand…” you said while motioning to the blood there. “You cut it.”
“This?” He said with a smile. “It’s nothing.”
You sighed as he lifted you up bridal style. He took you back to the bedroom and gently set you down .
“I’m sorry I had to do that.” There was clear guilt in his voice and he was on his knees in front of you. “Forgive me, love.”
You only looked at him with a tear stained face.
Hyunjin took your hands and squeezed them tight.
“I love you. I really do! I always have.” He said while looking up at you. “I was so hurt when you stopped seeing me a week ago! I cant live without you, y/n.”
“You didn’t have to kidnap me—!”
“I didn’t?!” He yelled, suddenly standing up. “I had to!”
You scooted back a little in fear and he instantly calmed down.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said while taking your hands again. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“Hyunjin… you need help…” you said in a shaky voice. “Y-you need to let me go…”
“But I love you.” He replied with a whine.
“This isn’t love!”
“No!” He yelled. “Please, darling… I’ve brought you back to the castle… I must care for you.”
“Hyunjin… t-this isn’t a castle…”
“You’re right.” He said, now letting you go. “Not until it’s up to your standards. My queen deserves better!”
Two weeks later and your shoulder still hurt. It may not be throbbing, but you should definitely be seen in a hospital.
Although you were kidnapped, Hyunjin was pretty gentle with you. He cuddled with you at night and cooked you all your meals. He’d practically serve you… like a queen. In a sick way, you found it sweet.
You and Hyunjin were on the bed. He gently kissed your lips while had on your hip.
You were laying down as he hovered over you.
It was uncomfortable and you didn’t kiss back; yet, he kept going.
“Darling…?” he whispered. “Why aren’t you returning my love?”
You only stared at him, not sure what to say.
“Please…” he held your cheek. “Let me… let me tell you everything I love about you. How committed I am.”
“How… how committed are you, Jinnie?” You froze, realizing what you said. Did you just call him a nickname?
Hyunjin’s heart skipped a beat when hearing you say it.
“I love your physique…” he said while kissing you and rubbing your waist. “Your gorgeous face and hair…”
You looked down at his hand as it played with the material of your skirt, making you a bit nervous.
“You’re the sweetest person in the world… also strong.” He continued while kissing your lips. “Your lips plump and eyes glimmer with love.”
“You love me, don’t you?” He asked while his hand roamed under your shirt. “I take care of you, I love you.”
“I mean, you called me Jinnie!” He snapped. “You must love me!”
Your heart was racing as he played with the material of your bra.
“My sweet queen, I want to prove it to you!” He said while getting close.
“P-prove what..?”
“My love of course!”
“Hyunjin- agh…” you moaned softly as you felt his hand under your skirt and rubbing your clothed cunt. He was circling his fingers over a wet spot that was forming.
“Please.” He whispered while playing with the cotton material. “I need to spoil my queen… to prove my love.”
You closed your eyes as he continued rubbing you. He was waiting. Waiting for your word.
“You have needs, my love. Let me fulfill them…”
You weren’t sure what to do at this point. You were pinned to the bed with not much choice. In a way… you kind of wanted it.. but no! He kidnapped you! Are you insane?!
You were getting increasingly needy as he rubbed you and you finally gave in.
You nodded and he flashed a big smile before sitting up and lifting your skirt. He was about to undo his pants, only for you to suddenly grab your his hair.
“Nuh uh… no cock…”
“You heard me.” You sighed. “No. Cock.”
“You want to please me right?!” You snapped.
“Yes of course!” He replied quickly. “More than anything in the world!”
“Th-then… only fingers…”
He nodded while getting back to your thighs. He gently kissed the inside of your thigh, close to your cunt.
You breathed slowly as he kissed over your panties.
You whined as the underwear was slowly pulled down and gasped when feeling his fingers rubbing your clit.
You moaned and arched your back as he inserted two fingers.
He kissed your lips while slowly moving them in and out and you let out breathy moans.
“Cum for me, please.” He groaned. “I wish to taste your sweet essence.”
You did exactly that and nearly screamed as you felt his lips on your bare cunt. He lapped up your cum like a starved man and made some groaning noises.
“Thank you.” He said while grabbing your cheeks and desperately kissing you. “Thank you so much, my love!”
You said nothing. Only laying there, tasting yourself on his lips.
After a minute or so, he got up and grabbed another pair of panties from a bag. The bag with your things.
After putting them on, he lay next to you and rubbed your cheek.
“Everyday… everyday I will cherish you… everyday I will love you.” He whispered while locking eyes with you. “My love knows no bounds…”
After a while, he fell asleep and you sat up to think about what just happened. You wiped some tears from your cheeks and quietly cried. How could this happen? How could you let it happen?
It was hopeless. This man was not right in the head. He’s delusional. Does he really believe you are a queen? Does he really believe this is a castle? Has his mind snapped. And more importantly… has he always been this obsessed?
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lanawrx · 2 months
Zenitsu Agatsuma with a GF who acts like Mikan Tsumiki
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a/n: I kinned Mikan a few years ago so I definitely would've adored to read smth like this in 2021 lol. Zenitsu, my glorious king, would absolutely love her right.
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When Zenitsu first saw you, he was instantly smitten by how utterly gorgeous you were.
You were the newest addition to the Butterfly Mansion, taken in by the Insect Pillar after proving your proficiency in medicine.
Many would argue you were almost at her level with the way you immediately got to work administering medicine, cures, and patching up slayers as soon as they landed in the recovery bay.
He’d seen you bustling around the mansion, always with a nervous smile and quick apologies whenever you bumped into someone.
You had a sort of anxious grace about you, a delicate way of moving that immediately caught his eye. Zenitsu, who was already a nervous wreck himself, couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
You were in the middle of helping one of the other assistants, your hands trembling slightly as you organized medical supplies. Your cheeks were flushed as you fumbled with a bandage roll, and Zenitsu was practically glued to the spot, his heart pounding faster with each clumsy gesture you made.
Finally, he mustered the courage to approach.
“Um, hi!” he said, his voice trembling a little. “I’m Zenitsu. You’re, um… the new assistant here, right?”
You looked up, startled, your eyes wide and your hands quickly stopping their movements. “Oh! Y-yes, that’s right,” you stammered, your cheeks turning a bright shade of red. “I’m, um... I’m sorry if I’m in your way.”
Zenitsu was immediately taken with your nervous charm. “N-no, not at all!” he blurted out. “Actually, I, um, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. You’re really… well, you’re really pretty and kind, and, um…”
He trailed off, his nerves getting the better of him. You looked even more anxious, and Zenitsu’s heart ached seeing you like that. He couldn’t help but blurt out, “W-would you, um, maybe want to, you know, marry me?”
You blinked at him, stunned, and your face went even redder. “M-marry you?” you squeaked, your voice barely a whisper. “I, um, I don’t think I’m—”
“No, no, it’s just that, um, I don’t have long to live, and, uh, I thought, maybe, you’d want to—” Zenitsu fumbled, face burning hot with embarrassment.
He usually has terrible luck with women, but to speak to someone as beautiful as you had him stumbling to keep his cool.
Before he could finish, you looked like you were about to crumble. Tears welled up in your eyes as you trembled, “I-I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I’m just… I’m really bad at, um, socializing, and—”
Zenitsu’s eyes widened, and he rushed to reassure you. “No, no, it’s not that! I just—uh, I really like you! I think you’re amazing and—”
You started to fidget with your hands, your voice trembling. “I-I’m sorry, I just, um, I’m not good at, um, understanding these kinds of things. I’m always worried I’m bothering people, and…”
Zenitsu’s heart melted at your fragility. He took a deep breath and stepped closer, trying to look more confident than he felt. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m really sorry if I scared you or anything. I just thought… well, you’re really nice, and I—”
You looked up at him, your eyes full of uncertainty and confusion. “I-I don’t want to be a bother. I’ll, um, try to do better…”
Zenitsu shook his head quickly. “No, no! You’re not a bother at all! You’re just—amazing, really. And I’m sorry if I came on too strong. I just—”
“I’m sorry,” you said again, tears welling up in your eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to—”
Zenitsu’s heart ached seeing you like this. He reached out and gently touched your arm. “Hey, don’t cry. I really do like you, okay? I’m just… kind of a mess myself, but I’d really like to get to know you better. How about we just, um, hang out sometime?”
Your tears started to subside, and you looked at him with a mix of confusion and relief. “Y-you really mean that?”
Zenitsu nodded, a hopeful smile on his face. “Yeah. I do.”
You wiped your eyes and gave a tentative smile, nodding slowly. “O-okay. I’d like that.”
Zenitsu had made it his mission to be around you more often. He found excuses to be near the Butterfly Mansion’s main area, casually dropping by to help with tasks he was absolutely no good at, just so he could spend a little more time with you. Your quiet, nervous demeanor was like a magnet for his clumsy heart.
Tanjiro had been observing Zenitsu’s behavior for some time now. While he usually kept a close eye on his friends, he couldn't help but notice the significant change in Zenitsu’s demeanor since you arrived at the Butterfly Mansion.
The way Zenitsu seemed to always be around you, the way his face lit up whenever you were near, and even the overpowering scent that radiated off of Zenitsu—Tanjiro was certain his friend was in love with you.
One afternoon, while Zenitsu was nervously practicing his breathing techniques in the garden, Tanjiro approached him with a warm smile. “Hey, Zenitsu. Mind if I join you for a bit?”
Zenitsu looked up, startled, and then gave a hesitant nod. “Oh, uh, sure, Tanjiro.”
Tanjiro sat down next to him, his expression thoughtful. “I’ve noticed how much happier you’ve been lately. It’s great to see you feeling more positive.”
Zenitsu’s cheeks flushed slightly as he scratched his head, trying to look nonchalant. “W-well, it’s nothing special. I just… feel a bit better lately.”
Tanjiro’s eyes twinkled with understanding. “I have a feeling it’s because of someone special. Am I right?”
Zenitsu turned red as he stammered. "I- Well-"
Tanjiro beamed and suggested he bring flowers and a gift. He told Zenitsu to be completely honest with how he felt about you, and surely you'd feel the same.
Zenitsu was scared to death. He really didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or hurt your feelings. He wanted to show you how good of a person you are and how happy you make him just by looking at him.
Zenitsu spent the rest of the evening gathering a bouquet of flowers and selecting a thoughtful gift, his nerves mixing with excitement. He was determined to make this moment special.
The next day, Zenitsu approached you while you were working in the garden. Your usual nervous smile appeared as you noticed him.
“H-hi, Zenitsu!” you stuttered, cheeks flushing with a mix of nervousness and curiosity.
Zenitsu’s hands trembled slightly as he held out the flowers and gift. “H-hi! I, um, I brought these for you. I, uh, wanted to, well, tell you something.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked at the flowers and gift. “Oh! Th-these are beautiful! What, um, what’s the occasion?”
Zenitsu swallowed hard, his heart pounding. “I just wanted to say… I really like you. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. I know I’m a bit of a mess, but, um, I really care about you. I’d like to get to know you better. So, um, if you’d, maybe, want to, I don’t know, go out with me sometime? I’d really like that.”
Your eyes filled with tears as you listened, your heart fluttering with joy. “Z-Zenitsu… I-I had no idea you felt this way. I-I’m so, so happy! I-I really like you too!”
Zenitsu’s face lit up with a radiant smile, his heart swelling with relief and happiness. He gently took your hands in his, his voice trembling with emotion. “R-really? That’s great! I promise I’ll do my best to make you feel special and loved.”
Without thinking, you threw your arms around him, your lips meeting his in a soft, tender kiss. Zenitsu’s eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly melted into the kiss, his hands cradling your face gently.
When you finally pulled away, your eyes were sparkling with happiness. “I-I’ve never felt like this before… I’m so happy. I-I’m really lucky to have met you.”
He gently squeezed your hands, his eyes sparkling. “No, I’m the lucky one.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。 Thanks for Reading! ˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆
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bordysbae · 1 year
3. “i'm here baby, don't worry" 4. "i love you more than anyone" 42. "he won't stop talking about you" w luke where he takes you to the lake house and brothers take the reader from him and tell the reader all abt how luke loves her sm
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“all grown up”
luke hughes x f!reader
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it’s your first time at the lake house, and you were pushed into the pool by your boyfriend luke. unfortunately, your foot caught the edge on your way in and you got a decently sized cut. you laugh it off as you get out, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. you limp out of the pool in an attempt to not put pressure on the cut. luke quickly rushes over and picks you up bridal style, “i’m so sorry y/n! oh my gosh i’m so so sorry! i’m here baby don’t worry, i’ll go get you bandaids,” he frantically says as he places you down on the lounge chair.
you reassure luke that it’s not a big deal whatsoever, but he insists on helping you as much as possible. quickly quinn and jack rush over to you, “finally we got you alone! luke never leaves your side,” jack chuckles.
“he literally never stops talking about you either! god he would never shut up about how much he liked you during winter break. so much he even drove my mom crazy!” quinn exclaims, making you laugh and blush. they continue telling you about luke’s love for you, but soon luke arrives back with an angry expression on his face.
“dude! you guys are dragging this out so much, i don’t talk about y/n that much,” luke whines. you chuckle a little and pat the spot next to you for him to come sit down. he then places your foot in his lap and begins bandaging it. once he finishes, you rest your head on his shoulder and take his hand in yours, “thank you luke. i love you more than anyone, don’t be embarrassed. i’m sure i talk about you just as much,” you smile up at him.
he kisses the top of your head and suddenly the moment is broken by quinn and jack. “awww, look at lukey! all grown up,” quinn mocks, making luke roll his eyes. jack starts to make kissing noises as he wraps his arms around himself, mocking you both. your cheeks turn bright red and you hide your face behind luke’s back.
“shut up you losers,” luke groans, letting out a little chuckle at his brothers antics.
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Hey luv!! Saw your requests open and was curious if could do modern au w poly!marauders and nonbinary!reader who wants and gets top surgery. If not thats okay, just ignore!! 💋
Hi! As always with these, I have limited knowledge so please lmk if there's any inaccuracies or insensitivities! I'd be happy to fix them :) And thank you for requesting sweetheart <33
cw: reader is recovering from major surgery, vaguely suggestive (but barely)
poly!marauders x nb!reader ♡ 864 words
James hops over the back of the couch as soon as you and Remus get in the door, instantly assailing you with tenderness. 
“How’d the appointment go?” he asks, providing a hand you don’t really need to go sit down on the couch. 
“Good,” you say honestly. You can hear Sirius coming down the stairs a second before he appears, giving you a quick up-down to assess your state before grinning at you. 
“Feeling good?” 
You laugh. “Yeah,” you reiterate, “it went well.” 
Remus chuckles, passing a sympathetic hand over your head as he rounds the couch to sag into the armchair. Your boyfriends are infinitely sweet in their attentions, but they’ve been treating your first post-op appointment like it’s Christmas. 
“So, is it off?” Sirius asks eagerly. 
You smile, nodding. “The vest is off, but I’ve still got the bandages until probably next week.” 
James’ knee immediately sets to bouncing as he takes a seat beside you. “Can we see?” 
“I’ve already seen,” Remus says smugly. 
James’ excitement fizzes in the air around you, and Sirius stalks toward you with purpose. A familiar tingle of apprehension skips over your skin as he leaps upon you, planting a knee on either side of your hips to keep from actually putting any of his weight on your lap. The couch springs groan in protest. Remus echoes them. 
“If you break our furniture, you’re buying the new stuff,” he warns. 
Sirius ignores him, fingering the button at the collar of your shirt. “May I?”
“Only if you quit flirting with me,” you say. 
“Christ,” James’ head lolls back on the couch cushion, “with those terms, we’ll never get to see.” 
But Sirius is already undoing your top, slender figures making quick work of the buttons before he’s opening it up. You let the sleeves fall down your shoulders, unable to tamp down your own smile at the sight of your torso. 
“Fuck, baby,” Sirius breathes, running his thumb along the skin just underneath the bandages. Even though he’d seen your chest back at the doctor’s office, Remus leans forward in his chair to peek around James. “You look so good.” 
“I said no flirting,” you try to joke, but his eyes are earnest when they meet yours. 
“I mean it,” he says. 
Your face heats, a pleasant warmth blooming behind the bandages. 
“You really do,” James agrees. He’s looking from your chest to your face like he’s matching them up in his head. “You’re so perfect like this, angel.” 
You smile at him. “You’ve always said that, Jamie.” 
“I have,” he admits. “I mean, you’ve always been perfect, but you’re so you now, it’s like…” His smile unfurls, beatific, and your face scrunches up in apprehension a second before his smacking kiss lands on your cheek. “You’re perfecter than perfect.” 
“Cheesy,” you diagnose, the warmth of your skin increasing. “But thank you, sweetheart.” 
“Mm, you don’t look like you think it’s cheesy,” Sirius says, cupping the back of your neck and grinning at the heat he finds there. “You look quite pleased, actually.” 
“I can be both,” you counter. 
“I like seeing you this pleased.” James presses another, gentler, kiss to your temple. “You’ve seemed so happy since the surgery. I feel like I didn’t realize what we were missing out on before.” 
You tilt your head back against the cushions, looking at him. “Have I really?” You’ve certainly felt happier, but most of the time since your surgery has been spent in bed, alternately asking your boyfriends for help and complaining about how much help you need. 
James looks surprised you’d even ask, and Remus says, “Of course, dove. You carry yourself so differently, you thought we wouldn’t notice?” 
You feel your lips quirk, imagining yourself hobbling around during the walks James had forced you to go on because the doctor recommended it. “You mean like an elderly person?” 
“He means like a sure person,” Sirius says, and his gaze could melt you to the bone as it rakes from your chest up to your face. “You seem more at home in yourself.” He grins crookedly. “It’s hot.” 
“Easy.” James gives Sirius’ shoulder a little nudge. “They’re still not cleared for any of your depravities.” 
“Don’t know what you mean,” Sirius murmurs, bending to smear a kiss over the corner of your mouth. “Also, they haven’t said that yet. What did they say during your appointment, baby?” 
“I doubt that would fall under the list of sanctioned activities.” You’re unable to keep the tinge of giddiness from your voice, and your dastardly boyfriend grins at hearing it. “I’m still not allowed to do much. I thought I’d be able to shower this week, but no.” 
Sirius lights up at the last bit, and you narrow your eyes. Remus groans. 
“What?” you ask. 
“Now you’ve done it,” Remus says, managing to sound completely exasperated despite the humor in his eyes. 
“What?” you repeat, alarm increasing as Sirius’ grin spreads. 
James pats your shoulder consolingly, seeming to have also caught onto whatever’s made your boyfriend so happy. 
“I’ve found the perfect solution to our problem, sweetpea,” Sirius says, tone already wheedling. “I’ll just give you sponge baths.”
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