#but the whumper/antagonist who thinks they're better than the others
justwhumpythings · 3 months
Whump prompt:
"This is a mercy compared to what they would do to you."
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lady-of-the-spirit · 5 years
Random whump things I like:
Casual/intimate touches between whumper and whumpee (running a hand through their hair, gently touching their face, putting a hand on their shoulder like a friend would, etc.)
The moment after the antagonist has been defeated, there's that moment where everyone thinks everything is going to be okay - and then someone collapses
Someone not realizing that their friends care about them as much as they care about their friends
Not realizing their friends would care if they were being hurt
Someone having really basic injuries (twisted ankle, sprained wrist) and being cared for by their friends despite claiming it isn't a big deal, they can take care of themselves
Same as above, but it's a mild illness (like having a bad cold)
"Presumed to be dead" and the angst when everyone finds out the person isn't dead
"Not really betrayals", when everyone thinks Person A has betrayed them somehow and are really angry, but it turns out Person A betrayed them to keep something worse from happening OR were forced into it against their will
"I'm being abused but no one seems to notice, so either it isn't really a big deal or they just don't care." + everyone losing their minds with rage when they finally realize
Finding out someone they care about has been badly hurt (in the past or in the present and they're just now finding out about it) and you see their emotional shift from horror/grief to fierce, protective rage
"I needed you, and you weren't there!"
When someone's been hurt but there's still plot going on so they spend the remainder of their time visibly injured (basic: Doctor Strange and his forehead cut in Doctor Strange; best: Steve Harrington and his bloody face in every season of Stranger Things)
drunkenly confessing your sad past and insecurities to someone who cares about you
Characters that are normally confident, easygoing, and/or kind and caring secretly being a mess of insecurities, fears, and tragic backstories
That, and their confident/easygoing/kind personality is a result of trying to appear more put together than they actually are
OR their confident/easygoing/kind personality comes from them wanting to be better despite their trauma and help other people
Hospital scenes where the whumpee wakes up and finds their loved one(s) asleep in the chair next to their bed
Especially when the person crying was so upset they couldn't get through what they were saying without starting to cry
ESPECIALLY when the person crying can't keep talking because they're crying so hard
Casually bringing up in conversation Really Fucked Up Things that happened to them and everyone else just goes "Hey, are you okay? That's not okay."
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