#but their bodies are too different from mine to affect me from just pictures...
sunuism · 1 year
good thing i dont mostly like ggs bc watching these aespa stages is really...
body dysmorphia etc. discussion in the tags btw...
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e-dubbc11 · 19 days
Only You’re The One
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swear words, alludes to smexy time(mostly PG-13), Billy being possessive and jealous, mentions of Billy’s commitment issues, no use of “y/n”
Word Count: 2K-ish
Summary: A brief run in with your ex puts Billy in a mood and has him wondering about how the love he has for you compares to your previous relationships
A/N: Random thought, good thing there are a lot of pictures of Ben online. I like to use a different one for each of the moodboards I make. Title is a song by Lifehouse that I’ll link at the end (one of my favorites)
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
A quick run-in. That’s all it was.
A brief encounter with an old boyfriend while on a night out with your current boyfriend left Billy feeling possessive, unsure, and a little jealous.
You could see the frustration in his onyx colored eyes that shined like two flat black marbles under the warm city street lights. His cheeks were flushed with anger and he gripped your hand tightly as you continued to walk down the sidewalk.
His silence was a sign of irritation, anger, and what he considered to be weakness. And it was because you knew he loved you more than anything but the threat of anyone taking you away from him scared him to death.
It hasn’t always been easy. He was easily triggered by any man’s glance lingering a little too long, an innocent smile in your direction, and god help them if they tried to flirt with you in front of him. Sometimes they were just THAT bold but that was no excuse for him to threaten them like he did or worse and you repeatedly had to tell him that…firmly.
Fuck, you loved him for it though. No one fought for you as hard as Billy did, loved you as fiercely, and that just deepened your love for him. Nobody would ever take you away from him. You’d never let them.
It pained you to watch him suffer in silence, to not be able to always say what he wanted to or to express to you how he was feeling. The smile had disappeared from his face as soon as your ex stopped you mid-stride, Billy’s eyes slowly narrowed when you introduced them to each other, and there was a thread of warning in his voice as he said “Nice to meet you.” Billy’s lips pulled back to reveal clenched teeth as you politely smiled and said “It was nice to see you” then you continued the walk home.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Billy turned feral, the hungry kisses, his teeth nipping at your chin and jaw then kissed the smooth skin of your throat, and lightly biting the spot where your neck meets your shoulder, making you gasp into his ear.
Intense desire burned in his eyes for you as his hand disappeared under your blouse and tickled the sensitive skin of your stomach. Hearing his name escape your lips turned him on and you could feel his hard cock against your core as he pushed up against you in the corner of the elevator.
His touches and kisses were urgent like he was trying to prove something and he encouraged you to touch him more like he was starved for your affection when it was clear to you that he just needed some reassurance. Billy wanted to feel your nails scratching his scalp or your hands clasped behind his neck with your legs wrapped around him as he lifted you off the floor and pinned you to the wall.
There was a touch of acid in his tone as he sharply said, “You’re mine.”
Your eyelids were warm with his breath and a growl came from deep down in his throat as he continued to firmly press his body against yours like he didn’t want you to escape. The grip he had on you eased only after you whispered against his ear, “I’m yours, Billy. It’s ok. You don’t have to hold on so tight, my love.” Billy eased up on the tight grip he had on your hips and slowly backed away to allow your feet to touch the floor. “Thaaaaaat’s it.”
Looking up at him through your long dark lashes, you wanted to reassure him and tell him that he was the only one for you so without saying anything, you raked your nails against his scalp and gingerly pulled down on his neck so you could touch your forehead to his. It was calming and soothing to him and helped to bring your breathing back to normal.
Billy’s lips touched yours again, softer this time, and you faintly tasted the vanilla and cloves on his lips from the bourbon he had earlier tonight. He stayed close and long enough to be able to inhale your scent and feel the warmth of your skin against his fingertips.
You could still smell the spicy cologne left on his shirt from this morning as you loosened his silk tie, it felt cool to the touch as it slid through your fingers just as the doors to the elevator opened again on the penthouse floor.
With your knees trembling slightly and your legs threatening to give out, he laced his fingers with yours to lead you off the elevator and quickly ushered you inside.
It felt good to be home.
The two of you left a trail of clothes from the front door to the bedroom and you wasted no time falling into each other, Billy teased you and touched you right where you needed it the most, he took his time ravaging every inch of you, your body short circuited when he touched you but in the best possible way, and he didn’t stop until you were overstimulated and he pulled every orgasm out of you that he possibly could. Or, in his words, until you were “properly fucked.”
Still tangled in each other’s limbs, your eyes opened again before his did after a short sleep. Your eyes flicked from his hand enclosed over yours, up to the peaceful look he had on his face as he slept. Listening to the steady beat of his heart, a slight smile stretched across your lips as you felt his chest gently rise and fall underneath your head.
His raven colored hair had fallen down onto his forehead to graze the top of his eyebrows, you wanted to move it away from his eyes but you didn’t want to disturb him.
He slept so little.
You managed to unravel yourself, throw on one of Billy’s t-shirts, and get out of bed all without moving the mattress too much. You needed a drink of water. As you started to tip toe out of the bedroom, you heard his soft silvery voice cut through the silence.
“Did you love him?” He choked out with bitterness in his voice.
Your heart sank like a lead weight and shattered as soon as it hit your stomach. The lump in your throat prevented you from giving him a rapid response.
Finally, without turning around you managed to choke out, “Billy…”
“Did you…love him?” Billy repeated again.
You turned to face him. Billy’s jaw was clenched, his breathing was shallow, and his stomach muscles stiffened. Although you knew running into an ex would probably happen at some point, you had hoped it wouldn’t.
“At one time, yes…yes I-I did.” You replied, walking back toward the bed.
Billy’s top lip curled back away from his teeth, he shook his head and said in a frustrated tone, “I guess that’s the difference between your exes and mine. I never loved them, any of them. And I’ll never be the only one who’s loved you.” His New York accent a little heavier now.
Billy’s childhood experiences had prevented him from forming any kind of romantic relationship. It had always been purely physical but you were different and it all changed the day he met you.
The wall he put up was no longer impenetrable, his smiles traveled all the way to his eyes, and the ache and heaviness in his heart seemed to finally subside. He knew it would always be there but it hurt just a little bit less.
Your body went numb as you climbed back onto the bed and into his lap. Billy never had a model for what love is, he didn’t know how but he knew when he was with you, he felt…different.
“Well…that’s love, Billy.” You had said to him months ago with a warm smile.
He replied, “But I’ve never known what that feels like, sweet girl.”
“I think you do now.” You had said, pushing yourself up onto your toes and gently pressing your lips to his.
He knew there had been other boyfriends but he never had to meet them face to face, shake their hand, or forced to watch the way they doted on you, hung on your every word, or think that they even came close to loving you as much as he did.
Billy rested his hands on your hips while you snaked your arms around his neck. He briefly closed his eyes as you delicately scratched his scalp with your fingernails; it was one of his favorite things you did for him.
As you brushed his beard with your thumb, you just smiled at him and replied, “Billy, my love…you’re right…you aren’t the only one.”
Billy looked confused and suddenly his face was overwhelmed with sadness, almost anger but before he could react, you finished your sentence.
“But you’ll always be the one who loved me the most.” You said as a tear streaked down your cheek. “There’s a reason I’m not with any of them anymore, Billy.”
He didn’t say a word, just smiled his perfect smile and pulled you in closer. Holding you in a crushing grip, Billy’s lips collided with yours, his tongue parted your lips to entangle with yours, and his hand traced along the sculpted hollow of your throat. You choked on your need for him with his mouth slanting over yours and you never wanted to let him go.
“Because you’re meant to be with me, sweet girl. I know I love you more than any of those others ever have.” He growled. “But I could tell, I could see it in his face that he still loves you, and I just…” Billy paused. “I just want to be the only one who gets to love you.”
His competitive nature had him striving to be the best at everything. He didn’t care what he had to do but he was going to win…especially when it came to your love.
You could feel all the muscles in his body tense at the same time. Billy was a marine, a scout sniper, physically strong, smart, and determined but sometimes it was easy to forget that there was a scared, broken little boy inside who just wanted to be loved.
He wanted affection but didn’t know how to ask for it without appearing vulnerable and he always wanted to be in control. But there are always going to be circumstances that he can’t control which he was still in the process of learning.
“Billy…you know that’s something neither one of us can control, I can’t help the way they feel about me but you are the ONLY one who will ever GET my love in return.” You said with a hitch in your voice but with assurance.
Again, Billy didn’t know what to say but at that moment, his endless brown eyes said everything he couldn’t say out loud. They said “I love you” and “thank you for loving me.”
You weren’t expecting him to but he said the quiet part aloud.
“I love you and thank you for loving me, sweet girl.” Billy whispered against your lips.
He let his head fall into your neck and shoulder after he kissed you again. You could feel his warm breath going through the t-shirt and brushing against your skin underneath as your lips curled to reveal a loving smile.
“You’re easy to love, baby. Frustrating as fuck sometimes but easy to love; And I love you too.” You said with a little laugh which made him chuckle too.
Billy Russo was so much more than his money, his charm and his good looks. If anyone, including his mother, had bothered to look a little deeper they would have seen an unwavering, intelligent, hard-working, wonderful man and the only wish he had was to mean something to them other than for the money in his pockets or a piece of arm candy. Lord knows he wasn’t perfect but he was perfect for you.
Billy didn’t anticipate someone like you to come into his life, someone that tried a little harder, that didn’t give up on him when he shut down, or that really wanted to get to know the man underneath the fancy suit.
You were unexpected, a startling surprise yet welcomed and you were the one he had waited his entire life for.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @fakehappy27 @snowkestrel @music-indie-tv @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @fictional-hooman @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @vaguekayla @rosaleenablack @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen @rachlovesactors @qu1etwolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @ittybxttykxttytxtty @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso @colereads
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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fletchingbrilliant · 28 days
🌙some wildly cheap commissions!🌙
🙃 for some even wilder reasons 🙃
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hey y'all. long post thingie but it's got cute pictures so please check it out
hey frens got something kinda somber to talk about. most of you are very aware of the existence of my beautiful fiance and co-creator of basically everything i do. zae and i are getting handfasted (marriage for pagans) in october, and have been living together for about 10 years. in 2021, zae got really fucking sick, and after a few false starts, was diagnosed with a rare for of vasculitis called granulomatosis with polyangiitis, GPA for short. it’s an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in blood vessels and other tissues, ultimately stopping blood from getting to the parts of the body that need it, affecting many areas, but primarily the respiratory system. while the cause isn’t known, it usually presents in people in their 50’s or 60’s, but complications from a third bout of covid-19 appears to have made it emerge way earlier for our boy. at least, that’s what we think. his case is extremely aggressive, advancing faster than anyone could have expected. in zae’s case, it actually attacked his kidneys first, and then went after his lungs, causing both to threaten shutting down for good. he was extremely anemic and needed a ton of transfusions, narrowly avoiding dialysis, and we spent weeks in the hospital keeping him alive. he was placed on two different kinds of chemotherapy to combat the disorder. he lost his hair, went through even more fatigue and pain on top of what the disease had already put him through, and had to accept a plethora of changes to his life that will last forever. a lot of you out there have harrowing experiences of your own when it comes to chronic and potentially terminal conditions, too, I’m certain. “it’s not fun” is an understatement. though there were a couple of really fucking close calls, zae’s GPA went into remission. his hair grew back fuller and more luscious than it had ever been before. (i later learned these are affectionately referred to as “chemo curls.”) remission for gpa is usually expected to last at least 5 years, potentially up to 20, before any symptoms resurface. but zae’s case was particularly aggressive, so of course he’s not so lucky. he’s relapsing now. his symptoms have been slowly returning, and it’s been decided that he’s going back on chemo. it’s no surprise that this shit is expensive, even with insurance. we’re still paying off the care he received last time because ‘murca. being disabled myself, work has been… let’s call it inconsistent, yeah? yeah, that’s a nice and comfortable thing to call it. no one’s doing well financially these days, so we of course have to get creative. long story short(er), i’m doing a commission special! for the next MONTH, i am offering fast commissions at crazy-low prices to try and help us create a cushion to keep us afloat and relatively comfortable while we begin the chemo process again. there’s several options for a variety of budgets, because i really hate the idea of seeking something for nothing, and i absolutely abhor having to reach out in this way. it makes me feel vulnerable and icky and… i’m sure you all understand that, too. i can’t thank you all enough just for following me, and engaging with mine and zae’s work. it may sound trite, but that really makes a difference to us, especially when we’re dealing with something so painful. so if you can’t or don’t want to partake of the sale, please know that you are still a huge help to us, and we seriously appreciate each and every one of you. like, so fucking much. thanks y’all love, fletch
Commission Options:
Flash Sketches: $5USD/character
Comics: $5USD/panel - flat color
Comics: $10USD/panel - shaded color
Screenshot Redraws - $15USD/character (complex bgs, add $20)
all of this is posted with @zaebeecee's knowledge and blessing
please DM me if you're interested in something, and thank you again
more Hungry Games, fic fanart, and Persona stuff coming soon too
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abravesoul03 · 9 months
(Wolf'lo Chocol's ver. Part II)
Warning: (Angst/Both Chocol and reader apologizing/Chocol has a gun?/ Chocol has a nose bleed/mentions of shooting/blood/if you pay attention, maybe mention of human trafficking?)
A/N: Heyy love's I'm back with part II of the devil within chocol ver. I hope you guys like it!❤️‍🔥
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Gayoung turned towards you, as your head hung low hearing the news as well.
Your pic was then flashed on the screen.
"Y/N L/N?"
"y-your underaged?" Her hands trembled as she sat down on the edge facing you with immense guilt.
Tears pricked at your eyes. Soon you broke down, your knees held close to your chest.
Gayoung was lost, she wasn't sure what has to be done in this situation. Yes she has done this before with other girls but with you it was different.
She would immediately send them away after she had satisfied herself. But you she kept in her hold all night long. It could have been the affect of the alcohol or whatever but believe it or not she had fallen in love with you in first sight.
"Yah Yong-seo, I need a girl tonight."
"Sure Miss Jo, any type you want- oh wait actually I have a new recruit. I'll send you a pic."
"A new recruit? How is she?"
"She has an amazing body, legs, she smaller and she's '23.'"
"Mhmm fine, just make it quick. Tell her to not get on my bad side. I'm already fucking pissed with my job."
"Alright Miss Jo, will do."
As the call ended, Gayoung got a message from number she previously conversed with.
*2 pictures attached*
Her jaw dropped looking at your pictures. Your lips, eyes, nose... Looked amazing. Something poked her heart. You were perfect. She wanted, no she needed you.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this. P-please don't call the police. I'll j-just go away if you let m-me go."
Your broken voice and sniffles brought her back. She immediately went over to your side and hugged you thight but careful as to not hurt you anymore.
"No don't cry, it's not your fault. I'm the one who has to be sorry. And no, I won't report you to the police. But I just need one thing from you. Will you do it?"
Her eyes made contact with your in hopes of getting an awnser. You were confused, was gonna she ask you to sleep with her again? Was she gonna torcher you again? Worst, is she gonna kill you?
You were anxious but nod lightly.
"I just need you to trust me please. I know you wouldn't but just this once please. I'll keep you safe from everyone. I promise."
You didn't know what to say. Soon she picked you up gently. Going to the bathroom.
"let's get cleaned up first."
She sat you in the tub, and opened the tap with right temperature.
"Is it ok if I helped you clean up?"
You didn't answer her. Maybe you didn't trust her enough yet.
" It's ok if you don't want to though, I can leave."
She turned on her heels about leave the bathroom before she felt a hand gripping her own.
"stay." You wanted her help.
She slowly cleaned you up, from washing your hair to soaping up your body.
"look about yesterday night, Yong-seo told me you were over 20, that's why I just went you know. If I knew better, I wouldn't have even laid a finger on you."
"It's o-ok, I'm the one who accepted his offer by being his worker."
Gayoung kept quiet. Soon after the both of were cleaned up she carried you back to bed. She dressed you up in one of her shorts and her oversized shirt. It smelled of as an expensive perfume.
"I see that you don't have a change of clothes. I hope mine aren't too big."
Again things went quite. Gayoung pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number.
"Hello? How was she miss Jo-"
"Shut the fuck up bastard. Send me account number and the amount you want for that girl. After you've got the money don't look for her ever again." She ended the call as soon after she got a notification from Yong-seo. A few minutes later around 15million was transferred from her account.
She turned you giving you an assuring smile.
"He won't bother you again."
I promise to take care of her. It's almost time to check out. I gather my things and looked at her. She was starting at wall, all blank. She must be hungry? Scared? Confused? Maybe all?
"Uhm y/n? Let's go, I'm going bring you back to my place, you'll be safe there-"
A knock on the door interrupted me.
"ma'am it's room service, we have got your extra towel." A voice was heard, we didn't ask for room service at all.
I put my index finger on my lips indicating y/n to be quite. I fished in my bag and grabbed my gun.
Please don't let it be Him. Just please don't at least not now that is. I took cautious steps towards the door, gun in hand. As I was about to peep through the peephole, the door was kicked open from the other side.
It didn't hit me as I moved away in time. It was a guy in all black outfit, I aimed my gun at him. He kicked it out my hand and pinned me to the ground.
"get your fucking hands off of me fucker!!"
A punch was delivered to my face. It hurt, I could feel my nose get wet. It's probably blood.
"shut up you filthy bitch." His gaze slowly turn to y/n's direction. "Ouh what do we have here-AHH!"
Gave him a harsh kick to his center as his grip loosened on my hands. I managed to get up and retreat my gun as he wailed in pain.
I grabbed his shirt, gun pointing right on his forehead.
"Did he send you?"
"none of your fucking-FUCK YOU FUCKING CUNT!!"
I shot his right leg.
"answer my fucking question. Say anything irrelevant to my question, it'll be your left leg next."
I gritted my teeth, repositioning the gun to his forehead.
"YES!! Yes it w-was please l-let me go-"
I shot him, as his body fell on the floor. Soon it become lifeless and pooled with blood.
I could my own blood dripping, I wipped my nose with the back of my sleeve.
I quickly put away gun and took my bag, and carried y/n on my back.
"I'll explain everything, when we're at my place I promise." She looked pale, she must've gotten scared. Fuck what were you thinking Jo Gayoung?
I rushed down to my car, seating her in the passenger seat and getting myself in the driver seat of my Supra.
How did he know I was here?
( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )()
A/N: What do you guys think? Part III?🥹
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tortor-sauce · 7 months
18+ POST LOOK AWAY 👹🔞 if you’re not 18+ PLEASE DNI with this post!! 👹🔞
(sketch and drabble and headcanons)
(jel/reth/oc stuff)
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i’m too shy to share the whole picture IM SORRY—i just wanted to capture a few headcanons into a single shamelessly horny drawing of the three of them together. also, my thoughts are completely unorganized and this post is mostly just me rambling!
small disclaimer, if you don’t agree with or like my headcanons, that’s totally valid but please don’t tell me so 🙇 i kindly ask you just move on from this post. thank you!
okay. so i feel like both reth and jel are service tops HEAR ME OUT—like, they’re both just a couple of pathetic lover boys who are so head over heels in love with you. the fact they practically always gift you something when you flirt with them in-game (jel gifting silk and reth gifting soup) i feel is their attempts at spoiling you and taking care of you in their own way. they just want to see you happy and make you cum your brains out a thousand times until you can’t think straight anymore 🥺
and in general, i feel jel would love to shower you in compliments and words of praise and practically worship your body. while i feel reth is the type to show you how he feels and relish in watching you come undone with him. but personally 👉👈 i feel jel and reth align more closely as switches because they’re both so.. so soft and need to be spoiled and loved so deeply (no innuendo intended)
with that said, i think jel is a more intimate and passionate lover while reth is a bit more unhinged and rough. that’s not to say jel doesn’t have his sadistic bouts. i feel it stems directly from his obsessive nature and grows into a desire to watch you submit to him and his whims, sort of in a controlling way. but it makes him so happy when you do. the need to know you belong to him, both your heart and body, is honestly really important to him. i actually feel he has control issues due to a number of reasons but that’s a different discussion—💀 and he rewards you so thoroughly for showing him how much you love him. god, the aftercare? he’s so gentle and attentive and treats you like the most precious thing he’s ever held.
more on reth, while not as sadistic, i feel he’s still plenty controlling when he wants to be. the poor man has hardly any control in his day-to-day life and the fact you allow him an ounce of control? over your body of all things? yeah, that shit drives him mad (positive). gets a bit carried away and leaves marks on your body, hickeys, scratches, bruises, the like. but hey, at least it’s a pretty reminder of how much fun you had together. plus, if anyone sees they’ll know you belong to him. but he definitely teases you about it the following days by making sly comments and even running his fingers over the more sensitive marks.
so, in my polycule i envision moments where two will actively spoil the other. so for instance like when maddox and reth want to spoil jel and shower him in the love and affection he deserves, he gets all shy and blushy but relishes in the moment. he pays them back tenfold once they’re finished, but not that same night. maddox and reth make sure he’s completely worn out so he’ll finally get some damn sleep for once. reth is the same in that regard; he gets all shy and blushy but he enjoys being spoiled for once. not having to care about anything or anyone else and focus fully on himself and his pleasure. and the two know this and want to show him how loved he is. lowkey i imagine jel bringing him to tears, crying tears of pleasure and from overstimulation but that may be a personal thing of mine. 💀 and as for maddox? they both know exactly which buttons to push. i imagine them sort of egging each other along. i mentioned earlier i think jel has a sadistic side to him, well i think the same of reth albeit not nearly as prominent. like, the fact he teases and flirts so much could be for a number of reasons, but how lovely it would be if it were only to watch their reactions each time. with that said, maddox happens to be very reactive and discovering that fact in bed, like, awakens something inside of him to tease more, to push as much as maddox will allow him. and yes, he notices the way jel reacts to it too. it only makes him want to tease him for the fact as well 🥴 WHICH is why i drew him with that expression LMAO normally i would’ve imagined him with a much softer and kinder expression but i think he’s quick to lose himself in the throes of pleasure which causes him to act a bit selfish at times. but like i said, i see him as a service top so really his ‘selfish’ moments are him just spoiling maddie and jel and showering their bodies with so much love and attention.
i have so many more thoughts but this post is getting long and i’m getting embarrassed so i’ll stop there for now.
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shanieveh · 1 year
hanie's masterlist !
— i write mostly various because i can never be loyal to one man for too long
— they all/almost include my faves except for part twos: kaveh, scaramouche, kaeya, alhaitham
— uhm me subcategory them or saying the men involved in these fics... is for another day im tired
— all of them are sfw please i repeat DONT request nsfw works i see you on asks even if anonymous. yes there's profanity or suggestive innuendos in my first smau but PLEASE i do not write those stuff and im VERY MUCH uncomfortable with people requesting them thankssss <3
works (genshin impact)—
rosemary dreams and sweet lullabies
— the comfort of sleep when he is beside you, the moment when you cared more about the reality of the moment rather than the dreams that come along with it
how you love the genshin men
— how you love them depending on their personality and if they liked you back (some didnt angst ensues but there is fluff i promise)
the day... the music died
— you died, their reaction (some gore? idk)
i like you so much, you'll know it pt. 1
—the things they do for love
im in love with you, and know you know pt. 2
— the things they do for love also just different characters i dont really care about.... but they are kinda cool so its OKAY
call me, "lover boy"
— courting you and what made you like them back
being the genshin men's first priority
— they forget everything and anything when you're in the picture. you are all that matters (did i write this during a mental breakdown when i realize how unimportant i am to everyone? yes)
dangerously yours
— wdym this is based on anakin skywalker?! it is. enemies to lovers, you're the hero and he is the villain
salut d'amour
— based on the love of elgar (the creator of salut d'amour) to his wife though not the same plot just that love and affection you feel during the piece
genshin men crushing on you
— self-explanatory. grown adult men pining over you, should be just kaveh but i got carried away and added them all because why not?
10 things i hate about you
— red flags of genshin men based on the poem from the same name (pls watch it) and how ur blind from all the signs (or u just pretend)
i was enchanted to meet you
— first meetings with them cute and wholesome i guess
haunted by the ghost of you
— all alone they still can't help but feel another presence, as memories barely buried resurfaced his mind, of a quieter time, of a simpler life.
karma is my boyfriend
— more crack than fluff fic about how the genshin men will obliterate those that dare hurt you like who would???
when im no longer young and beautiful
— growing old with them (personal fave)
crying in the genshin men' arms
— you cry, they comfort, fluff ensues
"who did this to you?"
— you're hurt and for some reason enemy!genshin men are concerned and doing everything to make you feel better
"forget me not" (neuvillette)
—fontaine is experiencing heavy typhoons and severe floods, and you might just be the reason why
please don't take my sunshine away...
—can't sleep? maybe a lullaby can help :)
to all the boys i've loved before
— you made a letter to your crush, he likes you back, chaos ensues in how he responsed
when you know, you know
— soulmates are a fantasy made by hopeless romantics, but as soon as he saw you he started to doubt that. he was in love.
"what letters?"
— he ghosted your letters is a sign he never loved you, and as you move on your life he comes back, only to tell you a shocking revelation.
"hey are you still there?" "good."
— only needed when everything goes wrong, when he's no longer in her arms. you felt used. but do you stop? never, he was worth it. (inspo by NIKI's song: backburner)
works (honkai star rail) —
the best thing that's ever been mine
— capturing the mind, the heart, the body and the soul of honkai star rail men
when you know, you know
— soulmates are a fantasy made by hopeless romantics, but as soon as he saw you he started to doubt that. he was in love.
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chiiyuuvv · 1 year
hiii i saw your post asking for requests and i’m just wondering if i can request a hunter scenario where his s/o is doing his make up ? or them doing the lipstick trend ifykwim (the one where they have kiss marks all over their face and stuff) thank you so much !
Full, symmetrical. The way they were naturally pouty and inviting made his heart skip a beat. They felt soft and were soft. The way it would fit his perfectly made him want to slow down, enjoy the moment as the world came to a stop, the way they moved in syn-
"HUNTER!! Are you staring at my lips again??" I squint my eyes, watching the tall boy quickly turn his head, his cheeks red. "What..? Of course not love.." he answers after a while, avoiding my eyes as he scrolls on his phone. "Why would I ever do that.." he mutters to himself, glancing at me.
"Hmm.. it's just that.. well, you've been doing it all day." I cross my arms, watching him nervously looking around the room as I pass him a plate of food. "Thanks.." He mumbles, digging into his food as I sit in front of him, sipping some of my drink.
The room falls to a comfortable silence, the sound of chewing only heard as we enjoy our food. "The foods really good," hunter breaks the silence, chopping up some of the food with a knife as he circles it around my mouth, feeding me. I hum, opening my mouth to consume the food. "That's only because.." I stop to chew, covering my mouth as I continue.
"I added poison." I wink, making hunter chuckle. "Poison?"
"Yeah, it takes really good right now but that's only a side effect — once midnight strikes you'd be passed out."
"But what about you? You're eating the food too."
"I only put it on your plate.. mine is poison free."
"That may be the case.. but I just fed you some food from my plate. That means your affected too."
"Hunter!!" I gasp, holding onto my stomach. "Y-you knew from the start.. YOU'VE BEEN PLANNING THIS!!" I yell playfully, pointing my finger at him as he lets out an evil laugh.
"Haha!! You have fallen into my trap!" He cackles as I pretend to fall back in my chair, putting my hand on my face. "Just as I predicted.." he gets up, carefully picking up my body and laying me on the couch nearby.
My eyes closed, I feel his hot breath fan my face before he backs away for a second. "Hunt- AHH!!" I scream as he peppers my face with kisses, finally stopping at my lips to kiss me for a few seconds.
"W-what was that for?!" I sit up, my face red as I watch him grin happily. "All according to plan." He claps his hands I look down shyly, suddenly seeing a white flash.
His giggles fill the room as he takes a picture of me, my face red from blushing and large kissing marks. "Did you steal my lipstick?!" I hit his arm playfully, my lipstick sitting on the coffee table. "Look how cute you are~" he changes the subject, swiping the screen to show different photos of me.
"Y-yahh!! Delete that hunter!"
"But whyy?? You looks so CUTEE!"
"If I give you cuddles would you delete it?"
A/n: after reading this I realized it was no where near what was requested😭 I tried to put my own twist to it since their is already a story exactly like this (the request they wanted)
Still, I hope you somewhat enjoy this imagine and thank you for being my first request.
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
sayo hikawa x reader?
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Bead chain
Ran,Sayo,Rui,Rimi,Toko x GN! Reader
notes: what if their collab counterparts affected their personalities
summary: NOT a persona reference in the name I swear!! Sorry I left u sitting in my inbox 🙇‍♂️
warnings: cant read Japanese so idk if ran was called anything different, not proofread, cursing
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You never met someone so close to you...you wouldn't be surprised to find her breathing down your neck while gripping your waist like a corset
She'd take any chance she gets to flex that she's the fabled chainsaw man to win you over. "But dosent chainsaw man kinda...look more ya know...👹" "what do you mean?" "You know like more "I'm gonna eat your soul!! 👹👹" "eat mine" "what?" "What?"
Ran wouldn't have been too open about you when you first met, but now she's practically screaming them at you. "I LOVE YOU." "I know, Ran." "MORE THAN WHAT YOU KNOW!" Even with the sudden personality shift, she won't tell you how much she loves you down to every detail
She is alot like a dog tho. She'd sometimes lay down on the floor because it was too hot despite there being an ac on. If you laid next to her suddenly it's too cold and she's hugging you for "body heat" despite it being summer
Everytime she thinks too hard about you she yells her opinions. She's very "!!" "So about y/n" "YES?!" "how do you-" "I ADORE THEM!" there's an awkward silence. When you ask her why she does this she never brings herself to answering only blushing deeply and closing her eyes. "It's quite embrassing how much you like them" she'd cover her face with her hands she wouldn't be able to look at you for a few minutes.
"You're like a child Ran" you laugh softly kissing her forehead, she nearly turns red mumbling a tad letting out a soft squeal. "Is this a replacement for your usual barking?" You tease her more as her rambles get more rapid, the poor girls overheating
Ran... Kinda stares at you sleep... "to keep watch" no she just likes staring at you if something did catch her attention while asleep, she does check it out, but her running back to you to hide with you because the ghost might come up the stairs with her from the darkness.
"It's commin... hmmm" shed be asleep in secounds curling up to you. If it were serious she'd take care of it but the stair devil is quite strong!
She'd look at you wide eyed everytime she found something intriguing. "LOOOKKK" she held up a picture of a penguin looking at it like a children's youtuber trying to shock the audience. "A penguin I know a-" "TAKE ME THERE I BEG" she'd grab you by the collar before getting embrassed and puts you down blushing a bit. "You don't have to-"
You took her the next day and she was livid. Her face could make someone's thumbnail. "Can we take one home?" "They're wild animals Ran" "aw"
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She'd have the sudden urge to have you wrapped around her finger. Not that she acts on it but it's very strong
Sayo would usually be quite timid with her affections, but now she's pretty straight forward to kissing you on the forehead in public areas before going back to normally sitting. You'd look at her incredibly flustered while she dosent even seem to look at you.
"Did you just -" You would lean in to kiss her but she'd stop you holding your mouth. "we're in public, dear." she keeps a straight face, yet her face nearly turns pink
She's fine with pda as long as it isn't nuts. Kisses are too far!!...unless she's giving them. She will let you lay on her shoulder and sleep there tho don't hug her in her sleep though...only she's allowed to do that
Sayos calm normally but now she's freakily calm. She'd give the most bland reaction to things expect for Hina. "Is that the thing Hina-" she'd grab it super quickly judging it before putting it back trying not to seem upset. "Did she..." "she ate my leftovers" "Figured...want me to-" "yes"
You've asked her if she wanted to be carried around so many times that sometimes she just acts like she's angry to get a free ride. She'd even go all the way and pretend to be tired as she gets to have a nice nap on your back. She feels guilty sure but...you kinda can piggy back her home from anywhere without her having to move her feet...very nice to have you around
She almost naturally says no to everything you wanna get her. Any act of service she's just all "No thanks" you've found a way around this tho
"Sayo look at this Keychain wanna match?" "We have a bunch of match Keychains" "what about some food?" "You've already taken me to eat y/n" "do you not wanna get carried around" "no- wait-" "ah finally a back vacation" "I wasn't paying attention!" "Hehe" it's fun watching her blush and her eyes widen.
She'd have a picture of you next to her desk. If someone would ask she'd turn away and look up a bit always facing the window. "Who's this?" The sun would be flashing in her eyes but atleast they didn't see her blush over you "a friend" she wouldn't be able to turn to that person the entirety of the convo
Always texts you good morning and good night if she doesn't she'll apologize the next morning with the most wild explanations. "Sorry, sorry tried to steal my gutair while I was on a train" "sorry the moutain I was on didn't have good service" "sor-" "Lemme guess another band war" "...yes" you huff softly "figured"
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You wouldn't be surprised if you woke up Mashiro texting you about how to deal with her
"Mueh he he he Humans are so feble!" "Toko were at a burger king..."
Swear you'd catch her and ran bickering like children every two secounds, if it weren't for you hitting her with the "this isn't you 😰" rizz, those fights could have been more of a pain.
She narrows her eyes at you sometimes. "Toko?" "Hmmmm" then slowly move her hand to yours as if trying to distract you from a hand hold. "Toko you know I know your holding my hand ri-" "LOOK OCTOPUS SAUSAGES" mission successful no causality
She'd look so confused when rui asks her wrf she's doing like she isn't trying to take over the world with ran in the corner. Fym she can't make a lil statue of you out of toilet paper fine it's a power ranger! NOT EVEN THAT?!
"Come on!! It's just toilet paper" "do you know how annoying it is when ur trying to get some and it's just the brown roll? No!" "I'll buy some for myself then!" "Do it then!" You go into ruis apartment to a poorly sculpted power ranger of toilet paper
"...." "please...don't ask" "GO GO POWER RANGERSSS" "so uh" "sighhh" she acts like her mom swear if your there for her lecture she'll give you puppy dog eyes. "Aww rui be kind it's only a toilet paper statue" toko would hug you grinning at rui while you could see ruis eyebags get darker.
She loves you, herself, and her cat. So much when her cat shows her affection she starts showing you the same kind...aka she licks you. "Y/n you taste like sweets" "quit doing that!" "What I'm cleaning you off" "wha- rui help" rui sighed staring at her. Toko usually ignores it
She holds you tightly alot. Always curling up to you when asleep or just lounging when alone with her. "Human it's cold hold onto me!" "Your hands are pretty hot tho" "do it!" She really likes those cuddles she needs you as a blanket
She fights over you with her cat. "Meowey!" She'd catch you petting her cat "How dare you both betray me!" "There's space for you toko" you pat the spot so softly and kindly she forgets why she's mad curling up to you just like her cat.
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Even the choco coronets can't save her...
Even the worst of scares scare her. A simple sneak up "AH!!" A ghost printed out on a page "AAAAAAGHHHH!!" A ghost picture being hung on a fishing rod out her window "KYAAAAAAA A SHOPPING LIST!!!"
She's very scared but also oddly capable. She was able to easily handle toko without toko using her powers but still pretty cool
She'd look so traumatized offer to do anything nice she'd look like she'd have to repay you forever.
"Is this really ok?" "It's just ice cream Rimi" "yes but..." she looks up nervously "please have it Rimi" "ehhh alright..." You smile watching her eat the ice cream
She's very timid asking you random questions when your about to go to bed. "Y/n... y/n...would you love me if I was a worm" "I love you so much I'd turn into a worm with you" you hug her tightly and she'd melt
She hates when someone brings up the time ran went berserk and forced her to dance...or Vance 😔. God, there might be a video of her out there just dancing the pain away. That's why whenever you say something that has "da" in it she just kinda 😨
The choco cornets save her from inpending doom. Everytime you buy her a bag she's just 😨, but then again she's always like that. Nearly cries over them after a long day of trying not to get slapped around by devils
She drives you around on her bike. "As a way to repay you" you don't feel as if she's had to but still begs you to let her.
Please let her attempt to kiss you. She can't if you've tried to kiss her back, pretend not to notice so she feels like she snuck up on you.
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"So can I cut off your hair and make it my family herloom?" "...no" "aw.."
She'd look at you for the weirdest amounts of time. She wouldn't be looking at you at all and then suddenly she's all 👁👁
"...is there something on my face?" "A Stray hair," she moves it out the way. Sometimes, she just doesn't say a thing and just touches you, it sometimes frightens you how cold her grasp is.
She's so calm for her occupation. You find this a bit scary. "Someone tried to assassinate ran again" "...HUH- Are you ok?!" "I'm alright"
She likes whenever you lay on her lap, laying your head there and look up at her. She makes sure to pat your head only when you're asleep, she gets embrassed when you're awake and you noticed
She likes cooking for you in the morning. Watching your reaction as your eyes widen as if this was a surprise at this point. "One of these days I'll wake up earlier to make you breakfast" "I'd like to see you try" you never did...turns out she wakes up at 5...you refuse to do that
You also have to deal with power and run. You're always on their side they like you more. "Rui, come on, I'll put them in the pantry when their done making a power ranger." "YEA" "YOU ANGEL," they both cling to your leg. "How will that even fit?" "I'll manage!" Both of them ball their eyes clinging to you
She definitely complains to you about work. "And then another band devil came outta nowhere." "Ah again," you put bandages over her wounds and pat her face when done. She leans into your hand, kissing your palm. "Yes, they get annoying after long whiles"
She enjoys you taking her out and paying for things. She has a small hobby of showing up at your job, tho... she wasn't supposed to know... "order for Ru-" "..." "oh hi ...Rui" you're so cute trying not to look at her as you hand her your order. So soft spoken...it's something she wishes to record but she knows you'd evaporate on the spot.
You like buying her keychains and having spares of everything. She loves that about you. Little decor mixed in with high-quality things she and you need. Ran and toko would ask about it, and she'd just prideful tell them she got it from you. Only a slight change in her usual calm personality but still visible enough. "Really, cinnamon?" "I never thought you were that kinda person, Rui." "No y/n got it for me" "....tell them to get me one too" "ONE FOR ME TOO HUMAN!" "sighhh"
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
my girlfriend crystal hehehe 🥹🩷🩷 i know you’re sleeping right now but i keep missing you >3<
i told other friends of mine about you and i’m so happy hehehehe i get to talk about you to more and more people 🥹🫶🩷
i still can’t believe you’re my girlfriend and i’m yours >\\\< i still remember when i was sending you asks in your inbox 🥺 i always thought there’s no way you’d like me back >\\< rhsjdrjejd and then our era of horny memes and taehyun judgy memes in our inboxes 🤭 everything we experience together is always so fun 🥹🩷
crystal gem 💎🩷🥹 i’m in love with you my sweet <3 thank you so much for being in my life, for being the person that you are, you’re so amazing, beautiful inside and out 🥺🥹😭🩷🩷 i want to kiss you so bad so that i finally get to show you my affection 🥺 talking to you all day makes me so happy already so i’ll be okay hehe 🥺🩷
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i saw these strawberries and thought of you since you love spider verse hehe~ i should try to watch it!! and obviously some cookies and cream~ 🤭🩷
my love 🥹 i’m a little stressed today but thinking about you gives me the strength to go on always 😚🩷 i wish i could just focus on you always 🥹 i cherish my crystal time so much 🥺🥺🩷 my beautiful girlfriend hehehehehe (tinnitus english version sung by you lives in my mind rent free 🤭🩷)
i hope you sleep well and wake up feeling energized!! >3< mwah mwah!!
— your girlfriend, cherry bear 🍒🩷😚
my girlfriend cherry~ i was sooo glad to see a message from you as soon as i woke up 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i missed you so so much baby 🥺
aaajshsjs that makes me so so happy baby 🥹🥹 i told my irls that we’re officially official and they were all so happy for me 🥺🥺😭😭 it feels so good to talk about you to people sometimes i feel like going out into the street and being like I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND but i think that would freak some people out 😭😭
i still cannot believe this it feels like a dream 😭😭 when we were first sending asks to each other i was so certain that i was gonna be a pro at keeping my feelings unknown but even then i was super obvious 😭 even when we were in our oblivious gal pals phase all i wanted was for you to know that i cared about you and to make it so there’d be no doubt about it. and then we realized that we were attracted to each other and our relationship progressed into something different and that’s when even taehyun started judging us djshsjjs 😭😭😭😭 but this experience has been nothing short of fun and beautiful :’) 🩵🩵
honest to god when you first said you were in love with me i started crying my eyes out 😭😭😭 to everyone else on the planet it’s obvious but it made me feel so special ;; i love you so much cherry baby i’m so in love with you you’re so beautiful inside and out and i can’t wait for the opportunity to show you how i feel ;3; i want to hold you and kiss you so badly!!! >3< i wanna shower you with affection ;; but being able to do that verbally when we call means a lot to me too 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵🩵
THIS MOODBOARD I’M GONNA CRYY IT’S SO CUTE it’s everything i love combined plus it was made by the person i love the most 😭😭😭😭 i really couldn’t ask for anything better 🥺🩵
aw baby :( i wish i was there to hold your hand and hug you i’m here for you!! 🥺 every moment i spend with you is so important to me i love having my cherry time with my beautiful girlfriend~ 🥺🥺🍒🩷 (lmaoskhsj i can’t get you singing the tinnitus demo version out of mh head either 😭😭 don’t want no pictures wanna touch your body feel your body push up on me~ 😏😏💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾)
i feel kinda groggy since i forgot to turn my ac on before i fell asleep but i’ll always be happy to wake up and hear from you my dear 🥺🥺 i love you so so much
my love, my girlfriend, my one and only cherry bear~ 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵
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thetruthlsoutthere · 1 year
Weirdness around Oct. 24th, 2021
this was a message i made to someone, a friend in this belief, on this day, around the afternoon after 4 pm. click on the read more link because it's long. This was my half of a conversation with someone so only focus on that, okay? okay.
::::: i have always felt it strongly, espeially more since that point and its flaring up really bad right now like intense. im trying to calm my breathing but i have to tell you. i am freaked out O_o
first off, my senses: my hearing is so freakily good - like based on whatever sound , even if it's talking, regardless of volume but especially if its to the point of under someones breath or whispering, i can hear it perfectly as if they are right next to me. thats the hearing . its always been like that
the sight: its like i almost dont even need my glasses anymore because given a 10 rating, my sight is more than that or exactly that and my glasses help better but its like i could be without them now and i can see everything with freakishly good clarity
the touch: i mean, plain and simple, down to perfection, thats an obvious
taste: same thing
feeling: thats the same as touch and taste but its like similarily , it feels more intense for me, everything/ living like you feel it normally as a human but its like idk, i dont know how to explain. it scared tf out of me
i was looking through one of the "Doctor Who' books i have, and i cant begin to express how much i felt a homesickness, sense of loss and pain and feeling of deja vu at the pictures it showed of Gallifrey, other places, the Tardis, other alien species and felt like i was home, like i had been there, like i had been among these species of aliens
im always watching and looking for anything strange, especially with close perimeter of where i live and im almost waiting for that door thing to happen again bc i still hear things outside and the strange lights in the sky, one in particular that feels like it could not be a star among any of them. the weird lights that are definitely not stars and the way theyd act, the movement, hearing things and the wierd lights on ground level like something among the trees, the animals sensing and even the baby sensing things in and outside the home that no one, even me, can see
references to Gallifrey, timelords and ladies, time and space, traveling, the Doctor, the Master, popping out everywhere, the name Clara too, same thing with 'ravens', the silent calls too have been constant lately. lets not even get started on my dreams and the meanings they seem to be sending
and from the begininning to now still: the sense of its like there is a home here, but i dont know how else other to describe it in a sense that like an object, youre here among it all so in a snese you are home but your NOT home because this isnt your home, this isnt your origin. I feel so disconnected / disassociated, like I'm here but I'm not really here. A sense of loss and feeling like there is something huge missing, because if this was truly a home HOME then i wouldn't feel like what really is, isn't here. Im trying to explain it a best version possible
countless of times, i look at this human family of mine and i think : yes that's my mom or my sister or my nephew or my brothers but its like thinking from their perspective and how they'd see me in comparison from me to them, there is a sense of difference that comes with that if only they knew, or that disconnection
the sense of what life might really be and the answers known and unknown , how it will affect my future and what they would find out and have to accept and deal with? that alone is just -
the reptitive numbers have been constant with 222, 111 or 11:11, or 1:11, 333, 444, 555, 777, 12:12, 10:10, etc. and that whole thing where my chest seems sensitive and more weird, i felt my chest, and i could have sworn by everything in me, that i felt a second heart. i know the placement of where the human heart is in the body and so based on where the second heart could be put, i felt the beats of it
and seemingly all around, i COULD be human but to experience everything i have and do, points to that i may be right now or , am put into a state where it will seem like that but im not and that i cant eveen begin to explain as to how that would make sense to another person's brain
and of course, i am never going to claim that i know every single little thing of information in the known and unknown parts of the entire universe but i feel like human or not, my knowledge over a lot is getting better and many a times, people have come to me to learn and know things and get advice and i have been seeing the shadows again and mention of the Darkness.
hearing of weird and strange things/inhuman things through music with other normal things that don't make sense to be added together because they don't relate. among the various incarnations that the Doctor and Master, and other timelords/ladies have - i seem lately to have gotten specific incarnations of them popping out to me
i feel like i know who i am, who i could be, what its seeming to be like i could be or definitely am, but at the same time, i am feeling such a loss of identity yet because of the definite and possibilities and the possibilities that seem more likely than the rest, i feel like i know more than i ever did because you know more as time passes obviously
but i want to get this out so i can finally tell you and you can read it all and respond to each accordingly. i hope so badly im not alone in this. there is more to tell but i am so freaked out at how strong and intense of a flaring feeling i am getting of it
like i am literally in transit, in a half way point phase where i am neither here or there. Like a waiting period at the point of change but that thing to fully ram into it and have it skyball has just not ha[need yet
like im home here on Earth but i am not really HOME
I also have heard weird noises and seen split second weird flashes in the sky as well as the sound of aircraft but when i look in the sky, even among the clouds or lack therof any , I see nothing so maybe there is the ability aboard the c raft or whatever causing those noises to be able to hide themselves so no one can see them
people, even strangers staring at me in ways like there is something off or something drawing them to me and they are waiting for something
there are times, which isnt a new feeling but seems to have increased lately as well, is how when i speak, its not of someone my age for the most part and i will speak as if i am not from here like I'm waiting for something, or on the move , or wanting to go home. I even have said to my family that my home is among the stars but they brush it off as silly or me being a weirdo dork.
dont even get me started on how strong the feeling is , is that whenever i see my gallifreyan fob watch necklace and knowing its a fake, my mind goes to the real one which gives me the feeling of not wanting the fake and feeling a want, need and urgency to find the real one
my sister had even asked me , if i was happy here: i said yes because i am but in this weird, strange, unexplainable / ufo/aliens / paranormal, etc. life, i feel a happiness and a sense of peace and home i don't elsewhere. You can have a home like feeling for more than one place obviously
its not like i dont love, care for and appreciate everything in this normal life as well as strange life because i do equally, I'm just acknowledging what i think, know and feel about this life too
and im never going to lie about what i feel because the truth cant be shied away from no matter how hard one tries; trying to make sense of who or what i am makes sense as to why i and even you can answer some questions but not all bc we might have what could be any memories back but if any of those are even memories then we obviously don't have all back
Make of this what you will.
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beej-hunnicutt · 1 year
Okayyy, I grabbed a bunch of this year's (plus one from December, technically two) actually like "finished drawings" and ramble abt the good, the bad, and the ugly. I just watched an artists tier their art. So yeah lol maybe I'm in the mood to ramble abt mine lol. Below the cut because...so many pictures lol.
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Like, don't get me wrong, I loooooove this Frances drawing, but like. It's kinda just there. Like I feel good when I see it. But I WANT IT TO FEEL MORE AAAAA. Like I'm sure abt almost all of these, I just wish I had given it an atmosphere. I actually think this has a cute light palette it actually kinda works. But I wish I had actual lighting in it <3. Where is the vibe and scene?! I think I should go old photograph. Which is what I wanted to do, but I have no idea how. I still plan on expanding out this drawing, maybe changing it slightly, so hopefully, I will do that better!! I also kinda put this Andy with it. Because I feel kinda the same abt it. I think both lack shadows too, which goes with lack of environment. But I think the soft feel of Andy's is nice! I'm glad I colored it. And actually think I like how undefined the background it on this one. It does something for me! Oh didn't mean it, but love the contrast of the complimentary book cover! Didn't intend that, just picked a book I enjoy and think Andy would enjoy. But like that affect.
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Despite really feeling like Andy is still not mixed with the background, I actually really like this one! I think toneally it has a vibe. And it's just like a portrait so I cannot complain too much!
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I really enjoy this Mary and Frank piece! I love the colors and like how its kinda painterly but still heavily influenced by the sketch and it can still be seen. I like that I attempted more usage of different hues, not sticking to the main color. Like Mary's sleeve? LOVE THAT. Same with the sweater detail on Frank! I put the Kik one with it because for a quick sketch turned painting I think it is good. I like the vibe. I think I should either heavily fix it or redo it. I think if I keep going at it, I can make it a piece I am really proud of!
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Okay, admittedly, I put these together because they're kinda the same size but lol. Andy; tried something new, think I heavily failed. But I DO like the colors and like I tried texture, though you can tell I didn't know what to do with it lol. The Lincoln, this piece is rlly old, AND IT WAS BADDDD. I think the half assed fixed version is 1000% better. It's by no means perfect. I rEALLY like the shadow of his head on the pillow. But aha, just wish there was more. But overall not terrible! I like it for what it is. And has a special place for being like my first Lincoln piece that wasn't just his fatigues one. :")
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LOVE THE VIBE, I like Grayscale, like the intense shadow. I think the shadows on him could be a but nicer of course. And I do think his hair was kinda poorly done but oh well. I am not the biggest fan of his face? It's not bad, but I think I have done better John faces. I do know; I detailed his face in color and I think I like that better lol.
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Lincoln, like, I like the face and coloring of that but it's just so meh. It's a figure like I always do. I like the coloring a lot more when I went back and added deeper shadows. But idk. It's okay </3. And oh!! I group a different Lincoln picture with this one, it has no background but the shadows on his uniform are SO good. It made me loooovve the drawing. And is still a fave. It is what inspired me to add deeper shadows here.
And I've never shared this version of this John drawing. It's a shaving cream prank. Dear God. Help me. I love how John's body turned out. I think his face is nice; its okay. I think I sucked at again giving him a shadow. I couldn't commit to the main shadow and I think it just kinda sucked all life from it. With the Lincoln drawing I don't like the background. With the John one I am torn. I think I should have detailed the ground more? Maybe? Idk. These two, Frank by the water and Andy reading, were all close together and done in January, and they all kinda have the same bckgrnd theme. Idk how I feel abt that choice. For the guys' anyways.
Actually seeing all of these were nice! Because I actually do like nearly all of these pieces! And I feel nervous but very inspired to keep trying to motivate myself to finally take that final step. And maybe try to play into that for the entire piece, not just adding it at the end...and not adding it. I rlly want to try to get a bit more creative too, like interesting things not just person standing there. But idk.
If you read all of this. Omg thank you sorry for rambling your ear off!!! 🫂💗
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justeeyore · 2 years
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track one: nothing new, taylor swift ft. phoebe bridges
how long will it be cute? all this crying in my room when you can’t blame it on my youth and roll your eyes with affection and my cheeks are growing tired from turning red and faking smiles are we only biding time until i lose your attention?
track two: you don’t know me, katelyn tarver
i'm so over all this bad luck hearing one more “keep your head up” is it ever gonna change? so let me just give up, so let me just let go if this isn’t good for me, well, i don’t wanna know
track three: tin man, miranda lambert
hey there mr. tin man, you don’t know how lucky you are you shouldn’t spend your whole life wishing for something bound to fall apart every time you’re feeling empty, better thank your lucky stars if you ever felt one breaking, you’d never want a heart
track four: god must hate me, catie turner
i can’t hold myself responsible, so i blame the metaphysical if jesus died for all our sins, he left one behind, the body i’m in same hands that made the moon and stars got carpal tunnel and forgot some parts i don’t know what i believe but it’s easier to think he made a mistake with me
track five: into the ocean, blue october
i thought of just your face, relaxed and floated into space i wanna swim away but don’t know how sometimes it feels just like i’m falling in the ocean let the waves up take me down
track six: she used to be mine, sara bareilles
she’s imperfect, but she tries, she is good, but she lies she is hard on herself, she is broken and won’t ask for help she is messy, but she's kind, she is lonely most of the time she is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie she is gone, but she used to be mine
track seven: night bus, lucy rose
you see trouble in her eyes you’ve noticed but only realized it’s not fading however you hard try ‘cause it’s built in her for her life
track eight: stay in the dark, the band perry
lately, things been getting so crazy been feeling like my heart hates me it’s racing, i just wanna stay in the dark turn off the lights, come hold me tight
track nine: i can’t breathe, bea miller
will somebody get me a hammer? wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors and go back to a time that was different a time when i didn’t feel like there was something missing now my body and my mind are so distant don’t know how to escape from this prison
track ten: echo, jason walker
i’m out on the edge and i’m screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs sometimes when i close my eyes i pretend i’m alright but it’s never enough
track eleven: seven, taylor swift
please picture me in the trees, i hit my peak at seven feet in the swing over the creek i was too scared to jump in but i, i was high in the sky, with pennsylvania under me are there still beautiful things?
track twelve: paper crown, alec benjamin
when all she needs, and all she wants, when all she finds when all she is and ever was, is compromised  ‘cause there’s no one to love her when you build your walls too high and there’s no one to love you when you trap yourself inside
track thirteen: walk through walls, katie herzig
before you walk through walls, you will leave all this behind before you walk through walls, you look it in the eye before you walk through walls, you will learn to say goodbye if you let your guard down long enough to try
track fourteen: like blood like honey, holly brook
you want to catch your breath, you want to get out but as you surface you don’t really know how how to live upon the solid ground sometimes it’s just easier to let yourself drown
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pixeletinha · 3 months
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After we finished our lemonade, Jules and I were sitting at the table in awkward silence. I did not know what to say, whether I should apologize or just pretend that that moment never happened. He stood up and gave me his hand. "Now come on" he said with a half smile, I stared at him from the chair and he jerked his head towards the castle. "I want to show you around, I basically grew up here." I smiled and then took his hand, he lifted me up so swiftly it almost made me jump. The place was very peaceful and calm, only a few people were walking around the premises and taking pictures of the beautiful surroundings. We did not speak, only observed however the more steps we took the more curious I became. "Does your family also own the castle" he chuckled and shook his head "No, no the castle belongs to one of the richest families in the city. However a big tragedy happened to them decades ago and only one heir remained: Charlotte De Belvoir is her name. She lives very humbly without mentioning her wealth." Do you know her?" and he nodded "My and her family were very close, that's how my mother acquired the café. She worked here her whole life, but when they passed. The cafe stood in her name. Charlotte is like a daughter to her." I nodded. "I am sorry to hear that, if your mother was so close to them and still is to Charlotte, it must have affected you too." our eyes met when I said it, we were looking at each other for a good while. He suddenly put his big palm on my cheek, I wanted to back down but I could not move. It felt so good, so different. I sighed in relief. He quickly put it down and laughed
"I wish I could kiss you" he said without looking at me, my heart dropped from my body and then came back bouncing like a cannonball. "Do it.." I whispered and he turned at me with his eyes full of desire. I couldn't stop myself, I put my arms around his neck and put my lips so close to his I could feel his desiring breath coming out of them. He took the last step and kissed me, I could feel butterflies, see unicorns and rainbows in my head. Guilt and joy were consuming me at the same time, however joy was conquering the other like a warrior on a white horse. When his lips left mine I felt dizzy, but nicely dizzy. "Are you okay?" he chuckled and I nodded with a big smile on my face .
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dominickrohnpoetry · 3 months
Echoes of a Forgotten Past
An old birthday card I stumbled upon From what I'd guess, the late 90's The contents of which contained My Grandma's, err, my Nanny's handwriting
You see, she always wrote in cursive A knack she mastered in school A relic of a forgotten time One that I love and think is so cool
Seeing this, reading this, I pause Not realizing I'm smiling so much Happiness encompassing my body And soul equally as such
Because, endless memories They start to flood on through Both precious and detailed and Things I didn't remember that I knew
Like this one time my brother and I Were playing inside and didn't quite listen Broke my Nanny's big green frog A considerably bad decision
Because we took a paddling to our asses But we found that quite amusing Until we had to eat chili afterwards A different pain in the ass in the bathroom later we were using
I also remember how every Sunday My Nanny watched me play soccer I wasn't the best out there But that would never seem to stop her
From cheering me on because If I scored she'd give me a dollar And even if I didn't With pride she'd still hoot and holler
I recall days she'd pick me up From school at 3:35 right on the dot At Los Tules out on Gail Ave. with A silver Ford Taurus in the parking lot
And it wasn't just my Nanny but Sometimes my grandpa would be waiting In his old Orange Toyota Radio on, sitting there contemplating
Grandpa was always quiet But I loved to pick his brain He had endless knowledge That I eagerly wanted to gain
He used to build things In his garage with such joy He had a million different tools Those things were his toys
Speaking of which, the middle room Grandpa's collector's room, amazing Thousands of hot wheels cars Lined the walls, it was dazing
My Grandpa collected Hot Wheels For who knows whatever the reason His notepad had details for every car That he could find for every season
But perhaps the truest collectible Was my Grandpa's love for sports He loved his Lakers, Dodgers and Raiders But watched any game of sorts
I distinctly remember watching the Lakers 3 peat with my Grandpa in '02 I hadn't seen such joy from him ever But that's when I knew
My Grandpa was sharing not just His love for sports but his passion That seemed to awake in me From within and in a timely fashion
Fast forward to today I lament the days Grandpa would call Randomly but we'd talk about the Raiders And would end with baseball
And the conversations Would always last 45 minutes to an hour Those meant everything to me To relive those I'd give anything in my power
Nanny and Grandpa did so much for us growing up Boasted us with pride never to be hushed They were firm with discipline and Instilled so many values with love and with trust
Nanny and Grandpa were super heroes I loved and adored them to infinity And as time has aged them I love them even deeper from within me
As I will always continue to do so But time, it refrains to be kind Because it takes without asking And starts to affect the mind
And it's not like their memories Were once here but now gone I don't know when they last remembered Or if that time has been too long
But I do need to pay a visit It's been quite some time They live so close So there's no excuse of mine
I need to tell them I appreciate them More now while they are still here Who knows how long we have Because death comes for all I fear
I wish I was more appreciative And less expectant as a kid I need to tell Nanny and Grandpa I'm endlessly thankful for all that they did
I never truly considered what the word Nostalgia could have possibly meant It's the feeling of love and value With all of the time that was spent
It's that picture you see And instantly you arrive At the scene of a memory And instantly you're alive
And in that moment Life comes grinding to a halt You relish in that treasure You had stored in a vault
And part of you is happy And part of you is sad It's melancholy personified But for that you are glad
And this reroutes me Back to my final thoughts As the camera pans out of frame To share what I've brought
It's a shame we don't care more For those who are living Yet only after death Are our thoughts worth giving
We memorialize the dead Instead of when alive And when that becomes too late We're searching through archives
Time spent foraging and collecting Echoes of a forgotten past To create the perfect memorial We hope and believe to last
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Self-defense- Miles & Gregory Edgeworth
Return to File
Recovery date: August 22nd, 2020
Description: During a short recess, Miles begins to lose hope of his innocence. With Nick out, Maya goes to call the next best person, Mia, only to channel someone else entirely.
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with mariekiki50 from research lab Ao3, we thank them once again for another contribution.
Word count: 832
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“I- I don’t know Maya. What if he’s right? I can’t find anything that disproves what he’s saying,” Miles sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“You can’t give up! Nick believes in you, and he hasn’t been wrong so far.”
“Wright has taken all of, what? Three cases so far? He’s bound to be wrong eventually...maybe this is where his luck runs out.”
“Why else would Manfreed taser him Miles? He probably thought Nick could dig up whatever he was hiding! We can’t give up, I won’t let you.” Maya closed her eyes and clasped her hands.
They were currently taking a short recess during the court case for the DL-6 incident, and Miles was getting nowhere with the evidence. All of it seemed to point to one possible suspect, him, just like he remembered. Even with Maya, Gumshoe, and Wright's help, he didn’t see this ending in his favor. Why was he still fighting this?
“What are you doing?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Trying,” she hissed, “to channel my sister. Maybe she can help you.” Maya’s brows furrowed in concentration, as Miles sighed and turned back to the file in front of him. It seemed so… empty.
“Good luck with-”
“Miles? What’s going on?” 
He stopped reading the paper in his hand, and slowly looked up. Now that was a voice he didn’t think he’d ever hear again. But sure enough, when he looked up, he found his father standing in front of him.
Well, it was his father’s face and body, but Maya’s clothes and hair. He had to admit it was a strange look, and the outfit didn’t fit him all too well.
“Father, wha-” Before he could finish, his father had rounded the small table to hug him. It took him a second, both from shock and recent lack of affection, but eventually he returned the hug. It wasn’t even a small, awkward hug, he was almost worried he’d squeeze the life back out of him. Burning his face into his father’s shoulder, he spoke, “Father, I don’t know what to do. I know this is crazy, but do you remember anything?”
Gregory let go of his son, and sat down beside him.
“No, I’m sorry. I was unconscious…”
“I know. I know that’s not what I told them years ago, but at the time… I only wanted to keep you safe. The last thing I remembered was you throwing the gun, and I thought maybe it had gone off. But… I- I couldn’t…”
They sat in silence for a moment.
“Maybe, you can help me look at the evidence. See if anything is different from what you remember. A friend of mine, Phoenix Wright-”
“The boy from school?” Miles smiled.
“Yes. Him and Ms. Fey, the one who channeled you, believe that Manfreed Von Karma may have something to do with it.”
“Von Karma? I know he’s forged evidence in the past, but murder seems a litle extreme, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I suppose.”
They returned to silence. There were only a few minutes left before he had to return to court, and they hadn’t found anything.
“That’s odd,” Gregory said.
“What is?”
“Well, it says here that Yanni Yogi’s gun was fired twice, but only one bullet was recovered from the crime scene.”
“Perhaps it had already been fired that day and had yet to be reloaded?”
“Maybe, but…” Gregory looked around for a picture of the crime scene. He could see Miles’s expression darken slightly at the sight of it. “There are two holes here. One in the wall…”
“And one in you. Where the bullet was recovered from.”
“Yes. But if the gun was fired twice in the elevator, where’s the second bullet?”
“I don’t know. But how does that prove I didn’t do it.”
“I’m not sure, but if anyone can figure it out, it’s you.” Gregory smiled at him. “At the very least it will buy you some time.”
“Mr. Edgeworth? The court will be resuming soon,” a bailiff said.
“Ah, thank you.” He turned back to his father. “Will you be joining me?” There was a hopeful look in his eyes, and Gregory felt bad for his answer.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think Ms. Fey can keep me here much longer.” Miles nodded solemnly. “But, before I go, I want you to know that I am so very proud of the man you’ve become.”
Miles’s expression turned into one of shock, and then guilt. He looked down at the floor, and began to play with his cuff.
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew what I’d done…”
Gregory placed a hand on Miles’s shoulder, and Miles looked up. “Then fix it. From today on, be someone you can be proud of. Be someone you want to tell me about, and wipe that look off your face. As long as you try your best, as long as you are happy, I will always be proud of you.”
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dawn-falls · 11 months
I'm on JJK fandom too, and I have my own OCs here, so let me introduce a few of them!
Also, the drawings I'm showing here are not mine, my friend drew them for me, and she allowed me to post them. Just needed to make that clear. If you want to see her art, search lynna_arts on Instagram.
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Here's my cursed child, Toniko Gansoda. She's 16-17 years old and on her second year of Jujutsu High School and has her own technique, called "Reality Alteration".
Her technique is a bit difficult to explain, but I'll use an example of a picture. You know when you rotate the image? Upside down, to certain angles, etc. That's one of the main things she does to her surroundings. Her techniques are "Rotate (direction) (angle)", example: Rotate left 90°. The second thing is called "Transparency", where she can pass through things like a ghost by touching that surface with her hands or feet, but that requires both feet, hands can be just one. She has a domain, called "Distorted Manor", where the rotation can only affect certain areas and even rotate different parts to different directions at once. Her transparency allowed her to even invade and escape domain expansions.
Unlike Itadori, who's too brave for his own good, she's close to a coward. Avoids fighting, especially alone, and is used to running or just aiding people. She's not very confident, but she knows to be serious. She's not on Tokyo nor Kyoto Jujutsu High, her school is the Aichi Jujutsu High School, a third school that I made up with my own lore (until they reach Shibuya with the canon characters).
During a mission at an ancient Heian Temple, she got thrown into a sealed cursed mirror inside of the temple and accidentally released inside of her body the forgotten Prince of Curses, Riya Sukuna.
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Riya Sukuna is the younger sibling (Non Binary, but don't care about pronouns) of Ryomen Sukuna. They were sealed in the mirror in the Heian Period because of a riot they started against their brother, which was Ryomen himself who sealed Riya.
Their technique is called "Inversion Technique", and it acts like a mirror and a reflector. Any cursed energy attack directed at them can be slightly retreated to not harm them and/or thrown back at its user. Riya is also the first mastermind behind the Reversed Cursed Energy, being the first to theorise that the energy is not merely healing, but could change the techniques as well. Yes, they knew Kenjaku. They have a domain expansion, called Inverted Shrine, just to spite Sukuna with their "lazy use of creativity", the domain basically forbids any use of cursed energy battles, with any attack thrown immediately hitting the user instead, no matter what kind of attack. The domain's look is also different from their brother's, looking more like a transparent-white glass dome with a small shrine with pillows rather than Malevolent Shrine's dark surroundings. If the domain is activated inside of another domain, then the appearance will stay the same as the first domain, but with traces of glass to show that you're in their domain now. Riya can use Toniko's ability.
Who's this Nurehebi? The bad guy of my OCs, but I'll talk about them in another story. They are Riya's closest friend, and will be making a big return to impact both Riya and Toniko's lives.
Here's the possession:
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Unlike Sukuna, Riya doesn't like showing his marks, and luckily, he has fewer of them. Toniko likes to keep her fringe out of her forehead, so whenever her fringe is down, is usually thanks to Riya. He also doesn't rip off her clothes, instead, he steals anything he finds cute from any store around him. Riya and Toniko love to wonder and theorise about cursed techniques and possible combat, and Toniko, having hanged around Gojo before, had her fair share of curiosity over colours, which Riya indulges and both just start a random debate over Jujutsu.
I should tell you my girl is stupid. Basically, she made a Binding Vow with Riya so whenever someone killed her, he could have her body for 30 minutes to do as he pleases, but after that, he has to bring her back to life. This will be important in Shibuya. It also led Toniko to accept dying in order to help on missions.
Those are my OCs for now, I'll be bringing more soon. Thanks for reading! See ya next time!
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